#but i ALWAYS miss these unspoken things people expect from me
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bumblesimagines · 1 month
War Between Kin
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: When Rhaenyra Targaryen takes her throne back, she ensures to take care of the remaining Greens in the Keep. Jacaerys attempts to figure out the whereabouts of the Usurper King Aegon by questioning his younger sister.
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers, F!Reader
CW/TW: Typical GoT/HOTD warnings, AU where what happened in the Gullet does not occur, for plot purposes Jace and Baela are not engaged, potential spoilers for S3/events in the books, mentions of Targcest, brief mention of arranged marriage, bastardphobia,
I'm about to fill up the fucking tag because of this man. Super short but here you go for my fem readers!
"Where is Aegon Targaryen?"
"I've already told you, I do not know."
Jace had long grown tired of repeating himself, and he knew for certain his aunt had grown tired of the questioning the first time he asked. A rough near twenty minutes had passed since he'd first entered the bedchambers she'd been confined to when his mother returned to her rightful home, and he'd learned nothing new about the whereabouts of his missing uncle nor who could have had a hand in smuggling the usurper out of King's Landing.
Truthfully, Jace's patience always had a tendency to run out. He certainly felt it reaching the end of its line as he bounced his knee and laced his fingers over his stomach, eyes tracking his aunt as she paced the room back and forth clad in that godsforsaken shade of green Dowager Queen Alicent often wore. His legs ached just watching her continuously move, although he suspected if she stopped and sat across from him as he'd asked her to numerous times, she'd likely strike at him until someone tore her off him.
"He is your eldest brother, is he not?" Jace spoke through near-gritted teeth, the bouncing of his leg intensifying with each passing second.
The longer they went without locating Aegon Targaryen, the longer his mother went without rest. He remained a threat to them all, even in his battered and ruined state. Half his body burnt, they'd said, and hardly able to walk by himself without help. Jace hardly understood why anyone would desire someone in his state on the throne.
"I am not my brother's keeper." (Y/N) seethed lowly, voice laced with irritation and legs continuing to move back and forth across the room. Her hands tightly clutched the skirt of her dress, keeping it barely lifted to avoid tripping over it.
Despite the rather eyesore of a color reminding Jace of her traitorous family, he'd be a fool to deny it wasn't a beautiful dress that suited her well. She looked regal, if not incredibly furious with him and the rest of his family. It'd been expected after all the fighting and bloodshed between their families even before the war began.
"Do not lie to me, Aunt." Jace scoffed, bracing his arms against the table before him. "All my life, you've always been the watcher amongst your siblings. I doubt not a single thing happened in this castle, in this city, without you learning of it. You must tell me where your brother has fled before Daemon's patience with your stubbornness runs thin. He will not be as kind as I have been."
(Y/N) scowled at him and finally ceased her mindless pacing, her back turning to him and hands raising to her face. In all the years Jace had known the beautiful woman before him, he'd only ever seen her lose her icy demeanor once when Aemond's eye was taken and she'd bitten the skin around her nails until they were raw. He disliked it. He much preferred her snarky attitude over her anxious habits unbefitting of a lady such as her.
"What of Helaena?" She questioned abruptly, her dress swishing when she spun around to face him and her eyes squinting with an unspoken accusation. "You have kept your dogs at bay, have you not? She is not of sound mind." 
"Helaena is the most innocent out of the lot of you! Her Grace would never bring harm upon Helaena, of all possible people." Utterly absurd! Jace hardly believed his ears, hardly found it within himself not to snap at her and remind her it'd been her brother who'd killed Luke mercilessly. Still, (Y/N) released a dry laugh, her shoes smacking against the ground as she stormed up to the table.
"Do pray tell, Nephew," She spat the word venomously, as if it were full of filth. "What were Rhaenyra's intentions when she hired those animals who forced Helaena to choose between her sons? What were Rhaenyra's intentions when those animals killed my nephew before his siblings, mother, and grandmother? Helaena has lost her mind. She relives that night every waking moment. A son for a son, they claimed, justice on behalf of Rhaenyra the Cruel."
Jace shot up from his seat, nearly knocking the chair back from sheer force, and slammed his palms against the table with his lips pulled back into a snarl. "Her Grace did not order the death of any of Helaena's sons!" 
"Oh, even better, she cannot keep a leash on her own people, then?" (Y/N) laughed again, dry and bitter. "Let us pray Aemond and Daeron arrive quickly with their army, shall we? At least then we will be spared the reign of a queen who cannot control her own allies. It's pathetic, Jacaerys, utterly pathetic. Even if the Realm allows a queen to sit the throne, they will never accept a bastard."
"Mind your tongue, Princess, before I-" 
"Before you what?" (Y/N) rounded the table swiftly, gliding along the floor until she reached his side. He managed to turn sideways to face before their chests pressed together, their faces mere inches apart and noses threatening to brush against each other. Jace stiffened, his hands rolling into tightly clenched fists and eyes struggling to remain focused on the lilac of her irises. "Before you cut my tongue out as your grandfather once threatened? Do it, then. Cut my tongue out, here and now, and show your subjects you will not be a king of words alone."
Jace remained silent, his nostrils flaring with his deep inhale and jaw clenching. A challenge, a rather blatant one from his aunt of all people. His cheeks warmed against his will, the embarrassment trickling in because he'd never dare to lay a threatening finger on a lady, much less a beloved princess of the Realm. Jace stared into her eyes and swallowed, his mind searching for words he could shoot back at her. 
"A bastard and a coward, then? You will be the end of our dynasty with your tainted blood." She hissed lowly, her breath fanning against his face. "The Gullet did not make you a warrior, did it? Not when you had to be dragged out of the waters full of arrows by another bastard."
The sound of a sword unsheathing filled his ears and made his blood bubble with dread, unable to do anything else when she stepped back and pressed the tip of his sword against his throat. Jace's head instinctively tilted up, his heart beginning to drum against his ribcage when his adams apple dragged along the sharp blade threatening to cut his skin. Her lips curled up cruelly and she shook her head slowly, her earrings swaying with her movements.
"The Realm will never a bastard such as yourself to sit the Iron Throne. It'd be an insult to each of the Great Houses. I could end this pathetic display of a boy pretending to be man right here... but your inheritance would fall on the shoulders of young Joffery, and Gods know what Daemon would do to that boy with the line of succession so close to reaching his own sons. I would rather witness Daemon stew in his desperate desire to see his own blood on the throne than offer him up a child on a platter. Unlike your mother, I am not that cruel."
"Daemon knows his place." Nobody would ever believe those words, not even Jace himself. "He is King Consort. He's achieved what he's always desired."
"Has he?" (Y/N) slowly retracted the sword from his throat and tossed it onto the table with a clatter. "Or is he merely lying in wait as he's done time and time again? When he was refused the throne, he waited for the opportunity to arise to bring humiliation on your mother. When he was exiled, he waited for Ser Laenor to be no more so he could take the heir for himself. You are not his son, Jacaerys. You are an obstacle, and Daemon obviously despises obstacles. It will only be a matter of time before he realizes if something were to occur to your mother, he would rule as regent, and as regent, he'd do whatever he desired."
(Y/N) turned away from him once more, her skirt dragging along the stone floor as she walked toward her open window and stopped by it, staring out into the long expense of ocean. Jace took his sword and slid it into his sheath again, internally scolding himself for having grown distracted before he approached his aunt, his steps slow and cautious. 
"Rhaenyra should have never been named heir." (Y/N) murmured, and Jace's eyes fell down to her hands, watching her scrape her nails along the skin of her fingers. Her eyes danced, never focusing on one thing for longer than a second as her mind continued working with thoughts and ideas Jace surprisingly longed to hear. 
"And yet, she is the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms... and by late morrow she expects you to bend the knee publicly before the court." 
"Or what? She shall behead me as she did my grandsire? I hear the executions have become a daily occurrence. Rhaenyra the Cruel's bloody reign, they shall call it. You will see in due time that we would have all been better for it if she had accepted the terms for peace. Your brother may have yet lived, and you would not have nearly met the Stranger in the Gullet." 
"We are still at war, Princess, and we'd be fools to keep traitors in our midst," Jace spoke, but he could not stop the tremor in his voice. It'd been satisfying at first when they spilled the blood of Otto Hightower and his son, as well as the Small Council members who'd so openly opposed his mother. But then, blood continued to be spilled, and neither Rhaenyra nor Daemon would stop to hear of it. "It is... for the good of the Realm." 
(Y/N) shook her head but otherwise remained silent, the fury she'd contained in her body dissolving. She continued watching the distant waves in the water, her nails only digging harder and harder into her skin until they threatened to break through to her flesh and blood. Unable to help himself, Jace clasped his hand over hers to stop the constant scratching, his lips pressing together and a quiet sigh escaping him.
"I am here to question you about Aegon Targaryen's whereabouts... but I suppose I should also inform you that your mother has made a proposal in an attempt to stop the bloodshed and put an end to the war. She's offered up a betrothal between you and I so that both sides may come together in marriage. Her Grace agreed to some of the terms that came with the proposal, among them a promise to not bring harm upon Helaena, Jaehaera, or Ser Daeron if he bends the knee. She will have the heads of Aegon and Aemond regardless." 
His aunt stared at him for a good long while, her body eventually tilting to face him fully. Her arms dropped down to her sides, forcing Jace to drop his hand as well. She wet her lips and turned her gaze away, the news finally beginning to settle into her body. She opened her mouth, looking back at him: "I would rather fling myself from this window than marry a bastard and further tie myself to a hopeless cause." 
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little-diable · 2 months
Unspoken nicknames and lost loves – Dean Winchester (smut)
I crave Dean Winchester as if he's a drug. How insane. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader walked out on Dean and his lifestyle years ago, and yet she has never managed to let go of her love for him. Perhaps a nest of vampires in her town is exactly what needed to happen to bring them back together. Honestly, just pwp.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, mentions some heartbreak and talks about leaving, fluff tho
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader (3k words)
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Darkness wrapped itself around (y/n), it crawled up her tired body like a snake slithering through Eden, knowing that chaos would unfold soon enough. The stone bench she was sitting on did little to shield her body from the cold night, leaving her trembling as she waited for his arrival. And yet she didn’t even know if he would show, if he had listened to the panicked voice message she had left hours ago.
Her eyes wandered over the rows of endless graves, trying to decipher the unfamiliar names to keep herself distracted. A part of her wondered why she was so sure that he’d show, after years of silence on her end – years of his calls she had ignored, of sober and drunk messages she had deleted. And yet a small part knew that he’d always come when she called, keeping the promise he had made years ago.
Dean Winchester had always been her enigma, the one she found herself clinging to for years, tied to him from her teenage years on, all until the day where she had packed her bag to leave the brothers and their lifestyle behind. A day that had flipped her life completely, luring her away from the places she had called her home for years on end, ripping it all out of her hands because her anxious overthinking mind had gotten the best of her.
And yet she didn’t regret running, at least not from the unstable lifestyle she had never managed to adjust to. But no matter how many years had passed since that day, she couldn’t shake her longing for the man she had once wanted to marry, the man she had hurt more than words could express, the man she expected to find her in moments of desperation.
“A cemetery, how fitting.” Dean Winchester’s raspy voice rang in her ears, forcing (y/n)’s glassy eyes towards his frame. He towered over her, letting his green eyes dance over her features while hers did the same, taking in every inch of the handsome face she’d never forget, no matter what may happen to her.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d come, but I thought this spot was far away enough for you to at least consider meeting me.” Dean sat down next to her on the bench, letting one arm rest behind her back. It wasn’t the first time she was seeing him again after leaving him, they had run into one another every now and then, and yet it was the first time they were all alone, without Sam or any of her friends near.
“You know I’ll always come whenever you need me, (y/n).” The use of her name cut deeper than she thought it would, instantly missing the nickname he had once used, a familiar sound she craved like a starving woman in need of food. She had to avert her gaze for a moment, no longer able to get lost in the eyes she’d always find, no matter how big a crowd may be, lured towards Dean Winchester like two magnets made to fit.
“So, vampires, huh?” She was glad for the change of topic, all too aware of the doubts that began to grow louder, leaving her to wonder if this had been a mistake.
“You know I don’t want anything to do with this, but I knew I had to call you. I’m sure you picked up on the series of missing people around here, the second I saw them killing that woman, I knew you could help.” Her mouth felt dry, struggling to speak about the things she had sworn she‘d keep away from. But no matter where she was, no matter what she was doing, it seemed as if there was no way out of this mess she had once lived through.
“I will call Sam, we will take care of this.“ Dean‘s hand found her knee, softly squeezing it before he dropped it once again, instantly making her miss the soft touch. (Y/n) couldn’t stop herself from smiling at him, allowing her a handful of seconds to properly look at the man her heart was still aching for.
“You can stay at mine for the few days you two will be around, if you want.“ The offer had rolled off her tongue before (y/n) could even have tried to stop it. For a moment, Dean kept quiet, not speaking up while she silently cursed herself for making this even harder for her. But before (y/n) could try to pull the offer back, Dean let go of a soft hum.
“That would be nice, thank you.” A soft smile was shot her way before he rose to his feet, letting his hands disappear in the pockets of his trousers. Both allowed one another to have one last look, giving the moment an almost melancholic touch before Dean parted his lips once again. “Sam will call you once we’re on the way. Be careful, (y/n).”
And all she could do was watch Dean Winchester leave her side once again, taking another piece of her heart with him.
“Thank you for letting us stay, (y/n). I’m sure this isn’t easy for you.” Sam had his hand placed on her shoulder, holding her close while Dean was taking a quick shower. She had missed having Sam around, the one she had kept in touch with over the past years, desperate for updates on the man she still longed for.
“I’m happy to see you, both of you.” She didn’t manage to speak another word, didn’t want to dwell on the feeling of regret and anxiety simmering inside of her. All she could do was turn from Sam, focusing on the bottles of beer she had bought, very well knowing that some things won’t ever change when it comes to the Winchester brothers.
“Shower’s free.” Dean’s raspy voice lured Sam from her side, forcing (y/n)’s eyes to Dean who leaned against the door frame with wet hair and clothes that hugged his frame a tad bit too well. With heat clinging to her, (y/n) tried to busy herself with preparing some snack, anything she could do to keep her eyes from wandering back to Dean.
“It’s a nice place you’ve got here.” He plopped down in one of the chairs, shooting her a grateful smile as she reached a beer out for him to take. (Y/n) was grateful that he hadn’t commented on the pictures she had hung up around her place, old memories of her and the two brothers, of shared friends and long lost loved ones. She was grateful that he didn’t tease her about any of them, well aware of the way she had struggled without them close, even though she had been the one who had decided to run.
“It’s enough for now.” His hum rumbled through him, echoing through the kitchen like a cry she struggled to keep bottled in. “So, no boyfriend or roommate you share this place with?”
“Oh come on, Dean.” (Y/n) scoffed at his words while shaking her head. She knew that he couldn’t be this oblivious, unaware of the heartache she had caused them both and still hadn’t managed to overcome. Even back then, when she had left him, (y/n) had known that no other man would ever come after him, after the one she had loved more than life itself, the brightness to her darkest days, the air she needed to breathe. She was choking without him, dying a slow death she was to blame for.
“What? Don’t tell me you haven’t been with anyone, it’s been years, (y/n).” Dean’s words cut deep, dripping with spite. She couldn’t stop her body from turning towards him, from staring at him with glassy eyes that were filled with unshed tears. She wasn’t stupid, was well aware that Dean had been with many women, spending nights or even weeks with them, at least until another hunt called him and Sam away. And yet she didn’t manage to swallow her jealousy, the biting sensation that left a bitter taste on her tongue.
“I haven’t, and I doubt I ever will.” With her back turned towards him, (y/n) kept her eyes focused on the kitchen island she was leaning against, palms pressed flat against the cold material. She had to blink away her tears, unable to stop a few from rolling down her warm cheeks. The sound of his chair screeching rang in her ears, followed by the sounds of his feet softly meeting the ground, telling her that Dean was moving closer.
“Look at me, (y/n).” His hands found her waist, turning her front back towards him. His green eyes were filled with pain, a sensation so strong, it forced a sob right out of (y/n). Wordlessly he wiped her falling tears away while a soft smile played on the lips she had last kissed years ago. “Talk to me, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“It’s so pathtic, god, fuck.” Her eyes fluttered close, she didn’t endure looking at him any longer, needing a few moments to deeply inhale some new air. Dean kept his hand placed on her cheek, holding onto her while silence wrapped itself around the two ex-lovers who clung to one another as if it was their final moment together.
“I know it’s my fault. I walked away, I couldn’t cope with this life. But I left my heart with you, I knew that I won’t ever get to love another person the same way I love you. And for a while I thought I could live with that, away from you and that unstable life. But now,” a shaky breath left her as her eyes flickered back to his. “Now I am no longer so sure about that.”
Dean pulled her into his chest, letting his chin rest on her head while another sob clawed through (y/n). With every passing moment, it felt as if Dean was tightening his grip on her, scared that she’d run before he found the strength to reply.
“You know, I was angry at you for leaving, probably for years. But the older I get, the more I understand it. It wasn’t fair of us to drag you into this, to force you to move around and live without any perspectives while we were both so young. You deserve better and I’ve accepted that. But I also always knew that you were it for me, no other person will ever manage to make me feel that love we shared.” His words felt like another punch to her gut, forcing her through these memories she had tried to drown with the love she had once felt – unsuccessfully.
“I don’t want to let go of you, Dean. I know I have to, but I don’t know how much longer I can live with this pain.” With his hand finding the back of her neck, he pulled her tear-stained face away from his broad chest. She was high on his scent, the comfortable scent she had craved to smell for years. His thumb rang along her lower lip, feeling the bite marks her teeth had left behind while trying to stop herself from speaking up.
He didn’t have to ask for permission as he dipped his head down to kiss her, to press his lips against hers like he had once done numerous times each day. Instantly, she felt hurled back in time, letting herself fall back into a familiar routine as her arms found their way around his neck and his tongue met hers.
Only as the sound of Sam nearing managed to reach them did they pull away from one another. Breathlessly, they looked at one another for a handful of seconds before she turned back towards the snacks and Dean moved towards the chair he had been sitting on.
“So, how’s life around here, (y/n)? Is it as quiet as you wanted it to be?”
“Dean?” She mumbled his name as she woke to the feeling of someone slinging their arms around her frame to pull her against a broad chest. (Y/n) could instantly tell that it was Dean, wrapping her in his comfortable embrace as she shuffled around, needing to look up at him.
“I can’t stop thinking about what you said to me earlier.” His confession filled her bedroom, weighing heavy on both their souls. Slowly, she moved her hand up his shirt, letting it rest on his chest while her fingers traced his exposed collar bones.
“I meant it, every part of it.” The heavy exhale that followed her words interrupted their silence, drawing their eyes back to one another. It felt like a deja-vu, happening just like hours ago where he had finally kissed her again after all these years. Their lips melted together, hearts and souls intertwined while he pulled (y/n) on top of him.
“Do you want this? I need you to be sure, sweetheart.” Her heart skipped a beat at the use of his old nickname for her, leaving her dazed while a soft “Yes” managed to leave her slightly swollen lips. Without letting go of her, Dean flipped them around, hovering over her while he got rid of his shirt. He took his time, teasing her for a few moments before he exposed his upper body to her wandering eyes.
Dean allowed her to trace his marks, to explore the skin she had once been all too familiar with, needing a few seconds to adjust once again. But he grew impatient all too quickly, letting his hands disappear beneath her shirt to pull it from her frame. Within seconds his mouth found her chest, kissing their way to her naked breasts.
(Y/n)’s quiet moans were like fuel to the fire, begging him to suck on her hardening nubs while she bucked her hips, feeling his hardening cock press against her covered heat. Nothing could happen now to pull them away from one another, to stop them from what was about to unfold, they were too far gone, set on moulding a perfect mess they never wanted to get rid of again.
“It’s been too long, I need you, need to feel you inside of me, Dean.” She was proud of herself for even finding her words while he kept rubbing himself against her, leaving her bundle of nerves pulsing. His eyes flickered up to hers, filled with a teasing anticipation that shook right through her like lightning striking her body. All while she laid still, with her hands resting next to her as if she was scared to touch him, to mess something up.
“You’re still such a needy girl for me, aren’t you, sweetheart?” With her breath hitched in her chest it felt as if she was drowning, drowning in everything Dean Winchester emanated. He rose back to a sitting position, chasing the distance between them to pull her panties down her legs before he stepped out of his boxers. (Y/n)’s greedy eyes wandered up and down his naked body, thanking whoever was listening for giving her a second chance.
“I want you bare, let me feel you.” She trusted him, knew that Dean would never risk harming her in any way, and yet she didn’t dare look at him while speaking the words that drew a gritty moan from Dean. He found his way back to her, hovering over (y/n) while he dipped his head down to kiss her. The kiss seemed to wake her from her state, letting her hands find their way up his neck to his hair, tugging on the soft roots to wordlessly beg him for more.
Dean brushed the tip of his cock through her slit, spreading her arousal on her skin before he finally sank into her. A loud moan left the both of them in unison, a sound he tried to swallow with another kiss pressed to her parted lips. He gave them a few seconds before he started to fuck her with slow thrusts, enjoying every second of their all too intimate reunion.
