#bruce is willing to break his rule if it means he can have another baby
overwhelmedandlonely · 5 months
[At a gala]
Janet Drake: Jack, honey, where’s the baby?
Jack Drake: Hm? Oh, Bruce Wayne asked to hold him. I figured he’d be safe.
[Bruce sprinting to the car]
Bruce: Alfred, start the car!
Alfred: Master Bruce, is there a problem? And why do you have the Drake child?
Bruce: Don’t worry about it, let’s just go.
Alfred: Sir, I don’t think the Drake’s would appreciate you abducting their baby.
Bruce: But-
Alfred: No “buts”, sir. Please return him, he is not an orphan.
Bruce: *under his breath* Not yet…
Alfred: SIR-
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wordswithloveee · 4 months
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distort-opia · 4 months
For the director's cut,
I am SOSOSOSOSO curious to see how you'll continue Burn It To Ashes. Do you have anything you'd like to talk about for that fic? I particularly love the part in the fic where Joker seems to flip from being playful and deliberately trying to rile Batman up (being insufferable) to obedient (for a lack of a better term) and willing to keep his impulses in check. I kept expecting Joker to inevitably try to break one of the "rules" Batman set, or at least pushing a boundary/ toeing the line (Just like Batman also expects him to!). But he doesn't! I love how you strictly only show Bruce's thoughts and we don't know what Joker's thinking, leaving the reader to speculate on why Joker's acting this way. I found myself asking many of the same questions Batman was. Is Batman right and is Joker just biding his time? Does Joker secretly enjoy being degraded, or is it just because Batman's doing it? Is allowing Bruce the control another way of Joker toying with Batman, meaning Joker's the one "winning" while Batman thinks he is? I love how Batman convinces himself throughout most of the fic that he's enjoying the experience because Joker isn't (punishment), contrasted by his later obvious excitement at discovering that instead Joker's thouroughly enjoying himself. It's so similar to me to their dynamic in general, where Batman can never really "win" against Joker because Joker always spins it in a way that it means he's won. I don't think Batman would've actually enjoyed it if Joker had seemed turned off and only merely allowed Batman to do what he did.
Would love to hear some of your thoughts!
I'm really happy you like burn it to ashes! Aaa, so nice to get an in-depth ask like this with great reflections, thank you. To be honest, that fic is pretty much a consequence of Silvestri's portrayal of Bruce being a shade darker than usual, with the not-so-subtle need for domination on display. Which all Bruces have, but this one spit in Joker's face and put him in a gimp mask and then in a skintight suit he designed and then did whatever the hell "Come and get it" was... It lit my brain up like a Christmas tree, hah.
As to the questions on Joker's state of mind: yes, is the answer to most of that...? Though Joker would probably kill anyone else trying something like what Bruce did in two seconds flat. Batman has the capacity to dominate and degrade him because Joker thinks he's an equal and worthy of it. But thing is, they're both losing and winning at the same time. It's a zero sum game, despite Joker being much better at spinning it in his favor. Joker is allowing for Bruce to dominate him that way because it's Batman doing it, but he's still conflicted; he's enjoying himself and Bruce can't stop him from liking what's happening, but that doesn't mean Joker doesn't dislike his weakness being used as dangled bait to make him behave and play by Batman's rules. Neither of them are free, they're inescapably under the influence of the other, and thus will always feel a degree of hatred towards the other for it. And Bruce is banking on Joker's resentment in making it a punishment because he hates Joker's guts... but at the same time he enjoys that Joker enjoys everything he does. Because it means he's in possession of someone he can do whatever he wants to, but still won't ever leave. It's a contradictory thing; Bruce's sadism and genuine anger at all the things Joker's done drive him to make Joker suffer, but at the same he'll always be relieved that Joker isn't actually suffering, because then maybe Joker would stop being unconditionally devoted to him. So yes absolutely, I agree that Bruce wouldn't have fully enjoyed it if Joker didn't like it too.
As a sneak peek, I'll say that the continuation will be a separate work. Gonna have to make this baby a series. Because in issue #4 of Deadly Duo, Joker disobeys, doesn't he? Bruce told him not to kill people, and yet Joker threw those passengers off the train. So the next work will take place in issue #4 and be centred around Bruce enforcing... consequences of the horny kind.
fanfic writer ask game - director's commentary
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Marinette did not sign up for this pt 3
  Part 3 time. part 1 here part two here, ao3 link here     
             Cass had long since taken to eating at Yan Toh Heen when she was in Hong Kong, where head chef Cheng Wang served her favorite soup, Marinette Soup. Given that Cass often came at odd times and remained a regular whenever she was in town, she had come to know of Shifu Cheng’s inspiration, his niece’s daughter. A girl who reminded Cass of Bruce’s usual adoptees when she first saw her picture, and mentioned it was a good ting her father hadn’t begun adopting until the girl was already a toddler. Shifu Cheng had laughed at the time, and mentioned that Cass might be a good influence on her, if she could keep her father from trying to steal his great-niece away that is.
             Now Cass was looking at the girl’s picture a bit more critically, and with Bruce and his parents in mind, she wouldn’t be surprised if this Marinette—a young designer who had managed to have two major figures in the industry recognize her by 16 with an apparent knack for helping her local heroes—was Bruce’s daughter. Her eyes reminded Cass of Thomas Wayne’s from the portraits, and her smile was a lot like Bruce’s when he wasn’t hiding anything.
             With all this in mind, Cass was already on a plane to find the girl and test out her theory—to see if Marinette of the Dupain-Cheng Boulangerie was also Ladybug—Batman and Bruce Wayne’s daughter.
             She did smile when she saw the group chat for “Middle Kids Only—No D’s Allowed” exploded with Jason, Tim and Steph arguing over who would find her first and what the prize would be. It looked like Cass would win at this rate. She was fine with that—and having a no-questions asked favor from each of the three in the future would be the icing on the cake to meeting their new sister first.
             Marinette has to explain to Adrien a bit of her blow up while they were civilians and out of sight in her room. Tikki and Plagg were napping.
             “So, you’re uh…” she couldn’t blame him for the lack of words. She tended to forget (re: ignore) the fact herself most of the time.
             “Yeah,” Marinette shrugged. “Maman and Papa got me in a closed adoption case, the mother was young.”
             “… I’m now picturing a young Batman and can’t wrap my brain around it.”
             Marinette snorted at that. “It was before Batman existed.”
             Adrien frowned at that, thinking it over as… “So did you ever…”
             Marinette shook her head. “My mother warned against it, the note she left for me said it was dangerous to even attempt contacting him.” She ran a hand through her hair as she remembered Maman and Papa letting her read the note not long after her Guardian training began. It was another life entirely. “She said he was an unfit father, and that she never wanted kids so I was better off not looking for them when I grew up. I never planned to—Maman and Papa were all I ever needed or wanted.”
             Adrien smiled at that, grabbing a cookie for himself. “So what happened?”
