#because the state didn't want to give it to her
𓏲 𓂃 L o s i n g Y o u
Part: 9
Click here to read the first part.
Summary: Everything was good as a member of Payback and Soldier Boy's secret girlfriend until the team and your relationship with him began to fall apart due to a new member and her developing relationship with Ben right in front of your eyes.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: +18!(MINORS DNI), heavy angst, hurt, male masturbation, language, Soldier Boy is an asshole, PTSD, mention of drugs, mention of torture
Word Count: 4290
A/N: English is not my first language.
* This story is inspired by the song "Losing You" by Dream Evil.
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Ben's chest began to feel colder beneath your fingertips, and the intense glow gradually subsided. Ben continued to stare at you in a way that defied explanation. It amazed you both that you were able to prevent the dangerous warmth in his chest, or perhaps he was controlling it subconsciously. But you knew you were the one who diverted his attention. While the heat beneath his body seemed under control, one of his gloved hands held yours on his chest, giving you an intimate look.
You muttered, trying to figure out what was wrong with him. “What happened to you?” Until you were certain he was indeed alright, you ignored the firm grip he had on your hand. You realized that he was probably not the one who intentionally exploded New York and that there was something very wrong with him. 
“Well, baby, I'm not sure.” He gently put his palm closer to yours and remarked, “It's probably just a side effect of the things that happened to me in that fucking lab in Russia.”
You persisted by stating, “This looks dangerous, Ben,” despite his attempts to downplay his predicament and his continuous holding of your hands as if you were going to push him at any moment. “You might continue harming innocent people if you don't find a way to stop.”
Ben felt a wave of uneasiness pass over him, and his fingers tightened around yours. Because he was unsure of how to use his newfound abilities, he felt like a freshly empowered teenager, and you treated him as though you were a parent cautioning a careless youngster, which disturbed him and caused a sense of insecurity to take over.
“It's not a big deal,” Ben muttered in a harsh voice, trying to give the impression that he was stronger than this—even though at the moment he didn't feel like it. “As you can see, nothing happened. I suppose you were able to handle this for me in some way.”
You pushed his hands away and withdrew immediately when you verified that his body temperature had returned to normal. Ben scowled at the fact that, in contrast to him, you weren't very excited to be near since you two met again, but he felt as though his body would explode if he didn't get to touch you right away. His balls felt particularly heavy under his supe suit, and he didn't jerk off
for days—actually, years. Maybe you just needed to be alone with him to make a step.
“I think it's best that we remain together for the time being,” you stated in a serious tone. “Ben, it won't be good if you blow up again and can't control yourself.”
When you finally agreed to stay with Ben, he felt a sense of satisfaction that kept him smiling nefariously. He reasoned that maybe his newfound abilities weren't all that useless after all. 
Ben grinned slyly and replied, “Course, sweetheart, since you're persisting in being with me that much. It would be better if I didn't stay alone.”
As he scanned your upper body expectantly and dismissed the situation with humor, you rolled your eyes.
“I believe there's a problem with his powers,” you turned to Butcher after you pushed Ben aside before he trapped you again and you sat down on the coach. “It is better if I stay with him.”
“If that's what you want, of course. Because of the situation going on in his chest, his ass gave us all enough trouble.”
Sitting on a coach with a coke in his hands, Ben followed you while you had a small talk with Butcher, his jaw clenching with jealousy, but he didn’t say a thing to make you feel uncomfortable.
Ben said, “It's not a big deal,” with an unkind glare in Butcher's direction.
Butcher said irritably, “It might not be for you, but it's a fucking big deal for us and all the people out there. In addition, I was wondering if the two of you could convince your former buddies to kill Homelander.”
“What?” you exclaimed, stunned. He spoke as though your guys had not always held hostility toward Ben. When he abruptly vanished, they most likely celebrated his absence. “Why do you believe they would offer Ben any kind of support at all? Everyone despised him.”
“Are you able to track them down?” Ben asked abruptly.
“They would hate to see you,” you murmured, your eyes widening in disbelief.
“When I find them, they fucking better piss in their suits,” Ben stated in a stern tone. “Noir will be the first person I'll fucking slaughter out of all of them.”
You cut him off, glaring at him, saying, “You stay away from Earving. You caused enough suffering for them all.”
“Why do you defend those who betray pathetic losers with such devotion?”
Since you've already been through a lot, Ben tried not to lose his temper when he was speaking with you, but he couldn't help but become enraged when he saw you standing up for betraying shitheads over him. He had great intentions for the two of you and was the only one who truly cared about you. 
“Not them, Ben, but Vought was the one who betrayed both of us.”
You sighed and tried to seem empathetic and nice so as not to get on Ben's nerves too much because his new powers were already causing difficulties. 
“Where were Noir or others when you were in that lab while the doctors were torturing you?” Ben pointed a finger in your face and demanded furiously. “You continue to defend those bitches against me, even though I am the only one who fucking saved you.”
“Ben, I won't argue with you.” With a wink, you teased him, saying, “You seem too sensitive for a proper conversation right now.”
Ben responded, “You are not making me angry, sweetie,” glancing at your body as your smile vanished and your cheeks turned crimson. “I want to take my meat off and jerk off at the moment because of you.”
Butcher replied, “Not on my fucking coach,” as you crossed your arms over your chest and averted your gaze from Ben's keen gaze.
Ben stated, “You tell me,” in a serious manner. “Where am I going to spend a week with Y/N?”
Ben was kind of relieved that he and you were both saved, even though he had not trusted Butcher and the others at all. He would have the opportunity to express how much he missed you in every way and would definitely help you start a second time by spending an entire week with you. You could speak, fuck, and do all of that for an entire week.
Feeling his balls getting tighter under his suit, he shifted on the coach, thinking of you in nasty positions, just like in the good old days. 
“The location is arranged. Despite the little place to stay, I believe the two of you can get by for a week without needing any extra care.”
“What about Homelander?” Ben confidently inquired, widening his legs and placing his arm up to the coach, his hardness visible through his supe suit. 
He saw you glancing at him and smiling mischievously. You wanted to say something offensive, but you knew that he was utterly without shame right then and there and that he would say something nasty as soon as you talked about his bulge. 
Butcher sighed. “He's probably scared the shit out of his pants. Let's give him and you two a short break until the thing that happened in New York and Ohio is forgotten completely.”
You said, uncomfortable, “I don't think it will ever be forgotten, Butcher. Vought will try their hardest to capture us once more since the harm is too immense. They may even be looking for us at this very moment.”
It concerned you that Vought wouldn't just let you and Ben live on your own, unaccountably. It was not what you wanted to return to the lab to be tormented and examined for the future of other supes. But you had no idea how to get out of this difficult dilemma. Ben and the rest of Butcher's squad were not people you would trust with your life, so you realized you needed a plan to protect yourself from what was happening.
You also didn't want Ben to be tortured in Russia again like you were, but his main goal was to take revenge and murder Homelander. Despite never having laid eyes on the man, he was prepared to slaughter him. They would never allow Ben to touch Homelander if Vought was that supportive of him. That meant you had to first convince Ben to cease his collaboration with Butcher.
“People in the modern world are easy to forget, I promise you. Also, they could've already found you two if they had wanted to,” Butcher mumbled, trying to soothe you. “Remember, a week is full of possibilities, so try not to dwell on it too much. They won't remember for very long, and Vought is currently dealing with its own issues.” 
When Ben realized how terrified you were of having to deal with the fallout from his actions and everything that transpired, his heart began to melt with regret. He was aware of your constant need for a house, a place where you could feel secure and at home, so it disturbed you to know that you had nowhere to go while Vought looked for you and that you might fall prisoner once more. 
Ben understood that it was his responsibility as a man to ensure that you were protected and to keep you away from danger. You needed to spend time together before he could help you forget the unpleasant and harsh things he had done to you. He intended to start over with you, and whatever happened was all in the past. Homelander and Vought weren't that big of a concern, and things would be considerably simpler if he learned to use his new abilities. You were needed by him for both. 
You leaned back toward the coach and questioned, curiously, “Why do you want to kill Homelander that much?” placing one hand under your head. 
Butcher's heart clenched as a mixture of regret and affection overtook his body as his thoughts were filled with Becca's memories. Not that he even knew if he would survive. 
He quickly cleared his throat and replied, “He hurt my wife,” cutting it short. 
