#before i make a descion
strangeauthor · 5 months
do you guys want me to upload more chapter previews for Chaos
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So was no one gonna tell me that the ‘non cannon Christmas special’ episode of malevolent was actually a disguise for horrifying kayne lore and a confirmation of my theory that he would fuck with the other Arthur’s and make them play act as his Arthur or did I have to find that out on my own.
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crows-of-buckets · 2 months
Just remembered there's not gonna be any guides when Veilguard drops... My actions are actually gonna have consequences this is terrifying
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vicontheinternet · 3 months
Every time i think abt how dick (made) stripped/fired Tim of robin because damian needed it more makes me crazy perfectionist Tim striving for the sky striving to make his place in the bat family Tim who pieced that family that he feel inatique only to be pulled out of the sky like Icarus falling to the top the ground falling into the ocean sinking drowning with no way out. Dick is totally the sun but the bat family as a whole could be applied
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officermaddie23 · 2 years
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Here's another dragon I have named after a fnaf character this one is Luis Cabrera. He's the Zodiac Aquarius Dragon (recently acquired) right now he's level 23 (like all my dragons I will make the decision of if he needs to be trained by seeing how he does in battle) but I will impower him to max
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i made an Important decision and was then given information that made said decision null and void. feeling very okay and completely normal (<— lying)
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katzenkarussell · 2 years
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tiredofthehumanlife · 1 month
Is it chilly in here? (and then the live studio audience laughs)
Barbie dolls: jegulus x gn!reader
Word: 7.3k (ish i just couldn’t shut up dude)
summary: James and regulus are ice skaters now and are in a competition you’re dating reg and after he and James train together some tensions arise reg makes rash descions at the competition
Warnings: no magic world heavily insinuated, inspired by the Olympics but it’s not the Olympics, you jokingly say you love reg’s feet BUT NOT LIKE THAT THEYRE METAPHORICAL, do whatever want tho suck toes in your free time idc,regulus is trans and skating prodigy, James is very giggily and flustered by the mere existence of regulus ngl, Sirius and you are kinda bitchy but like in a fun besties way if that makes sense, insinuated wolf star, mentions of the black family nasty, Sirius has a tendency to share childhood stories that do not lighten the mood, also I only found out that flips were illegal in ice skating competitions after I was 4 thousand words in so just pretend for me okay baby, mentions of transphobia, mention of prayer but it’s one sente about the possibility of someone maybe saying a prayer it’s not like “and then Y/N swung her beautiful religous hair over shoulder before praying to her one true god”, talks of perfectionsim and self doubt blah blah blah, sexual jokes oopsies, Sirius wears gold, ice skating written by someone whose hobby is writing (not a sport), allusion to autistic reg (if I'm autistic then reg can be too WHOS WITH ME), yadda yada
Regulus was beautiful. It was written into his DNA. His family was bred like dogs to find the perfect combination that created the perfect children. But with all said and done, with his mother’s image only ghosting his mirror on bad days, he was still gorgeous. Everyone knew it. Eyes would flock to him like starving coy fish in tourist attractions did to food. He was accustomed to them and ignored them perfectly. You knew it. He was gorgeous in the shower while you washed his hair. He was beautiful in the mornings when he pleaded with his pretty eyes for just five more minutes. He was pretty when your kisses made him flush. None of which could compare to the beauty of him on the ice.
Initially, you thought he was kidding when he told you he was a professional figure skater. Then he took you to the rink he most practiced at and found an entire glass case dedicated to him. Regulus Black was plastered over plaques, medals, and newspapers. A large frame had his glittery suit from one of the pictures on the front page of some newspaper. And when you asked if you could see, you were blown away. He moved his body in ways you didn’t know were possible. You felt like he was some kind of god that just so happened to fancy skating, and you.
According to him, all of his family members were prodigies in something. His mother was a painter, masterpieces hung over the fireplace and were comparable to the masters. His father was an amazing lawyer, getting high cases and winning every case he took. His brother was an amazing ballerina. They were both put into classes when they were little, excelling fast, but Sirius felt his mother’s nails digging into his shoulder every time he put on his pointe shoes. Regulus was pulled out of lessons when he was 14 after his parents learned of his trans identity. They said something about him getting ideas from all the tights or something.
Sirius stopped dancing and instead picked up a Chef’s hat. He excelled there too. He made more than his parents would’ve left him after learning about his queerness and started his own restaurant. He got deals up the wazzo. Sirius’ face was plastered on magazines, books, and TV shows. People interviewed him and apparently, he never missed an opportunity to mention his talented brother.
Regulus picked up skating after he was kicked out at 16. He became more accepting of himself while his parents’ hatred grew. Regulus stayed with Sirius. There was a small competition going on at the skating rink for a small cash prize but they were both struggling so Regulus thought, what else could I possibly have to lose? He stunned everyone there with his skills, including a random scout who saw potential in Regulus. Thus sparked him to become more and more famous and more and more skilled.
You massaged Regulus’ muscles when they were sore. You cheered at his competition. You brought him a warm lunch, even though he told you he packed it. You watched in awe at his practices, yelling encouragements when he fell. Even though you’d seen all the bruises and sores, proof that he was just human with great skills, he still felt unreal while he was in his skates.
You knew your way through the rink very well. You’d been there a million times, most to pick up Regulus and or bring him lunch. Today you were picking him to go get lunch together. He had a big competition coming up. In just a few months, he’d be bedazzled and performing in front of a panel of judges. You really just wanted to get him food and run him a warm bath, mayhaps even throw in a nice massage to relax his nerves more. His anxiety was making you anxious.
You could hear the music to his routine playing through the speakers as you opened the door. You could see the swirl of his black outfit as you peered through the plexiglass. You walked around the side of the rink, heading towards where Regulus always throws his jacket. You furrowed your eyebrows as you saw someone sitting a few seats away from the one with Regulus’ jacket thrown over the back. You watched the man sitting there, stare in awe at your boyfriend. You much preferred when people enjoyed his talent than his looks.
The man himself wasn’t hard on the eyes. He had black curls that were definitely messier than Regulus’ but you’d witnessed Regulus’ 27-step routine and precise plopping so you weren’t surprised. This man also appeared to be in a skating outfit, when working out it usually just looked like leggings and some shirt. Once you’ve seen it a million times, you kinda got the gist. His jaw was slack, staring at the ice. He ran his hands over his face before noticing you. You gave him a small smile before moving to the side of the small swinging door.
You looked out to watch Regulus spin so fast you almost couldn’t even recognize him. You let out a whistle and clapped your hands. Regulus’ spin lost momentum, he set his foot down so both skates were on the ice. Regulus shook his arms out before glancing up to smile at you. You waved and turned back to the other man just sitting there as Regulus started pacing. The man looked away from Regulus, pointing at him as he met your eyes.
“Do you know him?” He asked. You nodded. The man ran his hands down his face again. He muttered something that you assumed was a prayer or a curse. You tilted your head back looking at Regulus standing near another wall of the rink, apparently sizing up the ice. You looked back at the man.
“Are you okay?” You asked, getting a little worried about the amount of pain and stress this man was going through. He gave you a short smile.
“yeah, yeah, I just have this competition in a few months. I’m just a little worried I might not, you know, be good enough.” He said, wringing his hands. You cooed. This man seemed sweet, and he was hot.
“Oh my god in a few months? I think he’s in the same one.” You said. You jutted your thumb over your shoulder, pointing at Regulus. You were excited you got to meet someone else in the competition. What a small world. This news seems to worsen the man's mood, making him groan and clack his teeth.
“That’s what I was worried about. If he’s my competition, I’m not going anywhere.” He muttered. You shook your head, glancing back to see Regulus in the same spot. Calculations, probably.
“He’s a freak, He’s been doing this since he was like 16 he’s just like not a real person. Don’t think about him, you’re going to do just fine. Trust me.” You said. You hoped you were reassuring, but it’s a little hard to do when Regulus is his competition. It’s not like he’s getting first place, second maybe, but first is out of the question.
“Thanks that was kind of nice to hear. I’m James.” James said, giving you a small wave. You introduced yourself before quickly holding your finger up when you heard the familiar sound of Regulus setting his feet. James pulled himself out of his seat, moving to stand next to you. Regulus started quickly moving across the ice, if outside in the parking lot it’d be considered running. Before your brain could catch up, Regulus jumped and flipped. His legs were in the air, flat in a line. You screamed and cheered in response to seeing him flip. One of your personal favorite moves but you’d never tell him that. Regulus’ foot hit the ice again, facing the other direction than it started. Just as you thought he was going to stick the landing, he stumbled. Regulus crashed into the ice, making a loud thwack noise.
You winced as James hissed next to you. You cringed and hid behind the short wall before standing up and staring at Rgeulus lying flat on his stomach. James shook his hand out like he was the one hurt.
