#but I do really like seeing people writing lore and backstory
deepseaspriteblog · 4 months
Hey! Since we’re spreading positivity about your adopts being used for fan adventures, an adopt I got from you many years ago is still my most detailed Homestuck OC to date! Can’t wait to see more folks works inspired by yours >:)
Thank you !! I'm soo happy whenever I see my designs being used, given lore, etc etc. I'm really flattered ^^
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prince-kallisto · 9 months
Complete Guide to the “Crowley is Levan” Theory
Hello, its the self-proclaimed Crowley/Levan theory expert, back at it again! (*゚∀゚*) I’m really shocked at Book 7’s recent update, and I’m seeing more and more people get into the Crowley/Levan theory.
But for everyone who is new to this theory, people who aren’t yet convinced, or anyone who just wants the major points in one document, I decided to write everything I know about this theory, with the help from posts from my fellow theorists! Of course, at the end of the day it’s just a theory, so make your own conclusions! ^_^
Buckle up everyone for a very long post rife with lore! I worked hard on this one, as it is a culmination of ALL my previous theories, so sharing is appreciated haha. Heavy Book 7 spoilers ahead!
This theory revolves around the idea that Headmage Dire Crowley is actually Duke Levan, the father of Malleus Draconia. Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, let’s go over everything we know SO FAR.
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Levan (Revan, Levaan, and Revaan is also a common spelling) is the husband of Meleanor Draconia, who is the Princess of Wild Rose Castle. Levan is a Duke, Diplomat, nobleman, and the left-hand war general. He had control over the Eastern Fort while Lilia had control over the Western Fort. His title is “Ryūgan Duke Levan,” or 竜眼公レヴァーン in Japanese. The characters imply a connection to the Chinese Long, and Ryūgan very roughly translates to “Dragon eyed,” although it is uncertain if Levan is a Dragon Fae, or if this is just his title. Levan is referred to as Meleanor’s “eyes, limbs, and husband,” so perhaps “Dragon Eyed” refers to his connection to Meleanor? Due to his name, people also suspect he may be a bird Fae, specifically a raven.
He seems to be based of Diablo, Maleficent’s raven. From what we know from Lilia, he is slightly meek (according to childhood stories) and gentle, always with a smile on his face. However, he is also extremely dependable and strong. Rumor has it he fought against the Dawn Knight, a figure that the night Fae fear for his power. Despite Levan’s clumsiness, Meleanor is very enamored with him, praising him for the smallest of things while punishing everyone else. Meleanor refers to Levan as “beautiful,” although we have no silhouette or voice for him currently. Levan grew up with Meleanor and Lilia, and was very close with Lilia, who was the right-hand general.
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When Lilia ripped up his invitation to NRC, Levan painstakingly took all the pieces out of the trash and pieced them all together, storing the invitation in the Royal Archive for Lilia to come back 500 years later. Lilia wonders if Levan somehow knew that he would go to NRC with Malleus in the future. Levan is also very willing to start relations with humans compared to the rest of Briar Valley, as he taught Lilia the human language, and has said that he hopes one day, the humans and Fae can share a common language to exchange culture and history together in peace. This positive attitude and willingness to teach is likely what made him such a good diplomat.
However, Levan went missing in the Silver Owls vs. Briar Valley war when leading a mission to deliver letters to the Eastern Fort. Meleanor is heavily implied to be dead, but Levan simply disappeared and never returned. In Briar Valley history books, he is assumed to be dead, but little information of him is known.
But what does all this backstory have anything to do with Dire Crowley? He’s unreliable, manipulative, and never does more work than necessary, even with all the student Overblots. He sounds nothing like Levan. Well, let’s go to the birthplace of this theory to see what’s up:
Crowley and Malleus Parallels
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Black hair with a green-ish tint, pale skin, pointed ears, dark lips, and a similar tall stature. No other character besides Meleanor resembles Malleus to this degree.
Although no dialogue has confirmed it, it is heavily, HEAVILY implied that Crowley is in fact, one of the Fae. He’s been Headmage at NRC for at least 100 years and several of his features imply a Fae heritage. He even gets offended when the Ghost Camera, that was invented in a great-great grandmothers time, is referred to as “old,” as if he took offense to the implication that HE’S old. He’s likely a bird Fae, as he may transform into a raven/crow in the opening animation, and his voice lines show him with bird-like habits. Crowley also refers to his “wings” several times as a part of his anatomy.
@twisted-tech shows that in the Glorious Masquerade event, Malleus wears an costume that’s startlingly similar to Crowley’s outfit, down to the detailed vest to the feathers on his shoulders. In the animation announcement for GloMas, Malleus stands in front of the light the same exact way Crowley does in the opening prologue animation.
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The 2nd anniversary animation also has a strange moment between Crowley and Malleus, with Crowley appearing for a quick moment, before a light shines over him, revealing Malleus.
In Malleus’ birthday-boy interview he mentions how black is the color of nobility in Briar Valley, thus his tendency to wear all-black attire. Isn’t it interesting how Crowley’s main outfit color is black? On a similar note, when an Alchemy Special Lesson is triggered, Malleus says “He’s [Crowley] is far from ordinary.” Malleus, who prides himself for being extremely powerful to the point he thinks less of others, thinks Crowley is unusual? Does he sense a type of power from Crowley, or does something seem uncomfortably familiar about him?
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And last but certainly not least, Crowley’s secret concept art. This in-person event was very exclusive, so many obscure concept art pieces of the characters were only shown here. Crowley seemed to be grouped with the Diasomnia cast with the same color palette, and his purple cape is highly reminiscent of Maleficent’s. He even has briars climbing up his leg. He even has the stamp of the three good fairies on his paper, just like the beta designs for Lilia and Malleus. Of course, concept art should not be used too heavily as a source, but this is certainly no coincidence, and don’t you think it’s odd how secretive this image is? Most fans have no idea this concept art exists.
These two must have some type of connection with each other- this evidence alone is what convinced me in the first place. However, this is just the beginning:
Ravens & Crows Symbolism, Levan vs Crowley
Levan and Crowley have a shocking amount of similarities too! Ravens in mythology were considered to be messengers of the gods, and were especially connected to Apollo, the god of Prophecy. I think that Levan’s unique magic was the gift of Propechy, as in he could see future events. Bringing back Lilia’s line of if Levan somehow knew he would go to NRC with Malleus 500 years in the future, I say yes! He knew many things about what the future held due to his magic, and it makes sense with Raven symbolism. Crowley also has a strange knowledge of future events, from the STYX invasion to Grim’s magestone collar. @rayroseu has also pointed out the Malleus’ egg heavily resembles a Black Opal, which symbolizes death and destruction, and was used to “gaze” into the past, present, and future. Hmmm
What if as a way to reunite with Lilia and Malleus, Levan became the Headmage of NRC? He would have every skill necessary to do so, and Crowley has many connections to the school board, STYX, the Asim’s, Jupiter Conglomerate, etc. He’s not as much as fool as he’d like you to think- he’s in charge of the prestigious school for a very good reason. He knows the perfect balance of manipulation and sweet-talking, just as expected of the diplomat and envoy, just like ravens were in mythology.
Ravens have symbolized death and destruction for a very long time- and isn’t it interesting how Crowley’s first name is “Dire,” as in ‘disastrous’? Yana Toboso has confirmed that “Dire” is actually pronounced as the English word “Dear,” like ‘beloved.’ @sote-forever has pointed out that the origin of Levan’s name means “gracious/merciful,” which feels oddly familiar to Crowley’s catchphrase of “I am so kind/Watashi yasashii no de.” The EN translation uses “gracious” instead of “kind” a lot as well 👀
Speaking of his catchphrase, in Book 7 when Grim hears more about Levan, he says that Levan sounded like a “kind man.” He even uses the same exact language as Crowley uses, ‘yasashi,’ meaning gentle and kind. Just like the meaning of Levan’s name. For reference:
私 優しいので is Watashi Yasahii No de “Because I’m kind.”
優しかった is what Grim said: Yasahikatta (?) meaning “He was kind”
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Back to the death symbolism, I mentioned that ravens were Psychopomp. In mythology, ravens were said to guide human souls to the underworld by the will of the gods. And isn’t it interesting how NRC is FULL of death and underworld symbolism? Technically, Crowley IS the Psychopomp, because he is responsible for transporting the students and is the only one with a special key to unlocking the students coffins. He even says in the prologue that the coffins were designed to represent the “departure of your previous world, and rebirth into a new one.”
