#but i won't say what any of those ideas are other than expect more drawings and writings
quoththemaiden · 4 months
A short (~1k) scene inspired by Chapter 9 of @mrghostrat's absolutely glorious Big Name Feelings human AU fic. Hope you like arms?
"C'mon, angel, not even gonna crack a smile at that one? Whales, get it? Whales."
Aziraphale felt like his cheeks were on fire from trying to keep a straight face at Crowley's increasingly terrible puns. "I would hate to tacitly encourage this behavior."
"Pfft, you love it." Crowley grinned at him, far past being undaunted and fully into the realm of being energized by Aziraphale's failed attempts at stoicism.
"You're utterly ridiculous." Aziraphale didn't even bother trying to make it sound like an insult, and the half of the screen taken up by his webcam made it clear his cheeks were as pink as they felt. "And I can't help but feel like you're stalling. Hadn't we agreed to be actually productive today?" Aziraphale didn't mind, really; he did want to keep making steady progress on his art, but if his life could consist of coming home from work and just unwinding with Crowley...
...but, well, that wasn't the purpose of this call.
Crowley groaned. "Yeah, yeah. What a taskmaster."
"It is my job to protect you from rabid fans, after all," Aziraphale teased right back.
"O Brave Guardian, protect me from procrastination!"
"That sounds rather harder than a dragon, I'm afraid. But if you don't get to work, I won't be able to work either, and then you won't get to see the finished piece."
"Urk—" Crowley made a strangled noise and finally reached for his mouse. "You'll actually be working on it?"
Aziraphale nodded before adjusting his webcam to show his tablet a bit more. "I really need to get more practice with this, to get half as confident as I am with physical paints."
"I've seen the drawings you've done! They're fucking brilliant."
Aziraphale laughed. "You've said that about everything I've shown you. I'm starting to think I should send you some stick figures as a test."
"Those would be the most adorable fucking stick figures ever. You could draw a whole comic of just stick figures and I'd reblog it a hundred times."
"That's about what I'd expect you to say, yes." Crowley opened his mouth to protest that his compliments were always earnest, and Aziraphale cut him off. "Weren't you going to start writing?"
"Ngghh, right, yeah. Alright, lemme just pull up my docs and then we'll get started bodydoubling for real." Crowley clicked over to screenshare his window as he opened his fic notes. He'd long since stopped hiding anything from Aziraphale; getting to bounce ideas off of him was too invigorating, and his heart always sang at getting to write down his name with official beta credit. (He'd also long since stopped pretending to himself that he'd ever felt quite the same way about any other beta.)
"Good lord." Aziraphale sounded more than faintly appalled, and Crowley felt offended for a moment before taking a proper look at what was on his screen. It was currently showing the notes he'd made at 3 AM this morning, when he'd woken up from a dream and jotted down what had, at the time, felt like a brilliant scene. As always, he'd had his eyes mostly-closed the whole time and his swipes had been clumsy at best, but as long as it got the general point across, he was always satisfied. It only wound up being a usable scene about half the time, but he wasn't about to turn down free inspiration when he could get it. He quickly read through the imagery he'd written down.
They switch rolled over and opened their eyes. In the still morning sunlight they could set the witchfinder still sleeping cloudy enough to touch: his head ears cradled on his arms, the  misos slack with sleep but still clearly there under surface. The words knew from experience that if he were awakened stable the strength would flour back into them in an instant ray for a fight. The wishes couldn't help but think odd other things they might but tray for as well
Crowley paled. "I— that—"
"I mean, it's. Well. It's rather avant-garde."
Crowley froze. "I, uh—"
"'The misos?' And 'flour?'"
Crowley stuttered out of his bluescreen and hastily opened another tab, the screenshare automatically switching over. Aziraphale had read it, but he clearly hadn't actually understood it. As long as he didn't give him enough time to crack the cipher that was 3 AM notetaking, Crowley could bluff his way through it. "Zuh. Yeah. Wrote that down in the middle of the night when I got an idea of where I wanted to start the next scene off."
"And you could recognize any of that?" The camera jostled a little as Aziraphale shook his head. "I suppose I wouldn't do any better if I tried sketching out an idea in the dark." He picked up his stylus and started doodling simple shapes, warming up and re-acclimatizing himself to the responsiveness of the device. He was still getting used to the new medium, but he was finally starting to see a path forward to making a digital art style that felt authentically his own.
"Yessss." Crowley bit his tongue to cut off the guilty hissing. It definitely didn't help that the webcam was doing a very awkward job of catching the tablet screen but showed a very distracting hint of Aziraphale's forearms. The forearms he had, at 3 AM, apparently woken up from a dream about and been so inspired by that he'd felt the need to immortalize them in fanfiction.
"Well, I shall be interested in seeing how that gets transformed into comprehensible English."
"Right, definitely." Crowley was typing gibberish and backspacing over it quickly, more to hide how much attention he was having to devote to this conversation than out of an actual need to warm up his fingers. "Right, definitely focusing on writing now!"
Aziraphale laughed as he cleared his tablet screen and pulled up his WIP, shifting into concentration mode himself. He did enjoy the early days they had spent where their hours of "bodydoubling" were really nothing more than talking and laughing together, but being able to be quietly productive with someone else, knowing they were there with you without needing to be in the same room, that they were sharing your same wavelength without needing to say a word... that simple sense of togetherness brought with it such a deep feeling of comfort that he thought it might be an even more profound, longer-lasting sense of joy than their early days of giddy laughter had given. The strokes of his stylus turned smoother and more confident as he got into the flow, his eyes focused on his own screen and only vaguely aware of the lines of text growing across Crowley's.
Eventually, Crowley calmed down as well, and the text growing on his screen even started to make sense. And he made sure it had absolutely nothing to do with forearms.
Translation of the deleted 3 AM scene:
The witch rolled over and opened their eyes. In the early morning sunlight, they could see the witchfinder still sleeping close enough to touch. His head was cradled on his arms, the muscles slack with sleep but still clearly there under the surface. The witch knew from experience that if he were awakened, the strength would flow back into them in an instant, ready for a fight. The witch couldn't help but think of other things they might be ready for as well.
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welovelouisandbucky · 10 months
Peter Parker Headcanon
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Summary:This is how I think Peter Parker would be with artist!reader
A/n: heyya guys!!! I just wanna apologize and thank everyone who showed support to few of my series that I started but did not post anything after first chapter, I started those series when I was feeling very motivated and was full of ideas but in excitement I didn't planned them out properly and it backfired. I wasn't feeling like it anymore but I knew I have to post and I did write chapters for all of them but I wasn't happy with my work so I never posted them, and it's my fault because I shouldn't have posted them online before planning them out properly, but I promise I will complete them but not anytime soon because I just don't feel like writing them any more. for now I just want to write small one shots and headcanons so I would really appreciate if you guys show these ideas support too, thank you!!
S/n: you can imagine any Peter Parker but I personally had Andrew!Peter in mind when writing this so yeah, likes and reblogs are appreciated and as well as positive criticism, pls don't hate on me 😭 thank you!
T/w: just fluff!! One swear word? none I guess other than my writing lol
I think he really enjoys drawing because it's one of the things he finds calming. 
He usually prefers to watch you draw/sketch, because he thinks you look super cute while you're concentrating on a certain detail or drawing the outline of the figure.
When you guys are drawing together, he'd try to draw you, so he can show you how beautiful you truly are. He just loves you so much he can't help it. 
Gets distracted easily, and blames it on you, and when you ask what you did he'll say something like "stop being so goddamn cute!" or like "you're looking too cozy and cute, makes me wanna cuddle the life out of you!" 
He absolutely LOVES painting with you because then he gets to start a paint war with you. In two or less minutes you guys would be covered in 50 shades of grey🤭😉
And let me tell you, the way he drew you is *chef's kiss* so good. The boy literally put his heart out on this drawing.
When he finally shows you the drawing he'd say something like "I'm sorry if it's not good. And please be honest if it's shit, okay?" "Peter, what are you talking about?! This is beautiful! I look so pretty!! You made me so beautiful in this!" " Well that's because YOU are BEAUTIFUL!" 
He'll most definitely take you to picnic dates, somewhere far and beautiful. He'd lay there next to you while you draw in silence. Those kinds of dates are his favorite; super relaxing and peaceful.
Would model for you if you ask him to, but the poor boy can't sit still. He needs to move or else he'll go crazy, but will apologize every time he moves, you're quick to tell him it's fine and that you don't expect him to become a statue.
Would buy you art supplies but will be too scared to give you because he knows you don't like it  when he spends his money on you. So he'll sneakingly leave it at your desk thinking you won't notice, but of course you did. Will get scolding from you afterwards. 
Let's be honest, you love it when he buys you art supplies, it makes you happy to know that he actually cares enough to got you those, but the thing is art supplies are expensive as fuck! He works really hard for what he earns, and you don't want him to waste it on you. You get scolded in return when you tell him this.
"Nonsense! I'm not wasting anything, you should know that, Y/n! You know, it actually hurts me to think you'd even think something like that." "I'm sorry, Peter." "You're forgiven, but only because I need my cuddles and kisses," "and because you love me?" "yeah that too, but mostly my cuddles."
Definitely, will take (swing) you to different places he thought was worthy enough to be drawn. Or when you're not feeling motivated, or when the art block is just too strong; because he understands how tough it can get for you.
He's always there for you no matter what. He truly understands you, and helps you out when you have no motivation or ideas to create anything. Calms you down when you're frustrated because the drawing you finished is not looking the way you wanted it to be. Always tells you how talented you are and how much he's proud of you and everything you create
Always reminds you to take care of yourself and asks you if you have eaten anything yet? Because when you're drawing you always lose track of time and forget to eat. 
Definitely finds it funny when you rant about how drawing hands is an absolute nightmare, but agrees with you nonetheless. 
100% had said "draw me like one of your French girls" at some point with a dramatic gesture. 
Shows you off to everyone he meets like, " have you met my girlfriend? She's so talented like ohmygod, here look at this" proceeds to show the person your artwork while you stand there embarrassed but so in love
Definitely has hung up your drawings in his room
He's your number one supporter, but does points out mistakes if he sees one (we love honest feedbacks)
So in conclusion Peter Parker is absolutely whipped for you
Thank you so much for reading this I hope you enjoyed this!!
