#before I build the actual castle
melongraph56 · 8 months
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this counts as art in a way right?
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the-meme-monarch · 3 months
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prompt failed he thought it was pretty sick actually
(👍if you ship scc go away)
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fakezircon · 1 year
After a considerable amount of time, my fairytale castle is done!
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Ramble and some neat extras under the cut!
There is no interior (I'd say "yet" but I know myself and it's a miracle I finished this at all) and the veins running through it took over 200 blocks of raw iron! That's just over a chest full of ingots (29 stacks!).
This fact is especially funny because the separated tower actually has an iron farm squeezed into it, which I built first and which generated about 580 iron blocks worth of ingots in the process of finishing the build.
I ended up building it in a very weird way so I could make this "timelapse" which I think ended up having a pretty cool effect but also I am not doing this again.
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I also drew this one! In very much the same style as I drew the wizard tower, both of which I pretty heavily referenced dnd miniatures.
Fun fact! The page I drew this on is absolutely full of madman scribble in the form of trigonometry calculations because replaymod doesn't actually have an easy method to orbit a point (at least not one I can find).
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guckies · 1 year
Just watching your cubitos build and they don’t use the terrain to their advantage
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randomnameless · 2 years
In the explore section, before attacking Enbarr, GK goes :
Enbarr's history goes back 1,400 years. That even predates the founding of the Empire.
Which is confirmed in by the History books (Rhea landing around there in -41) and Nopes.
A Monk even says :
Did you know? A magnificent canal flows through downtown Enbarr.  It's said to have been constructed under the guidance of Saint Seiros before the Empire was even formed. Ever since, that canal has been a major lifeline for the capital's development.
But then Judith says :
It's not just big. This city was designed to protect the castle where the emperor lives.  It's as though the city itself is a massive stronghold.
Enbarr existed before Adrestia, but it was re-designed to protect Willy’s castle? Rhea in a typical “Treehouse 5D chess” moment created that canal, to serve as a fortification somehow, because 40 years later Willy would become Emperor and it will serve to protect his new castle?
Enbarr existed before Adrestia, Nopes indicates there used to be a noble there (jury’s out about Willy being one of the many lords of Enbarr or The Lord of Enbarr!) who would have had a palace/castle before Seiros the Warrior popped up. Seiros made her canal and developped the city. And maybe later on, as Adrestia prepared for war and built forts around (Myrddin iirc) Enbarr was fortified too, to protect the palace/castle ?
Edit : I’ve checked around the script and all, and it’s the “designed” to part that was a bit weird - in the jp/cn scripts it’s more something like the city had the task to protect the palace, but it doesn’t mean it was specifically designed, since the beginning, to do so.
Double Edit : I was mistaken on “designed” because it has two meanings, and I brainfarted (no thanks to the french loc this time), it’s coherent with the jp meaning if you take “designed” as “this city was chosen” meaning, but not as the “designed” like “it was built/conceived this way for this purpose”
(pour une fois c’est toutes les trad EU qui se sont merdées)
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potatochip-oc-dump · 2 years
hey girls... did you know, that um
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princess house
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delektorskichick · 9 months
So I’ve never actually watched The Princess Bride with closed captioning. All the copies I own/have owned didn’t come with that option. Well, it’s on Disney+ now, and it DOES have captions. I decided to watch it tonight because apparently half of my coworkers haven’t seen it and that made me sad.
I now know ALL of Fezzik’s rhymes from the boat.
I know exactly what fighting moves Westly and Inigo were saying in that EPIC fight.
I can understand what Fezzik is saying when they break into the castle (I love Andre the Giant, but his accent is so hard for me to decipher)
Apparently I have missed something in the twenty years I’ve been watching this movie. When Inigo is drunk in the Thieves’ Forest, a member of the Brute Squad comes around the corner of the building after Inigo proclaims this is where [he’ll] stay, that he will not be moved.
“Ho, there!” he says.
Now. I always assumed Inigo just repeated the man’s phrase.
Oh no. The closed captions read as follows:
“I do not budge. Keep your Joder.”
Because he’s a Spaniard, in the movie it is pronounced exactly like “Ho, there.”
Joder means fuck in Spanish.
So when the guy comes around the corner, I can only assume Inigo’s sloshed brain just heard him shout “fuck” at him, and THAT is how he responded.
NO ONE I KNOW realized this for nearly FORTY YEARS!!!!!
Closed captioning, y’all. It’s not just because you can’t make out what they’re saying. It’s also for recognizing jokes people were slipping into movies and past censors from before you were born.
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 month
Getting pinned against a wall by kny men
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Pairings: Akaza x fem!reader; Gyomei x fem!reader; Rengoku x fem!reader; Sanemi x fem!reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: no smut but it's getting heated, TENSION you guys, not proofread bc I really need to go to sleep lol
Let me know what you thiiiink
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There you sit. Uncomfortably with your knees resting against the cold hard floor, watched by countless of demons that buzz around you like a school of fish.
“Can I go home now?”
Your eyes dart towards the one who captured you earlier, the guy who managed to force you into unconsciousness with one well-placed blow. Why you’re still alive? You have absolutely no idea.
After all, things are pretty clear: You are a hashira. And that guy standing in front of you is none other than the upper moon three.
“You’re not going anywhere”, he remarks dryly, his hand resting against his hip while looking downwards.
“Why didn’t you eat me?”
“You’re not my taste”, the unknown man bites back.
Is there a way out of here? You scan each and every corridor, every way that might help you out of this trap. What is this place, even? With those countless open rooms and literal buildings that float through the air like balloons, you’re definitely not close to your estate anymore.
You lift yourself off the ground and stretch your limbs.
“I can’t sit here like that for any longer without feeling like a granny”, you groan along with stretching your back.
The second you take one step towards the ground, you feel his rough grasp on your wrist.
“What do you think you’re doing, brat?”
“Just checking if I’d survive jumping down there”, you give back.
“You’d be dead before you hit the ground.”
“What a pity”, you mutter.
“What an idiot”, Akaza mumbles under his breath.
When he was assigned to bring you here, he thought you’d be just like the rest: trembling in fear, begging for mercy, fighting until you eventually die a heroic death.
But you did neither of those things. You didn’t even ask him who he is, let alone where you are. You just sat there in silence with your orbs wandering around infinity castle filled with nothing but curiosity.
“What’s even your name?”
He wants to curse himself, his stupid tongue for acting faster than his mind was able to stop. Muzan never mentioned your name before. Who is that strange girl with those innocent eyes and calm temper?
“You’re asking me for my name after kidnapping me? A little too late, don’t you think?”
Your bored expression almost sends him over the edge.
“Are you actually too stupid to realize what position you’re in?”, he hisses, the grip around your wrist tightening with every passing minute.
“You might be the upper moon three, but you’re not a threat for me. I won’t tell you my name.”
With a shrug of your shoulders, you yank your hand out of his grasp and continue walking towards the end of the platform.
Did he…just hear that correctly? Him not being a threat for you, you not willing to tell him your name?
But he needs it. Fuck, he needs to know who the hell you are, he needs to know you better, needs to find out why you’re acting this way and how you caught Muzan Kibutsuji’s interest. The first human being that ever grasped his attention, the first hashira he encountered with an attitude like that.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
Faster than your mind is able to process, you find yourself pinned against a wall with vibrant yellow pupils staring at you intensely.
For a moment, you forget how to breathe. Of course, you realized how well-build this demon is right from the start, that his face is remarkably beautiful for the fact that he’s a monster, but seeing him up close…
“That’s a rather unexpected position”, you breathe out.
“Tell me your fucking name.”
“Tell me yours, first”, you demand playfully.
“I mean, that’s the least you can do after pinning me against a wall like you’re my lover.”
“A lover?”
You watch in sheer amusement how his eyes widen in utter surprise, how his mind starts visibly thinking through your words. But within the split of a second, he grabs your neck roughly and prevents you from getting the air you need.
“Sorry, I did mean to upset you”, you choke out, hands instantly grabbing his in order to free yourself.
“I should kill you right on the spot”, he spits into your face.
Why the hell do your eyes have to look so damn captivating in that light? And why does the heat radiating from your body make his head feel dizzy, lets his mind wander to places they’ve never been before? Your much smaller frame pressed against his, his hand resting on your neck…Is he going insane?
“My name’s (y/n).”
(y/n). A truly fitting name for someone like you, the sound of it never reached his ear until now.
“Akaza”, he mumbles out of instinct.
“Nice to meet you, Akaza.”
You can feel the pressure around your neck decreasing, now gasping for air like a fish on land. But he doesn’t remove his hand. No, the demon in front of you stares at you with eyes so intensely that you feel like blushing any given minute. Would it hurt to lean forward just an inch, to catch a taste of him? If Rengoku could see you right now, lying in the arms of a demon while every single hashira is probably out there searching for you, he'd definitely wash your head properly.
But you couldn’t care less. Not about the fact that you are in danger, not about your former master being worried about you, not about the circumstance that this force of a man is a damn strong demon who could kill you within the blink of an eye.
“Feeling that sexual heat as well? Because I definitely do”, you comment into the silence.
Another hit that wipes that cheeky grin of your face and sends you into sweet nothingness.
“Sexual heat…”
Gently, Akaza lifts you up inside his arms and stares at your resting face.
“You’ve got some nerve.”
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Gyomei Himejima
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“I’m on your right!”, you shout over the sensation of chaos, screams and death while dashing forwards.
Again and again, without questioning what you’re doing for a single second. Since the day you joined the demon slayer corps, it has always been this way. Fighting until you physically can’t anymore, standing up for people who don’t even know you.
You glance at the man to your left, watch how skillfully he makes his way through the crowds without hurting anyone except demons.
Fighting on Gyomei’s side, to be exact.
Countless nights, you imagined what a relationship with him might look like. Why does a man like him not have a partner already? Him, who is so gentle and assertive at the same time. Him, who cares about others more than about himself. Him, with that massive and well-trained frame, his oh so captivating face.
It’s no wonder you fell in love with him after spending your time right by his side. There’s no need to feel ashamed about your constant daydreaming and secret looks, right?
“(y/n), watch out!”
Your heart drops to the floor, eyes widen in sheer horror. What is this thing darting towards you at neck-breaking speed? A ray of lighting, a blade, a bullet? Too fast for you to even react, aiming straight for your head.
Is this the end?
Your body starts feeling light, adrenaline rushing through your veins a few seconds too late. No, you won’t be able to make it. You’ll die right here on the spot.
Gyomei…you should have told him everything. From your constant dreams to your well-hidden feelings. Even though he might not feel the same way, you’ll take this secret to the grave.
Without seeing his face one last time.
“(y/n), are you alright?”
Your eyes rest shut, preparing for the hit that can’t be escaped.
“(y/n), please say something.”
You furrow your eyebrows. Are you imagining that oh so familiar voice again?
“Look at me.”
You force your eyes open.
And stare directly in that so known face.
“Gyomei”, you breathe out.
“Are you alright? Were you hurt?”
His hands are all over the place, scanning your body for potential injuries. That’s when you realize how close he is.
So close that his large frame pins you against a tree completely, to be exact.
“I..Uh, I’m a-alright”, you press out.
His earthy but still fresh scent darts up your nose, makes you forget the stinging smell of blood and burnt flesh around you. No, there’s only you and him. You, resting between his strong arms. Him, who bends his head down to meet your level, single droplets of sweat now covering his forehead.
“Are you sure? That attack was directed directly against you”, he continues while furrowing his eyebrows.
“And you do feel hot”, he adds.
Maybe you’re hot because you’ve never been this close to him before. Or maybe you’re hot because his lips are only inches away from yours, because his presence is so intense that you feel like fainting any given minute.
At this very moment, his lips look as kissable as never before.
“Are you sure you’re alright, (y/n)?”
“I’m…Yeah!”, you blurt out.
Thank god he can’t see the way your cheeks turn dark red when his hand comes to a stand on your waist.
