#beep beep self-indulgence coming through
lostgirlmuseum · 11 months
Pulse 💗
Summary: Bucky can hear your heartbeat through the wall, and he can tell everything isn’t alright.
Pairing: Bucky x gn!Reader
Words: 600 (exactly 600, holy moly)
Warnings: None really, just mentions of anxiety and adhd. Wrote this within an hour, sorry if its bad
A/N: Self indulgent fic alert! This goes out to all my peeps who struggle with ADHD/anxiety. It sucks, but hang in there!
Divider credit: @saradika
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Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Come in,” you called, not looking up from the papers on your desk.
A brief second passed, and the door creaked open. A cautious Bucky peeked his head in.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked.
You suddenly became aware of your leg bouncing 70 miles an hour, and forced yourself to stop. 
“Yes, why?” You replied, ignoring the urge to get up and walk around.
“Well, I—” he hesitated, and brought his hand to rub the back of his neck, “I was passing by and I heard your heartbeat going really fast—super hearing and all that,” he awkwardly chuckled.
“120,” you stated, glancing at your watch.
“My heart rate is 120 right now.”
“That’s pretty high for just sitting,” he responded, having a hard time hiding his concern.
“Well, y’know, anxiety,” you breathily laughed, but it wasn’t that funny.
“What are you anxious about? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Nothing.” You sighed, lowering your pen and facing him. At this point he was now in your room, perched in front of your door.
“Doesn’t seem like nothing.”
“Seriously, I’m kinda freaking out over nothing right now.”
“C’mon, you’re always telling me I’m valid for having concerns, you are too.”
“No, I mean there is literally no singular thing I’m anxious about right now—it’s just physical anxiety, the general feeling that I’m going crazy, or dying, I don’t know, both I guess. That sounds so dramatic. I really am fine. I mean, I’m not fine, but I am, yeah?” You rambled on and on, and cursed yourself when you noticed your leg had started bouncing again.
“I don’t think you’re okay, do you want me to bring you to Dr. Cho?”
“That’s sweet of you, but I don’t think there’s much she can do. The worst of this should pass in thirty minutes anyway, it’s just my meds.”
You could tell Bucky wanted to ask more, but wasn’t sure if it was polite.
“I have ADD. ADHD, whatever you want to call it. So I take medicine so I can focus on certain tasks, like these reports. And it does help me focus, but it’s also a stimulant, so it also gives me a lot of anxiety, which is totally awesome!” You scoffed.
“Why do you keep stopping your leg from bouncing?”
“I don’t know, I don’t want to annoy you.”
“If bouncing your leg makes you feel better, it doesn’t bother me.”
“I feel like I’m embarrassing myself,” you whined. 
You looked at your watch.
“Oh, look at that, 126!”
“Do you—would…would a hug be something that would help you? Calm you down?” He offered, casually putting his arms out for emphasis.
“Sure, Bucky,” you smiled, and stood up to meet him halfway. You knew it wouldn’t fix it, but it certainly couldn’t hurt.
Bucky wrapped you in a big embrace, and you were shocked by how warm and teddy-like it was. You gave a small sigh, and rested your face in his neck, knowing you weren’t going to be the first to let go.
He held onto you for longer than you expected, just calmly swaying together in your room. 
To your dismay, he eventually let go of you. You were about to thank him and return to your work, but he gently grabbed your wrist and brought your watch to his sight. 
“107. Good, but I think we can do better than that,” he sweetly smiled, and wrapped you back up into his arms. 
“It might take a while.” You mumbled into his shirt.
“As long as it takes.” He cooed.
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A/N: Should be either A) studying for a history exam I have tmw, or B) writing my stupid essay that the rough draft is due tmw, but I wrote this instead bc I’m procrastinating  HELP ME
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perdidosbucky-yyo · 5 months
𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛
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Pairing: Exotic Dancer!Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Reader (no mention of gender or ethnicity)
Summary: Hi, you've reached [your name]. I can't come to the phone right now, please leave a message after the beep!
w/c: 3.7k
warnings: cheating (on reader), lots of cursing, smoking, heavy drinking, weed smoking, body image issues (I'm sorry), this is a smutty fic (but there’s no smut), dry humping. Please let me know if I missed anything <3
a/n: This is the first fic I've posted in years lmao, I'm a bit rusty, but omfg I enjoyed writing this so much, it's very self-indulgent hehe I hope you love it just as much as I do.
this is not beta'd, any and all mistakes are my own.
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Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply encouraged🥺
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7:51 PM
“Baby please, You know I’m an idiot…she means nothing” Jake whined through the phone. 
As of 5 hours ago, he became your ex but kept on calling you, each call pleading for your forgiveness and saying the same stupid excuse “I felt you pulling away, what was I supp-”
Before you could interrupt him yourself, your best friend and roommate took your phone “Listen closely you little shit, if you don’t stop calling I’ll personally chop off your balls, fry’em up and feed them to your mother in a fucking salad… it’s Wanda by the way” she huffs as she hands you back the phone, “Colorful” you grimace.
Shoving you inside the car, with you and Wanda on the back, Bruce behind the wheel and Tony as co-pilot, “Why do you even answer his calls?” Tony asks while Wanda lights up a Marlboro, and gives you a drag “Because I want to tell him to go fuck himself… I- I just can’t seem to find the right words”, “That seems right” Wanda quips and you roll your eyes, “Don’t worry you’ll find the words when the time’s right” Bruce adds, “Dr. Banner is right, tonight is all about getting shit-faced” Tony adds.
You all clap and turn up the volume to the perfect song “I don’t wanna hear, I don’t wanna know” Wanda sings, the wind on her face, while Bruce shouts “WE LOVE YOU MADONNA”. 
They were right, fuck Jack, tonight you wanted to let go, you weren’t one for parties or clubbing but you couldn’t stay at home feeling sorry for yourself, partying with your friends seemed like the perfect distraction “LET’S FUCKING GO” you shouted at the top of your lungs.
9:05 PM
“The Hush-Hush Hideaway?” you laughed as you finished your first beer after two cherry vodka shots, sounds like a place where 50 year olds would come to have an affair, “Alright, alright before you keep on talking trash, there is more eye to meet” Tony argues, to that Wanda snorts “are you seriously drunk right now? after three piña coladas?”, Bruce laughs “they’re stronger than they look” Tony defends himself as he stands up, signaling you all to head to the dance floor.
You honestly loved the place, the lighting was incredible, the atmosphere was hot pink with hints of dark red and deep purple, the ceiling was decorated with hundreds of disco balls shining down on you, the bar had tables so crystalline and so red, it looked like solidified blood,  each one surrounded by the comfiest leather couches. There was also the dance floor which you were dancing on now, it had the perfect stage for dancers or any kind of show, the whole place had the perfect mix of chic and urban.
10:39 PM
“This round’s on me” Tony shouts over the loud music as he hands you what would probably be your 5th drink, stumbling around as you danced to a song that suddenly became your favorite, as you downed the liquid gold you took Tony’s hand and started giving him a lap dance of some sorts which made everyone laugh along with you. 
And then everything went pitch black, for 5 seconds the music was over, lights were out, for a moment you thought you passed out but then a huge white light shone straight into the middle of the stage, “Girls Gays and Theys!” a deep voice over the microphone started, “is this a gay bar?” Bruce genuinely chimed in, making you giggle.
“Tonight we encourage you to let that wild side of yours out! Please give a warm welcome to The White Wolf” the voice cheered with excitement and the crowd roared and cheered back, “he must be really good looking” you sassed, and in that moment, red ropes descended.
Not a second later a man dressed in a kevlar suit swirled down as if swimming in the red fabric, wrapping himself in a cocoon in the air so the next second he rolled down to the stage, the top of his leathery suit gone, leaving his gorgeous toned abdomen exposed making the crowd go wild. The lights enhanced his beautiful body. “D-does he have glitter on?!” Tony shouted in awe, everyone absolutely going crazy over this tall, brown-haired, thick oh so fucking thick specimen.
On the other hand, you were finding breathing a difficult task, especially because his eyes were trained on yours, maybe it was the several drinks in your system or the empowering song that heightened everything, but his stare was intense, the ice blue of his eyes chilled your spine and for a moment you thought he was going to stop the show, come down and rip your clothes off… yeah you definitely felt tipsy now.
This man knew the power he held, not only was he drop-dead gorgeous, he had autonomy of every nerve and every muscle on his body, your heart and pussy were practically pulsing as you watched him dance. The magic was broken when you felt your phone ring in your pocket, taking it out, you saw it was Jake calling AGAIN, you knew your friends would tell you not to pick up, but part of you wanted to hear him out and scream at him, you didn’t know which one you were going to do.
Leaving the dance floor and heading to the bathrooms where you hoped it’d be quieter, you swipe to the green bubble “Please please forgive me” is the first thing the man says, making you sigh in frustration “S-top stop saying you’re sorry” but it’s like talking to a wall, you’re not even sure he heard you because he just keeps on whining. 
You don’t know how much time you spent listening to him in the bathroom but eventually, you give up and hang up on him, splashing some fresh water in your neck you exit the room and bump into a rock-hard wall, but then unexpectedly the wall starts talking and you think maybe it’s not a wall.
“it was rude to bail” a grave voice rumbles in your ear through all of the noise, looking up you see it’s the white wolf, making you almost choke on air, but you were quick enough to react and raise an eyebrow in response “sorry?”.
Without even noticing, the man had cornered you into a wall “Don’t apologize, you can make it up to me” he said with a wild smile, “oh he’s good” you thought, then he looked at you as if he read your mind, “you look like someone in desperate need to have some fun… let me give you a hand” he whispered, his confidence made you forget he was a stranger, and oddly enough it felt like you knew him perfectly, the thought of spending your night with him made you shudder.
Taking out what looked like a big fat blunt from one of his pockets, he dragged the little bundle of joy from your exposed thighs, up your arms, slowly passing through your neck, and finally grazing your soft lips, his eyes never once leaving yours, he leaned in and the smell of cedarwood with a touch of french vanilla made your eyes roll.
Man, you’re really not keeping your cool, but he’s too beautiful for you to care, you might as well pucker your lips, but then he backs away, taking your hand and leading you to the backdoor between the kitchens. The sound of music and people dancing start to disappear until it’s muffled, “are we allowed in here?” you laugh as he lights up the joint and takes a big gulp, your heart pounds with excitement, this is exactly what you needed.
Your inner demons whispered that he really wasn’t interested in you, he looked like he was sculptured by frigging Michelangelo, he’d never want to be with someone as big as you, plus you felt sweaty from dancing most of the night, but honestly, it was more about the nerves you felt around him, but just as easy as the negative thoughts came, he batted them away with a single kiss to your cheek, near enough to the corner of your lips “lost you there for a sec” he teased.
As he handed you the joint, you took it with hesitance, “I usually don’t take marihuana from strangers, you got a name or does everyone call you the white wolf?” you teased, carefully eyeing him, realizing that he was still shirtless unconsciously making you bite your lip.
A lazy smile spread on his face “Waddaya mean you don’t know me? Pfft I’m your latest conquest”, it threw you off but he looked so sincere it made the butterflies in your stomach dance, “I’m Bucky” he laughed, he was so at ease with that pretty smile you couldn’t do anything but swoon.
Taking a drag of the blunt you breathe out the smoke through your nose as you offer him your name in return,  not wasting a second he repeats it, slowly, maybe he was high but it seemed as though he enjoyed the sound of your name on his tongue, he savored it, your legs pressed against each other and you had to take another drag so not to seem desperate as you were for him.
He might be a stranger but deep down you felt unbelievable attraction, in less than 10 minutes of knowing him he made you feel powerful, and free, like maybe in a past life or somethin’ he was your soulmate… Pfft, you wanted to crack up at your own thoughts, somehow Bucky knew and started laughing, slowly leaning into you and crashing his lips with yours, it was sloppy but fuck you’d never been kissed like that, it was passionate, you felt wanted, right then and there you were ready and willing to let him swoop you off your feet.
12:59 AM 
Bucky was showing you his best moves, his calloused hands gripped and groped your body as you both swayed your hips against each other perfectly in sync.
He was so smooth, the fogginess of the joint rumbled through your body, each touch, every one of his strokes felt like a wave, you were floating in a sea of music and his scent, nothing was wrong with the world, nothing could harm you because he was right behind you, worshipping you, telling you how he loved the feel of every roll and every curve, you couldn’t help but smile and he couldn’t help but kiss that beautiful smile.
Not long after your friends found you and you introduced them to the dancer who blew their minds, some of his friends joined you, and not long after you were the life of the party, shots and blunts came pouring, and just like you wanted you became one with bucky, you didn’t know where you began or where he ended, pain and misery were a strange and unknown concept tonight.
1:55 AM
Wanda had to drag you away from Bucky to chat with you a bit, she couldn’t hide that grin even if she tried “Dude I don’t even recognize you right now” you laugh with her knowing very well what she means, squeezing her wrist you stop the urge to squeal, “I don’t know how this happened but fuck he’s just so pretty I wanna cry” you both giggle, understanding the Rachel Green reference. 
Turning to see Bucky you caught him already watching you, it looked like he was chatting with his friends but he wouldn’t look away from you, you realized he was waiting for you, and honestly you were eager to return to his embrace and intoxicating scent “Fuck Jack, you have men waiting in line” Wanda practically shouts as she pushes you back to the dance floor.
2:12 AM
After a while your social battery was low and you needed a break, so now you leaned against the wall in the back alley of the bar, a cigarette lit, resting on your fingertips as you recalled the events that brought you here tonight.
You didn’t blame Wanda for reminding you of Jake and what he did, after all, she was just hyping you, but now your mind was plagued, you memorized with detail how you found them, as some sort of self-punishment, why? you didn’t know, after years of therapy, you were still trying to unlearn self-deprecating thoughts that your family and society shoved in your face.
Jake cheating on you with a leggy blonde who was quite literally a Victoria's Secret model was a kick to your stomach, it made you realize that maybe every bad thought you had about yourself was true, and that was terrifying… 
Realizing that the cigarette burned itself out, you stepped on it, but before you could come back inside Bucky opened the door and grinned “There you are, was worried I spooked ya”, to that you chuckled, somehow the laws of social battery didn’t apply to the handsome trapeze dancer “Never”.
Stepping outside and standing next to you, he takes your hand and starts playing with your fingers “What’s got my sweet doll so down?”, you expected the pet name to make you cringe but instead swooned. Lighting another cigarette you take a drag and blow it on his face, and he just bites the smoke, making you giggle, after a beat of silence you show him your heart.
“About… 11 hours ago, my boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, cheated on me” you sigh, trying with all your might not to shed a single fucking tear, Jake didn’t deserve them, “Gimme his address” he deadpans, a look so deadly in his eyes, that spark was almost snuffed, but just as quickly his attitude changed, “I’ll kill 'im with my bare hands, I’LL FUCKING KILL ’IM” he shouts with foux determination, making wild animal noises that are making you laugh so hard you can’t breathe “you’re not funny” you say out of breath.
His thumb cleans away a single runaway tear, his touch is so gentle at first you’re not even sure he’s holding you, he’s so close you feel his breath on your cheek and his nose caressing your skin oh so lightly, “you’re dreaming”, you think incredulously. 
In a second his touch becomes rough as he grips your face with both his hands, holding you still so you can’t look anywhere but his eyes, “he’s a fucking moron” he spits out, almost insulted, “and I don’t mean a jerk or plain stupid, I mean he’s missing some fucking brain cells to let go of someone so insanely beautiful as you”.
Your heart’s pounding in your ears, you’re about to explain but he cuts you off “And I don’t even need to know him, to be sure of what I’m telling you right now” he scoffs,  “Hell, I don’t even have to know you to be sure, in the very short time I’ve known you, you’ve been everything” bucky almost can’t believe he’s saying this to you, suddenly the tension is palpable and neither of you can breathe… 
“You’re driving me insane” is the last thing he says before pushing you against the wall, with a grunt he grips your waist and your lips crash with his, in a fight for dominance your tongues swirl, it’s as if Jake or any other man never existed, washed away by the ocean that is Bucky. 
You loved how vocal he was being, he moaned into the kiss as you practically humped him, he bit your swollen lips as a warning to slow down but it only turned you on more. You could feel your hardened nipples rub against his chest, and it drove both of you nuts, with all his strength he pulled away, leaving you dizzy and pulling him for more, he’s never wanted anyone the way he wants you but he would never have sex with someone so drunk, even if that person begged as nicely as you were right now.
He laughs as you start leaving hot open kisses throughout his neck and jaw purring like a cat, “Bucky please” you mewled, asking him for more, his hand flew to grasp your hair in a tight grip, nibbling on your skin as he reached your ear “We aren’t doing anything except kissing the fuck out of each other doll” he whispered.
You made for a grab to his groin but he was able to take your hand and hold it above your head “I want you nice and sober when I get you to cream on my cock”, he groans as you make a final attempt to lure him in, but you know he’s right, so you huff in defeat, a pout on display to make your feelings known, “baby doll what’s wrong? you look flushed” he teases as you gasp in faux offense.
3:45 AM
The bar kicked everyone out but you still had some party left in you and apparently, so did Bucky because he’s already got you piggyback riding him to his car, you said goodbye to your friends assuring them you trusted Bucky, his place was less than 10 minutes away and you’d send them your location. 
Once you got to the car Bucky stopped in his tracks, “we’re drunk and high as hell” he stated, and like a bucket of iced water you realized he was right “Accurate statement” you snort, carefully dropping you on the ground he swiftly turned to face you “so we should… perhaps, maybe take a cab” he goofs around as he steals small kisses form you “or we can walk? your place’s near right?” you reply, everyone was already gone to ask for a ride but he liked the idea of having some alone time with you, so,  he picked you up and placed you on his back “To the Batcave!” he runs as you hold onto him as tight as you could.
4:05 AM
You peacefully walked on the side of the street as cars passed by, one thing that you loved about walking at night was the lack of noise, the night wasn’t completely quiet, you could still hear the cars in the distance, people coming in and out of bars or whatever, the breeze was the perfect temperature and the city lights of New York were shone beautifully.
Hand in hand you walked with your latest conquest as he so eloquently put it, conversation flowing, “I got cheated on once, it fucking sucks” You both laughed at the obvious statement “I thought we were going steady and she got bored” he shrugged, “it was a while ago, but it definitely messed with my head” he whispered as he squeezed your hand, it brought him comfort and you as well. 
“You know what’s fucking hilarious though? I was planning on breaking up with him…ok don’t judge me” you laughed, “but I just stayed with him because it was easier to stay in a mediocre relationship than actually fight for my happiness…plus he had a hot tub” you felt stupid for saying it, but he didn’t judge you, his face remained the same, attentive.
Bucky took your hand and kissed each one of your knuckles “I got a really nice bathtub” he murmured into your skin with a smirk, your heart fluttered to what he implied so you jumped and kissed his cheek, holding onto his arm for dear life, content with how the day turned out.
4:38 AM
After smoking yet another joint together you were now straddling your dancer’s lap on his bathtub “It really is a nice bathtub” You grinned between kisses and he laughed, his hands roaming your soft skin under your clothes, you were heaven on earth he kept thinking, he was about to kiss you again but was interrupted by your phone ringing, which made both of you sigh in frustration.
You knew who it was, Jake had been calling over and over for the last 20 minutes and Bucky had enough of the bastard, “Answer him” he ordered, to which you raised an eyebrow “I- can’t I- seriously?” you say almost shocked “You know what you wanna say to him, so say it” he encouraged with a soft smile.
Without thinking twice you pick up, “Finally! what took you so long to pick up?” Jake barks, you have the phone on speaker so Bucky could listen, and he already hated how the jerk talked to you, making him grip your waist with possessiveness.
“What do you want?” you ask almost uninterested, “Baby please forgive me” he cries as if you could ever believe anything he said to you, “I’m so so fucking sorry, what else do you want me to say?!”, to that you let out an unamused laugh “just stop fucking saying you’re sorry, time to put on your big boy pants and take responsibility” you snark, which oddly, turns on bucky beyond belief.
Like a magnet, his lips start leaving love bites on your neck, making you gulp, “Babe let’s be honest, in a month you’ll be begging me to get back together, we both know you need someone to take care of you, you can’t be alone, you need me” he says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and then you really were done with his bullshit.
“Listen closely you fucktard, stop saying you’re sorry, stop begging me to forgive you, you were a waste of my time and the only reason I didn’t break up with you sooner was because it was convenient for me to stay with your sorry ass” you bark.
You could keep going but now Bucky was humming against your pulse, finding it incredibly hot how you stood up for yourself, he peppered you with hot open kisses that made your mind even fuzzier than the weed, “And I can take care of myself ass” you hiss in delight, it was meant to be an insult but Bucky was making you feel so good…
“Fucking drop that call”, bucky growled into your neck loud enough to be heard over the phone, then sunk his teeth into your soft skin, making you moan, unintentionally into the phone, before dropping it and gripping Bucky’s hair for support as you rubbed against the bulge on his pants “Fuck I can’t wait to make you mine” he moaned, dreaming of all the possibilities, of everything he wanted to do with and to you.
Despite the chills you felt down your spine, despite feeling exactly the same way, you laugh, “Honey… do you think it’s gonna be that easy?” you coo, drunk in power, you devour his perfect pink lips.
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authorred · 6 months
Doctor's Orders | Part 2 | Li Shen/Zayne x fem!Reader | Love and Deepspace
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Preface: With you hospitalized and in critical condition, Zayne has taken it upon himself to ensure you are nursed back to health. Under no circumstance are you allowed to do close to anything on your own.
Part 2 of my self indulgence because why not I love this man he's so sweet???????
Part 1 Part 3 (coming soon)
Warning(s): None
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Your eyelids feel like lead when you try to open them. It takes a strenuous amount of effort to move them, and your body overall feels like it’s being weighed down by anchors. You can hear the steady beeping from next to you, just barely; white floods behind your eyes the more you rouse into consciousness. You can barely move your arms and legs, let alone your head, or even your eyes. It’s the beeping of the machine that keeps you awake enough. Soon, you force your eyes open, and you’re immediately blinded by the sterility of the room.
“What. . . ?” It comes off as a soft inquiry, unheard by everyone. You’re a little disoriented, and you don’t remember how you got to where you are. You feel something on your face, covering your nose. After thinking about it for a little, you figured it’s an oxygen supplier of some kind. Did you become that hypoxic that you need oxygen? You won’t know until you talk to a doctor.
A doctor.
Your doctor.
Oh god, your doctor. Zayne.
Zayne is going to kill you.
There’s no way he doesn’t know—and if he didn’t, there’s no way he hasn’t asked to take over as your attending physician during your stay. Even though you know he’s not in the room with you, the mere thought of it is enough to send your eyes flying open. You attempt to sit up—and your body quite literally burns like the fiery depths of hell. It hurts you, and you’re stiff and sore and covered in bandages, and you think there’s a hole in your chest, but you don’t care; you fight through it.
“Don’t sit up. You’ll tear open the stitches.”
You freeze at the low timbre of a familiar voice. It’s soft as it always is when speaking to you, but you can’t help but avoid looking at the owner of it.
“Lay back down. You’ll need more rest than usual.” A hand meets your shoulder and gently pushes you back down onto the mattress—and you follow it without a word.
Your eyes don’t meet his, “I didn’t—. . . okay. I won’t move.” For a moment it’s silent and you can feel him staring down at you. You know he’s frustrated, sad, angry even. Maybe all three. You know he wants to say something, perhaps scold and lecture you about overworking yourself. You’re waiting for the inevitable but it never comes. You nervously look up at him and he’s not looking at you either.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice is hoarse from exhaustion, “I didn’t mean for this to happen. The Wanderer just appeared in my complex, and. . . I was the only Hunter there.”
Zayne looks at you, “I understand. I heard of what happened. You did what you had to do to protect the people there. There were minimal injured because of you.”
“That. . . I mean, I’m glad, but. . . I feel like you’re disappointed in me.”
Zayne stares at you for a moment before sighing softly, “I’m not disappointed in you. It wasn’t your fault that you were forced into that situation. I’m only glad you were admitted when you were.”
“Be honest: how close was I to dying?”
Zayne hesitates to answer ever so slightly, “. . . Too close. Your heart stopped. You were severely hypoxic and in respiratory failure, your tissues weren’t getting adequate oxygen, and you experienced severe blood loss due to a puncture wound to your chest that barely missed your aorta.”
You don’t visibly react when you hear his explanation. “I see. I don’t remember any of that. The last thing I remember was the Wanderer coming at me. After that, it’s nothing.”
“Your body and mind were under an exorbitant amount of stress. Especially your heart. You were only at thirty-seven percent function.”
“I’m assuming that means my heart was at a risk of stopping at any time.”
“That’s correct.”
“Great,” you snicker but there’s not a shred of joy behind it. “And now I’m stuck here for weeks and maybe months.”
You stare up at the ceiling and don't give a response. You couldn't even if you wanted to. What were you supposed to do until you were discharged and cleared? You can't stay still—your mind is always moving, constantly running. If you don't get that energy out somehow, you'll go mad. You can't stay cooped up in the hospital. Zayne knows that too, and you hate that.
"Don't think about sneaking out like you have in the past," he says. "You've been put down as a flight risk in your chart."
You roll your eyes, "That was only once, and I only had a wrist fracture."
"You fell from a twenty-storey building and landed on the roof of a car. You're lucky that a broken wrist is all you walked away with." His voice is calm but the way he delivers it gives off agitation. You've heard the tone before—he usually gives you it when he's worried or concerned.
"Maybe." You toy with the sheets pulled up to your waist, "I just. . . I don't know why I'm like this."
Zayne places his hands in his coat pockets and turns his body, so all his attention is on you.
"I can't sit still. I get unnerved. Like I'm meant to be doing something. That's why I keep going on missions. I can sleep, but all I dream about is fighting wanderers. Even on my days off I'm wondering when an attack is going to happen."
Zayne stays quiet, only adjusting his glasses. He understands what you're saying. In a way, he's the same. He can enjoy his off time too, as little as it comes, but sometimes he wonders how the hospital is without him on the clock. "I understand. It's difficult to regulate yourself when you're constantly working. Your mind has no idea what to do when it's quiet."
"It really doesn't. And it's pathetic, because then it ends up like this and I feel like a child who can't do anything for themself."
Without a word, Zayne sits down on the edge of the bed—gently, to not upset your wounds. He's conflicted as to whether he should look at you or not. Instead, he settles on your IV pole. "It's not a crime to be taken care of sometimes. If you're hurt, that's a doctor's job. That's my job."
"Of course it is, you're a doctor," you snort softly. "If you weren't. . ."
"Even if I wasn't, I'd still take care of you."