As a side note, crows and ravens fall under the same exact word in Japanese: karasu. There are some instances in the EN translation where crow and raven are mixed up, as Diablo, Maleficent’s raven, is referred to as a “crow” in one of Malleus’s chats. Hmmm
Crowley’s cane is also interesting. Not only does the bottom key part spell out “Raven,” the top of his cane looks exactly like Diablo when he was turned into stone at the end of Sleeping Beauty. Although I do agree that Crowley has connections to the Evil Queen’s crow, I think he could be inspired by both. Similarly, NRC’s logo is a raven with a crown above his head. Levan WAS royalty, after all…
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Levan also has a special acceptance of humans. His wife DESPISES humans, but he learned a common language of the Fae and humans in order to communicate, and even taught other Fae the language himself. And once again, he saved Lilia’s invitation to NRC. Doesn’t he sound like someone who wishes to share knowledge? He wants peaceful communication between humans and Fae to share culture and history, just like what NRC is like today. It feels a lot like a Headmage’s behavior, don’t you think?
From the way Meleanor treated Levan, Levan’s behavior sounds oddly like Crowley’s. Meleanor praised him for the most basic things, and seemed to dote over him a lot. Crowley is incredibly egotistical about doing literally the most basic shit ever lmaoo, but I can’t blame him for getting a big head if he used to be always praised for it. Lilia also says that Levan would probably return with a big smile on his face. In every single animation that Crowley is present in, he always has a smile on his face, watching carefully over the events.
Levan also seemed to be a bit of a crybaby in his childhood, as Lilia said that when they got lost in a forest, he “could never forget Levan’s pitiful expression.” Crowley definitely has an aversion to death or people getting hurt, and has cried several times when he gets overemotional.
In the prologue, Crowley claims to be intimately acquainted with every single students homelands. Yes, his hobby IS vacationing, but I think he knows the lands way more intimately than simple sightseeing. Again, Levan was a diplomat. He would have a vast amount of knowledge about the inner workings, culture, and history of many different foreign lands.
Edit: We also have NO IDEA of Crowley’s homeland. If I remember correctly, he’s the only character where his land of origin is unknown. Why would TWST do this, unless this was a huge spoiler? Like…say if Crowley’s homeland was Briar Valley???
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And finally, I think it’s EXTREMELY suspicious that we have not seen at least a silhouette of Levan, despite his name coming up in conversations several times. Why would his silhouette not be revealed, unless his silhouette is a dead giveaway to a character we already know? Same reasoning for why we haven’t had a flashback with his voice- his voice would just reveal the truth. Additionally, NRC seems to lack books over the history of Briar Valley and what happened to Levan and Meleanor. In one of the History Lessons, Malleus mentions a photo of Lilia in a history book. Perhaps there are history books with a painting/photo of Levan? It would explain why the history is so lacking, because Crowley doesn’t want his past self to be seen.
Meleanor, NRC & Other
Whew, we’re almost done! This is the miscellaneous category, but just as important as the above points.
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Meleanor, OB Malleus, and Crowley have many many similarities. I go into more detail in the linked post, but Meleanor’s and Crowley’s features definitely “combine” in Malleus’ features. Take for example, Meleanor’s straight dark teal hair and Crowley’s wavy black hair with a slight greenish tint. It merges perfectly into Malleus’s hair. There are many similarities in their outfit designs too, so I recommend looking at this post!
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This is very strange, but the coliseum and Diasomnia’s dorm hallway have the SAME EXACT DESIGNS as the passageway in Briar Valley (converted into a Silver Owl hideout) and the hall in MELEANOR’S castle. No one could have this punt of knowledge of these locations, especially Meleanor’s castle that was covered in briars and abandoned. Unless…someone at NRC was intimately acquainted with both of these locations. Perhaps a noblemen like Levan would know? Meaning, Crowley?
Crowley in the prologue talks to his “proud, beautiful flower of evil” in the mirror. I highly recommend rewatching the part, because Crowley’s voice just shows how much love he has for this flower of evil. Lili refers to Meleanor as the “most evil Princess,” and she is also the Princess of Wild Rose Castle. Rose like a flower 🌹 \(//∇//)\ She is also an extremely proud person, and does not hesitate to strike people down for disagreeing with her.
Many people ask why Levan would abandon Meleanor, especially when he loved her. I don’t think he willingly abandoned her at all! If my theory of his prophecy magic is right, he knew that there was nothing he could do to prevent Meleanor’s death and the fall of their castle. And who knows, what if Levan Overblotted when he went missing? He led a GROUP of messengers to the Eastern Fort, so what happened to these messengers? Did they die at his hands when he Overblotted? It’s a common theory that Crowley is under the influence of blot, as his mask and gloves would cover Overblot markings.
@ventique18 has also mentioned that a dark Fae’s love in literature is depicted to be OBSESSIVE, as in the couple can drive themselves mad over their love for each other. I think Crowley was a much kinder and genuine person as Levan, but Meleanor’s death permanently scarred him. Plus, as much as we don’t want to admit it, it’s been 500 years. Look at Lilia: he’s changed SO MUCH over the years since his time as general. Why can’t Levan do the same? Longing to reunite with his loved one for CENTURIES isn’t healthy at all, but he desires it so much that he’s willing to hurt innocent people in order to achieve it.
This is out of the TWST canon lol, but there’s potentially a lot of connection to Edgar Allen Poe’s “Lenore” and “The Raven.” Lenore mourns a “queenliest dead that ever died so young” before her wedding, which could parallel Meleanor dying before Malleus’ birth. The Raven represents the pure desperation, grief, and insanity of him wanting to see his lost love again: Lenore, and how he’s unable to cope with her passing. UM??!!!
FINALLY, as the saying goes: Malleus had to get his loser genes from somewhere. Hope this helps! 🤪
Jokes aside, I’m exhausted but I feel very happy to have made this guide! Many thanks to all the blogs I’ve mentioned above, and to Gasmask on Youtube, Otome Atui on Youtube, and MoonlightEquin1 on Twitter for translations!!! It really helped me out my thoughts together in this theory, and I hope it can serve as a reference guide to everyone else!
I had to link a lot of my separate theories just because there is too much to go over in one post, and I’m very limited with photos on mobile 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 If yall can think of anything else to add, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you to everyone for your support, it’s so fun theorizing with everybody!! 💞💞💞
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s0ckh3adstudios · 5 months
howdy!! for the undertale gold au, i was wondering if we could see more of dalv? (or starlo, dalv and rover!! like the family portrait)
if not thats ok :) i just wanna see more of how these sillies work in the au
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TA-DA!! Finally, after days... UTG Dalv! I Am So Sorry.
Disclaimer Corn Yaoi IS canon in this AU and for those who don't like it. I am sorry HEHEKGHLF It's too late for me to go back and I thought it'd be funny to include it. Too embedded in the lore now
You find out Dalv's backstory not through recorded tapes, but through his diary! You know, how he has one in the Ruins? In turn, Chujin still records tapes.
I actually wrote Dalv's diary entries and will be leaving them under the cut so you can all get your dose of exposition, but I'll give a summary of it below the Diary Entries if you want a TLDR!
Also, I apologize if the writing isn't very good- I tried my best to keep Dalv's character and write out what happened, but I'd probably edit a couple details if I wasn't lazy LMAO
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Dalv and Starlo own a large farming area together where they grow crops for monsters to buy. They were given an opportunity to expand the farm, and their business by association, to the Snowdin area. Starlo was unable to meet with the people in Snowdin about it, so Dalv had to go. He was a bit nervous to do so, Chujin offered to join him! As long as he got to test out his latest project; Axis, a funny little robot. Rover, Dalv and Starlo's kid, also joined them! They wanted to visit Snowdin and play with Chujin's robot. Dalv and Chujin left Axis to watch and play with Rover while they had their meeting. But this is when danger struck. During the meeting, a human came through Snowdin and attacked Rover, even taking their hat. Despite Axis already chasing after the human and Chujin giving Dalv warnings, Dalv ran after the human as well to find his kid's hat.
Dalv did find the human... who was very injured after seemingly having had a run-in with Axis who was oddly nowhere to be found in that moment. When Dalv encountered in the human... something shifted in him. This human hurt his child, they could have taken them away... Seeing them... He felt angry. Without thinking, for reasons he can't really explain, he attacked the human and finished them off for good. In a panic, mortified at what he suddenly did, he stole the soul. He didn't want to admit it, even if this was what monsters were meant to do to humans. The soul was declared missing and Chujin was blamed; there was concern over how much damage Axis caused and the fact that he seemingly killed the human so brutally that he also destroyed the soul which they NEEDED.
Dalv decided he was going to try and use the soul for good and try to infuse its power into his crops! He thought if monsters ate them, they'd gain enough power to last against humans AND possibly bypass the barrier. He couldn't do this alone... So he ended up coming clean to Chujin about what happened. Chujin was VERY mad but figured if he helped, he could maybe get his job back. The two worked on the project and when sprouting their first soul infused crop, a cob of corn, Dalv offered to test it.
....It made him very sick.
