#bruce banner friends to lovers
saltsicklover · 1 year
Hung Every Star
Title: Hung Every Star
Pairing: Bruce Banner x Disabled!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 7000
Rating: T
Warnings: Talk of medical problems, disabled reader.
Friends to Lovers!!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Bruce Banner, or anything related to Marvel within this piece. Not Proof Read or BETA'd. All mistakes are my own.
I do not consent for my work to be edited, reposted, or translated.
You are responsible for your own media consumption. This is a work of fiction that may contain mature themes. If you are sensitive to those subjects, please do not read.
"Bruce, listen to me, and listen to me good," I speak into the phone, my voice a sort of choked up and strangled mess of syllables and affixes, "I am going to be just fine. Things are going to be tough, but I don't need you to worry about them. You have the world saving thing to worry about. I am going to find a new doctor, take another job to pay for health issuance, and I am going to get back on my medication in a few months. Everything is going to be just fine." I repeat the last bit more for my own benefit than for his. 
I have just been informed that my current insurance no longer covers my medical care and I had called Bruce, a lifelong friend, to vent. Part of it was also a lie, I lost my insurance all together when I got laid off, but frankly I am not ready to admit that to anyone yet. 
We have known each other since we were children, or I suppose since I was a child and he was just barely a teenager. Our families each owned a portion of a time share that just so happened to be a duplex. Every summer we would pack our things and head for the lake, taking  up residence next to the Banner family. Bruce and I's bedroom even shared a wall. As we got older, I would cover for him when he snuck out and he would make sure that I was always cared for. The eight year age gap never seemed to faze us, and we were fast friends who loved each other like siblings. 
"Bubba, please," He began, my childhood nickname all but covers up the too familiar plead in his voice that I have begun to hear too often, "Just come to the compound and let me help." 
"You know how I feel about going upstate." I try and swerve the subject and I know Bruce is shaking his head on the other end of the phone. 
"This isn't about traveling upstate and you know it!" He shouts, but I don't bother pulling the phone from my ear. I can hear him breathe deeply over the line as he composes himself, "Bubba, I know you don't want to feel like you are burdening anyone, but you aren't okay? How about you come first thing on Monday and let me check you out. Everyone is going to be away on mission and I will sleep better knowing you have at least let me check you out."
I hum into the receiver as I mull over his words. As much as I don't want to inconvenience the Avengers, especially because they just got done taking down Ultron, I know I only have a weeks worth of medication left. I pick up the large bottle, dumping the oblong yellow capsules into my hand before triple checking the amount. 
"Alright, Bruce," I finally speak, biting at my lip to mumble the words. "I will come up on Monday, but the second I am in the way, I am leaving." 
"I will take it," He rumbles, the joy in his voice leaking over the line, "One more thing, Bubba," 
"What?" I question, wiping my eyes with my sleeve, attempting to remove the dried tears from my cheeks.
"You know that's the first time you have called me Bruce since you were seventeen." He points out, "I hated it." 
Bruce's blunt words cause me to full on belly laugh, easing the tension in my shoulders slightly. He chuckles lightly through the phone. 
"That's better." He simpers, "I'll see you on Monday, Bubba. I love you." 
"I love you, too, Bruiser." I bid him before hanging up the phone. 
When I pulled up to the compound on Monday morning, I was relieved to see that the grounds were quiet. A few odd agents roamed around outside but I felt rather invisible which gave me the courage to leave my car and head for the front doors. 
A blond agent sat at the desk when I walked in, typing away on a computer, the phone receiver held loosely between his cheek and shoulder. He didn't even make eye contact when I approached the desk which left me standing there sort of awkwardly, bouncing slightly on the balls of my feet. 
The agent stuck his hand out forcefully, eye contact still on his computer screen. 'ID' was all he said as he made a sort of grabby hand gesture with his outstretched hand. I riffled around in my bag before handing it over to him. He looked at it before handing me a 'Visitor Badge' in return point down the hallway to my right. I thanked him, but he didn't seem to notice. 
I head down the large hallway now, scanning each of the nameplates on the doors as I go. There were so many that they start to blur together and I have to shake my head to keep focus. 
"Bubba!" A voice calls from the hallway bisecting the one I am meandering down. I look up to see Bruce standing there, a wide smile on his face. His hands are piled high with files, a cup of tea balanced precariously atop them. His briefcase is slung over his shoulder. 
"Hey there, Bruiser," I rush over to him, taking his mug into my hand before pulling him into a hug with an arm draping over his neck. "It's really good to see you."
"It's good to see you too, kid. Come on, lets go to the clinic and we can get started." I follow him down the hallways, twisting and turning around corridors before we finally make it to an annex building. 
"Here we are, go ahead and put your stuff down. Did you bring your charts with you?" He inquires, setting his files down on the desk with a thud. He sits down into the desk chair, typing away at the computer. 
"Here is everything as of three weeks ago." I slide a file across the desk, taking a seat across from him. "No 'how are you' or anything, huh?" I ask, setting my bag down on the floor next to me. Bruce looks up at me, a dumb smile on his face. 
"I'm sorry Bubba. How are you?" He pushes his hair back out of his eyes carefully.
"Considering I drove all the way up here to see your ugly mug, I could be better." I wink at him. He rolls his eyes in return, flipping open my file. 
"This thing is hefty." He murmurs, more to himself than to me. I can feel a blush begin to bleed its way over my chest. I have been sick for a while and Bruce has always known, but the idea of him looking over all the intimate details of it all has me anxious. "Lets go over this, then I'll go ahead and examine you. After that, maybe draw some blood and all that good stuff. Are you okay if I get a couple of lab workers to run the tests?" 
"Sure, I suppose." I mutter, looking him over. It's been about a year since I last saw Bruce, but he really hasn't changed since his accident, or really much at all. His dark mop of curls still stuck out in all directions and his brown eyes still glowed. He wears a lab coat, and business attire underneath which still cracks me up if I think about it too long. I remember when he wore nothing but too-loose jeans and waffle shirts. 
We spend the next few hours going over records and my health. He asks me so many questions that my head spins. One thing about Bruce, he has always been thorough. He takes blood samples and looks over my medication. Through the whole ordeal he has made himself impossible to read which only adds to the stress crawling under my skin. 
"Well, thing's aren't great, but they aren't terrible either." Bruce takes off his glasses and rubs over the bridge of his nose carefully. The gesture does not inspire any sort of confidence. "Your whole digestive system is a mess. Your nervous system is shot. You never grew out of your asthma, I don't know why your quack of a doctor said you did. You've got a handful of mental health medication, which are at least working, and don't even get me started on your uterus." 
"Jesus Christ Bruiser, is there anything that isn't wrong with me?" I laugh, running my hands over my thighs. 
"I will get all of your medication ordered and sent to your place, okay?" He dodges my question, typing away at the computer in front of him. "While you are here, want to grab some lunch with me? We can hang out in the Avengers wing away from all of the suits." 
"That sounds wonderful." I nod, pulling myself to my feet. 
We spend the whole of lunch catching up and joking with each other. He tells me about his sort of 'thing' with Natasha and we go over my complete lack of love interests. We talk about the team and how he feels like he is finally doing okay with being a hero and that makes my heart swell with pride. We reminisce about being kids at the lake and about how we wish we could go back sometimes. 
"Banner, want to tell me why you special ordered a whole pharmacy on my credit card?" A silky voice breaks over our laughter, pulling us from the bubble of nostalgia we have been in for the last couple hours. 
Bruce's eyes lock over my shoulder and I turn to see none other than Tony Stark standing there, a tablet in hand. He is dressed in a breathtakingly expensive navy suit paired with a soft lavender dress shirt. A pair of purple tinted glasses sit on the bridge of his nose, the thick frames showcasing the arrent brown of his eyes. His lack of tie and open collar leaving a perfect view of the top of his chest. A beautiful redhead stands next to him, holding a few files in hand. 
"Oh, hey Tony. Hi Pepper," Is all Bruce manages to say, the presence of the Playboy and his assistant catching us both off guard. 
"Bruiser, you said there wasn't going to be anyone else here, let alone your boss," I ask, voice stern but wavering. I stand from the couch, trying to put some distance between the horrible anxious feeling in my chest and myself but only managing to move further from both men. 
"He's not actually my boss-" Bruce begins but his words are cut off with a chuckle coming from Tony. 
"I don't know which B-Word I like better, Boss or Bruiser." He laughs again, clapping his hands together. I manage a glare directed straight at Bruce. 
"Seriously Tony?" Bruce asks, pushing himself from the couch. He takes a deep breath, shaking his head as if to try and shake loose some sort of idea. "Bubba, this is Tony, Tony, this is Bubba." He gestures between us, introducing us. "And that is Pepper Pots, Tony's assistant."
"Ah yes, Y/F/N Y/L/N, born and raised in the Midwest, high school graduate, no college degree, but it looks like you've got some certifications and  licenses under your belt," Tony reads from the tablet in his hands, "And  you are apparently friends with our resident rage monster, Dr. Banner." 
I look at Bruce again, his head buried in his hands. I suddenly feel like a deer caught in the headlights, unsure of what to do in this situation. I have never had a stranger know quite so much about me. 
"Bubba, answer a question for me, would you?" Tony asks, turning on his heel. I check with Bruce who gives me one of those 'I don't have the slightest' looks, shrugging his shoulders. "Why do you call him Bruiser?" There is nothing but amusement in his voice. He hands his tablet to Pepper, looking between Bruce and I in anticipation. 
"Bubba," Bruce warns me. I can feel his eyes boring into the side of my face as I look at Tony. "Don't you dare." That just earns a laugh from Tony. I just shake my head, not bothering to answer. 
"Not a secret I am going to share with a stranger." I finally say, bouncing on my toes. Bruce lets out a breath he was holding. 
"Okay, okay, all in due time I suppose." Tony claps his hands, "What do you do, Bubba?" 
"I am a party planner." I lie. Was, I was a party planner. My stomach twists with nausea. 
"Not as of a week ago." Pepper says casually, clicking away at the tablet. She wears a bit of a scowl, looking like she wants to be anywhere but here. 
"What?" Bruce's voice cuts through the tension that has built around me, closing me in. "What does she mean by that, Bubba?" 
Bruce's voice has a special way of eating away at me, it has been that way since we were children. This isn't the first time he has caught me in a lie, but this is definitely the first time it wasn't a lie I told my parents. I can feel my stomach twist and it's not from the lack of medication in my system.
"I lost my job, but it's no big deal. I've sent out some resumes, I'll find something soon." I tell him, trying to play down the situation. I am slick with sweat now, anxiety thrumming under my skin. 
"Sooner than you might think," Pepper speaks, "We want to offer you a contract to plan the rest of our events for the year. You come highly recommended it seems." She continues typing away, not bothering to look up at me. Tony stands beside her, a million dollar smile adorning his face.
I can't believe what I am hearing, a job offer has just fallen into my lap and I can't seem to make my brain work long enough to process it. Maybe it's the constant nausea, or maybe it's the situation, but my stomach rolls over. 
"I'll send the contract for you to read over and you let me know by the end of the week what you think of it, okay?" Pepper turns and pulls Tony with her out of the room. I stand dumbstruck in front of Bruce, unsure of what to say. I bring my hands to my stomach, attempting to ground myself in the moment. I take a few deep breathes, the last couple minutes playing on rerun in m head.  
When I finally look at Bruce, he is smiling brightly at me. 
"What is it?" I ask, rubbing my hands together to try and ease some of my anxiety. 
"I'm just looking forward to seeing you more often, that's all." He sits back down on the couch, kicking his legs up onto the coffee table. Confident bastard. 
"You think I am taking this job?" I ask him, eyes wide. 
"I think you will when you find out all of the amenities that come with it." He says like its a matter of fact. I scoff. "You get full medical coverage, including prescriptions. Vacation time, sick time, all of the good stuff." 
I think about the information carefully, but there is doubt in my mind about taking the job- working for the Tony Stark means putting myself out there in a way I never have before. But then again, it's only until the end of the year, and I can tough out eight months if it means not having to worry about medical care. Being close to Bruce is also a plus. I've missed having him around.
"I'll think about it."
"I can't believe they expect me to move into the freaking compound." I announce to Bruce, my phone held between my ear and shoulder as I read the contract on my laptop. It has been three days since Pepper offered me job. The contract sat in my email collecting dust until this morning. 
"It's a good gig, Bubba," Bruce begins. I can hear him munching on something over the phone. "Plus, it would get you out of that shitty apartment. I hate that you live there, and truth be told, I don't think you like it." 
"Oh shut up, it's not so bad." I look around at my messy studio apartment, grimacing. 
"It's not so bad if you like being able to get stuff out of your refrigerator from your bed." 
"It makes for easy midnight snacking" I counter back, closing my laptop with a metallic click. I shift around on my bed, pulling my knees to my chest. "If I take this, and that's a big if, are we able to keep my medical shit under the rug? I'd prefer to not advertise it." 
"You bet, it's not anyone's business anyway." He soothes me. "I've got to get back to it, but seriously Bubba, just take the job and quit doubting yourself. I love you, kid." 
"I love you too, stupid." I hang up the phone. 
I look over my studio again, thinking about how nice it would be to live somewhere bigger than a shoebox. I open my laptop again, eyes dragging over the contract as I scroll. I click reply at the bottom. 
"Dear Miss Pots, I would officially like to accept your job offer..."
Bruce took Friday off to come and help me pack all of my belongings. It didn't take longer than half a day to pack, not that much had fit into my studio in the first place. It is Saturday now, the sun high up in the sky beating down on us as we unload the truck in front of the compound. 
I look down from the truck to see Bruce standing there, hands on his hips as he looks up at me, smile wide. 
"What is it, Bruiser?" I question him, cocking my eyebrow.
"I just can't believe we will be living in the same place again, we are going to be kids all over again," He is awed at the thought, "Hell, your quarters even share a wall with mine!"
"Somehow I believe it won't be just like it was growing up, unless I find you sneaking out of the window again to go make out with Sherry Fisher." I tease him, pulling another box from the small pile in the back of the truck. 
"Dude, you were eleven, how do you even remember her?" He takes the box from me with a chuckle. 
"I remember because I had to cover for your ass when your Mom called mine so see where you had been that morning! Do you seriously not remember any of this?" I question him. I begin to pull the last of the boxes towards the opening of the truck bed. 
"No I don't, keep going, what did you tell her?" He asks, pulling down two small boxes. 
"I told them that you had gone fishing on the other side of the lake, then I ran outside and hid your pole and tackle box down by the old tire swing!" I pull the last box off the truck bed, walking it over to the pile we've made by the side door of the compound. "Then, when you finally came home covered in Sherry's cherry lip gloss, I pushed you into the lake!" 
"Now that part I remember!" He exclaims, pointing at me with one hand. A playful smirk decorates his lips and I can't help but laugh at the memory of him falling into the murky water. "You ruined my favorite shoes when you threw me in there!" 
"But you still thanked me. Heaven hath no fury like Mrs. Banner." I laugh. Bruce shakes his head in agreement.
"You saved me from my mother's wrath and I will always be thankful for that." He picks up a couple of the boxes, placing them in a stack on the movers bed before tilting it back and pulling it through the door. I sling my duffle bag and backpack over my body before pulling a suitcase behind me as I follow Bruce into the compound. 
It didn't take long before all of the boxes were piled in my living room. Bruce had left to get us lunch, leaving me behind to begin the unpacking process. I have a large living room, a kitchenette, a huge bedroom, and one and a half bathrooms all to myself. I know I don't have enough stuff to fill all of the space, and I am thankful that it came mostly furnished. I left the old furniture at the studio, wanting to make a completely fresh start. 
I pull open one of the boxes, pulling out kitchen plates and mugs from the inside, but I don't get very far before there is a knock at the door. I swing it open carefully, making sure there aren't any boxes in the way. Tony stands on the other side clad in an Iron Maiden tee-shirt and a well fitting pair of dark wash jeans. He smiles that million dollar grin at me before stepping into my new quarters. 
"It's good to see you're settling in." He begins, gazing around at all of the boxes. "I have a file for you, its the outline for the gala we are throwing next month. I need you to start planning it right away." He explains, holding out a folder for me. "Pepper usually drops this kind of stuff off but she is... off site at the moment." 
"Ah, thank you, I'll get started right away." I tell him, hugging the folder to my chest. Without a warning, my watch on my wrist starts ringing, a shrill noise filling the room causing both Tony and I to jump. "Oh god, I'm sorry, this stupid thing keeps doing this." I hit the buttons, getting the alarm to stop. I ignore the "High Heartrate" alert that flashes across the screen before turning my attention back to Tony.
"Is everything alright?" He narrows his eyes at me, searching my face for any since of duress. 
"I'm all good, I promise. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get some of this unpacking done and then I'll get started on this baby right here." I pat the folder. He doesn't say anything, just offers me a nod in return before heading out the door the way he came. I close the door behind him before heading to the couch, carefully laying myself on the floor and propping my legs up on the soft cushions. This should get my heart rate down, I hope, but only time will tell.
The next month goes by steadily, most of the team off on missions. The only people I really interact with are Bruce, Tony and Pepper. I did manage to meet Natasha once as she was passing though on her way to her next mission post. I spend most of the time planning out the charity gala that Tony is throwing. 
Roughly two hundred people are expected here tonight for a black tie party. The ballroom of the compound is decorated in deep navy and lavender, the same way that Tony was when I first met him. Something about the colors seemed to stick in my mind. Though they may be moody for late May, I opted for them anyway. 
Each table was set with rose gold flatware and bone China.  Eucalyptus and baby's breathe center pieces sit on each table. The place cards were all hand written and embossed with matching rose gold foil. String lights ran from the center point of the room out towards all of the walls creating a chandelier like effect. The small orchestra was set up in the corner, near the dance floor and across from the bar. Overall everything was absolutely breathtaking. 
"Hey, Bubba, this looks amazing," Bruce catches my attention as he walks into the ballroom. He spins around taking in all of the decorations, eyeing each detail before he focuses his attention back to me. 
"Thanks Bruiser, I think so too. I have really gotta impress you guys. I am meeting the team for the first time tonight and probably like a hundred other people and I'd like to think of this room as my very first impression. I just hope it goes well, and that Tony will like it." I ramble as I adjust one of the place cards on the table. 
"Everything looks fantastic and they are going to love you." Bruce pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back with his hand to ease the tension in my body. "Please tell me you have something to wear tonight." 
"Excuse me, this is literally my job. Did you really think I was going to show up in these ripped jeans and this flannel?" I jab, pinching at his sides. He pulls away, bending awkwardly to avoid my fingers. "Now, I have to go meet with the caterers so I will see you tonight." I wave him off before turning to head to the kitchen. 
It wasn't long before I got to get cleaned up and ready for the party. After a quick shower I stand in front of my closet mulling over my options. I could wear anything black tie, really. It's not like anyone is going to be focused on me at this thing. I shift the clothes around, pulling out a garment bag containing gray tuxedo. This will do. 
I pull the garment out of the bag carefully before dressing myself. The deep gray of the suit complementing the purple silk dress shirt I styled with it. I put in some earrings before tying my long gray tie. I leave my hair down and curly, letting it frame my face. The last step is a pair of dress shoes. I hate wearing heels to these things and absolutely avoid them whenever possible. 
By the time I head down stairs, Bruce is already standing in the ballroom talking to a couple of people. The party kicks off in about fifteen minutes and no part of me is surprised that he is early. My watch screams again, the 'High Heartrate' alarm sounding though out the room. I click the buttons quickly as I make my way deeper into the room. 
He lights up when he sees me, excusing himself from the group he was talking to before walking over to meet me. He pulls me into his side, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. 
"You look fantastic, Bubba," He smiles, "How are you feeling?" 
"Nervous, this kind of feels like a make or break moment, you know?" I tell him, letting my eyes gaze over the table settings. He keeps an arm wrapped around my body protectively as he leans down to whisper in my ear. 
"That's not exactly what I meant," His voice is stern, a ribbon of worry peaking through. His face is buried in my hair.
"Oh Bruiser, I am fine, don't worry. I took all my medication this morning, and I have the next two doses right here." I pat my chest signaling to the contents of my chest pocket. He smiles at me one of those bright smiles that lights up your whole chest with warm and I savor the feeling as it spreads throughout my chest. He gives me an encouraging pat on the back.
The rest of the night goes off without a hitch. Tony loves the whole ambiance of the party, and Pepper hangs off his arm in the most lovely way. It warms my heart to see them together in such a way, but it leaves a dark green part of my soul crying with envy. The whole night I have managed to meet all of Bruce's team- his friends. They welcome me with open arms, especially Natasha. I can't help but feel a bit bad about that fact, tearing her attention away from Bruce when I know he is the one biding for it. 
As the night begins to slow, the open windows bring cool night air into the party. I am sat at the bar, one drink in my hand, the same one that I have been nursing for the past three hours. I'm not supposed to drink, not on these meds, but it's definitely time to celebrate.
"How long have you been sitting here all alone?" I catch a glimpse of Natasha in the mirror behind the bar. She wears a light smirk covered in dark red lipstick. The dress she's in hugs her figure nicely, stretching with her movements. There is no bling or sparkle to the piece, the dark blush color speaking volumes all by itself. 
"Oh, not too long," I tell her as she slides up into the seat next to me. I run a finger over the rim of my glass, over and over again. She carries a martini in her hand, the lime green color makes me a bit nauseous, but I try not to let the feeling show. 
"So," She begins, placing her neatly folded hands on her knee, "How long have you and Bruce been seeing each other?" My eyes go wide at her question, my hands coming to a stop. 
"I beg your pardon?" I take a long sip of my drink, the immediate need to wet my throat almost overwhelming. I can feel my heartbeat quicken in my chest, bruising the inside of my ribcage with each insistent thump. 
"Oh, you don't have to be embarrassed. You can tell me! Bruce is practically my best friend. I can respect the fact that he wants to keep your relationship a secret. After all, in this line of work, it's easier to appear alone. You're less of a target that way," She brings her drink up to her lips, sipping slowly at the toxic colored liquid. She eyes me carefully, I can almost feel each and every pass of her eyes over the expanses of my skin. 
I am sure my whole body is drenched in sweat now, being on the opposite side of a deadly women with looks that could kill really does that to a person, but I do my best to compose what little of myself I can before offering her a smile. 
"I'm not sure what Bruiser has told you, but we are just long time friends. He's also technically my doctor. And also my roommate? Is that what we'd all be called, since we live here together?" I shake my head, trying to shake my thoughts back into place, "Bruiser and I are a lot of things, but together isn't one of them," I tell her. 
"That's really a shame," She mutter a bit, but there is something behind her voice that I can't quite read, "I see how you two look at each other, and he talks about you like you hung every star in the galaxy. The way his eyes sparkle when your name is even mentioned," She laughs a bit to herself, "I just thought there was something there," 
"The something is probably all of the residual anger from all those times I had to push him into the lake as kids," I laugh a bit, but Nat just looks at me inquisitively. 
Before I can say anything else, my heart monitor on my watch begins to ring, loud and obnoxious. I push the sleeve of my tux up, fumbling with it for a moment before accessing the buttons to turn it off. Natasha's eyes dart down to it quickly, before she excuses herself and disappears back into the crowd.
Before I can even begin to process the conversation I just had with Natasha, I can hear Bruce's voice excusing himself through the crowd with a chorus of "Oops" and "I'm Sorry". I catch him in the mirror, concern written all over his face. The look he sends me makes my heart beat faster, setting off the monitor again. I am quicker to shut it off this time, but Bruce grabs my wrist and pulls me off of my seat. 
"Come on, I'm calling it." He tells me, an air of concern in his voice. I can tell he is trying to stuff it down, to bury it under some sort of tone that booms with authority. He laces his fingers with mine and the heat that pours off his palm is stifling. He drags me through the crowd and into the elevator. After he asks for the floor with the nearest lab and the elevator begins its decent he turns to me, eyes full to the brim with worry. 
"How much have you had to drink?" He questions me, fingers still laced with mine. It's like he's holding me there, like if he takes his hand away I might disappear into thin air. 
"Technically less than one. You didn't let me finish my vodka lemonade," I tell him, crossing one arm over my chest in faux offense. 
"Don't do that, Bubba," He scolds, rolling his eyes at me. I want to fight him, to tease him, to push his buttons just like I have done most of our lives but something stops me. Maybe its the look in his eyes, or the way that his face is written with concern, his brain working a thousand miles a minute at some new unknown problem. Maybe it is the conversation Natasha and I had, hanging every star in the night sky and all that. Whatever it is, I keep my mouth shut, eyes boring into Bruce's profile as he guides me out of the elevator. 
The next few minutes blur by as I undress from the waist up down to my bar. Bruce is insistent on running an EKG, even though we did one a couple of months ago. I can feel how my skin blushes under his eyes, no doubt turning into a raspberry kissed sort of red. It doesn't help when his fingertips skim over my body, his gentle touches leaving a fire of energy in their wake. 
I can tell he is flustered with the way he gingerly moves the band of my bra, avoiding all eye contact with me while he presses the lead to my skin. I want to tell him how unnecessary this all is, but the words are caught somewhere between my head and my tongue. I can't help but dwell on each press of his fingertips, the gentle way he touches me and how my heart seems to flutter. 
