#best Blood Test App
nityapandey · 9 months
Redcliffe Labs' Blood Test App - Your Health, Your Data:
Take control of your health journey with Redcliffe Labs' revolutionary Blood Test App. Access personalized insights derived from detailed blood analysis, allowing you to track key health markers and proactively ma
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softspiderling · 4 months
illicit affairs - part four | r.c
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“All done?” You asked, stretching your hand a little to make sure the bandage wasn’t restricting anything.
“Yup,” Rafe replied, shutting the kit. “Or is there anything else?”
“I thought you were going to kiss it better,” you said teasingly.
OR; You reminisce about the day you realized you had fallen in love with your best friend
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: mention of blood (small cut!)
word count: 2,9k
author's note: a little later than usual, but i hope you don't mind! new precious + rafe lore unlocked. this part explores rafe's and precious' friendship more and is slightly angsty (what a 180 from the last part lmaoo). pls pls pls let me know what you thought. happy reading!!! <3
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pt. four: "you taught me a secret language"
Throughout your life, Rafe had always been your best friend. Granted, the title became longer the older you got: Rafe, your best friend in the whole world; Rafe your best friend who you had a crush on; Rafe your best friend who you were undoubtedly in love with; and now? Rafe, your best friend who you had sex with.
You sometimes wished you could turn back the time to before you were in love with Rafe.
Or rather, before you admitted you were in love with him.
Deep inside, you knew that there was never a before. You’d always been in love with Rafe. You just refused to admit it, even to yourself, until it pretty much stared you right in the face.
It was right around the time of your senior year at the academy, which admittedly, you didn’t like looking back at all that much since it was probably the most stressful times of your life, with all the exams, finals and college apps you were doing; it didn’t help that your parents were on your ass most of the times, despite you doing fairly well in school. However it all came to a boiling point around the end of the first term of your senior year. You had just come home from studying at the library with the boys - with Rafe just bumming around because he had graduated two years earlier - when your mother greeted you at the door with a letter in her hand, her face red.
“What’s this?”
You sighed internally, turning around to shut the door behind you slowly, using that time to exhale deeply. It had been a long day and the last thing you needed was your mother screaming at you as soon as you stepped over the threshold.
“I don’t know ma,” you replied, squinting your eyes at the letter. Your vision was a little blurry from all the studying you’ve done, but you recognized the crest of the academy on the left corner. “The invitation for the graduation ceremony?”
Your mother scoffed. “Try again. It’s a letter from the principal. You failed a math test.”
You snatched the letter out of your mother’s hands scanning the content before sighing, dropping your hands.
“Mom, I didn’t fail the test, I got a 82.”
“That’s basically a fail,” you mother huffed, shaking her head. “How do you want to keep your 4.0 GPA up with grades like this?”
“It’s a test.”
“Stop with the attitude young lady, this is your future we’re talking about?”
“Mom, I know! But it’s just a test, it’s not like it’s gonna affect my grades that much.”
Your mother made a noise of disapproval, throwing her hands up in frustration. “Just a test? Everything counts, you know that! Especially in your senior year, where every single grade you get can decide between an acceptance or being waitlisted.”
“Oh my god,” you groaned, running your hand through your hair. “I can’t listen to this right now. I’ve been in the library the whole day and the second I get back you’re on my ass about a fucking 82.”
You shoved your backpack on the counter and turned right back around, opening the door forcefully. Your mother was right behind you, appalled at your tone.
“This conversation isn’t over! Where are you going?!”
You slammed the door behind you, rushing to your car and tossing your backpack on the passenger seat as you drove off. Brimming with anger, you didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now, so you headed straight to the beach, to the one spot you knew you would be left alone.
In less than five minutes after parking, you had put on your bathing suit and unstrapped your surf board from the trunk and were in the water. After catching your first wave, you were still fuming. After the fourth, you started to feel the sun on your face, and the anger slowly seeping away. You lost yourself in the water, becoming one with the ocean, starting to get bold and one tiny misstep on your board made you lose your balance, falling into the wave you were trying to catch. The brute strength of it knocked you around underwater like a rag doll, arm getting caught on some reef, and you were gasping for air as you finally resurfaced, clinging onto your board. With a groan, you heaved yourself back on top of the board, trying to catch your breath as the water lapped around you in smal waves.
“Shit,” you muttered, lifting your wrist to inspect the cut on your wrist, squinting your eyes against the sun. You let out a hiss as the salt water dripped from your fingers onto the cut.
“You tryna kill yourself?”
You jumped, not having expected anyone out there with you. Shaking out your wrist, you lifted your head to see Rafe paddling towards you, a frown on his face.
“What are you doing here, Rafe?”
His hair was still dry, board shorts clinging to his legs when he came to a stop next to you, waves softly lapping against his board.
“I swung by your place. Wanted to see if you wanted to get pizza and instead I find your mom all pissed, said you stormed off,” he explained, “and since I didn’t run into on my way to your house, I figured you’d be out here.”
You let out a sigh, staring out at the sea, ignoring how Rafe was holding his hand out, undoubtedly to get a look at your wrist. With an eye roll, you stretched out your wrist in his direction, and he curled his fingers around it, pulling you closer. Your cheeks heated as your leg pressed against his, added with the feeling of his hot breath on your skin, you breathed out softly.
“Y’know this could’ve ended real badly, precious,” Rafe muttered, brushing his thumb over your skin, before he looked up at you, his eyebrows creased.
“I’m fine.”
“Clearly, you’re not,” Rafe scoffed. “What happened?”
“My mom got all over me because of a “failed math test””, you said, air-quoting. “I’m just sick of it. It’s not like I’ve slacking off or anything, I’m working my ass off and they’re never happy with whatever I do, because in their eyes, I always have room to grow.” You let out a frustrated sigh, glancing at Rafe when you noticed he was sporting a look on his face that told you he understood exactly what you meant.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Rafe chuckled, shaking his head. “Our parents should be doing better than setting expectations for their kids instead of loving them despite their achievements.”
You gave him a wry smile and he only let out a small huff, squeezing your wrist gently. “Are you all done or do you want to keep trying to drown yourself some more?”
Huffing out a laugh, you rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m done.”
The two of you paddled back to the beach, drying off and while Rafe helped you securing your board to your trunk, he glanced over at you, hair falling into his eyes.
“Let me get your cut cleaned off first before we leave. I have a first aid kit in my truck.”
You took a seat at the edge of his trunk, while Rafe went to fetch the first aid kit from the glove compartment. The sun was starting to set, and with that, the temperature was sinking, your damp hair laying cold on your back. The car door shut, before Rafe turned around the corner of the truck, first aid kit in his hand and sweater slung around his shoulder.
“Put this on,” he said absentmindedly, dropping the sweater in your lap and the first aid kit in the trunk. Rolling your eyes, you slipped into the sweater and it was oddly comforting to be surrounded by his scent, but you didn’t let yourself dwell on that, because it was such a weird thing to think, right? Instead, you watched as Rafe rummaged through the first aid kit, picking out some bandages, gauze and a disinfectant spray.
“Roll up your sleeve.”
“Yes, nurse Cameron.”
Rafe gave you a look, but you only snickered as you rolled up the sleeve, before holding out your wrist to him. He muttered something under his breath as he cleaned your cut and dressed it, without much complaints from your side, even though the disinfectant stung a little. Rafe taped the end of the bandage snugly to your wrist, tossing the rest of the material back into the kit.
“All done?” You asked, stretching your hand a little to make sure the bandage wasn’t restricting anything.
“Yup,” Rafe replied, shutting the kit. “Or is there anything else?”
“I thought you were going to kiss it better,” you said teasingly. Rafe raised an eyebrow at you, before he reached for your hand, lifting it to his mouth to place a kiss on the bandage. You flushed, not expecting him to actually do it.
“You’re an idiot,” you said hotly, shoving him away but he only laughed, running his hand through his hair. The grin on his face was infectious, and you couldn’t help but laugh, rolling your eyes at him.
“There she is,” Rafe said, cupping your chin to lift it, forcing you to look into his eyes. Suddenly, your hands grew clammy and swallowed nervously as he smiled at you, blue eyes sparkling. For a split second, you thought he was gonna kiss you and for some reason, you weren’t opposed. Actually, you kind of really wished he’d kiss you.
Wait, what?
That was not a normal thing to want from your best friend. Suddenly, your heart started racing and you let out a deep breath, hoping it would calm yourself down.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just my mom,” you lied, wringing your hands in your lap. “I just stormed off. She’s gonna be super pissed and I’ll probably be grounded until I’m thirty.”
“Nah, come on. I bet she completely forgot about it already.”
You gave him a look and Rafe winced. “Okay, maybe not. But if we give her some time, we can hope for the best? Come on.”
He tugged you off of the trunk, closing up the front panel.
“Let’s go get some pizza. My treat.”
“I don’t know,” you whinged, “Maybe I should just go home. Get it over with.”
You weren’t sure if it was the best idea to spend more time with Rafe right now considering how weird you were feeling. Worst case, you’d do blurt something out and make things weird between the two of you, that was the last thing you needed. But Rafe wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“Trust me, whether you go home now or in three hours won’t change anything. If anything, it’ll give you an even clearer head after having some food, huh?”
As if on cue, your stomach grumbled loudly and Rafe raised an eyebrow at you, the corners of his mouth twitching up.
“Fine,” you relented, rolling your eyes at him. “Gino’s?”
“Yup, meet you there.”
While Rafe got into his truck, you got into your jeep, rubbing your hand over your face, frustrated.
“Fuck,” you muttered with a small sigh. You couldn’t actually like Rafe more than a friend, right? That’d be crazy. You’d known each other for so long, had been friends for so long, there was no way. It was probably just a crush. There was no denying that Rafe was attractive, and it was normal to want to kiss attractive people, right?
I’m just emotional because of the fight with mom, you thought to yourself, rolling your shoulders, forcing yourself to calm down. I am not in love with Rafe. He’s my best friend. With a deep exhale, you put your key in the ignition, pulling out of the parking spot and driving towards Gino’s.
When you got there, Rafe was already entering the restaurant, the door swinging shut behind him. You turned your car off, and got out, grabbing a blanket from your backseat and opening the front panel of the trunk of Rafe’s truck, laying down the blanket. By the time you had made yourself yourself comfortable, Rafe returned with two pizza cartons, balancing two cans of soda on top. You reached for the cans, setting them down next to you so Rafe could settle down across from you, laying down the pizza cartons. Wordlessly, Rafe opened both of them, waiting for you to reach for a slice before he got one himself, biting into it.
Silence settled over you as you ate, with you handing Rafe his soda when he finished his slice, knowing he liked to wash his crust down with a drink, and him handing you a napkin. You and Rafe had never needed words to communicate before, understanding each other without having to say anything and as you sat there, glancing at Rafe as you chewed on your pizza, you came to the terrifying realization that you loved him
You were in love with him.
Suddenly, your mind was racing, coming up with 10 thousand different scenarios where you’d ruin your friendship because you had fallen in love with your best friend, as you started to think back to the past, realizing how obvious it was that you had feelings for him. Had it always been like this?
Lost in thought, you didn’t even notice that all that was left of the pizzas were crumbs, as Rafe shut the cartons, stacking them together. Drinking the rest of your soda, you crushed the can in your hand like it was your feelings, bringing the empty cans and cartons to the nearest trashcan as Rafe cleaned up the trunk. You let yourself stare at the back of his head for a while, inhaling deeply before you cleared your throat. He glanced back over his shoulder, attention on you.
“Thanks,” you said, trying not to be awkward as you fiddled with the sleeves of his sweater. Rafe gave you a look.
Despite the fact that you were sitting in silence as you ate, his presence had comforted, brought your nerves down and made your anger disappear the way no one really could. Rafe wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you leaned into him, head on his chest. You didn’t revel in his arms for too long, as the two of you separated as Rafe closed his trunk. He dusted his hands off before turning around, his attention wholly on you.
“Do you want me to come home with you? Create a buffer for your mom?”
“No,” you replied, crossing your arms. “It’s fine, don’t worry.”
Rafe eyed you sceptically for a second before he nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “A’ight then. Text me if you need anything, okay?”
You smiled at him, giving a quick nod before you got into your car, waving at him as you drove off, a pit in your stomach. The drive home didn’t take long, but the sun had already set as you pulled up on your estate. The house was illuminated in the headlights of your car, quickly returning to darkness as you turned your engine off. There were no lights on as you entered the house; you were hoping that it meant that your parents had gone out, and you’d avoid another confrontation with your mother.
Picking up your bookbag from the floor, you paused as you saw your mother sit in the living room, a book in her lap. The two of you looked at each other for a second, neither saying a word.
“Hey mom,” you greeted her, breaking the silence. Your mother took off her reading glasses, shutting the book.
“Where were you?”
Your mother slid the book on the table, setting the glasses on top. “Did you eat?”
“Yeah,” you replied, shifting on your feet. “I got some pizza with Rafe.”
She nodded slowly, easing into the cushions behind her. You waited, wondering if she was gonna apologize but your mother didn’t say anything; maybe she was waiting for you to apologize.
“… I’ll be upstairs.”
Your mother didn’t stop you as you retreated upstairs into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. Setting the book bag on your desk, you laid down on your bed with a sigh, reaching for your phone.
Rafe [03/21/19: 7:44 pm]: everything good?
Precious [03/21/19: 7:49 pm]: as well as expected
Precious [03/21/19: 7:49 pm]: thanks for being there for me
Rafe [03/21/19: 7:51 pm]: always, precious
Ever since that day, you knew you loved Rafe, and sometimes, you indulged yourself and let yourself imagine what it would be like to be more than Rafe’s best friend. But as he was lying in the bed next to you, his chest slowly rising and falling while you were unable to sleep, you never would have expected that it would be like this.
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author's note: thoughts???👀
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tswhiisftteedr · 8 months
hi!!!! could I please request general nsfw headcannons for vox, val, and velvette (or just your favorite of the 3!)? maybe especially with a slightly bratty partner? thank you! :)
Behave Bitch! ☆ Headcanon + Oneshot
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☆ Valentino x Bratty!Gn!Reader, Vox x Bratty!Gn!Reader, Velvette x Bratty!Gn!Reader, and Valentino x Bratty!Gn!Reader x Vox:
You go out of your way to fuck with them and test their patience, and this is how their repercussion would be.
Warnings: Mature Content, Explicit/Graphic Language, Praise & Degradation(Lots of of degradation), Oral Sex(Male Receiving), Penetrative Sex, Bad Spanish, Creampie, Possessiveness, Spanking, Choking, Dacryphilia, Bondage, Handcuffs, Blood, Biting, Electricity NOT PROOFREAD.
Words: Total — 13 806, Valentino(Hc + Oneshot) — 2419, Vox(Hc + Oneshot) — 2365, Velvette(Hc + Oneshot) — 3463, Vox & Valentino(Hc + Oneshot) — 5539
Note: So I may or may not be a total slut for the three of them, and especially a sucker for Val x reader x Vox action. Like how should I say it? Oh, yeah, I need them inside m— Hehsjsnsnjwns Awooga lol. *Bitch is used gender neutrally if you couldn’t tell. So 4 things, number one this Headcanons + Drabbles/Slight Short One shots, note that the example in the headcanons are just examples of scenario, and are unrelated to the drabble part, so don’t get confused when they mention one situation and then you read about another. Number 2, the type of reader was not precise so I went with gender neutral, so I’m sorry if the smut part isn’t the best as I am still lacking in writing experience to make something great with the lack of precise genitalia mention. But if you find it good, we’ll good for you! Also I used Google and translation apps when it came to the Spanish that Valentino employs, so I’m sorry to my Hispanic readers of the display of language is not to your liking. And lastly, I didn’t know how to write a slightly bratty reader, so I’m sorry anon if the reader is either not enough or too bratty. Personally I love a full on bratty, attention whore, whiny reader because that’s how I am.(If I was hot and got over my fear of being rejected, anyways-) That’s it for info about the fic!!
Author Note: As I am writing this, I am halfway way done with a lute one shot, but I must say, please stop requesting works. I put my request on pause, and I indicated that one both my Masterlist and rules, but seems that people are still confused because some of my older fics have ‘Request are open’ at the bottom. So please don’t request anything more, I have 34 request to start working on after I finish the lute one, plus I still haven’t started to work on chapter 3 for my Idia series. (12 of those request are actually Adam related, and one of them is a zestial one, where the requester offered to pay me for it, so it’s at the top of my list after this 💸💰. Though I still haven’t reach them because I want to finish my lute work first.) Also I am fucking pissed as I am written this, cuz I keep seeing clips of episodes 7&8 of Hazbin on tumblr, but I don’t have prime so I have to wait for stupid illegal websites to repost them. Like I am genuinely mad at the wait time, since my boys(Val and vox, my loves, my husbands, my #1 turn ones-) are in it. Worst part of it all I saw the clips of Vox literally thrusting into the air saying his hard and that the sight of Alastor bloody was better than sex. Like shit, did that make me horny. Like Vox, sweaty, you can take out that pent up energy from the build up excitement, I don’t mind if the other Vees are watching, Valentino can even join~ Hehsjjsjsjnsks. Update: I just watch the two episodes, and fuck were they good. Anyways I’m done, enjoy the fic cunts!
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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ఌ︎ Valentino ఌ︎
Oh, you have no idea ‘what kind of gift you gave him with your behavior, Cariño~’
He takes pleasure in ‘putting bitches in their place,’ so feel free to be yourself, use that sharp tongue, but be prepared for the consequences without too much complaints. And he relishes in being the one to mete out repercussions.
Valentino's approach is straightforward; he often lets you play and act as bratty as you want while casually keeping an eye on you. ‘No need to worry; he's merely observing.’
He'd allow you to talk back, tolerating insults, while seated in the VIP section of one of his clubs, surrounded by smoke and flirting demons. All that set up to provoke you into further incriminate yourself.
Despite the condescending expression on his face, you didn’t have anything to about him, everything appearing ordinary, considering he was Val. Nothing seemed suspicious for a while... and then, ¡Bam!
You find yourself dragged into the club's private bedroom, now in a position where you're either tied up or bent over his lap/desk, enduring a session of intense spanking for being a 'good-for-nothing slut,' with degrading comments throughout.
Valentino opts for a paddle, well aware of the sharp sting it leaves on your skin.
Eventually, he transitions to using his hands, relishing in the visible aftermath of his touch—handprints and bite marks adorning your body.
As tears stream down your face, you apologize and plead to him ‘that you would be better, so please stop’ and that’s ‘ ‘s to much!’. He makes no effort to conceal his satisfaction, openly grinning at your vulnerable state.
Today unfolded like any other typical day in hell, as you paid a visit to your boyfriend on the set. Entering his studio, you hung back for a moment, observing Valentino directing the actors, his voice sexy as always but this time yet again fill with frustration.
Amidst the chaos, there were whispers among the staff about the planned star for the movie being decapitated and having to fill their role in with a newbie due to the lack of time ro wait for the actors regeneration, this bringing light upon the source of Val's frustration.
You pondered how much worse his temper would escalate if you followed through with your planned actions. However, that thought didn't weigh heavily on your mind, as you were determined from the get go to mess with him.
Emerging from the shadows and skillfully navigating the set while evading the cameras' gaze, you approached Valentino. Grinning, he remarked, "You came to entertain papi, how sweet of you, amorcito~" standing up and expecting you to jump into his arms.
Surprisingly, you kept walking, engaging in conversation with a crew member, casually flirting. Val struggled to process the fact that ‘not only did you ignore him, but you did so to chat with some nobody!’
Oh boy, was he pissed, yet instead of his typical inclination to abandon work for a tantrum. He had remained seated, continuing to provide screen direction to his actors.
Now that he was well aware of your actions, he had no intention of losing the little game you were playing. Throughout the shoot, he feigned indifference, though his teeth subtly gritted each time he caught a glimpse of you so close to that random sinner.
Despite Valentino's own lack of shamelessness when it came to sleeping around, he was still the ever so possessive and obsessive man. And having so hands-on with someone else, especially in his presence, drove him to the walls.
After 45 minutes of takes and retakes, Valentino directed his staff to wrap up for the day. Immediately afterward, he approached you, gripping your wrist forcefully enough to surely leave a bruise. He then ushered you into the elevator, ascending to his shared luxurious living quarters and, ultimately, his room.
Once inside, he roughly threw you onto the bed, using one arm to pin both of yours above your head, another around your neck, while the remaining two swiftly removed your clothes.
As he approached your ear, his breath on your face, he scornfully remarked, “You wretched whore, think you go and flounce around, letting some fucker feel you up! ¿You’re so desperate to get fuck, verdad, puta?“ His voice carried disdain for your actions, yet beneath it, pent-up sexual frustration lingered.
Now having you completely undressed, Valentino briefly pulled away to retrieve something from his nightstand. It turned out to be a pair of long, dangling cuffs, ideal for securing you to his headboard. And that's precisely what he did.
Bound to the bedpost, you tested your restraints with a subtle tug, ensuring they securely held you in place. You wanted to confirm if there was any potential escape route, making sure you were aware of all possibilities.
In an instant, you felt Valentino's hands on you once more, grabbing your chest roughly, squeezing them hard enough to cause some pain but not enough to leave marks. His fingers then dug into your sensitive flesh, leaving bruises visible through the thin layer of sweat forming on your skin.
His touch was cold and calloused, contrasting sharply with the warmth emanating from his body.
"You little slut," he growled, his accented words dripping with contempt. "You think you can just throw yourself at anyone, disrespect me like this?" With each harsh word, his grip tightened further, pinching your nipples cruelly between his rough fingers.
Despite the pain, a shiver ran down your spine at the prospect of what was to come. You knew exactly how much control he had over you now, and it was exhilarating.
"No, Val," you managed to croak out between gasps for air. "I didn't mean anything by it, really."
But your words fell on deaf ears; instead, Valentino's hand moved lower, cupping your hips roughly before squeezing them forcefully. "You fucking liar," he snarled, his voice low and menacing. "You’re lucky your body is good at satisfying my needs, otherwise I would have already shot your ungrateful bitch ass!”
With that, you observed as he let his tongue swirl around his fingers, that action was followed by him teasing at your hole. “Wait Val, are you not gonna use lube—“
“Lube? Are y’a kidding me? ¡Shut the fuck up, puta! You should be crying tears of joy that I’m even prepping your undeserving ass.” Was all he said, before his fingers divulged into your tight hole, letting his other hand paw at your bits teasingly before pushing in a third finger inside you. The sensation was both pleasurable due to his aphrodisiac like spit and painful as it was all so sudden, it also felt as if he was claiming ownership over your body once more. Tears begging to role down your face at the stretch.
"You’re such a fucking slut, getting off on this, aren’t you?" he asked, his voice husky with desire yet stern. "You like acting like a desperate bitch in heat and piss me just so I can punish you, isn't that right, mariposa~"
As he spoke, he began to thrust his fingers in and out of your heat, pounding into you relentlessly. Each thrust caused your hips to rock forward, meeting his rhythm eagerly. Slightly letting reach down further, just close enough for his tongue to scoop your tears.
You could feel your body responding to the invasion, your hole tightening around his fingers, begging for more. Despite the pain, it was becoming increasingly difficult to resist the pleasure building inside you.
"No! Stop, please, Val!" you pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears. Instead, he added another finger, stretching you wider. The sensation was both terrifying and arousing, pushing you closer to the edge of ecstasy.
"Eso es," he growled, his voice laced with lust. "tómalo todo, you filthy whore."
Just as you thought you couldn't handle anymore, he removed his fingers, leaving your hole gaping open and vulnerable. With a cruel chuckle, he stood up and unfastened his pants, revealing his massive harden cock, thick and veiny, throbbing with desire.
"Time to teach really you a lesson," he said, his eyes burning with hunger. "Get ready to scream, puta."
Without further ado, he positioned himself at your entrance, aligning his tip with it.
"N-no, please, Val—" you managed to utter out before he slammed into you without mercy, filling you up completely.
The sudden intrusion caused you to cry out even harder in both pain and pleasure. Your body shook violently as he started to thrust in and out of you.
Each powerful thrust pushed deeper than before, stretching you further than and further. Your moans turned into high-pitched squeals of mixed agony and pleasure, and your juices coated his member as he pounded into you relentlessly.
The bed creaked under the combined weight of their bodies, adding to the primal rhythm of your session. Your body bounced wildly with each thrust, nipples hardening further under the harsh treatment.
Your legs were spread wide apart, while your hands were still bound tightly to the headboard, rendering you helpless against his onslaught. You couldn't move, couldn't escape the intense pleasure building up inside you.
As he continued his brutal assault, your body adjusted to the his dick, becoming slightly accustomed to the stretching. Your walls tightened around him, milking him eagerly.
He groaned, his hips slamming harder against yours, his cock pounding deeper than ever. His hand reached up to grab a fistful of your hair, yanking your head forward forcefully, exposing your neck and throat.
"Open that filthy mouth," he growled, his breath hot against your neck.
You obeyed, parting your lips, and Valentino pulled back to spit directly into your mouth. The saliva was thick with frustration, a stark contrast to the usual sweet yet dominant taste of his kisses.
"Swallow it, bitch," he demanded, his voice full of desire. Your throat still constricted by one of his hands, yet you managed to swallow the bitter saliva, feeling it coat your tongue and throat.
The humiliation and degradation only served to heighten your arousal, your body quivering as his thrusts grew more frenzied. Your walls clenched around his shaft, urging him to go faster, harder.
"You like that, don't you? Of course you do!" he snarled, his grip tightening in your hair. "You love being treated like the worthless slut you are."
His words only served to fuel the fire inside you, your body shaking and writhing under his control. You couldn't help but whimper in response, your body betraying you with every moan.
Valentino continued to thrust into you, his pace relentless. Your eyes rolled back in ecstasy, ‘almost there’ you though.
Suddenly, Valentino pulled out, leaving you gasping for air, feeling empty and needy.
He quickly untied you from the headboard, dragging you onto your hands and knees, positioning you on all fours. His grip tightened around your neck, choking you just enough to make your vision blur.
"Don’t think I didn’t feel you clench around my cock, you ain’t cumming that easily," he hissed, his voice full of lust.
You nodded, trying to catch your breath, your eyes watering from the lack of air. He wasted no time, thrusting back into you, filling you up once more. This time, his thrusts were even more brutal, the angle hitting your g-spot with each plunge.
The choking intensified, making it even harder to breathe, yet you found yourself moaning louder, your body desperate for release. Your legs shook, struggling to hold you up as he continued to pound into you.
"You're mine, not any other overlord’s or fucking prince of hell, and certainly not that pathetic fucker from earlier, you hear me, Y/N?" he growled, his grip on your neck tightening.
You managed a nod, your voice strangled by his chokehold.
Valentino keeps his hold on your neck, as he brings one of his hand down onto your ass, leaving a stinging impact. The pain was a welcome distraction from the choking, making your moans turn into cries of pleasure.
He spanked you repeatedly, alternating between cheeks, leaving handprints on your flesh. The stinging sensation only served to heighten your senses, your body trembling with every smack.
"You're going to cum for me, slut," he promised, his voice low and menacing. "And you're going to beg for it." Following his words, the hand that was then on your neck was now grabbing at your hair.
Your body tensed, the pleasure building to an unbearable level. Your inner walls clenched around his shaft, milking him relentlessly as he continued to spank and thrust into you.
You couldn't help but comply, your voice hoarse from the choking. "P-please, Val, I need to cum!"
He chuckled darkly, his thrusts becoming even more frenzied. "I said beg for it, you filthy little slut!"
"Please, papi, I need to cum, please! I need so, so bad, ‘can’t think! I just need to come, please, please, please Val!" you begged,
Your voice breaking with the intensity of the moment. Valentino smirked, his thrusts growing even harder, slamming into you with all his might.
Your body was at his mercy, your orgasm building to a crescendo. You could feel the wave crashing over you, your insides clenching around him, milking his cock as he continued to pound into you. One of his hands playing with your front.
"Cum for me, you worthless bitch," he growled, his own release nearing.
You cried out, your orgasm overwhelming you, your body convulsing as waves of pleasure washed over you. Valentino followed suit, groaning loudly as he filled you with his seed, your body trembling as he came inside you.
He pulled out, leaving you panting and shaking, the aftershocks of your orgasm still rippling through your body. Valentino stood up, wiping the sweat from his forehead before lighting a smoke.
After taking some puffs at he grabbed your body once more, “V-Val??” You question in confusion, and the look he gives was so demeaning.
“Bitch, are y’a dumb? Don’t tell me you thought this was over already.” Was all he said before resuming….
Here you were, on the verge of passing out, body full of cuts, hand, teeth, and whip prints all over your body.
"You're lucky I love you," he muttered, his voice laced with a hint of affection. "But don't you ever fucking test my patience again, amorcito."
You nodded, with the both of you knowing that it was a lie, you would definitely act out again.
Finally, your body lulled to dreamland.
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⌁ Vox ⌁
Listen, despite his constant complaints about everyone's incompetence and having to clean up after their mess, he finds himself unable to do the same when it comes to you.
But, ‘fuck, did he adores your brattiness.’ It's not that he particularly enjoys dealing with your attitude; rather, it's the journey to the aftermath of your actions that captivates him. Overall, the right to fuck all of his day’s frustration into you!
Take, for instance, a meeting—perhaps not the most crucial, but still relevant, especially as it is concerning one of his latest products on the market.
