#blaine the train
dasistblod · 2 months
I've been thinking about The Dark Tower lately, and realized that if they tried to make it into a series of movies again, they'd have the opportunity to retcon Eddie into a contemporary millennial, and he could defeat Blaine by telling a series of dead baby jokes
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Everytime I forget something, all my brain says is "he has forgotten the face of his father"
1. I am, most of the time, not a he (but occasionally it feels nice)
2. For months I forgot what that quote was from while still quoting it
3. I remembered where the quote was from while looking at my actual father
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absentia-if · 2 years
We want the angst! What was the first few days of MC being missing like for the all the characters?
Kade/Kara: They constantly berated themself for not checking in with B sooner. It had just become such a routine for you to go over to your best friends house without a need to tell them. Every day they’d get up and deal with a barrage of questions from various people— from coworkers to friends to family members… even strangers. It was a constant hell as they were never left alone when they wished to be and were abandoned when they didn’t wish to be.
Michael/Margot: Spent three days with a flurry of emotions. Calling their parents whenever they had a free moment from classes to get the news on what the hell was happening within Aurora— they even started badgering Dean and sending texts to N. Finally, they couldn’t take it anymore and they booked an early morning flight back to Aurora; not wanting to believe that you were truly gone. They spent over a week helping the search parties before they had to return back to school… it was one of the worst moments of their life having to leave knowing you still hadn’t been found.
Blaine/Blaire: Had thought it was some sort of prank at first. They didn’t want to believe that their best friend was gone. Didn’t want to believe that a night that should have been filled with laughter and corny jokes was taken over by unknown horrors. When they finally realized that this wasn’t some sort of sick prank? It broke something within them, but they refused to stop searching. Not until there was proof that you were truly gone.
Nicholas/Natalie: Was mainly concerned for M. It’s not that they didn’t feel for you, of course they did, but they didn’t truly know you. Their best friend, however? Seeing how much pain M was in? It hurt them too… So, they enlisted the help of their uncle with specialized search dogs… When they turned up nothing? It was a very hard conversation for N to have with M.
Oliver: Didn’t want to believe that you were gone. This his little Bear Cub was missing. He was the Chief of Police… he should have protected you. He threw himself into his work, into the case, in the search parties, anything and everything… if it meant finding you? Nothing was too much for him.
Eliza: She was beyond distraught. Absolutely devastated that she wasn’t there for you when you needed her most. That she wasn’t there to protect you from the monsters like she had when you were little. She didn’t want to believe that her Cricket was possibly gone— that she had outlived her baby. Being left alone as Oliver threw himself into his work only made it worse. Eliza did everything she could in order to help with the search parties, but returning to an empty home at night was almost as bad as finding nothing during the day.
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 4 months
oh fleeting thoughts of blaine and kennedy i love you <3 (the fleeting thoughts in question are of kennedy being assassinated)
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Poll: the Mugen Train from Demon Slayer vs Blaine the Mono from the Dark Tower
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(image descriptions in alt text)
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authorissitohbi · 2 years
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BN's unofficial Christmas train arrives at Blaine. December 24, 1982
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Chapter 3 #WIP (Lay You in the Ground)
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Kitty tries not to leave any clues—but it’s only a matter of time before Blaine discovers her. It takes two weeks, give or take.
Her first mistake relates to the dress situation. She doesn’t ask him to, but Blaine has a new dress hanging every night in the small side room where she stashes her backpack when she comes in—the sequined minidress with the plunging neckline and daringly short hemline, the lace-backed number that is sophistication at first glance (but reveals just the right amount of skin with its backless cut), the off-the-shoulder velvet slip dress in a rich purple that feels like a lover’s touch on her skin, the deep-vee’d silk wrap dress with the high slit along the right leg—and on, and on. Each selection fits as though it were made for her, and each has a small card clipped to the hanger, the neat, square handwriting presumably Blaine’s.
Hair up.
Hair down.
At first, intrigued and perhaps a little invested in indulging him, she does it. She pins her hair up in a tight French twist when the outfit bares her decolletage, her shoulders, or her back. She feels on display—an uneasy reminder of her recent past that part of her balks at—but then, she tingles at the slide of his gaze over her neck, as surely as though he has set his lips on her skin. Other nights, she wears her hair down, loose and heavy, waves cascading down her back—this, when the dress is modest at the neckline, so she knows he wants every gaze at The Post drawn to her legs.
After a few days, she begins to feel powerful, instead of just paraded. And that is something she hasn’t felt in a long, long time. Maybe it makes her careless. Maybe it makes her sloppy. Maybe she gets just a little too comfortable in thinking that she’s found the right place to go to ground in Blaine’s world.
(More soon!)
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of-nyon · 2 months
holky heckle I am so impressed with this Golduck, she's been surviving hits she no business living. Eat shit, random trainers with bullshit non-stab coverage moves, this duck is LIVING.
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tabitha-writes · 4 months
New game!