“Oh, damn. Come on, Reg! Get up!” You yelled, your voice hit the wall behind Regulus’ crumpled form and traveled back to you. James brought his fist to his mouth, sinking his teeth into his knuckles. Regulus’ head picked up off the ice and swung back to face you.
“Fuck off. Give me a second.” You and James reeled back as Regulus laid his head back down. James glanced at you.
“Oh, he’s lovely.” James muttered. You smiled happily, nodding aggressively.
“I know, right?” James glanced back out at Regulus lying on the ice. He slowly picked himself up, pausing to sit in a slumped position. You cooed at his sad form. Regulus got back onto his feet, making his way over to the swinging door you were waiting by. He looked mad. When he reached the door, You held it open for him. Regulus slowly walked onto the carpet, slumping into the chair with his jacket.
“You did good. You slipped, that’s no biggie. You’re on a big block of ice it’s almost guaranteed that you slip.” You said. Regulus glanced up at you through his hair as he pulled at his laces harder than he should. Regulus shook his head.
“I shouldn’t be slipping this close to competition,” Regulus muttered. You shook your head at him, incessant perfectionism. Regulus tugged at his laces, getting frustrated at the knot that wouldn’t come undone. He groaned and flung himself back in his chair, covering his face with his hand. You rolled your eyes at his dramatism. You crouched down and began unknotting his laces, you dropped a light kiss on his knee.
“You’re just fine, baby. Trust me.” You whispered, pulling his skate off and moving to the next one. Regulus let out a small sigh.
“Yeah, I think you did great,” James added, reminding you that he was there. Regulus unhid his face, looking over at James.
“Oh sorry, I’m James. Reg right?” James asked. You paused in untieing Regulus’ skates, to look back at James. Regulus dropped his hand into his lap. You both stared at him, trying to calculate where exactly he got the idea that he could use Regulus’ nickname. James looked between you and Regulus, noticing the change in the air. James dropped his outstretched hand, giving up on the handshake.
“oh, whoopsie.” You ignore James, turning back to Regulus’ skate.
“Sorry, who are you?” Regulus asked, a mean tone nipping at James’ hand. You smacked your lips, as you slipped off his last skate.
“Regulus.” You scolded, pulling his day-to-day shoes over towards you. Regulus looked down at you in question, wondering why you were scolding him.
“Oh, I’m a skater, too. Apparently, we’re in the same competition. You’re crazy good though, so doubt I’ll get anywhere on the podium.” James said. James apparently tended to down-talk his own skill, though that might just be the effect Regulus had on people. You pulled Regulus’ foot up to slip on his day-to-day shoes, you’re already down there might as well. Regulus’ eyes shot down to you. He shot forward in his chair, shooing your hands away.
“No. You did my skates, you’re not doing my shoes, too.” Regulus muttered as he pulled his shoes from your grip. You sighed and stood up, dusting your knees off. Regulus was so contrary. “It’s not like you saw me do anything good, I was fumbling all over the place. I don’t know what’s wrong with me today.” Regulus whispered as he pulled his shoes on.
“You need lunch, a massage, a good lay, a nice warm bath, and a lot of sleep. That’s just my personal opinion though.” You said, crossing your arms over your chest. James awkwardly glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. Regulus hummed.
“And from who exactly am I supposed to receive this ‘good lay’ from?” Regulus teased, looking up from his shoes to grin at you. You slumped, giving him a disappointed face.
“Oh, ha-ha.” You said, rolling your eyes. James changed the topic, most likely trying to get the image of naked Regulus out of his head.
“You’re really skilled though, and your…um- friend here told me that you’ve been competing since you were a teen?” James said, pointing at you. Maybe he couldn’t figure out how to put two and two together or maybe he didn’t want to jump to conclusions. You smiled at James, he was kind after all.
“Yeah, I’ve been fairly successful with my competitions.” Regulus mutered. You squinted at him as he finished tying his shoes. Regulus tended to talk down his skill, you suppose he and James had that in common. James pulled his shoulders up to his ears and fiddled with his hands.
“Not to be weird, and you can totally say no, but do you think maybe you could watch me practice really fast and then toss a couple of tips at me? It won’t take long, you’ll have plenty of time to go get lunch.” James said. Regulus sat up straight, resting his hands on his thigh. He looked over to you. Regulus was silently asking if you were okay with this happening. You shrugged, yeah it’s whatever.
“Yeah, I have time,” Regulus said. You could’ve sworn you heard James squeal before he ripped off his jacket and skated onto the ice. Regulus stood up, moving to lean against the wall. You joined him at his side, watching James intently through the plexiglass.
James was beautiful on the ice too. You could see the difference between James and Regulus. Regulus was precise. James was more focused on the big picture. James’ arms stuck a little more when he spun, grimaced more, and gave himself the space to make mistakes. Regulus would rather rip his hair out than make mistakes. After James did a few tricks that made you cheer and Regulus hum, James finished his routine and skated over to the door you and Regulus were loitering by.
“So?” James asked, a twinge of uneasiness making his eyes squint. Regulus hummed. He clicked his tongue before looking up to meet James’ eyes.
“Do you have a pen? I think I’ll write down some tips and my number so we can practice together. After the competition, I’ll have plenty of free time to help you train.” Regulus said, keeping a professional tone. You clapped your hands with a bright smile. You looked at James to see him a little sad.
“That means he sees potential in you. He wants to work with you more because he’d rather have you as a friend than an opponent.” You said, smiling at James. Your cheer spread to him, his smile reaching to the corner of his eyes.
“Yes, is that not what I said?” Regulus looked over at you, raising an eyebrow. James let out another squeal, pushing away from the wall to spin around in a circle. You smiled at him. Regulus tilted his head as he watched James. You pulled on his arm, knocking your cheek into his shoulder.
James returned to you two, smiling brightly. Regulus pulled away from you turning to his bag sitting on the floor next to his seat. While he dug through it, you gave James a few compliments. Your kind words made him giggle, covering his face with his hands. Regulus returned with his small notebook and pen, tearing a page out. He folded it before sticking it out to James. James thanked him greatly, securing the paper in his pocket.
“Right, well. James, you can message me and we can train later, but as of right now I need to take my lovely partner out to lunch.” Regulus said, swinging his bag over his shoulder before reaching out towards you. He intertwined his fingers with yours, pulling you closer to him. James nodded quickly, agreeing immediately.
Regulus pulled you away from the rink, starting your walk to the parking lot. When you let the rink door close behind you, you spoke up to Regulus.
“He was hot.” Regulus pounced when he heard you. His head spun around to face you.
“I know! I hope you don’t mind that I gave him my number, he really is talented. I think with enough training we could even enter a duo competition. I always wanted to do one of those.” Regulus said, glancing out the corner of his eye at you. You nodded and rubbed his arm lightly.
“I don’t care about you giving him your number. However, if you do want to make a romantic move, I’d like you to speak with me first. I feel like we should both move towards that if we want him to join our relationship.” Regulus hummed, agreeing with you. You started leading him to the car, fishing your keys out of your pocket.
“And vice versa, I’d like you to speak to me before you make a move on Hunksalot back there.” Regulus glanced back at the rink like he was hoping to catch another look at James. You snorted, lightly slapping Regulus’ forearm in a reprimanding manner. Regulus pressed his nose to your cheek before kissing your cheek again.
After their first practice together, Regulus was ecstatic. He came home practically jumping off the walls. According to him, James was even better than he first appeared. Regulus was extremely excited to train with him. There was plenty Regulus could teach James and a few things Regulus wanted to learn from James. You silently hoped that James would rub off on Regulus to make him a little less rigid in his perfectionism.
James seemed to like you two as much as you two liked him. He started asking if you guys wanted to go eat lunch together after practices. Soon, your lunch dates with a party of 2 turned into a party of 3. You wanted to say that you three started officially dating but just as Regulus was weary of making mistakes he was also weary of confronting people. You didn’t want to make any kind of move without Regulus by your side, so you waited. Your relationship with James became unlabeled, you were dating but you couldn’t possibly imagine calling James your boyfriend, especially in front of other people. Not that you didn’t want to.
You didn’t want to add more stress to Regulus’ shoulders. With his fast-approaching competition, he was more jittery than ever. He was working himself harder, and you didn’t want him to work himself to the bone right before the competition so you started having to limit how long he was allowed to spend at the rink.
James was also anxious, you could tell because all his laughs stretched just a little too long. His jaw was constantly clenched and, much like Regulus’, his knee was constantly bouncing.
With their anxieties high, the competition arrived. In the blink of an eye, you were approaching a whole different rink. You said goodbye to Regulus with a good luck kiss before you settled for a small peck on the cheek for James. With them heading off to the locker room, you started for the stands. You scoured the rows of people for a good portion of time before you recognized the long, curly, and black hair of the one and only Sirius. He looked bored, pulling his fur coat tighter around himself. His hair was half up half down, the top pulled back into a bun pulled back by an elaborate pin. Sirius stared out at the rink watching nothing. He glanced up and smiled when he saw you. Sirius stood up and pulled you into a tight hug.
