#bruce sees a raven haired child and says MINE
overwhelmedandlonely · 5 months
[At a gala]
Janet Drake: Jack, honey, where’s the baby?
Jack Drake: Hm? Oh, Bruce Wayne asked to hold him. I figured he’d be safe.
[Bruce sprinting to the car]
Bruce: Alfred, start the car!
Alfred: Master Bruce, is there a problem? And why do you have the Drake child?
Bruce: Don’t worry about it, let’s just go.
Alfred: Sir, I don’t think the Drake’s would appreciate you abducting their baby.
Bruce: But-
Alfred: No “buts”, sir. Please return him, he is not an orphan.
Bruce: *under his breath* Not yet…
Alfred: SIR-
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wordswithloveee · 4 months
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yeetus-feetus · 9 months
Jaime from 'Batman: The Brave and The Bold' should get adopted. Like obviously not legally because he already has parents, but like a Stephanie situation where he's basically B's kid coz he hangs around all the time.
Billy Batson should get actually adopted though. His siblings too, obvi.
And like Wally and Donna are basically his kids too because of Dick.
I bet he refers to Donna and Dick as his twins.
Actually all his "friends" kids are his kids now too. That means Lizzie, Jon, Kon, Roy, Mia, Connor.
(Ollie and B are so an item in the brave & the bold actually, I could write a whole thesis on their sexual tension)
Anyone who dates B's legal kids are automatically also his kids now. Congratulations Bernard you're adopted, at least Bruce isn't homophobic.
Just someone asks Bruce about how many kids he has exactly and he starts counting on his fingers, then out loud he says "wait- is that one legally my child??"
Or someone sees a photo on his desk at the office and goes "wow are those your kids?"
And B's like, "yeah all my mine. They make me so proud everyday". And only one of those kids is actually his.
Or Bruce has one of those fold out photo things in his wallet and he's showing everyone his 'daughters'. And it's Donna, Babs, Kori, Helena, Cass, Cassie, Stephanie, Kara and Lizzie. Even Raven maybe because she dated Damian at one point.
"oh wow, so many! I thought you only had just the two girls?"
"no no, these are all my lovely girls. They're so smart and I'm so proud of my babies".
"isn't that one Commisioner Gordon's girl?"
"uh. Yeah I guess.. but she's basically my daughter".
"Sure Mr. Wayne."
Or it's a Wayne Gala and he's brought along some of his honourary kids and one of the other rich people is like "oh who's this? I didn't recall you picking up another stray."
"he's not a stray he's my son."
And Jaime's just thinking "what? Did I just get adopted? I already have parents?" But it's honestly his own fault for hanging around so often and accepting the invite to the gala. It's not like Bman went out looking for more kids they just showed up on they're own and now they're his.
I mean B is the one looking after them and teaching them and making sure most of them don't die so. And Alfred feeds them all. They sleep over at the Manor more often than not. So they are his kids now right?
Anyways, Bruce loves all his kids. Even if they drive him absolutely insane. He's got grey hairs because there's so many of them now lol.
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
scenario: you start seeing Jon which leads to the two of you having to hide it from your family and especially Damian.
pairing: jon kent ( superboy ) x fem! reader
note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / can you tell my kent family hyperfixation hasn't left yet? i swear it's becoming an issue lmaooo but this might actually be the longest fic i've written for this blog.
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you talked with your friends who you had snuck into the gala with. Rachel had begrudgingly agreed to come to meanwhile Cass and Steph were the only other ones who agreed to come on their own accord.
"Damian, your only friend is here," Dick said, earning a kick from his younger brother before getting up and leaving you and Raven alone. you knew it was a rare occasion that she even decided to show up so you didn't want to leave her alone. "we probably won't see my brother for the rest of the night. whenever his friend comes, it's like everyone becomes a background character. for him being my adopted 'twin' brother, I have yet to meet this friend."
Raven laughed as you saw the wine that the couple on the dance left on your table drunkenly. the bottle was little more than half-filled and you gave one quick look to Raven before pouring the wine into both of your glasses and discarding it right away.
"to not having fun for the rest of the night," you giggled as the two of you chugged the wine down in a mere few seconds, "drier than I thought it would be but it beats having to pay for it," Raven muttered as you agreed to sneak another bottle from the bartender so you wouldn't have to pay for it. even with your dad paying for all your necessities, the drinks at his galas were far too expensive for you to even willingly pay for them yourself. the only reason why he even paid for all your expenses was because you agreed to skip out on college to help run some parts of Wayne Enterprises with your brother.
another reason why you couldn't exactly go and pay for it yourself was because Bruce was not one to exactly be chippy at the idea of you getting plastered drunk at one of his public galas. "I got one of two ideas. one: I'll go flirt with the bartender and you can sneak behind him and get the other bottle or two: I can flirt with the bartender for enough time to see if he'll just willingly give it to us," you told Raven as she nodded with option two.
the bartender happened to be in his younger 50s. you recognized him from previous WE events and although he was familiar with your family, you doubted that he would say anything to your dad about you flirting him with. all you had to do was push the top of the dress down a bit and hike up the bottom to get his attention.
"hey Martin," you said, leaning up against the bar table and smiling, "enjoying the night?" you asked as you saw him flinch back in surprise. he nodded, trying to divert his eyes from looking at you in anyway you could have felt to be disrespectful.
"I was thinking, how much does the bottle of Lafite Rothschild go for?" you asked, giving him a pouty face. he gulped nervously, "almost ten grand ma'am," he replied, grabbing it from the wine stand, "even for me? I mean, my dad must've paid for it so does it even go for that much considering I am his child?" he asked.
you could tell that you had caught him in a predicament, "I would assume not, I assume you're twenty one, right?" he murmured, handing you the precious bottle. you smiled (a fake one that anyone could see through) and nodded before giving the old man a light kiss on the cheek, "thanks Martin, I appreciate it," you said, giving him a wave before leaving.
Raven perked up seeing the bottle in your hand, "snagged a ten thousand dollar bottle," you said excitedly as you waved it in your hand. Raven stared at you in shock, "you got a ten thousand dollar bottle in less than five minutes?" she exclaimed.
you giggled before whispering in her ear, "the benefits of being a child of Bruce Wayne is that you can practically get away with anything. especially when you're the daughter." you popped open the bottle as you handed her the wine glass and poured the drink with care. you gave her a slight cheers before taking a small sip and being pleasantly surprised that it wasn't as dry for a wine with a huge amount of alcohol percentage.
as the night progressed, you and Raven got actively more drunk. you hadn't realized how hard the wine had hit you until Raven was drunkenly getting pulled home by Gar as you sat at the table with a little less than the bottle still full. you hadn't seen your dad or brother all night and you figured they must've been pulled into doing Batfamily work at some point and left you alone with Steph or Cass. hell, maybe even Dick if he was still around.
you weren't actively apart of the vigilante work all of your siblings did but you did help them out with the technical parts of it when Tim wasn't available. you didn't really like fighting or risking your life so after you graduated, you interned at Wayne Enterprises under Tim's orders while Damian worked under your dad.
at the age of twenty-one, you still hadn't met most of the league for the exception of Wonder Woman and The Flash. the rest were strangers in your head and much to Damian's luck, he wanted to keep it that way. at least in his case with Jon.
"ow, I am so sorry," you slurred as you managed to hit someone on the shoulder. he chuckled seeing as how you were not attempting to get up, "you okay there ma'am?" the man with a southern accent asked. you giggled as you attempted to get up, "I'm ( your name ) and you are?" you asked.
"Jon Kent, pleasure to meet you," he said, kissing your hand. you blushed as you heard one of your favorite songs come through the speakers, "would you like to dance?" you asked, not even caring that you had met this just a few mere seconds ago. he nodded, figuring that since Damian left him stranded at the gala, he had nothing to lose.
the song 'telepatia' by Kali Uchis played throughout the ballroom. Jon immediately took the reigns as the lead as the lights got dimmer and you danced against Jon sensually. "what got you dragged here?" you asked Jon. "my best friend invited me as his plus one. you?" he whispered in your ear, "I work for the company so I kind of had to attend," you managed to say before turning around and facing him.
you looked at Jon with drunken yet loving eyes, "you're handsome, you know that?" you said with no hesitation in your face. Jon laughed, placing his hand on your cheek, "right back at ya, darlin'," he replied as the song switched to another one of your favorite songs.
side to side by ariana grande started.
you shrugged, feeling as though you had nothing to lose and got up on your toes gave Jon a kiss on his lips. he was slightly taken back but played it off by returning it. the two of you remained kissing through the entirety of the song until Jon felt a familiar tap on his shoulder.
"I gotta go but if you're up for it, I'd love for ya to give me your number," you nodded excitedly as you practically snatched his phone from his hand and typed it in as quickly as possible with your name having a hundred emoji's next to it, "text me in the morning!" you screamed.
Jon laughed before following Damian from behind, "you suck, you know that!" Jon exclaimed, "I meet one girl I actually like and you drag me away!" Damian rolled his eyes, "please, you act like there isn't more girls out there to hit on." this time, it was Jon's turn to roll his eyes, "I got her number so I guess that's a plus."
you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache but to a few messages on your phone. you smiled realizing that it was the boy you had met the night before.
"good morning...or actually good afternoon!"
Jon laughed from his side of the phone.
"good afternoon darlin'. I hope you had a good sleep."
you were texting your way down the stairs, greeting Alfred and Bruce before grabbing a plate of lunch and sitting down on the bar top. "what time you'd make it home?" Bruce asked, sensing the hangover you had. "a bit past midnight. drank a bottle of Lafite with Raven before dancing with a boy you invited," you said honestly.
Bruce felt himself go stiff at the admittance of you drinking the Lafite bottle but remained silent as Alfred placed Advil and one of your Gatorades next to you. "yeah, whoever must've danced with you last night must've been drunk too because you'd want to dance with you?" Damian said coming down the stairs.
you threw him a fork, Damian dodging it with ease, "I'd shut up if I were you. I'm actually getting coffee with the guy in like an hour," you replied, chugging down the rest of the food before getting up and going to your room, "yeah and I pray for the man who now has to deal with you," Damian screamed loud enough for you to hear.
you pulled on a skirt and tights before slipping on a sweater and fixing your hair and quickly doing your makeup. you grabbed the keys from your bag and took the back entrance to get to your car. one of the benefits of getting paid so much was that you were able to afford cars that were out of price range for a lot of people your age.
the coffee shop you decided to meet Jon at was a few blocks into the heart of central Gotham. you got a table farthest from the crowd as you didn't want any attention on you and your potential boyfriend. you saw Jon approaching at the front of the coffee shop and pulled on your sunglasses so no one outside could see who you were.
"nice to meet you, this time with me not being drunk," you told Jon, giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek, "pleasure is all mine sweetheart," he replied, putting his arm around your shoulder. you got up to the front of cashier and scanned the menu.
"I'd like a venti mocha with oatmilk, what about you?" you asked Jon as he scanned the menu nervously before muttering that he hardly orders coffee. you smiled, "and an order of a grande peppermint hot chocolate," you added on as you took your card out, Jon's eyes widening at the black American Express card.
"wow, Wayne Enterprises must pay you really well," he exasperated, "yeah, I guess you could say that," you said as hesitantly as possible. after the two of you got the coffees, you got back to the table as you took off your sunglasses in a sigh of relief.
"do you really wear sunglasses everywhere you go?" Jon asked. you debated on telling him the actual reason but decided on a vague answer, "eh, it's more for secrecy. I guess if I get another date, I might tell you the real reason," you winked, making Jon blush.
through the weeks, you decided to keep the biggest part of your life a semi secret to Jon still. he knew vaguely of a few things but one mistake on your end managed to throw all of that away in more ways than one.
you were walking downtown with Jon, his hand grasping yours as the two of you roamed an area of town that you knew didn't have major significance to WE. you were holding a coffee in one hand as you walked about a few things that happened to you that week to Jon. it wasn't until you walked towards a busy street that your heart fell to your stomach.
a huge billboard, like signs you would see on highways, of you and Damian representing Wayne Enterprises stood in the middle of an intersection. you stared at the ground, your one secret given away as Jon stared down at you, a look of shock in his eyes.
"wait, you work with Damian Wayne?" he asked as he could tell that you did not want to look at him. you sighed, a bit scared, "work partners might be a little too far from what we are," you gulped, finally realizing that you had to admit to your family ties.
Jon looked at you, now more confused than shocked.
what you didn't know was that at the same time that you were about to confess everything to Jon, a paparazzi had taken dozens of photos of you and Jon that were immediately uploaded to various Twitter accounts and gossip magazines.
"Damian Wayne is my adopted brother. Bruce Wayne is my adopted dad. that's why I have a lot more money than any regular Wayne Enterprise worker."
Jon immediately stumbled to the ground, not expecting that answer coming from you. you immediately felt tears hitting your eyes as you figured that maybe Jon didn't want to be with someone so rich and famous. someone's whose family was always in the spotlight.
"DAMIAN WAYNE IS YOUR BROTHER?" Jon screamed, catching you off guard as this was the first time Jon had ever screamed at you. you nodded, trying not to look at him in the eyes, "he's going to kill me. your entire family is going to plot my murder. I'm a dead man. Clark is going to find me in a ditch," Jon started talking to himself.
it was now your turn to look at Jon confused, "wait, what?" you asked, wiping your tears. "YOUR BROTHER IS MY BEST FRIEND. Damian Wayne is Robin and I'm Superboy!" he whispered the last part, "I've been dating my best friends sister this entire time without realizing it!" he screamed.
you finally connected the dots. every time Damian said he was going on patrol with Superboy meant that he was going to hang out with Jon and every time Damian said that Jon turned down a patrol session usually meant that you were going on a date with him. both of you stared at each other, not knowing what to say.
"small world, eh?" you asked, trying to defuse the tension, "guess we better figure out a way to tell them, huh?" Jon replied as you both heard your phone going off with texts and calls. you opened it to see that Dick, Bruce, Tim, and even Jason and Alfred were frantically calling you.
"hello, what happened?" you asked, picking up Dick's call. "GET HOME NOW!" he yelled through the phone as you heard Damian's screeching voice from the other side, "why? what happened?" you asked, staring at Jon now in fear.
"SHE'S DATING JON? I'M GOING TO KILL HIM BEFORE I KILL HER!" you heard Damian scream before something broke, "pictures of you kissing Jon came to the public on Twitter and he saw them," Jason said, half annoyed.
both of your hearts fell to your stomach as you realized it was now or never. everyone knew of your relationship and it wasn't even something both of you tried to do intentionally. you grabbed Jon's hand, yours shaking in fear as you got into the passenger side of his beat up red truck. he could tell you were beyond scared to go home and he now knew it was time. he had to man up before it got worse and you attempted to break up with him.
once you arrived to Wayne Manor, you sat still, not moving an inch. "it'll be okay darlin', I promise it won't be too bad," he murmured as he opened your door. you nodded as you hopped off and started walking towards the door.
you could hear Damian's yells still going on from the other side door as you opened it. you grasped Jon's hand and walked into the living space, Damian's eyes immediately looking at you before charging to Jon with every ounce of strength he had. Jason quickly grabbed you as Jon dodged him and Damian went straight to attack him again. you couldn't bare to look at the sight and felt tears spring to your eyes as you hid your face into Jason's side.
"hey, you okay?" Jason asked. he could see the tears in your eyes which instantly made him a bit upset. "enough," Jason screamed, catching everyone's attention. Jon and Damian saw the hurt look on your face and as soon as Jon realized you were upset at the fight he was having, he kicked Damian off of him and walked towards you.
he grabbed your hand and whispered an apology into your ear as he stroked your cheek lovingly, "I'm sorry dear but I wasn't expecting Damian to do this," Jon said as Damian watched the way Jon was treating you. a part of him knew that Jon would treat you right. Jon wasn't like your typical average boy but the fact that neither of you told him is what set him off and seeing you being so lovingly with Jon set him off again.
Damian ran towards Jon again but this time, you shielded him which made him stop immediately, "Damian, stop, please," you croaked. Bruce saw you trying to neutralize the situation and stood next to Damian, hinting at him to quit it, "I'm sorry we never told you but the reason why we never did was because we had no idea who the other was. I didn't know Jon was your best friend and clearly didn't know that he was Superboy and he had no idea I was even related to you nevertheless your sister. please, if it's anyone's fault, it's mine," you explained.
Dick, Jason, and Tim stared at Jon who grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side, "and I would have never made the move if I knew she was your sister but we fell in love and it was like a soulmate connection. we were meant for each other and I want her to be in my life. she's it for me," Dick sighed mesmerized as Tim and Jason gagged at the cheesy confession.
Damian growled, "if you even think of hurting her, Clark will be down one son and I mean it. that's my sister and no man will ever be good enough for her. you are my best friend and she might be a pain in my ass, she means the world to me. I will not hesitate to dig your grave and bury you alive if I see one tear of sadness coming down her face," Damian stated before hitting Jon on the shoulder purposely before walking away.
you smiled, your heart swelling at Damian's speech. he never once said anything like that about you and in his Damian way of being, you knew this was his way of accepting your relationship with Jon. you smiled at Jon before giving him a huge kiss on the lips, making your dad and all of your brothers gag at the sight.
"okay, save that shit for privacy, no one needs to see that," Jason said as he walked away. Bruce gave you one look before turning to Jon, "your father knows in case you were wondering but feel free to stay for dinner if you'd like," Bruce said before walking away with Tim and Dick walking away with him.
"I love you," you whispered to Jon as he let out a laugh against your lips, "I love you too and I'm all of this was cleared out." you nodded in agreement as you grasped his hand, "wanna come up to my room? I figured we should catch some sleep before Alfred calls everyone for dinner and Damian starts another fight," Jon agreed, giving you a kiss on your head as the two of you walked up the stairs.
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imaginationjunkie · 4 years
Say the word
Jason Todd x Reader
It’s kinda heartwarming
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I tried to control my fast breaths, lifting my head from the crook of Jason’s neck to give him a lazy kiss. Deliriousness coursed through our veins, minds hazy from the aftermath bliss of an intimate climax.
Being apart for weeks for his mission and my conference clearly had one gigantic perk- the mad intense I-missed-you-so-fucking-much sex.
It doesn’t matter if it was the first or the thousandth time, the feeling of his body against mine never failed to weaken my limbs to mush and warm my heart, like it’s soup being heated up on a stove.
A smile split my lips as I tried lifting my naked body up from his chest, and failing. The thick, muscular arms that were tightly wrapped around my waist stopped me from doing so. It made me smile wider and lean down to put my lips on Jason’s.
“You know you’re gonna have to stop doing that right?” I murmured, running my fingers through his dark raven locks. A chaste kiss was placed on my cheek by his smirking lips.
“Hmm? Doing what?”
I leaned down so that our bare chests pressed against each other, lips hovering over his. My whisper was naughty as I answered him.
“Why should I? We both seem to like it so very much,” Jason nuzzled his nose against mine with a mischievous smirk.
“Because if by any chance I get preggers before marriage, my parents will chase you to the ends of the earth and decapitate the crap out of you,” I whispered jokingly, but meant every word. “And then after they’re done with you, they’ll feed me to the demons.”
My ever-so-daring boyfriend’s reply was to lowly chuckle and simply kiss my shoulder. 
Affection came naturally to us now, especially since Jason had been touch starved practically since birth. The first few months of our relationship, I had to have a mental debate every time before touching him; how far I should go with the cuddling, to hold his hand or not, put my legs on his body while cuddling or not...
Unlike his brother Dick, who much to Jason’s irritation loved pulling me into a tight hug every time we met, Jason just wasn’t the affectionate type.
After a few months, I understood how badly he needed to be touched- to be loved, to be comforted. When he got the message that it’s okay to hold me as much as he wants, that there’s finally someone he can lose himself in, someone he can love, he found a way to touch me every spare moment we spent together. Kissing my neck, nuzzling his nose, holding my hips, putting his large hand on the small of my back or around my waist, constantly lifting me onto his lap- the list’s never ending.
“I’m serious, a child out of wedlock is beyond just a sinful taboo in my family,” I booped his nose, leaning my forearms on his chest to hold my upper body up.
Jason pretended to be lost in thought for a while before suddenly rolling our bodies over to our sides, the ridges and sinewy muscles of his defined chest flush against my back. He tucked the messy portion of my hair out of the way before kissing from my neck up to the back of my ear. 
“Well since marriage is out of the question, I’ve no option than to not make my pull out game weak,” his tongue darted out to lick my ear teasingly.
Ignoring the pang that hit my heart at his statement about marriage, I turned to swat his chest teasingly. My lips were unable to hold back a grin at his reference to WAP .
“What? You’re the one who keeps dancing to it every morning,” Jason grinned back at me.