“I was deeply worried about your well-being. If something ever happens to you, I’d never be able to forgive myself for that”, he adds, his free hand now caressing your boiling cheek oh so gently.
“Just tell her you love her, man. Her head’s already super red”, Sanemi shouts from afar.
“What!?”, both of you reply in an instant.
“Your head is red.”
“You…love me?”
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Kyojuro Rengoku
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Your nerves are tingling in frustration, just glancing at his back almost drives you over the edge.
Kyojuro and you never really had the same understanding when it came to missions. Him with his fiery passion, strong sense of justice, unwavering resolve and usually calm and composed demeanor. Until it comes to the safety of others.
And that’s where you part. It’s not like you don’t care about others, as if you’d risk innocent lives without blinking. But what comes first is destroying that demon as efficient as possible.
Even if it means putting your own life on the line.
“You were acting reckless during our mission again, (y/n). Your decisions almost put everyone around you at risk, including yourself”, he points out with unusual serious voice.
 “What are you even talking about? That was a lower moon demon, way too much to handle for those beginners. I saved their lives by playing a little risky!”, you bite back.
God, how much you hate those conversations. How is it that the two of you always end up with each other when you’re so different? What about Sanemi and Obanai, at least some guys who get it?
“Is this really how you feel about the situation? You need to be more careful with those lives and apart from that, we are a team”, he literally scolds you, now turning around and eyeing you up and down.
“I don’t give a damn about my life and I never asked for this!”, you jeer at him.
The atmosphere snaps. Suddenly, Rengoku grabs your collar and slams you against a nearby wall. You feel your breath getting momentarily knocked out of your aching lungs as your back crashes against the wood, the room’s dim light casting sharp shadows across Rengoku’s usual so tender face. His gleaming eyes stare at you with a mix of concern and anger so intensely that it feels like he’s completely burning you alive with those countless emotions. What the hell is going on?
His voice, usually so warm and encouraging, is sharp as he leans in close, his breath hot with frustration.
"You could have died out there! Do you think I would have just stood by and watched that happen?”
“Like you’d actually care about me!”
“Can’t you see how much I care at you?”
He screams into your face with so much force that you flinch. But what really catches you off guard are those words leaving his mouth. How much he cares about you?
“I mean, no…”, you mumble.
And for a brief moment, he leaves you utterly speechless. Never in your life, someone really cared about you. You were never more than a freak, a poor girl that grew up on her own with no one supporting her. Even within the demon slayer corps, you were always looked down at until you made it all the way to the top. You never cared about your own life and were more than sure than nobody else does at well.
But Rengoku…The way his hands still rest against your shoulders, his stinging gaze that now turns anger into despair. You can tell he isn’t lying. No, it seems like this man truly cares about you.
“Do you?”
“I’m worried each time you have to leave for a mission on your own, scared that you might risk your life, that I might never see you again. So I’m making sure that you’re staying by my side. Because I care about you. More than I should”, he blurts out.
“What are you trying to say?”, you mutter with widened eyes.
This can’t mean that he loves you, right? It’s impossible for a man like him to fall for you, after all. With you being his polar opposite and getting on his nerves constantly, with you being the only one who managed to make him lose his composure on a regular basis, with you not being able to communicate your very own feelings towards him...
“I love you, (y/n)!”
„Look at me.“
When his vibrant orbs meet yours again, your heart almost stops. There’s not a single spark of humour in them, not a tiny hint that he might lie.
“You are remarkable good at reading other people. Tell me I’m lying.”
It’s a faint whisper in the distance, a silent cry inside your head that suggest you to lean forward instead of talking.
That faint whisper that forces your lips against his. Longingly, passionately, like he’s air and you cannot breathe. Rengoku lingers over you with his large frame, his hands keeping your waist in place while you’re still pinned against the wall, trapped between his hot body and the cool wood.
“You can’t love me, I’m a mess”, you mutter into his parted lips.
“I am more than eager to give you what you want and need, (y/n).”
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
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“Look who’s there again.”
“Who the hell invited her?”, Sanemi hisses into the room when his eyes meet yours.
“You know, (y/n) is a hashira too. It’s only logical for her to attend a hashira meeting”, Shinobu explains calmly.
“Fuck that. She’s so annoying that I might die when I look at her.”
"Wow, if I knew I had that much power over you, I would have dialed up the annoyance ages ago”, you reply dryly.
There’s nothing that brings you more joy than seeing that vein pop out of Sanemi’s forehead when he’s losing it again. Even though he turned his back on you, you can clearly see the way his muscles tense up, how he balls his hands into fists so tight that his knuckles stand out white.
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, huh?”
“A jerk, maybe?”
He grabs you by your collar faster than you’re able to react and drags you out of the room without anyone following.
“Shouldn’t we help (y/n)?”, Mitsuri cries out.
“And get between them? No, they are good on their own”, Obanai remarks.
“Maybe they finally confess to each other.”
“Confess to each other what?”
“Let go of me, you prick!”, you hiss through gritted teeth while slapping his arm away.
“You have some fucking nerve.”
In the blink of an eye, Sanemi presses you firmly against the wall outside with his way too strong forearm.
“Barging in there and insulting me in front of everyone.”
“What can I say? I’m an entertainer.”
“You’re a pain in the ass. You…You…”
He’s lost at words when your eyes find his. Gleaming in confidence, that smitten smile that caresses your lips.
Why do you have to be so damn beautiful?
“What’s wrong, cat got your-“
You aren’t able to finish your sentence. In fact, you just forgot how to talk, let alone breathe.
Without a warning, you find Sanemi’s lips pressed roughly against yours, his hands resting on each side of your head. Demanding, violent.
And so hot that your knees threaten to fail you.
You would have never admit it, never dared to talk about your dreams about him to anyone. After all, you’re supposed to hate him, right? There’s nothing but hatred between you and Sanemi.
He shoves you even rougher against the wall, forces you to instinctively wrap your legs around his waist to feel him even closer. Whimper after whimper escapes your puffy lips, the sensation of his mouth against yours almost eating you up alive.
“I hate you”, he grumbles.
“God, I hate you even more”, you whine.
“I just knew you guys wouldn’t hold up any longer”, Obanai’s voice comments behind you.
“I can’t believe it! Everyone, look at this!”, Mitsuri jeers while clapping her hands.
Sanemi builds himself up in front of you, shields your body from the curious looks of your comrades.
“Get lost, every single one of you!”, he shouts demanding.
“Come on, let’s give them some space”, Shinobu adds while dragging all of them back inside.
“I…I still hate you.”
“I hate you even more.”
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine @laurencrsnt @sanemifucker @blunderland
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theabstruseone · 1 year
The more I study history, the more I learn that military history bores the piss out of me. Like 90% of the battles, it's just "...and then there was a cavalry charge on the flank and the line broke."
Want me to care about an ancient or medieval battle? Make it interesting! Give me a Battle of Hastings where it's total chaos on both sides. A rumor breaks out that William's dead so he takes his helmet off and shouts at everyone that he's still alive, yet somehow it's Harold that takes an arrow to the eye.
Or the Battle of Alesia! "Yo Caesar, we heard you like sieges, so we're going to siege your siege so you can be sieged while you besiege!" THAT is at least interesting…
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wiptw · 2 months
Pokémon Stadium Series
Nintendo 64 - Nintendo - 2000 to 2001
You as a Pokémon fan are absolutely fucking spoiled these days. Aside from the mainline games you have spinoffs and fangames offering different experiences, you have entire websites dedicated to documenting everything down to the internal maths of the series, there's no end to the free content you can access with an internet connection between emulators and battle sites like 'Showdown!', and it's now socially acceptable in most circles to be older than 13 and have something with Pikachu's face plastered on it (especially if you're female presenting, especially if your friend group is also infected with the Pokémon hype). Back in my day™ you had almost none of this. You had the anime on Saturday mornings, you had the early run Pokémon licensed merch which WOULD get you called a baby if you continued buying past 10-12, and you had the games. Those sweet, sweet games that indoctrinated a generation of young people into being gamers and awoke a horde of JRPG addicts.
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Literally Me
So remember this when I tell you that Pokémon Stadium, both one and two, aren't great games because they do something back then that you can't get today; they're great for what they did back then. So Pokemon Stadium 1&2 were a duology of games from 2000 and 2001 respectively that allowed players to battle Pokemon in 3D, with the addition of some side content such as minigames included to prevent the game from being 100% Pokemon battles. Because otherwise, the game is in fact navigating a series of menus and completing Pokémon battles with 3D models.
Whether it's taking on the gym gauntlets, the marathon of battles in the Pokémon cups, or just free battles with friends and loved ones, 98% of the experience is either selecting Pokémon from a roster of pre-built 'rentals' or transferring them from a saved game using the Transfer Pak, then fighting them in a series of 3D environments. An experience which you can definitely do today using web apps but as I said earlier, we didn't have that.
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The peak of Pokémon battles in 2000
So if you're buying Pokémon Stadium (either version really) you're already probably a Pokémon fan right? So that means you have Red/Blue/Yellow/Gold/Silver/Crystal, so why not just play that game and get the full experience? The fun of exploring, talking to NPCs, discovering new and exotic locations? Simple, because in those games battles looked like this
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While in Stadium, battles looked like this
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If you grew up watching the anime while playing the Gameboy games, there was this special kind of dissonance where you might find yourself saying "Yeah, (for the time) these graphics are RADICAL but I wish I had something closer to these cool Pokémon Battles they had in the anime." As you hide under the covers with your Gameboy Color worm light, nestled in your Ash Ketchum pajamas while you attempt for the 100th time to capture a ditto. Pokémon Stadium was the answer to this dissonance, providing you with vibrant 3D graphics unlike anything you'd ever seen before; bringing Pokémon to life in a way that would be unmatched until Colosseum came out during the Gamecube era.
So, to actual mechanics, you play both games pretty similarly; by building a team of Pokémon (either on your handheld or by using the rental mons the game provides) and take part in a series of battles to become the ultimate battle master. To use your own Pokémon, you'd need to use the aforementioned 'Transfer Pak' to plug in a copy of Red/Blue/Yellow (for 1) or Gold/Silver/Crystal (for 2) with a game saved to the cartridge; otherwise the rental Pokémon covered all released Pokémon (except for some hidden ones) allowing you to build your dream team, sans a few caveats here and there.
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Evolved Pokémon have better stats but worse moves, while weaker Pokémon tend to have better moves to compensate
In terms of WHERE you can battle, there's two choices: Either in the Gym Leader Castle, or the Tournaments held in the center of the map on either game. Either way, the game will then have you battle through a series of 3v3 matches versus a set number of trainers who will also select 3 random mons from their full team of six.
A bit bare bones, but there's some spice to how things are run. For one, the rental system was a huge thing for us younger players back in the day. Even if you had the games some Pokémon were hard to catch, had evolution requirements some players couldn't complete (like the trade-mons), or were locked to a version you didn't have. The rental mons give you a list of every Pokémon (some exceptions, but not many) and then lets you build your dream team. Sure, you can't set their moves, EVs, IVs, and it's the era before abilities and natures but I CAN HAVE A MEOWTH/PERSIAN ON MY TEAM. Do you know what I had to do as a child to have this Pokémon outside of Stadium? I had to find someone in the American South who also enjoyed Pokémon, hoped they had Blue instead of Red, hoped they had a link cable, then get them to agree to a trade despite both of us being children (and therefore, objectively terrible) which likely meant giving away a rare Pokémon in exchange for what amounted to common garbage in their game because it was Version fucking Exclusivity™ and everyone seemed to know that meant you'd do anything to get that one fucking Pokémon you wanted.
In the handheld games, if you wanted to build your dream team then likely you'd have to put in some more effort than other games of the time would've required of you. With Stadium, your dreams come true, and if you already have that dream team you can just import them to fight in glorious 3D. Circumventing the fact that rental Pokémon are kinda terrible overall.
