#but i'm declaring it Bird Time instead
scalar · 2 years
16 and 17 if u feel like it!
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year
here are some turkeys roosting from last january (that's another thing i learned, that turkeys roost in trees?!)
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17. Post a picture from the end of the year
and here are some chickens from december
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lev1hei1chou · 3 months
Anesthesia Antics
Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Synopsis: Gojo feels loopy thanks to the anesthesia Masterlist Requests open!
"Y/N! I can see my hands!" Gojo's muffled voice, thick with gauze and anesthesia, echoed through the car as you helped him into the passenger seat. His normally sparkling blue eyes were half-lidded and glazed over, giving him a dazed and childlike appearance. He wiggled his fingers in front of his face as if they were the most fascinating thing he had ever seen.
"Yes, babe, you do have hands," you replied, trying not to laugh as you secured his seatbelt. You glanced at the nurse who had accompanied you both to the car, and she gave you a sympathetic smile.
"Just make sure he rests and doesn't do anything too strenuous," she advised. You nodded, thanking her, and shut the car door.
As you started the car, Gojo's head lolled to the side, and he stared at you with wide, wonder-filled eyes. "Y/N, you’re so pretty," he slurred, reaching out to touch your face. His hand fell short and landed on your shoulder instead, patting it clumsily.
"Thanks, Satoru. Just sit back and relax, okay?" You turned onto the road, keeping an eye on him in the rearview mirror. He kept gazing at you, a dreamy smile plastered on his face.
"Y/N, do you love me?" he asked, his voice dropping to a whisper, as if it were a secret only the two of you could share.
"Yes, I love you," you replied, amused by his sudden need for affirmation.
"I love you too," he mumbled, his head nodding forward. Just when you thought he might fall asleep, he jerked up again. "Wait, are we going to fight curses? I'm ready! I can take them on!" He raised his fists, albeit weakly, and you had to stifle a laugh.
"No, no curses today. Just rest," you reassured him.
Gojo seemed to accept this, settling back into his seat. He stared out the window, and you could see the wheels turning in his foggy brain. "Y/N, the sky is purple," he announced solemnly.
"It's blue, sweetheart," you corrected gently.
He looked genuinely perplexed. "Are you sure? 'Cause it looks purple to me. Maybe... maybe it’s a special sky, just for us."
You smiled, shaking your head slightly. "Sure, Satoru, it's a special sky."
The rest of the drive was filled with similar proclamations. He told you how he could control the weather, that he was a superhero in disguise, and at one point, he even claimed he could talk to animals. "That bird just told me a secret," he whispered conspiratorially, pointing at an ordinary pigeon.
"What did it say?" you humored him, pulling into the driveway.
"It said I'm the best sorcerer ever," he said, his eyes twinkling with pride. "But don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret."
"Your secret is safe with me," you promised, helping him out of the car.
Once inside, you guided him to the couch and helped him lie down. He squinted up at you. "Y/N, I think I’m flying," he declared, his voice thick with drowsiness.
"That’s just the anesthesia talking. You're on the couch," you explained, brushing a stray hair from his forehead.
"Oh." He blinked a few times, then smiled lazily. "You’re really pretty, Y/N. Did I tell you that already?"
"Yes, several times," you replied, laughing softly.
He reached out, taking your hand in his. "Stay with me? I don't wanna be alone."
"I’m not going anywhere," you assured him, sitting beside him and gently rubbing his hand. His eyes fluttered closed, but he fought to keep them open.
"Y/N?" he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes, Satoru?"
"Will you marry me?"
You felt your heart skip a beat. Even in his medicated state, he managed to surprise you. "Ask me again when you're not high on anesthesia," you said, chuckling softly.
He pouted, looking as serious as he could in his condition. "I’m serious. I love you. And I want you to be my forever."
"I love you too, Satoru," you said, kissing his forehead. "Now get some rest."
Finally, his eyelids grew too heavy, and he drifted off to sleep, a content smile on his face. You watched him for a moment, feeling a surge of affection. With a final, gentle squeeze of his hand, you settled in beside him, snuggling close.
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Remember that ask with a s/o who had a mech? That one with firefly.
(H:SR Short Fic) Firefly's S/O using a mech
I was going to do something more comical originally, but unfortunately for everyone I just saw Gundam Narrative, which means Firefly isn't allowed to have nice things. Warnings: Angst/No Comfort, just sad robot on robot action (in the beat the shit out of each other way) Word Count: 1.8k
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Firefly sat upon the roof, enjoying the peace and quiet as she stared at the stars far above in the sky. However, it wasn't long before the sounds of footsteps approached from below. She turned to the source of the sound, her lips forming into a bright smile.
(Firefly) "S/O?"
(S/O) "Hey, sorry I'm late!"
S/O was panting as they joined her, Firefly moving a little to her left to make room. They sat down close, to the point their legs were constantly brushing against hers, but neither seemed to mind. Instead of looking back to the stars, Firefly's gaze remained on S/O's own smile.
(S/O) "I was just making some final adjustments to the Phenex! I think it'll be ready to fly with you by tomorrow night!"
Firefly's eyes widened at S/O's news, leaning closer into their shoulder.
(Firefly) "Really? That's great!"
S/O beamed at her reaction, nodding excitedly as one hand wrapped around hers.
(S/O) "Honestly, I'll probably end up falling a bunch of times, but I promise, we'll find the brightest stars we can together!"
Firefly's imagination started running wild with images of S/O comically flailing about in their own steel suit, making her giggle. She couldn't wait to actually see what happened.
She opened her mouth to say something, but the words never left as she noticed S/O looked up to the sky, with a much more somber expression despite their lighthearted quip.
(S/O) "...The brightest star, huh?"
(Firefly) "...S/O?"
S/O squeezed her hand tighter as they remained silent for a moment. They seemed to grow sadder with every second that passed.
(S/O) "Did...I ever tell you the reason I even began making the Phenex, Firefly?"
She tilted her head in confusion as her brows furrowed.
(Firefly) "No, you didn't. I assumed you just wanted to be with me whenever I donned SAM."
(S/O) "Well, it was that too, but..."
Firefly felt their thumb fidget against the top of her hand as they struggled to come up with an answer, in which she simply said nothing, giving them all the time they needed.
(S/O) "I wanted to go up into the stars myself, brave whatever awaited me out there, so I could find a way to defy your fate."
Their voice started to tremble as they spoke their reason aloud.
(Firefly) "S/O..."
Finally, they turned to face her, tears welling up in their eyes.
(S/O) "That's what I'll do with the Phenex. I'll become a bird and soar, so that way I can find a way for you to be reborn."
Firefly and S/O said nothing after that declaration, staring at each other before they sighed, letting go of her hand and resting it in their face.
(S/O) "Oh my god, that sounded way better in my head than it did out loud..."
Firefly was only stunned for a few more seconds before she burst into laughter, making S/O pout at her reaction.
(S/O) "H-Hey! I know it sounded bad but you don't have to laugh that much at it!"
Both her hands rested on her stomach as it began to hurt, her laughter barely stopping as she tried her best to reply.
(Firefly) "I-I-I'm sorry! I promise I'm not laughing at you!"
It took her a minute to finally calm herself down, S/O still grumbling under their breath as they waited. Firefly gently wiped their tears away with a finger before kissing them on the cheek.
(Firefly) "It's a sweet gesture, S/O...Thank you."
S/O smiled at Firefly, resting their head onto her shoulders and closing their eyes.
(S/O) "Do you mind if I sleep up here with you tonight? I...Don't want to be alone right now."
(Firefly) "I don't think there's anything more I'd want right now than having you with me."
Firefly sat alone on another starry night, but this time there would be no one to join her. Her hands rested on each other in her lap while she stared up at the night sky, waiting for her signal.
The planet she was on now was completely different from the one S/O and her shared their last night. Instead of warm city lights, there was nothing but ruins and debris below her.
It was here where the reports of a brilliant golden machine, leaving behind a blue trail around the cosmos was sighted. Many assumed that it was some kind of divine being, or an unexplained anomaly in the universe making itself known.