When Dalv fell down, he had left a message to Starlo in his diary, telling him to read it after he died. He told Starlo to return the soul and shut down the project entirely. The farms are already in danger just for supposedly having some sort of illness in the crops that Dalv seemingly ate (a lie). But Starlo...... didn't listen. He felt bad that it didn't work out for Dalv and felt bad that he felt horrible about it. He wanted to do it for him. Carry on his legacy. Cling to what left he had of Dalv and what he was working on.
....But it was never meant to be.
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aluraveil · 1 year
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♧ his ballerina. 💫
Yandere Scaramouche x Ballerina Reader
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TW : Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, and huge spoilers to Scaramouche’s backstory. Inspired by this post right here.
Word Count : 1.2k
A/N : I got huge inspiration from his teaser! I love him and his character lore so much! I wanted to get this out during maintenance before Scaramouche would be released in game! I knew I had to write a fic about the ballerina and Scaramouche 😭
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The past wasn’t something Scaramouche often liked to dwell on. He’d often describe his own as painful and tragic.
After being abandoned by his own mother because he was deemed useless, he was left to venture and explore the world on his own. But who knew that the pure, innocent soul would experience even more heartbreak after his birth?
His past was something he didn’t want to even think about. But as the old saying goes, in darkness there’s always hope. Maybe it would be true for everyone else, but it seems that Scaramouche would just face darkness after darkness.
The hollow puppet was wandering around the streets of Snezhnaya in the middle of the evening. He had finished all his harbinger duties and there was nothing left to do. 
He stared into the night sky as he thought about his old life. He sometimes wonders what would have happened if his mother didn’t throw him away, deeming him useless. 
He snapped out of those thoughts as he noticed a ton of people gathering around what had looked like a stage. He was curious at what was happening and he heard chatter going around saying that a dancer would be performing in a few minutes.
With nothing better to do, he sat down on the hill near the back which gave him a good view. 
The stage light was on you and you began your performance. Your graceful moves and the way you danced on stage was incredibly mesmerizing. The way you moved with the soft music in the background along with your twirls and the way you spun so elegantly made Scaramouche lean in closer on instinct. He was so enraptured and his eyes widened as he kept watching the show. You looked like an angel with the way you moved so flawlessly. You looked really perfect with the way your tutu complimented your figure. You were like a dove on stage. 
Your dancing had drawn the Balladeer in and it felt like he had forgotten the world around him. It felt like he was in a dream where he was able to forget all of his worries. For a moment he was able to forget all the suffering he had endured just by your captivating performance. You were an amazing dancer and Scaramouche was hooked. The puppet became more captivated with each twist and turn of your body. 
Your dancing was like a drug, and he couldn’t get enough of it. He was addicted to that feeling. When he walked back home that day he felt like a whole different person. It wasn’t everyday that someone like himself was impressed. He couldn’t stop thinking about the way you spun so delicately. 
Without even realizing it, Scaramouche found himself showing up to performance after performance. The feeling of forgetting his worries put the harbinger at ease and he was more hooked with each twirl you did.
In one way, you reminded him of the ballerina in a tale he was once told by the small child. But perhaps he was only coming to every one of your shows because he still had a soft spot for his one and only true friend.
Though the harbinger doesn’t talk about it a lot, he will admit that there was once someone who was very special to him back when he was known as Kunikuzushi. He will never forget the special moments he had shared with his one and only true friend, a small child he had met when he first ventured into the world.
The boy always had a smile on his face and seeing him happy made Scaramouche happy too. Him and the child grew an inseparable bond with each other. But even after all of those happy moments filled with joy, he still couldn’t help but feel empty. Like he was missing something.
Sometimes the small child and him would share a cup of tea together and sit down. They would talk about everything, but there was one conversation in particular that stuck out to him even after all the time that had passed.
“...You mean, you wish you had a heart?”
“Mhm.” Kunikuzushi said as he took another sip of his cup of tea. “I’ve always wished I had a heart.”
“You mean like the tale about a puppet soldier and the ballerina?” The small child inquired.
“Huh? I’ve never heard of it. Why don’t you tell me what it’s about?”
The tale was about a puppet soldier who wanted to be with a ballerina. But one day, his owner deemed him useless and threw him into a fire. Then the next day, all that was left was a heart left in the fireplace.
Kunikuzushi couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “It must have been a heart made from ashes.” He took another slurp of his tea. “That kind of thing just doesn't happen in real life, only in legends and old tales.”
“Maybe,” The small child replied. “But what if hearts can be born from ashes?”
The next day, the island had been plagued with tatarigami. Humans that had lived in the area began dying from it and it set everyone into a panic. One day, Kunikuzushi came back with a basket of lavender melons. With an eager smile, he opened the door only for his smile to drop into a horrified expression.
The boy had died.
Kunikuzushi was upset. His only friend and the only person who cared about him was dead. In the fit of rage, he had set everything in the house along with his friend’s body on fire and he watched as it turned into ash.
But there was no heart. It was just ashes.
“What a joke.” A tear rolled down his cheek. “It’s just ashes.”
The only thing that was left in the fire was a small doll that the boy owned. Kunikuzushi picked it up and since then, he has kept it with him. He left the burning house and he never looked back.
In a way, you reminded him of the ballerina in the tale. Perhaps he still has a soft spot for his old friend and that’s why he keeps coming back to watch your performances. Each time, he hugs the small doll tighter and tighter. He wishes that the small boy could have been there with him too. He knows that the small child would have loved your shows.
You reminded him so much of his past. Perhaps by showing up to each one of your dances, he relives his past with only the good memories and not the bad ones.
The Harbinger found himself growing a strange obsession with you. At first, these feelings didn’t make sense to him. He was a puppet with no heart. But maybe he just clings onto you because you remind him of the small boy.
Scaramouche often finds himself calling you,
“My ballerina.”
“My heart.”
It’s a habit really. He can’t really snap out of it. 
But as Scaramouche starred up into the night sky after another ending of one of your performances, he couldn’t help but wonder,
Perhaps you had been the heart that he was searching for all this time.
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How to Get Inspired to Write and Regain Creativity
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The muses are fickle, especially when it comes to writers. Sometimes inspiration strikes at the worst of times—while working, in the middle of the night, etc.—and other times it refuses to strike at all. How do you get inspired to start a project, especially when you haven’t written in a very long time? 
Here are some tips and tricks that may help you get back into the writing groove.
1. Is It Writer’s Block You’re Worried About?
This post is meant to be a resource for people who don’t have any current projects or haven’t written/worked on their current projects in a very long time due to lack of inspiration and motivation. 
In contrast, “writer’s block” is usually used in reference to having a load of inspiration and motivation to write but struggling with a mental “block” that prevents you from doing so. 
These two overlap a lot, though, so if nothing on this post is working, you can find my post on combatting writer's block here!
For some extra help to get the ball rolling once you've regained inspiration, also check out the "Getting Started" section of my FAQ!
2. Set Aside Time to Be Creative
Oftentimes, creativity and inspiration can be lost due to a busy schedule. Life happens! Work, school, and a variety of other things could be restricting your ability to write or do creative things consistently. All it takes is one busy week, or month, or year, and now you feel like you’ve been thrown off of the carousel of creativity and can’t find your way back on again!
The key to combatting this is blocking out an hour or two (every day or every week) that you can use to spend time writing. Set a timer or alarm and put your phone aside (it is your enemy! It can and WILL distract you!) and sit down with the intent to write. Even if you get nothing done, getting in a creative headspace is still incredibly helpful! Baby steps!!!
By blocking out a specific length of time and putting it in your calendar, you can mentally prep to be creative and also can assure that you have ample time to get the juices flowing without worrying about being interrupted.
3.  Check Out Some Writing Prompts
Sometimes, it can be easier to start writing if you’re told what to write. A lot of writers find prompts helpful as warm-up exercises, and use them for projects on the side when they’re taking a rest from their current WIP.
It could be helpful to find a couple of prompts and see what cool things you can come up with! Even if they don’t seem like something you’d want to work on long-term, the very act of writing in and of itself will wake your “writing muscles” back up and get them in the groove of being creative again.
You can check out #writing prompts on my blog, or check out these amazing prompt blogs:
4. Write Fanfiction (If you’re just struggling with original works)
Fanfiction is a great way to get back into being creative because all of the hardest parts about getting started (character creation, setting, lore, etc.) have already been done for you. You don’t have to post your fanfiction or even complete your fic, just write a short scene or story about two characters with pre-established backstories, personalities, and dynamics. It’ll get you back into the basics of describing setting and writing dialogue. 
5. Make a Fun Playlist or Pinterest Board
Making fun playlists or Pinterest boards based on a certain genre, character, or piece of media you like can really get the creative juices flowing! After all, having a playlist to listen to that perfectly encapsulates the mood, tone, and pacing of your scene or story can really get you inspired! And with a Pinterest board for visual references to back you up, descriptions can come a whole lot easier!
