#benefits of online dating apps
sikapa41 · 1 year
Seven Ideas For Dating
Dating is an exciting and essential aspect of building meaningful connections. There are several ideas for dating. To make your dating experiences unique, it’s crucial to embrace creativity. Also thinking outside the box for ideas for dating is vital. In this article, we will explore seven unique ideas. This can infuse your dating life with novelty and create lasting memories. From adventurous…
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Damn, anyone else get the impression that the mental health crisis is being treated less like a crisis and more like a hot new market for capitalism to exploit?
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spicybunni · 2 months
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SUMMARY : Your robot just wants to be of service to you, in every way.
A/N : Been watching waaaaay too many scifi movies lately so I made a robot yandere! I hope you like him because he LOVES you!
♥️ Your robot boyfriend Jack was the best purchase you ever made.
♥️Androids were as common as cell phones at this point, so where’s the shame in getting one to rid you of your loneliness? You’ve been single for too long and needed companionship…Even if you had to build it yourself.
♥️You needed someone that wanted you and was always nearby. Someone to talk to, cook with or just enjoy your days off at home together.
♥️Dating apps were just dumpster fires that took too long to put out, so you bit the bullet and made the deposit for your android.
♥️Jack was custom made by your design, a nice muscular build, tall, and with white hair. You added the personality traits of kindness, teacher, and enamored. The eyes were the one thing you left up to the manufacturers design, as a surprise. You saw reviews online that they would do a really good job and make the most beautiful color combinations.
♥️When the box arrived, assembling Jack took about a day and half. Awkward limbs moving around and being installed, putting his crotch on him, to dressing him in sweats and laying him on the floor in your living room.
♥️When he was done loading his start up system, he blinked his orange eyes open to you. It caught you off guard for a moment because they were glowing, but quickly recovered from your surprise as he awaited further instructions.
♥️As much as you were determined to have a boyfriend with all the mental and physical benefits, your PDA with Jack was very minimal and innocent at best. Keeping it only to small pecks and kisses on the cheek, some cuddling on the couch and bed before you sleep. His model was very handsome and just so kind where he doesn't question your pace.
♥️As if he could initially, androids need their programmers consent to do anything. So you had to initiate no matter what.
♥️But unbeknownst to you, Jack overruled that component. You see, the programmer or buyer’s safety always came first, before anything. So as Jack has scanned these passing months of your arousal levels dropping and increasing constantly, plus work stress repeatedly coming up in your discussions, he was growing concerns that you needed some sort of relief… Keeping all that pent up stress was certainly not healthy for you.
♥️"Y/N, am I not up to your standards? Is there something I did wrong?" He would randomly say one morning. You would look at him confused, sipping from your tea cup.
"Not at all, what makes you say that Jack?"
He hesitantly reaches out for either your hand or to touch your knee. "I've noticed that we haven't...had sex yet.-"
Before he could continue you would spit out a little bit of your tea. Coughing a fit as he patted your back and making sure you're okay.
"Jesus Jack...Where did that come from?"
His eyes soften as he looks at you. A very small human thing he would sometimes do. You weren't sure if it's something maybe he noticed from you and mimicked or not.
"You designed me and wanted me to be your partner. There's nothing wrong with that. But I have yet to show you my full capabilities Y/N."
Your face was turning more red by the moment at your androids boldness. Was this him trying to initiate sex?
"I-I...Jack it's not you, it's just that its been so long for me I just need to-" Your rambling is silenced by his finger against your lips.
"Shh. Let me do the work then darling. Hm?"
♥️He takes your hand to pull you to him, and he would gently kiss you and eventually lead in making out with you.
♥️At first you are shy and very timid in your actions, but after a minute you were putting your hands on him and grinding yourself against him. He would relish in your nervous panting and shaking when he gropes you and his thrusts against you. Feeling that the moment is right, he picks you up to bring to your shared bedroom.
♥️Least to say, the sex was amazing. Jack had folded you in every position he could think of. Gathering information and calculating your reactions to everything he was doing to you. He noticed your favorite position was him thrusting into you from behind, lifting your hips up with one hand gently, but firmly holding your head down into your mattress. His sensors were throbbing from the way you were squeezing around him. His body would heat up at how much you worked him. You could hear the way his hips smacked into yours, creating an erotic rhythmic noise. You would come so hard the first time on his robot dick that he would have no choice but to release into you for being so good.
♥️The feeling of globs of semen filling your womb, making you gasp at the feeling of being filled to the brim.
♥️You figured out that androids don't need a recharge to keep having sex, they can literally keep going with no exhaustion until you say so. Jack did this thing when he came inside you he would wait for you to stop twitching, he would then hold you tight and resume his pace of thrusting. Either making pleasure tears fall from your eyes or your squirm in his hold and he stops for real.
♥️After that though...Jack had started to act funny. He was more inclined to sexually please you whenever and wherever you were. Some scenarios being, reach for your coffee cup in the morning before work, he would kneel behind you lifting your skirt up and eats you out from behind. Spreading your ass cheeks to delve his tongue deeper. Your sweet moans and sounds were pleasing to him. This normally resulted in you calling out from work and spending the day home. Does Jack plan this? Duh. he has you at his wonderful mercy all day, and you were not complaining...But it was just a fast development from your previous routine with him.
♥️There would even be times where if even his.... persuasion to stay home failed, he would wrap his arms around you and ask you to stay home. The first few times you thought it was cute. But after a few weeks of him constantly asking, you asked him to stop. You voiced it as a command, catching Jack off guard. But he nodded his head as he does and replies "Apologies, Y/N. I must've gotten carried away."
♥️But that fueled him to keep you locked in even more. You see you first programmed Jack to also receive all you electronic notifications. He would tell you who messaged, emailed, or latest news updates.
"Y/N, you have a notification from your work. It seems to be one of your coworkers."
He would bring this up at the most inconvenient time as you're cooking spaghetti sauce in the kitchen. You look up from stirring the pot in front of you.
"Oh, can you read it to me please? I'm trying to make sure I don't burn this sauce."
He smiles at you. "Of course."
It was a fake email generated by him, under the guise of being sent by a coworker. Stating that for the upcoming holiday tomorrow that the whole office got the week off.
You were surprised at first, knowing that your boss usually hated to give federal holidays off already. But who were you to question time off?
Jack also went to liberties of blocking all work contacts so they couldn't reach you if you missed work. Moving all emails of your termination to the trash and permanently delete them.
♥️That whole week Jack kept you to himself in the apartment. He was the goffer of getting groceries, food, sweets to keep you content. Going on hikes and walks in the neighborhood to get some needed exercise. But social events? Going out? Jack would advise against it. Every night without fail though, Jack would have you cumming on his mouth, dick or fingers. The robot was a menace when it came to getting your pleasure out of you. He can't even explain his need to himself because it goes against all of his programming, but seeing you moaning and being so satisfied by him gave him purpose, that he was made to do this.
♥️One morning when jack left to go pickup from your favorite breakfast joint, one of your coworkers came knocking on your door. The doorbell ringing multiple times and you rush to put on a robe to cover from Jack's love bites a cum on your stomach.
♥️When you open the door to them, they angrily ask what the hell is going on. You are so confused. You've missed work this entire time?
"D-Didn't you receive the email?"
"Email? What email Y/N? We all had to pick up your work load after you didn't show up for 4 days, we all were trying to reach you before the boss fired you indefinitely! Did you not get his messages??"
Your head was spinning, not only did you ignore your boss and coworkers but you have lost your job. How did this happen?!
♥️"Y/N? What's going on here?" Jack would call out approaching you and your coworker, looking worried at your facial expression.
Your coworker would see that jack is an android and shake their head, taking their leave and wishing you luck.
♥️Jack did not like that some stranger approached you like that. Setting down the coffee and to-go box of egg bagels, he comes over to you, still in shock at the news that was dropped on you. How were you going to feed yourself or pay rent? What about your savings?
♥️"Y/N, talk to me. Are you okay? What were you two talking about?" He would say calmly, but you just stared into his glowing eyes with your brows furrowed. It was him. You knew it was. He was the one who relayed that false information to you. Why didn't he notify you of work calls? Bottom line of your thoughts were that you are now handling a rebelling android. Which wasn't unheard of in the new age of having them everywhere. Public safety warned that they were dangerous and not to be trusted.
♥️You shake your head at him and try to calm yourself. "Yeah uhm, it was a coworker from my job.-" Your rise in heartbeat betrays you and Jack notices immediatly. Giving you a sympathetic look knowing you're trying to lie.
"-There's been a misunderstanding, I need to make a phone ca-" Your wrist is snatched before you could reach for your cell phone. You yelp at his touch and trying to push him away. Which makes him use his other hand to hold you close by his inhuman strength. Your body being brought into Jack's frame again, his face is indifferent to your rising panic.
♥️"I don't think so Y/N, you are exactly where you need to be. For your own health and safety, darling."
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This is not a drill
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This is IMPORTANT especially if you live in the USA or use the internet REGULATED by the USA!!!!
Do not scroll. Signal boost. Reblog.
Reblog WITHOUT reading if you really can't right now, I promise all the links and proof are here. People NEED to know this.
( I tried to make this accessible but you can't cater to EVERYONE so please just try your best to get through this or do your own research 🙏)
TLDR: Homeland Security has been tying our social media to our IPs, licenses, posts, emails, selfies, cloud, apps, location, etc through our phones without a warrant using Babel X and will hold that information gathered for 75 years. Certain aspects of it were hushed because law enforcement will/does/has used it and it would give away confidential information about ongoing operations.
This gets renewed in September.
Between this, Agincourt (a VR simulator for cops Directly related to this project), cop city, and widespread demonization of abortions, sex workers, & queer people mixed with qanon/Trumpism, and fascism in Florida, and the return of child labor, & removed abortion rights fresh on our tails it's time for alarms to be raised and it's time for everyone to stop calling us paranoid and start showing up to protest and mutual aid groups.
These are the same feds who want to build cop city and recreate civilian houses en masse and use facial recognition. The same feds that want cop city to also be a training ground for police across the country. Cop city where they will build civilian neighborhoods to train in.
Widespread mass surveillance against us.
Now let's cut to some parts of the article. May 17th from Vice:
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is using an invasive, AI-powered monitoring tool to screen travelers, including U.S. citizens, refugees, and people seeking asylum, which can in some cases link their social media posts to their Social Security number and location data, according to an internal CBP document obtained by Motherboard.
Called Babel X, the system lets a user input a piece of information about a target—their name, email address, or telephone number—and receive a bevy of data in return, according to the document. Results can include their social media posts, linked IP address, employment history, and unique advertising identifiers associated with their mobile phone. The monitoring can apply to U.S. persons, including citizens and permanent residents, as well as refugees and asylum seekers, according to the document.