“It’s been so long. I missed your stupid face.” Sirius muttered next to your ear. You hummed, rubbing his back before pulling away. You patted his shoulder and gave him a small smile.
“I know. Let me see that hairpin.” Sirius obliged, turning his head. You stared at the beautiful piece of gold. It was in the shape of a tree branch with flowers sprouting along it. In the center of each flower were tiny shining gems. You gave the hairpin plenty of praise as Sirius turned back around. He smiled at you, rubbing his hands together.
“How are you and my jackass brother?” Sirius asked, flicking his hair over his shoulder to reveal dangling star earrings. You smiled at him.
“Good, one could even say splendid. Has he told you about James?” Sirius gave you a confused look before agreeing. You nodded.
“Yes, yes, the skater buff guy, right?” You patted his forearm, agreeing. He hummed.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re trying to add him to our relationship but Regulus is just so adamant on avoiding confrontation. We haven’t even taken the guy out on an actual date yet.” You missed gossiping with Sirius. He was such an active listener, and always knew all the juiciest drama around.
“You have to threaten him, it’s the only way to get Regulus to do anything. Once when we were little,” You took in a deep breath “We were playing tag in the gardens and Regulus wouldn’t stop trying to do arts and crafts with the neighbor's dog, so I stole his favorite stuffed animal and threatened to rip it’s entrails out and hang it on his bedroom door if he didn’t play with me. We played tag for hours after that.” Sirius said, laughing through his words like it was a funny story. You tried to smile through your grimace, but he could see the pain in your eyes.
“Right well, what’s new with you?” You asked, deciding you’d rather change the subject than unpack that. Sirius smiled, clapping his hands together.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve developed romantic feelings for one of my employees, more specifically one of my bartenders.” You gasped, excited to discuss this while waiting for your lovely boyfriend to get on the ice.
After Sirius went over every interaction he’s had with this bartender named Remus and you both debated the ethics of dating an employee, the competition finally began. You watched other people’s routines, whispering criticism and jokes to Sirius the whole time. Most along the lines of ‘Regulus can do that with his eyes closed’ and ‘they have nothing on Reg.’ Or ‘Well that was shit’. Just as another competitor finished, you leaned toward Sirius to insult the next person’s outfit only to gasp very loudly in his ear. You pulled away pointing at your lovely James. You looked back at Sirius to make sure he was looking. Sirius was pressing his hand to his ear and leaning away from you. You clapped and cheered, hoping James could hear you.
James’ outfit was all red, with yellow accents, and tracing the yellow lines were tiny sparkles. James was so pretty all the time, but right now with the sparkles and the red, he looked amazing. You just wanted to kiss him all over his pretty face. You watched James shake his hands out. He was anxious but you knew he had this in the bag. He let out a huff, staring down at the ice.
His song started, it was engraved in your head. You watched their practice so much you knew both their songs like the back of your hand. You saw James’ trips and frustration, and all the mistakes that made him want to drop out of the competition. Now that he was finally on the ice, finally just out there doing his routine, you couldn’t be more proud. You could see the influence Regulus had on him, he pulled some of Regulus’ favorite moves. He spun he jumped he skated, it was wild. The big finale came you could see the anxiety on James’ face, in the few glimpses you caught, he jumped into the air. James spun in the air, you held your breath. You’d seen him fall on this part a hundred times. He just couldn’t figure out how to land it. You reached back, gripping tightly onto SIrius’ arm. All within a millisecond, your fear blossomed into pure joy. James’ feet landed on the ice and he skated away from both your anxieties.
James landed his flying spin. You shot up from your seat, screaming your head off. Cheering until you were positive your throat would be sore in the morning. James’ routine finished, he saluted to the judges before skating away back towards the locker rooms. He smiled brightly, showing off his dimples and smile linsd up by his eyes. He glanced around at the stands. You waved your arms around as you continued to cheer, hoping he could see you through the glass. His eyes landed on you, and his smile brightened. James waved at you with both hands, his smile getting somehow brighter. You clapped as he left the ice. Once he was out of eyesight, you settled back into your seat.
Your cheeks felt sore from smiling as you looked back at Sirius. You tilted your head to the side at his raised eyebrow.
“You got it bad, baby. You need to jump his bones before you collapse your lungs from that screaming.” Sirius said, rubbing your arm reassuringly. You sighed before shrugging.
“I can’t support my friend?” You sent Sirius a wink before looking back at the rink to gaze upon the next atrocious outfit.
In your personal opinion, it took way too many people before it was time for Regulus’ routine. You waited and complained and waited and complained. Then finally after seeing the ugliest orange suit, there he was.
Regulus’ outfit was black from the waist to the legs and green from the neck to the waist. They met at a blended angular line. Along the black were swirly lines of black gems. The green had swirling lines of silver. Truly you weren't sure if you’ve ever wanted to rip off one of his suits more. You watched as Regulus death stared at the ice. You knew that was just his determined look but if it was directed at a person you’d be concerned for their health. He pulled his arms up behind his neck, staring down at the ground. He tapped his fingers on the back of his neck.
“Anxious stim, I don’t know why he’s worried. He’s going to be perfectly fine.” Sirius muttered. You nodded.
“He’s got all perfectionist brain. He’ll trip and he’s pissed for the rest of the day.” You said shaking your head. Sirius hummed, tapping his lips with his fingers.
“Regulus was like that as a kid, too. You know, once when we were kids-“ You pressed your finger to SIrius’ lips. Sirius made a disagreeing sound.
“He’s starting.” Regulus’ music started. He skated onto the ice, glancing over at the judges. Regulus set his jaw before moving into his routine. You squeezed Sirius’ hand tightly as you watched him fly through his routine like it was nothing. He was amazing it was like he was born with this talent. Even with all his practice it never looked hard for him. Regulus could glide like he was a gift straight from the stars. It was just that one jump. He worked so hard to figure out how to land his front flip. You watched him fall flat on his ass so many times. You kissed the bruises from his trips. You rubbed his back when the stress from this stupid flip manifested itself into muscle tension. Now finally you got to watch him on the big stage.
Regulus picked up speed before he pushed off the ice, head pointing towards the ground. You gripped Sirius’ hand tighter with both hands. Sirius held his breath, watching his brother fly in the air. Regulus’ legs pointed flat out. He tipped to the ground as you leaned forward in your seat. You and Sirius, both muttering praises. His foot landed and he skated away, effectively landing his flip. You squealed, shaking SIrius’ hand back and forth. You both looked at each other, almost knocking heads. Regulus wrapped up his routine with a classic Regulus move; a spin so fast you were sure he would vomit. He saluted to the judges before heading towards off the ice.
You and Sirius both stood up. You whistled loudly while Sirius cheered. You dropped Sirius’ hand to clap. Regulus looked up in your direction. He pressed the tips of his fingers to his lips before jutting both his hands out to you. You cheered again. Regulus waved at you both. He wasn’t exactly known for his bright smiles but you still saw the small, though slightly smothered, grin. Sirius screamed, making the people around you glance back.
“That’s my fucking boyfriend, dipshits! I suck his dick! I love you, sign my ass!” You screamed. Regulus shook his head, staring down at the ice. The people around you gave you disgusted looks, though some were amused. Sirius cheered again as Regulus fully left the rink. You sighed happily as you sat back down.
“That was great, I wanna go home now.” You said, smiling at Sirius. He hummed in agreement. After a few more contestants, a few more insults towards their routines, and a couple more laughs with Sirius, a judge clutching a microphone skated to the center of the rink. Four more people dressed in all black skated towards him, a giant podium held up between them. Each one gripping onto a corner. They settled it behind the judge, The judge glanced back at the podium, smiling at the crowd behind the glass.
“Well they were all stunning, but I’m here to announce the winners. Now every one of these people worked extremely hard for where they are today. With that in mind, here we go.” The judge reached into their pocket. They pulled out a piece of paper unfolding it. You leaned back towards Sirius.
“He’s fine right? We’re going to win? He’s totally got this.” You whispered. Sirius nodded, reaching for your hand and gripping it between the two of his.
“Yeah, yeah, he’s fine. Totally fine.” Sirius said, sitting forward. With his grip on your hand, you could tell he was nervous too. Even though you both have seen Regulus win a million billion times. Even though you’ve seen him land jumps, perfect his routine, and stand up there on every podium he looks at, you are still worried for him. Judges can be harsh, harsher than Regulus is on himself. You just wanted him to be proud of himself. You wanted to see him up there on the first-place podium, holding his flowers and smiling with the power of a million suns.