Suddenly, you would barge into the meeting room, whining about him not giving you enough attention and accusing him of being all about work.
He would sweet talk you into silence until the meeting concluded, but that didn't imply you felt obligated to completely behave. As the meeting continued, you ended up seated on his lap, grinding yourself on his crotch.
Immediately after the meeting concluded and the conference room was emptied, he would lock the door. Then bend you over the spacious table, he pressed your head against the cold wood and proceeded to unleash a waterfall of insults, flowing from his mouth kin to water from a faucet.
He would fuck you so intensely that the both of you would almost lost sight of the initial cause. Almost, though you might have blurred the memory, he certainly hadn't. So as soon as his workday concluded, he would take you once again in his private quarters.
Forcing you to ‘repent for being such impudent slut,' reducing you to tears with his rough handling and verbal abuse.
Today was an incredibly dull day in hell. Wandering around the pentagram on the Vees' turf, you had an escort by your side as per Vox's requirement for taking a stroll outside.
There seemed to be nothing to do, or at least it felt that way. You managed to grab a cup of coffee, but beyond that, nothing fun was available, entering clubs required asking Vox's for his permission first. This ensured that he could assemble a larger entourage to guarantee your safety when you wanted to partake in the activity.
Despite your inclination to fuck with him, you refrained, recognizing that would be too much on his already overworked heart – he'd be more worried than irritated.
Opting for a tamer approach, you aimed to provoke him and get under his skin. Your goal was to distract Vox from his work, shifting his focus to entertain you. Making him jealous seemed the most effective strategy in your eyes, and that's where your escort, a tall and attractive hellhound, entered the scene.
Aware that Vox had eyes throughout the pentagram, particularly in this area, you initiated your plan with this knowledge in mind.
You strolled with your arm around the hellhound, falsely fawning over his looks and intellect, toying with his hair and even embracing him—all visible to Vox. Despite his busy schedule, Vox always kept an eye on you through the multitude of screens around pentagram city. And the sight of you so cozied up with the hellhound, left him seething.
What intensified the situation was your final gesture. As you bid farewell in front of the Vees' tower, you made the hellhound lean down for a thank-you kiss on the cheek, this fuelling your boyfriend's rage and insecurities. After that, you simply entered the building, mentally preparing for the upcoming interaction with Vox.
As you exited the elevator, Vox stood right in front, evidently having anticipated your return. As you locked eyes with him, the flames of anger and jealousy practically radiated from his gaze. It seemed your somewhat sadistic display had made a number on him.
"Hey, Vox, baby. How's it going? I thought you were too busy to step out of your office," you nonchalantly remarked, playing the coy card. Before you knew it, one of his clawed hands circled your waist, while the other firmly grasped your chin.
"Yeah, I was one incredibly busy man this morning, busting my ass to keep this shit show afloat. However, my partner seems to be utterly indifferent to it all. It looked as if they couldn't care less, with the way they were all over that hellhound-nobody," he remarks, his hand at your waist pressing into your skin.
"Oh, what on sweet hell could you be referring to?" you playfully feign innocence, this only aggravating your boyfriend's frustration.
"Do play games with me, whore. You know exactly what you were up to, the fact have eyes everywhere, and despite today's incident, I won't fire that guy because he's loyal." His face inches closer to yours, "If you were so desperate for my cock that you went out of your way to mess with me, you could’ve said so baby~ And I would’ve had you sucking me off as I work. But noooo, you just had to be be a a fucking slut and piss me off. Now let's see where that misbehaviour gets you, bitch.”
Now, bent over his lap, bottoms off, you endure the consequences as he delivers hits to your behind, while he casually sipped on a glass of whiskey;
You flinched slightly at each slap, but didn't dare to yell or struggle. Instead, you bit your lower lip and whimpered softly, your body trembling with each impact.
Your mind raced with thoughts of how much you deserved this punishment, how much you craved it.
"Please, sir, stop, it hurt ‘so much!" you whimpered between each strike, your voice cracking with each word. "I'll be a good, I promise."
"You’ll be good? Ha! What a fucking joke. You're lucky I don't break your pretty little neck right here and now. But since you asked nicely, maybe I'll i won’t hurt you as bad, this once. Now stand up straight and face me like the disobedient whore you are."
Slowly, you stood up straight, your legs trembling slightly as you awaited his next move. "Thank you, sir."
"That's better," he said putting his drink down on the nightstand, his voice laced with distain yet also a hint of satisfaction. "Now, strip for me."
You hesitated for a moment, debating whether to push your luck or not. But then again, you knew better than to defy him twice in a row. Slowly, you took off your sweater, removing a layer of heat.
Next came the your top, you began to undo the buttons of your shirt, revealing your chest.
You stood there, naked and ass completely bare, feeling exposed and vulnerable yet somehow aroused by the power he held over you.
"Turn around," he commanded coldly. Reluctantly, you turned around, your ass wiggling seductively as you did so. "Now, get on the bed, all fours, and face the mirror."
You complied reluctantly, feeling your heart race with anticipation mixed with fear. You knew what was coming next, but it didn't make it any easier to endure. You could feel his presence looming over you, his heat radiating off his body.
"That’s it bitch," he praised, his voice dripping with false reassurance. "Now, spread your legs."
You widened your stance, exposing your parts to him, the scent of arousal filling the air around you. "That's a good whore," he complimented, his hand reaching out to grab your hair and pull your head back forcefully, so you would be looking straight at the mirror.
"Look at me," he growled, his eyes boring into yours through the reflection. "Do you understand what happens to misbehaving sluts like you?"
"No," you managed to croak out, your voice barely above the sound of your pounding heart. "I-I don't know."
"Then let me educate you," he said coldly, his hand reaching out to slap your ass hard enough to leave a mark. "This is what happens to disobedient whores like you." Meanwhile he had removed his other hand from your hair, using it it to play with your front, ‘how kind of him~’
With each slap, his hand left a stinging mark on your ass, making it throb with each impact. The pain mixed with the humiliation and arousal, making it difficult for you to think straight. You squirmed and whimpered, trying to escape the torment but knowing it was futile.
"Please, sir," you begged between slaps, tears streaming down your cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'll be good. Just give me something more, please."
"You're sorry now? Too late for apologies, greedy bitch," he spits. But after a moment of consideration, he seems to have a change of perspective. With a wide grin on his face, “Okay then,” he says, releasing you and getting himself confortable on the bed. “Crawl over here and worship my cock, and I’ll consider forgiving you."
With shaking legs, you crawled towards him, your eyes locked on his hardened member, throbbing with desire through the fabric of his expensive pants. You reached out and undid them, pulling down his boxers and wrapped your lips around the head. Taking as much of his cock into your mouth as you could.
"Fuck," he says a bit breathless, this followed by his hand roughly grabbing your hair and pulling your head back and forth, face-fucking you.
"That’s right, show me how much you want me, how much you need my cock inside you."
You moaned around his cock, sucking and slurping greedily, your tongue swirling around the head, trying to please him. Your hands reached up, grasping his thighs, leaving wrinkles on the fabric as you held on tightly.
"Good," he praised, his voice becoming more husky with desire. "Now, let’s go back to the previous position." He tells you, forcefully pulling you off his dick.
With that you had his hand at your hole, rubbing and teasing your entrance "Spread your legs wider, and besides that, don't move a muscle."
You obeyed, spreading your legs wider, exposing yourself fully to him. He continued to tease and torment you, spiting on his fingers, he then digs into your sensitive spot, making you moan and writhe in pleasure mixed with pain.
"Tell me you're mine, bitch, that you belong to me," he demanded, his voice low and commanding. "Tell me you'll do whatever I want, whenever I want."
"I'm yours, Vox," you managed to choke out, your voice cracking with each word. "I'll do anything you want!"
"That's better," he purred, his fingers leaving your hole and moving to your nipples instead. He pinched and twisted them mercilessly, causing you to arch your back and cry out at the painfully mix of sensation.
"Now, beg me to claim you as my own, not anyone else,"
"Please, Vox, claim me as yours," you begged, tears streaming down your cheeks. "I'm yours, I belong to you. Take me however you want, whenever you want."
"Seems like your not completely braindead after all," he sorta praises, his voice laced with satisfaction. "Keep your legs open like that."
"Yes, Vox," you managed to mumble out, your voice trembling with fear and arousal.
“That’s it," his voice dripping with false affection. "You better be ready, because I’m still pissed."
Without warning, he grabbed your hair again, pulling your head back forcefully, exposing your neck to him. "This is for disobeying me earlier today," he growled, his sharp teeth shining in the light as he bit down hard on your neck. His teeth sank deep into your skin, sure to leave a mark.
As he moved to bite another spot, you writhed and squirmed beneath him, unable to escape his hold. His tongue darted out to clean up the blood that trickled down your throat. Meanwhile, his other hand reached between your legs one more, finding your front and playing with it vigorously, driving you wild with desire.
"You taste so fucking good, slut," he growled as his mouth was now at your lips, his voice hoarse with desire. "Don’t fucking play with me again like that what you did today, understand?"
"Yes, Vox," you managed to choke out between gasps, your body trembling with the combination of pain and pleasure. "I won’t.” A lie you were both aware of.
"That's a good bitch," he praised, releasing your neck and licking the mark he had left on your neck clean. His hands now solely focused on making you climax, in addition he would let out some electricity coarse through his and consequently your body.
Your body still trembling with the aftermath of his earlier assault, and his current touches weren’t helping you to stabilize. Your eyes rolled back as you felt close, ‘close to finally cumming.’
"Look at yourself, Y/N," he tells, his voice low and demeaning, well aware you couldn’t look at your self with the way we’re rolled back. "So fucking pathetic and needy for release… Beg for it.”
And so you did, "P-please, Vox... I need it so bad," you begged, your voice cracking with desire. "Please, let me cum."
His laughter reverberated in your ears as he continued to tease you mercilessly. "You want it so badly, don't you?" he asked, his fingers working faster and harder between your legs, more and more shocks divulging from him.
Your mind drifted away from reality as you felt the edge of orgasm getting closer and closer, your body tensing up in anticipation. "Please, Vox!" you cried out, unable to resist any longer.
"Do you understand now?" he asked, his voice laced with satisfaction. "Do you understand your place in this world and how you belong by my side only?"
"Yes, Vox," you managed to choke out, your voice barely audible over the sound of your heavy breathing.
And a simple, “Cum.” was all it took for you to completely let go and the waves of pleasure take your body over….
You winced in pain while observing your reflection in the mirror. Bruises and bite marks adorned your body, and your swollen ass bore the aftermath of his restless assault. Dried tears stained your cheeks.
Then, Vox tenderly stroked your head, followed by a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Love you, babes, but don’t fuck with me like that again"
An ‘okay’ was all you had said before falling asleep.
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✮ Velvette ✮
Despite possessing a sharp tongue herself, she has zero tolerance for sassiness or misbehavior. It's strictly 'her way or the highway, bitch!'
A single word out of place, and she'd swiftly grab your face, calling you out and issuing a stern warning to behave, unless you wanted to witness her truly angry.
Naturally, her warnings failed to deter you from persisting in your bratty behaviors; 'it didn't before, so why should it now?'
Turns out getting on Velvette bad side, wasn't as smooth sailing as your moment of unwarranted confidence led you to believe.
You might have casually stroll through her studio, engaging in conversation with her employees, consequently diverting their attention from work.
All this, despite their already tight schedule that you were acutely aware of, thanks to Velvette's hours-long bitching about it.
Nonetheless, you proceeded with your plan. In all honesty, given the hectic schedule leading up to the fashion show, Velvette had minimal time for you. Despite her efforts to squeeze out a few moments, the occasional 30 minutes a day left you unsatisfied.
If she wasn't going to provide the attention you craved, ‘you were determined to seek it elsewhere, easy peezy—‘ or so you believed.
Spotting you getting overly friendly with one of her models, she would forcefully pull you into a changing room, securing your wrist against the wall with one hand while using the other around your throat.
Insult would escape her lips as she vowed to in-still proper discipline in you in a more physical manner if simple phrases like 'I'm busy right now' failed to do the trick.
After leaving distinctive bite marks on your neck and collar, and leaving you with panting breath and puffy lips from an intense make-out session, she would resume her work. However, she would promise to teach you a lesson later that night as she exited the dressing room.
Honestly, among all three of the Vees, she was the only one with the decency not to do you in public.
"Today is already a mess, but you had to make it worse, you ungrateful bitch," Velvette exclaimed before storming out of her office, leaving you alone, bound, with vibrators attached to stimulate your body.
Now, how did it come to this? Let's rewind to 10:30 a.m.;
Velvette had overslept by an hour, throwing her entire schedule off, and in the world of fashion and social media, an hour is practically an eternity.
Despite consistently projecting an image of superiority, she was visibly rattled by being late. Knowing she couldn't control or turn back time, she relied on meticulous planning to leash the day. She's a bit of a control freak, if you hadn't noticed.
After a challenging morning of tackling voicemails and addressing urgent missed calls, Velvette managed to regain her momentum. Things were sailing smoothly until Valentino made an appearance.
Apparently, one of his employees had been shot in the face the previous night, resulting in a disfigurement that rendered them unable to participate in the planned movie.
Clearly frustrated, Valentino stormed into Velvette's studio to bitch about the situation, throwing things around and even ripping apart one of Velvette’s workers. This compelled her to call in a backup model, with rates that would disrupt her budget.
Not only did Velvette find this model too expensive, but she also disapproved of their overly flirtatious attitude.
And that's where you entered the picture, making her already lousy day even more exasperating. You had awakened about 10 minutes after Velvette, disturbed by her loud conversations on the phone.
However, it didn't bother you too much since your morning routine wasn't significantly affected by the late wake-up call. As Velvette's sugar baby and partner, she paid you to prepare home-cooked meals, be there to listen to her vent, and look good. As long as you weren’t the one who’s oversleep, you were in the clear.
In contrast to her hectic morning, yours unfolded at a slow and leisurely pace. You took your time with skincare and haircare, even savoring the breakfast you had prepared while Velvette rushed through hers to catch the elevator to her studio.
Despite disliking seeing her frowning and rushed in the mornings, you had held your tongue, aware that she wasn't in the mood to be told so. Besides, you couldn't help but smile when you noticed she had still laid out your outfit of the day despite her hurried state.
As half past noon approached, you descended in the elevator to her studio, carrying a warm lunch. Knowing she needed some persuasion to take a break from work and eat, even though she paid you to prepare her meals.
When she initially dismissed you upon your approach, it wasn't surprising. That was the usual routine. However, typically, after 15-25 minutes, she'd relent. Well, that was the norm. This time, an hour had passed, and she still adamantly refused to pause.
Bored and hungry, the usual scene of you two enjoying a shared meal and exchanging affectionate words was absent. Normally, you'd be showering her with praise, boosting her pride and motivation with each word. ‘This was how things were supposed to be,’ you thought, yet here you were, seated on a plush satin-covered chair in a corner of the spacious room.
Contemplating leaving altogether, considering nobody in the studio cared about your presence except Velvette, and she was currently too busy to notice. As you prepared to depart, a manicured hand rested on your shoulder.
"Well, hello there, sweetheart. What's a pretty thing like you doing all alone?" inquired the attractive woman with whom you soon found yourself engaging in conversation with. Unbeknownst to you, she was the backup model Velvette disliked but had to call in.
What you did know was that from her flirty attitude, to the fact she was feeling you up and the eye fucking she was giving you, that woman was definitely hitting on you.
You also knew you should have told her that you were with Vel, but after feeling ignored and abandoned since this morning, it felt refreshing to have someone finally pay attention to you.
Around 2:25 p.m., Velvette finally took a break from work, envisioning a moment to share lunch with you and perhaps find comfort in your embrace.
However, that dreamy scenario shattered when she looked your way and spotted 'that bitch Bridgette Bastia' not only flirting with you, her hand around your waist, but also eating away at HER LUNCH.
To make matters worse, Bridgette whispered things in your ear, leading to giggles.
Unlike Valentino, Velvette wasn't one to tear employees apart; she preferred the more elegant approach of firing them.
However, witnessing the girl cozying up to you fueled a desire in her to do something far less refined. She wanted nothing more than stab the chick to death(well, second death).
When Velvette confronted you about the proximity between you and the model, you had the audacity to respond with a cheeky "What's wrong, babes? Thought you were busy," accompanied by a sly expression and tone.
In a fit of rage, Velvette pushed Bridgette away and seized your wrist, forcefully ushering you into her office and slamming the door shut behind you;
"Today is already a mess, but you had to make it worse, you ungrateful bitch. Allowing that cunt to touch you so freely! Are you that much of a whore that you can't stand to not have someone laying their hands on you for a moment?" Velvette spat at you, accentuating her anger with a furious fist slam.
She yearned to make you suffer for intensifying her frustration, but hitting wasn't her style, and mere verbal assaults wouldn't suffice. That's when what she considered a brilliant idea struck her.
Utilizing her clothing transformation ability, she effortlessly rendered you completely exposed and bound with a mere swipe of her finger. Your once classy outfit morphed into an intricate arrangement of tied ropes, forming a captivating star-shaped pattern across your chest, in addition to a blindfold obscuring your vision, leaving you helpless in both movement and sight.
To escalate matters, she procured a vibrator from her office drawer and a ball gag she had used for a recent BDSM-themed shoot.
"You want to play the part of a needy slut, so I'll treat you as such," she whispered into your ear.
Following that, she attached the vibrator to your parts, setting it to medium vibration. It was intense enough to make your body react, but not strong enough to get you off.
"Behave until I return," she stated before departing, leaving you alone and exposed in the secluded offices.
Feeling the sensation of the vibrations consuming you, you clung to the hope that she was merely bluffing and would return soon.
Yet, you were well aware not to rely on that expectation. Once Velvette made up her mind, nothing you could say or do would alter her decision. ‘Knowing her, it wouldn't be surprising if she left you in that room until the end of her workday.’
As time passed the vibrations continued to pulse through your body, you couldn't help but feel a mix of anxiety and arousal. Velvette's actions were surprising but far from unpredictable. She had always been domineering and controlling, but this was on a whole new level.
You couldn't help but wonder how long you would be left like this, 3 hours had already passed by now, 2 more and the day would be over. ‘Did she forget you were in there, or was she intentionally keep you bound and stimulated to teach you a lesson?’
Your mind began to race with thoughts of escape. With your hands tied, it wouldn't be easy, but surely you could find a way to free yourself. The sensation of vibrator was becoming more intense with each passing minute, making it harder to concentrate on your predicament.
As you wriggled and squirmed, trying to find a way to release yourself, the door to the office creaked open. You tensed up, hoping it was Velvette, ready to release you from your captive state.
But instead, it was none other than Valentino, a cloud of red smoke surrounding him, and a smirk appearing on his face as he took in the sight before him.
"Well, well, look who we have here," Valentino drawled with his condescending smirk, his eyes inspecting your bound and stimulated form. "I guess you've managed to piss off our dear Velvette, huh? Serves you right. I've always known you were spoiled little bitch that didn’t know their place."
He sauntered over to you, his black heel boots clicking against the hardwood floor. "Thought you could get away with flirting with another woman right in her studio? You're a dumber than I if you thought she'd let that slide."
He leaned in close, his breath hot and rank against your ear. "She's got a mean streak, you know. You should have just waited patiently instead of pulling that kind of stunt. I’d keep my eyes peeled and my mouth shut from then on if I were you."
With that, Valentino turned on his heel and left the room, the door slamming shut behind him, leaving you alone in the room now filled with smoke with your humiliation and aching body…
About 10 minutes later Velvette stormed into the office, her face twisted in anger. She had received a text message from Valentino, no doubt gloating about the situation he had just witnessed.
Her eyes scanned the room, taking in the scene before her: you, bound and stimulated, with a look of both embarrassment and arousal on your face.
Velvette's lips curled into a sneer as she stepped into the room, a mixture of anger and amusement playing across her features. "What a fucking mess," she muttered under her breath, crossing the room to stand before you.
"I told you to behave, and this is what happens? Valentino gets a peek at your pathetic state," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She reached down and flicked the vibrators, making you flinch and moan softly around your gag.
"Oh, look at that, you're already soaking wet," she teased, her fingers tracing the contours of the vibrator attached to you. "I can't believe I have to deal with this. And here I thought you were smarter than that.”
Velvette couldn't resist the urge to taunt you further, her fingers gently probing your slick, throbbing intimates. She knew full well the effect it would have on you, and the way you squirmed only fueled her desire to humiliate you.
"You're so wet, darling. It's almost as if you enjoyed having Valentino see you like this," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "I'll make sure to tell him how wet you got from the embarrassment. Bet that moth fucker would love that, and so would you."
Obviously you weren’t into Valentino, and seeing like that you was the last you had wanted. So of course you violently shook your head in didn’t disagreement at the mention of her telling him more about your current interactions.
Thought being rendered Velvette’s pathetic bitch was hot, and an observer only reaffirmed the situation. ‘So maybe him walking in wasn’t ‘that’ unpleasant—‘
Her fingers danced against your most sensitive spots, eliciting strangled moans from you. "You're such a terrible liar, you know that? I can always see right through you," she continued, her voice a mixture of anger and arousal.
Despite your frustration and embarrassment, you couldn't deny the pleasure coursing through you with each touch from Velvette's skilled fingers. Her words and actions were cruel, yet they only seemed to heighten your arousal. As some sort of grace, she had removed the gag from you.
"It's not my fault he came in here," you whimpered . "I didn't invite him."
"Oh, please," Velvette scoffed, her fingers continuing their dance. "You're always looking for attention, always seeking validation from others. It's disgusting." Obviously she knew what she was saying was bullshit but it was fun taunt.
She increased the pressure, your body arching in response. "You should be grateful I haven't given you to him yet. He'd probably enjoy watching you squirm even more than I do."
Her words stung, but they also fueled your arousal. You knew she was right; you did crave attention, and Velvette's treatment of you only made it worse.
"Please, Velvette," you pleaded, your voice barely audible. "I'm sorry. Just let me cum please." Hours of stimulation plus the added stimulation had become to much for you, if you didn’t cum soon you would go crazy.
Velvette smirked at your plea, her fingers slowing down for a moment. "Oh, you want to cum, is that so?" she purred, stepping closer to you. "And what makes you thing you deserve it, huh? After your behaviour today, you’re gonna have to earn it."
She reached down and untying the vibration, removing it from your body altogether. "Now, you're going to eat me out and beg for me to make you cum. If you do a good job, I might just let you."
You felt a mixture of relief and panic as the vibrators were removed. While your body ached for release, the idea of pleasuring Velvette made you both nervous and excited, especially because your climax depended on it.
"Don't disappoint me," she warned, her eyes locked on yours. "I'm not in the mood for any more disobedience."
With a final glare, she stepped back, giving you room to kneel before her. Your heart raced as you watched her unzip her pants, revealing pretty pussy.
You hesitated for a moment, your eyes flicking between Velvette's smirking face and the task ahead of you. You could feel the tension in your body, the need to cum be touched overwhelming. But you knew you had no choice but to obey.
Mustering your courage, you lowered your head, your tongue darting out to trace the edge of Velvette's lace panties. The fabric was slick with arousal, and you knew she was already wet for you. She removed the arrival clothing herself as you were still bound.
With a deep breath, you began to lick and suck, your hands in fist to bring yourself some security. Velvette's hands threaded through your hair, guiding you as you tasted her.
"That's it, slut," she hissed, her voice low and dark. "Show me how sorry you are."
You redoubled your efforts, licking and nibbling at her skin, flicking your tongue against her clit. Velvette's breath hitched, her fingers tightening in your hair.
"Fuck, that feels good," she growled, her body arching into your mouth. "But you still haven't earned your orgasm."
You knew she was right, and you concentrated on pleasing her, your tongue working in tandem. Velvette's moans grew louder, her thighs shaking.
"You're doing well, Y/N," she said, her voice a ragged whisper. "But you still have a long way to go."
Velvette's voice was sharp, her fingers tangling in your hair as she pulled your head back. "Apologize for talking to that model," she demanded, her eyes like ice. "Admit that you were in the wrong,”
You hesitated, your heart pounding in your chest. Saying the words would be humiliating, but you needed relief.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice breathy. "I shouldn't have talked to her. I was wrong."
Velvette's fingers loosened, her eyes narrowing. “Better,” she said, her voice still icy. "Now finish making me come, and maybe, just maybe, I'll let you cum."
You augmented your efforts, your tongue working with renewed vigor. Velvette's moans grew louder, her body trembling.
"You're close," you murmured against her folds, your own arousal reaching new heights, despite being the one getting dominated it was still hot to see her all shaky.
Velvette's body tensed, her moans growing louder as you brought her to orgasm. Her release washed over you, her juices coating your tongue and face.
"Good bitch," she panted, her body shuddering.
With that, Velvette pulled you to your feet, your bodies pressed together. Her fingers found your front once more, teasing you before starting to jerk you.
"Spread your legs," she ordered, her voice harsh. "I want a good view of your pretty body."
You complied, your heart racing. Velvette's hands played you like a fiddle, her gaze locked on your face.
"You're so wet," she said, her voice a mix of satisfaction and anger. "No wonder Valentino was so fucking smug about it."
Your body throbbed, the need for release growing stronger. Velvette's hands moved faster, her gaze never leaving your face.
"Beg me for it," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "Beg me to make you cum."
You hesitated, your breath hitching. Asking for her permission felt like a betrayal of yourself, but you needed relief.
"Please, Velvette," you whispered, your voice shaking. "I need to cum. Please let me cum."
Her fingers paused for a moment, her eyes locked on yours. "You're so desperate, aren't you?" she purred, her fingers resuming their pace.
She increased her pace, her hands toying with you with expert precision. Your body ached, your moans growing louder.
"Tell me how much you want it," she commanded, her voice a low growl. "Tell me how much you need to cum."
You hesitated, your face flushing, but you needed her permission.
"I need it, Velvette," you whispered, your voice trembling. "I need to cum so bad."
Her fingers slowed, her eyes never leaving your face. "You better make a good show, slut," she said, her voice tight. "Or I'll make you wait even longer next time."
Velvette's hands going faster, your body arching in response. You could feel the orgasm building, your breath coming in short bursts.
"That's it, Y/N," she growled, her voice low and dangerous. "Come for me."
With a final surge, you came, your body trembling as waves of pleasure washed over you. Velvette's hnads never stopped, her thumb brushing against your most sensitive part.
"That’s my good bitch," she said, her voice satisfied. "Now, I think it's time for a reward."
She pulled her fingers from your body, her eyes locked on your face. She leaned in, her lips brushing against yours. The kiss was rough, her tongue probing your mouth.
Velvette pulled away, her eyes still locked on yours. "You'll learn to behave next time, won't you?" she asked, her voice soft but firm.
You nodded, your body still trembling from your orgasm. As much as the experience had been humiliating and degrading, there was something thrilling about it, too.
"Yes, Velvette," you whispered, feeling both exhausted and satisfied.
With that she untied you, dressed you back up and sent you on your merry way to your shared room…
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𝐕 Valentino & Vox 𝐕
Is one cock truly not enough for you, greedy whore~
Firstly, what possessed you to believe that engaging in any kind of relationship with both of them was an intelligent idea? Dealing with one is bad enough, but two? Are y’a crazy bitch?! (By the way, the bitch is me, I need these motherfucker to tag team me. Now that this is said, no more interruptions.)
Initially, this situation would be chaotic, not only due to the on and off relationship these two shared but now, you're also giving them attitude? ‘Who the fuck do you think you are?!’
The atmosphere would swiftly shift, with Val embodying his short-tempered self, and Vox grappling with frustration, both using you as some sort of stress reliever as they would fuck you until they were relaxed.
Picture this: Val once again enraged at an employee, Vox desperately attempting to pacify him. You entering the room, trying to innocently retrieving your charger left there this morning—‘nothing too troublesome, nothing to escalate their moods, right?’
Well, not quite. The catch is that your attire was entirely off the mark. Despite it being a Wednesday, the designated day for pink attire as Val had explicitly stated, your outfit missed the mark.
And it wasn't just Val overseeing your wardrobe; Vox had explicitly forbidden overly revealing clothing, especially when walking through the Vees' tower where anyone could catch an eyeful of you.
The burning question on both of their minds, as you discreetly attempted to grab your belongings and make your exit, was: 'Why the fuck were you in that skimpy red outfit?!' (It’s also that fucking radio demon’s color! — Vox)
It wouldn't take long for the situation to escalate into a heated argument. You asserting your independence, claiming the right to wear whatever you pleased, and their response insisting you belonged to them, hence you would dress as instructed. In addition, you would also insults their masculinity and critiques of their chosen attire for the day, as some sort of pay back.
Controlling your clothing marked an expression of their intense possessiveness. Despite its occasional annoyance, you found it fucking thrilling to be both their lover and plaything.
And as you would flip them off and attempting to leave the room, you'd feel a pair of clawed arms wrapping around you, digging into your flesh and forcefully pulling you back in. With that you would end up all tied up, and edge by those two shitheads. Malicious grins plastered on their faces.
If 'dressing like a depraved bitch in heat and act out,' was what you whole heartedly desired, then they would just have to mold you into a well-behaved little thing, one way or another.
Eventually, you'd be so thoroughly overwhelmed and overstimulated that the thought of defying them, or anything thought for that matter, would be far from your mind. But ‘hey, a win is a win!’