Bruce begins to run the test, asking me to sit still and be quiet. I let my mind drift back to Natasha's words, and I can feel my heart spike the machine. Bruce runs a hand through his hair as he watches the results, squinting at the spike that has been recorded. 
"I need to talk to you about something," I inform him, sitting up. 
"After the test, lay back down," He places a hand on my shoulder, his fingers spread out enveloping as much flesh as he can reach. He still doesn't quite meet my eyes. 
"No Bruiser, now," I tell him, a hand folding around the thickness of his wrist. I begin pulling off a couple of the leads with my other hand, causing Bruce to mumble something under his breath. "I need to ask you something, and it's kind of important," I chance a look at his face and it is scribbled with an expression that I have come to try to avoid; curious worry. 
"What is it, Bubba?" He asks, pulling a stool over to sit in. He is looking up at me now, his hands folded in his lap. I hesitate for a moment, trying to collect my words. He takes my hands in his, holding them on my lap. The combination of his touch and his Earth ladened eyes put me at an even greater loss for words, so I spit out the first thing that comes to mind. 
"Natasha said something to me tonight, and I need to know if it's true," I squeeze my eyes shut, almost too hard. I don't dare witness the look on his face as I continue. He hums for me to continue, squeezing my hands reassuringly. "She asked me tonight if we were a couple, and I told her no, because we aren't, and then she said that you speak of me in a way that lead her to believe otherwise and I guess I've just gotta know if that's accurate," The words spill out of me so fast I don't even have time to choose them, so they are born into the world from my tongue in a mess of syllables and rushed breaths. 
When I finally crack an eye open, Bruce is staring up at me with a half cocked smile, a light chuckle falling from his lips. I shoot him a look, one of those 'are you serious' ones where my nose is scrunched up, head tilted to the side. 
"So, they got to you too, huh?" He asks with a laugh. He lets go of one of my hands, bringing his up to rub at his brow. He takes both of my hands in his other, like he is once again afraid to let me go. "Tony cornered me and started asking me if you and I were seeing each other. I figured it was because he planned on hitting on you or something, because you know how he is. But what he said is starting to make some sense," 
"What the hell did he say to you?" I shake his arm a bit, the action causing a smile to bloom over his lips. 
"After I told him that you and I were not, you know, an item, he laughed and said, "This is the first time I've lost a bet. Guess I'll have to call off the demolition crew,"" Bruce punctuates his sentence with air quotes and I can't help but laugh. The atmosphere shifts when we catch each others gaze mid laugh.  Everything going from light and playful to soaked in a new sense of intimacy. I cough a bit to cover it up. "I guess that's the narrative," He lets out a last little chuckle. 
"Bruiser," I start, shying away from his eyes again, "Are you sure there isn't anything else here that I'm missing?" He locks eyes with mine before looking anywhere else but I swear I can feel the heat crawling off his hand and up my arms. 
"You know, Bubba, this isn't exactly how I imagined this conversation going," He shrugs a bit, hand scratching at the light stubble on his cheeks. 
"This conversation?" I question him, leaning a bit closer. He slides up between my knees, eyes still locked on his shoes. 
Bruce brings his eyes up to meet mine and there is something in them I have never seen before. A youthful innocence that is just burning bright in his irises. 
"You know, Bubba, it's you, it's always been you," He begins, eyes boring into mine, "Since you were nineteen it's been you. You're it for me," His words are dripping with candor and honey. "That's why every single woman I date always ends up being a sort of something. The only sure thing in my world is you." He drops his eyes and in that split second I can't help but snag a glance down at his lips. 
My world was cracking open around me. Bruiser, Bruce, the man that I have know for all the years that it counts to actually know��somebody is spilling his heart out to me and I can't help but feel like he is stealing the words right out of my mouth- my heart. 
I pull my hands from his before leaning forward and grabbing onto the thick material of his lapels and pulling his body closer to mine. I stop pulling, our lips millimeters apart, giving him one final moment to back out and into the life we have been living up until we entered this room- but he doesn't. He stands, cupping my face in his hands before leaning down and capturing my lips with his. 
He tastes like sour whiskey and cherries, a deadly mixture that causes me to pull him endlessly closer. Our bodies pressed together, he makes a move to pull me up from the exam table, his hands wrapping themselves in the tendrils of my hair. I could kiss him for hours and I don't know how we have ever stood in a room together before and not been kissing like this. Years of time wasted all because there wasn't a billionaire scientist and a deadly assassin to mettle into our personal lives sooner. 
I push him back a bit, a small whimper leaving his lips as we part. I can't help the big, cheesy smile that breaks over my lips before I speak, "As my doctor, isn't this a sort of abuse of power, or something?" I ask him, flirtation laced in my voice. I run a hand over his tie then up to his cheek. 
He breaks out into a smile too, "It's a good thing my co-worker Helen Cho is a hell of a doctor," He shoots back at me before leaning in and snagging another blistering his from my lips. 
"But she's not a medical doctor," I mumble against his kisses, my smile to wide to kiss him back properly. 
"Oh shut up, Bubba," He whispers before pulls away. "Get dressed, we have a party to get back to, and I want to dance with you," 
"You know I would have danced with you, anyway, Bruiser," He watches me get dressed, a small dopey smile on his face. 
"It's not about the dance," he hums, "It's about the kiss that ends it."
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crosnt · 1 day
i love it when emotionally repressed men go absolutely fucking nuts
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fic-ive-read · 1 year
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Link To The Fic
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alirhi · 1 year
I have no excuse lmao
Fuck, he was exhausted. Entire body throbbing and head swimming, Loki slumped against the door frame and stared at the worn and cracked wood in front of him. Just knock. It's not that hard. Just lift your hand and knock.
The door swung open before he could make himself move, and very surprised brown eyes went wide when they landed on him.
Still tasting blood and hoping it wasn't staining his teeth red, Loki tried for a wry smile, failed, and simply told him, "I didn't… know where else to go."
Bruce stared at him in silence for what felt like an eternity. As the seconds ticked by, the God at his door began to fear he'd come to the wrong place. That fear cemented itself in him as he watched the shy human's skin begin to turn green around the edges of his face and up the sides of his neck. He flinched when Bruce reached out with a green-tinged hand, and was surprised by how gentle the smaller man's touch was as he brushed back a blood-matted lock of Loki's dark hair. He heard the voices of both man and beast in the five simple words half murmured, half growled:
"Who did this to you?"
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jen-with-a-pen · 3 months
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❀ 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆 – 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 ❀
❀ SUMMARY ❀ Ooey-gooey, fluffy snapshots looking into the lives of one Bucky Barnes and Honeysuckle, who have more chemistry than the experiments in Bruce Banner'e lab. Everyone else knows it... except them. It's not without a little help– from Sam 'Certified Wingman' Wilson– do Bucky and Honey begin to realize and figure out their feelings for one another.
❀ PAIRINGS ❀ Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
❀ WARNINGS ❀ Tooth-rotting fluff, slowburn, friends to lovers, idiots in love, everyone knows they like each other except them, Avengers live in the Tower, Sam Wilson is a good wingman, touching, mutual pining, domestic avengers, maybe like a tad angst but not much, softness, mild to moderate language (includes cursing), lots of feel-good feelings, no use of y/n, no description of y/n besides maybe outfits but it's still vague
Read this fic on AO3!
header + warning banner by me ❤ dividers by @saradika-graphics
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This series is nonlinear and each part can be read separately!
Spam liking will result in an automatic block!
❀ I – The "Not-Date" Date
❀ II – Another Time
❀ III – Sunset Spot
❀ IV – Think Pink
❀ V ❀ VI ❀ VII
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romanarose · 2 months
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Banner by @winniethewife
Oscar Issac/Pedro Pascal Fan Art and Fiction Pride Event 2024
Hello friends!
Let's try this again and I'll try to be more clear to not invoke discourse. That being said, it is *my* event and if you'd like to run one a certain way, go nuts. However, this is how I'm doing it.
I had a lot of fun doing Dead Dove December and the Triple Frontier Anniversary Event so I decided I wanted to do an event for pride this year! I know it seems far away right now, especially given how many of us in north America are still cold af, but I wanna give everyone time!
Each week of pride will have a theme to write or draw for (you don't have to do all of them! Think of it like kinktober.) at the end, I will put out a masterlist (or multiple depending how many)so we can all share each other's work.
Oscar Isaac and Pedro Pascal are both allies to LGBT people, Pedro having played multiple queer rolls and having likened his sexuality to that of Prince Oberyn. Despite none of the characters being canon queer, Triple Frontier specifically lends itself to queer stories. Recently, theres been a rise in stories of Oscar characters in relationships or Pedro characters in relationships which I love.
What I'd really like to do is encourage people to think past x fem!reader or canon presentation of characters. I want to encourage gay, lesbian, bisexual relationships, trans readers, trans interpretations of characters etc. More content guidelines will be in the what section.
Primarily tumblr.com, our very own shithole hellsight. However, especially given tumblr's censorship vs. twitter, I am encouraging posting on twitter or wherever you'd like. If you post something elsewhere, send me a link or send me a post you made about it on tumblr and I'll promote the link.
Additionally if you only write on ao3, I'd love for you to participate too! Once again, just send the link!
in order to do the week by week themes and hold all of June, there will be 6 weeks from May 26th-July 6th
Each week will have themes. I won't be policing the weeks and these so if you do the 1st week on july 3rd, that's fine. The themes are keeping in mind both artists and writers. I only got one artist for DDD, a great piece and I've love to see more! Ideas are just for spit balling, do your own take!
May 26th-June 1st: Coming out. Ideas: Coming out to family, lover, friend. Finding gender affirming clothes/hair, first pride
June 2nd-8th: Transitioning Ideas: Surgary, surgery scars, starting T or E, binding (safely!!!)
June 9th-15th: Sex/kissing First time together, first time with certain biology or the same sex, sweet kisses, smut showing scars,
June 16th-22nd: Food, fashion, fun
All things queer culture and culture of different religions, racial or country backgrounds, queer fashion, gender affirming clothes, Keshet (קשת), listening to Lady Gaga or Bruce Springsteen, watching a queer movie
June 23rd-29th: Struggles Rejection, reconciling faith and identity, missing family that rejected one, comfort, candlelight vigil, day of remembrance.
June 30th- July 6th:Strength Asserting ones or a partner/friend/family's pronouns, standing up against hate, being loudly and proudly yourself, pride events
Writers and artists in any form are welcome. I also want to encourage working with each other, writers and artists together!
For characters: Any Oscar Isaac or Pedro Pascal character has to at least be in the relationship. Other characters in universes can be done, such as FishBen.
Reader can be anyone, just properly tag! If you want to come out to Marc Spector as bisexual, do it!!! If you want Joel to take care of you after top surgery, do it!
However! Please do your research if writing or drawing an identity not yours. There are trans, nonbinary, gay, lebian etc bloggers all over tumblr who write about their experience, please divert to first person testimonies rather than assumptions.
A few rules
MUST contain more than male character x fem!reader. Male character x fem!reader x male character does not count unless the two male characters are romantically or sexually involved or one or the reader is trans. Any Q's, dm me!
This is not a dark event. I'm not going to be policing the content matter but I really want to primarily focus on the pride. However, as a bisexual, gender non-conforming person I know a lot of pain can still be involved. What we are not doing is suicide, death, self-harm, or non consensual activity. If you have questions or would like to make a case for something, just dm me!
This is not inherently NSFW, but there is absolutely NSFW allowed. Always tag everything properly.
The usual no's like bestiality, incest, underage nsfw etc
As far as minor characters, SFW MINOR CHARACTERS IS ALLOWED. You can write or draw lgbt themes because being LGBT is not inherently sexual. For example, teenage Santi coming out as trans to Frankie or your own version of Ellie and Joel's talk about Ellie and Dina kiss. That being said, I'd prefer to reserve this to teens. Again, any questions or ideas that don' quite fit into parameters, just ask!
As always, I am allowed to use my discretion. If I do not want to include something, I won't. However, I know that there are rifts in the fandom. I won't be excluding you out of personal bias. As long as I don't have you blocked and you haven't plagerized or done something really bad to people, you'll be included. I'm not letting petty beefs get in the way. Harmful actions will, however. I need to protect my peace and keep
NO REAL PERSON FANFICTION. Do not write about Oscar Isaac or Pedro pascal being gay or trans and do not make any assumptions about their sexuality or gender identity. Oscar is happily married to a woman and Pedro has expressed his sexuality is like that of Oberyn Martell but has not elaborated much further, nor should he have to. Just leave ‘em be. You can speculate elsewhere but that’s not what this event is for.
Simply tag me, @romanarose and use the #OscarPedroPrideEvent2024 please please please use BOTH so it's easier for me to find!!!
When the event is over, much like DDD I will compiled them into a masterlist and posted. This is a chance for every blog, big and small, to get a moment in the sun and to share each others works! Remember, reblogging, comments, and interacting is what makes this a community! I want to create an environment that is welcoming and we all help each other.
Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions or clarification!
However, if you go issues with me writing men kissing, chracters being trans, queer readers etc, I'm not really open to debate.
~A nonbinary bisexual <3
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A drunk mind speaks a sober heart
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PAIRING || Tony Stark x Avenger!Fem!Reader + Natasha Romanoff x Bruce Banner
SUMMARY || You and Tony have been mutually pining for months, and he finally reveals his feelings during a party—albeit after a few too many drinks. The next day, you go out to confront Tony about it, and what happens next is better than you could have ever dreamed.
RATING || Explicit (E)
TAGS || Canon divergence. Light angst. Mostly fluff. Explicit sexual content. Drunken confession. Flirting. Friends to lovers.
WARNINGS || Use of nicknames. Use of Y/N. Mutual pining. Idiots in love. Sexual tension. Minor character death. Insecure!Reader. Referenced low body image. Alcohol consumption. Drunk!Tony. Referenced infertility. Referenced fostering & adopting of a baby.
SMUT || Daddy kink. Dirty talk. Praise. Frantic sex. Sex against a wall. Lovemaking. Slow sex. Cockwarming. Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!). Multiple orgasms. Cream pie. Aftercare.
A/N || This one-shot is written based on this request from a lovely Anon! I hope you will enjoy it and that it was worth the wait! I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading and supporting me while writing this, as it has quickly become one of my favorites due to your enthusiasm! 🩵
EVENTS Masterlist || @avengersbingo || "What do you think I've been doing?" Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Book Night || Drunken confession Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Book Night || Soulmate is best friend Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Maritime May || "Do you want to talk about it?"
Masterlist || @fandom-free-bingo Maritime May || "Should I come back later?" Masterlist || @mcukinkbingo || Position: against a wall Masterlist || @multifandom-flash Beehive || Accidental declaration of love Masterlist || @multifandom-flash Compliments || You are better than you think you are
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GIF: Source || All graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
Main Masterlist || Tony Stark Masterlist
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"What have you been doing in here?" Natasha asks as she walks into your room. Your closet looks like it has exploded because clothes are everywhere, and you're standing in nothing but your underwear, unable to decide what to wear. You promised Tony you would help with his Iron Man suit today, so you want to look good.
"What do you think I've been doing?!" you exclaim as you throw another shirt to the side, deeming it unwearable.
"Ah, you're going to see your boyfriend again," she snickers, and you turn around to glare at her. She knows you've been crushing on him for years, and you wish nothing more than for him to be your boyfriend.
"He's not my boyfriend, and you know it," you say with a slight pout, disappointment settling in your gut. You turn around to pick up the next shirt, and as soon as you hold it up, you see it's one of Tony's. Bingo!
You quickly slip it on before finding a pair of black jeans and tucking the shirt into them for a finished look.
"What do you think?" you ask Nat, who has gotten comfortable on your bed with a snack, and she nods approvingly. When you have been searching for more outfits, she texts Bruce that you will be coming to the lab, and he gets the hint.
"Are you sure it's okay if I step out for a while?" Bruce asks Tony, who responds by humming. Without a second thought, he slips out of the lab, and when you have put on a pair of comfortable shoes, you make your way to Tony's lab.
"Good luck with your boyfriend!" Nat says with a broad smile, and before you walk through your door, you lift your middle finger to her, though she knows you don't mean it. You and Natasha have been best friends since childhood, and your becoming an Avenger has only brought you two closer together.
"Good luck with Nat, she's being a real bitch today!" you say loud enough for Natasha to hear as you pass Bruce in the hallway, and he just shakes his head with a smile.
"I love you too, Detka!" Nat responds as you step into the elevator, ready to go and meet Tony in his lab. You're not sure why he would need your help with the suit since you don't know much about it, but you go down regardless as you happily grab every chance you can to spend time with the man you're crushing on.
The elevator doors open, and you immediately enter Tony's lab. The familiar smell in the air reminds you of some happy memories. You have spent countless nights together with Tony, working or having deep conversations until late at night before falling asleep on an old couch he has.
"Ah, I was wondering when you would arrive-" Tony says with a broad smile as he turns around, though it immediately vanishes as soon as he sees you're wearing one of his old t-shirts. The brown of his irises turns black as his pupils widen, and he quickly turns around to hide the fact that he's getting a raging boner at the sight of you.
"Sorry, Nat held me up, but I'm here now! What can I help you with today?" you ask in your usual cheery voice, and Tony grabs the table's edge tightly, willing his boner to go away as he takes a few deep breaths.
"Just- just grab that thing over there," he waves his hand somewhere in the distance, and as soon as you do, he regrets it. The moment you bend over to grab what he wants, he looks over and groans loudly as he gets a good look at your ass in your skinny jeans.
"Are you okay, Tony? Do you need some help?" you ask, your brows knitted together as you stand up and look at Tony.
"N-no! Nope! All fine! Just- just gimme that," he says, and you look at him with a concerned expression. Despite that, you do as he says and then decide to make coffee for you both; he looks like he could use a break.
"Thank you," he whispers, and your fingers touch briefly, a spark going through both your bodies at the touch. He meets your gaze, and you're all he can focus on momentarily. He notices your hair hanging loose today and the dimples in your cheeks as you smile.
He notices the slight flush on your cheeks as you touch him, and your chest seems to rise and fall a little faster than usual. He has spent countless hours examining your body, and he has it all memorized, thinking about it every chance he gets.
"Coffee?" you ask, pulling him out of his trance. He nods before turning back to the table to finish the part of his glove he was working on. As you're walking to the kitchenette in his lab, he gathers his thoughts, and his boner finally starts to calm down, too.
However, your thoughts are still strong as you wait for the coffee machine to warm the water inside.
"Did he need to groan like that? God, he always seems to find a way to make me horny. Imagine how he sounds when- Stop it!" you think to yourself, and you shake yourself out of your thoughts of Tony groaning as he slides his length into your heat.
With your eyes shut tightly, you calm down your thoughts, and as soon as the coffee machine lets you know the coffee is finished, you bring it over to Tony. He had finished the work on the glove and was now looking at you making coffee, a smile dancing on his lips.
"Thank you, Cutie. I've been looking forward to a strong cup of your coffee," he tells you as he happily accepts the mug and brings it to his lips. The hot liquid is soothing as he takes a large sip before putting the mug on the table and reaching out his hand.
"I want to show you something," Tony says when you grab his hand. He guides you to the part of the table where his helmet is. When you face the table, Tony stands behind you, dangerously close, as he leans forward to grab it.
Your breath hitches as he leans down to tell you about some new features he built in, and your nipples pebble as you feel a flow of arousal ruining your panties. Goosebumps erupt in your neck as he whispers in your ear.
"Do you want to give it a try?" Tony asks, and you accept without knowing what you're saying yes to. You would say yes to anything if he asks you for it.
Tony turns the helmet around before opening it, then slides it carefully over your head before letting it close. Despite being made to fit Tony's head, it is still surprisingly comfortable, and you smile widely as you look at the helmet's features.
"How's the fit?" Tony asks, touching your waist, making you blush hard. It's good he can't see your face right now, as it would have only worsened it. Just as you're about to answer him, Bruce walks back into the lab, and he's not sure what he's looking at right now.
"Should I come back later?" Bruce carefully asks, and you and Tony whip your heads around to face him. Tony quickly steps away from you so as not to raise too much suspicion. In all fairness, Bruce knows Tony's crush on you, but Tony still steps back out of habit.
You open the helmet before handing it to Tony, and without another word, you rush out of the lab. Both men look at you as you try to get away quickly. You quickly run up the stairs, and you're glad to find Nat in the privacy of her room.
"Nat, we need to talk, but can we do it in the gym, maybe? I need to get out some leftover energy," you ask, and she agrees. Both of you change into something a little more comfortable and workout-ready, and then you meet up in the large gym of the Avengers Compound.
You've been going to town on a punching bag for a little while now, and Nat's there to listen to your venting, which is the perfect way to express your frustrations.
"I don't know how long I can take it anymore! Everything he does makes me horny, and I can't think straight anymore," you say, the words being emphasized by the punches you're landing.
"And the worst is that I doubt he feels the same about me. He's Tony Stark, for fuck sake, and I'm me. Who would ever be interested in me?!" you think out loud, and Nat can feel her heart break a little at your words. You stop punching the bag, and the tears start to flow.
"I'm never good enough for anyone, Nat. And I have accepted that, but it sucks that I have all these feelings for him because I know he doesn't feel the same-" you say as you crouch down, making yourself as small as possible as you let the sobs tear through your body.
"C'mere, Detka," Nat whispers as she sits on her knees before you and pulls you close to her. She wishes she could tell you how Tony feels in such moments, but she also knows it's not her place. All she can do now is reassure you.
"Hey, you are better than you think you are. Not just on the battlefield, because you're one of the best snipers and fighters I've ever met, but you're also the most kind-hearted and amazing woman I know, Detka. I know it's not easy to see that after everything you've been through, but it's true," Natasha tells you, pushing the hair out of your tear-stained face.
"You're beautiful, and Tony would be lucky to call you his girl. But most of all, you deserve to be loved, no matter what your brain tells you," Nat whispers, and you believe her. You've been struggling with a low body image for years, and in moments like these, it all comes out in one long flow of words.
"C'mon, let's shower and prepare for a girl's night, okay? I'm sure Wanda would love to join us too, and we can have a girls' night just like we used to when growing up, okay?" Nat offers, and you smile through your tears.
"Yes, please!" you say before wiping the last tears away, and after your shower, you put on your comfiest pair of fluffy pajamas before making your way to Nat's room. On the way there, you run into Bruce and Tony.
"Hi, Cutie. Is everything okay? You left so suddenly earlier," Tony asked softly, his face filled with worry.
"Y-yeah, I'm okay now. Thank you, Tony. Nat, Wanda, and I will have a girls' night, so if you don't hear from Nat for the evening, you'll know why!" you tell Bruce excitedly, and he laughs as he nods in understanding.
"Have fun, Cutie," Tony says before leaning in and kissing your cheek softly before moving along. You're nailed to the floor as you can't stop thinking about the scratch of his facial hair against your cheek and the softness of his lips on your skin.
When you can finally move, you practically sprint to Nat's room, and as soon as you swing open the door, you tell them the good news.
"TONY KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK!" you practically scream out as you jump up and down, and Nat loves the happiness radiating from you now. You let yourself fall onto her bed with a broad smile, and that evening, you can't stop gossiping about guys with your two best friends.
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"Your target is walking out the door now!" you hear Steve say over the earpiece you're wearing, and before he knows what happened, he's hit by a bullet that takes his life instantly. He was the last of the bad guys you needed to eliminate, and you had done it successfully.
A sigh of relief leaves your chest as you put down your sniper rifle, and you go to sit up, desperate for some stretching after lying on the roof for hours on end.
"You did an amazing job, Cutie. We couldn't have done it without you," Tony says over the line, and a broad smile appears.
"It wasn't just me, Tony. Everyone helped with this mission," you say, trying not to take all the credit, but he won't stand for it.
"This weekend, we'll be partying in your honor. We haven't had a mission this successful in quite a while, and we all deserve a night of letting loose as well," Tony says matter-of-factly, and you sigh, knowing you won't be getting out of this one.
And that's how you find yourself walking into the party that Tony's throwing for you. You opted to wear a summer dress combined with white heels, as the party will take place on the rooftop terrace of the Avengers Compound, and the weather outside is beautiful. You're arriving with Bruce and Natasha as they walk hand-in-hand in matching outfits.
Natasha opted for a short, tight black dress, and Bruce is wearing black jeans and a black button-up shirt, which perfectly match Natasha's aesthetic.
"How does it feel to have a party thrown in your honor, Y/N?" Bruce asks, and you chuckle nervously. Despite being an Avenger for almost four years, you're not used to being in the spotlight yet.
"I-" is all you can say because Tony is by your side and pulling you away from your friends before you know it. Nat looks at you two with a raised eyebrow, and Bruce smiles at Tony's antics. If there are ever two people rooting for you two, it's them, just like you have done for them.
"I believe your nickname should be Gorgeous because Cutie doesn't even come close to how you look tonight," Tony whispers in your ear, and you can feel your face heating up with his flirting.
"Thank you, Tony. You look amazing, too," you say as you look at him. He's wearing light-colored slacks with a half-unbuttoned shirt, showing off the light blue hue coming from his arc reactor. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the dusting of chest hair around it, and your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth as you stare for a moment too long.
"Enjoying the view, are you?" he quips at you, and the heat on your cheeks is now plainly visible to everyone around you, seeing how Tony caught you staring at him. He smirked before turning to the man behind the bar and ordering his favorite drink, which was a dirty martini with extra olives for himself.