But Firefly knew the truth of what it was.
Or rather, who it was.
The last step of the process was to have S/O's mind sync up with the Phenex's system. It was an extremely risky process, as this technology was still experimental and not fully understood.
Apparently, it was something that allowed the person's mind to directly translate into the machine's movements and combat capabilities, which S/O accepted the risk without hesitation.
This would be the power they needed to give Firefly her life back.
And finally settling into the suit, S/O let their mind begin synchronizing with the Phenex.
With barely a second passing, their eyes widened as their body felt a shock of pain growing faster by the second.
Firefly saw S/O's vitals rapidly spiking up and down as the Phenex dropped to one knee, screaming all the while.
(Firefly) "S/O?!"
The golden mech started to twitch involuntarily, its shield-wings shooting out and lodging itself into the facility's walls. S/O's screams were eventually drowned out by the Phenex's metallic joints creaking, almost as if it were roaring.
In an instant, flames materialized around Firefly as she dashed towards S/O, moving to rip them out of their suit. However, as soon as she made contact with them, the machine's eyes flared red and blew her backwards.
Firefly was easily able to catch herself from crashing into the floor, immediately flipping to use the walls as a launch pad as the armor's thrusters activated and she rocketed back to S/O.
The Phenex's shield wings stabbed itself into the ground and made her armor crash straight into it, making her lose course as she spiraled out of control for only a second.
Not wasting time, the Phenex's shield wings flew back behind it, and the machine flew straight up, tearing a hole through it and sped away, eventually out of sight and into the atmosphere.
It had been months since the incident, and Firefly was determined to bring them back. If the Phenex was still flying, then that means S/O was still alive.
As if on cue, a blue streak cut across the night sky like a knife, catching her attention and making her heart race.
(Firefly) "..."
She wanted to call out their name, but knew that they couldn't hear her anymore. What she needed to do now was to stop the Phenex.
The wind blowing her hair back was strong since she was standing at the top of a skyscraper. She knew for a fact that the Phenex would be able to detect her no matter what, so might as well choose the location that'd start the closest to them.
It took her a few seconds to stand up from her spot, and she took a deep breath, frowning as her eyes traced the blue streak that flew in a straight line above her, towards the horizon.
One foot stepped in front of the other, letting her drop from the building's edge and fall toward the ground.
Without so much as blinking, the area around her ignited as the armor's thrusters kicked into full burst, the building behind her getting scorched in the process as she gracefully weaved through the city and into the sky after the Phenex.
As elements of her HUD began blinking into view, her eyes remained focused on the blue line of light suddenly veered to her right.
With a simple nudge of her body, the armor tilted and extra thrusters emerged from the skirts of her armor to gain faster speed, feeling her body and suit both begin to heat up.
The Phenex's trail dropped completely downwards onto the streets, trying to lose its pursuer as it began wildly darting in an unpredictable manner, before it eventually disappeared into a tunnel.
Firefly quickly followed it into the temple, still not saying a word as she kept an eye on her suit's motion trackers.
Before the radar could even register the movement, the Phenex suddenly burst from the tunnel's walls, debris scattering everywhere and threatening to crush her.
She simply frowned as one punch completely obliterated the stone that tried to crash into her, eyes still following the Phenex for a split second before it tried to escape behind her.
Firefly's other arm extended outward and managed to catch the leg of the machine, before diverting her strength to fling it into the wall directly behind her, letting the Phenex slam into the stone and temporarily disabling it.
She raised her arm to disable the machine's flight unit before realizing the shield wings it had just a second ago were missing.
Alarms were ringing as signatures were quickly approaching from her flanks, making her extend both arms to catch the shields before it threatened to bisect her, Firefly's teeth clenching from the impact.
The machine's eyes stared at Firefly's helmet, and for a brief moment, its red eyes flashed a blue color.
And though it was hazy, a voice spoke out to her from the corners of her mind. It may have been her imagining things, but that didn't stop Firefly's voice from crying out:
(Firefly) "S/O!"
Seemingly unaffected by Firefly's counter, the Phenex's eyes returned to its natural state before quickly dislodging itself from its position and rocketed out of the tunnel, both shields following after.
(Firefly) "Just hang on, S/O, please!"
Even though time was the last thing on her side, she prayed that she stayed strong, at least for long enough to catch the Phenex. Firefly truly had no idea if S/O was still inside that suit considering how long it had been, but at the very least, she would avenge them by destroying the machine.
Not to mention, this machine existed because of her. It was created solely to help her, yet it seemed to be dragging both her and S/O to Aeons know where.
But she didn't care about where it was taking them, only that she rescued the person who gave their life for her.
Firefly's armor crouched before taking off, denting the concrete below her as it was left scorched by all her thrusters activating, flying after the Phenex.
There were many researchers and travelers who spoke of seeing a red comet chasing after a blue one in the skies that night.
No one had any idea what it was, but everyone watched in a mixture of awe and confusion, watching as the comets eventually took off into space, off towards a destination unknown.
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happy74827 · 4 months
Fate’s Design
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[Carlisle Cullen x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Not even fate can stop forbidden love. {GIF Credits: Pinterest}
WC: 2051
Category: Angst (with a side of fluff)
Can you tell I rewatched Twilight? 👀 Edward? Jacob? Nah, I’m team Carlisle all the way.
In all seriousness, this took me so long to write out since I’m in that stage of life where there’s no free time 😭
But, regardless, here’s a fic that no one asked for (and hopefully won’t mind 👀). So, uh… enjoy :)
Funny, how the world works, how fate works.
The day you had first laid eyes on him, you could tell immediately there was something different about him, something... strange. Stranger than strange.
A simple hospital visit, a clumsy fall down the stairs, and here you were, stuck in a place of healing with the smell of antiseptics and disinfectant all around you. For a simple wrist sprang, being around deathly ill people who had no sense of common courtesy was the last thing you wanted to experience.
Still, it couldn't be helped, and so you endured. Endured until that one fateful encounter.
When the nurses brought him into the room, you couldn't help but stare. A young, handsome man who looked barely a few years older than you, pale, cold skin that reminded you of the snowy tundras, and bright eyes you swore turned gold in the light.
Strange, yes. Very strange. But a very good kind of strange, the kind of strange that was captivating.
Carlisle Cullen.
You couldn't help but smile as you thought of the name, as the memories came back to you. The first meeting, the second, and then the third. You remembered all of them, every single one, and the way your heart fluttered like a caged bird each time, wanting to break free.
How long had it been since that first meeting? Five months? Six?
You couldn't be sure, but it was enough.
Enough for you to know that you loved him.
How funny, how ironic, how cruel fate was, giving you someone to love and then making it impossible to be with him.
You were just an average girl with average interests and average talents who had a boring, average job that didn't pay much and was living an average life.
But you were human; he was not.
You were a creature that could live, grow, age, and eventually die while he was frozen in time, a beautiful, timeless statue with an old soul that lived a hundred years in the span of one.
You knew this, he knew this, and that was what held you both back.
Even though you loved him, even though when he looked at you, his eyes burned with the same emotions you felt, the two of you were still unable to come together.
You would’ve given up had it not been for your own stubbornness, your own will to hold on, to see this through to the end.
He was worth it, and you knew it.
And so, you decided it didn’t matter if your time with him would be short because you would spend it happily, without regret.
After all, a few months spent with him was better than none at all.
You found yourself storming into the hospital, pure determination set on your face as you went up to the reception desk and demanded to know where Carlisle Cullen was.
The nurse gave you an odd look but didn’t question you further, and after giving her the information she needed, she directed you to his office.
You were assured he was filing papers, so you didn’t bother with knocking. Instead, you barged in with the burning desire to make your mark, to make your presence known, to show him, without any doubt, how you felt.
You didn't care if he was startled by your sudden entrance, and as you approached him, he stood up, surprise written on his face.
"I’m done, Carlisle," you said, your tone final, a declaration. "I’m so done."
He tilted his head in confusion.
Your hands came to a fist as you rested them against his desk, eyes narrowed and burning.
