#brenda monroe
fiercerthanyou · 24 days
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Brenda Monroe, "Microbe" (Large), 2006,
Acrylic on wood,
5¼ h × 6 w × 7½ d in (13 × 15 × 19 cm)
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wigglyscardigan · 5 months
list of crackships the pit stop stream has offered us:
roman x woman
ruth x hidgens (one-sided)
charlotte x gerald
sam x linda
a possible foursome(?)
brenda x tucker (canon)
to be continued
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littlemisscreator · 25 days
Cosma's Nightmare Time!
That's right, folks! Your girl's planned out a whole Nightmare Time fan-series! 20 episodes of both canon characters and my OCs getting put into situations, including rewrites of three of the original episodes!
Heavily inspired by @pastriibunz Nightmare Kai-me!
Forever and Always
Olive is overjoyed when her sister Emma marries Paul Matthews. Finally, they'll have a happy, stable life, a life that'll go just how Olive planned it. But all is not as it seems, and soon Olive discovers her sister and brother-in-law might not be what they seem
Honey Queen
Summer is in the air, and the annual Honey Festival is steadily approaching. Linda Monroe and Zoey Chambers will do whatever it takes to win the crown at the Honey Queen Pageant. For Marcella Johnson, however, it just seems to be a fun little thing to try out, much to the confusion of her competitors. It's not about having fun, it's about winning!
Hey Melissa!
Savannah and Rose find themselves tangled up in shenanigans with Sav’s co-workers, including Office Creep 2 Freddie Briggs and office secretary Melissa.
Loser Status
Max's friends have had enough of him, and finally stand up to him. Unfortunately, all this does is make Max announce them as losers. And by next Monday, everyone at school seems to know it. The strange part is, no one seems to remember them being popular at all. The gang must work together to adjust to their new social life and find out what changed them from clique to geeks
Rinse Re-Pete
Max Jagerman falls and dies in the Waylon Place, comes back as a ghost, and kills anyone he deems a ‘nerdy prude.’ But where the story changes here is that Peter Spankoffsi - with the help of a certain yellow goat - is given the chance to stop it from happening. Pete is determined to stop anyone from dying, to make sure no one is harmed, no many how many loops he has to go through to do it. But as the loops go and Pete's sanity wears down, his objective changes from making sure Ruth and Richie live and making sure Max stays dead.
The Kitty Cat Club!
19 year old Melissa Hey loves two (well, technically 4) things - cats, and her childhood friends Aubrey, Krissy and Mina. But as close as the girls are, they're growing up, and soon they'll be adults with busy lives and little time for each other. The girls are desperate for a way to spend time with each other. Luckily got them (and less luckily for everyone else), the creeps at Melissa’s internship give her an idea
Siren's Serenade
After almost drowning, Rose Spankoffsi’s body starts to change in strange and unusual ways - ways that are weirder than puberty. Rose isn't sure what's going on, but what she does know is that she's getting more scaly and her singing voice is getting better. On top of that, three mysterious women seem to be following her wherever she goes. Slowly, Rose starts to adjust to her new gifts, and suddenly she's questioning if she wants to keep her humanity at all.
The New Kid
Sunset Jagerman is sick of her brother, point blank. So when she sees him picking on shy new kid Jordan, Sunset befriends him out of spite. Slowly, the two’s bond becomes genuine, and they begin to like each other’s company. But Jordan has secrets, secrets he doesn't want Sunset finding out. Sunset tries not to push, but when curiousity gets the better of her, blood starts to get spilled.
Forget Me Not
Gone are the angsty, lonely, grieving days of Savannah Lamb’s teenage years. Sav has a job she's pretty okay with, a decently sized apparenment to herself, and most importantly, co-workers she can consider friends. It doesn't get much better for this. Unfortunately, a certain Lady in Black has other plans, ones that include getting Sav to dig up a memory that has haunted her for years.
Cheerleader 3000
Lacey Brooklyn Brent is the perfect cheerleader. Preppy, full of energy, always positive. A little too perfect, at least to Brenda and Stacey. The girls try to let their suspicions slide, but when Lacey starts acting weird and getting more and more defensive about cheer - well, the popular girls aren't exactly known for minding Thier own business
The Hatchet Girl
Max Jagerman’s bullying chased Lindsey Topet out of Hatchetfield High in sophomore year. So it's a wonder to anyone why she decides to come back to the same place that caused her so much pain. Well, that is until the popular kids start dying.
Space Star
Rose is a Spankoffsi. She is also the perfect little actress. Nobody wants two lords in black fighting over them, but unfortunately for Rose, she ends up caught in a fight between T'noy Karaxis and Pokotho to be their specialist little toy.
Universal Revenge
Angelou Brailer was once in Max Jagerman's little posse, until he got kicked out. When he returns to Hatchetfield High, students are immediately enamored by him and the chrisma he radiates. Max is determined to drag him back down again, but comes to discover Angelou has different plans, as well as some… divine intervention.
Little Candy Shop of Horrors
Stephanie Lauter makes an unusual new friend at the new candy store in town. One that's sweet, and craves it too. Unfortunately, Steph's new friend’s favorite treat is red and sticky, and is instant on Steph getting it for her.
Heart Eyes
Marcella has never really liked love triangles in fiction. So, when she finds herself in one, she's not very thrilled. Especially not when then triangle consists of her long time crush Bill Woodward and an Eldritch Eye God.
The Nightmare Well
After a visit to a mysterious well, PJ finds herself having frequent nightmares. What's more is that she finds herself coming back to the well over and over again, becoming more enticed to jump inside. She enlists Reese's help, but it soon becomes apparent the well has no intention of leaving her, or anyone, alone.
Pretty and Perfect
Lola Drayson is sick of being a Nerdy Prude. So when a beautiful red haired woman offers her the chance to be everything she's ever wanted to be - perfect, pretty and popular - Lola jumps at the chance. Lola is thrilled by her new life, despite her best friend Michelle's concerns. But beauty comes at a cost, and Lola's dreams are soon to become a total nightmare.
Web of Melodies
Michelle signs up for the town Talent show, hoping it'll take her mind of the weird visions she's been having recently. She's happy to meet most of the other performers, but one in particular seems somewhat suspicious. And when an old friend shows up, Michelle realizes just what she's getting into.
Honey Queen, 2009
What happened at the 2009 Honey Festival? How did six (known) people end up dead? That's for Christine Jagerman to know, and you to find out.
Grace Chasity and T'noy Karaxis VS The World(s)!
Tinky's been having a little too much fun lately, but luckily Grace is willing to help him clean up his mess. With a lot of annoying comments, of course.
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rhondafromhr · 2 months
Ok hear me out: Tuck Everlasting-esque AU with Lautity (sort of) AND Halocheer and Linda and Zoey teaming up as the villains (putting it under the cut because it’s kind of long).