You look over at him in silent surprise. He's not looking at you but he's never one to be dishonest. For whatever reason, you believe him when he says that. You don't know how you feel about that—a part of you wants to lean into it, but another part of you want to push against it and him. He's already under so much stress ensuring his patients are alive and as healthy as they can be. How selfish would that make you if you wanted that from him too? "Even though I constantly do things to get myself hospitalized?"
He nods softly, "Yes."
"Even though I could randomly keel over and die someday because of my heart?"
His eyes move to look at yours, a somber look in them. "Yes. Even that."
"I see." You look back up to the ceiling. "How is. . . will this affect the amount of evol I'll be able to use?"
"I don't believe this is the most opportune time to discuss this. You should rest and gain more energy."
You sigh softly, "Okay. Thank you."
"You're welcome." Zayne stands from the bed, "Please call a nurse if you need anything. I'll be back to check on you soon."
You nod, "I won't be going anywhere anytime soon."
Zayne's lips curl up ever so slightly—if you weren't so accustomed to how he is, you would've missed it. "I'm glad. It would cause a lot of trouble if you did."
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thefangirlfever · 11 months
A new beginning (a Miguel O'hara NSFW story)
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Summary: Miguel and you are married for more than a year and life has been kinda hectic with all your work. One day he comes home and after seeing Peter B. Parker with Mayday all day, Miguel has only one thing in his mind… Getting you pregnant.
Reader is not a spider-woman for once.
Content warning: smut (18+, MDNI), poor Spanish
Tags: smut, F/M, piv penetration, breast play, mention of pregnancy, married couple, oral sex (m. receiving), that sweet domestic life, breeding kink, reader doesn’t shave (it’s not a kink, we need to normalize body hair on women), angst (if you squint really hard. It’s mostly self-indulgent smut)
The drizzling sound of oil in a pan filled the kitchen as you started cutting green onions and peppers. You were roaming the kitchen with no care in the world, finally letting all the tension you had accumulated this week leave your shoulders. You’ve had accumulated more shifts than it was necessary at the hospital you were working for, you still had to settle a few things about the new apartment and of course, there was the usual worry about Miguel going on missions as Spider-man and risking his life. Even if you had accepted his role as a super-hero years ago, you still had trouble not worrying when he was home late or when he would come back, covered in bruises and cuts, arguing that “It was just a routine mission.”
You checked the clock on the kitchen’s wall as a reflex. 9 pm. You couldn’t hold a sigh. After all you were no one to blame him for coming home late; you had your fair share of shifts that could last 24 hours, even a whole week-end sometimes. The only thing helping you come through this moment, except the fact that you could see people leaving the dispensary free of their worries, was knowing that Miguel was waiting for you at home. After these shifts, it was almost impossible for both of you to not cling into one another. You would spend the next day, cuddling in your bed, on the couch, letting him massaging you, cooking for the both of you… and when you were extra lucky, you were doing more than just cuddling. You would let Miguel dumb fuck you until you almost forgot your name and start seeing stars.
Just when you were lost in these thoughts, you heard the front door opening and soon Miguel was standing in the frame of the kitchen door. No cut, no wound, no bruise. Today was a good day and you smiled at him, but his gaze told you something was off. Your smile slowly faded away as you asked him about his day:
“Did something happen, Miguel?”
He tried to brush it off as he approached you, hugging you from behind. His chin was resting on top of your head. He smelled the scent of vegetables frying in the pan, clearly trying to find the words that wouldn’t worry you.
“No, the usual. We just had a meeting that lasted a little longer than what we anticipated. That’s all. How was your day?”
You were not fully satisfied with his answer. You knew him. It was clear something was bugging him off. You still decided to wait a little before asking more questions to not rush him. You still had the whole evening after all. You told him about your day and now, the two of you were cooking in silence. It wasn’t usually an awkward silence when you ended up in the kitchen, but tonight something was creeping under the surface. His watch beeped, breaking the silence of the kitchen. You looked over the pot you were stirring and saw that he had received a message from Peter. Miguel opened the notification, thinking it was an important work-related message, but it was just a picture of Peter and Mayday, trying to shoot webs. Under the picture, Peter had written “New recruit incoming!” You couldn’t hold a laugh; Peter was such a girl’s dad. It was pretty cute to see, even if you knew that his lack of professionalism was getting on Miguel’s nerves. Your husband turned off the watch, grunting, and even took it off, putting it on the table before getting back to seasoning the dish.
Something was definitely off.
“Is everything alright, Miguel?”
“Why wouldn’t it be alright?” His voice sounded off. It was your time hugging him from behind, which was not easy regarding your size difference but you still managed to hold him. Your head was resting between his shoulder blades as you stayed like this for a few seconds before finally saying something:
“Listen, I know Peter is sometimes...a little too much and that he gets on your nerves. I also know that things are not always easy at your job and that you are under a lot of pressure…”
You let your hands roam his back and knead his tense shoulders.
“Maybe we can fix that…”
Miguel quickly understood where you were going with this impromptu proposition and alluring tone. He let out an other disgruntled sound as you were bothering him when he needed to focus, but you knew he was smiling, his smile oozing through his voice even if you couldn’t see it.
“You know we don’t have to do it tonight if you’re tired…”
You pushed Miguel on your bed, straddling him, your arms around his shoulders as you kissed him. Miguel’s fingers slipped under your shirt, slowly lifting it up. You kept kissing for a good minute, feeling each other as if it had been months since you didn’t see each other. When you broke the kiss, his hair was disheveled and his lips had taken a soft pinkish undertone. You already knew by heart the shape of his body but you never get tired of it, always discovering new things about him. Your right hand was stroking his cheek while your left one glided down his shirt, playing with its buttons. You could see his skin poke through the opening between each button. You both exchanged one knowing look. This would usually turn only one way. Your hands reached his belt and you could feel the fabric of his pants getting stretched by his growing erection. The pad of your thumb brushed over his hard-on as you said with a smile you were now unable to hide any longer:
“Seems like someone is already eager for more.”
Miguel held a sheepish smile as he bit his lower lip. He has to know the effect he had on your after all this time, or else he wouldn’t act this way. One of his hands held himself on the bed while his free hand grabbed your butt, gently squeezing it. You shuddered at the sensation, still managing to keep your fingers on his erection.
“It’s not fair that you’re the only one allowed to touch.”, he said with a cheeky smile. Your fingers unbuckled his belt and he helped you taking off your shirt. You both had been past the first steps of any relationship when you both needed to always present yourself under your best light. You didn’t care anymore about your body hair, your stretch marks or even your saggy breasts. You knew you didn’t have to care anymore about that, that he would accept you the way you are and love you, just like you loved all his “imperfections” that made him who he was. It could be his scars, his fangs or his talons… You had accepted every features of him, you even grew into them.
Miguel took a good look at you before gyrating his lips, slowly lifting them up so you could take off his pants.
“¿Cómo te vuelves aún más bonita cada vez que te veo?” (How do you even get prettier every time I see you?)
Miguel speaking in Spanish was always a good sign in these moments. You were used to his usual sweet names he would give you, but you still had some trouble understanding what he was saying sometimes. Nonetheless you always knew deep down that these were the type of words that would make you go crazy. His little satisfied smile would let you know how much he enjoyed seeing you trying to guess what he just told you.
“I guess you’re not going to tell me what you just said.” You were on your knees, facing him, your hands tugging at the waistband of his underwear, teasing him. He smiled at you, tucking of strand of your hair behind your ear.
“I just said you were getting even prettier every time I see you.”
“I’m going to treat you so right tonight…”, you answered with a grin as you lowered his briefs.
With one gentle pat on your head, he let you know he was ready for you to make your words into action. You gave his cock one long lick from the base to the tip, before teasing the said tip with your lips. Miguel let out a low moan, coming straight out of the depth of his throat. Your tongue swirled around his erect member and you couldn’t hold a moan yourself when you started swallowing him. His hands held the side of your face, your lose hair trapped around his finger. You looked up at his face, watching his every reaction, how his lips slightly parted as he started panting, how a single curl of his hair seemed lost on his forehead…
“No pares, querida. Sé que puedes hacerlo.” (Don’t stop, darling. I know you can do it.)
You started bobbing your head with the help of Miguel. You’re going to need him somewhere else soon. The more you felt him going deeper, the wetter you were getting. You didn’t try to control your moans or the lewd noises your mouth would make, knowing how much he liked it when your were vocal. Your hands started caressing his inner thighs and the closer you were getting to its base, the more Miguel’s hands were gripping your head tighter.
“Please...baby…” His pleading voice was like music to your ears and you could feel how much he wanted for you to take him fully, which was usually not that easy given his girth...but worth it, every time you saw his reaction. You gave him one nod and he pulled you closer, moving his hips, rutting against you, the tip of his cock close to your uvula.
Miguel came quickly after that in a symphony of low groans and helpless whimpers. He let himself fall on the bed, shaking the mattress while doing so. His cock was still hard and the red tip was coated with your saliva. Even when lying down the bed he kept his legs spread. You watched him closely, observing how he would slowly catch his breath.
“Thanks mami. Thanks.”
“My pleasure.”, you answered, whipping some saliva from your chin.
You planted a kiss on his thighs and moved onto the bed, next to him. Your eyes didn’t leave his body. His chest was heaving under the fabric of the shirt and you couldn’t resist opening it, exposing the absolute perfection of his chest to your greedy eyes. Miguel gave you one amused look.
“Got some ideas?”
“You always give me so many ideas, papi.” Your attempt at teasing him in Spanish made him smile even more. You were clearly not fluent but everything sounded way cuter in your mouth and he never minded you being flirty. His fingers brushed along your hips.
“That’s good to know… I may have a few ideas on what we could do… It’s something that would imply for you to relax and lie down.” He smoothly shifted your place on your bed, making you lie on the sheets and straddling you. His fingers get hooked in the hoops of your pants that he quickly pulled off, leaving you in nothing more than in a pair of low-cut panties. Your hip dips were showing as well as the flesh of your thighs, soft and inviting to the gaze, to the touch. The thin straps of the panties was lost under soft mounds of flesh, pressing against your skin. Miguel hooked his fingers under the straps, slowly pulling it off as your womanhood was now exposed to him. He let out a sigh as he watched your body already sprayed out for him. His fingers kneaded your skin, squeezing gently your skin as he lowered his body on yours. You were face to face, your noses rubbing against one another when you reached for your nightstand and more specifically the drawer in which you knew a box of condoms was always waiting. Miguel caught you moving and he gently grabbed your wrist.
“Actually, I thought we could… try not using them tonight.”
It was so rare to see him losing his words. He was always so sure of himself, even when he happened to be wrong, that you stopped moving. Did you understand what he meant?
“But… I could…” You didn’t finish your sentence, letting the word float in the air between the two of you. Miguel suddenly seemed uneasy as he stammered:
“You know what? Forget about what I said. Let’s just use one and…” This time, you were the one stopping his movement as he tried to reach the drawer.
“Miguel, is it what you had in your mind since you came back home?” You weren’t sure of what you were feeling. You were definitely surprised since you didn’t imagine Miguel wanting this, not with his job, not after his last attempt at parenting. You knew it was a sensitive topic for him and he rarely opened up about it. You just assumed he wasn’t interested in this matter. He lowered his head, looking at your body under him, his cheeks slightly flushed as he admitted in a low voice:
“I’ve been thinking about this since we got married.”
Your hands reached for one another, your fingers intertwining and you both could feel the other’s ring against your skin.
“Why didn’t you say anything? I thought you… that you would never want to start a family, to have children.”
Miguel’s small smile almost made you melt. He gave your forehead a soft peck before answering:
“That’s what I used to think too… but then I met you.”
“Is there an other reason?”
“Well… you know…maybe… seeing Jess and Peter having their own family made me think.” Miguel leaned in and kissed your neck, whispering between each kiss:
“I thought we could try and see how it goes. You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about it recently. About our future and some other things. Like, how many children we could have, their names, how they would look… Maybe we would have a house…”
You’ve never thought the picket-fence dream was for you but as Miguel kept describing it, the children running in the garden, waking up on a Sunday morning next to him, the kids barging in the room, hours spend helping them with their homework on the kitchen table before you all make dinner…
“Please, tell me what else you had imagined.” Miguel couldn’t help but smile at your request. The picture of your family was becoming clearer in your mind with every word of his.
“How does that sound, querida?” He was waiting for your answer, feeling more anxious every minute as he had just told you his dearest desire.
“It sounds amazing, Miguel.” His smile could light up the whole room as he pressed his body on yours.
“Do you want this too?”, he asked in a low voice. You could only nod as your hands wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him closer to you. You then lifted up your lips to meet his and he let out a low groan before kissing you. The kiss you were sharing was becoming more and more heated as the two of you moved your heads, deepening the kiss. Miguel’s tongue entered your mouth and caressed its inside when his hands strongly held your hips. The tip of his cock brushed against your entrance and you moaned against his mouth. He kept teasing you until you were growing more and more frustrated and playfully bit his lower lip. Miguel’s fingers started spreading your wet arousal all over your folds as he began to stretch you, getting you ready for him. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do. The mere idea of cumming inside you was already making his softened member harder than before and he knew he wouldn’t last long.
When he finally inserted his cock between your lips, he let out a low moan, throwing his head backward. You felt your body reacting for you, your walls tightening around him, trapping him until he let go of his release. It took him a few seconds to adjust himself, finding the right angle and the best way for you to accommodate to his size and girth. Just when he began to move slowly, sliding in and out, your hands reached for his butt and you helped him moving, finding the right pace. You would give him a few squeezes from time to time, feeling how it seemed to directly affect him.
Miguel’s eyes were locked on yours as he watched your face distorted with pleasure, your lips slightly parted, your eyes half-closed and at the same time imagining what you would look like pregnant. He could easily picture your soft and round body, all for him to love and worship.
You felt him getting closer to his release each passing second from the look in his eyes, dizzy and far away, and the way his hips were mowing in a soon erratic way. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your hands grabbed his hair, pulling his face closer to yours for an other kiss. You were both lost in the haze of pleasure this whole thing was. Miguel’s legs were shaking when he grabbed one of your breasts and squeezed it. Your moan, the weight and softness of your breasts against his hands… he lost it in this moment. With a low moan, he finally let go, reaching his orgasm and when he did so, his fingers squeezed harder your breast, earning a strangled moan from you as well.
Miguel let his body fall on top of yours, while his cock was still buried inside you. He was filling you in every way possible. Before you could say anything his lips kissed your breasts, first the side then the top and finally his lips circled your nipple, licking, tugging and biting on them. His ministrations were methodical as he knew exactly what strings to pull for you to enjoy yourself. As he did so, your fingers kept playing with his hair, with the soft and plump curves of his bottom… and this time you both came.Miguel let out a tired groan before lying next to you. One of his hands gently squeezed your thigh while you both looked at each other.
“Do you think it will work?”, you asked in a small voice.
Miguel’s body shifted toward you and he held your waist, pressing his forehead against yours. He needed some time to find his words while enjoying the beauty of your body in front of him. Will it work? Probably not the first time, he thought. But he knew it was just a matter of time before the two of you could have your own family., and he was more than willing to try as many times as needed.
“You’re going to be such an amazing mom.”
Note: I don't usually like the pregnancy trope and pregnancy is something that I find a little scary. Also this is such a heavy topic, so I hope I gave it justice. I'm not really satisfied with what I wrote but I still wanted to try.
But I also thought this trope could really fit Miguel. I hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks for reading this mess. Here's your cookie🍪
Edit: thanks for the 200 likes
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goosewriting · 1 year
Make me a caf
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summary: Hux seemingly wants to keep you around after you fix his caf machine.
relationship: Armitage Hux x GN reader
warnings: (18+) making out, sexual tension
word count: 7.4k (this one got away from me... i blacked out and woke up to this. i have no other explanation lol)
A/N: 100% self indulgent. partially inspired by @wordborne’s fic Strictly Business, which is a story for inquisitor!Cal. i wonder what it is about redheads in black outfits that’s so appealing to me  lmao
prompt used: they are absolutely losing it, they pin you against the wall, hands on either side of your face, eyes looking down, they say through gritted teeth, "This isn't easy for me. I-I've never--You matter to me. And, You deserve way better than someone like me--" They're cut off when you pull their collar closer, shaking your head, somehow not fazed by his gaze that's ripping you bare. "I deserve you--everything of you, I want it." (source, by @urfriendlywriter)
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
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Life sure takes interesting turns sometimes. You started out as a mechanic on your home planet, then got drafted by the First Order to work on many projects, the latest being a new base on the planet Ilum, which was a very exclusive and secret project. So not only did you have to relocate for a long time while the base got built, but also in the little leave you got, you weren’t really allowed to talk to anyone.
But you decided a long time ago that’s an okay price to pay for an honestly more than decent pay. You also don’t have to pay for housing or food, you get your own quarters, all your equipment, and even a droid. So, not too shabby.
It’s been a while since you moved to Ilum now, and it’s a morning like any other. You’re the first to arrive at the workshop and your droid beeps at you, telling you that there’s a special request coming in asking for a mechanic. You ask your companion from where it comes and it projects a schematic of the base, with the room in question blinking.
You swallow hard as you realise that’s the part of the base where the captains and generals are housed. But the message was marked as urgent, and you’re the only one here right now, so you take your tools and nod to your droid to follow you.
It takes a while to navigate the labyrinth of hallways; it was pretty rare for the lower deck people to come to these parts. You have to look at your droid’s map a couple of times, but finally you make it to the right wing. Even the design of the walls is different here than it is in the other floors, it’s more sophisticated somehow.
You arrive at the room number indicated on the message and read the name on the plaque next to the door: it’s General Hux’s room. Great.
Luckily you didn’t have to deal with him personally, ever really, but you did hear the rumours, and they weren’t all too… nice. Sure, talks about Kylo Ren and his anger issues sounded worse in a way, but at least he lashed out from time to time. Hux donned you as the kind of person to be so emotionally constipated that he probably didn’t remember how to express anything else on his face except for contempt. In fact you’re pretty sure you’ve never seen the man smile.
Taking a deep breath, you knock on the door, and you’re startled as it opens almost immediately. In front of you towers none other than the General himself, sans his coat, eyeing you and your droid up and down.
“You’re late,” is all he says as he turns on his heel, and you follow him silently, deciding there’s no point in arguing to him about how he summoned you to basically the other side of the base out of the blue. 
You try not to stare too much, but you can’t help taking in his room: it’s spacious, clean and tidy. There’s a main room with a couch, a chair and a caf table, and a small kitchen to the side with a breakfast nook attached to it. An open door leads to a space you can’t see, but you assume it’s a hallway to the bedroom and refresher. For a whole organisation that seems to love their sleek designs in black and red, his quarters sure are light, which in turn makes them seem bigger. The wall in the far back of the living room has a huge window reaching almost from floor to ceiling, letting in plenty of natural light, reflected on the planet’s snowy landscape.
When Hux clears his throat, you rip your eyes off the place and bring them back to him, where he stands in the kitchen with his arms crossed.
“The caf machine is broken,” is all he says, then moves past you in a way that only entitled people do, where they expect the other to move out of their way, and takes a seat on the couch, reading through his datapad.
“Right,” you say through gritted teeth, thinking back to all your diplomas and licences to repair heavy machinery, artillery, spaceships, yet here you are, fixing a caf machine. 
With a sigh you approach the device and get to work. You find the problem quickly, and luckily it’s an easy fix. You stretch out your arm to your droid, asking for a tool which is handed to you with a happy beep, and finish the repair within minutes. 
“All done, Sir,” you call to Hux.
“Test it to make sure,” he orders without looking up.
He sighs.
“Make me a caf,” he clarifies. His tone isn’t particularly condescending or mocking though, it’s just flat. 
“Uhm, yes, Sir,” you respond, turn to the machine and all its buttons, then back to him. “How would you like your caf, Sir?”
“Surprise me,” he answers and goes back to scrolling through his datapad. 
You blink a couple of times, turning back to the device. This is one of those higher end machines, you’ve never really operated one. And you don’t even know where he keeps his stuff.
As if he could read your mind at your lack of movement, he says, “Caf is in the pantry, mugs are in the cupboard above.”
You open said cupboard, finding a collection of plain, black mugs, as well as an electric grinder. In the pantry you see not just an overwhelming amount of different caf beans types, but also a whole barista set, with the little press and the whisky thing. You have never used any of these; all you know is that these sets are rather expensive. And this man apparently knows his caf, so why would he ask a random mechanic to prepare it for him?
Wondering how it is you come into ridiculous situations like this alarmingly often, you get to work, grinding the beans (you didn't know a grinder could be this silent), placing everything in the machine and starting it up. In the pantry you also find some other spices and creamer, but you reckon Hux is the kind of man to take his caf black, so you don’t put in any of the latter. Instead you add a little bit of… you don’t even know what kind of spice it is, as the little jar is unlabeled, but it smells good. 
“All done, Sir,” you say as you walk up to him with the steaming mug.
He gestures to the caf table in front of him with his chin, and you’re about to place the mug down, but then see a little basket with coasters donning the First Order symbol. You pick one up and slide it under the mug.
“You can see yourself out,” is all Hux says, without looking at the mug or you.
You hesitate for a moment, not expecting to just be sent off like that. Wasn’t he even gonna try it? Wait… Why were you even waiting for a response? It’s not like you cared.
“Yes, Sir,” you bow lightly and turn on your heels, calling your droid and leaving.
On the whole walk back to your workshop, you wonder what the kriff just happened, and hope that you won’t have to deal with the General for a long time. He’s so weird.
The universe seems to be against you though, because it is only the next day when you arrive at the workshop, but this time you’re not alone. You’re the first mechanic, as for the next couple of rotations you have the early shift, but there’s a Stormtrooper waiting; that can’t mean anything good. 
“Good morning, Trooper,” you greet them with a smile as you approach them. “Anything I can help you with?”
“Grab your tools and follow me,” the modulated voice orders. You pack your little bag while the Trooper just stares, then tell your droid to come, but they lift a hand.
“Leave the droid.”
You couldn’t be more confused, but you comply, telling your droid to stay. It beeps sadly and slowly rolls back around your table, where it will probably stay and wait for you to come back. You feel a little bad, but there’s nothing you can do.
The Trooper doesn’t say anything else as you follow them through the pristine halls, your steps echoing off the walls. Every now and then you have to jog a little to catch up with their hasty pace. Soon enough the route seems oddly familiar and you feel like you’re having a déjà-vu. 
“Where are we going again?” you ask, even though you haven’t been told yet where the Trooper is taking you.
“General Hux called for you,” they explain.
Okay, now you are confused. You fixed his caf machine, even made him a fresh cup of it. What could he possibly still want? 
The rest of the way to the General’s room is silent again, and once you arrive at the door, the Trooper knocks twice, then stands guard next to it. Again, the door opens comically quickly, as if Hux had been behind it waiting the whole time. The thought makes you smile to yourself, and you try to suppress it the best you can.
“Ah, good, you found the mechanic,” Hux says, nodding to the Trooper, who nods back and leaves the way you came from. 
“What can I do for you today, Sir?” you ask as you find yourself walking into his quarters again. 
This time he has you following him through the hallway to the refresher, where he points at a flickering light.
“Fix it,” he orders and leaves.
Is this some sort of twisted game where he would have you do menial tasks every day? Is the First Order targeting you? Just what in the world is going on, you think, dropping your bag of tools onto the floor with more force than necessary. I have more urgent work to do.
Heaving a silent sigh, you inspect the light. Just as you thought, all it needed was to be screwed in tighter into its socket, and the flickering stopped. 
Picking up your bag from the floor, you walk into the hallway. The door to his room is open and you steal a tiny peek inside. His bed is huge! Sure must be comfy…
“All done, Sir,” you report as you come to stand beside him. 
“Excellent. Now,” he says as he leaves his datapad on the couch and stands up, taking a step towards you, towering over you. Instinctively you take a step back, and the tiniest of smiles appears on his freckled face. Huh, you hadn’t noticed before that he has freckles. 
“Make me a caf,” he orders.
“Sir,” you start, averting your gaze from his piercing one. “With all due respect, you have a functioning caf machine right there. I don’t see why my presence is needed.” 
He narrows his eyes at you. 
“How did you prepare the caf yesterday?” he asks.
Oh Maker, he probably hated it, you think as you tighten your grip on the strap of your bag.
“Uhm, I…” you hate yourself for stumbling over your words. You bet he’s getting a kick out of this. “Was it not to your liking Sir? If so, I apologise–”
“That was the best damn caf I’ve had in a long time,” he interrupts you, and you can only look up at him in surprise. “How did you prepare it?”
“I made a… I think it’s called a blend?” you try your darndest to remember just what you did yesterday when you experimented with the ingredients in the pantry. “I used beans from two different packs. They seemed like they would go well together… Sir.”
Why did you even do that? You have no idea. You’re also pretty sure you added one of the spices. 
“Interesting,” Hux remarks, leaning back to stand at his full height. You didn’t even notice he was leaning in so close to you. 
You kinda just stand in place, waiting for further instructions, while his eyes seem to burn through your very soul, his face unreadable. 
“Then, surprise me again, mechanic,” he orders, and walks back to the couch. 
You gulp for what you’re about to say, but you don’t like how he calls you ‘mechanic’ like it’s a derogatory term. 
“Actually, Sir, it’s…” you say and pause, waiting for him to turn to you, and then you tell him your name.
He repeats it, as if testing out how it sounds, and you reprimand yourself internally for the beat your heart just skipped when you heard him say it. 
Hux turns his attention back to the datapad, and you quickly make your way into the kitchen, leaving your bag on one of the stools. 
Once more you find yourself in front of the pantry, and you get to work. You sniff the different caf packets, trying to understand anything from the colourfully worded descriptions on the back. With a shrug, you just follow your nose like you did last time, and grind up two different kinds of beans, this time without any spices, and let the machine do the rest. 
Once it’s ready, you bring it to the caf table, where a coaster is already waiting this time. You place down the mug and bring your hands behind your back, waiting to be dismissed.
But instead, Hux takes the mug into his hand, blowing softly on it, and takes a sip. All without breaking eye contact with you. He waits a couple of seconds and hums. You hope that’s a good thing. 
“Interesting choice,” he remarks, looking into the dark liquid reflecting the room’s lights in ripples. “You’re dismissed.”
“Sir,” you excuse yourself with the same bow as yesterday, grab your bag, and leave his quarters. 
You take a quick look at the time on your datapad and curse under your breath as you’re gonna be late for the second rotation in a row, and speed up your pace.
This whole spiel goes on for almost two weeks: Hux sends someone to retrieve you from the workshop early in the morning, has you do some menial task as an excuse for calling you, then orders you to make him caf. The feedback you get for your results is sparse at best, usually only one or two words. But you did notice that he has a preference for one type of blend mixed with a certain spice. You even went as far as looking up more things to spice caf up with on the holonet, trying to apply it to the ingredients in his pantry.