“It’s 4 am, we should sleep,” I shook my head at him, turning to face forward again. Jason and my shared bedroom turned dark as he flicked the dim bedside lamp off, making the glow of moonlight our only source of light.
The warmth from having his arms encased around me brought a serene feeling, making me think about how impossible it’d be to live without Jason Todd. 
“I love you,” he murmured against my neck.
My eyes closed shut, senses overwhelmed with the depth of my feelings.
“I love you,” I whispered back.
I had an amazing life- loving and supporting, albeit sometimes overbearing, parents, a great job, a pretty apartment, and a man I’m certain I’d love and be loved by for the rest of my life. For the entirety of my existence, I’ve had the one thing Jason never did- stability. 
But when it’s meant to be, it’ll always be. 
God, fate or whatever higher force is up there looking over us made sure to let our souls find each other. Cherish each other. 
I knew Jason’s views on marriage and children. It was hard enough for him to indulge himself with something as normal as a committed relationship, that too for two and a half years; but it’d actually be impossible for him to be a husband, a father. He didn’t have a basic job in the least, and thus didn’t think tying the knot and being a family man would be suitable for him. 
Ever since I was a little girl, one of the things I’ve wanted greatly was to be married to the man I loved someday. But for Jason I could give it up. I could give up the hopes of having a ring on my finger and a baby on my belly, because he means more to me than anything ever will.
¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡
*2 months later, New Year’s eve night at the Wayne Manor backyard*
“Damian, those aren’t fireworks, they’re explosives!”
At my alarmed exclaim, Dick quickly snatched the big box from his younger brother’s hands, waddling his finger as if to say ‘no no’.
“They’re fireworks,”  Jason assured from behind. “The kid and I labelled it explosives so Dick doesn’t steal it,”
Dick’s face scrunched up in confusion, “”Why would I steal your fireworks? I’ve better things to do for fu-”
“Miss, the barbecue is ready. Would you like to add the last bit of sauce on top?” The always-polite and everyone’s favorite Alfred smartly interrupted Dick from saying the curse word.
Every time I practically forced my boyfriend, his brothers and father into having a family night, Alfred let me help with the food; and since I suck beyond words at cooking, he always gave me the easy tasks to do.
Now if you’re thinking that prevented me from considering myself as the world’s second Martha Stewart, you’re wrong.
I clapped my hands together in delight, “I’d love to!”
“No she wouldn’t,” Jason, Dick and Tim said at the same time.
I turned to them, perplexed at their concurrent interference. 
Taking note of the unusual shiftiness in the boys’ stances, I raised a brow- “And why is that?”
Out of the three suspicious-looking brothers, Dick replied- “Because there’s only 20 minutes till midnight and you have to help us set the fireworks off!”
Now both my eyebrows rose, and I crossed my arms against my chest.
“So you’re telling me,” I said in slow amusement, dragging the words sarcastically. “That three of the strongest night vigilantes of Gotham, one being a violent nutcase once,” a look was thrown in Jason’s direction, “Needs an ordinary girl to set off fireworks?”
This time Tim responded, “Well you see, we’ve never set them off. None of us has ever had the chance to have a normal new years with fireworks and a countdown,”
“Really?” I deadpanned, voice turning into a shrill by the end of the question, “So have I been planning and working my ass off every new year’s for the past three years to make robots happy?”
Tim realized his mistake, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head before trying to redeem himself. “But we’ve never had a family new years, y’know, with the barbecue and fireworks,”
“Also, you’re nowhere near ordinary,” Jason added in a low voice as he came to stand behind me and kissed my temple. I rolled my eyes at the cheesiness, wrapping an arm around the middle of both the boys’ backs.
Right then Damian piped in, surprising everyone. “Plus you’re not a girl, you’re a woman,” he emphasized on the last word, making Jason scoff with a smirk and everyone else laugh.
It didn��t take long for me to grow on Damian, making him accept and like me. From what I heard from his brothers and Alfred, he didn’t like most people and never went easy on newcomers. I was especially concerned about getting Jason’s family to like me, since he didn’t have much of a good relationship with them and I wanted to change that. In the end everyone ended up accepting me; and gradually even treating me as one of their own. Dick and I were practically best friends.
Despite what he used to say, I knew Jason loved them all like they were his own blood; so I knew that it meant a great deal to him to rekindle his relationships with them.
Bruce Wayne’s voice spoke for the first time that evening, “Good evening, my apologies for the delay,”
An awkward silence took over our so-far cozy night. All of the boys looked other directions, not acknowledging their dad who never bothered to show up to any family days on time. I tried my best to knit the boys together, help them get close and create a bond; and saying that I succeeded wouldn’t be a lie. But the fact that Bruce couldn’t even take one day off from his billionaire/ vigilante duties sort of upset me every time.
Jason scoffed, his mouth opening to say something undoubtedly snarky to his father. But before he had the chance to I stepped on his shoe and gripped his hand tightly, silencing him.
“It’s okay Bruce, at least you made it,” I smiled.
The excruciatingly tense atmosphere was cracked by Dick, “I still need help with the fireworks, anyone up for it?”
“I’ll come!” I was quick to squeak and walk towards him.
“Me too,” Damian grumbled, following me.
Tim was the last one. “Yeah, me as well.”
“Great, so you guys do the fireworks and Jaybird and I will be right back!” Dick clapped his hands together in perky delight, pushing Jason’s back forward as they walked into the manor. From the distance, I saw Jason shrug Dick’s hand off before glaring at him. Again, confusion filled me at their strange behavior tonight.
“What was that about?” I asked Tim.
He smiled, “Nothing, probably just vigilante stuff.”
As the minutes passed by, the new year came nearer and nearer. The three of us successfully managed to set off the first batch of fireworks, looking up at the sky and laughing freely. Even Bruce had a small smile as he took a sip of his drink, looking up and the lit up sky with a hand in his pocket.
When it was about 10 minutes to the clock ticking 12:00 am, worry started to cloud the excitement I was feeling; but Tim and Damian were quick to distract it.
“Now can we do the grand purple one?” Damian gave me a rare pleading look.
“Yeah we can, but where’re Jason and Dick? They’re gonna miss new year’s,” I voiced my concern. 
Right then, my phone started ringing. 
Incoming video call from mom.
I answered, knowing that my parents were calling to say Happy New Year like they did every year. What rendered me surprised after receiving the call was that almost my entire family was on the frame of my mom’ video- two of my aunts, uncles and all the cousins I’m close to. Which are a lot.
I’m a family person, if you couldn’t tell already.
“Hi baby!” My mom grinned.
I grinned back, glee taking over the initial confusion.“Hey y’all! Are you having a New Years party without me?”
One of my younger cousins replied, “Sort of, now show us!”
My brows furrowed, “Show you what?”
A string of ‘oh shit’s sounded from mom’s side, further increasing my confusion.
Out of the blue, Dick intervened from behind me, “The fireworks of course!”
A sudden bang! took us all by surprise, and I looked up to see the huge purple fireworks lighting the dark canvas of the sky up. A wide grin split my lips, along with all the other boys as they whooped at the different shades of purple. It happened to be my favorite color. 
I felt the familiar warmth of Jason’s body against my back before hearing or seeing him. The digital clock on the top corner of my phone read 11:55 pm. Not being able to contain my excitement, I subconsciously shoved my phone to Tim, who was beside me, while my family was still on video. I raised a hand to point at the sky.
“Jay look, it’s all so purple!”
And then something happened. Something I wouldn’t even dream of imagining.
Jason’s larger hand rose to the level of mine, which was still pointing up at the sky. He spread my fingers out so that my hand was displayed open. I turned to look at my boyfriend, not quite understanding his intentions.
His eyes were trained on mine, a golden and purple reflection from the fireworks and balcony lights visible on the glossy blue orbs. 
Our eyes stayed on each other’s as I felt something cold graze the top of my ring finger.
In the background I heard Dick harshly whisper, “Tim, the song!”
I wasn’t dumb. I knew what my boyfriend was holding on top of that finger.
Jason’s lips were an inch away from my ear as he spoke clearly, not a hint of hesitation in his voice, “Just say the word, and I’ll put a ring on you.” 
I couldn’t even look at it as I tried to get over the giant bucket of emotions that was thrown over me. Shock, flabbergast, sheer happiness, disbelief, excitement, a rush of adrenaline. My heart threatened to beat the crap out of my chest.
“Jason,” I whispered, my eyes fluttering shut as he put his chin on my shoulder, inches from mine. “What. Are. You. Doing??”
He bit his lip, smiling before cryptically answering. “I love you.”
“I thought you didn’t want to get married?” I questioned again. “Do you think I’m pregnant? Are you doing this cause-?” my voice was breathy.
Jason smirked, his unoccupied arm going round me from behind to rest on the other side of my waist. “No baby, I don’t. The twenty something negative pregnancy sticks on the bathroom trash sort of made it clear that you aren’t pregnant.”
I couldn’t hold back my own grin from his teasing. For the first time, I turned my head to look at our hands. The sky was phenomenal in the background of them, a swirl of blue, red and purple as Damian and Dick continued setting the fireworks off. Tim was holding my phone up to where Jason and I were standing, undoubtedly showing the scene to my family. Now I knew why they were all gathered together to call me.
“You asked my parents?”
Jay rubbed his nose on my cheek, his smart-assery coming to action as he quoted my words from that night two months ago- “Of course, wouldn’t wanna be chased to the end of the earth and be decapitated the crap out of now, would I?”
The boys all had blinding bright and hopeful grins on their faces; even Damian! Alfred’s expression could only be described with one adjective- delight, and Bruce had an odd smile as he saw the straight-out-of-a-movie scene unfold.
I turned my head to the side to look at Jason again, grin faltering to a small smile.
This time nervousness coated his expression and words as he asked once again, “Will you marry me?“
I heard my mom speak through the phone, “Oh come on, stop torturing the poor boy! Answer already!“
Taking a deep breath, I leaned my head even closer to Jason’s. His blue eyes pierced into mine with their intensity, and my lips touched his as I said the word softly. 
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srose-foxfire · 3 years
Damirae Week 2021 - Day 7 (part 1)
“Finding Our Happily Ever After: Part 1” Day 7: Soulmates
All Raven could recall was standing before Damian about to confess she wanted to stay with him and his family, if he allowed her. The moments that followed after were in a blur, she had felt a pull from the skies and before long she was rising in the dark grey skies at a rapid speed. Raven looked down to see she was being pulled away from her friends and Damian. Scared, the young maiden called out for him, she heard him call back and bark an order towards her captor. Raven could also faintly remember seeing Sombra, trying to attack her captor but was wounded. The next thing she remembers was trying to punch and free herself from her captor, but she was then struck on her head rather hard making her lose conscious throughout the flight.
Overtime Raven would briefly wake up catching glimpses of the surrounding lands, as they approach a mountain.
When her senses came back and she fully awoke, Raven found herself to be inside a dark cave. It was too dark for any mere mortal to be able to look through but the part of her that held demon blood allowed her to see in the darkness. Raven slowly turned her head, skimming the area, as she tried to stand, she notices a tug come from her wrists and ankles. Looking down on herself, Raven had been tied onto a wooden chair, her wrists and ankles were tied rather very tightly, she notice red bruised marks stain her wrists . Raven tried to wiggle from her chair, when from the darkest part of the room, she heard the grunts of an older man.
The cave was lit with floating wax candles holding a green flame on them, making the room glow in green. Raven managed to see two figures standing close together from the direction she had heard the man come from. One was tall and well built, a man with his face hidden behind a black and orange mask. Next to him was an old woman, though she had a devil look in her eyes as if she shouldn’t be easily trifled with. This woman was dress in grey rags, almost appearing to be her dress, her long grey-hair was in locks pointing in different directions. She wasn’t pleasant to the eyes and might as well frighten any child.
Raven exhaled carefully, “Who are you and what do you want with me?”
The man laughed lightly, he took a step toward Raven, “my… you really cut to the chase, my dear.” He then bowed towards her, “I am Slade Wilson, and I have a proposition for you.”
Before Raven had a chance to inquire, the old woman next to him, place her weary old boney hand on Slade’s arm, “my lord, I must advice not to deal with the likes of her. Contracts with them come at a price, perhaps-”
“Quite hag,” Slade hissed through clenched teeth, then glanced at Raven who had her brows lifted, he gave her a gentle laugh, “apologies my dear. Like I was saying I have a proposition, if you choose to accept it, and I will free you from those binds.”
Not allowing herself to falter, Raven held her head high and spoke with a stern voice. “Listen, I don’t have anything to my name, if you know who I am, I’ve been exiled from my father’s lands. I hold no value-”
“Oh, but you do my dear, you absolutely do and that is why you should be wise to choose this offer of mine.” Slade clapped his hands together, looking over to the older woman, who mumbled some incoherent words and a large wooden chair appeared right in front of Raven, Slade then sat down, she could feel he was studying her through his mask.  
“Which is?” she then asked him.
The masked man, sighed heavily, “you have been staying with a certain and very peculiar family,” She could feel her heart picked up speed as she listened, her chest rised with disdain, and her face was starting to flush with anger as Slade continued, “the youngest child of said family… well he was given a birthright he did not deserve, well to make it short I want to employ you to help me bring him to ruin-”
Enrage, Raven glared and spoke the truth in her heart, “You are wasting your time with me; I will never turn against Damian or his family! They have given me more than my own father ever could… besides Gotham has been with the Wayne’s for generations, its Damian throne to take-”
“Shut her up.” Slade commanded with a hiss, the old woman who stood behind him muttered some words in another language Raven didn’t understand and her lips were sealed, Slade then rose from his chair and walked around her.
“Apologies but I hate interruptions. Yes, the little brat is the heir to rule over Gotham, but he was also given another birthright one he very carelessly gave away to his cousin. The kingdom of Nanda Parbat, a land inhabited by the world’s most elites of assassins, it’s former ruler was Ra’s al Ghul, had chosen his grandson, the one you know as Damian Wayne to take over his kingdom!” Frustrated, Slade then kicked the large wooden chair, across the room with a powerful kick.
The noise frightened the harpy as it screeched and flapped it wings from a corner, hoping around the room. The old woman hissed at it to quiet down, with a flick of her fingers tips the chair was rebuild and place across from Raven. Slade grabbed it and sat down, he clasped his hands on his lap and studied her, noticing Raven had her brows knitted together.
“You must wonder why I hate him so much, correct? Well I was the ‘Demon Head’s’ right man, he almost treated like a son… he once told me I was going to marry his daughter Talia, but what does he do instead? Create a ridiculous alliance with the kingdom of Gotham, King Bruce takes Talia in marriage and she gives birth to the little brat. That boy has stolen what was rightfully mine and gave it away like nothing.”
Slade then stood up, remove his mask to reveal a dark skinned man, with short white hair and a left eye covered by a piece of black leather, placed his hands on either side of Raven’s chair leaning ever so closely to her face, “I needed to have my revenge. That boy took everything away from me, so I took away everything he came to love. I had a cursed place on him, his family, and soon everyone came to forget that the kingdom of Gotham ever existed. Its people became like wind, it was like they never existed. I found pleasure knowing he would never get to experience true happiness… that is until…you came along.”
Raven’s chest was heaving as she strained to breath steadily, she could feel her blood start to boil and her head throb with rage. “You somehow manage to worm yourself into the castle and lighten the darkness I so perfectly designed for them. I had to come up with something else, something that would really bring that boy to his knees, and that is making you my bride.”
Slade started to caress her cheek with his hand, she turned and tried to lean away from his vile touch. Her mouth was beginning to fill with saliva and just for a split-second Raven felt strange. She had a feeling like she could overpower whatever had been placed onto her lips, she locked gaze with Slade’s, glared at him from underneath her lashes and then spit at him.
The older man groined and wipes his face with the back of his palm, the old woman gave out a horrible angry cry as she screamed, “you filthy wench! How dare you break my enchantment?!” Raven’s chair was lifted and flung towards the ceiling of the cave, Raven cried at the impact as she was dragged to the floor and up again. Then she was floating just above the old woman, with a flick of her old wrist, Raven was thrown across the cave, causing the chair she was tied on, to break at the impact.
“Stop it!” Slade yelled as he lifted his servant by the throat, then releasing her harshly. He turned and pointed his finger towards Raven. “You! Do you think you could ever live happily alongside a beast like him? Don’t you want to live a normal-human life with someone like me? I can give you that and so much more.”
“No… you can’t.” Raven strained to speak as her whole body was aching, she lifted herself off the ground with great difficultly, “Damian may be trapped in a beast’s body but even he has shown more compassion and kindness from any demon I have ever met! He is no beast, you are!”
“Enough! I employed this witch long time ago to curse him, now for being a thorn on my side you will perish!”
The old woman cackled and her fingertips sparked with green magic, “oh, what great pleasure you give me my lord to slay a sorceress of Azarath.” Azarath?
“Don’t you dare, hurt her!”
That voice! Raven turned around to what was hopefully the cave’s only exit and to see him magnificently riding on Titus, like a white knight riding on his noble steed. Damian hopped off from Titus, as they both snarled and growled at Raven’s captors.
“Damian!” Raven cried happily.
Slade laughed, “Well now, isn’t this a sight! The beast man with his beast dog!” He then unsheathes a sword he had on his hip and pointed it towards Damian, “You want the girl, you will have to go through me!”
“You will pay for what you did to her and to my family!” Damian yelled. He leaped towards Slade, swinging his claws to land a hit.
The harpy who had been standing nearby flew up and dive to attack Damian but was interrupted as Titus manage to bite one of its winged arms. The harpy cried out and kicked Titus on his muzzle, then tried biting him in return. When she missed used her clawed feet to puncture his shoulder. Titus effortlessly evade each attack, then lodged its fangs onto one of the harpy’s foot and swung it in his mouth like a doll. He then let go, causing the harpy to be thrown across the cave, it shrieks and cried painfully flying away, abandoning it mistress.
Titus barked proudly and ran towards Raven as they watched Damian continue to battle Slade. “You cause me my pet!” Raven turned around and notice the witch was flying towards her, Raven through herself away from the attack and Titus tried to swing his paw at her. The witch shot a bolt of her green magic and Titus whimper as he was struck. Angry, Raven stood and ran towards the witch as she managed to tackle her to the ground. They rolled on top of each other, Raven had the upper hand given to her youth and her own will to survive this terrible ordeal. But the witch had magic and she started chanting some words making Raven float away from her and then launching her like she had done before with the chair. Raven rolled a few feet away, she glanced up as the witch floated slowly towards her.
“Your mother turned me into this! She took away my beauty because I used it to lure men to their dooms, now it is time for me to have my revenge!” She raised her hands up, green sparks going off as she chanted a spell. Raven lifted her hands to shield herself, when she heard a whoosh sliced through the air. Slowly Raven, opened her eyes and widen them when she saw that the witch had been impacted by Slade’s sword. It had entered through her back and the tip managed to pierce through the front of her chest. She slowly floated down to the ground, standing still. The witch then slowly turned around still with the sword embedded through her as she glanced towards Slade. “My lord? Why…?”
“Our deal is off; you are no longer any use for me.”
Damian quietly moved around Slade as he approached Raven, he used his body to shield her from their enemies. He slowly pushed her towards the path he and Titus had come from. The witch continues to walk towards Slade, then pointed her long pointy finger. “You traitor,you dare double-cross a witch, all of you will never see the light of day, I cursed thee all to be buried in this cave!” Her whole body illuminated and burst into green and black ashes, the cauldron started to boil and erupted around the entire room. Which cause the cave to rumble and some stalactites fell all around them.
“Let’s go!” Damian yelled as he grabbed Raven’s hand and together ran along the path to exit the cave. Titus ran up ahead, managing to evade pillars of rocks tumbling down, at some point Damian lifted Raven in his arms and carried her off most of the path. As they near the exit, some rocks came lose, falling right at the foot of the entrance to the cave. Damian stopped, placed Raven down and then jumped on top the nearest boulder, he turned and reached for her hands to help her climb. Titus effortlessly jumped and stood near an opening big enough for them to pass through. When Raven reached the top, she reached out her hand to grab Damian’s paw, for a second her looked at her and couldn’t help but smile towards her.
Then out of nowhere Damian screamed out a roar of pain, one hand clawing the air around him. Raven glanced to Damian’s side and saw Slade had reached them and had use a dagger to pierce Damian. The young curse prince had lost his footing and grip, causing Raven to hold onto him as tightly as she could and not let him fall. Slade used this opportunity to stab Damian again, but he too lost his footing and pulled Damian down with him.
“Damian!” Raven cried as she watches him tumbled down and roll a few feet away from where they had started to climb. She and Titus hopped down the to the floor and running to Damian’s side. She knelt down and gently picked up his head in her hands, trying to shield him from the small debris. Titus stood next to them, using his own large body as a shield for his master and the young girl. The only entrance they had was covered by more rocks, trapping them inside the cave.
“You lost, you lost it all!” Slade exclaimed happily as he tried to stand up straight, with shaky legs started walking towards them. “I was never going to let you live a happy life! You deserved this; oh, you so deserve this!” Slade chanted madly, all reason was gone, now before them was an old man filled with utter madness. Above them a large cracking sound was heard, gazing right above him a large stalactite broke from the roof and landed right where Slade had stood.
