#birthday fest 2021
blouisparadise · 10 months
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Here are some amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of November. We hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Threes Company | Not Rated | 1,613 words
Alpha Harry gets knot deep in another man’s omega, Louis, while he watches.
2) You've Had A Bad Day | Explicit | 2,034 words
Harry's had a really bad day at work, and Louis takes care of his husband. Fluff and smut ensue.
3) Synced Cycles | Explicit | 2,110 words
Harry sniffs loudly, eyes widening as he smells oranges, a smile creeping onto his face. “You’re going into heat soon. And I’m–” “Going into rut.” Louis can’t keep his excitement down. They’ve been wanting their cycles synced for months, and now it’s finally happening. Harry is going to be the ideal alpha, exactly how Louis begs for him to be when he’s in heat. And Louis is going to be the submissive, pleading omega for him. Fuck.
4) A Night To Remember | Explicit | 3,225 words
“If you’re going to act like a dog, panting all over another woman. Then you can get treated like one.” Louis’ legs were crossed perfectly one over the other, his thick thighs squished in a way that made Harry feel like he might just drool. Louis laughed. “Strip and get on your fucking knees, Harry.”
5) Family Meetings | Mature | 3,555 words
Louis and Harry are coming out to Louis' family. His sisters are curious about a lot of things.
6) It’s Times Like These When We’re Backstage | Explicit | 3,784 words
Louis keeps having company during the UK leg of the tour as well...
7) Softer Than Satin | Explicit | 4,077 words
“Wanna go back to bed,” Louis whispered languidly, voice partly muffled by his boyfriend’s lips on his. “Mm, but we just got up, baby,” Joel murmured. Lips touching softly with each syllable. Hands groping the soft flesh around Louis’ hips, kneading at the skin there and feeling his curves.
8) Skating Through Love  | General Audiences | 4,082 words
Alpha Harry gets jealous of seeing Louis being friendly with Alpha Zayn.
9) Always Tell The Truth | Not Rated | 5,027 words
Harry is Louis' dentist and getting a wisdom tooth removed shouldn't be the end of the world.
10) You Were Always Mine | Explicit | 5,948 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 45: A/B/O fic where Louis and Harry have a lot of mutual friends but they don’t get along (mostly Louis doesn’t like Harry). One day, Louis turns up on Harry’s doorstep covered in blood and asking for help. (Inspiration: Prompt #126 from the BLFF 2021).
11) Spaces Between Us, Hold All Our Secrets | Not Rated | 6,441 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
The thing about Harry is, is that he is the most wonderful guy you´ll ever meet. He is kind, compliments you on things you are usually insecure about, which shows he truly pays attention to who you are as a person. And he befriends everyone. Except Louis.
12) Leave Like The Summer Breeze | Explicit | 6,551 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
When Louis and Zayn are stranded in Alabama, a farmer offers them shelter. He just asks for one thing in return.
13) Your Name Is Tattooed To The Bottom Of My Heart | Explicit | 6,613 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 114: a PWP where Louis gets an arse tattoo with Harry’s name for his birthday.
14) The Writing On the Wall | Explicit | 6,705 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
When BookToker Louis receives a gift basket filled with all his favorite sweets, wines, and stuffed animals alongside the new Harry Styles book, he's shocked at the story he finds in the pages.
15) We Can Follow The Sparks | Mature | 6,724 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“I, uhm, this is gonna sound weird, but my friend is an ER doctor and he kinda taught me what to do in this kind of situation,” the man takes a step closer to Louis, “He said a close presence of an unmated alpha and light scenting should keep an omega from dropping, so I, uh, I can help you.”
16) Making A Mess In The Kitchen | Explicit | 7,336 words
Harry and Louis have sex in the kitchen at their work.
17) Muffins & Cigarettes | Mature | 7,591 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis pouts. “You can’t pout your way into this, Louis”, Harry said as he was fixing his tie, watch and rings glinting against the soft sunlight filtering through the window. “Of course, I can. Watch me.”
18) The Freak Called ‘Jezebel’ | Mature | 8,339 words
“Zayn!” Harry said the moment he got inside the room, his voice loud and clear as it touched the four walls of the room. His voice bellowing and ricocheting on their own without Harry raising his voice. Without hesitation, from where he’s sat in the sole incredibly detailed piece of architecture in the whole room, Harry calmly said, “I am going for a vacation.”
19) Hello, My Name Is Louis | Mature | 9,686 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis hurried to hang up the phone and take off his headset, throwing it away as if it was burning hot. He hugged himself by the shoulders and hid his face in his knees, sitting in his desk chair like a swimmer ready to dip into a pool, a pool of embarrassment. Not many people got past "Hello, my name is… " and even fewer engaged in a full conversation with him. And if they did, it usually went better than this.
20) Succubus | Teen & Up | 10,688 words
Harry couldn’t help but read the words loudly and when this make a demon apper in his bed calling him master and intitling itself his “sucubos” he have to figure how to deal with this little boy. “- Who are you? - the boy says confused looking at the boy in his bed who blinks his eyes slowly. - My name is Louis, you called me - he said melodious getting up and going to the alpha - I'm your succubus and I'm here to serve my master - he said falling on his knees and looking up - do you want something my lord? - he said and harry widened his eyes looking around.
21) Part Time Soulmates (Full Time Problem) | Mature | 12,072 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Sworn enemies Harry and Louis are soulmates. Everything is going smoothly until the pain hits.
22) Wait Until You’re Sure | Explicit | 13,042 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 465: Louis and Harry are best friends who made a pact. If neither of them has found love by the time they’re 30, then they’ll get married. It was all laughter and fun until Harry realizes they’re celebrating his 30th birthday and in a few months, Louis is gonna be 30 too. So, he struggles to find someone for Louis to avoid being together, but Louis just keeps rejecting all men Harry introduces to him (because he has feeling for him, of course), which really upsets Harry. They argue about that and Louis says something like “wow, it’s that bad to be with me?,” accepting that Harry simply doesn’t feel the same. Louis moves for a couple of months with another friend and Harry has all this time to understand his feelings, realizing that he loves Louis too and wants to be with him. But when he goes to tell him, Louis is already seeing someone else. So what’s Harry gonna do to get Louis back?
23) With Gilded Wolves On The Wall | Explicit | 13,300 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
The night was cold and bitter, much as he was. Though it was only early evening, darkness had already fallen over Winterfell, the snow a thick white blanket coating the grounds and the spires of the First Keep. It wouldn’t be Winter for a while according to his father, but Harry could tell that it now felt like it was on its way. The cold wind whipped his dark, tousled curls back and forth, biting at his cheeks until they were pink. He wrapped his fur lined cloak tightly around his tall frame to keep out the cold. It worked for the most part. “I won’t marry him,” Harry said into the night, his voice steady and confident; the exact opposite of how he felt. If he hadn’t known better, he’d have thought she left since he was only met with silence. Dead leaves rustled in the trees below like they were whispering their approval of his defiance against his family’s orders. “You will,” Anera replied calmly, her expression neutral.
