#bewitching eyeliner bewitchment
medixnoche · 2 years
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love me, that’s all i ask of you ❤️
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kylejsugarman · 2 years
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im not joking when i say that these three images have irreversibly altered my brain chemistry. when those senators and sheriffs fear monger about impressionable youth being seduced to the side of the Transgenders, they’re talking about how exposure to these aaron paul photos fractured my gender into a million fractals unquantifiable by modern mathematics. i would suck him clean, balls and all. i would give him a full time job of tackling my box, 40 hours a week with benefits. dude, im going to put on jeans with a wallet chain and bring him a natty light and absolutely fucking SLOP his TOP. break his fucking bad. they’re not going to call horses “horses” after im done with him.
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venussunrise · 1 year
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HONESTLY I HAVEN'T RECOVERED FROM IT & IDK IF I EVER WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seriously though it was probably the best concert i've ever been to it was AMAZING it was in this huge football stadium & there were soooooooooooooo many people there & everyone was so hyped up & excited it was definitely the biggest concert i've ever been to
i made a friend on the walk from the parking garage who was a momo bias & she was so cute & sweet we exchanged instagrams & then when i got to my seat it was all girls in my row & we were just all chatting & so excited. everyone i was with was jeongyeon biases so i was surrounded by good taste 😹 & one of the girls was giving out these little charm bracelets she made with the member's name's on them. i got one that said chae
the girl sitting right next to me also was soooooooooo pretty & nice we were dancing the whole concert & she kept looking over at me & smiling & i wanted to be like ma'am STOP or i'm gonna fall in love with you 😭😭😭 (i got her instagram too) 😹
& THE SLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the performances were soooooooo good the talent in twice is insane!!!!! every girl got a solo stage & they were insane....... momo poledanced, jeeongyeon played the recorder, chae & dahyun played instruments too it was so good 10/10 one of the best nights of my life
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^^ my fit & the charm the girl gave me!!
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whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 14
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 13, Part 15
Warning as usual. There is blood and gore in this chapter!
Staring up at the Archon parading around in human form, you lick your lips and note how even those minor injuries were healed. Your body aches with phantom pain, some wounds healed too rapidly. 
"I don't mind answering some questions, can I get your name first?"
A small smile plays at his lips as his hand is held out in front of you. "My name is Zhongli, I'm the Funeral Parlors consultant. It would be a pleasure to hear yours, outlander."
So he is aware of your origin, well at least partly aware. If he's not going to pull any punches then why should you? Besides if it all goes wrong, you can blame it on the bloodloss that you're still recovering from.
"I'm Y/N, and you're correct that I do not originate from this world. You must not be a normal person either, in fact you look identical to this statue. This one portrays Morax the Geo Archon, but I'm sure you know that, Rex Lapis."
Getting a good look at the statue from your proximity, it was obvious that Zhongli was Morax. You could make the excuse of it being game logic on why no one makes the connection, but that wouldn't work anymore. Maybe the statues are imbued with power that prevents anyone from this world to recognize the similarities?
"So it seems you are more knowledgeable than the traveler was when they arrived here. I should have known considering how the Electro and Geo particles surround you with zeal. Perhaps Teyvat is charmed by the features you share with the Holy One."
His step forward and angled head to look you in the eyes have you staring at glowing amber hues. The red eyeliner and outlined iris make it uncomfortably clear how intensely he's examining you.
"The curve of your lips, a stature so familiar, you resemble the creator so much. Teyvat must be bewitched and awed by an individual so alike as you. If only I could see your face in it's full visage, only then would I know for sure..."
Anyone would feel flattered or embarrassed with how seriously Zhongli studies you, but dread is the only thing you feel. You know that behind those honey-coated words is a trap just waiting for you to spring.
Too bad for him; the last thing you plan to be is predictable.
"My, my what a compliment! A devout and faithful follower like yourself is comparing me to the creator? You should pray for forgiveness to the merciful creator. I'm a servant for them, just in a different league than you. My connection with them is strong enough that Teyvat graces me with qualities alike yet inferior to the Everlasting One."
Zhongli returned to his perfect posture at your words, the flash of envy couldn't hide. "Oh?" Narrowed eyes and a lofty tone that encourages you to smile wider. "And what position could an outsider like you hold?"
"Well, as an Oracle of course! Really, just how dumb are you? An outlander that is incredibly knowledgeable of the Creator? It's painfully obvious." There's no reaction to your test insults, which is fine that wasn't the last you had in store.
"I'm from the world that the Creator is recuperating in. It's due to that, that I can speak to them much more freely than everyone here. Even Teyvat pales in comparison. That's why Teyvat is so attached to me, my aura is overwhelmed by the creators."
Honestly, you had Chongyun to thank for that one. You weren't sure how you were supposed to explain the whole Teyvat clinging to you without sounding repetitive. But if Zhongli was that easily fooled, he wouldn't be one of the victors of the Archon war.
"Then enlighten me on why the glorious creator would need an Oracle of your caliber to spread their word. Surely that's the least you can do." He's fully dropped that faux-polite tone in contrast to the technically proper speech. 
"Gladly! It's become common knowledge that the elemental monsters and animals have started to act strangely. Add in the leylines that change from out of control to perfectly calm in a matter of minutes or weeks. These are all signs of the Creator's upcoming appearance! They need to be sure of who in this vast land they can properly trust."
"That still doesn't explain why you in particular were chosen. A wily and fresh child like you wouldn't do the best job." Hard like stone, Zhongli refused to even blink at your words. A god like himself would never falter after thousands of years spent perfecting his worship. 
But did he really have to insult you at the same time?
"So you refuse to believe it because of my supposed inability to properly carry out any duties assigned to me? You don't even know all that I had done to arrive here! Surely you should know just how rough the waters were..."
The hand that covers your mouth does a poor job of covering the sly smile. Zhongli stares at you in silence, the wind swaying around the floating chunk of rock that you both stand on.
"Just what are you trying to imply?" His voice is as soft as a whisper but cutting like the sharpest steel.
"Why explain it when I can show it?" Silently rejoicing at such a convenient set up, you peer into your bag and grab the item you've been saving.
Shimmering brightly in the harsh glares of the sun is Beisht's scale, still in pristine condition despite your perilous journey since that day you got it from the sea-leviathan.
It feels like ages ago. Just how much time has passed since you arrived on Teyvat? How much more time will you spend in situations like this? Weeks? Months? YEARS?
The existential dread is quickly pushed away by your beaming smile at Zhongli's reaction to the singular item. The rocky exterior finally breaks at the proof of your 'abilities'. His lips part at the bright teal color and he blinks incredulously at it.
Really, how could you pass up the chance to rub it in?
"Surely a human of my caliber would be capable of this much. I mean, a perfectly intact scale from a leviathan that managed to avoid the whole Qixing that isn't dyed in blood? Child's play for a servant specifically chosen by the Creator. I never doubted the creators' choices!" 
