#but he's also friends with a hopeless reckless idiot
solitarydemise · 4 months
Rock in Heaven
!Rockstar Eddie Munson x !Rockstar Reader
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Summary:You are one of the founders of Corroded Coffin,you and Eddie were high school sweethearts. Even though you break up, you did not disband the band and you are one of the most famous metal bands in the world. But Eddie ain't the same
Warnings:Alcohol problems,drugs,anger,angst, ex-lovers,hopeless romantics,making out.
You've been thinking about leaving the band for a while and going solo or forming another band. Because the last 2 years Eddie had become unbearable. This wasn't a surprise because almost every rock and metal band ended up this way. Disagreements,an alcoholic idiot and bam, the band breaks up. You and Eddie were together for almost 4 years in high school. You broke up during the band's debut year, but you both decided to continue. You were still madly in love with him, but he was different, a difference you wouldn't accept. Maybe you've just grown up, but you would give anything to go back to those high school days. You were the bass player for Corroded Coffin and fans loved you. No one knew that you and Eddie were dating before, but fans never stopped shipping you. Some people argued that you were just bandmates.You never revealed this because you didn't want to bring love intrigues to the band,media loved the drama. But there was definitely still emotional and sexual tension between you and Eddie. Sometimes you would suddenly start kissing and making love, and the next day act like nothing happened. Eddie betrayed you many times, if that counts as betrayal.He had been with so many people after you, none of them were proper relationships, but he had become a complete man whore. It's like he wanted to poke you in the eye. Your heart was broken after Eddie and you didn't even betray his absence. The magazine pages even thought you were a lesbian. You had become a quieter person than usual lately. Eddie was hurting you more than usual, which made you impatient with everything in your daily life even less. There was a strange coldness between you and Eddie. When you broke up, you promised to stay friends and not ruin anything because of your old relationship, but Eddie wasn't keeping his promise. He was constantly arguing with you in the studio, at rehearsal and at home. Eddie was in the mood for victory, but he was also really drunk all the time. The scent of cigarettes and whiskey had replaced the beautiful scent of his hair. He was doing drugs and becoming a very spoiled person, doing nothing but treating his band members like shit. You were completely losing Eddie now. You came to England for a concert. This was the last place of the world tour, you released your new album "Upside Down World" 2 months ago. You had already talked about this with the other members, but you still hadn't told Eddie that you wanted to leave the band.When you went to your hotel on the evening of the UK concert, you left your room and knocked on Gareth's door. Gareth opened the door and you smiled slightly, "Hey, I wonder if you could come with me to Eddie's room?" you cleared your throat. "I don't want to talk to him alone" Gareth quickly nodded “Of course.” He grabbed his jacket from the side and left the roo. Gareth looked at you as we walked down the corridor together. "It really sucks you know?" You looked at Gareth and raised your eyebrows slightly. Gareth smiled slightly "You were my favorite person in this band" you both giggled "You were like a mother to us from the very beginning,it will be really fucked up without you" Your smile slowly faded away and you pressed your lips together "I'm sorry." Gareth quickly added "No it's okay, I agree with you." He cleared his throat "I can understand you." When you got to Eddie's room, you looked at Gareth "I'm not dead, I'll still be your mother." You smiled and knocked on Eddie's door. After a few seconds you knocked harder on the door and Eddie looked at the two of you when he opened the door. There was definitely someone inside "We need to talk". you said. "Actually, I'm not very available right now," Eddie smiled. You were starting to get nervous, you pushed Eddie away and walked in and looked at the girl on the bed. “Please,tell your friend to go Eddie, we're going to talk about the band.” You were starting to feel nauseous as the girl was packing her things in a hurry, you didn't take your eyes off the floor even for a second until she left.
After the door closed, you looked at Eddie. Just looking at him made you angry. You were so angry that you gave up making the polite speech you had in mind. "I'm leaving the band". Eddie paused as he poured whiskey into his glass and looked at you. “Excuse me?” You crossed your arms "I'm not a member of Corroded Coffin anymore". Eddie started to laugh and looked at Gareth "You're joking right?". Gareth licked his lips "Okay,let's just sit and talk,okay?". Eddie was starting to get angry. "No, fuck that!. What does this mean now?!". You've been putting up with Eddie for so long that it's getting on your nerves "I said I'm leaving the band, I'm not asking anything to you" Eddie looked at you "What happened?It's only been a few months since we released the album and the world fucking liked it. What is it don't you like?!". "You!". you said. You continued angrily "You,Eddie, have become such an annoying person that I can't stand you anymore. You prefer to fuck girls instead of coming to rehearsals and all you do is-". He laughed "So you're just jealous". You frowned, "I'm not fucking jealous, we all have our limits. You're obnoxious to everyone and you're just a spoiled brat." Eddie sneered. “Am I spoiled? You're the one who's unenthusiastic about everything and doesn't know how to live the life you have.” He laughed "Who am I kidding? Miss don't care,you were always like this" When the topic started to get specific, Gareth left the room and you were staring at Eddie without even blinking. He was starting to break your heart "You're proving to me that I made the right decision" Eddie laughed and took a step towards you "A right decision? I saved your life, I saved you from that dump and that's what you're telling me". You laughed angrily and pushed Eddie lightly. "Don't fuckin-" you continued laughing with hysteria "That's your problem! You act like you did everything but you ain't shit Eddie!" Eddie wasn't expecting this. His face fell and he swallowed, "You didn't save my life, you fucked it up and yes,I was always like this. Miss nothing,Miss don't care". Eddie looked at you for a few seconds "I didn't mean tha-". You laughed "I don't fucking care Eddie. I'll never be good enough
You make me wanna die!" Eddie looked away. "Sometimes I wish I never started this fucking band and that the Eddie I loved had never left." As you vented your anger, your sadness came out. Your eyes filled with tears and you looked at Eddie. "Where the fuck did he go? Just tell me. He's the all I need." Eddie looked at you "Sweetheart,I'm right here". You shook your head "No…" you started crying "No, no". You closed your eyes for a few seconds "You don't understand…". Was there any point in talking more or breaking hearts? You sniffled and looked at Eddie with teary eyes. “Goodbye Eddie.” Eddie called after you as you left the room, but you walked out of the room without listening to him. "FUCK!" Eddie threw the whiskey bottle against the wall with anger, shards of glass were flying around. Eddie sat on the bed and covered his face with his hands. Of course he was aware, he was no longer the same as before because he found comfort in this state. He didn't want anything to remind him that he was a town freak. He missed you so much, more than anything. But he knew that nothing would ever be the same, he didn't even dare to tell you how much he loved you. Any woman he's been with or fucked couldn't be replaced with you.None of them were as beautiful as your smile.
It had been two months and that was the last time Eddie saw you. Your record company announced that you were leaving the band and fans went crazy. Many rumors were spread. The papparazis wouldn't leave you or the boys alone. You were continuing your career with another band. You've already released 2 singles. As soon as it released,boys listened to it together in the studio.
"And I don't know where I've been
And I don't know what I'm into
And I don't know what I've done to me"
And as I watch you disappear into the ground
My one mistake was that I never let you down
So I'll waste my time and I'll burn my mind
On miss nothing, miss everything"
Gareth turned his gaze to Eddie when he heard the lyrics. He knew exactly what you were talking about in the song. Eddie was listening to the song, focused on the ground without reacting. In your other song,the lyrics hurt more, almost everything that happened in your last conversation was included in there. Although millions of people listened to this,only two people knew what they were talking about. Eddie and you. In the interviews,they only asked questions about you. Eddie chose not to respond, but you just said there were disagreements. Months passed, your name was being chanted every time at Corroded Coffin concerts. You were telling the media that you were still friends and there were no problems, but that was a big lie. It was impossible for you to ever get together with Eddie again. Until 3 months later. Corroded Coffin was MTV nominated. Even though you didn't want to go, Gareth insisted. Anyway, the album you were featured in was nominated. You wanted this night to end quickly. While you were sitting in the hotel room, your manager came in, you looked at her "Let's go, the car is ready." The car that was going to take the band to the ceremony area had arrived. You were going to see Eddie for the first time in months. You weren't sure if you were excited or scared. When the driver opened the car door, you looked at the kids and smiled, "Hey." "Well hello queen" Gareth smiled quickly. You giggled and grabbed the hem of your dress "I'm not sure my dress will fit there." When you tried to take a step in,Eddie got out and grabbed the long skirt of your dress and helped you get in. You let out a sigh of relief as you sat down, "Thanks." Jeff smiled "You look so beautiful." You smiled and fixed your hair "Shut up." This was your way of saying thank you. Eddie sat right across from you and you leaned back as the car start. Even though you tried hard not to look at Eddie, he couldn't take his eyes off you. "So how's the band" Eddie said. You looked at him and sighed, "Great." you cleared your throat "Yours?" Eddie looked at you for a few seconds “It's kind of hard when the fans only want our old bassist.” Jeff quickly jumped in. "Of course, we're going to the awards ceremony right now, so that's fine." It wasn't a good place to argue with Eddie. Even though you told yourself you didn't even want to look at Eddie, who were you kidding? He was so hot in that suit. When you stood in front of the red carpet, everyone fixed their positions "Okay, help me when I get off I don't want to step on my dressand fall." When everyone got out of the car, you were the last one. Eddie looked at you and you looked at him for a few seconds,held out his hand and got out of the car. Your long black dress looked great on you and Eddie couldn't stop thinking about it. When the fans saw you, their screams became even louder. Flashbulbs were blasting at you and Eddie. After a few seconds, you came to your senses and let go of Eddie's hand. You turned to the cameras. As you slowly made your way towards the entrance,you had just realized how much you missed the sound of your name being shouted. When you entered the main place you looked around and said as you moved to the table reserved for you. "How many hours will this take? I feel like I'm going to throw up already." Eddie giggled.Usually,all of you would be high at every awards ceremony or interview. You would make fun about everything and talk nonsense. This time it wasn't like that, everyone was sober because no one was having fun. If it continued like this, Corroded Coffin might fall apart without you, and you were all aware of it. Hours passed. You didn't even care when other people were talking, you just drank alcohol and talked about the other things. Meanwhile, Eddie was constantly looking at you and trying to talk to you. Suddenly,your band's name echoed when it was time for the next reward. The Best Heavy Metal/Hard Rock Artist of the Year award was yours.
You all stood up to applause and walked to the stage. The presenter handed the award to Eddie, and when the applauses died down, Eddie leaned into the microphone "Good evening." Eddie smiled proudly and bit his lower lip. "It is a great source of pride for me that the band I formed with my friends in high school has reached this point. Thank you to everyone who has supported us all this time. Especially the lady next to me, who has been a mother to three idiots and has never lacked support until now...Thank you." When the applauses rose again, Eddie looked at you with a smile on his face and you tried not to cry "Don't!". Eddie held up the award in his hand "We love you!" Gareth put his arm around your shoulder and you were trying hard not to cry. Everyone stood up and applauded you. Eddie hugged you and closed his eyes "I love you" You actually started to cry with what Eddie said. Gareth and Jeff then hugged the two of you. While you were having a family cuddling the flashes were pointing at you again. You thought it would be a night full of fights and arguments, but on the contrary, after a long time you were together as before. You had truly become family to each other again. When you got back to the hotel, you were all a little drunk. You were bumping into things in the hallway, breaking vases and waking people up. While you were trying to be quiet, you were actually making the loudest noise in the hotel. The security guard looked at the four of you "Excuse me!" When you saw the security guard Eddie shouted "Run!". While you were running after Eddie, you took off your high heels, threw them in a corner, and continued running, holding your dress not to fall, you were laughing. It was the first time in a long time that you felt this happy, the first time in a long time you were this alive. Eddie grabbed your arm and pulled you into the other hallway, making you lose track. You were out of breath. “Do you think we're safe now?” You looked down the hallway and when you got behind the wall again Eddie was standing right at the foot of it. There was no trace of his previous self, he was not laughing or smiling. He was just looking at you. You looked at him "What?" Eddie looked into your eyes "I miss you". Yes, it definitely wasn't a surprise, you knew you would have this conversation eventually. You paused for a few seconds and sighed "I miss you too." Eddie looked at you sadly. How could he manage to upset you every time, that's why he hated himself "I'm sorry". You didn't have an answer for that, it wasn't something you could just say forget about it. Eddie broke your heart so much,too many times. You cleared your throat and looked around "I don't think this is the right time to talk about these-" Eddie pulled you close and connected your lips. You didn't reject his kiss. God, you missed him so much. When you pulled back after a few seconds, Eddie just looked into your eyes, he just looked at you with sad eyes, "I love you." You put your hand on Eddie's cheek "I love you." You started kissing again and Eddie put his hands on your hips. After a while, there was a camera flash and you both pulled back. "What was that?" Eddie looked around "I don't know." You both knew your photo was taken, but you didn't know where it was taken. Eddie looked at you "I hope my hair looked nice" You laughed at what Eddie said and the worried look on your face instantly disappeared.
Eddie grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the elevator. As soon as the door closed, you started kissing again. You were taking out your aggression towards each other by kissing. When you got to Eddie's room, you closed the door behind you and continued kissing Eddie hard. While you were kissing,you were undressing each other. What was happening now? You suddenly realized that you were in a scenario that was always repeated. You would argue,then your love for each other would show up and the next day you would continue as if nothing had happened. You didn't want that to happen this time. Eddie was on top of you on the bed, you paused and looked at him, "Are we going to continue acting like friends tomorrow?" Eddie looked into his eyes "Never.". With Eddie's answer, you started kissing him again and let him take off your clothes.
The next morning,somebody was knocking you door as hard as he can. Eddie opened his eyes and looked at the clock on the wall. "What the fuck? Come in!" The band's manager entered the room and quickly turned his head to the floor when he saw the two of you in bed. "Jesus Christ." Gareth quickly walked in and looked at the ceiling just as quickly. "Oh my God, not again." Eddie looked at them "What the fuck do you want?". You looked at the two of them, wrapped in the duvet. Your manager, Tom, threw the newspaper in on the bed. "Everyone knows now." Eddie took the newspaper and laughed when he saw the photo of you two "My hair looks nice." You laughed at what Eddie said and looked at Tom. Tom paused and looked at the two of you "So what? That didn't worry you?" Eddie frowned and leaned back on the bed. "Why would I? It's just a picture of me and my girlfriend kissing." Gareth stopped looking at the ceiling and quickly turned to Eddie "Are you kidding me? Then why did you lie for years?!". Eddie picked up the lighter and threw it at Gareth. "Because we wanted to, get out!" You giggled and hugged Eddie around the waist as Tom and Gareth walked out muttering "Girlfriend,huh?". Eddie looked at you "You got a problem with that princess?" You giggled "No pookie". Eddie laughed and kissed your cheek "Don't call me that you weirdo."
Tag list,hope you don't mind!!
@ali-r3n @marshmallowgem @rcailleachcola @seatnights @melodymunson @rainylana @eddies-puppet @mdurdenpitt @mmunsonsthings @prettyboyeddiemunson @prettgirk @missonlypost @rcailleachcola
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archiveoftara · 2 months
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Part 2
Warning ⚠️ mild language
"God it's annoying."
You give a hard swing on poor Esmeralda.
"Girl, you okay?" Lucy asked.
"No, I'm not." You run your hands through your hair in frustration as you watch the lifeless sack of hay rolling on the floor. "It's been over 6 months and I can't figure him out." You confess to your best friend.
It's been quite sometime since you found yourself crushing over your clumsy hotshot boss.
"Maybe...he's shy?" Lucy tried to calm you. She hands you a bottle of water hoping it will wash down your anger.
"Shy? No Luce, you don't understand. I get weird signals from him. One minute he's the softest person in the world and the next he be getting onto my nerves."
"Why don't we just take a break? Lie down for a while?" Lucy sighed.
You groan but listen to her anyway. You slowly make your way to the kitchen when you find the cause of your frustration.
"I got snacks." Meet Anthony Lockwood, charming, reckless and the hot shot boss who's giving you mixed feelings.
You all grab a piece of donut when Lockwood takes it away. You raise your eyebrow at him.
"I can't believe I forgot! This has almonds and you're allergic." He frowns. "Here. I got you this."
He hands you a plate of your favourite pie and freshly brewed coffee.
You gasp "Lockwood you didn't have to.."
"Of course I do. Taking care of my employees is my ultimate responsibility, and it's something I take great pleasure in."
You gave him a weak smile and turned to Lucy.
"This is what I was talking about" you mouth to Lucy.
Ever since you stepped into Portland Row you've witnessed Lockwood's roof touching chivalry.
Example 1 : He always gets the door for you but he also gets the door for senior citizens too. So, he's just kind.
Example 2 : One time he brought you a beautiful scarf for Christmas but he also got everyone gifts so it doesn't matter much. Also he stated "It was on sale."
Example 3:  He took a bullet for you but he would do the same for others too as he loves being reckless.
He never mention his feelings but listens to your endless rants no matter how late it gets or how tired he is. He always offers his shoulder to you when you need a good cry.
It's annoying.
It's annoying to the point, sometimes you feel like a fool.
"It's unbearable. What should I do Luce?" You whine.
George flinches as he see his best friend pacing the room.
Anthony Lockwood never lost his cool. He thought he was the best when it comes to handling his feelings but a certain girl was proving him wrong.
George takes a sip of his tea which turned cold, thanks to Lockwood's shenanigans.
"Why don't you confess to her?" He shrugs.
"That's ridiculous. I'm a total mess around her. My brain turns to a mush and I can't seem to form a coherent sentence."
"You're just being dramatic."
"I'm not. Remember last Christmas when I got her that scarf she'd been eyeing in the shop? I surprised her with it. And guess what I said?" He sighed. 'It was on sale.' Who says that to their crush?"
"Yeah, you are kind of hopeless when it comes to girls."
"When she looks at me with those big eyes, I completely lose my composure and turn into a puddle of jelly."
"What should I do George? I'm in a dilemma."
Next morning
"Lucy, we have to do something about those two idiots. I'm so tired of their nonsense."
"You're right George. I'm exhausted. Y/n's nonstop talking is driving me mad."
After a moment of silence George smirk "I think I got an idea."
"Are you sure this will work?" Lockwood ask as he fix his neck tie.
"It will if you don't fuck up."
George and Lucy arranged a romantic date in a fancy restaurant for their stupid lovesick friends. 
Anthony felt his hands sweating. He wasn't even this nervous when he fought his first visitor.
"I'm so nervous. What if she rejects me? Not like anyone can reject me as I'm extremely charming but we should keep all the possibilities in mind just-"
"Listen here, Lockwood," George pressed his forehead against his friend's, their gazes locked. "As your best mate for over a decade, I can assure you anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. You might be a total prick, but you're a true friend. I hate to admit it, but I'm glad you're my best friend."
"Are you guys done with your bromance?"
George rolls his eyes in response. "Is she ready?"
"Yes. She's almost done." Lucy chirped.
"Great. We'll stay close by. Don't fuck it up," George warned, his tone serious. With a gentle nudge, he added, "Go get your girl."
Hello friends, I know it's been ages since I wrote something. I have so many things to share. I'll share little by little each time I write. Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll post the second part real soon. Love you xoxo
Word count: 878
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accio-sriracha · 10 months
The Marauders and Lily Evans.
Intro chapter to a fic I haven't worked on in a while but plan to (hopefully) complete soon-ish!
Let me know what you guys think <3
The Marauders were the boys who refused to give up on a world that gave up on them. And they wouldn't have it any other way.
They were trailblazers, unafraid of being different, or making noise, or taking up space.
Anyone who saw them huddled together on the common room floor, or joking and wrestling under a tree by the black lake would say they were the happiest group of friends in the world.
They were reckless late nights and later mornings filled with wild laughter and infectious smiles. They were bonded as brothers, being the only true family some of them had, or at least the only ones worth counting on.
They were courageous, Gryffindor proud and not afraid to take on a bully or two regardless of who they were. They got into more trouble than they should and far less than they wanted to.