It felt like a dream, a surreal experience she was only dreaming about but would never experience in real life. Having Dean oh so close, being buried beneath him while he fucked her with calculated thrusts that made black dots appear in her vision – a dreamy state she never wanted to escape from.
“Look at me, pretty girl. Let me see how good I’m making you feel.” Dean’s teasing words dripped with confidence, leaving her buzzing in heat as her eyes snapped towards his. They held eye contact while his thrusts grew faster, knowing that they couldn’t drag this out even if they wanted to. Too many years had passed, years they had been forced to spend without the other near, years they were now trying to make up for.
“I love you, Dean.” She wouldn’t have managed to stop the words from leaving her even if she had tried to. Words that left him chuckling in delight before he repeated them, making her heart flutter in her chest. A blissful state that only grew more prominent as she sneaked her hand between her bodies to rub her pulsing bundle.
“I want you to cum with me, don’t let go yet, sweetheart.” (Y/n) could only let go of a choked sound while she clawed her fingernails into his shoulders, trying to stop herself from letting go. They kept looking at one another until Dean finally nodded his head, allowing her to let go as his ferocious thrusts pushed them over the edge.
Both moaned in unison as they came together, breathless sounds they couldn’t care about. The blinding sensation felt as if they were burning alive, robbing them of their breath while they were certain that it had never felt this good before.
“I’m sorry for leaving, Dean.” (Y/n) mumbled the words into the darkness of her room. She clung to him as he slowly pulled out of her, only to plop down on the mattress right next to (y/n).
“I’m sorry for just letting you go. I will never be this blind again, sweetheart.”
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rebelliousneferut · 2 months
finding you | lando norris x model!reader
summary; in the midst of social media pressure you find your soul mate
genre; smau, fluff? i'm not really sure
face claim; angelina michelle
note; english is not my first language
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˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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f1wags rumors have been circulating since the beginning of this year about formula 1 driver lando norris and model y/n l/n being in a relationship.
there had been some photos of them being together with friends and they were also captured by some paparazzi but neither of them had confirmed these rumors until today.
this is the photo that lando shared through his Instagram stories.
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username oh... this is weird
username how weird?
username do not misunderstand. i love her and i think she is a very good model, but she looks a little... cold? to be with him
username this is how you perceive her on the internet, but you don't know her and you don't know her true personality. so don't assume those things.
username am i the only one thinking that this is like marketing or smt?
y/nxlando i actually think they are a very good couple ❤️
username how the hell you might already have an account dedicated to them
y/nsource as long as my girl is happy i will be happy too
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liked by landonorris, f1gossip, y/nsource and others
y/nl/nuser ✨
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f1gossip lando doesn't miss any post of her
username just like all of us
y/nsource you are always so stunning 😍
❤️ liked by the author
y/nsource she liked my comment!!!!!
y/nxlando mommy slayyyy!!!
username i can't imagine lando dating her, he's so outgoing and she looks so cold
username you assume that just because of a photo. you do not know her so leave her alone
username yes but still
landonorris cute
❤️ liked by the author
username cute??? seriously??? there's no way you could have gotten his attention like that.
f1gossip 🤭🤭🤭
f1wags we need you in the paddock!
username i think she and lando are dating for pr, they don't seem in love
username i agree, they are trying to give her a lovely image
username i genuinely think she is too much for him.
username can you fight lando?
the camera flash is my constant companion, a blinding beacon in the manufactured world i inhabit. every smile, every pose, is a carefully constructed facade. i am a mannequin, a living, breathing doll, expected to embody perfection. the weight of this expectation is crushing my spirit.
behind the scenes, the laughter is forced, the conversations shallow. i am a ghost in my own life, a character trapped in a script I didn't write. the world sees me as a flawless goddess, but the truth is a stark contrast. i am lonely, insecure, and desperately yearning for authenticity.
then, there's lando. amidst the chaos of the fashion world, he is a breath of fresh air. a world away from the superficiality, he is grounded, genuine, and possesses an infectious laughter that makes my heart skip a beat. our paths crossed at a normal day, a chance encounter that ignited a spark.
in his company, i feel seen, truly seen. his eyes hold a depth that mirrors my own longing for something real. there is an understanding between us, a silent acknowledgment of the masks we both wear. in his arms, i find a sanctuary, a place where i can be myself without fear of judgment. lando is my escape, my reality check in a world of illusion.
"what are you thinking about?" lando asked, noticing my distant gaze.
i sighed, my phone still clutched in my hand. "people are saying we're incompatible. that i'm only with you for the image." disappointment laced my voice.
he squeezed my hand reassuringly. "don't let the online noise get to you, love. they don't know us. i love you for who you are, even the cold parts."
i couldn't help but chuckle. "i'm not always cold."
"i know," he replied with a tender smile. "and i love you for that too."
we shared a long, comfortable silence, filled with unspoken understanding.
the following weekend, we walked into the miami gp paddock, hand in hand, ready to face the world together.
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liked by norrislando.fans, y/nsource, username and others
f1wags lando and his girlfriend y/n arriving at the paddock together today. it is their first public appearance as a couple and also the first time y/n attends a race.
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y/nxlando i love them sm
username of course she was going to be there
y/nsource my girl is so beautiful ofc
username he seems tired of being with her 😂
username for god's sake, get a life
f1 and mclaren
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liked by y/nl/nuser, username, norrislandofans and others
#f1 #formula1 #miamigp
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y/nsource that was y/n's influence
norrislandofans he won his first race with his girlfriend being there for the first time 🥺🥺
y/nxlando she is his lucky charm for sure
lando.fans my boy did it!!!
username our*
landonorris posted a story;
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[caption; my lucky charm ❤️]
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liked by landonorris, y/nxlando, franciscacgomes and others
y/nl/nuser miami you will always be so special ❤️
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landonorris i love you
❤️ liked by the author
norrislandofans please don't miss you any race 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
y/nxlando what a beauty moment you two shared after the podium
username fr! for everyone that was saying that they weren't in love
y/nsource i love you!!
we emerged from the storm stronger than before, choosing authenticity over the perfect facade. the world saw us as a couple, but we knew we were soulmates.
standing on the balcony of our secluded retreat, hand in hand, we watched the sunrise. the outside world faded into a distant hum. all that mattered was this moment, us, and the promise of a future filled with love, laughter, and unwavering support.
it was a world away from the superficial life I once knew. now, i was living my truth, a story written by my heart, not by the demands of the industry. and by my side was lando, the man who showed me the beauty of being real.
together, we were a masterpiece, an unfiltered portrait of love.
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livwritesstuff · 2 months
inspired by an absolutely insufferable boy-mom skit on tiktok
“I was wrong,” Steve announces as he enters the kitchen, “It would have been better to just go by myself.”
Eddie looks up, eyebrows furrowed, because – A) it's not exactly what he’d expected his husband to say first thing after arriving home from a day spent in the Berkshires at his coworker’s wedding, and B) Steve can be stubborn as a mule when he wants to be, and almost never admits defeat – not for dumb, petty shit, anyways, like how Steve almost didn’t go to the wedding at all because Eddie couldn't go with him until their oldest daughter Moe gallantly volunteered to attend in his wake.
(Which Steve had been goddamn thrilled about too, mostly because he’s hoping if Moe sees enough wedding propaganda, she’ll start thinking about popping the big question to her partner, Gray).
“Not a fun party, I take it?” Eddie asks.
“I had a great time,” Moe shrugs.
“Oh, I know,” Steve replies, “I know you had a damn fantastic afternoon.”
Steve has a tone, and it's the same tone he used when he found out Moe helped her friends password-protect all the Fox News Channels on their WASP-y mom's TVs, the same tone he used when Moe got kicked off the basketball team the same day she received an academic award from the school for having a 5.0 GPA (which, for the record, Eddie didn't even think was possible), the same tone he always uses when Moe stirs up her very specific flavor of trouble. Thing is though – Moe is twenty-three, and while she’s been a menace since day-one, she’s got a more than decent head on her shoulders and a fine-tuned sense of place and time. It’s not exactly like her to cause problems at something as important as a wedding – not without cause anyway.
“I think I’m, like, best friends with the bride now or something,” Moe is saying, and again, Eddie’s brow furrows as he looks back at Steve.
“Wasn’t your coworker the groom?” he asks.
“Yep,” Steve sighs, “Moe got into it with his mother.”
“Oh, god.”
“It had to be done,” Moe nods, “She wore a veil. She was openly complaining about how he danced with his wife – the bride – before he danced with her. She kept getting all worked up because her baby boy was leaving her. She needed to be stopped.”
Eddie had to keep a look of understanding off his face (in solidarity with Steve, obviously), because he’s been a certified girl-dad for over two decades now and he’s had his fair share of encounters with the dreaded boy-mom (a girl-dad’s natural enemy, he’s pretty sure).
“Hon, it was not your job to get involved,” Steve tiredly insists.
“I totally disagree,” Moe replies with another casual shrug, “The maid of honor was trying her best but she clearly needed help. And – I maintain that I pulled my punches. I could’ve spilled wine on her dress, but I didn’t. There’s only one rule at weddings and it’s don’t piss off the bride. The bride thanked me afterwards, so…it was fine.”
"You've got an interesting definition of fine," Steve tells her, "I really think there's an unspoken preserve the peace rule or something that wedding guests shouldn't start shit in the middle of the reception – especially not with anyone in the wedding party."
“Oh, what would you know?” Moe fires back, “You didn’t even have a wedding!”
“And even if we had,” Eddie comments idly, “there wouldn’t have been a mother-of-the-groom present to screw shit up. Hey – people get all up in arms over the bride’s mom and the groom’s mom. What about the dads?”
Moe shrugs.
“I think the bride’s dad was just happy they didn’t do the stupid garter thing,” she says, and she misses the way Eddie’s face falls, his eyes meeting Steve’s over Moe’s head to see he’s got a matching grimace on his face.
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onlymingyus · 1 year
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pairing; boo seungkwan, lee seokmin (dk/dokyeom), kwon soonyoung (hoshi) x afab reader
genre; smut, fluff, crack
warnings; unprotected sex, anal sex, fingering (vaginally and anally), oral (f & m receiving and giving), impact play, biting/marking, scratching, praise/degradation, some mention of crying from pleasure, creampie (several times), multiple orgasms, pet names/nicknames, drinking/eating, alcohol, spicy truth or dare, pining, aftercare, honestly some poly themes
w/c; 11k and some change
requested; no
'bout you master list
a/n; thank you to @housewifehui and @wonwussy for being the literal best and editing/reading for me. ngl this ended up being longer than i thought it would be but its a lot of people in the same room and i've put a lot of feelings into fics lately, i don't like rushing things. i hope you all are enjoying that, a little less pwp and a bit more porn with plot.
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“Truth or Dare?” 
The words leave your lips as a giggle, your body resting against Dokyeom’s as he shakes his head lifting his hand for Soonyoung to hand him another beer.  He might be more on the side of drunk at this point but he couldn’t miss the way his body reacted to the feeling of your warm breath against his bare bicep. 
“Only if you actually accept some dares this time, Y/N.” 
You laugh again, your hand grabbing Dokyeom’s forearm so you could use his body to sit up a bit straighter to look at Boo Seungkwan. “I’ll have you know Boo, ‘truth’ can be just as interesting but yes…I will accept some dares. I swear it on…” The three men watch you glance around until you meet Soonyoung, who smirks at you. 
“I swear it on, Soonyoung’s favorite tiger plushie. I might even give it back one day.” 
Soonyoung narrows his eyes, tipping back a shot of tequila at your words before pointing at you. “I’ll just steal him back, you are a dirty little thief. I knew he was here.” As much as he wanted to pretend to be mad at you, Soonyoung can’t help but go soft when you laugh, shrugging your shoulders and causing one side of your sweater to slip down your arm. 
“You wouldn’t dare, I sleep with him every night, Soonie. I need him almost as much as I need you three.” 
You had no idea how your words affected the men sitting near you. While Seungkwan had to take a calming breath at the idea that you needed him, Dokyeom was still trying to keep himself in check as you leaned against him. Soonyoung was a bit bolder, his eyes roaming over your face and body as he watched you take another shot, your nose wrinkling up at the burn. 
“Truth or Dare, Y/N?” Soonyoung’s words bring you back to the present, shaking your head as you think about his question and smile stretching your legs out so that you can rest more comfortably between Dokyeom and Seungkwan. 
In truth there was nothing different about this night than any other night when the four of you had decided to have a sleepover, sitting on the floor much like tonight playing stupid party games. Plenty of nights the three men had crashed in your living room, one of them usually ending up in your bed after pouting about being cold, but it was all so seemingly innocent. Tonight there was more of an unspoken tension in the air. If you felt any of it, you didn’t seem to let it show. 
Meeting Seungkwan’s eyes, you see the challenge in his eyes, the way he raises his eyebrow knowing that you are considering choosing truth as you always do. You smile at him so sweetly that Seungkwan’s eyes drop to your lips briefly, his body shifting slightly before he looks down a grin on his face when you finally speak. 
Dokyeom hadn’t expected you to actually pick dare, shifting his body he causes you to fall against his chest. You laugh at his shocked face, a smile spreading across his handsome face, his large but gentle hands helping you to sit back up. “Sorry, just really thought you’d pick tru–” 
“I dare you to ask Dokyeom if he is turned on right now.” 
Soonyoung’s eyes almost glitter with mirth when three sets of eyes shift to him. A smirk forms on his lips as Dokyeom shakes his head and laughs trying to come up with words. “He’s just full of shit and drinking. So you don’t have to do the dare if you don’t want–” 
“Are you turned on right now, Dokyeom?” Your eyes move from Soonyoung to Dokyeom, your lashes slightly lowered as you have to look up at him in the position you are leaning against his frame. His expression quickly changes causing you to become even more curious. Your eyes follow the bob of his Adam’s apple, while you listen to Soonyoung laugh under his breath nearby. 
“I, uh…” Why wouldn’t he just answer? It should be an easy yes or no answer, at least that’s how you feel at the moment with your inhibitions slightly less, especially with how warm his body feels against yours. Sitting up, you move to your knees and tilt your head causing Dokyeom to curse under his breath, lifting his right hand he rubs the back of his neck shooting Soonyoung a dirty look. 
“Yeah, a bit.” 
Your cheeks warm slightly but a smile spreads across your face only to be slightly lessened when your teeth catch your bottom lip. A small playful squeal of a giggle leaves your lips because you can’t help but think how much fun this is. Seungkwan was right to have you take more dares. 
“My turn!” you giggle. Dokyeom takes a deep breath letting it out when you finally turn away from him to look at the other two men, his eyes finding Soonyoung once more as he shakes his head muttering, ‘fuck you.’ Soonyoung can only grin giving the younger man a playful wink while they all wait for you to make your choice. 
“Seungkwan, truth or dare?” 
The man on your right swallows hard upon hearing his name. He hadn’t realized this was how truth or dare was going to go or he might not have pushed you to accept more dares. Not that he was really complaining, just nervous as you looked at him with those pretty eyes that made his mouth go dry with nerves. 
“Uh, tr–truth…I guess.” 
You pout dramatically, pretending to be disappointed in him for choosing ‘truth’ after pushing you to do just the opposite. He watches you tilt your head from one side to the other before you crawl closer to him, a sly smirk on your lips. “Okay, tell me one thing I could do to you that would make you cum almost instantly.” 
“Holy shit, Y/N…” Soonyoung’s words are more of a laugh, his head shaking as he reaches for the bottle of tequila pouring himself and you another shot. Dokyeom takes a long drink of his beer while Seungkwan’s mouth falls open in shock. 
“You can tell me. It’s fun, Kwannie.” You smile at Seungkwan, lifting your hand to run your fingers along his cheek almost seductively expecting him to pull away or to tell you off but instead, he stays still and you feel the warmth of his skin blooming under your touch. 
“Is it fun, Y/N?” His words are quiet, but you still smile nodding your head as the youngest of the men stares into your eyes. “If that’s how we are going to play this, fine.” Finally turning his head from your touch, Seungkwan picks up the shot that had been poured for you, lifting it to his lips to tilt it back letting the liquid run down his throat. Soonyoung laughs, lifting the bottle in somewhat of a celebration offering to fill up the glass again. 
Seungkwan barely acknowledges the other man, his eyes finding yours again as he clears his throat. “If you wanted to make me cum, almost immediately? You’d have to drag your teeth along the length of my cock. Get right to where the tip begins…you know what I’m talking about, don’t you?” 
Now your cheeks were burning, and you couldn’t help but imagine doing exactly what Seungkwan was explaining to you, on him. Your eyes fall to his lap only for Seungkwan to tilt your head back up, his fingers under your chin, a smirk on his lips now. “Then you’d suck. I’d be doomed.” 
Seungkwan watches you run your teeth over your bottom lip, a smile crossing your lips, he knew that look. You were clearly thinking, and he had an idea about what. Removing his hand from your chin, Seungkwan smirks a bit, hearing you breathe out your words, your butt falling back to your knees. 
“Mm, truth or dare…Soonyoung?” 
Soonyoung had been mid-drink when Seungkwan said his name causing the man to choke on his drink. Coughing, he laughs it off and wipes his lips with the back of his hand raising his brows. “You know what, as much fun as you and Y/N made ‘truth’ look…I’m going to say dare.” 
You weren’t surprised when Soonyoung chose ‘dare’, he usually did. Most times this ended up with him running out into the cold buck naked to jump into the pool, only to come back with his hands over his crotch while he cursed, but this time you had a feeling it would be different. 
Seungkwan leans back against the bottom of the couch, his eyes moving around the room until they land on Soonyoung again. You watch Seungkwan lean forward picking up the other man’s cell phone before tossing it in his direction. 
Raising a brow Soonyoung catches the phone with a confused look on his face before Seungkwan finally speaks. “Go into another room and call Y/N. She won’t answer but you leave her a message telling her exactly what you’d like to do to her in bed.” 
Soonyoung’s mouth opens and closes a couple of times before he tilts his head moving to stand. “You think I won’t? When will she listen to it?” 
Seungkwan considers the question glancing towards you in thought before smirking slightly. “She will listen to it when she is dared to. Isn’t that right Sweetheart?” Lifting his hand he runs his fingers over your cheek much like you had his when you were teasing him. 
You nod, feeling Dokyeom’s fingers move around your waist only causing your breath to be that much harder to take as the man keeps you close. “Yeah…” 
“She’s so patient. What are you waiting for, Soonyoung?” 
His eyes were moving over the scene in front of him investigating it as if he were going to miss something if he stepped away but at Seungkwan’s question, Soonyoung sighed leaving you alone with your other two friends. 
It hadn’t escaped you that Seungkwan had called you Sweetheart or how he or Dokyeom were treating you. When you let out a small breath, Seungkwan lets his fingers fall from your face, an amused look on his face as he takes his attention from you leaving you feeling frustrated. “That’s mean…” 
Dokyeom laughs next to your ear hearing you mutter, his fingers sliding against your stomach. “I think Seungkwan is being very fair, Y/N. You are playing dirty tonight. What’s gotten into you?” 
Moving your hand over Dokyeom’s forearm you want to tell him, ‘none of them yet, which was the problem’ but before you could speak, your phone dings letting you know you have missed a call and have a voicemail waiting. 
“I can’t wait to hear what that says.” Seungkwan laughs, his eyes moving to glance at you and Dokyeom before everyone’s attention is drawn back toward Soonyoung. The sound of him literally tripping over his own feet and finally rolling over the back of the couch to land in front of the rest of you causes you to laugh. 
“Please god tell me I didn’t miss anything good! Oh, and truth or dare, Y/N?” 
Narrowing your eyes, you laugh only abruptly before the feeling of Dokyeom’s fingers brush over a spot where your shirt has lifted slightly near your hip. “Fuck…uh, truth.” 
This was not what Soonyoung had wanted to hear, you watch as he dramatically leans his head back with a groan. His eyes meet yours once again causing you to press your lips together to hide a smirk until he raises a brow. “No, you think you are getting it easy, but you proved just how much fun ‘truth’ can be. Tell us a list of names you like to be called in bed. I want the dirty truth.” 
All the men watch your tongue move along your lips, your mouth feeling suddenly very dry. Tipping back another shot of tequila you find that does nothing to help the feeling, it only makes you cough. Dokyeom laughs softly, sliding his hand from your side to your back to rub it gently. “Take a breath, I’m sure you are incredibly tame.” 
Raising a brow you find his words to be a challenge, your eyes meeting his making him smirk. “Tame?” Extending your arm out towards Soonyoung, you hold the shot glass steady allowing him to refill it for you, his fingers holding your wrist gently. 
“I like some tame names. Baby, Sweetheart, darling…those are all nice. You could be sweet to me, call me angel or Princess.” Seungkwan grins a bit, tipping his beer to his lips, seemingly taking notes as you continue to speak. 
“Or call me, Kitten…” Your eyes find Soonyoung, who lowers the tequila bottle at the name taking a breath. “You said you wanted them all?” He nods, and you lean back arching your back as if you are getting comfortable but it only causes your sweater to shift, your breasts drawing the eyes of each man. 