Holding the scale in front of you, you smirk at the man with as much snark as you hold in your heart. "The same can't be said for you, Mr. 'That still doesn't explain why you in particular were chosen.' Because the Creator is capable of choosing anyone they want, for whatever reason they desire."
Silence envelopes the area as you stare at him, a beat passes with no movement until a gruff chuckle leaves him.
"The more you speak, the closer I come to a conclusion." Recovering quickly, Zhongli's gloved hand rises to tap his mouth contemplatively. "You're either something far worse than I've seen in a long time, or a hope for the Creator's return."
That white outline around his iris seems to spin with the malicious joy that he refuses to show. It's like his body screams that he'll either enjoy your presence or your destruction. Nerves and anxiety grip your heart but ignoring it has always worked better for you.
"Maybe I can say the same thing about you considering your past, but I see you still aren't convinced. And how could I ever let you, one of the longest standing worshippers, have doubts about me? So tell me, were Beisht and her husband devout or sacrilegious beings?"
The answer he'll say is obvious, not only because you hold such a confident stance showing that you know the answer but because of Zhongli himself. A noble dragon that willingly bows to someone would feel ashamed at the thought of resorting to lying to boost his own pride.
Quite ironic how you hold so much trust in his answer due to the acolytes' faith in the creator. The same faith that led you to this position, and the same thing that'll keep you from ever exposing the truth of your identity. A constant force preventing them from meeting their 'beloved' creator.
"You met Beisht in the flesh, there's no doubt that she is solemn and serious in her worship. The same can be said for Osial, it was one of the few things I could agree with the leviathan. Even still, I'm the superior believer. After all, I'm the one who is left after all this time." 
"Yet I met Beisht before you."
The scoff and know-it-all tone he used pricked at your nerves long enough to cause an annoyed response to slip out. Unfortunately, that seems to be what Zhongli was baiting for as he laughs, the low sound making the rock platform tremble.
"That's if you're even an Oracle. You may be from that world and even heard about Teyvat from the Creator, but for all I know, you could have been banished here for us acolytes to execute. Whether it be for avenging the Creator or entertaining them."
Damn, it was almost scary how fast he turned the situation around. But how could you falter now? Getting tongue-tied at such a crucial moment would be a pathetic way to lose your life.
"And what will you do if I truly am an Oracle? When the creator's return is delayed months, years or even decades due to your rash actions, what will you tell the creator when confronted with the consequences of your own actions?"
"Then you should work hard enough to prove to skeptics like myself. To put blind faith in whatever is dubbed the creator's is a fool's belief. Temptation and sin ravage Teyvat from the long drought of the Creator's presence."
For a split second, sorrow clouded his eyes. He's hiding something. It’s important and you can feel it in your soul. The only thing that really stains his and Venti's reputation is their war with Khaenri'ah. It must be connected to that. 
But it's too early to try digging in for information on that. He doesn't even believe you to be the Oracle, how could you possibly get that out of him? What if he's under a contract and must stay silent on the matter?
Lost in his memories, Zhongli doesn't realize how your face pinches in frustration. You'll have to get his approval as the Oracle before you can even- 
Oh, why didn't you realize this before?
A grin spreads across your face as you circle in on the heart of the problem and the perfect way to fix it.
It's not that Zhongli doesn't believe you to be the creator's Oracle, he just doesn't want to believe it! He's envious: envious of why a random outlander like you got such a nice position in comparison to him who probably spent most of his life molding himself to the creators standards.
All that's left is to reel him in and you know the perfect way how.
"Prove myself? I've done plenty to prove myself, but what about you?" Mockingly, you tilt your head as your empty gaze peers into Zhongli's eyes, digging deep into him. He focuses back on the conversation at your shift in tone.
"If anyone should have to prove themselves, it should be you." This time it's you who takes the bold step forward. "Let's start at the beginning, shall we? And try to keep in that temper too so that I can finish my words. A dragon your age should know such simple things."
"As Morax you were quite powerful, though a brute to be completely honest. Still, you knew your limits well and paired up with the Lord of Dust before the Archon War, who served as the 'brain'. Tell me, just how did it feel when you found her as nothing more than a statue that day?"
Your words have a strong effect on the imposing man, his fist trembling at the mention of such a beloved god, one whose death still pains him. Paying no mind to his pain you ask the monumental question.
"Just how much resentment do you hold against the Creator for her death?"
A hand slams you against the Statue hard enough to bruise your skin. It doesn't squeeze around your throat but there's no need to as the Geo begins to petrify your legs, locking you in place. The Statue is in a constant state of healing in defense to the bruises on your neck.
"Just what are you trying to imply by saying that?" Cold and apathetic is the voice that flows from the stoic man. It's what you would imagine Morax would sound like before Guizhong taught him how to care for humans.
"C'mon, that's the second time you've asked me that. Don't make me speak the obvious-" A shuddering gasp leaves you as he tightens his grip. But it's gone just as fast; a flock of birds tackle Zhongli.
You can only watch in shock as what was only 4 to 5 birds grow to become at least 15 birds of all kinds attacking him. The throbbing of your neck being healed as the Geo instantly releases you is overshadowed by Zhongli swatting at the birds as he takes continuous steps back.
But that's all it took for Zhongli to fall off the edge as the birds flew away cawing happily. Standing and staring at the spot where Zhongli fell off in shock, you begin to chuckle. It grows to a giggle before you're laughing hysterically as you buckle to the ground. Loud peels of laughter ring around the area as you hold your stomach from the ache of laughing so much.
To think Teyvat took the initiative to help you out for once. Why couldn't it do it sooner? Was it only after gaining some power from activating a new nations statue of the seven that it could? You couldn't focus on the question anymore as the look on Zhongli's face when he fell came to mind again.
The sight of his eyes blown wide and a split second of pure panic sent you straight back into a fit of laughter. The ground far below you shakes as a Geo pillar constructs a bridge high enough to reach the stone you sat on. 
The sound of footsteps make you open your eyes and giggle at the sight of a disheveled and annoyed Zhongli. Annoyed is still an improvement compared to his enraged state earlier. With giggles slipping out, you stand back up and laugh louder at his appearance in full view.
His hair was pulled out of his rattail with his earrings nowhere to be seen. Bits and pieces of the weaker cloth of his suit were missing, giving him a poor look that didn't match his flawless posture. The red marks and light cuts only added to the joy you feel at his expense.
"Are you finished laughing, Y/N?"
"For now at least. I would suggest buying a new set of clothes but I don't think you have the mora for it!" Zhongli only lets out a long-suffering sigh as you crack up again.
You would be scolding yourself for not taking the chance to escape while he was away but it was better this way. You didn't need the information about Khaenri'ah, it was nice to know but the information wouldn't help you live.
The main reason you stayed was because running away would prove Zhongli right to be suspicious about you. It would let him know that you're scared and have something to hide. Plus, that would mean having to escape Liyue the same way you did Ei, just in a worse situation.