The Marauders were a force to be reckoned with, but they were also a safe place to go when you needed a friend, a group of boys who understood better than anyone else would, boys who cared, who cried, and who loved like no other.
Being with them was like sitting safely in the middle of a raging fire, warm and exillerating, a little wild at times but with the promise that they would make sure you'd be alright.
They were supposedly an arrogant jock, a punk-rock arsehole, a nerdy prefect, and a cowardly fourth wheel.
But in truth; James was the most caring person of the group. He looked after the others, reminding them to eat their food and get some sleep. He loved just as deeply as he laughed loudly. He lived life like he only had one day to make it all count, and would drop everything in a moments notice for someone in need. He spent six years chasing the same girl and never went a day without reminding his friends how much he loved them.
Sirius was secretly a softie, a hopeless romantic at heart with love of cheesy rom-coms and all things Remus Lupin. He sang in the shower and would die if he went too long without physical affection. He embraced his friends without a second thought and wasn't ashamed when Mrs. Potter kissed his cheek in public. He traded hair tips with some of the Ravenclaw girls and once let a first year Slytherin borrow his eyeliner. He loved hard, and once he found someone he cared for he never let them go.
Remus was the mastermind of half the Marauders pranks, he swore excessively and dog-eared his pages in his more well-read books. He called his friends idiots and laughed when they fell down, but was always the first to offer them a hand up. It takes a long time for him to trust but he always keeps his word. He has a sharp mind and even sharper tongue and could probably kill a man with just one glare. He's fiercely protective of his friends and would do anything for each of them.
Peter is the heart of the group, he's the one who brings the snacks during study group and reminds James to take care of himself too. He makes all four of their beds during the week of the full moon and keeps a stash of chocolates in his bag for Remus-related emergencies. He's always the first one to hug Sirius and James after a quidditch match regardless of the score, and never says no to a game of gobstones. He always pretends to hate it when they tell him how important he is to them but really it makes him feel incredible. His love is pure and straight from the heart and the boys consider themselves lucky to have him around.
The Marauders were much, much more under the surface than you'd expect. They were a family. An odd one, sure, but full of love and promises of forever.
And for Lily Evans?
They were home.
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alheria · 1 year
Ownership (one-shot)
Ghost fucking hated joint exercises.
They always felt so...unnecessary, especially now with his many, many years of unquestionable, extensive experience and equally impressive mission portfolio. He's a cold-blooded, efficient, reliable killer, but apparently that is not enough for the army. The ten days long training scenario with allied international teams was mandatory, what he learned during the hopeless attempt to somehow get out of it.
"Please, don't test my patience Simon. Suck it up.", Price said, not even for a second looking up from the documents he was working on. That guy surely didn't take anyone's crap and it showed. Ghost couldn't blame him, being in charge was not easy, a tremendous responsibility of keeping a bunch of reckless idiots alive mixed with a shocking amount of paperwork. Himself, Ghost would never want to be in such position, immensely enjoying the exclusive field work. But it doesn't change the fact he was still pissed. Fucking bullshit, stupid ass exercises.
And if that was not enough, something weird started happening around his boyfriend.
The new guys seemed to really like him.
Which was rather surprising considering König's intimidating and unapproachable aura combined with the spooky looks of a crazy tall, ripped beast wearing a creepy mask. Also, the young soldier was openly hostile towards strangers, not interested in making friends unless it was absolutely necessary or somehow beneficial. He often remarked that there is no reason to bother if you're probably never gonna meet them again. Quite a reasonable assumption in their field of work to be honest.
Why the sudden change then? What was so different about those soldiers, he decided they were worth his precious attention? 
Ghost had no fucking clue. But wished he had because this whole peculiar ordeal was weirding him out.
They knew each-other for almost two years now, been officially dating nearly a year and a half, and it was the first time he witnessed the Austrian publicly act in such manner: engaging in an actual conversation and using whole damn sentences instead of nodding in silent acknowledgement. Sounds like something completely normal, although not in this case. In addition to being big and scary, König was very quiet and noticeably withdrawn due to rather prominent social anxiety he still struggled with. It took the lieutenant months to get his utterly fascinating partner to feel truly comfortable around him, even though the two of them crossed the intimacy line not too long after they met. And all that hard work to uncover what exactly hides under the thick protection layer was totally worth the trouble.
At least that's how it felt before. Cos right now, it looked like König didn't mind acquainting with a bunch of random people, opening up a little. Perhaps it was a positive sign, he needed to start working on those social skills sooner or later for the teamwork's sake, and it probably wouldn't be troubling Ghost much if not for that one soldier who literally glued himself to the Austrian.
The fucking French guy.
A vibrant red light flashed in his mind the second they got introduced. There was just something about that non-stop smiling man rubbing the lieutenant the wrong way. Cedric, or whatever the fuck his name is, was slightly taller than Simon, but rather slim build, had very short dark hair and something sparkled in his brown eyes when he saw König for the first time.
Since then, he constantly followed the masked killer, talking about devil knows what and making the Brit's instincts scream in an itching need to eliminate the unlikely threat. Why did he perceive this dude in such an intense way was a mystery. Never being in a relationship before, the concept of being jealous was not only hard to comprehend - admitting to it seemed impossible. Ghost was too proud to have such juvenile feelings, especially ones implying he has vulnerabilities of some kind. It was also incredibly stupid to think his boyfriend might cross the line. König would never. They were working great as a couple, their extremely different personalities surprisingly turned out to be a perfect fit, and it was obvious how deep their bond is. Yet, he talked to Cedric as if they knew each-other for years, was visibly comfortable in his presence, clearly wasn't minding the unfamiliar hands frequently touching his arms, back and waist as they laughed together. And maybe at night the Austrian as usual kept sneaking into Ghost's too small for the two of them bed to fall asleep between his strong arms, but somehow this sense of uncertainty didn't want to leave him alone. It was fucking annoying.
So on the sixth day of this shitshow, when Gaz had to physically stop him to prevent a major case of "friendly fire" from occuring, after the French soldier whispered something right into König's covered ear, Ghost decided enough is enough. His boyfriend needed to stop being close with that guy right fucking now, or double murder will be on the menu tonight. 
Not wanting to make a scene in public because it's not how a stealthy assassin operates, Simon patiently waited for an ideal opportunity to strike, forcing himself to stay calm and vigilant while that fucker shamelessly flirted with the seemingly clueless Austrian. Oh, how he wished it was an enemy soldier, not an ally. He would be long dead.
Luckily, an opening to act formed on the very same day, after everyone was done for the day and more than ready to hit the bunks, exhausted by a challenging training scenario, including the lieutenant who after having a work related chat with Price, slowly walked back to sleeping quarters when he saw it, and rage started to burn. There was a hand in the middle of König's chest firmly pressing him into the hallway wall, while the other palm gently pulled on the thin face cover, as if the Frenchman was trying to persuade the younger man to remove it. Which was absolutely not fucking happening for two reasons:
1. There was nothing König feared more than having his mask taken off in public, and would never consent to such a thing.
2. No one was touching Ghost's boyfriend without his consent.
The lieutenant quickly crossed the distance between him and the pair, grabbed Cedric's neck and shoved him backwards, right into the opposite wall.
-Learn how to keep your hands to yourself, or I will fucking break them. -he warned, gazing furiously at the terrified soldier struggling to breathe with a strong hand tightly squeezing his throat. Ghost for a second considered holding for a little too long. End his life. But feeling something repeatedly tug on the back of his shirt, the Brit hesitantly let go of the suffocating man who immediately fell to the floor, and dissatisfied turned around towards the clearly distressed Austrian. His eyes turned glossy, making the lieutenant's anger slightly fade. -With me. Now. -ordered, grasping König's arm before dragging him in their room's direction, leaving the heavily panting man behind.
It was an unpleasantly silent walk, tension so dense, a knife could cut right through. The younger soldier obediently followed his boyfriend, knowing well-enough that a visibly pissed Ghost should not be messed with if one wished to stay alive, what he learned the hard way a while ago when he got himself separated from his team and recklessly injured. 
-Ouch! -the Austrian whined once his already sore body roughly hit the wall the second they entered the dark bedroom. -The fuck you doing Simon?! -questioned when the lieutenant's muscular arms cornered him, desire to kill resonating from his hostile posture.
-You're mine. -he growled. -Mine, and no one else's.
Till death do us part.
-Of course I am, you know that! What is this about?! -demanded the younger man, struggling not to break the painfully intense eye contact, aware his partner hates when he tries to avoid confrontation. It was uncomfortable, but it truly did help to be a little more assertive.
-I just very much dislike my property being played with. -the Brit responded vaguely, confusing the hell out of the other soldier, who thought the anger was caused by his new friend crossing the line when he wished to see the hidden face.
-What are you talki...Ach du lieber Gott! -König gasped once the shocking realisation hit him like a truck. It wasn't about Cedric messing with the mask, it was about Cedric in general! Someone was feeling insecure. There was no reason for him to worry and yet, he almost killed the poor French guy to protect what's rightfully his. -Babe, are you jealous? -he asked confidently, despite suspecting that bringing up such a delicate subject to an already furious assassin might not be the brightest idea.
-I don't get fucking jealous! -Simon barked before dropping his pounding forehead onto the Austrian's shoulder. He was exhausted from all those intrusive, unidentifiable emotions mixed with rage spin inside his mind. -I don't. -sighed in resignation.
He was jealous.
Or rather afraid to lose someone so insanely important to him, the sole thought made him feel sick. Ghost didn't think at this point he could just...let König go. He owned every piece of that beautiful man, who unknowingly had Simon wrapped around his finger.
-So this whole week...you must have been in agony. -implied the Austrian, wrapping the long arms around his boyfriend's wide back, leaning down to speak closer to the covered ear. -Watching Cedric and I get a little too close, spend nearly all the time together, talk, laugh, touch. How did that make you feel? -whispered, gently caressing the tense spine with gloved palms. 
Ghost snorted in disbelief. How did that make him feel?! 
Like there was an itch under his skin he couldn't scratch off. An annoying sensation that intensified terribly any time he saw the two men together, lost in their too comfortable world he wasn't a part of. It fel...wait. What did König just say? Getting a little too close?
...he knew that soldier was flirting with him.
He knew...because he allowed him to!
-...fucking bastard. -Ghost hissed, roughly pushing himself away from the taller man's embrace, pure fury burning in his eyes. -You did it on purpose, didn't you?! You flirted with that French fucker to piss me off! -he shouted, firmly grabbing his boyfriend's shirt and violently shaking the heavy body. -Why?!
-Doesn't matter why! -the Austrian refused to explain, clearly embarrassed by getting caught red-handed, and scared a bit. He just wanted to make Simon jealous, didn't expect his silly game to escalate to the point of being in real danger.
-It does to me! -the Brit informed, his tone somewhat calmer but still dead serious. -Babe, I need you to tell me what I did. Now. -demanded, letting go of the trembling soldier, taking a step back to give him space.
-...you called me your friend. -König mumbled after a moment of hesitation, and upon hearing that, the lieutenant's jaw just dropped.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
Roughly two weeks ago, the two of them were chilling in a bar after a "civil" mission in a big tourist city, when an old acquaintance of Ghost appeared out of nowhere. Surprised by this unexpected meeting, he might have introduced his boyfriend as a friend. Which was an honest mistake, the lieutenant was still not used to being in a relationship, let alone talking about having a long-term partner. He didn't even realize what happened until now! That adorable idiot seriously needed to learn how to properly communicate his problems. 
-You're a fool, König. You should've said something, I would've corrected myself, you know I would. -he sighed, gesturing for the younger man to take his mask off. Once the blushed face was in full view, he cupped those soft cheeks and pulled his boyfriend down for a sweet forehead kiss before letting go. -Well, I wanted to teach you a lesson for acting up, but perhaps in this situation, I should let it slide. -the lieutenant shrugged nonchalantly, already moving away towards the tiny bathroom to shower before sleep.
-I strongly disagree! -exclaimed the taller soldier, quickly grabbing Ghost's arm to stop him. -For being a brat, I absolutely deserve to be thoroughly punished!
And, oh, Simon did like hearing those words very, very much.
-Alright then, you attention-seeking whore. -the older man nodded, swiftly removing his own mask as he circled the Austrian and stopped behind his back. -On your knees, sweetheart. -ordered firmly, and without a warning, swung his shin right into the back of the soldier's knees, making him instantly fall to the ground with a loud thump and a surprised gasp. The younger man was thanking the heavens for the soft knee pads when Ghost shortly appeared in front of him, holding his thick, half-hard penis in the large palm. -You know what to do.
König's eyes went wide, dry throat subconsciously swallowed at that mouth-watering sight. Of course he knew. His lips instantly parted, tongue slid out in an inviting gesture, ready to taste the hot flesh. Not wasting any time, Simon roughly shoved his length into the opening, and began to fuck the choking soldier's face, his pace absolutely brutal. It was crazy hot, seeing the scary killer tear up while the fat dick deprived him of oxygen. Nevertheless, the Austrian seemed to lack gag-reflex, clearly well-used to having this cock in his mouth. Thinking about it made Ghost rock hard. The wave of pleasure encouraged him to speed up the thrusts, chase the desired release. To make himself feel even better, he cupped the head and held it steady as his hips bottomed down in the contracting throat.
-Goin' to come, baby. -he groaned, feeling the orgasm approach slowly but steadily. The precise movements soon turned erratic, breathing got louder, euphoric fog clouded the sharp eyes. A few more times the lieutenant slammed into König's mouth before burying himself fully inside to reach the ultimate relief. 
-Good boy. -the Brit praised his starved for air boyfriend as he withdrew, a warm hand gently caressed the flushed cheek. -Now, I'm going to take a shower. In the meantime, you'll get naked, prepare your pretty ass to be fucked and nicely wait for me right here on the floor. -Ghost ordered, crouching down to meet the glossy eyes. -If you touch yourself, I'll break your arms, is that clear? -he asked, firmly squeezing the painfully erect crotch strained by tight pants.
-Yes, sir. -the Austrian obediently responded, earning himself a second tender forehead kiss prior to his partner leaving.
Simon did not plan on taking a break, however it somehow felt appropriate to make König wait as an additional punishment for his shameful behaviour. And oh, despite being more than ready to fuck that slutty hole, he did take his sweet time, knowing his boyfriend won't disobey, will be sitting in the exact spot he pointed at, silently begging for him to return and touch the neglected penis.
Ghost was not wrong, once he left the bathroom, the big, scary, naked assassin was on all fours, chest plastered to the ground, head resting on a flat pillow, wet with lubricant cheeks high up in the air, exactly where they needed to be. The position was so erotic, the lieutenant's dick fully hardened in an instant, a purr escaped his dry throat as he approached, hungrily squeezed the muscular globe while the other hand traced the spine, sliding down to the neck it firmly grabbed and pressed to the floor. Bent over his man, the Brit kissed the burning shoulder and whispered:
-I hope you prepared yourself well.
König's mind glitched when the wide shaft forcefully slammed deep into his tight hole, filling him to the brim. Not giving a chance to get used to the feeling of being stretched insanely wide, the cock quickly retreated, just to thrust again a moment later. Ghost's brutal, powerful rhythm clearly mirrored how he felt seeing his boyfriend around Cedric - like he was about to lose his fucking mind and go on a rampage.
-You're mine, don't ever forget that. -Simon groaned, clawing onto the trembling hips, ensuring there will be bruising. Maybe no one would see it, but the knowledge this beautiful, strong body is marked with his presence was somehow comforting. The Austrian didn't respond, busy moaning and whining as the massive penis constantly grazed his sensitive prostate. After such a long time, the lieutenant knew exactly which angles turn the vicious killer into a whimpering mess. To tease him even more, he slid one hand towards the erection, trapped the base between two fingers that only sat there, putting some much-needed pressure, although not making König feel any less frustrated, opposite actually. -Apologize. -Ghost demanded, slowing down the thrusts, ruining the approaching orgasm for both of them. What was something he did not enjoy doing until one day, by an accident, he learned how emotionally his partner reacts to being denied sexual pleasure once he was close to release.
-I'm so-so sor-ry!...It was a mmmistake! -the younger soldier cried out, his voice muffled by the pillow. -I was s-s-stupid!...Ne-ever aa-gain...promise! I promise! -he assured, hopelessly wriggling his butt to feel some more friction inside, where the soaking wet cock moved horribly slowly.
...so pathetically predictable.
Ghost laughed at that clear distress, and promptly adjusted the speed to get them back on track, his thrusts very purposeful, aiming to make them feel good quickly, so they can catch as much sleep as possible. The hand holding the twitching penis, wrapped fully around it, finally started jerking the leaking shaft as their bodies collided. The sudden flood of arousal overwhelmed König's barely working mind to the point all he could sense was Simon's burning touch. Nothing else existed.
-Now. -the older man ordered, realizing he is merely a push away from falling off the edge. The Austrian understood the vague request perfectly, his stretched insides contracted violently when the painfully hard cock for the last time thrust into Ghost's palm. The Brit's weight instantly pressed him to the floor as he heavily overflowed the hole, his own spending penis uncomfortably trapped between the floor and his chest kept releasing as well, no end to be seen.
They stayed connected on the dirty ground until it became unbearable, too greedy and exhausted to let go right away. Once they parted, the lieutenant had to physically drag the other soldier under the shower, his limbs numb from the awkward position, brain still not operating properly. He was sore, weak and needed Ghost to take care of him. Which always happened, no matter how mad Simon was.
A truly responsible owner. 
-König, you asleep baby? -he asked as they lied together in the too small bed, entangled in a close embrace, the satisfied Austrian peacefully dozing off on his naked chest. -I have something important to tell you.
-Not yet. Soon. -mumbled the younger man, leaning into his boyfriend's hand gently caressing his damp hair.
-Good. -Ghost whispered, and before elaborating further, pressed a tender kiss to the flowery smelling head. -Flirt with someone else ever again, I'll make you dig your own grave.
Then I'll personally snap your neck.
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charlottedabookworm · 5 years
prompted continuation to that no-royalty regis/nyx thing i just posted:
“It’s not fair,” Nyx bemoaned, ignoring the way that Libs banged in head on the table as he laughed. It served the dick right if he got a concussion, they’d been here half hour and his so-called best friend had been laughing nonstop for nearly as long.
“He was so pretty and his son was adorable and he was so good with him and you don’t get it Libs,” he waved his drink in the general direction of the other man. Libs smacked the table. Nyx took it as a continue. “His eyes were so green, like the prettiest green I’ve ever seen in my life and he lifted Noct up one-handed like he weighed nothing and it was just-”
Nyx choked on a whine as he remembered muscles flexing under a tailored suit. “I didn’t even get his name I was so busy staring and then he smiled at me and I just- it was such a beautiful smile.”
Libs was gasping like a dying man, drink pushed entirely aside.
He ignored him.
“And his hands, Libs, his hands…”
The door opened. Nyx ignored it.
He downed the rest of his drink. “How can one man be so attractive?”
And then he looked up, right into familiar – beautiful – green eyes. The man smiled at him.
Nyx flushed and knocked his empty glass over as he went to pick it up.
At his side, Libertus continued to die of laughter.
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Writing Romance: Creating Chemistry
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A good ship is like a relationship, it’s built on fundamental building blocks, and by understanding these blocks, we as writers can construct relationships that feel real and dynamic. There are four primary components to a ship: Propinquity, Compatibility, Progression, and Longevity.
Propinquity measures familiarity. How comfortable they are together, how long they’ve known each other, how well they know each other. Characters with a high propinquity spend a lot of time together, see each other often, exist within the same social circles, are unable to avoid each other, and may have known each other for many years. This is why many popular ships are teammates, friends, and coworkers, as these are people they interact with often. In a period drama, a well-to-do lady might fall for the roguish ne’er-do-well noble who runs in the same social circle as her, or she might fall for the stable boy who tends to her family’s horses. In either case, it is a man she is quite familiar with, and has a hard time avoiding interactions with.
Compatibility measures how well a pair can get along. However Compatibility is hard to measure in one grand concept without breaking it down into its components.