“I like when it gets a little dirty too. Whore or slut…but I’d rather be yours.” When you say ‘yours’ your eyes lower, a laugh on your lips tilting your glass back to take your shot before you clarify before the men’s brains explode. “I mean, in a possessive way. Maybe like, “my pretty whore or my slut”. You get what I mean?” 
No one is quick to speak, especially when you finally look up to meet their eyes one by one. You are only granted nods and steadying breaths. “I figured you would. So, Dokyeom…truth or dare?” 
You watch one of your favorite smiles spread across one of your favorite people’s faces, there is no one else like Dokyeom. No one could make you feel shy by just smiling. He was literal sunshine personified. 
Leaning back slightly, Dokyeom purses his lips and narrows his eyes playfully before finally nodding. “Dare. I’m curious what you will decide on….” His words trail off before he raises a brow looking at you teasingly to add, “Princess.” 
Your lips part to take a breath as Soonyoung laughs, shaking his head and muttering under his breath that ‘this is going to be good’. Seungkwan simply drapes his arm over his knee, the tips of his pretty fingers rubbing together in anticipation as he waits for you to speak. 
Dokyeom tilts his head as if to say, ‘what are you waiting for’ only to be rendered speechless once again when you finally do give him his dare. “Dokyeom…baby, I want you to kiss the part of my body that you’d like to cum on.”  
You hear Soonyoung swear under his breath, the way he shifts to get closer to you and the other men as if he will miss out on something once again, but your eyes never leave Dokyeom’s. The man in front of you rubs his lips together, his eyes moving over your face before working downward in thought. 
“Over your clothes?” 
You hadn’t considered that question, raising a brow you laugh, tilting your head back to find Seungkwan even closer than he had been a moment before. The feeling of his warm sweet breath causes you to pause when you feel it against your neck. “Uh…oh. I’ll lay down and you…can move my clothes to place the kiss.” 
Seungkwan smirks at you, meeting your eyes briefly before you look away to find Soonyoung just a couple of feet away from you now as well. Dokyeom grins, his eyes moving back up your body, he nods sliding back to let you move from between all of them so you could lay down. 
“On my back? Or did you want to cum on my ass, Dokyeom?” 
Your question causes the man to laugh, while it causes Soonyoung to bite his fist. Dokyeom shakes his head sliding on his knees towards you. “On your back is just fine.” You start to lie down on your own but stop short when Dokyeom’s hand rests behind your neck, helping you do it much slower than you had planned. Your eyes meet him, and you find him smiling at you suddenly urging your thighs to push together. 
“Such a gentleman…” 
“You say that now.” Dokyeom laughs, his eyes pulling at the corners slightly from how brightly he smiles making your stomach tighten from nerves. When your back is against the floor, he slides his hand from behind you glancing over your body once again like you are a piece of art. “Anywhere?” 
Soonyoung sighs, tilting his head and beginning to get impatient. “That was the prompt. Anywhere you’d wanna cum on her.” Seungkwan laughs at the man’s impatience, swatting at him to make him sit back some when he leans towards you and Dokyeom as if he could take the man’s place. 
“I’m just making sure. I want Y/N to be comfortable.” 
You can’t help but smile a bit at those words, reaching up to run your thumb over Dokyeom’s cheek before letting your thumb dare to drag across his lips. “I did give you the dare, I’m good, I promise. You can pick any spot.” 
God, Dokyeom could feel his pants getting tighter from just your words and the idea of picking any spot. There were so many spots he wanted to cum on you…or rather in you, but for now, he’d keep it above your hips. 
Sliding his hand along your hip, Dokyeom raises a brow watching you arch your back so he could slide your shirt up your stomach. The sound of the other two men taking deep breaths catches his attention, almost pulling it from you, but he can focus, dragging his thumb under your bra. 
Getting the idea, you shift your body letting him pull your shirt up further exposing your chest to him and your other friends, causing all of the men to take pause. You weren’t wearing any of your special lingerie, just a simple bra with some lace around the edges but it was enough to drive them all crazy. 
Dokyeom sucks in a breath and laughs as you take your shirt from him to pull it over your head tossing it towards Seungkwan who catches it with a chuckle of his own.
“Alright then…but what if I’d want to cum…here?” 
It was your turn to suck in a breath, Dokyeom’s middle finger drags under your bra, the tip of his nail just falling short of grazing over your nipple. 
“I see, and you wouldn’t want to cum on my bra? Is that what you are saying?” 
Soonyoung had to give it to Dokyeom, this was smooth as fuck. He was using his dare very wisely. Lifting his hand, Soonyoung runs his fingers over his lips to stifle a groan as Dokyeom nods at your words only for you to move to your elbow reaching behind your back to unclasp the garment. 
“I wouldn’t…wouldn’t want to ruin any of your things. You did call me a gentleman.” 
You smile, laying back down and reaching for Dokyeom’s hand to put it back over your bra using his fingers to pull at the cup so that he could get the idea to pull it from your body. “I did call you that.” 
Lifting your arms, you allow Dokyeom to drag the bra from your body leaving you topless on the floor. Each of the men had their reaction to the sight. Dokyeom drops the garment next to him before smiling at you shaking his head that you would allow him such a privilege, while Soonyoung almost vibrates in place. His thumbnail caught between his teeth as his eyes rolled back in his head before he stared at you full of lust. 
Seungkwan simply meets your eyes before letting his eyes roam over your chest taking you in like a meal. “Stunning…you are so pretty, Y/N. If you don’t do something soon, Dokyeom…Soonyoung is going to pounce on her.” 
His words cause you to laugh, your gaze falling on the man looking at you like a predator who has found his prey. “We are still playing the game, Soonyoung…you have to be patient.” He didn’t have the patience nor did he want to. 
Dokyeom just shakes his head, lifting his hand to trail the back of his fingers over the top of your breast and drawing your attention back to him as you let out a soft, slow breath. “So your dare was to kiss you where I’d want to cum of you. That was a difficult question, I won’t lie, but…I’d pick here. Look how pretty you are, can just imagine my cum painting your pretty tits.” 
Your cheeks burn, your teeth catching your lip as Dokyeom speaks. You hadn’t expected him to explain or talk to you like that but you weren’t complaining, but it’s when he leans down and you feel his breath against your chest that you can’t help but let out a soft whine. 
Dokyeom smiles before he nudges his nose against your soft skin, his thumb brushing the underside of your breast. He lingers where he is for a brief moment before placing a slow, almost sensual kiss on a spot near your nipple causing a moan to escape your lips. 
His lips linger, a gentle groan caught in Dokyeom’s throat until he finally pulls back to look up at you with blown-out pupils. “Truth or dare?” No one else in the room spoke, they knew the question was for you. 
“Oh my god, truth.” You arch your breast towards Dokyeom’s hand only to have him pull back with a small smirk. It’s only when a whine falls from your lips, your hand moving to hold the side of his tank top tightly that he looks over your face sitting up fully. 
“Do you want to be fucked?” The question wasn’t surprising and yet it caused every other person in the room to take a deep breath. Soonyoung and Seungkwan knew it would change how this entire night and possibly how your friends would go from that moment forward. You had been waiting for it, longer than any of them could even understand. 
“Yes, god…more than anything.” Dokyeom groans at your answer, his cock throbbing trapped behind his jeans. He only nods and gestures his hand towards you for you to continue the game. Whining, you look at the other two men finally deciding on Seungkwan, “Truth or dare?” 
Out of the two, Seungkwan was keeping his cool much better. Yes, he wanted you badly but he also knew the night was young and he wasn’t going anywhere. Especially not after your answer to Dokyeom. “Dare.” 
“Play the voicemail from Soonyoung on my phone.” 
Seungkwan laughs, moving from his spot on the floor, you watch him adjust his jeans. His painfully obvious erection makes your mouth water as you remember your earlier conversation. With your phone finally in his hand, he types in your code to unlock it and goes to your voicemails hitting play on the most recent from Soonyoung, and placing it on speaker. 
Soonyoung smirks, his eyes moving from your phone to yours. He all but fucks you with his eyes as you begin to hear his voice fill the room causing your thighs to brush together once again. 
“Y/N…I have to wonder if you thought I wouldn’t tell you what I wanted. Well, fuck that…” You hear the sound of Soonyoung sitting down on a bed, your bed before he starts to talk again. “I’d eat you out like it was my last meal, I bet you taste so fucking good. You always smell like a dream so I can only imagine that your cum must taste like honey.” 
You bring your fingers to your lips to stifle a moan making Soonyoung raise a brow. He glances up to meet Dokyeom’s eyes gesturing back down to you. “Move her hand…you get to hear my dirty little thoughts, I want to hear your dirty little moans when you hear them.” 
Dokyeom’s hand wraps around your wrist pulling your hand from your mouth but your eyes never leave Soonyoung’s as you continue to listen to the recording. Seungkwan sits back down next to you, his eyes roaming over your legs as they rub together, his hand tilting the phone towards you so you can hear it better. 
“Then I’d fuck you open with my fingers so I could make sure you could take my cock. I bet your pretty pussy would swallow it up. You wanna swallow my cock up between your thighs?” 
You knew he wasn’t speaking to you at that moment but you still nod, causing Soonyoung to smirk. Reaching out he takes the phone from Seungkwan as the recording ends to put it out of the way. Seungkwan licks his lips knowing it is his turn to ask the question, “Y/N, truth or dare?” 
Laughing out a soft moan, your legs almost shaking from how much you want them to touch you. “Dare, god please make it a good one.” You were trying so hard to be patient, Dokyeom’s thumb running over your pulse point in your wrist, Soonyoung moving close enough to finally push your hair from your eyes. 
Seungkwan grins at you and laughs, “I dare you to be our good little whore and fuck all of us like you so clearly want to.” He knew that was the last question and that it would make it or break it even more so than Dokyeom’s question but when you moan out a “Yes, please Seungkwan…” that is all it takes for you to get what you want. 
He moves past Soonyoung to grab the back of your neck pulling you up from the floor, his lips colliding with yours hard in a rough kiss. Seungkwan hisses words against your lips, his fingers sliding down your stomach to your shorts to unbutton them quickly. “Sound so fucking pretty…help me get her to the bedroom.” 
Dokyeom nods, moving to his feet he leans to pick you up from the floor letting you keep your lips on Seungkwan’s for a moment more before the younger man pulls away to make you whine. Soonyoung grins at you hearing you whine as Seungkwan leaves you in Dokyeom’s grasp. 
“He’s not leaving you like he said…we are going to the bedroom. You are going to get so fucking spoiled tonight, Kitten. Save your whines for when you need them.” 
You start to speak, moving next to Dokyeom when Soonyoung moves to walk beside you. The feeling of his hand moving over your ass caused you to let out a small squeal of excitement. “I’ve wanted this for so long. I was so scared you guys wouldn’t want me like this.” 
Seungkwan raises a brow hearing your words when the three of you move into the room after him. His eyes meet yours as he tosses a few pillows out of the way then the stuffed tiger you had stolen from Soonyoung. “And you’d be so very wrong, Sweetheart. We thought you’d be repulsed by the dirty shit we’ve talked about when it came to you. How we all wanted to fuck you…be more than just friends with you, but none of us wanted to fuck up our friendship.” 
Dokyeom’s lips move across your neck making you smile, your eyes getting heavy from pleasure as you listen to Seungkwan speak. You feel Soonyoung’s hands move to your shorts, working them down your legs, his lips pressing to your stomach as you moan out softly before speaking. 
“This isn’t ruining anything, this is better. It’s so, so much better. You know I love all of you so much.” You feel Dokyeom’s lips turn up at your confession. You had all told each other that you loved one another many times but this time felt special. You practically purr out a moan feeling his nose brush behind your ear, Soonyoung’s fingers finally sliding your panties down your legs. 
“Fuck, you are dripping.” You could feel it, but hearing Soonyoung say it knowing he could see it between your legs was an entirely different thing. Seungkwan smirked at the sight in front of him only to clear his throat a moment later. “Lay her on the bed, you are both greedy.” 
“We are just anxious to have her, Seungkwan.” Soonyoung’s breath hits your folds as he speaks causing you to shiver. Your bottom lip gets caught in your teeth as you watch him get back up and lead you to the bed, where Dokyeom sits you down.  
Seungkwan watches carefully, his eyes never leaving you even as the other two men listen to your whines about them getting out of their clothes. Soonyoung is the quickest to give you what you want. His shirt is discarded across the room so that your fingernails can move across his toned muscles as your eyes move across his skin causing him to let out a sharp breath. 
“I’m so fucking hard, Kitten…and as much as I want you to touch me I just want my face buried between your thighs after seeing you dripping down your legs like a whore for us.” 
A smile spreads across your lips as Soonyoung’s hands move to your wrists moving your hands from his stomach and finally away from his body. You watch as he moves to his knees listening to you let out a soft faux whine at his words only for him to laugh and roll his eyes. 
“If you want to touch someone so bad you have two other cocks to unwrap. Seungkwan called me greedy, I’m planning to show him otherwise.” 
Soonyoung doesn’t allow you or Seungkwan a single word before his hands slide your legs open further and your moan fills the room like a dinner bell. The feeling of his warm tongue dragging through your folds is overwhelming, causing you to arch your back and push your hips towards Soonyoung’s face only to feel him groan against your pussy, pushing your hips back down with strong hands. 
Dokyeom had been patiently watching until you moaned so sweetly. The sound went straight to his cock causing it to twitch almost violently. His shirt had also been discarded next to the bed when you had asked but he hadn’t taken your attention from Soonyoung, instead, he had been perfectly content with watching. That was until you fell back on the bed, your breasts rising and falling with each lusty moan escaping your perfect little lips. 
“Mm, so pretty. She’s so pretty, Seungkwan, don’t you think so?” 
Seungkwan smirks at Dokyeom’s words, his hand lifting to brush his thumb around your pert nipple causing you to whimper. Your eyes move from each man while Soonyoung sucks your folds into his mouth with an obscene wet sound making your cheeks burn. 
“So fucking pretty, tell me what you want, Sweetheart. I’ll give it to you, but you have to ask.” 
You were having a hard time thinking much less speaking but when Seungkwan spoke to you so sweetly, almost in a condescending tone it made you clench around Soonyoung’s finger as soon as he pushed it into you. The man between your legs grins against your folds at the reaction before kissing your soft skin, his tongue peeking out to circle your clit teasingly while you whine out your answer. 
“Want…oh my god. I wanna suck your cock Seungkwan but I…ah Soonyoung!” 
You wanted to tell Dokyeom what you wanted from him as well but Soonyoung slides in a second finger turning his palm towards the ceiling, his fingers curling upwards to brush against your spot perfectly with each thrust. You hear three distinct laughs, one, in particular, warm against your ear causing you to whine out Dokyeom’s name bringing your attention back to him as you turn your head to capture his lips with yours speaking against them. 
“Dokyeom…I want…want you to touch me, kiss me…I need to touch you. Want to see your cock, take it out. Please?” 
The way you were whining, a slight moan in your words was driving Dokyeom crazy. Seungkwan could almost hold himself back, telling you to wait but Dokyeom found himself willing to give you anything and everything the moment you asked for it. 
Nodding his head, Dokyeom shifts off the bed pushing his jeans and boxers down before leaning back across the end of the bed so that his lips could capture your shoulder while he took your hand guiding it to his waiting and leaking cock. The moment your fingers brush over his head a shuddering breath escapes the man’s mouth that causes you to whimper and close your thighs around Soonyoung’s head. 
Still watching, Seungkwan licks his lips, his head tilted as he waits. You had asked him for something and he wasn’t a liar. He was going to give it to you. He knew why you had asked for it, the answer he had given you earlier but he wasn’t going to cum like that, not when he had the chance to cum elsewhere given a chance. 
“Y/N, Sweetheart, where are your condoms?” 
You look at him confused and shake your head, extending your hand towards Seungkwan trying to get him to come to you but he only shifts slightly closer letting you grip at his shirt. A small laugh falls from his lips as he looks down at you, the desperation in your eyes, Seungkwan lifts his hand to run it over your hair while he watches you starting to come apart from all the attention you are getting from the other men.
“Baby…think hard for me.”
“I’m on birth control, Kwannie.” 
Your words cause the other two men to take pause, especially Soonyoung who takes a deep breath between your thighs at the idea of fucking you raw. Seungkwan’s fingers fall down your jaw where he tilts your face more towards him examining you carefully before he leans down to speak against your lips. 
“If that’s what you want baby.” 
Nodding against his lips, you kiss him desperately, feeling Dokyeom thrust into your hand and Soonyoung dive back between your legs sending you over the edge for the first time that night. You whine breathlessly into Seungkwan’s mouth until you can’t handle it anymore and fall back on the bed having to push your hand into Soonyoung’s hair as he latches on to your clit, determined to overstimulate you. 
Seungkwan watches your thighs tremble, your fingers harshly pulling at Soonyoung’s hair only seeming to push the man further into his lust-filled stupor until he finally pulls away with a groaning breath letting you have a moment. 
“Fuck, you taste so good. I could eat you out all damn day, Y/N. We are never going back to how it was before.” 
Dokyeom laughs at Soonyoung’s words, his hand sliding along your breasts squeezing gently, thumb and forefinger rolling your nipple gently between them to watch you arch into his touch while your hand lazily strokes him. Turning his hand over, palm up, Dokyeom groans your name as you meet his eyes. Your thumb presses against his slit while his fingers dance along your hipbone, moving to the center of your legs to finally graze through your cum and Soonyoung’s saliva. 
“I agree with Soonyoung. I can’t go back after this, I wouldn’t want to. I don’t think you’d want to either, would you Princess?” 
You whine out a no, rolling your hips toward Dokyeom’s fingers even though you were already so sensitive. Your attention stayed on him but you knew that Soonyoung was moving around the room, his pants dropping to the floor. He only pulled your eyes back to him when his hands moved under your arms to slide you towards the edge of the bed so your head could rest off the edge, his eyes glancing towards Seungkwan. 
“She said, she wanted to suck your dick, Kwan. Don’t make her wait all fucking night.” 
Hearing him laugh causes you to bite your lip, your eyes searching for Seungkwan to find him with significantly less clothing than before, his shirt and pants on the floor. His eyes find yours as his thumbs hook into the top of his briefs to push them down letting his cock bounce back upwards making your mouth water with each of his steps around the bed towards you. 
You try to stay focused but when Dokyeom’s middle finger presses against your entrance a soft moan slips from your lips. Your hips lift to meet the long digit eliciting a low chuckle from the man who leans down to press a kiss to your neck muttering against your skin. 
“You are tight around my finger even after Soonyoung ate you out. You need more prep if you are going to fuck any of us, Princess. Don’t worry…I’ll make sure you can handle it. You just worry about your Kwannie.” 
Hearing his name leaving Dokyeom’s mouth in such a cute way causes Seungkwan to roll his eyes even as he looks down at you. You were anything but cute at the moment. Ravishing, mouth-watering, fuckable, there were a million words that Seungkwan could use to describe you but he couldn’t get seem to get his mind to connect with his mouth with you reached out your hand for him. 
“Want you…” 
Those were the only words that could slip from your lips but they were enough to make Seungkwan take another step toward you. His fingers run over your cheek, your lips parting for him as you tilt your head backward to give him the signal he needs to use your mouth. 
“Fuck…Y/N. This isn’t how I pictured this happening.” He wasn’t sure how he had pictured it, his pre-cum coating your pretty lips as he traced them with the head of his cock, but it was something he’d never forget. Pushing into your waiting mouth, Seungkwan lets out a shuddering breath, his knees almost buckling at the feeling of your warm, wet mouth. He could feel the way you instantly pressed your tongue along the underside of his head trying to tease him. 
“Mm, Kitten…are you good with your mouth? You have Seungkwan panting like a teenager getting head for the first time.” 
You smile around the cock in your mouth, a moan sending a vibration through Seungkwan as your response. Soonyoung runs his fingers along your collarbone letting his eyes move from your mouth down to your legs watching your hips lift to grind down. 
“Add another finger. She can handle it, can’t you baby?” Soonyoung wasn’t actually wanting a response from you but another groan escaping Seungkwan when you gag around him taking him all the way to your throat makes Soonyoung laugh. Moving around your bed, running a hand over his face, Soonyoung opens your nightstand figuring that personal space is a thing of the past. With a smirk on his lips, he picks up your vibrator giving it a once over before returning it to its rightful spot in place of picking up a small bottle of lube. 
Dokyeom’s eyes dart from what he is doing, adding another finger feeling you stretch around him as the third finger seems to push you to your limit, to watching Soonyoung curiously. “She’s fucking soaked Soonyoung…but it wouldn’t hurt to use lube. I don’t want to hurt her, especially if all three of us are taking turns.” 
You were trying to pay attention to their conversation but one stroke of Dokyeom’s fingers against your spot causes your teeth to rake the underside of Seungkwan’s cock as you arch off the bed. Pressure begins to build in you so intensely that you have to pull from the man to take a breath.
“Fuck…fuck! There…don’t stop Dokyeom. Please?” 