24) Autumn At Fairbridge Hall | Mature | 14,438 words
It is October 1817. Mr Louis Tomlinson hosts an Autumn Ball and a Fox Hunting Party at his estate Fairbridge Hall, intending to find suitable husbands for his younger sisters.
25) Wedding Bells Will Never Ring For Me | Explicit | 14,807 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
After a failed proposal a few years back, Louis gets an unexpected invitation to his ex - Harry’s – wedding
26) In Deep Devotion | Explicit | 15,672 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“I think the folk here think I’m an Omega,” Harry voices out loud. His suspicions began shortly after he arrived to Wright. Wherever he goes, this strange behavior follows. That type of treatment reserved for Omegas.
27) Bend The Rules | Explicit | 16,823 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 588: Lous hires a ‘ghost cooking’ service because his family is worried he’s not eating well and he wants to impress them by showing them what an amazing cook he’s become. The service includes sending a discreet cook to your house and have them get everything ready so that you only serve and take the credit. Problem is, his sisters (can be OCs if that’s more comfortable) get to his flat earlier than planned and the actual cook has to hide in the master bathroom for hours. Louis is mortified. The cook is amused and helps him to clean and well. Gives him a thorough service. Feel free to pick your fave as the cook.
28) Give My Heart A Holiday | Not Rated | 17,222 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
AU where Louis and someone else both like Harry but Harry obviously likes Louis and is oblivious to the other person with scenes like Harry’s sitting with his legs on the coffee table and the other person wants to walk across and Harry doesn’t see them, so they have to say excuse me, but when Louis wants to cross he doesn’t even have to say anything because Harry sits up, puts his feet down, and gives his undivided attention to Louis.
29) Wait For Me | Explicit | 17,454 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Moving to a new place always comes with a few challenges. For Harry, it’s trying to start over after his divorce, while still doing his best taking care of his son. Though just like every parent, he is not infallible, so some mistakes are bound to be made, settling into his new role as a single-dad. For his son, Davie, moving means he has to get used to all the changes happening in his life through no fault of his own. Discovering a secret passageway on their new property lets him form an unlikely friendship with the young man and his dog he finds on the other side.
30) Death Wish | Explicit | 22,067 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis hates vampires, he lives his life trying to kill as many as he can, night after night, year after year. He hates them. Then why the fuck is he kissing one? Again. “I mean it, Harry.” Louis says, into his mouth this time. “You need to get the fuck away from me.”
31) When We Were Young | Explicit | 22,744 words
The one where Harry finally meets Louis again after 13 years of no contact. Could they move on from the past?
32) All Tumults And Feelings | Explicit | 24,458 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Carlos Sainz Jr. This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
The search for euphoria in a world that seems to be spinning out of control is perhaps what drove Louis to visit the heart of a city as vibrant as Barcelona. Everything is warm and bright on his holidays, even at night, where he finds solace in desperate lips and comfort in beautiful brown eyes that break his heart by making him realize that he has always been more fond of emerald tones covering the irises of his lovers.
33) There is Thunder in Our Hearts | Explicit | 39,649 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
1986, Hawkins Indiana. Stoner, nerdy, metalhead Harry Styles sells drugs to the boy of his dreams, seemingly perfect overachiever, head Cheerleader Louis Tomlinson. It wasn't supposed to become a Thing.
34) Define Me Again | Mature | 54,385 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
He's never felt so frightened in his life before, so fucking terrified for himself. And Louis. He looked down at their hands, which seemed to have been connected throughout the incident. He looked at the ring on Louis' hand, for the nth time that day. His heart hurt so bad now, he was terrified. He wanted to do so many things, he wanted to check on louis, if he- if he- God he couldn't even think about it. "Louis," he tried to whisper, but nothing but air came out from his mouth. "I love you, Harry," whispered a voice. But it was nowhere near him. Visions attacked his mind, rapidly flickering through like one would do the pages of a book. He was terrified. His entire life literally flashed in his mind, vision growing more and more weak and he fought unconsciousness. Memories and the picture of Louis lying unconscious in front of him altered and flickered, so rapidly that he felt dizzy with how fast his mind was whirring. What happens when you die? God he was so, so, so, fucking terrified. All his senses gave out, last thing he felt was Louis' hand in his and then, everything went black.
35) The Face Of Love’s Rage | Explicit | 67,421 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“What if I tell you,” the princess said slowly, “I can get you five kingdoms and a lover?” Harry’s brows rose. “Only five?” he said mockingly. “And a lover. Don’t forget the lover.” “I have a lover.” “Do you?” the omega tilted her head, smiling, “I think right now, you have a consort, two friends, and a hostage. If you marry Julien, you will lose a friend and gain another hostage. Do you want him as a hostage or as a friend?” Harry’s temper was about to snap and break all hell loose. His hands itched to do something with the wild creature in front of him, with her untamed spirit that seemed to mock his authority and challenge his very presence. Abigail Tomlinson, with all her secrets and sins, defied not only his status, but everyone who dared to get in her way. Always making everyone aware that the only reason she was still there wasn’t because Harry let her, but because she wanted to be. Seven kingdoms, two sinners and one big secret.
36) Don't Change Me | Not Rated | 157,550 words
Once in every fifty years, the moon shines brightly over the town of Holmes Chapel for 24 hours. The moment it turns red, any alpha pack leader becomes incredibly and outrageously powerful. For approximately two hours until it subsides, the alpha has the power to change any secondary gender. For example, an alpha can turn another alpha into a beta or omega and so forth. It doesn't matter if the chosen person agrees or disagrees, they have no choice. Once the decision is made, there is no turning back. All it takes to seal the deal...is the alphas howl to the moon, proclaiming their intentions as they stand around a bonfire, where the change will take place immediately. How is Louis going to react when his best friend and alpha leader retracts his alpha status, turning him into an omega so they can mate? Especially when Harry doesn't talk to him about it first.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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bridenore · 6 months
Recs masterlist part three : past fests
I’ve been doing drarry recs posts every week for a while and it’s getting harder and harder to navigate through all theses posts. So here is a masterlist of all the posts I made so far.
Note : the masterlist is now split into three parts. I have apparently reached the maximum number of links you can include in a single post. Part one is here Favorites, authors, themes and length and part two is here Ongoing fests.