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Don't feel like building? The challenge cup mode that gives you randomized team comps that has it's own charm (for masochists)
Not to say all of them were bad but construct a normal distribution of 'Good' to 'Bad' picks then that graph is gonna skew left so hard you'd be forgiven for thinking it was just a straight line. To keep every choice 'viable' Pokémon rentals were balanced around stats and moves. More powerful evolved Pokémon and Pokémon with high Base Stat Totals (BST) were given weaker moves and first form and low BST Pokémon were given generally better moves. Charizard might have better stats than Charmeleon and Charmander but his only fire type move is going to be something like Fire Spin. Conversely, Charmander might have Fire Blast but his stats are gonna make him an easy target for the computer's pokemon, which are not bound to the same builds as the rental mons you're using.
Once your team is assembled, then you're off to battle trainer after trainer after trainer with beautifully scored (for the Nintendo 64) soundtracks giving you an unearned sense of importance every step of the way. Battles themselves are conducted with a weird, but functional control layout where A and B access sub menus you then check with the R button before finalizing with the c-buttons, which on original hardware or a USB N64 controller is fine but on emulation with a more modern controller like Logitech, can be a little nerve wracking as you worry about whether your 'up' input on the control stick was up enough for the game or if you accidentally drifted right or left using an unintended move.
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fun fact: the name of imported Pokémon affects their coloration in Stadium
Battles are also largely regulated by (at the time) tournament standard rules. Little and Pokecup have level restrictions, and all three non-random cups include clauses for sleep, held items, and repeat Pokémon. Additionally, in any cup if you win the round with all 3 Pokémon still in tact, you're granted a continue; meaning you can retry the battle if you lose. Additionally, there is no 'draw' outcome in these games. Use a move like Explosion or Selfdestruct and the game will register it as your loss on your final Pokémon, regardless of whether you took down the opposing fighter with you or not.
You'll be doing a LOT of back-to-back fights here against trainers with varied team comps, but even with over 246 Pokémon in the available potential lineup you'll get tired fast of fighting. This is, however, slightly mitigated by the 3v3 nature of the matches but even so be ready to here the same Pokémon noises, watch the same effects play out, and wait for the same health bars to tick down over and over as you claw your way to the spot of Pokémon Master.
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The art style of non-battle scenes like the main map and minigame plaza have that nice, 90's charm to them as well.
If you do get tired of battling it out, then Stadium 1 and 2 both offer minigames for players to partake in. Either in a tournament format or by using the free-play browser, players are able to take part in a multitude of different Mario Party-esque (without the hand burning) minigames featuring the Pokémon as stars. Minigames consist of stick twirling, button mashing, and point collecting all while controlling fan favorite Pokémon such as Togepi, Eevee, Scyther, and Pichu with no real rhyme or reason behind why these game exist aside from a amusement park theming the minigame zones have for their icons and menus.
You won't get a real explanation as to why you're racing Donphans, cutting logs as Scythers and Pinsirs, or playing Simon Says with a bunch of Clefairy, but you don't really need that either. The games are fun, the models are charming, and watching Clefairy get smacked in the head for each wrong input brings me a level of joy I should probably talk about with my therapist. You won't likely spend hours in this mode, but it's a nice breather from the onslaught of battles otherwise.
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fun fact: I still won't talk to some people because of the outcomes to Rampage Rollout over two decades ago. You know who you are.
Additionally there's a quiz minigame separate from the main selection of minigames with easy/normal/hard difficulty selections. Players compete to see who can be the first to get a number of questions correct before anyone else based on facts about the Pokémon (typing, size, silhouette, etc) or facts about the game (where you can find things in the game, names of routes and towns, names of figures in the game).
It's not the most challenging on easy or normal, but playing on hard the game will try to screw you with trick questions so playing with others becomes a balance of "do I let the question play out, or attempt to steal it before someone else can answer correctly?"
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Sometimes even playing the game won't prepare you for how out of pocket the questions can get
The real advantage of 2 over 1 is that, in addition to minigames, the game has the trainer academy; a kind of in-depth battle tutorial to teach players not only the basics of Pokémon fighting, but also some secrets as well
You can learn about held items, a feature new to the second generation, as well as participate in mock battles to demonstrate the materials you've been reading and quizzed on. Some of this information for the time too was obscure or hidden knowledge, like the fact that using Defense Curl before using Rollout would boost the damage significantly or that using Stomp on an opponent who used minimize would double the damage.
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Some type matchups just make sense, like Ground v Electric.
Overall though what really makes this game is the presentation. The soundtrack does a great job selling the feeling Nintendo wants you to experience, climbing the ladder in a tournament or the Gym Leaders Castle makes you feel powerful, and the little details on top of it all just tie it together in a nice package.
The fights, for example, are also narrated by "The Announcer". A bombastic voice shouting over every detail of a fight. When you score a crit, when you apply a status effect, even using certain moves will get the announcer loudly narrating each detail like a Pokémon prize fight. Seeing the ground rip apart when you use Earthquake is only half the charm, the other half comes from that man yelling in your ears "A DEVESTATING EARTHQUAKE ATTACK!". Clearing gyms or clearing opponents in one of the cups grants you gym badges, a dream for any child growing up on the handheld classics or watching the anime who wished they too could earn shiny bits of metal that gave them an inflated sense of importance.
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I would literally kill everyone I came across if it'd get me a real life Zephyr Badge.
Stadium 1 and 2 aren't evergreen classics. They're stuck in Gens 1 and 2 respectively, the roster of Pokémon while impressive is largely useless and makes collecting trophies way harder than it has to be, and the games were made before things like abilities and double battles were introduced, leading to the Pokémon battling game missing out on the generation of Pokémon that made battling more fun (Revolution doesn't count, Revolution is dead to me and disappoints me more than I disappoint myself.)
But for the time especially, it gave fans an opportunity to experience a form of Pokémon more advanced than what the handhelds could output. It was a window into a world of potential that wouldn't be truly fulfilled until arguably the 3DS era of Pokémon released, and gave fans a fun little romp handcrafted for them at every twist and turn. Whether you were a gamer or you enjoyed the anime, there was something here for you.
Overall: 7/10 Sound: 8/10 (for the time) Graphics: 9/10 (for the time) Memorable Moments: Stadium 1: Hearing about Mewtwo, thinking he was an urban legend, then finding out he wasn't Stadium 2: Finally beating the elite 4 using only rental mons.
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selineram3421 · 7 months
Well I just read you newest story about y/n being Husker's younger sibling. Especially how much focus there was on Al just wanting to piss him off.
So if I might suggest: Alastor with a y/n who's Charlie's sibling/Lucifer's child. Seriously we saw him already losing it when all claimed to see a daughter figure in Charlie...Al flirting, etc. with a different child might actually kill him.
Anyway I love your work, keep it up ^-^
- 🖤
*cackles like an insane person*
Royally Pissed
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Alastor X Morningstar Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ reader is blonde for obvious reasons, cussing, mention of depression, angry short King ⚠
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Lucifer treasured his children.
Of course he messed up at times, not every parent is perfect. Though he does regret not seeing his children all that often.
Charlie was doing something. Somewhere.
Shit, that sounds bad.
And you would come by and check up on him every so often.
While Charlie looked like him, she had her mother's height. You looked more like Litlith..but had his shortness.
Of course you were adorable!
His littlest one, born a few seconds after Charlie. Twins that came out like opposites in looks but similar in some ways.
He gifted you a rubber duck for every birthday. One that had a tutu, one that had multiple eyes, one that had a built in music box, one that had a jester hat, one that honked like a goose, one that-
Ok, it was a lot.
But you loved his duckies! You even had bookshelves just for them!
Currently you were with him in the castle. Or more like you being in the other room while he was working on another duck.
Then he got a phone call from Charlie.
"Daughter. Daughter calling!", he said in surprise.
After talking about Heaven and a bit about the hotel, he got excited when she said for him to come see the hotel for himself.
"My daughter wants to see me~!", he sang before pointing at a duck on the floor. "Take that depression!"
"Dad?", he heard you call out, finding you opening the door. "Do you want lunch now?", you asked.
Lucifer cheered out your name and grabbed your hands before twirling you around. "Charlie called! She invited me to her hotel thingy!"
"Oh, that's nice.", you said. "I hope you have fun."
"You can come too!", he stopped the twirling. "We'll all get to hang out again!"
You smiled and agreed.
"Great! We've got to be there in an hour!", he says before letting you go to skip out of the room.
Staying put, you glance at the rubber duck filled room with slight worry.
"It wasn't this bad last time.."
You stood behind your father as you both waited for the doors to open.
It's been a while since you last saw Charlie, it being around a few months. Looking around you can see she cleaned up the building quite well. It was more broken down when it first appeared on the news when she pitched her idea.
I'm glad she's doing well. You thought before hearing the door.
"Charlie!", your dad said with a wide smile, holding his arms open.
"Hey Dad.", your sister waved before getting glomped with a tight hug. "Uh..it's uh, good to see you too Dad.", she said before having to push him off to breathe.
Then she noticed you, saying your name in excitement.
"I would have done more if I knew you were coming to visit too!", she said and brought you into the hotel by your hand.
"No, you don't have to worry. I'm sure what you have is enough.", you reassured as you followed her in.
From the corner of your eye, you saw two demons right next to the door. On your right there was someone in red and turned your head to see a tall deer demon. Looking to your left, you saw a woman with long white hair and an X over her eye.
"Hello..", you waved with a shy smile.
Alastor glared down at the King as soon as the short man barged into the hotel.
How could that be more powerful than me? He thought as his eye twitched.
Then Charlie pushed her father off and excitedly greeted someone outside, grabbing their hand to bring them in.
His eyes widened at the smaller version of Lilith.
"Hello..", they waved shyly at everyone in the room.
And then the little cat that the Princess had walked over to greet the two.
"Kiki!", the two blondes kneeled down to pet the one-eyed feline.
After walking around, Lucifer commented on the bar, so Alastor teleported closer before speaking up.
"Just some of the renovations we had done!", he pointed at the bar with his microphone staff. "Adds a bit of color! Don't you think?", he said before facing the King.
He teleported even closer to the Kind and introduced himself after the monarch questioned who he was, shaking the apple cane instead of the King's hand.
As soon as the deer demon let go, he wiped his hand on his coat.
"You are much shorter in real life.", he said pinching his fingers a bit, emphasizing how small the blonde man was.
"Who is this? Who is this?", Lucifer asked and turned to his daughter once seeing her walk over. "Is this the bellhop?", he asked her.
"Aha! No!", Alastor said before fixing his bow. "I am the host of the hotel! You might of heard of me from my radio broadcasts."
"Hm. Nope!", the King pretended to think before dusting off his sleeve. "Maybe it's why Charlie calls it the HAZBIN hotel! Ah ha ha!", he nudges his daughter with his elbow.
"Ha ha ha!", the deer tilts his head at every short laugh that left his mouth before looking at his claws with a knowing smile. "It was actually my idea."
"Ah haha! Well it's not very clever!", the blonde replied leaning forward a bit.
"Ah ha!", the Radio demon laughed loudly before leaning down to meet the King's gaze. "Fuck you.", he said very clearly, static only in the background.
"OK!", Charlie pushed the two away. "Ok! Anyway!", she said as the two looked away from each other. "Dad!", she turned to her father.
While the two were occupied, he saw the small Lilith looking Morningstar talking with the others, wearing a bright smile as they laughed.
He focused back on the conversation when the Princess said his name.
"We wouldn't have been able to pretty it up this much.", she said and the two blondes turned to face him.
"Charlie has a very unique vision!", he said with his usual smile as he walked over. "I am happy to fulfil her bizarre requests!", he places a hand on Charlie's shoulder.
"Thank you Alastor.", the blonde smiled, feeling happy.
He noticed the way Lucifer hated it, and calmly smiled.
"Quite an impressive young lady.", he said and tilted the Princess's head up a bit with his hand before moving his claws back to himself. "We're all very proud of her.", he says and places an arm around her shoulder, pushing her a little close.