             Marinette winced. “I, I don’t want to talk about it. Long story short, a wild Murder Robin appeared and told me not to contact his family or else, and I promised to steer clear of affiliates so he wouldn’t try anything.”
             Adrien twitched at that. He knew Marinette and Alya made a few comments about it once upon a time but…
             “Is he the one dropping off the weapons and flower threats?”
             Marinette looked away, keeping her eyes low.
             Adrien tightened his fists. “I see. If he or that family get near you, they’ll have to take on Chat Noir first.”
             Marinette huffed at that. “They’re the normies that took down the world ending metas, I doubt there’s much we could do against them chatton.”
             Adrien shook his head and jabbed a thumb at his chest. “Black Cat wielder, destruction incarnate, and the idiot you share a soul with.” He gave her his Chat Noir smile. “There’s nothing I can’t take on.”
             Marinette snorted at that. “Chemistry.”
             Adrien’s face fell at that. “You cannot tell me chemical reactions are that easy!”
             Marinette smiled at him then. “I can and will say it—Chemistry is easier and superior to physics. Kitchen Chemistry is how we get food.”
             “And physics keeps us from floating off into space.”
             “Not studying it. Studying chemistry I get food, physcics is just a headache of formulas on formulas on formulas.”
             “But the theories!”
             With that, the pair fell into their familiar rhythm of banter for the rest for the night.
             Tim was crossing French designers in Paris aged 14-20 that own or work at a boutique, online or physical, and turned up a large number of candidates for who Ladybug/the missing Wayne could be.
             Babs rolled in on this particular search, and gave him a look. “You know the Justice League wants us to not to contact her, right?”
             Tim made a vague sound of acknowledgement.
             “And that Bruce probably didn’t have a kid at 15, right?”
             “Just covering my bases.”
             Babs looked over his search margins. “Did you check Damian’s search history?”
             Tim scowled at her. “Of course I did, he’s been doing more through wipes, I couldn’t get more than a few scarps of useless code.”
             Babs began to grin then. “So that means I do have a leg-up on you then.”
             He didn’t even want to know how she knew about the competition. But she wasn’t officially in it either (all of the placed their bets down negotiated rules (re: no asking for help from Damian) and agreed the only participants were the four of them). What did Barbra Gordon want out of this?
             Tim paused at that. “What.”
             Babs grinned at him. Tim remembered why Oracle is the queen of hackers everywhere—nothing is safe from her reach.
             “He was particularly taken with a few designers, and one of them happens to be in the range you’re looking for.”
             Tim scowled at her. “What do you want?”
             “You know that picture of me you took a few years back?”
             Tim blinked as that was what she wanted. His ‘Don’t tell The Family’ insurance.
             “I want your copies of burned, and any you may have floating around returned to me.”
             Tim weighed the pros and cons to this. The girl should be in his current data pool. And he does know to use Damian’s search again (tracking Bab’s hacks was child’s play now) but she probably deleted most—if not all of—her trail. Decisions, Decisions…
             He could just wait to meet the baby bat. But then he would owe Jason a no-questions asked favor if he found her first… and he didn’t want to know what Jason would use it for. Owing Cass a favor meant family nights with the worst board games or tea parties when he was elbow deep in a mission. A no question favor for Steph was always interesting and usually resulted in Bruce giving them both looks.
             Did he want to lose his leverage on Babs, or did he want to avoid the consequences of the bet more?
             Chat and Carapace exchanged a quick look when the pair arrived. A nod from Carapace as he trailed after their paling Ladybug was all Chat needed to begin operation Distract the Justice Leaguer Members.
             He and Rena Rouge were having the time of their lives. Both were genuine in their admiration of the pair and the work they had done. And they were both eager to learn from them—both as individuals and what their people knew of the Miraculous—something Chat and Rena knew there were large gaps in the history of still. And if they could help out Ladybug with gathering information and ensuring she was given space, well, the pair were down for it.
             Chat was asking a confused and mildly frightened Aquaman for combat tips in aquatic situations for future Syren-eqsue akumas.
             “So how do you keep an eye on attacks from all directions? Is it a ‘feel the water movements’ thing? Or is it just something you know how to do from growing up underwater? Could you teach me a few things on it—it’s a weak point that I need to work on.”
             Aquaman was quick to agree to help, eager to avoid angering the Black Cat and given Ladybug’s (apparently continued) evasion of Justice League Members, this may be the best way to both prevent the possible apocalypse and ensure Atlantis’ future safety.
             Wonder Woman was having an interesting conversation with Miss Sting about the uses for her spinning top and potential ways to work on her use of Venom while Rena asked about the Amazons and was there really an amazon who wielded the Ladybug miraculous? There were no confirmations from Ladybug and the Guardian was impossible to find to ask. Was there a Fox and did they have anything on the Miraculous’ history?
             Wonder Woman was quick to supply answers while scanning the area for Ladybug, and noted that the Turtle was missing too.
             “Is Ladybug well?”
             Rena and Miss Sting exchanged a look.
             Miss Sting stepped forward. “Ladybug just needs some space. She isn’t willing to risk breaking her promise since certain people do know where she lives.”
             Rena tensed at that, a scowl quick to her face as she remembered why Ladybug was absent. “She can’t talk to either of you until Murder Robin,”--Wonder Woman winced at the reminder of the current Robin’s past--“makes it clear he won’t keep threatening her if she does.”
             Chat caught enough of the conversation to join in. “Its also not good to stress her out, especially since its going to be open season soon.”
             Miss Sting sighed at the reminder. “Application and testing season.”
             Rena rubbed her forehead. “Don’t remind me. Last time Ladybug was so stressed over her workload that the cure was off for a week.”
             Wonder Woman and Aquaman exchanged a look.
             “Are you stating that stress on Ladybug alters how the Miraculous Cure works?” Aquaman asked cafefully, hoping it wasn’t the case.
             “Yeah,” Chat rubbed the back of his neck. “I figured it always did.”
             Wonder Woman shook her head, mind racing as, “No. Not during Mother’s time—it must be a side effect of something. May I speak to one of the Guardians?”
             Chat didn’t even have time to respond. Both adults noted the way his pupils shrunk and body tensed at the question. He knew something the others didn’t.
             “Uh, there’s only one, and the guy has been radio silent for months now,” Rena explained. “And not to be rude, but given the security breaches in the past, I don’t think it’s the best thing for our Guardian to be in contact, just in case.”
             “I see…”
             Aquaman was the quick to defuse the situation. “Perhaps one of your sisters could reach out to Ladybug? They are not affiliated with the League so that should lessen her stress.”
             Chat nodded along at that. Good. It was better to keep the Destroyer content.
             “I can see who Mother would like to send of the historians given the interest in past miraculous wielders,” Diana conceded. “Could you ask Ladybug if that is acceptable?”
             The teens grabbed their respective weapons and messaged Ladybug. A moment later the trio stated that Ladybug would agree to those terms.
