#but! i had fun! and thats what counts!!!!! [< said through gritted teeth]
ryutarotakedown · 11 months
(i'm cross-posting my yuri shipping olympics pieces from dreamwidth so. have a susahao modern AU in these trying times?)
Prompt (from @transathenacykes): The dramatic de-masking of a superhero, and their loved one finding out who they are.
Haori hesitated, hovering above the other person's face. "I… Ryutaro, I'd like to take your mask off. To treat the burn wounds."
She'd expected resistance, expected words of protest. Most superheroes she'd treated had come around in the end, and the ones who didn't she acquiesced to. Haori firmly believed that all medical assistance had to be done with consent, after all. It would be fine if Ryutaro insisted on keeping his mask.
She didn't expect Ryutaro to make a sound like he was wounded. On the examination table he curled in on himself, turning away from Haori, as though her words had burned him more than the fire he'd run into.
"It's fine if you don't want to," Haori placated, "I understand—"
Ryutaro shook his head quickly. "That's not it." And oh — they were the first words he'd spoken since Haori had dragged him to her makeshift clinic, silent and trembling. Ryutaro didn't have his usual voice, Haori realized. He had a higher register, a more lilting way of speech, that she could detect even under the layers of rough disuse. He must have been disguising it with that vocal technology that had fallen off during the rescue.
It was a familiar voice. Someone she'd heard on the news? No, that didn't seem right…
"I need you to not — you can't be scared off, okay, Haori?" Was that fear? But why would a hero of Japan be afraid of some medical intern? "Please," Ryutaro said. "Don't — you have to promise."
"I promise," Haori said immediately. This had happened before, after all. Some vigilantes were ashamed of their true face, whether because of some perceived flaw with their appearance or because their everyday identity was well-known for other reasons. Haori was fairly good at keeping calm even in the most extreme scenarios by now.
But none of them had said her name like that. Like they… knew her somehow…
"You're," Haori started, before falling silent as Ryutaro reached up to unclasp his mask —
And then there he was. There she was, staring back at her with those infinitely dark, familiar eyes.
Susato Mikotoba.
Her best friend.
"Su," Haori breathed.
Susato winced. That piercing gaze of hers fell from Haori's face to the floor. "I'm sorry for not telling you."
Haori’s mind was rapidly running through every time she had met Ryutaro. The hospital attack two months ago — pushing her into a supply closet and telling her to stay there, Murasame-san, don’t move before slipping back out into the fray. Later she would read about it in the newspaper — the first reported sighting of a new superhero, a silhouette wrapped in the classic Yuumei University cape who moved faster than a bolt of lightning, leaving his enemies unconscious with an impossibly fluid suplexing move. The media called it a Ryutaro Takedown.
And then the beach. That improbably swan-headed sea monster rising from the depths and fixing its gaze on her and Dr. Mikotoba, and she had frozen for half a second before Ryutaro was shoving them both out of the way. "Hao—Murasame-san, why are you here?" he'd said into her ear, a whisper that almost verged on panic.
"I, I thought Ms. Brett might have been up to something," she'd whispered back, watching in awe as electricity started to course on the surface of Ryutaro's gloves. He must have upgraded his suit in the time after the last attack…
Ryutaro sighed. "It looks like you were right. Don't let her see you, okay?" And before Haori could reply he was off, and soon the swan monster had been bound in a net and handed off to the authorities, and Ryutaro was gone.
The attacks had been growing in frequency lately, despite Minister Jigoku's reassurances. Haori didn't know how many times she'd seen a familiar silhouette darting past her in an alleyway and breathed easier. She had always known, somewhere in her irrational romantic heart, that Ryutaro would have her back.
And Susato…
Susato, who had grown more and more distant these past few weeks. Susato, who'd canceled every single movie night Haori tried to schedule, I'm really sorry, Haori-sama, something's come up — by the way, you still have that two-to-five shift at Father's hospital tomorrow, don't you? Susato who just yesterday had been sitting on the edge of Haori's bed and looking out the window while Haori demanded to know who had injured her knee so badly, because if she knew anything about her best friend it was that Su was never careless. Averting her gaze, the same way Ryutaro was doing on the examination table right now.
Because they were the same person.
Oh. Oh.
"I couldn't," Susato was saying, while Haori tried to claw her way out of her own stupor. "It would have put you and Father in danger, I wanted to tell you, Haori, I swear—"
"Susato," said Haori, and put her hand over the knee she knew she'd patched up yesterday. "It's okay."
Susato blinked. "It is?"
Haori fought down the hysterical scream that was building in her throat. "It's — we can talk about it later — your face, Su, I think you might have third-degree burns—"
Susato actually laughed at that. A short laugh laced with pain, but nonetheless. "I always wished I could have asked you about this mask. It's rather not up to safety regulations, is it?"
"I will make you a new one," Haori said fervently. "It's going to be so gallant and dashing and breathable, you'll sweep people off your feet every time, Su—" A thought occurred to her. "Wait, you're… still okay with me calling you Su, right?"
"Haori, I'll always be okay with you," said Susato, with that straight face she used whenever she delivered something absolutely devastating to Haori's heart.
"I, I, I mean! Would you want me to use, um, he/him for you?" Heat was rising to Haori's face. Now was not the appropriate time to be reminded of her embarrassing pseudo-crush on her best friend, God help her—
"Oh," Susato said in realization. "I, ah, this is not the time I expected to have this conversation — er. She or he are both fine. It's called being bigender, I don't know if you've heard of it…"
Haori hadn't, but that was okay. She would look it up later. "I can alternate if you want?" Relief flooded Susato's face, and he nodded before wincing again — oh God, right, the injuries — Haori took a deep breath. Medical mode time. "Okay, I'm going to get salve. Don't move."
She located the little jar of petroleum jelly quickly and dragged a stool over to the side of the table. "This might hurt," she warned, dipping a fingertip in.
"Can't possibly hurt more," Susato mumbled, before hissing through her teeth as Haori touched her cheek.
Haori went slowly, carefully. Probably more careful than she needed to be, but this was Susato. Haori distinctly remembered having told him yesterday to take it easy on that knee, and today Ryutaro had run directly into a burning building.
God, Haori had been so close to losing her — and she hadn't even realized —
Susato reached and took her hand.
Haori startled, looking down at him. Susato quirked a smile. "It's okay. You don't have to worry about me."
"I do," Haori murmured, focusing harder on applying the jelly. She wasn't sure what she would look like now, if she met Susato's eyes. "I really, really do."
"I'm not going to stop being Ryutaro," Susato said quietly. "It would be — a lot of work."
"Not if it's you," Haori shot back, faster than her brain could warn her not to, and her voice cracked. Oh no, was she going to cry? She was definitely going to later, but not now please not now. "You're my best friend, Su, I don't know what I'd do if I…"
"I know," Susato whispered. Her hand was so cold in Haori's. "I know."
Haori squeezed her eyes shut.
One day she would tell Susato. One day she would confess how beautiful she thought Susato looked lying in the light streaming in from the windows. One day, she would tell Susato everything.
But not today.
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peachiikawa · 4 years
Caged Bird | Prince!Oikawa Tooru x Reader
a/n: if you know anything about fairytales then you might realize that the reader has the flute of the pied piper, though modified for the story. been watching a lot of once upon a time and got the idea from the neverland arc. hope you enjoy!
word count: 1.9k
genre: fantasy, romance
trigger warnings: reader gets hurt a bit but nothing graphic
summary: oikawa has always lived a lonesome life in the cage that is his castle. one day he sneaks out and a beautiful melody leads him to you, a traveling musician. oikawa is about to find out that his luck is going to change for the better.
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oikawa gazed out over the town from his balcony
he let out a long sigh as he grew bored from his studies
“why the long face trashykawa?”
his bestfriend and knight walked up next to him and leaned against the railing
“oh you know, just bored of being in this castle. theres a whole town of people out there and im stuck in here. gets tiring after a while”
iwaizumi listened to his friend and nodded along to what he was saying
“then sneak out for a day”
oikawas eyes widened
“youd help me sneak out?”
“only if you come back by sundown”
so oikawa grabbed his cloak and thanks to iwas help got out of the castle
despite being born and raised in this town oikawa had no idea where he was
and after about ten minutes he was completely and utterly lost
until he heard the faint sound of a flute
he followed the sound until he ended up in the mostly cleared out town square where he saw you playing a small wooden flute for those who were present, though you had no audience
everyone walked past you as if you were invisible like you werent playing such a beautiful song
he approached you slowly and listened until you finished your performance
“that was really good”
you looked up at him and smiled
“always a pleasure to play for those who need it”
the bright smile on your face felt warm and inviting
like he was meant to be here
“would you like to take a seat next to me?”
you gestured to the spot next to you and he gladly took it
“so...whats your story”
hes hesitant to answer your question
“ill tell you mine if you tell me yours”
you set your flute down in your bag next to you
“well first of all my names y/n and my life is nothing too interesting. im a traveling performer and play my flute as a way to pass time and help those who need it. always come across the most interesting people this way”
traveling. thats something oikawa could only dream of
“so cmon now tell me about you”
he peaked at you through his hood
“ok but dont make a big commotion..im oikawa tooru”
you laughed a bit
“thats funny you share the same name as the prince”
you stopped laughing when you saw the serious look in his eyes
“oh..oh! im so sorry for being so rude!”
you started to scramble around when he grabbed your wrists to stop your movements
“shh yes im the prince but stop flailing people are starting to look”
once you had calmed down he went on
“ive been confined to my castle my whole life and stuck to certain rules i have to follow. it seems like even if i catch a break something else comes along. i have to stay this perfect image because im the prince and it just gets so lonely. its as if im a bird trapped in a cage and theres no way out”
ah so there it is
the reason he could hear your flute
you picked a flower that was growing next to you and placed it in his hair as you spoke
“im sorry your lifes been like that but oikawa, if i may be so bold, even a caged bird will become wise enough to break free. the dream of flying is too great to resist”
Once you had properly placed the flower you smiled at him before standing up from your spot and grabbing your bag
you then held your hand out to him
but he couldnt gather his thoughts
you were so bright it was almost blinding
“now cmon! lets go have some fun!”
he looked at the hand held out to him
and with a leap of faith, he took it
he was going to get out of this cage, this perpetual cycle
and finally add some meaning to his life
day after day you two spent your time together
oikawas days that were once filled with hollow words and empty actions were now filled with happiness
filled with you
and everyday slowly but surely he was falling for you
passing glances turned into prolonged gazes
his heart could no longer stay still around you
you became the key to his happiness
but for now...he had to be content with just being next to you
it would be too selfish otherwise
to ask you to stay with him here in the kingdom...he could never trap you like that
“so what are we doing today y/n?”
you were strolling through the town on a quiet sunday afternoon like you had the last few sundays
“how about we go to the bakery? theyre usually busy but since its sunday i bet its not as packed and then i want to take you somewhere”
he was curious as to what you had in store but decided against asking questions
so you two got some baked goods and headed out towards the woods
“cmon we’re almost there”
you pushed some branches and shrubs out of the way
and one eventually hit him in the face
“watch it y/n! i keep getting wacked by you”
you just chuckled a bit which oikawa had found adorable in itself
it made his heart slow just hearing it
“just come on!”
eventually you two made it to a clearing over a beautiful lake
he didnt know that there was something like this so close by
he was absolutely amazed by it
“take a seat oikawa! we can rest and eat here!”
this moment was just too perfect to him
with you here he felt as if nothing bad could happen
that if he only could see your smile everything would be alright
being content with just being at your side...was no longer and option
he knew that if he wanted this he needed to take his chance
your eyes were full of life and he couldnt help but feel so happy next to you
and before he knew it he was closing the gap between the two of you with a hand gently cradling your cheek
but right before you two could kiss you were ripped away from him
“dont you dare touch the prince commoner!”
oikawa frantically looked around as many of his guards came out of the brush
“get your hands off of them!”
you were pressed to the ground and the sight almost broke his heart
“sorry your highness but we’re under strict orders to bring you back and throw whoever was seducing you to leave the castle into the dungeon”
the guard that had been on you lifted you up like you were a sack and bound you by rope
you gave oikawa a final smile before you were taken away even though you were so banged up that it made him want to puke
he was speechless
this is what he was talking about
being so controlled and monitored made him feel so small and helpless
and he absolutely abhorred it
“your highness your mother is waiting for you in the throne room”
oikawa was beyond upset
this isnt how he wants to live
“mother how could you throw the only good thing in my life away!”
his mother sneered at his words
“only good thing? what need to you have for that filthy peasant! and how dare you cast me aside as if i hadnt given you everything you own, everything you are is because of me! i will not allow for any of this nonsense! now go wash up. and dont you dare ever leave the castle again and i forbid you from seeing that nasty peasant again. wasting your time with such a person...”
he gritted his teeth and was about turn to leave
his emotions were running too high
he wasnt himself and he knew it
but even so...he wont allow it to end like this
he was going to end it on his terms
“what did you say?”
he stood his ground
“i said no mother. im going to live the way i want and with who i want. ill gladly give up my title because frankly, i never wanted it in the first place. and dont you ever call y/n filthy or nasty again. their so incredibly kind and full of joy and laughter. i can only hope to be like that one day. so ive decided that im leaving. with y/n.”
as soon as the doors shut behind him he let out the breath he didnt even know he was holding
but it also felt as if there was a giant weight off of him now
“im coming y/n dont you worry”
it had been a couple hours since you were brought to your cell
you didnt have any major injuries, just a few cuts and scratches from when you were body slammed to the ground
“do you mind if i play?”
you pulled out your flute and the guard nodded
“thank you!”
you started playing and filled the cell you were in with a relaxing tune
“why do you play if it doesnt make noise?”
you stopped and looked at the spiky haired man who stood outside your cell
“it takes a certain person to appreciate its music”
he just looked at you as if you were crazy
but you continued anyways
until you heard frantic running coming from down the hall
“iwa you gotta let them out”
oikawa was panting trying to catch his breath
“dude no offense but your mom would kill me and you if i just let them out”
oikawa grabbed the key from iwaizumis waist before he even realized what had happened
“dont worry about it iwa. and dont worry about me. today i start my new life. it was good knowing you buddy”
they gripped hands the way they always had. A solemn but knowing look was shared between them
“if i had known me letting you leave the castle one time would lead to this...i would have done it a lot sooner. good luck out there bud”
oikawa quickly turned to you and helped you off of the ground
“you ready to run?”
he cupped your cheek and ran his thumb over one of the small cuts
hed be sure to treat that later
you nodded and leaned into his hand
“are you sure this is what you want?”
you were happy to leave with him
its more than you could ever ask for
“y/n youre the only person thats made me feel free. and by doing this i will be.”
you two finally got to share the kiss you had been deprived of and not only was it full of love but also full of hope for your future
“then lets go”
and you two sprinted off to your next adventure together
the flute you possessed was one he could no longer hear the sound of after that day
for it was enchanted, only to be be heard by those who were lost and lonely
with you he was neither anymore
and he couldnt be any happier than living out the rest of his days with you as a free man, a bird outside of its cage
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lyranova · 4 years
heyo it's summerdays 🥰✌ i come here for a request but i get sidetracked and read the second greyche story about the sweeter and omg it's wholesome girl DONT APOLOGIZE YOURE AMAINZG OK!!! see now i'm in the mood of greyche hehe, well can i please request prompt 16 and 28 from fluff prompt list? THANK YOU 💟
Hi Summerdays 🥰~! Hehe thats ok you got sidetracked it’s happened to me before too and you’re more than welcome to send in other requests if you want lol! I’m so glad you liked the sweater fic it was so much fun to write 🥺💕! Aw thank you i’m glad you think my writings amazing you’re so sweet 💗! Of course you can I hope you like it I had so much fun with this one too~!
Word Count: 1,233
Warnings: None
Grey jumped as another clap of thunder rang out, it had been like this all night and she just couldn’t take it anymore. She had been trying to go to sleep for at least two hours but couldn’t because the thunder just kept scaring her. She wasn’t usually scared of thunderstorms but when it was near constant, it set her anxiety on edge. She quickly hurried out of bed, with her heavy blanket wrapped around her, she made her way to the safest place she could think of; Gauches room. After walking a few feet she softly knocked on his door, hoping he was still awake.
“ G-Gauche? Are you awake?” She called softly after a moment. She heard a small shuffling on the other side before Gauche opened the door, his hair messy and his eyes barely open.
“ I am now. What’s up?” He asked tiredly, rubbing some sleep from his eye. Grey couldn’t help but blush, even when he was sleepy he still looked handsome. She quickly pulled the blanket up and covered her face.
“ C-Can I stay here tonight?” She asked him shyly, she peaked over the blanket and noticed the slightly confused look on his face. “ The T-Thunder. I can’t sleep with it being so l-loud!” She added as another loud roll of thunder sounded, she jumped and made a squeaking noise before wrapping her arms around Gauche’s middle and burying her face in his shirt.
Gauche’s face may’ve looked annoyed by this, but in actuality, it warmed his heart very much that the first person Grey ran to when she was scared was him. He sighed before wrapping an arm around her and rubbing it up and down her back, trying to comfort her.
“ Fine. You can take the bed and I’ll sleep on the floor.” He said before moving to let her inside, she hurried in and turned to face him as he closed the door. She shook her head as she watched him grab a pillow and throw it on the floor.
“ N-No! This is your room, you take the bed I don’t mi-.” She started to argue before Gauche cut her off, a stern look on his face.
“ What kind of boyfriend would let his girlfriend sleep on the floor?” He asked before pulling a spare blanket out of his trunk and setting it on top of his sleeping bag he had pulled out. “ Unless you want to share the bed?” He asked.
Grey’s face turned an even brighter red than what it was, her heart was beating so fast she thought it might try and burst out of her chest. Gauche laughed softly before walking over and patting her head gently.
“ I’m only kidding. There’s another pillow in that trunk over there if you need it, ok?” He asked before placing a soft kiss on top of her head. She nodded quickly as a small smile graced her features. Gauche walked over to his sleeping bag and laid down as Grey walked over to his bed and climbed into it.
“ Goodnight Grey.”
“ G-Goodnight Gauche.”
Grey had maybe been asleep for a few minutes before another loud crack of thunder woke her, she jumped up and looked around. She had almost forgotten she went to Gauche’s room to sleep, this was one of the only places she ever felt safe, where she felt she could be herself, it was her comfort space. She suddenly frowned when she heard slight moaning and the rustling of sheets. She looked over the edge of the bed to see Gauche thrashing around, muttering something about Marie, his parents, and she even heard her own name, Grey watched him for a few moments.
‘Should I wake him up? O-Or is it bad if you wake someone while they’re having a nightmare?’ She thought to herself, she couldn’t keep watching him go through this hell that he was. So Grey gritted her teeth, summoned up all the courage she had, and she gently shook him awake. When Gauche didn’t wake up she shook him again, but much more forcefully.
“ G-Gauche, wake up!” She whispered as she shook him again, when he still didn’t stir she spoke a little louder. “ Gauche!”
He suddenly bolted up right with a small gasp, causing Grey to let out a surprised squeak as she jumped back herself. He looked around wildly, probably to see who woke him up, and when his eyes landed on hers she was surprised by what she saw; fear. They were wide like she had only seen maybe a couple of times, whatever he was dreaming about had him afraid. He sighed before rubbing his face.
“ G-Grey, is everything ok?” Gauche asked, his voice sounding somewhat hoarse. She nodded quickly before moving to lean against the wall to allow him to sit on the bed, which he did. His breathing was still laboured as though he had just run a mile, sweat was pouring down his back and on his face. Grey pulled her blanket up to her face.
“ Are...are you ok Gauche?” She asked him softly, they both knew he wasn’t, and Gauche surprised her when he shook his head to acknowledge that no, he was not ok. “ D-Do you want to talk about it?” She asked.
Gauche shook his head, his hands gripping the edge of his mattress so tightly that his knuckles began to turn white. He didn’t want to worry her, to frighten her while she was already frightened by the storm, he would try to tell her about it tomorrow. A part of him hoped he would forget the horrible nightmare by then, but he had an inkling he wouldn’t.
“ Hey Grey, what helps comfort you the most when you’re scared?” He suddenly asked, Grey jumped slightly and shuffled her feet nervously under the blanket.
“ You holding me, telling me it’s going to be ok, even if it's not. Just knowing that you’ve got me and won’t let anything bad happen to me, that’s what comforts me the most. You always give the best hugs.” Grey told him softly and with a small laugh, she thought she saw a small smile grace his lips but it quickly disappeared.
“ Can you just please hold me?” It was barely above a whisper but Grey still heard it, her eyes widened in shock. That wasn’t what she was expecting him to ask, it was so unlike it. Whatever he had dreamt about, really scared him. Grey nodded and moved forward and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, she rested her chin on his shoulder.
“ It’s going to be ok Gauche, I-I promise.” She whispered, Gauche made a small ‘hmph’ noise and his small smile returned before he leaned back into her embrace. His breathing had begun to steady and he wasn’t sweating anymore, Grey hoped that meant she was helping.
“ C’mon lets get some sleep.” Gauche told her before leaning over and laying down on his bed, Grey’s blush returned but she nodded and moved her arms from around his shoulders and wrapped them around his torso. He held her hands in his and rubbed small circles on the back of them.
It was funny, but Gauche felt just as safe in Grey’s arms as she did in his.
I hope you like this Summerdays I loved writing this (like i do with all my others 🥰~!) i hope everyone reading this enjoyed it and I apologize if you didn’t! I hope you all have a good day 💕~!
Taglist: @eme-eleff
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oppabimbab · 5 years
the harder, the better | park jinyoung
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genre : smut (riding, stroking, cursing)
starring : jinyoung x reader
synopsis : when you can’t help the jealousy and anger at your boyfriend, park jinyoung, you start to act up like a bitch but he end up making sure that you well aware; he wants no one but you. he wants to fuck you harder, more than anyone else
words count : 3653 words
side note : hello thirsty hoes. im back with jinyoung’s fic bc tl seems dry af (i know yall is doing quarantine thingy thats fine) its kinda bad lmaooo but yeah you gonna read it anyway 👀
You sip the remaining champagne inside the tall glass that you have been swirling for god-knows-how-long. Just as much as you love that alcohol, today it tastes like a motherfucking poison in your throat. It’s burning your tongue every time you swallow a drop—like a fire. Just like your heart.
You glance at your boyfriend, Jinyoung, who is talking casually to bunch of his friends that he bumps to at the bar counter, not too far from your seats.
He looks as majestic as he always does—broad shoulder, long and toned legs, muscular arms and delicious torso.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with how your boyfriend behaves with his friends but what bothers you the most is that one bitch, who is always clinging to him from the first minute you come here to the party.
Irene. That beautiful bitch. She always stands there beside Jinyoung; chuckling at every words that come out from his mouth—moving her ass and exposing her boobs for them to brush against him while she gave the endless refilled wine to him. Let alone, staring at him while he smiles and laughing, like you aren’t existed here.
Damn, is that a friend should do? You know she is Jinyoung’s colleague, he has been chanting that to you and you’re convinced but you can’t remember that, a friend should grind her body to her colleague like she wants to fuck him—that much. You’re positive until today when you clearly can’t hold the anger anymore.
When the last drop of the champagne touch your throat, you met her eyes. Her bitchy eyes along with the foxy smile, plastering all over her face before she scoots closer to Jinyoung and on purpose, she ‘accidently’ makes herself fall on him—making her exposed boobs slightly brush on his arms.
Just how gentleman Jinyoung is, he looks shock and immediately helps her to get on her feet. Making her smile becomes wider, at you.
Seeing that, you can’t help but feel extremely intimidated and pissed. Not sure if it’s solely on that bitch Irene or your boyfriend. You inhale some air to calm yourself from the sight. You try to look unbother, not giving any piece of damn at her, who is having fun drooling at your man.
For real, Irene is extremely gorgeous. You can’t deny. You know people swoon over her because of her beauty and sexiness every time she passes by, doing the bare minimum—or simply said, she is the main star of this party. Everyone loves her. She looks perfect. Just like him.
Now, that thought bothers you the most.
The ride is filled with silences from both of you and him as he drives back to the apartment that you have been sharing with him for the past 9 months.
You don’t feel like talking to him. At all. He asked you to come along to this party but why the fuck did he make you feel less—like you don’t belong there, as his girl. You’re not sure what he did wrong but when you saw him walking back to you at the table after almost touching other girl’s boobs, you immediately feel upset. Extremely upset. You’re pissed, annoyed, jealous and angry. You can’t bring yourself to talk to him at this moment.
And he seems like he doesn’t care about that. Good thing because all you want is to go back to sleep with this anger. You stare out of the window, completely silent.
“You’re giving an attitude,” he breaks the silence between you and him as the silence happens way too long. You cock your eyebrow and glance at him slightly before looking back at the window.