You understood, judging by her voice, that she had passed away, and you were at a loss for words. Homelander must be Vought's newest evil toy, as they have a history of hurting people and getting away with it. Somehow, you wanted to soothe Butcher, but all you said was, “I'm sorry to hear that.” 
Butcher turned to face you, perhaps trying to persuade you, saying, “She is not the only one he hurt and won't be the last. He must die.”
“Even if he dies and you take your revenge, there will always be a new one, and you know this,” you insisted. “When it came to supes, Vought always had a backup plan. In the same way that they treated Ben and me. Not even the power worries them. All they want is a toy that they can play with that is practical as well as obeyant.”
“And they'll fucking pay for it,” Ben exclaimed with hatred. 
“Ben, this is not going to end well for us. We are unable simply to overthrow the government or whomever in charge.” 
“We'll see about that, sweetheart.”
You sighed, realizing that Ben had already made up his mind and that you two would have to talk about it at another time. He would hurt you once more if he carried on acting recklessly, but based on his actions, it didn't appear like he gave a damn. Even though you knew he was always self-centered, you were disappointed to find that he didn't give a damn about what would happen to you if he kept acting like an enemy of the state. 
“Everyone had been told that you were a traitor and that you would be placed in a lab to be tested for potential superpowers. How were you treated by them? What did they do to you?” Frenchie narrowed his eyes and asked with curiosity. 
You moved in the coach, pushing back the images in your head as you recalled the horrible memories. But you didn't let others see you as powerless or fragile.
You wanted to smile at him, but the traumatic images were just too overwhelming.
“I guess they kind of wanted to take off my womb to create a natural supe baby, but they simply couldn't as they couldn't go through my skin with their needles and everything,” you said.
While Frenchie was obviously at a loss for words while attempting to comprehend the years of agony you had endured, his face turned white.
Ben tried to dismiss the images in his mind, which ranged from vicious hands on you to someone trying to rip your body apart and kill you, while his heart was filled with hate and fury. He vowed to kill anyone who even slightly assisted in your torture, regardless of whether they were Homelander or Vought.
“Every single of them will die,” he declared with assurance, as if guaranteeing you, his compassionate green eyes locked on yours. “I promise it to you.”
You were briefly stunned, speechless, by the intense expression on his face, but you soon gathered yourself and joked, “It's better if you just do nothing,” attempting to break off the seriousness of the moment.
After glancing at the supe woman next to him, Frenchie remarked, “It's getting late. Will they be staying here tonight?” He asked Butcher. 
Butcher grumbled as he looked at his watch. “Yes, this is where we'll all spend the night. There are probably enough rooms for them.”
“How about Annie and Hughie?” Frenchie asked again, observing the supe woman make her way to the nearest room; she seemed weary and exhausted.
She said nothing since you entered the house, which confused you. Although you were eager to start up a conversation with the new supe women, it's possible that she felt unsafe in the same room as Ben. It wouldn't surprise you. Even though you felt a little uncomfortable, you decided to try talking to her later. They might realize that you were no different from them in this situation if they truly wanted to take down Homelander's tyranny and those people weren't supporting the Vought like you were.
“They'll stay too,” Butcher cut it short.
Frenchie shot you a hesitant glance as his hand ran through the top of his head. “Is it possible for you and your friend to share a room? It seems like Annie and Hughie appear to be staying. There would be enough rooms if they didn't.”
“Yeah,” Ben responded abruptly, getting up before you could reply. As it turned out, you just gave Frenchie a brief nod. 
Butcher responded, “Perfect,” and stood up. “Good night, ladies.”
You thanked Frenchie when he showed you the room you'll be staying with Ben and took a quick look at the cramped, dim room filled with old pieces of furniture. 
Ben slowly unfastened his belt while he observed you searching inside the wardrobe for something to wear. His blood had been burning in his veins for an hour now, and he just wouldn't stop coming toward you. He was about to go crazy from his desire to touch you. You were alone for the first time in a very long time, so it's been a fucking long time since you've fucked properly. Ben's balls hurt from missing your gentle moans and seeing you beneath his body. You were finally alone to speak, fuck, and discuss things tonight about your future and all.
You turned your back to Ben to change after finding a pink t-shirt. Just after removing it, anxiety and the chill in the room caused your nipples to harden, and you felt Ben's eyes on your back.
Ben turned you quickly, crushed his warm lips on yours, and began to kiss you frantically before you had even put on your shirt. He was moving too fast for you to react, and you were too shocked and perplexed to do anything. He urged you to kiss him back by pushing your back against the bed and climbing on top of you, aggressively using his tongue in your mouth. The moment the chilly material of his suit touched your bare chest, you shivered.
Ben kept kissing you, getting lost in his pleasure, not able to understand if you were responding to him or not. His hardness was hurting beneath his supe suit. He put his hands around one of your tits and gave it a firm squeeze, pressing his shaft firmly between your legs. 
You were in shock at how quickly everything was escalating. Only when you heard Ben unzipping his pants as his mouth filled yours with low growling did you come to your senses. 
You stopped his tough hands from reaching your underwear and saved your burning lips from his. As you struggled to catch your breath, his lips slid quickly over your body, finding one of your nipples and aggressively sucking it until you forgot how to breathe.
You finally managed to say, “Ben,” in a trembling voice. “Stop it.”
When you forced his mouth away from your tits, he continued to press his firm shaft between your legs. He irritably asked, “What the fuck? It's been fucking so long.”
Ben placed his strong arms over your head and stared at your nipples that were covered with his spit through darkened eyes for a long moment until you finally gasped out and exclaimed, “I can't fucking believe you.”
“What now?” he asked, speaking as though nothing was wrong between you and that everything was normal. 
“Are you a fucking rabbit in heat?” 
He questioned incredulously, “Why are you so mad?” as he continued to delicately rub against your pussy with his shaft through your sweatpants. 
“Ben, it has been practically decades since our breakup. We didn't even end our relationship properly because you remained silent and basically cheated on me by dating Crimson.”
Ben frowned as you mentioned the past, stopping his motions on you and trying to maintain his composure.
He just stated “We can talk about such things later,” sounding displeased to hearing his relationship with the Countess. “Let us get off some steam first.”
You whispered, “No,” and used all of your effort to push him away from you. “There is nothing left to talk.”
Ben watched your tits disappear from sight while you took the pink t-shirt he threw onto the floor, and you hastily took it on from your head with trembling hands. As soon as you moved away from him, he eventually stood up.
“It's all in the past now,” he remarked, regretfully glancing at your fragile appearance. “We can fuck first and then talk it out.”
“I don't want you to ever touch me again.” You were enraged at how he continued to neglect everything else in favor of only wanting to fuck you and added, “I mean it.”
Ben said, “I know you don't mean this,” as he approached you with confidence. “You and I both have the same desires for this. We both want each other so badly. The way your body reacts to me even now makes it very clear to me.” 
You glared at him angrily and ignored his idiotic, enormous ego, saying, “I don't want you in my life ever again.”
He touched your arms and asked, his voice annoyed, “Why have you suddenly gotten angry?”
Observing his continued blindness to you, you sighed. Though it didn't seem to be as essential as you anticipated for him, you hoped that at least he talked about all that happened. But he was the same selfish man who acted like he cared about you, then betrayed you and hurt you. There was no need to make your hopes up. 
You said with an irritated tone, “I can't believe I'm so blind when it comes to you. You don't even care how much you cause me pain in every way possible, and all you want is to have fun. Am I just a fucking toy for you to play with as you like it?”
Ben abruptly interrupted you, saying in a serious tone, “Of course not,” as his powerful arms moved slowly over your shoulders. “I want to discuss and work out everything that went wrong between us. I simply..missed you so much.”
Even though you wanted to believe his sincerity, you felt nothing at all moved by it. It was difficult for you to believe him at all since he had so many lies to tell you and so much sorrow in his words. It was difficult for you to remember the joyful emotions you had for him in the past, but though you tried to recall the wonderful times you had together, they felt like memories belonging to someone else now. Something had died in your heart for him. 
You softly pulled his hands off your arms and murmured in a solemn tone, “I wish I could believe you, but I don't.”
His voice was low as he questioned, “What do you mean?”
With a heavy heart, you stated, “Everything that happened between us is in the past. It is no longer there. You only want me by your side now because I was faithful to you the day I came to help you, even though you have really hurt me.”
