#but i just wanna get a vibe on how we feel about this
mysteryshoptls · 2 days
SSR Ace Trappola - Room Relaxation Vignette
"Happy Birthday"
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[Exterior Hallway]
Ace: Well, it's gettin' about time. Guess I'll head to basketball practice… Hm? Who's that over there…?
Ace: Yo, Kalim-senpai! How's it going? Hey, hey, do you know what tomorrow is?
Kalim: Tomorrow? Hm, what's going on tomorrow…? Is there a dance competition? Oh, or is there some sort of feast planned?
Ace: Ooh, you're getting' close! The correct answer is… My birthday~!
Kalim: Woah! Tomorrow's your birthday!? That's awesome!!
Ace: Yeah, it's totally awesome! There's gonna be a party back at my dorm, and everyone'll get me a gift. It'll be a blast!
Ace: But, y'know, the crazier the party, the more lonely it feels the day after my birthday…
Ace: I always feel like it'd be great if these sorts of days come around two or three times more a year.
Ace: …Don'tcha think, Kalim-senpai?
Kalim: Oh, yeah, I feel you! It just doesn't feel enough to only have one birthday a year.
Kalim: Hey, I just had a great idea! I'll throw you another party the day after your birthday.
Kalim: That way you won't feel as lonely, right? It sounds super fun, so let me do this for you!
Ace: Ehhhh, you sure!? I'm tickled pink! Kalim-senpai, thanks so much!
Kalim: Yeah! I'll make it the best, most outrageous party you've ever seen, so I hope you look forward to it!
[Kalim leaves]
Ace: Nice, I got Kalim-senpai to celebrate my birthday! And he's making it an outrageously awesome party…
Ace: That might get a veto from Jamil-senpai, though…
Ace: But regardless, I at least secured a promise from Kalim-senpai for a celebration. I can't way for the day after tomorrow~!
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Ace's Room]
Ace: Huuurgh, today's basketball practice was insanely hard… Floyd-senpai just wouldn't quit guarding me!
Ace: Usually he just gets bored and disappears off to who knows where… Ugh, I'm so tired~ I just wanna pass out…
Ace: My roommates sure got it easy. Doesn't sound like they got any upperclassmen that cause problems or nag all the time…
Ace: …Augh, I'm definitely gonna fall asleep if I just keep zoning out. I'm gonna go jump in the shower.
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Ace's Room]
[roommates chatting]
[Roommate A greets Ace]
Ace: I'm baaack. Why did I take so long…? Y'see, Trey-senpai cornered me while I was brushing my teeth in the washroom.
Ace: He made me re-brush my teeth, and then handed me some floss and mouthwash. Then…
「Survey on Quality of Life Improvements for the Student Body」
Ace: Right, so he handed me this survey to fill out too. Ugh, it's short answers! Better if it was multiple choice or something.
Ace: Hey, can't any of you guys fill this out for me? I'm real tired from practice today, 'cause it was reeeal hard.
[Deuce refuses]
Ace: …Do it myself without tryin' to slack off? Fine, fine, guess that's what I shoulda expected from you honor student types. You're takin' it waaay too seriously!
Ace: Maybe I'll just jot down that it sucks to be stuck in a room with guys I don't vibe with, or something.
[Deuce argues]
Ace: …Oh, shut up, I was just kidding. Whatever, I guess I'll just start filling in the form.
Ace: First off… The dorm rooms are way too small! That's the worst thing, so I definitely can't leave that out.
Ace: Sure, we can ask each other to swap dorm duties, or help each other when we can't remember a specific Queen of Hearts' rule…
Ace: So I guess it's not the end of the world that there's four of us in here. But it'd be better if the room was just a bit bigger.
Ace: It's practically impossible to study in here. Sometimes someone else's stuff'll end up in my personal space, too.
[Roommate B speaks up]
Ace: …Huh? Pot, meet kettle? No way, I'm always tiding up after myself…
[Roommate B interjects]
Ace: Eh, you found my pen mixed in with your stuff the other day? Uhhhh…. Oh, dang, look at that, it's lights out time!