“Excuse me?” you say—trying not to sound annoyed or pissed even honestly, you want to scream.
He exhales some air before tilting his head at you, looking at your obvious frustrated face. You can feel his big hand snake on your exposed thigh, giving it a slow rub while the other hand is on the steering.
“May I know, why is my girl acting up like this?” he sounds calm and serene—unlike you. You push his hand away from your skin without looking at him.
“Focus. I’m not in the mood, Jinyoung,”
You see his face changes, from the corner of your eyes but you don’t care. The least thing he can do is stop being such an asshole at this moment. You don’t want to talk, not to him.
“Why are you always acting up without reason at times like this?” he says through gritted teeth as he clenches his jaws. You can’t believe he just said that.
“What? Me?”
“Yes, you,”
“Are you serious? I said i’m not in the mood. Just drives us home and leave me alone, Jinyoung. You’re such an asshole,” you can’t help your anger anymore when he is pointing the arrow back at you. Sure, he said something harmless but at times like this, everything pisses you off. You’re fucking pissed when he stares back you like he did nothing.
Before he could say anything, he stops the car at the side of the road. Your eyebrow furrowed at his gesture as you look at him, confused and pissed. Jinyoung looks back you, completely mad.
“Alright. Why don’t you tell this asshole, your problem? For fuck sake baby, I don’t know if you don’t tell me,” he runs his hands through the hair, sounded frustrated at your moody ass tonight.
You shrug.
“I don’t know. Ask Irene,” now, you know you sound like an immature bitch but you don’t care. He is being such an asshole.
“Irene?” he cocks his eyebrow.
You don’t reply anything.
“What does Irene has to do with this topic?”
He is dumb.
“That’s fine, Jinyoung. I want to go home. I’m tired. Let’s talk about this later,,” you heave a small sigh, rubbing your head as you ignore his question because you don’t feel like explaining the little anger in yourself now. Or both of you will get into a serious fight. You just don’t want him around.
You look at him and his eyes changed. They are darkened and hooded—the same eyes when he is mad and pissed.
“Fucking sit on me now,” he commands. Your jaw drops at him as he unbuckle the seat belt around his body. Which part of going home that he doesn’t understand?
“Jinyoung! I don’t wan—“
“I said sit on me. Make me repeat and I’ll make you regret,” his eyes burn with fire, you can see the popping veins along his jaw and neck. You’re not sure why but he looks fucking delicious.
You heave a frustrated sigh as you unbuckle the seat belt before you climb all over him and sit on his lap—facing him with your back only few inches away from the steering wheel.
Both of you stare at each other before you look away from his eyes when you can’t contain the jealousy and anger in yourself every time you think of what happened earlier. It upsets you so much that you can feel your heart is aching.
“Now, fucking tell me why you’re behaving like you miss my cock,” he utters the words as he brings both his hands on your hips—looking up to find your eyes. You hiss at his touch, making his eyebrow lifted.
“I’m so pissed,”
“You can’t be pissed in this dress. Definitely not in this dress that makes me want to fuck you hard,” Jinyoung trails his eyes to your neck, your exposed chest and to your ass. You know he is good at dirty talk because you can feel butterflies all over your stomach.
You scoff at him.
“Sure but I think Irene wants you to fuck her harder than me. Sure, Jinyoung,” you can’t look at him on the eyes as your heart hurts at the thought. You try to get off from his lap before you feel his grip tightened around your hips.
“I see,” he nods.
“Baby, are you jealous?” he looks at you, hiding his beautiful smile behind his bitten lip.
“Yes. Very much,” you stare back at hiim—telling him how deep the pain and jealousy is.
His smile gets wider.
The silence starts to build between you two before he speaks up.
“Everyone can see that she wants you. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice that,” you roll your eyes, annoyance starts to build when you think of her. Jinyoung hides his smile.
“Do you believe that?” he asks and you had it enough. You squeal at him, to let you go back to your place and end this night but he wouldn’t budge as he grabs your hips tighter to keep you on his lap.
“How do I make you realise that I’m all yours?” he squeaks, rubbing your clothed ass along with your inner thigh, causing you to whimper softly.
“Fucking you here, in this car?” he whispers before he leans closer to your body and starts to trail sloppy kisses on the sweet spot while he chants the dirty words. You can’t help but squirm at his touch as you bring your hands to hold on to his shoulder.
“Jinyoung, don’t,” you whimper at his touch even deep inside, you know you want this more than him. He chuckles at your words.
“I can feel your juices on my thigh, then you’re telling me no? Such a cute kitten,” he bites the soft skin on the collarbone as he calls your favourite pet name. When you no longer can hold the sudden excitement in your body, you start to grind on his thigh, rubbing your pussy on his thick thigh. It makes him groans, in pleasure while staring at your pussy. He grunts in frustration when the thin underwear covers the red pussy.
“Jinyoung....,” you moan his name and he hums at your calls while bitting his lips. His eyes darkened when he can see your red pussy under the thin fabric underwear. He must be thanking God for letting you to wear such a short dress so it makes it’s easier for him to hover the pussy.
“Oh my god,” he grunts as he pulls your hips, to make the move becomes faster and wilder, eventually growing the huge bulge that is starting to touch your throbbing clit. You moan out loud at the touch, throwing your head to the back while keeping the same pace on his lap as he pulls your closer with his big hands The feeling—so fucking good. The car is filled with hot breath from both of you.
“Ah!” your breath hitched when you can feel a familiar knot inside your pussy and abdomen—making you to look at him while moaning his name. He likes it when his name comes out from your mouth when he is abusing the pussy. He feels like a sexy dominant and he will make sure the scream gets louder when he finally pumps his cock inside you.
“How the hell I want to fuck her harder when I have this pussy, wet and juicy—just for me? Tell me how, baby,” he whispers, rubbing his index finger on your clothed clitoris, circling and pinching it while looking at your moaning mess face, when you’re coming to the climax.
He hisses—completely mesmerised at your beautiful cunt.
“Ah! Jinyoung!” as he rubs your clit and forcing you to grind on his huge bulge, you let out a small squirt on his jeans—soaking it wet with the juices. He hums in approval—licking the liquid around his finger while staring at you, like a provocative beast.
“Sweet cunt,” he says while chuckling.
“Is that enough?” he adds, cocking his eyebrow at you. You pant on his shoulder, slightly confused at his question.
“I want more,” you whisper. Needy and desperate, completely different than you were few minutes ago. His chest vibrats as he giggles.
Before you could say anything, he lifts the hem of your mini dress and pulls it to your chest—leaving your boobs bounce to his sight. You squeal in surprise. In just a blink of eyes, he unclasps and throws your bra to the back seat. You look outside—you sure don’t wanna let anyone see you this erotic.
“Fuck,” his eyes darkened when he brings his eyes to your boobs—chanting a trail of curses before he gropes them, roughly. Your body jerk at the touch, making the boobs bounce.
“You’re fucking beautiful, do you know that?” he says before taking one of your nipples into his mouth—sucking the bud hungrily. Your chin is up—moaning even louder than before as you press your body closer to him—deepened his mouth to your hardened bud. Your run your hand through his hair while the other one, holding on the car seat.
Every words that come out from his mouth, sounds like an ecstasy and it’s making your cunt pools with liquid. Skin tingles a lot and all you wanted is to feel him inside your body. He hums, biting the nipple, causing you to fill the car with his name. His warm and playful tongue—goddamn it feels like heaven.
“Jinyoung, get inside me,” you whine like a kitten when he pulls from you. You can see a boyish grin all over his face as he stares at you like a motherfuckinh predator. Your pussy clenches at the sight.
Before you could say anything, he trails his fingers to the strap of your panty before he rips it—exposing the raw pussy to his eyes.
“Oh my god,” you scream. He giggles, throwing the panty to the passenger seat as he slaps your ass.
“I’ll buy you a new one later,” he whispers, staring at the pussy as he gives it slow stroke. You whine at the touch. It’s slow and addicting, now you suddenly miss his big cock.
Impatient, you push him against the car seat before you unbuckle the belt around his jeans, slightly pull the pant to his knees—leaving his boxer alone. He says nothing as he let you get the touch of his cock by yourself. When you see the throbbing bulge, you immediately pull the boxer—making his dick slapping your lower abdomen. You moan at the contact.
“Come, baby. Do whatever you want to do,” he gives a small kiss on your neck before he leans against the seat to let you take over. You catch his eyes for a few seconds before you look down and starts stroking his member from up to down, smearing the pre-cum all over the veiny cock. He groans at your soft touch, making you look at him while bitting your lower lip—seductively.
Jinyoung throws his head to the back, slapping your ass over and over again as you please him. His dick is damn big and hard—you wonder how would he feels like inside this tight pussy of yours? Your cunt is screaming for the fill.
After few more strokes, you stop. Lifting your ass up while you rub the tip of his cock on the wet entrance, increasing the sensitivity. Both of you and him moan like crazy. Slowly, you sit down on him—completely burying his dick inside your tight and slippery pussy—causing you to scream to the air. Jinyoung hisses, breathing hard as he looks down where his dick get buried.
“Goddamn. You take my cock so well,” he moans, gripping your juicy ass so you can move in sync with him. You hold on the car seat while the other hand is palming his chest as you start to ride on his dick. Jinyoung has been really big, why the hell he makes the sex feel so damn good even you already had hundred sex with him? You open your mouth and moan while staring at each other’s eyes.
“I’m your kitten,” you whisper, bouncing up and down on his dick—slapping his balls with your ass like tomorrow doesn’t come. He chuckles.
“Yeah. My kitten,” he bites his lower lip, grabbing your breast in his big hand and squeeze it roughly. A gush of air leaves your lungs at the sensation. You scream his name.
“Jinyoung! Ah!” your body jerk. The sound of slapping skin fills the car, you’re very sure the car is shaking like hell. But, your mind is too busy to think about that. His big cock in your tight cunt. What a perfect combination.
“Fucking sexy. You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in my life,” he grunts through gritted teeth as he gropes the breast while he watches you humping on his dick. You moan like a mess. Throwing your head to the back, know nothing but his dick. When he notices your move becomes slower, he grabs your hips and quickened the pace up and down. Letting your wet pussy coating his member with white substances.
“Ah! Baby!” you leans forward and breathe on his neck, moaning, whimpering while he takes over. Jinyoung grunts in every thrust. He will make sure your pussy will be swollen.
“Fuck me harder, baby. Harder,”
“Of course,” he grunts. The pace quickened and the thrust deepened—making he hits your G-spot over and over again with no mercy. Tears prick on your eyes. It feels so good. So damn good being in his embrace while he is pumping inside you.
“Good, isn’t it?”
“Y-yes. Ah! Please, don’t stop,” your body twitches.
“You’re the only one who can make my cock becomes this hard,” he whispers to your ears.
“You make me want to bang this pussy harder every time I see you,”
“So,” thrust
“Fucking” thrust
“beautiful,” thrust
“and,” thrust
“hot,” thrust
He thrusts in every words. You scream erotically and pant heavily on his sexy neck. Your legs becoming weak and shaky as your move starts to be sloppy.
“Even Irene can’t make me this horny. Only you. I’m all yours, baby girl. I’m yours,” he kisses your shoulder, still taking your pussy while chanting endless I love you’s. You can’t help but feel extremely loved. Sex is great but his words and reassurance—oh it brings you to another wonderland. You moan his name, moving your hips to reach the climax.
Breath hitched, endless moans, steamy car and rising chests.
“Jinyoung...” you calls him.
“Cum inside me,”
He chuckles, staring at you as you pulls away from his neck—pumping for few more times as you can feel his dick is twitching inside you. You clench around him—making him groan like a beast.
“Oh fuck, you feel so good around me,” he moans and growls when your pussy clench around his cock. His breath hitched and shorten.
“Ah! Ah!” a lewd moan escapes your mouth when he pumps his cum inside you, making your body bouncing and jerking at every shot. Your nails claw on his chest , bitting down the lower lip while you stare to his darkened eyes. The eye contacts—so sexy. You scream as you reach the intense climax. Jinyoung grunts while he keeps grinding your ass on his cock to fill every part of your pussy with his warm semen, making it drips out of the pussy and wet the seat.
You bury your face on his neck, nuzzling his strong scent while panting hard—to let yourself calm. That was amazing. You didn’t know sex in car would turn out this good and hot. The car is filled nothing but steam from your and his hot breath.
“I have my favourite kink now,” he says, stroking your back—tracing his slender fingers along the spine, sending you an adrenaline.
“What is it?” you squeak, tired from the intense fuck.
“Car fuck. I should fuck you at the back seat next time. Let’s see how loud your scream is,”
“Asshole,” you slap his chest playfully and it receives another sweet laughter from him. He knows you’re joking.
When you both finally calmed down, you clean the mess on his seat before you climb back to your seat, looking completely mess. Smudge make up, missing panty, throbbing and swollen pussy. Jinyoung is a beast.
As the car starts to move, he glances at you as he pulls your dress to see the pussy. His raspy voice starts to fill the car.
“Keep the pussy wet. I can’t wait to eat your sweet cunt when we get home,”
“So, you know nothing but my name and my cock,”
follow me for thirsty smuts *winks*
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that-sw-writer · 4 years
ok so as a prompt maybe the reader is a general/something high ranking and somebody is being sexist and disrespects her and she just breaks their nose and Kylo is like “thats 👏🏻 my 👏🏻 wife” and then just fluffy fluff fluff? idk do whatever you want with that lmao
I love this prompt so much we stan readers beating up sexist men !!
Word count: 1224
Warnings: None really just trashbag men
You reap what you sow...
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"Thank you all for coming so swiftly."  You addressed the room of First Order officials - numerous Captains, Lieutenants and Commanders and of course the Supreme Leader, your husband.
Being married to Kylo sometimes made your life difficult, people thought you were in your position just because he was your husband, not because you were more intelligent and skilled than any other candidate.  You had been a General since long before marrying Kylo, but people tended to overlook that, because the men in your division clearly needed someone to be bitter towards.  You were convinced that if you were a man they would have no problem with your leadership.
"What's the emergency, General Y/L/N?"  Lieutenant Kordon spoke first.  He was a tall, slender man with rather greasy hair that was hidden beneath his hat.  He always looked like he needed a deep clean in a refresher.
"We have a new focus - to search for artefacts known as Wayfinders.  They are of Sith origin, and are paramount to the success of the First Order in this war."  Your words caused a few mumbles to rise amongst your officers.  Involvement from matters regarding Sith or Jedi were rarely popular, but you were loyal to Kylo's orders, even if nobody else was.
"With all due respect General, matters concerning the Force and mystic artefacts aren't our duty."  Kordon quickly jumped back at you, and you rose from your seat at the head of the long conference table, placing both hands on the table to lean forward.
"They are your duty if I tell you they are.  It would do you good to remember your place, Lieutenant."  You emphasised his title, reminding him that you were in charge, something you frequently found yourself doing.
Your husband remained silent in all of this.  Of course he would always step in if he felt the need to, but generally if he didn't allow you to handle matters of insubordination yourself it made things worse rather than better - you had to show your power to these people, not Kylo's.
"My apologies.  Where shall we begin searching?"  Kordon now spoke through gritted teeth, and you took a small amount of pleasure in making him so angry.  He was much older than you, which instantly led him to believe that he was more fit to be a General than you were.
"In the Atravis Sector."  You confirmed, remembering Kylo's briefing to you just earlier that morning.
"Specifically the Mustafar System."  Your husband cut in, and you nodded in approval.
"And how are we supposed to find some mythical artefact?  We aren't Sith."  Captain Zapal spoke up this time, he was broad man - clearly very proud of his physique since he took every opportunity possible to show it off.  The man was allergic to training with a shirt on.
"No, but I like to think you aren't stupid, Captain."  You raised an eyebrow at him, "We have extensive resources, I'm sure exploring one Sector isn't too much for you to handle.  If it is I'm sure I could hand the task to another division."
"No General, that's quite alright."  He mumbled, sinking in his seat.
"I will meet you all again in three rotations time, I want news of where has been explored and what leads you have.  Supreme Leader Ren will follow them once we are sure that they are worth his time."  You ordered, "Dismissed."  You then waved your hand and everyone rose to their feet to exit.
You remained stood at the head of the table, Kylo still seated.  You usually waited for everyone to leave so you could discuss things in private, away from their prying ears.
As Kordon and Zapal walked past her to leave you overheard their hushed mutters.  "I'm fed up of being second best to this bitch."
"I agree.  Some of us have worked hard to get where we are, not just slept with the Supreme Leader."
"Maybe if we slept with her we'd get promoted."  Kordon snorted, and by that point you had heard enough.
Kylo rose to his feet to put them both in their place in the best way he knew how, but you placed a hand on his shoulder - a silent ask for him to let you handle this, and he begrudgingly stepped back.
"Gentlemen."  You barked from behind them, and they nearly jumped out of their skin, turning slowly to face you.
"Y-yes General?"  Captain Zapal quietly said.
"I suggest if you have something to say, you say it to my face."  You folded your arms, "Go on."
"No General it's nothing, really!"  Kordon attempted to deflect.  Even in this moment you could tell they were more scared of Kylo's presence than yours - perhaps your husbands more violent approaches to earn respect actually worked.
"It certainly didn't sound like nothing."  You took a step towards the pair of them, "Why don't you tell us, or are you cowards?"  You knew taunting perhaps wouldn't work on Zapal, but Kordon was far easier to wind up.
"I am no coward."  He hissed, losing all filters, "You are just the Supreme Leader's whore, you don't deserve this position it should have been mine."  He growled, jabbing a slimy finger in your face.
Beside you Kylo was visibly seething, it was taking everything in his power to not decapitate this man right where he stood.
With one swift movement your fist swung around and powerfully connected with Kordon's face - and a sickening *crack* came from his nose.
Zapal's jaw hit the floor from where he stood watching, but yours and Kylo's expressions remained blank.
"I should let my husband put his Lightsaber through your chest-"  You began, Kylo almost looking offended that he wasn't allowed to kill this man, "-but I think a demotion would serve you both better."  A cunning smirk crossed your lips.
"Captain Zapal, you had best prepare yourself to be assigned a serial number because you're demoted to a Stormtrooper."  You looked at the man stood further from you, who was clearly too terrified to protest.  He simply nodded, multiple times.
"And as for you, Kordon."  You turned back to the man stood before you, his face now bloodied as he clutched his nose, "We've actually been looking for a new cleaner for our quarters, haven't we."  You looked over to Kylo, whose expression now looked at devious as your own, his anger disappearing.
"We have, my love.  I think it's an excellent idea."  He responded, "I'll have the transfers completed immediately."
"In the meantime I suggest you take your colleague to the Med Bay, Trooper.  And in future, have care how you speak about your superiors."  You addressed Zapal with a smirk.
Both men scurried away, Kordon looking less than happy but he was far too busy nursing his bloodied and broken nose to protest.
You turned to Kylo, who raised an eyebrow at you, smirking, "Y'know you could have just let me kill them."  He stepped forwards to pull you flush against his chest by your waist.
"Where would the fun in that be?  It's all over too quickly."  You replied, grinning up at him as your hands moved to rest on his chest.
"You're right, it looks like you didn't need my help."  He teased, and you silenced him with your lips for a few moments before pulling away just enough to speak.
"I'm sure you can help me make our new cleaner's life extra miserable."
"I can manage that."  This time he cut you off with another kiss.
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duckymcdoorknob · 4 years
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Two Pints ‘A Sam Adams.
Prompt: The night after the Winter’s Ball, the guys hang at Laf’s house to discuss their luck. A very drunk John gets the blues when he learns Alex met someone. Until Laf gets an Idea...
Warnings: drinking, tickling, A N G S T Y.
Ships: Lams
Word count: too fuckin many. Probably about 2.5-3k
1780, A winter’s ball. And Alexander was the envy of all. Well, just of his friends. The guys were gathered around Lafayette’s coffee table, reminiscing the night’s events...
“She was totally into you Laf.” Hercules chimed.
“She was! But Alex over ‘ere...” Lafayette spoke with a condescending tone.
“Okay you may be right...” Alex replied fearfully
“But...?” Hercules asked lifting his brows.
“There is no but. Angelica was totally hot, I wanted to try my luck.” Alexander spoke with a smirk.
“You asshole!” Lafayette playfully hit Alexander’s shoulder
“Well I heard...” John finally spoke up, “that you met a special someone tonight...”
“What are you trying to ‘ide, Alex?” Lafayette asked raising his eyebrows twice
“Nothing! Nothing! John is just shit blasted, that’s all.” Alexander laughed off Laf’s question.
“Fuck off, ‘lex! I’m fINE!” John replied with a huff.
“John.. that’s your third pint of Sam’s.” Hercules interrupted.
“I’m not even wasted yet! Fuck you!” John yelled as he took another swing of his alcohol.
“Annnnywayyyys...” Alexander responded, drawing the attention back to him, “I did meet someone”
Hercules turned to face him, Laf’s eyes lit up and John was... scowling?
Alexander went on to talk about Eliza. He talked about her eyes, her smile, her personality... everything. Lafayette left to grab John some water, so he wouldn’t pass out and die.
As Alexander went on, John found himself fighting away his tears. “Why is she so special? I have pretty eyes! And a dazzling smile... and a... tolerable personality.” John thought to himself. He sulked down into his chair, plastered an interested grin and toned Alexander out. His own mind turned on him, putting himself down until he didn’t believe in himself anymore. John brushed it off, he always felt this way. He didn’t feel good enough. It wasn’t until after a few glasses of water, and a little bit of sobriety, when he noticed he was actually hurting.
“John?” Alexander’s voice suddenly sounded, “John buddy are you okay?” His voice was full of concern, as he awaited a response from his friend.
“Alex what’s wrong? Oh shi- John!?” Hercules scooted towards the man.
“Shit guys ‘mfine... what are you all-“ John pauses abruptly. He looked down at his pants to see they were covered in wet spots. He was crying. “Oh yeah... haha that’d probably concern you. This just happens when I get drunk.” John was practically sober now. It wasn’t from his drunkness, it was from Alexander.
“If you say so... we wouldn’t want anything to happen to you. We love you man.” Alexander replied.
“Heh. Thanks.” John replies with a sniffle. “Except you don’t... you love Eliza...”
The guys went back to shooting the shit, leaving John alone in his thoughts once again.
Lafayette looked up at John, who had his hands balled up into fists. He clung tightly to the material on his pants, teeth gritted, eyes watering. Laf figured it would be best to not make a scene, so he slowly inched toward John. Once he was near him he ever so carefully brought himself up to John’s level. “You don’t seem fine mon ami”
John looked up at Lafayette, who wore a concerned face, with sympathetic eyes. He then hung his head in shame... how embarrassing, Laf caught him crying, again.
Alexander and Hercules went into the kitchen to grab some food, too immersed in their conversation to notice what was happening.
Lafayette helped John to his feet, and helped him out the front door. It was a mild night, the heat had not yet broken in the city. The crying man collapsed on the soft grass, Lafayette soon sat down criss cross. “Now please, John. Tell me what’s wrong”
John immediately broke down, wailing as he buried his head in his hands. Lafayette practically flung himself to embrace the crumbling man in front of him. “Everything’s going to be okay mon ami. Shhh. It’s okay.”
“He... he... Im just-“ John tried to manage through his hysterics.
“Take your time.” Laf said as he rubbed John’s back.
“I’m... I’m just...” John sighed, he couldn’t take it anymore, “I’m just gay, Laf.” He hung his head in shame, expecting Lafayette to scold him.
“Oh John...” Laf spoke up, “I’m not going to shame you for who you are”
John sighed in relief; tears continued streaming down his face.
“I catch you staring at ‘erc and Alex’s asses all of the time mon ami.” Lafayette said with a chuckle. “Come on, let’s go back inside.”
Laf wipes John’s tears away and helps him to his feet. On their way in, Laf sees the curtain ruffle quickly. Hercules and Alex has seen everything. When they open the door, Alex and Hercules were back in their chairs talking about random things.
“Oh. Hey John, hey Laf! Where’d you guys go?” Alexander questioned with fake interest.
“Oh uh... on a walk.” John said quickly
“To the store.” Laf said at the same time
“To the st-“
“On a walk.” They replied at the same time once more.
“On a walk to the store, yeah...” John replied
“John... dont bullshit us, we heard everything.” Hercules said quietly.
John hung his head in shame. Why couldn’t he just be normal?
“John listen.” Alex said with a half smile, “we aren’t friends with you because we thought you were straight. We’re friends with you because we love you for who you are. Also, how’s my ass look?” He said as he turned around and wiggled.
John let out a genuine laugh, “peachy keen good sir!” he said with a bow, “Thank you guys but.. I just don’t feel good enough for you.” He sighed and looked everywhere but at his friends.