That's not something you want to repeat.
"Alright I'm done laughing." You say while wiping off the budding tears from the corner of your eyes. Zhongli sends you a look that screams that he doesn't believe you but you shrug it off.
"Really, that question was more of a test if you will. My main job is simply to see who the Creator can trust. Your relationship with the Creator beyond that is between you and them." 
The calm and peaceful tone you use is such a contrast to the one you used earlier that Zhongli is clearly apprehensive. Paying it no mind you continue to speak. 
"If you truly want a reason to at least try and believe me to be the oracle even if you don't fully believe me, then I'll give you one. I'm sure you still have the stone dumbbell from Guizhong that you've never been able to open. I know how to open it."
Those last words have Zhongli staring at you intensely as you gaze off into the distance. The Dragon-Queller tree is visible through the fog with its glowing blue branches and yellow leaves.
"How?" He breathes out, scared to trust but scared to lose this opportunity too.
"It requires a naturally grown glaze lily cultivated by the Creator. That's because it requires a 'pure' glaze lily and the only one who can grow such a thing at this day and age is the Creator. All the natural glaze lilies have died after all."
Zhongli's shoulders slump at your words. It seems he started to let his guard down after he fell off. He must no longer view you as a threat or, at most, an annoyance. That's okay with you, underestimation is the most useful viewpoint they could have for you.
"Should I even make an attempt to ask you why it can only be unlocked with that? You're only telling me this as a last resort to keep you alive, correct? Even if I told you that I would keep you alive without that information, you wouldn't believe me. As childish as you may be, foolishness does not seem to be a quality you hold."
"That may be true, but if you really want an answer to that first question then I'll tell you." You look over to lock eyes with him and smile. It conceals every sneaky and vicious thought you hold. "I have no clue. The Creator instructed me to use it as a last resort, if you want that answer then try praying. Perhaps you'll get an answer."
You would like to know the answer to the stone dumbbell too. After all, you only made up the solution! Seeing as Zhongli spent all these years after Guizhong's death, failing to unlock it, it's a good bet that it'll never open. 
It's silent as you both get lost in your own thoughts. Unlike before it wasn't tense, it was more comparable to the silence you would spend alone in your apartment. The nights you would only be accompanied by the thoughts of the 'what-if' situations. Thoughts that would only stay thoughts just as the past would be just that, the past.
Wanderer learned that the hard way too. You wouldn't let yourself hold so many regrets before your inevitable death. Even in Liyue you weren't truly safe, so wouldn't it be best to speak to Zhongli while you still could?
"I have questions about Khaenri'ah… Well, the better way to put it is that the Creator has questions about them. It's one of the few things that they mourn the most. A whole nation devoted to worshiping solely the creator, destroyed by the Archons that swore their life and loyalty to the creator. So will you explain it to me?"
His eyes fill with the same sorrow you saw in him earlier. It seems you were right in guessing that his line on blindly trusting things labeled with the creator was connected to Khaenri'ah.
"I have spent all my years after that day asking for forgiveness, for some way to atone. It was one of the few contracts that I did not properly balance in equivalent exchange. I regret signing it, not for myself but for my beloved God."
"So it's a no."
"It's an agreement not to speak of it."
"Then don't speak about it." Zhongli seeds you a questioning glance as you mischievously smile at him. "Just listen to my words and don't look away. I'm quite sure nodding and shaking your head doesn't count as breaking your silence."
A huff of amusement leaves him at your solution. His eyes close with his lips curling into a small smile. He nods his head in acceptance, not having the drive to poke holes into your stubbornness.
You were quite confident in the conclusions you've drawn so far. Genshin Impact was nearly the sole reason you were living back on Earth. Family and friends were nonexistent, you had given up hope on making any new connections as well. The only thing you did when you weren't home was work and your work made you be everything but yourself. So combining everything you know from the game with everything of the cult that you've learned thus far shouldn't be too hard.
"When the Archon War broke out, I'm sure most of you were merely looking to keep your people and nation alive. The original design of having the gods powered solely on their people's worship paled in comparison to Celestia's offer of power by obtaining a spot in a group of seven. At the end, you all had a choice. Accept your spot by accepting a Gnosis, or go against them similar to how the Dragon King once did."
Zhongli perks up at the mention of the Dragon King. Not many people know about the original Dragon King. Most people assume it's Azhdaha when in reality, the original was a far greater dragon.
"You all must have been quite against it. The only God you would all bow under would be the Creator who had left before those events to sleep in my world, yet Celestia probably whispered to you all that it was allowed on Teyvat because it was approved by the Creator. That the Gnosis was a reward for all your hard work and as Celestia was the first descender, all of you accepted it.”
The way he begins to stare at you is invasive, like he's just dying to jump you to get every bit of knowledge you hold on the topic. He's starting to suspect you.
"Yet when Khaenri'ah was revealed to exist years afterwards, everything was thrown into confusion. I'm sure you and the other Archons were fine with their presence as Khaenri'ah worshiped the Creator, but was Celestia?" 
A sly smile creeps upon your face at the memory of when it was revealed that Khaenri'ah  wasn't the first civilization to be turned into hilichurls. No one liked Celestia so you had no problem pinning almost all the blame onto it.
"I'm sure they were enraged, especially as Khaenri'ah grew more and more bold with their inventions. Gold in particular was quite dangerous seeing as she not only created life but also Durin and the Golden Wolflord. And even that was unintentional!"
You laugh cheerfully as Zhongli chuckles in surprise at your words. Had you successfully deterred him? Probably not, but he hasn't stopped you so you'll keep going till the end.
"Celestia ordered you all to aid them in destroying Khaenri'ah but you all refused. How could any of you harm a nation so devoted to the creator even if they refused to worship Celestia or the Seven? But that Gnosis you all accepted comes with a price. A price that serves as leverage and a control device."
The thoughts of what Beisht told you on how Celestia had caused them to forget the original way of worship resurfaced. Celestia was just too suspicious for that to be the only thing they had done. It would take a lot more than that to force the Archons to listen to them.
"That Gnosis was like a drug. It gave you all so much power, tasting and making you feel like you're on top of the world! Just for it to come crashing down when the unpleasant side effects hit you. It corrupted you all like poison forcing you to wage war against Khaenri'ah. My best bet is that it was like mind control. What do you say?"
He looks at you with a blank expression, as if trying to see the secrets you hid in your soul through your eyes. But there's no response from him, not even the occasional nods that he was giving before.
"Well if it was mind control, perhaps it made you believe that Khaenri'ah had plans to overrule the Creator and create their own human god. Or maybe it made them out to be traitors to the creator. Perhaps both? That doesn't really matter, what does matter is that only after the war was in full throttle were you all brought back to your senses."
You didn't have any proof of that last part, it just seemed like something Celestia would do. Not only to prove their superiority but also force the Archons to put their best effort in defeating the people of Khaenri'ah to save their nations.
