#black basketball logo
crappyassdrawings · 9 months
Summertime photo of a medium-sized, traditional backyard with concrete paving.
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Photo of a mid-sized traditional partial sun backyard concrete paver landscaping in summer.
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rokberglez · 10 months
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Concrete Pavers Backyard An example of a mid-sized traditional partial sun backyard concrete paver landscaping in summer.
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polymorphen · 1 year
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Toronto Gym An illustration of a mid-sized minimalist indoor sport court with a light wood floor and colorful walls.
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fiverrgigpromot · 1 year
Let's follow🫠
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wallpapers4screen · 2 years
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Download wallpapers 4k, Dallas Mavericks logo, blue black silk fabric, American basketball team, Dallas Mavericks emblem, NBA, Dallas Mavericks, USA, basketball, Dallas Mavericks flag for desktop free
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irfanhussain786 · 6 months
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najaxnews · 11 months
who to start small business but growth quickly cilik her https://www.najaxnews.com/?m=1
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hairmetal666 · 1 month
NSFW; Modern AU
Eddie feels like the luckiest man alive, that he gets to count Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley as his best friends, but he wasn't sure about it at first. No matter how often his new little sheepies praised Steve, Eddie remembered high school. He remembered the Steve that was a grade-A, top-choice asshole. But then--Robin comes out to him. And Steve knows. Steve knows and he's cool about it. So, Eddie comes out to them and Steve is cool about that too.
It fucks Eddie up a little, if he's being honest. Like, Steve, objectively, is hot, but Eddie's only ever been superficially attracted to him. He thinks the whole jock archetype just doesn't do a lot for him. Too much negativity attached to their whole thing. But he'd be lying if he said part of him isn't intrigued.
He doesn't develop a crush on Steve, though. Somehow, through all the charm and bitchiness and not-so-secret kindness, his heart remains unmoved. It must be the jock thing.
And then he's scrolling on Twitter. He's scrolling on Twitter and he's not looking for porn, not even in a "Oh no, I never look at porn on the internet" way, and there's this video.
The first thing he sees is the lowered waist band of a pair of 90's-style basketball shorts, Pacers logo just visible. Then it's the long fingers, the broad hands. They're skimming down a tanned, toned torso, not a six-pack but it's somehow sexier this way. Their path draws Eddie's eyes to the dot of moles, the spread of freckles. They're so kissable, Eddie's mouth waters. Those fingers, they linger against the trimmed thatch of dark hair just peaking out over the elastic, before pulling that waistband lower.
Eddie's hard. Rock hard. Fuck, he's so hard a wind gust could make him come.
The guy on screen, he's got his gorgeous dick in hand, giving himself slow strokes and thumbing at the tip to collect the obvious slickness beading there.
It's not really a decision when Eddie unzips and shoves his jeans just low enough to take himself in hand. On screen, the hand speeds up, the stomach shivering, breath coming in soft bursts, somehow almost more intoxicating than the jerking off.
Eddie times his strokes with the video, coming apart faster than he ever has watching porn. He can tell the guy is close, his grip goes tighter, his breath shorter. Eddie's about to go off like a fucking rocket.
The hand stills, the guy's cock fucking quivers, and he's ready for the money shot, will totally come at the same time, except--it doesn't happen.
The screen goes black.
Eddie comes all over himself.
"Fuck, shit, goddamnit," he hisses. He flails around trying to find something to clean himself up with and pause the video so he can read the fucking text.
As wiped up as he can be without showering, Eddie runs the video back a few seconds to see the words, "want the full experience? Subscribe to my OnlyFans."
He's never clicked a link so fast in his life. He's never really explored OnlyFans before, but he signs up for the free trial without a second thought.
The guy's username is KingJock016 and under usual circumstances, Eddie would be disgusted, but it's too late for that. He's already scrolling through thumbnails of hands and dicks and asses and butt plugs and dildos, pausing briefly at a preview of one where KingJock is bent at the waist, perfect ass--dotted with freckles-- framed by the bands of a jock strap. He's deliciously hairy, deliciously ripe, and Eddie is firming up again.
Without fully meaning to, he hits play, and the video starts with KingJock already rocking his cock into his fist. He's moaning in this one, full throated, almost desperate. And there's something about it, something that catches in Eddie's brain, but he can't focus on that when he's watching KingJock trace a finger around his own asshole.
It's insane that Eddie is this far gone without seeing the guy's face, that his toes are curling at the mere sight of KingJock fucking himself. The sounds are obscene, the slick and snap of skin on skin, the throaty moans, the creak of the bed as KingJock rocks into his fist and back onto his fingers.
Eddie's not even touching himself, and he's already standing at complete attention, a heady ache already starting in his balls.
And then KingJock flips his head back, revealing a shock of chestnut hair, the taut lines of a mole-kissed throat, the hard line of a jaw. One eye flashes open, looks directly at the camera, at Eddie.
It's fucking Steve Harrington.
Eddie comes all over himself again.
It's Steve. His best friend, Steve. His straight best friend. Making content clearly targeted for queer men? I mean, Eddie can't fault him. Like, nice work if you can get it, but Steve???
He hasn't done anything to clean up because his thoughts are spiraling too hard. How long has this been going on? Does Robin know? Should Eddie subscribe ? Leave a comment about how this video made him come untouched? Join a live? No, no, of course not. Steve was his real life friend. He couldn't hang out with him and then watch him fuck himself on a wall-mounted dildo.
He hits subscribe though. He'll hate himself for it later. It's only for the trial period, anyway.
He wipes himself off, but the come is already drying, sticky, against his skin and in his body hair. He needs a shower. He needs to practice being normal around Steve now that he--
Shit, Steve. They're going to the movies tonight. Steve's supposed to pick him up in, shit, fuck twenty minutes.
Eddie hurls himself into the shower, moves so quickly he doesn't really have time to think about Steve having an OnlyFans, about how hard he got off to his friend, about how he keeps having flashes of Steve's perfect body play through his head.
It's hard to ignore it when Steve is standing at his door in his form hugging jeans and little t-shirt and Eddie's done for, a dead man; here lies Eddie Munson. He's just standing in the doorway, smiling at Steve and he knows it's manic, but he can't slip it.