Seungkwan takes a step back trying to catch his breath having gotten so close to his own orgasm only to have it pulled away. He instead watches as you sit up on your elbows, your hand moving to hold Dokyeom’s tightly almost as if you are in conflict with yourself if you want to keep him closer to push him away. 
Feeling your pussy tightening around him and hearing your pleas, Dokyeom’s attention stays focused fully on you. His knee pushes into the bed as he nods, his free hand moving to hold down your hips keeping you still while he coaxes you toward your orgasm. 
“Right there? Is that the spot, Princess? Are you gonna cum for me?”
Standing completely still, Soonyoung simply holds the bottle of lube as he watches you nod before a whining moan slips from your lips. His eyes fall between your legs at the same time as he mutters, “holy shit” watching your orgasm push Dokyeom’s fingers from you as you squirt. 
“She’s fucking perfect. Kitten…Y/N? Baby, my love…marry me? Marry us?” 
Falling back on the bed, your legs trembling you can’t help but laugh at Soonyoung’s words feeling Dokyeom’s hands sliding over your thighs soothingly. You knew he was kidding but at the same time, it was a fucking tempting thought. 
Tossing the bottle of lube onto the bed, Soonyoung crawls up to hover over you. His eyes finally met yours eliciting another laugh to split from your lips. 
“Just need a second, haven’t…been a while since I’ve cum that hard.” 
Dokyeom feels a bit of pride swell in his chest when Soonyoung raises a brow glancing at him. “Yeah, well there is cumming and then there is that. Baby we are going to have to change your bed. That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my fucking life. You think…” 
Hearing him trail off, his fingers moving across your skin to trace around your nipple making you shiver, you open your eyes once again to look up at him curiously. The bed dips on your other side when Seungkwan finally takes a seat to get closer to you. 
“Think what, Soonie?” 
“Think you could take two of us? If we prep you?” 
Seungkwan shakes his head, a scoff falling from his lips thinking that surely Soonyoung had gone too far but you surprise him by biting your lip and nodding, a small “yeah” whispered with a breath. 
“Yeah? You gonna let us fuck that cute ass?” 
Your cheeks burning at Soonyoung’s forwardness, you turn your head, laughing as you say yes again. His fingers hold your chin turning your gaze back to meet his, leaning down Soonyoung brushes his lips almost teasingly across yours making you whimper when he pulls away. 
“Good girl. Turn over on your stomach. Maybe you can give Dokyeom a present for making you cum so hard, hmm?” 
Biting your bottom lip, you nod. Your cheeks warm, and you let Seungkwan help you turn onto your stomach before you move to your hands and knees. Dokyeom already standing in front of you smiles when you glance up to meet his eyes, his fingers sliding over the side of your head enjoying having you so close to his cock already. 
“I won’t lie, as much as I was enjoying fucking you with my fingers…I was curious about what you were doing with your mouth. Wanna show me?” 
“Yeah, I do.” 
Seungkwan raises a brow taking a deep breath as he runs a hand over your back tracing your curves down to your ass. Another thing he hadn’t pictured, was the possibility of anyone being able to do this to you but here they all were, and now Soonyoung was kneeling behind you rubbing lube together on his fingers. 
“Incredible.” Seungkwan’s words draw your attention briefly, your hand wrapped around Dokyeom’s length. You glance at the youngest man meeting his eyes as you place a kiss on the tip of the cock in front of you making him smirk at you before you feel his hand lift and then connect with your ass cheek firmly. “Tease.”
You moan feeling the burn from Seungkwan’s hand, the way his pretty fingers kneed the warm flesh afterward making it feel sensual. It draws your attention from the first bit of pressure when Soonyoung presses his index finger against your rim easing it in slowly.  
“Fuck, there we go. Relax…gonna feel so good. Fill you up in every single way we can Kitten. Make you ours completely. Isn’t that what you want?” 
Soonyoung watches you nod, a whine slipping from around Dokyeom’s cock as you take more of him into your mouth. 
“Of course it is. You are ours, always have been. Our pretty fucking slut. God, Kwan...look how pretty this is.” 
A second finger worked into your tight hole, Soonyoung tilts his head, his other hand keeping your ass open for him. He lets Seungkwan scoot in closer listening to the man groan softly when he finally sees how you clench around his fingers. 
“Just go slow, shit…she’s gorgeous. You are so beautiful, Sweetheart.” 
Seungkwan’s hand slides along your ass, his thumb pressing near where Soonyoung’s fingers scissor into you stretching you out. You knew he was making sure you wouldn’t be hurt but you didn’t want Soonyoung to go slow anymore. It felt too good and you wanted more. 
Leaning his head back, Dokyeom ran a hand over your head licking his lips and trying to keep himself from cumming too quickly as you moaned around him. You were too good with your mouth. He knew that he had asked to see how good you would be but there was no way he was going to miss out on fucking you. 
With a low groan, Dokyeom pulls back from you making you whine out a small “no” your eyes searching for him and a reason. “Gonna make me cum, Princess. Wanna fuck you, gonna let me?” 
You nod quickly, your hand reaching for him almost desperately as you push back on Soonyoung’s fingers in an attempt to get more stimulation. 
“God, need more. Please…I can take it. Please fuck me? I’ve been good, haven’t I? Kwannie, I’ve been so good.” 
Hearing you say his name, Seungkwan moves back to lift your head so he can meet your eyes, his lips brushing against yours. You feel Soonyoung push in a third finger causing you to let out a sobbing moan against Seungkwan’s mouth. 
“You have, you’ve been so good. Almost time, hmm…why don’t you tell me who you want to fuck first?” 
You were almost panting into his mouth trying to think clearly when Seungkwan asked you such an important question. Your brain becomes fuzzy to the feeling of Soonyoung’s fingers burying themselves into your ass pushing you towards a third orgasm so quickly. 
“I…oh my god. Soonyoung, I want Soonyoung to…in my ass.” 
Seungkwan nods, a smirk against your lips. You feel his hand slide over your stomach and finally between your legs. His slender fingers dance between your wet folds driving you over that edge once again while his forehead rests against yours. 
“And who gets to be in this sweet little pussy first? Hm?” 
Breathy moans escape your lips but words are almost unintelligible. Your legs shaking you rely completely on Seungkwan to keep you from falling forward on the bed until your orgasm ends. 
Soonyoung’s fingers slide over the swell of your ass, he smirks as Dokyeom shakes his head leaning down to check on you as you seem to come back to reality. 
“Want…Seungkwan first.” 
Your words were quiet but you feel Dokyeom’s long fingers on your cheek and hear Seungkwan’s gentle laugh against your ear. You weren’t sure how you wanted it to work but it appeared you didn’t have to figure that out. A few silent looks from the men around the bed put Seungkwan into motion, his head resting against your pillows. 
Fingers extending towards you, Seungkwan raises a brow as he watches you carefully, almost possessively knowing that you were his first. Two other sets of hands slide along your body allowing you to crawl along the bed making your way to Seungkwan until you are finally sitting across his thighs. 
Seungkwan watches you take a deep breath, your tongue running slowly along your lips from nerves. You had gone so far with all of them tonight but this would ‘seal the deal’ in a manner of speaking. Kneading his thumbs into the top of your thighs working them up towards your hips, Seungkwan smiles at you, his head tilting questioningly as he speaks calmly. 
“Is this something you still want? No one here is going to be upset if you want to stop.” 
Soonyoung could feel a slight ache in his stomach at the thought but he also knew deep down that if this was as far as you wanted to go for the night he would respect it and be happy with what he had with you. Furrowing his brows, he runs the back of his hand along your back to soothe your nerves but to also let you know that neither he nor Dokyeom had left you so you wouldn’t be worried. 
A smile spreads along your lips to the feeling of their hands on your body, Dokyeom’s joining as he massages your lower back. The man leans to press a soft patient kiss to your shoulder blade waiting to hear your answer to Seungkwan’s question only to find you glancing over your shoulder at him when you do speak. 
“I want this. I promise, just take care of me?” 
“Oh, Princess…we have always taken care of you. Why would we stop now?” 
You can’t help but laugh at Dokyeom’s words. He wasn’t wrong, they had always gone out of their way to take care of you in various ways. 
“He’s right,” Soonyoung speaks next to your neck, his lips moving along your soft skin causing goosebumps to spread along your flesh. “Every night we stay here, one of us will wake up earlier than you to make sure to either cook your breakfast or at least order something. We make sure you drink plenty of water, take something for your hangover, take a shower…” 
Your lashes lowered feeling his fingers moving to your hips to help guide you towards Seungkwan, the feeling of his hard cock brushing between your folds sending a shiver through your body as you moan quietly. 
“Remember last time? Seungkwan let you sit in his lap and he cut up your food for you and fed it to you because you said your head hurt too bad. You had drunk a little too much and slept so hard but he loves you so much he made sure you still ate.” 
You remembered, your eyes open to find Seungkwan looking up at you, his lips parted so sweetly to the feeling of your wet folds sliding over his cock with each rock of your hips. He felt so good even like this, you couldn’t wait to feel him inside of you. Lifting your hips, you whimper for him watching Seungkwan nod, his fingers wrapping around his length guiding his head to your entrance letting you slowly sit back down over him. 
“Shit…so warm. Oh my god, Y/N, baby.” 
Seungkwan’s words make you smile, your moans falling from your lips breathlessly as you try to get used to the stretch adjusting around him. You nod letting Soonyoung help you move your hips over the younger man. 
“You sound so pretty, Kitten. You feel full, hmm?” 
Soonyoung watches you for a moment until you look back at him knowing what he was really asking you. His hands slide to your ass where his thumbs separate your ass causing you to clench around Seungkwan. 
“Please, please…please?” 
Your pleas were so sweet and tempting, how could Soonyoung say no? How could Dokyeom just sit there and not feel like he was going to burst to watch you lean forward, your body trembling? 
“Please what? You want Soonyoung to fill you up back here?” 
Dokyeom had spent most of the night surprising Soonyoung, so when he spoke questioning you about what you wanted exactly, Soonyoung couldn’t help but smirk. His eyes fell to the other man’s hand as it move past his so that his middle finger could press against your now puffy rim teasing you. 
Tears of pleasure were stinging your eyes, your hips moving harder over Seungkwan. He was holding on to your hips, his nails digging gently into your skin in an attempt to calm himself down when your walls tighten around him once again. You nod meeting Dokyeom’s gaze, the sweet man you loved so much is still there but with a look of almost sadism laced within. 
Arching your back, a gasp slips from your lips when Dokyeom’s finger slides into you causing you to feel that much more full. He laughs lowly at your reaction leaning to kiss your cheek, nodding along with your babbling for more. 
“Yeah? I know…I know. Soonie is going to get ready. Yes, Princess, you sound so fucking pretty moaning like a whore. Are you gonna cum around Seungkwan’s cock?” 
Soonyoung laughs to himself, his hand coated in lube before he strokes himself a few times shaking his head and listening to Dokyeom’s dirty talk. He had no idea the man had it in him but he was impressed. Moving back to hold your hip with one hand, Soonyoung taps Dokyeom’s wrist to signal for him to move. He listens to you whine pathetically when one finger slowly slides from your ass causing him to shake his head again, the head of his cock pressing against your waiting hole. 
“So needy.” 
Your hands resting on Seungkwan’s chest, your nails digging into his skin eliciting a hiss to fall from the man’s lips as Soonyoung slowly pushes into you. Dokyeom groans, his cock leaking heavily against his thigh, his impatience almost outweighing his desire to fuck you as he looks at your mouth falling open in a lust-filled moan. 
Soonyoung groans almost louder than anyone in the room as he feels your ass around him. Your tight hole pulls him in close to your back so you can feel his chest rising and falling quickly as he battles with himself to calm down trying not to cum the moment he is inside of you. 
“I want to ruin you, Y/N…ruin you for anyone else except us.” 
You shiver to hear Soonyoung’s words, his hand sliding along your stomach to press against back against him but also down over Seungkwan causing the man to groan your name. He was doing his best not to lose it. Trying to let you control how fast you wanted to go but it was becoming too much and feeling how tight you were with Soonyoung also inside of you pushed him over the edge. 
Thrusting up hard, Seungkwan can’t help but smirk listening to how you start to moan his name. It sounded like the best song he had ever heard. It was like a chant that was meant only for him, something going in time with the beating of his heart in his ears. A groan escapes Seungkwan’s throat when your fingers wrap around his wrist in an attempt to ground yourself, that was his last straw, the last string and you had cut it. 
Seungkwan’s body shudders as he fucks his cum into you feeling it running down onto his thighs with each of your movements. There was nothing better than that feeling, knowing that it was him inside of you, his cum dripping out of you. 
Soonyoung has to hold your hips tightly when your orgasm is triggered by Seungkwan’s. Biting his bottom lip to the point he tastes copper, Soonyoung leans his head back groaning your name feeling your ass moving over his cock. You were going to push him over that same edge and he wasn’t going to tell you no. 
With one hard thrust, Soonyoung leans forward to latch his mouth onto your shoulder. Thick white ropes fill you until cum is dripping down the back of your thighs. Dokyeom shudders at the sight, his eyes moving over the three of you until Soonyoung finally moves back exposing the dark mark he had left on your shoulder. 
“Mm baby, come here.” 
You were exhausted, so allowing Soonyoung to carefully slip from you and lay you on the bed on your back caused you to smile. A soft, “thank you Soonie” slipped from your mouth before it was swallowed by Soonyoung in a kiss as he hovers over you. 
Seungkwan ran a hand over his face, his stomach sucking in tightly before he laughs looking around the room to find Dokyeom watching you carefully. 
“I have an idea, Dokyeom…run a bath.” 
The man looked confused for a moment thinking that he was being sent away but a brow raised by the younger man followed by a simple head tilt gave him the answer he needed. You watch with a whine, reaching for Dokyeom when you see him start to leave the room heading for your bathroom. 
“No, want…–” 
“You will, Sweetheart,” Seungkwan speaks softly, rolling to his side to push your hair behind your ear as Soonyoung lays on his side beside you. “In the bath. Does that sound nice? Remember Soonyoung said we take care of you? Let Dokyeom take care of you. Soonyoung and I will clean up in here, and have something for you to eat when you get done.” 
You had to admit it all sounded so nice and too good to be true. Sighing softly, you can’t help but smile when Soonyoung kisses over his love bite from earlier while Seungkwan leans to kiss your jaw making you laugh. 
“Okay, I love you.”  
Two muttered “love you” fill your ears before you feel another hand running over your head drawing your attention to Dokyeom at the side of your bed. You can’t help but let your eyes travel over the expanse of his body and notice how his cock was less hard, but you could take care of that. 
Helping you to your feet, Dokyeom lets you lean against him. A small laugh tickles your ear when he feels your hand sliding over his ass as the two of you make your way into the bathroom toward the now-filled tub. 
“So handsy. What about my honor, Y/N?” 
Your laugh fills Dokyeom’s ears, his hands taking both of yours allowing you to step into the warm water first. He watches you carefully, his cock twitching slightly back to life at the sight of you enjoying the feeling of the warmth, and the sound leaving your soft lips. 
“I’ll take your honor, Mr. Lee. Get in, I need you.” 
He didn’t have to be told twice, carefully moving to sit behind you, Dokyeom lowers himself into the water, a groan similar to yours escaping his mouth to how good it felt on his skin. Still, he couldn’t help but enjoy the feeling of your skin on his even more as you leaned back against him, your fingers running along his toned thighs under the water. 
“You are so beautiful, Y/N. We are so lucky to get tonight with you.” 
The words are spoken against your ear causing you to shiver, your lips turning up in a smile. Your eyes close as you lean back against Dokyeom’s chest allowing yourself to relax. The feeling of his fingers dancing along your stomach makes you bite at your bottom lip to suppress a moan. 
You weren’t trying to hide how much you wanted him, Dokyeom surely knew, but this somehow felt more romantic and intimate than what had happened in the bedroom with Soonyoung and Seungkwan. A warm groan hits your skin when you grind back against Dokyeom feeling his cock once again hard against your back. Each of them was endowed perfectly in their own way but Dokyeom had the other two beat in both girth and length. 
“Dokyeom…please? Want you so bad.” 
Dokyeom smiles against your neck, his gentle lips pulling back so that his teeth can rake along your skin once. He nods before letting out a groan when you move from him to turn in the bath to face him, sliding your legs around him in the tub so you can straddle his hips with your own. 
“This okay? I want to be able to kiss you, touch you…” 
There was no fucking way, Dokyeom was going to tell you no. In what world would this not be okay? If his face wasn’t telling you everything you needed to know, his cock was. You can’t help but to smile feeling it jerk against your thigh as you roll your hips toward his body, your lips brushing over his. 
Carefully adjusting yourself over his cock, you feel his tip press against your entrance making you sigh into the kiss softly. Doyeom groans into your mouth feeling you around him for the first time, his hands sliding over your hips to your ass to hold you tightly once you are sitting over him fully. 
Small soft thrusts meet your lazy movements, the water sloshing near the top of the tub threatening to spill over with each passing moment. It didn’t take long for your body to put you back on edge, your orgasm threatening to hit you, a cord ready to snap at any second with how deeply Dokyeom was buried inside of you. The angle of his cock hitting you was almost as perfect as his fingers had been on the bed, Dokyeom can only smile against your lips when you whine his name and that you are going to cum. 
“Yeah? Cum for me, Y/N. Just for me…cum around my cock.” 
The last of his words were strained when you do as he wants, your orgasm ripping through you causing you to clench around him. Your thighs trembling, your fingernails scratching down his chest leaving red streaks that he would wear proudly. Dokyeom breathes out your name, his fingers lifting you by your ass only to let you fall back down over his thick cock as he follows you over that edge spilling into you with a soft groan. 
Collapsing against his chest, you press gentle kisses to his neck making Dokyeom laugh at how it tickles. Your eyelashes brushed against his skin making him squirm, and though he was softening the feeling of him moving in you was enough to make you tighten around him still. 
“You are going to be the death of me. I have nothing left, if you keep clenching around me like that…you’ll suck me dry.”
The thought was enough to cause you to clench one last time before Dokyeom is able to slide from you shaking his head to the feeling. His eyes fell to the water to watch the swirl of white mixing in the water making his head spin. 
“Need to drain the water and get to actually clean.” 
Dokyeom listens to you whine, a laugh on his lips when his backup arrives in the form of Seungkwan. The sound of your shower cutting on and his tsking make you smile before you even feel his hands on your sides helping you stand. 
“Don’t pout, Sweetheart. It’s not like anyone is making you do any work. You are getting spoiled.” 
He was right. You were very lucky. Your body leaning against his, you allow Seungkwan to help you into the small shower. His hands carefully work soap into your skin while you close your eyes breathing softly against his shoulder. 
You weren’t sure if you had fallen asleep standing up or how you had gotten into bed but the feeling of fingers tracing around your belly button under a nightshirt along with the smell of food brought you back to reality. Soonyoung smiles watching your eyelashes flutter open, your pretty eyes finding him laying at your side. His hair is still damp from his own shower, you can’t help but smile reaching up to run your fingers over his lips granting yourself a gentle kiss on your fingertips. 
“I’ll let you sleep soon, but you need to eat a little something. Also, I know the bed is probably the best but Dokyeom is bitching about how not all of us will fit on it so he found every single fucking blanket in the house and made a bed in the living room. Would you be upset about sleeping in there?” 
Your chest tightens to the suggestion as you sit finding Soonyoung holding the stuffed tiger you had “borrowed” in his arms. 
“No, I want to be able to cuddle with all of you but I swear to god Soonyoung…if you take that tiger out of this apartment I’ll never touch your dick again.” 
A shocked laugh escapes the man’s lips as he leans forward to press a kiss to your cheek. The stuffed animal is placed firmly against your stomach. 
“You are so fucking bratty, I was going to say…I’m leaving him here with you. He’s yours now, for when I can’t be here. Now come on, Seungkwan made ramen.” 
You smile clutching the tiger to your chest before sliding off the bed to follow Soonyoung. The sound of laughter causes you to stop short so you can watch him roll over the couch to fall into the pile next to Dokyeom. Seungkwan smiles even though he scolds the two older men trying to keep them from eating all the food, while they all sit on the makeshift bed waiting for you. 
At that moment you couldn’t think of anywhere else you’d rather be. 
“Hey, guys…truth or dare?” 
Seungkwan groans looking up at you, a smile playing on his lips as he rolls his eyes. “Truth” 
Each of them watch as you move around the couch before falling to your knees between them letting them get a better look at you. The way they looked at you was different now. 
“Do you love me?” 
Dokyeom shakes his head, his teeth catching his bottom lip. He leans forward resting his arm on his knees and reaching out to brush his thumb along your cheek allowing you to lean into his touch. 
“You know we do.” 
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erinfern0 · 4 months
roommates to lovers.
kyle "gaz" garrick x gn!reader
summary: getting a roommate seems like the best idea to help you with financial problems, especially with expensive rent, bills, and all. Kyle seems like the perfect fit, maybe not just as your roomie.
warnings: just sweet fluff, maybe a tiny bit emotional.
a/n: this is the first addition to my series of trope-based COD fics, let me know if you'd like to know the full list of my ideas before I post the fics as a masterlist!! Don't mind possible mistakes, I'll fix them tomorrow. I'm just a little tipsy now, but I really wanted to post this already!!