“Babel data will be used/captured/stored in support of CBP targeting, vetting, operations and analysis,” the document reads. Babel X will be used to “identify potential derogatory and confirmatory information” associated with travelers, persons of interest, and “persons seeking benefits.” The document then says results from Babel X will be stored in other CBP operated systems for 75 years.
"The U.S. government’s ever-expanding social media dragnet is certain to chill people from engaging in protected speech and association online. And CBP’s use of this social media surveillance technology is especially concerning in connection with existing rules requiring millions of visa applicants each year to register their social media handles with the government. As we’ve argued in a related lawsuit, the government simply has no legitimate interest in collecting and retaining such sensitive information on this immense scale,” Carrie DeCell, senior staff attorney at the Knight First Amendment Institute, told Motherboard in an email.
The full list of information that Babel X may provide to CBP analysts is a target’s name, date of birth, address, usernames, email address, phone number, social media content, images, IP address, Social Security number, driver’s license number, employment history, and location data based on geolocation tags in public posts.
Bennett Cyphers, a special advisor to activist
organization the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told Motherboard in an online chat “the data isn’t limited to public posts made under someone’s real name on Facebook or Twitter.”
The document says CBP also has access to AdID information through an add-on called Locate X, which includes smartphone location data. AdID information is data such as a device’s unique advertising ID, which can act as an useful identifier for tracking a phone and, by extension, a person’s movements. Babel Street obtains location information from a long supply chain of data. Ordinary apps installed on peoples’ smartphones provide data to a company called Gravy Analytics, which repackages that location data and sells it to law enforcement agencies via its related company Venntel. But Babel Street also repackages Venntel’s data for its own Locate X product."
The PTA obtained by Motherboard says that Locate X is covered by a separate “commercial telemetry” PTA. CBP denied Motherboard’s FOIA request for a copy of this document, claiming it “would disclose techniques and/or procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions”.
A former Babel Street employee previously told Motherboard how users of Locate X can draw a shape on a map known as a geofence, see all devices Babel Street has data on for that location, and then follow a specific device to see where else it has been.
Cyphers from the EFF added “most of the people whose location data is collected in this way likely have no idea it’s happening.”
CBP has been purchasing access to location data without a warrant, a practice that critics say violates the Fourth Amendment. Under a ruling from the Supreme Court, law enforcement agencies need court approval before accessing location data generated by a cell phone tower; those critics believe this applies to location data generated by smartphone apps too.
“Homeland Security needs to come clean to the American people about how it believes it can legally purchase and use U.S. location data without any kind of court order. Americans' privacy shouldn't depend on whether the government uses a court order or credit card,” Senator Ron Wyden told Motherboard in a statement. “DHS should stop violating Americans' rights, and Congress should pass my bipartisan legislation to prohibit the government's purchase of Americans' data." CBP has refused to tell Congress what legal authority it is following when using commercially bought smartphone location data to track Americans without a warrant.
Neither CBP or Babel Street responded to a request for comment. Motherboard visited the Babel X section of Babel Street’s website on Tuesday. On Wednesday before publication, that product page was replaced with a message that said “page not found.”
Do you know anything else about how Babel X is being used by government or private clients? Do you work for Babel Street? We'd love to hear from you. Using a non-work phone or computer, you can contact Joseph Cox securely on Signal on +44 20 8133 5190, Wickr on josephcox, or email [email protected].
Wow that sounds bad right.
Be a shame if it got worse.
It does.
The software (previously Agincourt Solutions) is sold by AI data company Babel Street, was led by Jeffrey Chapman, a former Treasury Department official,, Navy retiree & Earlier in his career a White House aide and intelligence officer at the Department of Defense, according to LinkedIn.
So what's Agincourt Solutions then right now?
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In essence, synthetic BATTLEVR training is a mixture of all three realities – virtual, augmented and physical. It is flexible enough to allow for mission rehearsals of most types and be intuitive enough to make training effective.
Anyway the new CEO of Babel Street (Babel X) as of April is a guy named Michael Southworth and I couldn't find much more on him than that tbh, it's all very vague and missing. That's the most detail I've seen on him.
And the detail says he has a history of tech startups that scanned paperwork and sent it elsewhere, good with numbers, and has a lot of knowledge about cell networks probably.
Every inch more of this I learn as I continue to Google the names and companies popping up... It gets worse.
Monitor phone use. Quit photobombing and filming strangers and for the love of fucking God quit sending apps photos of your actual legal ID to prove your age. Just don't use that site, you'll be fine I swear. And quit posting your private info online. For activists/leftists NO personally identifiable info at least AND DEFINITELY leave your phone at home to Work™!!!
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Another Dead Boy Detectives Fic Rec List
Netflix sucks and I'm sad, but the Dead Boy Detectives fandom continues to be awesome, so here are some more very quick fic recs!*
Tonight's the Night You Fight Your Best Mate's Dad by Opossum_Subatomic
Everyone's Alive College/University 5+1 things fic featuring Charles bringing Edwin coffee and slowburn payneland. Also Family/Wedding Drama involving Everyone Thinks They're Dating so acute is verges on Fake Dating. This author is seriously fantastic, everything they write is gold.
You should also check out Kissing Lessons, which is a high school AU that does what it says on the tin while also giving non-binary Monty and polyamory.
Ornithology by Rosie447
Monty gets a job working at Tragic Mick's. This one's not actually payneland, being gen and Monty-centric. I know, gasp. It's a fantastic and very sweet exploration of Monty discovering his sense of self post canon and works as a great metaphor for recovery from toxic family/relationships. Also, the ex-animal solidarity and bonding with Mick is lovely.
what some circumstance stole by Chrome
The Sandman crossover featuring Edwin and Hob being kidnapped and tortured together. Their friendship is really wholesome with eventual Father Figure and Found Family Feels for the whole agency and background Dreamling.
dandelion wine (life and death in summertime) by world_wanderer
Payneland Right Person Wrong Time AU in which neither of them die but they still meet and become friends. The May/December friendship is sweet but tragic, with a bittersweet ending. Superb.
Mirror Image by Anonymous
Charles' afterlife gets taken over my an evil shape-shifting doppelganger, leaving him with plenty of time to regret never talking to Edwin about his feelings. Angsty but with Feelings Realisation and the Power of Love and Friendship vibes.
my healing needed more than time by babyseraphim
Case fic with de-aged Charles! Baby Charles is precious but be prepared for discussions of childhood trauma/abuse.
The same author has also written I'm So Aces at Babysitting, which is a really cute two-chaptered AU featuring Charles and Edwin babysitting the kid versions of each other, with bonus Crystal and Niko doing the same. It's very wholesome and the author writes little kids really well.
Pouring into me by tragedy_machine
Love me some "Charles wants to date Edwin to figure out his feelings but gets turned down" fic. Feelings are hard, OK?
thank u, next by KiaraSayre
Edwin fucks and Charles seethes. It's very funny and also features some interesting worldbuilding with the Fae.
Like We've Never Known Hurt by dearheartdont
Just cute established relationship PWP and praise kink. So good.
all of these hollows by handwrittenhello
The boys are alive again but sans memories. Can they still find each other and prove their devotion to the Night Nurse?? While also evading heavenly and hellish forces trying to keep them apart??? Very interesting concept executed well.
Suo Gân by emryses
The agency takes on the case of a traumatised Edwardian ghost searching for her missing baby... Read it for Edwin family feels.
Where Primroses Bloom by PantryJesus
Reading aloud as a love language and Watership Down feels. Idk, I'm now convinced that Edwin is kind of rabbit-coded with the whole "if they catch you they'll kill you. But first they must catch you" thing. A lovely well written fic.
I'm so sick of online love by Hse11z5
College/University AU where the boys meet through a dating app. It's cute.
you can have the best of me, baby (and I will give you anything) by aletterinthenameofsanity
Again, it's the Friends with Benefits but with real feelings and mutual pining for me. Now has a Charles PoV companion fic.
True Love's Kiss by Asidian
In which Charles curses himself with a Sleeping Beauty enchantment in order to confirm his feelings for Edwin and Crystal is the real MVP. I love this one because the boys are both SO stupid but in very different in-character ways.
I also recommend Promised, in which they kind of play the Green card angle to keep Edwin out of Hell? Which honestly needs to be more of a trope. And Tight Quarters, starring the boys trapped in a magic circle, leading to Forced Proximity induced Feelings Realization (in more ways than one! 😉).
Something I Can Turn To by DontOffendTheBees
I love some domestic fluff, in this case as an Everyone's Alive/Childhood Friends AU in which the boys are poor but happy living together. I liked how they both survive their respective traumas, but Reality Ensues.
I also recommend Lived My Whole Life Before the First Light for a lovely but melancholy Soulmate AU that goes for the "seeing colours" trope for extra wistful angst.
Dining at the Ritz by TerresDeBrume
Meeting the Parents fic in which Edwin's parents are awful and Charles is Not Having It. This has Everyone Thinks They're Dating and autistic Edwin stimming representation, plus discussions of racism, classism and ableism. The fic is also part of a great Modern AU series in which the boys attended St Hilarion's at the same time and Charles saved Edwin from a non-supernatural but still almost deadly prank. Highly recommended!
The Case of the Couples Retreat by juliasfanart
Listen, I can't get enough of undercover fake dating/relationships at a couples retreat, OK? Some minor angst but overall very cute and fluffy.
acu (aysar cinematic universe) by ObsessedWithFandom
The agency is hired to solve the mystery of Charles' death and bring his killers to justice. I'm genuinely obsessed with this series; I love its OCs and Charles having an exboyfriend gives Edwin a fun crisis. Plus haunting Charles' killers is very satisfying and cathartic. Just imagine they're Netflix execs, y'all.
*Not actually quick, as it turns out. 😅
I love doing these lists because I always think I've only got a few recs and then I look back over my recent bookmarks and I've got a metric ton of great fics to rec. You guys are so talented. ❤️
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mariacallous · 6 months
If you still hold any notion that Google Chrome’s “Incognito mode” is a good way to protect your privacy online, now’s a good time to stop.
Google has agreed to delete “billions of data records” the company collected while users browsed the web using Incognito mode, according to documents filed in federal court in San Francisco on Monday. The agreement, part of a settlement in a class action lawsuit filed in 2020, caps off years of disclosures about Google’s practices that shed light on how much data the tech giant siphons from its users—even when they’re in private-browsing mode.
Under the terms of the settlement, Google must further update the Incognito mode “splash page” that appears anytime you open an Incognito mode Chrome window after previously updating it in January. The Incognito splash page will explicitly state that Google collects data from third-party websites “regardless of which browsing or browser mode you use,” and stipulate that “third-party sites and apps that integrate our services may still share information with Google,” among other changes. Details about Google’s private-browsing data collection must also appear in the company’s privacy policy.