"Are you okay?" Steve asks. Eddie hears the words but all it does is remind him of KingJock's breathy moans.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He keeps smiling.
Steve's eyes narrow. He leans into Eddie's space. "Did you drop acid again? We told you not to do it alo--"
"I didn't! Nothing's wrong."
"Your face is all flushed. You feeling okay? You could have a fever."
Before Eddie can react, Steve's resting the back of his hand on his forehead. Eddie flinches, swatting Steve away, which devolves into a brief slap fight.
"I don't have a fever, man. I'm fine. Hot shower, is all."
"If you say so. Ready to get going?"
Eddie nods. He can totally do this. He can pretend he doesn't know about the OnlyFans and the face Steve makes when he's about to come.
The drive is quiet. Too quiet. He thinks his bones are trying to rip through his skin.
He starts talking, isn't even tracking what he's saying. Dnd and then suddenly it's hobbits and then Star Trek for reasons even he doesn't comprehend. He glances over at Steve, and he's burnished golden from the light of the setting sun. He's so beautiful. How did Eddie miss it all this time? Why did he--
"Get any new subscribers lately?" He hears come out of his mouth.
Steve slams on the breaks, sending Eddie careening into he dashboard.
"Jesus Christ, what the fuck," Eddie shrieks. The car behind them lays on the horn, then speeds past when it's clear they aren't moving.
"Why are you saying what the fuck at me?" Steve hisses back. He hits the gas, pulling the car to the side of the road. "Eddie--what the fuck?"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he chants. He hides his head in his hands. "I didn't mean to--I'm so fucking sorry."
"How'd you find it?"
Eddie snorts. "One of your videos showed up on my TL. That's the algorithm for you."
"Jesus christ," Steve mutters. "You weren't supposed to--it's--"
"What are you even doing, man?"
"My Family Video salary won't cut it, if we're moving to Indy."
"You're not even gay."
Steve mumbles something, but he's looking out the window and not at Eddie at all.
"What was that?"
"Maybe I am!" Steve doesn't shout, but it's forceful.
Eddie's mouth drops. "Does Robin know?"
Steve stares forward, hands tightening on the wheel.
"And you didn't tell me?" It hurts, he's surprised how much, so much it takes his breath.
"It wasn't like that, Ed."
"Oh, no? Then what was it like?"
"It doesn't matter."
"The fuck it doesn't! I'm the first person you should've come to! I know exactly what it's like."
"No, you don't." Steve explodes. "You don't because you made me realize. And I couldn't talk to you about it because I like you. And, yeah, maybe starting an OnlyFans as part of my gay awakening is weird to you, but it's done a lot for me, okay?"
Steve said a lot of stuff just there, a lot of important things, but Eddie's glitched out on one part. "You like...me?"
"Yeah, like. Have you met you?" Steve slumps in his seat, like he's defeated. "You're fucking beautiful, dude. And smart and funny and passionate. Nerdy as hell. I didn't stand a chance."
"But I'm--" Eddie shakes his head. "I mean, look at me."
"I have." Steve nods. "A lot. I really like what I see."
"When I realized it was you in those videos, I came all over myself. Untouched," Eddie blurts. He flushes deep crimson immediately. "Oh my god, I can't believe I just--"
Steve is laughing, hands pressed over his mouth.
"Shut up, shut up," Eddie swipes at him. "It's not funny, oh my god."
When Steve gets it together, he finally looks at Eddie, and there's pink in his cheeks and a shine to his eyes. "That might be the most gratifying thing anyone has ever said to me."
"Yeah, well. It was humiliating."
"It's hot, Eddie."
His blush hasn't cooled even a bit. "Yeah?" His voice comes out deep, husky.
"I wouldn't mind, uh--that is, if it's cool with you--seeing it for myself?"
Eddie giggles. "You wanna make me come untouched, sweetheart?"
Steve shifts in his seat. "I'd really like that. Will you let me?"
"Uh-huh, absolutely, definitely. If you don't put this car in drive and get us back to my place, I'm going to literally die."
Steve laughs again, a bright, free thing, and he swings back onto the road. "Not yet, you aren't."
That sends a shock of pleasant shivers down Eddie's spine, right to his dick.
"Maybe we can even make a video together sometime."
Eddie, much to his deep embarrassment, whines, hips shifting with the sudden need for relief. "Oh, you didn't want me to die before because this is how you're planning on killing me."
Steve turns to him, a smirk on his lips and a devilish glint in his eye. "You have no idea what I'm going to do to you."
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i've always loved the idea of a sunshiney/hippie reader with grumpy metalhead eddie, possibly involving her crystal collection or a tarot reading lol
Eddie was used to finding things in his van, his trailer, his bag - shit, even his pockets - that weren’t his.
It was collateral damage from running a bunch of preteens around, sharing babysitting duties with Steve, playing taxi cab and breakfast club. He’d find DnD die that weren’t his, old batteries from walkie talkies, sticky candy wrappers and lost baseball hats, trading cards and half empty bottles of pop that El wasn’t really supposed to drink.
And every time, he’d fuss about it, pretending to be meaner than he was, but fuck, sometimes it got a little too much. His trailer wasn’t big enough for him and Wayne as it was, and finding Lucas’ basketball uniform in his laundry only added to the list of things he needed to get done.
(He always washed it.)
So he’d chew everyone out and throw back their belongings to them like grenades, ranting about personal space and how his van wasn’t a trash can on wheels.
(“Yes it is,” Mike would always interject.)
And then you came along. Bright and bathed in colour, a pop of sunshine beside Eddie’s black and silver get up, always smiling even when the boy was scowling. It took a month, maybe two, of dating when Eddie started finding your things amongst his. It wasn’t anything overwhelming, like a toothbrush at his sink, or your clothes in his wardrobe - no, it was too early for that.
But he’d work a shift at the garage and sneak out the back for a unauthorised smoke break, hand shoved in his pocket to search for his lighter. He’d come up with a handful of rocks instead, pretty, colourful crystals that shone in the sunlight.
He didn’t need to ask to know that they were yours.
And when he drove home, his van rattling and the music blaring, another shiny thing caught his eye. Tucked amongst his cassettes, a lump of something smooth and dark, so black it was almost purple, hints of blue in its depths. He ran his thumb over it, smiling, and tucked it in his pocket with the rest.
