#but also i don't get tasks that creatively challenge me
the-rainbow-of-doom · 10 months
Can burnout and boreout happen at the same time, or am I just being dramatic?
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gallusrostromegalus · 3 months
I am constantly procrastinating working on my original fic by writing fanfic. Any advice for how to refocus and finish my novel?
Well. The novel probably needs a nap.
Procrastinating is a symptom that something is preventing you from doing the thing you "should" be doing. Most of the time it's an unrelated, but actually higher priority task like resting after an illness (society is fucking lying about anything else being more important) or filing your taxes (actually this one is pretty important).
...but if you're procrastinating on one creative project with another creative project, you're not procrastinating: something about the novel is off right now, the fanfic is more appealing to you.
Consider the following:
You may be writing fic because it brings you more joy than the novel. If you really want to get back to the novel, figure out what would make working on it more enjoyable. Engagement from a beta-editor? Skipping this really boring scene and coming back to it later? Adding more smut?
You may also be writing fic because it's got a lower spoon coat than the novel and you need to conserve your spoons right now. Any extra stress in your life? Moving? Toothache? Recovering from Covid? Annoying roommate? Sick family member? It's an election year? ANY of those could soak up extra spoons and make your novel too expensive for your spoons budget. Let it take a nap, and come back when you're feeling better.
You may be sharpening your artistic skills on a lower-stakes project before going back to the novel. This is pretty normal- even Michaelangelo took breaks to work on other pieces while sculpting The David, both for a change of pace and so he could try something out without fucking up the big block.
Fortunately, you're writing, so you can always try writing the challenging scene a dozen times in different docs or save the parts that were good but don't not in a spare parts bucket doc.
Or keep working on that fic, it's helping you learn on a subconscious level.
You don't love the novel right now. This is alright. This is usually temporary, and the solution is the same- put it aside and work on something else.
Maybe you are just bored of the novel. That's fine and normal, you just save all the documents to your hard drive and come back later. When the fic inevitably gets boring too, you'll come back to the novel and either go "oh hey this kicks ass!" And return to it with renewed enthusiasm.
...Or you'll come back to it and go "oh. This is actually a piece of shit" And that's okay too, because there's nothing more useless than polishing a turd, but that turd is still valuable as compost. You learned things writing it, and you can still rifle through the novel for good lines or scenes or turns of phrase and put those in your spare parts doc to ferment into The Good Shit in the back of your mind.
If you are experiencing a different phenomenon wherein you are actively distressed while writing the fic- either out of misplaced guilt, or the fic isn't actually fun you just feel compelled to do something, or absolutely every creative endeavor is stressing you out, you may be experiencing a serious mental or physical health issue and you should see your GP or a specialist ASAP. Pain is an indicator that something is wrong. Do not ignore your body's warning light.
That sounds really dramatic and hyperbolic but realizing I was not enjoying ANY creative work was the symptom that finally got me to sit down and go "huh. All these random pains, irregular sleep cycle, frequent migraines and weird bouts of vertigo aren't normal either, I should get this looked at." And it turned out I had dangerously low blood oxygen at night from undiagnosed sleep apnea. I have a CPAP machine now and it's AMAZING.
I really hope this is regular artistic shuffle and not a serious health concern, but if you're experiencing creative stress AND a bunch of other shit, it may be serious.
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noctivague · 7 months
PAC: What area of your life needs nurturing?
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Hello! Felt like doing another Pick a Card/Pile reading.
The topic of the day is: "What area of your life needs nurturing?"
How it's going to unfold is that I'll first narrow down to an area of life, look at the challenges and then the advice on how to nurture this area. This is meant to be a supporting reading that will help you grow in that specific field.
Focus on the 4 pictures above, pick the one that resonates the most (it can also happen that you feel drawn to more than one) and then read more below the pile(s) you selected.
Take what resonates and leave out the rest as this is a general reading meant for multiple people and situations.
Feel free to tell me if that resonates as I wish to improve :)
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Cards: 4 of Swords + Valiant Courage: Take Actions with Passion Rx; 4 of Cups Rx + The Chariot + 4 of Pentacles; The Creator + The Shadow + The Mystic
The area of your life that needs nurturing is your mental and perhaps physical health. As in, you are currently depleted and in need of a rest, with a sense that your energy levels are so low that you are unable to take actions towards what matters to you.
Right of the bat I notice you got 3 out of 4 Fours of the minor arcana (Swords, Cups and Pentacles), which indicates a need to go back to the foundation and restructure yourself. Your foundations are crumbling and it's stopping you in your track because you are not tasking good care of your basic needs.
You are not allowing yourself to be bored, to rest and contemplate what's happening within and outside of yourself. So focused that you are on pushing through and advancing your life. I'm getting strong ambition and goals from this pile. You are afraid that if you take time off, you're going to lose what you have so you hang onto it for dear life, but it is counter productive and keeping you stuck in place.
The advice on how to nurture this area of your life is to:
1) get in touch with your creativity in a free, childlike and non-judgemental way. Whether you are a creative person of not doesn't really matter as it is not about skills but about expression, and we all have things to express. Keep your creations for yourself so that you can truly feel free from expectations and results. So whether that is drawing, painting, collages, sculpture, pottery, cooking, music, dancing, acting, sewing, makeup, making floral arrangements of cutting bonsai, whatever it is, pick up something that calls you and start expressing yourself creatively. Doesn't matter if you're a beginner or have done it in the past, as long as it is fun to practice.
2) another important aspect of nurturing yourself is understanding your shadow. In non-esoteric speak, what it means is that there are things withing yourself that you are pushing away because you don't want to accept them. The problem is that by denying these important aspects of yourself, you are cutting your growth short. The most important messages we can receive come from the depth of our own mind, and the shadow, while it may be painful and scary, contains keys that can make you free through understanding, compassion and acceptance. I would suggest meditation and journalling, but something else that's quite cool that ties with the first advice is that you totally can look at your creations and see what themes, thoughts or emotions are naturally emerging. Nothing is ever random when it comes to creativity, there is always something from you that comes out!
3) Once you've started being in touch with those dark thoughts, feelings and patterns, you must learn to sit with them, integrate them and make them part of your full self so that they are not a shadowy treat lurking beneath the surface anymore, but something you are fully aware of and can live in peace with. I'm getting that you should not hesitate to reach out for help if you realize at any point that you need support in order to overcome that. Some traumas are better handled with the help of a professional to guide you through it. I would also highly suggest looking up and reading about the concept of integration in psychotherapy as it could help and empower you on your quest.
Hope that helps Pile 1 and I wish you good luck on your journey! 💚
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Cards: Queen of Pentacles Rx + 8 of Swords; 2 of Cups + Page of Swords Rx + 10 of Wands Rx; The Underworld + The Shapeshifter + The Maiden
The area of your life that needs nurturing is your relationship with love.
I'm sensing that this pile is for people who are single, either since birth or for a long time, or people who got out of a relationship and have trouble finding their footing.
What I'm getting is that you feel powerless, stuck and can't seem to see an end to your situation. You are eagerly waiting for things to blossom again but loosing hope because it's taking too long in your mind. It's like you set yourself this goal that you would find love and you're frustrating yourself that it is not happening.
You have a very idealistic view of love and are looking for something perfect and transcending, which is not necessarily a bad thing, I truly believe that we're often better off alone than with the wrong person, but the problem here is that you are being overly defensive and it's stopping the flow of things.
You may have trouble communicating your desires, which again, implies that you found someone willing and able to listen, but there is something in the way you express yourself and come across that feels like a wall between you and potential lovers. You are guarding yourself up at all times and it's not a good strategy.
Also, you are carrying a lot of baggage that you have not faced yet and so long as you don't do it, you will either be stuck where you are or cave in for something that is not the beautiful relationship you're dreaming of. There is again a message to open up, free yourself to let enough space for someone to get in.
Here is the advice on how to nurture your relationship with love:
First, you need to dive within yourself and face those burdens and over-defensiveness regarding forming new connections. The Underworld implies that it is something you dread a lot. It might be scary and ugly at times, but it is so necessary. It's an internal process that may take some time depending on your dispositions and willingness to do the work, but going through your own personal hell will make you stronger when you come out of it.
I'm getting that some of you might have a lot of disgust and shame towards intimacy and sensuality.
Your self is composed of so many facets and it's time to explore those you have been neglecting for so long. Again, I'm getting that you are neglecting your romantic, emotional, and/or sensual side. You don't have to make it your whole personality but it seems that it's important for you and that you should integrate that in your whole self more.
I'm getting that some of you have also either been neglecting their appearance, or been stuck with the same look for a while, so it might be a good idea to switch things up a little! Get a haircut or find a few new outfits. The important thing is not to look like someone else but find something that makes you feel fresh and confident and that expresses a new part of yourself, one that has been hidden for a while. This might take so trial and error as you are lacking practice, so don't expect to find the right thing straight away, but trust in the process and have fun exploring!
The last card asks you to reconnect with your sensuality and candid openness to romance. Whatever gender you are, there is a lot of healing energy in the Maiden archetype you can embody. And you don't need anyone to do that *wink wink* use your imagination or whatever support you want (audio, visual, written, etc...) the goal is to explore your body, your sensations and your emotions, and, again, explore that neglected part of yourself.
As a result you will be more willing to open up to new connections, whether it be from people in your circle or outside of it.
That's it for today Pile 2! Hope that helped and I wish you good luck on your journey! 💗
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Cards: 4 of Cups Rx + 8 of Wands Rx + Crossing Bridges Rx; Judgement + The Chariot Rx + 6 of Pentacles; The Creator + The Riddle + The Father
The area of your life that needs nurturing is your own stance towards life. More precisely, I'm getting isolation and refusing to be on the receiving end of things.
