#but he's helped me get through so much this year (and the other chars too!) and I'm genuinely grateful
kiliinstinct · 3 days
Chapter 32
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Rating: R Pairing: Nalu FF.Net || AO3 [Ch: 1] ||| [Prev] | [Next] Well, this was a doozy and took longer to update than I wanted. Special thanks to @phoenix-before-the-flame as always. And I'd also like to give another special thanks to @genavere for helping motivate me to get this chapter out. A few set backs had drained my inspiration for this and she helped put me back on track! See This Post For News About Future Updates The post linked above is an older one, so I'll also say this here, Flame's Desire Will be back with the Start of Act 3, but like last year, I'm going to take a 2 month Vacation from it to get my stuff back in order. So expect me to come back by the End of August! Enjoy!
Soft breathing broke through the quiet settling in the still room. The chaos that ensued mere moments ago still echoed in the minds of Natsu and Lucy; Both kept their distance from the other, too afraid to speak first.
Natsu sat upon the charred bed, head in his hands. Fingers dug into his scalp as he pulled at his hair in frustration. As if attempting to keep his broiling emotions under control through distracting pain. Holding back a pitiful whine, Natsu grew all-too aware of his reddened cheeks. Not from the magic that sizzled beneath his skin, just waiting to explode at the slightest drop in concentration, but at the shame filled embarrassment that rolled in his gut. Likewise, a similar embarrassment painted Lucy’s face. Sitting on a dust-covered chair in the corner, she twiddled her fingers. Unable to sit still, Lucy crossed and uncrossed her legs, eyes looking this way and that. Her face was burning, her neck and ears pounded in tune with her heartbeat. Searching for a distraction, she kept her gaze everywhere but Natsu. She couldn’t face him. 
Not yet.
Both were too lost in the maze of their own minds to figure out what to do next. He could still feel her lips against his; Still taste the slightest hints of her on his split lip. The memory swam behind his eyelids, refusing to sink under the rest of his emotions. Her frame, soft in his arms —and the sheer comfort of having her close — made him feel empty at the loss.
He needed to regain control of his emotions before they clawed their way back up his throat and exploded another hole through the keep.
That was his goal.
It should have been his main focus, but this new development knocked him flat off his feet.  He didn’t even have anyone to blame other than his own, impulsive self.
Lucy was a welcome relief that he desperately wanted to cradle in his arms and tightly hold onto. While concerned for his health, she had entered his room without pity, without fear — so unlike what he’d become used to over the last few days. Despite Makarov straining against his own injuries during his visits, it only served to fill Natsu with so much guilt he couldn’t breathe. And then there was Lucy… a balm he feared to lose after his days of isolation.
Once Freed and Levy had visited, mostly to reinforce the runes placed on his door. And though they attempted to speak with him, Natsu had stubbornly pulled the sheet over his head as they worked, refusing to speak with them.  He couldn’t stand the pity in their gazes, or the way they tip-toed around him as if afraid he’d pop off a second time. 
He’d almost done the same when Lucy had come knocking. It was too exhausting, too debilitating to continue seeing the results of his lack of control. He had been seconds away from shouting at his new visitor to leave him alone until Lucy’s voice broke through his discomfort like a siren song.
It took all the control he could muster not to tear the door off its hinges when he threw it open to see her.
The sight of Lucy gave him such exaltation that he reacted before his thoughts could catch up. Instinct needed to hold Lucy tight and let her calming aura seep into his very being until all he could feel was the gentle magic she possessed, pulsing beneath her skin.
In those span of seconds of holding Lucy tight, the warring thoughts in his mind went quiet and his vision clouded. What came next? … he… he wasn’t so sure after that. 
It wasn’t until she bit hard on his lip, palm striking across his cheek, that sense finally returned to him.
Natsu released her immediately, eyes wide as the world froze. He struggled to put together exactly what he’d done while Lucy had spared no moment to scramble as far from him as possible.
When she had slipped in her rush, Natsu was coherent enough to steady her with a hand on her shoulder. But Lucy slapped his hand away with wide eyes. He was confused at first, uncertain why she would wish to run from him, but the sight of her sucking in air as if she’d been drowning, lips swollen as she shook, made Natsu finally step back. A part of him focused on her lips for a second too long before he realized exactly what he’d done.
He really fucked everything up. 
Having the time to gather his thoughts and think clearly, Natsu stole a glance towards Lucy as he released his grip on his hair.  Her face was still red, but carefully set in a neutral expression that gave nothing of her inner thoughts away. If not for her restlessly twitching fingers, he may have thought she’d gone numb from shock. 
“I- … Lucy-” And words stuck like moss in his mouth, filling his throat and lungs until all he could do was stare at the floor. 
Seeming to have better control of her vocal faculties, Lucy inhaled deeply as she replied, “I want you to start talking now. And you better have a good reason or else I’m going to make sure my hand leaves a proper mark when I slap you again. You can’t just give a girl her first - “
“I don’t know why I did that.” Natsu interrupted, words practically tripping over themselves as they fell out his mouth.
She paused, her neutral mask cracking, “... it … was a whim?”
 Natsu leapt to his feet in a flash, “No!” He protested as an underlying edge of panic filtered through him.
“Then what was it?!” She demanded. “Why-” “I don’t know!!”
Natsu knew it sounded foolish. Ridiculous even, but what else could he say? 
Lucy’s mouth fell open, ready to respond in a fury Natsu felt was more than deserved. She had every right to tear into him. The scathing words he expected never came, however, as the words caught in her mouth, only to die a second later. She sighed instead, shoulders sagging as every ounce of her fury escaped through that one, deep, exhale. 
Instead, she pinched her nose, eyes shut tight as she struggled to hold back a wave of frustrated tears.
Panic set in. He’d made her cry. Despite her attempts to remain calm, he’d done the one thing he never wanted to do. Reflexively Natsu stepped forward, intending to console her, but forced himself to stay in place a second later. She wanted distance: he should give that to her…. right?
It wasn’t right. Natsu didn’t dare offer comfort now . Not without permission. Indecision and discomfort settled sickly in his stomach as wispy tendrils of smoke curled off his shoulders. His words were useless, coming out faster than he could process as he struggled to say anything that could fix things. But what could he say when he didn’t fully understand his own actions?
“I mean, it’s not like I didn’t enjoy kissing you-” No, that was wrong.
“I mean, I never thought about it before until right now, but -” That somehow sounded even worse! 
Growling, Natsu groaned as he tugged at a strand of his pink hair. The stone beneath his feet was starting to melt as the build of magic and emotion grew too much yet again. Ugh, why was this so hard? Lucy wasn’t responding, and he couldn’t look at her again, shame filling his gut like a cascade of stones.  Frustration at his inability to explain himself made his eyes water.
What was wrong with him?
Ever since the beginning, he’d been pushing his luck with her. Natsu knew that. What started as duty turned to friendship and friendship turned to… he couldn’t put it into words. It was some connection that compelled him to stay near right until she’d screamed those awful words at him. Despite assuring him otherwise, Lucy’s panic over being touched still echoed in his memories. 
It was his fault then. Reminding her of the horrors of their first meeting was his doing. And while he’d once promised never to give her a reason to remember, he’d broken that vow.
First nipping her when he was half asleep at the tower and now this? His knees buckled as he attempted to reign in his magic. How was he any better than the man that night? Forcing himself on her, saying things like–
Natsu stilled, eyes wide. He recalled his earlier words, pounding into his reddened ears, ‘It's about time you got here’
Why did he say that?
He suddenly couldn’t breathe. The heat of his embarrassment and shame was unbearable as he pleaded for her to leave the room. She shouldn’t be here. She didn’t need to see him like this. Natsu didn’t deserve the company, didn’t deserve the chance to explain – his thoughts derailed as Lucy moved, the chair clattering behind her. Grasping his face with cool, soft fingers, she kept his gaze on hers, lowering them both to the floor as she brushed the hair from his eyes. “Hey, Hey, shhh, calm down-” She said, brows knitting together at his answering, pathetic whine, “Your magic is going crazy, shhh.”
Battling with his broiling emotions and the struggle to breathe, Lucy stayed close, prying his hands from his scalp and holding them tight. The words she spoke melding into the background, muted by his own pulse. He clung to her hands like a lifeline, grounding himself as the steam continued to rise off his heated body.
Sweat beaded on Lucy’s brow, his own body heat treating the room like a mini sauna. Strands of her hair stuck to her neck as she powered through the heat. He needed to stay in control, before it became too much, before he -
He tried to tell her to leave again, but she stayed, mumbling quiet assurances that he couldn’t catch over his own, labored breaths. 
Seconds turned to minutes. And with time, the air returned to normal as the steam dissipated. Natsu focused on her hands, glowing in a soft, ethereal light, blanketing him in a cold that soothed his magic.  When his senses returned, tears were streaming down his cheeks and his body shook from the exertion. “... I’m so sorry-” He pleaded, exhaustion and hopeless desperation bleeding from his every word, “I… I missed you… And then you were here and I hadn’t seen anyone in days and I just- “
He just… what? How could he explain what he also didn’t understand?
“... take deep breaths,” her words finally reached him, talking him through the aching terror in his chest as her magic answered him. Lucy’s magic spilled from her fingertips, flowing freely in warm golden threads that pulsed weakly, wrapping his arms and torso in a soft light. The rhythmic thrums became a subtle call to calm the beast of power inside him.
Her voice pulled him back into focus, “That’s it, just keep breathing. Remember what you told me before? You’re okay, it’s going to be okay. You’re safe. I’m right here.”
Stunned, Natsu blearily lifted his head, confused,“But I-” “Yes,” She clarified, covering his mouth, cheeks still red, “You crossed a boundary, and we’re going to talk about it. But I need you to understand that I’m not going anywhere. You’re still my friend. I didn’t sneak up here just to run away. ”
Her firm declaration forced a startled sob from him. He curled in on himself, finally allowing the grief and guilt to escape him. All that’d he’d held back, the crushing weight of all his wrongs that he’d stuffed away cascaded down his face.
How long had it been since he’d cried so openly in front of another, without the cover of night to hide behind? Since he’d allowed himself to fall apart? 
So many secrets, so many things he feared speaking of; And now his Chief, a man he saw as his own family, was permanently injured. The loss of control Natsu thought he’d left behind in a childhood he believed to be separate from himself was coming back to haunt him. And now this.
Lucy didn’t deserve this.
She didn’t deserve his lack of understanding, his inability to control his emotions, his touch, his —  the sobs shook his shoulders and he held himself against her. He soaked in the comfort she willingly gave. Apologies tumbled from his lips over and over again until he no longer understood what he was sorry for. She took it in. He couldn’t explain it, but she held him tight and let his emotions spill out of him like an ocean until his eyes burned and the tears dried, staining his face.
When he could cry no more, Natsu held still, spent of his energy. His throat felt raw and bleeding and his stuffed nose was irritating. He knew his eyes hardly fared any better, puffy from his emotions. For a moment, Natsu wanted to cover his face, but he was too tired to move. He chose to wait for Lucy to make the next move, instead. 
He’d crossed enough boundaries for one day.
The seconds passed by and Lucy, lost in thought, continued to run her thumbs over his scarred knuckles. It was….strange to see Natsu like this. She knew he had his secrets -everyone did- but to witness him at such a loss was a different thing entirely. It hurt to see her friend so normally full of life terrified of things he couldn’t name.
Just how much was he holding in? How deeply did his grief run?
Lucy didn’t have the answers, but whatever had led him to this breaking point could wait. As he'd done for her, she would help him over this hurdle even if it meant sitting with him till sunrise. Then she'd get answers.
Minutes bled steadily by, matched by the lack of circulation in her legs and the muscles twinging in protest. In response, she tugged him closer, pressing his ear against her chest and continuing the soft circles over the back of his hand that matched the beat of their hearts. A moment of hesitation hung between them when he tensed against her, and she feared he would bolt.
However, that fear dissipated with each labored breath that slowed and left her shivering from the differing temperatures. Slowly, as the tension lessened and his weight increased, she could feel him piecing himself back together—or attempted to. Even a shattered mirror would show the cracks once repaired.
“Natsu?” she hummed his name gently, enquiring.
Burying his face further into her shoulder remained the only answer he had for her, one she seemed to accept for the time. Grateful for the extra time, he focused on the scent on her skin—a distinctly Lucy infusion of spice and something that reminded him of that moonlit night on the beach. Breathing became easier, and his thoughts less muddled. 
And that clarity brought a sigh to his lips. There would be no running away from this mess. Lucy was too smart and knew him too well. She’d give him a push, but he’d have to open up first if he wanted this cleared up between them.
“A lot…” —he swallowed through the pain and discomfort in his throat— “a lot happened.”
Lucy snorted,  “I couldn't tell-”
“Oi,” He defended, popping his head up and pouting. “I'm trying here. Really.”
“I am, too.” Her voice, a soft caress to the tatters of his being, wormed their way into his chest and stoked the growing ember. Even with her thinly veiled threat that followed, “I’m trying hard enough to give you a chance to explain yourself while I weigh whether I should slap you again for good measure or not.”
Maybe not so thinly veiled, Natsu let out a low chuckle and motivated himself to finally put some distance between them. “I wouldn’t stop you if you did. Maybe you’d knock some sense into me.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he took a moment of reprieve to gather his thoughts—or tried to. He rocked back onto his heels and felt the pull of the freshly healed scars. “I wouldn’t know where t'start, if I'm honest.”
“How about explaining why you were moved from house arrest to an actual cell,” Lucy offered, scooting around to sit next to him and stretched her legs out.
Natsu ran a frustrated hand over his face and flopped back against the cool, stone floor—a welcome balm compared to the emotions stirring inside. “The actual cells are downstairs,” he explained, staring at the ceiling. “This is just the old man’s extra room. He thinks its best I stay here ‘til I get a handle on myself.”
“But he still hasn't told anyone else why,” Lucy interjected, the accusation already pouring from her lips. “It's like everyone who was there is keeping it one big secret!”
“...Probably ‘cause he wants to make sure I wont blow up a room again when he does,” Natsu said with a shrug.
“Oh right, that.” The reminder of the now gaping hole in the keep mollified her. “Why…?” She let the question hang unfinished between them. 
Natsu swallowed, mouth dry, ”I lost my temper, and I– I ain't exactly right in the head right now, so I don’t blame ‘em. I scared everyone pretty good when I snapped over something stupid and got tossed in here. And I—it’s just—” 
He sighed, trying to gather his thoughts. “Everything's all over the place, and I was just feeling too much when you came in. It was…good to see someone who wasn't staring at me like I was a bomb or something.“ 
”So…you kissed me because I don't expect you to blow out another wall?“
When she put it like that, he had to wonder why she decided to stay and not turn tail immediately. “No, that’s not…I mean…Yes? Or maybe? I was just feeling too much at once and my body reacted before my brain could.”
Her silence spoke volumes; he quickly raised a hand and continued, ”Don't take that the wrong way or anything! S’not like I'd have done that to just anyone who came to visit! But that doesn't mean I understand why that was the urge I had when I saw ya, either! ...Damnit, why is this so hard to explain?!“
“Because it's embarrassing, Natsu!“ she hissed, covering her face with a whine. ”VERY embarrassing! We’ve never done that before! I’ve never done that! We’re friends! Close friends, but still only friends! We can’t—we don’t—! We don’t even like each other like that, Natsu!”
“…But… I do like you.” 
Lucy blinked through her fingers, “...Come again?“ 
“I DO like you,” He emphasized, scratching the back of his head and realized what his words meant. Not just for himself, but for Lucy, too. Everything slowed as he focused on emphasizing what needed to come across in a form of communication he always struggled with. “At least, I'm pretty sure I do. I’m just not sure what kind of like that is.”
“So you,” she started slowly, trying to understand clearly, “are not sure how you like me?”