The more time you spend in his room, the more he opens up little by little as well. At first you’d work in silence. Then he’d sit on the stools by the kitchen instead of the couch, doing some work. Then he’d put down the datapad to watch you work, and it even came as far as doing smalltalk. Once he even asked you for your input regarding a technical matter in his work, where you caught a glimpse of some schematics of something huge. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you curious to know what he was working on. 
As ridiculous as this whole situation was, not only did you find yourself looking forward to seeing a Trooper every morning, but you made it your goal to make a caf that would blow Hux’s socks right off.
It’s shortly after the two week mark of this whole thing that you’re on your way to the workshop, expecting to see a Trooper to pick you up, but the place is actually empty, save for your co-worker who’s on the early shift. You greet your droid, who beeps happily at your arrival, and you look around.
“Did anyone come by, buddy?” you ask, and get a negative beep-boop. 
When you ask the other mechanic, she also says it’s been just her until now.
Huh, weird. No, wait, hold on a minute – why are you even expecting to get summoned in the first place? You can finally catch up on all the work you’re behind on because of the little “caf-scapades”, as you’ve been calling them. 
“Alright, let’s get to work,” you tell your droid and pat it a couple of times. “There’s a lot to do.”
The nagging feeling that something is wrong doesn’t leave you though, in fact, the more time passes, the stronger it seems to get. By the end of your shift, you wonder if you should pay the General a visit out of your own volition. But you decide against it, after all he could be on a mission somewhere, or maybe he was busy today. Either way, it’s none of your business. 
You wrap up for the day and finish cleaning your workstation, get your dinner, and not long after, find yourself getting ready for bed. After a quick shower, you change into a tank top and shorts, your go-to sleepwear. You’re glad that despite the harsh outside conditions, the living quarters are well heated.
Just as you’re lifting the blanket to get into your bed, you hear your datapad beep twice: a message. You wonder who it could be this late at night.
With a sigh, you make your way to the table and pick up the device, squinting at the light in your already dark room. You almost drop it to the floor when you see the message: “Come now. Alone.” It’s from an unknown sender, but marked as urgent: it’s gotta be from Hux. You glance at the time and roll your eyes. Of course he would have you on a regular trip to his room every morning for half a month, then suddenly stop, only to call you to his room in the middle of the night. Just what is this guy’s deal?!
You look down at yourself and sigh. This isn’t how you want the General to see you, at least not right now. Not yet. Perhaps. 
You don’t really own any civilian clothes, as you’re always in the base. The only non overall kind of clothing you have is a First Order uniform, but that one is only ever really used for official events or gatherings. Plus it’s rather stiff. 
All your coveralls are currently either covered in grease and/or smell of engine oil. Besides, you don’t wanna wear those over your PJs. So you grab the next best option, which is the summer version of the coveralls you almost never use because they have short sleeves, and it’s mandatory to wear long sleeves and gloves in most of the hangars and workshops. They’re clean at least, so you quickly jump into them, not even bothering to zip it up all the way, slip into your boots and head out. 
Walking down the hallways to the military wing of the base at this time of night is strange; for some reason there’s more Troopers and people out and about than in the early mornings. They give you a strange side-eye when walking past you, but no one seems to question your presence at least.
When you finally make it to Hux’s room, you lift your hand to knock, but hesitate.
Why would he call you out here at this hour anyways? On one side you expect him to tell you that he’s grown tired and bored of you. On the other side you know he wouldn’t do that, not like this at least. 
All day, ever since not being picked up by a Trooper, you’ve been plagued by this little voice in your head. A nagging feeling that was disguised as a strange curiosity to know where the caf-scapades would bring you two in terms of getting to know each other, yet you knew that beneath it was genuine worry for the General. He doesn’t contact you all day, then suddenly messages you (which means he went out of his way to get your contact information, since you hadn’t given it to him), and here you are, running to him the second he calls you. 
You grimace at the thought, or rather the realisation, that you actually came to… like the General. 
He has a weird sense of humour, and isn’t good at expressing how he feels. But if you look closely enough, you can recognise the subtle changes in his face that give away his thoughts. You can’t deny that he is very handsome, but you’re also aware that he can be a dangerous man. You’ve heard enough stories of what he and Ren have done and are capable of. And yet… There's something about his presence, like he’s surrounded by this air full of purpose and confidence, that you can’t help being pulled towards him. 
So yeah, you’re intrigued by him. And you want to see more. 
Taking a deep breath, you knock on the door in the pattern you usually do.
But the door stays closed. 
Suddenly it dawns on you that you didn’t actually know for sure who sent the message. What if it wasn’t Hux, and something happened to him? What if he was hurt and this was all a trap?
You hold your breath, tilting your ear towards the door, trying to hear if there’s anyone at all in there, when you suddenly hear a groan from the other side.
You’re about to call out to Hux but stop yourself. You’re sure it was a groan right, and not a… moan? You feel heat rising to your cheeks at the thought. 
Shaking away the images threatening to flood your brain, you knock again. You really hope you’re not interrupting anything.
This time the groan is louder, clearly pained, and it’s calling your name. 
“Sir?” you ask, now definitely worried for his well-being, all other theories thrown out the window. 
Suddenly, the door whooshes open, but there’s no one in front of it. Instead, you see the remote aimed at the entrance (so that’s how he opened the door so quickly), held by a Hux who’s half hanging from the couch onto the floor.
“General!” you call, close the door behind you and rush to his side.
Hux is only wearing his trousers; his shirt, jacket and belt are strewn on the floor. He probably was trying to get dressed or change, but collapsed. You grab his arms to pull him up, and you get to sit him down properly on the couch. His face is flushed all the way down to his neck, clearly running a fever. Your hand shoots up to touch his forehead and he’s burning. He weakly swats your hand away and winces in pain, his eyes shut tightly, and you feel your own gaze travelling down his jaw to his collarbones, to all the freckles covering his shoulders and pecs.
Forcing yourself to tear away your eyes, you shake his shoulder lightly. 
“Sir, you need to go to bed and rest,” you tell him.
“I- I was… trying,” he huffs between heavy breaths, his eyes meeting your own in what you guess was meant to be a glare, but they lack their usual intensity. 
“Lean onto me,” you instruct, pulling him up by an arm and throwing it over your shoulder. You feel how he’s fighting to slump all of his weight on you, and get moving. 
It takes a while and Hux almost falls to the floor twice, but you make it to his room, where he lets himself fall onto the bed. You rush to the refresher, where you remember seeing a first aid kit, and bring it back to the room. You help him take off his boots and lift the blanket for him to climb into the bed, tucking him in once he’s settled. Then you sit down on the edge of the bed and start unpacking the kit. A cold patch goes to his forehead and you take his temperature, which is way too high.
“I’m gonna give you a stim, okay?” you warn him as you take it out of the kit, pulling the blanket down a little so you can apply it. You stick it below his collarbone in a quick motion, and he hisses.
“There, there,” you coo and can’t help but smile. He grunts as he places his forearm over his face, and you pull the blanket back up properly.
After packing everything into the kit and putting it to the side, you go to the kitchen to get a cup of water. Back in the room, you hand Hux some pills and the cup, and he downs it all without even asking what it is and with no snarky remark, which makes you feel even worse for him; the fever must be really bad.
You’re still sitting at his side, taking in his state and wondering what else you can do, when a question pops into your head.
“Why did you call me, General?” you ask him, and he peeks at you from under his arm. “Shouldn’t you have gotten a nurse or a medical droid?”
“Didn’t get my caf today,” he rasps. 
“Oh, so it’s my fault you came down with a fever?” you retort playfully. He nods, and you can’t help but laugh a little. 
“So now I gotta make up for my mistake?” you add, and he nods again. You exhale through your nose with a smile. “Well, General, I did all I can do for you. I’m gonna go get a medical droid–”
But before you can stand up, his hand shoots up to grab your wrist, yanking you back down. 
“Armitage,” he whispers, blinking a couple of times, trying to focus his eyes on you.
“Sir–” is all you get out, trying to loosen his grip on your wrist.
“Call me Armitage,” he repeats, louder this time, eyes suddenly full of an intensity you didn’t know he had left in his state.
“Sir, I can’t– You’re–” you whimper in pain as his grip tightens around you even more. “You’re hurting me, Armitage.”
Hux looks up at you a moment longer, then down at his hand, and suddenly lets go, as if he only now realised what he was doing.
“I– I didn’t mean to…” he mumbles as his hand hesitantly reaches up to your wrist again, but much gentler this time. His fingers ghost over the irritated skin, taking your hand in his larger one, and bringing it to his mouth to kiss your knuckles.
“Stay the night,” he orders, and you feel like your heart, brain, lungs – everything just stops working altogether. 
“Gener–” you start but his brows furrow in a warning glare, so you correct yourself. “Armitage, I really shouldn’t. I can’t.”
Not when you’re like this, at least, you add in your mind.
“I won’t do anything, I promise,” he assures you, his face softening, but eyes still as intense. “Just stay by my side.”
Your eyes fall to your hand still in his, and you feel him give you a squeeze. After a moment, you return it. You’re aware that this can end in one of two ways: it’s either the start of something very interesting, or the end of your career as you know it. Are you really about to risk it all for some fun? 
“Okay,” you finally give in, and he sighs in relief.
Hux pats the space next to him in his enormous bed, and you walk over to the other side of it, lying down on top of the blanket. He holds your hand again and closes his eyes, starting to drift off. 
– – – – –
The next morning, Hux wakes up to a dull pang of pain behind his eyes. He squints as he takes in his surroundings. When did he get to bed? Did he forget to close the blinds last night? Sitting up in the bed, he sees the patch from his forehead fall into his lap. Did he get that himself from the refresher? Why can’t he remember anything from last night? 
He throws his legs over the edge of the bed, seeing that he’s still wearing his uniform’s trousers. On the nightstand is a glass of water and some pills which he assumes to be aspirin. He downs it, drinking the whole thing. Why is he so thirsty? 
His eyes travel over the bed when he realises that not only is the other side ruffled, as if someone had slept there, but there’s some mechanic’s overalls neatly folded at the end of the bed too. He freezes, racking his brain for any events of the night prior, but it’s all a blur.
Suddenly he hears some clinking sounds from the kitchen. Sniffing the air he also smells food. Just as he’s about to get up to investigate, you come walking through the door, and his heart skips several beats. You’re only wearing a tank top and shorts, showing much more skin than he’d ever seen from you, and he immediately decides that he likes what he sees. 
“Oh, you’re up,” you say, coming to a halt just as you pass the door, suddenly very self-conscious of how his eyes are essentially eating you up. “I made breakfast, and caf. Are you feeling any better?”
He doesn’t answer, instead looking down at the floor. You being here, dressed like this, does that mean that last night you two…? And if so, why couldn’t he remember any of it?! 
Given his lack of response, you walk around the bed and stand in front of Hux, looking at him with worry.
“Hey, are you okay?” you ask, your hand coming up to his forehead. You sigh in relief when you notice his fever is almost gone, but you don’t miss how he tenses up at your touch. So if he’s back to normal again… “A-Armitage?”
Hux straightens up suddenly at the use of his name, and looks at you with a ferocity you hadn’t seen before. You instinctively take a step back, and immediately regret it when you see the hurt cross his face for a split second. Hux’s eyes fall and go to your hand which had just been on his forehead moments ago. A scowl spreads on his face as he carefully takes your wrist and brings it up to his face to inspect the bruising that spreads from the back of your hand to almost the middle of your forearm.
“Who did this to you?” he asks through gritted teeth, clearly upset. 
“You did,” you answer, and he looks up at you in disbelief. “You don’t… remember anything from last night?”
“I don’t,” he groans, and when he looks back up at you, his ears burn in the cutest shade of pink. “Since I don’t remember, I have to ask… Did we… last night?”
Your cheeks get set ablaze as you shake your head, biting your lip. When he sighs in relief, you feel your heart sink momentarily, but it resumes its erratic beating with his next words. 
“I’d hate myself if something happened and I didn’t remember it the next day,” he’s quick to clarify, still not letting go of your hand. “And about this… I’m sorry.”
You don’t think that apologies are something that comes easy to Hux, so you know you should just take it as such and shut up, but you can’t help your blabbering, trying to make him feel better for some reason.
“Don’t worry about it, I bruise easily,” you say with a sheepish smile. “Besides, I’ve had worse. I’ll survive.”
“Worse?” Hux asks, concerned for you and at the same time enraged at the thought of someone else hurting you. 
“Yeah, look at this,” you reply, removing your hand from his to lift your shirt up a little, while the other pulls down the hem of your shorts ever so slightly, to show him a scar that goes from above your hip bone up and around your ribcage. “This one I got from when an engine fell on me.” 
So you meant work accidents and not someone else laying a hand on you. Hux feels the earlier rage dissipate as he takes in your scar, and the way you so easily bared yourself to him. 
Being pulled towards him by your hips, you watch in complete shock when Hux places the softest of kisses on your scar, then traces it with his fingers. He’s so close, you wonder if he can hear your heart pounding against your ribcage.
“Shall we get breakfast then?” he asks, suddenly very matter-of-factly, and stands up. “Wouldn’t want the caf to get cold after all.”
Hux walks past you to the wardrobe, getting out of your sight as he stands behind the open door. You take a moment to control your breathing and imagination, then walk towards the kitchen. 
When he joins you on the stools, you notice he changed into more comfortable clothes, and you pass him his mug and a plate of eggs and bacon.
“I can also make some porridge if you think you’d stomach that better?” you offer.
“This is perfect,” he retorts, and starts eating. 
You prop your hand on your elbow for a second, just taking in this moment which seems… strangely domestic. And peaceful. It feels like something you could get used to.
Snapping back to reality, you check the time on the microwave, and scramble to your feet.
“Ah, kriff! I’m so late!” you start running back and forth, gathering your things. You quickly slip into your overalls and jump into your boots without even tying them up. You appear once more next to Hux, who’s still calmly enjoying his breakfast.
“You better take the day off. I don’t want to see you around, you hear me?” you tell him, pointing at him with a scolding finger. “Drink plenty of water and stay in bed, okay? Message me if anything comes up.” 
Before you realise what you’re doing, you place a quick kiss to his cheek, say your goodbyes and dash out the door, leaving a very perplexed Hux in the kitchen.
It’s only as you’re rushing down the halls that you realise not only what you’ve done but also how this must look to the passers-by: someone getting out of a high ranking officer’s room with rather dishevelled hair, not having even put on your clothes properly. You swallow your pride though, ignoring all the looks you get, and run as fast as you can to your room to get changed. 
When you finally make it to the workshop, it’s no surprise to see your supervisor there, and he’s fuming. You try to sneak by to your workstation somehow, but he sees you and calls you over to his office, where he gives you an earful about impunctuality and responsibility and yadda yadda yadda. Then he goes on about how highly irregular this behaviour is from you since you’ve always been a diligent worker, and you better think twice before not appearing for work next time. 
You bite your tongue and let it all pass over you. As long as you finish your work within the deadline, there’s no real risk here. 
When your boss finally lets you go, you rush to your droid and get to work immediately. The next couple of rotations you’re immersed in your job, taking shift after shift to catch up on everything you still have to get done. In all this time, there’s no messages from Hux, and you’re glad, because you would probably say things to him that you’d regret later if you saw him right now. Getting so behind schedule in the first place is kind of his fault. Sure, you never told him that you were losing precious hours of work, but you didn’t think it’d get this far. That you would come to enjoy his company and hope he enjoyed yours, to the point where he had asked you to spend the night. 
So, right now, you don’t want to see him, not until after the deadline. But the universe has other plans for you yet again, as it is the day before it that you see Hux again. 
You had told him he should message you. He could have gone and sent a Trooper for you like last time. But no, what does this guy do? Comes to get you personally.
If it wasn’t for your droid, you wouldn’t even have seen him coming because you’re currently head-first inside a cockpit, trying to reach some cables. But its beeps alert you, and you spring up so hastily that you hit your head on the dashboard.
With a hiss and rubbing over the spot you just hit, you get out of the ship, where Hux and two of his Troopers are waiting. 
“General Hux,” you greet with a polite smile, “What can I do for you?”
“Come with me,” he orders, and for a moment you look at him in disbelief. 
Just what is he getting at now? No greeting, no nothing? Just ordering you around again, in front of your crew? Making you lose even more hours of work? Oh, two can play that game.
“No,” you retort after a scoff.
He comes to a halt and turns around slowly, his eyes narrowed at you in a warning glare. 
“I beg your pardon?” he asks, his whole body language telling you to measure your next words very carefully, but instead, you slightly lift your chin in a defiant gesture. 
“Then beg.” 
Hux curls his fists at his side, and the Troopers lift their blasters to aim at you, but he lifts one hand, and they lower their weapons, but not without giving each other a look behind the General. 
At this point the whole workshop is so silent, you’re sure you’d be able to hear a needle drop onto the metallic floor. Even the TIE fighters in the hangars around you seem to roar more silently. 
“I am the General in charge of this base and you will listen to me!” he suddenly yells, and you avert your eyes. You can’t believe he just pulled rank on you. 
Letting the tool you were holding fall into the toolbox with a clank, you walk up to him, still not looking him in the eyes.
He slightly shakes his head at you, then turns on his heels and heads for the hallway, with you in tow and the Troopers at the end. 
Hux takes a different route than expected; instead of taking you to his quarters, which are pretty far away, he heads to the office wing, finding an empty conference room and getting in. He slams the button on the panel for the blinds, and the inner windows dividing the room and the hallway go dark. 
“No interruptions,” he instructs the Troopers through gritted teeth, then closes the door. 
You find yourself in the rather dark room now, alone, with a seemingly very angry General. He suddenly turns around and takes quick steps towards you, pushing you back against the conference table and trapping you between his arms.
“Don’t you dare defy me like that again in front of the others,” he threatens you. 
“Defy you?” you say with a wry smile, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “You don’t get to order me around like your Stormtroopers. You can ask nicely, you know? Or just, I don’t know, like a normal person?” 
He groans, slamming his fist onto the table, which startles you. You don’t like this attitude at all, so you push him back and take a step to the side.
“General– No, Armitage,” you try softening him up by using his name, and it seems to be working. “What even are we?”
He starts walking towards you again, slowly backing you up against the wall this time. 
“If this is just a game to you, then–” you start, your hands on his chest in an attempt to push him off, but you don’t actually put any strength into it because you know what you actually want. So you let yourself be pushed further, your heart pounding with every step backwards you take. “Then let’s just stop right here. But if you’re serious about this, you need to tell me, please…”
By now, Hux is absolutely losing it, and he finally pins you against the wall, hands on either side of your face, eyes looking down into yours.
"This isn't easy for me,” he says through gritted teeth. “I– I've never– You matter to me. And, maybe you deserve better than someone like me–"
He’s cut off when you pull him closer by the collar, shaking your head, somehow not fazed by his gaze that's ripping you bare.
"I deserve you– everything of you, I want it,” you breathe. 
With that, Hux’s last thread of self-control snaps, and he presses his body against yours, smashing his lips on yours. The kiss is heated, sloppy and messy, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Finally you’re able to show just how much you’ve been longing for each other. 
The General slips his hands under your thighs, pulling you up against the wall. You gasp in surprise and he uses that to press his tongue against yours. You hook your ankles behind him, both your hands roaming each other in desperation. 
When you finally break for air, you’re panting, but Hux attacks your neck next, and he’s relentless. He spends what feels like an eternity and yet nowhere near enough kissing, biting, licking every inch of your skin he can reach. You’re sure the grip of his hands on your legs will leave bruises again, but this time you find yourself looking forward to them. 
Once Hux seems satisfied, he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, his shoulders rising and falling quickly with his ragged breathing. 
“When you showed me that scar,” he whispers against your skin. “I thought I was gonna take you then and there.”
He leans his head back only enough to look at you, and the intensity of his eyes sends a shudder to your very bones.
“I’ll map every inch of your skin, every scar, mole and freckle, and mark it up. I want all of you,” he growls, and you’re not sure if it’s supposed to be a threat or a promise; you’re just glad that he’s holding you in place because your knees have long since given out.
You cup his face, and bring him in for another kiss. This time it’s much slower, gentler, but just as deep. 
“I’d like that,” you breathe into his lips, and he smiles. 
When he finally lets you down, you have to hold onto Hux because of how wobbly your legs are. 
“You good?” he asks, his hands on the underside of your arms to hold you.
“Yeah,” you reassure him, and have to choke back a laugh when you look up at him.
“What?” he questions with an amused little smile. 
“Come here, lemme fix your hair. You’re quite a mess,” you say, and he leans down so you can smooth out his hair as best as you can. 
“Well, you should see yourself,” he chuckles as he returns the favour.
Once you’re both more or less presentable, you walk to the door. Before Hux opens it though, he takes your hand one last time in his and brings it to his lips, kissing your knuckles.
“See you tonight?” he asks, hopeful.
“Can’t wait,” you say with a wink.
– – – – –
When you make it back to your table in the workshop with a dreamy look on your face, your co-worker brings her hand to her mouth with a gasp.
“What?” you ask her, looking around in surprise, trying to find the source of her horror.
“Really? The General?!” she whisper-shouts, gesturing to you to follow her.
She guides you to the little supply closet at the end of the workshop and rummages in a box for a clean rag.
“What do you mean? Was it so obvious?” you ask, your cheeks still ablaze from before.
“Obvious?” she repeats rhetorically, handing you the rag and a little pocket mirror. “Honey, you can see those hickeys all the way from Coruscant.”
“Wait, what?” you blurt out and look into the mirror. Sure enough, the General made sure you won’t be able to walk around the base without a turtleneck for several rotations. He went absolutely ham.
“Gha!” you shriek, tying the rag around your neck like a scarf. “I’m gonna kill him!”
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happysaddca · 5 months
This is. Incredibly self-indulgent and requires context.
You are a veteran FazCo employee who worked as a janitor (and eventually dates that location's DCA) when the Glitchtrap virus infects the plex. Unlike the game, this virus affects all the mega pizzaplexes, and it leads to you getting mauled by Moon. You nearly die, the DCA is deactivated and replaced after the virus mysteriously vanishes, and eventually you start working at a new plex, with a new DCA and staff.
After a long and bumpy road, you finally have your DCA's chips installed in a functional animatronic. It's time for a reunion.
Parts and Service still creeps you out, even with the changes the tech team here made. At the very least, you’re allowed to wait in the cylinder instead of outside with everyone else. 
You take a peek through the glass, catching Gemma and Anika watching you. Your body locks up, and you manage a stiff little wave before focusing on Sun behind them. Sun isn’t watching you (at least, you’re pretty sure he’s not). Sun’s watching the body on the table. Your turn back to it as well. 
It’s another Daycare Attendant unit, currently completely off. The color changing material of the animatronic’s pants and paint sits at a muted, muddy brown color, the light not bright enough to bring out Sun’s colors but too bright for Moon’s. When you touch its faceplate, it’s cold, unmoving. It’s an older model, a spare body for the DCA standing outside. And it currently holds the chip that is your 
That is your Sun and Moon. 
“Everything good in there?” Gemma’s voice is tinny over the speakers. You nod quickly, giving a thumb’s up. “Okay, I need you to back away for a second. Gotta plug in and give the OS one last check before we power them up.” 
“Okay.” You give a reluctant half step back, then another at Gemma’s prompting, retreating closer to the wall and the people outside. Overhead, electricity thrums as the diagnostics and repair tools come online, a cable snaking down to plug into the back of the animatronic’s head. “You’ll warn me when they’re about to be turned on, right?” No answer. “Guys?” 
The sounds overhead changes, with a chime sequence signaling that no, you were in fact not being warned ahead of time.. Some pseudo-soothing, corporate beeps that remind you of commercials advertising anti-depressants begin, but when you go to approach the body again, the speaker crackles on. 
“Stay right there.” 
“But I want—” You’re cut off before you can even turn to face the trio waiting outside. 
Anika’s frown is made more severe by scarring distorting her forehead. 
“We don’t know how they’re going to react to being woken up for the first time in three years. For them, it’s only been a moment since they shut down, and we don’t really know how that… hey. Don’t look like that. I thought you’d already worked past the guilt.” 
“No, I have. But. I.” Another chime sequence has you whipping back around, but there’s no change. You shift so you can keep half an eye on what’s happening while you’re talking to everyone on the outside. 
“Sunshine.” Sunny speaks over Anika, leaning forward to take the microphone. “Think about what might happen if they come online and hurt you.”
“It’d be—”
“It’d be an accident, but.” Sunny holds up one long finger, indicating that you should wait. You look back at the table again, but there’s still nothing to indicate what’s going on. “Friend, turn your screen around. They’re going to be fretful unless they know what’s going on.” 
“Oh, right. Sorry.” Gemma turns one of the monitors around, showing off a series of progress bars that you don’t know what they mean. She taps the monitor. “Once this hits a hundred percent, they’ll boot up.” 
“Thank you.” The lump in your throat eases, just a little. You stare at the little bars slowly working its way up. 
“Sunshine.” Sunny catches your attention with his talking-to-children-about-complex-topics voice. “We should stay here until the other attendant wakes up and has a moment to process that they aren’t affected by the virus—and that they’re safe.” 
“As safe as they can be in here,” you mumble, and Sunny’s smile widens as he gives a small nod, setting the microphone back on the table. The progress bar fills ever so slowly, and any noise behind you makes you twitch and look back at the animatronic with concern. Your palms itch, suddenly slick, and you wipe at them quickly before shoving them in the pockets of your overalls. 
Overalls. You are bringing back your oldest, dearest friend that you’ve not seen in years and you’re wearing the world’s most fucked up, stained overalls. And that does count farmers and mechanics around the world. You take a peek at the progress bar and—how has it jumped up 30% already? It had been dragging just a minute ago! There’s now no way you can slip away into something better, and of course you couldn’t have gone anyway. 
The noise from overhead changes, and there’s an error sound, sharp and blunt, followed by the mechanical squeak of the monitor getting jerked back around to Gemma. “Anika, can you grab the thingie?”
“The thingie?” 
Gemma gestures vaguely behind her and Sun, who is standing frozen, rays partially retracted as he stares at the table. Anika zips off to find whatever it is Gemma needs, but you’re turning away again, watching as the spare daycare attendant unit twitches. 
“Sun?” you ask, stepping closer. The animatronic twitches again, one hand, then a whole leg, spastic and out of control like it’s being electrocuted in bits and pieces. Their rays start to poke out, then snap back into place with an audible click. One gets stuck, tangled up in white and blue fabric. “Moon, Sun, it’s okay,” you say, voice barely audible over their fans starting and immediately going into overdrive. “You’re safe. It’s me.” 
“Sunshine!” Sunny’s voice breaks when you are close enough to touch the twitching attendant’s foot. 
