#but at this point im to the eye roll level of people wanting it
nataliesfirefly · 2 days
chapter 3 - the truce
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a/n: omg i am so sorry for not uploading sooner!!! may was so chaotic with finals and everything. i sincerely apologize for taking so long to write this chapter! i dont know if anyone still cares about this series or wants to read it, but im still going to post this just in case some of you still enjoy it :)) love yall so much and again i apologize for the wait 🤍🤍
chapter warnings: slight language
wc: 4k
series masterlist
You make your way to English class hastily, the cold wind almost slicing through your skin and bones. November weather in London has always been cruel, but you can’t remember the last time it was this freezing. You look down at your shoes as you walk, trying to save your face from the harsh, burning gusts. If it’s going to be in the negative temperatures, some snow would be nice.
You eventually reach the classroom and swing open the door, shuffling inside. You sigh with dread, knowing today is the day you’re going to be assigned your partner for the essay. You’d much rather be cozied up in your dorm room with a mug of hot tea, listening to your favorite classical music pieces while reading a non-assigned book.
“Good morning,” Mrs. Chasteen greets you as you walk to your seat. “Are you quite alright?” You pause at her words and raise an eyebrow. “Yes, miss. Why do you ask?” You reply, confused. “Oh. No reason,” She waves a hand dismissively and you decide not to question it as you venture to your seat.
You sit next to Magdalena, a new accquaintance you’ve made in this class. “Is something off about me? Like, my face?” You ask her as you set your things down. “Your cheeks are just very rosy. And your nose,” She giggles and covers her mouth, her green eyes twinkling with amusement. “Oh. It’s just the cold,” You sigh. This was a common occurrence for you.
“Didn’t know Rudolph was in our class,” Someone mutters as they pass by. You glance up and see Farleigh glancing back at you with a smirk. You roll your eyes and groan. “He’s funny,” Magdalena remarks.
You turn to her. “Excuse me?” It comes out harsher than you expected it to, and her eyes widen. “Sorry. I mean… he’s… annoying..?” She says it almost like a question while trying to bite back a grin, but you can see it clearly. “Just because you hate him doesn’t mean I have to,” She points a finger at you. You nod. “Fair point. Sorry, Lena.” You pat her shoulder and she smiles. “No worries.”
“Alright, is everyone settled?” Mrs. Chasteen’s voice drags your attention back to the front of the room. A few quiet agreements echo throughout the room, meaning it’s unfortunately time to start the lesson.
Towards the end of class, Mrs. Chasteen stands up to announce something.
“So, with our first term coming to an end soon, it’s time for you to begin your essays. I’m expecting university level quality, and some very thought-provoking writing. I know you all can do it, just put your minds to it, and trust yourselves. Now, just because I’m giving you a partner does not mean you can slack off. You must do your equal parts of work,” She warns, already knowing the work ethics of some of the people in this class.
“I chose each of your partners for a reason. I think I know you all well enough by now, and I believe you are going to work well with whoever I paired you with.” She explains. You glance over at Magdalena with a smile and raised eyebrows. Mrs. Chasteen likes you, you think, so perhaps she paired you with Lena, since it’s obvious you two have become close.
“Alright.” She walks to her desk and grabs a piece of paper with the pairs written down. “Fiona and Oscar,” She calls out. You hear some mutters and hums and shuffling of your classmates. “Mason and Henry,” She says.
She continues calling out names, and you think you’re going to die from the anticipation. It seems like she’s saving your name for last on purpose. She hasn’t called Lena yet, though, so perhaps there is still hope.
“Magdalena and…” She pauses and squints at the paper. You tightly cross your fingers under the desk. “Olivia.” You turn to Lena quickly. She looks at you with a confused expression and shrugs. Mrs. Chasteen hates you, probably.
Suddenly you hear your name and your attention peaks. You whip back around to face the front, watching your teacher closely. “...and Farleigh.”
You swear your heart drops to your stomach. Your eyes widen and you blink, desperately trying to wake yourself up as if this is only a bad dream. In fact, now that you think of it, you genuinely believe you’ve had a nightmare about this before. Having to work with Farleigh on a project. A project that is basically worth your entire grade this term. Magdalena gasps quietly and then giggles, nudging you. “Oh my God,” She whispers. Of course she finds this funny.
“And that’s all. The essay is due December 15th, I will give you the prompts tomorrow. You are dismissed.” You immediately shoot up from your seat, seemingly at the same time as Farleigh, speedily walking up to Mrs. Chasteen’s desk, trying to beat him there. But it’s no use, as you both arrive there at the same time.
“Miss, is there any way I could switch partners?” You quickly blurt out before he can get a chance to talk, while still trying to remain polite. She looks at you with a surprised expression.
“I can’t do this essay with him.” You glance over at Farleigh who looks offended. “I can’t do this essay with her!” He exclaims. “Alright, alright, you two. Calm down. Why don’t you both have a seat?” She nods towards the two chairs positioned in front of her desk.
You exchange glances before obeying and sitting down. She sits down in her own chair across from the two of you, adjusting her glasses and leaning forward.
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe I had paired you two together for a reason?” She quirks an eyebrow and you have to resist the temptation to roll your eyes.
“I have noticed that there seems to be some sort of… rivalry or.. tension between you. However, I believe you two can work together and write something beautiful, once you put your feelings aside. If you both desire to go to Oxford, this is a skill you must learn. You must be agreeable, and able to adapt to new situations and people. Even if you do not prefer their company.” Mrs. Chasteen explains matter-of-factly.
“I’m not doing this because I dislike you. I’m doing it because you are two of my favorite students.” She winks and stands up. You’ve won, but at what cost? You and Farleigh stand shortly after, following suit. “Now, I think you’d ought to get to your next classes.”
“This absolutely sucks,” He groans as you both trudge across the courtyard, as you have both done everyday since the first day of school when he offered you his umbrella. It’s like a tradition, although he’s not the preferred person you’d like to be walking with right now.
“Yeah, you think?!” You exclaim furiously, raising your voice over the wind. “Did she say we’re going to have to meet outside of class?” He asks, and you turn to glance up at him. “What? Oh my God, that’s even worse!” You slap a hand to your forehead and shake your head.
“I’m not meeting you anywhere,” You tell Farleigh. He stops in his tracks. “It’s not up to us. We have to if we want to get this done. It’s half of our-”
“Yes, I know. Half of our grade. At this point, I’d rather take the zero!” You throw your hands up as you both reach the door to the west wing. He rolls his eyes and holds the door open for you. You angrily bustle past him to escape the freezing cold air.
“Are you serious? It’s really not a big deal. We can get along for the sake of an essay.” The door closes behind you two, leaving both of you alone in the long hallway. You turn around to face him.
“Fine. But we both get equal input for the essay. I know how you are when it comes to group projects,” You narrow your eyes at him and fold your arms, remembering that chaotic astronomy project you had to work on with Farleigh and some other irrelevant people during your tenth year. He was a total control freak and didn’t let you do anything, because he feared you would ‘mess it up.’
“Okay, okay. Deal.” He nods and holds out his hand like it’s some kind of business agreement. Or maybe more like a truce. For now. You reluctantly take his hand and shake it gently. You can’t help but notice how small your hand is compared to his own.
“See you later.” You spin on your heel and head up the stairs quickly to get to biology. Hopefully this whole ordeal doesn’t cause you to be late.
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The next day in class, Mrs. Chasteen assigns each group their prompt. Unfortunately, you now have to sit next to Farleigh. You’ll certainly miss Magdalena’s peaceful company and her ability to not make snarky comments every five seconds.
“Right, so our prompt is…” You drag the slip of paper closer to you to read the words printed. “Discuss revenge in the novel. In what ways is it connected to love? What is the nature of love in the novel, that it can be so closely connected to vengeance?” You read aloud.
“Easy.” Farleigh sighs and leans back in his chair nonchalantly. “Well, then perhaps you would like to enlighten me with some of your ideas?” You turn to him expectantly. “Are you doubting my knowledge?” He asks, clutching a hand to his chest as if to appear offended. “No. Just curious.” You shrug and smile mischeviously, but you know exactly what you’re doing.
“Heathcliff’s unrequited love for Catherine drives his desire for revenge. Their love is self-destructive and all-consuming which leads to Heathcliff’s strong emotions and actions.” He replies. You sit there in silence for a moment, realizing he actually knew what was going on in the novel. You had assumed he had just skimmed through it and Googled a summary.
“Exactly what I was thinking,” You mutter, nodding slowly in agreement. “Great. Sounds like we won’t have any trouble with this essay,” He smiles and pats you on the shoulder firmly. You almost instantly recoil, shifting in your chair and glaring at him. What is it with him and touching you?
“So, when should we meet up to work on it?” You ask. “How about tonight at seven? The library?” Farleigh suggests. “I won’t steal your spot this time,” He says teasingly. “Shut up.” You snap.
“Why did you care so much about that anyway?” He questions. “I’m just…” You trail off, your face reddening. “Superstitious?” He raises his eyebrows and you sigh. “I guess you could say that.” You shrug and look back down at the table.
“Should we get each other’s numbers?” He suddenly asks. Your eyes dart up to his. “What?” You can already feel your face getting hot again, and you don’t even know why. The idea of Farleigh having your number is… frightening. But why are you blushing at the thought of it? And why does he want your number? Could he possibly…
“For the project.” Your expression probably gave too much away, so he had to clarify. “Oh. Right. Yeah, definitely.” You nod a bit aggressively as he fishes his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it and handing it to you. Your hands tremble as you take his phone and type in your number. You hand it back to him and pray he didn’t notice your strange behavior. “Thanks,” He mutters.
“You know that Clara girl?” He says. “Yeah, what about her?” Your curiosity peaks as you glance over at him. “She’s been talking to me a lot. Like, she’s barely spoken a sentence to me in the past five years we’ve been at this school. And now she won’t leave me alone,” He says it with that tinge of pride in his voice.
“Okay?” You gesture vaguely. “Well, your friends with her, right?” He lowers his voice and checks around him to make sure no one is eavesdropping. “Yeah…?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Does she ever… you know, talk about me?” He asks. You almost laugh but you stop yourself. “No, she doesn’t.” You bite back a feisty remark. “You are seriously no help whatsoever.” He shakes his head and pinches the space between his eyes.
“Just because a girl starts talking to you more than she usually does, does not mean she likes you.” You tell him, only realizing how untrue that sentence is after you’ve said it. “You just have a huge ego,” You recover quickly after your moment of silence.
“I do not. If anyone does it’s you.” He replies a little too quickly. It goes quiet all of a sudden and you awkwardly look away and out the window. He clears his throat. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” You quietly respond. Sooner or later class is over and you’re free from that awkward moment.
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Later that night you arrive at the library, a few minutes after seven. You walk in and head over to where Farleigh is sitting, conveniently next to your usual spot. You smile at the thought of him remembering where it was and remembering not to take it.
But then you notice there’s someone standing at the side of the table, leaning against the table with their long legs crossed, twirling their lengthy blonde hair. Clara.
You awkwardly walk over and stand there next to Clara, waiting for her to turn and notice you.
“You’re funny,” She giggles right as Farleigh glances up and sees you. She turns, following his line of eyesight and eventually meeting your gaze. “Oh, hello!” She grins brightly. Why is she always so… sociable?
“Hi, Clara.” You step aside, going around her to your side of the table and sitting down. She seems confused. “Oh, are you two-”
“We’re just meeting up for a project,” Farleigh explains. “Oh. The essay for English, right?” To your surprise, she sits on the table, perfectly comfortable. Is Farleigh blushing?
“Yep,” You nod with a sigh, hoping that she’ll take the hint. “That book was honestly so boring. I couldn’t even tell you what it’s actually about.” She laughs like it’s funny. And the worst part is, Farleigh is chuckling along with her.
“We should probably get to work…” You mutter. You make eye contact with Clara and something in her gaze is threatening. But then, the switch flips and she nods, sliding off the table. “Alright. I’ll leave you to it! Have a good night, you two.” She smiles and walks away, and you swear she purposely walks with a swing in her hips.
Farleigh is just staring after her like an idiot. You nudge him harshly. “Farleigh,” You hiss. He startles out of his trance and turns to you. “Ow. What?!” He rubs his arm sarcastically and you roll your eyes.
“See, I think she likes me. You were lying to me.” He whispers. “I didn’t lie to you. I just–” You cut yourself off before you say something embarrassing.
“Whatever. It doesn’t matter. Let’s just get started on this,” He says, and you both reach down into your bags for your laptops and book copies.
“I’ve never written an essay with someone before.” You mutter. You’re curious as to how this will work; perhaps you both take turns writing paragraphs, or take turns revising and editing. “I can do the introduction. I’m pretty good at those,” Farleigh offers.
“I mean… you could, I guess.” You don’t sound so certain. Introduction paragraphs are your specialty, and if he writes it, you know it wouldn’t be as good as yours. He looks at you with confusion. “What do you mean ‘I guess’?” His thick eyebrows furrow.
“Nothing, it’s only that… well, I’d rather write the introduction.” You explain sheepishly. “What, you think I can’t do it?” He questions. He crosses his arms defensively.
“I never said that. I just think that you should let me do it.” You reply. You can already feel yourself becoming annoyed by him. “Why should I?” He shoots back. “Because– Because..” You can’t think of a good reason. Shit.
“Let’s write it together, then.” Ah, yes. A compromise. Something you hate. Of course he would be the one to suggest that.
“Fine.” You huff and fall back into your chair. “We’ll just write it on mine, it will be easier that way.” He moves his laptop in front of him and begins to type. You sit up quickly and squint to see what he’s typing.
Seems good so far. Until–
“Wait. Maybe we should use a different word right there,” You suggest, but it’s not really a suggestion at all. More like an order.
“What’s wrong with intense?” He asks combatively, not bothering to look at you. “I think impassioned would be better. Or passionate, even.” You reply. He lets out a sigh full of exasperation. “You’re so stubborn,” He mutters while shaking his head.
“And you’re such a dick,” Your voice raises a bit too high, gaining a few turned heads and curious glances. “Jesus, okay. I’ll change it.” He whispers, replacing the word with your recommendation.
Your next hour spent in the library consists of hushed arguments and whisper-yelling over who should write what and who comes up with the better phrasing. You knew this couldn’t possibly work out. You’re both too stubborn and aggressive to work together.
You haul your backpack onto your shoulders and push in your chair a bit violently. Farleigh really pissed you off tonight.
“Goodnight…” He watches you with wide eyes. “Night,” You respond shortly as you hurriedly walk to the front doors.
Later that night, you’re sitting at your desk listening to music while doing some homework for your history class. Your phone dings with a notification.
You curiously flip over your phone, peering down at the screen. Unknown number.
“Hey, it’s Farleigh. Should we meet tomorrow evening, same time at my dorm?”
Oh. He hasn’t texted you since you gave him your number, so you haven’t had the chance to save his number. But why at his dorm?
You unlock your phone and begin typing out a response.
No, too harsh. You hit the backspace button a few times and try again.
Too energetic. You groan and delete the word once again. Why are you overthinking this so much? It’s just Farleigh.
“Sounds good.” You settle on that and press the send button. Maybe he doesn’t want to meet at the library anymore because of all the strange looks you both received last time.
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You check the time on your phone lockscreen. Seven PM sharp. You take a deep breath and knock on Farleigh’s door, preparing yourself for some more bickering.
The door opens with a slight creaking sound. “Hey,” Farleigh says quietly. The awkwardness sets in and it takes you a moment to come up with a response.
“Hi.” You stand there, waiting for him to step aside to let you in. He stares down at you for a few seconds, but for some reason, it feels like a whole minute.
He opens the door further and makes room for you to enter. You take a few small steps inside and he closes the door behind you. You glance around, taking all the details in. All the dorms here have the same layout, but everyone is free to personalize and decorate however they would like to, within reason.
You would expect the asshole to be sporting a bunch of medals and trophies, but it’s quite the opposite. There’s a few movie posters and postcards (you’re assuming from America) hung neatly on the walls, a small bookshelf with various novels and notebooks, a work desk similar to your own with sheets of paper splayed out and pens scattered about in typical Farleigh fashion, a closet, and a nice potted plant on the windowsill.
“Not bad,” You comment with a teasing smile. “What did you expect?” He laughs softly and rests his hands in his pockets, watching you survey the room. “I thought it would be more messy,” You grin.
“It usually is,” He replies, and then his smile quickly fades as if he just registered what he said. “So you cleaned up just for me? Awww.” You press a hand to your chest and pout your lips in mock flattery. He stutters. “No, I..” Is he getting nervous right now?