“Well this is quite the dillema we’re in isn’t it.” Lafayette said as he looked at the other group members.
They all plastered the same grin, they knew JUST what to do.
“Come here John everything is fine.” Hercules said as he opened his arms. He pulled John into an embrace and sat down on the floor with him.
“Okay Herc thats enough hugging... seriously let me go.” John said as he tried to wiggle his way out of Herc’s grip. He got stuck at about his chest, he couldn’t move a muscle! “Hercules I mean it! I’m stuck!”
Alexander crawled towards the duo, with an evil grin on his face. “You know John, I think you need to lighten up a bit.” Alex said as he sat in front of them. “You just need to see yourself from our point of view.” Alexander pulled John’s blue shirt up to reveal his toned stomach. “Wow! You’ve been working hard, you’re looking great.”
John hid his head in Hercules’ arms, “Alex you’re embarrassing me.”
“Well I don’t want you to feel down upon yourself! Let’s get our old happy John back! Shall we, Laf?”
Alexander then rested his fingers on John’s stomach.
John yelped and squirmed in Hercules’ grip. “You wouldn’t fucking dare.”
“Yes we fucking would.” Lafayette responded as he gave John’s knee a squeeze.
The two got to work on John. Alexander spidered his fingers all over John’s stomach and sides, while Laf squeezed his knees and thighs.
John felt giggles bubbling up inside of him. “C..come on guys! You d-don’t have to d-do this!”
“But we do!” Alex responded as he changed his attack. He began to squeeze at John’s sides and stomach.
“S-sohohon of a bihihitch!” John whispered as he started giggling.
“That’s the sound we’re looking for!” Lafayette chimed as he straddled John’s legs.
Hercules pinned John’s wrists to the floor with one arm. “Sorry buddy, but it’s for your own good.” He said as he spidered his fingers into John’s clothed underarms.
The man thrashed under all of his friends’ attacks. “Nohohoho! Stahahahap ihihit!” He could only lay on Lafayette’s hard floor and endure his torment.
“Ooh Laf! You thinking what I’m thinking?” Alexander said as he let up his attack.
“Right ahead of you mon ami.” Lafayette responded as he slowly took off John’s boots.
Hercules was still enjoying his time working on John’s underarms. “N-n-nohohoho! Lahahahahaf! Plehehehehahahse dohohohohnt!”
“Sorry John! It’s for your benefit!” Laf chimed in response as he took off both of John’s boots.
Hercules let up his attack, “this should be fun.” He said with a chuckle. He held down both of John’s arms in preparation.
“WAIHAHAIT! PLEAHAHAHAEHESE!” John cried as Laf brought a finger towards his most ticklish spot.
“Such a beautiful sound, John! I think we should hear more!” Alexander said while straddling John’s hips, “ready, Herc? Laf?”
Hercules nodded and the men assaulted their spots. Herc worked his fingers around John’s underarms, Alexander drilled his thumbs into John’s hips, Laf masterfully assaulted John’s socked feet.
John yelled in protest as his friends’ attacks were almost overwhelming. “GAHAHAHA- OH GOHOHOHOD PLEEHEHEHEAHAHSE STAHAHAHAP!” He pounded his fist into the hard floor beneath him.
“ ‘ey! be careful with my floor! Don’t you dare brea-“ there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” Laf chimed happily. The three men stopped their attacks, expect for Alex who would sneak a few squeezes to John’s stomach.
The door opened and standing in the doorway was an intrigued Aaron Burr. “What in the hell are you three-“ John yelped as Alex poked him again, “four doing?”
“John is sad. He needed a laugh.” Alexander said giving John’s side a firm squeeze.
“Burr! Buhuhurr you gohohot to hehelp me.” John said panting
“Well I was going to come to talk about the ball but... hey. No reason to wait for it.” Aaron rolled his sleeves up and positioned himself at John’s side.
“Im doomed.” John said with his voice an octave higher.
Lafayette took his opportunity to peel off John’s socks. “Burr ‘es a screamer. Prepare yourself.”
Aaron chuckled and hovered his hands teasingly over John’s stomach.
Giggles poured out of him and he writhed about to get away from Burr’s torturous hands.
“Im not even touching you! What’s so funny?” Aaron after fake offended.
“Where’d you learn to tease like that?” Alex said with a chuckle.
“Only the best.” He nudged Alex’s shoulder.
“One.” Hercules spoke up suddenly.
“Two.” Aaron said as he positioned his fingers above John’s writhing figure.
“THREE!” They all yelled. John said his prayers in his head as he knew he was about to be wrecked.
Lafayette held back John’s toes and began to rake his fingers up and down the poor man’s most ticklish spot. Aaron squeezed at John’s stomach, Alex drilled into the man’s hip bones and Hercules was content at his underarms.
John cried out in agony as his attackers overwhelmed him.
“Yo! There’s no fucking cursing in my ‘ouse!” Lafayette barked as he stared to spider his fingers along The ball of John’s feet.
Tears of mirth formed in John’s eyes as he could only sit and endure his torment. His laughter flowed out of him. His eyes were tightly squeezed shut and his whole body was shaking.
Hercules gently put his knees on John’s wrists. Careful as to not hurt him, and pulled John’s shirt over his head. He then began to spider his fingers along the sides of John’s arms, up into his underarms and all over his chest.
John smacked Hercules lightly in the back, but gave up and endured the hell he was facing.
Aaron stopped his attack, audibly apologized to all his friends for what he was about to do, and prepared his next assault. “Watch this.” He yelled over John’s thick laughter. Everyone’s attack stopped and John took this time to breathe. “I learned this from a friend of mine.” Burr said while bringing him head down towards John’s stomach. He put his lips together a blew a fat raspberry into John’s stomach.
The trio took this as their final stretch before John would be too tired. They all increased their attack tenfold and watched John move into hysterics.
Everyone stopped immediately and got off of John. Alex gave one last poke to John’s sensitive stomach. The man yelped and curled into a ball.
“Nohoho... nohoho mohohore.” He said in soft laughter as he felt a pair of hands on his body.
Lafayette picked up John like a baby and put him on the couch.
The three other men chatted with Lafayette as they let John rest. Nearly an hour into their chat, Alex spoke up.
“I think he feels much better now.” Alex brought up quietly.
“Agreed.” Hercules responded
“What was he upset about in the first place?” Aaron inquired.
“I don’t know.” Lafayette lied, “maybe ‘e was upset that ‘e didn’t bring ‘ome a date.”
John sighed in relief from his spot on the couch. “Thanks Laf.”
Hercules and Alex looked back at John, who was still smiling.
“Well.” Aaron said as he stood up from his chair, “I best be going”
Just as Burr went to open the door, the sky opened up and it was pouring outside.
“Since you cant go anymore.” John spoke up, “C..can you um... c..can you do that again?” He said with a flushed face as he looked to the floor.
Burr smiled evilly and sighed. “John Laurens, are you trying to tell me that you enjoyed us completely wrecking you? And now you want us to do exactly that once again?”
John tried to stutter out a response
“I wouldn’t be opposed.” Aaron interrupted, “gentlemen?”
The quad smiled evilly and charged at John, then they soon had him on the floor in the same position.
John’s sweet laughter was heard echoing for hours again.
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willoryn · 4 years
~Make you understand~
Sfw/descriptive kissing/fluff/angst
• ~~~~~~~ ♡ ~~~~~~ •
The evening went about as well as one could expect.
Any night out Todomatsu ever had with Atsushi usually ended in one of two scenarios: either Todomatsu gets sidelined, the "nobody" that the women ignored while they cooed over Atsushi, his ride home. Eventually, Todomatsu would throw in the towel early, walking home alone, rejected and heavy hearted.
Or two: the same scenario would play out, however this time Todomatsu would be forced into an uncomfortable car ride, Atsushi taking him home. Complete silence between the two.
This was the latter of those nights. Todomatsu was leaning against the car door, chin resting on his palm and just watching the street lights fly by. He cast a side glance at Atsushi. The man was just watching the road. A calm, cool demeanor as usual.
Smug bastard. Totty thought.
It was bad enough that Atsushi insisted on a much fancier restraunt this time around. Now here Todomatsu was stuck in this suit. For some reason Atsushi didn't find any dates for them, so the two of them just sat there across from each other, alone at a table in a dimly lit restraunt. For what? So Atsushi can just further rub his wealth in his face? He didn't care how good the bastard looked in his nice suit. How handsome his features looked in the dim lighting. How there was an unmistakable shiver that ran up Totty's spine every time their hands accidentally touched when they went for the breadsticks.
"Huh?" The youngest matsu perked up, transforming back into his chipper self.
"You haven't really said anything all evening. Are you okay?" Atsushi asked, looking a bit worried. A change of pace from his usually chill demeanor.
Oh, now its about me, huh? The "nobody".
Todomatsu nodded. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine." He hardly made an effort to hide the sarcasm. "Just fine."
Atsushi wasnt happy with that answer. He didn't understand what was wrong. Was Totty not feeling very good? Maybe the expensive restraunt was too much? He thought Todomatsu would like it. He intentionally picked a place where it could just be the two of them. Away from anyone who would bother them. Atsushi had hoped that it would bring them a bit closer. He genuinely thought of Totty as a close friend that enjoyed being around him. Though, he couldn't deny that there were deeper feelings than just friendship. But... maybe Todomatsu didn't feel the same way? Was he forcing him into an uncomfortable situation and he was just trying to be nice?
Atsushi's heart sank. That was the last thing he wanted. He loved Todomatsu, and wanted to show it to him. He had almost blurted it out during dinner a couple times, but Todomatsu was being so unresponsive and looked genuinely stressed out that he figured it wasn't a good time. But now here he was feeling guilty for putting him up to all this. Perhaps he just shouldn't have tried. But he couldn't deny his feelings. For the past few years he had felt something growing for Todomatsu. He kept it down for so long. He even thought maybe Totty felt the same way. The way the man would look over at him, would study him. Seemed like there was more behind that look than just a friendly glance. And Todomatsu was always so flustered when caught. He was adorable like that.
Atsushi liked the attention from women. But when it was from Todomatsu it was different. Endearing and honest. He loved how sassy Totty was with him. His little quips and sarcastic remarks. No one else dared challenge Atsushi the way Todomatsu did. He could always count on him to be brutally honest when he needed it. And his laugh. His adorable laugh. Going on double dates was fun enough, as long as they got to see each other. Even more so when they were alone.
But his feelings manifested and grew tenfold since then. Now he was starting to get antsy. Todomatsu was becoming more distant and that didn't bode well for Atsushi. The longer he spent away from Totty, the more he missed him. And the more he feared Todomatsu finding someone else. Why was Todomatsu keeping him out? What was he not picking up on? Atsushi grit his teeth. He couldn't take much more of this.
It's time to start being honest with ourselves. Forgive me, Totty.
Atsushi swirved over into a parallel parking spot along the road, putting the car in park. Todomatsu would have lunged forward into the dash had he not braced himself. His eyes shot over to Atsushi.
"What's going on? Why are we stopping?" Todomatsu asked.
Atsushi swirled in his seat and faced Totty. "Todomatsu, why do you think I've been taking you out on all these dates lately?"
Todmatsu was taken aback, a blush dusting over his face. Not sure what to say. Dates? What was he talking about? Did he mean double dates? But it's been just the two of them.
Either way, if he wanted honesty he was going to get it. Todomatsu crossed his arms and sat up defiantly.
"Honestly? Sometimes I think it's because you want me to be a wingman for you to get women. Sometimes I think it's because you want to rub your success in my face. Sometimes I even think-" You might genuinley like being around me. Todomatsu bit his lip and turned away.
Atsushi cocked his head, still not understanding. "Why would I do that?"
Todomatsu rolled his eyes. "Because that's what you've always done, Atsushi. You always-" he pinched the bridge of his nose. The pent up frustration of the evening starting to wear him down. He just wanted to go to sleep. But he had to dish this out with Atsushi first. "You're always so condescending! 'Oh, Totty, look at my new car! I got a promotion! Are you still living with your parents?' Every. single. time! You're a terrible conversationalist!"
Atsushi couldn't believe his ears. Had Todomatsu always felt this way...? Surely he didn't really take it like that did he?
Oh no...
"Look, I know I'm just some unemployed NEET who doesn't have money or a car-" Tears pricked the corners of Todomatsu's eyes as he spoke, much to his annoyance. But it was Atsushi's fault for pushing him like this. "Or a girlfriend, still lives with his parents and five useless brothers... but I don't appreciate being treated like this!"
Atsushi just blinked. Completely lost on what Todomatsu was so furious with him. "I think you might be projecting."
Todomatsu's jaw almost hit the floor and Atsushi was convinced he was going to sock him right in the face for that. "You- you complete, unbelievable, over-confident-!"
"You're my friend, Totty. You always have been. I've treated you no less."
"You're just pretending to care about me."
"But I do." Atsushi urged. "I care about you far more than you think, Todomatsu."
Todomatsu felt a blush creep across his cheeks but suppressed it for a scoff yeah right! "There you go again! Just stop messing with me already!"
"But it's true, Totty. You're the only other person I'm closest to. I genuinely lov- uh, I enjoy spending time with you. Thats why I've been setting up all these dinners! I want to get closer to you."
Closer!? What was he saying?
Todomatsu's head snapped over to Atsushi. His cheeks red and wet from the tears. "Why? So I can be your personal punching bag? No thanks." Todomatsu wiped his eyes before he started to reach for the door handle. "I'm walking home."
Atsushi grabbed his shoulder and Todomatsu turned back towards him.
"You're not understanding what I'm trying to say, Totty."
"Then make me understand." Todomatsu demanded. No. Challenged.
The space between their faces decreased dramatically during their argument, now Atsushi could see Todomatsu more up close through the dim light of his car. The young Matsuno's cheeks and eyes had become red with anger, slightly puffed out, wet from his tears. Adorable. His brow was scrunched up in frustration but it didn't overshadow his soft, milk-chocolate eyes that bore into Atsushi. Even when Todomatsu was furious with him, he was still so, so cute. He really hasn't changed much at all.
Atsushi remembers those eyes always being full of tears in highschool. Now here they were. Still full of tears and... contempt and anger. Sadness pooled into Atsushi's chest. This isn't how he wanted things to be. But it was. Because of him. How was he supposed to tell Todomatsu how he really felt? He wouldn't believe him, he knew that. Todomatsu would either scoff or wave him off, just assuming Atsushi is condescending to him. So how could he show him? What more could he...
Atsushi, abandoning all reason and restraint, put his hand on the back of Todomatsu's head and pulled him into a kiss.
To say Todomatsu was stunned would be an understatement. His brain had left the station, leaving his body a statue in place. He had never been kissed by anyone. But the electric rush he felt when their lips collided was almost... euphoric. Was it because it was Atsushi kissing him? No, surely this could be how it always feels to kiss anyone. But Atsushi's lips were so warm and soft. His hand was tangled in his hair, holding him so preciously. The scent of his cologne invaded Totty's senses even more. The youngest Matsu couldn't help but let himself be swept away. His eyes fell, half-lidded and instinctly found himself grabbing Atsushi's tie and leaning further into his lips, returning the kiss the best way he knows how, following Atsushi's movements. Further charging the spark and the building heat between them. Atsushi made a groan of approval and his heart practically burst out of his chest. Todomatsu was kissing him back! Atsushi is emboldened by this and can't resist it much longer. He craves more of him. Tantalizingly, Atsushi runs his tongue along the edge of Todomatsu's lips, earning an involuntary gasp from the man, before slipping his tongue between them and-
The change of sensation suddenly snaps Totty out of his haze, reality slamming back into him like a roaring train.
In a matter of seconds his eyes snap open and he roughly shoves Atsushi away from him as if the man had just stung him. Todomatsu glued his back to the window like a cornered rabbit and furiously started wiping his mouth off on his suit sleeve.
"W-What the hell, Atsushi!?" Todomatsu exclaims, his voice muffled against the fabric of his suit.
Atsushi breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath as Totty frantically wipes his mouth clean. Despite the young Matsu's current repulsion at his actions, Atsushi wasn't ignorant to the earnestness in that kiss. He kissed Todomatsu... and Todomatsu kissed him back. A smile played across his lips and his head reeled. He wanted to reach out to him again. Pull him in for another kiss and further punctuate just how much he desired him. To further show Todomatsu what he does to him. But he steels himself. He's already done enough damage.
"I'm... sorry." He averted his gaze to the wheel, running a hand through his hair. Disheveling it in his attempt to regain his composure. "I got carried away."
Totty never broke his eyes away from the dashboard, too flustered to look at the man. "Is that all that was?"
No. It was years of pent up feelings spilling out in one big wave.
"I didn't know how else to tell you the truth. You wouldn't have believed me otherwise. I-" Atsushi gave Todomatsu a small smile. "I love you, Totty. I have for a while now."
Silence fell between the two, the soft humming of the engine being the only sound around them. Todomatsu's hands were in his lap clutched tight into fists, eyes glued to the dashboard. Atsushi was watching him for any movement. Any change in body language. Or even just to look at him, yell at him, something!
But he didn't.
"Take me home, please."
"If you just let me-"
"I want to go home, Atsushi!"
Atsushi gave a defeated sigh and adjusted himself in his seat, switching gears, and driving off to the Matsuno house. His stomach churned the whole drive. He thought he would be sick. Todomatsu never spoke to him. He never even looked over at him.
He felt as if he just blew his shot. He might not ever see Totty after this. Totty could just never speak to him again. He'd never hear his cute laugh, see his smile, or hear him say his name ever again. His chest grew heavy. His heart feeling like it was going to shatter.
Even more so when the car drew closer to the Matsu home. He parked just outside and turned to look at Todomatsu, who was looking back at him finally. His expression was soft. Apologetic. Sad. They stared at each other for what seemed like forever before Todomatsu spoke.
"Did you really mean all that? Everything you said back there." He asked
"Of course." Atsushi answered without hesitation.
"You... really like me?"
More than you know.
"Yes, Totty." As if that wasn't perfectly clear by now.
Todomatsu felt his heart do a flip. To hear Atsushi say that... it made him happier than he'd admit. Everything was becoming a bit clearer now and Todomatsu sighed. "Okay. Well... maybe we should start over."
"Should we?"
"Yes!" Todomatsu sat up straight. "I want to do this over. With you. If that's okay?"
Atsushi nodded with a smile.
"Good. Now go ahead and ask me out to dinner again."
"Just do it, Atsushi!"
"Fine. Totty, will you go out on a date with me?"
A blush exploded over Totty's face. "D-Don't call it a date!"
"But that's exactly what it is. I'm literally asking you out on a date."
Todomatsu gave a half pout and avoided eye contact. "Fine. Call it what you want... I guess... yeah, sure, I'll go out to dinner. With you."
Atsushi's heart soared. He didn't admit it was a date. But it was close enough. He knew how stubborn Totty could be. This was the best he was going to get for now and he wouldnt want it either way.
"Thank you." Atsushi said with a nod.
Todomatsu opened the door and started to step out. But not before turning to Atsushi with a slight glare.
"And... don't tell anyone what happened... back there. With the... you know that thing you did."
Atsushi cocked his head, he can't help but tease him. "You mean the thing we did?"
"No. You! That was all you and we are never speaking of it again!"
"If I recall correctly," Atsushi gave Todomatsu a smirk that he so desperately wanted to smack off his face. "You kissed me back."
Todomatsu turned beet red.
"I kissed you back because you forced me into an awkward situation and I didn't want to make you feel bad!" Todomatsu huffed. "You're the one who took it too far!"
"If you says so." Atsushi chuckled. "Also, you're yelling." He pointed to Totty's upstairs window where, to Todomatsu's horror, five identical heads were peering out the window.
His face now red as a tomato, slammed Atsushi's door shut and ran up to the house, trying to pretend he couldn't hear the man laughing inside the car. Atsushi made sure he got inside safely before driving away, his heart pounding hard against his chest. A new exciting feeling budding in his stomach. He had never felt more successful than he did at this very moment.
Todomatsu watched through a window as Atsushi's car disappeared around the corner. A small smile played on his lips and he reached up to touch them with his fingers. His face reddening as he did so.
"Smug bastard."
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ateezlust · 5 years
The Glove Fic
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Prompt: Jongho fingering you until you squirt while wearing the HALA HALA Gloves
Warning: they be fuckin, it’s a mess
Teasing Jongho was fun, you couldn’t help it. He got so bashful so easily and you loved it. It wasn’t really teasing all that much, you had just started complimenting him a lot in front of the rest of the members, despite knowing he hated when you did that. He’d gotten all bashful and blushy and the other members wouldn’t let him hear the end of it as they exited the dressing room to go on stage.
But did it really count as teasing?
Your question was answered not long after ateez left the stage and Jongho yanked you along by the arm to a random storage closet, only bothering to remove his mic and hand it off to someone before he shamelessly shoved you in the closet.
“Jongho what the hell are you doing people were stari-” you were cut off as Jongho pressed his lips firmly against yours.
“I don’t care, you had your fun earlier, now it’s my turn,” he said, pinning you to the wall and yanking your dress up, pushing your panties to the side.
“Jongho your gloves, you’re still wearing your-” you struggled out as he rubbed over you, the fabric of the gloves giving you the painful pleasure you didn’t know you craved.
“Does it look like I give a fuck right now Y/N?” He growled lowly, pushing one of his covered fingers inside you, “I’m wearing these gloves and I can still feel how fucking soaked you are.”
“Jongho-” you moaned as he fucked his finger into you fast and hard, almost making you scream as he quickly shoved in another finger.
“Keep your fucking mouth shut, slut,” he demanded, his words and tone of voice making your mouth drop open and your head fall back.
“Look at me while im fucking you, come on, I know you’ve got it in you,” he said, grabbing onto your chin and forcing you to look at him.
The closet wasn’t very bright, there was just one dimmed bulb above you both, but you could still see the lust and darkness in Jongho’s normally innocent eyes, and you could feel the outline of his erection throbbing against your thigh.
You were panting heavily as Jongho continued fucking you, now at 3 fingers as he moved quickly.
You let out a harsh scream as he hit your g-spot, putting consistent pressure on it with the leather of his gloves. He twisted his hand so his fingers could hit the spot even better where the palm of his hand could assault your clit at the same pace.
You were moaning and squirming against the wall, completely breathless and unable to warn Jongho that you were gonna cum.
You brought your hand up and grabbed only his hand that was on your face, shaking his arm in hopes of warning him, but all it did was make him stop his movements.
“Is something wrong baby?” He asked, keeping his tone just as dark and teasing, but unable to mask the slight concern laced within it.
You squirmed and moaned loudly at the loss of pressure, tears streaming down your cheeks, “no. Was gonna cum, please keep going.”
“But if you were gonna cum baby then why did you stop me?” He teased, knowing fully well why you stopped him.
He reached back down and ran two of his already soaked glove clad fingers up your folds, making sure to press harshly down on your clit every time he ran over it.
“Please Jongho, I wanna cum so bad,” you begged, letting out a sound akin to a sob, entirely desperate for anything Jongho would give.
Jongho smirked and quirked an eyebrow, “mm I don’t know. You never beg, so I kinda like this. Keep begging for it baby and maybe I’ll let you cum.”
Your head shot up, shooting him a glare with no real anger behind it, shaking your head stubbornly.
“Well in that case,” he said, slipping two fingers back inside.
You were a bit confused as to why he was finger fucking you again if you didn’t beg, but you didn’t have much time to consider it as he immediately began his assault on your g-spot again, knowing just how to hit it.
“You gonna beg for it Y/N? You wanna cum?” He taunted, bringing his free hand up your dress and teasing your hardened nipples.
Your entire body shook, feeling the pressure building up again, but you stood firm, shaking your head in refusal to beg again.
He huffed out a laugh, immediately removing his fingers and leaving you shaking and squirming beneath him.
His hands came up and pulled your dress down harshly until your boobs popped out. It had ripped your dress a bit down the middle but that was the least of your concerns when you were literally dripping on the floor of a storage closet.
Jongho’s mouth latched onto one of your nipples, his eyes feigning innocence for the first time that night as he sucked and nipped on the sensitive skin.
“Jongho-” you moaned quietly but quickly clamped your mouth shut as to not give in and beg for him like he wanted.
His hand once again snaked down your body, shoving 3 fingers back into you. You screamed his name, knowing at least half the building heard that but not giving a shit.
“Come on baby girl, all you have to do is beg for it, and then I’ll let you cum,” he taunted once again, licking his lips hungrily as watched his covered fingers move in and out of your core quickly.
“Please Jongho please,” you gave in. The heat in your stomach was getting to be too much, your eyes were burning from the tears of pleasure streaming down your face and you were practically drooling for him.
“You’re gonna have to do better than that baby, tell me how bad you wanna cum, tell me how good I make you feel hmm?”
