padyandmoonfoot · 11 months
“I’m bisexual, Sirius.”
Queue a very long pause. Sirius opened his mouth halfway, then closed it, and opened it again, and spit out, “You don’t fancy me, do you?”
James gave Sirius a weird look.
“Nah, I’m not all that into masculine men,” Remus said, slowly, almost testing the waters. Sirius laughed and paused again, before remembering,
“I was wearing a skirt last week, you prat, don’t insult me by calling me masculine.”
-excerpt from Masculinity by RoyalPrince24 (me!) on ao3
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By the Light of the Moon | Chapter One: Monster
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Stars Series | By the Light of the Moon
Trigger Warnings: Blood, Aftermath of Violence
The dark red against the dirty snow was a sickly sight to see, but it had nothing on the two mangled bodies of children that lay not far away. The two boys, each about ten years old, were hardly recognizable. Whatever had attacked them had not just killed them - it had torn them to shreds.
The man’s stomach felt uneasy as he stood from where he was crouched beside the bodies. In his job, he’d seen things like this several times before, but this had to have been the most bloody. With a shudder, he turned away from the bodies and caught sight of something that until then had been overlooked - a single bloody footprint in the snow. Only, it wasn’t human.
Taking a deep breath, the man turned from the scene entirely, ducking under the caution tape to join his partner. 
“It was Mrs. Randall, there, that found them,” a uniformed police officer told his partner as he approached them. They all looked in the direction of the nearest house, where a plump woman was standing on her back porch, her horrified eyes still fixed on the bodies. “Will you be needing to speak with her as well?”
“No,” answered the partner. “I think we’ll be alright with what you’ve told us already.”
“Anything else I can do to help, let me know,” the policeman said with a solemn bow of his head. 
“Before you go,” the man intervened, stopping the officer before he could walk away. “I did have one question.”
The officer looked cautiously from the man to his partner, then back. “Of course, Mr. - uh - ”
The officer’s confusion only grew. “Mr. Scamander.”
“Was there anyone around,” started Mr. Scamander, “anyone suspicious reported within the last couple of days?”
As he said this, his partner’s face slacked with the sudden realization, but the officer looked more astounded than ever. “No way could a person do this!” he exclaimed. “This was a beast! I’m sure of it!”
“Answer the question, Officer Roberts,” Scamander’s partner said, almost lazily. 
Officer Roberts looked extremely taken aback at this, as if he would’ve expected the man to be on his side instead of his partner’s. He gaped at both of the men, and answered hesitantly. “There’s been an uptick in the homeless population in this area, but they’re mostly drunks or shell-shocked vets! None of them could’ve done this, I’ll tell you that!”
“Those vagrants are more trouble than they’re worth, Roberts, and you know it!” shouted Mrs. Randall from her porch, in obvious disagreement. “Especially that horde of young ones that hang around in these here woods, scaring the wits out of everyone in the neighborhood!”
Both Mr. Scamander and his partner tilted their heads toward a red-faced Officer Roberts, their eyebrows raised at Mrs. Randall’s words. “Like I said,” Officer Roberts continued, flustered, “drunks! Probably just some Uni dropouts trying to live like beatniks. But there’s no way they could have done this! No human could have done this!”
Mr. Scamander ignored him, stepping towards the home of Mrs. Randall. “Do you think you could describe them to me, Mrs. Randall? Perhaps we could get a sketch or two going?”
“Certainly!” beamed Mrs. Randall, very glad to be of importance.
“Now hang on just one second!” cried Officer Roberts, fuming. “This is nothing more than an animal attack, Scamander! Surely this still falls under local jurisdiction! Now, I was happy to keep you Feds in the loop, but I will not stand by and let you take over my investigation!”
“Despite what you may think,” said Scamander, hardly even turning around, “this is no longer your jurisdiction, Roberts. Mr. Lupin,” he said, addressing his partner, “would you please escort Officer Roberts from the scene?”
“Certainly,” answered Lyall Lupin. Once Mr. Scamander had escorted Mrs. Randall back into her home and out of view, Lupin pulled out his wand, held it to Officer Robert’s temple, and uttered a simple word: “Obliviate.”
Nearly a month had passed before the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, headed by Dalton Scamander, were able to track down the ‘horde of young vagrants’ Mrs. Randall had described to them. As he suspected, two of the seven young men were listed on the Werewolf Registry, albeit under different names. All but one of the seven had reliable alibis for the night in question, including the two known werewolves. Only one remained.