By the time he saw you the next day, he’d collected a dozen of the things, scattered around his room, a tiny purple stone that looked like glass in the corner of his shower, a sky blue rock under his pillow.
He held them out to you like a handful of candy, pretty, shiny and colourful, dazzling in the sunlight - just like he thought of you. Eddie smiled when you scrunched your nose at him, looking a little embarrassed. But he took your hand in his free one, helping you clamber onto the bed beside him, your back to his chest as you sat between his spread legs.
Your pink dress clashed with his red shirt, an angry skull logo on the front of his, tiny daisies on yours.
You watched Eddie line up the crystals by size, a neat stripe of bright colour on his dark blue bedsheets. The boy hooked his chin over your shoulder and you could feel the smile he pressed against your cheek, one he’d saved up all day, just for you. He kissed your jaw, nuzzled his face into the crook of your shoulder, stubble scraping your skin until you squealed and laughed.
“These are pretty,” he finally said and you hummed, agreeing. He pointed to the black stone he’d found in his van. “What’s this for?”
“It’s obsidian,” you told him, picking the crystal up and turning it over in your hand. “S’meant to help with protection.”
Something inside Eddie’s chest bloomed, a pretty warmth that he was quickly associating with you. He smiled, hid it in your shoulder and tried not to turn as pink as your shoulder.
“Yeah? That’s awesome.” He pointed to another one, glittery and jagged and lilac coloured. “What about this-?”
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ramp-it-up · 9 months
Football Season
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Summary: It’s Football Season. But you want to play.
Pairing: Beefy Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 2K
A/N: it’s the first day of Kinktober! Hope you enjoy! You can read this as a companion piece to Party Games
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. SMUT! Read at your own risk; curate your own experience. Sportsball. Mostly pwp. Established relationship. Thigh riding,  praise/degradation kink, P in V, creampie. Not Beta’d. All errors my own. 
I don’t have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post!
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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It was your first football season living with your boyfriend. You moved in with him in the spring and had wonderful weekends in bed and hanging out with friends. Steve and Sam warned you about Bucky’s obsession, joking that you would be a football widow.
You laughed at the jokes and Bucky pulled you close to him, kissed your temple and said, “Don’t listen to these punks. I would never ignore you, Doll.”.
You believed him. Bucky was so supportive of everything in your life, your job, your hobbies, your family, that you wanted to let him have the perfect supportive football girlfriend on opening weekend. Steve was away for work and Sam was in Louisiana visiting his sister and attending a Saints game. You were going to prove that Bucky wouldn’t miss out on having the guys with him to watch his team.
Bucky looked so fine sitting on the couch, in a t-shirt and basketball shorts with his team’s logo on them and that made you want to serve him the best homemade sandwiches and beer ever.
After you went to the grocery store, you slipped into the bedroom and slipped on your surprise for Bucky, a custom black jersey with red trim from his favorite team with Barnes 001 on the back. You had it made for him, so it hung down your thighs, which were covered by the tops of thigh high red socks.  The kicker was what was underneath the jersey, but that was for later.
Now was the time for some food. It was almost kickoff.
Bucky glanced up at you from his fantasy football app as you placed the tray of food down on the coffee table and did a double take at you in the jersey. Bucky beamed at you as he leaned back and spread his legs.
“What do we have here, Doll?”
His eyebrow raised as he asked the question. You tried to ignore his man spread, even though it was your weakness.
“Just a present for my favorite football fan. I thought I’d break it in for you while we watch the game.”
Bucky grinned at you.
“So thoughtful, Doll. You look great in it. I might never wear it, honestly you look so hot.”
You winked at him as Bucky reached for you. He pulled you onto his thigh and kissed your forehead, temple, nose and mouth. The jersey was tucked under your bottom so you weren’t bare thonging it on his thigh, but you could feel the power there. But now wasn’t the time.
“I love you, Doll.” 
You winked at him, kissed his cheek, stood up and padded back in the kitchen, dodging his hand as he reached for the hem of the jersey. 
“Watch your game!” you called.
“I’d rather watch you, Doll.” 
Bucky’s head followed you for a moment, but he was soon distracted again when his team got possession of the ball.
Once you got him set up, you sat up on the couch with your head on his shoulder and your legs thrown over his. 
Bucky was entranced in the game, drinking beer, pumping his fist and throwing up his hands when his team lost or gained ground, and it was so cute to watch. You man was in his happy place and it made you happy too.
You snuggled his arm and kissed his bicep, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, when during a particularly energetic show of emotion, Bucky’s hand came down with a slap on your thigh.
You laughed as Bucky looked at you with concern as he rubbed your rapidly reddening limb.
“Sorry, Doll. You okay?”
“I’m good, Jamie. Just let me get my lick back.”
You reached over and pulled up Bucky’s shorts from the thigh closest to you and delivered a sound smack to the corded muscles there. You shifted as you looked at his thigh ripple slightly. He was so fucking thick and the whore in you awakened. Bucky just flexed and smirked at you as you lusted after him.
“I thought you were actually gonna lick it.”
That grin.
You gave him a side eye and snuggled in again as he returned to his game, the idea of licking his thigh, and other things, taking over your brain. You shifted, the red thong you had on under the jersey now uncomfortable in your wet folds as Bucky got engrossed in the game again.
This was turning into a situation.
You didn’t know if you could be still for two more hours. It was only the first quarter. You stared at his thigh at the muscles shifting and moving as he did, and you didn’t realize it, but you were shuffling down his arm, your mouth nearing his muscular leg.
You snuck a look up at him to find him smiling down at you.
“You good, Doll? What are you doing? Why do you look like you’re about to commit a crime?”
Bucky could read you like a book. And you loved it.
“Hmmm. I just want a little… snack…”
With a mischievous smile, you fully committed and leaned down to lick a long stripe from his Bucky’s knee until your head was halfway covered by his shorts. Your mouth nose bumped his ball sack and you felt him jump.
“What the…?”
When you resurfaced, Bucky looked at you, sky blue eyes wide.
“You said you wanted me to lick it.”
You shrugged your shoulders and took a drink of water.