Basically, it seems you are shutting yourself off from the world and people around you. Refusing help and advice and shutting yourself off in your own familiar world of self-reliance. You are reluctant to leave this old way of doing things behind, metaphorically crossing the bridge and leaving the past behind.
Perhaps you hold unresolved grudges and resentment towards someone or a situation and you are unable to let it go and move forward. Perhaps you have been a carer for a long time and forgot that you al so need to receive sometimes to keep the balance of things.
It seems like you are stopping the flow of exchanges between you and other people, as in, you refuse to receive and you are giving too much of yourself, your time, your energy and/or resources, and are depleting yourself in a way.
You are getting stuck in your track and unable or unwilling to transcend to a new state of being and looking at the world. You are unable to see that life holds so many possibilities and potential for growth and you are stuck in stagnation.
The advice for Pile 3 is the following:
Like Pile 1 you got the Creator archetype, but I feel like it's way less literal in your case. For Pile 3, I'm getting that you need to focus on yourself and your own self expression more. Do things that make you happy and fulfilled and stop always trying to please everyone. The Creator archetypes creates for their own pleasure and enjoyment, and you need to embrace that stance on life, which might or might not include creative endeavors, but you've been neglecting your own enjoyment of life and it's time to stop.
I'm also getting that you are facing an impossible problem to resolve and you're getting stuck in mind games, trying to find the answer to the Riddle. The truth is, you need to step away from finding the answer to this problem because you are looking in the wrong direction. I'm getting savior complex. You are just one person, you cannot neglect yourself for the sake of your family, your friends, your community or the world. You need to help yourself first before you can help anyone else.
Finally, the Father here indicates me that you are over-focusing on the negative aspects of masculinity, and I'm saying that regardless of your gender, as everyone embodies these qualities in one way or another.
Basically, you need to learn to talk about your feelings and ask for help when you need it. Don't try to be a carer for everyone and find balance in the knowing that you can be taken care of to, and you need it!
If people around you don't accept that, I'm sorry but you're going to need a time out from them until they understand and change their way, or cut them off completely if that's not an change they are willing to make. You deserve so much more than what you are getting Pile 3!
That's it for this reading, I hope it was helpful and I wish you good luck on your journey! 💛
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Cards: 2 of Wands + 4 of Swords; Knight of Wands + Page of Cups + X of Pentacles Rx; The Box + The Orphan + The Eternal Child Rx
The area of your life that needs nurturing is towards your career and your future goals regarding prosperity.
It seems, when it comes to your career, that you are stuck in a state of inaction and vague contemplation towards your future.
You feel quite dissatisfied with the state of things but you can't quite tell what it is you need in order to finally feel fulfilled. I'm getting that these thoughts are nailing you down.
You feel like you need to wait for something to happen, to show you the light, and that then you'll be able to find your path.
For the struggles regarding this situation, it seems you are balancing between two states. The first is some type of tense over-activity that pushes you to run towards the first potential opportunity that arises for you. You might jump from one idea of path to another, or one job or education to another, never truly digging deep enough or being committed enough to go anywhere. You're basically running in circles.
The other side is to get lost in your wishy washy stance and drowning in your feelings of indecision. Again, it's like you find a thing that seems cool, you go for it, get cold feet, and opt out. The result is that you are blocking your own prosperity, which by nature takes time and dedication.
The advice for Pile 4 and their career is the following:
First, it seems you are putting yourself into a box made of expectations learned from your upbringing and society. You feel like you need to find THE solution, find it fast, and earn success and/or fulfillment straight away. Reality is unfortunately rarely like that.
So you need to examine these expectations you are imposing on yourself and free yourself from them, because they are hindering you more than they are supporting you. They seem like a good idea to motivate yourself but really they are only making you more confused.
Because at the core, you are not asking yourself what you truly need. Perhaps the reason why you struggle so much to find your path is because you are rejecting what you need the most. Perhaps even it's related to the box because you've been told that this isn't possible or desirable.
This is not for everyone, but I'm getting that some of you have some undiagnosed disorder making it difficult for them to function. In that sense the box is literally you not fitting the mold of society and the best thing you could to is to seek help in order to navigate that because you've been trying for a while and you can't do this on your own.
Lastly, there is a need to grow up, and I'm not saying this to be mean, but rather, to encourage you to take accountability for your life and make decision for yourself. Not what other people wants from you, not what society tries to makes of you, but what YOU want to do. Stop waiting for an answer to fall from the sky, pick a path and work towards it. It doesn't mean that you will forever do that, but at some point you need to get out of your nest and pursue something with dedication.
Voilà I hope it was useful Pile 4! I wish you good luck on your journey! 💚
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How to answer tough interview questions.
Subscribing to the Harvard Business Review was one of the best decisions I made. I have learned so much about career development, personal branding, and job crafting. This article summarizes some of the questions you will get asked in a behavioral interview (courtesy of HBR) and I have included my responses to all of them. Assume I am seeking a HR role in a Fortune 500 company
Tell me about yourself and describe your background in brief?
How did you hear about this position?
What type of work environment do you prefer?
How do you deal with pressure or a stressful situation?
Do you prefer working independently or on a team?
How do you keep yourself organized when balancing multiple projects?
What did you do in the last year to improve your knowledge?
Tell me about yourself and describe your background in brief?
I grew up in small country in West Africa. I went to a great school through scholarship with the condition that I would pay it forward to the younger generation. So, after high-school I spent two years teaching math to elementary school kids. It was there I discovered my interest of people development. I enjoyed taking a kid from "I don't like math to can I get more homework? When I moved to the U.S for college I chose to study Psychology with a minor in Organizational Development. And my internship as a Human Capital Manager has allowed me to further develop my communication and leadership skills.
How did you hear about this position?
I learned about this position through Stacy Williams. She was one of the panelists on the fireside chat I convened in my school on the importance of women in leadership positions. I followed up with her through a coffee chat. She really enjoyed her job and the company culture. Her enthusiasm about her work encouraged me to apply and I am really excited to be going through the interview process.
What type of work environment do you prefer?
I thrive in environments where I am constantly learning. A place where each days brings a fresh set of challenges that I can solve. I also like working with teams where we can collaborate on tasks and brainstorm solution-oriented ideas. In my former internship I worked with an incredible team as a project manager in the human resources division and I worked on certain projects where I had full creative control on the outcome. I enjoyed the balance of both.
How do you deal with pressure or a stressful situation?
Stressful situations are inevitable and I learned to navigate them successful throughout my college career and my various internships. The first time I came across a stressful situation was in my Sophomore year. I worked as a customer service representative at a big department store and it was holiday season. You can imagine the amount of pressure - long lines of customers all waiting to get attended too. Instead of succumbing to the pressure I made sure to really understand the pain point of each customer which were long wait times and stock outs. If we were out of one brand of sparkling water, I would quickly recommend a different brand. If lines were long, I would go to the floor to help the bagging process. Customers left feeling satisfied with their shopping experience. Overtime, I have realized that the key to dealing with pressure is willingly choosing to complete the tasks with a positive mindset instead of worrying.
Do you prefer working independently or on a team?
I like a mix of both. I enjoy working on a team. The process of strategizing with my teammates on the best way to approach a problem allows for critical analysis and diverse points of view. Wh I also build camaraderie and trust with them while we tackle big problems. I enjoy working alone as well because I get to see how I approach different problems and compare my current performance to my previous ones. Working alone also gives me an opportunity to get feedback from my managers on my progress or areas of improvement. I like a balance of both.
How do you keep yourself organized when balancing multiple projects?
I am used to working on multiple projects. A typical semester for me is juggling between my classes, weekend job, extracurricular activities, and passion projects. So to stay on top of my deadlines and due dates I like to prioritize my tasks based on their level of urgency and importance. I use the time blocking method to schedule time for my projects. I take advantage of tools like Google calendar to keep track of due dates and appointments and Notion to manage big projects.
What did you do in the last year to improve your knowledge?
Last summer, I took some time off to really learn about veganism. It seemed intimidating at first because I did not know enough. So I turned to research to understand the facts. I began making home-cooked meals by following recipes from people I trusted and liked on YouTube. As I began noticing changes in my gut health and productivity levels, I started a blog to share my experiences. Now my blog has over 500 enthusiastic vegans who are on the same journey as I am. it was one of the best investment I made in myself.
The Big Pivot
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Do you have any tips for ADHD writers, especially for motivation and getting WIPs done?
Outlines don't work for me like 99% of the time, so outside of some worldbuilding/character notes and such, I just pants my way through my stories for the most part.
Tips for Writers with ADHD: How to Stay Motivated and Outline Stories
I actually am a writer with ADHD myself, so I completely understand. I tried my best to give you good insight on how you can write a story with ADHD (also tried to make it sound as professional as possible.)
Writing can be a challenging task for anyone, but for those of us with ADHD, it can feel like an insurmountable mountain to climb. Staying focused, motivated, and organized can be a constant struggle. However, being a writer with ADHD also comes with its own unique set of strengths. In this blog post, I'll help you explore some practical tips and strategies to help ADHD writers stay motivated, outline their stories, and unleash their creative potential.
Living with ADHD means that our minds are constantly buzzing with ideas, making it challenging to stay on track and follow through on our writing goals. However, with the right tools and mindset, we can harness our creative energy and turn it into a powerful force for storytelling. So, let's dive in and discover how we can thrive as ADHD writers.