“I’m sorry!” he blurted out, fixing his gaze on the wall ahead. “I can't say there ain’t somethin' there, I just haven't really thought about it, and—and after what—'' Lucy heard the click of his teeth as he quickly shut his mouth, backtracking on his words. “ I put you in a weird spot. If you still wanna hit me, you can. I deserve it.”
“No!” She felt him pulling away and felt trepidation choke her. “It’s just...I guess that makes sense?” Her voice wavered, the words more of a squeaking sound. But, a weird sense of satisfaction pushed down the panic earlier as she watched color creep up the back of Natsu’s neck. 
It also brought clarification.
Why wouldn’t it make sense, she mentally chastised. Since they had met, every interaction, every emotion that they shared had been carefully tucked away. A connection born from when he had seen her at her worst, and helped her to find her footing in a new place that she wanted to call home so badly. They were…close but even Lucy had to question herself in moments of solitude. Her swiftness in seeking him out when things felt off, the peace his presence often brought.
Their friends could view what they had however they wanted. Tease them from an outsider's perspective. 
She had never thought of it beyond the line she firmly drew. Nor did she want to before.
“I’m confusing myself,” Natsu muttered after some time.
Lucy coughed out a helpless laugh, burying her face in her hair. “This is…not how I was expecting all this to go. It’s…” She hesitated, searching for the right word. “...awkward…”
And that was an understatement if either of them ever heard one.
“I’m not happy about what you did.” The words were forced, her lips pursed together as tightly as the grip of her fingers on her skirt. But the words rang true, the bitter taste of lies nowhere to be found. 
Natsu mumbled, eyes lowered. “I know.”
Slowly, feeling consumed with emotions she still struggled to name, much less handle, Lucy allowed herself to take in the expanse of his marred back. Earlier, her mind could not grasp the discolored skin, the erratic scarring of Laxus’ magic that warped flesh and muscles. Every raised portion, each jagged edge looked painful even with the healing magic she could feel it doused in.
Would it ever fully fade, she wondered, reaching out to touch without permission.
The skin felt stranger than she had imagined. A softness that belied the truth of how it was imparted. Biting her lip, Lucy carefully moved her fingers to the only spot devoid of scarring over the whole of his back. She caught his gaze over his shoulder and felt the fluttering of her heart at the small glimpse of red on his cheeks and soon the back of his neck again—a similar color to her own cheeks, she knew.
“But it’s something we can move on from right? It’s not… this whole—” She waved a hand around between them, “—This situation between us isn’t what we expected. There is something between us, but, maybe, right now isn’t the best time when neither of us are in the right state of mind to figure it out.
She took a breath, and with a finger and a look, gave him a pointed warning. ”So, just don’t do that again without warning. And, I don’t know, ask first? Then it’ll be fine when we sort ourselves out.”
“Uh, yeah,” he said, stomach twisting and churning, “Yeah, I can do that.”
For a split second, Natsu thought he saw disappointment flash across her face, but it was gone too fast to register. It gave the distinct feeling of missing a step in the dark, but the relief he felt strongly overpowered the sensation. She didn’t hate him. She was fine. She understood, maybe. She wasn't going to leave-
He took a breath, trying to calm the inane spiraling he could feel pulling at his sanity, and focused on Lucy. Heat and iron warring in his chest at the tentatively hope blooming there.
“So,“ he prompted, “are we...good?”
Her smile settled the tension in his heart, the heat radiating outward and the iron raising him up. “Yeah, we're good for now.” Though he didn't have much longer to relax, as her attention turned back to the other elephant in the room, “But you still need to tell me exactly why you’re stuck in here.”
He groaned. Damnit, did he have to tell her all THAT too?!
Their conversation went well into the early morning. Once Natsu began, Lucy couldn’t stop asking questions. It wasn’t until the first chirps of birdsong reached their ears that Natsu cut her questions short, reminding her of the time. “The old man’s gonna be coming soon. He always drops by with food so I don’t eat alone. And he hasn’t been late yet.” 
With the time fast approaching, Lucy didn't have time to process their earlier conversation or the retelling of events that happened the day before. What's more, she knew without a doubt that Natsu still hadn’t told her everything that had transpired. 
Recalling the way he'd burnt her and the damage to his house, it wasn’t hard for her to accept that he’d lost control of his temper. What she couldn’t accept was laying the blame all on Natsu. Every situation lately had come up after the arrival of that Draconis, Gajeel. This stranger seemed well equipped with enough knowledge to poke the Natsu’ buttons with ease, which she said as much, pressing into the last few minutes they had until she forced herself to leave.
When Natsu heard the truth in her words, he fumbled, eyes darting to the wall as words tumbled from his mouth in quick succession. “And he was a jerk who said too damn much and pissed me off!” He snapped, flinching when Lucy pinned him with an imperious stare. 
He skimped on the details of what Gajeel had actually said and she knew it, “... He uhh..I think he knows me, from before I came here. And he said some stuff about that…”
He hated thinking of it. The fact he'd lost sight of friend or foe in that moment, weighed heavily on his shoulders. He didn't want to relive it again, even to tell Lucy the truth.
So he didn't.
"...The others, if I asked them what he said, would that upset you?" Lucy asked cautiously.
Natsu knew Makarov had sworn them to secrecy, it was something the old man drilled into him on each visit, a constant reassurance that his secrets would stay just that. He knew this, but a horrified grimace still shadowed his features from where he lay, telling Lucy all that she needed to know. 
Lucy sighed, picking at the hem of her skirt nervously before her final question, "Ok. Then will you tell me when you're ready? I'll wait."
He desperately wanted to say no. The vicious thought of how rumors of his lineage would spread through the village crossed his mind. No, Lucy would never do that, but what if she turned away from him? If he dared to tell her what lay buried away inside, would she still see him in the same light once she knew?
Natsu stayed quiet, nodding instead. She had given him a choice, not a time limit, and he'd tell her when ready.
Didn't she also have things she didn't care to speak of? 
Her train of thought followed the same lines as the conversation abruptly ended. Both were unsure how to continue. While Natsu fretted over the details he wished not to face, Lucy reached for him, gently rubbing his shoulder.
"I know it's hard," She murmured, sweeping a stray strand of hair from her eyes, "when all the pain you don't want to think about gets brought up against your will. I understand. ... thanks for telling me as much as you could."
Natsu felt like the breath was stolen from his lungs at that moment. His eyes stung with unshed tears. He refused to cry again, he’d already broken down once. He'd burdened her enough with his lack of control.
"Makarov's gonna be here soon," He reminded, easing away from her touch. He grunted with effort as he rose to his feet, his shoulders tense with apprehension. Lucy looked as if she wanted to call out to it, but fell silent when he offered his hand. “You should get outta here before he catches ya.”
And that was that.
Lucy saw the dismissal for what it was and took the invitation, allowing Natsu to lead her out. But not before crushing Natsu in a tight, desperate hug that made the pressure in his chest better and worse all at once. He sucked in air like a drowning man when she released him, leaving behind remnants of her scent on his skin.
It was dizzying, but relief flooded him the moment the door clicked shut. He had too much to think about after today and his head hurt from the enormity of it. 
Lucy, on the other hand, wavered behind the door as soon as she left. Something inside her screamed to stay, to keep him company and damned what Makarov said when he arrived. But she also didn't want to push her luck. They both needed a break, him especially and she...
She leapt back from the door as if it had shocked her, face flaming red as she thought back on their earlier conversation.
Did she... basically tell him she shared the same confused feelings he had? 
"Oh god," She whined, panicking, lacing her voice as she rushed back down the stairs, "what did I say that for?!"
Fortune proved to be on her side. Too wrapped up in her racing thoughts to be cautious and hide her presence, Lucy raced down the halls. However none one was around to catch her when she finally made it out into the open air, cheeks still brightly aflame as she ran home. 
Lucy thought of many things as she went. Every piece of information circulated from one emotion to the other. Her embarrassment would jump to worry, then to anger and frustration as she thought back to Natsu alone in that room. After blowing up so much of the keep, she understood Makarov's reasoning, but the Draconis' desperate tears as he clung settled against her skin like an invisible brand.
Natsu was suffering... That alone was enough to make her insides squirm and feel sick. 
She thought, now that Kage was dealt with, that her odd dreams and premonitions of danger would be long gone, but these new developments overlayed that hope with a deeper apprehension.
Just what exactly was going on? 
And that question, wrapped along in the seriousness of Natsu's explosive temper, circled her right back to her earlier embarrassment. Running a finger over her lips– the ghost of her own touch was nothing like the searing kiss that he gave – pulled her deeper into distraction. She struggled to ignore it. Skewed priorities, Lucy figured, but she managed to put the issues aside in lieu of eating the moment her home came into view.
Hopefully the Draconis had his meal already and maybe, just maybe, Makarov would realize just how strained Natsu was with this whole ordeal and change his mind. These were a lot of hopes that Lucy held tightly to as she thought over what dried fruits she had to nibble on for breakfast.
-Only for those thoughts to fly out the window as she opened her door and came face to face with the Chief, sitting calmly at the table as if he lived there.
"What the hell are you-" She shrieked, mind catching up with her just in time to change her wording, "Sorry! That... slipped out."
Amusement crinkled the edges of Makarov’s eyes as he smiled. And for the first time, the romni got a good look of the bandages covering half his body beneath the jacket. Though the table hid most of him from view, Lucy feared the wrappings covered far more than anyone would have liked. 
Her earlier apprehension blossomed anew as she shut her door with a shaking hand. He shouldn't be here alone, she surmised. Not with injuries like that. Looking around the room, Lucy searched for any other intruders, pulling a laugh from the elder.
"You're right to suspect another," Makarov said, wincing as his chuckles stretched a sore muscle, "She's next door with Mirajane. Porlyusica wouldn't let me too far from her sight even if I ordered it. And she's interested in giving you another check up."
The ‘she’ll be back soon’ was left unsaid, but understood.
Well, that answered one thing at least. Lucy furrowed her brow, unaware her earlier shock had melted into aggravation. "... Natsu said you were supposed to visit. Whose with him now then?"
A brow raised, “So you've seen him after all, have you?”
Lucy cursed inwardly: busted by her own big mouth.
But fury spurred her onward, kicking respect out the window before she could collect herself, "No one ELSE was telling me anything, were they? I like it here, but the way you keep everyone in the dark while you deliberate with only a few people is almost TOO much for me! You know what? I'm not even sorry. Do what you want with that!"
An aggrieved sigh escaped Makarov as he deflated, slowly repositioning himself to lean against the table. 
For that moment, he didn't look the part of an elder or a Chief. Just a tired, hurt man, with too much weight on his shoulders. He looked small. His eyes were downcast, tracing the grooves in the wood without a sound. Almost like a child being scolded. 
It was almost enough to mollify her, but not enough.
"You make an excellent point," He said after a time, just when Lucy thought the silence between them would drive her to shout more obscenities at him, "and I'm willing to discuss this. In fact, that's exactly why I'm here.  Please, sit down, Lucy, you shouldn't have to over use your magic in your own home."
It was a well-placed observation that made her realize just how tired and sore she felt. The magic she called to support her leg was becoming second-nature, but the drain on her body was immense after a full day of use. She slid to a chair and breathed in deep to collect herself.
It seemed, she was in for another long talk; She mourned the loss of getting a little shut-eye and a light meal. 
 Makarov wasted no time. Once she was comfortable, he cut to the chase, folding his fingers together as he watched her with a hard, unreadable stare, "I'd like to speak with you regarding your place here in the village. And whether you would consider leaving." 
He waited for a response, unaware of his words shooting Lucy’s heart out of her body and into a dark void. The world dropped out around her, suspending her in nothingness.
.... what?
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earl-grey-love · 2 months
Is now about 12am for me and so 🥺 our anniversary is over, thats so sad!! But I had a lot of fun honestly and I posted a lot, which is exactly what I planned to do 🥰
6 notes · View notes
jyoongim · 4 months
A Deal With God
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Themes: fem!reader, Morningstar!reader, Angst, mention of character death, secrets, religious themeAlastor being Alastor, fluff, slight smut, deal-making,  soul possession, Lilith a shitty mother/wife/sister, established relationship, difficult family dynamic, there’s a trope in here I just don’t know what to call it?
Chapter 1
chapter 2
You had ordered Niffty that some rooms needed to be spruced up and took the liberty to tidy up the lobby yourself.
You hummed to the sound of the song playing on the radio as you neatly stacked whatever plans Charlie was coming up with in the night.
Your heart ached for the Princess.
After Lilith left, the Princess had founded a hotel to help redeem the souls of the damned.
You were unsure of her plan, but you could never deny her.
damn those puppy eyes.
So here you were, seven years later, helping your niece with her wild endeavor.
But you weren’t alone; 
“Aaahh just the doll I wanted to see!” A radio-like voice chirped.
You smiled in greeting to the lanky demon.
Alastor, the famed and fearsome Radio Demon.
You were a bit skeptical when he showed up at your door, but when he offered to help Charlie you took him in.
Who were you to say no to help? You needed the extra hands.
”Hello Al, did you need something?” The tall demon smiled down at you as he shook his head.
”Nooo just thought I would check in. How’s Charlie’s new plan along?” You laughed “ooh their a coming thats for sure” nodding towards the board she had made the other night.
An idea popped into your head “Why don’t you make a commercial Al ” He went to make a comment, but you interrupted him “A proper commercial. The sinners need to know the benefits of the hotel and that there is hope”
you waltz up to him, a soft smile on your as you batted your eyes at him ”pretty please?” You wrapped your arms around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He hummed, seeming to mull over the thought, chuckling
”fine fine”
You grinned “Thank you”
He whistled as he walked out the room, you smiled after him, getting back to your task.
Your phone ringed and you answered without seeing who called. “Hello?”
A nervous laugh responded “Heeeyyy bitch”
You rolled your eyes “Hello to you too Luci ”
He groaned at the nickname.
”Ugghh so hows things been….” He wanted something.
“Whaaaaat? N-Nothing what makes you think I want something?” 
he couldn’t see your face, but you were making a pointed face.
”Okay okay its just- hows-hows Charlie?” He asked.
You frowned “Charlie is fine, through it wouldn’t hurt if you came by and saw your daughter Luci”
You hadn’t forgave him for setting Charlie up to chat with Heaven months ago when he should have been the one to settle things between them.
Charlie might have a optimistic view of the world, but she lacked experience. You should have been the one to be at that meeting.
But nevertheless.
”I-I don’t know about that…” he trailed off. But you were quick to fix that avoidant nature of his.
”Come to the hotel. Come see what your daughter is trying to do. No one would take this seriously if the King doesn’t approve himself. If not that, just come see your daughter Luci, she needs more than just me around” you felt bad for guilting him but this had to be done.
Charlie was growing into an excellent leader, you were sure she would make a great queen one day.
”so you’ll be here tomorrow? Great see you then. And don’t forget…I can see you so don’t make me drag your ass here tata”
Charlie had gathered everyone to the lobby to come up with ways to recruit sinners to the hotel.
 Charlie was nothing if a perfectionist and always took on more than she could chew.
”Hey babe maybe its time to use some of that royal privilege” Vaggie suggested, she gave a quick look in your direction, making Charlie shake her head feverishly
”no no no my auntie has already done so much! I can’t ask her to do anything else”
You smiled, but chimed in to support Vaggie “She’s right Charlie.” Your niece gawked at you.
You approached her, slipping a arm around her shoulder in comfort “Now I know it’s been rough and weird between you and your father buuuuuuut I took the liberty in inviting him here” she groaned “what? Noooooooo” you shushed her whining
“Now now you’ll get to show him that what you’ve been doing is good for the kingdom. That your heart’s in the right place. He’ll help I promise”
Charlie rested her head on your shoulder, groaning in defeat
”w-when will he be here?”
”Oh in a hour”
“OH Charlie its so good to see you!” Lucifer exclaimed pulling his daughter into a tight hug.
You smiled, giggling as Charlie choked out a response to her father. You pulled him away from her, giving him a hug
”Nice to see you too Luci” the King blushed and looked around.