You let out a groan of frustrated pleasure, and just as you were about to refuse once again, his hand started moving faster, completely blinding you with pleasure.
“Please Jongho, you make me feel so fucking good I wanna cum so fucking bad please,” you moaned loudly.
“That’s it baby girl, was that so hard?” He asked innocently, his fingers continuing their assault as he smirked.
Cocky bastard.
Your moans were loud and constant and even though Jongho knew people could already hear you, he removed the glove from his free hand and shoved it in your mouth as a makeshift gag.
“That’s it, thats my girl, gonna cum for me? Gonna cum all over my fingers? What a good girl, begging for me. Finally found something better to do with that mouth than tease me,” you whimpered around the glove, the glove was soaked with your own arousal and sweat from him being on stage but you couldn’t care less right now. His every word was getting you closer to the edge.
You let out a loud sob as you got closer to the edge and his assault on your clit and g-spot got even more violent and quick. He was panting, watching you with glossed over eyes.
Your entire body shook as your orgasm took over, Jongho swiftly removed his fingers from your core, moving quickly over your clit as you came.
“Fuck,” Jongho groaned, watching as you let out a harsh groan and a stream of wetness shot out of you and hit his leg and the floor.
You were completely blinded by pleasure. You knew you were squirting, you could feel the wet liquid trailing down your legs and you could hear it hitting the floor.
Your entire body was twitching as your pussy squirted everywhere, each twitch releasing a small stream of liquid that landed somewhere on Jongho’s leg.
As you lifted your head again, you saw Jongho pulling out his cock, stroking it quickly and lining it up with your soaked pussy.
You groaned at the overstimulation as he pushed in, giving you no time to adjust before chasing his own high.
“Think you can do that again for me baby? Can you be a good girl and cum for me again?” He panted, losing his composure a bit as he gripped onto your waist.
You nodded in response, you knew you could cum again, it was already building up, though you were unsure of whether or not you had it in you to squirt again. You had already made a mess and you were still in a public place.
Any of your questions or worries were quickly put to an end as his cock hit your sensitive g-spot, making you see white from pleasure. You threw your head back again as Jongho’s hips pounded into you faster, feeling the heat building up again.
“Gonna cum baby girl, are you close baby?” He asked, voice still taunting through the desperate pants and whimpers he let out.
You nodded firmly, bringing has hand back down onto your clit.
He smirked, knowing just how good he made you feel and knowing you were gonna squirt for him again. His cock throbbed inside of you, desperately holding back his release just to get you to squirt again for him.
“Cumming! I’m cumming!” You screamed out, the glove having fallen out of your mouth during your first orgasm of the night.
Jongho pulled out, rubbing your clit again and watched as you screamed for him, streams of hot liquid shooting into the floor again as you sobbed loudly.
The sight of you completely fucked out, throbbing and soaked had him hitting his own high, cumming entirely untouched, shooting up his stomach with loud curses falling from his mouth.
He reached down and worked himself through the last bit of his high, making sure to milk his cock of every drop of cum, before bringing a finger up and swiping it through his own cum and bringing it to your mouth.
You took his fingers in your mouth, face twisting a bit at the bitter taste of his own cum mixed with yours.
He snorted at the look on your face, stepping back and removing his completely ruined glove.
You watched as Jongho pulled your dress back into place, making sure to be careful when pulling it back up and over your boobs so that it didn’t hit too harshly on your nipples and then pulling the bottom back down, fixing it as well as he could despite the fact that the fabric was soaked on the bottom and ripped at the top.
He fixed himself quickly before getting some paper towel from a shelf in the closet, cleaning up around your legs and feet, making sure to stay away from your core as he knew how sensitive you would be.
As he finished up, he looked down onto the floor, letting out a ‘yikes’ through gritted teeth at the sight. As much as he would like to get on his knees and clean up the mess himself, it seemed as though the old damp mop on the side would have to do.
Just as you were retaining your composure and Jongho had done a half assed job at mopping, a loud knock sounded on the door and Seonghwa’s disgusted voice rang through, “are you guys done fucking yet? Jesus Christ, hurry the fuck up we’re going to get food.”
“Yeah yeah give us a minute,” Jongho rolled his eyes in response, putting everything in the closet back in place and picking up his gloves.
“Ready to go baby girl?” He smiled at you.
You nodded in response, but your legs jiggled underneath you as you tried to walk.
“Whoa there cowboy,” Jongho laughed, catching you before you could fall, “jump on my back, I’ll give you a piggy back ride.”
You blushed and nodded in response, hopping onto his back and heading towards the door, preparing yourselves for a very stern conversation from Seonghwa.
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marvel--queen · 4 years
Hear the Music || Armitage Hux || Part One
Fandom: Star Wars
Word Count: 1,441
Warnings: few swear words, thats like it i think?
Description: (Y/N) is a grey jedi who used to train under Luke Skywalker with Ben. After surviving Ben’s attack on the temple, they lived life successfully on the run from Kylo and the First Order, until Kylo finally found them and offered them a proposition. 
Hear the Music Masterlist
A/N: ahhhh im alive!! happy star wars day! i love this funky man named domhnall gleeson. this has been in my notes forever and i finally got the motivation to finish it. hoping to turn this into a series but we know how well i am at finishing things(hint: not well at all) please enjoy. more interaction with hux to come next part. also i’m trying to keep it as gender neutral as i can so everyone can enjoy it :) also any feedback y'all can give would be great, what did you like about it, what can i do different, what do you think will happen? i'm a sucker for attention
THIS IS NOT MY GIF. GIF CREDITS GOES TO THE OWNER(I tried searching for whoever made this gif but I couldn’t find it! If anyone knows please let me know so I can properly give credit)
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You loved how free your life was. Sure sneaking past the First Order checkpoints aren’t ideal to freedom but the exhilaration of almost getting caught fuels you on. It reminds you of the time you and Ben would sneak out of your huts at night to have fun and be teenagers. Many nights spent by the flowing river as you used the force to chuck a multitude of stones at Ben or after you both crafted your own lightsabers, choreographing your own fight scenes, dancing around each other's glowing blades. But those moments were short-lived.
You wish you could say you were surprised when Ben snapped but that boy had so much pent up anger, it was bound to explode one way or another. You were lucky enough to escape with a few burns and a broken arm. Unfortunately, the majority of your peers weren’t as lucky. You had limped away from the scene, clutching your arm with tears burning in your eyes as you followed Ben with only anger set on your mind. Before you could get very far, Master Skywalker stopped you. And that was when you parted from the damaged temple. 
Traveling on your own was an adjustment. Fighting for your life just to live another day, it only furthered your ideal as a Grey Jedi. Even as a kid, you had issues seeing only a good side and a bad side and to this day, you refuse to believe there is only good or only bad. But now you’re free, free from the constant preaching of goodness and the blindness of the evil. You were finally at peace. 
But peace can only last so long. You should’ve known when you felt the shift in the force, that it was time to pack up and trek on, but you were stubborn. Which made your current position much more irritating. They came into your home at night, you fought the best you could with sleep clouding your mind but there were too many of them and you were just too tired. After years of successfully avoiding the First Order and Kylo Ren, your past caught up to you and it was time to hear the music. 
So there you laid, strapped to a First Order interrogation bed. You thought you’d be angrier when the time came but you just laid there, eyes closed, calm, waiting for the little shit to arrive so you could spit in his face. You could feel him in the area, following his footsteps in your mind until it stopped, in front of your door. 
You called out to him, with your mind, smirking, “How does it feel to finally successfully kill a master, Ben?”
The door whooshed open to show the angry face of your old friend. “Get out of my mind,” He childishly yelled, pointing a threatening finger at you.
“You’d think after so many years, you would finally grow up,” You challenged him with a raised eyebrow.
“Shut up!” He glared, “When were you this,” He struggled to find his words. “Infuriating?” You picked the word from his mind and he tried to push you out, to which you only laughed. “I was always stronger in the force than you, Ben.” “It’s Kylo,” Kylo narrowed his eyes at you angrily. “And yet here I am more powerful than you could ever be.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not calling you that childish name.”
“Then Supreme Leader,” He crossed his arms, “Which is why I searched for you. Join me.”
You choked on air and threw your head back laughing hysterically. This only enraged him even more, “Why are you laughing?! Join me, be my enforcer, my right hand. We can rule this galaxy together.”
“I-I’m sorry,” You laughed, raising your hand to your chest to control your breathing. You had released yourself from the restraints not too long ago. “But you want me to join you on the ‘Dark Side’” You made air quotes as you said “Dark Side” sarcastically. “This is priceless, but the answer is no.” You crossed your arms.
“Then you best get comfortable,” Kylo turned to leave but you weren’t content with his last word. 
You raised your arm and yank it to the side, slamming Kylo’s body against the walls and pinned him there. “You may have more power, but I’m still stronger, Ben.” You spat out as Kylo struggled against your force. “I was living a peaceful, free life and you, yet again, ruined it”
The door to the right of you swiftly opened and you reached out your right hand, ready to attack whoever entered. A pale man entered, head down looking at the datapad resting on his arm. 
“I don’t understan- oh?“ He started speaking before looking up, surprised but also smug to see Ren’s position. “As delighted I am to see someone best him, could you please release the Supreme Leader.”
You smiled at the General, taking note of his uniform, before turning to Kylo, “Ooh, I like this one,” You nodded your head to the man, before forcing Kylo to the ground and releasing him. You turned back to the General with a flirty smile, “Got a name, General?”
“Hux,” The man, you now know as General Hux, responded, amused with the interaction he’s witnessing. Behind you, Kylo stood up and brushed the dust off of his clothes, before charging to subdue you.
“General Hux,” You tested the name, tapping your chin, “Don’t tell me your first name is General.” You casually sent Kylo flying away from you as you teased the General. 
“Armitage,” He sent a fleeting look to Kylo as he flew and slumped on the floor, groaning. 
Your smile widened, “Nice to meet you, General Armitage Hux.” You lent your hand out for a handshake, which Hux accepted, eyes locked together. To the side of you both, Kylo braced himself against the wall before readying himself for another go at you. You rolled your eyes, excused yourself, and turned to Kylo with a glare, “Will you behave?! I’m trying to have a pleasant conversation with General Hux.” You turned back to Hux with a mysterious glint in your eyes, “You’d think he’d give up after so many failures, I’m sorry you had to deal with him for so long.”
Kylo’s face flushed red from anger at your jab. “General, you’re dismissed,” He sent a glare to you, "I’ll deal with the prisoner.”
Hux sent Kylo a side look before nodding, turning to leave. 
“Don’t be a stranger, General,” You tell him, shamelessly admiring his back profile, “I got a feeling I’ll be here for a while.” Hux turned briefly, catching you checking him out, only for you to send him a wink and Kylo to glare at the man to leave immediately. You watched him leave until the door closed. “Nice man,” You turn to Kylo with a grin. 
“Are you done?” Kylo deadpanned, unamused with your behavior. 
“Never,” You teased, pinching his cheek. He retaliated by smacking your hand and gripping your wrist hard. 
“This isn’t a fucking game,” He sneered through gritted teeth as he roughly released your wrist, to which you rubbed gingerly and glared at him. 
“Relax, Ben. If I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done more than just toss you around the room. You’re too serious.” You hopped back onto the bed and looked at your old best friend, waiting for his next move.
After a beat of nothing, you rolled your eyes, leaning back onto your hands you placed behind you. “Honestly, now I see your appeal to the ‘Dark Side’” You shifted your weight to one hand to air quote “Dark Side”. “If all the men looked like that,” You whistled, eyes focused on the door the General left through. “Too bad, I don’t believe in the Dark Side. Doesn’t mean I can’t admire,” You smirked looking at Kylo as you swung your legs.
Kylo grimaced at your comments, “Do you ever shut up?” You smirked and opened your mouth to respond but he cut you off by raising his hand, “Never mind, don’t answer that.” He moved towards the door, opening it and looking at you, “Maybe some quiet will do you some good. Think about my offer.” 
He steps out of the room and before the door closes, you shout after him, “Please tell the General, he’s free to visit anytime!” 
Kylo flipped you off as he stormed down the hall. You giggle to yourself, pleased with everything that unfolded. Maybe your break at peace wouldn’t be so bad, especially after meeting that red-headed General you’re already fond of.
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Chapter 9 - 5 Things
Pairing: Jason Todd/Reader
Genre: Smut/Action
Word count: 7,211
A/N: Wow, two chapters in one week! Don't expect this to keep this going lol! This chapter has major trigger warnings for: non-consensual acts, anxiety/panic attacks, mentions/implications of r*pe, violence, drug/sedative use. 
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Amazing mood board by: @brokenblossoms36 
Your head was spinning.
Your eyes were watery, your heart palpitating. You struggled to open your eyes, but all you saw was a blur of blinding light. You saw a shadow, a movement, but it was still unclear as the light was piercing your eyes. You tried to shield them with your hand, but found that you couldn’t move it.
You were seemingly tied to a chair.
How did you get there?
Your throat felt dry. A wave of nausea came over you and you gagged, but nothing came out. You blinked away the tears and squinted at the figure now looming in front of you, blocking the light.
It was all coming back to you now.
You were walking from the Academy to the nearest metro station, heading to the public library in Old Gotham- since your usual one burned down. You had noticed a hooded man following you from behind as you turned into a secluded street.
You remember slightly panicking, because despite your training and reflexes, he was much much faster than you were. The next thing you knew, you woke up right where you were.
Your vision cleared as the cloud in your mind disappeared.
Red Hood was looking down at you, arms crossed. This close and vulnerable, he seemed taller than you remembered.
You also remembered that you weren’t Robin at the time. You were a spoiled girl adopted by the billionaire Bruce Wayne.
“W-where am I?” you squeaked, “Wh-who are you?”
Red Hood simply stared.
You tried on the ropes that he tied you with. It was tight, well knotted. You wouldn’t be able to get out of those without assistance.
“P-please,” you quivered your bottom lip, “Please don’t hurt me.”
No windows. You couldn’t see a door either. The bright light almost completely blinded you to the dark room you were in.
“My dad is Bruce Wayne,” you pressed on, “He’ll give you whatever you want, just please don’t hurt me.”
You started sobbing, going hysterical in panic.
Then, Red Hood started chuckling. “You’re not a bad actor,” he said.
“I- I- I don’t know what you’re t-t-talking about,” you stuttered in breaths, “Please, just let me go. I won’t tell anyone, I p-pr-omise.”
“Quit the act, baby girl, you’re boring me,” he turned around and walked away from you.
Despite your commitment to acting, you couldn’t help but notice his well sculpted ass that was on your eye level as he strutted away.
“W-wha?” you continued, “Please, mister, I don’t know anything. Please let me go.”
Red Hood leaned against a metal table you only just noticed, “I prefer you snarky and bitchy. This isn’t fun. Quit the act before I make you.”
He was calm, as he always was.
You did suspect that he knew your identities, but you couldn’t risk it.
“You’ve got the wrong girl,” you wailed, “I’m not who you think I am! Please, sir, you have to believe me!”
“You know, I never asked,” he began, “How’s Nightwing?”
“N-nightwing?” you gave a watery hiccup.
“Yes, Nightwing, your older brother, Dick Grayson, ex-Robin, Boy Wonder, et cetera et cetera,” he waved his hand, “What else must I tell you to get you to stop? Bruce Wayne is Batman? How about Barbara Gordon is Oracle? Ring any bells?”
You couldn’t help the shock that appeared on your face. If he knew about Barbara, he was more than just a crazy conspiracy theorist. You decided to drop the act.
You gave one last sniffle and looked at him coldly, relaxing against the cool metal chair that you noticed were bolted to the cement floor.
“There she is,” he walked nearer to you again, noting your immediate change of expression when you conceded.
“He will find me, you know,” you told him.
“I disabled the GPS tracker on your phone. Also the one in your pendant,” he nodded at the jewel around your neck that you wore every day. Bruce had gifted it to you on the first year anniversary of your adoption. It was a silver robin with a small diamond glittering on its breast.
You didn’t even know there was a tracker on it. You mentally cursed Bruce for disguising it in a form of sentiment.
“So what do you want, Red?” you demanded. Surprisingly, you were calm. You didn’t feel any fear. Something told you that he wouldn’t hurt you.
“Nothing in particular,” he shrugged, “Maybe I just wanted you all to myself.”
You scoffed.
“What?” he bent down to meet you in the eye. You could see your own reflection on the white lenses of his mask. “Can’t I just want you? I haven’t seen you in so long. Didn’t you miss me?”
You glared at him. The fucker was mocking you. He was right about you missing him, but still.
“Because I missed you, baby girl.”
Even with the voice scrambler, you noticed his voice had dropped an octave. You gulped, and for some reason, butterflies filled your tummy.
He straightened up, “You look so cute in your uniform. The skirt. Which sexist pig designed it that short and made underage girls wear them?”
He squatted down in front of you and tilted his head. “Pink? Adorable.”
You grit your teeth. You could practically hear him grin. You tried to close your thighs but your legs were tied to the chair, forcing them slightly apart.
“Don’t tell me you kidnapped me just to tie me up and take a peek at my panties, Red,” you scowled.
“I’ve done crazier things, baby girl,” he stood up, “What’s wrong with a little talk?”
“So. Talk,” you hissed.
He reached out an arm towards your face. You forced yourself not to wince and maintained eye contact. He caressed your cheek with his gloved hand, his thumb trailing down to press against your lips.
You bit it.
“Fuck!” he recoiled, and then chuckled, “Should have expected that. I do love your feisty side anyway.”
“You don’t know me, Red. Just because you know my identity, it doesn’t mean shit,” you spat.
“I know you’re not who you pretend to be,” he gripped you by the hair and forced you to face him. The slightly rough pull made your breath hitch. “I know you try to hide it from everyone. You're not the good girl people think you are.”
“The same could be said for every other angsty teen. Try better,” you retorted.
He released your hair and chuckled again, “I really did miss you.‘’
“I’ve been busy, you see. Things to do, people to kill, the usual,” he went on, “Did you see what I left for everyone?‘’
“You mean Black Mask? Sorry to break it to you, but it wasn't much of a surprise. It was either you or him eventually,” you rolled your eyes.
“You really are a bitch, aren’t you?” he hummed.
“That's what you get for tying me to a chair,” you snapped.
“You people ought to be more grateful towards me,” he stated.
“Grateful? Really?” you condescended.
“Black Mask was a gift,” he claimed, “Now you have one crime lord less in the streets.”
“Yet here I am tied to a chair,” you sassed.
“Get over it, even the Bat’s done worse than this,” he chided.
“So what makes you so different from Black Mask? You think you're better than him?” you stated. You would be lying if you said that you hadn't tried to answer that question yourself. That you didn't lie awake at night justifying his actions.
“My, oh, my. Don't tell me you still haven't figured it out?” he mocked you, “I don't do this for any profit. In fact, I'm just like one of you.”
“You are not one of us,” you growled, “We don't kill. We're not barbaric like you are.”
“Which is why you won't ever get anywhere!” he argued, “That's what the Bat always failed to get. You can't stop crime. But you can control it. Thats what I'm doing. And I take the necessary steps to achieve it. The Bat is a coward.”
“You're wrong,” you defended, “He doesn't kill not because he's a coward. It's so much more than that. A person like you would never understand.”
“A person like me, huh?” he suddenly said quietly, the direction of his gaze fell towards the side, as if he was reminiscing. The change of tone surprised you. It made you think that maybe he wasn't always bad.
But it didn't matter who he used to be. What matters is who he is now.
“I'll make you see eventually, you'll understand soon enough,” he squatted down in front of you again, “but for now, let's talk about us.”
“Us?” you raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, baby girl, us. Don't you feel like there's something between us? I feel like there's a spark,” he adopted his tone of mocking again.
“Fuck off,” you snarled.
“I'd be lying if I said I don't think of you as I lie in bed, touching myself. You'd be lying if you said the same right?” he put his gloved hands on your bare thighs. You could feel his heat beneath the leather.
You'd be lying if you said that didn't excite you just a little bit.
“You're too full of yourself,” you responded, “And I happen to have a boyfriend. You're the only pervert here.”
You obviously lied about the boyfriend part. You wanted to seem like you had other things better to do than think of him.
Which, for some reason, seemed even more pathetic.
“Boyfriend?” he laughed, “So what? I bet that doesn't stop you from thinking of me.”
His hands slid up your thighs slowly, bunching up your skirt in the process.
“What are you doing?” your voice went high, “Stop that.”
“When was the last time you told a bad guy to stop and he actually did?” he asked.
He had a point.
Still, you didn't like the way that he didn't disgust you. You didn't like the way that he made you want him to go further up.
And further up he went.
Until he paused at the crease of your thighs, and then suddenly pressed a thumb on top of your clit. A jolt of pleasure shot through you.
“Stop it,” you repeated.
He ignored you again, this time pulling aside your panties and ran his middle finger up in between your lips. The middle finger you’ve thought about countless of times.
With the same thick finger, he pushed inside you slowly, all the way to his knuckles. You felt yourself automatically squeezing around him. You bit your lip.
He started sliding it out, and then back in again. It felt so different, having someone else's finger inside you.
Having his finger inside you.
Then, he curled his finger, hitting a spot inside you that you've never touched before, eliciting a soft moan from you.
Your eyes widen when you realised what you just did, and you turned your head away, blushing.
With that, he took his finger out, and then stood up. His crotch was at your eye level, and you could see his hard on straining against his pants. You didn't realise that your mouth watered at it.
“If only you wore skirts as part of your uniform, we could do that again whenever we meet,” he taunted you.
He didn't comment on your moan, nor the wetness that was left on his finger. Instead, he took off his glove and walked towards the table. His back was towards you now, and you couldn't tell what he was doing. You heard a rustle of plastic. He came back with a piece of black cloth from it and walked behind you.
Suddenly, you saw darkness. You began to struggle as he tied the blindfold, but his grip was too strong.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” you yelled.
“Relax, I'm blindfolding you so I can take off this stupid helmet,” you heard him say, and then you heard a heavy thump on the floor next to you.
“You motivate me, you know?” you heard him breathe in your ear, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand. He masked his voice similar to the way Batman did- it was raspy and gravelly. That close, you could smell him. He smelled like sweat, and leather, and gunpowder.
“You make me want to kill more and more,” he nipped your earlobe, “I killed someone for you, you know that? Did I get a thanks? Of course not.”
“What the hell are you on about?” you snarled.
“Fuck, you drive me insane,” he continued, ignoring your question. He used a hand to grip your hair and pull your head to the side, exposing your neck so he could lick a strip on your pulse. He then started sucking on your skin. “I’ve always wanted to mark you like this.”
You felt hot. You were panting, and the worst part was that you could feel yourself dampening your underwear more than before.
His other hand ripped your shirt open, buttons popping all over the floor. He pushed your bra upwards and grabbed a fist full of your right breast, squeezing hard.
“Mmm,” he moaned, “Finally, I get to feel them. You usually wear too much armor.”
You felt dizzy, hazy, blurry. You were utterly consumed by his heat. You tried so hard not to get turned on, but your body betrayed you.
“Tell me, why do you wear lip gloss while on patrol?” he continued sucking on another spot while he started rolling your nipples in between his fingers, “It makes me wonder how your lips would look like around me.”
You whimpered, and cursed internally. Who knew dirty talk would be your downfall.
“I knew you'd like this,” he chuckled at your reaction, “But I feel like you need a reminder of how scary I can actually be.”
You didn't need one. You knew how terrifying Red Hood was. You felt that fear the first time you met him, and again when he pointed the gun at you in that alley behind the bank. It seemed so long ago.
But that fear had long turned into curiosity. You weren't afraid anymore.
“Black Mask couldn't beg,” he rasped, “Because he was suffocating. I wonder what I should do to you.”
His hand went from your tits to around your neck. And then, and then, you felt it. The panic you felt the first time he got his hand around your neck.
You started thrashing about, anything to prevent him from getting a proper grip on you. But unfortunately, you were tied down.
And he was standing behind you, strong hands around your neck.
“Remember this, baby girl?” he started squeezing, “Doesn't this feel nostalgic?”
He was pressing on your carotid arteries, making you even dizzier than you already were, but you could still gasp for breath.
“I still have a syringe of what I gave Black Mask to paralyse him, I wonder what I should do to you?” he then suddenly released you, making you cough and gag, tears streaming down your face.
“I wouldn't want to ruin that pretty face,” you heard his voice move in front of you, “Maybe I should just keep you here to myself and use you. This job gets stressful. You'd be my own personal fuck toy. I'd ruin your cunt over and over again. You want that?”
Your mind began to race. Would he actually do that? No. No, even if he did, it didn't matter. Because Batman will-
“And then you will know how Batman really is,” he stressed, “You'll cling on to the hope that he's out there looking for you. That he won't give up on you. Batman would be the only thing keeping you sane.”
Yes, yes he was right. Bruce would find you.