Ace: I gotta hit the hay! Mmkay, night!
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Ace: Aaand, that's the way to shut them out! This is why I love canopy beds.
Ace: As soon as I draw the curtains closed, I can have secure myself a small, little private space…
Ace: The thicker curtains help to keep light and sound down, so even if I'm playing with my phone all night long, it's not bothering anyone else.
Ace: When I think of it that way, I think the only thing I really have to complain about my room is just that it's small.
Ace: …But once I step outside my room, I gotta deal with strange rules, scary upperclassmen, and insanely hard homework.
Ace: Oh, right, I have homework… I need to do that… But first, I think I'll take a bit of a breather and play on my phone for a bit!
Ace: Ooh, my middle school friends uploaded something onto Magicam. They look like they're havin' fun back in the Queendom.
Ace: I feel crazy jelly seeing that, especially since I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere on Sage's Island… Hm?
Ace: Wait, what's this video at the bottom…? Oh! It's an ad for the magic shop I was looking into the other day!
Ace: Woah, how'd they manage that trick? Yooo, I bet I'd look real cool if I could master that!
Ace: I really want that magic trick. Maybe I should ask for it for my birthday.
Ace: Oh, hey, that next manga chapter is out. I gotta check that out.
Ace: Oh, and there's an event going on in that one mobile game. Guess I can log in for that. Oh, and…
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Ace's Room]
Ace: Urrrgh… Mm… It's too bright… Is it morning already? I guess I fell asleep playing the game.
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Ace: What time is it…? Huh!? It's already this late!? Hey, why didn't anyone wake me up!?
Ace: Didn't my alarm wake me? You opened my curtain for me? …If you're gonna do that much, you coulda woken me up!
Ace: At least I don't have morning practice today… But I gotta get ready on the double!
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Washroom]
Ace: My face is washed and my skin-care routine is done.
Ace: Ack, my hair's all over the place! Ughh, c'mon, I hate how my hair is…!
Ace: Maybe I can just fix it with some wax… Oh, but I want to make sure I have time to fix my makeup…
Ace: I got no choice, I should just use magic to set it! I screwed it up last time, but… I can totally do it today! Definitely! Hyah!
Ace: What can I even do about this now!? Okay, first, let me try this spray to fix the bedhead!!
[spritz, spritz, spritz]
Ace: Ack, did I spray too much? Okay, I should just be able to rub it in here with my fingers… Guess I'll just have to see how it looks later.
Ace: I gotta set my makeup while I wait for my hair to loosen up. First, I gotta slap on some sunscreen…
Ace: Now, my eyebrows are the priority. I can kinda let everything else be half-done, but this's gotta be on point.
Ace: Back in middle school, I remember we were all laughing our heads off at this one person who did a terrible job drawing in his eyebrows, tryin' to look all fashion-y.
Ace: …I mean, not like I'd ever or will ever make that kind of screw up, though.
Ace: I saw a video yesterday that says that thicker eyebrows are in right now, so I'll just try to follow that tutorial and draw in where it's lacking…
Ace: Okay, nice. Not bad! I think I did pretty good for just trying to copy what I saw.
Ace: Now all I got left is my eye makeup… What should I do for the suit? I'd like to use something with a bit of lamé in it, but…
Ace: I bet the Housewarden'll get all huffy if it's too fancy. Guess I should just do what I normally do.
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Ace: How's my hair looking…? Nice, it's tamer now! Probably was a good thing to spray too much on it.
Ace: Just gotta put some hair wax in to set it… Done. Whew, I feel a bit more presentable now.
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Ace's Room]
[roommates chattering]
Ace: I gotta get my stuff together ASAP… Wait, huh? If the rest of you are all here, does that mean we still have a bunch of time?
Ace: Maan, then I coulda worked on my hair a bit more. I think I'll dip into the washroom again… Huh? My enigmatics homework?
Ace: Oh man, I'm so screwed, Crewel's gonna tan my hide if I don't do anything… What should I do!?