"After the war ended, you all wanted to get rid of it but Celestia wouldn't allow such a thing. Even if you most likely tried to find some loophole, Celestia doesn't play nice. It would make sense if they threatened to give a punishment similar to what they had done to Khaenri'ah. So long as none of you destroy or throw it away, they'll leave you all be,”
Venti was a god, no matter what fans said, there was no way he would lose to Signora. It made more sense if that was his way of 'handing' it over to the Tsaritsa. There was also Nahida who threatened to break her Gnosis to one-up Dottore. That was always funny, you would kill to have witnessed that in person. 
"Of course none of you would actually use it or even desire it in your vicinity. Everyone wins when the Tsaritsa uses her various methods to acquire the gnosis'. And thanks to the traveler appearing during that time, Celestia was probably too busy freaking out over that to pay too much attention. For a while at least."
Finally looking back to Zhongli, you smiled proudly. "I must be pretty close right? At no point did you laugh at me like you did with Alice so I'll take that as a good sign. And even if I'm wrong, everything will be solved when the Creator descends."
Stretching to loosen the tension in your back, you applaud yourself for the brilliant thinking. It's not like anyone can actually fake gold blood for long when even hair dye didn't exist yet. You're basically leaving all these loose ends to the you that would be believed to be the Creator. Which is never going to happen!
"Would the Creator scorn me for asking you once again if you're truly an oracle?"
"I'm sure the glorious creator would be fully justified in doing so, but I'll scorn you in their stead.. And don't get it twisted, it's not because of your feelings concerning Guizhong's death. It's how you, by your own negligence, offended the Creator!"
An utterly baffled expression paints his face at your accusation. Unrelenting, you point your finger at him with a serious face that you haven't shown him till now.
"Did you really believe that the creator wouldn't realize? Just how little you changed from that brute of a dragon that saw humans as plentiful yet insignificant as dust? To think that you believed yourself to be comparable to the primordial dragons."
Zhongli stiffens at the mention of the primordial dragons. After all he is the prime of the Adepti who's exuvia is a dragon, not a primordial dragon. Wouldn't it be fun if he held some sense of inferiority when compared to the primordial ones?
Zhongli sits on the ledge of the rock with his elbows on his legs and his hands covering his face. It was time. He would question just what you were talking about and you'll explain the elemental sacrificing that he forgot. That'll be the end and he'll have no choice but to support you! 
Smiling knowingly you approach him and lean down to see behind the shadow casting over his eyes. Your eyes twinkle victoriously as his breath leaves a cloud from the crisp air.
"I should have known that the creator would not forgive me for failing to arrive on time."
"How could I have been beaten to that shooting star by that astrologist? No matter who may have been her master, I failed to arrive on time."
Zhongli sulks there as he continues rambling to himself on 'missing' the shooting star due to his old age. Was he seriously talking about how you lost him the first time to Mona?!
Memories come back of you using the last of your wishes on his banner and being greeted with Mona instead. The first 50/50 you lost and was forced to use nearly all your primogems to get him. A fact that you never let Zhongli forget through your adventures.
Just what would he do if he knew how you always switched to a different character whenever his idle starts to play? Would he sew his lips together in repentance? That must be the difference between a true believer and a fake believer...
Holding back a sigh you begin brainstorming on how you were supposed to bring the conversation back to the sacrificing. Zhongli is too lost in his own head as he begins to continuously blame himself for any mistake he could have made.
"Being unable to answer the travelers' questions must have worsened their view on me too."
"That and how you were willing to let Liyue flood if they couldn't defeat Osial."
"Human life may be precious but they're as numerous as the dust that make up stone. I would rebuild Liyue for the rest of this long life until I cultivate a nation that I could humbly present the creator with."
"Then shouldn't the creator just grind you down and raise a different Adepti to their exact liking? You should work hard to be exactly what they desire to be truly loved."
"Are you saying that the Creator loathes me?" He finally looks away from the sea of clouds to stare at you. Sparing him a glance, you listen to him grow more panicked by your silence.
"Do they wish to see me crumble and be reabsorbed into the earth for my mistakes, for my sins? Was it the way I mechanically went through the motions of worship for the few years after Guizhong's death? Or does my benevolent god crave me and my nation to fall for aiding in the destruction of Kh-?"
Abruptly Zhongli grasps at his chest where his heart lays as he coughs. More out of politeness than concern you rub his back as fluid flies from his lips to his closed fist.
The thick inky plum colored fluid stained his fist with droplets of crimson swirling within it. His coughing fit slows to a halt as his hand slowly releases the clothing over his heart. Harsh breathing and a shallow pained groan is all that can be heard as he cleans himself up.
“Pardon me-” 
“Was that a warning from Celestia or a side effect if you get too close to speaking?"
"The implication is the same no matter what it may be from." He whispers as you begin to move back to return his personal space. Yet his now ungloved hand is what wraps around your grass stained sleeve.
"Now answer my question." Determination and a barely concealed unruly emotion simmer beneath his composed surface as he asks. "As an oracle, tell me what I have to do to earn their forgiveness. What must I reap to begin repenting for the sins I sowed?" 
Eyes widening at the sight of the disheveled man, you stare at him quietly. The messy hair, cut up clothing and grip tight enough to keep you still all while being careful not to bruise.
Hook, line and sinker.
"Is that a question for me to answer? Am I the god that you wronged? If you wish to communicate with the creator yourself, then there is a way. A method to begin regaining the pebbles that make up the mountain of trust you once shared with them."
You grab the arm that connects to his hand wrapped around your own and pull him up. He obeys the silent command and stands up, his gaze never faltering from your form. Silent and towering like the mountains he's created, he simply listens.
"Celestia has hidden more from you than you originally thought. But I'm sure you already know that. Offer yourself to the merciful creator and they'll surely hear your pleas of forgiveness. Whether they forgive you or not is up to them."
Releasing your hold on him, you turn to survey the area. Now where could you have him perform the sacrifice? His free hand comes to rest on your shoulder for your attention.
"What must I offer of myself? My blood? My body? If need be, I'll even be willing to offer my life. My life is worthless without them. I'm nothing more than a grain of mineral if not for them."
"There's so many things you can offer, but if you want to make the most impact, then you'll offer up your body parts. Your life may be precious but just how much longer do you have left?"
"Then will the private temple I have built for them work? We can head there immediately." He points south to the sole unnamed mountain in Minlin. You vividly remember unlocking the teleport waypoint there.
"The only way I'll know is when I see the interior. I'll meet you there Zhongli!"
Pulling yourself away from his grasp, you close your eyes and calmly imagine what the scenery around the waypoint looks like. The rocky feel of the floating stone changes to a lush green beneath your feet. Opening your eyes you're greeted with a valley of viridescent brustles with degraded stone ruins at the edges. 
"To think that the Creator even allowed you access to the waypoints. They must treasure you greatly." He appears at your side in a matter of minutes. His tone has a hint of longing and bitterness.
