#but frank can't allow himself that so he walks away but he can't help but glance back at hugo as if he's almost changed his mind
gottagobackintime · 1 year
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"It's not possible… this. Why can't you see that?" "We just brought a stag-headed girl to an orphanage to be looked after by a woman with fire for hands and a… debutante giantess! I think what is possible is very much up for debate."
#the nevers#james norton#ben chaplin#lgbtq+#frank mundi#hugo swann#gottagobackintime gifs#that scene where frank tells hugo to shut up is probably my favourite scene between them tbh#because it's so sweet#the teasing from hugo and you can tell that frank is trying not to smile when he says shut up#but then he ends up smiling anyway#and the way hugo looks at frank with like literal heart eyes makes me go 😭#but I also love the scene where frank asks if everything's all right because he can tell something's off#but then he can't help but provoke hugo because then he'll get a reaction from him#but it ends up with them being super close and you can see frank fighting against himself#like he wants nothing more than to embrace hugo to kiss him#and you can see that hugo wants that too he wants to feel the comfort of frank in his arms#because he's going through a lot#but frank can't allow himself that so he walks away but he can't help but glance back at hugo as if he's almost changed his mind#god the acting these to did especially in the scenes they had together!#they have such little screen time together and yet you get these amazing scenes and you root for them#I was already a fan of james before this and he's the reason I started watching it but ben made it impossible for me to not become a fan of#him and frank quickly became my favourite character#imagine if he'd gotten to explore him even more#and I would have liked it if they hadn't killed hugo off#my god when he confessed his feelings for frank I just... and frank kind of rejecting him but also not#like he doesn't say that he doesn't want hugo too it's more he can't allow himself that happiness#and I can't imagine the guilt he feels when he's sitting on the stairs after hugo has died in his arms#because he didn't say that he wanted to be with him too yes he kissed him and it's clear that he reciprocates hugo's feelings and hugo#knows it too and he dies knowing that frank loves him but frank ends up losing him
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chellestrash · 2 years
Mutual agreement
Frank Castle x Reader// Matt Murdock x Reader
summary: being friends with both Matt and Frank means you have to deal with both of them at the same time on some days…but maybe that’s not so bad?
warnings: nothing much, swearing, implications of smut
word count: 2.5k
A/N: thank you @chelseasdagger for proofreading this and for all the heeeeelp! let me know if you liked it!
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The evening after work usually meant relaxing, right? Taking some time for yourself, slowing things down after a busy day, allowing yourself to rest properly after your daily duties. That was obviously your plan for the night but…well let's just put it this way, whoever said plans are there to change them was right. At least when it comes to you, your life and the couple of unusual relationships in it. Intrigued, you get up from the couch quickly at the sound of your doorbell. You'd remember inviting people over, you certainly weren’t expecting anyone, especially not at this hour. 
"God damn it."
You mumble, grabbing the doorknob before swinging the door open, your body freezes before you can say anything.
He lifts his head up slightly, looking up at you with a loud grunt, his jaw clenched hard, blood dripping from his head, his face, nose and mouth, hand clutching his side tightly. He doesn’t speak, and you can't, you try to remember, but you don’t know when the last time you’ve seen him in a worst state. His body shakes slightly now and then as he leans to rest against the wall, clearly struggling to step towards you or, from what you could tell, to even take a full breath in. 
“Holy shit, Frank.”
It is the only thing you manage to get out before he leans forward, his eyes shut, and his jaw clenched even tighter now. You step closer, reaching your hand up to help him steady himself, he grabs your arm tightly, really tightly. You can feel the way his hand shakes, the way his fingers dig into your skin when he tries to move forward. His lips part with a shaky breath, eyes glossed over as he glances around before finally locking his eyes on yours. Your concerned expression as you try to hold him up is the only thing he remembers before everything goes black.
You didn’t know it was this bad—of course, it could've been worse. He could’ve passed out on his way here, he could've never gotten to you, could be lying in an alley somewhere unable to move to…. You shake your head quickly, trying to push those thoughts away as you finish up stitching his wounds. You know Frank and you know he'd be able to handle all of this awake, but maybe this is better for him. It’ll spare him the additional pain and well, you can imagine he's probably had enough for the night. Working almost from memory now, you wonder how many times you’ve done this before. Clearly enough to know your way around the instruments, to know and understand how to put a man back together, so he can walk, talk and be a pain in your ass all over again. You let out a sigh, tilting your head slightly to look up at Frank’s tired face. Your eyes jump around the many cuts and scratches before you lean forward to take a closer look at the deep, purple bruises slowly forming under his skin.
“Oh, Frank.”
Your voice barely a whisper, as the slow realization of the fact that you can't do much more to help him now weighs heavy in your chest. His condition is stable, his wounds are clean and sewn up neatly. You did as much as you could, and you're aware of that, yet, you somehow still wish you could’ve done more. Resting your head against his forehead, you briefly check his body temperature again before pulling away when you notice him move. Frank lets out a deep sigh, his eyebrows pull together, eyes slowly opening after a deep grunt. He scans the room around him for a moment before slowly turning his head to look over at you kneeling by the side of the couch. 
He mumbles, and you smile softly, squeezing his hand in yours gently for reassurance, your thumb slowly brushing over his bruised knuckles. 
You respond quietly when his gaze finally settles on yours.
“How you feeling, big guy?”
He answers with a quiet sigh followed by a shrug.
“Like shit.”
Looking off to the side for a second, you scoff and shake your head slowly, turning back to look at him with a small smile.
“Good, you can feel the pain, means you're alive.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
You watch as he attempts to sit up slightly, pulling his body up with a frown. 
“Try not to move much.”
You're quick to rest your hand on his shoulder, he glances down at it and then back up at your face when you slowly move your hand to reach up to his forehead before gently pushing some hair above his eyes away from his face.
“They got you pretty bad this time.”
“Yeah, well, you should’ve seen them.”
Frank gives you a satisfied smile after you breathe out a quiet laugh, it's like the fact that he can somehow still make you laugh despite all of this eases up some of the weight he knows he puts on you every time he shows up at that door.
A loud scoff from the kitchen pulls him out of his thoughts before he can let his mind wander off too far. You glance over your shoulder, both you and Frank turning to the direction of the sound.
He mumbles under his breath and Matt nods slowly, acknowledging his presence. He's right there in the doorway leading to your kitchen; his sweatpants low on his waist, chest completely bare exposing the many cuts, scratches, bruises and bandages. Matt got here first, a bit earlier that night. Needed help, just a favor, some patching up and a safe place to stay for the night. That’s exactly what you knew you could offer him, and it’s exactly what you knew you were able to offer Frank as well.
“You feeling any better?”
You direct your question at Matt this time.
“A little, yes…thank you.”
“Okay, good.”
“Why is he here?"
“Same reason as you?”
“Yeah, thanks for the concern, Murdock.”
You turn back at the sound of Frank's voice. 
“Don’t thank me, Frank…it wasn’t my idea.”
Matt speaks up before you can say anything, and you roll your eyes with a quiet chuckle at him missing Frank's sarcastic tone completely. Frank glances around your face, not sure what to focus on for a moment, before his eyes finally find yours again. His lips are parted slightly, a softer, gentle expression on his face, he squints as he tilts his head to the side before swallowing hard.
“Yeah, I figured.”
Smiling gently back at him, you finally get off the floor. As you stand next to the couch for another moment, Frank attempts to pull himself up again, but you quickly place your hand on his chest to stop him.
You order quietly, and he looks away with a deep sigh, but for once, he decides to listen. Walking over to the kitchen, you stop in the doorway, lifting your hand up to Matt’s face.
“How's your head?”
He leans into your touch, closing his eyes as he exhales quietly. 
“It's…it's better… It's better now.”
“Good, you should sit down, let that leg rest up some.”
He nods, blinking slowly as he listens to you talk.
“I know.”
You both smile softly at each other, and you let him walk past you in the doorway, limping slightly, as he makes his way over to the living room chair, right next to your couch. If someone asked, you probably couldn't explain this part of your life, or how you managed to get yourself into this. You knew Matt since around college and Frank has been a close friend for a while too, but you never thought those relations would lead into your apartment turning into a safe spot for two wanted vigilantes. The Devil of Hell's Kitchen and the Punisher, together, in your living room. Both of them half naked, bruised, cut up, bleeding and in need of attention on top of everything else. Even if you were going to tell someone about this…you doubt anyone would ever believe you. 
“Well…you look like shit.”
Frank's voice makes you look up over the counter.
“Thanks…thanks, Frank, that’s…really helpful, you know?”
Matt answers quickly with a sarcastic smile, his hand brushing over the bandage on his side,  his expression changing when he feels the pain again. You catch yourself frowning as you think about his injured rib. 
“So what happened?”
Frank asks, this time a bit more…politely?
“Same thing that happened to you.”
You answer his question, leaving the kitchen with two ice packs in your hands.
“He overestimated himself.”
Matt frowns, tilting his head towards you, but before he can say anything, you tap his shoulder to hand him one of the ice packs.
Turning back to Frank, you continue your explanation.
“Called me saying he needed help.”
You continue and watch Matt lift his hands up in a defensive motion.
“Okay, we... we really don't need to go over the details here.”
Matt protests, and you breathe out a little laugh before stepping closer to the chair.
“I know.”
"I got surrounded...okay? They were just..."
You sit down on the arm rest and move closer to inspect the wounds on his head. Running your fingers through his hair, you carefully push it back and away from his forehead before lifting his hand with the ice pack up.
“That feels better?”
You cut him off, trying to stop him from thinking back to the situation from a couple of hours ago, and keep your palm on his for a moment.
He turns to you quickly and speaks quietly now, nodding softly with a slow blink and a gentle smile. His eyes look somewhere past you, but you can tell at this moment his thoughts are focused on you. 
You squeeze his hand gently in yours before getting up from the chair and quickly grabbing the second ice pack from the coffee table. 
“And one for you.”
You hand it over to Frank and watch him place it on his forehead with a quiet grunt. 
“Thank you...for all of this.”
You rest your hand on top of his, moving the ice pack slightly to hold it over the biggest bruise.
“Course. Better?”
A silent nod and a thumbs up are your answer, and you smile to yourself. 
“Okay, good. You both need to rest now, and to…just try to slow down for a bit.”
You glance back and forth between both of them, knowing god-damn well neither of them is going to listen. It didn’t bother you much anymore, it used to, it used to quite a bit but not now. Not when you realized there’s simply no way of pulling them away from this, no way to change this significant part of who they are. So instead of becoming another obstacle in their way, you decided to help, to do your best to help in a way you knew you were able to. 
“Or at least, if you can't do that, I'm gonna start charging you both rent for the nights.”
You add after a moment and watch them both laugh quietly. Glancing back and forth between Frank and Matt, you think about how bizarre this moment is. How those two very important parts of your life, different yet so similar in a lot of ways, just crashed with each other right here in the small living room of your New York apartment.
“Are…you two like a thing?”
Matt asks out of seemingly nowhere. He’s looking off in the distance, head tilted a bit, eyebrows pulled together as he waits for an answer.
Frank's voice drowns out yours when you both react at almost the same time. 
“Oh, please. I might be blind, but I could feel the tension between you from the other room.”
He answers quickly. His tone is calm, and the question isn't an accusation, you can tell he's just curious.
"Foggy and I have a bet."
You breathe out a laugh, and Frank scoffs loudly at the explanation. Unsure of how to explain the relationship that formed over time between you and him, you start after a moment of silence.
“I mean…we’re friends, Matt… Frank and I, we’re just.”
You look over at Frank, now sitting up on the couch. He tilts his head to the side slightly, squinting his eyes as he waits for you to answer. His tongue brushes over his top lip before he quickly looks you up and down; his head moving, rocking slightly from side to side, he's waiting to see what you'll come up with.
“Oh, oh, you want to tell him, Castle? Come on, go ahead then.”
“Hey, I didn’t do anything.”
“So you are?”
Matt repeats the question, and you swear if you didn’t know he'd catch it in time, you'd throw the TV remote at him.
Frank beats you to the answer.
“We’re not… there's no ‘Thing’, alright?”
He explains and you confirm.
“There’s no THING, we’re just…we’re friends. Just…just like you and I. Right? Friends.”
“‘Like You and I’? So you're friends..."
“With benefits.”
They both state at the same exact time, immediately turning to face each other and your eyes open wide before you hide your face in your palms with a loud sigh. The relationship between you and either one of them was never really established. You weren't looking for a partner, you felt good being on your own, enjoyed your own company. The long and complicated stories from your friends about the struggles of being in a relationship and your own previous experiences effectively certified that thought in your head. Neither Frank nor Matt ever claimed for this to be anything serious, anything more, a commitment, and you all seemed okay with that thought. You just never thought you'd have to discuss it with both of them… at the same time.
“Well… I mean, you both need to pay me back somehow…”
You joke as you look back up at them, after a moment.
Frank shrugs with a little pout as he thinks your words over before nodding, and you feel a bit of weight lifting off of your chest.
“Yeah, sounds fair.”
He turns to look at Matt, and your eyes follow.
“…you know what? Yeah.”
Matt agrees with him for the first time tonight, and you chuckle, impressed with the fact that they can somehow hold a normal conversation and not sound like a pair of teenagers trying to fight each other constantly. 
"As long as we don't make it like, a three-way thing."
"... Oh, don't tempt me, Castle."
You wink quickly before getting up and walking out of the room, leaving them both with that very specific image, without a chance to protest or argue with you. But to be completely fair, you're not sure if they would, even if you stayed.
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seas-storyarchive · 8 months
Carlten au
Azmuth creates another Omnitrix, inviting Team Tennyson to see it - to which Ben asks Carl and Sandra if they want to get a look, so they can be apart of his life more, to which they agree. The Omnitrix looks liks it's prototype form
Anyway, the Forever Knights crash the party
Sandra and Carl, with the latter carrying Azmuth and the Omnitrix to safety, duck behind some rubble for cover
Carl: *looks over the rubble to see Ben, as Diamondhead, getting backed into a corner while protecting everyone else* no no no!
Sandra: *looks to Azmuth* do something!
Azmuth: *puts hands on chest* me, do something? Why ever would I get involved?
Carl: *is channeling his inner Little Brother Energy* because, as "the smartest being in 5 galaxies", you'd probably want to survive?
Azmuth: *frowns at him* I see where Ben gets it from *opens up containment for the new Omnitrix* let's hope you can keep up
As Ben shifts back to normal, still protecting everyone, they all hear a roar
A brown furred Appoplexian with brown eyes and green boxer shorts comes crashing in
Carl puts in the work, fighting back to back with Ben once Azmuth resets the timer and allows him to turn into Rath
Carl: *grabs the knight the was about to hit Sandra, breaks the helmet with his hands and pulls him up so they were face to snout*
Carl: let me tell you someting, tinman! you come at my family again, and I'll turn you into a doormat and your head into a cereal bowl! You got that?! *ignores the smell of wet armor as he drops the man and watches him run away*
Max: *walks up to Carl as the knights are being arrested and a clean up crew is coming in* good job, son
Carl: *turns to Max, jabbing a finger into his chest* let me tell you something, Dad! You better not be leaving the kids like you left me and Frank Tennyson! You better not hurt them the way you hurt us! The way we're still hurtin'! I won't let you keep no secrets! Won't let you tell them no lies! You hear me!
Max: *nods as he swallows, no out of fear but because he still has so much to fix with his sons* I hear you, loud and clear Carl
Carl: good! *as watch finally starts beeping, before in a flash of yellow light Carl is himself again* glad we had this talk
When Carl goes to give the watch back to Azmuth, Azmuth declines to take it back
Carl: *confused* why aren't you taking it back? I was only borrowing it. And didn't you only say that you had just the one made apart from Ben's?
Azmuth: *nods* I did. I assume you can't do much worse than Ben
Carl: *is unsure of how to take that, pulls his wrist back slowly* okay
Ben: *excitedly puts an arm around Carl's shoulder* yeah! Carl Tennyson and Son, saving the galaxy!
So yeah, Carl basically becomes backup for Team Tennyson and uses his Omnitrix (aka Arktrix) at work and around the house to help clean or do home repairs
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stolen-breath · 1 year
𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕤 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦❜𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕙𝕦𝕣𝕥 -- 𝕕𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝟚 𝕞𝕖𝕟 𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕡𝕥 𝟚
!! TRIGGER WARNING !! blood and gore strong language violence suggestive themes
:: author's note :: god, why did this take me so long since part one, i've beaten the game TWICE, beaten the DLC, and gotten all but three trophies on the base game, so i feel a little more comfortable writing these headcanons.
🇮‌🇫‌ 🇦‌ 🇷‌🇪‌🇳‌🇪‌🇬‌🇦‌🇩‌🇪‌ 🇭‌🇺‌🇷‌🇹‌ 🇾‌🇴‌🇺‌ – 🇭‌🇴‌🇼‌ 🇼‌🇴‌🇺‌🇱‌🇩‌ 🇾‌🇴‌🇺‌🇷‌ 🇧‌🇴‌🇾‌🇫‌🇷‌🇮‌🇪‌🇳‌🇩‌ 🇷‌🇪‌🇦‌🇨‌🇹‌?
𝒻𝓇𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓌𝑒𝓎
frank was well on the way to losing himself to booze or throwing himself off the fish eye's many roofs
but then he met you
you make him feel things he hasn't felt since before the fall
before long, you get him to taper back his drinking to more social endeavors
you do have to stop him from reclaiming his nightrunner cloak
but when a renegade snatches you, attempting to hold you hostage, he completely loses it
he hops on the radio and rallies every single person he can to your aid
even the famous aiden caldwell arrives to help
frank isn't there -- you've shown him that his strength no longer lies in his body, but in his ability to inspire people
but when aiden carries you, bloodied and bruised, into his room, frank breaks down
he doesn't leave your side until you're well enough to walk again -- and even then, he doesn't let you out of his sight
in spite of his fears, it is his honor to crown you a nightrunner alongside lawan
but you better keep that radio at your side every second of every day or he's going to mcfreaking lose it
it's been four months and you're still not sure if you and juan are together
juan is notorious for never sleeping alone -- but he's also notorious for rarely bedding the same person twice
and you two have been having a hell of a time for four months
you don't think much of it -- he's a promiscuous lad and he's spoiling you rotten, so why not enjoy it while it lasts?
but when the renegades snatch you, you're shocked to see him arrive personally to retrieve you
he brings a rare vintage, his pride and joy, and sets it carefully on the table
when one of the renegades step forward to take it, a thin blade slips from his sleeve
it takes only a few minutes to clear the room
you never took juan for a fighter, but he makes it look easy
he pulls you into his arms, bridal style, and brushes a sweaty lock of hair from your forehead
"come on, y/n, let's get you home. you desperately need a bath."
he washes you personally, massaging your shoulders and back, scrubbing every inch of you with sweet smelling body wash that you haven't seen since the beginning of the fall
of course, you end up fucking in the bathtub -- but what else did you expect from the whore of central loop?
𝓳𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓽
the leader of the peacekeepers
arrogant, confident, assertive to a fault
when he sees something he wants, he takes it -- simple as that
and right now? jack matt wants you.
he tries to convince you to sign up for the peacekeepers -- you refuse
the closest he can get is hiring your services for jobs
you think it's adorable how he blusters when he's with you, trying to keep up his facade of being in control
you also think it's adorable when he hires you to hand him a bottle of whiskey two feet away from him just to have an excuse to spend time with you
when the renegades snatch you, the peacekeepers make it a priority to tell him as soon as they find out
it takes hadley and three others to hold him back from charging out the door and retrieving you himself
he refuses to stay behind
he wants to kill them all -- but he can't afford all out war with the renegades
as much as he loves you, he has all of villedor to think about
when the renegades announce their release conditions, he pays it without a second thought
he carries you out of the room himself, back to his quarters
you're not allowed to leave until you are 100% back to normal -- according to his standards, not yours
he orders a squad of lawkeepers to be your bodyguard, despite your protests
it's that, or you never leave the flotilla again
he loves you too much to let anything happen to you
𝓬𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓼
chris williams has a lot more to think about than some renegade recruit
but when you walk through the door, he can't take his eyes off you
even though he has a wife that he loves, he can't stop thinking about you
he dismisses it as 'seeing potential' and sees to it that you get the finest training and gear
it isn't long before you're a captain in his ranks, only two positions below chris himself
you can handle yourself -- but when group of renegades grows resentful of your rapid success, you get swarmed and overwhelmed
you manage to take most of them down, but renegades are known for fighting dirty
it doesn't take long for chris to find out
after all, you've always answered his summons within minutes
and he tends to call you a lot
it is a little known fact that chris williams has the only gun left in villedor
it quickly becomes a widely known fact
he uses all but one of his few remaining bullets to execute every renegade that dared lay a hand on you
"if anyone so much as touches them again," he announces, his voice ringing through the hall, "i will slit their throat myself."
he has his right hand man carry you to the infirmary and stays with you all night, in spite of the few medics assuring him you're going to be fine
perhaps it's time for him to consider divorce
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legends-of-time · 4 months
The Strength of a High and Noble Hill (Outlander)
Chapter 22: Dreams
August 1744
Blurry figures stand over him, yelling but it all sounds foggy. It takes him a while but he realises they are asking if he's okay, yelling for the ambulance. An ambulance? But wasn't that– wasn't that before?
There's this strange beeping noise, flashing lights and loud piercing noises. All sounds that sound familiar but he can't remember where he'd heard them before. 
Pain. He's in pain. Why's he in so much pain?
Suddenly a figure is next to him, holding his hand. He realises they're talking too.