“But you know what he’ll do instead?” he continued, voice shaking in evident anger, “He will just forget about you. Even after you're dead and he catches me, all he’ll do is lock me up behind bars. And then he’ll replace you with another child soldier to brainwash.”
No. Bruce wouldn't do that. He loved you. He wouldn't give up. He wouldn't move on.
Would he?
Panic started to rise again, you felt yourself hyperventilating for the first time. What was wrong with you? You couldn't break down just after being kidnapped. Why would you feel this sense of impending doom?
No, it's just Red Hood getting to you. You were just giving him what he wants.
“That's more like the reaction I was looking for,” you heard him growl. You flinched when you felt his hand on your cheek. He was wiping away at your tears, and he was surprisingly gentle.
“There, there,” he sighed, “I’m not going to do that to you. I don't hurt innocents. Though you're far from it.”
You tried to calm yourself down. He was just looking for a reaction?
“I just want you to see Bruce for who he really is, baby girl,” he explained, still caressing your cheek. You found yourself leaning into his warmth, “And I want you to see me for who I really am, and what I've been doing for Gotham.”
Before you could even think of responding, you felt something spray on your face, and then everything faded to black.
The first thing you noticed was an annoying beeping sound.
And hushed whispers.
You opened your eyes, blinking away the grogginess. You were on a bed that wasn’t your own, in a room that was unfamiliar.
A hospital room. Private, high end. You tried to prop yourself up, suddenly-
“No, no, lie back down, honey,” an aging woman pushed you gently back into the pillows, where you laid back reclined. “I’ll go get the doctor and your father for you.”
Shortly after, in came Bruce, who rushed to you immediately.
“How are you feeling? Are you okay? What happened?” he bombarded you with questions and more than just his usual serious look on his face.
“Mr. Wayne, please,” said a man in a white coat behind him, “She needs to recover first.”
“Yes, yes, of course. I’m sorry,” Bruce stepped back and cleared his throat.
You were taken aback. You’ve never seen Bruce this way before.
The doctor flashed his penlight in both your eyes, and told you to follow it. He then performed a thorax auscultation on you.
“Hello, Miss Wayne. I’m Dr. Kevins. I’m going to have to check several things to make sure you’re doing well. Is that okay?”
You nodded.
“Do you feel dizzy?” he asked you, “Does your head hurt?”
“I feel a bit nauseated actually,” you croaked, “And thirsty.”
“We’ll get you some water just a sec,” he smiled kindly. He looked like he was around his late forties, with greying hair and sunken eyes. “The nausea is probably caused by the sedative he used on you. It’ll go away in an hour or so. But most importantly, do you feel any pain anywhere else?”
“No,” you shook your head, “My neck is a bit sore, but that’s it.”
The doctor pursed his lips, and then looked at Bruce, “Excuse me, Mr. Wayne, but would you please step outside for a moment?”
“Why?” he protested.
“It’s okay, doctor,” you voiced, “I know what you’re going to ask me. No, my genitalia does not hurt. He didn’t do anything to me.”
“Okay then,” he sighed a breath of relief, “We did a physical on you while you were unconscious. It doesn’t look like anything’s wrong, except for a little dehydration. We just wanted to make sure.”
“Cool,” you shrugged, “Can someone tell me what happened?”
“We found you unconscious outside our emergency room on the floor,” the doctor responded, “We checked the security footage and saw a man in a red helmet walk in and left you there. He is a wanted criminal. The police are right outside to ask you a few questions. If you’re not ready for that, I’ll make them wait.”
“I’m fine, you can call them in,” you told him.
The doctor left to get the cops, and you and Bruce shared a long eye contact, silently communicating. I’ll tell you everything later, you tried to convey.
He gave you a stiff nod.
“Mr. Wayne, Miss Wayne,” Gordon himself came in through the door, “How are you feeling?”
“Like I’m hungover, Commissioner,” you smiled.
“I’m going to ignore that, since you’re underaged,” he chuckled, “Can I ask you a few questions?”
He took out a pen and a small notebook from his trench coat.
“What was the last thing you remember before you blacked out?” he began.
“I was walking to the metro station,” you explained, “It was around two in the afternoon. I noticed someone following me, but didn’t think much of it. I remember turning into a secluded area, and then I heard him running towards me. Before I could turn around, I just… Went black. It happened so fast.”
“And this man, what did he look like?”
“He was big. Maybe around Bruce’s size, but I can’t be sure. I couldn’t see his face. He was wearing a baseball cap and had a hoodie on,” you struggled to remember any other details about the man behind the mask.
“What happened next?”
“I woke up in a dark room, with this really bright light shining at me. I couldn’t see any windows, or doors. I was tied to a chair,” you pretended to tremble, “I was so scared.”
“I know, Miss Wayne,” Gordon comforted you, “I’m sorry for doing this, but I absolutely have to ask you to recall everything, before you forget. It’s essential to catch the man responsible for this.”
“I know,” you wiped away a single tear, “It’s okay. I saw a man in a red helmet. But not like a motorcycle helmet. It covered his whole face. And it had white eyes. It looked weird.”
“Did he have a red bat symbol on his chest?” Gordon pressed.
“Uhm,” you bit your lip, “I think so. I can’t- I can’t be too sure. It was dark, and the light blinded me.”
“That’s okay, you’re doing real good Miss Wayne,” Gordon smiled.
You held back a smile at how well Gordon treated you. If only he knew you were the same girl who witnessed Black Mask’s peeled face.
“I- I’m not sure what he wanted,” you stuttered, “He t-touched me. But not there!”
You had to reveal it. There was no hiding it from Bruce this time, thanks to the probable hickies on your neck.
“He… I think he didn’t know who I was,” you invented your lie, “But when I told him I was Bruce Wayne’s daughter, he immediately stopped whatever he was doing. Maybe he didn’t want to mess with Bruce, since he’s… rich and all.”
“There’s no doubt your father is rich, Miss Wayne, but I don’t think something like that would stop him,” Gordon huffed, his forehead scrunched up in a frown deeper than before, “This is interesting. Why would he be scared of you, Mr. Wayne?”
“Maybe he thinks I’m Batman,” Bruce simply shrugged.
You coughed out loud in shock.
“Well, he wouldn’t be the first person out there,” Gordon smirked, “No offense, Bruce, but you’re hardly the crime fighting type.”
“None taken, Jim,” Bruce grinned, “I can’t afford to get my face injured. It’s what gets investors after all.”
“What happened after that?” Gordon rolled his eyes at Bruce and turned back to you. “Did you hear any sounds? Maybe water, or vehicles? Was there anyone else there?”
“Th- that’s all I remember,” you scratched your head, “Next thing I knew, I was here.”
“Okay,” Gordon closed his notepad, “Thank you, Miss Wayne. I’m sorry that something like this happened to you. This one’s a bit tricky but I promise we’ll catch him.”
“I don’t doubt it, Commissioner,” you have him a big grin.
He paused for a moment, suddenly staring at you with an intense look in your eyes, as if he was searching for something.
“What’s wrong?” your smile faltered.
“No- nothing,” he shook his head, “You just- remind me of someone.”
“Your beautiful daughter perhaps?” you suggested.
“Y- yeah,” he nodded slowly, “Yeah, that’s it. You and Barbara both have the same smile.”
“What a compliment,” you giggled.
“You get well soon, Miss Wayne,” he nodded at you and at Bruce, “Mr. Wayne.”
“Commissioner,” Bruce nodded back.
Gordon left.
“That was close,” you breathed a sigh of relief.
Bruce pulled the sofa nearer to your bed.
“Are you really okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said, “Just tired.”
“I’ll let you rest. We’ll talk when we get back,” Bruce got up to leave.
“Where are you going?”
“To deal with the press,” he fixed his hair and tie at the glass window, reflecting his handsome face, “Bruce Wayne’s daughter missing for 24 hours and then found on the emergency room floor? The media is going crazy.”
“I bet,” you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, drifting to sleep once more.
You thought you felt a pair of lips press themselves on your forehead.
*** “So. What really happened?” Bruce asked once you settled down in the manor.
You finally got discharged from the hospital after another day they kept you under observation. The both of you were now in the dining room, finishing up a light dinner.
You put down your cutlery and took a deep breath.
“How he got me was the truth, and I woke up in a dark room with a bright light shining in my eyes. First I acted like a civilian, crying and begging. I told him that my father was Bruce Wayne and that he would give him anything for my release,” you began your story, “But he told me to drop the act. I didn't. I acted dumb. And then he asked me how Nightwing was. How Dick Grayson, my older brother was. He told me he knew you were Batman. But what really hit the jackpot, was the fact that he knew Barbara was Oracle.”
Bruce leaned forward in his chair, elbows resting on the table, his chin on top of his knuckles.
“So I decided to drop it,” you continued, “I figured if he knew that, he was more than just… One of those crazy conspiracy theorists. Anyway, I asked him what he wanted and he… He was just playing around.”
“Playing around?”
“Yeah, like he wasn't being serious about it. Like he kidnapped me just to mock me. He told me that… He missed me,” you avoided eye contact with Bruce, “He also said something about how we should appreciate what he does for Gotham. That he was technically one of us.”
“Yeah, exactly my thought,” you agreed, “He has this delusion that he's doing good, more good than we are. He mentioned Black Mask, and how he was a gift. Because now there's one less crime lord in the streets. I told him that he's not like us. We don't kill. And then- and then he got a bit emotional.”
“How so?”
“Well, the whole time he was relatively calm. But when we got to the topic of you,” you hesitated, “He seemed frustrated. He said it's the one thing you will never get. He said that you can't stop crime, and you can only control it. And that's what he was doing.”
“He thinks he is controlling crime?”
“Yes,” you nodded.
“And what about… All that,” Bruce gestured to his own neck instead of yours.
You thought of how he touched you, how he had his hands underneath your panties and put his finger inside you. You decided to leave that out.
“He came up behind me and blindfolded me,” you started blushing, “He took off his helmet and-”
“He took off his helmet?” Bruce looked at you, the creases in between his eyebrows deepening, his shoulders suddenly tense.
“Yes, but I couldn't see anything,” you told him, “I was blindfolded.”
You noticed how Bruce relaxed his shoulders- very slightly.
“He said I motivated him,” you continued, “He masked his voice- like how you always do. I didn't recognise it.”
“Go on.”
“He said he killed for me,” you frowned, now remembering that odd statement he made, “I don't know what he meant by that. He never clarified. And then- he started to- do this.”
You waved at your neck, still avoiding eye contact.
“And then he started choking me,” you quickly went on, “He said he was considering keeping me there and… Tormenting me. And that the only thing that would keep me sane is the thought of you coming for me. But then he said that you wouldn't. That you would just… Replace me.”
You glanced at Bruce now, who was just silent, absorbing in everything you were saying. There was on odd expression in his eyes. Was it sadness?
“The last thing he said to me was that he wanted me to see you for who you really are, and see him for who he really is and what he's doing for Gotham.”
You waited for a response.
Finally, Bruce said “I see.”
Very anticlimactic.
“What do you see?” you prompted.
“It's even clearer now that he targeted you to get to me. He's trying to turn you against me,” Bruce spoke.
“I think I got that already,” you rolled your eyes, “But why? And what's this about replacing me?”
He remained silent, staring into space.
“Bruce,” you began, “We’ve been through this. You need to tell me things.”
“There's nothing to tell.”
“There's obviously something to tell,” you argued, “I just got kidnapped by him! Isn't it time for you to tell me who he is?”
“I don't know who he is,” he insisted.
“That's a big fat lie and you know it,” you accused.
“I'm lying for your own good!” he started to raise his voice.
“My own- my own good?” you scoffed, and then stood up, “Haven't you been paying attention, Bruce? I. Got. Kidnapped. By. Him. Obviously keeping me in the dark is not helping.”
“Back down,” Bruce rose from his seat as well to tower over you, “Now.”
“Don't you care about me Bruce?!” you yelled
“Of course I care! Which is why-”
“Don't give me that bullshit!” you fumed, “You keep on telling me to trust you-”
“I said back down, Robin-”
“But trust goes both wa-”
You gaped at him, not believing your ears. You've always been insecure. You always thought that Bruce either adopted you out of guilt, or worse.
As a replacement.
It was the first time he ever mistakenly called you him.
The ghost of Jason Todd had caught up to you.
“I mean- I meant-” Bruce tried to correct himself, horrified at what he had just said.
You turned and left.
He was tired.
Jason was tired.
The rain made his bones ache.
The past few weeks had taken a toll on him. He went out almost every single night to do his job- be it kill a few people, extract information, deal with Moehler’s international contacts, and also deal with the people under him who has broken rules or planned to start a coup. They thought he didn't know. He’ll deal with them later.
He had gotten back from his money collecting run, taking the profits from the people beneath him. Through whispers and some interrogating, he found out about some insignificant rebels. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with those now.
He took a shower, and laid naked in bed, splayed on his back.
He probably should put on some clothes. It was getting cold.
Though, he was used to it.
There were so many times when he was a kid living in the streets that he had to deal with the cold without much insulation. Even when he had a roof over his head, it wasn’t like his parents paid for a heater.
The reason why he became Robin was because his parents were bad. The reason why he died was because his biological mother betrayed him. And the reason why he was who he is now-
No. Bruce was never a father to him. He refused to admit it.
Bruce was just looking for a soldier to brainwash.
A soldier like you. He had brainwashed you pretty well. Jason wondered what words of encouragement Bruce had given to you, that he probably gave Jason as well, all those years ago.
When Jason saw you start to panic, he knew. He knew that you knew deep down, Jason was right. Which meant that Bruce probably had not changed since Jason died.
Did Bruce ever tell you “good job”? Did Bruce ever fuss over your injuries? Did Bruce ever gave you affection?
He doubted it.
After all, Jason knew Bruce. The only thing Bruce cared about was his past.
Or so Bruce liked to call his own insecurities, an excuse to not move on from the traumatic childhood he faced.
Bruce was the fucked up one here, not Jason.
Jason was perfectly sane.
Not that he cared about how Bruce raised you. Not that he cared that you were probably facing the same problems he did, all those years ago. After all, Jason was just using you to get to him. He knew what he was doing was obvious, but it didn’t matter.
It only took one trigger- and you would spiral. As long as you had any doubt about Bruce, Jason’s plan would work.
“Fuck,” he said out loud. The rain outside was hitting hard like pellets on his metal roof.
Jason was tired.
He closed his eyes, and remembered how you looked when he started touching you. How your breath hitched, how your voice went high, how you let out the tiniest moan.
Jason smirked to himself.
You were probably craving him all those weeks you didn’t meet- it was part of his plan after all. And the moment he gave you all the attention you wanted, you got wet.
Withdraw, and then attack.
It was an excellent strategy. To get you to miss him so much that you welcomed his touch.
And welcome him you did.
Jason wasn’t blind. He saw how you looked at his hard on straining against his pants.
Remembering those scenes again made blood shoot to his cock. He remembered finally being able to feel your tits.
He reached down and fisted his cock- now hard and leaking. He gave himself a few light strokes, remembering how much he wanted to fuck you right then and there.
The glove.
He opened his eyes and walked towards his backpack, his erection slapping his lower belly with every step, and took out the ziplock he had put his glove in. He took it out, and collapsed on the bed again.
He was wearing the glove when he fingered you.
He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the glove.
The smell of leather was overpowering, but faintly, he smelled you. He kept it in a ziplock bag for a reason.
It was equivalent to panty sniffing, and Jason thought about how absolutely pathetic he was being- but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
Because you always drove him insane anyway.
His cock was leaking on his stomach, and he stroked himself to the faint sweet tangy smell of your juices on his glove. Maybe he should have taken a taste instead.
Would that have driven you wild as much as it would him?
God, and your tits. It was so soft, so supple, and it was spilling in his hand. He just wanted to see it bounce. Why must you wear so much armor?
Jason was sweating now despite the cold, the sound of rain outside drowning his pants and moans.
He wouldn’t call it backfire, but Jason’s plan to not see you for so long also affected him more than he thought it would.
He stroked himself faster, and squeezed himself tighter, imagining your mouth drooling over the head of his cock.
Fuck. He told you your lip gloss made him think of that, didn’t he? And what did you do? You fucking whimpered.
“Fuck,” Jason groaned. He loved how much you liked it when he talked dirty to you. He loved how you tightened around his finger.
Pleasure and heat built up and spread, making his toes curl. Finally, he came all over his fist, spilling onto his abdomen.
He huffed.
After cleaning up, he decided to text you. It was about time anyway.
Hey, Princess. I'm sorry I haven't texted you in so long. Life just got in the way, and I was facing some personal issues. I hope you're not mad. Anyway, I read about what happened in the papers. Putting the fact that you didn't tell me you were THE Wayne kid aside, are you okay? he sent the text.
He was hoping to prey on your kindness and understanding.
And he saw you typing back almost immediately.
Hey, Jason. Don't worry, I'm not mad. I completely understand. I've had times like that too. And I'm okay, a bit shaken up, but still okay. Also, you didn't tell me your last name so why would I tell you yours? you replied with a winky face at the end.
Touché. Would you be up to meeting me at Robinson Park tomorrow? I'll get you ice cream. It’s the least I could do, he asked.
That would be great! I’ll see you around three? you texted back.
It’s a date, doll, Jason sent with another winky face.
He knew that one text would make you giddy with excitement.
*** Jason was self-conscious in public.
Whenever he walked in the daylight without his helmet on, he felt like everyone was staring at him, judging him. His scars, his scowl, his crooked nose that had been broken and reset again so many times.
So he usually kept his head down, and his calloused hands in his pockets, avoiding the glares he knew deep down was just part of his imagination.
Until he saw you waiting at the park bench wearing a white sundress, the slight breeze blowing your hair, the sunlight shining on your skin.
He straightened up, confidence returning, and even before you saw him, he smiled.
It wasn’t like you made him happy, it wasn’t like he was looking forward to seeing you. Nor was it because you made him feel like the Jason Todd who never died.
No, he was just getting into character in advance.
A character to fool you, manipulate you, corrupt you.
“So, do you come here often?” he said when he crept up to you, making you jump.
“You scared me!” you laughed, slapping him on the arm lightly. And then, your smile faded ever so slightly, and a slight crease between your brows formed, “Not many people can sneak up on me like that.”
“My friends always did say I was light on my feet,” he shrugged, sitting down on the bench next to you, “Could be useful in the force, actually.”
“Definitely,” you grinned.
He noticed the bruises he left on your neck were absent- probably hidden by layers of makeup. He was slightly disappointed. His hickies on your skin would have looked amazing as a contrast to the low cut sundress you were wearing.
“So how are you?” he asked, “Wayne?”
You rolled your eyes, “Like I said, you didn’t offer me your last name, too. Plus, my picture’s everywhere.”
“I don’t really keep up with the news, sweetheart,” Jason replied, “Why would I care about other people’s adopted daughters?”
“I guess that’s true,” you conceded, “You’re one in a million, then. Everyone’s obsessed with that kind of information these days.”
“So enlighten me then,” Jason said, “How did Bruce Wayne come to adopt you?”
“Well,” you started, “My parents have always been trying to get close to him. They invited him for those fancy galas and charity dinners. I remember always seeing him around. When they died, and I was left with nothing and no one, he decided to adopt me.”
“Any particular reason he chose to adopt you?” Jason prompted.
You bit your lip. And then, Jason noticed that your eyes started tearing up.
“Oh, no,” Jason responded, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. We don’t have to talk about it.”
What was up with you?
“No, no,” you sniffed, wiping away your tears with the back of your hand, “I’m the one who’s sorry. I’m so stupid. I’ve just… been wondering about that too.”
Finally, Jason thought. He thought you would never have figured out you were always meant to be his replacement. He wondered what happened between you and Bruce. He had no doubt that the kidnapping triggered it.
Just as he planned.
“Hey, look at me,” he took your chin in his hand and tilted your head to face him.
It was the wrong move. Because seeing you teary eyed, red nosed, lower lip trembling, so close to him. So vulnerable.
It made his cock twitch.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Jason tried to pull himself together, “Or if you just want a shoulder to cry on, I’ll gladly offer you mine.”
With his thumb, he wiped away a tear that fell on your cheeks. He could see how your long lashes clumped together in the wetness, how your skin was slightly flushed.
He wanted to kiss you and tell you everything was going to be okay.
The thought shocked Jason. So much so that he jolted away from you.
“I- I’m sorry,” Jason sputtered, “I probably crossed a line, or something.”
He looked away, not wanting you to see the panic that was rising. No, no, not here. Not now.
“It’s okay,” he heard your voice, but it seemed so far away, “Jason?”
He tried to calm his breathing. He fisted the material of his jeans and took deep breaths. 5 things that he could see.
The green grass. The blue sky. Someone’s red frisbee flying. Little yellow flowers. Kids running around.
4 things that he could touch.
His denim. The wooden bench. The gravel beneath his feet. Your warm hands.
3 things that he could hear.
A dog barking. The bells from the ice cream man. Your voice calling him out, getting nearer.
2 things he could smell.
His own cologne. And your shampoo.
1 thing he could taste.
He turned to face you and crashed his lips against yours, surprising you. But Jason felt you relax against him, and kissed him back.
Your lip gloss was strawberry flavoured.
Jason broke the kiss, and blushed at you, “I’m sorry. I never know how to act when I’m with you.”
He saw you take the bait. Your wide, curious eyes fluttered downwards in embarrassment.
“That’s okay,” you tucked your hair behind your ear, “I feel the same way.”
“I promised you ice cream didn’t I?” he stood up, and offered you his hand, “Shall we?”
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
Feel The Bass
Calum Hood x Reader
Word Count: 2063 
Summary: Calum is practicing bass and the vibrations are getting to you
Warnings: Smut thats it, lots of smut, Oral receiving and giving, needy reader I guess, Dirty Talk, I really don’t ducking know 
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You and Cal were having a lazy Sunday in, the both of you just kind of doing your own thing. You were doing household chores while he worked on a bass line for 5SOS4, seeing as he had already done all of his household tasks. You were walking down the hallway with Duke trailing behind you, but as soon as you set foot in the living room he ran right in front of you, rolling over onto his back as if asking for belly rubs. Looking down at him laying directly in your path, you couldn’t deny his cuteness kneeling down and rubbing his exposed tummy. You cooed at the small dog as his tailed swished happily across the floor, the noise snapped Calum out of his song writing haze, looking over to you and taking in your presence, happily admiring you and his little fur baby.
“Hey baby” he grinned at you “You finish all the laundry and stuff?”
“What are you, my mother?” you say while sitting down on the amp that was placed directly in front of him, “If you must know, I did finish all of my ‘laundry and stuff’” you stated, putting air quotes around your last words
“Good, now wanna keep me company? I know you love to watch me play?”
“You do look really hot when you play” you faked a contemplative look
“Do I not look sexy when I am not playing?”
“First of all I didn’t say sexy, I said hot and second of all, I just said that I found you really hot when you play bass, I didn't say that I don't find you hot on other occasions, it just might be rare" you teased
He feigned offense, placing a hand over his chest and tucking his chin back indignantly,
"Are you telling me that you, my love, my squeeze, my girl, do not find me attractive? Because my love, I get you wet with the simplest looks, a touch here and maybe a couple words" he said nonchalantly but a fiery blush spread across your cheeks at his words, you loved to tease him but he was getting really good at flustering you with his comeback and this time his words went straight to your core.
‘Ironic’ you thought to yourself, crossing your legs
"I never said you were unattractive Cal, you and I both know just how much I love your body," you mumbled. Cal smirked at you and went back to playing his bass. No matter how much you loved watching Cal play it was hard, at this moment you wanted his attention also not wanting to interrupt his creative process. The tingling in your core intensified as you watched him play, the way his fingers moved you couldn’t help but think about the things they could do to you. The vibrations from his bass resonated through the amp and into your core not helping  any of your issues in the slightest. You stood up and made your way to the exit the room and deal with the heat that was pooling in your panties, but before you could leave you felt Cal's hand on yours.
"Don't leave, I like having you here with me,"
"Cal, I don’t want to distract you,"
"How can an artists muse be their distraction when they are the reason for the artist to create," he smiled at you lovingly, you couldn’t deny those eyes, this boy had the best puppy dog face of anyone you have ever seen.
“Fine,” you sighed, he removed his hand from your wrist looking slightly hurt at the way you spoke, making it seem as though watching him play was another chore for you to do.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he said, not meeting your gaze. You immediately realized your mistake, Cal was more sensitive than he liked to show, but you heard it in his voice, a hint of insecurity that you had caused but wanted nothing more than to get rid of.
“No, no, no, baby, I love watching you play more than almost anything, I am just having some trouble right now,”
“Trouble with what,” he quirked a brow at you, the insecurity washed from his voice at your reassuring words.
