#but all i know is i want to read something w/ dragons and about dragons
alteredphoenix · 2 years
‘Kay, well I picked The Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons as my next read because I have had dragons on the melonas mind for the past week and a half (been trying to draw one with little success), let’s see what the dragons are like in this book.
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alchemiclee · 1 year
been looking in tags for a few days now to see if anyone else found the whole high cloud quintet and related story to be a bit.....poorly written, nonsensical, contradictory, full of plot holes and loose ends, etc. apparently i'm not the only one. (and i'm not even talking about shipping stuff, because any time I saw someone mad about bad writing, someone always replies to be homophobic and laugh about failed ships. weirdos.) it could have been so good but was thrown into the garbage for the most part (IF you noticed all the plot holes and contradiction. if not, then it's a fine enough story tbh. I expect most people to see it on surface level and not read all the little hidden lore bits and try to piece it together like my autistic brain did. which is ok! enjoy it if you liked it and ignore me 😆)
#apparently one of the writers did it on purpose. wont explain here. you can find it elsewhere. but it makes sense now#that's why it fell apart and didnt make sense in the end#ive seem people say anyone mad about it is a shipper and thats why. they use it as an excuse to be homophobes#youre gross get out of thos fandom. im here as someone upset about the story who was very skeptical about any ship theories and focused#more on plot theories and overall friendship and stuff so its not even about shipping you het weirdos!!!#the contradictions and plot holes are bd regrdless of who you ship lmao stop reducing it to that#aure its fine if you ignlre those plot holes. but it happened to be the little plot holes that interested me the most so its obvious to me😅#cant wait until a talented writer in the fandom rewrites the whole story a lot better and fills in the holes and ties up the end better#please someone do this 😭#lee text#hsr#i just wanted a close found family who met a tragic end#my idea for a better way to write it is dan feng wanted free from the high elder cycle and yingxing helped him create a new elder#but it went wrong and failed because the preceptors fed him wrong info hopong it woukd destroy dan feng since they hated him#instead it was yingxing that died and dan feng selfishly brought him back somehow and thats why hes immortal and hates dan heng now#they created a monster in the process that made a mess and baiheng died trying to kill it maybe but hit its weak spot#so it was weaked enough for jingliu to slay it#maybe for a plot twist jing yuan somehow knew the preceptors were up to something and didnt stop the two because#they were too stubborn and he knew it would do nothing#we know the dragon heart disappeared so either it ended becoming bailu in the end#or it could be inaide blade bow. another fun possible plot twist. they never explained where it went so it coukd be a n y w h e r e#i had other ideas but i forget now. bht baiheng deserves better as well. just being a plot mechanism to make two dudes be stupid#is kinda bland and boring and wasted her character. she deserves better too!!!!#id write this if i had the time and brain power but ill hope someone else does it instead#OH yeah i forgot a big idea. dan feng and yingxing perhaps try to also kill the arbor and end the abundance and long life/reincarnation#and maybe that was one part that led to it all going wrong or something. since yingxing wanted revenge on the abundance for destroying#his home and family???? and dan feng wanted to escape the cycle? similar wants that worked together snd failed#these are all ideas from past theories i read and my own ideas i came up with all of which are better than what that bad writer did!#these are very incomplete ideas that im sure someone else can write better#lee rambles
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mkkk12345 · 10 months
Mishaps in the potionology classroom
Malleus x reader
A late-night tutoring session turned into a night of frantically looking through textbooks and babysitting a baby dragon. 
We all know what started this, I would die for this little guy he’s precious, no spoiler warning cos I’m not on JP server lol. 
2K words
What were you going to tell Lillia? How well will Silver take this? How is Sebek going to kill you? These were the questions that floated through your mind as you held a baby dragon prince in your arms. What were you going to do now… after an incident like this you were surely going to be on some fae hit list. 
It was an accident you swear, but that didn’t matter now did it, how impromptu tutoring session come to this? 
It all started when you asked Malleus for some assistance with your potionology class homework, you wouldn't normally ask someone like him who probably had something better to do than tutor you but it was late at night and you were desperate. You had spotted him out the window of your room in Ramshackle when the idea popped into your head. Ask him a few questions out the window and it would be over, right? 
“Tsunotaro do you have a minute to spare?” you asked him as he turned his head up in surprise
As always he answered with a smile “Why yes of course I do, I always have time for you my dearest perfect.” relief flooded your features and you started to explain your situation.
“There are a few questions on this potionology homework that aren't clicking, I dont think it will take too long but would you like to come inside it's colder than I thought out there.” How could you resist, it was only the proper thing to do no? He is a prince after all, and it was indeed unusually cold out tonight it couldn't hurt to invite him into your dorm. 
You quickly rush to the door to let him in, guiding him to your room where Grimm was, as expected still sound asleep on your bed belly up snoring. “Please excuse him, you know how he is.” you sigh as he chuckled,
“Please don’t worry, now what did you need help with my dear” Your heart skipped a beat almost dropping the extra chair you were bringing over to your desk. 
Sitting down and clearing your throat you begin your impromptu tutoring session with Malleus “W-we’ll there's this part here-” 
With Malleus’s help, you quickly progressed to the last question but as you read it your eyes grew wide, how could you overlook this? “Using the recipe provided on page 324 of the textbook please recreate the potion you have been studying. Oh god, how did I miss Professor Crewel telling us about that in class?” you bury your face in your hands in defeat. 
Unbeknownst to you a smile grew on Malleuses face “Worry not child of man, shall we go to the potionology classroom? I’m sure even the spirits that roam the halls of the school would not dare to stop you if I came along.” 
“Is that really ok? I mean it's midnight we aren't even supposed to be out of our dorms at this time of the night.” lifting your head you looked at him with worry in your eyes. 
“You may place your trust in me, I shall take the fall if anything were to happen.” You sigh giving into desperation for a second time tonight. 
And that's how you were now stuck in the potionology classroom with a baby dragon frantically calling Grimm for help. Was it the best thing to do at the moment? No. But what else could you do? Calling a professor was out of the question, you could be expelled for something like this. Calling one of the other first years was also out of the question, you didn't want to drag them into this either.  So you went to your last resort, Grimm. 
“Y/N where are you do you know what time it is?” Grimm sleepy shouted into the phone. 
“Grimm I’m sorry for waking you up but I’m in a sticky situation right now, I’ll explain everything later but right now I need you to come down to the potionology classroom it's urgent-” Just then little dragon Malleus decided he was bored and wanted out of your arms, “Hey Tsunotaro stay still-” it was then that the little guy swung his tail up knocking the phone out of your hands and onto the floor, effectively ending the call. 
“Well at least that might get him to come over here quicker,” you sighed as you tried to wrangle Malleus to stay in your arms. “What are we going to do with you little Tsunotaro, I can only assume that what we made and accidentally splashed onto you was an age-reversal potion of some kind.” you held him out hands under his arms like someone would hold a long cat. 
A few minutes later Grimm slams the door open “Y/N, are you ok!” Grimm shouted out of breath from the long run over to the potionology classroom. 
“Yeah sorry to worry you Grimm, Tsunotaro made me drop the phone,” you said as you turned towards Grimm, bringing the little dragon closer to your body. 
With a confused expression, he cocked his head to the side and pointed at the little guy in your arms, “Is that?” 
“Yeah” Filling Grimm in on the situation you sat down on the floor and subconsciously began to play with Malleus’s little feet, petting him as if he were a cat. In your defense, he was cat-shaped and sized and he seemed to begin to relax in your lap as well. 
“So what do we do now?” Grimm asked now coming closer to the little dragon in your lap to get a closer look. 
“Well if you could pass me that textbook and help me look for a solution to this before anyone finds out that would be great.” You looked at him with a tired smile. 
A few minutes had passed and Grimm walked over to you and pulled at your sleeve too afraid of what would happen if the sleeping dragon in your lap woke up. He looked up at you and back down to the textbook in his hand pointing at a particular sentence in the page. You quietly read it aloud “There is no way to reverse the effects of the potion, the amount of time the potion is in effect is determined by the amount of potion the individual comes in contact with.” you sighed in relief,  from what you could tell only a few drops had landed on him. “Judging by the table here he should be back to normal in a few hours,” you finally allowed yourself to release the breath you were holding. Now looking back down at little baby Malleus in your lap you could finally take in how absolutely adorable he was, his tiny wings, those eyes that were slightly disproportionate to the rest of his head, the way he squished his little head into your stomach. Looking back up at Grimm you smiled “Ok let’s clean up the evidence and go back to Ramshackle to get some rest, we might have a little explaining to do tomorrow.”
Somehow you and Grimm had managed to get back to ramshackle without incident and without waking the sleeping dragon in your arms. Upon entering the dorm Grimm spoke up “So where are ya gonna put baby Tsunotaro for tonight? Because I am not giving up my spot in bed.” Grimm stood defiantly in front of your shared bed. 
“Grimm please dont be stubborn, it's just for one night, plus he is the future ruler of the Briar Valley, who knows what hitlist the fae will put us on if he gets mad” You stare at Grimm with a fearful expression (fake of course but Grimm doesn't have to know that). And with that, the three of you were off to bed. Although things might have turned out in Grimm's favor because for the rest of that night every time you weren't holding little Malleus in your arms, he would whine and make a fuss until you would take him back into your arms against your warm body for cuddles. 
As per usual the next morning you awoke to your alarm clock blaring from the bedside table. As you groaned you attempted to move to turn the wretched thing off but instead, you were met with the realization someone was holding you, preventing you from moving. “Allow me a few more minutes of bliss please dear.” a husky low voice borderline growled into your ear as one of his arms reached over you to shut off the alarm clock. 
“Malleus?!” this is not what you were expecting to wake up to this morning. You thought you would wake up with a tiny little dragon in your arms if your calculations were correct, maybe the potion didn't work as well on fae? You thought as you stared up at his handsome face who stared back at you. 
“Yes, my dear prefect? Is something the matter?” he looked at you inquisitively, surely he didn't think this was normal right? To wake up and just be cuddling with someone?
“Ah well um I just thought I would be waking up to a little dragon this morning.” you laughed awkwardly as you tried to relax in his hold. 
“Worry not, a potion as weak as that would not have such an effect on me. Oh or are you perhaps disappointed at the fact you no longer get to see me as an infant? Lilla has told me I was quite cute back then.” he chuckles as your red face burying yourself in the sheets. 
“He isn't wrong, you were very adorable,” you spoke softly from under the sheets.
Malleus then suddenly pulled your body closer to his, ”Am I no longer cute now dear? Oh how you wound me” he spoke as he tucked his face into the crook of your neck. 
If you thought you were red before, now you were probably even redder than Riddle's hair “Well I… I think your quite handsome now…” you whispered as your hand moved to stroke his hair. “Not that you weren't handsome before this or anything! I just-” 
“Will you two get a room or something?! Can't a cat get some extra sleep before class without lovey-dovey fools realizing feelings so loud?!” Grimm shouted as he got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom “Geez, not even one day of peace in this damn dorm.” he grumbled under his breath before slamming the door shut. 
And with that, the two of you burst into a fit of laughter enjoying one another warmth under the covers for a little while longer before getting ready for school yourselves. 
“Hey isn't your dorm going to go into a panic looking for you this morning?” You asked Malleus from the bathroom as you got dressed. 
He responded with a chuckle “Worry not, Lillia came to find me earlier this morning. The only one I would worry about is Sebek.” he spoke with a smirk on his face. 
Back in Diasomnia
“WAKA SAMAAAAAAAA HAS ANYONE SEEN WAKA SAMA,” a certain green hair crocodile was currently screaming his head off as if someone had died. 
The usually sleepy silver-haired boy crossed his arms and shook his head at the sight, “It’s going to be a long morning.” 
All the while the pink-haired ​​vice house warden was laughing his head off at the sight of the chaos occurring. 
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dolliels · 1 month
synopsis: going to bed after reading a horribly self indulgent romance novel, you seemed to wake up as an extra of the series. what stories will unfold while on a mission to find a way out?
author’s note: ik i said there would be more romance but i lied i got carried away and wrote too much and so i divided the sections as equally as i could make it without making it end too clumsily.
[one] [two] [three] [four] [epilogue]
it's been about two days since you housed leona from his injury. damn, he slept like a log.
you had been sleeping on the couch ever since you decided to carry this absolute wall of a man into your bed, so you spent most days lounging around.
the first night leona came into your store, you frowned. you've read in the novel that leona is an unstoppable, powerful and consuming being. there was no reason for him to be so gosh darn injured.
then you thought back to when roselia and leona first started falling in love. You had to constantly remind yourself that this novel was not realistic at all and terribly self indulgent. of course there was some stupid reason as to why leona would end up like this.
you already had the gist of the idea.
the thing is, the kingscholar family's royal ties weren't exactly held up by blood alone. there was some string magic that bounded the current king to be worthy of leading the kingdom.
leona stubbornly believed that the magic was false, thinking that his brother had no true leadership at all, just charming and handsome (just how charming is king falena anyway? you almost shed tears looking at just leona. how much would you evaporate if you saw the king?)
so, he took a trip to an ancient cavern where a dragon guarded a book containing some of the most powerful answers in the world, including the truth to all magic. leona really wanted to see if his brother's claim to the throne was true at all, wanting to use it as a way to get one step closer to the throne.
(the dragon was in fact, prince malleus of the briar valley kingdom. he was roselia's second love interest. but only because roselia went to find the book for herself, encountering him along the way. you, however, had no interest in meeting the briar prince. roselia eventually convinced malleus to let her take a peek at a book and spoiler alert: nothing about reality transmigration was there. that was how roselia decided that she would just live in this world forever.)
however, something was extremely odd.
the dragon, far more powerful than leona, beat him almost to a pulp (embarrassingly, haha!) and leona scurried away and snuck into the castle once more, into the arms of roselia, where she sat and took care of him (she couldn't try to get the maids to do it– she didn't have the heart to tell anyone of leona's plans. the transmigrated roselia in the novel still viewed leona as an OC after all, and had an attachment to him, no matter how insignificant the story was to her.)
so the question is: why the hell are you the one taking care of him? where is the hell is roselia??
you placed a cold towel over his forehead (he had a really high fever– probably a cold from walking in the rain. he got sick in the novel too.) you sighed. you also wondered what motivated leona to walk into your bookstore instead of anywhere else. he's seen you only once.
up until the evening, leona was sound asleep, soft snoring being heard in the background as you kept track of all the books you've sold so far on a piece of paper. owning a bookstore is little more complicated than you thought.
your eyes shot up when you heard a distant grumble. leona was waking up.
you instinctively brought leona to your home instead of calling for authorities, so you never really thought about what would happen when leona was conscious again. your mind started overflowing with consequences. you didn't know the law system in this world very well, and only skimmed through some books you've had about it.
"w… what…?"
leona touched his own forehead, feeling the soft cold towel cover his head. he took it off and slowly sat up, finally noticing your presence.
"where am i?"
instead of scared or surprised, leona just looked confused and really frustrated. the overthinking getting to you, you prompted to answer straight away.
"you're in my room. uhm. you've been asleep for nearly three days."
he scanned your bedroom, then at you.
"oh. you're the bookseller."
having leona kingscholar in your living room wasn't something you had on your bucket list today, but you didn't seem to mind.
leona adjusted quickly. although he didn't thank you for your efforts, or try to explain himself of who he is and how he ended up here, it was better than going on a rampage and punishing you via death. you knew that if things pissed him off, leona would make sure it goes bad for the other party from simply the flick of his hand. this meant you weren't such a bad host.
his entire left arm was wrapped up in bandages, still soaked from some of the dried up blood (you were intending to change but now that he's awake, you're not sure if you should)
he sat at your round dining table. you placed a hot english muffin stuffed with bacon and cheese (it was the only warm food you were able to make. coming into this world, you oddly developed an obsession with english muffins…)
without a word, or any thank yous, leona snatched it from the plate and ate it with no complaints. I mean, as long the food isn't that bad, right?
being a bookstore owner, you had stacks of books lying around the house, including the dining table. leona was silently flipping through one of them. wuthering heights, it read. he kept frowning as he skimmed over the pages. it looked like he'd read it a hundred times before already.
you slowly sat yourself across the table, fiddling your hands together as you watched leona eat and read, unbothered.