The day kicked off on a hot, particularly for your two Overlord boyfriends….
Valentino tenderly woke you with a kiss on your hair, while Vox used tender words to bring you back to reality.
"Y/N, sweetheart, time to wake up," Vox said, your body jerking awake. As you rubbed your eyes, Valentino left a trail of kisses from your shoulder to jaw. "We wouldn't want our sweet Y/N eating breakfast alone," he whispered into your ear.
You pulled away the covers, stood up, and let out a satisfied groan as you stretched. Continuing with your morning routine, you decided to spice things up when having taken a glance at your fully laid out outfit of the day.
Facing your fully clothed boyfriends on the heart-shaped bed, you sensually removed your pajamas, earning a whistle from Valentino and an open-mouthed stare from Vox.
Fully nude, you executed a reverse striptease, putting on your fresh clothes with the same sexed up attitude you just had when shedding yourself of your pyjama.
Once dressed, you completed your look, including jewelry, hair, skincare, and makeup. Slipping away to the kitchen, you avoided the customary morning kiss, leaving your lovers slightly irked.
Your deliberate avoidance continued at the breakfast table, and although they were busy, your actions left them with a slightly sour mood due to the absence of the usual morning ritual.
Meanwhile, you reveled in the small power trip of influencing the moods of these powerful men with such little actions.
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Several hours had elapsed, and it was now lunchtime. Knowing Val, he was likely already enjoying his meal, while your TV-headed boyfriend, Vox, was likely too absorbed in his usual surveillance to remember the existence of food.
Being the thoughtful partner you were, you whipped up something delicious and nutritious, heading to the underground watching room before Vox could realize his hunger and order his usual unhealthy fast food.
Despite his argument that the food he consumed you considered ‘shitty’ was quicker and simpler to get a hold of, you knew the toll it took on his energy, sleep, and mood swings. So once you became close enough to speak your mind, you had 'aggressively kindly' nudged him toward a better diet;
As the lift platform halted, holding a picnic basket, you walked the catwalk towards Vox's chair. Catching him fixated on the screens with no food in sight, you leaned in and playfully said, "boo!" prompting a high-pitched scream from Vox, earning a smirk from you and a groggy reaction from him.
However, his demeanor swiftly changed as he received the first kiss of the day from you and noticed the basket in your hand, realizing it was likely a meal you had prepared to share.
Grabbing the basket, he placed it on his desk and pulled you onto his lap by the hips. You both began eating, with you feeding him – a domestic sight only accessible to you and the other Vees.
As you continued to feed Vox, you couldn't resist the opportunity to tease him. You started grinding your hips against his lap, feeling his growing erection beneath you. Your hand slid up and down his thigh, sending electric shocks through his body. He groaned into his food, clearly enjoying the attention.
After you finished our meal, you stood up, playfully caressing the edge of his screen and smirking at the eager expression on Vox's face. "You know what, Voxy? You seem mighty stressed to me, and I feel it’s only right for me to do something about it, right?"
His eyes widened in anticipation, and you could see the hint of a blush on his TV screen. you leaned in close to his ear, your lips grazing the monitor as you whispered, "You wanted that, don’t you?. emphasizing your words by grinding against him once more.
Vox couldn't help but moan softly at the thought of what you had planned for him. His eyes darted around the screens, trying to find a way to distract himself from the tempting proposition, but that did nothing to help his heighten arousal.
As you began to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, he bit his lip to stifle another moan. "I can't believe you're doing this right after lunch," he murmured, his voice trembling with desire. "You're going to be the death of me, you know that, right?"
You chuckled softly, a wicked glint in your eyes as you lowered yourself to your knees in front of him. Your fingers deftly undid the final buttons and pulled his pants down, revealing his already hard member. A smirk graced your lips as you teased him by trailing your fingertips along the length of his cock.
Vox's breath hitched, his eyes closing tightly as he tried to maintain control. You leaned in closer, the warmth of your breath causing him to shiver. "You're so hard for me, Vox," you taunted, but soon got to the task ahead.
You eagerly took Vox's length into your mouth, you tongue tracing the vein that ran down the underside of his member. You sucked him diligently, your cheeks hollowing as you bobbed your head up and down, your eyes locked on his. Vox's fingers threaded through your hair, his breath coming in sharp gasps as the pleasure washed over him.
As the sensations built, his hips began to buck, his moans growing louder and more urgent. Just as he was about to reach his peak, you pulled back, a wicked grin on your face. Causing Vox to let out a dissatisfied whine.
So with a giggle, you stood up, you kissed the side of his monitor and quickly took your leave before he could fully register that you had left him panting and desperate.
As he regained his senses, his mood was certainly not the best,— let’s just say he was pissed when he was force to take care of the erection you had caused.
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Continuing with your day, it was now a quarter past four, and you knew Valentino was still shooting. With the same mischievous spirit you had when you visited Vox, you headed to Valentino’s studio.
Luck was on your side as they were on a 10-minute break, so Val wouldn’t be bothered by your sudden arrival. In fact, he seemed delighted to see you, welcoming you with a hug that involved all four of his arms.
In return for his affection, you gave him some of yours, expressing it with a soft, sweet, and brief kiss. But of course, the overlord of lust and depravity wasn’t satisfied with such a short gesture, especially considering the state you’d put him in since that morning with your little stunt.
With two arms propping you up and the others encircling you, he pulled you in closer, one hand lifting your chin to bring your lips together. And oh, what a kiss it was.
Your kiss was far from gentle; it was a collision of desire and intensity, fueled by primal instincts and raw passion. He drew you closer, if that was even possible, his hands gripping you fiercely as your lips met with a hunger that bordered on desperation. There was an urgency to your embrace, a need to consume each other completely. Your mouths moved hungrily against each other, teeth clashing and tongues dueling in a fierce battle for dominance—a battle that Valentino obviously won.
His touch was possessive, leaving trails of fire in its wake as he explored every inch of your skin with a roughness that sent shivers down your spine. You responded in kind, your nails digging into his back.
Your kiss was a whirlwind of passion and desire, leaving you both breathless and panting when you finally parted.
As he lowered you down, you felt slightly dizzy, ‘must be Val’s toxins’. It was then that you noticed some staff members had stopped their work just to watch you, and you couldn't help but shoot Valentino a glare after assessing the situation as ‘that bastard knew you were being watch but didn’t say shit so that his employee stopped, even a simple wave from him would’ve have done the trick’. However, he only chuckled in response.
Taking his place in his director's chair, he stared at you intently before patting his lap. “Won’t you stay with papi and watch? After all, you did spend lunch with Voxxy. Won’t you do this for me, cariño?” he asked, his request momentarily distracting you from your thoughts.
It took you a moment to comply, your mind still processing the mention of lunch with Vox. ‘Had Vox told him what you’d done? Probably not, knowing Vox wouldn’t admit to being played like a fiddle by you. Then how—oh yeah, Vox took a selfie while you were feeding him, and he likely sent it to Val.’
With that revelation out of your mind, you settled into Valentino’s lap, one of his arms around your waist while the other had already started traced patterns on your thigh.
As the shoot began, you decided that Valentino should also get some of your ‘special attention’. With that in mind, you started to roll your hips. However, Valentino was quick to stop you in your tracks, his hand on your waist drawing you closer while the one on your throat and another on your thigh roughly squeezed the flesh as a way to say ‘stop’.
You listened to his warning, for a moment... stopping for 5 minutes or so before starting again, earning a hitched breath from the tall moth. His hold became more aggressive, slightly bending forward to whisper in your ear, “You’re really testing my patience, mi amor, and I’d suggest you stop unless you want me to fuck you right here and there in front of everyone.”
But you replied coyly with, “I don’t know what you're talking about,” emphasizing your words with another roll of your hips.
Despite Valentino being a sex maniac, just like Vox, he had grown too possessive to let others see you in such an intimate position, not even as punishment. So his current threat was all bark and no bite, and you both knew it.
He quickly realized that you knew, which caused him to ‘tsk’ and sit back. The man was too prideful to admit you were affecting him to the point where he couldn’t focus on his work properly. So his plan was to wait it out, to wait until the end of the shoot so he could put you in your place.
But by now, you knew him and his work too well. So, 30 minutes before it was over, you got up, informing Val that you had to go on a ‘bathroom break’. Of course, he allowed it, playing the role of the unaffected and non-retaliating.
But the catch that Valentino hadn’t anticipated was, this wasn’t a bathroom break; you had just run away without him noticing, leaving him to take care of his hard one just like you had done with Vox.
You giggled as you sat on your bed, thinking about how he would react when the shoot finally ended and everything clicked. And since you were already long gone, for time efficiency, he would just move on to the next shoot instead of chasing after you.
After all, he was on a time crunch; he probably only had 20 minutes or so of a break to take care of himself, definitely not enough time to find you and fuck you.
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It was now 6 p.m., and you were out and about with Velvette, having grown close through your relationships with the two boys. She found you fun, and you could say the same about her. So it wasn’t out of the ordinary when she sent a text to each of them that she was taking ‘their bitch out to party’. As usual, she didn’t listen when they told her not to; she wanted to party with her bestie, and their boyfriends definitely weren’t going to stop her.
So there you were, clubbing hard, singing along loudly, dancing your ass off, and drinking in a manner that was definitely overindulgent, but who cared? You weren’t going to die from it.
As you were chatting it up with Velvette, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning around, you were met with quite the good-looking hellhound. He introduced himself as Marco and thought you were cute. He wanted to see if you could get drinks together, maybe exchange numbers. He was sweet and wasn’t forcing himself on you or anything, so you spoke honestly to him.
“I’m going to level with you, Marco,” you said. “Okay,” he replied.
“You seem like a very sweet hound, but I’m currently in a wonderful relationship with the loves of my life, or is it afterlife?—anyways, what I mean to say is thanks for the offer, but I can’t accept.” You rambled due to the alcohol already in your system, and Marco expressed that he understood and was happy for you.
But then an idea came to mind. “But could I actually ask you a favour, Marco?” you inquired.
“Sure, as long as it’s not too extravagant of an ask,” he replied.
“Never. Anywho, I was wondering if you’d be down to take a selfie with me, nothing too intimate, but you’d be holding me in it, like a really close hug. I want to tease my boyfriends, and that’ll definitely do the trick,” you told him.
He pondered for a second, then a “Sure, why not?” came out.
And so the selfie-taking proceeded. You followed through on your words, nothing but his hands around your waist. You knew that would get another rise from your ‘tv head and moth man’ when they saw your new Sinstagram post.
Were they going to do anything to Marco? No. You’d say something along the lines of ‘I’ll never forgive you’ and give them the cold shoulder if they did. Plus, they’d know this was just teasing, nothing more. If you had intended to make them furious, you would have kissed the guy.
Putting your phone down after posting the selfie with a couple of different pictures from the night, you soon felt it buzz. Looking at the notifications, they were texts from Vox and Valentino. But in your drunk and teasing mindset, you decided to ignore them, just shooting a glance at Velvette, which she understood meant ‘you can text them if they ask about me, but I won’t be doing it.’
She only rolled her eyes at that look but then chuckled at the thought of the state you probably had Valentino and Vox in, because those guys had some serious jealousy issues.
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9 p.m. had hit, and you and Velvette had decided you were good for the night. So, calling your driver, you waited by the curb.
“You know they’re going to fuck the shit out of you for that little picture,” she said before taking a hit of her vape.
“Oh, I’m counting on it. That’s why I already left both of them high and dry separately today,” you replied. She looked at you, surprised for a second, then burst out laughing.
“Bitch, you’re crazy! That’s why I like you, though.” With that said, the car had finally arrived, and in about 15 minutes, you were back at the tower.
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Velvette had shot you a teasing ‘good luck’ once you both had stepped out of the elevator on the last floor.
You took off your shoes before entering your room. Pushing the door open, you were met with your two boyfriends sitting on your bed, staring straight at you. They must have been waiting for your return.
"Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with their presence, Val. It’s our little professional photographer," Vox remarks, his tone laced with amusement and spite.
"Oh, indeed, Vox. It seems that truly adore the art, don't they? So much so that they’ll snap a pic at any given opportunity, regardless of who they're doing it with." Val adds, his words carrying a subtle innuendo.
"Oh please, it was just a hug," you retorted dismissively as you turned away from them, starting to change out of your outing clothes.
"Just a hug? JUST A HUG?!!" Valentino's voice rose with indignation. "That mutt was practically fucking you!" he exclaimed. Despite Valentino's tendency to exaggerate, he was jumping to the guns, Marco hadn’t even been groping you, but you refrained from pointing that out.
"That hellhound shouldn’t have been in your vicinity, point blank," Vox added, neither agreeing nor disagreeing with Valentino's statement.
"You two are such babies, you should stop fussing over a little selfie already," you scoffed, turning your head to look at them as you removed your last article of clothing.
Retrieving a towel from your drawer, you mentally decided it was time for a shower. In their minds, however, they were planning to make you pay for that picture and for teasing them earlier in the day.
In your mind, you were now going to take a shower, seeking solace in the calming embrace of warm water. However, in their minds, they had already made a silent pact to exact retribution for the audaciousness you had when snapping that picture and your teasing behavior throughout the day.
As you reached for the bathroom door handle, on of Valentino's hand shot out and grabbed your wrist, pulling you back towards the bed. His grip was firm but not painful, leaving no doubt that you were not going anywhere until they had made their point clear. Vox stood up and joined him, a predatory gleam in his eyes as he towered over you.
"We'll show you what happens when you play with fire, brat," Valentino growled, his voice low and threatening. Vox nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring Valentino's anger.
Before you could protest or plead, they had you pinned down on the bed, your struggles met with their iron grip. Their faces hovered over yours, their anger palpable in the way their eyes burned with intensity.
Vox and Valentino started discussing strategies on how best to punish you for your transgressions, right in front of you.
"We need to teach them a lesson," Vox declared,"Something... memorable."
"Agreed," Valentino chimed in, tightening his grip on you as you tried to shuffle around "Something... painful."
"Yes, yes, something painful," Vox echoed, rubbing his temples in frustration. "We need to make sure they knows who the boss is here."
In unison, they nodded ominously, their plans solidifying rapidly.
"This is what happens when you toy with us, bébé~" Valentino hissed, his free hand reaching for a belt that he kept nearby. The sound of leather hitting flesh echoed through the room as he brought it down on your thighs, the sting of each blow making you yelp in pain and surprise.
Vox watched with approval, his own arousal growing as he saw the marks forming on your skin. He moved closer, his fingers tracing the lines that Valentino was creating.
"You see this, doll," Vox purred, his voice low and seductive, "you see what you make us do when you behave like a brat. We don’t like hurting you,” a lie. “but can’t just let you do whatever, we do not tolerate petty disobedience, I thought you’d knew that by now."
His fingers trailed down to your chest, playing your now perked nipples. You squirmed beneath their touch, a mix of fear and arousal coursing through your veins.
Valentino paused momentarily, the belt falling limply to the side. He leaned in close, his breath hot against your ear as he whispered "Remember this, cariño. We may love you, but that doesn’t mean you got free reins to be a bratty ass bitch."
With that, he released you, stepping back to allow Vox his turn. The television-headed demon's gaze never left your face as he took the belt from Valentino, his eyes flickering with anticipation.
Vox cracked the belt across your ass, the sharp sting catching you off guard. You cried out, your body arching involuntarily as the pain seared into your skin. But then, an unexpected warmth spread through you, a strange mixture of pain and pleasure that you couldn't quite comprehend.
Valentino watched from the corner of the room, his eyes locked onto your reactions. As you writhed beneath Vox's hand, he began undressing, slowly revealing his muscular form. He wore nothing but a pair of black silk boxers that did little to hide his arousal.
Once naked, he walked over to you, his steps confident and assured. He picked up a pair of handcuffs from the nightstand and began to tie your hands behind your back, securing your mouvement firmly. As the cuffs tightened, a jolt of arousal was sent through you.
Vox continued spanking you, alternating between the belt and his open palm. Your skin turned a darker shade, a testament to your punishment. Yet, despite the pain, you couldn't deny the rush of lust pulsating through your veins.
Finally, Vox stopped spanking you, satisfied with the sight of your reddened cheeks. He stepped back, admiring his work, before whispering softly, "Such a bad little thing, aren't you? But don't worry, we won't leave you like this. We're going to give you what you deserve."
Valentino knelt beside you, his eyes glinting with desire. He gently stroked your hair, whispering soothing words into your ear, "It's okay, amorcito. It's all going to be okay. Just let go."
Their words, combined with the physical pain, pushed you further into a state of heightened arousal. You felt your body responding to their dominance, your core throbbing in anticipation.
Valentino stood up, motioning for Vox to join him. They exchanged a heated glance, their shared desire evident. With a nod, they moved towards you, Vox taking your legs while Valentino held your torso. Together, they positioned you on your knees, your ass lifted invitingly.
Valentino reached for a bottle of lubricant from the nightstand, pouring a generous amount into his hand. He rubbed it on your entrance, preparing you for what was to come. Your breathing hitched as his cool touch met your heated core, sending shivers down your spine.
Quickly after, Vox moved behind you, his erection hard and ready. He positioned himself at your entrance, pausing briefly to grab your hair and look into your eyes. There was a mix of fear and lust in your gaze, and he smirked, knowing he had you exactly where he wanted you.
With a swift thrust, he entered you, filling you completely. You gasped, your body adjusting to the invasion. His movements were slow and deliberate, each thrust pushing deeper inside you.
Valentino watched intently, his cock equally hard and ready. He practically couldn't wait for his turn, but first, he wanted to see the full effect of their domination on you.
Vox increased his pace, his thrusts becoming faster and harder. His grip on your hair tightened, his other hand holding onto your hip for support. Each time he slammed into you, your breasts bounced enticingly, drawing Valentino's attention.
"Look at them, Vox," Valentino said, his voice thick with desire. "See how much they wants this. How much they needs this."
Vox grunted in response, his movements becoming more erratic. He pulled you back, using your hair to lift your head, and you found yourself looking straight into his cyan-colored eyes.
"That's it, whore," he hissed, his voice low and menacing. "Take it like a good little slut."
Valentino joined in, running his hands over your body, pinching your nipples roughly. His touch was both tender and cruel, eliciting moans from you.
"You like this, don't you?" he taunted, his voice a soft purr. "You love when we’re mean to you, bitch~"
Vox then pulled you up into a chokehold, applying pressure to your throat. You struggled slightly, but the combination of pain and pleasure was overwhelming. Your body arched involuntarily, your climax approaching rapidly.
The pressure on your throat intensified, your breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. Your vision blurred, your world narrowing down to the sensations coursing through you. Everywhere Vox touched felt electrified, every thrust of his hips driving you higher.
"Cum for me, bitch," Vox snarled, his voice hoarse with desire. Valentino continued to play with your nipples with his top hands, as his bottom ones took care your front.
Your release was imminent, the pressure building within you threatening to burst. You mewled, your muscles clenching around Vox, your orgasm washing over you like a tidal wave.
As you climaxed, Vox continued to choke you, his movements becoming wilder. You felt him swell inside you, his soon reached his climax.
Finally, he came, roaring your name as he filled you completely. He held you in the chokehold for a few more seconds before releasing you, allowing you to catch your breath.
Your breathing was hieratic as you felt your body plot down against the mattress. But to bass for you they didn’t intend on letting you rest.
Valentino stepped up behind you, his erection still throbbing. Without warning, he entered you from behind, his movements slow and deep. The sensation of being filled so so only after your first climax was quite the overstimulating one.
Without warning, Valentino pushed your head into the mattress, your face buried in the soft fabric. You gasped, feeling the sudden loss of control. He spanked you again, the sting mixing with the lingering ache from earlier.
"That's right, bitch," he growled, his voice rough. "Stay quiet. Take what I give you."
His thrusts became faster, his hips slamming into you with each movement. You could feel Vox's semen leaking out slightly, only to be replaced by Valentino's relentless pursuit.
Each strike of his hand echoed through the room, punctuating the sounds of your moans and their grunts. The pain and pleasure merged, creating a symphony of submission.
Valentino's fingers dug into your hips, gripping tightly as he pounded into you. Your body responded, moving with his rhythm, your inner walls milking him with each thrust.
Despite the pain, you couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of being owned, of being taken by these powerful beings. Their dominance over you was absolute, and it excited you beyond measure.
As Valentino neared his own climax, he tightened his grip on your hips, his thrusts becoming more frantic. Your body shook beneath him, your second orgasm building quickly.
"Come for me, slut," he demanded, his voice thick with desire. "Let me hear you scream!" He said as he pulled your hair, contradicting his previous statement about wanting you to be quite.
You complied, your orgasm hitting you like a freight train. Your entire body convulsed, your nails digging into the mattress as you screamed his name.
Valentino roared, his release pulsing inside you. He stayed still for a moment, catching his breath before withdrawing slowly.
As he stepped away, you collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily. The room was silent, save for your labored breaths.
Before you could recover, Valentino had wrapped his arms around you, his chin resting on your shoulder. He entered you from behind, his size stretching you wide. Your body trembled, your nerves overwhelmed by the dual invasion.
Following suit, Vox positioned himself in front of you, his erection already hard once more. Without warning, he slid back into you, his length filling you from the front. You cried out, your body protesting the overstimulation.
"Shhh, calm down ‘bébé’," Valentino whispered in your ear, his voice husky with desire. "We're not done with you yet."
Vox started thrusting, his movements slow and measured. Valentino followed his lead, their rhythms meshing perfectly. Your body bounced between them, caught in a vice of pleasure and pain.
They didn't care about your limits, your protests falling on deaf ears. Instead, they reveled in your discomfort, their own desires guiding their actions.
Their faces were etched with concentration, their eyes locked onto yours. They seemed almost hypnotized, lost in the act of taking you.
As they continued to thrust into you, their movements became more synchronized. Their bodies moved as one, their hips slapping against each other. In sync, they leaned in, capturing each other's lips in a fierce kiss.
Tongues tangling, their passion was palpable. It was a display of obsession and possession, leaving you breathless.
But their focus wasn't solely on each other. With one hand, Valentino gripped your hair, twisting it gently. Vox reached around, caressing your chest roughly.
Their kiss broke, Vox shifting his gaze to you. He leaned in, capturing your lips in a bruising kiss. His tongue delved deep, claiming you as his own.
When he pulled away, Valentino took over, his lips crushing against yours in a brutal kiss. His hands wandered, cupping your face, and then moving down to your neck.
Between kisses, they continued to fuck you, their bodies merging with yours. Their actions spoke volumes - you belonged to them, and you should know better than to fuck with them.
With each kiss, your body grew more sensitive, your mind clouded with lust. Vox and Valentino fed off your reactions, their desire escalating.
"That's it, baby," Valentino murmured against your lips, his breath hot and heavy. "Let go for us." He said as he let his hands wonder down to your front to increased the sensation.
Vox nodded, his thrusts growing more forceful. "Yes, cum for us."
Between kisses, they increased their pace, their movements relentless. Your climax built quickly, your body shaking beneath them.
Finally, you came, screaming into Vox's mouth. Their thrust not relenting as they chased their own orgasm.
As Vox and Valentino neared their climaxes, their thrusts grew more desperate. Sweat dripped from their bodies, mingling with yours. Their gazes locked, a silent agreement passed between them.
With a roar, Valentino thrust deep inside you, his release spilling within you. At the same time, Vox claimed you once more, his cum joining lover’s.
You all panted heavily as they remained inside you, enjoying the aftermath of their conquest.
In the silence that followed, you lay between them, exhausted and spent.
Some ‘I love you’s were shared as you all drifted off, it looks like showering will a ‘tomorrow’ type of task…
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Reblogs help!!! (Request Are On Pause)
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thatbitchery · 9 months
& ladies remember outside your leveling up circles if anyone asks you eat at the drive thru, it's burger & fries, you prefer sweatpants and spend your time watching Turkish Thai dramas and your sexual orientation is pretty kpop boys. Your goal in life is to get married and stay at home and your hobbies are flip flops and watching gmmtv, you're the most basic average Jane there is out there you just dress up because mom makes you. What have we said about keeping your competition feeling safe? In competitive environments so school and office and your local communities and especially your family you're couch potato potato so you're not available because new series just dropped- do you want to cause unnecessary friction? Keep your level up to yourself and your level up groups people are herds herds herds with that crabby crabba crab mentality so any sign you could leave the herd behind is a trigger to Crabb crabbb crabby pull you back into the bucket. Human beings are animals before they are people when will you understand this? Why would you scream in the face of a tiger? Do you want to get bullied? What happened to moving in silence.
Keep your workouts out of social media and your trips to the dermatologist to yourself, your paycheck is between you and your bank and stay away from the brands unless everyone in your group is wearing them so brands are just the average. Why would you sabotage yourself like that? Why would you go telling anyone your goals? Do you want to get laughed at? Haven't you learned your lesson? Hasn't your mother, your own mom, judged you for wanting to be better? Even though you're not in competition? Then why would you tell Betty from HR when it's literally the most competitive environment out there? Do you want to ostracize yourself? Then don't create drifts with your herd and level up in the shadows, when your current friends see you eating healthier its omg lol why? Then the answer is actually I took a blood test, autoimmune diseases are around the corner you don't know how badly I need McDonald's rn but life first. You're dressing elegant lately- girl stop my mom is insufferable she's making me these conservatives please. You look nicer- I'm on birth control, I had that acne issue. I feel the weight creeping up lol. You're taking more classes? Gosh yes there's this scholarship thing I need so you know. Your posture is better lately- baby girl stop my back was on fire last week leave me alone I was dying like- it's never because you're bettering yourself. Never. Ever. As long as they're concerned couch potato potati potata average Janey.
Human societies are competitive in nature especially among women because resources are so scarce and we know this and herd mentality makes us detest people that place themselves in positions to have better access to these so once you start getting better its underhanded compliments and what's app groups and side glances as you walk, learn to keep people comfortable and do you in the background, don't buy into whatever self soothing we are all good people bs you're being sold, we are only as supportive as you're below us once you start doing better your own sister and best friend have a lot to say. Move in silence & keep your life away from public view and have believable excuses for what you can't always hide & find a way to say you're better than me. Why cause unnecessary friction?
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fangweaver2099 · 2 months
𝐅 𝐀 𝐖 𝐍 𝐓 𝐄 𝐄 𝐓 𝐇 - Prologue pt 3
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You’ve always liked the idea of having a dominant partner - BDSM was something you’ve read about, watched videos about.
Something you made Pinterest boards and aesthetic tumblr posts about when you were 18 and curious, the idea always sounded nice, but you’ve never done it in practice, not really. Sure you bought fuzzy handcuffs at a gag gift store once, but that didn’t really count.
You’re still a virgin.
You’ve always had that chronically awkward, workaholic type of vibe that made typical dating near impossible at worst and frustrating at best. Normal dating apps have proven fruitless and agitating. So poor curious little you talked yourself into making a fetlife account. You weren’t looking for true love, but at least you could get laid.
DM Request from: 10:13 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Hello, Fawn.”
College was for new experiences after all.
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CW: BDSM heavy/centric fic. Safe, Sane & Consensual. Miguel is your professor, but you both don't know that. Age Gap (Y/N is 23, Miguel is mid 30's)
TAG: @slut4oscarissac23 @iamtheprincess227 @haveclayeveryday @sphynxfoxslut69 @junehasnotbeenfound
It had been almost two months since Web first messaged you. As it turned out, you liked not being the caretaker for once. Considering you grew up the eldest of your six siblings, you were the second mom, the babysitter, the caretaker . 
Being the eldest daughter was a curse. 
You still had embarrassing flashbacks while laying in your bed of your father screaming at you over getting a B in AP physics in your junior year of highschool. 
You liked not being in charge. No responsibility, no obligation, no pressure. Web gave that to you. 
He’d become a friend as much as he was a dominant. You found yourself asking him about mundane things, restaurants he liked or opinions on your going-out clothing. 
He never really broke character, or, well - what you assumed was a character. Suave, domineering with a hint of playful possessiveness... you weren’t entirely sure if you were ready to sacrifice as much clothing as he wanted to rip off you. 
Clothes were expensive and you worked too hard to let him rip apart your nice lingerie.
Still, you weren't entirely opposed to the idea of him tearing apart clothes that he bought you. You thought about suggesting it once, but chickened out as he'd already spent a decent amount on you. Asking for more felt selfish, and you would not reduce yourself to being anyone's sugar baby. 
(Even if the thought did tempt you, sometimes.) 
He had plans for you - or so he said. You got the hint that he enjoyed that you were new and that he was the one ‘teaching you the ropes’,  but he took it seriously. He made you buy an ebook and learn about your nerves and blood flow. 
He didn’t want you to risk nerve damage and went out of his way to ensure you knew to see the signs. 
You had even suggested buying your own rope and testing some self ties, but Web refused. Worried that you’d mess something up and end up losing a limb, he expressly forbade any experimentation that you’d otherwise have tried. 
He hadn’t really revealed much of himself other than he traveled occasionally for work. You had about a dozen different photos in your telegram media chat of him in different hotel bedrooms, but he never told you why he was traveling - just that he was. 
You still hadn’t gotten an answer out of him of what he did for work. He was more active when he was traveling - during the week he practically disappeared but when he was traveling, you’d get a good extra half an hour or so to chat with him. You got used to the routine and you may or may not have adjusted your sleep schedule to spend the most time with him.