I don't really use Pinterest except for art references, but if you don’t want to make your own writing playlist, feel free to borrow some of mine! Just a note: I find words in music very distracting when I write, so all of these are instrumental. Sorry if it’s not your cup of tea! 
Here’s a link to my master list of instrumental playlists.
6. Read!
I know. It’s hard. And I can’t even talk; I haven’t read a proper book in a year, probably. For me, the hardest part is starting; I drag my feet for months before finally picking up a book, whip through a good chunk of it in one or two sittings, but once I put it down, I never return to it. But reading is an excellent way to get inspired as a writer, and to improve your way of writing! 
By learning and getting inspiration from fellow writers, you not only get an idea of the creative possibilities, but also learn how different writers work their process. Fanfiction counts, too!
7. Get a Writing Buddy!
Sometimes, creative things such as writing can be hard because they’re traditionally a “solo sport” so to speak.
But having a writing buddy, someone to just be in the room or on call with you while you both be creative together, can do loads for your inspiration. Sure, there’s a chance that you’ll just distract each other and fool around, but if you really work to hold each other accountable, even getting into the creative headspace is a great way to start.
Also, you have a partner to bounce ideas off of!
Hope this helped, and happy writing!
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vendetta-if · 9 months
Please don’t take this the wrong way, because I still think you’re writing is incredible and I look forward to every update, but am I the only one who finds Takeshi incredibly weird? Like he’s got a wife and 3 kids and yet he’s still pining over my dad who’s been dead for years now. It’s time to move on dude, come on.
If he was younger and single then I’d understand, but the way it comes off, to me at least, is pretty emotionally unfaithful. It reads like Takeshi views Viktor as “the one who got away” which is kind of a shitty attitude to have when you’re married with kids. We haven’t even met Rins mom yet and I already feel bad for her lol, this whole situation is uncomfortable.
Anyways, sorry for my rambling and if you got offended I really do apologize, I wasn’t trying to be mean. Good luck on your future writing!
I appreciate you being polite when writing this and don’t worry, I’m not offended 😁 I have talked a little bit more about him and his feelings for Viktor and about his marriage with Azami in other asks, but I realize that some of them, I answered like in the early days of this blog being up (boy, time sure does fly because it feels like yesterday to me 😭) and not everyone will have read all of the related asks.
So, everything is a lil bit more complicated for Takashi than what it might seem like on the surface, and of course, I can’t really put all of this history and backstory in the main story because it’s not focused on Takashi, or Rin, or the Aikawa, and thus, I understand why some people end up seeing Takashi in a worse light. This is, of course, not to say that he is perfect. I feel like no one in my story is perfect, even Viktor himself, and I like to keep it that way. But I hope my long-winded explanation in this post will help you get a clearer picture on Takashi and his complicated love life 😭.
And right now in the story, I’ll say that he has actually moved on from Viktor. Sure he still remembers and mourns him around the anniversary of his death, and talking about Viktor (and Yvette) is still a sore spot for him, but as they say, you don’t really forget your first love. Also, he has fixed his relationship with Azami (thus their decision to have the twins) by the time of the main story and they’re at their best right now and I’ll explain more in details below the cut.
I’ll put it under the cut because it’s going to be a long one as I try to summarize Takashi’s and Azami’s history together and some additional lore stuff for those who are interested.
For starter, his marriage to Azami was an arranged one that both of them didn’t really have any say in it and it doesn’t help that both of them didn’t even have time to properly get to know each other by the time they got married. They were also pretty young (around early to mid 20s perhaps? I don’t have my notes open right now).
It was a… politically strategic wedding that Takashi’s father and Azami’s maternal grandfather arranged.
And additional info since I don’t think I have mentioned this anywhere actually, but Azami’s maternal side of family is a Yakuza clan/family back in Japan and by establishing some kind of family relationship with the Aikawas—who focuses their businesses in the US—they hope to keep the door open for possibilities of expanding their own business abroad in the US through the Aikawas. They haven’t really done that, but it’s nice to already have and secure the connection. And vice versa for the Aikawas if they wanna do some business in Japan.
It doesn’t help that Viktor was literally Takashi’s first love and that they’ve known each other since they were kids. So, by the time of his marriage, Takashi didn’t really have enough time to kind of, let go or grow out of his feelings for his first love and he was basically getting married to a stranger.
But to think that this means that he automatically becomes an emotionally distant husband and father is wrong. He spent time talking and hanging out with Azami (mostly initiating them first because Azami is the more introverted and reserved one in their relationship), trying to build a relationship—that should’ve been built naturally in normal marriages—with his wife. It did end up being more like a platonic relationship at first than a romantic one, but still, Azami appreciated that.
He’s also a good, caring, and warm dad for Rin and he did take care of Rin as much as Azami did. I’ve said this before in another ask, but when she got married to what is basically a stranger, Azami expected the worse and Takashi was a very pleasant surprise for her.
I think along the way, Azami fell in love with him for real first, but the fact that Takashi still saw her more of a platonic partner and still had romantic feelings for Viktor at the time… It did put a strain on their marriage.
But both of them didn’t really give up on their marriage and even though it took years, they slowly work on their relationship. It was not an instant progress but over time, Takashi ends up falling in love with Azami as well and that’s also the reason why they had the twins like more than a decade after they had Rin (The twins are still very young in the story right now).
Rin was born because of both of their families’ pressure and expectation, but having the twins is the decision that Takashi and Azami made themselves out of love.
While his feelings for Viktor is still there somewhere in the background, it’s waay weaker and fainter than when he was younger. Right now in the story, I would say he has moved on, although he still remembers his first love occasionally, especially around the time of his death. After all, they say that you can’t really forget your first love.
But yeah, in the story currently, his relationship with his wife is at its best and he’s living happily with his family.
And while a part of his motivation to get Rin to marry MC is in part to kind of fulfilling an impossible dream of his, it is also just for… practical reasons. The fact is that the Aikawas have a little bit more to gain by tying the Morozovs in an alliance based on blood ties than the Morozovs do. The Morozovs have the stronger manpower and raw force/strength and nowadays, they have decent connections too.
I mentioned this before in the past ask about the two families’ history, but their alliance started out because the Aikawas were having a pretty rough time protecting their turf from the other criminal groups and families back in New York. They mostly have power by accumulating and brokering information and connections, but they’re a bit lacking in like raw force and power, and that’s where Grandpa Morozov saw the opportunity for alliance and went to talk with Takashi’s father. And the rest we know how it plays out.
So, yeah… I think that’s all I have to say in this post and I’ll definitely be referring to this post again if I ever get similar asks. I don’t know whether it helps you understand Takashi a little bit more or not, but I do hope it’s not as black and white as it once was 😅
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concreteparasite · 10 months
I have horrible taste in men so naturally Double ended up being my favorite lmao, what are some facts you can share with us about him?
Double is a total psycho. I intentionally keep his more recentish backstory with MC kinda vague because I want people to be able to spin their own stories about MC and Double's interactions.
Here is some lore that isn't really touched on in the game:
- Double and MC are childhood sweethearts. Double has a really bad time growing up and because of it latched onto MC when they showed him kindness (defended him from bullying) Double sees MC as his one only 'family member' which is why he is PISSED when MC ditches him, he has abandonment issues stemmed DEEP from childhood and everything he has done up to that point is to guarantee MC won't leave him. So MC leaving him was next level betrayal for him.
Double was very sweet on MC as a kid he was bullied and MC stood up for him. Then when Double's affections were not received (or more likely) misunderstood he ended up using his ability to gain fame amongst their peers and started teasing, bulling and butting heads with MC while in middleschool. In highschool he kinda watched from afar and swooped in to become friends with MC senior year, where after they kinda just stayed together, college and on. In Double's mind it was always only MC all along. Which is why he says "more than family"
- I was thinking about making small character bios (but ultimately decided not to so I didn't feature creep) but in Double's bio for 'attraction' I was going to write: "Fortune favors the bold, and so does Double". Meaning that Double is attracted to bold personalities, someone that will push back against him and won't back down until they get what they want. Which is why by being rude to him or blunt towards him you will gain love points lol. Double likes a bad bitch.
- Double doesn't really feel 'love' in the same way most people do. He feels desperation , possessiveness, and anger, but 'love' is something that is a very...distant feeling for someone like him. He is a manipulator and ultimately a selfish person. He doesn't care much about MC's wellbeing, just that they will stay around.
- On Double's ending he leaves the front door open for MC to see if they will get away. He wants to watch them escape with their own determination. He is also smart enough to know that if he hangs around the apartment for too long Binary Star will find him and kill him. Ultimately, Double values his own life above everything else, so he isn't willing to bat the hornets nest unless he knows MC still has some force of will in them to get away. And that they are far enough away that they won't be under the watchful eye of Binary Star.