"–Jeremy! Jeremy, don't leave me please!"
He doesn't reply. He panics. What's he doing here? Why's he here? Who's Jeremy? No– Jeremy was– Oh God. How could he have forgotten?
He startles awake amidst his panic. He can't remember the dream, only that it upsets him. So, he does the only thing he knows to do, he cries.
Brian hates the noise he makes, a high-pitched, intense wail, followed by very loud crying, but he has to get used to it, he's here now. He's not—
Da is leaning over him and holding him. "Ssh, dinna fash yerself, yer Da's here."
Brian whimpers. Da brings him up so he is pillowed on his bare chest. Brian sighs, taking comfort in his hold and his warm skin.
"There, there. I ken, I ken weel, mo leanbh."
Brian can't sleep. He lies on his side, staring at the wall as he listens to the sounds of his baby sister crying. He can't sleep, his mind filled with bad dreams.
February 1949
"Brian?" Light from the hallway spills into the room as Mama pushes the door open and slips through quietly."Are you hungry? Would you like to come down to the kitchen?"
Brian doesn't say anything for a moment before shaking his head.
Mama sighs, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Would you like to hear the story again?" She asks.
This gets Brian's attention. He bolts up and eagerly nods. Mama grins. "Well, the Highlander Laird was..."
Mama begins to tell the tale of the Highlander Laird who sacrificed himself for the ones he loved just as she has done many times.
Brian used to know it was the truth, he remembered his father but over time, memories begin to fade, and he begins to believe that the story his mother tells him is a fairytale. A secret fairytale that is never meant to be mentioned around his Dad.
Claire smiles when she sees that Brian's eyes have fallen closed. She doesn't want to return to Frank so instead she settles into the armchair by his bed at an angle that allows her to see from the hallway light alone and begins to read. Finding comfort in Brian's presence.
Ellen is being attacked by a shadowy figure.
November 1769
"No, no! Please!" She sobs. "Brian, help!"
Brian is startled awake. He sees the sun is barely reaching over the horizon and realises it’s still early but he finds himself unable to back to sleep. He gets up and sits on the steps of the cabin to watch the sunrise. He hears a sniffle and Ian’s half-wolf canine companion, Rollo, whines and curls up at his feet. Brian smiles softly scratching the back of the canine’s ears.
The shadowy figure pins her to the ground and then—
He hears the door open behind him and then his Mama's voice. "You're awake early."
Brian glances over his shoulder and tries to give his mother a greeting smile but he knows it doesn't work, he's still shaken from his dream and there are probably shadows under his eyes. "I couldn't sleep."
He looks away and hears Mama walk over to him, she walks down the steps so she's standing in front of him. "Another bad dream?" Brian looks at her in surprise. "Ian told me. He hears you crying in the night sometimes.Are you all right?"
"I'm fine. Honest."
"Is it about Ellen?" Brian tenses. Mama sighs and sits down next to him. "S-she told me, yesterday, that um... there was... this man at the Willow Tree Tavern. They started talking, and... and..."
Brian presses his eyes together, trying to stop the tears welling up in his eyes. "Yeah. The dreams, they're– they hadn't been so bad initially, after I found her but know– I'm sure she's told you..."
"That she's pregnant, yes."
"Does Da know?"
He notices her eyes light up slightly when he calls Jamie Da before it dims to better fit the conversation. "Your Da knows, about the rape, and the pregnancy."
"Not about Roger?"
Mama looks surprised. "You know about that?"
"It's not hard to workout." God, he hopes the child is Roger's.
Mama nods, turning her attention to the sunrise. "Well, no matter how liberal your Da is, I don't think he'd be able to swallow the idea of pre-marital sex."
Brian lets out a watery chuckle at that. There's a moment of silence. "I don't know what to do. How do I help her?" He looks at her desperately.
"You already helping her. Just being here for her is what we can do." Mama wraps her arm around him, stroking his arm. "You're a good brother."
Brian scoffs, shaking his head. "I should've been better; I should've protected her better."
"No, no. You didn't know."
He knows she means well but he knows, he knows he let his little sister down.
A/N: mo leanbh = my child (to a baby)
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Rest Your Weary Hands Part 3
Part 2
Requests are open
Warnings: Medical care and chronic pain. The methods used are actually physiotherapy but please don't try anything at home, I'm not that kind of medical professional. I've characterised Sigurd as a but mean, that won't last. Mentions of being married off.
1,400 words
Comment if you want to be tagged.
Queen Aslaug walks into your little Healers store with one request, help her son. Said to be blessed by the gods, you find your life becoming more and more intertwined with the young prince as you do your best to ease his pain. It will soon be apparent that outside forces have other ideas.
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"Good morning Prince Ivar." Ivar tried to be angry but the sudden realisation of how much he liked the sound of your voice stopped him.
"It's very early, why are you up?" I don't want to be, but your Mother paid me more than I see in a year.
"We have work to do today, I want to start on your legs now so we can get to the fun things."
You both spoke more this session, to your surprise, Ivar was being grateful for the help you had given him so far. He would carefully consider your question before answering, like he didn't want to give away too much or make the pain seem too extreme.
"Do you like my Brothers, Ást (love)?" his tone indicated he was trying to trap you.
"I don't know them well enough to say, I will say that Ubbe seems to care significantly for you." Ivar didn't look happy at your dismissive response.
"You were frank last night, why can't you be frank now? I won't tell anyone" You looked up at him a smiled.
"Do you swear on the Gods?" If Ivar was upset at that, he didn't let on. He put his hand over his heart.
"I swear on the Gods I won't tell them anything."
"I like Ubbe, he seems like a wonderful older Brother. Hvitserk doesn't come across as the smartest arrow in the quiver, but he's sweet, like an untrained puppy. And I really don't know Sigurd enough to tell you but I think he has a bit of a cruel streak."
Ivar was so pleased he couldn't suppress a smile, you didn't call any of them handsome or big or tall or strong. He found your assessments funny and your honesty refreshing.
"You are an excellent judge of character."
You had Ivar laying down on a pile of furs, you were sitting at his feet, facing him.
"We're starting easy, all I want you to do is left one of your legs straight up toward the ceiling, stop when your back starts to bend in or you feel pain, your back should always be comfortably on the ground."
Ivar did as you asked, his left leg went up about a foot but his right leg didn't get far before he put it down.
"Terrible, isn't it?" The self-pity attitude was creeping back into his voice.
"No, better than I expected, actually." Ivar huffed a bit, you would not allow him to speak badly about himself.
"We're just going to do this, try to lift them a little higher each time. It might take a while but we'll go slow and stop if anything hurts."
You sat with Ivar while he did the exercises, stopping every now and then to change his position or give him some help.
"You're going to do this three times a day, forty each time. I want to you take it slow, it should be pretty easy each time. You will be sore but it won't be bad and it's nothing time won't fix."
Ivar nodded, you had explained to him why he needed to do this and how to would help him, he had no reason to doubt you.
Lunch was another interesting affair, Ivar had insisted that you sit next to him and his Mother rather than at the end of the table like a visitor.
"Are you enjoying Kattegat, Lady yn/?" Hvitserk was still trying to charm you.
"Yes, it's lovely here. And I have to say, I've been spoilt with all the market stalls." The Queen seemed happy at your comment.
"We can take you around too see all of them if you like." Sigurd said it while looking at Ivar.
"No thank you My Prince, I would rather spend the day getting to know your younger Brother, I will be working with him for the foreseeable future." Ivar lifted his cup at Sigurd and took a drink.
"Do you have someone waiting for your return?" Ivar had that tone in his voice again. This was a loaded question.
"Other than my Father? No, I'm far too busy for that kind of thing. Plus, I'm not sure a man would appreciate how much I work." Ivar scoffed.
"How could they? Mother tells me you have been blessed by the Gods, not using it would offend them."
How progressive
"I wish every man was like you Ivar, sadly once my Father decides to marry me off I won't have a choice." Ivar looked down at his feet, you hoped he wouldn't question you.
"Well it doesn't matter, you will be working here no matter what, even if it's just for something nice to look at."
That was cruel.
"This one might be a bit harder" It wasn't but Ivar seemed like a person who liked to beat a challenge. You were sitting at his feet again, but you had your hand over his ankles.
"I want you to try and sit up without moving your legs, I'll keep my hand here to make it easy. You should feel it here" You gestured to your stomach then lifted your hand across his body to hover it over his.
"May I?" Ivar Nodded and you placed your hand gently on his belly. He was very firm.
"Just here, ok?" You left your hand there and waved at Ivar to start. You could feel the muscles tightening under your hand.
"That's it, just like that" Ivar gritted his teeth and kept going, when he started to shake, you told him to stop and take a breath.
"Do this one twice a day, it should be a little uncomfortable and your goal is to be able to do more, even if it's just one each time, stop when you start to shake." Ivar seemed to accept that, you could tell how hard to was trying.
"Thank you for putting in so much effort, My Prince."
It was your last day in Kattegat, Ivar had done well over the previous few days. He had complained about some pain but you gave him some stretches to help, each time you spoke to him, you grew to like him more. Once he realised you meant no harm he was very sweet, all be it a bit cruel when he felt exposed.
"You should expect the pain in your legs to worsen over the coming weeks, it will ease as you get stronger. I've left a tea with your Mother; No matter how bad it is you must only take it at night and only one cup, anything more will make you sick." Ivar was frightened by what you said but didn't let on.
"I don't think you know what you're talking about, nothing you've done has hurt me yet. I don't think you've ever had a pain in your life."
Oh Ivar, if you only knew.
"Of course, My Prince, I'm only an hour away regardless. You can come and see me anytime."
"I'll ride back with you y/n." Aslaug was waiting by your horse when you were ready to leave, a huge man was standing behind her, you imagine it was her protection for the ride.
"Thank you My Queen, I think the weather will hold out till nightfall so you shouldn't get rained on" she waved her hand at you.
"Please call me Aslaug, you've already done so much for my Son that I think you've earnt it." You have her a genuine smile, despite her coldness, you were really starting to like her.
"Thank you, Aslaug."
The ride back was much like the ride there, although you felt you could talk more freely.
"I imagine Ivar will start to have more problems soon, there's not much I can do about it but if it gets really bad I'll see what I can do."
She seemed to accept that, you could tell how much she loved her Son and you were always worried she wouldn't follow through with your requests for fear of hurting him.
You got back to your store in good time, the man who had accompanied Aslaug stayed a few passes behind at all times.
As you reentered your store, she handed you another bag of small coins.
"This on is for you, your Father is not to get his hands on it"
Oh shit, did she know?
Part 4
Tag list: @ladynightshade30 @katshuya @istorkyou @smears-and-spots @youbloodymadgenius @draculasbride-blog @profoundtyrantharmony @vikingsfranatic @hellie98 @localtrashopossum @polly-jayne @serenitybloodmoon
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charliedawn · 3 years
What is their reaction when they find out that they may have grown attached to you ?
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You know how Jason can be very insecure and self-conscious ? Well. Prepare for a whole new level. He will check himself in the mirror when you're not looking, and if he doesn't like what he is seeing ? He will smash the mirror and go in a corner to sit and move back and forth, to give himself some reassurance. He still remembers what his mother used to tell him.
" Persons are a nuisance, Jason. You don't need them to survive."
But then, why does he feel like he needs you ? He feels conflicted as to what to believe.
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Super jumpy ! He will jump almost every time you touch him or lose his grip of the things he is holding, often ending broken and splattered on the floor. He would be as clumsy as Jason and would want you to spend more time with him. However, he would also be scared of you breaking his heart.
" I..I c..care.."
Like many of your patients, Brahms has trouble finding his words. At first, many thought he was mute, like Jason or Michael. This is why hearing him speak to you always means it is important.
" I..I care.."
He wants to say many things, how he cherishes every moment you spend together, how you make his heart race everytime you are near him or how he wants you to be by his side forever..But, he can't. He can just hope that what he feels can be expressed through eye contact. You may not understand what he wants to say, but you still try to understand. You put your hand on his and reply with a compassionate smile.
" I care about you too. You are a very good friend, Brahms.."
Did you just indirectly friendzone him ? Possibly..You walk out and Brahms sighs before sitting on his bed while hugging his doll to comfort him.
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" You turn me on."
He will be absolutely frank about it. He will just step up and tell you in front of anyone. He doesn't give a damn if the others hear him as well. Also, creep alert, will watch you sleep. He will sneak in your bedroom in the middle of the night and just look at you sleep. He wants to touch you so bad, but he knows that that would wake you up. And he doesn't want that. He will just admire you from afar, even pretend that you may like him back. He would just want to get close to you, to look at you and wonder what you may be dreaming about..hoping that you are dreaming of him.
" Oh my sweet..You look so perfect when you sleep.."
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Now..You know how Five is very serious about his relationship with Dolores ? Well, you better be prepared by lots of imaginary fights between the two of them, and even a break-up ! *gasp* Drama. He would be in a very bad mood and would scream and attack everyone that approaches his personal space. He would also smash everything in his room. Like, everything. So much that the other nurses would be too scared of him and ask you to handle it.
" Hey. Are you okay, Five ? Did something happen ?"
He would snort and look up at you with visible frustration.
" You happened. Dolores and I broke up. Not that she was one to share her feelings anyway."
You frown in incomprehension before asking with a small airy laugh.
" I don't understand, what does that have to do with me ?"
Your question seems to trigger a nerve and he suddenly stands up to look at you dead in the eye with anger and, somehow, pain..
" Everything ! You're too nice ! Too forgiving ! Too perfect ! You wiped our past as if it was nothing, goddammit ! We're serial killers, Y/N! We're monsters and you treat us as if we were..as if we were.."
He doesn't get to finish that sentence as he seems on the verge of tears. He jumps on his bed to sit and hide his face behind his knees. You seem to finally understand the problem and sigh before sitting next to Five.
" It's okay to have feelings, Five. You can't hide them forever. I'm sorry if it upsets you but, I don't think you're all that bad. Sure, you kill and even eat people. But, I've seen you change. You are a lot less violent and a few more months ? And I'm sure you'll be out of here in no time."
He looks up at you again with a sort of desperation, very uncharacteristic of Five, before finally asking in a tearful voice.
" What if..What if I don't want to go back ? Out there, I'm just a freak. But, here ? I got.."
He doesn't finish his sentence, but you guess what he is going to say and smile understandingly.
"..Friends ?"
He doesn't answer, he only suddenly hugs you tightly and hides his face in your skirt. You hesitate before slowly petting the top of his head affectionately. The gesture seems to relax him, but he quickly straightens up and wipes his tears away. He then stands up and apologizes.
" I..I'm sorry, it was highly inappropriate of me. I'll..I'll let you work."
Before you could say anything, he runs out of the room and leaves you confused and worried.
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Lots of uncontrollable laughter. More than usual. He is very nervous when you're around him and sometimes cries while laughing, showing that he is deeply ashamed of his condition. He is very bipolar and will sometimes act very casually around you, only to break into tears when you leave the room. He will stare at you and turn his gaze away as soon as you would notice.
" Well, would you look at that ? Sir Sh*tty the clown seems to have a little crush on the nice nurse.."
Pennywise would tease him about it while Penny cackles behind him. Arthur glares at them both before either ignoring them or leaving the room.
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No. Nope. Certainly not. He will try to hide from you. He knows very well what he is feeling, and also what happens to the people he feels this way towards. He just managed to get rid of his curse, he is not about to risk getting on a murder rampage again ! Every time he would see you, he would pretend to be busy or hide. One time, he even jumped out the window to get away from you. It is very odd since Michael is normally the most chill and calm out of all the patients. But one look at you ? And he becomes a panicking mess. He has to get away. He doesn't want to hurt you like he hurt everyone else close to him, like he hurt his family..
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" Me ? Having feelings ? Ah !"
One word: denial. He doesn't want to hear about things like feelings. He saved you ? Bah. It was only because he was bored. He will deny everything, but still follow you and pop up out of nowhere to see what you're doing. He enjoys talking to you, even if he doesn't want to admit it.
" Pennywise..You're staring again."
Penny would gently warn him as his big brother would pretend to not have done such a thing.
" Can't an old clown appreciate to look at nice things sometimes ?"
Penny frowns, not understanding his big brother's words until Freddy intervenes by popping next to him with a huge grin.
" Let it go, kid. Your big bro is just too much of a chicken to go talk to her.."
Pennywise growls in annoyance at Freddy before raising his middle finger at him.
" F*ck off Freddy ! At least I don't watch her sleep like a total perv !"
That would result in a fight that you would have to break. Again..
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" Pennywise..I think I'm sick.."
Pennywise would admit some day to Pennywise that would sigh in annoyance.
" Stop saying stupid sh*t. You know very well that we can't be sick."
But, upon seeing the devastated face of his brother, Pennywise sighs loudly before turning towards him to focus his whole attention on him.
" Fiiinnneee...Tell me."
Penny's mood seems to lit up as his brother seems to be willing to listen to him.
" OK, so it concerns the nurse, Y/N. Everytime they are near me, I feel things in my stomach, like a million kids were kicking me in there..Everytime they touch me, I feel as if a part of me in my chest is about to burst and I feel warm, very very warm. And then, I feel very very bad when they talk to anyone else..It's horrible. I want it to stop..Should I eat them ?"
Pennywise stays silent for a while before saying with an unusual straight face.
" Penny.."
He starts, but Penny starts panicking as he sees the sour look on his brother's face.
" Oh ! It's bad, isn't it ?! What is it ?! How long do I have ?!"
Pennywise rolls his eyes dramatically at his brother's exaggerated reaction before cutting him off in his worried questions.
" Shut up, you idiot ! You're not dying. You're just feeling.."things" for them."
Penny stops talking and frowns in confusion, his eyes diverging in deep concentration, as if trying to understand Pennywise's words.
" Things ?! What things ?!"
He finally asks with his eyes wide open in obvious loss and Pennywise face-palms himself before answering with a loud sigh.
" You're falling in love, you dumb f*ck !"
At the word, Penny's face freezes and his smile goes downwards as he realizes that his older brother is right.
" Oh, sh*t.."
He curses and Pennywise frowns, as Penny hates curses.
" Language ! I'm the only one allowed to use curses, remember ?!"
Penny nods before asking in a worried tone.
" How do I get rid of it ? I don't like it.."
Pennywise can't help but feel sorry for Penny, as he knew better than anyone that there was no turning back..
" I'm sorry kid. But if it's really love ? You can't..like I can't.."
Penny's eyes widen at his brother's confession.
" You..You..love her too ?"
Pennywise seems to realize what he just said and groans before walking away. He didn't want anyone to know, even though Penny is his brother. Penny understands the wish of his brother to be left alone and starts walking out in the garden to think over what his older brother said..Could it be ? Could he really be falling in love ?
Bonus : The deal
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The Horde is blindfolded and dragged to another room where a man and a woman are waiting for them. At first look, he can already tell that this man is one of the unworthy. The unbroken. The weak..His interest is cut short and he then turns towards the woman sitting next to him. Now, this one was interesting..Her eyes betrayed a much deeper complexity and she had a scar running from her forehead to her left cheek that proved she was worthy.
" You..You are broken. Rejoice.."
The woman smiles, but before she could start talking, her partner does it for her.
" Mister Wendell Crumb, we have a mission for you."
But Kevin only grits his teeths at the man.
" You are impure..I want to kill you.."
The man arks an eyebrow, but ignores his threat.
" Fine. Whatever. But first, I want you to be my spy. We didn't get you out of this prison for nothing, mister Wendell Crumb. We want you to be our little spy in the facility. We want you to find out how a certain miss L/N managed to control the patients outside of the facility. Do that, and you'll be as free as a bird..Do we have a deal ?"
He frowns, they wanted him to spy on a nurse ? She must be quite special for them to go to such lengths, to use him as a spy..Yes, quite the unique prey. The Beast was already impatient and Kevin licks his lips before nodding.
" Fine, but on one condition. When you're finished with her, I get to eat her heart.."
The request seems to take the man aback, but it is the lady that Kevin is looking at. She smiles coldly before nodding in agreement.
" Deal."
Kevin finally smiles widely and can't help the excited giggle that gets out from deep within him. Then, the dark and low voice of the beast makes itself heard as the smile grows almost ferocious as he announces. .
" Let the hunt begin.."
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kmclaude · 2 years
As much as we love Tiefer getting karma against Annemarie in the wayward home au, I could also see Tiefer being weirdly possessive/protective of Ann when he crosses paths with the other priests that abused her. Maybe one of the priests comes visit the school and he sees Ann visibly get anxious and scared, and for some reason he hates seeing her terrified when it's not because of him, possibly because it reminds him that as much as his sister is an awful cunt, she was also a victim, combined in with a twisted sense of that sibling entitlement of "the only one allowed to terrorize my sister is me!"
Or maybe while Teifer is listening to confession of another priest, they go into lurid details about committing their sins of "weakness of the flesh" with a certain blonde novice sister with a reputation. Before it never bothered him because hey he knows his sister is a huge slut, but he still doesn't like to here the details. Or maybe the other priest crossed a line with his sister Tiefer didn't realize he knew he had, like holding her down and gang raping her with several other men. And oh Tiefer dose not like being reminded of that experience or the fact he's now forced to empathize with her, and how fucking dare this piece of shit do that! How dare he fucking ruin Tiefer's revenge by having Ann suffer the worst abuse he's been through and not by his doing, and hearing it and knowing it's already happened...he doesn't feel any satisfaction...he just feels sick,and angry and sad...it's a good thing these confession booth are so secluded and sound proof.