Grace adores her parents and she generally always listens to them, wanting to be a good kid trusting that whatever rules they impose on her are for the best, but she’s always had a fascination with the Witchwood and they won’t let her go anywhere near it. Unbeknownst to her, they briefly worked as counselors at Abstinence camp and had a traumatic run in with Lumber Axe that resulted in the death of one of the kids they were supposed to look out for, which is part of why they’re so overprotective of Grace. One day in August the summer before her senior year, they finally decide to go on a trip just the two of them and leave Grace at home alone, which they haven’t done in years. Once they’re gone, she realizes this is her one chance to go have an adventure and see the wood. She feels a little guilty for betraying their trust, but her curiosity is too strong and she goes for it.
Stephanie’s been trapped at age 17 for decades after Solomon gave her the enchanted spring water that made her immortal without her knowledge. To win his office as mayor, he made a deal with the LIB and the condition was that she’d die and be sent to the black and white when she turned eighteen. At that point, he cared about her a little bit more than he does in canon and felt slightly guilty and conflicted. He’s privvy to all of the weird supernatural happenings in Hatchetfield, so he knew about the enchanted spring in the Witchwood that stops anyone who drinks from it from aging. He gave it to her so that she never would. He became increasingly cold and distant after that, preoccupied with staying in power so that he could keep watching over Hatchetfield and unable to face her knowing what he’d cursed her with. He chose not to drink the water and left a note explaining everything when he died - by then, Stephanie hadn’t aged whatsoever and was starting to suspect something was off, but wasn’t sure exactly what. So now she’s all alone and has to avoid forming any meaningful relationships or staying anywhere too long in order to keep her secret. She knows just as well as her father did that if that spring became widespread knowledge, it’d be disastrous not just for Hatchetfield, but for all of humanity. She left Hatchetfield not long after Solomon died and hasn’t been back since, but wanted to come watch the Honey Queen pageant because it reminds her of her mother, who won when she was a little girl and disappeared not long after.
She’s walking through the Witchwood just because she doesn’t want to spend too much time in town when she sees Grace and decides to intervene before she gets lost, runs into something dangerous or, worst of all, finds the spring and tries to drink from it. To distract her and keep her away from the Witchwood, she invites Grace to go see the pageant with her and Grace agrees. Grace constantly annoys her, but she kind of likes that because she hasn’t felt much of anything in years and it makes her feel almost alive again. As the night goes on, she finds Grace’s judgmental comments funny and contributes her own that make Grace laugh in turn. She also loves that Grace sees this outing as an exciting adventure and finds that her enthusiasm is infectious - Stephanie has unlimited time, but she’s done nothing but avoid truly living for years, whereas Grace is passionate and really seizing the moment, like she’s not sure she’ll ever have the chance again.
Grace convinces her to go to the parade/block party they hold after the pageant downtown (Stephanie knows it’s a bad idea, but can’t say no to Grace’s bright smile and “Please, I’ve never been to a party in my whole life!”) There, they run into Linda Monroe and Zoey Chambers - both of their grandmothers told them stories of the mayor’s daughter, who seemed to completely stop aging and become impervious to injury before mysteriously disappearing. Mima went to high school with her and saw it up close and personal. They’ve both been obsessively trying to track her down and get the secret to eternal life for themselves, both so they can stay young and beautiful forever and so they can possibly sell that secret to others and make a fortune. In this timeline, they were supposed to be in the pageant and started out competing against each other like in canon, but discovered that they were both after the secret to eternal youth and decided to drop out so they could work together to get it. Who needs the Honey Queen crown when your beauty will never fade and you have eternity to make everyone love you?
They almost catch Stephanie, Grace helps her narrowly escape and then Steph reveals the secret and tells her life story. Grace is like, “wow, you’ve been alone all this time with nobody to share your adventures with? That’s so sad, Steph!” The she proposes that she should drink the water and accompany Stephanie around the world, then she can keep having fun adventures like she did today forever and Steph won’t have to be alone anymore. Or course, they’d have to get married. It’d just be improper for two unmarried young adults to be gallavanting around the world together without a chaperone, what would people think?
As desperately as Stephanie wants companionship, she knows it would be selfish to accept and tries to explain the downside of things and talk Grace out of it - how part of what makes life meaningful is that it’s temporary and there’s no real living without dying, how life is all about the connections we make and having this secret prevents you from doing that, about how growing, changing and moving on are part of life’s beauty. Grace is persistent, so they reach a compromise - she’ll give Grace a vial of the water and she’ll wait until she’s at least eighteen to decide if she wants to drink it. If she does, she’ll meet Steph by the spring in a year’s time.
Meanwhile, the Chasitys freak out when they get home in the morning and can’t find Grace and nobody’s heard from her. HFPD refuses to help with any missing persons cases, especially if the person went missing recently because there are just too many mysterious disappearances in Hatchetfield and they’re too corrupt to really care. They hire a private investigator to help get her back and Brenda’s accompanying her as part of a job shadowing school project. They ask around to everyone who attended the Honey Queen pageant (so basically the whole town) if they saw a young girl fitting Grace’s description. Eventually, Brenda gets impatient and breaks off on her own. It’s Hatchetfield and she knows that wherever Grace is, she might be in danger and there’s limited time before she disappears forever. She charges into the Witchwood, since that’s the one place they haven’t looked and Grace’s parents mentioned she’s not allowed there. She finds an item that’s been dropped - a butterfly clip - and keeps going in that direction, eventually finding Grace and Steph being held at gunpoint by Linda and Zoey. She sneaks up on them and sweeps their legs, Grace hits them with the butt of the guns and knocks them out (possibly kills them) for good measure, then they all run to safety. Steph tells Grace she has to go and they say goodbye. Grace tells her, “no matter what I decide, I’ll never forget you.” Stephanie replies, “you know what? Same. Thanks for the adventure of a lifetime.”
Brenda walks Grace home and Grace excitedly tells her about everything she got up to (except for the eternal life stuff). Brenda thinks her excitement is so cute and charming and asks if she wants to go to Miss Retro’s. Grace says she would, but she’s probably grounded. When she gets home, she just tells her parents she went into the Witchwood and got lost. They’re so happy to see her and so grateful to Brenda for getting her home safely that they don’t ground her after all and even say she can go. From there, she and Brenda get closer and slowly fall in love. She keeps the vial in a drawer and debates internally whether she wants to drink or to just get everything she can out of life for the short time she’s here. On her eighteenth birthday, she decides that she’d rather live a temporary lifetime with Brenda and her friends and family then an eternal one without them. She pours the water on Brenda’s favorite orchid instead so it will never die.
