#but I think the father/son mutual adoption relationship is more interesting
jeraliey · 1 year
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This is one of my favorite relationships in fiction. -Jack's character is defined significantly by the loss of his son at a young age. -Daniel also lost his parents at a young age.
The two of them fall very solidly into a respectful friendship that has VERY strong father-son overtones. You can see it whenever they get in a disagreement. Jack's exasperation-flavor is very annoyed-dad. Daniel's exasperation-flavor is very dad-why-won't-you-listen-to-me.
They mutually step into the role that the other needs filled, without discussion or acknowledgement. They ALWAYS have each other's backs, even when they're fighting. Their love for each other is unconditional.
They both get a second chance at the relationship type that was lost to them.
(And, since Daniel is a linguist, names are very important. So it doesn't escape me that HIS name breaks down to Daniel, Jack's-son.)
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waystarresourceco · 8 months
It occurs to me as I was recently rewatching Chiantishire that something I didn’t pay attention to the first time around is how Caroline handles discussions of the past, particularly the Logan-Caroline divorce and its aftereffects. Unlike Logan, who basically bulldozes his way through memories to reconstruct a future he can handle, Caroline’s engagement in ‘the past’ seems dependent on who she’s talking to.
Long Caroline-Shiv-Kendall post beneath the cut.
I get the sense from Chiantishire that Shiv wasn’t very aware of the details of the divorce. She didn’t really know how or why Caroline left – just that her mother wasn’t there. And in her absence, Logan’s narrative became Shiv’s truth: Caroline didn’t want her – didn’t even care enough to fight to keep her in her life. So fine. Shiv doesn’t want her either. And in Italy, she let Caroline know that.
And then something interesting happens - Caroline actually engages. She admits that she wasn’t the greatest mother in one breath and brandishes a verbal knife with another. “I may have been a bit of a spotty mother but you’ve been a shitty daughter.” It’s vicious all the way around, but it’s a kind of mutual wounding. It’s a conversation. The past is painful, but it’s open for renegotiation. Because underneath it all, there’s the heart of something still alive between the two of them.
But with Kendall...with Kendall there’s nothing left to engage in because the distance is already too great.
In the cut scene from Pre-Nuptial, we get this gem:
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Here, Kendall tries to forgive Caroline for the same “abandonment” Shiv brings up in Chiantishire, but it’s met with a very different response from Caroline. Instead of an acknowledgement of being a “spotty mother,” Caroline goes on the offensive. She presses him on the double standard he’s applying to her because this is an old hurt, one that has its roots in how Kendall is always Logan’s, even when he’s privy to details that should make him think differently.
There’s an underlying implication in Caroline’s response that suggests Kendall has much more of a picture of what led to the divorce than Shiv does. As the oldest, the heir, and Logan’s sometimes confidant, Kendall would have likely had a front row seat to the breakdown of his parents’ marriage. To the moment Logan banished Caroline from her children’s lives. And while he might not have known everything, to Caroline he was capable of knowing the difference between leaving and being pushed out.
And her son’s blame? It’s not unexpected. Kendall has always been Logan’s. Was stamped with his father’s name from the moment he was born. But that doesn’t make it sting any less when her first born, the one she sees her temperament in, sides with the man forcing her out. And while I think Caroline and Kendall weren’t particularly close before the divorce, I can imagine this being the fracture that was never set. An injury that never quite healed right, unable to support the weight of a relationship from that point forward.
Sure, Caroline will coo when she sees him. But that’s because she loves all of her children – including Kendall. Because no matter what, she really does want to be in their lives. But she won’t engage with him the way she will with Shiv because there’s a world of difference between Shiv, who has the ability to one day understand her, and Kendall, who has already chosen not to. So really, what is there left to say? Kendall’s made it clear; he’s chosen to become his father’s creature, to adopt his narrative and echo his actions – and Caroline can’t stomach suffering his blame. But with Shiv? Maybe some day, if they keep at it, they’ll end up on the same page.
As a general note, these relationships are obviously super complex and have a lot more going on than just musings about the divorce so to save this from getting too long and disorganized, second and third parts on Shiv and Caroline and on Kendall and Caroline already in the works haha. Will go back and link them all together as they’re written and posted. If you made it to the end – thank you for listening to the ramblings of an insane Carolinegirl.
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stop-ugly · 9 months
Harry loves his adoptive fathers very much, but he also knows everything about his real parents. There are pictures of Lily and James in every room.
Harry spent his childhood with rock music.
As soon as the next new model of a children's broom appears in stores, Sirius tries to buy it for Harry right away. Remus does not approve of such actions and believes that Sirius spoils his godson.
Quite early, Harry begins to show the character inherited from...... Lily. Sirius pretends to groan that there are two bores in this house now.
Sirius still spends every full moon with Remus, and Harry stays with his aunt Andromeda.
At first, Remus continued to look for work, but he was refused everywhere because of lycanthropy. In the end, Sirius got tired of it, and he forced his husband to stay at home, because, thanks to the inheritance of the Potters and Blacks, they do not need money.
Every Halloween, Remus, Sirius and Harry go to the Potter's grave.
Once wolfstar tried to come to Dursleys. They wanted Harry to meet his cousin. Petunia and Vernon turned out to be homophobic as well as wizard-hating. And Dudley was a spoiled bully. Harry didn't want to go back to that house.
In this universe, Harry does not try to hide his scar, because Sirius diligently teaches his husband and son that you should never be ashamed of yourself.
One day, Harry tells Remus and Sirius that he would like to have a brother or sister. And before Remus can start a Conversation™, Sirius interrupts him: "Harry, you may not have noticed, but we're gay."
Harry is a Gryffindor.
Remus had instilled in Harry a love of reading.
Harry feels comfortable in both the magical and muggle worlds.
In fact, Harry's character remains the same, but, thanks to supportive parents, he does not have that low self-esteem, hero syndrome and a huge sense of duty to the magical world. And he is no longer so easy to manipulate.
He also wants to become an animagus, but Remus insists that Sirius can only begin training Harry when he is at least 14 years old.
Harry is still great at Quidditch, but now he doesn't end up in the hospital wing after every match.
Harry has detentions much more often than in the canon, thanks to the love of pranks and adventures inherited from Sirius.
And yeah, in this universe, he's much more in touch with the Weasley twins. Although his best friends are still Hermione and Ron.
Harry is VERY cheeky.
Severus hates Harry even more than in the canon because of the character traits of Remus and Sirius. It's mutual.
Do you know what Hogwarts lacks? THE PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES.
I can see Severus scolding Harry in front of all the other parents, and Sirius is instantly furious and expresses doubt about the potion master, who can't make himself a shampoo.
Sirius thinks there's no point in coming up with new jokes when the old is still gold. AND HE'S SERIOUS.
One day after a parent-teacher conference Lucius is very rude about Sirius and Remus ' relationship. Narcissa leads her husband away, giving Wolfstar an apologetic look. Sirius is not offended, but he comes to the next conference in a rainbow-colored robe.
Remus was wearing a bisexual badge.
Dumbledore liked it.
Lucius sat red-faced throughout the conference, and as soon as it was over, he apparated away. Narcissa just laughed and suggested that her brother should have dinner together sometime.
When Hermione's passion for protecting the rights of magical creatures wakes up, Harry suddenly becomes interested too and inundates her with questions about possible solutions to the problems of werewolves.
Hermione puts two and two together, and the next time she sees Remus, she notifies him of her guess, and also expresses her full support. Remus was embarrassed but pleased.
When Harry came out to his adoptive parents as a bisexual, Sirius exclaimed happily, raising his hands in the air: "WE'RE GOING TO THE PRIDE!!"
Sirius presents himself as Casanova and the king of flirting, but when Harry needs love advice, he ALWAYS goes to Remus.
When Harry has a crush on Draco, Sirius wonders who exactly he inherited his love for the nasty Slytherins: Lily or James?
There's no way Harry's been cleaning up school shit all these years on his own. No, Harry has fathers, and they won't leave him. Never ever.
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graysonshmayson · 6 months
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FAQ- OP has offered the following info for context:
Ok part of me wanted to let this all slide, but I think some more context could be helpful!
Please take yourself and everyone else in your family to therapy?
Oh trust me, this is our behavior as medicated, therapy-going individuals, although my dad hasn’t gone to therapy consistently since he was young. Getting J to do anything that involves talking about how he feels usually involves threats of violence. 
Why is NO ONE ELSE helping your dad? 
No one can. He doesn’t really form close relationships. His closest friendships are his coworkers and he still keeps them at arm's length when it comes to personal things. SUPER hard boundaries, and he can be really scary so it's impossible to push it. Other than that, he has no family and lives alone now except for 2 of us kids and our grandpa. Our grandpa is an angel and tries to help him but ultimately my dad is so stubborn it's hard. He’s a lifesaver though, and helps a lot in connecting us to our dad and putting him in his place when he needs it. 
How many kids does your dad need? And why are they working in the company?
Well, his only biological kid is D! But there’s a lot of us and the official count is 6. He really has a soft spot for helping kids, though, because of his own experiences and so we’re kind of a haven for wayward teens. He mentors a lot of people, and they idolize him and want to help out. If he didn’t let them, they would try anyway, and that would be dangerous for everyone. Our family doesn’t end or start with blood. 
How the hell did T get involved at 14?
There’s not much of a way to say this that doesn’t sound weird, but he just started hanging around him until he got the position. I’m not going to take any slander when it comes to this, my dad is absolutely not a creep, T was just incredibly stubborn. He was getting in harm's way, so my dad decided to employ him so he was at least in charge. T’s dad was involved in an accident, and my dad took pity on him and got more involved. They were a good team. When T’s dad died, it only made sense to adopt him. 
Why not get custody of D?
I had quite a few people ask me this, and the short answer is that I didn’t want to. I have no interest in taking D away from his father, even if I disagree with his parenting sometimes. D has lost enough family, and it would only serve to destroy my relationship with both of them. My grandfather had custody of D, but he was getting up there in age, so I stepped in to help. 
Why didn’t your dad adopt you?
This was a resounding response to all of my posts, saying that I don’t owe him anything and have no legal ties to the family, so I should get out of there while I still can. The truth is, I was furious after my parents died. Even when my dad took me in, I ran away all the time, I got into fights, and I didn’t want him controlling me. I was spiraling, and I didn’t like being spoken down to, especially by him because he was absent due to his work. He thought that if he treated me as an equal instead of a child, I would respond to him better, which isn’t super wrong. Me working in the company helped us bond, and develop a mutual respect. I think he was afraid of ruining that and I know he was afraid of asserting himself as a father. When I was younger, it felt like he just didn’t want to be my dad. Sometimes I felt like I was a charity case he took on for himself, more than for me. I asked him why when I grew up, and he told me that he didn’t want to look like he was trying to replace my parents. He wanted to respect their place in my life and told me that it never meant he didn’t see me as his son. He didn’t want to come on too strong, and was too emotionally constipated to ask me how I felt about it. He recognized his mistake and fixed it, but I was too old to be legally adopted by then. I don’t even call him Dad most of the time (pretty much none of us do), but we still see him that way. 
How did J come back to life?
Basically we didn’t have the right body, and it turned out he survived and was hanging out with some shady circles for years before he came back. Probably plotting his revenge considering how dramatic he was when he came back. He’s pretty much fine, now though. Still a little shady but not committing as many crimes. He’s a good person when it comes down to it, just angry.
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hamatoclan76 · 3 years
Rise Splinter isn´t a very good parent and that´s okay.
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Look, before someone starts throwing tomatoes i want to clarify something: I like Splinter from Rottmnt and i really like Rise of the Tmnt. People who have followed me for a while know i enjoy the series and i´m sad about it how was cancelled. I also want to say that i don´t think other Splinters are 100% perfect and they have their own issues too.
What i don´t like is how the Rise of the tmnt fandom often overlooks Rise Splinter´s character flaws and pretends that he is a perfect father figure because this is not something supported by both by the narrative and his character growth.
So, what i´m going to do in this post is to examine his character flaws, his role as parent and character arc in the series. The point of this is to bring up this flaws to light, this is not a ¨character critical¨ or whatever you want to call it. It´s supposed to be character analysis, okay?
Let´s start with the short Turtle Tots short:
Link to the short:
This short is when the turtle brothers are still very young. We see that Splinter is trying to train them but he keeps watching a show he likes on TV. This short shows Splinter didn´t care about training his sons enough even when they were younger. He also leaves them with very dangerous weapons they don´t know how to use.
Splinter was already quite neglectful and careless since the start. He spend too much time watching TV rather than training his sons. It would more understandable if he was too busy working with something but here he is only watching a TV series. Later in the short he admits he should have paid more attention to the turtles and isn´t a good Sensei.
I have to say i didn´t like this short too much. I didn´t find funny the jokes of how Splinter ignores his sons for the TV series and leaves every 30 seconds. However, it provides some context for the characters and their relationship.
Now let´s talk about his characterization at the start of the series. (Season 1)
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Splinter at the start of the series is usually seen watching TV, whatever is his old movies or shows that he likes. He is rarely seen training the turtles or talking to them. Sometimes their interactions are the boys trying to ask him about something while he is watching his series. Splinter either answers them or ignores them.
He is usually so caught up in his own world that he doesn´t seem to be aware of who are the turtles fighting against until it starts biting them back. The boys usually don´t tell him about their adventures on the surface. One could argue that he assumes that they barely get in trouble and they are just playing.
In the episode ¨The Fast and the Furriest¨ Splinter ¨steals¨  Turtle Tank and takes it for a ride without Donatello´s permision. The turtles go through a lot of trouble to get the Turtle Tank back. By the end of the episode its Donatello, his son,is  the one who is putting a punishment on Splinter, who is supposed to be their father, for taking the Tank. 
While Donnie getting angry at Splinter is quite funny,this episode shows that Yoshi can be very inmature at times, if not childish. He doesn´t ask his son to allow him use the tank, puts them in danger and is scolded like a child at the end instead of him being the ¨responsible adult figure¨.
Parents being cocky or careless isn´t something very new. There are parents that act as inmature or worse than Yoshi and would never admit they did something wrong. So, i take this episode as one of the examples that Splinter does this kind of things. He isn´t this selfish and reckless all the time, just sometimes.
Another aspect is that Splinter struggles with remember his sons´ names. He calls them by their color bandana instead of their real names. This sometimes can be funny but on the long run it becomes quite disturing,Imo. There is difference between ¨calling your son with an affectionate nickname¨ and ¨not remembering your sons´ name¨. There is a point that this it becomes sad.
The tmnt wiki describes Rise Splinter´s personality as a ¨Extremely flawed (albeit loved) father figure¨. This means that he has tons of flaws but he cares about his family: One clear example is when he helps Raphael with fighting his fear in ¨Mrs. Cuddles¨. He protects the big turtle a few times from the giant puppet monster and they defeat the monster together.
Splinter cares about April O´Neil like she was part of the family too. In episodes like "Always Be Brownies" he is seen hanging out with her and helping her. He also encourages April to believe more in herself since she has tons of doubts in that episode. (Season 2).
Hamato Yoshi / Splinter´s backstory
Lets say that Yoshi didn´t have the best childhood. His biological father was missing and he is not mentioned in the flashbacks. Splinter´s mother, Atsuko, left Yoshi when he was still a kid so she would be able to perform her family duty as protector in the Hamato family.
This terrible loss made Yoshi grow bitter with his Hamato duties and martial arts. He didn´t want anything to do with his family legacy since it was the reason that his mother was forced to left him. He had an argument with his maternal grandfather and sensei, Sho, and decided to use the skills he learned in during his training to become a superstar.