It's sweet like the flavor of a childhood candy that you would sneak behind your parents backs. Almost sweet enough to make up for the starvation you would face later on as punishment.
"Instead of focusing on that, why don't you show me that private temple you created? As the Geo Archon, I hold high expectations for you."
"This temple is the one I created for me. If you want the glamorous shrine built for the mass and appearance then you're better off viewing the public one that the Qixing now control."
He walks down the hill until the grass is tall enough to cover his calves. You follow behind him and stare blankly at the plain that is covered with a healthy amount of tall marigolds. Just as you're about to repeat the question, the earth begins to rumble.
It starts with just one stone rising from the ground, until it multiplies into a roof like structure. You watch in awe as a temple surges out of the mountain with the slightest bits of dirt falling off it.
Stone of high quality and clearly careful upkeep shines with small cracks from the passage of time. Gold, silver, and bronze layer the nooks and crannies of the pillars that keep a roof over the doorway.
Marveling at it, you follow Zhongli into the temple... He couldn't kill you in it, right? Surely you could still teleport even if he locked you in it… Teleporting without using the map might not work due to the focus and effort it required, but doing it with the map has never failed you yet.
The inside was even more impressive; statues of all kinds surrounded the hallway. It was you, always you, just in different poses, clothing and materials. From thin robes crafted entirely from Cor Lapis, to suits made of Noctilucous Jade.
Arriving at what seemed to be the main room, you're greeted with a huge statue comparable to the public one in Inazuma's plaza. Sunlight bathed your statue from the skylight above it.
Your body was made of Cor Lapis decorated in an Archon-like robe made from Noctilucous Jade. A fresh Glaze Lily sat in your palm as Silk Flowers adorned your head in a crown like structure. You sat on a blue stone throne that seemed to grow brighter as you approached it. The sleek yet dense mineral looked like the magical crystal chunks you would give to the blacksmiths. 
"Be careful to not venture too close to that one, the elemental energy may leave it to join you." Zhongli warns as he steps into the middle of the room. Smiling casually to hide your amazement, you head back to him.
"What an impressive statue, the Creator is feeling quite pleased with the display but still wishes to see your true remorse." Digging into your bag, you brought out the ceremonial knife and the handbook you took notes on.
"Go get the softest cloth and lay it on the ground. This ritual is simple, you'll cut off whatever part of your body you wish to offer, pray, and wait for a response. If 10 to 20 minutes pass with no response, then you can leave it at that or offer more in hopes of a response."
Closing the book and shoving it back into your bag you offer the knife to Zhongli. He looks up from where he laid the gilded gold fabric to stare at the knife before letting out a drawl laugh.
"That knife will do little to my scales, Y/N. A ceremonial item is to be bathed in liquid gold to be used so I have more than enough weapons that can actually cut my skin."
Scoffing, you stuff the knife back in as he leaves and returns with a variety of weapons. The largest was an ax that smelled faintly of blood. Was it used to sacrifice someone not too long ago? The thought makes you uncomfortable, yet you're no longer alarmed at the thought.
My, have you changed.
You move to stand away from the center closer to the exit. Zhongli's bare hand turns to a pattern of black and amber hues. Shedding his thick coat, his flexed muscles in draconic form are left in full view.
If you were back on Earth, you would have killed to view this. An Archon’s skin was something the majority of the players wished for, for quite a while. Even now, you would love to see his true Archon form, but the thought of actually living was far more tantalizing.
Rolling up his sleeves, he chooses a sword and examines it carefully. Without fear he raises it high and slices downwards cutting his hand off cleanly. The ruby liquid sprays onto the floor as the droplets drip off his sword and dismembered limb simultaneously.
It doesn't matter how many times you witness or smell blood, it still disgusts you. The only blood you truly cherished in shedding was the one that left that man's body when you stabbed him in that cold alleyway.
His hand lands onto the expensive textile with a wet thud as the ivory bone sticks out. Zhongli lays the sword down gently resisting the urge to groan in pain. Gritting his teeth he returned his attention and gaze back to you. You, who stayed in perfect position ahead of him, clad in gems and minerals carved by his own hand.
Closing his eyes, his lips followed the adored pass time of praying with intensity. Too lost in his regret, joy, and infatuation his words slipped out clear like the perfectly carved jewels he’s crafted for you.
"My god, my god. For I have sinned against you so. The mistakes I cannot fix or change, I pray for your forgiveness." Your unmoving, unchangeable eyes stared at him with an expression so familiar to him, one who worshiped you in this temple for centuries.
"From allowing myself to be tricked, to the lack of devotion I felt to you in Guizhong's death and finally with how I treated a servant of yours with disdain. Envious, I am envious to an extent that I shouldn't hold to my righteous god like you. Even now I still haven't broken the habit of referring to you as 'my' god."
Once again, just like the first time, Teyvat seems to overwhelm you with his feelings. You stare at his back as his lips murmur the words of devotion without an end in sight. Silently, you accept his offering, this first one was only to put the last nail in the coffin of you being an oracle. 
The sky darkens as Zhongli's hand crumbles into a pile of primogems that dissolve into the air. Blue and purple stars dance across the sky as a lone gold star makes its way closer. 
You didn't plan to always accept his offerings. After all you did lose a 50/50 to him and was forced to put up with his paranoid possessiveness in regards to your creator self. Shouldn't you make him lose a few times to even the score?
The gold star shines brighter and bigger as Zhongli gazes at it with a smile purer than anything he's ever felt since his creation at your hands. It flies through the window enveloping him and the whole room with a beaming light.
When his eyes open, the skylight shows the sunny sky but he can already feel his connection to you stronger. The brilliance you bore shines beautifully in him like a star he wished to keep hidden for only him to see.
It worked, it worked! There is no need for him to be wary or envious of you for claiming to be so close to the creator anymore. In fact, you were a sign specifically designed for someone like him. A sign that the creator had not grown complacent in simply watching Teyvat, you were now showing interest in coming back soon. And through you, he can find out details about the creator that were kept secret all these millennia.
A wide and joyful grin is bared with obsession tangling within it. He turns his head to where you stood and his smile drops abruptly when all he's greeted with is an empty spot. 
He built this temple for him and the creator to enjoy in privacy due to his possessive nature born from his dragon lineage, yet the sight of Y/N who up and vanished after fulfilling their duty struck his core like the abyssal gunk that used to constantly corrupt his body.
You may have left, you may think that he wouldn't treat you, a fellow devoted servant well due to his earlier behavior. And he understands that, he truly does but that simply means he has to rectify his mistake before it's too late. You were a mere human while him, a god. 
Finding you before any terrible consequences from his mistakes won't take too long.
Unaware of the dragon's changing tune, you eye the Dragon-Queller tree from outside the temple with interest. After all the work you've done thus far, indulging yourself with a nice close up of the magnificent landmark would be a good treat for yourself.