Ace: …Hold the phone. I have enigmatics in the afternoon. That essentially means I'll have my lunch break before I have to turn it in.
Ace: I think the other classes might be ahead of us, so maybe they've already finished the homework already?
Ace: Even if the questions are slightly different, as long as I can figure out how they solved it, I should be able to bang it out… Oh yeah, it's all coming together.
[Roommate A speaks up]
Ace: Wheeew, I got all worked up over nothing~ Mmkay, then I'm heading out… Huh, what is it? You want me to help with your homework?
Ace: Hahahah, no waaaay! Here, I'll open the curtains up for you, so why don't you figure out the rest~?
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[Main Street]
Kalim: Oh, there he is. Ace! Good morning!
Ace: Ah, Kalim-senpai! Good morning…? What's up? Isn't the party tomorrow?
Kalim: Yeah! But your birthday's today, right? That's why I thought I'd come wish you a happy birthday in person.
Kalim: So, yeah… Happy Birthday, Ace!
Ace: Haha, you really are the type of guy to show up the day of just to wish someone a happy birthday, huh.
Ace: Thanks a bunch! I can't wait for the epic party tomorrow!
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Requested by @thelonepearl.
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Wow I love it when a little rant post about my silly video games and how I feel about them nets me anon hate. People are absolutely allowed to be disappointed by things they're disappointed by, just like they're allowed to be excited by things they're excited by, and share them in fandom spaces if they want.
Look just block me like a normal person stfu
Peace and love to anyone who is getting angry fans in their inboxes rn because they expressed a pretty mild opinion <3
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megamindsecretlair · 3 days
WIP Tuesday
Buckle up babes, it's going to be a long post!
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I come before you humble, hat in hand. I know I been wilding ya'll. I know there's a lot of fics I need to update and get back to. I haven't forgotten! And since there are...so many new people thanks to my Terry fics, what a great time to call myself out chuz ya'll too nice to do so! I saw @nerdieforpedro do this a few weeks ago? Forgive me for not tagging the person you got it from, but I am tiredt, chilleee.
Current focus: Terry got my whole heart, ya'll. Every fic I read of him, I just want to go hop in the booth myself and get to writing. Ya'll inspire me every damn day, it's magical. There is a filthy, disgusting, mean, despicable fic I wanna write with him. But alas, he is not the only one I write for.
Girl, there's how many series????? Listen, the muse wants what it wants. 11 series in total. Chillee, why I do dissssss. Some are closer to finishing than others. So let's count them out (click the links to learn more):
Be My Little Darling - Loki series | It Started With a Whisper - Sam Wilson series | Midnight Sin - Vampire Tyrone series | Blackbird - Mob Boss Fontaine | Camp Wanderlust - Franklin Saint series | What You Deserve - Homewrecker Stunna | Runaway Lover - Professor Stunna | If I Took You Home - Kevin Atwater | Kill Her Softly - Zyair Malloy | A Taste of the Divine - Yakuza Sukuna | We Are the Night - Qimir
Frenn, that's a lot, do you sleep? Are you okay? Blink twice if you need help. I'm promise I'm good ya'll, I just love writing and I love interacting with ya'll. You have NO idea how much each and every single one of ya'll mean to me. I love the support, I love the comments, I love the reblogs. I'm trying not to disappoint folks, I was on a schedule and well, life happened. I can course correct, I promise. Just gon' take me a little minute. Let me close the smaller series first!
Okay, surely that's it right, frenn? Ahh no, because there's also the asks that have been piling up. Per my pinned post, you know that I have a scatterbrain. Some asks I deleted because they're too similar to what I've done before. Some I'm still trying to picture before I start writing. But the ones I've kept? At last tally it is...33. Some are similar and I'm going to combine them, but yeahhhhh. This isn't a callout post, keep sending those requests in! Just know it's gonna take me a smoooooooth minute. Also, welcome new people, welcome! But not everything needs a part two, I promise. If I write "The End" at the bottom, that truly means the end. No part 2 planned, ain't trynna write a part two. I want to move on sometimes. I love you, but I'll be writing until I'm gray if everything got a part 2. And I wanna get paid for my writing. Which brings me tooo...