”sooooo this is what you two have been up to? It sure got some….character ” he said nervously.
“Well we had some help” you gestured to Alastor. Lucifer eyes narrowed slightly “uuuhhh hhhuuuhh suuurre and who might you be?” Alastor eye twitched before quickly shaking his hand “Alastor! Pleasure to meet you sir… I must say you are…much unimpressive than what I imagined” he mused, causing the man to deadpan.
You cleared your throat “Alastor here has been a tremendous help with the hotel. I don’t know what we would have done without him” you praised.
Lucifer growled as Alastor wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you into his side.
Alastor sneered at the monarch “Aaah yes what creative ladies I have here. I am HAPPY to fulfill any wish they desire” he grinned down at you, giving you a slight squeeze.
”hmmmm sister dear why don’t you show me around” he whacked Alastor’s hand with his cane and pulled your arm away from him with a tight smile.
Charlie and Alastor followed the two of you as you gave a quick briefing of the hotel, letting Charlie take over and show her dad around.
You sighed happily, it was nice to see Charlie interact with her dad. You hoped that he would see the big picture and offer her some guidance and support.
You leaned your head against Alastor’s shoulder, turning to return to the lobby
”Let’s leave those two to catch up shall we?”
He huffed but followed you anyway.
“Well it is a very good plan b-but I don’t know Charlie” Lucifer sighed. Charlie’s face dropped. “Daaad this is the only way to prove to Heaven that sinners deserve a second chance”
Lucifer looked away from his daughter “Charlie you don’t understand-” she huffed,frustrated “what don’t I understand?  That my own father don’t believe in me? If Auntie can why can’t you?” She was holding back tears.
You were on the fence at first too, but you were willing to help her out. You supported her crazy ideas and even encouraged that she gave it her all. 
Yes it might have been far fetched,  but you believed that Charlie could do what Lucifer could not.
”Heaven wont listen to you Charlie! They didn’t listen to me. What makes you think you can change their minds?” 
You knew it was a tough question.
Charlie didn’t know the hardship of how Heaven operated.
How much Lucifer had spent centuries trying to convince them that humanity was capable of doing amazing things.
Hell, if sinners had mortal souls why couldn’t they change after death?
But you knew. Heaven was convinced that the rules were black and white. Hell was made to punish the most severe sinners.
of course this is flawed for several reasons
Hell was a punishment to all who fell.
Lucifer knew this.
But why couldn’t things change?
Charlie turned to you, a look of frustration and sadness on her face. You intervened. “Luci just one meeting. One meeting with Heaven so Charlie can at least try. I know you can’t see that things could change, but think about the possibility. Why should a sinner be damned if there’s a second chance? Heaven shouldn’t be able to decide what a person’s soul is capable of”
Lucifer sighed.
You always had a way of making him see possibilities in things.
If you believed in Charlie, then that must have meant…
”what are the odds in this succeeding” he asked you
You blinked. 
You knew what he was asking.
Your sight of everything was always nearly right.
”Theres a few bumps to sort out, but it’ll be fine” you said.
he grimaced.
”Ill even go to Heaven with her” you offered.
Charlie was going to need all the backup she needed up there.
Angels could be a piece of work.
Lucifer sighed, before turning to his daughter “Fine. One meeting-” Charlie launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his small frame and she jumped around
”thank you thank you thank you!”
He smiled, returning her hug.
Charlie ran off to find Vaggie and tell her while you watched Lucifer.
”It wont stop anything” he said as you ushered him into the office.
You hummed, pouring a cup of tea as you looked out the window into the city on the horizon.
”You don’t know that” you whispered.
Silence filled the air between the two of you.
”H-have you…you know” he started to say nervously
You turned to him, seeing him fiddle with his wedding ring.
Your stomach curled.
”what” you growled out unintentionally 
he swallowed “Have you seen Lilith?”
You stilled. Your wrist burned in warning
promise me
”I can’t tell you that” you said curtly.
Lucifer glared at you “you’ve been saying that for years!”
”and you always get the same response” you said back
He stood up and angrily approached you.
”Have you no shame? I know you. You can’t lie to me!” He was starting to raise his voice
”Luci calm dow-” 
“NO! You can see everything! Everything and everyone! so tell me sister have you seen my wife…have you seen Lilith?!”
he was grabbing your arms, shaking.
You hated the look of despair on his face, hoping that you would at least tell him something.
But your wrist burned at his question, and your anger of being put in such a predicament got the better of you.
You hissed at him “No.” you held his glare, before he sighed letting you go. He ran a hand through his hair, backing away from you “Im sorry i-i didn’t mean that”
You clicked your tongue at him sighing
”Oh Luci…” you cupped his cheek, you couldn’t tell him where she was, no Lilith made sure of that,but you could show what you’ve seen.
Lucifer’s eyes widened as flashes of his wife appeared in his mind. He didn’t know where she was,but she seemed…happy.
”I know you worry about Charlie but I will never let anything happen to her. Heaven can act all high and mighty, but surely someone up there will see reason” you said to him, breaking him out of his trance.
He shook his head slightly, giving you a soft smile, nodding.
“Sooooo you and that bellhop…” he wiggled his eyebrows at you teasingly. You tensed, looking away embarrassed. He laughed “Oh? Shy? Not you” you glared at him, folding your arms across your chest in defense “w-what? Theres nothing wrong with me trying to pursue someone” you grumbled. Lucifer smiled. It was cute at how flush you were. 
You were always the serious one.
Never really doing things for yourself.
You always held duty and responsibility above all things.
So seeing you blush over some tacky, old times fuck  guy was refreshing.
So he teased “Oooh no the Queen can do anything or anyone she likes”
You growled at him, making him laugh harder as he gave you a hug and bid you goodbye as he teleported, leaving you with your thoughts.
“Well that was interesting” you whipped around to see Alastor walking from the shadows.
You laughed nervously, “Alastor! I didn’t hear you come in…how muuuch of that did you hear?”
He smiled down at you, tilting his head “ooooh nothing I wont repeat my dear” he tapped your nose.
He rested a hand on your lower back to escort you to your room like a proper gentleman.
He kissed you goodnight before venturing off to his radio tower. He had to organize some of his thoughts.
Alastor knew you were powerful he admits only that! but he hadn’t expected you to be the Queen of Hell itself.
Yes you were the Princess’s aunt but he just chalked it up to you just having power by blood alone.
The Queen of Hell….hmph. 
Pride swelled in his chest at the thought as well as a wicked smile graced his lips His darling was one of the most powerful in all of Hell that gave him a power trip and a lingering thought
How the fuck were you the Queen? 
Just how powerful were you?
And one last thought before he turned on his broadcast
How could he use that power you wielded?
@dasimp777 @projectdreamwalker @fairyv-ice @stygianoir @k1y0yo @thewinchestah @imgonnadielaughing-blog @purplecatsandhearts @blinderthanabats-blog @saphiresai @th3-st4r-gur1 @evedenn @queenariesofnarnia @yoitsnetto @alastor-simp @alastorsaries @alastwhore666 @alastorsdear @peachedtv
@tpks @siiv3r @markster666 @okay-babe @strawberrypimp666 @coleisyn @simphornies @lunaramune @alastorsdarling @prosciuttosblog @ioniiaa @fizzled-phoenix @horrorartsworld @polytheatrix @dennsfz @yourdoorisunlocked @stawberrypimpsimp @alishii @alleystore @preciousbabypeter @yunimimii @peachedtvs @karolinda007-blog @chewbrry @aviradasa
comment below so i can see if I’m missing anyone who wants to be tagged…ALSO each chapter is linked to the last and next…
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six-eyed-samurai · 3 months
Help, what have I done? Sorry if this doesn't fit the characters, I was writing it sleep deprived and as neutral as possible. Support me and my poetry (that I came up with in the shower)
Heavens blessed me with you
The Knight, who when your parents announced you would marry you off to some elderly Lord, kept true to his word and took you away, escaping into the clashing colors of freedom and love in another kingdom far, far away, only for your world to darken into black and white once more when your enraged parents caught up and had him executed; it was now your turn to keep your side of the oath and join him in the afterlife when you drank the poisoned chalice.
In every rebirth
The Roman General who passed by you, lashing out any "potential buyer" when he walked disgusted through the slave market - he bought you freedom and yet somehow you stayed with him forever willingly cuffed by shackles of affection...until he died of an assassination and you were hung for having an "affair" with someone of higher class, but not before you both screamed to whatever god that would listen to come back to each other once more.
I promise I'll find you
The Baker who's never cared a penny about the other air headed girls from his small British village until you, a young noble lady recently moved into the old Baskerville Manor, turned up requesting his help in setting a banquet. Excuses after excuses pile up from both sides in an attempt to extend your brief time together but soon, oh, too soon, you leave as per your family's orders and he's left to wonder how you're doing now, because after years and years of searching they refused to let him in.
Through tears, death, dreams and mirth
The White American who finds you working day in day out at the laundry lady's for little to no pay, so from his not so small tips grew to slipping love letters through the pockets of his clothes, but soon you're fired and bade to leave for your skin colour and he's still bitterly cursing the townspeople for their blind racism.
And I know it's just a gamble
The Hockey player who grins at you who always shows up to his games in every match until he asks you out on an ice skating date, but alas, how could he have known that the day you finally showed up in his jersey, much to his delight, would be the day a crazed fan clubbed you on the head with his own hockey stick, much to your doom? He left the industry as cold as the rink.
Unfair, repeated roll of dice
The F1 Racer who whines about the most ridiculous problems happening to his car and making bad impressions of the other drivers just to see his beloved mechanic even crack a smile - no oil or dirt stained on you could ever dim that brilliant smile when you both went on a joyride together into the sunset...oh, wait, his death on the track did.
But in this temporary, fleeting
The Roommate who knows exactly what you want for breakfast every morning, and soon it spiraled into having a meal together for lunch and dinner too, especially when he added candles and rose petals! You still make your coffee the same way he did even after your studies took you abroad and both of you decided it was for the best to break up.
Moment in fast ending time
The Landlord who did NOT expect such a cute little you to move on when he decided to make a little cash on the side renting out his spare room...never mind, it's still on rent because now you've moved into his room. He managed to save your photo album from the charred remains of your house though...although he couldn't save you.
Tell me, oh tell me
The Drug dealer who just recently entered your big brother's gang, who protected you with his scrawny body every time any sexually frustrated asshole came to harass you. Your declarations of love didn't come in heartfelt words or gifts but a smoked joint with each other. You both didn't get delusional, because why should you when your fantasies were right in front? It was the same when you overdosed after someone ratted him out and sent him to a life sentence in prison.
Darling love of mine
The Mafioso who charms you with his suave words and cool under fire attitude, causing you to giggle and kick your feet whenever he came back to your door with flirtations and blood on his face from those who disrespected the mob boss's goddaughter. It was the classic romantic Italian dinner when he got down one one knee...except for the part when his rivals arrived to gun him down and you're left staring at his broken body and shattered ring.
You're just as lost
The Neighbour who had no idea the babysitter for the kids next door would be so goddamned FINE - if only he hadn't fumbled and stumbled over his words in the elevator! But that's alright, even little Ray and Katie are rooting for him and you! Your first date might not be fancy, but he was more starstruck in awe of you than he was of the night sky as you sat on top of the roof.
In paradise
"I feel like I've know you all my life."
"In every lifetime?"
And somewhere deep inside, you both knew it for certain: the endless cycles of pain were finally broken.
"I'm so glad of whatever karma that I did in my previous life got me to meet you!"
"You better continue it in this life so I can see you in the next one!"
Not karma, actually, but a series of broken promises finally repaired.
Sukuna, Giyuu, Kokushibo, Gojo, Takemitchy, Mikey, Ranpo, Nikolai, Kirishima, Hawks, Kakashi, Nishinoya, Kuroo, Toji, Kazutora, Nanami, Eren Yeager, Gyutaro, Kunikida, Zuko, Yuta, Inumaki, Levi, your favourites!
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allthelovehes · 2 months
Field Day Reunion
Summary: Harry agrees to volunteer at his son's school and he is surprised to see the teacher is his long-lost high school girlfriend.
Pairing: Singledad!Harry x Teacher!Y/N
Word count: 3.2K
Warnings: None, this is pure fluff.
Taglist: @justmystyles @bitchybabyharry @harrysslut7 @swiftmendeshoran @lucasandharold @harrysbabycherry @htaylor18 @rose-garden-dreamz @myalovesharry @mellamolayla @hsonlyangelxo @yousunshineyoutempter @heartateasee @blueheisenbergtragedy @bikestyles @bohemianrhapsody86 Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
Support my work by joining my Patreon!
A/N:  Just a fluffy little one shot about Harry reuniting with his high school lover. Let me know if you want a part two because I can totally see that happening!
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As Charlie comes home from school with a piece of paper in hand, asking for volunteers to visit a local farm, Harry is eager to sign up. His 4-year-old is currently learning all about farm animals, so it seems like the perfect opportunity to see his enthusiasm first-hand.
Harry is a single parent to Charlie, and while parenthood is far from easy, he's found himself becoming an avid learner in the art of parenting as his son is growing up. The last year especially, since his girlfriend had left them both in the dust and moved away.
But while Harry's been focused on his son and their life at home, Charlie's growing up and becoming his own little person. He's also learning more about the world and how people fit into it, and Harry thinks that volunteering at his school is a perfect example of that.
And so, Harry fills out the permission slip and sends it back to Charlie's teacher.
Charlie is very excited when Harry tells him about the trip, and even though he's still very young, Harry can tell he's already forming his own ideas about the kind of person he wants to be. And that means the world to Harry. It's one thing for him to shape his son, but he's determined to give Charlie a voice, as well.
Later that week, Charlie is sent home from school with another letter. One that explains how the class will be visiting the farm, what the schedule will be like and what exactly they need help with from the volunteering parents. With this insight, Harry has a much better understanding of the day, and can teach Charlie about things he might see. Teaching him new words and showing him the pictures in the books that Harry has at home.
On the morning of the trip, Charlie is a bundle of excited nerves. He's practically vibrating as Harry helps him get dressed, and when Harry makes sure he's got his raincoat, he almost bursts.
“It's not going to rain, daddy.”
“Oh yeah? Then what's that.” Harry asks, pointing out the window where the clouds are hanging low and grey.
“It's not gonna rain” Charlie states again. “Promise” Harry huffs out a laugh because of course, the boy is going to be stubborn today
“Okay, little man. We'll see.” As they get ready to leave, Harry puts a light jacket on and grabs an umbrella. When Charlie notices, he pouts, making his father chuckle.
Harry is supposed to drive to school first so a few more kids can fit in the car, and then drive them all to the farm together. Charlie is excited to sit in the front, which gives him a perfect view of the sky and a chance to show Harry how wrong he is.
He's quiet for a while, just staring out the window, but Harry doesn't pay too much attention. He's too focused on the road and making sure the other kids are safe. But soon, the clouds part and the sun shines through.
“See? Told ya.” Charlie grins. Harry hums and nods.
“I suppose you did.”
Harry parks his car on the school grounds. They walk towards Charlie's classroom and when the door opens, Harry sees a young woman standing in the middle of the room, facing away from him. If he remembers correctly, his son's teacher used to be in her fifties, so who is this woman?
“Char? Did you get a new teacher” Harry asks his son as he puts his coat away, but Charlie shrugs.
“No. Miss Green is gone. This is Miss Y/L/N.” Charlie answers, pointing to the woman. At the sound of his son's voice, she turns around and Harry can finally see her face. She locks eyes with him and it feels like time stops.
“Y/N” Harry asks confused, his heart beating faster. She looks exactly the same as she did all those years ago, the only difference being the hair length and a few laugh lines on her face.
“Harry. Hi. Um... I wasn't expecting to see you here.” She says. Her voice sounds a little strained.
“Well, I wasn't expecting to see you either.” Harry chuckles. “How... are you? I didn't know you were a teacher.”