Although it was difficult to acknowledge his selfishness, it was best to face the facts straight away and prevent him from hurting or abusing you in the future.
“It's not like that,” Ben cut you off right away in a harsh voice.
He felt confused, not knowing how to convince you of his seriousness. You were right to hold such low expectations of him; he would not deny it, but he also understood that nothing would change if you hadn't been there to save him that day. 
You said, “I'm tired, Ben,” indicating that you didn't want to talk about it more. “I really need to sleep.”
He let it go and sighed, realizing you weren't all that keen on talking at the moment. After all, this was your first day in the modern world, so it was understandable that you were a little lost.
Ben muttered, “Okay, but this isn't the end. We'll discuss it afterwards. For now, you take a rest.”
As he watched you turn your back on him and slip under the sheets, you remained silent. Ben began removing his supe suit with a growl. The way you felt excited and moist at his slight touch told him you didn't mean any of it. He knew that you were nonetheless deeply in love with him. Every part of his body
felt the presence of it. However, he realized that before he fucked you, he had to convince you that he cared about you.
He went into the bathroom, growling angrily as he felt his bulge kicking his suit. Ben could finally touch himself because you were safe now. Knowing that you would find out what he was doing in the bathroom caused his lips to twist into a smile.
You tried to fall asleep, shifting on the bed to a more comfortable position as you heard Ben turn on the water. But as soon as you closed your eyes, you heard him growling low as he stroked himself under the water. He was touching himself furiously because he knew you would hear anything he was doing, even if you weren't trying to listen.
Ben was moaning your name and moving faster as you cursed your supe hearing. As you moved into the bed, your cheeks flushed, yet you kept quiet. 
Ben noticed that you were pressing your legs together as though your body were trying to find relief, so he growled and beat his cock more.
Feeling closer, he passionately exclaimed, “Fucking touch yourself. I fucking missed you and your little pussy so much.”
As he continued to talk dirty about how hard he would fuck and how many times he would come inside of you if you let him, your cheeks grew red, and you finally muttered, “Stop it.”
He trembled and whispered while wet sounds filled the bathroom, “Almost there, sweetheart,” as if hearing your voice were to give him pleasure.
Ben groaned and began to cum while murmuring your name. Your walls were tightening around nothing, and even though your body was screaming for you to touch yourself, you ignored the aching between your legs as he kept spilling his thick white ropes in between his powerful strokes that filled the bathroom. It took him long to empty his heavy balls. It was only when he let out a satisfied moan that you realized you were holding your breath.
Ben knew you still cared and desired him as much as he did, and he would fucking do everything to show to you that you and he were meant to be together.
A/N: Comments and reblogs are very appreciated! -`♡´-
Taglist: @mostlymarvelgirl @xmariakx @spnfamily-j2 @suspicious-stain-in-spain @atomicsoulcollecto @yvonneeeee @starryperson @mfnqueen1 @chaand-sitara @boywivlove @stilinskisthings @brynanna @delaynew @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @yoyoanaria @n-o-p-e-never @ghostslillady @certifiedhaters @deans-spinster-witch @demodemo909 @stoneyggirl2 @cheynovak @libby99hb @moneyburner @jenn-777q
Let me know if you want to be tagged for this series. -`♡´-
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motherofdogs1010 · 20 hours
Siren II (Dark!Thomas Shelby x Reader)
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Summary: And so a game of cat and mouse begins...
Warnings: 18+ only, eventual NONCON/DUBCON smut, forced marriage, dark!Tommy, obsessed!Tommy, singer!reader, eventual pinv sex, eventual pregnancy, dark shit will be happening
A/N: Song used: Say Yes to Heaven- Lana Del Ray
I just wanted to say I love the support you all have towards my writing, it means the world, but I wanted to say that I do take mental health breaks! So anytime I take from posting is because I am focusing on that!
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics Banner by @vase-of-lilies
Part I
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Her eyes widened a little at the sudden appearance of a man in a suit standing in the doorway. He was only a little taller than her, maybe by a inch or so with a dark-colored pageboy's cap on his head as a cigarette hung from his lips; she could see the sides of his head were shaved very tight against his scalp but his cap hid his eyes so she couldn't see them.
But she could feel his eyes still and it made her feel on-guard as she cleared her throat.
"Hello", she responded back, "can I help you?"
"Forgive me", the man said, pulling the cigarette from his lips. "I'm Thomas Shelby, owner."
"I thought Harry was the owner", she said, confused.
"I bought him out recently", Thomas stated, Y/N still eyed him cautiously.
The man screamed danger and she felt a little uneasy under his blue gaze as he smirked at her apprehension.
"I just wanted to let you know that you gave quite the performance. You have quite the voice."
"Thank you, Mr. Shelby", she responded before clearing her throat. "It's time for me to go."
She could still feel his gaze on her as she hurried out of the Garrison, even in the current safety of her home, it was like she could still feel his deviled gaze on her body.
A few days had passed since the meeting with Mr. Shelby and it seemed like wherever she turned, she'd find a man with a peaked hat following her. Always a different man trailing enough behind her that she was sure they were supposed to remain hidden, but her eyes always caught them.
She figured it was best to pretend they weren't there, a sinking feeling telling her that if she acknowledged them, things wouldn't turn out well for her. So she took many turns and circled the same route. It made no sense to throw them off so they wouldn't find her way back to her apartment.
Today, she was at another pub that she sang at, known as The Drunken Griffin. It was larger than the Garrison with a proper stage where they had a band play for its singers and she was hoping this would help as she stood at the microphone. She had to make sure she didn't get too close since the microphones were so sensitive as she heard the melody the band began to play.
If you dance, I'll dance And if you don't, I'll dance anyway Give peace a chance Let the fear you have fall away
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Tommy sat in the hidden back of the pub, a cigarette dangling between his fingers as a cold whiskey sat in front of him. She was dressed in black again, her hair framing her as she sang to the watching crowd.
I've got my eye on you I've got my eye on you
His mind felt quiet as the troubling thoughts of Kimber, that new Inspector Campbell and the stresses of Ada running off with Freddie Thorne began to melt away.
Say yes to Heaven Say yes to me Say yes to Heaven Say yes to me
Tommy had been having her followed for the past week, but the little minx seemed to have caught on to that.
If you dance, I'll dance I'll put my red dress on, get it on And if you fight, I'll fight It doesn't matter now, it's all gone
It was only a matter of time now...
I've got my eye on you I've got my eye on you, mm I've got my eye on you I've got my eye on you
He definitely had his eye on her...
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twst-kumi · 2 days
Weeping Maiden [ACT I] CHAPTER 11
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[Act I] CHAPTER 11
[Name] woke up in her room in Royal Dawn Dormitory. Flora was dozing off on the armchair by her bed. The fairy’s eyes looked puffy from crying. Flora woke up startled by the young girl snorting. The old woman looked at her for a minute before bawling. She was so loud that she could hear running in the mini castle. 
Ambrose barged in the room holding his robe up. He looked disheveled while panting. His eyes darted everywhere before he saw [Name] smiling awkwardly. It was his turn to cry.
“_Oh my sweet child! I was so worried.”
Alerted by the commotion, the other came to see what was happening. Aurelius also teared up as he saw the young girl. She was alive and well. 
“_ Don't scare us like that ever again. 
_ Yes, I'm sorry. I swear I didn't mean to worry.
_ It's not about you worrying us, my dear child. It was dangerous. You could have died.” 
The director said glaring at her worriedly. He wanted to protect her. Not only was she his most delicate student, but she was first and foremost his daughter blood related or not. [Name]’s heart fluttered in front of his sincere eyes.
“_ It's a parent's job to take care and worry about their child. And a father's job to protect their daughter.”
The young girl couldn't say anything. Her heart felt heavy with unknown emotions. She didn't know how to react to it, but it felt good somehow. Like she was waiting for such words, she couldn't stop her tears trailing down her cheek. The old man held her in her arms and [Name] broke down wailing like a little kid. She couldn't help but cry as he hugged her tightly. It was warm. Ambrose’s embrace felt so warm around her. 
A few minutes after, her eyes were puffy and red gaining her some teasing laugh from Vil and the rest. 
“_You look like a baby chick who hatched with your eyes like that.
_Nooo, baby chick are ugly when they hatch.”
[Name] whined still sniffing here and there. The group laughed relieved everyone was alright. They got out with only a few scratch and bruise nothing to heavy. The most worrying peoples were Neige and her who were unconscious for two days. Neige woke up yesterday.