Disclaimer: Remember that everyone's experience with ADHD is unique, and not all strategies may work for everyone. It's essential to find what works best for you and adapt these tips to fit your individual needs.
Embracing Your ADHD Superpowers
Living with ADHD is often seen as a disadvantage, but it's crucial to reframe our perspective and recognize the unique strengths that come with it. As ADHD writers, we possess a natural ability to think outside the box, make connections others might miss, and generate innovative ideas. Embracing these superpowers can fuel our creativity and make our writing stand out.
One of the most significant strengths of ADHD writers is our hyperfocus. While it may be challenging to concentrate on mundane tasks, when something truly captivates our interest, we can enter a state of hyperfocus where time seems to vanish. Use this to your advantage by creating a writing environment that sparks your curiosity and allows you to immerse yourself in your story.
Another superpower we possess is our ability to think quickly and make connections. Our minds are constantly jumping from one idea to another, which can be overwhelming at times. However, this unique thought process can be a goldmine for storytelling. Use it to your advantage by allowing your thoughts to flow freely during the outlining process. Don't be afraid to explore different angles and possibilities.
Lastly, ADHD writers often have a heightened sense of empathy and emotional intelligence. We are incredibly perceptive when it comes to understanding complex emotions and human behavior. This can be a powerful tool when crafting realistic and relatable characters. Draw on your own experiences and observations to breathe life into your fictional creations.
Cultivating Motivation and Consistency
ADHD writers often struggle with maintaining motivation and consistency in their writing practice. We may start projects with great enthusiasm, only to lose interest or become overwhelmed as time goes on. However, there are several techniques we can employ to cultivate motivation and stay on track.
Set small, achievable goals to create a sense of accomplishment. Break down your writing tasks into manageable chunks, whether it's writing a certain number of words each day or completing a specific scene. Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small, and use it as fuel to keep going.
Create a structured writing routine to establish a sense of consistency. Our ADHD brains thrive on routine and predictability. Designate a specific time and place for writing, and make it a non-negotiable part of your daily life. Over time, your brain will associate this routine with creativity and focus, making it easier to get into the writing mindset.
Find an accountability partner or join a writing group. Sharing your progress with others can provide an extra layer of motivation and support. Whether it's a writing buddy who checks in with you regularly or a critique group that offers feedback, the sense of community can keep you motivated and inspired.
Outlining Strategies for ADHD Writers
ADHD writers often struggle with organizing their thoughts and creating a coherent structure for their stories. However, outlining can be a powerful tool to bring order to the creative chaos and provide a roadmap for your writing journey.
Start with a brainstorming session. Let your ideas flow freely without judgment. Write down every thought, character, and plot point that comes to mind. Don't worry about organizing them just yet - the goal is to capture the essence of your story.
Once you have a wealth of ideas, it's time to categorize and organize them. Create a visual representation of your story using tools like mind maps or index cards. This allows you to see the connections between different elements and identify any gaps or inconsistencies.
Use a flexible outlining approach that suits your ADHD brain. Traditional linear outlines may not work for everyone. Consider using non-linear methods like the "snowflake method" or the "puzzle piece method." These approaches allow you to work on different sections of your story simultaneously, keeping your mind engaged and preventing boredom.
Being a writer with ADHD certainly presents its challenges, but it also brings a unique set of strengths and talents. By embracing our superpowers, cultivating motivation and consistency, and employing effective outlining strategies, we can overcome the obstacles and unleash our full creative potential. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, so experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. With perseverance and a little bit of creativity, you can become a successful writer, ADHD and all.
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makingspiritualityreal · 11 months
Nakshatra Gana - Deva, Rakshasa, Manushya
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According to Vedic Astrology, Nakshatras all possess a temperament, that is translated to Divine, Human or Demonic. These names however are clichés, and have a deeper meaning and application.
Deva, besides the direct translation divine, also means "amongst the gods". The true meaning of these Nakshatras is "blessed because of their higher nature, that allows them to dwell among the gods", and as a result, blessings come into physical life.
Manushya doesn't mean just human, but also "part of humankind", emphasizing the collective aspect of these Nakshatras of contributing to human achievement in various fields. Even the other word used for that Gana, "Nara" means "of the people". Yet again, the aspect of belonging and contribution is emphasized.
Rakshasa, although scary sounding, doesn't mean that the person is an incarnated demon. It's translation is more akin to "demon abode" or "infested by demons". This is a soul, that picks up a heavy load of karma in specific areas, that only flourish and progress, after these "demons are expelled" = karma is dealt with. This progress translates to a high level of achievement, mixed with feeling enormous spiritual relief. Rakshasa souls are daredevils, not afraid to undertake such a challenge.
The most complicated aspect of analysing results of Gana in a horoscope, is that people are a mix of all 3 Ganas. Classical Vedics swear by doing most predictions based on the Moon Nakshatra, but when your Dasha periods change, different planets will activate, and a different side of you will come out. You’re gonna find Gana themes mixed in a personality, and planets will indicate the precise colour of that personality, as to the areas of people’s problems.
The popculture examples that I give below are clichés, designed to help you understand each Gana in stark contrast. You will feel the description matching you the strongest, if you are a very clear cut type chart-wise, for example sun, moon and ascendant all in one Gana. For example, I’m very deva dominant (70% of chart) and creation, art and abstract concepts are all I care about, so the Deva archetype is going to be strong for me. I have zero Manushya planets and dealing with involving myself in typical society activities always bored me.
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Are unconditional givers because they don't understand human limitations, and as a result they get cheated, bullied and taken advantage of. Their task in this lifetime, besides using their luck and gifts to create and spread abundance, is to learn how to place boundaries with other Gana types. When they're born, they start off as naïve, not really caring about human concepts, and as a result they're often misfits in social environments. They’re typically born into some form of privilege, even if it's just emotional. They are raised already in a place that was good for them one way or another, gave them some long lasting worthwhile characteristics they will take forward in life. There is an element of comfort in their existence. Their basic impulse is truthfulness, innocence and straightforwardness, because they simply want to pour out and consume higher vibrational energies. As a result, they're interested in higher concepts that help them manufacture these sensations. The most abstract of all, loves discussing theoretical, spiritual concepts even if they're based on science (Neil deGrasse Tyson, theoretical physicist, Bjork, abstract artist). They want to bring heaven on earth and have an easiness in manifesting the physical means to realise their larger vision for the sake of higher vibrational sensations, or creativity. They are protective and carry other people a lot because of their blessings, since they consider that they should share what they have. Over time, they learn that if they don’t channel themselves into their creativity and higher pursuits, they attract a lot of difficult types that they end up “saving” at their own detriment. They are always looking for abstract solutions and more expansion, and are disinterested in the mundane, physical world, looking for a more grandiose purpose. Even if they do pursue physical things, it's for an abstract reason, like feelings or atmosphere.
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They either become perpetrators, if they fail to tame their own transformative power, or they are people that empower themselves through overcoming perpetrators. Fierce, seeking power and dominance, energetically ladder climbing. Example in pop culture - Katy Pery, Vishakha Moon creates inspirational music videos, where joins the military or becomes jungle queen, after dumping an abusive partner and suffering a lot. The theme of this Gana is self destruction or self empowerment. Unlike Deva, there is no inherent comfort or natural gifts given at birth, but a fight for survival and achievement. That is for a reason, as these types are most prone to being destructive and blind in their pursuits or restless without an outlet. They have a hunger in themselves, that need challenges and obstacles to overcome, so they can feel like they're climbing, and as a result they often start at the very bottom in the planet area dominated by Rakshasa energy. Deep down, these people want to prove themselves and feel satisfaction from the process of purification. They are either completely misunderstood by other types and vilified by them, or extremely charismatic and gifted at attracting a following of people, who admire their challenging journey. As much as Manushya types are interested in science of psychology, and Deva may use spiritual concepts to share higher sensational pieces of self expression, Rakshasa people are those who need spirituality the most for the sake of healing. They need to truly understand and apply these concept in order to be able to survive their journey at all, as their inner demons go deep, and without self awareness they have no chance of success.
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Concerned with refining human societal concepts and achievements. Psychology (the scientific practical variety), technology, social rights, women’s rights, activism, feminism, economy. Deep analysis of the human condition and its animal impulses. Interest in humanity for the sake of humanity itself. Down to earth, detail oriented, interested in mundane challenges that bore the other two types. Involvement with institutions, attachment to these institutions, contributing to them. Morality is wavering and relative here, as they are not as fierce as Rakshasa, but they are prone to pettiness, being so absorbed into the human world makes them prone to human flaws. They are not strictly immoral, but more expedient and result oriented. Example - Bharani Moon Demi Moore in "Striptease", her character suffers from money problems, child custody problems, government sourced problems, as she explores themes of objectification and female empowerment. These natives are prone to status and wealth comparison, and as a result are also most prone to being shallow and judgmental on that basis, they simply don't reach higher because that is their area of interest. They learn everything by comparing themselves to the external world. To them, society is their parent and measuring stick.
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askagamedev · 8 months
Have you, or some of your colleagues, ever worked on a game you didn't particularly like? Not like "the creative team is wrong and I hate it", but more like your taste didn't align with the director's, or the game wasn't something you'd care to play. If so, how do you cope with that, given that projects can last for several years, often with intense working conditions?
Thanks for the blog!! It's always a great read.
My very first job in the game industry was working on a game in a genre I had little personal interest in, programming parts of the game I never had any particular interest in. I was quite far away from the kind of games I grew up playing or dreamed of making, but I did my best anyway because I knew that it was the best opportunity I had to get to where I wanted to be. Since then, I've worked on projects that I thought were great until they got cancelled, projects where I didn't see eye to eye with the creative leadership, and all sorts of other projects besides.