“Oh, I just started this year. And I'm doing great. How are you?” She smiles. It's a little awkward, but it's real.
“Good, good.” He smiles back, scratching the back of his neck. Y/N used to be his girlfriend in high school, until they broke up because of college. They've only seen each other a couple of times since then, mostly when their paths crossed in their hometown. He always knew he loved her, but as they grew older, the distance between them had grown too, and now they're basically strangers.
“Daddy, are you okay?” Charlie tugs on his jacket, looking up at him. Harry blinks and shakes his head a little.
“Yeah, yeah, I'm good, little man.” Harry says and runs a hand through his son's curls.
“Daddy?” Y/N asks, sounding amused. Harry can feel the blush spreading on his cheeks.
“Uh, yeah. Charlie is my son.” He tells her, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder.
“He's a lucky kid to have you, Harry.” Y/N smiles, and for a second, he's a teenage boy again, completely infatuated with her.
“Thank you.” Harry clears his throat.
“Are you ready to go to the farm, Charlie?” She asks, kneeling in front of the boy.
“Yep! Can we see the horses?” He asks excitedly, jumping a little. Y/N giggles.
“There aren't going to be any horses on the farm we're going to today, but I'm sure we can find a different animal. Okay?”
Harry is a bit distracted for the rest of the day, and Y/N's eyes keep meeting his over the children's heads, making him blush and smile. He can't believe she's back in his life, and a teacher no less. He really hopes he'll see her more often, now that his boy is in her class.
“Okay kids, gather 'round!” Y/N calls as she stands in front of the pigpen. Charlie and his friends hurry over, giggling and talking excitedly. “Can you all say 'hello' to the pigs?” The children repeat her words, and she gives them all a warm smile. “Great job! Now, if you all take a step closer, you'll be able to pet the pigs. Remember to be gentle, okay?”
Harry can't believe his ears. Y/N was never a fan of animals, especially when they were close to her. Yet here she is, standing in the middle of the mud, smiling and laughing. It warms his heart to see her so fond of the kids.
As the kids pet the pigs, Harry steps next to Y/N, who smiles and waves.
“This is incredible, Y/N. I can't believe you're doing this.” Harry laughs.
“Yeah, it was a little weird at first, but the kids seem to love it. It's nice to see them all together and have fun.” She admits. “And it's also a great learning experience.”
“It really is. I don't think Charlie will be able to talk about anything else but pigs for the next few days.”
“It's great though, isn't it? Their little minds are constantly absorbing information and figuring out how the world works.”
“Yeah.” Harry smiles and nods, looking at his son, who's happily petting the pig with a huge smile on his face.
“Okay guys, I think it's time for lunch. Can we all thank the pigs?” She calls and the kids cheer.
“Thank you, pig.”
“Thank you, piggy!”
“Thanks, pig.”
They all wave at the pig and walk towards the picnic area, where a couple of parents are setting up the food. Y/N instructs the kids to wash their hands, and they all run to the bathrooms. Harry joins her, and they fall into a comfortable silence as they wait for the children.
“I'm really happy to see you again, Harry.” She admits, glancing at him from the corner of her eye.
“Me too, Y/N. It's been a long time.” He nods.
“Yeah.” She says, but doesn't elaborate. There's so much Harry wants to say to her, but the kids are coming back and he knows it's not the right time. He'll just have to find another opportunity.
Lunch is a fun affair, filled with laughter and the occasional mess. Afterwards, the kids play in the meadow for a while before heading back to the farm building.
“Okay, let's all sit down on the floor and I'll tell you a story about the farm.” Y/N instructs, and the kids all follow her. Harry sits with the parents, keeping an eye on his son and watching the woman he used to love.
Y/N talks to the kids about how the farm started, who built it, and what happened over the years. She has a way with words, and the children are hanging on to every word she says. After the story, they head over to the goat pen and watch as the baby goats jump around, chasing each other and bleating.
“Daddy, can we get a goat?” Charlie asks.
“Maybe, buddy. But I don't think we'd have a place to keep one.” Harry replies.
“Aww, but it's so cute.” Charlie whines, and Y/N can't help but chuckle as she picks up on their conversation.
“It is very cute. But maybe you can come here and see the goats, instead.” She suggests. Charlie nods and smiles, he walks back to the adorable creatures.
“Thanks, you just saved me there.” Harry laughs.
“Don't mention it. I'm glad I could help.”
“So, um... Charlie's mom. How's she doing?” Y/N asks, and he can see the hesitation on her face.
“Oh. She's fine, I think. We haven't seen each other since she left.” Harry answers.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. I was just curious.” She says, wringing her hands together.
“No, no, it's okay. I just didn't expect it.”
“Oh. Well, that's good.”
“Yeah.” He smiles. They look at each other for a moment before someone calls for Y/N, and they're pulled out of the moment.
The rest of the day passes quickly. There are many games and activities for the kids to try out, and lots of running around and laughing. Charlie is completely worn out when it's time to go, and he falls asleep in the car.
When Harry pulls up to the school, he lets the other kids out of his car so they can go home but makes sure to let Charlie have his nap. 
“Thanks, Harry.” Y/N says as she walks up to him.
“For what?” He asks.
“For being such a great dad and helping me out. I had a lot of fun today.” She explains, smiling at him.
“Anytime, Y/N.” He replies, giving her a small smile back. They look at each other for a while, both hesitant.
“Well, I better get going. See you around!” She asks.
“Definitely. See you.”
With that, Y/N walks away and Harry gets into his car. As Harry watches her go, he can't help but wonder what the future will bring and he realises he's not wanting to wait for it all to happen. He quickly opens the door and calls her name, stopping her in her tracks.
“Yes?” She asks, confused.
“Can I please have your phone number? I'd love to catch up.”
“Oh, yes. Of course.” She says, pulling her phone out and giving him the number.
“Great. Thanks.”
“Sure thing. Have a nice evening, Harry.”
“You too, Y/N.”
He watches as she walks away, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. It's like he's found something he didn't even know was missing, and he can't wait to explore the possibilities with her. ***
Ever since the field trip when Harry would drop Charlie off at school, he can't stop thinking about Y/N. She's always been on his mind, but this time, it's different. Now that they've reconnected, Harry can't help but notice everything about her. The way she smiles, the way she laughs, and the way her eyes sparkle.
He hasn't dated since Charlie's mother left. He was too busy raising his son and working, and it wasn't really a priority. But now, as he watches Y/N interact with his boy, he can't help but want more. He wants her, and he's not sure what to do about it.
One afternoon, as Harry is waiting in the parking lot after picking up Charlie, Y/N approaches his car. She gives him a small wave and a smile, and he quickly gets out of the car.
“Hi.” She greets him, a slight blush on her cheeks.
“Hey. What's up?” He asks, leaning against the car.
“Um, I was wondering if you'd like to grab a coffee with me? You asked for my number but never called, so I thought I'd ask you in person.” She asks, her voice laced with nervousness.
“Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, I've been... I got kinda nervous.” He admits.
“Really?” She asks, her eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Yeah.” He says. He doesn't explain himself further, and they just stand there, looking at each other for a minute. “Let's change the coffee for dinner and you've got yourself a deal.” He smirks, making her laugh.
They agree on a time and place and then Y/N leaves, her smile growing wider with each step she takes. Harry watches her, his heart beating faster with every passing second. As he's driving home, Harry can't stop smiling. He's finally going on a date with the woman of his dreams.
He decides to make an effort and dresses up a little, putting on a nice pair of jeans and a shirt. It's not much, but it's more than he usually wears. He even brushes his hair. When he's done, he goes into the living room and finds Charlie sitting on the couch, watching TV.
“Hey, little man. Are you hungry?” Harry asks. Charlie shakes his head. “Are you sure? I'm going out for dinner and I can pick something up for you on the way home.”
“Can I come?” Charlie asks, looking up at his father with big, puppy eyes.
“Oh, um... Maybe next time, buddy. Grandma is coming over to watch you. This is kind of an adult thing.”
“What is it?”
“I'm having dinner with a friend.” Harry explains. Charlie frowns, and his brows furrows in concentration.
“Do I know her?” He asks, his voice curious.
“Yes, you do. But you can meet her another time, okay?”
“Okay.” Charlie says, seemingly satisfied with the answer. “Daddy?”
“Yes, little man?”
“Do you have a girlfriend?” He asks, tilting his head to the side. Harry almost chokes on the air, his eyes going wide.
“What?” He manages to squeak out.
“I heard the other kids talk about it at school. They said you're supposed to have dinner with your girlfriend.” Charlie explains.
“Oh. Well, no, buddy. I don't have a girlfriend.” Harry says. “Not yet.” He adds, thinking about Y/N.
“Oh. Okay.”
Charlie's questions stop and they sit in silence until his grandmother comes. Once Anne arrives, Harry leaves the house, and heads towards the restaurant. The place is busy, but not packed, and Harry manages to find a table easily. He orders a drink and sits down, his leg bouncing nervously. He's not sure why he's so anxious, it's just dinner with an old friend. He has no reason to be worried.
Y/N shows up a few minutes later, and when their eyes meet, she smiles. She looks beautiful, her hair loose and a soft dress hugging her curves. Harry feels his heart rate speed up.
“Hi.” She greets him as she approaches the table.
“Hey.” He smiles, getting up to hug her. “You look gorgeous.”
“Thank you. You look good too.” She blushes.
“Thank you.”
They order food and talk about anything and everything. They talk about the past and how they've changed over the years. They talk about the present and their jobs, their likes and dislikes. They also talk about the future and their hopes and dreams. It's a nice, easy conversation, and Harry is glad she had the guts to ask him on a date.
After they finish eating, they go for a walk, taking in the fresh air and talking about the most random things. Y/N talks about the kids and the crazy stories she's heard and Harry laughs at her tales, especially when she imitates their voices. He can't believe how easily they fall back into a rhythm, and he finds himself hoping this will continue.
After their walk, they go back to his car, and Harry drives her home as she took the bus on the way here. He parks outside her apartment building and they sit in the car, neither of them knowing what to say.
“Well, I had a really nice time tonight, Harry.” Y/N breaks the silence.
“Me too.” He says, a soft smile on his lips. “I'm glad you asked me out.”
“So am I.” She says.
They sit there for a few moments, just looking at each other before Harry finally pulls her cheek to the side so their eyes meet. They lean in slowly, their lips almost touching.
“Thank you again for a wonderful evening, Harry.” Y/N whispers.
“It was my pleasure.” He replies, his voice low and husky.
Their lips meet, and a fire ignites within him. They kiss deeply and passionately, his hands exploring her body. She moans into his mouth, her fingers tangling in his hair. Harry knows he shouldn't do this, not on the first date, but he can't help himself. He needs her. They kiss until their lungs scream for air, and they have to break apart. They stare at each other, both panting.
“Wow.” Y/N whispers, licking her lips.
“Yeah.” He replies, his heart racing. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-.“
“No, it's okay. I wanted this too.” She interrupts, a soft smile on her face. “Can I ask you something?”
“How do you feel about dating with Charlie around? I can imagine it's not easy, especially since he's only four.”
“Well, I've never dated anyone, so I'm not sure.” Harry shrugs. “But I can't stop thinking about you.” He adds, looking into her eyes.
“Really?” She asks, surprised.
“Yes. I've been thinking about you ever since I saw you again.”
“Me too.”
They lean in again, their lips meeting once more. They kiss until their bodies ache and their lungs burn, and then they part. Harry can't believe he's doing this, but he knows it's right.
“Let's just take things slow.” He says, his voice husky.
“Okay.” Y/N smiles.
They kiss one last time before saying their goodbyes. As Harry watches her go, he can't help but smile. He's not sure where this will lead, but he can't wait to find out.
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silverflqmes · 2 months
i know you got like 37393793749 requests already but HEAR ME OUT BABES.
genesis x reader where he's at banora making plans to revolve against shinra but his (other) childhood best friend still lives there. zack is coming too with tseng and they're planning to 'get rid of the evidence' right??? what would genesis do once he finds his other childhood best friend in banora and would he save them from certain death by the hands of shinra???
notes. hi anon, you’re so real for this request let me slap you with some angst real QUICK — or um, hurt / comfort.. ahem, luckily i finished this part in cc a couple nights ago otherwise i would be clowning🫥 ALSO THE GREAT WAR FR FIT A LITTLE TOO MUCH HERE
genre. angst + hurt / comfort
tw. detailed descriptions of injuries
genesis rhapsodos x gn!reader.
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the smell of smoke polluted your lungs as a cough left your lips, eyes barely half lidded.
how.. had it come to this?
the logs holding your home childhood home together began to scorch, crack and cave in on itself — blocking most, if not all, plausible escape routes.
what had banora — or rather, the people of banora — done to earn such a cruel kismet?
sweat trickled from your forehead down to your chin, the heat sweltering —growing even more unbearable by the minute. had your predecessors known an aerial assault like this would befall their homes one day.. perhaps they would have reconsidered their building materials. alas, it was too late for that.
had you caused something to share part of this punishment, too?
blends of warm colors engulfed your vision as you ascended the decaying steps to what once was your chambers. a place of solace, where you would read to your heart’s content and indulge in your hobbies. the stairs that once led up to your happy place now groaned in protest, waiting to wither away into dust.
would there be enough time to evade fate?
the darkened planks snapped beneath your battered boots, throwing you forward onto your knees at the top of the stairwell with a stuttered yelp.
or was there truly no way out, but death?
ash and grime painted the surface of whatever skin you had left exposed, eyes glossing over with tears as the flames kissed your limbs. it was painful, unlike anything you’d felt before, but you told yourself to endure.
what choice was there but to tolerate it?
you wouldn’t trust in help being on the way, not with banora deserted — oddly deprived of its population. the only one left.. had been the mother of a childhood friend of yours.
was she suffering the same as you were? or had she been lucky to make it out, likely not unscathed, but alive at least..?
or.. would she suffer worse? as the parents of your other childhood friend had a few days ago.
such was karma, sadly. but with the mother, stuck in that house alone for years after the loss of her remarried husband, and the later departure of her son going off to join the elite SOLDIER program.. perhaps death was the solace needed to be set free and return to the planet at last, sailing the lifestream in peace.
you forced yourself back to your feet, wincing at the chars and cuts poking through the holes of your clothing. exhaustion was creeping up on you — coercing you into dropping your efforts and allow yourself to be consumed entirely by the great inferno.
but something — a gut feeling — told you it was not your time yet. whether or not that had been a fear of dying or a selfish desire to defy destiny.. remained unclear.
all you knew, is that you needed to hang on and get out.
“almost there..” you whispered to yourself as a reassurance, despite feeling as though your skin had been peeling off. layer by layer, tissue by tissue, melting down into a pathetic pool of residue.
a final stumble towards your windowsill and you nearly breathed out in relief. the casement thankfully had no fallen logs or debris to block your exit, however, the real obstacle would be the drop that awaited you.
grabbing ahold of a stool that once paired with your now destroyed vanity, you lined the pegs up with your window, heaving a breath. “here goes.”
not wasting another second, you drove the piece of furniture into the glass, watching as it shattered into thousands — millions of pieces.
the flames howled against the breeze, growing with fury as you hissed when they grazed your skin.
there was no luxury left for stalling, you needed to get out and fast.
overcome with sorrow, you threw one final glance at your precious, shriveling, home before stepping onto the charred outline.
escape was at last within your grasp, and yet..
your breath hitched, trapping in your throat when you realized how far the fall had been, and no less.. into a field of fire.
..it continued to be so far out of reach.
stay in your home and die with it, or flee your home and die before it — those had been the options that had presented themselves to you. both equally gruesome.
a series of cracking halted your train of thoughts, panic flooding you as the wooden trim fractured beneath your weight.
stripped of a surface to stand on, your hand flew out to seize the splintered frame, eyes widening as you did so.
was this.. the end?
the log crumpled beneath your tight hold, nails clawing helplessly for dear life as your vision began to blur.
maybe.. it was.
not wanting to witness your demise, you squeezed your eyes shut despite the tears that leaked out. it was probably wise to just give in.. and accept fate for whatever it was.
only, it never came.
a feather-light touch caressed your body as a pair of arms secured you against a firm chest, lifting you into the air.
startled, you opened your eyes despite your fears to find a crimson jacket — mixed with charcoal. it.. it couldn’t be.