"uhm… your highness?"
there was no reply, but his ears flicked and he subtly lowered his book down. his eyes weren't gliding across the pages anymore.
"how long… how long are you planning to stay here?"
"does that matter? you work for me, so there should be no issue with housing me for an undetermined period of time"
you sighed. what a bitch. you pretended to laugh nervously.
"alright… uhm. anything else you need?"
"more of these." leona said waving the book at you.
"more emily brontë? i mean i could–"
"wuthering heights is her only novel, you dumbass, i meant more of this genre. i thought you read?"
oh he's a pretentious dick!
the next day, you ran shop like usual. leona, ungratefully so, snoozed away in your bed and ate all the meat you had left in stock. you were barely able to create a balanced meal with some left over ham you stashed away for emergencies. it seems like you have to go grocery shopping tomorrow…
leona seemed to be devouring one book after another. he was a fast reader, and seemed to be rummaging over piles and piles of books in nearly just one day. that seemed a little (very) impossible. you just shrugged and assumed he was skipping through them because he was bored.
dinner was entirely silent. you still had a lot of questions, especially with how the story isn't going as planned.
you watched leona just push away his plate and walk up to your room (again) in which you assume he's planning to snooze away again. he surprisingly sleeps a lot, it was never mentioned in the novel.
you turn around to see leona look down at you halfway up the stairs.
"aren't you coming?"
leona just glared and pointed at the bandaged arm.
"oh! right! I'll just get my medical kit–"
"so… uhm… you highness…" you started, as you slowly started unwrapping the bandages. the injury was pretty hard, cuts everywhere, dried blood cover nearly his entire arm, a piece of skin completely gone… it was truly a sight to look at.
leona yawned widely before replying; "what?"
"how… how did this even happen?"
he just stared off into the distance. "take a wild, wild guess."
"a fight?"
you sighed. well that was probably it. it didn't seem like leona wanted to explain further, and you didn't want to pry. you knew the reason anyway. it's just that the uncomfortable silence was murdering you in half.
"i'm not good at taking care of injuries… i really do think you should go back to the palace and get medical treatment. i heard the royal doctors are good!"
"pish posh." leona replied. "they're going to go on about how i need to be inside and i'm gonna be caged in the palace again for an entire week."
you shrugged. "well maybe your fiancé? I don't think my medical skills can match up to even the higher class…" there was no reason for you to say this, but you were prying in. so far, you've had absolutely no mention of roselia anywhere. you decided that it was best to get the information from the source alone.
"fiancé? i don't have a fiancé. what are you talking about?"
you felt your blood run cold.
"oh! nothing! i must've gotten the words confused… i meant friends! yeah. your friends could help, right?"
leona scoffed. "no."
as you slowly patched up leona's injury, you bit your lip. leona doesn't have a fiancé…?
that completely ruins the trajectory of the story.
you had two options: the universe where roselia transmigrated into the novel, or the universe where no one but you transmigrated, except leona still had a completely helpless fiancé that he kills eventually. the universe you were in… doesn't make sense.
does that mean you have no way of going home…?
no. you shake your head. just focus on the present and good things will come your way.
"ouch. watch it."
leona glared at you as you jabbed an injury too hard.
"i'm… uh… sorry."
he rolls his eyes and looks back at you. since you were tending to his injury, you were able to see his face even more up close. you probably would've actually shed a tear, except leona was being so unlikeable that despite his good looks rubbing in your face, you could only scowl.
"what's with that face?"
"nothing… just thinking about how a thank you for hosting you these past few days would be nice."
"what?" leona snorted.
"i-" you tightly wrapped the bandage on leona's arm. his face didn't change but you could see a jolt of movement in his ears. "have been watching over you-" another tight pull. "and feeding you-" leona winced.
"but not a single acknowledgement is there!" you huffed. "i'm sorry your highness, but even people of the noble class should know how to have some gratitude. i don't mind housing you in my place forever if i have to, just a simple thank you would've worked."
leona stared at you, wide eyed for a second, rubbing his injured arm, probably from the hot pressure against it. you do admit you've been pulling the bandages way tighter than you should've.
he then lets out a laugh.
"no one has ever spoken to me like that before! haha, you really have no comprehension of what i am capable of, are you?"
in all honesty, you did not. you did know that leona was merciless, cold and unforgiving. but the novel spent 90% of its entire story just talking about the better half of him when he fell in love, so, no, you really didn't. nor did you care. you still had a hard time viewing leona so highly, even if you had been constantly reminding yourself to call leona "your highness" (blegh…)
"I guess not…" you mumbled, looking down.
"could I at least get a thank you…?"
leona huffed. "there's nothing to be thankful for. the food is lousy, the house is small, this bed is too stiff and there's way too many books scattered all around to move around comfortably."
hah… this bitch…
you breathed in and out deeply, calming yourself. you needed to be composed, you couldn't risk getting on leona's bad side for now. you have no idea where roselia is, meaning there is no other alternative way for you to get out of this world.
your hope was diminishing the longer you were here…
"sorry." you replied quietly, standing up to leave. the idea that you couldn't possibly go home now put you in a sour mood. it seemed like leona felt the shift in vibe and went silent himself as you walked out the door.
"by the way, the food is lousy because you keep eating all the good food."
you shut the door.
the next morning, you ran shop as per usual. you didn't bother checking up on the prince, you assumed he was fine. and there were more urgent matters.
flipping through your collection of books on transmigration, you sighed.
there was options of weird chants and rituals you could do to go back home, but that meant you had to have done already in the first place, so that a checkpoint is saved between two worlds. you, however, passed out on your bed with your phone open to the novel on one hand and your other in a bag of chips. that's probably not how you came here… right? honestly, if desperation got to the best of you, you'd probably do it.
you felt movement behind you, as a certain someone comfortably sat himself beside you.
"oh, the store and the house are connected. didn't know that."
you rolled your eyes out of leona's sight.
leona glanced at the books you had stacked on the table. "transmigration? you want to leave this world or something?"
"if it means leaving you, then precisely." you snapped. then blinked.
"oh wait- im sorry-"
leona snorted. "yeah, yeah. whatever."
you coughed awkwardly. "people come into the store pretty often, your highness. are you sure you want to be seen? you are a recognizable prince after all. you should just go back inside." you said, trying to get him to go away so you can focus.
"nah. i don't care."
you scooted closer to you as he skimmed through your list of research. you tried to hide the paper away but he just leaned in closer, your shoulders touching.
"wow… rituals and stuff. you sure you know what reality you want to go to?"
you huffed. "no. this is just for fun."
leona shrugged. "alright."
the doorbell to the bookstore rang again and you looked up.
two men in armor walked up to you, squishing past these tiny book shelves.
"hello." said a tall man with white, gruffed hair.
"we're the royal guards."
"yeah… i thought so."
"don't mind him" said the shorter, blonder one beside him. "it's his first day here. anywho, we're looking for prince leona." he shoved a drawing of leona to your face. "have you see him?"
you turned to your side to find that leona was gone. actually, he still there, just under the table.
"uhmmmm… errrr…"
you felt a pinch on your leg.
trying to keep your composure, you smiled. "no. I haven't. I'll contact you guys when I have, though!"
the guards nodded in understanding and left.
you finally looked down to see leona.
"what the fuck was that???"
leona shrugged. "i've been gone for days. they're probably looking for me."
"then… shouldn't you be going home?"
"no." leona leaned against the table. "i don't want to."
you heard another customer walk in.
"okay mr prince, you should go back into before someone recognizes you." you hissed, pushing him away.
leona proceeded to walk back inside your house, as you closed the door. you felt a little nervous, like you were hiding a criminal.
the drawing of leona did make you laugh a little, though. he looked dead and pissed off, really capturing what he looks like on a day-to-day basis.
a.n: 2 more chapters and a prologue to go.. 😩 anyone whose really into the story i love you and hopefully you can survive the next 3 days because i’m trying to survive too
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myladysapphire · 4 months
My Lady Strong (VI)
Aemond had always been protective of his neice, obssessed even, insiting on keeping her sheltered, and purley his, he never let her stray far and following the incident at Driftmark, Aemma was rarley without Aemond as her shadow. How will the kind, sheltered girl fair in the dance of dragons?
word count: 3,100
CW: MDI 18+, toxic relationship, manipulation, mommy issues, bullying, co-dependancy issues, self harm, not beta read.
Fem!oc x dark!Aemond Targeryen
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
A/N sorry its been so long! forgot wehat direction i was going in with this story so going off the few notes i had left about this chapter! might be a few changes ive made from the last few chapters, but hopefully it all makes sense! but this story is gonna get dark and sad!
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Aemma had been pacing back and forth for the last hour, nerves clear on her face as her mother and brothers were set to arrive in only a days time.  She hadn’t spoken to her in what had felt like forever, and she had no idea on what too expect. She thought that perhaps she might have done something but thinking back on the countless letters she had written, she could not think of a single thing she could have possibly said. Perhaps taking Aemond’s side at Driftmark, or perhaps refusing to leave his side after the fact. 
She had made her complaint to Aemond, the morning after they had reconnected, he had simply laughed, “oh Aemma, do you really think your mother cares about you? She happily sent you of to wed me the second it was suggested.” He said as he brushed her hair for her, having dismissed her ladies so they could break their fast. “if she cared about you she would have demanded I got to Dragonstone, not you here, she simply wished to be rid of you.”
Aemma looked down, she refused to believe it, her mother had always preached how she was her favourite child, then again, after Driftmark her mother did just send her away, she would have visited her more or asked her to visit if it was true. “Really?” she asked tears in her eyes.
“oh of course” he smirked, “but do not worry dear, soon enough you shall be my wife and she will no longer have to even act as if she cared for you, and you will not have to care for her either.”
She shook her head, and looked up at him, meeting his smirk in the mirror “do you think she loves me still?”
“no” he replied instantly.
A tear fell from her eye “do you love me?” she near begged.
Aemond’s smirk widened, his eyes twinkling, “of course” she turned her head, and he instantly gripped her chin, “and you love me, don’t you?”
“no” she replied. His grip tightened slightly, “I do not know what it is to love Aemond, but perhaps…once we get to know each other more.”
He frowned. “We have known each other our who lives”
“Yes, but these past years we have been distant, I know nothing of you”.
“And whose fault is that” he said stepping away, “was it not for that bastard I would still have my eye! And you would love me!”
She stood up, following him, “how does-“he stopped her, turning around quickly to face her.                     
“Because it does!” he almost whined, “you were mine! And then you were handed to me on a silver platter and yet all you have done is whine about your mother and your stupid brothers!” he took a breath, allowing her an opportunity to speak.
“I begged to stay with you Aemond, I defended you and –“
“And you begged them to stay also!” she looked at him, she had never told him of the conversation with her mother.
“How do you know that?” she asked bewildered. “and what does that have to do with anything?”
“everything!” after what they did to me, to YOU! And you wanted them to stay” he shook his head, “I went to find you, I needed you and you were begging your mother to stay? Do you think I could forgive you?”
“Aemond-“ she was crying now.
“these past years I have grow into the man I knew you wanted, not the silly little boy you grew up with, but the man you need, my mother has been nothing but a mother to you, and yet you still crave that whore and those bastards”
“I’m sorry Aemond. “she said, reaching for his hands, “your right, I am so sorry, I just wanted my muna, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She caressed his hand, “but I didn’t want too lose you or her and yet I lost you both!” she whined, “I needed you too!” she cried, wrapping her arms around his waist.
She needed him. Aemond smiled, “goo. because I am all you will ever and have ever needed.” He said holding her to him, “your mother is here in formality over, and at the end of the week she will be nothing to you, I will be your everything, your husband, your protector, your Aemond.”
“And let me remind you sweet Aemma, that without me you would remain Lady strong, a princesses bastard. And yet you betrayed me, begged for our tormentors to stay and if that had happened do you think I would have been able to devote these past five years to becoming your protector, to become the man you desired?”
She shook her head.
“They were cruel to you, hated you. All because your mother favoured you, do you think they will have changed?”
She shook her head again, and started to think back, growing up all she had ever wanted was to marry Aemond, and have him be her protector and never have to see Jace and Luke again.
She had thought that after Driftmark she would never get that Aemond, he had changed the second that eye was taken from him. He became cold and cruel and there was even whispers he was mad.
“but-“she started to speak, a part of her felt like he had turned into them.
He had tormented her for years and now he seemed to be perfect for her. It didn’t make sense.
“But what?” he asked, suddenly moving closer to her.
“you have been cruel, ignoring me then you started to torment me, sending me the heads of Aemma’s roses, as if you were threatening me.”
He shook his head, “I don’t know what your talking about”
“yes you do!”
“no Aemma, your confused, I sent you Aemma’s roses, to show I was thinking of you , and I never cut there heads of” he laughed, “and I only ignored you as I felt so hurt by what you did”
“i- but you cut of-“ she shook her head, “I-I I’m so confused, Aemond I- perhaps I should ask Cassandra, she has a better memory than me –“
“no Aemma, your just misremembering, you’ve always had trouble with remembering things” he said, “and do you not trust me?” he said sounding sad.
she shook her head, “of course not- I, just I thought you hated me for whatever reason and now I must have thought your acts were of torment and not …love” she said unsure.
“it okay Aemma, I know you struggle and I know you have always had difficulties with things” he said softly, “I was hurt and scared you would hate me too, I should have been more upfront, it is all my fault” he said, pulling her into a hug, “I know you are sorry, and I am too”/
He wasn’t, he loved the look on her face when she opened the box of cut of Aemma’s rose heads, loved the way she was scared, but he also realised years of ignoring her had made him seem untrustworthy, and he feared he made a mistake, he had a new strategy to play. At first he wantec her to be scared and run to him for help, but it seems her ladies and beloved Cassandra had gotten in the way of that plan, and made him the villain.
He supposed he had to get them out of the way.
Since that conversation, Aemond had made sure she did not leave his side.
Saying how he missed her dearly, and realising how much he needed her and pushing her away had hurt him more than it hurt her.
She had felt so badly for him, and before he knew it they were back to their old habits, were she went he went, she would even ask him too choose all her clothes, even serve her dinner.
She forgot how simple life was with Aemond, how happy and easy he made her life.
And Aemond was loving it, he loved getting to control every detail about her, she would dress how he liked, believing it her choice to let him pick, she would follow him everywhere, meaning he no longer had to follow her.
The only problem was that her ladies maids were still in the way. They ere there when she woke, and dressed, giving question stares as he would enter her rooms, whispering in her ear about things Aemma would never reveal.
He wasn’t jealous just angry.
He had been hurt all those years ago and ignored her because he wanted to be better. Become the best possible Aemond, become her protector and a man who would never again loose his eyes to is silly little nephews, and someone who would never let them hurt Aemma again.
And it was blatantly obvious that his ignoring of her head made her annoyingly close to her little friends.
He had hidden letters from her mother the first year, then they came less and less, before stopping altogether. He would allow a few of Aemma’s letters to be sent, not before reading them himself. He wanted her too feel isolated, but that had failed, and now it would be too suspicious for Aemma to receive the letters her mother had sent over the years, especially as he had read them all and hated the love his sister had for her daughter, hated that no matter how hard he wanted to hide it, her mothers return would only pull them apart once more.
So he realised the game of isolation needed to change and to get ride of the Ladies he must earn their trust, so he wooed them, by sitting in at their gatherings and showing undivided devotion to Aemma, there was still the issue of Cassandra Baratheon. She despised him, and he here. She was brash and loud, and Aemma’s best friend. 
He wasn’t jealous, no, not at all. Not jealous of the way she effortless laughed at her jokes or talked to her without having the perplexed and wanted to please look in her eyes that’s she did with him.
He watched the bitterly as they chatted the day away. She seemed to light up around Cassandra, and he hated it.