Having enough, the King cleared his throat.
"Charlie! Dear.", he said before pushing between the two, getting them separated. "Why don't you introduce me to your OTHER friends!", he pointed towards the group with his end of his staff.
"Oh! Yes, of course!", Charlie said and began introducing Vaggie to her father.
Then someone got his attention with a tap on his arm.
Snapping his head towards the person, he saw the Lilith look alike move their hand back.
"Oh, I apologize. I called out to you but got no response.", they said with a bit of a frown. "I didn't mean to upset you."
"Upset?", he questioned, still wearing his smile.
"Yes, you furrowed your brows a bit when I tapped you.", the small blonde gestured with their finger.
How observant..
"No, I am not upset at all!", he gave a quick closed eyed smile. "And your name is..?"
"Oh, I'm-"
And then they were interrupted when the chandelier fell.
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This was supposed to be a oneshot but then I remembered how detailed this would have to be.
~Seline, the person.
Part 1
@ducky-died-inside @scary-noodlesblog @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @lbcreations-blog @gallantys @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @+?
ML II for Alastor🎙 | RP ChL 👑
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hurtspideyparker · 3 months
Avengers Beach Day !
Tony is under a large beach umbrella, sat on a comfortable chair in bright red swim shorts and a flowy floral cover up. He has a large cooler with drinks, sandwiches and pickles. Also chips. Pepper is beside him reading a book about sustainability.
Natasha is in a simple black two piece swimsuit with large sunglasses, soaking in the sun.
"If anybody stares at my ass I will drown you and make sure your body never washes ashore," she warns as she lays out a towel and stretches out in the sun.
Peter and Thor are the first in the water, but only after Steve makes sure everyone has sunscreen on. "The water actually amplifies the harmful UV rays, so you should reapply in an hour. Don't worry, I'll remind you."
Peter and Clint tell Thor about chicken fighting, which delights him, and they are able to convince Steve to join so they can play. Peter sits on Thor's shoulders, and Clint on Steve's. It takes 4 rounds before Clint realizes Peter is cheating by sticking to Thor so he won't fall down. Peter and Thor switch places, but Thor still wins every time because well... muscles.
Bruce sets himself up on a blanket with a book but ends up falling asleep within twenty minutes. He sleeps for 2 hours and gets severely sunburnt.
Sam and Bucky sit down in two matching chairs a respectable distance apart, sunglasses on. Bucky is completely still for so long that Sam peeks over to see if he's asleep, his body casting a shadow over the soldier.
"Sam, I swear to god."
"Alright alright just checking, don't get your panties in a twist!"
Steve ends up floating around in the water peacefully, spread out like a starfish, while Clint and Peter show off their underwater handstand abilities to Thor. When Thor tries one for himself he ends up kicking Steve in the face. Peter and Clint can't stop laughing while Thor apologizes.
Natasha eventually joins the boys in the water, in which Clint begs her to play chicken with him because "all these guys are cheating super freaks!"
Natasha gets on Steve's shoulder and Clint on Thor's.
Natasha wins every round.
Clint grumpily complains about losing for the next half hour until he's distracted by food. (Tony makes fun of him for being such a loser on the ride home and Clint doesn't stop talking about how all his friends are freaks for the next 3 days).
Tony calls everyone in for some snacks and drinks, and Peter shakes his wet hair out all over Tony.
"Hey, hey! Watch where you shake that thing, I will hold your sandwich hostage!"
"You can't go to the beach and not get wet Mr. Stark, you're so spoiled. I barely talked you out of bringing that big ugly tent, it was practically a house."
"That's it. Thor, have another ham and cheese," he says as he tosses the sandwich to the god.
"No wait I take it back! Thor stop that's mine!"
Afterwards Peter finds a spot with damp sand to start building a castle.
"What are you, five?" Sam asks.
"Hey! I just found these old buckets on the shore and thought it would be fun."
"Mhm, keep telling yourself that boy scout."
"Like you could do any better!"
They stare at each other for a moment.
"Imma 'bout to whoop your ass so hard kid," Sam says as he snatches a bucket from Peter and gets to work a few feet away.
Bruce rolls over in his sleep like a gas station hot dog. His other side gets sunburnt.
"Kid, I'm ready for a swim. Kid?"
"Not now Mr. Stark, I'm in a sand castle building competition!"
Tony stares down at the teenager with his wild curls covered in sand, filling up a neon pink bucket.
"... move over. Where's your moat? You can't expect to win without a moat."
"The water just absorbs back into the ground," Peter says with a frown.
"Hm. We need insulation. Go back into the water and get stones and kelp. And driftwood for the drawbridge. How much time do we have? Can I get my tools?"
"Hey!" Sam yells, "you can't have help! And definitely no genius engineering toolkit."
"Fine, no tools. But I'm allowed Mr. Stark! Just get someone to help you too," Peter replies as he runs off into the water.
"Son of a- Barnes! Get your ass over here! We need to teach this spiderling some manners."
"You should reapply your sunscreen," Steve says while hovering near Natasha lying on her towel.
"Touch me and lose your hand."
"Tony, the sun's going to set soon, let's go for a nice walk down the beach."
"Not now Pepper, I gotta finish this brickwork," he says with his face millimeters from the sand as he chisels.
"I wanna go for a romantic walk with my partner. The sunset doesn't wait for anyone, even you Tony Stark."
"Mhm, sure after I finish this battlement."
Pepper huffs.
"Whatever, I'll just go with Natasha."
"Wuh- ow, OW OW OW OW OW OW-"
"Okay, times up!" Peter announces.
Tony, Bucky, Peter and Sam all stand up. They step back, scrutinizing each other's work.
"Well obviously ours is better. We have a functional drawbridge," Tony is the first to point out.
"You guys are such freaking nerds. Ours is prettier, and taller. Buck found these beautiful baby conch shells," Sam points out.
"We need judges. Thor!" Peter calls out.
"Let's stop here for a second, I need to buy some aloe vera," Natasha points out as she and Pepper pass by a small street of local shops near the beach front.
"Oh, are you feeling burned?"
"No it's for Bruce."
"Now that I think about it, I haven't seen him much today."
Natasha keeps her smirk to herself, purchasing the soothing lotion before heading back out to the street.
"Maybe on our way home we can get some ice cream," Natasha says as she points out the shop. "Bet Cap would like some butter pecan."
Pepper giggles.
"Ah, finally, Nat! We need a third judge for our sandcastle competition," Sam waves her over as she and Pepper rejoin the group.
"You have Bruce, Thor, and Steve, what do you need me for?"
"Steve is corrupted!" Peter chimes in.
"He's a partisan of the veteran best friends party. For all we know Bucky used his secret Cap knowledge to rig their castle to the ice pop's liking," Tony explains.
Peter sets his glare onto the man in question, "bet you just go crazy for conch, don't you Steve."
"I'd really rather not be apart of this conversation," Steve tells them.
Bucky turns to the women. "Thor voted for us, and Bruce voted for them. You're the tie-breaker Nat."
Natasha hands the bottle of lotion to Bruce who thanks her sheepishly as she steps up to the castles. She circles them slowly, ducking her head and taking in every crevice.
"Functional?" she asks, pointing at the drawbridge.
"Yes ma'am," Tony smirks.
She steps up to the opposing castle.
"You buy these?" she points to the sea shells adorning the castle.
Bucky lifts his chin, "nope, swam for em. All the work was my own, just short of evicting the previous tennants."
Natasha nods before stepping back.
"I've made my decision. The winner..." they all hold their breath, even Pepper and Steve who have no stakes in the the competition.
"Is Tony and Peter."
Cheers errupt, along with the very loud complaining of the two losers.
"Oh come on man! Ours is bigger, and prettier!" Sam protests.
"Oh really Sam? Is size all that matters? Stark's is functional. I don't know about you but I like a little personality beneath the pretty pretty decorations."
Peter pumps his fists in the air with a "woohoo!" before launching himself at Natasha in tight hug.
"I knew I liked you," Tony interjects as he joins the pair's hug, placing a kiss on both Natasha and Peter's temple.
Bucky rolls his eyes at the gesture and hides an affectionate smile.
"Yeah yeah," Natasha chimes, "let's get out of here so you can buy us ice cream."
"What are you gonna go for Rogers? Butter pecan?"
Natasha and Pepper snicker at Tony's comment as they collect their own ice creams from the worker; a chocolate peanut butter cone and a raspberry and lemon sorbet respectively.
"No, no, I got this. Butterscotch? Rum raisin? Pistachio?"
"I'll have you know my taste buds are very modern. Peter showed me this Thai place and now I'm a regular."
"I'll believe it when I see it," Tony says while grabbing his coffee ice cream.
"Kid you're making it too easy. You are genuinely a freaking toddler," Sam says when he spots Peter licking a bubblegum ice cream cone.
"If having a personality is childish then it's no wonder you got cookies and cream, ahembasicbitch." Peter coughs the insult out.
"How dare you, you overgrown Little Tikes ad-"
Bucky licks his mint chocolate chip ice cream contentedly in the back of the shop while he watches the others fight.
"What do you think they're on about now?" Clint asks from his left.
Bucky glances at the bubblegum cone in the archer's hand.
"No clue."
"What! Vanilla is the best flavour!" Steve tries to argue, although Tony's own laughter rings louder than all other conversation in the room.
"M-modern taste buds AH haha-"
Bruce watches with awe and slight concern as Thor happily licks his 3 scoop tall rocky road contentedly.
"You hungry man?"
"Aye, I do enjoy the mallow."
Bruce watches the tower lean in every direction, almost falling several times and looking more dismal with every lick.
He almost says something, but Thor always angles the cone perfectly just in time to save it. Instead, he watches silently while scooping a spoonful of cookie dough from his cup.
It seems they got the rest of their bickering out at the shop, as with tired and heat-soaked limbs they pile onto the jet for the ride home.
Tony looks back like a mom driving a mini-van.
"The baby's asleep," he smirks at Pepper who looks back at Peter.
The teenager is dead asleep, mouth wide open and head resting on Natasha's shoulder. She glares when she catches Tony's eyes on the pair and he looks away, glancing at the other passengers.
"I could've sworn Bruce's whole schtick was green. Is he rebranding to red?"
Steve looks over at Tony with a shameful pout, "he forgot to reapply."
Tony quirks an eyebrow but doesn't comment, settling back to cuddle with Pepper.
"Mission success," he whispers into her hairline with a soft kiss.
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daistea · 3 months
Thank you for the food the fic was so nice! Your latest Mithrun fic made me think of the scenario more. Imagine Kabru, someone aware of elven culture, heard of us doing this the first time we did it from a friend who overheard it. He tries to find us to worn and educate just to find out it was too late and defeatedly explain to the other elves that tallman don't have that culture just to clear us. Aftermath of it is so hilarious. Also an alternative scenario for this setting I can think of is a random elf accepting our offer, or just someone who doesn't know about Mithrun feelings towards us, like Flamela and just exploit us and Mithrun later learning about it.
I love this prompt so much, thank u
2500 words!
tw mild nsfw implications
Mithrun x Tall-man reader
sequel to this
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Kabru scoffed at the notion that secrets and rumors were like feathers on the wind, uncatchable. He was great at catching feathers. He used them to stuff his pillow which he slept so soundly on at night. Rumors were wild dogs, but he had a leash and collar. He’d tamed beasts with bigger teeth. 
(That was, of course, a metaphor, as Kabru could not literally handle things with big teeth, as exemplified from his time in the dungeon.)
A particular sort of secret reached his ears in the empty hallway of the castle. It was the kind of secret that raised hairs and inspired mortification, which were the best kind. Usually. 
“Yeah, they asked to touch my ears,” Pattadol’s muffled voice was strained, tinged with embarrassment that Kabru could detect even through the door. 
“Mine too,” Flamela drawled. A pause followed her words, then she continued, “Pervert.”