Umm, umm, what's this I hear about a book??? Yes! I am actually writing a book based on an ask I received. It was a sweet ask about what kind of story would go with "Handwritten Letter". I said it gave friends to lovers, she fell first, he fell harder type of vibes. It has morphed into dark academia about a shy girl just trying to come into her own. It's a combo of and a love letter about girls like me, girls like you, each and every person who identifies as a Soft Black Girl. And I already have *so* many ideas about other books I want to do. There will be one based on the Mr. Black series I wrote. There will also be a vampire one! I just can't decide yet which will be the second book I put out. I'm leaning towards vampire because Terry is HEAVY on the brain ya'll. And he'd make a sexy vamp. But anywhooo...
I say all this to say that I'm not a machine. I'm not that quick despite appearances. I may not seem like I have any chill, but I've been fantasizing and turning over these fics in my head for days or weeks before I sit down to write. And I'm not saying to stop. Your support is exactly why I feel good enough about my writing to sit and write an entire book! I want to be a full time author. I want to share my ideas with the world. I'm just slow lmfaoooooo.
In the mean time, I hope you're hitting up all these amazing writers on here. I hope you're commenting and reblogging and showing love on here. I will keep saying it. This site will DIE and these BLACK writers will LEAVE if people keep stealing, not commenting, not reblogging, asking for part 2s and never showing love. Fandom is a community, not a pillar. No one know it's you behind that avatar, go crazy! Go nuts. Show nuts. whatever.
Love, love, love you all. If you read this far, drop something funny in the comments. Or go unhinged in my asks about Terry. Don't get me started about that man, but go awff about him because that's my baby favaaa.
no pressure tags: @chaos-4baby @j0kers-light @umber-cinders @harmshake @planetblaque @babybratzmaraj @soft-persephone
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restinslices · 2 days
Having Percy As A Brother
Don’t know why I was thinking about this. You’re a non demigod in this post btw. I haven’t read HOO yet so this is just PJO and general stuff
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I love Percy as much as the next person but oh my damn
This kid is giving you a headache
I can imagine that all those monster fights end up affecting you
“Next time you fight a huge monster, don’t fight around my car!” “Oh yeah, I’ll be sure to ask them if we can fight in a field next time” “Don’t be sarcastic with me shitass. My car has a big dent in it!”
Obviously you’re worried about him, but with all the shit he gets into and survives, you’re not shaking in your boots
Sometimes Sally has to work in the morning which means you’re in charge of getting Percy up and ready for school
A terrible terrible fate
“Perseus! I’ve woken you up three times!” “I’m just resting my eyes”
Be fr-
Gotta check on that boy every five minutes. He just keeps falling asleep
Do I have any canon material to back this up? No. I just get a vibe
“If I come back in this room and you’re not up, it’s gonna be me and you. You think just because you survived a battle with Kronos, you can survive a battle with me? WRONG!”
Now realistically fighting you wouldn’t be a problem, but let’s ignore that-
I can see him accidentally putting his shirt for camp on, which obviously he can’t wear to school. Kinda gets a lil attitude when you tell him this because he’s so sleepy
“You got an attitude? I would hate for us both to have an attitude, now everybody’s day fucked up”
Yeah, you fuss at him a lot
But it’s not in a mean way
Siblings fuss. It happens. Percy knows you love him
“Here, I made you lunch” “Why?” “Because you’ll probably blow the school up and have to leave, so you won’t make it to lunch” “oh”
You help him when it comes to reading stuff in English
And you chill out with him after he has a nightmare - which is often
Ya’ll watch tv and talk about whatever. He probably doesn’t wanna talk much about his nightmares.
Percy has a whole cabin to himself and does NOT keep that shit clean, so I think that sometimes leaks into his home life
“Why does your room smell like a raccoon’s ass?” “Well it started once you walked in here” “Ha! You think you’re funny, you fish? Clean this room! This is not a camp!”
