#been so long i forgot what it feels like and it took me a heck of a while to realize what was happening
kipaia · 8 months
surprise panic attack???
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shantechni · 2 years
I'm Glad Miri is Annoying
Minor spoilers for Spy x Family and Buddy Daddies I guess idk
I don't know if people legitimately forgot this or what, but Anya is not your average child. And believe it or not, the majority of children who classify as "your average child" have more flaws than simply getting a big head when things are going their way. They're stubborn to a fault at times, they tend to be selfish at the benefit of no one other than themselves, and you feel the frustration radiating off of whoever is their guardian.
I'm glad that Buddy Daddies pulls no punches when depicting how chaotic life becomes once a 4 year old girl with a clear lack of disciplinary figures or actual parents comes waltzing in like a hurricane. I also loved when Sweetness and Lightning didn't paint Tsumugi as a child that was any easier to care for after the death of her mom, and that Kouhei (her dad) genuinely struggled to handle her on his own.
Beyond that though, the biggest problem I see floating around is that people for some reason expect a story about childrearing to not actually be about childrearing?? And that's not me saying that's the case with everyone, but it certainly seems like a lot of people have solidified Spy x Family as a standard of the sorts in their mind when it comes to depictions of found family dynamics, childcare, and adoption. That would be fine if people kept in mind that not every standard set by Spy x Family is realistic, both in the plot of a different series and irl. And that's not entirely the fault of the readers/watchers, it simply became one of the recently most popular titles to explore those themes in a way that balances out with other aspects of the story.
But that's just it: Spy x Family is not solely about a man, woman, little girl, and dog slowly developing into a family. It's about their impact on a war torn world and them realizing that this fake family they put together for the sole purpose of continuing their roles in preventing another war is becoming real. This was a situation that everyone (aside from Bond) initially saw as a way of escaping unlikely situations or reaching their goals. The focal point of the story from day 1 has been about these oblivious adults coming to understand that they're already a family, even though they don't exactly see it as such yet.
Meanwhile, Buddy Daddies is not about any of that, they're in a modernized world that one could easily imagine existing right now. These two hitmen are not in an unfavorable situation, they did not swipe Miri off the streets for personal gain, and they weren't really ever denying how quickly they grew attached to her. Kazuki took Miri under his wing the moment they locked eyes and she started talking about cake and her "papa," the guy is literally enamoured by her just from that. And Rei constantly asked Kazuki in the beginning if he was sure about sending Miri back to her mom, because he may not know everything about his partner, but it's clear as day to him that he really doesn't want to let her go. And as I said earlier, it hardly takes any time for Miri to wrap Rei around her little fingers either. The anime is 4 episodes in and they easily settled into the idea of being a family, heck, she already has her own room.
This is getting long and I'm starting to lose my point here because I'm not in a good area to focus in right now, so I'll end with this: Do not go into Buddy Daddies expecting an idealized version of a fake family turned real, because that's not what PA Works is doing here at all.
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bcbdrums · 11 months
"now the anime i felt diminished Soul's character in the second half... that's another topic though, haha."
What do you mean, his character was diminished?
Hello! Sorry it took me so long to answer!! Spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't seen the whole show.
Let me approach this a different way... We know the running joke about Tsubaki, that after the Masamune arc she gets no character development. Her lines are just screaming Black Star's name, and that's about it for her.
That's how it feels for Soul after Crona shows up. Except with him it's just...silent brooding and watching his meister put all her focus onto someone else. The meister/weapon relationship that seems like it's kinda supposed to be the whole point of the show...? We don't get much of that for Soul and Maka anymore until the finale. And then it feels just kinda...forced in at the last moment, since we haven't gotten much of that.
He's not the only one whose arc gets skewed, and a good lot of that is due to the anime ending so abruptly and not getting to tell a fuller story. It needed at least ten more episodes in my opinion, whether it followed the manga or not... It just ended too fast.
But Soul specifically got supplanted by Crona, and it makes no sense to me. To have his relationship with Maka just...set aside entirely. Or rather, the issue is that they tried to pretend it wasn't. They tried to pretend all was well, and then bring it back at the very end as if things have been fine the entire time. But no.....no they haven't been.
For some idk like fifteen episodes or so? The only glimpses of Soul are him brooding, pining, trying to be himself toward Maka, being a good friend and weapon, but Maka only has eyes for Crona. Even at their apartment her only thoughts are for Crona, even telling Soul to leave her alone one time. She puts this wall between them and doesn't even know she's doing it, and Soul... His devotion to her never changes.
And... He never gets resolution with Crona for himself. So Maka just...forgave Crona I guess for almost killing Soul? Remember that huge giant plot point that started back in episode 7? That started the entire black blood thing? We never see or hear them talk about it but I guess Maka just....let it go, after purifying Crona? Which makes NO sense but okay I guess. But what about Soul... So since Maka decided to forget about Crona almost killing him, Soul is supposed to just forget too? Since his meister has decided to obsess over this poor mixed up kid who desperately needs professional help NOT a friendship that's doomed to unhealthiness due to the kid's issues, and Soul's supposed to just...be cool with it?
I was really glad that Kid brought it up that one time at the courts, even if it was just for a moment. At least somebody remembered what Soul went through. But it should have been his meister.
So yeah it's just...messed up. In summary.... Soul gets ignored second half of the show till a last-minute dramatic thing in the finale, but it feels out of place since Maka has ignored him for who knows how many episodes except to tell him to leave her alone. Soul has remained devoted and loyal. Soul's devotion to her has him repeatedly use the black blood for the sake of all of them, risking himself. And Maka just forgot I guess about her "new project" or whatever almost killing her weapon. And Soul just gotta deal with....all of that. Deal with what looks like the slow losing of his meister.
Yeah. That's what I meant by Soul being diminished... Everything about him was just kinda forgotten except what he could do for the rest of them.
Gonna take a left-turn here and compare Maka to her father again... Wonder if this is what Stein felt like watching his weapon go off with someone else, slowly losing him to some new, interesting person for whatever reason...
Yeah Maka, your weapon deserved better from you.
All that said? Oh I still ship it. I can be annoyed as heck with canon and still use it, lol.
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glitcheslikeslego · 5 months
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 9)
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tw: reader uses a knife at the end
Chapter 9 : Sketch
Sketch is a non-damaging move that allows the user to copy the opponent's move permanently, replacing Sketch. 
You internally cursed Tang out in your head as you spotted an energetic MK painting along with Sandy. 
For a second, you were glad that MK appeared to be back to normal, but then you remembered the madness that was his Artist Clone. You remember that it only took 15 hours for Porty to go on his power trip, and you were pretty sure Artist was earlier than Porty, and that’s why you felt that off feeling as you watched MK take two paint brushes and begin painting even more.
“How long has he been at this?” You whisper-asked Sandy, who whispered back that he’s been painting for about Five hours now. You shuddered. Five hours already? Ten hours or less left to go…
Two hours.
The clone lasted for two hours.
“It needs to be better. It needs to be better.” The Artist Clone muttered to himself as he painted an intricate mural of MK dancing, surrounded by clones playing different instruments.
Despite its beauty, Artist didn’t seem pleased with it.
“I think it’s pretty good, MK.” Sandy said, and you felt fear strike into your very soul when Artist MK turned to the two of you with an insane look on his face.
“Pretty good? Pretty good!? That’s not good enough.” You and Sandy cowered and hugged each other as Artist MK yelled at you two. “You asked me to help paint your boat and that’s what I’m gonna do. I won’t stop until it’s perfect!” 
“I think it’s already perfect, MK.” You decided to stay, and he glared at you, making you even more nervous.
There was a small beat of silence, Artist MK’s eye twitched, then he attacked.
Sandy stood in front of you, hoping his natural strength could hold Artist MK back, but Artist MK’s funky mystic monkey powers easily kicked Sandy’s butt. Startled, you were powered up again, much like how you were back at the Weather Station, instead this time, the waves of the water became harsh, rocking the boat.
This didn’t intimidate the Artist Clone, and he ended up tying you and Sandy up before returning to his painting.
“Hey.” Sandy whispered to you, tied up suspended in the air. “Since when could you do that? The water thing?”
Ah, you forgot he was technically a water demon…
“The water thing? Just now, but apparently I’ve been unlocking these wacky abilities since Red Son took over the Weather Station. Remember when I punched that Bull Clone?” Your boss nodded. “Well, I also was covered in electricity, which totally short circuited the clone.”
Sandy nodded in understanding, and for the next few hours, you sat on the ground uncomfortable as Artist MK constantly painted over the murals he made over and over again, complaining about imperfections all the while.
“Yes, yes, the art is seeping into my pores!” Artist MK dragged a pink coated paintbrush across his face with an insane grin. “Just needs… One. More. Coat.” He turned to you and Sandy slowly, scaring the heck out of the two of you. 
“You missed a spot!”
“Where!?” Artist Clone then disappeared in a puff of dust and hair, and the real MK appeared. 