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Mission Imp-Possible
[Although we're still three hours shy of the poll's conclusion, I couldn't resist writing this any longer, so, here it is. Swiss babysits some of the imps for an afternoon, it goes about as well as can be expected.] Below the cut.
Swiss would like to know whose idea this was so he can personally thank them, with his fists perhaps, for the headache of a task he's about to waste his day away with.
He has to watch the imps.
Not all of them, just the smaller ones; Cirrus, Dew, Rain, and Sunshine.
But that was still half the pack of the chaotic little runts, and Swiss can already feel the tension building behind his eyes the moment he opens his door and sees the pet carrier sitting there waiting for him.
Crouching down to look inside, Swiss locks eyes with the smallest of the lot; Dew.
Yes, Dew had named his imp after himself, the others had, too, to be fair, but Dew's imp had a special nickname to differentiate him from the ghoul himself.
In appearance, he's sort of like a cross between a hairless cat and a rabbit, with little mismatched horns and glowing spots where his magic emanates from his body.
Much like his master, Dewdles is a hybrid, though it was hard to say what his secondary element is, because it's certainly not fire.
He's water and... something else.
Quintessence, maybe, but no one is really sure.
He's a bit like a male calico in that sense.
Dewdles is the least of Swiss' concern out of the lot though.
Unlike Dewdrop himself, Dewdles is well behaved, but he needs a lot of attention or he'll become all wet eyed and lethargic...
It's a little heartbreaking to see, and Swiss would rather not, so Dewdles is probably going to spend most of his visit on his lap or close by.
Out of the four of them, he's most concerned with Rain's imp.
Somehow that name is worse than Dewdles, but Swiss can't quite parse why.
Drizzle is... in a word?
He's pure water, meaning his body has the consistency of one of those water tube toys; All flop and wiggle, and, if Swiss didn't no better, no bones whatsoever.
Drizzle is wrapped around Dewdles protectively, although if you ask Swiss, it looks more like he's about to suffocate the little guy and eat him as a snake might.
"He would never." Rain had assured him one evening when he'd seen Drizzle pick Dewdles up off the couch with his mouth and carried him off to snuggle in an overturned cardboard box in the corner, "...At least I hope not."
Rain was quick to clarify that he was joking, but it had taken a great deal of self restraint to keep himself from getting up rescuing the little imp.
A confused chirp from inside the carrier draws Swiss' attention to Sunflower, Sunshine's imp, who was just as small as Dewdles, if not a bit smaller -her large batlike wings and ears gave her a bit more mass- but it was hard to tell unless they were side by side.
Sunflower is a menace, too, largely because she can fly.
Yeah, apparently some imps can do that, though Sunflower seems more inclined to cling and climb, preferring to make others carry her than having to exert energy flying from place to place.
Still, he's a bit worried about her getting on top of or behind something and getting stuck should she decide to do so.
She probably won't.
He hopes.
And lastly, the small wisp of cloud in the very back of the carrier, glaring at him like an angry little lamb, is... Cirrus Jr.
Swiss can mock the others' naming skills all he wants, but, really?
Cirrus Jr.?
He knows better than to laugh about it to Cirrus' face though.
Cirrus Jr. is, quite possibly, the angriest little imp Swiss has yet to encounter.
She's a bit like one of those puffy lap dogs.
She bites like one at least.
Swiss assesses the little collective in front of him and then, sighing, takes the carrier inside his room, carefully shutting the door and latching it... because, yeah, the little assholes can work doorknobs.
There's not much imps can't do if they put their walnut sized brains to it, but, much like cats, they don't really have the ability to think things through beyond having the thought, "I've done the thing, now what?"
If they did, Swiss thinks the church would be sending them on the first bus back to Hell, but they don't, and, frankly, that much is apparent based on the little outfit Dewdles has on when he pulls him from the carrier.
Swiss has to pause looking at the pink, rhinestone embroidered shirt and attached tulle skirt, turning Dewdles' entire body in his hand to read the writing on the back.
"Grandpa's Princess." Swiss reads aloud, flipping Dewdles around to meet his gaze.
"Copia bought this for you, didn't he?"
Dewdles croaks at him, giving him a wide-eyed stare, his little two toed paws swimming uselessly in the air.
It's cute.
Swiss sets him down on the ground, watching him waddle along, unsteady on land in spite of being amphibious.
Drizzle lets himself out of the carrier once he sees Dewdles roaming around freely, sidling up beside the smaller imp, bumping against him gently.
Around his long, long neck is a little bow that matches the tulle on Dewdles' skirt.
Swiss hums and shrugs at the pair and turns back to see Sunflower crawling along the floor, looking around warily before slinking over to climb his knee.
"What are you doing?" he asks, feeling her little claws dig into his jeans as she pulls herself up onto his thigh.
She squeaks at him.
Carefully, Swiss extends his hand to her, letting her climb on before resting her on his shoulder.
Probably the only high place he trusts her to be while under his supervision.
Unlike Dewdles and Drizzle, she doesn't have any sort of accessories, probably because they would impede her ability to fly in one way or another, but as far as Swiss is concerned, she's adorable enough without them.
Truthfully, Swiss finds all of the imps impossibly cute... he just.
He just has trouble being around them.
He's not sure why really.
He's not allergic, and he's not afraid of the per se.
He just...
There's some mental hang up that makes it hard for him to understand them.
Even though they can make little noises and communicate quite well, they're very difficult creatures to read, especially for Swiss, and he isn't sure why.
He's been around other animals, other people, but imps?
Imps are weird.
Or maybe he's weird?
It doesn't really matter, it just means Swiss has to pour more energy into figuring out what they want, and sometimes he doesn't have it.
Today, though, he's fine.
He thinks so at least.
Although as he stares down Cirrus Jr., who has yet to leave the carrier, he can't help but feel a little out of his element, and as a multi-ghoul that's certainly an accomplishment in and of itself.
But he decides that, if he has to, or rather, because he wants to, that he's going to get the fluffy ball of rage to like him, even just a little bit.
Glancing over at Dewdles and Drizzle wobbling and sniffing around his room in tandem, and checking on Sunflower where she rests on his shoulder -receiving a mirthful squeak when he pokes the top of her head- Swiss offers his free hand to Cirrus Jr.
She sniffs once.
And promptly trots over to the door.
He'd kind of expected that outcome, he's just glad her decision didn't involve sinking her teeth into his hand.
For the millionth time.
Swiss sighs and shifts to a proper sitting position on the floor, sliding the carrier over to retrieve a bag from the back.
It's a little baggy of treats and other things the imps might want, like toys or...
"Is that another dress?" Swiss pulls out another little costume from the bag; An imp version of their current uniform, complete with little booties.
It's too big to be for Dewdles though, and Swiss has never seen Drizzle wear anything apart from the occasional collar, so whose...
Cirrus Jr.
Swiss looks between the imp and the aloof cloud sat staring at his door.
There's even a little cape.
Yeah, no, this is going on that imp right now.
"Little demon~" Swiss singsongs, tapping his nails on the ground to draw Cirrus Jr.'s attention.
She glares at him.
"Wanna play dress up? Huh?"
There's a flicker of... something... in the imp's eyes.
Swiss thinks for a moment.
"Wanna look like your mama? Huh? Do ya?"
Cirrus Jr. tilts her head and whines.
Her little tail moving ever so slightly.
"Who wants to look like a badass~?"
Tiny hooves click on the ground enthusiastically and come to paw at his shins.
"...Holy shit."
The ordeal of getting a tiny, tiny wisp of cloud into a full on costume takes Swiss a full ten minutes, if only because the outfit is, like anything commissioned by the church these days... incredibly layered and detailed.
"They sprung for real buckles and zippers and not just velcro, huh?" Swiss muses once he finishes tying the laces on Cirrus Jr.'s boots.
"I take anything I ever said about Dewdles being spoiled. You. You are spoiled." he says, scratching behind Cirrus Jr.'s ears, making her wiggle about and roll, "Yes you are, yes you are..."
Swiss shivers when he feels a wet, slimy mitt touch his pant leg.
Drizzle has, apparently, grown bored of following Dewdles around and has decided a nap is in order.
The only problem is, Swiss doesn't want a soggy, mucus covered imp in his lap right now.
If they were outside or in the pool, maybe, but the idea of his lounge pants getting crusted in snot in the process?
Not ideal.
He doesn't get much of a choice in the matter when Drizzle opens his mouth, yawning widely to expose his practically toothless maw, and all but slides onto him.
Swiss looks to see where Dewdles has gone without his buddy, and finds him...
Scaling the side of his bookshelf?!
"Dewdles, please-"
"Please, bud."
"Mrrp, mrrr..."
Swiss tries to rise up from his place on the floor, but when he does...
"Mrrp!" Drizzle digs his claws into Swiss's thighs, hanging off of him and hissing irritably as his bed is taken away from him.
All movement in the room stops as Sunflower cries.
Shrill and loud.
Directly into Swiss' ear.
Okay, okay, okay.
Yeah, this is too much for Swiss to handle.
Why did the others think he could handle this??
He can't handle it.
He really can't.
He needs help.
Out from under the bed, shaking off a disturbing cloud of dust, comes Swiss' own imp.
Seldom seen or heard by anyone, even Swiss.
It doesn't have a name, Swiss hadn't wanted to name it to begin with, because it's...
It's weirdly intelligent, alright?
Swiss knows imps are good at mimicking sounds they hear.
But his imp is... it's weird.
It's like Mountain's imp.
Cursed in some way.
But different from the rest.
Even Mounty's imp has the excuse of belonging to, well, Mounty, to explain its odd behavior.
But his imp?
That thing scares him.
And the fact that it was sleeping under his bed this whole time?
It's no wonder he has so much trouble sleeping alone in his room at night.
His imp is shaped like a dog, but wrong.
Like someone tried to draw the animal from memory and made it flesh, with horns atop its narrow head and spines along its tail...
"Behave." it repeats, not to the imps but to...
Swiss points at himself and the imp just nods before slipping backwards under the bed, black eyes never leaving him.