The two elves then moved onto a different subject consisting of Pattadol’s worries for diplomacy and Flamela’s dismissals of such worries. Kabru listened for a moment more before silently moving away. He stalked down the hallway with dark clouds rolling in within his mind. 
You had asked Pattadol and Flamela if you could touch their ears. 
Kabru put his hand to his chest and squeezed his eyes shut. He leaned against the wall, beneath a portrait of some old ruler from thousands of years ago. There was still so much dust in the castle, but the thickness in his chest wasn’t from allergies. You were his friend, and so innocent, so curious. You couldn’t have known the implications of touching an elf’s ear. 
He had to speak to you immediately. 
“Yeah, I figured that out.” 
Kabru forced a smile and tilted his head. He was aware of how wide his eyes were, how he probably wasn’t doing a good job at hiding his shock and horror. He couldn’t bring himself to care at that moment as he watched you casually take a sip of your tea. 
“You figured it out?” He asked. Kabru wasn’t sure whether to be mortified or proud. 
“Oh yeah,” you slowly nodded as a triumphant smile rolled across your lips. When you opened your eyes to return his gaze, there was a spark within them that did not bode well. “I figured a lot of things out, actually.”
He took a moment to study your expression. The half-lidded quality of your eyes, the slight pink upon your cheek, the tilt of your chin; realization hit him like one of Marcille’s explosion spells. 
“You got laid.”
You nodded proudly, “I got laid.”
“Yeah,” there was triumph in your voice.
Kabru tried his best to control his irritation. You were so casual about it, he could’ve throttled you. How unromantic, asking the man who was entirely too smitten with you: ‘can I touch one of the most sensitive parts of your body?’ And the audacity, the horror, of that actually working. 
It was personally offensive to Kabru. He’d spent years building up his talent for wordplay and charm. Then, here you are, harassing poor elves. And what are the consequences of your curiosity and ignorance? Hot sex and a beautiful elf boyfriend. 
There were other consequences, though. The thought of Flamela referring to you as a pervert was enough to cool the boiling in his blood. 
“Okay, I’m going to help you,” he sent you a smile.
“I don’t think we need help,” you grimaced, “we both know what to do. But thanks.”
“I– I don’t mean with Mithrun. I mean in general. I’ll help you recover your reputation with the elves of Melini.”
You tilted your head, “My reputation? What do you mean?”
“Well, I heard Flamela call you a pervert earlier.”
“Oh,” taken aback, you sat up straight in your chair, hands tightening around your mug, “Honestly, I forgot I even asked Flamela.”
The feeling in Kabru’s chest could only be described as the slow decay of his soul. “Well, she remembers quite well.”
Another grimace, “Oops. It’s no big deal, though, I’m sure they all understand that I just didn’t know the implications of it.”
Your optimism was so cute. 
“I’ll take care of it,” he took your hand and smiled, “don’t you worry.”
Kabru was used to elves. He’d grown up in the Northern Central Continent where elves were the dominant percentage of the population. Even in Utaya, elven culture strongly influenced daily life, architecture, and manners. His own adoptive mother was an elf. 
Still, his experience did not negate the particular brand of nervousness that came from having nearly ten elves staring at him. 
There was the first squad of the Canaries, Flamela– who was only visiting for the week– Fionil, and Marcille. All of them were absurdly pretty, confused, and pinning him to the wall with their unsettling stares. Flamela and Mithrun, at least, had the decency to look irritated at the interruption to their day. 
Kabru forced his lead tongue to work, “Alright. You’re all probably wondering why I’ve called this meeting. First of all, let’s start with this: Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by [name]’s curiosity concerning your ears.”
Everybody besides Fionil and Marcille raised their hands. 
“Okay,” Kabru sent the two half elves a reassuring smile, “you two are free to go. Thanks for coming.”
“Are my ears not good enough?” Marcille muttered as she and Fionil left the empty noodle shop. 
Mithrun had very generously given Kabru permission to hold the meeting in his noodle shop before the dinner rush. It was of humble size, but clean and quiet with the smooth scent of broth clinging to the walls and chairs. Kabru had a feeling that Mithrun only lent him the space out of curiosity after he’d mentioned that the meeting had to do with you, his partner. 
Silent anticipation settled over the small group. Most of them were taut, seconds away from leaving if he said the wrong thing.
Kabru cleared his throat, “Alright. So, I just want to settle something. [Name] is not a pervert.”
There were those eyes again. They were like six lances ripping through his skin and affixing him to the wall. 
“What?” Otta asked. 
“They’re not a pervert,” he repeated as he raised his hands, “they’re just really curious and didn’t know any better. So, please, don’t judge them too harshly.”
Another beat of silence followed the plea. His gaze shifted to Mithrun, who was watching him carefully with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs stretched out in front of him. As their eyes met, Mithrun simply held the gaze, his face as blank as fresh parchment. 
Kabru set aside the building urge to dissect Mithrun’s brain and instead focused on the rest of the group. “They really didn’t know any better,” he continued despite the rising murmurs among the group, “please forgive them. Tall-man culture is a lot different from yours.”
That seemed to please the elves. Collective negativity was always far more satisfying, he knew.
“Savages,” Cithis huffed.
“Idiots,” Flamela agreed.
Otta had the decency to argue, “They’re just innocent and ignorant. And it’s not like elven society openly discusses those kinds of things.”
True. Elven culture was confusing. Wearing revealing clothes and showing a lot of skin was normal for them, nothing to give a second glance to, though the subject of sex and arousal was deemed inappropriate. One was expected to maintain their dignity, wear a mask depicting perfection, and bring honor to their family. The nobility were commonly quite repressed, though commoners had a tendency to loosen their tongues among friends. Still, sexual education was not taught well, or often, despite their dwindling population. It seemed a bit counterproductive to Kabru, but he understood their reasoning and how centuries of superiority complexes brought them to that point. 
“Did nobody actually tell them what it meant?” Pattadol asked. 
Lycion sent her a raised brow, “Did you?”
“Well, no, but…”
“I did,” Mithrun interrupted. Every eye went to him, though he kept his gaze straight ahead and his arms crossed. He let a moment of silence pass before he continued, “They won’t be asking to touch anybody’s ears again.”
Flamela made a face, “So, did they touch your ears?”
He said it so casually, unbothered by the surprise and amusement of the other Canaries. Fleki leaned forward to clap a hand on his shoulder, which earned a little frown from him. 
“Did you get laid, Captain?” Fleki asked, her grin toothy and stinking of mischief. 
“I don’t need to know that!” Pattadol screeched, “You don’t have to answer every question honestly, you know! You’re allowed to keep secrets!”
“I know,” Mithrun shrugged.
He just didn’t want to keep that particular secret, Kabru knew. Mithrun would much rather that everybody recognize his stake, his claim, his flag buried at the top of the mountain he’d just climbed. It was easier that way. 
Flamela, though, was Flamela. 
She stood up, her fists clenched. “I’ve got things to do. I can’t waste time with you guys anymore.”
The first squad ignored her departure and instead started asking Mithrun a myriad of invasive questions, much to Pattadol’s distress. Yet, Kabru kept his gaze on Flamela. There was a spark in her eyes, one he recognized. It betrayed her intentions. As one of Mithrun’s closest friends and certified nosy-guy, he couldn’t help but subtly follow her out and into the street. 
“Excuse me,” he said once the door shut behind him. A few feet away, Flamela stopped mid-step and whirled around with a glare. 
“What?” She hissed.
“You’re going to do something you’ll regret, aren’t you?” Kabru sent her a look he hoped she’d recognize as concern. It was definitely concern, because anybody that planned to mess with you deserved that. 
“I won’t regret it,” Flamela rolled her eyes, “I just… don’t understand why [name] would want to touch the Captain’s ears and not mine. Mine are longer and softer.”
“Are you really offended over this? Didn’t you tell them no already?”
“I’ve changed my mind!” She snapped. 
“Are you just trying to get back at Mithrun for charging you full price for a bowl of noodles?”
She froze. Her mouth was open, shaped in a scowl. Her shoulders rose like the hackles of a cat. Despite the flicker of satisfaction that Kabru felt at having hit the mark, the hair on his arms stood to attention. He was seconds away from being tackled. 
Fortunately, he side-stepped right as Flamela attacked. 
Now on all fours on the dirt street, Flamela glared at him over her shoulder, “He should’ve given me a discount!”
“He isn’t obliged to.”
“He is!” She stood up and dusted off her uniform, “[Name] should want to feel my ears, they’re better.”
Kabru put his hands on his hips, “You’re just being competitive.”
“Shut up,” she hissed before brushing past him and stomping down the street.
Kabru glanced to the left just in time to see a glimpse of dark eyes staring out through a crack in the blinds. Judging by their black color and uneven manner, it was obviously Mithrun peeking at his conversation with Flamela. He made eye contact with the captain for a second before Mithrun narrowed his gaze dangerously and let go of the blinds. They snapped back into place, but Kabru couldn’t quite return to his natural state like that, not with the black-eyed storm brewing. 
Flamela found you on the street. It wasn’t the best place for ear-rubbing, but her mind was on one track and she ardently refused to veer. 
“I’ve reconsidered,” she said. There was no greeting or smile or easing in of the conversation. 
You stopped mid-step and stared at her. “...Reconsidered what?”
“About you touching my ears.”
Did you ask to touch her ears? The memory wasn’t popping up for you. Yet, now that you knew what that actually meant to elves, you felt appropriately horrified by the statement. You were on a crowded street. If any passersby had a clue as to what Flamela said, they showed no indication. The elf population in Melini was small. The implications of ear touching most likely flew over their heads as it once did for you. 
You managed a smile that you hoped was polite, that you hoped didn’t betray your embarrassment. “That’s okay, thanks.”
Flamela narrowed her eyes, “Why not? My ears are softer and longer than Mithrun’s. If you’re going to touch an elf’s ears, I would think you’d want the full experience.”
“I, uh, I got a pretty full experience with Mithrun. But thanks,” you offered another smile. Something about the way Flamela frowned hinted at deeper motives. You just had to ask, “Is this because Mithrun didn’t give you a discount on a bowl of noodles?”
She scoffed, “No!”
It was definitely about that. 
As you prepared an explanation of your loyalties to Mithrun and his decision to not give her a discount, a flicker of mana filled the air, pricking at your skin. You knew that particular brand of magic. Your heart dropped into your stomach as the spot behind Flamela shifted like the surface of disturbed water. Half a second later, Mithrun appeared. 
You felt yourself tense. Flamela was on a rant about discounts. Mithrun’s gaze was calm, too calm, dangerously calm. The only sign of his anger was the feral look in his good eye. In the past, Mithrun wouldn’t have cared about Flamela offering her ears to random tall-men. He would have resisted any urges to teleport her into walls simply because it would get him kicked out of the Canaries. But the demon was gone, his purposes for living were different. You were one of those purposes, one of those desires, and he was so one track minded that he would do anything to hang onto that. 
He raised a hand. Flamela tensed as if sensing the danger. Nearby, Kabru pushed through the crowd, panicked. 
“No!” You lunged at your partner before he could teleport the Vice-Captain to a place where she’d never get noodles again, let alone discounted ones. 
Your body weight crashed onto him. His eye widened and Kabru gasped. Like a felled tree, you and Mithrun both fell to the ground. Flamela said something you didn’t quite comprehend, but it didn’t matter at the moment. 
You laid on Mithrun. He laid on the ground. He put one hand on your back and chose to stare at the blue sky above rather than fight your will. The passersby sent the scene curious glances but wisely stayed away, giving you and Mithrun a wide berth.
A shadow cast over your bodies and you looked up to see Flamela blocking the sun. She only glared, hands on her hips. 
“I want a discount,” she said.
You felt Mithrun grunt beneath you. Another beat of silence passed before he answered, “Fine. Just stay away from [name].”
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zomyoo · 2 months
⠀ 𝗝.𝗪𝗪 ━ the vampire i loved 。
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you fell asleep reading your all time favorite fantasy book, wishing you were born in its universe. when you wake up, you realize you're no longer in your bedroom.
𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚: smut included! biting, mentions of blood and blood sucking, teasing, overstimulating, pet names, mirror fucking, multiple rounds, unprotected sex.
⟢ vampire!wonwoo x collegestudent!reader ⠀⠀—⠀⠀𝗪𝗖: 2,656
read part two here.
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your jaw dropped at the gut-wrenching ending of the book you had borrowed from your friend. the whole novel had your toes curling and kept your underwear wet, how could the ending be the total opposite of the lewd feeling you once had? tears formed at the corner of your eyes, threatening to drop as you processed the death of your favorite character. you understood that the author had to make the ending as memorable as the plot was, but you never knew, or even thought they could do such a terrible thing to the character everyone loved.
you had been reading this series for a few years now, and you had finally finished it. you thanked the lord and remained grateful to your friend for having and allowing you to borrow the last book. being a college student, you barely had money to feed yourself and the job market was really demanding, so how the heck would you be able to afford any of your hobbies?
you closed the book to avoid staining it with your tears and sunk into your bed, sadness taking over your body. you had made up a whole story of your own with him; you were both married and lived in a castle hidden in the depths of a large forest with two black cats but the author killing him off just crushed all your dreams.
he was only a character, sure, but he awakened your love for vampires and the desire to be one yourself, you couldn’t just let that go. you stared at the poster on the ceiling, his beautiful face causing you to get more consumed by your sadness. with a sigh escaping your lips, you decided to go to bed, actually eager to fix your sleep schedule, which will probably last till you obsess over a new book.
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awokened by the sound of chirping birds and a cold breeze coming in contact with your skin, you slowly opened your eyes, confused as your gaze fell upon trees and not the man who haunted your dreams. you sat up, the leaves beneath you rubbing together to create a noise, which was one of the two sounds that could be heard in the forest you somehow ended up in.
“what the fuck...” you whispered, standing up from the concrete floor as you looked around, the path looking a little too familiar. you couldn’t exactly recall where you had seen or heard of it, but you knew where it led and you began walking down it. using your hands to cover your exposed arms, you rubbed them, eager to feel warm.
the scenery was one you had never seen before. trees with little to no leaves and crows sitting on their branches hovered over you and the environment was completely dull, submerged in the heavy fog. in the distance, you could see a lantern, which was the first and only source of light you had seen since you magically teleported into this alternative universe.
as you walked into the depths of the forest, the lanterns multiplied, it was like they were leading the way, lighting up one by one. you found yourself fascinated in front of what could only be explained by witchcraft, no modern science would be able to replicate something like this.
soon enough, you saw something peeking above the trees, with the silhouette it created, you assumed it was a castle, or at least a building similar to one. as you approached it, you were faced with a type of architecture you would love to see more of; vertical proportions, pointed arches, external buttressing, asymmetry and long stained-glass windows.
you were very much fond of the gothic style it had and in awe of seeing right in front of your eyes. you had seen similar buildings before, but none compared to the originals. you snapped out of your thoughts and decided to walk in, certain you were drawn here for a reason.
as you pushed open the door, you peaked inside, seeing nothing but darkness, which you were never afraid of up until now. the emptiness of the room before you sent chills down your spine, and you could sense a presence in there, which made you freeze in place, wondering if you should step in. perhaps you had made the wrong choice by following those lanterns.
“come in.” a deep voice echoed from across the room, causing you to flinch and turn your head towards the direction of the sound. not wanting to anger whomever invited you in, unsure what they were capable of, you did as told and shut the door behind you.
a light in the middle of the room suddenly turned on, it was dim but it sufficed to see most of the furnitures scattered around the room, some of them covered with a white cloth. however, that was the least of your concerns, your eyes wandered around the room, adjusting to the areas that remained in the darkness in hopes of finding a human silhouette, though you doubted anything in here would share that in common.
suddenly, you felt a strong presence behind you, and before you could do anything, you felt yourself getting embraced. “i’ve been waiting for you.” the manly voice spoke once more before its owner sniffed you, buring his head in your neck and licking your skin.
you weren’t so sure how to feel about everything that had happened in the past few seconds. a random man had his arms wrapped around you, kept going on about how much he’s been waiting for you, and constantly sniffed your neck like your scent was enchanting him.
“okay... who are you?” you questioned, trying to break away from his grasp, which only grew tighter the more you fought it off. at your question, the man turned you around so you could see his face, and you almost fell on your knees as you did so.
“...won..wonwoo?” you screamed, pinching yourself to make sure you were not dreaming. “how the fuck are you still alive after getting killed off? and how the hell am i even talking to you right now? you’re a god damn character in a stupid book.”
“my love, if i was only a character, would i be able to do this?” he asked, gently placing his right hand on your back, using his strength to pull you in close, then placed his left hand on your chin, lifting it up as he looked into your eyes before planting a soft kiss on your lips.
you were quick to wrap your arms around his neck, your sudden move causing him to smirk and bite your lip. you slightly opened your mouth, which was enough for him to slip his tongue in, intertwining it with yours. you would be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on, one of your biggest fantasies was happening and you weren’t even sure if it was real.
the man slid his hand underneath your silk buttoned up shirt, the coldness of his touch made you flinch, but it was quickly replaced with pleasure when he began squeezing your breasts and pinching your nipples. you were still in your pajamas, so you didn’t have any underwear on, which made everything easily accessible for him.
you moaned in his mouth, wanting more than his touch. you had been craving this man since you set your eyes on the book cover, desperately wishing he was real, wishing he would touch every single part of your body with his mouth, fingers and his cock. speaking of, you wondered if he was as big as the author described.
“wo..wonwoo plea..please...” you managed to let out, your voice muffled in the heated make out session you both had going on. he pulled away from the kiss and in a second, he removed your shirt, exposing your uncovered breasts, which he stared at whilst biting his lips. “they’re so beautiful.” he spoke, a red tint appearing on your cheeks as you slowly slipped out of your shorts, completely denuded before him.
he licked his lips at the sight of your naked body, his gaze trailing from up to down, taking in the view of your perky breasts, the goosebumps that formed on your body due to the sudden change of temperature, your thighs touching eachother, and your swollen cunt that wanted nothing but him. “touch yourself.” he commanded, and you laid down on what you assumed was a sofa, spreading your legs wide for him to see.
you put two fingers in your mouth, sucking them before your inserted them in your pussy, pulling them in and out as fast as you could. your free hand was on your breast, squeezing it as you imagined it was him. you threw your head backwards, breaking the eye contact you held with him, as you moved faster, your moans and the sweet noise of your wet cunt took over the room. he wished your sounds reached him directly, so he could be the only one able to hear them.
as he watched you, he couldn’t help but want to touch himself as well. he threw his clothes off his body and took his hardened cock in his right hand, stroking it alongside your constant moans. “wonwoo....” you cried out, literally going insane from lacking his touch.
as you moaned out his name, he walked over to you and shoved his cock in your mouth. your eyes widened at his length but that didn’t stop you from wanting to take him fully. the hand you used to massage your chest was now wrapped around his cock, and you were moving your head back and forth to please him, all while looking into his eyes.
his moans sounded so sweet. it wasn’t a lot, but it was definitely enough to make you cum. as you did, he began throatfucking you, wanting to reach his climax as well. “fuck..you feel so good.” he mumbled, a loud groan escaping his mouth as he cummed into yours.
after you swallowed his seeds, you got on your knees and kissed him, his hand reaching forward to grab your ass, lifting you up. as you wrapped your legs around him, melting underneath his touch, he sat on the sofa and you began grinding his cock, letting out soft moans. you buried your fingers in his hair, and slowly slid his cock in. “oh my god.” you uttered, your words followed by a loud moan as his length made it all the way in.
you began moving, taking it a step at a time to make it enjoyable for the both of you. as you moved faster, he kissed your neck and trailed down to your breasts whilst resting his hands on your hips. he felt too good and you enjoyed yourself way too much. riding his dick felt like heaven and his obsession with your body sent you straight to paradise. he made sure to touch you everywhere and it excited you even more. some of the things he did were very specific, it was like he had been reading you and knew all of your turn ons.
“i..i’m so close...” you breathed out, and he used a finger to draw circles your clit. the sudden overstimulation caused you to grab his shoulders and bury your head on his chest, jumping faster on his cock until you reached your high and eventually released.
“shall we go upstairs?” he questioned, lifting you up as you nodded your head, a little shocked at his ability to still want to continue. he had a lot of stamina, and you adored it.
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he laid you down on the bed, turning you on your stomach so you could face the mirror right in front of the both of you. honestly, you had never been in this kind of situation before, and staring at yourself while getting fucked was something you were definitely willing to try, perhaps it could awaken something in you, just like the man playing with your clit started your attraction to vampires.
“wonwoo, do you have fangs?” you questioned, looking at him through the glass. he truly was pretty, you could stare at him all day. “indeed i do, why do you ask?” he said, staring back at you as he gestured for you to get on all fours, and you did as he demanded.
“i would l—” you began, instantly getting cut off as he continually licked your cunt, those small innocent licks turning into him completely getting drowned in your pussy juice. he sucked and swallowed, hungry for more. eating you out and creating circles on your clit weren’t enough, he had to slid in his tongue and eat you from inside. he wanted to devour you completely, your taste was intoxicating and he couldn’t get enough of it.
you never thought seeing your cum on his face would turn you on so much, but it did. he swallowed the parts he could and cleaned the rest off with a tissue, which he had a box of in his room for whatever reason you did not wish to know, it was never mentioned in the book.
soon enough, he aligned his cock with your cunt, gently rubbing your clit with his tip. you couldn’t stand the teasing, you wanted to feel him inside you, now. it did not take him long to realize you were needy, you had been moving your hips along with his cock, signaling that you were ready for him.
he smirked before shoving his cock into your cunt, a long sigh escaping your mouth as you tightly gripped the sheets. he slowly began thrusting into you, stretching your insides so his cock could fully fit in. when he felt you clench around him, he moved faster, pounding your beautiful pussy and taking in your moans.
he grabbed you by the hair and lifted your head, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror. “watch how slutty you look.” he uttered with no response. you were too busy getting rawdogged and fucked with no remorse to pay attention to his words. your eyes rolled back and your back arched as he slammed his cock against your walls with force and speed, filling up all of your needs and darkest desires.
“w..wonwoo...nhh...” you whined, slowly reaching your climax, your body trembling from the amount of pleasure you were feeling. it was too much for your head to handle but not too much for your body who yearned for more than just a dildo to bear.
the man spinned you around, shoving his cock as deep as he could and placing his mouth in your neck, sucking your skin to place his mark. his fangs made their appearance, and though you couldn’t see them, you could definitely feel them on your skin. he licked your neck before biting it, sucking your blood that was to be mixed with his.
he placed his hands on your hips, his thrusts becoming sloppier as he was close. “cum with me baby.” he seductively whispered in your ear, his words followed by a moan you could die to hear. you placed your hands on his shoulders, your grip tightened and your head throwed back as you came on his cock and him in you.
you breathed out loud, not able to contain yourself. you were drained and sure you would never be satisfied by anything less than what he did to you. the man kissed you on your forehead and laid next to you, pulling you into an embrace.
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you woke up feeling sore, your head spinning and eyesight blurry. as you were able to see clearly, you had been faced with the same poster you sticked on your ceiling, a sigh of disappointment escaped your lips as you realized it was all a dream.
.... or was it?
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dividers by @/cafekitsune and @/saradika-graphics this was NOT proofread, i absolutely hate reading my own shit, and the ending was rushed, please bear with me!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ copyright © 2024 zomyoo, all rights reserved
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heaven-s-black-box · 5 months
Notes- Opinions on bikinis GOM x fem!Reader
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Recovery date: May 10th, 2024
Description: hiii!! hope your having a good day, I was wondering if I could request GoM x reader (separately) with a maybe more quiet and shy reader when they go to the beach and see her in a bikini (maybe a bit suggestiveee but it’s up to you!) they can get a bit flustered and protective 😭 thank you so much and dw if you don’t/can’t complete it <3,
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with @smtere we thank them for their contributions. Hope you don't mind the headcanons, it was the easiest for so many people. This is meant to be post last game, probably summer of their 3rd year.