“Hey, MK. Mystic Monkey business?” Sandy asks knowingly, and MK nods. 
“How many of those clones did you make?” You ask curiously, maybe he’d give you an actual answer as to how many he actually made and not just the main three clones from this episode. 
Instead, he yelled out about Mei and rushed off, and you remembered that he’s better off saving her before she probably gets actually obliterated by that claw machine if he didn’t make it like last time. 
“So… now what?” Sandy wiggled a bit, making him swing side to side. 
“I think I can do something…” You replied. You wiggled around some too before one of your LEGO claw hands popped out of the ropes. You grabbed a knife from your pocket. 
“Since when did you have that!?” Sandy helps out in alarm, and you chuckle. 
“Since you hired me? You have quite a few of these just laying around in the store. I actually feel kind of comfortable walking around if I have an unreasonably sharp object to protect me.” You replied, easily cutting the ropes that Artist MK tied you in before freeing Sandy. 
“I don't think that’s a good thing.” Sandy said as you freed him, easily landing on his feet. 
You shrug. “Eh, what else do I have?”
He grabbed the knife from you with an unimpressed look on his face. “Those super strong powers you just admitted to having?”
You stared blankly for a second before pointing finger guns at him. “Touché.” 
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gyusrose · 1 year
➵ the five lovers -> ot5
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⚠︎ fluff, angst
✎ non-idol! au
summary: being alone now, makes you reflect on how much you took for granted your love life.
ot5 x fem.reader
wc: 1 .5k
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“so uh we kiss now?”
Taehyun was probably the one person you knew better than yourself, you spent more time with him than your own parents. growing up together had its advantages, he always had your back no matter what. even when he got ridiculously popular during late middle school-early freshman year, he never forgot about you, how could you not fall? you had trouble figuring out if he was flirting or just being friendly, you seriously couldn’t tell. that was until a summer night before sophomore year..
“i really like you, a lot, not as a friend but you know?”
you almost screamed at that moment, thankful to know that it wasn’t one-sided.
unfortunately as the weeks and months went on, you noticed how much you didn’t act like a couple. yes surely you’ve kissed, but nothing more than a peck and would only hold hands occasionally. nothing changed from your friendship to your ‘romantic relationship’ just the title.
Taehyun noticed as well, that’s when during January he decided to have a talk with you regarding what y’all really where. you both decided to stay off as friends instead since it clearly wasn’t meant to be more than that. you hold nothing but brotherly love towards him still. you were sure of that when you saw him get a girlfriend and felt nothing but happiness for him and so did he when you did.
“you’ve never done this before?”
Yeonjun was a heck of an experience. he was the school’s basketball captain which also meant he had girls at his feet, swooning over him, yet he saw you. it wasn’t out of nowhere of course. over the summer you definitely grew into your face a bit and had a puberty bloom so going into junior year, you were pretty popular as well. destiny put the two of you in the same physics class and it started from there. he sat next to you and somehow always made a conversation with you, it escalated week by week, next thing you know he’s asking you out on a date. obviously you say yes.
he was your first REAL relationship. he made experience everything (if you know what i mean) although you’ve been worried about losing your virginity and feeling ashamed of it, Yeonjun made it as special as it could’ve been. y’all dated for the whole year. since he was a year older than you, he graduated high school. the two of you really wanted to keep dating ‘long distance’ but we all know how that’s pretty much a slow breakup. it didn’t help the fact that he went so far away. he was also surrounded by college girls, even if he denied it, you knew there was definitely a couple of kisses stolen from his friend’s instagram stories. it didn’t take much for the both of you to end it keeping in ‘good terms’.
“you sure you hate me?“
Beomgyu was the last person you’d taught you’d even think about dating. after taking a year to focus on yourself, the moment you got to college you were met with a crazy long-haired boy, bumping into you. he didn’t even say sorry or anything which was already enough to dislike him.
later you found out he was in a rock band, how ‘surprising’. you found this out when your roommate invited you to go with her to one of their gigs since her boyfriend was the lead singer she had extra tickets. you, not knowing he would be there, agreed since you needed to have some fun. your excitement was drained when you saw him playing the electric guitar and he was good, which made you more annoyed.
your roommate invited you to parties and he was always there, he noticed you the first time, after noticing your coldness, he kept bugging you day after day, trying to make you laugh once. the way he pushed your buttons made it almost impossible to not answer back. it became a love-hate friendship in a way? more hate than love. you clearly don’t despise him but you don’t like him at the same time. it wasn’t until during an argument, to shut you up, he smashed his lips into yours and you didn’t hate it? needless to say you both started dating shortly after.
unfortunately you can never enjoy things too much since he got signed with a company and decided to focus on his career and dropping out of university, in no way were you going to try long distance again so the only choice was to break up. you listen to his band’s music from time to time when you’re sad.
“my sister has good taste in friends”
HueningKai was perfect for you. one summer during junior year of college, your roommate , Lea, invited you to a vacation with her family, since you weren’t doing anything during the summer so why not? that’s where you met him. Lea’s younger brother wasn’t…bad looking. you didn’t start immediately dating, in fact y’all started off as friends, very good friends. both of you had a lot in common, some things you never seen someone also like. after the vacation you hung out at their home most of the time.
the both of you didn’t feel any romantic feelings until that one night. it was his 20th birthday and you two somehow ended up ‘accidentally kissing’. you guess you were just really excited for him and ended up kissing him. from there it kind of became awkward. you didn’t know if you should bring it up or just forget about it and pretend it didn’t happen. eventually he brought it up which ended up in a confession. you hesitantly accepted , you liked him but not to such point.
you loved him. yes you did. being with him for two years, making it your longest relationship, he made you love him, so much. he had this other part of him, the crazy one, which you adapted to love. he was like beomgyu but way softer.
this can’t be a happy ending right ? of course not. you got a job opportunity outside of the city and you would be dumb to not take it. once again you went through another break up. we decided to stay as friends and hang out form time to time, meaning once a year.
“i really like you”
Soobin was the love of your life. after three years of being single, you were craving love, wanting someone to be with and just love you, yeah you had your friends but it wasn’t the same. your best friend and coworker noticed this and decided to have a night out and go to the club, you didn’t budge and agreed since you actually needed it, at least to get laid.
you met this jaw dropping handsome guy, which didn’t seems like a club type of person since he looked really reserved wi to himself so for the first time, you started the conversation, thankfully he wasn’t creeped out or anything and continued ending up in exchanging phone numbers. soon you found out who he was, the son of one of the richest man in the country. you were surprised since Soobin was very humble and down-to-earth. you didn’t treat him differently though, knowing he’d probably hate that.
y’all started to go out to different places except his house since he mentioned how his dad was. after a couple of months he asked you out which you obviously said yes to, unknown to his dad but unfortunately he eventually found out and was against it since you weren’t “high class” . Soobin rebelled against this and still found a way to meet up with you one way or another. until one night.
he came with his head down dried tears down his cheeks. you were very confused, his next words explained everything though.
his dad had arranged a marriage with another woman.
your heart crumbled. his dad was too powerful to say no to you understood, but you still spent the next few days sobbing into your pillow. the marriage happened way too soon as well, it was all over the news, now making it impossible to watch television.
you can never have a happily ever after can’t you?
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
Love Changed the Minds of Pretenders
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Pairing ▹ Bucky Barnes x gn. reader
Word Count ▹ 1k
This fic contains ▹ angst, fluff, songfic, unestablished relationship, mentions of sex, mentions of Joaquin x reader, mutual ending of relationship, light beta reading (even though there are no explicit mentions of adult themes, I do not want minors or blank blogs interacting with this fic)
Summary ▹ Do you remember | The 21st night of September?
Notes ▹ I should be asleep right now because I have work at 7am but I just had a random burst of creativity and I needed to let it out. Anyways, this is my submission for @bucks-and-noble Summer Send Off. Thank you @buckets-and-trees and @sgt-seabass for creating this challenge and refueling my love for Bucky. And a special shoutout to the book club! I am so happy I met y'all and I am beyond grateful for the bond we have created 💖 Fun fact: This is my first ever Bucky fic woop woop!! Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed! 😊
Prompt ▹ use a lyric [from September by Earth Wind and Fire] as direct inspiration for a theme/idea
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September 21, 2022. 10:02 pm.
The night you met Bucky Barnes. 
Of all places, you met Bucky at a bar. The same bar where your friend performed their first live show and they invited you to watch. You weren’t expecting to meet anyone that night. Your heart had been broken only a few weeks prior. 
Everyone thought: Was he a rebound? A distraction?
No. He was so much more than that. It could have been easy to feel that way fresh out of heartbreak. Even more so when outsiders were constantly questioning what you and Bucky really were. But there was clearly a reason Bucky showed up in your life after this period of hurting. 
Bucky gave you love and security. He made you feel safe when he took you to the movies, when he made love to you, when you slept peacefully in his strong arms. You always thanked him for the things he did to make you feel secure and loved. He’d reply with his typical phrase, “I’m glad I make you feel that way.” 