You clear your throat. “Anyways. Let’s get to work.” You clap your hands twice for dramatic effect, sitting down on the floor with your legs criss-crossed. Farleigh grabs his laptop and joins you, placing it in between you.
“Sorry about yesterday.” He murmurs so softly you can barely hear it. “Hm?” You decide to be cheeky. If he’s going to apologize, you want to hear it louder than that. “I said sorry. About yesterday. I was being… annoying.” He says it a bit louder this time.
“Annoying is one word for it,” You bite your lip shortly afterwards. You shouldn’t have said that. If you want to get this essay done, you’re going to have to try to get along with him. “I forgive you.” For you, those three words are the hardest words to say. You let out a breath.
“You were being an asshole too, though.” He tilts his head and raises his eyebrows at you. “I- Yeah. I was. Sorry.” Your face reddens and you rub the back of your neck. Why is it suddenly so warm in this room?
“I really think we can do this.” Farleigh’s gaze burns into yours and it’s so hard not to look away. His usual cold and dark stare is replaced by something warmer, kinder. “Me too,” You agree, but your voice comes out sounding a bit odd. You cough slightly. “Sorry.”
“I’ve written down some ideas for the format. Like, what we should write about in each paragraph.” He explains, standing up to grab a notebook from his desk. Wow. Maybe he’s actually going to be useful.
This evening was far more productive than the one before. You two managed to get most of the second paragraph done. And against all odds, there was only one small argument. You were even able to laugh together. There’s still some tension floating around the room, and you’re not sure why it’s there. Not even the usual tension between you two, more like…
Farleigh stands up. “I’d say that was pretty productive.” He stretches and yawns before offering you his hand. You freeze and just stare at it until you realize he’s just trying to help you up. God, why do you keep assuming the wrong things? You reach up for his hand and he pulls you up with a little too much strength, causing you to kind of fall into him. He steadies you with his hands on your waist before quickly removing them as if he’s just touched a hot stove.
“Sorry,” You both blurt out. “It’s okay.” You say casually, although you’re trying to pretend your legs don’t feel like jelly right now.
“So… I guess I’ll see you Monday, then. Unless you want to work on this over the weekend.” He says. You shake your head. “I think since we started early, we’re already pretty far ahead. Let’s just plan for Monday.” He nods at your words and you smile.
“Goodnight, Farleigh,” You head for the door and you can see a slight hesitation in his eyes, like he wants to say something more. But he doesn’t. “Goodnight.”
And with that, you’re headed back to your own dorm, already feeling the effects of exhaustion setting in.
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jaerie · 11 months
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neo-nomatrix · 6 months
Sunshine and Midnight Rain
Luke Castellan x Apollo kid!Reader
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word count: 851
summary: Luke castellan and the daughter of apollos love story
a/n: “remember who the enemy is” IM TRYING
Luke Castellan held your heart since the day you met, and you held his.
You arrived at camp a few months after Luke. You were one of the lucky ones, claimed within an hour of being there. Your godly father is Apollo, god of poetry, the sun, music, narcissism, idiocy, stupidity, all that. You had assumed the gods would act superior to all, no matter if they were or weren’t. But Apollo was on a completely different level. You didn’t know why he had taken such a liking to you.
“You remind him of himself,” Your half sister, Kayla, had told you, “an archer who never misses, healer who fixes every wound, gifted singer, and somehow picked up the lyre in a day. And yet, you still ask why Apollo loves you the most?”
“I wish he wouldn’t,” you twirl the golden arrow he gifted you.
“y’know, that hermes boy has been staring since the moment you stepped foot here,” she smiles, nodding to the tan boy sitting on a picnic table.
“Great, more attention,” you keep your sights on the boy, lucas? Luca, maybe?
“His name’s luke castellan,” kayla says, ah luke, that’s it.
“He’s handsome,” you say matter of factly.
“Don’t trust those Hermes boys, all they do is lie,” Kayla leans back and rolls her eyes.
“It’s a good thing I play the lyre.”
“You’ve got a great shot,” a deep voice says from behind you.
You’ve been at the range for around an hour, it’s 4:30, you always practice when no one else is around.
“The whole reason why I come out here this early is so i can be alone,” sure, it sounds mean but you swear you’re not trying to be.
“Sorry, once I see you it’s hard to look away,” you’re not looking at him but you can tell me has the biggest smirk on his face.
“Funny,” you tell him bluntly.
You set down your bow, keeping the arrow in your hand, and sit on the nearby grass. He lays down beside you, you follow his lead and put your hands behind your head.
“That arrow, it’s like it’s made of the sun,” He says amazed.
“A gift from dear old dad. No matter how far I shoot it’ll always come back. Supposed to be a sign of his love or something. But I think he just constantly wants me to be annoyed by him,” you inform him possibly too much.
“Most people would be grateful if their godly parent cares that much,” he says.
“It’s different with Apollo, there is no such thing as true altruism with him,” you bite your inner lip.
“I get that, I’m just tryna say- Hermes never showed up for me, and I'd kill to just have him tell me he cares,” His eyes furrow.
“Guess we both have different priorities,” you smile.
“Opposites work best don’t they?” He smiles back.
“Isn’t it opposites attract?” You wonder.
“Hey, your words, not mine,” he laughs.
“That one’s Orion,” You point up at the constellation.
“He was always my favorite,” he adds.
“Mine has always been Cassiopeia, but you can never see her over here,” You look back up at the sky.
“That one’s Taurus, and then Sirius below, and Gemini above,” you point each of them out.
Even though he hums in acknowledgment his eyes are locked on you.
“You’re staring, again” You mention.
“I told you I can’t help it, especially when you glow like that,” he reaches out and touches your face.
You reach out and grab his hand, running your fingers against his slender digits.
“I’d like to be a constellation when I die, maybe my father will fulfill that wish,” you say to him.
“That’ll be my last wish too, we can lay in the stars together.”
It’s been a day since Percy Jackson came to Camp Half-blood. It just so happens to be your favorite day of the year, capture the flag. You have led the archers on the blue team for years, you’d say you’re doing well for what you’re given. Besides your siblings in Apollo the rest of the kids weren’t as gifted in archery.
As the first conch shell blew you were preparing for your mock-battle. Annabeth in charge of the plan and Percy, Luke with company, and you with the archers. You knew you could, no- would win. The archers took the trees, helping stray company from the skies.
“Today feels like a winning kind of day?” Annabeth asks luke.
“I’ll see you on the other side,” He smiles.
“Luke!” You pull him aside for a moment.
You cup his face the best you can through his armor. “You don’t get hurt okay? I don’t feel like healing anymore wounds from you. Understand?”
“Oh but I love to see you healing” he holds your hand and smirks
“Archers! Move out!” You call your team, eyes still locked with his, smiling.
“so… you and her?” Percy asks the taller boy.
“how could I not? She's perfect. I mean, I genuinely believe I could live without the sun if I just had her.”
And maybe, just maybe, he could.
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yesimwriting · 8 months
a/n yes im using the princess! reader who's about to be forced into a political marriage with anakin again,, and what about it the vibe is so fun to me, also i love jealous anakin
warnings: 18+!!! smut (he broke me down) written by someone whose only experience comes from fanfics, so pls be nice,, also written in 1st person bc that was the vibe when i started and i didn't realize this was going to get smutty (i'm sorry yall😭 it's still my best tense)
Summary: As a princess, your future is set in stone. You'll marry someone your father picks for you to aid your country. All of this you've accepted...until you befriend Anakin Skywalker, who was originally assigned to guard you during a time of political unrest on your home planet.
He's still near the door, arms crossed and expression as stoic as it was when he first interrupted my meeting to escort me to an urgent consultation with my father.
I understand that publicly we need to remain as indifferent as physically possible and that any sort of friendliness we display needs to seem completely surface level. But we're not in public anymore and usually the transition from appropriate indifference to something much warmer is instant.
"...How urgent is urgent?"
The question is more for our sake than anything else. I want to hear his voice outside of the stiff way he interrupted the meeting with that last suitor. He had barely looked at me as he mumbled something about my father. I want it to feel light the way it usually does between us. I want him to make one of those jokes that always has me rolling my eyes or to smile or--or to do anything that makes him feel like Anakin.
The urge to study him begins to make it hard to just stand there so I turn towards my vanity. What I'm wearing isn't exactly inappropriate for a closed door meeting, but it's more formal than I'd like and a little itchy. If I have time to change into something more standard, I'll take it. "If I call Raina in here I can be in something a lot more comfortable in five minutes."
No response. I smooth my hair back with my palms, eyes subtly shifting towards his reflection in the mirror. Anakin's taken the slightest step forward. "Anakin?"
His head tilts downwards, eyes briefly meeting mine in the mirror before darting away. There's something about the way he's holding himself that would feel bashful it was less stiff. "There is no meeting."
"What?" My head instinctually snaps in his direction. Anakin's already watching me. "You--you made up an emergency?"
This is--Anakin interrupted a meeting with the first suitor that didn't make my skin crawl. I wouldn't have been thrilled to walk down the aisle with him, but I could have likely learned to be content with him. At least he believes that women can do more than just be brides and raise children. He'd allow me to participate in some community work to bond with his people and I'd be able to visit home.
But that's besides the point. He could have been the most repulsive candidate my father had found for me and it still wouldn't have justified what Anakin did. I don't walk out of meetings. Ever. If my father finds out about this...
"Do you have any idea what my father will do if he finds out?" I sit the edge of my vanity's seat with a tired sigh. There has to be some excuse. I could blame it on sickness or a misunderstand or--
"Then I'll take the blame." Anakin's words pull me out of my thoughts. His voice is still stiff and lacking its usual warmth in a way that only adds to my unease. Why is he acting like this? "I'll tell him that it was my fault and that I misunderstood your schedule debriefing."
My fingers dig into the soft fabric of my dress that's pooling over the seat. "Don't." My voice sounds so small, so vulnerable I have to hate myself for it. "He might take that the wrong way and--" I exhale slowly, forcing myself to cling to rationality. "And he might arrange your removal."
Anakin scoffs. What is his issue? "Like that'd bother you."
My throat tightens. After everything we've been through, after telling him things that I've never been able to tell anyone...How can he just dismiss all of it? And why is he being so mean? "What?"
"You've found your ideal suitor and now you can get married and be sent away and never--" Anakin cuts himself off, eyes tearing away so quickly like there's painful about looking at me. "You don't need me anymore."
Oh. That's what this is about. "Anakin." He's staring at some distant point on my wall. "That's not true. You know it isn't."
Everything about him remains stiff. "You were smiling." He briefly glances at me, eyebrows drawn together so sharply it tugs at something in my chest. "A real smile, not your practiced one." Anakin lets out a sigh that feels as pointed as a sarcastic laugh. "And you laughed."
"What?" I'm not miserable in one meeting and now he's acting like I hate him. "I--I might have been making the best of it because he's the first suitor who didn't spend the entire time listing off the requirements for his bride, but that isn't the same as liking him." And even if I liked him, would that be such a terrible thing? Would it really undermine our entire friendship if I found a way to be married and not miserable? "I'm going to have to marry one of them at some point, and I d--"
"Don't marry him." Anakin blurts the sentence out in one wavering breath. The letters run together so closely it feels more like a single word.
For a moment, all the shaky request does is sit between us. I've been on several outings and meetings with potential suitors and Anakin's never reacted like this. What was so wrong about this last one? "Don't marry him? What do--"
Anakin's eyes finally meet mine. The way he's looking at me stings, all glossy eyes and a pouty frown that's trying its best to be harsh. He seems more pained than angry and that's somehow worse.
Don't marry him. The words too strained and small to be about just the man from earlier. Don't marry him means don't marry any of them.
I scratch the back of my wrist as Anakin's eyes drop to the ground. He knows that I have no interest in marrying for my father, but even if I did, why would that bother him?
With a sigh, I push myself to stand. Why it upsets him doesn't matter. So much is already weighing on him.
Anakin doesn't look up as I start walking towards him. "I--I can't promise that." My nails dig into the skin of my palm. "I wish I could." The words leave a bitter taste in my mouth. "But it doesn't matter." Anakin's rigid as I carefully extend my hand and bend my fingers against his forearm. "You're always going to be important to me."
He pulls his arm forward instinctually. My hold on him loosens, but before I can take my hand back, Anakin adjusts his to squeeze mine. He's holding on just tight enough for it to feel uncomfortable, but I don't mind it. It's grounding.
"Until you're married." He's staring at where our hands sit between us. There's something I should say, something comforting and easing. Nothing's coming to mind. The reality of the situation is set in stone. I'll have to marry eventually and that--that will change things. But it'll never change the way I feel about Anakin.
Anakin, who always listens when I need to purge all of the resentment about the rules that control my life. Anakin, who sits with me when I can't sleep. Anakin, who has the worst sense of humor that can always pull a smile from me even when it feels impossible.
He moves our hands, releasing my hand at my side. The brief loss of contact makes my ribs feel cracked. "No." It's instinctual. "It's--" I reach forward, hand reaching for his arm. "You're the only person I can tell anything to, the only one that never expects anything from me and just--just likes me for who I am."
The realization that Anakin might be the only true friend I've ever had hits me hard and fast. All of that and a part of me has always been selfish enough to imagine what it'd be like to live in a different world that could allow for more. Though, that's barely been a thought that I've allowed myself to have. Neither of us are in a position to get attached to anyone in that way, and even if we were, Anakin wouldn't see me that way. Besides, his friendship is no small thing, so it definitely takes the sting out of the impossible.
"Who wouldn't?" The comment comes out so soft, so absentminded I nearly melt on the spot.
A lifetime of being a daughter instead of a son has a reflexive a lot of people attempting to crawl up my throat. I swallow the bitterness like bile before I can make this about me and settle on a much lighter, "You'd be surprised."
Any lift in his expression falls again. "You don't see it."
I do try to think about it, but nothing that makes sense comes to mind. "See what?" Anakin pauses, lips pressing together. I'm expecting some kind of response. Instead, Anakin shakes his head once dismissively. "Tell me." His lack of response has me gently shoving his shoulder. "I thought we didn't keep secrets."
He lets out a small breath, we're so close I can feel the warmth of it against my skin. "It's nothing." When my only reaction is to glare, he reaches for my hand. "I don't want to talk about them anymore."
Strange. What does whatever he's talking about have to do with what we were talking about? Yes, the suitors want to court me but they want me the same way they want an ornament or my father's leniency in a business deal. Before I can remind him of this, his hand finds my shoulder.
If Anakin notices the way I freeze, he gives no indication of it, he just trails his thumb up and down the start of my collarbone. It's not the first time he's done this, but until now the gesture has been reserved for late nights when I can't sleep. I'm so used to it being soothing that it immediately gets rid of any fight in my system.
"You've had more meetings recently."
I nod, still too focused on the feeling of his hand on my shoulder. "It's a busy time...celebration season is always elaborate, and things are...tense."
He nods. If there's one thing he knows about, it's the precariousness that seems to be reaching everyone these days. But my time with Anakin is limited. He's been assigned to be my personal guard during the celebration season since the year a political protestor took my mother's life. The season always feels like it will be long, but time always slips away quicker than it should when it comes to Anakin.
I know I shouldn't do this. He doesn't need any type of encouragement after what happened at today's meeting, but something's clearly been weighing on him and I do miss him. The additional events, the public outings, the suitors...all to save face as the threat of war continues to become a more pressing issue. "My father had most of my afternoon blocked off in case that last suitor wanted extra time."
Anakin frowns, his thumb stopping its outlined path across my shoulder. He is so dramatic. "I shouldn't be telling you this because it might sound like I approve of you making up an emergency, but if you don't have anything to do, we can catch up."
He tilts his head, a hint of a smile turning up the corner of his lips. "Catch up? We're together all day."
I extend an arm, gently pushing him. First, he basically throws a fit because he convinced himself it was possible for me to like a suitor more than him, and now that I want to do something with him, he's trying to make fun of me. "I mean about before you came here. We've barely had time to talk since you've gotten back."
"Okay," his thumb brushes back down where my collarbone meets my shoulder, "We can talk." He squeezes my shoulder before retracting his hand. "The garden or the library?"
Our two most frequented spots. I grin. "The garden, the weather's nice today." He smiles, taking a step back. "Give me a minute to change. I turn away from him, walking towards my closet. "I've been ready to take off this dress since Raina put me in it this morning."