He places his large, strong hand on the small of your back as you two are waiting for your drinks to be ready, and Tony's touch is all you can focus on right now. He has touched you countless times before, but it's never felt this intimate before.
"Here you go, Gorgeous, this one's in your honor," Tony says as he lifts his glass, cheering against yours before leaning in for a soft kiss on your cheek. He has already had a few drinks and has become a bit looser and more affectionate.
The feel of Tony's soft lips on your cheek has your eyes slipping shut and a smile working its way onto your features as you enjoy the moment. However, the moment you open your eyes, Tony has disappeared, and you're left with a disappointed feeling settling in your gut.
"You did amazing on the last mission. You know your way around a sniper rifle better than I've ever seen anyone do," a deep voice behind you says. When you turn around, you see a pair of steel blue eyes you haven't seen in a while.
"Bucky, you're back!" you say as you look at his long hair, which he has been growing for a while now. He's been on an undercover mission with Clint for over six months, and you've missed seeing his face around here.
"Yeah, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity of being here for you, especially after Steve wouldn't shut up about how you took him down with just one bullet, and right between the eyes, too. I'm impressed!" he tells you, and you smile widely.
Bucky and Steve have been married for longer than you have been an Avenger, and even though he was very standoffish at first, he eventually warmed up to you. You share a similar set of fighting and shooting skills, often being paired together on missions.
"But tell me, how's it going between you and Tony? Is there anything going on between you two?" he asks before sipping his beer, and your eyes widen.
"N-no, there's not. And I doubt there ever will be anything between us. I'm pretty sure I'm far from his type if the girl he's currently putting into a headlock is anything to go by," you tell your friend while looking at Tony, standing with his arm around a girl who's the complete opposite of you.
"Oh, that's weird. I thought something was going on between you two," Bucky tells you, and he looks at you with pity, but you don't want any pity about the situation. Tony can be with whomever he wants, and even though you'd love for it to be you, you won't get in the way of his happiness with someone else either.
"There's not; sorry to disappoint," you say with a chuckle, though it's not entirely convincing. To get the attention off of yourself for a moment, you decide to ask Bucky about his mission. He tells you all about it while you occasionally look at Tony.
Eventually, Bruce and Natasha join you two, greeting Bucky happily while more drinks are served to your little group. Not long after, Steve joins, too, but not without giving Bucky a few kisses on his lips. The love between them is evident, and it makes you a bit jealous at the same time because you're yearning for a love like theirs.
As the evening progresses, the drinks flow plentifully, and you start to feel a nice buzz—nothing over the top, but just enough to become more of a people person. And just when you're about to take the next drink Steve is about to hand you, you feel someone bump into you.
"Watch out!" you exclaim as you turn around, but you instantly regret it as you look into Tony's deep, dark brown eyes and feel bad for raising your voice at him.
"I-I'm sorry, let's sit down for a moment," you say as you carefully grab Tony's arm, and he happily holds onto your arm. There's an empty couch in the corner of the rooftop where you lead Tony, and he sits down with a huff, his legs spread wide, exposing the bulge in his pants.
"Can I tell you a little secret?" Tony whispers as he leans in close. Your cheeks turn red as you look at him. He's only inches away from your face, and you nod.
"I'm so in love with someone," Tony says, giggling as the words leave his lips. He's very drunk, but that doesn't make the feeling of hurt in your heart any less. He's in love with someone else, and the fact he has to tell you at the party he throws in your honor only makes it worse.
"Like, deeply in love, you know? She's fucking gorgeous, like, I can't keep my eyes off her whenever we're in the same room, and I think about her every second of every day. I also looooooooooove spending time with her and seeing the dimples in her cheeks and her smile, oh my god, her smile!" Tony continues, a deep red blush appearing on his cheeks as he thinks about the woman he's describing.
"I just love everything about her, and not only is she my best friend, but I think she's also my soulmate. But please don't tell Y/N I told you this, okay? I don't think she loves me back," Tony ends his little rant, still inches away from your face. You feel tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, and a lump forms in your throat as you're not sure what to do with your emotions right now.
So, instead of answering him, you get up and walk out of the party to the bathroom so you can gather your thoughts for a moment.
"Can you keep an eye on Tony for a moment?" Natasha asks Bruce as you speed past the Avengers you were talking to earlier. He does so while she quickly goes after you.
"So, what were you and Y/N talking about?" Bruce asks as he sits down next to Tony, who looks at him as he practically runs out of the party.
"What're you talking about? That wasn't Y/N. I would know if I was talking to her," Tony says casually, but Bruce can't help but smile at Tony's words.
"I'm not so sure about that because it was definitely Y/N you just talked to," Bruce said with a chuckle. He had never seen Tony sober up so fast in his entire life.
"Oh my God, I just told her I love her, Bruce! I told her I'm in love with her, and now she ran out of here; this is an absolute fucking nightmare! She must think I'm an asshole for doing that; oh my God, what have I done?! I need to go talk to her-" Tony says, but Bruce stops him there.
"I think it's best to go to bed now and sleep it off. Y/N will still be here tomorrow, and you two can talk it out then, okay? Nat is with her, so she's in good hands, alright?" Bruce tells Tony, and he nods.
Meanwhile, in the ladies' bathroom.
"Are you okay, Detka?" Natasha asks as she finds you in the bathroom. You're trying to fix your make-up, which is helpless as the tears keep flowing.
"I-I don't k-know," you say between sniffles, and she pulls you into a hug. Not saying a word, just letting you get out all your emotions as she soothingly rubs the back of your head. You pull Natasha tight against your body as all the feelings rush out. The confusion, the hurt, and the happiness all come out in one confusing mess of tears, and you're glad not to go through it alone.
"Do you want to talk about it?" she asks, and you nod before pulling away. Natasha can't help but laugh as she sees your make-up - or what's left - and you join in with her, falling into a fit of laughter together.
It takes either of you a good ten minutes before either of you can breathe calmly again, and that's when you decide to lay it all out: everything that happened with Tony and how you feel about it.
"H-he just told me he loves me, but I'm not sure if it's true or not..." you start, your voice trailing near the end. You cast your line of sight to the ceiling to prevent yourself from starting crying again, and you're successful despite the pit in your stomach and the lump in your throat.
"What do you mean?" Natasha asks as she brushes a piece of hair behind your ear.
"He's drunk as a skunk, Nat. He can barely walk, let alone form any normal thoughts. I'm sure it's just the drinks talking, but what if it's not? What if it isn't, and he does love me? What if he—" you say when Natasha suddenly grabs your face. This move startles you enough to get you to stop talking for a moment, and her plan works.
"If you want to, I can get all the Avengers out of the Compound tomorrow, so you and Tony can have a nice home-cooked dinner and some time to talk. That way, you can ask him directly about it, and I am 99 percent sure he will confirm your questions," Natasha says as you look into her bright green eyes.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" you ask, a little unsure but excited at the same time.
"I think it's the best idea I've had in a long time," she says, and you smile in response. After confirming the plans, you two return to the party, but to your surprise, Tony isn't there anymore.
"I had to bring him to bed; he was talking nonsense at this point," Bruce says as you join the rest of the Avengers again, and you smile. It's probably for the best, but it doesn't take long for you to retire to your bedroom. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow, after all.
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Natasha has kept her word, and all the Avengers are out of the Compound the following day—except you and Tony. While he has spent most of the day sleeping and hanging around in his penthouse, you have spent most of the night lying awake after his confession, mulling it repeatedly.
You have tried to keep yourself busy for as long as possible, but you cannot contain yourself any longer, so you decide to head up to Tony's penthouse, hoping he's willing to talk about what happened last night. In any case, you will be spending time with Tony.
Just as you're about to head out the door, you take a last look in the mirror and decide to get changed. You want to be able to have a serious conversation and not have Tony laugh about you wearing your silly pajamas, no matter how comfortable they may be.
Instead, you wear your matching loungewear set with sneakers, making you look at least a little presentable. Combined with a messy bun and your glasses, you're ready to talk to Tony while making dinner for you both because you're starting to get hungry.
When you're at Tony's door, you knock a few times, and much to your surprise, the door flings open almost instantly, as if he was waiting on the other side of it, expecting your arrival. His hair is still wet from a shower, and he's wearing only a large towel around his waist.
Before you even say a word, your gaze drops lower, over his broad, muscled shoulders and arc reactor to his defined abdomen and adonis belt. You have caught him at a perfect time, apparently.
"Hi, Cutie, come in. I'm going to get dressed quickly, so please help yourself to anything here," he says softly, and you nod before stepping into his penthouse and closing the door behind you. While Tony walks back to his bathroom, your line of sight is pulled to the sway of his hips, which defines the perfectly round shape of his butt perfectly.
"I wouldn't stare too long if I were you. Otherwise, there's nothing to enjoy for the rest of the world!" Tony said jokingly as he turned the corner to his bathroom. You felt the heat in your cheeks rise at his words and quickly looked away.
While Tony is getting dried off and dressed, you decide to have a look in his fridge. You want to make something for dinner, and much to your surprise, he has everything you need to make a delicious carbonara, so that's exactly what you'll do.
Tony comes back about 10 minutes later, and the entire kitchen smells of the most delicious, fragrant foods he's smelled in a while. This makes him smile as he sees you fluttering around in his kitchen as if it's your own.
"What're we having for dinner?" Tony asks as he comes to stand behind you. You feel yourself tense up a little as he looks over your shoulder, his hand on your waist. Usually, you wouldn't have given this a second thought, but after yesterday, everything has changed.
"I decided to make pasta carbonara, your favorite," you tell him with a small smile, and he nods in approval.
"Sounds good to me," he says before walking away and sitting at his large kitchen island. As you do your magic in the kitchen, there's some small talk between you both, but surprisingly, it doesn't feel awkward in the slightest.
Not long after, you've finished the pasta, and after plating two dishes for both of you, feeling proud of what you have made. Cooking has always been your passion, and Tony is more than happy to indulge in everything you make, as he knows you're a fantastic cook.
Once you're seated across from Tony, you decide to bite the bullet, knowing there is a great chance he won't even remember the conversation you two had last night - if you can even call it that.
"Tony, do you remember what happened last night?" you ask outright, and his eyes go wide as he realizes exactly what you're talking about. He may have been drunk enough not to know most of last night, but the love confession is engraved in his memory.
He looks at you with a shocked expression at first, but almost instantly, his features soften before he nods, giving you a reassuring smile.
"I do remember it, yeah. And I want to apologize for it. The timing was horrific, and you deserve so much more than a stupid drunk confession," Tony starts. You play with the noodles on your plate, and your appetite disappears.
"So it was a mistake, and he doesn't love me," you think, and Tony notices something's off.
"Can you tell me what's going on in your mind, Cutie?" he tries, but you shake your head, fighting the tears threatening to escape. You don't want to tell him that you're afraid he didn't mean it or that he doesn't love you.
"That's okay. But I hope you will take what I'm about to say now to heart because I meant it and still mean it. I'm in love with you, Y/N, and I have been for as long as I can remember! Whenever we're in the same room, I can't stop looking at you, and your smile is something I look forward to seeing every morning," Tony tells you, and the tears you were fighting earlier are now streaming down your cheeks.
You lower your gaze to your pasta as you don't want him to see you crying but to no avail. Within seconds, he's by your side, his arms wrapped around you as he pulls you close to his chest.
"It's okay, Cutie. I'm sorry for how I behaved yesterday, but do you believe me when I say I love you? That I'm in love with you? Being apart from you physically hurts me every time, as if a piece of my heart is missing. As if a part of my soul has gone with you, and it only feels right when you're back with me," he tells you, and you can't do anything but sob into his t-shirt.
Every last doubt and sliver of hope you have held onto is coming out, and the relief you're feeling is so overwhelming that it all comes out at once. But Tony doesn't mind; he will hold you for as long as you need, for the rest of his life. He will be there for you through good times and bad, through sickness and health, till death do you part.
Eventually, you calm down enough to stop crying and wipe your tears away with the tissues he's gotten for you. With a soft thank you, you wipe your face and drink a few sips of water before facing him.
"I believe you, Tony. And I am deeply in love with you as well," you whisper to him, and the smile on his face is one of nothing but pure, unabashed happiness.
"Can I kiss you?" he asks, and without saying another word, you wrap your arms around his neck, crashing your lips against his in a messy yet perfect first kiss. Tony's hands are sliding under your thighs before lifting you, the food you have prepared long forgotten now.
As you're both starting to get a little impatient, Tony backs you against a nearby wall, and his hands wander from your thighs to your waist and up to your face before he pulls away, leaving you both panting and hungry for more.
"Do you want to continue this trail to the bedroom? Because as much as I love you and want you, your comfort and safety go above everything else," Tony asks as his hand gently cups your face. You lean into his touch as you look at him.
"Yes, Tony. I want this, and I want you. Please make me yours," you tell him, and with those words, you're officially together. You're his, and he's yours. From this moment on, nothing can come between you two, and he can't wait to make it official by burying himself deep inside you.
"God, I love you so much," he says between kisses, and he ruts his hips against yours as he keeps you pinned against the wall, his cock achingly hard in his sweatpants. Pre-cum is already leaking from the tip, and your panties are ruined as another gush of arousal floods them.
Before you can even comprehend what's happening, Tony has ripped your pants in half with a force you've never seen before, but it only turns you on further as he frees his cock before fisting it a few times and lining it up with your waiting entrance.
"So wet for me, Cutie; you're dripping all over me right now," Tony says as he pushes into your tight heat, the pressure in your core already building with every thrust as he works himself into your entrance.
While there's nothing romantic about this moment persé, he's still charming and caring as he works himself into you. The moment he bottoms out, he knows he's a complete goner for you. He's entirely and unabashedly yours for the rest of your lives.
"F-fuck me, Daddy," you moan out as your eyes slip shut, and Tony can feel you clench around him at the nickname. He's never had a thing for being called 'Daddy,' but hearing it tumble from your lips has him throbbing inside your hot, tight pussy.
"Call me that again, Babygirl, fuck," he says through gritted teeth, and as soon as you do, he sets a brutal pace, bouncing you up and down on his giant cock, splitting you open on every last inch of it. The veins adorning his length give you the extra stimulation you need, and before you know it, you're cumming on his cock for the first time, screaming his name as he fucks you against a wall.
"That's it, fucking cum for Daddy, squeezin' me so fucking hard," he groans out, and when he's about to cum, he suddenly stops every last bit of movement, as he doesn't want to cum just yet.
"Hold on to me, girl. I'm gonna take you for a little walk," he says, and you happily do. As you nuzzle your face into his neck, he holds you tightly against his chest until he suddenly dips you down onto the mattress of his king-size bed.
"I need to pull out for just a moment, but I'll be burying myself deep inside you soon enough," Tony said as he nosed along your jaw before placing a few soft kisses on your cheek, nose, and lips. You moan at the loss of him inside you, but he quickly pulls down his sweatpants fully before undressing you as well.
The moment you're both entirely bare, he stops for a moment to indulge himself in your beauty, his hands wandering over every inch of your body. Your breasts get a little extra attention, but he can't stay away from your heat too long as he places himself over your body.
"You're doing so perfect for me, Cutie," he says softly as he pushes back in, and this time your pussy welcomes him without any resistance, and it's like you two are made for each other. He fits perfectly in the space he carved out with his cock earlier, and he wants to be buried inside you for the rest of your lives.
His hands find yours, and he interlaces his fingers with yours as he sets a slow pace, rolling his hips in a way that has you wanting more, and it is only emphasized by the way your back is arching and yours are working in tandem with his.
Tony's drinking in the moans and whimpers that fall from your lips as his forehead is pressed against yours, the intimacy of the moment bringing you to your second high of the evening. Your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth as you look into Tony's eyes, and you feel every last drag of his cock inside you.
"So perfect; I love you so much," Tony whispers as his high approaches rapidly. He can't stop confessing his love for you; you never want him to. Hearing those words from Tony means more than anything anyone has ever said to you before. They make this moment perfect.
"I'm close, Babygirl, and I can feel you're close too. I want you to cum one more time for me, okay? Cum one more time for Daddy, and then I'll give you every last drop of my seed," Tony says, and you nod.
His hand disappears between your bodies, and his fingers rub your clit a few times before you cum again with a scream of his name, your nails scratching his back as the pleasure blinds you for a moment, and you see nothing but white.
Tony's pace becomes frantic and sloppy, and before you know it, he's cumming deep inside you as his cock is nestled as deep as it'll go. The warmth of his seed spreads inside you, and Tony has captured your lips in a sweet kiss, his tongue slipping in to mingle with yours.
"I love you so much, Cutie. Thank you for giving me a chance and for saying yes to being my girl. Now, my life has started. With you by my side, I can do anything," Tony tells you as his nose bumps and rubs against yours lovingly, and your heart feels full of love.
"I love you too, Tony, more than I can ever explain," you whisper with a smile, and that evening, you spend most of it in Tony's arms. After pulling out and cleaning you up, he pulled you into the shower, where he took fantastic care of you as he washed your entire body and hair, too.
Now, you're wearing Tony's boxer briefs and a hoodie as you eat some take-out. The pasta you had made earlier was deemed inedible after being left out for multiple hours.
"Y'know, I can't wait to tell Natasha about us. She's been our biggest cheerleader from day one, and I'm sure she would love to know about our conversation," you tell Tony, and he knows damn well it implies that you will say to her about the amazing sex you had as well.
"Hm, and I can't wait to hear all about her reaction from Bruce," Tony jokes. You both laugh as your legs are intertwined on the couch, and you feed each other random pieces of sushi. That night, you stay in his penthouse, which will be the first night of many you will happily spend there.
The following day, as you're in the kitchen making breakfast for yourself, Tony couldn't join because of an early meeting on the other side of the city. Natasha walks into the kitchen, looking for all the details from last night.
"Mornin', sleepyhead," Natasha says as she pulls open the fridge, looking for some breakfast. You already prepared some for her as well. You're still dressed in Tony's hoodie, which is enough evidence for her to know where you slept last night.
"Let's go to my room so we can talk in private," you say as you hand Natasha the plate of food. She happily accepts before following you. You both get comfortable on the oversized couch in your room and immediately start recounting everything that happened in Tony's penthouse.
From you making dinner to the love confession, and from Tony ripping your pants in half to fuck you against a wall to the lovemaking, nothing gets left out. It's not something either of you is embarrassed about either, as you two have shared many stories about sexual experiences in your past, and you're being kept up-to-date on new things Bruce and Natasha try out as well.
"But you know what the most special moment was? When he was buried inside me, he interlaced my fingers with his, and he told me he loved me. Honestly, I have never felt so loved by anyone before, and I'm glad to call him my boyfriend now," you say with a significant smile, and Natasha couldn't possibly be happier for you two.
"You deserve it, Detka. You do. Tony may be an idiot sometimes, but he's your idiot, and that's all that matters," she says, and you nod. There's a small silence between you both as Natasha gathers the courage to tell you some good news, and she needs to ask you something important, too.
"Detka, I have some news I've been wanting to share with you. Bruce and I got confirmation last night that we're allowed to foster and eventually adopt a baby. As you know, I can't have them naturally, so we have been going down that route and will be fostering a baby girl named Rose," Natasha says proudly.
"Are you kidding?! That is amazing news, Nat! I'm so happy for you two! When will I be able to meet the little girl?" you quickly ask, eager to get to know your future niece.
"She will be placed with us within the next month, and from then on, I will become a stay-at-home Mom. I've been thinking of retiring from Avenging for a while, and there's no better time than to do it now," she tells you, and you nod.
"But there's one more thing I want to ask you. Will you be Rose's godmother once we adopt her?" Natasha asks, and without a shadow of a doubt, you agree to it before pulling her in for the highest possible hug. She's been dreaming of becoming a Mom for years, and to see her dream come true is amazing.
"You both deserve it so much, Nat. I can't tell you enough how happy I am for you," you tell her. Down in Tony's lab, a similar conversation occurs.
"Tony, will you give us the honor of becoming Rose's godfather once we adopt her?" Bruce asks Tony, and of course, he agrees right away, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes.
"Of course I will. Y/N and I will take care of her like she's our own," Tony promises, and it's true.
A few months later, you two are babysitting for Bruce and Natasha, and you take care of the little girl like she's your own. You can't wait to tell Tony about your pregnancy, but that can wait a few more days. Now, you're basking in the glory of the little girl lighting up your world, just like yours will once she's born.
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106 notes · View notes
romanoffsbish · 11 months
In Your Corner
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Request | WC: 3,885
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It had been supposed to be another great year that had come to a close for you. Every year, without fail Tony would throw you a party, but this year he was preoccupied with his family. He hadn't even had the time to send you a text.
That hurt, but you new infants were a lot of work so you gave him and Pepper that pass, but as you entered the communal kitchen you found yourself disappointed again. You'd been used to waking up to the smell of a homemade breakfast made by your best friend, but this year Wanda was off to Cannes with Vis for an impromptu trip, she too had forgotten to text.
The remainder of the team had seemingly also forgotten, each one just hanging around the compound and your lover was off on a mission so you couldn't fault her for the lack of text.
So, there you sat, on your shared floor with a pint of whatever frostbitten ice cream was left in your freezer as you watched Friends reruns and cried into your couch cushions as Rachel and Ross fought over the terms of a "break".
The show continued on, laugh tracks sounding off, even when it wasn't really that funny but your focus had since shifted to your dry phone. When you realized no one would remember now as it'd already reached noon you settled into the loneliness and slipped off into a nap.
Natasha was stressed to the max on a quinjet, pacing back and forth as Clint flew them home. She'd been gone for two weeks now, and she told Fury that there was no way she'd miss your birthday. It was too important to her that the two of you at least have time to celebrate.
Your life was the most important thing to her, so of course the day of your birth was as well.
So he sent in some agents to replace them as the bulk of the work had been completed and all that was really left was the clean up. There was no reason to extend what had already been extended from a weekend away to two weeks.
When they landed she rushed off the jet and went straight to the common area. She was softly panting from the exertion, but her breathing slowed to nothing as she surveyed the room. Steve and Bucky sat on opposite ends of the couches reading, while Sam and Peter were on the ground, the former one cursing as they played a round of Mario Kart.
"What the hell is going on in here?" Clint's eyes widened as he walked in as Natasha growled. The men in the room looked to her confused, the youngest of them all was the first to speak. "We're having a chill day Mrs. Romanoff."
"Wrong answer," Clint tossed out before rushing out of the room to debrief with Hill as he promised Natasha he'd do for her sake.
"Now why would you be doing that Parker?"
"Natasha, we don't have the energy for your riddles, so speak your peace," Bruce boldly piped up from the corner he'd been sat in.
"Banner, I suggest you leave now," she gritted, her fists bunched up, and the scientist lost all of his bite when he remembered the Hulk wasn't going to be on his side. He soon left with his head down and metaphorical tail tucked.
Which was the best gift your wife could honestly offer: his disappearance. He'd been nothing but bitter since you two got together.
"What's wrong Nat?" Bucky asked, much softer and genuine. Of all people here he'd be granted a pass as he'd not been here in the years prior.
"I'm just wondering where the decorations are, and why my wife isn't here surrounded by the people who she celebrates joyously every year."
Expressions of guilt, and trepidation overtook the entirety of the limited team members faces.
"Friday, where's Y/N?" Natasha asked, only adding salt to the wounded men as she replied: "Asleep upstairs on your couch, it appears she had cried herself to sleep about a half hour ago. Shall I wake her for you Agent Romanoff?"
"No, please do let me know if she wakes up." Friday agreed, and she shifted her attention back to the men who'd all stood to their feet.
Natasha's heart had sank at the notion of you feeling the way you did, as if you were easily overlooked, and not valued, so she knew she needed to fix the mess everyone had made.
"Peter, swing to the bakery at once and return with a tray of those cupcakes." The young boy looked defeated, your wife didn’t hold this against him, on account that he was a kid, but she didn’t waver with her glare and that got him to scramble to activate his suit and leave.
“Wilson, Rogers, and Barnes, go decorate the garden, leave behind your generous gifts, then stay out of sight for the rest of the day."
The redhead then shot off texts to everyone else to scold them just in case they too forgot. Then she took off to the gym lockers so she could freshen up without having to enter your shared floor and risk waking you up just yet.
After she changed from her suit into a pair of shorts and a muscle tee she set off to collect you for a day of last minute, but proper plans. The guys had just finished their part, and left to Wilson's apartment so she could fix the day.
As she entered your shared space she was greeted by an obnoxious laugh track, your melted ice cream and your sleeping form.
Natasha took a minute to survey the scene, and after a moment of admiring you her heart effectively broke as she eventually saw the dampened fabric of your couch. If not for her desire to celebrate your birth she'd be stealthily bringing an end to all that made you this sad.
With a quiet, determined step she moved about your shared floor, cleaning up the mess you'd been accumulating ever since she left. Then she settled a kiss to your cheek as she shut off the TV before venturing off down the hallway to run you a warm tub full of water. After she set the place up with a sprinkling of gifts, and a whole lot of love she’d set off to collect you.
To her luck you'd just groggily sat up, she found it funny that the silence is what woke you up as you'd just been snoring through Friends only a half an hour prior. "Natty?"
"Good morning sleepy head," she teased as she moved out of the hallway and into your sight. There was a dullness to your gaze as you tiredly surveyed her, not subtle at all as you looked her over for wounds, then again to check her out.