“Are you nervous about you mother and brothers return?” Cassandra asked, sipping her tea.
“yes, especially my mother” she sighed, stirring her tea “I did receive a letter from my brothers this morning” she reviled, much to  Aemond’s surprise. He had ordered all letters addressed to Aemma be sent to him straight away, how this had escaped him – “I had waited in the ravenry for a reply for my letter, and one had just arrived when I got there.” She reviled, answering what Aemond was wondering.
“what did it say?” Cassandra and Aemond asked simultaneously.
“Luke and Jace were asking about how I am , and saying they were sorry if their actions in our youth  and wish for us to reconnect upon there return.” She replied.
“you will do no such thing” Aemond spoke, standing up.
“And why not?” Cassandra asked, clearly unhappy at Aemond.
“because of how they have always treated her!2
“oh please, they were children!” Cassandra spoke, now standing alongside Aemond, “ they have apologized and wish to know there sister, and from what Aemma has told me, I and my sisters have done far worse to each other than they did to her!”
Aemond scoffed, “please, they were bullies, they locked her in the black cells!”
“they- they what?” Cassandra asked, no looking towards Aemma.
“i- its true they did, but they have apologised incessantly since then.” Aemma said, trying to diffuse the situation, “they are my brothers, and they.. they said sorry”
“You still have nightmares Aemma” Aemond spoke, now moving back to his seat and taking her hands in his.
This perplexed Aemma she had never not once told Aemond of her dreams, especially of that night, he himself had always felt partly responsible for it, having taken so long to find her, and having left her alone that night. “what?” she asked, “I never told you about my dreams…”
Aemond flinched sightly, realising his mistake, and Cassandra herself took on an angry expression, “how do you know of those dreams Prince Aemond?” she asked, moving herself closer to Aemond and Aemma, as if to protect her.
“i- she is to be my wife, I only took a concern when the guards said she would often wake screaming.” He said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“but that still-“ Aemma started, slowly removing her hands from Aemond.
“don’t concern yourself too much Aemma I simply stood guard to ensure you did not try to harm  yourself.”
Aemma flinched, Aemond cant know about that, no one does. Not even her maids. She had always kept her arms covered, he cant know.
Her eyes betrayed her, showing a scared expression, an expression both Aemond and Cassandra took to be scared about hurting herself.
“I – I” she stuttered, “I don’t know what you-“
“don’t worry Aemma, nothing bad happened, and your brothers wont get anywhere near you” Aemond spoke.
Aemma nodded, trying to mask her own fear of Aemond potentially knowing her secret to make it look like she feared her brothers.
Her parents were set to arrive on the morrow, and All Aemma could do was twist and turn. Dreams had been plaguing her. Ever since the black cells she has been getting premonitions, dreams of what was to come, dreams that have come true.
She supposed she was lucky, Helenas dreams caused her to speak in riddles, some even called her mad. When in truth Aemma was the one who was mad. She scratched and bleed as she dreamed, tearing at the skin on her arm. Her hands felt like they were soaked in blood, her nails turned red, as she scratched and teared. She dreamt of herself, she was married with children, but one was dead. She killed him. She must have, blood was on her hands, on her dress her face. Her other children cowered in the corner, flinching away from her.
“a son for a son!” she woke up gasping, the words ringing in her head.
Her bed sheets were stained in her blood, her arms scarred. The wounds from her last dream only just having healed.
She couldn’t help it, it was if her only escaped from her dreams was to harm herself. Perhaps it had been the three years of isolation she had felt so alone, where the dreams controlled her. She would send days and days tuck in the loop. Until one day her mother wrote to her of needing alliances and how her and Alicent had chosen her ladies. Her ladies had saved her, Cassandra specifically. She would wake her up, help her dress, and for once Aemma had a reason to escape her dreams. But then Aemond’s neglect and ignorance of her had turned cruel, calling her “my lady strong”, a name he had only just stopped calling her.
But something haunted her as she paced around her chambers, Aemond’s torment had put a stop to her dreams, the dreams were there was no dancing dragons, or no blood-soaked hands and gowns. Instead the dreams were of dragon snapping dragons neck, storm soaked nights and screams. And then since this week her nightmares have been full of crying, begging and blood. And now this.
It seemed no matter what her life would be full of tears and screams, and death.
“Aemma.” Cassandra said, walking into her chambers, alongside the rest of her ladies, Cerci Lannister, Cerelle Costayne, Margaret Fossway and Rosia Tyrell.
She had not slept since being awoken from her dreams, she had bathed and dressed, applied ointment to her scares, and had proceeded to pace her rooms nonstop.
She was worried, her mother would be here soon, and she had no ideas what she would be like.
She knew nothing of her, and she feared her mother may no longer love her. And well she was nervous about her wedding, and the wedding night. Aemond and Alicent had told her about it in the past week, and she was scared. And she just needed her Muna.
“how are you feeling?” Cersi asked.
“I am nervous” she admitted.
“of course, you will be wed on the morrow, you are bound to be nervous” Margaret added.
“well i-“
“but think, you will get to marry someone who loves you!” Rosia gushed.
“yes you are so lucky!” Cerelle complained, she had received news yesterday of her father engaging her to some man who had been married twice before and she had never met.
“oh Cerelle, he’s old hell probably die before you can wed.” Aemma said nonchalantly, and Cassandra laughed as she watched Aemma gasp at her own words. “sorry, just today the first time I will see my mother and brothers in years. I’m nervous”
Cassandra grabbed her hand, caressing home gently, “it’ll be okay, I’m sure.” She then looked to Cerelle “ and Aemma’s right, he’s what eight and seventy, he could croak at nay moment!” they all laughed, and for the first time that day Aemma’s mind was finally taken of what was to come.
She stood in the courtyard wating for their arrival, alongside her stood alone, Alicent having to have leave only moments ago to take care of something. She had done all her wedding planning with Alicent, she had comforted her when she cried over her mothers lack of care over her wedding, and visiting her despite her countless letters over the years. But Alicent seemed nervous, as if she was waiting for something or scared of something, and even more so when she had to leave.
After a few moments a carriage finally arrived in the courtyard, and her mother was the first to step out.
She wanted to run to her, to hug her and tell her how she had missed her. But her dream, it rang in her head.
“A son for a son” that all she could hear, and a voice in her head told her it was her mother’s fault, that her mother would force her to kill her son. She didn’t want to think it, but her mothers face, her blood soaked hands and a headless child was all she could see.
She made her way slowly walking down the steps the greet them.
“muña, lēkia” she greeted, a smile gracing her face. “welcome home”
next part
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wangxianficfinder · 3 months
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Fic Finder
June 20th
1. Hi! I would really appreciate some help yo find two fics!
A) The first was a fic in which LZ is a concertist (maybe violin or cello?) And was going home after a concert when it starts to rain and he goes into a book store, where Wen Qing works, and behind the book store there is a coffee shop, LZ sits near the bar and interacts a little w a-yuan, then WY plays a song and LZ finds his passion for music again or something like that. I don't quite remember the rest
B) the second one was one in which, during seclusion(? LZ finds a book his mom wrote that had gardening tips inside, so he starts tending to the garden however he can without being able to leave his house. Eventually he discovers that the book isn't just about gardening but instead about a different kind of cultivation involving plants, and that with it he might be able to bring back WY. He works hard on it and is eventually able to do it. I don't quite remember the other details @katt-patt
FOUND! for you, andante by xuanxuanwo (ostentatiouslyrealistic) (T, 35k, WangXian, Modern AU, Music, Musicians, Pianist LWJ, Guitarist WWX, Kid Fic, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Existential Crisis, Unrelated JGY & QS, Friendship, Romance, Light Angst, Happy Ending)
FOUND! From my heart's ground. by orange_crushed (E, 37k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, Corporal Punishment, Canon-Typical ViolenceVomiting, Injury Recovery, Trauma, Blood Magic, Elemental Magic, Gardens & Gardening, Resurrection, Dissociation, First Time, Oral Sex, Language of Flowers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Cultivation......... Literally, Arson, Self-Harm, Self-Harm for Blood Magic Reasons, Suicidal Thoughts, Spiritual Coma, Brief Reference to Temporary Incontinence as a Result of Said Coma, Self-Esteem Issues)
2. Ok I’ve been avoiding doing this bc it feels rude to ask for pwp (not rude at all! We take all types of asks ^^ - Mod C) so you can ignore this if you want, but I’ve been looking for this one fic that was dragon lwj and Fox wwx, in like a magical forest, and I specifically remember a scene where wwx is in heat and everyone knows but he’s just playing with children and messing around near a water source until lwj comes out and finds him and if you can find it for me I will love you forever thank you
FOUND? #2 it's "Budding Chrysanthemum" by Anonymous. Looks like its deleted from ao3 but i have a copy ~imstillthinkingaboutithmm
3. Hello! I'm looking for this fic where modern!wwx gets sent to the world of mdzs and spends a year there before going back to the modern world. I remember that he was roommates with modern!wq and that during the year he was gone modern!wq and modern!jc put up missing posters for him
FOUND? Wrong Turn, Right Place by diamondbruise (E, 71k, WangXian, Time Travel, kind of, it’s more reality travel but there’s modern wwx and cultivator lwj, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings, Cultural Differences)
4. hi!! I love your blog, it has helped me massively in finding fics to read ❤️ This is my first time asking for a fic so I don't know if I'm doing something wrong okay? I'd like to request help in finding a fic...
It was like a time traveler fic with Wangxian where they were saying goodbye to each other as Wei Wuxian left the cloud recesses lectures. It was in Lan Xichen pov.
They were declaring their intent to court each other, LWJ said that he will come with a dizi as his first courting gift. WWX said that he would become a famous cultivator and court LWJ by 22 yrs but then LWJ said 22 yrs is too late and WWX should court him at 19.
Lan Xichen also remarked that WWX gave the Compass of Evil & some other inventions to the lan sect and they would be very fine courtship gifts with the proper presentation
Could you all help me in finding this fic? It was part of a series too
FOUND? Wait, What? by MarbleGlove (G, 1k, WangXian, Time Travel, POV Outsider)
5. I'm trying to find a fanfic of alternative/time travel ghost Wei Wuxian taking care of Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen, the story takes place after the siege and he somehow ended up in a time just after madam lan's death and finds Lan Wangji in the snow, only Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen can see him, later on he gets Qingheng-Jun out of seclusion (he can see him too it just isn't revealed until later. @samriajack
FOUND! Waiting by Morgana_avalon (G, 46k, WangXian, LXC & LWJ, Short Story, LWJ is five year old, LXC is eight year old, LWJ as a boy kneeling in the snow at the jingshi waiting for his mama to return, brothers looking out for each other, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, canon divergent but also canon compliant, Mystery, Mysticism, Chenqing, Bichen, happy endings, The Qilin, Based on the TV-series and not the novel)
6. Hi I need your help again oh great master of finding fic so I don't remember the name obviously but I know it's a podfic so here's what I remember Madame Lan is alive she was released by uncle Lan and she travel to yiling
And meant little wei ying where he told her his parents' names and then she went and tried to find their bodies and she did find her bodies and then she took their swords for their son and then she traveled with wei ying and this is a serious but it's not complete yet and I'm kind of want to read it but if the podficer is going to pops it all I want to hear it so please help me find it
7. Hii, okay so this one is kind of harder :(, I am looking for this fic where idek what is going on but what I really do remember is them sleeping together during the indocrination (sounds wrong lol) but what I mean is that everyone is all of a sudden closer and instead of sleeping in the beds the wens gave them and also not do anything, they separated the girls and put up privacy walls using their robes? to give them privacy. I can't remember anything else sorry. @thatperson0-0
8. Also, for the next FF, I kind of remember reading a fic where WWX was desperate to get somewhere fast and I think they managed to get Li'l Apple to ride a sword? (Probably 2 or 3 swords tandem, a single sword would have to be an FF7 buster sword to fit a donkey.) maybe they carried her? @mreisse
FOUND? Menace by MnemonicMadness (T, 7k, LQR & WWX WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt WWX, BAMF WWX, Downplaying an Injury, awkward comforter LQR, reluctant matchmaker LQR, Humor, Pining WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Self-Sacrificing WWX, POV LQR, LQR is stressed, And also secretly a softie, Post-Canon)
9. Hi! This is for fic finder. It's modern au where WWX was a chef i think? He worked in restaurant with wen chao. That restaurant was owned by wen ruohan i think. But wen chao did something that makes WWX gets fired. Then near the end of the story i think, LWJ invited WWX to his music performance (not sure about this part. Its either he invited WWX or WWX wants to tell LWJ something). But when WWX arrived, he noticed that the kitchen is a mess. He found out that LWJ hire Jin Zixun as chef because Jin Zixun bothered him too much. And then WWX takes over the kitchen. Thats all i think. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
#9 is right! I can't open the link so i search for another website and i found it in SquidgeWorldArchive for registered user only
FOUND! i swim in hollow lakes carved from memories by spookykingdomstarlight (T, 154k, WangXian, XiYao, Modern AU, Coffee Shops & Cafés, Music, Baking, Social Media, Misunderstandings, Consequences of Fake Dating Schemes, Flashbacks, Vlogger WWX, Professional Musician LWJ, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mistakes, Pining, Matchmaking, Romance, Illnesses, Slow Burn, Background SangNing, POV Multiple, Second Chances) I think it was wc not jzx who was hired, otherwise matches
10. hello!!! I'm looking for a fic where WWX falls into a underground cave and encounters a dragon in his disciple era and takes a sword that transform him into a dragon. I really can't remember what happens next, only that he goes on his rogue cultivator arc and later on find LWJ but believes that's his descendants and not LWJ himself. I'm going to keep looking but maybe you are luckier than me and find it first.
FOUND? Our Immortal Blood by Saori (M, 81k, WangXian, Alternate Universe, Temporary Character Death, Minor Character Death, Platonic Relationships, Family Feels, Blood and Injury, Night Hunts, Monsters, Immortality, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Slow Burn, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Marriage Proposal, Angst with a Happy Ending)
11. For fic finder: It was a WangXian arranged marriage au. What I remember is that the two did not have sex on their wedding night and this caused a rift. For Wuxian who grew up in Yunmeng culture it was a huge offense that Wangji wouldn’t sleep with him, but Wangji didn’t know this because it was standard practice in the Lan clan not to sleep together (I think the Lans had a designated month or something where they had sex). Basically cultural differences in expectation caused the boys to be uncertain around each other. I think Yanli eventually pulls Xichen aside and scolds him for how the Lan have “slighted” Wuxian this way. 
FOUND? In Love and War by Cataclysmic_Calamity (E, 68k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Canon Divergence, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Arranged Marriage, Kind of a slow burn, enemies to lovers ish, rampant sexual tension, Miscommunication, past emotional abuse, Dubious Consent, Consensual Non-Consent, Semi-Public Sex, Anal Fingering, Dom/sub, Anal Sex)
12. Hiya! Looking for fic, I can’t remember much of it but I remember that the Jiang’s leave Wwx at the cloud recesses during the study arc because of there abuse being revealed(?) or something about mistreatment. @candyyii
FOUND? 💖 Hoards and treasuresby  apathyinreverie (T, 21k, WangXian, Siblings, Family, not particularly Jiang friendly, YZY Bashing, slightly darker Gusu Lans, LXC being the best brother, Some manipulation, But with the best of intentions, and   not between wangxian, Dragon LWJ, Fox WWX, Smitten LWJ, Fluff, perfect   happiness, adorable WWX, Romance, Some worldbuilding, courting)
FOUND? 💙 Holding shreds by barisan (T, 5k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, No Sunshot Campaign, Body Swap, Not for sexy shenanigans, Chronic Pain, Hurt WWX, Hurt LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Abusive YZY, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, Good Uncle LQR, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, POV WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not Jiāng Family Friendly, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Getting Together, Smart WWX)
FOUND? 🔒 in the shadow of moonlit flowers by Reverie (cl410) (T, 56k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, cloud recesses, NHS & LWJ friendship, developing relationship, LWJ pov, minor injuries, autistic LWJ, implied/referenced child abuse, aka YZY warning, genius WWX, light angst, hurt/comfort, WWX protection squad)
13. I’ve been looking for this one fic that I just can’t remember much about
I don’t remember how it happens but WWX and LWJ have an arranged marriage (I think or something along this premise) WWX doesn’t want to get married and fights it the entire time but LWJ is steadfast in getting married to WWX. Like WWX tries to come up with so many excuses and LWJ is in love with WWX. I know JC, JFM, JYL, and YZY are all in it.