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Is the most outwardly chill about it
Though he does find his gaze drifting and lingering (Aomine got halfway through calling him out once before eating sand)
The first time he justifies it as admiring your swimsuit, every other time is just a whoopsie
He’s not weird about it though, and he tries his best not to stare
Makes sure you put on sunscreen/ cover up if he thinks you need it
Will complement how it looks on you
I did say “most outwardly chill” and I meant it
He may seem cool as a cucumber but if you hug him he will short circuit
He doesn’t get much affection on a normal day and while he is much more mature than his friends, I refuse to believe this boy is not fighting off indecent thoughts every so often
Build a sand castle with him please
Flustered and can’t hide it
Dude is pink, and not from the sun
His gaze also drifts and lingers but he won’t even give himself a chance to admire you
You cannot convince me Takao has not corrupted him, at least a bit, he can’t look at you without hear Takao teasing him
Like Akashi he looks out for you if you’re prone to sunburn
Midorima isn’t weird about you wearing a bikini, he just makes it weird by actively avoiding looking anywhere but your face
He definitely relaxes throughout the day though
By the time you’re leaving he compliments you, having finally looked somewhere other than your face
He’s fine with whatever you want to do, might even begrudgingly let you bury him
The most chill, he has sisters so bikinis aren’t something overly suggestive to him
That said it’s you so it does make him a bit flustered
He is also the most obviously protective because as a model he’s very familiar with… lingering gazes, there will always be weirdos
Keeps a shirt on while on the beach, claiming he can’t afford to burn, but it's actually incase you want it for whatever reason
He definitely enjoys the extra contact though, whether that be an arm around your waist or offering to carry you on his back, Kise strikes me as a touchy person
If your swimsuit starts to come loose he’ll offer to fix it for you
Showers you in complements
Wants to collect shells and swim
Could not give two shits
Kise was chill, Murisakibara just doesn’t care
He compliments the swim suit, and he definitely stares a bit but when he gets caught he apologizes and looks away
Won’t initiate physical contact but doesn’t mind it, feeling your skin brush against his when you hugged him did make him jump a bit though
I don’t really have much to say here because I really don’t think he’d care
Although he will confront anyone making you uncomfortable, his stature is more than enough to make most people back down
Wants to spend the day lounging on the beach, you might be able to convince him to come float with you
If it was anyone but Aomine it would be weird
Shamelessly stares
You can call him out on it but he’ll just make a sound of acknowledgement and keep staring, unless you tell him he’s making you uncomfortable
He may be forward and unashamed but he’s not a complete ass
If someone else is making you uncomfortable or just keeps staring he will fight them, though he tries to avoid that
Asked Momoi for one of her towel jackets for you incase you wanted it, he almost regretted it when she started teasing him for being a softy
He compliments you, but it’s stuff like “your boobs look nice”
Will imply he’d like to see you “show off” more often
Also fairly touchy, like Kise, and will offer to help fix your swimsuit if needed
He will also throw you into the water, there is no escaping
Like Akashi he’s outwardly cool and inwardly panicking just a bit
He will try and fight anyone making you uncomfortable but Aomine and the others have to save him
Like Akashi and Midorima will keep an eye out if you’re prone to sunburn
Any physical contact you make with him will spook him just a bit
He’s close with Momoi, and we know she wears bikinis so I think like with Kise they aren’t anything suggestive to him
I don’t have much to say here either because Kuroko doesn’t really wear his heart on his sleeve, though he will linger a bit closer to you throughout the day
Complements your swimsuit
Prefers to spend the day reading on the beach
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ellecdc · 6 months
I don’t know their ship name! Do they have a ship name? Anywayyy, I was thinking long and hard about this, I want it to be 🤌🏻
So I was thinking, Remus x James x reader, possibly hyper Jamie and reader, and Remus is chasing after them
or maybe the most beautiful hurt/comfort (because who wants straight angst?) where James is upset because he feels like he’s too much sometimes (even though he’s my perfect baby Angel) and it’s just reader and Remus comforting him
(Fem!reader if that’s ok) (also reader should have a cat named Birdie, is it because I want Birdie content? Yes. Do I live laugh love Birdie? Also yes.)
kisses 😘
okay, I love you, thank you for this request. New rule: NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO HURT OUR SWEET SWEET JAMIES FEELINGS EVER AGAIN 😭😭😭😭😭😭 also I couldn't figure out how to incorporate Birdie but I have another request about a reader with a cat so you'll be able to see her there ;)
poly!moonchaser x fem!reader who is in Slytherin
CW: James cries and it's horrible and Marlene should be sent to Azkaban for this.
James was feeling pretty good about Gryffindor’s odds this year for the House Cup. He’d been working his team a little harder than usual, but he was certain the extra effort would pay off this weekend in their game against Ravenclaw. He wasn’t on the quidditch pitch to make friends; he was there to win.
Off the pitch, however?
Off the pitch he loved his friends.
Which was why he’d told everyone to hit the showers whilst he cleaned up the pitch for Madame Hooch.
After James had stored the last of the brooms and quidditch balls in the equipment locker, he began to head past the Beasts classroom for the castle.
He saw Marlene leaning against one of the posts of the building, and James began making his way over to catch up with her but thought better of it once he saw Dorcas Meadows sitting on a table in front of her. He smiled to himself at the thought of his friend’s happiness and took the path on the opposite side of the building in order to give them some privacy.
“Potter’s not working you lot too hard, is he? You’re actually making Slytherin sweat this year.” Dorcas taunted, earning her a chuckle from her girlfriend.
“Ha ha.” Marlene deadpanned before she let out a sigh. “He’s working us like dogs. I know he loves quidditch, but Godric.”
James knew he was pretty competitive, but he had a job to do as the coach, and like Dorcas said – it was paying off.
“He can be a lot.” Dorcas assuaged.
Marlene scoffed dramatically. “Sirius is a lot; James is too much. Honestly, I don’t know how Remus and Y/N keep up with him; he’s exhausting.”
James’ ears filled with cotton as his steps faltered and his heart sunk.
Is this really how his friends thought of him; was he exhausting? Too much?
James knew he could be a lot sometimes; a lot of energy, a lot of fun, a lot of love, a lot of mischief, a lot of noise...
But was he too much?
He loved you and Remus more than anything; he never knew it was possible to love two people so much.
Remus: the moon to his sun, his safe space, his level head, the cool side of his pillow.
And you: his sweet girl, his biggest supporter, his confidante, the quiet in the chaos.
And what was he, then? What was James?
He was loud, he was chaos, he was constant.
Maybe he was too much...
He’d spent five years with his sights set in the wrong direction before he realized he had everything he could ever want in the two of you, and by some fucking miracle, he’d managed to snag the two most wonderful people in all of Hogwarts, perhaps all of the UK; nay, the world.
Was he losing the two of you? Was he slowly pushing you guys away? Exhausting you? Were you two going to grow tired of James?
He couldn’t lose you guys; he couldn’t let that happen.
He wouldn’t let that happen.
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You and Remus had been sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall when Sirius came back from practice.
“Where’s Prongs?” Remus asked quickly, earning him a scowl from his long-haired friend.
“Gee, hello to you too, Moony.”
Remus’ sigh was accompanied by an eyeroll as he corrected himself. “Hello, Sirius. How was practice? Where’s our boyfriend?”
Sirius adorned a cheeky smile as he began loading up his plate. “Hi Remus, Y/N. Lovely evening we’re having. Practice went well; James is working us hard, but I think the extra work is paying off. We’re shoo-ins for the House Cup this year and-”
“Circe’s tits, Moons, is it almost your time of your month?”
He was answered with a dinner roll being thrown at his head.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He grumbled. “Prongs is tidying up the field, told us all to hit the showers and head to dinner.”
“Black, you’re a dog.” You grumbled, earning you a boisterous laugh from the dog-like-man himself.
“You have no idea dollface.”
You groaned. “I can’t believe you left our poor, sweet boy cleaning up after you tossers out there all by himself. It’s getting dark.” You whined, looking to the windows.
“He’s far too nice to you lot.” Remus agreed, starting a plate for James pre-emptively.
You liked that about Remus. You loved that about Remus; predicting his loved ones needs, always one step ahead the rest of you.
You perked up when you saw the familiar head of hair make his way into the Great Hall, but had an uneasy feeling settle in your stomach when you noticed his demeanour.
“Hey bubs.” Remus greeted, seemingly unawares of James’ dour mood. James smiled kindly at Remus, but you noticed the smile never reached his eyes.
You hated it.
“How was practice?” You asked quickly, earning you a scoff from Sirius.
“What? Don’t trust my word for it?”
“Sod off, Black.”
James itched the back of his neck and avoided eye contact. “It, erm, it went well, I think. It went well, right Pads?”
Sirius looked inquisitively at his friend but nodded nonetheless. “Yeah mate, I think we’re definitely going to see a difference with the extra drills. Fenwick and I were just talking about it.”
“Fenwick? What’d he say? He thought the practice went well?” James asked eagerly.
Sirius and Remus exchanged a bemused glance as you watched James; he seemed to notice the silent conversation going on between his friend and his boyfriend and curled in on himself.
“Sorry.” He muttered quietly, poking at his plate with his fork.
“No worries Prongs. Fenwick said he was tired, but the good kind. He’s looking forward to the match this weekend.” Sirius said carefully. James hummed but that was the extent of the conversation.
“Everything okay, James?” Remus asked cautiously as Marlene and Dorcas sat a few seats down. James lifted his head and nodded quickly, offering a quiet “yeah.”
“What’s the matter?” You asked quietly, causing James’ eyebrows to furrow.
“Nothing, nothing. I’m not that hungry actually, I think I’m going to head upstairs.”
He didn’t give you any time to argue as he stood from his full plate and left the Great Hall.
You went to stand to go after him, but Remus grabbed your sleeve.
“You should eat, dove. No sense in both of you going without.”
“We’ll bring him his plate in a little; let him take a minute to himself.” He offered, and though Remus sounded awfully reasonable, you didn’t like the idea one bit.
In the perhaps 45 minutes you and Remus spent in the Great Hall, James had already done his bedtime routine and had the curtains to his fourposter bed drawn shut with what sounded like a silencing charm cast around it.
You let out a sigh and moved towards Remus’ bed.
“It’s probably just an off day, dovey. He rarely has them; we can grant him this one, can’t we?” Remus lamented.
It didn’t feel like an off day, though. Not to you.
He’d been just fine when you bid him farewell before practice; he’d been talking your ear off about all the new drills he prepared and the extra practices he booked. He’d been your enthusiastic, sunny boy just a mere few hours ago, and now he was...well...this.
Had you done something? Had you not been enthusiastic enough about his stories? Had you said something to offend him? Maybe he didn’t want you here; maybe he wanted to spend tonight with Remus – he’s known him longer, maybe he’d be talking to Remus if you weren’t here right now.
“I can hear your brain in overdrive, dove. What’s going on inside that head of yours?”
“Maybe I should go to my own dorm tonight?” You asked shyly, earning you an unimpressed look from Remus as he pulled his sleep shirt over his head.
“Fat chance I’m sending you down to the dungeons. I’ve already lost one cuddle partner.” His lip jut out comically at the end of the sentence and you felt some of the tension leave your body.
“Okay, big baby.” You acquiesced with faux resentment, laying back on Remus’ bed and welcoming him into your embrace.
“We’ll fix it tomorrow, yeah?” Remus said into your neck. “He’ll feel better in the morning.”
Except James did not feel better in the morning and now you were spiralling.