Stephanie turns up by the spring and waits all day, equal parts relieved and sad that Grace never shows up. She doesn’t return for about a century, whereupon she finds Grace and Brenda buried next to each other with inscriptions on their headstones that show they lived the life she never could.
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How I see "The Outsiders + That Was Then This Is Now" characters
Part 4: Greaser Girls
(Note. I hade to make up almost half the last names because S.E. Hinton does not name her girls )
Evie Monroe - Random 60s model who used picrew to match the idea in my head <3
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• her hair is always straight Steve hasn’t even seen it naturally
• resting bitchface but the sweetest smile ever
• doesn’t have pierced ears cause she’s scared of infections
Ace Jenkins - Tilly Evans-Krueger
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• looks younger (I HC Ace to be 17)
• pretty well toned and defined from helping Steve and soda at the DX
• Always wearing a a red bandana in her hair
Sylvia Robert's - Brooke Shields
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• her eyes are a dark brown
• a scar on the back of her head from a beer bottle, her hair covers it but it’s there
• used to dye her hair blond to match Dallys
Sandy Lou - Lynne Hatheway Anthony
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• her hair is so blond it’s almost white
• she has those stare into your soul bright blue eyes
• her teeth are also too white
• everything about her is perfect to an unsettling level
Scout Jenkins - Heather McComb
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• yes I headcanon her and ace as sisters, no they do not look remotely alike (half sisters on their moms side)
• slightly lighter hair than in canon
• has really bad home done hair cut including badly done bangs
Brenda Mathew's (two’s sister) - Emily Perkins
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• half siblings again ( i just realized how many characters i headcanon as being half siblings)
• red hair and blue eyes
• freckles all over her face, hands, arms legs, everywhere
• she’s short for her age (11) and it pisses her off
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paranormaltheatrekid · 4 months
Use this as an excuse to dump a bunch of Hatchetfield headcanons, go wild.
Wow ok here we go:
-Ted Spankoffski is a pineapple pizza enjoyer.
-While we’re on the topic of Ted, Tinky definitely keeps clumps of his hair in a bag somewhere.
-Like Richie, Steph used to have dyed hair at some point.
-Becky Barnes is very much an animal person. She definitely got multiple pets once Stanley was gone.
-I didn’t create this headcanon, but I just adore it: Duke named his cat after Miss Holloway.
-Paul likes ice Carmel frappes. He just orders black coffee because it’s easy for Emma.
-Alice Woodward listens to Chappell Roan religiously.
-Webby’s favorite brother was Wiggly. They used to be really close.
-Miss Holloway definitely had the gift even before she made the deal. She saw Webby and stuff.
-Ruth is a Hamilton fanatic.
-Despite the fact that he didn’t make it, Pokey loves the phantom of the opera. He tries to make Paul be Cristine. He hates it, obviously.
-Xander Lee is John’s husband.
-Max and Stephanie were childhood friends.
-Lex and Ethan are bi4bi
-The nerds cosplay together. Ted takes them to conventions and teases them about it, but he secretly loves going.
-Miss Holloway runs karaoke nights at the diner. Her and Duke do duets together.
-Richie’s favorite food is the Miku ramen.
-Hannah Foster likes the Percy Jackson books.
-Also, Hannah didn’t speak until she was like 10 or 11.
-Charles Coven had involvement with Peip. He knew John and Wilbur.
-Nibbly is either the best cook ever or burns everything he touches. No in between.
-Shelia Young and Linda Monroe are both heavy red wine drinkers. Also, Shelia knows the Murrays through the church so she definitely knows Linda.
-I’m not really sure about this one, but I think it would be cool if Miss Holloway was related to the Waylon family.
-Max is secretly a musical theatre enjoyer.
-Kyle isn’t in the best of you scene because Grace killed him before Jason.
-Grace learned how to bury bodies from watching the Jerries. Or perhaps she learned from her mother.
-Benji, the kid who was said to have been able to talk to dogs in yellow jacket, was Scrags from the solve it squad.
-Blinky is an avid smut reader.
-Hannah made Ethan a bracelet. It’s his prized possession.
-Grace used to have a crush on Alice.
-Wilbur Cross has green eyes, like bright green. Idk that he doesn’t. I think he should.
-Charlotte makes her own sweaters. She gave the CCRP gang ones for their birthdays. Bill and Melissa love theirs. Paul hates his. Ted pretends to dislike his, but he’s glad that she made him one.
-Melissa and Woman are gay and in love.
-The reason that Webby taught Hannah how to play the ukulele was because her brother Pokey taught her how to play instruments.
-Linda’s mom was definitely a honey queen.
-Pete is really interested in space. I think it suits him, but also know he can be the space bastard to Ted’s time bastard.
-Forever and Always!Paulkins adopt a dog and multiple kids.
-Nibbly’s human forms are inspired by past honey queens.
-Zoey and Zach used to be very close as kids.
-Steph is very good at makeup. She practices her skills on Pete.
-Some movies Miss Holloway likes are labyrinth and the princess bride. She will not watch a movie made past the 90s. Brenda calls her old.
-Paul doesn’t hate Moana. He is the only one who knows all the lyrics.
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Psycho (1960-1990), Harry Potter(2001-2011), American Psycho (2000), Donnie Darko (2001) , Cry of fear (2012-2013), girl interrupted (1999), Marvel, DC, The Book of Life (2014), Rope (1948), The Virgin Suicides (1999), Night Before Christmas (1993), Corpse Bride (2005), Beetlejuice (1988)
(Psycho posts/reblogs & others)
About me:
fw music 24/7—
Freddie Mercury, Queen, The Beatles, The Smiths, Anthony Perkins, Lesley Gore, The Supremes, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra, The Ronettes, Skeeter Davis, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Vera Lynn, The Excellents, Michael Jackson, Connie Francis, Barbara Lewis, Brenda Lee, The Poni-Tails, Marilyn Monroe, Margo Guryan, Ricky Nelson, The Chordettes, Jimmy Clanton, The Vogues, Johnny Tillotson, Doris Day, Kitty Kallen, The Paris Sisters, Dean Martin, Patti Page, Ruby Murray. (there a lot hlep)
Loves fics & movies
Silly idiot (humorous)
Anthony Perkins & Kirsten Dunst enthusiast
Fanfic Recs:
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I think that's all for today bc my phone cooked so hard n now looks kinda rlly tired😩
(Not) continuous updates in this post.