One of the priests visits -- he's technically checking in on Tiefer, being this is his first assignment as a priest outside of seminary -- and as he and Tiefer are chatting and walking through the main hall of the convent's school, they pass Annemarie who is leading a group of children in from morning recess and when both men greet her in passing Tiefer watches his sister freeze up, unmistakable terror on her wan face, before she manages to collect herself and usher the children off without a word. Tiefer can't help but stare after her: she never ever reacted like that when with him or even with their dad ("ah, I didn't picture you as someone into older women, Emilein," Fr. Boudreaux says in a conspiratorial low tone when Tiefer finally pulls his attention away from where Annemarie had been standing, "to be frank, that woman's a slut with a taste for her brothers in Christ," -- and Tiefer nearly snorts at that -- "so if you're going to fool with her, wrap it up and be discreet." Tiefer only manages a slight, "Understood, sir," as they continue walking. Part of him is shocked -- he knows that expression he saw on her face, he's worn it too many times himself -- and another part of him is livid. She's his. He's owed her fear. Her obedience. Her.)
later, Tiefer approaches Annemarie about what happened earlier -- she of course tries to deny it and gets rather huffy and defensive the more he presses, almost like a child trying to hide a cut that needs to be cleaned, until he pulls out a knife and presses it to the front of her skirt where her thighs meet and asks -- "and I won't ask nicely again -- what the fuck was that about?"
"He hurt me," is the reply, soft and childish, and no matter how Tiefer decides to toy with her that evening, she never expands upon that (she even offers her mouth, her ass, anything he wants if he'll just please, stop asking...)
When Tiefer finds out what happened, it's during Fr. Boudreaux's confession. The priest confessed to carnal knowledge. Not uncommon. Priests were still men, after all. Oh but it wasn't the one time. It was again and again. He'd committed sodomy too, with a woman. The same woman. Her mouth. Her cunt. Her ass. Her cunt again. And not alone -- himself and some of the other priests had decided to use her all at once, breaking her open over and over, three at a time even -- "forgive me, I know it wasn't right, but...she'd been a slut, before she came here."
And that really caught Tiefer's attention. "What do you mean here?"
"That novitiate. Gaunt, blonde. She'd been a looker -- still is, especially under those skirts."
"You gang-raped a nun?!"
"...She's not a nun yet, Emilein."
And there's a sort of petulance, as if he were a child with his hand in the cookie jar, and Tiefer--Father Tiefer, 25 and vengeful and shocked as he sits on one side of the confessional -- was dumbfounded, processing that his sister had suffered just as he had, his sister had suffered and been a victim just as he had in the exact way he had, and that worst of all it was not at his hand.
(It was the perfect crime, really: he couldn't rat the disgusting old bastard or any of his friends out to the cops (not to mention how fast the church would close rank -- Tiefer wasn't stupid, he'd seen enough blind eyes turned) and, as he'd often reminded Annemarie as he came inside her bleeding hole, "who'd believe a slut like you?")
"And it wasn't a gangrape. She wanted it."
And Tiefer laughs. It's cold and devoid of any humor, but he can't help but laugh. And when Fr. Boudreaux asks what's so funny, Tiefer stands and exits his side of the confessional, only to open the door to Fr. Boudreaux's side, his pocket knife in hand.
"What's funny, Father, is how you are going to recommend I take a permanent position here for the foreseeable future and you and all your fucking friends are never going to lay a hand on my sister ever again..."
"Your sister?!"
"...unless you'd prefer spending the rest of your days with a big gaping hole where your cock used to be. Your choice. I ain't picky."
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may-day-voice · 3 years
Prom Night Lights | The Reunion
2nd Edition w/ Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, Hitoshi Shinsou & Tenya Iida
please do not repost, but you have permission to reblog :)
• Watch/ Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/onhumQcEcs8
• Read on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1060373778-prom-night-lights-the-reunion-2nd-edition
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It was strange for Denki Kaminari to be so frank with everyone after his many successes in his career. Especially after he had drunk one too many cups of punch. Upon arriving at his old haunting grounds, he parked his car just inside the gates before bumping into Ashido, the both of them arriving at the same time where Kirishima and Sero were hanging around. A few bits of conversation was tossed around here and there until Bakugou came and went, following after another alumni in the process.
Kaminari was thrilled to see his old classmates, buddying up to Jirou upon meeting her, as well as a few other members of his class. Everything was going smoothly, until he helped himself with some of Sato's punch along with Kirishima.
He became a bit of a mess.
"Sero, hey!" He called from across the table. "About that text message you sent-"
"Uh dude, now's not a good time," interrupted Sero with a nervous pull of his lips, his eyes darting around the auditorium.
"Huh? Okay," slovenly agreed Kaminari. "I'll talk to you later, actually, have you seen Aoyama anywhere?"
"Uh, yeah, I just spoke to him a while ago. He's probably at the-"
"Oh there he is!" Exclaimed Kaminari with a wave towards the drinks bar. "Aoyama, hey!" He immediately stood to his feet, a little flushed before he walked up to the fabulous-looking blond, spotting his attire still clean and immaculately refined.
"Ah, Kaminari," greeted Aoyama with a smile. "You look worse for wear."
"Nah, I'm good," reassured Kaminari. "I just wanted to say thank you for your help. I know it was short notice but your tips and tricks really helped."
"You mean that very quick phone call about French?"
Kaminari nodded slowly while he took another sip of his punch, happily enjoying the night. "I mean, I had them going for a little while, but they beat me fair and square. It's great though, thank you so much!"
Aoyama eyed the drunken blond, amused and concerned, before he began to wonder about his predicament. "So, um, where is this villain?"
"Aww, stop calling them that," reminded Kaminari before he pulled out a small device from his pocket. He pushed the device into Aoyama's face, the screen honing on a location very close to Gym Gamma, beeping repetitively.
"They're safe and sound in my car, see?" slurred Kaminari before he placed the honing device back into the pocket of his pants. Clumsily.
Aoyama eyed the blond in mild disbelief. "They're here?"
"Of course, my job needs me to be near them at all times," answered Kaminari, while he finally pocketed the device. "I can't leave them alone at mine."
"Well, yes, but they shouldn't stay alone in the car all night," voiced Aoyama.
"Relax, they're cuffed so they can't escape," reassured Kaminari.
A gasp escaped Aoyama's lips upon hearing this predicament, his tone swaying and swooning disappointingly. "But what about the little Cherie?" He questioned. "Sitting in the car while we're having the night of our lives. I can only imagine what they may be thinking, being locked up all alone unable to do anything."
Kaminari's drunken smile slowly faded after processing Aoyama's words. How long has he been at this reunion now? It may have been a couple of hours, maybe even more. He couldn't tell with all the fun and laughs he joined in speaking and conversing with his old classmates.
"Maybe it is best to invite them here, hm?" suggested Aoyama. "They don't sound as bad as you make them out to be. And besides, as Heroes, we have to set an example."
Kaminari's shoulders slumped at Aoyama's suggestion, his eyes staring down at the floor of the auditorium with an embarrassed look crossing his face. He hadn't been the greatest host, more so, the greatest friend despite the professional stance on his responsibilities.
"I should bring them in, huh?" He asked, a little disheartened at his lack of empathy.
All Aoyama did was beam a smile.
You occupied yourself in the car with a basic beat knocking the door and shaking the cuffs. Night had already fallen outside and the sound of crickets hit your ears, but time felt still that you had no idea how much had passed. An hour or two? There wasn't much to keep you entertained while Kaminari enjoyed his reunion. You could hear the bass of the music play from the car, spotting the lights of the auditorium glow through the canopies of the trees that lined the walkways. You smiled at the rhythm, recognizing Earphone Jack's music.
You sighed, while you slumped in the passenger seat, reclining the seat a little to find some comfort despite the cuffs and the ankle brace. You regretted not bringing a book to keep you stimulated. If anything, you didn't sign up to hours of boredom.
You blinked out of your bored stupor, spotting the blond outside of the car, waving cheerfully yet holding an embarrassed look on his face. It took you back until he walked over to the driver's seat, sitting beside you in the car. It was no surprise to smell the alcohol on him, hitting your senses like a tidal wave.
"So..." started Kaminari. "You doing okay?"
He was definitely drunk.
"I'm fine, I've been worse," you replied with a small smile. "Just the usual checkup tonight?"
"Well, um..." Kaminari's eyes looked away from yours, almost ashamed. "I'm sorry."
"Huh? About what?"
"Leaving you here while I'm inside having the time of my life."
You tried to look into Kaminari's eyes, but he made it difficult. Was this really how he felt? Or was that the alcohol that reeked from him? Learning about the Pro-Hero over the course of his supervision was unpredictable, but watching him now genuinely saddened made you wonder if all of his inhibitions had crumbled.
"You're just doing your job," you reassured, lifting your cuffs to prove a point. "Besides, taking me in a large outing filled with Pro-Heroes and the like would have been a bad idea."
Still, Kaminari wallowed.
"Roi de la Fee? Prince Charmant? Cherie?"
The look on Kaminari's face did not change while he stared off blankly into the car's dashboard. He sat there silent, succumbing to his emotions about the situation currently playing out.
"This is my job, but you're not the job," he explained, his voice laced with a dash of croakiness. "You're a decent human being, and I've left you here like a dog."
"Well, I did say that I was happy to just be under house arrest tonight," you reassured with a wry smile. "That way you could go out and enjoy yourself."
"No, that's not it. I brought you along saying that I needed to keep an eye on you, but really... um..."
Kaminari's eyes continued to cast down on the dashboard, refusing to look you in the eye while he mumbled around with his words and thoughts. You figured he was well drunk, the smell of him didn't deny him of that, but while his eyes rose to meet yours, there was a glint of guilt.
"I guess, I really wanted a plus one here, but at the last minute, I decided to leave you."
There it was. Uncertainty. Similar to how you saw him back at your capture and how he reacted to the situation. However, the both of you conversed many days and nights now, recalling that impromptu outing to a trivial recreation that was mini putt-putt, and have since learnt more about one another. You figured at the very least, his cold feet were brought upon after seeing a friend of his by the academy's gates - a pink-haired, pink-skinned beauty who waved him over.
You sighed and hummed in reply, uncertain yourself as to how to respond to this confession of sorts. Reassurance may look like pity, laughter would definitely make light of his feelings about it, but in the back of your mind, you felt oddly sympathetic to his emotions. You almost felt excited that you were within the walls of the illustrious school.
"I can take you back to mine," Kaminari offered while he scrounged for his keys. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable-"
"Oh no," you interrupted, grabbing hold of his hands. "You are way too inebriated to be driving."
Kaminari only stared at you, dumbfounded, realizing the folly of his suggestion. "Right, um... well I can't give you the wheel and-"
"Kaminari, why did you come back to the car?"
A silence fell between the both of you while you still kept your eyes on Kaminari, the blond taking a deep breath and attempting to think clearly.
"I... I... I spoke to a friend, and he suggested inviting you in to join us tonight."
"Oh? So the Heroes know you have a villain captive by the gates?" You teased in a small jest.
"Not only that but they want to meet you. Not in a scary way, you know, in a good way. Like they want to get to know you, not like interrogating you just, really meet you, and-"
"I guess you've been saying good things about me," you interrupted softly. "Well, as long as you're my chaperone for the night?"
Kaminari turned his eyes onto your smiling ones, beaming with a grin, his face still running warm from the alcohol. "Of course! I mean, if you want to."
A soft smile tugged at the corner of your lips while your hands still held onto Kaminari's throughout this conversation. "I would be honored," you replied with a slight bow of your head.
Immediately in his drunken stupor, Kaminari leapt from his seat and out of his car, running over to your door. Sadly, in a momentary lapse of drunkenness, he had forgotten about your wrists still bound by the door with cuffs, causing Kaminari to immediately in his hurry unlatch you from them.
"Sorry," he apologized while he helped you out of his car.
"It's all right Kaminari. I'm okay," you reassured, finding your feet and soon holding Kaminari up as a support for his clumsy ones. He paid no mind though, allowing you to keep his arm propped against you, ensuring his stability on his weak drunken legs.
"Shall we?" He asked.
"Lead the way."
Kaminari shifted while you held onto his arms, propping his weight onto you. Still, he held you, leading this drunken sway from his car down the laneways towards the bright lights of the auditorium. He leaned his head on yours, smelling the alcohol and feeling the flush of his skin on yours. Kaminari had never been this close before, knowing in the back of your mind that his inhibitions were driving him now more than his common sense. You allowed his actions to dictate the trek to the auditorium, until his breath tickled your ear, his words breathless.
"I love you..."
Your smile disappeared for a moment, still on the walk while he continued on.
"... and that's the beginning and end of everything."
You sighed with a heavy heart, smirking at his quotability still drunk, and knowing you've been reading The Great Gatsby thrice now. Yet his choice of words only hurt.
"May I ask, was this friend of yours your French tutor you mentioned earlier?" You asked curiously, trying to keep your thoughts at bay.
All you received was a nervous chuckle from Kaminari, his grin only captivating you despite the hindsight. "That obvious?" He asked while he clumsily tripped on his feet every once in a while.
"Just an educated guess, Cherie."
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HANTA SERO | Outfoxed
Hanta Sero smiled up at the large white gates of his academy, memories flooding back in torrents and waves on all of the adventures, and a few mishaps, he got himself involved in with his ragtag of friends. After making his way to his old haunting grounds, Sero greeted Kirishima outside Gym Gamma, smart and casual for the evening to begin.
"Oh yeah, your date!" exclaimed Kirishima in mid-conversation. "How did it go?"
"Uh... it went pretty all right actually," answered Sero, grinning wryly while he recalled a few points made during his rendezvous in the city's museum.
"As long as you feel good about it, there shouldn't be any problems," piped Kirishima's partner. "Seeing them again soon?"
"Hey guys!"
Sero inwardly sighed in relief hearing Ashido's cry from afar, interrupting the conversation, and soon finding Kaminari along with her setting his mind at ease. Kaminari was the only one amongst the group who had full knowledge of his working relationship with you. Having heard of his work with the Commission, and his constant supervision over one of their more villainous assets, Sero thought he could find some advice from the Stun Gun Hero and close friend.
That was until the night was underway.
With Kaminari and Kirishima drunk from punch, Sero had to unfortunately be the sober one at the reunion, seeing how Bakugou couldn't care less about the current situation. A loose eye around the dance floor ensured Kirishima was taken care of, and soon enough, Kaminari became chatty with old schoolmates, leaving Sero a moment of reprieve for himself. He sighed in exasperation, finally relaxing into his chair until he spotted something on his dirty plate.
It looked awfully familiar.
Salutations Bucky.
Sero choked on his breath sitting up on his seat, immediately turning his eyes to scan the enormous auditorium, filled to the brim of every student across their year. How on earth did you get inside, he thought, his eyes darting around the room hoping to spot something familiar - your fur-trimmed clothes, your outfit, even your eyes.
He didn't even notice Kaminari approach him from across the table, his arms leaning onto it in a drunken stupor.
"Sero, hey! About that text message you sent-"
"Uh dude, now's not a good time," interrupted Sero anxiously.
"Huh? Okay, I'll talk to you later, actually, have you seen Aoyama anywhere?"
Sero's mind was elsewhere, his eyes were focused more so through the crowd rather than Kaminari's presence whatsoever. "Uh, yeah, I just spoke to him a while ago. He's probably at the-"
"Oh there he is!"
Sero didn't pay any mind to Kaminari's movements or whereabouts. He only managed to notice something move in the distance, something out of sorts until a flash of eyes met his, disappearing into the crowd. Idle chatter and the cacophony of voices drowned his senses. He could only spot a glimpse of this person, who weaved through the crowd until he emerged finding nobody in the middle of nowhere.
Perhaps he was imagining it. Surely if he walked back to his table that card wouldn't be there. All a trick of the mind, and probably one too many patrols in the city. He scratched the back of his head, playing with the bristles that tickled his palm without realizing he was still being watched.
You stood by the makeshift bar, eyeing the Pro Hero in the middle of the crowd with a smile. Sneaking into the event was a little troublesome, but nothing like taking out a waiter and disguising as them solved that problem. It was strange to walk around... normal. No black eye makeup, no mask, no outfit. Just you, in a waiter's outfit, but truly you.
Looking around the auditorium was a sight to behold. Everyone was here, and you couldn't help the coy feeling that bubbled inside knowing you stood amongst the most prominent Heroes to grace Musatafu this day and age. To your estimate, you had eavesdropped on a fair few conversations, finding some boring, and others mildly amusing. To your dismay, there had been nothing relative to what you were searching for. Nothing close to the Paranormal Liberation Front. Perhaps a reunion wasn't the right locale to discuss work matters, at least in the company you kept.
You started to reset your tray of horderves by the bar, attempting to keep your cover when a strikingly handsome man stood beside you, helping himself to some already on your tray.
"Couldn't wait?" You asked.
"Ah, but it is just too delectable to wait upon Cher," he spoke, his flamboyant nature almost lighting up the room. That accent was just-
"Are you French?" You asked, earning a dazzling smile from the man.
"Oui, well, I do speak French. Aoyama," he introduced with a bow.
You stared at the man inquisitively, wondering about his mannerisms, his speech, and how he projected himself until-
"Nice to meet you," you started while you set yourself with the tray to serve. "I have a question that you might help me with."
"Whatever for?" Asked Aoyama with a flamboyant flair.
"You reckon there are better alternatives to Mio Caro? I don't mind it but I think it's cute."
You soon walked into the crowd, leaving Aoyama off-guard at least. You merged back into the crowd with a smile on your face, semi-proud of your elusiveness while you kept an eye on where Sero had disappeared amongst the large body of alumni around the auditorium. It didn't stop you from stealing an horderve or two for yourself until you felt a tug on your shirt.
"Hey, been working hard?"
The voice was not familiar, and yet it wasn't also at your level, looking down to find a short man beside you. He grinned widely while his eyes looked you up and, well, up.
"You know I could take you behind the scenes of this academy. Show you around," he spoke with an attempt at temptation.
You stifled a chortle that almost burst through your nostrils, only to cover it clearing your throat. You looked around the room, hoping that ignoring him and his comment may be the solution.
"I know all of the more romantic spots here."
Or at least you thought.
"No thank you sir," you spoke as formally as you could.
"Really? You're the most gorgeous person I've seen aside from my fellow classmates here," he continued.
"Why thank you. But I must be going."
You continued your way through the crowds, handing more horderves around only to feel that presence next to you. That short man just didn't quit.
"How about we step outside for some fresh air?" He suggested. "Get out of the noise."
"I quite like it here sir," you rebutted, noticing the tray growing empty until the last horderve was procured through the crowd. "The noise helps me think."
"Well then, if you like to be noisy we could-"
You quickly threw the empty tray into the man's face. Not so difficult given how short he was before you teleported yourself across the room, your light bursting momentarily through the air. You hoped the commotion with the tray would keep eyes away from you, appearing on the other side, out of sight.
You breathed a sigh of relief. You had never seen persistence to that degree. Still, you couldn't blame the guy for having some good taste, smiling at the thought with a roll of your eyes. You brushed the uniform down from the commotion earlier when the sound of footsteps caught your ear, spotting a shadow that stretched ahead of you from the fairy lights.
Until the tall frame of a dual-haired man in a white suit exited the party, with phone in hand.
He looked distracted, paying attention more to his phone call than to you standing by the doors, until you recognised that it was the one and only Shouto.
"There is nothing more you found?" he asked calmly and yet with a presence that would make your blood run cold, frozen even, despite the irony in that.
"I don't trust them," he continued on the line. "Has the Commission been a little co-operative on their end?"
The word caught your ear, perked them in curiosity and interest, while you leaned against the open doors, intently listening in on this one-sided conversation. A sigh was all you heard, hearing the frustration in the Hero's voice before his eyes looked up at the night sky, watching the stars sparkle brightly above.
"Keep an eye out on anything that's related to Rainmaker at least," he ordered over the phone. "There's something about him I don't like."
A pause cut through the air, waiting for another piece of the conversation to continue only to meet the Hero's exasperated sigh.
"No, it's got nothing to do with my Love, all right?" he spat, almost embarrassed over the comment, until the light tone of a laugh could be discerned over his phone. "Send Aizawa my regards."
With that, Todoroki hung up on his phone, turning back into the auditorium before his eyes merely glanced at you, his scar prominent in the light. You stared at awe at the Hero, watching his aloof and nonchalant gaze follow you while he walked, only for that expression to soften into a smile, nodding at your presence. Your eyes followed him back inside while he affixed his cuffs on his suit. For someone who had a cold front, he was actually a warm person, you thought, leaning back onto the doors again.
"Hate to break it to you, but you seem to be stuck," spoke a voice beside you, catching you off guard, until a smile cracked on your lips.
"All right, you caught me, fair and square," you conceded with your arms in the air, turning to face Sero now by the doors. Sero only stared, seeing you without the getup, without the makeup, without the added exhaustion from troublesome chases the both of you endured. He just saw you, bare for him to see.
"Like what you see?" You piped, almost shyly this time around.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, suspicious of your presence.
"It's all in the news, and I didn't want to miss seeing all of your friends," you replied in jest. "The ones who celebrated your birthday I'd imagine? Besides, it's good to get out and meet new people. And there's nothing worth going after in town anyway."
Sero continued to only stare, lost while he absorbed the most normal facade you wore. His eyes trailed along the outfit, while you chuckled inwardly, feeling the awkwardness in the air.
"I'm sorry," slowly spoke Sero. "It's just... did you steal that outfit?"
"No," you replied in slight offense. "I borrowed it."