"I'm done holding back," you said, voice steady. "If you don’t kiss me right now, I'll never forgive you."
Your name came out as a soft sigh from his lips, and you couldn’t stop the shudder that ran through you at the sound of it. The mellow, gentle tone that held your entire being was always catching you off guard, even after all this time.
It wasn’t fair; it really wasn't.
"Kiss me, goddamnit!" You yelled at him, the demand clear in your tone.
And, like always, he denied you. In fact, he practically told you to shut up in his own way by bringing attention that you were still… quite literally, in the hospital.
You didn’t care. It was obvious by the way you kept going at him, demanding he take action.
And then, a gush of wind.
Your eyes widened, and before you could utter a word, the door from behind slammed shut. Not enough to create a loud bang, but enough to get your attention, and when you looked over, his arm was extended out, hand resting on the door.
Just inches away from your head.
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up at him.
He was towering over you completely, and the proximity made your breathing hitch. His gaze was intense and golden, and it burned right through you like it always did. But you weren’t scared, not even the slightest bit.
This was what you wanted, after all.
So you kept silent and waited for him to make the first move. Any move, really.
A few seconds passed, and then, ever so slowly, he lowered his head. But he didn't lean down far enough, no. Instead, his face inched closer and closer to yours until, finally, all you could see were his eyes.
And all you could think about was his lips.
"As much as I want to," he began, voice soft and smooth. "You and I both know it's not that easy."
"Yes, it is," you retorted, stubborn. "You're just making it hard."
"I'm being realistic."
"Realistic? Really?" Your face twisted into a scowl. "Says the man who's not even human."
"That's precisely why," he said. "You’re…"
His voice quivered, just slight enough to be noticeable. It made your heart ache, and you were ready to interrupt him, to say that it didn’t matter; nothing else did.
But you stopped yourself.
It was only right to hear what he had to say.
"You truly wish to want… this? To give up the happiness of your future, the family you deserve, to be drowned in sorrow, all for me?"
His words were sincere, his voice quiet, and the expression on his face was one you could barely comprehend.
"Drowned…? Drowned?!" You echoed his words; brows knitted in a deep frown. "Carlisle, I'm already drowning! Right now!"
You paused, trying to calm yourself, but you could feel tears prickling your eyes. This wasn’t how you had imagined it going.
"It hurts," you confessed, voice low. "It hurts me that you don’t understand, that you think so little of yourself."
Carlisle's breath caught, and his lips parted in surprise, but you weren’t finished yet.
"It hurts me that you think I could ever be happy without you," you continued, your voice rising a bit. “Carlisle, I have found happiness in you. I am happy with you. The day we met, I was a wreck; my wrist was a wreck… everything was a wreck. But then you came, and now, now I'm happy. You make me happy."
The look on his face was unreadable, but it didn’t deter you from speaking your mind.
"Why can’t you see that? Why can’t you see that you’ll always be twice the man than any other human being out there?"
He didn’t answer, and the longer the silence stretched, the more your heart hurt. Carlisle was a good man; he was. He was a good doctor, a good father, and, of course, a good-looking guy.
He deserved the world.
And if the world couldn't give it to him, you would.
"If you can't see it, then fine," you finally spoke, and it was almost a whisper. "Then I'll do it for you. I'll tell you every day. I'll keep telling you until it sticks."
The corners of your mouth tugged upwards into a shaky smile.
"Even if I have to keep yelling at you."
He exhaled, and suddenly, he looked much more relaxed, and you realized that you had gotten through to him.
It made the tears that were gathering in your eyes spill over.
"At least I know you wouldn’t toss me aside when my personality eventually overpowers my looks," you mumbled, laughing.
"Toss you aside?"
There was a sudden, sharp edge to his tone, and when his hand came to rest under your chin, gently, carefully, your eyes shot up, staring into his own.
You didn't realize it, but the way you looked at him, the expression on your face, it made him see something different, something he never expected.
A woman who loved him. Truly, sincerely, deeply, and completely.
He couldn’t believe it, and yet, you were right there, in front of him, your eyes shining and reflecting nothing but adoration and admiration.
Your eyes were shining, but not with sadness, no, not anymore.
It was a beautiful sight, one he would remember for all of eternity.
"I'd be a fool to do that," he whispered, his tone sincere, and when his other hand came up, his fingers brushing over your cheek, a featherlight touch, he could hear your breath catch.
"A complete and utter fool."
You watched the smile grow on his lips, and it was so beautiful, it was unreal.
But this, the feeling of his hand on your skin, the coldness contrasted by the warmth of your own body, the gentleness of his touch, it was surreal.
"Carlisle," you murmured, and he was still staring at you, but there was a new intensity in his gaze. "Let me give you the happiness you deserve. Let me."
You took a small step forward, and his hand was still resting under your chin. You didn't dare move or speak again, not until you could read his face, the expression on his features.
It was difficult, however, and just when you thought he wouldn't say anything, he spoke.
"I can't guarantee the future or the happiness," he admitted. "Not for myself, and not for you, but-"
"But?" You couldn’t help but smirk.
"I can try," he answered. "For your sake, I'll try."
You should’ve expected the response after that, the speed at which his hand moved from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you forward, and his other hand, moving downwards to rest on the small of your back.
You should've, but you didn't.
All you could do was stare at him, your eyes widening, and just when you opened your mouth to speak, to say something, anything, his lips were on yours, and all the coherent thoughts left you.
You could hear the thumping of your heart, loud, thundering, and it drowned out all the other sounds around you.
He was gentle and careful, and the kiss was nothing more than a brief, feather-light press of his lips, but it was enough. It was enough to set your whole body on fire, to have you lean in, to have your hands come up, grasping onto his lab coat for dear life.
You could feel the coldness of his skin, but the taste of his lips was indescribable.
He tasted sweet, like vanilla, and the longer his lips were on yours, the more the flavor lingered until you couldn’t remember how your own lips had ever tasted.
When he finally pulled away, it was as if the world was spinning and all the strength left your body.
"We're not in the clear just yet," he murmured, his gaze still intense, and it sent a shiver down your spine. "There are many things we have to talk about and many things to work out, but-"
"Carlisle," you breathed out, your grip on his coat tightening. "Don’t talk. Just relish."
You leaned forward, and he did the same, his eyes fluttering shut, and as your lips connected with his, your mind was filled with a single thought.
This was right.
It was perfect, and the world was a better place.
The funny thing about fate is that if two people are meant to be, no matter the time, the place, or the circumstances, they'll find each other.
The two of you were living proof.
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darkestspring · 2 months
“He takes Helaena and their three children and bends the knee to her in return for senya and the twins being kept away from allow this. “
- please please please would you give us an actual fic of this.
Show them living on dragon stone.
Show them arrive at dragon stone, Nyra is confused but welcomes them especially Senya obviously. Show them bend the knee
I need more of this. It would be so good and you would write is brilliantly as always.
- =]
Aegon's initial plan to run off to Essos with Senya had failed, ending him Aemond dragging him back while Criston carried the slumbering five year old Senya in his arms.
He didn't care if this had been his father's will (he doubted it. Was his mother finally cracking????? finally going delusional???? rhaenyra was the heir, not him.) he wanted to part in this succession. He didn't even want to be married to Helaena but after Senya, they were still trying to make it work, trying to be parents together instead of him ignoring her.
He wasn't going to take this lying down, not for one second. Not for Senya's sake. It took him a few weeks but he finally created a situation that required everyone's attention so he could slip away.
"Come with me-" Aegon barged into Helaena's room but she was already waiting with all three of their children and the cut himself off.
Sure, it was a little unsettling how Helaena knew things before he had the chance to utter them but this situation was urgent. He didn't have time to think about anything else but getting the fuck out of there.
"Alright, let's go now." Aegon urged Helaena forwards with a gentle guiding hand. "Take the twins on Dreamfyre, I'll take Senya on Sunfyre. It shouldn't take long to reach dragonstone."
Helaena nodded and picked up the twins as Aegon picked up Senya.