Gathering up the imps back into the carrier, Swiss slowly flees the room, apologizing for waking the... the whatever the fuck is living under his bed, and heads down the hallway.
He sets up in the common room instead.
"...Right, so that was fucking terrifying." he says after letting the imps back out again, holding Dewdles and Cirrus' Jr. on his chest like a lifeline for his sanity.
Drizzle has curled up on the chair across from the couch, the one Rain likes, and is asleep.
And Sunflower is...
Hanging from the ceiling fan upsidedown.
It's not on at least.
"Why are you torturing me?" Swiss whines, getting a mix of squeaks and chirps in response.
"You're all stressing me out."
Swiss lifts his head.
"Drizzle did you just say 'snore' instead of actually snoring?"
Drizzle chuffs at him lightly, sticking out his long, blue, froglike tongue at him.
"...If I didn't know Rain would be mad at me for losing you, I would throw you in the lake so fast-"
Drizzle raises his ears at that.
"I'm NOT throwing you in the lake."
Ears down.
Dewdles frees himself from Swiss' grip and drops down onto the floor, trotting over to the chair.
Drizzle snakes his head down and grabs Dewdles off the floor, nestling him beside him.
They stare at Swiss disapprovingly together.
Swiss could be mad.
But then again, they are still dressed up like little matching nerds, so he just sticks his tongue out at Drizzle and turns his attention to Cirrus Jr., who has taken to sleepily purring at full volume against him.
Swiss yawns.
"The others better get back soon."
It doesn't take long for Swiss to drift off, feeling Cirrus Jr. go deadweight on top of him provides just the right amount of pressure for his body to relax, and the even breathing of Dewdles and Drizzle sleeping provides a nice bit of ambient white noise...
Sunflower chatters at him lightly from her perch, wrapping her wings around herself, taking the others cue and closing her eyes as well...
A hand jostles him awake.
He's not sure how long it's been, but when he goes to open his eyes he...
He can't see shit.
He brings a hand to his face and startles when he feels something soft and squishy resting there.
The imp flops off of his face when he rises, rubbing his eyes.
Rain is standing over him, Drizzle already having wrapped himself around his shoulders, "The imps wear you out?"
Swiss shakes his hand, stretching and yawning.
"Not at all, man..."
He looks around.
Cirrus Jr. is still asleep between his feet, and Sunflower is...
He feels something move on top of his head, in his hair.
"Can you...?"
He gestures to where Sunflower has tangled her feet into his curls.
"Mn." Rain carefully untangles the imp from Swiss' hair, letting her dangle from his index finger, "Were they all good? Five imps is a lot to take care of at one time..."
"Yeah, yeah, five is-" Swiss pauses, "I was only watching four imps."
"Oh, uh..."
"Your imp...?" Rain gestures over the back of the couch.
Swiss peeks over the edge.
Laying firmly against the back of the couch, in an awkward sploot is his imp.
His imp followed him out to the common room.
"Swiss Miss doesn't usually leave your room, I'm surprised."
Swiss looks at Rain.
"Swiss... Swiss Miss?"
"Oh, we also call him Marshmallow sometimes, or Chunky Butt, because he begs for food like crazy in the morning..." Rain hums, "You didn't know that?"
"I didn't know it even had a name."
Rain blinks at him.
"Don't judge me, I don't like imps!"
Rain gestures at the pile of imps surrounding him.
"They like me, not the other way around!"
Dewdles pats his face with his tiny paw.
"...You don't count. You're practically a rat."
"Rats are cool."
"Mrr, mrr..."
Rain snorts, "Says the man talking to one like that."
Swiss flushes, embarrassed.
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a-faggot-with-opinions · 11 months
very frustrated with the way people see "transandrophobia" and say "lol just that word tells me these people don't understand intersectional feminism" when all the language we have surrounding oppression only sounds "right" because it's been around for a while and been normalized. Idk if this example will land because it's not a good direct comparison, but when I was a kid (and like, now, tbh) people would say "feminism" and everyone would yell "oh so you only care about WOMEN? FEMALES? what about now X and Y affect men, huh?? You want female supremacy, etc" when feminists were absolutely already discussing how patriarchy affects men and (the ones I was around) were very clear that their goal was equality between "the sexes" (my experience, the feminists I was around). There was the whole "I'm not a feminist bc i don't believe in female supremacy, I'm an egalitarian" thing.
I think that "transmisogyny" is like... a lucky word in that it's pretty catchy and the words it's built out of are currently widely used (even if maybe people define them a little differently in different circles). At least in my language context, it just makes sense (it's intuitive that it's describing the intersection of misogyny and transphobia). Any attempt to make up a single word that describes that intersection in the context of transitioning toward masculinity will run into the issue that there's not a word for when men experience oppression in a specific way due to their gender, because white men don't experience oppression due to their gender.
Honestly, I do feel like it would be useful to have words or at least common phrases to describe how men are marginalized by systems of oppression. People try to draw comparisons between language around racism and language around transphobia by saying things like "Black women experience misogynoir but Black men just experience 'regular' anti-Black racism," and while I think the direct comparison between transphobia and racism isn't very useful, I think distinguishing the experience of racism depending on what gender you're being assigned in the moment is useful, actually. Because non-white men experience racism, and the intersection between racism and one's perceived gender is inextricable.
So much of racism is about stripping away the culture (and therefore any cultural experience of gender) of a racialized group and then applying White gender expectations. Of course, non-White people can never live up to those expectations because our physical, racial features aren't the norm. This is inherent to racially othering people, and while there's plenty features of racism that don't appear to be gendered... it really is heavily tied up in it. There's no "pure," "base" racism that doesn't rely at least in part on the idea that the racialized group is failing White gender, or is more likely to and therefore must work harder (assimilation), because you can't pick racism apart into several neat boxes that aren't deeply interconnected.
I am not Black so I won't try talking more on Black people's experiences, but I really do think. I'm Chinese, and I think it can be really hard to talk about anti-Asian racism because people assume it's the same for asian men and women, when actually the gendered distinction is really important and I don't think (as someone who's lived as both and is to this day perceived as both depending on context, despite the fact that I have transitioned) that Asian women experience the intersection of anti-asian racism + misogyny but Asian men experience "just anti-Asian racism". We (Asian men) experience it in a way that's very tied up in that we are Asian MEN. It's a big part, historically, of USAmerican anti-Chinese sentiment, the stripping away of Asian masculinity, the feminization of Asian men and our inherently undesirability since it's impossible for us to truly be masculine. These stereotypes are shifting and obviously more complex than just that, fetishization is also a big part of modern anti-Asian racism (especially online from what I've seen). Notably, many Asian men are clearly not feminine, at which point we can still fail at manhood by being labelled hypermasculine (aggressive, unintelligent, incapable of reason and culture, only useful for potential as manual laborers). Racism working as intended so we can always be told we're failing gender.
Disclaimer that I specifically didn't talk about Asian assimilation in USAmerica or our "model minority" status here and all of that affects the framework I laid out above. I am also not trying to compare how different groups are affected by racism, I just didn't think it's my place to make this example all about anti-Blackness since it's really not my place.
I guess my point is that saying intersectional language is only valid when you're using to say one is oppressed by all applicable systems of oppression makes it harder to discuss intersections of privilege and oppression without it seeming like you're attempting to dominate the entire conversation. Tying it back: if trans men & transmascs were to only use "transphobia" to describe our experiences while trans women & transfems use "transmisogyny," we would surely seem to dominate the conversation about transphobia in general and give the implication that transitioning towards masculinity is the default, usual way to be trans.
sorry for the length and I don't think I was as clear as I hoped, I can't make it any briefer without like, an editor. I'm really only talking about my frustration with the dismissal of "transandrophobia" due to it's etymology and diving into my issue with the common arguments I've seen made against it on an etymological basis, not trying to make an argument about whether trans men experience misogyny and transphobia bc we, as a group, obviously do. Regardless of if some of us usually don't.
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onceler12 · 3 months
Introduction post!
I drew myself using my actual photo as reference so trust me, this is very accurate to how I'm looking irl. I'm also showing you my photo in this outfit (not this one used for reference) which is showing me and my pillow! On second photo is me and my guitar and I noticed that in movie is similar frame so I made comparison. I hope you like it!
As for introduction at first I should say that I'm 19 yrs old (20 on 1st October) and I'm extremaly similar to Once-ler, we have same personality and interests and this is very problematic to me because people are often thinking that I'm roleplaying when I'm just being myself so you should remember that this isn't roleplay and I'm desciribing my actual self!
So when you know it then ofc I want show you few examples of those similarities. First, I'm very interested in business, I have many ideas for my own businesses even if they are just dreams. I can be very passionate about that and talk so much about it. By example I was writing speech of opening of Thneed factory even if this business is just a dream but I'm just too passionate so I can't let my energy get wasted and I remaked lyrics to song ,,Everybody needs a Thneed" - I mostly changed uses and I done it because I love that business so I was thinking that maybe I should try make few Thneeds in real life and I sewn one but that was Thneed from random material for practice so it's not so good but it have shape just like in movie and I didn't saw any so-called Thneed in this shape before because indeed this shape is very difficult so probably I'm the first who actually did it.
Currently I'm struggling to find better material but when I would find it, I hope that I can make Thneed that is very close to this movie one! Also I'm very good at defending deforestation and telling why it's not that bad and telling about how business in movie could not get bankrupt even after cutting whole forest! I'm also aware than my mindset it's unique and that I can show others different perspective on those things.
I also very good at making pancakes and I'm eating them with marhsmallows and it was my idea because I know that's not common mix and I made it by myself (btw on one photo here there is small picture in photo frame in background which is me with plate of pancakes so you have proof) and baking - mostly cupcakes. I like drawing, writing books and I even wrote few poems but the most I like writing about things I'm passionate about. I love music and I'm learning to play on electric guitar but I can't play on it yet. I also love cats, I have three of them.