Natasha smirked, and began to approach you, she settled down beside you and cupped your cheek. There was a glimmer of hope in your gaze, and she spoke fast, making sure not to crush it. "Happy Birthday moya lyubov'."
"You remembered?" You sobbed, a bit dramatic you'd realize later, because of course she did, but in the moment you felt relieved. "Oh detka, how could I ever forget such an important day, hm? It's my most treasured."
Her lips pressed to your cheeks, catching the tears that slipped through your lashes, then they traversed the expanse of your face until they finally landed on your own as she pulled your body into her lap in one swift motion.
"Why's my pretty girl up here alone on her most special of days, hm?" Natasha knew, but she wanted to try and get your perspective and see the best possible way to change it. "Because everybody forgot Natty," you hiccuped as you burrowed into her neck. "Except for Friday."
Natasha hummed, her body slowly rocked yours in an attempt to hopefully soothe you as her own blood boiled with pure contempt.
"My sources say there was a cosmic fluke on Wanda's behalf, because she adores you so."
Natasha prayed for her sake this was true, because though she'd lose in a fight with the unfair advantage of powers, she wouldn't refrain from smacking her around anyways.
"The rest were simply forgetful idiots, but they felt terrible and have started the apology train," she decided to be honest, forgoing her initial plan to lie to protect your feelings. The men didn't deserve such shielding, they instead deserved to stew in their guilt for eternity.
"I-I don't mean to be dramatic Natty," you sniffled, "But I never forget anyone, why would they forget me? I just want the same in return."
"I understand detka, it's fair to expect," she agreed with a soft tone, "I just want you to know I would never forget, I only didn't text because I was racing home to surprise you."
"I know you would never forget honey, some years it's you who has to remind me," you giggled, and it instantly brought a smile to your lovers face to see you already perking up.
"Well, in the spirit of such a monumental occasion I have ran a tub for you, and set out a new outfit for you to slip into for our plans."
Your head whipped back from its place on her shoulder, face instantly lighting up, "Plans?"
Natasha shook her head with a fond smile, her fingers then raised up to her lips to imitate a zipper and so you whined: "Natty please?"
"Detka, I want it to be exciting, so go get ready and meet me in the garden when you're done."
The two of you stood to your feet, reluctantly moving apart, but before you fully separated your wife pulled you in for a passionate kiss.
"Take your time, and relax your mind Y/N." She pecked your lips a final time, then left.
As you entered your room your heart swelled at the sight of the outfit she'd bought, you'd been eyeing the fit for awhile, and of course she had been watching you just the same. Nothing was ever going to get by your super spy of a wife.
Once you finished your soak, with a new set of body products, you slid out and into the new royal green cropped sweater vest, and skirt. Then after handling your skincare routine you skipped all the way to the garden where you found your wife stood there patiently waiting.
Natasha subtly gulped at the sight of you, and for a moment the both of you remained silent as you looked the other over. She had changed from her casual locker attire into a loose fit black button up polo, with a pair of grey slacks. It was a simple choice, but still deeply alluring as her arms managed to bulge out the stretchy fabric, and her pants were form fitting enough that you could admire her toned behind.
Once you reeled in your devious gaze you were reduced to a woman on the verge of another breakdown. There stood your wife with a bouquet of black roses, and honeysuckles. It had become her goal to pick you meaningful flowers, and the contrast in bright colors meant to symbolize eternal love, intermixed between the more dark, morbid version of the classic rose was for an that leads to a beginning.
In the moment your curiosity was peaked, but you settled on letting the day play out before you sought out clarity. Your wife was cunning, and never moved without a plan, and you were never one to doubt her so you'd easily wait.
Natasha's free hand hung in the air, beckoning you to approach her, and as you accepted she swiftly pulled you into her body. She lowered the bouquet, allowing you the chance to smell the unique combination before she set them in a vase on the center of the decorated table.
“You look gorgeous love.” Natasha blushed, and softly huffed, “That was my line detka.”
As you giggled mischievously into her chest she gave the nervous spider-teen who was lingering on the side of the compound a thumbs up from behind your back. Peter lowered the pink box, and white bags onto the table with his webs, then as previously instructed he vanished.
“He’s just a kid Natty,” you called your wife out as you tried to pull away from her, but she kept your bodies connected with a hand on your lower back, as her lips sought your warmth.
Once satisfied she let you go, eyes admiring the way that yours stayed shut an extra beat, you always took a moment to recover, even when it was just a peck on the lips. You swore you’d never get used to the feeling of hers against yours. It was electrifying, and no matter how brief there was never a lack of love to be found.
Once you shakily breathed out through your nose, and your eyes fluttered open you were met with your wife who was patiently waiting. Natasha pursed her lips, then doubled down. “That’s true Y/N, that’s why I still let him see you, but he also has a phone with a calendar.”
You knew not to push it, because in the end she wasn’t wrong. Instead you thanked the boy via text, and put your phone in dnd, no longer caring about the sudden influx of well wishes, as your greatest one to be was sat before you.
Natasha handed you a sandwich, and then after listening to you animatedly tell her stories of the guy’s stupidity, she reflected back and told you all about Clint’s on their mission. Then as if having the power to summon him, the man was beside you with a candle and a lighter.
“Happy Birthday Y/N/N,” he greeted with a grin and a stubbly kiss to your temple. “The kids made you this,” he passed you a paper with the whole Barton family on it, and right to the side of them was you in Nat’s arms with Liho on your shoulder. Then he passed you an envelope, “And Laura purchased you this.”
While Natasha pulled out a gorgeous cupcake decorated to look like a peony you tore it open.
“Oh my gosh, no way!” You shrieked, “We’re going with them to Disneyland Natty!” She met your enthusiasm with a nervous chuckle, then seamlessly blew passed her anxieties as she lit the solo candle and began to sing. Clint joined her in the celebratory tune, but fortunately for you your wife’s melodic voice carried the tune.
Clint slipped off a moment later, with a to go container of various flower inspired cupcakes, then Natasha guided you to her sports car. It never ceased to make your heart flutter when she naturally moved to buckle you in. There was never a time in your whole entire time knowing her that she didn’t do this. It was actually how you realized she liked you in the way you did her. Because once you actually saw how she unbuckled Tony’s for him in contrast.
“Where are we going?” Natasha shook her head and chuckled softly, “Stop asking baby girl, you know I’m a steel fortress with this stuff.”
You grumbled all the way, until you saw the arcade, with Yelena and Kate grinning outside. Natasha couldn’t contain her laughter as you raced from the car and into her sisters arms. The blonde spun you around, then after you were back on the ground Kate pulled you in.
“Come on Y/N,” Yelena shrieked, “We must play as many games as possible. The final winner gets the crown in Kate Bishop’s hand.
You raced off with a shout of: “Game on!”
“Thanks for coming so last minute, I know you just got home from an undercover mission,” Natasha genuinely said, and the archer turned to her with a tired smile. “It was the least we could do, plus, look at how happy they are.”
Natasha did look, her eyes hardly ever left you to begin with, but in moments like these, where you were in the middle of unbridled joy, she especially wanted to be a spectator. Seeing you and Yelena playing like little kids always made her heart soar, and her mind run with dreams.
Of a future similar to this moment, but with house parties and summer barbecues. It was all she wanted, and she reckoned it was time you two got started on the rest of your journey. So, after about an hour of free fun, where you beat Lena in the final game, reigning you champ she called out to you both to say it was time to go.
“You’re welcome for letting you win,” Yelena angrily said, making you giggle as you realized she most certainly did no such thing. Her eyes narrowed, but a grin soon overtook her face as you yanked her into a goodbye hug. “Thank you for coming out to celebrate my birthday.”
“I will never miss a chance to beat you at air hockey Y/N Romanoff.” Her arms tightened, and she softly whispered: “Happy Birthday.”
“Okay, let’s wife swap now.” Natasha’s tone was playful, but a spark of jealousy was easily detected. “Hold your panties Natalia. Y/N is all yours. Also Kate Bishop is my fiancé, not wife.”
“She’ll be your was with that attitude,” you teased as you shifted to say goodbye to the archer. Who, as was her job, coronated you the ‘Arcade Supreme’ just before slipping you a gift bag then taking off with her grumbling fiancé.
“We’ve got a few more stops detka.” Natasha escorted you back to the car, then the rest of the adventure unfolded as she took you to all of your favorite places. Including the cat cafe where she surprised you with an adoption.
You’d been begging for months to get Liho a girlfriend, but then you ended up getting a male orange tabby, with a missing eye. “He looks kinda like Fury, let’s take him to shield!”
“Detka, I want to live a long life with you,” she teased as you held the cat up. “Stop tempting your fate with the doppelgänger of our boss.”
“At least you agree with me,” you huffed, then set the cat back down before letting your wife take you out of the cafe with the promise of returning in the morning for the little fella.
“You think Liho will mind that his girlfriend is a boy?” You shrugged, smirking around the straw of your frappe. “Love is love Natty.”
It was encroaching evening now, so you’d figured that the night was coming to a close, but when your wife passed the exit for the compound you realized her plan was ongoing.
With the windows rolled down, and your hand interlocked with your wife’s as she drove you across city lined you began to realize the burden of your depressing start had dissipated. The tension in your body melted away, and in a show of direct appreciation you brought her knuckles up to your lips and kissed them.
“What was that for?” You were looking out the window at the vast greenery of New York, but you could hear her smirking and had to fight off the urge to roll your eyes. “Do I need a reason to show you, my dear wife, affection?”
Natasha hummed thoughtfully, “I suppose not, but if you were saying thanks, I’d also like the same gesture deposited upon my lips please.”
Just as much as you were left a total mess after each kiss, she was left with an insatiable need for more. If she had it her way you’d never part. Her lips would be against yours all day, and if not there, at least somewhere on you.
Before you could even consider her proposal the redhead had pulled over abruptly, the blur of greenery was now more clear to you, and a feeling of serenity washed over you at the view.
“Where are we love?”
Your wife was nervous, something she rarely ever felt, and never let anyone see. Today is going to change the trajectory of your life for good, and she just hopes you’re happy with it.
“Home.” You furrowed your brows as you whipped your head around to meet her gaze after processing the word she’d just blurted. Seeing her nervous smile upon doing so made you lose the frown of confusion. A much softer crease overtook your face as you matched her smile as best you could. “What do you mean?”
“Here.” Natasha unbuckled herself, then she hopped out and gently pulled you from the car. “I, well actually, Tony and I have been working together on this for awhile now.” You cut her off with a gasp of genuine surprise, “You and Stark have been working together and he gets to live to tell others about it?” Natasha rolled her eyes, but before she could clarify you gasped again, this time with a horrified look.
“Oh my gosh Natty, did you kill him?” Her face fell into one of pure mortification. “What? No!”
You cast her an unbelieving glance, but then you lost your edge, tone obviously teasing, “Maybe that’s why he didn’t text me today…”
Natasha glared at the notion, and vowed to trip the wires in his suit for such a slight. Then she remembered his hologram that was waiting for you with birthday wishes beyond the hedges.
“Detka, please focus,” she chided, then pulled on your hand until you were just beyond the greenery, and stood before a gorgeous home. The walls were painted a blue tinted grey, with black trimmings, and it was two stories tall.
“This is,” she began, but you cut her off with a squeal, “Our home? Are we finally…” Natasha cut you off next, “Yes, we only have one final mission detka. To settle down for good now.”
“I love you so much Natasha!” She gladly took you into her arms for a hug, then before you could protest she scooped you up like she did on your wedding day, and ran the both of you beyond the threshold of the home. Her lips slammed to yours in the heat of the moment, but the kiss was weak as neither of you could refrain from smiling like idiots. “I love you too Y/N, more than I ever dreamed possible.”
When the night came to a close a few hours later, you heard your phone ding just as your eyes had shut. You begrudgingly peeked an eye back open. "Happy Birthday Y/N/N, I had no service, but I promise you a stack of chocolate chip pancake's when I return on Monday. ❤️"
You smiled, grateful for Wanda's gesture, albeit late it was much better than never at all. All you ever wanted was to have a group of people to love you the same way you'd loved them.
With Natasha pressed into you from behind, an arm wrapped tightly around you as she snored softly you knew without a doubt that you were at the very least loved with reciprocity by her.
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testingthewatersss · 5 months
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Jericho Trigger warnings for PTSD, mentions of war, torture, flashbacks etc. Bucky Barnes x (injured) F Reader Oneshot 4430 words Angst, fluffy, fluff.  18+ MDNI
Reader is Tony’s sister, a non-enhanced shield agent who recently resurfaced. Bucky loves her. He really loves her. So what happens if she gets hurt? not for long, just for angst.
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She wakes up slowly at first. Consciousness creeping in towards her like a flame flickering at the end of a very deep tunnel.
It’s memories. Jumbled and inaccurate. And then it’s voices.
It’s Tony’s voice. His laughter, echoing around her. It’s the sound of his panic, thick and hidden under the more familiar lilt of frustrated sarcasm.
And then it’s screaming.
It’s Natasha shouting urgent, desperate phrases in English and Russian.
It’s the word Sister, and Sestra- which mean the same thing.
And it’s Steve. Steve using the Captain tone he usually reserves for lectures.
And then it’s silence.
It’s silence, and an ache in her side as the reason for the darkness behind her eyes comes back to her at once.
I got stabbed, she thinks— or was I shot?
Both, maybe? Probably both, knowing my luck.
She hadn’t thought about how likely this outcome was when she’d acted, really.
She hadn’t thought of anything other than Steve.
Of the way his shield was on the ground behind them both, and the way that he was looking the wrong way, talking to Bucky-
Oh, god— Bucky.
His face, watching horrified as she’d pushed his old friend out of the way— only getting more distraught as she’d fallen.
At least she didn’t have to hear him screaming.
Her chest aches as she tunes into the distant sound of beeping.
It’s getting faster by the second.
She wonders if she’s dead. If maybe this is- well, it’s probably not hell.
Remembering the traumatised look on her lovers face is painful, but it’s not torture.
Not hell torture anyway. Though the more she dwells on the last thing she remembers seeing that wasn’t darkness she’s not certain that it’s not getting harder to bare.
Purgatory seems possible.
That would be okay. She could make her peace with purgato-
Okay- Okay- that’s new
A hot, sharp pain flares across her flank, making her whole body tense.
She still has a body.
That realisation makes her head spin.
And then, yeah- that’s a groan.
She’s groaning.
Not dead, then.
Wounded, though. Definitely wounded.
Her hand goes to feel the source of the pain, but no-
“Hey, No”
Back to voices then, she thinks grimly, surrendering to whatever state her body wants to be in with a sigh.
“Are you awake?”
Am I? she thinks, trying to decide on an answer.
“Y/N- Can you hear me? It’s Bruce.”
Bruce. Bruce Banner.
“You’re in medical” he says next, “You took a hit, been out a few days”
She tries to reply, knowing she should, but all she hears is a moan, barely louder than a breath.
Still, she hears a spool of elated laughter.
“Good! That’s good- I’m going to get Tony-”
and then she can’t decipher words anymore. Just steps and excited chatter.
and she wants to ask him not to go- because now she’s aware, she’s scared.
The beeping is getting faster, and faster and the pain is getting sharper and sharper and she doesn’t know what’s happening other than that she’s clearly in bad shape—
“—Hey, Hey—” she hears, “—calm down, you’ve got to stay calm”
That is so annoying.
It’s the same thing she’s said to hundreds of patients, but still, hearing it from the other side is just… annoying.
She tries to roll her eyes and realises they’re taped shut.
That only makes her panic more, because if they’re taped shut then she’s been unconscious for more than a day—
days, he did say, days
“Where is she?!”—“What’s goin’ on?!” —“Is she awake?!” “—get out of the way—”
The last voice is Tony’s.
It’s the only one she recognises instantly, and it’s the only one that actually makes her feel better.
“Hi, kid” he says, tone soft and almost relieved, “can you hear me? You’ve gotta let me know you’re okay..”
He sounds desperate. It hurts worse than her ribs.
I’m okay, she tries to say, “-‘m okay”
and then he’s laughing, loud and relieved, and she realises that at least some of that had been audible.
“Get the tape off her eyes” Tony instructs next, “up the pain relief.”
Just the knowledge that he’s there. That her brother is there taking control of the situation makes her feel better. Safer, and more able to relax.
She feels fingers on her face, gentle and cautious as they peel the adhesive strips away from her lashes.
“Keep them shut” a voice she recognises as Bruce advises, “Just for right now.”
“I know” she thinks— she says. That’s her voice. She’s speaking.
A smile tugs at her lips as she tries to wet them.
“I’m a doctor, remember?”
Yeah, it’s a little dry, but it’s her voice for sure.
And now there’s laughter, again.
So much laughter. Tony’s and Bruces, and others, mixing with the annoying medical sounds that are still going off in the background.
“Friday, dim the lights-”
I’m in tower medical, then, Y/N thinks, or Tony wouldn’t be talking to FRIDAY.
“-Alright, slowly—”
That’s Natasha.
That’s Natasha’s voice and god, she’s almost certain that’s her hand on her brow.
“—Open your eyes.”
With a poor attempt at a grimace, Y/N obeys. Blinking tiredly until her vision clears enough to make out the collection of faces surrounding her.
Tony and Natasha are the two closest. Both look hopelessly relieved. Steve is there too, off to the side with Bruce, he looks elated. They both do, actually, they’re both beaming so wide that she can’t help but try and return the expression, even though her cheeks ache.
He’s not there.
Her poor attempt at a grin drops instantly.
Eyes flicking around the room in frantic search-
What if he did something stupid after I went down?
“Hey” Tony cautions, reaching down to steady her head, “Hey, relax”
“Where is he?” she asks, dry voice cracking, “Bucky, is- is he okay?”
“He’s fine” Natasha replies, “He’s there, see, he hasn’t left.”
She watches the red head nod over to her right, to the side where the others aren’t gathered.
He is there.
He’s sat on a plastic chair that looks ridiculously small compared to his frame, starring at her with wide, sore looking eyes and all she wants to comfort him.
She goes to reach out, but then she feels it.
Metal fingers curled around her palm. Warm and solid and locked in position.
“Hi” she whispers, seeing the sheer exhaustion he’s sporting, and realising he probably hasn’t even been blinking much while she’s been out— “Did ya’, miss me?”
Tony scoffs again, and she feels something cold running into her vein from the cannula he’s clearly messing with;
She doesn’t even bother to look. She trusts him completely, and besides, her gaze is set on the tears that have started to stream across Bucky’s face.
He’s still. Not even breathing in a visible way, but tears are now pouring from his eyes.
“I’m alright” she swears, “I’m okay, I promise.”
As she says that, she cringes. Something hurts.
There’s pressure on her side, and it’s painful. She grits her teeth and breathes.
“Sorry” Tony tells her, “I’m almost done.”
“What happened?” she asks, looking back at Natasha now.
“You got shot” the other woman replies, “Pushing Steve out of the way.”
“I’m so sorry-” Steve goes to say, Y/N cuts him off with a shake of her head that makes her temples throb.
“How long was I out?” she asks firmly, directing the conversation away from his misplaced remorse.
“3 days” Bruce replies, before Natasha can, “2 nights.”
“From a bullet wound?” she says, exasperated, “I’m getting old.”
Tony scoffs again, and then he’s back in her line of sight—
“It wasn’t a bullet that hit you, it was Steve they were aiming for-”
When she furrows her brow, he sighs, pawing at his goatie and frowning.
“-Remember those Super Solider ballistic plans we found in Berlin?”
She vaguely remembers a USB stick full of weapon plans.
Tasers and grenades and smoke bombs full of crippling gas and -
Bullets that expand upon impact, releasing toxins into the muscle to paralyse the target while increasing the amount of blood loss—
“Oh, god” she moans, “That sucks.”
“You’re an idiot—” Natasha cuts in, just as Tony starts laughing again, relief making him almost giddy—
“I’m a hero” Y/N corrects smugly, “I”
“You could’ve died” Bucky says suddenly, in a voice that sounds totally shattered-
That hurts more than whatever her brother was doing to her wound.
“Hey” she exhales, turning her head back over to stare at him, “I told you, I’m alright”
“…I- I could’ve lost you” he replies weakly, like he hasn’t even heard her reply, “…You went down and I- I couldn’t-”
“-Buck” Steve cuts in, tone sympathetic but warning, “It wasn’t your fault.”
“Of course it wasn’t” Y/N agrees, hating how injured she looks, flat on her back on a hospital bed, “Is this what you’ve all been doing while I’ve been past out? Trying to decide who’s fault it was that I got shot?”
The disbelief in her tone turns almost angry by the time she’s finished her question.
“Seriously?” she says, bitter now, “It was my fault- There- I’ve answered it for you— Ow! Tony, what the hell are you doing?!”
“Sedating you” he replies calmly, “Your pulse is 210”
He mutters out a ‘yep’ that sounds so cheerful she almost suppresses her groan of dismay-
“I thought you wanted me awake” she says, angry now. “You’re going to sedate me because I’m telling you-“
“I’m sedating you because you’re going to give yourself a stroke” Tony cuts in.
She hears it then, the strain in his tone that lets her know that he’s no more happy about her returning to unconsciousness than she is.
That’s all it takes for her to stop fighting. To sag back onto the trolly with a sigh of defeat and final glance at Bucky which is half apologetic and half accusing.
Has he really been sitting by my bedside wondering if he could’ve gotten himself hurt instead? She thinks bitterly, Maybe he just wishes you could’ve changed things some how? But- how exactly?
What could he have done?
What could any of them done?
Darkness shrouds her before she can come up with any answers.
Her lack of clarity doesn’t matter, though. Because Bucky- Bucky has a list of answers.
He’s been formulating it since the second he took his place at her bedside, aching and non blinking with the image of the love of his life lying wounded on the ground.
Reminding himself of her new position, safely within the medical bay of the tower hadn’t helped much. Not with her looking the way she did.
Steve had called it ‘peaceful’.
“She looks peaceful, Buck.” He’d told him, “not like she’s in pain, she just needs to sleep it off- she took a hit”
Like he didn’t already know that she’d taken a hit.
She’d taken more than a hit.
She’d taken a super-soldier grade ballistic to the chest to save him. To save Steve. To save him from losing Steve.
‘It’s not his fault’ The ghost of Y/N’s voice had reminded him, or- or maybe it had been Natasha’s? Soft and Russian, whispering like their conversations should be a secret.
‘Don’t blame Steve, Barnes. He feels bad enough about it already’
In hindsight that was definitely Natasha.
Y/N only calls him by his last name when he’s in trouble. It’s always playful and teasing and never, ever, sandwiched by Russian.
Ms Romanoff on the other hand? She calls him Barnes more than any other name or title, and she’s always barking at him in whatever language she wants, though, somewhat expectedly, Russian is the default when they’re trying not to be overheard.
Why are they trying not be over heard now, anyway?
It’s not like it would’ve mattered if someone had heard them. Steve would be upset, he supposes, but, even that wouldn’t make a difference to his current situation.
Realising that almost makes him feel something other than the all consuming ache he’s been drowning in ever since he’d seen-
Absolutely not.
Bucky is very good at not letting himself dwell on certain memories and that is one he has no intention of ever revisiting.
All he knows is that something changed the moment it happened.
Something in him changed. It’s like his DNA shifted to allow for more pain than he’d ever felt before, which is saying a lot really. Considering how much pain he’s lived through already.
All of that had been better.
He’d happily beg for another lifetime of Hydra tortures if it meant he could erase the memory of that.
But he can’t. He can’t do that. And he can’t feel anything other than the agony now it’s there. So, even when faced with the very real possibility of hurting his oldest friends feelings in a way that even he recognises as cruel, he can’t bring himself to care.
Not about anything other than Y/N, and the way her breathing is slower now.
Not much slower, but, yeah- it was rhythmic before. Quick, but stable. Now it’s… less.
Panic makes his throat tight as he watches.
‘She’s fine’
That’s not Natasha.
That’s Steve.
There’s a brotherly hand on his shoulder and he doesn’t even make himself shrug it away. No, he just sits. Watching.
Making his list of what he could’ve done differently.
Of what they all could’ve done differently.
It’s a long list.
429 items long by the time she opens her eyes.
By the time Tony has made sure she closes them again its up to 500.
He wonders absentmindedly if he’s ever going to stop adding into it.
Probably not.
He knows people are talking around him. Tony and Bruce, Wanda even drops in to check on Y/N, but Bucky tunes them all out. Eventually Steve and Natasha become background noise. They blend in with the rhythmic beeping of machines and hum of the air conditioning.
‘Buck, did you hear me?’
He tilts his head a fraction, eyes not shifting from his lovers chest as a familiar voice presses for his attention.
‘I’ll go’ Natasha says calmly, clearly not expecting him to reply.
That’s fair. He wasn’t listening anyway.
‘I just thought he’d want to-‘
‘Want to what?’ He hears himself say, voice gruff and dry.
It’s sounds foreign to him now, like it’s coming from a stranger.
‘She’s going to want her own clothes’ Steve repeats, putting his palm back on his shoulder, "since she’ll be up soon, I figured you might want to go grab her something from your room’
It takes a while for his brain to process the other man’s sentence,
‘Where’s her brother?’ He asks, looking around for the other Stark, wondering why he wouldn’t have gone himself.