Oh yeah, the smart ass remarks are constant. He’s a little sarcastic asshole in the books and show (I forgot how he was in the movies)
It drives Sally insane because sometimes she can’t tell if you two are actually angry with each other or not
I feel like I can’t end this without mentioning Annabeth
Before they start dating, you liked to be an asshole and invite her over for dinner
You look over at Percy from time to time with the most devious look on your face
“Hey Percy, you were gonna pay for that dent in my car, right?” “No?” “Hm… Ann-” “I meant not right now! I need to save more money first” “Lovely”
He’s a victim of blackmailing
It’s a real shame when they get together finally. Now you have no leverage over him
Yeah idk why I wanted to write this, but here we are!
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bowie-boy · 1 year
If I wrote a sad little collection of trans Saul Goodman anecdotes where he reflects on his transition journey while working at Cinnabon and misses Kim would anybody read it
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sulky-cabbage · 1 month
The sukugo fight can't get animated any sooner I'm craving sukugo tiktok edits
#jjk#ryomen sukuna#gojo Satoru#sukugo#my post#sukugo's date night#Grown ass men beating each other up looking each other in the eyes thinking about love while a cutesy song plays in the background 😍#I saw a tiktok edit of Sukuna annihilating everything with the song “what is love?” by TWICE playing I was like wait a minute THISSS!!!#but with the Sukugo fight!!!!#I have a whole montage in my brain hear me out.... starting from 2:27 minutes in#Wonder where you are?~ I'm gonna find you~ Wonder where you are?~ I'm so dying to see you~ I can't take it much longer~#👆🏻these lyrics with that scene of Sukuna waiting for gojo on the rooftop before their fight...hmmm yes yandere vibes yes#How it could be as sweet as candy~ How it's like flying in the sky~#👆🏻These with Sukuna and gojo clashing in the sky over kenjaku#this part of the song is the slowest so a slow motion scene of them in the sky would look beautifulagghj#I wanna know know know know~ what is love?~ What love feels like~#👆🏻 these with Sukuna giving Satoru that look💀 and thinking about yorozu's words after Satoru chose their date to be on 24th..#How it keeps you smiling all day~#👆🏻 this one is obvious there are too many instances of them freakishly smiling during the fight that it's hard to choose lmao#How the whole world turns beautiful~#👆🏻cut to Sukuna saying he cleared his skies...yeah...#I wanna know know know know what is love?~ Will love come to me someday?~#👆🏻 and maybe if we're getting angsty with this... that scene of the last time “the one who will teach you about love” was brought up#in the airport where we see Sukuna from behind and Satoru says it was fun asdhjkkll#Then the song just continues with I wanna know~ I wanna know~ for 30 seconds until it ends#👆🏻 And here comes a compilation of Sukuna missing gojo and standing there looking bored and we have Yuji black flashing his heart#and sukuna looks behind him and has heart eyes for larue but it fades to him looking at yutagojo thinking it's gojo#because these two scenes are SIMILAR for some reason and then yuta failing at being gojo and sukuna copying gojo's hand sign and-#Do yall see what I mean this is their theme song fr The song being cutesy and upbeat is what makes this for me#Sukuna is living his first teenage girl experience Yall don't understand I need this so baddd I'm gonna learn how to edit and do it myself
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scattered-winter · 17 days
its wild just realizing how much people have done and experienced and how prepared they are for what's to come when i am . very much not . lmao
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
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I'm gonna continue with the requests later, but I also felt the need to doodle my two PVs with a little bit of gender on the side
They're both still very much genderless, but because not every non-binary/agender person will have the same perception/feelings regarding their gender and won't have the same gender presentation, I decided to mess around with it a little
Hallow is genderfluidv(though after some consideration I realised agenderflux describes them more accurately, but oh well, these labels don't even exist in their story so who cares), they're non-binary but their alignment fluctuates between fem-leaning, masc-leaning, something in-between and neither. They're fine with any terms and pronouns but mostly go by they/them.