Raina spent longer than a minute trapping me in between scratchy fabric and a stiffly structured top. All of those ties and buttons that I still can't reach. Ugh. I wonder if calling Raina in will lead to more attention being drawn to the fact that I left early. Technically, the official meeting would likely be over by now but my father wanted it to go well. He kept things open in hopes of it lasting a little longer.
It's probably better not to ask. Drawing any attention to me and Anakin isn't the best idea in general. We're good friends, which is okay in front of some people but wrong in front of others. Raina is a little skeptical. It's nothing personal against Anakin, she just knows me too well, which means she reads into things.
I stretch my arm back as far as it'll go and manage to undo the bottom of the lacing and a few buttons. Anything that's more than halfway up my back is impossible to get to. I twist and turn and push and I can't reach.
"Everything alright?"
Anakin's voice carries through the short hall. I sigh, giving the fabric one last desperate tug. "Everything's fine I just..." I squeeze my eyes shut before pinching the bridge of my nose. "Can you come here?"
A brief wave of silence that leaves my face burning lingers until the sound of footsteps ends it. Anakin appears in my closet's doorway. "You're okay?"
"Yeah," I mumble, "Yes, I just--I can't get the buttons." As if to make my point, I try again in vain, trying again to reach the tiny clasps.
"You need help?" Anakin's voice comes out lower than usual.
Maybe he feels just as awkward about this. "If it'd be easier, you could just call in Raina."
"No," I can hear his weight shifting off the doorframe, "I can do it."
He takes a few steps forward. Before I know it, he's directly behind me. Anakin smooths a hand over my hair before gently moving it over my shoulder. The way heat begins to crawl up my neck makes me glad that my back is to him. His hand settles against my back.
I pull my arms forward, crossing them in front of my chest. He takes over, fingertips grazing against my back. The longer he works, the looser the dress begins to feel. I should be feeling cooler now that I'm getting closer to just being in my thin layering dress, but all of my earlier warmth and discomfort is now rising up my face.
"Raina put you in this this morning?"
I nod, "Raina woke me up earlier than usual today to make me up." The final button is pulled apart. I have to keep an arm at my chest to keep the dress from pooling at my feet. "I think this might have taken longer than my hair."
The comment is meant to be lighthearted. Instead of taking it that way, Anakin lets out a breath as his hand settles against my hip. "Won't things be easier when you don't have to worry about finding a husband?"
Now it's my turn to sigh. I make a point of pulling his hand off my side. I wander further into my closet. "You know I want nothing to do with this." My grip on the dress tightens, my sudden movement making it harder to keep the heavy dress on. "And if you honestly think I find any joy in being packaged in suffocating fabric and bodices so structured that they stab into my ribs every time I breathe, then you don't know me."
I turn around and let go of the dress, allowing the gown to pool at my feet. I step out of the puddle of fabric before reaching for one of my hangers, a casual day dress that I've barely looked at.
"I didn't mean it that way." His voice comes out low, almost reluctant. It's not enough to ease me, so I make a point of scoffing. Something warm pulls on my forearm. Before I know it, I'm facing with him. Oh. Anakin's closer than I thought he'd be. "I'm sorry." He exhales, voice tight, "Don't be mad, princess."
I keep my expression neutral. Though I'm in no mood to be reminded of my title, Anakin has a way of making it feel like a term of endearment. "If you're bothered by my situation, I understand that." He's staring me with such intensity I have to make the conscious choice to not look away. "I really understand that, but do not treat me like this is my choice. Not all of us are meant for more and can do whatever we want."
"Not whatever I want," he whispers, voice strained.
Now it's my turn to wish I had bitten my tongue. Anakin's told me enough of the stories for me to know that while sometimes the fact that he gets to leave and be an active source of good makes me wish my life was different, his isn't exactly easy.
His eyes hold mine for a beat before drifting downwards. For whatever reason, that makes me aware of the fact that this is likely the least dressed I've ever been in front of anyone. Sure, Anakin's seen me in pajamas and casual wear, but the silk dress under my gown is thin and low cut.
"And don't say that this is what you're meant for." He pulls my arm down with his hand, letting his fingers interlock with mine. "I've seen you in meetings and the way that you care about your people. You don't need to do this."
Again, it's like he's trying to convince me to change my mind. Like this is something that I want. I don't understand what he's trying to convince me to do. "Try telling that to my father."
I'm not sure what it is, but something about Anakin's expression looks a little flatter. Maybe even disappointed. I get it, this isn't exactly a fun topic, and we have no reason to dwell on it now. It's not like I'm getting engaged tonight. And I rarely get time to just be around Anakin, my future marriage has already taken enough from me, it doesn't need to take this too.
"Why are we still talking about this?" I pull my hand back, ready to grab my dress. "It's not like anything's happening now, let's just go to the garden like we--"
Anakin reaches forward before I can turn around, his hand finding my shoulder.
"I--" He cuts himself off, "There's been a rise in meetings with potential suitors, it's not as easy to ignore as it used to be."
I know exactly what he's talking about. All of my energy has been focused on not thinking about that. But that's because it's my inevitable future. How could this possibly matter this much to Anakin? "Ignore what?"
"Do you have any idea how difficult it is to know what they're feeling? What they're thinking about you?" Anakin's breath catches itself in his throat, his thumb slipping beneath the strap of my dress. "What they're thinking about doing to you?"
Heat rushes to my face. I try to swallow to clear the lump in my throat but my mouth has gone dry. "Anakin?"
"I've spent so long trying to let you go."
What? Is he--is he saying that he-- "What?"
He tilts his head downwards, "You don't need to do this. I--"
"Don't say it." My hand is quick to grab the one he has on my shoulder. Push him away, I should push him away. My hand won't move. The one person I've always known I won't ever be able to have.
"Why not?" He asks the question so innocently, like he couldn't ever fathom a reason for me to shut this down. After a moment, his eyebrows pull together, a small frown playing at his lips. "You don't want me?"
If this was any less serious, that would have made me laugh. That is, most definitely, not the issue. "That's not true."
He relaxes slightly, his thumb trailing down my shoulder. Before I can explain issues that we both are definitely aware of, he leans impossibly closer. His weight on mine is nearly enough to make me forget the concept of logic entirely.
"Anakin," it's meant to be a warning. The breathiness of my voice takes away all of its severity. "We can't." I'm arguing for more my sake than his. He already knows all of the reasons that we need to agree to remain just friends before things get any more complicated. "What I want doesn't matter. Nothing I've wanted has ever mattered." He hasn't moved away, but at least he isn't trying to get any closer. "And even if it did, it's not like we'd suddenly be able to be together."
Anakin's hand adjusts on my shoulder, his grip tightening. He has the audacity to look like he's not sure what I'm talking about. "The Jedi code?" He blinks, still giving no indication of understanding why everything about us is impossible. "I'm sure I don't need to remind you why that matters, chosen one."
He scoffs. "I don't care."
I place my free hand on his chest, willing myself to create some distance between us before my judgement finally lapses. "You can't--you can't say that." My eyes squeeze shut, "I know that it's unfair, but time will pass and you'll feel rational again, and it'll be easier."
"Don't do that." The harsh quality of his voice nearly makes me step back. "Don't treat this like it's a political compromise."
Something about me trying to keep things together the only way I know how is hurting him. I don't know how to get through this without taking the emotion out of it. Still, I don't want to make this harder on him. My hand moves up his chest and rests on his shoulder. "I didn't mean it like that."
He nods slowly, visibly relaxing at my touch, "You're only pushing me away because you're afraid."
Anakin's thumb drags across my skin. "You're afraid that if you let yourself even admit that you might want something that your father hasn't decided for you, and that if you're selfish for even a second, your entire world will fall apart."
If it came from anyone else, I'd be offended, but coming from Anakin, it just makes the real reason why I can't just say it and give in hurt more. "That's not it." Anakin doesn't respond. He wants me to say more and I'm not sure that I can. "It's--" What I'm afraid of is that I let myself admit that I want Anakin out loud, I'll have to decide whether or not I want him more than everything I've been working towards my entire life and that I won't like my own answer.
"It's that," I start over, staring at my hand on his shoulder in case looking at him directly will make the confidence I've gathered to wither away. "That if I let myself think about it, about you--like that--for longer than a moment, I might want you more than any of this."
He pauses, likely thinking through his words. Maybe he'll try to promise me that he wouldn't make me choose while not understanding that being with him at all makes that decision for me. Or maybe the amount of care I'm implying will scare him into second guessing this.
His hand slowly moves off of my shoulder. If my deep, dark secret has finally gotten him to understand why we're better off as we are, then maybe it's worth how hard it was to get out.
His fingers settle against my jaw. Slowly, he gets my head to turn. I look at him, expecting some kind of rejection to be written across his face. Instead, all I see in his eyes is a pool of emotion ready for me to drown in. "Would that have to be a bad thing?"
This time, the softness of his question doesn't feel like an attempt to dismiss our reality. It's so genuine it turns into a physical ache between us.
I'm reminded that despite all of his talent, confidence, and sense of humor that I've tried so hard to enjoy less, he's still a boy who's experienced so much heartbreak. The council constantly dismissing him and refusing to grant him the title he deserves, the loss of his mother, all of the expectations on his shoulders...
Would it be such a bad thing to want him more than anything else? To love him more that much?
I tilt my head back, just enough to press my lips against his. Anakin's quick to reciprocate, turning the barely there press of lips into something else with no warning. He shifts his weight so that he's fully against me. My back hits the wall of my closet before I realize what's happening.
It's heavy, my bottom lip being pulled between his teeth. The hand that's not still cupping my jaw settles on my hip, the silk of my slip dress crumpling between his fingers. I pull my head back, Anakin attempts to follow, teeth tugging on my lip one last time before letting us separate.
He doesn't let me get far, resting his forehead against mine as we both struggle to catch our breaths. "I'm sorry, I should have--"
"Don't be sorry," I manage between slow pants, "Not for that."
Anakin smiles, and for once, I don't mind feeding his ego. "I can feel how much you need me." The urge to squirm away and hide any potential embarrassment is strong, but I have no way to act on the impulse. I'm pinned between Anakin and the wall of my closet. He slowly pulls my dress, exposing another inch of skin. "Do you think any of your suitors could make you feel like this?"
I shake my head, "No." That's an easy thing to get out, "Only you."
Another tug that has more fabric pooling around my waist. "Promise you won't marry him." His head dips forward, his lips brushing against the end of my jaw. "Any of them."
My eyes instinctually shut. I need to hold it together. "You--you know I can't just--" He places an open mouthed kiss against my neck. "Anakin."
"Promise." An order.
I exhale, struggling to focus. "It's not--" Another kiss. "It's not f--air." My voice cracks on the last syllable as Anakin moves further down my neck. "You know I'd never break a promise I made to you."
"What's not fair is having to watch you meet with men who look at you and to know that this..." He pulls the strap of my dress off of my shoulder, exposing more skin that he immediately presses his lips against. "Is what they want to do to you."
What? I had never thought that my suitors fantasized about anything, everything about those meetings always feel so cold and political. I'd question it if I could bring myself to care about the revelation with Anakin's teeth pressing into the pulse point of my neck. "To have to watch them look at what's mine."
One last shift of fabric and the hem of my dress is now over my hips. His hand leaves my jaw and skims the waist of my underwear. "Promise."
His fingers finally reach where I need him most. My eyes instinctually shut at the sensation, a wave of pleasure I've never felt before nearly making me jump. Noticing my tension, he presses a gentle kiss against my cheek.
I have to give him something, and maybe that'll be enough to at least put this conversation off until I'm in a position to negotiate. "I'm yours." My ability to form sentences is quickly fading as his finger presses into me. "Can't that be enough?" A small part of myself hates how easily I'm cracking. "For now?"
Anakin does the meanest thing imaginable, he stops. "Promise me."
A pathetically desperate whine escapes me. He can't be serious. He won't walk away now just because I can't immediately promise to never marry anyone.
He straightens enough to pull away from the crook of my neck. "Anakin." I meet his gaze, and behind the harshness of his eyes, I see that he means it. "You know I--I can't--"
"We can work it out." That genuine side of him returns, softness bleeding back into his expression. "All that matters is that you want to."
"Of course I want to."
He leans forward again, forehead pressing against mine, "Then promise me..." Anakin's eyes briefly shut, "Promise me you won't marry anyone else."
I let myself take him in, how it feels to let him consume me entirely. It's too late for me, anyway. I wouldn't be able to will myself to walk down the aisle the same way I couldn't force myself to push him away. "I promise."
His lips are on mine in an instant. When I don't part my lips fast enough, he hooks two fingers between the waistband of my underwear and tugs them down my legs in one, swift motion. I gasp, giving him all the access he needs to drag his tongue against mine.
He moves back, beginning to press his lips against my jaw. "Anakin."
"Say it again." His fingers find the spot that makes me see stars. "Promise me that you're mine."
A whiny breath slips past my lips, "I promise." His teeth drag against my throat and my nails instinctually dig into his shoulder, "Only you."
A rough sound escapes from the back of Anakin's throat. He removes a hand from my hip to adjust his own robes. I'm too distracted to realize what he's doing until it's obvious. "Again."
I reach my hand forward until my fingers are wrapping around his length. "Only you, Anakin." He groans. "I--I won't marry anyone else." Anakin places his hand over mine, guiding my hand up and down his length. "I'm yours."
He buries his face in the crook of my neck, "Maker, you're--" The rest of the sentence is murmured into my skin at a pitch that I can't make out.
His fingers press into me even harder. "Anakin," my whininess would be embarrassing if I wasn't so distracted by the coiling feeling in my stomach, "I--I--"
"Tell me," he lifts his head enough to speak the words into my ears, "Tell me that you want me."
My eyes screw shut, "I--It's more than want." It feels like a confession. "I need you."
Another strangled breath escapes him. Anakin pulls away enough to line himself against my entrance. He presses in slowly, the feeling in my stomach reaches a height I didn't think possible. "Anakin."
"You're so," he's getting the words out through gritted teeth, "Tight." Anakin pushes in even more. A gasp escapes me. "Say it again." I'm too lost in what I'm feeling to form the words. He pulls back before pushing his entire length in with no warning. Anakin shows no reaction to the pitchy whine he forced out of me. "Again."
"It's--it's only--you," I pant. "I won't marry any-one else--just--just please, Anakin."
His thumb presses against where my nerves are at their most on edge. I can't breathe or focus on anything. "Please what?"
"I need you."
He rubs tight circles against me and picks up the pace. My head falls against his shoulder, eyes squeezing tight. "Look at me." I--I can't keep my head up. Anakin's hand tugs at my hair, forcing me off of his shoulder. "Look at me."
I force my eyes open. "Anakin."
"Feel good, hm?" All I can do is nod. "Can't even talk anymore?" His lips find their way against my jaw. "What would all your suitors say if they could see how easy it was for me to get you like this?" His lips find a spot on my neck that leaves me dizzy. "First breaking all the rules and now you can't even talk." It's hard to focus on anything that isn't how he feels. "Who has you like this?"
I take a shaky breath, "You, Anakin." My voice is shaky, "Only you."
His lips press against mine. Hard. I give in entirely and it's all teeth and wanting a closer that doesn't exist. He pulls away just as quickly, "I've got you, princess," he exhales, "come for me."
My body knows what to do more than I do. I cling onto him. Anakin's thrusts become less even without losing speed. He continues until an all consuming pleasure has my body practically shaking. My orgasm hits so fast and hard I can barely hold myself upright.
"Oh, you're squee--" Anakin cuts himself off, pulling out before he can finish inside me. "Maker, you're perfect."
After it ends, I expect to be filled with some kind of regret or remorse. Instead, all I feel is a sense of peace as I recover with my forehead pressed into Anakin's chest. He keeps his arm around me loosely. "It's just you and me, princess."
I nod against him weakly, desperate to accept what he's saying. "Just you and me."
He smooths circles against my back. "We'll figure it out together."
It's not an easy thing to believe, but trusting Anakin is natural. I finally lift my head to look at him, "We have time." I don't know how much time, but it's definitely not happening today, and if I can push this until our political crisis becomes the ultimate concern, my father won't bring it up until this is resolved. Maybe if I prove myself as a leader, he'll see that I can be more. "I'm tired."
He smiles lazily, "You're saying I tired you out?" I roll my eyes. "Come on, we have some time before you have to meet with your advisors." Anakin squeezes my shoulder, thumb soothingly tracing a pattern against my collarbone. "Stay with me?"
I have to bite my tongue to keep a much too emotional always from coming out, so I just nod. He takes my hand and leads me into my bedroom. Anakin helps me into bed before laying next to me.