“falling out of a window, my dearest?” a chuckle seemed to follow as your body was cradled closer to your savior. “you would be wise not to do so while in my absence.. who would be your hero, then?”
had your eyes deceived you amidst the calamity brought upon your homeland? had the fumes gotten to you so badly that your mind had created an image of your friend, now winged, rushing to your aid..
or was it all real?
“ge.. nesis..” you winced, dragging your gaze over to the dark wing protruding from his right shoulder blade before looking up at the ginger. “is it.. really you?”
the former first class SOLDIER regarded you for a moment, an absentminded smile on his lips as he let out a mirthless laugh. “does my monstrous appearance frighten you that much, y/n?”
monstrous? “where did you get that sort of conclusion..? i’m over here thinking this is all.. just a dream, a-and that’s what you assume i think?” you scoffed, reaching a hand to pinch his cheek despite your wounds before closing your eyes. “you are completely mistaken, do not ask me that ever again. you, genesis, are not a monster.”
he stared down at you for a brief second, descending slowly as his boots at last made contact with the ground. “a man who brought discord upon his homeland is anything but a ‘hero’, therefore ‘monster’ emerges as the more suitable term.” the mako-eyed male answered softly, casting one final glance toward his crumbling home — the banora apples melting away with his memories.
knitting your brows together, you lifted your gaze, frowning. “you.. did this?” your voice came out as a whisper, heart trapped in your throat. genesis couldn’t possibly have done so.. it couldn’t have been his doing.
his eyes lowered back down to yours, the sullied smile still tugging at his lips. “indirectly, i suppose, yes.” he affirmed, looking up at the smoke filled sky. “shinra did not take kindly to mine and angeal’s resignation. this, it seems, was their response.” burning a town off the face of the planet until was unrecognizable.
as if it had never been there to begin with.
you gripped his jacket tighter, dropping your head to his chest. “i’ll never forgive them..”
genesis petted your head gently, gaze sharpening. “you would be right not to.”
notes. oki finally finished this, several sittings were taken but here you go anon, i hope you enjoyed it😭 there was not much genesis but he saved the day, um kind of??? maybe.. but yeah🥹
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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christiansorrell · 5 months
TTRPG Read-Through: Traveller - Book 1
Here is a read-through I did about a year and a half ago (originally posted on Twitter) of one of the all time classics: Traveller by Game Designers' Workshop! This read-through just covers Book 1 - Characters and Combat from the original Traveller box set trio of books. - Christian
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This is the 1981 Second Edition printing of the classic Traveller three zine box set! Been wanting to read this for ages now. It's discussed A LOT in Mothership circles.
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Really interesting to see GM-less and solo play options here. Didn't realize that was being done explicitly at this time. Also, nice to see "he or she" language here rather than the just "he" you see a lot in older games.
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The UPP is clearly the creation of an utterly deranged mind. This seems like a huge overcomplication of just listing stats (unless all your players are proficient in hexadecimal).
[Hi, it's me from the future here (aka now - 2024): I've learned to embrace and love the UPP (or more specifically the planet stat version from one of the other books). It's complicated at first but really quick and cool once you know how to read it.]
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I really like Social Standing as a stat replacement for charisma or charm or other social skills you tend to see. Feels like it would have more impact on the story and less of a "Roll to see if you convince him, I guess" sort of anticlimax social skills have most of the time.
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I'm now into the "you can die during char creation in Traveller" bits. Really cool in some ways. Really comical in others. It recommends you enlist your bad stat characters into the Scout service because of it's high mortality rate (so you can roll a diff char before play), lol.
Essentially, you roll stats and that's your entire character but to give them some experience they can enlist in a Service. You have to roll to get in and may get rejected. If so, you submit to the draft (get into one at random). You can die. You can gain skills and promotions.
Honestly, the char creation feels like a solo game unto itself. Risk v reward of how far to push your enlistments to boost your skills and standing and benefits. You could have a whole story in your head by the end of it. Great Session 0 material.
As a 34 yr old, this hurts. Apparently, I have -1 Strength, Dexterity and Endurance now...
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I admire commitment but asking GMs to use this full char creator for all NPCs (which means generating chars until you get one capable of filling the role you need) is truly too wild. Best part: at the end, it just says you can also pick whatever you want for stats and skills.
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The weapons and intro text have much more of a space as a new age of sail vibe to them than I was anticipating. It's cool. Far more Dune than Alien (so far).
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Interestingly (unless I missed something), skills are detached from your stats. Your base stats make getting into a Service easier and help you with Saving Throws and such, but skills have their own modifiers based on the situation and your expertise. It's cool (if a bit dense)!
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In case you were wondering, there is absolutely no art in this entire book. I'm hoping we'll get some in one of the other two books with vehicles and ships and such but won't be holding my breath. Gives the whole thing a very Serious vibe.
Always interesting to see how older games chose to handle this (or not).
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Here's the UPP in action along with quick listing of other character info. Interesting even if it is just too overcomplicated for my tastes.
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Can't overstate how much char creation feels like a whole solo game of its own. You can roll a character at age 18 and have them go through seven 4-yr terms in a Service before retiring and having substantial cash, specific possessions, memberships and social standings. Wild.
The character sheet mentions PSIONICS which is exciting (but I'll have to wait till Book 3 for more on that apparently).
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Combat is straightforward but has some unique bits: a focus on stealth as an option and movement/attacks occur by all parties simultaneously which means everyone (enemies too) gets to move and then everyone chooses who to attack and you roll them all. Sounds really fun.
Stats have cool effects in battle. Your Endurance stat is the number of attacks you can make before needing to rest (can you imagine if DnD just didn't let you do a base attack at a point?). Strength and Dex can boost or lower certain weapon rolls like you'd expect.
If trained in a weapon, you can give your expertise as a negative mod to your enemy's rolls to attack you to reflect parrying and blocking which is cool. The skills also add to your attack rolls. Skills just seem really useful overall here.
I just love that we get stats for broadswords, revolvers, and laser carbines. Plus, there are even special tables for archaic weapons for when encountering lower-tech civilizations. It feels like a really wide open interpretation of what space could look like. Feels exciting.
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A few more equipment tables and a final quick reference page at the back and that's all for Book 1. I'll be back with Book 2 and 3 in the coming days!
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Main thoughts: Character creation is very involved but really cool - its own game practically. Skills are very deep in a way that feels refreshing when compared to more stat-focused games. Combat has some fun, chaotic twists. Feels like a wide universe of possibility here so far.
I'll add Books 2 and 3 to this thread when I give them their own read-throughs. In the meantime, here's my newsletter (last two months have Mothership freebies): https://meatcastle.substack.com
And here's my website (with links to my games and modules and all that good stuff): https://shop.meatcastlegameware.com/
Thanks for reading!
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alonelystargazer · 3 months
I started reading kagurabachi a couple of weeks ago and now I'm fully caught up with it and my general opinion so far is that it's actually pretty good!
the plot is perhaps a bit formulaic but still quite interesting (maybe I'm biased bc I love revenge stories) and it moves fairly quickly without leaving too much info behind, plus the action is so dynamic but easy to follow, and there are some legit super cool panels
just a few of my favorite panels
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(as you might be able to tell I love seeing the fishes teehee)
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Quick summary of the plot: the MC is a young guy named Chihiro Rokuhira who's out for revenge after his father Kunishige, one of Japan's most famous swordsmiths, was killed 3 years before, and those same people, a group of evil sorcerers known as the ?, stole all 6 of his father's enchanted swords, but chihiro has a 7th special sword that his father kept secret from everyone but him.
Edit: this might be important for some people so I'll add that Chihiro is 18, since we saw him with his dad as a 14 going on 15 year old and the story fast forwards to more than 3 years later in the first chapter, which would make him 18
He's joined by his father's best friend, a sorcerer named Shiba who becomes his mentor and informant about the shady business going on in Tokyo, Azami who's another sorcerer and friend of his father's and Shiba, a little girl named Char who comes from a family that has the ability to regenerate their body parts and is being hunted for it, a young woman named Hinao who's a weapons dealer, and later on another young man named Hakuri who comes from a different sorcerer family but defected bc he's the only one who doesn't know sorcery (and was abused).
Personality wise, Chihiro is the more level-headed, serious, and reserved type but shows great care and sympathy for those who need help, for ex. when he helps out char from being hunted and experimented on, and when he traded his beloved sword for Hakuri. His father had a huge impact on his philosophy about life and weapons.
He does want revenge for his father's death, but his greatest motivation however is to prevent anyone from tarnishing his father's legacy which are his enchanted swords, bc kunishige made sure to let Chihiro know that his swords are weapons first and foremost, and when put in the wrong hands are destructive and lethal.
The power system is fairly simple, based in sorcery, which for Chihiro is channeled through his enchanted sword called Enten from which 3 different goldfish, each having their own ability, appear (and the goldfish are the same ones his father had before he died: a black goldfish, a red one, and a spotted one).
The enchanted swords that Kunishige made come from a rock (?) called datenseki, which we don't know much about yet.
And about the first antagonist we meet, Sojo. He's a weapons dealer in the black market and does other criminal activities. He also has one of the 6 enchanted swords that was stolen, this one called Cloud Gouger. To me, this fight is reminiscent to Yuji vs Mahito in the Shibuya arc of Jujutsu Kaisen, in the sense that Chihiro has to accept that despite what he personally believes about his father and his swords, Sojo also can have his own contradictory beliefs bc it's the person who wields the sword that gets to determine it's fate. Chapter 12: Tea I believe is pivotal in Chihiro's development and is one of the best chapters so far. I like the metaphor with Sojo offering Chihiro dango, which he refuses at the beginning (he says he doesn't like sweets) and by the end eats it, even if doesn't like it, because it reflects his acceptance with Sojo's philosophy about the blades.
The only thing I think might not to be everyone's taste is the art style, but if course art is subjective, although it does suffer a bit from same face syndrome at times.
But I think the art is unique with its use of shading and perspective, and there are some really cool character designs, plus something that stands out to me is that the fight choreography is made to be a spectacle.
As a long time shipper, I feel like I should address the shipping dynamics that I've seen, which there aren't too many yet, but I still wanna talk about. So the main ship I've seen is between Chihiro and Hakuri, which these panels I think are fueling the fire for it and I can totally see it and wanna see more from their budding friendship. What's the ship name btw? hakuhiro?
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Besides that, I've also seen Shiba/Kunishige, and Sojo/Kunishige but that's definitely a one sided admiration on Sojo's part.
One criticism I've found is that there's a character named Daruma who is after Chihiro and Char and is originally depicted in a way, which to me, looks to be black characteristics, like the hair and facial features, but after Shiba convinced him to leave his life of crime behind, his look changes. For example, his hair becomes straight, so what's up with that? Now to be fair, since the manga is in grayscale, we don't know what his skin color is but he has no shading to skin which in my experience of reading manga means that a character is light skin.
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Other than that, there's nothing else I can find fault in, so give it a read (there's 25 chapters so far!)
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kiribaabe · 1 year
Almost ( A Miguel O’Hara/ Peter B. Parker Father’s Day fic)
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Listen, I’m so obsessed with spider dads rn it’s not even funnyyy. Ugh, I just think they’re neat.
Please accept this super belated Fathers Day thing I wrote. Shares and Ao3 comments are really appreciated! Trying to get my writing more traction 🥲
Summary: Peter B. Parker knows that Father’s Day is a particularly… difficult time for Miguel.
He can’t change the past, but he’s hoping he and Mayday can make things a little brighter for him this year.
Tags: hurt/comfort, light angst, General softness. Miguel O’Hara deserves to be a dad, and I’m gonna make him one through Mayday so help me—
Full fic: Ao3
I got some color back, he thinks so, too.
I laugh like me again, she laughs like you.
"I said no peeking!"
"What? I didn’t!"
"Papa, I saw you! Please just cover your eyes all the way?"
"Okay, Okay, sweetheart. I apologize. They’re closed, see? I can’t see a thing." Miguel makes a show of pressing his eyes shut extra tight to demonstrate to the little girl that they were indeed closed and no further peeking would ensue.
He bites back a small laugh when he finally feels her crawl into bed, feeling the weight of her on his knees. There’s some shuffling, as if she’s taking her time to get into the perfect position before something is placed over his lap.
"Okay, there! Now you can open them!"
When Miguel opens his eyes, a tray of food greets him: A colorful array of cut fruit, eggs, bacon, and chocolate chip pancakes that may or may not be a little bit charred in some places.
He looks down at the spread, shocked, before cracking a smile. "Wait a minute…no way. All this, for me? And you didn’t burn my kitchen down? Look at you! I'm very impressed, Gabbie."
Gabbie snorts a laugh in return, a giddy sound that fills the air like a summer song. "I only caught a paper towel on fire that one time, papa. And I said I was sorry! Plus, look, I made up for it, didn’t I?"
"That you did." Miguel chuckles. It’s a relaxed sounding thing, and the creases in the corners of his eyes brighten along with the motion."Thank you, Mijita. It looks delicious. Uhg, what did I do to deserve a kid like you, huh? Cmere!" Careful not to spill what’s in front of him, Miguel brings his daughter to the side, decorating the entirety of her face with an obnoxious amount of kisses before blowing a fat raspberry on her cheek.
Another squeal of giggles erupts from her, and she embraces the affection for only a split second before she tries to shove the man away. "Eww! Gross! Stop, or I'm not gonna give you your other Father's Day gift!" She threatens.
Miguel hums in response, contemplating. On one hand, he very much wants to draw out more of that bubbly laughter. But, on the other hand, he knows better than to call a bluff from this kid.
She is her father’s daughter
So, he decides to give one last wet, over-the-top kiss at the corner of her eye before he finally pulls away, wearing a smile as Gabbie wipes at her face.
"Fine, fine, you win. Show me, then." He gives in.
Gabbie beams excitedly, and is quick to leap off the bed. She dashes out of the room, only to return a short time later with a little gift bag in hand. "Here, I made it in class last week." She smiles. She returns to her spot in her father's bed, tucking herself in right by his side once she hands it off.
Miguel isn’t very good at hiding his excitement, not that he’s trying to. He maintains his big smile while he rummages through pink gift paper, discarding a near excessive amount before finally reaching the contents he’s after. What he pulls out is a colorfully painted mug, decorated in intricate little dots of red and blue, with the words 'world's greatest brain’ written across the front.
There’s no containing the laugh that gets pulled out of Miguel as he holds it in his hands.
"I think this may very well be the best mug in existence, nena. I love it. I’m going to take it to work every day so they’ll never forget who the smartest person in the room is."
Gabbie beams a little brighter, all too pleased that he seems to genuinely enjoy her gift. She did work extra hard on it, after all. "You’re welcome." She says with a proud puff of her chest. Her dad was the smartest person in the room, so he deserved something that said as much.
“I love you so much, you know that?” Miguel asks. He has no shame or embarrassment for the tears in his eyes or his wobbly smile.
“yeah, I know, papa. I love you too.” After giving her father another quick hug, Gabbie giggles and quickly tries to scramble out of bed before she’s attacked by more affection and kisses.
She isn’t fast enough, though.