Rhaenyra was confused, last thing she heard, they were crowning Aegon as the new king, what a fucking joke, but here he was in front of her with Helaena and their three children but she held up her hand, stopping Daemon from moving forward.
Daemon looked like he wanted to say something but ultimately stopped as she wanted, standing behind her as he glared Aegon down.
Senya looked to be about their son, Aegon's age now. She was peering up at them as she waved towards them, still in Aegon's arms.
"Heard they were making you king. Is that why you are here. To proudly declare that you've usurped my throne." Rhaenyra stared coolly at her younger brother.
"I would rather have birds tear at my limbs." Aegon retorted and maybe he shouldn't have, maybe he should have been serious about this. But he didn't come here to fake niceties. He knew his sister hated him, he hated how much she was loved by their father but all he wanted was his family to be safe. "I'm not delusional, I know a farce when I see one. Father chose you when I was a babe, he never changed his mind."
"I already tried to flee once but I was brought back so, I ran here instead. I don't care about the throne, I never have. All i want is for my family to be safe, for Senya to not grow up in a place surrounded by war and terror." He grew up in peace, so he wanted the same for his daughter.
"I'll bend the knee, I'll do whatever you ask of me, as long as my family is safe."
Rhaenyra stared at Aegon for a moment even as he followed through, both Helaena and Aegon kneeling, Senya imitated her father, still not sure what's happening and the twins followed after their sister.
"I'll protect you, as your sister, and as your queen. You've knelt and shown loyalty to me, so I'll forgive whatever transgressions have been committed in the past." Rhaenyra beckoned Senya forward, not being able to hold back anymore and Senya rushed over and into her aunts arms.
Life was easy now, he no longer had to look over his shoulder for his brother or his mother and grandfather. Senya spent most of her day either playing with Rhaenyra's youngest children, Aegon and Viserys, or out looking at the flowers.
Aegon was just happy to still see the unfiltered happiness on his daughter's face.
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rendy-a · 1 year
OML I READ UR Malleus and Sebek courting mini fics and so cuteee AAAAAAAAAA
May we have a continuation? Where they receive a gift from reader?
Thank you ahead!
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Here is a little more about how it might be when you gift him in return. I must say I had a lot of fun writing Sebek's part. He is such an amusing character to write.
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Grim sat up from the small bed you’d set up for him in the corner and shouted, “Stop bringing that junk in here!”  You look over at him apologetically but still move over to your old nest and drop in the armful of fluff.  Grim shows his disapproval by growling.  “Sorry, but it has to be done!”  Grim’s brow furrows and he shouts, “Well then do it in your own room!” Then he burrows back into his own bed and pulls the covers overtop of him, hiding your nonsense from view. 
You were sorry, you really were but honestly, this was your room.  They all were.  It had been years since you’d married Malleus and become the consort of Briar Valley’s Prince.  As for Grim, you were a pair for such a long time that he’d joined you in moving to Briar Valley when you’d married.  You set him up in another room in your suite.  After a few years, you’d admitted to Malleus that you weren’t so fond of sleeping in the nest.  He’d laughed and moved you into a more standard bedroom.  It had a large comfortable bed and, after sleeping on twigs, you’d been ecstatic.  Grim, on the other hand, had resented your invasion of ‘his room’ and chosen to move into the room with your abandoned nest. 
‘No, not abandoned,’ you admonished yourself, ‘just preserved.’  It was still intact in the adjoining room, waiting.  Waiting for… well, you couldn’t finish that thought and instead, shook the fluster from your face and returned to the garden, seeking out more items to fill your empty nest.  Spring was the perfect time for your hunt as many trees in the garden dropped large pods of silky material to pollinate.  You pushed aside the long grasses looking for them.  “There are some in the west garden,” Lilia said suddenly.  You choke back a yelp.  Over the years, you’d become better at not being surprised by Lilia.  Or at least better about showing it.  He’d also become your closest conspirator in this matter.  When he’d seen you tucking a handful of feathers into your pockets, he’d looked at you with such an expression of glee that you’d have thought it was a gift for him and not Malleus.  But, you supposed, he had been waiting for quite a long time.  “I’d better go grab them before the wind takes them away then!”  He gives you a wink and you trot off.
The book (lent by Lilia all those years ago at NRC) had been clear; it was the job of the courting dragon to gather sticks and branches to create a nest to welcome a new partner into their life.  You’d remembered the first branch Malleus had given you fondly, a gift as good as a declaration of marriage.  Then it was the job of the partner to eventually fill the nest with warm, soft, and fluffy material to prepare for the next phase.  So here you were, tramping through bushes; looking for seed pods, feathers and really anything natural that you could find that would make a good stuffing for your nest.  It wasn’t easy though, not considering the size of the nest you had to fill.  You wished that Malleus had been a trifle less eager to impress when he’d been courting you; it would have made your job now a bit easier.
“Here,” came a voice from behind.  You look up and see Silver holding out a basket of feathers and fur.  “My bird friends had gathered too much for their own nests and wanted to share this.”  You smile back, “I’m sure they had a basket laying around too.”  At this Sebek bristles.  He’d never fully accepted you as the Consort of Briar Valley but, over time, he had come to a certain sort of understanding about your place here.  As long as you made Malleus happy, he seemed to gain a certain amount of satisfaction in assisting you.  “Just be grateful it’s for the great Malleus!  I couldn’t accept the young master having dirtied or rumpled feathers in his nest, so I was forced to find that basket.”  You smile at the young guard and see his cheeks flush in response. 
Really, it was like all the friends from your past school days were still here rooting for you and Malleus to have a happy ending.  It made you rather hopeful yourself.  You give them a nod of thanks and add your own finds to the basket and set off to your room.  With this basketful, you figured you’d be around halfway done.  If you gathered the rest of spring, and factoring in the rainy season, maybe by hmm… Bump!  You run into an unexpected obstacle.  You think you might fall and clutch the basket tightly only to blink after a moment and reassess.  You hadn’t fallen at all; you’d been caught in the arms of your loving husband. 
“My treasure, are you harmed?” Malleus asks in concern.  You hug the basket tighter, trying to hide the contents from his view, “Ah, no dear, I’m fine.  Thank you for catching me.”  Then you place a sweet kiss on his cheek before attempting to slip away.  You almost accomplish it before you feel his grip on your sleeve, holding you back.  “You wouldn’t be trying to hide something from me, would you my precious one?”  For a moment, you consider trying to evade his question but decide you’d rather be honest with him.  You sigh and hold out the basket, “It was supposed to be a surprise.”  He looks inside at the collection of fluffy things inside and back at you with wide eyes.  “You…you aren’t upset, are you?”
Instead of answering, Malleus quietly walks into your old room and stops at the edge of the nest.  You walk carefully to his side and peer inside at the fluffy collection you’ve started.  You wait for him to say something and when he doesn’t you look up at him and see a tear rolling down his cheek.  You reach out and hold his hand tightly, then grab the basket from his hand and drop the collection into the nest.  You both stand there, side by side in the twilight, until you finally decide to break the silence.  “I know we technically aren’t compatible like that, but I remembered when we married you said that there were ways it could happen if we used magic.  I was watching the trees bud and the birds making nests and it was like, I just knew it was time.”    
You hold out the last feather from your basket and Mallues takes it from your hand and gently places it into the nest.  Then he smiles in a way he so rarely does, fully radiant and content; it reminds you greatly of the day of your wedding.  When you meet his gaze, he picks you up and twirls you around while you both laugh.  You had a long way to go to finish collecting the lining for your nest, but you know you’ve collected the most important part: the agreement of your partner.  And soon, Grim would need to move again.  This room was going to return to what it was always meant to be, a nursery.
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Family was important to the Zigvolt clan.  Sebek had older siblings and, by now, many nieces and nephews; all of which felt like were visiting today.  You and your spouse had run all over the house minding the little ones while your grateful in-laws took a break.  You had just corralled a little green-haired boy, whose fang toothed smile reminded you greatly of his favorite uncle, when the small hand pointed over your shoulder and a surprisingly loud voice demanded, “What’s that!”  You follow his hand to see him pointing to the two rocks that sit side by side on your mantle.  A fond smile crosses your face, “Those rocks?  Those are something special for your uncle and I.”  Then comes the dreaded word, “Why?”  You pause, unsure if this was the sort of story to interest such a young child, “Oh I don’t know.  Ask you Uncle when you are older.”