Luna is genderfae/transfem, their gender fluctuates between agender and fem-aligned non-binary. They mostly go by they/them and gender-neutral and feminine terms, they're fine with she/her and some neopronouns, but any masculine terms and pronouns are a big no-no for them. Currently, I'm considering making them an enby lesbian, but that might change in the future.
#spooky arts#hollow king au#I swear this is the longest I've ever spent considering what labels would describe a character. I myself have a weird relationship with#labels so I only ever think about what people would a character be into and how their gebder 'feels' like and never go into details#I spent like an hour looking for a term that could describe how I imagined Luna's gender LMAO#Hallow is mostly me projecting. Luna is 75% me wanting to explore a situation where the pure vessel comes out as trans after they're found#out that they're not hollow. And 25% spite for all the people who call them he/him#So you know how some enby lesbians describe their gender as like. The only connection to womanhood they feel is their attraction to women?#That's kind of the vibe I get from Luna. They're enby just very sliiightly titled towards womanhood#They're also a teen and in a scenario where all the different AU hollows interact they'd bond a lot with Hallow as the only other person#who went through the same confusing gender feelings as they are going through right now.#They're kind of like 'man I wish I was a girl sometimes so I could be called princess and wear dresses' 'you know you can just do that#right?' 'I CAN?'#Also even though they're fine with different pronouns I'm still just gonna be using they/them on my blog for them. Bc I know some people#are weird about Hollow's gender and refuse to acknowledge theyre enby or keep misgendering them 🙄 I don't wanna add to that#We give a little bit of gender fuckery to the vessels though. They deserve it.#But yeah I still wanna be clear. Their genders fluctuate in alignment but they're still very much agender/genderless. Please don't treat#them like binary people 😭
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romantically-yours · 21 days
I just wanna go on dates with her
#thoughts#oni talks#oni has a crush#sapphic yearning#I have a speed dating thing I’m going to with a friend she needs it and I already bought a ticket#but honestly I just wanna go on dates with this one girl but we’re not technically dating so that feels so silly to say#I can’t tell if it’s friendship or slowburn vibes and I don’t wanna rush into things in a toxic U-Haul way but like#idk I just wanna do cute shit together I wanna take care of her when she gets home from stuff and help her work on things#I wanna shower her in all the stuff that reminds me of her and that I think she’d like but also I don’t wanna do too much#I feel like I should not be this committed when we’re not committed but like I wanna be? i can’t tell if I’m being normal or weird#I wanna get her flowers and cuddle and shit man#I wanna do all those romantic tension things like doing each others makeup those practical massages holding hands#lap stuff and like I wanna hear about her day and stuff and I’m just like aaaahhhhh#i wanna see her flustered and happy and also I wanna be buff enough to pick her up without water#I think I’m going a little gay insane I don’t have enough experience to navigate this shit Yall#how the fuck am I supposed to tell where platonic closeness and sapphic closeness begins and ends and shit#my sentimental ass can’t stop associating her and bringing her up but I can’t see her as often now so it’s like ahhh#how am I ready to delete all my dating apps and shit and we haven’t even kissed the sapphic yearning has overtaken me yall#I keep watching sapphic shit as I do and it keeps working me the fuck up send lesbian gods or smth#we just exchanged socials so now I can bomb her with silly little gay memes and she sent me hearts and like#she got me giggling and twirling and kicking my feet and shit
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doom-dreaming · 6 months
muttering "i will not gatekeep or complain, i will just block and move on" like a mantra to myself at least 5 times a day
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innerstrawberrypolice · 10 months
7,876... idk what to say. I wrote and wrote until the creativity voice went quiet for the day. Let's hope I'm this productive tomorrow!
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ayyponine · 2 months
not to be a milennial but harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban really is that bitch....