“Alright, well, here it is. Taking home the bronze, in third place, is Yemima Cotterill.” The judge said, throwing one arm out towards the entrance. A gorgeous woman in a green and blue suit skated onto the rink, waving at the crowd. A ginormous smile, showing all her teeth. The four people in black suits helped her up onto the podium, standing on the shortest part. They then handed the judge the bronze medal. Yemima leaned down towards the judge. The judge pulled the medal over her head letting it settle on her chest. She smiled down at her medal. The judge then handed her a bouquet of sunflowers and blue baby’s breath. The the judge turned back around as Yemima looked down at her bouquet and medal.
“Alright, In second place, bringing home the silver, is James Potter.” The judge swung his arm back again. You shot up from your seat, cheering once again. You knew tomorrow you’d have to drink some hot tea before talking to Regulus. James skated towards the center, grinning from ear to ear. He waved towards the crowd as they screamed. James' eyes lingered in your direction, pulling up both hands to wave at you. He was helped up onto the other side of the podium. He leaned over as the judge pulled the silver medal over his head. James waved at Yemima. He started motioning with his hands, from what you could tell he was telling her how amazing she was. She laughed and made a motion to thank him. The judge then handed Jams a bouquet of lavender stock, lilacs, and a handful of roses. James cradled the bouquet to his chest as he stared down at his medal. He smiled brightly, he reached up and swiftly wiped at his eyes, grinning down at the bouquet. The judge turned back towards the crowd.
“Finally, in the first place, you’ve probably seen him in the newspaper. You’ve probably seen his plaques or medals in another rink, but right now you’re going to see him standing up there on the first-place podium.” You stayed standing up, holding Sirius’ arm to your chest. The judge gestured out to the entrance again.
“Regulus Black.” You screamed as your lovely boyfriend skated in towards the center. You quickly pulled Sirius in for a hug as you both cheered loudly. Regulus waved around, kissing to fingers and pointing them in your direction. The people in black suits helped him up to the top podium. He leaned down as the judge pulled his gold medal over his head. Regulus thanked him, pressing his hands together. Finally, the judge handed Regulus a bouquet of green hydrangea and roses. Regulus held it to his chest before leaning over to Yemima. He said something before sticking up a thumbs up. Yemima smiled, pressing a hand to her chest. James reached out and patted Regulus’ arm.
Regulus turned to face him. James said something that made Regulus smile. Regulus reached out and grabbed onto James’ medal. Regulus leaned down to admire James’ medal. You grinned, looking back at Sirius. You turned back to look at Regulus. He pulled on James’ medal before jerking forward. Your jaw dropped as you watched Regulus kiss James on the podiums. You pressed your hands to your cheeks, gasping loudly. James, leaned closer, standing up on his tippy toes to make up for the distance caused by the podium. You laughed as the photographer clicked away. Regulus pulled back and held his medal up in triumph. You cheered and shook Sirius’ arm. James held his flowers up, covering up his flustered grin. It was not often Regulus smiled. He grinned or grimaced. His lips would twinge sometimes. He’d have a soft smile that was more of just a flat line. But a flat-out, teeth and all-smile? It was uncommon.
Now with a flustered James next to him, a winner's bouquet in his arms, a medal around his neck, and a winner's check surely on his way, he was grinning with a good portion of his teeth. It’s the little things. He waverd around before leaning back towards James. Regulus whispered something towards him. James nodded, pulling the flowers away from his face. They both turned in the direction of your seats. Regulus and James pressed their fingers to their lips before sending their air kisses towards you. You pretended to catch the kisses.
After pictures were taken and most of the spectators left, Regulus met you and Sirius outside the rink. He had his duffle bag swung over his body and his bouquet still in his arms. You held your arms out once you saw him. Regulus picked up his pace just barely, making a weird run-walk to get to you. He wrapped his arms around you, the bouquet smacking your back. His weight crashing into you made you both rock back and forth. You muttered praises about how well he did in his ear. As he pulled back, Regulus pressed a kiss to your cheek. Sirius pulled him into a hug the second you weren’t holding onto Regulus. Sirius ruffled Regulus’ hair. Regulus groaned and pulled away, smacking Sirius on the arm.
“Lemme see the gold, you asswipe,” Sirius said. Regulus groaned throwing his head back. Regulus shoved his hand into his bag, retrieving the gold medal. He handed it to Sirius. Sirius cradled it in between his palms, smiling down at it.
“It’ll go perfectly over your favorite bookshelf,” Sirius said, sarcastically. Regulus snatched the medal away before sticking it out to you. It was heavier than you thought it would be but it still caught the setting sun. You handed it back to Regulus before looking over his shoulder.
“Where’s James?” You asked. Regulus’ face fell. He reached out towards you, grabbing onto your wrists.
“I’m so sorry for kissing him before talking to you. I got caught up in the adrenaline. I should’ve talked to you. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” Regulus said, staring at you with worried eyes. You’d compare him to a sad puppy but he was truly more cat-like. You smiled and kissed his cheek.
“Could not care less. It was hot-“
”Gross.” Sirius muttered.
“-and I’ve been waiting on you to be ready so we can make a move but this was the most dramatic way to confess. I suppose that’s what I get for dating a relative of Sirius.” You heard Sirius groan next to you.
“You guys are total bitches.” Sirius muttered. Regulus hummed, keeping his eyes on you.
“But yeah, James is calling his parents to let them know he got silver.” You nodded, glancing back at the door to see James jogging towards you guys. James was holding onto his bouquet with his medal around his neck. His duffle bag was swung around, bouncing against his back. He finally reached you guys, glancing at Sirius.
“Speak of the devil,” Regulus muttered. You quickly attacked James with a hug. He grunted, hugging you back. You pulled back.
“You did so amazing you have no idea, you were gorgeous out there.” You said, walking back to your spot. You reached out for Regulus’ hand, intertwining your fingers. James glanced down at your hands, an uncomfortable look gracing his face.
“I know I can’t believe I beat Yemima. She was spectacular. Do you see that jump she did? She was like flying.” James said. Sirius nodded.
“I agree, she was amazing.” James glanced at Sirius uncomfortably. Regulus sputtered, lurching forward to point at Sirius.
“Where are my manners? James this is Sirius, my brother. Sirius this is James, possibly the first person I think would actually have a shot at beating me.” Regulus gestured between the two of them. James awed, staring at Regulus.
“You think I could beat you?” James asked, sounding incredibly touched. Regulus shrugged.
“With some training and maybe if I broke something but yes,” Regulus said, making James snort.
“Nice to meet you, Sirius.” James stuck his hand out to Sirius. Sirius shook it. James gasped and turned to you.
“I had no idea Regulus was going to kiss me. I’m sure it meant nothing. I’m not a homewrecker I promise.” You snorted at James, resting your head on Regulus’ shoulder. James stared between the two of you with an awkward look.
“No need to sweat it James, we’ve been thinking of asking you to join our relationship for months. Reggie just has chilly feet.” You said, grinning at James. Regulus groaned, pulling his head away from you in disagreement. You pulled Regulus back to you, kissing his cheek.
“I love you and your chilly feet, even though you leave underwear on the bathroom floor.” Your words were smothered by the squishy skin of Regulus’ cheek.
“He still does that? I thought Mother beat it out of him at 7.” Sirius muttered, smacking your shoulder with the back of his hand in shock. Regulus shook his head.
“No she tried, but I just started bringing Creature more caramel candies,” Regulus said. James raised an eyebrow.
“Who’s Creature? Also, your mother hit you?” James asked looking between Sirius and Regulus.
“Creature was one of our butlers, he really liked caremal. Once when I was a teen, I hooked up with this guy in a guest room, we had like thirty so nobody would notice anyway, Creature totally caught him trying to sneak out so I bought him three full bags of camamel candies and it was never mentioned again.” Sirius said. Regulus gasped.
“Oh yeah, I remember that guy. He asked me if he could collect my fingernails when I was asleep.” Regulus pointed at Sirius as he shared another childhood story that made you concerned. Sirius grimaced.
“Yeah, he was weird,” Sirius muttered, shaking his head at the ground before shivering. You looked over at James to find him sunken in on himself, clutching his flowers closer.
“Oh, you guys are traumatizing James.” You said, pulling away from Regulus to hold onto James’ arm. You started leading James away towards the car. You three carpooled. Sirius drove on his own, he only trusted his own driving.
“Yeah, I wonder what it did to us,” Regulus muttered. After you all said your goodbyes, You, James, and Regulus headed out for a late dinner. Over your food, you discussed the future of your relationship and when it was finally time to decline dessert, you had all decided that you and Regulus were officially dating James. And vice versa. You drove James back home. Regulus lugged James’ heavy duffle inside while you kissed James goodnight. James held the door open for you as you stepped down to his front doorstep. You held your hand out for Regulus as he moved past James. Regulus leaned up, smacking a kiss on James’ cheek before grabbing onto your hand and walking toward the car with you. The second you two got home, you both collapsed face-first into the matress and silently decided to never ever leave the house again.