Drowsiness pulls at my eyelids. I fight against the exhaustion as best as I can, but Anakin's gentle touches and whispered terms of endearment aren't making it easier.
"You can sleep," he finally whispers, "I'll make sure you're awake with enough time to get ready for your next meeting."
It's tempting, but after all of this, all I want is to be near him and to--to talk to him and absorb his presence before I can't. "But--"
"I'm not going anywhere," he says, reading my hesitance easily, "We have time."
My eyes are already closed, "Promise?"
Anakin's head dips forward as he presses a chaste kiss against my temple. "I promise."
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onskepa · 5 months
you finally reopened your requests!!!
Hear me out!
We need a reader with vitiligo. The sully are shocked and confused when they see her skin but jake explains it to them. Ik there is a chance you maybe won't write this but i had been longing to request it for such a long time
This is what vitiligo looks like:
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Hellooooooo darling!! I can see where you are going with this one. Did a bit more research so I can make it as accurate as I can. Hope you all can enjoy it~!!
PS: The sully kids are younger here: Neteyam is 9, lo'ak and kiri are 8, and tuk is not yet born because I forgot about her when I finished this.
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“Come on, keep up!” young neteyam calls out to his two younger siblings. Kiri and lo’ak do their best to keep up speed with their older brother. “Stop being so damn fast!!” lo’ak shouts back, grunting as he does his best to keep up. “Hey! What did mom say?” Kiri shouts behind lo’ak. Rolling his eyes, lo’ak runs faster to be at the same level with neteyam, making kiri trail a bit behind. 
The three ran through the forest in glee, their mother sent them to tell their father that lunch was ready. And of course the kids would happily use any excuse to go out on a small adventure. Especially to mess with the humans. 
“I see the pole! We are here!” Neteyam says as he runs even faster. Clearing some leaves, out reveals the human post. Right near where the entrance is at, they see their dad talking to someone over a tablet. But neteyam stopped a few feet away. The human beside his dad. Why do they look-
“Why does your skin look so weird?” 
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“While I dont like humans, I don't support your rude words, lo'ak” Neytiri strictly scolds her second son. The boy in question grabbed his tail, looking down feeling guilty of his choice of words. 
“But mom, she did look weird,” Kiri says, as means to help her brother. Neytiri only hissed at her in a warning way.  “Weird or not, I taught you better than to judge people. My children, how would you like it if someone picked on how you look? It would not be good would it?”. 
Lo’ak and kiri shake their heads and mutter ‘no’. 
“Good, now we are all going back and I want you to apologize to the human. Am I clear?” 
“Yes mama”.
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Neytiri took her two children back at the human base, there she sees jake, neteyam and the human in question. And as they get closer, neytiri gets a better view of the human. She almost stopped for a second, almost. Her children weren't right to point it out, but they also were not wrong. The human did look odd. She didn't look like any of the humans neytiri came across. No, this one was different beyond any comprehension. 
The human had two skins. 
Dark and light skin tones. Patches all around. Almost like paint splattered all over her body. 
Jake turns and calls neytiri over. She does so slowly, she came here for a reason. Best to not get distracted. Neteyam looks over and smiles at her and his siblings. 
“Hi mama, look, meet nawang. She likes to take pictures” Neteyam introduces as he holds a camera in his hands. 
Nawang, as neteyam calls her. She looked up and smiled, greeting her in the na’vi way. Seems like nawang has learned the customaries. 
“Baby, this is nawang, a friend. One of the science guys. And nawang, this is my wife neytiri, and my other kids, lo’ak and kiri '' Jake happily introduces. The human woman looked at all of them with a warm smile. 
“Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you all. Jake would never shut up about his family. Day or night, he will look for any excuse to talk about you all” she says. Her voice is cheerful and soft. Like a friend whom you already know. 
“Come on, what can I say? I'm a happy man '' Jake responds, his grin wide. 
Neytiri shook away at her stare and cleared her voice. “I believe my child has something important to tell you” she says, gesturing lo’ak to step forward. And he does, getting closer to nawang, he looks up at her and pouts. 
“I'm sorry I called your skin weird. It was rude of me to say that” he apologizes. Nawang chuckled a bit and shook her head. “Apology accepted lo’ak” she answers. 
“But why does your skin look like that?” he continues. 
Jake wanted to smack himself right then and there. 
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“Not quite, vitiligo” 
“that's it!” Nawang praises the sully kids. She was teaching them the name of her skin condition. Neytiri watched along, secretly learning too. She wanted Jake to explain what is with the human’s look, but all he replied was “it's best to hear it from the source”. 
“But what is vitiligo?” Kiri asks. Nawang sat on the grass floor with the three children in front of her, their parents not far from where they are. 
Rolling up her sleeves to expose more of her arms, Nawang happily begins to explain. “You see, Vitiligo is a skin disease, it is an illness that I have. No, I won't die because of it. What happens is that inside of my body, I lack the proper amount of pigment. It is what causes the patches on my skin”. Seeing as they are kids, Nawang had to explain it in as simple form as she could. 
There was a couple seconds of silence from the kids. Taking in the information. Then kiri got closer to hold nawang’s hand. “Does it hurt?” she asks, looking up at her adorably. Nawang felt her heart shot through by his cuteness, she pulled kiri closer on to her lap. “No kiri, it doesn't hurt. It is just part of me” she answers. 
Neteyam felt more confidence and gently traced the odd white shapes on her hand and arm. “Will it go away?” he asks, Nawang hummed a bit. “Hard to tell, for some it does go away. And for others, it stays with them”. 
While Nawang was focused on kiri and lo’ak, a flash and a snap was heard. Turning, she sees neteyam holding her camera, and a polaroid picture comes out. Gently grabbing it, keeping it in her shadow, colors were forming. And what it revealed warmed her heart. “Here, it's yours' ' She says to neteyam. Gasping happily, he accepts it. 
“You know, you are pretty good at taking pictures. Would you like to keep the camera?” Nawang asks. Neteyam looked surprised, looking at the camera and up back at her, “can I?” he asks. Nodding, confirming her answer, neteyam snuggles the device to his chest. “I'm going to take a lot of pictures! And then I will show them to you!” He says happily. Already many ideas are flowing in his mind. 
Laughing at his adorable statement, Nawang pulls him into her little group hug. “Alrighty mister photographer, and maybe one of these days I can show you my photo album. It has all of my pictures I collected through my years”. 
Lo’ak grunts a bit, pouting, “how come neteyam gets to keep the camera? I want a camera too!” he demands. Gently stroking his head, nawang speaks “maybe if netyam would like. Best to take turns. Everyone sees the world differently”. 
Kiri not really caring much for what her brothers are doing, she followed the lines and shapes on Nawangs arms. And slowly she made it to her face. “It's like you are two different people in one body,” Kiri says. Gently tugging kiri’s nose, making her scrunch her face. “May seem like that. But I see it as what makes me, well, me. Like your stripes. Every na’vi that I have seen has different stripes. And no two are the same. And your stripes are very beautiful”. 
Kiri gushes at her compliment. 
“Come on kids! Time to head home!” Jake calls out. The kids whine, not ready to leave. “Hey come on. How about this, if you guys behave for your parents, ask them to take you guys back here tomorrow. We have forever to talk and play. How's that?” Nawang suggested. And the kids cheer, liking the offer. So getting up and saying their goodbyes, they leave for their lunch. 
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“Neteyam, why are you not asleep? It is past your bedtime” Neytiri smiles at her oldest son. The boy in question was wide awake and looking at his polaroid picture. “Sorry mama, I am just still excited for tomorrow. I took so many pictures of the village. I know Nawang would like it” he explains. 
“Well, try your best to go to sleep. Or you will wake up late and not have a chance” his mother tells. Understanding, he lays down to sleep, still clutching his picture. 
“If you sleep with your picture it would wrinkle. Would you like me to hold it for you until morning?” Neytiri asks, nodding, neteyam gives it to her. Kissing her baby good night, she walks away with the picture. 
She sits near the fire for better lighting. And smiled. 
The picture was of little neteyam’s hand side by side with Nawang’s hand. 
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Aaaaaaaand that is it for this one. I did my best to make it good. Hope you all enjoyed it! until next time! see ya!
Nawang = merge, become one with
262 notes · View notes
elletheactualmenace · 8 months
You Would do That for Me?
Pairing: MCU!Peter Parker x Stark!fem!reader
Summary: You hit two birds with one stone. Helping both you and Peter out in the process. Seems like a good plan, right?
Warnings: Verbal assault, Little but some physical assault, Catcalling, Bullying, annoying people just in general, swearing
Word Count: 5.04k
a/n: I tried to make this as enjoyable as I could, but some of this sucks, I tried really hard to get it to what I liked, but only some parts got there. Im hoping I’ll like the next part better. Sorry for the wait, but thanks for waiting! Also my Spanish is rusty lmk if it’s wrong.
Thoughts = “Italicized dialogue”
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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High school. Not the most appealing place for anyone, especially not if you are the one having to attend. You don't think there has ever been one person, that doesn't come from some high school musical bullshit world, that enjoys going to high school.
You are top of your class, and you'd think that would make it easier but that's far from the truth, specifically when you go to a school where everyone is supposed to be top of the class, or they were from the schools they had formerly attended. Smart people don't like being topped. So it isn't really personal when you get cussed out or get verbally bullied. At least you don't take it personally, not enough for people other than the ones who do it to know about it.
Today is the start of another exhausting day of school. Before you open the door to your room you once over your outfit, and mentally prepare yourself for everything that is to come. You let out a puff of air and begrudgingly walk down the hall and into the big elevator at the end of the hall.
"At least I don't have to walk down stairs," you mentally thank your father for being lazy, as you push the 'floor level' button.
"Good morning Y/n." Friday says as you walk into the kitchen. 
You mumble out a 'morning' and walk over to the pantry. You pull out a box of Honey Nut Cheerios. Then you get a bowl and a spoon, placing them on the counter next to the box of cereal.
"Hey kiddo," You hear your dads voice from behind you. You smile, turning to see him leaning against the fridge with a carton of milk in one of his hands. You chuckle, and walk up to him giving him a hug. He kisses your head while hugging you 
with just as much love.
"Hi dad." You say as he hands you the milk. Your dad gives you a look as he watches you tiredly get your breakfast.
"What?" You struggle to speak with a spoon full of food in your mouth.
When he doesn't say anything you ask again. "Dad, what is it?"
"Nothing, you just eat exactly like me." He chuckles out. And you scrunch your brows.
"Well how the hell else would I eat?" You ask. He gives you a pointed look, "I'm not going to quote any ancient museum piece but watch your mouth young lady." You put your hands up in apology.
“But It’s not even that bad of a word. S’not like you don’t say it.” You grumble slightly before stuffing another spoonful of Cheerios into your mouth.
“Although, that does sound like some old man I know, maybe I will let him know that you are finally starting to listen.” You give him a toothy grin and he shakes his head frantically.
“Don’t, please. I don’t want him to know he's rubbing off on me.” Your dad rambles out grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. You chuckle.
You both talk a while longer as you eat your cereal. 
“How’s school? Any drama I need to know about?” You roll your eyes at him.
“No, sadly, unless you consider Peter losing one of Ned's lego pieces and not talking to him for a whole four hours,” Your dad chuckles.
“I would say that's a decent amount of drama for those two,” You dad comments, and you continue your pass time chatter.
"Oh, also, sweetie, Happy is driving you to school today," You dad says as you finish up your cereal.
"But,” you start, “dad, you said you would." Your disappointed look doesn't go unnoticed even though you try to not let it show.
"I know sweetie, but I can't today, I will try to find some time this week or next to drive you, okay honey? I'm sorry." He gives you a look of pity. And he really does want to drive you, he just can’t.
You can’t figure out why it bothers you so much. It’s just a ride to school. Maybe it’s because you barely ever see him. Maybe it’s because lately he has been more occupied with work than with his own daughter.
It bothers you that it bothers you. You shouldn’t be mad at him for working, for being a hero. You should get mad because you know it's not like he wants to blow you off.
"Yeah, um, ok," you put on a tight smile as you walk over to a counter stool that you backpack is sitting on, and sling it over one of your shoulders.
"Friday," Your dad calls out, and she immediately responds,
"Yes sir?"
"Call down Happy, and let him know, Y/n is ready to head out." Your dad finishes as he walks toward the hall leading to his office. He waves you a goodbye and you give a small smile in response.
Not even a couple minutes later Happy walks in, car keys in hand. "Come on kid, let get you to school," You nod and follow him outside.
The walk to the car is quiet. And Happy is not complaining with your ‘too tired to talk attitude’. He's not one for much unnecessary conversation. That's not to say he doesn't care for what you have to say, he just likes moments of quiet. Especially during the shitty morning.
"Hey, Happy?" You ask once he starts the car. He looks up at you through the rear view mirror letting you know he's listening.
"What did my dad have to get to?" You hear Happy sigh but don't say anything.
"Listen, your dad, he's a busy man, so it could really be anything." Happy informs you with a small sad smile, trying to make you feel better. You just nod looking down at your hands, so you don't have to look at another person trying to give you pity.
You slam your locker shut and turn to see Ned and Peter at their lockers that are a few away from yours. You nudge MJ and she closes her locker slightly to look at you.
"Yeah?" She asks and you nod towards the rest of your friend group. Mj doesn’t like that you called yourself that but she doesn’t have a better solution so she lets it slide.
"I'm going to go talk to them, meet up later?" You ask and she nods before bidding you goodbye.
"No, no, no, Peter, listen to me, I know it isn't a scam, because my cousins, best friends, little brother also ordered from the website and it came." Ned argues with who you are assuming is Peter.
"I don't think that's a credible source, dude. Have you even met your cousins, aunts, friends, brother?" Peter asks skeptically.
"It was my cousins, best friends, little brother." Ned grumbled out with an eye roll.
“The fact that you have to correct him just proves the point more.” You state bluntly entering the very stupid, conversation.
“See exactly!” Peter exclamins in your dereliction. Ned mumbles something out but you don’t quite catch it, Peter does though and his face goes pink and he hits Ned's arm.
“My, point proven,” Ned says quietly. And you brush it off assuming it's an inside joke. The bell rings and catches your attention. 
“Okay come on you five year olds, let's stop arguing about credible sources, and whose brother said what.” You put your hands on both of their backs and push them toward your shared first period classroom.
When you walk in and find your seat. MJ is already sitting, in the seat right next to yours. And behind you Peter and Ned sit down. When the final bell rings everyone is sat down and ready for a long boring lecture.
The teacher passes out assignments and you all finish the assignment pretty quick, so, per usual, you sit around talking, or more, arguing.
“We need to agree on something and stop arguing.” MJ says calmly. You are all arguing about the movie you’re all going to watch at your house on Friday night. When someone proposes a movie, someone else always doesn't like it.
“I'm sorry MJ, but I will not watch Titanic, I can’t.” You deadpan, arms crossed over one another.
“Oh, come on Y/n! It's not that bad!” Ned tries but you shake your head with a look of utter disgust.
“It is that bad, I physically can’t watch it. I know it’s iconic or whatever, but I won’t let that movie play at my house. It’s not going to happen.” You slam your fist on Peter and Neds shared desk.
“What about Shutter Island?” Peter suggests. Looking at you for approval and you shrug. “I'm good with that.” You say.
“What's with all the DiCaprio movies?” MJ asks. And Ned groans, running his hands down his face. “So that's a no?” Ned says more of a statement than a question.
“I never said no,” She tries but you put your hand out to stop her. “You didn’t have to, it's a no.” You say tiredly.
“We have zero chance at agreeing on a movie by Friday.” Peter says resting his face in his arms that are arms crossed across the table.
“You know what else it is at zero?” Flash asks as walking past us to get to his seat after turning in the assignment. 
Before you can tell him to piss off he continues. “Penis Parker’s girl game. You have Zero chance of ever getting any girl, even if they are the ugliest thing anyone has ever laid eyes on.” Flash’s friends snicker at his words and he laughs loud at his own joke.  As he walks past other kids in the class he gets fist bumps.
You look at him unamused. And when you see the sad embarrassed look on Peter's face you want to respond to Flash by cussing him out, but MJ gets to him before you do. 
“We get it Flash, you’re taking your insecurities out on Peter, because we all know your ‘girl game’ is peaking in high school.” MJ retorts glaring at Flash. She says girl game like it’s the stupidest terminology to use, because it is.
“His girl game is just going to keep getting better after we graduate from this high school shit hole” You add huffing out in annoyance.