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Barely getting ends to meet, you search the internet for possibilities of making your situation better. That's how you get the idea — finding yourself a roommate might at least help your financial issues a bit. You find some groups and chats for people looking for places to stay, and you stumble upon Kyle. A guy who knows it's better to share an apartment since most of the time he's away on deployment, so it's way cheaper than buying one for himself. Looking through his application, you found him interesting, to say the least.
Young sergeant, a gym rat who likes to cook and doesn't mind taking over all the chores whenever he's back. He doesn't listen to music loudly, likes his place clean and tidy, and seems charismatic. A perfect fit for you — who would get too stressed out if you had to see him every day. But he's home for a couple of days and leaves for deployment, so you don't need to worry that much.
Soon, he moved in with you, and you immediately felt a slight spark between you. You spend so much time together, that you seem to forget how life went without him beside you. Every time you accidentally brush against him in the hallway or in the kitchen, you feel that warm electricity. You start liking him and feel upset since in a few days he'll be gone again.
For the past months, your friends have been teasing you about your 'strange' relationship. How protective and caring he was of you, how you always had to touch each other in some sort of way. They've been mentioning how oblivious you two were and how you're practically a couple already, but you'd just ignore them.
It was only now that you felt they might have been right all along. Just a roommate, a friend at best wouldn't miss him as much as you did and you missed him way more than you thought this time. Getting a message from him didn't help you at all. A simple text, just after midnight, almost made you cry.
Gyle Karrick: It will take longer than expected. Three months, they say. Can't wait to see you again, xoxo
And fuck, you couldn't wait to see him, too.
Weeks passed on numerous phone calls whenever you could get a hold of him through his busy schedule. Lonely meals, mundane chores, and even your passions started to bore you to your limits. One of the few things you were looking forward to was his message. But day after day, you'd experience the same disappointment and worry.
That was until one day you were looking through selfies you took together or pictures of him while he was asleep on the couch while watching a movie. Adorable. Oh, you missed him. Later on that day, you sat in the living room, reading through your notes and textbooks to occupy your mind, as you heard someone try to open the door with their key.
It was late, you thought. That it's just your mind playing tricks on you, but no. Seconds later, he's inside the apartment, trying to be as quiet as possible as he thinks you should be sleeping. He sees the lights are on and freezes, unsure how to act. But as soon as you stand up from the couch, he drops the duffle bag he was holding, catching you as you run into his arms.
Unspoken greetings and a warm and tight hug almost made you two fall to the floor. But none of you seem to care, too occupied with hands wrapping around each other's bodies. Kyle looks into your eyes as you lean back, his gaze is so soft, so sweet, you seem to melt with the brown of them.
You're not sure when, but you lean forward, lips catching his. It's quick, he barely registers it. You want to apologize, feeling the warmth of your cheeks, the dizziness in your head. But he comes right back, kissing you again. This time, it's slow and sweet, just as you imagined him to be all those nights when he was away. You reach to his neck, wrapping your arms around it as he cups your face, pulling you closer.
“You're home,” you whisper breathlessly as soon as you pull away, your eyes meeting his lazily. The happiness of your voice makes him chuckle and point out how it was just a couple of months.
He, the sergeant with god-like attractiveness, bright mind, and silly humor, felt the same way you did. Kyle reminded himself of all the lonely nights he spent on deployment, imagining coming back to your shared apartment to see your gorgeous face again, to hear that sweet laugh, and to just enjoy the warmth of your body against his.
None of you expected the kiss or the butterflies flying around in your stomachs that came afterward, but it was more than perfect. His hand gently caressed the single tear that was running down your face and kissed the spot right after.
“You're my home.”
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ijbolz · 11 months
smut , mdni
❝ ceo!ricky x secretary!reader
— from wearing the skimpiest skirts to the tightest blouses, you act oblivious to the way you're making your boss feel. running his patience thin until he makes you take his cock in his office.
warnings: oral (m!receiving), calling him sir (for a bit), he calls you his fucktoy
( likes and reblogs appreciated!♡ )
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ricky wonders if you’re doing it on purpose. every time he’d ask you to report back to his office, it’s like you’re running a show for him. picking up something you dropped, making sure he sees your panties as you bend down, wearing the skimpiest skirt you could find for the day. or bending a little bit more than usual over him as you talk about things ricky can’t even manage to remember, his attention all on your cleavage, your breasts tight against the fabric.
he almost wanted to say you could always take it off, as the caring boss he is he wants to make sure you’re comfortable, not because he just wants to have your breasts all to himself. you never fail to make him needy for you, cock straining hard against his pants, hidden under his desk. he’d never say a word though.
but ricky’s patience can run thin, like a string threatening to snap into two. the moment you walk into his office at a particularly stressful day for him, his firm voice commands you to lock the door behind you, his mind wanting some form of relief.
so you rush over to your boss as the diligent secretary that you are, asking if he’s alright. sure there were times that he had to fulfill tiring days, but right now felt different. even the air in his office was making you quite bothered. you only shake your thoughts off, asking him if he wanted a cup of coffee, even though you know he doesn’t prefer drinks like that.
“strip for me.” you make the effort to look at him with wide eyes, suppressing the smirk that was creeping on your lips. was your boss finally at his limit after you worked hard these previous days? working hard to tease him until all he could think about is you? to the point that it’s disrupting his work. but all those papers needed to be signed can wait later, when your pussy is starting to get wet from the anticipation.
but you don’t give in easily, you love it when you tease him, bringing out reactions that people won’t expect to come from ricky himself.
“what do you mean?”
your doe eyes were upon him, and ricky starts to think. he leans over his desk. two can play this game alright.
“forgetting to address me how i told you to? i think you should be calling me sir."
you were expecting his sudden change of tone, and he doesn't miss the way you press your thighs together.
"should i repeat myself? my secretary should know to never question my orders.”
with a nod, you follow his words. ridding yourself of your tight skirt, discarded by the floor along with your top. seductively undoing each single button, ricky leaning back on his chair, starting to palm himself through his pants.
and when you finally take off your top, he bites back a moan at your cute pair of underwear, it’s like you wore it this morning with the intention of stripping before him.
there were no questions raised between the two of you, like an unspoken word in the air as the both of you were awaiting this moment.
he only glares at you directly before you kneeled. he lets out a low laugh at the sight, not surprised at the way you always know what to do and what he means, despite his lack of word—exactly why he appointed you as his secretary.
your breasts that are free from your clothes quickly captivated him. his fantasy of fucking his cock in between them thrown to the side, as he decides that he wants to feel your mouth right now. you can’t talk back at him when your mouth’s full, right?
“let me take this off for you, sir—”
“forget about what i said earlier, just call me ricky.” it would be so hot to keep the disparity between the two of you while doing the act, but he feels that it would be better for you to call him by his name, much more personal... just like how you’re his personal fucktoy now.
you begin to unbutton his pants, pulling down just enough to take his cock out, your hand making its way to wrap around it. leaning closer, the first contact of your tongue on the head of his cock had him moaning, licking the pre-cum that started to collect. you look at him in the eye, mouth still agape as you let the heavy tip rest on your tongue, ricky’s fingers tangling itself within the strands of your hair.
never breaking your gaze at him, you move your head side to side, teasing, before taking the head of his cock within your mouth, tongue dragging from the underside back up to his slit, earning a moan from his throat.
“take it.” he pushes your head further, up until what you could only take of his length for now. next time though, he’ll try to fit all of his cock in your mouth, until your nose hits the skin by the base. he lets you stay still for awhile, your tongue licking around the shaft. it felt so wet and warm, as ricky fights the urge to buck his hips up.
you begin a slow pace at first, getting used to his girth, head bobbing up and down, your hand stroking the rest that you couldn’t take. ricky’s hand guides you, continuing your ministrations until the wet sound of sucking him off was echoing inside the room, his cock sticky from your spit, the side of your lip messy.
he groans as you start to find a steady pace, speeding up the way your mouth was taking him repeatedly, your hand circling around his shaft with a firm grip. your tongue traces the veins of his hard cock, you never forget to lick at his sensitive slit every time you get to his tip.
“shit, my pretty fucktoy is doing so good for me,” the medley of your hand stroking, along with your mouth sucking him good made him throw his head back against his chair, moaning as he drowns in the pleasure, biting his lip. you can’t help but moan around his cock too, the vibrations heading straight for his high that’s getting closer by the second. it's so hot how his heavy panting is the only thing you could hear right now.
but he wanted more, his hard cock starting to twitch in your mouth. you take this as a sign to coax him into cumming, hollowing your cheeks before sucking him harder than before, fondling with his balls, bobbing your head over and over. you trace the line of his vein, fighting the way his hand is trying to push you further down, this time stroking the rest of his length while you pay attention to his sensitive head, licking the underside with pressure before never leaving his slit alone, sucking until his cock twitches inside your mouth.
ricky immediately pulls you away from him, your hand never ceasing to pleasure him until he shoots his warm cum, making a mess on your face until it drips down to your exposed breasts. fuck… his thighs go numb as he came hard in front of you, moaning at the sight of his dear secretary licking remains of his release on his cock, pushing you away, telling you he’s too sensitive for now.
and as you let him catch his breath, he watches you clean up the mess he made all over your face, your tongue catching his cum that splattered by the side of your lip.
“tell me we’re not done yet, right?” you boldly coo at him, flashing the same doe eyes as before. ricky only chuckles under his breath, urging you to stand in front of him, his hand touching the damp spot on your panties.
“of course, it’s your turn now... my fucktoy did so well for me, i think she deserves a little reward.”
he glances at the door of his office. his secretary could never fail him, smiling at the way you locked the door once you entered a while ago, making sure no one would dare barge in and disturb, free from prying eyes, your body made for his sultry gaze only.
you wouldn’t mind if you spend a little bit overtime at work today, right?
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jolapeno · 1 year
rips in perfection
francisco morales x f!reader | frankie morales masterlist
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summary: you just shine your light with determination through the cracks he allowed you to see. lips blowing away cobwebs, fingers wrapping around door handles inside of him that you throw open and step through without fear.  you make my days better, morales. 
word count: 2.7k warnings: angst, but with happy ending. mention of wound on reader (head and palm). mention (blink and you miss) nod to prev. drug use and ptsd. sad boy frankie not thinking he deserves the girl. jo wrote this because she's twisty inside. an: as the warning states, i angst'd close to the sun. but it ends happy because i'm incapable of not doing so.
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He knows it means something that you called him—that you allow him through your front door.
Frankie’s eyes immediately catch sight of your wound—spotting the clotting scarlet and dried cerise. The rip in otherwise perfection that you attempt to hide with a kitchen towel around your palm. 
It’s tugged from you, shutting your front door with his heel as he tries to eye the deepness of the cut. The one which has, at one stage, made tears track down your cheeks—creating a road of pain in your skin.  
You, as to be expected, pretend to feign indifference that he’s here. Forcing it up, all a front. 
He knows he’s the one making you do it.
Your ego-bruised, now matching the hurt that blooms under your skin and around your eye. It’s the sole reason he doesn’t push, just follows when you turn on your heel. Forcing him to watch helplessly as you try, struggle and fail to jump onto your centre island. Frankie only dares step forward when you shoot him a glare—it’s a toxic cocktail of warning and pleading. 
If he has to choose a battle, he knows which one he’d rather be maimed by. Choosing to be burnt by your stare, then risk a further onslaught of a blizzard cast his way as he helps lift you. Turning gentle when you accept his invitation to see, sliding fingers around your wrist, index finger over skin—wanting to whisper an apology when you wince. 
But he swallows it, letting it join the other unspoken words that sit in the depths of him. The ones decaying and rotting. All swallowed back. 
Frankie tells himself you’d think they were empty anyway—bitterness simmering like a broth inside you. Plus, he’s sure it wouldn’t have sounded right from him. Words had never been his forte, his expertise. Least of all when it came to you. 
They always balled up, messily clumping, falling all out of order between loose fingers and delivered with carelessness. Even when he plans them out, mentally shoving doubts and insecurities aside to say something comforting.
It doesn’t matter now. There are no soft eyes or clumped words. Instead, wave-like worry is crashing against him. Taking in your appearance, how you look unsteady. Weak. Dizzy. 
“Ay. ¿Estás bien?” 
He braces for your tongue. 
The brilliant way it manages to both burn, mark and leave people cold when you spit words at whoever has upset you. 
It’s the first thing that made him smile when it came to you. 
Even with Benny stuck to your side, Santiago just behind you, you still have the man hitting on you in the bar embarrassingly storming away—before switching back into a softer, less sharp-edged version of yourself to reply to Benny’s earlier question. 
Now he’s experiencing that same sharpness. You’re frustrated, annoyed—cross, and livid. A sea of synonyms, but none quite hit the mark. 
You don’t snap at him, though, just let four words crack through the silence, all shaky, and trembling: “Me duele la cabeza….”
It’s like you command him, the way his eyes flick up. Your eyes all soft, the harshness ebbed away by the situation—the edges of your aura more welcoming than it’s been for weeks. 
Frankie had spotted the swelling when he arrived, knowing every inch of you like you’re moulded in his mind—painted on the back of his eyelids, seeing you even when he blinks. 
It's easy to slide his hand up, pads gliding over your neck, feeling you swallow as he brushes over your jaw, cheek—turning you to look over the swelling, how it’s rounding out, beginning to change. 
He’s soft when he whispers that you need stitches in your hand, ice for your head, blinking at him. Letting his words hang before forcing yourself to nod—pointing to a box on the counter, the one you’d likely gotten out the moment he told you he was on his way. 
Your voice all hoarse, words catching on teeth as you tell him about the stuff inside the green box, the kit you’d pulled together—the sharp needle and thread, alcohol wipes and bandages.
Only as he rummages, casting a quick glance at you, does he see the veil fall. Spots how your face twists in pain, lashes furiously blinking back tears, your thumb pushing at the skin on your palm—leaving half-moon marks, like a trail around the split skin. 
“Thought you’d have called Pope.” 
Your eyes fall, land on a spot on the ground—living there, fixated as you bite the inside of your cheek. Letting it stew and seethe. 
“I did. Didn’t answer.” 
It’s cold, lacking emotion. But it lands with a punch all the same.
He hates how his heart plummets. Becomes more determined to rummage for nothing forcibly—just so he can choose to keep his head bent, the beak of his hat hiding the discomfort undoubtedly stitched into his face. 
Because it’s his fault, the reason the two of you keep taking chunks out of one another. The dance the two of you have done, the closeness he’s allowed to bridge. 
One minute good friends, next moment wrestling with feelings he's too afraid to say. Then he overcompensates, egging you on to flirt with a man at the bar, with the next second wanting to throttle anyone who looked at you.  
It’s hard to unknot when it changed—when he found it difficult to rip his eyes from you, and you had rooted yourself in his life. 
It could have been somewhere over beers or under the fairy lights at the Miller house—eyes shimmering, smile growing. It also could have been when the stars were too pretty on that camping trip, when you’d moved your sleeping bag closer to him, sleeping under rustling leaves and blinking stars—the two of you waking curled up together, realising for the rocks and sticks in his spine, he’s never slept better. 
It was sealed, all the same, when he’d tugged you down the alleyway, beer tasting on your lips as brick cuts into his hand, his other hand gripping you close—almost bruising. Lost in feeling heaven collide, his world shifting, your mouth moving with his under the flickering bar light, kissing you as though to tell you that you're all he needs.
That’s when it all slid into one, a hot pot of things he can’t discern—a collection of emotions too complex to ascertain. 
You didn’t try to be what he needed, just tried to show kindness—all-second nature, undeserving of a fuck up like him. 
“You gonna stitch me or kiss me, Francisco?” 
Your voice cuts through his thoughts, slicing and ripping memories in two. There’s an edge to it, your words—one that makes him snort—shaking his head as he returns to you, taking your hand gently but leaving no room to fight him. 
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Frankie doesn’t ask if you want him to stay. He just stays. 
Once stitched, he helps you off the counter, tells you to change—that he’ll begin cleaning up your accident.
Between the third and fourth stitch, you’d told him how a vegetable caused you to slip, pot and glass shards shattering in the chaos. 
He brushes each of them until he’s sure no piece could ever find your bare foot, then he wipes the crimson from your grout. Only as he lifts his head to stand does he see the edge of the counter, the one at fault for the growing swelling along your brow line. 
An additional reason for the silence your usually acidic tongue fills. It taking a rest, likely as you will your brain to stop thumping. 
He runs his knuckles along it, gritting his jaw, letting his feelings throb in his chest. The ones he’s felt for so long, they’re harder to control—fighting, desperately, to get out and greet your ear. 
Even though he convinces himself you deserve better, there's no one else for him.
What he wants and what you deserve a conflicting push and pull inside of him that have forced awkwardness and silence to take up space in between you.
You deserve someone more whole, without failure and a record to go with it. 
Even if Frankie knows it would be easy to love you—just like it is to breathe. It's part of him, his affection for you. Steadily threaded through his muscles and bones.
But he can’t even meet his own eyes in the mirror when he dresses, never mind hold yours. He’s forever greeted by the parts of him forever changed by the things he’s seen—the things he’s done. The parts altered and desperate for rest—the entire reason white powder greeted his nostrils, to begin with. 
He was, and is, broken and ruined. All poisoned by memories of orders and decisions, pouring down rain and the sound of Benny shouting for Tom. 
Not that you see it. 
You just shine your light with determination through the cracks he allowed you to see. Lips blowing away cobwebs, fingers wrapping around door handles inside of him that you throw open and step through without fear. 
You make my days better, Morales. 
Those words had fallen with ease as you grasped his wrist in your hand, leaving him with a smile that lingered like smoke until it faded in the loud bar. The key to the lock, the thing which melted the chains and made him suggest taking you home, stealing a moment where he could live a fairytale of being able to enjoy you.  
He supposes it’s why he came—rushed, in fact. 
You’re so deeply woven in him, have been for so long, he’s not sure how to ever untangle you from him. For as long as he’s known you, you’ve held him together without even knowing. Sometimes, more than he wanted you to. 
A friend of a friend, a girl who joined the group one night and never left. Etching your name amongst the friends in a way not too dissimilar to how you’d carved your initials into his heart. 
It’s why he tries to rip out his feelings. Attempted to burn them, bury them. 
Endeavoured to be reborn coated in the failings and vermillion he’s been painted in so many times. Let the voices mount, allow the illusions win—that the shadowed parts of his mind create. 
You clear your throat, looking at him, hovering in the doorway in an oversized tee he recognises as his and a pair of fluffy socks. You’re fidgeting, pupils having swallowed all and any colour—no hope or pain living there. 
You’re good at concealing, able to shift and perfectly apply an expression that shields him from your thoughts or feelings, as though attempting to convince him you’re fine. 
You’re not. 
It thrums in the air and needles him. 
Has been doing so since he listened to you try not to shatter when he left that day. Even if he wanted nothing more than to turn back around, marry his lips back to yours, and feel your breaths against his neck. 
You didn’t ask him to stay. He didn’t ask to either. 
Standing there in a robe, fragile and questioning what it is you'd done wrong, not knowing (because he never explained it) that all you were at fault for was falling for him. That you'd bonded yourself to ruin and rubble somehow still shaped like a person.
If you've figured it out, you don't acknowledge it. You're smart, though. Aware.
Your teeth biting the inside of your cheek as the two of you allow awkwardness to bubble, the silence plucking the tension until it thickens and becomes suffocated. 
All because he accepted your invitation that night, instead of declining when he dropped you home. 
Spent the evening and morning showing you what he’s felt for months, a year. Feeling it given back to him, hearing it in the way you pleaded for more and dug your heels into his spine. Please, Frankie. Please. All enthralled in fantasy that was ruined by morning light that illuminated that look in your eyes.
The one you're wearing now. All bewitched and full of adoration because you love him, likely the same as he loves you.
It hurt him, too, to walk away. So much so it irks him on good days and frustrates him on bad ones. It merges with his annoyance at your stubbornness, the ones he’s forced you to have. 
You blink, try to hide from him. Conceal yourself. Try to survive in the watery current of feelings you won’t spill to him again. Opting instead to drown in their storm—the story you told yourself that isn’t anything close to the fable it should have been. 
It tugs at him as he moves closer—the air-tight, constricting around the two of you. His eyes take in every inch of your features—awaiting the micro-expressions, the ones you try to keep back from him.
He shouldn’t curl into your touch, but he does so all the same when light, fairy touches brush his cheek. When you shuffle closer, leaving a gap of barely anything between the two of you. 
It would be easy, less complicated, to kiss you. To surrender, lay down his objections and give in. 
He doesn’t.
The vinyl playing in his head, the one swirling with lyrics about what you deserve, the life you truly want, the type of man who could give it to you. The harmony sang by Santi, the backing whispered by his doubts. 
The way you say his name undoes something.
Each syllable given a chance to stand on its own as it slips into the air with such ease, like an instrumental sound that hopes to compete with the music in his head. 
“You don’t love me?” 
He sighs, soft—barely discernible. “You know I do.” 