In the morning, after you bribed Regulus to get out of bed with coffee, you went out to get the mail. You picked up the newspaper off the driveway and headed back inside. While Regulus was making his coffee and starting breakfast, you pulled the rubber band off the newspaper. You pulled open the paper, scanning the headline. ’Ice Skating prodigy, Regulus Black caught cheating on the podium’ in big bold letters sprawled over the paper. You looked down at the image underneath. It was of Regulus and James kissing on the podium. You glanced over at Yemima noticing now that her mouth was covered by both her hands in shock. You looked back at the picture of your two boyfriends, wondering where you should frame this.
“Your ass photographs well, you could bounce a quarter off that thing.” You muttered. Regulus looked up from the pan he was making breakfast with.
“Hm?” You turned the paper around to show the headline. Regulus frowned, moving closer to investigate. He grumbled.
“They make it sound like I cheated in the competition in the headline. Not to mention I didn’t even cheat romantically. They’re just too ignorant to understand non-monogamy.” Regulus tossed the paper onto the table in frustration, turning back to the pan. You hummed, picking the paper back up again.
“Well I think it’s a very adorable picture, I kinda wanna frame it.” You turned the page, searching for a very specific section. Regulus grumpily hummed, sounding particularly peaved about the whole thing.
“Oh yes, we should take to the rink when we go with my medal. They can frame it next to my suit and first medal.” Regulus mocked sarcastically. You nodded, turning more pages.
“Yeah, see. You’re getting it now.” You mumbled before finally reaching the section you wanted; the funnies. A week later, You, James, and Regulus were all standing in front of the glass case at Regulus’ rink. His new medal was hung next to all the other ones while the new newspaper clipping was hung up next to his framed suit. It took a good amount of convincing and Regulus pulling the ‘Do you know who I am?’ Card which he was not happy about. Nonetheless, the beautiful headline and picture of your two boyfriends was there. James’ medal was hung up in his home but you doubted it couldn’t be too terribly long before he had his own glass case.
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katz-chow · 11 months
100 letters just for me...
synopsis: distance makes the heart ache and yet, it still grows fonder. gets extremely harder when you're forced back a few decades and are forced to wait for the mail to come every morning. aka: what their letters are like.
a/n: there's certain homecoming aspects within it, just keep thinking about that lately with the US' descion to deploy soldiers to the Middle East, thank god there's only soldiers and not seamen or corpsmen just yet... i am getting worried though for my sake and my friends.
i also am very happy with my headcanons for their handwritings and how serious they are with these love letters too. i feel like i really did capture them.
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john price & his darling spouse his letters are short, usually a page; sometimes there's a back too. he really hates writing to you because somehow, he just can't tell you all the things he wants to, his hand just won't let him write it. gosh, his vows weren't even written out, just bullet points on a note card and him just rambling on. the paper always smells like cigar smoke and he somehow stains it with coffee by accident or spills water on it. you also think he uses his work memo pad to write these letters to you; the pages are yellow, thinned, and fuzzy at the edges
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johnny "soap" mactavish & his bonnie...and fiance to be? he always has his journal with him, so i think he straight up just writes in it with doodles, pressed flowers, and stickers that he finds in his stuff. loves when you put cute little stickers on your return letters and he feels bad when he doesn't have any on yours. he found these smileys at a gas station, and although it's not as cute as your cute animal ones, it really brightens up the bleak pages. he tears the page out slowly, sometimes a word gets torn off by accident. he folds the page up and puts it in the envelope along with some trinkets, like more pressed flowers or a paperclip heart or maybe even a postcard.
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simon "ghost" riley & his lovie baby keeps his letters short and vague. it's really just a sign of life for your sake of mind. he's never been good with the sappy, romantic stuff. he writes early in the morning after him and price goes over the agenda for the day. he tries really hard to keep the paper pristine and hardly crumbled to make sure it looks good for you. he smears the pen ink sometimes. he'll write about the adventures that he's getting into, but he mainly focuses on his friends messing around while also mentioning about the terrorists he's killed that week.
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kyle "gaz" garrick & the chase for his lovebug my headcanon for kyle is that he loves bugs, especially beetles. it started when he was a kid and his dad told him that bugs are just tiny little souls and that humans have the capacity to be kind. so he loves bugs, especially his lovebug. he also loves stickers and know you love them too. it's a good change of the neutral color scheme of his environment, so he always keeps stickers on hand whenever he's deployed. i think he writes before he goes to bed because then he can fall asleep thinking about you
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phllip graves & his cowpoke phillip graves has a ranch somewhere, probably in texas. he has farmhands that help around the ranch, mostly gives you easy work like feeding and cooking while he takes the more tedious jobs like cleaning and maintenance around the land. he sits down and writes his letter whenever he feels a surge of feelings missing you. mostly it's in the evening but sometimes he writes them late at night. also the type of guy to surprise you, but within reason. doesn't want to overwhelm you, so he'll come home a few days before when he said he was gonna- things like that
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Jim Street X Reader 
Street helps the writer through a panic attack. 
A/N: I hope you all like this drabble !!! 
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Swat was a amazing job and you were so greatful that you got to be apart of it. Being one of the elites and fiding a family was something that you were beyond greatful for.
But being apart of the elite meant that you had to be on top of everything and leaving no room to have anything wrong.
You knew about your anxiety diagnosis sense you were little it was something that you manged and took medications for. The only problem was that you kept it out of your medical history.
You were afraid they wouldn't think you were quailifed enough and that your dreams would be over before it would start. So you kept it hidden and any time you had a flare up you would say you would try and hide it.
It was nothing personal you just knew you had to keep it to yourself. It wasn't like it was going to affect them. You all were super close but they didn't have to know everything about you.
Usually you were fine you would take your medications and practice your excersies you had. Like breathing techniques and even journaling to help you.
Being on the job for a couple of years know you quickly learned how to take the moments for yourself. To slip away and take the self care you needed.
But it was hard though always wondering if someone was gonna find out. Or wondering you were going to have a panic attack on the scene holding a weapon or fighting with the suspect.
It always just felt like a big ticking bomb that was being held over your head.
Was you making the best descion for you? And was it the best one for your teamates and society. Was this anxiety a big deal or not at all ?
Everytime you thought about it you had a panic attack just thinking about it.
Today was a different day. Today was a hard one it was just call after call and you were high paced all day long.
You could feel your anxiety setting in strong and the panic attacks felt like they were gonna happen. 
You couldn't do any of the normal thing you usually did during the day to help.
Your hands were shaking and your leg was bouncing. Thankfully everyone was sitting around and doing their own thing. 
You were sitting in the lounge room watching tv with Street and Tan. they were making you watch some show that you weren’t paying attention to. 
You were so wrapped in your thoughts. You were thinking about everything and anything at all once. 
It just felt like your mind was spinning and you were trying to claw your way out of a hole but couldn’t get out. Street looked over at you and he gave you a concerned look on his face. 
But you didn’t even notice. You began to feel you breathing getting labored and you were getting lightheaded. So you got up and ran out of the room. You didn’t know where you were going but you just knew you had to get out of there 
You just kept walking and ended walking outside. The warm sunlight was hitting you all over and it did feel nice. 
You walked over to the nearest bench and your legs were shaking and you felt like it was taking forever to get there. Each step it just felt like you were getting further and further away.
Suddenly you felt these hands on the back of you trying to give you some support. 
You were worried when you realized when someone was behind you. Worrying if it was all going to come out.
But then when you felt the familar warm touch you always craved you knew who it was instanly.
“Hey it’s okay I got you” Street said
You sat on the bench and then he got in front of you an kneeled down. You bent over your hands were cradling your face. 
Jim took your hands and removed them from your face. You looked a total mess your face was red and your face was all wet from crying. 
He was making you look at him. He had a look of concern written all over his face. Then he took his free hand he had and started rubbing your back which made you feel better and helped you calm down. 
“Hey talk to me, okay and breathe just breathe it’s gonna be okay” Street said in a soft voice. 
“It’s nothing okay I’m fine” You said breaking eye contact with him. 
“It’s not nothing what happened I mean i know it’s been a long day just had a moment” You said not looking at him. 
“Is it anxiety or something” Jim asked. 
You didn’t really say anything to him just started down at the bottom of your feet. 
“Hey don’t do that don’t shut me out i’m just worried about you” Jim said. 
You lifted yourself up and sat up straight. Taking your hands and wiping your face. 
You started taking deep breaths trying to get yourself back in order. You were struggling on what to answer because you were worried Street would go and tell Hondo or someone because he was worried about you.
You knew he only had pure intentions but you still didn’t want the whole team to know. But the way he was looking at you wanted to just spill your heart out to him. 
Looking at him in the eyes you decided to take the gamble and tell him. 
“ I have pretty bad anxiety and panic attacks i take medications for” You said. 
Jim got up and you started worrying again thinking where the hell was he off to. He sat down next to you. He then took you and pushed you close to him. So you were leaning up against his body. 
“I’m not gonna tell anyone. If that’s what your worried about” JIm said. 