I remember JFM asking WWX if he really thinks LWJ will mistreat him. WWX says no but still doesn’t want to get married.
It ends with them getting married but WWX still saying he doesn’t want to get married.
It’s a one shot but I think I remember being in a series and having a second part to it. I remember there being art at the end showing them getting married but WWX whining about it.
Im making this sounds kinda angst/non consensual but it’s a comedy pretty sure the whole is just WWX being in denial of his feelings @trashyjen
FOUND?🔒Another Kind of Marriage by Titans_R_Us (T, 1k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, supportive families, Fluff and Crack)
14. Hi, thank you so much for your great work . For the next fic finder, can you please find me a fic. I don't remember much, just that Lan Zhan takes Wei Ying and the wens and hides them in a secret hidden village. That village is where Lan Wangji's mother's home . Lan Zhan has a maternal grandpa and a cousin, I think Lan Xichen finds out about the place eventually 🤔.
FOUND? pale shadows of forgotten names by Chrononautical (T, 56k, wangxian, Madam Lán Lives, Madam Lán Deserves Better, Good Sibling LXC, Badass LXC, He gets there in the end it just takes a while, Not particularly JGY friendly, Gūsū Lán Sect Rules, Canon-Typical Behavior, Unresolved Sexual Tension, the universal fear of growing up to become one of your parents, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives AU, Except WN but he’s very polite, Arranged Marriage, Forced Marriage, Imprisonment, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, not between wangxian, Drunk LWJ, to lighten the mood, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Traumatized WWX, though he will not admit it, Taking time to heal, canon-typical communication skills)
FOUND? Arbitrary by devinokaze (T, 137k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Burial Mounds Ensemble as Family, but live somewhere else, hidden society, Not Everyone Dies, POV Multiple)
15. Hey first of all thank u for doing a great job. You found a lot of the fics I wanted. I'm searching for another fic. It's post canon and wei ying was traveling alone. He meets the juniors on a night hunt and saved them from a beast I think . He gets badly hurt on the stomach and lan Zhan gets there immediately to bring him back to cloud ressesive. Lan zhan nurses him back to health but uncle wants him to leave after he recovers. I hope i can find the fic and thanks in advance @smarti1997
FOUND? A Lot of Edges Called Perhaps by hansbekhart (E, 22k, WangXian, Semi-Public Sex, Public Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Anal Sex, Sex in the cold springs, Mutual Pining, Grief/Mourning, Injury Recovery, Ethical Dilemmas, Ethical Edging, and Boners for Justice, It takes a long time for them to bone but they get there, Risk Aware Consensual Patience, Edgeplay sort of, 20K words of sad horniness, Happy Ending, Just the tip but not the way you're thinking) This probably isn't the right one for 15 but A Lot of Edges Called Perhaps is nearly identical to the description but with the roles reversed (Lan Wangji is injured in the stomach and Wei Wuxian takes care of him during his recovery).
16. hello! I’m looking for a fic that was a modern setting AU and it follows wei ying as a poor teacher I believe( I’m not 100% sure on that, but it’s essential to the plot that he has little money but continues to pay for lan zhan’s services) and one day he stumbles across a website or something and lan zhan is a dom and Wei Yang pays for his service. I’m a big fuzzy on the details but I’m pretty sure there was a spicy scene with the two of them in front of a mirror. And then they continue their sessions and one day they run into each other in a grocery store by wei ying house. Thank you so much for your hard work!!! @bittersweet-loveliness
17. for the next ficfinder can you help me find this fic? im pretty sure it's called Brothers in Law, where Jiang Chen and Lan Zhan go back in the past, don´t remember much but i think Wen Xu was kinda obssessed with Wei Ying, didn't find it in ao3 but hopefully it wasn't deleted, thxx @omgnuttytale
FOUND! Brother-In-Law’s by Loveable_Psychopath (M, 332k, JYL/JZX, wangxian, JC/WQ, canon divergence, time travel fix-it, Memories, Butterfly Effect, Sexual assualt, Self Harm, Self Doubt, BAMF JC, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape Recovery, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Everyone Lives au, PTSD, good parent YZY, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Depression, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Canon-Typical Violence, Warning: JGS, Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Second Chances, WIP)
18. Help me find a fic pls! Wei wuxian is an omega in this one and when lan zhan (alpha) smells him he gets a strong reaction and gets into rut. Wei wuxian is basically outcastes by the lan sect and later on I think he becomes a spy?? lol pls help idk tbh 🙏🙏
FOUND?🔒Pendulum by ShippersList (M, 69k, WangXian, XiYao, Canon Divergence, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Misunderstandings, Canon-Typical Violence, Spies & Secret Agents, Fake Character Death, Slow Burn, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, BAMF WWX, Attempted Sexual Assault, Canonical Character Death, Mutual Pining, Good MY, Introspection, Self-Sacrificing WWX, Love Confessions, Protective LWJ, past child sexual abuse) from the series omegaverse murder gremlins
19. Bby gurls I need help with a fic where the juniors saw lan zhan with a person in a dress and thought he was cheating when they were getting donuts at a sleep over (they were not allowed to be out that late). The juniors planned to steal his phone during a cookout, only to find searches of him planning a trip of bora bora. Apperantly he want cheating and it was just Wei wuxian dressing up (thx bby gurls I love u)
FOUND? Junior.exe has stopped working by Luminos07 (T, 4k, WangXian, Crack Treated Seriously, Attempt at Humor, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Junior Trio Shenanigans, Crack, Humor, Comedy, What’s the tag for the juniors going through LWJ's phone?, Protective JC, Modern, no actual infidelity, Established Relationship, LWJ's sugar daddy tendencies, WWX Protection Squad)
20. hi! i'm looking for a particular fic in which there was a recurring anecdote/motif of a wife(?) who would touch the teapot to check the temperature for her husband so often in the same spot that she developed a burn scar on her hand from it. at some point in the fic wangxian had a conversation about whether or not that was romantic, and at another point the pov character (i think it was wwx?) realized that he or lwj had been doing the same thing (in a figurative way) through his actions. i think the fic was a canon era au but it could have been anything, and unfortunately i can't remember enough of the plot to find it. thank you! @ineskew
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yuriisclumsy · 18 days
HELLO !! I SEE THAT YOU WRITE FOR CALE HENITUSE :d you've got good taste that man makes me feral i love that unbelievable idiot :D
Whadoyyathink about Cale being with someone who's weaker than him but she's kinda useful (one of pookie's powers is to boost someone's abilities, it generally doesn't matter if the one she's aiding doesn't have magical powers, they just have to be good at something like for example, painting and swordsmanship—she can enhance their ability and knowledge temporarily).
She's a mage that's dying the more she exploits her mana. She tried to not use too much, but in a reality where she and everyone suddenly got thrusted into war? She couldn't help but use, use, use.
None of em knew her degrading lifespan until one day she just told em casually when the gang asks wtf is wrong w u why do you look like u r boutta die and why do you keep passing out sometimes
If this is too much feel free to ignore, though thank you for reading :D
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Will you stay by my side forever?
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1,443
[Authors Note]: This thing took me so long to make because I couldn't figure out what setting to write it on. Besides getting a bit tired of only writing for Cale back when I was consistent with the requests. But, hi! I'm back! At least just for this one. This request is back from May 💀. I still have two more, one from June, the other from July. So I might come back and do those. Do people want a part 4 for Love's Dance?
»»►Ouuu, what a fun scenario.
»»►Apologies in advance if it’s a bit weird, haven’t read or written for Cale in a while, so I might have lost my touch.
»»►Warning (I never really do these, but I thought it would be appropriate): could be inaccurate to the Henituse War Arc because I have yet to read it.
»»►Also, the POV is different on this one.
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Powerful beings, capable of destroying us all if they wanted to.
One thing they weren’t meant for was to let humans ride them and control them like animals. They had far greater intelligence than any being in existence. 
So why should they submit to us?
The skies are filled with erratic bat-winged lizards; their flames and roars were scattered all over the field.
This was a war.
Dragons…What pesky creatures. I already have one to deal with, I don’t need more.
“Choi Han!”
“Yes, Master Cale?” said man came within seconds and kneeled in front of him.
“I need you to scout out the area in the east for me,” I commanded.
“On it,” and with that, he left as fast as he came.
I already know how all of this will pan out, but a little safety never hurt no one…
“Master Cale!”
“Hmm?” I turned to see one of the city guards running in a hurry towards me. “What is it? Why are you in such a hurry?”
“I-it’s lady [Name]! S-hes…” the guard gasped for air from the run.
“Easy, calm down… Now tell me, what’s wrong with [Name]?” I patted him in the back.
Recuperating the lost oxygen, the guard went serious and looked at me. “Lady [Name] has lost a great deal of blood and fainted..! S-she just started to cough and— M-master Cale–? Where are you going?!” The Guard shouted at me, but all noise was shut down by my mind.
That instinct to check on those you care about kicked in the moment I heard the word blood being uttered.
I ran.
Ran, and ran, until I was able to see the camp where she had been stationed at by me. A camp far from the battlefield, but close enough for me to constantly check-up on her.
How could a thing like this happen to me? I had just checked on you a few hours ago, so why? Why are you suddenly bleeding?
The men there stood aside as I ran past them. They understood not to be on my way with the expression I wore on my face.
“Where is she?!” I yelled to the men crowding a tent. I already knew my answer when they looked at me  and then at the inside with sad expressions.
I burst in and scanned the area to look for the woman I ran miles to see. I paused. There, on a bed on the far corner of the shelter, was her. [Name]. Medics surrounded her with yet more sad faces.
I walked slowly towards them, not wanting to know if what I had in my mind were to be true. “Is she alright?” I asked when I was a mere few feet away from the bed.
The head doctor looked at me with furrowed brows and sighed. He then gave me a smile when he saw my eyes, filled with worry.
“She is fine,” he said. I let the breath I didn’t know I was holding. “But she has lost a great deal of blood. I need her to stay in bed for a few days, and another more of pure rest until I see her health back up again.”
“I see… Thank you.”
“No need, it’s my job,” the doctor looked at the other two, who I believe to be his apprentices, and gestured to them to exit with him. “I’ll leave you alone with her,” he patted my shoulder as he left.
I stood there for a bit, before I went and sat on the bed right next to hers. I stared at her face; the face that made my heart jump from excitement wherever I saw a smile; the face that l would look at and made me feel better instantly; the face that made me fall deeply in love with her.
“...Cale?” a voice rang in my ears which made me snap out of my trance. My eyes meet with hers.
“[Name]...you’re awake,” I let out simply. She smiled at me, relieving me from the aching I had in my heart moments prior. “Are you feeling better?”
She nodded. Her eyes were filled with a love I can’t put in words, stared at mine. “I’m… I’m sorry,” she said sadly.
My eyebrows knitted in confusion. “What are you sorry for? None of this is your fault.”
“...” she stayed silent. She turned her head to the other side, blocking my view of her expression. I knew this move of her’s. She did this whenever she was hiding something. And then I realized something. I hadn’t asked what the cause of the blood was.
“[Name]...” I called to her, “..this wasn’t your fault…was it?”
“...I’m sorry,” she apologized and let out a low sob. “I didn’t want for any of you to find out this way….”
I was in disbelief. What possibly could she have done to cause such blood loss other than a stab wound…had she...?
“[Name], tell me… You didn’t cut yourself, have you?”
She quickly looked at me, “no, of course not, I would never do something as bad as hurting myself!” She reassured me.
That’s good…but that doesn’t answer how she had lost a lot of blood.
“Then…why were you bleeding?”
“...That’s..a long story.”
“I have all day,” I crossed my legs and rested my head on the palm of my hand.
She sighted thinking I would give up on the subject, but I’m far too stubborn to give up. “I lost a lot of blood because…”
“Because of my ability…” she finally said.
“Your ability..? The ability to enhance abilities?” I asked in thought.
“How exactly does your ability work then?”
“Well, you know that I can upgrade someone's abilities, yes?” I nod, and she continues, “but what I didn’t tell you was the toll it comes with.”
“Toll? Wait, have you been hurting yourself while using your ability?” I accuse her.
“No! Well…yeah, but exactly how you think…” that wasn't very convincing. “Whenever I use my power, it takes energy from my body. The more I use it, the weaker I get.”
“Please don’t be mad at me…” she pleaded with puppy eyes.
“...I’m not mad.”
“I feel like you are.”
“Well, I’m not,” I straightened my back, “but I will have you permanently stop using that power of yours.”
“What!?” She sat up at lighting speed, and groaned out of pain.
“Don’t sit up so quickly,” I got up and held her back.
“Y-you can’t just…prohibit me from using my power! How else would I be useful to you? How would I earn money!?”
I didn’t say anything. Then an idea came to mind. My ears were burning at the thought.
Taking courage, I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat at the word I was about to say.
“...I’m firing you,” I said.
“...Huh?” She looked heartbroken. Oh, how I can’t see you like that. “no…No, no. Please, let me work for you. Please, Cale!” She grabbed my arms in an attempt to make me rethink my decision.
“No, my choice is final,” she was at the brink of crying. “Instead… I want you to stay by my side.”
“What..do you mean?” Her eyes gawk at me with tear drops threatening to spill out.
“Let me rephrase myself so you can understand,” I cleared my throat, “I would like for you to be mine.”
We stared into each others eyes. She shed a tear from before, but not out of frustration, or grief of a lost job, but out of love and affection. She chuckled.
“Is this your way of courting me?”
“Is it bad?”
“No! No, it’s…interesting,” she lowered her head to laugh at my proposal.
“So?” I placed my index finger under her shin and tilted her head to look at me. “Are you going to accept?”
“Hahaha… Yes. I accept,” she gave me the happiest smile I had seen from her.
And in that moment, I knew I was the happiest man alive.
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @lureslutes, @cruzerforce4256, @narcise63, @potterhead-whovian-117, @margieee194, @zenix108, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @potterhead-whovian-117, @alithurism, @matchalyne, @minteaspoon, @dontknowhowtousethis, @valacz29, @rainalovesouya, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @lablog5, @htshbtcp, @purposefulwhale, @leylnnn, @ixchelhernandez4, @minteaspoon. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for Lout of Count's Family updates. Back to Lout Of Count's Family Master-List
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 2 months
"I knew it was coming."
"When it was coming, I wasn’t aware."
"But my immediate reaction was about how it came together by our amazing writers with this sort of amazing, theatrical, rousing, terrifying, unpredictable craftsmanship that I was very happy to be on the receiving end of."
"He’d been a bit backed into a corner by all the things that have accumulated over time with being king, where his worst fears and insecurities were coming into plain sight and becoming true."
"He felt weak, and he was seen as weak, and kind of useless — with what Alicent (Olivia Cooke) had said to him (“Do nothing”) in his chamber, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back."
And he was just resigned: “I don’t have any option, I’ve got to prove myself in some way.”
"But you know, being the way he is, and not being an actual warrior with that sort of fearless courage that other people have, he had to numb himself and so he got blind drunk and jumped on a dragon."
"I think the moment of recognition was the fact that the fireball was coming at it."
"I don’t think he had time to think that he’s done this on purpose."
"If those thoughts are to come off, they will probably come later."
"As a viewer, I’m still unsure."
"I want people to make up their own minds."
"You’ve got to take them where you can get them."
"Yeah, he’s a hero."
"Very detailed."
"I got to know my amazing hair and makeup team very well."
"I also got to know myself very well."
"The amount of time I was spending in that chair with those people in my own thoughts…. But yeah, [the prosthetics] really influences and informs my performance."