“I’ll tell you later, for now I wanna watch you play,” satisfied with your answer he looked back down at his bass and you returned to your seat on the amp. He continued playing and you continued pretending that you were not dripping wet, that was working, until he played a long, deep note, and having been focused on the way he bit his lip while he played you were taken aback, a audible gasp escaping your lips at the pleasure from the resonance. You couldn’t tell if you wanted Cal to have heard it or if you wanted him to be oblivious, but I guess you really didn’t have a say in the matter.
“Y/n, you okay, you seem tense and kind of off?” worry evident in his voice
“Um, yeah, yeah, I am fine,” your voice betrayed you
“Baby, you don’t seem alright, you sure you are okay?”
“Cal, I am more than alright, but maybe just a little needy,” the look of confusion that briefly graced his feature was washed away with realization
“Babe, are you trying to tell me you are horny?” he asked without shame
“Fuck yes, yes, I am,” you burst out,  but Cal was  already starting to remove his bass before you even started talking and by the end he was on his knees in front of you, tall enough to be eye to eye with you.
“You look so pretty when your flustered” he said before mashing his lips with yours, ensuing a fight for dominance which he quickly won. His hands slid up your sides and under your shirt, reaching behind your back to unclasp your bra. He broke the kiss for just long enough to remove your shirt, reattaching his lips to yours as he slid your bra straps off removing it completely. He wasted no time kissing down your neck, clasping his lips around one nipple, rolling the other nipple between his fingers as his other hand went to rub lightly on your still very much clothed core. On instinct you reached a hand behind you to keep yourself from falling off the amp, the other found its way into Calum’s hair. With out warning Calum stopped, removing his hands and mouth from your boobs and core. If looks could kill the look you were giving him would have meant he was long dead.
“What do you want from me baby,” you groaned in response, he was gonna tease you and you knew it
“I don’t know what that means,” you grabbed his hand and fiddled with his fingers hoping he would get the message because you didn’t trust your voice, he did but he wasn’t about to give in that easily. “I don’t know what you want baby, tell me what you want,” he taunted
“Fuck, Cal, I want you, your mouth and your fingers, fuck, please make me cum,” you begged, your voice weak from just how turned on you were. Calum didn’t say anything, he just tugged off your shorts and your panties in one swift motion, you inhaled sharply at the cool air against your throbbing heat but it didn’t last long because Cal wasted no time planting his face between your thighs, he lapped at your clit, gently biting it as three fingers pumped in you. He drew incomprehensible shapes with his tongue against your bundle of nerves shooting fire through your veins and causing your legs to tremor a little. You felt you orgasm rapidly approaching due to just how horny you were, your breathing quickened and your heart started racing and just as you were about to fall into your orgasm, he pulled away, you genuinely screamed
“Calum. Why. In. The. Fuck. Would. You. Do. That?” you spoke through gritted teeth
“Because it’s fun to see you so wrecked,” he said as if it was nothing
“Oh really, huh, well if you are having fun now guess I won’t give you some fun later by sucking you dick,” you bit back with venom, angry and needy are not a good combination. Cal’s eyes widened in shock and with out another word he was back in between your thighs, your orgasm already building, and this time when it was about to happen he kept going, his fingers reaching deep inside you to the spot he knows you love, his tongue flicking under the hood of your clit causing your body to jolt as he worked you through your high, but you never fully came down, you tried to tug on his hair to say that you were done but he kept going. His tongue kept working you over and his fingers moving even faster, before you knew it your second orgasm hit you in waves of euphoria you hand never felt before, your vision went out for a second and Cal reached a hand, that had been groping your breast, around back to hold you up through your orgasm.
He pulled away from you, your orgasm glistening on his face, he brought his fingers up to his lips and started cleaning them off, you reached out and grabbed his other hand and started sucking on his clean fingers to tease him. He let you do so as he spoke
“Sorry if that was to much, are you okay?” he seemed concerned at just how exhausted you are. You shook you head yes as you removed his fingers from your mouth, grabbing his t-shirt and pulling it over his head, just like that your energy was back.
“Do you want me to suck your cock, baby?” his eyes widened at your sudden bluntness but he shook his head fiercely
“Please pretty girl, please suck my cock,” you patted the cushion of the sofa signaling for him to move up there and he complied faster than you had ever seen him move before. Once on the couch he lifted up his hips and shimmied his pants off of his legs, his cock springing up as soon as his boxers were off. You took a position much like the one Cal had just been in, grasping the base of his cock and giving it a slight tug, running your thumb over the tip and gathering some pre-cum slowly running it up and down the vein of his cock. Calum couldn’t contain his noise, soft mewls escaped his kiss-swollen lips and his hips were jutting into your hand. You lowered your head and started swirling your tongue around the tip slowly taking in more until you couldn’t take any more, one hand played with his balls while the other pumped the part you couldn’t fit in your mouth, you started increasing your speed and knew he was coming close, you felt him twitch in the back of your throat and you pulled away every so slightly,
“No, Y/n, plea-,” the rest of the word was lost to the air when you wrapped you lips around his cock and hollowed your cheeks, you hummed slightly as you stroked and sucked and fondled and it was amazing just how long Calum did last. His high wracked through his body and you worked him through it, giving it all you had as he came. You pulled away breathless and with some cum on your chin that Cal wiped away with his thumb.
Once Cal caught his breath he spoke “I wanna make love to you, I really do, but that was the most intense head I have both given and received, and I am drained,”
“Agreed, can we just cuddle instead,”
“You know I am always down for a cuddle,” he grinned at you “Also, if you are ever feeling needy or horny again let me know, I will usually be more than willing to help out, I mean it is my job as your boyfriend”you laughed at his words as his arms snaked around you pulling you up and close, nestling you into his chest. He pulled a blanket over the both of you, his bass was still sitting on the side table, long forgotten.
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floatingpetals · 6 years
Peace and Quiet?
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Angst-ish, language, the reader makes a poor decision, fluff as well  
Word Count: 5900+ 
Request: “I seriously love your longer one shots! Could you please do a Cap (or Bucky) + reader, where the reader is kinda loud/outgoing because of not wanting to be forgotten or something? And the reader figures they make him uncomfortable and shuts everyone out, leading to him confessing he likes the reader? Fluff please?” @homeybadger
A/N:  Wow so uhh, this has been a request that’s been sitting in my inbox for sooooo looonnng. No seriously, like super long. I feel so bad that it’s taken me just now to get to it. I wanted to do something nice with it, but I just couldn’t get it right, then I forgot it was there and then I remember and scrapped the whole thing. I hope you enjoy this story and I hope the length makes up for it! I did not mean to take so long on this! I hope you all enjoy!! 
**I’m also debating on doing a second part, but it all depends on the feedback I get. So please let me know what you think! ❤
Gifs not mine, credit to the creator!
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“Oh, bad luck. You landed on Boardwalk,” Sam smirked, a giggle beginning to bubble in his chest as the rage that was settling on Y/N’s face across the table. She glared at the double dice, a freaking snake eye, that had been against her the entire game. “And if my math is correct, with my three houses you owe me $1400. And from the looks of your very sad pile, you’ll have to sell everything on top of declaring bankruptcy.”
“I hate this game!” Y/N screamed, throwing down the $300 hundred she had left.
“Hey, don’t hate the game!” Natasha shot back, grinning behind her beer bottle. Y/N shot her glare.
“Oh, shut up! You and Clint have been cheating the entire time and you know it!” she growled. Clint gasped but was cut off by a sharp jab in the ribs by Bucky. He grumbled and pulled out the chance cards he had stashed away, and nudge Natasha to pull out the money she had hidden away. “See! This game sucks!”
“Now, now. No need to go all green on us.” Tony grinned. Bruce made a noise before letting out a puff of air. Irritated with both the game and how smug everyone was acting, Y/N exploded with a primal battle cry.
“Fuck this game! You people are all cheaters!”
Everyone had enough time to grab their drinks off before Y/N flipped the table, the pieces flying everywhere. Bucky and Wanda both doubled over in their seats, howling when Y/N began to scream at Tony, who jumped up and was yelling back at the same volume. Clint and Natasha were grinning like idiots as the mayhem grew. Bruce rolled his eyes when Sam jumped in, normally the tone the room shifted would set him on edge, but this wasn’t unusual. The only person that wasn’t reacting, save for Vision who had no idea why tensions were so high over a silly game, was Steve.
He had decided to sit this game night out. After the Mario Party debacle, he wasn’t ready to jump back in the ring. Thor spun a wheel and tossed a dart to cut someone’s stars in half. He landed on Y/N’s. While she was once in the lead, that cut her stars in half and she was suddenly in last place. That was fine. It was when she was hit by Bowser, who Tony was playing as when they managed to let him loose of his little prison that she flipped her lid. The team got a kick out of her raging at the games, and all banded together to see how quickly she could snap. Steve, however, didn’t see the charm in it.
To put it lightly, Y/N was a lot to handle. She was everywhere all at once to begin with, her voice carrying through walls. There wasn’t a single mean bone in her body, aside from her intense competitive streak. She seemed to win over anybody. Steve still wasn’t sure. He’d admit, she was sweet and everyone else seemed to love her. Steve thought she was cute too, sometimes she would fall asleep on the couch and he’d find himself taking advantage of her stillness to stare. But she never stopped to breathe once it seemed. He couldn’t recall a time where she wasn’t talking loudly about something or practically bouncing off the walls from excitement. She was a lot more than he was used to. Y/N made his head spin. It wasn’t terrible, but it was a bit exhausting after a while around her. It also didn’t help that sometimes her power manifested with her growing emotions. Which is what was happening right now.
“You’re the one who wanted us to play this stupid game!” Tony accused, rolling his eyes.
“Did not! I specifically said that I thought it was a stupid idea because I always end up flipping a table! You’re the one who then said we had to play it since learning that bit of information.” She countered pointing a finger at him. Tony stopped, a sly grin spreading across his face.
“Oh yeah.”
“Ugh!” She grumbled. “You people are so frustrating! Why do you do this to me?!”
“Because it’s fun.” Tony grinned, his eyes flashing with glee. That was the wrong thing to say. Now Y/N really was angry. She grits her teeth and balled her fists at her side. If this was a cartoon, she’d have steam coming out of her ears she was so angry. Unbeknownst to her, her powers started to manifest with her mounting fury, afflicting the others in the room.
Y/N’s power was special and even a bit strange considering how specific it was. Since she could remember, Y/N always had the gift to control the aura around her to suppressed others authority and leadership skills. It was a power that had come handy in her life, but also hindered her more than it helped. She had a rather strong grip on it at all times, but sometimes that control slipped. Tony’s face paled, and everyone else around her started to shift uncomfortably.
“Uh-Y/N.” Wanda reached out, her fingers gently brushing against the back of Y/N’s arm. Wanda flinched, the contact enough to send her the full force of Y/N’s strange power, but she fought to stay strong. Y/N blinked, quickly realizing the shift in the room was because of her. Her shoulder’s dropped and the suffocating aura surrounding her disappeared. The room sighed collectively in relief.
“See. This is why you shouldn’t poke the bear.” Y/N huffed, crossing her arms against her chest. Tony chuckled and shook his head.
“It’s nice to know you’re aware.” Sam let out a laugh as well, grinning widely at her. She grumbled under her breath and turned to sit back in her seat. As she did, she scanned the room and noticed a spot empty. Standing straighter she glanced around the room.
“Hey, where did Steve go?”
The group collectively turned around, just now noticing the empty seat their Captain once took up as well. Bucky frowned and shot a look to Natasha, who seemed on the same page. Slowly, he turned to back to Y/N.
“Uh... Maybe he decided to turn in early.” He tried. The team seemed to take it, albeit skeptically. He had been doing this a lot lately, getting up at disappearing without a word. No one wanted to say it aloud, but they all noticed it happened around the time Y/N came to the team four months ago.
Y/N stilled, her eyes hardening for a split second before they seemed to glaze over. Shaking her head, she heaved a sigh.
“I’m gonna turn in early too. Sorry, this little outburst just took a lot out of me.” She said, stepping over the discarded pieces and was out of the room before anyone could argue. The room had shifted into a subdued atmosphere, everyone thinking the same thing.
“Someone needs to talk to him.” Wanda murmured. Bucky nodded, letting out a sigh.
“I’ll talk to him.” He said. The rest all murmured in agreement, slowly trickling out the room since game night clearly was done for the evening. They could only hope tomorrow would end on a better note.
Y/N sat on her bed, clinging to her favorite stuffed animal wondering just where she went wrong. Since she joined the team a few short months ago, she had been trying her best to get close to the rest of her teammates. Naturally, she was a bubbly person. But her gift made it harder for her to get close to anyone. Her parents thought it was odd, the power came from nowhere when she hit the age of three. It took them time to figure out that it wasn’t because she was incredibly intimidating and that she was unintentionally suppressing their confidence level.
They spent years taking her to doctors and specialists that might be able to help her control her powers. It wasn’t without consequences. Because she struggled for so long to control her powers, she spent a lot of her life unintentionally hurting those around her.
Her classmates didn’t know what exactly, but they knew something was wrong with her. She spent the majority of her school years alone in the corner, shunned from taking part of anything in her classes. If anyone tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, something always went wrong. They were terrified of her. The fear turned to indifference and eventually, they paid her no mind. No one wanted her in their lives. But for Y/N, she wanted nothing more than to be accepted and included.
Which might explain why she was the way she was today. It took years to master her control, but she did it. And now that she was an Avenger, she was surrounded by people who were like her. Special and unique. Nowhere else could she be herself as she could here. This was her last chance of being free and she never wanted to be forgotten.
It didn’t take her long to win over the others. They were more than aware of what she could do. Not a one batted an eyelash, no one shrank away in fear they’d be subjected to the smothering fear she could plague them with. If anything, it fascinated them. She was the one who they’d send in to interrogate. Whether on location or in a holding cell, it didn’t matter. Her power was a gift to get the tightest of lips to talk. For the first time in her life, Y/N felt as though she had finally found her calling.  
Y/N was proud of how far she had come. It was years of uphill battles and year left in the shadows. But now, she had it all, friends, her family and a job she loved. All except the acceptance of Steve. He was polite, but he always had an air of discomfort around her. Not with anyone else, just her. Y/N hated to admit it, but it hurt.
Since the day she met him, Y/N fell hard. Who couldn’t though? He was charming, cared for his friends and protective of his family. But for some reason, he just didn’t seem like he enjoyed being around her. Perhaps, she thought, it was something she said to him. She couldn’t recall anything that might set his teeth on edge, but she was at a loss.
Letting out a heavy sigh, Y/N set her stuffed animal down on the bed and swung her legs over the side. She knew she shouldn’t dwell too much on it. He could very well be in a bad mood, and it could confidently only be when she’s in the same room. She snorted. Yeah, that was it.
No, she thought, there was something more about it. Thinking back all the times she noticed he’d got running, realization hit her like a freight train. Every time he ran, it was because of something she did. It was her. A broken sob crept it’s way up her throat. She was the reason, that was the only thing it could be. Steve Rogers, the man who unknowingly held her heart in his hands, was uncomfortable with her. She clenched the sheets of the bed and held back her tears.
Y/N had to change. Her behavior had always been a problem, she knew that. She was so terrified of being left alone and forgotten again, she let her eagerness go too far. Falling back on the bed, she stared at the ceiling and came to a life-altering decision.
“Hey! There you are!” Natasha grinned motioning Y/N over to her mat. “I was wondering if you’d ever show up or if I’d have to go up to pull you out of bed.”
Y/N didn’t respond with her usual quip, just sent her a tight-lipped smile and a soft apology. Natasha blinked her lack of typical response slightly off-putting. Where was her boisterous hello and never-ending pouts of energy? It was one of the fun things about working out with Y/N first thing in the morning. This wasn’t usual of her at all.
“Okay.” Natasha drawled, looking over Y/N to try and decipher her new attitude. “Well, let’s get started on stretching you at, then we’ll get on the mat to spar.”
Y/N wordlessly nodded, moving over to where the yoga mats were laid out waiting for her. Natasha took up the spot next to her, keeping her eyes especially close on Y/N. Aside from her uncharacteristically quiet demeanor, it didn’t seem like there was a hair out of place on her. Although, her movement seemed a bit on the robotic side. Y/N was just going through the motions, getting done with her stretches before wordlessly making her way over to the mats without a glance to Natasha.
Natasha sat up and watched Y/N leave without a word, flabbergasted. Things seemed fine last night, aside from Steve’s abrupt disappearance. As far as Natasha knew, Y/N had gone straight to her room to sleep. And everyone was either here in the gym or Tony and Bruce in the lap. So, what happened to Y/N?
“Hey, you okay?” Natasha asked, catching Y/N’s elbow.
“What do you mean?” Y/N tilted her head to the side, brows furrowed.
“I don’t know,” Natasha said slowly, her gaze narrowing the longer she stared at Y/N. “You just seem… off today.”
“Oh.” She uttered simply. “Yeah. I’m good.”
Pulling her arm away from Natasha, Y/N wandered over to where Sam was now standing with Bucky. Their smile grew at the sight of her, both unaware of Y/N’s new behavior.
“Good morning sunshine!” Sam beamed at her, wrapping her up in a hug. Y/N let out a faint giggle as she hugged him back. Bucky grinned and tilted his head in greeting.
“Morning doll. You sleep okay last night? I didn’t hear your snores through the paper-thin walls last night.”  He teased, nudging her with his shoulder. Y/N huffed but surprisingly bit her tongue.
“Morning Bucky. Yeah, I slept fine.” Y/N shrugged, her face showing little to no emotions. “We ready to get started.”
Both men were stunned, completely thrown off by her sudden change. They shot Natasha a startled look, who could only shrug. She hadn’t the faintest idea either what happened. Y/N wasn’t supplying them with anything either, so all they could do was continue as if nothing was wrong. It didn’t mean they weren’t going to question her later of course.
Getting done with their training was odd, uncomfortable even. Y/N didn’t speak unless spoken to, and even then they were short simple answers. There was none of her usual spunkiness that fought back with each quip Sam sent her way. He even tried to rile her up, he almost pulled out all the stops in a hope to gain a reaction from her. But she didn’t move an inch. Bucky tried to get her to react when he threw a punch harder than necessary her way. They thought they had her, there was a spark of fury in her eyes after she picked herself up, but she quickly wiped the expression on her face.
In the end, Y/N went through the motions, doing what needed to be done without her usual flare. At one point, Wanda had even commented on how unusually quiet she had been. When Y/N left to head to the locker room, she cornered Bucky and Sam.
“What did you two do?” she hissed, jabbing a finger in Sam’s chest. He made a noise in the back of his throat offended at the accusation.
“What the hell makes you think we did anything?” Bucky crossed his arms across his chest. Wanda turned her narrow gaze to Bucky.
“Well. Something happened to her. And I know Natasha wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.”
“Oh and we would?” Sam snapped, shaking his head. “We didn’t do anything to her Wanda, she was like this when she came in.”
“He’s right.” Natasha interrupted, siding with the two men. “She’s been like this all morning. I have no clue why.”
The door the locker room opened, Y/N walking freshly out of the shower and a new change of clothes. She stopped short when she saw all four eyes locked on her across the room. Awkwardly, she waved to them before heading to the exit. Right as she reached it, Steve swung open the door, towel in hand. His steps faltered and a tight-lipped smile passed on her face.
The group couldn’t see her face from where they stood. All they could see was her nod her head once before stepping around Steve with a wide berth to head out the exit. Steve was left stunned. It wasn’t normal to not have his ear talked off when it came to Y/N. Blinking rapidly, he wandered over to Bucky, brows furrowed in confusion.
“What she say?” Wanda asked. Steve’s mouth fell open to answer but couldn’t find the right words.
“Uh… Nothing.” He shrugged.
“And you don’t find that strange?” Wanda asked the group, pinning each of them with her stare. Bucky bristled at the insinuation, his hands balling into fists.
“We never said it wasn’t. We just have no idea what’s wrong with her.” He snapped, stepping up with his back straighter and shoulders set. Wanda glared right back, red seeping into her eyes. Natasha wiggled her way between them, grumbling under her breath.
“Alright. Alright, enough.” She held her hands out to both, pushing them back. “Wanda, we have no clue what happened. Y/N walked in like this. It’s probably nothing and she’s just having an off day. Why don’t we just let whatever happened run its course and see how she is through the rest of the day. No point on biting each other’s heads off when we all did nothing wrong.”
The group grumbled their agreement, still not at ease with how the morning had turned. Steve was just as concerned as the rest. It was odd that she didn’t greet him with her megawatt smile when he walked in the gym, and it was odd how her face seemed to tighten at the sight of him. All he got this morning was a tight-lipped smiled before she ran out the door. What was even odder was the fact that she seemed to give him as much space as possible. As if she didn’t want to get too close.
Steve turned to the door, his brows creased and mouth in a tight line. Something was going on with Y/N, but who was he to worry about her?
Things hadn’t gotten much better with Y/N over the next few days. She had stopped taking part in the loud discussions that always managed to start up in the kitchen or the living room. Her words were short and few in between, but she didn’t seem upset. Just much more subdued than usual. When someone would speak to her, so would she. But it was never the same volume as before.
Sam and Clint both made it their mission to get her to snap. They did everything from switching her sugar to salt in her coffee to going into her room and putting baby powder in her hair dryer. Nothing worked. She would just sigh and turn her back to them, shoulders tense. They thought she’d give up and go back to her old ways, but nothing worked. Not even Natasha could get her to admit what was wrong.
Steve, however, was taking her attitude change harder than the rest. Don’t ask him why he didn’t even know. He thought he’d prefer her at a lower decibel, he assumed she would be more manageable and easier to get along with. But this, this wasn’t what he thought it would be like. To him, it almost seemed creepy. This wasn’t the Y/N he had come to know. The wasn’t the same woman in the slightest. It was as if someone else swapped personalities with her.
Y/N hadn’t shown any improvement in her attitude in the field either. Actually, she seemed to be less productive now. One of the ways she managed to get people to confess was using her power and then releasing it. There she’d act like a good cop, bargaining with them for information and if they didn’t give her what she wanted, she’d switch her powers back on again. Now, she just threw herself into it. There was no build up, no false sense of security.
Just last week they needed information about the next hit Hydra ordered. They apprehended one of the agents and sent in Y/N to get out the information when he wouldn’t fess up. The team assumed the old Y/N would come out now that she was in the field. Instead, she walked in and used the full force of her powers on the man. She was already so powerful, but she had a strong grip on her control. When her power flared to life, even with the thick walls it suffocated everyone.
The agent instantly started sobbing, blubbering like a small child before it grew to mindless screaming for mercy. As it turns out, her power can actually break the human spirit and shatter their sanity into a thousand pieces. It only affected the man in front of her, but it still rattled the rest of the group. Steve was furious.
“What the hell was that?!” He snarled, dragging Y/N into a conference room. She blinked, her face unmoving despite the rage rolling off him in waves. Tony, Fury, and Maria both sat around the meeting table, their mouths pulled into thin lines. She tore her gaze away, refusing to look at anyone in particular as Steve raged on. “You ruined any chances of getting information out of him!”
“Actually Cap, she ruined any chance of him being a normal human being again,” Tony interjected, pulling up a hologram of the doctor's report. The mental status report had been sent in a few moments before Steve dragged her in. The poor man couldn’t remember his name let alone the information they needed.
Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers and let out a heavy breath. When she opened them, their faces hadn’t changed a bit. Settling on a point at the table, the brief glimpse she caught of their expressions was burned in her mind. Steve was livid, Tony seemed borderline irritated with a hint of amusement, while Fury and Maria both had a hard expression that told her she was in for it for the next few weeks.
“Look. I’m sorry. I let a few personal matters get to me and clearly, I didn’t handle it well.” She said calmly. Steve flinched at how lifeless she sounded when she mentioned her personal matter and shot Tony a concerned look. Tony tilted his head in acknowledgment, he too aware of the pain she seemed to be suppressing. “I can’t promise it won’t happen again by accident, but I’ll make sure to put more training in to ensure it doesn’t.”
Fury shifted in his seat, folding his hands on his crossed knee. His single eye narrowed as he looked her over and gave her a curt nod.
“See that it doesn’t agent. Dismissed.” He said curtly. Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut for a spilt-second before she jerked her chin and spun at heel to leave the room. After the door shut behind her, Fury grunted.
“What did you people do to her?” He accused, leveling Steve and Tony with a stare. Both men frowned and glanced at the other.
“We didn’t do anything.” Tony snapped, narrowing his eyes. Steve set his hand on the back of a chair and sighed.
“She’s been like this for almost a week now. This is the first time she’s actually admitted something wrong.” Steve replied, his brows furrowing at the tightness in his chest at the idea. It wasn’t like Y/N to keep everything bottle up inside her like this.