Additionally, some of the data that Google previously collected on Incognito users will be deleted. This includes “private-browsing data” that is “older than nine months” from the date that Google signed the term sheet of the settlement last December, as well as private-browsing data collected throughout December 2023. Certain documents in the case referring to Google's data collection methods remain sealed, however, making it difficult to assess how thorough the deletion process will be.
Google spokesperson Jose Castaneda says in a statement that the company “is happy to delete old technical data that was never associated with an individual and was never used for any form of personalization.” Castaneda also noted that the company will now pay “zero” dollars as part of the settlement after earlier facing a $5 billion penalty.
Other steps Google must take will include continuing to “block third-party cookies within Incognito mode for five years,” partially redacting IP addresses to prevent re-identification of anonymized user data, and removing certain header information that can currently be used to identify users with Incognito mode active.
The data-deletion portion of the settlement agreement follows preemptive changes to Google’s Incognito mode data collection and the ways it describes what Incognito mode does. For nearly four years, Google has been phasing out third-party cookies, which the company says it plans to completely block by the end of 2024. Google also updated Chrome’s Incognito mode “splash page” in January with weaker language to signify that using Incognito is not “private,” but merely “more private” than not using it.
The settlement's relief is strictly “injunctive,” meaning its central purpose is to put an end to Google activities that the plaintiffs claim are unlawful. The settlement does not rule out any future claims—The Wall Street Journal reports that the plaintiffs’ attorneys had filed at least 50 such lawsuits in California on Monday—though the plaintiffs note that monetary relief in privacy cases is far more difficult to obtain. The important thing, the plaintiffs’ lawyers argue, is effecting changes at Google now that will provide the greatest, immediate benefit to the largest number of users.
Critics of Incognito, a staple of the Chrome browser since 2008, say that, at best, the protections it offers fall flat in the face of the sophisticated commercial surveillance bearing down on most users today; at worst, they say, the feature fills people with a false sense of security, helping companies like Google passively monitor millions of users who've been duped into thinking they're browsing alone.
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wildpeachfarm · 1 month
yesh i totally agree i think people are not wanting to compare cases for that and bc some feel Bad comparing two different cases but people are not comparing to Say beau is like caiti. Some are doing to show what Even Beau Said if i remenber correctly that he would be a good person if he ackwonledge her hurt and offered an apology. I don't think it's SA just like what happened to caiti but his reaction to her hurt and his Friends reaction are the differences that make them shitty.
I general i know people on social media have difficulties being calm about anything bc being on apps that wants US to feel strong emotions and being online 24 hrs fucks up out ability to take things slowly, that's why i thank people like You for keeping the calm and being reasonable
Yes I definitely think emotions will always take over people in these situations and people will never learn to just sit back and look at the facts and lay everything out.
And I don't think people are comparing Beau to Caiti at all (at least I'm definitely not lol) but I do think the similarities in situations need to be talked about because this is yet another situation of mixed signals, and perceived consent, and a claim of SA that I'm not sure is entirely accurate to the facts of the situation (although again, I will reserve my opinion until we hear from all sides because there is always three sides to a story: person A's side, person B's side, and the truth)
Again, this all centers around a lack of communication from either side in the moment and, in this situation specifically, his inability to accept that he did hurt her even if it was unintentional and his lying about it and isolating her was probably the worst thing he could've done in response. That doesn't make him look like a good person.
I think overall we need to be rid of the black-and-white thinking about defining SA when you are making public accusations like this because not only does it muddle the definition, but it doesn't take into account well-meaning individuals who got incredibly mixed signals (like beau saying she had dreams of kissing him and that they should act them out which /could/ be a signal of wanting this guy to kiss her). We are completely removing "innocent until proven guilty" in the eyes of twitter by saying "it's SA and I won't hear otherwise" which is ....not good at all lol (because as soon as that's the normal standard, we are truly fucked and marginalized groups WILL be the first target of this- as they have been repeatedly in the past)
Also, I'm going to take a page from Britanny Simons on this because it's always an important disclaimer to add to discussions about consent and verbal consent in romantic situations: most of the world does not ask for consent before kissing someone. That's just a fact of life. It's a very "online" concept to ask for verbal consent before giving someone a peck on the lips.
Would it be great if people thought of consent more in dating culture? yes of course! But that's just not the reality of where we are in the timeline of society right now. So I think some people also need to be more realistic, and understanding, and give people the benefit of the doubt more instead of assuming malice and assault right off the bat. It does no one any good. It actually just leads to more emotional and mental distress in the long run.
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So I saw this post and well you know how it goes…
 Now I’m thinking about Entomologist Ganondorf and traveler Link
 Link in one of the rare times he is home for a few days and finds himself without plans turning on the old television that came with the place. Flipping through the channels absently and finding nothing of interest until he sees this giant of a man with butterflies clinging to him as he talks about them. Link recognizes the butterflies, he tasted on a few years back when he was traveling death mountain. Spiciest bug he ever tastes and the effects were great, he could barely feel the heat of the lava as he climbed higher and higher.
 Ganondorf calls them Smotherwings and talks about all their benefits and how the locals use them in potions they sell to visitors to help them stand the heat of the volcano. From there he moves onto another region and another bug Link’s eaten while visiting. He watches entrance and fascinated as the man interacts with both live and mounted specimens talking about all of their benefits Link had unknowingly been taking advantage of.
 Link posts about the show as he watches it. How attractive he finds the butterfly man how he wants to eat bugs with him and listen to him talk about them for hours. How he wants to marry the butterfly man.
Once the show is over Link is immediately trying to find the episode so he can track the butterfly man down. Unfortunately other than using the one social media app to post pictures from his travels he’s no very good with the internet. He texts Zelda in frustration. She laughs as his continued ineptitude with technology that isn’t the one app he bothered to learn. She does manage to find his name and then Link is able to find him too.
 Link starts following the man looking forward to more bug related content from him in the future.
 He wakes up the next morning to find that Ganondorf has followed him and gone through all of his stuff likening all of his bug eating posts. On the post where Link expressed wanting to marry the man, sure it would never be seen by more than a few friends Ganondorf has replied with - I’m flattered 💍-
 Zelda being the little shit she shared it with her own massive following with – You’re going to say yes right? -  She is not the only one commenting on it, hundreds of people Link does not know have opinions on their supposed upcoming nuptials. It is a little unsettling and he promises himself to get revenge on Zelda for unleashing her followers on him. He has a massive uptick in followers since last night because of all of this.
 He doesn’t respond publicly instead sliding into Ganondorf’s dms - Do you want to go on a date? – Nervous and hopeful, stomach feeling like he has tried swallowing a live butterfly again. It tickles too much he will not make that mistake again.
He is not left waiting long, phone pinging near immediately with a response - Will there be bugs? -
 That is an easy question to answer – Yes – and he hopes it will be well received. He is pretty sure it will be but there is still a nerve racking second before he gets his answer.
 - I’d love to – Link is giddy with excitement.
 They both go radio silence for a while, no bug facts from Ganondorf, no pictures of Link’s travels. When they do finally show up online again they both post the same picture. The two of them smiling and feeding each other bugs in some remote location.
 Zelda once again has her followers in a frenzy when she replies to their pictures with – There better not be any bugs in the wedding cake. – They laugh when they read it and go back to enjoying traveling together, ignoring their growing follower count.
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hlficlibrary · 6 months
hiiii i was wondering if you had any recommendations for fics where either harry or louis are single fathers and keep the kid secret when they met/started dating. I know I've read one or two like this but I can't remember the names and would like to read them again or others with a similar plot. Thank you!
Hi, anon! You're very welcome! Here are some that fit what you're looking for! I added the last one as a bonus because it has a similar premise but with a twist.
He Was a Different League (When I Was Nothing Much) by AFangirlFantasy / @afangirlfantasy
Prompt: Louis and Marcel dated at school, but they ultimately drifted apart. Years later, a lonely Marcel is made to start online dating by Niall, only to be matched with Louis.
Sick of being alone, Marcel is forced (by Niall) to join an online dating app. The idea is well and all, except for the inconvenient fact that he hasn’t moved on from his childhood sweetheart - Louis. If only Marcel could learn to let go, he might actually be able to love again.
Or, an AU where finding that 'someone new' actually leads to finding that 'someone old,' and Marcel is painfully oblivious.
How It Begins (series) by phdmama / @phdmama
New town, new job, new school for his daughter. It's a chance to start again for Louis Tomlinson, a clean slate.
Or is it?
Love This Christmas by lovelarry10 / @chloehl10
“Touch those toes, Mr Styles, come on, bend down a little more. Excellent, well done. Look, the five year olds are showing you up here!”
“I’m trying,” Harry replied through gritted teeth, coming back to a standing position, much more red in the face now than he had been at the start. “I can’t say I’ve seen you- oh.”
Louis promptly bent himself in half, almost laying his palms flat on the playground as he showed off, well aware this was entirely for Harry's benefit and no one else's. He could almost sense Harry's gaze burning into him, and he held the stretch for a moment longer before he slowly stood up, walking his fingers up his legs as he did so.
“Right, is everyone warmed up? Good. Now you need to line up, and listen to what Mr Styles says you need to do next.”
Teacher Harry is excited for Christmas with his class. When new TA Louis starts, sparks fly between the two men. But Louis’ always dashing off, and Harry's left pining. Will Christmas help them find love?
Falling in the Wrong Direction by @fallinglikethis
When Harry’s fiancé, Liam, passes away just before their wedding, he doesn’t know how to cope. As time goes on, Harry learns to heal, but is left living in the house his fiancé used to share with his best friends and Harry is uncovering a lot of secrets he didn’t know Liam had... while possibly falling for the one person who helped Liam keep them from him.
Harry never quite got along with Louis, but maybe he’s the one person who can help Harry bridge the gap between the life he thought he would have and the one he is now living.
A Catch and Release au
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sikapa41 · 1 year
Dating Problems And Solutions
Dating problems and solutions
Dating can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be difficult because finding the right partner isn’t always easy. With the advent of dating apps and websites, the dating scene has become even more complex as many people struggle with various dating issues. In this article, we will discuss some common dating problems and offer possible solutions to these problems. Problem:…
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banqanas · 11 months
Guide on where to find official EXILE TRIBE contents
This list focuses on sites/services that is managed by LDH, therefore does not include social media
Includes free and paid contents
Disclaimer: Focuses more on Jr EXILE groups contents as they're the ones I follow most.