- Double studied architecture in college before he and MC dropped out into a life of crime. MC needed the money, so Double was game to help, as his ability (teleportation) is very useful.
- Double's weapon of choice is a black fixed blade tactical bowie knife.
- Double is 5'10
I left MC's ability (or lack thereof) vague because I wanted the player to decide if their MC had an ability or not and what it was.
Anyways, there's some facts off the top of my head. Anything else you are wondering, feel free to ask 💕
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desultory-novice · 4 months
Will MariPav continue, or is it, like, canceled?
"Ides Loss Bautifal Sarla~"
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I know I'm Dess of the Frequently Neglected Promises, but I hold that the day "Marionettes' Pavane" is cancelled is the day I leave the fandom for good and not a moment before.
I'll admit I have splurged on sword boy content as art therapy for the past long while because I was in a rough place and he was good therapy as NO ONE is in as bad a place as Noi-... :cough cough: but trust me that I am absolutely ill about these two, and the reason you don't see me writing and drawing little sketches for them all the damn time is that, unlike the siblings' story, where I've been writing their lore off the cuff (ie: ma~king it up~) based on fan response, THEIR story is intricately plotted out, so there is slightly less room for the many randomly inspired side content that the siblings get.
(...Because I already wrote ALL of those down and worked them into the script!)
Also, I'm still supposed to be resting my eyes right now XD
Title source is EXEC_SPHILIA from Ar Tonelico 2, btw. One of several songs on my MariPav Marxolor inspirational playlist. The lyrics, the back and forth, it is so them in the context of this story.
Betrayed by the world...
...You and I are much alike...
Finding comfort in their mutual, smiling hatred of every.goddamn.thing. They are such antagonists! Sympathetic ones, tragic backstories included, but oh they burn with the desire to wreck stuff (and look good while doing it, sure)
And yes, call it cliche but MariPav Marx can sing really beautifully. When he wants to, that is. Marx can and WILL sing bad on purpose to annoy people and put them off guard of his true vocal capabilities. (Should he ever step up to the mic alongside Kirby... run.)
Magolor, just like in canon, has a fondness and innate talent for a variety of different musical instruments. He rarely had the leisure to practice but the reveal of Marx's singing capabilities sparked something in him and he has since taken them more seriously.
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descendant-of-truth · 2 years
I've been wondering if I should make this post for a while, but I'm just gonna come out and say it: the Sonic movies are not pro-military just because Tom is a police officer. I'd argue that the movies are pretty anti-military, actually.
So, let's talk about Tom first, since he's kind of the elephant in the room with this discussion. Tom is the sheriff to a small town where he rarely has to deal with any real crimes; he usually deals with more trivial problems like people's cars breaking down, and we see him help a family of ducks cross the street.
He's an officer partly out of a sense of obligation (reportedly his family has held this position in some way for over 50 years), and partly because he wants to be in a position where he can protect people in serious situations. His goal at the start of the first movie is to start working in a bigger city where he can be more helpful.
I won't say that Tom isn't something of an idealized vision of a cop, and that in the wrong hands, he could easily be used as a form of military promotion. But I think Tom is like this for a different, more specific reason: to be used as a sharp contrast to literally every other government official we see.
Question: who exactly is the villain in the first Sonic movie? Robotnik, yes, but who is he? What does he represent?
Well, he's pretty much the face of the military.
Robotnik is under direct orders from the government to look into the power outage incident, and that turns into a mission to capture (and experiment on) Sonic - and regardless if Robotnik was authorized to use lethal force, he does so anyway.
And the thing is, all of the higher-ups know he's unhinged and dangerous, but he keeps his job because he gets results regardless of his methods. Heck, the first thing we see him do is lie to Tom about who he is and what he's there for so he can get inside his house to search it. Not exactly the most flattering portrayal of military investigations.
(He even gets punched by Tom after forcing his way into the house anyway)
Tom then proceeds to spend the rest of the movie on the run from the government, going out of his way to protect Sonic (who is quite literally an illegal alien) at the risk of his own livelihood. Clearly, adhering to his job description is not something the movie views as morally correct here.
Second question: who's the villain of the second movie? Still Robotnik, but he's not employed by the government anymore, so he can't really represent them anymore, right?
No, but considering Sonic's adopted family was actively manipulated by a government spy, who was meant to marry his new aunt in order to target him, and Sonic proceeds to get tased and thrown into a cage along with Tails by the other military personnel present at the fake wedding... I think it's safe to say that they are, once again, a central antagonistic force in this series.
(Yeah they do a funny where the spy turns out to have fallen in love for real, but I think we can all agree that was done for the sake of keeping a whimsical tone and not to endorse what was actually happening with the government there)
Which brings us to the third movie, which is still unreleased at the time of writing this. And one final question: how exactly do you think they're planning to write an adaptation of Sonic Adventure 2?
They've already set GUN up as the villains. That alone is central to Shadow's backstory, and the writers have clearly done their homework on Sonic lore. And even if they've somehow wildly missed the messaging of the franchise they've made two successful movies off of, the fact of the matter is that there is no adapting SA2 without anti-military sentiments. Like, they would have to work pretty hard and completely butcher both the game and their own movies up to this point for that to come out being pro-military.
This part's more in speculation territory, but here's a thought: what do you think Tom is going to do when he finds out what happened to Shadow?
Remember, Tom is an idealized small town sheriff who has this job out of obligation. He hasn't had to deal with the darker side of all this stuff until he started protecting Sonic, which - just as a reminder - has led to his house being searched, his car being cut in half, Sonic almost getting killed at least twice, his sister-in-law being manipulated, Sonic and Tails getting locked in cages... I'm probably even missing a few things.
Once everything that happened 50 years ago comes to light (especially if the theorists are right about Tom's family having been involved in it), I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he just. quit being a police officer. or got into activism. or both.
But even if we limit the analysis to just the two movies that are out right now, I struggle to see how "Tom shirks his duties to protect an alien child from being experimented on by the government" is in any way a pro-military sentiment.
In conclusion: basically every problem in the Sonic movies is the fault of the government in some way, so can we please stop talking about the series as if Tom is singlehandedly making them pro-military, now. Thanks
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cryptids-and-muses · 7 months
Post canon homestuck crew play Dungeons and Dragons
Karkat and terezi
Co dms
Unstoppable when actually working together
Terezi will get sidetracked messing with karkat
Karkat trying to write a deep and well fleshed out campaign that’s thematically resonant vs terezi’s desire for chaos and traps and trying to “trick” her players FIGHT
Terezi believes in karma and will make the world bend to this
Karkat is trying to set up romance arcs and argues about how it adds to the theming
Dave draws them fanart of their characters. Terezi loves it while karkat argues about accuracy before admitting yes he also appreciates it
Calliope also does fanart and karkat praises her skill and accuracy unlike some people
Arcane trickster rogue
Forest gnome
Just a goofy little guy!
Mostly just playing to have fun, starts off with a fun but simple character who develops over time
Ends up SUPER invested and taking this so so seriously
Karkat worked a dramatic reveal into the, in his words, “bare ass bones two paragraphs that a fucking wiggler could have written backstory” and John did not see it coming and loved it
Goes head to head with terezi a lot on her various traps she designs for them. She is getting more and more absurd with it. Karkat had to talk to her about breaking the world building with things she’s introducing. He is the only rogue. Send help.
Drow warlock
Tries to justify picking drow as anything other than she just thought it was cool
Nearly went old ones for patron but settled on archfey for story reasons
Has a 10 page lore document detailing her tragic past and her toxic relationship with her patron
It became 15 pages after going back and forth with karkat for a bit and adding even more
Only her and one other person are taking the romance arcs seriously and they become karkat’s favorite players
Tries playing morally ambiguous but terezi can be annoying about that and claims it’s just “the consequences of her actions”
Her and karkat both get very very into the scenes between her and her patron, the drama! The acting! Dave is uncomfortable and karkat brushes it off, it’s not like him role playing as his sister’s abusive girlfriend is weird. It’s in fact very important to the plot Dave
Has written fanfic of the campaign
Dragonborn barbarian
Path of the beast
Don’t ask me I just know
Her GLEE when she says “I’m gonna rage :D”
ANIMAL COMPANION! She nearly went ranger just for that but knew she wouldn’t have as much fun. Found a way to get one anyway.
It was harder naming her animal companion than her character
Having fun and likes the problem solving side of things, but likes breaking things with her massive strength just as much
Terezi likes to throw stuff at her, both traps and encounters, and finds it funny if she can just wreck her way through
“See John that’s how you deal with a pressure plate trap”
Takes the rp side of things very seriously
Once argued with Karkat over if her favorite npc would do that and cursed him out
Has read roses fanfic of the campaign
Plays a teifling with grey skin and orange horns
“What are you talking about karkat this is just my dude, don’t you like him?”