Last updated : March 25th 2024 (Added since last update)
Previous update : September 25th 2023
Past Fests (the last edition was held before 2022)
Big Bangs : Harry Big Bang 2015, HD Big Bang 2011, Draco Big Bang 2010, Big Bang Baby 2008, Big Bang Baby 2007, Big Bang Baby 2005
Consent fest : 2019, 2018
Daily Deviant : Banging Birthday 2020
Harry submits : 2012
HD Canon fest : 2011
HD Collab : 2019
HD Eight Year : 2015
HD Glompfest : 2019, 2017, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
HD Holidays : 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 winter, 2007 summer, 2006
HD Hurtfest : 2020 , 2016, 2015, 2014
HD Inspired : Animagus, Back to school, Mpreg
HP Creature fest : 2016
HD Remix : 2021, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 , 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2007, 2006
HD Smoochfest : 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009
HD Tropes : 2019, 2016, 2014, 2013
HD World Cup : 2009, 2008
HP Animagus Fest : 2021
HP Creature Fest : 2016
HP Kinkfest : 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010
Special events :  Lock Down fest 2020
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There are so many great resources for Choices content creators, but it can be hard to keep track of all the different things. So here is my attempt to compile a list. Please message me here or @lovealexhunt​ if you know of something else. I’ll keep this updated as new things open too.
⟢Monthly Challenges⟢
September — @choicescommunityevents [Prompts]
October — @choicesmonthlychallenge [Prompts]
November — Tentatively Taken
December — Open
Prompts for the monthly challenges usually post around the 20th of the month prior. If a host drops out, I note it here. Please be patient as we all have lives outside of Choices. 
⟢Celebration + Themed Events⟢
September: Smutember: @choicesprompts [Prompts]
September 25-29: Hayden Young Appreciation Week: @haydenyoungappreciationweek [Prompts]
October: Horror Fest: @choiceshorrorfest [Prompts]
October 9-15: Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week: @aidenzhouappreciationweek [Prompts]
October 25: Nadia Park Appreciation Day: @nadiaparkappreciationweek
November 15-19: King Liam Appreciation Week: @kingliamappreciationweek
Know of any celebration weeks? Send me a message!
⟢Other Events & Things⟢
Non-Canon Secret Pal Exchange @choicescommunityevents
Fall Choices Book Reading Challenge @choicescommunityevents
@choicesficwriterscreations: Fic/Art of the week, WIP, Throwback, and other special events
Fandom Birthdays​ 🥳  [list here]
​Choices Book Club : @choicesbookclub​ [Event Info]
⟢Not Currently Active⟢
@moodmusicmonday​ (Monday music prompts)
@choicesflashfics (weekly dialogue prompts)
⟢ Past Monthly Challenges ⟢
2024 Monthly Challenges
2023 Monthly Challenges
2022 Monthly Challenges
2021 Monthly Challenges
2020 Monthly Challenges
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narutoevents · 1 year
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2023 EVENTS!
Open Interest Checks
SasoDei Week 2024
Neji Week 2024
MadaObi Mondays
List of Character Birthdays
Monthly Events
Multifandom - Year of the OTP
November 2023
MadaTobi Big Bang - Artist signups - all Nov
Sakura Zine Preorders - Nov 10th - Dec 10th
Founders Week - Nov 20th - 26th
Rock Lee Week - Nov 21st - 27th
December 2023
NaruHina Month - All Dec
Naruto Vacation Week - Dec 26th - Jan 2nd
Akatsuki Gift Exchange - Gifts Posted ???
January 2024
Naruto Vacation Week - Dec 26th - Jan 2nd
TobiIzu Week - Jan 1st - 7th
ButsuTaji Week - Jan 9th - 16th
ShikaNeji Week 2024 - Jan 15th - 21st
KakaSaku Dead Dove Week - Jan 22nd - 28th
Aburame Shino Week - Jan 22nd - 26th
February 2024
Izuna Week - Feb 4th - 10th
KakaIru Valentines - Feb 8th - 14th
SasoDei Week - Feb 22nd - 28th
March - May 2024
June 2024
SasuKarin Month - all June
Potential Events????