After many shenanigans involving his crush on Big Mama, a very powerful yokai, and Baron Draxum, Hamato Yoshi mutated into a humanoid rat and adopted the turtles, who were about to be used as soldiers by Draxum, like their own sons.
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Splinter´s backstory explains a lot of his behaviour in the series: It´s implied his father died/left him, his own mother also left him to perform her duties and he has a very strained relationship with his grandparent. The reason of why he has so many problems when it comes to being a good father it is because he himself lacked good family support. It makes sense that he doesn´t seem to know what he is doing or why he is messy when he is takeing care of the turtles.
Speaking of that, this explains why he isn´t very involved in his sons´ training. Maybe he just doesn´t want them to carry the same burden that he did as a child or just dislikes the idea of training them because it reminds him of bad memories about his grandfather and his mother.
He also watches his old movies since it reminds him of the time he was living his life at his fullest and was doing something he enjoyed. It implies he has his mind stuck in the past, perhaps wishing he could still be human and live like superstar.
Splinter´s Character growth
Like i mentioned, Yoshi wasn´t very interested in training his sons at the start of the series. He was negletful and spent too much time watching his movies... This aspect of his character isn´t ignored.
When the turtles asked him to train him ¨The Evil League of Mutants" he put Lou-Jitsu films for them to watch, this made their sons think he wasn´t taking them seriously and decided to go out on their own. While Splinter´s intention was to show them the basics by them learning the moves from the movies, he came off as he only cared about watching said films to their sons.
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After noticing how his sons lack experience and need his help, he begans training them. Splinter gets more involved with his Hamato destiny and starts being more honest to the boys about his past as human and protector.
One episode that´s really worth of mentioning is ¨Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man¨: Splinter tricks Donatello and Mikey into going to a demolition center since he missed the old days he used to be a champion in the Battle Nexus. Donnie is very hurt when he finds out about this because he really wanted to spend more time with his father. By seeing this Yoshi realizes how his sons would like to do things together with him like hanging out. He apologizes to Donnie and tellshim that he may have lied but it is truth he wanted to spend time with him.
Along with getting more involved in his sons´s lives by teaching them and spending time with them, he lets Mikey hang out with Draxum because Mikey considers him part of the family too. (Draxum created them). He didn´t trust Draxum due to their mutual past but decides to give him a chance for Mikey´s sake.
In conclusion: In Rise of the tmnt, Splinter starts as somewhat a neglectful parent figure, sometimes acting childish and not being the best role model for their sons. Overtime he begins to understand the consequences of not training his family and gets more involved in their lives. He tries to be a responsible father despite he had tons of issues with his own family growing up. While very flawed, he has good intentions and cares deeply about his sons.
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duskstar727 · 3 years
I Read Leopardstar's Honor So You Don't Have To: A Review (Not Spoiler Free)
Oh Leopardstar. A cat who has long divided the fanbase as a leader beloved by some and despised by others. After years of waiting (for some) she was finally given her own super edition. In a word it was... underwhelming.
The book opens during Leopardstar's kithood days. The first scene is adorably heartwarming- readers are treated to Leopardkit and her denmates playing the warriors version of hide and seek, and there are some absolutely adorable moments here, such as Crookedjaw helping Leopardkit escape the seeker by whisking her away on his back, and Mudfur doting on his daughter. The scene takes a sharp turn when Skykit, one of Leopardkit's denmates, lures her away from the group to shove her head underwater and berate her for giving away Skykit's hiding place in the last round of hide and seek. Skykit's actions are startlingly cruel here, as she tells Leopardkit that she's a rotten kit that killed her own mother and that she is doomed to the dark forest like all the other murderers. This understandably disturbs and traumatizes Leopardkit, and when she speaks to her father about it, Mudfur reassures her that she is good, and that Brightsky came to him in a dream to say that Leopardkit will one day save RiverClan. Leopardkit latches on to this dream, and the book follows her through relatively disjointed moments in her life as she tries to live up to her destiny.
The pacing of the book is an absolute nightmare. We don't spend long enough in any one part of Leopardstar's life to see her have any meaningful interactions with other cats, and thus the majority of the relationships she has seem surface level at best, forced at worse, with Whiteclaw being a notable exception. She spends maybe 3 chapters as a kit, 3 as an apprentice, 3 as a warrior, 2 as a mentor, and so on. As a result, we don't actually get the opportunity to see Leopardstar learning or struggling in a meaningful way at any point. We're TOLD she's a hard worker, that she's dedicated and loyal, but the book gives you little chance to actually see it. The book slows down long enough to force an almost love story with Frogtail, which Leopardstar ultimately gives up on to focus on her work, but then a few chapters later Frogtail is dead and it's back to jumping around through her life.
The book really suffers from a lack of side characters and relationships to help things feel connected. The only real through line is this silly dream from Mudfur-not even an official prophecy- that Leopardstar focuses on to the exclusion of all else. Compare this to Crookedstar's Promise and Bluestar's Prophecy- while both books feature a greater destiny that the characters focus on throughout the book, they are given the chance to develop meaningful relationships that last for large chunks of the book. Bluestar has her relationship with her sister and her rivalry with Thistleclaw, and even her friendship with Thrushpelt, all of which allow her story to feel genuine and naturally lend themselves to interesting subplots. Crookedstar has his relationship with Mapleshade, his romance with Willowbreeze, his desire to prove himself to his mother- again, all things that make him feel like a well rounded, multifaceted character. Leopardstar has her dream, and ONLY her dream. None of her friendships last more than a few chapters before the other character is killed off. Her most meaningful relationship, with her apprentice and adopted son Whiteclaw, has the potential to round out Leopardstar's character, but Whiteclaw's fate has been predetermined. We all know he's going to die in the gorge because we see it happen in Fire and Ice. After Whiteclaw's death, Leopardstar briefly has a compelling relationship with Silverstream after she discovers her relationship with Graystripe. Silverstream and Leopardstar have opposing priorities of love and duty, and the interactions between them are an interesting insight into both characters. Silverstream actively rebukes Leopardstar's mindset and challenges her priorities, something that would have been invaluable in making Leopardstar's choice to join Tigerstar seem more consequential. But Silverstream too is doomed to die, and by the time the book reaches its climax, Mudfur is the only cat left to challenge Leopardstar's choices. Instead of letting the rift between father and daughter build, Leopardstar has no problem simply banishing her father and medicine cat for disagreeing with her. No one that she cares about is left to challenge her for her decisions, and thus there are no real stakes to the choices she makes. Sure, Stonefur dies and its awful, but the book doesn't bother to develop any real friendship or camaraderie between the two, so it doesn't feel as impactful as it should. The book concludes with Leopardstar understanding that she's wrong and Mudfur convincing her that she's going to save the Clan from the disaster she helped create. At the very least, Leopardstar seems to understand the problems with this and points out that it's not really her saving the Clans, its Firestar. This is completely true, as she has no role in Tigerstar's downfall and no role in stopping Scourge. The best that can be said for Leopardstar is that she doesn't get in the way of Firestar here.
She faces no real struggles aside from her father's doubt as to her ability to lead, a dynamic already witnessed between Brambleberry and Crookedstar and done much better.
Awful editing:
This book suffers from an almost unbelievable lack of care on the part of the editors, with big chunks of text very obviously cut and pasted to different parts of the story without any effort to edit out nonsequitors. The most painful instance of this revolves around Stormpaw and Featherpaw's apprenticeship. In one scene, Leopardstar comments on the fact that Primrosekit and Pikekit will be made apprentices any day (Reedkit is inexplicably absent here, and Perchkit seems to have died offscreen though it is never mentioned) and notes that Stormkit and Featherkit still have their kit fluff and look tiny next to their older denmates. A couple paragraphs later, we see Featherkit and Stormkit being apprenticed to Mistyfoot and Stonefur, in a paragraph that EXPLICITLY STATES that it's the very next day. The other kits have mysteriously been apprenticed already. Boulder and Jaggedtooth of ShadowClan are inexplicably present at the ceremony, despite there being no mention of their arrival at any point and Leopardstar refusing Tigerstar's offer to join their two Clans together the day before. A few pages later (yes, literally just pages later, that's how atrocious the pacing is) we cut to a battle between RiverClan and ThunderClan at the Sunningrocks, where Stonefur and Mistyfoot's parentage is revealed. Leopardstar doesn't actually hear this, but she does overhear them discussing it in the most painfully forced way possible moments later. Leopardstar finds herself absolutely HORRIFIED that she's apprenticed two half-Clan cats to half-Clan mentors.... and then a few chapters later, after forming TigerClan, Tigerstar asks her if she still intends to make Mistyfoot and Stonefur mentors to Featherkit and Stormkit despite their parentage, to which Leopardstar responds that they are still loyal RiverClan warriors. Yes, I'm serious.
Leopardstar's character:
This super edition is nothing but a showcase of the absolute worst aspects of Leopardstar as a character. Throughout the book she is shown as racist, battle hungry, self-centered, foolish, and utterly lacking in compassion or even pity for any Clan other than her own. She is constantly making racist generalizations about cats from other Clans, actively wishes for WindClan's downfall, sides with Tigerstar simply because Fireheart is a kittypet, and, perhaps most disturbingly, tries to murder Fireheart in cold blood because of his kittypet background. This book literally does nothing to endear the reader to Leopardstar, it makes her out to be the most despicable, honorless cat imaginable. And honestly, if you're not a Leopardstar fan, I think that's one of the most compelling things about this book. The desire to see what atrocities Leopardstar would commit next was what kept me interested in the story, honestly it was the only reason I finished it. There was something morbidly fascinating about watching a character so self absorbed and lacking in compassion interact with the world around her. It was enjoyable in a way to see a character so deeply set in the beliefs that the series has repeatedly established as wrong time and time again. Pacing and editing aside, this difference in philosophy is a breath of fresh air after the same recycled plotlines and moral messages that the series has been using for years. This book isn't going to make you like Leopardstar, but it is going to make you love to hate her.
What the book did right:
While there were very few positives to the book, it wasn't completely lacking in value. The book succeeded in developing a deeply meaningful relationship between Whiteclaw and Leopardstar that, thankfully, wasn't a romance. Their mother/son and mentor/apprentice relationship does a good job at setting up Leopardstar's grudge against ThunderClan over Whiteclaw's death as we see it play out in the first arc. Honestly, Leopardstar as a character would have been served far better if this had just been a novella detailing the relationship between these two. That was probably the only real thing of value in the book, honestly. Aside from that, Frogtail and Leopardstar's relationship, while I personally found it completely unnecessary, addressed a topic I've been hoping to see in warriors for a while now-- two characters who love each other but decide that the things they want out of life are mutually incompatible, and part ways amicably. Leafpool x Crowfeather and Bluestar x Oakheart both almost did this, but fell short because it was only ever really one character who decided to end the relationship. Unfortunately, the value in this message is somewhat diminished by the fact that Leopardstar later laments multiple times that she should've given up on her goals and just had kits with Frogtail instead, an absolutely disgusting conclusion that plays into the recurring problem of misogyny in warriors where women aren't allowed to be both mothers and hold a position of power, they have to choose between the two.
All in all, this Super Edition is easily the worst so far in terms of plot, pacing, and writing, but I still found some enjoyment in reading the perspective of such a selfish, cruel protagonist.
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angry-geese · 3 years
At Dawn’s Break III
PB!Dio Brando x Maid!Reader, Jonathan Joestar x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: none! sfw, mention of death, but nothing too graphic. Mostly plot. Not the healthiest relationship dynamic. Technically yandere Dio but its very tame
Notes: Part One- sfw, Part Two- nsfw, Part Four - nsfw
This has been in my drafts for so long I’m so sorry. I do have a friend helping me edit my ao3 stuff so there might be some grammatical differences between that and the stuff posted here but i'll try to keep it as consistent as possible- story-wise its still the same.
In the coming months, word would arrive of your father’s death.
Sad wasn’t the right word for it. The man was old, sick, and frail. He fell ill and never recovered. Things like that happen. It was expected. His passing was quiet, happening in the early hours in the morning. You had grieved his death long before it actually happened. Your love for him was more out of a sense of duty than anything else. He was never a proper parent, the harsh expectations of life were thrown upon you rather young. At nineteen you were left as the sole guardian of your siblings. Some nights you would scream about the unfairness of it all, others you would wallow in your pity. The constant "sorry for your loss"s infuriated you. It would not bring him back. It would not fix this hole you've dug for yourself. It did nothing to justify what you've gone through. The world wasn't going to stop spinning just for you to feel sorry for yourself.
So you returned to work.
Your meetings with Dio grew fewer and further apart. Your conversations were short, ending with arguments. What he could dish out, you threw right back. Often you found yourself bitter and frustrated with him, leaving much space between the two of you. It wasn’t that you loved him any less, but he wasn’t exactly understanding in this matter. Neither of his fathers- adopted or biological- could he stand. Putting it plainly: Dio was awful at comforting people. Sympathy was not one of his strong suits. Going to him for comfort was out of the question.
Your life was soon after consumed by the mundane nature of work. The repetition of it you found soothing. It was nice to have a routine. Even if Dio wasn’t there for you, it was. The head maid took notice in your sudden interest in work, and blamed Dio for your lacking efforts. You just nodded and kept your head down.
Mr. Joestar would soon fall ill. Due to his old age, it didn’t come as a surprise to many. Very few questioned it. He was older, but seemingly healthy at the time. He fell sick overnight with the flu, which soon turned to pneumonia. It was not looking like he would recover. His coughing fits could be heard from across the manor. Much of it reminded you of your own father, so you often stayed away, only coming around when it was asked of you.
It makes you wonder if Dio feels the same sense of duty to his father. Probably not. He does not understand family ties in the same way you do. He was very attentive when Mr. Joestar fell ill, often providing medicine for him. If you were called to help, he would go in your place. It feels false, like a mockery of a doting son. Yes- he's providing for his father, but it feels like an alien trying to copy a human. Like a robot trying to replicate human love. It’s not out of any kindness in his heart. What he feels isn’t love. Sometimes you don’t think he’s capable of it. But if he did love something, it was power. He’d never admit it, but it was also you. Having you so consumed with grief enraged him. It was a childish want for attention that he found hard to conceal. He never took out his anger on you, finding himself afraid of turning out to be like his birth father driving his mother into an early grave. Often he thought about how easily he could force your hand, make you chose between him and your family. Deep down he didn’t want to toss out an ultimatum. You had just as much of a bite as him; unstoppable force meets immovable object. In no way he saw that ending well. Others had noticed the growing distance between you. People talked- as they did- rumors spread.
“Y/N.” Jonathan’s voice startles you.
“Mister Joestar, how-”
“Call me Jonathan.”
You cringe at the interruption.
“Jonathan.” You say. “How can I help you?”
“Will you take a walk with me?”
He guides you out to the garden. Winter has left it scraggly and barren, washed out in cold, white light. A few wilting leaves cling to the trees. Only a handful of rooms are lit within the house. It feels personal, being dragged through the place where you spent so many of your nights with your lover. Calling him that feels strange. Lover seems like too innocent of a word.
Over your time at the Joestar estate, there isn’t much you know about Jonathan. Dio talked of him. Often. It was never good, though he had a way of exaggerating things. By now you’ve learned to take it with a grain of salt. Your meetings with the second Joestar son have been few and rather brief. He seems sweet, albeit a bit naive and too engrossed in high society to talk with the likes of you. The girls in the kitchen swoon over him, although he’s sweet on a neighbor girl. Erina- you’ve heard of her. She’s been over for dinner before.
"How are you?" He asks.
"Fine, I suppose." You say, a bit irritated with the small talk. "What is it you need of me?"