He welcomed you into his home, his life, and his heart after many years of keeping the door locked and the key tucked away. Waking up and stroking your face before pressing a kiss to your dry lips was something that made your love for him stronger. Then after an hour or so of getting tangled between the sheets, you both would jump in the shower, gently caressing one another with soapy hands. Breakfast with Bucky was another tender ritual that you cherished. Whether it was at 10 in the morning or 1 in the afternoon, you never skipped breakfast with him.
He challenged your negative thoughts and beliefs. You and Bucky would stay on the phone until 3 in the morning talking about the universe, aliens, and other conspiracy theories. The two of you would ponder on the purpose of your lives and the ways of the universe. One thing you both were certain about was that you wanted your lives to be fulfilling and meaningful. Your world expanded and bloomed with beauty and wonder because of him. You wanted to be better and so did he.
Bucky made you believe in love again. And you made Bucky believe in love again.
As the months passed, everything was splendid. Perfect, even. But with perfection, there’s always something lacking. Of course, you wouldn’t have seen what was lacking if it slapped you in the face.
After 10 months of dating Bucky, you finally revealed your love for him. Now, Bucky wasn’t the type to say it. Heck, he didn’t even say “I love you” to his sister unless she said it first. Yet that wasn’t a deal breaker because he expressed his love in other ways. 
“I love you, too. I know your feelings for me are strong, but I don’t know if I can give you what you want.” 
It was understandable. He did mention in the beginning that he wanted to casually date. You forgot that you wanted the same thing. Man that felt like such a long time ago. Time really does fly when you start to fall in love. And hard you fell.
You hid your disappointment by making more excuses as to why being committed to Bucky would not be in the cards. First, there was the long distance. Then, there was the uncertainty about both of your futures. For a couple that talked a lot about your ambitions, you both lacked the confidence in where you would go in life. As the list of reasons piled up, there was one that made your brain fuzzy and your heart swell.
That reason was Joaquin Torres.
You met Joaquin through your cousin. There was an instant attraction between the two of you yet neither of you pursued each other. If you had gone for Joaquin, you would not have created the world you had with Bucky. So when your feelings for Joaquin grew stronger than your feelings for Bucky, you knew you had to take action before someone got hurt. 
Contrary to your belief, no one got hurt. You were transparent with Joaquin about your status with Bucky, and he understood. When you revealed to Bucky your feelings for Joaquin, he too understood. 
“Listen, angel, I know you. You know what you want in your life and you don’t let anything get in the way of that. I do love you, but who am I to stand in the way of living the life you want. You’ve let people tell you how to live your life for so long and now it’s my turn to stop that cycle. If this is what you want, don’t let me stop you.”
You and Bucky shared beautiful memories over the 10 months of being together, but the words he said to you on August 8, 2023 will always be ingrained in your brain for the rest of your life. That night was the last time you spoke to him and saw his face, even though it was over a video call.
“I’m grateful for having you in my life,” you confessed to him, trying not to cry. You couldn’t figure out if it was because you were surprised this conversation went way better than you thought or because you were saying goodbye.
Bucky grinned, “No need to get all sappy on me, angel.” You shared a final laugh together. “Well, if you ever find yourself in the city, you know where to find me.”
Part of you wanted to make a joke about how you’d run into him at the bar where you met, but you stopped yourself. Instead, you replied:
“You got it, Buck.”
And that marked the end of you and Bucky. 
You and Bucky’s love was never meant to fail. Yet it was never meant to succeed. Perhaps it was just meant to simply exist. 
But who knows, maybe that fateful night in August was not the end. Only time could tell. That was the beauty of time and the universe. You can plan and make certain choices, but ultimately, the universe will lead you to where you’re meant to be.
Now, it’s September 21, 2023. No, Bucky is not in the picture, but your thoughts are with him. 
Do you remember? Yes, you remember. You always will.
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
How do you feel about a fluffy Abby x reader where Abby is stressed to heck and back and reader soft doms her in order to help her relax and unwind. I'd prefer it sfw as I'm not super comfortable with smut (I know, kinda odd, given the soft dom aspect) if that's all good.
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Abby Anderson x G/N!Reader 
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Like one curse word, mentions of abby going through it lol, mentions of wounds? ( brief )
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - so sorry this took so long!!! ily!! also enjoying the new blog looks :)))
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You'd gotten home late, but not as late as she had.
Standing in front of the shared bathrooms' mirror, you dried face off after washing it, the hot water from the shower continuing to steam up the bathroom. But the door had been left ajar, giving you fresh air as you turned to hang the towel back up.
"Fuck I forgot my clothes." You heard her mutter, quietly talking into the air as if you weren't there. "I already got your clothes for you babe. Next to the sink, like always."
You heard her mumble a quiet 'thank you' as you walked out, moving to go sit on the bed while you waited for her to be done.
Though, despite the very short conversation, and the sad and strained undertone in her voice, you were grateful. Grateful that for the past week, she'd made it home alive, unscathed besides a few wounds you'd patch up for her.
Silently, of course, because lately it seemed as if she could barely catch a moment of silence.
Nonstop. Working. Fighting. Mission after mission.
You loved your girlfriend, you did, but sometimes you wanted to beat her over the head with a bat and ask her to just take a break.
And finally, she is. A few days, in fact, unless of course that stupid man wants her back out there for an 'emergency only she can handle'.
He, quite frankly, could get bit, and you wouldn't bat an eye.
"Hey." You broke yourself from your thoughts, turning your head to face her, a smile finding its way onto your lips. "Hey there, what can I do for you?"
As if your voice was magic, her shoulders dropped and the thin line on her face turned upwards. The bed sinking as she began to crawl lean towards you.
"How was your day?" You then asked, Abby moving to lay her entire body over yours and lay her head on your stomach, smiling at your laughter.
"You tired?" She hummed, letting out a quiet noise when you ran your hands through her wet hair, scratching at her scalp. Not minding how wet your shirt got because of her hair, you were just glad she was here.
"I missed you today." You then said, looking forward as she huffed. "Let me guess, Isaac made you leave as early as humanly possible?"
You felt her silently laugh, glancing up at you as she finally spoke.
"Yeah, but he also said that I need to get more sleep so I can be 'on top of my game' whatever the hell that means." You snorted, looking up at the ceiling, rubbing your sore eyes. "What an idiot." You groaned.
"You've been working all week, m'just glad you're finally off."
"Yeah but I still have to do that run for him in a few days, and he wants me to take a group and run it and–"
You tapped her lips, making her eyes flicker towards you once more.
"You're off." You whispered. "How about we forget about Isaac in all his dumbassary and instead, we relax." She opened her mouth but you shook your head making her grumble.
"Sit up, let me braid your hair." "Why?" Abby ran her hand over her face, muttering a few quiet complaints. "Because we both know you'll complain about 'how your hair dried; and that 'it's knotted' as soon as you wake up."
Abby, with dramatic eye roll, sat up and turned around, showing you the back of her head.
"Thank you." You hummed, a soft smile on your lips as your brushed her hair back with your nails. "Yeah, yeah." "Mm, don't start with that. When I'm done, you're sleeping, understand?"
"But what about the stupid report, Isaac said to give it to him in the morn–" "The morning ends at eleven fifty-nine. He doesn't need the report at eight o'clock on the dot Abs." She huffed once more, leaning back towards your hands as you began the braid.
"Fine. What about Nora? She said she could use my help tomorrow, and since I have the day off–"
"Abigail, you are staying in this damn room the entire day tomorrow even if I have to chain you to the bedpost."
You tied the braid, setting your hands on her shoulders as you leaned over to kiss her cheek.
"You're relaxing, that's final." Your voice had quieted, leaning against her shoulder while taking in her smell. Closing your eyes in content.
"You help everyone, always. Tomorrow, me and you, that's it. I make myself clear, babe?"
"Yeah. Thank you." Abby leaned her head towards you, asking silently for another kiss to her cheek, which you gave her. Then kissing her forehead.
"Lay down. Bedtime."
Abby complied moving to lay beside you, facing your frame while you turned back to turn the lamp off. Rolling over to face her, pulling her body towards your own.
"I love you, cuddlebug." You felt her smile against you at the use of her despised nickname, yet she was too tired to fight it.
"Love you more babe."
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yoyomomiko · 23 days
Friends with a secret
CHAPTER 4 - (💖)
Craig Tucker x F!reader
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Summary: When you and your mother move into South Park, you expect everything to be horrible. Luckily, you find comfort in your new friend group. Despite their warnings about Craig Tucker and his gang, you still managed to befriend the boy. But, there's something more to it, and you're not sure how much longer you can keep it as a secret, or how much longer you can keep it away from your friend, Craig.
(A/N): I finally finished writing this chapter it took sooo long ^⁠_⁠^ For some reason the end is rushed, and this chapter is actually very cringe (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠) + English isn't my first language!!