You snort, tinged in annoyance and pain different from the one in your hand and head. “Still believe I deserve better?” 
“No lo creo, lo sé.”
Something flickers, trips over your face. Akin to sorrow and disappointment—heartache. 
“Saying it in Spanish doesn’t lessen that you’re choosing for me, Morales.” 
He knows. 
Realises it’s unfair, cruel and an injustice. 
He wants nothing more than to choose you, to let you in. A carnal need rising almost to do so, born from continuous want and grown in worry. Images still present on the back of his lids with each blink, the way your voice had sounded on the phone, the way you’d looked at him when he arrived—the way your expression contorted when he dug the needle in. It all nicked him, tiny slices through him he’d bear for a while.
He lets it bloom. 
Your veil is almost translucent as you stare, pecking at him, pushing him without touching or speaking. 
You’re too good, too kind—it is almost brutish that the world stuck an arrow in you with his name on it. 
“You really call Pope?” 
You swallow, telling him without speaking, before you shake your head. 
He snorts. Takes the words in, chews them—lets it dilute and inflate his heart as it thumps, and thumps. 
“I should have asked you to stay,” you murmur. 
He swallows. “I should have asked to stay.” 
It’s that reason alone why he takes off his cap, throws it on the counter before he turns to look at you. His mask gone, ridden. Yours falling, landing somewhere at your feet. 
Frankie pulls you to his lips, somewhat soft but more intentional. It’s needy, but reserved, awaiting you to melt into him so he knows he can slide the tip of his tongue across your bottom lip and earn himself a whimper. Begin healing the parts he’s self-inflicted by choosing avoidance over acceptance. 
But before he can do that, he wants to heal you. Kiss each edge of you that bore pain from his faux indifference and cold shoulder; each muscle that remained taut because of his excuse that now sounded weak, as the vinyl in his mind came to a stop, vanishing from the player as though it never existed. 
Because with you, like this—albeit without a swollen temple and a stitched palm—things make sense.
You make sense. 
Just like you always have. 
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AN: some call it range going from joyous to angst, i call it ✨ sad girl jo
everyone say a huge thanks to @guyfieriii for once again letting me blurt pain at her, and she not only drinks it up, but urges me to make it hurt more. thank you for always collecting my tears and then handing me them back so i can sprinkle them over my work.
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WIBTA for wishing my friends happy birthday this year?
I don't think they use Tumblr, but I'm not sure, so just in case, I'm keeping specifics to a minimum. I'm college-aged, as are they. We've been friends since early highschool, but I'm not particularly close with most of the friendgroup. I only ever really DMed two of them in private, outside of the main groupchat. I currently only (sporadically) DM one.
I've always been open about my distaste for birthday celebrations. Other people's, because I never know what to gift them, and my own, because I never know what to do or who to do it with. Birthdays as an event stress me out. However, I know that my friends are people who care about birthdays. If they have a birthday party, I attend and get them something, even if it's just a gift card. If they don't, I wish them happy birthday anyway. And they'll wish me happy birthday when the day rolls around — or at least they did.
My last birthday was met with radio silence from that friendgroup. I don't expect much, but I'd thought I'd get at least a text. Here's the problem: I can't tell if that was them trying to be accommodating (since they must know that birthdays stress me out), or if that was an indicator that they're trying to gently let go of the friendship (since I know that birthdays matter to them).
Which leads us to now. New year, new birthdays. And I do want to wish them happy birthday as per usual — I feel it would be petty and childish not to. I can't fault them for forgetting, it's not like it's something I advertise. And if the silence was on purpose and it was supposed to be for my sake, then in not wishing them happy birthday, I would come across as being passive-aggressive for no reason.
But if them ignoring my birthday was supposed to be an unspoken message regarding the end of our friendship, it would be rude to bowl right past it and continue to force things. I don't want to be the clingy person who stays past their welcome, and they are well within their rights to want to end a friendship.
Personally, if I no longer wanted to be friends with somebody, and they kept trying to push their way into my life, it would put me in a very uncomfortable position, and I'm sure the same is true for my friends — hence why I feel like I might be the asshole if I continued to wish them a happy birthday. I'm neurodivergent, and I'm worried that this is a really obvious social thing that I'm just missing, and I should just leave them alone.
What are these acronyms?
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ghoulish-fiction · 6 months
I rise from the dead to give you a short and sweet Rain/Dewdrop drabble about cuddling, flirting, supporting your boyfriend's mental health, and defending his honor by maybe biting people. Read it all under the cut. 🖤
“Hey, Rain Cloud.” Dewdrop said as he practically manifested next to the oversized living room chair Rain was curled up in. He reached out to fiddle with Rain's ear as he waited for Rain to finish the sentence he was on and close his book.
“Hey, Dewy.” Rain said as he finally looked up at Dew. It only took one glance to confirm what he had thought he heard in Dewdrop's tone, he wasn't having a good day.
Rain pulls back the blanket, an unspoken invitation for Dewdrop to join him. Dew is quick to cuddle up next to him, careful not to poke Rain with his horns as he buries his face in the crook of Rain's neck.
"A space heater was just what I needed," Rain said with a kiss to the top of Dewdrop's head as he smooths the blanket back over both of them. "What do you need?"
"I don't feel very real today. I miss home. I miss the water." Dewdrop explained how he felt, not feeling bold enough, an unusual state of mind for Dew, to actually say what he needs
"It's not the same as the waters back home,” Rain says gently, “but you know the Abby's lake is part of an underwater cave system right? It feels more like home down deep."
"Yeah I know, I just feel... out of place. I feel like the other water ghouls don't want me there because I'm a multi. A fire-water multi no less."
"There's nothing wrong with that. Did someone say something to you? I'll bite them. Make it look like a piranha attack." Rain said, only half joking.
Dew snorted out a laugh and snuggled in impossibly closer to Rain.
"Nah, that's alright. It's just the feeling I get."
Rain made a sound of acknowledgment and held Dewdrop a little tighter.
"You'll have to unpack that sometime with somebody more equipped to help. For now, want to do some grounding exercises with me to feel more real?”
Dewdrop nodded, and, with great emotional effort, sat up to face Rain.
"Okay," Rain starts, "What are five things you can see?"
Dew drew a deep breath and started listing things, "I can see your glass of water on the coaster, some of Cumulus's abandoned bobby pins next to that, the green throw pillow covers Mountain crocheted, the cover of your trashy novel-
"Hey!" Rain pouted.
Dewdrop chuckled and finished his list with, "And your cute pout."
Rain snorted and said, "Alright, alright, now take another deep breath and tell me four things you hear.”
Dewdrop was obedient, not something you see everyday, and closed his eyes while he breathed deeply, focusing on the feeling in his chest, and then on what he could hear.
Rain had to hold back a giggle that threatened to bubble up as he watched Dewdrop's long, pointed ears twitch this way and that as he listened. He thought it might just be one of the cutest things he's ever seen.
"I hear Aether tuning his acoustic in his room, the washing machine, Swiss humming, and you trying not to laugh."
Rain couldn't hold it anymore, "Ah, you caught me." He laughed.
A smile tugged at the corner of Dewdrop's lips. Rain laughing was one of his favorite sounds.
"Next, tell me three things you can touch and feel."
Dewdrop's hands began to wander. Rain caught himself blushing as he watched Dewdrop's fingers almost lovingly caress the blanket that covered them both.
"I can feel how fuzzy the blanket is," his hands moved towards Rain's chest, "the soft fabric of a favorite t shirt,"
Rain's blush grew darker as he smiled at Dew, even though his gaze was fixed to his own hands. Rain expected those hands to move to a final third thing, but they stayed in place and pressed firmly against him.
"And your heartbeat. It's always so strong and steady no matter what. It's comforting."
"I'm glad it makes you feel that way." Rain sait softly. He reached out to tuck a lock of Dewdrop’s long hair behind his ear. He softly traced Dewdrop's sharp jaw from ear to chin to lift his gaze from his hands to Rain's own face. They smiled at each other for a moment.
"Are you sure you needed grounding, or did you just want to flirt with me?" Rain teased.
"Why not both?" Dewdrop said with a wicked grin.
"Fair enough." Rain chuckled. "Two things you can smell?"
"That nasty ass weed that Mountain lit up in here last night. I don't know where he got such a disgusting strain, and I don't know if that will ever go away."
"I think you're supposed to list good smelling things."
"Hmm, well then that would be your shampoo." Dew said as he carded his fingers through Rain's curly locks.
"Heh, thanks." Rain said with a soft smile, "Feeling a bit more present?"
"You forgot one." Dew pouted while still running fingers through Rain's hair, claws gently scratching at his scalp, making Rain purr.
"Oh, well, yeah. I think the last one is always silly. It's not like you're eating while trying to ground yourself. Well... maybe sometimes."
"I could find something else to taste." Dewdrop said with a mischievous smile. With little warning he grabbed onto Rain's hair and pulled him in for a kiss. It didn't really surprise Rain. The kiss was innocent and sweet, but Rain deepened it as he pulled Dewdrop into his lap and held their bodies close together. Their tails tangled together as they sought as much contact as possible. Dew rocked his hips against Rain's as he got caught up in the moment, but he quickly reigned himself back in. He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to Rain's.
"I taste mint. You brushed your teeth just before sitting down to read."
"And I'm glad I did. Didn't know I'd be leading a highly unprofessional counseling session."
"I won't report you to the board if you give me this session for free." Dewdrop said between the kisses he was peppering onto Rain's face.
"Ha! Deal." Rain agreed. "Now how do you feel?"
"Much better.” Dewdrop said sincerely, “Thank you Rainy."
"Anytime, dear."
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slytherheign · 1 year
COWBOY LIKE ME | daniel ricciardo
PAIRINGS: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader, slight max verstappen x fem!reader
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SUMMARY: daniel knows what he’s doing is wrong and he’s aware that he’s not supposed to feel what he’s feeling. dancing is a dangerous game, but he believes in taking chances.
WARNINGS: cursing/swearing, mention of depression, feelings of guilt, falling in love really fast, and pressures from expectations. let me know if i missed any warnings. [⚠︎︎RATING: 16+]
AUTHOR’S NOTE: inspired by taylor swift’s song with the same title. enjoy the second bonus part of the series! this is the last part until i release parts iii and iv which will include reader’s choice between danny and max.
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Daniel always believed in taking chances.
Life had a peculiar way of playing its hand, presenting people with unexpected opportunities and challenges that were impossible to resist. Never had he ever thought that clicking a simple follow button on a social media app would change the trajectory of his life. 
It started with simple curiosity, a want to know who was the person behind his friend’s tears. There was an anger within him directed at you, purely out of concern for one of his closest friends. But at the same time, there was also a desire within him, purely because of the things Max had told him about you.
Then came the moment you accepted his follow request. And little did he know, that the moment he saw your pictures, his entire world was about to be turned upside down.
He clicked on the first image. It was a candid shot of you caught in a moment of pure joy. Your laughter radiated from the screen, reaching out to him like a siren's song. Your smile was captivating. It was as if you already knew the depths of his soul, without having even met him personally.
He clicked another image. This time, it was a picture of you that captured your intense gaze. Your eyes seemed to pierce through the pixels, locking with his own. Your eyes held secrets, mysteries that he yearned to unravel. With just a glance, you pulled him into your world. It was irresistible, intoxicating even. How could someone he had never met evoke such strong emotions within him?
It would be such a pleasure for him to take your pictures. At that moment, he knew his camera had another purpose—to capture your face.
As he scrolled through the pictures, his expressions changed, reflecting a wide range of emotions—from longing to desire, to hesitance and guilt.
He knew what he was doing was wrong. He was not supposed to feel something. This infatuation was wrong, it was forbidden. He was crossing a line by allowing his imagination to run wild just by looking at your pictures.
He should have stopped.
But instead, he kept going.
There was something inexplicable about the human heart, how it could lead people astray, defying logic and reason. He had always believed in loyalty, in the unspoken bond that existed between friends. But his heart was entangled in a web of emotions, where right and wrong blurred... where love and friendship battled.
He had heard stories about you, had heard Max talking with you on the phone, and had watched Max laugh at something you said on the phone. From then on, there was a constant itch in his brain to know more about who you were. And now that he knew your face, the more he knew about you, the more the itch got scratched.
Suddenly, you weren't someone he wanted, you were someone he needed.
Love, as they said, was a dangerous game, a rollercoaster of emotion and vulnerability. But what if he were to defy those warnings and take a chance?
He knew it was a gamble, but some risks were worth taking, especially when the reward could be an extraordinary connection. So, he decided to do something bold, something that would bring you closer to him, even if it seemed a bit unconventional.
He sent you a message.
And to his surprise, you replied back.
He suggested a friendly meetup, one that you unfortunately rejected. “Not right now,” you responded to him.
He stopped right after that, respecting your decision and thinking of ways he could stop his ever-beating heart. Life had shown him a sign, in the clearest way possible, that he should not continue what he was doing.
But wait…
“Not right now.” did not mean “No.”
“Not right now.” did not mean “Never.”
There was still a chance.
And he believed in taking chances.
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He was driving around, trying to clear his mind. It was the summer break and he had just met up with a friend of his who lived in Menton. He saw a tennis court covered up with some tent-like thing. Something inside him told him to stop and park his car near it, so he followed his guts.
He had no business going inside, but he did.
There wasn’t anyone around but there were tables with chairs perched above them. He turned around, heading towards the door to leave. But a voice stopped him.
“If you’re here for the party, it ended hours ago.”
He turned around. 
It was there, amidst the tidied-up tables and chairs, that he saw you—the person who shattered his guarded heart and ignited a fire within him. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked, looking at the glass of wine you held in your hand instead of him.
“In Menton or in this place?” he asked, walking closer.
“I visited a friend,” he started. “Then I stumbled upon this place, got curious, and went in.”
You hummed in response. “Well, if you’re wondering, I’m here because I organized a party for a friend. They already left and I chose to stay behind.”
“Who would want a party in a tennis court covered up with a tent?”
“I asked her that same question,” you laughed. “But she really wanted it to happen here.”
He couldn't describe it, but there was an undeniable connection he felt. The way you carried yourself, the way you laughed—you emanated a kind of warmth that was contagious. It was as if you held the key to a world he had yet to discover.
“If you want me to leave, I can,” he said after a moment of silence.
You thought hard about what you should answer.
“You can stay,” you told him, taking a chair from above one of the tables and sitting on it. “I-uhh, I actually need company.”
He smiled widely like a kid in a candy shop, thankfully, you didn’t see it.
The silence that surrounded the two of you was deafening. But he had tricks up his sleeve. Daniel noticed a speaker and connected it to his phone, playing a song he once heard in a romantic movie.
He held out his hand in front of you, asking you to dance.
"Dancing is a dangerous game," you said, shaking your head. It was not because you didn’t want to dance that moment, but because you knew that if you were to take his hand, you would dance to a different song—a song of new beginnings, a song of love. And you weren’t sure if you were ready for that just yet.
In his head, Daniel agreed. It was, indeed, a dangerous game he was playing. He never wanted love before, he just wanted a fancy car. Love was never his focus. So, why was he focusing on it now? 
He took a chair as well, sitting beside you. 
“Does your family live here?” he asked.
“No, only me.”
“Yeah, they’re in Monaco. That’s where we actually live. I just moved here.”
“Do you mind me asking why?”
“No, I don’t mind,” you replied. “It’s just uhh—we have a family business, I’m meant to inherit it someday and there’s a lot of pressure. They criticize every move I make and I do my best to do what they want me to do but sometimes I just can’t,” you sipped from your wine glass. “Moving here lessened that pressure because I’m not constantly around them.”
“I kind of know what that feels like,” he said. “There’s an immense amount of pressure in Formula 1 when you’re a driver. I remember last year I drove for McLaren, I wasn’t performing what they expected me to perform. Trust me, I tried so hard to do what they wanted me to do, but it was so hard when you had better competitors and you didn’t have the best car. In the end, they paid me to end my contract—which was like a slap on my face because that meant they didn’t want me anymore and they saw me as the problem. I got depressed about it, especially knowing I didn’t have a seat this year. And when I moved back to Red Bull as their reserve driver, the pressure was less.”
“Sometimes, the solution is moving away from the problem,” you whispered, placing the glass in your hand atop the table. 
“Yeah, I guess,” he sighed.
It took one to know one.
You were a cowboy just like him.
Trying your absolute best to do what the rich folks wanted you to do. 
“So, you still want to dance?” you asked him, standing up and offering your hand in front of him.
He accepted it, standing up as well.
“Change the song, this one is too sad,” you chuckled.
“What song do you want me to play?”
“Play some country playlist,” you shrugged. “That usually lightens up my mood.”
He did what you asked him to do before following you into the middle where there was a space specifically made for dancing. 
Finally, for the first time, you looked at his eyes. 
And you smiled.
From the moment your eyes met, it was as if the universe conspired to bring you together. There was an undeniable connection. In your presence, time stood still, and everything else faded into insignificance. You danced, you laughed, you talked, and in those moments, he felt an intimacy that he had longed for but never truly experienced.
It took one to know one.
You were a bandit just like him.
Eyes full of stars, hustling for the good life.
Who would've thought a simple visit to a friend would lead to this? 
He never thought he'd meet you here.
There was something about you, something special that set you apart. It was like a magnetic force drawing him in, compelling him to explore what was beyond your radiant smile.
Love was rarely straightforward. It came with its fair share of complications and sacrifices. The world around him saw love's mere existence as a gamble, a dangerous bet that could risk everything a person held dear. Society's judgments and expectations loomed like an ominous cloud, reminding him of the forbidden territory he was about to step foot into. Yet, he couldn't deny the emotions that coursed through his veins.
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It started innocently, the way it always did, with shared moments of laughter and understanding. He connected with you effortlessly as if your souls had danced together in another life. He couldn't help but fall... fall into the depths of your gaze, the warmth of your smile, and the magnetism of your presence. 
He knew what he felt was wrong. The undeniable affection—he shouldn't have even felt it in the first place. 
He sometimes imagined what would have happened if Max hadn't slipped up that one drunken night, if Max hadn't revealed your name, and if Max hadn't told him how much his world was brighter because of you. Would he still be the same person he was before? The person who longed for a love he always knew he would never experience?
You were already illuminated by the light of your own love story. Your bond with Max was palpable, woven with shared dreams, secrets, and milestones. And yet, his heart yearned for yours, silently screaming every time Max mentioned you, accidentally or not.
Should he have denied these feelings, buried them deep within his soul? Should he have pretended that the heavens didn't conspire to intertwine his life with yours? How could something so divine be so morally forbidden? It was like standing at the edge of a precipice, torn between falling into the abyss or retreating in shame.
But love, love knew no bounds—it blinded even the most rational minds and shattered the invisible walls he had built around his heart. He wasn't proud of his feelings, yet here he was… falling more helplessly and recklessly in love each moment he spent with you. The very notion of it terrified him, but he couldn't deny what his heart whispered in the silent moments of the night.
The skeletons in both your closets plotted hard to fuck everything up.
But that was all before he locked it down.
The world might call him reckless, foolish even, but when he looked at you next to him, he felt an unwavering certainty. Yes, the future might hold challenges, uncertainty, and perhaps even heartbreak. But life was too short for him to deny the chance to experience a love so rare and extraordinary. He was willing to take that challenge, to navigate the uncharted territories of forbidden passion, for love was worth every risk.
Now, you hung from his lips like the Gardens of Babylon.
With your boots beneath his bed.
Love was a gamble and you were the greatest prize.
Now that he had you, he wasn't letting you go any sooner.
He always believed in taking chances.
So, that was what he did.
He took them.
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SLYTHERHEIGN TAGLIST: @writingstoraes @joshiiieeenesx
FORMULA ONE TAGLIST: @dreamingofautopia @lpab @matildrry @fangirl125reader @tall-tanned-tattoo @aundercover @stevesworld9 @princessria127
are you team max or team daniel? vote here.
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the-wales-5 · 9 months
"Crazy for this girl " (Chapter 1)
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September 2001.
“Wouldn't you sign this picture for me? Please, I will keep it with myself forever! It will be my favourite item in the room! Yes, I know you are not signing autographs, but you can make an exception for me, right?”
“Look here! It’s my new camera, and I want yours to be the first picture there!”
All these voices full of excitement were ringing in his head yet long after he went to his room. Prince William tried to attend as many seminars and lectures as he could, especially that it was the very beginning of his studies, but the unhealthy interest he had been getting from the young women in the corridor every day was scaring him. He thought that the University of St Andrews in Scotland would be the best possible choice even with the assumption that lots of people would want to talk with him or take a picture, so he tried to get used to it. However, what he'd been experiencing for the past few days made him feel unsettled and exceeded his worst expectations.
He finally sat down on the bed and tried to rest after a day with two lectures and that recent stressful situation. After a while, he decided to take a look through notes he made throughout the day, on one of the pages was written “Bring to the classes in two days”, followed by a title of the book all the students were supposed to have. The prince cursed at the thought of going out of his room and meeting a group of excited or rather overly-excited and hysterical girls once more that day. However, he knew that many other students always borrowed books as soon as possible. Due to that unspoken rule, he had already lost a chance to get one of the important papers before class in the previous week. As a consequence, at that moment, he was determined to completely ignore all the people waiting and get through to the library.