"It sort of instructs me how to move now."
"How you breathe, how you speak changes."
"I have a piece inside my mouth that I asked for to sort of distort my speech."
"So all this is great because it makes me feel like we’ve made a shift."
"Aegon has to have changed after this."
"We’re going to find a difference in him and and allow that to continue and [impact] his decisions and have a new approach to life."
"He’s a little bit more hunched."
"He is a bit narrower."
"I feel it’s a bit weak and more weaselly."
"Yeah! It feels like we’ve transitioned from Richard II to Richard III, if that makes any sense to you."
"Almost like a level up — though on paper, obviously, it’s a level down."
"I think what he loses physically he gains emotionally and mentally."
"I’m trying to see it like that."
"I mean, it’s just fraught with danger, isn’t it?"
"Having a crown on your head."
"Something nasty is going to happen to you at some point."
"Isn’t it being not having my crown on yet?"
"There’s definitely a Viserys comparison, especially toward his final days and in bed."
"No quality of life whatsoever."
"It was only weeks, months before his dad was in that same position and in that same bed."
"I want it to be, in an ideal world, for there to be an opportunity to prove himself and make decisions that he has made — not somebody else who thinks they know better."
"To carve out his own path as king."
"And then just see if he fucks it up as much as people think he might."
"I’d like to give him the space and the time to work it out."
"It’s a dangerous request because they could go horribly wrong."
"I think people underestimate him."
"It’s desperately, desperately sad."
"Aegon is a boy in a man’s body and all he’s ever wanted is to be shown love and made to feel seen or not judged."
"All these things that he’s done in the past that have given him a reputation, I believe he’s felt that any attention is good attention."
"Unfortunately, he’s made a name for himself now — people kind of want to keep their distance and they see him as a poisoned chalice."
"At the end of the day, he’s a product of his history."
"He hasn’t had the emotional intelligence to be able to deal with that in a healthy way and move forward from it."
"Back then, therapy wasn’t really a thing, was it?"
"He’s been left to his own devices."
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Hot take. Everyone needs to stop pointing at one character in Jade Winglet and be like “AH! They're THE asshole of the group! That one! That one specifically!” Because everyone is an asshole.
Moonwatcher won't shut the fuck up which causes people to feel bad (Reference; Winter Turning, Pg. 75) because, hypocritically, she only has a censor if it “benefits” (hard quotation because it has always failed her. Reference; Luna and Moonwatchers interaction) her.
Qibli is an ass, like, a HUGE ass. He pressures Turtle and berates the very thing he's self-conscious about. He's got massive main-character syndrome; he wants power, he always wanted power, but he wants COMPLETE control of power without any repercussions. One of the reasons he refused Darkstalker's offer was because he wasn't entirely sure he would slip something in there.
Winter is an ass, he literally attacks other dragons without thinking about it (Reference; Peril), he's quick to strike and like Qibli, berates Turtle for being “a waste of potential” to his tribe.
Kinkajou goes off on everyone's backs and uses the remnants of the magic scroll to control and transform Darkstalkers against his consent or will. She has essentially killed him via poison. The whole book and DS character arc was trying to push through a narrative that you shouldn't control people, that you shouldn't take away their free will, and that you shouldn't transform their being into a form for your desire and comfort. Yet it's completely flipped on its head because Kinkajou wanted to be “a little silly” with her solution in ending the IceWing and NightWing conflict. She does exactly just this and that makes her part of the asshole list.
Turtle is inactive, his inaction causes a lot of problems for the others in a negative way in order to preserve his own self. He uses animus magic on Anemone just to make sure that he doesn't get any attention but this backfires and his sister is left not only being used as a WMD by Queen Coral, additionally, she is also left feeling alone in her magic. Turtle just sat on the sidelines as he actively watched Anemone get used like a tool by her mother and groomed by a disgusting snotball of a power-hungry political obsessed eel bbq dragon. His “neutrality” was incredibly toxic towards the upbringing of his sister. Yet, despite being the one guy everyone likes to pounce on and beat down he's probably the LEAST asshole character out of everyone in Jade Winglet. You can point at Turtle's issue of “not doing anything” and dig deeper to realize he's a child for one (an even younger child when he enchanted Anemone) and for two it's an unhealthy trauma response from his family. He has helped and supported every single Jade Winglet member in their “fall/on their knees” development and all he ever got in return was those to treat him like garbage (with Peril being the only one who wanted to help him and realizing how shitty animus magic is for him and attempted to make a situation better by ripping up the scroll with good intentions in mind).
Peril is probably the most self-explanatory but she tries. I can't really say anything else about the flaming toaster oven w/ the pizza box inside it dragon that not everyone else has said negatively about Peril before. She's uncontrollable and she constantly talks about hurting others, yak yak yak… Brownie points is that she's attempting to become a better person and trying to find her own path in life.
Now that everyone has run away typing furiously in the comments reblogging tags about this and that I want to emphasize that everything I said above is about CANON CONTENT. You can LOVE YOUR ASSHOLES!!! I personally LOVE MY ASSHOLES!!! There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that the protagonists that you read aren't the greatest people in the whole wide world. I know I wouldn't want to be in the same room as Peril if she was an actual person; with that said that doesn't mean she ISN’T my favorite dragon in the whole gosh darn freaking series. Winter is a bastard, I love Winter. Qibli is a bastard, I love Qibli. Moonwatcher… Actually, no. Moonwatcher can not. (this last one is a joke and a personal opinion, if I was to look at her into it retrospectively and have a positive thing to say I would say she's very neurodivergent relatable, and her power is very autism-coded.).
Jade Winglet is full of bastards.
I love my Jade Winglet bastards.
Stop being in denial and using “well I don't like [Insert Jade Winglet Member] because of what they did with [Insert Plot Point Here]” and accept that your favorite is a bastard. Tired of hearing about this rank system on who's more fucked up than the other and debating if they deserve love and respect for that. Ofc they do. They're your favs, y'all don't need to push or morally justify trying to like your favs by putting another Jade Winglet member down. You aren't impressing anyone or going “GOTCHA!” for this thought process.
Now stop fighting you cursed dragon hyperfixated disaster fandom. (/j)
Drops Mic
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
I have been trying to stock up a collection of puppy hybrid reader fics and you're my next victim 😈 /j
Anyways as you know spring/summer season is coming around and that means heat seasons.
May I ask for a genshin character reacting to your heat cycle spontaneously arriving? (With either Kaeya, Diluc, or Zhongli please)
Don't worry, I am willingly becoming a victim. I do not mind.
Characters Included: Zhongli; Diluc
Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; suggestive and smutty content ahead; puppy!hybrid!reader; heat cycles; mentions of penetration; mentions overstimulation; creampie; fingering; not proofread yet
Word count: 1,6k words
To all the fellow thirsty ones... Enjoy<3
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Seeing as he was once a dragon himself, he would have his own heat/rut cycles coming up
since the two of you have been together for some time, being mated for a few years now, your cycles have adjusted to another so they come around the same time every year
you both know by now how to read the signs of the upcoming season and how to best prepare for it
most times, you go out and buy some groceries and food that will last you for a week (or sometimes even longer), while Zhongli takes care and preparing your home, starting on a nest and stuff like that
you both respectively take the time off from work so no one has to worry about that, though for Zhongli it's often a bit more difficult thanks to the lack of employees at the Funeral Parlor
this time however, is different
you didn't get any of you usual signs that your heat was about to hit you. Nothing at all
yet you woke up this morning, your husband having left for work already, and you immediately knew what was up
your entire body felt hot and filled with such intense need, you almost couldn't control yourself
You started panting, thrashing around the bed, debating on what to do, when suddenly the bedroom door was slammed open, Zhongli standing in there, panting as well, a wild and hungry look in his eyes
He walked over to the bed, his eyes fixed on you and he was immediately over you, kissing you harshly
"Z-Zhongli! W-why-!"
"Forgot something.. wanted to grab it.. smelled your scent. It's early, right?"
Instead of an answer, the only aound that left your lips was a needy whimper as you started grinding against his thigg, trying to get some friction
He growled at you, basically ripping the clothes off of you and himself, then immediately latched onto your neck, sucking and biting one mark after the other, marking you as his property
Your tail started wagging rapidly as Zhongli's nails dug into your hips, holding you in place, not letting you move
You whined as he denied you the pleasure you got from grinding on him, clawing on his back, probably scratching it open but you didn't care
You felt so hot, you just needed some form of relief
"Li, please!", you practically screamed, your heat now fully here, as you tried resisting his grip
Then, two of his long fingers plunged into your hole, making you scream out in pleasure at the sudden intrusion. Yes, it was unexpected, but it just felt too good to finally be filled with something
You moaned shamelessly, throwing your head around against the pillows, taking in your husbands scent
Your moans turned him on even more. Growling again, he pulled you into another harsh, passionate kiss, then pulled his fingers out of you, leaving you feeling empty inside
You almost wanted to cry from the lack of stimulation, but then the next second, you felt his tip against your hole
Before you could say anything, he pushed himself inside in one long thrust. Your head flew back, your eyes rolling back into your skull as your nails dug into hus shoulders
You let out a scream of pleasure, closing your legs around his waist
Words were no longer comprehensable to you, but when you moved your hips against his, he got the message and started moving
His thrusts were long and hard, but still set in a quick pace
It didn't take long for you to orgasm, since you always got far more sensitce during your heat
You came as he was still plunging into you, he felt your walls squeeze tight around his cock. He almost came himself, but he managed to hold back, helping you ride out your high as much as possible
Your body was already starting to tremble from overstimulation, since Zhongli never once stopped moving
It was always like that during that time. Both of you got so needy, horny and insatiable. You alwaya had to force breaks to sustain your bodies with food and water, but those breaks never lasted long before you fell over each other again like animals
Your heat arriving early may have been unexpected, but definitely not unwelcome. Especially since your scent and hormones triggered something within Zhongli, triggering his own rut/heat to arrive early as well, so he could satisfy you with everything you might desire
Zhongli did feel a bit bad that he didn't get a chance to tell his boss that he wouldn't be coming back for at least a week, but when you startes clenching around his cock again, those worries quickly got pushed to the back of his mind so that he could start thrusting into you yet again...
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Oh boy.. this man is so intrigued by your unique features
Constantly asked you questions about it as you started dating, askig about what was okay to him to touch and what wasn't
Was really hesitant when you first offered him to scratch your ears or pet your tail
Even more nervous when you had sex for the first time. He accidentaly brushed his hand against your tail and he got so scared when you let out a whine at the touch. You had to explain to him that it just felt good and that he did not hurt you
Takes some time but eventually gets the hang of it. Now, he really enjoys to pat your ears or pull slightly on your tail during sex now, and you don't complain about it, since it brings you great pleasure
The first time your heat came around when being with him, you set him down weeks in advance amd explained everything to him
He was a bit shocked about the entire concept, even more so that it affected you as a hybrid as well. But he's more than willing to help you out, since he's your boyfriend after all. And he did, in fact, a very good job..
Now, it was in the middle of the night, yet you woke up, panting and sweating like crazy. At first, you didn't think much of it, maybe you just needed a glass of cold water
So you got up and went down into the kitchen to do just that. But when the water didn't help, you started to get a familiar feeling...
But that couldn't be! You should have another two weeks before your heat woukd start!
But then your body grew even hotter, you got more needy and all you could think about was Diluc, blissfully sleeping in your shared bed
Well... even if you couldn't believe it, you couldn't deny the facts. Your heat has indeed arrived early
You immediately made your way back into the bedroom you shared with Diluc
You felt slightly bad for waking him up, but a larger part within you didn't care about that, only wanting to be filled and fucked right now
As soon as you got there, you climbed on top of Diluc, pulling the covers off of him, grinding against his leg
"Diluc!", you whined amd that, paired with the harsh movement against his body, managed to wake him up
It took him a few seconds to fully wake up, but once he was, his look was both confused and slightly paniced
"(Name)? What's wrong? You're burning up!"
"My heat.. it's early. Please 'luc, I need you!"
Your voice was high pitches and needy, completely different from usual. Luckily for you, Diluc caught on quite fast
Before you knew it, your back was pressed against the mattress and ge was above you, already working on removing both of your clothes
He reached down, wanting to stretch you with his fingers a bit
"No! Please, just.. put it in! I need your cock in me!"
He looked at you for a few seconds, but then only a deep sigh came out and the next second, you coukd already feel his tip pressing up against your hole
He thrusts into you, slowly, allowing you to get used to his size
Once he bottomed out, he wanted to give you a few moments to breath, but you wouldn't have that
You started moving your hips against him, and Diluc lost it at that
Before you knew it, he manhandled you into a doggystyle position and thrust into you from behind, already aetting a rough and fast pace
One hand gripped around your throat from behind, the other grabbed the base of your tail. You cried out in pleasure as he rammes into you, not able to utter even a single word
He held your head high with his hand around your throat, his thrusts never slowing down as he begann nibbling on your neck, soon biting down into the flesh gently
You cried out as you came around his cock, your walls clamping down on him, squeezing him tight
It was too much for him and he came as well, shooting his load deep inside of you
His hips slowed down, letting the both of you ride out the waves of pleasure, before he came to a hold, yet his cock remained inside of you
He knew from the last time just how insatiable you could get when in your heat. And it seemed that this time was no different
Only a few seconds later, you started moving your hips again, begging for him to move
And really, he had no other choice but to oblige, feeling how he was already growing hard again, to fulfill your widh of him pumping you full with his seed..
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hyomaluvr · 1 year
can we talk about what it’s like fucking dragon dan heng? scratch that, PLEASE talk to me about this i’m begging
cw: hsr spoilers / hsr leaks, breeding kink, size kink, minor tummy bulge mention, reader could be read as stelle/trailblazer, reader is afab
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dan heng going from a calm, collected nerd to an unraveled, horny monster? CHEFS KISS
he’s so headstrong that it isn’t you he likes. he will not let this facade slip, always teasing you with the irritation he has towards march, but you grind his gears in a different way.
that’s why it’s so embarrassing when his cock is tenting very obviously and you’ve just brushed up against him, he’s losing it
it’s not like he’s surprised either, he’s noticed that the scent you’ve been putting off is just delectable— noticed it since he first met you, actually. he’s fighting himself even as he’s in this embarrassing situation not to hump against your ass and mark your neck
“get out of here. it isn’t safe.” even if you’ve shown you want this, he’s still worried because he knows once he gets you he won’t be able to stop <3
it’s crazy someone so quiet can still say all the right things to push your buttons and flirt with you
“you’re so much smaller than me, i’m afraid you’ll break in half.” “is that supposed to turn me off?” “i suppose reckless behavior is to be expected of you. i’ll make sure to warn natalia.” he’s so cold even though he’s holding his dick through his pants all for you <333 he’s dripping if you start whining
his words contradict his actions, his protests of how you need to think this through better don’t match up at all with how he’s going feral on your dripping cunt. your scent is so strong that he’s love drunk and he’s soooo loud eating you out.
if you touch his horns he moans
animalistic urge to breed you. needs to cream pie you or he swears he’ll die!!
his actions are very stream of consciousness. yanking your hair but sloppily kissing you like you’re the greatest treasure in the world and then abruptly sucking on your nipples— if he wants it, he’s going to get it
“does a classless thing like you know what it’s like to get your womb filled to the brim?”
he fucks you so hard, he doesn’t want you to know your name. he can’t help it! he warned you earlier that you were in trouble and he wasn’t going to stop until he bred your poor, drooling pussy til he was satisfied. something about this season made you irresistible and the perfect candidate to release his lust into since you were the main subject of it anyway.
the second he sees his bulge in your tummy, he’s cumming ropes in you!
don’t even get me started on how possessive he is. ordinarily if anyone saw you two he’d be stopped in his tracks in utter humiliation but right now? he’s biting you all over, sucking wherever he can to leave fang marks and hickies while staring angry daggers into any poor intruder’s eyes. they’d probably feel uncomfortable if it wasn’t for the complete terror they were in while being faced with a dragon who visibly wanted to tear them to shreds for interrupting his mating session.
he NEEDS your eye contact he has to watch how pitiful and sweet you look underneath him and it’s such a guilty pleasure
in his fantasies about you, you were usually on your knees looking up at him with your lips prodding at his cock, so even though he usually struggles with eye contact, it’s become a downright kink for you to be just as captured by him as he is by you
“you’re not looking at me when your eyes are rolling back like that, are you? perhaps i’ll have to train you better.”
can go for hours but if it’s not mating season he’ll tease/degrade you for being a whore <3
your womb filled to the brim with cum = happy dan heng ^w^
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savxgelxve · 7 months
Moonlit Confessions 🌙
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A Cedric Diggory x Fem!reader fic.