Your ears pop as the doors open, and you twitch, turning just enough to hold out a hand. “Sunny, it’s okay. I know but… they’re glitching out. I think they’re going to Eclipse.” 
“All the more reason to stay away!”
“You stay there if it makes you comfortable, but if they’re Eclipsing…” You turn back in time to catch the rays spring out, a handful caught in the hat, shredding into it. “I’m staying. Sun? Moon?”
There’s no reply from the animatronic, just more twitching and spasming. You want to free the rays from their hat, but this early model has no silicone softening the metal edges. They’re just a bunch of very dull knives and with no consciousness controlling their movements. You settle for touching their shoe instead, feeling the twitching of their actuators. Are they in pain? Can they feel anything at all?
“Hey, be careful in there! I’m unplugging the cords now and sometimes they can be a little whippy.” You grimace, pulling away as far as you could without relinquishing your touch over the moon patch. You give a thumbs up without looking away. 
The cords are a little whippy, jerking away from the table and snapping back into the ceiling with such force that it makes them look alive. You hate Parts and Services. 
“We’re at ninety percent now. Sunny, if you can step back? We don’t know how they’ll react to another Attendant hovering.”
“Right… right.” Sunny’s voice is closer, and you’re surprised to find he’d crept well inside the cylinder, the distance between the two of you halved. He holds his hands up, retreating back to the door. You stare and he gives a timid little shrug, his faceplate tilted towards the now waking animatronic. 
You’ve been around FazCo branded animatronics for ten years now, been in love with one, this one, for almost as long. Even in a new body, even Eclipsed, you know they’re waking from the change in their fans, slowing briefly with a little click clatter click before returning to overdrive. The foot under your hand twitches one last time before stilling and pulling away.
There’s static, climbing up your arm and into your mind as you look up. There’s static there too, a thin, trembling stream from Eclipse’s hidden speakers. They’re staring at you, eyes locked on. You shift, and they shift, ever so slightly, eyes tracking the scars visible on your face. 
“Eclipse?” you ask, holding a hand up as they start to answer. “No, it’s okay. I-I am happy to see you. You’re here. You’re safe. You’re both safe, right?” 
You have to walk around the table. They still watch you, hands limp at their side until you reach for the nearest one. They flinch away, dragging their hand into their lap, claws catching on the coarse material of their waist ruffle. Once, a long time ago, you’d asked about those claws and Moon had explained they used to play stringed instruments, just like the glamrocks did now. 
“You won’t hurt me,” you tell them, taking their hand anyway and squeezing it so hard you can feel a joint in your wrist pop. You toy with one of the claws with your thumb, worrying the little gear that makes it flip back into their fingers, sighing softly. “You didn’t hurt me.” 
You look up to see them staring at you, and despite things, you give a little laugh. A wet laugh, something sticking in your throat uncomfortably. “It wasn’t you Moon.” 
You don’t know how or when, but a cold hand brushes over the ruined half of your face, stroking the skin just under your eye. It pulls back, metal shiny with tears. You laugh again, hiccuping and holding your free hand up to your face as you force yourself to calm down. “I’m okay. I’m here. You’re here. I missed you so much you big stupid dummy.” 
You can’t wait any longer, so you throw yourself at Eclipse, worming your hands under their arms, tucking your face carefully under their faceplate, away from the metal rays. They can’t see you crying like this, but it’s an ugly messy, human thing and their neck ruffle is horrifically itchy. The slow weight of hands on your back make you sob, voice breaking. 
There’s a few minutes that are likely very awkward for everyone not currently on or half on the cylinder’s table, but you don’t notice any change until there are claws digging in your back. “Eclipse,” you mumble, lifting your head, but the hands pin you to their torso. “Eclipse, what’s wrong?”
“I-it might be me!” Sunny’s voice trips over itself. “I, we, all of us wanted to make sure you were okay?”
“I’m okay,” you say, a little too softly at first. You feel up for Eclipse’s cheek, stroking it gently. “‘Clips, let me up. Sunny isn’t going to hurt us.” 
The hands dig, and you can feel those claws in your skin, but they loosen as you continue to push up. You settle on the table a little awkwardly, perched to avoid hurting Eclipse with your weight. You wipe at your eye, trying to clear your vision, before taking Eclipse’s hand again. “Sorry Sunny. I know things aren’t going as planned but…” You clear your throat, smiling weakly. “Sunny, this is Clips. They Daycare Attendant from my old plex. Eclipse, this is Sunny. He’s the Daycare Attendant here in Sandusky. He uh, he helped convince me it was worth trying to save you.” You hesitate. “He and his Moon went through it too,” you say more softly. Eclipse’s grip tightens on you and Sunny grimaces. “We’ll talk about it later, when everyone’s recovered. Sunny, move.” You gesture and he gives you a confused look before stepping out of the way.
Anika and Gemma are staring through the thick plexi of the cylinder. Gemma’s mouth is hanging open, but Anika looks vaguely smug. You hold up your entwined hands in a wave. “That’s Gemma and Anika. Gemma helped get this body back online and you in it, and Anika helped me save you. We saved you.” Oh, you’re starting to cry again. 
“Welcome back to the world of the living.” Gemma’s voice is clipped, and she turns her monitor back to you. You can just barely see some graphs and charts, but the orangey-red lines, and the continued strain of Eclipse’s fans clue you in before Gemma can. 
“Oh, oh, Eclipse, you need to restart with just one of you fronting.” You turn back to them, catching them staring at you once again. You twist around to hold their face, stroking over the edge and the craters, finding the large swirl of an eyebrow before you reach their hat. They flinch as you pull at it. “I know. But I’ll stay right here the entire time. I won’t even let go of your hand.” 
“Sunshine, that’s—”
“I’m staying right here Sunny,” you say, a little more sharply than you meant to sound, but the intent remains. You don’t look away from Eclipse, leaning forward to press a kiss over the moon’s eye. “I am staying right here. You can restart. I’ll make sure nothing happens to you.” 
Eclipse stares, and there’s a long, long minute where you worry they’re going to refuse until they burn out but finally there’s a soft stream of static and a nod. Eclipse leans forward as you pull on their hat, freeing it incrementally from their rays. The light from their eyes dims and goes out, their fans slowing a couple minutes later. You pull the hat free successfully, their hand slipping from yours as you check over the fabric. It’s torn and greasy where it’d gotten caught in the gears, but you can probably fix it, if they want. Or perhaps you’ll be able to get help remaking their old hat, if that’s what they preferred.  
“Is everything all right?” Sunny’s voice is quiet, and his hand is soft as it rests on your shoulder. You twitch but don’t pull away, watching your attendant’s faceplate intently for any flicker of light. “They’ll turn on again.” 
“I know they will. But will they be able to let go? It’s got to be Moon, I think. It’s always been more willing to take control.” Sunny’s gentle verbal prodding compels you to continue. “Sun’s a softie, even if she does have a spine about the rules, her rules. The ones that are important to her. She tried so hard…” You trail off into a cough, swallowing back the lump wrong and making it worse on yourself. You have to wipe at your eyes again, sniffing hard. “But if Moon is scared or upset, they might Eclipse again.”
The startup is quieter, so you miss it in your talking to Sunny, until you feel more than hear the thrum of the animatronic’s inner workings. Sunny steps back, out of reach, when the rays retract, one at a time, jerkily, like the mechanism controlling them is unfamiliar to the Moon currently in control. Because it’s Moon who is waking up now, and it’s Moon’s gravelly voice that lets out a surprised noise when you immediately push into a hug. 
The nickname is enough to make you cry again, and you squeeze him so tightly your arms hurt. “I’m here Moony. I’m here. And I’m never leaving you again.” 
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hoenoredone · 1 year
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a/n: sorry for the inactivity, exams have been kicking my ass
contents: nanami is starting to get old. he used to be able to withstand nights of drinking until he passed out and the subsequent work day, but now the a/c gives him a cold. tags: sfw, enstablished relationship, married au, non sorcerer au, fem!reader, talks of snot and fever, unbelievably self indulgent.
unbelievable. un-believable. you knew something was wrong when nanami had made himself a cup of chamomile tea with a spoonful of honey the night before. he had told you he was just tired from work, but – realistically – who wants to have hot tea in the middle of july? he had been clearig his throat way too often before going to bed, and he looked like he was struggling to swallow whatever food you offered.
after years of marriage you knew better than to ask him about it, he'd only deny feeling unwell. so you do the next best thing: slip him a tablet for his sore throat with the usual vitamins he takes every night. he fell asleep almost instantly, his body already tired from fighting off the illness. he unintentionally woke you up at around 4am from blowing his nose a little too hard, causing him to cough into the tissue.
he struggled to fall asleep again after that, tossing and turning every couple of minutes, no doubt from not being able to breathe properly. it's in that precise moment (5:33am) when you decide that he's taking the day off tomorrow. he's an icredibly responsible worker, he has more than enough sick days accumulated to be able to use at least one.
you wake up before him – miraculously, considering how little sleep you got – and make him some breakfast as quietly as possible. you decided not to turn off his alarm clock because you knew he would not listen to you and simply rush straight to work if you had done that. so you opt to set the table and place the freshly squeezed orange and ginger juice next to his green tea and a bowl of honey-banana oatmeal.
you hear the familiar beeping of the alarm clock as you're pouring yourself a cup of coffee, and patiently wait for your husband to come into the kitchen. you must be lost in thought because you almost don't notie him until he rests his head on your shoulder and tries to stifle a cough.
"morning," he groggily says.
"sweetheart," you coo while turning to face him, "did you have trouble sleeping? i heard you coughing at some point. here," you place your coffee down on the counter and raise your hand to his forehead, "let me see."
you almost gasp at the heaviness of his eyelids and the unusual warmth of his forehead.
"kento, you look ill," and he knows you're serious, you never call him by his name.
"i feel fine," he tries, but he knows that it's useless. he doesn't feel too bad, just congested. and he has a headache. and his throat is killing him. he can power through.
"have some breakfast and go back to bed, i'll text your boss and bring you some medicine after," he can't even protest, the thought of having to get ready and go into that cold, cold office where his cubicle is inches away from the a/c sending chills down his spine. not like his protests would matter much, regardless, as you're already sprinting to his phone. so he sits down, alternates between sipping his tea and the juice you had made him (the ginger burns his throat but he forces himself to swallow). he tries to eat most of the oatmeal but his stomach just doesn't agree with him, so he leaves a little less than half of it in the bowl.
he's a good man, tidies up after himself even when oh so horribly sick, and goes back to bed. once you hear the rustling of the covers you know you've succeded. you exit the bathroom, a smidge of eye cream unblended on your cheek, and hand him a glass of water and some ibuprofen. you make sure he has enough tissues by the bed and leave him a bottle of cough syrup and a spoon on his nightstand. you tuck the comforter all the way up his chin and grab some clothes to get ready for work.
once you're ready you come back into the bedroom and almost decide to leave without giving him a kiss in fear of disturbing his rest. you opt against that, knowing how unusually whiny your husband gets when he's sick. so you place a gentle hand on his arm and leave a peck on his forehead.
"i'll try to be back for lunch," you whisper, "but if i don't make it there should be some leftovers in the fridge if you feel up to it."
he groans in response as you make your way to your shoe rack, a barely audible "love you" from him painting a smile on your lips as you quietly close the door.
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deadhumourist · 2 years
I'll take care of you
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x GN!Reader
Summary: You're sick and an unexpected source of help shows up.
Word count: ~2400
Rating: M, but there's no spice. This is a strictly 18+ blog, no minors.
Warnings: No pronouns used, no physical description of reader or mention of age. Nicknames used - Sweetheart and baby, self-indulgent fluff, fainting, mention of painkillers, let me know if I missed something.
A/N: I originally wrote this for my bestie when she was sick, and she kindly allowed me to adapt this into a fic. Love you @just-here-for-the-moment
You knew when you woke up with a pounding headache and a stuffy nose that your day was going to go downhill. Fast. 
Not being someone who got sick often, this sensation of your head weighing twenty pounds felt overwhelming. As if that wasn’t bad enough, you had been woken up by a loud banging noise during the night - loud enough to make you jolt awake - from neighbours who had been out late and were now returning with a raucous group of friends. The shot of adrenaline from the fright didn’t leave your system for a long time and you tossed and turned until you heard birds twittering in the trees outside. 
Now awake and groggy, you rolled over and grabbed your phone. You were supposed to have brunch with your friend later that morning but at this rate you couldn’t even breathe through your nose. Blearily you unlocked the phone and shot her a text. 
“Hey, I’m down this morning, could I please take a raincheck? ” 
A few minutes later your phone beeped. “Yeah hon, no problem. I hope you feel better. Can I bring you anything?” 
You sent her back the green-faced emoji. “I would kill for a Netipot and some painkillers”
She sent you back a thumbs up emoji. 
Slipping the phone back on the table, you laid back. Your eyes felt like they were going to drop out of your head every time you moved. 
You dozed off for the better part of an hour, and was then awoken by a sharp rap on the door. "Coming!" you called weakly from your spot on the bed. Throwing on a robe, you shuffled to the front door, thankful that your friend (and painkillers) were here.
The door swung open and your eyes widened in shock…In front of you stood Frankie, armed with a bag of things and his phone in his hand, earphones hooked into the neck of his t-shirt along with his sunglasses.
Frankie was a friend who you knew through other friends. Specifically the one you spoke to this morning. Who you had told about your crush on him. The one who knew, in no uncertain terms, that you felt he was out of your league and that there was a big, unromantic DNI slapped to his forehead in your mind. 
You instinctively closed up your robe further and shrugged into yourself. 
"Oh, hi Frankie. I…uh..I was expecting someone else."
You immediately cringed at how unfriendly that came out.
He seemingly ignored it, a frown forming on his forehead as he took you in.
"You look terrible."
Sighing deeply, you failed to stop a little cough from skittering out of your throat. 
"Yeah, thanks. I feel that way. Good morning to you too, by the way.” 
Frankie had been told you were sick but when he saw you standing in the doorway…it was so much worse than he imagined. You didn’t have your usual spark or smile, and the way you shrunk into your bathrobe like an injured little bird made his heart squeeze painfully. He was originally only meant to drop off the supplies, but seeing your tired, worn-out frame changed his plans immediately. He didn’t even think about it, the words just seemed to leave his lips of their own accord and all he could do was keep up. 
With the corner of his mouth lifting at your quip, he invited himself in, gently ushering you back inside and closing the door behind him. 
“Uhm…at the risk of sounding ungrateful, what are you doing here?” You eyed him as he walked into your living room. 
“A little bird told me you were sick so I brought supplies over. I’m going to take care of you.” he replied matter-of-factly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
"I don't know about this" you wheezed.
Ignoring your protest, he busied himself unpacking the items from the bag before turning around and quipping. "You want me to get a nurse's outfit? Will that make you feel better?"  His smug little grin did nothing to dispel the idea of him in scrubs that you could peel off. 
Before you could fantasize any further you went into a coughing fit, which doubled you over. Frankie sped over and took your hand to help you back upright, little cough aftershocks still shaking your ribs. 
He was suddenly very close, concerned eyes looking into yours. His hand traveled up your arm and squeezed your shoulder gently. 
In a low voice, he murmured "Get on the bed, Sweetheart."
In a slight daze you went, obeying him. He’s never used that particular nickname with you before, but you would be lying if you said it didn’t make something delicious preen inside of you. You wanted more of it. Frankie had always just been kind and sweet but something in his voice made your skin flame. 
He switched the kettle on and prepared some herbal tea. Then he extracted the thermometer from its packaging and set it by the bedside table. You watched with wide eyes as he went about his business in your space like he was at home there. 
Finishing the tea, he set it down and took a seat by your side on the bed, one leg casually slung over the other. He seemed to slide into the role of carer effortlessly and you would have been amused were you not feeling like you were on the brink of death. Taking the thermometer, he flicked it a few times before bringing it to your lips. 
"Open for me" he asked softly. 
When the thermometer beeped, he slid it from your lips and looked at the reading. 
"Mierda, it's high”. He never cussed in front of you, but the distinct tone of worry bled through the words as they hung in the air between you.  
"We need to cool you down, otherwise you're going to feel worse. We gotta break this fever, okay?"
“We?” you asked, aiming for a teasing tone but failing miserably short due to the weakness in your voice. He continued as if he didn’t hear you. 
He got up and motioned to you. "The robe's gotta go. You need to cool down."
"But" you started to protest but his plush lips settled into a disapproving line and you knew it would be pointless to argue. Frankie wasn’t one to argue but you knew when he had drawn a line and would not be moved from it. 
You shrugged it off, revealing your favourite pajamas underneath - it was mismatched and well-worn but comfy . He took the robe and hung it on a nearby hook, then proceeded to take his shoes and cap off. It gave you some time to swallow two painkillers with your tea.
Then you just laid back and watched him, too tired and wrung out to argue. He rummaged in the bag then walked to the bathroom where you heard the water splash in the basin. 
The cool air on your heated skin was nice but your lungs were becoming sore from the constant coughing. “What are you doing now?” you grumped at him from your nest of blankets. 
He smiled to himself over the basin; you were a grumpy patient and instead of irritating him, it just made him soft. But being soft with you wouldn’t necessarily get you better, especially not if you kept resisting his help. 
So when he spoke to you next, he was a little more stern. 
"C’mon, stop arguing with me and scoot down."
Your fever-addled brain didn't immediately comprehend.
He repeated the request, clarifying.
"Scoot down so I can sit behind you."
"Please, just trust me."
You did as he asked and he slid in behind you, framing your torso with his knees so that you rested back onto his chest, your head nestled close to his neck so he could easily reach down to talk to you. 
He produced the cool washcloth and gently held it to your forehead and cheeks, pressing it to you a little firmer to tilt your head back onto his collarbone. 
"See how good it feels when you don't fight me on everything?" he murmured lowly, close to your ear. The way his stubble barely skimmed the shell of your ear made goosebumps erupt down your arm. 
Worrying the sudden goosebumps were a reaction from the fever, he resolved to finish up quickly and get you closer to cool water.
If only he knew what was really causing it. 
“Okay, new plan, we need to get you to cool water. You’re still burning up.” 
“You sayin’ I’m hot?” you grumbled.
“I’m saying you have a fever and if we don’t get it down, things will go south.” 
He moved off the bed and helped you up. Carefully, he kept his hand on your lower back as you shuffled to the bathroom, where he opened the faucet and positioned you in front of the basin. You splashed your face and then suddenly felt a wave of nausea wash over you. 
"I feel a bit dizzy" you murmured, hand coming up to your face. 
Frankie uttered a worried "hmmm". Perhaps it was a mistake getting you out of bed, but he desperately needed to get your temperature down. A split second decision made him run the shower cold, and shedding his t-shirt and socks, grabbed you by the waist and dragged you under the spray with him just as you started to lose consciousness. 
He hugged you close to him, your back pressed to his front. In an urgent, fervent whisper he rocked you under the cold water, counting down the seconds.
"Sweetheart, stay with me. Come on, baby, I've got you. I've got you, you're okay, I'll take care of you. C'mon baby."
Anxiety squeezed the lungs in his chest until it felt like they would burst. He tilted your head back slightly to allow the cool water to run down your neck and chest. 
Frankie could feel his pulse rabbit as the seconds ticked by. In the shower cubicle, the steady stream of water and whispers against your skin slowly pulled you back from the edge. 
You felt a chaste kiss being gently pressed to your temple, followed by another whisper. 
"Stay with me, please."
And then barely audible over the spray.
"Please be okay."
He sighed into the small space where every second felt minutes too long. 
You felt yourself coming back from the brink of the fevered dark quicker now, shivering at the pelting spray on your heat-sensitized body. 
Frankie noticed the small movement in his arms and he could have wept right then. 
He grabbed your hand from thankfulness, threading his fingers though yours and bringing it up to press a kiss to your knuckles. Slowly you also became aware of his bare chest pressed to your back, evidently not caring about cold shower tiles. 
"I thought I lost you for a minute there" he scoffed, relief bleeding through the words. 
With one hand feeling around above him, he managed to turn the shower off, and helped you into a towel. Wrapping the fluffy white towel around you, he rubbed gently, making sure to wick as much water as possible. He lead you back to the bed, and helped you sit down on the edge of it.
You slumped once you were sat, with Frankie kneeling in front of you. 
"You can't sleep in wet clothes. Let's get you changed." he intoned gently. 
"I don't have the energy, Frankie. Please." you whined, hanging your head low. You felt vulnerable after almost fainting in his arms and didn't want to repeat the performance. 
He placed a hand gently on your knee. 
"Sweetheart. Let me help.”
You looked at him, your frown lines forming like thunderclouds on a sunny horizon. He tried to make you smile. 
"Think of me as Doctor Frankie just helping a patient." he said with a lop-sided grin.
Your frown line softened and you prodded. 
"Did you just promote yourself? You were Nurse Frankie when you came in.
He squeezed your knee and smiled boyishly. “I’ll go so you can change.” 
A few minutes later, he came back into the room, pleased to see you in bed and under the covers. Sheepishly he stood around until you piped up with a small voice. 
“Will you lie with me until I fall asleep?”
He grinned at you, and without a word, went to hang his wet jeans over the bath tub. You realised that Frankie, having been in the shower with you, would have no dry clothes of his own here. You threw him a lifeline.
“Uhm…Frankie, there are some old swimming trunks from my brother on the second shelf. They were left here months ago, they’re washed, so…” you trailed off. 
You heard more shuffling and then he appeared in the doorway. From your cosy place in bed you tried really hard not to look at his broad chest and the dusting of dark hair that trailed down under his navel. 
As the bed dipped under his weight, he swung his legs inside the covers and laid back into the large pillow. He looked over at you, his focus soft, a few curls air-dried  falling over his forehead. 
"Come here, beautiful." He husked, and lifted his arm up. 
You looked at him for a moment, incredulous at the offer. A small part of you was still grumping inside and needed comfort so you gingerly moved closer to him. As you shifted, you laid your head on his chest, snuggling into the corner of his arm and shoulder. 
You wriggled a little to get comfortable, and once you settled, his scent was right by your nose; the fresh, cinnamon-like cologne he had applied hours before. Something really sexy but comforting emanated from him, something uniquely male and you nuzzled a little further into him, swinging a leg between his own two.
He made room for you. 
Then he reached over with his other hand and gently cupped the back of your head, holding you close. It made you want to purr. This wasn't just comfort, it was heaven. 
Frankie felt content for the first time that day. He had always skirted around you to avoid facing what he already suspected he felt.
He would nurse you back to health before he asked you out, he resolved as his eyes slipped closed. 
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Number Neighbors Pt.1
Natasha x Fem!Reader
Natasha Masterlist         Series Masterlist
Word Count: 970
Summary:  When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
~~~~ You were told you were a naturally curious person, you tried every hobby you saw, new things caught your attention, and trends were constantly popping up on your social media that you’d wanted to try. So when you’d caught sight of the newest trend going around you knew you were all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. 
What could possibly stem from something so little?
You’d just woken up from a dream about living in a beautiful house with some woman you’d met online, inside of the dream you were sitting on the counter while the woman made breakfast. Your brain was still fuzzy with sleep as you were trying to recall the memories of the dream before they faded away. 
You really should keep a dream journal with all the odd dreams you have.
You remember the dream almost exactly but the woman was blurry in your memory, her face never fully visible and always changing so you could never quite get a clear grasp on her features. But there is one thing that you could recall; clear striking green eyes. 
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Your second alarm spooked you out of your thoughts and you shook your head, silently erasing the dream like an Etch-a-Sketch. As you grabbed your clothes for your shower you remembered your late-night activity; scrolling through copious amounts of online videos, and deduced those were definitely a contributor to your weird dreams. 
As you were opening your phone to set up your shower music you got a notification from one of your favorite news articles.
“Social Media’s New Craze! Meet Your #NumberNeighbor!”
You chuckled a bit, this new trend had been going crazy ever since some girl had found out she was number neighbors with a celebrity. No doubt everyone was trying to have the same lucky result as she did. 
Even you had to admit over the past few days you’d been resisting the temptation to try it for yourself. But you were worried your number neighbor might be some sort of perv or weirdo that asked you for feet pics. However, with all the stories you’d been reading over the past few days of people finding new internet best friends, the temptation and curiosity were quickly becoming too much to bear. So to save yourself from curiosity overload you shrugged your shoulders and typed your number with one digit off into your phone.
          Unknown Contact
                                    Y/n: Hello!
It was simple, nothing fancy or weird for a first text, you didn’t want to scare them away by coming off as too strong. You could save the memes for the future- if there ever was one. There was no immediate response and you deflated after a few minutes, sometimes no one owned the other number, and a lot of the time people chose to ignore texts from random numbers. 
You couldn’t really blame them honestly. Although, you also had to take into account that it was currently 7 AM and most people didn’t wake up at that hour on purpose… except for those who like to indulge in self-torture that is.
You got yourself ready for the day, taking a nice long warm shower (including having a shower concert) and making yourself a quick breakfast. You were seconds away from forking another bite of your syrupy waffle into your mouth when your phone chimed with a notification. You were a bit confused at the sight of a text notification, having forgotten about your spontaneous early morning decision, but as soon as the memory popped back into your head you were eagerly unlocking your phone and opening the message.  
          Unknown Contact
Hi? I’m sorry, who is this?
                                 Right sorry, I realize now how weird just saying hi is
                                 I’m your number neighbor!
What is that?
                                  :0 You don’t know what a  
                                   number neighbor is?
                                It’s where you text the number that’s one digit off of yours!
You expect me to believe that you got this number by coincidence?
                              Why? Are you some sort of celebrity?
                               If you don’t believe me just look at my number 
                               it should be one digit different than yours.
                              You can even look it up online it’s super popular right now
I guess you’re right
but I’m going to need you to lose this number
                                Aw, what? Why?
because it’s a very private number
                                    Wait omg are you like the FBI or something?
or something.
                                     That’s so cool!
                                     Do you solve crimes like how they do in criminal minds?
You mean that crime show
on Netflix?
                                           Yes! I’ve seen like all of the episodes a hundred times
                                           Have you ever seen it?
can’t say that I have
                                           You have to watch it! It’s sooo good
I guess I’ll have to take your word 
seeing as you’ve seen it a hundred times
                                          😳 ok so that miiiight have been an over exaggeration
I never would’ve guessed
                                         Ha! So you do have a sense of humor!
                                         Good to know
                                         Oh shoot I’m gonna be late for work, It was really                                                    lovely texting you!
You were smiling the whole drive to your work, sure they might be some sort of FBI secret service person but they seemed nice- not a dry texter at least, and it didn’t seem like they were too annoyed that you were texting them. You wanted to give them some space since they’d asked you to lose their number, and you completely understood their hesitation, but the excited feeling that settled in your stomach told you that you were not going to be able to resist texting them again.