This one took a while and it was edited by the same jerk. I really hope all the work was worth it and that the next part can be done faster. But as my college is starting this early Sep, it might be even longer. Genshin's lore is a hot mess so I tried my best to keep it simple while touching on the important parts. All the lore I put in is almost completely accurate. If you don't include the sagau parts. If your name is italic then that means I couldn't tag you. I manually put everyone so hopefully this fixes the notifications problems. Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @conspicuous-mayonnaise, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zenith, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado, @pix-stuff, @esthelily, @luxie963, @emmbny, @millienolife, @kbar1013, @xxblackroses623xx, @chxrlxtteee, @aludicpoet, @yandematic, @atrcclovsxoxo, @0lshadyl0
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 2 months
the local nuthatch has bewitched me with his gravity defying antics and fancy eyeliner
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t1meslayer · 3 months
Drowning (Ch. 1 - "Mipha's Lament")
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Let's get ready for my favorite pastime:
Getting sad about fictional fish people all over again
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (part of my "Pre-Tears of the Kingdom" series)
Characters: Link/Zelda, Sidon (and other Zora in passing)
Summary: Prince Sidon brings Zelda and her loyal knight to a grand ceremony in the heart of Zora's Domain. However, his sparse invitation doesn't prepare Link for the emotional turmoil to come.
This story is rated 'Mature' for themes of dealing with grief and, in the coming Chapter 2, major character death.
Click through the Read More below to get a preview of the latest chapter. Thanks for reading <3
"Link, please! Quit fussing."
Zelda pulls the collar of her knight's Royal Guard uniform. Link gasps at the jolt to her eyeline, blue as the Silent Princesses woven into her short, golden hair. He devolves into a blushing Bokoblin.
The princess huffs.
"Honestly." She finishes fastening the emerald-set buttons that hold his uniform's navy tabard together. He remains still, bewitched by a Gorgon's glare. "It has only technically been 100 years since we attended a Zora ceremony. You and I both know you've not forgotten your manners."
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avelynnss · 3 months
happy birthday to me! pt two
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its time to get retro baby! since it's my birthday and i'm a history major have some cute sixties fits.
cc links under the cut
general: bouffant one by: @simduction bouffant two by: @enriques4 eyeliner by: @ghostgnome blush by: virtygo lipstick by: @remussirion
black magic woman: shirt by: @trillyke skirt by: @clumsyalienn tights by: @standardheld earrings by: @joliebean necklace by: @arethabee
bewitched: sleeveless turtleneck by: @mikky-18 skirt by: @clumsyalienn socks by: @linzlu earrings by: @simstrouble shoes by: @mmsims
under the boardwalk: swimsuit (millicent) by: @ice-creamforbreakfast hat by: @madlensims
surfin' usa: swimsuit (barb) by: @ice-creamforbreakfast sunglasses (base game)
glad all over: dress by: simsmarigold
summer of love: dress by: zooinn tights by: @magic-bot
the twist: coat by: @serenity-cc skirt by: @candysims4 tights by: @sentate boots by: @jius-sims
gogo boots: dress by: zooinn tights by: @magic-bot boots by: @jius-sims
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rielzero · 3 months
Just some musings with freshly turned Vampire Locke (act 3) Drabbles might not be used in my comic eventually but can be spoilery for future comics.
It's a little quiet this time around, elfsong inn. The party of The Absolute Adversaries (Not officially named), is going through a rest day.. But the unusual silence leaves some awkwardness in the air.
It's barely noticed by the party leader, Locke, who's part of the reasoning for the silence. He can barely focus on anything at the moment, overwhelmed by new sensations. He's curled up on Astarion's bed, uncomfortable.
His fingers are pinching down the bridge of his nose, fighting vertigo caused by the smells that presumably are his companion's body odor. Locke's never really paid that much attention to anyone's musk before, but he isn't exactly trying to now either.
''I can't stand it.'' He mumbles, rolling on his side before sitting up. Gale eyes him with a worried glance. ''I thought the quiet was rather nice, or..'' He raises his brow. ''You look nauseous-''
Ignoring the wizard, he stumbles forward, then sideways, grabbing the green little door to the bathroom next to Astarion's bed. He plunges inside, eyes darting for the barrel of water that was stored here.
Astarion looks up to him with surprise, holding a small perfume bottle in his hand. ''Dear?'' Locke says nothing, one-track-minded, he stumbles towards the barrel, opens the lid by force and submerges his head in it. ''If you wanted a bath, this isn't exactly..'' Astarion sighs and closes the door behind him, then puts his perfume bottle on the sink.
He gently reaches a hand to touch Locke's shoulder. ''Darling.. If you stop breathing, Karlach's going to freak out again.'' He strokes patterns over his back. ''Just because you can't drown as an undead doesn't mean water in your lungs is any more pleasant, the average vampire can't exactly swim. Not that you're anything like average, but..''
Locke quietly raises his head from the water, his eyeliner had begun to dissolve, creating lines over his cheeks. Its almost as if he'd been crying the past hour, if not the lack for red swollen eyelids.
''Hi.'' Is the only response he can muster, partially out of it.
''Tut, tut.'' Astarion grabs him by the shoulders and pushes him on the ground, making him sit. Then he sits down next to him.
''Do you.. Smell that? All that? All the time?'' Locke whispers after a while.
''I've said so previously, yes. I can't exactly turn it off.'' Astarion wipes some of the wetness off Locke's brow while he continues. ''There's ways of filtering it out, a strong perfume is one of them.''
Locke instinctively sniffs at Astarion, then inhales. ''Oh.'' ''You pick up things faster than you think you do, sometimes.'' The newly crowned vampire lord says with a chuckle.
There's a silence, in which Locke quietly stares at Astarion, or through him almost. His eyes unfocussed. He sniffs again.
''I can't smell the others.'' With a relief the half elf untenses and slowly glides onto the floor, stretching.
''Yes, yes, but you can't hide in the bathroom with me all day.''
''Says the one that has been in here since the morning..''
''To hide from the glares, maybe.. But I was busy making perfume.''
''I can see that..''
''These things take time! I'm very particular about-''
Locke yawns with a wide open mouth, leaving Astarion in a daze. He looks at the other bewitched. ''The perfume is for you.''
Locke blinks. ''It is? Oh!''
What could this smell be.. It's not bergamot and rosemary, not too sweet or bitter. But definitely sweet, woodsy. Soapy? Floral? Locke recognizes it, Lavender. Mixed with something else, he can't tell what.
''And the bathroom is coated in it, surely Gale won't mind.'' There's a shifting behind the bathroom door, he had been listening in. Gale had felt a little left out lately..
Not that he wanted to admit it directly, but Locke kind of enjoyed little breaks like these. No fighting, exploring, no sorting supplies, ordering people around or planning ahead. No doomsday visions, no absolute crisis bullshit. Just him, and his friends and lovers lazing around doing absolutely nothing except some much needed bonding. He contemplated opening the door to drag Gale in, but couldn't get his body to move, so Locke slumps a bit further against the wall with closed eyes.