             In the meantime, Chat, Rena and Miss Sting caught the adults up on the Hawkmoth situation and their limitations on investigation. Rena was particularly annoyed by the lack of progress as “Our best suspect was akumatized before Mayura showed up, so he can’t be Hawkmoth. But he lives in the target area, has the funds for a butterfly garden and the ability to keep it underground if LB’s theory about artificial sunlight to keep it secret is right.”
            “But we know he can’t be, so we should drop it and look for other suspects,” Chat added a bit nervously.
             Miss Sting nodded in agreement.
             Rena sighed. “I know, its just, too much adds up on him being Hawkmoth, but then again, that would mean he’d put his own kid in danger just to get the Miraculous. I mean, he’s bad and all but…” Rena shook her head. “LB is right about him making sense but it’s too obvious. I mean, who hides in plain sight, right?”
             Wonder Woman made a mental note to find out who this suspect was and maybe—MAYBE—let the bats do a deep search on this suspect if Rena would name them. He could very well be their villain, but she didn’t know enough on this investigation yet to make a call, nor did she have much knowledge on the Butterfly or Peacock miraculous. She only paid attention to the Ladybug and Black Cat legends—a soul spilt in two, destined to always find one another and willing to do whatever it took to protect the other from self-destructing once they grew close as allies.
             In Gotham Jason Todd is on a Mission. That mission happens to be meeting the Baby Bat before Timmers or the Waffle Queen herself beat him to it. Cass hadn’t responded to any of their texts, so he figured she was knee-deep in Black Bat and forfeited for once. He hoped.
             Either way, Red Hood would be tracking a certain Little Lady when he touched down in Paris once his plane took off, and take out whoever this “Hawkmoth” was. Magic terrorism is one thing. Targeting kids? Well, that puts you Hood’s list and high on his priorities real quick. Add threatening his family (estranged, feuding or 'well they're a Bat') to that? Gotham would live without him for a bit.
             Ladybug is currently holed up with Carapace in one of their hide-y holes on patrol. She has borrowed (re: snagged and is not returning any time soon) Carapace’s headphones. The music helps her breath. No immediate danger, she didn’t (further) break the rules of engagement, and she didn’t see any sign of Murder Robin in Paris from news reports.
             “So, uh, Murder Robin?”
             Ladybug wanted to groan. She knew this conversation was coming. “Can you send the others the cliff notes?”
             She did not want to do this with each one of them. there are a lot of miraculous users. Besides Chat and Carapace, there was Rena, Miss Sting, Pegasus, Ryuuko, King Monkey, Viperion, and Bunnix. She did not want to have this conversation seven more times.
             “Sure thing Ladybug.”
             Ladybug took a deep breath.
             “Remember Incinerater and Goo-Boy?”
             Carapace paused, face a bit slack as he nodded his head. “The first time Mr. Bug appeared, and the day Rena, Sting and me got our miraculous.”
             Ladybug nodded. “Well, it lasted so long because my transformation timed out. I couldn’t figure out what my lucky charm meant—I didn’t know what the kwami box looked like, and a bigger version of the jewelry box I got Tikki in meant nothing to me.” Ladybug sighed, as once again, she realized how much easier it would have been if Fu contacted her and Chat Noir after the first attack, or even during one on their built-in communicators. Just. Something.
             “So you timed out.”
             Ladybug nodded. “And I got caught in the building that went down.”
             Carapace froze. “Most people were still injured.”
             Ladybug winced. “I was. Still. Chat somehow knew to look for my civilian identity and found out I was Ladybug. I thought…” Marinette shook her head, pushing old fears of losing Tikki away. She’s the Guardian now. Tikki and her are together as long as Marinette remains so. “Nevermind. The point is, even after he cast the cure and helped me get home, Goo-boy showed up and Mr. Bug was needed again.”
             Carapace put the pieces together. “You were still hurt. And he left you alone.”
             Ladybug ran a hand through her pigtails. “He had to. I told him to, I figured I could make it the rest of the way.”
             Carapace frowned at that. “LB…” He put a hand on her shoulder. “What happened?”
             Ladybug swallowed a lump. “Tiny Murder Robin.” She stiffened a bit, fiddling with her yoyo then. “He uh, grabbed me, pulled me into a car and held me a sword-point. Not gun point, sword point.” Marinette bleed through then. “Who does that? What kid goes around and says they’ll kill you with a sword at your neck?”
             Carapace rubbed her back, keeping her grounded. “I managed to get him to leave since I was ‘unworthy of the Bat legacy’ and all, discarded and useless.” Marinette shook her head, reminding herself she’s moved past those feelings, the one that tried to well up in her moments. She was bigger than those thoughts. “He let me go since I wasn’t worth the effort if I didn’t know I was Batman’s daughter.” Marinette kept her eyes on her lap, a nervous hands running through one pigtail vigorously. “I kind of sicced him on the current Robin to save my skin.”
             Carapace pulled her in for a hug. She clung back a bit. she didn’t have to look at him as he explained the deal. “I promised to not contact Batman or the JL and he agreed to leave me alone. And he did.”
             Carapace pulled back. “That’s not all of it, is it?”
             “He uh, started leaving flowers and some weapon for winter holidays, Easter and my birthday in my room….”
             Carapace paled at that. “He’s threatening you.”
             “y, yeah…”
             “So that’s why….”
             Ladybug nodded.
             Carapace hugged her tight. “One sec, I’ll text the team. Then we’re doing that plan of action you made the rest of us do for when we can’t show up.”
             Ladybug nodded.
             She noticed a text from the others, asking if she’d be willing to talk to an Amazonian historian on the history of the Miraculous and learn from her. That… wouldn’t violate the terms of the agreement, in spirit or wording. She sent her agreement on the terms that none of the sent historians were Wonder Woman or the Queen herself. As cool as meeting Hippolyta would be, Marinette does not want to risk the violation in spirit (family members probably counted to Murder Robin.)
             Ladybug blinked as Carapace turned to her.
             “Now what can we do to help?”
             Ladybug opened and closed her mouth, running over her options. “Just keep non-miraculous heroes from contacting me, especially in battle. I just...” Ladybug struggled for words. “He knows where I live. My family.”
             Carapace nodded, keeping a steady hand on her shoulder. “Can’t risk it, I got you—we got you.”
             After a moment of silence, Carapace spoke. “Keep the team on speeddial—if you don’t want everyone on, then at least me, Pegasus and Rena. Rena can distract without getting hurt, I can protect all of us and Pegasus can send him and anyone he works with packing. Monkey probably would want in on this too—he is the Distraction King after all.”
             Ladybug laughed a little at that. It came out weak. “Sure. Chat, he’s…”
             “Busy.” Carapace shrugged. “We all know his dad has him running through hoops to make it to patrol half the time.”
             (Marinette agreeing to intern with M. Agreste and work on her accessories brand under the Gabriel umbrella did give Adrien more lee-way than he had before, but not by much at first. Ever since her line of scarves based on the miraculous heroes took off last winter, he was given more free reign if it involved Marinette as a designer, not Marinette as his friend and classmate. Adrien was allowed at her house at all hours now without no questions asked on the basis of ‘Marinette’s muses have spoken’. As far as Gabriel was concerned, Adrien was learning more about the designing process and crafting of individual garment and accessories from her, and offering critiques as a model on wear-ability and helping her develop her style as a designer while keeping her ‘on-brand’. The fact they mostly goofed off or worked on miraculous-related things together was another matter for another time.)