“I do not understand all that fuss you are creating here for days” a brunette thought as she passed by some of her female friends who were still enthusiastically talking about the Prince of Wales’ son. She did not express her thoughts out loud, though, as she was in the minority of people thinking that William's arrival at the university was a ‘normal’ thing and not something to gush about constantly.
After asking about the book, William was left in disappointment again. The last copy was taken away by someone else just fifteen minutes earlier. After hearing the words “You can ask her”, William assumed that yet another forced and weird conversation was awaiting him.
“Miss Middleton. Her name is on that list given out to all the students on the first day, am I right?” A person working in the library said and rolled his eyes a little. Although he knew that a prince stood in front of him, he still felt an annoyance over first-year students' awkwardness and confusion about every simple rule.
“Yes, of course” William cleared throat moments later “We've simply had no chance to talk yet”. This time, he was the one to not receive a reply and left the library in the following seconds.
Chapter 2
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oliversrarebooks · 1 year
The Rare Bookseller Part 4: Oliver's Exam
September 1925
TW: Restraints, slavery, non-sexual nudity
Lot Seven. That's what he was to these vampires, a commodity to be purchased for his desirable blood. The door clicked and locked behind him, and he was well and truly trapped in the auction house.
He kept up the pace behind the vampire as she led him by the leash, stopping to knock on a door. "Cecily! I've brought Lot Seven! Are you free to process him?"
The door popped open and a sickeningly cheerful looking woman poked her head out. "Of course! I'm dying to see this one."
Oliver felt utterly humiliated as a tall vampire woman emerged from the room and began looking him up and down as though he were an object. Even if he could pull free of the leash, there was nowhere for him to go. He took a deep breath and tried to keep his nerves steady. The only possible way out of this would be to look for a good opportunity, not blindly panic.
"Let's get you processed and checked in," said the new vampire, Cecily, as casually as though she were checking him into a hotel room. She led him by the leash into a room, which looked a bit like a medical clinic, surprisingly sterile for a place run by vampires. There was a thin man in a white coat in the room, writing something on a clipboard. 
Cecily pushed him down onto a wooden chair, attaching his leash to a ring in the wall. She pulled up a chair as well. "I have a few questions to ask you for our records."
"Why should I answer them?"
"They're to help you find a good placement."
"You mean sell me to the highest bidder."
"Of course," she said. "So what's your name?"
He sighed. "Oliver Pines." He could hear the scratch-scratch-scratch as the man with the clipboard wrote it down.
He briefly wondered if young people commanded higher prices. "Thirty-two."
"Any health conditions?"
He wanted to say that he had some kind of deadly, contagious disease, in the odd chance they'd throw him out, but the words couldn't form. He opened and closed his mouth wordlessly a few times, feeling quite stupid, before saying, "No, I'm quite healthy."
"My ability forces you to tell the truth," she said to his unspoken question. "Now, drinking, smoking, any other vices?"
"Isn't it too bad? You could've indulged in all of those things if you had known you were going to end up here. Just as well, though, being a teetotaler raises your value."
Her words stung. If this was indeed the end of the line for him, there were so many things he could have done. He didn't exactly regret not indulging in vices, but... he could have at least gone to his favorite cafe more often, taken that trip to the mountains, bought finer food and clothes instead of saving for a future that would never come...
"What was your occupation?"
Oliver didn't miss that she said "was". "I own and run a shop specializing in rare and antique books."
Scratch-scratch-scratch went the pen against paper. "Interesting," Cecily said. "That's an interest some vampires share. Any other notable skills?"
"None, really. I had mostly devoted my life to books. I do enjoy sketching, but I'm not that good at it." All the things he had wanted to learn and do... "I should have taken up vampire hunting."
He expected anger or offense from Cecily, but instead she laughed. "I was a vampire hunter, you know."
"You? But..."
"It's often the fate of hunters to be turned," she shrugged.
"And now you're here. Processing humans like cattle."
"And now I'm here," she agreed, clearly not wanting to elaborate. "Speaking of processing, it's time to get those clothes off so we can give you a brief medical exam."
"My clothes?" he said, shrinking away.
"It's nothing lascivious, it's a medical examination. Now stand," she said, gesturing. "And I don't recommend trying anything with two vampires in the room and the door locked."
They were always warning him, weren't they? Don't do this, don't do that, it's futile. The logical thing to do, he thought, would be to bide his time and save his strength until he had an actual chance at escape, and not wear himself out and suffer punishments from pointless struggle. But maybe that's what they wanted him to think. Every step along the way a little more freedom had been lost, and now he was locked in a basement and about to have his clothes removed.
He couldn't take it. He needed out. He couldn't stop his legs from bolting for the door.
He didn't even reach the end of his leash before Cecily grabbed him. "Really, you're choosing to do this now? And you were doing so well..."
"Let me go!" he shouted hysterically. "I want to go home! Let me go!"
"Just calm down, you're not going anywhere --"
"Let me go! Let me go!"
"Thomas, get the sedative."
"No!" He pulled at her arms, desperate. "No, I don't want to be drugged. Don't do it, please!" The thought of being rendered unconscious in this hellish place, of being even more at the mercy of these monsters, was unbearable.
"Then behave yourself," said Cecily. "I'll give you one chance, but only because it's easier to process you if you're awake."
She relaxed her grip, and Oliver slumped over, his sudden burst of fight gone. He had been right in the first place, to try and survive and hope an opportunity presented itself. He'd always been physically weak, but he had his mind, and he had to preserve it as much as possible, even if it meant suffering indignities. As long as he stayed sharp, didn't give into despair, avoided the drugging and conditioning as much as possible...
"Much better. Thank you for your cooperation," she said cheerfully.
"Get it over with, monster," he said bitterly. None of the vampires seemed to particularly care about impudence, which he feared was a bad sign. Taking offense at the words of their captive would have belied insecurity. These vampires, however, were all supremely confident in their business, acting as though processing humans was no more than a day at the office. They didn't get angry about anything he said because it was nothing more than the harmless barking of a dog to them.
And perhaps they didn't care about anything he said because they fully expected to "correct" him with conditioning later on.
As he ruminated, Oliver was led to the center of the room, his leash detached from the wall and attached to a pole, as though he were livestock. Cecily produced a large set of metal shears and began to cut his shirt away.
"Is that really necessary?" he said. He liked that shirt, it was soft and a very fetching shade of blue.
"All of your clothes are being burned anyway," she said matter-of-factly. She removed his shirt and cut away his undershirt as well, exposing his chest to the room, which was at least warm. "We'll set aside your shoes and valuables and give them to your new owner upon purchase."
"How thoughtful."
"You can keep your glasses for now if you wish."
"Yes, I do," he said, surprised to be even allowed that. Being able to see properly was one small mercy, although he expected that he was only allowed to have his glasses because it was in some way more convenient for the vampires.
She removed his shoes, putting them down on a table, and pulled off each sock, the lovely blue argyle socks that he had mended so many times, their final fate to be burned. Next was his belt, and he winced as she removed it, wrapped it up in a neat coil and set it next to his shoes. He braced himself, reminding himself that he couldn't fight or he'd be drugged again, as she pulled his pants off, picking up each foot. She pulled his beloved pocket watch and chain out, admiring it for a moment before putting it aside. And then his shorts were tugged off as well, and he was standing naked before the vampires. He couldn't stop himself from letting out a pathetic whimper.
Cecily and Thomas were all business, though, looking over his body and scratching things down on the clipboard. Thomas pressed a stethoscope to his chest and ordered him to breathe in deep; Oliver could only manage a shallow, ragged breath, but it didn't seem to matter. He took a penlight and shone it into Oliver's eyes, examined his ears, forced open his jaw and looked at his teeth, checked his hands and nails.
"What's the verdict? Am I healthy enough to be a meal?" he said, trying to distract himself with dark humor.
"Easily," said Cecily. "But neither of us can afford you."
Oliver swallowed hard. As a child, he'd had a secret wish to be special, to be involved in the supernatural. Being some rich delicacy for vampires was not the way he would have wanted it to play out.
Part Three >> Masterlist >> Part Five
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orphic-musings · 1 year
Hi !!!! 💓🥹 I absolutely love your Genshin fics. Especially the one with Zhongli and the adeptus reader!!! <3 I was wondering if you’d consider writing a Morax x Khaneri’ah reader ??? Or even a Morax x God/Goddess reader ???
Have a lovely day/night. Take care ~
Characters: Zhongli x gn! reader
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort
Warnings: None really :-)
Summary: You are one of the remaining Khaenri’ahns, cursed to wander the world forevermore. With no home, no identity. How can joy ever return to such a bleak existence?
Notes: Ooooooohhhh I loved this request! And thank you so much for reading my fics I’m so so glad you enjoyed them! I really hope this meets your expectations, I had fun writing this hehe. I almost made it angst but I thought yknow Zhongli needs some love. you need some love. we all need love. 🫶
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You can no longer feel the wind on your face. The ever-changing skies look all the same to you, and days are a blur. As one of the sole remnants of Khaenri’ah, you are cursed with immortality. You feel more like a shadow than a person, as you drift from place to place, always going in circles. No home, no place to welcome you, no one to welcome you. It truly is a curse.
Or so you used to think.
The water softly lapped at the Liyue docks, shimmering with the glow from laterns. It was a warm evening, and the city was still very much awake. Storytellers could be heard, along with chatter and din from restaurants and merchant stands. Morax couldn’t help the smile forming. Even after all the years he’s lived, he still finds joy in seeing his nation prosper, even if it isn’t really his nation anymore. The peace and life that he fought so hard for now being enjoyed by countless people, tourists and locals alike. And he has all eternity, lest erosion take him, to revel in its tranquility.
As a god, and as a man, he enjoys the simple things in life. Things that make him look forward to each day, like mundane conversations with interesting wanderers, or a new blend of tea. Or, in this particular moment, both.
“Do you travel often, Mr. Zhongli?” You blow on the hot tea, pausing another moment for good measure, before carefully sipping.
“I’m afraid not. This land is… sentimental to me. From the harbour to the jagged mountains, I could not bear to be separated with Liyue for long.” He replies, taking a sip of his own tea. It’s a delightful blend, the light jasmine subtle, but just floral enough to give an exquisite aftertaste, and bittersweet enough to go for another sip.
“I understand, it’s hard to be away from home.”
“Do feel homesick often?”
“I do. Or I used to.” In truth, you don’t even remember what you’re homesick for. Or why you should miss it. It feels so long, that nowhere is your home, that you don’t even know how to miss home.
“You’re very interesting. I enjoy talking with you. You have an undeniable sense of knowledge and wisdom, and I would love to speak more with you.”
And so you did. Evening walks became frequent, then a habit. And soon your days were spent with him too. Part of you wanted to move on, it felt wrong to linger, like you were breaking some unspoken rule. You needed to wander, to drift in the shadows. But you didn’t want to, you didn’t need to. The though of parting with Zhongli felt even worse than staying, like you could not bear to separate with him. Like he was home.
»»————- ♡ -————««
It was a cloudy night when you first kissed. On a mountain just near the harbour, overlooking the splotched lights through the haze. The air was sweent with Qingxin, and it was cool and fresh. His lips tasted like bitter tea and sweet wine.
“In all my life I have never felt like this. I thought I had found contentness, serenity. But I did not realize all the passion and warmth I was missing. Please, indulge me more.” You were hesitant. You were immortal, and you knew this love could not last. But the fondness, the pure light in his eyes made you accept. As if to lose this love would be to lose everything all over again.

“I’ll be yours so long as you’ll have me.” You whisper, your face close to his. His arms are a security you’ve never allowed yourself to settle in, a comfort you didn’t realize you were devoid of.
“Eternity then, my dear.” And with the steel of his voice, you believe him.
»»————- ♡ -————««
Time passes that you are aware of, and each day you look forward to simply existing with your lover. Time passes and the bond between you is stronger than anything, maybe even your curse. And despite the rumours about Zhongli, and despite his sometimes too specific questions, neither of you have disclosed your identities. But time passes, and neither of you age. You are the same as the day he met you, though he swears more spirited and radiant than ever. He is the same as the day you met him, his eyes still glow, but burn even brighter.
“It’s time I discuss something with you.” He declares as he brings the fresh pot of tea to the coffee table in front of you. Fear washes over you, and you momentarily feel the urge to wander, to be a shadow, to run away. But you are not a ghost anymore, you’ve learned how to love and be loved, how to be real. So you force your eyes to meet his. And you see your fear reflected.
“I am sorry to have kept this from you so long my dear, but I had doubts and fears that you have since washed away. I am, or was, the Geo Archon, Rex Lapis, or Morax if you prefer. But I am at the same time Zhongli, just as I always have been.” Your breath was held, and it still held until you manage to process his words. His calm face betrays the gnarling sensation in his gut. Suddenly he is at war again, but he is not confident in victory. And even worse, he is afraid to lose.
He desperately tries to find any sign of hope as he looks at you, only to be let down. His heart shatters, falling apart piece by piece. Like a stone crumbled beneath the piercing of his spear. But your face softens as you think over what he says, as you understand, as you realize.
“I know that you are mortal, and that one day-“ He begins, voice strained.
“You couldn’t have made me happier, than with the words you just said.” You reply, so consumed with joy that his anxious rambling flies over your head. “I have a secret too. Not anything proud like yours, but in this moment that doesn’t matter. I am immortal too, one of the cursed remnants from Khaenri’ah. But despite your godhood, and despite my past, it feelings like a blessing.” Your voice is light, your body is light. You feel like you’re floating, though your eyes water and your heart wrenches, a bliss spreads through you.
“I love you.” His arms hold you tightly, tight like a vow. His words calm you, and you relax in his touch. Through all the wars he fought, all the destruction he wrought, he wonders how it could have led to such a wonderful thing. How sins and a curse could be a blessing. But he merely smiles to himself as he thinks, it must be the power of love.
Jaded the two of you may be, but fools in love also. And you remember what it’s like to have a home. You remember what’s it’s like to live in the light, and to be seen. And it’s more wonderful than anything you’ve experienced. All the grief and despair you lived through, only now to have a promise of love for eternity. Just as there is always a sun to chase away the night, there is always joy and love to overcome hard times.
“I love you too Morax. I love you.”
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cerealmonster15 · 9 months
For the date ideas post, may I slip a note under your door that says Idikei? K bye! 🏃‍♀️
HELLO. this ended up being way longer than i planned initially JFKDLSJKLF sorry it took forever but also THANK YOU for the suggestion i LOVE IDIKEI i'm so glad i had reason to make myself sit and write for them!
This was written as a prompt from this post! I asked for someone to suggest a ship, and I would randomly draw numbers for the rest of the categories. I pulled:
Date type: Wedding date
Date idea: Getting ice cream[x] and strolling through a park
How the date is going: Super romantic
I may have taken some liberties with the prompts LOL but the overall vibe is there.
[Ao3 Link]
Title: Blue Raspberry Mango
Word Count: 5,224
Rating: G
Summary: Idia absolutely cannot show up to Azul's wedding while he's still single. Can you IMAGINE the obnoxious gloating he'd have to endure? Good thing his best buddy Cater Diamond is willing to help him avoid such a perilous fate!
“Oh my god, Trey,” Cater sighed between bites of risotto, “No one does it like you! I miss your cooking SO much!”
“Cater, don’t talk with your mouth full,” Riddle chided from across the table, but smiled nonetheless. “I suppose that means you’ll just have to come visit us more often, doesn’t it?”
“You know our door is always open for you,” Trey agreed.
“Provided you call first,” Riddle added. “It’s good manners.”
Cater laughed. He was glad his job in photography allowed him to travel around and ultimately landed him in the Queendom of Roses for most of his work. He’d never expected that he’d see so much of his old friends after graduation  and yet… Here he was, years later, sitting at the dinner table with two of his best friends in the entire world.
“Ooh, speaking of getting together for some mingle time,” Cater said, a grin spreading wide across his face as he spoke. “Did you guys get the invite to Jamil and Azul’s wedding!?”
“We did.” Trey stood for a moment to step into the living room, returning shortly with a familiar card that he placed on the table. “Riddle already sent our RSVP, of course. You’re going too, I assume?”
“So punctual!” Cater winked at Riddle, then nodded. “And OBVI. Cay-Cay’s not about to miss a once in a lifetime event like this! Idia says Azul’s inviting practically everyone from our NRC days. Something about wanting to ‘flaunt his happy marriage to everyone that doubted him,’ or something like that. You know how Azul loves his theatrics.”
“Ugh, yes,” Riddle scrunched up his nose, “I’m sure Azul will love reminding me - again - how he and Jamil managed to schedule a wedding before Trey and I have.”
Trey chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of Riddle’s head on his way back into the kitchen to retrieve dessert. “You know it’s not a competition.”
“It is to Azul, and he certainly believes he’s winning,” Riddle sighed, but then turned his focus back to Cater. “And how is Idia doing? I imagine you’re one of the few that he willingly keeps in contact with from NRC these days, yes?”
Cater nodded, a sense of pride filling in his chest at the acknowledgement that Cater was, in fact, one of the rare people Idia spent time talking with. On PURPOSE, even! “I sure am! He’s chill doin’ his thing over at S.T.Y.X. with Ortho. He still games with Lils on the ‘reg, and I think he and Azul do these, like, speedy flash matches on Chess.com? I don’t know if they even talk to each other. I think they just like the thrill of trying to digitally kill each other or whatever.”
Still, gaming and asserting dominance over virtual board games was practically the social pinnacle when it came to Idia Shroud.
Riddle raised a curious eyebrow. “Chess… Dot com…?”
Cater already had his phone out. “I’ll send you the link, and I'll get Idia and Azul’s usernames for you. I bet they’ll be thrilled to have a fresh opponent.” 
He pulled his phone out, despite Riddle’s unspoken no texting at the dinner table rule, and sent a quick text to Idia.
Cater: heyyy whats ur chess.com username or w/e + also azuls
To which Idia replied almost instantly, as he tended to do with Cater whenever he wasn’t physically too busy to multitask.
Idia: no way ur actually signing up for chess.com unprompted. whats it for
Idia: also ew why azul lol
Cater huffed a small laugh through his nose at the incoming messages while he sent the website link to Riddle, and then swapped back to Idia’s messages.
Cater: lol u know me so well bestie ~ it’s for riddle!
Cater: cmooooon u know u and azul would have fun doin one of those speedster rounds with him lol
Idia: they’re called bullet rounds 😑 w/e ya i’ll txt u the info
Idia: or yknow. he could wait to get it at the wedding. 👀👀👀
Cater gasped out loud, followed by a squeak of delight, causing both Trey and Riddle to look at him curiously.
“Whatever’s happening on your phone must be very interesting,” Trey said, “because you haven’t even glanced at the plate in front of you.”
There was, in fact, a new plate in front of Cater. A plate with a beautifully sliced, dark chocolate tart, topped with fresh strawberries and raspberries. A compromise, of course, as Trey trained himself in the art of locating more semisweet desserts back at NRC, so Cater wouldn’t feel completely shut out when it was time to bring dessert to the table. 
A subtle reminder to Cater that he was very loved by his dear friend.
“Aw, sorry Trey!” Cater set his phone down and took a bite of the tart. Perfectly balanced flavors, as always. “I just got excited! Sounds like Idia’s able to make it to Azul’s wedding after all. We weren’t sure ‘cause of his schedule, but I guess he managed to clear things up in time!”
“That’s good,” Riddle said, a light smirk forming across his face, “because I think we all know Azul would never let Idia hear the end of it if he failed to show.”
Cater’s phone lit up again, another text from Idia displayed for all to see.
Idia: ummmm ahem nows the part where u ask me if i cleared my schedule so i could go ( which ya i did) so that i can smoothly lead in2 asking u for a favor
Idia: cmon cay stay on the ball 🙄 
Riddle sighed. “Why don’t you just call him? There’s no use pretending you aren’t distracted by his texts going off every few seconds. It’s faster.”
Cater COULD argue that he and Idia weren’t exactly ‘callers’ so much as ‘texters’ or ‘video chatting in the privacy of their own homes while multitasking on six other activities’, but… He figured it was best not to start a disagreement with Riddle of all people.
After about three rings, Idia answered. “I-it’s not such a big favor that you needed to call me…” he sheepishly mumbled into the receiver.
Cater smiled. Idia was always so shy in the first few seconds of a call, planned or not. “Yeah, yeah, but I don’t wanna bug Riddle and Trey with my constant text notifs-”
“You know how to put your phone on silent.”
“Idiaaa…” Cater pouted, and though Idia couldn’t see his face, he could definitely hear it in Cater’s tone. “Just tell me what’s up?”
Idia exhaled a long, drawn out, dramatic sigh, before responding. “‘Kay, fine, whatever. Basically, I need you to LARP as my player 2 at Azul’s wedding. Y’know, secret stealth mission style.”
A long pause.
“...Huh?” Cater eloquently replied. “Um, what?”
“Uuughhh, this is why I didn't wanna have to explain out looouuud,” Idia groaned. “Listen. You know Azul. I know Azul. The dude invented the concept of being an insufferable, smug little bitch.”