After a short forever he can feel Astarion's hand creep under his chin, quietly pressing open his mouth. Locke's lips twitch, expecting a kiss.
Confused, he opens his eyes to see Astarion examine his teeth with obsessive fascination. Why? Is there something stuck?
Locke says nothing, slightly amused, observing Astarion's eye movement. The high elf then rubs a thumb over one of Locke's canine's smooth side, to prevent cutting himself. Jokingly, Locke closes his mouth and suckles Astarion's finger.
Astarion snaps out of his daze and withdraws his hand. ''I didn't bite you.'' Locke snorts. ''I'm not going to do that for a long time.'' He blinks at the other, who know quietly processes his thoughts.
''I was just trying to see if they're smaller than mine.''
''You're comparing fang sizes?''
''Mine grew a little after the ritual, I was simply making an observation.''
Locke could tell Astarion wasn't fully being honest. It wasn't exactly a lie either, however.. ''You look at me with pride like an artist proud of something they've created.''
''You are.''
''Okay mommy, you don't need to rub it in.''
Astarion pushes a hand to his own chest and makes a dramatic gasp. ''How dare! Watch your tongue with the dirty talk. Such heresy!''
Locke eyes the door, hearing Gale's snickering. ''Shh, I think we have voyeurs watching through the keyhole. ''
''Hmm. Wouldn't that be.. Scandalous?'' Astarion speaks in an inviting tone.
Gale quietly opens the door, bringing in a waft of old dusty book smell. Locke flinches, but is calmed down by the perfume.
''What the- Why is it so flowery..? That's strong.. By the.. Huh. It's kind of lovely.'' Gale hangs against the door, observing the two.
''Apparently that's my new musk.'' Locke shrugs, eyeing Astarion for a reaction.
''Must you call everything a ''musk'' ? A perfume is a little more.. Shall we say, fine and dandy? Dainty?''
''I thought you were baldurian.'' Locke blinks.
''Proper. Cultured. Educated!''
''Respectfully, love, I am not educated.'' Locke grins with the same mischief he's worn on his face the past few days.
''You're not?!'' Gale blinks. ''Of- Of course you're not.. I should've realized by now, how presumptuous of me.''
''Aaaand now you're just insulting me again, boohoo rich wizard tower boy.''
Astarion chuckles, but thinks about the exchange for a little longer. With the funds from Cazador's estate, he could hire some private tutors for Locke.. Should he want to learn anything he's missed in his awful childhood. At his age, he could probably really use it..
Astarion watches Gale awkwardly struggle to explain the difference between an aimed mockery and stating something that is plainly true in a longwinded rant, before he decides to cut in again, only to stop before he can utter a word.
Locke lets out another yawn, a longer one this time. ''Oh you were just making fun, weren't you?'' Gale lets out a relieved sigh, but notices Astarion's intense stare.
''Hmm, they're definitely on the more petite side.'' Astarion grabs Locke's face mid yawn to turn him to the side.
''What?'' Gale blinks.
''His fangs. They're petite.''
''He means smaller.''
''I.. I know what he means, Locke.''
''I'm not that delicate- Godsdamnit. You expecting me to chip a tooth or something?''
''Darling, if you chip a tooth, I'm going to kill someone. Can't have cattle damage your adorable little fangs.''
Locke starts pouting, ''Little?!'' he pulls his mouth open with his fingers to show his teeth better. ''I cawn bwite off swomeone's fwongers and twhoat weeth theese!''
Astarion's eyes widen. He cups Locke's cheeks.
''And you've just given him the perfect view..'' Gale takes a mental note, vampire lords get obsessed with.. Their spawn's fangs apparently. That, or Astarion really wants him to sink his teeth in him. It's a bit weird. But also.. Adoring.
''You three having fun in there?'' Karlach concernedly peeks around the corner, raising a brow at the sight.
''Just casual dentistry, nothing unordinary.'' Astarion releases Locke from his grasp again.
''..Okkayy, whatever you say. Fangs.'' She pauses. ''There's two fangs now.. Hmm. I need to come up with better nicknames.''
Locke mumbles quietly under his breath. ''Petite he says.. Hmph.''
Unfortunately for him, Karlach heard that.. And would proceed to differenate the two with that addition from then on.
Oh, the quiet days.
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trashpie420 · 11 months
Loki Season 2 was heartbreaking so im just writing what should've happened. Or just ideas/thoughts I wish/wanted to see. PART 3:
-Loki meeting Mobius/Don’s ex wife and her surprised that Mobius/Son found love for something that isn’t a jet ski.
-AU where Loki & Mobius open a beach themed bar so they can always be around/on jet skis and water together.
-AU where Loki is a famous model/influencer who falls in love with single dad Mobius at Möbius’s jet ski shop and ends up with 30+ jet skis (he got them so he can keep seeing Mobius).
-Mobius being a Wild West fanatic and Loki discovering that his boyfriend looks hot in cowboy boots.
-Loki having a goth/emo apparel (black cat energy) with Mobius being a suburban beach vibe cargo short dad (golden retriever energy).
-Loki & Mobius/Don on a date which ends up with Loki bumping into Jane and Darcy leading him to explain he is a different Loki and that he just wants to have a nice date with his husband.
-Loki stating he doesn’t like animals but ends up having a soft spot for old golden retrievers (they remind him of Mobius).
-Mobius/Don crushing hard on the new guy across the street (Loki moves across the street from him) and his work buddies notice how distracted Mobius/Don is on his jet skis.
-AU where Mobius is a stereotypical single dad who gets upset at his sons for playing with an Ouija board and deciding to go to the new “Magick” store to knock some sense into the guy who sold the Ouija board to his kids. However, plans change when he falls hard for the middle aged goth guy named Loki in all black, all tatted and rocking the eyeliner. Mobius has been “bewitched”.
These are what I have again for now. These ideas/AUs are open for taking and sharing. I hope y’all like it I might write a few of these as Fics.
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sephiramy · 1 year
sometimes I think back to when a woman gave me an unsolicited "beauty tip" (her words) to not put eyeliner on my lower lid as it makes one look older, and I was too polite in the moment to say
well, what if I want to look like hag? a creepy, damp old hag
what if, I desire to add on a few decades of wisdom and terror
perhaps I have just crawled out of the swamp and seek to bewitch (derogatory) all who witness my sunken visage
I have worn heavier eyeliner on my bottom lid since then
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hurlumerlu · 9 months
The thing about Miw's - idk how to put it - very 2010s brand of girl power is that it is such a front and such an epidermic reaction to being constantly sexualized and having no real recourse against that. Of course she's all "I'm not a bitch I'm THE bitch" and "eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man" and "men will be bewitched and hand over their wallets" ! She can't escape any of this shit so might as well spin things to make it about what she can do with it ! She doesn't want to feel or be perceived as powerless ever again. And on the other side of that feeling is her constant emphasis on sisterhood, either real - with the other girls at the bar - or desperately wished for. That's what she appeals to in order to connect with the hotel manager, even though for this woman Miw is nothing compared to the freedom she's seeking. It's also what allows her to - however briefly - connect with Mae and sincerely apologize for the pain she caused her. Miw, unapologetic as a matter of principle (because Lean In, girl !) recognizes she hurt another woman even though she was only protecting herself and is truly, genuinely empathetic about it. And even though 3 will be free is a love story, Miw "girls rules !" front partially being a response to her hard life isn't a transparent excuse to heal her with the love of a Good Man (that's the entire point of Luang's character). This is why her non-romantic relationship with Shin is so important ! It was never about a Bad Girl going Good for the love of an honest man, it's about a woman constantly having to deal with objectification - and being scolded and/or punished no matter how she does so - finally being seen as a full person, and loved both for her sharp edges and her soft ones.