Sero eyed you again with a raised brow, assessing your response with suspicion. As he should be. Finding you here amongst his friends was a surprise, but ever since that "date", and every other time he encountered you, there was always a catch.
"... after I knocked the guy out," you ended, earning a slightly panic-strickened Sero to react intensely momentarily. "But they're fine! I made them comfortable... in a kitchen pantry, but they're not hurt!"
Sero sighed exasperatedly at your explanation, giving up in this weak interrogation for your supposed gatecrash into the reunion. Soon the tempo of the music changed, turning into a slow and rhythmic sway. Sero turned to spot the dance floor now calmer, filled with those who began to slow dance in the room. It was a magical sight with the fairy lights, almost like graduation returned to the present again.
"Don't worry, I'll leave. I've brought too much attention anyway," you reassured him. "At least let me have one doggy bag to go."
You turned to the Pro Hero only to find his hand open to you, his torso in a semi-bow while he smiled. It was an odd interaction, one you weren't familiar with.
"May I offer this dance before I do?" He asked genially. "You're here now, so you may as well experience prom."
Your confused stare slowly turned into a smile, taking his hand and being pulled into a sway just outside the doors. He was extremely coordinated, no less from the most agile Pro Hero you've encountered, but he held you gently in his arms while you instinctively without thought, laid your head on his chest. Though the crowd inside enjoyed the atmosphere, you enjoyed Sero's company, underneath the night sky, swaying in his arms. A smile crept on your lips, involuntarily you'd admit. But the sound of Sero's heartbeat felt calming, the deep thrum engulfing your senses.
You felt... normal.
Sero held your body against his wondering how this felt so different from every other time he had encountered you outside of this academy. It felt as if you melted into him, allowing him to take the lead this time. Relinquishing control must have been foreign to you, or so Sero thought, still swaying alone by the doors outside of anyone's prying eyes.
The both of you stopped while you held each other in your arms, embracing this feeling the both of you shared in this moment together. You never would have imagined baring everything you were to this man, staring back into his genuine grin and eyes, silhouetted by the fairy lights behind him. You peeked past him, spying on the crowds that congregated in the auditorium until a familiar face strode gracefully towards Sero from behind.
"Sero, mon ami," called out Aoyama, his hands waving in the air. "I've been looking for you everywhere."
Sero blinked from the sudden disappearance of your figure, left with only fractals of light before he turned around to greet Aoyama.
"Hey Aoyama," he replied nervously in acknowledgement.
"How goes that thief you were talking about?"
Sero's hairs stood on end in panic. Were you spotted with him, dancing moments ago together? If he were lucky, he would imagine Aoyama commenting about him dancing with the catering staff, a good sign if he did.
"Well, they've been... elusive," answered Sero, his eyes darting around the doors hoping to spot you somewhere nearby.
"Elusive indeed. I've been thinking about another kind of code name you could tease them with next time you spot them," motioned Aoyama with a sense of pride.
"I've been thinking that calling them Mio Caro was too, what's the word, specific? It sounded boring the more I thought about it."
Sero wondered what came about with this conversation, but to his relief, Aoyama showed no inkling of him witnessing you with him moments before he interrupted the moment.
"Oh really?" Slowly asked Sero, suspicious about how this came about. "What other ideas do you-"
"Aoyama!" Cooed a voice from outside. "Come meet them! They're awesome!"
Sero and Aoyama both turned to find Kaminari, still drunk, being led or leading his plus one to the door. It looked to be a mess from the both of them, more so because of Kaminari's inebriation. Both men instinctively approached the couple, Sero taking Kaminari and Aoyama offering his arm to his plus one, the villain turned Commission's witness. The group, despite the sloppiness in Kaminari's slurred speech, made their ways back to the doors, unaware of them being watched by you, your eyes taking in the scene, but mostly on Sero before he disappeared into the auditorium.
You breathed a sigh of relief, lying your body atop the roof of the auditorium, staring up at the stars in the sky twinkling much like the fairy lights inside. Your chest bubbled with laughter, happily taking in that moment with Sero - the warmth of his hands, the sway of his feet, the sight of his smile while he led you step by step.
Gate crashing was worth it. You've experienced prom, even if it was only for that brief moment.
"Thanks Bucky."
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It was a long day at the Commission's office before you hopped out to make your way to your reunion. Given that you had only recently spoken to Bakugou and Kirishima due to their mission on Nabu Island, you smiled at the thought to see them dressed up for the night, rather than their disheveled, bandaged selves from whatever happened in the quiet town.
The thought of the reports were fresh in your mind while you strolled towards the academy. Headshots of the suspect were included as well, seeing his smiling face in frame. Compared to most captives, he wasn't cocky, but it looked genuine despite the photo. Still, interrogations would commence in a few days seeing that due process was required before any more information could be collated together.
You spotted a few familiar faces in the street heading towards the school, most of them faces from other classes that you recognized until a mop of purple hair caught your eye loitering by the tall white gates. Hitoshi Shinsou was dressed to the nines, prim and proper, but not in that dark purple suit.
"Hey," you called from afar, catching his eye before you reached him by the gates. "Were you waiting long?"
"Not really," he answered dryly, stretching his limbs. "I was actually getting comfortable."
"I'm just a little disappointed," you commented with a smirk, catching wind of Shinsou's confused expression. "I was really hoping to see you in that suit again."
"Oh, that suit," he murmured apathetically before he sniggered under his breath, walking up to you lazily before his nose hovered close to yours. "Am I not good enough?"
You couldn't help but burst into a giggle with him being so close. An involuntary reaction you were sure, but it gave him a smile seeing you react the way you did, grabbing hold of your hand while his fingers entwined in yours.
"Well you've proven the suit doesn't make the man," you quipped happily.
You could feel his chuckle close to your ear before he slowly pulled away from you, taking you by the hand back into your academy once more. It felt surreal to walk through the paths again, recalling the times you've seen Shinsou take laps around the dorms during off-hour training. Memories flooded back, watching the new generation of students walking past, whispering under their breaths. It didn't phase you though. You could hear every word they were thinking, smiling at their curious natures.
"Did I miss something?" Asked Shinsou beside you.
"Not much," you snarked through your giggles. "Just heard some good things about you."
"Oh really?"
You beamed a smile at him, gently caressing his hand with your thumb while you tried to keep his eye on you. "Sounds like you're a role model for the underprivileged, but you also have a fan club."
News of such magnitude caused his shoulders to stiffen. You spotted it despite the flattering suit he wore only making you chuckle deeper. The look in his eye was a multitude of emotions, ranging from confused, shocked, and utter disappointment. You continued to comfort his hand in yours, still walking past while spotting a group of students whispering, attempting to steal gazes at the both of you making your way to Gym Gamma.
"It's hard to ignore," you concluded, still looking up at Shinsou who looked away, slightly embarrassed. "Want to know what they're saying-"
"No," he interrupted. "I don't need any self-serving praise. I'm here to spend a night with the one person I trust the most. And work needs to be as far away as possible."
You sighed in agreement. Work was becoming a little too close to home having taken on the case with the assassin and the Tartarus prison break. The trip to Polis Massa Bay yielded very little results despite witness accounts of a trio who fit some description to the members of the prison coup. There were no other sightings during that weekend.
Night was on its approach with the dark blues merging with the last dregs of sunset pinks in the sky. Ahead, you spotted the last of your alumni entering the auditorium, pulling gently on Shinsou's arm to quicken your pace. You weren't extremely late by any means, but seeing that most invitees have already entered made it seem so.
"No need to rush Kitten," spoke Shinsou, still allowing you to pull him by the arm.
"Come on, we can't miss Iida's and Yaoyoruzu's welcoming speech," you advised.
"Is that the highlight of your night?"
"No, but it'll make for great vocabulary building."
Shinsou sighed at your rationale but can only smile at your fervent need to join the others inside. It wasn't often either of you would surround yourself with many friends, whether it was work, or just general bad timing. To him, he still couldn't fathom the idea of calling the others friends, but a slip of the tongue here and there had seeped into his own vocabulary, only caught by your ear. He took a deep breath before the both of you reached the doors to the auditorium, filled to the brim of all the students of their graduating year, now grown older and hopefully wiser.
"Shall we?" You asked while your arm wrapped around his.
Shinsou said nothing, only smiling at you before he took the lead inside the brightly lit auditorium, sprinkled with fairy lights.
After taking your seats and enjoying the night's festivities, the both of you soon caught up with your former classmates, holding conversation and learning more on the gossip. You smiled at the sight of Bakugou and his now fiancé, recalling that weekend away bumping into the both of them there and chuckling wryly at the awkwardness at the time. You soon noticed Shinsou approach Bakugou and converse with him from afar, watching the irate blond pull faces at him, most probably after a mild insult. You shook your head at how the two of them would still butt heads with one another until you felt something different in the air.
Out of all the surface thoughts you could hear, you suddenly gained access to the conversation between Shinsou and Bakugou, staring off at nothing while you sat at your table amongst the rest of its residents still chatting away. It was difficult to ignore while you intently listened.
"Eh? What about it, Eyebags?" Spoke Bakugou while he took a sip of punch.
"Congratulations," simply replied Shinsou, opening his hand out to the blond.
Bakugou stared at him with a furrowed brow, however he took his hand, shaking it firmly. "Tch, it was nothing."
"So how do you feel?"
"What do you mean?"
"Was the frustration worth it in the end? You were pretty mad on that lunch date," reminded Shinsou with a smirk.
"It's because people like you and your weakass partner were getting in my way the whole time we were there," complained Bakugou.
You cringed at his comment. Bakugou was Bakugou, even though he had softened his edges over the years. Still, it didn't help his rude undertones every once in a while.
"Hey, firstly, they're not weak, and secondly, you just had the worst case of bad luck," explained Shinsou with a slight harsh edge to his voice.
Bakugou scoffed before downing the last of his punch, eyeing the crowd of guffawing alumni until they laid on his fiancé not too far away, laughing and chiding away with his friends at their table. Shinsou caught that look on his face, that cocky smirk obvious to see.
"You worry too much sometimes," he uttered nonchalantly.
"What was that?" Snapped Bakugou.
"You want to make a grandiose gesture, and I bet that you had to slow down when it all went down, right?"
Bakugou sneered at Shinsou's question, almost turning his lips into a pout which caught Shinsou's eye again.
"So, you did take my advice."
"Shut it Eyebags," snapped Bakugou once more, earning a chuckle from the sleep-deprived man while he enjoyed his cup of punch. "You say one more goddamn word-"
"Your secret is safe with me," interrupted Shinsou. "No one needs to know, and besides, nobody would believe that you and I enjoyed that lunch date together anyway."
The sound of Bakugou's scoff echoed in your mind again, realizing that you had finally discovered at least to some degree what Shinsou was insinuating back at Polis Massa Bay. The mere idea that Bakugou had the patience to go through, let alone listen to, Shinsou's advice was astonishing. Perhaps there was a mutual respect between the two over the years since their first encounter back at UA.
You felt proud, swelling almost inside with content that Shinsou grew to become sociable in his own way. However, your eyes turned towards the duo across the hall, spotting Shinsou's eye now on you, sipping his punch from the cup he held. Your shoulders stiffened at his gaze, turning your eyes away from him in slight embarrassment. No one had noticed your reactions at the table as of yet, however Shinsou's words in your head echoed loudly.
"Enjoyed the show?" He asked in your head, feeling it lower between your shoulders, unsure how to react until a hand calmly rested on your back.
You turned up to find Shinsou now by your side with a smirk on his face, as if he could feel every fibre in your being burn with mortification over your impromptu eavesdropping. The next thing you knew, he took you by the hand, leading you from the table and walking with you around the auditorium, circling the dance floor filled with already jovial fellow alumni.
"We never did dance at our graduation, didn't we?" asked Shinsou, taking your mind from the earlier teasing nature he threw at you so suddenly.
"No, I think we both agreed to stay out of it," you answered, reminiscing the year graduation was underway, filled with already drunken students enjoying the night from years of tutelage.
Shinsou hummed in thought while he clutched onto your arm, your hand in his, until the song slowly turned into a slower tempo, watching the swarm of alumni shift on the floor and the couples taking stage. Still standing outside the ring of the dance floor, Shinsou turned to face you, guiding your hand onto his shoulder while he held onto you, soon swaying on the spot irregardless of whoever was watching.
Hitoshi, we should be on the dance floor, you spoke in your head, staring up into his tired yet smiling eyes.
It doesn't matter. We can dance wherever we want, he replied back in your mind, his lopsided smile turning into a small grin.
The both of you shared this moment together, swaying to and fro outside of everybody else, to the tune of your own beat and in each other's company. You melted into Shinsou, while you listened to the beat of his heart in his chest, slow and calm. Shinsou only wrapped you in his arms, content to have you, and yet pondered further on many things. After conversing with Bakugou over the course of his life decisions, at least unexpectedly, Shinsou thought more on the topic at hand. It felt just right for him to make plans.
And he hoped you weren't eavesdropping this time, while his hands trailed up your back, holding you to him.
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TENYA IIDA | Belated
The sound of your breath heaved violently in your lungs while you rushed through the streets, every so often weaving past passersby with ease.
Some of the time.
"Hey watch it!"
"Oops, sorry!" You called back with a twirl, adjusting a piece of your outfit while still in motion. Crossing the street yielded catastrophic results, at least for some of the drivers who blared their horns at your seeming obliviousness.
You grinned happily at your anticipation, the excitement brewing in your gut when you spotted the tall white gates ahead belonging to the most prestigious Hero Academy in all of Musatafu. To step foot through those gates felt like a privilege in itself, otherwise it was just general hype over the years staring off into the distance from your school grounds years ago.
Why must you be such a fanatic? No wonder people saw you differently, you thought, shrugging it away until you approached the tall gates, handing your pass for this reunion that most probably was about to proceed with its orientation speech. You bit your lip nervously. After being allowed onto the premises, a little dread crept in your mind that you were going to miss the reason why you were invited.
Your boss, Tenya Iida, was about to make the honorary welcoming speech.
And you were fashionably late.
Now fully dressed despite being a little rough around the edges from your rush through the city from Idaten's agency, you ran with large strides towards Gym Gamma, thankful that you had quickly asked the security guards by the gates the general direction towards the auditorium. You ignored the confused looks of students who were leaving the premises, heaving heavily again until you spotted the fairy lights that decorated the paths.
You chuckled brightly, rekindling some hope that maybe you made it just in time. Perhaps they stalled for a moment, like how cinemas ran advertisements before the commencement of the movie. Maybe they were still mingling about, something you can easily just slip into without anyone knowing the wiser. There were many ways this would end, but surely, once you reached the open doors of the auditorium, you rounded the corner abruptly.
"And safe!" you yelled, suddenly catching wind of the echo of your voice that blasted in the very silent auditorium.
The awkwardness felt so thick that you could potentially slice it with a knife, finding that all eyes were on you by the doors. You slowly peeked into the large room, your eyes immediately drawn towards the podium set up for the night where the two MCs stood - one a voluptuous dark-haired beauty with hair you wished was your own, and the other, your boss, mouth slightly agape while he eyeballed you through his glasses. You cringed at the scene before you cleared your throat, lightly waving at everybody inside before you slowly walked away from the doors, turning to hide from prying eyes.
You couldn't help a groan escape from your throat, head heavy, wondering if that was the exhaustion catching up to you from your rush to get here, or the embarrassment of possibly interrupting the party. Still, you overheard the MCs continue on with their speech, listening into their anecdotes over the course of their school years. It was pleasant to imagine how they coloured their experiences while you leaned against the wall, smiling, listening intently to Iida's regimental tone.
Eventually the rising volume of voices and chatter was your queue to enter into the auditorium, less rowdy and out-of-breath than you were earlier. Your eyes darted around in search for Iida, but quickly found your way towards the flurry of tables when a green-haired gentleman called you over - quickly realising it was the Number One Hero, Deku. Your heart skipped inside your ribcage, but you attempted to keep a cool facade, welcomed by the table of Heroes while they led you to your seat right next to Iida's, which was empty.
"Glad you could make it," welcomed the Number One. "We've heard a lot of things about you.."
"Oh, good things I hope?" You questioned nervously.
"Well, I figured your grand entrance was the cherry on top."
That nervousness grew tenfold upon hearing that from the Number One. It only set your mind to wonder what exactly Iida had said about you to others, let alone, and most probably, to all his close friends and classmates.
The churn in your stomach was blatantly difficult to ignore, clutching onto it while you nervously laughed further. "Sorry, I just ran from work to get here. Haven't had a bite to eat since breakfast this morning."
Suddenly, as if by some miracle, a plate appeared in front of you, served with tonight's dinner now lukewarm. The sound of the chair beside you pulled from the table caught your ear until you felt the presence of a large figure sit by your side, his arms crossed in mild frustration.
You knew that judgemental energy anywhere.
"Thanks Tenya," you slowly spoke, eyeing the tall man while he righted his glasses upon the bridge of his nose.
"You're late," he spoke dryly.
"Don't start."
"But I was on a roll," you explained with a whine. "I was on the precipice of completing Stage Two!"
"Didn't you call them Phases?"
"Close enough."
"No it isn't. You need to be consistent."
"Is everything all right?" Asked Todoroki, eyeing the both of you next to Midoriya.
"Everything's fine," clarified Iida, clearing his throat in an attempt to redirect the conversation.
"Sorry, I just get excited when I talk about Big Blue," you admitted before you dug into your plate of food.
"Big Blue?" Continued Todoroki, still with an aloof expression despite the question.
"Yeah, she's my baby," you simply replied between gulps of food.
"You named your daughter Big Blue?"
"Uh, Todoroki, I think that's not exactly what they're talking about," clarified Midoriya.
"Big Blue is one of their passion projects back in Idaten's Research and Development," explained Iida with a sigh, eyeing you still gorging on the dinner plate. "It's meant to be used in an emergency, once they've completed the build and preliminary tests."
"It's officially called Belligerent Backup, or BB for short," you emphasized while still trying to be in conversation. "But I like Big Blue better."
Iida pinched the bridge of his nose, exhausted from your high levels of energy and excitement. Aside from the few coffee trips he made to R&D, he hadn't heard much from you coming up to this reunion, cooped up in the workshops at the agency to even take notice of the day and time. He felt lucky that he rescued a plate for you when you surely arrived, seeing as you never made it earlier this evening before doors opened into Gym Gamma.
"You're really passionate about this, huh?" Asked Yaoyoruzu from across the way, recognizing that she was the one that stood next to Iida on stage.
"It's not the act of creating the invention, it's the process and journey along the way that really excites me," you admitted. "Like the one time when I had to test for Tenya's breathing performance, which required having to create a mold of his-"
"Okay that's enough," interrupted Iida, causing a small pout to form on your lips before you finished the rest of your meal.
Despite being close to age, Iida still held rank above you. Of course, being the brother of Tensei Iida, the man behind the formation of the agency, was a good reason why, but that didn't stop Iida's tendency to check on your health every chance he had. The thought of it brought a smile on your face.
Soon the party was underway, you watched the crowd mingle and dance together on the dance floor, spotting many congregate around some key players. Iida made the rounds with you only for you to trap Cellophane in conversation after he discussed his recent happenstance with a certain thief on his patrols as of late. The thought of upgrading his gear was tantalizing.
"Seriously, you need the latest tech to help you out, and I know just the thing," you quipped excitedly.
"Really?" Asked Sero, curious of your suggestion.
"That my friend would be me!" You piped with thumbs pointing at you. "This thief of yours won't have a chance against any tech I make."
"You're sounding a lot like Hatsume."
"Wait, you know her?"
"We all do. She made most of our tech back when we were students."
Slack-jawed from the epiphany, you turned to Iida next to you, your expression hurt and betrayed. "You didn't tell me this!" You shouted, throwing a finger at Iida.
"I thought it wasn't relevant," he replied dryly.
"I need to know these things. How else do I know who I'm up against previously?"
"It's none of your concern."
"Anyway, it'd be great if you swung by Idaten," you suggested while turning to Sero with a smile. "I can solve your dilemma, or at least give you an upper hand." With a flick of your wrist, you handed Sero a business card, complete with your details and the Idaten insignia emblazoned on its stock. You completely ignored the exasperated sigh from Iida behind you.
"Uh... thanks," mused Sero while he took the card from your hand, spotting his eye towards the dance floor. "It was nice meeting you, but I gotta save a friend, sorry."
"Give me a call!" You shouted after, watching the Tape Hero make his way towards the floor, noticing his intention to help Chargebolt who draped over his plus one.
Your eyes drifted around, feeling the heaviness of sleep weigh on your mind before you decided to recite to yourself what you observed. Earphone Jack, the muso who headed the night's entertainment along with her Hero career, enjoyed a night along with her classmates; Uravity, the caring Gravity Hero who had been rising in rank as of late, conversing with Deku; Tsukuyomi, the dark Hero enjoying the night while chaperoning a friend of his by the looks of it, and then-
"What's the progress on BB?" Asked Iida next to you. Your eyes piqued at his voice, spotting his tall frame now with a serious look.
"Oh? Um, she's coming along," you started. "As you know Phase One was a success, but by my calibrations, she needs to have more injection in her acceleration capacitors. Phase Two should be complete in the next couple of days, give or take, depending on how her balance and suspension perform."
"They're Phases now?" Questioned Iida with a quirked brow.
"They've always been Phases," you beamed with a smile, earning an exasperated sigh from Iida. "Although, it would be wise that we test it on the field. I'd need to know exactly how it would function in a live scenario. Dummies would be ineffective in seeing how it would perform."