Transmission log:
Gabriella O’Hara
Age at time of recording: 10yrs
Record: 0551
>>> End Transmission<<<
Read more
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sixhours · 4 months
Chapter 25 - The Ghosts of Babylon
Series Chapter Index | Read on AO3 | Complete
Rating: Explicit, 18+, here be smut and violence Series tags: Joel Miller x You, Joel Miller x Reader, Joel & Ellie, mostly follows canon, LGBTQ+ characters, y/n is bi/pan, y/n is ~45, violence, pregnancy, abortion, medical trauma, emotional trauma, panic attacks, sex work, suicide, smut, slow burn, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, romance, no use of y/n, reader has longish hair, Joel can lift you, smallish age gap (~11 years), I've probably forgotten some so please let me know <3
A blizzard hits in mid-February, delaying your exit that much longer. Joel is restless, ducking in and out of the house just to watch the snow fly, as if scowling at it could make it pass faster. You join him at the door after several rounds of this, stilling him, hand at his elbow.
“There’s always one last roar. It’ll melt.”
You know he’s thinking of Ellie, of Tommy and Maria…of home. You’re thinking of it that way, too, although you’re not sure what you’ll find when you get there. Neither of you talks about it, but it’s always there, the uncertainty ahead of you.
Instead, you throw yourself into planning for the journey ahead. You’ve stared at the maps long enough to commit the routes you need to follow to memory. You try to rebuild your strength, eating even when the taste and texture of venison make you feel sick.
He’s found a branch that makes a perfect walking stick, using his knife to shape the wood and carve a handle into the top. He finds some old sandpaper in the barn and spends an inordinate amount of time smoothing the wood until it’s velvety. He presents it to you with a gruff shrug and brushes off your thank-you with a scowl.
“Just don’t want you fallin’ over.”
Sometimes you feel almost normal, almost…whole. Maybe it’s the promise of better weather, slowly thawing you from the inside, or the thought of a future where you don’t need to hide. You think Joel notices, too, because he’s stopped watching your every move, stopped acting like the sight of a loaded gun might send you back over the dark edge.
You set out for Jackson on the first of March, when the snow is barely a thin white blanket on the ground and the air holds the faintest promise of warmth. The travel is easy at first. At the end of the day you’re tired, but the fresh air and movement feel like a reawakening, like coming back to yourself.
But the closer you get to your destination, the more your collective imagination weighs on you, drawing you into a muted, terrified silence.
It doesn’t help that the land around you is mostly uninhabited, but you still see infected in the distance, lone figures staggering across a field or lurching through the trees–strays that shouldn’t be this far out from civilization. You take turns on watch at night and try not to camp in the open if you can help it.
You find the crater about forty miles outside Jackson, exiting a swath of forest at the outskirts of the settlement’s patrol area to find a vast, blackened gash in the earth.
“Jesus,” you breathe, standing at the edge of the torn earth with Joel gripping your hand like a vice.
The remains of bodies litter the landscape, charred black by some kind of fire or explosion. Some are infected, you can tell by the bulbous shapes on their heads, but others...it’s hard to tell. An upturned FEDRA van creaks in the wind.
You exchange a look, but there’s nothing to say.
That night, you make camp at an old patrol outpost, a former hunting camp in a state of abject decay. It hasn’t been used in months if not years. You try to convince Joel to keep going through the night, unable to get that scorched-earth scene out of your mind, but you’re struggling to keep up, your bad ankle dragging with every step.
“We don’t know what we’re gonna find up there. Need to save your energy.”
Over a meager dinner, the candlelight etches worry into every line on Joel’s face. He takes the first watch while you pretend to sleep. You should be exhausted with all the miles behind you, but your mind spins in circles. Finally, you get off the mattress and put water on the portable stove to boil. You take two mugs of hot water and pull up a chair next to Joel. He doesn’t say anything, just takes one of the mugs with a nod of thanks.
“God, I wish this was coffee,” you sigh.
He taps his mug against yours in a toast. “I’d even take that instant shit.”
“I told you, desperate times,” taking a sip, wincing as the liquid burns your throat.
He’s lost in thought, rubbing at his lower lip with one thumb.
“I told her, y’know,” he rumbles softly. “Before I left. I told Ellie…about what happened…at the hospital…with the Fireflies.”
“How’d she take it?”
He takes a deep, shaky breath. “She said…she thought she could forgive me for that. Someday.”
You cluck your tongue. “She’s your kid, Miller. She’s stubborn as hell…but she’ll forgive you.”
His eyes are hazy with longing and regret, and you know the words won’t be enough until he can hear them from her lips.
“Jus’ gotta get back,” he whispers.
Neither of you sleeps that night.
When Joel realizes how close you are to Jackson, he involuntarily picks up the pace, rushing to get to the top of the last hill where you’ll be able to see the settlement in the distance. You let him go ahead, and find him standing at the crest with his hands on his hips, breathing hard.
“Sorry, had to–had to know,” he gasps.
“I know,” you say, squinting across the valley, half expecting to find another blown-out crater, relieved to see the town walls standing.
“Still there,” he breathes. It’s quiet, but there’s movement. It’s too far away to tell if that’s a good thing yet. And you haven’t encountered any patrols, which is concerning.
His hand finds yours and you squeeze it reflexively. Almost home.
The descent into the valley takes longer than it should. You’re still awkward, stumbling along with only your walking stick and occasionally Joel’s arm for support.  
As you approach the settlement, your unease grows. Joel senses it, too, and he unshoulders his rifle when you’re half a mile out, shooting you a sideways glance filled with apprehension. This close to Jackson, someone should have seen you by now.
Then the wall looms on the horizon, and you watch the doors open. Riders on horseback are filing out, coming toward you, but you can’t tell if they’re friendly. You pull the handgun out of your pocket as Joel seats the rifle at his shoulder.
You recognize Ashbury first, and the relief is enough to make your knees weak. You stumble gracelessly into Joel’s side.
“It’s them.”
He sees it, too. Then the riding party surrounds you, two dogs and their handlers bringing up the rear. Your hands go up by force of habit, as do Joel’s. He lets the rifle drop and hands it over silently.
The dogs circle your ankles, sniffing for signs of infection, and when you’re cleared, you’re escorted back to the gates amidst the circle of riders. You can almost feel Joel thrumming beside you, eyes fixed on the entrance as the gate slowly creaks open.
Then you hear her before you see her, a flash of burgundy and gray with a shock of auburn hair streaking toward you.
He stops short, clutches your hand like a lifeline, breath caught in his throat.
And then she’s tackling him, and he’s sinking to his knees in the middle of the street with his arms around his daughter. He’s murmuring through tears, baby girl , cupping her face in his hands and grinning, then pulling her back into him.
“Don’t cry, asshole,” she mutters over his shoulder, but you hear the catch in her voice and see the glimmer in her eyes.
You’re home.
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hauntedwitch04 · 8 months
Suop of memories
Sirius Black x reader
Words: about 1.0k words
Warnings: none, just some sad-happy memories of Siri
Author’s note: Hi everybody! Finally I managed to write something after the crazy week I had, hope you enjoy! With love your witch Becky.
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DAY 4: “Eat some more soup, it will make you feel better. This is my James mother’s recipe.”
I sneeze for the umpteenth time in the space of five minutes, as I settle of among the flood of blankets and pillows arranged on my and my husband's bed. Below I hear him humming the latest Queen song, and I can't help but look out the windows smiling.
Ordinarily he and I would have spent this rainy October day playing some silly board game or watching some movie, but unfortunately the flu I caught a few days ago won't even allow me to think, so the only thing left for me to do is to remain like a motionless vegetable on the bed, comfortable among all those soft, warm things, watching life outside the window.
Actually looking out the window is one of my favorite pastimes, since it gives me a lot of ideas about what to write about. I love observing people and their behavior, especially in situations like rain. I think the best way to get to know human beings, in fact, is to put on a good song in the background and watch them live, see their souls moving in sync, communicating and talking to each other as they dance through the raindrops.
My thoughts are interrupted when I hear Sirius enter the rooms with a tray in his hand. I look at him confused, not understanding where the steaming bowl that is resting on top comes from.
He does not answer the question written in my eyes and continues to do what he was doing.
He lays the tray on the bed before also sitting down and taking the bowl in his hand, along with a spoon.
"Did Lily come by?" I finally say, bracing myself, my voice hoarse from coughing.
"Love we already said you must not talk, or your throat will hurt more and more." My husband comments, as he picks up some soup on the spoon. "And anyway, I made this soup, you ungrateful little thing. Now open your mouth, you have to eat something to get your strength back."
I look at him more and more skeptically, but finally accept his offer, actually being very hungry, and open my mouth. As soon as I taste that deliciousness I feel my taste buds jump for joy, not believing themselves to the goodness of that meal. My eyes go wide, and I see him do that usual smirk of his, which so many times I wanted to slap away during my school years, but which I now find myself loving more and more each time.
"Eat some more soup, it will make you feel better. This is my James mother's recipe." He says taking another ladle, but I am now too shocked by the news that he can cook.
"Fuck, love this is delicious, it's amazing that you cooked it." I say as I feel the warm liquid run down my throat, and already I feel better.
"Thank you very much love, I love you too anyway." He replies sarcastically, but continuing to feed me.
"No Siri, it really is the best soup I've ever tasted, the only thing is that I didn't know you knew how to cook something without charring it." I continue, looking him in the eyes accusingly.
"It happened only once." He tries to defend himself, but is unable to hold back a smile.
"Three. The firemen threatened us that next time they will let the house burn down." I say laughing, but is immediately stopped by a few coughs.
We spend a few moments in silence while he feeds me with soup. Once he finishes he gets up to take the bowl back to the kitchen, but once he gets out of bed I freeze him, asking him a question.
"Siri, when did you learn how to make this soup?" I ask curiously, and I see him smile as his eyes focus on a past memory that is now, like an old film, playing out before his eyes again.
"Reg and I had recently run away from our home and had been at the Potters' for a few days. Reggy had gotten quite a cold from all the rain we had caught running away, and so Effie decided one night to make him this soup to make him feel better. I still couldn't sleep because of the fear that at any moment our parents would knock on the door, so I asked if I could help her. She said yes, and so she began to explain everything to me. Thus was born the tradition that every so often, when I couldn't sleep, she and I would go to the kitchen and she would teach me some of her recipes. I sometimes miss those nights spent with her cooking." He finishes his story in a whisper, as I see a few tears have formed in his eyes, but he is too proud to give it away. I smile, while deep in my heart I feel a deep sadness make its way inside me, wanting to help the man I love feel better, but immediately the answer arises before my eyes.
"Well when I'm better you could teach me how to make this soup, at least I'll know how to cure you next time you're sick." I try to say, hinting a smile. He immediately looks up and I see in his bright eyes a childlike happiness. He smiles at me showing all his white teeth.
"Sure, I can't wait to show you all the recipes I know." He tells me as he approaches the door, but still looking me in the eye.
"Me too." I reply, smiling, as I hear him coming down the stairs humming Queen's "Crazy little thing called love", thanking Merlin for have sent to me this perfect man that I call husband.
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creativecuteness · 4 months
Total Slaughter Island Chapter 3: Away with the Wind She Goes
A/N Sorry this is a little late. Didn't get a chance to edit this until today ao3 and fanfiction.net links will come a little later. Enjoy the last chapter of this story for a little bit, I hope to update this next month.
 Chef’s outburst caused a mixture of yelps, startled gasps, and whispers throughout the room. It wasn’t like the stone-cold man to get this riled up and panic; even his fiancée was shocked and not used to seeing this side of him.
“Chef?! What did you say?!” Emily spoke, breaking the hushed silence.
“I know who did it! I can’t believe I didn’t notice it sooner. The mask, those overalls, the crazed look in their eyes as they took Ezekiel away—it all points to one person—Hook’s McGrady.”
“Huh?” Everyone gasped, very confused.
“Uh, Hook’s McWho?” Emily questioned, wondering if Chef was just making stuff up.
“Hook’s McGrady,” he repeated in a spooky voice, “someone I haven’t seen since my time during the war.”
Knowing Chef was about to tell one of his famous tales, someone turned off the lights as Chef turned on a flashlight and pointed it at his face.
“His name was Sean Phillip; the two of us met during our training days. While I was strong and burly, he was more like a water boy; however, he was a kind spirit who got along with almost everyone. Heck, the two of us even became best friends. We told each other everything; we had each other’s back. He told me he joined the army cause his mother was sick and was the best way to provide for her, and I promised to help him reach that goal. A promise I was never able to fulfill, it all came crashing down June 13th. We were passing through enemy lines when a sneak attack backed us into an old shack. It was old and brittle, perfect to annihilate an enemy. It all happened so fast. An enemy soldier threw a grenade in, and just like that, boom, the shack collapsed with us inside it. And yet, by some stroke of luck, we lived. However, we were badly injured, and some of us needed surgery to even walk again, and sadly, Sean was one of them; his hands were both dislocated and burned beyond recognition. You should have seen the side of his charred face; it was awful.
Long story short, his hands needed to be amputated, and he wore hooks as makeshift prosthetics. That’s how he got his nickname. I remember promising him once we returned to civilization, we’d get him real prosthetic hands. We tried to be respectful and lift his spirits, but it was fruitless. We knew he was a broken man. His hands were special, man; he had the best trigger finger in our troop, and without them, he was nothing.
And it gets worse; there were a few groups who began mocking him for his disabilities; their words, no matter how hard he tried to brush it off, got under his skin. They even made me feel small when I tried to stand up for the poor guy. To the point where I just held my tongue and ignored the growing tension, but that doesn’t even cover my greatest mistake; it was our toughest mission yet. We were about to invade enemy lines; we were split into two teams, one held the front lines while the other invaded the base. My team consisted of me, Sean, and a group of bullies that wouldn’t leave the poor man alone. We tried to get by without any incident, but eventually their teasing became too much, and Sean had a full breakdown. We were spotted not long after and made a run for it, fighting through the chaos as we made our escape. In doing so, Sean was caught. I desperately wanted to go back and save him, but my comrades convinced me that he wasn’t worth it.
As I left with the others, I heard him scream, saying we’d pay for leaving him behind. In the end, I broke the biggest rule in the army: “No man left behind.” I’ve kept this secret for years; I know his ghost has been haunting me, and now he’s returned for revenge.” Chef concluded his story as someone turned the lights back on.
“That’s an interesting story, Hatchet, but I don’t see how any of this is connected to...
“You don’t understand, man!” He shouted, banging his fists on the table once again, startling everyone witnessing. “This whole thing is my fault. I told Chris to bail because I was terrified of facing my past, and now those kids are gonna suffer for it. Which is why...” The army man took a deep breath, “I volunteer to rescue the campers and beg Hook for forgiveness.”
Everyone was stunned silent, not that anyone would oppose Chef’s offer better him than any of them.
“I also volunteer!” Dakota stood up,
"Wait, Dakota, no.” Chris whispered, not wanting her to get killed.
“I’m going, Chris, and that’s final. I told you before if you won’t rescue the campers, I would.” She spoke seriously, determined to get everyone home safely.
Chris sighed, knowing nothing would change their minds, and stood up.
“And where do you think you’re going, Mclean?!” The C.E.O. spoke disapprovingly.
Chris put his arms around his surrogate daughter and fiancée, for once he was ready to take responsibility for his mistake. “I’m going with them.”
"Wait, you are?!” Dakota gasped; a part of her hopeful, but the other part honestly didn’t want him to come.
The former TV host nodded and said, “It’s my fault the kids are even in this mess; if getting us off the hook is recusing the campers, then I’ll do whatever it takes.”
“I’m afraid just saving the campers won’t cut it. If Ezekiel isn’t the only one dead, the deceased’s parents will take legal action against us. And I refuse to let that happen.”
“So, what are you saying?” Dakota questioned, fearing the mission was going to be called off.
“To put it simply, I want that killer’s head on a platter.” The C.E.O. instructed, “You have three days to get the campers off the island, recover the dead bodies, and catch the killer—nothing more, nothing less. Understand?”
“Three days, but that’s...
“Just enough time for you to get in and out. I doubt it’ll take you more than a day to locate the survivors, and considering Chris has a map of the area, you should have no trouble finding your way around. Now with that meeting adjourned.”
Everyone piled out of the room without saying another word other than bidding the threesome good luck on their mission. Which Dakota knew she needed as she and Emily left early to pack some things.