The cave continued to crumble around them. Damian was heavily panting, trying to minimize how much in pain he was in. “Save yourselves,” he whispered through painful breaths.
“I am not leaving you.” Raven answered him as she cradle his face. There has to be a way. Raven thought. She turned and turned her head all around her hoping to see something that could save them. But there was nothing, all was truly lost as Slade had said, was this truly what they were fated for from the start? Was the grand design of the universe this cold-hearted towards them in wanting to have a happy life? Wanting to hold on to what had brought her happiness for a short moment of her life, Raven felt that feeling again when she had broken the witch’s enchantment on her lips. It felt peaceful and warmth almost, just like when she had been visited by that strange woman cloaked in white. Without even knowing it herself Raven whispered;
“Azarath… Metrion… Zinthos.”
A dark purple circle suddenly appeared on the ground around them. As more cracks were heard from the cave’s ceiling, she saw some stalactites break, coming down rapidly targeting them. The circle then emitted dark looking shadows that looked like black tentacles wrapping around Raven and her friends. She closed her eyes waiting for their death but then opened them and looked at Damian. If she were to die, she wanted to see him one last time. Then they were  all engulfed by  shadows.
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bubbleyumss · 3 years
The Scorch - LOKI- BUCKY mini-fic.
Hi there! I haven’t posted any written works on here for years, so forgive me that my first one back may be a little rusty! I just want to share a small fic I wrote with some of you, hopefully you enjoy.
So its after Endgame, lets forget that Loki dies thanku v much, and Steve doesn’t have his ending either. It’s a lil messy as I’m not great with crossing storylines, I usually just insert the reader into already written ones.. This may eventually lead to a split off between Loki and Bucky, the reader will have to choose who they want! But for now, it’s very Loki based. Lmk if u like, and any suggestions on continuing. Thx:)
Warnings - Violence/use of blades/knives and fire/scalding/burning.
Word count - 4K
It was unimaginable that we would all make it back from Thanos's army, but we knew it was nothing short of a miracle and we were all insanely grateful for this. Tony wasn't the same, his body was withering faster than it would have done before, but he knew that this was nothing that he couldn't seek to fix, seeing as his mind was as quick witted as ever. Barton took off back to his family, bringing Natasha with him for some much-needed time off, though Nat was never one to back down if there was a mission that was needed to be handled. This was the stage that I was at these days.
I hadn't joined the team too soon before the snap, but when I did, I had already lost those dearest to me, finding my home within the Avengers compound thanks to Tony. Though I hadn't seen much of him through the years after the snap, as I was tasked with tailing Rogers, he had always told me that I was welcome at his cabin table with his wife and daughter, making his family such dear friends of mine.
The Avengers compound was my home now, even though Tony had permanently retired from the team, there were a few of us that still worked under Fury, choosing to live there so that we were safe. The Vision and Wanda lived here for now, until such a time that their new home was built, the Captain, Bucky and Sam dropped by from time to time, acting like they didn't want to be a part of any team but always finding themselves socialising happily when they did. Same went for Nat, as she found comfort in Bruce's room sometimes, much to the pretended ignorance of us all. Thor stopped by often, claiming that Norway may be good for comfort, but sometimes he needed the discipline to get him back in his head.
It was on one of these trips that he decided to bring the newest member of the team, his brother, Loki.
"You've got to be kidding me." Steve said, standing with his arms crossed in the lounge. Steve, James, Nat, and I sat within, prepping me for my next assignment in Argentina. "No way is he joining the team."
"Last time I checked you're not even on the team yourself, Captain." He raven-haired man smirked, glancing to me, then back to Steve. I had heard of Loki, mainly from Thor, but it was clear that everyone had some sort of opinion of him, and the majority of it was bad. I had always been intrigued, as before I joined the team, I was hardly the golden child, which was how I came onto Fury's radar in the first place, so I knew what effect the evil expectations had on a person.
"Not officially." He responded, looking down to Nat, "But there are people on the team that will have an issue." Loki then looked to Nat, eyebrows raised, expecting her to agree and wish for him not to join.
"Oh, come on, comrades, Loki is different now, trust me!" Thor smiled, clapping his brother on the back, much to his annoyance, "He's still miserable as ever, but he will fight with us, not against us."
"Fury clearly trusts me enough to allow me to join your little club." He smiled, raising his hands, "I just wish for the place to stay, since my home was blown up and the new home smells of cod." He sneered, looking at Thor's disapproving face. I looked to the faces on those who sat before me, knowing that they all were only here part time either way, realising that perhaps I should speak. I stood, making them all turn to me, Loki's eyes set on mine full of intent.
"Well, I think we should give him a shot." I shrugged, "I was allowed even though I burnt down a city or two, so, I don't see why not." I smiled at Steve, then down to Nat, all showing equally unamused faces, Bucky's especially. It was always odd looking at his face and remembering our past, though in times like this I could see his anger as a simple ruse, knowing that he agreed with me wholeheartedly. "He can come with me to Argentina, as a test run." I suggested, making Bucky scoff.
"No way." He muttered.
"Yeah, I agree, that's a terrible idea." Steve shook his head. I could feel a sense of anger boiling inside me, which wasn't unfounded; they often looked at me like a younger sister, just as they did with Nat, but I supposed as they knew her for longer, they knew that she could handle herself. I could too, they just hadn't seen that yet.
"Tough. He's coming with me." I replied, defying their looks of shock. "God of Mischief, you're with me. Argentina, small hydra starts up, do you think you can handle it?" I had made my way to him at this point, only within a couple of steps of him. He smirked, and suddenly I lost all confidence I had started out with; his eyes looked me up and down, drinking me in in such an intimidating way. He was a god, far more powerful than me, and for whatever reason I really wanted to know him better.
"Of course."
As much as I started out wanting to side with the God, one jet ride with him and I already regretted it. I decided to try and get to know him, to ask him some questions about himself, only receiving sarcastic remarks as his responses. I had asked him of his time in New York, though supposing that it was a sore subject I opted to talk about his powers and what he could actually do, as I had only heard, though when he told me that it was nothing that would interest a human, I grew inpatient. He wished to play around, not to let me know him at all, and so I decided to just stop talking.
"Your eyes, do they relate to your talents?" He then asked after nearly half an hour of silence. I nearly completely ignored him, feeling that similar rage that I had attempted to defend this guy, and all he repaid me in was rudeness.
"Kind of." I replied, not wishing to talk any more.
"Well, they are beautiful." He commented, taking me by surprise. This of course wasn't the only compliment I have ever had on my eyes, the gold sheen often took people by surprise, but why on earth did he think that it was appropriate to say now?
"Why won't you answer any of my questions about you?" I then asked, taking the attention off his own question. He was silent for a minute, "I took a chance taking you along, I could have said no."
"Don't act like you have done me a favour, I could find somewhere else to live if I needed to." He scoffed, angering me further. My knuckles tightened around the jets steering, trying to keep it together.
"I have done you a favour, you clearly want in this group or you wouldn't have shown up." I retorted, "Is it so bad that I want to know you a little more? We're both the odd ones out-"
"You do not know what it is like being me." He interrupted, gaining his own anger now, "Do not pretend you do, you are just a human with some magic tricks." I watched from the corner of my eye as he rolled his eyes, slouching back in his seat, "Tricks that I have not even seen, by the way, so please try not to need saving too much while we complete this mission."
I closed my mouth, not wishing for my anger to get the better of me just yet. I knew that I had to contain it and utilise it for the mission, so that I didn't have to rely on Loki at all. I felt a sudden rush of wanting to prove the god wrong.
"I really wanted to like you; you know." I said through gritted teeth, thankfully seeing our landing destination only a few miles ahead.
"And I knew that I wouldn't like you." He replied, his smirk heard through his words.
We stood either side of a large brick gateway, glancing behind it and trying to determine the best course of play. It was just a small branch of Hydra still floating around, those that had disappeared in the snap and had returned in a way to start up their resources again. There was a group of maybe fifteen men surrounding the compound, this compound that really was in the middle of nowhere and took us all of thirty minutes to sneak up to the gate, I looked over to Loki.
"You shapeshift, right?" I whisper-shouted, remembering Thor's stories of his brother turning to a snake. He nodded, face screwed, "Get one of those uniforms, take me in as prisoner." I suggested, watching as the cogs then whirred in his mind. "It's the easiest way." I tried to prompt him further.
"I don't like easy." He responded, then beginning to smirk, "I want to see your tricks." He motioned his hand to the gate, wishing for me to go in first. I furrowed my brows, allowing his arrogance to make my anger grow.
"Oh man, I really don't like you." I growled, coming to smirk after however, "But, if you insist."
I reached my hands over my shoulders to take a hold of my swords, watching Loki's eyes watch me as I pulled them in front of me, allowing my eyes to glint and set both blades alight. It was true that I had turned cities to ash before, and now it was clear to him that I had seriously and literally burnt them down. I turned, running as fast as I could into the sandy compound, managing to get near to the centre before any of them managed to turn their guns to me; before two of them could I allowed for my leg to spin out, spouting flames from the pad of my foot, catching the three that stood closest to me. They fell to the floor, rolling to get the burning away from them as their comrades began to shoot; I spun my swords in a way to deflect those bullets that came for me. Knowing that I couldn't stay on the ground any longer I pushed my legs, flinging me up about ten metres, coming down behind two of them and slicing their backs with my blades.
I could hear the fast footsteps of one of them attempting to come from behind, though he was stopped as I pointed my blade towards him, watching as the flames that encased the metal emerged from its tip to then surround the man. I smirked; it had felt good to get back in the action. I turned, quickly throwing one blade into the chest of another, running towards him and retrieving it from him before I spun the other, throwing those bullets back towards two others. I turned to look as two had retreated within, presumably to warn the others that worked inside; at this point I wondered if Loki had disappeared, or if he was simply lying-in wait for me to be done, either way, I heard the steps of more men barrelling towards me at pace. I threw my blades at two of them to my sides, one going through a chest, the other a stomach, leaving the last man coming for me head on.
He threw the first punch, easily missed by a duck to the right, and with only a knee to the stomach and an elbow to the back, the man was on the floor. I knew that these new hydra agents weren't going to be up to scratch, but I found it almost insulting that they were so terrible at fighting. I wrapped my hand around the man’s neck, picking him up to that his toes only touched the floor; I smirked, feeling the palm of my hand grow hotter and hotter as the man began to shout. Suddenly, the feeling of cold metal against the back of my head alerted me to the fact that I had missed a man, something to do with the distraction of fun that this had given me. I dropped the man to the ground, noting the boiled skin in the shape of my hand.
As I turned, the metal of the gun was dropped, as was the body of the man holding it. As his body fell, I saw the gold knife that was planted within his back slowly disappear, looking up to see Loki's smirking face as he walked towards me.
"See, if I was not here, you would have been dead." He raised his eyebrows, stopping short of laughing in my face. I growled, turning to retrieve my blades from the bodies nearby, dousing them before attaching them back to me. I looked around, seeing the scattered bodies, some still on fire and some not, but none remaining alive. "Nice tricks." He then said, trying to act as though he meant it. I rolled my eyes.
"Come on. We need to get whatever information we can."
It was one thing hearing of the powers that Loki possessed, and another to actually see them in action. The duplication, meaning one moment I thought I was talking and looking at the real him, only for it to vanish before my eyes and reveal he is several feet away from me. He had finally used his shapeshifting ability to change into one of the guards like I had suggested, letting himself into a room with ease before shooting down those inside. He seemed to like watching me watch him, I would stand back, impressed, after he would use his powers, and he would smirk at me once his show was over.
The control room was last, requiring us to actually fight together rather than one by one. I hadn't thought it would go as well as it did as he seemed to be someone who preferred to work alone, but as we fought it seemed we worked around each other well, him throwing his punches, grabbing a hold of an officer, and holding him up for me to burn.
"We seem to work well together, you and I." He said, panting once the last body had dropped. He smirked, having a look of surprise on his face.
"Or more I work well and you're a good sidekick." I shrugged, moving to the control computers where the officers from before had attempted to erase their hard drive. "They didn't manage to wipe it." I sighed a breath of relief, knowing that our fight hadn't been for nothing.
"Sidekick?" He questioned, coming to my side as I inserted the flash drive given to me before the mission.
"They have more start-ups." I then said, taking his attention away from me and to the screen. There was correspondence between them, showing at least five different locations to which, their information was coming or going. He leaned over, getting a better look, though as he did, I could suddenly feel his presence beside me. The smell of leather and whatever cologne God's now wore entered my nostrils, taking my brain away from what was before me. I thought Loki attractive, of course, but there is no way I could think of him in any other way than an annoying tagalong. not right now at least. "Brazil, Tunisia, the Ukraine." I sighed.
"Does that mean that we will have more missions together?" He then asked, attempting to sound disgusted. I rolled my eyes, trying not to smirk.
"No, it means that I will have more missions. I'm definitely not bringing you along." I scoffed, snatching the flash drive from the computer once it had finished downloading. I stood straight, only then realising how close he was to me. His eyes bore down at me, amusement shining within.
"That's good to hear. I don't think I could take any more of your little bonfire powers." He contested, trying not to break from his egotistical character. The hints of a smirk teased at his lips, and if the smell of burning flesh wasn't surrounding us both, and the urge to punch the smugness from his face wasn't growing in favour, I would have said we were having a moment.
"Let's get going then. Got to get you home so you can brush up on your magic act." I smiled a wry smile, pushing past him in attempts to leave. Though, the moment I came to the threshold of the door, I felt the searing burn of a blade being pushed through my chest. A soldier had stood by the door, waiting for his opportunity to strike, and finding it when I never bothered to check before stepping out. I dropped to my knees immediately, watching as a series of knives were then thrown into the chest of that very officer, forcing him to drop dead before me.
Loki suddenly came behind me, on his knees also, holding me up against his chest in a panic. He thought I was truly dying, and so I couldn't let this moment go by without playing him at his own game. I allowed myself to lean back, pulling the knife from my chest and throwing it to the floor before I looked up to him, taking in his look of worry.
"You can heal, right? You can heal..." He began to stutter, becoming even more shaky when I slowly shook my head. "No, you can't die, I-I will be blamed, this will be my fault." I scoffed, coughing as I did.
"You'll be blamed? Wow... you really do only care about yourself." I muttered, voice getting weaker as I spoke. "You can't even admit that you'd be sad if I died." I tried to muster a laugh, allowing it to make me cough further and forcing his grip on me to become tighter. His scent was intoxicating, so much so that I thought he must have done some magic to make it so; though what struck me most was the small flickers of green in his blue eyes, they were beautiful.
"You can't die." He then smiled, "I would have no one to vouch for me anymore." He whispered. This took me by surprise. My vouching for him must have actually meant something to him for it to affect him in such a way, though when thinking about it, I may have been the first one to do so in a very long time.
"You deserved the chance, Loki." I shrugged, wincing as the pain was still within my chest, his eyes held the torment that I was now putting him through, probably bringing up bad memories, I needed to bring this to an end, "I'd vouch for you again, you know... even if you don't like me." He chuckled.
"Of course, I like you," He smiled, "I wouldn't save the life of just anyone." The moment the words left his lips I sat myself up, wiping my chest of the dried blood from the knife. I heard no sound from him as I stood myself up, only turning to look at him when I had reconnected my swords to my back. He remained on his knees on the floor, looking up at me incredulously, noting the smirk on my face and trying to stop one coming to his own. "You weren't really dying?"
"Oh no, it takes a lot to kill me." I waved my hand dismissively, letting a smile grow on my face. It was only a second before he had gotten to his feet, placing his hand firmly around my neck and pushing me back against a wall.
"Not anyone can trick me." He growled, his voice hinting a slight tease. I smiled in his grasp, slowly raising my core temperature, and simply watching his eyes to see when he would notice. His hand gripped a little tighter and his eyes squinted, waiting as long as he possibly could before removing his hand in pain, blowing on it when he did.
"And not anyone can threaten me, your majesty." I smiled, "Time to go." I then suggested, turning away from him, and exiting down the corridor. His footsteps were quick to follow, coming to my tail as he sighed.
"So, what's the protocol for leaving? Do we just let the bodies be found?" He then asked, finally asking something about how we did things around here. He really did want to be a part of the team, and in reality, I was certain that he would fit in quite well. I smiled again, turning to him once we were facing the exit.
"Really Loki? Why do you think Fury sends me on these missions?" I asked, placing my fingertips to the wall. I started walking towards the exit, allowing my fingertips to dance along the wall, setting it alight in their wake. He followed close behind, the both of us only stopping when we were a few metres outside of the building, I looked to him as we relished in the spiralling flames, "Bonfire powers is pretty accurate, honestly." I shrugged, watching his smirk emerge.
"I am what some people call a 'mutant'. Nothing gave me my powers; I suppose I've always just hand them." I shrugged, "I burnt down my family home. Killing my family when I was five. I didn't know what I was doing." I didn't know why I suddenly felt the urge to tell Loki my whole life story on the jet ride home, but I think it had something to do with the fact that he had fought for me and with me, and that while he thought I was dying he really did try and make me feel better. "Then there were three foster homes after that that went down in smoke... a similar start up like that one was the only ones who took me in."
"Hydra..." I heard him whisper.
"Yes." I sighed, "But... I didn't need the brainwashing like the Winter Soldier... I did everything I did voluntarily." I coughed, shifting awkwardly. I knew that my story wasn't palatable to normal people, but as Loki wasn't normal and had enough blood on his hands for the both of us, I felt he could be trusted with the truth. "Fury said it was either work for him or be locked up somewhere. So." I shrugged. There was a long moment of silence, one, I assumed, because he wasn't sure as how to respond.
"I was forced into the New York invasion." He then said, breaking through the silence in one swing. "My brother doesn't even know the whole truth." He sighed. I glanced to him, his eyes remained forward, face stoic, "Thanos held me for months, training me to lead the Chitauri, though the training was simply torture and mind games."
"You were being controlled by the mind stone too..." I whispered, more to myself, but he had heard it. He looked to me, eyes soft, nodding. "Wow."
"If I didn't, he would have killed me, destroyed the Earth, and Asgard. I couldn't allow for that." He then sighed, sitting back in his chair, "There, I answered one of your questions. But you only get one." I scoffed.
"I tell you how I killed my family, and you think that answering one question makes up for that?" I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to stop my smile as he nodded. "What will it take for you to open up a bit? If we're to go on all of those missions together you're going to have to at some point." I raised my eyebrows, watching as he tapped his chin.
"I'll tell you what, I'll answer one question each time I save your life." He smirked, "I'm sure I'll have answered all of your questions before the summers end."
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rory-for-short · 3 years
We are not our parents|Part Five
He couldn't see them
When Lucy had gotten the call from her, well, she didn't know what they were... her Richard Grayson, asking for her measurements, she was ever the skeptic.
"Is this about your dad's big fling?" She asked over the phone as she settled on her couch.
"Possibly," he answered from the other end, sitting at a desk in his room.
"Why don't I just pick what I wear," she questioned. The way she said where was like "whey-uh" . It was all Jersey, and made Dick laugh to himself.
"You definitely could, but I just wanted to give you a designer option," he explained.
"You think I can't afford a designer option?"
"I know you can't. You make 11 dollars an hour in Gotham city
"Fair. Okay. Fine we can try designer, but I have some specifications."
"Okay, shoot."
"No checker board, no pinstripes. Nothing that says criminal. I don't mind blazers or flowers. Nothing flashy I'm laying low," she rattled off.
"Don't worry. I know you are feeling a little weird about this-"
"-A little?-"
"But I know what I'm doing. Well, I guess the dress maker does. I don't have any say. I can pass on your message to them though," he explained. She gave a sigh of relief. She had been freaking out all week about this party. This stupid, ritzy, heart of Gotham party.
After she found out about her man being THE Richard Grayson Wayne, she wanted out. Even if her parents weren't terrorists, she still wouldn't be on his level. She missed when she thought he was just a gutter rat greecer wannabe punching muggers for fun. But he was educated. High Socioty. Fit as a fiddle, and hot as the Sahara. Yet he chased her. He wanted her. He was so infatuated.