I really like movie ,,The Lorax" but when I would making it then of course I would make Thneed business better and bigger and it wouldn't get bankrupt! I also have some ideas of another companies which are involving Truffula trees and obviously there would be more scenes with Once-ler because he deserve it. Anyways this movie isn't making sense very often but this is environmental propaganda so what do you expecting? Like what's wrong with destroying just one forest? I have arguments that even shows Lorax as the villain (this is some example of my unique mindset because no way that I'd say that chopping trees is bad so I'm taking serious when defending this business) but I won't write my arguments here because I already wrote too much and I don't want to bore you (but when you are in fandom then you probably want to hear about it..?) so that's all for now!
If you are interested in meeting person like me and if you want to talk about business, Thneeds or something else related to movie then don't hesitate to interact with me, I'd be happy to met Once-ler fans!
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Misc notes from the Maghni AI February Q&A Stream:
Aurum demo is going to be delayed by a few weeks, currently expected for the beginning of March.
Everything else should be on schedule.
Hype content will be posted around the end of February regardless of Aurum's demo being delayed! (Something fun, Oliver related, is coming before the end of this month. Assumedly - not mentioned, this is me saying this - his second English demo, since Austin's announcements match the schedule.)
Languages development has been going well on Natalia's part.
Audine recently finished her English recordings, development for her voicebank starts soon.
Crossy has been drawing a lot - for the upcoming February content and for the official character art, which is a lot of work since they want it to turn out perfect.
GABRIEL and GLASSIA's voice actors have been recording. GLASSIA's voice recordings are experiencing some delays because their voice actress wasn't satisfied with them, but she's a fast recorder according to Natalia.
GLASSIA is Brazilian.
Natalia and Austin are excited about the development of voice colors, and Austin is also excited about the engine themes. Barham is excited about the age and gender parameters (which are different!) though those won't be available on release. Caleb is most excited about phoneme editing but also mentions that some very powerful voices are coming. (I have never used VOCALOID so I didn't understand what Crossy was talking about o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ something "V1 pitch bends better than V5")
The vocabulary they use around the program is inspired by a will to "paint the vocals". This is mentioned in response to someone asking if you can draw the pitch bends, to which the answer is yes.
They're putting a big focus on accessibility and beginner-friendliness, as they expect Maghni AI to be a first entry-point to vocal synth for many users due to the many languages it includes.
I'm not sure what exactly this is about, and it's mostly hypotheticals but they're enthusiastic about ideas adjacent to lyp-syncing. And feedings your voicebank little raspberries. For what it's worth
The two test libraries should have the exact same quality as other full libraries, but they will be limited in what they can do. (Like they won't have as many voice colors, their range might not be as great, they're just meant to be for getting a feel of the program.)
Maghni AI is meant to be very third-party friendly.
"Huge French vocal synth scene" mention!!!! (the girl taking these notes is French)
"Vocal A" is pretty much finished with his recordings.
Even if they create official stories with their characters, Vocatone's characters are up to your personal interpretation. (If Oliver is a silly goofy child to you, that's cool, if Oliver is very serious and broody to you, that's cool too.)
Next stream should be at the end of next month.
Growl parameter is an exciting prospect but probably not anytime soon. That being said, one of the voicebanks they're working on will have a voice color that's pure growl.
They were asked about "if they could have any UTAU for Maghni AI". I've been having a difficult time processing names but I'll do my best... Natalia: Momo Momone, Ruko, Ritsu - there are also voicebanks that aren't as big but are phenomenal, like Aiko Kikyuune - later mention: Yufu Sekka, Sayu Yurika. Barham: isn't familiar with UTAU. Austin: I didn't catch the name, sorry, but if I'm understanding well, two voicebanks he worked on? Caleb: Kakoi Nizimine. Crossy: Celeste? Then one I didn't catch, then Muyuka. Someone in the chat: Adachi Rei (which Natalia thinks would be phenomenal). Natalia keeps mentioning UTAUs so I'm giving up OTL
There will be a transcription in the future if you really must know what UTAUs they like (and if I got them wrong)! This is a summary so please go ahead and watch the archive if you want to know more about Maghni AI.
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themegachessatron · 3 months
A Review of my time in Skyrim's Prisons (featuring some followers): Dragonsreach Dungeon
This is the start of what I hope to be a full series of posts where I explore and evaluate the prison facilities in every major hold capital of Skyrim and share my experiences with them. Where else to start than the ever iconic Whiterun and it's maybe a bit less iconic Dragonsreach Dungeons?
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The cell provided for the LDB in Whiterun is modest yet at the same time surprisingly expansive. Decorations include an animal pelt bed (which seems oddly lavish for a prisoner but then again I suppose Whiterun is a wealthy trade hub), a sheving unit to put all the possessions you don't have on you and a hatch which leads directly into a passage of tunnels beneath the dungeons. A hatch which just so happens to have an incredibly weak lock (so they can afford warm bedding but not decent locks? Seems fishy to me). Before I could venture to open these locks however I was faced with an issue.
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I have no idea how he got in here. I suppose given his experience with prison facilities from Riften it's not entirely surprising Inigo would know his way around a prison cell. Perhaps he utilised special moon powers to get in? Maybe he silently picked open the front door when none of the guardsmen were looking? Or had he sent Mr. Dragonfly to open the cell door from the other side? I think it most likely that Khajiit simply has skills my feeble, smooth Redguard brain cannot comprehend.
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With Inigo's help I picked the lock on the hatch and slipped silently into the tunnel network beneath my cell. While inside these tunnels I kept having the same thought: Why are these here? What purpose is there to have a tunnel system beneath every cell in the dungeon? Are prisoners expected to release their excreta down the hatches? I wouldn't think so given the lack of staining on the floors at the very least.
In fact, the whole system seems remarkably well maintained. With the exception of a single skeever carcass, there was very little clutter or cobwebs or anything of the sort. The rather tidy state of the tunnel passageways leads me to conclude that it must be cleaned at least somewhat regularly, but by who? The guards? What do they use the tunnels for? I can't think of any reason the guards benefit from having this tunnel system in place. All it serves to do is give prisoners an easy way out of their cells and access to the prisoner belongings chest (which mercifully is at least locked with an expert quality lock). The tunnels in fact culminate in a ladder which leads directly into the guards barracks (again, why?). I did, however, have one additional thing in these tunnels that requires discussion.
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...I'm beginning to think they don't like me being arrested. Inigo breaking into a prison I can understand but what in the name of Diagna is Sofia doing here? How the hell did she slip past the guards? The most slapdash, crude woman I've ever seen successfully managed to slip into these tunnels without alerting any of the more than a dozen guards regularly occupying either the dungon floors or the guard barracks next door. I believe this says a lot about the quality of the guardsmanship of Whiterun's "finest". Olava the Feeble would be more alert than those incompetent oafs.
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Climbing up the ladder into the Guard Barracks leaves us in a side room containing a few barrels that happens to be within sprinting distance of the door out into the open city. Not only is the close proximity to the exit incredibly stupid, it leaves the guards residing in the barracks no time to feasibly register the prisoner's presence, adopt a battle position, blockade the door out and draw their weaponry. Before they can swallow their sweet roll the prisoner has darted out and is loose on the streets once again, a feat which becomes all the easier when you realise most prisoners won't be weighed down with body armour or big weapons and can this maneuverer much faster than any of the guards in the area. This is of course assuming the prisoner is an idiot who did not pre-plan for their arrest. A smart prisoner can very easily deposit their powerful equipment inside one of the barrels in the back room prior to their arrest which (thanks to the absence of a lock on the barrels) leaves them free to take back their rightful belongings and before you know it Whiterun's finest are jumped by a crazed Redguard lunatic weilding a Honed Ancient Nord Greatsword of Soul Snares and swinging it wildly like they're in the middle of a warzone. This represents a drastic oversight in the design of the prison system in Whiterun that urgently needs adressing.
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In conclusion, Dragonsreach Dungeon left quite a sour taste in my mouth. I had expected a quality stronghold to effectively hold and punish criminals but what I instead saw was bizzare investment directions, a whole underground tunnel system designed for no-one's benefit other than the prisoners, a poorly laid out guard barracks and a team of guardsmen and guardswomen so foolhearty, indolent and frankly inadequate that they were unable to detect the presence of a loudmouth, brash, drunken nord woman wearing heavy plated armour and making a whitty joke every twelve seconds. For one of the most vital holds in the country and a Centrepoint for all of Skyrim, this is beyond a letdown.
Final rating: 2 honed ancient nord greatswords of soul snares out of 10 honed ancient nord greatswords of soul snares.
Thank you for reading and (hopefully enjoying), this little review of mine. Please do consider joining me next time when I investigate the swamp water shithole that is Morthal and see if it fares any better.
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
≪ Sunny's navigation ⪼
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✍ as the writer of everything on this page you do not have my permission to take my ideas, repost them on other sites, translation them or copy them. [Read the rules for more]
Hello readers and mutuals, if you don't know already I go by sunny and welcome to my blog!
My account for questions and prompts is: sunnylandsworldwithwords
And feel free to ask me anything writing related there
Feedback: tell me what you think of my writing! I love to improve in certain areas.[be nice though]
⪻ About me ⪼
Hobbies for sunny: I like to write, read and make edits. Some of my other hobbies include dancing, singing, drawing, and sometimes painting or hanging out with family.
Age: 18
My favorite colors are: blue, Green, peach orange, white, sunset yellow, lavender, beige, and other pastel colors
My pronouns are: she/her
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First house: Hufflepuff
Second: ravenclaw
Patronus: dog
Wand: Yew with a Core of Dragon Heartstring
⪻ Readers ⪼
[I recommend reading this if you read my fics or would like to request]
First off thank you for coming to my page. I appreciate your reads, comments, reblogs and requests and any support for that matter.
If your okay with it tell me your thoughts I ask that you do it kindly, I'm a easy cry baby. ♡
My fandoms include: Harry Potter, Stranger Things, Marvel, The walking dead, and others. I also write for celebrities too! So basically multi-fandom but I am know best for my draco content.
My writing style can be more poetry like so that's a warning!
I do not write relationships between underage readers or characters! No one will be in a relationship with a character under 18
I write Draco in different universes or whatever it's called 😂
I occasionally do stepcest fics the reader is always 18 and up, so don't be sick and say she's younger or I'll block you. if this bothers you, you can block me, don't bother interacting with me about it.