That last comment pulled a full laugh out of Cater. “OMG, Idia, if that’s the kind of stuff you say about your besties, I’d hate to hear you tell me about your enemies!”
As if Cater hadn’t heard endless gamer rants time and time again about randos online that Idia felt personally wronged and slighted by. He knew exactly how cutting and fired up Idia could get, so by comparison, Idia was being gentle with Azul.
“LOL, Azul’s no bestie - but N-E-Way, circling back to the prime objective… Um…” Idia’s voice grew quieter as he cleared his throat. “What I’m saying is… There’s a 100% chance Azul’s gonna rub his stupid new marriage in my face, like, ‘Ohh, Idia, still single, are you? Wow, what’s that like? Can’t relate, Jamil and I are sooo happy in our stupid normie marriage, here come look at my ring did you see my ring-’ like, DUH I saw the stupid ring! He only emailed me a billion pictures of it!”
EMAIL?! Cater bit back a laugh. That was so on-brand for Azul.
“So, uh, anyway…” Idia resumed his mumbly, more reminiscent of NRC days tone of voice. “I wanna… Lie. W-With you.”
“N-N-Not like, physically!” Idia quickly followed up before Cater could interject. “I mean, like, deceit! Lies and slander but without the slander! I want you to pretend to be my wedding date!”
“Your… Your wedding date?” Cater repeated, earning a couple of curious glances from Trey and Riddle. “Wait, what? You want me to pretend to be your date just so Azul doesn’t think you’re single?”
Trey raised an eyebrow. Riddle furrowed his brows together with a frown.
Cater pretended not to see.
“Exactly!” Idia responded with a sigh of relief that Cater was still following. “If he thinks I have a new b-boyfriend, he’ll have slightly less reason to be annoying towards me specifically! And it has to be believable anyway, right? You’re one of the few people I still talk to post-grad, so…”
It also didn’t hurt that Cater would be high up in Idia’s top 10 list of prettiest guys to ever graduate from NRC. And NO, it didn’t matter who the other nine on that list were, thank you very much.
“Well, for one, I’m totes flattered,” Cater said. “But, d’you think we’d be able to pull something like that off?”
“Cater!” Riddle interrupted. “You cannot seriously be considering-!”
“Shh,” Trey softly interrupted Riddle’s interruption. “Let’s see where they go with it, first.”
Riddle relented with a pout, leaning into Trey’s shoulder and watching Cater closely.
Idia huffed into the receiver. “What, because the Riddle Police is gonna expose us before we even try?”
“Aw, nooo, Riddle can keep a secret! Right, Riddle?” Cater covered the phone with his hand and offered Riddle and Trey his best, sweetest, pleading smile - complete with as much eyelash fluttering he could muster on the spot. A classic Cater Diamond move.
Riddle and Trey both sighed at the all-too familiar sight. 
“Cater,” Trey said, “You can’t weasel your way out of every situation with a cute face.”
“Ooh, is that a challenge?” Cater winked, then dissolved into giggles as Riddle crossed his arms and continued to pout at him.
“I don’t exactly feel right about you two lying for such frivolous reasons, but… I can’t say I don’t fully… Understand.” After all, having graduated alongside Azul, Riddle just might understand better than anyone why they might feel tempted to go about such a way to avoid Azul’s smug tendencies. “Just don’t expect Trey or me to carry any outlandish stories for either of you!”
“Yay!” Cater cheered, uncovering the receiver and speaking back into the phone. “No biggie, Idia. We’re all good over here!”
“Wait, so you’re in, then!?” Idia asked. He hadn’t really expected this to go so well, but he figured if anyone would be willing to hear him out, it would be Cater. He was always down for a fun shenanigan, after all, but still… “I kinda thought I’d have to do a little more convincing, TBH. I even wrote a speech-”
“Lemme hear it anyway!”
“No!” Idia shouted. “You already agreed, so no take-backs!”
Cater giggled. “Hehe, alright, alright! Let’s do a vid call when I get home later, and we can start planning our coordinated outfits!”
The wedding itself was beautiful, obviously. Cater and Idia wondered just how much bickering likely went on behind the scenes for Jamil and Azul to find a compromise between Azul’s need for an extravagant, flashy-yet-tasteful, show-off wedding, and Jamil perhaps wanting something more lowkey and humble.
Or, perhaps they truly both wanted to show off to their former classmates, as the wedding ultimately ended up very ‘cammable, as Cater made sure to tell Idia every five minutes. 
“God, did you see these centerpiece flowers?” Cater giggled between sips of champagne as he clutched Idia’s arm and tugged him over to a nearby table. He nearly spilled the glass on his shirt trying to pull his phone out of his pocket, and was saved only by Idia reaching over to pluck the champagne flute from his hand and finish drinking it himself. 
“Heh, failed your dex saving throw,” Idia grinned. “And yeah, I saw those same flowers when you pointed them out ten minutes ago.”
“Uh, ‘scuse me for getting excited about all the photo ops, babe.”
Idia rolled his eyes at the obvious teasing, but a few giggles spilled from his mouth all the same. Surely it was due to the champagne that he felt so lighthearted and giddy, despite being trapped at such a bustling social event.
“Well, well…” The familiar voice of Azul Ashengrotto called out from behind the pair as he and Jamil - arm in arm, much like Idia and Cater - approached. “It would seem that your message wasn’t full of baseless fabrications just to try and distract me from our active chess match after all, hmm?”
Cater couldn’t hold back from openly, loudly laughing. “Wait- Idia, did you for realsies RSVP to their wedding over Chess.com?!”
“Yes, he did,” Jamil sighed. 
“Oh, don’t act like it didn’t make you laugh too, my dear.” Azul patted Jamil on the arm, to which Jamil responded with a snort and roll of his eyes. 
“That being said,'' Azul continued, “I really couldn’t believe it until I saw it for myself in person. You two really did end up together after all, then?'' His piercing gaze shifted from Idia to Cater, and then back to Idia with a growing, devilish grin. “Your cute little high school crush never faded after all these years?”
Idia gasped. Oh, he should've known this was the route Azul would take the second he didn’t have a chance to gloat about Idia being single. Of course Azul wouldn’t forget about the forbidden knowledge he collected back in the olden days of NRC. An elephant - or in this case, an octopus - never forgets! And this particular octopus still had that stupid, smug grin on his face that Idia was so hoping to avoid.
But, there truly was no avoiding smugness when Azul Ashengrotto was involved; both Idia and Cater were fools if they thought they could prove otherwise.
And speaking of Cater, his gasp was even louder than Idia’s. “OMG. A crush!? You had a crush on me when we were in school?”
Idia instinctively reached for the hood that he was not wearing. Curse these fancy wedding clothes and their stupid, hoodless collars… “U-um! So what if I did?!”
“You never told me!” Cater huffed with the PUFFIEST cheeks he could muster. Trey and Riddle could say what they want, but his cute pouts were his most powerful weapon! … After his unique magic, probably.
“The poor thing thought you were dating Trey for the longest time,” Azul interjected, clearly pleased with the direction this conversation had gone. Idia’s flustered look of betrayal was more than satisfying.
“Wh-!? I literally TOLD YOU when Trey started dating Riddle!” 
“Okay, well, I thought you three had some sort of secret polycule hidden route thing going on in your IRL VN of a life!” Idia huffed, crossing his arms in what was probably a more adorably huffy look than he intended. 
“Oh? What’s the matter?” Azul asked, his smarmy grin not faltering in the slightest. “You’re together now, are you not? No need to be so embarrassed… Right?”
Oh. So that’s how it was. Azul was a doubter and a HATER, huh?
“Ugh,” Idia grumbled. “Anyone would get embarrassed when you go aggro-mode like that with forbidden lore of the past!” He reached for Cater’s hand as he spoke, and gripped it firmly in defiance of Azul’s stupid smug face. 
“Um, yeah, totes!” Cater returned his friendly, dazzling smile to his face. “Besides, I think it’s cute. Look how far we’ve come!”
“Maybe your wedding will be next, then.” Jamil said, a tiny smirk tugging on his lips as Idia once again failed to hide his jittery reaction. 
“Oh, please,” Cater laughed. “I think Riddle might actually kill me if we cut ahead of him and Trey.”
“Oh, yes, of course,” Azul chuckled. “And how long have those two been engaged, again?”
“UUGGHHH,” Cater groaned with every ounce of drama he could muster. “Don’t rush them! You KNOW Riddle isn’t gonna cut a single corner when it comes to having the perfect wedding!”
“Well, I’d say we managed to do so quite efficiently,” Azul said, not even pretending to be humble. “I couldn’t afford to waste time, after all. I wanted to marry the love of my life as soon as possi-”
“God, you’re so cringe, Azul,” Idia interrupted, crinkling his nose at Azul’s shameless, sappy proclamations of love for his partner while he and Cater were still standing RIGHT THERE! 
Cater decided that perhaps this was his and Idia’s cue to escape the conversation. “Um! Y’know what, Idia?” He said, starting to tug Idia in the opposite direction. “I totally feel inspired by their lovey-dovey vibes. Let’s go dance!”
“Wh-!” Idia’s protests dissolved in his throat as Cater swiftly pulled him through the crowd and back to the dance floor. Idia, of course, complained, but when Cater asked him if he’d rather dance together or go back and continue talking to Azul, the protests quickly stopped.
And so they danced - Cater led Idia through a range of more traditional dances that Riddle taught him over the years, and plenty of modern dance trends that Cater practiced through watching hours of viral Magicam videos. Idia, though nervous at first, soon forgot his fear of prying eyes as he and Cater got lost in the moment together. Cater wasn’t the only one with dances to teach, after all! Idia made sure to show Cater just how much he learned through all his hours of watching idol group music videos.
Perhaps their dancing strayed a bit from the theme of the actual music playing, but that didn’t matter to them. Idia and Cater had fun off to the side in their little pocket of the dance floor together, occasionally joined by a former classmate now and then, or pausing to make conversation. It really WAS  an NRC reunion, intentional or not.
And it was exciting! Exciting… And really, really draining.
“...Idi-BB,” Cater sighed, draping an arm around Idia’s shoulders and leaning against him with a few exhausted pants. “I’m, like, so spent from all our hardcore grooving. Y’’wanna go outside for some fresh air and a sensory break?”
“Yes,” Idia wheezed, nodding with equally exhausted enthusiasm. 
The two promptly fled the scene, getting themselves out of the crowded venue and across the street to a quiet little park that was decorated with seasonal lights and flowers.
“Azul and Jamil really know how to pick a location,” Cater murmured as he and Idia walked under an arch of twinkling lights and found their way to a bench. “Even the nearby lots are top-tier photogenic. It looks like there’s even some kind of night market going on at this park.”
“Just what we need,” Idia complained, “MORE activities.”
“Hey, c’mon, at least over here we don’t have the obligation to talk to anyone. No familiar faces at a random market! And besides…” Cater pointed towards one of the trucks with pretty lights and colorful signage. “That one looks like it’s selling ice cream!”
“You don’t even like ice cream!”
“But you do…” Cater mumbled, and then grinned. “Plus, ice cream from vendors always looks super pretty. So, like, you get a sweet treat, and I get sweet pics! It’s a win-win, really.” 
“Do you ever take a day off your photographer brain?”
“Absolutely not. The ‘cam life was simply my calling, as my professional website can show you. I still can’t believe Azul didn’t even ask to hire me for wedding photos, TBH.”
“You wouldn’t’ve wanted to,” Idia said, slowly standing up and inching over to the ice cream truck-slash-booth. “Azul would have crazy annoying standards and requests, and would no doubt try and squeeze out a ‘friends and family’ discount from you.”
“Ugh, totes,” Cater shook his head, walking alongside Idia towards the truck “I’d rather take it easy and enjoy the event as a guest, anyway. Much more fun!”
He paused for a moment, peering at the menu. “Looks like they've got some flavors based on the Great Seven - Ooh, OMG, you should get that one!” 
Idia looked at the menu item Cater pointed at and read it aloud. “...King of the Underworld Cone: Mango and Habanero Sorbet, topped with blue raspberry syrup and chili-lime flakes, and served in a blue raspberry cone.”
“I love a good mango-chili combo! And the colors are perfectly coordinated to match our hair. You’ve gotta get it so we can take a cute selfie under the lights!”
Idia sighed, but pulled out his wallet as Cater ordered it for him. It DID sound pretty good, so he wasn’t going to fight it. He allowed Cater to hold the cone and pull him back over to the bench, pull him in close, and finally snap the photo before he finally got to try the ice cream.
“Jeeze, you seriously haven’t let up on the selfie-taking all evening,” Idia said between licks. “It really is like we’re back at school.” He held the cone out to Cater, tilting his head and silently offering him a taste.
“Aw, c’mon!” Cater paused, eyeing the ice cream suspiciously for a movement before lowering his head and giving it a tiny, curious lick. “...Ooo, spicy! That’s not bad.” He smiled, then turned back to his phone to text Idia the photo. “And anyway, I’ve def let up on the selfies these days, especially since I take pics for a living now.” Cater supplemented his statement with yet another pout. “Besides, today was a special occasion! Like, hello? It’s a WEDDING, and there were a ton of people I haven’t seen in years!”
Cater reached over to boop Idia on the tip of his nose. “Like you, mister! You live so far away and with such a complex job, I haven’t seen you in, like, LITERALLY forever…” He sighed, dropping his head onto Idia’s shoulder.
It was a warm and familiar sensation to the both of them. Near the end of their time at NRC, the two spent many a late night in Idia’s room binge watching anime or pop idol music videos together, which almost always ended with Cater laying half asleep propped against Idia’s side. The first three dozen times it happened, it would send Idia into a silent, internal freak out spiral, but through the exposure therapy of Cater’s consistent sleepiness, he eventually not only grew used to the feeling, but started to yearn for it on nights he watched shows alone.
“...Tell Riddle and Trey to hurry up on their wedding planning, then,” Idia mumbled into his ice cream. “If I know about it early enough, it’d be easier to fit into my busy boss-lord schedule.”
Cater’s ears perked up. “Oh? Would you really go to their wedding?! I know you weren’t as close to Riddle and Trey as you are with Azul … But then again, I guess you have been playing those online chess matches with Riddle ever since we signed him up.”
“Never doubt a warrior’s bond over a chess board,” Idia snickered. “A-And, uh, yeah. I’d go, but… Only ‘cause I know we’d get to see each other again, or whatever… O-Ortho would probably want to go, anyway, so… Might as well.”
“Aww!” Cater picked his head up to beam at Idia, eyes shining with delight. “You better promise! ‘Cause I WILL be there, and I’ll be on official photographer duty, so you should start planning your perfect outfit now. There’s no hiding from this professional shutterbug!”
“Wha-?” Idia scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion. “Weren’t you just saying you were glad you didn’t have to put up with Azul’s picky perfectionism and just wanted to enjoy being a guest? You don’t seriously think Riddle Rosehearts would be any less difficult a client than Azul, do you?”
Cater laughed. “Oh, don’t worry, Idia. you’re forgetting one very crucial detail!”
“...What’s that?”
“Riddle is my bestie, and I love him.”
Idia burst out laughing, quickly covering his mouth to avoid spewing blue and orange droplets everywhere. “The power of friendship is gonna save you from Teapot Tyrant meltdowns?”
“Hey!” Cater protested. “I’ll have you know that Riddle is MUCH more mellow these days-”
“Heh. You should see the chat logs from our last chess match.”
“Oh my god,” Cater rolled his eyes. “ANYWAY, I’ll have you know I’m the perfect person for the role. Trey and I stood by Riddle’s side for two years running Heartslabyul and herding underclassmen around. Riddle trusted my aesthetic eye when it came to setting up tea parties, and I earned that role, thank you very much! I’m a trained professional in both photography AND Riddle de-escalation tactics.”
Idia laughed again as Cater dropped his head back down onto his shoulder. Really, he couldn’t argue with that logic. After Trey, Cater really was the only other person from their school days that knew how to handle the ins and outs of a Riddle Rosehearts tantrum.
Still, a lot had changed over the years…
“...Did you really have a crush on me when we were in school?”
Idia nearly choked on the half-crunched cone that he just shoved into his mouth. “WH- GHK- CATER!” 
Cater quickly sat up again and started patting Idia on the back while he coughed up blue chunks. “OMG- Don’t you dare die on me before giving me an answer!”
A few more coughs and wheezes, a rough swallow of ice cream remains, and then Idia finally spoke again. “...Ugh... Hey, what’s with the sneak attack!? Don’t you think I took enough psychic damage when Azul brought that up earlier?!”
“No!” Cater huffed. “Because you never even told me! Why’d I have to find out from AZUL?”
“B-B-Because…” Idia stammered, “Why would- I told you I thought you were dating Trey and kind of also Riddle back then! And there was also that one time you came over to hang out after you’d been to a party in Pomefiore, and you told me you kissed Rook Hunt!”
Cater gasped. “OMG, I can’t believe you remember that. I almost don’t remember that!”
“Of course I remember!” Idia took his turn to pout, now that the ice cream cone was finally finished and no longer a hazard to his theatrics. “I had a huge crush on you! OBVIOUSLY I’m gonna sit and agonize endlessly over every little detail you told me about your love life - and also my own headcanons to your love life, apparently. You were my super hot best friend and I was the school shut-in!”
Cater gasped. “You thought I was hot?”
“I still think  you’re hot!” Idia shouted, and then slammed his hands over his mouth as his eyes blew wide open and the tips of his hair flushed into a bright shade of pink, flaming wisps dancing wildly around his face.
Cater stared silently back at Idia with equally wide eyes as silence filled the air between them.
Idia promptly spent the next ten seconds planning out how he could escape and have Ortho help him fake his own death, only to be interrupted by Cater speaking again.
“...It’s kinda like the universe is playing a trick on us, don’tcha think?” 
When Idia’s only response was more panicked stares, Cater continued. “Um, like… Neither of us was really ever the type to seriously ask someone out, y’know? So we were both just… Sitting on our feelings.”
Idia finally managed to find his voice again as he squeaked out a reply. “Wh-?! Both? ‘O-our’ feelings?! You never-!”
“Ugh, Idia, please,” Cater grabbed Idia by the shoulders and turned him so they were facing each other. “I fell asleep on your shoulder WAY more times than I’ve ever gotten sleepy hanging out with Trey, and he and I were roomies for two years straight!”
“...How many times did you fall asleep on Tr-”
“NOT important! Just- Listen…” Cater closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. He slid his hands down from Idia’s shoulders to his hands, then opened his eyes and looked at Idia very seriously. “...I… Also still think you’re hot.”
“Wh- Don’t make fun of me!” Idia shrieked, his face now matching the color of the tips of his hair as he attempted - unsuccessfully - to wiggle his way out of Cater’s grasp.
“Sorry, sorry, I couldn’t help it!” Cater giggled, tugging Idia closer. “But I'm not making fun, I swear! You really are still a Grade-A hottie after all these years!”
Idia paused his squirming to glance sideways at Cater. “..Enough to kiss me instead of Rook at a party?”
Cater gasped in shock, and it was Idia’s turn to laugh. 
“IDIA! You’re so much bolder these days, jeeze….” A sly grin spread across Cater’s face, and he leaned closer. “But, y’know… We ARE at a wedding party, and Rook is one of the guests.
Idia went quiet again, freezing in place as he watched Cater’s face move closer.
“Totes within kissable range if we went back, I guess… But I kinda don’t wanna get on Vil and Leona’s bad side, y’know?”
He leaned in closer, and hoped Idia couldn’t hear the anxious hammering of his heart against his chest.
“And… You’re a lot closer… And a lot cuter, TBH…”
Cater paused, averting his eyes to the side. Waiting. 
The offer was on the table, and it was up to Idia what happened next. The following five seconds stretched across what felt like eons to them both as Idia focused all his energy on trying not to literally pass out on the bench and take Cater down with him, or get overwhelmed by the possibility that if he DID kiss Cater, Cater might immediately throw up all over him and run away screaming. Really, it wasn’t that he didn’t WANT to kiss Cater, but what if he died? What if they both died!?
Well, they didn’t die. The agonizing seconds passed, but Idia decided that if he DID die, he’d rather go out knowing what Cater Diamond’s lips felt like against his, even if just one time. 
The kiss itself was quick, but had the weight of ten thousand hammers crashing into their walls of repressed feelings built up over several years.
Idia pulled back first, watching Cater cautiously for any signs of nausea.
But, Cater smiled at him, a nervous giggle bubbling from his lips. “That was-”
“BIG BROTHER? CATER DIAMOND? WHERE ARE YOU!?” Ortho Shroud’s shouted out in the distance from the direction of the wedding venue.
Oh, shit. How long had they been hiding out at that park, again?
“We… We should probably… Go back…” Idia mumbled.
“Y-yeah…” Cater slowly backed off of Idia, face flushed, but had not let go of his hands. “We… We should talk tonight, yeah?”
Idia wordlessly nodded, clutching Cater’s hands like his life depended on it.They headed back towards the wedding venue, hand-in-hand, both ignoring the internal dread from within at the growing realization that they both, somehow, had Azul Ashengrotto to thank for this.
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