You felt like a giant weight had been lifted off your chest once he said that. 
“Thank you really I mean it’s nothing bad It’s just some stuff I want to be personal” You said. 
“No i get that were all together all the time it’s hard to keep some kind of boundary” Jim said. 
“So what about you i need a big secret so incase you tell mine i’ll tell yours” You said. 
“Now why would I tell you something major then” Jim said laughing. 
“Because i know most of your shit so you got something and i need leverage you won’t tell then you got nothing to worry about” You said laughing. 
“Fine okay here goes I have a crush on someone from work” Street said. 
You got up and looked at him with a surprised face. Not knowing this so this was huge news. 
“Well who is it do I know her” You asked. 
Street looked at you and smiled. He had this big goofy look on his face. 
“Yeah you know her and nope that’s all the information you get’ Street said smiling.
“Wait come on this isn’t fair you gotta tell me something I’ll die if I don’t know” You said pleading with him. 
Suddenly the bells went off and that meant you all had to roll. 
“This isn’t over Street” You said getting up
You both started jogging over to Black Betty. 
“Now we both have secrets” Street said winking at you and getting in the back of the car.
Damn you never regretted something more in your life then you did right now
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n3xii · 2 years
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This post is an overview of what your higherself has to say to you- what they want you to know about the present moment and what they’re helping you with. I also do personal readings for an affordable price, check out my pinned post if you feel inclined to see what I offer. My cashapp is sarahx2x if you want to tip
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What your higher self wants you to know about the current moment-
‘‘two of swords, ace of wands and the empress’‘
Your higherself is acknowledging that right now you’re feeling uncertain about what your passionate about, you feel a bit lost and disconnected maybe from what fires you up. It may feel you’re stuck in a stalemate with yourself, riddled with mental confusion, not sure what you’re really drawn to or what is an fleeting passion. You’re scared to make a descion to take inspired action because you’re stuck in your head, worried that you will choose the wrong thing. clairty is blocked keeping you in a state of uncertainty. If chakra healing resonates with you, then you may want to work on sacral chakra healing as well as crown chakra healing because those seem blocked at the moment. At a fundamental level, you feel blocked from taking inspired action and getting out of this mental stalemate because you’ve lost touch with your sensual, creative side. The empress to me is about reception, and in order to be in the energy of receiving, you must be connected and grounded into your body. This way, you can feel more connected to your own fire and be mentally prepared to take action without feeling unsure of yourself. Being connected to your senses and to your creativity, however creativity manifests for you, will help ground you and unblock you. 
what your higherself is helping you with-
‘‘building blocks’‘
Your higherself is helping you establish a firm foundation in life so that you can stabilize your own footing and feel more comfortable taking action. In a way, your higher self is helping you build a stable infrastructure for your relationships, career progress, self identity so that you’re prepared for anything that comes at you in life.  Your higherself is helping you idenitfy the tools and resources that you already have infornt of you to design this life, to design the structure of your life. You might notice you will be evaluating your core beliefs and self percerption, your beliefs about romantic partnerships, compromise and friendships will be changing soon. This is your higher self trying to prepare you for a more stable foundation. Your higherself is trying to help you have what you need on a fundamental level to build successful relationships specifically. 
what your higher self wants you to know about your current moment-
‘‘the sun, two of wands, the 8 of cups’‘
Your higherself is trying to tell you that everything is being illuminated for you plain and simple. Dont overcomplicate things, take the time to contemplate where youve been and where you want to go before you move forward. The two of wands and the 8 of cups together tells me that this process will include taking inventory of what you need to reject and walk away from so that you can direct your attention to future longterm goals. Your higher self wants you to know that these things that you need to walk away from are in plain sight, they are not hidden under subtle messages in dreams or deep within the fabric of your subconscious mind. The sun tells me that you’re already aware of what behaviors, people or attitudes are no longer sustainable for the long term goals you want to move towards. take the time to reflect on where you want to go and how you’re gonna leave behind old ways of thinking, behaving, any habits you want to leave behind as well. carrying these in to your future goals will be incompatible with where you want to go. 
what your higher self is helping you with-
‘‘never ending story’‘
your higherself is helping you release old stories, old stories of lack, self hatred, feeling inadequate etc. your higher self is trying to help you with your self criticism and typing up loose ends with any unnecessary drama or people in your life. As the 8 of cups said in the reading, you’re needing to leave behind something in order to fully embrace your long term goals. And im being shown here that this may actually have to do with self criticism, struggling to be kind to yourself, and possibly any people in your life that should have been gone along time ago. Youre dealing with old stories playing out in your life, and these old stories need to be left behind, reexamine your self beliefs and if they truly match up with what life you wanna create for yourself. 
what your higherself wants you to know about the current moment-
‘‘7 of pentacles, 10 of wands, and strength’‘
 Your higherself wants you to know that your current efforts will not be for nothing, you will be successful, you will get though this period of waiting and you have the strength, spiritual and physical willpower to keep going. I feel like you’re just trying to get through a cycle, and you've been putting in the work and carried alot of burdens to do this. I see that you’re trying to achieve a sense of respect, courage, success, and something you've invested either in money or energy in has went through a change, and you’re just trying to stick it through to the end. some of you may have been in a leadership role or forced to assume a leadership role when this happened but not all of you. Regardless, alot of pressure has been put on your nervous system lately and your higherself wants you to know that you are strong enough to withstand the pressure. If you rely solely on your physical strength you will grow tired, lean on your spiritual or philosophical beliefs if you have them because that could provide an unending source of strength. You will get through this cycle and you will be stronger because of it. 
what your higherself is helping you with-
‘‘come to the edge’‘
your higherself is helping you by presenting opportunities for you to show your leadership skills, they are sending you opportunities' that will require you to be brave and take action. your higherself is trying to tell you that what you're experiencing right now is gonna help you be a more brave person in the future especially in social situations and when placed under pressure. Your higherself ultimately wants you to be confident, to be comfortable in the spotlight. And your higherself knows that in order to do this, you must take risks. So a more accurate representation of this card is to say your higherself is trying to help you take more risks. 
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Little Brother ((Pt. 3) Oliver Aiku)
TV-MA: kissing, touching, implied sex, getting caught... several times, sendou finds you two out, ftm!reader, reader is sendou's little brother, made it pretty sweet
summary: every one of the u-20 members knows that sendou's little brother is off limits. they know he would flip out and kill them if he found out. aiku, however, loves tempting fate.
read part one, two
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Sendou forgot his phone. He patted down his bag for it, patted down himself for it. He groaned when he realized his phone was completely gone. He groaned and sat against a wall, sliding down.
"So, you really can't find it?" Aiku walked over to him and leaned down to him.
"Nope. And I can't even call my brother to see if he can bring it to me." Sendou put his head in his hands, groaning loudly.
"Well I can..." Aiku trailed off. He's pretty sure Sendou would kill him just for having his brother's number. But, thankfully, you weren't the only Sendou who's number you had. "I can let you use my phone and then you can call him, yeah?"
"Oh, really? Damn, thanks, Aiku."
"Of course, anything for our ace."
Aiku was handing him the phone when a loud voice commanded the attention of everyone on the field.
"Heeeyyyyyyy! Shuuuuuu! Loooseeerrr, you forgot your phoooonnneee!"
Sendou's face went red and he jumped up to rush over to you. His face brightened when he saw his phone in your grasp and he pulled you into a tight hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank youuu, so much!"
You chuckled and kissed his cheek. "What would you do without me, Shu?"
He looked around to his teammates and covered your mouth.
"Ssshhh- shsh- shush! That name is embarrassing!"
You removed his hands. "You think the name Shu is embarrassing? What's wrong Shu? I thought you loved it when I called you Shu when we were kids, and I would scratch my knees."
He blushed brighter and he stomped away from you. "God, you're supper annoying!"
While Sendou was putting his phone into his bag, Aiku slinked over to you, making sure that no one noticed him.
"Hey there, cutie."
"You really want to die, don't you?"
"He's not looking. Come on, I think it's time for me to show you where the bathrooms are."
You stuck your tongue out at him. "Fine then."
As practice went on, Niou and Neru looked around for their captain. Niou walked over to Sendou and patted his shoulder.
"You know where Aiku went?"
"He was taking my brother to the bathroom."
"Ah, alright. Let's find him, Niou."
They walked over to where the bathrooms were and stepped in when they didn't notice Aiku was standing outside. Neru looked around and knocked on one of the stalls.
"You in here, Captain?"
There was a squeak and some rustling of clothes before a few whispers.
"Yeah- yeah, I'm here."
"Ah, we were just checking on you. And also, coach is looking-"
There was a soft moan that shut Neru up. Niou furrowed his eyebrows and stalked over to the stall he suspected Aiku was in before kicking the door.
"Captain, we can hear the girl you got in there!"
"Not a girl-"
There was silence between everyone before that voice spoken up again.