             Ladybug and Carapace stayed like that for a while, until after the JL left. She may have trolled the Monkey tab on the Ladyblog and snorted at someone’s short of ‘era 1’ Chat running at an akuma while screaming “this is how I will get Ladybug will love me!” with an ‘era 2’ Chat cringing. “That. That is how I got Ladybug to baby brother me.”
           Dick was wondering where the rest of the bats were during patrol. The night before, it was only him. Something about needing to look into something for the JL on Bruce’s end, and Damian was working on something again—trying to make up for a past wrong was the most Dick ever got out of him. It was the third year in a row this happened, and around the same time. Apparently needles are part of this apology.
             Dick really hopes Damian manages to meet the person face to face this time. He has a feeling the person Damian’s apologizing to might be a civilian by Bat standards, and is probably missing Damian’s message completely. Maybe Dick would check up on him tomorrow—Gotham wait for no one and apparently Nightwing is the only responsible Bat at the moment. Thank god for Oracle’s Birds of Prey and the other vigilantes Gotham’s collected over the years. Dick doesn’t want to think about what would happen if this happened without them all.
Thanks for waiting on the update. Working with burned hand so it will take longer for the next installments. Mostly planned for the next chapter but character will do what they want and highjack my writing constantly. Things are moving forward (somewhat) on the Bats and JL end, while Miraculous Team stands with their leader, Ladybug, and aren’t ready to let Anyone threaten her.
this makes for a set-up for much to go Wrong. Feel free to add to the upcoming chaos or put in things youd like to see happen in the comments or by messaging me. 
@heldtogetherbysafetypins @laurcad123 @raisuke06
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dessarious · 5 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt62
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
AO3   Beginning   Previous   Next
“So your plan is to gather information while attacking? That seems rather desperate.” Damian wasn’t actually trying to be insulting, but he saw Chloe bristling at his words. Marinette just gave a tired sigh.
“We are desperate in a way. We can’t wait for Gabriel to make another move and hope we can counter it. Taking the fight to him is the best option especially since we can gather information this way. I haven’t used Viperion in a fight, or any other holders for that matter, in over six months so it’s unlikely he’ll be expecting it.” Damian just gave a non committal hum. It was brash and foolish, but she knew the magic far better than he did and she was right about not waiting. Before he could answer, they all froze at the sound of keys in the door.
Damian motioned the others into the bedroom. They went, though Marinette was obviously reluctant to leave him alone. He rolled his eyes at her in response. If it was Gabriel chances were slim to none he’d be using keys. Any other threats he was perfectly capable of handling. He turned off the lights and waited for the door to open. As soon as there was enough light from the hallway to make out the intruder he attacked. The startled yelp as he tackled the person to the ground was familiar and it was tempting to break the arm he was holding behind their back.
“Seriously Damian? When did we revert to you trying to kill me again?” Damian put a little more pressure on the arm.
“Why are you here Drake? And why wasn’t I informed you were coming?” He was so tired of his family steamrolling over him and keeping secrets when he needed to know. There was also the issue of Luka and he absolutely didn’t need his family screwing that up too. “Ladybug hasn’t lifted her ban on Justice League members coming to Paris either which means you’re due for a trip to Siberia.”
“Wait, Bruce didn’t call you? He said he called you.” Drake sounded annoyed and Damian could hear real surprise in his voice. At least he wasn’t the only one left in the dark. “You’re a minor Damian. You can just stay in Paris alone without it raising questions. I was sent to be your guardian and offer on site tech help.”
“I don’t need a babysitter and that doesn’t change the fact that none of this was approved by Ladybug. This is her city and you aren’t welcome in it.” Damian knew he’d almost slipped and said ‘our city’ which made him pause to think about it. Even though he was relegated to the sidelines for the most part he still felt more involved here than he did in Gotham, the question was why?
In the end the answer was simple. His family treated him like a child. They constantly kept him in the dark even when he needed the information, just like sending Drake here with no warning. He and Marinette had their differences but she only kept secrets when absolutely necessary and it was never information that could get him killed. Maybe it was just because they were the same age, but she actually treated him like an equal member of the team rather than a tag a long she didn’t have time to deal with.
“She doesn’t have to know I’m here. We all know you were the one telling her when league members showed up in Paris, so this time you just don’t tell her.” Damian just glared down at the other boy. He hadn’t told them he and Marinette knew each other’s identities so it wasn’t really surprising they thought it would be that easy.
“Oh yes that’s great. Let's give her a reason to kick us both out of Paris. Not to mention her reason for not wanting you here is still in play and very valid. As much as I’d like an excuse to give you the beating you deserve I’m not going to go against Ladybug’s orders to do it. She has enough to deal with and I’m not about to break her trust because you all decided rules don’t apply to you.” Damian was mentally cursing himself as well. He really should have seen this coming.
“You really do have a crush on this girl don’t you?” Drake sounded amused. Damian ‘slipped’ and elbowed him in the head. As annoying as that assumption was it was better than any of his siblings finding out the truth. The last thing he needed was their idiotic input, especially when he was still figuring everything out himself.
“I have a work relationship with her built on trust and respect which I know must be a hard concept for you to grasp.”  He finally let go and got off the other boy to go turn the light back on. He watched with a satisfied smirk and Drake massaged his shoulder. He pulled out his phone to text Marinette, hoping hers was on silent or she and the others had left through the window. He forced himself not to sigh in relief when he didn’t hear anything. The text he got back was short and to the point.
“Can he be trusted?” That was it but he knew the answer was anything but simple. Could he be trusted to help? Yes. Could he be trusted not to report everything to his father? Absolutely not.
“There will be conditions if you stay. If you don’t agree to them, I know of a family that would likely be willing to host me for the rest of my stay so don’t think telling me I need a guardian is going to get you out of them.” Damian felt his temper flare as Drake rolled his eyes and had to take a deep breath. He wasn’t about to let this idiot get him Akumatized.
“Calm down baby bird. What do you want privacy so you can be with your girlfriend?” It was moments like these Damian was sorely tempted to start killing again, just so that his family would take him seriously even if it was as a threat. He glanced down at his phone before speaking.
“First and foremost, no information is to be relayed to anyone without Ladybug’s approval. That means you aren’t allowed to tell anyone what’s going on or what we’re doing. And anyone includes father and the rest.” Tim actually scoffed at him.
“You know I can’t agree to that.” Tim sounded like he was lecturing a toddler and Damian narrowed his eyes at him.
“Then you will be required to leave. By force if necessary.”
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iselsis · 4 years
Unholy Matrimony 1
Summary: When Tim Drake presents as an omega, his parents decide to get the only use they can out of him by marrying him off. To Bruce Wayne.