Gaara Week 2024
Aburame Week 2024
Semi-Public Discord Servers
Ino Supremacy
Past Events
January 2023
Gaara Week - Jan 12th - 19th
February 2023
Izuna Week - Feb 4th - 10th
SasoDei Week - Feb 22nd - 28th
March 2023
FemFounders Week - Mar 4th - 6th
LeeSaku Week - Mar 20th - 26th
Sakura Week (twt) - Mar 22nd - 28th
Kisame Birthday Bash - Mar 17th - 19th
April 2023
KakaIta Week - Apr 24th - 30th
ShikaSaku Week - Apr 28th - May 5th
May 2023
ShikaSaku Week - Apr 28th - May 5th
HashiMito Week - May 1st - 7th
June 2023
MultiFandom Pride Parade - June 3rd - 11th
SakuHina Week (twt) - June 5th - 11th
ShisuSaku Week - June 26th - July 2nd
KakaIru Themed Gift Exchange Signups - All June
Naruto Calendar Contributor Apps - All June
Naruro Rare Pair Month - All June
SasuKarin Month (twt) - All June
MultiSaku Month - All June
July 2023
SasuHina Month - All July
SasuSaku Month (twt) - All July
KakaGai Tanabata - July 7th
HashiMada Week - July 9th - 15th
MinaKushi Week - July 10th - 16th
Team Minato Week - July 24th - 30th
ShisuSaku Weekend - July 28th - 30th
KakaGai Smut Week  - July 30th - Aug 3rd
Naruto Rare Pair Week - July 30th - Aug 5th
August 2023
Hyuga Clan Week (tw) - July 31st - Aug 6th
Founders Tarot Zine - Preorders - all August
NejiTen Month - all August
Kisame Week - Aug 6th - 13th
Kakuzu Week - Aug 9th - 15th
KakaSaku Week - Aug 6th - 12th 
ItaSaku Week - Aug 21st - 27th
September 2023
Founders Tarot Zine - Preorders - close Sept 7th
Naruto Labor Day Mini Bang - Sept 1st - 4th
Kakashi Week - Sept 10th - 17th
Nagato Week Bingo - Sept 12th - 19th
Akatsuki Gift Exchange signup - Sept 12th - Oct 1st
HashiMada Gift Exchange signup - Sept 15th - Oct 15th
GaaSaku Fanfest - all Sept
MadaTobi Big Bang - Writer/Beta Signups - all Sept
MadaTobi Big Bang - Artist Signups - all Sept - Nov
October 2023
SasuNaruSasu Month - all Oct
MadaTobi Big Bang - Artist Signups - all Oct
Naruto Kinktober - all Oct
Akatsuki Gift Exchange signup - Sept 12th - Oct 1st
NejiTen Gift Exchange signup - Sept 29th - Oct 20th
Fest no Jutsu - Work Reveals - Oct 8th
HashiMada Gift Exchange - Sept 15th - Oct 15th
KakaYama Week - Oct 1st - 7th
Shisui Bingo - Oct 15th - 21st
Hashirama Week - Oct 16th - 23rd
ShiIta Weekend - Oct 20th - 22nd
AkaSaku Halloween - Oct 19th - 30th
TobiDei Week - Oct 21st - 29th
KakaGai Halloween - Oct 28th - 31st
Naruto Cookbook Preorders - Oct 15th - Nov 15th
KakuHida Week - Oct 30th - Nov 6th
November 2023
KakuHida Week - Oct 30th - Nov 6th
Tenzo Week - Nov 1st - 10th
MadaTobi Week - Nov 5th - 11th
Sasori Week - Nov 5th - 11th
Nohara Rin Week - Nov 12th - 18th
Founders Week - Nov 20th - 26th
Rock Lee Week - Nov 21st - 27th
2021 Archived
2022 TBA?
2024 >>
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foxes-that-run · 1 year
2020 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
21 January - Andrea treated for brain tumor and chemo
29 January - Harry shoots the watermelon sugar MV in Malibu. The director later says “The production process was fast! We shot in a location in Malibu. It was a private beach at this amazing house. Harry actually owns a watermelon farm in a secret location that we can’t disclose. So the day before the shoot we went with our whole crew, make-up artists, set decorators, focus pullers you name it! We all rolled up our sleeves, got stuck in and did the biggest harvest anyone in the USA has ever seen!”
31 January - Miss Americana documentary released.
2 February - Harry at Glenne Christiaansen's (Jeff's GF) birthday in Los Angeles. Huge whale cake that gets on his face.
3 February - Harry arrives London
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14 February - Harry played Two Ghosts on Radio 2, the only time since 2018, anniversary of Style MV release. He also covered Joni Mitchell Big Yellow Taxi.  Taylor also in London for NME awards, Joe goes with her. She says hello to every one there including Matty Healy. Harry is robbed at knifepoint.
18 February - Harry at Brit awards, went to same after party as Kendall
23 February - Harry's Tiny Desk Concert recorded in LA, the Lover CD Is in the background. Taylor was there in October.
24 February - Taylor and Joe in London for his birthday, arrived under umbrellas carrying a dictionary, Ed laughing.
26 February - Harry on today show in colour block cardigan. Xander watches with Jeff rumour he then visited Xander Ritz in phlli.
28 February - Harry's Sirius XM Secret Session for Fine Line. Harry tells a story about wawa with Xander. Seen with Xander in ny
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1 March - Harry SNL after party
2 March - Harry's last pre-pandemic show is at the Bowery Ballroom. Replaces the Beachwood cafe with Bowery ballroom in falling.
5 March - When Howard Stern asked Harry about marriage his response was "People’s relationships are different now, everyone’s open 👀 and people have different things."
13 March - US Travel ban (except UK), California Shelter in place orders. 17 March UK Travel ban. 16 March Taylor posts asking fans to cancel plans and stay home, shares photo so Meredith
17 March UK travel ban
18 March - Harry driving in La with Xander
25 March - Announced HSLOT rescheduled to 2021
27 March - Harry releases “at home with Harry styles” pandemic playlist with Zane Lowe. ‘This will be our year’ is #13, 27 songs. Includes blue nile, later mentioned on TTPD
March - June Taylor and Harry stuck in LA for 3 months. Harry told Zane Lowe he was in LA, stayed home for 6 weeks then booked and went to Shangri-la studio to record. LNT, Daylight, keep driving and Sushi. (24 Mins)
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2 April - Harry seen riding a motorcycle beside Kendall Jenner and Fai Khadra.
5 April Harry seen in la and again
11 April - Harry drives his mercedes convertible in Beverly Hills same as Taylor had in Begin Again
17 April - 2020 Lover Fest tour postponed to 2021, later cancelled. Told Zane Folklore started then. Joe IG photo of Benjamin
18 April - Taylor soon you'll get better
29 April - Joe instagram photos
19 May Taylor releases City of Lover
21 May - Harry rode electric bike LA
25 May - date Too Much Sauce leak recorded. Still in LA
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31 May - Taylor records video in Long Pond about home studio. Joe school thing
22 June - rumours Harry messaging Daisy Lowe.
29 June - Harry seen in London
9 July - Harry Styles Sleep story
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18 July - Harry back in uk, drove to Italy and back with Tomo Campbell, he talks about this in the Zane interview. Driving moustache photo in HH CD
Over the summer Styles took a road trip with his artist friend Tomo Campbell through France and Italy, setting off at four in the morning and spending the night in Geneva, where they jumped in the lake “to wake ourselves up.” At the end of the trip Styles drove home alone, accompanied by an upbeat playlist that included “Aretha Franklin, Parliament, and a lot of Stevie Wonder. It was really fun for me,” he says. “I don’t travel like that a lot. I’m usually in such a rush, but there was a stillness to it. I love the feeling of nobody knowing where I am, that kind of escape…and freedom.” Harry for Vogue
20 July folklore announced 17 hours before its release. William Bowery is credited for Exile and Betty. Released on 1D's 10 year anniversary. In the Zane interview, Taylor says they continued working on Evermore.
31 July - Harry with a fan in Italy in an outfit in his later post about making Harry’s House. Also driving a tractor in Italy.
13 August - Harry followed Yan Yan on IG and liked some posts
17 August Harry in Studio in Bath. Recorded Daylight, Sushi, Keep Driving and Late night talking in this period.
3 September - Taylor posts about iHeartAwards from home
? September - Long Pond was recorded with Joe as WB and Tis the Damn Season written, Doretha already written.
6 September - Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudekis at beach in Malibu with Nanny and kids. In the 2022 Nanny tell all the Nanny said they were happy then but Olivia told Harry it had been over for a while when it had not been.
11 September, Olivia Wilde met and cast Harry in Don't worry Darling, filming began October.
16 September - Taylor performed Betty in person at ACM awards in Nashville.
18 September Harry in London
22 September - Harry driving car and boat in Italy filming golden
27 September Harry in LA
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6 October - Harry dinner with mystery girl
25 October - OW carrying Bode bag later thought about Harry
26 October - DWD starts filming
28 October - Harry signs a record and a fan posts a letter than his car broke down and he fed their fish. Deux moi said it was a cover because his friend with benefits was house sitting. The friend with benefits is thought to be Nicole branch.
5 November - DWD halts production due to COVID on set. In tell all the Nanny said Olivia moved out down the street 'that is how she left us' because of COVID on set which was true. Jason Sudukis also later says to GQ they broke up in November
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11 November - Harry films Valiant Roar scene in DWD, which includes Dita Von Teese who later repeats the Scene in the Bejeweled Music Video. Also described in Rolling Stone article with OW and possibly referred to in loml as valiant roar. Date odly specified in DWD BTS, also dinner party scene, OW wears Harry's pink beanie in the BTS during dinner party scene.