“_About Neige…” 
[Name] started to explain what she saw in his memories as they listened calmly. There was a silence for a moment until Alexis talked.
“_Like I give a fuck! He drugged you! Don't expect me to go easy on him because of his sob story.” 
Aurelius winced at his colorful language but agreed with him nonetheless. [Name] smiled gently at them.
“_ I'm not asking you to forgive him. I'm just stating the core reason for Neige's Overblot. Neige is incapable of valuing himself for what he is. For him, his worth can only be equated to his usefulness.” 
She understood this feeling better than anyone. As a former child actor and having grown up in a toxic family, she understood what Neige had gone through. Unlike her, Neige was probably not aware of his own abuse. 
“_ I see… Well, you may want to know. I decided to exclude Neige for a week.
_ Only a week? Don't tell me you are planning to let him go scoff free!”
[Name] looked at Vil who frowned at Ambrose’s words. She wanted to comments on how Crowley is letting every Overblotted students off the hook without any repercussions. Aside from Leona who almost got disqualified for Magicshift. The RSA director only laughed.
“_ Of course not. But I think that everyone can get a second chance, if they do show determination and sincerity. The same could be said for you. When I call for you as a primary suspect, I wanted to give you a chance to defend yourself. And if you were the culprit, a chance to redeem yourself.”
Vil couldn’t say if he was unconfortable or just jealous. The director knew Neige longer than him, so it was normal to trust him more than the actor. On the opposite, Crowley didn’t hesitate to send Vil the moment the school reputation was brought up. It left a bitter taste in his mouth.
Thanks to Ambrose, Vil was able to return to school. He covered it as a flu, he and [Name] caught that. The young girl coming from a different and closeted “land”, her immunity system was a bit weaker than them. It was the excuse they gave everyone to explain their absences. 
“_Where is Neige? I would like to talk to him before he leave.”
There was another silence. 
“_Hey! You heard her? So, are you going to hide behind that wall longer?”
Alexis growled looking toward the open door. They could see a shoulder flinching but no other mouvement. Seeing that he wasn’t going to move, the gentle-looking boy felt even more pissed.
“_ COME IN!!! YOU PIECE OF S…. syrup! I was going to say syrup.”
Everyone looked at him unconvinced and Aurelius couldn’t help but stifle a chuckle. He was going to be in trouble if he continued to swear like a sailor. Vil on other side was wondering if it was a normal for small and delicate looking boys to have a foul mouth. This was the second one after Epel. That being said hearing Neige getting insulted didn’t felt bad. He will acknowledge that Neige’s situation was sad, but it didnt mean he would like him. If anything, he had even more resentment toward him. 
Neige walked inside, his eyes darted to the floor unable to confront their stare. Taking on the cue, Ambrose made everyone leave. Aurelius and Alexis couldn’t help but glare at Neige. 
“_Scream if he try to do anything suspicious. 
_ Yeah, we will beat him for you if he try anything so don’t worry.”
Aurelius and Alexis said while burning hole with their glare on Neige. Vil felt refreshed in a way. Look like RSA too could be a little violent. 
Alone, Neige and [Name] looked at each other for moment. The boy looked devastated, remorse was obvious on his face. 
“_ I’m sorry… I… 
_ I never liked you more than a friend, Neige.”
Neige flinched a little. He could feel a lump forming in his throat. He looked at her before smiling at her. He tried to push back on his need to cry. He was  aware, she didn’t share his feeling.He was going to use this week to reflect on it. Deep down he felt like he didn’t have any right on loving her or coveting her affection.
“_ I know… I’m quite aware of it now. I just want to say it at least once. I love you, [Name].”
[Name] was speechless for a moment. His eyes shined with a resolve she never saw in him before. Something changed in him, he looked a little bit more like a man rather than a delicate boy. Both exchanged a small laugh before Neige stood up to leave. She rejected his confession but at least she acknowledged it. 
Neige was walking down the stair under the two freshmen’s glare. It was understandable for them to hate him. Remembering something, he stopped in his tracks and looked at them. 
“_Please, take care of her.
_We don’t need you to tell us that. 
_Just leave already!”
Neige chuckled a little looking at the two. What a duo of  brave little knight they were. 
“_Right, before I forgot. Don’t trust Henry that much.”
Aurelius frowned a little. What does his dormleader have to do with all this? The young man felt his stomach churn. Pushing his worry aside, he walked back inside the bedroom once he was sure Neige left the dorm. 
Act I: Poison of Delusion. (END)
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@cocomollo @owodi @illytian
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chaotic-nick · 2 days
a/n: im writing this on my phone because it's one of those days of moving on *again*, and Nanami is just the perfect guy for it. warnings: unedited, rusty fic-writing, hurt/comfort
nanami kento x reader, friends to lover au
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It's satoru's annoying habit of suddenly leaving them whenever they were out that directed Kento's eyes at (Y/n). No one hasn't pointed out how they'd become softer when he looked at her in silence, listening to her hum. Even talk about literature that he'd never read. Though today in the crowded streets of a shopping district, they sat on a bench, his back straightened when she said,
"I'm not meant for marriage, wonderful realisation last night, ken-chan." The casualness in her tone, surprising his mind.
"I am," he countered. He was often the one to worry in secret. Wondering if he'll find the love his parents found in each other. and before them, his grandfather finding love in a foreign land. "is the floor mine or yours?"
"I wanna hear yours after mine!" she gleamed. "my ex, there was this love that we shared, you know. you're in your 20s once and there's so many things happening. compared to him, I'm a very big dreamer–"
"YES! ambitious," she offered him the bag of chips she opened, "and well, I can only be his type for so long before he found someone softer ... someone who wasn't like me— and then I thought, men really are all the same. So I settled with just wanting companionship." She shrugged, "or perhaps he scared me enough out of marriage. I'll never really know. You know I kept my hair short around him— cause he liked short haired girls."
"You've grown fond to it then?" He asked, clenching him jaw.
"No, not really, I like being adventurous with my hair and you can only do so much. So, kento, why marriage?"
"I've grown up around love—" Suguru's tired body slumped beside (Y/n), in front of him Shoko who seemingly didn't care.
Their exchange of tiring him out enough when he hasn't even explored the second floor cut his and (Y/n)'s conversation. Yet his eyes stayed on her.
Always so bright and lips pulled to one side, he always wondered what was in her mind. ... and now, hearing about her ex, he wondered if the hurt he gave her was all it occupied.
Would there be any room to allow him to show her what love could be like— if he needed to wait, then how long?
"You like her?" Suguru asked cutting Kento's trance-like state as he watched (Y/n) and Shoko walk away from them.
With all the love he wished he could give her, Kento could only muster a weak, "I think it's beyond that now."
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miris-secret-files · 2 days
I love your Adrien/chat noir fics! Id love to see another smut fic of Adrien x Reader but I'd love to see how youd write them almost getting caught
Almost Getting Caught || Adrien Agreste x fem!reader
A/n : I don't know if this is almost getting caught or getting caught but I think she couldn't see the whole thing tho 😂
Warnings : slight exhibitionism, making out, erection, grinding, hickey, fingering, implied sex, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 882
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Let's say you’re in the beginning of your relationship with him
He clearly didn’t tell anyone at home, so it’s not like he could easily sneak you in his room
The other option, which is having him coming in your home was also a little risky because well it’s not like he was unknown
You did try to do it several times between classes at school, but you never were able to go further than several kisses
So after some time you guys started to be kinda… really horny
And so desperate situation calls for desperate idea, so one day while he was at his fencing training you decided to prepare a little surprise for him
Of course you put your best lingerie on, lace bras with laces around the tops of your breasts, and panties whose edges hugged the contours of your hips
When his workout was over and he returned to the locker room, he certainly wasn't expecting to see you there.