Tim’s head spun as he closed the door behind him and dragged himself the remaining distance to his bed. It almost seemed like too much effort, since he had a perfectly hospitable pile of dirty laundry right… everywhere, and he would be perfectly comfortable on the floor.
Mom and Dad are coming in tomorrow, though, he reminded himself. His parents, especially his mother, wouldn’t abide by him sleeping on the floor because he was too sick to get all the way to his perfectly serviceable bed.
He dropped face-first onto his mattress with a groan. Was it really worth the effort of turning his face? At least suffocating would put him out of his misery.
It had been a mistake not to come home immediately when he’d started to feel bad, but the Gotham night sky had been such a perfect aesthetic, and Tim had wanted to see if Robin was going to turn up and join Batman. He hadn’t for a few days, but Tim hadn’t seen him get injured, and normally Robin helped Batman every night during the summer. In the end, it had cost him a grueling walk to the bus station once he’d finally realized that he was seriously getting sick, and another grueling walk from the bus station to his house.
He did, eventually, roll onto his side and pull off his camera bag, which landed with a padded thud on the floor next to him, before drifting off to sleep.
Tim was snatched roughly from sleep and his bed by strong hands. The world spun in a fog of blurry shapes and the scent of angry alpha, and a haze of an unfamiliar sweet smell. The biggest blur in front of him shook him furiously.
“What the hell is this!”
Tim blinked a few times to clear his vision, stunned to find his father dangling him by the collar of his night photography hoody he’d fallen asleep in.
“A jacket?” Tim mumbled sleepily.
Jack Drake snarled in a rage and threw Tim to the floor. Tim landed hard, his fall cushioned unevenly by discarded clothes.
Tim inhaled sharply and willed himself to wake up faster. Usually, he knew what he’d done to make his parents hate him, but this time, he was too thrown off by exhaustion, and the pain in his gut, and that overpowering stench of honey that seemed to cling to him. In fact, everything smelled more strongly than normal. His father’s fury, his own fear, and the normally slight smell of beta disappointment that wafted in strong enough to alert him to the presence of Janet Drake in the doorway.
“I told you he was never going to be an alpha,” his mother snapped, not even looking at him.
Tim winced at the anger and dismissal in her voice, and his own confusion, because nothing made sense and he couldn’t understand what was going on or why they were mad, or why everything hurt. He just wanted to curl up in a small, dark place and hide. And what was that smell?
That sweet honey…
Where had that come from? Neither of his parents were omegas, so who-
No, no, no, no, no!
It was him.
Tim’s heart pounded, and he tried to stand up, but Jack kicked him in the ribs.
“Thirteen years, raising you, feeding you, educating you, wasted! You’re fucking useless!” Jack seized a fistful of Tim’s shirt and slammed him against the wall. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with an omega for an heir, you stupid bitch!”
“I-” Tim started. His eyes stung fiercely, but his parents would be even more furious if he started crying too. He was an omega?
Tim couldn’t be an omega. He’d heard the vitrious gossip and spite his parents had for omegas for years; how useless and pathetic they were, flighty whores ruled by their pendulum mood swings. Tim was pretty sure that he wasn’t those things, or maybe he was a bit useless, but he tried his best. The thought of being just an omega to his parents was terrifying. Omegas didn’t even have full rights.
“You-” Jack raised his fist and Tim flinched, hard, waiting for the blow.
Janet moved from her spot at the door with an air of utter contempt. “Jack, dear, don’t hurt him.”
Tim frowned, unable to reconcile her tone with her words. Janet Drake had never been a very maternal woman. She read him financial reports instead of bedtime stories, and had started teaching him how to manipulate his business rivals by the time he was five years old, but maybe, in her own way, she did care about him, and she just had a strange way of showing it.
His heart swelled in hope. If some kind of dormant maternal instincts had been awoken, seeing her pup in danger, she might save him before his dad beat him too much, even if he was a disappointment.
“He might be completely useless as an heir, but there are other uses for an omega in the business world, Jack.”
Tim’s hope withered and died with a pain worse than his father’s kick, and this time he couldn’t blink back the tears. “Mom?”
She locked eyes with him just long enough for her lip to curl in distaste.
Her eyes flicked to Jack and pointedly stayed there. “He’s worth less to us if you break him. Set him down.”
Jack growled unhappily, but he gave Tim a final shake before dropping his shirt.
Tim’s knees crumpled under his weight, and he collapsed in a barely controlled fall. Tears streamed down his face, no matter how hard he tried to stop. This was so stupid, why couldn’t he stop? He was acting just like the omegas that his parents hated so much, and his own body was betraying him, because it wouldn’t let him stop crying like a baby or an omega.
“I’m sorry,” Tim whimpered.
“Don’t grovel,” Janet said, her voice even and businesslike. “You might be an omega, but you’re still a Drake. Act like it.”
Tim swiped at his face with his sleeve and didn’t sniffle. He lowered his gaze so they couldn’t see his face. She was right; falling apart like this was a weakness, and Drakes weren’t weak.
“I’m sorry, mother. I didn’t mean to be-”
“What you meant doesn’t matter. Only what you are,” Janet interrupted. “You might be a lost cause as an heir, but there are still…possibilities. You can still redeem yourself.”
Tim slowly raised his head so that he could bare his neck in submission. If he just behaved well enough, then they’d eave on their next grand adventure and forget about him for the next six months. He just had to placate them for the rest of their visit. They might pull him out of school, but he could maybe enroll himself in an online school without them knowing.
“Anything, mother,” he whispered.
Jack glared at his wife, a question in his scowl. “What are you thinking, Jan?”
Janet raised her chin and smirked slightly. “I think that I’ve solved the problem we’ve been having with our…less cooperative business partner.”
Realization dawned on Jack’s face and settled into a vicious grin. “I see. How thoughtful of you.”
Dread curdled in Tim’s stomach. He wasn’t any use to them as an heir anymore. If they wanted him to deal with a business partner who was giving them trouble- Surely they cared more about him than that. They wouldn’t rent him out to solve their problems.
They wouldn’t.
They would.
He knew it, just like he knew that the sky was blue and Bruce Wayne had poor coping mechanisms.
He wouldn’t let them. He’d run before he let anyone touch him like that. He’d never submit.
But he didn’t have a choice. He couldn’t run from them. They had too much money; they’d find him wherever he went, and even if they didn’t, could he really survive alone on the streets of Gotham? He was helpless.
“I’ll set up a meeting. Do you think he’ll accept, though?” Jack asked, stepping towards his wife as though his son on the floor was nothing but a broken toy.
“He has a different omega on his arm at every gala. Clearly, he likes their company quite a bit. He’ll certainly accept a bride who cannot deny him, even if he tried,” Janet said coolly.
Tim shuddered and tried to hide his tears. She wanted to give him to someone she knew would rape him, someone he couldn’t escape. How- She was his mother! He knew that she didn’t love him, but couldn’t she care just a bit?