“NONSENSE!” comes a voice from the kitchen and you see your spouse striding over to you.  He transfers the little boy from your arms to his own. “It’s a fine story to inspire the youth with.  COME CHILD and I will tell you the story about my MOST ROMANTIC spouse and their gift to me.”  You’d like to just shake your head and walk away but you know it’s probably best to follow them and make sure he gets the story right.  Sebek can be prone to some…minor exaggeration...where you are involved.
They arrive at the mantle and the child points at the pebble Sebek had gifted you all those years ago.  “I like that one, it sparkles inside.”  Sebek frowns, “Forget that common rock and pay attention to the THIS AMAZING TREASURE!” Sebek tries to shift the attention of the boy to the plain looking rock that sits next to it, and you can see the puzzlement in his face.  Instead of trying to explain, your spouse is just standing there, smirking with an intense look of pride on his face.  It is probably time for you to take over.
You place you hand on Sebek’s shoulder, gaining the attention of both the boys.  You smile at your nephew and point to the sparkling rock.  “Your uncle gave that to me when we were in school.  He told me that he found it while visiting a ruin with Lord Malleus.”  Your nephew gasps and states in awe, “With the young Lord?”  You glance over and see Sebek preening at the attention being given to Malleus; some things never changed.  “Then he gave it to me as proof of his love,” you smile fondly at your spouse. 
“So, then you gave him this rock?” a small voice interjects.  “Yeah, that’s right,” you reply.  He seems to consider that for a long moment before carefully turning back to you and informing you, “Well there is something I’d like to say about that rock, but Master Lilia says if you can’t say something nice then you should say anything at all.”  You are HIGHLY amused by his cheek and not offended at all; you know your rock is rather plain.  However, when you turn to look at your spouse, you can see that Sebek’s eyes are wide with shock as though he cannot fathom how to reply to such an outrageous statement.  You chuckle to yourself at how adorable he looks before continuing.
“Hmm, that is true,” you begin, “but you see, I looked all over for a special rock to give to your uncle.  I wanted it to be just as amazing as his was.”  Your nephew nods sagely.  “The only thing was, I couldn’t find one.  I had these friends in school, see, and we used to walk all over after class.”  Ace, Deuce and Grim; ah, the bittersweet memories of friendships grown distant over time.  “And they would help me look for my special rock.  We looked for 3 years straight but never found it.  Then I went on my internship year, and I had to look alone.”  You smile sadly at the small child who seems very invested in the outcome of your quest, “But you found it, right?  You had to because you married my uncle, right? Right?”  You barely contained your laugh but when you looked at your spouse to see him nod eagerly at each ‘right’ you no longer were able to hold it back.
You let out a merry chuckle, “Well, I certainly looked that whole year in every free moment I had but, no, I never did find it.”  You look down at the boy whose mouth is making a perfect O in surprise.  “That’s not how stories are supposed to go.”  He tugs at Sebek’s shirt, “Uncle, tell her that isn’t how its supposed to go.”  Sebek turns to your and practically shouts, “THAT’S NOT HOW IT’S SUPPOSED TO GO!”  You wonder if he has somehow gotten so caught up in the moment that he’s forgotten he knew how the story ends. 
“All right, all right,” you wave them down.  “Well, after internship we all went back to school for graduation where Master Lilia and Silver have come to accompany Sebek back to Briar Valley.  I felt like I had no right to ask to go with them, considering I’d never properly confessed my feelings with my own rock.  I was just standing there, wondering where I’d go and what I’d do when Silver just picked up my bag and asked if I was ready.  So, I went.”  You smile fondly at the memory of Silver, who was like another brother to you at this point, and the way his easy generosity had included you into their group.  You ignore Sebek’s grumbling…something about Silver and how Sebek was perfectly capable of carrying your bag…
“When we got home, Sebek took me to meet your Grandpa and Grandma.  At the door of the house was this rock.”  You smile and point at your plain looking rock.  “That rock,” Sebek finally contributes, “was always showing up there.  I think it was earth fae or something playing a joke.  I moved it so many times, but it always ended up back on the front step.”  You lean in and wink at the boy, “That’s when I knew that was my rock.  Its not flashy or exciting but whenever he comes home, there I would be.”  You meet your spouse’s eyes and share a moment that needed no words.
“Then what?” a little voice interrupted.  “Well, you don’t want to know the rest,” you reply gently.  “Is it kissing stuff?” he asks as though that was the grossest thing he could imagine.  You nod at him in affirmation, “It’s kissing stuff.”  He rolls his eyes and signals his uncle to set him down, which he does.  As your nephew departs, you notice your spouse looking at you with a familiar look in his eye.  “So, what now?” you ask him, “Is it kissing stuff?”  He flashes you a fang-toothed smile, “It’s kissing stuff.”  And it was.
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Sky/Prapai) 3/3
I'm watching Love in the Air for the first and ONLY time as part of my Pride Petty Watch, so I'm recapping my suffering experience. The previous recaps can be found here, here, here, and here. I made tea from Long Island *wink* and even though I am not mentally prepared for what's about to happen, I'm ready to finish this, so I can have a break from The Whores Horrors™.
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*sign of the cross*
If I wasn't so upset at everyone but Sky and Sig, I think I would have really enjoyed the colors and the ways characters' positions showed power dynamics, but here I am, Bird Box-ing my way through the visual rhetoric.
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Love really is blind because I feel Sky would stab Prapai if he heard Prapai call him "gentle" but Prapai has proven to not let reality get in the way of his vision.
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I will keep repeating that when Prapai is good, he is the best. He is enamored by Sky picking out stationary. He is happy Sky remembered what he likes to eat. He is worried about Sky at school and his health. His flirty banter works in this setting. Everything is perfect (except Sky's shirt which I refuse to show because it got enough screen time without me adding to it).
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How about we just stop here? Just like with Rain and Payu's story, this is a clear point that the story could end, and it would make sense, but noooooooo. The story needs TWO kidnappings because unlike telenovelas, apparently one was not suffice.
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To think that Don't Say No was a choice for my Pride Petty Watch, but I'm here, suffering for my actions and watching Prapai forget who he slept with from his former roster. It happens to the best of us, 'Pai.
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This is an odd comparison, but this is Last Twilight all over again for me. They just told each other how they feel with big declarations, and one hour later it all goes up in flames simply because the narrative demands it without it making any lick of sense.
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AND WE ARE BACK IN THE RED!!!! This show gives me no peace and no relief, yet this time was less jolting because I felt it coming, and somehow him crying in the car repeating that it is happening again is more upsetting.
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Get in, Slut for Christ! We're going to confessional, so you can pray for the sin of not taking no for an answer in a show full of people not taking no for an answer.
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Not to stereotype, but you are wearing a holographic butterfly shirt, my dude, so what in the Lisa Frank bullshit are YOU doing in sex trafficking? You are not allowed on the Pride float this year, and if you dare to step on it, I will push you off of it and make it look like an accident AFTER I take the shirt off your body because you don't deserve nice things.
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Prapai, you are better than this. You have displayed a mild sense of awareness regarding Sky, so having Sky breaking down right next to you without you acknowledging his pain is not your fault, but the story's, and I'm getting real salty about the way this plot wants me to like you yet simultaneously does everything to make me hate you. Was MAME fighting with herself when she wrote this?
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Perfect example! Prapai has consistently followed up after the party because he knows something is off from Sky's responses, so he immediately questions if HE did something wrong instead of assuming it's Sky. He still sends Sky food. He goes by to check on him once. Then he brings out the burner cellphones.
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As much as I complained about this behavior, it makes sense in this situation because it aligns with exactly who Prapai has been shown to be, a stalker (affectionately here, derogatory in previous episodes).