"Hey Y/n, what are you doing here ? It's good to see you"
With two long strides he had reached you by his locker
Before he had even finished speaking, his arms were already around your waist, he couldn't help himself
His fingers rested on the very small of your back, while his eyes gazed into yours
Unable to wait any longer, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed your lips to his
For a moment he had forgotten where you were, so his fingers slipped a little lower and he clasped your bum in his hands
You let out a little cry against his mouth, making him chuckle
You knew it was now or never, so you grabbed his hands and pulled them away from your ass before tucking them back under your shirt
As soon as his hands made contact with the fine material of your bra, he softly kneaded your breasts
His curiosity and arousal soared, and all he wanted to do was see what you were wearing under
A few seconds later your top was pulled over your head and forgotten on the floor
His kisses bruising against your lips, you could tell he radiated envy and desire
His piercing green gaze was hungry as it rested on the delicate pattern of your garment
it was too much for him, and to tell the truth, it was too much for you too, who could feel his warm erection pressing urgently against you
(( Luckily Plagg was in his locker too busy eating his cheese ))
Your boyfriend pressed you against one of the lockers, one of his hands firmly gripping your hips as he guided the other under the waistband of your pants
He should have paid more attention to his surroundings, his senses would have been much more alert if you weren't moaning against his ear as he fingered you to prepare you for him
But it wasn't all your fault, he was involved too, grinding his aching bulge against you
It was literally at this moment that Kagami entered the dressing room to get her things
And unfortunately she didn't miss a beat, her eyes widening and her face turning as red as her wetsuit
"Oh my days ! What the hell are you two playing at ?!?"
Her voice echoed through the locker room for a moment before you and Adrien became aware of her presence
When he did, he froze against you, his member far from the throbbing state it had been in earlier immediately beginning to soften
He swallowed loudly, his mouth still against your neck as he quickly released his hand from your crotch and placed you gently back on the floor
At this point he turned back to Kagami, whose voice he had recognized, his build concealing your nakedness behind him
"A-ah- erm Kagami, s-sorry I didn't expect to see you here," he stuttered, scratching the back of his head
His smile was sheepish, his legs still trembling with desire
Quickly he brought his hand to his lips, hoping to wipe away the lipstick residue you had smeared there, trying to regain some semblance of dignity
But Kagami was far from finished with you "You idiots, next time think about going to the showers !" she yelled before grabbing her things and hurrying out of the place
Adrien turned to you, "Are you all right ?" his smile was apologetic, he just hoped you weren't feeling too uncomfortable
You smiled at him, even though the awkwardness could easily be read on your face, you too had lipstick smeared all over your face, and a big hickey on your neck
"Yes, it's all right, she just surprised me," you said, bending down to pick up your shirt
"Now for a surprise," he added, a little laugh escaping his lips
However, when he saw you about to put your shirt back on, he spoke again
"Y/n," his voice was still full of longing, "why don't we postpone this in the shower, just might take up on her offer," his eyes shone with mischief
You nodded and before you could reply he swept you off your feet and took you to the showers with him
This time no one was going to bother you, or stop him from giving it to you like you deserved
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witchofthemidlands · 16 hours
i know, i know realistically that because tales of the tardis is making it's return that “the one who waits” or whatever “the big bad” is that shall be giving the doctor & UNIT grief in the finale will probably be that villain from the pyramid serial that was, in fact, the first proper classic who serial i ever saw because it was on the sarah jane adventures dvd but up until the new tales of the tardis instalment was announced, i was so deep in the theory that this is all leading up to the trickster's greatest comeback of all time: ruby is an element of the pantheon & seeing as i've clowned too close to the sun i'm unleashing the insanity that's been occurring in my brain since “the devil's chord”
so basically the doctor said 8 words about maestro & i haven't been sane since.
“that thing must be part of the pantheon”
that was it for me then, i was CONVINCED that this might be leading up to have something to do with the trickster because in “the wedding of sarah jane smith” the doctor & the trickster/the pantheon talk about how they heard about one another through legend:
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& from the spreading of the salt this era of doctor who has been all about myths & legends breaking their way through into the universe & the first half of the finale is titled “the legend of ruby sunday”
THEN maestro attacked ruby & the music played from within ruby is VERY similar to the score played in “whatever happened to sarah jane smith” when sarah jane was giving maria the puzzle box which protected her (& then later alan) from the trickster's power & this was the first time the trickster ever came into the whonivese & whilst i thought i was reaching here, i was CLEARLY not the only one who thought that the score progression sounded similar.
after “the devil's chord” i didn't want to say anything because i thought i was going to sound absolutely crackers but it was simmering, the thoughts that whatever ruby is COULD be connected to the trickster or the pantheon. honestly even if it turns out to be nothing to do with the trickster themself but just another element of the pantheon that's at play & what everything is leading up to, i'd consider that a win.
the full downward spiral into madness began after i witnessed the horror that was “73 yards” which both scared me for life & after like no doctor who episode has done in a VERY long time because not only was i actually scared of ruby sunday & was thinking WHAT IS THIS BEING but it also unleashed this:
deep down, my rational brain KNOWS it's not what my unhinged brain thought it were but in fact what it literally was which was a story filled with elements of welsh folklore BUT my brain said:
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to my brain, “73 yards” reminded me of the doctor in “turn left” saying:
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and whilst i was in my post 73 yards state of horror/being genuinely afraid of what ruby was there's was two options my brain was throwing out:
1) ruby could be one of the pantheon/the trickster’s brigade she's one of the changelings like the time beetle because life WAS changed in tiny little ways & this was literally probably one of ruby's worst case scenario: that everyone would leave & she'd be alone all her life & her fears manifested in her potential trickster/changeling power & made a whole new reality for her that she enabled herself to stop. it was all just her & the extent of her powers which could be used for very bad.
2) and this is the one that i latched onto like a person deranged:
ruby is a creation of the trickster, the trickster is “the one who waits” because the trickster has been “waiting” for a way to break into the universe & then i just went wild with this theory of mine because of the sarah jane adventures.
in the (devastating) final season of the sarah jane adventures, sky smith was left on the doorstep of sarah jane's house when she was a baby, similarly to how ruby is left on the threshold of the church on ruby road. now that's a reach, yes but HAD the sarah jane adventures series 5 finished the way it was intended to be finished, sky smith would have turned out to be the trickster's child in an finale called “the battle of bannerman road” & her trickster powers would have been awakened by the trickster. sarah jane would apparently have been considering this to be true because she'd gotten jo jones to research “trickster myths” sky would have returned to herself but would have evolved into an entity that would banish the trickster from reality & guard him in a prison forever:
The Battle of Bannerman Road (unproduced TV story) | Tardis | Fandom
honestly i started to imagine that a similar situation could happen with ruby because this story was ultimately never made & whilst i am probably clowning to the highest degree here, i thought about jo & clyde's segment of “tales of the tardis” & how clyde's story is left open ended as if it could possibly be continued & what better way to continue clyde & rani's story then to bring them back during a potential battle with the trickster? there is also the fact that the other unnamed episodes of the sarah jane adventures WERE actually made into stories for a fantastic show called “wizards vs aliens” specifically, “the thirteenth floor”
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so perhaps rtd could be using the bare bones of “the battle of bannerman road” for the conclusion to the mystery of ruby sunday.
as i said, i went rather deranged with this one & it's probably going to be the greatest comeback for sutekh, who will probably turn out to be “the one who waits” possibly the head of the pantheon & the creator of ruby but my brain has decided to throw one more twist:
✨sutekh x the trickster✨
i'm kinda glad that this will all be over soon so i can be proved wrong & can enjoy a peaceful state of mind again, finally set free from my trickster theory 😅
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hot-tea-gardenparty · 13 hours
My thoughts on Season 3, Part 2 of Bridgerton
The polin first-time intimate scene was gorgeous! So beautifully shot with such soft, sweet emotions that it truly felt like I was invading on a private moment between two real people. Nicola, you are a goddess, and don't let anyone else tell you differently. Thank you for being a showcase that all women, no matter their body type, can be sexy and desired.
I really wish we had had one additional intimate scene between Colin and Pen. Like I was hoping for angry sex or even just Colin giving into his desires for Pen even when he was frustrated because of Whistledown. They did nothing on their wedding night and even after colin found Pen wandering outside at night and nearly finger-banged her against a shop door - this didn't continue. WHY NOT?! EXPLAIN WRITERS.
Eloise pissed me off in the first two episodes but by the final two I was fine with her again.
Colin stating that Pen meant to entrap him in the marriage was so fucking low and unfair to say and made me physically squirm. Colin if anything you were the one to entrap her. Chaos Colin came out to play hard-core.
Cressida didn't need this much screen time. At all.
Mondrich storyline was still boring but much more in the background, so it was better.