This shit is larger than my life lol
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exalt1ora · 6 months
does your hatchetfield fav watch reality TV?
currently watching love is blind and was inspired by the autism. tried to include like every character im sure i missed some 💐🫶
all the time, invested 100 percent: zoey chambers, linda monroe, ruth fleming, max jägerman (canon to me sorry abt it), prof. hidgens, jason jepson, sam sweetly, lucy stockworth, sylvia, eddie chiplucky
for shits and giggles: emma perkins, ethan green, ziggs, rose, donna daggit, brenda, jenny, sheila young, zach chambers
says it's 'ironically' but is actually into it: stephanie lauter, alice woodward, ted spankoffski, officer bailey, gerald monroe, gary goldstein, sophia 'spitfire'
watches only because someone they care about is into it: peter spankoffski, bill woodward, kyle clauger, deb
doesn't have time for that shit: becky barnes, lex foster, miss holloway, barry swift, greenpeace girl, wilbur cross, frank pricely, detective shapiro, jane perkins, mr. davidson, nora, paul 23, emdroid, kale
can't watch without getting sad cus of the fighting and drama: charlotte sweetly, duke keane, hannah foster, dan reynolds, stacy, girl jeri, thrash, daniel 'stopwatch'
actively hates reality tv: paul matthews, grace chasity, richie lipschitz, tom houston, general macnamara, melissa, mayor lauter, boy jerry, sherman young
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otakusheep15 · 18 days
Hello Twisted Wonderland community. I have no clue if any of you enjoy Starkid, but this is for the small group of you who do, I humbly present this:
Twisted Wonderland Characters as Hatchetfield Characters
This is for the three main musicals (The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, Black Friday, Nerdy Prudes Must Die). I thought about doing Nightmare Time as well, but there's so many extra characters that I really didn't wanna bother lol. I'm gonna do this like they do it for the musicals, so some of the characters will have multiple roles. However, I might do some recasting depending on the musical, so they might not be consistent throughout the three.
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals:
Paul Matthews: Idia Shroud
Bill Woodward: Trey Clover
Ted Spankoffski/Homeless Guy: Ace Trappola
Emma Perkins: Jamil Viper
Prof Hidgens: Lilia Vanrouge
Charlotte/Nora/Deb: Vil Schoenheit
Greenpeace Girl/Alice/Zoe: Cater Diamond
Sam Sweetly/Mr. Davidson/General MacNamara: Floyd Leech
Black Friday:
Tom Houston: Trey Clover
Becky Barnes: Cater Diamond
Lex Foster: Ace Trappola
Ethan Green/Chris Kringle: Deuce Spade
Hannah Foster/Tim Houston: Ortho Shroud
Uncle Wiley: Lilia Vanrouge
Wiggly/Gary Goldstein: Floyd Leech
Linda Monroe: Vil Schoenheit
Sherman Young: Idia Shroud
General MacNamara: Sebek Zigvolt
Frank Pricley: Azul Ashengrotto
President Howard Goodman: Rook Hunt
Nerdy Prudes Must Die:
Peter Spankoffski: Trey Clover
Stephanie Lauter: Cater Diamond
Richard Lipschitz/Wiggly: Idia Shroud
Ruth Flemming/Blinky: Kalim Al-Asim
Max Jagerman: Floyd Leech
Grace Chastity: Sebek Zigvolt
Karen Chastity/Miss Tessburger/Nibbly/Stacey: Lilia Vanrouge
Solomon Lauter/Pokey/Jason: Jack Howl
Mark Chastity/Officer Bailey/Tinky: Rook Hunt
Detective Shapiro/Brenda: Jamil Viper
Some of these are stretches at best, but I tried. Most of these are serious attempts at casting, but a couple are just because I thought they would be silly. And, again, shoutout to the three Twst fans who also like Starkid; this is for y'all.
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raspberrysmoon · 4 months
KEY- Wiggly, Webby, Tinky, Nibbly, Blinky, Pokey. Dead, no alignment.
explanatory post
explanatory post
I CURSE THE DAY (the first fic!)
Zoey Chambers- ⚔️❤️
Zach Chambers- ⚔️❤️
Ted Spankoffski- ⏳🎤🪤
Duke Keane- ⚔️
Jeri- 🎤
Kai Drew- ⚡️🌺🌑⏳🌧️⚔️🪤🎤❤️
agatha waylon
alex bailey
alice woodward
barry swift
becky barnes
benji oliver
bill woodward
blake shapiro
bob metzger
brenda madden
brooke tessburger
bruno harper-watts
caitlyn smith
carl metzger
charles coven
charlotte sweetly
dan reynolds
daniel laine
deb reynolds
donna daggit
doug jameson
doug keane
duke keane
ed larson
eddie chiplucky
eliza tessburger
emma perkins
ethan green
florence schaffer
frank pricely
gabe oliver
gary goldstein
gerald monroe
grace chasity
hank -
hannah foster
harmony jones
henry hidgens
holly cross
jane perkins
jason jepson
jenny peterson
jeri -
jerry -
john macnamara
jordan monroe
kale -
karen chasity
ken davidson
kimberly mulberry
kyle clauger
lars metzger
lex foster
linda monroe
louie metzger
mark chasity
mary clarke
matilda waylon
max jägerman
melissa campbell
miss holloway
noah reid
nora beanie
pamala foster
patricia johnson
paul matthews
pete spankoffski
reese miller
richie lipschitz
river monroe
roman murray
ruth fleming
sam sweetly
seaton monroe
sheila young
sherman young
solomon lauter
sophia -
stacy baker
steph lauter
sylvia miller
ted spankoffski
tim houston
todd addams
tom houston
tony green
trent monroe
trevor jackson
uncle wiley
wilbur cross
xander lee
zach chambers
zoey chambers
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brokecorviknight · 9 months
Hatchetfield Pokémon AU - Partner List:
Main Characters:
Paul Matthews - Exploud
Emma Perkins - Porygon
Tom Houston - Donphan
Becky Barnes - Comfey
Lex Foster - Zigzagoon (Cressellia is also here)
Hannah Foster - Mew
Pete Spankoffski - Stoutland
Steph Lauter - Luxray
Grace Chasity - Hatterene
Max Jägerman - Passimian
Wiggly (Wiggog Y’rath) / Wendell (Dark/Psychic)
Nibbly (Nibblenephim) / Nicky (Dark/Psychic)
Pokey (Pokotho) / Porter (Dark/Psychic)
Blinky (Bliklotep) / Blaine (Dark/Psychic)
Tinky (T’noy Karaxis) / Theo (Theodore) (Dark/Psychic)
Webby (Queen in White) / Wendy (Psychic/Dark)
Important Characters:
Ted Spankoffski - Volcarona
Bill Woodward - Leavanny
Alice Woodward - Skitty
Prof. Henry Hidgens - Liligant
Gen. John MacNamara - Genesect
Ethan Greene - Cyclizar