12 November Deux Moi posts that a “one direction heartthrob” and “a list singer” used the same private chef
13 November - Harry on cover of Vogue, after this the Peace ring only appeared occasionally
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25 November long pond sessions on Disney + Joe announced as William Bowery
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26 November Harry returns to la to film DWD, California maybe written here
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3 December - DWD filming palm springs. Fan says they served Harry and OW at Apple Pan
11 December evermore released, taylor’s zane lowe interview, at 49:34 she pauses a lot and struggles to talk about Joe being William Bowery.
19 December Harry jingle ball seems flat
30 December - 7 photos of Joe and Taylor thought to be taken 31 December 2016 hack/leak. Only 7 photos?? She is wearing a pink wig while he shaves. OW wearing necklace she later says was a gift from Harry.
Continue to 2021
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heliotropeforyou · 11 months
if anyone wants to know how much beef I have with when the last time which characters got R/SR/SSR cards and how many of each cards they have, here's some info based off Japan server (note: for SSR I do not count any dorm/birthdays/clubwear as the latest cards as those are eventuals for every character)
additional note: this info is taken from looking at twistedwonderland.wiki.gg and does not look at reruns
p.s.: the total amount of cards does count pe/school for R as in TWO cases those are the only R cards they have 🫠 and 4th birthday/clubwear for SSR for characters that already have it (characters that have 4th birthday or clubwear will be mentioned in the total count)
p.p.s.: wanted to mention firelit sky 2 is the same event as firelit sky but since Vil's banner was only released with the rerun the years are different
Cater - R Beans Camo (2020), SR Playful Land (2023), SSR Halloween1 (2020)
Total: 3 R, 7 SR, 6 SSR (with clubwear)
Trey - R Playful Land (2023), SR Halloween2 (2021), SSR Outdoor Wear (2022)
Total: 5 R, 4 SR, 7 SSR (with 4th birthday and clubwear)
Riddle - R Glorious Masquerade (2022), SR Stitch (2023), SSR Tsum1 (2022)
Total: 3 R, 5 SR, 6 SSR
Deuce - R Tsum2 (2023), SR Glorious Masquerade (2022), SSR Rabbit (2023)
Total: 4 R, 5 SR, 6 SSR
Ace - R School/PE (2020), SR Stitch (2023), SSR Playful Land (2023)
Total: 2 R, 6 SR, 8 SSR (with 4th birthday and clubwear)
Leona - R Outdoor (2021), SR Playful Land (2023), SSR Tamashina Mina (2023)
Total: 3 R, 5 SR, 7 SSR
Ruggie - R Glorious Masquerade (2022), SR Port Fest (2022), SSR New Year's 2(2023)
Total: 4 R, 5 SR, 6 SSR
Jack - R Playful Land (2023), SR Halloween1 (2020), SSR Port Fest (2022)
Total: 6 R, 4 SR, 7 SSR (with 4th birthday and clubwear)
Azul - R Stitch (2023), SR Halloween1 (2020), Glorious Masquerade (2022)
Total: 4 R, 3 SR, 7 SSR
Jade - R Playful Land (2023), SR Outdoor (2022), SSR Halloween1 (2020)
Total: 5 R, 5 SR, 5 SSR
Floyd - R Port Fest (2022), SR Playful Land (2023), SSR Stitch (2023)
Total: 4 R, 6 SR, 7 SSR (with clubwear)
Kalim: R Halloween1 (2020), SR Tamashina Mina (2023), SSR Playful Land (2023)
Total: 3 R, 5 SR, 8 SSR (with clubwear)
Jamil: R Halloween2 (2021), SR Glorious Masquerade (2022), SSR Firelit Sky (2021)
Total: 4 R, 5 SR, 7 SSR (with 4th birthday and clubwear)
Vil: R Tamashina Mina (2023), SR Playful Land (2023), SSR Firelit Sky 2 (2023)
Total: 3 R, 6 SR, 6 SSR
Rook: R Glorious Masquerade (2022), SR Tsum2 (2023), SSR Halloween2 (2021)
Total: 4 R, 6 SR, 6 SSR (with clubwear)
Epel: R Tsum1 (2022), SR Apprentice Chef (2023), SSR Harveston (2022)
Total: 4 R, 6 SR, 5 SSR
Idia: R Halloween1 (2020), SR Apprentice Chef (2023), SSR Glorious Masquerade (2022)
Total: 3 R, 5 SR, 6 SSR
Ortho: R Ignihyde (2022), SR Rabbit (2023, SSR Playful Land (2023)
Total: 4 R, 5 SR, 7 SSR
Lilia: R Playful Land (2023), SR Tamashina Mina (2023), SSR Stitch (2023)
Total: 4 R, 6 SR, 7 SSR (with clubwear)
Malleus: R School/PE (2020), SR Apprentice Chef (2022), SSR Glorious Masquerade (2022)
Total: 2 R, 5 SR, 5 SSR
Silver: R Rabbit (2023), SR Fairy Gala2 (2022), SSR Halloween (2021)
Total: 4 R, 4 SR, 5 SSR
Sebek: R Tsum1 (2022), SR Apprentice Chef (2023), SSR New Year's 2 (2023)
Total: 4 R, 6 SR, 5 SSR
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invisibleraven · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love. ❤️
Fave Fics Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
1. Better walk the line
My single dad Reggie AU with some PeterPatter romance. Wrote this for the 2021 JatP Big Bang absolutely last minute, but it is still pretty beloved, so let's give it some time to shine.
2. My heart's longing for something more than I've had (more than I have)
Another fic written last minute for Wet Hot Phantom Summer, and basically what brought me a lot of good friends in the rare pair canoe, as so many of them reached out when I was having doubts while writing it. It's just smutty goodness with a dash of angst, but it's still pretty good!
3. The burning hearts alone in the dark
My fake dating Rulie AU! Based of a prompt fill I did for Only One Bed Bingo, it became this sprawling thing that I still love to this day, and has some nice Ray and Reggie scenes in it, because I know you'll appreciate that.
4. I am fine, I am totally fine (I'm not fine) 
This is the first fic I wrote for you! It is an angst fest, but you did ask for it, and even though I put Reggie through it (though the Alfie section still kills me the most) it is still so precious to me. Mainly because it is the fic that I think cemented our friendship.
5. When I was born 
So this is a fic I actually wrote as a birthday present to myself back in 2022. Featuring some angst, some Rulie sweetness, and one of my favourite songs that I think fits Reggie really well. I recently re-read it and was like, man this is good, so check it out if you haven't!
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. along each garden wall by @oflights [E, 61k]
►Draco has to have a baby (or have one on the way) at the time of his fast-approaching 35th birthday, or he's going to lose his home to his vile cousin. Harry offers to help, but their complex past—even beyond Hogwarts—prompts Draco to set out on a long journey of friendship, kittens, gardens, motorbike rides, and more.
2. i crumble completely when you cry by Kendra_Storm [G, 3k]
►After Cedric's death, Harry feels like he's the only one truly grieving the boy. He keeps his feelings bottled up until one day, Draco Malfoy catches him crying alone in the Astronomy Tower. Who knew his enemy could be so kind?