"I heard what happened," absentmindedly he picks at his nails, "and I wanted to give my condolences. I imagine this situation is... unpleasant for you."
"I manage." You say. "But I doubt that's what you brought me out here for."
He nods. "I wanted to ask you something."
"Then ask away. I'd be happy to answer."
“You’re close with Dio, aren’t you?” He asks.
“A bit. Why?”
While you’re almost certain he knows, it feels easier to lie. You were not the star-crossed lovers that Jonathan and Erina were, the type of partners that made the girls you work with swoon and wish for such a thing, the type of love people write books about but fail to recreate. Your relationship was more out of a mutual agreement than it was proper love, but you suppose it was there. The two of you were angry, scathing people who were capable of god knows what. Together you could be terrifying.
“You two seem to spend quite a lot of time together.” He says. “Have you noticed anything strange with him?”
“No.” You say. “I haven't noticed anything like that."
"He's awfully attentive with father..."
"It's bizarre." You say. He laughs.
"I'm heading to London in a few days- to the university. Father's medicine hasn't been working, and I want it to be examined." From his coat pocket he produces a small green bottle. it's familiar. Dio has one quite like it.
"Do you need anything while you're away?" You ask, wishing to get back to your work. There was laundry that needed to be done.
"No," he says, turning to you, "thank you for your time. I should get going."
Before you can leave, he stops you.
"I know it's no business of mine, but my brother is bad news. You're a sweet girl and I don't want anything to happen to you. Dio is capable of things you couldn't even imagine."
"You're right. It is no business of yours."
He gives you a quick goodbye before leaving you alone in the garden.
Over time, Dio has grown more serious about keeping you close. He has a malicious, possessive streak to him. Your recent distance has only brought that out more. There is no talk of marriage- his adoptive father would never approve- but he talks of the future. Often. For you, the future meant work. To some extent, you could live with that. You never knew what it meant for him. He jokes of world domination.
You’re not quite sure you want to rule the world, but you do want to get out of London.
You stop just under the apple tree. It’s sickly and sad looking. The last of the fruit has fallen off and rotted. A few wilting leaves cling onto the branches. Jonathan gives you a quick goodbye, before returning to the house.
The door to his room is open. A lantern is lit, though the curtains are drawn shut. There’s no need to knock, you’re the only person who will walk in.
“Sit with me, pet.” Dio says.
Maybe the nickname has grown on you. It no longer draws out the same reaction of disgust and discomfort. Time has softened your hard outer shell. He opens his arms and instinctively you go into them. His chest feels unnaturally cold, but being so close to him makes you feel safe. The smell of his cologne is familiar and comforting, you find yourself leaning in closer. You allow yourself this one moment of weakness. He rests his chin on top of your head.
“I don’t have long,” you say, “I must get back.”
He pulls you closer. “Not if I have anything to say about it.”
“Jonathan came and talked with me earlier.” You say.
You could almost swear you heard his heart skip a beat. His grip around you loosens, allowing you to shift to face him. His expression is unreadable.
“Yes.” He says. “I figured he would.”
You almost ask what he’s done.
Accusing him of something would only make him shut down. You already have a guess. The entire conversation leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It’s a constant unease and discomfort, more than it is outright pain. He's scheming- as he does- but more importantly, he hasn't told you about it.
“My brother doesn't believe in my ways.” He says. "I would never do anything to hurt father. It's no fault of mine that he won't recover."
"Then tell me what was in the bottle." You say. "As of right now, Jonathan is on his way to get that 'medicine' tested."
"I never gave any of it to him."
Jonathan won't see it that way. The authorities surely won't be as kind as his brother. And if he gets caught- what then?
"So you give it to someone else- so some unassuming person is killing him."
Dio doesn’t respond. Do you really expect more of him? He’s proven to be capable of many things. You’ve long since learned he wants to be the sole heir to the Joestar estate. It was a given. Power is something he craves. As much as he jokes about world domination, there's always a serious tone behind them. In the beginning, it just seemed like his nature; he was always collected and intense. Some truth must have been behind them. He makes no attempt to hide that. But this...
Murder is a bit too cold-blooded for your tastes. Morally you don’t have the high ground. You don’t find yourself above much, but you'd like to think you're above murder. If its what you need to do to survive, you believe you'd give it a pass, but as the time comes you're less sure of it. Mr. Joestar gave Dio an opportunity that doesn’t even come once in a lifetime for many. It feels like a slap in the face, just adding insult to injury. This feels like betrayal in the purest sense of the word. While you aren’t close to his father, you have a bit of respect for the man. His death would not cause you the same grief as your own father’s, but you would be sad.
But he is old, and not all old people recover from illness.
Most of the estate would go to Jonathan upon his father’s death. Really, this seems short-sighted. As the younger son, Dio isn’t entitled to all that much. But getting rid of his brother might be easier said than done. Part of you is angry for how little he’s thought this through. Truly, you expected more from him. With as much as he schemes, you had expected a better plan.
Your reaction isn’t quite what he expected. Anything but blind love and acceptance is seen as betrayal to him. To you, everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong.
If he fails- if- there is no recovering from this. If he is caught, many signs point to you as an accomplice.
Silently he exits, leaving you alone in his dark room.
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rsmrymnt-tea · 3 years
What do you think about the Satan is Lucifer's son headcanon? And that he was born an infant that took Lucifer a lot of time raising? That's the thing that goes around this fandom quite a lot. Then there's the more creepiest heacanons that Lucifer was pregnant with Satan when he visited Diavolo as an angel and they had something going on(that's creepy and messed up) but you know in this fandom there are a lot of people from the ones into d*monc*st to the ones just coming up with creepiness. Yeah that's what I've seen- your thoughts?)
Uh all my thoughts are below the cut because, of course and as always, I went on too long because it’s about Satan ✨
So like I do not believe Satan was ever a child at all so a lot of that fanon is just flat out rejected by me lmao
I’m of the mind that Satan came out of Lucifer already a fully grown demon, wild with rage and hatred and an intent to destroy. He’d been sentient within Lucifer’s mind for a long time anyway—in S2 he mentions having been around since Asmo turned up, and to me it just makes more sense that he emerged from Lucifer or formed from his six discarded wings already an adult demon. With a glance, the demon king could see that he’s the one fit for the role of the Avatar of Wrath, ranking fourth in power among his brothers. It’s more threatening and interesting that way to me because what can a baby do? Bite at the ankles of his brothers? Piss on them when they’re changing his diaper? Lots of fluff potential but idk, not for me. And with how slowly these near-immortal beings age (see: Luke), then he’d have been a baby, toddler, and child for such a long time. And that doesn’t jive with my fantasy for his development lol
I want him to be fully cognizant for their earliest days in the Devildom. Hearing and seeing how they mourn, how they grieve, how they begin to explore and cope with their sins. I want him to be able to hear them whisper about how hard it is to deal with him and all his violence, how they miss their days as angels. I like the idea that it’s a lot of those early, delicate days that eventually lead to him deciding that he wants to be more than just a beast of burning anger—that he wants to be knowledgeable, respected, seen as reliable. For him to decide that it’s not enough to simply learn from his brothers because they just aren’t enough, and that he turn to the wisdom of books.
Idk just… You can do a lot with a baby but I think you can do even more with an adult. Even if we eventually learn that he came out of Lucifer as a baby, I’m just… gonna reject that because I think my headcanon’s cooler. 🤷🏻
Anyway, relevant fic I read where he plays a part in urging Lucifer to rebel. Insanely good, highly recommend.
As for him being Lucifer’s son… I feel like that’s such a oversimplification and dumbing down of what their relationship. It’s an easy way to understand Satan’s feelings towards Lucifer—Lucifer’s pretty much acted like a shit dad to him and he’s the bitter, angry son who wants to lash out. But he’s more than simply his son because honestly, he’s also his brother—like genetically, they’d be twins wouldn’t they? And in a mean way that I don’t like admitting, he’s a part of Lucifer that sprang into being. For a while, he genuinely was a mere fragment of Lucifer and I think he understood that as well, but over time he overcame that and grew into being his own demon.
His relationship to Lucifer is a complex one because there’s so much to it. But the easiest way to describe it that they’ve mutually agreed upon at some point is that they’re brothers, and I’m going to respect that. So no, I don’t subscribe to the ‘Satan is Lucifer’s Son’ headcanon because yeah… it’s not that simple. Besides, Lucifer’s essentially adopted everyone else in the family and none of them call him father :/
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unforth · 3 years
Could you elaborate on the parallels between the Scorpion and his dad and WKX and Purple Danger? I find that thought really interesting! <3
Oh my god you're asking me for meta? No one asks me for meta!!! Getting this made me so happy, thank you! And yes, I'd be delighted to!
Lemme preface this by saying: I have not read the book, and I've only seen episodes 1 through 27, and while I do know some spoilers for past what I've seen, I don't know everything, and I obviously can't speak to changes in dynamics that may happen past what I've watched.
So, I noted in this post that I felt like I'd just gotten slapped in the face by the parallels between Zhao Jing, and his relationship with Xie-er, and Wen Kexing, and his relationship and Gu Xiang. Specifically, the lines in episode 26 that caught me were these:
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And the contrasts and similarities that they drew to these scene from Episode 24, which I watched yesterday:
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(all screen caps are by me - I won’t have more screen caps just cause I really don’t have time to hunt them all down, I’m sorry, but the first two were easy to grab, and the second two I’d already taken cause that scene really got to me yesterday).
These lines, coming only two episodes apart, seemed like a really stark and deliberate effort to show a connection in the attitudes of Zhao Jing and Wen Kexing. They've also got some similarities in the childhood/history that got them to this point: Zhao Jing's family was fallen from grace, as was Wen Kexing's. Both are noted as seeming different from the "regular" people around them - Wen Kexing, it's explicit; with Zhao Jing, it's more how others seem to behave around him. It's harder to get a sense of Zhao Jing, since his own self-report is so dubious and the flashbacks we get to the Rong Xuan era are all given from the perspective of different unreliable narrators, whereas Wen Kexing's memories seem fairly intact (well, water of forgetfulness aside) and match the other remembrances we get of the same scenes.
With those similar, dubious foundations, they both resolve from a young age to take revenge for the perceived slights committed against them - and both have decided that regardless of who the specific instigators are for their suffering, they have no compunction about involving innocents as a whole. Zhao Jing wants the power he feels has been denied to him, and sets about conspiring to get that power. To achieve that, he sets about on a course that involves lying and using literally everyone who can help him. Likewise, while I'm still definitely missing some damn important of Wen Kexing's backstory (starting with, who protected the dog for him, and how he went from "kid getting regularly beaten by the previous ghost king" to "adult who is said to have literally eaten the previous ghost king"), he also clearly sets out to gain power through whatever means he can, and to survive, though from the get-go, his goal is essentially the inverse of Zhao Jing's: Zhao Jing wants to lift himself up, and sees nothing but virtue in doing so; Wen Kexing wants to bring everyone else down, and knows he's damned through-and-through for it.
(They're parallels, not matches, just to be clear! It's not that I'm saying everything is the same - on the contrary, it's the differences that makes it so intriguing).
Now, then, at some point relatively early in this entire process, each of these young men found a child. Given that Xie’er and Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishou are of the same generation, presumably they’re all around the same age - 27 or so - and also presumably, the previous generation were all in their late teens to early twenties when they had their own disastrous round of adventuring. So, if Xie’er is, say, 25, and Zhao Jing was probably around 20 (since he was one of the younger folks in the flashbacks), and 20 years have passed, and Xie’er was probably around the same age as child Wen Kexing when he was found? (I don’t know, and I don’t know if that’s ever established, sorry) So around 7? Then we’ve Xie’er being adopted by Zhao Jing and Wen Kexing being adopted by the Ghost King, each almost exactly 20 years ago. Presumably, also, Zhao Jing marries...drat, I can’t remember her name...was it Li Yao or something???...right around the same time - hence why Xie’er would think of her as a mother. Anyway, sorry, I’m really tired and I just lost the thread slightly, but the point is: a 20-or-so-year-old Zhao Jing finds a young Xie’er; and a few years later, a likely-early-teens-aged Wen Kexing finds a toddler Gu Xiang (because Wen Kexing is 27 now, and Gu Xiang is I’m guessing around 18, and she’s likely 3ish when Wen Kexing finds her, so that’d make her 3 or 4, and him 12 or 13). 
And here’s where the parallels really show the essential differences between these men, despite the areas of commonality in the hate they hold toward the world and their desire to see the world brought low.
Because, given a small child, Wen Kexing’s immediate, clear thought is: I will never let this child experience what I have been through. Now, he’s busted, and he’s crazy, so from that point of view, he still does her harm: she thinks of murder as nothing (as does Xie’er) for example. But even in that, the motivations are different. Gu Xiang says it herself after she kills the beggar and Cao Weining confronts her about it: if a person is out to harm her, if a person even might harm her, isn’t she justified in killing him? If that isn’t the quintessential Wen Kexing lesson right there, I don’t know what is: “Gu Xiang, you don’t kill because I tell you to, and you don’t kill for fun, and you don’t kill for no reason - but the moment, the very instant, you have a reason? Don’t hesitate, because if you do, you’ll be the corpse, not them.” Everything Wen Kexing teachers Gu Xiang is with the aim of helping her survive in the cruelest environment in the world, one that has flayed him and raked him over the coals over and over and over again. Further, despite the hints I’ve seen so far that he has early allies at Mount Qingya (Tragicomic Ghost has been shown to at minimum pity him, and find him an odd curiosity), Wen Kexing entrusts no one else with the most vulnerable creature who has ever come into his life (well, aside from that adorable puppy, which I have the bad feeling is going to be shown to be horribly murdered before his eyes, possibly by his own hand to prove a point...that would be thematically appropriate...). He gives Gu Xiang the tools to survive and fight for herself, even against him, and when she even begins to suggest she might prefer to be somewhere else - when he sees evidence of her finding happiness - he does everything he can to encourage her joy, support her happy ending, and free her. Wen Kexing is Gu Xiang’s father, in every useful interpretation of the term - she may call him master, and others might call her his maid, but their relationship is tender, encouraging, mutually supportive, and loving. Wen Kexing wants what is best for Gu Xiang, even at the expense of his own comfort and happiness, because he cares for her that essentially and deeply - and she likewise goes out of her way to protect him more than once.
Given a small child, though I haven’t yet seen any flashbacks to when Xie’er was little and I don’t even know if there are any, it’s really obvious that Zhao Jing instantly goes, “how can I best use this to my advantage?” Instead of setting about to build this child up to be a functional adult who can stand up to the challenges that threatened to crush Zhao Jing’s life, Zhao Jing deliberately sabotages Xie’er’s ability to function as an independent unit. He teachers Xie’er to kill, not to protect himself, but on command - to kill because Zhao Jing says so, who Zhao Jing says, on even the merest whim, and is so successful at doing so that Xie’er has even less respect for life than Zhao Jing does (which was never much to begin with). Further, while we know that Wen Kexing will kill to protect Gu Xiang, Zhao Jing never so much as lifts a finger to do his own dirty work, and has zero compunction about throwing Xie’er under the bus when he suits his ends. In 27, he flat out says - “if you keep acting like this, and kill the Gentle Wind Sect, you’ll ruin me - which means I can never let you stand next to me in public.” He says this when he knows that Xie’er craves his approval and that one of Xie’er’s most cherished objects in all he’s done is to reach a point where he can stand at Zhao Jing’s shoulder as an acknowledged heir and successor and proudly say, “yes, I did all those things to help my father, because I’m a good son.” Further, Zhao Jing is constantly abusive and manipulative. When Xie’er does what Zhao Jing has trained him to do, on command (like a dog? more parallels??), Zhao Jing praises him, touches him kindly (and when else do you think Xie’er is ever getting touched kindly? Nothing like the casual and appropriate physical intimacy with which Wen Kexing and Gu Xiang shoulder bump and interact) and tells him how precious he is. The instant Xie’er steps a toe out of line, Zhao Jing denigrates him, threatens to take away that which Xie’er most wants (acknowledgement), scolds him, calls him a fool, says he doesn’t understand. Zhao Jing calls Xie’er his son, and insists that Xie’er call him yifu, and the world may even see that way - though they hardly can, since Zhao Jing refuses to be publicly associated with Xie’er - but they couldn’t be less related when compared to Wen Kexing, who allows all to see him call Gu Xiang his servant even as he flagrantly, publicly, repeatedly treats her as his child - culminating in the speech he gives Cao Weining when he gives permission for them to wed.