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vyssims · 2 years
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Download from the Gallery #Vys-sims
Base Sim Credit
Base sim by #SirSimALot on the Gallery
Custom Content List
Horns by @duplica-imite
Morticia Gown by @mssims
Bewitched Eyes by EvilQuinzel
Mordio Eyeliner by @pralinesims
Mary Blush N12 by @pralinesims
Marshmallow Lipstick (Teeth) N16 by @pralinesims
Blair Top Accessory by @dissiasims
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kamiversee · 6 months
I LOVE MY MAN SOSOOS MAUHC (im biggest shidou glazer he is sooo, magnificent, beautiful, hot, intriguing, i love his pink tips🤤, i love his cutesy eyeliner, he is sooo pretty, so polite😇, lovely, HERE COMES THE DOPAMINE!!🤓, attractive, fetching, prepossessing, he can score a goal in my hole!!💯, he is appealing, charming, i love shidou, delightful, nice, engaging, pleasing, darling, sweet, dear, adorable, lovable, winsome, cute, as pretty as a picture, dainty, graceful, handsome, well favoured, glamorous, gorgeous, ravishing, stunning, bewitching, alluring)
I love Shidou sm it's not even funny-- I need him to nut inside me :3
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cloudychao · 2 years
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I don’t think I talked about some fun, new pure ghosts I have for this universe. Here is some ghosts exclusive to the 150+ year sequel of Danny Phantom. 
Johnny 13 and Kitty are the type to have a kid and not take care of him like any good toxic couple. Edward 16 seems like a funny enough name. He is just like any 16 year old boy who rebels against his parents. He wears a black leather jacket, has a small ponytail, and carries around a spray can. 
- Edward 16 is the embodiment of our modern day bad boy. He wears too much eyeliner, too much black, and wears sunglasses indoors. He slouches and has baggy pants. He thinks he’s the hottest thing around. 
- His main weapon is the spray can, similar to how his parents have an object as theirs. With his spray can, he can vandalize anywhere he wants, but he can make people vanish with it, similar to his mom. He has Shadow as his loyal friend. His obsession is him breaking all the rules.
- Edward 16 encounters a certain little halfa and it has peaked his interest. She’s not like the other girls and he loves a challenge.
Another unique ghost for this universe is the Puppeteer. 
- Someone is making the dolls dance move and it’s like a horror movie when they chase after a person. I’m thinking too it could be fun to think about Annabelle and Child’s Play as just the Puppeteer having their way with the humans. Ghosts live off the fear of others after all. 
- I want the puppeteer to be dressed very fancily, almost blending in with humans but something isn’t right. They could be balding a bit and something is crooked in their stance and smile. Their obsession is not being gifted a doll. 
Another unique ghost for this universe is a music one related to Ember. She would be a female Phantom of the Opera. Instead of playing a guitar like her, she plays the classic piano. She flies around on her grand piano and can bewitch anyone who listens. 
- She died playing her last piece and never got to play an encore. Her obsession is playing the piano. 
One last ghost is the artist ghost. They were the aspiring artist who died young and their works got sold for large amounts of money after they died. They are bitter they didn’t get to be famous while they were alive. Their obsession is getting their art hung in Amity Park’s art museum. 
- They haunt the art museums and often try to paint over anything. They have the power to draw a face on anything and make it come alive. 
- Some other funny ideas is a Karen ghost, Rickroll ghost, and Judge Judy ghost.
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waterloggedsocks · 10 months
The Ghost of You
You hold up my infrastructure like a lone jenga brick, precarious in the middle of its tower. You don’t look both ways before crossing the street. There’s gum in your hair or gauze on your knees. You woke up with a nosebleed, gagging and gasping. You never learned to tie your shoes the usual way. You can still taste the iron lingering. You refused to comprehend the disconnect. She let your face hit the bitter metal fence. Something red leaks through the cracks, reintroduces itself. You’re greasy on purpose. Your discman skips a beat. You’re a ravenous, shaking animal, swinging your boots above the dumpster at lunch. Your brain was a birdcage. You waited, fetal, for your plumage to bloom. Some fractal flared its teeth, a vacuum in your guts. You scratched the paint from the latched bathroom door in teenage turmoil, like a dog begging to be someplace else. You burned all the evidence that you were ever younger. Your eyelashes crystallized and snot froze to your skin. You are an amalgam. Razorblades rattled in your jacket pocket. You were made of mercury, unknowingly. You were bewitched by a boring boy. You were a cicada writhing on the surface, larval and longing. You dressed for the funeral of whoever used to be you. You had X’s on your hands instead of on your eyes. You’re under a table remembering how to breathe. You were luminescent and desolate and decked out in litter and speckled with bleach and baring your tire tracks so apologetically. Your eyeliner’s running. I can see behind it. Dead leaves dissolve at your feet. You creak like a tree, you’re consoled like an earthworm in a warm palm, half-fried from the concrete. You’re a faded blue, you’re pilled flannel with your back to the sun. You’re muddy sneakers, you’re a fraying hem, you’re a shitty mullet, you’re the crusts cut off, you’re a freezing stream shocking autumn ankles, your grades are slipping, you’re asked if you’re a boy, you’re winded, you’re insomnia, you toss and turn in daylight, you think you should have been declawed, you’re havoc and disaster turned inside out. I don’t know that I could have protected you, and I don’t think you needed me to. My bones are less brittle, my breath less shallow, my fur a little thicker cause a part of me is you.
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legilimensims · 10 months
i live in a country where the sister of a girl murdered by her ex boyfriend, is being attacked and called a “satanist” by right-wing politicians and religious bigots, because of the gothic aesthetic of her instagram profile. according to these people, you can’t disavow “god” and not expect tragedies to come your way. simply put, she asked for it. a politician from my region even said SHE is the one who has to be investigated for the murder of her sister because *satanic ritual* *she bewitched the catholic boyfriend* *she wears eyeliner* *she is obviously troubled* *photo of inverted cross on her instagram* *she’s too lucid, doesn’t cry*. all of this because she went on tv, openly talked about patriarchy and toxic masculinity, and that clearly bothered a few thousands of snowflakes. I WISH i was kidding. italy 2023.
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