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A summer road trip with your best friend and his two younger sisters is the perfect time to finally tell him you're in love with him—right...?
“I'll Drive” is a short (~4,000 words) interactive, friends-to-lovers rom-com with a single ending. Starring...
Luke (protagonist) - Hopelessly awkward trans guy
Blaine (love interest) - Stressed-out sweetheart
Imogene (older sister) - Too-cool teen (who's terrified of driving)
Trish (younger sister) - Matchmaker in training
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a-writer · 4 months
Prisoner - Azriel x OC reader
Hello:) just a lil something that I came up with and was dying to explore the idea. Also sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language. Of course this is just part 1, if you like it, there will be more to come! Thanks!!! Enjoy!<3
Warnings: mentions of torture (nothing too graphic), reader is the villain (kinda). Her name is pronounced Fee-ah, btw:)
Fiadh's eyes pried open, her eyelids feeling heavy even though she was just waking up from a pain induced rest. She blinked slowly, tried to swallow, but her mouth was too dry, her tongue sticking to its roof.
Her head was pounding, her shoulders sore from her hands being tied up at her back for so long. She was covered in her own blood, her body full of cuts that could not kill her, but hurt like hell. She tried to move and a groan escaped her crusty lips.
Looking around, she was still in the old, smelly and dark cell that she had been thrown in when the guard brought her. The dungeons of the Hewn City. Fucking perfect.
She knew that coming to the Night Court was risky. She was one of Hybern's spy, after all. And now the king was dead, but his spirit remained. His second in command, Blaine, was now their leader. An organization, a regroupment of all of what was left of Hybern's armies, in the dark. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike, to wipe Prythian, and all the greedy High Lords and their courts, from the map.
Blaine had told her not to come here, had told her that it was too risky, too dangerous. But Fiadh had been locked up for so long, she was eager to go into the world. She knew her power was rare, there was only one other male in Prythian like her. And the king knew that too, locked her up because of it.
"You have to be careful, Shadowsinger. People would kill if you they knew." That's the last thing the king said to her, before going to the battle. Before having his head severed from his body.
But he was no longer around and Fiadh wanted to put all those training hours to good use. She wanted to be a warrior. And now she was a prisoner. Fucking dumb. She had been so fucking dumb and reckless... She hadn't even thought twice about coming to Hewn City. Hadn't even thought about the tattoo in her forearm, a circle with a cross, the mark of Hybern's soldiers. And now they knew.
She felt her heart rate rising and she tried to calm her raging thoughts. She was a spy, a good one, and she had been captured many times in her 354 years of life. She could do this.
The door to her cell opened and Fiadh braced herself for the pain that was to come. She didn't even know what time it was, how many days had she been in here. She felt dirty, her braid was practically undone, her hair mated and sticking to her forehead, and her clothes were clinging to her skin due to all the blood that was covering her body.
She heard footsteps and then silence. Darkness seemed to reach every corner of the room and her skin erupted in goosebumps. She could feel a power so rough, so dangerous, she couldn't help but shiver. Something slithered up her leg. She looked down and had to suppress a gasp. A shadow was coming up her thigh, then her hip, going to her back until it was tangled in her messy hair, tugging at it, making Fiadh lift her chin, whether she wanted to or not.
Hazel eyes met her own and she recognized the giant of a male that was standing right in front of her. Black dagger in hand, blue syphons glinting in the darkness, wings tucked in and what looked like a million shadows hovering over him. The Shadowsinger. The only male in Prythian that was like her.
"Look at what the tide brought in..." Azriel's voice was low, a feline smirk on his lips. "I'm dying to get to know all your secrets."
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cryscendo · 1 month
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tagged by nobody but i wanted to do this bc i have BIG NEWS!!!
i announced the royalty au forever ago, but now it’s FINALLY coming to fruition!! i have some behind the scenes work that is taking place, but will hopefully have a release date for yall in the upcoming weeks.
in the meantime, here’s some of the royalty au to hopefully get yall excited bc its very much not dead! waaaaaay more than 6 sentences but when is it not?
“Tired already, Your Highness?” Blaine taunted and it was so cocky that it sent a terribly unpleasant feeling through his veins. He hated feeling inferior.
Still, he wasn’t giving in yet. In an effort to set Blaine off-balance, he slashed his blade downward. This forced Blaine to bring his sword lower to deflect it, leaving him far more exposed in turn. Kurt was able to check Blaine then, sending the knight stumbling a few feet backwards. He was far from down, but the maneuver obviously shook him, because the unjustified confidence from before was gone.
Kurt quickly swept his hair out of his eyes, a smirk forming on his face as now he was the one with the right to be smug. “Not at all,” he quipped. Quickly, he brought his blade down only to have it narrowly blocked by Blaine’s. In this close proximity, and with him so obviously having the upperhand, Kurt couldn’t help the next words that came out of his mouth. “But you’re free to call it quits whenever you’d like, Sir Knight.”