“I’m being sold?” He tried to say it calmly, confidently, but his voice broke into a strangled whimper.
His mother scoffed at him without even looking down. “Of course. There’s no other use for an omega. You’ll submit to your husband like a good whore, and your pack will benefit. This is your responsibility.”
“Wh-who?” Tim couldn’t choke out the rest of the sentence. Who had they decided would rape him?
His father crossed his arms. “You’re going to marry Bruce Wayne.”
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nameless-sovereign · 4 years
clowns in the gutter
i did this while the songs were on shuffle which wasn’t my best idea so the quality of a big all over the place, but... i tried and that important 😅 but i’ve been told i listen to music poorly and have a bad method of playlist making which is ‘this singular line’ or ‘i’m not sure what is said but The Vibe™’ so i felt i should add the reasoning behind the songs
this is my playlist for @rachie-neyiea ravenous on ao3 [ https://archiveofourown.org/series/1714627 ]
horror of our love - i’m not going to go into this one since i kinda already talked to you about it
campus - “it must be lonely knowing what you knowing” - because the twins may not know a lot about themselves, but a part of simply existing is being in shock of how it changes and how time is always moving, and with how time works for them i imagine the disconnect between society and themselves is so astounding that it gives them an unique perspective of humankind, yes they’ve been cut off, but they do need to integrate, to some extent, to pick their victims, so i decided at least
oleander - “if you leave me, rest assured it will kill me” [ also the fact that oleanders are these beautiful plants that are also pretty deadly i think fits, because thy can make themselves appear unsuspecting [ if they want to appear and they’re pretty, if they’re presenting that way ] - i feel like this is very much the twins towards bruce because he had become such a big part of themselves, they literally gave him a part of them now, and while he may not have liked it i think it was a big show of dedication. a way of saying they don’t mind hurting for him they’ll even go as far as to do it themselves.
hollow - “i’m ill with all that i know, cause it show what little i know” - this bruce because he is a very curious person by nature, he naturally seeks to find answer for him problems, and these problems don’t have answers, but he knows so much at the same time that it probably drives him mad being able to taste the knowledge yeah not devour it
volatile times - “look at me, what have i become i am lost i was once a gentleman” - i think this is bruce reflecting on the twins, and their effect on his life, how he had the potential to be a normal kid with the silver spoon, how he had a taste of that once upon a time but he became batman, and while he knows it wasn’t only because of the twins, he is pretty sure if they didn’t exist, if he wasn’t made to balance them out, then he wouldn’t be batman. he wouldn’t be some rich boy playing dress up and punching people in the middle of the night, he would host party, and laughing as he sipped champagne
under my skin - there’s no lyric in here that screams it’s just the general idea, kinda like unwanted animal, but it’s like “i can fit two people under my skin” and that just reminds me of this line [ i’m not sure if it was in one of your stories or if i read it somewhere else and it reminded me of it, so i apologize ] it was saying how one of the twins want to break open bruce’s ribcage to and be absorbed into him and taunt him from the inside and how they’ll never be parted then, and i just vibe with the twins being like that and i don’t know who is even speaking because i think there’s a merge ce of all of them mirroring one another, well bruce mirroring the twins and vise versa because the twins are still quite guarded but they are opening up quite a bit as the story progresses.
like lovers do - “Getting you off is my new favourite hobby, lipstick on your neck brands like a tattoo” and “I see you watching me, eyes on your target” this song reminds me a lot of when the twins found party boy bruce, [ the next two are also going to be written shittily ]
animal impulses - this one is just the overall vibe of the song v. andy particular lyrics, the song being about repressing and being controlled by your instincts basically and i think that vibes with this
baby you're a haunted house - “i’ll be the only one who likes the things you do, i’ll be the ghost inside your head when we are through” this reminds me a lot of the twins to each other, because they are alone, but their alone together and even if that doesn’t always feel like enough to be without the other would be unbearable and the next lines are “Sometimes you scare me, but I come around to you, I'll say hello hello hello hello, And I'll find a way to scare you too” which i believe to represent bruce to them because he’s had such unique reactions to them, and by he way he treats them is so… gentle and i don’t believe them to have ever been exposed to that previously and so Bruce hold a price of their heart in such a terrifying way.
unwanted animal - there’s so much in this song that i can’t pinpoint any exact lyrics that i associate with anything in particular [ the one that hooked me was “you touch my skin peels off like paint” but there a wild desperateness to the singing that i like fits them well. the comparison to animals i like for the twins, because they are savage and ruled mainly by their id they want something they take it, and i’m not looking at the lyrics right now, and i’m so bad at actually /listening/ to songs, but the whole song it feel like the singers are both fighting and working together and it’s just this dynamic that i think fits my interpretation of your series i guess heheh
this is love - there’s a lot of small lines that i think reflect the story well, “you done nothing to get out of the pattern of pain washed away by the rain” [ this reminds me of the underground tunnels being at risk of flooding and Bruce being like welp, gotta try ] “but i just love to pick a fight” [ the twins finding fighting as a valid means of flirting ] “once you chase me down the hole” [ the twins as bruce comes following after the twins ]
foreigners god - “she feels no safety in my arms” stanza vv bruce being on edge around the twins this is the twins because i think they all know none of them could truly intentionally maim one another, they’ll play at fighting, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t ready to fight for each other. each knows logically that they are safe, that past experience dictates that trust in personal safety has been earned, yet it's impossible to relax around one another yet, after so long of being on edge it seems impossible to fully step away.
bitter and sick - “break me down i’ll let you ruin my day flow through my veins” “i need a fix bitter and sick, sicker than love” - the first one is the twins to bruce and the second is bruce to the twins. in the first the twins are basically saying that they’ve lived one way for some long, existed alone together and never changing their ways, but now that bruce is here they are willing to adapt to make him fit into their lives. they’ve killed less because they’re not as hungry, they could still eat and the desire to hunt is still there, but with the knowledge that bruce doesn’t actually like it they can step back, allow him to save a few lives they learned gentleness for him. the second one is bruce’s addiction towards them. how his mind is never far from them, even when they sleep because he hates that he feel this way, he knows its wrong and it floods him with guilt, but he also can’t leave them, because he knows them now, had tasted their flesh on his tongue and while that would’ve not been his preferred union it was a union nonetheless, one he can’t ignore or suppress anymore
an unhealthy obsession - this is so self explanatory and in the words of john mulaney, “and i am lazy by nature”
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littlemeangreen · 4 years
Since you like my alt-Marauders (WHICH IM SO HAPPY FOR) how about challenge for headcanons of them interacting with the Smashers, as allies or foes or just a chance encounter? No need to, I just thought it might be something you'd have fun with!
@thecorteztwins k I'm suddenly in a big writing mood so!! FINALLY getting around to this I'm so sorry sksksk
For anyone who doesn't know: Thecorteztwins has an amazing au where she's collected Haven (thicc angel lady who was possessed by a demon disguised as a baby), Claudine (Miss Sinister),Madelyne (clone of Jean Grey), Pyro, Sebastian Shaw, Shinobi Shaw and sometimes Alice (a clone being tested by Claudine)!