There was a bit of rustling and swears on that side, but when the stall door was open, Neru and Niou looked over and saw you standing next to Aiku.
"See? Not a girl."
Neru's eyes widened. "Captain, Sendou is definitely going to murder you!"
Aiku put his hands behind his head. "Don't you think I know that? But... I mean, honestly? It's pretty damn worth it."
Neru groaned while Niou crossed his arms and sighed, turning away from you two.
"Sleeping with Sendou's brother is going to get you killed. If it was my brother who you were sleeping with, then I would definitely kill you."
"Which is why we're sneaking around."
You rolled your eyes. "I'm 18. I can make my own descions. Aiku's barely a year older than me."
"Aren't you a high schooler?"
"I graduated."
Niou and Neru sighed.
"We won't tell Sendou."
Aiku looked up at Neru who was also crossing his arms. They nodded at Aiku before they turned and left the bathroom.
"Aren't you going to join them?"
"Hey, I was in the middle of something. Come on cutie, let's get back to work, yeah?"
Neru and Niou didn't tell Sendou. No, they told all of the U-20 members except for Sendou. And they made everyone promise they wouldn't tell your brother about anything they knew you and Aiku did. The others walked in on you two various times, but Sendou never caught you.
But... nothing could stay secret forever. At some point, people get lazy, they don't check if the coast is fully clear, and then they get sloppy, not noticing when the front door opens or when there are footsteps going up to the room, or when you hear those same footsteps walking over to your room, or not remembering that you left your notebook in your older brother's room, or not having enough shame to at least pull away when you hear the door click open.
"Hey, dork, stop leaving your notebook in my-"
Sendou looked at the scene in front of him. You were sitting on Aiku's lap, wearing his jersey. He was lying on your bed... completely naked. You both looked up and stared back at your brother, who looked like he wanted, no needed to scream at that moment.
"My room. Get dressed and get in there." He slammed the notebook on your dresser before storming to his room.
You and Aiku scrambled to get properly dressed and shuffled to his room. Aiku sat down and you moved to sit next to them until Sendou spoke up.
"Nope. You're sitting next to me."
You sat next to him and he looked at the both of you before sighing and putting his head in his hands.
"How long."
"About a month. After you guys lost against Blue Lock."
He groaned louder. "Oh goddammit, that long?!"
You slowly nodded. He slowly sat up and looked over at you.
"Has he hurt you?"
"Has he made you uncomfortable?"
"Has he misgendered you?"
Aiku watched you two as he asked you various questions until Sendou stopped and leaned back on his hands.
"Fine. Aiku."
His head snapped up and looked at Sendou. "Yeah?"
"I have decided I won't kill you, okay?"
"So long as you don't hurt my brother. If you do, and I find out, I will end you. Okay?"
"Jeez, don't play the cringy, overprotective brother, loser."
He narrowed his eyes at you. "I'm not playing anything. I know what Aiku can be like and... I just don't want you getting hurt."
You looked at him before reaching up and squeezing his cheek. "Stop with the serious shit, it doesn't suit you." You wrapped an arm around his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "And I'll let you kill him if he hurts me."
"That's my brother." He smiled softly.
Aiku nodded at Sendou. "I promise I won't hurt him, okay?"
Sendou looked at him and sighed. "Yeah, alright."
You stood and patted Sendou's head. "I'll also make sure you don't walk in on us again."
"Yeah, please make sure of that."
You brought up Aiku and walked out of his room, leaving Sendou to smile softly after you two left.
"Well... at least he has someone who loves him."
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imababblekat · 2 years
Revali X Sheika Reader
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Anon Request; "Hello! May I request Revali w/ a Sheikah!Reader who is extremely kind but also a skilled fighter alongside Impa? Thank you, good luck for everything!"
The first time Revali met you, he didn’t think much. The Rito champion assumed you were an acting guard for Impa, to which he honestly didn’t understand the need for considering her own impressive skill as a fighter. While boastful and full of pride towards others, neither of you rarely conversed. He honestly thought you quite boring, as compared to his own very stoic rival, Link. It wasn’t till the Sheika’s visit to his homeland that he realized just how full of color you truly were.
It was another restless night for Revali, full of tossing and turning in anticipation to get his signature move down right. It secretly irked him how gifted the other Champions were, having been blessed with magical abilities that came as easy as taking a breath. He’d get his move down right, one day, but in the meantime sleep and rest were not helping him get there. The Rito had taken to the skies not moments after making the final descion to get up and work harder, soaring over to the flight range in the dead of night. The chilly air during such a time was nothing to him, so it came as quite the surprise when his sharp eyes picked up the flickering lights of a fire down below.
The closer he guided down to the small hut, the tunes of a soft flute flited to his ears. Whoever had been playing it was so focused on their craft that they had not heard him land and make way into the range’s hut. Once his eyes had adjusted to the light of the cooking pot, Revali immediately recognized who had beaten him to the range. Your back to him, you had not a single clue of your audience as you continued to play the melody of your village so far from the Rito’s. It was melodic and mystifying, a sound that very few outsiders ever got to experience. Yet, Revali was ever so lucky to hear it himself as it resounded off the ranges peaks and be played by non-other than you.
So lost in the beautiful tune you spun, Revali couldn’t help but think back to the past week of your tribes visit. It had taken some time for you to adjust, showing that all the quiet moments of your presence being that because you were actually quite shy, but once you had opened up, Revali somewhat regretted thinking you so dull. You were quite cheerful and oh so kind. The children of his village adored you; always asking you to help them with something or to play or even watch as they awkwardly flapped through the air. Anytime they struggled, you were always quick to encourage them on with unending support. It was something the Rito Champion soon realized he truly admired about you, and he wondered if it was because he had never had someone there to support him.
The sound of a clearing throat made him slightly jump, and he wondered when you had stopped playing or had even taken note of his presence. With a soft smile and confused brows upon your face, Revali was quick to gain composer as to not make him seem off guard.
“Couldn’t sleep?”, you questioned with a hint of concern.
Revali shook his head, stepping forward to stand by where you sat before the ranges cavern.
“Hmph, sleep. Sleeping is for those who ignore their potential and take the easy route about life.”, he huffed, wings crossed as he watched you stand and dust off your Rito winter garb. An outfit he had to fight himself from internally thinking about how nice you appeared in.
“Rest, dear Revali, is what you need.”, you peered out to the ranges peaks before turning to point back at the bow strapped to his back.
“I’ve seen you train, better yet, I’ve seen what you like after.”
Revali reveled in the admittance that you’d seen him in action.
“Oh? An admire?”, he teased with a raised brow and slightly puffed chest.
“No”, you rolled you’re eyes but kept your smile, “Someone who is concerned for the Rito who acts all high and mighty, but staggers away when no ones looking and tries to hide fallen injuries.
Said Rito winced a bit at your statement. He was so careful to make sure no one saw his mistakes or how much of a toll his over training was taking on him. Revali was a prideful sort, he kept himself to high standards and worked hard to be where he was today, unlike most of the others he was assigned to fight alongside of. Last thing he needed was to be seen as weak.
Before Revali could angrily retaliate, you quickly stepped forward and into his space. You face had been inches from his, and he quickly took a step back with a soft squawk, his cheek feathers fluffing up in a bit of embarrassment.
“I know! I’ll challenge you to rest!”
It took Revali a moment to comprehend what you had said, but once he had any bitterness from before had been quickly replaced with intrigue. If there was one thing Revali was known for it was his eagerness to prove himself in competition. With a smirk, he stepped forward in challenge, wings on his hips and startlingly green eyes catching your unwavering form.
“Heh, and what do tell, are you proposing?”
“A shooting challenge.”, you confidently winked, pulling out your own bow.
This caused Revali to let out a heavy laugh, one that only made you smile wider.
“Are you serious?! You do know who you’re talking to right?”, Revali confidently grinned, taking out his bow and holding it as though it were a magnificent treasure.
“What? Are you a kokoo?”, you jested, making bocking sounds to only further ruffle Revali’s feathers.
With a huff, Revali stepped toward the end of the flight range’s landing, you quickly following behind him.
“There.”, he pointed to some targets set in the far distance. “Whoever hits all of those wins. Think you can do that, Sheika guard?”
Narrowing your eyes, Revali knew he tugged a string with the title he’d thrown at you, but was left confused when your dour expression changed to one of mischief.
“I’ll do you one better. If I hit those targets blindfolded, you have to rest. For a week!”
Revali smirked with a raised beak. You really had no idea what you were getting yourself into huh?
“Fine, but if you miss a single target, you will craft my arrows for the same amount of time.”
It was known that Sheika were skilled in the ways of crafting weapons, and Revali reveled at the thought of showing up Link with some new, quicker arrows.
With a nod of agreement you quickly wrapped a piece of cloth around your eyes, taking stance along the edge and drawing your bow. Just behind you, Revali held an already triumphant smirk. He knew the range better than anyone, and knew just exactly how rough and unexpected it’s winding winds could be. How could someone who couldn’t even fly be expected to hit targets, blindfolded, in such unpredictable situations.
