#but fun is fun and its useful experience so whatever
del3tingalltracez · 2 days
hey radqueers! bit of an important post here
yes, antis may make you mad, and you may feel like you have to validate yourself and explain every detail about your experience and real life just to get them to understand you.
do not do this. this is unsafe for you.
if you share your chrono, real life age online, that makes literal predators more likely to come for you. if you share your real diagnosis' online, that doesn't help. you do not owe anybody your real life information.
another part of this, is internet moderation! please moderate your time on the internet, what you view on the internet, how you handle hate, and your internet experience in general.
you may think, "oh, but saturn, hate is so fun to laugh at! why should i/we block anyone?" safety! we have seen anti radqueers talking about us outside of radqueer spaces. this can lead to harassment, and we all know what harassment on the internet leads to! doxxing, callouts, grooming, and it can even lead to physical violence against you offline. yes, it happens.
and also, please moderate your time online! the internet is such a fun place, you can be and do whatever you want! but too much of anything is bad for you.
think of it like vitamins! we'll use ibuprofen for this example. ibuprofen is amazing, it can help stop pain! but if you have too much ibuprofen, you can overdose and possibly die.
the internet is the same way! the internet is very fun, but too much of it is unhealthy.
also remember that not everything you view on the internet is true, and some content may be unhealthy for you to take in! for example, if you are prone to delusions and paranoia, maybe some things (certain kinds of horror, speaking from experience) arent for you!
sorry this was sort of all over the place! but its very important, please remember to moderate your internet experience!
skibidi rizz
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sonic-adventure-3 · 11 months
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i animated a jog cycle :D !! i honestly didnt set out to i just got distracted posing and kept on going lol. this is my first time animating in 3d! its fun and so hard. also i found out i cant export blockbench animations literally anywhere, except minecraft maybe. not so fun.
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amazingspider-z · 6 months
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Continuing to be back on my bullshit, I'm rounding out the year with the next installment of my Blue Beetle au nonsense or.
AKA @wazzappp 's Blue Beetle headcanons give me life and I'm yoinking them because. Everyone deserves a little body horror. As a treat.
(Well. Except for Oo'Li, by virtue of being the type of alien (yk more or less) that the scarabs are using for that sweet sweet basic DNA template)
Anyway, following my timeline of Jaime ending up with his second 'upgrade' after the reboot re: Khaji Da's last ditch effort to keep him from smashing into the ground of terminal velocity, Xiomara and Roma end up more buggified after their altercation with the Crimson Scarab in issue...2? I think, when their powers get drained, in the same vein of their scarabs getting inventive with ways for their hosts to defend themselves in power drain scenarios.
In keeping with their power-sets/specialities, Roma ends up with a scorpion-esque tail (yes ik that's not an insect but if she can manifest tentacles Im saying it counts) and retractable claws, while Xiomara has fully armored hands/gauntlets and extra insectoid legs
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
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some stuff i did in school recently: scanned images of fabric that have been run through audacity to be glitched up with reverb and echo and such and then printed back out and embroidered! i thought it was kind of funny
here's the original fabric:
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its old busted pajamas <3
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aroacedavestrider · 1 year
anyway i was gonna make a big long post about this but its 1:30am and im tired lmao. so has anyone noticed the insane similarities between all this anti-transmasc stuff and the entire aspec exclusionist movement or is that just me on my aroace trans dude shit
like. i dunno. the misconstruing of the concepts of transandromisia and aphobia in general being made out to “oppress other identities”, or just the downplaying / dismissal of our group-specific issues altogether, or insisting that these specific issues are just the results of some broader, equally shitty concept, or saying that we have “privilege” comparable to majority groups (cis men, straight people) despite being excluded / ridiculed / persecuted by those same groups, or the fact that when we talk about these issues were reduced to like “whiny little white teenage uwu tumblr blogger” instead of taken seriously, or that while real people in our communities are getting hurt or killed people are focusing on whether the terms we use are #unproblematic enough instead
idk is that just me? am i hallucinating or am i experiencing the 2018 exclusionist movement all over again except make it #trans