A/n: I’m still contemplating this format but I think it’s better than pictures of text messages don’t you? Lmk :)
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funtimefloof · 1 year
Helping (T)eddie Bear
Eddie Munson x plussize!fem!Reader
a/n: I'm currenly on my period and I wanna pass away, the last time it was this painful was 2020 :') I felt the need to write about Eddie taking care of reader during her menstruation. I needed some Eddie comfort. (I'll apologize if he seems a little oc, I tried my best) This is kinda self indulgent, that's why plussize :P
Warnings: tiny blood stain, menstruation, period cramps of agony, lots of fluff and maybe a little cheesy......I got carried away
Wc: 1.7k
!Not proofread!
Agony is one way to describe how I felt, the other way I'd describe it would be that Michael Myers went completely havoc in my uterus.
I shot up from my pillow, my eyes ripped open, before I squeezed them close again, feeling the dreadful feeling in my lower stomach.
That could only mean one thing. As fast as I could I stood up and hurried to the bathroom and just like expected; I got my period.
As sight of frustration left my dry lips. I cleaned myself up and went back to my bedroom, hoping the mess on my bed wouldn't be too serious. Thank fuck, it only was a little stain which would wash out easily.
So I pulled off the mattress cover, went to my bathroom to wash the stain first, before I threw it into the washing machine.
The second I got to my bedroom again, a harsh pain snapped through my lower body, causing me to almost fall as my knees felt like jelly.
Regaining my strength I made my way to the kitchen and went over to the telephone on the wall, before dialing the number. I was out of painkillers, so the only thing that came to mind, was to call him.
It rang and rang, but nobody picked up. Sighting, I hung up the telephone and was already on my way back to my room, before the clear ringing tone of the telephone caugh me off guard. I shuffled over, grabed it and immediately heard the groggy, sleepy voice of the person I adore the most.
"Hey, is everything alright, my love? You're usually not awake this late at night. " He sounded tired, which made me start to feel bad. "Hi, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you...." My voice wavered a little as a small tear went down my cheek. He seemed to notice that my voice was off somehow "God, baby no, you didn't wake me, I already woke up a few minutes ago, to go take a piss."
I could hear right through his lie, but decided to not question it any further, cause I didn't want it to end up in a discussion.
He broke the silence again, noticing that I stayed quiet as he just heard almost inaudible sniffs coming from the other line "What's wrong, love? Are you alright?" the concern in his voice was evident, so I quickly replied "Can you please come over? I need you right now."
Hearing the desperation in my trembling voice, he replied without hesitation "I'll be there in 3, love." As fast as he answered, the loud beep on the other line, singalised that he hung up right after, so I did the same.
Leaning against the wall next to it, I took a sharp intake of air, before small whimpers and cries left my throat as tiny tears went past my eyes. The pain was so uncomfortable and highly unnecessary at this time of night, I thought.
Not even 3 minutes passed and a few rushed knocks were heard at the front door of my trailer. Leaving my spot on the wall, I went over and opened the door, meeting the eyes of my favourite person.
As soon as he saw my tear stained face his gaze softened a little. He stepped into the trailer, closed the door behind him and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him.
"It hurts so bad, Eds." my voice was muffled due to me being snuggled tightly in Eddie's embrace. Softly stoking my head he let out a small humm, before backing away a tiny bit and leaving a loving kiss on my forehead.
Having already figured out the cause of my pain, he let his hands start to wander and before he had to chance to try and lift me, I stopped him in his tracks "Don't."
"Why, what's the matter?" The stroking motions of his hands on my arms made me melt down into his embrace once again as the cold metal on his fingers gave me a weird but calming feeling. What did I do to deserve this man? He's always such an angel to me.
"I'm to heavy...." As soon as those words left my mouth, he cupped my cheeks with his ring adorned hands and looked deep into my glassy eyes. His expression showed confusion, but at the same time his beautiful brown button like eyes radiated warmth, comfort and reassurance.
"My love-" He took a deep breath, while caressing my face, wiping the new coming tears away "I don't want to hear you talk down on yourself, ever again." He started to leave butterfly kisses on every inch of my face "You, my love, are the most precious creature I've ever laid my eyes on. The only things supposed to leave those pretty lips of yours are, only positive things about yourself and the sounds of pleasure that I get out of you, alright?"
I suppose he tried to brighten my mood with the last statement, which he definitely succeeded with as a quiet giggle left me right after. Sneaky Fox.
Without a warning he picked me up bridal style, which caused me to squeak as I felt my feet lift up from the floor, before he carried me towards my bedroom.
Gently he eased me onto the bed, quickly threw off his leather jacket and his shoes, before climbing in next to me.
My arms sneaked around his torso, while I slowly tried to hook one of my legs around his, trying not to put too much weight on him at once, but he just grabbed my thigh like it was nothing and hiked it up. Once again I snuggled my head into his chest and took a whiff of his scent. My quiet humming vibrated against his chest, while he was lovingly stroking my head again.
I could still feel my insides being ripped apart, but I tried to keep my emotions down, because I wanted to enjoy this moment with him, being held in his arms. We stayed like this for a little while, just existing in this moment together as two people who were so undoubtedly in love with each other.
Sooner or later the pain has gotten to a point where I just couldn't keep quiet anymore, so I just hoped that Eddie couldn't hear my silent whimpers of agony. Despite my fragile attempts, he noticed "Baby, if there's anything you need, just talk to me. I'm right here. Let me know if there is anything you want me to help with."
I silently started crying again, before I broke the silence "Christ, I'm such a sensitive bitch, crying over the littlest things. And you? You're such an angel, so calm and reassuring. Do you have any idea how much my heart hurts just knowing you're the most perfect human that I could've ever asked for in my life?" before I could continue with my rant he interrupted me with a small kiss.
"Love, as much as I love you throwing compliments at me, periods make you sappy. You know, I'm far from perfect. You on the other side? The best and most perfect person." His comment made me look at him with puppy dog eyes before I tightened my arms around him and started to cuddle the hell out of him.
"You are my personal Teddie bear, you know that?" He just chuckled at my statement, before slowly removing his arms around me and smirking down at me.
With a last peck to my cheek he shot out of bed and left the room. Since it was just getting comfortable I was confused for a second, till he returned some minutes later with a cup of chocky milk (cause chocky milk makes pain go away, yk?) and a glass of water.
After he set the things on the bedside table, he crawled onto the bed again, but this time instead of taking his place next to me, he placed himself at the bottom part of the bed, before slowly starting to lift my legs. I was curious about his actions, so I let him continue. He then shimmied closer, with his knees on the mattress, before he laid my thighs on top of his.
With eyes full of love and adoration Eddie glanced at me, his hands on my hips, as if he was asking for permission to continue. I couldn't deny his sweet face, so I gave in.
He started lifting up the v neck sweater I was wearing, but stopped halfway. The soft touch of his hands ghosted over my belly, while the cold metal of his rings gave me slight shivers.
Not even a minute later, he was using a little more pressure as his hands went a tiny bit lower. In return of his actions he got to hear a relieved sigh. Suddenly his hands switched positions from my torso to my thighs. He kept on kneading them in nice circular motions, before he switched back to massage my lower stomach.
From time to time he switched between those two areas, sometimes leaning over and leaving soft butterfly kisses on my collarbones and my cleavage.
During the time he was handling my body with utmost care I was able to drink my choky milk. Sometimes I'd hiss if he went a little to deep, but as soon as he'd notice he would go softer again.
In the middle of the procedure he began to hum along to my favourite song which, along with the massage I was getting from him, made me really sleepy.
The only thing I could remember before falling asleep is Eddie leaving a loving kiss on my lips "Good night, baby. I love you"
I don't know how much time passed, when I opened my eyes again, but it was still dark outside. Eddie laid next to me, snoring slightly with the moon illuminating his face and I couldn't help but to admire him. I lightly touched the side of his face, hoping he wouldn't wake up "I love you too"
A small smile graced my features before I cuddled myself into him and fell asleep with the help of his breath's calm movement. Two hearts beating as one.
(small nsfw extra)
Imagine Eddie massaging your thighs and your tummy, while fucking into you with a nice rhythm, during your period, because he heard somewhere, that it helps with period cramps ;) (Steve told him)
(not @ me finishing this, on the last day of my period lol. writing takes forever).
Please if you noticed any mistakes, make sure to let me know, so I can change it. ^^
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🂱 9:11 pm with Sigma ♢ ゚。⋆࿐
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cw: tooth-rotting fluff and very self-indulgent ♡
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The smell of chocolate and sugar wafted through your apartment as you stretched your legs on the couch. As the episode of the TV show came to a close, you knew the batch would be done soon too.
Despite the colours flashing across the screen, most of your attention was directed at the man currently lying with his head in your lap. There was a pleased hum coming from him as you gently scraped your nails across Sigma’s scalp, playing with the soft dual-coloured locks.
“Do you even keep up with what’s going on?” You teasingly prodded as your thumbs traced along his eyebrows, over his temple and down to his cheekbones, past his closed eyes. “I’m not restarting the episode, so it’s your loss if you have no clue what’s going on next time.”
“‘s okay,” he mumbled before emphasising your point with a yawn. Patting around for your hand, he dropped it onto his hair again, quietly urging you to continue running your hands through it.
“My poor angel,” you cooed softly but genuinely, “must be exhausting being the best casino manager there is.”
“Am not.”
“So are.”
Sigma rejected the notion with a click of his tongue and you pretended not to notice the smile tugging at his lips or the way he leaned further into your touch. Just as you pushed his bangs from his forehead and placed a sweet kiss there, the beeping of your oven sounded through the room.
Your efforts to get up earned you a groan from your boyfriend. “Come on baby, they’re gonna burn if I don’t get up now.”
“Just stay for a minute longer.”
“No because, one, we’ll burn the house down, and two, if I burn this batch, I won’t be able to cuddle with you because I’ll have to start over.”
“You drive a hard bargain,” Sigma huffed but reluctantly lifted himself off your lap.
As you checked the cookies and pulled them out of the oven, you heard the outro of the show play in the background. Cleaning the baking equipment, you left the treats to cool off a little before lifting them off the tray.
Humming along with your mind somewhere else, you squeaked as two arms wrapped around your waist from behind and a familiar weight draped itself over you.
“My, you’re clingy today,” you chuckled. “Not that I mind, not at all; in fact, I quite like it. But what’s bringing this on?”
“Nothing important really…” Sigma trailed off.
Putting your hands over his arms crossing in front of you, you caressed them, tracing random shapes there in hopes of comforting him.
“You can tell me, you know that right? I never want you to feel like you can’t confide in me, angel,” you whispered.
“It’s just— Ugh, it’s so stupid,” he sighed, burying his head in the crook of your neck. His breath fanned over your skin and you felt the touch of his plush lips as he searched for words. “I’ve been thinking recently… about my home.”
“The casino?” you encouraged him.
“That’s just it. I love the casino, I really do, but lately it doesn’t feel like ‘home’ anymore.” This time you patiently waited for him to continue on his own. You knew he wanted to tell you but was fighting with himself over what your reaction would be. “I thought the Sky Casino was all I needed but it’s been different since I met you.
“I think… you are my new home…”
As soon as the words left his mouth, you felt him stiffen behind you, slowly unwinding his arms from around you. “I’m so sorry… That was a totally weird thing to say, wasn’t it?”
Turning around as you intertwined your fingers with his to urge him to keep his hands planted on your waist before bringing yours up to cup his reddened cheeks.
“No, it’s not weird, the opposite really. It’s a beautiful thing to say, thank you.” Bringing him closer, you kissed his forehead again, this time letting your lips linger a little longer than before. “If it’s any comfort to you, you are my home as well. No matter where I go, as long as you’re with me I know I’ll be okay.”
You smiled softly at the way his eyes widened and he swallowed hard, swiftly bringing his hands up to cover his glowing face. When you pulled his wrists down, Sigma shyly averted his eyes as he tried to hide behind his fringe.
“No need to be embarrassed, angel, even if you’re quite cute like this,” you winked at him. Changing the topic, much to his relief, you held up a cookie. “Wanna try them while they’re still warm?”
Curiously waiting for his verdict, you studied the way the light of your kitchen reflected in his bright eyes. It was a good time to remind yourself how lucky you were to see this side to the enigma that Sigma was to most people.
“They’re really good!” He exclaimed before catching himself and giving you a sheepish smile. “Thank you for making them.”
“Of course,” you grinned. “Wanna grab a plate and a glass of milk and watch another episode? That is, if you feel like paying attention this time around.”
Sigma gave you an affectionate flick to the forehead but before long enough the two of you were snuggled up on the couch again, curled up amongst blankets and with chocolate filling your senses.
Despite teasing him earlier, you too didn’t spare the screen much attention as you sunk into the warmth of your boyfriend’s arms. As you basked in the love tangible in the room, you traced a diamond shape onto the plane of his chest, which he quickly returned in the form of a heart on your back.
It sure was nice to be home.
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tinyascanbe · 5 months
Introducing my g/t story
Beetle Shells
its based on actual entomology work ive done as a scientist, very self indulgent! TW: Cursing, light nudity, light blood, bugs (non aggro bugs)
Chapter 1: Introduction
I took quick and long strides down the sterile white hallway. At the end of the hallway were double doors tinted a dark black with yellow and red warning plates on the side. Reaching the end of the hallway and approaching a set of lockers, I instinctively reach for one marked with pink duct tape. Sighing, I shed my coat and donned a fresh laboratory coat along with medical boot covers. I tied my hair back into a messy bun of curls and finished up by secured the boot covers and buttoning up the coat. Beep beep beep beep! I stepped through the first door after punching in a personalized unique code. It was completely dark except for the UV light and stepped onto a sticky white pad. I heard the familiar hissing and allowed the cold air shower to blow onto my face and body before the stream dissipated. Lights automatically turned on and she then entered the quarantine lab. The quarantine lab was divided into four sections with one of the chemist labs right at the entrance.
“Heya Kyle. Any lucky today?” I approached the other scientist, peering around his shoulders at the beetle he was dissecting.
“Eh yknow, still having a hard time replicating the pheromones of this particular species. Still no preference or response to any of my solutions. The boss is pressuring me to get one ready in preparation for a public meeting with the state. Theres some big money involved with this research and the public havent been responsive. These invasive lil guys sure are causing me to lose sleep.” His face is creased with stress as he talks about it and he drops his tools in frustration.
“Yeah…they sure are cute lil guys. Imagine when you finally formulate it though! Theyll want to be all over you. Then your army of beetle lovers can eat the public opinion!” I laugh and pick up an analytical jar filled with peat and watch as the horned beetle emerges to munch on some sugarcane.
“Also hey how many do we have in inventory?” I inquire.
“Uhhh probably around 400 individuals over 5 generations. Sixth generation is scheduled to emerge in a few days now.” He answers, still not looking up at me. I admire his brown sleek hair, shining under the fluorescent lighting. I usually made excuses to talk to him throughout the day.
“Wow I wonder how much room we have left in here, we’re packed full. Well I have to work for about 3 hours with the longhorns so Ill come check in later to see if I can assist you.” Striding off, I walk through a hallway and enter a large metal door with a large latch.
I come into an enclosed refrigerated room and curse my luck on being stuck here. Its all plated metal with a chrome shelving unit on wheels and a long black table that stood about waist height. Plopping down on the black top swivel stool, i reach up for my clipboard, a binder, and mechanical pencil. Flipping open the binder, I scan the list of insects to be tested and pull out a form from another tabbed section. I flip open my airpod case and connect to my phones spotify playlist and walk out of the refrigerated hell to go grab my lil buddies that I get to hang out with for awhile. The insect species are separated by room so I dance over to the longhorn beetle room down the hall. The walls are lined with cups full of insect food and individual insects in each container. Buckets of different types of plants for feeding and a few carts along with another black table in the center of the room, fairly messy with forceps and papers were scattered about. The containers were marked with a gender sticker and had assigned genealogy tracking numbers. Sometimes Id mark a little heart on their containers if I was particularly fond of one of the individuals.
Dancing over and grabbing the cart, I stack male beetles and referencing my clipboard every so often. I scooted them all carefully back into my refrigerated testing room while grooving a bit to the music. I grabbed my favorite stick from the shelving unit and popped the top of the container to LB-08924 and was greeted by shaking and hissing.
“Oh nope. How bout you calm down there young man. Ill give you a few more minutes.” And grab another container for a second try.
On the table is a glass Y tube. Theres one small air hose connected to one side with the vaporized pheromone that the lab created and one small air hose connected to the other side with regular air. I get the next individual onto the stick and gently transfer them to the entrance to the tube and start a timer. The little antennas move a bit and stays in place. Waiting for the male to make a decision, I scribble in quick notes and information out on my form. Finally after 3 long minutes the male decides to walk down the tube towards our lab solution. I detach the air hose and gently pinch the lil guy to pull him out with a gloved hand. With a rather ungraceful plop, the male is dropped back into the container and the lid snapped shut.
Three hours go by and Ive listened to a whole Phish album and a podcast. I push a fallen curl behind my ear and straighten my posture, flipping through my reports to make sure I didnt miss any information.
Id been looking forward to taking a break and talking to Kyle again and the thought made me smile a bit to myself. I replace all my test subjects back to their respectful places, pop out my earbuds, and walk down the long hallway back to the main chemist lab.
“Kyle! Still hard at work I see. Im finished up with my beetles, need me to try and take a crack at yours?” I call out, seeing him in the same exact position as before. But this time, he actually turns to meet my green eyes with his darker gaze.
“Actually…yeah. The boss just fuckin yelled at me again to hurry this up. He doesnt understand that I cant rush this and once it is formulated, we have a long QC process ahead of us… Test this for me will you?”
“Yeah, anything for you. Give me a couple minutes to warm up first. Sample size?”
“Lets do 50 individuals. Using a spoon is your best bet to dig em out of the peat. Thanks, Clementine.” He holds out a vial to me and i take it, flashing him a smile and receiving one back.
I take the vial and slip it into my lab pocket readying a new cart of the new much larger rhinoceros male beetles. I struggle to balance their glass containers on the cart and right as I attempt to move the cart into the doorway of the testing room, the cart wobbles and causes the glass jars with the beetles to fall. Lunging to save the falling beetles, I trip in the process, breaking the vial and causing the glass to puncture through my jacket and shirt into my side. I land on other glass and thankfully none of the beetles.
“FUCK. ME.” I hiss and to my dismay I hear footsteps running over to me.
“Dude this didnt happen, lets not file an OSHA report and shit you know how much paperwork that is. Its my fault I shouldnt have tried to bring in that many bugs. I’ll take care of it all seriously Im fine. Im so sorry for breaking your vial I know that took you a long time..” I couldnt stop talking. Nevermind as fast as I was. I felt so embarrassed by the whole thing and wished I was alone. Kyle was staring at me with saucer eyes as if I ended the world by smashing his creation and I felt so badly about not being more careful.
“Uh Clementine… are you…. are you ok..? What the fuck…?”
I look down and see blood… but the blood stains look huge…but so does the lab coat itself…fuck I dont feel good. Woah all the beetles are surrounding me. The ones on the walls all surfaced from their peat. What the fuck….
Everything was in slow motion. I couldnt think straight and I felt like I was floating on hard drugs.
I realize Im craning my head up at Kyle with panic in my eyes.
“What was in the vial?” I slowly struggle to ask?
“Nothing that would cause this?? Its impossible. Maybe a dream??” He looks down at her with matching panic, hands shaking and staring down in fear as he appeared larger and larger to my now slumped body.
Ten or so beetles had finally began to crawl on me as I reached the height of the waist high table. Fear gripped me in the uncertainty but I realized I could barely stand from the overwhelming dizziness and weakness that overtook me. I was no taller than the waist high table and I collapsed to the ground causing two beetles to jump off.
“Help, please” desperation soaked my voice as their barbed legs gripped into my skin and my height still diminishing.
Kyles eyes darted and he finally began snatching the beetles off me and placing them in the labs emergency bug net. His huge hands approaching me caused my heart to race faster with fear. Holding the net of angry buzzing beetles, he turned and ran to secure them, leaving me. I had no idea how tall I was at this point, just that I was probably under 1’ by the look of things. I began to drag myself towards the bottom of the cart to try and hide underneath. There was no where else to hide and I couldnt trust a scientist, no matter how cute. The loud sound of footsteps coming back pumped fear through me and I realized I wouldnt be able to hide in time.
“Oh fuck youre so much smaller now…are you still shrinking?! Wait hey stop its ok theres no more beetles. All the insects are all locked up.” Kyle pushed the cart to expose the top half of me that had dragged myself under and squatted down in front of me.
“Uh sorry it took me a minute to process everything before helping you. I have no fucking idea whats happening but I feel responsible for giving you that vial. Im going to….pick you up now. Theres a lot of glass on the floor. Youre like 4 inches right now and I think you stopped shrinking.”
I watch, laid out on my side, bleeding in various places as he reaches both hands out in front of him, tilting his head as he considered how to exactly pick me up. I swallow as the hands approach. He uses his pointer finger to roll me onto the palm of his other hand. I puke in my mouth as he slowly raises me up to his gaze. His eyes are massive now, huge glossy orbs of color right in front of me. Exposing me. I had never felt so naked before and I shyly move my hands to cover myself despite my naked body already touching his warm palm. Averting my eyes, I hold back tears and feel absolutely out of control of reality.
“Ive got you, dont worry. I’ve got you.” He whispered quietly.
“We’ve gotta go though. We need to address your wounds first and foremost. Youre coming back with me.” Taking control of the situation, Kyles voice filled with more confidence.
“We gotta put you down first though so I can clean this up to prevent any suspicion. Im gonna lay you on the table now. Ill grab your shirt so you dont get cold. Youre shaking…i think.”
I couldnt speak. I didnt know what to say. I nodded weakly at the massive being and the nausea hit again as he lowered his hands and moved to the table. Using two fingers, he gently pushed me off his palm and I rolled onto the cold metal. In that moment I felt like a rag-doll specimen. He quickly plucked my bra from my shirt and brought the shirt up and wrapped me in it. My shivered chattering began to quiet and I soon found myself asleep to the sounds of him cleaning up broken glass.
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laurenairay · 2 years
Déjà-Brew – E. Pettersson
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Here a little fic I wrote for @ryngrvs​ birthday celebrations!! I chose the bingo strip of: ‘unrequited love’, ‘handwritten notes’, ‘mutual pining’, ‘you make me better’, ‘golden retriever x black cat’.
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I had a lot of fun writing this and creating all the little things that went into it, and I’m definitely indulging in the fantasies of my teenage barista self. And yes, I definitely fudged the Canucks schedule for November. I hope you enjoy this C! Happy birthday 💛
Summary: Elias Pettersson walked into a coffee shop one morning and met Joanna.
Word count: 8.2k
Warnings: light angst, fluff, pining
Elias was restless. He had a call scheduled with his agent first thing this Monday morning, 9am, but it was only 6am and he couldn’t sleep. It was ridiculous really, that on a rare day off training, his body woke up anyway, but here he was wide awake with no hope of slipping back into sleep. There was no point just lying there, staring up at the ceiling either. So with a sigh and a brief close of his eyes, he pushed himself upright, reluctantly kicking the warmth of the duvet away. A brief run outside would be productive at least, right? And he could definitely zone out enough to not have to wake up fully. It was better than lazing around and he could absolutely use it to humble-brag to his teammates later – perfect.
By the time he stepped outside into the brisk September air, Elias did regret trying to be proactive a little bit, but it was too late now. He’d committed to it, and it would make the trainers happy if nothing else. So he set off, music providing the perfect backdrop to drown out the sparse early morning commuter traffic, leaving him to lightly jog down the streets of his neighbourhood in an eerily empty bliss. He knew he didn’t spend enough time exploring his surrounding area, noting the cafes and bars and restaurants in passing that he didn’t recognise, all of them still dim in the grey morning light. Maybe he should do this more often – coming out and seeing the world while it was relatively empty, cementing his place in the city that he hoped to call his own for a long time to come.
He ran and he ran and he ran, losing himself in his thoughts until his watch beeped loudly, telling him he’d run a full 3 miles; 45 minutes had flown by, without evening realising it. Elias winced as he slowed down to a stop, realising he was a long way from his apartment now, and turned around with a quiet groan to start the journey back. The sun was starting to rise now, just around 7am, so he knew the world would start coming alive soon, something he was hoping to avoid. It wasn’t that he didn’t love the fans, especially the little kids who were always so happy to see him, but at this time in the morning it was the last thing he wanted to do, to make polite small talk when he was only thinking about coffee and breakfast.
Actually, coffee wasn’t a bad idea.
By the time he’d made it back to his neighbourhood, to the cafes and bars and restaurants he’d passed earlier, he noticed one little light on. A coffee shop – exactly what he needed. Déjà-Brew. Huh, a pun he didn’t automatically hate. That was something new. And it only 7.30am, so it was too early for anyone other than office commuters to be around, which was even better.
Elias found himself slowing down to a stop outside the shop, turning his music off and tugging out his headphones, noticing there were barely any customers. Perfect. He’d been hoping for, and expecting, the warmth that hit him like a wall as he opened the door, the familiar scent of freshly-ground coffee beans, the cosy armchairs and rickety tables, and the splashes of colour in the artwork across the walls.
What he wasn’t expecting was the beaming smile that greeted him the moment he walked through the door.
“Good morning Sunshine!”
That…that was a lot of pep.
“Um, hello?” he offered, a lot more hesitant that he expected.
The girl behind the counter just laughed, smile staying present, and tilted her head, copper hair shining in the bright lights of the store.
“What can I get for you, on this beautiful day?”
Still cheerful, still upbeat, still smiling. And as he walked up to the counter, he noticed exactly how beautiful that smile was, matching the person wearing it. That was a weird thought. But it was true, all the same.
“A large cappuccino?” he asked, saying the first thing that came to mind.
“Sure thing! What name, and is that to have in or take out?”
“Elias. Take out. I’ve got to get back to a meeting,” he admitted, a little sheepishly.
What had prompted him to say that? He didn’t even know this girl…and yet here he was, blurting out things that she didn’t need to know.
But she just giggled, nodding. “Rather you than me – thank you for stopping by our little store anyway!”
Elias found himself smiling softly as she scribbled down the order on the side of the cup, her good mood infectious, something which he was sure was one of the main reasons she was at the register this early in the morning. The girl passed the cup over to her colleague to start making the order, before ringing up his total.
“That’ll be $4,” she said, that pretty smile still in place.
He handed over a $10 bill. “Keep the change.”
It was the least he could do, right? To say thanks for putting him in such a good mood? Especially since it wasn’t always such an easy feat.
“Awesome, thank you! Your coffee will be ready soon, and you can pick it up just down the end there.”