“I said I thought you were going to…” 
Bucky eyed you gulping down the glass and stopped trying to explain himself.
“You thirsty Doll?”
You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and nodded, smiling back at the man who was not paying attention to his game anymore.
“Liquid is collecting places, need to replenish.”
Bucky leaned back, and hiked the leg of his shorts even higher. 
“Are you wet, Baby Doll?”
That name. Bucky had you.
You nodded, your mouth open slightly to breathe. He had you open.
“Well, you already got me wet, little Baby. Might as well finish the job.”
Bucky patted his thigh.
“.. But.. the game, Jamie…”
“I can still watch the game while you use my thigh, Baby. Climb on.”
You stood up and lifted the jersey to pull down the thong but Bucky stopped you with a whistle.
“Shit Baby Doll. Look at how you’ve ruined that pretty little red thong. Turn around.”
You did as you were told and Bucky picked up the thong from between your ass cheeks and snapped it back into place. Then he smacked your butt.
“That is one lucky piece of material. Nestled in all that ass so pretty.”
He turned you around with both hands and then stared at your crotch.
“You’re so wet that you are making this red thong even darker.”
Bucky picked up the thong from the front and ran his finger down to the wetness, then he pulled so it moved even tighter between your legs. That, coupled with him giving you that ice blue sex god stare almost made your knees buckle.
“I think you need to keep this on and use it to help you get off. Climb on.”
Bucky leaned back again and slowly sucked his finger into his mouth, slowly pulling it out for you to see. He knew that got you hot.
You did as you were told, using your hands to brace on his broad shoulders. You were down closer to his knee and he reached for you, placing his hands on your waist to drag you closer to him.
“Careful with that knee, Doll.”
The warning made you giggle, because one false move would not be so good for Bucky’s balls.
“Get comfy for me.”
You shifted, widening your legs, so that your knee simply slid along his wide open other leg as you moved, nice and slow, grinding your core into his hairy, beefy thigh.
“That feel good?”
You nodded quickly, biting your lip. You surprised yourself at how close you were so quickly and you balled Bucky’s t-shirt in your hands as your hips moved faster and faster.
“There you go. Good Girl.”
He reached up under the jersey and tweaked one nipple, teasing your rapidly heating body.
“Now, stay quiet and don’t cum, because I’m watching the game. It would make too much noise. But don’t stop moving either Doll. Can you handle that? Don’t cum until I tell you.”
You nodded again, not caring that what he said didn’t make any sense. You were already lost in the feeling.
Bucky looked back up at the tv screen, as if he was really watching the game.
You moved, your slick allowing your folds to skate along his thigh, the flexing he was giving you the perfect compliment the your dripping, throbbing flesh that you owned. You felt his cock, hard now against your own thigh and you shuddered, a new need awakening.
Bucky hands slipped under the jersey and both hands teased your hard nipples.
“Mmmmmmhmmmm, Buckyyyy.”
You arched your back and went faster as you felt your clit quiver against his flesh. Your pussy reacted instinctively.
“Damn, Baby Doll,” Bucky took a drink of beer. “Your pussy is clenching on my leg like she could take it inside her. Fucking whore for my body, aren’t ya? Wanna use me any way you want, huh?”
You shuddered again, Bucky’s filthy words making you even closer to the edge.
“Look at you, arching your back like a slut.”
Bucky pulled the jersey off of your body and his eyes raked over you.
“My beautiful little slut.”
Bucky leaned over and started sucking your nipples, hard, alternating sides and sensations between sicking, licking and biting.
“Look at you, riding my thigh and holding it like a good little slut. So obedient. So good for me.”
“Ahhhhh! Bucky! Mmmmmmmm.”
“Love it when you moan for me. Being such a good girl. My best girl…ah ah ah.. Hold it.”
Bucky was feeling you quiver and shudder on his thigh, not able to move anymore because you felt like sparks were shooting from where you were connected. He reached for you and grabbed you, dragging your soaking wet slit down the insistent ridge of his thigh.
“I didn’t say you could stop moving. Do you want to come? Tell me?”
Bucky grabbed your throat.
“Not. Yet.”
Bucky was staring at you as you bit your lip, trying with all of your might to control your release. He watched the tears start to fall and he licked them from your cheeks.
You were so mesmerized by his eyes that you didn’t notice that he’d pulled his cock out from his shorts. He lifted you up by your neck and you stood on shaking legs and practically impaled yourself on him.
“Come on my cock then, Baby Doll. Come all pretty for me.”
You slid down to the base of him, wider than you expected although you’d had him hundreds of times before and shuddered from the stretch. 
“Oh fuck. Take my cock, Baby Doll. Fuck.”
That shudder led you into an intense orgasm, partially because Bucky was holding you down, making you feel him stretch you out.
“Look at you. I don’t even have to move and you come all pretty all over my cock.”
You started sucking his neck as you came, vibrating all around him.
“Oh shit, give me that orgasm.” 
Bucky started moving then, the obscene sound of your wetness filling the room.
“Yeah, yeah, of fuck, yes, yes, yes…oh God yes…”
You were mewling and whining as he pounded into you, your orgasm extending, blooming and growing.
Bucky pulled pack to look at your bouncing breasts and you realized that it was you fucking him now, and he was enjoying the show.
“Yeah, Baby, fuck me. Show me who I belong to. Don’t stop, don’t fucking stop until you cum…”
You put your hands on his chest and bounced up at down a what seemed like warp speed. Bucky cupped the base of his shaft as you fucked yourself on him and fingered your ass and your cunt as you moved.
“Oooohhhhhh! Bucky!”
“Oohhhh my Good goddd!”
Bucky roared as he spurted hot come in your pussy, and you didn’t stop moving until he was soft and slipping out of you.
You collapsed on his chest listening to his heart thump. Suddenly you heard the game again. A roar came from the crowd and Bucky pumped his fist.
“Yes! Amazing Score!”
You laughed as you kissed Bucky’s cheek and moved to go put the jersey back on.
Bucky kissed the top of your head as you leaned on his arm again. He put himself back in his shorts as he put his arm around you.
“My fucking good luck charm. My best girl.”
“Love you too, Bucky.”