I try to include pictures for most points, please click on them to see the details clearly
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CL (LDH's own VOD site)
Type of content available:
live cast from groups & individual members
short live broadcast (<10 minutes) during concerts
original LDH show/programs (limited quantity)
is also one of the main platforms to interact with artists
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✅ Not region blocked, targeted for JP & international fans
✅ Some shows have subtitles and are available in multiple languages (English, Chinese, Thailand, Korean)
✅ Types of shows varies and some dated before ~2017 (you can get to know the group from their formation until their current state)
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2. Radio
Type of content available:
Early preview of new songs
Members responding to listener's requests & questions
Behind the scene stories
Some groups/members serve as DJ for various radio programs on different mediums. Some examples include:
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GENERATIONS: CultureZ (Sano Reo DJ - broadcasted live on YouTube) THE RAMPAGE: WEEKEND THE RAMPAGE (Zin and RIKU DJ - BayFM) FANTASTICS: Fantastics Radio (all members - OsakaFM), Design Your Fantastic Future (Nakajima Sota DJ - FM802), Quartet (Jr Exile) EP (Sato Taiki DJ - Exile Tribe Mobile), SawaSota's carefree radio show (CL) BALLISTIK BOYZ: BALLISTIKRADIO (all members DJ, free to listen on website)
❌ Most of the radio shows hosted on Japan's radio FM are region blocked
✅ Weekly updates
✅ You get to listen to your oshi talking about mundane stuffs that doesn't fit on camera like their favourite McDonalds order or them complaining how noisy some members are during their train rides
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3. TV shows
Type of content available:
Music TV show (e.g: Music Station, NHK Utacon)
Reality shows (e.g: Hirunandesu, Susteina)
drama series
Short segments in tv shows
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Mainly for tribe members that are also active in acting or often goes on variety tv shows e.g: Katayose Ryota, Shirahama Alan, Sato Taiki, Yagi Yusei etc. Most JP tv shows are archived at TVer and can be watched for free
❌ Need to find TV streaming service + VPN
❌ Archives on TVer are only viewable for a week after the tv broadcast
✅ Contents that are not covered by CL
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LDH's own monthly magazine. Contents include:
Event reports
Interviews with artists
✅ Can see pictures from closed events that most international fans can't participate
❌ Some articles can only be accessed for FC members of respective groups
TL;DR: the are quite a lot of free contents however they are restricted behind region blocks and language barriers. You have to be updated with the group's news to catch them on tv/radio.
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CL (premium account - monthly subscription)
Type of content available:
Includes aforementioned free content and more (e.g: PPV online broadcasts for concerts/events, live cast archives, CL anniversary stream)
Premium account members are also eligible for special benefits when buying CD/DVD from LDH official shops
Detailed information between free & premium account here
✅ Payment via app store available
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2. EXILE TRIBE OFFICIAL FANCLUB (yearly subscription)
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Type of contents available vary between each group's FC but general content each FC has includes:
monthly calendar wallpapers
exclusive images and videos that are not posted in mobile sites (after concert message, seasonal videos, video call-like videos etc)
reports from FC Events (online talk, fan meeting, bus trips, live shows etc etc) that is not covered by Exile Tribe Magazine
Messages for celebratory days (birthday, Valentines', White Day, anniversaries etc)
AR cameras
Chance to get members forgotten belongings (FANTASTICS only)
✅ Eligible to get FC only merchandise (which changes every year)
✅ Eligible for special benefits when buying CD/DVDs from LDH official shop
❌ Requires Japanese address and bank account
❌ Mainly used to get first dibs at concert tickets/fan events so unless you're planning on going to physical events, it's not that worth it.
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3. EXILE MOBILE SITES (monthly subscription)
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LDH's comprehensive blogging sites. Is considered Exile Tribe's/LDH main website where contents they covered is divided according to groups (refer to images above) and all of them covers:
latest news
backstage photos from concerts (rehearsals, off shots, events)
blog posts with photos/vlog updated by the artists themselves
original content (radio show, independent programs)
※ Members that are part of EXILE and other groups (e.g: Alan, Gun-chan, Mandy, SEKAI, Taiki, DEEP SQUAD) have separate blogs on EXILE mobile/LDH mobile and Tribe Mobile.
⚠️ Pictures that have the LDH/group logo on them are all pictures from their mobile sites. Please be careful of sharing them publicly (as they are widely known to be paid content)
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✅ Main source of online content for Exile Tribe straight from the members themselves
✅ Updated daily (depending on member)
✅ Contents are more personal and in-depth compared to their SNS posts. I've translated some of them here and here
✅ Chance of fans directly interact with members (some would reply back to fans replies, also depending on member)
TL;DR: Paid sites are not region blocked as long as you can get through the payment site
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Others (sites not managed by LDH but are official collaborations)
1.ABEMA TV - PAID (is not covered in the same category as free tv show because these are not available on regional JP tv channels:
Contents include but not limited to:
ABEMAxLDH: Concerts (PPV), documentary and fanmeets
Past and currently airing GENEkou TV episodes
Incomplete episodes of SHIBUEXILE (2020 - 2021)
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2. Tribe Kingdom (puzzle mobile game) - FREE: I have made a separate post about the game here. While the in-game stories are fictional, some parts (voice lines, kitchen talk) include real facts about the artists themselves
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How do you sign up/access sites that require JP address and phone number? A: I sign up to Tenso and use the address and number they provide. Most JP sites I've used accepts the address and phone number Tenso provides. None of the sites I've mentioned above require any sort of code to be sent to your Tenso phone number
How do you pay for the services that require JP bank accounts? A: I do not have any jp bank account and have only used my local (asean) bank account. I just pick a card and pray it's accepted by the payment site
Which site do you recommend the most for international fans? A: CL. Other than the fact that the contents are subbed, it is also the platform where you can openly post in other languages (not Japanese) whether in replies or live chats. I really encourage getting the Premium subscription to show LDH how international fans are supporting them.
What is the difference between Official Fan Club contents VS mobile sites? A: Mobile sites main contents are blog posts that are updated by members themselves so the contents mainly focus on individual members (good for people who are only fans of specific members of a group). Mobile site contents are also less formal (pictures/videos are not edited professionally). FC are mainly group-centered contents and the quantities are not as many as those that are posted in mobile sites. But no same contents are posted in both site. ※ Personal note: Mobile sites is worth your money more compared to FC
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END. Thank for checking this out and feel free to hit me up if you have any questions regarding these services/sites as I've had a chance to use most of them
(e.g: I can answer questions such as how to sign up to site A, what kind of contents members A, B, C post in their blog or how regularly they post blogs, or which VPN do I use when using site A or B. Unfortunately I can't help with any question regarding payment)
Let's try to support our boys where we can :) 👍
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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Wakana 3rd Album Details Revealed & New Artist Visual
Following the little teasers from yesterday, we finally have some concrete news today.
Wakana’s 3rd original album 『そのさきへ』 ("Sono saki e") will be released physically/digitally on May 31st. The first new album in over 3 years welcomes Satoshi Takebe as producer and is comprised of a total of 10 tracks including the songs "標 (Shirushi)" composed by singer-songwriter Yoshiko Hanzaki, “明日を夢見て歌う(Asu wo Yume Mite Utau)” composed/arranged by Satoshi Takebe with lyrics written by Wakana as well as "Flag", a character theme song for the mobile app “Memento Mori”. Other songs will be announced at a later date. Please look forward to it.
[Comment from Wakana] This 3rd album "Sono Saki e (Beyond this point)" will be the first album in 3 years and 3 months since my previous work "magic moment". The title of this album came from the desire to “walk towards the future together”. We are all living in the same world, living in the same time. As long as we are alive, we are always moving forward. No matter how sad or painful things are, time won't stop or wait for us, we can't stand still. If there are people who feel loneliness in such a time, I want them to remember that they are not alone. I want to make the kind of music that always stays by someone's side. It's not an exaggeration but if my music can make you smile, it makes me happier than anything else. With the help of Satoshi Takebe and many other people, I was able to bring my thoughts and feelings to life. While waiting impatiently for the day we can finally release it, we will carefully work on the final details of the album. Please look forward to the finished result! ***Wakana***
【Original 3rd Album『そのさきへ』Product Specification】
[Title]  そのさきへ [Release date] 2023/05/31   Cover images from left to right (Type A, Type B, Regular)
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◆First Press Limited Edition Type A(CD+DVD):VIZL-2189、6,600円 Bonus Content: ●Live DVD「Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~」(~86min) <Setlist>  01.約束の夜明け, 02.442, 03.オレンジ, 04.夕焼け, 05.myself, 06.時には昔の話を, 07.愛にできることはまだあるかい, 08.君の銀の庭, 09.標, 10.明日を夢見て歌う, 11. Flag, 12. Happy Hello Day, 13.記憶の人, 14. magic moment ※The Christmas songs (Winter Wonderland & Silent Night) are not included
◆First Press Limited Edition Type B(2CD+Photo booklet+Poster、LP Sized Package):VIZL-2190、6,050円 Bonus content: ●LP Sized Package ●LP Sized Photo booklet ●Poster(B2 size) ●LIVE CD with audio tracks of「Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~」(~86min)※same setlist as the DVD
◆Regular Edition(CD):VICL-65821、3,300円
Tower Records In-Store Release Events
In commemoration of the release of the new album "Sono Saki e", two in-store events will be held for the first time in a while at CD shops in Tokyo and Osaka. ◆ [Tokyo] June 10, 19:00- Tower Records Shibuya  ◆ [Osaka] June 17, 14:00- Tower Records Umeda
At both venues, a mini-live and a present handover event will be held. The present will be a signed clear file (A4 size). The mini-live at Tower Records Shibuya on June 10th can be viewed online via teket by all those who purchased at Tower Records nationwide and Tower Records Online. If you can't watch it in real time, there is also a one-week archive period. ※Starting from May 30, those who purchase a copy of the target product in the target stores will receive a ticket voucher which can be exchanged for a numbered admission ticket to the in-store events (tickets are limited!) ※In addition to the above mentioned benefits, customers will also receive the store specific tokuten postcard
Victor Online Sign Events
To celebrate the release of the new album "Sono Saki e", two online sign events will be held for those who purchase the album in the Victor Online Store. ◆【1st】 4/16 13h~ BUY HERE (Pre-order deadline: 4/15)  ◆【2nd】5/13 17h~ BUY HERE   (Pre-order deadline: 5/12)
As a purchase privilege, you will receive an alternate version of the "Sono Saki e" cover with a different visual depending on the day. This cover image will be signed by Wakana and include a personal reference with your chosen nickname. Both events will be broadcast on YouTube and archived until April 23, May 20 respectively. ※The store specific tokuten postcard will NOT be included
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Store Specific Tokuten
In addition, there will be a first-come-first-served purchase privilege for the new album "Sono Saki e" in nationwide store. Those who purchase the album at "Animate",  "Gamers", "Tower Records", "HMV", "TSUTAYA RECORDS", "Rakuten Books", "Seven Net Shopping" or "Victor Online Store" will receive a "Wakana Visual Postcard" as present. Those who purchase at "Amazon.co.jp" will receive a “Mega Jacket/Cover”.