Hey guys! This is my first time ever writing a fic. I've been reading fanfics for almost 5 years now, but was either too lazy or didn't get the courage to post my work. Constructive criticism is appreciated but please don't be mean...it's my first time so it'll likely suck 😅 Do give suggestions on how I can improve<3 A huge thanks to @queer-n-here for helping me out with some of the dialogues and plot suggestions. Go check them out!!!
(The reader is a "Prewitt" which is one of the sacred 28 pureblood families. Much like Weasleys as they too don't care about their pureblood status.)
Warnings: none. This is just pure fluff ^w^
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The moon was brighter then ever, as the soft wind blew playing with the locks of your hair. You stood by a large window of the library, waiting for him. But the serenity of the night sky had tranced you in it's beauty, so much so that you didn't even notice Cedric when he entered.
“The moon is beautiful, isn't it?”
You snapped out of your daze as you stepped back, startled.
“How long have you been here?” you asked with a surprised smile.
"Not long."
He replied with a smile, there was a faraway look in his eyes with a hint of excitement?....or was it mischief? but there was something about his expression you couldn't place your finger on.
"By the way, did you figure out the clue yet?" He asked.
"Not yet, that thing screams every time I open it. I'm surprised, it hasn't made me deaf yet." You replied, earning a chuckle from him.
Cedric had asked you for help with the golden egg he had got hold of in the first round of Triwizard tournament. He only trusted you with it. You and Cedric had known each other since you were practically babies. It was because both your parents were childhood friends as well.
"Then do we atleast have a lead?" He asked with an hopeful expression.
"Please don't tell me you owled that note saying, "Come to the library ASAP" just to show me a rock you found by the lake side again that was shaped like a pygmy puff." He teased.
"Oh shush, I did that when I was eleven! And the rock was cute."
"You haven't changed one bit, have you?" He shook his head chuckling.
You simply rolled your eyes with a small smile, "I do have a theory though."
Cedric crossed his arms as leaned against the wall with a curious expression, "Enlighten me, then."
"What if the scream was of the next creature you have to fight against? Just like the dragons?" You said walking towards a table which had two books you had picked out as you handed one to him. "We can try to figure out the possible creature you might have to fight against."
"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them." Cedric read the title out loud, "I feel like vicious would've been a better way to describe them." He added with an airy chuckle.
"Don't say that in front of someone who wants to be a magizoologist." You said with a playful glare.
"To you even an Erumpent is just as cute as a puppy." He replied with a teasing smile.
Cedric pulled out a chair for you and helped you get seated as he sat in front of you.
"Since when did you become such a gentleman?" You teased.
"Well, I can't help but channel my inner gentleman around you. Just trying to set the bar high, you know?" He replied with his classic smirk.
You raised an eyebrow, "Just around me? Are you sure you're allowed to say that with all your fangirls eavesdropping on our conversation?"
He loved this banter that they had. You were the only one on whom his charms wouldn't work and he took it as a challenge to change that.
"Well, it'll be easier to let them know I'm taken that way." He replied with a flirty smirk.
You rolled your eyes acting like it didn't bother you but your cheeks were dusted with the lightest shade of pink. It was barely visible but didn't go unnoticed by Cedric that was what he needed, a signal that he does affect her.
He rested his head in his arms as he smiled sweetly at you. "You look cute when you blush like that~"
"You're not the first one who said that to me." You replied with a sassy smirk, though internally you had melted in a puddle of blushing mess.
Cedric though smiling, visibly tensed at that reply.
"Haha, I guess I'll have to try harder to come up with compliments that leave you speechless then. Challenge accepted, and I think it'll be an easy win for me as it's hard not to compliment someone as adorable as you, even if it's been said before." He replied with a wink.
"We'll see about that." You replied with a small smile. "But for now, let's focus on the task, shall we?"
Cedric nodded, "So, that scream is well terrifying to say the least...could it be a Banshee?" He said pointing at the text under the image.
"A Banshee is a female spirit in Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member, usually by screaming, wailing, shrieking, or keening." You read out loud.
"Well I don't think so, I mean, whose death are we talking about here? There aren't any dementors here anymore. But we can't completely rule out the possibility as the Triwizard Tournament which was held in 1792, had one of the tasks involving catching a cockatrice. However, the beast went on a rampage and injured three of the judges, the Head of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. I read that in Hogwarts, A History." You added.
"Really? But don't you think that after this tragic incident the authorities would be more careful?" Cedric asked curiously.
"Hmm. You do have a point...so perhaps it's a siren?" You thought out loud.
"Maybe? I read somewhere that a sirens scream can deafen a man and transform a woman into one of them." Cedric replied.
The two of you searched the entire Magical Creatures section of the library for an hour, but there wasn't much of a lead. Finally, Cedric suggested to take a break to go get some fresh air.
You both walked towards your usual spot near the lake. The moonlight illuminated the crystal clear waters of the lake, casting shimmering reflections that danced upon the surface with an ethereal grace, as if the night itself had decided to paint upon the canvas of the water.
As you both sat on the shore, you saw a really cute rock. "Ced, look! this looks like a Fwooper"
He simply chuckled, "Are you sure you wanna become a magizoologist? You could become naturalist considering your never-ending pile of rock collection."
"Well I love cute rocks, but I love animals more. All the rocks I have collected look like some sort of animal." You replied.
Cedric nodded, "So we have the next Newt Scamander in making. I see." He replied with a smile.
"Do you have the golden egg with you right now?" He asked randomly.
"Yeah why?"
"I wanna see if there are any marks or symbols carved on it that can give us a clue? Or perhaps help us understand that scream in a way?" He replied.
"That's a good idea." You replied as you opened your side bag, as you rummaged through its contents. But it was a bit hard because of the extending charm you'd used on it. Finally giving up with a frustrated sigh you took out your wand.
"Accio, golden egg." You casted the spell making the egg fly out of your bag and landing on the ground with a thud which opened it.
A ear piercing scream filled up the quite night, as the egg vibrated from the sound and fell into the lake.
You stood their horrified your hands trying to shut your ears.
"Holy Merlin!" Cedric exclaimed as he took his shirt off and jumped into the lake.
Expecting to hear the screams he was surprised to hear a melodious voice instead.
"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."
As he closed the egg and got out of the lake, he had an excited smile on his face which confused you.
"This things scream changes into a song underwater!" He replied with a grin.
Your eyes sparkled as you smiled, "It's Mermish! That means the next task has Merpeople involved. It's likely gonna be an underwater task!" You replied.
"We finally figured it out!" you said as you hugged him excitedly, but pulled away sheepishly when you realised that he was still drenched and half naked. You looked away embarassed and blushing heavily.
"Like what you see?" He teased.
"Just get dressed for Merlin's sake!" You replied, earning a chuckle from him.
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The next few days were spent trying to figure out this what was the most valuable thing that the Merpeople would steal from him.
"What is it that you cherish the most, that you can't live without?" You asked.
"Uh...I don't know." The look that he gave you said otherwise though.
"Oh c'mon Ced! What is it?"
"You're asking the wrong question. Instead of what it should be who." He replied with a soft smile.
"What do you mean?... Who is it?" You asked confused.
"I would let you figure that out." He replied, chuckling at her obliviousness.
"Ced! please!"
"I've got Potions now, better get going before Snape gets all cranky." He replied with a smile. "Good luck with your little quest!" He added winking before he left.
You sighed as you hugged the books closer to your chest.
"Hey Y/N! I was just wondering if you're still up for the study session today?" Cho Chang asked startling you, making you drop your books clumsily.
"Oh shoot, I'm sorry I'm such a klutz." You apologized embarrassed as Cho helped you pick up your books.
"Don't be! I'm sorry I startled you." She replied with a smile.
That's when you noticed a book in her hand that you hadn't seen before. "What's it about?" you asked pointing at it.
"Oh this! It's a Japanese muggle comic, it's called a Manga."
"That explains why I haven't heard of it...so what's the plot for this one?"
"Girl! Have you been residing in a broom cupboard at the top of the Astronomy Tower? It's a period comic and it's literally so famous even the wizarding world knows about it! I've been obsessed with this, there's this really handsome guy who just confessed to his love interest! I'm so happy!!" Cho replied with an excited smile.
“The moon is beautiful, isn't it?” you read out loud. "How is this a love confession?" You asked confused.
"This phrase is a more poetic way of saying I love you. It's meant to express love indirectly, since in Japanese culture earlier it was considered rude to directly state your feelings or needs." Cho explained.
"Anyways I got to go now, don't forget about the study sessions! Also I have quite a collection of mangas if you want, you can borrow them. Muggle writers have really good imagination." She said as she waved you goodbye.
Suddenly everything clicked, as you were reminded of what Cedric said a few days ago. A soft blush formed on your cheeks.
"I guess...I figured it out, Ced." You mumbled to yourself with a smile.
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kurosstuff · 5 months
✨️ (i think the event the still open i have no idea which sunday we were talking about, if not feel free to ignore ) but dragon!rosie x human!reader?
I just read the gorgon!rosie and lost mind (in a good way) so i thought 'why not combine rosie with my fav monster in a request?'
PMG THANK YOU-♡♡ I'm glad you enjoyed it@
Oo rosie as a dragon? Hell yeah I can see it~ I'm like- going all out of these their so fun to make
Warning(s): idk Honestly?? Horror maybe, bones.
Dragon!rosie x reader: food
You cursed your luck. Why did you even ACCEPT this? Agree to not bring anyone with? You grumbled, panting walking up the path up the mountain, dragging a cart full of.. you aren't actually sure. But it sure is bloody.
"Stupid ass guards"
Grumbling all the way to the top of the mountain, panting arms sore from the cart- how little of a break you got. Your running late as is.
"If it weren't the due date, I'd shove it up so far -" You cut off sighing. You're close to the entrance, and from what you know, if the dragon in the cave- that guards your very town. She isn't fond of swearing.
Maybe she's old-fashioned? Dragons do live for centuries, so.. that is possible.
But you couldn't help but wonder? Which dragon was she? There were two guardians after all. Both female. One not that well known but the other.. more often then not whoever is sent to feed her doesn't come back. Or if they do?
Not alive.
Shivering you prayed it wasn't her. Wasn't that horrific dragon. Eyes dark as coal. Soulless. The only survivor warning off anyone curious. It was a death wish. She is kind. But she is just as cruel. Curiously cruel even.
Grinning seeing the cave so tired you didn't see the skeleton laid bare around like a path. Like a warning. "Oh thank God." You huffed knowing the ritual by heart by now. After all if guards didn't do it. It was placed in the hands of the residents close tk the mountains. But you weren't ever told which dragon you'd have to feed.
Guess it makes sense given one will almost certainly kill you
Bringing the cart into the cave, you swallowed your nerves. It was quiet. Too quiet. Walking to the nest of foods, you grunted, putting the cart down and stepping back, hearing a sickening crunch. Stopping, you blinked, confused. Looking down, you paled
Seeing the pile of bones, you froze, shaking. The one dragon you knew never to mess with. To never upset. And here you were. In her cave- in her bones of her victim's. Shaking, you looked around the bag of meat even heavier than before a deep growl was heard behind you.
Turning, you paled frozen, staring at the dark coal like eyes- holding your hands up in surrender "o-oh hi my lady- im- I'm sorry- I was only here to feed you that's all" you choked out shaking ignoring how everything told you to run. To hide. To escape.
You knew if you tried, you wouldn't escape
Tilting her head in thought, the dragon growled slow, a rumble escaping her throat as she watched you. As if inspecting you. It was the longest two minutes or so of your life. Before she finally huffed a puff of grey cloudy smoke, filling your vision before a humming noise was heard. A woman stepped infront of you smiling softly curiously dressed in an old fashioned yet.
She wore those skulls. Those bones of her prey were as if they were decorations. Her dark soulless eyes staring right at you but you didn't find it as scary as you thought. You thought they were a gorgeous.
"Are you the new food carrier~?" Her voice spoke out formally looking down at you- towering over you easily. Her horns shun through her hat "well~? Shouldn't keep a woman waiting no?" She spoke again drawing your attention back to her.
"Oh.. uh.. yeah for today! The guard didn't w-want to ma'am" something in you. Told you that guards fate was just sealed. By the way her smile Hidden. Showing off her fangs you know you were right
"I see" she hummed circling you as if to measure you. As if she was debating on something. You worried she'd debate on eatting you. But you had hope.
Which helped you survive. Stopping infront of you her clawed hands gently held yours in hers as she stared at you. "Come. Rest little one I must insist" Turning her tail pushed you forward forcing you to move. To follow
Staring you wondered. We're all dragons this tall? Towering over you. You weren't on the tall side but still. You couldn't help but flush staring up at her mouth dry. If it weren't for her tail on your back pushing you forward. You wouldn't have willed your legs to move.
Guiding you fully down the cave she hummed at the silence. As if she expected it. "I am Rosie~" she spoke softly as if she was careful to not spook you. "And you must be?" She hummed eyeing you carefully
Squeaking out your reply, she hummed softly, repeating your name a couple of times before nodding. As if approving of such a name. Guiding you to a table, she helped you sit down, easing you into the seat. "Now, now~ relax. I won't eat you~ if I was. I would have by now. " Turning, she went to the cabinet "besides I'd never show my human form to my food anyways~ not the type to tease my food...that much~~"
Looking around, you shuddered bones laid around the room. Everywhere. Before you spoke, unable to stop yourself from asking, "How is it a house in a mountain?" Flushed, you glanced back, hoping you didn't offend her.
"Well little one.. I wanted a home like feel. So I had some humans make it like a home on the inside.. clever right ~?" Laughing seeing you nod in agreement patting your shoulder mindful of her Claws
"Now. Tell me exactly.. how you wound up coming here~?"
It didn't take long to realize Rosie? Loved Drama. Loved to talk about the gossip from the town- maybe that's how you were sucked into a laughing with the dragon you feared not so long ago that same day
"Yeah! I can't believe he didn't get caught by that stupid-"
"-You know"
Rosie cut your story off, sipping her blood tea(which she made you ALL to aware of) clearing your throat from the small laugh you had you going on. "Y-yeah?"
"We've been talking for hours, little one~" she purred, gesturing to the front of the cave. How dark is it getting. Standing up she smiled "oh as much as I'd love it for you to stay.. to talk more. It is dangerous especially for a human.." Gently helping you up brushing imaginary dirt off of you.
"Oh-! Y-yeah.. sorry ma'am-"
"Right.. yes. Rosie- I should be getting back. Make my report that you got your food. " Smiling at your correction, she nodded with a hum a hand on your lower back guiding you to the entrance
"My dear. Do be sure to tell him. I only accept you as my new caretaker, " she hummed, smirking at your flushed face."Maybe I shall take you as my personal one. Staying in my cave? Oh, I'm kidding, darling~" laughing at the flushed stuttering mess you got.
"Go on. It's not a goodbye~ I'll see you later little one~ better get to your cabin before the dogs come out~"
With a nod, you rushed off. Racing down the mountain, your limbs, thankfully, not as sore as this morning. To make your report ignoring the horrified look the man had once you told him Rosie's order.
It wasn't until you were in the bed. About to sleep before you sat up. Shivering slightly. How did Rosie know that? Know you were in a cabin? The only cabin in town?
How did she know?