WORDS: 2.5k+
< CHAPTER 3 — CHAPTER 5 > (uncompleted)
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To your horror, Kyle found out you were talking with Craig. You had to expect it, I mean he's your neighbor, and the fact that you walked home with Craig didn't help at all. Cartman was glad, saying things about how he can't wait to throw you out the friend group, to wich the rest dismissed instantly.
"I told you guys, chicks just aren't fit for us." Cartman spoke again, putting his hands up in defense. Stan groaned at his stupid words, shaking his head in disapproval. They all wanted to keep you away from Craig, they were sure he was a bad influence on you. "That's pretty gay." Kenny's words were muffled as he sighed at him as well.
While they were all bickering, Kyle couldn't find out why you were hanging out with him out of all people. Sure, he couldn't control who you liked or who you befriended, and he certainly didn't want to do that, but why him out of all the other kids? Craig hated them, and usually tried humiliating them, that's one of the main reasons Stan, Kenny, Kyle and Cartman had the same feelings for the 'annoying' boy. Kyle surely had to talk to you, he just had to wait for you to sit down at their table again.
You showed up, the grip on your tray tightening as you saw their disappointed faces. You raised a brow as you slowly sat down, examining them one by one. Except Cartman, you'd probably vomit if you looked at him for too long. You weren't sure why they looked at you that way. Your hand quickly came up to your mouth, wiping the corners, thinking that maybe you had something on your face. But that wasn't the problem at all.
"So, Y/N, it has come to our observation that you're talking with Craig?" Stan inquired, his fingers interwining together as he held his elbows up on the table, acting like a boss hiring his employee. You couldn't lie, not to them, so you came clean and told the truth about yesterday.
"Well maybe it's because some jerks decided to leave me all alone and walk home without me. So then Craig just simply came up to me, since apparently we live in the same direction." You argued honestly, crossing your arms over your chest, a little upset. Stan's brows raised and he glanced towards Kyle, who was already looking at him.
"Oh, yeah. We forgot about that..." Stan spoke up, voice barely above a whisper. Kyle nodded, gazing towards you, his lips forming a thin line. "Yeah, uh, we were rushing home, we wanted to just get done with our homework, and play some games..." Kyle answered, looking to the side to avoid eye contact. Stan nodded quickly. "You took too long- OW dude what the heck dude?" Stan added, but was cut off by Kyle stomping on his foot under the table, all the while the ginger boy was forcing a smile.
"Listen, I don't get what's so bad about him." You gained their attention back. You leaned on the table, cheek on one of your palms. "He's nice, nothing like how you guys described him." You continued, thinking back to yesterday with a small smile you didn't even know you had. Cartman scoffed at that, rolling his eyes.
"He's been trying to embarrass us for God knows how long!" Stan spoke up, very confused and a little frustrated you didn't agree with them. "Yeah, told you guys, we shouldn't waste our time on her." Cartman tried to reason with them, but Kenny quickly nudged his shoulder to shut up, wich Cartman clearly didn't appreciate.
You didn't want to hear all of their stupid bickering, so you sighed and stood up, picking up your tray and leaving off to Bebe's and Wendy's lunch table. You decided it would be better to spend more time with girls, since the boys clearly weren't a better option. Atleast not Stan and the rest.
You sat down with them, eating and talking. While you were talking, you would often turn your gaze towards Craig's table, only for a split second so nobody would notice. Except one of them did, and it was Craig himself. The moment you turned around to look towards him, you were met with his own eyes, staring back at you. Your lips slowly parted in shock, raising your brows, a little embarrassed at being caught staring at him. Craig looked at you, up and down, before flipping you off and continuing to talk with his own friends.
"Hello, Earth to Y/N?" Bebe waved her hand in front of your face, snapping you away from your daze. You shook your head quickly, turning back to them, dropping the smile you didn't even know you held. You glanced towards Bebe.
"Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking." You defended yourself, shaking your head softly again. You continued eating, meanwhile Wendy smirked, eyeing you up and down, before going back to talking and eating as well. You felt a little embarrassed, but that quickly passed by.
You were over at Kyle's house, along with Stan. The three of you quickly finished your homework, and then jumped straight to video games. You were glad you had people to kill the time with, since your mother wasn't home most of the time. It seemed that they forgot all about Craig, or maybe they just chose to ignore it so they don't make you upset.
Some time around 6 PM, you went back home and so did Stan. You entered your house, taking off your jacket and throwing it on the couch. You plopped down on the kitchen chair. You were glad Kyle's mom made dinner, and suggested you and Stan sat down to eat with them because she accidentally made extra dinner. Your mom wasn't home yet, it'll probably be another hour until she comes back, so you didn't really have much to do. Your bedtime was in about four to five hours, so what else could you do?
Your friends... They didn't call you. They promised, but they never did. Not even once, and it's already been past a whole week. Maybe they forgot to do so, or they were busy. Or maybe they forgot about you. If they didn't call you, you could surely call them, couldn't you? Yes, that's it, that's what you had to do! Hopefully they'll answer. I mean, they surely will, won't they?
You rushed to the phone that was in the living room, dialing your bestest friend's number. You waited impatiently, the phone ringing in your ear. After a few seconds, it cut to voicemail. You pursed your lips, head tilting down as you narrowed your eyes. Maybe she was busy... You pondered about leaving a voicemail, but you decided not to. You went to the next friend, and the next, and then the next... All to no avail. None of them responded. They couldn't all be busy, could they? Did they not want to see you again? Were they glad that you left?
It's been about half an hour of you trying to contact all of your friends, but none of them answered. Not even one. Maybe it was late, wasn't it? But it was only 6 PM! Maybe they did hate you, didn't they? You had to guess, if you were honest, they never really liked you, did they? They didn't invite you to their stupid sleepovers, trying to find excuses about how there's too many girls, or how their parents don't allow them. They always tried pushing you away, didn't they? You had it coming. You ignored all of that, stupidly believing them, trying to reassure yourself that they did in fact care. But you knew they didn't. You knew they didn't care at all.
Just then, you heard a knock on your door, making you flinch at the three consecutive knocks. You whipped your head around, looking towards the front door. Was it Kyle? Maybe you forgot something back at his place. Or was it your mother? Maybe you accidentally locked the door. You walked towards the door, slowly turning the doorknob. It wasn't locked. Then it must've been Kyle. You opened it wider, only to be met with that familiar face.
"Craig?" Your eyes shot wide, definetly not expecting him to show up at your door. You raised a brow once you made sure it was all real, looking at him, a little skeptical about all this. Craig looked unbothered, his eyes scanning the furniture behind you, before turning his gaze back to you.
"Hey." He simply said, shrugging his shoulders. "What are you doing here?" You asked, visibly confused. "Did you do your homework?" He questioned, and you were wondering why he even asked that. "Yeah, I did it with Kyle and Stan." You shrug your shoulders. It was so weird! Why did he just come here if all he wanted to do was ask if you did your homework!
He narrowed his eyes a bit at the mention of the names. "Oh, right, your friends." He closed his eyes for a second, before staring at you again. "Then that means I can copy your homework, right?" He requested, to wich you raised your eyebrows. "That's why you came all the way over here? To ask me that? Couldn't you do it at school?" You squinted your eyes at him, wich earned a groan from his lips.
"Just say no if you don't wanna help me out." He spoke up, and you nodded. "I never said I didn't want to." You glanced away. Gosh, this was awkward...
"Come in, my mom's gonna be here in about half an hour." You informed him, all while he walked in. This was so weird, embarrassing even. Craig Tucker was in your house. He just came there to copy your homework? Couldn't he go with that guy, what was his name, Clyde? He just chose you out of all people? You didn't mind having him over, and surely your mother wouldn't either, but you had to admit that it was pretty weird. Were you dreaming? No, no way. This wasn't a dream. Why did he even come this late?
"So are you just gonna stand there or what?" Craig snapped you back to reality and away from your thoughts. You quickly nodded and rushed to get your homework, setting it on the kitchen table and motioning for him to come take a seat, wich he did. He pulled out his notebook and started copying what you've written down, completely ignoring you. Was he using you?
"Why did you come here?" You asked, earning a sigh from him. "I thought maybe we could do our homework together, but you did it with the twinks." You were even more confused now. "Why do you wanna do it with me?" You asked, leaning closer to him. Craig leaned back in his seat, eyes narrowing. "Because I thought we were friends?" He replied hesitantly, glancing to the side.
Your eyes shot wide, but quickly snapped back to reality. "You... Really wanna be my friend?" You asked, not expecting him to actually just offer himself like that. He nodded with a raised brow. "Aren't we already friends?" He questioned, the same monotone voice. "We are?"
He closed his eyes, head leaning back as he groaned before chuckling. The sound was adorable, you had to admit. "Well now we are." He replied, looking at you. You nodded, the corners of your lips tugging upwards.
"That had to be the awkwardest moment of my entire life." You admited, mumbling, softly placing your head over your arms, wich were resting on the kitchen table. Craig nodded, continuing to write and copy off your homework, changing some stuff here and there. "Trust me, I've had worse." He muttered, focused more on writing.