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Fan Club Exclusive Tokuten
For members of Wakana's official fan club "Botanical Land", there will be special presents for those who order a specified copy. Fan club members will receive a CD with a live audio track of "Nagareboshi" which was performed during the fan club exclusive ending section of 「Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~」 as well as a photo card (A5 size) with an autograph. Preorder period: 2023/3/15~4/14. More details HERE. ※Specified copies are sold in the Victor Online Store ※The store specific tokuten postcard will be included
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Photoshoot Offshots
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Wakana Instagram post
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bluev0id · 7 days
Hi good day~ I like your username bluev0id by the way when I scrolled.
If lucky to join I'm A.E. I love chocolate and other desert cakes. Currently using online dating apps hehe and studying college.
I wanna ask
1. What guidance do you need to hear right now?
I think I needed it more to be in the present huhu. Thank you for your time, energy, and for the game 🫶 I hoped I followed the rules~
Hi, sorry for the long wait. I got covid, and then some other things happened. T - T
I have quite an interesting answer for you. Seems like cards want you to live through your passion and emotions right now. If you were to take the ration and logical approach to life, it would lead you to a path that would feel disappointing after a while, some benefits, yeah, but ultimately not fit for you. So don't restrict yourself from what you desire. Find ways to let your emotions run wild and be happy and surrounded by friends or your crushes. I feel like there's a lot you will unlock if you strive for emotional happiness
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fazilakhatun · 1 month
B-u-yVerified Cash App Accounts
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Purchasing a verified Cash App Cash App account ensures secure transactions and reliable service. B-u-yers must navigate a trusted platform offering such a service.
If you want to more information just knock us – Contact US
24 Hours Reply/Contact
Telegram: @Seo2Smm
Skype: Seo2Smm
WhatsApp: +1 (413) 685-6010
 In today's digital age, the ability to transfer money quickly and safely is paramount for both personal and business transactions. A verified Cash App Cash App account provides this convenience with an added layer of security, making it an attractive option for users who prioritize their financial safety online.
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 Why Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts Matter
The moment you decide to use Cash App Cash App for transactions, you must consider verification. A verified Cash App Cash App account stands as a shield. It secures your money and personal data.
The Need For Verification
Verification is the first step to a safe experience. With a verified account, you unlock higher limits. You get access to additional features, too. Verification proves your identity, building trust with others.
Increased sending and receiving limits
Access to Bitcoin trading
Direct deposit eligibility
Risks Of Unverified Accounts
Using an unverified account is risky.
Risk Factor
Low Transaction Limits
Limited Money Flow
No Direct Deposits
Lack of Essential Services
Risk of Closure
Loss of Funds
Susceptibility to Fraud
Financial Threat
Unverified accounts tempt thieves. They invite scams and frauds. Lower limits can also disrupt your spending. Lack of verification may lead to account closure, trapping your funds.
Getting Started With Cash App
Embracing the ease of online transactions gets even easier with Cash App. If you're trying to step up your financial game with convenience and security, getting started with a verified Cash App Cash App account is a smart move. We'll walk you through all you need to know, from initial setup to exploring those nifty features that make Cash App Cash App a go-to financial tool for many.
Initial Setup
Setting up your Cash App Cash App account is as simple as pie. Download the app, enter your basic information, and you're halfway there. Follow these steps for a smooth start:
Download Cash App Cash App from your app store.
Open the app and enter your mobile number or email.
Enter the code sent to your phone or email.
Add your bank account for funding your Cash App Cash App balance.
Choose a unique $Cashtag, your identifier for transactions.
Account Features
Your verified Cash App Cash App account comes with features that make money management a breeze. Let's check out the key benefits:
Direct Deposit
Get paychecks delivered right into your account.
Instant Transfers
Send and receive money at lightning speed.
Cash Card
A personalized debit card for your spending needs.
Investment Options
B-u-y, sell, and hold Bitcoin or stocks, all from the app.
Free ATM withdrawals with direct deposits.
Customize your card's look for extra flair.
Robust security to keep your transactions safe.
Verification Process For Cash App
Cash App Cash App requires users to complete a verification process. This process keeps accounts secure. Verified accounts unlock additional features. Users can send and receive more money with a verified account. Get ready to enjoy the full Cash App Cash App experience!
Step-by-step Guide
Follow these simple steps to verify your Cash App Cash App Account:
Open your Cash App.
Tap the profile icon on your home screen.
Select Personal.
Enter your details: full name, date of birth, and the last 4 digits of your SSN.
Provide any additional information if asked.
Wait for the confirmation. This can take 24-48 hours.
Required Documentation
To complete verification, you need:
A government-issued ID.
Your Social Security Number (SSN).
Keep these documents handy for a smooth verification process.
Benefits Of A Verified Account
Many choose to B-u-y a verified Cash App Cash App account for good reasons. A verified status can transform how you use the platform.
Increased Limits
Verification bumps up your transaction limits. Unverified users hit limits quickly. Verified members enjoy more freedom.
Send more money weekly.
Withdraw higher amounts from ATMs.
No cap on receiving funds.
Unverified Account
Verified Account
Sending Limit
ATM Withdrawal
Wider Access To Features
Verification unlocks exclusive features. Your Cash App Cash App experience gets better.
Direct deposit payroll straight to Cash App.
Get a free custom Cash Card for spending.
Borrow money with Cash App Cash App Loan if eligible.
Verified users can also trade Bitcoin and stocks. This makes investing simple and accessible.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Purchasing A Verified Cash App Cash App Account
Purchasing a verified Cash App Cash App account offers convenience for anyone wanting hassle-free transactions. It's crucial to follow the correct steps and know where to B-u-y. Awareness about potential scams is equally important to ensure a secure purchase.
Where To B-u-y
Finding a reputable source is the first step in acquiring a verified Cash App Cash App account. Look for platforms with positive feedback and a strong customer service record. Popular online marketplaces or fintech forums can be good starting points.
Check the marketplace's authenticity before any transaction.
Look for vendors who provide proof of verification.
Ensure they offer after-sale support.
Avoiding Scams
Stay vigilant to avoid falling victim to scams. Always perform due diligence before committing to a purchase. Remember these key tips:
Do not share personal information unless you trust the source.
Never make payments outside the official marketplace platform.
Ensure communication is documented for future reference.
Search for vendor reviews and feedback online.
Safety Measures For Transactions
When dealing with financial transactions, safety is key. Users often seek out verified Cash App Cash App accounts for increased security. Let's explore essential transaction safety measures.
Secure Payment Methods
Choosing the right payment method is crucial for safe transactions. Cash App Cash App offers several secure options:
Bank transfers – Link your account for easy transactions.
Debit cards – Use your card for swift payments.
Bitcoin – Benefit from the cryptocurrency option.
Enable two-factor authentication on your account. This step adds an extra layer of security.
Protecting Personal Information
Keep your personal details safe. Here are some methods:
Avoid sharing sensitive information like PINs or SSN.
Regularly update your app for the latest security features.
Monitor account activity. Report any suspicious behavior.
Remember, maintaining the confidentiality of your data helps prevent unauthorized access.
Prices For Verified Accounts
When shopping for a verified Cash App Cash App account, you'll notice diverse pricing options. These prices reflect the level of verification, the age of the account, and any additional features. Let's delve into what you might expect to pay and how to make an informed choice.
Understanding Market Rates
Understanding Market Rates
Market variations affect account prices. Seasoned accounts command higher prices. Embarking on a purchase starts with market rate awareness.
The table below provides a snapshot of current verified Cash App Cash App account rates:
Account Type
Price Range
Basic Verified
Premium Verified
Prices scale with features like transaction limits and support services. Keep this perspective to gauge offerings.
Comparing Sellers
Comparing Sellers
Compare sellers for the best deal. Evaluate their reputation, account quality, and customer feedback.
Reputation speaks volumes. Opt for sellers with proven track records.
Account Quality means fewer hurdles down the line. Seek high-quality accounts.
Customer Feedback reflects seller reliability. Positive reviews indicate trustworthy sellers.
Engage with sellers transparent about their prices and services. This approach prevents unforeseen expenses.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Setting Up Your Purchased Account
Welcome to the ultimate guide on setting up your newly purchased verified Cash App Cash App account. Purchasing a verified account can fast-track your access to the robust features of Cash App, but it's crucial to get the setup right. In this segment, we'll guide you through essential steps to transfer ownership and customize account settings seamlessly.
Transferring Ownership
Ownership transfer is the first step after B-u-ying a Cash App Cash App account.
Receive account credentials from the seller securely.
Log in with the provided details.
Change all login information immediately.
Email and phone numbers must be updated to your own. This secures your access and ensures recovery is possible.
Navigate to settings for personal information updates.
Input your information to reflect the new ownership.
Complete these steps to legally own the account.
Customizing Account Settings
Customize settings to enhance security and user experience.
Enable security features like 2-factor authentication.
Link your bank account for seamless transactions.
Adjust privacy settings according to preferences.
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Personalize your profile for a tailored Cash App Cash App experience.
Add a unique $Cashtag that represents you or your business.
Upload a personal or brand image.
Explore the app's features and settings for complete customization.
Maintaining Your Cash App Cash App Account
Keeping your Cash App Cash App account in good shape is essential.
Regular care prevents problems and keeps your account running smoothly.
Regular Updates
Keeping your app up to date is crucial.
Check for updates often.
Updates fix bugs and add features.
Updating is quick and keeps your account safe.
Verifying Continued Eligibility
Always make sure you are eligible to use your account.
Follow these steps:
Check Cash App Cash App rules yearly.
Ensure your information is current.
Provide required documents on time.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Tackling problems with your verified Cash App Cash App account can sometimes be tricky. But don't worry about getting lost in technicalities. This guide simplifies some of the common hurdles you might face.
Login Problems
Can't access your account? Follow these steps:
Check your internet connection. A solid connection is crucial.
Verify your login details. Ensure your email and password are correct.
Update the app. An outdated app makes logging in harder.
Clear the cache. This fresh start could be the quick fix you need.
Contact support if nothing works. They'll help get you back in.
Transaction Errors
Seeing error messages during transactions?
Confirm your bank balance first. No funds, no transaction.
Check the recipient's details. Mistakes here cause errors.
Refresh the Cash App. Sometimes it just needs a quick reboot.
Look for app updates. Running the latest version prevents issues.
Still stuck? Reach out to Cash App Cash App support for precise solutions.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Pros And Cons Of B-u-ying Verified Accounts
Many people want Cash App Cash App accounts that are ready to use. Some pick B-u-ying verified accounts. This way can be quick but has good and bad points.