He just nodded, earning another beaming smile back, leaving him a little stunned in the best way as he shuffled down the counter to wait. He watched as she immediately put the change in the large tip jar on the counter, humming happily to herself even as she whipped out a cloth and wiped over the surface on her side that didn’t need wiping. Endlessly optimistic, a positive energy he’d only seen from Brock on his good days, and he wondered how much of it was real. Even just thinking that, he knew he was at least a little wrong for doubting her positivity, because as far as she knew no-one was watching her, and there she was carrying it out – so it wasn’t for show. Who was this girl? What was her deal? What was it about her that made her occupy his thoughts like this?
“Large cappuccino for Elias?”
He tore his gaze away from the girl behind the counter, hoping there wasn’t a tell-tale blush on his pale cheeks, and stepped up to retrieve his coffee. But what he saw written on the side stopped him in his tracks. Other than his name and his coffee order, there was an extra message…just for him?
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image description: handwritten note, have a wonderful day! with a drawn cartoon sun.
“Just so you know, Jojo really is that cheerful 100% of the time. It’s genuine.”
A deep voice startled him out of his thoughts, making Elias glance back up at the counter to see the male barista who’d made his drink looking at him in amusement.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Elias murmured.
The barista just laughed, nodding his acknowledgement, before leaving Elias to glance down at the cup one last time. Jojo. A beautiful name to match a beautiful smile and beautiful face. Okay now he was just being ridiculous. What was it about this girl that had him so intrigued? Whatever it was, he couldn’t get caught up in it right now – he really did have to get going. But maybe he could come back? That wouldn’t be too weird, right? It wouldn’t do anyone any harm if he came back to see her again, right?
As Elias walked out of the shop, he caught eyes with the pretty girl – Jojo – behind the counter again, finding himself smiling slightly as she waved goodbye, and it was all he could do to raise his coffee cup in salute as he walked out the door. Maybe a little bit of positivity like that would be good for him, every now and again.
And damn, the coffee was good too.
Joanna watched the coffee shop door close with a small smile on her face, replaying that adorable dorky little salute over in her head. That wasn’t the interaction she’d been expecting this dreary Monday morning, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to complain.
“Of all the people you could’ve served this morning, it had to be Elias Pettersson,” Carl mused.
She glanced up at her colleague, raising an eyebrow at the grin on his face.
“What’s so bad about that?” Joanna frowned, “You were the one who actually made his coffee?”
“He’s famous? And cute as hell? And you just acted as if he was anyone else?” he laughed.
Oh, she knew who he was. She wasn’t blind – and this was Vancouver. But why wouldn’t she treat him like anyone else?
“He wasn’t here for a team thing. He wasn’t even wearing any merch. He was literally being just a normal person coming in for coffee,” she shrugged, “I wasn’t going to make him feel awkward about that.”
“Only you, Jojo. Only you,” Carl teased.
Joanna rolled her eyes, smiling fondly, and just shook her head. While she watched hockey like any other Canadian, she wasn’t a superfan – Carl on the other hand absolutely was – and even then, she wasn’t going to treat poor Elias like an alien just for the crime of existing in the coffee shop she worked in. Aside from the fact she was only working part-time around her college classes, Joanna actually quite liked working at the shop; she’d been there since she was 16 so she had the routine down well, she adored her ridiculous co-workers, and she loved the opportunity to brighten someone’s day just by smiling and greeting them. Maybe it wasn’t much to some people, but it was more than enough for her.
And if Elias Pettersson became one of those people whose day she brightened? Well, then she wasn’t going to stop any time soon.
“Howdy partner!”
Elias found himself back at the coffee shop two weeks later, now in the first week of October, unable to come in before this Monday morning with training and the roadtrip schedule. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the barista, her copper hair and beautiful smile, even to the point where Nils and Brock teased him about his abnormal spacing out, but he’d refused to admit what – or who – occupied his thoughts. No, this was something he wanted to keep for himself, while he was still processing his thoughts about it all. About her. Was he stupid or creepy or weird for not being able to get someone he’d only met once out of his mind? He hoped not. Even so, when he realised he had the Monday morning free, he’d made up his mind to go back to the coffee shop ahead of training later in the morning, not needing the excuse of running. If nothing else, the coffee was damn good. That was how he justified it to himself anyway, rather than letting himself feel like a weirdo for hoping for the chance to see her again.
But there she was, bright smile and cheerful greeting.
“Howdy?” he mused.
“Eh, I’m trying something new this week,” she shrugged, unphased.
There was just something about her optimism that lifted his mood.
“You can’t win them all,” he said simply.
She gasped dramatically, hand clasped over her heart, earning laughter from her colleagues and a small smile from him. Adorable.
“You are a tough guy to win over – I’ll remember that,” she grinned, “Large cappuccino, right? Elias?”
Heat flared on his cheeks at her teasing – he loved that about her, that she made him feel so comfortable – and she remembered his order? After only one time?
“Yeah, that sounds great, thanks,” he nodded.
She hummed to herself as she scribbled the order onto the cup, passing it along to the girl standing next to her before she looked back at him.
“That’ll be $4,” she said, smiling.
He passed over $10, same as the previous time. “Keep the change.”
“Thanks! That’s so kind of you,” she said cheerfully.
Elias didn’t think it was anything particularly kind that he’d done, but he wasn’t going to complain if it got her to smile at him like that. He moved along the counter to wait for his drink, same as last time, and in no time at all the girl behind the coffee machine called out his name. Just as he’d hoped, there was a message written in the pretty cursive handwriting from before.
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Image description: handwritten note, in case no-one said it today – you’re great!
Elias let out a soft laugh, a small smile spreading across his lips at the little message. Yet again, the barista’s positivity was infectious. What did the male barista last time say her name was? Jojo? No, it felt weird ‘knowing’ her name when she had never told him it herself. The normal thing to do was to ask her himself, right?
Thankfully there was no other customers at the counter, and she was still standing there by herself, so Elias walked back down to see her, a knot in his stomach that he was trying to ignore.
“Thanks for the message,” he mused.
“Ah, just a little something to make your Monday morning a little brighter,” she shrugged, although a pleased flush dusted her cheeks.
So cute. So ridiculously cute.
“I bet everyone appreciates it,” he added.
She seemed to hesitate for a moment before smiling wryly.
“I don’t write them for everyone,” she admitted, blushing a little harder.
She didn’t? So he was an exception here? Well, that was good to know. Very good.
“In that case, I should probably ask the name of the girl who makes me smile on a Monday morning,” Elias said smoothly.
She laughed, but in a way that he knew wasn’t at him.
“Joanna. Most people call me Jojo,” she said sweetly, smiling up at him.
Joanna. Even more beautiful. While the confidence was still with him, he smiled properly at her, earning a wide smile back.
“Nice to meet you, Joanna.”
“Nice to meet you too, Elias.”
The sound of the coffee shop door opening broke him out of the little bubble they were in, and he cleared his throat, taking a step back to find a sense of normality again. What was it about this girl?
“Thanks for the coffee. See you soon?” he asked hopefully.
Idiot. Of course he’d see her if he came in here while she was working. Idiot.
“Yeah, see you,” she nodded, still smiling.
Well at least she wasn’t laughing at him going from smooth to foolish. That was something at least.
She felt like she was on cloud nine. Joanna could only smile to herself as she wiped over the counter after Elias left the shop – he’d actually come in again! And he’d talked to her, even asked her name! It was stupid feeling so giddy after such a short conversation, but damn it he was cute, okay?
“So that was interesting.”
Joanna turned her head to look at her colleague, smile still on her face even as the customers she’d just served moved to a table to sit down. Carl, her usual Monday morning co-worker had swapped his shift with Jessie, the barista who usually worked Tuesday through Friday, so Joanna still knew her well – even if it through her usual routine off, it was still nice to see a friendly face this early in the day.
“What was?” Joanna asked.
“I haven’t seen the two of you interact before, but Carl was right – he’s definitely interested,” Jessie mused.
Of course Carl was gossiping. “He’s not interested. Why would someone like him ever look at me twice? I’m nobody.”
Oops. That came out a little more self-deprecating than she’d intended it too. Not that she was wrong, but still.
Jessie pursed her lips, shaking her head. “Baby, no-one holds a conversation that smoothly if they don’t think you’re cute. And you are not nobody – you are Jojo, queen of the cash register and future empress of sociology. He’s lucky to get those cute little messages from you on his cup, let alone the time of day.”
Joanna blushed, shaking her head.
“You know who he is,” she said, voice soft, “Next to him, I’m literally nothing.”
“And yet he smiled because you treated him like a normal guy. Own that. If nothing else, it’s a bit of flirting to liven up your Monday,” Jessie shrugged.
She was right. Jessie was so right. Joanna had never been someone who viewed the world so negatively, and she wasn’t going to start that now.
“Yeah, that’s true. I can own that,” Joanna said firmly.
“Damn right you can,” Jessie laughed. “Now, where did Carl put the oat milk?”
Halloween was both the joy of her year and the bane of her life. Joanna loved the fact that she got to dress up and have some fun with her friends watching spooky movies – in fact, she and a few of her college friends had a standing tradition for after her shift – but it also meant that she had to dress up at work.
So there she was, waving in Carl as he arrived to start his shift at 7am, both of them dressed in full pirate regalia. That was the theme this year; all the people who worked on Halloween decided on co-ordinating outfits, as a fun way to pass the time. Last year they’d decided on superheroes (and Joanna had made a killer Black Widow, if she said so herself), with the previous years including greeks and romans, cheesy 90s romcoms, and even Ghostbusters. It was the only thing that made the working on the day of Halloween worthwhile – even if it took her a little while to get used to all the stares that people sent her.
But she powered on, trying to ignore the fact that she was dressed a little ridiculously. It was Halloween, after all, and she knew for a fact that a good proportion of their customers would probably be wearing costumes at all, so at least that was something to look forward to.
Speaking of things to look forward to…Elias. He’d been in one other Monday this month since he’d asked her name – why Mondays, she still had no idea – but seeing him for a third time this month? Amazing.
“Ahoy matey!”
Oh wow, that one was bad, even for her. But Elias just laughed, immediately smiling at her, and all of a sudden it didn’t matter that she was wearing a tri-corner hat and a billowing white shirt. Funny how that worked.
“Ahoy to you too. You guys are really into Halloween huh?” he said, glancing around at all the decorations they’d put up this morning.
“Oh you have no idea. This is pretty tame for us – and at least the theme could be worse?” she mused.
Elias laughed again, nodding his agreement, leaning on the counter with his elbows as he smiled at her. “Yeah we’ve had some pretty bad group costumes. One year was the Shrek characters. Another year was Minions.”
Damn, yeah okay, she had definitely gotten off lightly with pirates then. Although knowing Elias, he probably pulled off whatever costume he’d worn. Cute as hell – Carl had been right saying that the first time he’d come in.
“Alright, you win,” she giggled.
“It got us a few laughs and a lot of smiles, so it was worth it,” he shrugged, although his cheeks flushed with a light pleased pink.
How sweet.
“Are you having your usual?” she asked, smiling up at him.
“Yeah, go for it,” he nodded, smiling back at her.
Joanna swung her copper braid over her shoulder – still not used to having it out of its usual high ponytail – humming to herself as she scribbled down today’s message. Hopefully this would put a smile on his face too. While Carl made the large cappuccino, Elias stayed up by the cash register, the two of them making small talk about past Halloween experiences, Joanna fully taking advantage of the lack of early customers to take these little extra moments with him. It was things like this that got her through the day, a smile like his on such a pretty face, and the fact that he was willingly talking with her rather than moving along? Well that made all the difference.
“Here you go.”
Carl’s amused voice broke them out of their conversation, Elias taking the cup from her colleague with a dry laugh.
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Image description: handwritten note, smiling at strangers never goes out of style.
Elias looked over at her with a little grin, making her let out a breathy laugh even as she allowed herself to indulge into melting into a puddle at the warmth of his gaze.
“You are incredibly sweet, you know that right?”
“Oh, it’s nothing really,” Joanna said, feeling her cheeks heat up in a blush regardless.
“I don’t think you realise how much of an impact you have on people,” Elias shrugged, leaning casually against the counter as he smiled at her.
What a smile it was.
“And yet she’s single as hell, such a shame.”
Joanna flinched at the sound of Carl’s passing remark, cheeks flaring now as she glared at his retreating back, wishing the ground would just swallow her up. It was bad enough that she was dressed as a pirate, but he had to tell Elias of all people that she was single? Why?!
“Their loss.”
“What?” she said, looking back at Elias.
But he just shrugged, still smiling that sweet small smile at her. “All those guys who don’t realise how amazing you are. It’s their loss,” he said simply.
Oh wow.
“Working here as well as taking full-time classes takes up all my time, if I’m being honest,” she said, trying to regain at least a little of her dignity.
“Makes sense,” he mused, “what are you studying?”
She stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out why he was interested in that kind of mundane information, but his intense gaze didn’t change at all. He really was asking her about herself…to get to know her better? Well, she wasn’t going to waste this opportunity.
“I’m studying sociology at UBC. There are so many different aspects to it, like gender equality to law to race and discrimination, and I just love it,” she admitted, smiling shyly now.
It wasn’t often that people asked her the finer details about her life, especially not people like Elias, so the fact that he was still smiling at her after her explanation? Well, that felt good. It felt really good.
“Sounds like you get to do a little bit of everything that actually matters in the world – I can see why you love it,” he said warmly.
And there go the butterflies in her stomach, swirling a merry dance.
“Exactly that! Gives me a chance to narrow down what I want to do with my life, and now that I’m in my final year, I’m excited to see how it goes,” she grinned.
In truth, she was leaning towards going into counselling, having loved the aspects of those modules in particular, and she did have an internship already in place for this summer as she was graduating…so she could only hope that her grades continued to take her on the path she wanted to journey on. It was a little scary, if she was being honest, knowing that all too soon she was going to be released out into the world with no safety barriers around her – but that’s also what made it so exciting. She was going to get to explore a brand-new adventure that she genuinely enjoyed, so what could be better than that?
And if that fantasy included Elias by her side while she took that next step? Well, that was between her and her daydreams, wasn’t it?
“I’d better get going, as much as I’d rather stay here talking to you. You’re much more interesting than most the people I know,” Elias said dryly.
His faux-reluctance made her laugh – like she could compare to his teammates, really – earning a little pleased smile, and she waved him goodbye as he exited the shop. Maybe one day she’d find the courage to flirt with a little more intention with Elias, take that chance on a guy like him – could it be worth it?
Joanna’s words, her simple sweet words on his cup, paired with that brilliant grin she sent him as she was talking about her degree, played on his mind the whole drive to the arena, and he found himself unable to stop the smile on his lips even as the team pulled a stupid Halloween mascot jump scare prank for their social media channels. At least he didn’t shriek, just flinched, but even then he could tell the people running it were surprised at his smile as he walked away.
Nothing was going to change his good mood today. Not even a dumb prank. He’d held a full proper conversation with Joanna, finally, and he was finding out more and more about her each time he saw her. He loved it, loved that he was getting to know her so organically, and the fact that she was still taking the time to write those little messages for him? It was everything to him. And now he even knew that she was single too. Even if it was all one-sided infatuation on his end, and she was just being friendly, having these little moments with her made him feel like nothing ever had before. So yeah, he was smiling – he couldn’t help himself, and he didn’t care.
“Okay is this another prank?”
Elias broke out of his thoughts to see Nils and Brock standing in front of him, making him crane his neck up to look at them where he was sitting in his stall in the locker room. Even Thatcher and Quinn were watching him curiously from their own stalls, sending a stab of panic through him that he quickly tried to repress. They knew nothing. And they would continue to know nothing.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Elias said dryly.
“I mean, that’s more like the Petey we know and love…but smiling to yourself like that? What’s gotten you so happy this morning?” Brock teased.
“Hearing you shriek like a little kid at the jump scare?” Elias said, raising an eyebrow.
Brock’s cheeks flushed as the few guys in the locker room laughed, but he was undeterred, like Coolie with a bone. Damn it.
“I bet it’s the same reason he’s been spacey for weeks,” Nils smirked.
“You’ve been spacey? Are you okay?” Quinn asked worriedly.
Oh no. Not the Quinn Hughes puppy dog eyes. Those things were lethal.
“I’m perfectly fine, thank you. I just…”
He trailed off, knowing that if he admitted that he’d met Joanna that he would never hear the end of the teasing.
“Oh man, Petey met someone,” Nils grinned.
Damn it.
And when he didn’t immediately correct his countryman, the 4 men around him all grinned, making Elias groan. Perfect, just what he needed.
“Who is she?” Brock asked, eyes wide with excitement
“Or he. No judgement,” Thatcher added.
That man was a blessing. Not an accurate blessing, in this case, but a blessing all the same.
So Elias sighed. “She. I’ve been going to a new coffee shop and she works there.”
Cue the immature coos and fluttering eyelashes. His teammates truly were the worst.
“So Petey has met a cute barista and is getting his flirt on. Cute!” Nils teased.
“No, no flirting,” he said quickly.
At least, only that little bit of smooth-talking today? That didn’t count, right?
“No flirting? Come on, a pretty boy like you isn’t going to flirt with a cute barista?” Brock laughed.
His laughed stuttered as Elias kicked him in the shin, but that just earned snickers from his other teammates.
“She doesn’t flirt, she’s just being nice,” Elias muttered.
Their laughter abruptly cut off, only making him groan again.
“Oh buddy that can’t be true,” Thatcher frowned.
“You wouldn’t be smiling like that if there wasn’t something there,” Quinn agreed.
If only he could wrap Quinn Hughes in a blanket and protect him from the world.
“He’s right – we all know your smiles, and that was a rare one,” Brock said, as serious as he ever got.
Was that an insult? He wasn’t sure at this point.
“It’s nothing. There’s nothing to talk about,” Elias said shortly.
Thatcher pursed his lips, Quinn smiling sadly at him – only making Elias cringe internally – but Brock and Nils just frowned.
“If you want to talk about it, you know where we are,” Nils said firmly.
Yeah, right.
“But don’t give up just yet, bud. If your time with her is making you smile like this, then I would bet that it’s making her smile too,” Brock added.
He walked over to his own stall after clapping Elias on the shoulder, Nils going to his own too, leaving Elias to his thoughts. Could Brock be right? Joanna was such a bubbly smiley person as it was…but was there a chance he made her smile all by himself? Was there hope after all?
The weeks kept passing, and every Monday he was able to, Elias went into Déjà-Brew. He didn’t know why he made it a habit of going only on Mondays, especially when he had other days free when he could go to, but even though he spoke to Joanna a little more each time he visited the coffee shop, he still hadn’t plucked up the courage to ask her what other days she worked. All he knew was that Monday mornings were definitely her opening shift, and that Monday mornings in the shop were the quietest days, so if he could guarantee getting at least a little of her attention on his on that day then he was going to stick with it.
It made sense in his head at least anyway.
Elias managed two visits in the first few weeks of November, more than any other month so far (at least that he’d had the courage to do), and he found his thoughts growing more and more consumed with the little snippets of information he’d managed to gain about her. Joanna was 21 years old, studying sociology at the University of British Columbia, had two younger brothers she adored, had lived in Vancouver her whole life, and her favourite colour was forest green. And those were just the immediate details. There were dozens of little facts about her he was collecting like a dragon with its hoard, and he savoured them all. He knew that he wasn’t sharing as much as she was, but he still found himself talking about his family and how much he missed home in Ange, and she seemed to grow in confidence in asking him about himself too. It was everything, everything he didn’t know he needed, and Elias found himself coveting those few minutes with her when he was able to get them.
And there was the fact that maybe Brock and Nils were right after all – while Joanna was always already smiling when he arrived to the coffee shop, her smile seemed to kick up a few notches the moment she saw him, which was something that made his own traitorous heart beat that little bit faster. He knew he needed to find the courage to do more than just talk to her in passing, needed to take that next step, but there was that niggling voice at the back of his head that told him not to ruin this easy friendship they already had. Was it worth risking everything if she was just being friendly? Was it worth spending so much time caught up in his head when hockey should be his 100% focus? Was he just being ridiculous and delusional in the first place?
How was he supposed to tell? And what was he supposed to do about it?
No, he needed to stop being so stupid about this. They were just talking – there was nothing bad about that. Those little moments on Monday mornings were something he treasured, and considering that Joanna seemed just as happy to see him as he was to see her, he wasn’t going to ruin that for him. For either of them. He just needed to keep his head cool, not get over the top or overwhelmed with it, that was all. He could do that at least, right?
The Monday after Thanksgiving weekend was always a little quiet, in Joanna’s experience, and this year it was no different. She’d only served a couple of customers since opening an hour ago, and already she knew that today was going to be a long day. She could feel it, in her bones, and she found herself hoping for something to liven up the day. At least Carl would be joining her any moment, no doubt full of hilarious family drama stories, so she could handle the last 15 minutes on her own before he arrived. Hopefully.
Within minutes, the door opened, and she desperately tried to ignore the way her heart started beating that little bit faster. Elias.
“Sup, homeslice?”
When Elias just mumbled as hello in response, Joanna winced. Maybe not her finest greeting.
“That one wasn’t a winner, huh?”
It was only then that Elias seemed to process her words.
“Oh no, it’s really not you. I had a rough day yesterday,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Ah yeah, overtime loss. Must’ve felt pretty rough,” she grimaced.
A few of the staff from the coffee shop went over to Jessie’s last night to watch the game, Joanna included, and they’d all watched the frustrating game on the edge of their seats. It had been a tough game to watch, if she was being honest, so she could only imagine how he felt.
“You watch hockey?”
The confusion in his voice confused her.
“It’s Vancouver? Hockey is a must?” she mused.
“You know who I am?” Elias said softly.
Ah, okay, now she got it. Did he really think she didn’t know?
“Was I not supposed to?” Joanna teased.
His pale cheeks flushed, making her smile softly.
“No I, uh, I didn’t mean to be arrogant. You just…never said anything,” he winced.
Bless his heart.
“Well I figured you were coming in here as just Elias, not Elias Pettersson number 40 for the Vancouver Canucks. So I didn’t think you’d want to be fawned over, when you were just being you. Was I wrong?” Joanna asked.
She didn’t think she’d been reading him wrong all this time. But had she? He’d seemed so normal…
“No, you’re not wrong at all. No-one’s ever-”
His words were cut off by the door opening and two women walking in, new customers that ended their privacy, Carl appearing behind them as well. It had been quiet all morning and now people had to come in?! No-one’s ever…what? Treated him like a normal human being? No, this wasn’t the time for it, whatever he was about to say. Time to get back to reality.
“Are you having your normal cappuccino?” Joanna asked, smiling softly.
“Yeah, thanks,” Elias nodded.
Joanna chewed her bottom lip as she scribbled on the order, hesitating before writing today’s message. Hopefully she wasn’t coming across as too forward. Hopefully she wasn’t being too much. She stayed silent as she quickly made his cappuccino, Carl still signing in for the day, as Elias moved along the counter, but she kept glancing over at him, watching his exhausted figure as closely as she could. When she finally put the lid on the coffee cup and passed it over, she didn’t move away from her spot, waiting for Elias to pick up his coffee order with bated breath.
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Image description: handwritten note, stop to take a minute and breathe, with a drawn heart.
His cheeks flushed a light pink again, and he immediately looked over to her, smiling softly in a way that made her heart skip a beat.
“Thank you, Joanna,” he murmured.
“Any time, Elias,” she murmured in response.
She ignored Carl standing next to her as she watched Elias walk out of the shop a little hopelessly, butterflies making havoc in her stomach.
“Oh Jojo, you’ve got it bad,” Carl teased.
“You have no idea,” she sighed, moving back to the register.
Elias slumped down onto Brock’s sofa as soon as he arrived at his house, ignoring Nils staring at him from across the room as Milo immediately curled up next to him, head resting on his thigh as Coolie curled up by his feet. If the dogs could tell something was wrong with him, then there was no doubt that Nils and Brock would too. Not ideal. But then again, why had he come over to Brock’s if he didn’t want a little comfort?
“Well don’t you look a picture of positivity?” Brock mused, passing him a cold beer.
Elias took it without a word but didn’t take a sip, just picking at the label instead.
“Oh it’s even worse than I thought,” Nils murmured.
Elias wasn’t sure if he was meant to hear that or not, but either way he didn’t respond.
“Okay buddy, out with it. What’s happened? It can’t be the overtime loss yesterday, right? Like, I know it was rough, but it wasn’t that rough?” Brock prompted, sitting down next to him.
Neither dog moved, making Elias smile minutely, but he just shook his head. “No, it wasn’t the game.”
Nils hummed sitting down in the armchair on his other side, leaning forward on his elbows to look at Elias critically for a few moments.
“It’s the coffee shop girl, isn’t it?” he eventually said.
There was no teasing in his tone, no jokes to be made that would’ve riled Elias up, but he still sighed, finally taking a sip of the beer that Brock had given him.
“Oh Petey, she didn’t turn you down, did she?” Brock winced.
Hah, that would require Elias to actually ask her out.
“I didn’t ask her out. It’s just…she’s so sweet. And kind. And smiley and positive and happy, and I don’t think she’s interested in me at all,” Elias mumbled.
There it was, all out in the open, vulnerable for his two closest teammates to see. It made him a little nervous to expose himself like that, if he was being honest, but it was done now. He couldn’t take it back. All he could do was avoid their eyes and focus on giving Milo the attention he deserved.
“Why do you think she’s not interested?”
“Her colleague said that she’s super positive and friendly 100% of the time. That was one of the first things I learned about her, so I don’t know if it’s just me reading into things wrong,” Elias explained sadly.
At this point, Elias didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t. His head was swirling with all the interactions they’d had, and he hated that he couldn’t trust his gut instinct, couldn’t believe all the wonderful conversations they’d had. What was wrong with him?
“What aren’t you telling us?” Brock said softly.
“What?” he said, frowning.
“What’s caught your eye about this girl that you haven’t mentioned before?” Brock said, “There’s something, I can tell.”
Elias chewed his bottom lip absent-mindedly, before deciding to just tell them everything. What could it really hurt, at this point.
“Joanna writes messages on my coffee cups. Like, sweet little phrases, just to make me smile. And she told me herself that she doesn’t write them for just anyone. And we’ve been talking, more and more each time I’ve gone in there – she’s so smart, and sweet, and kind, and she’s just so interesting. But I don’t know if I’m just creating this fantasy in my head because she’s kind of perfect to me.”
He lifted his eyes to see Brock mouthing the word ‘perfect’ to himself, eyes wide like he was a little stunned. He didn’t bother looking over to Nils, dreading his reaction to his outburst. It wasn’t like he talked about his feelings like this on a normal basis, and to be honest, he was kind of regretting talking about it at all.
“Maybe she’s just hard to read? Like, you’re really difficult to read and your face is full of the exact emotions you’re feeling all the time,” Nils suggested.