Your roommates were beginning to notice, though. It was obvious, with how you started taking much better care of yourself. You dressed up more - did your makeup regularly, you always walked to work… 
You began cooking, for god’s sake, breaking out your grandmother’s precious recipes and putting them to use. 
You tried to not think about the improvement of your mental health hinged on a 36 year old man bossing you around and making you fuck yourself silly on a toy he bought you. 
Aurora had dubbed you ‘Dorm Mom’ despite the fact that the five of you didn’t live in a dorm. Technically your house was a duplex that was converted to one house for college student rentals. 
He hasn’t asked you to use the lovense yet. It was pink and had a weird wider clamp bit you assumed held it in place. You hadn’t tried to put it on, remembering Web’s words.
“No using them without my permission, understood?”  
So, obviously, you didn’t. You didn’t expect yourself to be so rule compliant - you’d convinced yourself you’d be a brat or sassy like a kitten. Now you just fantasized about sitting between Web’s legs as he called you a good pet.
You still hadn’t decided what you were - dog, kitten, bunny? No clue - so he just started calling you pet. It was kind of hard to roleplay being nonverbal online. You had sent him a few videos now - happy to take it nice and slow. 
He made it clear he was comfortable with that. He was always direct and clear with you. You found yourself adoring his communication skills and learning a thing or two. It was refreshing compared to your singular previous relationship - he… he was sure a teenager.
Clear commands were comforting in an odd way, even if said commands were some of the filthiest things you've ever had sent to you. The commands he gave were easy to understand and impossible to fuck up without distinctly trying. 
 He made you nervous, but that was from anticipation, not from anxiety of making yourself look like a total idiot.  
He'd scold you and punish you if you'd call yourself that anyways, and your hand still hurt from the first round of lines he'd made you write in a notebook he also made you go out and get. Punishments long distance were difficult, but that was a surefire way you wouldn't forget his instructions and rules anytime soon.
It was a Thursday night - Web had told you he’d be around at 9pm, so you’d been twiddling your thumbs agonizing over the wait as you stared at the clock. There were a hundred things you could be doing to pass the time, but none of them seemed particularly fun against the rising concoction of excitement and dread churning in your belly. Instead, you figured you’d clean your room - the stage in which you’d male your grand debut. 
It was hardly the first time he had seen you, of course, but it would be the first time he’d see you live. You remembered how the first video you sent accidentally included the messy pile of clothes in the corner of your bedroom that you had forgotten about for an embarrassingly long time. He must have thought you a slob. You nearly cried a day after sending it when you scrolled through your conversation and saw it in the thumbnail. 
Not again. No, your room would be fucking spotless , if you had anything to say about it. 
First thing first, the hamper. Heaving the pile into your lattice-work bin, you trucked it over to the laundry room, the half-faded writing on its handle reading your name to make sure no one accidentally swapped clothes.
Next thing was vacuuming, and not just turning on the communal roomba and letting it wander for a few minutes in your room like the last time you ‘cleaned’. Your eyes lingered on the pink disc affectionately dubbed ‘Kirby’ by the household. Not this time, old friend.
You were a mostly clean person. Mostly. Maybe it was time to get back on your anti-depressants, you mused, picking up another glass to bring to the kitchen. 
After a half hour you felt pretty satisfied, your room looking better than it had in… Probably since a week after you moved in. Maybe you were messy?
The thought was interrupted by the click of a door closing in the living room. You winced. No, this could not be happening. They were - were supposed to be out tonight! Didn’t they all have a show to be at?
You peeked your head out your door to spy who had come in, feeling a tad like a ninja without the skills or cool costume or, really, anything that would make you a ninja. 
It was Aurora - huffing as she made her way inside. As always, the strawberry blonde had that characteristic coloring, all colorful care-bear themed clothing and highwaisted jeans, a literal rainbow shaped into a person and set loose to run wild. She was scowling, but that quickly evaporated when her brown eyes met yours. 
“Looks like you’re stuck with me tonight. The drag show ended early because one of the Queens made one too many jokes about cops and I guess some guy had a brother that was one.” She rolled her eyes, “‘Throwing bricks is assault’, he said. ‘Yeah that’s the point’, the Queen replied. You know how it is.”
“The others are bar hopping, but I have a doctor’s appointment in the morning so I have to turn in soon. Don’t mind me if you uh.. Had something special planned with all of us out, wink wink,” she said while literally winking. You wished you exploded on the spot.
“S-Something special? No-no, why would you think that?” you stammered, stepping out from your bedroom, hands growing clammy and wet.
“Because it's not often you have the apartment to yourself. You don’t maybe.. Have a boyfriend coming over or something?” She leaned forward, lips curling into a grin as she leaned closer. 
“ NO, ” you replied firmly, definitely too firm. It wasn’t a lie, he wasn’t exactly a boyfriend and he wasn’t coming over either. 
You were just going to get naked in front of him on camera and masturbate. 
Now you just had to do that with your roommate a few doors down. 
This was fine.
Everything was fine.
(everything was definitely not fine, and you could feel yourself getting paler, a bit lightheaded.)
“Suuuuure you don’t. If I hear knocking on the door - or in your room - I’ll just turn up my laptop while I watch netflix.” She hummed to herself, waltzing over to the fridge to grab a snack before she disappeared into her equally brightly colored bedroom.
This… complicated things, but of all the people to be home while this happened, you supposed Aurora was the least bad. She was a heavy sleeper and she wore earbuds when she watched stuff in her room, so it was possible that she wouldn’t notice at all. 
Your eyes darted to the clock as she left, checking the time. It was past time. You had been so busy worrying that you -
Rushing back to your bedroom, you snagged a towel on the way there, spreading it on the floor as you moved in. There was a risk of you needing it later, and you really, really wanted to be prepared. 
Taking a deep breath, you settled, laptop in hand, sitting cross legged on the towel. You opened your laptop, setting it down in front of you and taking a big, deep breath, losing any of the composure you’d gained all at once as you saw the notification waiting.
 9:10 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Are you free, pet?”  
“ I am. ” - Fawnteeth - 9:18 PM
 9:19 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I’ve been thinking about the video you sent me a few days ago.”  
“ Oh? I just did what you asked, Sir. ” - Fawnteeth - 9:19 PM
 9:19 PM - WebRigger2099 - “That you did, and you looked so nice squirming with those clamps on. You have very beautiful breasts, Fawn. Are you enjoying all the toys I provided you? Which is your favorite?”  
“ Thank you. I am, but I don’t think I have a favorite yet. ” - Fawnteeth - 9:19 PM
 9:19 PM - WebRigger2099 - “How are you adjusting to the dildo? Can you take it completely to the flare yet?”  
“ Same as last photo I shared, so not quite. ” - Fawnteeth - 9:19 PM
 9:20 PM - WebRigger2099 - “As much as I’d like to hilt myself in you when we meet, I understand that’s not always realistic. Don’t feel too bad if you reach your limit. If you do, however, I’ll need to get you something bigger to practice on.”  
“ I’m happy to keep trying with encouragement. :p ” - Fawnteeth - 9:20 PM
 9:20 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Aside from praise, is there something I can offer as a reward?”  
“ Pics, maybe. I do quite like the praise. ” - Fawnteeth - 9:20 PM
 9:20 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Alright, how about this: You get a picture for every inch you can manage starting at four. That’s twp potential pictures total if you reach all six.”  
“ I like that. ” - Fawnteeth - 9:20 PM
 9:20 PM - WebRigger2099 - “How would you like to show me your progress live?”  
“ I can try another video, I wish we could just facetime or something. ” - Fawnteeth - 9:20 PM
 9:20 PM - WebRigger2099 - “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about tonight, actually.”  
“ Oh? ” - Fawnteeth - 9:20 PM
 9:20 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Zoom. I will be muted and you still won’t see my face.”  
“ Can I ask why? ” - Fawnteeth - 9:20 PM
 9:21 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Why do you wear your mask?”  
“ Because I’m a college aged woman posting nudes on the internet. Point taken, I guess. ” - Fawnteeth - 9:21 PM
 9:21 PM - WebRigger2099 - “We all have our reasons. Would you like to or not?”  
“ Yes, sir. ” - Fawnteeth -  9:21 PM
 9:21 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Good girl. Always so polite.”  
“ I try. ” - Fawnteeth -  9:21 PM
 9:21 PM - WebRigger2099 - “It saves me some time disciplining it into you.”  
“ We’ll see, I like the idea of being a brat, remember? Just hard to do across the web. ” - Fawnteeth - 9:22 PM
9:22 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I’ll try not to scare you too much the first time I show you the crop then.”  
“ So scary :p. ” - Fawnteeth - 9:22 PM
9:22 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Let’s see what you think when you’re crying and you can’t sit for the next three days.”  
“ We’ll just have to see. ” - Fawnteeth - 9:22 PM
 9:26 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Get your lube, lovense and dildo. Find somewhere comfortable where you won’t be interrupted. Join when you’re ready: [Zoom code]”  
“ Okay, can you see me?. ” - Fawnteeth -  9:30 PM
9:30 PM - WebRigger2099 - “There’s my pet. Yes, I see you beautiful.”
Web’s video flashed on, bare enough to give you a generous view of his muscular frame, sculpted torso painting him like some god in human form. A pair of gray boxer-briefs were all that he wore on his bottom half, the bulge of his flaccid penis intimidatingly large. The man was a shower, not a grower. Even soft as it was now, it strained against the fabric and ran down his leg, head nearly threatening to peek out from the leg-holes. 
It was unfair how hot he was.
As always, the frame cut off before you could see his chin. Just what could a man like this have to hide, truly? So mysterious.
You found yourself staring for a moment, hunched over in your baggy t-shirt and underwear. All the confidence evaporated from your body - you didn’t realize he would have his feed on. 
You swallowed, your throat suddenly dry, struggling with the camera of your laptop. 
“Can you hear me?” you asked. 
The man leaned forward, the barest hint of his chin coming into frame only to be obscured by a simple medical mask. His long fingers typed something out and a moment later his message pinged into existence.
9:30 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I can.”  
Your eyes rested firmly on the mask for a moment, your brow raised. 
“Same idea, but mine is easier to breathe in.” You pointed at your own mask, black cloth and far more comfortable. 
It was technically made to be worn over a medical mask, after all. You were trying so hard to play it cool, as if you couldn’t feel sweat sticking your hair to the back of your neck. You sit up and back far enough you’re in view of the camera but you can still see his text.  
9:30 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Here I thought you might ask me where I got the idea from. I hope you don’t have a copyright.”  
You grinned under your mask, eyes scrunching. “I don’t. I-I’m glad you got the idea from me.” Flinching at the stutter, you glanced around the room, one of your hands brushing over your mask and down your neck awkwardly. 
9:31 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Nervous, Fawn? It’s normal to be. This is your first time doing something like this, isn’t it?”  
Sat there, you stalled, before nodding as physically hard as you could - you didn’t want to stutter again. Your hands eventually grabbed at the edge of your shirt and twisted it together, revealing a hint of your stomach.
9:31 PM - WebRigger2099 - “We can go slow, pet. Remember our safety tools. Shall we test them?”  
“I- yeah. Sorry. I want to. Just… It feels more real, ” you admitted.  
9:32 PM - WebRigger2099 - “This will make it easier when I meet you in person. A stepping stone. I want you to feel comfortable. Safe.”  
You know he couldn’t see you blush, but you sure felt your face warm, your eyes drifting over his hands as they disappeared to type. 
“I know. I trust you,” you finally spoke, voice a bit more sure. 
9:32 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Color check. How are you feeling?”  
“Green,” you answered, hands moving to finally wrench your top over your body, tossing it… somewhere.
Idly, your gaze brushed over your hips, fingers touching the half-faded marks that you had written on yourself the week before at Web’s instruction. 
9:32 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Still not fully faded, I see. Good thing it was a compliment and not something else.”  
“What would something else be?” you asked, again cringing at your stumbling of words.
9:32 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Some pets prefer degradation. ‘Whore’, ‘Slut’, ‘Stupid Bitch’. You seem like the type that works on praise.”  
Your brows furrowed, “What do you prefer?” 
Belatedly, you realized that it was probably a terrible idea to ask. You knew you’d try desperately to enjoy whatever he liked. 
9:32 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Depends on my mood, and how bratty they’ve been. You’re a good girl, aren’t you Fawn? Stay like that and we’ll keep doing praise.”
Slowly, Web reached down to his thigh, thick-veined hand sliding across the bulge of his member which had slowly begun to swell and harden.
9:32 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You’ve barely done anything and you’ve already started to get me hard. Your voice is beautiful, Fawn.”
You swore you felt your heart skip in your chest, shifting on your knees almost uncomfortably. You felt the urge to sit up straighter - it was hard to tell if it was to hide the rolls on your stomach or because you felt lifted by his compliment. 
He was almost inhumanly attractive. You swore a man like him couldn’t be real, but here he was. 
“I.. Uhm…,” you stumbled over your words, glancing at the toy laid out beside your hip. 
9:32 PM - WebRigger2099 - “How about you start taking off the rest of your clothes for me, Fawn? Show me your beautiful body.”
Web’s hand shifted, fingers hooking the edge of his underwear and dragging it down enough that you could begin to see the neatly trimmed bush of pubic hair leading to his manhood. It lingered there, just an inch away from revealing the base of his cock to you. 
In all honesty, how wet you already were was more than enough humiliation alone for you to squirm - he didn’t need to contribute. You reached your arms back, struggling for a moment to unclasp your bra. It was on instinct as you tossed it down and wrapped one hand over your breasts. 
You tried to not notice him typing one-handed, knowing it would be like that for the rest of the night. 
9:33 PM - WebRigger2099 - “There they are, those pretty breasts of yours. Don’t hide them from me, pet.”
“I’m trying ,” you admitted, squirming in your kneeling position. You were hunching forward ever so slightly, eyes waiting for his next message.
9:33 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Color?”
“Green,” you mumbled, forcing yourself to drop your arm and sink your fingers into your thigh. 
Part of you was thankful the AC in your room barely worked so it wasn’t freezing to be naked right now. 
Taking the initiative for the first time in weeks, you shifted, sitting back on your haunches to display the wet spot quickly spreading across the seat of your panties. 
9:33 PM - WebRigger2099 - “So wet for me already, eager little thing. Take those off too; Show me your pussy, Fawn.”
You tried… so hard to do it quickly - sexy, y’ know? Smooth. Hooking your thumbs under the waistband and tugging, just like he had, but…
Instead of a smooth descent, your underwear caught at your knees, and you froze, shifting back on your hips to try to dislodge them, but that only had you falling quickly off balance. It took both arms to catch yourself and keep you from toppling over, panties still tangled at your knees, and you whimpered, trying desperately not to look at your screen while you smoothly (read: jerkily) kicked your underwear off.
Now nude, you had to take a moment to soothe your panic. You were convinced that, to some extent, he was charmed by your awkwardness - he'd all but told you as much a few times, but it didn't stop your cheeks from burning and your mind from considering hanging up, giving up, and hiding away from the rest of the world for the next year or so.
For a moment you lingered half-laid before rolling back onto your knees, now completely nude. Eager to pretend that nothing happened, you raked your hair from your face, risking a quick glance to the screen, and - 
You swore you could see his chest rise like he was chuckling at you. It was almost enough to make you wish he could see you pout. 
Crossing your arms, you frowned, all too cognizant of how the motion propped up your breasts for him while he typed. 
9:33 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Good girl. Take those tits in your hands now, squeeze them. Pinch your nipples for me. Do what you would want me to do to them. Color.”
“G-green,” you managed to get out, wiping your sweaty palms over your torso.  Taking a deep breath, you reread the order, before letting your eyes drift back up to his video. Watching the broad, built man palm his crotch, squeezing his massive cock through his pants,you couldn’t help but remember that the black dildo was two inches shorter and more than a bit thinner. 
He was massive.
Slowly, your hands uncrossed and cupped your breasts. Hesitantly, you tweaked at one of your nipples, cautious and careful. You had always been sensitive, it was hard to even sleep without a bra much less masturbate. Now Web was telling you to… oh dear. Your eyes pinched close, thumb and pointer coming together to squeeze the sensitive bundle of nerves between them. 
You massaged it gently as you felt electricity run up your spine, forcing a little gasp from your throat. You straightened your back, tensing and releasing the nipple with a whimper. Your fingers lingered again, knowing every touch would jolt through you like lightning.
9:34 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You seem hesitant. Color.”
Taking in a sharp breath, you swallowed, glancing between the chat and the camera. It took effort to maintain ‘eye contact’, but you forced yourself to do it, to open your mouth and answer him. 
A pause, and then-
“‘M sensitive ,” you managed to mumble, twisting your head away from the camera.
9:34 PM - WebRigger2099 - “So it seems. Do you have the clamps I bought you nearby? Maybe it will be easier hands-free.”
You glanced back, leaning forward to read his words. On instinct - you went to type your reply, only stopping yourself at the last second
“I- yeah. I think so,” you shift on your knees and grab one of the ‘secret’ boxes from under your bed where the dildo and lube was stored. Your hips were the only thing in view to Web. 
When she turned around with the clamps in hand a new message awaited her.
9:34 PM - WebRigger2099 - “So pretty. Turn around for me first, let me see your ass. Spread your cheeks and show me your pussy.”
Your cheeks burned and you were thankful for your mask, but you doubted he needed to see your blush to know how flustered you were.
“I-O-Okay,” you stammered, stumbling over your words, warring between your nervousness and excitement, hands pressing down on your floor to help you turn. Before long your rear was facing the camera, cunt on full display. As you buried your face in a pillow, your arms reached back to grab your own butt. You took a deep breath and pulled your cheeks apart, giving a teasing wiggle as your back arched for him. 
You sat there, face pressed into your pillow for maybe a minute before finally turning around, checking his response. The sight of his cock on full display greeted you, properly hard with a hand stroking it lazily as pre-cum beaded at his tip. It was one thing to see it in a picture, but on video… Your hands went up to your face, covering your masked cheeks out of pure instinct. 
9:34 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Such a nice, wet pussy. Are you eager for me to fill that hole with my cum, pet? Show me where you want my cock.”
You swallowed again, resisting the urge to roll over and squeal like you did sometimes when you two were sexting. You were not sexting - well. 
Cybering? Yeah. You were cybering. 
You moved your hands down to your pubic mound, fingers lingering in your curls before sinking your fingers into the flesh, pulling upwards to expose a hint of your labia.
9:34 PM - WebRigger2099 - “That’s it, good girl. My lovely Fawn, so obedient.”
“Thank you, sir,” you gasped out, forcing a deep breath and settling your voice. “I-I want to be a good girl.” You rolled your hips back, showing off more of your groin. You weren’t exactly soaked - but you were wet. It was getting worse as you watched him stroke himself. You wondered what it would feel like under your touch.
9:35 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Now put the clamps on, Fawn.”
Swallowing hard, you nodded grabbing at the clamps you had left sitting on the floor beside you. The black tweezer tips were soft to the touch, colder metal giving way to a small adjustable crank that could tighten them into place. The two clamps were held together by a string of metal link, quietly twinkling as you brought them up to yourself. .
Your nipples were already hard, small buds poking out from your breasts like they were begging to be pinched and pulled. It would be so much easier if he was here himself, you thought. Then, you wouldn’t have to worry about spasming each time you brushed against them. He could make you do whatever he wanted. His hands looked strong, those arms clearly able to pin you. 
You felt saliva pool in your mouth, and you swallowed. Hard. 
You winced as the first clamp tightened onto your nipple, the sensitive flesh burning with pain as you adjusted the tightness. Too tight - you let a sigh of release loose as the pain relieved itself, more of a comfortable ache than an outright pain. You liked this sort of discomfort. 
The next one quickly followed, you biting your lip as you pressed your breasts together with the sides of your arms to show the clamps off to Web.
“How’s this, Sir?”
9:35 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Good, Fawn. Now pull on that chain for me.”
You clenched your teeth, eyes shutting for a moment before nodding. Mean. He was mean . 
You really shouldn’t have liked it as much as you did. 
A hand rose, sheepishly curling a finger over the chain and pulling ever so slightly. It was enough, forcing you to gasp aloud.
“Ah! Fuck .” You couldn’t help the curse, tears beading at the edges of your eyes from the sheer sensitivity.
9:35 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Good girls don’t curse. Do I need to punish you for that foul mouth? How about this: Again. Harder this time.”
You nodded again, pulling harder and locking your hips into place to help stifle the powerful jolt of pleasure through your spine. It still had you nearly jump, butt clenching and shoulders shuddering.
9:35 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Again. Color.”
All the while, his other hand had been stroking his intimidating length, swollen veins running along his tan shaft while his dark balls hung beneath, drawing tight and high. You could almost imagine how close he was to his peak, just from watching you. 
“Green. Green,” you gasped, releasing the chain as your body shivered. 
9:35 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Good girl. Sweet little Fawn. How about you start using some of that lube now, get yourself ready for your dildo? You want to show me how you’d take my cock, don’t you?”
“Yes, Sir.” 
For a moment, you sat there, glancing over at the small lube bottle and the black toy. Slowly, resisting the urge to squeeze the dildo like a stressball, you picked the thing up, staring at it. 
He was seriously bigger than this? 
Instead, you squeezed out a palm-full of lube and applied it generously to the dildo, stroking over the toy until it was coated in a layer of slickness. Next was yourself, though you gave yourself a minute to breathe before inhaling a lung-full of air and nodding. The somewhat cold liquid alerted your senses as you lathered it across your opening and slipped your fingers inside yourself.
 You were already wet, but lube could hardly hurt . It’s not like you were used to taking insertions like this, only ever really using your fingers before now - and even then, that was sparing .
You had ridden the dildo a few times by now - but only ever in short, contained clips for Web, and never in front of anybody like you now were. 
9:36 PM - WebRigger2099 - “That’s a good pet, prepare that pretty pussy for me. Let’s see how deep you can take it.”
Your hand shook a little as it rested on your lips, dildo in hand to tease along your seam, the slightly curved edge giving it an ever-slightly realistic shape. Teasing yourself like this was agony, you would have far preferred to lay back and let him do whatever he wanted to you, but you were eager to please.
“Oooookay. Just.. might take a minute..,” you managed as your hand lingered, nervousness freezing your muscles in place. 
You could take a few inches without much issue, you knew that mechanically. Objectively. Experimentations had proven that you could get pretty far down, if you were relaxed and tried hard enough. 
You could even film it for him, but to do it while he was watching, stroking his cock openly in front of you? Your eyes shifted back to the screen, the man’s hand tightening around the shaft of his lengthy member. He had said before he was eight inches. This dildo was six, and that was already scary. 
You swallowed hard, watching him pump out a few strokes to you, shifting your hand placement so that he would have a better view of your pussy. Slowly but surely, the lube did its work and before you even meant for it to properly slide inside there it was, an inch deep.
Your butt clenched, thighs quivering while the arm supporting your weight behind you shook faintly, an aching soreness beginning to spread.
“I want you, Sir,” you admitted, biting your lip as you half teased him, half tortured yourself. It was the most you could manage, and despite the burning at your cheeks you were proud. You could see by the way his cock twitched in his hand he was too, his massaging strokes growing more rapid.
9:36 PM - WebRigger2099 - “That’s right, Fawn. Put it inside. Show me how you want me to fuck you, pet.”
You inched yourself down, feeling the dull ache intermixed with pleasure as the toy pressed into your pussy. You let out a ragged gasp, pausing to lift your hips back up, slowly settling back down. You settle into a shallow rhythm, desperately trying to not play the pathetic, anxiety ridden virgin you really were. 
Right now, you were Fawn.
You stuttered for a moment in anxiety, rolling your arms to settle your hands back behind you as your legs shivered in discomfort. After a moment, you tried to force most of the dildo into you, forcing a gasp to leave your lips as the aching pressure only got worse. 
You could barely take 3/4ths of this damn thing - you sure as hell couldn’t think about trying to take Web right now. Thankfully, your furrowed brows were mostly out of view. 
Web was muted, but you swear you could hear the clap of the edge of his hand against his balls, each pump up and down his cock faster than the last. You took it as encouragement, a small smile forming on your lips despite the pain inside you. You were never too worried about pain, it so often came hand in hand with pleasure to you. 
Rolling your hips, you half-rode, half-ground against the dildo as you lifted your butt higher, desperately searching for that special nook that promised your peak. 
Eventually, a little surprisingly, you did. Your slender fingers and sensitive body could only do so much to yourself, but this was perhaps as close as you had ever gotten to a proper orgasm. You leaned into it, smile widening as you took control of your own pleasure. Up and down you bounced against the dildo, each drop sending it deep inside you. Surely you could reach a new record tonight and earn those rewards he promised, you mused to yourself. Or you would later, since your brain was quickly becoming putty in the present.
As nice as this was, it wasn’t sustainable, not forever. Your legs were quickly getting tired, aching muscles ready to give out. You had to readjust, your torso leaning forward so that you could sit on your knees and ride it that way, hands and knees holding you up.
As your weight shifted, you underestimated just how much pain your thigh would spike with. The adjustment made it kick out, foot striking the bottle of lube and knocking it into your bed frame with a loud bang. You winced, mortified, head whipping around to look at what had happened. Your second mistake. The quick motion had you collapsing on your ass, falling straight on your tailbone and sending a jolt of pain up your spine. You cursed. 
Your cheeks burned . You half wanted to dive for the computer and shut it, but his message popped into view just in time.
9:38 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You okay, Fawn?”
“I’m so fucking stupid,” you muttered, not even thinking about it as you lurched and grabbed your aching tailbone. Your whole body hurt now and you were pretty fucking positive Aurora would have heard that. Desperately, you sat up on your knees, looking over the laptop at your barricaded bedroom door. 
“I-I fuck. Fuck, I’m dumb. Should’ve expected, honestly,” you were just rambling to yourself at this point as you went to retrieve the slightly spilled bottle of lube, clipping the cap closed and sitting back on your knees. Eyeing the computer, you frowned, seeing that Web had paused and was leaned forward, both hands on the laptop. You glanced down at his text.
9:38 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Stop. Breathe. Don’t you dare call yourself that again, understood?”
“Sorry,” was all you could manage to say. You took a deep breath, unsure what to do at this point. Your hands basically wandered around the floor as you sat back down on your knees. Anxiety was completely eating you up at this point.
“I always fuck everything up,” you mumbled again, moving to pick up the black dildo, assuming that well - you two were done. You ruined the mood and you hated yourself for it. 
9:39 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You don’t. You’re beautiful and - fuck - I nearly came. Good girl, it usually takes me a while. Take a moment. Deep breaths.”
He had obviously stopped stroking himself at that point, but his head was slick with pre-cum, his cock twitching with sensitivity as it stood hard as a rock despite the miscalculation. You could see just a hint of it as he shifted in his seat. You couldn’t tell if it was a bed, couch or something else. 
You took a deep breath again, wiping your teary eyes. “That’s good,” you sighed. You rubbed over your arm, fingers drawing over the massive tattoo on your upper arm. The fawn’s teary eyes sure fit how you felt right now.
9:39 PM  - WebRigger2099 - “Set the dildo aside, get out the lovense.”
You remembered setting up the controls when you first got it with him, but you had been too shy to bring up trying it just yet. To do so live would be exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. A simple slide of his finger on the app and the toy would start buzzing harder. 
Doing as you were told, you placed the dildo on a towel you had set on the ground nearby quickly followed by your bottle of lube. Producing the lovense, you looked it over, frowning. The big device was like a big U shaped hook, the big bulbous end seemingly meant for insertion. The site called it an egg vibrator. With the sheer amount of lube still coating you, you skipped pumping out another squirt and instead pressed the fat end against your entrance, slipping cozily inside with ease now that you had been stretched open. 
The device went deeper than you were expecting, but it wasn’t uncomfortable by any means. What did alarm you is where the smaller hook had ended up resting, the thinner tip nestled right up against your clit. 
You got the feeling it wasn’t just for keeping it in place anymore. You swallowed hard, looking back to the camera and clearing your throat.
“I’m-I’m ready, Sir,” you said sheepishly.
9:41 PM  - WebRigger2099 - “We’ll start on a low setting. Let you get used to it.”
Nodding to show you saw the message, you hummed, eyes watching him produce his cellphone - a sleek black android without a single decoration, even the case plain and boring. You couldn’t help the snicker that almost left your lips - of course he would have an android. 
His thumb slipped across the screen and without delay you felt a vibration against your walls. 
Subconsciously, you clenched, grimacing at the unfamiliar sensation. It wasn’t bad , just strange, awkward. 
 9:43 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Color.”
You shifted on your knees, ignoring the discomfort still in your tailbone and hip. 
“G… Green,” your voice was softer now, more nervous. Every so often, you risked a glance at the door, but nobody showed, blessedly. Maybe everyone was watching a movie together or something. 
 9:43 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Eyes on me. Focus, fawn.”
You saw Web raise the settings a tad without warning, a small punishment for your distracted glances. You clenched around the toy, sitting back and glancing at his feed.
His hand had returned to his cock, slow kneading strokes trailing the length of his manhood up and down while his other hand held the phone. As if simulating his own strokes, the thumb at his phone drew up and down, sending waves of vibration inside you. It had you bite down on your lip, leaning forward and placing a hand on the floor. 
Clicking a button on his phone, the vibrator returned to a constant, dull stimulation before he went to type out another message, his cock bobbing as he released it.
 9:44 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Should I turn it up higher, pet? Color.”