Hellus Jeffus
He’s a valor bard, eventually multiclasses paladin
Starts out just trying to mess with people but like John starts getting into it, though he tries to down play it
Have hellus more of himself than he realized and it’s making him face things about himself
Eventually hellus self sacrifices to save the party in this deeply intense moment. There were tears, Dave was wrecked, they went on a whole quest to revive him. It was touching and karkat is smug
Dave might have worked through some things
Halfling cleric
Her and John are small buddies!!!
Started out life but wasn’t having a lot of fun with it so with terezi’s permission switched to war or tempest with later s few levels in fighter
Her John and Jade are the biggest front liners, John’s character ends up really close with both of them as it’s easier for the rogue to bond with the person giving them sneak attack
Jade and jane’s character have an in game arm wrestling match
Took a bit to get into the rp side of things but eventually got the hang of it
Tabaxi, easily, it’s so obvious
After much deliberation settles on glamour bard (though wizard and rogue were tempting for the joke, she wanted to branch out)
So many horny bard jokes but very little actual follow through, karkat gets frustrated by this as she’s all this talk but isn’t pursuing any of the romance options he’s giving her
She has SECRETS! She is HIDING THINGS!! Her cheery persona is a FASADE!!!
Cue complaining to karkat about how hard it is to wait to tell the others about her secrets and him threatening violence if she tells anyone before the in game reveal
She tells jake
Lots of egging on Dave and helping him with his fucking around
The BOND between her and Dave!!! They are the duo to end all duos. Team rocket type shit. There is nothing stronger than the bond between the bards of the party. My theory is it has to do with trading bardic inspiration.
Half elf Druid circle of spores
Wildfire seemed fun to him but wasn’t as good
Wasn’t originally planning on being a Druid but after going over all the classes he liked all the customization and decisions that go into Druid like prepared spells and such
Didn’t really think about his backstory much, just improved something. He keeps improving new additions and it’s getting more and more elaborate and complicated. He has multiple hidden and long lost siblings by this point. Still doesn’t write any of this down. If he messes a detail up he justified it with more improv.
Yes his character has spiked up red hair and sunglasses. Don’t question how the Druid got sunglasses karkat.
Really likes the tactics side of things, he’s even pitched a few things to terezi she updated and later worked in
Sometimes works on plans and strategies out of game or making a million back up characters that play off the others in interesting mechanical ways
Is considering becoming a dm some time
Needed some help making his character, he just didn’t know where to start
Eventually after much discussion settles on a teifling bladesong wizard
Wanting to get away from his usual adventurer style Roxy helped with the backstory and they came up with this evil scientist raised in a cult who’s good hearted but was never taught right and wrong
He gets very into playing him and his moral struggle but can lean a little too good for his backstory, karkat points this out and Jake swears to get better at it
Dave pitched a lot of names for them and it was eventually settled on “Bernard Gunn” even though he has a sword. Jake just likes how it sounds
“Why is he blue jake?” “…..uhhh” “why is he blue?”
Teifling Druid with a focus on healing
Circle of shepards
Not a troll color pallet like Dave though, honestly it might get a bit trickster
Beautiful backstory that she coordinated with one of the others to make joint. The most obvious choice is Roxy but I think it was actually jade, Jane or John.
She gets so into it you guys, like so into it
Gives at least one dramatic speech completely on the fly
The other character who takes karkat’s romance arcs seriously and his other favorite player
Has also argued with terezi about world building and consistency. This may put her above rose in karkat’s eyes
Was also allowed to read rose’s fanfiction and offered full on reviews
Also considering going into doing but for the opposite reasons to Dirk
Fairy artillerist artificer with a dip in war magic wizard
Min maxxed to hell and back
(Technically there was a better race, but fairy has its own advantages and she couldn’t resist)
An elaborate backstory too with some secrets of her own, I’m thinking full on lost princess
Yes she is That Player, you know the one
Has nearly been kicked multiple times and now won’t leave on principle
Not the best at sticking with the party and not just doing whatever she wants, but suprisingly Dirk has been able to talk her into it with his talk of tactics and playing smart
Second most effective is John who just looks at her like “vriska you’re not making this very fun :(“
Fire genasi ranger
Really tried to get into it but this just isn’t her thing so eventually decided to leave the group
Karkat came up with a fun story reason for her to leave and eventually brought her character back as an Npc
Did help rose make a cosplay of her character, after which John, Calliope, and Roxy wanted to make ones too
Vriska eventually tried to “manipulate” into helping her make one for her character
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koboldfactory · 6 months
Oh dear, I was sleeping when you needed asks to lift your spirits… I’m so sorry. However, I don’t think it’s too late to make you feel better. With that said, here’s a short essay on why you are an amazing artist deserving plenty of support and care.
First of all, your artistic skills is among the best I have ever seen. There’s no denying your character designs are stellar; from their wide range of body types to their intriguing backstory, they never get old. However, your creativity doesn’t stop here. It seeps on concept art and writing. I remember when I saw your desert concept art (with Rad on it) on Patreon; it was so good that I let out an audible “WOW!”. I know you haven’t published any concrete story, but the lore, world building and character backstory scattered in your posts got me hooked! I consider myself pretty picky when it comes to writing, but yours is among the only one I enjoy to the fullest.
Second of all, kobolds. Kobolds are great. Don’t you think kobolds are great? I love kobolds. Kobolds are amazing creatures: kobolds can yip, kobolds can scream, kobolds can run really fast, kobolds can roll really fast, and kobolds can kobold. I think kobolds should be admired. Kobolds are loyal to their Kobold-hoarding dragon, no matter what happens to the kobolds. Kobolds are such fascinating creatures. Did I tell you how much I love kobolds? Kobolds are great. Don’t you think kobolds are great? I love kobolds. Kobolds are amaz-
Last but not least… you (no, this isn’t some weirdo’s confession, please keep in mind it’s just platonic compliment from a fan). I don’t know you outside social media, but what I have seen on tumblr and twitter, I can tell you are an amazing individual. Despite being caught by adult life shenanigans, you still find time to defend your friend’s and other’s NSFW content from purists. You have so much stress burdened on your shoulders, yet I see you reblog/retweet fan art and write a compliment to artists. Your mental resilience is something to behold!
In conclusion, you are a wonderful person who deserves all the love and support. As mentioned previously, your creative characters, music, art and writing is something I and others inspire to achieve, and your ability to held your head on tempestuous waters is worth looking up upon. Finally, just so you know, most of us (your followers) will root you and your journey until the end of time, be it with money of praise.
May you have a wonderful December, full of joy.
PS: y’all should sub to her patreon, you won’t regret a single penny. Great WIPS, in-depth game-dev updates and glorious concept art!
But most importantly…
Giant Women
This is genuinely so heartfelt and sweet I don’t even know what to say. Like I do my best to make stuff I like and it’s not lost on me that a lot of other people like it too, but seeing stuff like this put into words has me all the more motivated and encouraged to keep making as much art as I can for as long as I can. Y’all are awesome for real. And thank you so much for all the support!!
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amethystfairy1 · 4 months
hi!! i absolutely love your travelling thieves au, ive reread it probably a concerning amount but something about the characterisation is just very dsjkghksjgh and i love them, your writing style, the lore and the world you've created. i was wondering if i could request some mumbo or scar lore while we await the next part? <3
Hello, hello! ✨
I'm so glad you're enjoying Traveling Thieves and the characterization therein! It's been so wonderful to hear everyone is enjoying the characters and their style so much!
Elusive Scar and Mumbo lore, huh? Let's see...
So, Scar and Mumbo are con artists, and they've been working and traveling together for the past four years. Before they met, Scar was a lone grifter with the Swagon, but it was running badly considering it was a stolen retrofitted redstone wagon, and Mumbo is the one who really geared it up to be the home on wheels and getaway vehicle they needed. Mumbo was a member of the mercenary guild previous to meeting Scar, and as we know he never gave up his membership, but he doesn't do work for them anymore.
The two of them have a network of clients all over the continent and tend to support themselves mainly on thievery, contraband transport, money laundering, and the like.
Scar is a nature elf, and therefore he doesn't kill. He doesn't disagree with the concept of resorting to lethal force whenever necessary, but he doesn't like it, and will always try to find another solution first. Therefore, despite his occupation and the sorts of jobs he does, Scar has actually never killed anyone.
Mumbo has killed many people in his time as a mercenary, but after he met Scar he swore off lethal force as well. We're gonna get to know how this exactly went down and why Mumbo is so vehemently against killing at this point in his life, but he is in the same boat as Scar where he doesn't think killing in and of itself is bad, especially in self defense, but he himself has sworn to never take a life again.
I don't wanna give away anything else because I have big plans for the stories that will eventually delve into Scar and Mumbo's backstory before they met Grian, and even before they met each other! It's gonna be lots of fun, so please look forward to it!