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thesithdiaries · 2 years
Monster (Aemond Targaryen imagine)
Monster (Aemond Targaryen imagine)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x female Strong!reader
Requested: Yes, but @astraljedi and I modified it a lil
Warnings: angst, cursing, lets say rhaenyra and laenor get married two years earlier than in the show (everything else is the same), im trying to make this timeline make sense, spoilers for episode 6, 7 and 8, aemond channeling his inner daemon, typical westeros violence, awkward dinner, very telenovela fight after the dinner A/N + additional warnings: i normally try to avoid this but i will be mentioning hair descriptions in this. sorry about that
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Aemond was hugging his mother, resting his head on her shoulder. He had just lost an eye but he gained the biggest dragon in Westeros. 
He watched as his betrothed, Y/N Velaryon, held onto her younger brothers. Many years ago, Alicent had agreed to an arranged marriage, all because Viserys thought it would be a good idea. Aemond always got along with Y/N, she was the only one that did not antagonize him for not having a dragon. He did expect her to take his side and comfort him, but he was a fool to think that.
“This marriage,” Alicent started, pointing at her son and Y/N, “is off. I do not want your daughter near my son.” Rhaenyra smirked as she was walking away from the hall. After what had happened in the past weeks, she also did not want her daughter with Aemond.
Six years later
Y/N sat in the gardens with her younger brothers Joffrey, Aegon, and Viserys. She was reading to them but they fell asleep. Life at Dragonstone had been peaceful, being away from King’s Landing was the best for everyone, especially after what happened after Laena’s funeral. 
Part of her wishes to be in Harrenhal with her brothers, looking after their father’s castle. Harwin's death was devastating for her. Rhaenyra and Laenor got married sooner than expected, after the news that she was with child. Everything was perfect until Y/N was born without silver hair. They tried to dismiss it, claiming it was because of Princess Rhaenys’ mother. The speculations about who their real father was were growing more as Rhaenyra gave birth to three boys, all with dark hair. Y/N found out at a very young age that Harwin was her father. He always treated her differently, and part of her knew it was not because she was a girl. Rhaenyra had no other choice but to admit it, knowing her daughter was stubborn and would not drop the matter.
Ser Harwin knew he could not act like a father in public, yet that did not stop him from treating Y/N well. He would give in to her many child-like demands, which consisted mostly of getting savory cakes and being carried around. He would also give her a single flower whenever they were alone during their walks along the Red Keep. Harwin would say “Here you go, Princess,” as he placed it on her hair. Y/N kept all of them in a small jewelry chest, along with many other gifts he gave her through the years. She treasured them all. 
Daemon was quietly approaching her after noticing the three young boys laying around her. “Darling,” he whispered. Y/N carefully got up, trying to not disturb them. Daemon grabbed her hand and pulled her away.
“What is it, father? Did something happen?” She asked, noticing he had a worried expression.
“We have to return to King’s Landing.” 
“Why?” Y/N sighed with annoyance. 
“Y/N,” Daemon warned, causing her to roll her eyes. “Vaemond has decided he wants the Driftmark throne. By doing this, he will also bring up Lucerys’ legitimacy.”
“What about grandfather? Can he do something about it?” Daemon shook his head.
“The greens are the ones making the decisions,” he pointed out. “We need to be there and prevent Vaemond from taking what he wants.”
Y/N nodded, now scared at the possible outcome. Daemon noticed immediately, caressing her face as he gave her a reassuring smile. “It will go our way, I promise.”
Every fear Y/N had was solidified the second they arrived at the Red Keep and nobody was there to greet them. Her parents went to see the King, while she went to the training yard with Jace and Luke, who was getting nervous from all the stares they were receiving.
“What’s your problem?” Jace asked him while looking at all the weapons that they had for training.
“Everyone's staring at us,” Luke replied, fidgeting. 
“So?” Y/N scoffed.
“No one would question me being heir to Driftmark... if... if I looked more like Ser Laenor Velaryon than Ser Harwin Strong.” Y/N stared at him in disappointment. She understood what he felt and how Vaemond’s claims made all of them look yet that did not make her feel less sad.
“It doesn't matter what they think.” Jace reminded him before Y/N could say anything. 
Their conversation was interrupted by the cheering crowd behind them. As they approached in curiosity, they saw Ser Criston fighting with a man with long silver hair. In all honesty, it was impressive.
“Well done, my Prince,” Criston congratulated him. “You'll be winning tourneys in no time.”
“I don't give a shit about tourneys.” The man turned around to face them, it was Aemond. Y/N felt Luke grabbing her hand, it was something he did when he was very nervous. “Nephews, niece... have you come to train?”
Aemond was staring at her, she was more beautiful than he remembered. Y/N was avoiding his gaze, making him smirk. If only things had gone their way, they would have been married at this moment. They could have been happy.
The air in the throne room felt tense. 
“I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next Lord of the Tides.” The King had appeared, surprising everyone. Y/N smiled at her grandfather’s strength, she knew he was in so much pain but he loved his daughter and his grandchildren. “And, in addition, I declare that Prince Aemond and Princess Y/N are still betrothed and will be wed before the next full moon.”
Y/N felt her heart drop to her stomach. Daemon and Rhaenyra looked at her with worry. They knew what Aemond had become, they knew what he was capable of. On the other side of the throne room, the Prince’s chest filled with pride at the King’s command. He gazed over at his future wife, who was also looking his way. Her expression was unreadable, he did not know if she felt happy or sad. They were both so concentrated on each other that a yell from Vaemond Velaryon snapped them out of their thoughts.
“Her children are bastards!” Y/N held onto Jace’s arm, knowing that he was capable of throwing himself on top of Vaemond to beat him. “And she... is... a whοre.”
The crowd behind them gasped. This was the highest of treasons and he said it all in front of the king. “I... will have your tongue for that.” Viserys threatened him, but Daemon had other plans.
He sliced off his head with Darksister. Y/N flinched, hiding her head on Jace’s shoulder. “He can keep his tongue.”
Aemond looked for Y/N, only to see Jace shielding her from the graphic scene in front of them. He had his arms protectively around her, despite knowing Daemon would never hurt them. He felt his blood boil. If anyone should be comforting her during a moment like this, it should be him, not her bastard brother.
Viserys had requested to have a family dinner. 
Y/N entered the dining room behind her parents. Alicent and her children were already there, waiting for them. 
“Y/N, dear, you can sit here.” The Queen called for her. There was a seat next to Aemond’s. Y/N flashed a look of absolute fear to her father before walking towards them. Aemond was once again staring at her every move. She sat next to him quietly. Helaena grabbed her hand, giving her a reassuring squeeze. Lucerys was right at the other end of the table with Rhaena. They both smiled at her as if to say everything would be alright. 
“You look beautiful,” Aemond whispered in her ear. Y/N finally turned her head towards him, flashing a quick smile. He hummed at her shy behavior.
Y/N was not focusing on what was being said during the toasts. The fear she had felt the previous day was returning. She still did not understand why Viserys wanted her to marry Aemond, he knew why it was called off. However, she did not hold it against him, she knew he was very sick. She would do this for him, as a final wish.
A hard bang on the table made her flinch. Jace had stood up in anger, trying to control himself. Aemond also stood up, daring him to do something. He gave a toast in honor of his uncles. Luke was biting his cheek to hold back his laugh, all the memories of them being children filling his mind.
Helaena stood up next. “I would like to toast to Baela and Rhaena. They'll be married soon. It isn't so bad. Mostly he just ignores you... except sometimes when he's drunk.”
Y/N’s eyes widened at what she said. She felt pity for her, Helaena was kind and she did not deserve to be married to Aegon. He was not a good man. Aemond was carefully studying Y/N. Her expressions, her movements, the subtle shake of her hand when she reached for her cup. It had been so long since he saw her last and he wanted to make up for the lost time.
Jace stood up again, asking Helaena to dance with him. Y/N smirked at Aegon’s expression, but it quickly dropped when he glanced her way to lock eyes with Aemond. Luke was next to her out of nowhere, grabbing her hand. As they danced, Aemond felt the anger rising in him again. Seeing Y/N dancing with the same boy that took his eye was driving him mad. 
A servant sat a cooked pig right next to Aemond. Luke was giggling quietly at this. 
Aemond hit the table before standing up. "Final tribute. To the health of my nephews: Jace... Luke... and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise... hm... strong. Come, let us drain our cups to these three... Strong boys.” The room fell quiet after this.
“I dare you to say that again,” Jace threatened him. 
“Why? 'Twas only a compliment. Do you not think yourself Strong?”
A hard slap echoed through the room. Y/N stood directly in front of Aemond, her body was shaking with fury. He stared at her in disbelief but before he could even move, Jace was in front of her. She held his gaze over her brother’s shoulder.
“Wait, wait!” Daemon warned, softly pushing his children away. 
“Go to your quarters. All of you go, now.” Rhaenyra ordered.
They all walked out, Y/N getting ahead of her siblings, not wanting to speak about what had happened. Aemond had followed them out, quickly spotting her in the distance. He took a shortcut, appearing right in front of her in another corridor.
Y/N scoffed, attempting to walk around him but he grabbed her forearm tightly. “Let go.”
“No,” he retorted. “How dare you hit me, in front of everyone.”
“You know why I did it, Aemond,” Y/N hissed, still struggling to get away from his grip. 
“I was speaking about them,” he told her.
“You insulted them, and me,” Y/N corrected him. “Whatever insult you throw their way still includes me.”
Aemond stammered, he truly did not wish to include her. “That was not my purpose.”
“No? And what was it? Just antagonize my brothers for fun, as revenge for what happened years ago? I still remember what you said to Luke, how he would die screaming in flames just as our father.”
He just stood there, bewildered, without saying a word. He still remembered that night perfectly, the look on her face when he said that. Y/N kept trying to remove his hand but he had other plans. Aemond grabbed her other forearm, leaving her completely at his mercy. 
“Let me go,” she ordered him again. He scoffed, shaking his head. 
“You are to be my wife, you will listen to me.”
“Aemond, I will only do it for the King. If he wasn't the one asking, I would be on a ship to get away from you,” Y/N confessed. 
He finally let her go. Her confession stung, the Y/N he remembered would not have said that to him. Aemond did want to marry her, but the feelings he felt when he was a child had not changed. They stared at each other, no words being said. 
Y/N started walking away. Her steps echo through the corridor. Her thoughts wandered, thinking about what could have been of their life if that night at Driftmark had not played out the way it did. Would they be happy right now? As she turned a corner, she looked back. Aemond stood in the same spot, he had not moved. He stared at the ground in disbelief, still replaying the conversation in his head. He truly felt like a fool for saying those things in front of her.
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munson-mjstan · 1 year
Here's a request for you, my dear! Reader writes for the school paper and is assigned an article highlighting different school clubs. She tries to interview Eddie about Hellfire, but he just assumes she's going to mock/tease him about being a "freak who likes to play fantasy games" and is really short with her. It hurts her feelings, and when someone (Dustin? Lucas? Mike?) points out what an asshole he was, he tries to make it right.
I can't wait to read it!
xoxoxo @munson-blurbs 💚
Thank you bug! @munson-blurbs
Warnings ⚠️: Angst, language, and fluff by the end
Minors D.N.I 18+
Wc: 2.9k
"Gotta go, I'm hungry, see you later!" Dustin departs but not before hugging you which you returned.
Trekking in the bustling hallway of your school, your peers making their way to their next classes. Upon entering the paper editing room you're met with Nancy, who had just turned to face whomever walked in, "Good morning!" she greeted you sporting a familiar grin.
"Another article set up for me? Geez, have you ever taken a break?" you joked with her, you had worked with Nancy for some time, and known her even longer, you used to help babysit her brother and his friends when they were younger. Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will who had moved to California liked you and thought you were kind and warm.
Walking toward Nancy she answers, "A writer's job is never done, and yes, I have one in mind."
"What club is this? Between you and I, we've already interviewed all of them," you were confused, was there a new club you weren't familiar with?
"Hellfire," she shrugs, "I know I haven't interviewed the head honcho, Eddie Munson. Have you?"
"No, I haven't.." you shook your head and your voice got quiet, you'd forgotten about Hellfire. You don't know how you did, Eddie is infamous in Hawkins High. His wild antics in class, the cafeteria, and even the library were well known. You weren't going to lie to yourself, his personality had intimidated you.
He wasn't unkind to you, you both had exchanged polite smiles several times passing each other in the hallway on another monotonous day of school, "W-what time do I head over?" you ask Nancy, your voice apprehensive.
Giving you a sympathetic smile she responds, "Relax, it'll be fine, you got this!" Nancy encourages you, the energy radiating off her physique, "Find Mike, Dustin, or Lucas, and they'll tell you. According to rumors, take this with a grain of salt, they're a Satanic Cult." she rolled her eyes, "The shit people come up with is ridiculous, Mike is in Hellfire, it's just a Dungeons and Dragons club."
You agreed wholeheartedly, "Leave it to a bored small town to come up with something like that when it's just a game," familiar with D&D during your time babysitting Mike the game fascinated you, "so do you have some sort of plan? What do you want me to ask?" Attempting to divert your rising anxiety you focus your brain on the task at hand.
"Ask how he formed Hellfire, what gave him the idea, what makes it different from the other clubs. Come on, you've done this before, what's got you so anxious?"
Sighing in defeat, your gaze falls to the floor beneath your feet, "That obvious, huh?"
"It's not like you hide it well," she remarks with a smirk, your shoulders slump.
"I'm hopeless," you lament with a hint of playfulness.
"You're fine the way you are," she reassures you kindly.
Gathering your notebook and pencil you give Nancy a reluctant grin, "I got this,"
Nancy lights up at your words, "Great!" she pats your forearm, "Everyone's headed to lunch, you might catch Mike or someone from Hellfire on the way. Good luck!"
"Thanks, Nance," just like that she takes off, Fred Benson following suit.
Soon after you're out the door. Scanning carefully among the crowds of students you spot a familiar figure wearing a "Thinking cap" ball cap on his head. Zig-zagging your way through the crowd, your hand makes contact with the figure's shoulder, "Dustin!" you beam.
"Hey!" he turns to face you and gives you a big hug, "How have you been?"
"Oh, you know, getting through school," you shrug, "writing for the Hawkins paper," both of you move out of the way of the other students.
"How's that going?" Dustin asks, his grin not leaving his face.
"I need to interview Eddie for Hellfire, frankly I'm a little nervous,"
"That's great! We're gonna be famous!" he exclaims joyfully.
"I wouldn't go that far." you can't help but laugh at his vitality, scratching the back of your neck sheepishly, "What time do you start Hellfire?"
"After school. We usually try to wrap things up by 8:30 depending on what we're doing,"
"I-is Eddie nice?" your insecurities are rising and it's evident in your voice.
"Eddie is the best!" Dustin's grin gets wider, "He took Mike and me in when we were trying to find our place in Hawkins High! He's a great storyteller and world-builder! He even creates voices for the characters!" Dustin's admiration for Eddie seems to increase with every word that leaves his mouth, his eyes shining with respect, "The interview will go great!" Dustin's voice is the epitome of confidence.
Leaning against the wall a breath you didn't know you were holding in deflates out of your lungs like a balloon, taking your anxiety and insecurities out with it, "Thanks, Dusty, I needed that," you say with a smile, gratitude sparkling in your eyes.
"Anything for my favorite babysitter!" he playfully boops your nose.
You giggle, "You think it would be best if I wait until after Hellfire is over before I talk to him?"
"He'll be in a good mood. Post-campaign euphoria, y'know?"
Thinking back to the times the boys had finished a campaign, the victorious cries were heard from Nancys' basement, their energy infectious and journeying throughout the home, "I remember," you grin.
The drama class door swung open, and congratulatory cheers can be heard from the confines. Mike is the first to emerge, sporting a grin that seemed to split his countenance. His dark eyes meet yours, "We won!" he addresses you with exuberance walking over to you.
"Congratulations!" The post-campaign euphoria affects you similarly; goosebumps erupt up your arms.
"I heard from Dustin, you gonna interview Eddie? Also how long were you waiting out here?" he asks, concern etched in his voice.