Linda Monroe - Vespiqueen
Tim Houston - Cubone
Richie Lipschitz - Gallade
Ruth Fleming - Sprigatito
Solomon Lauter - Honchkrow
Detective Shapiro - Pikachu
Henry (Fake Prof. Henry Hidgens) - Mimikyu
Lucy Stockworth - Gholdengo
Wooly-Foot - Galrian Darmanitan
Konk (Ted Spankoffski) - Darmanitan
Pryce Perkins (Paul Matthews 23) - Ditto
Emilia Matthews (Emma Perkins Android) - MissingNo
Time Bastard / Homeless Man (Ted Spankoffski) - Iron Moth and Slither Wing
Jane Houston (Perkins) - Revaroom
Miss Holloway - Hypno
Duke Keane - Snorlax
Gerald Monroe - Vivallon
Perky (Emma Perkins) - Aribolva
Ziggy - Shiftry
Jeri - Nidoqueen
Jerry - Nidoking
Lumber Axe (Lil’ Jerry) - Witchwood Haxorus
Shelia Young - Froslass
Rose - Toxtricity
Melissa - Meowstick (Female)
Puss - Espeon
Named Characters:
Greenpeace girl / Harmony Jones - Shaymin
Ken Davidson - Grumpig
Charlotte Sweetly - Oinkalogne
Sam Sweetly - Braviary
Nora - Minccino
Zoey Chambers - Alcreamie
Deb - Liepard
Frank Pricely - Sableye
Sherman Young - Salazzle
Gary Goldstein - Meowth
Uncle Wiley / Wilbur Cross - Tentacruel
Man in a Hurry / Barry Swift - Yanmega
Dude with Peanut - Pachirisu (Peanut)
Xander Lee - Empoleon
President - Unfezant (Male)
Mark Chasity - Flapple
Karen Chasity - Appletun
Off. Bailey - Skarmory
Kyle - Chesnaught
Brenda - Oricorio (Electric)
Jason - Bastiodon
Caitlyn - Altaria
Ms. Mulberry- Audino
Ms. Tessburger - Corsola
Rudolph - Sawsbuck
Brook - Finneon
Trevor Lipschitz - Magcargo
Allison - Lanturn
Madame Iris - Reuniclus
Craig - Tropius
Barker - Coalossal
Rupert - Gigalith
Jonathan Brisby - Tyrantrum
Sylvia - Floatzel
Andy / Executive Kilgore - Aggron
Jenny - Milotic
Dan Reynolds - Karrablast
Donna Daggit - Shelmet
Tony Greene - Klingklang
Jacqueline Frost - Glaceon
Pamala Foster - Komala
Roman Murray - Morpeko
River Monroe - Combee (Male) or Teddyursa
Trent Monroe - Venomoth
Seaton Monroe - Ninjask
Jordan Monroe - Shuckle
Malone - Octillery
Hailey - Skuntank
Zach Chambers - Gogoat
Liz - Beartic
Judith - Butterfree
Martha - Clawitzer
Mary - Bibarel
Mima Chambers - Drampa
Bob Metzger - Witchwood Aegislash
Carl Metzger - Witchwood Doublade
Larz Metzger - Witchwood Doublade
Louie Metzger - Witchwood Honedge
Mary - Medichan
Noah - Furret
Gabe - Sudowoodo
Marco - Copperajah
Kale - Chatot
Thrash - Noivern
Skud - Rillaboom
Courtney - Zebstrika
Russ - Scovillain
Beth - Centiskorch
Eddie Chiplucky - Krookodile
Stopwatch / Daniel - Phantump
Spitfire / Sophia - Blaziken
Charles - Type: Null
Bruno - Pangoro
Otho - Flamigo
Freddie Biggs - Corviknight
Mina - Pyroar (Female)
Chrissy - Alolan Persian
Aubrey - Purugly
Teddy Bear - Mabosstiff
Jerrie - Golurk
Different Actors:
Hot Chocolate Boy (Peter Spankoffski) (TGWDLM) - Polteageist
Pete Spankoffski (AC) - Aromatisse
Prof. Henry Hidgens (HQ) - Jigglypuff
Prof. Henry Hidgens (WB) - Spinda
Max Jägerman (TGWDLM) - Cinderace
Ethan Greene (YJ) - Goodra
(I’ve been working on this for a few weeks. I thought it would be fun to share. Hope you all enjoy it)
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justarandombrit · 3 months
@femslashfortnight 23rd June - Fake Dating AU - Lautity
I really have a weird love for Fake Dating AUs so instead of doing art for this prompt, I decided to write something. It's actually the first time I've ever written Lautity so just bare that in mind while reading. (Also I don't have Ao3 so it's just below the cut)
Steph had never hated her father more.
For a man who once asked the hospital to unplug his father's life support so the sympathy over his death wasn't overshadowed by a local football match, forcing his daughter to find a date for a school dance seemed like a comparatively reasonable request. To Steph, however, her father could've stabbed her and she'd have more easily forgiven him.
Just last summer he'd carted her off to Camp Idontwannabang to protect his precious reputation because sex was evil and scandalous, and now it was all “Stephanie, as the mayor's daughter you are expected to find a fitting partner for occasions such as these. The town will begin thinking I'm forbidding you from dating, and we can't have that, can we?”
When she, admittedly quite bluntly, told him about her plan to spend the dance hanging around with Brenda and Stacy, he gave her an ultimatum.
Get a date by the dance, or he'd pick one himself.
She severely doubted her father's taste in men, especially since he'd been near constantly talking about how well-respected Brad Callaghan’s parents were in town.
She'd joked to Brenda and Stace that he'd have her going with one of the Monroe boys, but between a bleach blond twelve year old, and the biggest prick of a Linebacker she'd ever met, Trent Monroe didn't seem so bad.
In all seriousness, though, those hypotheticals would never come to fruition. She was Stephanie fucking Lauter, for Christ’s sake. She had her pick of the school, even if it was just because her dad was the mayor.
Max Jägerman would've been a safe bet, if not for the fact that they'd dated in Middle School for the worst month of her life. Plus, the breakup was messy beyond belief and even if it was just to a last minute post-game party, she suspected this would be even worse.
Both Kyle and Jason were off-limits, and she knew it. For a start, Brenda would kill her if she even touched Kyle’s arm, and she knew Max would make Jason's life a living hell, since one of his rules for his entourage was “No dating my exes on pain of wedgy”. Also, Jason had always weirdly reminded her of her father. Gross.
Brenda and Stacy were both just bad ideas. They had the somewhat rebellious factor of getting a girl instead of a guy, like she knew her dad would prefer, but Brenda was still madly in love with Kyle, and Stacy was still madly in love with Brenda. Best not to make that love triangle worse.
Maybe she should look away from the popular kids. Her dad never said anything about who the person had to be, and she kind of felt like being petty.