“Green, please,” you gasp out, placing your other hand down on the floor to steady yourself. 
He turned the settings up bit by bit, sliding his finger slowly up the phone. The buzzing within you grew intense, almost unbearable, but it was reaching a spot you had finally discovered today after so many sessions of sheepish masturbation attempts and picture taking. You felt a deep ache within you waiting to finally be released, pent up frustration building like steam in a kettle.
 9:44 PM - WebRigger2099 - “More?”
“Please - fuck , please,” you begged, your fingers digging into the carpet beneath you, desperate for something to cling to.
 9:44 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Language.” 
He scolded you, his message was dripping in the warnings of swiftly approaching punishment. Would he push the settings to max, watch you squirm uncontrollably as the vibrator made you buck?
No. Everything stopped, that blissful feeling inside you halted all at once. He had turned it off. You could scream, you wanted to snap at him for his cruelty. You were getting so close and he - he robbed you of your peak. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled, not particularly meaning it. It wasn’t hard to tell there was no regret in your tone, not with how petulant you sounded. 
 9:45 PM - WebRigger2099 - “I’ll make you sorry. Turn around and spank yourself. Hard. You’ve said that word six times since we’ve been on video, so you’ll give yourself six spanks.”
You whimpered audibly at his command, begrudgingly turning around to expose your oozing cunt to him.
“ Is… Isn’t edging me enough ?” you complained like you could hear him reply.
Of course you were only speaking to the air. You had already turned around, obedient as ever to Web. You did things without fully thinking them through often times, his daily commands overriding any natural instinct or desires that usually distracted you one way or another. He kept you responsible and healthy. He was good at this. 
Your thighs were slick with arousal by now, a desperate need for his cock suffusing every thought in your brain - what thoughts were left, anyway. Your torso collapsed forward, a forearm being used as a pillow against your face while your other arm reached over to squeeze your own rear tentatively. 
You lifted your hand high, arm trembling as you tried to aim for your own cheeks without sight. This wasn’t the most humiliating thing he had asked you to do, this should have been easy… As long as no one interrupted and saw you spanking yourself in front of a computer screen, all would be fine. 
That was not a conversation you wanted to have with any of your five roommates, especially Taylor. 
She was just - judgmental sometimes. Not that she didn’t engage in stuff like this herself in person, probably. God knew she brought home enough girls to your house to convince you that she dabbled in some questionable stuff. She just… Well, you didn’t need your roommates to know what you were doing right now.
Your arm stiffened before coming down, a light clap sounding in the air. You winced in pain, the aim clearly off as you smacked against hard bone instead of soft flesh. You adjusted your aim, wrist trembling, and crack ! Another down, aim better this time. It had you hissing from the sting, surprising yourself at your own strength - or maybe your sensitivity. 
You opted to be a tad gentler for the rest, firm enough to leave a red blush but not so hard as to sound like thunder and disturb anyone. You had to be at least a little careful with the noise. You were thankful your bedroom was so far away from everyone else’s.
When you turned back around, Web’s latest message was waiting for you.
9:46 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You’re lucky you won’t have to be the one spanking you when I meet you in person. Your inexperience is showing, Fawn. Still, you did well for a beginner. Good girl.”
Web had stopped stroking himself by now, hard cock still in clear view but untouched. Almost as soon as you finished reading his message the buzz began again. It took you a fraction of a second to realize it was on max settings.
You nearly buckled then and there, your knees turning to jelly.
You bit your lip to stop yourself from cursing again. The last thing you needed was another punishment. Instead, you simply collapsed, face in view of the camera and eyes shut tight as your hands went to your sex to help rub out the swiftly approaching orgasm.
Your own touch was nervous, as if you had never masturbated before in your life. This simple little toy was a godsend, or maybe it was Web’s skilled manipulation of both the toy and you, you weren’t sure. Whatever the case, your head touched the clouds as you climbed your peak for the first time.
You were too dazed to speak when it was over, the contractions inside you clenching around the toy as your hips weakly spasmed. Tears from your hard orgasm blurred your vision, breath shot as you took in inhales with stuttering gasps.
 9:49 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Good pet. So obedient. You did very well today. How did you enjoy my gifts?”
“Yes,” you croaked out, voice tired and worn, rolling your head to the side as you watched his messages. 
 9:50 PM - WebRigger2099 - “You’ve earned yourself some rest, Fawn. I won’t keep you. Message me when you wake up tomorrow, understood? I have much to think about. I’ll have a treat for you to wake up to.”
You took a moment to stabilize yourself, pulling the toy from your vagina with a gasp and just letting it drop to the floor. You’d clean it in the dead of night… later. Slowly you lifted yourself up onto your arms and nodded. 
“O…okay. Uhm.. goodnight,” you said, eyes still on his torso, seeing that he was breathing hard. 
 9:50 PM - WebRigger2099 - “Goodnight, Fawn. You did very good. I’m proud of you.”
His screen clicked to black an instant later. 
 9:50 PM - WebRigger2099 - Has gone offline.
So, you tossed the wet toys and lube in the small plastic tote to take out after everyone went to bed, wiped yourself off with baby wipes and redressed. You ended up checking on your roommates and found them all home from the bar, somehow and extremely invested in another Chris Chan documentary on youtube, using the projector as a TV hooked up to Taylor’s laptop. 
So, thankfully nobody noticed. You got water, you cleaned your toys and hid them back under your tiny bed. 
The first thing you did the next morning was check your messages, a hand covering your face as you smiled and blushed at the image sent. 
Web’s torso was on full display, cock angled up so she could see its undercarriage. Along his stomach and past his belly button was a pool of sticky white, stray spurts seemingly shot further up his torso before the main gush was emptied out. The text with it was simple:
 7:04 AM - WebRigger2099 - You gave me a lot to think about. 
 7:04 AM - WebRigger2099 - Message me when you wake up and we’ll discuss how everything went.
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You could squeal in joy. You did that to him. You did that despite falling on your ass and nearly bruising your hip like an idiot. 
You were not in love - who could fall in love with a stranger on the internet so quickly? - but damn did it help you feel good about yourself. 
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Hey! Love your fics! Have just finished The Taste of Temptation 🥵 a small idea popped in my head where Daniel is away and his Kitty is spending time with other drivers on a yacht. The aussie sees the pics, his blood starts to boil but then he sees the pics where she's putting on his DR3 or Enchante merch on
Temptation Snapshot || DR3 {1}
A/N: there will be a splattering of little snapshots of moments between Danny and his kitten from The Taste of Temptation universe.
F1 Masterlist Story: One || Two || Three || Four || Five Snapshots One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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“Are you sure you know how to drive this thing?”
Lando looked offended at the question and purposefully hit the waves in the wake of Charles' boat, launching the JetSki into the air. Your arms tightened around his waist as you lifted from the seat and your heart rose in your throat at the height of the jump. It was instant karma that he winced at the deafening scream of terror you made but it wasn’t enough to drown out the men laughing at your expense on the yacht.
“Where are you going?” Lando asked with a laugh as you abandoned him and jumped into the sea.
“To change my underwear, you dingbat,” you joked as you swam towards the Monza, making Lando nearly tip over as he tried to turn around while doubled over laughing.
When you reached the Monza, Charles offered his hand to help you up since Pierre was too busy cackling to himself. “Did that use up one of your nine lives, kitten?”
Charles arched an eyebrow in disbelief as he looked at his friend who had been taking pictures all day just to annoy Daniel. “Mate, do you have a death wish?”
“He must have, especially if he posted any of those photos.” You reached into your bag and grabbed the powder-blue oversized Enchantée sweatshirt you had stolen from Daniel. Pulling it over your body was the closest you could get to one of his hugs when he was busy with work and when you took a seat there was enough room to tuck your knees up inside it too.
“They are very good pictures,” he defended himself as he took another couple of Lando pulling up alongside the boat, Charles at the helm and you watching the sun reflect on the shimmering surface. “I could be a photographer, I am an artist.”
You looked at Charles and rolled your eyes. “He took one decent photo of Kika, who is the most photogenic person on the planet, and now he thinks he’s Kym Illman.”
“I’ve taken more, but she would kill me if I showed them off,” Pierre admitted with a smirk.
“Oh my god, mate,” Charles groaned a laugh. “That is not smart. Think, if you get hacked, then what?”
You gave Charles a little clap at the point he made but Pierre just laughed it off without a care. “You worry too much.”
Red Bull Training Facility
Sweat drenched the singlet Daniel wore but he pushed himself to finish the last rep knowing a break was coming as soon as he was done. The routine physical fitness test was never fun but the fact it was taking him away from time with you left him in a sour mood. He was doing his best and results were better than ever because he knew the sooner he finished then the quicker he could head home to Monaco where you were waiting.
“Alright, good work. Take a breather, get a drink, and be back here in 10.”
Daniel was quick to grab his phone with his bottle of water and took a seat on the Swiss ball. His lips tugged up into a smile when he saw the messages from you, wishing him well and how much you missed him. He replied to them first, promising everything he would do to show you just how much he missed you too.
Seeing a tonne of notifications on Instagram, he opened the app next and his jaw clenched at what he found. All through his dashboard were images of you wearing next to nothing with the two-piece swimsuit he gave to you. He was surprised the sweat on his body didn’t turn to steam the way his blood boiled.
The whole day had been caught in a series of photos Pierre had posted. There was one of you standing at the bow of the Monza as she pulled out of the marina, you diving off the back and swimming to Lando who had followed on Max’s JetSki, you sitting behind the British driver with your arms around his waist. Every swipe to the next image left him feeling hollow and empty as he watched his kitten’s smile grow with each one.
Until it was gone.
Daniel cursed as he found a picture with terror clear on your face. Lando had launched the JetSki over a wave and you had held onto him for dear life. That was the last photo on the vessel and he sighed with relief when the next photo erased every chaotic thought he had had. You were snuggled into his sweatshirt and watching the sun like you did at home. Daniel would often find you in a similar state most mornings as you sat on the balcony overlooking the sea, a hot tea in hand and his clothes on your body.
Daddy Ric: Stealing more of my clothes, kitten?
Kitten: They look better on me.
Daddy Ric: They’d look even better on the bedroom floor.
Kitten: Then hurry up and come home.
“Break time is over, this isn’t summer camp.”
Daddy Ric: Soon, kitten. I’ll see you tonight.
Click here for another snapshot.
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - May 15, 2023
🐕 - Now It's a Paw-ty
1. World's oldest ever dog celebrates 31st birthday
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Bobi was born on 11 May 1992, making him 31 years old, in human years. A big birthday party is planned for Bobi today, according to Guinness World Records.
It will take place at his home in the rural Portuguese village of Conqueiros in Leiria, western Portugal, where he has lived his entire life.
2. The FDA has officially changed its policy to allow more gay and bisexual men to donate blood
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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that they’ve eased restrictions on blood donations by men who have sex with men in an effort to address blood shortages. The new policy recommends a series of individual risk-based questions that will apply to all donors, regardless of their sexual orientation, sex, or gender. Gay or bisexual men in monogamous relationships will now be permitted to donate blood.
3. Illinois passes bill to ensure community college credits transfer to public universities
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The Illinois General Assembly has passed a bill that would help community college students transfer to public universities.
It would ensure that certain classes taken at community colleges could be transferred to any higher education institution in the state. Some schools currently only count community college coursework as elective credits.
4. Brazilian President Lula recognizes 6 new indigenous territories stretching 620,000 hectares, banning mining and restricting farming within them
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Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has decreed six new indigenous reserves, banning mining and restricting commercial farming there. The lands - including a vast area of Amazon rainforest - cover about 620,000 hectares (1.5m acres).
Indigenous leaders welcomed the move, but said more areas needed protection.
5. More than 1,000 trafficking victims rescued in separate operations in Southeast Asia
More than 1,000 trafficking victims were rescued in separate operations in Southeast Asia over the last week, officials in Indonesia and the Philippines said. 
Indonesian officials said Sunday they freed 20 of their nationals who were trafficked to Myanmar as part of a cyber scam, amid an increase in human trafficking cases in Southeast Asia. Fake recruiters had offered the Indonesians high-paying jobs in Thailand but instead trafficked them to Myawaddy, about 567 kilometers (352 miles) south of Naypyidaw, the capital, to perform cyber scams for crypto websites or apps, said Judha Nugraha, an official in Indonesia's Foreign Affairs Ministry.
6. A peanut allergy patch is making headway in trials
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An experimental “peanut patch” is showing some promise for toddlers who are highly allergic to peanuts. The patch, called Viaskin, was tested on children ages one to three for a late-stage trial, and the results show that the patch helped children whose bodies could not tolerate even a small piece of peanuts safely eat a few.
After one year, two-thirds of the children who used the patch and one-third of the placebo group met the trial’s primary endpoint. The participants with a less sensitive peanut allergy could safely tolerate the peanut protein equivalent of eating three or four peanuts.
7. Critically endangered lemur born at Calgary Zoo
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The Calgary Zoo has released pictures of its newest addition, a baby lemur. The zoo says its four-year-old female black-and-white ruffed lemur, Eny, gave birth on April 7. The pup’s father is eight-year-old Menabe. The gender of the pup has not been confirmed but the Calgary Zoo says the pup appears bright-eyed and active and is on the move.
The black-and-white ruffed lemur is registered among the 25 most endangered primates in the world, due mostly to habitat loss and hunting.
That's it for this week :)
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tanfilms · 2 years
hii!! perhap write some argument between xavier and reader and then them making up?? could be over anything
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CHARACTERS. xavier thorpe 𝒙 reader
GENRE & WARNINGS. fluff. romance. sexual tension and suggestive themes. friends-ish to lovers.
SYNOPSIS. you would do anything to prove your best friend was not the Hyde, even if it went against your own safety.
A/N. sorry this is short! i wanted to start our simple to test my writing style if anyone liked it etc. I hope you actually like it :)
PS — english is not my first language and I use a correction app for a lot of things so please be gentle on me 😭 esp if the pov suddenly changes because i can’t catch mistakes sometimes!!
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Your heart was hammering against your ribs in a pathetically rapid manner. You hated confrontations, the said action always leading to heated arguments with the unfortunate way you manage to handle bubbling situations. But what else were you to do?
An entire event. Almost the entirety of the dance was of complete silence and harsh glares from Xavier’s end after he saw you laugh along the arms of Tyler. It was a misunderstanding to be fair. You’d fallen on the paint covered ground of the dance floor and he’d helped you up after cracking a joke. You know as the best friend of the boy he’d assaulted that you should’ve declined his help and looked for Xavier, but he’d been stressing about Wednesday for the past week that you’d entirely forgotten any sort of friendship had been formed between the both of you.
“Fine, ignore me all you will but don’t act like you haven’t abandoned me for the past three weeks since the beginning of the year Xav-”
He aggressively wiped down the faux blood from his eyes, staring at you with what you can only assume was growing hatred, “Y/n, I am currently being accused of being a deadly monster that hurt his own friends, forgive me for trying to figure out why an Addams of all people, would come to this conclusion.”
Your frown deepens. That he never told you, so you’d went on to assume that he’d harboured a crush on her — which to be fair, you’d understood but also didn’t appreciate. “You never told me that, why do you never tell me anything anymore?”
“Great, somehow this is my fault and I’m to blame for trying not to have you worry, thanks Y/n, wonderful speaking with you.” And with that, he’d stormed off to the direction of his dorm, leaving your mouth agape and speechless as students scurry off with dramatic screams and painted dresses.
You didn’t like the way the conversation had ended, your core sprinkled with guilt as you let the immature side of your heart take over you back then. Looking around with no other place on your mind, you follow a trail you’d left before to his shack. If there is a chance he could ever be locked up, you’d want to be the only person to decrease it. So while shuffling the bottom of your dress into your arms, you slip your heels off as you run into the darkening woods.
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His knees shook violently on the side of the bed. The night had passed since your argument, and by now you would normally come knocking on his door with a batch of apology cookies from the store that you’d claimed to bake.
But it was stillness from your side, no calls, no Enid speaking on your behalf; and it distressed his mind endlessly. Xavier was aware that he wasn’t fully at fault; but still partly to blame for your own careless actions, and so his heart weighed heavy on his chest since your absence. With swift movement, he’d clutched his phone, drying his hair once more with a towel before leaving his dorm in hopes to catch up with you quickly.
Walking through the halls, eyes landed on him in oddly intense stares. He cleared his throat as he slid his way past multiple pupils. “What is it with everyone today,” he murmured to himself, light drops of sweat catching onto his eyebrows furiously as he spotted a weeping Enid being comforted by Yoko on the other end of the hall — with a straight-faced Wednesday staring with a perplexed look upon the two.
The blonde caught sight of him, jumping up from her position to have her hands land on the taller boy’s shoulders. “Oh Xavier I’m so sorry, she just left and didn’t tell any of us where she was going. But i promise she’s going to be okay, she’s Y/n she’ll be fine!”
A heavy sigh left him as he felt a headache sneaking up on him, and his breathing race quicker at the mention of your name in a depressing manner. He gulped, throat dry and hands clenching a fistful of the ends of his shirt. “What are you talking about? What happened to Y/n?”
At that, the vampire and werewolf had plastered similar expressions on all of their faces, and it frustrated him even more. Wednesday’s lips tugged upwards in a smirk, tilting her head agonisingly before speaking up. “Incredible. One would assume that you would be the first to know that your supposed ‘best friend’ was caught in the hands of the Hyde yesterday after the dance…was it not after a quarrel you two were having or am I wro-”
The words were cut off after Enid smacked her arm with a shriek and an alarmed face of shock, a frown on her lips as she watched Xavier’s mood shift from frustration to clear raging fear. It was his fault.
“She’s not dead,” Yoko spoke up, “She was in the infirmary with a couple face scratches and a past bleeding womb. It wasn’t bad enough for an urgent ride to the hospital, so she’s currently residing in her own dorm passed out from exhaustion.”
The Thorpe’s nods were faded as he was lost in his own head, horrible theory’s of your current well-being jumping one another in a consistent manner to assault his thoughts. Hands visibly shaking as quick as his ragged breaths, he uttered a low thank you to the trio before his feet were painfully dragging him to your direction.
Anger. Hurt. Confusion. All piled upon him like a sudden crashing wave when he’d reached your door. What do they mean you’re not left in a hospital? Did you not deserve better care? Better care than what he could’ve possibly offered? Too busy allowing his thoughts to consume him and wallowing in his own misery, he flinched when the door jiggled open — your tired yet bright figure gazing at him strangely.
“Y/n…” he whispered, your name igniting a fire in the pit of his stomach. Xavier’s pale hands were clutching the hot chocolate and food he’d picked up on his way here for you, hands burning but your presence numbing it all. You smiled teasingly, already knowing why he’s here before stepping backwards and letting him inside.
Licking your lips, you watched as he set the bag and cup on your desk table before your back softly hit the wall behind you in a sudden movement. Lavender engulfing your senses, your favourite, as his arms wrapped around you in a soothing matter; as if you were the most fragile thing left in this world right now, and in his eyes you most definitely were.
“Am I here to comfort you or is it the other way around Thorpe?” Your tone was light hearted, joking with him in hopes of forgetting what had occurred before hand but it brought him back to his senses. Xavier let you go swiftly and his lips curled up as yours were pursed. “Why are you stupid enough to leave out to the woods, almost in the middle of the night, with nothing to protect you?? Did you seriously not think that through?”
Sighing, you reached out for the mug of delicacy behind him, huffing before thinking carefully of your next words. “I did it on purpose asshole. My whole intention was to get hurt.”
“What?” He blinked once, then twice awaiting for your explanation that left him agitated in his spot but he couldn’t find it in himself to rush you as you consumed your drink and dug through the bag of food. You looked so weak at the moment, skin pale from the medication he spotted near your drawer — enhancing the glint trickling in your eyes and the soft colour of your lips. A rippling sense of calmness flooded his senses watching you eat, ignoring the bruises piled up near the end of your eyes for his own sake and sanity.
“Hmm sorry, i’m just hungry. They’ve fed me nothing but soup the whole day — yuck,” coughing, you continued, “You would never hurt me no matter how angry you are at me Xav. Even if i trashed your Art shed again — still immensely sorry about that — you’re nothing but gentle with me and I just wanted to show that you’re just as kind hearted with everyone else, that you’re not Hyde.”
It clicked in his brain. If he were Hyde you would not have seen a scratch trailing your body. Further connecting the dots he realised as to why Wednesday had not bothered him either by the time he woke up, she knew he was innocent. He wouldn’t be locked up anytime soon and it was all because of you. His gaze was soft as it trailed up and down your figure.
That had been the kindest thing anyone had ever bothered to do for him, and his suppressed feelings leapt with euphoria at your selfish act. He stepped closer his hands tracing the scratch above your lips.
Your mouth went dry, dropping the bagel back into the brown bag absentmindedly as you watched his eyes land on the scar remaining above your lips. “Xav, listen I really am sorry. I didn’t think about you and Tyler, and I didn’t think I’d have to go this far-”
Xavier ignored your apology, muttering a low ‘shut up’ before he found his lips atop of your own. His hands cradled your face tenderly, and the gentle action caused you to inwardly sigh and kiss him back, a train of butterflies exploding within your stomach. His hands traced circles on the side of your cheeks, a small smile adorning his lips when you’d returned the romantic action.
“I can’t kiss you back if you’re going to smile,” you said after pulling a way, a light giggle leaving your own lips when he let out a quiet laugh. “Sorry, my bad L/n,” he apologised, “It’s going to be serious from now on, no laughing matter.”
You nodded, going along with the joke. “Intimate actions are of utmost seriousness Xav!” You pointed a finger at his chest and poked him. “Oh absolutely,” he chuckled, his lips finding home near your own once more, before pecking the marks that were tainted on your skin.
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arealphrooblem · 1 year
A Lost Cause
Synopsis: The trusted keeper of all the Heroes' secrets, Civilian's existence is kept a tightly guarded secret itself. So how did the villain find her? And how will she withstand the attempts of his scientist to break her open and discover those secrets himself?
CW: nonconsensual drugging, medical whump, medical experimentation, mentions of wounds from torture
 They ambushed her at one AM on a Wednesday night. She had just chugged a glass of water and was walking back towards her bedroom when five men appeared like plumes of smoke in the dim light of the living room lamp. 
Immediately she smashed the glass on the head of the nearest one. He stumbled back and tripped over the corner of the coffee table, blood gushing down the side of his face. A second man got a donkey kick to the knees and an elbow to the face. But then she tripped on the baggy hem of her sleep pants and that gave the other three men all the opportunity they needed to hold her arms down and chloroform her. 
When she woke up, mind foggy with cotton mouth, the familiar walls of her home had been replaced with metal. She sat tied to a chair and sitting across the metal table from her was a man she’d never seen before.
It wasn’t the why that perplexed her. Even though she never participated in the famous battles that raged across the cities of the world, or had her face blazoned on billboards, or plastered all over the news like the rest of her superhero brethren, she was the most valuable member of the team for one simple reason:
She knew everyone’s secrets. 
Their real names and social security numbers. Their home addresses and family members. Their bank app passwords. The limitations of their powers and their weaknesses. 
She knew these secrets because that was part of her job. She coordinated their lives. When someone got hurt, she arranged medical treatment. When the teammates that couldn’t fly had to go halfway around the world, she kept the private jet refueled and paid the maintenance crew. When someone’s family was in danger, she put them into hiding. She bought booked air bnb rooms under false names, she ran the grocery lists for their base, she made sure Mother’s day cards and birthday presents were sent on time.
Her teammates trusted her with this because she was a vault herself. Her power nullified everyone else’s in a wide radius around her. She had training in three forms of martial arts, could hack into almost any database around her and thus prevent from being hacked, and could shoot with fairly decent accuracy multiple types of guns. 
And when all of that didn’t work, she had a memory palace like an ancient Greek maze that no telepath could find their way through if they ever caught her at a distance.
But the best protection she had was her anonymity. Her association with her teammates was their most highly guarded secret. So it wasn’t the why so much as the how. 
How did Villain find her? How did he even know she existed?
Of course, no one was interested in answering her questions. 
The man sitting across the table from her gave her a bemused half smile when she demanded this information. It gave him a boyish, non-threatening air despite the dark tinted sunglasses he wore. 
“I’m afraid you have things rather backwards,” he said, voice soft and pleasant. Like they were on a coffee date. “I’m the one who gets the answers and you are the one who gets the questions.”
“You’re not getting shit from me,” she spat. 
Her hands wiggled against the bonds tying her to the chair. The zip ties cut into her skin, tight enough that she worried about her circulation. If the man noticed her testing them out, he did not reveal it. Instead that half smile grew slowly into a smirk. 
“I’m sure you believe that. You seem to have a very strong will. But willpower doesn’t really matter when I’m involved.”
He took his glasses off, folded them with care, and placed them with care inside his coat pocket. Brown eyes, sweet and warm like hot chocolate, looked back at her. He leaned forward, hands clasped before him, and focused those eyes on her. 
“You will answer every question I ask, truthfully, with every relevant detail you can think of.”
His voice was low and soothing, with an easy confidence of someone used to getting their way. It gave her great pleasure to respond to him, leaning forward as much as her bonds would allow.
“You will go to hell,” she murmured, matching his tone, “and on the way there you can kiss my ass.”
The man tilted his head, eyebrows raised. Did he really think she was going to give him everything, just like that?
“Tell me your name,” he commanded in that same soft tone.
“Go fuck yourself.”
Surprise spread across his face. “Do you really feel no compulsion to do as I say?”
“Did you really think it would be that easy?” she retorted.
He just stared at her, eyes wide in delightful curiosity.
“Fascinating,” he murmured, pulling his glasses back out of his coat pocket. “Well, I suppose you and I are at an impasse. I could advise you give me your answers willingly, rather than face torture. But I assume you would not take that advice.”
“Your assumption would be correct.”
“A shame. You have such spirit. It’s a pity they will break it.”
Fear curled in her gut but she refused to let it show. “We’ll see about that.”
He slipped his glasses back on, hiding those sweet brown eyes. “When you feel like death would be a mercy, please remember that I tried to give you a choice.”
That line haunted her as she experienced the worst days of her life. No food, no water, no rest. Endless pain. Even as she burrowed herself further and further into her own mind, the pain followed her through every passage of the maze. She intentionally twisted herself down paths with dead ends, paths that recurved on themselves, keeping herself away from the information they wanted so badly. 
If she could just hold out long enough, her team would rescue her. 
She just had to last. Just a little bit longer. 
The next time she found herself strapped to the chair in front of the table, the zip ties were the only thing holding her up, slippery from the blood. The light from the lamp felt like a laser in her eyes. A different man sat across the table from her, his features hazy from her blurred vision. The man was older, that much she could tell, and dressed in a sharp black suit. 
Villain. She’d seen his face in so many files, in so much research for her team on him. She would know him in her sleep.               
“You are remarkably stubborn,” he said, crossing his legs. “I see why they entrusted their secrets to you. A shame I didn’t find you first. That kind of loyalty is hard to find and even harder to buy.”
She had no quip for him, no scathing remarks. All her focus went to not puking. 
“I am not going to waste any more of my resources trying to break you. That may sound like good news at first, but it simply means you are now completely valueless to me. That’s a very dangerous position to be in. Normally I would kill you and dispose of every trace of your existence, but my top scientist has asked me to spare you.”
He stood up, brushing imaginary dirt from his suit coat. “Again, that may sound like good news, but you will wish that I had killed you before long, that much I can assure you.”
Before she could make sense of this development, something sharp pricked the side of her neck and then she knew nothing at all. 
Life passed in hazy flashes. She was in a bed. She heard birds and felt sunlight. She saw the man in the sunglasses. It was impossible to tell what was a dream and what was real. When she finally fully woke up, the world appeared in stages. 
First the beeping. Then the cozy heaviness of a blanket. A small pain in her hand when she jostled it. When her eyes flittered open, she saw walls of deep green and cream, an IV drip that ran to the back of her left hand, a row of succulents on the window sill. A desk and a man sitting at it, scribbling in a notebook. A familiar, bespectacled man. 
“Where am I?” she asked.
Or tried to ask. All that game out of her dry, dusty throat was a croak. 
The man’s scribbling stopped abruptly and he looked over his shoulder. 
“Are you finally awake?” he asked, standing up. 
Another groan filtered from her cracked lips. He walked over to a side table that held a pitcher of water and poured her a glass, dropping in a plastic straw. His fingers pressed something on the side of the bed and the front half lifted slowly up until she was sitting. 
“Drink slowly,” he said.
He held the glass to her lips and she sipped the water through the straw. It took everything in her not to chug it, not to rip it out of his grasp and drown in it when he pulled it away and set the glass on the table.                        
“Where am I?” she asked again, voice hoarse.
“Ah, here we go again thinking you can ask the questions,” he said with that crooked smile. 
She glared at him, which only made his smile grow wider. 
“I think though, this time I will be more generous with my answers. You are in my personal facilities. This is the medical recovery room. There is also my lab, my rooms, a kitchen. Everything we need, in short, for a long stay.”
Nausea roiled in her stomach, and she wasn’t sure if it came from the medicine he put her on or the implication of his words. 
“Are you . . .the scientist?” she whispered. 
It hurt to talk. 
“I am a scientist, certainly.”
Another glare. Another smile. 
Why was she here? Why did he want her? Why wasn’t she dead? All words that caught in her throat. 
“Why am I a scientist? That story dates to my childhood, and I doubt you have much interest in that. Let’s say that I have a fascination with the rules of the world and how you can manipulate them.”