And yet, just as how you had taken him by surprise when you’d first arrived and shown your true personality, you had once again done so in the form of archery. With a deep breath and senses he couldn’t even begin to comprehend that you were capable of on high alert, you fired. Each arrow seemed to be carried by the sharp gust of wind, as though you some how knew what direction it would take. Revali watched in awe as the arrows twisted and turned in ways he didn’t think was even possible, the sound of them hitting their mark dead on resounding in his mind. Just as the tune you played on your wonderful flute had moments prior. Was your playing a tactic to learn the ranges winds?
Removing your blindfold and shaking your hair back into place, you didn’t even bother to look at the targets you hit, instead turning to the awestruck Rito Champion with a smirk of your own.
“See you back at the village. Oh, and one more thing,” you brushed teasingly against him as you made your leave.
“I’m not a guard. I’m a warriors aprentice.”
Watching your retreating form, Revali felt a warmth blooming within his chest and let out a small chuckle with a shake of his head and a genuine grin, your admirable skills with a bow playing back in his memory.
You weren’t boring in the slightest.
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minimoxha · 1 year
I have a dream (Tangled, pt.3)
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Summary: After his wife and daughter died he thought he lost everything. However, you for some reason, you'd didn't disappear. So, Miguel locked you up. He had to find some way to protect you so you couldn't be taken from him like Gabriella. What better way to do that then keep you in his dimension where he could get to you in case of anything
Warnings: bad parenting, lowkey kidnapping, signs of crying.
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Now the two were off, walking off the property of her house. Though, inside of her chest her heart was repeatedly beating as if it was trying to make an escape. Just as she was doing. Was this really the right thing? If she wasn’t back by the time her dad was, he’d be furious. But at the same time, if she could show that she could handle herself and be an adult out here. Maybe miguel would finally let her enjoy her life. What if this was the worst decision she’d ever let happen in her life and the men, Hobbie brown that would whisk her away would be the worst descion she ever made.
“Why does your dad keep you inside anyways?” Hobie asked, breaking the previously awkward she soon that sat thick in the air. They haven’t spoken since he helped her out the window with his webs. “That’s kind of repetitive, inside seeing the same things all day”
The girl nods, picking up speed to the point where she’s now side by side with the man. “He wants me to be safe. There’s a lot to do but it does get repetitive, it’s really boring being cooped up in the house all day.” Y/n could feel herself get sad at the thought of being ignored at her request today. Why didn’t he want her to live her life? At this point, it was beyond trying to protect. He was trying to control. He loved being in control, being able to stop things from happening this was the same situation here.
“Is it some kind of grounding situation? How long you been in here?” Hobie asked.
“Since I was maybe 7. I got to go out a couple times on walks with dad but never enough.”
Hobie was stunned. Considering he hates repeating things and too much of things, he would hate being in the position that she was currently in. “That’s tough. You should have left a long time ago” Hobie was actually feeling bad for the girl, as if he was to take some type of responsibility for the girl to experience the best life she possibly could. “Miguel’s too uptight anyways, he needs to chill. The fireworks are in a couple hours, let’s just do other things before that aye?”
Y/n nods excitedly, walking with him before he clicks his watch and opens a portal to another dimension. She knew it was possible but it was amazing that she could see it unfold in front of her. He grabbed her hand before pulling her inside.
“Miguel, did hobie come get you? he was supposed to tell you about the emergency.” Jessica said urgently, walking in front of Miguel and trying to show him his own office where something was unfolding.
“i don’t understand why you’d trust him to do anything right.” Miguel sighed. When the both of them got to the room to see the emergency signs all over the monitors. “What’s the emergency?”
“Sir, there’s an anomaly jumping from universe to universe, we can’t locate them at the moment. They have the power to open hee realities with their hand.
now this was a problem.
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Thanks for all the love and support! Sorry for the short chapters but I was so excited to get this one out to create a bit of cliffhanger! Comment if yo want to be apart of the tag-list and thanks for reading.
@fairycorequeen @onyxstarhigh06
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sunrizef1 · 2 months
I checked the post, and it kind of felt kind of very hostile? Like their profile has a bunch of anti-sargeant posts (which I think may have to due with Felipe Drugovich not getting signed by Williams before the start of this season despite reports of them having talks). Carlos's family is involved with Spanish Fascists and Checo's dad's political party is literally destroying Mexico, yet we're not exactly talking about that, right?
On a different note, I'm honestly surprised more people don't know about his ties to Trump. On almost every article you read about him, someone will bring it up lol.
Also, while Logan's dad and uncle were partners for Sargeant Marine, his dad played no real part in his uncles oil business that would send oil to the war in Iraq. Logan's dad was charged conspiracy to violate the FCPA and conspiracy to commit money laundering. So, while evil, he played no part in what Loagn's uncle was doing. You can find all this information on court documents. I think while that Girl on tiktok did a great job of explaining it, Logan's dad wasn't the one war profiteering, rather it being his uncle. While I do fully believe Logan is a republican along with his family, I think we should also respect his descion in him deciding to be independent rather than choosing to align himself to a party. This also may be a little controversial, but I feel like there's different levels in supporting a party/candidate and Logan's uncle is giving his entire family a very bad rep.
Link to IOTC fileing for bankruptcy which shows that Logan's dad wasn't a owner. (They state the owners in the very first paragraph lol)
Link to court documents of his dad
This is just a very informative/interesting article summing up his Uncle and ties to Trump and the republican party.
I have nothing else to add to this discourse but I think that this is a very well-informed ask
Tysm for providing all of this, I appreciate it
And I agree with u about the og poster, it was a bit weird. Especially with their post basically accusing Logan of being at January 6th??? Which, even as a “joke”, is really weird.
And yes!!! They all suck so bad!!! 😭 all of the drivers have controversial families!!! They have generational wealth!!! Something that usually doesn’t come without ties to right-wing politics!!!
People don’t really seem to grasp that 😅
(And Logan’s definitely right-wing but that’s not part of his public “persona” so I don’t speculate or make it apart of his image 😅)
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spilledstars1234 · 5 months
Hi...if you don't mind, can I ask something from Link Click? What do you think are Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
Also, can I ask your top fav characters and fav moments from the series (Link Click), if you don't mind me asking (again)....? Thanks so much....
Hey there!
And of course I don't mind, i'm thrilled, actually! :D This is one of the first questions i've received so I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability!
For your first question, what i think is one of Cheng Xiaoshi's greatest personality strengths is that he cares. He cares so much, and I consider that to be both a strength and a weakness for him.
Like, for example, in the show, he often helps clients on a dive even when he's not supposed to. But no matter what Lu Guang says to not change anything, he still does so anyway, because by becoming the person, he gains their thoughts and feelings. Even if his actions aren't always right, his decisions mostly stem from his mental state at the time, and because he is such an empathetic person, his actions are a result of his emotional state. This is why I consider it a strength and a weakness.
As for Lu Guang... he's also very flawed, which I love. He's a liar, and has been lying to protect CXS ever since the beginning of the show, actually! He hid Emma's death from CXS, and in the earthquake arc, we see that he told CXS that he could save the people involved in the earthquake even though CXS actually couldn't...but, in that part of the show, we learn that he wasn't actually intentionally trying to hurt CXS, but he was just trying to protect him because he knows that CXS wouldn't be able to handle it if he actually knew that they would all still die regardless of what he tried to do to save them (because CXS' actions VERY much depend on his mental state).
As for what I love about their dynamic, I love how LG is stoic yet cares inside, whereas CXS cares and shows it openly. Like, CXS makes descisons on his mental/emotional state, while LG's descions are more rational/ logical, and LG often thinks things through before acting on something. They are such polar opposites, which i love so much!
The fact that Lu Guang is the one that chooses which cases they take based on what he sees, because Cheng Xiaoshi can be very unpredictable and his actions very much depend on his mental state, and because LG is the more level-headed one he helps him make decisions/ guides him so he doesn’t screw up the timeline… ughhh i just love their dynamic soo muchhhhh! (i ship shiguang lol)
My top favorite characters are, naturally, Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi. Though I do love Qiao Ling too!
My favorite moment from the series...wow, that's hard, haha!
I have two favorite moments, actually. The first one is the scene back in season 1, the fight between Cheng Xiaoshi and Liu Min when they were in the darkroom.
My second favorite scene is the last episode of season 2, where we discover the truth of what Lu Guang did. Like we find out that LG isn't the stoic guy we all expected him to be, and that in actuality, he really, really cares. If he didn't, then why would he break all his rules and even risk breaking the timeline just to save Cheng Xiaoshi?
Hopefully all my answers were okay, and my apologies if this got long! I love Link Click so sometimes i end up ranting for a while, haha! But thank you sm, i really appreciate your questions!!!
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