He’d woken up early to go for his run but didn’t ask if you wanted to join him (he usually woke you up as he extricated himself from the bed and would always ask if you felt like joining him. You’ve never said yes, but he always asked you anyway).
He changed quietly and sat at the desk to do some schoolwork. You woke up and pressed a kiss to his cheek on your way to the washroom, which earned you little more than half a smile and a quiet “morning”.
You couldn’t take it anymore; the nerves were eating you alive, and they were only made worse when Remus woke up and James was just as cold with him.
“Jamie, have I done something?” You blurted, causing both boys to look at you in horror.
“What?” He asked quietly.
“I’m sorry if I’ve done or said something to offend you. I know I can be harsh sometimes and I know that I’m not often as kind as the two of you; certainly not as nice as you, Jamie. But I often think you guys have worn off on me a bit and I’m a little less Slytherin-y and-”
But Remus cut you off as you started to ramble. “Whoa, dove. Take a breath, yeah? You’re alright.” He said gently, placing his hand on your shoulder and gently rubbing his thumb along your collar bone.
“I’m really sorry, Jamie.” You said again, feeling your eyes well with tears.
James' eyes mirrored yours as he looked at you in horror. “No, angel. No! You’re perfect, I swear!” He said, tears finally betraying his inner turmoil.
“What has you so upset then, Jamie?” Remus asked gently, which caused whatever dam James had set up behind his eyes to fully burst.
“It’s not you guys, honest!” He cried miserably.
You felt all the blood drain from your face at the sight; you’d never seen James this upset before.
“Oh, Jamie.” Remus cooed in an exhale moving towards him, obviously just as distressed at James’ upset as you were. 
“I’m sorry if I’ve been exhausting you lately. I don’t mean to be too much.” James whimpered between sobs. Your hands twitched as you stood uselessly, staring at Remus cradling James’ broad frame and gently rocking him back-and-forth, rubbing broad strokes up and down his back.
“Why...why would you say that, Jamie? I’ve never found you exhausting. ‘Too much’?” You asked incredulously, feeling sort of nauseous at the insinuation that you could ever grow tired of the effervescence that was James Potter. 
“I overheard people talking about me.” He admitted shyly from the crook of Remus’ neck. Remus’ movements stuttered before he quickly resumed his ministrations.
“Who?” You said simply, hands balling into fists at your sides. 
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Like hell it doesn’t.” You argued.
“Easy, dove.” Remus placated, pressing a gentle kiss into James’ hair. “I don’t need to know who it was, because they are so far off from the truth.”
“Can’t be too far off, I’ve known her my whole life.” James muttered.
“McKinnon?” You asked with a scoff. You were answered by James’ silence.
“Jamie.” You said sternly, stepping towards your boyfriends and causing James to look up at you. “You have been nothing but pure joy since the moment I met you, and any moment I get to spend by your side is an absolute honour; do you understand me?”
James sighed and tried to turn back into Remus’ shoulder, but you gently grabbed his chin and forced him to look at you.
“I love you so unbelievably much, I worry about my sanity sometimes. One of the best things about me is getting to love you, and having convinced you to love me back. Okay?”
“Okay.” He whispered back, offering you a soft smile.
James chuckled sadly and took your hand in his. “I love you, Y/N.”
“That makes me the luckiest girl in the world.” You promised him.
Remus continued rubbing James’ back and whispering sweet nothings into his ear as you got into uniform. 
“You okay, Rem? I’ll catch up with you guys later?” You asked him quietly. Remus nodded at you and accepted a chaste kiss to his lips.
You pressed a kiss to the top of James' head, reminding him again that you love him and you’d see him later before heading out in search of the person on your radar. 
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Sirius had gotten up today to find James already gone on his morning run and you and Moony still asleep in bed, so he decided to take the initiative and organise the supplies for the Marauder’s next prank.
“Oi, Black.” Sirius heard, causing him to pause in his steps down the corridor. 
“Y/N, we’ve known each other since we were in nappies; I’m pretty sure we were engaged to be wed at one point. I think you can go ahead and call me Sirius.”
Your eyebrows furrowed almost comically as you looked him up and down once, seemingly almost disgusted at the thought of calling him by his given name.
“Right, I will not be doing that. Listen, you’re friends with McKinnon, yeah?” You redirected, falling into step with him as he carried on towards the potions supply closet. 
“Marlene? Yeah.”
“‘Kay, deal with her then, because it won’t be pretty if I have to.” You said darkly, causing Sirius to pause again and grab you by your elbow.
“Whoa there; what are you on about?”
You turned towards him with darkened eyes, quite possibly the most like your parents he’d ever seen you. “She upset James.” You said simply. 
Sirius scoffed. “Please. James doesn’t get upset. She probably just cheered for his rival team at the World Cup or something.”
“Black. My sweet, lovely, wonderful boyfriend is upstairs crying right now because he was told he was too much and exhausting.” You said severely, causing Sirius’ heart to stutter. 
His heart picked back up in double time when he noticed your eyes fill with tears.
“And if McKinnon is left to me, it won’t be pretty.” You concluded, sniffing quickly and stuffing your emotions back down deep into your stomach like Sirius knew you’d been raised to do.
“Crying?” Sirius asked breathlessly.
“Sobbing.” You corrected.
Well, this just wouldn’t do.
Turns out, Sirius was going to get detention for hitting a girl today. 
“Oi! McKinnon!” Sirius called out when he spotted Marlene sat under a tree on the Hogwarts grounds. “Take your earrings out, you and I are fighting.” He called as he got closer, pulling his earrings own out pre-emptively. 
Marlene scoffed. “Have you taken one too many bludgers to the head there, Black?” 
“What’d you say to James?” He carried on.
“Sod off, McKinnon. What’d you say?”
“I haven’t spoken to him since we all left practice yesterday!” She argued.
“Well you said something, seeing as he’s now apologising to his boyfriend and girlfriend for being ‘exhausting’.”
Sirius watched understanding pass over Marlene’s face as she sighed.
“Oh for- …he wasn’t meant to hear.”
“Make it a habit of talking poorly about your friends behind their back?” Sirius accused.
“Take it easy, Sirius… she didn’t mean it.” Dorcas interjected, causing Sirius’ stormy glare to look her way.
“Then why’d she say it, huh Meadows? Are you calling her a liar then?”
“I was just tired and sore after practice yesterday, Sirius…” Marlene mumbled.
But Sirius didn’t care; he didn’t want excuses. He wanted everyone to see the James that he saw:
James, who had so much love to give.
James, who gave everything he did 110%.
James, who took care of everyone around him like his life depended on it.
James, who pushed his team to victory because he knew they were capable.
James, who knew he was pushing his team hard so let them all leave early whilst he cleaned up after them.
James, who brought out the best in everyone around him.
James, who offered him a home when he had nowhere to go.
James, who was everyone's safety, smile, sanctuary.
“Maybe if you didn’t spend so much of your life finding flaws in everyone else, Marlene, you’d have a little more time to work on your own. I suggest starting with your poor fucking attitude.” He shot at her, feeling the generations of vile, vicious Black’s creep into his psyche. “Perhaps then you’d manage to be even a quarter as loved as James is.”
“Was that really necessary, Black?” Meadows barked angrily. Sirius scoffed in return.
“No more necessary than what she said about James. No one upsets Prongs like that, you hear me? So tell your girl to watch her fuckin’ mouth.”
And he stormed back up to the castle. 
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Remus was understandably distressed.
If having his usual bright, sunny boy so down and turned in on himself wasn’t bad enough, you seemed to be equally if not more distressed on his behalf.
He’d been sort of nervous when you took off this morning, but when Remus saw Marlene in one piece in Charms later in the day, he knew you hadn’t done any (permanent) damage.
James was glued to your and Remus’ sides for the remainder of the day, and you were both more than happy to fawn over him as much as he needed. His mood didn’t seem to improve for your efforts, however.
The three of you were eating dinner with Sirius who was carrying most of the conversation on your behalves, which you and Remus (and likely James) appreciated, when Barty approached the Gryffindor table.
“Hey Y/N, I just had the most brilliant i- whoa, wait, whoa, what the fuck?” He cut himself off, looking to the group in horror.
“What’s up, junior?” You asked calmly, feeling particularly defensive of your boyfriend and keeping an eye on James in your periphery.
“What happened to Potter? What’s going on?” He asked, sounding particularly disturbed causing Remus’ brows to furrow bemusedly. 
No one seemed to have a good answer; Sirius and Remus exchanging confused glances, James lowering his head in shame, and you rolling your eyes at your friend's dramatics.
“Who did this?” He asked then, voice taking on a shrill quality. “Y/N? Did you do this?” He demanded, gesturing to James.
“I did not do this!” You shouted back.
“Okay well this is bad!”
“I know it’s bad!”
“No, this is bad, bad. This is like… this is. I have no words. Y/N, fix it, fix it right now.” Barty insisted, roughly jostling your shoulder as if you were simply standing here negligently as your boyfriend suffered. 
Remus, James, and Sirius all watched in abject fascination and horror.
“Who did this, Potter?” Barty asked quietly, turning his attention to James when he felt he wasn’t getting answers from you. “Give me names; who disturbed the delicate balance of the universe?”
James’ eyebrows were in his hair as he looked between you and Barty.
“Oh gods,” Barty breathed. “It’s worse than I though.”
Barty shoved his hand into his robe pocket and pulled out a lolly. “You like candy, Potter? Here.” He said as he threw the lolly at him without waiting for a response. “I have more, one sec.” 
With that, Barty turned his pocket inside out and piled what had to be almost thirty lollipops in front of James.
“Why do you have so many lollies, Junior?” Sirius asked, reaching over to grab one from the pile which earned him a squeal and a harsh smack on the wrist from Barty.
“None of your sodding business, Black.”
Remus delighted in hearing a slight chuckle under James' breath.
“Why do you have so many lollies?” Remus asked instead, knowing Barty was slightly less volatile with him than with Sirius.
“I was trying to quit smoking. Now I’m just addicted to sugar and cigarettes. Also, Y/N likes them.” He said, producing one from your pocket with a flourish to hand it to you.
“M’lady.” He said with a bow before resuming his piling of more lollies in front of James.
“I think that’s enough lollies, Junior.” Sirius suggested, earning him a scowl.
“The world is fucking topsy-turvey right now, Black! I don’t see you doing anything to correct it! Absolute tosser, thinking I can just go about my day when everything is wrong.” Barty was mostly muttering to himself at this point as he pulled his bookbag over his shoulder and started discarding various things onto the table.
“Why are you all just sitting there? Do something, for the love of Salazar!” He shrieked. “Fix this Y/N! Fix it now; I’m running out of candy!”
And with this, James dissolved into a fit of laughter, causing Barty to pause and whip his head to face him.
Remus wasn’t always Barty’s biggest fan, but he knew that you cared for him and more importantly, he cared for you, and right now Remus could kiss the sod right on the mouth for managing to bring a smile to James' face.
“Is this a fucking joke to you, Potter?” Barty asked incredulously, causing James to laugh harder and even encouraging a laugh from you. Barty’s face softened immediately at the sound and turned to beam at you. 
“There!” He proclaimed then. “All better!”
And with that, Barty headed towards the entrance of the Great Hall.
“You’re welcome everyone! I just corrected a major blip in the universe; but this is the last time I do it for free!”
James began to catch his breath and wipe away tears from under his eyes. 
“See?” You said, reaching across to gently shake James’ wrist. James caught your hand before you could pull it away from him. “Even Barty likes you just the way you are. And he hates Gryffindors.”
James barked another laugh at that and let out a steadying breath. 
“Not as much as we do, though.” Remus pressed, resting his forehead against James’ temple as he pulled him closer into his side. 
“Thank you guys.” James admitted quietly, squeezing your hand that he still held captive over the table.
“There’s nothing to thank us for, bubs.” You insisted, causing Sirius to snort.
“Yeah. These two did fuck all; you should be thanking Junior.” 
You all started laughing again, distributing lollies to the younger students sitting around you.
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