Iida spotted the serious look on your face, your mind mulling over the quandaries in your head. "How about you test it with me?" He suggested.
"What? No!" You cried with an outburst. "It's meant to be a surprise!"
"Having anyone else in our agency as volunteers to your projects is unwise," explained Iida. "At least I'm aware of BB's project."
"Yeah but that would destroy any usable data on its effectiveness."
"Call it a control group. You'll need to understand how BB works with someone who knows the weapon before improving its capabilities for someone who doesn't. What fun would there be if you don't continue mastering and finessing?"
You eyed Iida, watching his calm smile on his lips. You couldn't disagree when he was being agreeable.
"Fine, I concede," you spoke dryly. "Would you be available by the end of this week for an hour session?"
"It's a date," he replied, squeezing your shoulder tenderly before he opened his arm to you, inviting you to join him while you stared at this invitation.
"Want to meet more of my friends?" He asked smoothly while you took his arm in yours, standing next to the tall man with a grin.
"Why, I do declare Mr. Iida. You are too kind," you jested with a humorous accent.
"Please don't speak like that when I introduce you."
You only beamed at the man with a toothy smile before being chaperoned throughout the reunion, meeting a very drunk Chargebolt hanging off from his plus one still, a demure Shouto with his infamous Sidekick partner, and bypassing Ground Zero without a hello (and probably for the better). After knowing Iida for years back at the agency, he had opened up a part of his world to you, happy to introduce you to the eyes of Pro-Hero Society a little later than ever.
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anystalker707 · 3 years
You wish (2/2)
Part 1
Pairing: Frank Iero x [non-binary, afab] Reader Word counting: ~ 4 000 Genre: Smut / Enemies to lovers Summary: After finding out they have feelings for each other, (y/n) lets Frank drive them home to spend the night together.
Requested on Wattpad
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The night is agitated, but ends up going by relatively fast. Even with having sorted things out between us, Frank and I don't talk a lot – our interaction is limited by us sharing looks now and then while I work and either smiling at each other or blushing and laughing.
One of Frank's bandmates approaches him at some point, asking him about leaving. When I understand what is going on, I can feel my heart tightening in my chest and even pause the drink I'm preparing, unable to tear my attention away from the two. Frank shakes his head, muttering something I can't understand, but it doesn't seem like he will be standing up due to how he leans forward on the counter. A relieved sigh escapes my lips with it and I end up just falling back to reality when Frank turns to look at me – I'm the one to blush this time, quickly returning to shaking the drink before pouring it in the glass.
"God fucking finally!" Pete's voice echoes through the empty club when the doors are closed and only the staff – and Frank – is left. Frank and I can't help but to laugh.
"I'll be right back," I tell Frank and walk to the back room, grabbing my things. I actually stand there for a moment, thinking about everything that happened, and I can't hold back a chuckle at it, burying my face in my hands as feeling it heating up. Lowering my hands, I see Pete there, staring at me with the widest grin on his face and sending me a look. "Shut up." I narrow my eyes at him, becoming impossibly more flustered.
"I didn't even say anything!" He throws his hands in the air in a defensive manner.
"You were thinking!" I playfully punch his arm when walking by, making him chuckle, and throw my bag over my shoulder. "Bye, Pete!" I walk out of the room and am surprised by Frank standing by the doorway, but just nod towards the exit.
It's cold outside, making me chill despite my jacket shielding me from most of the cold air that embraces us in the moment we step out of the place through the back door. There aren't many people around and it's not a surprise, judging by how late it currently is. Almost fucking three in the morning. Quite relaxing, actually, if you ask me.
I'm about to start making my way down the street when I feel Frank tugging me back by the back of my jacket. "My car," he says and I groan in response despite turning to walk towards the other direction, following him. He breathes a chuckle and looks at me with a small pout, glancing at my lips. I roll my eyes before pecking his lips. It makes him grin pleased and wrap an arm around me to pull me closer and I can't help but to chuckle.
Frank opens the door for me and I playfully glare at him as getting in, thankful that it's warmer in the car. "You're being too nice, Iero!"
"Invested in getting some ass!" he calls on his way over to the other side and I snort a laugh, bringing a hand up to cover my face; I can also hear him laughing as getting in. "Where to, love?" He starts the car and glances at me, pulling up to the road.
"Down the main street, green building right next to a bakery," I tell him, adjusting my bag by my feet. He mutters something in response and I hum, observing him for a moment before I look back, seeing a guitar case across the back seats and it makes me remember of Mikey telling me that Frank plays the guitar, what also gives me a vague memory of him saying he, Frank and Gerard are in a band together with another guy. Cool. I might ask them about it later.
I sigh as leaning back against the seat and observing Frank again; he must sense it because he glances at me, raising an eyebrow. "You do walk for quite a bit, huh?"
"'M used to it." I shrug. It's not like it's a walk longer than fifteen minutes, but once in a while I get a lift or come by car. This is not relevant, nonetheless. My eyes wander around the car for a moment and I can't help but to smirk a bit to myself as having an idea; I reach a hand to touch his thigh.
Frank is about to say something when the touch makes his breath hitch in his throat and tense up. He remains silent as, with the lack of complaints, I let my hand wander further into the inside of his thigh and he tenses up again in the same moment his cheeks turn red and he tries to hold back a sound, but I can still faintly listen to it.
"(Y/n)," he mutters under his breath.
I hold back a chuckle, grinning. "What? Do you like this?" I slip my hand under his shirt and follow along the waistband of his pants. He's grumbling to himself until a groan escapes his lips with my fingers slipping past the waistband of his boxers.
"I'm driving, (y/n)!" He sounds so desperate, almost a whine, that I can't help but finally to let out a chuckle, shaking my head to myself as I pull my hand away, muttering about how funny his reaction was – it earns me a playful glare as the bright red tone continues taking over his cheeks and his pants clearly start to tent up.
Soon enough, the car comes to a stop and he looks at me like if waiting for something, but all I do is to leave the car and start walking towards the building. I can hear the car door throwing shut seconds; Frank shows up by my side seconds later. I fish my keys from inside the bag as I start walking up the stairs. We climb the steps fast, with a shared urgency; Frank has his hands in front of his crotch just in case we run into someone. His expectant gazes are obvious – I can see him looking at me from the corners of my eyes –; however, I act like if nothing was happening with the pure intention of seeing his reaction and the frustration that manifests itself through his tense silence is certainly entertaining.
I'm suddenly thankful for having decided to clean my apartment earlier today. I leave my shoes by the door after closing it behind us, locking it again, and Frank takes the hint to do the same while I put my bag away.
Whatever Frank was going to tell me, the words are lost due to how I press my lips to his without any warning, cupping his face. It takes him a few seconds to kiss back, sharing the same urgency as I do and parts his lips after feeling my tongue gliding along his bottom lip. His hands eventually wrap themselves around my hips, grip slowly becoming tighter around them, until slipping under my shirt and letting his thumbs rub circles into the bare skin. He suddenly pulls me closer to him, closing the space between us, making a sigh escape my lips with it.
"C'mon," I mutter against his lips as starting to walk back towards my room. None of us want to let go, what results in us stumbling down the hall while sharing messy kisses that don't really last for longer than five seconds. We chuckle quietly when we almost trip on our feet, thankfully able to hold onto the wall before losing our balance.
I step back into my bedroom and turn the lights on, watching Frank follow – he rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, nibbling down on it lightly while watching me discarding my jacket.
"Damn, babe," he says in a low and hoarse voice, taking a step closer. I hum softly against his lips, taking his bottom lip between mine, but we're soon forced to interrupt it to get rid of my shirt and I move to do the same to his, smiling as I place my hands on his shoulders and push him back to sit down on the bed. His eyes follow every movement of mine as Frank pushes himself further down the bed and I climb on top of it, only stopping when I'm straddling his lap.
Frank hums softly and presses a kiss to my stomach before I finally allow myself to sit down, and I lock our lips again, what makes him groan again, giving my thighs a squeeze. His calloused fingertips are rough against my skin while his hands trail up my torso, their warmth making little bumps rise in my skin with them wandering around until fidgeting with the hem of my bra.
I open my eyes lightly after breaking the kiss, meeting his gaze, though still letting our lips linger together as I nod and move to help him with taking it off, throwing it to the floor just like we did with our shirts.
Before Frank can do anything, I place my hands on his chest to slowly push him back against the mattress and take my moment to observe his tattoos, letting my fingers trace some of them but the urgency doesn't let me take too long with it and I'm soon leaning down. I peck his lips and press kisses on my way down to his neck, nibbling and sucking lightly on the skin when I finally stop. His throat vibrates against my cheek with the sounds I snatch from him with it, also letting one of my hands wander around his torso absentmindedly.
"Fuck, (y/n)," he mutters, interrupted by a moan when I let my hand wander too low down his body. I can't help but to chuckle against his skin as moving to a spot by the base of his neck while slipping my hand in his pants, palming him lightly through his boxers.
He lets me do palm him for a moment until he starts becoming impatient at noticing I won't go any further than that, pushing his hips up, another moan escaping his lips with it. "Fuck— Stop teasing," he breathes, bringing a hand to my head to make me pull away so I can see his glare. I chuckle.
Moving away from Frank, I bring myself back up to undo my pants and remove them along with my underwear while Frank, after spending a moment observing me, does the same.
Frank smiles a bit at me as he presses his lips to mine once again, being the one to make me lie back down on the mattress, taking my bottom lip between his teeth and nibbling down on it while he adjusts his position between my legs, hand grazing my thigh lightly. I let out a pleased groan, gasping when I feel one of his hands around my breast, massaging it lightly. "Fuck," I mutter, tangling my fingers with his hair.
His eyes meet mine while he pecks my lips before he starts to give attention to my collarbones, teeth gently pulling on the skin as he balances the pressure just right between the pain and the pleasure and I sigh softly with it, leaning my head back as letting him.
Another curse escapes my lips as I feel Frank trailing down, loving the sensation of his lips against my chest and then trailing down my stomach until a bite on my hip has me moaning and arching my back lightly. He chuckles,  giving my thighs a squeeze, pressing kisses to my skin in his way back up.
"Hey, babe," he mutters against my lips and I hum softly, feeling his hand trailing up my thigh and diving into the inside of it – I tense up as feeling his hand becoming dangerously close to my heat, just to be left in frustration with it trailing down in the last second. "Why don't you show me what that pretty mouth can do, hm?" His nose brushes against mine softly and he pecks my lips, humming questioningly.
A chill runs down my spine at the thought and I'd squeeze my thighs together if I could, nodding. I pull Frank closer with an arm around his neck, pressing my lips to his as using my free arm to push myself up while he does the same, pulling me along with him.
The kiss is messy, with us trying to know where we are going without breaking it, trying to make it up to our needs at the same time.
We only step apart once up to our feet and Frank's dark, lust filled eyes follow me as I drop to my knees and look up at him, wrapping a hand around him and moving it in an agonizingly slow pace, free hand resting on his thigh. "It's so amusing seeing you like this, y'know?" I grin. "Every time we talked, I thought you wanted to jump on my throat or watch me choke and die," I chuckle, watching it as Frank is torn out between the annoyance and the pleasure, a breath caught in his throat.
A shaky exhale escapes Frank's nose as he has his lips pressed together in a thin line. "Why don't you do something better with that pretty mouth of yours, huh?" He raises an eyebrow at me and takes a hold of my jaw, fingers digging into the skin in a manner that I can't help but to open my mouth with a groan. "Like that..." He mutters quietly as guiding himself past my lips.
I raise an eyebrow at Frank, unamused, but he seems more focused on watching himself as he mutters something under his breath and, out of revenge, I hollow my cheeks out of sudden as taking all of him into my mouth, what has a sudden moan escaping his lips, tensing up simultaneously.
"Fuck," Frank says in a high-pitched tone, voice tight, as I can feel his hands on the back of my head, tugging lightly on my hair as pushing his hips forward. His breath hitches, and a moan follows suit whilst I start moving my head, looking up at him and it's honestly fun seeing that punk posture turning into something completely different now. I take a hold of his dick, swirling my tongue around his tip and humming around him, entertained by how he gasps and tenses up with it.
"You—" He is never able to finish his sentence with how I suck on the tip before slowly inching down his length and hollowing my cheeks once again, trying to control my gag reflex once I reach the base.
The mix of precum and drool that had been pooling down in the corners of my lips finally start trailing down my chin when I decide to stop teasing and move my head in a decent rhythm that has moans coming from him steadily. "So..." Frank breathes, interrupted by a moan, pushing his hips forward lightly and trying to build a rhythm with it. "So fucking beautiful, love," he groans, making me pull off before he pushes back into my mouth and I can see the exact moment in which his release starts building because of the fucking expression on his face when he sees the look I sent him.
"Fuck," he gasps, "hold on, hold on," he cries, biting down on his lip although making me pull away. My lips part into a grin as I watch him throwing his head back and squeezing his eyes shut while he holds onto the base of his dick for a moment, breathing heavily, certain pride swelling in my chest.
I stand up and Frank notices it. "Get on the bed," he tells me as wrapping his hands around my hips and I raise an eyebrow at him.
"No, no, you're not the only one getting all the fun!" I glare and take a step back to sit down on the edge of the bed. "C'mon, I want you on your knees," I say as pointing to the ground, and watch it as his cheeks gain a red tone again, but he does as I said, nonetheless. "What a pretty boy," I tease as cupping his face and making him lean his head up so I can press a kiss to his lips – he hums with it, placing his hands firmly on my thighs, moving closer and pulling them apart.
"And who do you think you are to talk to me like that?" He sticks his bottom lip out, looking at me up and down with a disdain that has me snorting, rolling my eyes.
"All barking, but no biting, huh?" I smirk a bit as running my fingers through his hair. "I only see you complaining."
Frank's eyes narrow at me, but a verbal response never comes as he sits back on his legs and I hum softly with feeling his hot breath over my sensitive parts, biting down on my lip.
In an opposite to the teasing I expected, Frank presses his mouth to my folds forcefully, tongue slipping out and parting them in a way he licks up from my entrance to my clit and makes a shiver run down my spine as I pull onto his hair out of reflex, snatching a groan from him.
"Damn, Frank," I groan as pulling him closer with my grip on his hair.
Crescent marks are left behind as Frank sinks his fingers in my thighs to a point his short nails dig in and he adjusts his grip on them before it happens again and his tongue is just working so well, wandering around before finding its way up to my clit. A breathy moan escapes my lips with it, interrupted by a gasp at the feeling of him sucking on it then he's pulling away, just to dive back in, tongue flicking against the bundle of nerves in a way I can feel the arousal starting to pool down in my lower stomach.
"Hell— Frank, damn," I breathe, not caring about how desperate my voice sounds because it just feels so good. The moans almost escape my lips without me being able to control it and I grip at Frank's hair, tugging on it lightly and pulling him closer at the feeling of the vibrations his groans cause and I'm practically melting under his touch as he voluntarily sinks his face deeper, in a way I need to hold myself back from rocking my hips.
"S-Stop," I stutter as letting go of his hair and tapping his shoulder lightly, feeling myself getting dangerously close to my release. He does pull away and licks his lips as looking up at me and it genuinely doesn't really help. I groan as breathing heavily.
Once I'm able to recompose myself enough, I glance back as moving to the middle of the bed, what seems to be an immediate invitation for Frank to follow me, soon hovering over me and pressing his lips to mine. The taste isn't exactly the best thing, but it's just a detail under all the arousal that makes the room's atmosphere so thick along with all the need and urgency we share.
"Goddamn it," Frank mutters as pulling away. "Fucking— Hold on," he says and pecks my lips a last time before he moves to grab his pants from the ground and comes back with a condom in hand. He kneels down between by legs as he rips the wrapper open with his teeth before sliding the condom on and there we are again, lips pressed against each other in the most urgent kiss so far, with his hands gripping tightly at my hips while I can feel him against the inside of my thigh.
"Hurry up, dumbass," I tell him, biting down on his bottom lip and pulling on it lightly, while throwing my arms around his neck.
"So impatient, fucking hell," he curses under his breath, both of us gazing at each other through half-lidded eyes.
"So slow, fucking hell. Do you need instructions, sweetheart?" I mock and he rolls his eyes, but I'm soon sighing softly with the feeling of him against my entrance. Both of us let out a quiet moan at the feeling of him slipping in, slowly, grip gradually becoming tighter around my hips, and more moans are slipping from my throat as he doesn't even give me a moment to adjust, starting to move his hips.
"Still slow, sweetheart?" Frank asks sarcastically against my lips and I groan, pulling lightly at the hair on the back of his neck, only to snatch throaty moan from him.
"Fuck you," I say and pause because of a moan, "shut up and do your job." I bring him down to press our lips together again while wrapping my legs around his hips, moaning at the change of angle.
Frank does seem to take my words as the next snap of his hips has me gasping as pulling away, throwing my head back and arching my back at his harsher thrusts and how he seems to shift around until finding the angle that has more sounds spilling from my lips. My exposed neck is an immediate call for Frank and I can soon feel his mustache and stubble ticking against the skin at how he starts pressing kisses and nibbling softly on it, what adds up to the pleasure.
Due to the previous play, it's no new that it doesn't take long for us to get close to releasing. My nails dragging up Frank's back probably leave marks that I'll be tracing later, whereas it won't be much different regarding how he gripped on my hips and now one of his hands hold onto my thigh, fingers sinking into the skin, while using his free one to hold himself up.
"Fuck, (y/n)—" Frank breathes, bringing his mouth to next to my ear and hearing all the moans that come from him makes the knot in my lower stomach even tighter. "'M close, love," he groans.
"Me— Me too," I manage to say.
Frank pauses for a moment to adjust his position, probably so he can have more support, but it's completely worth it; he starts moving again, the new position allowing his thrusts to be heavier and faster and also allowing him to slip his hand between us and the feeling of his thumb rubbing furiously against my already abused clit has me tightening around him and moaning his name as coming before I can realize, nails sinking in his back as my mind goes momentarily blank.
"Frank— Frank, fuck," I whine softly as holding tightly onto him and I can feel my thighs quivering around him with it.
A loud, deep groan comes from Frank as his hips start to stutter and his moans turn into nonsense mumbled against my skin, his grip on my thigh becomes tighter, but all it does is to snatch another pleased sigh from me. He is breathing heavily when he pulls away, muttering something as he discards the condom and soon comes back.
"Damn," Frank breathes, resting his head on my chest and pressing a kiss to it, "'sure hope it wasn't a one-night thing, huh," he says in a serious tone and I can't help but to smile.
"Of course not," I tell him with a hum, still breathing heavily. I can feel the tiredness already falling over me. "Only if you aren't an asshole anymore," I tease, what makes him groan playfully; I smile and pull his hair back, pressing a kiss to his nose.
"I know where you live, (y/n), think better about it," he jokes and I can't help but to laugh.
"Fuck you and shut up, 'm tired," I tap his shoulder lightly. A groan comes from him, but he does relax against me with a sigh, pressing his face to my neck.
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twistedlymad · 4 years
Hey there👉👉 I was wondering if you could write MC/reader talking in a foreign language and no one understands what she's saying but think it's cute, if you can't than it's cool sorry for bothering you 😁
Hewwo there!! Don’t worry at all Dear Anon!! You’re not bothering me in any way!
To be honest, while writing this story, I wanted to focus on one language in general. But, I know it’s not fair as not everyone can speak the same foreign language as others. So, I decided to turn it into a language of your own choice! That way, everyone can really insert themselves into the story just like how we insert ourselves into the game!
Anyway, thank you dear Anon for requesting this story and I hope it lives up to your standards! Thank you again and have a lovely day! Btw, I think I'm losing my touch on writing Ace... Looks like I have to spend some time with the boi. 
What if you talked in a foreign language? (Ft. Grim, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel and Sebek) (Lilia, Silver and Malleus are mentioned)
It had been a few months since you arrived at Night Raven College. Sure, everything might have been so strange to you at first, but as time goes by, you were starting to nest yourself into the wonders of Night Raven College and Twisted Wonderland.
Your life was also pretty peaceful but at the same time it was pretty hectic. As a dorm leader AND a prefect, you could feel stress piling itself onto your shoulders. And with that, there are times where you wanted to rant to your heart’s content. So, after a stressful day of either keeping Grim in check or just helping your friends with their problems in general, or even both, you would make small rants from time to time in your dorm. Now, Grim would’ve noticed and understood what you were talking about…
If it wasn’t in ANOTHER LANGUAGE.
You see, before coming to Twisted Wonderland, you had taken an extra language class as it was a compulsory thing in your home country. And for that extra language, you had chosen (Language). You aimed to study (Language) since you were young, you were fascinated with the wording, the tone and the way to say the language. All in all, you had picked up the language when you were about 5 lessons in and you were proud of it. This language was your go-to ranting language when you are frustrated with either your homework or your family member in general because only you knew what you were saying while everyone else was left in the dark.
Let me just say, you didn’t have nice words coming out of your mouth whenever you rant.
No one knew you knew how to speak the language… Until today.
You see, you didn’t really intend for them to know in any way. It just, slipped out of your mouth.
You had just finished with settling another problem between Ace and Grim. It had not really been your day up until that moment and Ace and Grim’s problem was the cherry on top of your sundae of displeasure for the day. It was pretty safe to say that you were really irked and frustrated. Your mind was already in ranting mode as you apologized on behalf of Grim.
So, when you thought Crowley had turned to leave, you started mumbling incoherently as you picked up Grim. Your mumblings didn’t go unnoticed by Crowley though, for his eyes had widen like saucers.