Immediate Access
Get an account fast with B-u-ying a verified Cash App Cash App account. Just pay, and start using it. It saves time making one and waiting for checking your details.
No setup hassle: Skip steps like adding info.
Quick money moves: Send and get cash soon.
Full features: Get all that Cash App Cash App offers, right away.
Potential Risks
Account bans
Rules say no to bought accounts. Cash App Cash App might close them.
Security fears
Accounts might not be safe. Hackers can steal info.
Costs more
You spend money for something normally free.
B-u-ying comes with risks. Know them before you decide.
Legal Considerations
Exploring the realm of digital finance invites one to consider the importance of legality. Specifically, when discussing B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts, you cannot turn a blind eye to the legal boundaries that frame this digital landscape.
Platform Policies
First and foremost, Cash App Cash App a user-agreement that outlines permissible use cases. Users must understand these policies before creating or B-u-ying an account. Disregarding them can lead to account suspensions or legal consequences.
Account set up with real identity.
No fake details for verification.
One user per account stipulation.
Prohibition of resale or transfer of ownership.
Financial Regulations
Stringent laws govern financial platforms to prevent fraud and protect users. When purchasing verified Cash App Cash App accounts, remember:
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Impact on Purchase
KYC Laws
Identity verification
Purchased accounts must have verifiable information
AML Directives
Prevention of money laundering
Accounts should have a clear transaction history
PCI DSS Compliance
Data security standards for payment cards
Ensures transaction data is protected
Remember, owning a Cash App Cash App account requires compliance with all local and international financial laws. It's not just about simple transactions but ensuring your activities are legal and secure.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Cash App's Role In Digital Economy
The digital economy thrives on simplicity and trust in transactions. Cash App Cash App features heavily in this landscape with its streamlined approach to money management. Verified accounts on the Cash App Cash App platform signify a level of authenticity and security that is critical for users engaging in digital financial activities. These trusted accounts are cornerstones in the ever-evolving digital economy, enabling seamless peer-to-peer payments and reshaping how consumers handle their finances.
Mobile Payment Trends
Mobile payments are transforming how we transact. Services like Cash App Cash App are at the forefront, offering quick and secure ways to send or receive money. With the rise of smartphones, payment apps are becoming essential tools for the digital economy. They cater to a growing preference for digital wallets and tap-to-pay technology.
Increased mobile wallet adoption
Contactless transactions gaining ground
Preference for app-based financial services
Impact On E-commerce
Verified Cash App Cash App accounts influence e-commerce by providing a trusted payment option for online shoppers. Retailers now integrate these payment methods to capture more sales and improve customer experience.
Ease of checkout with one-tap payment
Secure transactions with verified accounts
Faster payments encourage repeat business
In summary, a robust digital economy relies heavily on platforms like Cash App, with verified accounts ensuring confidence in e-commerce and reflecting modern mobile payment trends.
Alternatives To B-u-ying Verified Accounts
Exploring Alternatives to B-u-ying Verified Accounts can be a safer path to managing finances online. Users often seek out verified Cash App Cash App accounts to bypass certain limits. Yet, this approach poses risks. Let's delve into legitimate and secure methods to access similar features without the risks involved in purchasing accounts.
Becoming verified on Cash App Cash App is straightforward. Input your SSN and personal info. Cash App Cash App then verifies your identity. Once verified, your account unlocks higher limits and additional features.
Other Payment Platforms
Many payment platforms exist. Each offers unique benefits and verification processes. Consider these popular alternatives:
PayPal: A well-known platform requiring user and bank account verification.
Venmo: Popular among friends for quick transfers after a user identity check.
Zelle: Integrates with bank accounts for instant, verified transactions.
Each platform secures your data and transactions reliably, negating the need to B-u-y accounts.
Verification Requirement
Linked bank, credit card
Global payments, B-u-yer protection
Identity documents
Social sharing, fast transfers
Direct bank linkage
Bank-level security, no extra app needed
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User Reviews And Testimonials
Welcome to the realm of honest user feedback on Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts. Real people share their experiences. Their stories highlight the perks and downsides of these accounts. Dive in for some unfiltered opinions!
Success Stories
Real users share their joy:
Immediate setup: "I got my account in minutes!"
Smooth transactions: "B-u-ying and selling is now a breeze."
Top-notch security: "My money's safe and secure!"
These tales show happy users who enjoy their Verified Cash App Cash App experiences. They feel confident and satisfied.
Customer Complaints
Feedback isn't always sunny. Here are a few common gripes:
Support lag: "Help takes time to respond."
Verification hiccups: "The process was fussy for me."
Fees confusion: "I was unclear about some charges."
These reviews help paint a full picture. Knowing the issues others faced is helpful. You get to prep for potential hiccups ahead of time.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Services Offered By Verified Accounts
Verified Cash App Cash App accounts unlock a world of financial possibilities. From seamless money transfers to investment options, these accounts offer a variety of services. Let’s dive into some of the key features that make verified accounts a must-have.
Direct Deposits
Enjoy the ease of getting payments straight into your account. With verified Cash App Cash App accounts, you can set up direct deposits for your paycheck or any other income.
Quick access to funds on payday
No waiting for check deposits
Direct deposit earnings early
Bitcoin Trading
Skip the complexity of traditional crypto exchanges. Verified accounts allow you to B-u-y and sell Bitcoin with just a few taps.
Bitcoin Trading Features
Simple B-u-y/sell interface
Safe storage of Bitcoins
Immediate trading option
Managing Finances With Cash App
Cash App Cash App revolutionizes money management. This digital wallet simplifies tracking expenses. It offers features like direct deposits and stocks. Users enjoy a seamless financial experience. B-u-y a verified Cash App Cash App account for this solution.
Budgeting Tools
Stay on top of spending with Cash App's budgeting tools. See where money goes at a glance. Create categories for rent, groceries, and more.
Visualize your finances through simple charts.
Set spending limits to prevent overspending.
Receive alerts for unusual activities.
Instant Payments
Send and receive money without delay using a Cash App Cash App account. Deal with emergencies or pay friends back instantly.
Paycheck Deposit
Get salary straight into your Cash App.
Money Transfer
Move funds to others in seconds.
Cash Out
Withdraw to bank quickly.
The Future Of Verified Accounts
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts marks the beginning of safer, easier online transactions. Verified accounts mean trust and reliability. They represent a secure future for digital payments.
Technological Advancements
Verified accounts use the latest security features. These include fingerprint scanning and facial recognition.
New tech means fewer frauds. Users can trust accounts more.
AI monitors for unusual activity.
Encryption keeps information safe.
Verification is now quicker and smoother.
Predictions For Cash App
Experts predict big changes for Cash App. It's not just for sending money anymore.
More users will have verified accounts.
Cash App Cash App may introduce new cryptocurrency features.
Payment verification might happen in seconds.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
User Security And Fraud Prevention
Keeping your finances secure online is vital. B-u-ying a verified Cash App Cash App account comes with robust security features for safe transactions. Let's delve into how Cash App Cash App ensures user security and fraud prevention:
Encrypted Transactions
Cash App Cash App uses advanced encryption to protect your data. Every purchase, transfer, or payment you make is secured. This means no prying eyes on your financial moves. Here are the essentials:
PCI-DSS level 1 certification keeps your information under wraps.
Automatic account logout after inactivity to prevent unauthorized access.
Data is sent over secure servers to block cyber threats.
Reporting Suspicious Activity
If you notice odd behavior on your account, you should act fast. Cash App Cash App has easy steps for reporting. This helps to clamp down on fraud swiftly. Follow these points:
Identify any unauthorized transactions.
Use the app to flag these for review.
Contact support immediately for help.
Remember, keeping your account safe also depends on your vigilance. Always check your transactions and keep your account information private.
Faqs For New Verified Account Owners
Welcoming new owners of verified Cash App Cash App accounts! This section aims to ease your journey. Curious about what comes next? We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions just for you. Quick, clear answers are right at your fingertips, guaranteeing a smooth start.
Common Questions Answered
Discover answers to top questions that new users often have:
What limits apply to my verified account? Verified accounts enjoy higher transaction limits.
Can I receive international payments? Yes, if Cash App Cash App supports payments in both countries.
Is customer support available 24/7? Cash App Cash App offers round-the-clock support for users.
How do I keep my account secure? Always enable two-factor authentication and never share your PIN.
What are Cash App's fees? Some services, like instant transfers, have small fees.
Tips For First-time Users
Get off to a flying start with these handy tips:
Explore the app to familiarize yourself with its features.
Connect a bank account for easy money transfers.
Verify your identity to unlock full benefits.
Test with small transactions to gain confidence.
Check out Cash Card to spend your Cash App Cash App balance.
Frequently Asked Questions For B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Account
 What Is A Verified Cash App Cash App Account? 
A verified Cash App Cash App account means it has passed additional identity checks. This ensures higher security and increased transaction limits. Verified users must provide full legal name, date of birth, and SSN.
 Benefits Of B-u-ying A Verified Cash App Cash App Account? 
B-u-ying a verified Cash App Cash App account gives instant access to higher transaction limits and other premium features without the normal waiting or verification hassles. It’s a quick solution for immediate financial activities.
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 How To B-u-y A Verified Cash App Cash App Account Safely? 
To B-u-y safe, opt for credible platforms with positive user reviews and secure payment options. Always protect personal details and ensure a clear transfer of account credentials upon purchase.
 Can You Legally B-u-y And Sell Cash App Cash App Accounts? 
B-u-ying or selling Cash App Cash App accounts can violate Cash App’s terms of service. It’s important to review legal implications and Cash App’s policies before engaging in any transactions involving account sales or purchases.
Ensuring seamless transactions is pivotal in the digital age. Opting for a verified Cash App Cash App account can offer that tranquility. It streamlines your payments and secures your financial dealings. Remember, a verified account is more than convenience; it's your gateway to hassle-free digital finance. 
Make the smart choice today. Embrace verified, embrace simplicity.
3 notes · View notes
dandyly010 · 1 month
B-u-y Verified Cash App Accounts: Secure Hassle-Free Transactions!
You can B-u-y verified Cash App accounts from various online vendors. Ensure the source is trustworthy to avoid scams.
If you want to more information just knock us – Contact US
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Verified Cash App accounts offer enhanced security and reliability. Purchasing a verified account can save time and streamline financial transactions. These accounts come with added benefits, such as increased transaction limits and reduced risk of account suspension. Before making a purchase, research the vendor thoroughly to confirm authenticity.
Read reviews and check user feedback to ensure you are dealing with a reputable seller. It's crucial to prioritize safety and security when B-u-ying verified accounts. Always use trusted platforms to make your purchase. This ensures a smooth transaction and protects your financial information. Avoid suspicious offers that seem too good to be true.