Craig had left before your mother came home, and he rushed back to his own house. You just stayed up watching TV until 10 PM, when your mother told you that you should get ready for bed.
That's all you remember from yesterday.
Right now you were over at Stan's house. School had already passed, and the guys asked you to hang out, wich you quickly agreed to. You had done your homework along with Craig earlier, and luckily you weren't given much work to do, since some of your teachers felt bad to do so in the very first week of school. Surprisingly, Craig was smart. He ended up helping you a lot more than you did yesterday.
Enough about Craig... You were thinking about him too much.
The five of you were playing some stupid board game in wich you were clearly losing. You didn't pay much attention to it, it didn't enlighten you, you only agreed to playing with them because Stan practically begged you to.
"I win!" Kenny's muffled voice made you turn to him. Stan scoffed, shaking his head. "No way dude, you cheated!" He quickly pointed out, to wich Kenny crossed his arms. "Not my fault you don't know how to play." Kenny spoke, wich of course, came out in more muffles. You had a hard time understanding what he said at first, but now it's way easier. "Okay guys, calm down." Kyle tried removing the humorous "tension" between the two. "Shut the fuck up Kahl Kenny cheated and he knows it." Cartman spoke up, his voice ringing in your ears, more like scratching your brain.
"Listen, why's Craig so bad?" You suddenly asked, all eyes on you. "Because, dipshit." Cartman rolled his eyes at you. "He's always trying to humiliate us." Stan replied, his brows narrowing. "And that's that?" You asked, raising a brow. "I've never seen him even try! That's just... Stupid!" You continued, glancing at the board and making up gestures with your hands. "You just didn't see him do it yet, but trust me-" "He's nice! Never did I see him- I don't know..." You trailed off, not wanting to argue. Kyle nodded his head. "Yeah, Y/N's right..." He started, earning a dramatic gasp from Cartman. "He hasn't done anything to us by now, so why can't we just... Forget the past?" Kyle continued, glancing towards you.
"You're even crazier Kahl, what the FUCK is wrong with you? I'm telling you, Y/N is a bad influence on you-" Cartman responded to Kyle, eyes wide. "No, I'm being for real!" Kyle continued. "What's so bad about... Apologizing for all the shit we've put him through in the past? Maybe he'll also apologize-" "No way dude!" Stan cut him off. Kenny was just watching, staring in shock.
"Come on, just a chance!" You begged, holding your hands together, interwined. Stan contemplated, thinking for a few seconds. "Fine..." He finally gave in, to wich Kenny finally nodded and gave a thumbs up. Cartman wasn't too happy about it, he didn't like apologizing. He probably won't, but it's not like you care about what he does.
Finally, you could hang out with all of them without rivalry in between.
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★yoyomiko ★miko
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
🦐- Talk about a time when you made yourself laugh or cry?
Heyyy sorry this took so long I've been a lot busier than I thought! (From this WIP shop ask game!)
🦐- Talk about a time when you made yourself laugh or cry?
Believe it or not, I don't make myself cry. But I make myself laugh so here's stuff that made me laugh! Longer post to justify the time you had to wait:
From The Secret Portal Part One (Robbie POV)
“Also, I just turned thirteen today, so I’m not a child.” “A child means someone between infancy and puberty,” Akash confirmed. “He definitely has hit puberty. Do you want me to tell you about the erection he got—” “Okay, that’s enough!” I spat out the words as fast as I could. Akash laughed.
From The Secret Portal Part One (Ash POV)
“Ah, yes!” George said. “Well, the cheese from cowyotes is incredible.” “From what?” Liam repeated. “Cowyotes.” “That sounds like a shitpost.”
From The Secret Portal Part One (Akash POV)
I gasped in realization. “Robbie, is there any chance you forgot to take your Adderall?” “What? Of course I—” His face went slack and he bolted to his feet. “Shit, shit, shit. My parents were on the night shift all week—” “Pretty sure it’s your responsibility,” I said, half-joking. “I know, but I had projects and—” “I told you: set an alarm.” “Okay, I get it—” “Just go home and get it.” “Yes.” Robbie stood still for a second, then bolted toward the hallway. “I’m going home!”
From The Secret Portal Part One (Robbie POV)
“You thinking about something?” Akash asked at the table as I stared at the bowl in front of me. “Have you ever thought about how cereal is like the skeleton of milk?” “You’re implying that milk is meat, and I don’t like that at all.” “Milk has fat—yes, I’m implying that it’s meat.” “So milk is cereal that’s, like, boneless?” “Exactly.” “However, some people have cereal dry, which means that the cereal is a fatless skeleton, but we add fat if we feel the need.” “Does that make the bowl the flesh?” “Of course it does.” “So we’re eating the insides right out of the skin?” Akash paused. “Yes.” “Terrifyingly morbid,” I said, taking a huge bite of my soggy bowl-innards. “Some people have fruit in their cereal,” Akash pointed out. “What are those?” “Organs?” I suggested. “Sure, why not?” “I just realized something even more morbid.” “What?” “So we keep the bones in its own separate box, we keep the meat refrigerated in a liquid state, it’s already disemboweled, and we keep its empty flesh sack in a dark room with other flesh sacks.” “What the heck are you guys talking about?” I looked up to see Sammy in the doorway, her hair a mess from just getting out of bed. “You’re up early,” I noted. Sammy shrugged. “I got hungry.” “You want some disemboweled innards served directly in the flesh sack?” Akash asked, holding up his bowl. Sammy pressed her eyebrows together in a disturbed expression. “I think I’ll get toast.”
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Lexi POV)
“Is that a dragon?” Hye-Jin whispered to me. “Nah, that’s just Gabriel,” I whispered back. “Hey, Gabriel!” I said as we neared.
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Robbie POV)
I turned back to Akash. “Well, we’d better eat our sandwich before it gets cold.” “They weren’t hot to begin with,” Akash said, smirking as he finally picked up his sandwich from the plate. “Maybe not yours, but mine got ‘Sexiest Sandwich Alive’ back in 2022.” Akash almost choked on his sandwich. He swallowed his food and finally laughed.
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Akash POV)
I made eye contact with Robbie, who raised his eyebrows as if to say, “Dude, what the hell?” I furrowed my brow to say, “What are you talking about?” He looked at Gwen, then back at me, which implied he was saying, “Dude, your girlfriend.” I cocked my head to ask, “What about her?” Robbie sighed as if to say, “What a dumbass.” I gestured to the chessboard to tell him, “What about watching Ty get his ass kicked?” Robbie widened his eyes as he tilted his head toward the elevator, telling me, “Gwen wants to spend time with you alone, you idiotic nut box.” I opened my mouth in an “O” as if to say, “Oh, yeah, she does.” Robbie rolled his eyes as he turned to Lexi beside him, as if to tell her, “Can you believe this joker?” Lexi laughed, somehow having followed the whole conversation.
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Akash POV)
“Hey, guys.” Parker flicked his hand, summoning his remaining breakfast to his newly-picked table on light current of air. “What’s up?” “Me,” I said, causing Robbie to snicker. “Are we still on for practice today?” “Uh, yeah of course,” said Parker as Wade joined our table. “Your joke sucked. You’re sitting down. We’ll have to work on that.” “Is part of being an air-molecule-manipulating person good humor?” “I thought it was until you came.” “Give him a break, Parker.” “He made a bad joke, Wade! What am I supposed to say.” I ate my bowl-innards so I didn’t have to reply. Yeah, it was a bad joke, but it was the anti-humor that made it funny! “The fact that it was bad made it good,” Robbie defended. I smiled smugly at Parker through my cereal-filled mouth. Thanks, Robbie. “Humor is a subjective but meticulous craft,” said Parker. “The joke needs to make sense to be funny, and considering that you are not up, it doesn’t make sense.” “But I’m a flyer,” I protested. “That’s the logic.” “You said it when you were down!” Parker protested. “That would be like Jazlyn saying, ‘I’m so hot!’ when she’s not on fire!” “I’m gay, but Jazlyn’s objectively hot,” said Wade. “Totally not the point,” said Parker. “You’re taking this too seriously.” Parker laughed, throwing his head back. “Serious? Me?! That’s a first. Could you tell that to Mrs. Holladay? Besides, I’m just helping the kid out.” “You’re, like, two years older than me,” I pointed out. “Regardless, I’m helping you out. Watch, I’ll make your joke work.” In a fast yet graceful move, Parker thrust his hands out and up in a swooshing movement, causing a gust of wind to suddenly lift me out of my seat and a handful of yards in the air.
From School of the Legends Year One (compilation since I don't have to deal with narrators)
He was an old man with a farmer’s tan due to being, well, a farmer who was also old.