And you dozed until he woke up with his head between your legs at halftime.
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As always, if you liked it, please reblog! ❤️
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
      DORMLEADERS x gn reader
    『 riddle ,, leona ,, azul ,, kalim ,, vil ,, idia ,, malleus ,, gender neutral reader    』
  -> painting their nails to match their dorms ,, matching nails
  — fluff ,, sfw
  — just an idea that came to me :D feel free to request !! theyre open !! there are some slight movie references 🫵
- riddle
| • he was a bit reluctant at first to you painting his nails but agreed in the end
| • white black and red is the color scheme
| • on one hand ,, you have the card signs ;; diamond ,, spade ,, heart ,, club ,, and on the pinky is a 'j' for joker
| • on the other hand you have the different things from a familiar movie ,, a white rabbit ,, a crown ,, a cat ,, a little playing card ,, and a white heart on the pinky
| • riddle is quite amazed with your skills ,, enjoying the little ornaments and decorations painted on his nails
| • lord have mercy if someone saw yalls matching nails
| • cater would beam at them ,, and trey would find them cute
| • ace and deuce ,, however ,, have different reactions ,, but they dont really want to be collared so they happen to keep their mouths shut around riddle
| • but around you ,, theyre blabbing about it left and right ,, mainly ace but sometimes deuce chips in a bit
| • in the end ,, riddle enjoys matching with you in a sort of way
- azul
| • another thats reluctant to agree ,, after all he does have an image to uphold and who knows how the tweels will react if they notice
| • but he also gives in ,, noting the happy look on your face when he does
| • your color scheme is a lavender ,, dark grey and an off white color
| • on one hand ,, you paint little marine creatures ;; an octopus ,, an eel ,, a lobster ,, a random blue and yellow striped fish ,, and a tentacle on the pinky nail
| • the other hand consists of little items that happen to be associated with octavinelle ;; azul's contracts ,, jade's mushrooms ,, floyd's basketball (azul wasnt too happy abt it but he didnt say much)
| • though on the last two nails you added the mostro lounge logo and on the pinky you painted it lavender and added grey stripes
| • azul's quite glad he happens to have gloves because the last thing he needs is the tweels noticing the little things on his nails
| • but they notice anyways ,, and maybe you let it slip that you and azul are matching
| • lord have mercy for this man
- leona
| • he dont care ,, just huffs and tells you to do whatever if it makes you happy
| • he pretends to stay asleep during it ,, but he does like the feeling of your hands holding onto his ,, and maybe the thought of matching with you
| • he wont care for who sees it ,, if it makes you happy he'll happily comply with you
| • the scheme is a beige color ,, bright yellow orange ,, and a dark grey
| • on one hand you paint ;; a lion ,, a bone ,, a hyena (leona fusses abt it) ,, a wolf (he also fussed abt that) ,, and a star on the pinky
| • the other hand you kept simple and plain ,, adding a star on every other nail and stripes on the others
| • if anyone mentions your matching nails in a bad manner ,, he'll get on their case immediately ,, telling them to mind their own business
| • he'll gladly match nails with you again in the future though ,, he'll still fuss abt it but he enjoys it
- kalim
| • he happily agrees ! he wants to match nails ! hes so excited for it he can barely sit still as is
| • jamil at first offers to do it for you both but you deny him
| • your color scheme is red ,, black ,, and a gold color
| • on one hand you paint :: a desert ,, a snake ,, an elephant ,, kalim's flying carpet ,, and a black heart on the pinky
| • on the other hand you paint every other nail red and the rest black with gold stripes
| • he adores them ! hes so happy to match with you ,, adoring all the different drawings on them ,, in love with the color scheme
| • if anyone asks about them he'll gladly talk their ears off about how you did them and how they look so cool
- idia
| • you happened to ask him during a game ,, and he got surprised ,, stuttering at first before slowly agreeing to it
| • the color scheme is blue ,, and off white ,, and black
| • on one hand you paint :: cerebus ,, blue fire ,, pain and panic from a certain movie (hercules) ,, and a black heart on the pinky
| • on the other hand you paint every other nail blue and black ,, and add white flames with blue accents to the ones that are black ,, and white stripes to the black nails
| • he likes the nails ,, especially seeing cerebus on them ,, and the idea of matching
| • if ortho finds out his hair will be tinted pink as he tries to distract his brother from the fact that yall are matching nails
| • he loves it though ,, sometimes running his thumb over them and looking over the little designs
- vil
| • refuses ,, flat out refuses ,, he's not too confident in youe nail painting abilities and he doesnt bother to figure out whether theyre good or not
| • but after a bit of begging he'll sigh and give in ,, telling you not to mess up
| • your color scheme is white ,, a prussian blue ,, purple ,, bright red and black to match vils dorm outfit and the dorm itself
| • on one hand you paint :: a rose ,, a poison covered apple ,, an  arrow ,, a potion and a red heart on the pinky
| • so far vil is a bit intrigued at your abilities and lets you continue ,, giving another warning not to mess up
| • on the other hand you paint ever other hand red and the other blue ,, putting black stripes over the blue nails and on the red nails you paint white poison drips with a bit of purple tint
| • he likes them ,, theyre alright ,, not the best hes had but hes touched by the fact you both are matching
| • he offers to teach you how to paint nails better though ,, saying you could use it but nonetheless he's impressed at your abilities
| • when hes alone he gets all giddy about it but shhh ,, dont tell
- malleus
| • hes over the moon ,, you want to match nails with him ?? you want to paint his nails ?? oh ,, love for you ! love for you for a thousand years !! hes so happy ,, even his little fangs are showing when smiles widely at you
| • your color scheme is green ,, black ,, and an off white
| • on one hand you paint :: a dragon's head ,, a thorned flower ,, a bat (to resemble lilia) ,, a lightning bolt (for sebek) ,, and a sword (for silver)
| • on the other hand you paint every other nail green and the rest black ,, putting black stripes over the green nails and white stripes on the black nails ,, though on the pinky you put a black heart
| • hes so touched ,, seeing the little symbols ,, adoring the dragon head you put so much detail into
| • he wont show anyone unless they point them out
| • and of course ,, sebek does ,, astonished that his master has his nails painted
| • lilia is quick to join in with it ,, before he catches the little bat on one nail and decides to leave it be ,, smiling to himself
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seungiee-sunshine · 1 year
{ 1:17 AM }
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Paring; Bangchan x reader
wc: 1.6K (1,684 words)
Warnings: handjob, nipple play, public sex/exhibitionism, dirty talk... Name-calling (reader calls chan baby boy, baby, slut), cum eating, dom/sub dynamics, switch!Chan/switch!reader Chan calls the reader mommy, one slap on the cheek (the reader slaps Chan), and the reader is lowkey obsessed with Chan's tits.