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Even if the big picture game isn't in my particular wheelhouse, that doesn't mean I can't do my best to solve the problems I'm tasked with. I enjoy coming up with creative and engaging ways to grab the attention of the target players. Even if the game isn't to my taste, the problems I solve are still interesting and the solutions I deliver can still be clever, elegant, and robust. I can still do work that I can be proud of. This is what it means to be professional - I'll always deliver high quality work at a shippable level, even if I don't personally enjoy the game I am making.
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Taking a step further back beyond the personal circle, I've also learned that the project itself doesn't mean much if I'm not working with people I can enjoy collaborating with, no matter what dream IP or concept it might be. What really matters are the people I work with, not the project itself. If I work with great people, the project will be great. If there's no team cohesion or camaraderie, the project can't be great. I remember going from a team with little cohesion and noncommittal leadership (leading to terrible morale) to a team with stronger leadership and cohesion. I know that my morale palpably improved after transitioning off of the first team and onto the second.
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That's really the long and the short of it - on a personal level, I get more job satisfaction when I'm solving interesting problems and challenging myself to level up as a designer, engineer, and developer. On a project level, my morale is higher when I'm working with people I feel I can trust to do their jobs and that we can all work towards well-defined common goals. The particular game idea, story, genre, etc. tends to take a back seat to both my role and my team. Without a good role and team, I'll be miserable and even the most interesting game idea or IP in the world wouldn't be enough to keep me from looking to jump ship.
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missstratford · 11 months
Queen of my heart
Chapter 3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A/n: Chapter 3 is up at last!!! Extremely sorry for the delay, these uni exams weren't going to write themselves were they? 🥲 .. Anyway, I hope y'all like this part... Also next part is definitely going to be steamy so... Beware ig?
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You stared at the note in your hand, eyes droopy with sleep. You had finished a monumental task of herbology, potions AND trasnfiguration all due the next day. Just as you were about to leave the library, you were handed this note by the writer himself. "Potter the library is closing and I'm too exhausted so sod off." You mumbled as your sluggish brain tried deciphering the contents of his note. "Say the magic words L/n and I'll leave." Potter cheekily grinned back. Ugh, why wasnt he battered like you were? You lacked the energy to be annoyed so you decided to get rid of him by giving what he wanted. "Alright! I forgive you, now please leave." You said as you made to move around him. "Not so fast," You heard him say before he blocked your path down the hallway. "What is it now?” you gritted your teeth, " My note asks for your forgiveness and requests your presence at the Ravenclaw party this weekend." He tilted his head, eyes meeting yours. You watched him as the moonlight highlighted his irises, Hazel, you noticed. "Well L/n, I know I'm gorgeous but I need an answer. " His lips quirked. Asshole. "Fine I'll be there." You pushed past him, feeling the muscles under your fingertips as you did. Merlin, you needed to sleep.
The music blared through the speakers as students swayed around, chatting… Snogging… Drinking. James looked around for a familiar Slytherin as he stood with his mates. He of course didn't expect you to come but he waited anyway. "Jamie boy, you are three days down for the 2 week challenge, you're slipping mate." Adrian patted him on his back and walked away. He was not slipping, the seven love confessions he'd got that week were proof enough. And then there was L/n. He definitely saw her as an improvement. After all, he had spent 3 days hand writing 50 apology notes. She'd agreed on the 51st, and it seemed quite entertaining watching her fighting sleep and fighting him at the same time. The 3 days themselves were rather eventful for him. He almost went so far to say he'd enjoyed how she rejected him, constantly finding creative ways. And the way she'd furrow her eyebrows when confused. James caught himself smiling into his drink a moment too late. "Lovely day dream eh?” Sirius quirked a brow. " Indeed, it's titled, 'The mockery of L/n' quite dramatic don't you think?” James grinned. He clearly despised her enough to remember her little quirks. "Oi mate look who turned up" He heard Frank whistle to him. Turning around, he caught sight of L/n and his mind froze. She looked so out of place, he thought. All the students around her looked exactly what you'd expect at a party, but her, she looked like someone who would dance with the constellations among the night sky. She looked too elegant, too exquisite to belong in a drab looking party like this. James decided he probably had too much to drink. L/n was not lily, but for the first time, lily, HIS LILY, paled in comparison to her. As you stepped into the Ravenclaw common room, you immediately regretted coming. There, among the dancing bodies stood Malcom. You cursed under your breath as you caught his eye. You quickly walked out the common room, your flowy dress hindering you a bit. Malcom caught your wrists, spinning you to face him. "It's been a while" He smiled politely. The same smile that made you fall for him in 3rd year, the same smile that morphed into hatred as he was about to hit you a month later. "What do you want Malcom? " You asked, keeping the fear from seeping through your voice. "I just wanted to say that," He walked closer, "I miss you, y/n. I miss us." He looked at you earnestly. You felt your chest tighten. You had to leave. "Let me go" You whispered as you tried to tug your arm free. His fingers tightened hard enough to hurt you. "Malcom stop! You're hurting me." You shouted, trying to reach for your wand. "Oh come on y/n, I know you still love me." He gripped your arms harder. "Malcom please, ju-" Your breath started coming out short as tears threatened to spill. Before you could say something more, a hard knock landed on Malcolm's jaw, "I believe the lady asked you to stop." James stood over him. "Potter you piece of-" "I don't think you are in the position to threaten me Malcom. You see I also happen to be the head boy and can not only deduct points but can also report you to the professors. So fuck off yeah?” James was crouching in front of Malcom, jaw set and eyes glaring. You watched as Malcom left, giving you time to try and breath normally. "Hey, would you like to sit down?” you heard James' soft voice. " That would help." You mumbled and he lead to an alcove in a deserted hallway.
You watched the orange firelight spill across the stone floor as you calmed yourself. James was with you all the while, conjuring a goblet of water and helping you focus on your breath. "Thank you." You sighed, resting your head against the wall. "For?" He asked, looking at you. "Saving me from Malcom, of course." You deadpanned. "But I could have handled it" You waved your hands. " I know," James said, which made you look at him, "but I'm glad I helped, let you share the burden for a while." He smiled, a genuine one. He was sitting next to you, your shoulders touching his. "And to finally be your knight in shining armor." He grinned. "You never give up do you?" You couldn't help but laugh. "On you? Never." He laughed. You looked at him wondering how he had said something so profound and intimate just like that, with a smile. You leaned forward, lips touching his briefly as you heard him take in a sharp breath. You pulled away, cheeks reddening. "I-" James silenced you by claiming your lips with a searing kiss, his hands gently cupping your face. You moaned as he sucked on your bottom lip, your fingers pulling against his shirt, wanting him closer. His lips molded against yours and you let out a sigh. You felt him stop and pull away abruptly. You opened your eyes, watching him tuck your hair away and caress your cheek. "It's -um- it's curfew so Filch might catch us." He looked away from you as he stood up. Embarassment coated your features. Why had you kissed him? He was dismissing you now. "I can accompany you to-" You walked away, emotionless before he could complete his sentence.
You lied on your bed, feeling utterly stupid for letting adrenaline control you. Yes he had saved you from Malcom, however, who knew he wasn't the same. But you had glimpsed his true nature back at the alcove. You turned in your sheets. That gave him no reason to treat you like that. First he let's you kiss him then asks you to leave? You were right to hate him.
James lied on his bed, having left the party sooner than the others. He couldn't bring himself to stop thinking about Y/n. The moment he saw her leave the party, he knew there was something wrong. Merlin, he wanted to hex Maclom's sorry arse so badly when he caught him hurting Y/n. His heart had shrunk when he saw her, always so confident and strong, crumble like that. And she had kissed him not long after. Merlin, her lips. James thought as he ran his hands down his face. He couldn't stop thinking of how delicately soft her lips had been. The way she grasped at his shirt and the sounds that her lovely mouth had made. It left him feeling rather aroused. And of course he had gone and ruined it by asking her to leave. But his conscience wouldn't let him, constantly reminding him that it was all a game. He heard the door of his dorm open. "Moony is that you? ” he mumbled. " Who else would it be?" He heard his friends smooth voice. "You left the party early, WHILE lily still remained, something is clearly wrong." Remus said as he sat on James' bed. Ah shit, he had entirely forgotten about Lily, since when did that happen? "I hit Malcom" James said evenly. "Malcom Smith?” Remus asked and James nodded. "He was hurting Y/n" James sighed. "Oh it's Y/n now not L/n?" Remus smirked. "Ugh sod off" James threw a pillow at him. As Remus was about to leave, he stopped, "Prongs, I think Y/n is a kind person and probably the best Slytherin apart from Andromeda and I don't think she deserves to be a pawn in your little game. Just think about it okay?” and closed the door behind him. James sighed in frustration. What had he gotten himself into?
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boyfridged · 4 months
So many people are insisting Jason is in character in Batman #148 because Jason always forgives Bruce but it feels like they aren't following Jason's story in these incidents.
Bruce slices Jason's throat open -> Jason's villainy goes up and he does not reach out (in his violent way) to Bruce for a while.
Bruce takes Jason to Ethiopia to trigger his memories of his death -> Jason tries to erase his own memories.
RHATO #25 -> Jason at first seems like he forgives Bruce but then takes over the Iceberg Lounge and threatens to leak their secret identities.
He fights him in Event Leviathan when he accuses him.