“Get your hands off me, you fuckin’ coppers!” spat Fenrir Greyback to the two men struggling to bring him into the dark room. The rough-looking young man, with his hands restrained behind his back with a set of Muggle handcuffs violently shrugged the two men off of him, but as the door was shut and he turned to face a room full of about a half-dozen men, he made the wise decision not to struggle any more. 
An intimidated look on his weather-beaten face, Greyback moved towards the empty, metal chair at the center of the table. He turned his back to it, attempting to awkwardly pull it from the table with his bound hands. With no more than a slight twirl of Dalton Scamander’s wand, the metal cuffs fell to the floor with a clang, and Greyback blanched. “Have a seat, Mr. Greyback.”
“How the hell did you just - ”
“Have a seat,” said Scamander again, the patience gone from his voice. Hesitantly, Greyback did as he was told.
“What is all this?” Greyback asked immediately, his voice a bit shaky as he looked around at the strange men. “Why go to all this trouble? I admit it, I stole that bloody whiskey! Throw me in that damn cell like you always do and let me out the next day - it was just a petty theft! Don’t you people have more important things to deal with?” 
A few eyes of the Committee members drifted cautiously over to Scamander, but he seemed to ignore Greyback’s speech completely. “Do you know where you are, Mr. Greyback?”
Greyback’s eyes scanned around the room again, trying to meet the more sympathetic ones. After a moment he answered, “No.”
“You’re in the Ministry of Magic,” Scamander answered coolly, sitting forward and into the light. Greyback watched his face carefully, memorizing it. “In the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, to be more specific.”
There was a silence, a silence in which Greyback’s wide, wild eyes did not leave the calculative ones of Dalton Scamander. Slowly, he began to chuckle, and his chuckle quickly evolved into an all out laugh. “Quit pulling my fucking leg, copper, I haven’t gone mad yet! Magic? Creatures? What kind of sick joke are you tryin’ to - ”
“It’s no joke!” cut in an angry voice at the far end of the table. Greyback’s eyes drifted over to a man he would soon know as Lyall Lupin. “And it’s no petty theft you’re in for today!”
The amusement gone from his face, Greyback slowly turned back to Scamander, the obvious man in charge. “What’s he talking about?”
“Mr. Greyback,” Scamander drawled, interlocking his fingers on the table in front of him, “where were you on the night of the seventeenth of January?”
Greyback’s eyes narrowed, his bushy brows furrowing. “That was almost a fucking month ago!” he exclaimed. “How am I supposed to remember? What the hell do you think I’ve done?”
“On the morning of the eighteenth of January, two children were found dead at the edge of the forest that you and your friends have frequented for nearly a year. Now, I think you should try your hardest to remember where exactly you were on the night of the seventeenth of January.” 
His eyes were wide and glossy now. “K-Kids? You think I had something to do with the death of two kids?”
Impatiently, Scamander repeated, “Where were you the night of the seventeenth of January?”
“Probably at a bar with my mates!” he exclaimed defensively. “Ask Danny Anders, he’ll tell you!”
“We’ve already spoken to Mr. Anders, Mr. Greyback,” came a voice to the left of Scamander, an older man with square spectacles. “He was confirmed to be at the local pub on the night in question, alongside Mr. Lowe, Bates, and Silva. The other members of your little gang, Mr. Adkins and Mr. Garza, were confirmed to be out of town on that same night. None of them gave any mention whatsoever of you, Mr. Greyback.”
“Well they’re fucking lying, then!” shouted Greyback. “I was with Anders and the rest of them at that fucking pub!”
Scamander cut in again. “Are you aware, Mr. Greyback, that Abraham Lamb and Paul Massey, or as you would know them, Kyle Adkins and Bradley Garza, are both registered werewolves?”
“Werewolves?” The chuckle was back in Greyback’s voice. “Like that storybook creature from Little Red Riding Hood? Are you sure you’re not the one that’s gone mad?”
From his right, Mears leaned over to Scamander. “You sure about this, Dalton? He may not have a solid alibi, but he seems like nothing more than a Muggle tramp to me, like Anders and the rest of them were.”
“Don’t call me no fucking names!” Greyback growled. “What the hell is a Muggle, anyway?”
“Mears has got a point,” said Graff, and three more of the investigators nodded in agreement. “I don’t think he’s our man. Maybe we should check back in with Lamb and Massey.”
“Hang on,” Lupin cut in, looking incredulously at the rest of the investigators. “Don’t tell me you’re falling for this! This man’s got all the tell-tale signs of a werewolf! He’s covered in scars, he’s agitated, and he looks sick!”
“Lupin, this man’s a Muggle beggar!” exclaimed Graff. “He lives on the streets, like the rest of them! He’s probably just sick because he’s malnourished!”