Everything Wen Kexing does, as fucked up as some of it is, is done with the aim of building Gu Xiang up into a strong, independent, functional adult who is less stained than himself and capable of pursuing happiness in the world.
And everything Zhao Jing does, all of which is equally if not more fucked up than what Wen Kexing does, is done with the aim of tearing Xie’er down, making him a powerful tool - a trained dog, if you will - and a dependent person who can be deployed on an enemy and must be kept permanently off-balance so that he never ever is an independent, functional adult - and, to help ensure that, he deliberately orders Xie’er to commit depraved acts that guarantee that Xie’er is more stained than himself, and therefore incapable of finding happiness in the world.
Anyway, I could probably go on, but I gotta leave to drive my kid to school and run a couple errands, but, in conclusion: when Zhao Jing said, “the world has failed me, and I shall do the same to the world,” and it became clear to me that he and Wen Kexing essentially share (or at least shared) the same core goal, I was struck by a lightning bolt about the parallels and contrasts between them as people, and them as father’s, and here you go.
Hope this is coherent, I’m really sleepy and in a rush. :D And I hope it answers your question!
(Also dear everyone: if you reply to this or add to it in reblogs I ask that you please respect that I’ve only seen to episode 27, and not rip me apart for things I haven’t seen yet, and try to avoid giving me spoilers? I know a few - or at least I think I do - like I know all the Major Character Death stuff - but I’m sure if you’ve seen the whole series you can spot places where you, dear reader, know things I don’t, and I’d ask that you not ruin those places for me, because I’m watching as fast as I can - about one episode a day - and I’d rather find out for myself. Thank you!)
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ducavalentinos · 3 years
Opinion on relationship between Tiberius and Germanicus?
Hm, I don’t have many thoughts about them tbh. I mean full disclosure: everything I've read about Germanicus, or Tiberius, were all in connection to Augustus, Livia Drusilla and Agrippina Minor, so I'm not intimate with their individual historical literature, anon. My impression is that it's actually complicated to know how was their relationship. I'm not convinced by Tacitus' writings about it. His implications/claims of hostility between Tiberius and Germanicus, and the narrative attached to Germanicus, like his father, having republican sympathies to the point of wanting to end the imperial system and bring back the Republic, seems like a myth. I find Barrett's point of view reasonable here, (although he does seem to have a bias against Germanicus, for some reason djsdjsds):
Tacitus brings in the lengthy description of Germanicus' campaigns almost as a as a digression, to emphasise his loyal devotion to Tiberius in spite of the jealousy and hostility of the princeps and his mother. The historian insists that the mutual antipathy between Livia and her son was put aside in their common cause of opposition to Germanicus, who, he claims, felt harassed (anxius) by a hatred that was both unfair and irrational. The reason given for their enmity was the suspicion that Germanicus had inherited the republican tendencies of his father and wanted to see an end to the imperial system (libertatem red-diturus). Tacitus revives this theme later, when we learn of Germanicus’ final illness and the resentment it ignited in Rome. He cites a belief that both father and son, Drusus and Germanicus, had been cut down because they desired to restore libertas. Germanicus no doubt did inherit his father’s popularity, but nothing he did even hinted at an interest in restoring the republican system (and the same is true of Drusus). In fact, Germanicus’ rapidly accelerated career suggests a privileged representative of the imperial system and not a champion of the old republic. - Anthony A. Barrett, Livia: First Lady of Imperial Rome.
So, you know, I think while it’s possible it might have been a tricky relationship, with its ups and downs, given the political circusmtances they were inserted in, the suggestions of a bad relationship, or an outright enmity between Germanicus and Tiberius and his mother, Livia, seems pure speculation based on rumors, manufactured by contemporary sources who were antagonistic of Tiberius and Livia, and/or public opinion. The evidence, as far as I've seen it, shows Germanicus remained loyal to Tiberius as emperor, and Tiberius' behavior towards Germanicus was fine, for the most part. There's also various sources stating Livia and Tiberius were devoted to Germanicus' father, and that there were close bonds of friendship between Germanicus and Tiberius’ son, Drusus Caesar. Moreover, contrary to what Tacitus makes out of Tiberius, as a master of deception, he actually always come across to me as having been a transparent, sincere individual. He didn't want to be emperor, and he let it known. He didn't want to divorce his wife, whom he very much loved, and he let it known, and his sadness over it gave rise to anecdotes. He was annoyed by Livia's interference in imperial affairs, and that was also known. So in my mind, if he had a serious problem with Germanicus, he would have let it slip or he would have let it known like he did in these other instances, and even considering all the political motives for it, I don't think he would have adopted Germanicus if he was someone he detested and who he saw as his rival. And also, I think we would have had more evidence on Germanicus’ part if he had a problem with Tiberius or if he was plotting against him and Livia, which we don’t, as far as I know. Maybe I'm wrong, again, I'm not an expert on their literature, so this is definitely a superficial reading on my part, and of course there is the Piso' situation, which it's incredibly messy and there's a lot we will never know, I don't ignore the possibility of Tiberius' active involvement against Germanicus there, nor the influence Sejanus had with him, which might have played a role there if he was "in league with Piso to trick Germanicus", too, but I never saw any real evidence for it, overall I see their relationship as okay, with occasional problems, sure, but nothing like Tiberius' relationship with Augustus, for example, or Augustus' relationship with Mark Antony, those relationships show themselves to have been relationships with a lot of open clashing and tension, and a terrible incompatibility on both sides.
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ryukoishida · 3 years
QianQiu/Thousand Autumns Fic: [Ch. 2] In which teacher!SQ and mafia leader!YWS talk for the first time.
Title: You’re a Problem I Encounter Fandom: Qian Qiu / Thousand Autumns Characters/Ships: YanShen Rating: NSFW eventually Chapter: 2/?  Summary: Yan Wushi was the proud leader of Huan Yue Group, one of the most influential syndicates in the underground world, who wanted nothing more than to see the world burn. His accidental encounter with the pure-hearted school teacher Shen Qiao was a problem he didn’t expect to get entangled in. A/N: No more touching this fic until I’m done with the finals T.T List of Chapters: [1] [2] [3] 
ii. No Saint
It was pitch black when Shen Qiao woke up. He blinked once, twice – endless black, deeper than the night — his breath stuttering in his throat and heart thudding against his ribcage in that strangely familiar, bitter taste of terror: the inability to perceive light, the anxiety of facing the unknown.
“You’re finally awake?”
A deep voice entered his consciousness like distant thunder, rumbling with warmth yet charged with danger.
A light to his left blinked on, cold white fluorescent flooded his peripheral vision and made Shen Qiao’s eyes sting from the sudden brightness. When his pupils adjusted to the light at last, he was able to make out a fuzzy outline of someone sitting by his bedside. The figure was mostly cast in shadow, but even in the best lighting, it would have been impossible for him to see anything further than half an arm’s length with any semblance of crisp clarity.
Driven by habit, Shen Qiao began to reach blindly to the side for his spectacles, which, of course were not there.
“Looking for these?” the man with the same deep, baritone voice asked, placing a piece of mangled metal that used to be his glasses into his hand.
Feeling the warped titanium remnants with his fingers, Shen Qiao heaved a soft sigh. He knew there was no way these could be repaired, so he’d have to endure the inconvenience of blurry vision until he could get new glasses or get his hands on some contact lenses, which had long fallen out during his rough scuffle with He Huan Group’s people.
Not that it was anything new – the cloudy eyesight – since he’d spent most of his childhood with his eyes in even worse state until he was in his early teens when Qi Fengge persuaded him to undergo surgery, which had improved his ability to see if only just slightly.  
Wandering in his own thoughts though never allowing himself to be defenseless in an unfamiliar environment, Shen Qiao suddenly sensed more than heard the stranger invading his personal space – the surrounding air becoming too hot from the man’s exhale and body heat, too stifling from how close and physically intimidating the man’s presence exuded, looming over him like a hunter anticipating the taste of its prey — and Shen Qiao tried to back up as best as he could, given how parts of his body were too numb from sleep or too painful from the fight to move promptly.
The man chuckled but didn’t advance further upon seeing Shen Qiao trying to shuffle back to keep his distance.
“Are you sure you should be moving around like that?” the man sat back down in his chair, arms crossed over his chest as he continued to observe the injured man with an interested gaze.
“I’m sorry.”
Ever the polite gentleman, Shen Qiao realized that he was acting quite rude to the person who’d rescued him from a terrible situation that he very likely wasn’t going to get out of by himself. Still, his delicate frame, warm hazel eyes, gentle smiles, and soft-spoken nature all contributed to a first impression of a man who was agreeable and amiable, maybe even somewhat unassuming to the point of foolish naiveté, yet those who’d been acquainted with him long enough knew that beneath his kind and considerate disposition was someone constructed of steel bones and unyielding morals.
There was a reason why he was known to be an anomaly in the underground world, crawling with all sorts of criminals and infested with coldblooded monsters that found thrills in destruction and the fall of humanity. Shen Qiao was the adopted son of a once-famed assassin Qi Fengge, who’d retired for the last decade now but had since headed one of the largest and most formidable assassin organizations that employed the best professionals good money could hire.  
“You’re a funny one,” the man commented, hint of amusement seeping into his voice. “What are you sorry for?”
“I just… don’t like it when people I don’t know well get too close to me,” Shen Qiao explained quietly, his body visibly relaxed a little once he knew the stranger had backed off. “I did not mean to be disrespectful to someone who’d saved my life.”
When the stranger didn’t immediately respond, Shen Qiao continued with hesitation, “may I know the name of my savior?”
“Yan Wushi.”
He seemed content enough to offer that, at least.
“Leader of Huan Yue Group?”
Shen Qiao’s slight frown didn’t go unnoticed by the ever-observant mafia leader.
“You’ve heard of me?” Yan Wushi leaned in just a degree.
“My father had told me about you.”
Also, Shen Qiao didn’t think it was a good idea to say it out loud, but he knew that in recent years, Yan Wushi – and really, all of Huan Yue Group – was infamous for being gutsy enough to be striding the border between the criminal world and the political sphere, and still benefit greatly from both.
“All good things, I hope.”
“Huan Yue Group mixes with government officials – specifically Yuwen Yong’s faction – and gets on their good side either by offering them financial assistance under the table or getting rid of any political opponents that stand in Yuwen Yong’s way through any means possible,” Shen Qiao recited the information like he was memorizing it from a textbook.
“It’s a mutually beneficial relationship,” Yan Wushi admitted.
Shen Qiao’s frown deepened when he continued, “several deaths and disappearances had been suspected to be connected to members of Huan Yue, but the police never found any solid evidence to arrest or lay charges on anyone.”  
“You can’t possibly blame us for the police department’s incompetence. And here I thought you’re blissfully ignorant of how our side works,” one corner of Yan Wushi’s lips twisted upwards, his interest in this frail-looking man had been elevated from indifference to modest curiosity. “It seems Qi Fengge had taught you the basics after all, despite the fact that you’re not expected to be his successor. Fascinating.”
“Father simply didn’t wish for me to be completely uninformed,” Shen Qiao exhaled, letting his eyes fall close as if he’d suddenly become too tired. “Having knowledge is a kind of advantage, though it may not seem like it at the time. I didn’t want to take over the family business, and father respected my decision, but he said even if I have no desire to work underground, the underground world will still find its way to catch up to me eventually. He was right, of course.”
He sounded exhausted, like he’d been running and escaping for years, and every time he thought he’d gotten ahead of the bloody claws of the clandestine world, it came at him snarling with gaping jaws, a cruel reminder that no matter how far he thought he’d gotten away, no matter how hard he’d convinced himself that he wasn’t part of the bloodthirst and violence, the mere fact that he was the son of Qi Fengge, the prodigious assassin’s greatest strength and weakest link, had already sealed him to a certain fate.
Shen Qiao loved and respected Qi Fengge. When Qi Fengge found him beaten and half-starving on the street and took him in one rainy night, five-year-old Shen Qiao would have never thought he’d feel the warmth of family and safety of a home again after he’d lost his parents.
He wanted to repay Qi Fengge in any way he could, but when he was old enough to finally understand what kind of organization Xuan Du was and what Qi Fengge’s real identity entailed, Shen Qiao was torn: he could – no, should – accept the position, train hard to become Qi Fengge’s next successor, and take over Xuan Du and its commitment to only execute those who were deserving of it, if only for the sake of doing what he could to show his gratitude towards his adopted father, yet his righteous moral compass and absolute belief in humanity’s good nature – borne from his education and the teachings of his father – forced him to make one of the most difficult decisions in his life.
It was ironic, how the assassination group operated under Qi Fengge’s guidance: Xuan Du Group only accepted jobs whose targets were beyond anyone’s saving and the victims’ families’ reconciling, their crimes numerous or excessive, their sins unpardonable. But who were counting the number of lives taken away by the hands of Xuan Du’s assassins?
Yan Wushi’s baritone voice pulled Shen Qiao back to the present.
“Everyone says the adopted son of Qi Fengge is different – refined, pristine, pure-hearted, a white water lily untainted by the dirty muck that brought him up,” Yan Wushi watched him closely for any flicker of emotion, “but I don’t believe that a person can truly remain unaffected by the surrounding environment.”
Yan Wushi moved so swiftly that there was no way Shen Qiao could have dodged in his current condition, so when he felt strong fingers gripping his chin and forcing him in place while the mafia leader hovered close – terrifyingly close, breaths hot and vivid against Shen Qiao’s own lips – and the other arm trapping the injured man between himself and the wall, Shen Qiao froze, eyes wide open and the only thing he perceived was Yan Wushi’s eyes.
Dark brown, but almost glowing with the rusted red of blood.  
“You’re exactly the type of people I’d like to see battered and broken.”
Shen Qiao swallowed, silently willing himself in his mind to keep calm, and when he was certain his voice wouldn’t shake, he asked while maintaining their shared gaze, “then why did you save me?”
A short pause as Yan Wushi regarded the composed expression on Shen Qiao’s face, and then he barked out a laugh, roughly letting go of the other man and stepping back.
“Don’t think too highly of me, Shen Qiao. I’m certainly no saint. You were in Sang Jingxing’s possession, and I just happen to hate that man and want to fuck with him. Besides, I enjoy having people owe me.”
From this distance, Shen Qiao couldn’t see Yan Wushi’s facial expression, but years of living with vision disability meant that he’d trained his ears to pick up on the smallest nuances in the rise and fall of a person’s voice. He could almost picture the man uttering the last phrase with a snide grin.    
“Regardless, I’m grateful for what you’ve done,” Shen Qiao lowered his head in a nod of thanks, “if there’s anything I can do in return in the future, please let me know.”
Shen Qiao could practically hear the smile in that purr.
“Anything within the legal and ethical realm,” Shen Qiao corrected calmly.