After all these things Jason does forgive Bruce but he almost always gets upset. Sometimes his character flip flops where he alternates between forgiving and pissed for some reason (often different writers) but he usually gets to be at least a little pissed.
Pretty sure the last time Jason got mad at Bruce for not trusting him was not that long ago (Task Force Z, maybe Gotham War) now he immediately forgives without lashing out . . . at all? If you don't have time for the emotional fallout just don't have that character appear.
This weird trend of Bruce being anything but forgiving to Jason while Jason is the most forgiving guy in the world, when Bruce is supposed to be the redemption one and Jason is not, is weird.
i want to reply to this ask while it's still more or less relevant and i don't have time to get into it but very quickly: 1) i will not lie, i very much do not care about jason's appearances between utrh and countdown; i also don't care for most of rhato (and the iceberg lounge plotline is especially one of those that i make fun of a lot because it's half-baked and ignores so much of already established canon i don't even know how to approach it otherwise), as i don't like any of the writers involved nor general creative decisions irt jason's status at the time, but i get what you mean: it does make sense for jason to at least lash out first (and maybe that tendency could be, in some ways, traced back to his robin days, even), however 2) i don't believe that he ought to follow that pattern forever? being in character does not mean that the character shall stay the same, and i do not have many "hard lines" in terms of post-res jason's characterisation, as long as it honours the... baseline of his background and takes it as a point of reference? for instance, i love that jason has a moment of seemingly "giving up" in countdown, but i love it because within the narrative, it's very clear that he is pushed into it. similarly, i actually could enjoy stories of divergence in dick's stern morals, as long as it is clear that there is a divergence; and finally, i'm not even against "testing" bruce's limits, as long as we keep in mind that what is interesting about it is that it is unusual. i think this is also something that is required to keep characters real and human-like -- they can't be always absolutely consistent. but that in itself requires good and believable writing, strongly embedded within the universe and their contextual history -- and that's a task that dc writers have seemingly completely abandoned. 3) which is to say, i don't think jay forgiving bruce right away would be out of character; i think it would even make sense? how long can he stand his ground? (i know that it's comics, so the answer is: forever. but consider: what makes comics interesting is when they try to challenge that "forever"). but as you said: the weird dynamic between bruce and jason here is still the problem. however, that's the problem simply because zdarsky does not care for jason; and we have known it ever since cheer (or at least it was clear to me). he also does not, in actuality, care for bruce's flaws; every single one of bruce's issues and hypocrisies is just a pretense, that in long term is to allow him to regain the higher moral ground. this is what i despise about contemporary takes on bruce so much -- because there was a time when bruce's flaws were left a matter open rather than presented as if they were short episodes that did not affect his legacy as a whole.
somehow i started talking about bruce instead... i suppose because in case of zdarsky's jason there's nothing to salvage at all. look at that dialogue... what are we even expecting anymore. i'm mostly just shocked that he finds out new ways to write him poorly. to me it doesn't even matter if jason specifically forgives bruce or not at this point; the minutiae makes any and all decisions of that sort far-fetched. there's not much to say simply because none of it is actually grounded nor rationalised within the story. writing is more than just coming up with... events.
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...Are We the Bad Guys?
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Guys...I was going to be good. I was going to finish a chapter last night and call it good and go to bed. That...SUPER did not happen, because the last few chapters of this book happened which meant that I was just fully up half the night finishing it and I HAVE THOUGHTS. So with that for preamble, let's talk Fourth Wing.
THIS IS A SPOILER-IFIC REVIEW BELOW THE BREAK because I wanna talk about a couple things...so be warned.
Ok, so the TL;DR on Fourth Wing is that it's a romantasy in a military training camp for dragon riders that is full-on enemies to lovers with a protagonist with a disability that reads like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). It's also very good, I basically inhaled the book around work and life. I also have THOUGHTS about this book.
Violet Sorrengail is our disabled protagonist, and the daughter of General Lillith Sorrengail was supposed to be a scribe, but her mother basically forces her into trying to become a dragon rider, with everyone from Vi's older sister Mira to her childhood best friend and fellow trainee Dain Aetos think will kill her because she is--as everyone in the damn book describes her--fragile. She obviously does not die, but put a pin in Dain for a second, because we're coming back to his ass after we talk about Vi and how disability was handled in this book.
I am...objectively kind of torn on how this book handles Vi's EDS. On the one hand, I am very much here for getting rid of the idea that a disabled protagonist doesn't belong in any type of story you want to tell, up to and including the ones that involve "graduate or die" styles of training camps. Disability is everywhere, and I am so, so very cool with disrupting the stereotype that disabled protagonists either cannot be in these stories or have to die at the end--and Vi is gloriously alive and kicking at the end of the book.
That said...there are like...hard ceilings and absolute limits on what you can push a body to do, and Vi...kind of doesn't hit EDS-related hard limits in a significant way. Some of that is because she works smarter not harder (poisoning her challenges is flippin' inspired), but some of it is also framed in the book as Vi exercising to strengthen her joints and being creative in executing tasks and challenges, which are great and can absolutely alleviate some symptoms. But then she also refuses the magical healing that has kept her functional (not cured, which I appreciate, just functional) for most of her life to avoid the appearance of weakness. So for someone with a chronic illness that also involves a HELL of a lot of pain and joint issues, this read to me like a combination of toxic strength and refusing actual medical care in favor of like...exercising the symptoms away? And while exercise can absolutely help, it being the only thing combined with bailing on medical treatment read really toxic. I feel like a combination of sneaky care hidden from the other cadets and the exercise might have been less toxic feeling. I know that everyone's bodies are different, and some people can probably manage with exercise, but I do not love the vibe I was getting of "sheer grit and exercise can completely replace medical assistance in managing physical disabilities so you don't look weak to people around you."
To be VERY clear: Needing medical assistance to function has no moral value. Needing it to have the best possible quality of life has no moral value. And I don't love when stories put a moral value on physical strength without medical intervention.
I did appreciate that Vi simply could not physically hold her seat on her dragon by brute strength alone, and that she was accommodated with a saddle with actual straps. And the book does go out of its way to highlight that Vi's moral courage and intelligence are ultimately more valuable to the people and dragons who love her than her physical ability. I just could have done without the firing her mender to avoid looking weak.
And this is where we remember that we put a freaking pin in Dain Aetos, because JFC I have not wanted to reach into a book and punch a fictional character as much as I have Dain in a LONG time. Dain spends the ENTIRE book cutting Vi's confidence out from under her because he's convinced she is too physically weak to survive in the Rider's Quadrant and that he's going to have to watch her die. He says this after she survives the parapet. He says this after she survives having her shoulder ripped to shreds in the physical assessment. He says this after she survives the Gauntlet. After she survives Threshing. After she has BONDED NOT ONLY THE BIGGEST MOST BADASS DRAGON IN THE VALE BUT ALSO A SECOND ADORABLE DRAGON. Dain literally has zero faith in Vi's abilities and instead of helping her survive, he actively gets in the way of her physical and emotional growth. I wanted to PUNCH this man in his smug-ass paternalistic fucking face.
And no, y'all, the whole "I would be absolutely destroyed if I had to watch you die because your body can't handle the environment" is in no way an excuse or even acceptable. It's paternalistic and shitty and moves the focus from VI'S ACTUAL LIFE to his man pain. We don't fucking have that in this house.
In fairness, the book also calls Dain out on this. Everyone from Xaden to Tairn spends the book bitching about how Dain isn't helping Vi. The fact that it's mostly the men around Vi bitching about how they're affecting or not affecting her life and choices isn't my favorite thing either, but I'll take the book calling out at least some toxic paternalistic bullshit, especially where it comes to wrapping girls with disabilities in bubble wrap and trying to put them on shelves against their will.
This also facilitates Dain and Xadens' narrative chiasmus (crossing over). Dain starts as the childhood best friend that Vi wants, and ends up worse than anything he ever accused Xaden of. Xaden, of course, starts out as the literal black-hatted villain with every reason to want to murder Vi himself and ends up as the boyfriend. I did appreciate that little narrative peice, because it was pretty well executed throughout, and Vi having feelings about it was very fun to watch.
The other thing about this book that was stunningly well done was the worldbuilding. Rarely do I see "oh shit, we're the bad guys" done this well, and with this many dragons. It was a ton of fun, and I will absolutely be picking up Iron Flame when it comes out in November. I cannot wait to see what's in store for Vi, Xaden, Dain, and Navarre in general.
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riisume · 1 year
Not So Tough (Original Characters)
Summary: Elliot McCarthy and Nox LeBlanc don't get along and were put on cleaning duty together and things take a turn.
A/N: I'm trying to draw less because my drive for it is low. But I have given myself permission to write til my heart's content as a creative outlet! So I decided to write a tk story with my ocs Elliot and Nox. I started it several months ago and finished it up today... '-' Decided to post it cuz I feel like this is the best thing I've written ever.
This is a tickle fic! If this isn’t your cup of tea, turn back now. :^) There is also swearing if you don't like that? Idk!
Word count: 2139
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Elliot disliked a lot of things.The list of things he disliked had exponentially increased during the time he was spending with The Resistance; The uncomfortable, pitiful excuse for furnishing in their underground quarters, the damp and musty smell that wafted through the halls, the people. The list went on. Charlie had promised that her group would be willing to help “he and his sibling return to their appropriate continuity”, but there was a whole lot of that not happening. Elliot was growing impatient. Especially because instead of being provided a way back home, the two would be put on duty for trivial tasks, which he hated the most.
