#blessings quotes
arunneronthird · 4 months
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did u know 9 year old damian was canonly exactly like this
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wishes1234 · 11 months
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elixirofblues · 6 months
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iaminjail · 2 months
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soon his title as robin won't be that special, bc he'd have broken the world record for longest period without sleep
got the quotes from here
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anniilaugh · 5 months
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”When we’re together, we have no weakness. No vulnerability. We perfect each other.”
aka @wellship 's ”20 Year Waltz” and their ”The God with no back” concept lives in my head rent free and forever loved💚
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Spiritual seekers need one another as mirrors. A member of the Hopi nation once asked me about our holy days. I was telling him about Passover, our celebration of freedom, and Sukkot, our Feast of Tabernacles, and how they fit in with the cycles of the year. "I think I get it," he said finally. "You people don't want to be in slavery. And you want to pass this on to your children. But when you tell your kids on Passover, 'We have to go away from here; we can't stay here because it will cost us our freedom,' your kids will say, 'Yeah, but what are we going to eat?' So you teach them how to bake bread on stones, how to roast a lamb if you are hungry, how to find dandelion greens, and so on. When the kids ask, 'But where will we stay?' you show them how to build a lean-to, so they will have somewhere to live." An Indian perspective on the mitzvot to eat the Passover lamb with matzot and bitter herbs and to build a sukkah on Sukkot gave me a completely different insight into my own traditions.
-Jewish with Feeling, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. 2005, p. 198-199
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linktoo-doodles · 2 months
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We devote ourselves to something we barely understand, something we can never touch. We give it a name, and we give ourselves a name for doing so. All of it creates this connection. And that connection, that becomes the thing we can touch.
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Aggie stream with my FAF friends (Beck, Katie, Soma, and Yammy!!)
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yallstar · 3 months
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"...I'm not done telling you all the things that I wanted to say; there's still so much. It's been so long since anyone listened to me talk. Won't you stay?"
Heaven Official's Blessing, Vol 8
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thekansta · 6 months
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It’s you
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rawhoneybliss · 5 months
This summer will be a financially satisfying time for you. You won't have to worry about not having enough money. You will have more than enough money to enjoy your desired experiences. You will be able to see new and beautiful places without the burden of stressing over money. You will eat the foods you want to eat and go on all the adventures that call out to you. You will enjoy all the luxuries this summer has to offer you, and money will never be a factor. Claim it.
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inakidoesthings · 6 months
hua cheng in the back of the cart : do you wanna know something about the ghost king, Crimson rain sought flower?
xie lian : sure!
hua cheng : he likes men
xie lian :
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davejolina · 6 months
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we’ll never know what it was
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Xie Lian, in the Spiritual Communication Array: So I appear to have been kidnapped by a calamity…
Mu Qing: Which one?
Feng Xin: How many calamities do you know??
Feng Xin: What does he look like, your highness.
Xie Lian: *Staring at Hua Cheng’s abs*
Xie Lian: Mmmm...sexy?
Mu Qing and Feng Xin: THATS CRIMSON RAIN!!!
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navysvettel · 6 months
*on the phone*
stranger: i have your daughter
lewis: what? all of my kids are boys
stranger: then who the fuck is this princess-
lewis, screaming to seb : OH SHIT THEY HAVE GEORGE
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wedarkacademia · 1 month
tgcf quotes that'll make u inhale ice shards
“only after having met you did I rediscover that it’s such a simple thing to be happy.”
“to some, the mere existence of a certain person in this world is, in itself, hope.”
“there was a period of time in my life that wasn’t easy, and during that time, I’d constantly think that, should someone witness the me who rolled in the dirt, unable to get up, yet still love me for who I was, that’d be great.”
“If I could, I would have you use me as your stepping stone, the bridge you burn after crossing, the corpse bones you need to trample to climb up, the sinner who deserved the butchering of a million knives. but I know you wouldn’t allow it.”
“something like a genuine heart is made to be trampled.”
“to watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed while unable to do anything - that’s the worst suffering in the world.”
“to me, the one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. what matters is you, and not the state of you.”
“those who have known each other for decades can become strangers in a day. we met by chance and we may part by chance. if we like each other, then we shall continue to meet; if we don’t, then we shall part. there’s no banquet in the world that doesn’t come to an end, so I’ll say what I want to say.”
“I will fight for what I don’t have. I will change fates I don’t possess. my fate is up to me, not the heavens!”
“I might not be able to decide whether the road is easy or not, but whether I walk it is entirely up to me.”
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feminineenergylife · 2 months
All of my basic necessities are met. Thank you God. I am so grateful ❀
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I have:
Food to eat
Clean water
Peaceful, safe environment
A roof over my head
A comfy bed
Clean clothes to wear
Free Oxygen to breathe
Free Sunlight for health
Be grateful for what you already have to attract more things to be grateful for ❀
More Daily Gratitude Affirmations ❀
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