3. Wedding guests by Witch1511 [?, 37k]   *typo
►It's wedding season! Or so it seems, because everyone's getting married. So what happens when Draco and Harry are the last ones that are single?
1. Brandishing The Wand by @ladderofyears [M, 2k]
►When four Eighth Year boys overhear Draco and Harry having sex in the dormitory bathroom, each jumps to a very erroneous conclusion. ★ Draco Tops Harry Fest 2021 | @dracotops-harry
2. only you, only us by @viridianvalor [E, 3k]
►Years into their marriage, Draco and Harry share a fantasy: Draco watching as Harry gets fucked by another man. Now they’ve come up with a plan to make it happen, but with a twist - and they’ll need magic to pull it off. ★ Draco Tops Harry Fest 2021 | @dracotops-harry
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rikandadefest · 9 months
#RikAndAdeFest Countdown! ⏳
Blummin' flip, scumbags! We're now just 10 weeks away from the start of the #RikAndAdeFest2024! Can you believe it? To get everyone in the mood, each week we'll be boosting some of the bloody brilliant fanfic and fanart made for past fests.
To kick things off, we'll be giving some love to:
✨Gen Works✨
Fandom isn't all about shipping, and neither is our fest! Why not check out the following?
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In 2021, @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street sent all four young ones for a spin in the TARDIS:
In 2022, @lostinthemayall took on the aftermath of More Bad News, with an unexpected friendship blooming between two band members:
Also in 2022, @addersblack gave Richie a pleasant birthday, courtesy of Eddie:
In 2023, @deaditeyes and @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street conjured up group meals between various Rik and Ade characters, while @viviangreeneart and 20thcenturycoyote gave us Kevin Turvey dozing with a butterfly:
Also in 2023, @postpunkpontypandyphantomthief sent Vyvyan on a(nother) sadistic mission to torture Rick:
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We'll be boosting fic and art from a different angle next Saturday! Check back then!
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jmdbjk · 2 years
Happy Tumblr Anniversary to me
Exactly 1 year ago I started blabbing on this hellsite. A lot happened in one year...
• Oct. 2021: In the Soop 2: people were analyzing the clues Bam was throwing down to prove if Jimin and Jungkook lived together. And then we get this followed by an invitation to partake in ramen:
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• Also Oct. 2021: Jimin’s birthday VLive when he made a phone call to JK (suspiciously staged?) and Jungkook immediately (less than 1 minute) zips up or down the elevator to join him briefly. 
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• Nov. 2021: BTS historically wins the AMAs Artist of the Year Award and during that acceptance speech, JK had us hanging because “in 2022 we’re gonna focus on....” feeding jk some pizza…
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• Also Nov. 2021: The PTD LA VMinKook VLive when Jimin and Jungkook officially name their (fake) YouTube channel “Mingoogie.”
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• Dec. 2021: Jin unleashes Super Tuna on an unsuspecting world and surprised himself with an instant hit.
• Also Dec. 2021: the creation of individual Instagram accounts and we are blessed with a series of photos from Santa Monica Beach including this one... 
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• Jan. 2022: The Hunger Games of Artist Made Merch began. 
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• Also Jan. 2022: the world stopped for a week from Jan. 31-Feb. 5 when Jimin was admitted to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy and treatment for COVID simultaneously.
• Feb. 2022: Jimin finally is discharged from the hospital and goes home to recuperate and shares with us on Weverse that he’s watching “The Notebook” for the nth time. 
February was a particularly meager month for us as we did not get as much content as we had been. 
• March 2022: We discover Jimin’s new moon tattoo and his “Youth” tattoo behind his ear and we collectively freak out. And JK seems to have covered some of his tattoos…and we start seeing more nipples... the normalizing of naked Bangtan has begun...
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• Also March 2022: Jimin blesses us with the “air ass slap” video. 
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• April 2022 (the month that kept on giving): Jimin April Fools us by changing the Twitter handle of the BTS official account to Jimin Park and every post appears like this:
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Also April 2022: The Grammy Awards... and Rolling Stone inadvertently reveal they are Jikookers:
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Also April 2022: PTD Las Vegas...
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May 2022: The Perilla Leaf Debate raged on... and proved they can’t be a couple because those darn leaves get stuck together. Ok whatever you say...
Also in May 2022: BTS is invited by the White House and President Biden to speak during our National Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. And they did amazing...(this photo is surreal)...(and we see you Jimin and JK)...
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Also May 2022: Jikook just Jikooking in Washington DC at Dave and Busters? (courtesy of @uarmyhope). 
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June 2022: The bombshell heard ‘round the world. BTS going on hiatus/not a hiatus, BTS embarks on Chapter 2... and oh look, Namjoon already said they would perform Run BTS (actually practically spoiled that choreography was being created for it) and right before this he sort of said old songs like Mic Drop and Fake Love might be popular with fans but they are ready to move on from them... go watch it again. Calm down people. 
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July 2022: Hobi killed it with Jack in the Box and Hobipalooza.
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Also in July 2022: They are THAT couple at a party...
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Aug. 2022: VampKoo drops and Armys (who were in the midst of some sort of Werewolf fantasy) were in shambles...
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Sept. 2022: Jungkook’s birthday WeLive (with his lil hairclips) and Jin’s interrogation of who came to wish JK happy birthday in person...
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Also in Sept. 2022: All we needed was a leather-gloved hand to cause a massive orgasm within the fandom...
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Oct. 2022: Jimin’s birthday... the thirst trap birthday wish/invitation/horn-fest...
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And here we are, full circle. So much more happened other than what I mentioned here! But I hope everyone can see what has remained consistent: Jimin and Jungkook being together. Now we are waiting for the big event of the year, Yet to Come in Busan. We’ve seen the sneak peeks of them rehearsing and we know Jimin and Jungkook are STILL happily being in each other’s space. 
Also, the constant downplaying of what they are and have. So. much. energy. wasted. on that. Just accept it my friends. It is what it is. 
And these words I’ve seen more times in the last year than in my entire lifetime before BTS: hypocrisy and heteronormativity. And the big “H” word... homophobia. Attitudes and views that are sadly still prevalent. I will admit, I have LEARNED A LOT being here. If only everyone else were capable of opening their minds to ideas that might be different than what they think they know.
On a much brighter note, I’ve encountered many of you who follow my crazy ramblings and you have enlightened me, made me feel like I belong here, bring me joy and make me smile every day. I will keep saying it, I love you all. We are in this Bangtan shit together and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Looking forward to what’s to come. 
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naneun-no · 2 years
Forget touching grass, go kiss somebody.
Long rant ahead, you’ve been warned 😬
For a community that relies so much on reading peoples’ body language and tells, the majority of BTS shippers seem to have a concerning lack of understanding of how actual humans living a life work.