#transgender#trans#ftm#transmasculine#transmasc#lgbt#lgbtq#lgbt+#transphobia#transandrophobia#are you people fucking hearing yourselves#people who call us ‘transandrophobia truthers’ are the same people who say `its just transphobia`#ok so instead of addressing the transphobia youre making fun of us for saying its a specialized form of transphobia#newsflash fuckheads ‘transmisandry’ or ‘transandrophobia’ or ‘anti-transmasculinity’ or whatever the fuck#can peacefully coexist with the concept of transmisogyny!!!#because they are not nor ever were exact mirrors of each other!!!#sure ok there is no systematic androphobia so you cry out ‘theres no intersection!!11!!!1!11!!’#but let me ask you why THATS what matters to you rather than. like. real peoples safety lmao?#trans men and cis men are the same gender but that does NOT mean we exist in the same all-male vacuum#my experiences will NEVER be those of a cis mans#society does NOT cater to me NOR does it cater to any other trans people#and if you have to insist its cause of cis passing privilege then shut up and listen to yourself#cis passing privilege? you mean if i tell anyone im trans its immediately gonna go the fuck away?#you mean i only get that privilege while im in the closet? you mean i have to hide an aspect of myself to be treated the same as a cis man?#and do NOT construe that shit with me saying trans women have male privilege#i am fully fucking aware that trans women dont have male privilege im fully aware of how often trans women are attacked#but these two things are NOT mutually exclusive and im so fucking tired of people acting like it IS#you people have actually fucking managed to find a woke version of transphobia im absolutely astonished. appalling. horrible job#my post#dave speaks
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perilegs · 9 months
i cut several inchess of my hair off (it reached past my shoulders now its back at like. chin/neck length) and no one at work has said anything bc it still looks the exact same
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hawkhills · 1 year
talk to me about profound, formative events in adulthood impacting people's settled daemons. are their shapes set in stone? would a strong enough experience manage to cause a crack in their settled shape? is there such a thing as daemon dysphoria? do our daemons define us, or do we define them?
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scatterpatter · 1 year
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Okay listen I SWEAR these were just supposed to be little sketches just doodles you HAVE TO BELIEVE ME
Anyways *hoards my niche lil au that I never make content for* I Love My Kids
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
what if i chose aang or sokka or zuko or bumi as a name
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
tbh upon replaying every arkham game, i am really solidified that it’s unfair to compare gotham knights to arkhamverse, and like.  they’re entirely different games.  gotham knights handles the wide open world better than arkham does, and has seamless gameplay between stealth and combat, the two being interchangable and you can flow from one into the other.  arkham is more set in the types, you have to follow the design on predator vs combat.  storytellingwise, arkham gives a wider view of the batman mythos with more easter eggs and villains, but gotham knights captures gotham itself in a better way, featuring actual citizens and a livable city, and features more well-realized character arcs.  if gotham knights could have sequels, im like 100% sure that it would handle character arcs more dynamically.
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sunsoak · 1 year
Everyone’s all “nonbinary is included in every sexuality” until a nonbinary person who is on hormones prefers men who like men and women who like women and all of a sudden I’m being problematic and offensive to…….. well everyone I guess
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zakuryoishi · 9 months
AHHHHH i want to do all those october things like it looks so much fun i fall for the trap every year /j
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milkweedman · 2 years
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I got a job as a summer camp counselor for kids ages like... 6 to 13 or so, and i get to teach arts and crafts ! Which i am just. So ridiculously excited about. But im having a hard time figuring out what kind of projects are kid friendly (especially for the little ones). Here are some attempts at making some sample projects. On top are two very simple friendship bracelets, which im very happy with and which is definitely going in the curriculum, and on the bottom are two crocheted pouches (the laptop im using as a background is tiny, btw, as are the pouches). Those im not sure about, if for no other reason than i only have 45 minutes with each group of kids, and i just dont think theres time. I made the small one in about 20 minutes, so its maybe doable. But if the beginning demonstration is 10 minutes or so, thats only half an hour for kids who are totally new to crocheting to make something.