Was that an insult? He wasn’t sure at this point. It wasn’t like he could hide his resting bitch face, but he didn’t think he’d been doing that around Joanna.
“I don’t think she’s hard to read,” he sighed, “But maybe I just suck at reading how people truly feel. Vancouver is different to Ange. People act differently here.”
Wasn’t that the truth.
“Petey, have you even actively flirted?” Brock asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You are a bit of a grumpy cat,” Nils agreed, “Maybe you think you’ve been flirting but she doesn’t know you’ve been flirting.”
He cursed the day that Nils discovered North American memes.
“Bud, you’ve got to make a move,” Brock said firmly, bringing Elias’s attention back to him.
“Oh my god it’s her place of work. I’m not going to be a creep,” Elias shot back.
But Brock just rolled his eyes, shaking his head. “Not like, grab her and kiss her because, ew, consent. I meant like, making a statement. Doing something bold.”
Elias pursed his lips in a frown, mulling over Brock’s words as he took a sip of beer to buy himself some time to think. Doing something bold? Like what? He wasn’t exactly a bold move person – he was chill, cool, casual, no pressure. Something like that was the opposite of his usual persona…but maybe Joanna was worth pushing the boat out? Especially after such a sweet message this morning?
“What could I even do?”
The grins that spread over Nils’ and Brock’s faces sent an unsettled pang through his body, but he ignored his flight response just this one time.
“Okay, so I have some ideas…”
Halfway through December – well, the 11th – and it was officially two weeks too long since Joanna had taken a chance on being vulnerable with Elias, since he found out that she’d known who he was the whole time. The more time that passed, the more she regretted every moment of that encounter, especially the little heart she’d put on the cup. It was beyond unprofessional, even as friendly as the two of them had gotten, and she hated the thought of him avoiding coming into the shop just because she’d been dumb for a few minutes.
Was she thinking too much into it? It wasn’t like he’d done anything other than lightly flirting with her – he could’ve just been passing the time of day, not slipping into dangerous feelings territory like she was. And even just thinking like that made her cringe, made her feel like an idiot, but she couldn’t help it. All she ever wanted to do was make people smile, and the thought of Elias potentially feeling too awkward around her now? No, she couldn’t face that.
All she could hope was that he would eventually come back into Déjà-Brew, to give her a chance to get them, and herself, back to a bit of normality. Was that too much to ask?
Thankfully, while she was still working out the front of the shop by herself just before 7am, Elias walked through the front door, hesitant smile on his face. Okay, play it cool. She could play it cool, just be friendly, be her usual positive cheerful self. It wasn’t that hard.
“What���s up buttercup?”
Aggressively normal. Ouch. By the slight crease in his brow, even Elias could tell that her positivity was a bit forced this Monday morning, and Joanna internally grimaced for even feeling like she had to overcompensate for how vulnerable she got last time he came in. But what else could she do?
“Are you having your usual cappuccino?” she asked, smiling a little less intensely.
She wasn’t sure why she had to ask that. He always said yes, always said the same thing. But it just felt like part of the routine they had, and she didn’t want to change of that if she didn’t have to. She just wanted things to be normal.
“Yes. But, um, I have this now,” Elias murmured.
He seemed to hesitate slightly, before he pulled a reusable to-go cup out of his coat pocket. What was all of that about not changing routines? About being normal?
Joanna felt her heart break a little bit as she looked down at the to-go cup he’d placed on the counter in front of her, realising he didn’t want her handwritten note this time. That’s what this was about, right? Message received. She didn’t think that she’d crossed the line last time – he hadn’t seemed offended or awkward with it – but clearly she’d crossed a line. Message received. Silently, she picked up the travel mug, biting her bottom lip in humiliation…until she noticed there was already a note on a sticky label on the cup.
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Image description: handwritten note, I like you a latte.
Her lips parted in surprise, not daring to glance up at the guy in question. He specifically wrote this…for her to see? He wrote a coffee pun, just for her?
“It was a close call between you mocha me smile and where have you bean all my life?”
His voice broke her out of her stunned thoughts, and she finally looked up at him to see him smiling shyly at her.
Oh wow. That…that was unexpected. Wow. Butterflies dared to dance in her stomach, excitement soared through her blood, but she tried valiantly to push them down.
“You really put the effort in there, huh?” she said, smiling softly back at him.
“You’re worth the possible soul-destroying rejection,” Elias mused, shrugging.
“What?” she asked, confused.
Elias sighed softly, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck, before he took a shaky breath. “I know that I’m hard to read, and maybe I’ve been watching too many CW shows with Brock, but I figured that if I don’t take a shot here then I’m an idiot.”
“Elias…” she breathed, trailing off.
He just smiled wryly at her, cheeks a little flushed but seemingly undeterred.
“You make my Monday mornings better. You make me better. And I really hope I’m not reading things wrong and being a pressurising creep in your place of work…but would you like to go out with me some time?”
Her lips parted in surprise, but that didn’t stop a wide smile spreading across her face.
“Oh my god. Wow. I, uh, absolutely,” she said, nodding, laughing a little incredulously, “I would definitely like to go out with you.”
Did she just say that? Did she really just say that?
The look of relief that spread across Elias’s face made her smile even more, and as he sent her a beaming smile back, her heartbeat started to race. No wonder he smiled like that so rarely – it was a danger to society, clearly.
“Really?” he asked, sounding like he didn’t quite believe his luck.
What a ridiculous notion.
“Really,” she nodded, her smile a little shyer now. “I never thought someone like you would ever been interested in regular old me.”
“Well regular old me, I’m Just Elias in here, remember?” he mused.
She laughed at his teasing smile, nodding at the use of her own words.
“Alright Just Elias, it’s a date,” Joanna said happily.
As he passed her his phone for her to input her phone number – and wasn’t that a concept she never imagined happening – she ignored Carl smugly collecting money from their colleagues, too consumed with the giddiness of Elias actually asking her out. He asked her out. She was going on a date with Elias Pettersson. No, Just Elias, just Elias the guy that made Mondays her favourite day of the week.
“There, now you have my number too,” Elias said, smiling sweetly at her.
Joanna smiled sweetly back at him as her phone buzzed in her pocket, just nodding.
“I look forward to seeing what you plan for our date,” Joanna said, taking a chance on flirting a little harder than usual.
The intensity in Elias’s gaze made butterflies tease at her stomach.
“I look forward to taking you on your last first date,” he said smoothly.
That concept, paired with his slight smirk, made her head spin and the butterflies riot. Now she really couldn’t wait for their date. “That’s a pretty bold statement, Elias,” she said softly, smile tugging at her lips.
“Being bold got me your number, didn’t it?” he mused, although his cheeks flushed slightly.
She couldn’t argue with that. Both of them stepping out of their comfort zones had gotten them where they were right now, and quite honestly, she was thankful for it. Never had she so openly flirted with anyone, and she could imagine he rarely took the chance that he had taken with her. So if being bold was the way to go? Well, she couldn’t wait to see what happened next.
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gardenofnoah · 2 years
it lives where i live
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part 2 is here! this was a difficult one to write because there’s so much i want to say and i have no idea how to say any of it. but this is an important one and i hope you enjoy it :)
wc: 3.4 k. cw: angst, unintentional self-harm (touya scratches himself in his sleep), injury (scratch), blood (scratch), reader is not well mentally, gn reader, no pronouns used 
read part 1 here, read part 3 here
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There is a warmth against your cheek when you stir, creeping up to heat the skin of your forehead as you stretch and squirm—fighting the lure of just a few more moments of sleep. Blinking slowly, you study the beam of light peaking through the sheer curtains—the way the little refraction cuts through the otherwise dark of your room.
For a moment, in the light, you forget.
But when you roll to your side—away from the light, looking to the door—you feel everything with a force that leaves you breathless.
Despite the weight of it all, you push up off your bed to sit, head hung a little as you take in a few deep breaths. The house is quiet, but you didn’t expect anything else. Your eyes burn a little, and you wait for the tears to come. When they don’t, you sigh—there’s nothing good to come from crying, anyway.
You stand and move to the door, opening it quietly and distantly wondering when you started moving around like an intruder in your own home. There’s a heat that comes with the thought—it curls in your stomach, slithering around the other feelings you’ve been holding there, and you shove it down, down, down, because you don’t want to be angry at him. Because he’s been through enough.
You don’t listen to the thought that tells you: so have you.
When you walk down the hall, the bathroom door is open, and Touya’s bedroom door is not. He must have woken up before you, if he slept at all. You don’t imagine you’ll see him today—at least not during the day. You fight the urge to hover outside his door, ear crammed to the wood to try to hear him breathing.
You make it to the kitchen, flicking the switch on your old coffee maker and reaching your arms above your head, stretching a little. It does well to put you back in your body—you reach to the ceiling and remember that you are still a human being. 
You realize that you’d forgotten that, since Touya had come back—that, despite the void inside you his absence caused, the world continued to turn. You felt indignant about that, for a while—how dare anyone else move forward, when he could not? But despite yourself, you did just that. You graduated, went to college, graduated again, got a job. You made other friends, but none ever made it as close to you as he had.
Every single thing you did felt insignificant, despite your best attempts at a normal life. That in itself was something to grieve—you found no sense of accomplishment in the things you’d done, and the loneliness, despite being surrounded by other people, was debilitating. You had found it hard to connect, and sustaining friendships had been difficult because he was always the comparison in the forefront of your mind. Every day, he haunted you. He would never know that you never even asked him to stop.
The coffee maker beeps and you are back again, sighing as you reach for a mug. You pour, breathing the smell in deeply and allowing it to bring you some semblance of comfort. You didn’t much care for the taste, if you were honest—but it was warm in the morning and it felt like something of a ritual—a small, rare indulgence you allowed yourself—so you drink it.
You move through the house on autopilot after that—dressing quickly, brushing your teeth, splashing water on your face in a half-attempt at washing it. You grab the grocery list from where it’s taped to the fridge, and you are halfway to the front door when you hear movement down the hall. You pause, listening as the floor creaks under Touya’s weight, and then it stops.
All at once, you are overcome by the need you feel—the longing that tells you to open that door and hold him to you. To breathe him in and feel the flutter of his heart beat from behind his ribs and know for sure that he is alive and there with you, because you’re still not convinced.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came, and it leaves you gasping, sagging against the wall as you try to come back to yourself. You wonder if it will always be like this. Grieving for him with his ghost in the next room.
You manage to pull yourself together enough to reach a shaky hand toward the door and stagger out of it. The cold, winter air hits you, and it jars you enough that it’s all you can do to just stand there, gulping down the chill into your lungs. You let it move through you, summoning whatever bravery you have to make it to your car and put the keys in the ignition. You feel a tug behind you as you walk—the same one that you felt when you were 13 and walking away from the scattering of the little ash that was left of Touya. The same one you felt as you all but carried his mother back to the car from the hospital after seeing him again. The thread that ties you to him. You wonder how long it can stretch before it starts to fray—or if it already has.
Your phone rings as you pull into the grocery store parking lot. You feel a tinge of regret as you answer it.
“Hi, Natsuo.”
“Hey!” he says into the phone, and the kindness that radiates from his voice warms you a bit, makes you smile. He’d always been a light, despite all he’d been through.
“Sorry,” you tell him, opening the car door and climbing out, back into the cold, “I just got to the store. We needed food—Touya’s still at home.”
“Ah, that’s okay. I can try again later, it’s not like he’s going anywhere.”
You huff out a tiny laugh at his bad joke, and it makes you feel a little lighter. You find that the ache of putting one foot in front of the other is lessened, however minutely.
“Listen,” he starts, sounding a bit cautious, “I was actually hoping to talk to you. I wanted to see how you were doing—I know this probably isn’t easy for you.”
And you hate the way you want to hang up the phone immediately, because now your eyes are burning as you walk into the store and this is definitely not the place to let out whatever has been lurking in your gut, but it’s Natsuo and he’s so good and he cares for you like he always has, so you try to hold on to yourself. When Touya was gone, he stepped in and looked after you, adopting you as some sort of pseudo-sibling. You think he may have needed it as much as you did.
“I’m…managing,” you say after a pause, too tired to tell him anything but the truth, “I just—I feel like I’m going to wake up and he’ll be gone. And it scares me a little that sometimes I wish that were true.”
You think that maybe you shouldn’t have said that last part, not to Natsuo—but the knowing sigh from the other end of the phone tells you that it’s alright.
“Has he said anything yet?”
“No, not really. I think he might have told me good night last night, but I was so tired that I’m not convinced I didn’t make it up.”
“Hey, that’s progress!” he says, but his tone doesn’t quite deliver the excitement you think he wanted to. You realize that he might feel as worn down as you do.
“Do you think it’ll ever get better?” you ask quietly, not sure if you want to know the answer.
There’s a pause, long enough that you start to think the call may have been disconnected, and then he says, “Don’t give up on him, okay? I think…I think he’s trying.”
You make it back to your house and you haul the groceries up to the front door, the conversation with Natsuo at the forefront of your mind, despite your best attempts to will it away. You know how hard it’s been for him to be away from Touya—to know that he is alive and so close and not be able to see him. The commission has not yet given you the greenlight to have his family over to visit, even without Enji. You understand, and you think it would probably be too much for Touya anyway—to see all of them and believe that the only thing that has changed—really, fundamentally changed, into something so mangled and nearly unrecognizable—is him. You wish you could show him that it wasn’t true, but it’s hard, and the guilt you feel reinforces that. Either way you spin it, the world kept turning. You all kept living.
You think you could understand why he’d want to burn everything to ash, after seeing that.
You set the bags on the counter, grabbing one and moving to the fridge to fill it, and you think of him, like you have done every waking moment since you found out he was still alive. Part of you is angry at that, like you seem to be at everything now, because the life you are suffering through and the thoughts you think are not yours. You wonder if they ever were, really—was there ever a single moment that you were separate from Touya? Even in his absence, you never could tell where he stopped and you began.
You all but jump out of your skin when you hear movement behind you. You whip your head around, a surprised shriek preemptively gathering in the back of your throat, when you see Touya—glass from last night in hand, visibly startled by your reaction. Setting it down in the sink, his movements are slow, and you have to fight to regulate your breathing. You stand there, eyes wide and clutching a bag of spinach to your chest, frozen in place as he turns to look at you.
His eyes meet yours and he doesn’t look away, for the first time in the weeks he’s been here, and suddenly you are 13 and he’s the king of the castle made of sticks. He’s telling you that he’ll protect you —his counsel, his confidant, his right hand—from anything, and all you can think is you liar, you liar, you liar. 
It takes every ounce of control you have to not audibly whimper under his stare, but then he opens his mouth and rasps a soft thanks, and you think he’s probably thanking you for the water from last night or maybe for the groceries but then it doesn’t matter at all because suddenly your vision blurs and then you’re crying.
It’s too much—the blue of his eyes that hasn’t changed at all and the way you are so angry at him you think the feeling alone might burn you alive from the inside and the way he is standing in front of you like a deer in headlights, an arm half-extended to you because he has no idea what’s happening or how to stop it. And you want to laugh, because you don’t either.
But right now you can’t do anything but cry, head hung and arms around yourself, fridge door still open and groceries dropped on the floor around your feet. Suddenly you’re afraid that if you let go, you may very well fall apart, bodily.
You cry until you feel like there’s nothing left in you, and when you wipe your eyes you find that he’s still standing there. And then you’re wishing that you were still sad because now you’re just angry, and there’s nothing to stop you from scrunching up your face and spitting out a venom-filled where were you? at him.
And you can’t really blame him when, after a pause, he turns on his heel and retreats to his room.
You find yourself once again suffocating in the silence of your house through the evening. You drag yourself to bed early—not bothering to clean yourself or change—and faceplant into the covers. It’s not necessarily your intention to fall asleep, and you don’t even realize you have until a hoarse, sharp cry has you shooting upright from your bed, blinking blearily and trying to sink your fingers deep enough into your consciousness to drag it up to a functioning level.
You sit there for a moment, barely breathing as you strain to hear through the wall. And then you hear a tiny, pained whimper and you are out of your bed and moving out of your room before you can even consider if you really heard it or not.
You do the only thing you can think of, and you hurry to the kitchen to fill up the glass Touya had returned earlier. Water in hand, you walk back down the hallway—slowly, like you’re approaching a feral cat, with a forearm hovering in front of your face to thwart any fearful swats—and stop outside of his door.
“Touya?” you call gently, knocking on the door softly with a knuckle, “I have some water for you.”
There’s no movement behind the door—you expected as much, so you let out a slow breath and take a seat, back leaning up against the door. Part of you wonders if this is okay—if you should just leave it outside of the door for him to pick up after you’ve gone back to bed—but the other part is so tired of this. Tired of tiptoeing around him, tired of pretending that god forsaken elephant in the room that crushes both of you isn’t there. You think you might owe him an apology for earlier, too.
You realize you’d fallen asleep when the sudden absence of the door behind you has you startling. You look up from your spot on the floor, and he’s there in the doorway—blue eyes wide and staring at you like he doesn’t know what to make of this. Doesn’t know what to make of you.
“Sorry,” you say quietly, despite the bitterness you feel, “I just wanted to give y—hey, are you bleeding?”
His eyes move to where yours are now locked on the hand of his that grips the door, and he sucks in a breath when he sees what you are seeing.
A fresh wound over the back of his hand—a tear of the skin over the exact spot his staples used to be, the blood now dripping onto your floor.
Neither of you move, let alone say anything, for a long moment.
You are the first to shatter the silence: “Can I clean that for you?”
His head is down, but you can see him eye you from under his white bangs, carefully mulling it over. It is a painfully long time before you see him nod minutely. You pull yourself to your feet and turn, walking toward the bathroom. You hope he chooses to follow.
You throw open the cabinet under the sink to locate your first aid kit. Luckily, Touya’s care team had sent some supplies with him to care for his skin, but you’re not sure if there’s anything that can be helpful if he needs stitches.
You hear him enter the bathroom behind you, and a wave of something akin to relief washes over you. You hand the glass of water you’re still holding to him, and he takes it from you silently. You gather up the supplies you think will be the most helpful, and you turn to face him.
And you’re immediately a little woozy, because he is still bleeding, a little more than what you’d consider a reasonable amount. It doesn’t seem to bother him, though, and he just stands there, eyeing you. Cautious.
“You—can you sit on the toilet so I can look at it?”
He moves silently after a moment, sitting before you. It is another before he lifts his hand up to you, so slowly, his whole body tense.
“Is it okay if I touch you?”
He hums, short and more of a grunt than anything, and you slowly wrap your fingers around his wrist, turning it to examine the gash.
After cleaning a little bit of the blood away, you realize it’s not as bad as you’d thought. But it does need rinsed out, patched up.
“You don’t have to tell me what happened,” you tell him quietly, unwrapping the sterile wipes from their packages, “but if you think there’s a problem with the grafts, we should call the doctor.”
He’s silent and you continue working, unfolding the towelette and wiping it over the wound, murmuring a small apology for the sting. You’re not sure if he feels nothing or everything—not sure how the nerves in his body react to stimuli anymore—but if he’s in pain, he’s not showing it.
“It’s—not that,” he mutters, and you have to physically restrain yourself from tensing the hand that’s still holding onto him. To hear him speak is so foreign and so devastating that you almost have to block it out to focus on the task at hand. He hesitates, and out of the corner of your eye you see him open his mouth and shut it again, like the words are there but unwilling to come out.
“Okay,” you tell him, pulling a piece of gauze from its wrappings and applying it to the clean wound. You pull another few to add to it, and he finds his voice again. You hope you’re not shaking.
“Happens when I sleep,” he says, so quietly you almost don’t hear him, and he’s turning his head away from you, like he needs to look at anything else to get it out, “the—the dreams.”
You don’t look at him, but you desperately want to. You unwrap the roll of bandages, considering your next words carefully.
“Did you do this to yourself?”
He sighs at that, like you’re the biggest idiot in the world for asking. Like it inconveniences him to have to even hear it. You want to kick yourself, and after a lengthy pause, you wish you hadn’t asked at all.
“Not…on purpose. In my sleep.”
You have no idea what to say to that, and you have the feeling that if you say anything at all you might start crying again and you know that would startle him, so you grit your teeth and nod—almost mechanically—as you wrap the bandage around his hand with as much finality as you can muster. You force yourself not to linger, drawing your fingers back like he burned you. Immediately regretting it when you realize that’s probably what it seemed like to him.
“Should be okay now,” you say, and it’s almost a whisper. Thick with emotion that refuses to leave you be.
And it’s so much softer than you think he should ever be, especially now. It’s alien—wrong, you think, bitterly—and you don’t respond because there’s a part of you that is so, so devastated at the fact that up until very recently he’s had no one to tend to his wounds like this. Like he deserves—gently, and with humanity. You wonder if he’ll ever tell you about the dreams. 
“Are you—” he starts, and then stalls, and you watch as his hands clench and then unclench in his lap, the fresh bandage straining around his knuckles. You watch the movement and wait for him to continue.
“Are you angry?”
Your eyes snap up to meet his, already searching for you. You see him tense, like it’s too much, but he doesn’t look away, and neither do you. You decide that it’s not fair to either of you to lie, so you tell him the truth.
“Yes,” you whisper, and his face doesn’t change. He doesn’t say anything to that, and you think that maybe it’s for the best, because right now would be just about the worst time for him to suddenly want to unpack your anger. You are bone tired, teetering on some edge that is far too unstable, and you just want to retreat back into your bed and cry it out. So you stand, murmur a quiet good night to him, and you do just that.
You’re not sure how long it is before you’ve wrung yourself out, and you give up on any hope of sleep, pulling yourself up off the mattress with the intent of making sure Touya made it back to his room.
When you walk into the hall, you nearly trip over it—the glass of water from earlier, full again—a white flag at your door, waiting for you.
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this fic belongs to me (@b-writes-things). i do not allow anyone to repost, edit, or reproduce this work.
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kilojulietsierra · 1 year
Working Late (Borracho x Fem!Reader)
Been a minute since I posted some Borracho and I’ve had this one ready and waiting for a minute. It’s very self indulgent but I hope y’all enjoy as much as I did. 
Warnings: 18+, smut, dirty talk, fantasizing, making out, brief drunkenness but happy drunk, hinted at age gap, sex in the workplace, Nick is an ass but Benny is protective and territorial
The phone on his desk beeped three times in quick succession. Borracho saw it was an internal line and reached for it, "Magalon."
"Uh huh." He listened a moment, "Yeah, send her up."  He hung up the phone and smiled a little to himself in the empty office. He tried to keep working as he waited, but he accomplished nothing in the time it took for the door to the Major Crimes office to open with a small knock.
Borracho turned in his chair, "Hey beautiful." He smiled at you across the bullpen.
"Hey." You gave him a little wave as you walked towards him, "Hope it's okay i'm here."
He slouched back in his desk chair and smirked, "Why wouldn't it be?" His eyes tracked your movements as you approached, raking over you head to toe taking in your tight leggings and hoodie. Something inside him ticked to life seeing you in the LASD hoodie he never wore.
"I don't know, separation of church and state and all that..." You walked around the office, taking a look at the empty desks and the odds and ends around the room.
"Babe," He huffed out a laugh as a breath of air, "The only time I wouldn't want you to stop by, is if the guys are here and I'm not."
You smiled a little coming to stand at the desk directly in front of his, sitting in the chair and spinning around, "I figured it would be safe tonight, them out partying and all and you here by yourself."
"You checking up on me?" Borracho needled at you, still slouched back in his chair, hands clasped in front of him, as he watched you start to nose through Tony's desk.
"I trust you." You opened and closed a few drawers and eventually looked up to find Benny's eyes boring into yours. "What?"
"Wrong desk sweetheart." The corner of his lips twitched up but other than that he does not move.
You spin around in the chair, looking over the other desks, "Oh shit, my bad. Is Nicks that one?" You ask as you jump out of the chair and step towards one of the others.
"Quit playing and get your ass over here." He's almost laughing at you now, but definitely smiling as you toss him a wink and come to sit on the edge of his desk. He still doesn't move, just looks.
Benny is always watching and not always sharing his thoughts, at first it had worried you, but now? Now you could almost read his looks as if he was speaking plain English.  Still in the same position he goes back to your previous conversation, "I sure as hell don't want you showing up dressed like that when the guys are here."  Finally he reached out and laid a lazy hand on the inside of your knee, thumb pressing into the muscle of your thigh.
You chuckled, "Why not?" You slide his laptop out of the way and move to sit squarely in the middle of his desk.
"You know why." Borracho was territorial as fuck and had been since the first time he saw you. Now that you were actually together at least it was justified. His eyes looked up at you ever so slightly, perched above him on his desk. "What are you really doin' here sweetheart?" His eyes hard, digging for information, but his body was relaxed, smile still soft. He was pretty sure  knew the answer, he just wanted to hear you say it.
The blush that crept up your neck to your cheeks betrayed you but you tried to stay nonchalant, "Haven't seen you much this week is all."
There's a pang of guilt in his chest, but it's diluted by the fact that you're here, in the office, sitting on his desk.
"I knew you had said the guys were going to party tonight but you were gonna stay behind." You toyed with the sleeve of his hoodie, fingers pulling at a loose thread
Benny licked his lips, his fingers clenched and unclenched around the armrest of his chair, and you lost your train of thought. He picked up your slack, "Not gonna get much paperwork done with you here looking like that." He was better at this, more experienced and collected. Finally he sat up, moving closer to you, rolling back to his desk and tugging you to the edge so he could wrap his arms around you.
He's nestled between your legs, rough hands smoothing up and down you thighs, eyes mesmerized with the motion. What stops him is your hand at the side of his neck, your thumb hooked under his chin, tilting up so he was looking at you. He doesn't say anything as he wraps his arms around you again and meets you half way.
You sigh as soon as your lips meet his and after a few slow steady passes of his mouth over yours your sighs turn to a hum as his hands slip under the sweatshirt and land on bare skin.
At first he doesn't really move them, tugs you the slightest bit closer as he kisses you but that's really it. Then, suddenly his grip tightens and his fingers dig into the skin at your lower back. "C'mere." He's pulling you off the desk and turning you around before you really know what his plan is but you catch up quickly as he pulls you back to sit in his lap.
Borrachos arms circle your waist again, keeping you snug against him, back pressed against his chest and his mouth hovering just behind your ear. He drops a kiss there before he turns the chair slightly, moving to look over his shoulder and the mostly dark, mostly deserted collection of cubicles outside. Then his lips are back on your neck and his hands are sliding up and down the insides of your thighs. "You're amazing you know that?" His lips are soft on the delicate skin of your neck but his mustache and goatee are not. One hand slides under the sweatshirt, his sweatshirt, and ghosts over your stomach, "Can't believe you're doing this for me." He nipped at the back of your neck before turning your face to him and kissing you again.