This man was impossible. If she had any strength left, she would have strangled him with the cord of her IV drip. 
The steady beep of her heart rate monitor spiked with her anger. He glanced over at it with mild surprise.
“Don’t you feel at least a little hypocritical,” he asked, “expecting the truth from me when you refuse to give it yourself?”
Hypocritical? Hypocritical? 
“Are you serious right now?” she hissed.
“As a heart attack. Like the one you might give yourself if you don’t keep your anger in check,” he added. “Take deep, slow breaths. Your body is still fragile. We wouldn’t want to undo all the progress of your recovery, would we?”
She took deep slow breaths, hating him the entire time, if only to keep him from knowing how much he got under her skin. He watched with little nods of approval. 
“That’s it. Good. Now that you’re awake, I will take some of your vitals and check your bandages.”
Bandages? She resisted the sudden, panic laced urge to rip the blanket off and check her over her body. What injuries she sustained, he would reveal soon enough. 
She held herself very still while he listened to her chest with a stethoscope. She realized then someone, most likely him, had dressed her in a medical gown and done away with the tattered remnants of her pajamas. He took her blood pressure, pinched the skin of her forearm for dehydration, took her temperature, before sliding the covers back and revealing bandages on her thighs, her knees, wrapped around her feet. 
“Cuts and burns,” he explained at her morbidly curious expression. 
“I don’t feel them,” she said in surprise. 
“You have very good drugs in that IV drip.” 
He treated her injuries with an antibiotic salve, spreading it oh so gently with gloved fingers. Then he returned the blankets over her lap and tugged up her medical gown. She tried to fight it, fingers gripping the hem as tight as she could manage, but he easily overpowered her. 
“Relax, this is nothing inappropriate. You have bruised ribs.”
He checked her with the cold methodical touch of a professional before gently tugging her dress back down. 
“You’re healing very well,” he said proudly. As if she had anything to do with it. “I expect partial recovery within two weeks and a full recovery within the month.”
He straightened up and slid his stethoscope off. “You should get more rest. Sleep is the most crucial component of healing.”
Her hand snaked out and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. Her grip may have been weak and pathetic, but she held on with all her strength regardless. The man considered her, his expression impressible to tell with his sunglasses on. 
“Why?” she rasps throat aching. “Tell me why . . .please.”
It cost her to beg like that. And maybe he sensed that, because he bent down again and brushed an errant curl back from her face. 
“Villain may consider you a lost cause, but I do not give up so easily. You are a fascinating little puzzle box and I am dying to create the tools that will break you open.”
He chucked her under the chin, and made his way out.
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aftgficrec · 1 year
Do you have anything for settings outside of cannon?? Like au's or completely different universes
(Preferably neil centered but not exactly a necessity)
Ahhh there are many amazing AUs in our fandom, and of course a high percentage star Neil Josten. Generally, canon themes are still woven throughout the stories. Also check out AUs on our tags page where you can explore by theme. -A
a small sampling of AU themes:
single parent aus here
more band aus here
sitcom/romcom vibes here
long no exy aus here
new Hogwarts aus here
staff recs Mermay here
florist/tattoo artist andreil here
andreil enemies to lovers here
some Neil-centric AUs:
famous Neil (no exy) here
Neil as barista/waiter/bartender here
Neil with wings and lots of magic here
Oblivious ace-disaster Neil here
quirky Neil like ‘WUTBF’/‘Quicksand’ here
fics like ‘A Different Matter’ here
‘Neil’s Guide to Stalking Your Neighbor’ here
‘Dear Advice Guy’ here (complete)
‘The bittersweet between my teeth’ here
‘Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger’ here
‘Point Nemo’ here
‘still’ here
‘12 Ways to Woo a Minyard’ and ‘Deadly Affections’ here
Perennial by notyouranswer [Rated T, 11373 Words, Complete, 2023]
Neil downloaded a dating app (at Matt's insistence) to make some friends, but accidentally rejected a stranger right in front of him. Mild chaos ensues leading to conversations over coffee and a walk in the park.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: bullying
Into The Deep by Fortheloveofexy [Rated E, 21435 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2023, Locked]
Part 1 of Tales From Foxhole Aquarium 
Neil Josten stares at the large building in front of him, his mouth twisted into a small frown. Yesterday, Browning had handed him a manila folder containing his new name, his new life. Included in that file had been a note, the same slightly crumpled note he’s holding in his hand now, with the name of his new employer. Foxhole Aquarium. Ask for David Wymack.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: animal abuse, tw: implied/referenced character death, tw: blood, tw: panic attacks
NB: fic art of merAndrew by @fortheloveofexy
Only Fools Fall. by Random2002 [Rated T, 19789 Words, Incomplete, Updated Feb 2023]
Neil tests how faithful his clients partners are. Roland is a client; he's worried about his boyfriend. It isn't long until Neil notices some serious rifts in the relationship he is meant to test.
tw: child abuse
White Hands by doodlingstuff [Rated T, 23308 Words, Complete, May 2023]
Neil's life isn't exactly a life except for Stuart, trying to cheer him up, and his paintings, whenever he's inspired. Andrew's life isn't exactly a life except for his family and his volunteering work, keeping him afloat as the time goes by. When Andrew stumbles into Neil's life unwillingly, both will learn one day at a time that they still have reasons to fight and dreams to fulfill. --- Another take on Artist!Neil and Bartender!Andrew full of soft and fluff.
tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: heavily referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm 
If Neil, Then Fox by AlrightDarlin (WhoopsOK) [Rated T, 12838 Words, Complete, 2023, Locked]
Neil Josten’s machine warns him Aaron Minyard needs his help, but Neil isn’t prepared for the way Andrew Minyard is about to turn his life upside down.
tw: murder, tw: canonical character death, tw: implied character death, tw: drug use, tw: violence
Professor Neil series by HalfpintPeach [Rated G/T, Collection with 2 complete works, updated Feb 2023]
Part 1: Necessary Losses [T, 9783 Words, Complete, 2023] Neil's grad students invite their Exy-obsessed professor out to one of the most anticipated matches of the Exy Season, the Dallas Palms vs the Denver Yellowjackets. Neil is excited to join to watch his husband and one of his best friends battle it out on the Exy court.
Part 2: Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day [G, 3640 Words, Complete, 2022] Neil has one of the worst days and Andrew is able to make it a little bit better. Welcome to my Professor Neil and Professional Exy Player Andrew world! 
I'll be a Brand New Day by especiallythezefronposter [Rated T, 15519 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil meets a man who looks a lot like his least favorite teammate, Aaron Minyard, and it ends up changing his life. (A Winter Soldier AU, because this fandom deserves a Winter Soldier AU)
tw: self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: gun violence, tw: blood, tw: murder, tw: nightmares
Unlucky Lies by Winterlynne_Norvic [Not Rated, 26365 Words. Complete, 2019]
Neil hates being a demon. Andrew hates Neil. Their lives are hell, but maybe with each other it doesn't have to be.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: temporary major character death, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: demonic possession, tw: bullying, tw: assault, tw: attempted rape, tw: blood, tw: murder, tw: car accident, tw: canonical character death, tw: eating disorders
Neighbours series by transjorts [Collection, Rated T, Complete, 2021]
Part 1: Cat Burglar [6393 Words, AFTG Exchange Spring 2021] Neil has settled into his quiet life in Palmetto with a job at Barnes and Noble and a friend called Matt. But someone was breaking into his apartment and stealing his stuffed animals. What kind of fuckery is this?
tw: implied/referenced child abuse 
Part 2: Foxes and Fruitcake [12819 Words] Neil dives deep into Minyard-Hemmick family drama, plays exy and eats fruitcake.
tw: involuntary outing 
You're different than the others by Kml19 [Rated M, 21024 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil works for the Moriyamas from inside the prisons as a guard, he doesn't think much about his own life, he is just glad that he is alive. That is until he meets a new prisoner that may change how he sees things.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: assault
NB: inspired by @requiemofkings’ artwork of prison guard Neil and inmate Andrew
Allurement by sundowne [Rated E, 20323 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2023]
"You think I would use my allurement on you?" "You're not?" - A vampire AU in which Neil needs a new goalie and Andrew needs someone to feed from, so they strike a deal.
tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture
Remember! Proplifting is Shoplifting! by Mystrana [Rated T, 3697 Words, Complete, AFTG Summer Exchange 2022]
Neil works at the garden center. He hates his job. Andrew is an amateur gardener who enjoys tormenting garden center employees. Somehow, he makes Neil's job better.
If You Knew What I Know by interstellarflowers [Rated G, 12361 Words, Complete, 2021]
Neil runs a relationship advice column, and Andrew is a skeptic.
Whiskey Sour by maqicien [Not Rated, 6,870 Words, Complete, 2022]
In which Neil is a bartender and Andrew is the crime lord that owns the bar.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: assault, tw: blood/gore, tw: murder
jellyroot and many other causes of catastrophy series by jeanmorexu (papencuts), papencuts [Rated M, Collection with 2 complete works, AFTG Reverse Big Bang 2019]
Part 1: (a comprehensive guide to princes and knights and how not to acquire jellyroot) [10959 Words] Neil is a young prince of Palmetta. When he was just a boy, he was saved by a mysterious kid from a thug. Neil isn't sure who he is, or why he did what he did. That is, until he sees him again and this time, he's going to get some answers.
tw: homophobia, tw: assault
Part 2: united under kingdom, and unto each other [​​2099 Words]
“Can you imagine what this would do the crown? Backwater boxing matches, associating with drunkards, and criminals… These bruises, Andrew, gods… People are going to think I beat you.” “No one is going to think that. It’s almost assumed that you like me to beat you.”
NB: knight and prince art prompt by @requiemofkings
CVS by anxietycorner [Rated G, 38689 Words, Incomplete, Updated May 2023]
Neil had always worked the night shift alone. A co-worker couldn't hurt, right?
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: abuse, tw: child abuse, tw: torture, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: ptsd, tw: flashbacks, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: vomit, tw: alcohol, tw: bullying 
Dirtyhands Neil art by @prince-peachie
spiderman au art by @rainbowd00dles
tattoo artist!neil comic by @jordanshenessy here and here 
the little siren au art by @allfortheslay25, wip 1, pre render
jellyfish Neil au comic by @emry-stars-art, also here
pirate Neil art by @heymrstargazer
winged Neil art by @mistykaru here, here, here, here and here
escaped single father Jean with baby Neil art by @estavs
128 notes · View notes
praetorqueenreyna · 9 months
Tumblr media
For our little ACOTAR gift exchange! This is a gift fic for @taymartiart, who is one of the BEST artists I've ever met! When asked what she wanted me to write, she said "accidental dick pic." This was so much fun, I love silly modern AUs! Enjoy!
Read here on AO3, or continue reading below:
Rhysand was about ready to silence his phone for the evening. It had been pinging non-stop as war raged on in the group chat. It had started with Mor saying she was craving a sparkling water, and Cassian replying to ask why she liked drinking raw sewage. That had been two hours ago, long past the point that Rhysand thought it was funny. He had also found Amren’s threat to murder Cassian by replacing his blood with sparkling water a little alarming.
There were a few minutes of peace where his phone made no noise at all. The reprieve was interrupted by a lone ding. Rhysand sighed, fully expecting the barrage to begin once again. When it didn’t, he risked actually checking his phone. The text was not from the group chat (ironically named “The Inner Circle” after Mor got way too into mafia movies, and Rhysand didn’t know how to change it), but was from Tamlin. It was a welcome distraction. Tamlin was a little weird, but Rhysand liked him. They had both started off as their fathers’ proteges, expected to take on the family business. Rhysand had fulfilled his end of the bargain, and Tamlin had run off to play guitar in coffee shops around town. An absolutely ridiculous career move, but it was endearing, in its own way.
It didn’t hurt that Tamlin was super hot and also into guys. Rhysand wasn’t too proud to admit that. He had tested the waters, putting on his most seductive voice to tease Tamlin, always just on the edge of outright flirtation. Every time, Tamlin turned a splotchy red and adorably ducked his head, which only made Rhysand want to do it again.
There was no text preview for the message; it only had an attached image. Rhysand opened it and blinked. He had worked a long day, and surely he was hallucinating. Staring at his phone didn’t change anything, and he finally accepted that Tamlin had sent him a picture of his dick.
It was nice, both the dick itself and the picture. Good size, good lighting, good angle. The photo captured his well-defined abs and a small tattoo on his hip bone. Rhysand zoomed in on the picture to see that the tattoo was a name. Alex, maybe? Or Alec? He had no idea why Tamlin had sent him this. The last text exchanged between them was from a week ago, when Rhysand had asked if he was playing this weekend. Nothing to indicate that the next step would be dick pics.
More curious than upset, Rhysand quickly typed out a message.
”Nice tattoo. Ex boyfriend?”
Tamlin began replying right away, in a series of rapid fire messages.
“Oh no.”
“Oh no no no no no.”
“I am SO sorry!!!! I didn’t mean to send that to you!!! I’d never do something like that!!!”
The overuse of exclamation points aside, Rhysand felt bad for him.
”It’s all good, I swear. Not the first dick I’ve seen.”
The reply was instantaneous.
”Oh good!! Not that you’ve seen dicks, that you’re not mad. I’m really sorry.
He probably could have ended it there, but Rhysand was intrigued.
”Who was it for?”
Tamlin didn’t respond for a bit, and Rhysand worried he had overstepped. It was an unexpected relief when another message came in.
”Some guy from Grindr. A friend signed me up for it because I haven’t gone on a date in a while. His name also begins with an R.”
The thought of Tamlin and his awkward demeanor cruising on Grindr was honestly hilarious. This friend had to have been fucking with him. Then again, he never would have expected Tamlin to send a dick pic to a random guy on a dating app, and here they were.
”Already at the dick pic stage? Seems like it's getting serious.”
This time, the reply was faster.
”Ha ha. I actually haven’t even met him yet. We were just talking and he asked for a picture. I’ve never done that before and thought what the hell. And then immediately fucked it up.”
Tamlin was way too sweet and sincere for the guys on Grindr. Thinking fast, Rhysand searched for and downloaded a photo of the Washington Monument. Before he could let Tamlin stew in his self pity for too long, he sent:
”We’ve all fucked up. I’ll send you a pic too, so we’re even.”
He attached the downloaded photo, only thinking to question the joke after he had sent it. It was familiar, bordering on flirtatious. The kind of thing he’d usually only send to Azriel or Cassian. His phone pinged.
”No wonder your ego is huge.”
Another text came in, this time a photo of a male mallard with the title “duck pic.” Rhysand actually laughed. He shot back something about the head of the duck being bright green, and maybe he should get that looked at. Tamlin coyly asked if he knew any good doctors. Holy shit, was Tamlin hitting on him? He knew that Rhysand was a doctor; more accurately a surgeon, working in his father’s clinic.
Rhysand found himself draped over the couch, texting with Tamlin for over an hour. The mortifying start to their conversation seemed to loosen something in him. He was funnier and more charming than Rhysand had ever seen. It felt special, to have Tamlin be so open with him. The thought of Tamlin being like this with “random guy from Grindr who’s name begins with R” filled Rhysand with a seething hot emotion that he eventually identified as jealousy.
When the conversation seemed like it was drifting to an end, Rhysand made his move. He selected one of his own pictures from a hidden folder on his phone (yes he had his own dick pics saved for occasions like this) and sent it. He waited a few seconds, then wrote:
”If you want to keep going, give me a call.”
The urge to throw his phone across the room overwhelmed him. He resorted to putting it face down on the coffee table and staring pointedly at the ceiling. The next minute was the longest of his life. But then, like a miracle, his phone began to ring.
One month later
“You owe me a thank you drink.”
“What did you do now?” Tamlin asked, only giving half of his attention to the giant man sitting on the floor. His roommate was supposed to be helping him set up, which mostly just involved finding a stool for Tamlin to sit on. Mission accomplished, Andras sat back on his hands, watching as Tamlin fiddled with his guitar. The coffee shop was almost empty, but it would start to fill up as Tamlin’s set started. He was a regular here.
“Don’t try that innocent act on me, I know all your secrets.” Andras pointed an accusing finger. “You found a hookup on Grindr. You’re welcome.”
“What? No I didn’t.”
“Yes you did. I know all the signs. Lucien and I barely see you anymore, you haven’t brooded in weeks, and I found this in your backpack.” For his final exhibit, Andras brandished a small foil packet that revealed itself to be a condom when he stopped shaking it around.
“Stop that!” Blushing, Tamlin snatched the condom out of Andras’s hand. “Why were you going through my backpack anyway?”
“Don’t change the subject. Who is it? That guy with the blue hair? What was his name, Ryan?”
“What are you guys talking about?” Tamlin’s second roommate, Lucien, asked, appearing as if summoned by an omniscient being that wanted to ruin Tamlin’s life.
“Tamlin’s new boy toy,” Andras answered before Tamlin could.
“Ooooooh. Is it that guy with the septum piercing? Rowan?”
Tamlin was about to tell them that he was moving out and they were never allowed to talk to him again when his gaze caught a familiar dark-haired figure swagger into the coffee shop. His heart stuttered, his breath caught in his throat. Rhys sat down at a table near his little stage, leaning back in the seat. He saw Tamlin staring and grinned, waggling his fingers obnoxiously in greeting.
Of course, Rhys had known where he was going. Tamlin had come here straight from Rhys’s apartment, having barely escaped from the lean arms that had grabbed at him, inviting him back into the comforting warmth of Rhys’s bed. Tamlin just hadn’t thought that Rhys would actually show up.
Too late, he remembered that he was in public, being scrutinized by the two people who knew him better than they knew themselves. He watched in horror as Andras and Lucien looked back and forth between Tamlin and Rhysand. Recognition dawned on their faces. At the same time, they said,
“No fucking way.”
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tala-bez-i · 1 month
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At first sight Chapter Forty-Five
(m!reader x Bonten!Haruchiyo Sanzu)
Fluff/slash/reader is male/cursing/BontenTimeline/drugs and alcohol mentioned/violence/blood/death
All characters that appeared in the Tokyo Revengers manga and anime belong to Ken Wakui.
Words: 4388
This chapter may not be pleasant to read for some people.
The middle of the night, one of the warehouses of the lumberyard in Kōtō. 
You would never have thought that you would ever end up in the same place, at the same time, and for the same purpose as Tomoko L/n, your older sister. 
Both of you, probably from the same source, got a tip that Yuji Yuu L/n, your older half-brother, would appear that night and in that location, and that this would be your only chance to catch him. 
Your sister did not actually become a private detective as she had planned, but under the influence of your father, Kenzou's, pleas, she agreed to accept a promotion to investigator and was given the case of prostitute murders, which she had been working on unofficially. Very unofficially. 
She hid from her superiors the fact that she was related to the suspect and, which was hard to believe, no one tried to check it. L/n was a fairly common surname, so no one suspected any connection. The only trouble would have come if DNA tests had been conducted, which fortunately, had not been necessary so far... At least your brother hadn't left any biological traces behind. He had people to do his dirty work and his hands remained clean. 
Just like with Tetta Kisaki... Similar method of operation... 
For almost two months since your conversation with Takemichi Hanagaki, you had spent a lot of time trying to sort out all your memories. You tried to separate the two chronologies and even started a journal on your computer for this purpose and wrote down everything you could remember from your... How should you put it? Your previous life? No, you didn't die... Your previous timeline? The universe? 
You still felt frustrated because every term didn't seem to fit, but you had to start somewhere. You were conducting your own investigation. 
*bang, bang, bang!* 
Three bullets fired from the gun of one of the men belonging to Yuu and his companion, Mina, passed right next to your head. You ducked down behind a pile of wood, behind which you managed to find a relatively safe shelter. You looked to your left and saw Tomoko preparing to fire from her hiding place. She was in a much better position than you. While she was protected from above by a protruding platform, there was nothing above you. You cursed quietly. 
Despite the fact that you both came to the place where Yuji met with another, much smaller criminal group, you and your sister came alone. Completely without backup. You both did something stupid and there was no way back. 
Sure, she could have called for backup, after all she was a policewoman, but you? Calling Bonten wouldn't be stupid, but... To spite Sanzu, you left your phone at home. 
Why to spite him? Because lately he's been following you more and more often through the installed app. You had quiet days again and you knew that if you got out of this mess unscathed... 
*bang, bang, bang!* 
Several larger splinters flew in all directions and you felt at least one of them hit the side of your face, causing grazes. Yes, if you made it out of this unscathed, the love of your life would kill you at best, at worst, torture you before he did. Such disobedience... 
“For fuck's sake, Y/n! Do something!” Tomoko shouted, giving you an angry look. 
You cursed and leaned out of cover to shoot at the opponent who was hiding behind a similar cover as you. You aimed and before the man could hide, you shot him straight in the head, killing him instantly. 
“Where's Yuji?!” You shouted back to your sister, trying to aim the gun at another opponent again. 
“How the hell am I supposed to know?!” She cursed loudly, firing two shots and silence fell. “Move!” 
You both left your hiding places at the same time and ran to the next pallets filled with wood prepared for transport. You leaned out from behind yours, but you didn't see any movement, so you looked at your sister. 
She signaled you to approach the gate connecting the hall you were in with the next one, choosing the path as close to the wall as possible, and at the same time she would choose a similar path, thus you should be able to surround the opponent. Of course, if there was still someone alive. 
You followed her instructions and, passing the next piles of neatly stacked wood, you checked if anyone was hiding behind them. There was a ringing in your ears and although you hated this type of situation, you liked this incredible feeling when adrenaline was coursing through your veins and every time it happened, for a split second you thought about Shuji Hanma, starting to understand him. 
You pressed yourself against the wall on either side of the open gate to the second warehouse hall and looked at each other. Tomoko's face was one of concentration and determination, but you saw something in her eyes that you were 100% sure was in yours as well. You both regretted not coming to the scene with backup. 
That you also had to argue with Sanzu... 
“Forget about it.” Sanzu said, trying to keep his voice calm, though his hand movements showed a high level of nervousness. 
“This is our chance...” 
“Not there, Y/n. I can't go there with you, and no one else will, do you understand?” 
“Why? This is a high priority.” You said, setting down your glass of alcohol, maybe a little too abruptly, and a bit of it spilled onto the bar counter. 
“Because we have a transaction to make, for fuck's sake.” The man answered, raising his hands in the air as if he was asking God for more patience. “We planned this over a month ago and there's no way we can change it, do you understand? There's no way we can change the date!” 
“Then I'll go by myself!” 
“Y/n don't you understand what I'm saying? Forget about it!” 
“Give me a few men and we'll deal with Yuji once and for all!” 
“Shut your mouth!” There was an angry glint in his eyes, and you knew that the man was going to lose his patience any minute. “That son of a bitch and his whore... We'll get them some other time! They have to wait because we have more important things to worry about!” 
“A drug deal and a few traitors! The usual!” You grabbed a bottle of vodka and threw it at the wall. The glass shattered everywhere and a dent appeared in the wall. “I worked all these weeks to get him and now that I have the chance, you... YOU TELL ME TO LET IT GO?!” 
“Don't use that tone with me, L/n!” He grabbed your shirt and yanked it roughly, pulling you closer to him. His face was very close to yours and the tips of your noses were almost touching. “What you're saying borders on betrayal, do you understand?” He growled through clenched teeth. “Undermining the authority of someone higher up than you, ignoring their orders, and not caring about the syndicate's interests...” 
“What lack of care?” You growled, looking into his eyes. “Hunting down a guy who threatens the syndicate's fucking interests is lack of care?” 
“Transactions aren't...” 
“I don't give a damn.” 
“Drug dealing is one of the most profitable businesses we have, when will you understand that?” 
You didn’t say anything for a moment, just looked into his eyes. Of course he was on drugs, but being under the influence of alcohol yourself, you knew you had no right to pay any attention to his condition. 
“Give me the men…” 
“At least two.” 
“No, L/n and that's my final word.” 
“Kakucho wouldn't see a problem.” 
“I'm higher than him.” 
“But lower than Mikey and he wouldn't see a problem either.” You said and after a moment you felt a punch in the face. 
Your head turned to the side at the blow, but another tug on your shirt forced you to look the pink-haired man straight in the face again. 
"Not. In that. Tone. Dog.” He pushed you with such force that you fell into the bar and two more bottles shattered on the floor. “You have to stay home tomorrow and wait for me to come back.” 
“Shouldn’t I go with you, boss?” You asked mockingly and the man grimaced. 
“I don’t want to see you during the transaction. Otherwise I’ll give in to temptation and shoot your fucking head off like I’m going to do to all the other traitors.” 
“So now I’m a traitor?” You asked, standing up straight and straightening your shirt. 
“If you disobey my order, you will be.” The other man said and looked around. “Clean up this mess.” 
In principle, the subject of the argument shouldn't be taken seriously and you should have let it go, but you weren't in the mood at the time. It all started when you couldn't take Yuuta to your place this weekend. The boy was feeling really bad, probably developing the flu, and on top of that, he broke his arm two days earlier when he fell out of a tree, which of course his grandfather had forbidden him from climbing. 
It was also a week during which you found yourself reaching for alcohol more often than usual. Mainly because you felt inexplicably tense and stressed. You felt like you were about to explode, and you only calmed down after the argument with Haruchiyo. 
Today he hadn't spoken to you once, but you knew he had been watching you through the app. You wouldn't be surprised if he had also checked the cameras he had placed all over the house. When you found one in the bedroom, you were furious. It was your home... But you were the man's property whether you liked it or not. One of the downsides of being close to Sanzu. 
That's why you decided to leave your phone at home, and you knew that unless the device itself changed position, Sanzu wouldn't check the cameras to see what you were doing at the time. You left the device in the bedroom and faked the bed, so he thought you were asleep. Classic. 
Now you were regretting that decision. You should have listened to him and let tonight go. You were sure that the pink-haired gangster had already discovered your ruse and was now searching for you, but you had a feeling it was too late. 
“We’re going in there. I think I saw them.” Tomoko said, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“And what next? He had about twenty more men with him…” 
“Fuck them… No, we can’t give up now.” She said, as if reading your mind. “Forget it, we’ve gone too far. There’s no turning back. It’s either us or them.” 
“Fuck… Maybe call for backup?” 
“I would, but I left my stuff in the car.” She said nervously. 
“What?” You looked at her in disbelief. “You can’t be serious…” 
“Call Sanzu or someone else.” 
“I can’t…” 
She looked at you questioningly. “No signal?” 
“No phone.” You replied and the woman froze. 
"You're kidding." 
You shook your head feeling embarrassed and irritated. 
“If we succeed, I will kill you.” She replied and made a hand gesture signaling you to move on. 
You had barely crossed the threshold of the gate when more shots rang out, aimed straight at you. It was only by a miracle that you managed to find shelter, although you felt another splinter of wood from the bullets hit your ear. 
“Fuck...” You touched the sore spot and felt moisture under your fingers. 
When you looked at your hand, your fingers were covered in blood and with every movement of your head, you felt discomfort. 
“Are you okay?” Tomoko asked worriedly. 
“It's just a scratch...” You replied, trying to stay calm. “Just a splinter...” 
“Don't touch it.” 
The gunfire stopped and you heard a deep voice you would rather never hear again. 
“Tomoko!” Yuji’s voice carried through the hall as if through a PA system and a shiver ran down your spine. “Tomoko!” 
“What do you want?!” The woman shouted back, trying to discreetly peek out from behind a pile of wood. 
“Lay down your weapons and surrender! And as your relative, I will guarantee you a safe retreat!” 
“What?” You looked at your sister. “You know this is a bluff...” 
“I don’t think so... You know how much he supports the ideology of the family...” 
“Tomoko! Please put down your weapon and surrender!” The man's tone didn't change one bit. 
“I'm in the police, Yuji!” The woman shouted as she changed the magazine to a new one. 
“I know you've followed our father's path and I'm proud of you for that! Leave this traitor and surrender!” 
“I'm not a traitor!” You shouted. “You are, Yuji!” 
“Tomoko, please!” Your brother ignored you completely, turning back to the woman who rested the back of her head against the wood. “Otherwise, you leave me no choice and I really don't want you to get hurt!” 
“Your men shot at me, Yuji!” 
“Those men weren’t mine!” 
“Tomoko…” You said quietly, having a bad feeling. 
The woman closed her eyes for a moment, then shook her head. “Fuck you, Yuu! If Y/n doesn’t kill you, I will!” 
“You have one last chance, Tomoko.” This time the man’s voice was quieter, but still perfectly audible. “Please.” 
“No! You’ll have to kill me!” 
There was silence for a moment, and then the words you never wanted to hear were spoken. 
“Your stubbornness is worthy of our family, little sister. Fine. If that’s your wish.” His voice was cold, and concern appeared in the woman’s eyes. “Minako!” 
There was a bang that you recognized immediately as something much bigger than a gun, and your sister's head snapped back, red blood spraying everywhere. You watched in horror and complete shock as Tomoko's body slumped to the dusty floor of the lumberyard's warehouse, as if in slow motion. 
He killed her. He killed her before your eyes. 
He killed her... He killed her... 
Ignoring the warning shout of one of Yuu's men, you jumped towards your sister's body. You completely ignored the flashes of blue lights that were visible from behind the high windows of the warehouse, and the quick stomping of feet. 