“Or because the full moon’s approaching!”
“You’re grasping at strings here, Lupin,” chuckled Newell. Lupin, while respected, wasn’t very well liked among his colleagues. After getting rid of that Boggart in Strathtully, he’s had a bit of a hero complex.
“Yeah, a man without an alibi on the night of the attack with relations to known werewolves - really grasping at strings!” Lupin fumed. He turned to Scamander. “Dalton, come on. This is our man.”
Before Scamander could respond, Newell was chuckling again. “Lyall, you just stick to Welsh Boggarts, that’s what you’re good at.”
At the hardening look on Lupin’s face, Scamander quickly felt like he was losing control of his Committee. “And what if we set him free, and I’m right?” Lupin bit back, staring at Newell. “D’you want his next bloody murder of Muggle children on your conscience, Newell?”
“Lyall, please,” Scamander cut in, “even if we do release him, he’ll be surveilled until we find the werewolf responsible.”
“Then why don’t we just keep him in custody?” Lupin pleaded with Scamander. “The next moon’s only in twenty-four hours. Why don’t we just keep him until then?”
Newell scoffed. “You’re gonna make Scamander jump through all those administrative hoops just for twenty-four hours?”
“You’re suggesting we set him free just to avoid the paperwork?” Lupin seethed, getting to his feet. In a burst of rage, he slammed his fist on the table, and pointed angrily to Greyback with his other hand. “This is the werewolf! This monster tore those two kids to shreds! You saw it, Scamander! You saw what he did! He’s soulless, evil, and deserving of nothing but death, like all his other werewolf friends!”
The room went silent, and as Dalton Scamander swallowed and closed his eyes, he missed the dark shadow that passed over Fenrir Greyback’s face. “Take a walk, Lupin,” Scamander said quietly, restraint in his voice.
“Dalton - ”
“I said take a walk.”
For several moments, Lyall did not move, merely gaping at his superior, a man he respected above all others, a man that he thought for sure would be on his side. His eyes shifted to a smirking Newell, and he shut his mouth, storming out of the room without another word.
After another breathless moment, Scamander looked up at Greyback, who sat back in his chair, still as a statue. “I apologize on behalf of Mr. Lupin’s outburst,” he said rather reluctantly. “Let’s continue on with the investigation, shall we?”
The investigation didn’t last much longer. With Lupin gone, Scamander was the only one that wasn’t fully convinced that Fenrir Greyback was just a lowly Muggle tramp, and without any damning evidence, Dalton was forced to follow procedure, and release him. Newell and Mears stood to escort him out and obliviate him, but surprisingly Scamander stood with them.
He took Greyback a little roughly by the arm as they left the room, and hissed into his ear, “Don’t think that you’ve gotten off yet, Greyback. You might have them all convinced, but not me. I’ll be seeing you again, I can promise you that.” And he turned away, stalking angrily down the hall, leaving Greyback to Newell and Mears. His back to him, Scamander once again missed the dark shadow that fell over Greyback’s face, this time accompanied with the slightest smirk.
Yes, thought the werewolf, I can promise you that, too.
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cwtchartsworld · 1 month
James: Lily is hot.
James: Frank is hot.
James: Why is everyone so hot???
Remus: Global warming.
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llinstarr · 18 days
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My poor boy😔
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"It's not gay if you have socks on"
-Sirius Black after kissing remus for the first time
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werewolflupin7 · 2 months
Sirius 'want to fuck Remus so hard on his special day' Black
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izabesos · 2 years
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just showing remus lupin some love
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impishtubist · 7 months
The only reason fandom is so obsessed with Remus nowadays is because y'all just gave him all of Sirius's traits. Oh, he's broad-shouldered and tall and has thick thighs and he's a daddy and a top and a dom and an athlete and buff and soooooo handsome and a Casanova who has slept with half the school and also he's into women??? Babe you just described Sirius from the early 2000s 😂
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heliosinwater · 6 months
i used to hate bi remus and i literally don't know why
bi remus for the win like wtf
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accio-sriracha · 5 months
The Marauders and their Gay Awakenings.
With an odd twist of fate James, Sirius, and Remus all had their gay awakenings on the same day.
It was the first summer they all spent together at the Potter's home
Remus was in the dining room with Peter watching Sirius dance with Mrs. Potter to music playing in the background.
Something clicked in his brain as Sirius placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and hugged her with more care than he'd ever seen.
It was such a different side to him, comfortable and seeming so at home.
Watching him treat James like a brother, and his mum with so much adoration and respect, made Remus realise he could spend the rest of his life raising a family with this man.
Remus was from then on effectively fucked.