‘Tony crashed a couple of hours ago’ Natasha says conversationally, ‘now they know she’s out of the woods, him and Banner decided to finally try getting some rest- you might want to think about doin’ the same’
He shakes his head sternly. Eyes back on his partner.
Her chest is still rising and falling so gently that his own heart races in response.
‘She still keep her sweats in the second drawer across?’ Romanoff aks, not bothering to press the issue of him sleeping.
It takes Bucky a few seconds to answer her with a confident nod, and then she’s gone.
Steve leaves at some point too. Silently, or at least, without Barnes noticing, and then, Natasha comes back. She hands him a bundle of cream cashmere that is so soft that his metal fingers barely register the weight of it.
‘Be careful putting the top on’ Natasha advises, ‘it’s a button up, so it should be pretty easy’
He looks at her, sore eyed and confused. She cracks a laugh at his expression before crouching beside him so that she can make eye contact more easily.
‘If you swap her outfit now, she won’t have to move, if she does it herself when she wakes up, she’ll feel it’
He swallows drily, understanding. He looks over at Y/N again and feels tears spilling across his cheeks again.
Natasha shakes her head kindly, before reaching up to wipe them away with her palm. The action reminds him so much of Y/N and how she comforts him that he flinches. She stays silent, looking at him with sisterly concern.
‘This time tomorrow she’ll be telling you she’s fine’ Natasha says calmly, ‘until then, I promised her I’d always look out for you if she couldn’t, so do us both a favour and drink some water-‘ she pauses, handing him a metal flask, ‘and help her into her clothes, you’ll be gentler than me’
She pats his knee fondly before standing and leaving the room, knowing he’s more likely to follow her instruction if given space and privacy to do so.
He’s not sure when he brings the bottle to his lips, or when he puts it down, empty and light by his boots.
He doesn’t know when he makes the conscious choice to move either- to stand, peeling the covers away from Y/N so that he can remove the thin hospital gown from her body and start to replace it with the cozy offerings Natasha had brought down from the room they share.
The room he hasn’t been able to force himself to enter without her.
He disconnects her IVs with ease. Slipping her arms into the sleeves with such painfully gentle movements that she would have struggled to feel them even she had been awake. It’s only when he has to shift her hips to raise the bottoms that she seems to notice at all.
It’s only the slightest furrowing of her brow, but it makes his breath catch painfully in his throat all the same.
The thought of her hurting her is more than he can bare.
He finishes quite quickly after that, and then, he realised that he doesn’t want to return to his chair. He wants to stay right by her side, where he can feel the warmth of her breath in the air, where he can see details of her face, even when his eyes inevitably glaze over.
He drops to his knees without hesitation, resting his cheek on the pressed sheet by their tangled palms.
It’s dark.
Y/N realises as she blinks tiredly that it must be night time, now. There is a gentle glow from the monitor and the lights in the hall, but otherwise the room is shrouded in shadows.
Her eyes find the seat that Bucky had been in before, when she finds it empty, she hisses in a nervous breath, catching a glimpse of her own chest and noticing the clothes she’s wearing. Before the distraction can take too much of her attention, she hears the low breathing beside her. It’s so familiar that her pulse settles in response.
There he is.
Sleeping quietly with his face by their hands.
He looks exhausted. Even in the dark she can see the deep-set hollows beneath his eyes. She can see the sunken edges of cheeks that always appears when he skips a few to many meals.
“Your metabolism runs too quick for that, Barnes’ she reminds him in a horse whisper. “You need to eat”
That’s all it takes to startle him awake-
Her almost inaudible scolding.
“Hey” she purrs, seeing his eyes snap open, “I’m sorry, sweetheart… I didn’t mean to wake you”
She means that. He clearly needs to rest.
He’s gawking at her, horrified that she’s apologising to him.
Before he can formulate a response she swallows dryly. It looks painful and he’s instantly moving, reaching over with his flesh hand to pass her the glass of water that’s waiting on the side table.
She takes it silently, draining it before passing it back to him. He discards it quickly, and then she sighs;
“Come on, angel” she murmurs, “come snuggle up”
He blinks at her confusedly until she humours him, offering a smile as she pats the space beside her on the bed.
It’s small, a regular hospital trolly, but she moves herself over before he can object, knowing the pain the adjustment must’ve caused her-
“I’m worried about you, Buck” she says quietly, “I know I scared you, I’m sorry, but I’m okay- I promise, alright? I’m gonna be just fine”
He opens his mouth to object to her apology, but she shakes her head to silence him before he finds the words,
“I missed you” she adds gently, “I’m tired, baby- You must be too”
When he sees the way she’s looking at him, he finds himself nodding in agreement.
“Yeah” she says encouragingly, “yeah I thought so, come on, come up here” again, before he can object, she adds, “You’re not going to hurt me, Tony’s got me on so much morphine I can’t feel anything, and we both know I’m not going to back to sleep with you down there…”
It’s Bucky’s turn to sigh then. He knows when he’s beaten, and even though he knows he doesn’t deserve it, he really does want to just hold her.
Despite her assurances, he’s so afraid of harming her that he barely lets himself touch her, leaving half of his body over the edge of the bed as he puts his head mechanically on the pillow. He’s on his side to face her, and when he sees her laughing silently, shaking her head fondly he feels himself crying again. The tears burn his eyes, stinging sorely before spilling across his cheeks,
“C’mere…” she purrs, adjusting herself and trying her best to tuck him into her front, “don’t cry, sweet boy… I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere….”
“I’m so sorry” is all he manages to say as he surrenders, sniffing lamely as he curls into her embrace, “It’s all my fault- I nearly got you killed-”
“Hey” she cuts in, reaching down to cup his jaw, “it wasn’t even you I took the hit for”
He shakes his head stubbornly,
“I was watching Steve” he reminds her quietly, “I had his six, that way my position-”
“Yeah, during the job” she counters dryly, “we were done, Buck… nobody was holding their positions or I’d have been with Natasha, not Steve”
He goes to shake his head again, but her hand on his face stops him,
“James” she says seriously, “I knew what I was doing- I thought it was a bullet, but still- the only people to blame are me and the bastard that shot me, I’m guessing there’s no point asking how he is?”
“No” Bucky admits quietly,
“Did Natasha get him?” She wonders,
“Tony” he corrects gently, ashamed that it hadn’t been him.
She beams at his response though, and then he feels her fingers in his hair and has to bite back the desperate whine it draws from him.
“Did she take good care of you for me?”
He feels his cheeks burn pink,
“She tried” he confesses, “I-”
“Haven’t been very cooperative?” She guesses softly,
He nods, biting his lip to stop himself from sobbing.
“That’s okay” she purrs, leaning in to press a kiss against his brow, “I’m not always good at that either”
The skin is hot against her lips, she nuzzles into him, knowing how desperate he is for the contact. It feels nice for her too, having him so warm and close beside her-
“Let’s call a Jericho” she suggests next, knowing that considering their situation, that should’ve been the first thing out of her mouth.
He blinks at her, stunned.
A Jericho was something they came up with when they first got away from Hydra. When the idea of working with SHIELD was first broached with the young Stark, when Bucky had panicked and gushed about his fears about not being able to handle being in the field, despite his overwhelming desire to help out.
No matter what was going on, no matter who was asking either of them to do anything. If either of them ever wanted to pull out, for any reason, they’d call a Jericho, and they’d both know that until further notice, fighting was out of the question. They’d gone over the details with Tony, knowing that he’d be the one dealing with any disappointed council members should the two former winter soldiers decide to take a leave of absence.
He’d only ever called one, when he’d had a flash back so terrible on route to the job that he’d whispered the word frantic and in Russian to his partner, while they’d been sat together on the Quinn jet. She hadn’t said anything to him, just nodded once and whispered something to her brother. All Bucky remembers happening after that, was the hanger emptying around them, and Y/N turning the craft around, flying them both straight back to the tower. Nobody had ever questioned them, and he’d never had to explain.
Even now, he thinks she’s probably calling it on his behalf. Despite the nagging guilt that thought breeds, he can’t help but feel an overwhelming wave of relief.
‘Yeah’ she nods encouragingly, ‘yeah, baby… Jericho, huh? I’ll let you fuss over me for a while… just promise me one thing”
He’s exhausted he realises. 3 days without sleep had finally caught up with him, he can’t even make himself reply.
Anything, he thinks tragically, I’ll do anything, I swear-
“Stop blaming yourself” she requests gently, knowing he can’t really help it, “don’t blame Steve, don’t blame anybody, okay? If I thought any of you could’ve done something to stop it, I’d have told you…”
Hes crying again. He can feel it. And then, before he can lock his jaw to stop it, a sob jumps up from his throat.
“Barnes” she whispers again, “it wasn’t your fault, don’t beat yourself up because I got brave, you held your position, you did so good in there—”
“I- I- didn’t keep you safe” he argues wetly, words cracking in his throat,
“Sweet, sweet, solider” she says adoringly, “of course you did, even while I was passed out you kept watch”
I did, he thinks urgently, I kept watch- just like he’d done back then, when the medical staff were far from caring, where watching from wherever they could was the only way they could protect the other from further harm-
She nods in agreement, even though he hadn’t spoken.
“You did great” she murmurs gently, “now, you need to rest up, okay- rest up with me”
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440mxs-wife · 3 months
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Pairing: Bucky x F!Reader. Other Characters: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark, Thor Odinson. Mentioned: Loki Laufeyson, Bruce Banner.
Word Count: 10,170 (including lyrics)
Warnings: Friends to lovers, mutual pining, a bit of angst, misunderstanding, self-doubt. Fluffy ending (of course).
Summary: For the past 8 months, Reader has been working as the manager for the Avengers. During that time, she and Bucky develop feelings for one another, though neither one knows about it. One day after his workout, Bucky hears someone singing through the vents in the women's locker room, but he doesn't know who it is. He comes close a couple of times to finding it out, but just barely misses her. Tony somehow convinces Bucky to let him throw a fancy birthday party with a 1940s theme, complete with entertainment from that era. When Bucky finds out that the entertainer is his mystery girl, how will he react?
A/N: Happy Belated Birthday, James Buchanan Barnes. This one's for you.
Hold me close and hold me fast The magic spell you cast This is "La vie en rose"
When you kiss me, heaven sighs And though I close my eyes I see "La vie en rose"
Bucky was gathering his clothes from his locker after his shower, but paused when he thought he heard....singing? He stopped for a moment to see if he could figure out where it was coming from and whose voice it was. He hadn't heard singing like that since the traveling USO shows during WWII. Hearing his type of music being sung by someone so talented brought a smile to his face and had him momentarily rooted to the spot.
With his advanced auditory capabilities, he determined that the voice originated in the women's side of the gym. Thus far, though, its identity eluded him. He quickly shoved everything into his locker, slammed the door shut, and bolted out the door towards the sound. On his way over, he ran into Natasha, who stopped him at the entrance.
"Whoa, Barnes, what do you think you're doing? You can't go in there, this is the women's locker room. Your side is over there," she pointed out, her slender fingers gesturing to the doorway behind him.
"I know, but just listen!" he exclaimed. They both stood still as the last notes of "La Vie en Rose" faded away. Bucky's shoulders slumped in defeat, as he had thoroughly enjoyed the impromptu concert. He strained his enhanced ears to hear if a new song had started, then frowned when he didn't hear anything. He curled his hands around Natasha's biceps. "Will you please go in there and, I don't know, ask around? See if anyone can tell you who was singing? I gotta know, Nat," he begged.
Natasha studied him for a moment or two, then smirked as she eventually gave in to his pleading face. "Oh all right, Barnes, keep your shirt on. Please. I'll go in there and see what I can find out," she agreed. But before she could check out the area, you walked out with a towel draped around your neck and your bag over your shoulder.
"Hey, Natasha! Sorry I didn't see you," you remarked as your eyes slid over to the handsome super soldier to her right. "Oh! Hello, Bucky," you murmured with a shy smile.
The corners of Bucky's mouth slowly inched upwards until it was stretched into a wide grin, complete with a display of his perfect pearly teeth. "Hiya, doll," he replied softly.
Natasha rolled her eyes at the two of you. "When you were in there just now, did you hear anyone singing?" she asked.
"Singing?" you parroted. "I heard music of some kind, but I thought someone had their playlist on speaker or something."
Natasha narrowed her eyes as she regarded you with a bit of suspicion. "No, that wasn't a recording, we heard somebody's actual voice. Bucky asked me to go in and take a look around, see if I can figure out who it is, but--"
"No!" you exclaimed, holding up your hands to stop her. "I mean, that's okay, I'll go in and see if I can find out who it is. Be back in a flash!" Before either of them could protest, you had already dropped your bag and ran back into the locker area.
Once inside, you chanced a quick look over your shoulder to see if you were being followed. You paused at the sink and caught your reflection in the mirror. That was a close one, you thought. Gonna have to be more careful next time. 
After glancing at the mirror one last time and taking a deep breath, you counted to ten and walked back to where Natasha and Bucky were standing. "There were a couple of people inside, but nobody knew anything about any singing. Welp, I'm going to head to my room but I'll see you at dinner!" You picked up your bag and waved as you walked away from Nat and Bucky.
Natasha waited until you were out of earshot to ask, "Did that seem weird to you? Like she was hiding something?"
Bucky continued to stare after you with a dream-like smile on his face. Natasha elbowed him in the side, breaking his trance. "Oof! What did you say?" he grumbled.
"I said, did she seem weird to you, like she was hiding something from us," she repeated.
"'Weird'? Nah, I wouldn't say that, I mean we all have our own little quirks, don't we? Besides, hers are kinda cute," he chuckled.
Natasha looked Bucky up and down before throwing up her hands in exasperation and marching into the gym. She turned around just in time to see Bucky look longingly at the women's locker room entrance, then retreat into the men's side to grab his bag.
For the past eight months, you have been the unofficial "manager" for the Avengers. If someone were to write down a list of all of your duties, it would likely span multiple pages. One of your favorite responsibilities involved grocery shopping and general food preparation. That included, but was not limited to, snacks. That meant Thor got his Pop-Tarts, Loki got his tea, and Tony got his energy drinks. You could usually find whatever anyone asked for, no matter how exotic.
Except that Bucky rarely, if ever, asked you to get him anything special. He was a little like you in that way, meaning you didn't want to be a bother. To you, it seemed silly to have someone traipsing all over the city to find that one special thing you really wanted. Too often, you convinced yourself you could live without it. But that didn't stop you from picking up a few boxes of Junior Mints, or the occasional jar of bread-and-butter pickles for Bucky. 
As you'd gotten to know Bucky, you'd developed a crush on the super soldier. He was definitely a good-looking man, especially when he smiled. Your heart fluttered every time you heard him laugh, which wasn't often, thus you would do anything to hear it on repeat. Despite what had been done to him in his past, he didn't let that erase his kindness, his sense of duty, or his willingness to protect those he cared about.
Sometimes he'd wander into your office to see how your day was going, bring you some coffee, or to ask you out to lunch. You always sat next to each other at dinner or on movie nights. At times you could swear there were signs that he considered you as more than a friend. Those thoughts were quickly dismissed, because you were certain that current only ran in one direction. As gorgeous and kindhearted as he was, he had loads of women and even some men falling all over themselves for him. What kind of chance would ordinary you have with someone like him?
Today, you made an extra stop at the Farmers' Market being held in Union Square, where there was something for everyone. You picked up honey for Loki's tea, lots of hearty fruits and vegetables, assorted baked goods, and various cuts of meat from the butcher. To brighten up the Tower, you picked out some fresh-cut bouquets of flowers to put in vases. A wine vendor even persuaded you to add a few bottles of his best wines to your wheeled cart.
Out of all your purchases, the one you looked forward to unpacking the most was a bag of plums. The seller assured you that hers were the best, no blemishes or soft spots to be found. She gave you a few samples and explained which varieties should be used for baking and which ones were for enjoying right away. As you were handing over your cash, she tucked a few recipe cards into your bag with a wink. You thanked her with a smile before moving to the next stall with a spring in your step, eager to show Bucky what you had found for him.
Two hours later, you returned to the Tower and wheeled your cart into the building. As the door was closing, you heard shouting for you to hold the door. Quickly you pressed the button and you tried to maneuver your cart closer to your side to make room for the new passengers. It turned out to be Steve, Bucky, and Sam, who happened to be returning from a run.
"Good afternoon, gentlemen," you greeted them. Bucky stepped on first, but with the cart, it looked like it would be a tight fit if Steve and Sam also tried to get on. "Oh, I'm so sorry, guys, elevator's kinda full with my cart in here," you remarked.
Steve and Sam gave each other a knowing look before grinning at Bucky, who in turn was trying to give them a murderous glare. "That's okay, Cap and I will catch the next one," Sam smirked. He reached in and pushed the one for the appropriate floor. You heard his cackling laughter fade as the doors closed.
Don't stare, don't stare, oh my God, he's so handsome and sweet--wait--don't stare, you chanted to yourself. "Did you have a good run?" you asked, then internally face-palmed yourself for the inane comment.
Bucky gave a brilliant smile before replying, "Yeah, it was good to be able to go outside and for once, it's not raining." Don't stare, don't stare, God, she's so beautiful and kind--wait--don't stare, he repeated to himself. "Looks like you bought out the whole farm, doll," he chuckled, gesturing to your nearly overflowing cart.
You followed his eyes and burst into laughter. "Yes, I guess I did! It's just that everything looked so good today, I couldn't pass it up. There's a little something for everyone in there," you noted. Bucky's face brightened. "Even for you, Bucky," you added, gesturing to the bag of plums in your cart.
His cheeks briefly flashed a dusting of pink. "Aw, thank you, sweets, but you didn't have to do that for me," he replied.
To catch his attention, you took his hand in yours and gazed into his baby blues. "I know, but I wanted to. It's okay to want things, because you deserve them and so much more," you swallowed hard to get your feelings back under control. "If there's ever something specific you want, please let me know. I'll be happy to go wherever I need to in order to find it. I don't mind, especially if it's something that would bring you good memories," you promised.
"That's really thoughtful of you, thank you. I'll try to remember that for your next trip. You going to need a hand with any of this?" he wondered.
"Nah, it's on wheels, so pretty easy. Oh! I'm making a beef stir fry and chicken fried rice later with some of these amazing veggies. You could....um....you could hang out in the kitchen while I cook? I-If you want to, b-but you don't have to. I'm sure you have more important--" your rambling was silenced by his left index finger on your lips.
"Let me take my shower and I'll be right there with you, doll," he grinned as the elevator dinged for your floor.
A warmth settled into your own cheeks despite the feel of cool metal on your lips. "Okay," you agreed, then backed out of the elevator, towing your cart behind you. "Meet you in the kitchen, Sarge," you smirked.
The elevator door started to close, so you didn't hear his reply. But you did see the genuinely surprised look on his face at the nickname, which caused you to laugh. As you turned to walk to the kitchen, you were stopped by Natasha, who stood with her eyes trained on you and her arms crossed over her chest. "Nat! What's up? And why are you looking at me like I'm in trouble?" you asked cautiously.
"No, no trouble," she replied slyly. "What was all that about, telling Bucky to meet you in the kitchen?"
You rolled your eyes. "That? Nothing," you answered with a shrug. When she didn't look convinced, you sighed in exasperation. "Ugh! Okay, I might have told him he could join me in the kitchen and watch while I cooked dinner for you all. We're just friends. No big deal, Tash," you muttered.
She relaxed her stance, but didn't give away any clues as to what she was thinking. Wanda caught up with the two of you and asked what was going on. Natasha explained what she saw when you exited the elevator and about Bucky watching you cook dinner.
Wanda's eyes widened and a huge smile graced her face at this development, and was only seconds away from breaking out into a happy dance. Before she could start, you held up your hand and reminded them that you and Bucky were "just friends" and it was "no big deal". Then you yanked on the handle of your cart, dragged it to the kitchen and grumbled under your breath about having so much to put away all by yourself.
Behind you, Natasha and Wanda were chattering back and forth, no doubt plotting your next move regarding Bucky. You paid them no mind, because you had more important things to worry about. Like how you were going to keep from cutting your fingers off with him watching your every move.
Bucky hastily kicked off his shoes the moment he crossed the threshold into his room. He rushed to the bathroom, shedding his clothes as he went and tossing them in the hamper. You had invited him to the kitchen, your sanctuary, to hang out and watch as you prepared the evening meal. He had to hurry because he wanted to spend every available minute he could in your presence.
When you were first brought on board as the team's manager, Bucky instantly thought you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He could tell by the way you carried yourself that you had a kind and compassionate heart, which made him fall even faster. You had a way of making everyone feel as if they were the most important person in the room when talking to them. Not exactly something he was used to having in his life, nor was having someone care about him the way you did.
Over the past eight months, Bucky has been learning about you by being around you as much as he can be. He listens when you talk about your past, your family, and your friends. He knows of your love of reading, because he hardly ever sees you without a book in your hands, even if it's a cookbook. And though you are usually up for a trip into the city with Nat and Wanda, you're much more comfortable staying in and watching movies.
He loves that you choose to sit next to him on the team's Movie Nights, and that you share your popcorn, but only with him. He appreciates that you respect his space and try not to crowd him, but lately, all he's wanted to do is get closer to you. More than a few times, you've fallen asleep on his shoulder, with his arm around you. Whenever that happened, it made his heart race and nearly sent him into the stratosphere from happiness.
But as much as Bucky would give anything to call you his girl, sometimes the doubts creep in and squash those thoughts. He had enough personal baggage to run his own airline, and what woman would want to deal with all of that? There's no way he wanted to drag you down into the deep rabbit hole that was his life, or, worse yet, expose you to any danger. He would be content to have your friendship, and it would have to be enough.
As he dried off after his shower and got dressed again, his thoughts drifted back to the singing he heard in the locker room. It was his type of music, with vocals that were nearly perfect, and it took him back to a happier time. He was going to make it his personal mission to find out who was behind the angelic voice and ask her to be his girl.
Never know how much I love you Never know how much I care When you put your arms around me I get a fever that's so hard to bear
You give me fever When you kiss me Fever when you hold me tight Fever In the mornin' A fever all through the night
The words and melodies from the song flowed from your lips as you chopped the various vegetables for dinner. You set them aside for the moment, along with the chicken and beef that were in a separate bowl, waiting for the wok to heat up. The rice simmered away in one of Tony's fancy, fool-proof rice cookers on the counter.
Sun lights up the day time Moon lights up the night I light up when you call my name And you know I'm gonna treat you right You give me fever When you kiss me Fever when you hold me tight Fever In the mornin' A fever all through the night
"Ah HA!" you hear someone exclaim from behind you. "I knew it was you!" Natasha declared. She had returned from her room, where she'd left her phone.
Clutching your chest at the sudden intrusion, you slowly turned around to face your friend, a panicked look in your eyes. "What?" you gasped.
"It was you, singing in the locker room a few weeks ago," she elaborated. "Barnes wouldn't stop talking about it, said he had to know who it was. I caught him roaming the halls the other day, thinking he'd figure it out by accident. Now I can tell him," she added with glee as she turned to leave.
"No, wait Tash! You can't tell him!" you blurted out. "Nobody knows about this, my singing, and I don't even think I'm that good. But....it's kinda my way of telling him how I feel about him." Your gaze dropped to the floor. "He's my friend, and if he finds out I wish it were more but he doesn't return my feelings, I....I don't know what I'd do."
She pivoted to face you and took hold of one of your hands in hers. "Trust me, you've got talent, my dear. As far as the situation with Bucky goes, I'll do what I can to help you keep your secret. But you should tell him how you feel, because you might be surprised at what happens." She gave your shoulder a pat then took a seat on one of the chairs at the island to keep you company. "Now, will you please keep singing, sweetie?" she grinned.
Bucky had just stepped off of the elevator and was headed for the kitchen when he ran into Steve. "Hey, Buck, where you headed?" he asked.
He explained to Steve that you had asked him to hang out while you cooked dinner, and he had accepted. He tried his best to escape before Cap could ask any more questions, but luck was not on his side. Right before they went their separate ways, Steve held out a hand to stop him and took a sniff of the air. "Wait. Are you wearing....cologne?" he wondered.
Bucky scoffed. "No, I'm not wearing cologne. Well, maybe just a little, but it's only 'cause I don't wanna risk goin' in there, reeking like the gym. I wanted to smell nice for her," he mumbled the last part, but it didn't escape his best friend's super hearing.
Steve had an inkling it was you who Bucky was trying to impress. He'd seen signs of sparks flying between the two of you and decided to dig in a little deeper. "Wait a minute. You like her, don't you?!" Steve exclaimed. He started to laugh but stopped when he saw the faraway look on his best friend's face. "What? What's wrong, Buck?"
"Shh, nothing. Just listen," Bucky whispered, breaking out into a wide grin.
Now you've listened to my story Here's the point that I have made Chicks were born to give you fever Be it Fahrenheit or Centigrade
They give you fever When we kiss them Fever, if you live you learn Fever 'Til you sizzle Oh, what a lovely way to burn Oh, what a lovely way to burn What a lovely way to burn And what a lovely way to burn
"It's that voice again," Bucky remarked in awe. "A couple of weeks back, I heard someone singing in the women's locker room. The sound came through the vents--it has to be the same woman!" He was nearly shaking with excitement that today might be the day he finds out who belongs to that enchanting voice he keeps hearing. When he heard the sound of clapping, he bolted away from Steve and around the corner to the kitchen.