Summary: Chan needed some new clothes, and you thought it would be nice to spend some quality time with him. However, a lot more than a little bonding time was in store for the two of you the second he decided to put on a shirt two sizes too small.
It had been a long, tireless workday, and you were ready to fling yourself onto your bed and snuggle up to your stuffies. Stupidly enough, you had promised to go shopping with Chan earlier that day since he was in need of some new shirts. And now here you were, eyes glued to your phone, as you waited for him to change and show you what he had picked out.
Most of his attire was black, per usual, and you were getting slightly irritated that your sleep was wasted on doing nothing but standing around or nodding on occasion. You loved Chan, but all he wore was black, and you could barely tell a difference in the shirts he was showing you.
One might've had a white line or logo from time to time, but other than that, they were all the same. You just wanted to go home and sleep.
However, you knew it would be a bad idea since as soon as Chan would arrive home, he would surely give you a good spanking for running off on him like that. as well as for going back on what you promised.
So you just sighed and sent a thumbs up his way as he strode out of the dressing room, not even caring to look up at what he was wearing, knowing it would be the same old black shirt and black basketball shorts.
Chan seemed to notice your lack of attention and walked up to you, snatching your phone from your hand and dangling it above your head. He was at least two heads taller than you, so there was no way you were getting your phone back unless you jumped. and no way in hell were you jumping in the skirt you had on.
"What's so important about this dinky little thing that you can't even bother to look up at me?" He asked, looking up at your phone screen and chuckling as the losing screen appeared.
"a game? I'm starting to think Felix and Lee know are rubbing off on your love," he stated with a dry chuckle before handing your phone back to you with a mischievous grin. You knew it was because of your reaction to his clothes, but how could you not react?
He was still wearing a simple black shirt, but, oh my Lord, was it tight as fuck on him? His nipples were poking out from the shirt, and you could almost see his abs through the thin material.
He knew all too well that you loved the sight of his abs and pecks. So he chose a shirt two sizes too small just to get you worked up. He was a man with needs, after all, and seeing your plush thighs press together and your body shake from arousal was a turn-on for him.
Your lip was caught in between your teeth, just as your breath was caught in your throat. He looked so delectable in that shirt. You would've loved nothing more than for him to fuck you right then and there. But you knew that, of course, no such thing was going to happen, but boy, could you wish your heart away for it.
You glare up at him, a small primal growl emitting from your throat. It wasn't long before you had dragged the man into the dressing room. making quick work of closing the door and locking it before turning back to your beloved.
"You know what happens when you pull this shit Christopher," you emit as you take a step closer to the now quivering man. He was very much a dom; however, at times like these, he somehow managed to make a drastic switch.
"I know, Mommy, but I can't help it; I just want some of your attention. It's always on that fucking phone of yours. I just-" He was cut off by a harsh slap to the cheek. His eyes watered as he looked up at you, eyes dark and blown out. He may have not expected the slap but he can say that he loved it with every fiber of his being.
"Language, baby boy," you mutter before grabbing ahold of his wrist and pulling him up so he was standing straight. Although making men shrink wasn't something that you considered a talent, most of the men you had been with could agree that it really was something that you perfected to a tee even if you didn't realize it.
"I'm sorry, Mommy, please don't slap me... I'll be a good boy, I promise!" He yelped as you slid your hand down his chest and suddenly grabbed a hold of one of his pecks, squeezing it hard.
Your nails dug into his skin, and he let out tiny mewls as you kneaded the flesh, occasionally pinching his hard nipples and twisting them just a tad bit to see the tears well up in his eyes. Soon enough, your assault on his sensitive chest was done, and your hand now traveled down to his torso, messing with the hem of the shirt as you spoke.
"I know, baby, I know you'll be a good boy for me. I just need you to promise me one more thing." He looked at you with an eyebrow cocked as he silently asked what you wanted from him. A shiver ran up his spine as your hand traveled lower until it reached the waistband of his pants.
You fiddled with the material and pulled it back before letting it go and giggling at the small cries that he let out at the sudden ounce of pain.
"Promise me you won't cum until I tell you to," you whispered into his ear nipping at the skin as you waited for an answer. He shakily nodded, and you smirked up at him before slipping your hand past his waistband and into his boxers.
You almost gasped at how hard he was, surprised that such little stimulation could get him so turned on. You ultimately kept quiet except for a bit of teasing to further humiliate the boy.
"Aw, baby, you’re so hard. I've barely even touched you. Such a sensitive baby." You mock while wrapping your hand around his cock, squeezing it ever so slightly. His body jolted forward at the feeling, a strangled moan erupting from his throat.
He heard your chuckling and decided to try his best to stay composed and quiet due to the two of you being in public, but it was a lot harder to accomplish than he thought. With you pumping his dick and your free hand crawling up his body to play with his hard nipples through the shirt, it was near impossible to keep quiet.
He knew full well what would happen if they were to get caught in here, and even the thought of it embarrassed him to his core. His face was slowly becoming red, and he continued to let out small mewls and pants as you toyed with him and as his mind raced with all kinds of thoughts.
"Baby, we're in a dressing room; you need to be quiet or they'll hear. Or do you want them to?" You inquired before giving his nipple a harsh tug. "You want them to find you here getting teased by your girlfriend, hmm? Such a fucking slut," you spat.
He looked down at you, eyes blown out and full of pure lust. He was so fucked out already, just from all your teasing, he could barely even think straight. All he wanted was to come and feel the sweet bliss of release. but he knew he had to wait...
He was going to be a good boy for you, no matter how much it pained him to push back his nearing orgasm.