Benedict. Oh sweet man, what are they doing with you? I don't think the writers know what to do with you. I love that he finally admitted to his bisexuality - but how they went about it was so generic and stereotypical. I wish he could have figured it out on his own without the insistence of another fling with a woman who doesn't matter in the long run.
Every time all thr Bridgerton siblings are together on screen I smile so wide my jaw hurts.
Kanthony are cute as always. Looooved Kate's interactions with Violet, Eloise, and Colin. Also, Kate's dresses this season were IMACCULATE!
I adore Finch and Dankworth. Those two and Colin Bridgerton make up the golden retriever husband trio and I never want to see them unhappy.
John is precious and I want to protect him at all costs. I hate that he will have to be said goodbye to eventually...
MICHAELA. YOUR COUSIN MICHAELA?! WHAT. WHAT! *insert gif of kombucha girl here*
Polin fought too much and were apart too long. I wanted more Polin happy and together.
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So here's my opinion about it:
This trailer was above my expectations! The initial scene is pure YSBLF, all serious scene... and Betty being Betty. CINEMA
So... a surprise: Marcela is totally a envious woman now. Wow. She's going for revenge, because Betty not only took Armando, but her actions on Roberto's heir.
ALSO THAT: ROBERTO'S FORTUNE WILL GO TO BETTY AND MILA!!! I KNEW ROBERTO ALWAYS HAD A SOFT SPOT FOR BETTY!!! totally justice after she saved the company of the bankruptcy in 2001.
But let's talk about B&A divorce: well, it is happening since that woman and Armando's kinda have a relationship now. BUT I think that woman is kinda a gold-digger, idk but I have that feeling about her. She doesn't love Armando and he doesn't seem to have thaaat love on her tho, as it is canonically stated that B&A are soulmates and has some kinda-connection. (not explain now, but remember the scene where Armando screams Betty's name and she senses it in Cartagena. CINEMA!)
And yes, as I said here: B&A marriage got in shambles because they spent too much time working and trying to save that mess company instead of taking care of each other, vacationing together... I SAID THAT ECOMODA (2002) GIVES HINTS OF THIS FUTURE!!
Hugo being Hugo!!!
ABOUT DANIEL: yes, I think Daniel is totally dead. But I also wanna know why. In a scene we see Marcela holding something, like a picture. I think it's a picture of him. Guy must be dead because Marcela is in full rage mode now:
- asked for Betty's head on Ecomoda (i need to know why exactly)
- lose her part on Roberto's fortune (because she was almost her daughter!!!! she's the daughter of HIS BEST FRIEND!) and WHY she didn't had any piece of Roberto's fortune? Something happened.
- and of course, she lost Armando for her in 2001. Imagine almost marrying a man just to found out that he's in love with another woman. But therapy exists for that.
- also that guy who's after Mila? Who's he??? i think it's another golddigger too.
- Mila being adorable and sassy. I want to know more of her.
- BETTY KISSING THAT GUY. I think it's must be a plan so, since she's divorced on Armando and he's after with that witch-whatever that woman is- she must had a night stand only because she's a milf and Armando probably did shit too. (as hinted in Ecomoda)
- I'm still missing Aura María. WHERE'S SHE?
- Also, the other characters are being the same.
- Yes, it's totally normal to have employees working for several decades on the same company. My last job has a guy who works there for 35 years!!!!
And I think that's it for now. Will wanna watch it!!!
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dairy-farmer · 2 days
Clark has had his eyes on Tim for ages, but Batman would have made him regret being born for putting his hands on Timmy. The kid was also really close to his younger clone with super-senses which was awkward and would have made it impossible to go undiscovered for long.
When Kon and Bruce are "dead" and out of the way he sees his chance though. Dick trusts Clark and is too busy with Damian to suspect him of exploiting Tim's grief.
Now Clark just has to find some way to get him off of birth control and do some sleight of hand with the condoms so he can lock this down
😍😍😍😍 clark waiting for an opportunity because bruce is a vigilant guardian who keeps a close eye on tim. clark suspects that he may be subconsciously sensing clark's interest in him and is trying to keep him close as a result. and even when he's not around kon is. and clark knows that kon would rat on him, that he'd bring it up to someone whether he realized clark's intents or not.
clark can't help the interest he feels in tim, it would be easier if he didn't but he is. the soft curve of his jaw, his hair, his sweet eyes and soft looking mouth. tim bears a striking resemblance to a young lana, the one clark recalled from childhood that was still sweet and gentle with him. it saddened him that so many things from his childhood had grown older, bitter, and disenchanted. smallville was slowly losing the battle to big agriculture. only 4 of the original family owned farms remained, lana's mother and uncle had both ended up selling their land after a bad crop season put them deeper in debt to one of the predatory seed companies that had swept into town.
smallville was being sucked dry and much of clark's childhood with it. clark's marriage and relationship wasn't as smooth as when he and lois had just been dating and clark was feeling so much pressure from everywhere in his life.
and then he'd seen tim. so dolllike and sweet. and the way him and kon played was so much like how clark had played with lana and...it had just made him want. he'd wanted to feel tim, to touch him and fuck him. he'd felt a desire and hunger for him that he hadn't felt for anyone in so long.
and so could anyone blame him for taking the oppertunity when it was there. tim was teary and vulnerable and practically fell in clark's arms, desperate for distraction. and clark was kind and acted hesitant and unsure long enough to have deniability but then giving in. it's not hard to mess with tim's pills while he's asleep, passed out from how hard clark fucked him. clark already knows where he keeps them. and in the act its much easier. all it takes is a sewing needle clark stole from tim's sewing kit and a deft poke through the condom tim still offers him even while in a manic state.
kryptonians are stupidly fertile and clark just knows with the measures he's taken they will be enough to get what he wants. in a few months tim will be ashamed coming to him but clark will be welcoming and supportive as he offers to stay with tim. to do the right thing.
lois will be upset when clark explains to her that they'll need to seperate but deep down she'll know that its what she wants as well.
after that...well. the other bats can't hold it against clark forever. he's superman and he's trying to do the right thing after they both made a mistake together. maybe by the time the second kid comes around they'll have accepted that clark and tim are a thing, that they have sex and are making babies together.
so long as everything goes to plan it will be fine.
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citylighten · 2 days
Hello it's me and I'm in your "Asks" ☺️
What/who made you come to simblr and what/who made you stay?
Hello!! I'm pretty sure when I came to simblr I had no idea who to follow beyond cc makers, specifically @ebonixsims & @xxblacksims. My simblr account was born due to the fact I had purchased TS4 for the first time and I wanted to make a cute bedroom for Eve, as I was procrastinating on cleaning and decorating my own bedroom. That was it! That was literally it! 😂
So I was just following random simblr blogs, and eventually I saw the storytelling community due to a reblog or something. I thought it was so interesting, because like everybody else when I played the sims I constructed a narrative in my head and to see people took their narratives seriously I thought, "okay, I want to try that too."
Also, in my childhood I loved to play games like Disney's Magic Artist Cartoon Maker where you just placed 2D stickers of Mickey Mouse and friends on a background, so I'm not surprised storytelling became the thing I felt the most passionate about. 😂
What made me stay were two things. The first was the stories I found by other people and the second thing is the bonds I formed with them, once I got out of my shy state, that is.
Although I had read a hand few of stories, @rebouks definitely had the first story that stuck out to me. Both in terms of narrative and visuals! @cinamun's story was the second story I became full-heartedly obsessed with. I saw a handful of posts back when Hope was a kid, and like...the characterization was so strong with Indya, Darren, and Lil' Hope that eventually I got curious about who they actually were and read the story from the beginning. And let me say reading Things Fall Apart from start to finish was the most inspiring thing as a new storyteller who didn't have editing skills that were exactly good. Because cin's editing was n o t h i n g like it is now and with each past post I read, I saw how she experimented with new things, slightly tweaked Indya's appearance over the years. But more than that, I noticed how her story grew in terms of readers. TFA did not always get a lot of notes. It was truly a, "okay, if Cin can progress like this, I can too. If Cin can grow like this, I can too." But yeah, rebouks and cinamun are absolutely my biggest inspirations with visuals and editing. And the fact they're both very sociable people when you message them was also encouraging, because there wasn't a sense of elitism that you can find in other fandoms spaces. This made me feel welcomed and like I wasn't a pest.