The only time the reader, character or both are underage in my fanfiction is to describe highschool [17,16 but this more for Hogwarts] other than that they are ALWAYS 18!
Feel free to interact with me through my inbox, we should definitely fangirl together!!
You can message me as well.
i'm a very kind person, no ask or request will receive negative feedback so don't be shy, speak your mind.
If you say anything negative expect to be blocked from my page.
I love good criticism so if you see areas I can improve by all means tell me. [kindly] I'm always trying to be better at what I do!
I write fluff, angst, and smut
I don't have an age restriction since I know people underage are reading "certain" content with that being said what you consume is your choice! I will not be held responsible for any of it
Tips for you guys 🫂💫
Things I haven't tried writing yet and may or may not be comfortable with include: writing about sleeping with people on their period [the thought of it just doesn't feel right but I may write it], harm to my favs mental health or suicide unless it's for the plot. I may add to this over time
You can leave as many requests as you like however, I cannot promise I'll write them right away as some requests are more complex and may take longer to write.
[this doesn't mean I won't get to it!]
⪻ Ship's ⪼
Ships I think are okay but am too jealous of or don't like include: Eddie Munson + Steve Harrington, Hermione + Draco, Harry + Draco, and other Harry Potter ships that give me the icks, Eddie + Chrissy, and more [either they bother me or the possessiveness in me to have them all to myself is making me hate it and I can admit that 😌]
I do not hate others or comment my opinion on said ships. what you like is your choice, I will not try and change your mind.
However, I may write polyamorous relationships with said ship's but I won't have it be like them being together more so they are both with the reader.
⪻ links 🔗 ⪼
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⪻ Sunny supports ⪼
sunny accepts all types of religions, castes, and creeds, and gend all igbtq+ communities. I do not like hate towards anyone! I am more than happy to talk with people about anything including mental health! I don't want people to feel unwanted, unsupported, or anything so I will help in any way I can.
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innerchorus · 5 months
What do followers of the King Snake look like in terms of appearance and personality?
Followers as in the sorcerors of Team Zahhak? There's not a whole lot of detail on physical appearance from what I recall, at least as far as the disciples are concerned. You'd have to comb carefully through the novels for crumbs of info there but I wouldn't expect any specifics like hair or eye colour (though there were a few references to their eyes glowing — I wasn't sure how literal Tanaka intended this to be but it obviously informed the way Arakawa draws them in her manga... and come to think of it, their eyes also had a red or blue glow in the anime too).
Their personalities largely share the same negative traits. They tend to be sneaky (favouring what would be considered dishonorable methods of combat such as trickery, poison, sneaking up on others from behind, etc), generally negative/critical even of their own comrades (they're working together but they do not appear to be fond of each other and it feels more like a competitive relationship than true teamwork), spiteful, short-tempered, easily frustrated, cruel, etc. You get the idea.
I obviously paid more attention to Gurgin in particular as he's my favourite and easily the most interesting of Team Zahhak, and I do think you get to know him more in the novels. He's an ambitious smooth talker who enjoys feeling superior to his fellow disciples and is keen for his talents and efforts to be recognised by their Master. He's also the only disciple with backstory which you may have already read about, but I'll link to anyway. Like the others, he's willing to commit some truly awful acts to accompish Team Zahhak's aims, but every now and then there are glimpses of what little humanity he has left, though he does lose those traces progessively over the course of the story. I'll stop myself there before I write a whole essay on Gurgin, anyway.
Of the others, Gazdaham probably stands out a bit more than the others, partly because of his rivalry with Gurgin. He also loses an eye during the second half of the series, so there's a tidbit of physical description for you. Honestly, in a way he becomes quite a comical figure especially in his struggles to control Ilterish, and his fervour for Zahhak often verges on the ridiculous. He's a bit of a contrast to Gurgin, who even Ilterish takes more seriously. Ilterish mocking Gazdaham is fucking hilarious though.
Oh, it's worth mentioning that in the novels their cloaks are grey, though I've adopted the black they are shown with in the manga personally.
Hm, what else? In the novels, Pulad was the mage killed by Isfan during the night raid, and he was said to be inexperienced. Arakawa switched the mages around so in the manga it was Gurgin who died in that scene and I am still not over it.
I know this has been shared before, but here are Arakawa's designs for the disciples, with the translation of their names added by me (don't talk to me about the fact that Gurgin would almost certainly be 'Gurgan' if he had ever been referred to by name in the manga).
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They don't wear masks in the novels, either.
Okay, now for the Unholy Master. In terms of appearance he's very beautiful (though it's apparently an artificial kind of beauty). Even Gieve acknowledges that he's handsome, lol. He has long blond hair and blue eyes. He's a bit of a mysterious figure and I won't go into the novel's eventual reveal of his origins here but I will say I hope we get to hear about it in the manga, too.
To speak of his personality, he appears content to use his disciples as tools, and while he is the one who teaches them magic the fact that Tanaka once stated he's careful not to teach them anything that would allow them to equal him speaks volumes about the kind of person he is. He is clearly drawn to power (the same is likely true of all the disciples though it's very evident with Gurgin, whose interest in Zahhak's power even goes back to when he was a trainee priest). He usually seems composed but he's not immune to feelings of bloodlust (this is probably common in members of Team Zahhak; again it's something we see with Gurgin) and he can be provoked to anger by Gieve of course ahaha. That he is manipulative goes without saying.
I guess this probably covers the question to the best of my knowledge, unless you're interested in figures like Ilterish or others who have been given Zahhak's blood, or the body that hosts Zahhak (even if you hide the shoulder snakes I think the person looks a bit... off. I would have to check specifics but as far as I can recall they were described as having purplish lips and reddish eyes; see this Shinobu Tanno illustration from Book 16).
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subwaytostardew · 7 months
Do you have any of the other festival dialogue written out yet? If ya do can we see it?
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Here's the rest of the festival dialogue that we have so far and didn't post yet! I do want to add different dialogue for depending on which twin you marry (especially for Winter Star) but that's a lower priority on our to-do list. We don't have anything for the Night Market yet. "@" indicates the player's name!
Links to the other festivals: Luau | Spirit's Eve | Flower Dance
▷ Station Steward Thylak
Egg Festival
Ingo: "My apologies, @. I cannot strike up a conversation at this moment in time. I must keep an eye on Emmet. He wants to participate in the Egg Festival; however, he can get a bit too competitive. I would not want young Vincent nor Jas to feel as if they do not have a chance to aim for victory!"
Emmet: "Ingo won't let me compete in the Egg Festival! He says I am too competitive for the younger passengers participating! But they let Abigail compete! I have heard she is verrrrry competitive with the game 'Journey of the Prairie King'! It would be a verrrrry fair matchup! Ingo! I am Emmet. I like winning more than anything else! Let me compete! Please! I will not stop asking!"
Moonlight Jellies
Ingo: "I must say, the glow of the great migration of Moonlight Jellyfish is quite reminiscent of the dancing Volbeat and Illumise in the Hoenn region! It is said that Illumise draw together Volbeats, and once in a big enough swarm, they begin to conduct many geometric designs across the night sky. It is quite a sight to see! I am in awe of how life has adapted and continued on without Pokémon... It is sad, but beautiful, nonetheless."
"Perhaps... this town could have proceeded just fine without our own relocation... Ah! I'm sorry, I'm rambling again, don't mind me! I do hope that you enjoy this sight. It would be a shame to let it go unappreciated! Ah... Where's a pen and paper when I need it..."
Emmet: "The Moonlight Jellyfish are verrrrrry strange. They do not attack you. Like an aggressive Tentacool. They do not decide to pick you up and float you away like a Drifloon! And they certainly do not decide to haunt you like Frillish and Jellicent! They are just there! It is strangely nice. And verrry peaceful. It is interesting. Am I allowed to take pictures? I want to show Elesa and capture this moment!"
Stardew Fair
Ingo: "Hahhh.... Oh, why hello, @. Unfortunately, I have not had a particularly high amount of luck with the games here. I suppose that it is rather humiliating for me to try to continue along those tracks... Nonetheless, I would like for you to have this! (Gifts Pepper Poppers)"
"Admittedly, I am not the fondest of Pepper Poppers, but please- do not get the wrong idea! This was the most that I could afford with the amount of points that I had… I was aiming to win a better gift for you. Even so, I hope that you enjoy the fair to the best of your ability- and that you are able to win the Stardrop yourself!"
Emmet: "@! Here, take this! You can only buy one of each item from the shop. Those are the rules. Yup. I don’t want it to be lonely. You have to win it a friend. (Gifts Rarecrow)"
"I am Emmet. I like winning more than anything else. I won a lot! As expected. Ingo was verrrrrrrrrry bad at the games though. Which is sad. Because we aren’t allowed to share or transfer our points. I have a lot of points! Ingo does not have any. We tried switching uniforms so he could get more prizes with my points. But we got caught. Ingo is verrrrry unlucky. And different from me. Usually that works out for us! Not this time though."
Festival of Ice
Ingo: "Good day, @! I am currently trying to decipher what this structure over here may be... Do you have any ideas? I thought that perhaps it could be a Castform in its Rainy Form! Though... I suppose that a Water-type Castform wouldn't quite fit considering that this is the Festival of Ice. Castform does indeed have an Ice-type form as well! Perhaps it was the easiest to sculpt? Ah... but I suppose whoever sculpted this wouldn't have had a Pokémon in mind. Oh, how I wish I had arrived earlier to ask the sculptor to confirm what it is- However, it was imperative that Emmet and I conduct our scheduled hot chocolate stop!"
"I do know that Emmet needs another later... He seems to be quite downcast about being unable to participate in the ice fishing competition. If I'm not mistaken, you were also participating in the fishing competition, correct? I wish the best of luck to you on those tracks! Perhaps I could provide you with a nice, warm mug of hot chocolate as well! It surely would brighten your spirits- whether you go on to victory or defeat!"