You giggle a little, only half of it nerves, and shift slightly in his lap. One of your hands gripping the side of his thigh, trying to keep yourself stable and with the other you reach around to cup the back of his neck as his mouth devoured yours.
A couple weeks ago you had been making dinner together and Benny had been mixing drinks for the both of you. By the time the pasta was ready you were both sort of living up to his nickname. But it was light and fun, and you didn't get to see that version of drunk Benny a lot. The guys at work? They never get to see that version of drunk Benny. The smiley, happy one with the jokes and the stories that have you laughing until your sides ache. The handsy Ben, that had fondled you in the kitchen while you cooked. Not enough to turn into anything right away, but enough to be distracting.
Borracho was still that kind of drunk even after dinner that night, the two of you laying on the couch ignoring the dishes. You had gone and changed, to get comfy, he was always comfortable in just jeans and a shirt, could sleep in them if he had too, but not you. That's how this had all started. You had came out of his room in a pair of leggings and the black LASD sweatshirt he let you borrow because you were always cold.
His eyes had locked on you immediately and never blinked until you were snuggled up with him on the couch.
You had gone back to watching the movie on the TV but he did not. "Can't believe how fuckin' sexy you look like that." He had said it in his normal tone of voice, not like he meant it to start anything, just one of his many observations.
When you looked up at him he was still staring, arm wrapped loose around your middle, "Do I not look sexy all the other times."
"Not what I said." He hiked you up on top of him, face to face, eyes staring into yours. "I can't believe seeing you dressed in your 'comfy clothes' turns me on so bad." To prove his point his hands groped at your ass and tugged you against him, making his point clear.
You had been the one to initiate the make out session, something Borracho had sworn up and down he was too old for when you first started dating. You had proven him wrong. When it was getting almost to the point of no longer being just heavy making out and turning into something more he had pulled back, biting your earlobe gently before kissing it and pressing his mouth against your ear. "Can I tell you something querida?"
The question had caught you off guard, the tone in his voice slightly different than normal. You pressed a kiss to his jaw, "Of course."
"I think about you sometimes, a lot actually." He started, his voice quiet.
"I mean I would hope so, considering..." A slap to your ass and a string of Spanish mumbling cut you off.
"I think about you all the fucking time, don't worry about that." He moved to bite at your neck, working it between his teeth and sucking until you both knew he had left a mark, "What I was saying was; I have this..." He trailed off. Staying silent so long you thought he had lost his train of thought. Or that he had thought better of going further. Then he took a deep breath through his nose, traced his lips up the side of your neck and continued, "It's like a daydream, when my mind wanders at work... or maybe a fantasy." He took another deep steadying breath and blew it out, soft, slow and warm against you ear. "I think about you coming to see me at work, dressed like this, on your way home from the gym or something. Watching you walk into the office with those long fucking legs and perfect ass," He grabbed your ass again, with both hands this time, "Wearing this stupid hoodie." His hands slid underneath it, dragging his blunt nails down your back.
A shiver rolls through you as you squirm a little on top of him. Realizing what he was telling you, you couldn't help but kiss your way along his jawline, nipping him slightly at the apple of his cheek, encouraging him to keep going.
"I think about you in my lap, I think about you on the edge of my desk with my head between your thighs, I think about you bent over me desk while I peel these off of you." He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of your leggings while pulling you tighter against him.  After that Borracho didn't say anything for a minute, just continued to stroke his hands over every inch of you he could reach. "Is that okay?"
You pushed yourself up a bit, enough to look him in the eye, "Why wouldn't it be?"
His eyes were heavy, half lidded as he met your gaze, his hands smoothing over your naked back under the fabric of the sweatshirt, "Kinda feel like a dirty old man." His halfhearted smirk lets you know he's only part way kidding.
You scooted up to press your forehead against his, "Ben, you are allowed, dare I say encouraged, to fantasize about your girlfriend." When his only response was to hum and nod his head you continued. Moving to wrap your arms around his neck, smiling when he lifted his head up of the arm of the couch to allow it, you held his gaze, "I fantasize about you like that all the time. Even before you asked me out."
"Oh really?"
It had been long enough ago and he'd had enough to drink the conversation had more or less slipped his mind. Until the front desk called telling him you were here. He tried to not get his hopes up as he had waited for you to get to the Major Crimes floor. But then you had walked in, looking a little shy and a little bit like you were trouble.
Now he had you in his lap, just like he had wanted. He couldn't keep his hands still as he kept your face twisted towards his and kissed you until neither of you could breath. He pulled back, only as far as he had to, "I should go lock the door. Just in case."
You smiled and pulled his bottom lip between your teeth before kissing it gently, "I locked it behind me when I came in. "
His arms around you squeezed you tight and he groaned as he immediately went back to claiming your mouth, "Good girl." He mumbled between kisses as his right hand slid back under the sweatshirt and moved to grope your chest. "Jesus Christ." Ben growled as his hand closed around your breast finding no shirt or bra in his way.
It was hard to talk with his hand massaging you, the rough pad of his thumb circling your nipple, all you could really do was smile and sigh into his lips.
Slowly he switched to the other side, gently stroking and cupping it as he pried his lips away from yours, "You sure this is okay sweetheart?"
You bit you lip, arching into the palm of his hand and being rewarded with a slightly firmer squeeze, the motion causing you to grind your ass down into his now obvious erection. "I'm sure Benny, very sure." You kissed him as soft and sweet as you could while taking his hand and guiding it towards the waistband of your leggings.
Taking the hint he kissed you back as he worked his hand inside the tight clothing, groaning as you opened your legs wider for him. "Fuck baby," He was shocked and exhilarated by the warmth and wetness he found there, "You are so fucking wet." Ben dropped his chin to your shoulder and watched the outline of his hand through the material as he traced your lower lips.
"Told you I was sure." You whispered in his ear as one of your hands reached behind you to grab the back his neck.
Before you could say anything else Benny had two fingers sliding in and out of you and your breath caught in his throat. You didn't have time to settle into that feeling because after just a few strokes he removed his fingers and moved them to your clit, pulling a moan from you loud and clear.
He smiled as you dropped your head back to his shoulder and tried your best to move against the circling motion he was making. Borracho was grinning as he tilted his head to speak directly into your ear, "You gonna come for me already mami? It feels like it. You're so fucking wet, I can already tell you're gonna make a mess." When you could only respond with little gasps and moans he began circling your clit harder. "You are gonna feel so fucking good. It's been a long damn week and now you're here, dripping wet for me, I'm going to make you feel so good baby I promise." He groaned when your hand tugged at his hair, "You want that baby? You want me to bend you over my desk and fuck you till you cream all over my cock."
Just like that you were biting your lip hard and arching up out of his lap and into his hand, circling faster and faster, your whole body writhing for a moment until you took a gasping breath and sagged against him. He smiled into the side of your neck, slowing his fingers as he kissed you there.
When your grip on the back of his neck loosened and you turned to kiss him Benny was still smiling, "I gotta warn you baby, I'm not gonna last long."
You chuckled as you reached for a kiss, but you both knew there was no meanness in it, "Why you say that papi?"
Borracho groaned and drug your ass back against his painfully hard cock, easily noticeable even through his jeans, "You got me so keyed up baby, not gonna be able to help it."
"When my brain clears up a little bit, I'll come up with an old man comment." She laughed, still a little breathless, but it turned into a surprised squeak as Ben stood you both up and walked you back against his desk.
"You're such a brat." He was kissing you so hard you were bending backwards over the desk. "Don't make me get my cuffs out." When he pulled back his eyes were dark and he was smirking.
To your credit you blushed a little, trying to hide your face in his neck, remembering all the things he had done to you when you had revealed that particular fantasy of your own to him. Recovering quickly you pulled him down for another kiss, "Bring 'em home with you." You mumbled the words against his lips as your hands worked at his belt buckle.
"Hold on sweetheart." He leaned back from you standing up straight and pushing back the side of his button down shirt to pull his holster off his belt and shut it in a desk drawer.
Laying back on his desk you propped a heal up on the edge and rolled your eyes, "Couldn't have done that earlier Detective Magalon." You watched him with a smile as he undid his belt and untucked his shirt.
His eyes snapped to yours, still black and heated, but with an easy tilt to his lips, "I was a little distracted." Without going further he moved back to you and slid his hands up your legs until he could hook his fingers in the waistband of your leggings and peel them down, slowly. Inch by inch. "You are very distracting."
Your teeth sunk back into your bottom lip as you picked your hips up and allowed him to strip you of your leggings and pull your shoes off. Before you could respond though he gripped your ankle and tugged you to the edge of his desk, flush against him with your legs on either side of his hips. Even after another surprised little squeak you were speechless, watching his hands smooth up and down your bare legs while he looked at you. Took in the sight before him, committing it to memory.
When his eyes focused back on yours again he caught you smiling, licking your lips, your mouth dry in anticipation. "What're you thinking sweetheart?" He asked the question as his hand moved to splay heavy and wide over your lower abdomen, his thumb slipping to part our lower lips again before settling directly over your clit. Picking up a steady, slow, building pressure.
Eyes falling closed you pursed your lips and fought to keep your thoughts in order, "This was a good idea."
Borracho smirked, increasing the pressure on your clit while the other hand held your thigh tight against his hip.
When you opened your eyes and looked back to him you were blushing, only slightly, but enough to notice, "I never would have been able to do anything like this before..."
Before... you met him. Ben finished your sentence in his mind. The thought sending an electric shock to the base of his spine. You hadn't been innocent, perse, when you had started dating, but shy and a little insecure. Borracho knew he wasn't necessarily a good guy, he did bad things, but he had made it a point to treat you well, better than any other woman he'd attempted a relationship with. Looking down at you, half naked, laying on his work desk with your pussy wet and warm and waiting for him he knew that he was doing something right.
"C'mere." Removing the hand from your thigh he reached up to the back of your neck and lifted you up, bending over you and meeting you half way to steal a kiss he spoke low, his voice a little strained from the effort and the position, "You're amazing, y'know that?"
Wrapping your arms around his neck you moaned into the kiss, hips still trying to keep up with his fingers as they stroked in and out of you, "Mhmm."
You were so caught up in the kiss that you didn't notice the hand between your legs disappearing, did not notice what he was doing until you felt the heavy head of his cock tapping against your clit. You moaned into the kiss, hips jumping at the surprise and the sensation, body bowing up to press against him as much as you could.
That little jump of surprise had Benny clenching the base of his cock tighter, fighting against the urge to lose control. Your fingers were digging into his neck, his hair, his shoulders, whatever you could get hold of and he knew he had been right, he was not going to last long.
"Papi please..."
All he did was smile, line himself up, and drive as far and as deep into you as he could. A shiver overtook him as your pussy clenched around him and your entire body trembled as you lay back over the desk, back arching and your one hand digging into his shoulder hard enough for your nails to leave marks, even through the shirt. He didn't stay still long, immediately moving to withdraw and slide back in, "Is that what you wanted?"
You nodded, eyes closed and bottom lip between your teeth.
Hands moving to hold your hips tight and pull you to meet each thrust he let some of his control slip, glancing over his shoulder one last time while he still had the capacity, his head snapped back to you when you groaned again, frustrated.
He had to close his eyes and collect himself, "What's wrong baby?"
"More, need more." Your hand came down to wrap tight around his wrist and try to use the leverage to move your hips against his, "Please.. so close."
Borracho knew, you didn't mean close to coming, he could feel that much. You meant close to what you wanted, what you needed to get there. Changing his stance slightly and moving one arm so that he could brace himself above you he whispered in your ear, "What do you want querida? Harder? Faster? Want me to play with you?" He chuckled, dropped a sloppy, open mouth kiss to your neck when your pussy fluttered around him.
"Yes, that." You giggled.
Benny was done for, then and there.
Still leaning down over you, reclaiming your mouth, he slid his hand back to thumb over your clit and with your arms still wrapped tight around him Borracho let the last of his control slip away. The desk was shaking beneath to two of you as he drove into you over and over, groaning slightly when you buried your face in his shoulder, your sweet little moans and cries muffled into the fabric of his shirt.
It came over him quickly once he felt your body jerk and go rigid beneath him, your pussy pulsing and clenching around him sent him over the edge. It was all he could do to keep himself quiet with you trembling and gasping for breath. Once his own tremors had subsided he dug his hand into your now messy hair and drug your mouth to his for a bruising kiss that was all tongues and teeth. "I fucking love you, you know that right?" He whispered between kisses, groaning when your nails ghosted over the nape of his neck.
You sighed, all of your strength leaving your body all of a sudden. "I know baby." You tugged him back down for one more kiss, "I love you too." before he begrudgingly stood up and pulled away from you.
Winded, trying to ignore the tremors still pulsing through his body, Borracho stood up straight and tucked himself back into his jeans leaving his shirt untucked. "C'mon sweetheart." He reached down to pick up your leggings and help you stand up, "We'll get you cleaned up at home."
On shaky feet you stood up, one hand bracing on his shoulder for a moment, "In a hurry to get home?"  
He chuckled as he helped you get back into your leggings without falling over. "Maybe." With one hand on your thigh he guided you back to sit on his desk as he knelt down and helped you back into your sneakers. Standing up Borracho leaned in for a kiss, winking at you before he stepped back to finally do up his jeans and belt. "Unless you wanna stay here longer?"
You stayed there, perched on his desk, still catching your breath and trying to hide the way your legs were shaking, "I'm good." You watched him as he moved around, pulling his gun from the drawer and putting it back on his belt, then gathering up his phone and keys, slapping the laptop next to you shut.
When he seemed ready to go he paused, looking you over one more time, sitting on the edge of his desk, legs crossed,  nd hair disheveled. Smirking he stepped closer and placed a gentle hand on the back of your head pulling you into a kiss. Benny chuckled when you uncrossed your legs and shifted to let him step closer.
"What're you thinking handsome?" You settled your hands on his sides and leaned into the kiss.
Voice quiet and sure Benny moved his hand to your hip and easily tugged you off the desk, letting you slide down his body to land on your feet, "You're amazing, I love you," He dipped his head for another fleeting brush of the lips, "And it'll be weeks before I can sit here without getting a hard on."
That made you laugh, but it also made you blush and lean into him to hide your face, "I'm sorry? I think."
Borracho patted you on the ass with another chuckle, "Don't be." He leaned down and snatched his gear bag off the floor by his desk, "Let's go."
You let him guide you out of the office, bag slung over one shoulder and his hand at the small of your back, shivering as his hand slipped under the hoodie to settle on bare skin. By the time the two of you made it to the elevator you had calmed down enough to relax into Ben’s side and talk casually. You were about to reach up and kiss him again when the ding of the elevator doors made you jump.
Ben’s face hardened instantly at the booming voice of his boss and his hold on you tightened, pulling you close to his side, "Boss, what're you doin' back here?"
Nick was fidgety, eyes pinned and face red and sweaty, "Bar was a bust tonight, too wired to get any sleep," He sniffed loudly and rubbed at his face, "Thought I'd come see what kinda trouble I could get into here." Apparently for the first time Nicks eyes settled on you. "Looks like you got into some trouble of your own there Borracho."
He snorted once, his hand flexing at your back, "Got tired of waiting on me I guess, came down here to drag me home herself." His voice was both detached and a little deflective, covering for you and himself, playing you off as another annoying girlfriend.
You would have been upset if it wasn't for the soft and steady pressure of his hand at your back, Benny’s thumb passing back and forth, gentle and comforting. Letting you know his words did not reflect his feelings.
Nick laughed and stepped towards Borracho, slapping him on the back. "Y'know if I had a nice, little piece of ass like that at home..." He dragged his eyes up and down your body, "Well, I might actually go home." Nick laughed loudly at his own joke.
Borracho forcing out a chuckle, subtly guided you towards the elevator and away from Nick.
Apparently taking the hint Nick laughed again, "Hey, don't let me interrupt." He stepped past Borracho not so discreetly trying to steel a look at your ass. "Don't let her keep you up too late bro, we got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."
When you were finally, safely, inside the closed elevator you groaned heart still pounding from almost potentially getting caught, "I know I don't know him, but I really don't like your boss."
"Not a lot of people do, don't worry." Ben leaned back against the wall beside you, "I"m sorry."
"What're you gonna say when he tells everyone he saw me down here, leaving with you?"
Benny held your eyes and smirked, "The truth." The doors dinged and opened to the parking garage.
"Which is?"
Grabbing a fist full of the hoodie he tugged you in the opposite direction you had been walking , your body bumping into his in the process. "You got tired of waiting on me to come home so you came down here and dragged me home."
When he noticed you staring out the corner of your eye he came to a stop beside his truck and carefully pressed you back against it,"This, is just between you and me baby. No way in hell am I gonna let Nick or any of the other asshats I work with know that you came down here to surprise me and let me fuck you on my desk." He tossed his bag in the back of the truck one handed, eyes never leaving yours, as his hands settled on your waist, "Definitely not gonna tell them that I walked you right past the boss with my cum still dripping out of you."
You shoved him back away from you, groaning in frustration as much as embarrassment, "Not helping!"
He easily came back to stand in front of you a cheeky grin on his face, "I'm serious though, okay?
"I know, I know. Just still can't believe I did that." You reached to cover your face but Benny stopped you with easy hands and a gentle shake his head. Looking him in the eye again you smirked, "You're a bad influence on me Magalon."
"Don't I know it."
The End
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Dunbar Magic Hot Cocoa
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Heather Dunbar x reader Warnings: language, some gentle teasing, illness. Covers "hot chocolate" square of my bingo, and the "sick/illness" square of @resanoona s bingo Is this a *very* self indulgent fic because I'm sick, feverish and unfortunately DONT have someone to take care of me and make me soup and god forbid i had to even do the dishes in order to make my soup earlier despite not wanting to move? Yes. Yes it is.(which also means if its total garbage or doesn't make sense... it is because i am feverish and sick and my brain is not good...)
Heather taking half days was no strange thing. It was easy enough for her to work from home if she had any last minute calls, paperwork or the like and she much preferred it. The comfort of her own home meant she didn’t have to be wearing the sky high stilettos, there were no phones ringing off the hook from other offices, no chatter of other White House employees and most of all no one could pop up into her home office unannounced.
The front door swung shut behind her and she hung up her coat, stepping out of her shoes before letting out a soft groan at the relief of being home early. Wandering through the living room her plan was to pour a glass of wine, head upstairs to change and then work on some paperwork. She tossed her bag over the bag of the couch with the intention of coming back from it later when a muted, “oof” groaned from the other side of it and she stalled in her step.
“You throwing things at me now?” You grumbled, shoving her bag down to your feet as she rounded the couch.
“Sweetheart! I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize you were home.”
“What’re you doing home?” You grumbled, pulling the blanket tighter around you as you nestled into the couch.
“Took a half day.” She shrugged, perching on the edge of the couch and she frowned, watching the way you shivered, pulling the blanket right up to your neck, your eyes already shut again. “Hey, what’s going on?” Her hand reached out, the back of it resting against your forehead.
“Nothing. Just tired. Woke up with a bit of a cough.”
“Well you’re burning up.” She tsk’d, swiftly moving from the couch and you could hear her rummaging around in what you could only assume was the bathroom before she returned to the couch. The thermometer beeped and she let out a soft sigh, “you’ve got a fever sweetheart.”
“I’m freezing.”
“Yeah that’s how a fever generally works.” She chuckled, “I assume you haven’t taken anything?”
“I had some cough syrup right when I got up but I’m pretty sure I puked it all back up.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Mm-mm.” You shook your head, your eyes finally cracking open to find her sitting on the edge of the couch again, her sick kit sitting on the coffee table.
“Let’s start with some Tylenol to help with that fever.” She popped the bottle and handed you one along with a water bottle and you let out a groan as you half sat up to take it. “Now stay here, I’ll put something together that should be easy enough on your stomach, you need to eat.”
“Thank you.” You murmured, dropping down into the couch cushions before Heather pressed a soft kiss to your temple and slipped from the room.
You slipped in and out of dozing while you listened to Heather quietly move through the house, the sound of her disappearing upstairs to change followed by her in the kitchen. It wasn’t long before she was back at your side, smoothing back your hair from your face,
“You think you can sit up for me?” She asked softly, helping you shift on the couch after you nodded, wincing at the stiff aches all through your body. You glanced to the tray on the coffee table, she’d brought you a small bowl of oatmeal with banana slices and honey drizzled on the top, a steaming mug of tea and a container of coconut water.
“Isn’t the go to supposed to be soup?” You croaked.
“It’ll be easy on your stomach and settle a bit better than something like broth, fill you up more too.” She handed you the bowl and you sunk into her side the best you could while staying upright as you slowly started to eat. Heather’s arm wound around you, hand gently rubbing at your shoulder and she pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Did you only throw up the one time?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, mouth full of oatmeal that you swallowed down before you spoke, “it’s the coughing… my body tries to get the phlegm out and then…the motion just keeps going and I puke.” You glanced up at her with a wince, “sorry, it’s gross I know.” Heather laughed, kissing your forehead.
“Oh sweetheart, I’ve raised two kids, I think I’ve dealt with my fair share of far worse things than vomit.”
“Gross.” You grumbled and she chuckled.
You slowly worked through the bowl, taking time between each bite to make sure it was settling properly in your stomach instead of shovelling it all down and hoping for the best. The last thing you wanted now was to puke again and have Heather hear it. Heather’s hand continued to rub at your arm, little murmurs of conversation here and there while you ate and she pulled out her phone to start on a couple of emails. When you were finished eating you started to lean forward but Heather was faster, swiftly taking the bowl out of your hand to move it to the table so you wouldn’t have to move. She picked up the mug of tea, now not so hot,
“Drink at least a little bit for me, try and get some fluids in.”
“Okay.” You started with a couple of small sips, making sure the beverage was cool enough and to not overwhelm your system.
“Good girl.” She praised, kissing the side of your head. “We’ll give it some time and if you vomit again I’ll make some calls, get you an IV bag or two, alright?” Her hand cupped at your cheek, thumb rubbing at your skin and you nodded.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” She smiled, “I’ve got to take care of my best girl, don’t I?” She leant in, kissing your forehead gently, “now why don’t you try and get some rest? You want to go upstairs?”
“Don’t wanna move.” You grumbled, flipping yourself so your feet and head were opposite and you were able to bury your head in her lap and she chuckled.
“And I guess I’m not going anywhere either?”
“Absolutely not.” You yawned as your eyes fluttered shut again.
Heather laughed quietly, adjusting the blanket so it was tightly wound around you, one hand coming to softly play with your hair, scratching at your scalp gently to soothe you while the other one picked up a work file. She was incredibly glad at the fact that you only coughed a few times, though she winced at how deep and wheezy they were, your entire body rocking when you coughed. She could tell by the way you were shifting that you were doing your best to not cough, not wanting it to cause an upset stomach again. Her hand moved to your back, softly rubbing circles between your shoulders until you were finally breathing regularly and she knew you were asleep.
She checked your temperature a few more times while you slept, happy to see that the Tylenol was helping and she hoped you were through the worst of it. She was used to taking care of people, but she absolutely hated seeing the ones she cared about sick, especially you. It dulled your shine, turned you into a zombie of a being and she hated it. She groaned quietly when her phone started to ring and she had to gently ease you off her lap while trying not to wake you before slipping into the other room.
You only woke up when she returned to the living room a while later, she’d set up one of the humidifiers next to the couch and placed a glass of wine down on the coffee table.
“Feeling better?” She asked, slipping back onto the couch beside you.
“A little queasy still.”
“You want some more tea?”
“No.” You grumbled, your gaze drifting out the window, watching the snow flutter down in the sky, “it’s the holidays, I deserve magic hot cocoa.”
“Okay, okay.” She laughed, knowing that you were already feeling better than when she had originally come home, kissing your cheek softly, “wait right here.”
You did exactly as she asked, sitting up and wrapping the blanket around your shoulders as your hand reached out for the television remote, turning it on. You flicked through a couple of options before you found one of your classic comfort shows, picking a random episode to start on while Heather putzed around in the kitchen. Her hot cocoa was always homemade, and there was definitely a secret ingredient that she would never in a million years tell anyone what it was. No matter how many times you tried to recreate it you never could. She would tease and simply say it was “made with love”, causing you to roll your eyes and poke her ribs until you thought she’d admit what it was but she never did. She also never allowed you in the kitchen while making it, just to be safe.
You heard the telltale sign of the whip cream canister right as you heard the front door open and swing shut. Two shoes were clunked against the floor and the pitch of the cough told you it was Becca showing up unexpectedly. She rounded the corner a second later, pulling her hoodie tighter around her as she made a beeline for you and the couch.
“Hey.” She groaned, dropping down beside you and grabbing a second blanket.
“Becca?” Heather re-entered the room, two mugs of cocoa in her hands that she placed down on the table, “I thought you were staying at your dad’s this week.”
“Dad may be a literal doctor, but you’re so much better at this.” She glanced between you, “sorry to like, barge in on your night.”
“It’s not a worry.” Heather smiled, leaning over you to kiss her daughter on the head before gesturing at you, “this one’s a day or two worse than you already.”
“Is… is that your famous magic hot cocoa?” Becca asked, shooting her mom puppy dog eyes and the older woman laughed.
“Good thing I made enough for seconds.” She winked before slipping off back into the kitchen and coming back with a mug with extra whipped cream for Becca, “you know, you probably wouldn’t have caught whatever’s going around if you weren’t going to so many make-out parties with your friends.”
“Eww! Mom!”
“Heat!” You laughed, swatting at her.
“Yeah I’m sure that’s how y/n got it.” Becca shot back.
“Oh for sure. Make out parties are all the jam, haven’t you heard.” You raised a brow to Heather’s direction and she rolled her eyes as Becca laughed.
“All the jam? God you guys are so old.” Her laugh turned into a minor coughing fit and Heather frowned, picking up a bottle of cough syrup from the table and handing it to her.
“And you sound like crap. No more than one movie and both of you are in bed, understood?”
“Yes.” The two of you replied in near unison as Heather chuckled.
Her natural and mom instincts were completely right after all, she made sure the two of you got some soup and toast for dinner, and another round or two of hot chocolate during the movie. Once it was over, both of you were nearly asleep, yawning and burying into the embrace of the other bodies on the couch. Heather placed a gentle kiss to your head, urging you to take some night time meds while she got Becca situated in her room upstairs with some extra meds, water and Gatorade. She came back down a few minutes later to find you attempting to clean up the dishes and clicked her tongue.
“None of that.” She wrapped around you, placing a kiss to your shoulder as her hands guided yours to put the stuff down on the counter, “I’ll take care of everything.”
“You always do.” You turned in her arms, a sleepy smile on your face.
“How about we get you upstairs? Get you tucked in nice and warm?”
“Sounds perfect.”
“Good.” She kissed the tip of your nose, “I love you sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
“Thank you for always taking such good care of me.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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