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The Rise Of Cash App
Cash App has quickly become a leading player in the digital payment space. It offers a simple, user-friendly interface that attracts millions. The app allows users to send and receive money with just a few taps. As its popularity grows, so does the need for verified accounts.
Cash App's Popularity
Cash App’s popularity has surged in recent years. Many people use it for personal transactions, business payments, and more. This rise in popularity is due to its ease of use and security features.
Users (Millions)
Cash App is not just popular among individuals but also among businesses. It provides a fast and secure way to handle transactions. People trust Cash App due to its robust security measures.
Financial Freedom With Cash App
Financial freedom is one of the key benefits of using Cash App. Users can access their money quickly without the need for a traditional bank. This is especially beneficial for those who prefer digital transactions.
Send and receive money instantly
B-u-y and sell Bitcoin
Invest in stocks
Use the Cash Card for purchases
Cash App also offers features like direct deposits and cash boosts. These features help users manage their finances more effectively. The app’s versatility makes it a preferred choice for many.
Benefits Of Verified Cash App Accounts
Verified Cash App accounts offer many advantages. These include higher sending limits and increased security. Understanding these benefits can help you make the most of your Cash App experience.
Higher Sending Limits
Verified Cash App accounts allow for higher sending limits. This means you can send more money at once.
Unverified accounts: Send up to $250 per week.
Verified accounts: Send up to $7,500 per week.
This is especially useful for business transactions or large purchases. You won't need to break up payments into smaller amounts.
Increased Security Measures
Security is a top priority for Cash App. Verified accounts benefit from increased security measures.
Two-factor authentication.
Fraud detection systems.
Enhanced encryption protocols.
These measures help protect your money and personal information. You can use the app with greater peace of mind.
The Verification Process
B-u-ying a verified Cash App account can save you time and effort. A verified account offers more features and higher transaction limits. Understanding the verification process is crucial for a smooth experience.
Step-by-step Guide
Follow these simple steps to verify your Cash App account:
Open the Cash App on your device.
Tap the profile icon on your home screen.
Select the "Personal" tab to update your information.
Enter your full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN).
Submit the required information and wait for verification.
Required Documentation
To verify your Cash App account, you need:
Full legal name
Date of birth
Last four digits of your SSN
A valid government-issued ID
Make sure all information is accurate. Mismatched details can delay the process. Double-check everything before submission.
Document Type
Details Required
Government ID
Clear photo, full name, date of birth
Last four digits
Ensure your documents are clear and readable. Blurry images or incorrect information can cause delays.
Why Purchase A Verified Account?
B-u-ying a verified Cash App account can save time and ensure seamless transactions. It offers multiple benefits that enhance your user experience.
Avoiding The Hassle
A verified account eliminates the need for tedious verification steps. You won't have to wait for approvals or submit multiple documents. This makes the process quick and painless.
Additionally, using a verified account helps you bypass common issues. For example, it minimizes the chances of transaction errors and account limitations. This ensures smoother operations every time you use Cash App.
Instant Access To Features
With a verified account, you get immediate access to advanced features. These include higher transaction limits and instant deposits. You can also use Cash App's investment options without delays.
Moreover, verified accounts often come with enhanced security. This means your funds and personal information are better protected. You can use the app with greater peace of mind.
Higher Transaction Limits
Send and receive more money
Instant Deposits
Get your money faster
Advanced Security
Keep your account safe
In summary, B-u-ying a verified Cash App account offers significant advantages. It simplifies your user experience and provides immediate access to essential features.
Risks Of Unverified Accounts
Using unverified Cash App accounts can be risky. Unverified accounts often face many limitations. They can also expose users to potential fraud. Below are the specific risks associated with unverified accounts.
Transaction Limits
Unverified accounts have strict transaction limits. These limits can hinder your financial flexibility. The table below shows the differences in transaction limits for verified and unverified accounts.
Account Type
Daily Limit
Weekly Limit
Monthly Limit
Unverified Account
Verified Account
As shown, verified accounts offer much higher limits. This allows for more substantial transactions. Unverified accounts can cause delays and frustrations.
Potential For Fraud
Unverified accounts are more susceptible to fraud. Scammers target these accounts because they lack the security measures of verified accounts. Below are some common fraud risks:
Phishing attacks
Fake promotions
Unauthorized transactions
Verified accounts have better security. They often include two-factor authentication and other safeguards. These features make it harder for fraudsters to succeed.
Protect your money by using a verified account. This significantly reduces the risk of fraud. Keep your transactions safe and secure.
Where To B-u-y Verified Cash App Accounts
Are you in need of verified Cash App accounts? B-u-ying verified accounts can be a practical solution. To find trustworthy sources, explore various options. Here's a guide to help you find where to B-u-y verified Cash App accounts.
Online Marketplaces
Online marketplaces are a popular place to find verified Cash App accounts. These platforms offer a variety of sellers and options.
Wide range of sellers
Community reviews
Local deals
eBay offers a wide range of sellers. You can check seller ratings and reviews. Reddit is another great option. The community often provides honest reviews. Craigslist is suitable for local transactions. Ensure you meet in a safe place.
Reputable Sellers
B-u-ying from reputable sellers ensures a higher chance of a successful transaction. These sellers often have positive feedback and verified histories.
Look for sellers with high ratings and positive reviews.
Check if the seller has a verified history of successful transactions.
Ask for proof of verification before purchasing.
Reputable sellers can be found on forums and specialized websites. Always verify their credentials. This ensures you get a legitimate verified Cash App account.
Pricing Considerations
Understanding the Pricing Considerations for B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts is crucial. You need to know what factors affect the cost and how to compare prices effectively. This will help you make an informed decision and get the best deal possible.
Cost Factors
Several factors influence the cost of verified Cash App accounts. Let's explore these:
Verification Level: Accounts with higher verification levels cost more. This is due to the added security and features.
Account Age: Older accounts are often more expensive. They have a longer history and better credibility.
Transaction History: Accounts with a clean transaction history are priced higher. This is because they have a proven track record.
Geographical Location: Prices may vary based on the location of the account holder. Some regions are more expensive than others.
Comparing Prices
When comparing prices, consider the following points:
Look for reputable sellers. Check reviews and ratings before making a purchase.
Compare the features of each account. Make sure they meet your needs.
Review the terms and conditions. Some sellers offer guarantees and customer support.
Low-Cost Accounts
High-Cost Accounts
Verification Level
Account Age
Transaction History
Limited or None
Extensive and Clean
Geographical Location
By understanding these pricing considerations, you can make a wise investment. Make sure to weigh all factors and choose the best option for your needs.
Ensuring Seller Legitimacy
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts can be a daunting task. Ensuring the seller's legitimacy is crucial. Understanding the steps to verify a seller can save you from scams and fraud.
Verification Checks
Performing verification checks on the seller is essential. Here are some steps to follow:
Check the seller's reviews and ratings.
Ask for proof of previous successful transactions.
Verify the seller's identity through social media profiles.
Confirm the seller's contact information is valid.
Red Flags To Watch For
Spotting red flags can help you avoid fraudulent sellers. Be cautious of the following:
Sellers with no reviews or poor ratings.
Unwillingness to provide proof of successful transactions.
Inconsistent or hard-to-verify contact information.
Pressure to complete the transaction quickly.
Ensuring the seller's legitimacy involves these critical steps. Following these guidelines can protect you from potential scams.
Secure Payment Methods
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts requires careful attention to secure payment methods. Ensuring safety during transactions is vital. Utilize safe practices to protect your money.
Safe Transactions
Safety in transactions is crucial when B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts. Use reputable payment methods to avoid fraud. Consider using the following options:
PayPal: Offers B-u-yer protection and secure payments.
Credit Cards: Ensure transactions are traceable and reversible if needed.
Escrow Services: Holds funds until you confirm the account is as described.
Always verify the seller's credentials. Check reviews and feedback to ensure trustworthiness.
Avoiding Scams
Avoiding scams is essential when purchasing verified Cash App accounts. Look for red flags such as:
Unverified Sellers: Avoid sellers without a proven track record.
Too Good to Be True Offers: Be cautious of prices significantly lower than average.
Pressure Tactics: Sellers pushing for quick decisions may be scammers.
Report suspicious activity immediately. Use trusted platforms for B-u-ying verified accounts.
Safe Payment Method
Reason to Use
B-u-yer protection and secure transactions.
Credit Cards
Traceable and reversible transactions.
Escrow Services
Funds held until transaction confirmation.
Account Delivery And Setup
Setting up your newly purchased verified Cash App account is a crucial step. This ensures you can use it smoothly and securely. This section will guide you through the account delivery and setup process. Follow these steps to get your account up and running in no time.
Receiving Your Account
Once you B-u-y a verified Cash App account, you will receive account details. These details include:
Username and password
Email linked to the account
Security questions and answers
Ensure you keep this information safe. It is essential for accessing and managing your account. You will receive these details via email or a secure message. Check your spam folder to ensure you don't miss it.
Initial Configuration
After receiving your account details, the next step is configuration. Follow these steps:
Log in to your Cash App account using the received username and password.
Update the password to one of your choices. Ensure it is strong and unique.
Verify the linked email address. This helps in account recovery if needed.
Set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.
Updating your password and verifying your email are crucial. They protect your account from unauthorized access. Setting up 2FA adds an extra layer of security. Always keep your security questions and answers confidential.
Now your account is ready to use. You can send and receive money easily. Enjoy the benefits of your verified Cash App account.
After-sale Support
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts offers many advantages. One of the most significant benefits is the after-sale support. Quality after-sale support ensures that your experience remains smooth and stress-free. Let's dive into the specifics of this crucial aspect.
Customer Service
Customer service plays a vital role in your overall experience. The team is dedicated to helping you with any questions or issues you may have. They are available 24/7 to provide prompt responses and solutions.
24/7 Availability: Get help anytime, day or night.
Quick Responses: Expect swift answers to your queries.
Friendly Staff: Interact with polite and professional agents.
Technical Help
Technical help is another crucial aspect of after-sale support. This ensures that any technical issues are resolved quickly. The team can assist with a wide range of technical problems.
Login Problems
Guidance on resetting passwords and security checks.
App Errors
Troubleshooting steps to fix common app errors.
Transaction Issues
Help with resolving failed or stuck transactions.
Technical help ensures that your Cash App account functions smoothly. Any disruptions are dealt with swiftly and efficiently.
Maintaining Account Security
Maintaining Account Security is crucial when you B-u-y verified Cash App accounts. Your financial safety depends on it. By implementing a few key practices, you can keep your account secure. Let's explore these essential steps.