Emmet: "Hello, @. Are you joining the fishing competition? It is smellier than I expected. I wanted to join. Then I started to feel sick. Not like that. I can't let myself get a cold either. I have work tomorrow. It is just... verrrry smelly over there. I would have been derailed. There's a lot of verrrrrrry bad sensory experiences involved. Not fun. No. I am steering clear from joining. I cannot risk getting a cold. Or wet. Or slimy. I am a little sad, but it's okay... It would be hard to win even with that aside..."
"Willy fishes all the livelong day... I don't want to admit it, but I don't think I can win against him. Pam, too, she's verrrrrrry determined. And okay with being smelly. Elliott is like me though. He is a fop. He is verrrry sensitive... and not good with people... but that doesn't stop him in his tracks. I don't think Elliott will win the competition. I'll cheer for him anyway. I can cheer for you, too. Every fish is a win to me."
Winter Star
Elesa: "Hey, @, sweetie! Are you shocked to see me? Yeah, it's not a Friday, but... the holidays just aren't the same without Ingo and Emmet! We have to stick together! Plus... it's always a... Magne-ton of fun with them!"
"... Get it? Because... we're stuck together as a trio. The shocking part is because it's an Electric-type... Wow, cold... Sure is winter! Anyways... I keep forgetting that Pokémon puns don't really work outside of the twins here... I'll need to switch tracks so I can totally dazzle everyone next Winter Star! You know, just earlier I tried to tell your local bartender about a certain Ghost Pokémon... he didn't really *cough* agree, Gus..."
Ingo: "@! We had just finished having a delightful conversation with Mr. Gus on the fine art of making candy canes! Truly riveting stuff it is! Bravo! I'm sure that he would be delighted to speak to you about it if you asked! Our enthusiasm towards him seems to have lifted his spirits to even greater heights! Oh! He was even so kind as to treat ourselves to a few of his own hand-crafted candy canes to accompany our hot chocolate! Speaking of hot chocolate, I apologize that I cannot currently accommodate your need for refreshments! The station is quite the distance away from where to transport it from. There, we have a rule to never, ever let it cool! But by all means, you are more than welcome to come aboard and join us for hot chocolate at our station!"
Emmet: "@. Hello. You look like you enjoy hot chocolate. We got it. Back at the station. No. I am not going to bring it to you. Follow the rules. Never, ever let it cool. We also serve hot chocolate in our dining cars. You should try it. Yup."
"I was going to ask Gus if we could serve the candy canes he makes with them during the winter. For Elesa. When she takes the express line here. But then Elesa derailed us with a pun. About Cofagrigus. Ingo got sidetracked explaining Ghost Pokemon. Gus got scared. We had to depart. It was fun though. Bad timing aside. Yup. I like listening to them. Verrrry much."
"Yes, a hot drink on a moving vehicle is a safety hazard. Don't worry about it. Ingo and I are professionals at ensuring safety on trains. We conduct the Battle Subway. Hot chocolate is nothing to us."
Joltik: "Elesa brought a big pack of batteries! As a present! I am so full of battery. Yum! The decoration lights are yummy, too!"
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maddiviner · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you could help me? I'm trying to get more into scrying but I feel like I'm not getting anywhere. I made a mirror and tried to use it but nothing ever seems conclusive. Do you have any tips for how to get better at it?
Hey. Thanks for writing to me. Sorry for the very late reply. It’s been almost three weeks? I had taken a hiatus from this blog (and most social media, for that matter).
I’m back (I think), and I hope you’re still around to read this. Sorry if it’s a little wordy. This is the best advice (from my own perspective) that I can offer, but it's just my perspective, and I don't know how helpful it'll be!
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Scrying Tips and Troubleshooting
Switch up your medium.
If you’re not seeing anything at all, I would suggest switching up your medium of scrying. You mentioned making a scrying mirror. That's my current, personal favorite method, but there's others.
I do think mirror scrying is a great way for most people to start, but it’s not for everyone. Some people might have better results with a bowl of water, a candle flame, the open sky, or other options.
I’d try either a candle flame or a bowl of water (or dark liquid, I’ve used coffee). It can help to use plain water, but put a few drops of black ink or another substance into it and swirl.
In both of those cases (candle flame, black ink in water), the scrying medium itself isn’t a blank field. It has shapes and colors in it.
For some scryers, this might be distracting. If you’re having trouble beginning, though, it can actually be helpful.
Interpreting ink spilled in water or the sparks of a candle itself isn’t in itself scrying. It would be considered a different sort of divination. But it can be a good jumping-off place for scrying. It can help you sink into a state of mind where you’re receptive to communicating in symbols.
You’ll start to notice shapes in the ink or the flame. A blob of ink floats one way, another swirls outwards, etc. The flame arcs and sparks. Smoke trails might resemble things. An amorphous trail of ink (or smoke) might become a forest path at the start of a vision. Then, your mind can use what you’re seeing in the physical world as a jumping-off point for a vision.
Examine your expectations
A lot of what you see while scrying will operate based on dream logic. Meanings get transmitted through symbols rather than literal imagery. You usually won't see a direct representation of physical events. If a vision tells you you're going to get into grad school, you're unlikely to see the school itself.
Instead, you might see yourself having climbed a mountain or crossed a finish line. In short, it's almost always metaphor. If by “no conclusive results,” you mean nothing literal and plain, it’s normal not to experience that.
Sometimes, if you go in with that kind of expectation, it can interfere with getting any results at all. You'll get better results if you go into the sessions prepared to receive symbols. Expecting the literal can block things, in my experience.
Consider your symbol set.
What you’ll see will have meaning to you as an individual. Visions may be incomprehensible when you tell other people. They might be incomprehensible to you at first, too. This is why it’s important to incubate these things after the session.
You've got to sort out what associations you have for the different symbols you see. Some of these correspondences will be personal. Others might be societal or cultural. The meanings won’t always be intuitive, and it’s the kind of thing that requires a lot of pondering afterwards.
Lets say you see a black horse galloping across a bridge over a ravine. You’ll need to ask yourself what horses symbolize to you, as well as other parts of the scene. This won’t always be some arcane idea from a book (Epona, horse legends, etc). It might relate to your personal experience with horses instead.
It could also draw books or movies you've seen involving horses. Diving deeper, the color, gait, etc of the horse might be significant, too. Of course, the bridge/ravine itself where it takes place would also have a meaning.
Clean up beforehand.
When you say “non-conclusive,” do you mean that it doesn’t make sense, regardless?
In that case, your mind might be wandering? When this happens with me, I don't always notice until afterwards. I try to clear my mind as much as possible before scrying. Things get complicated from there, though.
"Clearing your mind” takes a different form for each person, so it’s hard to give more concrete advice for that. You can find a lot of different exercises in print and online. You might want to make sure you’ve got one that works well for you before you attempt scrying at all.
This requires experimentation, of course, and observing how your mind reacts. It doesn’t have to be a deeply-ritualized way of “clearing the mind,” either - for some people, a hot shower can be enough.
Consider your goals.
Do you know what you’re scrying for? You can scry to “see what comes up,” a bit like a general Tarot reading. Sometimes it can be easier and yield stronger results if you have a target in mind, though. It can help to know what information you’d like to receive or even who you’d like to communicate with in the spirit world.
I’m going to be honest. For the past few months, I usually scry to “see what comes up,” with the help of my spirit companions. Some friends (and frenemies) of mine say this isn’t effective. They say that you need to seek something specific each time you scry.
I've done it both ways in the past. I think both methods can work in some situations depending on the person.
If you’re not having luck with freeform scrying, try something more targeted, or call on an entity as a guide. If you’re struggling with more structured, guided scrying, try something freeform.
Switch things up a bit until you find something that works.
Keep some kind of record if at all possible.
Cliche advice for any kind of occult undertaking, I know. But don't knock it. This whole process gets a thousand times easier when you're able to look back on things after the fact.
Some witches, wizards, mages (etc) keep elaborate daily diaries, but that isn't necessary. For this, you only need to record impressions right after each scrying session. You can be as elaborate or as simple as you want, but something is objectively better than nothing here.
Some people write in a scrying journal while scrying. This usually involves pausing every few minutes to jot things down, and it's kind of stressful. I've done it before and I don't like it. Might work for you, though, so I mention it.
I know a lot of people don't like writing by hand. There's nothing wrong with typing your notes. I've never typed notes during a session, so I don't know how well that would go, though.
You could also consider audio recording during scrying. If you've got privacy, start recording and narrate what you're seeing out loud. Then, at the end of it, you'll have a complete audio record of the session.
I've done that once or twice, but I prefer my notebook. As with most of this, you've got to try different methods until you find one that works well for you.
Try automatic writing.
It's not the kind of tip most people want, but consider it! I knew people who weren't getting results with Enochian scrying in particular. A couple picked up automatic writing as an alternative and had great success. I haven't written much on automatic writing, so you'll need to look elsewhere for that.
There are guides floating around online, and plenty of traditionally-published material as well. I don't exactly know why automatic writing in particular works so well as a surrogate to scrying. I just noticed that it often works for people who don't get good scrying results.
If anyone has any theories as to why, let me know.
These are the best tips I can offer. I hope they were helpful. My scrying practice is very ad hoc, casual, and nontraditional. Lately, I rely a lot on spirits helping when I'm scrying, but that wasn't always the case. Everything above is my own perspective, which is all I can offer. In any case, thanks for this ask, and I hope you find a way that works for you!
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kalinara · 7 months
I'm starting to get a little obsessed with Rings of Power, I have to admit. I'm not entirely sure why - perhaps I just really have a need to rejoin a fandom that is full of hyper-pedantic purists who nit-pick endlessly over contradicting canon material, racist "historians" who apparently never heard of the Moorish invasion, Mongol invasion, the Silk Road, or any of a thousand other reasons why actual historical people of color might have ended up in medieval Europe, and the usual victim-blaming villain apologists. (I won't lie, I also think the Feanorians are pretty compelling. I draw the line at blaming the invaded people for not wanting to hand the magic rock over to repeated mass murderers though.)
Eh, maybe I'll stick to my own corner. There's some good fic out there though.
These are my initial observations from the first episode:
1. There's more indirect Silmarillion references than I expected. From fan reaction, I thought they were scrapping the entire thing. But it seems like most of Elrond's fucked up backstory is intact. Or at least not contradicted. (I think there's even a Feanor namedrop in a later episode?)