Commonality measures how alike two lovers are. Two Idiots/One Braincell is a ship dynamic built on both lovers being similar. Ships with Belligerent Sexual Tension involve pairing two likewise stubborn and argumentative people, using their similarities to create tension between them.
Cooperation measures how well peace between them can be maintained. Opposites Attract ships heavily rely on the couple trusting and working well together to make up for their lack of commonality and clashing interests.
Progression is more of a literary tool than something that can be applied to real life relationships. It boils down to the simple question: are they better for knowing each other? A good ship should play an important role in each other's character development. An intelligent cynic who dismisses love as a fairy tale needs a hopeless romantic idiot to prove that love's not so impossible, while giving them an endearing idiot for them to take care of and scold for being so foolish and reckless.
Longevity measures whether they can maintain a long lasting bond or if their relationship is a ticking clock. Do they have compatible life goals and desires? Do their desires align with one another or does one's happiness cost the other their own fulfillment? While not all couples or people desire long-term relationships, the desire with many ships is reaching that happily ever after. As such, a good couple needs to be able to last that long.
Let's go over some ships as an example.
Klance from Voltron: Legendary Defender has high propinquity. They're teammates and friends, plus they're old classmates with a preexisting relationship. Their commonality is low but not non-existent. They're both from Earth, they're both pilots, both of them look up to Shiro, and they are both competitive. Their cooperation is much higher, as they're able to go from bickering to working together rather quickly. Some of their most romantically coded scenes have Keith and Lance helping each other’s progress in their character arcs. While we know little of their ultimate life goals, knowing that Keith stayed on with the Blade of Marmora and Lance wanted to be a pilot, it stands to reason that they could have maintained a long distance relationship until they both felt ready to settle down.
Kiribaku from My Hero Acadmeia are classmates and live next to each other in the dorms, giving them a high propinquity. Bakugou also trusts and respects Kirishima more than most people. Kirishima is the only person who can save Bakugou without bruising his ego in the process. In terms of compatibility, they rank high in both commonality and cooperation. They work well together and share enough similarities to be on the same level about most subjects. Their progression is incredible, as Kirishima has helped Bakugou to become nicer and more cooperative with his classmates, while Bakugou’s brash pep talks gave Kirishima the push he needed to reach a new level as a hero. Finally, their longevity is rather solid. They’re going into the same profession, they get along well enough that they could easily live together, and they’re not annoying or fighting each other constantly that would make a long-lasting marriage fall apart.
Aang and Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender are friends and teammates. They spend every day together for almost an entire year and face many enemies together, so the trust and friendship between them is high despite knowing each other for less than a year by the series’ end. They’re highly compatible, sharing belief in love, destiny, hope, spirits, fortunes, and other such things. They’re also very cooperative, as they rarely ever bicker with each other and work well as a team. That being said, they don’t actively play a part in each other’s character progression. Katara’s character arc is mostly about coming into her own as a waterbender and as the show went on, grieving the loss of her mother. But aside from sneakily teaching Katara what he learned at night, Aang doesn’t have a direct hand in this character arc. Zuko does, since he helps her track down the man who killed her mother. Meanwhile, Aang’s arc is to stop running away from his responsibilities and forge his own path as the avatar. While Katara offers a shoulder to lean on, she does not play as active of a role in Aang’s character arc as Guru Patik, Zuko, Toph, and his past lives. She could be a nag telling Aang to practice or take things seriously, but her role in Aang’s arc is more passive and supportive than direct. However, Longevity is a proven fact, since they got married and had children in Legend of Korra, and the siblings never mention their parents fighting to the best of my memory.
Ted and Robin from How I Met Your Mother are friends and enjoy each other’s company, which speaks well for their propinquity. They’re a fairly even blend of similar and opposite in commonality, but their cooperation is good enough to make up for any strong personality differences. They fit the archetype of the cynical love forsaken woman and the hopeless romantic idiot man, and could potentially make that work. But the biggest hurdle is that they don’t clear Longevity. Robin is happy with her bachelorette lifestyle. She’s focused on her career, and she doesn’t have a problem with moving away to chase her dreams. This is even part of what destroys her marriage in the finale. She just couldn’t be held down in one place. Life is an adventure, and Robin wasn’t content to stay in one place for the rest of her life. Ted meanwhile wanted the exact opposite. To set down roots and build a life together. To raise kids and have many years of wedded bliss. Their longevity life goals just don’t work. One of them would have been miserable to make the other happy.
Hopefully, this will help you with creating your own romances and ships in your own stories. As we saw with Kataang, a couple does not need all four things to be a successful ship. Meanwhile, Ted and Robin prove that Longevity is often the leg a ship stands on. Without it, a ship cannot sail without falling apart in the harbor. No amount of chemistry and compatibility can compensate for having clashing life goals.
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if you date Ahsoka you get the whole package…..
Jedi Gn!Reader x Ahsoka
Until I feel like not procrastinating on my current fics whoops. This is my first time writing about Ahsoka, bear with me while I figure it out more!
-She has. So many friends and people who are important to her. Therefore, you have a lot of people to impress.
-Obi-Wan was pretty easy. Tell him you drink tea, gift him some of your favorite kind of tea, actually talk to him about feelings and emotions. Boom, he’s on your side. (He really was on your side before that when he felt through the force how Ahsoka felt when she talked about you, let’s be honest.) I think he would aactually help you get to know Ahsoka more, encourage you to keep trying and guiding you through the process of dating her. He’s always there to comfort you if she gets hurt, a truly steady and calming presence throughout your relationship. He’s also super reassuring that no, this isn’t against the code. The code doesn’t say not to have relationships, just not to let those relationships betray your duty as a Jedi.
-Anakin is a hopeless romantic, let’s be honest. He doesn’t really care that much about you specifically, as long as his padawan is happy. So, while he’s thrilled at the idea of Ahsoka having someone, he doesn’t really doesn’t catalog you as anything special. That is, until he sees you doing something mundane for her. Maybe you pick her up caff just the way she likes it, remind her that to eat, stop her from picking at her nails. (C’mon guys, let’s stop pretending she’s not a nervous wreck. Nothing close to Obi’s anxiety, but it’s a Jedi’s job to constantly worry, right? Right, Anakin?)
-Rex is….a little skeptical. He’s only really known platonic and brotherly love (which, of course, there is nothing wrong with. Nothing at all. I know that sounded sarcastic, but it was not.) He knows about Anakin and Padame, he’s 95% sure Cody and Obi-Wan have a thing, but he also knows that Ani and Obi aren’t the same as Ahsoka. He really really just wants to protect his little sister, and this isn’t really something he can protect her from. Of course she doesn’t need it, she can handle in her own for the most part, but it’s just that deep rooted fear of loosing another sibling. He’s been a witness to heartbreak before, he’s seen his fair share of mourning brothers and Jedi. Poor man doesn’t think he could stand seeing the bright, optimistic, fearless Ahsoka like that.
-For Rex, I think you would win him over when he saw you protecting Ahsoka in battle. A simple call to watch out, a force blast to knock down some droids behind her back, putting yourself in front of harms way. (After he talks to you and tells you not to do that anymore because he can tell that Ahsoka needs you to be safe. He needs you to be safe.)
-The rest of the 501st is just generally accepting. She’s basically all of them’s sister, so they’re happy to see her happy. They also love having something to tease her about whenever you two do something as little as holding hands. Plus, they’ve all seen how you stay by her side, steadfast and strong, when things go wrong. Loyalty is big for them, so that was a big “We’re protecting these idiots from now on” moment.
-Padame has been on the receiving end of many of Anakin’s rants about how Ahsoka is growing up and falling in love, “Help me what do I do?” She’s always quick to remind him that he did the same thing and Obi-Wan learned how to handle it, he should too. She’s not super involved in your relationship, she has a lot to focus on, but she’s been open and welcoming to you since the beginning. She knows first hand how hard it can be to love someone like Anakin and Ahsoka, so she’s very willing to talk and support you. Definitely the person you go to when you need to rant about her recklessness, and she rants right back. Obi-Wan sometimes joins too, for sure. It becomes a tradition to meet in Padame’s rooms and rant about your reckless partners and padawans. Drinks are provided in loads, as well as the best food she can provide. Rex and Cody are invited too, and then it ends up being a huge thing. There used to be a list of people who couldn’t (weren’t allowed) to come, but after many complaints from Anakin, Ahsoka, Fives, Obi-Wan (depending on the week), and Hardcase, everyone is allowed and it’s just a fun stress reliever for generally maxed-stress people.
-Plo is just endlessly amused by the whole thing. Young love? Cute and has no consequences. He doesn’t really care if it’s gonna last or anything, but he does make sure that you two are being good for each other, reminding you to spend time with her and vice versa. He likes that Ahsoka is getting to experience falling in love, future fallouts be damned. That’s basically his approach to a lot of it. Until Ahsoka stops being happy, he’s perfectly fine to sit back and watch you two absolutely love-struck clueless morons burn the world down.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - Chapter 10
Evening everyone!
I have a present for you.
This lady here will be off on holiday for a week on Friday, so I thought about landing the new chapter tonight.
This one is a juicy one and I hope you will love it. A bit of fluff before the angst gremlin comes back for a visit.
This chapter comes with a smut warning. Yes, you read correctly. In the future I will be using FTB mostly because I find it difficult to write and keep it non cringy, but for this chapter I wanted to try and add some hotness.
Also, for those who haver read Island Dreams, I am heading to Lewis on my holiday, and i might post some photo of the locations mentioned in the fic.
Well, now i can let you enjoy the chapter
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Aelin was at home sitting on the sofa, enjoying the food she had just ordered in, a bottle of beer and hockey. Her favourite team the Stags was playing an away game with the Skull’s Bay Pirates. 
The Stags were in the lead in the championship and the Pirates were just in second place, which made that game quite an important one. She was glad she had the night off although they would usually all camp in the communal area of the firehouse and watch the game all together. At least being at home meant she could have a beer.
Ice hockey in Terrasen was a religion. She had been a fan of the Stags since she was a kid and her dad would take her to the games. Then Aedion became her hockey buddy and once she joined the station she started sharing the passion with the rest of the team and they would also go and watch the games all together if possible.
She took a sip of her beer and kneeled on the sofa, the game was getting intense and she could not stand still.
In that instant her phone went off and she let out a curse.
“Oh for crying out loud.”
“What?” She answered while her eyes were glued to the tv.
“Good evening to you as well.” Rowan sounded almost offended by her brisk tone.
“Whitethorn, I am watching the game.”
Aelin groaned as something happened on the screen and the Pirates almost scored.
“Ice hockey, Whitethorn. You have been in Terrasen enough to know it’s a religion here.”
He replied with a low chuckle. Then she heard him move and then all of a sudden a noise in the background and realised he had his tv on “wonder if they show it here. Wendlyn is not big on ice hockey.”
“You can tell. Their team sucks.” She drank a bit more “I can tell you that we are winning for now against the Pirates.”
“That’s the big match of the season I am gutted I am missing it.”
Aelin got agitated and swore a few times during some actions.
“You are a very scary woman.” She heard him switch off the tv “do you want me to call later?”
“No,” she said softly. She was actually quite happy. Since he had left three days before they had talked quite a lot over the phone at night and she had started to love their ritual. He was the one calling once he was free and she loved that new dynamic of theirs.
“How was your day training?”
“Oh, just wonderful. I spend my days dealing with cocky idiots who think they are gods because they have been admitted to flight school. Then they go ahead, mess up the exercise for everyone, almost get killed and have no respect for rank.”
She let him vent “sounds like you have a bad class.”
Rowan sighed loudly “I have been a flight instructor for six years. I had a few bad apples along the way, but this class is hopeless.”
“Can you do something about it?” She was still following the game but her attention had shifted to him. He sounded quite down.
“I reported them to the academy Commandant. I explained that starting flight school with the wrong foot was not recommended.” Another sigh “In the end it’s their school and they can do whatever they want. I don’t care. Being reckless in a jet is like jumping into a fire in t-shirt and shorts.”
“That would be very bad.”
“I know what the fuck I am doing. I have been doing this for the past 12 years. I have been in combat. Real bloody combat. Those idiots have only seen simulators. What do I need to do to be taken seriously?” He was really mad and Aelin wished she could do something for him.
“Ro, two weeks and a half and you are out. You are back with your team and students that you like.”
“How’s the game going?” He changed the topic, clearly being done talking about it.
“We increased our lead.”
She heard a popping sound “did you just crack open a beer?”
“Oh yes, I need it.”
Aelin smiled “I am having one too. Brullo has this friend who opened a brewery and I bought a few bottles and they are so good.”
“You have such connections and don’t even tell me?”
“I am sorry your highness.”
“You are excused this time. But don’t make it happen again.”
Aelin laughed “what are you going to do? Spank me?” And she froze. She should really need to learn to connect brain and mouth.
“Depends, will you like it?” His reply surprised her so much that she froze with the bottle halfway to her mouth. 
“You just have to hang around and see for yourself.”
He moaned “I will need to get back to you on this.”
“Will it help you decide if I tell you that I am wearing a hockey jersey and nothing underneath? I just had a shower…”
“What? Are you interested all of a sudden?”
“Obviously.” He groaned.
“I am teasing you, I have clothes on, but good to see where you stand.”
She heard him groan in frustration “you really are a menace and I don’t know why I bother with you.”
“You don’t have to stay on the phone if I irritate you so much. You are the one who called.” She bit back. Why they always end up fighting?
“I did not mean it like that.”
“Well then go and learn how to communicate with people because I am sick and tired of your attitude.” Her tone had grown angrier.
“Aelin, please. I was joking.” His voice was thick with sadness.
“No, I am so fucking tired of this.”
“Why can’t you believe that I was joking? Why do you always believe that I hate you?” He shouted back “I have been quite supportive with you recently. I have flown in to stay beside you after you lost a colleague. You have a problem with my attitude?” He vented “well, yours is not any better either.”
Aelin sighed “Rowan, why do we always end up like this?” She lay down on the sofa, the game completely forgotten “we had a nice conversation and then it always gets ugly between us.”
“I am sorry…” he paused and meant it “I have been looking forward to calling you. I had such a bad day that knowing I was going to phone you kept me going. I didn’t want any of this. I did not want to fight with you.”
“We are both bad at communicating.” She relaxed a bit. She did not want to fight with him either. And he was right, he had been supportive and amazing. Then she had an idea “Ro, I have four days of holidays coming up. I booked them ages ago, I had plans but they went to hell. Would it be crazy if I flew to Wendlyn? I will play tourist when you work and be out of your way, but what do you think?”
“I’d love that. Very much. It really sucks here.”
“It’s for this Friday. I known it’s short notice—” he interrupted her.
“No, it’s perfect. I don’t have a class this Friday, I can pick you up at the airport. Have Saturday and Sunday as tourists and I assume you are flying back on Monday.”
“Yes.” Her heart started racing. It was a crazy plan, but all of a sudden she was excited.”Let me check my roster, because if I finish at a decent time I can fly in Thursday night so we have three full days. Do you think you can manage that?”
“Ok, stay there Buzzard, I am putting you on speaker phone.”
She ran to the kitchen and had a look at the calendar on her fridge with her roster and cheered loudly.
“I come off shift at four. Now let me check for planes.”
She went to get her laptop and sat back on the sofa, “do you know any good airlines for Wendlyn?”
He laughed “Yes, my own plane.”
“Funny. Us common mortals don’t have that privilege.”
“I have no idea, Fireheart, I haven’t flown commercial in a lifetime.”
“Fine.” Aelin was silent for a few minutes typing away and looking for flight options. “Ok,” she said after a while “I can get one flight that gets me into Doranelle at 10.45pm your time, is it too late?”
“I guess I will postpone my nap.” He joked and she laughed back. He suddenly relaxed. The fight had been verging on vicious and he had not cared for that.
“On Monday I can fly back with a noon flight.”
“That one is perfect. I can drive you back to the airport and be back in time for my class.”
Aelin smiled wickedly “great, give me five minutes while I book it. Go and do grampa stuff in the meantime.”
“I am not a grampa.” Aelin heard him munching on something. Knowing him it was probably a carrot.
“Ok, now I need to find a place where to stay.”
“My flat?” He added shocked that she would think about staying anywhere else “Aelin, I have a flat. It has a second bedroom. And you don’t have to worry about giving me anything because it’s a flat owned by the airforce. It’s not a castle but it’s nice. You are not paying for a hotel.”
“Are you sure? Three days with me 24/7. That’s a lot of fighting.” She asked. She loved the idea, but wasn’t sure yet if they could survive that long in close quarters without killing each other.
“Perhaps we can leave the fighting aside and work on us?”
Aelin was silent for a moment “Us? As in…”
“As in more than two idiots fighting and pining for each other.”
Her heart pounded in her chest “Yeah, that would be intelligent, wouldn’t it?”
“But that’s a conversation for when you are here.”
Aelin smiled. She could not believe it was actually happening.
Rowan yawned over the phone “This grampa here would like to go to bed now. It’s quite late here.”
“Okay,” she said softly.
“I am looking forward having you here.”
Aelin hugged the pillow all excited “me too. Good night, Buzzard.”
“Good night, menace.”
Aelin squealed and threw the pillow at the other end of the living room in utter joy.
Thursday had finally arrived. Aelin thought the day would never come and that time had slowed down on purpose just to annoy her.
“Aedion you are in charge while I am away, will you be fine?”
The man was driving her to the airport “I will be. Go and enjoy your break. We will cope.”
“Ok, you know you can always call Dorian. He can come out on a call.” She was nervous. She hadn’t been away from the firehouse on holiday since before Sam died and was worried about her team.
“Stop fussing. We will be fine. You need a holiday. You haven’t been away in a lifetime. You deserve this.”
She breathed out, relaxing at his words. She knew she could trust Aedion and Dorian had given her his blessing too. 
“Just tell airforce boy to behave or I’ll scratch his toy plane.”
Aelin laughed. Rowan seemed to have a problem with the army but Aedion’s dislike seemed just as strong. To her it was just hilarious.
They arrived at the airport, she grabbed her duffel bag and backpack from the backseat and went to hug Aedion “thank you for driving me.”
“Let me know when you land on Monday and I will come and pick you up again.” And he hugged her back.
They parted and Aelin walked into the airport with a spring in her step and the biggest smile ever.
Rowan realised he had arrived at the airport a bit too early. He was so eager to see her that he had arrived with an hour to spare. He was a thirty year old man giddy like a child waiting for winter solstice presents. Considering their track record, three days together could go down in flame or be a success. A part of him was definitely anxious at the prospect, but when Aelin had suggested the idea he had no doubts. He wanted to do it.
Bored, he paced the arrivals section when a woman walked past him and her trolley ran onto his feet. He almost shouted at the woman but then decided to ignore it.
He viewed airports as pure madness. Utter chaos and he hated them. The good thing about his job was that if he had to travel for work he could use his jet. And when he used to travel with Lyria they had always driven. Now he remembered why he had avoided those places of pure chaos.
He moved to the big window where he could see the runaway and for a while studied the airplanes. One of his ex squadron mates after retiring from the airforce had become an airline pilot and on plenty of occasion had tried to convince him to join him, but Rowan always declined. There was little enjoyment in flying that way. 
While staring at the aircrafts landing and taking off, his hand was tapping on the handrail with excessive energy. 
He huffed a puff and and bored kept wandering around the airport. He had alway considered himself a decently patient man, but in that moment he felt as if he could not wait any longer. Had to really tell himself that she was coming and that it was not his imagination playing tricks on him. 
Luckily by the time his wandering was over, the arrivals notice board had changed the status of her flight to on approach and he went in front of the arrival section, knowing full well it would still be ages before her entrance. 
Forty minutes later he saw her and he was positive he now had the most stupid grin on his face. He recognised her golden mane tied up in a complicated braid. Gods, she was stunning and Rowan did his best not to drool too much.
She was dressed in simple jeans and a hoodie from the Terrasen Fire department and he chuckled. He waved at her and called as well.
Her smile when she spotted him could have lit up the night sky and he was positive his heart had just skipped a beat. 