I feel like the first few days are really testy. Everyone's got some bone to pick, the usual. But the biggest thing? The name. A brief encounter with paparazzi ends with their name and the reactions go from Pyro and Claudine scoffing at how silly it sounds and what a rip off it is (Pyro being a writer?? U KNOW he wouldn't stand for Alt Marauders) to Shaw sighing about the fact that he's been stuck on a team with a cliche super nickname.
Then there's personal names because once again, Pryo and Shinobi both agree that everyone needs a name to reapply make them unique! Hardly anyone goes for it, ranging from Haven's soft "no thank you" to Shaw punting Pyro into a wall. Madelyne is slightly soft for Pyro's RPG themed alias ideas for her and less than impressed for Shinobi's idea of "Mad Milf".
Alice....I'm definitely thinking she gets nicknamed "White Rabbit" or "Wonderland" because; 1) no one can leave her out of getting a name. 2) Pyro 100% would give a cheesy media related name and 3) I like the very small connections of white rabbit to the white and red queens in Alice in Wonderland (and 4) rabbits always get experimented on :).
Gamma Gals having amazing duos with the ladies of the Marauders? Absolutely!!
Jen and Haven, being an amazing duo and I feel like they'd be the two who would have that issue where they're the only ones who can save the day and end up learning a lot from each other? Haven is probably thanking her stars that she finally gets to meet a hero who believes in her kindness just as much as she does (S H A W).
Just....Haven being able to meet an even bigger woman and trading stories and being GalPals(TM). Its a really interesting concept to me that Haven is someone who was deliberately used to destroy and Jen is someone who's entire identity is formed around smashing and destruction. It's probably rather cathartic to be working with someone who purely doesn't want to resort to violence immediately and who has been used (Haven by her demon and Jen by different people).
But also learning something from each other? Haven being able to see that sometimes you do need to fight for what you love and Haven proves to Jen that even after all this time, it isn't the muscle or power that can save everything, it's her and her drive and will alone. Catch Red and Shaw scoffing about it.
Speaking of, those two could either REALLY clash or really get along, no imbetweens. Have we found another old man for Shaw to wrestle with, Roman style??? (Ngl that would be hot in a sick way)
Skaar and Shinobi? Both long haired, beautiful, sons of big figures, grew up in abusive environments,,,,its a duo. Just put Shinobi into a mini team with Skaar and Daken and we have the "Black haired brood squad"
Rick and Pyro working together to have a joint production??? FIrebomb productions baby!! My podcast ideas? Absolutely would happen when you combine these two and its hell. Aka; Rick and Pyro gossip on their podcast and give advice to starting heroes as immortals and smack talk. But also outside of that I imagine they can get along a lot in the "had a hard time accepting stuff" and "we were heroes who often did a lot for others and got disregarded and hurt for it".
Pyro: Hey if I set you on fire can you become a flaming bowling ball
Rick: well let's fine out!!
Red and Shaw....there's a lot there. Both are old men who have been pressed on in their lives and affected by masculine presences in their lives...both are regarded as awful shitbags but they're both MUCH more complex and driven by a need for power and stability...lots of thoughts here.
Shaw and Red are one team you do NOT wanna mess with because two old men who are perfectly willing to do what's needed? Red can respect a man willing to get his hands dirty with clear means and Shaw can probably like a guy who has the drive to do what he believes is the better good. Also big hulk man who can give you endless power.
But also differences in them because Shaw abused and continues to abuse Shinobi while Red neglected and most likely emotionally abused Betty but it seemingly trying to make a difference in it now that she's come back? I feel like these two probably have a SUPER in depth conversation when forced to or alone and then never speak about it again.
Spending of Betty! Her and Madelyne?? What a DUO they're litreally a great mix because Maddie is a clone of Jean, Betty was assumed to be a clone at first and often has to suffer being the "domintrix" she hulk. Both have serious issues with their mental health and identities as well as dealing with their lives being ruled or devoted to men who ruin them. Both want freedom and have such passion! I just....so much to say about these two and the similarities. They're both red.
But yeah Phoenix and Harpy?? Skksks Maddie voice: I'm FIRE HARPY nOW
Am I still yelling for her hero name to be Griffin because of how mystical they are and being a bird and lion??? Yeah.
Also sad thoughts but,,,gals talking about their lost kids (Maddie with Nate and Betty suffered a miscarriage induced from stress), the stress of their lovers and who they've lost to (Jean, Emma, Caiera, Jarella,,,) and being manipulated by men for their power (Maddie by Sinister into Goblyn queen and Betty by Leader into Red She-hulk, Harpy, both died).
Anyway point is I can fully see them two just CLICKING or fighting a lot at first until someone points out just how similar they are. Then? Maddie and Betty out here being the brand new Thelma and Louise. Red and Black styles, willing to use force but protect the innocent, both take Alice and this cute kid that Betty absolutely mother henned in her run and,,,two moms and their talented daughters pls step out the way sir.
Tbh I don't think I have much for Samuel apart form him having a small crush on Claudine (and like,,,,not in That Sense, but Samuel does have a big history of falling for smart women or just...OP women). And then a series of gags where Haven wants to know him because he's like Shaw but also incredibly different in thinking and everytime she walks into the room,,,,Samuel is doing some horrific experiment and she just NOPES OUT. Shaw wants to make use of this but it goes horribly wrong oh God why did he try.
Lyra! I just....feel like there could be a lot for her and Claudine and Alice. Lyra was genetically engineered to be used in a war and was bullied relentlessly for being "half man" which...is rather transphobic and sexist but that's her storyline and it's too deeply embedded for me to headcanon over it so...sighs.
But yeah!!! Lyra taking Alice and giving her a night of being able to just....be whoever that night, not being pressured to have an identity of the sorts from anyone and just being able to fight people with a giant green woman. Probably has a lot of deep talks later that night with Lyra, sitting over a building and eating ice cream because it was one of the first things Bruce shared with her and a first realisation that Lyra could be more than someone's daughter.
100% would picture this with Carmilla (Lyra's sister and...also messy kinda clone) or Laura Kinney hopping along and!! Clone weapon woman team!! I could GET INTO this!!! Just...pls marvel give me a team of women overcoming abuse and forming identities among each other and cool women,,,,
But also Lyra admittedly would respect Claudine for her skills and her...tenacity? Yeah, that. She has strength and guts and Lyra probably actually tells her that she'd rather get experimented on by Miss Sinister than some pig of a man and Claudine just "thhhanks?"
Hulk,,,,funny enough I don't think I have many ideas for him yet? Probably gets into a fair few fights with Shaw and Haven over different stuff, Maddie has a bome to pick for Betty,,,I am,,,blank.
I feel like a lot of things for him would be Haven trying to break through into him, maybe each of the Marauders dealing with different parts of the system? I can imagine Shinobi and Pyro don't have a high opinion of the oversized dad until Bruce turns super ashen pale and immediately Joe starts yelling for some whisky and GIRLS....and a fella or two for matchstick and ghost baby here.