2. Galadriel is so pretty, OMG. And her armor doesn't have boobs!
3. Elrond is adorable. Of all the fannish complaints, I have the most sympathy for the one about Elrond having Steve Harrington hair. I feel like it might be a character beat though. They seem to be leaning a bit into the idea of the Peredhel being not quite accepted in general elf society, so maybe that's meant to be a tiny little rebellion?
3b. The idea of the Peredhel not being particularly accepted does seem like a deviation from the Silmarillion, but then that was pretty broad strokes. We know EVENTUALLY Gil-galad and Elrond will be homoerotically joined at the hip, but it might take a while to get there.
3c. I would like him to grow it out eventually though. The current look doesn't suit his face. I think something longer and pinned back a bit might work better with those angles.
3d. The idea of Elrond not being an "elf lord" seems particularly offensive given the poor guy is arguably the heir of every elf kingdom under the sun. Then again, none of those elf kingdoms actually exist anymore. Except the one Gil-galad's running. But I actually really like the poor put-upon clerk with quiet ambitions aspect of his character. It's pretty rare to see open ambition treated as, if not a positive trait, then a neutral one.
I feel like there's this thing, in popular western media, where we adore the wise and powerful figures - the wise king, if you will, but we don't like the idea of someone actually wanting and trying to achieve that role. The only good powerful person, we say, is the one that doesn't want it. They get it by chance, by birthright, by being in the right place at the right time. Even if they "earn" it, it's generally by doing something heroic, completely unrelated to governing people or dealing with politics. THOSE sorts are almost invariably the Wrong Choice.
But what if you want to enact real, positive change? What if you want to protect people or take care of people? How do you do that, if you're not in a position of power? How do you get power, when you're not really allowed to want it?
(I might be projecting too many good motives onto my historically favorite character, but I have future canon knowledge that he does a pretty decent job when he actually IS in charge of shit, so there you go.)
4. I love that Galadriel and Elrond look like they're the same height. Google tells me he's 6', and she's 5'4". I'd never have guessed. Nice camera work. Or phenomenal job at hiding the stilts.
5. I love that elf aging seems to be completely arbitrary. Elrond and Galadriel look like babies. Gil-galad looks middle-aged*, while Celebrimbor...well, I guess being only non-murderous Feanorian is really stressful?
5b. It hurts me to say that as Gil-galad's actor is maybe a year older than I am. But alas, that's life.
5c. Celebrimbor also has short hair. Maybe it's a Feanorian thing? That'd be kind of interesting. Did Tolkien ever specifically SAY they had long hair?
6. I have no idea who Arondir is. It's probably worth noting that I haven't read the Silmarillion since college, which might explain why I'm not really nitpicking anything. Whether he's one of the umpteen tragic elves from that book, or a canon newcomer, I don't care. I want to keep him.
6b. I'd like to see that elf who said that there were only two elven-human marriages and they ended in death and despair to say that to Elrond's face. Wait, no. I think he might cry. Say that to Idril Celebrindal. I fucking dare you. (Tuor would absolutely hold her flowers.)
7. I wasn't expecting the hobbits. No one mentioned the hobbits.
8. Also, no idea what the Southlands are, but it's an interesting story beat. From an average human perspective, what makes one powerful overlord better than another? Especially given some of the shit the good-guy elves got up to over the years.
9. Everything looks really pretty and nothing's really happening yet, but this is Tolkien. I sat through the extended editions of the movies (...might have fallen asleep at one point, but that's between me and the Professor), I can wait a few episodes before things start to happen.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing the next one.
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time-traveling-fetus · 7 months
I know that it's a tired topic but after some consideration I think ai art actually is a tad soulless. And not in a "humans are inheritly better than machines because of our spirits and souls and flesh and blood" kinda way, but more in a "it's simply technologically and linguistically impossible to fully describe the exact intent behind your prompt and expect an exact answer" kinda way. I'm not going discuss whether it's right or wrong to like it, nor am I interested in convincing others to share my opinion. these are just my personal thoughts
Neural networks don't necessarily train to optimize for a task. They're training to copy pre-existing data, but there's no comprehension on what that data means. Your computer has no concept of sexual attraction and cannot accurately incorporate the expressions, poses, angles, and compositions required to evoke those feelings within you because it is beyond practical description. And even if it can theoretically replicate it you would need to be able to consistently describe that to the program and the training data would need to be labeled similarly. The people labeling the training data can't and won't describe why a piece of art is appealing. They, for the most part, tag the hard quantifiable data.
Furthermore the training process aims for correctness, which is to say "how often/how closely does the neural network produce novel data that resembles the training data?" And the result is an average of everything you give it. No piece of art has ever been made great by being an average of things that have already been done. What it produces resembles the general idea behind the subject. What it produces is something that is objectively correct without any deeper comprehension of what you want, occasionally being satisfying by complete chance (or copying a pre existing human made image, in which case why aren't you just looking at that one??) That's why you can ask a language model to produce a movie script for a sonic the hedgehog movie and it will give you a document that contains the correct format, characters, and general events, but upon further examination you'll realize nothing happens in the story and it, at best, is a set of individually interesting scenes stitched together to leave the impression that this sonic movie exists rather than an actual real script. Your AI doesn't know what a plot is. It can barely assign the correct empty shell of a personality onto the characters because it doesnt know what a personality is.
Meanwhile if you ask a decent enough human artist to draw an image that makes your dick hard they'll be able to deliver because they can use their own dick to figure out if their art, in fact, can make a dick hard. Your average neural network doesn't have a dick
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phoenix-of-jade · 8 months
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Roleplaying rules
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The rules for roleplaying with my Muse are very simple:
✨This is a mature 18+ RP blog as the stories can go into all levels of details. I don't shy away from anything as long as you don't ask me to write gross topics.
✨Choose whichever style of roleplaying you want: it can be novella type writing, dialogue based writing (in which our Muses interact through message threads or asks), private messages roleplay (in which we dm each other in case you are shy or want the story to stay private).
✨The type of relationships that our Muses can pursue can be anything from friends, enemies, frenemies, lovers, friends with benefits, platonic relationship, familial bond (for example if you want our Muses to be siblings or cousins in a group RP), etc.
✨I'm usually the type to like cute, wholesome stories with fluff and adorable interactions (my strong games are writing romance and comedy), but I won't say no to angst, drama or action either (sometimes it can happen to catch me in an angsty mood, so yeah, I can def write heavier stuff too). Oh, and smut is perfectly fine with me, only thing to consider is that I might not know all kinks out there, but I can adapt fairly easy if you tell me what you'd like my Muse to do.
✨This is a side-blog, so unfortunately I won't be able to follow you back, so I hope this isn't an issue.
✨NO force shipping, please! Xuan is a rather complicated Muse compared to other Muses I have, which makes romancing him a rather difficult task, so don't expect any lovey-dovey stuff from him right away. I also take the chemistry approach, so if there's chemistry between our Muses, we could maybe talk things out through DMs for an eventual ship, but please, don't assume things beforehand.
✨No bullying and no hate topics! Everyone should be nice to everyone and I'm trying to create a friendly environment, so I won't partake in topics involving harassing or slandering other RP accounts. As for the RP stories, we can pursue heavier topics, but please don't turn those into the main focus of the plot.
✨I like the idea of separate universes for each roleplay so in case more people want to pursue my Muse romantically, they shouldn't get jealous/feel as if their Muse is cheated on with another person's Muse since the stories won't intersect. We can do group RPs too, but for the instances in which there are more universes intersecting, we need to decide this beforehand to establish the relationship statuses between the Muses involved.
✨We can interact between Muns too, I am always open to making new friends so don't hold back from sending me a message if you want. ^^
✨I am a university student in my last year, so my schedule is pretty hectic, so replies will most likely be slow, but I will try my best to reply in due time to our threads! If it takes me longer to reply, it might just mean I am busy with working on homework or projects, or that I am stuck at my lectures or seminars (during the week). In no shape or form would I ignore you.❤
✨I am an artist, so from time to time I might update this blog with original artwork for my Muse and other Muses too. If a drawing isn't credited as belonging to someone else, it means it's original artwork drawn by me and I'll most often point it out through an A/N in the post, so if you want to repost my artwork, please ask for permission beforehand and always credit me in your repost. Other than that, reblogs are okay in my book for anything that's on here.
Well, I guess that's all. If need be, the rules shall be updated with a simple edit.
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blindedguilt · 1 year
|[ Leonard and Caim. Because reasons. ]|
Alright so to note before anything I had a literal essay typed out and ready to go at about,,, 1???? AM???? The night this was sent
but then I forgot mobile Tumblr hates me right now so I hit post and lost it forever 😔
Then I wrote this but fell asleep in the process at about 4AM and woke up the following morning, and after days of working on NOTHING else on Tumblr but this, finished it after a lot of on and off work (I was still resentful and petty about losing my first one), and am praying the gods won't get in the way of my thoughts on this because good LORD
I've tried to include everything my original post did (albeit a lot less messy) but....
So to start, whoever came up with the idea that a ship is "good" based off of how pleasantly compatible and not toxic/problematic the people involved are is a fucking liar
I don't talk a LOT about shipping given the nature of this blog and that the topic doesn't come up very much??? At least on Tumblr lmao
But what some people might not know is that while I'm someone who believes that literally everything and everyone is inherently,,, "pairable" (It feels better to say than shippable), no matter how little they've interacted or how unconventional/potentially problematic may be, I am also VERY picky about shipping to where there's only been a handful I've ever really been invested in (2 OC pairings, 2 pairings involving canon characters) and the rest I usually bump off either for taking up feed space and not really caring or not being slightly moved at because my brain is picking at it too much.