“What did you say?” Crowley asked you. You froze in your steps, you knew he had heard you, but did he knew what you were talking about? Ace was confused as he stood there watching the two of you.
“(Y/N), what did you say?” Crowley asked once more, slowly approaching you. You shivered slightly. It took a few moments of calming down and one big deep breath for you to turn around and face the headmaster.
“Headmaster.” You said, looking at the headmaster of Night Raven College. Crowley facepalmed himself before lecturing you in the importance of having a polite demeanor and not letting out curse words without a care. Sure, it would’ve been a normal lecture, if Crowley didn’t use the exact same language as you did.
You were dumbfounded! Crowley knew of this language as well? You just sheepishly lowered your head towards the ground while mumbling a ‘sorry’ in the language.
Ace stood there, confused. What were you guys talking about? What’s with the alien language? How are you two able to communicate like this?
“And that is why you must always prioritize your politeness! (Y/N), it’s okay to rant, but, make sure there’s no one else around beforehand! Someone could hear you one day and yours and our school’s reputation would go down! Please think of it beforehand.” Crowley said to you and you nodded.
“However, I will allow the use of this language, for I am very kind, just remember to mind your words.” And with that, Crowley left you, Ace and Grim in the hallway.
“What? Was that?” Ace immediately went up to you. “I couldn’t even understand a single thing!”
“(Y/N) has been talking like that since forever! Even I can’t understand it.” Grim said as he returned to his usual spot on your shoulder.
“So, it’s like a secret language?” Ace asked you as you and him walk back to your friends.
“No, I spent a lot of time learning this language. It’s pretty common from where I came from.” You replied with a shrug.
“Really? That’s pretty cool! Can you teach me? Maybe I can land a few words or two.” Ace asked you.
“I’ll have to think about it.” You said as you entered the classroom.
“(Y/N), Grim, Ace! Over here!” A voice shouted to you. You turned to see Deuce waving at your usual spot in the classroom, near him were Jack, Epel and Sebek. You and Ace waved back and the two of you made your way towards your group of goofballs.
“Glad you could make it before Professor Trein arrived.” Jack said as he greeted you.
“Yeah, if it wasn’t for Ace and Grim, we could’ve been here much more earlier.” You replied as you took your seat.
“You guys would not believe what had just happened!” Ace said excitedly to his friends. You knew where this was going. To be frank, you weren’t really ready to share your knowledge on (Language) to everyone yet.
“What’s got you so riled up?” Epel asked Ace. You tried to stop him, keyword: ‘tried’.
“Ace, no-“ Before you could refrain Ace from saying anything, he already cut you off.
“(Y/N) knows this cool language and no one except Crowley knows about it!” Ace said, swinging an arm over your shoulders.
“Really? What language was it?” Deuce asked.
“I don’t know, but it sounds really cool when she says it!” Ace said.
“Can we hear a few words (Y/N)?” Epel asked you. But, you had noticed something that they didn’t. Believe me, they wished they had.
“Ah… Um… No?” You said in a hushed voice.
“Eh? Why?” Ace asked you as you lowered your head.
“Because… Professor Trein is looking at us.” You whispered in a soft tone. The boys froze up as they felt the stares of their magical history teacher and his pet cat.
“Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel and Sebek! Turn around and pay attention!!” The professor yelled to them as the five boys immediately diverted their attention to the board in front of them.
“Y-YES SIR!!” They all said in unison. You just let out a small giggle while Grim snickered along with you.
“Good, if I catch you all once more, it’s off to detention. Now, turn to page 54.” The professor said followed by a meow from his cat.
It didn’t take long before the bell had rung, signaling that class had ended. You let out a small yawn and stretched yourself, trying to shake of the drowsy feeling you obtained during the lesson.
“Remember to finish all the assignments before our next class. You are all dismissed.” Professor Trein said before leaving the classroom with Lucius in his arms.
“You know, I can sort of relate to Professor Trein…” You said, packing up your books.
“What do you mean?” Jack asked you.
“I also have to carry a furball whenever I go somewhere.” You said, laughing a little.
“You do? WAIT. ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME?!” Grim said with a hint of anger in his voice. You gave the furball a cheeky smile before saying ‘I love you’ in (Language).
It took you a few seconds to remember that the other boys were still with you. And they had heard you say something in (Language). You looked up from your stuff to see 5 pairs of eyes looking at you with bewilderment.
“See? I told you so!!” Ace said out loud.
“(Y/N)! Can you please teach me?” Epel immediately asked you.
“W-Why?” You asked back the Pomefiore first year.
“So Vil won’t know what I’ll be saying! I can actually rant without a care in the world!” Epel replied. You rolled your eyes.
“No, I won’t teach you guys.” You said calmly before exciting the classroom. The boys followed you.
“Awwww… At least tell us what you said to Grim!” Ace said.
“Guys, we shouldn’t pester (Y/N) like this, if she doesn’t want to share, then let it be.” Jack said and Sebek nodded.
“Yes, let (Y/N) decide if she wants to share the language with us, not force her into sharing it with us.” Sebek said.
“No, it’s okay, I can tell you what I said to Grim.” You said. “I said ‘I love you’ to him.” You continued as you picked up the furball. Grim’s eyes widen before looking away from you.
“Hmph!! You made fun of me!!” Grim said, but nuzzled himself into your arms. After living with the furball for these few months, you knew this was a sign that showed he loved you back. You hugged the fuball tighter after his little gesture.
But something interrupted your little embrace with Grim. Let me correct myself, a few voices interrupted your little embrace with Grim.
“What?” You asked as you placed Grim on your shoulder. You and Grim then looked at the 5 boys around you.
After knowing what ‘I love you’ stands for in (Language), the boys had decided to take it upon themselves to try and repeat what you said.
But they’re failing miserably.
You giggled and said ‘You guys are too cute for me’ in (Language).
“What did you say (Y/N)?” Jack asked you as the group just looked at you.
“Oh… Nothing, you guys don’t need to worry much.” You said and walked a few steps before stopping. You then turned around and said a certain sentence in (Language) to them. You flashed them a smile before turning around and continuing to walk away with your stuff and Grim.
“Come on you guys, our next class is Alchemy right?” You said while continuing walking forward.
“A-Ah yea! Let’s go!!” The boys said and chased up to you.
What did you say? Who knows? But, it left the boys in a blushing mess that’s for sure.
“Ugh… Grim, you’ve done it again today.” You said as you sat at your table in the cafeteria. You then proceeded to mumble a sentence in the language that you’ve learnt. Your sentence caught the ears of a certain student.
A certain Diasomnia student.
“My, my, (Y/N). Who knew you would have it in you to say those things.” A voice pipped up above you.
You jumped a little before looking upwards.
“L-Lilia-senpai?” You managed to speak out as the third-year student slowly made his way down to the ground in an upright position.
“Why (Y/N), I didn’t know you also knew (Language).” Lilia said as he took a seat beside you. You let out a small gasp.
“Lilia-senpai, you know of this language too?” You asked your upperclassman with wonder.
“Fufufu, you still have a long way to go young one.” Lilia replied and he began to talk to you in (Language).
A few jokes are shared here and there. A few roasts are also thrown between the two of you but we’ll never know who did you and Lilia roast :)
From then on, Lilia would always invite you to Diasomnia for tea and the two of you would always discuss/roast certain matters in (Language).
It certainly dumbfounded Malleus, Silver and Sebek that’s for sure. One day, while you were having tea with Lilia, the three Diasomnia dorm members were spying on the two of you from afar.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Silver asked.
“Who knows, they always talked in this language when they’re together.” Sebek replied.
“I wonder… How did this child of man manage to learn this language… And why did I have absolutely no knowledge on Lilia knowing this… Language.” Malleus said as Silver and Sebek nodded.
You actually noticed them spying on you, but you decided to play it cool, and tell Lilia about it. The two of you exchanged a few sentences before slowly turning to look at them with a semi-evil smile on your faces.
Oh boy, the three Diasomnia boys froze like deers in headlights.
“Yeah… I think we should go now.” Silver said, tugging on Malleus and Sebek.
“Agreed.” Sebek replied and with that, the two servants dragged their young lord away as fast as they could. You and Lilia were left in the common room laughing out loud at their reactions.
Oh… If only they knew what you were talking about :)
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saltisnacks · 2 years
Prompt #2 is below - Chris's only clear memories of Shannon before she died are Christmas and their time at the beach. Another idea of what caused his outburst.
Rated T+ for language. Major character injury. Disassociation. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Get Chris and Eddie (and Buck!) into therapy in 5b, istg!
Buddie prompt #1
During a call Buck is accidentally sprayed by blood. He starts yelling for Eddie. The patient starts coding and Buck goes catatonic before collapsing.
Unbeknownst to the crew someone in the crowd recorded the entire incident and is making fun of Buck for "losing it."
May finds the video while on shift at dispatch. She sits Eddie down, and shows him after warning him it's bad.
Bobby unexpectedly breaks and unleashes on Eddie as soon as he walks through the bay doors.
He knows Eddie hasn't responded to any of Buck's texts or calls. That Eddie knows about Buck's abandonment issues and still did the same thing. He brings up how Eddie has refused to deal with his (and Buck's) traumas.
He mentions how Harry is in therapy. How Chris was in therapy after the tsunami. He mentions Maddie's PPD. Hen's therapy after the ambulance accident.
The shooting and well collapse were freak accidents that were beyond anyone's control.
"We know you faked your way through therapy with Frank after the shooting. He almost didn't let you come back! I had to talk Chief Alonzo into letting you. Maybe I shouldn't have!"
"We all saw you struggling. We thought you'd eventually talk to Buck about everything. You know, supposedly your best friend? Who had a front row seat to you being shot?! But you kept it in. And he didn't want to force you because he didn't want to, and I quote, "Make it about him and be exhausting!" Remember that?!"
"I told you to didn't have to lose everything before you allow yourself to feel something! Fat good that advice did. You still blame yourself for everything with Shannon. Don't say you don't. You think you failed your kid again. But who have you really failed the most? Yourself!"
"You don't blame Buck for the tsunami, so why are you blaming yourself for all of this?" You were a firefighter! You know people can be injured or die at any time. Shannon was hit by a car! Mudslides. Earthquakes. Stupid stunts. Car crashes."
"You were the final straw! You pulled Christopher and yourself away from Buck and he's been trying trying to understand why you left. At least Hen, Ravi, and I were trying to help him. Taylor tried before she washed her hands of it all and walked away, too! Hear that? She left him, too!"
"I didn't-I didn't know."
"And why is that, Eddie?! The person he needed most was you! He needed you! You! Buck would bend over backward and stand on his head for you or Chris. He'd give you his last heartbeat just to keep yours going! You let him flounder while you drowned instead of supporting each other. You think he wouldn't have been there for Chris after his outburst about you dying?"
"Did you know Chris called Buck? I'm surprised Carla hasn't snapped at you about it. He didn't want you to quit! He was in tears crying to Buck saying it was all his fault. That he misses Buck, and he caused all this. He blames himself because of what he said."
"That kid is old enough to understand death, and you should have talked to him about it. Instead, let me guess. You used Chris to escape. You both need help. All three of you do!"
"Sue called me. We talked. You're on paid leave starting today until you see a therapist and actually talk about everything. HIPPA safe limited information documented, signed off, proof. No exceptions. We can't have a compromised first responder. You have two weeks to find a solution before you're terminated. And while you're at it, maybe ask why you can't admit to yourself you're in love with Buck."
Hen barely catches Eddie after Bobby storms away.
"Where's Buck, Hen?"
"In the hospital."
"Everything... The memories after the blood hit him and you not being there. You weren't there to reassure him, Eddie. He couldn't see you. He couldn't find you. Everything... We thought maybe he was having a heart attack from another blood clot. He had all the symptoms, but he was just... Not there to talk to us. He went blank, Eddie. It was scary to see. So we thought maybe it was a panic attack with disassociation. But..."
"It was so bad, he slipped into arrhythmia. We thought we were going to have to shock him on the way to the hospital. They ran tests as soon as they could. His heart... Takotsubo syndrome."
"Bro-broken hearted syndrome?"
Eddie breaks down as soon as he sees Buck. "I'm a fool. I didn't listen to Bobby or Frank. I kept it all in again and ended up hurting everyone. Chris. You. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Eddie doesn't expect Chris to starts struggling and flailing at him as soon as he gets home.
"Buck's heart broke! Because of us!"
"You know."
"They couldn't talk to you or Maddie so they called Carla! She gave them permission to make him sleep."
"I'm on Buck's emergency contact list ahead of Bobby in case he's on shift. You, Maddie, me, Bobby, Athena, then Hen are all on his paperwork in that order."
"I'm sorry, Chris. I need to fix this. I never meant for any of this to happen."
"I just missed mom. She died before another Christmas together."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't know how. Like after the tsunami. I'm scared you will, too. Not just from being a firefighter. Mom wasn't. My friend at school's dad died from cancer. Mrs. Phillips was out for a month because her husband died in a car wreck. You almost died after you were shot, but you didn't talk about it. You fell over at the store."
(conversation can blend from parts of prompt two about Chris's only real memories with Shannon are Christmas and the beach.)
Eddie talks to Chris about family and individual counseling. He finally talks to Chris about his will.
"I'm sorry, Eddie, I shouldn't have snapped like I did. On the other hand, I'm not."
"I know, Bobby. I needed the ass kick, and you delivered it. If you hadn't, Carla was about to if she saw Chris break down again. She chewed me out too last night. Chris is demanding to see Buck. If I... I miss it. Despite everything, I miss being out there."
"When the time comes, if you decide and get an official release, you're welcome to come back. For now, Sue says as long as you're getting therapy you can stay at dispatch."
"How? I quit."
"I've talked to Chief Alonzo. He understands. You will have to meet with him directly before returning to duty. Official orders straight from his mouth. Just to talk and make sure your head is on straight this time."
Prompt #2
Chris tricks a classmate's mom into dropping him off at Buck's after a sleepover because he hasn't seen him since Eddie quit.
Buck tries to call Eddie, despite Chris begging him not to, but Eddie is asleep due to emotional and physical exhaustion from overthinking and stress.
His actions are starting to catch up with him in various ways. Chris's continued outbursts, now focused on his new job as a mechanic at a dealership.
"Career day is next week. You're dad's a firefighter. Do you think he can bring the big truck?"
"My dad quit. He's a mechanic now."
"Oh. My dad's cousin is a mechanic. He dropped out of doctor school. Dad calls him a loser." Chris remains silent and Eddie is crushed.
Missing Buck. Realizing why he misses Buck so much. Internalized phobia about being bi/demi/gay. Religious guilt. The thought of upsetting his family.
Compounding nightmares combining being shot, Shannon, Afghanistan, and/or being buried. Losing Chris or Buck. Overdue bills because the only job he could find for his experience came with a drastic cut in pay. His new insurance is limiting Chris's therapies. (True story - our insurance limited my child to 25 total therapy sessions a year, including both OT and speech under the cap. Any beyond that is out of pocket. Yea, I'm still mad about this.)
More panic attacks that are getting worse. Losing coverage to help pay Carla so her job reassigned her. His landlord trying to raise rent to help pay for future improvements to the properties. Helping a man having a heart attack while at the zoo with Chris using the yearly passes Buck bought.
"Heard you quit, Diaz. Move and let us still in the LAFD deal with it." Chris stormed off and refused to talk to Eddie for the rest of the day.
Buck and Chris talk about Chris being scared. The association with Christmas and his mom. How he really didn't want Eddie to quit. The risks of being a firefighter where Buck states the truth. The biggest risk is cancer from hazardous materials and smoke, but if they use their equipment correctly, the risk drops. He tells Chris he would try really hard to always make sure Eddie came home, but nothing is guaranteed.
"Without good doctors, Harry's dad could have died from something bad in his head. A tumor. Even eating food can be dangerous, Chris. See this scar? I choked on bread. A bite of baked dough. I almost died. Abby saved me and it gave me this tiny scar. Just like the doctors saving your dad's life led to his scars. Scars show that we survived. You've seen the scars on my leg. I almost died then to."
"I know you saw me throw up blood at Bobby and Athena's that night. I'm sorry you had to see that. It probably really scared you, and I should have talked to you about it. That's my mistake. Hen, Chim, Maddie, and your dad saved me."
"As long as there are good people, Good Samaritans from the Bible. I know you went to church, so you should know the story."
"He stopped and helped the man when no one else would."
"Yes, he did. As long as there are good Samaritans, many lives can be saved. Quick thinking and dialing 911 as soon as possible to get them in good hands and to the hospital to the doctors."
"Don't mistake me, if there aren't good people who can act and focus beyond their panic, sometimes it is too late. Like the bystanders who waited too long to call 911 last week when a man accidentally fell down a set of stairs."
"I know you don't want to hear it, but death, when it comes for us, is unavoidable. Old age. Massive heart attacks. My older brother, Daniel, died of leukemia. My parents had me for a stem cell transfusion(?), but it ultimately didn't work."
"You had a brother? "
"Yea, I did. Daniel Buckley. He died before I could remember him. The procedure didn't last, and he relapsed, or it was too late. I'm not sure really. Maddie has a picture. I kind of looked like him when I was younger."
"Dad told me you saved him. He doesn't remember a lot, but he knows you did. You were his good Samaritan."
"I drug your dad to safety and the others and Captain Mahta helped me get him to the hospital despite the sniper still firing at us. Good people under pressure."
"Your dad was one of those amazing good people who helped so many others. He helped me save a kid and his sister by figuring out the boy had the numbers backwards. Like a mirror. He said 318 instead of 81E. Your dad did that. He figured it out and we acted to save them."
"I didn't want him to quit! I was thinking about how mom was only here for one Christmas. That's all I remember. And the beach trip we took. That's it. And dad won't talk about her."
"Chris, holy... crud."
"What did she like? Did she like broccoli? Did she wear makeup like May? Do I have any uncles or aunts I don't know? What was her job? I don't know!"
"I don't know. Eddie, you idiot. You need... You need to talk to your dad about this."
The shooting. Ana. His dad yelling at someone over the phone about his insurance. How they may have to move because dad can't afford the rent anymore.
After listening to Buck's voicemail, Eddie goes to them and lets himself into the apartment. Chris is asleep upstairs after wearing himself out from crying. Buck drags Eddie out to the balcony and rips Eddie a new one.
"You thought you were doing right by Chris. What a good job you've done, Eddie! Is this even really about him, or is it something else? Talk to me! You're losing everything, Eddie! Carla! Chris's coverage! And now possibly your home! Why aren't you fighting harder, dammit?! What the fuck are you thinking?!"
"Did you even ask Chris what he wants or did you just fucking assume? Because he was only missing his mom. Like I told you. I told you it was Shannon! You didn't talk to him."
"He associates Christmas with her. That's the only Christmas he remembers with her. And it's not the tsunami keeping him from going to the beach. It's the memory of her! He doesn't remember much before with her than that because he was too young when she left! His only real memories of her! He associates Christmas and the beach with her death because that's all he has!" Eddie can only stare at Buck in shock.
"For fuck's sake, do you even keep her memory alive? My parents didn't for Daniel and it destroyed them and in turn Maddie and me. They wiped him away entirely. Do you talk about her to him at all? Because from what I can guess from what he asked me, the answer is no! So you tell me, what the fuck is going on?"
"I didn't know... How? Oh my God. It's my fault. It's all my fault. I didn't... Buck. I refuse to be like your parents. Oh my god, Buck!"
Eddie finally breaks and it all comes flooding out.
"He said I didn't have to lose everything before I let myself feel. Is that what I'm trying to do? Am I that fatalistic? All I hear in my head is "Suck it up, Edmundo. Men are supposed to be strong." Blah blah ad nauseam."
"In all honesty, your dad can go suck a bag of lemons so his face matches his heart. Shriveled and sour. That is so toxic. Dr. Copeland told me the same damn thing."
"She did?"
"We all have emotions for a reason. We aren't unfeeling robots. Early man went "Ugh!" but there's evidence of emotion. They're mentioned in the Bible, I think. If they were unnecessary, don't you think evolution would have wiped their purpose like the appendix by now? How many serial killers have been emotionless psychopaths?"
"What about the opposite? Why is that allowed? Why is a man allowed to be happy and celebrate if emotions are bad?"
"My dad didn't even smile at Sophia's birth. Or Christopher's. Or at Sophia graduating summa cum laude. I think his face is frozen in stone unless he's angry."
"Oh, so anger is allowed, but nothing else is? If I had my way, he'd never speak another word to Chris until he's reached maturity. Chris doesn't need to be poisoned, Eddie. Thinking like your dad is so fucking toxic, men with this belief should come with a warning sign."
"Where's mine?"
"Tossed in the shredder waiting for you to hit the power button. You just need to find your version of a cure. Or anti-venom, I guess. Cut off the head of the snake sunk into you and yank out the fangs. Just no street fighting again, please."
"Ha ha. I learned my lesson there."
"With your permission, I'd like to restart Chris's therapy. I'd need a signed document from you and your lawyer. He needs to break the happy memories he has with her away from her death. To learn how to separate it from Christmas and the beach."
"I... Okay. Yes. I'll get it tomorrow. Wait. My insurance probably won't-"
"Eddie, I've got it. I'll pay out of pocket if I have to. I have enough. I'm a single man with a fully paid vehicle and surprisingly cheap rent and utilities for LA. Trust me."
"Single? But you have Taylor?"
"Um... Not as of two weeks ago when she accepted an anchor position in Chicago."
"She wanted me to move with her. I told her no. My family is here. I'm not leaving. Period. She threw a fit. It didn't... end well."