Thanks for coming by! 💖
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jujumin-translates · 2 months
Tsuzuru Minagi | [SSR] MANKAI Feature | Today’s Star: Merlin - Part 2
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Tsuzuru: …So I asked if I could have some time to think about it, but now I don’t know what to do.
Citron: We should make good use of this!
Chikage: I understand your concerns, though.
Itaru: But in terms of the story, I’d say it’s a triple win-win, a win-win-win, if you will.
Itaru: MANKAI Company gets to do a spin-off performance for Merlin.
Itaru: End Links gets to make a connection with MIZUNO Enterprises. And finally…
Chikage: As for MIZUNO Enterprises… well, it may be a bit self-centered, but they can help us.
Chikage: Well, it’s just logical, so I don’t see any problems.
Itaru: And I want more of that sweet Merlin lore.
Itaru: If we end up doing this, maybe it could be like a backstory for something we did during the stageplay. Like why Merlin came to King Arthur.
Chikage: Wouldn’t that mean we wouldn’t get to see a lot of Lancelot? Are you fine with not getting screen time?
Itaru: Well, actually, I’m dying to be Lancelot again.
Itaru: But considering the original introductory OP movie, Lancelot absolutely would not have been there!
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Citron: Ohh, there is Itaru’s specialty, gamer talk.
Itaru: We do not deviate from canon in this household.
Chikage: So we’re going Lancelot-less because of your attention to detail?
Tsuzuru: Ughh…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: …Alright.
Citron: Good job on writing. Have some of the jasmine tea that I made!
Tsuzuru: Thanks. …Phew.
Citron: I just got this tea from Zahra today.
Tsuzuru: Really? It smells really good.
Citron: I will tell Mika to send it again.
Citron: …How is the script going?
Tsuzuru: Fine. I still have to show it to Hoshii-san, though.
Tsuzuru: (Now I just have to figure out my role study…)
Citron: I will do whatever I can to help.
Tsuzuru: …I don’t think it’s a good idea to ask for help with this sorta thing too much.
Tsuzuru: After all, weren’t all the bad people who tried to instigate you part of the royal family?
Citron: …Yes. But it cannot be helped.
Citron: If he truly is a kind-hearted king, he surely cannot leave his people, even if they are evil… I think.
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Tsuzuru: …King Arthur too?
Citron: Perhaps. No wise king would leave his people wounded and alone.
Citron: I think Merlin knew King Arthur was like that, and that is why he was able to get in and deceive him.
Citron: J~ust a consideration I had with Itaru.
Tsuzuru: Merlin really is unimaginably evil, huh…
Citron: That is a mannerism some humans have too!
Tsuzuru: …But, thanks to you, I have a solid course of action.
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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coraniaid · 2 months
I think there's something fascinating about the evolution of Darla as a character in the Buffyverse.
It's very common in the Buffy fandom to talk about the show almost as if it were fully planned out from the beginning or somehow emerged fully-formed one day in its entirety.  To analyze Season 1 episodes as if the writers had already decided on the Heart/Mind/Spirit symbolism of the core Scooby Gang; to act as though a Season 5 retcon means that Spike was really in love with Buffy as early as Season 3's Lovers Walk; to suggest the constant changes in how the show deals with soul lore or vampires as a metaphor must mean that Giles and the Council were 'really' lying or ignorant in the first few seasons; to wonder what the Watchers Council introduced in Season 3 were doing in the show's first two seasons; to insist you can't really understand Season 1 until you've finished Season 7.
And, look, I totally get the temptation to do that sort of thing.  It's unavoidable if you want to talk about the universe of the show as a real thing in its own right, or try to write fanfiction that takes every season seriously.  It can be a useful and interesting way of thinking about the show.  I've done it myself and will no doubt keep doing it.
But at the same time, it's very misleading if you want to think about the show as a constructed work of collaborative art: as a piece of fiction in constant conversation with itself, shaped and reshaped again and again over years by a team of different people.  Which, to be clear, is what it actually is.
The real show is almost a piece of improv or some sort of conjuring act, with the writers and actors constantly juggling with new ideas and twists without any time to worry about how exactly everything fits together. With some episodes reportedly being written in only a handful of days and lore being continually changed and ignored as fits the current demands of the plot.  Questions like "how does soul lore really work?" or "after Prophecy Girl who is the real Slayer anyway?" ultimately can't be answered, because there simply is no single truth to uncover.  It depends entirely on the current episode.
And I think the ever-changing character of Darla provides the best illustration of that reality.
In the original unaired pilot, Julie Benz plays an unnamed vampire who is nonetheless pretty easy to identify with the Darla we'll see in the show proper.  She has no links to Angel or Luke or the Master, because none of these characters even exist yet.  Just like in Welcome to the Hellmouth, she lures an unsuspecting victim into the high school after dark before vamping out and killing him, but by the end of the episode she is dead: gruesomely dispatched (or as gruesomely as the pilot's limited special effects budget allowed) after Willow douses her with holy water.
The two parter Welcome to the Hellmouth / The Harvest expands on her role slightly.  She has a name now, for one thing. She works for the Master, too, but she doesn't at all seem to be his favorite (she's very much subordinate to Luke in both these episodes), and there's no suggestion that she has any special connection to Angel.  (Unsurprisingly, as the show's writers hadn't even decided to make Angel a vampire at this point.)  And her ultimate fate at the end of this two-parter is unclear: just as in the pilot, Willow soaks her with holy water, and then she's ... gone?  Nobody mentions her again, she's not in scenes with the Master in later episodes which logically she should be. I'm pretty sure that, just like in the pilot, we're meant to assume she's dead.
But then Darla gets her first big break.  Angel is, it turns out, a vampire, and he needs some backstory to match.  Julie Benz obviously made a decent enough impression in the first couple of episodes, and nothing she did or said quite ruled her out as Angel's sire, and we never quite see her die. So suddenly she's back,  now the Master's favorite vampire, attacking Buffy's mother in her own home and sowing the seeds of mistrust between Buffy and Angel and ... oh, she's dead again.  Bummer.
Except then in Season 2 Angel's role expands again -- he's not just Buffy's intermittently seen vampire boyfriend anymore, he's the focus of the whole season and he's going to appear in all but one episode.  Of course, he's going to need more backstory (and we're all going to be treated to David Boreanaz's best Irish accent) so ... once again Darla rises from the ashes, albeit this time only in flashbacks.  And the Darla we see in Becoming's flashbacks is once again an evolution of the character we last saw in Season 1's  Angel.  More confident, more complex.  A character that it is honestly difficult to reconcile with the take on the character we saw last season, especially the one we swa in the show's first two episodes.
Anyway, Angel gets sent to hell in Season 2, but not before managing to (somehow) act his way into his own spin-off series.  And yes, that means more flashbacks, and more Darla, and more retcons about the precise nature of her relationship with the Master, but ultimately it means the writers decide to bring Darla back from the dead at the end of the spin-off's first season (for, depending on exactly you count it, arguably the fourth time, though only the first in-universe).  And this iteration of Darla -- both the human Darla we see in the beginning of Angel's second season, and the vampire she becomes again later that season -- is arguably the closest thing there is to a definitive take on the character.  This is the Darla people mean when they talk about her on the show.  Not the mid-level vampire of Welcome to the Hellmouth or the essentially single episode villain of Season 1's Angel, but the real deal.  Darla at her most complicated and rich and alive, a Darla whose history is hopelessly entangled with that of her on-again, off-again lover Angel, a character who provides the driving force for the spin-off show's greatest season.  A character who is, I think, one of the most  interesting to ever appear on that show.
Then the last few episodes of Season 2 completely drop Darla and all trace of the arc she introduced. When she reappears next season (in just a handful of episodes) it's so that her character can be written out of the show via mystical and impossible-by-the show's-previous-rules pregnancy in order for men to feel sad about it (but not for very long), and afterwards everything generally goes to shit.
But then, that tells you quite a lot about the Buffyverse and its creators as well.
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demodraws0606 · 4 months
The very weird plays in Tsukasa and Rui's last event and how they can be analysed and the weird detail that links them together
I made a post about this before but it was poorly made (and also not really a theory or analysis it was just me having brainworms) so I deleted it and I want to actually make an analysis about it. Unfortunatly this also means this post will be long as fuck which can be a positive or a negative depending on how you view it.
Warning for mentions of suicide and drowning
So Tsukasa and Rui both have plays that are kind of the focus of the event, to the point where wxs literally stop to basically explain to us the plot of them (in world they're just talking about it but like it's clear it's also meant for us the viewers to understand the plays they're doing).
And these two plays are already very interesting and...well dark on their own but they have a extremely strange similarity that I don't believe is a coincidence (because that would be insane) and also just kinda shakes the foundation on how colorpalet write these sorts of topics in general.