Quickly an eagerly he walked to her, making his way through the crowd that had gathered.
She ran to him, then dropped her bags on the floor and in an instant she was in his arms. He lifted her up and kissed her. Not caring about the consequences. She was there. That’s all he cared about.
She kissed him back and for a while they were the couple that meets again after a long time apart and could not keep away from each other.
“You are here.” He said kissing her again and then brushed her hair in a tender gesture.
She smiled at him and slowly slid down from his arms.
He bent down and grabbed her bags “let’s go. You must be tired.”
Aelin took his hand and he did not pull away “the flight was crap. As soon as we hit the ocean it was bumpy as hell.”
Rowan chuckled “those civilian pilots struggling to handle a bit of wind.”
With her free hand she pinched his side “Meanie.” She told him “and it was bad and scary.”
He kissed her head “be glad that you have never experienced what a really terrifying flight his.” His voice was sad for a moment and Aelin squeezed his hand back.
“My car is over there.” They reached his vehicle and he dumped her stuff in the trunk.
It was fifteen minutes later when they reached his flat.
“I am a bit outside town but I love it. Much easier to go to work as I don’t have to drive through the centre. Saves me so much time.”
They entered the building and Rowan headed for the lift but Aelin stopped “pet peeve of mine. I don’t take lifts. I have saved enough people trapped in them, that now I don’t use them at all.”
“It’s eight floors, Aelin.” He complained.
“It’s good for your butt. Let’s go grampa.” Aelin grabbed the duffel bag and backpack from him and threw them on her shoulder and made her way to the stairs.
He realised that she was used doing stairs. But he was lazy and always used the lift.
“I am taking my chances.”
Aelin grabbed his hand and pulled him away “Don’t be an idiot. Come on.”
He protested but in the end caved.
Aelin relentlessly climbed on for eight floors and Rowan followed a few steps behind cursing that he had chosen to fall for a super fit firefighter.
“I can tell you some horror storie that will put you off forever from using them.” She told him while climbing the steps two at a time.
When they finally reached his floor, Aelin wasn’t even tired, Rowan instead was ready to strangle her.
“Come on grampa, I am sure your butt and your heart are thanking you right now.”
“Move.” She moved aside and let him open the door of his flat.
Once in, he flicked the lights on and Aelin looked around. The living room was spacious, from one door she could see a kitchen but what stunned her were the floor to ceiling windows at the end of the living room and the view. She dumped the bag and walked there and went to the windows.
“This is amazing.” He stopped at her side “Doranelle is called the City of Rivers. It’s not as beautiful as Orynth but it has its charming spots.” He explained with flat voice.
“Well, from up here it’s pretty cool.” Below her lay a sea of lights, then looking more carefully, she noticed the dark areas and assumed those were the rivers. She was looking forward to see that sight during the day.
Rowan pulled her arm “come on, you must be knackered, I’ll show you to your bedroom.”
She followed him into the room and smiled when she saw the bed. It looked so cozy.
She looked at him smiling “Orynth is a few hours behind so I am actually quite fine.” Gently she pinched his arm “you are trying to get rid of me.”
“I was just being considerate. You flew here after your shift.”
In one step she was close to him “I am quite hungry, though.”
Rowan laughed and patted her head “I knew it so I made something that just could go back in the microwave. Give me five minutes.”
“I’ll go and get changed in the meantime.”
It was much later when she was finally full and she and Rowan were now sitting on the sofa watching some tv. She had curled up her legs under her and his hand was absentmindedly tracing up and down the length of her exposed leg. It was much warmer than Orynth so she was wearing shorts and a baggy t-shirt.
She turned to look at him and saw Rowan concentrated on the documentary they had been watching. His face was relaxed, the tension had left his body and the sight of him like that took her breath away. His features always had an hard edge, but in that moment, relaxed, she could not look away. 
“Do I have something on my face?” A half smile appeared on his face.
“No.” She shimmied down to his side and leaned her head on his shoulder and he adjusted his position so she could be comfortable.
“You know I am not a pillow, right?”
In challenge, Aelin snuggled closer and her arms went around his waist. Rowan brought one arm around her shoulder and squeezed it almost in a silent gesture to tell her it was okay. He pulled her so close she was almost on his lap and in instant later his lips were on hers in a demanding kiss. 
Aelin sighed in delight and melted in the kiss. Rowan’s hands sneaked under the t-shirt touching skin. The kiss turned avid, all teeth and tongue and eventually she found herself straddling him. 
Her hips ground against his in a suggestive motion and a wicked smile spread across her lips when she felt him hard against her. Fingers found their target in his hair, and with a gentle tug she angled his neck and her lips began tracing its lines eliciting a loud moan from Rowan. 
His strong hands were a steady presence on her sides, pulling her closer with his thumbs brushing timidly the underside of her breasts.
Rowan’s tongue slowly traced the shape of her lips and she opened for him and when he intensified the kiss she began pondering what that tongue of his could do somewhere else. That image was her undoing. Aelin came up for breath and looked at him, his eyes smoky with lust.
She looked at him with the same desire and she was positive he had noticed the need in her stare as well.
Then Aelin stood and removed her t-shirt revealing her bare torso. She moved a step back and without ever removing her gaze from him she wiggled her finger in an invitation, then turned and swayed her hips on her way to his bedroom.
Rowan ran a hand down his face and eventually stood and followed her.
Shit. He was in such deep, unending shit.
It was the middle of the night and both Rowan and Aelin were still awake. They lay naked under the blankets while she was nested in his embrace, her head tucked under his chin, while he traced lazy lines on her back with his fingers.
She looked up at him and noticed his downcast stare. He looked sad and could not understand why. They just had some mind-blowing sex. Three times. 
“Hey, what is it?” She asked him, caressing his face.
He shook his head gently “nothing. Just thinking.”
“You are regretting this,” she said in accusation sitting up beside him.
Rowan threw an arm on his face and sighed “No.”
“Liar, that is not the face of someone who is happy after getting laid three times.” She folded her arms at her chest. 
He remained silent and Aelin bent over to grab her clothes “don’t worry. I get it. I’ll leave you to it. I’ll find a flight home tomorrow.”
His arm shot out and stopped her, then he sat on the bed and pulled her back “please, no.”
“Then talk to me, damn it.” She threw her clothes back on the floor “I can’t read your mind.” She shouted back frustration rising again. 
Rowan’s hands fisted for a brief moment “I am crazy about you,” he whispered, as if terrified by the admission “and there is a part of me that tells me that is wrong. Reminds me that I lost my wife a year and half ago and I should not replace her so quickly, not after I swore forever love at the altar.” he sat at her side but never looked at her, too scared of her reaction “I loved every single of minute we had together tonight but my stupid conscience keeps telling me that is wrong.” He lowered his head “and I know that my guilt will ruin everything, eventually.”
Aelin fully turned to him and cupped his face “Ro, look at me.” He lifted his eyes and stared in the blue depths of her own eyes “for some crazy unexplained reason I fell for you as well. I think I must be crazy,” she chuckled “I know your pain. Sam was not my husband but almost. After I lost him I promised myself I would not commit anymore. The pain of losing him was so bad that I decided I’d rather remain alone than suffer again.” She told him, caressing his cheek with her thumb “then you annoying bastard came along and destroyed all my resolutions. I wanted to hate you, for so many reasons, but the more I tried to do that, the more I failed.” His lips twitched in a faint smile “the way I see it, moving on is not a betrayal on your wife. You will alway love her, as I will always have a space for Sam. We are in our early thirties, what do you want to do? Stay celibate and miserable for the rest of your life? Pass on opportunities just because you want to be faithful to her?” She explained “also, and I do not mean this to be disrespectful, but didn’t she have divorce papers ready and a plan to cut you off from your kid’s life?”
Rowan collapsed back on the bed and sighed heavily. She was right. He had loved Lyria but she had planned to leave him. “what do you want to do?”
She looked at him with a puzzled expression.
“About us.”
Aelin leaned against him and snuggled back to his chest “one step at a time, remember?” She looked at him and his wonderful green eyes shone in joy “and if my memory does not fail me, you told me you were all in if I were.”
Rowan nodded gently and kissed her head “I still am.”
“Well, we have covered sex, even if we broke the rules, and we know that in that field we have plenty of chemistry, we just need to learn to talk without shouting and communicate better. We both have lots of baggage. What I suggest is that we spend these three days playing couple and once you come back we’ll just go from there.”
His arms folded around her and pulled her as close as possible, her golden hair in his face and the scent of lavender enveloping his senses “I think I like this plan.”
“Good, now let’s sleep though. It’s the middle of the night.”
Aelin kissed him and not long after fell asleep in his arms.
Rowan woke up the following morning and smiled at the warm body at his side. Aelin was sprawled on him, using his chest like a pillow. The blanket had fallen down to her waist and he realised they had fallen asleep naked. With his fingers he traced gentle lines on her shoulders, then leaned over and deposited a few kisses fully inhaling her scent. She moaned and slowly came to awareness and when she realised where she was she gave him a wonderful smile and he kissed her, fully, avidly.
“Someone looks happy,” she joked brushing his short hair.
“Nope, just trying to get back my side of the bed.”
She gently patted his shoulder but Rowan rolled on top of her and gave her a deep kiss “good morning, you.”
She stretched luxuriously in his arms then she kissed him back pulling her body close to his.
“Mmmm,” she moaned “morning wood or are you just happy to have me with you?”
He kissed her, then his head dipped in the hollow of her neck and his tongue traced the length of it “both.”
“We should definitely tend to it.” She teased and a moment later she straddled him “I do like being in charge, just so you know.” She leaned forward and kissed him, then disappeared under the blankets and Rowan cursed as soon as her mouth was on him.
Rowan stood and still naked went to make breakfast. They had remained in bed much longer that he had planned but it had been totally worth it. Their chemistry in the sheets was definitely perfect. Aelin followed him and she leaned, naked as well, against the counter. He bent forward and kissed her “we definitely need coffee.” She turned and Rowan looked at her, her long blond hair unbound and reaching her lower back. Along ragged breath escaped from him, then he went back to preparing breakfast. Staring at her naked form could lead to more dillydallying and he wanted to take her out to explore.
She walked back to him with two mugs of coffee while he finished to prepare French toast.
“Take the strawberries out the fridge, please.”
“I usually put maple syrup on.”
Rowan rolled his eyes “well, I am making them so we follow my rules.”
She pinched his butt “brute.”
Five minutes later they were sitting on the sofa, enjoying their breakfast. She brushed his hair with her hand. “Thank you for this. It was so lovely.” She placed her empty mug on the coffee table together with her plate and she turned to him fully and went for a kiss. Now that they had crossed that line she could not keep her hands off him. He pushed her down on the sofa, laying on her back and he kneeled between her legs. She propped herself on her elbows opening more for him and bit her lower lip at his lustful glance “you are so cute like this…” his voice rough with need.
Without ever averting her gaze she brought a finger to her mouth and slowly sucked it in a suggestive gesture, then her hand trailed down along her abdomen.
“Touch yourself.” At the same time his hand went around himself and started moving up and down while watching Aelin. Her fingers circled around her sensitive spot and he saw her threw her head backward and close her eyes. Her mouth slightly open. He leaned forward and kissed her, his tongue brushing her lips before clashing with hers. Her fingers buried inside her and Rowan lost it. He pushed her all the way down “I can’t fucking resist you.”
She looked up at him and smiled wickedly “then bury your dick inside me, captain.”
Rowan lifted her and walked back to the bedroom in a quick motion. 
His mouth landed on her breasts and Aelin’s hands kept him there, while he sucked and teased with his teeth. A moment later he moved away and went for the drawer grabbing a tie and Aelin lifted her arms above her head as soon as she realised his intentions. 
“This is very interesting, captain…”
Rowan very gently tied her hands to the boards of the head of the bed and then sat on his haunches to stare at her naked form in adoration.
“You are stunning,” he said while slowly caressing her belly. Keeping her hips in place he bent forward and his face disappeared between her legs which then quickly propped on his shoulders.
A savage moan left Aelin’s lips as his tongue found its target on her bundle of nerves and when he teased her with a finger she was all ready to combust.
“Fuck Ro— ” he cut her words with a second finger inside her. Those long digits that curled inside her, causing her legs to jerk while she felt the pressure build inside her. The orgasm creeping up quickly.
“I need you….” She told him breathlessly.
Rowan smiled, undid her ties and turned her around and then tied her again. He grabbed her butt and propped it up and his mouth was on her in an instant “you are so wet and ready for me.”
He went up on his knees and aligned himself with her entrance. His first thrust was gentle and enough to allow her to get used to him, he pulled back just a little and slammed into her to the hilt.
“More…” Cried Aelin grabbing the pillow and fisting her hands in it.
“More…” she begged him again.
His speed increased and Aelin felt her core tighten.
Rowan reached with his finger and teased her clit at the same time. Aelin moaned in the pillow as his ministration grew in intensity, until she could not hold it any longer and pleasure exploded in her making her crash over the edge. And while she was about to collapse into oblivion, she realised that Rowan hadn’t joined her in his release.
The grip on her hips grew stronger and she knew she was going to carry some marks. She met his thrusts and when his pace became frenzied she knew he was close as well. 
“Aelin, I am— ” he groaned loudly as he spilled into her and then collapsed exhausted on her back. He deposited gentle kisses on her back then collapsing exhausted at her side.
Rowan untied her then he took her hand and brought it to his chest “you are a wicked woman.”
Aelin chuckled “I had no idea I had it in me. I never… I mean Sam and I we never… this way, tied hands and all..…” Rowan brought her hand to his lips “Lyria and I did it, at the very beginning. Then it stopped and we calmed down until it became mechanical just because we were married. Once she found out she was pregnant she did not allow me to touch her at all.” He rolled over, facing her and his hand caressed her face “I thought it was because she was not well but…” he sighed “I haven’t told this to anyone but I suspected she was cheating on me.” He confessed and felt lighter. He had kept that to himself for a very long time “and to make things worse, I have a very, very strong feeling that the child was not mine. I think she lied to me on how far along she was.” He closed his eyes for a moment in a pained expression “I know she had stopped being happy about our life for a while. Whatever I did was not enough. She wanted me to retire and give up my job.”
Aelin extended her hand and brushed his cheek with the top of her hand “but she knew from the beginning what you were and what you job entailed?”
“Yes, I was clear from the start. Explained that my job took me away from months on end and all the dangers involved in it as well.” He closed his eyes enjoying the touch of her hand on his face “I think she hoped I would drop my career after we got married.”
“I loved her. I did all I could to show her that I was doing my best to keep the promise I made her at the altar.” He covered her hand with his “I failed her.”
“No,”Aelin whispered, this was conversation was giving her an insight into him and she realised she had no idea of how much pain and regret he was keeping bottled in him.
“I can’t fail you as well.” And she heard his voice break and snuggled closer to him “Ro, look at me.” She pulled his chin down to her “I am all in. I want to be all in. I am terrified, but I run into fires as a job, I know how to control my fears.”
He kissed her in a heartbreaking sweet kiss “I don’t deserve you.” His voice soft.
Aelin cackled “No one does, I am amazing that way. But you come pretty close to being worthy.” She joked and he kissed her back.
Rowan pulled away from her and then pushed her off the bed “come on, time to explore.”
Her blonde head emerged from the side of the bed “shower is mine.” And she bolted for the bathroom, he ran as well but once he got there she slammed the door in his face.
“Don’t spend half an hour in it.” He shouted. Then the door cracked open a little and her hand darted out “there is space for two…”
Rowan laughed and followed her inside.
The shower took much longer than expected and when they finally left the flat it was much later that he had planned. The whole morning had been totally worth it though, they had talked and he had a feeling it had helped move their complicated relationship in the right direction. He had even confessed her things he had never mentioned to anyone. He felt like he could trust her. She knew loss and darkness like he did.
They had lunch at one of the street vendors he had grown to love and now they were walking hand in hand along one of the the rivers and off toward the palace. Aelin walked silent at his side, taking in the city. “That’s the old royal palace.” He pointed at the stunning building they could see in the distance. “There was a monarchy once… and then the people rebelled and it got ugly and it went down and a government similar to what we have in Orynth was created.”
“The palace looks stunning.”
“I think they do tours to go inside. It’s where the government resides now but some areas are open to the public.”
“It’s fine I’d rather walk around and see the city. We can just see the palace from the outside.”
“As you wish,” his arm went around her shoulder and the feeling was incredible.
They walked to the palace and Rowan guided her behind it. When they arrived she was speechless. “It really is the city of rivers.”
Eight of them joined just behind the palace to form a gigantic basin with isles in the middle full of trees. In some parts the rivers went down a wall forming a waterfall.
“This is… gorgeous…” then she looked over and the spray of the waterfall had formed a beautiful rainbow “look,” she said to him pointing ahead.
He pulled her closer and kissed her temple “It’s quite an amazing corner this one.”
Aelin disentangled from him and walked around the area for a while and Rowan took photos of her. She was wearing an amazing green dress with a flowy skirt and he could not keep his eyes off her. 
“Come here you.” He did as he was told and joined her. “Hold me from behind.”
His arms went around her waist and they both gave their back to the basin. Aelin moved her phone so they both could be in the picture together with the magnificent background.
When she was about to click he kissed her temple.
Aelin looked at the photo “I am gorgeous.”
Rowan scoffed “I think you are the one who should move in with ego, although I think that in your case he needs a house on his own.”
She ignored him while she changed the picture as her phone background.
“I am pretending you never said anything.” And walked away from him.
Rowan laughed and a moment later he grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a kiss “Indeed you are stunning, captain.”
Aelin offered him her hand “shall we continue our tour?”
He took the hand she offered and they continued their exploration. They made their way to the area that was known as the historical one. The houses were built in stone of different colours and it looked very charming “here there are a lot of lovely small shops and some very cozy restaurants. It’s probably the most beautiful part of Doranelle.”
They continued walking until they reached a very colourful area “this is so pretty,” said Aelin pulling him toward the built up area.
Aelin dropped his hand and started walking toward all the small shops. She noticed a bakery and she walked in and Rowan followed in silence. Once inside he noticed she was busy chatting with the owner about their delicacies. Five minutes later she joined him with a bag in her hands.
“Did you buy the entire shop?”
She inclined her head and gave him a smile “almost.”
They reached the main square and discovered there was a market on and the place was full of stalls and food vendors. The air smelled of spices and food and Aelin stopped at every food stall enjoying some samples of the local food and buying some as well. Rowan followed her in silence and enjoyed seeing her relaxed.
“Are you going to spend you entire salary on food?” He joked, placing a hand on her lower back.
She turned and looked at him “I am on holiday Whitethorn, shush.”
They reached the end of the road and Aelin stopped in front of a clothes shop. In the window they had the most stunning black dress she had ever seen. She took Rowan’s hand and dragged him in.
“Hi, I saw the black dress in the window, is it possible for me to try it on? It’s stunning.”
“Of course,” said the shop owner “I make all the dresses myself.” She passed it to Aelin and pointed to the changing room.
Rowan sat on a chair and waited for her while his mind tried to picture her in the dress. When she finally emerged again he realised he had no idea how to picture her in such a dress. He swallowed hard as she walked to him.
“What do you think?” She turned to give him a full picture. The back of the dress dropped in a curve halfway down her back. It hugged her curves spectacularly and it had a cut up to above her knee. He was close to a heart attack.
“You… it’s…” he actually had no words “you are perfect.”
She smiled at him and for a brief second Rowan wished they were back in his room because he wanted to show her in another way what he really thought about it.
“Good, I am taking it. I will find an occasion to wear it.”
Once they were outside Aelin looked at him “did you really like the dress?”
Rowan wound his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, his mouth close to her ear “I had so much fun imagining all the possible ways for me to peel that dress off you.” 
“That’s the type of dress I would wear completely naked underneath by the way…”
He pulled her to his chest and bowed down for a kiss “I really hate that we are in public right now.”
She kissed him back. She was loving this side of him. One she had not expected him to have. He always appeared so composed and impossible to fluster. But under the captain’s mask she was discovering him to be quite a very interesting man. 