"Brava! Bravissima! You were magnificent, darling!" Natasha gushed, still clapping.
When you looked up from your skillet, you saw Bucky standing in the doorway, with Steve peering around him. "Hey, guys! Come on in, have a seat," you gestured to the open chairs around where Nat was sitting.
"I heard it again, that heavenly singing," Bucky noted, his eyes darting around the room, seeing only you and Nat. "Which one of you was it?"
Your eyes locked with Nat's as you silently begged her not to share your secret. "Wasn't us, Barnes. You must be hearing things," she replied, though she didn't look pleased to be lying for you.
"Well, if it wasn't you two, what was the clapping for?" Steve asked. Bucky crossed his arms over his chest, clearly wanting to know as well.
"That was....that was because I was doing my best lip-sync of the song and showing off my best dance moves. Nat was kind enough to applaud my performance, then you guys walked in," you responded. Mentally you were crossing your fingers, hoping they were convinced.
"Oh," Bucky murmured. "Need any help, doll?"
"Um, yeah, this is almost ready. If you and Steve could please set the table, that would be great," you answered, then handed him a stack of plates and utensils.
As soon as they left the room, your shoulders sagged in relief that the matter seemed to be dropped, at least for the moment. "That was a close one," you whispered.
"Yes, it was, and it's the last time I'm going to cover for you. Either figure out a way to tell him, or I will," she warned, then her demeanor softened. "Honey, that man is smitten with whoever belongs to that sweet, sultry voice he keeps hearing. That means you, sweetie. Give him a chance, hmm?" She squeezed your shoulder on her way out of the kitchen with the serving bowls of rice.
On her way back to the kitchen, she spied Tony standing against the wall, scrolling through his phone. "I hear you had a cancellation in the entertainment section for Barnes' birthday party."
Without glancing up from his phone, Tony replied, "I did have a cancellation, what about it?" he inquired.
Natasha checked her surroundings for any eavesdroppers, then sidled up to Tony. "What if I told you, I have the perfect substitution for your entertainment? A hidden talent will be revealed, and you'll get to see the resolution to a certain birthday boy's love life," she remarked cryptically.
Tony's eyes shot up from his phone to give Natasha a sideways and wary glance. "You have my attention," he stated coolly. "What is your plan, and how much is it going to cost me?" 
Nat chuckled. "It'll only cost you a shopping trip for a dress, shoes, hair, etc. Here's what I'm thinking," she added.
"You did WHAT?!?!?" you exclaimed. 
"I found out Tony had a last minute cancellation in the entertainment part of Bucky's birthday party, and I told him you'd fill in for it," Nat replied with a shrug.
"Without asking me first, you told him I'd do this?" you asked, pinching the bridge of your nose as you tried to keep your composure.
Wanda took your hand and guided you to sit on the couch. Tonight was "Girls' Night", where you, Nat, Wanda, Yelena, and even Pepper joined in to decompress and have fun. "Listen, I know you're scared for him to find out how you feel about him. But he's already enamored with your voice. He's just as crazy about the rest of you," she stated.
"We've all seen the way he looks at you and vice versa," Pepper chimed in, loosened up after already being a couple of drinks in. "Believe me, you have nothing to worry about in that regard. Frankly, I'm surprised Tony hasn't done anything more about it before now to push you two together," she added as she finished the rest of her drink. "You know what a meddler he is."
"Besides," Natasha added, "if you don't do it, I'll tell Thor that you forgot his Pop-Tarts that one time and didn't feel like going back out to get them. He still believes that story you told him that they were all sold out in every store. You remember how badly he sulked and pouted, how we had five straight days of thunderstorms?!?"
You gasped sharply in panic and disbelief then narrowed your gaze at her. "Ooh, low blow, Romanoff. C'mon, I was tired that day! If I remember correctly, Tony had me running all over town, picking up parts for some doohickey he was working on. You swore you wouldn't tattle on me to Thor. Huh. Some best friend," you frowned. After a minute or so, you heaved a deep sigh. "Fiiiiinnnne. You win. I'll do it."
"Honey, you have an amazing voice. And when Bucky hears it in-person coming out of the stunning figure you'll be on stage, he'll hardly be able to restrain himself," Wanda grinned.
You fidgeted with your hands in your lap, letting your friends' words sink in. You hazarded a glance at the faces of the women around you, seeing nothing but love and support. Maybe this could work, you thought. It'll have to be just the right song, though. "But what will I wear?" you smiled, then shrieked as they all threw their arms around you.
"Don't worry about that, Tony already agreed to splurge on the best: dress, shoes, hair, makeup, accessories--the works," Nat assured you.
"And trust me, we'll make sure and give Sergeant Barnes a birthday present he'll never forget," Pepper declared, raising her glass. "To Operation: Bombshell!" You and the others repeated the toast and clinked your glasses together. "Now, when are we going shopping??"
True to his word, Tony had pulled out all the stops for Bucky's birthday celebration. The best food, an open bar with the most talented mixologists, and a top-notch serving staff. For the entertainment, he secured a band to accompany you as would have been in the 1940s. 
Preparation for it kept you at work until late at night, more often than not. Because your job didn't always have regular hours, Tony set up an apartment for you in the Tower. That way, you wouldn't have to be concerned about safety on public transportation late at night. Nor would you have to worry about not getting enough sleep before an early morning meeting. You were grateful for the close quarters, because getting in before midnight was becoming a rarity.
On one of your many long shifts, you had forgotten something in your office, which was on the same level as the Avengers' living quarters. To get there, you had to walk past the common room, then head down a couple of hallways. Usually there wasn't anyone around this late, but tonight was the exception.
The elevator dinged to indicate you had reached your desired floor. As you approached the common room, you heard the voices of your favorite super soldier and his best friend. The closer you got, the better you were able to hear their conversation. Curious, you decided to eavesdrop a little, which, in retrospect, may not have been your best idea.
"What's the matter with you lately, Buck? Is it because your birthday is coming up, old man?" Steve teased.
"Old man? May I remind you, you're nearly as old as I am, punk," he muttered. "Anyway, nothin's the matter with me."
Steve rolled his eyes at the obvious untruth. "To put it mildly, you've been a real grump-ass lately, and I wanna know why," he paused. "It's your girl, isn't it?" Steve had confirmation of Bucky's feelings for you and wasted no opportunity to encourage him to confess to you about them.
"Language, Cap," Bucky sneered, then sighed deeply. "Yeah, it's my girl. She hasn't been able to be around very much these past few weeks. I miss her and it's starting to wear on me. I'm so used to seeing her amazing smile every day, hearing her sweet voice wish me good morning, feeling her hand on my shoulder."
You turned away from the two men, still deep in conversation, covering your mouth to muffle the sobs before they could burst out of your throat. Of course Bucky has a girlfriend, you thought. I guess the girls got it wrong this time. Those looks everyone says they see on his face are from those times he's thinking of her, not me. Whoever she is, she's one lucky lady, you noted somberly. With that last thought, you turned the corner and rushed down the hallway to your office.
At the sound of quick footsteps, Bucky scanned the area in time to see you dart around the corner to your office. Now's my chance, he grinned to himself. He leaped over the back of the couch and headed in your direction.
You unlocked your door and when the lights kicked on, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Tears had streamed down your face, leaving mascara tracks for anyone to see. You hurried into your executive washroom to clear up the damage.
With a wet washcloth, you began to wipe away the evidence of your heartbreak. Good for him, I guess. I hope whoever she is, she makes him happy. But this changes nothing, you reminded yourself. Bucky is my friend, and it's his birthday. I'm going to get up there and give it everything I've got. He deserves nothing less than the best, and this is the best gift I can give him, you resolved.
When you stepped out of the washroom, Bucky swore his heart skipped a beat with how beautiful you were to him. Though his brow furrowed a bit at your red, puffy eyes, and melancholy expression. Had you been crying? What happened? Who hurt you?? he wondered grimly.
Your eyes landed on your visitor, causing you to let out a gasp of surprise. "Sergeant Barnes! I wasn't expecting to see you here," you mentioned as you crossed the room to your desk.
Bucky moved towards your desk as well, wanting to get a better look at you, to be close to you. "Me and Stevie were hanging out in the common room, talking. Are you all right, doll? You look a little upset."
"Me? No, I'm okay, Bucky," you replied nervously. "Just a little tired, that's all. Tony's got me working on a project that's taking up a lot of my free time. Sorry I haven't been around much," you added with a brief smile.
"Must be an important project if Tony's got you involved. I did kinda notice when I haven't seen you as much as usual," he rubbed the back of his neck to calm his nerves. "Maybe after you're done with whatever you're working on, we can get together and make up for lost time?" he asked tentatively.
The look on his face held so much hope that you didn't dare turn him down. Above all, Bucky was your friend, and friends spent time together, right? "How about I get back to you about that after the project is all over, hmm?" you suggested.
Your response must have been the right one, as his face relaxed and broke out into that smile of his that you loved. "Great! Well, you be sure and let me know when it's all finished, and we'll find something to do together," he promised. You nodded in agreement.
Bucky stepped around your desk to stand at your side. He reached up with his right hand to trace his index finger along your cheek. "Get some rest, doll," he ordered softly. Your eyes closed involuntarily, right before he pressed his lips to your forehead. When your eyes finally opened again, you watched Bucky walking to the door. He paused in your doorway and looked back at you. "Sweet dreams, angel," he murmured.
As soon as he was gone, you dropped into your chair, placing your head in your hands. This was going to be harder than you thought, trying to manage a friendship with Bucky while he has a girlfriend. You decided to focus on your performance for his birthday party and hopefully everything else would fall into place. Once you picked up the file you came for in the first place, you re-locked your door and headed for your apartment for a night of restless sleep.
Two days before the party, Pepper persuaded Tony to give you the day off so she could take you and the rest of the girls out shopping in the city. In your mind, you pictured a long, slinky dress, straight out of a 1940s nightclub. You wanted something a sultry songstress would wear while crooning into a microphone, accompanied by an ensemble band.
You found the dress in the third boutique your group visited. As soon as you tried it on, you knew it was the right choice. It was a sparkly navy blue, A-line gown, floor-length, with spaghetti straps in the front that crisscrossed in the open back. It had a slit on the left that ended halfway up your thigh, revealing more leg than you were normally comfortable with. However, it was for Bucky, so it was added to the day's purchases.
Back at the Tower, Bucky had just finished his shower following a particularly intense sparring session with Steve. Before settling in the common room, he stopped in the kitchen for a plum muffin, which you had recently baked, and a bottle of water. Also in attendance were Tony, Sam, Peter, and even Thor was on Midgard after a long absence. "Lord Stark, I have not seen any of our lady friends around today. What is going on?"
"Well, you see, Asgardian Barbie, this morning, Pepper gathered up the ladies and took them shopping in the city," Tony replied. "Barnes' birthday bash is happening in a couple of days, and they all needed new dresses for the occasion," he explained.
Bucky heard Tony mention the shopping trip and realized he hadn't seen you at all today. He wondered if you had accompanied them, and if you would be at his party. He was walking from the kitchen, but in a moment of distraction, he bumped into Steve. The water bottle flew out of his hands and crashed to the floor, creating a puddle of water. He swiftly grabbed some paper towels, and as he cleaned up his mess, he asked Tony if you would be there.
Tony shrugged. "I don't know, Barnes, why don't you ask her yourself?" he gestured with a tilt of his head. Bucky's eyes followed the sound of giggling and other happy noises from you and the others as you exited the elevators.
In addition to your dress, shoes, and some accessories, you had brought back pizza for dinner. You and the girls had a late lunch, complete with cocktails, which had started to wear off in the car on the way back to the Tower. "Hey, guys! How's everything going? I shopped 'till I dropped, and I really didn't feel like cooking tonight. So, pizza it is, dig in!"
You left the pizzas on a table and headed for the kitchen to get some plates for everyone. Bucky stealthily followed you to see if you needed any help. After removing the right number of plates from the cabinet, you turned to leave, only to run straight into his chest.
"Whoa there, doll, careful. Here, I can help you with that," he chuckled as he took the stack of plates out of your hands.
"Thank you, Bucky. I'll put some drinks on a tray and bring them in," you told him.
Bucky passed out some of the plates to those already eating, then left the rest of them near the pizza boxes. He returned to the kitchen to see you still pulling drinks from the refrigerator. "So, um, my birthday party's in a few days," he started. You hummed and nodded in response. "Was kinda hoping--er--wondering if you were going to be there?" he asked.
He's so cute when he's all flustered and shy. I wonder if he's that way with her, you thought wistfully. You mentally shook off the negative notions and graced him with a smile. "Of course I'll be there, Bucky! I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"Great! If you're getting ready here, I can stop by whichever room you're in. And I'd be honored to escort you to the party," he offered.
"That would normally be great, Bucky. It's just that I have a prior commitment that night, so I'll be a little late. However, I promise that I will be there to help you celebrate," you affirmed as you carefully placed the tray on the table. "Think it's time to collect my shopping bags and head to my apartment," you added while trying to stifle a yawn.
He looked around and pointed at the stack, which you nodded to confirm they were yours. "I've got them for you, sweets. Lead the way," Bucky replied. He picked up your bags with one hand, then held out his other elbow for you to take.
"Thank you, Sarge," you giggled as you slipped your arm around his and waved goodbye to everyone with your free hand.
As you walked the halls towards your apartment, you chatted about how you'd spent your day shopping, while he was training with Steve. All too soon, you reached your apartment, thus it was time for you to part ways. You were insistent that you could carry your bags inside, but Bucky would have none of it. He was equally as adamant to fulfill his duties as a gentleman and wouldn't let them go, placing them on your couch.
Bucky realized that he'd never been in your Tower apartment before today. In looking around, he noticed the personal touches you had scattered about the space, which were perfectly you. There was a soft-looking quilt draped over the back of the couch, a pair of fluffy slippers under a chair, and some photos in frames on various flat surfaces.
His eyes soon landed on the stuffed bear he'd won for you at Coney Island, sitting on a small, cushioned chair near your bookcase. He smiled to himself at the black sleeve with the gold thread woven through it that you must've stitched to the bear's left arm. There was no mistaking that the bear was meant to signify him, which warmed his heart. He kept his thoughts about it to himself while he waited for you to return to the living room area.
"So what's in the bags, doll?" he grinned mischievously as he started to peek into one of them.
You reached over and nudged him out of the way so he couldn't snoop in any of the other bags. "Oh, no you don't, mister," you interjected. "This is all 'top secret' girl stuff. You'll have to wait and see it at your birthday party, not a minute before," you added loftily.
Bucky pretended to be shocked at your refusal, then switched to giving you puppy dog eyes as a way to sway you. "Aw, come on, sweets. Please?"
You laughed at his attempts to convince you, but you waved him off. "Does that really work on your girl, the puppy dog eyes?" you asked in what you hoped was a playful tone.
A confused look briefly crossed Bucky's face at your question. "Must need to work on it a little harder, then," he murmured. "If it's okay, I'm going to head back to get some pizza before Steve and Sam eat it all," he chuckled.
Suddenly you realized he'd completely bypassed the food you'd brought in so he could walk you back to your apartment. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Bucky! Of course you don't need to stick around here with me. I've got it from here."
"Not for nothing, but if I wasn't so hungry, I'd stay here with you for a while. Have a good night, and I'll see you around, angel," he remarked.
You walked him to the door and when he had taken one step across the threshold, you called his name. He turned around to face you and in a moment of impulse, you reached up on your tiptoes and pressed a lingering kiss to his cheek. "Good night, Bucky," you whispered, then gently closed the door.
On the other side, Bucky stood and stared at your apartment door. His right hand reached up and touched the spot on his cheek that still tingled a bit from when you kissed him. A smile slowly crept across his face until it stretched from ear to ear. He didn't recall how he got back to the main living area, but he definitely remembered how it felt when you'd kissed him good night.
Bucky's dazed demeanor didn't escape Sam's notice, and he certainly wasn't going to let it go. "Get some sugar tonight, did you, Bucky?" he cackled. When Bucky didn't react, Sam commented further. "Look at him, he's so in love, all he can think about is his girl."
That seemed to snap Bucky out of his trance, because he rolled his eyes at Sam's comments. He grabbed a plate and started piling it high with slices of pizza. "Besides, a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell," he smirked, which started Sam's laughter again. Bucky rolled his eyes and took a seat next to Steve on the couch.
"So.....?" Steve prompted.
Bucky swallowed his bite of pizza and turned to meet Steve's gaze. His neutral expression gave way to a broad smile. That told him all he needed to know, that something had happened with you to make his best friend happy. Steve was sure that the two of you belonged together, and he was more than content with the notion.
On the night of Bucky's birthday party, your room was a flurry of activity. All the ladies decided to get ready there, except for Pepper. She promised Tony she would arrive at the venue a little early to help him greet people. You agreed that before the end of the night, a picture would be taken of all of you, dressed in your best.
Down the hall, Bucky was putting the finishing touches on his suit. Truth be told, he'd much rather be wearing something a bit more casual for his birthday party. Since you told him you'd be there, he decided to make an effort to dress up, but chose to skip the tie.
The suit was all black, with satin peak lapels on the jacket. He left the first two buttons undone on the shirt to show off his dog tags. He'd swapped out his regular boots in favor of a pair of well-polished dress shoes.
Bucky gave himself one last look in the mirror and was adjusting the collar of his shirt when Steve popped his head into the room. "Hey, Buck, happy birthday," he grinned. "You about ready to go? Stark's already there, greeting people with Pepper."
A final check of his overall appearance and Bucky declared himself ready to go. He was feeling a little nervous, especially since he normally didn't make such a big deal of celebrating his birthday. But Tony insisted, and Stark's parties were rarely, if ever, boring so he gave in. Besides, he was looking forward to seeing you there and hopefully steal a dance or two with you. "Yep, let's head out, punk," he smirked.
Natasha and the other girls had somehow snuck you out of the Tower and down to where Happy Hogan was waiting with the car. He shuttled you over to the venue where Bucky's birthday party was being held. Once there, he hurried around to your door to help you out of the car and wished you good luck.
Behind the stage curtain, you nervously paced back and forth, waiting for your cue to take your place out front. You ran through the lyrics in your head and practiced some of your dance routine. One by one, the band members arrived and took their places, then worked on tuning their instruments. 
About ten minutes before your performance was to start, Natasha and Wanda found you doing some last-minute rehearsing. Nat informed you that Bucky had arrived and that he was sitting at the far end of the dance floor, with everyone else filled in on either side. Before they left, they each offered some words of wisdom.
"You're going to do great, honey," Wanda assured you. "With that voice of yours, you'll probably knock Thor and Loki all the way back to Asgard." The three of you shared a laugh at the image.
"Nah, there's only one man out there she wants to impress, and he has been checking the doors like a hawk for you every time they open. And Barnes isn't my type, but let me tell you, he is looking like a delicious snack and dressed to kill," Natasha remarked. "Now get out there and use that beautiful voice of yours to tell him how you feel, sweetie," she nudged with a kind smile.
You gave each of them a hug and told them to let Tony know you were ready for everything to start. The band was putting the last minute touches on everything, adjusting their ties, or making sure the music was open to the right page. With a deep breath, you walked to your mark on the stage and waited for Tony to start the show.
"Good evening, good evening, good evening, everyone," he greeted. "We all know why we're here tonight, so let's give a warm birthday greeting to our favorite Tin Man, Bucky Barnes!"
Everyone around Bucky wished him "Happy Birthday" with a handshake, a shout-out, or even just a wave. "To commemorate his 107th trip around the sun, we have some first-class entertainment for everyone. This particular act was chosen specifically with the Birthday Boy in mind." Bucky gave Tony a puzzled look at the remark. "Without further ado, I give you your elusive Songbird."
As Tony took his seat, the house lights dimmed until they finally went out. The curtain drew back to reveal a '40s-type band, with men dressed in black pants and white jackets. There was a horn section, a string section, complete with a stand-up bass, and a percussion section.
You stood in the middle of the stage, with your back turned to the crowd. A deep breath, then the opening verse:
Birds flying high You know how I feel Sun in the sky You know how I feel Breeze driftin' on by You know how I feel
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good
The last line is said while looking over your left shoulder. As soon as you say the last word, the band's horn section kicks up and a spotlight turns on to highlight you and your sparkly dress.
Bucky's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. There you were, his girl, his songbird, standing before him. You were dressed like he would've seen you in a nightclub from the '40s, complete with the red lipstick and the Victory Rolls in your hair. He sat on the edge of his seat, thoroughly hypnotized by your performance.
Fish in the sea You know how I feel River running free You know how I feel Blossom on a tree You know how I feel
With the microphone in one hand and your dress in the other, you sauntered down the steps in the front of the stage. Hips swaying, you first approached Bruce and laid a hand on his cheek. As you walked away from him, you gave him a finger wave. Then you sashayed over to where Thor was sitting on the other side. He reached out, but you stepped away before he could make contact. You wagged your finger and tossed him a wink over your shoulder, bringing a mischievous grin to his face.
By this time, Bucky was having a difficult time sitting still as he watched you flirt with his fellow Avengers. His eyes never left yours, focusing on your every movement as you worked your way across the floor to him. His hands itched to pull you onto his lap and lay claim to any part of your body you would let him explore. He longed to whisper about his feelings for you in your delicate shell of an ear.
Sam and Steve were keeping a close eye on Bucky, enjoying the effect you were having on him. At one point, Sam stood up from his chair and started walking towards you as if he were getting in on the act. Before he could take two steps, Bucky grabbed his jacket and forced him to return to his chair, Bucky's eyes never straying from you. Sam knew his point had been made, and mostly behaved himself for the rest of the number.
It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life It's a new life For me
And I'm feeling good I'm feeling good
Bucky was perched on the edge of his chair, entirely under your spell. Once you were finally close enough, you draped one arm around his neck and with your first two fingers, you tilted his head up. You gazed deeply into those baby blues you loved so much and noticed that only a thin rim of color was visible. When you leaned over, you put your lips close to his right ear, and whispered, "Happy Birthday, Sarge."
"It was you," he whispered back. You nodded, finally providing him with confirmation that it was your voice he's been hearing in his dreams for the past few weeks. Almost reverently, he grazed the knuckles of his right hand along your cheek. You pressed a lingering kiss to his left cheek, then turned back towards the stage, your hips swaying as you went.
On stage, the band was finishing up with the last few measures of the song while you resumed your mark, keeping your back to the crowd. As the band continued to play, you replaced the microphone in its stand and locked eyes with Bucky over your left shoulder. You gave him an exaggerated wink and blew him a kiss. When the last few notes died, the area thundered with applause, all except Bucky, who was still in his chair, stunned into silence.
As the curtains closed, you quickly exited the stage, thanking the musicians for their fabulous performance. Natasha and Wanda were waiting in the wings, where they watched the entire show and couldn't wait to congratulate you.
"Oh my God, that was amazing!!" Wanda shrieked and enveloped you into a bone-crushing hug. She bounced up and down a couple of times until she finally released you, a beaming smile on her face.
Natasha strolled over to you, gave you a wink and a knowing smirk, then pulled you to her side in a half-hug. "Knew you could do it. Bucky had his eyes on you the entire time, couldn't look at anything or anyone else but you. Still think he considers you two as 'just friends'?"
You sobered a little at her remark, remembering the conversation between him and Steve from that night you stopped at your office. Before you could tell her about it, you heard the sound of a throat being cleared. The curtain was pulled back to reveal Steve, a sheepish grin on his face and his eyes locked on you.
"Um, excuse me, but the guest of honor requests your presence for a private conversation. I have been sent to escort you to the balcony, where he's prepared to wait all night if he has to," Steve explained.
Glancing nervously at your best friends, you were met with nothing but encouragement and assurance from their gazes. Though you were nervous to hear what Bucky had to say, you felt that you owed him a chance to say his piece and let the chips fall where they may. "Okay, Steve. Lead the way, please," you replied.
Steve grinned as you curled your hand around his offered arm. "By the way, you were wonderful up there tonight. Just like the sirens me and Buck used to see on stage in the nightclubs. You know, back when we were young and full of hormones," he joked.
You lightly swatted his arm as you joined in his laughter. "Thank you, Steve. That was probably one of the bravest things I've ever done. So far, anyway. I sure hope Bucky liked it," you added.
He snorted in response. "Oh, trust me dollface, he loved it. Couldn't stop staring at you," he assured you.
On the walk over to the balcony area, many of your friends congratulated you on your singing and performance. You smiled and thanked each of them for their comments. All too soon, you were standing at the doors that led you to Bucky. A flight of butterflies took off in your stomach at full speed as you desperately tried to regain your composure.
Then you remembered what awaited you on the other side, out on the terrace. A man you were grateful to have met and considered to be one of your closest friends. A man who had always been kind to you, despite what life had put him through. Someone that made your world a better place by being in it. You couldn't see your future unfolding without him in it, nor did you ever want to.
"He's waiting for you," Steve gently reminded you. He untucked your hand from his side and kissed the back of it before returning to the party. You pushed down on the handle and swung the door open.
Bucky was standing with his hands clasped behind him, staring out over the ledge at the horizon. The noise volume from the traffic and other sounds of the city wasn't as loud as it was at the lower levels. His face lit up at seeing you, as the echo of your high-heeled shoes on the patio surface caused him to reverse his position.
"Hello, Bucky," you greeted.