"Dr. Copeland says her business partner at their office has an opening and is willing to take you as a client. She can give her a brief rundown, with your permission, so she can prepare. I've...uh...talked about you... quite a bit. No judgement. Just listening and advice. Guidance to learning how to heal and be better. Please. And before you say anything, I'm helping pay if you need it. Don't argue."
"Missed you, Buck. I'm an idiot. I should have talked to you sooner. I'm sorry."
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thegreatfanblog · 4 years
Hey, I love your Orlo fics so muchh and honestly I can't wait for you to continue them!! If you're taking requests can u maybe write one where the reader and Orlo are in a relationship and at the end of a day, Orlo is trying not to have a breakdown because of those insults he gets everyday (and most importantly not to show it to the reader because he thinks it's a sign of weakness??) but the reader eventually finds out and comforts him saying how much she loves him and how amazing he is?? Thx
thank you so much for the request!! i hope you like it <33
The monthly meetings between Emperor Peter and the country’s nobles took the most out of Orlo, he thinks. He always found himself in the middle of the Emperor’s bullheadedness and the nobles’ threatening forces. Always to be crushed between the two. It was fucking tiring to be frank.
Today Emperor Peter had decided to take an extreme stance against non-Russian alcohol of all things, putting several noble’s trade relations in jeopardy. He decided this in the middle of a meeting with one of said nobles, interrupting the other man to smash the gifted 50-year-old Venetian wine at his feet. The entire room sat in silence, shocked.
When the nobleman looked towards Orlo, awed by Peter’s stupidity and insolence, he jumped into action trying to placate everyone.
He held up a hand, silencing Orlo embarrassingly fast. The Emperor raised an eyebrow.
“As well behaved as a dog today,” he mused, bringing a flush to Orlo’s face. “Orlo, you bitch, bark for me.”
Orlo’s face and ears burned at the amount of blood rushing towards them. He would not. The Count stared defiantly at the Emperor, jaw clenched shut. The room stayed deadly silent. Peter opened his mouth, but his words went unheard by Orlo over the roaring inside his ears. The Emperor grew furious.
Grigor handed Peter a knife, who then stalked forward, quickly applying it to the Count’s throat and pressing. Sound returned to him.
“You are going to die, you fucking piece of sh-“
Orlo let out a rough bark, the edges of it frayed with the dryness of his throat and the lack of mobility against the cold blade. Mirth returned to the Emperor’s face.
Orlo did what he said, for all in the room to hear. He heard Arkady and Grigor laugh, followed by Peter’s own bellow, causing him to flinch.
“Get the fuck out.”
The knife was removed from his throat and he bolted to his desk, gathering his notes and exiting. The echo of their laughter followed him down the halls, embedding itself in his brain.
Orlo banged open the doors to his apartments violently, slamming them shut afterwards. Throwing his notes on his desk, he stood stiffly next to it, his anger growing. Hot tears betrayed the Count, slipping down his face, and that was the final straw. Orlo picked up a book, throwing it at the wall.
It wasn’t enough. He grasped the edge of his desk, throwing it onto its side, paper, books, and ink scattering alike. His chest heaved with exertion and angry sobs as he collapsed onto his desk chair, defeated. Orlo buried his face into his hands in shame. He stayed like that for a long while.
It was hours later when the man came to. Without realizing it, Orlo had been sitting in the dark for an unknown amount of time, not paying attention to the change of light. Then he remembered.
Y/N! he thought, springing up from his chair. Fuck, what is the time? He desperately searched for a clock, realizing he had broken it in his rage. You were meant to come over after your shift in the kitchens and he had no idea what time it was. Orlo couldn’t let you see him like this. He rushed to right the fallen desk, stacking papers without care on top of it, and rearranging the, now broken, clock onto the desk along with other various items strewn about. The Count crouched under the desk to reach one last pen that had fallen...
A knock at the door rang throughout the room. Orlo startled from his position, banging his head against the desk in his rush. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He barely caught himself from raging again.
“One second!” he called, throwing the pen onto the desk and quickly walking over to the door. He paused, taking a deep breath and smoothing out the fabric of his vest, before plastering on a small smile and gently opening the door.
You had a rather lovely smile on your face, up until you had time to take him in fully. Your eyes tracked from his wild hair, strands escaping his bow in mass, to his red eyes, to his tear stained cheeks, until finally they bore into a line of blood that crossed his throat. You pushed your way into his rooms, grabbing him by the arm and leading him back to the desk chair. You pushed him to sit.
“It’s really nothing, I’m fine,” he tried to say, but you ignored him, leaving him in search of supplies to clean the wound. Finding them, you returned. You set them on the desk next to him and immediately began washing the wound in silence. Orlo didn’t dare to speak.
“What happened?”
When he wasn’t forthcoming, you put down your cloth and took his face into your gentle hands, rubbing under his eyes with your thumbs. Orlo’s eyes darted away for yours and he stayed silent. You took in a shaky breath. Unable to help yourself, your body swallowed his into a hug, the different levels forcing his face into your chest awkwardly. You did not care, hugging him for several minutes in silence. You could feel his own trembling breaths against you.
Giving him a kiss to his forehead, you pulled away to finish your work on his neck. Orlo immediately ducked his head after the release. You heard his quiet sniffles and knew he was trying to hide his weakness from you. As if you would care.
You stroked his hair, moving your hands to undo the disoriented bow. You gave him time to collect himself, letting him know you were there for him when he chose to come out of hiding. Patiently, kindly, and lovingly, you waited.
Orlo’s head slowly rose and your hands remained in his hair, gently untangling it as he revealed himself. There were tears in his eyes, and fresh tracks patterning his cheeks. Giving him your own watery smile, you wiped away a stray tear on his cheek. He exhaled, body turning to jelly after how tense he had made himself.
You resumed cleaning, wrapping his neck with a pristine bandage when you were finished. Urging him to stand, you led him towards his bed, stripping him of his tight vest and pinching shoes. He collapsed onto it, and after stripping yourself of your dirty apron and shoes, you joined him, both of you reclining into the many pillows. You tucked Orlo’s face into your neck, allowing him a small semblance of privacy. You laid in silence. And waited.
He finally spoke, his voice rough from lack of use.
“He made me bark.”
You blood ran hot, and you took deep breaths through your nose while stroking his back to calm yourself.
“When I didn’t, he pressed a knife to me...” he trailed off pitifully. “You deserve better. I truly am a coward.”
Your hand stilled on his back and you felt him tense against you. You resumed so as not to worry, collecting your thoughts while monotonously gliding your hand up and down his back.
“... You are alive, I can still feel your heartbeat, and that is all that matters to me.”
He sobbed quietly against your neck, wetting it with his tears.
“Orlo,” you nudged him to look up at you, so he could see how intensely you felt. “You are no coward. You are human; you acted for your survival, not simply laying down and dying.”
You continued, wiping his tears away, making it known how much you love him with your touch and soft gaze.
“The fault lies in him, Orlo. Not you. I will never blame you for what he does. I am... immensely relieved you chose life over death. You make me so happy each and every day.”
You kissed his forehead, tucking loose hair behind his ear.
“I would have had to kill him myself, Catherine’s plans be dammed.”
Orlo smiled through his tears, huffing a laugh and plopping his head onto your chest again.
“She would not like that.”
“Then fuck her.”
His giggle vibrated your chest, bringing warmth to your core. God, you loved this man. You would spend every second of your life proving it to him if you could.
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reydjarinkenobi · 4 years
Loved the recent chapter of Dropkicked! I love the idea of Din being Rey's father, but the messages almost made me cry. Can't wait for more Master-Padawan bonding between the four of them, as well as more bonding between Finn and the clones.
Thank you so much! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter.
Finn's head was spinning with the sudden changes that he'd experienced in the past few hours. It wasn't a new feeling for him. If he was honest, his head hadn't really stopped spinning since he'd decided to save Poe all those months ago.
 After that decision, that one choice which uprooted everything that Finn had ever known, everything had been constantly changing. At times, it had felt like it was impossible to pause long enough to even take a breath. Finn had been dragged through a whirlwind of chaos and fighting, moving through missions, between different bases, and around different positions in the Resistance. The only times where his mind had seemed to slow down were when he was with Poe or Rey or the general.
 For most of the first few months, Finn hadn't been sure about what he wanted to do. There had been something, deep inside him that had screamed at him to run, to find a dark corner of the galaxy so far away and well-hidden that the First Order would never find him, not matter how far their influence spread and how much power they took. However, whenever he went to ask the general for transport, for help in hiding (he knew that she would give it without judgement should he ask, in fact, she was the one who offered a few days after he'd woken up in the med bay after Starkiller Base), he seemed to catch sight of Poe fixing his TIE fighter or talking quietly to BB8, or Rey determinedly walking off into the forest to yet again sit there for hours or pouring through books as she tried to understand how to fix the galaxy, and he knew that he could not abandon them.
 These people were his people and they were fighting for what was right. And, yes, it was scary and it was difficult and they were losing. But, it felt good every time they helped someone, or saved a planet from the First Order's clutches. Finn had never felt like he was doing something right before. He didn't want to stop and, ultimately, every time he had faltered, that conviction had proved stronger than the fear.
 But time travel? That was hard to tackle.
 Finn followed General Kenobi to the luscious garden. The first thing he noticed when he entered the room was the sudden increase in temperature. This ship was fancy enough for the halls to be heated even in hyperspace. However, the humidity in room of tropical plants, which was almost like a greenhouse, took the edge of the chill that permeated hyperspace more than the heaters ever could. The second thing he noticed was the frankly ridiculous water feature that dominated the centre of the high-ceilinged room.
 General Kenobi led him over to a clear section of glass right next to the fountain and sat down in a cross-legged position.
 Finn scrambled to do the same, trying his best to match General Kenobi's posture.
 He must have done something right because General Kenobi smiled at him, filling Finn's chest with a warmth.
 "I know this must be very overwhelming for you," General Kenobi said.
 Finn nodded. "That's one way to put it."
 General Kenobi's smile widened a little. "Yes, that was rather an understatement, wasn't it? My apologies, I've had so much practice with phrasing things diplomatically that it has become automatic."
 "That's… useful."
 General Kenobi chuckled before he looked seriously into Finn's eyes. "Regardless of the… unusual circumstances you've found yourself in, you are my padawan now, and we will be working very closely together. We will be partners, even above the battalions we will be working with and Padawan Rey and Master Windu, do you understand?"
 Finn frowned, but he nodded again. "Yes. You'll be teaching me and I'll answer primarily to you."
 General Kenobi nodded. "Of course, given your age and circumstances, this will be a highly unusual padawanship and, as such, we will both need to be flexible and open to our expectations for this dynamic."
 Finn blinked. He hadn't expected such a frank and open discussion. Honestly, it reminded him of General Organa, when she'd sat him down and frankly asked him what he wanted.
 "Uh… yeah. That would be good actually."
 General Kenobi smiled gently, his posture somehow becoming even more straight even as eh inclined his head towards Finn.
 "I promise to do my best to train you in the ways of the Jedi and help you gain mastery over the Force. However, I also want you to know that, should the Jedi path not be suited for you, you will always have my support going forward, even if you decide to leave the order. I have many contacts that could help you establish a life outside the Order."
 Finn frowned. Over the past couple of months, he had come to accept the fact that he would eventually join the sparse ranks of the mystical Force Users. However, he hadn't been prepared for joining such an organised and established Order.
 "And what does it mean to be a Jedi?" Finn asked. "Rey and I tried to figure it out, but there wasn't much… I mean most records had been destroyed and it was hard to find real solid evidence of what the Order really was like… or is like I guess."
 General Kenobi put a hand on his chin, pausing in thought for a few moments before he questioned, "What do you think it means to be a Jedi?"
 Finn pressed his lips together. "From what I understand of past stories and from what I think… Jedi are peacekeepers, right? They protected the galaxy as best they could and mediate government bureaucracy to try and get fair outcomes. They protect people when they can't protect themselves."
 General Kenobi's shoulders lowered slightly. "That's what we try to do. It's become a lot more difficult over the last few years. We… try to do what is right. But you missed one, very important. We are beholden to the Senate. Especially after recent legislation. It has allowed us to have influence within in the galaxy to make it better, but everything comes at a price and we've been feeling it recently."
 Finn leaned forward, looking deeply into General Kenobi’s eyes. “There is one thing that I am certain of and that all those in the Resistance, particularly General Leia: the Jedi were good. They helped the galaxy. Even the Clone Wars was... is the Jedi doing everything they can to protect it.”
 General Kenobi glanced down, taking a slow breath before he looked up at Finn, his eyes shining.
 “That means more than I can say.”
 He cleared his throat. “It is not my place to tell you what being a Jedi is to you. However, you must know that if you choose to be a Jedi, you must commit to being a Jedi. It has to be your first priority and you can’t let anything else come before that.”
 Finn pursed his lips. “Luke said something similar when he talked about being a Jedi. I think I understand.”
 “You do?”
 Finn nodded. “Its similar in the Resistance: the cause comes first. Anything else comes second... came second. We couldn’t afford to prioritise anything over our missions or the people we were helping could get hurt... could have died.”
 General Kenobi inclined his head forward, his face impassive, but Finn was very good at reading people, having spent much of his life surrounded by people in full armour, and if he had to guess, the slight loosening of the man’s shoulders belied his relief.
 “Good. The Jedi do not forbid romantic relationships, just attachments that could compromise our objectivity or our ability to perform our duties, but I think that you understand that. If you do think that you’ve formed an attachment that will jeapordise you’re ability to make the right decision when it comes down to it, then it will your job to come forward with that and either work threw that attachement or step down as a Jedi before you get someone hurt. The Council has been more... lenient with this rule since the war began. It’s blurred the lines for many but it is still important.”
 Finn blinked and absorbed this information for a few moments before he replied, “I agree. Poe agrees too. I... think I might love him but we both knew that there would always be something that came first, even after the war. Poe has always been to committed to saving the galaxy above all else and I... I think I like helping people. And I don’t want something to come before that, not even Poe.”
 At this, General Kenobi smiled. “That is... an extremely mature response. But, just know, if you change your mind, you are free to leave the Order. You might not be a Jedi afterwards, but you will still have the support of your friends if you wish to keep in contact.”
 Finn nodded. “I understand.”
 General’s Kenobi’s grin widened and he took a deep breath. “I know that this was extremely unexpected, but I have a good feeling about you and your team. I think you will find your place here and I’m looking forward to teaching you.”
 Finn wanted to duck his head but managed to stop himself, even as he felt his cheeks heat up. “Thank you, General Kenobi.”
 “It’s, Obi-Wan, or Master Obi-Wan if you want to, but don’t feel pressured if you are uncomfortable with that title or it causes you distress. I know the negative connotations it has in much of the galaxy.”
 Finn shook his head. “No, it’s ok. I know that it’s a sign of respect. And I never - the First Order didn’t use that word. It would have been too obvious what we were then. They relied on us being too brainwashed to care.”
 Gener - no, Master Obi-Wan pressed his lips together then but went on instead of diving into a discussion about Finn’s past. He didn’t think he could handle it after the emotional upheaval. The Jedi has already talked with them about the ramifications of leaving everything behind before their medical check ups and implied that there would be more of those conversations in the future.
 “What would be comfortable being adrressed as? I can call you Padawan, or Finn, or even Commander Finn if you would prefer. You will be addressed as such by the troops. I’m afraid it’s rather impossible to get them to use your first names. Cody has only just started doing so, and that is only in private after we’ve already been doing hours of paperwork together.”
 “Any of those are fine.” Just as long as they didn’t use his number, but they hadn’t told him his number, so he would have to worry about that. “I won’t have to call the troopers by their serial numbers will I?”
 Master Obi-Wan grimaced. “Many of them have not chosen names for themselves, so you will need to address those as their designations if you want to converse with them, but a great majority have decided upon their names and prefer it if you address them by their chosen names.”
 Finn nodded vigorously. “Good. That’s good. I can definitely do that.”
 Master Obi-Wan’s eyes softened. “I know that the clones’ reality is not right, but we have thus far been unsuccessful in convincing the Senate that they need rights. I know this will be difficult for you. If you are having difficulties, please feel free to come to me or any Jedi Master if you do not want to talk to me about it. We can arrange a way to make you feel better, even if that is you staying in the Temple, though you will still see troopers there. We have found that we like having them there. It feels right and they help the young kings feel safe.”
 Both Jedi flinched after that at the reminder of just what the troopers on the Temple had done. The event was barely under one and a half years away. The troopers there still had their chips in. They couldn’t convey their information to the Council for fear of it getting intercepted. There was no telling how safe even the most encrypted comms were and this intel was too important to risk getting out. It literally meant the life and death of every Jedi. They couldn’t even discuss it with the other Jedi on their trip yet. They needed to get a plan first.
 “It’s alright,” Finn assured Master Obi-Wan. “Like I said, I know that this was the best option. Without you, the troopers would be stuck with people like Tarkin, and you would have had even less influence than you already do over the trooper’s fates.”
 Master Obi-Wan swallowed and was quiet for a few moments before he looked up. “I think that’s enough heavy topics for one day, Padawan. Do you agree?”
 Finn matched the other man’s smile and nodded.
 Master Obi-Wan shook his shoulders out. “Now, I know that you have practiced meditation, but I would like to see your progress. It is one of the most important parts of a Jedi’s skill set. It helps us connect with the Force and promotes self reflection, which is essential to ensure that you stay in touch with your emotions and feelings.”
 “And don’t fall to the Dark Side.”
 “Very good,” Master Obi-Wan agreed with a nod of his head. “But also to just ensure that you are aware of your emotions and that your connection to the Force is healthy.”
 “That sounds fair.”
 “I’m glad, Finn,” Master Obi-Wan said with a smirk. “Now, would like me to guide you through a meditation?”
 “Yeah,” Finn answered without needing to think about it. “I would.”
 Rey couldn’t stop the giddy smile from splitting across her face as she opened her eyes. That was the best meditation she’d ever had.
 “That was amazing!” she said. It made up for the long conversation they’d had about the rules of the Jedi (that part really hadn’t been bad. It was nice when people were clear), trauma (which had been painful and left her feeling hollow) and about her feelings towards her family (which had almost made her cry). The conversation had been long and serious, but she thought that her master was convinced that she knew the dangers of attachment - she’d told him about Joie shelf learnt the difference between a healthy relationship and attachment the hard way after all.
 Master Windu’s lips twitched and he glanced down at the comm link on his vambrace, “We have time for me to begin teaching you katas?”
 Rey perked up, causing her master to chuckle. Rey’s eyes widened and Master Windu smiled at her.
 “Did I shock you, Padawan?”
 Rey stammered our a denial but that only caused her master to chuckle again.
 “It’s alright, Rey,” he assured her as he sobered. “I am a High General and the Master of the Order, which means I need to present a certain image to everyone. I know I come off as stern.”
 Rey blinked before she nodded. “That makes sense. The Order needs a firm leader.”
 Her master smiled at her. “However, you are not everyone. You are my Padawan. It is a lot of responsibility for you as we both will be held to a certain expectation when we are around other people. You will need to act respectfully and responsibly. But it also means I won’t be as... stiff around you.”
 Rey absorbed that for a few moments before she answered, “I understand... Master Mace.”
 Her lips twitched as her master sighed. “There was a reason I asked you to address me as either Master or Mace.”
 Rey grinned and Mace raised his eyebrow at her. “Remind me not to introduce you to Depa, your sister padawan. I can already tell that I will never find peace again if I do.”
 They shared a smile as warmth thrummed through their newly established bond and then Mace cleared his throat. “Why don’t we get started. The highly unique style of your saber means that you will need to learn multiple fighting styles to master the staff and dual form. However, I think I’ll start off you Shi-Cho forms for a single blade and we’ll go from there.”
 Rey nodded in agreement and stood up with her master, unclipping her saber from its stop on her belt and lighting up the blue side. Her master ignited his own saber revealing a brilliant purple colour that immediately had Rey entranced as he started showing her simple stances. 
 The moves felt good, a little awkward at first but she quickly picked them up, and soon Mace showed her the variations for staff and Jar’Kai. By the end of the lesson, they had moved onto to a slow sort of sparring and Rey felt like she’d actually made progress for the first time since she’d started training.
 “That was a good session, Padawan” her master praised her warmly at the end of it, stepping up to her shoulder. “I’ll show you to your room so you can get cleaned up before dinner and then we can complete the last step in making your padawanship official.”
 “What’s that, Master?”
 “Giving you a braid.”
How was this? What else are you looking forward to seeing? I promise we’ll get some clone action soon.
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renee-writer · 4 years
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Frank's Child Chapter 9 A Proposal and Frank
In the end, it is simple. She trusts him more then anyone else here. He knows her story and believes it. When she has needed help, he is always there to offer it. He can help get her to the stones if she chooses that. And, not to be coy, she wants him. Wants him badly.
So thinking, she goes to find him. He is feeding the horses. “Och Donas, dinna be greedy ye wee bugger.” He scolds the big black horse.
“Hungry is he?” he jumps at her voice directly behind him.
“Aye Sassanech. He always is.” He turns and meets her eyes. As the other times, time seems to hold it's breath. He longs to touch her. His fist tightens on the bucket he holds.
“I understand. When I am not sick, I am hungry.” One hand traces the tiny bump. His eyes follow her movement. They both swallow.
“Aye, are you hungry now?”
“Very.” They both now she isn't talking about food. She takes a step closer placing them just a few inches apart.
“We can't.” he groans.