“You can ravish me tonight.” She added smiling against his lips and then walked away, leaving him alone and dumbstruck.
Yes, they could make it work.
She really wanted to.
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Elmer's Glue pt.1
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God you just can't get his name right, and it's a shame cause's he's cute af
Awkwardness Humor and Fluff
Someone like you shouldn't have survived nearly as long as you did.
You first came tumbling into Middle Earth a few days before departing for some big important quest to destroy a powerful ring, having landed yourself in a place called Rivendell that's full of elves and lovely scenery.
You were presented at some meeting and urged to join this 'Fellowship' and became a valuable member of the group even despite your lack of fighting knowledge, because you somehow had some sort of 6th sense regarding things that have yet to happen.
Just barely did you and your friends survive Helms Deep, The Hornburg, after all of those horrible events (losing Gandalf, Merry and Pippin being captured, and Frodo and Sam departing to continue on on their own), but once all is said and done, you're ecstatic to finally have a moment of rest and celebration.
A grand party is thrown in the royal halls of Rohan, but you're none to interested in the drinking or dancing.
Instead, you opt to watch everyone else enjoy themselves.
At some point after Legolas wipes the floor with Gimli in a drinking game, the prince, and brother of the sweet woman Eowyn, ends up meandering over to where you idly sit.
You remember riding with him to and from Isengard during your journey to reclaim your hobbit friends, though the two of you didn't speak much. It was kind of embarrassing for you to sit so close to him and attempt to share a conversation while looking straight ahead, so you didn't speak much at all, and he didn't engage himself often either.
It was surprising to you how comfortable the journey was, though, all things considered.
His horse was huge and he was just as large, but you never felt afraid or feared falling even once during the ride.
It's not a big deal, but it still stuck out to you since he's so clearly a very skilled rider.
Even after all that, however, you still totally blank out on his name when he suddenly approaches after helping Legolas bring Gimili to the resting area.
Your mind begins to race as you try to remember the name that belongs to him, and all too soon do you realize that you're both staring at each other and he's waiting for your to say something (probably after greeting you, which you did not catch).
"L-Lord... Elmer..." You say slowly after a moment, praying to god you got it right since you took inspiration from your favorite brand of kids glue.
He raises an eyebrow when you say his 'name', and a smile creeps on to his face. "Elmer?"
Ah, shit. You definitely didn't get it right.
"Elmo?" You mentally kick yourself for that one, he's definitely not a small red puppet monster, you would've noticed if he were.
He shakes his head this time, amusement painting his features as you struggle to come up with his actual name.
Another head shake, and also a full on smile.
"It's not Edgar, is it?" It definitely doesn't sound right, but maybe you'll get lucky.
At this point, you know for a fact that your face is on fire, this is so embarrassing, but you simply can't remember.
"Would you like me to tell you?" He offers after you don't guess again for a time, leaning his arm on the table next to you, leaning closer to you.
Getting help at this point would be mortifying, so you deny his offer for the proper answer and take another crack and guessing. "No, no wait. I've got it! Your name is... Elinor..." You mentally smack yourself in the face for that one; he doesn't even look like an Elinor (mostly because he's not a woman).
"Not quite. Eomer is my name may I remind you."
So your first guess was the closest, but still so far away.
"W-Well, this is extremely embarrassing." You stutter out, adverting your gaze from his eyes which have suddenly become so close.
Eomer can't help but to laugh, and the smile that graces his lips is positively dashing.
You glance back up at him and notice right away, and once more your face begins to burn like a furnace.
"I-I didn't mean to forget, I swear! And I definitely wasn't trying to make fun of you either!"
His chuckles die down when your slightly panicked speech betrays your concern of being disrespectful, and he wastes no time in assuring you that it's perfectly fine. "If you are worried that you've upset me, then do not fret. I'm not offended, simply amused."
Well, that's a relief.
"Um... well, that's good- I guess," you tell him your name, then continue, "I feel so bad. You took me on your horse and everything and I didn't even remember your name! Gosh, I suck."
The tall blond-haired man looks at you oddly when you insult yourself so strangely, and you realize that you forgot to keep your other-word slang to a minimum since it can be hard to understand.
"Right, well, I came over to ask if you would like to join me on a walk outside. Are you interested?" He leans down a bit closer when he asks you this, acting as if he doesn't want anyone else to hear.
Typically you'd be more cautious than this, but you find yourself nodding along regardless.
Lord Eomer (you'll definitely remember his name this time, you swear it) took your hand in his and led you outside after you nodded your assent, and while you'd normally dislike being grabbed so casually, you allow it for some reason.
He releases you from his gentle hold once the both of you are beyond the party halls and outside in the cool night air at the bottom of the steps, and you finally find your voice to ask about his intent.
"So... did you want to talk to me about something or...?" You look up at him curiously with your hands clasped in front of you, twisting your heel in the dirt to ease the anxiousness.
"No, nothing in particular. I do have questions, but I simply wanted a moment alone with you," he pauses, then adds slyly, "Your friends have taken up al your time since we arrived, so I had hoped to steal you away for a time."
You aren't sure if you should be flattered, flustered, or both.
"I-I see... well, you've got me now." You mean it as a joke but it's hard to sound humorous when you're so flustered.
He only smiles and nods his head once, "I do."
Cue the awkward silence.
It appears that he's once again waiting for you to say something, so you decide to pull no punches and go straight for the heavy hitting topics.
"So, hows about that battle, huh? Crazy..."
His eyebrows knit together as he thinks over your strange speaking mannerisms, but he doesn't question it and only nods his head instead. "You could say that. The men fought bravely and we lost many, but our victory does not go unrewarded."
"Are you talking about the party?"
"Yes. That, and the knowledge that some of my men get to return home tonight and see their families."
His words bring a small, sad smile to your face, and you speak much more softly this time, "I'm afraid it isn't over, though. With everything going on, it's only a matter of time before we're all sent away again."
Oh, right, he doesn't really know about your role in this merry group of misfits.
"Um, yes. I fight, er, kind of. I do my own thing really, but I can't afford to stay behind." It's hard to explain since you aren't sure what the extent of his knowledge is.
His uncle, Theoden, knows almost all about your deal, but does Eomer? He should since he's a key part of this whole Rohan operation, but it's not necessarily your place to tell him either.
"A shield-maiden?" He wonders aloud, taking a seat on the stone steps next to you two.
Even when he's sitting down he's taller than you, and it shoots an arrow of envy through you. The bigger you are, the more intimidated your enemies are, after-all.
"Not quite. I'm not the best at fighting really." It's kind of a lie, actually, because you've got some hidden skill that makes you pretty good at that kind of thing, but it has to do with your foresight to you choose not to explain much further.
Your answer seems to only confuse him more, however, for his eyebrows knit together and his smile tugs downwards into a frown. "You are not? But they bring you into battle regardless?"
Well, shit, now you're making them sound like negligent, reckless idiots.
"N-No- I mean, I'm okay but, uh, it's hard to explain." It's like you somehow just know how to affectively fight; it's like something inside of you just takes over and keeps you from dying, and it proved to be both extremely useful and also unexpected.
They found out about this 'hidden ability' (for lack of a better term) during the battle in which Boromir was slain and you first lost your hobbit friends. You were surrounded and everyone else was fighting for their lives, and in that moment of hopelessness, something inside of you snapped and the floodgates were opened.
Your skill lies in defense, not offense, but it was all you needed to make it through the fight alive and intact.
"I-I know it seems like they were being irresponsible, but there's more to the story- I swear!" You try to defend, taking a step closer to his seated form, "Really, they need me, so it'd be even more irresponsible if they didn't bring me along."
He doesn't seem to get it, for his doubtful expression remains and his frown deepens, but he tries not to judge too much either. "I... see."
A subject change seems like the best course of action, so you decide to ask him a question of your own. "W-Well... anyways. Why'd you want me to come out here with you?"
"I simply wished to learn more about the beautiful newcomer that graced our halls, and I find that I'm even more entranced than before."
Lord Eomer's words bring a flush to your face and leave you flustered, and it seems you can't get your brain to form a coherent thought either.
"Have my words troubled you?" He asks when you still don't manage to find your voice.
"N-No, it's not that..." You trail off and cover your mouth and nose coyly, looking off to the side when you find that you can't meet his gaze any longer. "I'm just not sure how to reply to that. I've been here so long I don't even remember how to flirt." Your words are, of course, an embarrassed joke, and it seems to land well for he chortles with amusement.
"If that is all it is, then it must be fine that I say you've caught my eye, and I'm afraid I cannot get it back until I know more."
"Know more about... m-me?" You repeat slowly, simply trying to wrap your head around it all, "Like... Like what?"  
Another dashing smile brightens his handsome features, and this time your heart flutters nervously when he does, "Anything."
You twiddle your thumbs in front of you and dip your head down, racking your brain for any information that would be interesting but not super telling in terms of your 'earth of origin.'
"Um... I can do this-" You raise one of your hands and bend your fingers all the way back until they're perpendicular with your palm, displaying your double jointed fingers effortlessly.
He stares at your hand trick for all of 5 seconds before he's standing up and worriedly asking, "Have you broken your hand?" He takes your hand in his own, delicately turning it around in search of bruises.
"N-No," you pause and look at his larger hands taking yours, then add shyly after, "It's just a trick. I'm double-jointed."
"Double-jointed?" He repeats slowly, not releasing your hand though he does cease his search for damage. "I... see."
He sure does say that a lot.
"I can also do this." You take back one of your hands and reach into your pocket and pull out a lighter that you've had with you all this time, then you ignite a flame and brandish it proudly.
The blond-haired man looks on with wide eyes, and he reaches out towards it, asking with amazement in his voice, "You created fire so effortlessly!'
"Yeah, this little device has, er, oil in it and it ignites it using a spark." It has been helpful many a-night when everyone else has been out and about doing stuff and you were left to tend to the fires. "Don't get too close though, it's hot."
He nods his head once and drops his hands to his dies, watching the small flame dance on the lighter before you blow it out and place it back in your pocket.
"Where did you find such a magnificent contraption?" He asks once it's out of sight, looking down at you with curiosity sparkling in his eyes.
"I, um... made it." You think it best to lie, though he doesn't appear to fall for it, and change the subject. "So, how about that weather we're having?"
Your sudden and shitty subject change makes him raise an inquisitive eyebrow, but after a moment he starts to laugh, "Yes, the night sky's are very clear tonight. As it should be the morrow after a raging battle."
It's strange and none too awkward since you're no good at this, but this normalcy actually almost makes you forget all the shit you've seen up until now.
"I would very much like to see you again." He says suddenly when the conversation dies down and you both just stand there in silence.
You look back up at him and offer a small smile, repeating softly, "Sure. I'd like that as well. But I'm still here, so we don't have to talk about later just yet, right?"
"I suppose not." He reaches down and grabs your right hand gently, raising it up while he also leans down, then he presses a feather soft kiss to the middle of the back of your hand.
Eomer looks up at you while he does so, and you find that your face has begun to heat up once more.
When he doesn't move to stand normally and continues to look up at you expectantly, you ask uncertainly, "Am I supposed to kiss your hand too, or...?"
It seems you're quite the comedian to this guy, for he stands up straight again and bursts into joyful laughter, reaching down to pat your shoulders, "No no, but if you wish to offer me one somewhere else then I would not deny it."
People in this place really waste no time beating around the bush, though you suppose they can't afford to waste much time when things like the Battle at Helms Deep happen every so often.
There are murderous orcs everywhere and danger at every turn for them nowadays, do you actually feel a sense of appreciation for his forwardness.
This time you find yourself laughing too, and you readily reply, "Maybe next time, Lord Eomer. We only just met, you know. I could be trying to steal a place in the royal line, for all you know."
His smile does not waver despite your warning against yourself, for he only shakes his head and squeezes your shoulders gently, "No, such motives always make themselves clear early on. Unfortunately for me, you're honest."
"Unfortunate for my heart, yes."
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olivinesea · 4 years
Off Souls
a/n: Today we’re college Emily and we are sad. Tried for some plot this time though it doesn’t really appear til the end. Actual tw substances (lots of drinking), tw rape (not descriptive). I have a thought on continuing this but we’ll see. ~4.3k
Sorry Emily.
Emily Prentiss had her first drink was when she was eight years old. Someone handed her a half-glass of champagne as the clock counted down to midnight and a new year arrived. She wasn’t sure she liked the sharp, sour flavor but the bubbles tickled her nose. She also liked holding the pretty glass delicately between her thumb and middle finger, imitating the guests in their bright, shiny fabrics. No one noticed as she crept around the party, seeking out abandoned champagne flutes. She picked each one up, practicing a fake laugh and gesturing to invisible companions. Each imaginary conversation ended with her tilting her head back and draining the glass.
She noticed that the champagne was getting flatter but also that the taste was improving as she worked through the rooms of the ambassador’s residence. She was too young for anyone to pay attention to, the adults were wrapped up in their own affairs and feelings of excitement. Her body grew heavier and she thought she might like to sit down for awhile. She didn't know what time it was or whether it was the new year yet. She climbed onto a bench pushed against the wall. It had become a home for abandoned coats and bags.
It was hard to understand what she was seeing, objects seemed to be trying to escape. She looked at something only for it to slide away. She refocused, telling herself tables didn’t move on their own, only to have the thing slip away again. She tried closing one eye, then the other. The ground seemed to tip which didn’t make sense but maybe explained the moving furniture. She sank down onto one side, the back of her hand pressed against her mouth. Maybe being sideways would help correct the tilt of the world. It didn’t change much and she let her eyes close completely. Even with her eyes closed, the world continued to spin unpleasantly. She whimpered, weakly calling for her mother, already faintly aware that she wouldn’t appear.
Her face felt hot and she worried she might roll off the bench. Too tired to go far, she got down and pressed herself into the space underneath. Closed off from the world in most directions, she felt a little steadier. She tucked her face into the bend of her elbow to block out the remaining light. Her free hand found its way to her mouth again. She was too old to suck her thumb but it was still comforting to feel the pressure there. She found herself biting the skin around her nail beds. The acute sensation tethered her to the earth and the disturbing spinning slowed. She didn’t notice when she fell asleep.
No one found her there and it was light outside when she finally woke up. Cold and stiff from sleeping on the floorboards, she slowly slid out from under the bench. Moving carefully towards her room she tried to listen for sounds of other people in the hallways. She was afraid her mother would scold her for ruining her dress. She needn’t have worried. She threw the dress, now ripped and stained, into the trash in an effort to hide it. No one noticed that either.
By the time she entered high school, she considered herself an expert at drinking. She knew which alcohols were the easiest to mix. She knew which bottles would be noticed if they went missing (only the wines). She could forge her mother’s signature to get out of class when the afternoon looked a little too long. She could even mimic the housekeeper’s accent when the school called to confirm that she was out on an excused absence. In a fit of inspiration, she had substituted her number for her mother’s on all her school forms. That move had paid dividends over the years.
Every weekend she either had a party or went to a party. She didn’t see that as a problem. Drinking socially was fine. Maybe a little questionable at 15, but fine. The drinking that she secretly knew was wrong but continued anyway was the kind where she added gin to bottles of sparkling water and drank it throughout the day. It stung the back of her throat but she came to associate that feeling with a pleasant detachment. She could ignore her mother’s criticisms with the buzz of gin in her ears. She could ignore how lonely she felt when wrapped up in the warmth of the friendly bubbles.
She went through high school becoming more and more attached to alcohol. There were other things to try, different drugs filtered through the prep school community. She didn’t mind them but she always returned to drinking. Drinking was familiar. Drinking made her comfortable. She didn’t see any reason to mess with a good thing. She never noticed how her mood swung in tandem with her access to alcohol. She never noticed how she drank more after fighting with her mother. For her, drinking and feelings were separate. Feelings were messy and embarrassing. Drinking conquered feelings and she wanted nothing more than to conquer those permanently.
By the time she met Aaron Hotchner, she couldn't remember the last time she went more than a few days without a drink. Sobriety was a state to escape from. Sobriety meant clear thoughts and clear thoughts meant the harsh, criticizing voice in her mind reminding her of all her failures. Better to drown than to listen to that. Her grades might have been slipping but she’d have to feel to care and she was in the business of not feeling. Meeting someone else so deeply committed to avoiding their feelings was a gift from the universe.
She liked that he was smart and she liked how his face looked when he was surprised. She liked it when he frowned at her because even displeased she could tell that he enjoyed spending time with her. She couldn’t name a single other person who genuinely enjoyed her company. She had never had any close friends. People she partied with, certainly. It was easy to be popular with a rich, absent mother and no curfew. But none of those people had cared about her as a person, nor had she cared about them. They were all just using each other to satisfy their own needs.
He was different. He asked her questions and listened to her answers. Sometimes he was incredulous at her responses and sometimes she embellished her stories just to watch him get worked up at the idea of taking the embassy jet to Norway for her 13th birthday (she flew commercial) or hiring a full-time zookeeper for her spotted genets (she had to pay the housekeeper’s nephew to feed her cat when they went out of town).
When he first suggested that she might want to drink less she laughed at him and finished the bottle of wine she had been drinking from. When she turned up hungover to class the next morning he didn't say anything but she was annoyed with him as if he did. He didn't tell her she was wrong for drinking but he gave her tired looks when she talked about Margarita Monday or Thirsty Thursday. He never accepted the drinks she offered him. Just shook his head and when she pressed him about it he told her alcohol made him sleepy.
He only got angry about her drinking one time. She had convinced him to come over after a party. Her roommate was out of town for the weekend and she didn’t feel like being alone yet. While she was waiting for him she found some leftover booze and mixed it with whatever pink juice was living in their mini fridge. When he got there she kept trying to push the cup up to his mouth. He brushed her off and she ended up dropping it and spilling it on the both of them.
“Now look what you did, idiot!” She reached up to jab him playfully in the forehead. He moved fast, grabbing her wrist and holding it to the side. Reflexively she tried to swat at him with her other hand but he grabbed that easily as well.
“Stop it.”
His voice was low and dangerous. Her vision swam as she tried to focus on him. His dark eyes burned and she felt like maybe she shouldn’t be standing so close. She backed up and had to tug a little before he released her. They stared at each other. He tried to regain control of his temper, fingers curled tightly into his palms. He shouldn’t have grabbed her but touching his face like that was a step past what he could tolerate. She was always loose with her contact, even more so when she was drinking. She didn’t know how it put him on edge because he would never tell her, would never admit to that weakness. She might have noticed on her own but it never crossed her mind that it was a problem. She just thought he was a bit stiff and needed some affectionate rough housing from time to time. Still angry, he bit back the cruel words he knew would damage their friendship. Words they both had heard directed at them before: reckless, immature, hopeless. She was watching carefully as he struggled with himself. She’d never felt unsafe with him but this moment had made her very aware their relative sizes. She waited for him to say something else.
He sighed. “Where are your paper towels?”
She had completely forgotten about the spill. She shook her head, thoroughly sobered. “I’ll clean it up.”
Normally he would argue with her, insist on helping, but the sickly sweet smell of whatever horrid drink she’d mixed was making him nauseous. He decided the best move was to call it a night and muttered that he’d see her tomorrow as he stepped around the mess and out the door.  
Like most people, she was clumsy when she drank. Unlike most people, she seemed to take a sick pride in the bumps and bruises she acquired while stumbling around. It had always fascinated her to watch how her body was able to heal itself. To watch bruises darken and then fade. To study scabs as they formed over scraped knees and the shiny, pink skin that developed underneath. She got an even bigger kick out of it when she discovered Hotch’s tight-lipped disapproval of this behavior. Sometimes she would send him photo updates of particularly gruesome wounds.
“Emily!” he shouted indignantly after her latest upload, a burn from the hot plate courtesy of late-night grilled cheese.
“Shhh! We’re in the library!”
“We’re in a study room! You should be studying!”
“I am,” she said, innocently.
“You know what I mean. Please, please, for the love of god, stop sending me pictures of scabs.”