I swear. Y’all will sit and analyze the hell out of three seconds worth of slowed-down content, but ignore any and all context, extraneous factors (aka concerns that don’t have anything to do with romance and can make someone appear upset, closed off, or just plain tired) and everything that happens after those all-important three seconds.
Looking at you, anons who I’ve seen all pressed over the fact that in the We Photobook Sketch, Jimin was initiating most of the Jikook moments. Some of y’all are insecure jikookers, some are from another ship trying to have a gotcha moment, and some are probably just new to things, but… keep in mind:
1. Content isn’t always released in chronological order.
Yes, this photoshoot behind the scenes is the most recent content released, but that doesn’t mean it’s the most recent thing that happened. @kanmom51 had a great post about this whole photoshoot, and took a guess that it happened around Sep 2021. I think that’s probably right, based on haircuts/colors and piercings. Which would mean this “distance” between JK and JM that you all think you picked up on took place BEFORE: JK getting his attendance stamps in JM’s room all day every day in late 2021, the infamous and adorable “should I come see you?” birthday vlive, and the ass-grabbing, forehead-touching, finger heart-giving, bridal-carrying Jikookery Foolishness Fest that was PTD Las Vegas.
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And just because late 2021 and 2022 was a gold mine, and because I know y’all try to dismiss concert behavior as fake fanservice, it was also before: “I’ll keep holding Jiminie ✋😛🤚”, “happy birthday BRO,” the attentive giddy love sesh that was aerial yoga, and this flirty ass conversation:
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So… try to orient content on the timeline before making judgments based on it. It will save you a lot of anxiety.
2. Learn the difference between focus and coldness.
Not always, but in general, JK seems to (I’m gonna use an ADHD term because I have it and I strongly suspect he does too but obviously I don’t know for sure don’t come at me) hyperfocus on things, particularly when it’s something like a work photoshoot where there are likely a lot of staff around and there’s a job to get done. Yes, he can goof off at work with the best of them, but for stuff like this (which had a stricter, more professional vibe than say, filming a Run BTS ep), he’s almost always the more reserved one, while Jimin seems to have an easier time shifting between his silly, flirty side and his fierce professional model side. The man can turn it off and on like a light switch, while JK seems to have a harder time shifting his attention and coming in and out of “work mode” (also an ADHD thing, just saying). So yeah, we see JM making eyes at JK in between shots, we see him turning toward JK while JK keeps his gaze on the camera. To me, this does not read as JK being disinterested in JM. It reads as “I have a job to do and I need to stay in the zone or I’ll look dumb as hell in these photos and I’m too pretty for that.” Just my take 🤷‍♀️ Which brings me to…
3. Context is everything.
My spouse and I have been together for nearly 10 years. We still have moments where we are over-the-moon into each other, and we also have moments where work takes priority, where we aren’t as attentive as we should be, where one of us wants attention and the other is focusing on something else (not saying that’s necessarily what was going on during the photoshoot, but it’s possible and a much more reasonable conclusion than JK suddenly falling out of love and JM not noticing). If someone were to make a short video recording us on any given day, our interactions might vary. We might look super close; we might look a little distant. Because real humans in real relationships have normal fluctuations like that. If assorted, curated clips from a 7 minute video (think about that — that shoot probably lasted 4-5 hours at least, and they showed us 7 minutes) are your basis for deciding whether a couple is broken up or still together, you’re basing a whole lot on very little. Which is why I say…
Go Kiss Somebody
Like, not without their permission, but you know what I mean. Go experience falling in love, go connect with someone else and see how every little facial twitch you or they make is not evidence of the deterioration of your whole relationship. When shippers try to make a ship sink or sail based on the micro-expressions on someone’s face during a zoomed-in, slow-mo, three second clip, they reveal that most likely, they’ve only ever experienced romantic relationships in the context of novels, fanfic, tv shows and movies. In other words — stories. Because in a love story, every little detail truly IS about the romantic plot line, otherwise the editors would have cut that superfluous stuff out, because they’ve got a story to tell. But real relationships aren’t like that. Real relationships aren’t streamlined love stories with rising action and a climax and a resolution; they’re real people living meandering lives that happen to include immense love. And that’s the difference. Shit, that’s a whole other post…
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neondiamond · 1 year
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Here is a masterpost all of the fics I got the opportunity to write as part of this year’s @wordplayfics challenge!
Week 1: Poem
📓 Because I Found You (1.2k, G, fic post)
Louis stumbles upon a poem Harry wrote about him.
A follow-up to Inner Crisis.
Week 2: Run
👟 Run To You (2.2k, G, fic post)
Harry injures himself while out on a morning run. Louis comes to his rescue.
Week 3: Stable
🌅 A Sense of Stability (1.9k, G, fic post)
Harry and Louis have a very mundane and domestic routine on mornings they get to spend together. Harry loves it.
Week 4: Forge
🧸 Family Bonding (1.6k, G, fic post)
Louis forges a bond with his new daughter, June, over missing loved ones.
A follow-up to June.
Week 5: Constraint
🫃Little Moments (429, G, fic post)
Louis’ birthday is a quiet affair this year, but it’s for good reason.
Huge thanks to @lululawrence for putting on this fun fest again this year!
You can read all of the fics that have been written as part of this fun challenge over the years here!
Wordplay 2022 masterpost - Wordplay 2021 masterpost
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elxtrictouch · 7 months
a letter for TN🤞🫶⭐️🙏🏻
I'm a Brazilian fan born in 1999 who lives in Rio and has been a Swiftie since 2012! As a fan from Latin America, I never had the opportunity to see Taylor live (until last year!!! 🥺😭💓), but that never mattered to me because during this journey I found other ways of being close and demonstrating my love for her: I had endless discussions with haters online when I was 13 (which I'm not very proud of 😬). At 15, I used to listen 1989 nonstop and was lowkey addicted to the Blank Space experience app lol. At 17, Reputation helped me so much with going through my last school years. When I was 20, I bought tickets for Lover Fest, which would be the first time Taylor would do an open concert in Brazil, and that was one of the happiest days of my life. During the pandemic, Folklore and Evermore brought me comfort; Marjorie and Epiphany were songs that helped me go through the pain when my dad died from COVID... I turned 22 in 2021, and having a 22-themed birthday made me so happy and helped me forget a little about the pain I was going through at that time ❤️ I can't describe in words what it meant for me to go to The Eras Tour. It genuinely CHANGED MY LIFE. And I can't describe in words how much it would mean for me to meet the woman who helped me through so much. I would honestly do anything for this opportunity.
I don't know if TN is going to read this, but I'll let the universe do its job 🙏🏻🤞💓
@taylornation @taylorswift
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oldfarmwitch · 5 months
I got The Three-Body Problem series from my work’s 2021 holiday book exchange and it’s taken me forever to get around to reading it.