Her dating that bowtie kid, the Spankoffski, was definitely not flattering to her father's town-wide reputation. He was also pretty cute, but everyone knew his brother went missing a few months back, and she didn't want to lead him on when he was definitely not in the right headspace for a romantic relationship. And that fact might garner sympathy around them and turn it into one massive publicity stunt that would actually boost the Lauters’ reputation. All in all a bad idea.
Flemwad and Shitlips (she was relatively sure those weren't their actual last names, but that was the only thing anyone ever called them) were both definitely rock bottom in terms of desirability, but she had the feeling that dating either of them would drag her reputation down into the gutter too. This was about embarrassing her father, not her.
All of the other background nerds were essentially unapproachable, since she knew next to nothing about any of the other lower status students of Hatchetfield High. Although, wasn't one of them an arsonist? Definitely not.
This left, in Steph’s eyes, one candidate. One choice so crazy it just might work. Hatchetfield’s resident prude, none other than Grace Chasity.
Steph knew she looked like a creep staring down the hallway at Grace as she handed out flyers. She hadn't seen what any of the flyers had on them, but chances were it was a petition to cancel the very dance Steph was plotting about.
It might've been easier to march on down there, pick up an information pamphlet and join in on Grace's protest, but none of the Chasity family's holy crusades ever seemed to work, whether it be shutting down weed farms, boycotting diners, storming arcades, or stopping school dances. People tended to ignore them. Which was why what Steph was about to do would be so easy.
She slammed her locker shut and jammed her hands in the pockets of her trousers, Max Jägerman style. Unfortunately, women's jeans have considerably smaller pockets than letterman jackets, so she probably looked slightly awkward.
It definitely seemed to have the intended effect though, since people in the corridor shrunk away from her as she passed.
She knew getting Grace to agree to go through with her plan was a long shot, and Max might kick up a bit of a fuss, but Steph thought that out of everyone at the school, she might be the only one Grace would even consider dating. The girl was practically obsessed with her, after all.
“Hey, Chastity!” Steph shouted, getting her name wrong on purpose.
Grace’s face lit up, and she clutched her leaflets to her chest with one arm, throwing the other up to wave excitedly.
“Hi Steph! Do you want to help me hand out flyers before Biology?”
Steph desperately tried to make her smile look forced.
“As fun as that sounds, I'm actually here to ask a favour.”
Grace cocked her head to the side slightly, shifting her pamphlets to the other arm.
“It's not about the History homework is it? Steph, you know I won't help you cheat. We could do a study session in the library though! My parents might even let me stay out until 6pm!”
Ignoring both how enticing that offer sounded, and how sad the last comment was, Steph replied, “No, it's not about homework, I'll just cheat off of Spankoffski, it was actually about the dance–”
Grace looked scandalised, which Steph thought probably wasn't a good sign, but carried on anyway.
“– I don't have anyone to go with, and my dad is totally on my ass about it, so I wanted to know if you'd be chill with going with me, or, like, pretending to be my date, or something,”
Grace took a deep breath, and Steph braced herself for the verbal smackdown. Why did she think asking out the most puritanical seventeen year old on earth was a good idea?
“First of all, butt, Steph, not hmmm” –Grace hummed to avoid saying the profanity– “and secondly, I don't plan on going to this devil-worshipping sperm bank of a school party. It's a football party, Steph, a football party. We didn't even win! The Timberwolves wiped the floor with us!! And lastly, I will not ‘pretend to be your date’. We're seventeen, we shouldn't even be thinking about that stuff yet! Why would I even consider that?”
Steph really didn't want to resort to this, but her brain spit out a response before she'd had any say in the matter.
“If Max thinks you're a lesbian he'll stop trying to carry your books.”
If Steph knew what the five stages of grief actually were, she'd have assumed Grace was cycling through them now. Instead, she thought Grace looked like she'd gone from seeing a ghost, to being flustered beyond belief, to having eaten a wasp, to completely unreadable. Somehow that was the scariest one.
Grace bowed her head and avoided Steph's eyes while putting her papers in her backpack. After she'd checked they were all in there at least four times, Grace hoisted her backpack back on to her shoulder and took a deep breath.
“I- okay. Okay. Okay. I'll do it.”
It took everything in Steph not to hug Grace right there in the middle of the hallway. Instead, she shot Grace a singular finger gun and, in her best dirtbag boyfriend impression, turned around and yelled back “See you at the dance, hot stuff!”
Judging by the giggling around her, she knew Grace was probably bright red, and definitely going to kill her. Worth it.
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theyraylovehate · 2 years
Wheel of Fan Fiction Masterlist
Smut 🔥
Fluff 🌸
Angst 💧
*This is like brand new so most of the characters won't have anything just yet*
•Stranger things
-Billy Hargrove
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Robin Buckley (Fem/NB only)
-Johnathan Byers
-Nancy Wheeler
-Jim Hopper
-Joyce Byers
-Will Byers (No smut)
-Mike Wheeler (No smut)
-Max Mayfield (No smut)
Hateful Cuddling - Female reader 🌸
-Dustin Henderson (No smut)
-Lucas Sinclair (No smut)
-Eleven (Jane) Hopper (No smut)
-Iron Man/Tony Stark
-Captian America/Steve Rogers
-Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
-Hawkeye/Clint Barton
-Hulk/Bruce Banner
-Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
-Black Panther/T'challa
-Doctor Strange/Steven Strange
-Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
-Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
-Starlord/Peter Quill
-Spiderman/Peter Parker
-Falcon/Sam Wilson
-War Machine/James Rhodes
-Valkyrie (Fem/NB only)
-Professor X/Charles Xavier
-Magneto/Erik Lensherr
-Wolverine/James Howlett
-Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
-Jean Grey
-Storm/Ororo Munroe
-Cyclops/Scott Summers
-Beast/Henry "Hank" McCoy
-Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
-Havok/Alexander Summers
•DC/Young Justice
-Batman/Bruce Wayne
-Superman/Clark Kent
-The Flash/Barry Allen
-Aquaman/Authur Curry
-Cyborg/Victor Stone
-Joker/Jack Oswald White
-Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
-Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
-DeadShot/Floyd Lawton
-Kid Flash/Wally West
-Nightwing (Robin #1)/ Dick Grayson
-Red Hood (Robin #2)/ Jason Todd
-Robin (#3)/ Tim Drake
-Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
-Superboy/Johnathan "Jon" Kent
-Artemis/Artemis Crock
-Red Arrow/Roy Harper
-Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
-Black Canary/Dinah Lance
-Miss Martian/Megan Morse
•Umbrella Academy
-Luther Hargreeves (#1)
-Diego Hargreeves (#2)
-Allison Hargreeves (#3)
-Klaus Hargreeves (#4)
-Five Hargreeves (#5)
-Ben Hargreeves (#6)
-Viktor Hargreeves (#7)
-Marcus Hargreeves (#1)
-Fei Hargreeves (#3)
-Alphonso Hargreeves (#4)
-Sloan Hargreeves (#5)
-Jayme Hargreeves (#6)
-Lila Aryu
-The Handler
•Harry Potter
-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-Hermione Granger
-Fred Weasley
-George Weasley
-Ginny Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black (Older)
-Cedric Diggory
-Oliver Wood
-Neville Longbottom
-Luna Lovegood
-Remus Lupin (Older)
-Nymphadora Tonks
-Lucious Malfoy (Older)
-Narcissa Malfoy (Older)
-Severus Snape (Older)
-Bill Weasley
-Charlie Weasley
-James Potter
Friendly Love - Male reader 🌸
-Lily Evans
-Sirius Black
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Regulus Black
-Lusious Malfoy
-Narcissa Black
-Peter Pettigrew
•Greek Mythology
-Beatrice "Tris" Prior
-Caleb Prior
-Tobias "Four"
Zip line of Love - Nonbinary Reader (Requested) 🌸
•Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Han Solo
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Kylo Ren
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury (Fem/NB only)
-Chuck Shurley
-Jody Mills
-Ellen Harvelle
-Kevin Tran
•The Walking Dead
-Rick Grimes
-Daryl Dixon
-Glenn Rhee
-Carl Grimes
-Maggie Greene
-Shane Walsh
-Rosita Espinosa
-Carol Peletier
-Paul "Jesus" Monroe
-Abraham Ford
‐Tara Chambler (Fem/NB only)
-Aaron (Masc/NB only)
•The Walking Dead Game
-Violet (Fem/NB only)
IT (2017)
-Richie Tozier
-Beverly Marsh
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Bill Denbrough
-Stanley Uris
-Ben Hanscom
-Henry Bowers
-Mike Hanlon
-Patrick Hockstetter
-Victor Criss
-Belch Huggins
-Harry Hook
•Maze Runner
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marcmarcmomarc · 4 months
Return to Amphibia
Tumblr media
Brenda Song
Anna Akana
Haley Tju
Justin Felbinger
Bill Farmer
Amanda Leighton
Troy Baker
Keith David
Michelle Dockery
Zehra Fazal
On Braly
Brian Sounalath
Anika Noni Rose
Wallace Shawn
Kate Micucci
Melissa Villaseñor
Dana Davis
Cassie Glow
Lakkhana Narksiri
…with Matt Braly
…and Dee Bradley Baker
James Adomian as Sheriff Buck Leatherleaf
Anna Akana as Sasha Waybright
Ella Allan as Ginger Flour
Mia Allan as Lavender Flour
Dee Bradley Baker as Bessie, Joe Sparrow, MicroAngelo, & Archie
Troy Baker as Captain Grime, Mall Cop Mark, Rodney, & FBI Agents
Marlow Barkley as Rosemary Flour
Jill Bartlett as Maddie Flour
Eric Bauza as Mr. Wu
Aisling Bea as Captain Beatrix
Jeff Bennett as Tyler
Laila Berzins as Sadie Croaker & Lysil
Susanne Blakeslee as Valeriana
Matt Braly as Frobo & Chuck Gardener
On Braly as Oum Boonchuy
Kimberly Brooks as Principal Murphy & Mitchell
Nicole Byer as Gertie
Matt Chapman as Tritonio Espada
Katie Crown as Ivy Sundew
Keith David as Andrias Leviathan
Dana Davis as Jess
Darin De Paul as Bog
John DiMaggio as Stumpy
Michelle Dockery as Lady Olivia
Paul Eiding as Monroe
Bill Farmer as Hop Pop Plantar & FBI Agents
Zehra Fazal as General Yunan Longclaw
Justin Felbinger as Sprig Plantar
Brad Garrett as Robert Otto
Cassie Glow as Molly Jo
Whoopi Goldberg as Mother Olm
Rachel House as Parisia
Matt Jones as Percy
Wayne Knight as Ned
Amanda Leighton as Polly Plantar
Marissa Lenti as Sasha’s Stepmother
Tress MacNeille as Doris
Brian Maillard as Leopold Loggle & FBI Agents
Mona Marshall as Sylvia Sundew
Jack McBrayer as Mayor Toadie
Kevin McDonald as Albus Duckweed
Jessica McKenna as Gabby Williams
Kate Micucci as Terri
Brielle Milla as Efty
Sumalee Montano as Mrs. Wu & Nee
Lakkhana Narksiri as Papu Boonchuy, Thai Woman, & Anne’s Grandmother
Joe Orrantia as FBI Agents
Nathalie Palamides as Fern
Chris Parnell as Mr. Waybright
Silver Paul as FBI Detective
Kevin Michael Richardson as Mr. Flour
Eden Riegel as Maggie
Sam Riegel as Mitch Harbor
Kaitlyn Robrock as Felicia Sundew
Stephen Root as Frodrick Toadstool
Anika Noni Rose as Dr. Jan
RuPaul as Mr. X
Kristen Schaal as Bella
Wallace Shawn as Humphrey Westwood
Keith Silverstein as FBI Agents
Roger Craig Smith as Tyler’s Husband
Brenda Song as Anne Boonchuy
Brian Sounalath as Bee Boonchuy
James Patrick Stuart as Wally Ribbiton
Rebecca Sugar as Becka Salt
Chris Sullivan as Gunther
Cree Summer as Dr. Frakes
Fred Tatasciore as Soggy Joe & Horace
Haley Tju as Marcy Wu
Daisuke Tsuji as Captain Bufo
Melissa Villaseñor as Ally
April Winchell as Tuti, Braddock, & Fens
Chris Wylde as Angwin & FBI Director
Cristina Vee as Mrs. Waybright
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rhondafromhr · 9 months
More ideas/headcanons for the ‘Nerds Corruption AU’
Link to the original post for those who aren’t familiar: https://www.tumblr.com/rhondafromhr/738012368733356032/dont-get-me-wrong-i-love-max-redemption-arcs-in
-The LIB adopt their human forms after the first time Max, Steph and the nerds summon them and RELENTLESSLY make fun of their true/eldritch forms. “our real forms would melt your minds” yeah sure whatever you need to tell yourself Pokey
-Tinky tries to use having Ted in the bastard box as leverage against Pete, but he just doesn’t care because that’s not his brother, it’s some other Pete’s brother from another timeline so it’s not his problem.
-Once everyone in the group starts acting like an agressive bully the way Max does, Grace finds herself attracted to all of them and has a crisis over it.
-At some point Max tries to apologize for before (“sorry for bullying you guys all these years, you never deserved that, everyone we’re currently bullying does but you didn’t.”) Now that they’re all literal monsters too they just dismiss him like “don’t apologize, we get it now, the power trip is fucking awesome!“
-Max’s signature move of using anti-bullying slogans to justify and get away with bullying is their favorite. They always tell Max how smart he is for coming up with it.