One of today’s trivial tasks involved helping one of Elliot’s least favourite people in The Resistance tidy some of the rooms; Nox Leblanc. She was bossy, dramatic, and arrogant. A conglomerate of things that the young man found insufferable in a person. He hated working with her. Nox would always act like she was above him and scrutinize every little thing he messed up on or fumbled with and today was no exception.
Elliot was folding blankets while Nox was sweeping the wooden floor that was riddled with dust bunnies. Elliot wasn’t the best at folding blankets, not that he’d admit as much. At home, he’d resort to laying his blanket out over his mattress to avoid the having a quilt pathetically rolled up at the end of his bed. It wouldn’t be long before Nox would take notice of the clumsily folded up covers.
Feeling eyes boring into the back of his head, the blond sighed, already aggravated. Peering over his shoulder, he spotted the brunette woman with that same scrutinizing look, glaring at him as her green eyes flitted from him to the messy quilts. He couldn’t help but speak up.
“Look, if you’re gonna chew me out about how I should be doing something better or about how I’m fucking shit up, just do it already.” Elliot huffed. Nox’s eyes widened for a moment before they narrowed. Gripping the broom in her dainty hands, she stepped up to Elliot, almost challengingly.
“Well, since you asked, I should start by telling you you’re doin’ a piss poor job of folding the blankets.” She started, her tone as hoity toity as usual. “Honestly, Mommy and Daddy did a shit job teaching you such a basic skill.” A look of disdain crossed Elliot’s features. His parents were a touchy subject for him and June by extension. A quip burned on the tip of his tongue. It was a burning that he couldn’t ignore. Throwing down the blanket he was attempting to fold, he glowered at Nox, his hazel eyes meeting hers with an equally challenging look. When she didn’t so much as flinch at his glare, Elliot felt his resolve buckle.
“A-and Mommy and Daddy did just as much of a shit job of teaching you basic manners, huh?” Elliot’s voice shook, his stutter betraying him once again. He prayed. Begged to whatever cosmic or heavenly deity of this world that was listening to not let Nox catch that stammer… The corners of her lips quirked into a smug, amused smile. The gods weren’t listening… The woman couldn’t help but laugh into the back of her hand and the young man felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment.
“Oh, Elliot, sweetie. We all already know you’re not as tough as you make yourself out to be.” Nox idly toyed with her hair. He wasn’t entirely sure, but Elliot swore the cocky smirk plastered on her features widened once she noted his visible discomfort. Begrudgingly, the thin blond adjusted the beanie hat on his head before going to pick up the crumpled quilt he threw down.
“Whatever. I don’t even know what you’re talking about...” Muttering and turning his back on the other, Elliot shook off the clumps of dust that wasted no time clinging to the thick sheet during it’s time on the floor.
The taller woman seemed pleased that the bratty boy backed down without much of an issue. She had deduced a while ago that he wasn’t as confident as he seemed after observing him some, pushing buttons here and there, and challenging him at times. It was types like these that were usually trying to compensate for an insecurity or put up a defensive wall. After all, Nox would know how those types worked all too well from personal experience. Though, unlike Elliot, she had perfected her confidence. Solidified her defenses. Not much could penetrate them, much less someone with a weak will like her current cleaning partner.
Nox decided to keep pushing. She was having fun with him.
“You don’t?” The woman canted her head in mock confusion as she crept towards Elliot, dropping the broom she was holding to the floor. “Hm… That’s funny. I recall hearing that The Resistance’s favourite otherworldly, tough brat could be brought to his knees by the lightest of touches…” At that, she reached out, briskly walking her thin fingers along Elliot’s spine.
The reaction she received was far more entertaining than she ever could’ve hoped for; Elliot practically leapt out of his skin, a high-pitched shriek resonated from him that echoed down the halls of the base. He arched away so sharply that  Nox was almost convinced that his thin frame would’ve snapped in half, before he waved his arms behind him in a frantic attempt to shoo the woman away. That poor blanket was on the floor again.
“Agh! D-d-don’t do that!!” Elliot whipped around, immediately shielding himself with his arms. A look of amusement and intrigue made itself apparent on the green-eyed girl’s features as she stroked her chin.
“Aaaah, so the legends were true.” A mischievous glint in Nox’s eyes made a chill run up Elliot’s spine. “The younger McCarthy is suuuper ticklish..!”
Elliot hated that word; ‘Ticklish’ and all of it’s other iterations. It always embarrassed him because he knew he was hellishly so… Not that he’d ever admit it of course. He hated that he couldn’t stop his face from turning a deep shade of red whenever someone asked him if he was ticklish. He hated the way he would be helpless when they inevitably tested the waters. He especially hated the way people would tease him about the noises he’d make while he was trying to fight the urge to succumb to the mirth.
Elliot knew that people enjoyed poking fun at him because of the way he overreacted. He had been told so many times, but it was unavoidable when he got flustered. It was something so engrained in him that he couldn’t fight it no matter how hard he tried.
“Sh-shut the fuck up! You just… You just caught me by surprise, okay!?” Elliot huffed indignantly.
“I did? Oh, so you totally won’t react if I just… Tickled you again?” Nox flexed and wiggled her fingers as she began to close in on Elliot. He felt his heart begin to race as he backed away. He didn’t want to be subjected to this humiliation! Should he run? Where would he even go? Someone was bound to ask why he was running down the halls in a panic, then what? Elliot couldn’t just go whining about how Nox was threatening to tickle him, that would be mortifying! He’d rather die! Maybe a retaliation was in order? … No. Elliot was terrified of tickling others, even in self-defense. He knew that would just invoke their wrath further and he’d suffer tenfold.
The most the distressed blond could think to do was attempt and reason with his assailant… Not that he thought she would listen, but he was desperate.
“W-wait, c’mon-! We’re… We’re supposed to clean up and- MNGH-!!” Reasoning proved to be just as unhelpful as he expected when Nox’s fingers began to prod and wedge themselves into the soft divots of his ribs. His arms couldn’t protect him completely. “N-noHOHO! NGH- BIHIHITCH! A-AH!”
Elliot’s eyes were squeezed shut and he could only imagine how wide Nox’s devious smirk was as he swore in between frantic laughter and yelps. Her fingertips pressed into the tender areas of his sides, causing him to buck wildly and twist away from her tickling digits… There wasn’t much else he could do when his back hit the wall, rendering him unable to back away further.
“N-Nox! SHIHIHIT-! Nohohooox! AH-! Quihihit it! QUIT IHIHIT!”
“Hmm…” As she continued to torment the other with simple poking and prodding to the exposed areas of his midriff, Nox hummed in mock thought. “And what if I don’t want to? This is entirely more entertaining than sweeping and folding blankets, wouldn’t you agree?” At the mercy of Nox and his own mirth, Elliot couldn’t do much but shake his head wildly in disagreement. As much as he struggled to stifle and choke back his own squeals and guffaws, they still managed to spill past his lips. Once he started laughing, it was nearly impossible to get him to stop until the person tickling him decided they were finished.
“While it might be more entertaining, there’s a job that needs to be done that you two were put in charge of and there sure is a whole lot of that not getting done.” A familiar calm, baritone voice sounded from the doorway. Nox froze, pulling her hands away from Elliot. The two’s attention snapped to where the voice was resonating from.
She was so lost in her amusement towards the boy that she wasn’t aware of her superior, the right hand and body guard of the leader of The Resistance, leaning on the doorframe, quietly observing the subordinates with narrowed eyes and a furrowed brow. His large, built arms were crossed in disapproval.
“B-Bernard!” Nox felt her cheeks grow warm. It was known far and wide throughout The Resistance that she had an untamed lust for the man before them. Her normally bossy disposition and superiority complex would shatter whenever he was around, rendering her desperate and vulnerable. Whether Bernard himself was aware of that was a different story. His dark eyes held the disapproving gaze. “I was… I just- Elliot, he was being uncooperative, and I-” At the sound of his own name, Elliot shot a glare at the woman trying to pin the whole debacle on him.
“M-me!?” Trying to regain his composure, Elliot straightened up, patting down the wrinkles on h is sweater. “You were the one who’s fucking bossing me around like always and-”
“Enough.” Bernard didn’t have to yell more times than not. This was one of those instances. Between Nox’s devotion, desire, and respect towards the dark-haired man and his intimidating aura having a solid grasp on Elliot, the duo shut up right away, their gazes meeting the floor. He continued to speak, his voice was leveled and cold. “Frankly, I don’t care what the two of you do while you’re off duty. Have all the tickle fights you want or bicker until your heart’s content then. Not when you have a job you need to get done. Understood?”
“Yes, sir…” Nox acknowledged him quietly.
“Y… Yeah.” Elliot followed up, shifting awkwardly. The larger man’s posture relaxed once the two seemed more cooperative, his arms falling to his sides. Though, the stern look hardly wavered from his features.
“Good. Both of you get back to work, make sure this room is spotless in a couple of hours.” Bernard turned to leave the room with a light and aggravated sigh.
The room was quiet and still until Bernard’s footsteps that echoed down the hall were no longer audible. Nox approached the doorway, peeking out for good measure; He was gone. She looked back at Elliot who was silently picking up the quilt he was fussing with earlier, patting the flecks of dust off it. With a sigh, she returned to Elliot, lightly tapping her fingers on his shoulder to get his attention. He flinched, whipping around to shoot a glare her way.
“Whoa, whoa! Easy-” Nox pulled away. “I was just going to… Offer to help you fold the quilts.”
“Help…?” Elliot echoed in disbelief, suspicion weighing heavily on his brow.