The only thing you could focus on at that moment was Tomoko's face. On her forehead was a large hole in the entrance from a bullet fired from a sniper rifle. Just like in your dream, after which your life changed. 
You wanted to touch her, but for the first time in your life you felt afraid to do it. What will you tell your father? 
You knelt down next to her body and checked the pockets of her jacket. To your surprise, in one you found a small bag with white powder and a phone. You turned on the screen and saw a half-full range icon. She could have called for backup... You could have gotten out of this unscathed... You could have caught them all... 
“Tomoko...” You said quietly, looking into her half-closed, dead eyes, but as soon as you heard the shouts of people coming from the hall you were in a moment ago, you jumped to your feet and, ignoring the possibility of danger from Yuu, ran to the wide-open exit of the warehouse. 
You managed to run outside to an empty smaller square and as soon as you looked to the right, you noticed the police cars standing there. However, she called for backup... 
You ran to the passage in the fence, probably made by the fleeing criminals your stepbrother was working with, and you used it. With the last of your strength, you managed to get to your motorcycle, which you left near the lumberyard, and continued your escape. 
Your mind went blank, and your body moved as if on automatic. When you entered a dark alley, you stopped. You wanted to scream, but you couldn't get a single word out. You had to do something... 
You unlocked the phone you had taken from your sister and dialed Sanzu's number, which you knew by heart. 
“Tomoko?” The man answered almost immediately, his voice dripping with rage. “If you see Y/n, tell him I'll kill him when he gets home.” 
“Tomoko's dead.” You said quietly, your voice trembling. 
“Y/n?” He asked, not hiding his shock. “What are you talking about?” 
“Tomoko's dead.” You repeated, and felt the first tear roll down your cheek. “She's dead.” 
“Where are you?” 
“She's dead...” 
“Y/n, where are you? Hey!” 
“Fuck...” You groaned, lowering the hand you held the phone in. “She's dead.” 
“Y/n?! Y/n!” 
You lifted the phone to your ear again and swallowed hard. “I don’t know… I was at the lumberyard in Kōtō…” 
“Which one?” 
“The one by the car parts…” 
“Turn on the location, I’ll track you, Y/n.” Sanzu’s voice was composed and you could clearly hear that the man was moving. You did as he told you and after a moment the man spoke again. “Stay where you are. Do you understand? Don’t move.” 
The entire time you were waiting for the pink-haired man, you sat against the cold wall of the building with your head buried in both hands. You could hear the sounds of police sirens and ambulances nearby, but you couldn’t move. You didn’t want to. This was your end. You could feel it in your bones. 
As soon as Sanzu appears, your life will end. You broke his order and because of your stupidity Yuji will become more cautious, which will constantly threaten Bonten's interests. You committed a betrayal that will not be forgiven and you will not get another chance... 
A large white transporter stopped before entering the alley and three men in work clothes jumped out of it, ran to your motorcycle and led it to the back of the vehicle to load it inside. Normally you would react to this, but not this time... 
“Y/n?” A man whose voice you knew very well approached you. 
“I fucked up. I completely fucked up, Sanzu.” You said without lifting your head and the man crouched in front of you. 
He lifted your head by your hair, and you looked into his eyes, which were full of anger. “You dumb dick...” 
He pushed your head back, stood up and sent you a strong kick straight to the face. You felt your nose burst under the impact and felt the metallic taste of hot blood in your mouth. 
You fell to the side and the man kicked you in the stomach a few times. You groaned in pain, but didn't try to protect yourself, knowing it would do nothing anyway. 
"You complete idiot! Fucking moron!" He kicked you in the head and grabbed you by your clothes, lifting you up with one, strong yank. "Look at me!" 
You barely carried out the order and this time, in addition to anger, you saw pain in his bright eyes. You swallowed hard, and your hands tightened around his wrists. 
"What were you thinking, huh?" 
"I wasn't..." You replied quietly. 
“You weren't thinking. Exactly!” He slammed your back against the wall of the building. “I should kill you now, you know? I should blow your fucking stupid head off, L/n. You're lucky. You're fucking lucky.” 
You looked at him again, completely missing his words. 
“When I found out you weren't home...” The corners of his mouth twitched as if he wanted to smile, but he didn't. “I called Mikey. He ordered you to be taken to the hideout.” Oh, fuck... “He wanted to talk to you about your sister... And now, because of your stupidity, she's dead.” 
You shook your head slightly and felt the pain near your ear again, caused by the splinter embedded in your flesh. “She came there regardless of me. I didn't contact her about it... You have to believe me, Sanzu...” 
“I don't give a damn.” He growled through his teeth and threw you on the bare ground. “Tie him up!” 
Two men approached you and tied your hands behind your back, pressing your aching face into the ground in the process. They lifted you up and dragged you to the car, which Haruchiyo had already entered. 
You thought they would put you in the trunk, but they pushed you into the backseat, right next to the pink-haired gangster and slammed the door shut behind you. After a few seconds, the car started moving suddenly. 
The man radiated a cold, almost icy hostility, but at some point, his hand moved to your head and his fingers began to absently stroke your hair, making your heart start to break. You were sure that this was the last tender gesture that Sanzu would ever give you. This time you won't make it out alive... 
You gasped for breath, feeling an unpleasant lightness wash over you, and you lost consciousness. 
“Darling…” A quiet female voice, as if from somewhere far away… 
“Baby... Y/n, it's time to get up...” A gentle brush of his hand on your cheek... 
You squeezed your eyelids shut and slowly opened your eyes. The first thing you saw was a white ceiling, but somehow much lower than if you were lying on a bed. 
“Y/n...” You let out a grunt in response to the woman's voice and the face of a young woman appeared in your field of vision, her light blonde hair falling like a curtain over your face, tickling your cheeks and forehead. “Good morning, love.” 
You blinked a few times, not understanding what was happening. They didn't get you to Mikey in time and you died? You didn't know this woman... 
“What the hell?” You asked indistinctly and the woman giggled, moving away from you. 
“You know? That's not how you greet your own girlfriend, Y/n.” 
“Girlfriend?” You mumbled under your breath as you sat down on the bed... 
On a futon. You were sleeping on a futon. 
You looked around the small room, which turned out to be a bedroom with half-painted white walls, as if everything was being renovated. 
What is this place? 
“Hey, handsome…” You turned your head towards the voice and saw that the young woman who woke you up was leaning against the door frame, which was still not actually on its hinges. “Butter toast, scrambled eggs, and strong coffee?” 
“Yes, please.” After a moment, you answered automatically, feeling your stomach start to growl. “And some vegetables, if I may ask...” 
The woman smiled sweetly at you and went somewhere, probably to the kitchen, because after a moment you heard the electric kettle you bought together yesterday in the store being turned on... 
“What?” You mumbled quickly getting up from the floor and stepping on a small, women's handbag, which you picked up and looked inside. 
You pulled her wallet out of it and opened it. The first thing you saw was an ID card with a photo of a woman named Emi Nakayabashi and then you felt a strong headache. 
Flashes of memories from your first meeting at the police station, where you both worked, appeared before your eyes. You as an investigator, she as a lab assistant. 
You doubled over, pressing your hands to your temples. 
Bonten was your enemy. 
After the defeat of Izana Kurokawa and Tenjiku, you abandoned your life of crime and followed in your father's footsteps. 
You broke off contact with Haruchiyo Sanzu, even though it was the only thing you didn't really want to do, but he forced you to. 
"If you try to get in my way again, L/n, I'll kill you. If you're not with Mikey, then you're against him. Against me." 
What the fuck happened?! You fucked up with Yuu and were supposed to be taken to the Bonten hideout? What was all that supposed to mean?! 
"Honey?" You felt a gentle touch of a woman's hand on your shoulder. "What happened?" 
"It's just a headache..." You answered her as politely as you could, trying to control your emotions. 
“Come, you'll sit on the chair...” She led you to the small kitchen, which was already quite nicely furnished, although there were still unpacked boxes from the move on the countertops. “Try to eat something, please, I'll give you a pill.” 
You did as you were told, although after the first bite your stomach cramped and you felt like you were about to throw up. 
You closed your eyes and pursed your lips, trying to control the unpleasant feeling. 
“Here you go.” The woman opened your hand, placed the pill on it and gently brushed the hair away from your forehead. “It's probably a slight poisoning from the paint fumes. And the seller said it was non-toxic… 
“It's nothing, thank you, darling.” You said, feeling your lips stretch into a gentle smile on their own. “We're free today, right?” 
“Yes, but you have to send the report, like you promised your superior.” The woman answered you and you nodded. 
“Sorry... Don't make me breakfast, Emi... I'll eat later.” 
“Poor thing.” She said quietly, caressing your cheek and you felt loved. “Your laptop is in the other room.” 
You kissed her hand and directed your steps to the indicated place. You sat down at the small desk and turned on the device and opened the appropriate folder. It turned out that you were investigating a man nicknamed Yuu, who was connected to the murders of women. 
So that didn't change... 
You returned to the desktop, and only then did you notice another folder, which had a hidden name and was protected by a password, which you immediately remembered. The birthday of your dead mother. 
You opened it and when you started reading the documentation inside, you felt as if your heart had jumped into your throat along with your stomach. 
You were investigating the Bonten case, specifically Haruchiyo Sanzu. You were hunting him as well. 
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Can We Keep Him pt 4
Chapter 3
Jason winced in sympathy when Dr. Thompkins drew the kid’s blood. The little guy was in Jason’s lap on the living room couch, curled tight and gripping his tail like a teddy bear in his lap. For his comfort, they decided to keep the kid somewhere comfortable for the checkup instead of going down to the cave. Even in Jason’s arms, he wasn’t soothed even when Alfred attempted to draw blood. He didn’t seem to be a fan of Leslie, even if she gave him some snacks upon their meeting. 
After a few scratches, Leslie agreed to give the kid a small sedative to keep him calm. That was where they were now, with the little guy crying in Jason’s arms on the couch while Alfred checked him over. They all felt a pang in their chest every time he whined. Jason tried to soothe him by petting his hair, but he still clung to Jason like he was trying to stick like glue.
 Sooner than later, they had the kids height, weight, blood pressure, and blood samples that Bruce was running. “Well, thanks to his similarities to a raccoon, he has a sort of immunity to a lot of parasites. Scavenging for food wouldn’t harm him,” Leslie stated. Jason thought bitterly that the kid would never have to scavenge again if he could help it.
“He is malnourished and lacking a few vitamins, but again, nothing worrisome,”Leslie continued. “He should be up to a healthy weight in no time, but he might need some vitamin supplements in the future. Like raccoons, he seems to be more flexible than most kids his age, and might have some forms of super strength or speed if you test for it. The boy has the vocal chords necessary to speak, but given his lack of socialization I wouldn’t take it personally if he doesn’t for a while. He’s still in survival mode, so its not abnormal for him to be entirely focused on food for the time being. We can revisit any behavior patterns when he gets more acclimated to human society.”
 The little guy got a bright blue Superman bandaid to the crook of his arm, one that Jason had to constantly keep him from peeling off. He seemed to calm down when Alfred gave him a cookie to nibble on, after which he climbed under the couch and slept off the sedative. 
Jason was worried about the kid,and brought over a blanket, but the teen couldn’t get far under the small gap under the couch. It was a show of raccoon traits that the kid was able to fold himself under the couch. 
“Perhaps it is best if he is given time to comeout on his own,”Alfred hums. “More than likely, he is feeling that under the couch is safer for right now.”
“But what if he never comes out?” Jason whined. 
“He will,”Alfred hummed,”Just give him time. In the meanwhile, you and I can make a list of what he might need from the store tomorrow.”
“Like clothes or toys?” Jason asked, grabbing his phone to pull up the notes app. HE had some ideas. 
“I’d recommend you get him a communication picture book,”Dr. Thompkins added, stepping into the room. “If he is having trouble with words, you’ll be able to communicate easier with pictures. It will help for him to connect words to things in order to relearn the language.”
“Relearn?” Jason asked, and turned to see Bruce wearing a solemn frown. “What’s wrong?”
“His name is Timothy Drake,”Bruce said, and it didn’t raise any bells for Jason. Something must have shown on his face, because Bruce went to explain. “His parents, Jack and Janet Drake, are our neighbors.”
“You mean that house we pass on the way to school?” Jason exclaimed. He was still processing the kid’s name, much less that they were neighbors. Was that why he’d ended up on Wayne property?
Bruce nodded. “He was reported missing at age 3… six years ago.”
Jason gaped,”He’s nine?? But he’s so small!”
“It’s likely Timothy will grow more when he feels like he doesn’t need to be in survival mode anymore,”Leslie cut in.”Granted, I’m not sure if his raccoon traits are playing a part in his small stature. Honestly, I couldn’t tell you what his baseline is. His abilities are very unique, so try to record any sort of changes or new things you might see. He might have certain allergies common to raccoons.”
Bruce and Leslie continued to discuss while Jason sat on the couch in shock. He heard a chirp from under the couch and bent down to peer under it. His eyes glow, Jason thought to himself. Cuddled in a ball with the blanket Jason gave him, Timothy looked at him with sleepy eyes. “Timmy?” Jason called, and was delighted to see a bit of recognition in the kids eyes. 
Responding with a chirp, he wiggled closer until Jason was able to pull him out from under the tight space. He went willingly, practically melting in Jasons arms as he cradled the kid. “Hey, Timmy,”Jason whispered. Bright blue eyes looked up at him inquisitively. He resisted the urge to cry for the little abandoned boy who lived in the woods behind his house for six years and just held Tim closer. 
Bruce soon came into the room again, sitting next to Jason and Timothy on the couch. The little guy seemed content to hang out in Jason’s arms, but looked Bruce over for any snacks. Seeing his searching, Bruce pulled out a pack of fruit snacks from his pocket. Jason snorted at the action, wondering how long it took for him to start carrying snacks on himself when he learned of Tim’s food attachment. 
Tim snacked on the gummies while Jason breathed through the thoughts crowding his head. “Did they do this on purpose?” Jason asked. He didn’t need to explain what he meant. Bruce knew. 
“It’s very likely,”Bruce frowned. Jason held back the tears forming at the thought. His parents had likely kicked him out into the woods when his appearance changed. It was only due to those raccoon traits that he’d been able to survive all those years. Not to mention how awful it would be to survive during winter in Gotham. And all this time, he’d stayed close to home. 
Jason wondered if he’d hoped that one day his parents would open the door and let him back in. He wondered how long he’d begged at the door to be let back in before he gave up. It made his heart hurt just thinking about the first night Timmy had to spend outside. Looking at the little rascal in his arms, he couldn’t ever imagine thinking he was anything but sweet and adorable. Not the monster his parents clearly thought he was. 
“We’re keeping him,”Jason said wetly. He couldn’t look at Bruce just yet. Not if he wasn’t agreeing. “Right?” He croaked. 
“You wouldn’t mind?” Bruce asked after a pause. Jason nearly froze at the unexpected response. “He needs a lot of care, especially to reacclimate to society. It might be frustrating sometimes to be unable to communicate with him.”
“No- I’d be fine having him around,”Jason chuckled. “I’ve always wanted to be a big brother. I’d be happy to look after him. He’s a sweetheart.”
“I think we’d all be happy to have him stay,”Bruce hummed. He reached over and pulled the two into a hug. 
He’d have to call Gordon to finalize an adoption, and report the Drakes for their crimes. Of course, it would have to be on the down low, and Gordon would be the best man for the job. They wouldn’t want Tim and his distinctive meta abilities to be leaked to the media. Bruce only hoped they’d be able to persecute the Drakes without having Tim appear in court. 
For now though, Bruce was content to hold his sons.
Chapter 5 coming soon
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romanarose · 8 months
For the Longest Time: Scenes (From an Italian Restaurant)
Santiago Garcia x Lacina Dumas Francisco Morales x Jana Fernandez William Miller x Lorelei Giang Benjamin Miller x Alice McCarthy Special Guest: Cameron MacDonald
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
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Summary: Individual scenes from the perspectives of all the characters with a sneak peak to someone yet to be introduced.
Warnings: Mentions of domestic violence, pregnancy, potential for miscarriage but it doesn't happen. Mentions of sexual abuse, hinting of bulimia. Usual themes.
A/N BONUS CHAPPY. I tried by very best with vietnamese but I don't have any vietnamese friends so ask, but i took a good amount of googling and tried to make it sound natural.
Once again, Romana's fics do not pass the Bechel test. I need help. I am a horrible feminist.
When Santi reached the ER, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around Laci's waist. She was wearing a short pink skirt, and he knew she wouldn't want her underwear out for everyone to see. Laci hadn't said anything the whole ride, nor the whole doctors visit, and that was expected. She was so checked out, in shock... it had been a long time since Santi saw her like this. The 1000 mile, dead-eye stare and the blood on her pretty face reminded him so much of the day he found her that he found himself having flashbacks.
Santi could not believe he let this happen. All the times he promised her he'd never let anyone hurt her again, and yet he had. It was who he had least expected, a member of his own family laid a hand on his wife, and Santi was going to make him pay. Will and Lorelei couldn't protect him forever.
The hospital was especially hard. Santi was reminded, as he stood by the bedside holding her hand of when they first took her to the embassy, how she had to endured interview after interview and exam after exam, retraumatizing her over and over.
To his extreme relief, it seemed she and the baby were okay.
"You here that, Lacina?" Santi spoke gently, squeezing her hand. "He's alright, our son is okay... everything is alright...." He caressed her soft hair. Laci didn't speak, but her eyes began to fill with tears, and soon Santi's did too "I'm sorry for everything, princess. I'm sorry for how it's been, but babygirl" He kiss her forehead, right on the scar she always tried to hide. "Nothing matters more than you, nothing matters more than our family. Last name, baptism, everything, it's yours."
They had to answer a few questions with a police officer, given the nature of what happened. Once it was clear Santi hadn't hurt Laci, Laci giving her statement via notes app, the officer asked if she wanted to press charges against Ben. Santi assured her she could, that he'd support her the whole way. He loved Ben, hell he still did. That was his brother. But he hurt Laci. Laci, of all goddamn people while she was in the stage of pregnancy most venerable to miscarriages from falls, and he knew, he fucking knew she miscarried before. After Santi, Ben knew the most of what she endured, outside of her therapist.
But Santi knew before she ever answered that she wouldn't press charges.
When they got home, Santi carried her to bed, and went to get her some water and food. He knew she didn't really want to eat, anxiety always surprising her appetite, but he knew she'd try for their baby, sweet thing that she was. She's already such a good mom.
He brought her pizza rolls, and climbed into bed with her, keeping the lights on. She didn't like the darkness when she was triggered.
Laci's small hand grabbed, and he turned to see her pale blue eyes pleading.
"What is it, baby?"
It was then she explained. Laci signed, and where she couldn't she typed. Ben didn't hurt her. Alice did. This, of course, made a lot more sense than Ben slapping Laci, but the other part of what she saw was far more shocking. Alice was abusing Ben. Santi had to admit, he was in a little disbelief at first. Ben was 6'2, strong as hell and well... a man. Alice was short and...
But slowly it started to make sense, all the pieces. Of course, she wouldn't start out hitting him, she'd have broken him down like they saw her do over and over again until he was at the point where he wouldn't fight back. It all became more and more clear... and more and more painful.
Their family was in shambles, and Santi felt embarrassed for threatening Ben when he was already going through so much... but fuck, how could he just let Alice do that to Laci? And how could he tell Laci he doesn't want to be at their wedding, the wedding of two people who were his best friends. This wasn't the Ben he knew, the Benny that would die for Laci...
Santi held her close and fed her pizza rolls until he finally saw her smile again.
When she fell asleep, he went to call Will.
Ben was pouting on his couch, and Will was now wishing he'd let Lore join, but he didn't want to give her the added stress this far in to her pregnancy. She was sitting in the car right now, on the phone with her sister who she was trying her damndest to rebuild a relationship with. Rene would be the only aunt Chloe had biologically, and she wanted them to have a relationship, even if she was a pain. Lorelei had offered to come with Will, she wanted too, but Will said he needed to do this by himself. So, they compromised with Lorelei in the car.
Will and Ben are no strangers to physical altercations with each other. He wasn't sure why he was yelling at his brother who he just found out was being abused by his girlfriend and frankly, he didn't get it. At all. It wasn't because Ben was a man, it was because he didn't understand how Ben could stay with her. Hadn't he been through enough? Hadn't he seen how much their mom suffered with Paul, why would he put himself through that?
Couldn't he see how loved he was by their family? He lost Laci, and for what? Getting his ass beat?
Ben argued he didn't know what he was talking about, that Lac was unreliable and 'always was overdramatic', which made Will yell more. Laci was emotional, yes. She was also very sensitive, but Will refused to treat those as bad things. The implication of her being 'dramatic' about the things that happened didn't sit right when talking about a girl who until recently, her entire life had been defined by nonstop tragedy.
Will heard Lorelei yelling outside the front door.
Quickly, he went to open it to find Lorelei, face to face with Alice. He had never moved so fast in his entire life, placing himself in front of his pregnant girlfriends. They were a few feet above the ground on the wide front step, and after learning what Alice did to Laci, he wasn't letting Lorelei take a fall again.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Will seethed at the much smaller woman glaring up at him. He wanted to hit her, he wanted to hurt her so goddamn damn for what she's done to his brother and to the woman who is no different than a sister to him. For the anger and fighting that her actions have caused with everyone in their family. But Will didn't hit women. He didn't care if it wasn't equal treatment, it wasn't who he was. It wasn't who Ben was either, which she probably knew. Someone who wouldn't fight back.
Alice scoffed. "I live here, Jackass."
Will knew Ben wanted her to move in, he told Will, Pope and Fish 2 months back. They all said he was insane, moving his girlfriend in after 3 months but Ben said he didn't want to here it from Will and Santi. Will said his living situation with Lorelei and Santi with Laci was completely different than Ben and Alice, but Ben wasn't listening. What didn't know was she already lived there.
"Well, not anymore, get the fuck out." Behind his back, Will tried to nudge Lorelei to move down the stairs, but instead she moved towards the house. No doubt ready to protect Ben like she had before. It made him worry, but he also knew Lorelei did not have Laci's softness. She would throw hands right back, 8 month belly and all. He'd make sure it never got to that point, but goddamn did the idea of it make him love her even more, and he didn't think that was possible.
He couldn't sleep. The night was long anyway, Alice and him arguing back and forth. He wasn't his best, he yelled at her, she said he scared her... that broke his heart. He was becoming his dad. He watched Laci fall to the floor 5 months pregnant and did nothing about it. He let Alice tell Jana, the best mom he's known since his grandma, the woman who saved Franks life that was a bad mom and girlfriend.
His face hurt, but more importantly he felt disgusted in his skin. Nothing felt like his. His face felt numb from the ice pack Alice put on his lip. She was good like that. Everything ached. He didn't want to get undressed, he didn't like the way his body looked, but when he wanted to just go to bed, Alice accused him of not being attracted to her. She said withholding affection was an abuse tactic, so Ben made love to her, hoping to god he could prove to her he wasn't gay. He wasn't. He wasn't. None of that in the past was real.
So now, she was lying next to him, both were naked and all he wanted was to get redressed... but first, he needs a release. Pulling on his sweats again, Ben headed to the fridge.
"And then, and THEN!" Frankie shouts, raising his hands in frustration as he washed the dishes. "Kyle said 'per my last email' can you fucking believe that! He said that, OUT LOUD, not in an email, not in a meeting, but at the fucking water cooler!"
When Jana, who was laying on the couch after eating too much and watching Blipi with Rosie, didn't respond, Frankie turned to look at her, scrubby in one hand, and plate in the other and his tan shirt sleeves rolled up. Rosie was on the carpet, half-watching and half playing with GI-Joe dolls, but if you tried to touch the TV she'd scream. Normally, Jana loved listening to his work gossip. She had no skin in the game, and since it didn't really cause Frankie any genuine stress she liked listening. Frankie could quit anytime.
The money from Lorea paid for the house, their cars, a good savings and a college fund for Rosie as well as 10 year CD's. Those were Jana's idea when it was clear how much Frankie was spending on coke. Frankie didn't have as much left as Will or Santi, but they were stable. Jana moving back in back in March and her recent promotion left them in a good spot. They'd be able to start a college fund for this new baby and provide a life that Frankie never had for their children. If work became too stressful, Frankie could leave, and he probably would when the baby was born, but right now it provided him stability and a sense of normalcy he had craved. He also found out that off coke and booze, he was pleasant as hell and was highly liked at work. He liked it.
When he turned, he knew immediately something was wrong. Jana was laying on the couch in her bonnet, having just gotten her hair done for Laci's wedding. Bohemian box braids, mostly her real hair since it was so long but had some fake blue locks. Jana's bridesmaid dress was blue, so she wanted to match.
"Hey mama." He said down the dishes, drying his hands as he walks over, "What's wrong? Nausea?" Alfredo usually made her stomach hurt, but she was craving it so Frankie was happy to cook for her. Between that and early pregnancy, it could be a lot of things.
She shook her head.
"Is it your braids?" He knew how much fresh braids could hurt.
She shook her head again.
Frankie frown, kneeling beside her. "Well, what's wrong then?" Whatever it was, he'd fix it. Can't have his precious girlfriend crying, especially not while pregnant with his baby.
Her lower lips quivered when she met his eyes and soon enough Jana was crying. Jana was not a cryer. Laci? Laci cries for everything, soft thing she was. Jana? The last time he saw Jana crying was when she was chewing him out for abandoning her and Rosie for a week.
"Oh, bebita, come here!" Frankie sat on the couch and pulled her into his arms, careful not to touch her tender head. "What's wrong?"
Jana sobbed into his shirt, making Rosie pause her play. Rosie stood up, rushing over to Jana and climbing up on her moms lap to give her a strong hug. "Mama don't be sad!" She put a little hand on Jana's face and kissed her cheek. "I love you! You're so pwetty!"
This made Jana chuckle, pulling her daughter tightly into her arms as she snuggled against her boyfriend. "I love you, and you're so pretty too." She kissed the crown of Rosie's puffy hair. "I love you so much, baby girl. Daddy and I ain't ever gonna let nothing happen to you, okay mami? Estás a salvo con nosotros. No dejes que nadie te haga daño, nena. Solo mereces amor suave."
Frankie understood what was hurting Jana so badly now. She was worried about Ben. Of course she was, Jana had known Benny since before he could legally drink, she loved him, often proclaiming he was her favorite. Since dating Alice, Ben pulled away from them all, not just Laci. It was subtle at first, but the damn if his presence wasn't missed. What Frankie failed to realize was how it affected Jana. Yes, Ben pulled away from Laci and everyone knew how badly it hurt her, but Jana missed Ben too. She just didn't have space to grieve.
Frankie had said that he'd fix whatever it was that was making her cry... but he didn't know how to fix this.
She rolled her eyes.
"Không, mẹ, chúng ta sẽ không kết hôn. Mẹ, con đã biết anh ấy một năm. Oh my god. MOM. Jesus- mom do you- moooooom. đéo. Oh, for fu- no, me, I wasn't swearing!."
Lorelei was on the couch, trying to explain to her mom that she was dating Will but they weren't getting married. Not right now anyway. Will was massaging her poor swollen feet, but smirking. He knew that Lorelei would get riled up and they'd end up fucking out that frustration here in a minute.
Lorelei sighed. "We don't know right now, but it's looking like we're going to work the harvest, then try to sell it after." She was talking about the farm. "Well no, I'm not gonna be a farmwife- well I could! Just because I like make-up- Okay, no, I don't want to deal with cows- oh my god."
Lorelei her phone on the swollen boobs and put it on speaker, looking to Will with an annoyed but over it expression, eyebrow raised. She was so exhausted from her mom, and wanted to make sure Will understood what it was like with her. Will was always empathetic, but now was a great chance for him to see the bullshit himself.
"I'm just saying, maybe if you put a little more effort into yourself you'd attract the right kind of man, instead of a farmer. Now, I know I know you said he isn't a farmer, military right? Does some motivational speaking? Well, I'm sorry, Yen but that's not a real job. Have you ever heard of keto? My friend Betty, remember her? Alex's friends mom? Well, she lost 40 pounds on it. I know your pregnant blah blah blah but I think if you start on the baby weight now, you can get a jump start. I saw your most recent picture on facebook honey. You know I never gained more than 15 pounds with you 3. You were my heaviest pregnancy. If you aren't careful, em bé is going to be-"
Will snatched the phone out off of Lorelei, taking it off speaker and away from Lorelei who was just sitting there listening to her mom rail on her very normal amount of weight gain.
"Hi, Mrs. Tran? This is William Miller, how are you? Yes, I'm so glad we could finally talk." He began to walk away, motioning for Lore to rest. He laughs. "Oh yes, that's so true!... We'd love for you to come visit-" Lorelei's eyes widened in panic, but Will understood her without even seeing her reaction. "But I think I'd love to visit where Lore grew up, so maybe we can plan a trip to Philly. Yeah? Wonderful, let's do that some time. Oh no, she didn't tell me about that, but I'd love to hear about how the book club meeting, I'm all ears... What, really?... Well that was rude... Yes, Pride and Prejudice is a classic... Debbie wouldn't know a good book if it hit her in the face..."
Lorelei heard her mom laugh over the phone, and Will winked at her. She rested.