Flash looks around trying to get people to stand up for him. But no one does. They all just look away or at whatever they were before.
“Whatever,” You see Flash shrink in his chair as he quietly speaks. You glance over at Peter, he gives you a small smile. 
“Thanks,” he whispers. You nod smiling at him.
The rest of class he’s quiet, and you can’t help thinking that this sort of thing happens a lot. You wish you could help him more, or that you could prevent it from happening. You sigh and stand when the bell rings, the subject still on your mind.
“I don’t know, MJ,” You start while unlocking your locker. “I like the idea of a horror movie, but I don’t know if the boys could take it.” She shrugs,
"Well we should just make them deal with it.” You hum in consideration, “I mean come on, think about how many times Ned has made us watch Star Wars?”
You nod in agreement. She does have a point. You can’t count on one hand how many times you’ve had to sit through one of the Star Wars movies.
“Alright, fine.” You huff out, “But you’re telling them.” You poke her shoulder with your finger when you say it.
“Deal,” She takes your hand into hers and shakes it. You chuckle, shaking back.
You and MJ start heading out the front doors of the building. You spot Ned and Peter, and wave to them. Ned waves and Peter smiles.
You and MJ part ways as she heads to the subway station, and you head over to a bodega to get some food while you wait for Happy.
You cross the street walking along the white strips of color on the paved road. You pull out your phone when you get to the other side of the cross walk, to see if Happy texted you yet. 
I’ll be there in ten.
Where do you want me to pick you up?
Y/n Stark
The bodega, want anything?
I'm good.
Y/n Stark
Cheetos it is! See you in a bit 🫡
You turn off your phone and put it in your pocket, stepping into the bodega. The man behind the counter's head shoots up when he hears the bell on the door ring.
“Hola, pequeño Sparky,” The man says. 
“Hola, Sr. López,” You grin and wave. When you first met, Sr. López, he told you that you look like Tony Stark's daughter. But he said spark not Stark, it stuck. You never correct him, and you never tell him you are actually Tony Stark's daughter, because you enjoy the name just as much as he does. 
“Can I get a bacon egg and cheese?” You ask and he smiles big.
“Ah of course, and cheetos for Sr. gruñón?” You nod and smile. “You know it, Sr. López”
You walk over to the shelf of chips and grab the bag of cheetos. When your order is done you pay and head outside, waving Sr. Lòpez goodbye.
“Que tenga una buena tarde, Sr. López.” You say stepping out of the bodega.
When you walk out you almost trip. You look down and notice your untied shoelace. You probably unintentionally stepped on it again. When you bend over to tie it you hear something. 
More like someone. Or multiple people. You hear someone whistle, and you stand and turn around abruptly.
And that’s when you see them. The three little pieces of shit that always bother you. They are always somehow there just when you don’t want them to be. Not that you ever did want them there. They are the weirdo dickheads who never leave you alone. Somehow they always pop up out of nowhere.
The blond short kid named Derek, whistles again. Logan the tallest one begins walking over to you. The other two follow. 
You quickly begin walking past them. And you get half a block before Otis the jet black haired guy grabs you by the arm and pulls you into a small alley. Derek and Logan gather around you whistling laughing. You struggle in Otis’s grip, you’re sure it will leave a big bruise.
“What the hell do you want?” You spit out and Logan tuts shaking his head. 
“Well look at you,” He breathes out as you get out of Otis’s tight hold. “How is a pretty thing like you still so available?” 
Derek chuckles and pushes your body against the brick alley wall with his hands. 
“I have no clue, but if you want to, baby, I'm open to anything” Derek growls out, and your face turns into disgust.
“Don’t make that face, it makes you look ugly.” Otis says with a scowl.
“I have to go.” You say quietly looking down to stop your shaky breathing.
“What was that hon’?” Logan asks, leaning his face close to yours. “Couldn’t quite hear you.” You know full well he can hear you, he's just being a dick.
You snap your head up with an angry expression, glaring daggers at the boys. “I have to go.” You state firmly. You watch as their faces turn into smiles, and they begin to laugh at you.
Then you hear a ding from your pocket. Surprisingly they let you grab your phone. You wonder why until Derek snatches the phone from your hands. You try to reach for it but Otis pushes you back against the wall.
“Give it to me,” You shout. They ignore you and look at the text. “Seems like she does have to go, boys,” Logan says, tossing your phone back with an annoyed look.
“It's a shame, I would have liked to tease you more.” Otis’s comment makes you mad. You look down at your lock screen to see a text from Happy.
I'm here, where are you?
The boys move to make way for you. And as you walk past them you trip over Dereks, purposefully, outstretched foot. You stumble and don’t bother to look back, so you don’t have to see them cackling at you.
You quickly scurry out of the alley and towards Sr. López’s bodega. You see Happy in a black car across the street, he sees you and waves. Nodding back you cross the street.
You open the car door and slip in. You pull the Cheetos out from your bag and reach over the divider to hand them to him. He thanks you and pulls out from the parking spot.
“Where were you?” He asks, chewing on a cheeto. You shrug, rubbing your bruised arm. “Uhh, I was just walking around waiting for you.” Its a good enough lie to get him to drop the subject. The car ride from that point on is silent, uncharacteristic for you, but Happy doesn't comment as he continues driving and you eat your bacon egg and cheese.
You hate it.
Feeling helpless.
How could you not when you were raised by the Iron Man, and grew up around superheros, and just strong people. So, it makes your blood boil when you think about the way you let them treat you. You know how to speak up for others, but for some stupid reason your own brain is too scared to be able to defend you.
What makes you doubly angry when you walk into your house, is thinking about the way Flash and the other kids at your school treat Peter. “What makes them think they are so much better? They don’t even compare to Peter,” you think. Peter is smart and sweet and has the kindest soul of anyone you have ever come across, so it pisses you off how shitty people can be. If only you could fix both problems.
“What’s got you so grumpy?” Pepper asks as you walk past her to your room. Her voice breaks your train of thought. 
“Everything,” You grumble out. Pepper hums in understanding. Pepper, although she's not biologically you family, you consider her your mother. She's always there for you and she watched and helped you grow into the person you are.
“Anything I can help you with?”
“Not really. Unless you can magically make people stop being jerks.” She chuckles as your shoulders slouch.
“Well, when I'm dealing with Jerks, I tell them to stop or I’ll fire them. I usually try to hit two birds with one stone to get them out of my life faster. So fire the problem not just one person.” Pepper says, trying to help. You nod. And you catch the end of a conversation when your dad and Clint walk in.
“So, no, there will be no boyfriends or girlfriends for Y/n for a long time.” Clint chuckles at your dad.
Your brows scrunch before your head shoots up and your face breaks into a grin. Pepper who was watching you smiles, confused.
“You are a genius, dad!” You shout as you rush over to him to kiss him on the check. 
“I know,” Your dad looks surprised when he says it, but smiles anyway. 
“Thanks uncle Clint,” You hug Clint quickly and he tries to hug back but you pull away before he can.
Then you run back to your mom, wrapping her in a hug, before she can say anything, or pat you back, you run off.
“Thanks mom, got to go!” You yell back to her as you rush into your bedroom.
“What was that about?” Clint asks Pepper, and she shrugs.
“I say let’s be happy, she's happy.” Tony says as he continues to walk to his lab.
When you shut the door you throw your backpack on your bed. You begin pacing back and forth in thought.
“Peter needs a girlfriend. And I need someone who can keep those assholes away from me.” You drop the pacing for tapping your foot and rubbing your chin. Your face scrunches trying to think of a solution.
“It can’t possibly be this hard to come up with something… who’s a girl who’s single, and likes Peter, or can at least tolerate pretending to like him? Who’s someone who I can have, help me?”
Your tapping gets faster as your brain works harder. “How the hell can’t I think of anything? I’m the daughter of fucking Tony Stark for goodness sake. There has to be someone-“ You cut your thoughts off and your eyes go wide at your realization.
“No.” You think shaking You head. “That wouldn’t be acceptable. We’re friends not- not…that.”
“Oh shit.” You say aloud this time. “It’s the only solution that isn’t 100% insane.” You breath out a shaky sigh. “I have to ask Peter Parker to be my boyfriend.”
“This is 100% insane.” You think, gripping the pole in the rocking subway cart. “I know it’s insane, he’s gonna think it’s insane.”
You got Happy to let you head over to Peters to work on ‘a project’. You do have your homework with you, but you can’t focus on anything other than the crazy conclusion you have come to. So, no homework could get done without talking to Peter.
The subway cart is pretty full, because it just hit rush hour and there’s a woman who’s standing a little close to you. You step a couple inches towards the bar.
You keep going over what you are going to say to Peter in your head. You can’t come up with a coherent sentence that doesn’t sound like you are just flat out asking him out. Well you are doing that, “but- no- not in that way” You keep telling yourself. You just have to explain the situation to him, and he’ll understand. Right?
You also have to consider the fact that no one out of school can know about it. If your dad knew you were dating someone, you think he might just kill them. You heard what he said to Clint. But what he doesn't know can’t hurt him, at least while he doesn't know. You know what the consequences are if he finds out, but you are willing to do it, for you and for Peter. 
The train car pulls to a stop, and the doors open. You hear the automated voice ring through the train station as you set out of the train car. Piles of people rush in and out of the train. You dodge the hoards by swerving and slipping past them, out of habit. Living in New York, it's impulses to walk around slow people.
You climb the steps of the train station and out into the chilly air of Queens. You wrap your arms around your body, regretting the decision to ditch the jacket.
It takes a couple minutes to get to Peter and May's apartment, but once you travel up the elevator and your hand is inches from the door, all your previous courage drains from your body. You blink harshly to shake away the fear. Your heart is pounding and you can’t breathe properly. 
“Just do it already, what are you scared of? its Peter,” You know there is lots to be scared of but you won’t let your mind drift that way. 
You lift your hand to knock on the door, but it’s pulled open before you can make contact with the metal handle. You step back startled.
“Oh god, so sorry.” The woman in front of you says with a sigh. Your heart rate begins to slow when you hear her voice.
“No worries, Miss Parker.” You chuckle. She laughs out at your words.
“Oh please, I'm not that old Y/n, just call me May, like everyone else.” She smiles politely at you.
“I'm not everyone else.” You smile back. She shakes her head with a grin. “No you are not,”
“Well, I have to go pick something up from the store, help yourself,” she gestures inside, “Peters in his room, most likely building a lego set.” She pauses, “Or looking up ones he wants.”
You laugh and nod, waving goodbye and walking in. You take your shoes off and shut the door. You’re kind of glad May forgot to ask what you are doing here, that makes this easier at least.
You huff out looking out at the tiddy cozy apartment. You have always loved it here. It is so homey and welcoming, and it always makes you feel a little more at ease. And now is no exception.
You slip off your shoes and as you walk by the coach you put your bag down to rest.
“Peter?” You ask as you walk closer to Peter's ajar door. You see the back of his head turned down, looking at some papers on his desk. You can see the white wire of his head phones sticking out from under his chocolate brown hair.
You push the door slightly and slip through. You walk closer to him, trying to keep your heart from picking up its fast pace again. You call out to him again, and this time place a hand on his shoulder.
Peter jumps up out of his chair, trying to look intimidating in a fighting pose. But the intimidation doesn't last long because he slips on a sweatshirt on the ground and falls.
You erupt into a fit of laughter. Peters just looks startled, but when his brain finally acknowledges the situation, his eyes go wide in relief. When he gets up and you are still laughing, struggling to breathe, his cheeks go pink in embarrassment.
“It's not that funny,” he mumbles out. This only gets you laughing again. He tries to hide his smile by stuffing his face in his hands.
“Ok, ok, sorry.” You chuckle trying to slow your breathing and calm down.
“You just jumped so high and then slipped on nothing.” You say rubbing your face with a grin.
“It wasn’t nothing.” He says kicking the sweatshirt on the ground further away from him and then walks to the door.
“Mhh,” you hum in amusement following behind him.
“What are you doing here anyway?” He asks as he leads you to sit in the living room with him.
“Well,” You sigh, still a little breathless from laughing. You pause, try to create a coherent sentence that won’t make Peter run and hide. You sit in the meantime and Peter sits down next to you.
���I need to talk to you.” Your face gets more serious and it worries him. “Why? Did something happen?” He asks as his brows furrow in concern.
“No, no, no, nothing happened. Or, no. More like I want to stop something from happening again.” You realize the sentence makes the situation sound different then what it is.
“Did I do something?” Peter asks his brows furrowing further.
“No. No never. It’s just,” you trail off, and before you can pull yourself together to spit it out he cuts you off.
“Did someone else do something? Can I help?” Peter's head tilts and his lips form a frown listening attentively.
“No,” you stutter out. “Just listen to me for a second Pete.” He nods with a quick apology. Then his full attention is on you. His eyes unwavering staring into yours. Suddenly you can’t breathe, but you try to speak either way.
“You know how you get-“ you pause to rephrase. “How Flash is a dick towards you?” Peter nods slowly waiting for you to continue. You hadn’t told him about the guys bothering you, and want to keep it that way.
“And how, today he made fun of you for not having a girlfriend?” Peter nods, getting wary.
“Well, I mean-“ you stutter over your words “if you want, and feel, you know, comfortable or whatever,” you swallow the lump in your throat. He nods again, smiling softly to try and ease the tension in your shoulders and urging you on. You squeeze your eyes shut and blurt it out.
“I could pretend to be your girlfriend at school and stuff,”
When you peak an eye open, you see Peter's shoulders slumped and his eyes wide. In utter disbelief.
“Then no one would ever give you a hard time,” You quickly explain so your point doesn’t come across wrong.
You wait for Peter to say something. You wait for him to tell you no, or to say yes. You wait for him to say anything at all. But he’s radio silent.
Worry begins to creep up your spine. The pit in your stomach grows inch by inch every second he’s quiet. What if this is the wrong conclusion? What if you stepped too far? What have you done?
Fuck. You shouldn't have come. You shouldn’t have been stupid enough to think this was a good idea.
But out of nowhere, as if he just realizes that he’s the person you’re talking to, he speaks up.
“You would- do that for me?” He asks as his eyes grow soft and his eyebrows raise hopefully.
“Well, I mean, sure.” You nervously chuckle out. Rubbing the back of your neck with your palm.
“And anyways, you’d keep the creepy guys away from me.” You note as Peter seems to step back taking everything you’ve said in. What if he starts laughing? What if he is messing with you? He wouldn’t do that, right?
“I- I-“ you hold your breath as he begins talking, the pit in your stomach makes you feel like you might throw up. If he doesn’t hurry up you’re sure you’ll apologize profusely and run out of the apartment before he can say anything.
“I would love-“ Peter smiles “to be your boyfriend Y/n.” 
You let out a shaky breath. It worked. You don’t believe it. He said yes.
“Really?” You ask, a small quizzical smile on your face.
“Yeah.” He says grinning wide. 
Well shit. It worked.
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greencways · 4 months
jelle x emily prentiss x reader
wc - 1916
TW // mentions of stabbing, death, knives, kidnapping, torture, rope?, a mention of suicide almost the end (it’s one line)
A/N- oh my god I started writing this last HALLOWEEN and i finally finished it last night cause I kept putting it off hahahaha
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"We're going out for drinks if you wanted to come" Emily questioned
"Yeah sure, that sounds great, thanks" you smiled softly, your mind still going though the events of what happened earlier in the week.
"Come on Y/N, I know Elle was your friend but you're still gonna see her, even though she doesn't work here anymore" Emily patted your shoulder which resulted in a hug.
"Thanks Em" you sighed "she always used to brighten everyone's day, if you had a bad day you could always count on her to cheer you up here" you pointed across the bullpen.
"Just come tonight and try to take your mind off things, even if it's just for an hour" Emily's lip curved into a slight smile.
You nodded, finally giving in "Okay fine, just let me go home and get changed" you smiled as Emily grinned.
All the way back you debated on going, you had every intention on cancelling on Emily but maybe she was right, going out to take your mind of things couldn't hurt.
What Emily didn't know was that ever since she joined the BAU you had the biggest crush on her, the minute she walked in, you were completely infatuated by her, the way she handled things with authority and the same amount of generosity was something that over time you knew you would look up to, you kept telling her that she would make a great leader of the BAU someday but she felt as if she wasn't quite there yet and you wanted nothing more than to be there every step of the way when she would eventually become one
You got to your apartment and you felt as though something was off, you couldn't put a finger on it but you brushed it off, you opened the door and turned around to shut it very quickly, so quickly in fact that you didn't even notice the people behind you.