It's not like she didn't see anything good about herself. On the contrary, she knew she was hardworking, pretty funny, nice to look at expessialy when she was trying, and all in all she was a cute, blonde girl next door. However, sometimes it felt like none of that mattered. She was surrounded by a dark legacy. She couldn't even consider having her own kids. What would she tell them, and mabey crazy skips a generation.
But this dumb, cute, himbo of a boy saw none of it. Or at least, he pretended not to notice it. Sometimes he'd give her a strange look and she wonder if he was thinking about the people who raised her. She started being a bit more subtle. No dark makeup, lest she look like her mother. No red lipstick, because that was her father's signature look. Hair up in pigtails? Off limits. The colors red or green, she avoided them before Dick Grayson anyway.
"Hello? Lucy are you still there," Dicks voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Sorry I think a siren was going by," she said avoiding the truth.
"No worries, I was asking if you wanted me to get a hair and makeup person too?"
"Oh gawd no! I know what looks good on my face," she laughed.
"Even with you not knowing what the dress will look like?" He challenged.
"On second thought-" she trailed off. She could hear him laugh from the other side of the line.
"Gotcha, I'll get it all set up," he assured.
He got it all set up alright. The afternoon before the party a knock on her door sounded. She opened it to fing him grinning with a black dress bag slung over his shoulder.
"Heya-Hiya," he greeted fondly. She noticed he wasn't alone at the door. There was also a pale woman with raven hair longer than she'd ever seen and jagged bangs. She wore a mesh top, black shorts and a leather jacket. She was ethereal and beautiful. Lucy almost forgot to talk.
"Babe, this is Rachel. She's really good with makeup and she's a buddy of mine," he introduced.
"So you're Lucy? The way your Golden retriever of a boyfriend described you I was expecting Shera, or Captian Marvel," his friend mused. Dick was turning bright red from the tips of his ears to his neck.
"Yeah, yeah, that's really funny Rachel," he awkwardly laughed. Lucy welcomed them inside and Dick layed the dress bag on the couch while Rachel carried in a big metal mackup case.
"I haven't seen the dress yet," Dick admitted, "I told her all that stuff you told me. Hopefully they listened." He said getting ready to unveil it.
Rachel was now standing beside them as Dick revealed the dress. As they stood there taking it in, she realized that there was a color she forgot to say was off limits. It was a beautiful dress. The top of it like a Corsett with spaghetti straps. The tooling elegant and down to the knees. There were several star details on it. They lay on a sky of deep purple. Lucy bit her lip nervously. Richard noticed immediately.
"Well, that was an oversight on our part," he sighed disappointedly. Rachel cocked her head confused.
"And I thought I was a Debby downer. It's a beautiful peice, plus it isn't too bright. Hell, I'd wear it," she concluded settling her hands on her hips. And she was right, it was beautiful. Mabey beautiful enough to distrct from the rest of her. If the only people talked about was her dress, she'd be okay with that.
"I love it," she said smiling.
"Yeah, Dick doesn't know what he's talking about. He has zero taste unless it's in women," she joked. She met eyes with her boyfriend and smiled.
Bruce was stewing in indecision. His son had come to him and told him that he and Lucy discussed the risks involved with a public appearance, that he could protect her, and that she had been through enough in her life so she should be able to just have fun for one night. He agreed. Deep down he agreed. However, he knew the kinds of people that attended these parties.
Not all of them were in it for the charity. Big names who wanted investors, ass kissing new moneies wanting to climb ranks. People with dirty money. It was an open charity event, and gossip from the criminal higher ups couldn't be discounted. All his parties had this risk, but this time it felt more pressing. On top of that he now knew the Jokers name. His full name. All he had to do was bluff with the first name an Harley had spilled all her info. She had told him all about Joker, her daughter, and how no matter how brutal the man was she wanted to stay with him.
"Yah know, I could handle our fights. The way we went round and round. I never considered leaving him until he suggested we get Lucy in on the family business," she sighed taking a drag of her cigarette. "I knew then I had to get the hell outta dodge. You and I both know a battlefield is no place for a child. She was only 15-" she stopped herself as she realized just who she was talking to.
"Nevermind. I guess you wouldn't get it. I wanted her to be normal. Arthur wanted her to be us. You always gotta want better for your kids. I might be a criminal psychopath, but why drag her into it. Why make her fight my battles? Or his? Or anyone's? I started a money stash. I was gonna run away with her," she looked down at the ash falling from her cigarette, and stamped it with her foot.
Bruce knew the rest of the story or at least from the perspective of his and police. Jason was his Robin at the time. They got an anonymous tip on the Joker's hideout. Harley had sold him out. When they arrived on the scene there was almost no reason to interfere. The way the two clowns were going at it, they would probably just end up killing eachother.
Harley's neck was cut. Only deep enough to make a red necklace that was surface level but he could guess what Joker was trying to accomplish. The Joker had two knives in him. He was still on his feet sporting a death grip on a hatchet with Harley's name on it.
There was also a hostage. Looking on, holding a gun, and not knowing who to shoot at. She was about 15.
They didn't even stop to look their way. They knew he and Robin were there, but this was deeply personal and toxically volatile.
Bruce remembered how easy they were to take down. Gotham police had them unarmed, sedated and in medical vehicles in practically no time; they had already done so much damage to eachother they hardly needed a push. Jason got the gun from the hostage. While Batman delt with the authorities and offered to gaurd the hospitals, not to keep anyone out, but keep the two clowns in, he left Jason in charge of the hostage.
He found out later that night, or he guessed, the next morning, that she was their kid. He learned when he read the police report. He forgot about her after that, but it did cross his mind that she was out there, somewhere, from time to time.
Dick and Lucy headed to the mannor before the party. He explained how his dad was a tightass and his butler was a total bro, so they'd be going through the garden and climbing the wall.
"You want me to climb in this dress and heels? In your dreams puddin," she scoffed rolling her eyes and playfully hitting him on the shoulder.
"I'll lift you over you won't have to break a sweat," he coerced. She lifted her eyebrow, amused.
"I'm 5'9 and 173 pounds of pure woman. If you think you can get me over that wall you are psyco!" She laughed exgerattingly gesturing as she spoke. When they had first got together, he would have had one of those danger reactions to this. To her eyes going wide with disbelief, and throwing her head back in a cackle. But those happened less and less. He realized something
He couldn't see them in her anymore.
Without another word he placed his hands on her waist and practically ballerina tossed her. She managed to catch halfway up on the flat part Making the wall a ledge. It almost knocked the breath out of her. But she managed to steady herself and hoist her body the rest of the way up. She was a bit of a ballerina after all. When they had both sets of feet in the garden, he flashed an "I told you so" smile. She rolled he eyes and gestured for him to lead the way.
When he began sliding open the kitchen door, he heard Tim's voice carry from the foyer.
"Well, well, well, how the turn tables!" He cackled. He heard a frustrated groan.
"Forget it, I don't see why I ask you for anything," he heard another male voice carry. The two pairs of couples entered the kitchen at the same time. Tim with his 'friend' Connor, and Dick with Lucy.
There was a beat of silence.
"So, you went the kitchen route huh?" Drake noted.
"Yeah, we went the kitchen route," Dick sighed.
"You look like a ruffian," Conner stated.
"I'm getting into my suit. It's wool and everything, I just didn't before picking up Lucy," he srugged.
"The matching ties are cute. You guys look adorable together," Lucy chimed in.
"We're not together," they defended in unison.
Another beat of silence.
"Well, okay. We are going upstairs. You guys have fun," Dick announced as he practically dragged Lucy behind them. Once they hit the back staircase they went from stone cold silence to giggling.
"They were wearing pride pocket squares and matching ties, how was I supposed' ta know," she defended with a hushed alarm.
"Oh they are. They just don't know it yet," he lead her to his room and opened the door for her.
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is-it-madness · 4 years
Best Laid Plans
Tumblr media
A/N: This was a request for an anon
“👋 I need Loki.....or Tom Hiddleston....either one. That’s it. Random and pointless? Yep. 😁 Regards from your new friend (I may be jumping the gun a bit at assuming we are friends...oh god now I’m over thinking 🤦🏼‍♀️). Gonna leave you guessing now lmao”
I really hope you like it darling! And I absolutely don’t mind being you friend 😄 (even if after all the guessing, I’m STILL not sure who it is 😅)
Word Count: 953
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: very slight mention of death and nudity.
Sometimes the plans we make for ourselves never come to fruition. Whether the elements fail or simply, we have no control over the events.
But when Loki came back to Earth to serve his punishment, he swore to himself to never like the mortals, to never form a bond with any of them. To steer clear from them as much as they avoided him. It’s not like he even wanted to be in their presence. What with the glares and a whisper whisper about how evil and horrible he is. Why would he ever want to be around that? Now that would just be asking for a headache. And they never even thought to ask him about why he decided to invade New York in the first place. If they had just asked, if they had just listened, they would know the truth. But they never wanted to hear what he had to say. Even the golden child, the favorite prince of Asgard, never thought to ask Loki. You would think that your own brother would realize when you were abused and tortured. But apparently not.
And so Loki swore to never, under any circumstances, become soft with humans. He avoided everyone in the Tower at all costs. He took his meals separately, trained alone, and locked himself in his rooms for hours on end. No one asked about him. In all honesty, if he died in his room, it would take the team who knows how long before they realized. He realized, with a scoff, that he would have preferred that to being treated so horribly by them. It’s not like he had anything to live for anyways.
But sometimes, the best laid plans don’t work out like we want them to.
When you first joined the team, Tony went around introducing you to everyone. You were in absolute awe over the vastness of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. There might have been a slightly pinkish tinge to your cheeks when Thor kissed your hand and you laughed when Natasha and Wanda rolled their eyes at him. You were ecstatic when you met the Bruce Banner and laughed at Sam Wilson’s jokes. You thought you had met everyone in the Tower, but one day, you were late to one of the team building lunches Tony was so adamant on having. You decide to head to the kitchen to see if there was any leftover food. You knew it was highly unlikely with the appetites on this team, but your stomach refused to wait for dinner.
You enter the kitchen, only to stop dead in your tracks. There was a man sitting at the counter, a book in hand, tucking away at a plate in front of him. You furrow your brows. You’re certain you’ve never been introduced to him when you first joined the team, but something about that raven hair and chiseled, regal face gives you a pause, as if you had seen him before. He turns abruptly, sensing your presence and a frown graces his handsome face.
You feel a heat rise to your face, having intruded on him.
“Um... hi.”
Loki frowns. Perfect. He had been trying to avoid the new mortal for weeks now. He didn’t need another pair of eyes judging him, another mortal saying how much of a monster he is.
He closes his book and stands.
“Forgive me,” he tells you coolly. “I’ll be out of your way.”
“No, no!” You tell him hurriedly. “That’s okay. It’s just... I haven’t seen you before. Are you new to the team?”
“Not... necessarily.”
“Well, don’t feel like you have to leave on my account,” you tell him as you load up a plate of fries and Steve’s famous burgers, which miraculously, there was still some left.
He hesitates for a moment before sitting back down.
You sit across from him and he watches you apprehensively.
“You got a name tall, dark, and brooding?”
His lips twitch, almost like he’s holding back a smile, before his lips are pulled down into a frown.
“I am Prince Loki of Asgard...”
You drop the French fry you were holding and Loki watches you you eyes widen in shock.
There it is. That’s what he was waiting for. The realization to hit you, he was waiting to see the fear in your eyes. He was about to leave when he hears you whisper “No way.”
You quickly close your mouth realizing your mouth was open.
Loki gives you a look and you laugh nervously.
“Sorry, it’s just that... well I’ve heard a few people say that you lived here, but I’ve never seen you around so I thought maybe it was a joke or something.”
Loki gives you a smirk.
“I tend to avoid you mortals as we are not partial to one another.”
You frown. “I’m really sorry about that.” You extend your hand. “It’s nice to meet you Loki.”
He looks at your hand, then back up at your hopeful face.
Your face falls as you watch Loki look at you hesitantly. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have been so forward.”
He takes your hand before you could withdraw it and gives you a small smile.
“The pleasures is all mine.”
You beam at him.
It’s some months later, in the dead of the night, when Loki realized, even the best laid plans get thrown out the window. He sighed in content and wrapped his arms around your nude form, tugging you closer, the warmth of your skin seeping into his thawed heart. He intertwined his legs with yours, cradling you close. Yes, he thought, even the best laid plans go awry, but maybe... maybe that’s not such a bad thing.
Taglist: @thehumanistsdiary​ @astheworlddturns​
If you would like to be added to my taglist, please let me know! 😊💜
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hateswifi · 4 years
Jasonette July: Children
Day ten of being committal, I love this one so much. Also not even gonna try sleepin on time. It’s either no sleep or post late.
The Master: Master List
Jasonette July: Master List
He didn’t know what to expect at the age of twenty when he heard crying from an alley while on patrol. What he didn’t expect to find was a crying raven-haired baby. His heart melted, maybe its because he saw himself in her or maybe because she is an abandoned baby. The next thing he knew, he was running back to the manor holding a now more calm baby.
“Hey, Brucie! I know you always have those adoption papers on hand, can I have a pack?” Jason says, walking into Bruce’s office.
“Please tell me I’m dreaming, you’re adopted, my adoption dis- habits shouldn’t affect you,” Bruce says, looking up from his work.
“Wait, I’m adopted, I’m so hurt…” Jason says, putting the back of his hand on his head.
“Stop being dramatic, I’ll give you the papers if you show me my grandchild,” Bruce says, opening his desk draw.
“I don’t know her name, but I would love to call her Maria-Angelina, after my grandmother,” Jason said, showing off his soon-to-be daughter. It was at that moment she starts crying. Not even two minutes later, Damian and Alfred burst into the room.
“Another one Father?”
“Master Bruce, I have always supported you, but another one?”
“No, this one isn’t mine, she is Jason’s.” Bruce smiled, standing up to walk around his desk.
“Alfred, I would like you to meet your great-granddaughter and Damian your niece, Maria-Angelina,” Jason says, holding her out.
“She is beautiful,” Alfred says, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her face. 
Jason loved his daughter even though she was not his biological daughter. As Maria grew older she realized she was missing something, more like someone. Her dad did everything for her, she loved him and he did everything her could to make her happy. But even at the age of eight, she knew her dad was missing someone as well. 
It was when she wandered away from dad while they were at the mall did she realize who she was missing and she found it in a dark-haired woman. She was beautiful. She was on the phone when the woman noticed her standing by herself. She puts her phone away and approaches her.
She crouches down to her height and asks “Are you lost, little miss?”
“Hi, yeah, I’m missing my dad,” She says slowly.
“Hi, my name is Marinette, would you like me to help you find your father? Or would you like me to walk you to security?”
“Could you help me find him?”
“Sure, what does he look like? Is your mom here too?”
“I don’t have a mom.”
“Oh I’m sorry, honey,” Marinette says, squeezing her shoulder.
“It’s fine, I never had one,” Maria says with a shrug. “My dad is tall, he has dark hair with a white patch on the front of his head. He has blue eyes, he big and awesome!”
“Where did you last see him?”
“We were at the book store.”
“Let’s head there then,” Marinette says, standing with a smile. They go down the escalator and walk to the book store. “What do you like to read?”
“I like Charlotte’s Web!” She smiles.
“That’s good.”
“What do you do? My daddy helps with my grandpa’s business,” She smiles, looking up at the pretty woman.
“I design clothes,” Marinette smiles, looking through the aisles for anyone meeting the little girl’s description.
“Oh! That’s so cool! Did you make your dress?”
“Yes, have you seen your dad?”
“Not yet,” She sighs.
“What’s you favorite subject?”
“I love English and art class!” she exclaims, rocking on her feet.
“Ok well, it doesn’t look like he’s here, we should go to security,” Marinette says.
“Aww… I’m having fun with you though,” Maria sighs and hangs her head.
“Well, we still have to walk there and wait for your dad,” Marinette points out as they leave the bookstore. The approach the map and Marinette listens to the girl’s chatter as she looks for the lost child area. Third floor.
“Ready? We’re heading up to the third floor,” Marinette smiles toward the little girl. “Do you know your dad’s name.
“Umm…. Jason Todd I think,” She contemplates. 
“Ok, we’ll tell the people who find parent,” Marinette says, as they step onto the elevator. There was a small back and forth conversation and all too soon, they reach the lost child area. “Hello, this is a lost child, she says her father’s name is Jason Todd, would you be able to call him?”
“Jason Todd, please report to security, we’ve found your missing daughter,” a voice comes over the loudspeaker. They continue their conversation until a big man bursts into the room. The little girl jumps up and rushes to hug him.
“Maria-Angelina Catherine Todd! What’ve I told you about wandering off,” He yells, pulling her into a hug.
“Hi, Dad,” Maria says, pulling out of the hug. “This is Marinette! She helped me look for you.” For the first since he entered the room, he looked up and saw the pixie, she was a sight, standing there in her light blue sundress that brings out her eye. 
He stands up. “Thank you so much for helping her, I don’t know what would happen if she was hurt or taken,” her dad- Jason- says taking her hand. “Please let us take you out as a thank you.”
“No, I couldn't, I just saw a lost child and helped her,” Marinette shrugs with a smile.
“Please, Marinette,” Maria asks, looking up at her with puppy dog eye.
“You have better puppy dog eye than Manon did,” Marinette giggles.
“Trust me, I know,” Jason chuckles.
“So is that a yes?”
“Fine,” Marinette says reluctantly.
“Yay!” Maria says, turning to rush out of the room.
“Kids huh?”
“Got any of your own,” Jason asks, a slight smirk spreading across his face.
“No, I don’t even have a boyfriend, but that beside the point, I use to babysit,” Marinette smiles. “What about you? She said she didn’t have a mom.”
“She’s adopted, I found her in an alleyway,” Jason says quickly.
“That’s sweet of you,” Marinette coos. They walk together to a close-by coffee place. They spend time talking and laughing. They leave saying goodbye to each other.
“Hey, Dad, you know how everyone has a mommy and a daddy?” Maria asks Jason nods in response, already knowing where this conversation was going. “Can she be my mommy?”
“Sweetie, that’s not up to me.”
“Can we see her again?” It was at the moment he realized, he never got her number. The next couple of days, though Jason tried to hide it, Maria could see the loneliness in her dad’s actions and the longing in his eyes.
“Dad, are you ok?”
“Yeah, honey, just a bit tired, just as a heads up we’re going for measurements later today at Grandpa’s house,” Jason says, packing her lunch.
“Ok, Dad,” Maria says, hopping off her stool. As she closes the door to head to the bus stop, she hears him sigh. She wishes she could see Marinette again. She wishes her dad was able to make Marinette her mommy, however that worked.
Her dad picked her up and they head over to the Wayne Manor. She rushes ahead of her dad and bursts into the lobby, “Hi, Grandpa! Hi, Great Grandpa!” 
“Hi sweetie, Uncle Damian is getting is measurements taken right now, but you can go in next,” Bruce says.
“Thank you, Grandpa! Will the nice designer make me a pretty dress?” She asks, hugging Bruce.
“Of course I will,” A feminine voice says, coming from the living room. “I’m ready for the princess, as Damian called her.” She giggles.
“Maria? Jason? You guys are Waynes? I thought you are Todds,” Marinette asks.
“Well we are, but Wayne is hyphenated,” Jason shrugs. The measurements go well. In Jason’s case really well,  he gets a kiss and a date. 
They start dating a week later, Maria is really happy, especially a year later when they announce that she’s going to have a baby brother. She was happy before she went wandering off but now she couldn’t be happier, she has a mommy, a dad, and a baby brother on the way. The wedding plans, which she was promised to be the flower girl in, was planned for after the baby’s birth. She loved her family and they loved her.
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This is going to be a combination of two requests, @mistkissedmoon : "Damian going through traditional courting methods? Asking kent (the next best thing to her father ) for her hand and appropriate disbelief and confusion from Clark, who doesn't understand the difference between courting and dating (intent to wed and casual)." And a request, or rather, an idea, that was made a while back from Wattpad user JRSreigne that Damian plays the piano for Rachel.
After two and a half years of war, violence, and repair, it was a blessing to live a 'normal life'. Well, as normal as it could be for people like me. People who have seen hell and looked it's ruler in the eyes, living to tell the tale. And honestly, I'm thrilled to leave that life behind me. Though, mother would have my head if she were to be around to know that I've grown to enjoy this kind of lifestyle. Dare I say I even crave to live like this.
Of course, some things will never change. Father and I both still train our hardest and sometimes I even still put on that internal bird costume that gave me hell for a quarter of my life. Raven still meditates, but not as much. She doesn't need to, really. Her father is long gone and she finally has her emotions in check. Part of me thinks it's out of habit.
And speaking of Raven, she, too, has been enjoying this 'normal lifestyle'. Though, it wasn't easy at first. After the war had ended and the world was fixed, Raven was left completely alone guardian wise. I offered once again for her to join me in the League of Assassins, but she once, more, declined. She told me that she was finished with living that sort of life, and I wanted a fresh start and wanted me to join her. Of course, I accepted. I had been away from her for too long and I wasn't about to mess that up again.
However, the issue still remained on who she was to live with. Father offered for us both to live with him but I had a more heartfelt idea: I had seen the way Kent took care of Raven like a father would his own child. And more importantly, he was there for her in my absence. And after losing his own love, I had thought it be fair to share mine. Raven of course didn't like the idea of just, in a way, replacing both Lois and Superboy at the same time, but once we had Kent's approval, she reluctantly agreed, and Kent adopted Raven as his daughter.