And apparently, that was the exact wrong thing to say. As if a fire had been ignited inside him, Blaine gritted his teeth and pushed Kurt off and away from him. This was immediately followed by a flurry of slashes that sent Kurt hesitating backwards. With every instance of their blades clashing, Kurt struggled more and more to keep up.
That was until Blaine managed to lock their swords together by their hilts. This prevented Kurt from moving back any farther and Blaine knew that. With practiced momentum, he thrusted his sword away from the two of them which caused Kurt to lose his grip on the hilt.
His sword clattered to the ground. But Kurt hardly had any time to process that before he was being forcibly pushed up against the wall behind him. A hand cushioned the back of his head so that it wouldn’t collide with stone, and that noble gentleness almost poetically juxtaposed Blaine’s sword that pressed dangerously close to his throat. They both panted heavily as Kurt’s eyes met Blaine’s intense brown ones. They were the closest they have been yet, and the closest that Kurt’s ever been to another man period. Blaine was all lean muscle against him, powerful even through the exhaustion brought upon by their match. In any other scenario, Kurt might’ve basked in the unfamiliar closeness.
But there was no option for him to revel in such things in the given circumstances.
Because he lost.
“Well, Your Highness,” Blaine began, speaking through deep breaths, “it looks to me that you still have some training to do.”
tagging for both art and fics:
@warblercore @kurtsascot @hevanderson @fallevs @nicoise @backslashdelta @twinkkurt @justgleekout @esilher @blaintism
and anyone else who is interested ❤️
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klainepolls · 6 months
unexpected- day 1 of 7
by: @kurtsascot
The coffee shop is short staffed. Blaine’s favorite barista isn’t there. They are training someone new who can’t seem to get the hang of things, and one of the espresso machines is down.
Blaine can’t be late to class. He just can’t.
It’s not that his professors care if he’s late, truthfully- NYU is massive, and most don’t bother learning names, let alone take attendance- but, well, it’s still early in the semester, and Blaine wants to leave a good impression.
He’s a good student. He likes school. He likes going to class and he likes New York, even if last semester had some… relationship challenges.
It’s a new year.
It’s a fresh start.
Anything can happen.
And, things are looking up. Blaine’s name is called, and his coffee, his saving grace, is gingerly placed on the counter.
Eager, Blaine smiles, pushes through the disgruntled crowd of customers, slaps on the vent lid, and turns on his heel to leave.
If he’s quick, he can make it to his lecture on time.
Blaine maneuvers his way out of the shop. It’s the second week of January and the temperature is well below freezing. But it’s not too bad. He got mittens for Christmas and they buffer the chill. His coffee is also radiating heat through the wool- another benefit of his patience. Today, he’ll stay warm, and once the coffee is cold enough to drink, everything will be perfect. It should be cold enough by the time he gets on the subway.
Blaine struggles to keep his school bag on his shoulder and hold his cup when he closes the glass door on his exit.
As he turns the corner, lost in thought, planning the quickest way to get to campus, he walks right into someone.
Like- right into them.
On reflex, Blaine squeezes the coffee cup to prevent it from flying out of his hands.
His mittens limit his dexterity.
The lid pops off.
Scalding liquid rises,
breeching the lip of Blaine’s to-go cup,
and coffee splatters all over the man in front of him.
“Shit!” The man’s light blue down jacket is stained with Blaine’s dark-roast, and, unfortunately, the puffer wasn’t fully zipped- his button down underneath is also soaked, completely ruined.
Blaine gapes at the cup in his hand. It’s entirely empty. His gloves are sopping wet and his hands are on fire.
“I’m sorry,” he tries, shaking his head and hating how whiny he sounds. Are these gloves machine-washable? He’s sticky, in pain, and,
and he’s going to be late.
Shit. No way he’s not going to be late. “I was-That’s my fault.”
Blaine takes a second to collect himself and then musters the courage to meet the guy’s eyes.
And, when he does,
He freezes.
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I personally like Blaine the Mono, just because of the Demons and Wizards song:
Holy shit. Added.
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[ID: an illustration for the Stephen King series The Dark Tower. A long red train drives along a single rail. The front of the engine is streamlined, with orange eyes and cowling that make it resemble the face of a dragon. There is a t-shaped fin on top of the engine for speed.]
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coins-that-never-land · 4 months
Alright y’all serious question:
Just found the book series The Elite on Goodreads (from Brooke Blaine and Ella Frank) where the first book’s title is Danger Zone.
On top of all that, the summary itself is honestly hysterical (A rebellious fighter pilot by the name Solo?? Attracted to a perfectionist with pretty blue eyes?? Gotta fight each other to be the best) so I was genuinely considering reading it
But the real question is…how much do we want to bet this is all icemav??
(And is it any good? Has anyone read this? Please let me know lmao now I have to know)
And if anyone thought I was kidding about that summary the link’s below
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