"About time" a woman scoffed
"I told you she'd be here soon" the other huffed at the woman's impatience
"Can I he-"
"Who said you could talk" the woman said as you felt something press on your head.
"Sorry, I'm sorry-" you quickly become aware of the situation you were in, tears streaming down your face, sobs uncontrollable as you felt the knife touch your temple.
"She never listens does she" the other woman laughed to her friend
"So.." she dragged out "sit down" she finally spoke.
"What?" you replied softly, apparently not fast enough for the women, one shoved you back until you hit a chair in the middle of the room.
"Stay there" she barked.
"I have somewhere to be tonight" you spoke up.
You whimpered as you felt a tug on your hands as they become tied to the chair behind you.
"Tell em you can't make it" the same person whispered in your ear.
"I can't do that with my hands tied" you chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.
"Is this funny to you?" your eyes followed the tall woman as she leaned down to talk to you at eye level.
"No, I'm just-Elle?" you breathed out as she pulled off her ghostface mask
"What's the matter honey?" Elle Greenway cooed.
"Nothing I-" you stammered
"You are right, she is easily intimidated by you" the other person laughed as she stood behind Elle, you just had to sit there with a blush on your cheek.
"Jay?" you questioned as Jennifer Jareau stood behind her, pulling her mask off too
"Hmm?" JJ questioned "Why are you talking?"
You tried to break free by shifting around fast and scratching the floor in doing so, your wrists burning as you were doing this.
Elle stood up and placed her palms over the sides of the chair to steady you "you're gonna hurt yourself, don't do that" she fake pouted but you rolled your eyes "don't you dare roll your eyes at me" she barked.
"Can you tell me why you're here, Im supposed to be going out with-" you started.
"Emily?" JJ questioned.
"Hmm yeah we know which is why her already text her to tell her you're staying in tonight so she wouldn't come looking for you" Elle laughed.
You tipped your head back and silently cursed them.
"You didn't answer my question" you stated
"I don't care about your question" Elle scoffed as she and JJ turned around to talk about something.
"The old Elle would" you rolled your eyes.
"What did you say?" Elle whipped her head around and leaned over inches in front of you.
"I said" you tugged and pulled at the rope, burning sensations running through your body "the old Elle would" you gritted your teeth.
"You're not smart talking back to me you know?" Elle cooed.
Furrowing your eyebrow at the stark difference in the tone of her voice, you faltered a little bit.
"You didn't answer my question" you told Elle again only your voice slightly shaky
"Can you please tell me why I'm stuck here" you squirmed in your seat shifting as best as you could "I want to go out with Emily"
"Well then it's a shame Emily doesn't want to go out with you then" JJ smirked.
"She's my best friend" you grunted as you tried to wriggle out of your seat.
"Oh no honey" Elle cooed as she stooped down to your level
"Just answer my question" you spat.
"That's no way to talk to someone who has a knife in their hands" as Elle toyed with the knife
Your breath shaking as you remembered what was going on "I'm sorry" you lowered your head in shame "I just-" you breathed out "did I do something wrong?" you looked up at them with tears stinging in your eyes.
"I know you were going to go out and confess your feelings to Emily tonight" JJ snickered.
You rolled your eyes as Elle grabbed your chin for you to look her in the face "she doesn't like you"
Your eyes looked everywhere but theirs, your eyes landing on your phone that silently dropped out of Elle's pocket to see multiple texts and missed calls from Emily.
"Did you just come here to say that Emily doesn't like me? can we go now" you sighed.
"You wanna lose that attitude?" JJ smirked as she followed your eyeline to your phone, once you were about to say something she took a huge step back and broke your phone by stamping on it.
"I hate you" you gritted your teeth and tightened your jaw as you once again burned your arm on the rope that you were being tied too.
"I don't care" JJ inched closer to your face.
"I want Emily" you muttered under your breath hoping no one heard.
"How about this? I'll make you a deal okay?" JJ twirled the knife in her hand as Elle sat on top of the couch watching her smirking.
"How about we invite her over?" JJ suggested with a shrug.
You weighed your options, seeing Emily again before you could die and confessing your feelings towards her when you were on your deathbed, or her laughing at you when you do exactly that.
"Um no" you finally said.
"And what? after begging for Emily all this time, you don't wanna see the love of your life?" Elle teased.
Looking away from her as tears escaped your eyes once more you nodded, you could hear Elle laugh and your door opening, you were too tired too look.
"Oh honey" you heard a familiar small voice whisper as they made their way towards you.
"Move any closer and she dies" JJ commanded from another part of the room
"Alright okay" they surrendered, you heard steps shuffling back.
Lifting your head to see who it was, straining your eyes to see Emily in front of you, made you smile a little bit, Emily smiling back too.
Elle had Emily's hands tied behind her back but that was all you could all but make out.
"Em" you breathlessly whispered.
"No honey save your voice, it's okay" Emily quietly commanded, a harsh contrast to JJ's previous command.
"Are you gonna tell Emily then?" JJ smirked.
"Tell me what Y/N?" Emily didn't sound angry, she was confused more than anything.
"About how you have a big crush on her, right? and how you wanna be hers forever?" JJ taunted.
"Y/N Is that true?" Emily whispered.
You couldn't muster up the courage or energy to say anything, you just nodded your head and looked away.
"Shame she doesn't like you back sweetie, but I told you that earlier didn't I?" JJ cooed.
"Can you just kill me?" you sighed, you had enough of their games.
"Where's the fun in that?" Elle laughed.
"Y/N I-" Emily started.
"Tell her to shut up" JJ tugged at your chin to force you to look at her.
"No" you furrowed your brows.
All of a sudden you felt a cold sharp poke slightly at your abdomen "next time you disobey me it'll go all the way in, clear?" JJ shouted at you, tears streaming uncontrollably down your face as you nodded.
"Y/N I need you to know that-" Emily started.
JJ cupped your chin to look at her "Emily stop talking" you rolled your eyes.
"I-" she started again.
"Emily shut up" you groaned as you felt the knife dance across your abdomen.
"Good girl" JJ whispered in your ear as she dropped the knife, your vision started to become clearer and you could see the pain and hurt on Emily's face.
"Emily" you started "I didn't-"
"Just save it" Emily scoffed.
Before you knew it Morgan and Hotch came bursting through your doors and had Elle and JJ arrested, Emily offered you her apartment because yours was now unfortunately a crime scene.
Walking through the door behind Emily you could distantly hear her mutter something under her breath, your head was dizzy and your knees almost buckled underneath you.
"Y/N?" Emily said "Y/N?" Emily's voice grew louder and impatient, the last time she called your name and turned around, she stumbled back a bit to see your form, your whole body was shaking and your voice was trembling.
"Emily can you hold me?" you quietly sobbed.
Emily silently nodded as she made her way over to you and sat you down on the couch, she wrapped her hands around your body as you sobbed on top of her, stroking your hair and rubbing your back occasionally.
After about an hour of you calming down "It's true, what JJ said" you looked up at her, tears still in your eyes.
"About what honey?" Emily said as she tucked some hair that fell in front of your face behind your ear.
"About me having a crush on you" you breathlessly chuckled.
"Well it's a good thing that I also have a crush on you right?" Emily smirked.
"Emily Prentiss if this a joke I swear to God" you playfully swatted her arm.
"Not a joke" Emily defended "I do think you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" Emily kissed you on the forehead.
"When I was tied up to that chair, the only thing on my mind was you" you confessed "I wanna be yours Emily" you cried as you smiled.
"You're all mine" Emily smiled as she kissed you softly on the lips.
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padawanlost · 3 months
just saw a text post about how leia killing a slave master when anakin was a slave himself is cool but i find it interesting how ppl can find rational things to point out for stuff like that but when its anakin disliking a sandy planet like its ridiculous thing for him to say? but made so much sense cause you know... he's been enslaved there with his mom as a kid. idk i guess im still bitter of hayden/anakins treatment of his character
I get it but I believe the key here is to understand this weird moment we are a living right now (suddenly the prequels are cool and *everyone* had always loved them) by separating the old negative crap we were used to, from the genuine takes coming from the new found love the prequels are getting.
What I’m trying to say is the people who are excited by the prequels, who are discovering the value of the movies for the first time or just rediscovering it after so long, are not necessarily the same people who trashed the movies and made fun of Anakin’s “sand issues” or Hayden’s performance. So, to me at least, there’re two different issues here:
1 – for the longest time PT fans and Anakin fans had to deal with unfair amount of criticism, hate, mockery and even attacks. These behaviors came from part of the fandom and the media because for the longest time hating on the prequels made you cool and a “real star wars fan”.
2 – we have a bunch of new fans (literal new fans but also old fans who didn’t like or didn’t want to be seen liking the prequels) who are now vocal about the PT-Era, who want to talk about it, to engage, to discuss and, you know, just share their appreciation for the movies.
I try not to mix the two, especially in this particular case. From my own experience with this fandom, the people who trashed Anakin for not liking sand didn’t understand his character enough to get the impact slavery had on the Skywalker family.
I’ve talked about the “sand issue” here before:
But, to sum it up, the meaning behind the “I hate sand” is pretty obvious once you look beyond “Anakin is whiny/The prequels suck/George Lucas ruined my life”.
“When I was in Level Three, we used to come here for school retreat,” she said. She pointed out across the way, to another island. “See that island? We used to swim there every day. I love the water.” “I do, too. I guess it comes from growing up on a desert planet.” He was staring at her again, his eyes soaking in her beauty. He could tell that Padmé sensed his stare, but she pointedly continued to look out over the water. “We used to lie on the sand and let the sun dry us … and try to guess the names of the birds singing.” “I don’t like the sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere.” Padmé turned to look back at him “Not here,” Anakin went on. “It’s like that on Tatooine—everything’s like that on Tatooine. But here, everything’s soft, and smooth.” As he finished, hardly even aware of the motion, he reached out and stroked Padmé’s arm. [R.A. Salvatore. Attack of the Clones]
It’s about childhood trauma, privilege and systemic injustice and inequality. The sand physically represents everything Anakin loathes about his home planet, specially when compared to Padmé’s own childhood and home planet:
“This is Anakin. Anakin, this is Ryoo and Pooja!” The blush on the pair as they shyly said hello brought a burst of laughter from Padmé and a smile to Anakin’s face, though he was equally ill at ease as the two children. The girls’ shyness lasted only as long as it took for them to notice the little droid rolling behind Anakin, trying to catch up. “Artoo!” they shouted in unison. Breaking away from Padmé, they rushed to the droid, leaping upon him, hugging him cheek to dome. And R2-D2 seemed equally thrilled, beeping and whistling as happily as Anakin had ever heard. Anakin couldn’t help but be touched by the scene, a view of innocence that he had never known. Well, not never, he had to admit. There were times when Shmi had found some way to produce such moments of joy amid the drudgery that was life as a slave on Tatooine. In their own way, in that dusty, dirty, hot, and smelly place, Anakin and his mother had carved out a few instants of innocent beauty. Here, though, such moments seemed so much more the norm than the memorable exception. [R.A. Salvatore. Attack of the Clones]
[Ahsoka] was hyperalert again, all her instincts firing. One of these millennia she’d make a pretty good Jedi, probably. Provided he could smooth the rough edges off her. “Yes, Master,” she said. “You can trust me.” He frowned down at her. Was I ever this young? Was this how I used to look to Obi-Wan? He doubted it. Slaves lost their innocence while they were still in the cradle. [Karen Miller. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Wild Space]
Of course, because it became a meme used to “expose” George Lucas inability to write, direct or even understand what Star Wars is all about (eyeroll), that’s what most casual viewer think about when someone says “I hate sand”. But, on a more hopeful note, I do believe we’re doing good work claiming it back, by talking about it and even making memes about it in a way that’s not offensive to the characters, actors or fans. There are healthy, fun ways to laugh at Star wars  without diminishing the experiences and feelings of others.
Anakin represents so much different things to so many different fans it’s impossible to put everything in one single answer, but I hope you know I do understand exactly how you feel. I’m also very protective of Anakin, flaws and all. And it does annoy me to see people dismiss him and Hayden’s work in ways that can be very…cruel. But, Prequel/Anakin’s fans are awesome and now we’ve reclaimed the prequels proper place in history as peak star wars, we are unstoppable!! So let them come!
They just can’t accept how incredible Anakin’s story is, and that’s their loss.  
“Anakin had always hated sand. It was one of the many things about his Padawan that Obi-Wan understood better now that Anakin was dead. That was the horror of losing someone: Understanding came too late.” [Obi-wan Kenobi in Jude Watson’s The Last One Standing]
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leclercinvegas · 1 year
2+36 with lando please, maybe enemies to lovers vibes and the reader is either a driver or a engineer or driver's sister ;) have a good day
i like this. i'm doing a driver and ill try my best at enemies to lovers but it shouldn't be too hard. also were just going to pretend that max is not good and that both mclaren and ferrari actually is a good team!
2. "i care about you." 36. "im not leaving." (from my prompt list)
summary: a ferrari going head to head with a mclaren.
warning: reader deals with anxiety, car crash
You hated him. You hated Lando Norris. You wanted to win and so did he. Sure that's everyone's goal, but between the two of you, he was your rival and you were his. You two were at war with each other. You would switch back and forth between who had the most points for first.
It was nearing the end of the season and you and Lando were still going at it. You were leading in points but Lando only needed to win one race to over take your spot in first.
There were 5 races left. It was the United States Grand Prix. You knew this was going to be a difficult race but you knew your team was going to get you through the race quickly and safely. As practice 1 came to an end you had the second fastest lap but Lando had the first. Practice 2 was almost the same until the last lap of practice when you finally beat his lap time. You were extremely nervous for qualifying and practice 3 cause you knew that he could beat you and your lap time easily.
The next day came that and your anxiety level was through the roof. As you were walking through the garage you were stopped by your teammate Charles. He said to you, "Don't worry and wherever you end up on the grid you will get into first. I believe in you." Those were the words that you needed to hear. His encouragement and kind words help ease your anxiety. As soon as you were in the car you felt like the whole world was blocked out. No noise. No people to shout at you. You closed your eyes and let yourself be at peace for a second before you started practice 3. In that moment that was what you needed. You needed to clear your mind of thought of Lando and thoughts of anything bad that could happen.
After you rolled into the garage with the second fastest lap time you felt like you just needed time to yourself. You needed to just be in your own world until qualifying. After the strategist spoke to you about what you can do to improve and beat Lando, you went into your driver's room and closed the door to be away from the loudness of the world. You put on your favorite playlist and the first song that played was Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift. It was one of your favorites. As you were listening to your music you started to drift off to sleep.
You woke up to the sound of banging on your driver's room door. "y/n get up! you have to get ready for qualifying!" It was Charles, they sent him to wake you cause they know you could never be mad at him. You started to wake up and move out to the garage to get in the car. One last song played before you got in, it was SOS by ABBA. That song always gets you pumped for no reason. You got in the car and out of the garage and you felt free.
After qualifying you ended up on P1 with Lando behind you at P2. That sent anxiety coursing through your body. The way that he made you nervous no matter what. On or off the track Lando made you nervous.
As the cars get in their spots for qualifying, you had to take a moment to take a deep breath. Everything felt super surreal to you at the moment. You were ready. You knew this race was going to be a good one. You felt it in your bones. All the sudden it was "lights out and away we go!"
Everything was going good until in lap 49. You and Lando had been battling all race long. All the sudden your car is hit from the left side and your car flips and spins out until it hits the barriers. You felt like you couldn't move. You were in complete and utter shock. All you could hear was your team trying to communicate with you through the radio. "What happened." you asked your team but none of them responded with a real answer they just kept asking if you were okay and if anything hurt. So you asked again, "What happened?". Someone finally answered.
"You were in a crash. Norris was pushed by Verstappen and spun out colliding with your car," they told you.
The first thing you asked was, "Is Lando okay?" but you didn't even have to wait for their response. You could hear him yelling for you. He refused to listen to his teams wishes of him to get out of the car and just move behind the barriers. He had rushed over to your car after getting out of his own car. "y/n? y/n are you alright?" you could hear him whisper under his breath, "please be alright."
As he came over to help you out of your car, everything started to move slower when he came up to the side to help you. "I'm alright Lando. No scratches or anything." you said to him while giving him a weak smile. "Don't lie to me y/n. Are you sure youre okay?" he said to you while walking over to the barriers where there were people there to help you back to your garages.