Which leads me to my current dilemma: before Grayson's pulpit to insanity thanks to my own foolishness, I had always closely watched his mannerisms with Koriand'r. He would always court and please her in the more classic and, bite my tongue, romantic way. I had even once overheard him speaking about how he wished to meet her father one day so that he could 'properly ask for a blessing'. Recently, I had come to notice that I do none of those things with Raven. It made me feel... worried, somehow. Like she would feel as though I wasn't trying. So, I took the liberty to look up some of these so-called 'cheesy' moves for myself, and once I had information prepared, I was ready to use it.
Sneaking into the Kent home was something I wasn't exactly unfamiliar with, so it was easy to sneak inside in the early hours of the morning and began to attempt to cook the three of us breakfast. I figured I'd do something simple, like pancakes. Which was more difficult than I had intended it to be. All my life I had someone prepare my meals for me, so I never really thought to learn how to prepare my own meals.
"Who's there?" A rather angry feminine voice behind me demanded.
I turn to face Raven, removing the hood I was wearing before she could attack me or alarm Kent. I held my hands up slightly in surrender as she lowered her guard and gave me a confused yet concerned look.
"Damian?" She squinted, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"My apologies," I sighed, "I had no intention of waking you."
"It's... It's alright." She walked towards me. "But what are you doing? It's almost 6 AM and you should be in Gotham."
"I'm just.." I sigh, "I'm showing you how much I love you... look," I moved out of the way of the stove, "I'm cooking for us. Or trying to cook, anyway..."
She giggled. "Is that why it smells of pancakes in here? And why your forehead has batter on it?" She took a finger and whipped the thick substance from my face and whipping it off on her pants. "This still doesn't really explain why you're here though."
"You'll see soon... and, beloved, I hate to ask this of you but, um..." I rubbed the back of my neck, "can you assist me with breakfast?"
She sighed a small smile, shaking her head. "Of course."
By the time we were finished, the sun was rising and we had made a bit of a mess in the kitchen. Somewhere along the line, we had thought it be fun to fling access batter onto each other, which only made things worse.
Raven let out a sigh and she and I finished setting the table. "Clark will more likely be up any minute now." She tucked a stained of hair behind her ear, and I had noticed that she had gotten batter on a few strands.
"You have something in your hair..." I noted out loud before finishing, quickly, "um--do you want me to get it out?"
Raven raised an eyebrow at me as Kent began to walk downstairs.
"Morning, Raven..." he yawned, "what's that-- Damian? I wasn't expecting a visit from you this early in the morning?"
"To be fair, neither was I." Raven said.
"Come, both of you, sit, please." I said, gesturing them both to the table.
They both awkwardly abridged, Raven giving me a questionable look. I soon took the seat next to her facing away from Kent.
"Alright Damian," Raven looked at me as she cut off a piece of pancake, "we're all sitting down, so what's the meaning of your visit? Not that I mind you being here, of course."
"Ah, yes," I set down my silverware and looked at Kent directly, "Kent, your Raven's father now... so it is only right that I ask you this in her presence..."
Kent raised a questionable brow. "Go on...?"
"I never properly got to ask you for your blessing in courtship, so I'm doing it now: Clark Kent, do I have your blessings to court your daughter?"
Raven looked at me dumbfounded and Kent simply stared in confusion. He awkwardly let out a laugh and said, "Court? Son, I think dating her is--"
"I don't wish to just date her, I wish to court her."
His confused look only intensified. "Isn't that what that is?" He looked at Raven, who was shaking her head between her hands. "W-Well, alright..." he cleared his throat as his tone suddenly changed, "as I'm sure you're aware, she needs to be treated with the upmost respect at all times, and, uhh..." he began to lose his words, this little warning of his was obviously not prepared, "just... be good to her? A-And no funny business until your both ready!"
"I believe you're misunderstanding me, Kent: you're treating me as if I only intend on dating, I do not. I intend on courtship." I forced a smile, hoping that maybe I wasn't making a mistake in doing this.
"What Damian is trying to say..." Raven said, the bridge of her nose between her thumb and finger, "is that he wishes to date me with the intent on marrying, and he wants your blessing to do so."
Kent gave us both a sheepish grin. "Is that not what dating is for? A-Anyways: tell me when you're ready to wed and I'll help prepare."
I raised a brow at the man. "Is that not what I just did?"
Raven let out a groan. "Clark... he's basically asking to marry asap."
"Oh... oh!" Kent light up at the realization, "I mean dontcha think this is moving a bit fast for marriage? I-I mean have you two even talked about this? Does Bruce know? O-Or--"
"Clark!" Raven yelled slightly, "You're rambling. And worse, you're worrying over nothing."
It took every bone in my body not to facepalm and call this man a fool. I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on him, though, he doesn't really seem like the courting type. Then again, neither do I.
"I just..." Kent let out a sigh, "I just really thought that you were asking to court her not marry her." He said, folding his head between his hands.
"Yes? That's exactly what I said? Which means I have the intent of marriage." I would be lying to myself if I said I wasn't getting annoyed with this man.
"So why didn't you just say that?" Kent's eyes held so many questions that I was beginning to grow to inpatient to answer.
"I did! That's what courting is, you imbecile!" I finally snapped.
Raven hit my shoulder. "Don't call him that, he just doesn't understand! And it's not his fault you're being so strange today!"
"My apologies..." I sigh out in defeat.
Raven sighed with me as she grabbed my arm and lead me away from the table into a back room that was used for storage, shutting the door. "Now," she said, "mind telling me what your problem is?" She folded her arms and gave me an angry look.
"There is no problem."
"Okay, then why are you doing all of this? You break in with no warning and nearly give me a heart attack, then you asked Clark for courtship which even we haven't even discussed yet, and have the audacity to insult your, apparently, soon to be father-in-law?" Her tone softened then. "This isn't like you at all. You'd normally warm me ahead of time if you were going to pull off a stunt like this, and it's not really like you to ask for permission for, well, anything. Is something wrong?"
"As I've said, beloved, nothing is wrong." I grabbed her hands. "I apologize for not informing you of this sooner, I just found no other way to do this. If I had asked you to leave you'd take suspicion, so... kill two birds with one stone, as they say."
She only rolled her eyes and gripped at my hands tighter as she said, "Well, you have my father's permission... but there's still one more person you need to ask: me. 'Cause trusts me, this was a shock to me, too." She let out a small laugh.
I smiled. "Of course." I released her hands and lead my way over to an old piano that seemed to be collecting dust and was undoubtedly out of tune. "I know the usual tradition is for me to get on my knees and carry a ring as a token, but I currently have no ring to give, so you will just have to take my words and sound for now:" I began to play a melody that I had heard Alfred play so many times. I never did get to ask for the name of the piece, but I had watched him play for so long I began to pick up on its notes.
"I had no idea you could play..." Raven said in astonishment.
"I know a few songs, but it was never a skill I preferred to use if I were honest."
The sound that came from it was about as old as the piano seemed to be, and perhaps the soul of its player, but neither of us seemed to mind it. I took the liberty to speak in a slow, and mellow voice over the music.
"Rachel Roth Kent, when I first met you, I felt strangely drawn to you. Some will say that it's because you saved me from death that first day, and perhaps they're right, but I personally like to believe that it is simply because, and I know this to be true, you're special to me in ways I can barely comprehend. You bring me so much joy in countless ways, even during the bad. And with those feelings, I have to ask you: will you make me happy forever and bewed me?"
Raven giggled. "You know normally people ask 'will you marry me,' but I think I like your way a little better... my answer is yes. I accept your courtship."
I allowed a smile to creep on my lips as I stopped my playing and stood to meet her gaze again "Can I kiss you?"
She rolled her eyes. "Okay, bird boy you don't need to ask permission for everything."
She grabbed the collar of my shirt and forced our lips together then. It was... nice. Little did I know, at the time, that Kent had been listening in outside the door, a smile on his face and warmth in his heart.
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underoosweb · 5 years
Salvation Ch.9
Warning: Fluff, angst
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark! reader (Eventually)
9.7+k words
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Pepper groaned when she heard F.R.I.D.A.Y speak
"Mrs. Stark, Miss Parker is on the phone for you."
"May?" Pepper rolled over picking up the phone
"Oh thank god. I'm so sorry to wake you Pepper but Peter isn't at home and I've been messaging him, calling him but he's not answering his phone. I called all his friends and you were the next person I could think of. Is he there?" Pepper stood midway through Mays panic wrapping her robe around her body
"I'll go check around."
"Thank you." Pepper could hear May breathing heavily
"May, you need to calm down. Take deep breaths. Don't worry we'll find him, if he's not here Tony put a tracker in his suit, I can track his location and let you know."
"Ok. Ok." Pepper made her way into Y/N's room expecting to see Peter and her asleep wrapped in a blanket but instead, she saw an empty bed, blankets gone. Pepper's eyes widened, breath hitched quickly she checked the drawers, slightly feeling relieved when the clothes were still there. Pepper made her way down the stairs opening the front door she saw the two teenagers laying on the dock. Pepper quietly made her way towards them, seeing dried tears on their cheeks, faces are swollen, Peter's head rested on Y/N's chest; arms firmly wrapped around her waist. Y/Ns hand remained in Peter's hair, slight smiles appeared on their faces. Pepper couldn't help but smile at the two, she walked away careful not to wake them.
"Did you find him?"
"Yeah, he's here. He fell asleep with Y/N."
"Oh thank god. Can you have him call me in the morning."
"Sure thing."
"Thank you, Pepper."
"No problem. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." Pepper hung up the phone and went back to sleep
Y/N followed "Agent" around the helicarrier, her dad was not going to be happy about this. Y/N walked into the main control room to see Nick talking to her father, Y/N froze e/c eyes widening she hid behind "agent" as Tony turned to look at him. Phil smiled at him and Tony rolled his eyes. Phil wasn't about to get Y/N in trouble she was already scared as it is, Phil turned around nodding his head forward, Y/N turned around making her way towards the door when she bumped into a solid wall. Wait. That wasn't a wall. Y/N looked up to be greeted my ocean blue eyes. Steve smiled at the little girl
"Phil I didn't know you brought your daughter." Steve studied the young child, Y/N saw his eyebrows furrow
"Weird, she kinda looks like Tony." Y/N heard her father go silent. No, please. She was going to be in so much trouble. Y/N flinched as she heard Tony's footsteps as they inch closer, not wanting to meet his eyes she closed hers. Tony stood in front of Phil, fuming. Y/N opened her eyes to meet her father's anger filled brown ones. 
"What are you doing here?" Tony asked in a firm voice. Y/N felt tears prick her eyes
"I ummm I…" Y/N mumbled. Tony slowly started to lose his patience
"I'm sorry!" Y/N sobbed out, she clung onto "agent"
"Tony, there's no need to yell," Steve replied, Tony glared at the man
"I will speak to MY daughter however I please, so shut it." Steve sighed
"She's not going to answer you if you continue to yell at her." Steve bent down and wiped away her tears
"Hi doll," Y/N buried her head into "agent's" white collared shirt.
"What are you doing on here?"
"I just… wanted to spend time with daddy," Y/N said turning her face to meet his.
"Daddy sent me to play with Uncle Happy so he could be with Pepper, but I missed him too." Tony's eyes softened, he sighed and bent down to Y/N's height. Tony reached out to caress her cheek, Y/N turned away from him, his hand came down.
"Bug? Wanna look at me?" Y/N shook her head.
"Please." Y/N sniffles and looks at Tony
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you, I just. This is a dangerous place and I don't want you to get hurt. I lost my cool thinking about what could happen to you and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't spend time with you right when I got home too. I'm sorry I sent you with Happy when you should have been with me." Y/N smiled slightly
"It's ok. I'm sorry for sneaking on here." 
"It's ok, we gotta get you back to Pepper though ok?"
"Later?" Oh no, Tony's weakness, his daughter's puppy dog eyes. Tony would give her anything and everything she wanted.
"Please? Just for a bit." Tony sighed
"YAY!" Y/N smiled wide and hugged her father. Tony smiled, Y/N pulled away. God, she had her mother's smile and how he loved the warmth it gave off. 
"Come on, we got to go to the lab." Tony grasped Y/N's small hand
"Bye uncle agent, bye uncle Steve."
"Sweetie my name isn't agent."
"Daddy said that was your name."
"That's right bug, his name is agent." Tony snickered, Steve smiled and waved at the girl. Tony and Y/N walked in the halls entering the lab to see a man pacing back and forth. 
"Sit here." Tony lifted her and sat her away from the scepter. Agent walked into the lab
"You forgot about this." 
"STITCH!" Y/N smiled and hugged her stuffed aliens
"Thank you, agent."
"No problem, little one." Phil walked out of the lab
"Umm Tony, who's this?"
"My daughter."
"You don't have kids." Bruce looked confused
"I do, media just doesn't know about it."
"Oh, Hello there." 
"Hi." Y/N waved shyly
"My name is Bruce. What's your name?"
"That's a beautiful name." Y/N blushed no one had ever told her that.
"Thank you." Bruce smiled
"Should she be here with me?" Bruce whispered to Tony
"Can't really send her anywhere else, she said she wanted to spend time with me."
"Tony, you won't be able to, we're too busy trying to figure out the scepter." Tony sighed and looked at his daughter who had turned her attention to the stuffed alien.
"Hey, bug?"
"Do you wanna go see if "uncle" Steve wants to show you around?"
"But I thought we were going to play together?"
"I promise I'll play with you after, this time you can-"
"Why don't you just bypass their mainframe and direct a reroute to the Homer cluster, you guys can clock this around six hundred teraflops." Y/N said cutting Tony off, Bruce's eyes widened
"How?" Tony looked at the screen and smiled
"That's my girl." Y/N smiled
"That might take a while though. Hope you packed more than a toothbrush." Y/N said
"I only packed a toothbrush," Bruce replied, Y/N smiled.
"I'll go see uncle Steve and Aunt Nat, we can play later." Tony smiled and nodded
"Okay bug, you need me to walk you back."
"No, bye uncle Bruce.". Y/N waved and walked out
"Hmm, oh, she's a genius, doesn't like to show it, no idea why. She actually helped me build the Iron Man suit." 
"Honestly, should have seen that coming."
Y/N walked down the halls turning to the doors she stops hearing a whistle. Y/N turned her head to the right, biting her lip. Debating, should she or shouldn't she? Y/N sighed and gave in to the temptation, following the sound she entered a room with a giant cell in the middle of it, and a man sitting in the center. Y/N walked closer to the stranger, long raven hair, pale skin, his clothes green black and gold. Loki opened his eyes feeling a presence. Y/N stared into his sky blue eyes. Loki stared at the young girls e/c eyes, he scoffed
"They sent a child to break me. Pathetic."
"Hi?" Y/N waved clutching her stitch in her other arm, Loki raised an eyebrow
"What do you want?"
"I'm Y/N. What's your name?" Loki let out a chuckle
"You have not heard of me, child." Y/N shook her head
"I am Loki."
"Loki?" He nodded
"As in the god Loki?"
"So you have heard of me."
"Well not heard, read. Greek mythology is my favorite thing to read."
"Mythology…? I am no myth."
"Prove it."
"Prove that you're Loki." Loki narrowed his eyes
"You're going to be king?"
"That's so cool, I wouldn't really want to be a king or queen, too much responsibility." Y/N could see Loki's tense shoulders relax a bit
"What's it like? You know growing up in a palace, learning to be proper, fighting, OO did you get to find love? Or was it arranged like it was back in the day." Loki stood there staring at the girl, what game were they playing at?
"Can you tell it to me in a story with your magic?" Y/N moved closer to the cell sitting right in front of it careful not to touch the glass, Loki placed his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth. Was he really about to tell a story to this girl? This was a trick a way to get more information out of him, he needed to get the job done, he would not fail, he would not break.
"Can you please start? They don't know I'm here and if my dad finds out he'll freak out again." Loki turned to look the girl her e/c eyes burned a hole in his face
"You're a naughty child aren't you?"
"I am my father's daughter." Y/N said while shrugging
"Very well then," Loki sat in front of her careful not to touch the glass.
"Let us begin," Loki smirked, Y/N smiled when she saw little golden figures appear from his hands
"Long ago…"  Y/N sat there staring in awe as Loki explained his version of his story, figures danced all across the cell. Y/N smiled when Loki mentioned his mother
"You must really love her. I never really knew mine."
"What do you mean?"
"She died when I was little." That was all she had to say about that, Loki noticed that she became uncomfortable so he made her the horrid thing she had been clinging onto when she walked in. Y/N smiled as Loki made her a dusty golden stitch, she giggled and Loki felt his heart melt, her smile made him feel safe, comfortable and warm. Loki continued his story and soon her stomach growled.
"I shall finish this another time little one."
"Noo, you're almost done. Please." Loki smiled slightly and continued. Loki didn't give her everything that happened to him, him being tortured by Thanos, his story had an open ending.
"It is finished."
"Well the story didn't have an ending, you still have to choose who to be, how you want to end it and how you want to be remembered. Thank you for the story Loki, may I come back tomorrow for another?" 
"Of course." Y/N smiled and waved
"Bye, your highness," Loki smirked
"Goodbye, little one." Y/N stood and made her way to the central control room, Steve, Nat, and a tall blonde man sat at the table discussing how to get information out of Loki. Y/N tapped on Nat's back, Nat turned and smiled
"Hey, little widow."
"Aunt Nat, I'm hungry."
"Ok, I'll go get someone to get you something, sit down next to Thor. Y/N looked at her
"This guy." Nat cocked her head to the left. Y/N sat next to Thor
"Are you Thor?"
"Yes! It is always a pleasure to meet a fan."
"I never said I was a fan." Thor's smile fell, Nat and Steve snickered
"You're Loki's brother."
"Ah, you've heard of my brother."
"Do you have magic like he does?"
"No, I do not possess his skills of trickery."
"So, only thunder?"
"Did you not want to learn magic?"
"I was trained to be a warrior, Loki was small and weak at the time, therefore mother taught him magic."
"But why didn't you learn?"
"I was busy learning to fight."
"Couldn't you use magic to help win fights?"
"Fights were made to be won in hand to hand combat, not trickery."
"I wouldn't consider it trickery, I would say it's an added skill. It benefits you in a battle, if you are in a tight situation, you are able to duplicate yourself or even change their point of views, make them see things that aren't there." Thor sat there flabbergasted
"She does have a point," Natasha responded, Y/N looked at the agent who set a tray of food in front of her.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." Y/N smiled digging into her cheeseburger and fries
"Y/N" Y/N looked up at Steve
"How did you know about Loki?"
"You guys were talking about him."
"Even we didn't know about him."
"You need to read more Uncle Steve. Greek mythology, Pepper got me the books." Steve nodded
"Y/N," Y/N turned her attention to the door
"You ready bug?" 
"After I eat, please." 
"Of course." Y/N smiled, continuing to eat her cheeseburger, Tony leaned against the wall staring at Y/N. He smiled as she ate. She was definitely his.
Peter swung onto the side of the compound, he knocked on the window, the light slowly came on but only dimly. Y/N smiled as she reached the window
"Well if it isn't my favorite superhero." Peter chuckled jumping into the room, pulling his mask off
"Please, don't let Mr. Stark hear that."
"Why afraid he might kick your ass, Parker."
"Yes." Y/N rolled her eyes sitting on the floor back against the bed, she patted the spot next to her and Peter sat down facing her
"Let's see the damage." Y/N placed her finger under his chin, examining his face. No matter how many times Y/N did this, Peter could feel his heart speed up, as if it were about to pop out of his chest, his face flushed, breathing shaky. If only she knew what she did to him, Y/N felt the same way. 
"Well looks like a couple of scraps on your face, a cut lip and a bruise on your cheek, not too bad today." Y/N pulled the first aid kit from her drawer and tended to Peter's wounds. Peter flinched when the alcohol touched his lip
"Sorry." Y/N whispered
"It's ok.." Peter whispered back, Y/N bit her lip, Peter noticed she did that when she would concentrate, Peter looked down at her lips, god he wanted to kiss her badly. Y/N looked at Peter
"You ok?"
"What?" Peter blinked rapidly
"Are you ok? You're really red, do you have a fever? F.R.I.D.A.Y scan Peter's vitals."
"Elevated heart rate, but other than that vitals and temperature are normal."
"Ok thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y."
"Afraid we'll get caught?"
"Your heart rate?"
"Oh yeah, won't she tell Mr. Stark I'm here."
"Don't worry about it."
"How was school?"
"Same, oh Ned and I are going to build the death star."
"Death Star?"
"Ugh, I still can't believe you've never seen Star Wars. We need to have a movie night."
"Peter, I told you multiple times I stay awake when they race then I fall asleep and Luke has one hand and is hanging there." Peter groaned laying on the floor
"There there, you should change. Did you tell May you were here?"
"Yeah," Peter replied heading to the restroom, walking out in grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Peter left clothes at the compound since there were times where he would spend the night. May thought Tony knew, he felt bad for lying to her but he just wanted to spend time with Y/N. 
"How about we watch it and I try and keep you awake?"
"How are you going to do that?" Y/N raised an eyebrow
"I don't know, I'll figure it out," Peter replied shrugging
"Wow, great plan."
"Thank you." Peter grinned, Y/N rolled her eyes
"Let's go to bed Peter." Peter nodded, Y/N stood and climbed on her bed, Peter remained on the floor
"Come on." 
"What? I always sleep on the floor." 
"That's cause you nagged me to death saying that you couldn't sleep with me it would be wrong and I quote "WHAT IF MR. STARK WALKS IN? HE COULD KILL ME. NO, HE WOULD KILL ME?" End quote"
"I was speaking the truth, Mr. Stark would kill me."
"Well, Mr. Stark isn't here."
"He isn't?"
"Nope in India, celebrating a wedding. Now come on." Peter stood nervously, 
"Peter, we're just sleeping."