Sirius also realised he was gay that day.
Peter slept in James' room, leaving Remus alone with Sirius.
Remus came back from his shower, his hair wet and his pajama pants hanging loosely from his hips.
He picked up a book and read a few chapters, his nail caught between his teeth.
Sirius had seen this a million times before, Remus always read before he went to sleep.
But never had Remus read, shirtless and gorgeous, in Sirius' bedroom.
Something clicked in his brain that day too, and he realised he wanted to fall asleep like this beside Remus every night for the rest of his life.
It's safe to say he was equally just as fucked.
Ironically, James' bi awakening was also that day, and also from Remus.
Remus had long legs, so it was only natural he took up more space under the table.
James, being the pestering but lovable idiot that he was, was trying to annoy Remus by playing footsie with him.
Unfortunately for James, this happened to occur while Remus was- unnecessarily sensually- eating a popsicle.
James excused himself to go to the restroom and didn't resurface for another half an hour.
He moved on from that incident and continued to be whole heartedly devoted to the one and only Lily Evans.
Only now, a proud asf bisexual, and slightly less comfortable sitting directly across from Remus at the dinner table.
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By the Light of the Moon | Remus Lupin
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Remus Lupin and Thaddeus Scamander were not a pair many would put together. One a Gryffindor, the other a Slytherin, the two seemed to be about as different as they could be, but it was not their similarities that brought them together - it was a shared past.
They had a common monster in their closet, and while it was able to get one of them, the other had been able to escape by the luck of his raw, uncontrolled magic. And yet, they are both haunted.
As war looms ever closer, the oh-so-different boys find themselves side-by-side, brutally torn apart, and side-by-side yet again. Two boys are forced to become men, horribly alone for both the same and vastly different reasons. Could they find comfort and safety in the form of one another, or will they be forever cursed by the light of the moon?
Warning: This story is rated Mature for dark themes and graphic depictions of violence. Reader discretion advised. I will always provide a warning for chapters containing particularly rough scenes. 
Read on AO3; read on Wattpad
Stars Series
Chapter One: Monster 
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crimsonlovebartylus · 7 months
mexican james x chilean lily are so dear to me 🥹 - and the fact they're both soccer fanatics, and any time mexico vs chile happens, they're jokingly insulting each other and saying how the opposite team sucks, and how they make bets with each other and "fight" about which team harry will like more.
plot twist: remus gets harry to like the argentinian team the most and sirius buys him a messi jersey - while lily calls him a chilean traitor.
and in another corner you have barty trying to get draco and luna and harry to like the sweden soccer team, while regulus tries to convince them that the chilean team is better but little harry keeps showing them his messi shirt.
and obviously you have marlene and dorcas and mary trying to logically explain that brazil is better than all those teams.
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anunfortunatekinlist · 7 months
note to marauders fandom: just cause you add a bunch of queer characters and poc xcharacters to your fanfics, it doesn’t mean your inclusive and understanding
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One year on Remus's birthday, Sirius got a wolf tattoo that covered his whole back. It glows different colours to show his mood. Sirius was always asking barty to check which colour it was when he was in azakban. It was always blue because remus was always sad without him. Until one day, when sirius had broken out of azakban and remus had just found out Peter was still alive. His tattoo was green because remus was so happy that sirius wasn't a traitor.
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oxydiane · 2 years
albus: dad there’s something i need to tell you… i like boys
harry: oh me too
albus: ?
james: well that makes the three of us what the hell
teddy: anybody in this house likes pussy?
lily: [slowly raises hand]
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impishtubist · 8 days
Do you say "bi people exist, but remus isn't one of them" only because you hate remadora or do you really think he wouldn't fit with any female character at all? And if, why is that?
So @lizlemonbennet had a really good explanation of this that I need her to dig up for you (a quick search of her blog didn't turn up what I wanted), but essentially if you were someone reading the books in the '90s/'00s as they were coming out, Remus was heavily coded as a gay man. And then to have HBP/DH give us whiplash where he all of a sudden was heterosexual (because we know that JKR doesn't know bi people exist and never intended for anyone to read him as anyone but heterosexual, lol joke's on her)....nah. Sorry, JKR. I'm not buying your sudden bullshit that he's interested in women.
However, sometimes I'll post about him and an older woman for the bit, like Madam Rosmerta being the one to take his virginity or Poppy giving him a handjob after a full moon while his hands are all bandaged, lol. The more taboo, the better! Besides, he might have experimented a bit before realizing his sexuality.
But yes I loathe particular ship so much it literally makes me see red, haha. I can't say that about too many ships, tbh! It's quite an accomplishment JKR pulled off.
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