When you got back to the Ferrari garage he said to you, "y/n, I'm not leaving until I am 100% sure that you are okay. I care about you. I know that's like shocking to hear considering how much we think we hate each other. But I don't think that we actually hate each other. In fact I'm pretty sure I have a crush on you. Do crushes even exist at our age?" he said and you gave him a soft giggle. His expression softened when he heard your laugh.
"I think I have a crush on you too Lando Norris. Now I'm pretty sure I'm okay. I just have a slight pain in my shoulder but-" he wouldn't even let you finish your sentence by saying, "That's not 100% sure that you're okay. Were going to the medics." You couldn't even say no to him. I mean who could.
guys i actually really like this one. i didn't originally it was going to be this long. i was actually going to make it longer but its late and i should go to sleep. much love, addison
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angellic-critique · 5 months
Honestly my biggest fear is to end up writing my characters the same way vivzie does, I feel like she doesn't even try on certain characters(female characters and literally any other that isn't her "uwu baby boi must be protected at all costs" characters like stolas, angel dust). Like imagine completely missing the point of your own character/srs
to everyone pre-release worries and anxieties just as much as I have-- Please take this time to read or explore different interests of books or authors of subjects and genres you like ! In the era of internet where the golden age of information is rusting into brainrot, the less time online anymore the better. I've been taking javascript/python tutorials for myself attempting to make a dating simulator for literal years at this point and its bounced around to the point of where I branched off to develop my own murder mystery 2-d sidescroller !
I wish for this to be a farewell letter to the crushed hopes and dreams I had for the original hazbin pilot and crew has moved on to other things whereas viv attempted to spitefully keep a story she clearly doesn't have any passion over- it is very evident over her lack of care for her own characters purely for the monetary gains of attempting and sadly wriggling her way into industry the way she did is so abhorrent to the world of genuine art and animation I grew up with.
Has Vivzie ever read a Felix the Cat comic strip or Dilbert even Hägar The Horrible? Does she even know about the history and strive of depth that animation has been at for hundreds of years? Does she even like comics, clearly not if she doesn't even have the patience to write her own and horribly rush whichever story she's interested in that day. I've never seen a careless writer be this selfishly unashamed to write literal garbage and surface level 'intrigue' of design and then falling flat face first at EVERY step. Hope she becomes as unbearable of a director as John K. is because honestly even though I'm cringing making that comparison, it's pretty fair in my book considering the outright ABUSE she has always trying to talk or hoard artists into her 'pet project' I recommend above anything else to watch Dan Stamanolous' 'Moral Orel' if you want an actually funny dark comedy or Christy Karacas' fast paced dark horror comic-come-to-life Superjail! for good animattion that doesn't belittle its audience... *[Trigger Warnings for Adult Swim-esque outdated 2007 humor and light transphobia, read for your own triggers if you dont want to though, please!]
The fact that Stollitz is written so flimsily like a wattpad fanficiton of tropes rolled into one is astounding to me, I used to like the dynamic pre-season 2 as I've mentioned on here and @tired-hellowl so I really don't want to get a headache going into how I USED to like it-Realizing the problematic consent issues all of STOLASS is, I physically cannot watch another Helluva or Hazbin promo anymore without rolling my eyes into the back of my head.
To the anons and people who used to also enjoy vivs work, there are other artists and there are other stories to tell. If you wish to be inspired from Dante's Inferno/Hell or WESTERN CHRISTIAN BASED RELIGION keep in mind what source material you're doing because I don't even think vivzie has picked up the bible once in her life.... And I say this as a drifter in the world who believes in reincarnation I don't really vibe with the athiest stereotypes however, I don't believe in most religion but more power to people that do get hope and love from their teachings and cultures.
She entirely missed the mark for several years, nearly a decade. Viv has had time and time again chance and opportunity to give a chance of storytelling with demons and what does she do? Adult Cartoon that has the demons scream 'FUCK SHIT DAMNIT DAMNIT LOOK IM SO HORNY AND SILLY AND WACKY WOAHH THE SCREEN IS CONSTANTLY MOVING YOU CAN NEVER HAVE A SECOND TO BREATH IN ANY AMOUNT OF WORLBUILDING OR SETTING BECAUSE FUCK. YOU.'--
I have said this time and time again- there is no substance or worth about Helluva Bosses or Hazbins writing, even without the show not being released because Amazon seems ashamed about it, I know it'll be a shitshow.
Honestly at this point I agree with the redesign community, take any character you used to like and rewrite them until it's unrecognizable from the original source material, let those fuckers in space fight alien pirates or hell take them out of the heaven and hell trope and just flip it on it's head entirely out of earth or wherever you want to set your story! I'm personally redesigning angel to be a slight aid to my addiction help via rewriting him into my murder mystery heheh while keeping the sexual abuse and recovery in mind because woah that shit happened to me too man !!!
I wish the best to any future writers, animators, programmers, lovers of animation or art, you can do what you put your mind and hands to! Spread more positivity and love then hate in this world please guys, this'll be the last time I pop in I promise I'm trying to get a better job and hopefully get accepted in a community college that i've been on the fence over trying to do more online coding ! The sky is the limit!<3
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elthadriel · 2 months
hi im here to cause problems 😌
any of the ships in the terrible horrible no good polycule (echofivestupdogmaslick+)
Despite his best efforts Tup can’t quite manage to tear his eyes away from where Fives is trying to eat Echo’s face. He wrinkles his nose. It wasn’t every day that your dead partner came back to life, but did they have to celebrate so loudly?
“I think this might be good for us,” he says.
“Really?” Dogma asks hopefully.
“Really?” Slick is less optimistic.
“Really.” Across the landing bay Fives gropes clumsily at Echo’s ass. Tup can hear them moaning from here. Is Five that loud with him? He hopes not. “I met Echo before he died—”
“Before he went missing,” Dogma interrupts.
“Before he went missing. And Fives talked about him all the time. He seems sensible.” They could use another level head around here.
Echo pulls at Fives’ hair with his remaining hand. Their mouths are open so wide they might as well be licking each other.
Slick hums in a way that makes people want to punch him. “By ‘met’ do you mean drooled at him working out in his ARC gear across the gym?”
“No! I mean I had a conversation with him.” He’d also drooled at him across the gym, but who hadn’t?
“Look, kid,” Slick says, as though Tup hadn’t ended up serving longer than he had, even if he’d been decanted first.
“Don’t call him kid,” Dogma says. He doesn’t look at Slick either, eyes locked on the two ARCs. He’d been drooling right next to Tup.
Slick rolls his eyes, but bows to Dogma’s wishes in a way he refuses to for anyone else. “I just think we should all keep in mind that Echo and Fives were already members of the 501st when I was arrested.”
A sort of dread that is usually reserved for when Fives and Slick really get into it pools in Tup’s gut. And maybe a little lower. It wasn’t going to happen, but that didn’t mean that Slick and Fives fighting wasn’t hot. What would adding Echo to the mix even—
Tup needs to get laid. He has two actual partners and a sort of partner in the form of Slick. How is it he never seems to manage more than jerking off in the tiny shared fresher?
“Did he know you?” Dogma asks. “If he…” he trails off, eyes widening in an expression that Tup is familiar with. Sure enough, Fives has shoved up Fives shirt, showing off his broad back.
The landing bay is empty except for them, but there’s no guarantee it’ll stay that way. They’re supposed to be laying low. Fugitives of the Republic and all that.
How had Echo even found them? Tup files away the question for when Echo’s mouth isn’t occupied trying to deep throat Fives’ tongue.
Slick cocks his head at the display, but doesn’t lose focus. “Nah, I didn’t interact much with the 501st if I could help it. But I bet I got some of their little buddies killed.”
Fives wedges a leg between Echo’s and Echo’s civvies don’t hide enough to for Tup to even pretend that Echo isn’t humping it. Echo’s lost the built ARC that Tup jerked off to a couple of times before he died—it had felt morbid after—but he still holds himself with a straight-backed confidence that hits very nicely despite the circumstances.
So Echo won’t like Slick. Fine. What’s new?
“Yeah, but no one likes you, Slick,” Tup says.
“We do,” Dogma points out, which is only true on a technicality.
 Slick lounges back against their ship looking so very pleased with himself. “Yeah, I’m sure he and Dogma will be the very best of friends.”
Dogma pales. “Fives and I have moved on,” he says very quickly.
“Sure you have, kid.” Slick says. “But you arranged for a firing squad to shoot Echo’s favourite lay. How do you think he’s going to feel about you? Even if said lay has decided to stop bringing it up.”
Dogma’s face makes it very clear he’s come to the exact same conclusion as Tup. So much for getting to fuck two ARCs at once he supposes.
“He’ll probably like you,” Dogma says to Tup, dejected misery having fully consumed any optimism.
“Yeah, trooper. You’re just everyone’s favourite.” At least Slick sounds happy.
“Lucky me,” Tup mutters.
They lapse into several seconds of blissful silence, interrupted only by the wet activities happening across from them.
Slick straightens up. “Huh. Those limbs are more dexterous than I’d have imagined.”
“Okay!” Tup slaps Dogma and Slick on the shoulder. “We’re waiting inside the ship!”
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i love guy gardner!! Glad to see you love him too, hes my baby girl fr. But im here to ask for a Guy x Top!Reader where Guy is very teasing and is trying very obviously trying to top but ends up with him against a wall whimpering? Reader is also taller than Guy mostly for pushing up against wall purposes hehe
(Love your hcs for Guy!!)
Guy Gardner x male reader
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Reader is a fellow lantern, cuz I fuckin love lanterns man. Guess who bought comics today? My collection grows.
You and Guy kind of have a reputation around the lantern corps. Its not strange to find the two lanterns from earth up against a wall making out like horny teenagers. Its honestly become a right of passage for new members to catch you two going at it or feeling each other up during missions.
In the beginning the others tried to discourage you two from being so open about it, and you did try to hide it for a while, which resulted in quickies in quickly made constructs or side rooms, but fate was never on your side and you two kept getting caught.
Both you and Guy have little shame at this point, and you just laugh when others look at you two in disgust or shock when they see you two grinding up against a wall. You’ll be polite and throw up a construct, but that’s about it.
Of course, you two never full out start going at it in public, or where there’s a chance for underage people to be around, but Oa tends to be free game.
You both might be dirty horny bastards, but you have some level of standards, and you are both outright insulted when anyone hints at you two being perverts and doing it to target others.
It’s resulted in some of your fellow lanterns having to hold both you and Guy back when you’ve gotten in pretty heated arguments with people.
If the situation calls for it, you two are completely serious too, so its not like it gets in the way of business or missions.
All in all, when Guy starts groping you from behind and grinding up against you, no one bats an eye. Now, to outsiders it looks like you two are switches, which you are, though it leans very heavily to you topping and Guy bottoming.
Guy likes the game of trying to win the privilege of being the one on top, so you don’t make it easy for him when he starts teasing you, groping him right back, or pulling him around the corner to make out with extra biting.
Your friends just roll their eyes when Guy kicks up his teasing, as they all know to some extent which way this is going, as last time this happened Guy was limping for a few days, though he looked very satisfied.
Cut to you two making out again after a mission, Guys been teasing you for days as he’s trying to rile you up. Its working to some extent, and when he feels how hard you are he looks a little too smug.
Of course, that can’t stand, so you flip your positions and shove him chest first into the wall, pressing yourself up against his back. Your physical bigger size makes it easier for you to cage him in.
Guy would half heartedly try to struggle out of your hold, but just end up grinding back against you with that shit eating grin of his, that challenging look in his eyes.
That grin is quickly wiped off his face when you start grinding against him hard enough to force his hips forwards into the wall in front of him.
The grip you have on his wrists keeps him from touching himself so all he can do is try to choke down his noises as you keep pushing him, biting at his neck, and grumbling about how much of a tease he is.
Of course, you can’t allow him to finish too easily, so you end up edging him a few times, slowly working him up with the grinding only to pull back at the last moment. You only allow him to finish after he’s grasping at the wall whimpering and whining for mercy.
You know that’s just him playing, as if he truly wanted it to end, he would safeword. But after he’s been so good, you finally reach down to touch him. Since Guy is already to keyed up, he comes very quickly, throwing his head back and yelling at the top of his lungs.
You finish quickly after that, and after making sure Guy is fine with some on the spot aftercare (some hugging, kissing, and cuddling), you two go back to do your lantern jobs.
The unamused looks you get from your fellow lanterns makes it clear you were nowhere near as quiet as you tried to be, but both you and Guy can only grin and wiggle your brows at them.
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dr4kenlvr · 2 years
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feat. mikey sano, draken, baji keisuke, chifuyu matsuno, mitsuya takashi (reader is mentioned here and there too!) - crack/humour/fluff (1.2k+)
nana's note: can toman boys drive cars?? no keep reading to find out about the boys and their driving habits!! spoiler alert: in no way should you drive like them please don't listen to this post LMAO
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to mikey, the written test wasn't too bad—he went in, sat in his little cubicle, and got through the questionnaire without too much issue
dude couldn't lie though, he was sweating bullets at the demerit point questions FR
but of course, mikey boasts to everyone (especially baji but we'll get to that later) about his success, and is very excited to hit the road
didn't realize just how small being behind a car wheel feels until he sits and needs to bump the seat up a few notches LMAO
baji teases him: "you need heels on to reach the pedals, too? HAHHAHA"
is constantly driving with an :0 expression
"oh my god, the car is moving ken, im making the car move—ken, look!"
"yes mikey, your foot is on the gas pedal."
cheers when he does a left turn successfully, because fuck are those a pain in the ass sometimes
sometimes forgets to signal, and has been flipped off a few times for almost crashing in front of the car behind him
mikey absolutely has a snack stash in his trunk too—it's filled, and always being refilled, with sweets, savoury treats, and drinks
"y/n, could you grab me a bag of chips please? any flavour!" he yells from the front
???? what ????—you crane your head back to a fucking kitchen of snacks like it's normal for anyone to have that much
occasionally gets extremely tired at the wheel, and shuts his eyes for two seconds at a red light
it's either a honk waking him up or ken profusively cursing at him
"oops!" x2
now i don't wanna be bias (user dr4kenlvr, am i right), but ken is probably the second best driver on this list
written test wise, he passed on the first try
wasn't too difficult, and the lady at the desk even congratulated him with a warm smile, to which he happily returned
he got use to the mechanisms of the car pretty quickly
all of these gears and switches were like second nature to him, considering how much he works with motorbikes on the regular
likes to play music as he drives, it varies depending on the time of day it is
nice r&b on a night drive is always his favourite though
once draken gets really comfortable with the wheel, he'll have an arm hanging out the window
heavenly sigh—he looks really good <3
never drove alone with just his G1, despite his delinquent reputation
good job ken!!
one thing though: he has an oddly high level of road rage LMFAOOO
draken thinks it's probably because he's in a car—surrounded by 4 walls—rather than being out in the open like on a bike
people can't hear him curse the living hell out of them with the windows up so...
yeah, he gets loud LMAOO and vulgar
with his viens popping out and shit, he probably looks crazy if you pull up next to him in the adjacent lane
just don't look over, you'll be okay
same ken
this mf spent months studying for the written test
he was extremely keen on doing well too, because he wanted the luxury of being able to finally drive a car
baji also wanted to be able to drive his mother to and from work, so that she "wouldn't have to take public transit all the time"
love you keisuke
created study nights with chifuyu, where the boys would quiz each other on repetitive shit like signs
"okay, what's this one?"
"uhh.. there's like a merry-go-round ahead?"
"wha—? d'you mean a ROUNDABOUT???"
he had the right spirit, so chifuyu gave him a point either way AHSDHDSHF
time rolled around and baji declared him finally ready to take on the test and..