Tierney was jolted awake that morning in two ways. The first jolt was from Jarred rapidly knocking on the door to his room. The second was a literal jolt of static shock from the friction his body caused from sliding against both the fitted sheet beneath him, as well as the duvet covering him, when he jumped from the first jolt. He yelped at both, causing Jarred to laugh from outside the door. Tierney scrambled out of bed and practically ran to the door--bare feet sliding on the hardwood floors--threw the door open, and jabbed his finger into Jarred’s side, causing Jarred to let out a rather embarrassing “eep!” as the static shock pierced through his cotton clothes, and he jumped back, almost falling over when his feet slipped on the carpet beneath him. Now it was Tierney’s turn to laugh. Jarred regained his balance and pointed a finger at Tierney as a mock threat. “You’re dead.” “Not if I kill you first!” Tierney said, jumping out at Jarred, who bolted down the hall. Tierney followed his brother with his hand outstretched, making extra sure to drag his feet on the carpet to keep up the static, even if it slowed his pace. Jarred turned a corner and made an “oof!” sound as he ran into Ritchie--both falling over, causing Tierney to trip over both of them and crash to the ground.
“Why are we less mature than our ten-year-old sister?” Tierney asked, sitting up to join his brothers. “Don’t worry, she’ll mature less when she’s older,” said Jarred, rising to his feet.
This was a chance to show that he was special. He wasn't just the third-born son of the English king who blew things up. He was gifted. He could learn magic and maybe even master potions! He looked at the potions on his desk and smiled. Maybe he could figure out how to not blow things up while he was there.
If Jack had a euro for every time he had climbed a magically-overgrown plant today, he’d have two euros. That wasn't a lot of euros, but it was weird that it happened twice.
“I’ve always wanted to play the harp,” said Jack, admiring it. “Since when?” “You don’t know everything about me.”
Yay, this was fun I hope! Sorry again for the delay.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
SOTL intro
SOTL tag list (ask to be +/-): @illarian-rambling @katwritesshit @wyked-ao3
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laughaprist · 4 days
oooooh golly
soo…. valley scientists…
been cooking up things for temps past in this au!!!
(this is probably gonna be all over the place and formated weird but please ignore that🙏)
stuff under cut i just didn’t want this to look really long🤑🤑
so, temp and laugh were assigned roommates in university. 
-temp majors in bio + chemistry (double major… freaking nerd…) 
 -he studied bio because he wanted to figure out  why he had that eye, and then chem because potion :o
-laugh is a business major, obviously
now, temp has never really had a friend, hes just a SUPER shy guy. and it doesn’t help that his parents are freaking rich and and always hosting parties and hes too shy to talk to anyone. he usually just sits in the corner and tries not to look at people.
temp warms up to laugh, and eventually asks him if he wants to go to one of these parties because he’s always bored there and needs someone to talk to.
(took a lot for him to do, good job temp!)
and laugh is like “heck yeah!” (hes a business man! what else can he say?) so yeah they go to parties together, yay!
and temps parents! golly!
PENELOPE LEMON (aka temps mom)
-temps mom is just ecstatic that temp has a friend, shes so happy.
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-i have tried to put this into words but i feel like this describes her personality so well in a way i cannot explain
-she’s basically just the super supportive mom, “laugh’s so sweet! im so glad temprist found a friend!”
-uhm can’t figure out how to put this in words as well but here’s something ace said!!!!
“I can imagine like months Later Temprist’s mom is talking about a family dinner that their planning and randomly asks Temprist “Is Laugh coming?” And he’s just sitting there confused before saying “why would he? I thought it was family only” 
“Well he’s practically family sweetie, you need to invite him”
Idk when they would have this discussion because Temprist would still be living at University but maybe a party or something”
i love her so much💔💔 shes too sweet
JAMES LEMON (aka temps dad..)
-genuinely thinks laugh and temp are dating (would never… temp is so aroace…)
-“i think my son is gay”/ref
-he HATES laugh. doesn’t really know how to like get him though (like he wants laugh OUT of here)
-another ace writing because it was a really good (i forgot the word wtf) and explains what james thinks of laugh well 
“Temprist goes to the bathroom and Laugh is left alone 
Temprist father: so, raugh
Laugh: It’s Laugh actually
TF: Tsk tsk tsk, Raugh, talking back to your elders aye
Laugh: no- i just met-
TF: you know I don’t understand how my son could like someone like you
Laugh: huh?
TF: i mean, someone like Temprist, shy, introverted boy who has barley even talked to someone before “Friends” with someone like you, a rambunctious druggie
Laugh: haha, druggie? I mean im not-
TF: I mean, do you ever think that maybe he’s only bringing you here because your his roommate and he feels obligated to, i mean that could always be a possibility, he probably just didn’t want you to think he was getting drunk every night or have you think your getting left out
Casually leaves
Laugh: how the fuck does that make sense- does he hate me that much?
Temprist: Hey Laugh, everything good?
Laugh: hmm? Oh yeah! Im good”
(tf: temprists father, this was before we named him LOL)
ok i think thats all for temps university + parent stuff
hopefully i didn’t forget anything
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Hello again! Ask 2 of 3, please don't feel obligated to do all of them!
For this one can I request Genesis Rhapsodos and a medium bouquet of Aspidistra with Lilly and Hyacinth?
Working together as SOLIDER and reassuring Genesis who seems to always seems to place second to Sephiroth that he was already your hero to begin with and didn't need to always beat his rival to prove his worth.
Thank you!
Okay, first of all, I'm so sorry that it took me so long to finish this but it took me three drafts to figure out what I want to do with this amazing combinations of prompts. I really hope you like the result. <3
Prompts: Hurt/comfort, mutual pining, “Don’t let what they say bring you down. That’s what they want.” + “You’re my hero.” (1k followers event: Vani’s flower shop)
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When you try your best but you don’t succeed – Genesis Rhapsodos x gn!reader 
The clock almost strikes midnight when you’re finally done with your most recent mission report. You hate the paperwork that comes with your job but you know from experience that Director Lazard sets great value on these things. (That, and you still remember the lecture he gave you the last time you forgot to hand in your reports in time.) 
With a sigh, you put your pen down and close the file in front of you. Today has been hell, for an abundance of reasons, and you’re tired and stressed out. Your head feels like it’s going to explode if you stay here any longer. Heck, even your eyes hurt from staring at the papers in front of you for who knows how long. 
You raise your arms above your head, stretching your back that makes an unsettling cracking noise, and yawn. Heavens above, you can’t wait to get home, take a hot shower and then head straight to bed. If only home wasn’t so far away… 
For a brief second, you consider spending the rest of the night in one of the on-call rooms the newer recruits sometimes use when they basically have to be on duty 24/7, but if you’re being honest to yourself, nothing can beat the comfort of your own bed. So, you heave to your feet and grab your jacket. Time to finally leave this place. For today, at least.
Your footsteps reverberate with the tall walls as you make your way down the hallway, past the well-stocked armory and the briefing room. At this time of the day (or night, rather), everything’s eerily quiet, a harsh contrast to the usual hustle and bustle that has a lock on floor 49 throughout the day. The sudden silence, paired with the dim lights, is almost a bit creepy – and you start to wonder if there’s something lurking in the shadows, waiting for you to let your guard down. The next second, you roll your eyes. Just because it’s late, you don’t need to act like you’re in a horror movie. Everything’s fine.
Just a second later, the door right next to you slides open. With a yelp, you jump backwards, your heart racing as if it wants to jump right out of your chest, and you raise your arms, ready to defend yourself. Only then do you recognize that the supposed intruder is not an intruder at all. No, it’s Genesis, and the expression in his eyes makes it very clear that your reaction amuses him. “My, what have I done to deserve this?” 
“Goodness, Genesis, you scared the hell out of me,” you say, still a little breathless. 
“My sincerest apologies.”
“Shut up. We both know you don’t mean that.”
“You’re right. I don’t.”
You laugh. Even after years of working together, his dry remarks sometimes still catch you off-guard. “You’re so stupid.”
“And you’re especially cruel today, (Y/N).” He sounds like he’s about to pout, and you laugh again. “Hey, I’m not the one who’s hanging around at headquarters to scare innocent bypassers.”
“Alright, first of all, I’m not hanging around, and secondly, you’re far from an innocent bypasser. You looked like you were about to rip my head off,” Genesis says. You slap him across the arm. “Now you’re exaggerating. I was just ready to defend myself.”
“Against what? Your shadow?”
“Oh, shut up, will you? What are you doing here anyways? You had a day off, no?”
Genesis shrugs, the smile slowly fading from his face. “Training,” he replies, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world to spend your spare time at headquarters to train. You raise your eyebrows. “For what?”
“To get better, of course.”
You frown. “But you’re already an excellent fighter.”
“There’s always room for improvement, (Y/N).”
It’s not a secret that Genesis is highly ambitious. Everyone knows that he always strives to excel not only himself but also everyone else. And while you agree that a bit of extra training can only be a good thing, you feel like there’s more to it this time. Something about the way he presses his lips together and carefully avoids your gaze tells you that something must have happened throughout the day to trigger him like this. 
“What did Sephiroth do?” you ask. 
“Who says he did something?” comes the reply, quick like a shot. 