Chef was going through drawers and his shared closet, grabbing anything and everything that was deemed a necessity, when Chris knocked on the door.
"Sorry, bud, I can’t talk now; we’re leaving early tomorrow morning, and I need to get our stuff in order.”
"Look, I know you’re busy, but was that story you told the C.E.O. true? Or did you make it all up to help Dakota?” Chris wondered,
His lover dropped the clothes on the bed and grabbed Chris by the shoulders, which shocked the shorter man. Who rarely sees his significant other act this serious, “Chris I can guarantee that story was one hundred percent true. However, I may have lied when I said I left Sean behind.”
“Wait, what do you mean?”
Chef sighed deeply, putting his face in his hands. “It’s my fault Phillip died; we weren’t invading enemy lines. Those bullies who mocked Sean forced me to lock him in the gas chamber at home base. I was forced to see my best friend die before my eyes and did nothing about it. I ran like the coward I was, and I never told anyone the truth; instead, I lied, saying I witnessed the whole thing and ran away to get help. The ones involved were punished, but the guilt has been tearing me apart for years.”
“That’s why you weren’t opposed to leaving the campers for dead, wasn’t it?” Chris asked, putting a gentle hand on Chef’s shoulder, who merely nodded, tears filling his eyes.
“I know we made a mistake leaving them, but I was scared too. I’ve seen Grady in my dreams; whenever he shows up, something horrible always happens. He’s returned, Chris; he’s after me, and this time I don’t think I can run anymore. He’s going to catch me; I just know this’ll be my finally days on earth.”
“Look,” Chris started, not really sure how to comfort someone who’s been haunted by the past. “I don’t know what’ll happen, but I promise, everything is going to be okay. Surely the kids are fine. I mean, how many could have dropped dead in a span of a month?”
“Sadly, many Hook’s is crafty; he won’t let anything out of his grasp.”
Chris sighed as he pulled his fiancée into his embrace. Chef held his lover tightly, feeling this could be the last time they'd ever see each other. Chris continued reassuring the man that everything would be okay, knowing they'd sort things out.
“I sure hope you’re right, Chris.” Was all he could say.
The next morning, Dakota was alarmed to see cop cars lined up outside. She immediately ran inside to see officers questioning employees. The young girl was about to ask what was going on when she heard a voice.
“Psst in here.” The brunette searched for the source when she noticed Emily’s hand giving away her location. Dakota ran to the door and was dragged into the basement, where her friend and two others were waiting in the dark.
“Phew, here I thought you were next.” Emily sighed,
"Emily, what’s going on? What’s with the cop cars?”
“It’s all over, girl; they’re out for our arrest.”
“For what?! Chris and Chef are the ones responsible for abandoning the campers!”
“No, this has nothing to do with that; this is a completely unrelated incident.”
“But you said—”
"Okay, fine, it’s slightly unrelated, but the order of events that lead to this point is only partially related.”
Emily sighed. “Allow me to explain. The C.E.O. is being accused of some shady dealings behind the scenes; someone was able to dig up some dirt on the dude, and now they have a warrant to investigate us. Also, they want the location of Camp Wawanakwa; parents are getting impatient, and they want answers now.” Her friend informed her,
“Excuse me, Senorita?” A Hispanic boy came forward and asked, “Is it true you’re volunteering to get the missing kids back?”
“Yeah, but I’m not going alone; my boss and his fian… I mean, good friend are accompanying me.” She explained, and the boy hummed in thought, "Wait, hold on, who are you?”
"Oh, right, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alejandro Burromuerto, and this is my acquaintance, Sierra.” He introduced himself as Sierra waved excitedly.
“It is so nice to meet you. I have a blog that’s been documenting the entire ordeal, and might I say your friend Emily has told me how you’ve been fighting tooth and nail to get the network to send out a rescue? I was hoping you’d be interested in an interview, perhaps? My fans will go insane.”
“Um, sorry.” Dakota smiled uncomfortably, backing away from Sierra’s excitable energy. “I’m not taking any statements right now; maybe another time.”
Alejandro patted Sierra’s shoulder to get her to back off, upon realizing she was making the other girl uncomfortable. She took a deep breath to compose herself and got out of her face.
“Sorry about that; I tend to get a little excited about my passions; I get it from my mother's side.” She explained,
“It’s fine.” Dakota sighed, understanding the tanner girl perfectly. “Just try to control yourself, and we’ll get along swimmingly.” She held out her hand as the two shook it. “I’m Dakota Natalie, by the way.”
“We’re assuming you work here?” Alejandro asked, and the two nodded.
“More like my dad works here; Chris was somehow nice enough to give me an internship here.” She explained,
“I’m an intern as well.” Emily came forward, “But only in the summer; I’ll be out of here come end of August. Though considering we’re under investigation, I should probably just bail before they arrest me.”
“Yeah, something tells me you should do that.” Sierra awkwardly agreed,
“So, is there a reason you’re here? Or are you a part of the feds who are here questioning people?” Dakota wondered, turning to Alejandro,
"No, no, we’re not with them; we snuck in.” Sierra proudly announced, shocking the two interns,
“You snuck in?!” They exclaimed, 
“Okay, first of all, that was very reckless of you. What if you were caught by security?! Second of all…” She paused "Wait, how did you even get in?” Emily wondered,
“We disguised ourselves as delivery men and waltzed right in.” Sierra winked, “It was surprisingly easy.”
“We came in hopes of discovering insider information to help investigators. It appears the urgency of the situation is reaching its boiling point, and we wanted to help. However, once the police came, we panicked and have been hiding down here ever since.” The Hispanic boy explained,
“That was until I found them; considering no one ever comes down here, I knew this would be the perfect hiding spot.” Emily smirked,
“You found them by chance, didn’t you?” Dakota asked,
“Yes.” She confirmed losing her confident demeanor,
"Look, as nice as it is to meet you two, we have to get out of here. I’m leaving to save the kids, and you two can’t be seen.”
"Wait, hold on, we can help you.” Sierra offered hastily, “You only have a limited time to save everyone, right? Alejandro is a world traveler; he and his dad went around the whole world a few years ago. And I have exclusive scoops on the campers; we’ve been planning infiltration for months. Please let us come with you!”
Dakota pondered this for a minute and realized the extra hands wouldn’t be horrible if what Sierra said was true. The two had some experience. “You two do realize you’re putting your lives in danger, right? There’s a killer on the island, and I doubt they escaped; are you two willing to put your lives on the line for the call of duty?”
“Trust me, we are more than willing to sacrifice ourselves if it means avenging those poor souls. We know about the risks, and we promise to proceed with caution.” Sierra understood,
While she wasn’t one hundred percent convinced the two could handle themselves, she knew time was running thin, and if the police were here, Chris and Chef would have bolted. "Okay, you two can come on one condition; don’t get in the way, and try not to get killed.”
The two nodded, agreeing to the terms. “We promise.”
“Okay, Emily, distract the cops while I track down Chris and Chef. I hope you two are ready because we leave now.”
Emily saluted, “You can count on me, girl.” Then she ran into her friend’s arms for a tight hug, “Good luck out there; please promise me you’ll come back safe.”
“I can’t guarantee that, Emily. However, if Chris pulls a bait and switch on me, I plan to haunt him for the rest of his lousy life.”
The feisty girl giggled, already imagining the hilarity of Chris dealing with an unwanted guest. “Alejandro and Sierra, you better get my girl back safe.” She said running upstairs as the remaining threesome slowly followed.
Getting out of the building and finding Chris and Chef were easier than expected. After a brief explanation on the two newcomers, Chris begrudgingly allowed the two to come much to their joy. Chef explained the boat ride to the island would take a few hours, so Sierra showed her teammates the information and background she had on the campers.
“Wow, Sierra You really went all out; if it weren’t for our circumstances, I’d say you were some crazy stalker.”
The other responded uncomfortably, shifting her weight. “Well, you’re not far off per se.” She spoke, trying to laugh it off.
“Wait, what’d I say?”
“What you spoke was the truth.” Chef explained, “When we were doing auditions, we considered putting Sierra in; however, after a quick background check, we found out she had a restraining order on her head and charges for stalking and harassment. The network didn’t want to risk anyone’s safety in case she got handsy, so Duncan got in instead.”
“Yes, because safety was your true priority considering the challenges you laid out.” Dakota deadpanned, "Also, doesn’t Duncan have criminal charges on his hands?”
“Ha!” Chef laughed. “That boy’s got nothing on her; he does petty crimes he’ll hopefully grow out of once he matures. Sierra’s a full-on menace to society; if you ask me, she deserves to be behind bars.”
The girl in question shrank into herself, knowing Chef made a valid point; what she did wasn’t her proudest moment, and she’s been teased and bullied for her experience even more than her daily average. She was a social outcast who weirded out everyone who met her. And the stalking incident didn’t help her reputation; it made it worse, considering many of her classmates pray she’ll slip up and end up in jail for life. But she deserved it, considering she didn’t realize how wrong and inappropriate her actions towards her crush were at the time.
"Chef, that was so uncalled for.”
“No, he’s right.” Sierra spoke, then sighed as she began to explain herself. “I developed a crush on a boy that was very unhealthy. I snuck into his house once and was caught. His family called the police, and I was taken to a mental hospital, where I spent three months receiving treatment for my obsessive behavior and therapy. I received the restraining order shortly before I was released, and never saw him again. He changed schools when I returned, and for all I know, he could have moved out of state. But I promised myself never to do anything like that ever again.”
“So, did this happen before or after you auditioned?” Chris questioned, raising his eyebrow,
“Shortly after, I thought getting on the show would be a way to start fresh; though, considering what happened, I dodged a huge bullet.”
“Actually, Sierra, you dodged a whole nuke.” Dakota laughed, then turned to her other teammate, “What about you, Alejandro? What’s your tragic backstory?” She questioned adding air quotes to tragic and backstory
The tanner boy sighed deeply, rubbing a hand through his hair. “I wanted to see an old girlfriend of mine.” He revealed,
This peeked everyone’s interest: “Ooh, do tell.” Sierra pushed,
“Her name is Heather; I’m sure you’ve heard of her; she was cast for the show.” He stated, holding up a picture of her, she had long black hair and was wearing a red crop top and green denim shorts. Dakota squinted, realizing the shape of her eyes and face suggested she was of Asin descent.
“We met during middle school. You know, I’ve always saw Heather as the most deadliest black rose in a bouquet of wilted flowers. Her and I had similar competitive natures; we loved coming on top; however, that was our downfall.”
“What happened?” Dakota asked,
The boy smiled bittersweetly, a look of longing in his eyes. “Long story short, my competitive nature got the better of me, and I backstabbed her. I cared more about winning than I did about my own girlfriend; the look of heartbreak on her face still hurts me to this day. I would do anything to apologize and make things right.”
“Sheese sounds like a pretty messy breakup.” Dakota understood feeling kind of bad.
“Oh, it was; I’ve never seen her that angry. The last thing she said to me was that I was an eel dipped in grease, and we were through. She got me back though; it ended in me getting expelled, but I took a trip around the world with my father shortly after and did a lot of soul-searching. When I caught wind that she was signing up for this new reality TV show, I figured I could finally make things right. And now I may never see her again.” He sighed, knowing the chances of his ex being alive were next to null. Dakota’s heart broke, knowing he might not even get the chance to say goodbye. She felt her anger flare up, cursing Chris for everything and the network for not acting faster.
As the group fell into silence, Dakota returned to the edge of the boat, Chris not having moved from his spot since they departed.
“Why are you helping me, Chris?” She spoke, breaking the spell of silence that was cast between them. “We all know what you did; surely repairing our relationship isn’t the only thing on your mind. Are you doing this out of sympathy? Maybe guilt has finally caught up to you. Or is it because of the wave of threats that threaten to destroy your career?”
Chris was dumbfounded at the younger girl’s accusation, but if he was being honest with himself, even he didn’t know why he allowed himself to be dragged back to the island with the premise of Chef’s Ghost Story. But Dakota was right on all accounts; he wanted his relationship with her repaired, he wanted to get back into the good graces he lost, but most importantly, he wanted to know why a killer targeted him and twenty-two other teens. What did he do? No, what did they do to deserve this fate? Why did he run? Why did it seem every outcome would have led him back here, no matter what? As he let his thoughts run circles around him. Dakota opened her mouth to speak his thoughts for him.
“If you ask me, I think you’re doing all this because you miss being a hero in the eyes of the public. Why would you care about anyone other than yourself?”
"Look, Dakota, you’ve got that all wrong.”
“Save it, just...” She beathed uneasily as if hearing her own words hurt her. “Let’s just find them; we have three days, and we don’t know what’ll happen if we take an extended vacation. Find the kids, catch the killer, and recover the dead bodies if there are more than one. Easier said, then done, but it shouldn’t take long.”
The two stared at the setting sun as an island came closer and closer into view. Dakota felt an odd sense of foreboding in the air, and while she’s never felt the feeling to pinpoint it, a voice in her head told her the island was haunted by the souls of the deceased. Whether it was the campers or if the killer murdered before anyone stepped foot to film was unknown to her, but she had a feeling they were about to find out as a foghorn sounded and Chef’s booming voice yelled,
“Land Ho!”
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kasdeyalilith · 2 years
Be My Solace, My Love
Warnings: Angst with Comfort
Synopsis: Reader is tired of everything but Genshin Char is there to help.
Characters: Albedo; Scaramouche; Xiao; Ayato; Diluc (x GN Reader)
Since the day began, it feels as though it has been out to get you by throwing problem after problem at you. To awaken to a sleepy lover who is angry with you over something insignificant. Having a foul mood before leaving for work, only to be met by a mountain of paperwork that must be completed by the end of the day. Your coworkers aren't exactly Mr. Sunshine either; some are jealous of your new position, while others are unhappy that you were promoted so quickly after just a few years on the job. Skipping lunch to get more work done just made things worse, and then a female employee who has made it clear she has a thing for your boyfriend trips you up, spilling the box you were carefully holding. Furious, you seized her by the hair and struck her in the face, letting out all of your pent-up rage in one swift motion.
It didn't take long for your boss to yell at you both and haul you into his office for punishment. Because you could no longer tolerate your toxic work environment and excessive workload, you submitted your resignation and walked out.
Of course, it started to rain and you forgot to pack an umbrella, just like some cliché play scenario. You didn't care anymore, so you strolled through it and arrived at your shared home drenched in rain like a dog. Because of the boots your partner left by the door, you assumed he had already arrived home from work. Since you didn't want to face him right now, you turned around and went into the kitchen. When he saw you walk past him, he followed you to the kitchen so he could confront you about how you behaved at work, punching someone and resigning after.
"Care to tell me how you behaved like a deranged hilichurl and punch someone? Also resigning from work? You're not usually like this (Y/N). I expected better from you"
Your lover crosses his arm, reprimanding you with a frown on his face.
"You're not gonna explain? Fine, two can play th-"
"Shut up, you don't even know what shit happened to me today"
"How can you? You're always gone or you're too tired to talk or you're just so cold that I can't even tell you things that's happening to me. My problems are too small compared to yours right? I'm just some insignificant mortal to you, why even bother to talk now. I'm so tired, everyday feels worse, maybe this too won't work anymore I-"
"Don't say that (Y/N)"
He doesn't know what to do after hearing about you fighting with someone; fear grips him as he imagines you being wounded. He doesn't know how to approach you about it, so he confronts you instead, guilt gnawing at him as you turn to face him, on the edge of sobbing.
He wraps his arms around you and kisses your head. Fear and regret were already washing over him as you sobbed on his chest. He lets you cry it all out, never breaking his embrace with you, only tightening it further while you sob in front of him. He's not used to expressing his feelings and affection. He has no idea how much it hurts you, and to scold you after what happened? He curses himself, because he is the one who does not deserve you right now. He  takes your kindness and love for granted. Apologizing isn't enough, so he swore to be a better lover now that you need him more.