“Y-yeah, just… To get it done faster so Bernard doesn’t get upset at me because I have you holding me back!” She huffed, a hue of pink dusting her cheeks. “Here, I’ll teach you how to fold the quilts. It’s easier with two people.” The boy seemed to relax after a moment when Nox offered her hand.
“Uh-huh…” Elliot knew her change of tune was because of Bernard, though part of him wondered if she was musing over her earlier comment towards him about folding. “Er, thanks, I guess…” He gave her the one end of the blanket.
“Don’t mention it, Tough Guy. Now, just follow my lead…”
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Tg boys reactions to an artist s/o?
TG Boys w an Artist GF HCS
Hi Love,
Lol, I realized now that you said reaction when I made hcs. I guess I got really excited. Anyways I hope you like it.
Requests are open
*certain words have been/may be censored for Tumblr guidelines.
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He likes watching you make things with your hands and he likes to join you.
Even if he doesn’t have a clue of what he’s doing.
He really likes it when you make mugs so that you two can use them for coffee.
You once made him a really nice-looking one for his birthday so he really cherishes it.
Ken also likes the doodles you paint on them since they look so pleasing.
You also probably like making aesthetic and minimalist vases which he likes to put on the coffee table you both have or somewhere on a counter of your apartment.
If people come over and like the vase, he will be excited to tell them that his girlfriend made them.
Ken even likes it when you sculpt random things too.
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Omg he’s thrilled to see your work every single time as a cake decorator.
Like he brags about your work all the time.
At first you did it for fun but he advertised you so much that you got a job for it.
He looks forward to parties and birthdays because he gets to see your work.
He sometimes will just watch you pipe and he’s just an awe like a child.
Would never critique bc he doesn’t know how to do anything he just praises your work.
When it’s his birthday you have to go all out mostly cause he just likes seeing your creativity.
He finds it interesting.
And he likes seeing you in an apron, he literally bought you a custom one that says “I love Hide.”
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Thinks it's cool, mostly cause he can. drink coffee and actually appreciate the work more.
He also likes it because it's something you do.
Let me be clear if his sister was a barista he could give less of a fuck.
It also causes you to put a lot of time into it.
And he likes it if you make a personalized design for him.
He's not a huge fan of the heart doodles that much.
Cause he thinks they're "girly".
So he prefers designs like the realistic cat.
In general, if his girl is an artist he's not that big on it because he literally cannot do any form of art whatsoever.
So he barely gets the point and only admires you bc he's obsessed with you and no one else.
seriously he has a one-tracked one and is very picky.
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Like Ayato he doesn't really understand art nor can he do it.
But unlike him, he will admire the works of others since it's something he can't do.
Even if he wouldn't admit it.
Though if there's one thing you both know he likes your photographs.
I mean you even take pictures of the two of you or just him and it looks great!
You pin them in the room and he thinks all your photos look perfect even if you don't think so.
One of your favorite things is to take pictures of him, like the left photo, rather than taking pictures of yourself.
Because of your photography skills and influence, he kinda learns a little bit about lighting and angles and how to use a camera.
Since he cares about you a lot tho, he would probably buy you one of those expensive cameras that you've always talked about.
Even if you do things with film he's interested and willing to see your works.
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Ohhh two artists, the studio isn't big enough for the both of you.
Well, that is when Uta gets competitive anyways.
It's not always, but sometimes he wants to challenge you about art.
"Let's see who's better at tattoo art." He'd say.
"Uh, no fair. That's your thing, Uta." You'd point out.
"That's the point, babe or should I say, amateur." He'd smirk making your mouth agape.
"Hey!" You'd exclaim.
"What's the matter? You gonna lose?" He'd tease.
You'd grow competitive yourself after here this, "Oh you're so going down, loser!" You'd giggle before getting the materials for the task.
It's always such a battle to win, it's mostly cause he's good but also fast. He is probably much faster than you because he does it as a job.
"Hah! Done before you in record time." He'd smirk, rubbing it in your face while you looked at him with your arms crossed. Completely annoyed by him.
Sighing you'd ask, "Okay, what do I have to do?"
He'd look at you with a playful smirk, "Ohhh can you guess?"
You'd look at him biting your lip before saying, "It's that three-letter word isn't it?"
He'd laugh, "You're good at being the loser in this game, you know?"
You'd playfully hit him, "Shut up!"
In general, though, he likes your art work.
But he has a habit of kissing you when you're trying to paint so you sometimes mess up.
Or rather you can't finish the piece because he's keeping you busy with other activities.
But you're the same with when he's working so it's fair.
You've learned to pull him away from work since he does it to you.
You two have paint fights.
Also, he likes seeing you pin up the art bc its an excuse for him to look at your butt.
Gosh, I need more of an exclusive ask for hcs with him just to write more about an artist gf. So I'm cutting it here lol.
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Music and dance, sort of both tbh.
Or either one.
But he'd probably like a girl who is a ballet dancer since they are graceful.
Believe it or not, he likes watching the plays, and if you were in one he'd definitely want to see it.
He also likes to help you stretch or watch you stretch.
Idk why but I get the feeling that he likes to help you put your ballet shoes on.
If you can play the piano he really likes it and could listen to the tunes you create all day long.
I also feel like he might have some experience with it so if he wants to teach you a piece he can put his hand over yours.
Rule number one about Furuta, you can never stop him from being sensual, even if you're hobbies. He always turns it into something unexpected.
Like it can't ever not be suggestive with him.
Even if he claims he's "helping".
Takizawa (ghoul):
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He doesn't get involved in your work he just likes seeing the progress and finished product.
Though he can be bothersome with the shoulder kisses sometimes.
Your paintings are usually about both of you and he really likes them.
You spend a lot of time on them and so afterwords he likes to frame it even if you tell him the piece isn't that good.
If you ask for advice he gives some but mostly he's usually just derailing you.
When it comes to picking flowers he gets more involved.
Though still, he likes when you do it because its a hobby of yours.
The habit really started when he bought a vase that you really like for your place with him.
Though he's not a very colorful person he likes seeing light up the place.
The only thing sei will do for sure is take care of the flowers when you're busy.
He may not share the same feelings with you about your hobbies but enjoys making you happy.
I mean you're all he has so you're the most important person to him.
And all he wants is for you to be happy.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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guz013 · 2 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (no pressure though! positivity is cool)💛
Ok, that's an interesting question and chain, because it made me really question and reflect on some things. But first, the 5 things:
I became a [some sort of] therapist for a lot of friends of mine, to the point that they ask if I can also help their friends sometimes. And most of the time helping them also helps me better understand mental problems and issues on my life, and when I need some "friend-therapist", I know that I can rely on them back;
I learned to learn. Growing up as what I would learn is called "gifted child", really made it difficult in my teenage to [now] early-adult life. When you grow up having your entire life being able to learn things quickly, the first time you encounter something challenging, it hits harder;
I like to be bold and have a challenge. It is somewhat contradictory from the last point, but nowadays, I do not like to, and almost can't work, without having some sort of challenge or bigger goal in mind. Yes, having small tasks is good for the day-to-day, but actively having an objective in life that's greater than myself as a person (like creating my childhood company/brand) keeps me motivated to not give up. I don't care if this dream never comes to reality totally one day, just having something to reach for is already enough;
I acknowledge the present and it's value. This is something that I still struggle with, anxiety really makes it hard to just focus and be grateful about the present and the "now". However, I started to finally acknowledge it, plan things for tomorrow, instead for next month or even year. Things like programming and drawing really made me appreciate the process of creating things, instead of just wanting the final product done. Even though in can go backwards from the past point, I would summarize this thinking as: "living the present, but being optimist about the future";
I became "someone who's trying to improve". This phrase/mantra that I created for myself, joking on not, really helped my life. In just 5 words there's the acceptance that I'm not perfect, that it's not guaranteed that I will achieve my goals, but that I will always try, that I always have room to improve. Growing up I had some fucked up opinions and wasn't the best person I would say, but well, I improved, I'm now better, I'm not perfect, and I will make a mistake in the future or even hurt someone accidentally again, but I will apologize, I will try to improve, I will become a better self. And hopefully, in the process, I can improve my art, my products, projects, and the world where I live in.
I have to admit that listing these things was kinda hard. Because of all the "gifted kid childhood" thing, I tried to develop some sort of anti-ego for myself, trying to be less egocentric, since I was a lot in the past and still do have a problem with ego sometimes. This doesn't mean that I'm harsh on myself, but personally it is hard to accept complements even from myself, since I know that because of complements of strangers, teachers, parents, I started to feel like I know everything and ended up somewhat ignorant for a lot of things. So the amount of "I" in this post was somewhat strange, not going to lie. However, sometimes feeling uncomfortable is healthy y'know, it's hard to be comfortable when you are starting to draw for example, but the lack of comfort is part of the process and changing.
And being more grateful with and reflecting about yourself is nice sometimes, it really can show how much you improved and can improve as a person. This is even one of the reasons I started the Daily Blogs, it's a constant self-reflection of my day, creative process, and self. I would really recommend anyone reading this give it a shot, try to make a diary, or write how was your week, anything that can help you reflect where you are, where you were, and where you want to be. Self reflection doesn't need to be daily, and most of the time I would say shouldn't be public (I really filter a lot of personal thoughts on my daily blogs and posts, privacy is good and not something you can take back easily), and it can be in any format, from a markdown file on Obsidian, to a plaintext note in your phone. Just give yourself some time without social media, entertainment, and have a talk with your own mind, it really helps.
Thanks for the ask @pxasee! This was an interesting experience.
Bonus: My girlfriend said that one thing that she likes about me is my smile.