#mom wanted to rewatch the movies so we've been going thru them <3#talk about a movie thats just like. grief. i turn into the jamie lee curtis halloween trauma supercut#SORRY..... the visuals are peak like that IS the hp vibe to ME and i am BLOWN AWAY this movie was made in 2004 it feels ahead of its time#the first two are so whimsical and magical enrapturing and this movie is like. a well worn cardigan. this feels 2011 cozycore to me#sorry but the introduction of lupin becoming a comforting trusted guardian type of figure AND the dementors representing hollow depression#this 13 yr old whos been kept in the dark on so many things being extra vulnerable prey to them bc of the severe trauma#but getting lessons on how to withstand that creeping dread.. through happy memories... still bonding w lupin increasngly ouagh...#the grief between them both over james and lily. also btw ofc defense against the dark arts being fighting yr fears through laughter. aaaaaa#and then sirius. black. im. i know we meme on the twelve years of it! in azkaban! but as a bitch whos now closer to those characters in age#and can appreciate and understand them obv more than i could when i was. a tween. that just hits like ok shit. VALID#so valid and real to see the child of your friends you knew at that age but who DIED and then see the friend who betrayed them#to see like the best of BOTH of them mirrored and living on in him and be like yknow what???? you WILL be protected frm that same fate#hoooo the briefest moment where harry might hope things will turn out okay. w sirius' name being cleared and peter having to explain himself#and sirius being like hey i get it if you want to stay w your family that is fine but. if you wanna move in w me...#(harry relaying this to hermione later as well. dreaming of a place fr just the two of them somewhere in the countryside#somewhere..... sirius might see the sky..... bc he thinks he would like that after all those years locked up do not even touch me rn.......)#only fr everything to turn to shit two friends fighting w deadly force. the chance to set this right slipping off into the night.#a million dementors descending relentlessly until utter exhaustion and certain death. some strange salvation? fight for a second chance?#but then still havign to say goodbye when they only just GOT this. and everything still being so. god. and lupin having to leave as well.#the thought of sirius also WANTING that guardian type connection but being forced to live in 1. a cave barely living more freely than before#2. then being confined to the stuffy somber abusive home he ran away from as a teen w that portrait still up there and everything.. bitch...#oh man the way i KNOW when we get to ootp (my favourite) its gonna leave me blasted into a million little pieces#the way i know shit like the knowing wink the entirety of the wall tapestry room scene and of course nice one james is gonna DESTROY me..#dont even talk to me abt that dark turn at the end of gof and how everything after gets soooo. god. w everything just getting destroyed and.#i cant even think abt it i cant even talk about it. wah#i dont care btw that they aged those guys up undermining how insanely young these people died. perfect casting fr the remaining marauders ok
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padfootastic · 1 year
the worst thing is when like. someone on the internet hasn’t done anything wrong, is a perfectly pleasant person, but their vibes are utterly rancid to u. can’t escape them bc theyre on ur feed 84372 times a day and u feel very very weird blocking someone who’s literally not even looked in ur direction lmao
#like i *get* it block liberally etc etc and i DO#but sometimes it’s like. why. what is it *about* this person that bothers me#it’s just such tiny tiny things#and i really can’t escape it half the time#tumbles block system is great when ur the one blocked but now when ur doing the blocking#(which. wtf tumblr)#i’m still seeing people in reblogs#and like. again. they’re a nice person. not done anything technically wrong#but i have the most feral urge to growl at them thru the screen#like ??? wtf brain??#since when do we care about vibes so much#it’s like that thing where if a person u don’t like makes a good point#but u can’t take anything they say in good faith lol#some of the stupidest things that’s made me feel like this is say. someone w a weird headcanon#or people who use <3 in that. tiktok girlie suibaiting way#passive aggressiveness#if someone’s *too* sensitive on the internet#idk the list goes on and i don’t wanna keep blocking people but i need to know another ways to manage this lol#i think one time i blocked someone for posting about how sirius is obsessed with remus lmao#i didn’t like the…tone…nor the words….#there is literally no point to this i just saw something on my feed and got super annoyed s’all#something so irrelevant i’m gonna forget about it in 7 hours#i’m gonna compare it to a lactose intolerance#milk is wonderful and everyone around u loves it but it gives u gas so u stay away and give it a stink eye everytime#no one’s at fault but u feel like an over sensitive bitch lmao#(not me tho. love me my dairy)#so. ykno.#a lil rant. if u will.#pen’s whining
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apollo-just-ice · 1 year
Love that I had the thought “hmm well some of this stuff in my fic might not be completely accurate :/“
But then I reminded myself it’s like a totally self indulgent written for *me* thing,,, like yeah! It doesn’t have to be perfect, I am writing what makes my heart happy! That is all that should matter really!! And so now I feel okay, honestly. Good job, me.