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It's not even about the *thing* for me. It's about the lack of consistency for the sake of, what? drama? Prapai talked about swindling a key from Joy, so I'm not surprised he made his way into the apartment without Sky's knowledge, but for Prapai to use the key for this doesn't make sense with his previous behavior. Desperate times call for desperate measures, but Prapai has been desperate before and he consistently showed up at Sky's apartment to bother him. He tricked Rain into giving him information. He showed up ON CAMPUS to hound Sky. He sent flowers. Yet he does none of that here. Payu went to Rain's mama's house to hunt that boy down, yet Prapai doesn't get the same treatment. Payu got the opportunity to lock himself in a bathroom stall with Rain and sniff him after making a surprise visit to campus when Rain was avoiding him, yet Prapai must commit a crime to get to "I love you"?
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And on that topic, the long break between Prapai stating he no longer liked Sky - while Sky was bursting with tears and started to cry harder - and Prapai saying he loved Sky was unnecessarily long. In fact, it was cruel. And as much as I hate Prapai's aggressive tactics and crass flirting, he has never been intentionally cruel to Sky, so Prapai ignoring Sky repeating "please, stop" again and again only to end with "I love you" doesn't work for me because that "please, stop" will rear its ugly head again when the ex enters the plot. Having Prapai do something very harmful to Sky who slowly crumbled down to the floor begging Prapai to stop, only to end with him doing something very loving and them smiling on the couch is an emotional beatdown that makes telenovelas jealous.
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My boy Sig wasn't perfect because he defaulted to telling Sky to cheer up, but he asked the good questions, he let Sky stay with him as he worked through his feelings, he told Sky that Prapai loved him, and he told Sky to cry. He is a saint among cockroaches, and even though I do not believe in the institution of marriage, I would marry this man in a heartbeat and fully commit to the bit.
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UNLIKE RAIN WHO IS NOW TRYING TO PROTECT HIS FRIEND AFTER HE WAS THE ONE WHO OFFERED UP SKY'S NUMBER AND APARTMENT KEY! I'm glad the story acknowledged that Rain's stupidity was pivotal to making this ship happen, so I'll acknowledge that both ships shift around yellow and blue as their love story develops.
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---Episode 13---
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I thought we were past this lighting and coloring, but this is a reminder that I'm in hell.
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I completely forgot about the whole "Wipe Down" controversy in this show, and now I am fully judging y'all because out of all the SHIT that has happened in this show, especially in episode 13 so far, this is what y'all was upset about it? This was the battle y'all picked? The hill y'all wanted to die on was this moment? Y'all was mad because we were shown Prapai wiping down his partner as a basic form of care after sex? Prapai who stalks and breaks into apartments? THIS is the behavior of his that got y'all so riled up that you chose to write 2,000-word think pieces on and lower the show's rating on MDL with the long-ass comments?! THIS?! I hope your cardigans always snag, your soup always burns your tongue, and your glasses always have smudges on them because some of y'all do not deserve small joys or everyday whimsy. Shame on you, shame on your ancestors, and shame on your cow.
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Prapai is checking that his helmet didn't hurt Sky when he hugged him, and I'm quickly coming around to the fact that "I don't hate you because you're problematic. You're problematic because I hate you the story hates you"
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I refuse to show this man's face or any of these scenes, but he is wearing a cross earring and the Sluts for Christ would like the record to state we do not know this man nor claim him, so we will be handling this situation promptly. However, we only need the ear, so if any other members of the delegation need anything specific, please add it to the Gay Agenda, and we will make sure to get those requests fulfilled in a timely manner. Thank you, and have a blessed day.
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Prapai just yelled at Sky, and I'm not even mad. This is where I'm at in the plot. Prapai ripped out the eyebrow earring, and I'm cheering him on. Payu stopped him, and I pissed. Prapai is rich. He will not go to jail. LET HIM MURDER!!!! He has already committed other criminal offenses, so what is murder to the list?! Mostly murder under these circumstances! THE CHARGES WON'T STICK!
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"I'll cry for you" - My therapist will be sending you an invoice, LiTA
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Chai, I knew I liked you. Your name is "Tea" and as a tea drinker, you have provided me the same level of comfort I get from a nice warm cup of spiced chai and I would also like you in my mouth. I fear you and respect you, so I know the sex will be fire and as the spokesperson for the Sluts for Christ, we have something you want, well . . . pieces of it anyway, so if you would like to exchange numbers, I can share with you any information I know perhaps over drinks . . . or under you. Whichever you prefer. I'm open to suggestions.
And commands.
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Oh, thank God, I'm done! I am free. There is no more trauma to witness. Slytherin earned a point and passed the course. I never have to see him or these weather boys ever again!
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*special episode pops up*
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cakerybakery · 3 months
Okay I'm loosing steam, so let me know what you think so far.
“Do we have everything?” Lucifer looked over the spell ingredients again.
The ceremonial knife made from a brimstone handle and angelic steel blade, blessed thrice under a full moon in each realm, hell, heaven, and mortal, by a high ranking demon and high ranking angel. Adam and he did the honours respectively.
Dirt from the garden of Eden, pounded into dust by the brimstone handle and stirred with angelic blade.
Baby’s breath flowers, every tiny petal sliced off by the blade and ground into a paste by the handle.
Two drops of liquid heavenly gold, tainted by a hellborn’s blood.
“We’re still missing one thing.” Adam looked nervously over his shoulder.
He didn’t like having his back to the entrance of the cave. If heaven found them together like this-
Adam glanced over at the king of hell.
If heaven found them they would murder Lucifer on the spot. No trial and damn the consequences. There was already a war going on. In heaven’s eyes Lucifer’s death would be a footnote in the glory of heaven’s conquest of hell.
If heaven won, sinner’s wouldn’t face eternity damnation, their souls would be torn apart and scattered among the void of space. Their eternal screams added the background static of the universe.
If hell won, nothing would change. Lucifer just wanted to be left alone to mourn the loss of his wife.
Lilith had been one of the first casualties of the surprise declaration of war by heaven.
One day the red clouds in the overcast sky of hell began to rain with heaven sent warriors. Lilith had been a target, heaven believing that her death would cripple Lucifer’s spirit. Instead the heaven’s felt the vengeance of a powerful fallen angel and his anguish spurred legions of demons to turn on their attackers.
What started as a sinner massacre turned into a golden blood bath as Lucifer tore through the lesser angels like tissue paper. Heaven retreated and the war was on.
Adam twisted the wooden ring he carried around his neck. The ring he made for Eve eons ago. A ring she wore everyday of her life once it was given and everyday of her afterlife until she was run through by angelic steel for daring to stand up to heaven and demand they not start a needless war.
Officially, heaven said it was an accident. Officially, Adam didn’t care. Heaven murdered his wife. Adam kept his head down and plotted his revenge quietly. When he learned of Lilith’s death he snuck down to hell.
Lucifer didn’t believe Adam wasn’t on a mission for heaven at first. It took months of them clashing on the battlefield and whispering where the other angels couldn’t hear him, of purposely missing and doing so obviously when the angels couldn’t see him for Lucifer to start to believe him.
They had been nearly three years into this unending war before Lucifer agreed to met privately. Another year for them to come up with this plan, and another year to gather all the ingredients needed.
Save one left to… gather.
The egg of a phoenix, swallowed whole and- Adam really wasn’t looking forward to this part, “laid” by an angel under a full moon in the mortal realm. He could feel it inside him, nearly ready, and wished not for the first time since starting this that angel’s were more like birds.
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strawbby-shortcake · 8 months
"What Animal Do You Think You Could Take in a Fight?" ✧˚ · . [all gn! reader]
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☽。⋆ JACK/THE NARRATOR You and Jack were sitting outside at a quiet cafe and there were little to no civilians passing by. He looked up towards the sky with his black shades and sighed. He seemed to be bored.
You snapped your fingers in front of his face and his gaze met yours. Well, you weren't actually sure if he was looking at you. You couldn't tell where his eyes were, only that he tilted his head.