“Well, I guess if you don’t care about me…”
He threw his hands in the air and kicked back from the table. “I’m getting coffee.” She looked up at him hopefully. “No, I won’t get you any.”
She pouted but when he returned he was carrying two cups as well as some Neosporin and bandaids. She reached for the cup but he pulled it back.
“You have to let me deal with that first.” He nodded at her arm.
She looked at the bandaids distastefully.
“I don’t want to have to look at that shit anymore today,” he said firmly.
“Fine,” she muttered, watching as he set her coffee just out of reach. She was a cooperative patient and he worked quickly.
“What the hell? Why did you put like six bandaids on me?”
“Because you’re just going to peel them off and I want to have at least a few hours without having to be exposed to your organs,” he said cheerfully as he pushed her coffee towards her and swept up the paper litter.
She smiled as she sipped her coffee and waited until they left the library before removing the offending bandages.
They had been going back and forth about her drinking for several months. She had promised to stop drinking on weekdays if he would come out with her occasionally. She was able to keep her promise for the most part. She believed there were exceptions to everything and was sure to find at least a few instances where she justified a drink or two. He would get annoyed but not angry because he knew she was trying. That wasn’t what caused the problem.
It happened partway through the winter quarter. They had just turned in important papers for their history class. Hotch wanted to start studying for the econ midterm coming up but Emily, already in a bad mood, wanted to be done for the day.
“Please, can you just chill for once in your life?” she begged, leaning her head back and staring at the ceiling. She was draped across one of the lounge chairs, legs up on one side, arms thrown over her head.
He shook his head. “This is important to me.”
“Oh, and it’s not important to me?” she bit back. She shifted so she was sitting up, feet on the floor, glaring at him.
“Sorry Em, I didn’t mean it like that.” He frowned, not sure why she was having such a big reaction.
“I just can’t with you, Hotchner. I can’t fucking win.”
“What are you talking about?”
Instead of answering she got up and left the room. They had been sitting in the common room of his dorm. It was generally quiet at that time of day since most of his neighbors were athletes and had practice in the afternoons.
He waited for her to come back. He was learning that was something people did. He still didn’t fully understand it but apparently some people were able to get mad and then get over it without any major consequences. When she didn’t reappear, he shrugged and opened his laptop to start working.
She stalked angrily down the hallway, heading for her room. Halfway there she realized she forgot her bag but didn’t turn around. She wasn’t ready to see Hotch yet with his stupid apologetic face and his stupid understanding eyes. Why had she let him convince her to try? In the fall she had been checked out and could blame her abysmal grades on that lack of effort. Now she was going to get her grades back and see that she was in fact not as smart as she thought. Everyone would see it. Hotch would see it.
She had always gotten good grades growing up. Partly because she was intelligent but partly because high school wasn’t that demanding intellectually. She could skate by on a minimal amount of effort and charm her way into enough extra credit to keep her grades high. She’d only cared about grades in that she didn’t want her mother looking too closely at her school reports. A’s kept her free to misbehave as she pleased. College was turning out to be different.
It felt bad to put significant effort into something only to get lukewarm results. It felt like she was confirming her deepest fear—she really wasn’t exceptional at anything. She was so afraid and she hated it. And Emily had exactly one coping mechanism for fear—drown it. She’d left her phone in her bag too but she didn’t need that to find a party. She knew exactly where she could go for free alcohol and loud music and strangers she didn’t have to worry would find out how stupid and worthless she really was. She went to her room to change.
A couple hours later she walked up to a frat house, hair freshly washed and straightened, dark make up matching her black bodysuit. There were people spilled all over the lawn. Several tables of beer pong were set up. A kiddie pool filled with melting ice and piles of canned beer occupied the walkway. She smiled. She could always count on people to be drinking at a frat house. She saw a guy she met in the fall at one of the tables and headed in that direction. When he saw her it was obvious he didn’t recognize her but he smiled anyway. It was easy to make friends at a frat house when you looked like Emily Prentiss. She accepted the offered ping pong ball and easily made her first shot. Someone handed her a beer. As she sipped it she finally felt like she wasn’t fighting with herself. This was familiar territory. This was where she belonged.
The afternoon quickly became evening and the party moved inside. The music was loud and insistent. She felt lightheaded—she hadn’t eaten since that morning which was probably a mistake. But she was already mostly drunk and the thought floated away quickly. She took the red plastic cup being passed to her without asking what was in it. It was sweet and orange and much tastier than the beer she’d been drinking. The guy from before, she thought his name was Steven, was leading her towards the courtyard dance floor. He guided her with a hand on her back, bare skin exposed by the low-cut. She loved dancing and didn't notice anything unusual when her head started to swim. That was the feeling she had been looking for wasn’t it?
Things started to get patchy. She thought time had passed but she wasn’t sure how much. She was being led up a staircase but she wasn’t sure if the hand she was holding was Steven’s or someone different. She thought his hair had been brown but maybe it was just dark blonde. It didn’t feel particularly urgent to find out.
She was being pressed against a doorway, hands on her waist, a mouth covering her mouth. It was a kiss. She liked kissing so she kissed back. She tried to open her eyes to see who it was she was kissing but it was dark and her eyes wouldn’t focus. Suddenly there was nothing solid behind her and she fell backwards.
“Woah there!” A hand caught her arm at the last moment and pulled her to a wobbling upright position. “Careful.”
She didn't recognize the voice though it felt a little familiar. She didn’t like this room they were in. It was too dark. She could barely hear the music. She tried to push past the voice, speaking but not hearing anything coherent.
“Hang on, not so fast.” The voice was between her and the door and was very solid. The little light that had illuminated the room disappeared when he shut the door. Why did he shut the door?
“letmego.” It came out as all one word but she was happy with it. She was sure he would understand what she wanted. Instead she heard a laugh. It’s not a nice laugh like when Hotch was listening to her spinning tall tales and laughingly told her she was ridiculous. She wondered where Hotch was. He was her favorite person, why wasn’t he here with her now?
The person moved closer and she knew he was laughing at her. Fear burned through her and she screamed at her body to react. But everything felt slow and sticky. She swung at him but missed. She tried again and he caught her arms. She twisted violently, panic stealing her breath. Roughly, he pushed her backwards and she stumbled only to land on something soft. It was a mattress and it smelled. It smelled like beer and cigarettes and vomit. She kicked at him but it did nothing to stop his advance.
“Shhh. Just be good now.”
She cried. She couldn’t help it. She was so confused about how she got here, about where here even was. She tried to fight back but her thoughts were muddy and everything felt so heavy.
“nononostop,” she screamed but she could barely hear herself.
It was over quickly. Or maybe not quickly. Her sense of time shrank and expanded with each breath. All she knew was at some point she found herself alone. The door hadn’t closed all the way so she could see a little light coming in. She stared at it from her place on the bed, blinking slowly, trying to gather enough thought-power to figure out the next step. Something was wrong, she knew it. This wasn’t her bed or even her dorm building. She needed to find Hotch. He could fix everything. She didn’t think she was injured but it was so hard to move. She rolled to her side and ended up falling off the bed completely. She wasted several moments trying to catch her breath. The impact helped shake off some of the heaviness in her mind and she was able to push herself up off the ground. She found that she was only half dressed and, while she wasn’t completely sure why that was, a sob escaped her as she pulled the straps back up. She lost a shoe and it was too dark and complicated to find it so she kicked the other one off instead. She stumbled to the doorway and leaned against it briefly, making one last effort to collect herself before heading out into the world. This walk wasn’t going to be easy.
In a frat house full of drunk people, one drunk and disheveled girl wasn’t noteworthy. She wasn’t even the only person shoeless at that point. No one stopped to ask her if she was ok. No one questioned when she walked out into the night alone and clearly unwell. She focused all her energy on making it back to the dorm and to Hotch. The walk was about half a mile back through the city streets immediately surrounding campus. She tripped and fell more than once, skinning her palms and ripping holse in her pants. Only one person asked if she needed help, concerned by her lack of footwear. She waved them off, slurring that she was going home. The good Samaritan shrugged and headed off in the opposite direction. If a person insisted on helping every drunk college kid who thought they could handle themselves better than they could, they’d never make it home.
She did make it back and thanked whoever might be listening that her keycard was still in her pocket. She hadn’t considered it until the very moment she needed it. She got into the elevator with only one destination in mind. She had no idea what time it was or if he was mad at her and that was why she was alone but she is going to find Aaron Hotchner and let him deal with whatever this mess was she had made.
She knocked and knocked again when he didn’t answer.
“Hotch!” Her voice was hoarse and not very loud. She raised her hand to bang on the door again when it opened. He stood in the doorway, hair sticking up from sleep, blinking at her. He looked irritated and she wasn’t sure what she did wrong but she’s willing to atone for it. She held up her hands, trying to sort out her words.
“Hotch, I—“
“Go to bed, Emily.” He sounded tired more than anything else. He had answered this late night knock many times and tonight he didn’t want to play along. He didn’t want to deal with her drunk affections, he didn’t want to make her the snack she insisted she deserved, he didn’t want to make sure to switch out her pilfered beers with waters for the next couple hours. He just wanted to sleep and deal with this disappointment tomorrow. He turned away and she started to follow him but he just grabbed her backpack from his desk chair. He pushed it into her arms, propelling her back through the door.
“Go to bed,” he repeated. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
With that he closed the door, quietly but firmly. She knew he wouldn’t answer if she knocked again. She hugged her bag to her chest. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. But if Hotch wouldn’t help her, it must have been her fault. She stumbled down the hall to her room. She didn’t want to lay down in the dark. Just the thought of doing that made her heart race. She felt dirty so she went to the bathroom to take a shower. After she turned on the water she looked at herself in the mirror. She didn’t blame Hotch for sending her away. She was a mess. She wouldn’t want to deal with her either.
She was far too tired to take her clothes off. The adrenaline that got her home had faded and everything was beginning to hurt. She climbed into the shower fully dressed and sank down to the floor. With her knees pulled up to her chest she pressed her face into the bend of her elbow. She chewed on the skin around her fingers, finding it as comforting now as when she first discovered it. But the comfort was not enough and she found herself crying without knowing the exact reasons why. She cried until the water turned cold and then for awhile after that. Finally, worried that someone would find her, she cut the water off and got out. Shedding the wet bodysuit, she threw it in the trash before wrapping up in her towel. It was all she could do to make it into her bed. As she laid down she saw the sky was getting lighter and she felt relieved that at least she wouldn’t have to be in the dark now.
~Part 2~
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(art commission by the lovely and talented @curious-menace)
It is a time where I would like to see what my followers think about various concepts I have in mind pertaining to alternate versions of one my fics. It may take some time to write out any alternate versions since I've been busy and stressed out so much lately, but I am very curious as to what others would find intriguing to read.
But first, some backstory so be patient. We'll get to the voting at the end of this post.
I've been having a lot of bad days lately, and my mood has plummeted to a major low. This includes my self-esteem, which has always been in the dumps but is now basically a dumpster fire.
However, I don't want to be entirely cruel to myself. I deserve some sort of happiness, some sort of reprieve, and writing can be a good coping mechanism. I put a lot of my own thoughts, emotions, struggles, opinions, etc. into my works, as they serve as a way for me to get things off my chest. Sometimes, it's just cute and funny stuff, other times angsty but eventually fluffy stuff, and other times it's quite depressing and dark.
One fic, in particular, stands out, and that is the Mortal Kombat/Batman Arkhamverse crossover, "Volunteer," (trigger warnings: mentions psychological torture and suicide...more about this fic in a bit for those who would rather not read it because of those triggers) which features Arkham Knight Edward Nigma and Jonathan Crane, as well as a lady friend for Edward named Sara. It also features Erron Black and Cassie Cage from Mortal Kombat (Cassie is only mentioned in the story a few times).
If you read the blog intro/self-introduction post pinned at the top of my Tumblr, you know very well how I feel about Cassie Cage (particularly in MK11) and the Erron Black x Cassie Cage (BlackCage) pairing. Those negative feelings are mostly due to a very bad experience with a pushy BlackCage fan who just wouldn't relent one bit on their stance and it was emotionally and mentally draining to try and talk to them, including providing counter-arguments.
I've come up with alternate versions for "Volunteer" recently due to the spike in stress, depression, anxiety, and insecurities I've been dealing with as of late. This is where my followers come in!
I would like people to vote on which alternate take on "Volunteer" they would be interested in reading. Now, I can't guarantee when I'd get to it because, as I mentioned already, I've got a lot going on. However, I really want to try and write at least one alternate version of that fic, just to get some insecurities and negative thoughts off my chest.
Now, for those who are wary of reading "Volunteer" because of the trigger warnings, here's my advice: Just read the first chapter, if you want to. Chapter 2 deals directly with the sensitive subject matter, although, you can probably guess what happens anyway just by reading Chapter 1 and if you know anything about Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow...well, he likes to mess with people...mentally. To put it very mildly.
Now it's time for the voting. I have three different scenarios I've come up with that are variations/alternate versions of the current "Volunteer" fic's concept/storyline. I'd like followers to select 1 (one) alternate telling of the fic. I will open anonymous asks again, so if you are shy or just want your vote to remain a secret for some other reason, then that's fine by me. Otherwise, you can reply to this post with your choice.
Edit: if you are turned off by the idea of a Mortal Kombat/Batman Arkhamverse crossover, I get it. I don't read crossover fics myself, and that's usually because the crossovers either make no sense or do make sense but the ideas are poorly executed.
This crossover I'm talking about, though, isn't a full-on crossover of MK and Batman. There's no world-building, no larger plot, and no other characters in MK even appear or are mentioned except Erron Black and Cassie Cage.
If anything, it's more of a Batman Arkhamverse standard AU with Riddler and a female oc, and Erron and Cassie are the only concrete elements of MK brought in. I mean, yes, the other MK characters exist, I guess, but they have no purpose in this crossover I've written, and won't make any appearances.
So, if you had any concerns about the crossover aspect, I hope this clears things up
Choices below the cut!
A) "Don't You Wish"
This version is inspired by a song from Pink, called, "There You Go." In this alternate telling, Erron manages to survive Scarecrow's fear toxin, and escape (most likely because Erron is out of his mind and panicking, thus not a threat, and he has no one to help him, so Scarecrow doesn't give a damn what happens to the dude). The first thing Erron does is go to Sara's place, having already broken up with Cassie after realizing dating her was a mistake, and Sara means more to him than he thought.
Well, it's been several months since Sara basically pushed Erron out of her life for his poor choice in women, and (Arkham Knight) Edward Nigma has proven to be a much better (and, wiser and more sensible -- yes, I know, but he's not a skirt chaser, Guys) friend to Sara. While Erron ran off with a blonde selfie princess, Edward offered genuine comfort and companionship, and now Sara has been in the process of moving on from Erron even further.
Sara humors Erron and lets him tell her -- while sounding terrified, confused, and conflicted beyond belief thanks to the fear toxin -- what happened to him. Now, Sara doesn't know Edward asked Scarecrow to take care of Erron as a means of getting revenge for her. Doesn't matter anyway. She's unsympathetic towards Erron's plight, feeling as if he didn't even give her a chance to confess her feelings towards him, nor did he even seem to notice how she felt; it was like he was too busy with thinking with his privates to realize he had someone in front of him who would have treated him better.
Sara tells Erron -- in a flat, disinterested tone -- that his situation is tragic and all but wtf is she supposed to do? Why not go to his dumb blonde gf? Oh, they broke up? Well, how predictable. And Crane is also a (sort of) friend to Sara, which shocks Erron and leaves him feeling worse than before.
Sara sends Erron on his way, and he wanders off in a daze, unsure of what to do with his life now.
Sara and Edward meet the next day, and they have a pleasant time, obviously moving towards becoming a couple. She chooses not to mention Erron as she is completely severing the cowboy from her life.
B) "I Don't Even Miss You"
This alternate telling is similar to the previous one, but this time it's inspired by a Miley Cyrus song, "WTF Do I Know" (Hey, her Plastic Hearts album is actually fantastic!), and Edward is with Sara when Erron arrives at her place in a distressed state. At first, Sara deals with Erron in the hall of her apartment building, unsympathetic to his plight and basically telling him, "I told you so," and "too bad." Erron is getting more and more upset, even angry at Sara's callous tone, and starts to raise his voice, demanding to know why she is being so cold at a time like this?
Edward overhears Erron raising his voice to Sara, giving her a difficult time, and he gets pissed. Edward steps out into the hall and not only mocks Erron in various ways, but demands that he leave immediately, or what Scarecrow did will seem like a trip to Disney Land. Erron has caused Sara -- who is currently moving on and growing closer to Edward -- enough problems and heartache.
Edward reveals he set up Erron, and while Sara is stunned to find this out, she handles it better than expected. Edward said it was his way of getting revenge for her, and he'd do it again if need be. Erron is sent away feeling so much worse, feeling lost, hopeless, and betrayed.
Sara and Edward talk and she admits she's upset that he did something like this without speaking about it to her first. However, he explains that he genuinely did it for her and he doesn't want her to feel pain at the hands of some "idiotic cowman," who doesn't consider the feelings of others and who behaves like a greedy, violent Neanderthal. (And yes, Edward does care for Sara, and he didn't send Scarecrow after Erron out of jealousy -- maybe a little jealousy but it was mostly rage over Erron causing Sara so much emotional pain)
Sara means more to Edward than he can express, and he may not be the best when it comes to emotions, but he does care about her and wants her to be safe.
Sara forgives Edward, understanding that, through his heartfelt but very nervous and shy confession that he is sincere about his feelings for her, and they make amends. She of course tells him to never do something so extreme without consulting her first, though, because what happened to Erron -- while she doesn't care what happens to him in the slightest -- was a bit too much.
C) "Listen When the Devil's Calling"
Another title inspired by a Miley Cyrus song, "Night Crawling," and this alternate telling involves Telltale Riddler and no Scarecrow. Almost a year has passed since Erron went with Cassie and Sara, out of bitterness and heartache, refused to speak or see him. This didn't sit well with him as she was his only friend, and his relationship with Cassie dies within a few months.
He goes looking for Sara, realizing she has moved out of her apartment. It doesn't take him long to find out where she is, and she's with The Riddler, a notorious criminal genius and one of Gotham's elite villains. Erron is worried for Sara and seeks her out.
Turns out, Sara's just fine. This isn't one of those scenarios where the girl is with a guy who just using her and taking advantage of her vulnerability. No, Edward does actually love her and takes good care of her. He finds people like reckless, selfish, and ignorant people like Erron to be a disgrace but also amusing because of how pathetically primitive they are.
Edward also doesn't appreciate how Erron pushed aside a good thing in Sara to pursue a girl who is a social media brat and has more selfies on her phone than brain cells in her, well, brain. It defies all logic to Edward, but he's also not surprised because of how much of a disappointment Erron is as a human being (hey, this is Riddler we're talking about, and he's not one to be sweet and gentle to those he can't stand). Edward doesn't say these things out loud, though, as it's a bit too vulnerable and personal for him to do such a thing with someone he doesn't know or trust.
Sara is upset that Erron has resurfaced and she remembers how heartbroken she was when he went after Cassie Cage. She wants Erron to leave her alone like she asked, so she can move on. She can't trust him anymore, because he's just a skirt chaser in her eyes.
Erron tries to plead his case, tries to apologize to Sara, and expresses how he really feels, but this just distresses her further. Edward steps in and tells Erron he's done enough to Sara, she clearly doesn't want to see him, and he needs to take his leave.
This isn't a request.
Edward pulls Erron aside, telling the cowboy that the only reason he's going to walk away from this alive is that Sara hasn't asked for him to be killed. Should she tell Edward to take care of Erron, well, you all know what Telltale Riddler is like.
And those are the three variations on "Volunteer."
If you could be so kind as to:
leave a comment with your choice or
send an ask (even an anon ask) with your choice or
suggest your take on this story.
I'd appreciate it immensely!
Thank you all so much for supporting me and my writing and being patient with my sluggish publishing schedule!