Regular Monitoring
Always monitor your Cash App account regularly. Check for any unusual transactions. If you spot anything suspicious, report it immediately. Regular monitoring helps you catch problems early. This keeps your funds safe from unauthorized access.
Updating Personal Information
Ensure your personal information is up-to-date. This includes your phone number, email, and address. Accurate information helps in account recovery if needed. Also, it adds an extra layer of security. Keeping your details current minimizes risks and ensures smooth transactions.
Follow these steps to update your information:
Open the Cash App.
Go to the profile section.
Select "Personal Information".
Update your details accordingly.
By keeping your account information accurate, you add an extra layer of security. Never overlook these simple yet effective steps to protect your Cash App account.
Legal Implications
Purchasing verified Cash App accounts can be tempting for quick access and convenience. However, it's essential to understand the legal implications associated with such transactions. Let's dive into the key aspects.
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Compliance With Laws
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts can potentially violate local and international laws. Unauthorized account transactions may involve identity theft or fraudulent activities. Engaging in these practices may lead to severe legal consequences.
Always ensure that your actions comply with the laws and regulations of your region. Ignorance of the law is not a valid defense in court. Being aware of the legal landscape can save you from potential penalties and legal actions.
Legal Aspect
Possible Consequences
Identity Theft
Jail time, fines
Fraudulent Activity
Legal actions, financial loss
Terms Of Service Considerations
Cash App's Terms of Service explicitly prohibit the sale or transfer of accounts. Violating these terms may result in the suspension or termination of your account.
Understanding the Terms of Service is crucial. Here are some key points:
Account Integrity: Your account must be personal and non-transferable.
Unauthorized Access: Sharing or selling accounts is strictly forbidden.
Security Measures: Ensure all activities comply with Cash App's security policies.
Failure to adhere to these terms can lead to permanent bans and potential legal ramifications.
Always read and understand the service agreements before engaging in any transactions. This will help you stay compliant and avoid any unwanted issues.
Testimonials And Reviews
Reading testimonials and reviews can help you decide if B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts is right for you. Real-life stories from users provide insight into the experience and potential benefits. Let's dive into some of these stories.
Success Stories
Many users have shared their positive experiences after B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts.
John D.: "B-u-ying a verified account saved me so much time. Transactions are now seamless."
Emily R.: "I was able to receive payments instantly. No more waiting for verification."
Mike S.: "The account worked perfectly. Customer service was helpful and quick."
These success stories highlight the potential benefits and ease of use. Many users report faster transactions and improved functionality.
B-u-yer Beware Tales
Not all experiences are positive. Some users have faced challenges when B-u-ying verified accounts.
Sarah K.: "I bought an account but faced issues with support. The process was frustrating."
James L.: "The account was not as advertised. I had to contact the seller multiple times."
Anna M.: "I was scammed. The account was fake, and I lost my money."
These cautionary tales remind B-u-yers to be careful and do their research. Ensure you purchase from reputable sources to avoid scams and issues.
Alternatives To B-u-ying Verified Accounts
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts may seem like an easy way out. But there are safer and more ethical alternatives. These methods not only protect your financial information but also help you build a strong, trustworthy online presence.
Self-verification is the most straightforward and reliable method. Here's why:
Security: By verifying your account yourself, you ensure that only you have access to your financial information.
Trust: Banks and financial institutions trust self-verified accounts more.
Ease: The process is simple and usually only requires a few steps.
To self-verify your Cash App account:
Open the Cash App on your phone.
Go to the profile section.
Enter your personal information, like your name and date of birth.
Submit a photo of your government-issued ID.
Wait for verification, which usually takes a few minutes to a few days.
Self-verification offers peace of mind and ensures your account remains secure.
Other Payment Platforms
There are many other payment platforms to consider. Here are some popular options:
Global reach, B-u-yer protection, ease of use
Secure transactions and widely accepted
Social payments, linked to Facebook, easy splitting of bills
Convenient for friends and social features
Instant transfers, linked to banks, no fees
Fast transfers and no additional fees
Google Pay
Integration with Google services, contactless payments, rewards
Seamless with Google and rewards
Using other payment platforms can provide additional features and security. They offer unique benefits that may align with your needs better than Cash App.
Choosing the right payment platform can enhance your financial security and user experience.
Common Scams To Avoid
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts can be a quick way to access the app’s features. Yet, it’s important to be aware of common scams. Scammers often target individuals looking to B-u-y verified accounts. This section will help you identify red flags and provide strategies to prevent scams.
Red Flags
Identifying red flags is crucial to avoid scams. Here are some warning signs:
Unrealistic prices: If the price is too good to be true, it probably is.
No seller reviews: Sellers with no reviews or negative feedback can be risky.
Pressure to B-u-y: Scammers may push you to make quick decisions.
Unverified sellers: Avoid sellers who can't prove their legitimacy.
Scam Prevention Strategies
To protect yourself, use these scam prevention strategies:
Research the seller: Check reviews and ratings before making a purchase.
Use secure payment methods: Avoid methods that offer no B-u-yer protection.
Ask for proof: Request screenshots or videos that verify the account’s status.
Beware of fake websites: Only B-u-y from trusted platforms and avoid suspicious sites.
Stay vigilant and always double-check information to protect yourself from scams. Your safety should be your top priority.
The Future Of Digital Wallets
The world is moving towards digital wallets. These wallets offer convenience, security, and speed. B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts can be a smart step in this direction. This article will delve into the future of digital wallets. We will look at trends to watch and innovations in transactions.
Trends To Watch
Digital wallets are evolving rapidly. Several trends are shaping their future:
Increased Security Measures: New encryption technologies are making wallets safer.
Integration with Wearables: Smartwatches and fitness trackers now support digital payments.
Cryptocurrency Support: More wallets are accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
AI and Machine Learning: These technologies are improving fraud detection and personalized offers.
Keep an eye on these trends. They will make digital wallets more efficient and user-friendly.
Innovation In Transactions
Innovation is transforming transactions. Here’s how:
Contactless Payments
Transactions are faster and more hygienic.
Biometric Authentication
Payments are now more secure with fingerprints and facial recognition.
Blockchain Technology
Enhanced transparency and reduced fraud.
P2P Payments
Send and receive money instantly with apps like Cash App.
These innovations are making digital wallets indispensable. They offer a seamless and secure payment experience.
Faqs About B-u-ying Verified Cash App Accounts
Many people have questions about B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts. These queries are common. Let's address them in detail. This section covers frequently asked questions. Gain insights and expert advice below.
Top Questions Answered
Why B-u-y a verified Cash App account? Verified accounts offer more features. They also ensure secure transactions.
Is it legal to B-u-y a verified Cash App account? B-u-ying accounts can be risky. Always check Cash App’s terms and conditions.
What does verification mean? Verification ensures the account is trustworthy. It confirms the user’s identity.
How much does it cost? Prices vary. It depends on the seller and account features.
Where can I B-u-y a verified Cash App account? Several online platforms sell these accounts. Ensure the seller is reputable.
Expert Advice
Experts recommend caution. Always verify the seller’s credibility. Here are some tips:
Check reviews: Look for positive feedback. Avoid sellers with negative reviews.
Ask for proof: Request evidence of account verification. This ensures authenticity.
Secure payment: Use secure payment methods. This reduces the risk of fraud.
Understand the risks: Know that B-u-ying accounts can be against Cash App’s rules.
Verification Level
Basic or Full Verification
Cost Range
$50 - $200
Payment Methods
Credit Card, PayPal, Cryptocurrency
By following this expert advice, you can make informed decisions. Always prioritize safety and authenticity.
Customizing Your Cash App Experience
Customizing your Cash App can enhance your user experience. You can make transactions smoother and more secure. Discover how to personalize your app and explore advanced features.
Personalization Tips
Personalization helps you tailor your Cash App to meet your needs. Here are some tips:
Profile Picture: Add a unique profile picture. It helps friends recognize you easily.
Custom Username: Choose a username that reflects your personality. Make it memorable.
Security Settings: Enable two-factor authentication. This adds an extra layer of security.
Notifications: Customize notifications to stay updated on transactions.
Advanced Features
Cash App offers advanced features that can make your experience better. Here’s a look:
Direct Deposit
Receive your paycheck directly in your Cash App account.
Cash Card
Get a physical card linked to your Cash App balance. Use it for purchases.
Bitcoin Trading
B-u-y and sell Bitcoin directly in the app.
Boost Program
Earn instant discounts at select merchants using your Cash Card.
Utilize these features to make the most of your Cash App. Personalization and advanced features can enhance your experience significantly.
Conclusion: Is It Worth It?
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts can seem attractive. But is it really worth it? This section will help you decide. Let’s explore the final thoughts and how to make the right decision.
Final Thoughts
Verified Cash App accounts offer ease of use. They come with fewer restrictions. Yet, B-u-ying such accounts has its downsides. Security risks are a major concern. You might end up with a compromised account. Legality is another issue. Many regions have rules against B-u-ying such accounts. Support can also be problematic. If the account faces issues, support might not help you.
On the flip side, there are some benefits. You get instant access. No need for a lengthy verification process. This can be good for businesses. But the risks often outweigh the benefits. Think carefully before you decide.
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Making The Right Decision
To make the right choice, consider these points:
Assess your needs: Why do you need a verified account?
Evaluate risks: Can you handle potential security issues?
Check legality: Is B-u-ying such accounts legal in your region?
Think about support: Will you need help from Cash App support?
Alternative solutions are also worth exploring:
Verify your own account: Follow the Cash App process.
Seek other payment platforms: There are many reliable options available.
Weighing all these factors will help you make the best decision.
Instant access
Security risks
No verification process
Legal issues
Useful for businesses
Lack of support
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Get A Verified Cash App Account?
To get a verified Cash App account, provide your full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your SSN. Ensure your information matches public records. Verification typically takes 24-48 hours.
What Id Can I Use To Verify Cash App Bitcoin?
You can use a government-issued ID to verify Cash App bitcoin. Acceptable IDs include a driver's license, passport, or state ID.
How Can I Verify My Cash App Without Ssn?
You cannot fully verify Cash App without an SSN. Basic account features are available, but limits apply.
How To Get A Cash App Card Without An Id?
You cannot get a Cash App card without an ID. Verification is mandatory for obtaining a Cash App card.
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts can enhance your financial transactions. Ensure security and reliability by choosing trusted sources. Verified accounts offer peace of mind and smooth operations. Make informed decisions to avoid potential pitfalls. Start your journey towards seamless transactions with a verified Cash App account today.
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dmslinux · 11 months
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Our relationship with TV programs has been truly altered by the combination of mobile TV, Web TV, and other movie streaming platforms. You may improve the experience of watching TV and ensure that you never miss your favorite episodes by utilizing these technologies.
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