You sigh. “Gen, whenever you’re spending an unhealthy amount of time with training it has something to do with Sephiroth. So, what happened?”
Genesis doesn’t answer right away. But when he finally speaks again, he sounds so discouraged that you have to resist the urge to pull him into your arms then and there. “The director assigned me to a difficult mission a couple of days ago. This morning, he informed me that he decided to give it to Sephiroth instead.”
“What? Why on earth would he do that?”
“I don’t know. He didn’t bother to explain his reasons to me.”
“Perhaps he needs you for another mission.”
“Or perhaps he thinks I’m simply not strong enough to deal with this task. Unlike Sephiroth, of course, because we all know that he never fails.” Genesis doesn’t even try to hide the bitterness that’s seeping into his voice now. “No matter how much I train, they will never choose me over him.”
“Oh Genesis,” you say, softly, and take a step towards him to wrap your arms around him. His muscles tense up, and he makes no move to hug you back but at least, he doesn’t pull away from your touch. “I hate that he makes me feel like I’ll never be good enough.”
You haven’t expected that much honesty from him. Even though you’re one of his closest friends, Genesis has never shown his insecure and vulnerable side before, and it breaks your heart to know that he has dealt with all of this self-doubt completely on his own for who knows how long. You hug him tighter, a desperate attempt to show him that he’s not alone, that he’s got you, no matter what happens. “I wish you could see yourself the way I do. Then you’d know that you don’t have any reason to feel inferior to Sephiroth.”
Genesis huffs. “Be still, my heart,” he says but even the mocking undertone can’t hide that your words have caught him completely off-guard. 
You pull away, locking gaze with him. Even in the dim light, his eyes are the brightest blue you have ever seen, like the sky on a summer day, and you’re pretty sure it’s not only because of the Mako. “I mean that,” you say. “And I don’t care what people say about you or what Sephiroth has achieved in the past because you’re my hero, and I admire you so much, Genesis. I always have.”
“Stop,” he mumbles. His cheeks are tinted pink, a clear sign that your words have flustered him, although he tries his best to hide it. No matter how confident and arrogant Genesis acts sometimes, he has always been vulnerable to genuine compliments, and you’re well aware of that. “No, I’m not done yet,” you say, “I refuse to let you think that you’re anything less than amazing. I know that people often compare you to Sephiroth but… Don’t let what they say bring you down. That’s what they want. You don’t have to prove anything – not to me, not to Lazard and most definitely not to everyone who thinks that you’re inferior to Sephiroth.” 
“(Y/N), stop, please.”
“No, I-“
“Stop,” Genesis interrupts you, more firmly this time. He cups your cheek and leans in until your lips are almost touching. Voice barely louder than a whisper now, he adds, “I need you to stop talking, so that I can kiss you.” 
“If you allow me to kiss you, that is.”
“Now you need to stop talking,” you reply, breathlessly, before you close the gap between the two of you and press your lips to his. 
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Thank you so much for reading! if you enjoyed it, please consider liking, reblogging and/or leaving some feedback. I'd really appreciate the support!
Taglist: @sixdaysofsilverashes @thevoidwriting @theimaginaryheir @asilverraven
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theofreakingbell · 7 months
✨🏳️‍⚧️ a special announcement🏳️‍⚧️✨
so some of you have known this for a while. some of you haven't. and I've wanted to make this post for a while but I haven't had the energy, or the brain space and quite frankly I feel so safe on here I straight up forgot I haven't come out yet. soooooo
I've been trying to write this post for a while now but I haven't really known how to. I'm torn between writing something super casual because I feel very comfortable on here which feels TOO casual, since it's a big thing. and then I want to write a ton of words and touch on some more really personal notes but I don't have the energy for that rn honestly, and I know part of myself feels like I must justify it with showing people my pain, which is wrong and I shouldn't have to. Maybe someday I'll write something longer on the subject, but for now, here goes. 
I'm trans :) 
my pronouns are they/them and he/him and I am a nonbinary man. It took me a long time to find words that felt like they fit my experience but so far I like those the most. I am both :) I also identify with genderfluidity because it feels like it fluctuates how much is what, but stays consistently under those two 'realms' of gender, as it were. migratory bird. lol
Since this is this blog I also want to say that Loki has been a vital part of all of this, and I may write more on that at some point because it's been a huge thing in my life. I tried writing a coming out letter to my family once and ended up writing about Loki for ages, not instead, but because I had clung to him like a life raft in some of the worst times of my life for reasons, and a lot of those reasons have to do with gender. his presence and validation in that realm and others literally saved my life when I was younger and getting to love him and experience him as myself with a heck of a lot less shame than I used to carry about loving him and with the knowledge of myself and why I love certain things has been one of the most legitimately happy and wonderful things I have experienced these last few years, which have largely sucked otherwise bc of health stuff. Y'all are a big part of that happiness and I am so so greatful for you and I hope you can accept this about me :) 
❤️❤️❤️ - J
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boba-at-323 · 2 years
Happy Birthday, best friend...
Note : Happy 21st Birthday Jisung! I love you so much loml <3 Hope all your wishes and dreams come true! May you have all the happiness in the world!
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The snow covered roads glistened underneath the slight moonlight which was escaping the grey, shining clouds. Everything looked so ethereal despite it being the dead of the night. But nothing compared to your best friend, Jisung, who walked beside you with his earphones plugged into one of his ears as usual. His features were beautifully highlighted underneath the soft streetlights. 
Jisung had been your best friend since elementary school, and the both of you were practically inseparable. However, during your last years of high school, you started to develop a crush on him. He was always so caring when it came to you, like how he made hand—written copies of his notes for you when you couldn’t go to school, or how he always bought your favourite drink before classes. His small, thoughtful gestures had started to give you butterflies, but you were scared; scared to lose a friend who had been by your side since forever, scared to lose such a precious friendship because, what if he didn’t feel the same? What if you creeped him out? What if he never wanted to see you again?
Even though it had been 3 years since you graduated high school, your feelings for him only grew. And to worsen matters, when he came back from his 6-month long trip to visit his family out of the city, your jaw had literally dropped once you saw him again. Just when you thought he couldn’t get anymore stunning, he proved you wrong.
How had he gotten even taller, don’t people stop growing after 18? And how did he become even more handsome [cuter at the same time]?
Park Jisung, what the heck?
That was, without a doubt, the last straw. You were going to go completely insane if you held your feelings for him back any longer. As his birthday was near, you had made a very foolish plan to confess what you felt at midnight, just before he turned 21. This could end up in two ways; either he would like you back [which you thought wasn’t very likely], or he would reject you and then disappear forever [which you thought was very likely]. But you thought that maybe, it was worth a shot?
You looked at the watch on your wrist, which was hidden somewhere under the enormous coat you were wearing.
You took a deep breath and stopped in your tracks. 
Well, here goes nothing, You thought. 
“Hey, why’d you stop?” Jisung asked, confused as he took out his earphones.
“You know Jisung, we’ve been together since our first day at school. We became friends when I forgot to bring my colour pencils and shared yours with me.” you smiled at the thought, “and since then we’ve been glued to each other.”
“Yeah we have, but why the sudden realisation? Did something happen? Are you feeling okay? You aren’t leaving me, right?” a string of questions left the poor boy’s mouth. 
Jisung was a very quiet boy from the start. He was very shy and got flustered by the most minor interaction he had with anyone who wasn’t you. You had been the only person who had seen the real Jisung. The Jisung who never stopped talking. He told you everything; from all his secrets, to the most randomest thought which came to his mind. He had opened up only to you, because you saw him for the person he was. He trusted you with everything in him. It wasn’t till his vacation that he realised how much he enjoyed and missed being with you. He realised that 6 months felt like 6 years when you weren’t with him. He realised that… he liked you.
But he was afraid that you might not feel the same. There was a high chance that he would lose the only person who understood him. Maybe suppressing his feelings would work out for him? 
Snow fell lightly as he awaited an answer from you. He was looking at you expectantly while you avoided him, twiddling your gloved fingers which had gone numb because of the cold. 
“Jisung…” you gathered up the courage to look at him. 
His hair rested gently against his forehead, slightly covering his eyes as they always did. They were decorated with specks of snow which had been falling since you went out. He was looking ethereal. Even the word ‘ethereal’ itself didn’t feel enough to describe the boy standing in front of you. 
“I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a long time now.” 
You took a step closer to him and took his hands in your shaking ones. You had never felt this nervous in your life. The thought of retaking that college entrance exam of yours felt much easier compared to how stressful the moment was.
“Park Jisung, I like you,” your eyes met his, “and I realised that 3 years ago, when we were still in high school. You’ve always been so kind and nice to me. You’re someone who gets me, who understands me. I can’t imagine a life without you by my side. I'm so lucky to have someone like you with me. You’ve always been there for me, even if I was at my lowest. It’s just…I love you, Jisung.” 