After that, I read more stories which led to me creating really strong friendships! Like, Hungry for Love by the user formally known as shanisims always stands out to me. That was another story I loved and obsessed over lmao I said it recently but @straightouttasimulation is a reason why I add prose to my story caps and she's even the reason why I attempted to do gifs. Because SHE started experimenting with gifs first! And then to see how she could pull them off, I thought: "okay, let me give it a try." All and all, she's a great mutual. I love her dearly. Then I met @digital-deluxe who shared my love for the mafia genre, and shortly after I think I began talking to @ardeney-sims. Tags led me to meet @swiftviolets who was also into the mafia genre and of course, @havenroyals and I started clicking a lot! And there's so many more people I love and cherish that I'm mutuals with [but I don't wanna like, tag everyone] BUT THE POINT IS I don't think I would be excited to log onto my dashboard if it weren't for the people I talk and joke around with. Even though it's good to try and like...be there for everybody in a community because people can feel overshadowed or neglected, communities are really about the people you vibe with the most because they're the ones who directly impact your experience.
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‘He Called It Jumbo’
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CHAPTER TWO: The Johnson Treatment
Back in the 60s, I served as an aide to Lyndon Baines Johnson, often referred to by his initials LBJ, was the 36th president of the United States, U.S. representative and U.S. senator. Plus a philanderer of the highest order. Had a twenty year affair with one mistress, an illegitimate child with another mistress, and numerous brief affairs as well. And a few weeks ago, had me on his cock which calls "Jumbo." For obvious reasons.
Even after my encounter, President Johnson acted like nothing had happen and continued to rely on his bevy of babes referred to by the other his male aides as his harem. All of his secretaries, plus his two mistresses, got the Johnson Treatment. The Johnson Treatment you ask is when he'd corner someone, leaned his face into theirs and threatened, promised, flattered or cajoled, the person to give him what he wanted. This was the “Johnson Treatment.” Thanks in part to this tactic, Johnson would go on to become a powerful Senator and eventually President of the United States. Plus have a lot of sex.
And to give his wife, Lady Bird Johnson the illusion of being a faithful husband, he tasked the Secret Service with keeping his philandering from her. Even having a buzzer install to warn him when she's coming. Obviously, that didn't work as Lady Bird endured his behavior, with only occasional reprimands. One of which is having me work with him instead of one of his bevy of at secretaries.
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For several weeks, I was tasked with working extra hours, including nights and weekends with President Johnson. Although he was crude as the day is long, I would find myself admiring his tall, lanky, 56-year-old figure. And of course, Jumbo. Meanwhile, I suspected he might be horned up, not having access to his harem. The tension I was feeling was distracting and unwelcome.
Just then, standing beside me, President Johnson openly rummaged around in his groin in a most histrionic fashion possible. I could see his cock straining against the material of his pants and I admit, I started to get pretty hard. I guess it was because I was surprised (and aroused) that I stared too long, and he noticed. I looked up and he was looking right at me, smiling.
"Damn, I could really use a good blow job. I'm so tense. Best medicine I know of, right son?" President Johnson flatly said.
By now, President Johnson is towering over me, invading my personal space as I uncomfortably lean back, clenching my arms to my chest, mumbling something inconsequential in response.
"You like sucking cock. Don't you Davis?"
"Ugh, er, I guess so Mr. President…", my voice trails.
"Get on your knees boy. Your President needs you."
I quickly went down to my knees and watched in growing excitement as he unbuckled his pants and pulled out a semi-erect Jumbo. I took a hold of his shaft, took the tip into my mouth and sucked on it, running my tongue around it and running the tip of my tongue along his opening, tasting the first bitter sweet drops of pre-cum. I did this till he began to stroke the back of my head, I then opened my mouth a bit further and went down his shaft. The old man moaned as I firmly sucked on Jumbo, feeling it grow in my mouth, mushrooming out.
Fully erect he was above average length at 12 to 13 inches and slightly above average thickness. It had been months since I had been with anyone else and it felt so good to a cock in my mouth again. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the smell of his crotch and the wet sounds of my lips sucking an erect shaft. The sensation of that cock sliding almost out of my mouth then, back in till it touched the back of my throat was incredible.
“Hell, that feels wonderful.” He added as he suddenly reached down and grabbed me behind the head with his huge, weathered hands.
Then he started moving my mouth up and down his thick dick shaft as he fucked my mouth like he was fucking some pussy. I took his plunging dick and made love to it with my tongue as the old man repeatedly shoved it down my throat and pulled it quickly back out.
“Damn, this is hot! Shit your mouth is better than a pussy.” President Johnson called out excitedly as he fucked my mouth faster and faster.
I could hear him panting as I felt the head of his wonderful cock swell just before he tightened his grip and put it fully in my mouth and began to cum. I almost gagged as his cum splashed the back of my throat, I swallowed most of it but some dribbled down my chin.
"You really know how to suck a cock, boy. Didn't take you long at all to get me off." He said as he slid his cock in and out of my wanting mouth, finishing his orgasm.
I smiled up at him as I wiped his man cream off my chin. I continued to stroke him as he petted my hair.
"Stand up and take those pants off." He said as he pulled me up to my feet and smacked my ass.
I did as I was told and was standing naked from the waist down with my hands on the desk spreading my legs slightly. Then he slid his hands down to my round ass and squeezed it before getting behind me, gripping my hips and spreading my ass cheeks with his thumbs. He rubbed the head of Jumbo along my crack and especially my pale pink button of an asshole before I heard him spit into his hand. Then I felt the pressure as he pushed the head into my man pussy, stretching me as it slipped past my opening. I groaned half in pain half in pleasure as he pierced me with his cock.
"That's it. Let ol' Jumbo in." The old man said as he slowly pulled out till the head almost slipped out then thrust it smoothly half back in.
Each entry into me made me catch my breath and made my chest tight as his rhythm began to pick up speed, grunting with pleasure. I gasped out loud as I pushed back against his thrusts enjoying the sound of skin slapping together, and that hard dick pounding my ass. He fucked me with a desperate need as fast as he could for another ten minutes.
"Oh God, you're so fucking big! Fuck me damn it FUCK ME! Damn it, fuck my hole! Own it!"
Hearing that, spurred him to pump into me faster and harder, forcing more moans and gasps from me. "God yes! Fuck me Mr. President, Fuck me!"
President Johnson's rhythm became erratic, my dick was vibrating with excitement and my balls were tight to my body waiting to cum. Suddenly, he pulled out, pressed the head of Jumbo against my ass and came. The first stream of his cum bounced back to cover the head of his dick, he pressed his hot cock up and the next stream went up my back. The last stream went into my opened hole. President Johnson moved the head around smearing his cum on my skin before he slipped it back down to my sore hole. I had came without even touching my cock, but hadn't noticed while he fucked me.  
"Damn boy, that was better then any pussy I have ever fucked." He said still smoothly pumping my ass like he was working up to come again.
"Damn, Mr. President, how long can you go?" I said as he pushed that wonderful cock back in me as far as it could go, sending a shiver through my balls and up my dick and through my chest.
"With an ass this tight, I can go for a while longer. But as much as I love this, we better get cleaned up before Bird comes a looking." He said holding himself in me for a moment longer than with drew.
"But I will find a way to fuck you again. Count on it."
We got cleaned up and dressed just before Lady Bird came though the Oval Office door. Ben told him I was everything he was told I was and more. And they went outside and talked. President Johnson was a man of his word. Between his wife, virtually all of his secretaries, his two mistresses and I got the Johnson Treatment. Johnson was a sexual beast who'd screw anything that would crawl, basically. He was a horny old man.