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joachimnapoleon · 3 years
Why did Murat and Eugène hate each other? I didn't even know that they did until the recent posts.
This was actually the subject of a discussion I had recently with a friend of mine whose interest in Eugène is on par with my interest in Murat; and even though I haven't studied Eugène in great depth yet myself, we ended up drawing some pretty similar conclusions/opinions about their relationship based on what we knew about each of them. And we both agreed that "hatred" is probably too strong a word to describe their feelings about each other. I would say that Murat's feelings about Eugène were essentially a dislike borne out of envy. Eugène's feelings about Murat are a bit harder to precisely pin down. During the earlier years of their relationship--after he becomes aware of Murat's dislike for him--it strikes me as the sort of bewildered, defensive dislike you might develop for someone whom you've discovered dislikes you, without you fully understanding what you've done to merit their dislike. Later in their relationship, I think it evolves into a certain amount of contempt on Eugène's part, especially after the way Murat hastily leaves the army in January 1813 and then all the ensuing political drama and Murat's not-so-subtle negotiations with Austria throughout most of the rest of the year.
There's no indication I've come across of any immediate dislike between the two of them. I can't be sure when exactly the two of them met, but at the very least they would've been around each other in Egypt when teenage Eugène was serving as one of Napoleon's aides-de-camp. Their relationship doesn't seem to have taken a bad turn until the early 1800s. After Murat marries Caroline and becomes tied to the Bonaparte family, both he and Caroline (and the other Bonaparte siblings) grow increasingly resentful over the favor being shown towards Josephine's children by Napoleon. Here's an excerpt on the subject from Hortense's memoirs:
The Emperor, although he did not mean to do so, had done everything possible to inflame the jealousy his family felt toward us. He had for a long time treated me with special favor, because as he desired to adopt the son he wished the mother to be especially respected. How many times Caroline came and said to me: "I entertain the same way you do; I always act as you do, because I come and ask in advance how you are going to act; and yet the Emperor always holds you up to me as an example as though you were the only person who knows how to behave. Then too he is all the time saying to Murat and his [Napoleon's] brothers, ‘Look at Eugène.' How can he expect harmony to reign among us?"
Hortense writes also that "Murat would not suffer a younger man to take precedence at court over him. He broke his sword on hearing the news that the Emperor had adopted my brother."
The formal adoption of Eugène by Napoleon took place in January of 1806. Six months prior to that came something that had infuriated Murat just as much: Napoleon naming Eugène Viceroy of Italy. In the aftermath of learning of this, Murat sulked, and dragged his heels when it came to writing to congratulate Eugène on his new title. The exchange between them is a comical read. Murat claims he assumed a letter he'd written back in April--two months before Eugène's promotion to Viceroy--would somehow suffice to express his goodwill towards Eugène, and that he didn't feel he was obligated to write a new one since he'd learned of Eugène's promotion via the gazettes and not directly from Eugène himself. Murat writes that his feelings are hurt. Eugène replies that his feelings were hurt by Murat's silence and that, even if he'd learned of Murat getting a nice promotion through the newspapers himself, he would've still hurried to write to congratulate Murat. (The letters are posted at the end in their entirety for your reading pleasure.)
Murat's dynamic with Eugène is... not what you might expect, given that there was a fourteen-year age difference. And that, in my opinion (and my friend who studies Eugène concurs with me on this), has a hell of a lot to do not only with the personalities of each one, but also with each of their relationships with Napoleon. Eugène, of course, lost his his father during the Reign of Terror, when he was still a child. Throughout his life, when he gains an attachment to an older man, he tends to look to that older man as a father figure--from Hoche to Napoleon to his father-in-law King Maximillian of Bavaria., and even Marshal MacDonald. Ney, who was particularly close to him, names one of his own sons after Eugène. Eugène's biographer Kerautret concludes that Eugène spent most of his life as the eternal "fils," or as my friend sums it up, "The boy. Always looking for a father figure (and inspiring in most men the immediate urge to go all paternal over him), always searching for someone to look up to, to dedicate himself to, for someone whose appreciation he wants to win and to whom he wants to prove his worth." Eugène does not have this dynamic with Murat, and Murat, who was as paternal a figure as it gets, does not seem to have exhibited the slightest desire to have this sort of relationship with Eugène. Their relationship comes across more like a sibling rivalry than anything, even in spite of the large age difference. Maximillian even remarked to his son Ludwig at one point in 1810 that "The Viceroy and the King of Naples cannot suffer each other... but when together they tutoyer each other and to see them together one would think them the best of friends." Basically there had to be a hell of a lot of disingenuousness going on in their relationship, especially by 1810, since it was supposedly Eugène who had intercepted and forwarded letters to Napoleon implicating Murat in the Talleyrand/Fouché scheme to make Murat Napoleon's successor in the event that the Emperor died without an heir.
Now, as for how their mutual relationship to Napoleon related to their own relationship. Obviously Eugène looked at Napoleon as a father figure. But I've personally come to believe that, at least to some extent, Murat did too--Murat's being two years older than Napoleon notwithstanding. In numerous letters to Napoleon he refers to himself as "your pupil" and "your child"; in an anguished letter in 1810 he refers to Napoleon having "cherished" him "like a father, like my benefactor." And Napoleon very much tended to view himself as a father-figure over his subordinates. I can't help but look at Murat's relationship with Napoleon and think that Murat came to view Eugène as a sort of usurper in a way, as he grew closer to Napoleon and Napoleon heaped more favors and affection on him (and especially as Murat's relationship with Napoleon, by contrast, grew increasingly worse over the years, especially from 1809 on). So I think a certain amount of Murat's dislike for Eugène--most of it, in fact--was from this feeling of having been spurned by the man he revered, for a younger man whom Murat simply didn't feel deserved these proofs of trust and affection more than he did.
By the 1812 campaign Eugène was aware enough of Murat's dislike for him that he practically begs Napoleon to let him return to Italy rather than be placed under Murat's direct command. This is after Napoleon gives the command of the army to Murat because he knows perfectly well that Murat absolutely, beyond a shadow of doubt would've pulled a Jérôme and taken his ball and gone home if he had been placed under Eugène's command. Napoleon prevails upon Eugène to stick around, which was good in the long run, because Murat was not the man to handle a disintegrating army at the end of a disastrous campaign when he was already in a state of total demoralization anyway.
So yeah, by the time Murat's negotiations with Austria began in 1813, and he found himself corresponding back and forth with Eugène and, by early 1814, having to take the field against him after his defection, their relationship had long since deteriorated, and Murat's defection undoubtedly further reduced his standing in Eugène's eyes. That being said, Eugène was not completely without sympathy. In response to an agonized letter from Murat in early February, as Murat was staring the prospect of taking up arms against his country in the face, Eugène wrote the following reply:
I perceived by Your Majesty's letter, and especially by the few words added in your own writing, how much distressed you are by the situation in which you find yourself. These conflicts which arise in your heart do not astonish me; they filled me rather with a feeling of deep tenderness in reading them. It is impossible, in fact, that Your Majesty could contemplate without sadness the thought of seeing Frenchmen enemies to Frenchmen, who have always considered themselves honoured in counting them as fellow-citizens! I pray Your Majesty to listen to the promptings of your heart, and to reject the counsel which will result in nothing but bitter regrets for you. The Emperor has left Paris. In a few days the time of danger, or at least uncertainty, will be passed, and Your Majesty will find politics accord with the sentiments of your heart. [4 February 1814]
Unfortunately Murat's new allies did end up strong-arming him into taking the field against Eugène, and the rest is history. If Eugène left behind any remarks regarding Murat's tragic end, I have yet to come across it; nor has my friend who has spent a great deal more time going through his correspondence. It's a shame Eugène didn't leave behind any memoirs, which might have given us a better idea of his feelings regarding Murat. I've tried to piece it together as best as I can from what I know so far.
Thanks for the ask!
(Here are the full letters between Murat and Eugène that I mentioned above. These are from Volume 3 of Lettres et documents pour servir l’histoire de Joachim Murat)
Murat to Eugène 17 July 1805
To H.I.H. the Prince Eugène, Viceroy of Italy
I have been informed, my dear Prince, that you have deigned to notice that I was a bit late in responding to the letter that you'd done me the honor of writing me upon my nomination to the dignity of Grand Admiral. May it be permitted to me to tell Y(our) S(erene) H(ighness) that I had thought myself able to dispense with replying to it, being able to take your letter myself for an answer to that which I had the honor to write to you through Madame Ruga. It contained sincere compliments on your promotion to the dignity of Arch-Chancellor of State, and recommendations for that beauty; purely a formal recommendation, would a pretty woman ever have need of one with you?
I sincerely applauded the choice that H(is) M(ajesty) made of Y(our) H(ighness) for Viceroy of Italy; I did not speak of it to you, having only learned about it through the gazettes. I had thought that the unequivocal feelings that I have always manifested for you, would have earned me a communication of this memorable circumstance of your career. Your silence has affected me, I was sensitive to such a reserve, and I must be sure of finding this Eugène good and sensitive, to determine myself to complain to him about himself.
Now, my dear Prince, I pray you to receive my congratulations; they are sincere since I am addressing them to you. Make the attractive country that you have been called to govern happy, I will always applaud your success and its happiness.
I pray Y(our) S(erene) H(ighness) to accept the assurance of my high consideration and my attachment.
Eugène to Murat Milan, 28 July 1805
If Your Serene Highness was told that I had complained about the silence he had kept with me on the occasion of the new testimony of tenderness and kindness that I received from His Majesty, he was deceived. If I would have complained, it would be to Your Serene Highness himself that I would have addressed my complaints.
But if Your Highness was told that I was afflicted by his silence, he was told the truth. I admit to you, in this circumstance where I received from all parts congratulations that no letter of mine had provoked, it pained me to not find your name in the midst of all those who renewed to me their testimonies and expressions of attachment.
You thought I should have informed you of His Majesty's act myself... I thank you for explaining to me the reason of your reserve. I have no right to complain, but deep down does Your Highness think that if all the favors he deserved, and which I wish for him, were to arrive for him, it would not suffice for me to have learned of them from the Journal officiel, to hasten to tell him how happy I was for him?
If Your Highness does not share my opinion in this regard, I hope at least that he will find in the frankess with which I expose it, further proof of the importance I attach to having no injury towards him.
Now that I have said all that I have believed necessary to my justification, receive, I pray you, all my thanks for the new expressions of friendship that I find with so much pleasure in your last letter. Your Serene Highness will do me the justice of believing that I respond to the sincerity of his sentiments by all the sincerity of mine.
Will H(er) I(imperial) H(ighness) the Princess Caroline kindly receive my respectful homage the the assurance of my distinguished sentiments?
--Prince Eugène
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lawrenceop · 3 years
HOMILY for 5th Sun after Pentecost (Dominican rite)
1 Pt 3:8-15; Matt 5:20-24
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“Love the brethren”, or “be lovers of the brotherhood”, says St Peter in today’s epistle. Hence the Gospel today condemns anyone who is angry with a brother, calling him raca, meaning someone who is inferior or stupid. Doing so would violate, it seems to me, the fundamental equality of brothers. Indeed, mindful perhaps of the tense history of brothers in the Old Testament, Jesus points out in the Gospel that at the root of such anger between brothers is a hatred of the other that could potentially lead to murder. For it was between the first pair of brothers that the first murder in history was committed; and the sons of Jacob would gang up in an attempt to kill off their brother Joseph, and they eventually sold him as a slave, an inferior, mere chattel. So, the propensity to hate one’s brother, and to dehumanise him, and to even kill him is as old as sin.
Christ, therefore, comes to redeem this fallen and divided world, and to heal with his grace these wounded and fractured relationships. Indeed, Christ wills not only to heal that which nature provides; to heal not only our blood relationships, but he goes beyond that: his supernatural grace elevates our relationships making us, sinful men, to become spiritual brothers to one another, bound together by his Precious Blood which has been shed for us and freed us from sin; making us, indeed, through baptism, to become his ‘blood brothers’, so to speak, through the adoption of grace into the household of God our common Father. Hence St Paul says: “those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first-born among many brethren.” (Rom 8:29)
So, when St Peter speaks of the brotherhood, and when Our Lord speaks to his disciples and tells them to be reconciled with their brothers, he is speaking of the Christian family, of all who have been baptised into Christ, and who are thus to become conformed to his image – all who, by grace, are to become sons of God in and through and with the Son of God. The effect of holy baptism, therefore, is to make us truly children of God the Father, and therefore, just as truly make us brothers and sisters to one another. And so we are bound to God and to one another, united through charity.
Thus Jesus teaches us, his disciples, to pray to God and to address him with these words: Πάτερ ἡμῶν, it begins. Or Pater noster, our Father. Much attention is paid to the fact that Christ the Son confers upon us the privilege of adopted sonship so that we have the grace to call God Abba, Father, just as he, by his divine nature, being consubstantial with the Father, is entitled to do. However, Benedict XVI rightly observes that we could benefit from paying more attention to the fact that God is our Father because the Fatherhood of God is not communicated to us individually but only through the Body of Christ, which is his Church. So Benedict XVI says: “The Christian prayer to the Father… is bound to the community of our brothers, together with whom we make up the one Christ”. That phrase ‘one Christ’ is redolent of St Augustine’s beautiful term for the Church, which he called the totus Christus, ie., the entire Christ: Jesus the Head together with us the members. So, the Lord’s Prayer opens by reminding us of our communion with one another which is a principal fruit of holy baptism.
For this is what Christ has come to effect: he has come to heal the wounds of sin, to overcome the divisions and suspicions between men, to calm the murderous hatred that would well up between brothers if they were to live without grace. Hence St Peter says: “have unity of spirit, sympathy, love of the brethren, a tender heart and a humble mind.” For these come from the Holy Spirit, and they build up the brotherhood of Christians, humbly united in love to Christ, under God the Father. However, division, arguments, quarrelling, name-calling, and gossip against a brother all comes from the Devil, the Father of Lies, whom Jesus has called a “murderer from the beginning”. (Jn 8:44)
Therefore, Benedict XVI says that “Christian belief in God the Father… necessarily involves the affirmation of our brothers, the brotherhood of all Christians”, for we have been instructed by Scripture to “love the brethren.” Thus St John says: “He who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.” (1 Jn 4:20). This connection between our love for our fellow Christians and our love for God is intrinsically connected, such that Our Lord tells us in today’s Gospel: “if you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” (Mt 5:23-24) Because the Holy Mass, this Eucharistic assembly, is where we gather as brothers and sisters. It is here that our communion with one another is meant to be expressed; here that our love for one another is made manifest to the world, so that non-believers can see that God is our Father. In the 2nd century, Tertullian thus observed that pagans looking at Christians should be able to say: “Look . . . how they love one another (for they themselves [the pagans] hate one another); and how they are ready to die for each other (for they themselves are readier to kill each other).”