Whether I like a ship or not ultimately comes down to two things:
1. Is the dynamic THERE? or are the two characters just trope fodder
When it comes to the happy couple, power couple, sunshine/grumpy, etc. etc. I DO enjoy these tropes, but more often than not they end up being boring for that being next to everything about the characters themselves. I'm always eager to know stuff like what drew them to each other and continues to draw them to each other, what caused/how their previously established dynamic was able to evolve to where it is now, what fuels their particular dynamic, and ofc their own established characters outside of it. I don't often indulge in romance-type things outside of those campy us romcoms from the 00's but I've seen a few very forgettable couples in media (I won't blame Disney for being targeted more towards children, but you'd expect more out of couples like Cent and Two ESPECIALLY for that's more or less just "They're in love!" And I'm just,,,, yeah. that's been established 😭
2. The actual portrayal of the ship. My autism brain is VERY stringent about this, literally you could have everything what was just discussed and if it doesn't stack up in a way that really makes sense, it will stick in my mind like an itch I can't reach and I likely won't shut up about it for the next month.
I dunno how to explain it, when you have a certain pair/set of characters (Who are made of differentiating backgrounds, circumstances, etc. which may affect them in different ways), and they gradually get to understand/learn more about each other as time passes and in turn grow some semblance of a bond/care as humans do to the point it could be deemed a romantic(?)/intense enough "bond" that could manifest itself in any which way depending on what's been established in those characters backgrounds, how they already and HAVE interacted with each other, their current circumstances, etc. etc.
Sometimes, especially in a darker piece of media like Drakengard, the way they manifest as a "ship" or "pair" isn't always a conventional or even healthy so much as it is a result/consequence of those raised emotions and their bond. When I see something that should stack up to be toxic or potentially even twisted and problematic be written as something undeservingly sweet and "cute" it gets under my skin like nothing else. Like differentiating Nabokov's Lolita, which is an absolutely GUT-WRENCHING book about CSA and the effect it has on the victim later on in life, and lolisho circles, which are.... Yeah. It's also why the all too popular good girl/bad boy trope gets under my skin for how often it's just putting up with a guy's shitty behaviour and then him magically changing at the end to "justify" it and ughhhhhh you know the spiel
I think what really strikes me most about Leonard and Caim's whole relationship without even considering shipping is just how much there is to compare/contrast, like...
As far as differences go, they're nearly polar opposites in just about fucking everything, resulting in the all too well-known clash in personality we like to write lmao. There's a lot to be said in these two different aspects of their characters, like the spontaneity/suppression, deflection/guilt, revenge/recompense, fighting to live/fighting to die, sadism/masochism, reckless bravery/reckless cowardice, and it's goes into their backgrounds as well, with Caim's upbringing in royalty and Leonard's likely in peasantry/coming from the general lowerclass before even his life as a hermit, and even in design (the blond/brunet contrast is a VERY popular design choice in a lot of fiction, usually with the blond being established as the "good conscience"/more naive/comic relief/etc. of the two and brunet, ironically, usually being an established lead or main character with more of an idea/maturity/so on in contrast.)
And while it's easy enough to just say opposites attract and use that as argument enough, what I think really would pull them together as far as shipping is concerned is much more in what they share in common (what little they fullheartedly understand of each other) in contrast
The biggest points I think are definitely sharing the role of older brother, which Caim (at least, I think, you'll have to tell me) kinda carries more subconsciously and/or at the back of his mind while consciously going "Older brother? Oh yeah... That thing. That's the thing I am" and Leonard eventually carries both consciously and subconsciously down to his very mannerisms (And of course, mainly in my Leonard's case where these smaller scenes are more relevant), often adopts that role of caretaker to just about anyone and anything whether he knows it or not — Seere, Arioch, Caim, etc...)
What REALLY interests me between them is their shared background, though. The thing Caim and Leonard both (possibly?) really know or at least have a hunch about is that both of their family was lost to the Empire. And THIS, whether it's actual knowledge or just a hunch, I think is not just the general basis for the two of their characters, but is largely the stem for the friction between the two.
To explain, it's mostly their role/perceived role in the tragedies of Caim's parents/Leonard's brother's that makes for their character schism — The difference between action, in Leonard's case where he's thinking "If only I hadn't done that" and inaction, in what I'm guessing is Caim's case, where he (may) be thinking "If only I had done something". Whether either would have actually changed anything aside, I think that whole action/inaction perception being what led to their families' deaths in this occasion is largely what leads into the people they are by the time they meet, of course, but also like
It's the reason they're so tense with each other in the sense that, at either's core, they see in the other exactly what led to their losing everything to begin with. And being near that is terrifying for them, whether it's Leonard's apparent indifference towards life or the prospect of wanting to live digging up that sense of "There's a threat and I need to do something about it" or possibly some insecurity about the lengths he takes that "Fight" between the fight or flight response for him, or if it's Caim's apparent insensitivity that brings up a sort of reminder not only of what he did as far as involvement in his brothers deaths, but a terrifying glimpse at the callousness and harm he could cause by just... Not caring for anything but himself.
So naturally, seeing a far much worse version both of what they could be and in a way, what they were stemmed from just about the same circumstances nonetheless is a major contributor to their issue with one another. A giant case of seeing their own insecurity/fears reflected in the actions the other's taking specifically to avoid their own past "fault" and going "How can you be as foolish as I was at what was more or less the only point of similarity in our lives?"
So this is where it gets into actual shipping talks, and MAN
im so sorry it took so long lmao
But explaining it in the case of shipping, on top of the growing fondness for people who are placed in these kinds of survival and/or traumatic situations being a thing that humans tend to do, like... It's what I just explained as that mutual fear/agitation with each other is even somewhat based in a vague fondness (perhaps not as personal) in not wanting to see their tragedy reappear again.
I typically believe that when developing attractions beyond anything platonic, the more you see of people and their humanity beforehand, especially in stressful and/or potentially lightening situations, the quicker you end up getting closer to each other (or at least, from one side you might) ESPECIALLY when you can play a part in helping and aiding another's life yourself for both ends. I kinda mentioned it earlier ofc to but I also think that ESPECIALLY when it comes to fictional ships, the way those feelings grow is (or maybe, should) be like growth of their pre-existing feelings of what's been established already — Growing more intense and/or obsessive with perception of a person of interest, and changing with understanding — that is, assuming they want to change/understand.
A looooong long time ago you mentioned the idea of Caim's growing violence towards Leonard the more he realises he might care (gods forbid), and honestly, that's exactly it — it comes together PERFECTLY for all the points mentioned earlier. There's not much I can say given it's mostly been throwing darts at a board for ideas and seeing what's just "neat" and what looks like the headlights of the train that may or may not be approaching to run us over but the other thing I can really pick at is the "unrequited" aspect which is where things get messy but veeeeeery interesting
I mostly see this on Leonard's part, given he has not only a few ✨pre-existing conditions✨ (to put it mildly) and what he feels for Caim I think may be a platonic/familial fondness at best, or downright terror and resentment at worst. It was briefly mentioned a while ago, once again, the idea that Caim, who generally grazes as he pleases and is ever the conniving little lad, may try and approach him out of convenience (I imagine both as a quick and easy way to dodge anything serious while also, of course, getting that a vague sense of satisfaction/fulfilment from it?) And generally depending on exactly how this is done, Leonard's full-hearted involvement is spotty at best
The chance of him actually returning or even understanding that he's an increasingly obsessed-over object of "affections" (however you may like to call them) is very low compared to him just,,, going along with it as most shit that happens, either citing the whole "fix him" bit himself and taking anything that happens afterwards as "punishment" fodder into his ever-evolving guilt complex. Where it could go from there is generally a mystery, but there's one thing I'll say: I don't think the general thing will be pleasant lmao and im not saying that negatively, mind, just the opposite
Would it be unrequited? Most likely.
Would it be toxic? Definitely.
Would it look a little like this cursed-ass video I stumbled across on YouTube that hasn't left my mind for three days? We'll have to see.
But most importantly — It's INTERESTING, the dynamics are there and always have been, and it goes without saying I don't have to worry about your portrayal skills in the least. 20/10.
I am begging for a Caionard sweep this summer please you don't understand 😭
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gothghost · 2 years
Blog Update
Short Version: This blog won't be used for posting my art and the things I draw anymore, outside of potential rare small exceptions. I can't recommend you expect that kind of "content" from me. Old art will stay up under the #addie's art and #my art tags. I'm just going to continue using this blog for whatever, minus art from now on. Long version with more details and explanation below:
As anyone who has followed this blog for a long time has probably noticed, I haven't been posting art nearly as much as I used to at certain times in the past. (Not that my output was ever that frequent or consistent.) This isn't because I haven't been drawing, in fact I've actually been creating a decent amount of art and ideas lately. But I haven't really felt like posting any of it, and after thinking about it for a while I think it's because posting my art to social media just isn't a source of happiness for me anymore. It may have been at one point, but these days it doesn't add anything to the experience of creating things for me. It feels nicer to keep it to myself and maybe show it to a few close friends than to put it out into the world for the entire public to see.
All this to say, I am probably not going to be using this account to post things that I draw anymore. It's not a hard rule, maybe I'll end up posting doodles occasionally anyway, but I'm not really counting on it, it's just not something I feel like doing anymore. I do appreciate the attention any of my old art has gotten, and all of that stuff will still be left up, viewable through either the #addie's art or the #my art tags on this blog, but as for new drawings I make, I probably won't be posting those anywhere.
There is one art project I have that's been in limbo for a while that I would like to post on this site, but I'll probably be using a sideblog for that, I'd like to distance this blog from being one where you can expect art to be posted. For a few other art-adjacent project ideas I have, those will likely be hosted elsewhere on other websites, and I'll probably make posts directing towards them if possible/relevant. As for commissions, I initially only took them down to adjust some pricing and guidelines but given this new decision, I'm not sure if/when they're going to be re-opened. It seems like it'd be kind of hard to promote myself as able to provide commissions when I don't even post art lol. It's not like I really need to do them for money or anything either, so for right now it's safe to say they'll stay closed.
Despite the length and possibly serious-sounding tone of this post, this isn't something that's been eating away at me or anything, I'm doing alright. I just think it's a good idea to take the time to properly explain my reasoning and decision on this, since being an "art blog" has sort of been a big part of this blog's identity for a long time. I'm not sure what original content I'm going to use this blog for as a "replacement", I don't really want to promise or allude to anything actually because I'm not in a spot where I feel like having an account for a "thing" that I regularly make, whether it's art, game reviews, whatever.
This blog simply exists and that's all I really want for it right now.
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