"Listen, no to be gross." Lorelei started, watching Laci and Santi say bye. It was sickly sweet, but Lorelei was clearly over it wanting to get a move on. They had finished saying goodbye to Will and Frankie and Rose5 minutes ago, and they had to get checked in. Jana had long suspected Ben may not be in the wedding and he certainly wasn't doing any man of honor stuff with Laci so Jana stepped up, booking her, Laci and Ben a night away at a spa. Laci's wedding was going to be incredibly small, nonchalant. A cute little backyard wedding, something to not overwhelm her, but Jana thought she deserved nice things. When it was clear Ben wasn't coming, they had invited Lorelei. Luckily, Jana was able to switch the package to a prenatal one since all three were pregnant. It was well deserved on their parts, Jana thought, they all had been through a lot.
"Nothing is more gross than this." Jana replied but with no real edge. She was happy for not only Laci, but Santi too. As long as she'd known him, Santi had never been this happy, and after his mom and sister died within a few years... well, it was nice to see him at peace. Laci was good for him.
Lorelei leaned in, watching the mushy couple hug each other. "You ever wonder what their sex life is like?"
Jana laughed at that. "I know way more than I ever needed to." To be fair, Laci also knew Jana's sex life which involved whips and bondage. "You know she calls him daddy. It's his name on her phone."
Audibly gagging, Lorelei laughs. "That it does not surprise me that she's into that one bit, but I just don't see Santi as a daddy dom type."
"Oh it's not really a dom/sub situation. The actual sex is quite vanilla as you might imagine with her history. She just likes being taken care of, and Santi likes taking care of her.." She turned to Lorelei. "You don't call Will daddy?"
Lorelei laughed brightly at that. Goddamn she was pretty, a fucking sight to see. Lorelei was the kind of girl Jana would have perused when broken up with Frank if she hadn't remained so helplessly in love with the precious man. "I mostly call him annoying! Do you call Frankie daddy?"
"No," Jana giggled. "I mostly say sir in those scenario's. It's like I say." Jana pats her stomach, not yet showing. "I'm submissive and breedable."
"Are you?"
"Breedable? Obviously, neither thing 1 or thing 2 were planned, but those bad boy keep breaking through. And by bad boys I mean Frankie's jizz."
Grimacing, Lore continued to laugh while Santi and Laci talked to each other like talking to a baby. "Yeah, I got that! I meant the submissive part. You seem like a very... in control woman."
"Oh! Oh yeah, no, I am. Except in bed." Jana liked knowing her family was safe and in her hands. The burden of the day to day planning was in her hands, and it wasn't something she minded. It wasn't like she did everything physically; Frankie was a supportive partner and loving father, she was going to marry the fuck out of him some day. When they were separated, Jana could hand Rosie off to Frankie for a week or more and trust that her baby was safe, healthy, and on her normal routine (unless Santi was over). In fact, this night away all she had to tell Frankie was that Rosie's favorite stuffie was in the wash. Everything else, he was well prepared.
No, Francisco was capable, and if Jana was ever sick or needed him to take over more, he would, always. He cooked wonderful means for her to come home to and packed her lunch. In the end, it came down to want. She wanted to do this for her family, she wanted to take the stress of Frankie's pretty little head. She didn't want him to worry about Rosie's and his appointments, because and would tell him where to go and when. It was something Jana loved doing for her lover. And in return, Frankie would take over in bed, fucking her senseless with orgasm after orgasm and make her loose every single thought in her head that wasn't his mouth or cock or massive fucking hands.
Yeah, Jana liked control, and right now with Ben she felt out of fucking control and she hated it. She needed this weekend away.
"Alright, that's enough." Jana went over to the sappy pair. Normally, if neither were pregnant, Jana could just pick Laci up, but instead she settled for pulling her away. Laci pouted and playfully reached her arms out to Santi.
Joking, Santi glared at Jana as she dragged his fiancé out. "Awwww Jan Jan is so mean!"
With a "Shut the fuck up, Santito" they were out the door, all their luggage having been packed into the car by Will already.
As soon as they were out, Laci beamed and chatted excitedly about their 'getaway' on the other side of their town and hopped into her spot as passenger princess. Out of ear shot, Jana leaned into Lorelei before opening her car door. "Those two are just emo because this is the first time they've slept away from each other since Santi murdered her ex boyfriend."
She got in, leaving Lorelei standing outside the car when she closed her door. From through the windows, Jana laughs as she hears Lorelei shout "Aw, now, what the fuck!"
Laci sat nervously on the park bench waiting for Ben. Santi stood nearby, out of earshot but closely watching. Laci had reminded him that Ben didn't actually hurt her, so he didn't need to be worried and Santi said that Ben has made her cry repeatedly over the last new months, and he was going to be there to swoop in and rescue his princess. His words, words which she loved. Things were much better between them, and Laci was relieved. After the fighting but before she got hit, Laci was certain Santi would postpone the wedding and she thought maybe that would be a good idea too. She adored him, and she'd never let go as long as he loved her too, but maybe they needed to wait.
The morning after it all happened, Laci was worried Santi would treat her like he did when she first moved in. She loved that time in her life, she was allowed all the space and love and closeness and whatever she needed to get better, but that was the thing. She was better. The slap was extremely triggering and thinking she was miscarrying again was horrific but after being in therapy for over a year, she was equipped to handle it, with the reassurance and care Santi would always provide, she just didn't want to be treated like one of his porcelain dolls. She was stronger now.
But Santi knew her. He brought her breakfast, asked her how she felt, and they watched Friends reruns during the morning, cuddled up in their bed. It wasn't until after lunch Santi talked to her.
She explained everything, how Alice bullied her in that mean-girl way of subtle digs and jabs. She finally told him why she had been crying at the ball, something she previously refused to talk about knowing it would anger Santi. Laci had wanted to bad to fix things with Alice. She told him how she said that Santi was bored with her because they didn't have adventurous sex, how she bet he used to have threesomes with the guys and Laci couldn't give him any of that. Santi insisted he didn't want to have wild sex, as he had told her before. No part of him wanted to hurt her, especially during sex. Santi was explicitly clear he had never had a threesome with any of the guys, especially not with Jana like Alice implied, and although he had a threesome with two girls in the past, he had no desire for that with her. She fulfilled all his desires.
They talked about the baptism. Laci expressed that she had been wanting to start attending mass sometimes, and Santi agreed that he would join her, which made Laci smile.
"What about Leto?" She asked, voice small.
"For his name"
Santi thought on it for a moment, but as he sounded it out, he started smiling.
"Leto Antonio... baby, I love it..."
Laci snuggled up to him. "Leto Antonio Garcia."
"Leto Antonio Garcia-Dumas"
In the evening, Ben texted her 'can we meet up?'
He sat on the bench, far on the other side away from her. Ben was looking over his shoulder in unrest, like he was on the look out. He spotted Santi from afar, and Santi gave him a little wave from where he stood. Ben waved back.
"I won't ask why you stay." Laci spoke, her high pitched voice already breaking. "I don't know why I always did either, really."
Ben sighed. "I love her, Lace."
Her lip quivered. "She doesn't deserve you. I know you don't think that now, you probably think you deserve what she does and what she says because I know you, I know how little you see yourself... but I love you so much, Benny! I love you and I think you are so amazing and you deserve someone who loves you as you are."
Ben turned away, looking back to the geese flying overhead. "You're, okay? Baby's okay?"
Laci sighed. She knew she wouldn't be able to simple love him out of abuse. It didn't work like that. "Yeah, everything was okay."
He nodded. "I'm really sorry, Lace. That I didn't try to stop her, that I didn't stand up for you-"
"Please don't be sorry, I know what it's like-"
"But that's just it!" He raised his voice, then out of the corner of his eye saw Santi stand from leaning against the tree. "Sorry. Sorry. It's just... You of all fucking people. I'd be ashamed if she did that to Lorelei or Jana, hell I owe her an apology for how Alice spoke to her... but you? I can't get the sight of you on the floor with on your mouth out of my head."
They talked about it a little longer, but there wasn't much to say. There wasn't much to do.
"Benny..." Laci fidgeted with her blue dress. "Listen Jana took over the maid of honor stuff already...."
"I figured. I assume Lorelei is replacing me?"
"No!" Laci practically jumped out of the bench. "I mean, no, no I love her so much and she's family but, that's not what I'm saying... I mean, Benny I don't want to get you in trouble or hurt or anything but... I need you to know I still want you to be my bridesman... but again, don't put yourself at risk for me, I just want you to know I, we, we both want you there. We both love you so much and if-" Her voice cracked, tears pooling in her eyes. "I know Will can be a lot sometimes so if you need somewhere safe to be, no prying questions or fighting or judgement, I swear to you our home is open for you as it always has been. I want you as much a part of our and Leto's lives as possible."
Ben's eyes were tearing up too, not letting them spill. "I'll make it work, okay? I'm gonna stand with you guys."
Laci's smile appeared suddenly. "REALY?! Are you sure? We could always switch you and Will if it's better for you to be on Santi's side."
Ben almost said no, but then he realized no matter what, Alice was going to lose her shit that he was back in. Maybe it would help. "Yeah, okay..."
She squealed, turning when Santi approached them. "Is that okay, baby? If Will stands with me and Ben with you."
Ben stood and extended a hand to his brother, wanting to shake on peace but Santi pulled him in for a hug. "We're gonna be here for, Ben. Whatever you need. You've always been there for us so we're gonna take care of you now."
He was hiding something.
He was always fucking hiding something. How was she supposed to trust what he said, what he wasn't gay when he's constantly lying. Alice knows he slept with that little ditz, even though everyone denied it. God, they were all blind, or maybe she slept with them all too. Just look at how she dresses, all those short skirts and lowcut dresses and crop tops, and constantly hanging off one of them, pretending like she can't go anywhere herself. She was so desperate for attention; that's probably how she got sex trafficked, supossedly.
She acts like it was this horrible thing, she sure loved to milk it but if it was that bad, why was she dating Santi? He looked like the men who abused her, spoke their language. She should hate him and Frankie, honestly. If she was really abused, she wouldn't have jumped into bed with Santi so fast.
"Where were you?" Alice asked when Ben walked in, the sun setting. He looked tired, avoiding her eyes and for a moment Alice felt bad. But then he took too long to answer.
"Just. Out. Walking."
He was lying. Alice stood up and the way Ben moved so quickly made her feel strong, like she had a hold on him. Ben was so much taller, stronger than her, and she still had control over him. "Tell me the truth."
He sighed, and right away Alice knew he was with that cunt, probably shoving his hands up her itty bitty skirt while sucking Santi's dick.
"You're with Laci, aren't you."
She watched Ben tense, avoiding her eyes. "Can we do this later? I gotta shower before dinner."
They were supossed to go to his grandpa's house for dinner. Gideon was nice enough, but Ben ruined her mood, and she wanted to punish him for seeing Laci.
"I don't think we're gonna go. I'm not feeling well."
Ben turned at that, looking at her in confusion. "What? No, babe it's an hour from now, we can't cancel again. I havn't seen him in months!"
Alice stepped back. "Don't raise your voice at me! I said I don't feel good, why would you want me to go somewhere when I feel sick? Are you trying to punish me? You're being manipulative."
He blinked at that, obviously confused by the turn around. "I- I'm sorry? Well, can I go at least?"
Alice forced the tears to come to her eyes. "You'd leave me alone I'm sick?"
There was a pause as Ben stammered over his words before sighing. "No, babe. I'll call him and cancel."
Alice went to lie down, asking Ben for some tea.
"Goddamn it."
Springsteen songs didn't usually remind Cam of him, but this goddamn song about Bruce Springsteen songs did. Cam didn't listen to country if he could avoid it, but his phone died and the only station the tractor was country.
"When I think about you I think about 17 I think about my old Jeep I think about the stars in the sky Funny how a melody sounds like a memory Like a soundtrack to a July Saturday night Springsteen"
Yeah, actually, Cam did think about Ben, being 17, his jeep, staring at the stars in the sky as they lay on the roof of the barn... god fucking damn it.
Cam came home that night, he was exhausted from his 14 hour day but it was worth it. August to December he worked long hours and hard days on the field, then January to June had complete freedom to travel in and live out of his van, a hippie sort of lifestyle.
No drug tests.
It was technically his off season still but one of his connections had an old farmer who needed a bit of help spraying season. Cam was trying to put money away incase his van broke down. It was an old thing from the 60's, Cam was under no pretense that it was lasting forever.
Cam was bordered up in an old hunting lodge, and after cracking open a cold one he sat at the deck and lit a blunt, scratching his beard after taking a long drag. God that was nice.
The phone call irritating him, and he was going to ignore it just wanting his peace time but the area code stood out to him. Florida, middle Florida to be exact. Did Ben get a new number? He swiped right.
"Hey, this Cameron MacDonald?"
"Um... yeah? Listen, if you're calling about my car's extended warranty, I drive a van from '69, it's way past-"
"No, Cam this is Will Miller."
Goddammit Bruce Springsteen, let this man go. "Hey Will... What's going on?”
If Will is calling, something gotta be wrong. Will... was not fond of him. Over the years, Ben and Cam went in and out of each other's lives for one reason or another, but never very long and understandably so Will was not happy about picking up the pieces. Cameron got it, he did. But Cameron also had to pick up every broken piece himself. Life and a rambling man left him with many friends but no one to call for a breakup.
"I uh, I got your phone number off Ben's phone, he don't know I'm calling you."
"Well, I'd think not, considering he'd pretty girlfriend." Cam chuckled good naturedly. He still had Ben on Facebook and saw his pictures on occasion when they popped up on his feed... or when he stalked Ben's page after a few bud lights too many. "Where you at right now? I hear music."
"You remember Pope? Or, I guess Santiago, who Ben and I served with? He's getting married."
"Oh shit, no way that's great!" He was genuine. Cam never met Santi, only Frankie and his lady a few times over the years Santi was always off somewhere. But Ben loved him dearly, and from Facebook stalking it looked like he was really close with the man's girlfriend- well, wife now. A win for Ben's family was a win for Ben, and that was a win for Cam. "Whadderya doing talking to me when you should be celebrating your friends and dancing with your girlfriend. Congratulations of her and the baby, by the way."
"Thanks. I called you now because I've had a few drinks and I had an idea, and it might be a bad one. Figured I'd better do it now because I chicken out."
A bad start. Was Will going to finally cuss Cam out for ditching Ben all those years ago?
"Oh. Uuuuuuh, okay?"
He heard Will sigh loudly over the phone, Stevie Nicks and Don Henly in the background. It was never good when he sighed like that.
"Ben's in trouble, and I need your help."
It didn't matter. His plans for the next harvest season, how far away he was. Cameron didn't even know what Will's plan was at all if there even was one. All Cam knew was that Ben needed help.
"What do you need, Miller."
Next chapter is the finale for FTLT!!!!! Laci and Santi get hitched <3 Happy day.
And we have a name for our little LaL baby!!!
Then, after the finale and after i finish up a few series, it onto my Ben series, No Surrender (after the bruce springsteen song bc duuuhhh)
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn @itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten @kirsteng42
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romanscoming · 2 years
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REQUESTED; “KENT x XAVIER x AJAX x chubby blackreaderfem reader: Okay so why I want to do was like her miss her period and then she's like oh my gosh I'm pregnant but she scared to tell the boys and so after you know trying to like hide it and not eating of course she faints and they found out that she's pregnant and of course they're willing to help her and they accept her then we know they want to be there for her and everything so yeah and you could add I could put like flashbacks of her pregnancy yk, like her 13 weeks of being pregnant and feeling the gender and giving birth with the 3 boys help her out a lot.” — @fezandashgirlfriend
pussy eating, female pleasure, SUB!READER, ROUGH!DOM!XAVIER, R&S!DOM!AJAX, SOFT!DOM!KENT, pregnant cravings, secretly pregnant, low self esteem, feeling insecure, making one feel good kink?blowjobs, creamie pie, oral sex (fem receiving), marking kink, claiming s/o kink, praise kink, pleasing and pleasure, cockwarming, breeding, impregnating kink, cumming inside, body worship, calling each other "mommy" / "daddies",, pet names; baby, princess, babygirl, doll.
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YOUD BEEN VERY TIRED LATELY.. ITS BEEN DAYS,, WEEKS AFTER YOUR LITTLE GAME WITH KENT, AJAX AND XAVIER, it was getting closer and closer to the day you were suppose to get on your period base off of the app you used to track it.
When that came, you weren't have any cramps or anything, and ignore it and waited a couple of days later and still their were no signs or any cramps or a drop of blood.
You left nervous and stupid from what you did with the boys and was over thinking all of your life choices.. 'How could this be??' you weren't even fully sure about if it would be true that your were pregnant, just so scared and dumb at the moment.
You were glad today was a relaxing Sunday, as you rushed out of the school building brushing off the weird looks and your friends calling for you, quickly going into a small store and grabbing a pregnancy test in your sleeve before pulling your hoodie over your head to make it seem as if it wasn't really you, as you finally took your place near the cashier and quickly place the test down.
The older woman gave you a funny look as you let out a dramatic chuckle and stumbled up among words "Me..?, Noooo.. of course not my friend is just uh.. you know scared to get one.. YEAH-thats right..Excuse me" you smiled grabbing the box and again before leaving a 10 dollar bill in the ladies hand and running out of the store..
You let out a breath as you welcomed yourself back in your dorm.., pulling the test out of your sleeve and rushing toward the bathroom to pee on the stick..
You being nervous and a bit of dumb you left the stick on the sink to wait about 5 minutes not even realizing your roommate.. Divina.. Kent's sister went into the bathroom shortly as you left.
Before you could stop her and grab the test, she had already have it in her hand looking at it closely.. "You're pregnant?" you looked at her in shock, before grabbing the test out of her hand and mumbling something, "No, nooo.. of course not! Don't tell anyone Divina!"
You fresh out of the dorm test tucked under your shirt held by the belt of your pants, you didn't even know where you were going you just need some air.
And you thinking "this can't get any worst.." and it does, you eyes are watery and your just walk and walk until you walk into a hard chess..
"Y/N.. are you okay baby?" you looked up to see Kent holding you waist looking down at you.
You tired your best to fake smile,, "What do you mean.., im like totally fine." and brush him off but his hand quickly was place on your chin lifting your head up to face him as he kissed your forehead, and down your face to your nose and upper lip and leaving a soft and passionate kiss on your lips before pulling you into a hug and whispered in your ear.
"I love you princess, if you need anything me, Xavier and Ajax are here.. Im here-okay?" this touched your heart, you just wanted to burst in tears and give him the test but you didn't, you chuckle and lean into kiss his lips before fake smiling and looking up at him, "I love you, now I have to go see what Divina wants to tell me-were all still on for tonight right?"
You were in shock from him needing to go see Divina,, the scariness in your chess caused your heart to be faster as you quickly walked away humming a small 'yes sure, that's fine.'
You rushed out of the school building and into the forest, you needed to clear up your mind, but you didn't know how you would just normal go hang out or cuddle with Kent, Xavier and Ajax whenever you were feeling down but you just felt as if you need to stay away, and avoid them until you got things back on the right track.
Its been hours as you walked into Xavier art-cabin and laid in a small sofa area he'd made for you when it was just you and hime dating, Ajax y'all's relationship shortly after and then Kent.
You stayed in that room for a good while, until you curled up into a ball, whimpering, and crying as you figured you'd ruined your whole life getting pregnant at the age of 17, while the boys were 19/18, how disgusting, you parents would be disgusted, you mom would want to kick you to the curve and outta her house.
You ended up crying yourself to sleep that night,, and forgetting about the late night plans you had with Xavier, Ajax, and Kent.
You were just so broken and sad, and depress.
You felt your still being shaken, you blinked your eyes open before spotting your three boyfriends in front of your face before you sink even more into the sofa before one pulled your in their lap, and the other sat around you holding your small legs and massaging your feet to wake you up more, you ended up moaning a pit as your pushed your hand into Ajax neck, while Kent and Xavier rubbed your left and right feet..
You let out a small cry and you felt them all get closer to you to comfort you because of your bad day, "Im sorry,, so'sorry.. I didn't mean to miss our little date.. I'm such a horrible girlfriend!"
They all kissed upon your face calming you down as you tried to stop the tears from pouring out of your eyes but nothing was helping so you just kept them closed as they all cuddled you closely on the sofa, Xavier quickly grab two blankets from the closet of the cabin and place them on all of you.
Before taking his stop in between your legs laying his head on your stomach before you quickly declined his head and pulled it to your breast letting him lay on top of your heart beat, as Ajax was on your left laying on your shoulder, and Kent on your right face stuffed into your neck as it kissed it to make you shudder your eyes before letting out soft snores and falling straight to sleep, over after another.
That might had been the last day you guys all were together, you started to avoid them as your pregnancy symptoms were getting worse and you were only a couple of weeks in.
You started were more baggy clothes and eating less, you tended to go to the bathroom in secret and ending up late to every class, Enid had asked what was going on but you didn't say a word,, you just stop talking to everyone but you knew nobody would think of your the same, a outcast pregnant,, an freak, a disgusting freak.
A 'girl' who can't keep her legs close..
The only person you could talk to about this was Divina, and you only did that because she was the first to know, and you trusted her; she didn't even tell her brother and you love her even more for that, you were so surprise and embarrassed to think she would.
You'd cry on her shoulder, telling her how much you missed Ajax, Kent and Xavier,, you wanted to tell them so badly but you didn't know how they would take it.. You didn't think they want want the baby at a age like this, nor they would want you anymore after you'd lied to them.
Divina tended to ask you question, yeah you were pregnant and carrying a baby which is going to make you gain weight but you were doing both gaining and losing but more of the decreasing.
She was scared for you, she didn't want you to lose the baby with your boyfriends know,, that would be very painful and a shame.
You told her not to worry about you like that, and told her you were perfectly fine and thought that the baby was just a incident and you were actual pregnant,, yeah your were in so much disbelief,, you played your god damn self.
Divina left you in the room that day and bought another pregnancy test which you took but ended up positive again, which had you nervous even more, it wasn't just some illness like the flu or a stomach bug you were actually pregnant carrying a growing seed of all of their sperm in your womb.
You ended up crying again in Divina's chess as she brushed your hair with her fingers,
You didn't up crying yourself to sleep that night also, just like the nights before and after,, base of off this symptoms you were such a crybaby, so whiny and need.. you just wanted your boyfriends attention your were craving their touch all over, you need them you had to be with them, while carrying their child or children.
Yeah, all of them thoughts in your head but did you tell them?
Of course not, because Y/N like to ignore her problems, do to you already being chubby and losing weight due to not eating but gaining from the baby it was pretty easy to cover up for a while,
That's what you were thinking before in the quad you were sitting with Divina at a table alone just you and her and you were feeling very light-headed, you looked around the quad to see your boys staring back at you, your mouth opened but no words came out as you tried to call out for help, a small hum of "Please" came out which caused Xavier to look faired into you, just like your eyes rolled to the back of your head just has you seen all darkness as you head fell onto the wooden-bench lunch table.
Divina was token by surprise as she tried to shake you and wake you up but you were out like a light, Ajax jumped out of his seat as Kent and Xavier rush with him to your side as they kissed your forehead, cheek, chin and nose rubbing your back trying to wake you but nothing was working.
That's how you were where you are now, the hospital, when you'd woken up to the white walls and tile floor you thought as if you were going to pass out again, you lifted up your head, rubbing your eyes just as your sneezed and the boys were quickly by your side with red pierced eyes pleading for you to explain..
You cupped their face one by one and planted a kiss on their lips before pushing over so they could all get in the hospital bed, you let your small tears fall out of your eyes just as you mumble, "Im so sorry.. I should have just told you guys but I was so scared of losing you guys.. but it felt like I'd already did."
They all gave you pecks on your face all over as your tears spilled out of your eyes and you held them closer to your skin wanting to feel more of them, "We love you, Y/N.."
"You're not the only one who created the baby girl." Ajax spoke up as he kissed below your ear.
Kent was in-between your legs this time, his head laying on your stomach softly before he kissed and started to rub it as he looked back up at you, "Doll, we love you, and the little growing inside of you also."
You pulled Kent into a kiss as they all started to praise you but you were brushing them off which they didn't like.
They wanted you to understand that they loved you, and they would leave you over anything, it was like they were obsess, too were their sweet red wine that they always needed and had to have you,
You were the missing piece to their puzzle, you were the happiness to all of their sorrows, you were like a angel sent from heaven to for them to do good for you.
Kent was very annoyed by you not believing him after they told you, "We're never leaving you or our baby, we should never leave you alone with a child,, they deserve two parent, they need you their mommy and us their daddies."
They took matter into their own hands and started to kiss your neck, your shoulders and your belly praising you after every kiss, "Y/N you're beautiful okay baby?"
Just as you opened your mouth to speak, Kent pulled your panties off throwing them towards Xavier as he and Ajax looking deeply into your eyes and kissed your lips once more before Kent quickly crawled up and plant a passionate kiss on your lips twice before they stuff your silky wet panties into your mouth.
Kent was kissing on your thighs while caressing them, squeezing and licking and sucking, maybe even biting on them, Ajax was kissing on your neck and shoulders while playing with your boobs with Xavier as he took one into his mouth and was sucking on it.
Ajax kissed your check as he in a pool of water in your eyes once again, "Our poor little princess, the symptoms making you so sensitive huh, let daddies take care of it, we'll make it all better we promise."
You just whined in response wanting more to say.
You tried to rise your hand and remove the panties blocking your way to speak but Xavier slapped your hand, and claim that "Good girls let their daddies take care of them and the baby"
Before you knew they were taking things a little to slow, your was moaning and whining about it too, but they ignore you, Kent finally attacked your pussy with his mouth,
Sloppy, saliva, drool all of that touching your wet silt before he rolled his tongue up and down reaching for your clit.
As he started to suck hard on it, flicking it with his tongue quickly just as if he was swimming, boy oh boy, were you happy to get what your were craving
Your head flew back just as the other boys kissed your face all over before crawling down towards Kent.
They all were attacking your sensitive abused pussy, one even said they were going to get you pregnant again to just see your pretty little pussy all fat and chubby again,
You looked down at them, seeing one smirk as he spread your lips open even more and kissed your thighs, Ajax and Kent were at it.
Licking you up, you wanting to burst just at the sight of it just as Xavier decided to join in you let out a loud moan, "Oh no, doll you gotta be quiet,, their are nurse and doctors around.. you don't want them hearing how good your feel about our tongues right?"
You avoid eye contact and hummed again the stuffed panties in your mouth.
Xavier tapped your on your face with two fingers getting all of your attention.
Just as those fingers were off of your face, they were near your entrance, you whimpered as you felt him circle his finger around it before pushing all the way in.
You moaned loudly again as if you were seeing stars, like seeing the future and seeing this happen again once your baby was asleep and they wanted to praise you for being such a good mommy
You back arched as your legs fell on to Ajax and Xavier shoulder, the two that were on the ends on Kent.
Kent must was inlove with your pussy, he was licking up all of your pussy juices before spiting on it and licking it up again, and again.
Your hands fell to your boob, as the other cradled your small baby bump rubbing it, to cool the baby down, just as your legs started to shake up.
Before you could cum the boys wanted to taste you, they moaned against your cunt shaking you up more, and licked long thick stripe on your pussy before pulling away.
their pants were off, cocks expose just as they each rubbed it around to pussy, flicking it on your clit and sliding it through your silt over and over making you back arch even more as your eyes started to roll to the back of your head.
You like out whines, whimpers and moans.
As they let out small moans, breathes and groans
As they popped their tip into you cunt letting it inside as they let a few inches in feeling your heart beating and their mushroom tips all fat and bumping into your womb, you held onto your belly was you watched them close as you started to moan a little louder as well and the clit plating got a little more serious to you, you were going to cum soon, you were going to cum hard.
And just by thinking of it,, the way your clench to them they looked at your witch smiles and devilish smirks just as your body shakes all together and you came all over their fat mushroom tips,
You whined wanting to be closer to them like asap, but Kent choo at you before kissing you tip lip and pulling out the pant replaying it with his middle and ring finger
Just as they all started to thrust into your pussy lips.
Shortly after they came all onto of your silt and clit, before scooping it with they dicks and shoving it right back into your cunt, all the way into your womb, you were for sure not just having one baby.
As months went by fast, you stayed in Xaviers dorm, y'all'd made a deal with the principal to stay together for the baby.
Kent would always bring Divina to watch you as he would run and get snacks or whatever kind of food you were craving,
Ajax would right down notes from each and every one of your class, and get your homework for him to help you do so you wouldn't fail or be come unsuccessful.
Xavier would stay and watch over you something, he just wanted to be close with the baby,, he had to he wanted to make sure you were care for the way he wanted you to be.
Not like Divina is bad, she just tends to ask you questions about your relationship and gossip instead of feeding and bathing you know.
Before you knew it, 6 months had pass and your bump as much bigger than before.
Kent and the rest of the boys would cry as they took pictures of your bump every month and see how much you had grown,
Shortly after 6 months, 7 months came, then 8 months and finally 9 months.
The baby or babies, Onyx, Lavender, Ruby, Hazel.. were born on December 24, Christmas Eve.
Onyx had Xavier face, but with Kents crystal eyes, and Ajax's nose, your lips, All of the babies were a mixture of the four of you.
After the birthday Xavier, Ajax and Kent were soft with you, they were proud dads, and happy to see you've delivered their new baby girls without any harm.
"Our precious princesses.."
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thepartyponies · 3 months
[I’ll have you know I typed out all that twice before but the app froze and crashed both times before I saved it as a draft first]
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