That rly is an important thing to remember when creating things, is that foremost it should be making you happy, no matter inaccuracies or popularity or anything else
Also an essay of my thoughts about writing a pmd fic below in the tags hahah oops:
#lol yes I have been working on a pmd fic that I may or may not post when it’s done#it’s like such a conglomeration of different points in my life when I played the game and thoughts and feelings from throughout those times#something that can be. so personal#I wanna make a mark of having some pmd content shared I think so!#but yk so maybe there is some wavy logic in the human (before they became a Pokémon) being able to talk to Pokémon#but that is always how I imagined it must’ve been as a kid without question#and that I know Grovyle and the mc aren’t the main relationship the game wants focus on#but for me over the years I more and more find it fascinating to think about#especially just with the context of a friendship that now only has memories remaining with one person#and stuff like that#but I don’t super delve into angst bc I also rly just want this to be cozy at the end of the day#happy warm soft fuzzy cozy vibes#which I probably get from nostalgia alone here but writing it I feel those energies in it#but while the partner character doesn’t get as much of a focus she is still so dear to me methinks#idk this rambling has been going on so long rn lol#I hope all that I have been putting into this fic shows through in the end#I’m not even done writing it yet it has been a challenge at times but I sure do want to complete it#okay thanks and thanks like sm if you read the tags hahah <3#now we are going to do proper tags so maybe people will see this…#pmd#pmd explorers#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokemon#fanfic#writing#content creating#? idk what to tag bc the advice/whatever u would call it can apply to more than just writers I think…#pmd2#pmd eos#pmd sky
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caninecowboy · 2 years
crying screaming throwing up etc etc etc
#milo.txt#em#made me TWO!!! playlists#we like to express our love for each other through playlists which is actually so cute of us#but they made me a playlist themed around i love you ! so some songs i've heard and some new ones#which is always a treat!!#they also made me a playlist themed around slow dancing in the kitchen#and they included songs ive sent them and offhandedly mentioned how i wanna dance w someone in the kitchen to them#god . i know it sounds like a small thing and a silly thing for me to be crying about but . i just#its so fucking crazy to me they listen? like of COURSE they listen theyre a god damn sweetheart and they know me sometimes better#than i know myself#as someone who kinda just vibed a lot alone and got used to solitude its crazy to me ill mention something once and they'll remember it#like i made a joke that if they wanted to get me anything for my birthday they should get me mothman#and guess what#they GOT ME A MOTHMAN PLUSHIE AND ITS THE CUTEST THING EVER (after them of course)#and its just like . oh my god? you not only listen to what i say but you remember? and you genuinely know who i am?#like . what the fuck bro that's crazy#yall know that tweet thats like you get kidnapped and theyll return you if you can speak about something for 30 minutes#yeah i could speak about em and how much i love them for like actual hours .#i just feel so incredibly lucky to be known and loved by them yknow? its . yeah . its good#it hurts sometimes because they're far away from me and sometimes my heart gets so excited i just. need to squeeze them and theyre not here#BUT as ive said before i would do this over and over and over and over and over just to say hello to them once more#EEP we're going to be together in like 3ish weeks HOLY FUCK#this reminded me to buy my concert outfit eugh im gonna look soooo cute actually#ANYWAY#my heart is so full and i love them an incredible amount <3#UPDATE ON THIS: i changed my blog title to 'oh loverboy' yesterday? and theres A SONG CALLED LOVERBOY ON THE PLAYLIST THEY SENT ME#OH HHHHH MY GOD MY FUCKING H E A R T#we're really on our own wavelength huh
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menkhu · 2 years
these tags belong to another post
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