“Well, whatever’s wrong with her, fix it,” Fury ordered. “She needs to be in complete control and that can’t happen when her minds on other things.”
Pushing back the chair he stood, Maria right behind him. Not waiting for a reply, he grabbed the folder off the desk and briskly left the room with Maria following. Steve flinched when the door snapped shut behind them. Tony scoffed.
“You can get rid of that sad puppy dog look, Captain.”
Steve frowned, his head snapping up to Tony.
“What’s with the tone, Tony?” He asked. Tony rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat.
“We all know you don’t like Y/N, you put up a good front though.” He waved a hand absently. “But when you dart out of a room anytime she comes in, or you won’t sit to talk with her when she comes to find you, it gets pretty noticeable.”
Steve stood taller, his mouth drawing into a tight line. He opened his mouth to argue, but it dawned on him. He hadn’t been the most welcoming person to Y/N in the few months she’s been here. Was that really how everyone perceives him? Tony smirked and shook his head.
“To put it simply; you’ve been an ass to our Y/N, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was something you did.” Groaning softly under his breath, Tony stood and grabbed his tablet. Steve’s face fell, the notion her change might have been because of him made his stomach turn. Tony clapped a hand on his shoulder, his mouth pulled into a tight line. “Like Fury said, we’re going to fix this. But don’t worry. We won’t waste your precious time.”
At that, Tony left Steve alone in the conference room, the sting of his words lingering behind. Steve’s shoulder slumped. Maybe this had been his fault. But when? How? He really didn’t think it would have been that big of a deal to leave early after the game. Maybe he thought wrong and she did take it wrong. That wouldn’t mean this complete 180 though, would it? It wasn’t the first time he escaped a game night gone wrong, and she didn’t seem upset them. Perhaps it was something else. That had to be it. He really hadn’t done anything wrong, at least he didn’t think he did.
“Hey FRIDAY,” Steve called. Immediately, the AI system responded.
“Yes, Captain?”
“Go back to the last game night, the one with monopoly, did anything happen to Y/N between the time I left, and she went to bed?” He asked. Silence met him as the computer searched the data.
“No, it doesn’t seem like anything happened. She never left her room once she entered either.” FRIDAY replied. Steve frowned, even more, confused than before. So if there wasn’t anything that happened to her then what was with change?
Clenching his jaw, Steve knew he needed to get to the bottom of this. Not just as a Captain to his team, but as a way to make up for being such a shitty housemate. And maybe even as a way to start an actual friendship with him. Now that he’s seen this side of her, he realized how judgment and close-minded he was. He needed to find her and talk with her.
Y/N had just stripped out of her suit and into her PJs when there was a hesitant knock on the door. She frowned. She wasn’t expecting anyone tonight, especially not after she just got her ass handed to her. Reluctantly she went to open the door and was surprised at the person on the other side.
Steve stood there awkwardly, his hands in his pockets. She blinked and took a step back.
“Uh… hi?” she greeted cautiously.  Steve smiled hesitantly and shifted from foot to foot.
“Hey. Can we talk?”
“W-Why?” She clutched on the handle and shifted behind the door in an attempt to hide behind it. Steve noticed and his smile fell. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I know I’m the last person you want to talk to. I’ve not been the most welcoming and I want to apologize. Can I please come in?” He asked earnestly. Y/N was caught off guard at his sincerity. Nodding numbly, she pulled the door open and let him in her room.
Steve glanced around the room, noticing the number of pictures she had hanging up on her wall, pretty fairy lights cascading down the walls illuminating each photo. Her comforter was a light lilac with stuffed animals on the bed. He eyed the little knickknacks matched the rest of her décor on her desks and shelves adding to the warmth and homey feel her room had. Realization hit him that he really hadn’t taken the time to get the real her.
“Go ahead and have a seat.” Y/N waved to the bed before sitting on the other end. Steve sank into the plush mattress, taking a moment to look over Y/N. She refused to make eye contact, to busy wringing her fingers together to notice him staring. Once again, he was struck by how beautiful she was, and how poorly he handled everything.
“Look Y/N, I don’t know what happened the past few days and why you’re acting different, but somethings changed. We all can see it.” He said. Y/N opened her mouth to argue but thought better of it. Steve continued on. “I don’t know what happened, but it hurts all of us to see you like this. It’s like you’ve lost a huge part of yourself and we’re seeing this empty shell. I mean, Sam and Clint both are losing their minds because what ordinarily would work on getting you riled up is doing nothing. And Bucky’s beside himself, Natasha and Wanda are worried sick, and Tony is pissed because-.” Steve stopped short, his face twisting into a pained expression. “He thinks I’m the reason.”
Y/N tensed, her breath catching in her throat. It was minuscule, but Steve caught it. He sat taller and his stomach sank.
“It is because of me.” He whispered sadly. He tore his eyes away from her to stare blankly at his hands. Y/N closed her eyes but didn’t deny it. “I’m sorry. I know I’ve not been accepting. I didn’t mean to hurt you though.”
Y/N nodded slowly, biting her lower lip as he kept talking.
“Truth is, you intimidate the hell out of me. I’ve never met someone who was so sure of themselves and so incredibly proud about it. You held nothing back and you’re so willing to put your heart on your sleeve, I kind of envy you a little. People loved you right of the bat and your just so sweet inside and out. I mean, you didn’t let anyone tell you to chill out before. Which leaves me to ask, why now? Why did I affect you so much that you changed everything about you?”
That caused Y/N’s face to heat up. No way was she going to admit it aloud! It was already embarrassing enough Steve knew he was a reason why she changed, but for him to know what the full reason was mortified her.
“Y/N.” He gently took her hand in his, the corners of his lips turned up. “You don’t have to tell me. I just want you to know that no matter what you think, I don’t hate you. I never did. Matter of fact, I really like you. More than I thought. It didn’t hit me how much I’d come to admire and appreciate your take on life until now. I miss hearing you bicker with Tony about the best brew coffee first thing in the morning or when you and Bucky gang up on Sam. I know Natasha and Wanda miss having their best friend. And game nights will never be the same without you threatening and then following through with flipping a table.”
Y/N giggled and ducked her chin. His grin grew, finally seeing a glimmer of her former self.
“I’m not asking you to forgive me for how I’ve behaved. I can only ask you’ll give me a chance to make up for being such a shitty person.” He grinned.
“Language, Captain.” Y/N teased.
“Is that ever going to die?” Steve groaned and rolled his eyes. “Wait you weren’t even there!”
“I know but hate to break it to you, it’s here for the long haul.” Y/N giggled and shook her head. Steve’s laughter joined hers, his smile stretching from ear to ear. He titled his head to the side after a beat before letting out a sigh.
“So, are you going to be okay?” He asked hopefully. Y/N let out a deep breath, for the first time all week feeling lighter. She was so drained from keeping her emotions in check, it took every ounce of her strength not to react to the attempts at making her snap. She knew it was ridiculous trying to change, but she really thought it was for the better. Turns out, it not only damaged her but everyone she loved.
“Yeah. I think I’ll be okay.” She spoke confidently. Steve patted her thigh and quickly stood.
“Good, because Tony discovered some new game called The Jackbox Party Pack or something along those lines.” He extended a hand and waited for her to take it.
“Wait, right now?” She asked surprised. He nodded and took her hand.
“Yup. Come on. Team bonding time.”
Y/N laughed, letting him pull her up and drag her out of the room. He looked at her over his shoulder, his breath catching in her throat at the way her face lit up from her grin. Turning back quickly, he hoped she didn’t notice the way his ears turned pink. He was an idiot for not taking the time to get to know her. He wasn’t going to ruin his chance with her a second time. Maybe it wasn’t going to easy, but for Y/N he knew it would be worth it.
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rogmeaddows · 6 years
Part 1: Do you call my name? Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor x Reader
(This can be used with Roger Taylor x Reader or Ben Hardy!Roger)
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Concept: This is loosely based off of Letter to Hermione by David Bowie. You moved to London for a student exchange program in college. Met Roger there and ended up dating for 4 years only to break up once you moved back to the states for a publishing deal on your book. Now, 5 years later, you are married, work as a studio drummer (roger gave you a few lessons and you were actually quite good at it, started taking professional lessons and so it went), also are an author with one successful book, own a house in a boring neighborhood with your husband, and overall have a very steady life, and yet you are still deeply in love with Roger. When Queen comes to America for their tour, you and him meet again unexpectedly. It causes havoc in both your hearts and lives.
how I see the characters 
Warnings: (Angst, slight smut, long-term pining, cuss words)
Word Count: 2400+
You just got done with another day at the studio recording some track for some singer with absolutely no talent, your arms were sore from playing so many reps because the singer just couldn’t seem to get through a song once and constantly had re record every track they sang. As a hired studio drummer you had to deal with any ass that had enough money to hire you through the record label. It paid well and was better than a simple 9-5 job, but some days it is terribly frustrating. You turn down the road to your house and come out of your thoughts, starting to pay attention to the song thats on the radio and it sounds really good, not like most songs on the radio.
She’s a killer queen,
gunpowder gelatin,
dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
You swear the voice sounds like someone familiar but you just can’t place it. Then the song ends and the radio hosts announces “That was Killer Queen everybody by up and coming artists Queen” Now you know what it sounds familiar. You hadn’t really heard any of their music since you came back to America, it being too painful to ever really enjoy. But now, things were different, you were different, and you wanted to hear their new album. After all, you were there for the beginning you should at least try to take an interest in them. You drive past your house and to the nearest record shop, buying their album Sheer Heart Attack. Once home you put it on and start folding a load of laundry, on your bedroom floor. Examining the cover of the album a little bit, you realized that each one of them looks so different than when you first met them, however roger still remained just as attractive as when you were together. In fact the position he is in on the album cover reminds you of a moment you shared with him. It was just after you guys had got done having drunken sex on a bedroom floor during a party, you climbed up onto the bed which was abnormally high and looked down at him attempting to light a cigarette. And He looked up at you, sweaty, shirt unbuttoned eyes filled with ecstasy. As your mind began to wander with how you got to that point you remembered the events before hand, his hands grabbing your waist and pulling you onto him, his whispers of praise and commands, his lips ghosting across your neck.
You and Rog ran up to an empty bedroom in Freddie’s house like two teenagers in love, stumbling into the room Roger pushes you up against the door slamming it closed causing you to gasp and him using your surprise to grab your wrists and pin them behind you.
“Don’t you ever tease me like that again in public, I saw what you were doing out there. Bending over just at the right times, spreading your legs when you knew only I could see.” he practically growled against your skin
“What can I say? I love seeing you flustered.”
“Trust me,I’m not gonna be the one who looks flustered in a few minutes.”
“Hmm, is that a challenge?”
“You wish love”
He then inched his hand up your skirt and kissed you softly, licking the bottom of your lip and rubbing soft circles on your upper thigh. You grab his hair and kiss him sloppily, lightly pulling at his hair every time his fingers move farther up your thigh. He moves his hand up and pushes your underwear out of the way lightly rubbing your clit. At that same moment he bites your bottom lip and this causes you to let out a slight moan.
“Want more love?” he whispers against your ear sending shivers down your spine.
      Now leaning against your dresses you pull out the small vibrator in your nightstand and use it to the image of Roger behind your eyelids. Soft moans escaping your lips as you bring yourself to your high. Right before you let yourself release your husband, Nathan Jones, walked into the front door and slamming it loudly.
     Jumping out of your skin you shove your vibrator back into your night stand and quickly go back to folding clothes. Almost afraid that he would be able to see the moments you had just been picturing on your face. Which was preposterous because you had never told him about Roger, you told him about everything else, that you guys were best friends, how you had a life in London, and how you had close friends, but you never told him about Roger or Queen. Almost as if if you didn’t talk about it, You could erase it from your memory too.
You and your husband were sat at dinner with Rachel and Joe, your best friend and her husband. Despite Rachel being the closest you have to a friend at the moment, she knew nothing about you, nothing about who you were, and nothing about anything you truly care about.  Everyone was heavily involved in their small talk, but all you could think about was how you could be using this time to work on the sequel to your book. The first one sold so well that you signed a contract with your publisher for a sequel. However the story isn’t connecting together the way you had envisioned and you were stuck trying to figure out how to fix the plot. Becoming completely lost in your book you didn’t hear your best friend Rachel mention how she and her boyfriend were going to a Queen concert tomorrow. Snapping you out of your daydream your husband says
“Earth to (y/n)”.
“What? Sorry I’m just- exhausted.”
“Well if you had been paying attention, you would be able to answer the question Rachel asked you.” You were taken aback by his aggressive tone.
“Sorry, Rachel. What were you asking?” you said through gritted teeth trying to keep from snapping at your husband.
“Oh just that there was this band I really like coming to town, Queen, I bought tickets for me and Joe but he has business meeting that night and I was wondering if you’d like to come.” she hadn’t caught on to the dynamic between me and Nathan. Speaking with ease as if a man constantly bickering and snapping at his wife was supposed to be normal. However that’s not what had my mind in knots no, it was the pretense that after 5 years I could be in the same room as Roger Taylor. It was the notion that even after 5 years and a husband that boy had my heart in my throat and my contents of my stomach threatening to spill out of my mouth.
“No, I’m sorry I can’t that night. I have a work thing” my voice staying calm but I know my face did not look it.
“Really because I haven’t even told you the date yet? Come on (y/n) you never do anything fun, it’s just one night and the ticket is already paid for.” her words seemed distant and you were trying to bring your head back down from the dangerous place it had gone. Thoughts were buzzing through your head and for a split second You were no longer you, but the girl you 6 years ago looking at who you are now as if through a looking glass. Tears sprang to her eyes as she watched her older self sit at a table with a woman who did not know her and a man she did not love. In a dress she hated but knew it would allow her to feel normal and comfortable among the people she was with. She felt the urge that she had always felt when she was younger, to run. To take everything she had and run. Then it was over and you were who you are now again, but the anxiety had not gone away.
“Sorry my stomachs not feeling well I need to go to the bathroom”
“Do you want me to come with you?” Rachel was a good friend, but she could never help you through what you were working through at the moment.
“Oh no, stay and enjoy your dinner I’ll be fine.”
You made your way back to the restroom trying to regain your steadiness, your comfort, your sensibilities. However that’s when you heard it, a voice you hadn’t heard in years but could pinpoint out of an entire crowd.
“(Y/N)?” He spoke your name like he had been waiting to say it, like it had been built up behind all of his other words and finally got a chance to come out. You turned around in absolute shock that the blonde haired, blue eyed man that You never thought you would see again, was now standing in front of you. You said his name and it felt like every other time you had said his name was mixed into this one, the first time he introduced himself to you, the time you found him flirting with another woman, the time he gave you the best orgasm of your life, the time you showed up at his house at 3 am completely plastered and sobbing for no reason other than that you had lost his favorite shirt when you went to Germany for a week, the last goodbye you said to him at the airport on London.
“Roger?” his eyes looked like they had the first time we met, hopeful, expecting, afraid. Until he looked down at your left hand and saw the wedding wing perched on your finger. His face fell and he looked at you.
“It’s been awhile since we’ve talked cactus.” you were taken aback by his use of the nickname he gave you. You never told anyone about it when I moved back to the states, mainly because it would only remind you of him. After about a month or two of your friendship you two were watching a movie in his apartment and he turned to you and said You know, you remind me of a cactus. You’re so cold, prickly, and very much an asshole on the surface. But I just after having seen you cry over a dog in a children’s movie I now know the truth. You are nothing but a gooey little mushy ball of feelings inside all that false roughness.” Since that moment on he called you Cactus. The memory makes your heart clench inside your chest. Just in that moment, between his words and your words intervened Rachel who had came back to check on you in the bathroom. Low and behold you never made it.
“Oh my God, you’re Roger Taylor!” she said excitedly then took a second to asses the moment that the two of you looked held in and she asked “Do you two know each other?” you wanted to tell her yes, that he was the only person who knew you and that as far as you knew you were the only person who knew him. But instead you said
“Not really, used to hang out at the bar he used to play gigs at.” he caught on to your lie
“Yeah, me and (y/n) just used to be drinking buddies.” he chuckled softly, almost not enough to hear but you did.
“You never told me that (y/n)! And you wanted to skip out on the concert with me tomorrow night.” Roger then had the audacity to say
“Well if you can’t make it to the concert maybe you guys would like to come to a little party we’re having tonight.” before you have the time to shoot the idea down with a shotgun, Rachel says
“We’d love to. But we have dates with us, can they come to?”
Roger looks at you with a sly smile, one he used to give you while you were in the crowd at concerts, right before the band left the stage and he knew that you and him would hook up in the boys dressing room afterward.
“Of course they can come, I’d love to meet the new people in (y/n)’s life.” He then gave Rachel an address and time while you were stood dumbfounded by the hand that life had just dealt you.
“We’ll see you there. It was great meeting you Roger.”
“You as well”
You didn’t say anything. You both went back to your table, Rachel describing everything that had just happened, and you staring off into space still picture Roger’s face in you head. As your husband placed his hand on yours.
Part 2 will be up in two days!
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romanssippycup · 7 years
Undeniably Important Chapter 8: Logan’s Notepad
Hey everyone! Got some exams out of the way. I’m doing alright, but glad to be done with the brunt of it all. SUPER stoked for new Sander’s Sides video, but Thought I might write while I’m waiting. Part 3 of Surgery should be coming out within two days. And then After all the prewritten chapters of UI (Name curteous of @remmythepegasis) have been posted on tumblr, I’ll start continuing on this fanfic. Love you guys and I hope you enjoy! Btw, this is a HUGE chapter and might take a little over 10 minutes to read. Lol.
Hint: Time is important in this story...
Chapter 1 – Chapter 2 – Chapter 3 – Chapter 4 – Chapter 5 – Chapter 6 -- Chapter 7
"Well, theres not much to tell." Princey looked down at the ground with all the eyes on him. "We were, acting civilized for the first three minutes. We both had different ideas so we didn't really fight over clothing. That is, until we grabbed a hold of that grey shirt." Roman motioned upstairs. "It was an accident on Anxiety's part, *cough* I beg to differ *cough* but it was unintentionally tossed on top of your tall dresser Thomas."
Thomas nodded letting him know he was still listening.
"I climbed up the dresser to grab it, but the dresser couldn't stand upright with me holding onto the side of it. Thus, I fell backwards. If Anxiety hadn't...saved me. I might have been squashed."
Gasps were heard in the room, mainly from Patton.
"Anxiety you saved Roman!? I'm so proud of you kiddo!" Patton had finished his potatoes and there were literal stars in his eyes from pride.
"Ugh." Anxiety rolled his eyes. "Look, I only pulled him out of harms way."
"Another reason deduced that you are more than just Anxiety." Logan looked Anxiety's way who only avoided eye contact with the Logical trait.
"Well. I'm so glad that the Outfit War went mostly okay. It's alright Roman. I'm sure Anxiety won't make you wear anything too embarassing. Right Anxiety?" Thomas gritted the last question through his teeth.
"Psh. We'll see. He shouldn't be concerned, remember? I do have fashion." Anxiety smiled victoriously.
"That's still worrying." Roman growled.
"Now Anxiety, don't go choosing an outfit thats inappropriate." Patton advised. "Make sure all privates are CLOTHESed off."
"Oh my god Patton! Pffff!!"
"Patton your not helping my nervousness!"
All Logan did was sigh.
"Hahaha!! Alright you guys. Always a pleasure to talk with myself. Joan and the others are coming to pick me up at 4:30 pm. What time is it now?"
Logan checked the stopwatch. "11:16 am."
"Great! We all got some time to kill. I guess-"
"Oh wait!" Logan interjected. "This is yours." Logic held up the stopwatch so Princey could see it.
"Hm? What? Oh yes!" Logan's interjection startled Princey from his humbling daydream and he caught the stopwatch in mid air as the Logical trait passed it to him. Roman snapped and the stopwatch dematerialized in his hands.
"Oh and don't forget the coat rack, tape, and sharpie I brought up." Logan reminded him.
Roman irritatedly glared at Logan and snapped. A small light illuminated from Thomas's room, confirming the leave of the items used for the Outfit war. "Your welcome." Prince slightly sneered at Logic.
Thomas looked at the other traits. "Ca-can I talk now? Because I'm really tired of people cutting me off." He glanced at Logan who looked at the ground guiltily. The other traits looked at each other and didn't interject. "I can? Great! Again thank you and I really have nothing else for you guys. So, I guess be ready by 5:00 or however you guys come with me to dinner. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this."
"Do not fret over it too much, Thomas." Roman assumed a fanciful pose. "It's nothing for you to be concerned about, but I must go, because I need to remove all my clothes from my living quarters and dump them in Anxiety's room. So...toodles." He wasn't very enthusiastic about this at all and began to sink down.
"Wait Princey, I'm coming too. To make sure you don't hide anything." Anxiety began to sink down with Roman.
"Hide anything?! Are you suggesting that I would cheat?"
"No, but I am going to help carry your clothes so you don't 'accidently' cheat."
"Excuse me count dracula! But I am a knight and and a noble and I always play fair!"
"Sure you do. Thats what you said when you snuck $10,000 behind my back the last time we played Monopoly."
"Okay! Okay. You're right. Ugh, can I at least keep my underwear in my room?
"What would happen if I said no?"
"Oh come on!!"
"I'm just kidding...Sorta."
Their banter faded as they sunk out of Thomas's apartment.
"Well, this was fun! I just hope Anxiety doesn't do anything too horrible to Roman. Anyways I'll see you all later. Oh, Logan you might want to check your desk. Bye kiddos!"
"Bye Patton!" Thomas waved to him.
"Desk?" Logan was confused for a second. Then it hit him. "Oh no..." His gaze shifted to the right at the bottom of the banister. His notepad was no longer there. He reached his hand over and felt around the area where it was. No luck. Then he checked his pockets. No luck there either. His first deduction was that Patton had took it. At this thought, the shade of white Logan's face went was almost equal to that of Anxiety's foundation.
"You alright Logan?" Thomas worriedly asked.
"Ahem. Yes Thomas I am quite alright. Well its time for me to go. I will see you tonight. Byeeeee!" Logan tried to regain his composure as he left in a hurry.
"Goodbye?" Thomas was genuinely confused.
As soon as Logan materialized in the mind palace he ran to his room and closed the door behind him. He was going to scower his desk for his missing item when he noticed it was cleaner than he had left it this morning. Someone had definitely been in his room.
On top of his now clean desk was a card with Patton's hand writing on it and series of small giftboxes. To the right of these was his notepad he was missing. Logan sighed in relief seeing that he was now in possession of it again. But, it still troubled him to think that Patton might have looked through it. He pushed the thought aside and returned his attention to Patton's series of gifts.
Logan couldn't help but give a small smile at the elder aspect's generosity. Even when Patton knew Logan could never actually understand or give something back in return, he was still willing to give. It was one of the few times that Logan wondered what it would be like to have emotions. If he did have feelings, would he be able to give something heartfelt back that meant something to Patton? These series of thoughts were troubling his mind, so he began to open Morality's presents to further avoid more absurd assumptions from entering his brain.
3 minutes earlier...
"...Oh come on!!"
"I'm just kidding...sorta."
Roman and Anxiety teleported inside of the mind palace. Princey faced his room with a reluctant look on his face. "Well. If you can believe it I'm actually glad you came to help me, because we have a lot of loads to carry."
"How much clothes do you have?"
"All the clothes. I have all the clothes."
"Alright well you better help me. I'll just place it outside your room and then you can figure out what to do with it from there." Roman half strutted half sulked to his room from the hallway leaving Anxiety only a small amount of time to put his plan into action.
If there was another thing besides his name that Anxiety had been keeping from his fellow sides for a long time, it would be his area of control over the mindscape. One of these areas is duplication, where he takes one item and duplicates it making two of that same item.  Anxiety had not had enough practice with this power to tell if there was a difference between the real and the fake, but he figured it wouldnt matter much because no one would be suspicious. Or that Logan wouldn't be supicious, to be exact.
Anxiety quickly took out Logan's notepad, made sure no one was looking, and duplicated it by using both hands to pull the copy out of the original. Both notepads were still the same size, had the same marks, and were wrinkled in the same places.
"Perfect..." Anxiety muttered under his breath as he put the real notepad back into his pocket. He turned around to go put the copy in Logan's room when he was met face to face with Patton who had his hands full of presents and a card. Both traits were equally surprised to see each other and the states that they were in.
"Jason Toddler! Are you coming?" Roman called out from his room.
"Yeah. I'll be right there. Patton wanted to say something."
Roman audibly sighed. "Okay."
Both Morality and Anxiety broke eye contact and ran into Logan's unlocked room. Their next conversation was full of whisper shouts.
"Patton what are you doing here!?"
"I could ask you the same thing kiddo."
"I'm returning Logan's notepad. He dropped it."