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mopeytropey · 4 years
a beer buds series
In a completely self-indulgent endeavor, I have recently begun writing again within the APU universe. It started as fond reminiscing, and then endless headcanoning with my pal @orangeyouglad8​, and is now a 9-part (and counting) series. Oops! 
It has been so much fun writing for these idiots again, and I hope you’ll enjoy throwing yourselves back into their world as much as I have :) This collection of one-shots is either an alternate look at Lexa and Clarke being hopeless idiots in love (as told from Lexa’s perspective), or an homage to Lincoln being the sweetest, smartest, kindest friend there ever was. 
Each update within ‘a beer buds series’ chronicles the friendship between Lexa + Lincoln as they meet at various locations around town and try to find topics of conversation to discuss other than the women with whom they are infatuated. First one is below but will also post to AO3. Enjoy! 
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Timeline: takes place soon after Lexa has moved from NY to MA and prior to her meeting Clarke in chapter 1 of 'a pleasant undoing'
Beer: North Shore HAZY NEW ENGLAND SESSION IPA North Shore Session IPA is brewed with base malts of high character, oats, fruit-forward ale yeast, and American hops. A light, soft, and nutty malt body provides the structure for flavors and aromas of peach, apricot, berries, and melon.   ABV 4.7% :::
North Shore: True North (Ipswich, MA)
“Hey!” Lincoln has the brightest, warmest smile for her when he sees her enter the bar. “How’d it go?”
Lexa slides onto a stool beside one of her oldest friends. “Good.” She exhales, pressing her hands flat against the bartop. “It was good.”
“Yeah, Indra is good people. It’s a great company to work for.”
“What are you drinking?” Lexa asks, noticing the half-empty pint in front of Lincoln.
“This new light beer out of Everett—I think these guys are trying to put Miller Lite out of business.”
“A bold venture,” Lexa smiles.
“Get whatever you want—drinks are on me.”
“Linc, you really don’t—“
“Nah, forget it. Your sister will beat my ass if I don’t get you at least a little drunk before your first day of work tomorrow.”
Lexa surrenders with a small, quiet laugh and reaches for the beer menu between them. Her eyes scan up and down the page, glossing over a bit as she deciphers ABV percentages, quirky descriptions of each pour, and unfamiliar cities of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The reality of accepting a position at Trikru Brewing settles over her.
“Did you guys get all settled?” Lincoln asks as Lexa peruses the menu.
“Yeah, definitely. The apartment is nice. A little smaller than our place in Fort Greene, but it’s … nice. Costia keeps swearing she’s going to feng shui the living room into looking bigger.”
“Is she into that kind of stuff?”
“No, not at all.”
Her glib response makes Lincoln laugh, and Lexa smiles in return.
“Well, that location is great—you’ll love it.”
Lincoln waits until she’s had her first sip—a New England IPA from a brewery out of Ipswich called True North—before his kind eyes turn soft and searching.
“So, how are you feeling? Freaking out a little bit?”
“What?” Lexa shakes her head, smiling into the thin layer of froth that tops her beer. “No, I’m good. The interview went really well. And the town is beautiful. I feel good.” Reiteration, she hopes, will be more convincing.
“You’re definitely freaking out,” Lincoln grins.
She exhales another laugh. “A little bit.” There’s no use denying her nerves. A long and varied childhood history with Lincoln has taught him all her tells.
He laughs louder and freer, clapping a warm hand against her back. “You’ll be great. I find that this job rarely feels like work, apart from all the heavy lifting. Anyway, tomorrow is an easy day.”
Lexa looks over at him, hopeful. “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah.” He gulps down the last of his pint, signalling the bartender for another. “Tomorrow is Dockside Day.” Lincoln’s face has shifted into some sort of amusement.
Mischief, Lexa thinks. Like he’s telling a joke while leaving out the punchline.
She is skeptical, if not also intrigued. “What exactly is Dockside Day?”
The bartender delivers Lincoln’s next beer, blushing at the genuine smile he receives when Lincoln says, “Thanks, Evan.” It’s entertaining to see the far reaching effects of her friend’s charming good looks, and Lexa smiles into another sip of beer.
“Dockside is great—they’ve got this unbelievable space on the water, really good food and beer, and the women who run it—I mean, I don’t want to give too much away, but you’re gonna like Dockside Days.”
All Lexa has to hear is Lincoln say women, and she’s rolling her eyes. “A successful, women-run bar in a desirable location. And, which one are you currently trying to sleep with?”
Lincoln’s laugh fills up the entire bar.
“I’m going to let you figure that one out for yourself,” he tells her, flashing that same grin that so often got them into trouble as kids. “This is gonna be fun. Having you up here.”
A deep breath doesn’t necessarily have Lexa convinced, but she does feel a distant sense of security being back in Lincoln’s company. He is familiar and safe. His kind, dark eyes and boyish grin reminds her of countless Brooklyn summers. It’s the first time in weeks that she hasn’t felt entirely reckless. Abandoning her roots in New York has left her feeling directionless, but Lincoln’s perpetual calm puts her at ease.
Lexa takes another sip of beer. “So Dockside is our first stop tomorrow?”
“We deliver there midmorning, so more like our second or third stop. I can’t explain it, but you’ll get it once we’re there. It’s great. Octavia is intensely scary but also really likable—that will make more sense once you’ve met her,” Lincoln explains at Lexa’s look of concern. “And, Clarke is just … she’s awesome. I think you’ll get along really well.”
Sipping again at her beer, Lexa thinks about the notion of building relationships with her clients, let alone finding them likable. In taking Indra’s offer at Trikru Brewing, she’d not considered what those relationships might look like. She trusts Lincoln explicitly, but the idea of favoring one client over another, or building a relationship that extends beyond sales and distribution seems unlikely.
“Should we order some apps? I’m starving.”
Lincoln’s mention of food distracts Lexa from her spooling thoughts and she nods while shifting in her barstool. She brushes all other pointless musings from her head and offers Lincoln a forced smile that she hopes he overlooks. “Yeah. Sure.”
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Could you write an imagine/head cannons for claude, felix, linhardt, and ashe where their s/o disappears leaving only a note? Then at some point they return out of nowhere. Thank you so much!
{I want to keep these stagnant and close to cannon(also easy for me to write). So i’m making it as if reader disappears with just a note for the 5yr gap and then they come back for the reunion. Is that okay? I hope it is. If not feel free to submit something more specific for a one-shot}
Claude. For the past week I have tried to put my feelings onto paper, but I can’t. All I can say is that I am sorry. To stay here and sit around waiting for politicians to decide my next action...it isn’t wise. It seems our plans for the future have taken a detour haha. Always know that I am with you; that I will be rooting for you no matter where we end up after all of this. I know you can make those dreams of yours a reality. I believe in you. -(Y/N)
  The parchment had lain flat on his desk on top of many other documents. He had almost missed it if not for the familiar handwriting 
 For a moment Claude just sits there. In the chaos of recent events he hadn’t much time to check in with his friends or peers. After the Empire took the monastery, he was forced back to Alliance territory. His people needed him more than ever before. 
He knew that his classmates wouldn’t stick around much longer either. The nobility? Sure, they had to. But people like Raphael or Ignatz were most likely to pursue their own route 
 You weren’t excluded from those thoughts. While not at the top of the list, Claude had suspected that you might leave as well. It was the timing that caught him off guard 
Why not wait and talk it out together? He admits that not every problem is for you both to share, but this? This was personal just as much political.
He never could out-wit you. Even at simple tasks it was like you were always one step ahead. Hard to read, but still honest. He already misses the challenge. 
He will hide the note somewhere in his personal quarters. Where? Who knows. Most likely somewhere no one would ever think to look. 
What’s done is done. Claude won’t try to track you down or let his emotions over cumber him. He understands that while you two were ‘together,’ life has taken a turn for the worst. He believes that you can make your own decisions and turns his attention to fight against invasion
It’s five years later. More of his friends had faded out of the picture and he’s become a symbol of the Alliance. Occasionally word of your whereabouts had popped up in his ranks alongside the regular reports. The same was with all his other friends who had gone to down their own path. For Claude, knowing that you were safe was enough 
Until you appeared at the thieves’ den. Despite how all his deer were ecstatic about seeing each other, all he could think of was the note back in his room 
“I see time has brought us together again my friend. I hope this meeting isn’t purely from luck, we could really use you right about now” 
 Everyone knows that you both were together. Maybe it wasn’t public knowledge, but your quips and flirty jests never went unnoticed. It was obvious he wanted to speak with you alone 
And you do. Claude is understanding and doesn’t question what you’ve been doing while away. All he wants to know is why you didn’t say goodbye in person, and if you were there to stay. That’s it.
He needs his right hand. If you’re there, and with the professor at his side, Claude might just hope to see a happier world. He’s so tired of looking back on the past, and wants to work towards bettering the future.
Felix. I can’t stick around twiddling my fingers while Fodlan falls to ruin.You may hate me for this, but I’m prepared for that.We both know your wrath isn’t the worst I’ve seen. Seriously Felix. Be good and don’t kill our friends while I’m away. Stay safe and please refrain from doing anything reckless. You better not roll your eyes at this either, I’ll know...I love you. Take care. -(Y/N)
Ingrid delivered the letter after he was released from guard duty. For a time after the battle Felix joined up with what was left of the Fargeus forces and planned on knocking some sense into their beast of a leader. There was still time to fight back and he’d be damned if they wouldn’t take it. You had joined him eagerly. If anything he expected you to cling annoyingly to his side, just as you always had. He wanted it, really. 
 He won’t say it but the state of the country had shaken him some. He knew that there was a fight awaiting, and knowing that you’d be there gave him extra motivation to press on. 
So the sight of your special seal on the envelope made him smirk. He assumed that sending a letter was your way of butting into his feelings, just like you always did. Ingrid even handed it off with a smile. 
He wasn’t expecting a goodbye 
 How...how dare you spring this on him? Leaving in the middle of a war?With that boar on the loose. When you’re needed the most?! All because you were impatient?! 
 “That idiot! What do they think they’re do- When did you get this? Do not test me right now Ingrid, I need to hurry” 
He crumples up the letter in his fist and marches off to find you. He searches the entire compound/camp until he’s forced to give up. There was enough trouble already and he was wasting time.
 Needless to say that he’s furious. So much that he rips the note to pieces and tosses it into the fire. It was in the moment...and he regrets it. Those could have been your last words.
Felix blames you for many things beyond that day. Deep down he knows that Fargeus’ loss isn’t your fault, that Dimitri wouldn’t have died if you stayed, that his old man would be just as burdened...
yet he can’t help but use you as a scapegoat. It’s easy for him to hate you when you’re not there to correct him. It’s easy to despise someone who can’t fight back, or is dead. 
Over time the hurt fades to a light burn in his chest, haunting him at night or in his darkest moments. It will appear like a punch in the gut, and linger like the sting of a paper cut. All that pain tied to your name. 
 When he sees Dimitri alive with the professor, Felix is stunned. There might be a chance at regaining his home. Then he scans the group over.
 When he sees you, the pain flares up worse than any blade from the prior battle. Instantly he barrels through the other lions seething with anger and ready to give you hell.
Only to stop when you look his way. With harsh breaths, brows drawn in,and fingernails digging themselves into his palms; he just stands there trembling with raw hatred. No. Not hatred...there’s so much more going on. 
 He watches your lips move yet doesn’t hear any of it. He wants to blame you for everything, but can’t. 
and so he doesn’t. He turns away and stomps off to greet his old professor, and leaves the others to fill you in on the situation It works, and for some time you two don’t speak. He lets the feelings of betrayal fester until one night he forces his way into your room.
“You. Do you have any idea what you’ve put me through. What kind of stupid thoughts were you thinking?! A note? Did you seriously think a note would be enough?” 
Ashe. Before I say anything more, please don’t freak out! I know it looks like i’m going awol but I have to do this. I’m not abandoning you, or our friends, or our home; I can’t explain much but know that this is what’s best at least what I hope is best. I love you so, so much. Just trust me on this. It wasn’t an easy choice and you have every right to be upset with me. Heck, even i’m upset with myself for leaving like this. I wish I could take you with me, but you have a role to follow here. Go be the best dang knight I know you’re capable of being. May the goddess keep you safe and sound my love. -(Y/N)
Love letters weren’t your thing. He was always the hopeless romantic and you’d never do something so “sappy”. The letter lain on his cot scared him, but he still opened it. 
He doesn’t know how to feel. Ashe thought that the situation couldn’t become worse, that Fodlan had already been drained of all peace. His home was gone,his father dead, his family’s situation unknown, country in ruins, and the loss of the professor was the topper on the cake. Somehow through it all he still continued to look forward, because he had to. If he gave up, then what? What would he do? 
He had dreams. To become a knight, live out his days serving the people, care for his siblings...and recently a new one tallied onto that list. On nights that his books didn’t put him to sleep he would dream of a family. One of his own, with you. It gave him a goal to look towards when he felt displaced among his peers. 
 He cries after finishing the letter. Ashe doesn’t bother holding anything back as he clutches the note to his forehead to cover his face. Through blurred vision he watches tears smear the ink and panics. He sets it aside on his pillow to protect what’s still in tact. 
“Why? I would have understood. We could have gone together...”
 Which is exactly why you left a note. Ashe knows that you hate to see him upset. After Lanato you would seldom go a day without checking on him...you wouldn’t be able to say no to bringing him. 
Ashe could never convince himself to hate you, and would tell off anyone who even thought of calling you a traitor. To be a knight now had a new meaning to him, it was more than the armor and title . When Fargeus fell he took the future into his own hands and left to join whatever resistance remained. He worked to help those in need, and not once did a day go by where he didn’t think of you. 
Even through all the chaos Ashe worries about the people he cares about. As a student he would think of his siblings, and now he thought of you. 
The hardest part was adapting to being alone...and keeping faith. It’s difficult to convince yourself that everything is okay when it isn’t
There’s a reason Ashe doesn’t frequently talk of his actions amidst those five years. He has done things he is not proud of, and experienced sensations he wouldn’t wish on anyone 
He approached the monestary with little hope of anyone else showing. Only when Gilbert appeared did Ashe become lively. When he saw his highness’ with the professor he was ecstatic...then you appeared 
  and he felt his heart shatter. The arrows knocked themselves as he pushed through to your position on the field. He becomes a bit too overtaken from adrenaline 
“(Y/N)! Y-you’re...you’re alive! Where have you been?!” *que almost being beheaded by an axe*   “ O-oh! Right. Not the time, let’s finish this!”
 Once settled in the monestary again you can find him in his room, looking over the old letter. He’ll wave it in your face with tears pricking his eyes. Ashe isn’t angry in the slightest but all those feelings of abandonment from the day you left resurfaced like new. 
“When you left... I realized that nothing could be worse than the thought of living without you.” 
Lin. I’m certain you already know what I have to say. I won’t ask you to wait for me or give an empty apology. What i’m doing is selfish and I don’t hold any expectations for forgiveness. Albeit I do trust that you will live through this. You’re a tough guy whether you’ll admit to it or not; don’t let your inner sloth dominate over your responsibilities. I know you’ll do the right thing. -(Y/N)
 Linhardt isn’t surprised in the slightest. He admits to not being the most involved boyfriend, but he knew you well. Perhaps more than you know yourself. 
Contrary to everyone else seeing you two as a love-hate partnership, it was far more complex. You’re much more than a personal alarm clock to Linhardt and even in his more infuriating moments(*cough* drifting off during your dates *cough*)you always have his attention 
“*sigh*...and there they go again. Leaving me to clean up their mess”
 He predicted everything down to the last letter. From the moment you both relocated he could see that you were uncomfortable. Signing up for schooling did not equal agreeing to a draft. Linhardt observed the struggle but remained patient for you to approach him. While normally invasive he also respected your boundaries. There were other pressing matters to attend to in addition to both your personal issues. 
He had been delegated to return home until further notice. It didn’t take much to piece together why you had left. With him gone there was no reason to remain, not with the army in its current state. Not when you could possibly be used as leverage or forced to fight on Edelgard’s side. 
 He was smart enough to realize it was only a temporary farewell. 
Linhardt speaks of your departure to no one, and comes up with a stable alibi for when asked.To help indirectly, he tries to stall your missing status report for as long as possible. Your rashness didn’t give much leeway to get the story straight but he managed. It was a bit too troublesome for his liking though. 
 Troublesome, but worth it. You left unscathed and with the only evidence being his letter. Linhardt considered burning it; it was the logical solution after all. You probably expected him to do so after piecing together your coded message. 
 It stays with him, folded up and used as a bookmark for his personal tomes. It is always by his side for safe keeping.
When the reunion day draws near he departs from the estate, only taking his research and some valuables. He may not have foreseen to find the professor or the church duo, but you were anticipated. 
“Well, look who it is. A runaway returned I trust?” 
There is no animosity or sense of tension. He’s just as sassy and you bargained for no less. Like stated before, you both know each other well. He might comment on how you’ve changed or test your knowledge. You know, see if “you’ve slacked off” even though everyone knows he’s far more lax. 
Don’t be fooled though. He may have helped because it was the easiest course of action, but do not expect to pull a stunt like that again. He refuses to wait another five years for a life of peaceful retirement. This is going to end soon so be prepared to act as his stressed out lab assistant again 
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chal-lelerc · 4 years
ok so like. here’s my harry potter house thing. i’m ngl i tried to do this but then i deleted it bc it was getting too long and i didn’t have the attention span but. it kept sticking in my brain so i decided to pick it back up and as such, i’ve lost the original post but it was a quarantine activity (sort drivers into houses, assign quidditch positions, explain) posted by @verstappened​. houses done first, then positions, then explanations for both. i tried to make feasible teams, i.e making sure there arent too many of a single position per house, so this really screwed some of the sorting but oh well.
i did the houses first, then positions, then explanations in that order for the most part.
5/13/20: the sorting was mostly done before i heard all the differing opinions (of which there were many!)
5/19/20: alright so this is literally like 2 months old but i’ve just finished it lolol
Lewis Hamilton:
Slytherin: THE GLORY MAN. the aloof kind of superiority, confidence, is top dog, he’s simply the pinnacle of it all. kind of lethal and doesn’t do the whole ‘looking up to others’ things (outwardly, but he seems very soft on the inside tbh). very majestic and is almost a gryffindor, the kind of slytherin that Merlin is. hard-working, got here from incredibly humble beginnings, which kind of stands out from the rest, but he’s clearly now at the top level of society. still very protective of Others. scarily ambitious. Was originally a gryffindor but I wanted the brits to be in different houses for their quidditch positions to work. Could honestly go either way though.
Seeker: more glory. periodt. he stays winning and scoring the most points. clutch-man. Speedy boy, kind of in a different world than everyone else when competing (he’s always at the front lifetimes away from everyone else lmao. playing a diff game.)
Valtteri Bottas:
Hufflepuff: HE SEEMS. LIKE. A. BIG. CHILD. always relegated and brushed off but is literally God-Tier and no one can convince me otherwise. i consider him to be rather reliable (reflecting only the 2019 season at least lmao). a bit of a vindictive streak bc he knows what he’s Capable Of even when others underestimate him. has a very bright smile.
Beater: have u seen him. he’s a big boy even though he’s 5′8 and only an inch taller than lando norris he seems bigger than he is ok
Charles Leclerc:
Slytherin: this bitch. what a snake. hiss hiss.
Chaser: he wants what lewis hamilton has but chose the wrong position. still a star in his own right. pride and joy of his house, will be at the lead of every formation play unless told otherwise by his head of house, to which he will brood and complain ab but comply in the end bc he wants Team Success and loyalty to his Family. scores the most points on the team and people act like he carries even though he literally has a partner(s).
ok but fr my gut said charles is a slytherin (do i really need to explain why? very critical, doesn’t accept inferiority, somehow succeeds. just a feeling his brain seems to fit motorsport politics well), but i was seriously contemplating whether he’d be a gryffindor to max’s slytherin instead. but then i saw someone mention the whole lion schtick and i was like for all of max’s brattiness he is Gryffindor so sharl is snake. sorry don’t make the rules just follow them.
further edit: this was written before he started streaming (this is how old this draft is) and can u believe him he’s the epitome of the “not all slytherins r evil wenches” idea
Sebastian Vettel:
Ravenclaw: idk for all of Seb’s goofiness he just seems cerebral to me. Seems to know mildly irrelevant facts and is really quite smart however is hopeless in the modern age. Kind of that wise old(er he’s not that old) man knowledge. I’d trust him to give me all the life advice I need but also to write a 10 page essay on the nuances of the effect of emotion on verbal language (which we all know he is very experienced with).