-They decide Kyle can date Brenda now but plot twist! Brenda leaves him for Ruth. Ruth taunts him for this every chance she gets and purposely makes out with Brenda in locations where he’ll have to walk by. Cue Kyle sobbing in the bathroom while Jason comforts him, leading to one of very few sweet, wholesome scenes we get in this universe.
-Ruth is confident enough to perform now, which obviously means they need to sabotage the lead in The Barbecue Monologues so she can take the role. They either just straight up intimidate them into quitting or frame them for vandalizing the school and get them expelled.
-One day Pete randomly remembers the time Brad Callahan pantsed him and he and the rest of the crew just drop what they’re doing to go beat him up. When they get called into principal Blim’s office they tell him they did it because Brad was picking on Hannah Foster earlier (“what do you want us to do? Stand by and do nothing? Being a bystander is just as bad as bullying, we learned that at the anti-bullying assembly!”) Brad has been known to do that so he believes them and lets them off with a warning. When word gets around people actually do mess with Hannah a lot less.
- (already mentioned this in a separate post but I’ll put it here too) after graduation Max, Steph + the nerds run an anime/comic book store together and Richie’s the only one who knows or cares about any of it. He’s rude and condescending to customers, everyone else is not knowledgeable and completely unhelpful, Grace tells every customer they need to go read a bible instead. They have like 1.5 stars on yelp but stay in business because the next closest similar store is in Clivesdale so nobody’s going to go there
-At some point Linda Monroe comes in and sees the gang being rude to Becky Barnes, so of course she takes an instant liking to them. She becomes an investor in the store and sort of a mother figure to all of them. She encourages their bad behavior, giving them tips for manipulating people in a more sophisticated way. Max and Steph get especially attached to her (the three bond over their dad issues) and they go to her house once a week to drink wine and and hear all the hot gossip about Linda’s rich frienemies.
-When Roman finds out about Linda’s new investment he comes to check out the store and he’s as icy towards her as usual. True to form, Max, Steph and the nerds say the rudest, most out of pocket stuff to him (Richie goes after his appearance HARD, not realizing the irony that he looks pretty similar) and eventually he storms off. Linda’s touched that they stood up for her. She cries and tells them how proud she is. Max and Steph cry a little too because this is the first time a parental figure’s ever told them that. After this they become obsessed with impressing Linda so they can hear it again.
-Grace babysits Linda’s kids sometimes and Linda pays her an outrageous amount due to being so out of touch with regular babysitting rates (“it’s one banana, what could it cost, ten dollars?” energy). Grace refuses to babysit for Tom anymore because he can’t match these rates. One night he can’t find any other sitters, so he tries to cancel on Becky but she suggests they spend a night in with Tim instead, leading to some nice family bonding (okay there can be one more cute wholesome moment, I’ll allow it.)
-They’re rivals with Frank Pricely. They hate him because Toyzone cuts into their merch sales. He hates them back for stealing Linda, who used to drop thousands per week at his store. They always scheme to screw each other over. Black Friday doesn’t happen in this timeline solely because they pay Lex to destroy the entire shipment of wiggly dolls. This is also what gets them on the LIB’s radar, Wiggly is absolutely furious.
- (This one relates to the popular “Paul is Richie’s uncle” headcanon) At some point, Paul is at his wit’s end with Richie and makes him move out in the hopes it’ll force him to reevaluate his life and stop being so awful. He doesn’t just throw Richie out, he gives him a timeline and helps him find a place. But he’s not sure if he did the right thing. He mentions this to Ted at work and Ted says his parents did the same to him and he’s totally well-adjusted. Paul just gives him a look and says “Ted…no.” This is the catalyst for him getting involved with the group and eventually getting his own corruption arc.
-After moving out, Richie becomes roommates with Max and Ruth. Steph and Pete have a luxury apartment together downtown (Solomon pays for it because he can’t deal with her anymore and wants her out of his house). Grace has a two bedroom apartment to herself - she had a roommate at one point, but they got fed up and left. Luckily she can afford it with her cushy babysitting gig.
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sporadiceagleheart · 15 days
Start of September edits Rachel Marie Jones Arana, Ana Rose “Nortie Grace” Huntley, Ahnika Elaine Clark, Heather Michele O'Rourke, Judith Eva Barsi (1978 - 1988), JonBenét Ramsey, Meika Dawn “Peeka” Jordan, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Figi, Olivia Pratt-Korbel, Liliana Marie “Lily” Peters, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Audrii Danielle Cunningham, Norah Lee Howard, 5-year-old Mercedes Losoya, Little Lucy Morgan, Sloan Ella Mattingly, Destiny Arianna Kay Riekeberg, Louis XVII Dauphin of France, Athena Presley Monroe Strand, Pauline “Paultje” Adelaar, Angellika Nicole “Angie” Arndt, Niña Sophia Gabrielle Corullo or Sophie,Charlotte Helen “Char” Bacon, Charlotte Louise Dunn, Kylie Ann Rosset, Naomi Reese Dunmire, Deborah Anne “Debbie” Bricca, Kyleigh Rampley, Kyleigh Leann Rampley, Eliahna “Ellie or Elle” Torres, Layla Marie Salazar, Alexandria Aniyah “Lexi” Rubio, Tess Marie Mata, Makenna Lee “Kenna” Elrod Seiler, Jacklyn Jaylen “Jackie” Cazares, Ahnika Elaine Clark, Ana Rose “Nortie Grace” Huntley, Rachel Marie Jones Arana, Emilie Alice “Em” Parker, Grace Lillian Ford, Three-year-old twins Aisha and Lailani Ford, Leiliana Wright, Arabella McCormack, MCKENNA CLAIRE WETZEL, Olivia Rose “Liv or Livie” Engel, Olivia Twenty Dahl, Olivia-Leigh Picton, Jaquita Mack, Bella Skye “Bellz” Edwards, Natalia Victoria Wallace, Bella Claire Callaway,Delyza Alyze Ortiz Hernandez, Mia Ugalde-Jorris, Mary Beatrice “Mary Bea” Perez, Hope Arismandez, Angel Hope Herrera, Danielle Marie “Danny” Franklin, Emma Catherine Grace Thompson, Katelynn Elizabeth Stinnett, April Sue-Lyn Jones, April Marie Tinsley was an eight-year-old, Cody Paul Chama, Star Hobson, Karla Isabelle Ruth “Karly” Sheehan, Opal Jo Dace Jennings, Amber Rene Hagerman, Lois Janes, Sarah Payne, Alicia Lynn Clark, Tristyn Bailey, Rosalie Avila, Elizabeth Shelley,
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