"Hiya, doll," he replied, a shy smile gracing his lips. "Probably shoulda known it was you that day I heard the singing in the locker room," he grinned. His hand slowly reached up to brush his knuckles along your jawline. "You were incredible up there, sweetheart."
"Thank you, that's kind of you to say. I'm glad you enjoyed it," you replied shyly.
"I absolutely, 100%, loved it, doll. Reminds me of those clubs me and Steve used to sneak into so we could go dancing. Where'd you learn to sing like that?" he wondered.
"My grandparents kept a large vinyl collection of music from that time. My brothers and I used to spend summers with them, and it was in all the old movies we used to watch. I guess it kinda grew on me," you giggled with a shrug.
Bucky threw his head back and laughed. "Well, I'm certainly glad it did, because that was one of the best birthday presents I've ever received in my life." His hand brushed back a stray lock of hair and tucked it behind your ear, while his eyes shifted their focus from your eyes to your lips. He slowly leaned closer to you, giving you every chance to resist what he was about to do.
Suddenly your index finger was pressed against his lips, halting his advances. "Bucky, wait. Not that I haven't thought about this, but what about your girl? Isn't she here with you at the party tonight?" you worried.
Bucky gave you a puzzled look. "My girl?" he wondered. "What are you talking about, sweets?"
"I heard you and Steve in the common room. It was late and I had forgotten something in my office. You said you missed your girl and that you were so used to seeing her 'amazing smile every day'. How it was starting to wear on you about not hearing her wish you good morning or feel her hand on your shoulder," you explained.
Bucky saw how your gaze had dropped to the floor and felt you slipping from his grasp. As he racked his brain trying to recall what conversation you were referring to, you continued.
"I mean, until I heard you talking that night, I thought 'maybe....', and the girls all seemed convinced as well. But after what I'd heard...." you trailed off. "All I would ever want is for you to be happy with someone, Bucky. Even if that someone isn't me," you whispered.
You started to feel the burning of tears behind your eyes and started to move towards the door. No way did you want to break down in front of the man you loved, on his birthday, for something that wasn't his fault. You were determined to hold back until you had returned to your room.
But Bucky had other ideas.
He was still holding your hand as your steps took you closer to the exit. He gently squeezed it, which caught your attention and halted your escape. You turned to face him and when your watery eyes caught his, you saw only compassion and a hint of another emotion you couldn't quite name.
"Now, darlin', there's only one girl I can think of that I want to call mine. She's smart, funny, a bit sassy, but sweet. She's thoughtful, always thinking about others before she thinks of herself. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever met, and has the voice of an angel. I have missed her these past few weeks, but I'm guessing it's because she wanted this to be my best birthday ever. And that's made me fall even more in love with her," he declared.
As Bucky was giving his speech, he inched closer to you, step by step, until there was barely any space between you. His right hand drifted upwards to curl around your neck, his thumb brushing gently along your cheek. "You love me?" you whispered.
Bucky nodded, a tender smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Oh baby, ever since I met you, I've wanted to call you mine, but never thought you'd feel the same. Nor did I think I deserved to be with someone as wonderful as you."
Now it was your turn. "Bucky, you deserve all that this world has to offer and more. I've had feelings of more than friendship for you for a long time, probably since we met. Thought you were way out of my league, though. Parts of this world haven't been kind to you, but you haven't let it destroy the best parts of you. Past and present, all of it makes you the man I've fallen in love with. I love you, James Buchanan Barnes," you affirmed.
Bucky surged forward, crashing his mouth into yours with a groan of satisfaction. At first, the kiss was dominant, his lips moving almost feverishly against yours. Then he slowed it down, wanting to convey every ounce of passion he felt for you. He draped your arms around his neck, then pulled you closer into his embrace until you were flush with his body. Your fingers played with the short hairs at the nape of his neck, causing him to shudder. You smiled against his lips, which created an opening for Bucky's tongue to slip in and deepen the kiss, taking you by surprise.
The need for oxygen finally broke the kiss, leaving both of you panting, trying to catch your breath. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he remarked. "Definitely worth the wait."
You giggled in response. "You don't know how many times I've imagined or dreamed about kissing you. Reality is so much better," you replied.
The two of you stood, perfectly comfortable holding each other, until the balcony door opened to reveal Steve on the other side. He cleared his throat to get your attention, averting his eyes but not before you noticed a teasing smirk on his face. "Uh, Tony wanted me to let you know that it's time for cake and for you to open your gifts. Although...." he trailed off with a grin.
"Hey, punk, show some respect for me and my girl," Bucky playfully growled. Then he turned his attention to you. "You ready to go back out there and show 'em who you belong to?" he asked in a seductive voice.
"Only if you're okay with showing 'em who you belong to," you countered through half-lidded eyes and a sultry smile.
"Absolutely," he agreed. After one more searing kiss designed to make Steve a little uncomfortable, you separated. Bucky took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers and led you both back to the party. When everyone saw your joined hands, cheers arose throughout the crowd in celebration of your happiness. You both laughed when you saw money change hands between a few of your friends, Tony with Natasha and Sam with Steve.
You turned to face Bucky, resting your palm on his cheek and sighing when you felt him lean into your touch. "Happy Birthday, Bucky," you whispered.
Bucky tilted his head to kiss your palm. "Best birthday ever, doll," he remarked.
@katelyn--renee @lassie-bird @emoryhemsworth @hintsofhoney @wayward-dreamer @never--doubt @akshi8278 @rooweighton @phoenixisred @krazykelly @imherefordeanandbones @missvelvetsstuff
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Relationship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Additional Tags: Domestic Avengers, Avengers Family, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Tony's cabin is the new Avengers Tower, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Tony Stark Feels, Bucky Barnes Feels, Tony Stark got a new arm, Tony and Pepper were never married, Adorable Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Background Relationships, Mention of Loki/Bruce Banner, Mention of Steve Rogers/Thor, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Marshmallow Fluff, Breakfast, First Kiss, Flirting, Friends to Lovers Language: English Published: 2024-03-20 Words: 4,768 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Bucky is still adjusting to living at Tony's cabin with the rest of the Avengers, and that includes being Uncle Bucky to the most adorable Stark child. Sometimes that includes consuming sugar bombs that make him glad of his super soldier constitution. In all of this are the feelings he's begun to have for Tony, but what does all of that flirting and cuddling during movie nights mean? Bucky's about to find out.
For Winteriron Bingo, Round 2 @winterironevents Square: B5 – Fluff
For @scottxlogan
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trashywormeateroffics · 5 months
The right universe.
Summary: After Y/N's life turns upside down, she's full of grief. Somehow, one day, she manages to travel to the MCU, where she meets her favorite characters, including a certain god who seems willing to establish a friendship with her. Suddenly she's enwrapped in this new world, where everything she loved in a screen is now reality. How will she react? Will she be able to deal with the ghosts that haunt her? Or will she let them consume her? Will she be open to accept the love she is offered? Read to find out!
Read this on AO3!
Category: F/M.
Relationships: Loki/reader.
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James “Bucky” Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, other minor appearances of other characters but these are the main ones, Pepper Potts, Loki (Marvel).
Additional tags: Loki/reader - Freeform, Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluffyfest, Slow Burn, Friends to lovers, Mutual Pining, Pining a lot because we love to suffer, Domestic Avengers, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark is a parental figure, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Everyone is a good bro, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, y/n, After Infinity War but no one died and the purple bitch was defeated, Missions, Y/N is a universe traveler, Grief, Therapy, Protective Loki (Marvel), Loki in love.
Chapter 57: Endgame.
“Alright, it's time. Bring them back.” Steve told Bruce. It had been two minutes and a half since they killed Loki and Y/N and they were getting impatient.
Bruce nodded and signaled for Natasha to grab the defibrillator to shock Y/N as he prepared himself to shock Loki.
“Alright, on three Nat.” He said and the redhead nodded and looked at her friends limp body, frowning in concentration. “One, two, three!”
Suddenly, a gasping Y/N and Loki jumped quickly into a sitting position.
“Are you guys okay?!” Bruce asked them both, frantic, as he was trying to check both their vitals at the same time.
They both looked at each other and nodded.
“We are okay.” She told him, calming her breathing.
That's when she felt something materializing in her hand. She looked down and found the dagger of death, with some runes carved into it that weren't there before.
“You got it.” Loki told her.
“I did.” She laughed incredulously. Then she remembered how she got it and frowned unnoticed by the team, except for Loki, who noticed it and looked at her with question in his eyes. A second later, she sobered up. “Alright guys, the whole dying thing has me quite tired. Could we go to get some rest?”
“Y-yeah.” Steve answered her. “Of course.”
“Are you sure you're okay?” Natasha asked her again, unsure.
“Yeah, I'm fine. Just really tired.”
“Alright, go rest guys. We will take care of the dagger.”
They both nodded and got up from the beds to head to their room.
“Y/N,” Loki began as soon as she closed the door to their shared quarters.
“Yeah?” She wasn't looking at him and that's what made him sure that something was wrong.
“What was her condition?” He asked knowingly.
Y/N took in a sharp breath.
“Sigyn's soul.” He lifted his chin and nodded.
She went to the end of the bed and sat down, looking at the floor.
“Am I a terrible person Loki?”
“You are not, my love.”
“But I… I agreed because in a way I want her to suffer. How can you justify that?”
“Y/N,” he grabbed her hand, “she killed your family. She then proceeded to lie to you and infiltrate this new family that you found with the intention of killing you and eventually ruling over the universe with a position that is yours to have.” She chuckled breathily.
“When you put it like that…”
“It just hurts, you know? When I stop to think about it, it hurts. And I don't want to hurt her, not really, past my rage, I'm just hurt… But I… I need to hurt her to end this.”
“I know, darling. I know.” He said as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest. “You are the last person who should go through this.”
“Yet here we are.”
“Here we are.” He agreed.
“I love you Loki. And I'm really scared.”
“I love you too.” He told her and then breathed in deeply. “And everything will be alright. I promise you.”
“Y/N, wake up!”
“Loki? What-” She was cut off by a loud explosion echoing a few floors down.
“She's here.” She widened her eyes.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y where is the team?”
“The garden miss.”
She got up from the bed and began running with him towards the rest of the team.
When they both reached them she saw the scene that was unfolding with a knot in her stomach. Sigyn was there with her whole army of enhanced soldiers, smiling wickedly as she looked at Y/N.
“Steve! The dagger!” She told him.
Captain America looked at her and shook his head.
“What?” She whispered.
“You mean this dagger?” Sigyn's voice answered for him. She looked at her and found the dagger in her hands. “You were really going to kill me, little sister? That is harsh.”
Y/N clenched her teeth and put herself in a defensive stance, prepared for a fight. The goddess laughed loudly.
“You really think you stand a chance without this?”
“I guess we'll have to find out.”
“Very well, whatever you wish.” She signaled for her army to prepare themselves and soon enough, the garden was a battlefield.
“We can't win this fight! We need a plan, Cap.” Clint said in his earpiece.
“I'm thinking!” He responded as he was trying to catch his breath in between throwing his shield around and knocking out a few of them, only for them to get back up again.
“This is like fighting an army of Y/Ns and Wandas, how the hell are we going to do this?” Sam asked, worried.
Meanwhile, Y/N was looking at Sigyn, flying over them and smiling maliciously, knowing that she was winning.
“The mind flayer.” Y/N whispered with wide eyes.
“What?” Clint asked.
“They all have…” She grunted.
“Y/N!” Steve shouted. “Y/N!”
“I'm… fine.” She said as she got up from the floor after getting hit as Loki helped her. “They all have a part of her power. It's like a hive mind. We need to kill the mind that has control.”
“How are we gonna do that when she has the only weapon that can kill her?”
“Make sure you're distracting her army… and let me handle her.”
“Y/N, no!”
“Please Tony, this is my fight.”
“No, it's ours.” He told her. “Go, we'll keep them occupied.”
She smiled softly.
“Darling,” she looked at him expecting resistance but was met with a soft look. “Be careful. I love you.”
“I will. I love you too.”
And just like that, she was flying over every one of them, heading towards her sister.
“I thought you were smarter than this.”
“Yeah well, you overestimated me.” Sigyn smirked. Then she prepared her hands for combat and Y/N did the same.
Blasting her magic towards the goddess, she grunted when she missed and was in return hit with Sigyns magic.
“You stand no chance against me.”
“You keep saying that.” She blasted her magic and this time she didn't miss. Sigyn almost fell to the floor. “Are you trying to convince yourself?”
“Ha!” She laughed. “I know you are trying to distract me. You are not good at this, Y/N.”
“Oh, but I am.” She told her as she disappeared into thin air and appeared behind her, kicking her back and making her fall to the floor this time.
“An illusion? That is cheap, even for you.”
“You've always been a sore loser.” Y/N shook her head and landed on her feet gracefully.
Sigyn got up and faced her, but couldn't stand for much longer as another blast of magic hit her. And another, and another.
When she managed to get up, she strutted towards Y/N with an expression so livid it made her question what person she had let into her life for these past two years.
Sigyn kicked her in the ribs and she fell on her back, wheezing. When she approached her again, Y/N kicked the back of her legs and made her fall on her back.
For a bit, they kept throwing punches and blasting magic at the other.
“Alright, time to distract her.” She said into her earpiece.
“On it.” Sam said and began shooting at her from the sky.
“These mindless mortals!” Sigyn groaned, more annoyed than anything else.
Perfect, Y/N thought.
“Sam, keep her occupied, I need to get the dagger.” She looked at Loki. “Loki, love, could I borrow your favorite dagger?”
“I- yes, darling.” He said, narrowing his eyes at her, confused.
“Thanks.” She said and then she closed her eyes and concentrated on conjuring the dagger she had given Loki a few years back, when they had not confessed their love yet.
Meanwhile, Sigyn was trying to blast Sam with her magic and he was dodging her attempts. Until he wasn't anymore.
“Sam!” Y/N yelled as her friend fell from the sky. “Someone get him!” She cried.
“Another one on the list of dead loved ones?”
Y/N clenched her teeth and looked at her. That's when she heard Wanda speak on the earpiece.
“He's okay, just hurt.” Relieve flooded her in waves and she looked at Sigyn with so much rage she could've killed her right then and there.
“You are not going to win this Sigyn.”
“Oh, but I already have.” She said, gesturing around her, at the avengers fighting and getting more tired by the second.
Y/N looked at them, they wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer. She closed her eyes and concentrated in summoning her magic. Then she opened them and looked at her sister.
“I swear to you, you are going to regret this.” She said strutting towards her with a set jaw.
Y/N hit her again and again, while Sigyn did the same. The ones around them couldn't tell who was winning, which worried them. Sigyn, on the other hand, was sure that she was.
“Keep hitting me all you want, you know that it won't kill me. I on the other hand-” Y/N hit her on her stomach. “I can kill you.”
“I dare you to try.”
“Oh, I will.” Sigyn pulled out the dagger and began throwing jabs at Y/N. She dodged most of them, except for a few scratches here and there.
Y/N kicked the goddess onto the floor and the dagger went flying in the air, falling a few meters away.
Rolling on the ground and grunting, they were both trying to fight off the other and grab the knife.
Suddenly, an explosion rang out behind her, where everyone else was, and she turned briefly, ignoring the screams from her teammates. Then, everything turned into a slow motion movie. Screams could be heard, but only as echoes.
“Look down, sister.” Sigyn's voice sounded distant but she did as told.
“Y/N!” Loki's voice rang out as she found the dagger dunked in her stomach. “Y/N!” He kept screaming, trying to get to her, but the soldiers wouldn't let him.
She turned around slowly and looked at him. At her love, her everything. She looked around, the broken and tired faces of her family, the reason she was alive. Her life flashed before her eyes, every moment that led her to where she was now. She then looked up and begged for a miracle to happen. Turning to him, she whispered:
“I love you, Loki. Forever.” And then she fell to the ground, limp.
“No!” He wailed, his voice shattered.
“I told you she did not stand a chance against me.” Sigyn said, standing up.
“I'm going to kill you.” Natasha said, full of rage and grief.
“Ha!” The goddess laughed. “I don't think any of you understand what just happened. Y/N was your only chance, and she's dead. So now, kneel before your new queen!”
When no one did as told, still standing and prepared for a fight, she groaned and looked up at the sky in annoyance.
“I said, kn-” She choked on her own words as blood began pouring out of her mouth. She looked down to see a red stain on her stomach, growing bigger by the second.
“I told you… I'd win.” Y/N told her between small gasps as Sigyn fell to the floor.
“How did you…” She tried to ask.
“I switched the daggers. You stabbed me with Loki's dagger and I… stabbed you with the dagger of death.” Sigyn began coughing. “I want you to know…” She looked at the goddess, her sister, the one she had spent every day with ever since she appeared on the compound claiming that she was not who she thought she was. In many ways, Sigyn changed her for the better, in other many, many ways, she did not. She looked at her sister and remembered every night spent reading together, singing silly songs, watching scary movies just to see her terrified face when a jumpscare happened. She looked at her sister and couldnt find it in herself to care. So her next words, she said them very slowly. “I want you to know… that this is for my family.” And she stabbed her again, in her heart.
“I-Im sorry.” Sigyn said slowly, in a hushed whisper, as she was dying.
“I don't forgive you.”
And after coughing a few times, her body laid limp on the grass. When it did, the soldiers began slowly falling too. Then, Y/N's vision began to blur, the adrenaline wearing out and her wound beginning to cause its effects.
Before she fell to the ground, someone caught her.
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winterironevents · 1 month
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March/April Monthly Round Up!
Welcome to our first round up of the WinterIron Bingo Round 2!! Since our round began mid-way through March, we're combining March & April for a jam-packed round up of fantastic works!
If you want your bingo works to be included in future round ups, you must fill out the Fill Submission Form.
Lastly, thank you @massivespacewren for the beautiful art seen above!
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Happy Cum-Day (E) by endlesstwanted @endlesstwanted
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Porn Without Plo, Penis In Vagina Sex
Summary: Bucky comes home to a birthday surprise from his roommate.
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Healing Heart (T) by scottxlogan @scottxlogan
Tags: Adult Content, Enemies to Lovers, Panic Attacks, Tony Stark Has Panic Attacks, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Protective Bucky Barnes, Bickering, Swearing, Flirting, Angst with a Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, 5+1 Things, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Healing, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Redemption, Implied Sexual Content, Making Out, First Kiss, Canon-Typical Violence, Threats of Violence, Self-Sacrifice, Drama & Romance, Couch Cuddles
Summary: After facing a dangerous threat to his future Tony reflects on the five times Bucky rescued him through their time spent together as they evolve from enemies to lovers along the way. Meanwhile Bucky reflects on the one time that Tony rescued him and turned his world around.
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The Promise (T) by naivelittleprincess
No Archive Warnings Apply, Pre-Relationship, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie),Hopeful Ending
Summary: “You better haul your ass back here, Sarge. Coz I’m old as shit. I’m in no condition to go scouting after a lost soldier.” (In which Bucky needs to go on the run, but he won't do so without saying goodbye)
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Bad Day Protocol (E) by maukree @maukree
Tags: POV Tony Stark, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Different Personalities, Avengers Compound, Bucky is an Avenger, Winter is an Avenger, Missions, Protective Winter, Protective Tony Stark, Confident Bucky Barnes, Blowjobs, Handjobs, Anal Sex, Unsafe Sex, very slight sub/dom undertones, Controlling Winter, Bottom Tony Stark, Top Winter, Flirting, Pining, Mutual Pining, Multiple Personalities, Size Kink
Summary: When Tony considers laying down the charm on Bucky Barnes around Steve, it's not with some grand plan in mind to actually be nicer. If anything, it serves the sole purpose of pissing Steve off.
The problem is, when Tony makes this decision—this half-cocked, spur-of-the-moment resolution to dial up the harmless flirt offensive—he doesn't pause to consider the potential fallout. Honestly, not for a second does he entertain the thought that this could backfire so spectacularly, not just with Bucky, but with Winter too.
Tony has no clue how he lets it get this far, but it’s not just his own fault. Not. Alright?
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Lips like sugar, sugar kisses (T) by Wolfsheart @mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea
Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Domestic Avengers, Avengers Family, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Tony's cabin is the new Avengers Tower, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Tony Stark Feels, Bucky Barnes Feels, Tony Stark got a new arm, Tony and Pepper were never married, Adorable Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Background Relationships, Mention of Loki/Bruce Banner, Mention of Steve Rogers/Thor, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Marshmallow Fluff, Breakfast, First Kiss, Flirting, Friends to Lovers
Summary: Bucky is still adjusting to living at Tony's cabin with the rest of the Avengers, and that includes being Uncle Bucky to the most adorable Stark child. Sometimes that includes consuming sugar bombs that make him glad of his super soldier constitution. In all of this are the feelings he's begun to have for Tony, but what does all of that flirting and cuddling during movie nights mean? Bucky's about to find out.
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Hungry eyes (E) by nicoline1998enilocin @nicoline1998enilocin
Tags: Large age gap, PWP, Top!Bucky Barnes, Bottom!Tony Stark
Summary: Growing up, neither Bucky nor Tony ever thought they would get married, but it was an absolute no-brainer when they found love in each other. Now that they're on their honeymoon together, they cannot stop touching and loving each other, wanting to be close to one another for as long as possible.
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My Love Is Vengeance - Chapter Seven (M) by PoliZ @polizwrites
Tags: Bodyguard AU, Double Agents, Recovering!Bucky, Young!Tony, Hydra, Memory Loss, Kidnapping, Escape
Summary: Bucky and Tony make their escape from the Hydra base, but not without cost.
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A Sugar-Coated Pill - Chapter Seven (E) by PoliZ
Tags: Omegaverse, Sugar Daddy AU, Alpha!Bucky, Omega!Tony, Amputee!Bucky, Young!Tony, Secret Identities, Explicit Sexual Content
Summary: Tony gets a momentous phone call, which triggers him to reveal some important personal information to Bucky.
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Getting It Right (T) by scottxlogan
Tags: Pre-Relationship, Idiots in Love, Awkward Flirting, Single Parent Tony Star, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers Friendship, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark Friendship, Self-Esteem Issues, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Feelings, First Kiss, Crushes
Summary: The weekend trip with Steve, Sam, Bucky and Tony takes a turn when Pepper is called away on business leaving Tony on dad duty. As much as Tony's trying to do his best, he finds himself a bit overwhelmed when things aren't working out quite as he hoped for. It feels like a mess until Bucky steps in and offers a helping hand hoping to make life easier for the man he's been crushing on.
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WinterIron Bingo Round Two - April Round Robin (G) by endlesstwanted, Faustess, HadrianPeverellBlack, Politzania, purpleicedteas, Sivan325 @purpleicedteas @sivan325
Tags: Round Robin, No Powers AU, First Date, Fluff, Wishes, Lazy Afternoon, Cooking, Bookstores,
Summary: After a successful first date, Tony and Bucky stay in touch until they can go out again.
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A Little Bit Carried Away - Chapter Three (E) by PoliZ
Tags: No Powers AU, Omegaverse, Omega!Tony, Alpha!Bucky, Travel Mishaps, Scents, Sexual Fantasy, Rimming, Roleplay, Pretend Dating, Breeding Kink, Sex Toys, Pining,
Summary: Bucky plays the part of a protective alpha boyfriend, adding his own twist that in turn triggers a kink for Tony. They make plans to meet back up and Pepper gets involved.
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A Little Bit Carried Away - Chapter Two (E) by PoliZ
Tags: No Powers AU, Omegaverse, Omega!Tony, Alpha!Bucky, Travel Mishaps, Scents, Roleplay, Sexual Fantasy, Sexting, Rimming, POV Alternating
Summary: Bucky can’t get Tony out of his head, and fantasizes about sexting with him. The next day, Tony sends him a request for assistance: to pretend to be a protective boyfriend.
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Blinded by Passion (M) by PoliZ
Tags: Implied Sexual Content, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love
Summary: After Tony and Bucky fall in bed together; they have to figure out what comes next.
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Tempting Fate, Chapter 2: Devotion (M) by otpcutie @otpcutie
Tags: Medieval AU, Omegaverse, Alpha Bucky, Omega Tony, mutual pining, angst, protective Bucky, emotional hurt/comfort
Summary: Bucky takes care of Tony.
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The Call (E) by scottxlogan
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Phone Sex, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Bucky Barnes Has Nightmares, Light Dom/sub, Flirting, Swearing, Explicit Sexual Content, Smut, Cuddling & Snuggling
Summary: When Bucky wakes up after a nightmare to a phone call from Tony, he's not sure what to expect, but when a wrong number turns into a steamy conversation it appears that maybe Bucky and Tony can bring something a bit more satisfying to each other's lives beyond the naughty connection they've made through conversation.
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Clothing Room (T) by demonpanda @pandagirl45
Tags: Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Kissing, Clothing Room
Summary: A make-out in a clothing room. No one is around, so they have time.
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Let Go the Limit (E) by demonpanda
Tags: Feral Behavior, Bucky has Ruts, Established Relationship, Switch Tony Stark
Summary: Tony knows it is par for the course for their line of work. But Ruts, Tony wasn’t excepting this. He wasn’t expecting a month of it.
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local-crying-boy · 3 months
Writing Masterlist
A collection of all of the fanfictions I have written!