"What," Jack mumbled.
Someone's cranky today. As he is, like, literally every day.
"What animal do you think you could take in a fight?" you asked.
Jack scoffed and shook his head, "Oh my god. How much time do you have?"
You shrugged and checked your imaginary watch.
"According to my calculations... all day."
He took off his sunglasses and stared at you intensely.
"Honestly speaking, maybe an armadillo."
ੈ✩‧₊˚ MARLA
You coughed as Marla blew cigarette smoke in your face. She never did stop smoking, even though every time you saw her, she promised to quit.
"I'll quit smoking forever next week, okay?" she teased, knowing full well she won't.
"Hell will freeze over before that ever happens," you laughed.
She playfully swatted your shoulder, and you threatened to take her cigarettes as payback. She quickly hid the carton to protect them from you.
"Hey, Marla, what animal do you think you could take in a fight?"
Marla glanced at you and smiled. You could see her sharp cheekbones clearly.
"You," she replied, blowing another puff of smoke at you.
Your eyes watered as you resisted the urge to cough. Fanning away the cloud with your hand, you gave her a "seriously?" look.
She simply cocked her head like a puppy and grinned.
Tyler was getting his waiter outfit on for his late night shift, and you were fixing his bowtie. He didn't know how to tie it correctly around his neck.
"What animal do you think you could take in a fight?" you asked, tightening the bow.
Tyler adjusted his sleeves and pondered for a moment. Before answering, he took a deep breath and placed both hands on your shoulders.
"That's a very good question. In fact, I'm glad that you asked. See, I think I'm strong enough to take any animal in a fight- especially gorillas. The whole point of fighting the animal is not to win, but to become the animal yourself. This is how you achieve great results, and scars. I've never fought any animals before. I think I should try it someday. Actually, this gives me an idea. We could release all the animals out of the public zoos! We could form an animal fight club. Instead of them eating stale peanuts, they'll finally taste sweet revenge against those that ridicule them. And let's not forget..."
You zoned out for a couple minutes while he was ranting. Maybe you shouldn't have asked Tyler that question right before he had to leave.
"...and what an amazing question that was! Thank you, truly. I know what my next objective is now. While I'm gone, I need you to search 'how to help animals escape from the zoo without anyone seeing.' Okay? Wonderful," he concluded.
He quickly left the house with a task assigned for you. You guess that there was no other choice than to complete it. In Tyler We Trust.
You and Bob were sitting on a park bench watching birds fly around, peck at the ground, and chirp. He seemed focused on them for some reason.
"Psst, Bob," you whispered, nudging his arm with your elbow.
"Hm? Yes? Oh, what do you need?" he asked, turning his attention to you.
He's got a serious case of sweaty pits.
"What animal do you think you could take in a fight?"
Bob's eyebrows furrowed as he tapped his chin like an enlightenment thinker. Talk about using brain power.
He raised one finger in the air and declared, "I choose peace."
"That wasn't the question, Bob," you chuckled.
"Doesn't matter, I choose peace. I love the animal kingdom. I would never hurt a fly nor an alligator."
He had a point; he couldn't harm a fly even if he tried. And he did try once, but poor Bob burst into tears before swatting it.
What a sweetheart.
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nogenderbee · 7 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔽𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕝 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: hihi! platonic blade, welt, jing yuan and dan heng with a teen reader who is like fischl?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hello! Sure! I'm sorry because I kinda made it for fem!reader but if you're alright with just changing princess for prince and so on here and there, it should be alright to read for any gender!
Anyway, hope you enjoy either way!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic
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✧ Dan Heng is certainly surprised by your acting, tho every child has their phase he thinks...
✧ he doesn't want to accidentally ruin your childhood so he just goes with it
✧ and if you call him your royal knight? He'll actually be proud from that title! Maybe he won't admit it but he feels somehow happy you're always picking him for ant exploration
✧ tho he's often surprised with your language... you're a teenager and you speak so elegantly? That's certainly useful skill but how the heck did you learned that?!
✧ he's gonna call you whatever your imaginary name is, even if something completely different is in your papers
"I humbly declare you a loyal knight of Prinzessin der Verurteilung!"
"I'll do my best to not fail you then. You can trust me."
✧ if you even have a raven, he'll be even more interested in you... they allowed you to have a raven on the Express? How did you convinced Pom Pom?
✧ either way, he doesn't care if you're just trying to live tour fairy tale life as long as you're happy
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ it's easy to say that Welt does NOT get you kids... he's aware you have your imagination but you're certainly taking it to another level
✧ you're not playing your role as a Prinzessin, you're living it!
✧ he doesn't know if he should be happy or afraid how creative you are
✧ but he's acceptive so he'll agree on your ideas, as long as they're not anything dangerous
✧ when it comes to change of your name... I feel like he'd cross out your real name on any paper and replace it with the preferred one
✧ he's trying his best to catch up with you so the first thing he does is ask you if anything besides your name changed too!
"Just your name? Are your pronouns still the same? Do you need help of specialist? Or are you just discovering yourself?"
✧ he's trying his best and he's not afraid of showing it, if it means making sure you're comfortable!
✧ but if you decide to have a bird... it may come with few additional rules and you may need to keep it in a cage for a little while
@vodka-glrl - come get your father of the express!
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✧ Jing Yuan is actually always happy to hangout with you and get to know more about your world
✧ he's always playing along with you, but it actually sounds like he's serious instead of playing because you're a child! Maybe he genuinely believes in it and just doesn't admit it out loud?
"And you may be first guess to witness my renovent palace!"
"I'll be more than happy to accompany you, young lady."
✧ similar to men above, he'll correct anyone and anything that contains your legal name, changing it to your prefered one. Because why would he ignore it after you trusted him and told him about your little secret?
✧ when it comes to your language... he was a bit surprised at first but now he responds the same way!
✧ don't be surprised if someone asks you one day what did you do to General because he sometimes speaks like that in public too... he's just too used by now
✧ and if you have a bird? Feel free to let it fly around Xianzhou as long as it's trained well!
✧ in fact, he'll be more than happy to see your tricks if your bird knows any
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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✧ Blade is accepting your imagination but he doesn't even try pretending like he believes in it
✧ you can give him 10000 arguments how it's definitely real and he'll reject all of it with just "no", so I say you don't waste your time...
✧ but he's not complete meanie, he'll accept your prefered name with ease
"I do not know anyone named Y/N! I'm Fischl! Prinzessin der Vertolung!"
"Fischl? Sure, at least it's easier than your real name..."
✧ he may act like he doesn't care but he'll state daggers at anyone who gets your name wrong
✧ he just goes "would you like to repeat yourself?" with most murderous gaze of his, so you can be sure this person will never get your name wrong again
✧ but he definitely is surprised by your language... he's a bit surprised you're so young and speak fluently like that...
✧ but he doesn't question it more than needed and just brushes it off as some teenager games, not bothering to care as long as you're not bothering him with it
@vodka-glrl - come get your cold man!
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lavineyou · 8 months
A Twisted Bond: Trapped in the Depths of Manipulation
Warning: Angst? A/N: Might make more chapters of this if i manage to gain enough motivation to do so... I think y'all can see how i'm that bias towards Miranda LMAOOO okey enjoyyy hopefully? idk
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You had been by her side for as long as your memory allowed. From the moment you emerged from a deep slumber, she was the first face you beheld. With her cold blue eyes, long flowing blonde hair, and a pallid complexion, she seemed like an ethereal being.
In those initial moments, she regarded you with a gaze that made you feel like a mere specimen in her grand experiment. And as if to confirm your suspicions, it didn't take long before she revealed that you were indeed a subject of her unsettling antidote injections.
Try as you might, resistance was futile against her overpowering strength. It was a harsh realization that struck you mere minutes after awakening.
As you reflected on those memories, a sigh escaped your lips. A decade had passed since that fateful awakening. Now, you served as her loyal subordinate in the village, functioning as her watchful eyes and attentive ears alongside the crows she strategically positioned throughout the area.