After a few moments of slow and torturous tugs, you finally picked up your pace. He whined and allowed his head to fall back and rest against the cold wall, reminding him that he wasn't in the comfort of his own home.
"That's it, baby. Just a little more." You mewled as you watched his face contort. His nose scrunched, and his hands clawed at your soft skin as he got closer to letting go. All he had to do was wait for your permission, and he could cum, but sadly, you were making sure you got your teasing time in. You knew he would fuck you dumb for it later.
but right now it's about him.
After a few more minutes of simply watching him squirm and listening to his pants and quiet moans, you decided it was time to let him have what he wanted.
"Alright, baby boy, go ahead, come for mommy," you commanded while continuing with your brutal pace. Not even a moment later, you felt the thick liquid cover your hand and a low groan come from the man pinned up against the wall.
You gave him a few more strokes to help him ride out his orgasm, chuckling a bit as his body twitched from the overstimulation. You soon removed your hand and sucked the residue off of your fingers before patting Chan on the head.
"Such a good boy. Now, baby, let's head over to register and check out. I think it's about time we head home." You smile, grab the shirts he had put in a neat pile, and go to unlock the door.
You let out a small squeak and dropped the clothes as you felt him grab your hips and pull you back onto his hardening cock.
"We're not going home until you're stuffed full of my cum and begging me to stop."
(A/N: If you read this far, thank you so much. Likes, comments, and reposts are what keep me going, so please be sure to do so. Anywho thanks for reading!)
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Hello! If you’re still taking requests for Eddie and cheerleader reader, could I request reader decorating his locker? A big football or basketball game coincides with a big night for hellfire so like all of the other cheerleaders who are decorating their jock boyfriends’ lockers, reader decides that Eddie’s needs to be decorated as well :)
This is absolutely adorable. I hold you don't mind I made this into a headcanon :)
I giggled the whole time. I love the fluff and my heart needed it 🥹 thank you so much
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Y/N, a name everyone in the school knew
A senior on the cheerleading team
A sweet girl but has a very mean edge
A big lover but huge fighter
And also the freaks girlfriend
Yeah....as in Eddie Munson
A huge talk around the school
No one understands the pair
But those two were in love and it was easy to see
Y/N adored that Eddie was more into the nerdy things than sports
She may cheer, but basketball and football? Hella boring
Nothing was more entertaining than watching her man lead his hellfire club into battle
The way he loses himself in it
His sexy voice narrating the story
She honestly would record his stories to fall asleep at night, if she was crazy enough
And hellfire, she adored those boys
Loved how they protected her baby when she wasn't around
But one thing she hates about Eddie not being a jock
She misses out on all the cute couple things that the school pairs up
The football and cheerleading dance routine ( where she had to dance with a loser on the team while her boyfriend was in the stands)
Or basketball and their stupid "make a sign for your player" she didn't care to have a player, her player was on the other side of the school perfecting his campaign. And looked hot as hell doing it, she just knows
One thing she could do....
Decorate his locker
The basketball team was going to state (woohoo)
And it was tradition to decorate the teams lockers
She still decorated a random players locker with basketball stickers and his number
But no heart in it
She had the idea to also decorate her boyfriend's locker
It was the final night of his campaign
Months and months of all of his hard work came to the big final battle
And she hated that she had to miss it
Wishing more than anything to watch how it all played out
She knows if she asked, Eddie would direct it play by play just for her
Basketball Is going to state- blah
Her boyfriend's final campaign - now that deserved real decorations
She spent the whole night drawing the hellfire logo
Drawing all his characters
Creating stickers of the weapons his boys use
Sneaking in a few little pictures of them together- photos of their relationship and some of just him that she took
Some photos she took of hellfire mid session
Some photos of him with hellfire
And of course she printed out the yearbook photo
She may have a copy in her room for personal reasons
Little lipstick marks with her kiss on post it notes
She drove to school herself, she went early so Eddie was easily not interested
She taped up everything she made the night before
Excitement filling her stomach as she looked it over
The whites, reds, and blacks all blended perfectly
The pictures fit perfectly
Her kiss marks taped to make the shape of a heart
The stickers she made scattered around
EDDIE MUNSON <3 written in her red lipstick across the bottom
She was proud and knew he was going to love it
"damn, poor Brandon. He got like two basketballs and his number" Chrissy teased as she passed the locker
"is it too much?" Now she was worried
Maybe her boyfriend wouldn't like all the attention on him
"god no. You two are literally the it couple of this school. He's going to love it" Chrissy reassured her, both heading their side of the school where their lockers were
Eddie Munson hated school
He had bullies who made it hell
Then he fell in love with her
And she had no problem telling people where exactly they can go if they are mean to him
Walking into school he wasn't shocked to see people looking at his locker
He spent many days cleaning the mean words off of the metal during classes
It was like a show for everyone. Let's all see what's written on the freaks locker today!
Eddie sighed and walked closer
"excuse me" he shoved himself through the crowd
But froze when his eyes landed on it
It was decorated for sure
But it wasn't painful to see
He actually felt himself blushing as he looked it over
Moving closer to trail his fingers over the photos
Smiling as he remembered every single memory
Smirking to himself when his fingers traced the post it notes with her kiss on it
His name written in his favorite shade of lipstick
"awww look at what your little girlfriend did" Dustin awed
Eddie blushed deeper and shoved his shoulder, "zip it"
"and he looooooves it because he looooooves her" Gareth teased, making kissing noises
Eddie rolled his eyes but a smile was on his face
Pushing Gareth's head into the locker
He noticed the jocks sending glares his way
He knew he had a target on his back dating her
Everyone wanted her
And they didn't like that they lost to someone like him
He flipped them the finger as they stared
Eddie couldn't keep the smile off of his face all day
Making up random excuses to why he needed to stop at his locker after every class
He also snatched one of the kiss marks off the locker - keeping it in his wallet
When the day ended, he was kinda sad
He didn't want to leave it at all
"do you want me to decorate your closet door at home baby?" She appeared out of nowhere
Wrapping her arms around her boyfriend from behind
"you don't have to...." He said, trailing off
"okay baby. I'll bring over my supplies after the game and after your amazing campaign"
Eddie may have struggled through life
But he got rewarded for it
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975@ago-godance@magnificantmermaid
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dual1pa · 8 months
hard hitter
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eddie munson x reader with she/her pronouns
warnings: eddie getting bullied, violence (reader hitting jason, mentions of blood), swearing, overall fluff, kissing, reader getting called a bitch
She was never the "violent" type.