My brothers and sisters: Can this be said of us today? Do we actually know one another who come together to this church to gather around God our Father? What more can I do for you to help this Eucharistic assembly become better practitioners of brotherly love? Moreover, I ask: what do people see when they look at our interactions with one another, especially online – on social media when we Christians talk about and with one another? Occasionally I do see the deep care that Catholics have for one another, praying for one another, giving support, encouragement and sound spiritual advice. But very often I see much that saddens me. As Pope Francis says in Fratelli tutti, “Even in Catholic media, limits can be overstepped, defamation and slander can become commonplace, and all ethical standards and respect for the good name of others can be abandoned”. How can this contribute to the fraternity that our common Father asks of us?” (§46)
This year, as you’ll know, the Dominican Order celebrates the 800th anniversary of the heavenly birthday of St Dominic. And one of the things that has been reiterated about St Dominic is that, according to the earliest writings about him, Dominic wished to be known as Brother Dominic. Hence, his Order is called the “Ordo Fratrum Prædicatorum”, an order of preaching brothers, and the earliest stories of the Order are compiled in a book called The Lives of the Brethren. So, you might think that we brothers have something to say to the wider Church about how to live as brothers, how to love the brethren. I don’t say I am an expert in loving my brothers, but I can say from my own experience that we Dominicans suffer as a brotherhood if we don’t talk to one another, if we don’t listen to one another, if we don’t spend time together getting to know and understand our brothers and their viewpoints. If I only talk with those whom I like and whose views I share, then the temptation to call my brother a fool, or even to hate him increases. Now, the Lord has warned us against this.
The current Master of the Order, therefore, reminds us Dominicans that we must make time and space “for mutual listening and learning, as brothers”. And this advice, I think, holds good for all of us as Catholics. Thus the Holy Father Pope Francis warned the Church against “the media’s noisy potpourri of facts and opinions [that] is often an obstacle to dialogue, since it lets everyone cling stubbornly to his or her own ideas, interests and choices, with the excuse that everyone else is wrong. It becomes easier to discredit and insult opponents from the outset than to open a respectful dialogue aimed at achieving agreement on a deeper level.” (Fratelli tutti, 201) This is the way of the world. But Christ has come to redeem the world; his grace elevates Christians so that we can become a light to the nations, showing the pagan world how we can love one another. Thus Pope Francis says: “Together, we can seek the truth in dialogue, in relaxed conversation or in passionate debate. To do so calls for perseverance; it entails moments of silence and suffering, yet it can patiently embrace the broader experience of individuals and peoples.” (Fratelli tutti, 50)
So this is the challenge laid before us today. In a noisy world full of prideful opinions, can we mortify ourselves and keep silent? Can we charitably listen and seek the good in what others say and do? Can we, as St Peter says, have “a tender heart and a humble mind… [And] do not return evil for evil or reviling for reviling; but on the contrary bless”, which means to speak well of the other. (1 Pt 3:8,9)
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petri808 · 4 years
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For Inuyasha Sins Pride. Chapter 2 4800 words. gomen, it’s rushed ;-; please see AO3 source link to the first chapter.
It was a surprise to the kingdom of Chiba to learn the stable hand was really an undercover Prince. But once the initial shock wore off, King and Queen Higurashi gave the couple their blessings to begin a proper courtship. How could they not to a Prince from an ally kingdom. Princess Rin and her retinue were given guest rooms in the palace to use during her visit but Inuyasha requested to stay in the quarters provided to the stable hand. It was an odd request for the royals to approve, but he explained he’d grown comfortable in it and rather enjoyed the work. If anything, it was the reason for his enlightenment.
During Rin’s visit, the two Princesses grow close, almost like sisters, something neither girl had fully experienced before. Kagome was surprised to learn that Rin was not blood related nor born a Princess. The King and Queen of Kamakura were both yokai, but the girl was 100 percent human.
“Wow, so Sesshomaru adopted you... that’s a really amazing story.”
“Yeah,” the girl blushes. “Before he became King, he was the General in charge of the army. I was told he’d found me as an infant during one of the campaigns against a rouge group of wolf yokai who was attacking a village. My parents had been killed so he took me to the castle. I guess, he grew attached and adopted me with King Toga’s blessing. You see Toga, Inuyasha’s father had a love for humans and even sired a son from an affair.”
“Yeah! This is all before my time, but sadly Uncle Inu’s mom died of cancer when he was just a pup.”
“Then who is King Sesshomaru’s mother?”
“King Toga had a Queen. I’ve been told through the castle gossip it was an arraigned marriage with very little love between them.”
“I see... is that why he strayed...” Kagome’s voice quiets down due to the nature of the suggestion. Rin nods her head. “Well, I guess I should be thankful considering Inu was a product of that meeting.”
Rin giggles and smiles. “I’m really happy uncle finally found someone.”
The week passes by in a blink of the eye. So, when the time comes for Rin to go home, she coaxes the couple into joining her. ‘Uncle, you need to let father know you’re alive and most of all courting a Princess.’ It worked. Inuyasha knew his niece was right and begrudgingly agrees to accompany her.
They secure approval from the King and Queen for Kagome to travel with her personal guard, two attendants, and primary tutor, then set off on the five-day journey to the heart of Kamakura. It wasn’t a very difficult journey between their borders, just bandits to watch for. With a yokai soldier guarding Rin and Inuyasha, it dropped the likelihood of attack to almost zero. Whenever possible, the group stayed in towns along the route, but if they didn’t make it by night fall, the two carriages served as sleeping quarters for the women, while the men made-due under the stars.
To pass the time, Sango graciously tutors both Princesses, which Rin greatly appreciated. The woman was like her own tutors who were a bit stuffier, and besides the woman’s pet was a total delight.
“I know, I love it too when she brings her kitty to sessions,” Kagome muses. “Always relaxes me.”
“She is really sweet, but you know she’s not a regular cat, right?” Rin responds.
“She’s not?”
“No, she’s a yokai cat,” the girl giggles with Sango nodding in confirmation.
“I inherited Kirara from my mother,” Sango provides more information. “She’s very protective of me and can transform when she wants to into a much larger cat.” The animal looks up as if in understanding. “But that’s rare now that I don’t go hunting with my family anymore.”
“Huh? I had no idea!”
“You’ve never asked,” Sango laughs. “She likes most people as well, except Miroku, but he’s trying to win her over.” She leans in and whispers, “I think because she knows he’s a pervert.”
“I heard that!” Comes a voice from beside the carriage.
“Tch, figures he’s eavesdropping.”
Rin and Kagome laugh. As annoying as the man was, he was relentless in pursuing something he wants, and Kagome wonders if Sango is the reason, he somehow become her personal guard. One thing was for sure, Miroku was not shy about his obsession either.
“He’s not a bad catch,” Kagome teases her friend. “It could be worse, and I’ve seen you blush when he talks to you.”
“Pf-t-that’s not the point,” Sango looks away as she feels her cheeks heating up. “I’m not interested in a relationship right now.”
“I’ll wait for you my love,” the male voice calls out again. “As long as it takes.”
That sets the two Princesses into full blown giggles and Sango into a heated embarrassment. “Stop listening to us you perverted lecher!”
“Yeah, get! Get away from the carriage,” another male growls. “Leave the girls be and focus on your job.”
“Inu?” Kagome whispers, while Rin giggles and nods yes.
Finally, the combined entourages reach Shiroinu Castle in the capital city of Yuki no Machi. It was aptly named for residing at the base of a snow topped mountain in the winter months. Inuyasha explains to Kagome, his ancestors chose this location as the capital because the mountain provides one side of protection from invasion. The castle had another unique security feature. The two main castle walls were separated with a fifty-foot wide moat running between them, with massive draw bridges and gates. So, even if you breach the first wall, an invader would have to traverse the water before it could reach the inner wall, slowing them down, and providing additional time for the military to react.
The palace staff are thrilled to see that their wayward Prince has returned and quickly usher the group into the castle. The royals retinues are taken straight to where they will be staying during this trip, while Inuyasha, Kagome, and Rin are led into the throne room where the King and Queen await them. It was a tense and nerve-wracking moment with the Prince expecting some backlash and the Princess unsure of how Sesshomaru will receive her. According to Rin, her father was not one to show emotions, rarer still to ever see the male smile. He was a stately King and prided honor above all.
But Rin was excited to see her parents, despite only being gone less than a month. She skips her way to the thrones and takes her place beside her father, giving him a peck on his stone-faced cheek. If it wasn’t for the very, very tiny uptick in the corner of his mouth, one would think he looked angry at her behavior.
“My daughter returns with a surprise I see.”
“I found uncle Inu on my trip to meet Princess Kagome of Chiba, father. Isn’t that wonderful!”
The King keeps his features stoic in stark contrast to the young girls exuberance. “And this I take is the Princess?”
“Yes, father.”
“Inuyasha, explain you absence now.”
The Prince swallows down his desire to snap at his brother. They’ve never had the greatest of relationships because Sesshomaru abhorred the reason of his birth. It was only after adopting Rin that the older males heart began to thaw, just a little towards him. He steps forward, slightly in front of Kagome as a potential shield.
“I went out in search of a possible bride, but one that fell in love not for my title but heart.”
“What does title matter if you’ve chosen a Princess of the same rank?”
“Kagome did not know I was a Prince when we met.”
Sesshomaru’s brow raises. “Explain.”
“I became the stable hand at the castle and that is how we met. I had not intended to fall for a Princess, that’s just how things turned out.”
Such a statement makes the King’s brow twitch in annoyance. He knew his brother was not fond of being a Prince, but to stoop to the rank of a commoner was simply disgraceful in his eyes. They were royals and it was their duty to behave as such. Still, he holds his indignation back for now in light of Kagome’s presence.
“So, you’ve brought your intended to gain my blessing?”
“Aren’t they cute together, father?” Rin chimes in, hoping to break the tension she can sense from the male. “I can confirm everything he’s saying is true, and that Princess Kagome’s parents have also given their blessings for a proper courtship.”
“I see. We will discuss this further after dinner.” Sesshomaru motions to the palace staff. “Please show them to the rooms, they must be tired from the journey.” And with that he dismisses the trio without another word.
Kagome is placed in the same room as Sango, while her other two attendants are in an adjoining room. Miroku will stay in the soldiers barracks area. Of course, Inuyasha has his own room close by along with Rin.
The accommodations are beautifully laid out with finely decorated, gleaming white stone walls. A large four-poster canopy bed, thick rugs, a dressing table with a large gilded mirror, armoires, a walk-in closet, and a fireplace. The balcony overlooks a manicured garden filled with ponds, paths, sweet smelling flowering fruit trees, and benches along the paths for sitting. In the middle of the garden is a gazebo large enough for luncheons, popular with the women of the palace.
“What do you think?” Sesshomaru turns to his Queen.
“Perhaps this is a positive development my King. If this Princess satisfies Inuyasha, he’ll likely settle down.”
“Perhaps...” he sits back on his throne in contemplation.
“And she is the daughter of an ally not a rival. Such relations could prove mutually beneficial. Our daughter also seems to like her.”
“Rin likes everyone,” he fires back.
“True,” the woman chuckles, “but you know your brother has never shown interest in marriage. This one must be special.”
“We shall see.”
This is why he is grateful to have such a woman reigning by his side. Kagura is well educated, tactfully smart, but able to converse without overstepping her position. Sesshomaru’s lucky that his father broke tradition and allowed him to choose his Queen rather than be forced into a marriage. It was one of the first edicts enacted by Toga when he was crowned King to ensure his children married for love. Still, while he did love Kagura, pride made sure she was worthy of the title first. Such a power move was simply necessary when one is a King. As his first duty, he has an entire kingdom of subjects to protect. In order to do so, a ruler must be tactful and careful in all of their decisions no matter the cost.
Kagura reaches over and takes her husband’s hand, lovingly sweeping her thumb over the webbing of the palm. “This could be the blessing we were hoping for.”
All through dinner, Princesses Kagome and Rin keep the table alive with conversations. Most of the topics revolve around Chiba, what it’s like, and Kagome explaining some of the notable areas of the kingdom worth visiting. Eventually, the subject of her and Inuyasha is brought up by Kagura. Inuyasha wonders if this is more like an interrogation, but Kagome sees it otherwise with the older female seeming to have a genuine interest in how the relationship came to be.
She explains how Inuyasha started working at the castle as a stable hand, that it seemed an odd profession for one who would make a better soldier, but regardless he was great at the job. “I was impressed by how well he cared for the horses, especially my own.” The man took pride in his handiwork, was always level-headed and willing to listen when she needed to vent or talk. So, eventually feelings developed and actually it was the day Rin had arrived that they realized it was a mutual attraction. “I remember thinking, wow, this man actually talks back to me,” Kagome chuckles, “servants don’t dare to talk like that to a royal out of fear.” She turns to Inuyasha who looks annoyed with the whole convo. “Well, now I know why.”
That brings a chuckle from the Queen. “I don’t believe I’ve ever equated Inuyasha with patience before. This experience must have had a profound effect on him, or perhaps I should say, you had such an effect on him.”
The cheeks on both Inuyasha and Kagome brighten as they look away to hide their embarrassment. Rin on the other hand giggles amusingly. “When I found them, they started bickering, it was adorable! That’s how I knew, uncle Inu was in love!”
“Bite your tongue brat!” He grumps back but with no real anger to his tone. This only causes the girl to laugh harder.
Through the entire meal, Sesshomaru watches without adding to the conversation. Kagura was better in these situations so he simply observed and so far, he was willing to give Kagome a chance. He was teetering between agreeing to the arrangement or not, placing the same conditions on the Princess that he had on his intended wife. Because no matter if they loved each other, he still felt that they must uphold the dignity he strives for to protect their kingdom. The girl was only a couple years older than his daughter, so it made sense that the two women got along well. But despite her exuberance in chatting, Kagome held a strong poise. He also took into consideration their first meeting where she stood quietly, never speaking out of turn, and following proper decorum of meeting royalty.
“Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru cuts into the conversation during a lull between the women, “I’d like to speak with you privately in the study. Now.” He stands up and walks out of the room without waiting for a response.
Kagome turns to the man concerned, “is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Inuyasha reassures her. “This is normal.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Don’t worry my dear,” Kagura adds to allay her fears, “they just need to figure out a few details of this arrangement.”
Neither words of comfort really worked, but as a guest in the palace, Kagome didn’t want to do or say something wrong. “I understand.”
“Let’s have some dessert in the meantime.” Rin suggests to distract the woman. “Kagome you must try the strawberry tarts, they’re delicious!”
When Inuyasha arrives in the study, he finds his brother seated at the writing desk. Sesshomaru’s fingers are steepled and a nondescript expression screwed onto his face. But he could sense the emotions emanating from his brother, the tingling of yokai energy being muzzled. It doesn’t surprise him. Sesshomaru’s behavior when they’d arrived was lacking his normal reactions.
Inuyasha takes a seat opposite his brother and sits casually, trying not to show any disdain. “You wished to speak with me brother?”
There’s a short pause before Sesshomaru sits up straight and begins to chastise his brothers behavior over the last nine months. Of leaving without any word or where he was going and what he was up to. “Inuyasha, you’ve spent your life fighting against the fact you are a crowned Prince of this kingdom. It’s not something you can easily run away from. What if you’d been captured and held ransom or killed, can you imagine the consequences? The potential war you could have started? We have our subjects to protect.” The king leans back against his seat. “Our lives, whether we like it or not will affect the most people. We do not have the luxury of being selfish when it comes to such things.”
“You think I don’t realize such things, I—”
A hand wave cuts off his words. “The question is, have you truly learned the error of your judgment? If you love this Princess enough to seek out our blessing, I would hope you have for her sake.”
“I have,” Inuyasha growls. “I don’t care if you believe me or not. And frankly, I only do this to allay her concerns of courting properly. I’ll marry her if you agree or not.”
A long silence befalls the two brothers as Sesshomaru thinks carefully his next choice of words. His brothers reaction would finalize his decision. If Inuyasha was still the arrogant Prince he’d left as, the answer would not have been a pleasant one.
“After discussing this situation with my Queen, I have decided to allow your courtship under one condition.”
“You are both to stay here for six months for observation. To be blunt, I must make sure that Princess Kagome will serve this kingdom properly.”