"I know." Peter lightly glared at Y/N. Y/N was just as nervous as Peter, this would be the first time they slept together, well they've slept together but not on the same bed. Peter always slept on the floor surrounded by blankets and pillows while Y/N slept in her bed. Y/N's heartbeat echoed in her ears, it was beating fast it was too loud, she was nervous Peter could hear it, but all Peter could hear was the sound of his own heart. Peter climbed into the bed and laid down next to Y/N.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y can you lower the lights the 15%." The lights dimmed, even more, a slight glow still illuminated the room. Y/N was scared of the dark, bad things happened in the dark. Y/N rolled on her side, staring at the side of Peter's face, Peter rolled over to face Y/N, he smiled at her, reaching out, he moved the start strand of her hair away from her face, Y/N smiled
"Good night Peter."
"Good night Y/N." 
Peter groaned cuddling into Y/N’s neck, even more, his hair tickling Y’N’s nose, it twitched. They both haven’t slept so peacefully in weeks, Peter’s arms wrapped right around Y/N bringing her peace she’s never known before, a calming of the storms in her heart. Peter believes it's her that gives him hope for the future. In each other’s embrace, they start to believe that there is nothing out there to fear, that all there is, is sunshine. Peter groaned once again once he heard giggling and saw a faded flash from his closed eyes he slowly opened his eyes to see Morgan standing in front of them with a Polaroid camera in hand. Peter sat up slightly, Morgan’s brown eyes widened she ran away while giggling. Y/N groaned and she felt Peter shift stretching her arm out wrapping it around Peter’s waist he laid back down and ran his fingers through her h/c hair, Peter smiled looking down at her, her chest rising and falling, her eyelids slightly fluttering, mouth slightly open, drool making its way down her cheek. Peter laughed, Y/N groaned feeling Peter’s chest vibrate
“5 more minutes..” Y/N mumbled against his chest
“As much as I want that, it’s almost 7.” Y/N shot up getting slightly light headed.
“What?!” Peter rolled over grabbing his phone showing her the time. 6:40am 
‘“Oh my god! We’re going to be late!” Peter leaned on his side staring at Y/N looking around frantically then she stopped realizing what she probably looked like.
“Oh my god! Peter close your eyes.” Y/N squealed placing her hand over his eyes. Peter laughed
“What? Why?” Grabbing her hand and pulling it down, Y/N raced to place her other hand over his eyes
“Because I probably look like a mess.” Peter moved her hand once again and looked into her e/c eyes
“You look perfect,” he whispered. Y/N felt her face flush, Peter felt the same, his face bright red then a flash disrupted them, turning their heads to see Morgan standing there with a big smile on her face.
“Mama told me to come and get you guys because breakfast is ready,” and with that Morgan ran off into the house. Y/N shook her head standing up Peter followed her movements, grabbing his backpack and picking up the blanket
“I can take that Peter.”
“No it’s fine, just lead the way.” Peter followed Y/N into the house, their noses greeted with the smell of eggs, bacon, and toast. Pepper stood in front of the island arms across her chest, eyebrows raised. Y/N flinched she had a whole lot of explaining to do.
“Good morning Pepper.” Y/N whispered as she sat on the chair
“Good morning Mrs. Stark,” Peter mumbled with his head down sitting next to Y/N
“Good Morning Y/N, Peter.” 
“Good morning Y/N, Peter!” Morgan yelled out sitting on the other side of Y/N
“Morning Morgan.” The two teens replied
“So, do one of you want to talk or…”
“I’m sorry Pepper. I couldn’t sleep so I went outside and Peter came, we were talking and fell asleep.”  Pepper sighed
“I don’t mind the two of you being together but I prefer that you didn’t sneak around,”
“We didn’t mean to disrespect you, Mrs. Stark.” 
“Also no more sleepovers, I mean if you do it’ll be in separate rooms, doors open.”
“You’re not mad?” Y/N asked munching on her toast
“A bit, but I’d rather you tell me that you two are hanging out than sneaking around.” Y/N nodded
“I’m sorry Pepper.”
“I’m sorry Mrs. Stark.” Pepper smiled
“Alright, finish breakfast and go get ready still got to go to school.” The two teens nodded, Peter stood and headed to the restroom
“Oh and Peter,” Peter turned and looked at Pepper
“Call your Aunt, she called here last night worried.” Peter’s eyes widened, he nodded and went into the restroom. Peter frantically changed into his clothes grabbing his phone pressing the number one, he heard the phone ring.
“Aunt May? I’m so sorry I didn’t call, Y/N messaged me and I came over, we started talking and we fell asleep. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to make you worry.”
“A text would have been nice Peter, I called everywhere. I called Ned, MJ, hospitals and then when I called Pepper, she said that you had gone over and fell asleep. Do you know how worried I was? I thought something bad happened to you.”
“I’m sorry Aunt May…” Peter whispered out, he heard her sigh
“It’s fine Peter, just please next time call me or text me. Also, you’re grounded for a week, no patrolling, no TV and no going out.”
“Okay…” Peter inwardly groaned, grounded a week and a half before the vacation, well at least she didn’t say she couldn’t go.
“Get going, you’re going to be late for school. I larb you.”
“I larb you too Aunt May.” Peter smiled and hung up the phone
Y/N stood and made her way to her room, using the restroom to brush her teeth, comb her hair, Y/N changed into denim jeans and a plain grey shirt. 
“You’re going to be late!” Pepper yelled
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Y/N yelled back, shoving her homework in her backpack and ran down the stairs
“I’m here.” Peter smiled
“Ready little stark? Kid?” They nodded, Y/N ran to Pepper and kissed her cheek, she ran to Morgan and kissed her cheek
“Bye Pepper, bye Morgan.” 
“Bye Mrs. Stark, bye Morgan.”
“Bye kids, have fun at school.”
“BYE Y/N, BYE PETER!” Morgan yelled and waved.
Peter, Y/N, and Happy exited the house, Peter hopped into the backseat and Y/N followed, Happy turned to his right expecting her to sit in the front but instead saw an empty seat
“I see how it is a little Stark.” Happy whispered and smiled looking at the two teenagers. 
“WAIT! WAIT!” Y/N turned around to see Morgan running towards the car, opening the door she looked down at her younger sister
“Here..you...go!” Morgan said gasping to catch her breathe she handed Y/N a brown bag
“Don’t open it until you’re alone.” Morgan smiled and ran back into the house, Y/N closed the door and looked at Peter
“What’d she give you?”
“No idea, she said to open it when I’m alone.”
“So I can’t know?”
“I can show you after I open it.” Peter nodded and smiled.
Peter and Y/N made it to school 20 minutes late, they tried sneaking past the office but failed now they are sitting in the principal's office, Y/N twirled her thumbs around, Peter didn't look nervous one bit he was used to this.
"Miss. Stark and Mr. Parker, nice to see you again."
"We weren't that late." The principal sighed
"I'm going to let this slide because I understand that Miss Stark is going through a difficult time." Y/N met his eyes filled with pity. Y/N glared slightly, she hated being pitted on.
"Get to class, both of you." Y/N stood along with Peter and went straight to the English class.
Lunch came around and Y/N smiled, chicken, mac and cheese, grapes and water. Y/N sat in the back remembering what Morgan gave her in the morning she opened her backpack and opened the brown bag. Y/N pulled out 12 Polaroid pictures that Morgan took in the morning, each a double. A little note fell from the pictures
One for you and one for Peter- Morgan
Y/N smiled and looked through each picture, one where Peter was laying on her chest arms wrapped around her waist a smile on his face, the next was of her laying on Peter's chest her arms wrapped around his waist a smile on her face, the next photo Peter was awake, kissing her forehead, Y/N blushed at the photo. When did he do that? She didn't even realize. The next photo was one of the two of them forehead to forehead, a smile on both their faces and slightly flushed. Moving to the next set it was of Peter moving a stray strand of hair away from Y/N’s face and the last set was a photo that Happy took of Peter, Morgan and her, Morgan in Peter’s arms, Peter made a funny face to make Morgan and Y/N laughed, Y/N smiled, they looked like a happy family. Y/N heard someone clear their throat quickly putting the photos away she looked up to see Flash staring at her.
“Can I help you?”
“Is what Penis-” Y/N glared and Flash flinched
“Is what Parker said true?”
“That he actually worked with Tony Stark and met all the other Avengers?” Y/N lifted a brow
“Why so curious?”
“So he is a liar.”
“Peter doesn’t lie. Yes, he worked with my father, aunts, and uncles.”
“Father? Tony Stark only has 1 kid.”
“He has two.”
“Are you like one of those delusional fans?”
“You know the fans who like to pretend they know the person. Let’s be honest if you’re Tony Stark’s kid then I’m Captain America’s kid. If you are his kid, why have we never seen or heard of you? Was he embarrassed by you?” Y/N felt tears prickle her eyes, was Tony embarrassed by her? No. He did it to protect her, he was Iron man she could have gotten hurt. Tony would never be embarrassed by her, he was proud of her.
“I thought Parker was a liar, but you took first place.” Y/N felt the tears rolled down her cheeks
“FLASH!” Flash turned towards the voice, Peter standing behind him, dropping his food, he raised his fist hitting Flash straight on the jaw, Flash fell to the ground clenching his jaw.
“What the hell, Parker!?” Peter ignored him and sat next to Y/N, placing his hands on her cheeks he wiped her tears.
“Are you ok?” Y/N shook her head
“Come on.” Grabbing her hand he pulled her out of the cafeteria, making his way to the roof of the school. Peter sat down, pulling her down with him. Y/N rested her head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry Peter.” Peter turned to look at her
“What are you sorry for? You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“But you punched him, you might get suspended or expelled or worse you might not be able to go on the trip so you can forget about Spider-Man, my dad, Pepper, Morgan and me. You need to go on that trip to forget about everything.” Y/N rambled lifting her head from his shoulder
“Hey, hey, hey,” Peter caressed her face, forcing her to look at him
“I’m never going to forget you. Ever. I’m never going to forget Mr. Stark, Mrs. Stark or Morgan, you guys mean so much to me. Do you want to forget about me?”
“Never.” Y/N said confidently staring into his brown eyes, they twinkled when she said that.
“I heard what he said.”
“Yeah?” Y/N e/c eyes look down 
“He’s wrong you know. Mr. Stark loves you, he always mentioned you when I would visit the compound, how you managed to help build Veronica, an anti-gravity device,”
“That one was a secret.”
“Well he found out and you built my suit. Mr. Stark told me how proud he was when you finished the Iron Spider suit when I asked him about the suit he said “Kid, Y/N built it. I was worried at first because she started to be more and more like me, but she had this big smile on her face when working on your suit I couldn’t stop her and when she finished it she ran to me screaming, yelling DAD DAD DAD I DID IT I DID IT. She dragged me into the lab and showed me the suit, her smile so wide, I’m pretty sure her face hurt from how much she was smiling, my face hurt from smiling, I have never been so proud of her. I can just hope nothing happened to her.” I just stared at him and thought he really loves her.” Y/N felt the tears rolling down her cheeks once again. Peter smiled and wiped her tears
“Thank you, Peter.” Y/N whispered
“Anytime.” Y/N calmed herself and grabbed her backpack, pulling out the brown bag.
“Ready to see?” Peter nodded, Y/N pulled out the pictures and handed them to Peter. Peter looked at the polaroids sitting in his hands, his face turned red when he saw the sets. Peter never noticed how much of a couple they looked like, he loved the thought of it, did she even notice? Did she think about it? Peter saw the last set of photos, he was holding Morgan, his face scrunched up, tongue sticking out, Morgan and Y/N facing him laughing, he wanted to have a family with Y/N. Peter blushed at the thought, he let out a cough. Y/N smiled.
“Morgan said one for me and one for you.” 
“Yup.” Peter chose his photos and handed the others back to Y/N. Peter pulled a folder from his bag and placed them in there. Y/N grabbed her bag and placed them in her notebook.
“Should we head back?” Peter sighed
“I really don’t want to.”
“Too bad. Come on.” Y/N grabbed Peter’s hand, standing and pulling him up with her. Y/N and Peter walked down the stairs hand in hand. 
“Mr. Parker, Miss Stark.” They froze
“Come with me.” Shit. 
Peter and Y/N sat in their chairs, shifting uncomfortably feeling May’s stare and Pepper’s stare burning holes into their faces. Flash sat on the right side of them with his father.
“Thank you all for coming, the reason you are all here is that Mr. Parker here hit Mr. Thompson.”
“Peter,” May said 
“You hit someone.”
“May I didn’t do it on purpose or for no reason.” May sighed, her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose.
“We have a no violence policy in this school and I’m considering taking Mr. Parker off the Europe trip.”
“You can’t do that.” Y/N butted in
“Y/N” Pepper warned her
“But Pepper, he can’t do that. Flash was being a jerk to me and Peter protected me.”
“Miss Stark-”
“NO! You’re seriously going to sit here and take the bully’s side. Flash sat there and took me that I wasn’t my dad’s daughter and that I was nothing but disappointment and embarrassment to him.” Y/N looked at Pepper, Pepper’s blue eyes widened, reaching out placing her hand on Y/N’s cheek.
“Pepper, did dad ever feel that way?”
“Of course not, he never felt that way.”
“Flash is this true?” A deep rough voice spoke
“I… yes.”
“I see. There’s no need to take Mr. Parker off the trip. I’m willing to let this go since my son did decide to bully Miss Stark here. I’m sorry Mrs. Stark. Apologize.”
“I’m sorry.” Y/N looked at Flash
“It’s ok.” The group walked out of the office
“Y/N! PETER!” Morgan ran towards the teens
“Hey, Morgan.” They replied
“Pepper can we give Peter and May a ride home?”
“Of course.” Morgan stood between Peter and Y/N and held each of their hands, the three walked behind May and Pepper. Y/N looked over to Peter, they were in trouble.
Peter and May hopped out of the car before they reached the door Y/N hopped out of the car
“May,” May turned around
“I’m sorry, what happened wasn’t Peter’s fault.”
“I know sweetie.” May smiled
“Don’t be too hard on him.” May laughed and nodded.
“I’ll see at school tomorrow Peter.”
“Bye Y/N.”
“Bye.” Y/N waved, she got into the car and they drove off. Peter and May entered the building and into their apartment. Peter threw his backpack into his room and sat down on the couch, his leg bouncing up and down, fingers running through his hair. He heard May sigh and felt her sit next to him.
“I know you wanted to protect her, but next time try not to hit him. Same rules apply, no patrolling, no going out, no TV and no phone.” 
“May, I’m sorry.”
“I know Peter.” May smiled at her nephew
“Good for you though, protecting your crush.”
“W-What? I I don’t have a crush on Y/N.” May raised a brow
“Peter.” Peter’s blood rushed to his face
“Is it that obvious?” Peter asked shyly
“Umm, just a tad.” Peter groaned
“It’s cute Peter.”
“I don’t think she likes me in that way anyway.”
“You don’t know that.”
“It’s just,” Peter ran his fingers through his hair again
“She’s just amazing, you know. She’s insanely smart, funny, gentle, understanding and beautiful. And her smile May, God her smile, it lights up my world, it makes my heart race every time. I would do anything to keep that smile on her face. She makes me feel calm, safe and she feels like home like it’s only the two of us and there’s no evil in the world. She just takes my breath away.” May stared at Peter, his face red, a shy smile on his face, brown eyes twinkled and filled with love. May knew that he watched her like she had the stars in her hands and soft petals at her feet, he wanted to wrap her in his arms and never let go. May smiled at Peter.
“You should tell her how you feel.”
“What? No, I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“What if she doesn't like me? I don’t want to ruin the friendship.”
“Take a chance, Peter.” 
“I… I’ll tell her on the trip.”
“Thanks for listening to me May.”
“Why wouldn’t I want to know about my nephew’s crush. Y/N and Peter sitting in a tree,”
“May,” Peter groaned
“I’m just kidding, now go do homework, while I go make dinner and by make I mean do you want Chinese food?” Peter laughed
“Yeah, thanks May.” Peter stood heading to his room
“No problem. Oh, Peter?”
“Phone. Suit.” Peter inwardly groaned, he hopped she forgot about that, pulling his phone out, going into his room pulling his suit out and handing the items to May. Peter went back into his room and started on his homework.
By the time the Starks made it home, it was dark out. Happy stopped at a fast food place and got them food. The trio said goodbye to Happy and made their way into the house. Y/N walked up the stairs throwing her backpack into the room and made her way back down the stairs, Y/N saw Pepper sitting on the couch, Morgan on the floor coloring in her book. Y/N sat next to Pepper.
“Why didn’t dad want anyone to know about me?”
“He was worried. Scared that something might happen to you.” Y/N nodded, she remembered when her dad told her his worries, but she wanted to make sure.
“I’m sorry he said that to you.”
“Why would you be sorry?”
“I just feel like this wouldn’t have happened if you were still homeschooled, it’s only been two days and you were already sent to the office.”
“I like it.” Pepper laughed
“What? Causing trouble?”
“Like father, like daughter.” 
“Thank you, Pepper, for everything.” Pepper pulled Y/N into a hug
“I wanna hug too.” Morgan stood pouting
“Come here.” Y/N opened her arm and Morgan joined the hug.
1 day before the trip
“Are you taking your suit?” Peter looked at Y/N 
“No, I’m just planning on relaxing.” Y/N nodded
“So, does MJ know yet?”
“Nope,” Peter replied reaching for the bag of sour patches
“Are you going to tell her?”
“Maybe.” Y/N reached for a chocolate bar filled with almonds, Peter got other snacks for Ned and MJ
“I still can’t believe I agreed to this.”
“Ned and MJ said it was a crime that you haven’t seen Star Wars yet, so they said movie night. Plus we can all just carpool tomorrow to the airport.”
“So sleepover, I only gave in because you gave me the puppy eyes.”
“You love it.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Peter and Y/N walked to the register, she paid for the things. Peter and Y/N walked back towards his apartment, entering the apartment, she set the bag of snacks on the table 
“Hi, sweetie.”
“Hi May, I brought you some chocolate.”
“Thank you, sweetie.”
“No problem.” 
“COMING.” Y/N walked into Peter’s room, he was struggling with the blankets and pillows, rushing to him she grabbed a handful of pillows and a blanket. Y/N walked back into the living room, setting the stuff down on the couch
“Peter is all this really necessary?”
“Yes.” He huffed out placing the blankets down. Peter turned and looked at the coffee table sitting in the room.
“Where should I move this?” Peter mumbled
“Peter just move it against the wall,” May responded, Peter nodded easily picking up the table and moving it against the table, Y/N started setting the blankets down, the fluffiest ones on the bottom with the rest on top, placing the big fluffy pillows on top, she stepped back to admire her work, smiling she was satisfied. Peter stood next to Y/N, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
“Good job Y/N.”
“Thank you. Should we set up the screen now?” 
“Maybe in a bit.” Y/N nodded
“Do you guys want pizza for dinner?”
“Yes, please.” Y/N and Peter replied
“Alright, I’ll order now.”
Peter laid on the edge of the blankets, Y/N next to him, MJ sat next to her and Ned next to MJ, all of them dressed in their PJs. They were about halfway through the movie, an empty pizza box in front of them along with wrappers from multiple snacks. Y/N could feel her eyes become heavy, Peter glanced at her and smiled.
“Getting sleepy?” Peter whispered in her ear
“You’re almost there, you can do this.”
“Maybe.” Y/N shook her head and continued to watch the movie, the credits rolled on the screen
“So?” Ned asked
“Did you like it?”
“Yeah, it was good. Should we put on another movie?”
“Lord of the rings?” Ned asked MJ and Peter agreed. Y/N’s eyes widened
“Ummm, sure.”
“Oh my god,” Peter said
“You’ve never seen that either, have you?”
“Ok, what have you seen?” MJ asked
“Umm fandom wise just those two.”
“Well, Peter go put it on.” Peter stood and put the movie on, he snuggled back next to Y/N.
“I’m going to clean up before it starts.” Y/N stood picking up the empty box and the wrappers, she stood in the kitchen throwing away the wrappers, folding the box and placing it on the counter. Y/N walked towards the blankets but stopped, MJ had moved over next to Peter, the two of them in a deep conversation, occasionally Ned would chime in. Y/N looked away and went into the restroom, sighing she grabbed her toothbrush and brushed her teeth. Y/N finished opening the door she made her way back to the blankets the movie had already started, she looked at Peter and MJ from the looks of it she had no plans in moving, Y/N sat next to Ned and quietly watched the movie. Y/N slowly started to become annoyed, she could hear their whispered and giggles every once in a while, they weren’t including her in their conversation. Why should they? Y/N was an outcast in their group, they had been friends for a while now. Y/N just laid down and tried to ignore them, turning on her side she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Peter glanced at Y/N, he noticed she rolled her eyes, biting the inside of her cheek and eyes narrowed she was annoyed. Peter turned his attention back to MJ, why was she annoyed? Peter glanced back at Y/N, her back facing them, Ned noticed Peter’s gaze and looked at Y/N’s face.
“She fell asleep.” Peter chuckled
“Of course.” Peter looked at the clock 11:15pm
“We should sleep too.”
“Yeah.” MJ and Ned agreed, the three rose carefully and made their way to the bathroom to brush their teeth. Ned and MJ finished and went back, Peter used the bathroom and walked back to the blankets, Ned had laid back down next to Y/N, he wanted to sleep next to Y/N. 
“Come on Peter, we don’t have all night.” Peter looked at MJ and laid down next to her, Peter dimmed the lights
“Goodnight.” MJ and Ned replied, then they entered the world of darkness.
Y/N rolled onto her back and groaned, slowly opening her eyes, she blinked. Why was it so dark? It's too dark in here, she couldn't see anything. Y/N sat up, back against the couch, reaching for her phone she turned on the flashlight, careful not to wake the others up, she stood and made her way into the bathroom. Peter heard the door close, he rolled over and noticed Y/N was missing from her spot, Peter sat up and sat on the couch. Y/N came out of the bathroom and squealed when she noticed a figure on the couch.
“It’s just me,” Peter whispered, Y/N relaxed and sat next to Peter
“Sorry for scaring you.”
“It’s ok. Did I wake you?”
“No, my senses kicked in and woke me.”
“Sooo, I woke you.”
“In a way, but it’s fine.”
“Aren’t you going to go back to sleep?” Y/N asked
“Nightmare.” Y/N nodded understanding
“Do you think they have nightmares?” Y/N asked cocking her head towards Ned and MJ
“Probably normal ones, not about the snap or you know.”
“Must be nice.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Y/N asked
“I… We weren’t able to stop Thanos and I turned around you... You were disappearing and Mr. Stark was lying on the floor, coughing up blood. I couldn’t save you both.” Peter felt Y/N’s hand slip into his, she squeezed his hand
“Peter, it’s ok. I’m still here.”
“I know,” Peter said, looking at Y/N. Y/N scooted to the end of the couch and laid down, she opened her arms and patted her chest. Peter smiled and climbed into her arms, he snuggled against her neck, her fingers running through his curled brown hair.
“Night Peter.”
“Night Y/N.”
Y/N woke up to the sound of a camera clicking. Not again, opening her eyes she saw me standing there taking pictures of the two teens
“Sorry, you just looked so adorable.”
“It’s fine. What time is it?”
“7. You guys should start getting up and ready.”
“Ok.” May turned and walked into the kitchen, Y/N looked down at Peter, running her fingers through his hair and whispering
“Peter. Peter. Get up.” Peter moaned and tightened his grip
“I don’t wanna.” Y/N laughed
“Peter, get up, we have to get ready and eat.” MJ looked at Y/N and Peter on the couch
“Morning MJ.”
“Morning Y/N.”
“Good morning everybody,” Ned said brightly
“Good morning Ned.” MJ and Y/N replied Peter moaned again
“Go back to sleep… five more minutes.” Y/N rolled her eyes
“Pete, get up. I’m pretty sure Y/N wants to go brush her teeth and use the bathroom.” Ned said
“Ughh, too comfy.”