Anyway, if anyone has any fun arts and crafts ideas for kids that take... a very minimal amount of time but still teach skills that arent cutting paper and glueing it to other paper, im all ears
#its rly hard bc... 1) time constraints and 2) my boss wants the kids who only want to spend like 10 minutes on something to still come away#with something cool#i completely understand why but also .... i really dont know any crafts that are done in 10 minutes#with the exception of the friendship bracelets#anyway i do actually have quite a few ideas but i dont really know how feasible any of them are#and also i really only have the time to teach like... 6-8 different things bc we're not doing arts and crafts every day#i would just kind of hate if the only things we do is collages or pipe cleaner things or popsicle stick whatevers#i remember doing a ton of that stuff as a kid in school and i hated it so much. and after the first time i didnt exactly learn new skills#if id been taught crochet as a kid i would have been so happy#and i mean i know i was not a very typical kid#and my experiences were not universal at all. which is good.#but i still think ill have failed if i dont teach them SOMETHING that has an actual use and function beyond 'something to do w your hands'#the previous arts and crafts leader wants to have them color pirate hats thatve been printed on cardstock#like.... i guess...? its not a bad activity obviously but esp for the older kids that is not gonna be fun or engaging at all#if you tried to get 13 year old me to color a cartoon pirate hat for 45 minutes i would have screamed#also that is something they absolutely are learning or have learned in school... and it would be cool to teach things they wont learn#in school.....idk#i cant tell if any of this is reasonable or not lol
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ghastbutlikegay · 2 years
btw i love queer people and being queer
#nothing prompted this i just really love queerness#im just. thinking about how fucking cool it is to be specifically genderqueer#(a term ive recently realized describes me pretty well)#like!#i do not fit into the traditional idea of gender roles and the gender binary#and it's like. it feels really fucking liberating to just not even care whats expected of me#thats also why im considering sticking it/its in my bio next to he/him#i still describe myself as 'a dude i guess'#but theres like. so much more than that going on with my experience with gender#which is kind of expressed through like. my interest in assorted alternative subculturs#my clothes and makeup#my use of whatever gendered terms i feel like using toward myself in the moment#i simultaneously feel like a weird little creature that doesnt have a gender but is emulating human gender for fun#and just some guy who also happens to like wearing skirts and nail polish#also! seeing other queer people exist is so fucking cool#and im filled with love for other queer people every time i hear someone try new pronouns#or grow their hair out or cut it off#or try out a gnc look#or try out new labels#or talk about queer love and attraction#or when someone with rainbow socks and a pronoun button compliments my hair#or when the closeted queer kids at the party see me there in my black jeans and half-open button up#with my short hair and painted nails#and go 'this is the first person im going to come out to'#'this person is safe. this person understands'#it's just. so fucking cool#i love queer people. i love being queer
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pipskippy · 1 year
beast infodump i like them a lot
#BEAST tag#the story so far basically flax & nina are a part of this experiment to create bioweapons & its something about the weapon (in this case#bear) has to have high compatibility to the subject (in this case NINA which is the name of the project specific to her and stands for#nuclear interface neurologic audioweapon or something you get it. anyways before all that nina & flax undergo surgery to test & connect them#to a creature or whatever and nina wakes up ~1 year before flax successfully binded to bear#flax (protagonist) eventually wakes up to find the lab abandoned and all the scientists/doctors are gone and his surgery is unfinished#nina doesn’t remember what happened & since she and bear are kind of unstable (dangerous new weapon etc) flax suspects maybe bear did some#thing (he doesn’t trust bear and is freaked out by her. welll understandably) but ninas like noo she is my bestie and they can talk#telepathically which is how nina controls bear but anyways flax had an interest in mechanical and electrical engineering etc so he tries to#keep bear in working order but well it’s so complicated for an 11 year old and theres no one to show him how so he just has to scrounge toge#ther based on whats left behind. anyways it’s like a mystery thriller & they are trying to find out what happened and flax is trying to keep#nina safe and ninas like ^_^)/ with her deadly beast. who is also like ʕ•=ᴥ=•ʔ/ but cant rly express it well#also bear/nina’s weapon is attacking using sound waves like. sends a fucking distortion beam at you. nina is deaf so shes unaffected#ill have to figure something out for flax maybe he will find some noise canceling headphones or something. but yeah communication btwn the#three is fun because the siblings communicate via sign and nina to bear communication is through a wireless link and then bear to flax#communication is like mostly not existent at least at first and flax csnt be sure how accurate nina’s relaying is bc he’s also like halfway#skeptical that this bear can even talk since nina is 8 and all. flax to bear communication flax just yells at it. lol.#pip speaks#my ocs#btw if it was a thing like a game or an short or comic or something id call it BEAST all caps but im calling it beast because#well theres no need to yell </3#btw its set in nevada zero escape reference ✌️
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eventidetheory · 9 months
im boyfailing my way thru the name n gender change for my legal documents in the cool virtual online world (the national registry website isn't working and the person who took my payment just misspelled my last name)
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