“We can if married. Will you marry me Jamie?” His eyes that had been examining her growing bosom jerk to her face. “I trust you. You know all. Mrs. Fitz says you uncle will want to marry me to some old widower before thus one comes. I want the person I can trust. The person who I feel drawn to. Please.”
“Oh Christ, I want you. You know I do. But he won’t allow us to be married.”
“So Mrs. Fitz said. But we can elope. Please Jamie.”
At the same time.
Frank heads back to the Standing Stones. He doesn’t believe Mrs. Baird, not really. But, if there is any chance. Every other trail has ran cold. The police are openly saying they believe she is with another man. He would rather believe she traveled through time. He doesn’t think it could be both.
“Aye Claire.” He moves Donas out, throws a blanket over him, and helps her on. He pulls himself up behind her. “We will go away from here, and then we will be hand fast. That and laying together,” she feels him swallow hard and harden up behind her.
“We can do that. Thank you Jamie. I am sure you had a better option then a widow that carries a child.”
“There is no option I want as much as you Claire. Ye dinna ken that?” She shivers then.
“This between us, you feel it too then?”
“Oh aye. It is quite powerful.”
“Yes.” She rests her head against his chest.
He walks up the hill. It feels different then the last time. Some power is here. Was Mrs. Baird right? He walks up to the center stone calling Claire's name.
“Here.” He stops at the top of a small hill. The view under it is beautiful. He helps her down. “It involves a small bit of a blood vow. You aren’t skimmage are ye, Claire?”
“No. I've no problem with blood.” She says wryly. After the war and all she had seen. But there was time to talk about that.
“Good. It is just a thin cut to mingle our blood together.” She nods as he draws his dirk out. A thin cut across both their wrist. He presses them together. Then he maneuvers a piece of tarden around them, tying them together. “Repeat after me.”
“You are blood of my blood and bone of my bone, I give you my body that us two may be one. I give you my spirit until our lives be done.”
“That is beautiful.” She declares after she does.
“Aye, Mrs. Fraser, tis'.”
“That is it.”
“Aye. All bar consummating it. We are married for a year and a day. Time to either get to a priest or see you back.” Said as he unties them before placing a different, smaller one around hers. She help him do the same on his.
“You would take me back?”
“If that be your wish, once the snow clears. “
“You are an extraordinary man Jamie.” She grabs the blanket of Donas and lays it on the ground. “ Will you come lay with your wife?”
Frank continues to yell out her name as he places his hand on the stone. Suddenly he is in the midst of pure chaos.
“Aye. Oh aye but there is something I need to tell you first.” She looks at him. “I am a virgin.”
“Oh my dear husband. It is okay. Let me teach you. Come here.” He joins her on the blanket, taking her lips.
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https-em · 5 years
Bucky Barnes: Power Outage
Warning: this is a smut!
(repost from my Wattpad)
This is my baby right here 👉🏻
Words: 4,000 - i put a whole ass storyline into this
Sum: While staying at the Avengers complex, Y/N finds herself stuck in a power outage, lucky there’s one other person awake to keep her company. Lemme tell you, she’s real lucky.
I turn my head stare out the window into the dark country sky. I admire the stars and the nice blue sky  In upstate New York, the rain crashing down against the window. I woke up in the middle of the night and I can't fall back asleep so now I am soaking in a bath. A dim light is in the corner of the room, not serving much light. I take my hand and play with some of the bubbles.
My own home got destroyed due to an Avenger incident, my apartment complex went down. Thankfully I'm closely aquatinted with Wanda who is allowing me to stay with her in the Avenger complex. No hard feelings, I got my own guest room honestly I can't complain. Tony and most of the Avengers have been gone out on business for a while, but Wanda and a few others are still here. Honestly it's been rather relaxing and welcoming.
Strangely, the dim light flickers off. I furrow my eyebrows and sit up in the tub. I'm in complete darkness.
"That's creepy," I whisper and stand up, pulling the drain lever. Maybe the bulb burnt out. I grab my towel and wrap it around myself, stepping out of the tub and drying myself off.
I drop my towel and grab my clean clothes, pulling shorts and a tank top over my body. I can see myself in the mirror, my tired eyes and wet hair. My shirt clings to my body, making it almost see through, but I figure I won't see anyone. I shiver and open the door which leads to the hallway. Everything is pitch black and I can't see anything. I begin to hear a faint noise far away, it sounds like bottles clinking together. I blindly walk towards the noise and my eyes slowly adjust to the darkness.
I turn random corners and realize I'm walking in the direction of the kitchen. It's very late, I wonder who is up. Gliding my fingers against the wall so I don't bump into anything, I see a dark figure moving around in the kitchen. Timidly, I walk towards it and cross my arms, feeling overwhelmingly cold.
"Hello?" I ask in a low voice.
I stand at the entry of the open kitchen, looking at this large figure which is not Wanda. His arms are moving around and it looks like he is pouring alcohol. His head looks up and his hair falls behind his head.
He has a low and calming voice, I know who that voice belongs to. My feet patter along the cold tile as I walk towards the counter. I can't really see anything but I can kind of see his face. I think that’s Bucky, I've talked to him before in these past couple of days. Before I came here, Wanda talked about him because she assumed I would be scared of him. I look down at the bottle he is pouring and see it's vodka. He is straight up drinking vodka in a whisky glass. He must take alcohol well. But it is past twelve in the morning– seems personal.
Moonlight shines from the window and surrounds us, giving me a better view of his face. He looks at me with kind eyes and pushes a glass towards me.
"What do you drink?" He asks and turns around to the alcohol cabinet.
I can tell he just came out of bed, he's wearing grey sweatpants and a tee shirt. I can see his metal arm that extends from his shoulder, I eye it for a moment, trying not to stare at it.
I stumble my words and say, "anything really." I wasn't planning on drinking tonight, I was actually planning to look at apartments in Manhattan.
He pulls a bottle of something out of the cabinet and turns towards me.
"Enjoying yourself so far?" He asks with a small smile on his lips.
I nod my head and say, "it was very generous of Tony to let me stay here. I'm leaving soon though."
He pours himself another glass of vodka and I can smell it from here, it's burning my nose. With that much alcohol in his stomach, he must be drunk.
"I haven't seen you around here that much," I mutter and drink some more of the wine. I think this wine costs more than me.
My mind trails off but then I recall that it's true, I have only spoke to him a couple of times but other than that, I haven't really seen him. I can tell he's shy and reserved.
He nods his head and speaks, "you can probably tell this place isn't very private. Tony has his security following me around all day. I'd rather live anywhere else but here honestly."
"Why's that?"
He shrugs his shoulders and says, "he thinks I'm a threat." My bottom lip pouts when he says that which makes him chuckle.
"Well," I speak and finish the glass. "You seem fine to me."
He smiles and looks up at me for a couple of seconds and we sit in silence. He's rather handsome, his stubble and hair compliment his face rather well, and even in the darkness I can see his deep eyes. Looking away, I stare out the window at the horrible storm.
I clear my throat and ask, "what happened with the lights?" Obviously trying to make small talk.
Bucky shrugs his shoulders, "just the storm probably. But no one is awake to fix it."
I laugh and look back up at him. So I'm stuck in darkness for who knows how long.
"Rough night?" I finally ask, watching him chug his glass of vodka.
He nods his head and stares down at the bottom of his glass. "Yeah." I couldn't help but feel bad for him. I feel rather comfortable around him, Wanda was right.
"You’re not alone on that one.”
I can see another smile forming on his face. "Why are you awake at this hour? Beauty sleep is important you know."
I laugh and respond, "I couldn't sleep so I took a bath. And then the power went out."
He nods his head and his mouth timidly opens like he's going to say something. His bottom lip falls and he timidly says, "you're being really nice to me." It almost sounded like a question.
I furrow my eyebrows In confusion and my words slowly stumble out, "why wouldn't I be nice to you?"
"I don't mean to state the obvious but,” he looks down at his arm and my gaze shifts to his to robotic piece. “the metal arm is kind of flashy," he jokes.
I shake my head and say, "Wanda throws things with her mind, I'm not one to judge."
"Well," he begins and plays with his glass. "I'm not used to this much kindness from a stranger. People don't take lightly on what I did." He taps the glass with his digits. “Not to get all sappy here, but..” He trails off with weak laughter.
A small smile forms across my cheeks and I shake my head, " I don't believe in ghost stories."
He mutters, "a lot of people do."
He smiles and his hand reaches over the counter for mine. My eyes follow his hand as I’m curious what he’s going to do. His hand wraps around mine and carries my hand to his lips. "You're a doll." He places a soft kiss on my knuckle, slightly grazing my knuckle with his sharp stubble. I can feel the warmth rising in my cheeks like I’m some child. We look at each other for a second, which seemed like forever, and just from those seconds I can tell he is in desperate need of loving– genuinely speaking as well. Our hands rest on the table, his on top of mine. Then I hear a loud familiar bang remarkably just outside the window; my body tenses up and I peer outside. Bucky couldn’t help but to chuckle a little. The amount of thunder outside is making me wonder how long this complex will be in darkness.
My eyes finally meet Bucky’s and I sense some sort of tenderness in them. My first instinct was to question his sobriety, but then again I don’t think any human would even be standing from drinking that much alcohol. “Are you drunk?” My head falls and I watch our hands.
And that was all I needed. There’s something about how he’s scanning all over my face and arms, and shoulders, and my neck– something rather extraordinary.
Bucky slips his hand away from mine and reaches into his pocket, fiddling for something. I look down at my empty hand and swallow my disappointment. I slide my hand back to my wine glass and fiddle with the stem, distracting myself. I notice a bright light and look up to see Bucky on his phone. He squints from the light and his eyes crinkle as he analyzes the screen. I turn my head and stare out the window at the rain, watching as each bead hits the glass, splattering and cracking into multiple directions. I turn my direction back to Bucky, thinking of conversation to make.
From the speaker on the ceiling, I hear a robotic voice speak, "connected to IPhone." In confusion, I watch as Bucky places his phone down flat on the counter and he gives me a small smile. Surrounding me, I hear the sweet tune of Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra. I instantly smile in excitement.
Bucky sticks out his hand to me, and without sharing words, I know what he is asking.
I can feel myself being flattered by his request, and I stutter for a moment before eventually and uncertainty giving him my hand.
Bucky broke out into a toothy smile, pulling me into the open kitchen, right below the speaker. The music floods in all directions, I can feel it swaying around me. My eyes trail up his face and lock eyes with him. He bears such kind, watery eyes that visibly travel all around my face and body. Bucky tilts his head lower, leaning closer to me, causing pieces of his chocolate hair to fall on his cheeks.
Bucky lifts up his arm and twirls me around, I couldn't help but giggle. My hair whirls around my head and I come to a stop in front of him. His tired eyes look into mine and his hands grab at my waist, pulling me closer to him. I slide my hands up his neck, feeling the muscles and caressing his prickly skin, eventually resting them behind his head. We move in tiny circles to the smooth beat as I slightly sway my hips.
He twirls me around again, wind fluttering my hair, a thought comes to my head and I say again, "I think you're drunk."
He shakes his head and chuckles. "I'm not drunk."
The song ends and we continue to dance as another song which I don't know but it sounds old-timey. I swear I can do this forever. But he stops me in front of him and keeps his hands wrapped firmly around my waist. I can feel my heartbeat increasing, and my skin getting a hot flush of red as we stand on the cold tile just admiring each other. Truth be told, no words can stumble out of my lips right now, he has me locked in a trancelike state. My finger tips start to circle around pieces of his hair, making his tongue swipe across his bottom lip.
My lips part and I speak a couple of words, "we should get to sleep soon.” I look past his face and into the empty hall.
Bucky's smile fades and his face slowly moves closer to mine, his breath bouncing off of my face. Our faces are centimeters apart, I had an overwhelming feeling to move closer, like something was even pulling us closer
"I don't want to sleep."
  Then Bucky filled the gap and kissed me, I shut my eyes, sliding my hands down to his stubbly jaw, and gently gripping him, falling into his cracked lips. I kiss back, our lips gently moving together until he pulls away, staring down at my face with his eyebrows gently furrowed. I can feel my body temperature rising every second that he just looks at me with his deep eyes, there are hints of lust as well, him slowly looking at my body and every curve of my face just added to it. I can feel myself wanting more of him. Maybe it was the time, maybe it was the wine, or maybe it's just him- but I ache to show this man love.
Through the silence of us and the song playing in the background, he mumbles, "are you leaving soon?"
I nod my head and swipe his bottom lip with my thumb. "Yes," is all that I can say, it seems all of my words are choked up in my throat.
"I don't want you to."
His voice is deep and demanding, making me realize that I don't want to either. Bucky smushes his lips against mine, making a little moan slip out of my mouth. His lips separate from my mouth, making me ache for more, they slide down to my neck and I tilt my head back, giving into his gentle yet lustful kisses. His large hands swiftly make their way to my ass, and in a quick motion, he lifts me up into his arms. He detaches his lips from my neck, and cold air hits against the wet kiss marks, sending shivers down my body. Bucky gently places me down on the counter, his hands placed firmly on my waist.
His thick fingers run along my back, giving me tingles and a sensation I didn't know was possible. I can feel a heat and a tickling sensation run throughout my stomach and core as his wet lips tease me with kisses and his fingers dance along my back. I can taste the vodka on his tongue that plays with mine.
His hands move down to my thighs and he gently grabs at them. I wrap my legs around his waist and slide my hands down his torso and up his shirt, feeling his abs and every muscle on his body. He leaves a trail of sloppy wet kisses down my neck and soon the only noise in the room was our heavy breathing and slow music. Some part of me wants the lights to come back on so I can see every single part of him. I pull up his shirt and he stops kissing me. He rests his head on my chest and looks up at me.
“Are you sure?"
Before he can finish his sentence I cut him off and eagerly assure him, "yes."
Bucky goes to work, removing himself from me and pulling off his tee shirt. I gawk at his bulging biceps and thick torso. My eyes trail up his chest to his eyes, only see lust and passion in his them; Bucky bites down on his bottom lip and leans into me, kissing me softly, making sure there’s no skin left untouched. His rough, calloused hands run up my shirt and send a shiver throughout my entire body. I can feel myself getting excited and eager, rubbing my thighs together to make some friction. Under my shirt, Bucky grabs at my bare boobs, massaging me while lustfully kissing me. I grab at his lip with my teeth and gently pull his lip as little moans fall from my mouth.
He takes off my shirt and lets it drop to the floor, and for a moment he stares at my chest, admiring my body.
"You're gorgeous, doll."
I smirk and moan as he plants wet kisses on my exposed nipple. When he pulls away I get hit with a burst of cold air on my boobs. He leans into my ear, biting it and kissing my jaw. I throw my head back and tangle my hands into his hair, tugging gently at his locks. His breath on my neck sends shivers down my spine.
"I want you," I whisper into his ear.
Bucky grabs my thighs and roughly pulls me towards his hips. "Yeah?" He asks in a husky low voice. His voice makes my hormones go nuts, I can already feel myself dripping for him. I can feel his large excited bulge inside his sweatpants waiting for me as Bucky's hips grind against me.
"Not just yet, doll," he mumbles in my ear.
My body wants him, in a way I need him. His fingers hook in my shorts and pull them down, along with my panties. They both drop to the floor. I'm completely bare, and his eyes roam my body like I'm candy. Bucky hooks his arms around my thighs and pulls me to the edge of the counter. He bends down, coming eye to eye with my dripping pussy. His stubble runs along my inner thighs as he places small kisses on my skin. His tongue pressed between my folds, dipping deeply into my clit, teasing me. My free hand grabbed his hair, pulling it out of his face. Bucky licked kissed and sucked like he couldn't get enough of me, taking 'eating me out' to the next level.
"Bucky," I gasp and he looks up at me, staring into my eyes just to see how I react to his tongue flicks.
His mouth wraps around my pussy and pulls my thighs closer to him, locking his lips against my pussy. He doesn't stop, continuing to devour me, and his aggressive tongue sent me over the edge. He still stares up at me, watching me come close to my orgasm.
"James," I moan and throw my head back in ecstasy. I felt the tight coil inside myself snap, my walls tightening and legs trembling with the shocks of pleasure coursing through my body. I try to close my legs from my sensitive clit, but Bucky pushes them open and slowly licks the enternece of my pussy- cleaning me up. I think that was the quickest I have ever orgasmed.
I speak unintelligible words, "oh my god."
Bucky stands up and spreads my legs that feel like jelly across the counter.
He scans my entire body, taking the image of me in and muttering,” you’re gorgeous.”
He leans down and plants a kiss on my lips before taking his thumb and gliding it across my entrance. Bucky kisses me as his middle finger slowly slides inside my wet entrance. He pumps a couple of times and I whimper. His erect cock springs out and Bucky pulls my thighs closer to him, aligning himself with my entrance.
His hand circles his thick cock against my hot folds, and I swear his teasing is killing me. His cock scrapes against my sensitive nub and I let out gentle frustrating moans. I can feel myself trembling under his touch.
He finally aligned himself with me and stared into my eyes, slowly pushing himself inside of me, looking at me to see how I react. I let out a low hiss and bite my cheek as he pushed into my tight core. He watched my distressed face, slowly pumping in and out of my wet core. I can feel his veins rubbing against my walls, which only lead to more indescribable pleasure.
Bucky happily obliged, sliding deeper and harder into me. I tilt my head back in ecstasy. I had never felt to filled until this moment. Every hard thrust sent throbbing pleasure throughout my body. His hands comforted me, his cold metal hand placed on my waist, and his warm hand holding open my thigh, gently caressing it.
He looks at my face, admiring every ounce of pleasure I showed through my face. Bucky grunts and snaps his hips harder, pushing himself further inside of me. I mutter something like 'yes' or 'more,' his cock completely sending waves of pleasure inside me.
"You feel so good, babydoll," Bucky mutters, digging his fingers into my leg and hip.
After what seemed like minutes, the noises in the room got louder, our breath picked up, and our moans echoed throughout the room. It wouldn't take a genius to figure out what is going on in the kitchen, but I don't care.
I can feel myself coming over the edge, my hands went to my head, putting my hands over my head. Bucky snaps and rolls his hips one more time, making my body be sent over the edge and my walls tighten around him. All of the muscles in my body contract as I moan his name and he deeply fucks me. Bucky takes his hand and grabs my chin, making me look directly at him as I have a breathtaking orgasm. I swear I moaned his name over and over again. The feeling of my tightening walls around him and my moans was enough to make him cum on the spot. He pulls himself out of me and groans as a hot spurt of cum lands on my stomach, still staring into my ecstasy filled eyes.
We both calm down, he turns his head and kisses my leg with wet kisses.
"That was amazing," I whisper, laying lifeless on the counter like jelly.
Bucky chuckles and looks down at me with passionate eyes. He caresses my thighs and smiles down at me. Bucky places his hands on my hips and lifts me up to his chest, I look up in his eyes and he grabs the back of my head, pulling me into a lustful kiss.
He whispers, "I think you should stay for a little longer."
He was serious, just looking down into my eyes. I smile and say, "I think I should too."
He kisses the top of my head before bending down and pulling up his sweatpants. He held his tee shirt over his shoulder and I swear I can stare at him forever. I place my hands on top of his biceps, gently feeling both of his arms. I run my fingers along the scar where metal meets skin, expecting resistance from him– but he doesn't pull away, he just looks into my eyes. I feel along his muscles, in every curvature of his body, admiring him. Bucky smiles and takes my hand, helping me off the counter and grabbing my clothes for me, putting my tank top over my head and pulling my shorts over my legs. His hands run from my feet up to my thighs and I get shivers down my spine.
Bucky holds my arm and we walk out of the kitchen, to what I assume is his bedroom. We pass peoples bedroom doors and no one seems to be disturbed. I think we got lucky.
As we walk into Bucky's room I hear his phone buzzing from his pocket. I take a look around Bucky's big melodramatic bedroom before seating myself in his bed that released a smell of cologne. He closes the door and takes his phone out of his pocket, putting it on speaker and leaving it on his dresser.
"Yeah?" Bucky answers. 
I hear a noisy background from the other line. I wonder who that is. In his dark room the only light is the light from his phone.
"Hey Buck."
I instantly recognize that voice, it's Steve. My attention snaps to the phone call.
"You should tell Tony to get his crew over here, there's a power outage, it's storming pretty bad outside."
Steve responds, "Yeah, we saw. They're coming in the morning."
"You saw?" Bucky questions.
Steve chuckles and I hear another voice chime in, who I recognize instantly. "Yeah we have cameras tinman," Tony loudly announces.
Bucky and I freeze, looking at each other, just remaining dead silent.
Tony jokes, "I guess the tinman does have a heart after all."
I put my hand over my mouth as I stare off into his wall in amusement is disbelief. Bucky smirks and rubs his stubble with his fingers.
"Tony-" Steve speaks, interrupting Tony. Both of them start to laugh. At least they aren’t mad.
"I never knew a one hundred year old man can preform so well," Tony says.
I mumble to myself, "oh my god," and hold in my laughter. How unfortunate.
Bucky picks up his phone and says, "alright-" but only to get interrupted by Tony.
"I'm gonna have to get a cleaning service on that counter ASAP-"
Bucky instantly hangs up and we both start simultaneously laughing, probably waking up the entire complex. I've never been more embarrassed and more pleased in my entire life. Bucky sinks into bed with me, making me bounce up a little and weighing down his side of the bed. I turn to face him and we stare at each other smiling. Bucky places a kiss on my forehead and pressing his chin against my head. I lay there inhaling his intoxicating scent, falling into a daze.
Yeah, I think I'll stay longer.
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