“Peter, if you don’t get up, I will use the secret weapon.” Peter’s head shot up, her stared int Y/N e/c eyes.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me, Parker.” Peter narrowed his eyes. Y/N lifted her hands, wiggling her fingers.
“Fine. Fine. I’m up.” Peter lifted himself from Y/N, she sat up and smiled
“Thank you,” Peter grumbled. Y/N made her way into Peter’s room and grabbed her little bag filled with today’s clothing. Y/N walked back into the living asking if anyone needed the restroom because she was going to shower, everyone replied no and Y/N went to shower.
Happy was not happy driving a car full of teenagers to the airport, the music was blasting, the boys were singing off-key and dancing around, the girls singing on key and just stook to bobbing their heads from side to side. Happy groaned, New York traffic was the worst, he wished they could just zoom through and he could finally have some peace and quiet. Y/N turned and looked at Happy, she lowered the music
“Sorry uncle Happy.”
“No worries Little Stark, I’m glad you’re smiling and having fun.” Y/N smiled
“We’ll try and keep it down.” 
“Thank you.”  Happy pulled into the parking lot, helping the kids unload their luggage, he followed behind the group of teens, making sure they didn’t get hurt or lost. Y/N saw the group of students along with Mr. Dell and Mr. Harrington. Y/N turned back to Happy
“I’ll see you in 2 weeks.”
“See you in 2 weeks, little Stark.” Y/N smiled, Happy opened his arms and she jumped into them.
“Thank you for bringing us Happy,” Peter said
“Thank you, Mr. Hogan.” MJ and Ned chimed in. Y/N pulled out of the hug and walked to the group.
“No problem kids, have fun.” Happy waved, the three teens waved back and walked to their group. Mr. Harrington looked like he was already having a panic attack, he counted each student multiple times, making sure he got the same number each time. Mr. Dell was calm and collected as he started at the other teacher.
“ALRIGHT STUDENTS!” The crowd went silent
“WHEN I CALL YOUR NAME YELL HERE!” Mr. Dell started naming off the students alphabetically 
“HERE!” Peter replied lifting his hand
“HERE!” Y/N replied she heard her classmates start to whisper. Peter held Y/N’s hand.
“Parker, you and Stark here dating?”
“No.” Y/N replied firmly. Peter didn’t like her he likes MJ. To Y/N MJ was definitely better than her. MJ looked at the two, eyebrow raised. Y/N cleared her throat and dropped Peter’s hand. Peter’s smile fell, Y/N never let go of his hand. The group made their way through customs and boarded the plane. Peter grabbed Y/N’s hand making her sit next to him.
“Peter  this isn’t my seat.”
“We can see if they’ll switch.”
“Sorry but that’s my seat.” Y/N looked at MJ, she stood and moved out of the way
“Sorry MJ.”
“It’s fine.” MJ placed her carry on overhead and sat in the seat. Y/N sat behind the two right next to Flash. Great. A 12-hour flight sitting next to Flash, maybe he won’t be too bad today. Flash glanced over at Y/N.
“Hey Y/N,”
“Hi, Flash.”
“I really did mean it.”
“Mean what?”
“That I was sorry.” Y/N looked at Flash, his dark brown eyes apologetic
“It’s fine Flash.”
“Can we start over?” Y/N looked at the hand extended towards her, she grasped it and shook
“Sure.” Flash smiled, the seat belt sign lit up and they buckled
“Good afternoon, this is your captain speaking. Our flight time will be of 12 hours and 40 minutes. 
At this time, make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position and that your seat belt is correctly fastened. Also, your portable electronic devices must be set to ‘airplane’ mode until an announcement is made upon arrival. Thank you.”
The cabin crew made their announcement next
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to direct your attention to the television monitors. We will be showing our safety demonstration and would like the next few minutes of your complete attention.” They watched the video, for Y/N this was nothing new she had been on planes so many times she lost count. 5 minutes after the video the pilot announced for the cabin crew to take their seats and prepare for taking off. Y/N hated the take off it made her sick to her stomach. The plane made its way gaining speed Y/N reached out and grabbed Flash’s hand, she did this out of habit, she always held her dad’s hand during take off and certain times it was Peter’s hand. Peter turned around, looking between the seats. He saw Y/N’s eyes closed shut, he looked down she was clutching Flash’s hand. Peter’s brows knitted, his stomach in knots, that was supposed to be him, she was supposed to be holding his hand, he was the one who should be comforting her not Flash. Peter scoffed and turned back around, crossing his arms, he knows he shouldn’t feel jealous but he couldn’t help it. Flash looked over at Y/N
“You ok?” Y/N nodded
“Sorry I usually hold my dad’s hand during taking off.” Flash nodded, the plane finally leveled out and Y/N let go of his hand.
“No problem.” Y/N noticed Peter and MJ talking and laughing, she turned to her left and noticed Ned was talking to Betty. Y/N noticed that Betty definitely had a crush on Ned and Ned had a crush on Betty, she hoped the two of them would confess their feelings on this trip. Y/N turned back looking at her monitor, she scrolled through the movie options and decided to watch A Quiet Place, putting her headphones on, she ignored the world.
3 hours later
Y/N was on her second movie when she heard the pilot speak
“Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned off the Fasten Seat Belt sign, and you may now move around the cabin. In a few moments, the flight attendants will be passing around the cabin to offer you hot or cold drinks, as well as breakfast/dinner/supper/a light meal/snack. Alcoholic drinks are also available at a nominal charge/with our compliments.”  The flight attendant reached Y/N and asked if she would like a snack, she grabbed water, chips, cookies and some fruit, she turned attention back to the movie.
2 hours later
Y/N sighed, they had 7 hours to go and she was bored out of her mind, she stood and walked up and down the small hallway, she needed to stretch. Peter noticed Y/N walking up and down the cabin, he stood and followed behind her. Y/N turned and bumped straight into Peter.
“Sorry, Pete.”
“You’re good.”
“Let me move over so you can get through.”
“Actually, I just wanted to talk to you, you looked bored back there.”
“Yeah, watched 3 movies and gave up after that. Flash’s uncomfortable around me still so no talking. You and MJ seem to be having fun.”
“Yeah, she was talking to me about a book she’s reading, plus she brought UNO so we’ve been playing that.”
“Sounds like fun.”
“Excuse me miss, sir, you can’t block the hall.”A flight attendant said
“Oh, sorry,” Peter said, they walked back to their seats. Y/N sat down and Peter turned around in his seat.
“Hey, Brad?” Brad looked forward and at Peter
“Can we switch seats for a bit?” Peter glanced at you and back to Brad, Brad smiled
“Sure Peter.”
“Thank you.” Peter and Brad switched, Peter was now sitting to your left right across from you.
“You left MJ all alone.”
“It’s fine. Now I can actually get some peace and quiet and read.” MJ chimed in
“Heyyy,” Peter whined, Mj placed a finger on her lips and making Peter shut up.
8 hours into the flight
Y/N looked around, everyone around them had fallen asleep. Peter felt his eyes slowly start to close, Y/N smiled and closed her eyes.
“Night Peter.”
“Night Y/N.”
The lights on the plane came on and everyone woke with a groan.
“Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you.” The Captain announced, Y/N stood and made her way to the bathroom before the seat belt sign came on. Everyone else followed. 
“Flight attendants, prepare for landing please.”
“Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the Venice Marco Polo Airport. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you.”
Y/N felt the plane started it’s decent and Peter reached for her hand, she looked at Peter he gave her a reassuring smile, his thumb drawing circles on her palm.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Venice Marco Polo Airport. Local time is 9:30pm and the temperature is 70 degrees. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about. Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight. If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you. On behalf of the entire crew, I’d like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice stay!”
Everyone clapped as the plane came to a stop, they all stood to grab their carry-ons, Peter and Y/N were still holding hands as they walked off the plane to the baggage claim. Y/N rested her head onto Peter’s shoulder, grabbing their luggage they walked to Mr. Dell and Mr. Harrington, the rest of the class followed. Mr. Dell did roll call once again and once he noted everyone was there, they went outside and into the bus. No one was talking, just wanted to get to the hotel and sleep. 
They all piled off the bus, Mr. Dell giving out room keys and listing their roommates, Peter was rooming with Ned and MJ was rooming with Y/N. Peter and Ned’s room was at the end of the hall to the right, while MJ’s and Y/N’s was to the right, they all said goodnight and entered their rooms. Y/N went straight to the restroom, brushed her teeth, changed and plopped on the bed. MJ did the same.
“I can’t believe we have to be down there at 8. I just wanna have a lazy day tomorrow.”
“Same,” MJ replied Y/N opened her carry on and pulled out Stitch.
“Night MJ.”
“Night Y/N.” the room went dark and so did their worlds.
@ziggyspurplehaze @ghost-brocolli @a-sweet-little-fangirl @imafreakingtaco @karlitabi-rrito @rexorangecounty @outsider-underwater @alisoncdariel @too-involved @laurxn-robinson @princessdancingonthesunshine @eridanuswave @readixgkodie615 @sltwins @xjaelee @peruvian-bae @aestheticgaybish @gwil-myee @editsbyjenny @soniasalvatore1 @avnngrs @lifestragedy
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Everything (S)He Does is Right
Bucky wakes to a warm breath against his neck and an arm around his waist—his own arm around a much smaller body. The bed is soft and the room is cool. He takes a moment to process his surroundings. Nothing much is different, to be honest, until he realizes it’s too quiet to be New York and he starts to smile.
Today’s the day, he thinks to himself.
Bucky wraps his arm tighter around his bedmate, rolling over slightly to wrap his free one around the small body. He inhales deeply, taking in the scent of coconut, the long, messy strands of hair tickling his nose. His smile grows as the body squirms, seemingly finding a better a position, before settling, a mumble and an exhale resounding in the quiet.
This is mine, he thinks, giddy, mine for the rest of our lives.
 Bucky met Toni before he met Tony.
He was out with Steve, Sam and Clint since they hadn’t hung out in a while. He was telling them about the time his editor looked like she was about to murder him for not finishing his manuscript on time when Steve snapped out of his seat and ran without a glance at them. As he was about to follow his friend, Sam put a hand on shoulder. When he looked at the other man, Sam’s eyes were on Steve’s retreating back, his eyes intense, as if he knew something Bucky wasn’t privy to.
When Steve came back, he has a beautiful, raven-haired woman under his arm, all shy smiles and downcast eyes. Even as a gay man, Bucky would admit she was beautiful (the tall African American man behind them was secondary in Bucky’s mind).
Steve introduced the two new people as Toni and Rhodey.
Toni and Rhode fit in well in their group. Bucky’s eyes, for some reason, kept on straying back to Toni. There was a pull of sorts, as if Toni was demanding his attention without even saying word. That was when he noticed Toni’s neck and realized maybe Toni is just like their Samantha.
 “Stop thinking. You’re too loud.” Tony mumbles, snapping Bucky out of his musings. He finds his fingers playing with the younger man’s hair absently and pauses, tilts his head down as he gently takes hold of the younger man’s chin, tilting his face up to see as much of Tony’s face as he could.
“Why? You jealous?” Bucky teases, absentmindedly running his thumb back and forth on the younger man’s chin.
“I have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.” The younger man mumbles, pouting and oh, this is Toni. Toni (and Tony) likes attention. She’s not spoiled, far from it, but when she loves someone, she wants most of their attention.
(Bucky assumes it’s because she’s an only child, and Maria and Howard have given Toni all of their attention and the young lady likes having the attention of people she loves.)
Bucky simply hums, tilts his head down to capture the younger brunette’s lips in a soft kiss.
 Bucky never meant to fall for Tony, but he did. (And god did he fall hard).
The moment Bucky saw how Steve interacted with the young brunet, he just knew his best friend found the one and he was happy, willing, even, to help the blond get the boy, so to speak.
Unfortunately, he didn’t realize how easy it was to fall in love with one Anthony Edward Stark. Neither did he realize how hard it was to fall out of love with Tony.
It happened like this: Tony, and by extension Rhodey (and their four other friends Bruce, Pepper, Natasha and Thor), has become a part of their small group. Tony also hung out with Steve a lot, and by extension, Bucky who shared an apartment with the blond. Tony always did this shy little smile when someone complimented him and he always had a witty retort at the tip of his tongue. In spite of being the son of a billionaire, Tony never saw himself as above everybody else. He was down-to-earth but confident. He may sound arrogant most times, but he simply stated facts.
Bucky didn’t realize he was falling for Tony until he felt the impact. It was slow, how he fell, he barely even felt it. All he knew was one moment, he was watching Tony enthusiastically explain to Steve the benefits of various foundations; the blond was smiling fondly at the young man’s antics. Next thing Bucky knew, he was meeting Steve’s eyes seeing a flash of fear and resignation in those blue depths, but the blond’s attention moved back to the young brunet too quickly for Bucky to understand what it meant.
It wasn’t until he was lying in bed, smiling softly as he recalled Tony’s face when he teased the younger man that Bucky remembered the look Steve gave him and had the time to analyze it. By then, the impact of his fall for Anthony Edward Stark was felt starkly, the guilt eating him alive.
 “Hey, princess.” Bucky mumbles after pulling away from Toni. She hums softly and tilts her face up for another kiss, somehow still stealing his breath away. The press of their lips against each other lasts for quite a while, remaining sweet and innocent. He loves mornings like, when they can simply explore each other without the sensuality of it all. He loves the innocent kisses, as if they’re back to being new with each other—eager but hesitant to take more.
“Ready for our big day?” He asks softly against Toni’s lips when they part. The younger brunette simply hums and buries her face in Bucky’s neck, nuzzling.
At some point, they’ll have to get out of bed and prepare for the wedding. Toni needs to get into her wedding dress and have her hair and makeup done while Bucky dons his three-piece suit and have his hair done. After, both he and Toni will be posing for pictures with their family and friends, then the waiting game at the end of the aisle when Howard will give his daughter away. For now, though, he can bask in the feeling of having Toni in his arms, as he always does in the mornings.
 “I’m sorry” were the first words Bucky said to Steve after Tony had kissed him for the first time. What made the matters worse was the fact he kissed back and had enjoyed it. Tony’s lips were soft and sweet, literally, as if he had been eating a candy beforehand. He kissed so well, too, as if he knew just what to do make Bucky ache for more.
“I know.” Steve said, a small, resigned smile on his face, putting his paintbrush down to give Bucky his full attention. It hurt to realize he’d betrayed his best friend, worse still how said best friend spoke as if it was inevitable Bucky would have the boy.
“I—” Bucky started, not knowing what he could say. He was grateful Steve cut him off with a raised hand.
“Buck.” The blond paused, as if assuring he has Bucky’s attention. “It’s okay. I saw Tony falling for you and I just want him to be happy.” Another pause, “I just want both of you to be happy.” even if I get hurt in the process went unsaid, and Bucky knew, even before Tony kissed him, Steve would sacrifice his own happiness to make others happy. So the brunet simply took the blond in an embrace, hoping it would convey his gratitude and regret at the same time.
 “What are you thinking?” Toni whisper, pulling him out of his daydream. He knows he can tell her about his excitement about their wedding, it wouldn’t technically be a lie, but Bucky knows she will see right through it and push and push and push until he gives in.
“Do you feel bad, falling in love with me?” he asks, fearing the answer. He knows Toni loves Steve and perhaps, if he and Toni hadn’t met as early as they have, it would be Steve and Toni’s wedding today, and he has to admire how much love Steve has in his heart that he would give away his chance at happiness.
(Tony has also admitted, in the quiet of their apartment, how, when they first met, he thought Steve was someone he could easily fall in love with, given the chance.)
Bucky is not that strong, probably never will be. If their positions are reversed, he’ll probably have a plane ticket booked, ready to leave the country when the wedding ends—probably even before the wedding ends. Steve, though, Steve decided to stay and watch the woman (man) he loves marry his best friend. He’s willing to stay beside them, constantly assure them he’s happy, even with the heartbreak. He’s willing to stay to support them.
“Sometimes.” Toni admits softly. Bucky thinks he should stiffen at the admission but he knows by now he should wait it out. Toni is with him instead of Steve. “I know if we hadn’t met when we did, maybe it would have been me and Steve dating. But I think of how much I love you now and I know that no matter what, I’ll fall in love with you and Steve would be hurt worse if that happened.” Toni mumbles and yeah, he can see that. Steve and Tony (Toni) dating, Steve keeping it a secret for the mean time because he would want it for the long haul and, perhaps months later, when Steve deemed it okay to meet Tony as someone he’s dating, Bucky falling for the young man who caught his best friend’s heart and Tony starting to feel the same but would hold himself back. Anything could happen but there would always be one ending—both he and Steve in love with Tony and Tony in love with only one of them.
 Bucky almost missed their first date.
Tony was Toni on their date, has been for almost two days. She was wearing a black form fitting dress which barely reached past halfway her thighs. It was a long sleeved off-the-shoulder one with some sort of simple graphic design. She paired the dress with brown, high-heeled boots which was just about two or three inches below her knees and finished the whole attire with a red beanie.
Bucky, on the other hand, wore a dark red long sleeved shirt, ripped fitted jeans, his nicest brown leather shoes and topped it off with a black leather jacket. His hair was dutch braided on both sides, leaving the center part free flowing, which he tied into a loose high bun.
On his way to Toni’s apartment, he almost got hit by a car crossing the street. It was frightening, but he was running late since his phone was dead and he didn’t realize his watch had stopped, not until Steve came barreling into their apartment asking him why he hasn’t left yet.
(It was a good thing he fixed his hair after his shower that morning.)
When he knocked on Toni’s apartment, he didn’t expect Rhodey open the door. The other man looked like he was ready to kill him until he explained what had happened. (Okay, that was untrue. After explaining his reason, Rhodey looked even more like he’d love nothing more than stab Bucky perhaps a million times).
When he was finally let in, Toni in completely ruined makeup welcomed him—her mascara was smudged and so was her lipstick. Bucky rushed to her and murmured apologies against her messy hair, her blonde wig lying on the coffee table.
Toni admitted she thought he wasn’t going to show up. He explained everything to her, completely embarrassed at how stupid his reason for almost missing their date was. Toni laughed wetly, rubbing tears and probably snot out of her face. “You’re ridiculous.” She mumbled and that was that.
 “We should probably get ready.” Bucky mumbles as he plays with Toni’s hair. Toni hums and snuggles closer. He should protest, he knows, because there’s every chance they might be late but he’s too comfortable, just like Toni is.
They stay silent for a while, simply enjoying each other’s presence. Sometimes Bucky would feel Toni’s lips graze his neck or jaw and would return the favor by massaging her scalp or simply resting his lips by her hair, even if she can’t feel it. Too soon, though, his phone starts ringing, reminding them of the rest of the world.
They both get up, albeit reluctantly, and starts to get ready for the day. They take turns showering, seeing as taking a shower together would just cause them to get distracted. When they’re both clothed, someone knocks on their door. When Bucky opens it, Maria and Steve, who’s carrying two garment bags, one black and one white, welcome him.
“Suit or dress?” Steve asks as Bucky opens the door wider for them to enter.
“Dress.” Toni replies as she arranges her makeup on the table. Her hair is long enough for the hairstyle she wanted and didn’t find the need for a wig.
“My beautiful girl. Are you ready for your big day?” Maria asks with a wide, soft smile as she gently takes Toni’s face in her hands. The young lady responds with a smile of her own, pausing in what she’s doing to give her mother attention.
“As I’ll ever be.” She replies, looking at Bucky and really, how can he not return that look?
“You will look astounding today, my dear, Natasha.” Maria tucks Toni’s hair behind her ears and finally lets her go.
(Maria loves calling her Natasha, saying it fits her well, the elegance but casual sound).
Steve gently puts the white garment bag down on the bed and places the black one on the loveseat where their duffel bag lies. Maria starts laying out her own tools to help Toni do her hair and makeup and Bucky knows the rest of the girl will soon arrive to help Toni if she needs it.
(They didn’t hire a makeup artist or a hairstylist with Toni preferring to doll up herself and with their group of friends, they can easily get ready on their own).
“Come on. Let’s get you ready.” Steve says with a smile as he walks towards the door, Natasha and Pepper suddenly appearing with their own bags. “Let the girls take care of her.”
Everything’s a blur to Bucky—from the guys doing his hair and Nat putting on light makeup on him, to him wearing his suit as a photographer took some photos. They won’t have the rest of the photo shoot until after the wedding if Tony (i) is Toni because she wants her look to be a surprise. Only Maria knows what she’ll be wearing seeing as she helped design it.
Next thing he knows, he’s standing with Steve as his best man at the makeshift altar, waiting for Toni to make her appearance.
The wedding is a small affair, even with the Stark wealth. He’s standing with Steve, Sam and Clint by the makeshift altar. He’s nervous, he’s not ashamed to admit. Toni said she wants to take his surname, even when she’s going to be the face of her father’s company someday. Natasha Antoinette Barnes (Anthony Edward Barnes) does have a nice ring to it.
Moments later, he sees Toni gliding down the aisle with her father, her smile almost splitting her face open and he knows he’s not better. Before she reaches him, she pauses in front of Steve, pulls him down for a hug and Bucky’s heart breaks for his best friend once more. He thinks to himself, if he hasn’t come in the picture, perhaps, it would be Steve standing in his place. Maybe, just maybe, he’s the one who will be standing as Steve’s best man, helplessly in love with one Natasha Antoinette Stark (Anthony Edward Stark), feeling helpless and lost.
When Toni and Steve finally pull apart, the blond takes her bouquet from her, takes her hand and, as a team, he and Howard walk her towards him. Steve places Toni’s hand on his and looks at him, take care of her, the blond says without words and he responds in kind with a nod, with all my heart.
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sharp-fanged13 · 7 years
Tag game:
tagged by: @the-dark-instruments
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Water, because summer is a bitch in Romania
2. Phone call: My sister called me yesterday.
3. Text message: My friend sent his thoughts about GB
4. Song you listened to: Colors by Halsey
5. Time you cried: Last week
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: never dated someone even once