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theliterarywolf · 3 months
I'm not going to reblog anymore responses to that theft post, but it's interesting to have someone essentially poverty-splaining to someone who was:
A child of poverty
Who regularly experienced food-insecurity
Who has experienced the trauma of having to sleep in a car
Who was the child of a single mother
Who was forced into being an undocumented immigrant due to my bastard father not wanting to help her file when they were married
A child who was forced to take a two-year hiatus from college due to said bastard father not wanting to provide information so I could apply for financial aid
And who is only, as of a few years ago, in a place where, while money still isn't ideal, am not experiencing abject poverty like I once was
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yashley · 1 year
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laudna: that way we can message each other. fearne: oh right lol
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a-shadowedvales · 1 month
when jane's powers return in season four (and because they were regained by her confronting and accepting her past, rather than being retraumatised with it!) they're stronger than they ever were. when she starts getting a handle back on them, she very quickly comes to realise not only have they affected her, but her mother, too. one of the biggest losses that came about with her losing them was the fact that she could no longer visit terry in the void; while there was no real communication there, it did allow jane to sit with her, and gain a little more connection than she could in the real world. when she first visits the void after their return, it takes her three hours to find terry, something that is both unexpected and incredibly worrying. but when she does, it's something of a miracle. jane's increased strength and control over the void actually wakes terry up from her catatonic state, but only in the void. there's no way to help her mother physically, but she does do so (unbeknownst to her) mentally. terry is reborn in jane's newfound control over the vale of shadows; she becomes the woman she once was, and while her body remains frozen in a "good dream", her mind connected to jane's own allows her some freedom. jane is able to speak to her mother in the void, is able to be held by her, and while it's still unfair and jane cannot stay in there forever, it's something. this only lasts for about eight months, as each visit slowly begins deteriorating terry's physical and mental state, and jane's health begins declining after spending hours upon hours in the void each and every day.
when jane finds out these visits are actually killing her mother on the outside, she deems to stop, but terry expresses the importance of them being able to speak, that she'd prefer to die on the outside, if it meant she could have just a few months with her daughter like this. terry and jane's connection was always so strong, which ultimately led to terry "waking up" in the void, but even jane's newfound strength cannot save her from the harsh realities. each visit nearing the end of those eight months, terry fades more and more, becomes weaker in the void, and her real body eventually gives up. jane's in the void when her mother eventually passes on, and physically feels their connection weaken, like some part of her suddenly becomes lost in the shadows, a part she'll never find again. jane falls into a depressive state for weeks after her mother's death, given she's technically lost her a second time, but soon comes to realise she was lucky to have even shared those eight months together. it was better than nothing at all. there is a proper burial and funeral, (and when jane dies, she's buried next to her mother) which allows jane some sense of closure. she never fully recovers from losing terry, nor from the fact that she never had a proper relationship with her, but she does eventually find some peace with it all.
#study‚ in my dreams it's all real and my heart has so much to reveal.#IF U SAW ME POSTING THIS YESTERDAY. no u didn't.#i wanted to change things again (who is surprised!!) and decided to just rewrite it all rip.#me taking a few weeks off from this blog and then coming back with a brand new terry / jane hc? more likely than u think.#purely self indulgent too i might add!#every day i battle with making my terry portrayal canon to jane's timeline so jane can have her mother in every verse not just#selected ones.#but. her not having her mother is ultimately important to my writing of her and sfjasfjas >:( hate myself for it.#so here be a brand new addition to my timeline that gives jane SOME time with her mother!!! bc i need it for my mental health.#i imagine when terry dies her body turns to smoke in the void. almost like what happened to billy when jane was spying on him.#and he stopped her connection and faded in front of her.#and jane also visited terry a lot in the void because it allowed her to see more memories of her mother.#i hc that she had a real grasp on that before s3 when she looks into billy's memories.#terry (even in her catatonic state) WANTED jane to see what happened to her in hawkins lab.#so she'd want her to see the good stuff too. her childhood. andrew. her grandmother that raised her and becky.#all the good memories!#so when terry dies jane loses all that completely.#which leads to jane grappling with the conflict of whether or not she should have kept visiting terry in the void which eventually led to#her death.#because if she hadn't connected to her. she'd at least be able to look back on all those memories.#jane becomes obsessed within those months and barely speaks to anyone else.#in any free time she has. she's in the void with terry.#her own physical body grows very weak after a little while but she pays no attention to it and even gets into heated arguments with becky.#because becky is jane's carer and needs her safe and healthy. needs to look after her.#but jane is so adamant about the fact that this is her MOTHER and she's finally able to speak to her.#UGH i have so much to say abt this actually i sense a brand new addition to my timeline coming on.#ANYWAY. i'm emotional about them that is all.
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lisxdumbr · 1 month
The whole "if a person is mad at you it's their responsibility to tell you" thing just made me realize how fucked my situation is. Like just. woah
#who wants to hesr the story of how I lost my irl friends recently (you will I'm spitting everything right now)#anyway so last year one day one of my friends decided to randomly backstab me and she started talking behind my back#and yeah this all made me mad because?? what the fuck#she started talking and revealing stuff that i had confide to her to other people and they slowly started drifting from me#BUt the thing here is that she was manipulating the story. she changed it every time she told stuff to people to make me look bad#i heard one of the things she said about me once and i was like ?? she even make me dislike me in her version which like woa#anyway I didn't understand why she did that because it was ? so random? and then she started ignoring me and has not talked to me ever since#the thing is. she apparently didn't have enough with just doing that. she slowly started to rot my other friends' brains too?#in the sense that. suddenly the rest of my group was ignoring me too. they never said anything to me. or stated that they had a problem#they just ignored me in my face? and yeah that. hurt#recently i found thanks to a third party that one of them decided to stop talking to me because apparently i had hurt her uncountable times#and she was just soo sick and tired of me doing that. which. honestly made me mad because she did not ever express that to me?? so#what was i supposed to do. if she never said anything.#anyway one of my friends confronted her about the treatment they were giving to me. the whole exclusion thing. and her answer was-#”well it's not my fault that she doesn't have more friends and doesn't talk to people”#and i was like. woah. what a poor reply. is that really it.. also apparently they all had agree to stop talking to me as a group-#-and they never informed me so. thank you?#and I'm still here asking what i did to that ex friend of mine. later on i found out she had hooked up with the guy i used to like btw#and she kept it secret. oh and then i started dating my current partner ! person she also felt attracted to. and that's my only explanation.#she started gossiping after what happened with the first guy. so that's really everything that comes to mind as a reason#ANYWAY now that i was at the hospital i didn't receive a single text from any of them. so i guess that was it. people who don't care-#-like that are not friends. those people are not my friends. people who ignore me on purpose and gossip like that are not. my friends#so yeah that's why I've been feeling down lately but ! here I am i ended up ranting so. much#rant#vent#?#woah i actually feel so much better after spitting it all#I'm also following that sour grape advice btw I'm not giving them the privilege of cutting me out. I'M the one who dislikes them now
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levil0vesyou · 8 months
Having a post get popular enough to be independently reblogged by someone you follow but aren't mutuals with is. Wild
#yes it was the sex poll obvs#given the person is a minor i'm very glad they picked answer one lmao#like i do think minors in general are allowed to want and even have sex (with each other obvs) but when it's a minor i personally follow it#would just make me feel pretty weird lmao. like on a personal level ya feel? i mean when u reach an even closer level it becomes not weird#again like my dear friend ness (17yo) who afaik doesn't actually HAVE any sex but occasionally wants to and i support her hot girl summer.#but as stated this person barely knows i exist i just follow his blog (i used they earlier but this was incorrect but tumblr won't let me e#edit the tag 😔) and he's 16yo so seeing him talk about wanting and/or having sex would have been. uncomfortable. like obvs he'd be allowed#to because my personal discomfort is no indication of morality but you get it. like if my big little cousin (she's 15 now by god the years#don't stop coming) were to talk about sex and stuff to me or within earshot i would ummm. throw myself out the window? but like i'd still t#try to be supportive and if push comes to shove then yes i would give her condoms 😔 cuz like if a minor wants sex i will not be able to sto#stop them lmao but i can at least try and make it somewhat safe y'know#actually i remembered i have literally given a 15yo a condom before lmao she's prolly over 20 now but like as the adult dormmate it was alm#almost like a responsibility y'know like what do you want me to DO?? let her get pregnant?? anyway enough tangent lmao#btw all this is also why in the poll i included 'too young' but didn't specify an age cuz that's individual y'know. some people are p late#bloomers (i was one) while others choose to have consensual sex by 14 y'know. not something i like to think about but that doesn't mean it#won't happen ya feel. i mean what am i the american education system? lmao. so some ppl have interpreted being 17 as too young but there's#also folks like this who clearly consider 16 old enough and that's defo ppl's good right. and again i usually don't mind just the fact that#he in particular is someone i already knew made it uncomfy. but anyway yea back on topic it's very interesting in general when your post#gets big enough to independently make it to ur dash thru a non mutual lmao. love the hellsite honestly where else amirite#personal#mine#ok to rb ig#like the actual body of the post anyway. i'd be pretty uncomfy if said person saw my tags on this cuz y'know it's kind vagueing even if it'#not negative but anyway. anyway#*kinda
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