Despite spitting out that he didn’t care, Inuyasha knows his brothers blessing is necessary to ensure any marriage has a chance to take place. If Kagome’s parents were to find out that Sesshomaru disproved, they may not allow her to marry him either. Inuyasha holds back a growl. “Fine. I’ll have Kagome send a message to her parents, pending they have no objections we accept your conditions.”
“Very well. You are excused.”
Once the door closes behind Inuyasha, Sesshomaru sits back, musing and a bit taken by surprise. Had eight months outside of these walls really affected his brother so much? It’s hard to believe that a nearly 30-year old fused in their personality could change so drastically and quickly. He’d been ready for an explosion only to be met with submission. That’s not to say he didn’t sense the anger bubbling inside of his brother. Energy is much harder to mask. Yet Inuyasha controlled it. A smile licks at the corners of Sesshomaru’s lips, dare he admit he was proud of his little brother?
Kagome took Sesshomaru’s edict in stride despite Inuyasha’s irritation over it. The younger feeling as if the older should stay out of his love life. She looks at it as an extended vacation since this is the longest, she’s ever been away from home, plus it gave her an opportunity to bond further with Rin who was an absolute delight. It’s surprising how carefree the young woman is considering her father is quite strict about her behavior. Perhaps, despite his emotionless personality, that girl really has him wrapped around her finger.
Many a day is spent in normal royal routine. Tutoring lessons continue like normal with Sango, added lessons such as archery being something Kagome rather enjoyed learning. Her parents never allowed her to use a weapon back home, but here it is encouraged for protection. In the evenings, she spends it with Inuyasha as part of the courting because during the day he has his own duties to the Kingdom to deal with. But he never withholds information from her as if he wants Kagome to understand how a kingdom is truly run. Such a partnership is how Sesshomaru and his Queen rule as well. All the information gives her a better sense of how important their positions truly are.
“How are you liking it here?” Inuyasha questions Kagome during one of their riding times together. Whenever there is a lull in his duties, this is his favorite way to relax away from the castle.
“Mmm, sometimes I miss my family, but I love being here as well.” She chuckles, “for so long I wanted to get away from home, but I guess now I just have a better appreciation for my life.”
“I’m sorry we don’t get to spend a lot of time together.”
Kagome smiles. “It’s fine, really, Inuyasha. You have things you need to do, and I have things to keep me busy.”
Four months have passed by and Sesshomaru has never given them any indication that he was unhappy with Kagome. They saw each other almost every night at dinner or on occasion around the castle, but no real interactions. Rin assures her that this is how he always is, silent, calculating, and observant. When he was a general, much of his success came not because of brawn, but brains, outmaneuvering enemies and losing the least amount of soldiers in the process. Kagome had yet to meet Sesshomaru’s mother who she was told moved away from the castle after the death of Toga a couple years ago. Sadly, she also learned Sesshomaru became King upon their father’s death during a battle later finished by the son.
On a beautiful afternoon with tutoring complete for the day, Kagome ventures into the enclosed garden to relax before dinner. As she walks the pathways, she takes in the peaceful elements it brings. Whoever designed this garden was a master artist. Everything was laid out to bring out a sense of quiet, reflective joy, from the types of plant life chosen to the pond filled with colorful fish. It was easy to lose yourself here for hours at a time.
Even in the night, it’s a beautiful scene and where she and Inuyasha have spent star gazing a few times. In fact, she remembers one night in particular. It was his human night, the one day each month he transforms. Despite the moons absence, the sky was unusually clear and stars inordinately brighter. They sparkled off his dark hair almost giving it an iridescent blue hue and if she thought he was handsome normally, on that night Inuyasha truly shone in her eyes.
She clears a bend in the path that takes one to overhanging wisterias. To her surprise, Kagome sees Sesshomaru sitting there with his eyes closed, relaxed, and leaning against the trees trunk instead of the bench beside it. Not wanting to disturb him, she starts to turn around until a deep voice calls her back.
“Do I scare you?” Sesshomaru questions without opening his eyes. He’d felt her energy approaching.
“Not really.” Kagome turns back to him out of polite respect. “Well, maybe just a little.”
He peeks open one eye. “You have nothing to fear from me Princess,” then points to the bench, “sit. We’ve not had a chance to converse properly.”
O—kay? She sits down on the bench hesitantly. The day had been going so well too, what would Sesshomaru want to speak with her about? The man closes his eyes fully again as if uninterested in this conversation. She finds it odd but isn’t sure if she should be the one to engage first. Proper etiquette dictates that she allow him to start it off, so she stays quiet.
He could hear the slightly palpitating heartbeat of anxiety and smell a minute amount of intrigue mixed with unsurety. It’s clear that the woman really held no true fear of him, or those senses would be amplified, but mostly just nervous of the unknown. These unconscious reactions tell volumes about an individual and is why he sat there silently for a few minutes analyzing them.
“Tell me Princess, for I am curious, why do you believe my brother is worthy of your hand?”
Well that is not a question Kagome expected to be hear.
“I’m sorry my lord, but I do not quite understand. Do you believe that I am somehow better than him?”
“I watched Inuyasha grow up and he has never shown an ability to be responsible for himself and certainly not another person’s life. Both marriage and crown requires such an ability. It is true he appears to have grown in the span of a year, but I wish to determine if it is for show in order to gain your hand or Inuyasha has truly changed.”
Kagome reflects on his words for a moment making sure she’s understood them. Is Sesshomaru testing her or does he really not trust his brother? She chooses her words carefully. “I mean no disrespect, but I believe your distrust of your brother is mistaken. I am not discounting his past for creating your disillusion, only in that you still do not believe he is capable of change.”
She sighs, “the truth is, it is I who was not worthy of Inuyasha. When he came to our kingdom, I was a lot like what you describe of his past. I hated my title and envied commoners because I was frustrated with all the rules of being a Princess. I couldn’t see past my own selfish desires.” Kagome smiles softly in reflection, “and it was Inuyasha who showed me how misguided I was behaving. I believe that when Inuyasha left here and lived amongst the commoners, he gained a new perspective not only of them but of himself. That self-reflection allowed him to realize the important roles and responsibilities of a royal to the commoners. He might not like the rules sometimes, but he understands the importance of them now and so do I.”
She stands up and bows low. “Lord Sesshomaru, I humbly beg you to give your brother a chance to continue to show you he has changed for the better.”
After a few moments of silence, he opens his eyes to see the Princess still standing there with her head bowed to him. “I shall take your request under advisement you may return to your walk Princess.”
“Thank you lord Sesshomaru.”
It’s only after she can no longer see him that Kagome releases the breath, she’s been holding in. She poured out her true feelings on the matter and now it was up to the King who she hopes heard the honesty in her voice. It’s not easy to admit out loud ones failures. She knows a few months and one conversation is not enough to truly sway someone’s mind, but it was merely the opportunity to do so that she requested. By the time she exists the garden, she decides not to mention the full conversation to Inuyasha for fear of sparking an argument.
Another month carries through as if the conversation never took place, but the feeling as if she was being watched played on her from time to time. Deep down Kagome knew that’s exactly what was happening, Sesshomaru had them stay to be observed after all. But it wasn’t until that day in the garden that it came back to the forefront. At the same time, she knew that the best way to handle the situation is to continue doing her best to prove she could be a proper, capable Princess.
But the time is ticking away and soon enough the six months would come to a close. The one positive thing Kagome had to draw upon was Inuyasha’s proposal of marriage and her acceptance that came at the beginning of this month. He promised to put a ring on her finger regardless of his brothers decision. It gave her a sense of warmth and also pride at how much they’d both grown in this time. Together, they could do anything and if both their parents rejected their marriage, to hell with them, they’ll just build that house by the lake and live happily ever after.
Of course, she hoped it would all turn out in the end but that didn’t help her steadily growing nerves. She wonders, agonizes of the Kings decision until finally, with just two more weeks to go, she and Inuyasha are summoned back to the throne room.
“Inuyasha and Kagome, I have made my decision.”
The couple steps forward hand in hand. Inuyasha squeezes hers in an effort to comfort her, despite his own trepidation.
“If marriage is what you choose, we will grant our blessing, but Queen Kagura wishes to make a request.”
“Request or demand?” Inuyasha questions.
This time, instead of Sesshomaru, it’s the Queen who speaks up. “It is a request, but after I explain what it is, I pray you accept it for it is important to the kingdom.”
Kagome squeezes Inuyasha’s hand, looking up with a gaze to keep silent. “Please continue,” she requests of the Queen.”
“As you know a kingdom must have an heir, but sadly I am unable to bear children. Therefore, my request is that if you should bear a son, he will be raised to become the next heir apparent of Kamakura.”
Such a shocking revelation takes Kagome and Inuyasha by complete surprise. They see a slight film of moisture building in the woman’s eyes despite her stoicism, and it immediately tugs at the Princess’s heart. She looks to Inuyasha who’s ears are withered as if moved by his sister-in-law’s plight as well. “That would be alright, wouldn’t it,” she questions him. I cannot refuse such a request Inu.”
“I agree,” he smiles and lifts her hand, kissing the back of it, then turns to his family. “We would be honored to fulfill your request.”
“You do understand,” Sesshomaru steps in to clarify, “that it would require you to stay in this kingdom?” The couple nods in agreement. “Very well. We shall begin preparations for your wedding...”
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princessanneftw · 4 years
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Inside Princess Anne's lifelong love affair with horses
As the Princess Royal approaches her 70th birthday, those who know her recount the most enduring relationship of her life
By Eleanore Kelly for the Telegraph
The Princess Royal has spent a lifetime with horses. Like her siblings, she started riding at the age of three. But what makes her remarkable is the success she achieved as a competitor. Aged 21 she was crowned European Eventing Champion at Burghley. She was riding Doublet, a horse bred by the Queen, for polo, and gifted to the Princess.
At the 1975 European Eventing Championships, she finished second on Goodwill, another horse owned by the Queen and her mount at the Montreal Olympics in 1976, where she became the first member of the British royal family to compete at an Olympic Games. She rode winners in horse racing too, notably in the Grand Military Steeplechase at Sandown over jumps, and the Diamond Stakes on the flat at Ascot. No wonder she won BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year award in 1971 - the first ever event rider to carry off the trophy.
There were always ponies around during her childhood. Both her parents rode regularly, as did her older brother, Prince Charles, who developed a keen interest in polo and was considered a gifted player.
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In those days polo was a men-only game, so not something his sister would have pursued, but she was a member of the Pony Club where she would have tried most equestrian disciplines with other young enthusiasts. Perhaps the attraction to eventing was the camaraderie that is always synonymous with a risk sport; horses are no respecter of titles.
When she became more serious about eventing, her parents arranged for training with Alison Oliver, wife of international show jumper Alan Oliver, who was based near Windsor. She is widely credited for propelling the Princess on the road to international equestrian stardom.
Lucinda Green, one of Princess Anne’s eventing peers, describes her as the pin-up of their era. Lucinda was a fellow team member at the Montreal Olympics and remembers the Princess having a crashing fall halfway around the cross-country course and suffering concussion. She remounted and finished the course but to this day cannot remember the rest of the jumps.
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“She was extremely brave and good enough to get on the British team on two very different horses. Goodwill, her horse in Montreal, was not easy. He was big and had no brakes - I definitely wouldn’t have ridden him,” says Green.
With animals so often comes heartbreak, which even Princesses cannot escape. Her partnership with Doublet, a diminutive chestnut with the heart of a lion, ended in tragedy. The pair were destined for the Munich Olympics when the horse who had defined her career shattered a hind leg in an accident at Windsor and had to be put down.
At a time where security at sports events was minimal, The Princess was hounded by the media. “I always admired the way she coped with the press. That added the most unbelievable pressure on top of trying to do her sporting best. Tough for her but she put our sport on the map and kept it in the spotlight,” observes Green.
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In 1985, she was persuaded to ride in a charity horse race at Epsom (home of the Derby). By this stage she’d hung up her eventing boots and had two young children. Yet she was always game for the challenge, if it involved horses.
Horse racing requires a very different technique from eventing, so she approached trainer David Nicholson for help. Known as “The Duke” because of his imposing personality, he suggested she come to his Cotswold yard, little expecting she would turn up almost every day for several years to ride out.
His wife Dinah became familiar with the Princess, as she would join them in the kitchen for breakfast after exercising the horses. “She was so dedicated and determined, driving 40 minutes every morning and arriving at 7.15am on the dot, so she could tack up her horse before riding out on the gallops. Then she would have breakfast with us and sometimes there would be a jockey - Richard Dunwoody or Peter Scudamore. The conversation would mostly be about horses. After breakfast, she would set off for a busy day of royal duties.”
Even if she had a royal engagement in London that went on late into the night, she would still get up after a few hours sleep to drive to the yard in Stow-on-the Wold. Acquaintances say her security detail looked permanently exhausted from keeping up with her.
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After the charity race, in which she finished a respectable fourth, she asked Nicholson if she could continue riding out at his yard. It seemed the attraction was as much about the camaraderie of yard life as it was the actual race riding. “She became very fond of the people in racing and was always very natural with the stable lads, who liked her.”
There was a horse she was very fond of too, called Cnoc Na Cuille. He was a big winner for her in her career as a jump jockey (including the Grand Military) but soon after finishing third at Warwick, he dropped dead, probably from a heart attack.
“The Princess was not one for showing emotion but she was clearly very upset about it,” says Dinah. Soon after this she gave up race riding, although she has bred a few race horses herself at her home, Gatcombe Park in Gloucestershire.
For 37 years, thanks to the Princess, Gatcombe has hosted eventing competitions, including the prestigious Festival of Eventing. The cross-country course is designed by her former husband Captain Mark Phillips, an Olympic medallist and four-time Badminton winner (once the golden boy of British eventing), and the Director is their son Peter Phillips.
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Princess Anne’s daughter, Zara Tindall, a former European and World Champion event rider and silver medalist in the London 2012 Olympics, regularly competes there and the Princess hands out the prizes.
Tindall has even more eventing accolades than her mother and, like her, she was voted BBC Sports Personality of the Year (in 2006). Her mother has always been hugely supportive of her children’s interest in horses. Every Christmas, the Princess would drive the children’s ponies up to Balmoral* (think they mean Sandringham?) herself in a horsebox so they could all ride.
There is also a strong equine theme to the Princess Royal’s charity work. She’s President of World Horse Welfare and the Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) as well as Patron of the Pony Club and the Injured Jockeys Fund (IJF). She was President of the International Federation of Equestrian Sports (FEI) from 1986 to 1994, a role she took over from her father, Prince Philip.
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Roly Owers, CEO of World Horse Welfare, describes the Princess as having a deep love of horses, devoting a huge amount of time to all aspects of horse welfare. Former champion jockey John Francombe describes her as the best after-dinner speaker he has ever heard, with a great sense of humour, persuading well-oiled guests to open their wallets for charity and even persuading them to adopt horses themselves.
Rehoming unwanted horses is a large part of the World Horse Welfare’s work and the Princess is a rehomer herself. “On one of her visits to our rescue centres, she met a Welsh Cob called Annie and asked if she could have her. I believe she still rides her today.”
“She has always had a clear opinion but understands horses better than anyone,” says Owers. That once got her into trouble, at the 2013 World Horse Welfare conference when one of the topics was the European Horse Meat scandal. “She made a comment about the value of horses that was translated as ‘Princess Anne eats horse meat’ by certain journalists.”
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What the Princess had actually said was: "Should we be considering a real market for horsemeat and would that reduce the number of welfare cases, if there was a real value in the horsemeat sector? I chuck that out for what it's worth because I think it needs a debate."
As Owers remembers, “it was unfortunately the first time we filmed the conference and broadcast it live, so you can imagine it created 48 hours of hysteria.” Though whether the Princess actually sits down to pony steak for Sunday lunch is not known.