...he passed!! yay keisuke !!!
dude wanted to explode from the sheer relief, he literally picked you up and spun you around 18 times out of happiness
BUT THIS MF ON THE ROAD IS SO FUCKING WILD—he's good with the wheel, but like there's always something going on in his car
you could get whiplash by how fast he goes sometimes
he doesn't even mean to
50 maximum but he's going 80
"oH—FUCK, SORRY! sorry!"
also is a huge multitasker - and isn't too shabby at it
he could be calling someone via bluetooth speaker, while eating, while scratching his back, while signalling into the right lane ALL AT ONCE
miraculous how he doesn't have even a scratch or dent yet to be honest
idk man, just make sure you have your seatbelt on at all times, kay'?
i think he gets a little too excited every time he gets behind the wheel
like hes giggling with every lane change or right turn
literally fucking SCREAMS when he sees a cat walk on the road
"chifuyu, it's fine! it walked back. K-KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD!"
has a cushion specifically for peke j in the back seat where no one can sit or move it to sit
"ahh no. that's peke j's spot, you can sit in the trunk or something."
baji: "are you fucking kidding me."
speaking of peke j, he has a component in his trunk filled with toys and cat food for him
it's honestly really sweet, how much he cares and cherishes his little cat
you can't find the heart to be too angry with him when you find cat fur stuck to the seats
i think chifuyu has a lot of fucking fast food garbage in his car too
his mom (and you) is always up his ass about it:
like, you would sit in the passenger seat and at your feet there's just wrappers and straws and shit
you look at him with a look that just speaks volumes of "really?"
and he's all (。╹ω╹。)
it's an honest mistake <3
oh god—the most responsible driver out of his friends by FAR
he is so so happy when he passes, because he is able to get things done quicker with a car than by walking
dropping/picking up his sisters from school, escorting his mother to places, getting groceries, visiting his friends, just about everything in his life is made 10x easier and faster
mitsuya's car ALWAYS smells good
he's always got a new car freshener hooked onto his rearview mirror when the scent runs out
his favourite is lavender <3 and his sisters like the fruity ones but they make his and your's nose tickle
and he does that fucking cute side smile when he talks to you but also needs to pay attention to the road
LOVES to bring his sisters on drives around the neighbourhood once he gets his full license
plays their favourite songs and sings out loud with them
it'll be cartoon openings and disney soundtracks but he doesn't mind
not when the grin on your's and his sister's faces are so bright and genuine
omfg - picnics where you two set up food in the trunk and watch luna and mana play at the playground
and they rush over when they're hungry to eat and rest
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @kazuhoya @gwynsapphire @sscarchiyo @reiners-milkbiddies @smileyswifeyy @bontensimp-blog @thisbicc @megumisemo (send me an ask or dm to be added!)
reblogs and comments are very appreciated!
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bluegarners · 9 months
Which one do you dislike more? Himbo adult Dick Grayson or Tiny angry baby Dick Grayson?
oh hmm, good question anon
the thing is is that i can appreciate the pros and cons of both. i like it when dick grayson, this big, lean, athletic looking man has kind, humble eyes and an easy smile and a "devil may care, im just here to have a good time" attitude. it's sweet and i think it plays to his character well- but only as a general persona and not as his like "one true character" bit. he has facets, he has different faces he shows to certain people, and that doesnt make any one of them any more real or false than the other. he's not going to bring the same level of intensity he might have with batman to a random civilian. he's not going to make silly mistakes and laugh at himself like he would with the titans in front of batman (well sometimes, but i think there's a difference in how he feels/acts around both that it can be percieved)
and i also like the abstract concept of a much younger, freshly traumatized dick grayson. it's a very compelling first look at his character, the first one anyone ever gets to see of him, including himself! i like the idea of this raw, potent, violent anger being something dick is also newly discovering. i like the idea of self-realization through anger and grief as a propelling force, not only between himself and bruce, but also how he chooses to act to and in the world from then on. it's a beautiful progression of horrible grief, aching, festering anger, and then a gradual evolution into someone who still feels things powerfully but can now decide how he wants to portray those feelings and how to act on them. it's especially compelling when he reverts back to that instinctual anger again when he's overwhelmed and stressed, something that doesn't happen frequently in his adult self
if we are describing these qualities as flat "himbo adult" and "feral baby", then i would just never interact ever again because they are so lacking and so boring-- ive always wondered if people who genuinely enjoy such basic character interpretations even enjoy complexity and how that affects how they interact with people irl
but, ultimately, to answer your question anon, i dislike himbo adult dick grayson more. it infantilizes him so much and disregards his years of expertise, ability, and emotional growth to the point of making him an entirely different character. i honestly am not sure when this characterization of him got started or got popular because its so absurd and different from his real character. i get the feeling it was just another instance of people wanting to assign each of the bat-family members a certain role, and since "intelligent" was relegated to tim, "brute/strong" to jason, and then "feral" to damian, the only "personality" left over was cinnamon roll. eurgh
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unexpectedbrickattack · 11 months
Compiling some Peppino-centric hcs i have bc i would like to have something to look back on as a point of reference 😌 (this is so long. SO fucking long. Im sorry)
- starting w the basics: hes a short king; 5’2 (157cm). Hes like late 40s-early 50s to me. Hes got brown eyes i never draw bc i like drawing him w dots lol. Hes particular about his appearance and grooms very consistently. Has literally no issues w balding (exposed to balding bears in his youth; thinks they are hot now 😌) and it helps that he can literally cave someones skull in if they speak ill of him. He does have a couple of comfy hats incase his hair decides to be unruly in bad weather.
- very bulky build; think of olympic strongmen/ highland games but short. Visibly muscular arms and broad shoulder, fat chest and stomach, smoother legs (fat layered over muscle; v thick thighs and calves). Hes got surgery scars on his lower back from a bullet wound (only entry/no exit point). Debated giving him a scar around his sternum from heart surgery or some other crazy injury he had but im not sure yet; the bullet extraction scar is definitely staying tho.
-does NOT work out; he used to wrestle in his late teens/early 20s but otherwise he was (still is) a man who did lots of physical labor around his childhood home and grandparents shop. Continued the cycle when he got his own home and his own restaurant; cheaper to do his own (extensive) repairs than call for specialists/contractors when u are Fucking Poor.
- he DOES exercise; he is fond of jogging. He does this alot postgame, usually in the early mornings before he opens, and at the beach on his days off. He had it drilled in v early in his life that he Needs to stay active, so he will roll out of bed and do this almost daily. On his days off he will have random people come and join him; usually pepperman or noisette. Its too tedious/boring of a task for gus and noise, and vigi is out cold until sunrise at minimum.
- he owns a HOUSE; he does not rent an apartment. This is bc i think it would be reasonable to assume that anyone who OWNS a restaurant was at some point, well off enough to own a house instead of renting. And i like the idea of him using this house as collateral; if the shop goes under, so does his home (more stress for him…). (Ive seen other people treat his shop like a duplex ie shop on the lobby level and an apartment/living space on the second floor. This is ALSO v good and coincides w my want to have his home tied to his restaurant)
- the house is small; two bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, and a basement (where the 1/2 bath is located). BIG kitchen, small livingroom. It is surprisingly well furnished bc of his family donating things to him when he bought the house in his 30s. Lots of older wood based furniture. Hes not grossly messy (like food, bugs, etc) but he is disorganized beyond belief. Lives an ‘organized mess’ lifestyle bc of his high stress. Also extremely apathetic to his living conditions until postgame when his restaurant starts to take in profits again; less stress -> more positive time at home -> aware of the clutter as he spends more time at home.
- drives a beat up lookin car to and from work. Its his BABY; his ol reliable. He has to do lots of work to keep her intact and functioning. Eventually gets a newer car with his profits, but its rlly to help ease the strain on her so that he can take her out for drives occasionally.
-eldest of like 6 siblings; will not try to name them all just know that hes the only boy. Eldest daughter is only a year younger than him. Good relationship w all of them and his immediate family. Very matriarchal immediate family. Only a handful of uncles, his dad, and his grandpappy. Stubbornly cut off contact w everyone after the horrors (war) and refused to accept help w his failing restaurant (prideful). Eventually his (eldest) sister reaches out and he makes amends one at a time. (Gets an earful from his momma)
- works LONG hours. Awake by 4am, in noisettes cafe by 5am, in the shop by 6am. Preps and calls until opening at 9am. Closes at 9pm. Closes up FOR REAL at 10pm. Rinse n repeat. As the shop does better financially, he starts opening later and closing earlier (at the insistence of Gus). He still does his walks and his morning routine, just a little later, and he has enough time at home in the evening to cook for himself.
- on the topic of cooking, he is a good chef all around; pizza is just easier to market and consistently do Correct. Likes food alot. So much…..he isnt picky but he does go 😬 when eating something. Bad. And it happens Often.
- stress baked often. He felt bad about throwing out his food afterwards so he would give it away to his neighbors. No longer stress bakes but he will cook out of boredom which is not as bad but still not the best 😭 luckily he has so many freeloaders that will eat anything he makes (gus and noise)
- this is his second shop; the first one was in a larger city (think similar to pig city). Closed down due to insufficient payments, but reopened on the outskirts of the city (close to the forest) after putting up his house as collateral.
-first shop is where he first meets pizzahead. Hes offered a generous sum of cash to sell the business (which would then be converted into a ph brand shop). Obv declined. Later offered a position in pizzaheads business instead; nearly killed the man when scaring him out of his shop.
- Peppino is NOT some aggressive out of control beast (despite what pizzahead believes). He is vaguely neurotic and it is exacerbated by extreme stress and bouts of anxiety. So funny how removing the extreme stress and sources of anxiety makes him more Normal. (Somewhat encouraged by an official image i saw after i made this hc of peppinos attitude outside and inside the tower. He is relatively apathetic and inside the tower he is borderline manic. More hcs about that too)
- he is relatively fun to be with otherwise. He has some extremely dry humor. Hes incredibly sarcastic. He LIKES customer service…otherwise this would be impossible for him to endure. It helps that he Owns a shop, instead of only being a worker; he can yell at people who are rude and annoying to him and he knows (at least postgame) that he has loyal regulars.
- he is a bit of an asshole; he make snide remarks he shouldnt and hes been in his own fair share of fights bc of it. Has mellowed out drastically as he got a better grip on his emotions postgame. Only the most tolerant could really deal w him prior to postgame (gus) in part due to his anger (response to exacerbated neurosis and ptsd)
- also autistic. Extra stress bc of this. Easily overstimulated and the response to this is anger. Completely undiagnosed lmao but hes like late 40s; he just learned how to deal with it.
-common stress responses: bites on anything, usually his hand (Tried stopping this bc people would TOUCH him if he did that in front of others and that just made shit worse). Grinds his teeth. Jaw clenching. Making A Fist So Tight You Accidentally Cut Urself. Flappy hands, usually w hands balled up into a fist (specifically eyes closed; jaw clenched; head ducked, flappy hands over his ducked head). It looks ‘worse’ than biting but at least the excessive movement deters people from touching him.
- on a more positive note; knows quite a bit of magic tricks. Sleight of hand stuff is his forte. It is good for the anxiety and it keeps his hands busy. He is will consistently say that he is not good w kids but he loves entertaining them; they say the funniest shit and he likes being a bad influence on them 😈. Also teaching them tricks and letting them see behind the curtain is so fun for him; like they are so excited about silly tricks and it makes him feel a little cool….
- he is the kind of person whos like (dad voice) ‘not gettin a damn cat in my house’ and then has blackmail of him passed the fuck out with a cat on his stomach. He feeds the local strays by his shop and he cant help but feed the strays that end up by his house. He doesnt feel confident enough to take care of another animal when its so hard for him to remember to take care of himself so for now he just feeds them. But maybe soon he will take them inside…he also baby talks cats but if u caught him doing that he would kill u i think. (Pov u are the noise)
- silly hc that he has a real last name but he keeps it as spaghetti bc its funny to fuck around w people who ask him. No i dont know what his last name would be but i think it would be funny to have him ‘change’ it for branding and have people believe it. Also i think its funny to think of peppino saying this to ph somehow and he completely runs with it as gospel. Like ‘granny did u KNOW his last name is fucking spaghetti??’
- wrt young peppino, i say that w him being 20-23 in mind. Worked in his grandparents shop during this time. Worked as a line cook for some other restaurants as well (and saved up money to buy his own home while he lived w his parents and sisters). He was generally a sweetheart, just a bit odd (the Autsim and Anxiety), but that was (and still is) his charm point lol
- (SUGGESTIVE) cannot stop thinking of him as a little otter that hung out w older bears in the leather scene. He prob had his best years w them before he had to focus on other shit. He still keeps in contact w some of the peeps that were around his age postgame, and they meet up sometimes to hang along w vigilante. Now that hes older it is a bit surreal to now be the bear he used to look up to in his younger years. But its a bit flattering. Noise and Pepperman are younger than him and they both regard him w the same kind of wonder he used to give older bears. He thinks its cute lol (pepperman bc thats his muse and he sees his body type as PEAK human form, and noise bc i hc him as a bit sheltered despite the fame)
- (STILL SUGGESTIVE BUT THATS IT I SWEAR) adjacent to this; its weird for him to come back to this side of him bc hes been living in survival mode for over a decade. Got his house in his early 30s -> WAR -> comes back traumatized -> leaves family to cope -> dumps money into a restaurant to cope w leaving family. So he kinda missed it alot. Its fun to explore it w gus heehee and sometimes noise when he behaves.
-other things i wanted to mention but didnt know where to fit it. Peppino is a decent artist; he drew the logo for his shop and in general he is good at caricatures (another thing he can do to entertain a crowd; helps w anxiety to know how to not be awkward).
- Peppino is a bit of a mechanic (aka he learned bc he was broke and didnt want to call them for minor problems). Hes not a tinkerer but he likes the joy of creating sm and will make little. Creations. every once in a while. One of these creations is Peshino! He is a wooden windup toy made as a prototype for a more mechanical, mass produced version. He was intended to be sold as a cute little toy to help cement the branding for Peppinos shop but he never got the time or money for it, so peshino is collecting a bit of dust in his basement. Postgame, he takes peshino out and cleans him up; he feels a bit guilty about him….and the Big Peshino found in the tower plays music in Peppinos shop :) He also takes the time to clean him up and keep him functional.
Okay i think thats all i got for now byebye
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beanlot · 2 years
oh em gee just saw that ur reqs are open so may i please request for ellie:
what would she be like when you argue with her? or when she’s jeslous? angst ( + comfort PLS, HOW ELSE WILL WE SURVIVE) / or maybe a modern au 🫣 could be nsfw could not yk what im SAYINGGGG
you don’t have to but god if u do, i think i might just go out like a light
love u, take care <3
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just a little childish.
not to find fault with ellie, but she’s someone who isn’t emotionally disciplined when there’s hollows in your relationship. no matter what the argument surrounds, it’ll feel very one-sided in terms of communication and trying to plaster the holes in the walls - ellie is passive aggression, and it could be through maintaining bitter eye contact or not looking at you at all, unpredictability that has you treading on thin ice. she’ll wait for you to cotton on that something just isn’t right, and when you do, it’s not weight being taken off your shoulders.
i’m not saying it’s a howling match between you, but ellie’s warlike on a verbal level - she gets comfortable with hectoring at people whether it makes a scene or not, and this will only fuel her potential to hiss insult after insult at you. and it’ll probably go something like:
your voice is pissing me off right now, so shut it.
you think you’re the shit, don’t you?
you just walk around thinking you’re some fucking angel, but i see through it, don’t you fucking worry.
and again, not to rub the salt in the wound, but ellie has a tendency to abuse talking over you.
she isn’t much of a mumbler in arguments, which is ironic since she exhibits a very vanilla tone ordinarily - but in her peak of hostility, she’s not resistant to get her point across and really drill it into you no matter how callous it is. she likes to be heard, and if that’s through amplifying the vocal chords just a tad, so be it. and she’s an angry crier, no doubt. ellie gets indulged in the superfluity of emotion, too much that she doesn’t notice the tears streamlining her cheeks until she’s done, well, yelling at you and clarifying her outrage.
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but she’ll miss you.
ellie would prefer to have such disharmony resolved by the end of the day - she doesn’t like to go nights without alleviating the conflict between you, and its insufferable to breathe through the ripped bandage. she lives in the moment without realising it bites her in the ass later, and when she’s fanned out all of the wrath, she’ll come to you.
with ellie, her usual assertiveness during disputes plummets to submission with apologies; she knows she’s shy with talking things through, globes of fern planted on her fingers as she’ll fidget with them. she wants to be good at this, good to you, and it starts with a sorry once you’re both situated under the covers as she stiffly lays beside you:
earlier was stupid..
i wanna say i’m sorry, and i have no right to be upset..
i understand if you’re mad at me or you wanna, y’know, stop everything..
i didn’t mean anything, was just tryna dig at you..
please say something..
and if that didn’t work out, she’d shuffle closer, fingers on your waist. and depending whether or not you take her hand off, she’ll earth into you more, lips brushing against your neck and lashes butterflying your nape.
however, the only way make-up sex would happen with ellie is if you initiated it. realistically, she’d be too intervened with ameliorating the dissension between you and plastering all the little apertures she’d left - sex wouldn’t be on ellie’s cards unless you’d roll around and tell her that you’re horny.
and she’d do as you please.
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