It fell so painfully silent that you could hear the winter wind blowing past you. Your heart was pounding so severely against your chest, you could feel your whole body vibrate with each throb. Had you finally ruined such a valuable friendship? 
Jisung looked at you in shock. Did you just confess to him? Was all of this actually happening, or was it one of his crazy dreams? 
He stood there processing what was happening, but his expression made your heart fall to your stomach. You felt a lump forming in your throat as let go of his hands.
“I-I’m s-sorry—” was all you could blurt out. 
When Jisung saw tears brimming in your eyes, he panicked. 
“N-No!” he was the one who took your hands this time, “Y/n, I just don’t know what to say. I like you too. No, in fact, I love you. When I went to visit my family, I couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. It took me a while to understand that… It was you. You were missing. I’ve never felt so happy and alive around someone. You’re someone I can be myself around, and you’ve been here for me whenever I needed someone.”
He smiled when he saw your cheeks turning pink. 
“I’m in love with you, l/n y/n.” 
You quickly glanced at the watch on your wrist, which showed that it had just struck midnight.
It was time.
Without wasting a second, you stood on your tiptoes to get to his level, placed both your hands around his face, closed your eyes shut and pressed your lips against his. 
A million fireworks set off inside the both of you. Jisung had never been this flustered and it took him a while to respond back, but he did. He kissed you back. The snow continued to fall gently as you both cherished the moment. He was your first kiss, and so were you to him And you were glad that it was him, because he had always been your first. Sharing your first kiss with him wasn’t so bad, even if you both were inexperienced at the ripe age of 21. 
“Happy 21st Birthday, Jisung,” you smiled softly, pulling away.
“Happy birthday indeed” he laughed shyly, pulling you for the warmest hug ever. 
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Title : Happy Birthday, best friend... || Word count: 1.262k || Genre: Fluff ?? Angst??? Friends to lovers || Pairing: Jisung x Reader || Thank you @koishua for beat reading this! Thank you and love ya <3
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ask-ryder-emerson-lotf · 10 months
HI RYDER is being on the island basically like being a full time babysitter? you know, since you're older and all!
(Close ups after the cut!)
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………What do you think?
…Okay that might’ve been a little rude, but come on! All of these kids….They need someone to look after them! I’ve given up on some of them….ugh…I learned their names so far at least! There’s the choir kids: Jack, Roger- which are the two that are uh…..not being nice to that fat kid, his nickname is Piggy, but I asked him what his real name is and he said “Peter” so I’m going to use that when I talk about him. Anyways, continuing: Maurice is a little goofball…I think he’s either trying too hard to be cool or is the “funny” kid at school. I like Simon, although his little….”faints” scare the heck out of me. He’s nice though…much more than the others. They’re loud. I feel bad for him….There’s also Henry, which is a littlun, he left the cry- I mean Percival alone with Maurice. I think there’s….Robert? Wilfred? Can’t really remember the rest of the choir….Anyways… there’s Ralph! The boys tried to make me leader but I said no, so they had a vote and Ralph won. Ralph’s….interesting. He tries his best, I’ll admit. It’s annoying when he blows that conch though…The sound hurts my ears. Pigg- I mean Peter, he’s a very nice kid! He’s a tad annoying but he does it for the right reasons. The others don’t understand him…They make fun of him and his “ass-mar”. How rude.
Oh yeah I forgot about the “sin” teenagers! I met all of them properly this time- earlier, “Sloth” kinda….fell out of a tree in front of me- Anyways….He’s….a nice fellow. Lust keeps on trying to run around….completely naked. He’s…definitely queer in both definitions. Wrath’s a little….intimidating so…I don’t think I’m going to try and talk to him much yet…Pride and Greed are both extremely rude so definitely not befriending them. Envy seems like Simon, very quiet and soft spoken….Maybe I’ll try and talk to him more? Oh and then there’s Gluttony! He’s um….always hungry! Hopefully he doesn’t eat all the food on the island…Maybe I can like, plant seeds from the berries here and grow more of them? Berries grow quickly, right? I mean….we won’t be on this island that long, will we? Haha….sorry I tend to ramble when I get nervous. I mean- Ah…forget it. Maybe Envy will understand if I try to talk to him…
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(The sins are by @lord-of-the-bundle-of-sticks. IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS MY GOD THE SICKNESS LITERALLY GAINED MOST OF MY ENERGY…..But good news is the blog is back in business! ^_^ -Mod)
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maiji · 9 months
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This is the behind the scenes work-in-progress overview for fight / flight part 4! (part of the YYH North Bound prequel project)
I finally got around to scanning the thumbnails for this part! I remembered to do this mainly because part 5 (which is also the final part of this story in the North Bound series!) will be posted here soon.
Because it's been so long since I worked on part 4, I don't have as much to say compared to previous behind the scenes posts. Basically time heals all wounds (or at least these ones) and thus I forgot all the details of my screaming/crying/complaining, hahaha. That and possibly because this part was "only" 6 pages.
More character design commentary and part 4 page sketches below the cut!
Character design commentary and more sketches
For part 4, I had designed a new character who didn't already exist in Yu Yu Hakusho.    
The second drawing above (with the Chinese characters, just my calligraphy practice on the same page) was actually from pretty far back, I was thinking about her (and her dialogue) for a while. You can see I was playing a lot with the design of her face, how old she might look, and how I might distinguish her from other female characters and Spirit World guides, especially with the stylizing of her eyes. 
Outfit-wise I don't think she's that unique as far as classical sky maiden-type designs go, but I do enjoy drawing her hair. I gave her a beauty mark at the last second while inking the comic.
Here are all of the page sketches - without the text, followed by more commentary.
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Comparing my thumbnails to my sketches, there wasn't much change.
The "Otake, stand down" tennyo descending page got adjusted a bit with a close up of her lips for her dialogue. I still feel a bit ambivalent about the composition, whether I should have positioned her higher, but I like the feeling of descent and the fluttering of her hagoromo.
Second last page, second panel after Otake says "hmph" - I took so long working on this that the doodle in my page sketch was undecipherable to me, and I was at a complete loss as to what on earth I had been intending. Fortunately, my script at this part said "sheathes his sword" which saved me. Though, if I had bothered going back to look at my thumbnails, I would have realized my thumbnail of this action was ten times clearer than my page sketch.
Other comments:
First page, large panel with the sparkle of the tennyo appearing - I had a heck of a time with the forest background on this one. Blob blob blob it seems serviceable enough. Like I've said before, my environments are mostly rough vibes, haha.
"EUGH YUCK GROSS" page - I had a lot of fun with the tennyo's expressions, and I really like how Otake's face turned out in the last panel. Drawing annoyed people with bloody faces is fun!
Last two pages: I was very proud of how Tomoe turned out on these two pages, her looking up poses. I also was pleased with the forest in the last panel. More vibes!
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tailsmillion · 3 months
Mmm time for unhinged 4am tangent
I need to get this out somewhere i suppose
And it’s that kind of thing which you don’t really want people to see but also really want to talk about with the people you don’t want to tell
Y’know? (I don’t think that made sense)
I promise I’m not on any drugs (just very tired it’s been a long day me and my mothers relationship is on the rocks and I can’t do much about it)
I crave
Just like in general
Is it just me or
Cus it’s great
I love hugs
I’d hold hands if I were allowed
Almost any form of touch makes me feel nice
Heck kisses are legendary (but I known ain’t gettin much of that)
Plus I get like mad goosebumps whenever my (like literally entire body outside of hands and head) are just breezed past barely in contact
The good kind of goosebumps mind you
Just from certain people though
With some it’s uncomfortable (Highly related to my relationship with them(*cough* brother *cough*))
But with certain peeps
It’s like pure bliss
Is feel nice
And though it sounds real suspicious when I say the sentence “I crave touch” I honestly can’t disagree
The moments where it feels like just you and them and you’re hugging and the sorrows drip away while dopamine floods my brain
That’s the best way to explain it
Ironically enough
From whom I crave it the most
Is from whom I get the least of
But such is life
And I can’t exactly do much to change it
Cus straight up asking feels real weird (though I have on occasion been instructed to do precisely that(though I am not nearly brave enough to ask EVERY time I want to hug or cuddle or (you get the gist) but euhhg I want to so bad)
So I’m left to enjoy what I have
And I do
Quite a lot many a times
But sometimes I’m left wanting more
And that’s kinda selfish
Which is why I don’t
I guess
Feelings is hard
Imma sleep now
Or try atleast
It took me an hour and a half yesterday to fall asleep
Some stuff is just flooding my brain hole
And I don’t feel qualified to deal with it
The world sees me as a bit too adult already
And now I’m supposed to make like 5 permanently life altering decisions
Throwing away some of my beloved social activities so I can “Focus on my own growth” or something like that
Life is also hard
I’m promising myself right now to not delete this
Because eventually it’ll be nice to have a pure replication of my feelings in text
I had a bunch of those in the notes app
But then I lost phone
And now it’s an apple instead
I’m not a tech whiz
Maybe I just deleted them and forgot
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