First I want to preface this by saying that me analysing these plays isn't some kind of fool's herrand as colorpalet has explicitely hid backstory information, future lore hints and overall just little bits of character into WxS's plays more often than not. Of course some plays are more explicit than others.
A huge exemple of this, is the first arc ender where the play they do to save Phennyland is one that obviously is meant to parallel Emu's backstory with her grandpa. It also stands as Very early foreshadowing between the parallels of Emu's grandpa and Tsukasa that Emu sees in Admist a Dream.
So yeah, from a writing standpoint, makes sense you don't want the plays you spent a lot of words describing to the audience to be useless especially considering colorpalet has a limited amount of time to explore these stories.
I also want to get this as early as possible before I get possible criticism because I know how this fandom acts towards analysis that delve into darker topics. Don't try and respond with "colorpalet wouldn't write something like that" or "this is too dark for colorpalet". Not only because I'm not insinuating that they will actually go full dark mode and depict something graphic.
But also because this is something that is already IN the text, I'm not making up darker themes here, that is something that colorpalet chose to add in WonderlandXShowtime's event stories. I'm only bringing up how odd this is for colorpalet and how it could relate to the overall story.
I'll bring this up later because this specific criticism gets very silly once you delve deeper into it but I don't want to stall the analysis any longer.
So now with this out of the way, let's get into the plays.
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This is the story of the first play showed in Tsukasa's event
Of course the first thing that stands out is how much darker this play is compared to well...almost anything colorpalet addresses in stories ? This definitely shocked when I first read it, there is no usage of "disappearing" and it Actually describes the method as to which the protagonist wants to end their life which the only thing close to that we see is Kanade hinting on wanting to starve herself. But I'm gonna get into how weird this is for colorpalet later.
Extremely dark topics aside you can easily draw parallels to this story to Nene and Rui specifically already. The story is vague enough that those parallels don't hold too much water (ahaha get it) BUT it's still something that I feel is important to point out nontheless.
Nene and Rui were both unsuccesful in their dreams before the main story. Nene having given up going on stage and Rui never being able to be a director being forced to use robots for his plays.
Both were pretty jaded and well "worn out" until they met Tsukasa and Emu which would be a stand in for the protagonist of this play going through various encounters with many people and deciding to live a little longer.
(The reason I don't compare this protagonist to Tsukasa and Emu here is because I don't think they fit as well. Tsukasa's issues wasn't being unsuccesful its more so him forgetting the reasons behind his dreams and Emu's situation while similar just doesn't feel like it fits this story in particular)
So yeah this story is pretty simple so there is not much to analyse or pick apart. I could go scene by scene but then I would be distracting from the main point I want to make so I'll just be using the simple descriptions of the overall story.
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NOW this one is a doozie, I didn't put the whole story that's described but I think compared to the last one this one is way more obvious as to what this could paralleling (or even foreshadowing if you want to be spicy).
I don't think this play is meant to be interpreted in only one way but the most obvious interpretation is the parallels to the disbandement arc. I think it particularly fits Rui in the disbandement considering how Katsuyuki is described but it can also work with Emurui in general as well.
Someone struggling meeting someone who brings joy in their life before they seemingly have to leave, said person being desperate for that not to happen.
I do think it's also meant to be a sort of double meaning here as if you have seen my cyberpunk deadboy analysis, the idea of someone leaving silently with the other trying to chase them down is something that just feels...idk intentional. But I don't have any evidence other than vibes here.
Now that I analysed these plays I want to get into the one common thread they have that is extremely baffling and concerning.
They both have the main character contemplating suicide by drowning.
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Now you can be nitpicky and point out how the play in Rui's event doesn't explicitely say that this dude wants to drown himself but I just find it more likely mostly because of how this and the description of Katsuyuki's characters are phrased.
When Katsyuki is said to be "without the will to live"
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THAT is a literal translation
Unfortunatly I'm not a japanese speaker so don't take my research with 100 pourcent certainty
However if you look at how this sentence is phrased in japanese, this translation is pretty much word for word
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And also just what Hajime says doesn't feel like what someone would say to someone if they're just leaning to close to look at the ocean or just being reckless.
Anyways now that I've made my point that there is a 95 pourcent chance this is Heavily implying Katsuyuki was plannign on drowning himself the question is....
what the fuck ?
Now one time is already a big deal considering colorpalet's insitance on censoring explicit mentions of suicide and for it to be implied twice in the span of two events in a row ? And have it be specifically be by drowning both times ?????
I don't understand people just brushing this off because Colorpalet Actively chose to make the plays like this. These plays often take a large portion of the screentime, and I've showcased how they can hold story significance so such a blatant connection between them feels extremely intentional.
This is why complaints about expecting Colorpalet to get too dark and that it's unrealistic would be legitmatly silly because what's more unrealistic ?
That colorpalet has tackled this dark topic twice in a row to foreshadow or hint at possible topics that will be addressed in the future of WxS's story ? Weither it's through flashbacks or implications like 25ji OR even just symbolism.
Or that colorpalet just went and made the plays needlessly dark, for no reason ?????? Twice in a row with it being drowning both times ??????? With the same actor and both being the protagonist of the play ?????? Have those plays that take a lot of screentime being described just being completely devoid meaning ???????
I think I made my case about why the fandom's usual kneejerk reaction wouldn't make sense here, this isn't a "X character is secretly suicidal/depressed" situation.
Either way, I actually don't legitematly know what this could entail. This is clearly important enough that colorpalet is obviously shoving it in our faces but I do not know the meaning of it towards WxS's story just yet.
It could be hints at some of the members backstory (BTW by that I mean it could be hints at basically anything, it doesn't have to be explicitely 1/1 "they wanted to drown themselves") specifically Rui considering how suspicious they are at handling ms Rui but that is it's own can of wringling worms. But that could also be my fav character bias speaking tbf.
It could also just be meant to be some kind of like, message of colorpalet saying that they are willing to go darker with WxS's storyline if necessary. In a way showing that the gloves are off if they're not censoring dark topics that they usually censor.
Anyways I'm not delving further into it because otherwise i'd get into unhinged rants but honestly this subject just gives me so much brainworms because legit what the Fuck is colorpalet doing rn.
They are being so weird for literally no reason with WxS's story and I just have to sit back and watch them just drop weird shit out of nowhere.
Edit : One of my friends pointed out how one of them is a movie and one of them is a play and i realised I might've mixed those words up while writing this so yeah 😭
#project sekai#rui kamishiro#tsukasa tenma#emu otori#nene kusanagi#prsk#pjsk#prsk analysis#pjsk analysis#wxs#wonderlandxshowtime#tw suicide#tw drowning#tw mentions of suicide#warning before you interract with this post though#I'm doing this for fun#I appreciate wanting to give feedback but it kinda just kills the vibe for me#I'm sorry for being so defensive in a majority of the post but I feel like this is necessary considering what I know about the fandom#This is also not an invitation to try and criticise my post anyways just block and move on#This fandom just gets really touchey when people try and do analysis like this which I understand considering some rlly bad analysis#have come out of completely forgetting how colorpalet writes stories but like#that is very much not what i'm doing the topics are THERE i'm just reacting to them#And also just the “colorpalet wouldn't do that its unrealistic” is like pretty much not something I can argue against completely because#the point in itself is not based on evidence like we will never know how far colorpalet would go until they Go There#(also if you believe i'm vagueposting about someone through these constant warnings you'd be kind of right but like this is also just to#(make sure i'm understood because the last I post I made definitely gave people the wrong vibe which is my bad)#(these analysis mean a lot to me#personally so I want to make sure that this keeps being fun for me)#(anyways rlly sorry for the rant in the tags eirfuezij)#TLDR : i don't mean harm towards anyone if you don't agree with me it's in your full right but don't try and jump into the rb's to argue
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concreteparasite · 4 months
If someone was to make fanfiction involving Ray is there any kind of backstory/personality/situation you wouldn’t see working with your character and story?
I’m making a thing but my mc, who I reuse a lot, is a hero and rather overpowered with a pretty overwhelming lore attached to him so I want to know if there anything that wouldn’t really fit with the story.
(I’ve already figured out how to make the criminal and ex-boyfriend parts fit in)
I'll be honest, I am not really picky with how my characters are portrayed at all. I'm not someone who sees fanfiction of my characters and think 'He wouldn't fucking say/do that!!' I think every interpretation of my characters written by somebody else has a little reflection of them in it :) and I kinda find that beautiful.
And tbh that is why I don't answer a lot of asks I get that are structured like 'What would Ray do in X circumstance' because I think people should be able to make their own theories or craft their own plotlines in their head without me dictating exactly how he would act under every specific circumstance.
And you don't even have to work off of the backstory I used in the game, feel free to write your own AU that fits with your character if you like!
So TLDR, go nuts, have fun, and I hope I can read it when you're done 🥰💖!
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