I finally read the first book last summer and then set a goal to finish the other two by the end of 2023. The end of the year was an absolute shit show, so that didn’t happen.
I decided I’d try to finish them by my birthday, but then I kept reading fic instead, whoops. Now my birthday is in 2.5 weeks…do we think I can finish them?
(I don’t. Partially because we’re going to a pickle fest an hour and a half from here on Saturday, which mean my weekend is pretty much already gone.)
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
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My beloved Nina, also known as the very gifted PinaNaponi, and here as @vulnerasanenturmyprince. I cannot tell you how much this lady means to me. She's on a hiatus from fandom right now, but I couldn't not dedicate some love to my sweet friend.
Nina and I met during one of the worst periods of my life. And she had no idea just how much joy she brought into my life then, because I kept so much of what I was dealing with hush hush. Our first time interacting was a literal cry for help on my end where Nina told me "if you're okay talking to a literal stranger, my DMs are open." Which just goes to show how openhearted and generous she is. She gave me so much support that day.
When I was struggling, and feeling alone, and afraid, Nina reminded me that decent people exist. She's walked through rough situations with such grace and class. All before we were properly friends. And she is, somehow, all the more wonderful when she's in your corner.
This lady is intelligent, skilled, creative, and passionate, and kind. I adore her to bits. And even when she slipped out of fandom, we've kept in touch. And I know without a doubt that whatever our distance on this earth, and in fandom, whatever life throws in our way, I've got this lady for good. And she simply must be celebrated! She writes, narrates, draws, and even binds books! Talk about a quadruple threat!
So here are some goodies of Nina's for you to admire. All below the cut because I got carried away with hers and it's longer than usual!
Rockstar AU Severus & Harry
Snarry Sanctuary Discord icon
Compulsory Figures fanart
Snape's nose art for Impeccable Logic and Belated Epiphanies
Severus' birthday (Snarry)
Star Trek Snarry
Dron Christmas (for me!)
Snarry Christmas
Birthday Fic-Bindings:
Danpuff short stories
Genuinely, I cried. (She also included yummy German snackies in the package, but that's besides the point.) Is there a better gift to give someone? To put your love into giving another's work physical shape? I have a physical copy of my own works because of Nina. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. Never have I been given such a thoughtful gift. And it's yellow, too!! (I love yellow.) (Also I'm a Hufflepuff, if the "puff" in "danpuff" didn't give it away.)
Certain Dark Things
LilaDiurne's Certain Dark Things is an incredible story and the book Nina created for it is so gorgeous! Geez Louise, what a rockstar!
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 196.
Severus is a gourmet.
No pretty Girl
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 297. Hate sex.
Snape is a terrible liar.
Feline Felicis
Harry/Severus. Rated: M. Words: 10,708. Cat!Harry. Fluff.
Potter, in a fit of being his usual hazardous self, goes about things in all the wrong ways. Of course it falls to Severus to fix the mess. It goes not at all as expected.
The Ferryman
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 7,021. Mental health issues.
A story about ghosts and Psychopomps, and two men who might be better off together.
Set Phasers to Stun
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 18,580. Fluff & smut. Humor. Headmaster Snape & Professor Potter. Snarry Swap 2021.
Harry returns to Hogwarts to apprentice under none other than Severus Snape as a Star Trek: Voyager craze hits the school. Harry is soon to find out that he, in fact, does like sci-fi ― and Vulcans.
Boxes & Baubles
written by me! Narrated by Nina. Severus-centric. Lily & Severus friendship. Minor Regulus/Severus. Endgame Harry/Severus. Rated: T. Length: 21 minutes.
Christmas trees over the first four (and a half) decades of Severus’ life.
Lovers' Flight
Harry/Severus. Rated: T. Words: 221. MCD. Wartime. Poem. Kill Your Darlings Fest 2022. Inspired by "Elf King" by Goethe.
When Goethe meets Snarry
Quarantine Days
Harry/Severus. Rated: M. Muggle Au. Domestic fluff. Fluff & smut. Snarry AUctober Fest 2021.
A collection of three-panel comics about Harry and Severus stuck at home during quarantine.
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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kickmag · 2 months
Angélique Kidjo Enters A New Era With Sunlight To My Soul
Angélique Kidjo is back with the Diane Warren-penned "Sunlight To My Soul." Afrobeats producer Shizzi is also part of the collaboration, with his supply of traditional African rhythms and supporting vocals from the Soweto Gospel Choir. The video celebrates life with dancing, hugs, and plenty of smiles from Kidjo and her dancers. The international singing icon released her 15th studio album, Mother Nature, in 2021. She collaborated with young African artists on MH, including Burna Boy, Mr. Eazi, and Yemi Alade. In 2023, she celebrated a four-decade career by kicking off a 40th-anniversary concert tour. Earlier this year, she debuted her new African Symphony project with arranger Derrick Hodge at the Kennedy Center.  "Sunlight In My Soul" begins a new era for Kidjo, who hails from Benin.  Kidjo is starting her next international tour on July 14th, which is also her birthday. Except for one show with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Meshell Ndegeocello will accompany her on select dates.
Tour Dates
* with the Philadelphia Orchestra  
^ with Meshell Ndegeocello
7/14 - Carhaix-Plouguer, France @ Les Vieilles Charrues 2024
7/20 - Stuttgart, Germany @ jazzopen 2024 with Lizz Wright
7/24 - Val de Bagnes, Switzerland @ Salle des Combins
7/25 - Marciac, France @ Jazz in Marciac
7/30 - Trondheim, Norway @ Borggården i Trondheim
8/2 - Saratoga Springs, NY @ Saratoga Performing Arts Center *
8/7 - Denver, CO @ Denver Botanic Gardens ^
8/8 - Highland Park, IL @ Ravinia Festival ^
8/10 - San Jose, CA @ San Jose Jazz Summer Fest
8/11 - Telluride, CO @ Telluride Jazz Festival
8/25 - Vienna, Austria @ Afrika Tage
8/29 - Helsinki, Finland @ Helsinki Festival
9/4 - Duisburg, Germany @ Landschaftspark Nord - Gießhalle
9/15 - Brétigny-sur-Orge, France @ Le Fete de l'Humanite
9/20 - 9/22 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ Rock In Rio
10/6 - Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg District @ Rockhal
10/12 - Voiron, France @ Le Grand Angle
10/13 - Marseille, France @ Fiesta des Suds / Esplanade du J4
10/20 - Katowice, Poland @ NOSPR
10/22 - Troyes, France @ Les Nuits de Champagne
10/24 - The Hague, Netherlands @ Paard Van Troje (PAARD)
11/2 - New York, NY @ Carnegie Hall
11/13 - Portland, ME @ State Theatre
3/19/2025 - Montreal, QC, Canada @ Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal
3/20/2025 - Montreal, QC, Canada @ Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal
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