"Yes, and about ten minutes, not long at all, gave me time to calm my nerves,"
Mike seemed to relax slightly at your admission, "You're nervous?"
"Just a little, I'll deal," you shrug.
Dustin, Jeff, Gareth, Erica, and Gary exit the drama room. Dustin strolls over to Mike and you, "Did Mike tell you we gained a victory?"
"Eddies ready for you, head on in,"
"He informed me of your success, congratulations!" both of you high-fived, and you gave Mike one as well, not wanting to leave him out.
Dustin said.
Inhaling and exhaling a breath you say, "I'm ready,"
"We'll wait for you out here, right Mike?" Dustin faces his friend.
"Thanks, kids, you're awesome!" giving them a wink you head inside the drama classroom where the leader of Hellfire awaited you.
"Huh? Oh! Right, sure," Mike agrees.
Peering inside you see the infamous Eddie Munson, seated on his throne with an intense glare set on you.
Clearing your throat and wiping your hands on your high-waisted pencil skirt, "H-hello, how do you do," you introduce yourself in a voice that resembles a mouse.
"Eddie Munson." he snaps, his voice low and guarded.
"I'm here to interview you for the Hawkins High paper," informing him of your intentions you try your best to make your voice even and professional. Sitting down in the chair closest to him, you open your notepad and remove your pencil from your ear. Getting right down to business you ask him your first question, "What made you start Hellfire?"
"Wanted more people to play D&D with. Next question."
His short and malicious tone hit you right in the heart, the pain feeling like ice. Your breathing becomes unsteady as you write down Eddie's answer, "I-I see."
Feeling a lump form in your throat, you ask your next question, "How has," swallowing the lump in your throat, "Forming this club improved your academic performance?"
He let out a laugh that resembled a feral beast, "School sucks, it always has. Next question." More icy pain shoots up your body, stabbing your heart, and now your voice trembles writing down his answer once again,
"R-right?" letting out a weak chuckle, you agree with him.
You have one question left! You can do this!
Mentally cheering yourself on, you press forward.
"Cut the bullshit already." Once more he interrupts you, he seems to be in a rush to get to the bottom of the matter, the only issue is you have no idea what his problem is.
"W-what?" you stutter, blinking back tears forming, his harsh tone is like a viper biting into your flesh; the sting unrelenting.
"You're only here to make fun of the 'freak' the 'satan worshiper' AND the 'cult leader'!" he stood abruptly slamming his hand on the table, you flinch.
"I would never–"
You could only stand there frozen, stunned as his verbal assault resumed, "Well it's not going to work this time!
"I don't believe you! You're just like everyone else; judging without bothering to get to know them!" The snake's venom is seeping into your bloodstream along with the icy chill of his words. Frankly, you were taken aback, you'd no idea he thought this way about you, and you had no idea why this was hurting you so vastly.
His next words were the nail in the proverbial coffin, "You're nothing." he seethed, speaking through clenched teeth.
The venom swallowed you whole as the ice caught in your throat. Tears cascade down past your waterline like a faucet. Dropping your notepad and pencil absentmindedly you cast one last gaze into his face. His eyes were cold with malice and contempt. Making a quick turn you sprint toward the door, each step on the linoleum floor causes more ice to stab your heart.
He had called you "nothing", and you felt like it. Bringing your knees to your chest in an attempt to comfort yourself you bury your head in between your knees but it brings no solace to the void that was starting to consume you.
The door opened with a bang startling Dustin and Mike, "That was fa– Hey what happened?" Dustin noticed your tear-stained face but couldn't say anything further, you were already running down the hall with sobs escaping unbidden from your lips. With your vision fuzzy from the tears you can barely make out the sign for the girl's bathroom. Bursting inside you lean against the door sinking to the floor you weep.
Eddie remained in the drama room, cleaning up the rest of the D&D pieces, a proud grin formed on his face, "Showed her," he murmurs.
"Eddie, what the hell happened?" Dustin makes an appearance, followed closely by Mike.
Eddie scoffs, facing the boys, "I protected us is what I did."
"How?" Mike asks, incredulously, not being able to comprehend what their Dungeon Master was saying.
"She is going to use that article to spread the rumors that Hellfire is a Satan-worshiping cult!" he asserts, picking up your notepad from the floor and tossing it onto the table, "Henderson, dispose of that."
Dustin picks up your notepad and peers at your notes or lack thereof he sees your teardrops on the paper, "No," he says firmly.
Eddie looks at Dustin, surprised that he refused his request, "And why not?"
"Because she's NOT like that!" Mike pipes up, the first to defend your honor.
Dustin nods at his best friend, "Mike's right, she'd never do something like that."
"What are you two, her knights in shining armor?" Eddie spat, he couldn't believe both of his friends weren't backing him up on this. He was one hundred percent certain you'd come to bully him, he wasn't going to take any chances, it was his job to protect his flock.
"Eddie," Dustin pinched the bridge of his nose, "what did you say to her?"
Eddie shrugged, "I told her she was nothing,"
"You mother–"
"Mike!" Dustin stopped Mike from saying something he'll most likely regret, "Eddie," he let out an exasperated sigh "She's one of the kindest people we've ever met. She babysat us when we were younger," Dustin explains, his tone serious. He's determined to let Eddie know he screwed up, "She genuinely cares about us and Dungeons and Dragons,"
Eddie slumped down on his throne, "So what you're saying is," he paused, there had to have been some merit to what they were saying if both Mike and Dustin were coming to your aid, "I screwed up?" he finishes, the realization sinking into him like a large stone into a lake.
"YES!" Dustin and Mike say in unison, the former slamming your notepad in front of Eddie's side of the table.
Your tearful expression flashed unbidden in Eddie's mind's eye; the sinking realization had finally hit him in full force. Placing his face in his hands he says, "Dammit!" his voice muffled, how could he have gotten something so wrong? Guilty bubbled in his gut, along with the fear that you won't forgive him, "I have to apologize! Right now!" he stands up in a panic grabbing your notepad, and frantically paces the room, "Where is she?" he demands the boys.
Eddie sprinted out the door in a desperate search for you.
"We don't know!" Will speaks up, "I can only guess she ran to the girl's bathroom."
Sitting on the cold, semi-dirty floor your wailing had subsided to short sobs and hiccups. How could he think so lowly of someone he had barely spoken to? You'd never imagined he'd be so cruel, callous, and so certain that you'd have malicious intent with your interview. You had a genuine interest in Dungeons & Dragons, and while you most likely wouldn't be good at it the game itself fascinated you.
Standing up on wobbly feet you stroll to one of the sinks and peer at your face. Your eyes are puffy and swollen with tear tracks down your cheeks, "Dammit," muttering to yourself, you half-heartedly wash your face the best you can. Sighing as droplets of water fall from your complexion, "What am I going to tell Nancy?"
Drying your face on the sandpaper-like paper towels you're startled by the bathroom door opening, instinctually your eyes fly to the door, surprised by the mop of frenzied curls that enter your field of vision. His remorseful, ashamed, and guilt-ridden face froze you on the spot.
"What are you–?"
"I'm so sorry!" he says between pants, as though he ran a marathon to find you, "I was wrong!"
Your face morphed into one of confusion, "Wrong about what?"
"I was wrong for assuming you'd bully me. I was wrong for not giving you a fair chance. I was wrong for being so cold to you. I was wrong about everything," he took several steps toward you until he was in front of you, "I'm sorry for making you cry…that is what I'm most ashamed of," his voice breaks, that's how you know his apology is sincere.
His words are like a panacea on your body; the frozen venom disperses. Peering into his eyes you say words he hoped to hear, "I accept your apology, Eddie Munson."
"Thank. You. Christ!" his shoulders slump in relaxation, "Oh!" he hands you your notepad, "Here, I'm sorry again,"
Gazing at the item in Eddie's hands you smile, "Thank you! And I'll accept that second apology on one condition."
"Name it and it's done."
"Can we leave? This is the girl's bathroom."
"Oh, shit!" he'd forgotten where he was, peering around he comments, "So much cleaner than the boys,"
"Okay, out!" you laugh, pushing him gently toward the door. Once you both were outside you say playfully, "You're forgiven, again,"
Eddie chuckles, "Thanks,"
"So," you hesitate, "are we friends now?" unsure of where you stand, you ask for clarification.
"Hell yeah, we're friends!" he says with conviction and no uncertainty.
"Good! That's good!" you grin.
"I want you to interview me properly this time. But before that, what was your last question?"
"My last question?"
"The one you were going to ask me before I blew up at you."
Your eyes widened in realization, "Oh that one!"
You clear your throat, "Among the people in Hellfire, who do you admire and why?"
Eddie looked taken aback; his mind drew a blank. Did he admire someone in Hellfire? He was admired, yes but did he ever feel that way for someone else? "Uh," he pauses, not knowing what to say.
"It's okay, we can answer the previous questions. The next paper doesn't come out until next week, I just like getting my work done early," Sensing his difficulty answering your question, you decide to ease his mind and give him time to think it over.
"Thank you, I'll answer your other questions at Benny's, I owe you a milkshake, my treat. I hope you don't mind a small detour I need to drive Henderson and Wheeler home," he starts to head back in the direction of the drama club, a spring in his step and humming a tune you didn't recognize.
"They are pretty cool." he agrees.
"Of course, I don't mind. Those kiddos are the best!" walking next to him, you praise the boys.
Once again you stroll the busy school hallways the next day, and you hear your name called.
"Hey!" Eddie approached with his hands behind his back.
"Hi, morning!" you greet him with a grin.
"I have the answer to your question."
"Oh? That's great! Do I need my notepad for this?" you ask, slinging your backpack off your shoulder.
"No, no this will be quick. It's you," he declares with a smile, his eyes shining with sincerity.
Your jaw drops, and your mind reels. You hadn't expected this, "What? Me?" you point to yourself.
"Yes, you, my new friend," he gazes at you fondly.
"I'm not a part of Hellfire,"
"Welcome to Hellfire."
"Not yet you're not," his arms move from behind his back, and he unveils the infamous shirt he and the rest of the club sport.
Reblogs and comments are appreciated! 💗
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lunarmoonanons · 4 months
Sequel to the cursed dragon w the reader older now up maybe fighting for rhaenyra to get the iron throne after viserys dies?
Dragon War
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A little time after the death of Viserys, his dragon daughter tries to fight for her sister's right to the throne.
(this is just gonna be about they episode about the usurpation since we haven't see any fights between the sides yet.)
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YN stayed in her room the day after the disastrous dinner with her sister and Alicents children. She wanted to go back to Dragonstone with her sister and await her newest niece’s arrival, but the pleas and begging from her father made her stay in Kings Landing for a fortnight. Though she hated her half brothers and her stepmother, she could never deny her father. Eventually she got bored and wanted to leave her room to find her father. But when she went to open her doors she found them locked and her unable to leave. 
“What is the meaning of this?!” YN demanded and pulled against her door. 
No one answered and she yanked against her door with all her might. Her abnormal strength, her dragon strength started to make the door splinter and bend. But she stopped when she noticed something strange she heard. YN looked out her window and noticed people being herded somewhere. 
Something was happening and she had to be smart. So she waited. She sat in her room, eye on the secret door that would lead to the passageways. YN’s mind raced at the possibilities of what was happening. Her father must’ve suffered some kind of stroke or debilitating medical thing. YN knew that Alicent and her family were plotting something and now that her father was incapacitated they were taking control of the Red Keep.
“Well they must need me for something. Probably to swear allegiance to some idiot. Well they have another thing coming, because I have no allegiance to anyone but Rhaenyra.” YN muttered to herself. 
After a good hour of pacing, the door to her room opened and Alicent entered. YN scowled and clenched her fists at the sight of her step mother. Alicent knew YN didn’t like her. Blaming her for not being the mother who birthed her, hating her for the treatment she gave Rhaenyra, hating her for giving birth to her awful half brothers and always taking their side, and for many other things. YN did not get along with her step mother, no matter how hard Alicent tried to bond with her as a babe and even now. Now YN watched as Alicent came into her room and tried to look kind. 
“I will do you some courtesy to explain yourself about the my treatment this morning. I will assume there is a good reason for it all.” YN demanded. 
“My dear regrets for your treatment princess.” Alicent said. 
YN looked at her face and knew the worst had passed. Her father wasn’t debilitated, he was gone. “Father…” Alicent said nothingas YN read her face. Not only was her father dead but the hightowers were usurping the throne from her sisters rightful claim. 
“And now you’re usurping the throne from my sister.” YN said, her brows furrowing.
“It was your father’s dying wish.”
“Oh and I’m sure only you got to hear it.” YN scoffed and crossed her arms. 
“You don’t have to believe it. Aegon will be king.” Alicent said. “I came here to ask for your support as I am going to ask Princess Rhaenys.” 
“Well you certainly are eager. Very bold of you, STEP mother.” YN bit. Her eyes burning into Alicent’s. 
“Your sister has allied herself with house Velaryon and what will it get you?” Alicent aksed. “Rhaenyra lies and has children with another man and you are still unmarried. She has had two husbands. It is she who grasps so tirelessly for the throne. And She who had left you here last.” 
“You certainly have a skewed view of what you think bothers me.” YN smiled sinisterly. 
“I loved your father but we both know your cousin Rhaenys should’ve been queen. She will come for our support don’t be on the losing side.” Alicent pleaded. 
“I will not be your puppet against my sister. You need the dragon princess on your side to legitimize your claim, but I will never support you.” YN smiled still. “You are truly pathetic asking my help. But you forget, my loyalty is with my sister not your hightower half 
YN stepped forward suddenly and grabbed Alicent’s wrist tightly, her hand unusually hot. Alicent tried to pull away but YN was stronger. Her Manic eyes bore into her stepmothers and scaded her immensely. Alicent had never seen this side of YN, she looked manic, slightly insane and bloodthirsty. 
“I am not afraid of war, you may think you have the advantage but Rhaenyra has me and I am stronger than a hundred of your men. I see through your desperate attempt here. You wish the throne for your house, for your father. But I will kill my kin before I see a hightower half breed on the throne.” YN whispered into Alicent’s ear and then harshly pushed her away. Alicent stumbling before leaving. 
YN laughed maniacally as she watched her step mother leave the room in a hurry. Her laughter stopped when she knew she was all alone. She couldn’t go out the secret passageway because she knew her secret ways would be watched.  So she waited. Day turned to night as she waited. Then she heard someone outside of her room. The door opened revealing ser Erryk holding a cloak and looking for her. 
“Come with me Princess.” He assured and YN quickly put on the cloak, coming to face with Rhaenys waiting outside. YN gave her a quick hug and they followed Ser Erryk. YN looked around the dark castle and watched Rhaenys for her reaction. They walked a while before finally making it out of the castle. Rhaenys asked for her dragon as the day broke. But hey were eventually swept up in a crowd that was being driven to the dragon pit. YN followed Rhaneys and kept a hand on her cloak. Her dragon wings were uncomfortably pressed down against her back and her hood just barely covered her horns. Eventually they made it into the dragon pit and underground. 
“What is the plan? You’re going to just fly Meleys out of here?” YN asked as she followed Rhaenys to her dragon. 
“We are leaving that is all. You are welcome to ride on Meleys’ back with me till we are in the air. Then I assume you can fly yourself?” Rhaenys explained and looked at YN. 
“You’re not going to attack them are you? YN asked. 
“I will not commit kinslaying. And I expect you to do the same.” Rhaneys got onto her dragon's back, YN followed and sat before her. 
Rhaenys commanded her dragon to go up. They crashed through the floor and broke through violently. People scattered and YN looked around for her half family. They faced them and YN scowled at their frightened faces. YN so desperately wanted to burn them. She hated them. She could end this war right here right now. But before she could jump down and do as she wished. Rhaenys held her close and whispered for her to calm down. YN obeyed. She did not want to be branded a kinslayer. So she sat back as the dragon screeched in their faces. 
They flew out of the pit. And into the sky. YN believing she made a mistake in sparing their lives.
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Aegon at the sight of his sister who looks ready to murder him
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