7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nup
8. Been cheated on: no
9. Lost someone special: Yes
10. Been depressed: Yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no, cuz I am a smart drinker ;) (why do people drink until they spit out their guts is beyond my understanding)
13. Red
14. Green
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Kind of...

16. Fallen out of love: with myself. AGAIN! I’m a total bitch...
17. Laughed until you cried: my sister is so amazing that she makes me do exactly this

18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes, couldn’t care less about their insignifiant biased opinions...
19. Met someone who changed you: nope

20. Found out who your friends are: Neah...that happend 3 years ago
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: neah...
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I’d say 90%

23. Do you have any pets: no :(
24. Do you want to change your name: Yes!! I want my name to be Astrea, cause in reality it is not Astrea and that bothers me sometimes...(tho, I can’t really do that without a very good reason)

25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Ate pizza and drank strongbow and beer with my friends...

26. What time did you wake up: 10:00 a.m.

27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Browsing Tumblr
28. Name something you can’t wait for: the release of Iron Gold, the appereance of my motivation and self-worth and that part in life when I am happy and independent

29. When was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday

30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish my financial status to permit me to go and study whatever I like...

31. What are you listening right now: Tender - Erode
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah...he told me he wants to conquer the world and eradicate mudbloods...I kicked him in the nuts.
No, because I am from Romania, the only Toms around here are either cats or babies with annoying parents...
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My parents, life and the weather...

34. Most visited Website: Youtube and Tumblr
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME (kept some from the dark instruments) 35. Tattoos: the word “fireheart.” on my left shoulder blade, cause I relate with Aelin most of the time...
36. Mark/s: I have a few strechmarks and a lot of scars on my knees and elbows from when I was a naughty child...
37. Childhood dream: to be president...

38. Haircolour: black
39. Long or short hair: Short hair
40. Favorite fictional character: I can’t choose between my babies, but I’ll just name randomly (Kaz Brekker, Kaname Kuran, Darrow au Andromedus, Sevro au Barca, Manon Blackbeak, Virginia au Augustus, Aelin Galathynius, Diana Prince, Daenerys Stormborn, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Raven, Gabriel Boutin, Nathan Bryn/Edge, Hermione Granger etc.)

41. What do you like about yourself: pass
42. Piercings: one in each earlob, but here baby girls have their ears pierced for earrings as part of tradition or smth idk...

43. Bloodtype: idk, I think 0+ or B3

44. Nickname: none
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: Gemini
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favourite TV Show: Game of Thrones, Suits
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: None, I’ll try keep it that way
52. Hair dyed in different color: NO. NEVER. My hair is perfectly black and it matches my soul, thank you very much...
53. Sport: I like watching MMA, but I only get to do it on the internet, because it is not an official sport here...
55. Vacation: Who the fuck knows, I planned it, but life loves to fuck me up a lil too much...
56. Pair of trainers: I love sneakers, tho...
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: nothing at the moment

58. Drinking: water

59. I’m about to: watch an interview about Ido Portal
61. Waiting for: my sis to wake up froma nap caused by flu
62. Want: vaccation in a cabin on the mountains
63. Get married: I can’t see it sorry
64. Career: Corporate Lawyer - Harvey Specter Style i hope

65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs

66. Lips or eyes: Lips
67. Shorter or taller: taller 

68. Older or younger: older, cause I don’t want to get arrested for corrupting an underage person...jk. Still, older!
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: hmm...idk...maybe both
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive

72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship

73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker, cause then we can make trouble together
74. Kissed a stranger: neah...
75. Drank hard liquor: Yup
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t need gasses anymore, but I never lost them...I stompped on them once with the fury of a thousend demons, but my parents made new ones for me, but idk if that counts...

77. Turned someone down: Yes
78. Sex in the first date:No
79. Broken someone’s heart: I think so, but I am not sure...
80. Had your heart broken: Yes, many times...
81. Been arrested: nope

82. Cried when someone died:Yes

83. Fallen for a friend: No
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Sometimes...

85. Miracles: Sometimes...
86. Love at first sight: No
87. Santa Claus: neah...
88. Kiss on the first date: yes
89. Angels:Just fallen ones...
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Andreea
91. Eyecolour: mine? Brown, but like reddish brown, not chocolate milk or tree bark or whaterver...
92. Favourite movie: The Devil’s Violonist with the sublime David Garrett as Nicolo Paganini
I tag whoever wants to do this!!!
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dylan-hague · 8 years
Chapter 30
Kahn Memorial Hospital, Blüdhaven. April 3rd, 2018. 10:43 PM.
Bruce knew that a few of the people had expressed interest in being there for Dick and Barbara when Tommy was born, but he hadn’t expected so many. As he looked around the maternity ward, he was able to pick out every current member of the Teen Titans, most of the original members, and the full Justice League, and several members of the Justice Society. That was just to name a few. He sipped at his coffee, and turned back to the elevator to see Clark, Lois and Diana walking toward him. He nodded with a smile; he was glad Clark was here for such a big moment in Dick’s life. Clark and Dick always had a close relationship.
“Man, what a turnout!” the Kryptonian said with a grin. “Looks like someone’s gonna be spoiled growing up, huh?”
Bruce chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “I was hoping it wouldn’t be so crowded, but it looks like somehow everyone managed to drop in. I don’t even know how this place is big enough to hold everyone.”
“Guess Blüdhaven must have a lot of expectant mothers,” Lois said nonchalantly as she glanced a bit down the hall and let out a laugh. “Looks like there’s even enough room for ballroom practice!” The four of them turned to look, and smiled as they saw Damian and Raven giggling and fumbling about in the hallway as he tried to teach her to dance, with Jon grinning boyishly as he strummed on his guitar in the seat next to them.
“When did Jon start playing the guitar…?” Clark turned to his wife, who shrugged.
“Must have happened in Cali,” Lois replied. “I didn’t even know he had one!”
“Damian probably got it for him. They’ve been getting close.” Bruce took another sip at his coffee, and Diana smiled.
“That’s good,” the Amazon added, watching as the half-demon tripped up again, falling into Damian’s arms. “The better their personal relationships get, the better they’ll work together on the field of battle.”
“I agree.” The four turned as Talia came up from behind Bruce. “They have much to learn from one another, and from what I’ve gathered, they’ve already learned so much in the past two years together.”
“Oh, hey! You’re, umm…” Clark snapped his fingers trying to remember the woman’s name. “… Talia, right? Damian’s mother?”
Talia nodded with a subtle smile. “I take it you’re the one they call ‘Superman’, yes? The one from Metropolis?”
Superman’s eyes went wide as he looked around the room. “I-I, uhh, what? I dunno what you’re talking about…”
Bruce put a hand on Clark’s shoulder. “Relax, Clark. Everyone here is in the loop. Including the doctor in there with Dick and Barbara now. Her name is Leslie Thompkins, she’s an old friend of mine.”
Clark rubbed the back nervously. “Okay, well… yeah, that’s me.”
Diana peered skeptically at Talia. “Talia… as in Talia al Ghul? Aren’t you a member of…”
“I was,” the young woman replied. “After the death of my father Ra’s, I assumed his role as Grandmaster of the League of Assassins. But as time went on, and after one particular ordeal in Gotham a few years after Damian became Robin, I realized that my grandfather was wrong about mankind… so now the League is no more.”
“Oh? Well…” Wonder Woman threw up her eyebrows in surprise. “I believe you’ve made the right decision. You can do more good for the world as one of us.” Talia smiled back, and the five of them continued on for awhile.
Damian snickered as he took Raven’s weight in his arms again, catching the poor girl as she slipped once more. He planted a peck on her cheek as she slapped playfully at his chest. Everything is the way it needs to be, he thought to himself. His cities were both enjoying a rare period of peace, his mother had come back into his life, and he had Raven in his arms, his ring on her finger. Right now, in this moment, he almost felt… normal.
“Dang it Damian, I can’t figure this out!” Raven laughed, resting her head on Damian’s shoulder as they wrapped each other up in an embrace. “How is it that I can ice-skate just fine, but I can’t dance like a normal person?”
“Normal person? Raven, normal people don’t know how to dance like this,” Damian laughed as he pressed his cheek against hers with a grin. “Have you been to a wedding before? Most people’s first dances are just rocking back and forth in a circle, no fancy twirls or lifts or anything!”
“Maybe we should try something a little slower,” Raven sighed, leaning back to look into Damian’s eyes with a smile. “Think that might help?” Damian nodded and turned to Jon, who grinned back.
“You’re prob'ly right, Rae. Sixpence is a little fast for someone who’s new to this whole dancin’ thing, so maybe after a little practice.” The hybrid boy slid his capo down a few frets on the neck of his guitar. “But I just figured out this Lauper bit that’d be perfect for you two! Nice 'n' slow so ya don’t trip over your own feet, and I think the words fit y'all's relationship pretty well.”
Damian stifled a laugh, smirking over Raven’s shoulder at the younger boy. “Y'know Jon, it’s easy to forget how much of a bumpkin you are… but then you go and talk like THAT, and it just hits you like 'oh yeah, he grew up on a farm.'” Jonathan stuck his tongue out with a wink and started to pick out a slower melody.
“Actually, I been meanin’ to ask you somethin’, too,” Jon started, talking over his guitar. “How come you two got engaged already? I mean yeah, it’s been a whole year since you got together and all, and that’s awesome, but you’re not that much older than me. And I mean, I’m just startin’ high school…”
“Yeah, we’re really young,” Raven sighed as she and Damian slowly turned in time with the music. “But it’s all about circumstance. Damian and I have both been through a lot more than most people our age, so we think we’ve grown a little more than must people do by the time they turn 16… here, spin me.” The girl twirled out along her and Damian’s arms, her long dark hair swirling all around as she spun, and again as she whirled back into his arms.
“Yeah… Plus, I was about to bleed to death,” Damian wrapped an arm around Raven’s waist from behind as he pulled her back in, swaying back and forth as they continued turning to the sounds of the guitar. “Whether I lived long enough to marry her or not, I wanted Raven to have my grandmother’s ring. But since I ended up coming back, we decided to stick with our decision and get married… albeit pretty far in the future.”
“Five years… I wish we didn’t have to, but why not? They’re not wrong, we really are still pretty young.” Raven went on, turning in Damian’s arms to face him, resting one hand on his chest as the other stayed rested in his free hand. “Still, gives us plenty of time to get things ready. Planning things out so long in advance is a good way to make sure everything is perfect.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t object if you wanted to run off in the morning and elope…” Damian joked with a wink. “But it’d have to be in the morning. Can’t go anywhere tonight, tonight is all about the baby.”
“Right,” Raven said smirking. “Baby first, then we’ll run off into the sunrise together.”
“Hey, hey! Hold the phone, you two!” Jon snipped playfully, still picking along. “You can’t just elope like that, you’ve gotta have a big legit wedding. Y'know, so I can actually be there for it!”
“That actually reminds me…” Damian glanced over to the alien in the chair. “Jon, you wanna be my Best Man?”
“Whaaaat?” Superboy beamed back at Red X excitedly. “Heck yeah, man! You bet!” The three laughed for a moment, and Raven looked contently into Damian’s icy blues before stealing a kiss.
“Y'all stop it,” Jon said with a grin. “Nobody should be that cute.”
A few seconds later, a quiet ding came from the nearby elevator, whose doors then slid open. Out stepped Jason Todd, Roy Harper, and (to everyone’s surprise) Dr. Harleen Quinzel, who held a little girl with blonde pigtails on her hip. All three of them had their hands full of gift bags (except, of course, for Harley, who only had gifts in one hand, as the other was occupied by the child), several of which were accompanied by all different kinds of balloons.
“Hey!” Jason called out to Damian as he walked briskly towards them. “We’re not late, are we? Did she already have the baby?”
“Believe it or not, no!” Damian replied as he and Raven came to a halt. “She’s been trying all morning, but apparently she’s just not dilated enough. They took her back awhile ago to go over some things before she has her C-section.”
“That kinda sucks…” Roy muttered as he walked up behind Jason. “But at least we didn’t miss it. The four of us were makin’ a last-minute gift-run after we picked up Harley and the kid. Y'know, clothes and diapers and stuff… plus we stopped for McDonald’s.”
“Gross,” Damian said with a smirk. “That stuff’ll clog your arteries, y'know.”
“Hey, I useta live on the street. I can eat anything.” Jason grinned back at his little brother.
Raven beamed sweetly as Harley passed the little one into her hands. “Oh my goodness! Hi there, sweetie!” She cooed, looking into the girl’s emerald eyes. “Can you tell me your name?”
“I’m Lucy…” the child mumbled, her little fingers gripping at Raven’s blue cardigan. “Lucy Kinn… Kinnuh… umm…”
“Say 'Luuucy Quinn-zell', baby!” Harley leaned in and dotted the girl’s face in kisses. Lucy giggled, putting a hand on her mother’s cheek.
“Luuucy Kinn-Zell!” The little one echoed as best she could.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Miss Lucy! My name’s Raven!” the mage-girl replied, gently bouncing the little one up and down on her hip. “Can you tell me how old you are?”
Lucy held up three fingers on her left hand for Raven to see. “This many!”
As Raven continued talking to the little girl in her arms, Kori leaned up against the wall in the waiting room, her eyes on the floor. Despite how excited she was that the baby was about to arrive, she couldn’t help but feel a little bit down lately. She wasn’t sure why it was coming to her now, but she just couldn’t seem to shake the pit in her stomach…
“Hey, Star…” Kori lifted her head to see Jason walk into the room, setting his numerous bags down by the door. “You, uhh… you feelin’ alright?”
“Oh… hey, Jason. I’m alright, just…” Kori looked back down for a moment before raising her eyes to him again. “I’ve had a lot on my mind lately.”
“… Is it about Dick?” Jason kept looking back at the Tamaranean, a look of concern on his face which Kori noted was… surprising, coming from him.
“I…” Kori looked to the floor again. “… yes… I know, it’s awful, but… that’s just how my kind are. The love of a Tamaranean is eternal.”
“Yeah…” Jason took a step forward shrugging. “Honestly, I kinda get where you’re coming from. It hurts seeing somebody you trust so much with someone else… I mean, that’s how I felt when I found out about Tim.”
Kori paused for a moment, glancing back at Todd from the corner of her eyes. “What do you mean…?”
Jason sighed. “Well, you know how it went… I used to be Robin. I got killed by Joker. Bruce took Tim in, made him Robin… I came back to find someone had taken my place.” He leaned up against the wall beside Star, his hands in his pockets. “It hurt, y'know? Seeing Bruce move on like that… I thought…”
“You thought it meant he didn’t love you anymore…” Kori murmured. “You felt expendable.” Jason nodded.
“But that’s just it…” he continued. “Even though Bruce found another Robin, that didn’t mean Tim was replacing me. That connection between him and me… I didn’t see it before, but it was still there. Even if I wasn’t Robin anymore, he still wanted me to be part of the family… I just didn’t realize it then. But in time, I started to understand.”
“… I know, Dick and I will always… I just…”
“Hey, I get it. Believe me, I do… But give it a little more time. It gets better.” Jason gave Kori a soft smile. “It might not ever go away completely. But it gets better.”
A moment of silence passed between them before Kori turned to the Red Hood with a smile, wrapping her arms around him. “Thank you, Jason. I needed to hear that.”
“You’ll be alright, Kori. Promise.” Jason’s smile grew just a bit as he hugged her back. “You can talk to me if you need anything.”
As the two of them walked back out into the main hall, everyone gathered in front of the doorway. Evidently, Dr. Thompkins had just informed Bruce that the C-section was underway, and that the baby would be arriving shortly. Jason came up to Bruce’s side, and placed a firm hand on the older man’s shoulder.
“So how’s this s'poseta go, exactly?” Jason asked. “What should we expect when those doors open back up?”
“I wouldn’t get too excited…” Bruce replied under his breath. “If anyone comes through those doors, it’ll probably just be Leslie letting us know how it went.”
“Still,” Damian called back at his father from closer to the door, “at least we’ll know what happened. I’d rather have that than not knowing until we all pile up against the Nursery window…”
Raven looked over at the boy and squeezed his hand. He looked back, seeing the faintest hints of a smile on her lips, and he couldn’t help but blush… just a tad.
“You feel nervous,” the girl’s voice spoke softly in Damian’s mind as she took she let go of his hand, running her fingertips up his arm and along his back.
“Oh, do I?” Damian raised eyebrow as he let his thoughts flow into her mind. “I’m surprised you don’t. He’s just as much your nephew as he is mine.”
“Oh! So is this about first impressions, then?” she thought with a wink. “Relax, he’s gonna love you. We all do.”
Damian’s eyes softened as he looked back into her eyes, and the two shared a brief kiss just as the doors began to open. They pulled back, and looked everyone waited with baited breath for Dr. Thompkins to come out and tell them how the surgery went.
Instead, they were treated to the sight of Dick Grayson, still in his scrubs and hair net, holding a little blue blanket squirming in his arms as he walked shakily down the hall.
After a collective gasp, everyone rushed forward to surround him. Damian peeked into the blanket to see the tiniest fingers resting on the face of the newborn baby, who looked up at him with electric blue eyes, still brimming with water. His father’s eyes, Damian thought.
“Guys…” Dick’s voice trembled as his eyes filled with joyous tears. “He’s perfect.”
As Dick carried his son slowly through the crowd into the Nursery, Damian turned to find his father standing beside him, one hand over his face. The young man gazed up with some strange sense of awe as he watched the tears roll down Bruce’s cheeks.
Damian smiled. In this moment, he thought, everything is the way it needs to be.
March 4th, 2018. 2:43 AM.
It was late… far later than Damian had planned to stay. His father, along with everyone else, had long since left the hospital; Bruce and Carrie to go on patrol (“Crime won’t care that I have a grandson,” the man said), the Titans went with them to help, Talia and Alfred went back to the Manor, and everyone else went back to their own cities. Now, all that remained were himself, Dick and Barbara (both of whom were fast asleep), Raven, and Tommy. He looked down at the newborn in his arms, reaching up at him with the littlest of hands. He smiled, placing his finger into the baby’s palm, and his smile grew as the tiny Grayson’s fingers closed around his fingertip. He looked down into Tommy’s blue, blue eyes…
“Hmm… funny. Baby blues on a baby.”
Damian smiled as a pale hand come down over his shoulder, her fingertips gently pulling the little white blanket with the yellow stripes over Tommy’s chest. The Titan looked back to see Raven smiling down at the child.
“Yeah… how about that?” Damian thought back. The two of them looked down at Tommy, who looked back up between them with his eyes full of wonder.
“We should give him a nickname…” the mage thought. “Just for him and us. What do you think?”
“I already know exactly what we’ll call him. What everyone will call him…” Damian carefully lifted the infant up, and pressed his lips to his little face. “Robin.”
“Don’t you think he’s a little young?” Raven teased, blushing as the newborn put his hands on Damian’s face.
“Maybe… but someday.” Damian lowered the baby back into the cradle his arms. “… And then one day, he’ll grow up. And there’ll be another Robin… our Robin.”
Raven’s cheeks grew warmer as the words entered her head. Damian looked back, and their lips came together more. Smoke and rain mingled together again, and the room filled with a violet haze. Tommy let out the quietest hum, watching curiously as little lights twinkled all around the amethyst-covered hospital room.
In the span of 28 days, Damian had been kidnapped, lost the love of his life, been stabbed through the heart, and died. But he also rediscovered who he was at his heart, reunited with his mother, given his grandmother’s ring to his Raven, and now held a pure, perfect new life in his arms.
Everything was the way it needed to be.
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