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classyfruit · 1 year
Hi ma'am, what environment works best for you to work in? Like time of day or specific place?
Hi and hello dear Anon, thanks for getting in touch with your question - I hope you're well! 🤗 Since your question might be interesting for everyone, I've taken some time to answer in depth. I hope it's useful for y'all!
🔽How I work best as a full-time artist🔽
I personally work best early in the day when my concentration and energy is at its highest.
Since I am prone to either ALWAYS work/draw or be exhausted from rushing myself, a good schedule is vital! Currently, I am in the process of figuring out a new, much more flexible schedule for myself, where certain days of the week are reserved for tasks with some flex days to switch things around if needed.
I like to start with admin tasks, which I find difficult, and work my way down until I can "just draw", which I find easiest.
I work with a PC and drawing tablet set-up, so I am bound to my desk workplace-wise, but I would love to upgrade with a portable tablet so I can draw out in nature or in society.
I've surrounded my desk with things that inspire me: Plants, postcards, trinkets, you name it. This keeps my brain fresh and oftentimes gives me a boost to keep drawing.
My monitors are positioned high enough that I can see them well while sitting upright. Good posture is vital if you spend a lot of time working!
I now have my big Huion Kamvas tablet that has a display, so I need to remind myself to not be crouched over it all the time. I also pull up the artwork on my further-away monitor to check the overall composition and/or values, instead of drowning in details!
Health While Working
While drawing, music, documentaries or Let's Plays are vital to keep the overthinking at bay and to keep me in the flow!
WATER!! I can't stress enough how important it is to drink. Enough. Water. If I don't, that results in brain fog and art is no.
Sometimes I need to rest my eyes on something else than my WIP art - I usually keep my desktop wallpaper something calming and almost neutral (like a mist-covered lake or a mountain ridge) and just stare at it for a few moments.
I am mindful of my breaks, especially when drawing! I use a pomodoro timer to know when it's time for stretching my hands and for water breaks.
Snack breaks are also a good thing - I definitely recommend fruit (because of course!), nuts and dark chocolate. They help me stay energized without making me drowsy.
I keep a very detailed To Do list to keep myself motivated and also to know where exactly in the art/project process I am. My brain can either be in admin mode or creative mode, not both.
If I feel blocked either artistically or energy wise, I try to do some personal sketches for at least ten minutes.
If I absolutely can't motivate myself to draw (due to energy levels or whatever reason), I honor that and see if I want to do something else, like learning Blender, learning more about the business side of the artist life - or maybe just take a breather and let myself be a human bean.
Some days, I like the challenge of sketching a new idea, some days I prefer the cozy and less creative task of doing outlines and shading of existing sketches. I now try to let myself do what I gravitate towards more and it pays off with me not feeling overwhelmed as easily. It's about just doing what you can most of the time.
When I'm done with a piece of artwork, I try my darndest to be very supportive and proud of myself. I take a longer break and return to look at the finished artwork, trying to name my favorite thing about it as well as something I can see needs more work.
Something I don't do YET but will do: Keeping a document with all the positive comments I receive. I think validation and acknowledgement are things that humans almost always enjoy and keeping a record of praise around is sure to motivate me at least a little.
And that's that! If any of you read to this point: Thank you very much, I hope you found my list useful! If you have any tips or tricks regarding drawing, staying motivated and in general doing a hecking survive as an arting individual, why not drop it in the comments for all to benefit from? Stay healthy and stay happy! Much love! 😊
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krispycreamcake · 19 days
Hi there! Since you were asking for matchups here is one!!!
So... I'm around 5'8 to 5'9. My parents and relatives usually say that I'm quite rude and not lady like. I don't really have a good relationship with my family that much. But we do get along. People usually don't understand me while I understand them. I have also a trauma because of my body similar to Laito but no sexual stuff but it's close to that. I have a glass hour body. I don't have patience that much but that just depends on my mood and what I'm doing. I'm good at writing and drawing. My family, especially my mother doesn't support me on what I want to do Or become. My friends give me a 9.5/10 in parenting skills. I'm a really sweet person many people say that. I'm both Psychopath and Sociopath.
Thank you!! Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable! ♡o(╥﹏╥)
From author: Judging from how you describe yourself, you seem like a sweet person that shouldn't be judged too harshly based on your rough exterior.
Because you like to write and draw, that tells me that you're more on the creative side and enjoy expressing your inner desires. Despite not having a good relationship with your family, you still maintain the peace and that showcases your maturity and responsibility.
Not having a lot of patience and just going off on your current mood shows me that you're often influenced by your emotions and sometimes completing tasks can be a challenge.
Your lack of stereotypical femininity gives me the idea that you're loud and opinionated, maybe you even dress like a tomboy or unisex. The ability to understand and empathize with others would tie into you being able to deal with children really well, especially, since like yourself, they also feel their emotions strongly and don't often have a lot of patience.
Your best match would be 🥁🥁🥁🥁
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Read further for more details
Yuma is described as loud and aggressive often, yet he holds a strong sense of justice in his heart. He's shown to be caring and sweet to the people he loves and proven to be extremely loyal.
Because he's 6'3, you being rather tall wouldn't bother him in the slightest. He'll appreciate your rough exterior especially when out working in the garden. Yuma would be relieved that you aren't a stereotypical girly girl that can't get her hands dirty. He also enjoys your ability to speak for yourself and stand up for the things you believe in.
Having you around would be like a refreshing glass of water. He's also interested in your art and writing, and finds it enjoyable that you can easily express your inner self in such a beautiful way. Concerning your trauma, he's been around enough of that and the different types there are and how people's reactions can vary. So he knows how to be supportive in times of need, he just hopes you don't cope in the way Azusa does.
He's comfortable having you around his chaotic mess of a family since you know how to keep the peace. He isn't ashamed to introduce you to his brothers either. He can sympathize with you not getting the support you need to follow your dreams, since his whole life he's been told what he needed to be, but now that he met you, he isn't sure what he wants anymore.
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nickeverdeen · 1 month
Hi!! I've been a long time follower and i saw you opened up matchups 😼!! I was wondering if I could get a spiderverse Male match up please.
i'm 5'7, she/her, and pan asexual! I don't like loud noises or the sound of people eating. I do enjoy eating, cooking, sunsets, cold weather, and music, i listen to pretty much anything but i like punk music coupled with mitski and hozier!!
I'm loyal and very kind and considerate, however i can be blunt. I try my best to communicate clearly and i try to set my own and learn the boundaries of others. I am very anxious, i overthink the smallest details and often ask whether people are mad at me or just for reassurance in general. I work hard but too many tasks make me overwhelmed easily and then i don't do anything lol. I'm a tune to people's emotions and can tell when something is off.
my hobbies include, kickboxing, art (in almost any form), listening to music and singing, rollerblading, and napping!
PS: Can I just say that you’re seriously cool, awesome and badass? Like damn let me be your friend. No, but like seriously you sound amazing as hell!!!
Your SATSV match is…
Peter B. Parker
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Peter B. Parker shares your eclectic taste in music, enjoying everything from punk rock to artists like Mitski and Hozier
He finds solace in music and actually makes scenarios in his head while listening from time to time
Makes fun of your height a bit
You and Peter bond over cooking sessions
He may not be the best chef, but he loves experimenting in the kitchen when you’re present and trying new recipes with you, even if they occasionally turn out disastrous
Peter enjoys watching sunsets with you, finding peace in those moments of quiet beauty
He loves how the colors change and the sky transforms, mirroring the fleeting nature of life
And also how gorgerous you look in the light
Both of you prefer cold weather, relishing in the crisp air and the excuse to snuggle up together under warm blankets or during long walks in the chill
Peter appreciates your bluntness because it contrasts with his tendency to be more sarcastic and indirect
He admires your ability to communicate clearly and learn boundaries, something he’s working on himself
He’s patient and understanding when you overthink or seek reassurance
Peter deals with his own anxieties, especially balancing his superhero life with personal struggles, so he empathizes with your challenges
Peter values your loyalty and kindness deeply
He admires how considerate you are toward others and how you strive to treat everyone with respect and compassion
While he’s not as skilled as you in kickboxing, Peter enjoys sparring with you
It’s a great stress-reliever for both of you and a way to stay in shape amidst hectic lives
Peter loves your passion for art in all forms
He may not be the best artist, but he enjoys doodling and creating alongside you, whether it’s painting, sculpting, or any other medium
You often have impromptu music jam sessions together, whether it’s singing along to your favorite songs or attempting to play instruments
It’s a fun way to unwind and enjoy each other’s company
Peter joins you on rollerblading adventures, though he may be a bit clumsy at first
He appreciates the thrill and freedom it gives, skating alongside you in the cool evening air
Both of you love napping, and often find yourselves dozing off together after a long day of crime-fighting or creative pursuits
Peter cherishes these quiet moments of relaxation with you
Peter encourages your pursuits and understands how overwhelming tasks can be for you
He’s there to provide gentle reminders and support, whether it’s helping you focus or taking a break when needed
He’s tuned into your emotions, able to tell when something is bothering you even if you don’t say it outright
Peter respects your feelings and encourages open communication between you both
In your relationship, you both share responsibilities equally
Peter understands the importance of teamwork and compromise, making sure to contribute his fair share to the partnership
Despite the challenges you face, Peter admires your adventurous spirit and willingness to try new things
He loves how you bring excitement into his life, pushing him out of his comfort zone in the best ways
Ultimately, Peter sees a future with you, filled with shared adventures, creative pursuits, and unwavering support for each other
He values your presence in his life and cherishes every moment you spend together
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