It took a lot to get her pissed off - and this was one of them.
She walked into the cafeteria with several textbooks in her hands. Clung to her body was the Hellfire Club shirt her best friend, Eddie, made specifically for her.
The HFC logo wasn't the same as the other members of the club. No, being as she was the first - and only - girl of the group.
"It needs to be different. You're unique, you're special," he told her on her first day.
The familiar logo was printed on the black and white ringer tee like everyone else's, however, it was in a smaller print that was placed snugly in the corner - typically on top of your right breast.
She matched her shirt with a pair of loose-fitted jeans and beat-up black converse shoes.
Before she made it over to her lunch table - which consisted of Eddie and his friends, along with four freshmen - she spotted Jason leaning over and saying something to Eddie. Two of Jason's football buddies stood behind him in case Eddie decided to try anything.
Hoping that he would go away before she got there, she got in line for lunch.
She grabbed a tray and placed a caesar salad and a bag of regular potato chips, paid, and walked over to her open seat next to Eddie.
Unfortunately for the entire table, Jason was still there and Eddie looked pissed.
She sat down next to Eddie and placed a comforting hand on his leg.
"Oh look, you're girlfriend is here to save you."
"She's not my girlfriend," he snapped back, getting angrier by the second as Jason continued to get in his face.
Eddie's words stung her like a bee - sure, he wasn't wrong, but she wouldn't mind if he was her boyfriend.
"Oh yeah, that's right. She's too hot to go out with a loser like you," he - as well as his buddies - laughed at his comment.
That's it.
"Jason, why don't you just fuck off and leave us alone?"
"Don't even bother with him," Eddie told her, surprised by her words.
"No, I'm sick and tired of this fucking asshole hassling you every day. And for what? So he can make himself feel better by belitting others since he doesn't get that at home?"
Eddie's friends giggled at her comment.
"Watch it, bitch."
Without thinking, she got up and walked over to him, and whacked him as hard as he could with the blue lunch tray.
"Not so tough now are you, Jason?" she yelled, grabbing the attention of the other students who cheered her on.
Eddie quickly got up and carried her away from the situation as she continued yelling swear and belittling words to the star basketball player.
It's like she couldn't stop. Everything she was holding in just came out, everything she wanted to say to that asshole.
Eddie kept yelling her name as she continued to scream at Jason.
As soon as things calmed down, she was taken to the principal's office.
When she was brought into the room, Jason was already sitting with an ice pack on his cheek.
She rolled her eyes and sat down next to him.
The principal, Mr. Howard, looked upset at her, disappointed even.
He said her name and shook his head, "You're such a good student, why jeopardize that for getting into a fight? I spoke to your teachers and I'm told that you're the shy type."
"I was tired of seeing my boyfriend bullied by this ass-," she corrected herself, "Jason and him getting away with it every time. It's not fair. You guys don't do anything when he's being bullied."
It was then she realized she called Eddie her boyfriend, it just slipped out and she became very defensive.
"Yes, what Jason did was wrong and he will be punished for it. Both of you have an in-school suspension for three days. You will be given extra work by your teachers and have to do a project together for a grade."
The both of them tried to argue with him, but it wouldn't work.
Eddie waited for her after school to make sure she was okay.
Once he saw her leaving the building with her bookbag hung on one shoulder and the current book she was reading, he got up from the bench and ran over to give her a hug. She dropped her books and hugged him tightly.
"Are you okay? What did Howard give you?"
"ISS, and i have to do a joint project with Jason, but I'm not sorry for what I did. You were being bullied by that asshole."
Eddie sighed, pushing her hair behind her ear, "Thank you for defending me."
The two of them looked into each other's eyes for some time. Eddie was the first to break contact, but only to look down at her plump lips.
"You know what's funny?" she asked.
"When I was asked why I hit Jason, I said that you were my boyfriend," she laughed.
"Oh really?" he asked.
She nodded.
"Is that what you want me to be? Your boyfriend," he wrapped her hands around her waist.
"Is that what you want?" she asked, their lips inches apart.
"Yes," he said, finally pushing their lips together.
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Paige buckets went on the ESPYs at age 19 and called out the lack of focus on her black women peers in her speech. Cam Brink is giving thoughtful interviews about her role in the league and position as a rookie. These are Caitlin’s peers. If she, CC, wanted to, she absolutely could. It wouldn’t even have to be anything profound. There’s perfectly milquetoast centrist ways to address the bullshit. She certainly has the means to hire someone to workshop it for her. But she’s not.
girl you hearing me! like paige was accepting HER award and still sat up there and said what she said, shaky voice and all. she was nervous as hell! but she did it. and she earned so many people's respect. you are absolutely right. i keep seeing people be like, oh caitlin is so good at media stuff, oh she was a marketing major! she's so poised. like actually this is a disasterclass in brand management. beyond just doing what is right, being an ambassador for the league, actually growing the game, and earning the respect of your teammates and colleagues.....you absolutely never never should let other people cultivate your narrative. the last thing an up and coming young athlete needs to do is let themselves become an avatar for right wing culture wars. not only because it's nauseating, but because its fickle. they will move on. her target audience now is people who do not give a rat's ass about basketball, period. like not even the nba. they are not going to stick with her in the longrun, and in the meantime, she's alienating real fans of women's basketball and the wnba, along with other women in the league, coaches, and her own teammates it seems.
the reason things are so bad is because her silence has signaled to these people that she is on their side. and she probably is. and that's unfortunate because that is an extraordinarily toxic brand to have. and she has cultivated no real personality or brand either aside from her college career. logo threes can't be your brand if you don't make them most of the time. i hope to god her career is better than his but she is literally on some jimmer fredette time right now.....
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wallpapers4screen · 2 years
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Download wallpapers 4k, Utah Jazz logo, yellow black silk fabric, American basketball team, Utah Jazz emblem, NBA, Utah Jazz, USA, basketball, Utah Jazz flag for desktop free
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