Maddie thinking that he's another Scott and then finding out that Hulk's thing is more complicated than Scott simply looking for Jean again. Also Maddie demands that she will forcefully adopt Hulk's kids and these two bonding over abusive dads???
But uh,,,that's about it!! Hope you liked it!!! I probably could easily delve into more thoughts if there's anything specific for me to set my mind on.
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
Back Cat I Actually Dont Need To Control My Anger Everyone Around Me Needs To Control Their Habit Of Pissing Me Off
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So this is going to be a Back Cat I Actually Dont Need To Control My Anger Everyone Around Me Needs To Control Their Habit Of Pissing Me Off bit long but bear with me I had what I believe to be a pointless and incredibly frustrating experience with the assistant manager jamie at your auburn hills great lakes crossing location today I have been coming here for three years I frequent your orlando san marcos and new jersey locations as well at least once a year when we stop we usually spend 5 to 10 thousand dollars on your products the system is simple I go in park in a corner and bring bins to my corner sort them bag them move them to the front register and repeat today I brought a personal duffel bag as it holds about 8 to 12 of your bags worth of stuff I get told that i’m not allowed to use it because it’s policy not a big deal at all I say okay i’ll do that for the rest rather than rebag all of this i’ll just go up in line and pay for it and it can sit behind the counter seems pretty reasonable to me nope I got obstructed suggested that I might be stealing something and not allowed to pass stating if I don’t want to follow the system I can leave he then takes my entire duffel dumps it onto the floor and then rebags it into victoria secret bags then moves it to the front counter so it can be rang in I thought this was a little odd but hey he was doing all the work rebagging it so whatever i’m like dude i’m going to be spending about 8k today all I want to do is come in spend some money get out without any drama what’s the problem whoevers in charge should be thrilled with a sale like this we’re spending 8k keep in mind that I told him that I would do what he wanted and it wasnt’ a big deal and the response was to the effect of stop being lippy and just listen I told him what do you want from me I just agreed with you and said I would use your bags i’m not being lippy at all I know this because I said okay dude not a problem i’ll use your bags his response was maybe if you get to buy it i’m like what are you suggesting that an 8 000 order is something you guys don’t want he’s like yeah if you buy it i’m like dude we are spending 8k today why would I bag up a bunch of stuff and spend 2 3 hours picking our your fabulous product to not buy it anyway so I had 4 credit cards one card had 2 000 one had 3500 one had 2000 and one had 1000 because I am buying for multiple people I had 4 different cards all in my name I wanted one receipt for each card not a big deal to me right wrong again he cited some policy and said if the order is more than 750 items that they aren’t allowed to ring in under 750 items on any one receipt id like to point out that that amount is higher than your employees said they could take as a cash payment I asked him to please show me that I would understand better if I could just read it he was willing to do so he brought out the policy book and to my surprise what it actually said was words to the afffect of cash payments cannot be split up or over 750 items I forget the second half my immediate reply was so what’s the big deal im using credit not cash he snatched the policy book away from me at that point and said you know what you can just listen to me or I don’t have to let you buy anything it’s up to my discretion I then called your orlando outlet and your new jersey outlet and talked to the store managers and cited your policy I was given I asked them to confirm if that was accurate and both said if it was a policy it was news to them I then asked if they would let me buy my order using 4 cards and 4 receipts the woman at orlando said oh my gosh yes we do that every single day I asked if I went to her store if I would have any trouble with this in the future and was told no then she said you can always come down here if you’re in the area and i’ll be happy to take your order after that phone call I tried again here’s the video of that attempt I said listen I have 4 credit cards your register girl said you told her she can’t ring up an order under 750 items that’s 3500 if it’s 5 items not all of my cards have that much I have done multiple receipts every time I came here heck I can even supply them to show it he tells me that because I am order so many items that I can’t have less tan 750 items per receipt so I point around to everyone else and ask what about everyone else you aren’t forcing them to spend a minimum of 750 items what about the final charge i’ll have 750 items for two tickets but the leftover isn’t going to be 750 items you’re not going to let me buy them he shrugged his shoulders to say no at this point I haven’t yelled ive been a bit snarky and sarcastic because I know he’s just giving me a hard time two people ring in our order almost every time I am up there and we were there 3 times in the last 6 months spent a bunch each time so at 730 8pm or so we are done shopping assuming that two people could ring us up ended up being a fantasy he forced one employee only to ring us up later on he comes up when its now close to 9pm and says hey you mind if we ring you up on both registers I chuckle and say no I don’t but you do you don’t want to be breaking that 750 rule do you he glared at me and then sent the employee away and walked off after blinking a few times I laugh because after telling me over and over he couldn’t do it he just got caught trying to do what should have been done to begin with a short while later after 9 I find out that everyone is standing uip front except for the one girl and another associate because none of the rest of them are allowed to help her ring us up the only two people left in the store with about 700 more items to be rang in if that’s not enough since it was a holidy all of these employees are apparently being paid overtime to stand around and wait at a bit after 10 all but two girls leave and one girl is waiting to count cash while the other girl sits and keeps ringing stuff in we apologize profusely we expected two employees to ring us up like always and timed our visit to be out around 9 if this had happened instead of having one literally stand there and watch her for 1 hour and 47 minutes after close we would have all been out on time and no overtime or extra hours spent so finally at 10 47 pm our orders are done we thank the lovely girl lauren and jasmine who got stuck staying 2 hours past close because a manager made up some random policy and had to double down when I pointed out he really needed to follow that 750 rule when he was going to toss another girl on the register if this is policy fine it doesn’t seem to be no manager at your other outlets knew what he was talking about the orlando one insisted that the only restrictions are on cash payments and verified I was paying cash or credit it’s a pretty humiliating experience to get hassled trying to buy panties and bras by someone who’s on some type of power trip the only thing I said sideways to him was that I flat out didn’t believe his policy and that credit absolutely is not the same as cash I didnt call him any names scream at him or did anything to disrupt the store beyond what you see in the videos if this is not policy i’d like an apology from that manager in person or over the phone admitting he was mistaken I would hope that the next time I go there I am not hassled but if not I guess there’s always orlando or new jersey who seem to be quite friendly I also want to give recognition to jasmine and lauren lauren is the poor soul who got stuck ringing everything in alone because of the manager’s silly rule and not allowing anyone to help because it would be in violation of the 750 item rule jasmine was the cash counter who had to wait until we were out of the store to count cash even more interesting is that I had a former employee with me helping me buy and she said she never heard of this policy either but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t added since she left she was just as confused because the manager spent over 30 minutes trying to explain and defend this when that time certainly would have been more efficiently spent doing productive things instead of hassling someone who literally sits in a corner and speaks to no one while sorting through your products one bin at a time id love a call back about this or to find out what exactly is going on ive never been hassled like this before and it was a little frustrating and very trying to keep my cool joe rossetti alexandria gunn. 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