Caroline Ward of the RDA remarks on her extraordinary empathy. “She understands the challenges our participants face and what they get out of the experience of riding horses. She will talk to them about their ponies and what it means to them to spend time with horses.
“These riders, many of whom find communication and mobility so difficult, will always open up to her. They are bound by this common interest and love of horses. She will also chat to the volunteers, to make them feel all the more special.”
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Ward recalls the time Princess Anne helped a rider load her difficult horse into the horse box. “She came to our RDA National Championships at Hartpury College. She saw this struggle and despite not being dressed to get stuck in, she clearly couldn’t walk by without offering assistance. Well, this horse took one look at her and realised this was someone who meant business, and walked straight into the horsebox.”
Ex-jockey and racing journalist Brough Scott has known the Princess for many years through sport and her support of the IJF. “At charity events, rather than entertaining the fat cats, she is happiest talking to the ex-jockeys, many of whom are in a wheelchair. One really likes her for that, even though she is not trying to be liked.”
To be a successful rider, you have to build a relationship of trust and mutual understanding with your horse. That means controlling your fear and emotions. Eventing, a combination of the three disciplines of dressage, cross-country and show jumping, is perhaps the truest test of all-round horsemanship, demanding both accuracy and courage. It is only for the bravest of the brave, says Scott.
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“Princess Anne wasn’t simply a Royal who rode, she was an athlete who achieved great things in her eventing career and rode courses that would have terrified most people. That must have given her self-confidence and fulfillment.”
In her public duties too, the Princess Royal has given her all, incidentally personifying the characteristics necessary for a fine horsewoman: discipline, dedication and courage. Are they a matter of her breeding and upbringing, or do we have her love of horses to thank for that?
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stray-tori · 4 years
An Innocent Sin & the good gay flashback ft. my descent into madness
I wasn’t sure if I should post this but I mostly want it archived so here we go. This is from like,, September?
So. “An Innocent Sin” is a dumpster fire unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I don’t remember why I decided to read it. maybe I was crazy. Either way... I read it. It soon started to touch upon (very very outlandish) sexual abuse which I thought was interesting. (the angst, not so much some of the wack circumstances surrounding it)
ANYWAY. at some point... we have a flashback. And not just that. It has a gay character.
And it turns rly gay. which mind you, is still in a het smut manwha (that has a “gay” side couple, but still!)
And it destroyed me.
For those who want to read it because I genuinely think the flashback is a decent bit, it’s all the bonus chapters between chapter 77 and 78 I think. There’s a part before that too, but idk where exactly anymore. (It’s on lezhin! or your platform of choosing)
I don’t THINK you’ll need any other knowledge to get the flashback bit? but it’s been a while.
Below the cut (rip mobile users), you can read all of my amazing reactions (all of these were text messages, for context - but I took most of the replies and convos about other things out). Post is also tagged as long post. :))
(i’m serious, this is fucking long)
Here I am. Liking the gay flashback character. Feck. Main dude is still straight but idk it's cute pff
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This is a mess. The girl white hair likes, likes black hair, maybe, but thinks white hair is attractive
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What just happened is sth I'd like to know too pff He's so cute tho omg. Watch me melt Can we stay in this flashback before everything got perverted af and before white hair gets assaulted all the time I would send an eyebrow emote if I could Context: he's asking he says it again
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Ik it's not mutual but loookkk he's so sweet. He's kinda rude in present time, can't we stay in this flashback forever
I never asked for gay, never expected gay but I got gay
This story is trash why am I still reading it shdhhd
He caught his mom cheating. And now she's forcing him to watch??? What is thissss Well adoptive mom But still sudhdidu what Bitch how dare YOU exist
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Save my babyyyy
Yay sister that's not yet a rapist to the rescueee
This flashback is actually just nicer in every way let's just stay here This is a super long flashback btw Idek anymore what triggered it
Okay I think I'm gonna make the sensible decision and let this dumpster fire rest and just go sleep
It was very wild. I kinda wanna see white hair get therapy but it has 90 chapters and I'm at like 30... So I'm very concerned this is gonna be very dragged out. Idek if it's even finished ahahsududi - but I do kinda wanna see where it goes and see more cute Noah (white hair) so. Here we are.
yeahhh like i was down for the sexual abuse angst but then the mother killed the adoptive son's mother bc the dad had a thing for her?? and it was someone a person studying with white hair knew and so he's investigating and I'm like how did this turn into a crime organisation kind of plot
hhhhhhh i... i appreciate these horny things also tackling abuse but it always kind of gives me weird vibes to have both, especially when its very horny. And when people are horny to people who've been abused. Idk but I'd assume... you might try NOT to tie them up if they're frequently bondaged during their assaults. I'm just.... disjdksdj hello?? am i weird?? why are they fine with it???
also this manwha is so wild, theres this murder mystery investigation thing and then theres just a couple doing honry stuff sprinkled in between and i'm like OKAY
they rescued a guy in their basement and he's understandably very traumatized and they're trying to question him cut to our main couple trying bondage which i still dont understand bECAUSE HE'S A RAPE VICITM WHY ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS the ones questioning arent the main couple of course but idshkjds
like im glad he's somehow okay with all this horny stuff despite his trauma and im glad he can be happy and have a nice relationship but DO WE NEED THIS MUCH OF IT he's very cute tho
i like that even when i try other stuff lezhin recommends me it still has large amount of gay in it
[mei: i mean... that's pretty great, if you ask me]
I mean I agree, I'm enjoying the gay eheheh these tonal whiplashes there's not even that much white space between the panels fhjd nvm it just turned horny goddamn it can there be 1 chapter without fucking? okay, there were the flashbacks
WE ARE BACK IN FLASHBACKS but im not getting the gay relationship, sad
OH WAIT AM I GETTING GAY COMFORT bc thats very good too
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OH NNOOO this turned sad very quickly
I'M :((((
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different species confirmed
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I rly like them :((( I like the current girl too but it's just..... very horny with her. the flashbacks are nice [current tori edit: she’s very unloyal idk why i said I liked her] im weird HHHHH RIPPP 
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someone help him he looks so saddddd
not sure if thats the most healthy relationship but I'LL TAKE IT
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AWWW black hair's mom cooks mild food for them bc Noah can't eat spicy food :((( im soft
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i feel like theyve done much more bonding than noah's current relationship. I mean yes I think its cute when she comforts him, too, but they rarely do anything besides be horny together
best buildup, honestly
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the position is hornier than I'd like later here goes hope it stays cute
D-did someone just respect the word "stop"??? I am amazed
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i think you might uh. have some trauma stuff too so yknow
Dohye is a little dramatic in his reassurance but it's all rly cute so I'm :(( I like them a lot pls stay like this getting invested in flashbacks is always like: ik it wont stay but pls stay like this
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chapters ending in "i wanna touch him" is never good. I'm scared. Oh okay he didnt do anything. PHEW. He's already better than the girl, can't they just end up together lmao
[Noah was jealous]
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w-why do you look so evil dohye haukdhjs
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oh. oh no. the horny is starting. pls dont... just be cute forever
DOHYE NO YOU WERE SO DECENT WHY ARE YOU LYING ABOUT KOREAN TRADITIONS TO GET HIM TO DO STUFF HORNY STUFF TOO NO PLS STOP I JUST- WHEEE TvT the manwha is actually less visually horny in the flashbacks but im not sure if its bc its BL which isnt rly the genre of the manwha or if its bc they're still kids basically, which... I'd respect the latter, tho I'd prefer it to be like this constantly haha
okay. he's not respecting stop anymore, but it's also more of embarrassed nature more than "no i dont want this stop" so maybe i can forgive it. Still losing points, but he hugged him and it was sweet so HHHHHHHHHHH NOT SURE HOW I SHOULD JUDGE THIS SITUATION
They [Noah’s family] forbid him to visit his friends house I AM DEVASTATED
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understandable they're a rapist, a fucked up murderer mother and a father with a thing for younger women so
tho he dont know any of that but yknow he's so pretty just fucking end me on the spot
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they are boyfriends and ik from the future that his sister is gonna ruin it allll she has those drugs that make visual imaginations feel like they rly happened to the person (dont know if thats real but holy fuck its terrifying) and she's used it before to say that Noah assualted her. and im pretty sure shes gonna use it again bc there was a panel of Noah remembering Dohye being uhhhh intimate with her and thats why Noah began to hate him and im so sad im not ready for it. bc he's denied it in the future and i honestly couldnt see it happening even before that or she drugged Dohye, i guess thats a possibility too
[current tori: oh girl, it’s neither and it’s wack]
which if, btich you gonna die even more enough rambling, more reading. this makes me so sad but also spicy
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on the manwha note, he thinks Noah doesnt like his family bc he's adopted and doesnt feel comfy which....... fair enough i suppose. and he's so cute im gonna melt just looK AT THIS 
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OH MY GODDDD he ate like ice and gum and all that, and Dohye assumed it was bc of the more spicy food and got rl worried, but he was just trying to get the smell out of his breath bc he wanted to kiss him ukhsdjs HOW CAN YOU BE SO CUTE HELLLOOOOOOOOO
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look at them. LOOK AT mY BABIESSSS
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how am i ever gonna care about the main couple again aww he-he wanted to go to the same highschool as him :((( im sad bc i know its not gonna happennnnnn
[mei: also at this point, you're literally never gonna care about them. i don't even know the main couple that well and i honestly don't care about them whatsoever.]
WAIT NO they're actually going to the same school awww ik it wont take long until sister fucks it up for them but for now theyre so sweet ohmygodddd
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cant he move in with them, fuck his family honestly
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dohye he's not a fucking pokemon iukhsdjs
oh. its. turning horny i am displeased with this development but i guess its natural for their relationship however COULD YOU DO IT AT HOME AND NOT IN SOME DUSTY SMALL ROOM how do ppl do this i like that the comments too are just "... is anyone still carng about the other girl?" sakjds
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this is the best 3 panels in existence.
h-he just took your hand dohye idk what to tell you
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[mei: "you blush at everything i do" god if that isn't me, idk what is]
awww its cute dohye is getting bonus points bc he invited Noah over while his mom wasnt home, they watched some sexual stuff and he DIDNT try to do anything what is this where can i get more of this
"well im not okay"
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they still didnt do much btw they're just kinda exploring and its honestly nice TvT I dont want this to ever endddd
[Dohye sees Noah’s sister and approaches her] N O
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this is the starttttt of something.......... TERRIBLEEEE 
:((( babyyyy
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Noah was drugged im sure. hes having dreams and waking up in pain and the sister is asking doyhe over I DONT LIKE THISSSSSSS OH HE DECLINED
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OKAY OKAY he saw him with her again but it was from behind and im not sure if it rly happened??? oh no this is terrible. Noah :((( poor child
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i am so emo about this
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[reminder he’s been abused TvT]
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[the sister: “Don’t you want to know why?”]
i will. murder someone he called to ask her to delete his number btw what is this manwha but this is just gonna make it that more tragic when whatever happens that breaks them apart :(((
he's such a good bf but Noah just wont TELL him his side I'M SO SAD
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It cant end im actually tearing up nooo you were so cuteeee and happpyyy
[*sister is telling dohye to come to the gym hall*]
what else is she gonna do she already teared [current tori: ahem... T O R E] them apart THAT'S NOT DOYhE. THATS NEVER HIM. OH MY GOD. is it a look alike??? damn, she's dedicated to just. ruining it, huh
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now he's switching SCHOOLS NO NOOOOO how will i ever find happiness againnnn NO they're misunderstanding further they're not talking properly i mean i get it but oh my god
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I'M :((( 
NO NOOOO pls make up in the future at least omg he tried to clear it up tooo ahhh i dont even have hopes for them getting back together but i just i want them to clear it up im crying first manwha to make me cry and it's this dumpster fire ahaha maybe a little too bc it kinda hit a little close to home i guess but goddamnn ittttt they were so cuteee and so happy and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
OH NO. Noahs getting drugged and assaulted. And he's realizing it happened before, he just forgot. I am. so sad it's not horny drawn either which i appreciate but MY HEART NO
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Im. gonna cry more 
Doyhe kept an eye on him im so emo :(( but he thought he was doing well enough and gave up.... Im im so sad no i want you to make up and get back together its all just a stupid........... MEHHHH will i ever find sth like this flashback again
[mei: p-probably not, no]
i am so devasted i dont even wanna go back to the main couple just fucking. i want this relationship back :(((( but i guess the investigation might end up somewhere so hhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhh the baker manwha had a similar flashback feeling so. i just gotta find more of that haha
BUT THIS WAS SO SAD??? im so emo
[Dohye got kidnapped // the flashback commentary stops here but I think my descend into madness is pretty funny too]
its. actually rly smart to have another, more focused on them flashback, before the arc where he gets kidnapped by the rapist murder household so. good job. from a meta perspective but also NO but also. maybe theres hope for them making up at least after all :(((
[main couple kissing] this is. very weird now. but im glad he has someone, he deserves it but dohyeeeee
and switching to sex, YET AGAIN now i wanna see this EVEN LESS THAN I DID BEFOREEEE it's even.... a threesome now with one of the other characters why are you like this why can't you be. like in the flashback i am so upset HAHHHHH WHEEEZEEEE
I am just stop fucking jesus christ PLEASE I DONT WANNA SEE IT ANYMOREEEEE
im just stop the horny pls just tell me who that new guy is and why doyhe likes him so much
[mei: this manwha is a fucking mess but at least we got your lovely commentary out of it]
dhsuksj thanks i feel honored at least i got cute BL out of it before everything went [back] to shit
[mei: THAT TOO]
tbh im getting kinda mad about doyhe... i dont... feel like he'd just fall instantly for a guy who looks like Noah... but eh not my character
i just want closure for dohye at this point, fuck everything else ... not literally pls theres already too much of that
pls get it together for like 1 chapter is the investigation even still happening i am so confused save dohye plEASE wait what i have less than 10 episodes left Dont tell me this shit isnt even wrapped up yet
[Dohye is having a breakdown over the Noah double not coming to see him anymore]
yeah i this... doesnt feel like Dohye... at all... Even when Noah was rejecting him he was just kind of... taking it with some humor and maybe he was a little desperate and risky sometimes but... oh well... i do want him to get better but... im having a hard time believeing this development??? he never seemed overly anxious or anything. but who knows what else they did to him. Sister can still go fuck off tho
i mean. i liked the flashbacks a lot honestly??? it stayed simple and focused on the dynamics and less trying to balance smut with murder plots
okay i dont care bc dohye is currently getting assaulted nobody asked for this why i just. this is terrible. he was... so sweet. he doesnt deserve this. nobody does of course but jesus christ pls someone save him at least its not horny visually, one saving grace
ah... the assult is back to being depicted horny-ly thank you for nothing
[... removed some general confusion about the plot]
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i am. suffering i mean i cant stop but GOD
okay so apparantly. the sister. has just an arsenal of people who look like other people Dohye, then Noah... and even Noah's GF??? this is ridiculous??
one good message 
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did you feel the need to add that [actual tired rage]
im gonna die this manwha is gonna kill me im laughing but im suffering oh hes arrested great and thats the end and the last update was in january of this year
why AS IN NOAH IS ARRESTED nobody who actually did anything is arrested What is this why is this AHHH I at least wanted the complete-ness of finishing this but now I'M JUST SUFFERING
its an experience allright WELL
yup that’s it.
in my head, in a twist of events Dohye and Noah make up and are actual endgame. Something like that must exist out there but I won’t ask because it’d destroy the surprise and ruin the point.
That’s it.
Have a nice day.
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