Keeper: it’s the protective Dad Power.
Max Verstappen:
Gryffindor: WAS REALLY GONNA PUT HIM IN SLYTHERIN BC HE’S A NASTY LIL SHIT. TOTAL BRAT. GIVES FUCK ALL WHAT OTHERS SAY. BUT HE IS LION AND LION IS HE SO GRYFFINDOR IT IS. also just bc he needs to oppose sharl in every way possible it’s called Poetic Cinema. also his driving style is clearly the bravery and confidence to the point of recklessness that is prevalent among gryffindors.
Chaser: again, he must oppose Charles. so, not a seeker although he’s clearly singularly the most prized competitor. just like Charles, pride and joy of house, their star chaser. the comparisons never end. the competition never ends. the fighting never ends. one of the most interesting and dynamic performers to watch, is predictable in that he’s not predictable except that he will always be aggro to the max. will always be in trouble for getting rough bc that’s Not His Job but that’s just the gryffindor disregard for rules. master point scorer.
Alex Albon:
Gryffindor: was really a toss up btwn this and Hufflepuff but the ultimate deciding factor was the fact that I wanted all the British Boys to be seekers. he really just sticks it out as max’s teammate like a real one (nothing against max, everything against Helmet Merco) for the good of the team, still is sweet with max anyway. fitting that they’re in the same house too.
Seeker: he’s not the small boy that lando and lewis are but he is (thai/)British. very special boy (big ups on the promotion even tho it was Sad Times for Pear) deserves very special job. also he has a hot girlfriend (alex albon who i only know lily he’s boy toy) idk how that’s relevant but it seems fitting.
Carlos Sainz:
Ravenclaw: bc he’s a spaniard but is still better at english than Lando (i think everyone is tbh). Seems to be a quiet type of smart, sensible, but perhaps this is just the consequence of being compared to Lanno at all times LMAO (no hate all love bby Lannd). would be the type of ravenclaw to follow his friends on absolutely idiotic ventures but would step in to prevent near death or likely-legal-problem causing actions (and only then; otherwise it’s every man for themselves and everyone is free to make a fool of themselves and break some laws. carlos may dabble in such practices.)
Chaser: seems to be a go-getter, not going for points doesn’t even cross his mind. will always be the one driving up the pitch, the strategist of sorts bc he seems big(ger) brain (than lando lololol).
Edit: I wrote this part ab him long ago but this entire section of this post is now irrelevant and canceled.
Lando Norris:
Hufflepuff: you all know why. zero explanation needed. like, none.
also has a bit of an aggressive streak which tends to catch ppl off guard. is not afraid to confront u (hello pageNO) and at times defies the hufflepuff stereotype of being perpetually happy go-lucky (he has his bad days!). but when with His True Crew he is absolutely a hufflepuff ball of energy.
Seeker: small and speedy. energetic to the max. small. quirky and different from the rest, so he gets the special job. small. everyone would kill to protect him. small.
Daniel Ricciardo:
Gryffindor: AW I DIDN’T EVEN REALIZE THAT I PUT HIM AND MAX TOGETHER. LOOK I EVEN MADE THEM BOTH CHASERS. AH HOW BIGBRAIN MY MIND IS. everything ab dan is gold. golden skin, the colors in redbull and renault, his smile, just the vibes. he’s just got the enthusiasm and charisma and this intensity of a gryffindor. super aggressive, his late breaking (from his rbr at least) is legendary and maddening with how he pulls it off. is almost a hufflepuff but the gut said no.
Chaser: is Max’s teammate. so yeah. was obviously the star until younger max came to the show. a bit lost in limbo bc of it but they still work well together.
literally want to make him a hufflepuff so. bad. but i couldn’t split up maxiel. also his vibe is just different from other ‘puffs like stroll so.
Esteban Ocon:
Slytherin: ask max.
Chaser: being characterized off of their relationship with max seems to be a theme here. will go head to head with max w/ absolutely zero shits given. talented, but the rivalry with max is entirely secondary to charles imho. still yet to show his full potential but is still quietly a thorn in max’s side. many are interested to see what he is able to do in the immediate future.
Pierre Gasly:
Chaser: constantly trying to prove himself and score big boy points. had a stint as seeker until lando came along. did not do as well as ppl had hoped, returned to chaser and proceeded to crush it from there. praticed a lot with charles as children (the friendship dynamic w/ their houses was definitely unforseen but is amazing).
Daniil Kvyat:
Hufflepuff: really wanted to make him a slytherin but the quidditch positions didn’t work out. firmly believe this works though. more of the rough and tumble type, definitely the kind that will sock u in the nose if u write off hufflepuffs as a joke. could honestly probably be a gryffindor too with how unapologetically aggressive he can be in the name of His Beliefs. gives me big dumb himbo vibes now that i think ab it tbh which is mostly the justification here. also he has a child omg.
Chaser: but the one that’s always headbutting bludgers out of the air (torpedo bitches). also had a stint as seeker before but it Was Not His Thing. he’d much rather be chasing and throwing things than seeking things. also he’s pierre’s mate :,) would’ve been a beater but romain and valtteri will not be anything else so daniil took the boot whoops.
Sergio Perez:
Slytherin: it’s just the vibe. knows his weaknesses and is able to make up for it with his confidence and talent in his strengths. very ambitious, plays the right cards at the right times to get the right results. something ab him puts me on edge, but like in a good way; i feel like there’s always a trump card up his sleeve, like when he gets to q3 out of fucking nowhere in a racing point.
Keeper: he gives me the same vibes as seb idk what it is. very dependable, backbone of his team.
Lance Stroll:
Hufflepuff: guys have u seen the guy. he’s just here to have a good time. may seem a bit airheaded at times but he means well 99% of the time. untapped potential. seems like a no thoughts head empty canadian hockey boy (and every one of these types is a hufflepuff don’t fight it); may or may not be the only accurate description of him.
Chaser: he’s just trying his best out here. i
so scratch my initial thoughts (tbh i didn’t really know where to put him and i originally had romain as keeper but that’s an issue to fix later on now) BECAUSE LANCE STROLL IS A keeper GOALIE AND NO ONE CAN REFUTE THIS. ABSOLUTELY NO HUMAN OF THIS EARTH. WHAT GLORIOUS INFORMATION TO STUMBLE ACROSS.
Kimi Raikkonen:
Slytherin: guys i really don’t have an in depth analysis of this but i don’t think iceman needs one.
Beater: see above^. y’all must get the vibe.
tbh could also be a keeper tho similar energies to seb and checo, but honestly his no fucks given attitude is ultimately what swayed me
Antonio Giovinazzi:
Gryffindor: he just has that majestic quality (that could also fit a slytherin but i only see red when i see antonio). look at that lion’s mane. also he’s one of kimi’s to paddock friends? seems fitting that he’s a gryffindor to kimi’s slytherin.
Chaser: plays second fiddle to the duo that is max and daniel, often regulated to vibing on the side. but he’s there and he’s important and he has potential (i’ve been seeing ppl talking ab a ferrari move and i’m positively shaken). [edit: again, this post is old.]
im sorry its glaringly obvious idk much about him asdfjasldkd
Kevin Magnussen:
Slytherin: guys lots of these are just self explanatory sorry if i seem like im taking the cheap way out but it’s fact. brundle and crofty call him a great white shark for crying out loud.
Beater: unapologetically chaotic. lurking around the edges making people feel hunted. spends more time playing baseball in the middle of the matches than quidditch and sometimes it backfires but it’s good fun and it sometimes works.
Romain Grosjean:
Hufflepuff: y’all he’s such dad energy and he likes to cook. gets written off a lot but he actually cares (he’s a part of the grand prix drivers assoc.!). he seems so wholesome and he spends time with his kids and their school work when he can do u feel those water drops yeah those r my tears.
Beater: i really wanted to make him a slytherin beater to make him teammates with k-mag but he’s just. not a slytherin. but i kept the beater part. spends the majority of the hufflepuff v. slytherin matches sending bludgers kevin’s way even when he doesn’t mean to. it’s always reciprocated.
George Russell:
Ravenclaw: I’VE SAID IT BEFORE AND I’LL SAY IT AGAIN THIS KID. is so marvelously well spoken and he just has such a simple yet effective way with words. he knows what’s reasonable to expect but never fails to expect the most that he can given his circumstances. again, mentioned this before but a lot of it is his accent. the glottal stop is a historically stereotypically rural (i.e. “uneducated”) thing but I’m American and I Don’t Listen to the Rules, so the accent just makes him seem so sophisticated to me especially when he’s saying things like “horriiiiiiiific” and presenting his hefty powerpoints.
Seeker: my British Boys Are Seekers headcanon continues. definitely a Golden Boy of the team kind of guy (hello tragic dumpsterfire that is williams :/ ).
Nicholas Latifi:
Hufflepuff: same boat as lance. his twitch streams are so wholesome he’s just chilling man. twitter made me write him off as daft and unnecessary at first but like fuck twitter i’m all here for ninky latvia now.
Chaser: lowkey gives me keeper vibes as well? the sensible, level-headedness. but obvs that’s lance so chaser it is. still the level-headedness that helps him hold down the fort btwn pierre and daniil who can tend to get a bit imaginative, and also the energies of them + lando.
5/19/20: so it’s quite clear to me that i grew tired of brain functions the more time i took on this and the later ones are a bit lacking and for that i’m very sorry. that being said i’m still happy to see this finished bc the idea was VERY exciting for me.
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Denahi Johannes AKA Ursa Major
⁃ Denahi is from Wakanda, his Wakandan name is D’Nahi, but his mother was Alaskan Native so the name he goes by outside of Wakanda is Denahi (basically the male version of Denali). Wakandan’s also don’t have last names, but him and Jonah are actually married so yeah
⁃ Him and Jonah met years before Jonah dated Onawa, they’ve been friends forever but it wasn’t until recently they finally confessed their true feelings to each other
⁃ Denahi is reckless and energetic, but he’s extremely clever and intelligent so he’s not like an idiot or anything. He’s also extremely regal when needed, he can shut up and be sophisticated and graceful
⁃ Him and Onawa get along great, they both speak Athabaskan (which is my tribe btw, and I was doing research and it is a language widely used among the Apache tribes so fun fact!) so they talk shit about everyone cause nobody knows their language apparently
⁃ He’s just as reckless as Bailey, except he has more common sense and knows what he’s doing so he kinda helps Bailey find that healthy medium...well, tries. That’s boy is hopeless
⁃ His powers come from a totem, which is much like the Tantu Totems but his is from the farthest north of Alaska, where it had been buried in the snow for decades. He had traveled to Alaska to learn about his heritage, where he got caught up in a snowstorm and stumbled across the totem
⁃ It’s called the Shesh Totem (the Inuit word for brown bear), and the way it’s different is that instead of channeling powers of various animals, the Shesh Totem gives him the power to shift his form into a Kodiak bear (yes this is partially inspired by Brother Bear, which is an underrated movie btw. I also loved Denahi in that movie so yes I named him after him as well)
- His alias is Ursa Major because 1. It’s a bear obviously and 2. It’s the constellation on the Alaskan flag
- He has a younger brother named Juneau who has the Kavik Totem (the wolverine totem), who currently is only 12 and should not be a hero or a villain yet
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lost-eternity · 4 years
Matchup Requests: CLOSED
Match up request for:
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Match up request for: @bumbleslut
Okie dokie. I match you with...
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Deadpool / Wade Wilson!
Okay this was a difficult one
But let me explain why 
Wade disguises his insecurities and flaws behind wise cracking jokes.
He has a thick skin and is easily able to act tough and unaffected, despite how deep the words cut
It is because of this tendency to neglect and hide his emotions that I feel he would work well with you 
Your deeply compassionate and empathetic nature, combined with the persistence of a hopeless romantic is just the type of personality I feel Wade needs to not only open up but reconcile with himself
He refers to himself as sexy or handsome, but we know for a fact that he is ashamed of his scarred face. Like his new face somehow diminishes his worth as a person
Which just isn't true
But he needs someone open minded enough to tell him that
Someone who would truly find him to be beautiful, even if his beauty is not conventional 
Wade Wilson is presented as being morally ambiguous and is often brought up in reference to anti-heroes, however, I think the opposite is true. Wade has a very strong moral compass and can distinguish right from wrong. He always tries to do the right thing... he just has rather unorthodox methods of achieving those things. 
While I wouldn't say he is sensitive, I think part of that is because he has buried his own emotions so deep that he chooses to ignore them. 
Which again, I feel like is something he would need help with unlocking 
As a couple, you two would be legit
You both have rather talkative characters so I can say that without a doubt, there would never be a dry moment between the two of you
It could get chaotic 
But that's fine. Wade revels in chaos
I also feel like you have the capacity to defend yourself 
Show some snark and sarcasm. And, if not, Wade would definitely influence you into become a bit more of a bitch. 
In a good way, hahaha
Unconventional adventures and weird little trips is definitely something you would find yourself involved in a lot
It's not like Wade ever explains why
But it doesn't matter cause the two of you have a blast wreaking havoc 
You would act as Wade's conscience on these little outings
A foil to his reckless behaviour, keeping him safe, and morally in the right
Eventually he will learn to do this on his own- for your sake
He claims it is because he doesn't want to hear you talk "my already melty ears off" but it's because he cares about you 😉 
3AM Netflix movies are a common thing
He'd probably come in through the window missing a hand or a leg and you are just staring at him like: "bitch, what???"
Although he just wants to cuddle and watch Netflix and pop popcorn 
It's like... 'dude, it's 3AM, and you crawled through MY window missing a limb... and ask to watch ‘This is Us’???’
He'd never admit it but he has a thing for soap operas
You were also pleasantly surprised to see that he owned every episode of Star Trek. Or as he put it "The classics. Not the one with the bald guy that looks like Professor X."
Be prepared to be flirted with a lot
And his words can get pretty dirty pretty fast
You may have to talk him down
Seriously, he loves trying to make you blush
And oh boy, try he will
You will have to learn to either out flirt him, or shut him up with a snarky comment or remark 
But I don't think that will be too much of an issue as you have no qualms stating your opinions 
Wade does like a girl who can stick to her guns and defend her viewpoint. 
He finds it admirable 
Let's be honest.  You met at a strip club. 
Well kinda
You were walking past a strip club when it exploded
Yes, it exploded
The blast wave knocked you behind a car, lucky for you because the flying shrapnel did not hit you
Ears ringing and vision blurry, you sat there for a moment trying to figure out what the hell just happened
That was when a figure came flying out of the burning building, skidding along the asphalt and nearly colliding with your feet
"Wheeew!" The masked figure groaned  rolling onto his back as he hitched up his leg. "That was not a superhero landing." He coughed.
You stared at him, still kind of in a daze from you know... the explosion 
Apparently he noticed you for the first time. "Oh, hello! How's your Wednesday been?"
You just kinda stare at him
That was when you heard a very loud, very angry sounding voice screaming "DEADPOOL" from within the blaze
"Shit, gotta go. Mamma's ringing." The masked figure cooed and rolled to his feet before walking back into the fire screaming something about... 'deepthroating a bell'?
Now properly confused and somewhat recovered from the initial blast, you figured that the smart thing to do would be to run away
But you knew that there were still people in that burning club 
You could hear their screams
You had to help them
Steeling your nerve, you walked into the fire
The smoke was suffocating and the feeling of asphyxiation was beginning to set in as your covered your mouth with a rag 
Through the stinging smoke which scorched your eyes, you were able to make out three figures cowering under a fallen beam. 
The roof crackled as the fire threatened the integrity of the building. 
Reaching out your hand seized calloused burnt palms and you began to escort them out of the building 
Moving further in, you heard the sounds of a battle ensuing
Two hulking shapes danced through the smoke
One was the man who you had met earlier and the other?
You weren't entirely sure what he was
It looked like he was wearing some kind of... bell on his head. And cape...
You guessed this was there the first man's bell comments came from
But seriously, what was going on 
That was when you noticed the bell-guy lifting an arm, his entire right hand has been replaced with a heavy-looking metal sphere
And he cobbled it straight into the first guy's gut
With a loud grunt, Deadpool crashed into a beam behind them, causing the entire building to shake
If this continued, these two idiots would bring the entire roof down on top of you and kill everyone 
You had to stop them
Hyped on adrenaline and possessed by some kind of heroic spirit, you interjected yourself between the two of them screaming "STOP!!!"
Both figures seemed to grind to a halt, even bell guy who stared at you
Then you proceeded to give them a lecture in structural damage 
You, this small little human between a towering Goliath of a bell person, and an actual superhero
You were sure you were going to get them to move this conflict outside with the roof gave one final screech before entirely fracturing, sending flaming beams piling right on top of you 
You awoke somewhere entirely new
Your head was pounding, your hair charred and your skin blistering from the fire
You had no idea where you were... or how you got there
And as you slowly regained consciousness, your brain swimming in what felt like treacle, you became acutely aware of someone's finger jabbed into your cheek
Wincing, you tried to pull away but realised that something was restraining you
Your vision blurred as you opened your eyes 
The red-masked man was literally right in front of your face, pressing what you could only assume was his nose against your own
Jerking back, your head hit a wall, sending a spike of pain rushing through your skull
"Whoa! Calm down there, Sparky." Deadpool pulled back, removing his finger from your cheek.
"W-where?" You rasped and looked around
You were tied to a metal chair, your arms bound behind your back 
Deadpool sat in a similar chair next to you. Except he was shackled by his feet, not tied with rope
You appeared to be in some kind of warehouse... a rusty fan above your screeching with every rotation of its fins
"The big baddie caught us." Deadpool hummed. "Stupid of you to try to intervene."
You fixed him with an expression somewhere between acquiescence and a glare
He chuckled 
"Do you have a plan to escape?" You groaned
"Of course!" Deadpool replied happily 
"No, you don't." You sighed, noticing the hesitation in his tone
Deadpool just gasped, a sound akin to a little kid. "How'd you know? Are you a telepath?"
You sighed, wincing slightly as the aching in your head doubled back. You asked him what he had done to piss off this bell guy, who you could only assume was your captor
"Oh, that. Uh, well. Dr. Bong and aren't on the best of terms because may or may not have accidentally, purposefully cut off his hand...."
"You WHAT?"
He changed the topics on you and for the next 30 or so minutes blabbered on and on about one thing or another, as if being kidnapped and tied up did not concern him in the slightest 
That was when Dr. Bong showed up (a name you found entirely ridiculous, albeit a bit fitting)
Turns out he has a major crush on this lady named Beverly
And that he was going to use Deadpool as bait to lure her out and force her on a date 
Seemed like a completely nonsensical plan but this guy also seemed like a regular old psychopath
Still, you had to empathize with his tale of unrequited love
The poor thing just wanted to belong somewhere, but has been told old his life that he was too ugly or fat
So you two began talking
Much to Deadpool's chagrin who kept yelling at you to "stop sympathizing with the bad guy!"
You didn't listen 
Everyone deserves a chance, that was your own personal philosophy 
You advised Dr. Bong on dating and romance, speaking to him as you so often speak to your friends
You helped him to gain the confidence he needed to just ask this Beverly out, saying that her love wouldn't be real if it was first
He actually seemed to agree and after a few hours of talking he... let the two of you go
Deadpool was absolutely floored
This girl who he had just met defeated the bad guy by listening to him. 
He was very much intrigued after this encounter, convinced you were hiding some kind of superpower. So he walked you home and gave you his number
Whatever you choose to do with this wisecracking anti-hero's number is entirely up to you ;)
I hope you enjoyed. I am sorry for the wait, dear. Do tell me what you thought, though :)
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