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Pietro Maximoff ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
New Years Eve Party / GN!Reader - One-shot, fluff
Mission Gone Wrong pt.1 / Fem!Reader - One-shot, fluff
Mission Gone Wrong pt.2 / Fem Reader - One-shot, fluff-angst
Waking Up with Pietro Maximoff / GN!Reader - drabble, fluff
Bodyguard Pietro Maximoff / GN!Reader - imagine
Shakes and Shivers / GN!Reader - One-shot, fluff
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Wanda Maximoff ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Tough missions and warm hugs / M!Reader - one-shot, fluff
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Carlisle Cullen ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Carlisle Cullen X Magic!Reader / GN!Reader - One-shot, fluff(?)
As if to turn back time / Fem!Reader - One-shot, fluff, reunion
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Jasper Hale ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
If you dated Jasper Hale - headcannons
It was our plan pt.1/ Fem!Reader - angst
(req) It was our plan pt.2 / Fem!Reader - angst-fluff
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
If you were their second mate - meeting them / GN!Reader - headcanons
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Viktor ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Late Night Chats / GN!Reader - One-shot, fluff, love confessions
Success! / GN!Doctor!Reader - One-shot, mutual pining
(req) Viktor helping his s/o who is sad / GN!Reader - one-shot, fluff, comfort fic
(req) Not Without You / GN!Reader - One-shot, fluff
(req) Viktor SFW Head cannons
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit:
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Legolass ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Fell In Love With You / GN!Reader - One-shot, fluff, comfort, childhood friends to lovers
Criminal Minds:
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Spencer Reid⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Pretty Boy / GN!Reader - One-shot, fluff
Call of Duty:
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Headcannons⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
COD men / How they are like in a relationship
COD men / what they do when their s/o passes out
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Hadir Karim⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Waking up with him / GN!Reader - Imagine
A rest well deserved / GN!Reader - one-shot, fluff, short
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Multiple characters x reader⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Home, at last / Fem!Reader x John Price x Nikolai - Short one-shot, smut
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Character Ships⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Cuppa tea / Simon 'Ghost' Riley x John 'Soap' MacTavish - fluff, short one-shot
Composure - A Pietro Maximoff Fanfic - Masterlist {UNFINISHED}
Cecelia Winslow, a twenty-five year old S.H.I.E.L.D agent, fights closely with the Avengers and with one small mistake, she ends up meeting the love of her life in a life or death situation. Though, with old memories coming back up due to a certain Maximoff twin, it gets difficult to save the world all the while managing her anxiety., alongside trying to deal with a Speedster's attractive looks and relentless flirtations.
Code Green JR - A Pietro Maximoff Fanfiction - Masterlist {YET TO BE RELEASED / BEING PLANNED AND WRITTEN CURRENTLY}
Seventeen-year-old Nikolai Banner had been living with the worry about turning into a miniature version of none other than the Hulk, but, either way, when billionaire, Tony Stark, shows up at Nikolai's and Bruce's apartment, he had no surprise. Along with battling some inner feelings and some normal teenage experiences (as normal as you can get when you may have a ticking time bomb that could cause you to become a big, green, rage monster), with some additional rage monster feelings, Nikolai ends up meeting a certain Sokovian Speedster.
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lettingtimepass · 3 months
OG Fic Rec List - Science Boyfriends
It seems like I've finally found some Science Boyfriends lovers on here and I'm feeling nostalgic, so here is my list of fics that have been saved in my bookmarks for nearly 10 years! If you haven't read these -- Enjoy!
Tony Stark Recommended, Bruce Banner Not by hollydermovoi
Bruce and Tony are a happy couple looking to adopt, but those in charge of approving them aren't huge fans of Bruce's Alter Ego.
Five Times Tony Stark Made Bruce Banner Laugh, and One Time He Made Him Angry by Yamx
Being friends with Tony Stark is many things, but it's certainly never boring.
Loose Talk in the Classroom by Undertheblu
Teenage Tony Stark finds his new teacher Bruce Banner more interesting than he probably should. Bruce does his best to be the responsible adult, but he discovers a stubborn Stark can be quite hard to resist. While trying to hide their taboo relationship they expose themselves to secrets they weren’t even aware of.
Pendulum by ChevySK and Zphal
Two highschoolers with brilliant minds and troubled lives find they have a lot in common. While Bruce struggles to cope in an abusive family, Tony longs for an intimacy he's never known. As the boys grow closer, can Bruce overcome his hang-ups about being in a relationship? And what role will Tony's heart condition play?
Dark Memories by Trammel
Tony and Bruce have been together six months, when something Bruce does triggers memories in Tony that he never wanted. Tony is not good at dealing with his feelings, but Bruce does his best to help him through it. Eventually Bruce confides in the team. Then someone from Tony's past returns to make things worse…
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gummydummy19 · 2 years
until you ruined it
Content Warning: SMUT, some degradation, enemies to lovers, L-bomb, hate fucking, cursing, enhanced reader, age gap (reader is early 20s, Bucky is early 30s), AU Avengers ft Steve Rogers, Wanda, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson all living in Stark tower together, kind off adopted stark reader, ANGST, happy ending, fluff.
A/N: I had so much fun writing this bhahahahah, as always, let me know what you think and requests are always open! ily x
Word Count: 4318
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God you fucking hated him. You LOATHED him. Every single thing he did pissed you off.
You were sat in the kitchen of the Stark Tower, having a lovely quiet breakfast before Bucky had to stroll in and ruin it.
He stirred his coffee, the little spoon hitting the inside of the mug over and over again. You let out a deep sigh, trying to keep your calm. But as soon as you caught a glimpse of that amused smirk, you lost it.
He was pissing you off on purpose, because he fucking enjoyed it.
You shot a tiny electric spark his way, hitting his hand. It wasn’t enough to hurt him, but it was enough to make him drop his mug. Coffee spilled over his pants and his shoes as the cup shattered all over the kitchen tiles.
“Oops” you said innocently, as you grabbed your glass of orange juice and walked back to you room.
Okay maybe you had overreacted a tiny bit, but in your defence, the last couple of months had been straight up TORTURE.
Sure, your life hadn’t been the easiest, but you were perfectly happy with the way things were.
You lived in the Stark Tower, as a part of the Avengers. Tony and Pepper basically adopted when you were 16, which was now over half a decade ago.
Your father used to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. He was killed by Hydra during an attack on his base when your mother was 6 months pregnant. They took her hostage and she died while giving birth to you.
That was what you had been told.
You don’t really remember a lot of what happened after that, you blocked most of it away.
When you were 5 years old, S.H.I.E.L.D rescued you from Hydra. You were put into a special foster program and were given pills for so called “allergic reactions”.
According to Pepper, S.H.I.E.L.D always kept taps on you, they just wanted you to have a normal childhood. When you got older the meds weren’t enough to keep your powers down, that’s when Tony took you in and made you an Avenger.
You were grateful S.H.I.E.L.D tried so hard to give you a normal childhood, you just always felt like something was missing, and when you moved into the tower, that void finally got filled.
They were your family. Your home.
Bruce and Tony helped you with your powers, while Steve and Nat helped you with physical training. When the physical training from Captain insane and Ninja Nat got too intense, you could always count on Sam for a good old jog in the park. You and Wanda even took some classes together to finish your degree, since you were only 2 years apart and she never got to finish hers.
Your life was perfect the way it was, until he had to walk in and ruin it.
Exactly 3 months ago, Steve introduced Bucky to the family. You didn’t know much about him, only that he was very important to Steve and they knew each other back in the 40s.
Bucky had been through a lot, spending years of his life brainwashed, fighting as Hydras personal murder puppet. It must have been awful. So when Steve finally found his best friend again, you were all really excited to meet him and welcome him to the team.
You remember the moment you first met Bucky like it was yesterday. You, Sam and Tony were sitting on the couch, watching some boring reality show, when the sound of the elevator dinging made you turn around.
Holy fuck. You didn’t mean to stare, but you were physically unable to tear your eyes off of him. He had to be the single most handsome man you had ever seen in your entire life, and you lived with the Avengers for christ sake.
Steve’s voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“Y/N, Tony, Sam… This is Bucky. He’s moving in today.”
Damn, this man was hot. You felt like a schoolgirl with a crush, your throat went dry, your face burned and your brain was somehow unable to make a coherent sentence.
That lasted a whole 10seconds before he opened up his stupid mouth.
“I didn’t know stark tower had a kids department.”
Wait what? You could have died right there. You were damn near drooling over the sight of him and he just called you a child.
Get your fucking shit together Y/N, you thought to yourself.
Tony and Sam bursted out laughing beside you, Steve had the decency to try and stifle his chuckle, but overall it just made your slight embarrassment worse.
“Yeah, apparently now we are turning it into a retirement home.” You shot back.
“I was just kidding” Bucky said, an arrogant smirk plastered on his face.
“So was I” you replied, and with that, you left the room.
Ever since that day it had been nothing but snarky comments and disgusted looks between the two of you. And it only got worse.
You hated it. You hated him. But most of all, you hated how attracted you still were to him.
Maybe your attitude towards him was a reaction to his behaviour towards you, or maybe it was your way of covering up how you actually felt about him.
Either way, you knew where your hatred for him came from, but you didn’t have a clue what it was about you that made him so mad, and it was messing with your head.
You couldn’t stand how much you cared. How some days when the bickering got so bad, you’d lie awake at night thinking what was so irritating about you that he had to be so mean.
You made sure he never knew tho. He never had a clue how much his words actually hurt you or how much you just wanted to have one normal conversation with him. How badly you wanted to get to know him. And how desperately you craved just a tiny bit of intimacy every once in a while.
You were sitting in your room, behind your desk, sipping your orange juice while scribbling down some things on your to do list, when all of a sudden, your door bursted open.
“Why the fuck do you have to be such a fucking BITCH all the time ?!?!” Bucky shouted at you.
“Ever heard of fucking knocking, grandpa?!” You yelled right back at him as you shot up from your seat.
“I have coffee all over me because you can’t control your fucking temper!” His voice boomed through your room as he stalked closer to you.
“It was a fucking accident. Get the fuck over it, old man” you said, not really knowing how to react to the sudden lack of personal space.
“An accident?!” He questioned. “I spend the last 20minutes mopping the kitchen floor!”
“Oh dear! What are you, scared you’re gonna turn into a 1940s housewife when you touch a fucking mop?” You chuckled. “The hell you want me to do about it ?”
“Apologise.” He almost growled, you could feel his breath on your face.
“HAH, you wish” you laughed.
“I fucking said, apologise.” His voice was way more quiet now, but still stern.
“And I fucking said no.” You tried your best to make your tone match his, but the proximity made you nervous.
He didn’t reply immediately, you had no idea what he was thinking, or what he was going to say next.
Bucky let out an angry groan before surging forward and smashing his lips on yours. He pushed you back until your ass hit your desk.
“God you’re so fucking insufferable” he growled as he picked you up to sit you on the desk and moved to stand in between your legs, waisting no time in ripping off your shirt.
What the hell was happening.
“Fuck you!” You growled back at him as you fumbled with his belt.
“Shut your fucking mouth for once and then maybe I will” he said as he quickly pulled off his own shirt before crashing his mouth on yours again.
Your hands roamed over his torso. It felt so good to have him so close to you.
“Take off your bra” he said, while unbuckling his belt.
Your cheeks grew hot. This was just sex. A physical outlet of all the tension that had been growing between the two of you for months. He hated you, he was just horny and annoyed and he needed someone to take it out on. And as much wanted it to be more, you knew you would happily take whatever he gave you, and you hated yourself for it.
As soon as your bra hit the floor, his eyes grew wide, and 10 shades darker.
“Fuck” he breathed out, and he immediately latched his mouth on your nipple.
You let out a heavenly moan as he started massaging the other breast with his metal hand. The cold sensation of the metal on one breast and his hot wet tongue on the other had your mind spinning.
He moved to slide his hands under your skirt and dragged your panties down, letting them fall on the floor next to your bra.
His metal fingers came to mess with your folds and you swear you stopped breathing for a second.
“oh FUCK, Bucky” you moaned as he circled your clit, his teeth slightly tugging on your hard nippled before kissing up your neck.
Your hands moved to his waist, pulling down his pants and underwear enough to reveal his throbbing cock.
You took him in your hand and started pulling slow and steady strokes up and down his shaft, hearing his breath getting heavy in your ear. All while he kept rubbing your clit with his metal hand.
“Im gonna fuck that attitude right out of you, you little bitch” he said as he pulled his fingers from your dripping pussy, before pushing his length into you in one slow, steady motion.
“Oh SHIT” you both moaned in unison.
You wanted to wrap your arms around his shoulders, to kiss him, to pull him closer, but you couldn’t bring yourself to show him how much you wanted him. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, or maybe you wanted to spare yourself the embarrassment.
You placed your hands on either side of your thighs, gripping onto the desk until your knuckles turned white.
He started thrusting into you, his hands held onto your hips so hard you were sure they were going to leave bruises.
His head was buried in your neck and his movements were rough. His pace was perfect, his cock dragged across that spongey spot inside of you with every single thrust. You bit your lip in a sad attempt to keep yourself quiet.
The room was filled with nothing but the sounds of pure filth. Flesh slapping against flesh, Bucky’s muffled groans and sighs and the occasional moan you just couldn’t help but let fall past your lips.
You felt a warmth starting to spread in your lower stomach and your walls started pulsing around his throbbing cock.
“Oh fuck I can feel you, are you gonna cum for me?” He breathed against your neck.
Bucky’s metal fingers started rubbing your clit and you were gone.
“Yeah” was the only coherent thing you managed to get out before you felt yourself tumble over the edge.
A few pathetic little “ah ah ah”s followed by a loud moan and a heavenly sigh left your mouth as your orgasm washed over you.
Bucky managed to fuck you through it until he finally couldn’t contain himself anymore.
“AARGHH fuck SHIT fhuh…” a string of curses and gasps filled your ears as he pulled out of you and finished all over your stomach, stroking himself until he was utterly and entirely spent.
When you both started breathing normally again, Bucky quickly pulled his pants back up.
“Let me know when you’re washing that, I still need this coffee stain dealt with” he said, signaling to your cum covered skirt and his coffee pants.
“Get the fuck out of my room, Barnes” was all you managed to get out before you hopped off your desk and walked into your bathroom, trying your best not to wobble too much.
What the fuck just happened?
You took off the remains of your ruined clothes and turned on your shower as you heard your front door close. Bucky had left. Just like you asked him to.
You let out a deep breath you didn’t know you’d been holding as you stepped underneath the streams of hot water.
Fog surrounded you. Clouding your vision as your thoughts clouded your mind. Bucky had slept with you. No, he had fucked you. He had used your body as he pleased and you had let him. And fuck, you wanted him to do it again. Over and over and over again until he grew tired of you, which you hoped he never would.
Part of you had never been so disappointed in yourself. Yet another part had never been so satisfied.
You stood there, in your shower, trying to wash away the guilt until the water turned cold.
“Arrogant asshole” you spat in between kisses while your fingers clawed at his shoulders.
“Ignorant bitch” Bucky growled as he pushed you further inside of his room, mindlessly slamming shut the door behind him.
Somehow you had gotten here again, wrapped up in your steaming hatred for one another, engulfed in a passionate battle for dominance.
Ever since that day in your room, the two of your couldn’t seem to stay away from each other. Seeking each other out and getting under each other’s skin until one of you snapped.
Today was no different. You had gotten back from a mission, and you were hurt.
You got hurt, while saving Bucky.
“Couldn’t even do what you were told ONCE!” He yelled, spinning you around so your boobs were pressed against his wall.
“You’re lucky I fucking saved your ass, grandpa!”
He pulled down the zipped of your suit, revealing your bare, bruised back. The sight made him growl, he bend down and licked a long stripe up your spine, nibbling and biting along the way.
You winced when his teeth hit a cut. “Fuck! Watch it, Barnes.”
“I wouldn’t fucking have to if you had been more careful!” He snapped back, yanking your shoulder, making you turn around again.
His lips smashed back against yours, capturing them in a bruising kiss.
Your hands flew to his neck, tugging on the short strands of hair.
God it felt good to have him this close to you. It always felt so good.
“Hurry the fuck up, Barnes.” You growled as he took his sweet time, nibbling on your neck.
“Patience.” He teased.
You felt the air get thicker, as if time slowed down.
Bucky slowly slid the rest of your suit off, leaving you bare in front of him.
You felt your stomach turn as his hungry gaze scanned your naked body.
He pulled his own shirt over his head and started taking a few steps back, until his legs hit the edge of his bed.
Never breaking eye contact with you, he took off his jeans, leaving him in just his boxer shorts.
Bucky sat down at the foot of the bed.
“Come here” he said, a sly smirk teasing the edge of his lips.
You slowly made your way over to him, covered in nothing but cuts and bruises.
His hands immediately found your waist as you moved to straddle his lap, your mouth crashing on his.
Bucky groaned, sliding his hands flat over your exposed back. Roaming over every inch of bare skin.
His metal hand found the back of your neck, when you started grinding into his clothed erection, he tangled his metal fingers in your hair and pulled your head back.
“I said, patience.” His voice sounded stern yet playful.
“You need a lesson on how to do as you’re told” he chuckled.
“You need a lesson on how to say thank you, you ungrateful piece of shit.” You managed to snap back at him.
In the blink of an eye, Bucky had flipped you over on the bed, pinning you underneath him as he hovered over you, his nose flared and his eyes turned dark.
“Grateful?! That’s what you want me to be after you almost get yourself killed, you stupid little bitch?” He spat, pushing his hand in between your legs.
“Oh please, don’t make it sound like you care!” You suppressed a moan at the feel of his metal fingers teasing your wet core.
“I fucking don’t! But it would be nice to not feel like I’m babysitting the toddler of the group every time I set foot on the field!”
You tried your hardest to cover up how hurt you were. You thought that after all this time, Bucky finally saw you as an equal, an adult. More than some annoying 20 something only good enough to keep his dick wet. Guess you should have known better.
“God you’re so fucking annoying!” He growled as he finally tugged his underwear off, revealing his rock hard cock.
He stroked himself a few times before sliding in between your soaking folds.
You both let out a mixture of sighs and moans as he started moving in and out of you in slow, hard thrusts.
“There you fucking go. Like you so much better with my dick inside of you.” Bucky said as he picked up the pace.
His words from earlier were still ringing in your ears.
Babysitting the toddler.
He saw you as a burden.
“Shut up and make me cum.” You groaned, getting closer to that precious high.
“I told you to be patient.” He smirked as he slowed down again, just when you felt yourself giving in to that much needed release.
Maybe it was the heat of the moment, the pent up stress of the day, whatever. You felt your eyes getting itchy. Tears prickling at your waterline, ready to spill.
“GOD I FUCKING HATE YOU” you screamed.
No I don’t. I fucking love you.
Your mind was racing. Your body was aching. You just wanted Bucky. You were tired. So tired. Tired of games. Tired of pretending to hate him when in fact, you didn’t, not even a little bit, not even at all.
“I fucking hate you too” Bucky’s voice was raspy in your ear. Reminding you that this was no more than a primal need. A way to relieve some stress.
He picked up his pace again. Your ankles hooked around his lower back in an attempt to keep him there as his pubic bone rubbed against your clit, making you see stars.
Your hands flew around his shoulders, gripping his neck and tangling at his hair.
“Please.” you moaned, surprising both Bucky and yourself with your sudden vulnerability.
“What’s the matter, Princess? Change of heart?” He teased.
You were so tired.
And he was making you feel so good.
“Bucky, please.” You hadn’t noticed the tears finally started running down your cheeks until you felt him kiss them away.
“Please,…I…” you whimpered as you felt yourself getting closer and closer.
“Ssshhh” he whispered. The first moment of comfort you had ever gotten from Bucky.
It all became too much.
“Bucky, I…god….I…”
“Let go, princess. Cum for me”
That was all you needed. Feeling yourself tumble over the edge. Your mind was racing.
“Fuck, oh…oh…fhuh, I…I love you…”
Your voice was merely a whisper as you felt the fireworks erupting inside of you. It was all too much.
Bucky’s hips stuttered and he came inside of you with a deep groan, dropping his head on your shoulder as he kept slow fucking the both of you through your highs.
After a couple seconds, your eyes fluttered open, making you realize you had closed them a while ago.
Bucky was still breathing heavily, laying collapsed on top of you, when the realization hit you.
You didn’t say that out loud, did you?
As if he read your mind, Bucky raised his head. You were greeted with the most shit eating grin you had ever seen in your life.
Oh no. Fuck, god please no.
“Does someone have a little crush?” He chuckled. Making you want to die.
Before you knew it, tears started welling in your eyes again. You pushed him off of you, scrambling from under him and getting off the bed.
You hurriedly wrapped a loose blanket around yourself and picked up your discarded suit.
“Where are you going?” He laughed, not really understanding the situation.
You gave him one last look before leaving, finally making him notice the tears in your eyes.
“You know what, Barnes? Go fuck yourself.” You sniffled as you rushed out of his room.
This was by far the most embarrassing moment of your life. By the time you got to your room on the other side of the hallway, you full on broke into tears.
Bucky sat on his bed as he watched you rush out of his room. The sight of your teary eyes made his grin melt away like snow on a sunny day.
You loved him?
Loved him?
The sounds of your muffled cries travelled through the empty halls and closed doors, reaching his enhanced ears.
Oh for fucks sakes.
He quickly pulled on a pair of boxer shorts and made his way to your room.
He padded through the desolate hallway, stopping in front of your door, trying to ignore the sudden nervous pit in his stomach.
He never meant to hurt you. When he saw you risk your life on the field today, in order to save him. Something inside him snapped.
Truth be told, from the moment he laid eyes on you, he was a goner. It had been so damn long since he had felt this way about anyone, and he had absolutely no clue how to handle it. He knew he had probably messed it up from the start, but he couldn’t stay away from you.
That being said, this wasn’t what you guys did. Feelings. Emotions. Communication.
No, you screamed at each other, and then you fucked each others brains out.
He had never seen you cry, not like this. And he hated it.
“Get your fucking shit together, Barnes.” He thought to himself as he raised up his fist, knocking on your door.
When he didn’t hear an answer, he leaned his ear closer to your door.
Hearing the distant sound of water running, and your wavering little sobs echoing against the walls of your shower.
Ok screw this.
He opened your door and walked straight to your bathroom, hesitant for only a second before he slowly turned the doorknob.
You had your back towards the door, running your fingers through your wet hair as you calmed your breathing, when you noticed a presence.
“Go away.” You said, not even needing to turn around to know it was Bucky.
But he didn’t listen. He slid off his boxers, and joined you underneath the steaming hot water.
The feeling of his bare chest pressed against your bruised back made you suppress a sigh.
“If you’ve come to laugh at me some more, I’m not in the mood.” You said, still facing away from him.
You felt his chest rise against your back as he took a deep breath. There was a second of silence between the two of you, before he finally spoke.
“Hearing those three perfect little words leave your perfect little mouth while feeling your fluttering pussy squeeze my cock, made me blow my load harder than I ever have before.” He said as he wrapped his arms around you, turning you around to finally face him.
He pushed you back against the tile covered shower wall. When he saw your puffy eyes stare up at him in confusion, he felt a tug at his heart.
“God you drive me crazy. In every possible way. And I am utterly and completely in love with you.” He stated.
Your mouth fell open and you felt your stomach flutter, unable to respond.
“I love how stubborn you are. I love the way you nibble on your bottom lip when you’re trying to focus on something. Or the way you frown your eyebrows when you’re mad at me. I love everything about you, and most of all, I love driving you as crazy as you drive me.” Bucky continued.
“There you go, feel free to laugh at me too.” He said.
You were baffled, having trouble believing those words truly just left Bucky Barnes’ mouth. You had absolutely no clue how to respond.
Bucky took your silence as a sign of rejection. A million thoughts crossing through his mind.
Did he just fuck up even more? Should he have given you space? Was that too much? What if you didn’t even mean what you said and it was just the orgasmic bliss talking? Oh god did he just ruin everything?
“I’ll just…uh….I’ll just go…now…I’m sorry I sho-…hmpf”
You cut off his nervous ramble with a bruising kiss. Surging forward as you latched yourself onto him.
Bucky moaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around you and entangling in a heated make-out session.
When you finally pulled your lips away, it was for no other reason than a desperate need for oxygen.
You both heaved as you caught your breaths, still holding each other close.
“Not so bad for the kids department huh?” You teased.
“I’m sorry.” He said, sincerity and regret clear in his voice.
You leaned up and pressed a soft, sweet kiss against his lips.
“I love you.” You simply said.
“Yeah I guess I love you too, brat.”
@metalbuckaroo @princessayveke @montsepliego @scxrletrecsmarvel @hopelesslyrogers @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @tfandtws @vicmc624 @ahahafudge @enchantedbarnes @wickedravyn @pono-pura-vida @amayaraestyles @matchat3a @fictional-hooman @sebastianexplicit @peaches1958 @avengersfan25 @jamneuromain @tryingtoliveonmywishes @mrsevans90 @daybreak96 @tiredqueen73 @fallingforunrealisticromance @identity2212 @randomweirdoss @ragamuffin285 @juliaorpll78 @geralts-yenn @imjusthereforliam @bangtanstoeart @squeezyvalkyrie @enchantedbytomandhenry @superduckmilkshake @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @missgaygurl @foxyjwls007 @mollymal @urmomsgirlfriend1
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