"I'm sorry (Y/N), promising right now won't make things better and I'm not a good lover to you either but one thing I'm sure of is that I love you so much. I'll be better for you..... and if you want I can purge that workplace of yours includi-"
He stops when he heard you laugh, weakly punching his chest as you look up to him. He smiles subconsciously at the sight, and he forces his brain to remember every feature of your beautiful face.
"You looks so handsome when you smile"
"What? What are you talking about? The disrespect-"
He continues to mumble incoherently as he tries to conceal the redness of his face, but you can't help but notice that his ears, in particular, are glowing a bright crimson.
"I love you"
"I love you too (Y/N) and I'm sorry again"
"It's all good, I'm sorry too but thank you for having you by my side. It means a lot"
"I should be the one saying that, Archons you'll be my fall (Y/N) but I'll gladly have it than you without my side"
He's a simp your honor,
anyways thanks for reading as always, you guys are the best. Since everything seems stressful lately, I want to make this as some of comfort. Enjoy reading.
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bi-bard · 2 years
You Brought Heaven Down to Right Where I Stood - Prince Charmont Imagine (Ella Enchanted)
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Title: You Brought Heaven Down to Right Where I Stood
Pairing: Prince Charmont X Reader
Word Count: 1,608 words
Warning(s): none
Summary: (Inspired by "Greater Than Gatsby" by Elizabeth Gerardi) (Y/n) has trouble faulting Char for how hopeful and determined he can be at times. They just never thought that such hope and determination would be aimed at them.
Author's Note: Someone on my post about Hugh Dancy characters that I wanted to write about asked for a Prince Charmont imagine. I listen to my readers. (And if there are any other Hugh Dancy characters that you'd like me to write about... let me know)
Charmont and I had been friends for as long as I could remember.
My family had worked for his before either one of us were even thoughts in their minds. My father in particular had grown close to Char's father before his death.
Now, I was grown and still working in the castle. Char was a prince being looked after by his uncle.
We were still close. Probably closer than we should've been. I had a theory that his uncle really didn't like me due to how close Char and I were.
Char would usually spend his free time with me. He would just be around me and talk to me. Sometimes he would help me with whatever I was working on. Granted that was incredibly rare because it was in fact my job and I didn't want to get caught forcing the prince to help clean.
Being close to Char was nice.
He was kind and funny and smart. It felt so natural being around him. I could only hope that he saw it the same way.
We went through years like that. Just friends. Friends that would talk and be together almost every day.
That never changed. Not until there was a ball held at the castle one night.
I was standing off to the side, waiting for something to need to be done.
I watched the people all dance together. It looked like fun. The joy in the room was almost infectious, causing a grin to form on my face as I watched them.
I spotted Char as he walked away from a dance. Our eyes met and a smile formed on his face as his steps sped up. I smiled back.
"Dance with me," he said when he made his way over.
"I cannot," I replied. "I am on the job."
"Then, count this as one of your duties."
"I do believe that your uncle defines what I am meant to do," I chuckled. "Thank you for the offer."
"Please, I am bored out of my mind," he sounded like a toddler. He leaned against the wall next to me. "At least conversations with you can go beyond giggling and poorly planned flirting."
"Is the poor flirting on their part or yours?"
He scoffed. "Excuse me?"
"An honest question," I shrugged, smirking a bit at him. I let my eyes scan the room to see if anything needed to be done.
"Why won't you dance with me," he asked after a moment.
"Because I am on the job," I repeated. "If your uncle saw me, I would either be out of a job or beheaded. Which one would purely depend on his mood."
"So, you're scared of my uncle spotting us?"
"To put it simply."
"I can work around that," he shrugged.
"Excuse me- Char!"
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the door next to us. I tried to keep up with him as he guided us through the halls. I stumbled a few times, but he didn't seem to notice.
"I swear, you are going to get me killed," I muttered as he stopped moving.
"Oh, you know that I would never let that happen," he replied as he let go of my arm. "You're too important."
I scoffed. "Ah, yes, the very important castle servant."
His hand was on the door next to us but stopped when he heard me speak. I didn't see anything wrong with what I had said, but the way he looked at me made me pause. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, his eyes jumping all around my face. It was like he was trying to see if I was being serious or not. I forced a grin at him, suddenly much more nervous than I had been.
Char shook his head before pushing the door open. He nodded for me to walk inside before him.
I had never been in this room. I had been told to avoid it. In all honesty, I don't know if I was meant to know what the room was. My father had told me about it when I was younger, but I had never found it on my own. The room alone was a small piece of history. The hall of mirrors.
"I cannot be here," I said as the door closed behind us. "I know what this room is."
"You can be here," Char replied. "I invited you here. Who is going to argue with my wishes?"
I paused. He had a point.
"Now, dance with me," he held his hand out.
"You don't think your uncle will look for you here," I asked.
It was his turn to pause for a moment. "In all honesty, I was more focused on getting to dance somewhere beautiful with you than I was on complete privacy."
"I say again, you are going to get me killed," I chuckled.
"Well, might as well get a dance in before your death then," he nodded toward his hand, which was still extended toward me.
I almost felt light-headed. I wasn't supposed to do this.
But still, I accepted, placing my hand in his. The smile that formed on his lips made it worth it.
He carefully intertwined our fingers before placing his free hand on my side. I tried my best to hide any nervousness as I rested my free hand on his shoulder.
"Um, is this a good time to mention that I have never danced with anyone before," I asked.
He let out a quiet laugh. "It will be alright. Just follow me."
I nodded, letting him guide us.
It felt strange at first. Dancing with no music, I mean. How we managed to fall into some natural rhythm, I would never know.
It was mostly light-hearted.
Laughing through spins and poorly calculated moves. Quiet conversations about people around the castle and things we had seen back at the ball. It was just normal. Calm.
At some point, there was a shift.
I didn't notice at first.
I was still talking about some incident during the castle tour a few days ago when Char had fallen silent. When I finished the story and he hadn't even chuckled, I noticed something was wrong. No. Wrong isn't the right word. Different.
He was just looking at me.
He didn't respond.
There was this soft look in his eyes that made my heart speed up a bit. Was that new? Had he looked at me like that before? I tried to think of any time I had seen that look.
They were all maybes.
Maybe I had seen it one morning when I dropped off his breakfast and opened the curtains in his room. I had assumed it was tiredness.
Maybe I saw it when I had to guide him away from the crowds touring through the castle. We had gotten backed into a small part of the hall as they walked through. All too close to be comfortable.
Maybe I saw it when he insisted on helping me organize a part of the archive room. Through all the books and papers.
I could remember jokes the most. Other people I worked with talking about how Char supposedly looked at me. How he treated me. I could vividly remember one of them laughing as he left the room that we had been in. They joked about how lucky I was to have the prince wrapped around my finger. I denied it.
I took a deep breath before going to step away. "I really should get back to work. I don't want both of us to get in trouble-"
"Don't," he stopped me before I could mutter any more of my excuse or leave. "Just stay."
I froze where I was.
His hand let go of mine and found its way to my side. Mine fell on his other shoulder.
There was a pause. A pause where all we did was look at each other.
I don't know what made Char move, but I saw the grin that formed on his lips before he did. He leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine.
My first thought was to pull away. But as he gently kissed me, I found myself dismissing that thought easily.
I had always wanted this. This gentleness. The way my heart sped up and my mind relaxed. I craved that feeling of being loved and cared for. I wanted that. I wanted that with Char, specifically.
I relaxed into the kiss, my body moving closer to his like it was the most natural thing I had ever done. I felt like I had wasted so much time. Like we should've done this a long time to go.
He pulled away first. He didn't move far, resting his forehead on mine, nudging my nose with his a few times. My eyes opened a few moments after his. He was still grinning at me. I smiled back at him.
"I love you," he whispered. "I have for as long as I can remember. Before I had the proper word for it."
"I love you too, Char," I mumbled back.
There was a pause between us. We just let the words hang in the air between us. Not tense or awkward, just there.
"I do need to go back," I muttered, chuckling a bit.
Char laughed back and shook his head. "Just stay a little while longer."
I almost refused. But I stopped myself. "Okay. A little while longer."
He hummed in approval. "I love you."
"I love you too."
It felt so good to say those words with no hesitation.
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came across a long meta post about gojo (and nanami, but primarily gojo) regarding approaches to the child soldier problem, and gojo's teaching style, among other things like selfishness and other things, and overall i enjoyed the post although i didn't agree with all of it, but it was well written and not slandering of anyone
one thing i noted was missing though in op's discussion, which is probably just an experience thing, was the experience of actually teaching kids in a corrupt system that you can't immediately change
so the tl;dr of the post im responding to (at least the part im "responding to" here) was that gojo is an 'ends justify the means' person (i agree) and he wants the students as political allies not like a caretaker would (this, yes and no) and he still endangers the students' lives by wanting them to just get stronger for their safety and sending them into dangerous fights, specifically contrasting in a way to how nanami strongly maintains the child/adult boundary, verbally telling yuuji he's a child and nanami is responsible for watching out for him (these things are also true).
so first i wanna say the op did not favor any character over another and im not doing that either because these things actually complement each other perfectly. just wanted to get that out of the way
anyway, what i think that perspective is missing is, like i said, what it's like to be a teacher of students in a system that is completely antagonistic to them, traumatizes them, and is designed to beat them down. i work in education, and i have for a few years now with ages from pre-k to college. specifically recently, i did a lot with sat/act prep kids.
i hate standardized tests. they're ableist, racist, classist, they don't reflect anything the kids actually learn in school in any familiar order, the testing environment is hostile at best, it's yet another number that kids put onto their worth, it's another way for colleges to discriminate, it's another part of our whole fucked up awful school system where kids get 4-8 hours of homework a night while expected to sleep and socialize and go to school for 8 hours not to mention extracurriculars and on and on. i don't think i need to tell tumblr everything wrong with the school system, it's pretty widely discussed here KJHDFGF
but no matter how bad it is, i can't change that. i can't get rid of the sat/act on my own. i can't make it so kids get less homework and more time to live their lives in peace. i can't make it so parents don't abuse their kids for getting a B. i can't fix it all alone.
what i can do, is help the kids through it, and i can teach them what it should be like, or at least what's wrong with it now. i work them through the prep material which does include its own question sets and practice tests that have their own grueling aspects. but i also validate their complaints about too much homework, i openly criticize standardized tests for the reasons listed above. and i can hope that i will give them the courage and knowledge to stand up against the system in the future, either with people like me by their side, or alone.
to use the language from the original post, i want them as my allies. i do. i don't think there's anything wrong with that. it sucks they have to live this way, but they have to live this way right now. it doesn't mean i don't care about them, in fact the exact opposite. i do this precisely because i care about every student, and i care about future students, and we need to inspire future generations to do better for their own future and the futures of their children. we do that by doing as good as we can for them while still enabling them with the tools to make it through this shitty system while it still exists.
of course gojo wants allies from the kids. that's how you enact change. that's exactly what teaching is for. yes, he still does send them into battles and expect them to get stronger and fight. they live in a world where the people in charge can (and DID) send three teenagers with misinformation into a fight that isolated them with a special grade spirit way above all their levels, just to kill ONE kid. they clearly did not care about the collateral damage of megumi and nobara in that situation, just to get yuuji killed. they also did that when gojo was gone, because they knew he would argue. as long as that's the world they live in, i can't fault gojo for a second for operating in that structure to make them stronger because if those are the risks they're facing then that's what they need to survive.
im not saying it's perfect, or that he's perfect. absolutely not. he is often careless and impulsive and blind to risks he's putting other people through. that and caring for his students can exist at the same time. i wanted to specifically disagree with the assessment that the allies he wants from the students are just political, and it's unrelated to any care he may have for them. (not to mention separately he says "no one can take youth from the young" etc on other occasions but i digress)
conversely, since the op mentioned it, nanami is operating against the structure. he has the (correct) ideal that kids should not have to deal with this shit and die for it, so he forces that into reality by asking yuuji to stand back and let him take charge of the fight, because he's the adult. and that's actually completely necessary to have alongside something like what gojo is doing. the kids need to learn how to operate and survive in the system so they can enact change later, and they also need someone who's willing to demonstrate what reality should be like to them right in front of them. honestly those things go hand in hand exactly as they should. they believe the same thing, they’re just going about it in different ways.
tl;dr, when teaching in a broken system, often the most you can do to change it for the better is just work within it while also talking about what should be changed, in hopes that one day that change can actually happen, and that's what gojo is doing when he says he wants his students as "allies"
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stra-tek · 10 months
Excerpt ??? (I've lost count) from I Survived Kirk, my forthcoming fanfic autobiography of a bitter redshirt on Kirk's Enterprise
The entire reason this book exists is as a rebuttal of Risk is Our Business.  I’m not sure how much of that was written by Kirk himself and how much was his ghost writer, but the man depicted in that book is not the man I worked under for years.  Not in personality, not in reasoning.  Not in anything.  I see it as more whitewashing of history, more misinformation to pass along to the next generation.  This book exists as a counterpoint.  I’m no James T Kirk, I haven’t done the things he has.  I’ll never be as famous and this book will never be read by anywhere near as many people.  But if I can get through to just a few that’s fine by me.  So long as the truth as I know it is preserved in some way.
I first met James Tiberius Kirk when I reported aboard the USS Enterprise as a crewman in 2264.  He came in with a reputation, as the hero of what they were calling the “Gioghe Incident” where he’d taken command of the USS Lydia Sutherland, and although he lost his ship, he’d saved many lives.  He’d just been given a medal and a promotion.
The entire Enterprise crew was gathered in the shuttlebay for the change-of-command ceremony.  I was right at the back, in front of the mammoth clamshell doors.  At the other end of the bay, Captain Pike wished everyone well and Captain Kirk gave a short and completely unmemorable speech.
He seemed like a nice enough guy.  Young for a captain but confident in himself, enough so that you wanted to follow him.  And people would – for better or worse.
Our historic five-year mission was to begin with a routine patrol of bases along the Klingon border, ferrying a touring troupe to entertain the base personnel.  It was meant to be something nice and easy to get the crew accustomed to each other and their new commander.
Kirk’s mother and father both served in Starfleet.  Daddy Kirk rose through the ranks, becoming first officer of the Einstein-class deep-space scout USS Kelvin.  When James was born, George decided an assignment closer to Earth was preferable to years-long missions in deep space.  He transferred to become security chief of Starbase 2, the K-class space station roughly two weeks from Earth which I’d just left.
Apparently George and Winona Kirk’s Starfleeting was more important than raising kids, since they left Jimbo with relatives on Tarsus IV.
A teenage Jim Kirk survived The Tarsus IV Massacre, which cannot have left him without some serious psychological scars.
What was The Tarsus IV Massacre, you ask?  It was quite a big news story throughout the Federation at the time.  An alien fungus ruined an Earth colony’s entire food supply, and with help too far out to prevent mass starvation, the colony’s governor, a man named…Anton?  Arnold?  A-something Kodos decided the cull the “less useful” members of it’s population, so that the ones he decided were worthy of survival would survive long enough for help to arrive. 
So, he murdered half the colony’s population.  And then – here’s the kicker – rescue arrived much earlier than expected.  Early enough that nobody needed to be executed.  Except they already had.  Oh dear.
The scenes shown on the newscasts were shocking and graphic.  Far worse than anything I’d ever seen in my life up until that point.  Usually you hear just hear about murders and horrible events with options to click for more details and gross images.  Here we got shocking images of piles of charred dead bodies, many children, in our newsfeeds.  It was mind-blowing and harrowing to see things like this are still happening in Federation territory.  On a Federation colony world, no less.
It gets weirder, there were people asking how Kodos would be thought of had rescue arrived when expected, and his mass executions had saved half the population rather than doomed the whole?  While it’s an interesting scenario, the entire idea of this Kodos being the one to decide who lives and who dies is repulsive. Much more on James Kirk later.  And more on Kodos, too.
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