"Thats funny considering the fact, that you were just holding two notepads in your hand. Did you steal it from Logan? Thats not very nice."
"Patton! I-er-ugh fine! I did, but don't tell anyone else about this, especially Logan."
"But, Anxiety its not right. How would you like it if somebody took something of yours?"
"Look. Here it is!" Anxiety winced slightly as he held up the fake notepad. He hated that he was lying to Patton, but he had already gone great lengths to take it out of Logan's possession. He couldn't stop now. "I'm just putting it back." Anxiety set the notepad on the far right of Logan's desk confirming his words.
"But what about the-" Whoosh. Logan had just materialized in the mind palace cutting Morality short. The increasing thumps of footsteps confirmed Logan's approach. The two intruding aspects shot each other panicked looks as Anxiety teleported out of Logan's room and back into the hallway, leaving Morality to arrange his presents on his own and escape in the nick of time.
Anxiety and Morality stood out in the hallway as naturally as possible as Logan ran into his room and shut the door.
Anxiety sighed and looked Morality. "Don't tell anyone about this." He glared sternly and walked off towards Roman's room, but stopped suddenly. "Please. Please don't tell anyone."
Morality sighed sadly. "Okay."
Anxiety kept walking. "Coming Princey."
"Finally! Here's my clothes since you were so keen on making sure I didn't cheat." All of Roman's clothes began flying from outside of his room and bouncing off Anxiety's room door. Had Morality been in a better mood, he might have laughed. He tried to focus on what Logan's reactions to his presents might be as he tried to get his mind off of his edgy son. His thoughts weren't enough.
2:15 pm.
Anxiety had been in the comfort of his room for a whole hour without getting interrupted. He was changing and making himself and his makeup look more presentable especially after everything he had been through today. This included the Outfit War and moving all of Princey's clothing to his room. Speaking of clothes, the pile stacked almost as tall as the ceiling itself. And all the colors just seemed out of place in the dimly lit, dark room. They almost hurt Anxiety's eyes just to look at them.
After he was finished with getting ready, he plopped on his bed and scrolled through tumblr for the umpteenth time. He put his free hand in his pocket lazily when he felt something rectangular. Logan's notepad! He had completely forgotten about it. With his curiosity rekindling again, Anxiety put his phone down and pulled out the real version of Logan's notebook and began to flip through it.
Most of the pages had been taken up, and it seemed as if there were different sections of the notepad set aside for different purposes. The first section held a ton of random facts and trivia. Typical of Logan. The second section was filled with questions that when answered they were scratched out. Anxiety spent some extra time in this section looking for questions pertaining to him. He spotted one.
What is Anxiety's real name?
It wasn't crossed out, thankfully. But no where else in that section could he find a question that pertained to his role in the mind palace so, he moved on.
The third section was full of Tic-Tac-Toe, connect the dots, and other strategic pen games. These were apparently all of Logan's attempts to defeat himself. Anxiety was more freaked out by this than impressed, so, he moved on again.
The fourth section were doodles. Doodles of mostly dogs. Just page after page of dog doodles. So many dog doodles that Anxiety had began to wonder if Patton had stolen it from Logan himself. Anxiety checked Logan's handwriting to clarify and sure enough, Logan was the owner of all these dog doodles, not Patton. He flipped through each page carefully until he got to something that stunned him. It was a doodle of Patton playing with a dog. It wasn't a bad drawing either. It looked just like him.
Anxiety turned the second page. Another doodle of Patton playing with a dog. And a third. And a fourth. Each one better than the last. Until he got to the 17th page. There was a picture of just Patton and it looked so realistic. Anxiety had no idea Logan could draw that good. He was speechless.
He carefully turned the next page to see another page full of doodles, but these doodles were hearts. Anxiety could tell it took Logan a very long time before he was able to draw a heart right, but once he did, he drew them everywhere. The last page of the section was another doodle of Patton, sitting inside a heart with a big smile on his face. This slightly melted Anxiety's dark heart, as it made him think of the Fatherly aspect and how good he had been to all of them.
He turned the page and found himself in the next section...except...it was very repetitive. And humorous.
"The prince is stupid."
"El principe es estupido."
"Prinsen er dum."
"Princeps stultus."
Just the same phrase in a multitude of languages for about six sheets of paper front of back. Anxiety laughed and took a picture of each page on his phone. Maybe he'd use one or two.
The next section was vocab words. They were devised into categories of Learned and Needs Learning. Most of the words on Logan's lists made Anxiety laugh so hard that he was having trouble keeping himself quiet. Just imagining Logan trying to pronounce and use all these slang words drove him into a fit of giggles. He finally decided to move onto the final section of the notepad: THEORIES.
This is what Anxiety was initially aiming for. He began to flip through the pages looking for what exactly Logic thought about him. Let's just say...Anxiety got more than he bargained for.
Taglist: @mewsicalmiss @here-to-vent @anonymous-snake @cup-of-blue @storytellerofuntoldlegends @cookieartcannon @thagrinbery @ts-sideblog @protecterofalltheaus @pasteries-and-portugal @justanotherpurplebutterfly @remmythepegasis @leesacrakon @kitsuneprideleader @fancifulfox @dolphin-squirrel @evilmuffin @petunia9402 @greymane902 @we-get-it-youre-adorable @withoutfandomsiamnothing @irrelevantbutfabulous @allmycopshowsarecancelled @virgils-jacket @just-fic-me-up @evanisonfire @fandomsandnonsense7 (Let me know if you want to be tagged. :) )
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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(requested by anon)
Kai Parker x Reader word count : 5 348 warning : smut summary : (based on the song “Taking Back My Love” by Enrique Iglesias) *gif by chris-woods keep reading after the cut 😈🔥 ___________________
Late night parties at the swimming hole were the last thing Kai had expected Y/N to do. It wasn’t like her. It also wasn’t like her to spend so much time at parties in general , specially around the boys. When he had found her that night , she had been standing on her arms , a guy holding a tube connected to a beerkeg directly into her mouth as she kept drinking. Everyone were cheering her on. Kai would’ve too only the group was made mostly of boys who were looking at her as if she was a piece of meat. It wasn’t helping much that she was wearing ripped light blue short shorts , her white top that had fallen down to her head and the laces of her favourite converses had been untied. Her hair wasn’t even pulled in a pony tale and Kai could hear with his vampire hearing every comment the guys made about her. A moment later she rolled backwards landing on her feet. Y/N wiped her mouth and her eyes fell on Kai , a wide smile spread across her face which quickly faded. He was looking at her as if he had no idea who she was. She raised her plastic cup to him and gulped it all at once. Kai wiped his face with his hand and in a few short angry steps he got to her , not carying about any of those guys he had pushed away , some of which had fallen on the ground. “What do you think you are doing?” he asked trying to sound calm. “Late night parties ?! Come on , you are coming home with me.” Y/N directly hooked his hands around his neck pulling him in for a kiss , he returned it for a few seconds and pushed her away. “I missed you so much.” she beamed at him. “Did you miss me ?” “OH you have no idea.” he muttered , grabbing her forearm and dragging her after him. As soon as they were away from the group , Kai grabbed her and whooshed them in vampire speed to his car. Damon and Stefan had mentioned that something was up with Y/N and she was acting out of control , but Kai hadn’t want to believe it at first. Seeing her acting the way she had a few moments ago only confirmed the Salvatore brother’s words. He had been away for a week to deal with unresolved family matters in Portland and apparently the fact he had been away had given her the freedom to do whatever the hell she wanted. Kai wondered if he should’ve left her alone to begin with. Specially after that email Damon sent him , which resulted in Kai coming back home earlier than expected.
“Is that what you think?” she snapped, walking back upstairs because it was the only way for her to go. Kai had blocked the stair case and it appeared he had no intentions on letting her go past him. Kai followed her closely , barely a step behind her. He was dying to put his arms around her , tell her he didn’t mean it. Y/N turned around to face him. “That I care more about a bunch of clothes and a painting that I ever did about you?” “It’s what I see.” he snapped. “You know what. Take it all. Take the house , take the car. I don’t give a damn about any of those things.” I only care about you. he wanted to add , but didn’t. “I am not attached to any of it.” he reached in his pocket shoving the car keys in her hands. “You can take all of it. I don’t care , but I am taking back every single moment I ever told you I loved you. Every single kiss , every touch. You can have everything else but the way I felt about you. I take it all back. You lost that the second that guy’s arms wrapped around you the way only my arms are allowed to. Hey maybe you can call him and you two can hook up tonight. Bet that’s what you want isn’t it?” I want YOU dummy. YOU and ONLY you. she wanted to shout at him. “Woow..” she said instead , dangling the car keys in front of him before dropping them on the ground and kicking them under the bed. This night kept getting worse and worse. Y/N didn’t think he could cause her more pain , yet there he was - shoving his hand in her chest and ripping her heart out as if it was nothing. “Believing Damon the psychopath over me. What other lies has he told you ? Tell me. I’m genuinely curious.” she shouted. Kai only stared at her with mixed emotions in his eyes. Y/N ran her fingers through her hair. “I don’t want your stupid car or that house filled with all the times I told you I love you and had to patch you up whenever you came home covered in blood. Keep it. Keep the painting too. I don’t give a fuck about it or any of the things in that suitcase. I’m leaving. Stay here in this empty house. You like it better when you are alone , that’s the truth. Like in the Prison World - just you and no one else. ” “God I wish I never met you !” he shouted. “We never met , Malachai !” she shouted back , walking over to the bed and taking all their pictures , waving them in front of his face before smashing every single one of them - one in the wall , another at his feet and again. The last one however she shoved in his hands. It was a picture of their first party together at the Salvatore’s. It wasn’t exactly a picture of them. Someone had taken a group shot in which they were both longingly looking at each other. “I’m taking it all back - all the HEY’s , all the stolen glances and kisses when no one was looking. I take back every single time I said I love you. This - us , it never happened. I gave you all my love and now I am taking it all back. Clearly I gave it all to the wrong person !” “Drive a steak through my heart would you?” he shouted ,grabbing her forearm as she tried to walk past him. “How could I have been so stupid to believe a word you have said to me?! Was any of it real ? Hmm ?” “Look at you.” she said struggling to get herself free. “So wounded at the thought what we had wasn’t real. Guess what - even if it was. It’s not anymore.” Kai let go off her with a look of hurt and pain on his face. “You were the most special person in my life until you ripped out my heart.” he said. “You say you are not stone cold , but that’s exactly what you are.” “I am not stone cold.” she snapped. “Keep telling yourself that , but its the truth.” he continued. “You are a stone cold bi-” Y/N slapped him so hard on the cheek , the sound hung in the air for a few moments. Everything else she could handle hear him say , but not this. “You are crossing a line.” she warned. “Too late. You already crossed it.” he snapped taking a step towards her , his eyes burning with fire. Y/N’s breath got caught in her throat , even more so when his vampirism showed for a few seconds. He didn’t want to let her leave. Not now not ever , but if she was really going to walk out on everything they had , he wanted to kiss her again. One last time before he lost her forever. He pinned her to the wall next to the bedroom door , smashing his lips against hers and for a moment she responded to the kiss , kissing him back then she pushed him away slapping him again. Kai growled smashing his hands on the wall on either side of her head , boxing her in. He didn’t say a word , resting his forehead against hers , breathing heavily. Y/N placed her hand on his chest slowly moving towards his neck. Their eyes met and for a long moment they stared at each other , the tension building more and more. Things between them couldn’t possibly end like this. Y/N still loved him , still wanted him and only him. She wished so desperately that Kai would wrap his arms around her again and tell her he loves her once more. Just one more time , one more kiss ,one more touch. They were leaning in towards one another, Kai’s fingertips brushing against her cheek. Somewhere inside Kai’s brain a switch went off at the exact moment the same happened in hers. Y/N jumped into his arms the same instant Kai reached his hands down her hips , pulling her up and into his arms. Their lips smashed against each other and Kai shoved her against the wall again. Her hands and legs had wrapped so tightly around him as if afraid he’d push her away at any moment. He didn’t. Instead he tossed her on their bed in vampire speed , crawling over her and pinning her hands over her head. “How could you do this to me?” he whispered , leaving wet kisses up and down her neck. “Why would you do this to me ? To us?” His grip on her hands was getting stronger by the second , it felt as if he might break them if he held onto her tighter. His crotch pushed against hers hard , knocking out whatever amount of air had left in her lungs. Kai wanted answers , he needed answers. Their lips collided again at the same time he pushed up at her crotch again. He was taking her breath away in more ways than one. “Damon is trying to break us up.” whispered Y/N. “I’d rather die than to be with someone else.” “Why would he do that?” whispered Kai, continuing to kiss her neck. His mind couldn’t focus , he tried and tried to figure out why , knowing the answer is just at the tip of his tongue but couldn’t quite get to it. All he could think about was her and nothing else. How it was that he had almost let her go slip through his fingers a moment ago ? “Because he hates you are happy with me and he is alone while Elena is sleeping in a coffin.” she replied wriggling her wrists free from his grip. Instantly Y/N rolled on top of him , her hand placed on his chest where his heart was , feeling his heart racing. Her lips crashed against his , feeling his hands on her waist moving up her back and down to her ass. Her hands slipped under his shirt , roaming his chest. Her touch felt even more magnified to him in that moment. She pushed it up , leaving kisses on his stomach and up his chest before gripping on his shirt and tearing it off him. Y/N smiled innocently at him , glancing at his ripped shirt in her hands. “Whoops.” she said as if it was an accident. “Was this your favourite?” “OH you are so going to get it.” he threatened. “I thought you didn’t care about material things ?” she teased. “I don’t. I only care about you.” said Kai , pulling her down on him for a kiss. “You and nothing else.” Their bodies pressed together and a thunder shook the ground as a storm was starting outside. Kai rolled on top of her again , intertwining his fingers with hers. Their tongues swirled together , both of them moaning into the kiss. He reached into the drawer in his nightstand , pulling out a thin rope. He tied her wrists together holding them over her head. “Don’t you dare move.” Kai got off the bed , stripping quicker than humanly possible. Y/N’s eyes went wide with excitement at the sight of his manhood. She bit her lip , not taking her eyes off him , looking him up and down over and over. He pulled his signature sideways smirk and the next moment purple black veins showed under his eyes. The look he gave her made her wet on the spot , even more at the sight of him stroking himself. Y/N tried to get up but he shoved her back onto the bed. “You never listen , do you?” he chuckled. “Weirdly I may even love you because of it.” “Please , I - I want to touch you.” “Look at you , being so nice right now.” he said a little amused. He had her right where he wanted her - begging for him. “You hurt me , sweetheart. You don’t get to touch me where you want to. Not tonight.” Y/N stared at him in disbelief , trying hard not to whine. She hated it when he wouldn’t let her touch him. That was worse than the times they shouted at each other. Pointing out he was the first one to hurt her that night wasn’t going to get her anywhere either. Kai got on the bed , kneeling in front of her and moved his index and middle finger in the air as if they were scissor blades and her short shorts got cut in two along with her panties and so did her shirt. A second later he flicked his wrist slightly and they went off flying off her. He blew on his fingers as if it was a smoking gun and grinned at her. “Life is so much easier with magic.” said Kai , spreading his fingers and parting her legs with magic. He swiped his fingertips across her heat , trailing them up her body until reaching her mouth. He shoved his fingers in her mouth at the same time as his tongue lapped around her clit and then straight through the middle. Y/N moaned around his fingers , her body arching off the bed , feeling his nose brush against her clit while his tongue slid inside her. Y/N’s hands shot for his head , pushing his mouth further on her heat , gripping on his hair. Kai growled and pinned her hands back up a split second later. He pulled out his fingers , trailing them down to her heat and dipped them directly in , a loud gasp leaving her lips. “Please let me touch you. ” “No.” said Kai , taking his lips off her clit for a second before continuing his work. His fingers pushing and pulling in and out of her , curling around her walls feeling every inch and again and again , faster and faster , cheating using his vampirism every few pumps. Making her stomach feel like it’s anchored down , building up the burning feeling between her legs more and more each second. “Fuck Kai I’m so close.” she moaned. Kai grinned at her , the sounds coming out of her parted lips turning him on even more. He stroked himself with his other hand , feeling her walls clench around his fingers but just as she was about to get her release he pulled out , licking his fingers clean. Kai grinned at her , devils dancing in his eyes. “What the -” In vampire speed he crawled over her , his lips hungrily attacking hers, not letting her say a word and threatening to swallow her whole. He teased her entrance and clit with the tip of his shaft , swiping it up and down on her warmth. Kai rested his forehead on hers , wrapping his fingers around her neck turning her head to the side. “Please.” she begged again , bucking her hips up at him and pushing herself down on the bed or trying to at least. Kai gripped her wrists and chuckled in her ear. “So eager.” A low growl came from deep inside his throat and he licked a striped line on her neck from her collar bone almost up to her ear and sank his fangs into her coroted artery the same moment his hard length pushed hard and deep inside her , making her body jolt forward. He pulled out leaving just the tip in and pushed in again , harder and deeper than the previous time continuing to feed on her the entire time. Kai had thrown her into a wild fire and kept adding more gasoline to it with each thrust. “F-faster K-Kai.” she moaned out feeling him bury himself inside her again.Kai kissed her with bloody lips , untying the knot on her wrists. He was picking up the pace more and more each second , holding onto her wrists the entire time. “You are driving me insane.” he grunted , resting his forehead against hers. “ What have you done to me ?! I can’t let you go , even when I’m the one pushing you out the door.” Y/N held his gaze , her tongue darting out to lick his lower lip clenching her walls around him. His lips smashing against hers harder than before , pulling the air from her lungs , relentlessly pounding his thick shaft in and out of her. Kai’s hands slid up her wrists until their fingers intertwined. Their lips collided , drowning her screams when her orgasm tore through her body. Kai never stopped , not even for a second. He was channeling all his emotions - all the anger and frustration , all love he felt for her. He never should’ve believed Damon. How hadn’t he seen the true intentions behind that email ? Y/N , his girl would never even think about someone else. Kai nibbed on her nose for a moments , seeing her smile at him. Her eyes rolling in the back of her head every time he thrusted in and hit her spot , getting her closer to another release. Their moans colling in perfect harmony. Kai wasn’t sure when but he had already forgiven her for all she had said to him. Somewhere from outside another thunder shook the ground and rain started hitting the bedroom window. The bed’s headbord hitting the wall , leaving tiny wholes in it. “FUck you are so tight around me.” he groaned , getting closer to his release with each thrust, his hard lenght twitching inside her. Her walls contracted around him , just about to push him over the edge. Y/N freed her hands , holding onto his back digging her nails into it. “Damn it Y/N.” Y/N looked at him innocently , her walls contracting around his thick shaft again triggering his orgasm. Their lips found each other again , muffling each other’s screams. Kai came in hot spurts inside her , not slowing down for a moment , riding through his high and her’s as she came a few moments after him. He didn’t stop until both of them had finished properly , collapsing on top of her right after. Burying his head in the croock of her neck. “We should fight more often.” he whispered , laughing. Y/N shook her head
About a minute or so later Kai rolled off her , his hand behind his head. Y/N glanced at him. He was trying hard to suppress a smile. She could feel he was still upset with her about everything she had said. Y/N was upset with herself too. Her words had had only one intention - hurting him , she hadn’t meant them. “I’m sorry.” she whispered. “I - I didn’t mean any of it. God , I am the worst girlfriend in the world.” Y/N sat in the bed turning towards him one last time. Then got up trying to avoid the shattered glass on the floor. Kai watched her confused as she reached into the closet putting on one of her longer shirts , things she hadn’t put in the suitcase. “I guess .. I’ll see you around then.” she sighed , intentionally hitting her head in the closet door hoping the pain would distract her. Then turned around and accidentally stepping on a large piece of glass. “Arhhh …” Y/N lifted her feet up pulling the glass out , a few blood drops falling on the carpet. “You are hilarous.” said Kai amused. “What’s that ‘see you around stuff’ ? You are not the only one who said things I - … Come back into bed with me.” “No.” “Y/N , I mean it.” he said serious. “I’m - I’m sorry. I never should’ve said things are over between us -” “No , I mean -” she laughed. “- I have something to do.” “What ?” “A vampire to kill. Maybe two.” she said trying to find her shoes. “Depending on my mood.” “My girl with the fiery personality.” smiled Kai , getting off the bed in a flash and blocking her way. Only one thing was going to happen if Y/N tried to kill Damon and / or Stefam. She’d end up dead and Kai would really lose her. No way he’d let that happen. “What if I told you I have a better idea?” Y/N looked at him curious asking a silent question - what. Kai leaned in towards her , not taking his eyes off her , his blue eyes sparkling devilishly. “Let’s break the bed.” he whispered. A smile spread across her face. Purple black veins showed under his eyes a moment before he grabbed her and smacked her against the wall , leaving her breathless with his kiss , tossing her in vampire speed onto the bed again.
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krakenator · 5 years
CHAPTER 4 aka “Family Feud”
SPOILERS are sprinkled around extremely liberally for The Property of Hate
Masterpost here
Diegesis is uh... huh, it’s basically the “Tell” part of “show don’t tell”. It’s exposition made through dialogue narration. Which is exactly what RGB does this entire chapter, go figure!
Me, earlier: oh! The trees change when they dream! RGB: no. wrong. Its because they’re made of Stuff
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uh oh I’m not liking the word “wise” being thrown about after meeting Mystery Butterfly, especially since it’s being used on a page where we get introduced to an agent of Hate
also don’t they get nearly burned to a crisp by a tree like. tomorrow? just sayin’
speaking of that agent of Hate, Dial’s introduction is just a shot of his butt
Dial speech: lower case, pank, and obnoxious lmao
aw man I got all excited for a second thinking the butterfly and Dial had the same font, but nope
what the- how did I not notice Dial saying that RGB was in jail at some point?! “In the clinker for stealing keys” goddammit of COURSE he isn’t supposed to have a key to the ‘real world’. As for who he stole it from? Dial doesn’t capitalize ‘her’ so it might not have been from Hate herself
this just means we’ve missed out on what must have been an INCREDIBLE jailbreak sequence. I’ve got money on the same level of chaos as RGB breaking out into song and launching himself across the Market on the heels of an explosion, if not more
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Dial is literally in cahoots with the Enemy but is already better at properly holding Hero than RGB will ever be
I desperately want a RGB vs Dial showdown so the fandom as one can sing-yell “VIDEO KILLED THE RADIO STAR”
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oh you motherfucker. MODMAD you have to STOP being LITERAL you’re KILLING ME
Fun fact, the background has been getting darker and darker the last 6 pages or so. It IS getting late. Neat to see the passage of time like that
Fdsgajhh RGB spends the entire Dial encounter with this incredibly fake grin but also bleeding red like nobody’s business
o   Although… “hate” is a strong word to be using willy-nilly in this story. RGB hating Dial actually works as neat foreshadowing to Dials True Allegiance kinda??
RGB’s speech tails often loop around things (and get more scribbly/jagged to imply fear or gritting his teeth), but. This panel is just really nice. Lookit weaving in and out between RGB’s legs and Heros arms
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I was gonna make a goth joke about sleeping in a graveyard but then I saw that the page with the first shot of said graveyard is page 66. Triple goth
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Hey? Hey RGB? Hey? Quick question what’s with the past tense huh? You implying something? Is there something you want to share with the rest of the class?
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RGB she’s like 6. Hero didn’t even have a grasp on object permanence not all that long ago
… all I’m getting out of how RGB’s telly function works is that one episode of Rick and Morty where with the TV channels from other dimensions
Pff his hat just falls off. What even keeps it there? Roger Rabbit logic probably
Huh. He doesn’t drool in TV-mode but the moment Hero turns him back to static he starts dripping
… what happens if you drink his static? would your tongue go all buzzy and like an asleep limb?
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RGB has body heat, that’s interesting. Or he’s warm like a running machine
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Ey you can actually see the moment Hero’s dreams get into his vents. Like dust getting sucked into your computers fans lmao
Alright freaky nightmare sequence
Train tracks, lovely start. Just brimming with potential and good things only
The only clear words we get imply this is taking place on like a movie set or something- y’know, “cut!”
These dream sequences of his are always in black and white. The only other things that are monochrome in this comic (so far) have been Negative-RGB and the train
OH WOW I MISREMEMBERED THIS PAGE ENTIRELY. The previous page made me think “train” and so I guess I just remembered the dream as being hit by a train because thats my personal nightmare?? But NO that’s- that’s the Buster Keaton stunt where the house falls 
And RGB is off the mark and about to be squished flat. Death by stunt lmao
THIS JUST IN FOLKS, RGB is literally just the ghost of Buster Keaton, case closed
please note we are not counting this and other dreams to the running “RGB gets fucking rekted” counter
RGB implying that he remembers how he died implies that he was/remembers being human…?
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come watch Hero play with this good good pupper in the next chapter
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