Unlike the lords who handled general tasks and experiments, you were assigned to the most specific and delicate missions she desired. Whether it was eliminating a troublesome villager, uncovering infidelity among the inhabitants, or acting as the messenger between the lords, you executed each task with unwavering obedience.
As you made your way home, a sense of weariness settled upon you. For the past nine years, you had resided in this modest abode. You vividly recalled the day when Miranda, your enigmatic overseer, had expelled you with the declaration, "It's time for you to prove your worth." Unconcerned with her words, you had forged your own path.
Walking through the village streets, you exchanged warm smiles and greetings with the unsuspecting villagers. To them, you were known as the helpful carpenter, a facade carefully crafted by Miranda to ensure your seamless integration into this community of unsuspecting lambs—lambs primed for her twisted experiments.
But beneath that veneer, you were a wolf in sheep's clothing, concealing your true nature.
As you approached your dwelling, the heart of the village, the familiar sound of wings flapping reached your ears. With a resigned sigh, you instinctively glanced upward, spotting a perched bird on your head. Taking hold of it, you entered your home, preparing for yet another encounter with Miranda.
Upon turning around, your eyes met the sight of the blonde woman who had haunted your thoughts. Standing before the wall adorned with pictures you had carefully arranged as decorations, she appeared lost in contemplation.
"I hadn't expected your return," you uttered softly, your confusion mounting. After all, she only resurfaced when she required something from you.
Minutes passed in silence before she finally spoke, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance. "I thought I had made my arrival quite clear," she replied, her brows furrowing as she tilted her head. Perplexed, you furrowed your own brows, struggling to comprehend her cryptic words. "Of course, you wouldn't have noticed. You were too busy mingling with that village girl instead of fulfilling the duties I had assigned you," she declared stoically, causing an uneasy gulp to rise in your throat as you lowered your head.
Anger simmered within her, and you knew it well. It was the wrath that consumed her when her desires went unfulfilled. Gathering your courage, you reasoned, "Mother, I have diligently accomplished everything on my list for today." You nodded, hoping to convey your commitment, but she hummed skeptically, still refusing to meet your gaze.
Her attention turned to a portrait of you and Elena, her eyes fixated upon it. "You're growing soft, Charlatan," she hissed, her words like venom. Bewildered, you raised your head, furrowing your eyebrows in protest. "I haven't..." you began, but she abruptly shifted her focus, her face devoid of its usual mask.
A scowl etched across her features, her eyes piercing into your soul like a thousand daggers. With an explosive motion, she hurled the portrait against the wall, shattering the glass and splintering the frame. "She's corrupting you, my dear lup," she spat venomously, referring to Elena.
Drawing closer, she seized your cheeks in an iron grip, her fingers digging into your flesh. Holding your waist, she pressed her lips against yours with a mixture of urgency and aggression—an expression of her seething anger. As you reciprocated the kiss, her hand slid from your cheeks to the back of your head, deepening the connection.
When she finally released your lips, your faces remained in close proximity. Opening your eyes, you beheld her, her eyes shut and her mouth slightly parted. With a heavy sigh, you rested your head against her shoulder.
This had become the routine in your life for years on end—an existence where you served as her plaything, a tool to further her control over the village, and a source of pleasure. Strangely, you found solace in this twisted dynamic, as if it were the only reality you deserved.
In your eyes, she was perfection incarnate. And despite yearning to build a life with her, to bring back her daughter and create a genuine family, you were painfully aware that such dreams were forbidden.
Because, in the end, you were nothing more than an experiment—a used tool, a discarded plaything.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
You Kept Your Promise
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: After spending the day in each others arms binge-watching movies, Y/N and Natasha fall asleep with smiles on their faces. But when Natasha gets an urgent call in the middle of the night, she has to live up to her promise to protect Y/N.
Word Count: 4,856
Warnings: Car accident | Mentions of blood
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Natasha's POV:
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside. Taking my time with opening my eyes, I could tell that it was fairly early in the morning considering how the sun was only partially up.
I turned my head to look at the clock that sat on my nightstand, it read 7:12 am. My body fell into the routine of waking me up around this time because I liked to have an early morning run. It helps me wake up and start the day feeling productive before going into work.
But today was one of the days where I didn't have to go into the compound. I could stay in the comfort of my own home with the love of my life. I looked down when I noticed the weight on top of me only to see Y/N sound asleep. Her head laid in the crook of my neck, her legs tangled with mine.
She looked so peaceful when she slept. I could feel her breath on my neck. Her eyelashes tickled her cheeks and I smiled to myself when she tried to shift closer to me, but didn't get very far since she was already practically on top of me.
I lifted my hand with the intention of moving it under her shirt to rub her bare back to lull her into an even deeper sleep, but that was all thrown out the window because when my hand made contact with her back, she began to stir.
Her eyes fluttered open, looking up at me with her mesmerizing Y/E/C irises. When saw me already gazing down at her, she shyly giggled.
"Good morning, detka. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." I said softly, continuing to rub her back.
"It's okay, Tasha. How long have you been up?" she mumbled, tiredly rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Not very long. Just a few minutes. We both have clear schedules today, so I was just gonna let you sleep." I told her.
She nodded her head and stretched her legs before relaxing in my arms again, "What did you want to do today? Did you already have plans?" she questioned.
"I was planning on spending all day in bed, cuddling with the girl that I love so damn much." I gently pushed her onto her back to hover over her and pepper kisses all across her face.
She laughed at my antics, letting me peck her face until I tried to connect our lips, "Nooo, I have morning breath." she turned her head, making me kiss her cheek instead.
I frowned when I missed her lips, "I couldn't care less, moya lyubov'." I responded, turning her head back so I could softly kiss her.
Relishing in the feeling of not only her lips on mine, but also the happiness I felt having her with me and being able to wake up to her everyday.
"I love you." she whispered when we pulled away.
I stroked her cheek with my thumb, "I love you more."
I pecked her lips one more time before rolling off of her, getting up to change into a pair of sweatpants and tank top.
"What does my princess want for breakfast, hm?" I asked, looking at her.
"You're going to make me breakfast?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Oh of course, darling. Wanda has been teaching me how to not set the kitchen on fire so I might as well use this opportunity to put my skills to the test, right?" I grinned at her.
"Wait so this means no more frozen food when you offer to make me something?" she teased, sitting up.
"Hopefully." I answered with a light chuckle, grabbing one of my hoodies out of the closet and helping her put it over her head.
I know she likes to wear my clothes on lazy days, so I don't even wait for her to ask anymore. I grabbed her hand, leading her out of our bedroom and into the kitchen.
"Anything you have a taste for?" I turned around from the cabinet to glance at her.
She hummed while thinking, "Can we have pancakes?" she asked with a grin.
"Pancakes it is." I declared, taking out all of the ingredient and utensils to make them. But when it was time to pour the ingredients into the bowl I paused, forgetting what the measurements were.
She noticed my hesitation and chuckled to herself a little, "Do you want some help?" she questioned, about to jump in and assist me.
"No no no, I got it. I'm making you breakfast for once, so you just sit there and look pretty." While I said the last part I lifted her up to sit her on the counter, giving her a kiss to emphasize my request.
She agreed and sat back while I threw random measurements of the ingredients into the bowl, beginning to stir. When the pan was heated up, I poured some of the batter in and waited for the bubbles to form on top like Wanda told me.
"So what did you wanna do after we eat?" I asked as I turned around to face her, but the second I did she was standing there blowing flour that was in her hand onto me.
She started giggling while I chuckled in shock, "You little-" I set the spatula down on the counter before starting to chase her around the kitchen.
We were laughing and she squealed when I caught up to her, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind to pull her back into me.
I began to tickle her and we playfully struggled like this for a few minutes until I spun her around and pressed her against the fridge with my hands holding her waist, catching her off guard by deeply kissing her.
Her breath hitched, but when she realized what was happening a second later she wrapped her arms around my neck and brought me closer. The kiss only lasted for a few moments before she pulled away to catch her breath.
I nuzzled my forehead against hers, "God I love you so much." I whispered and she pulled my head down by the back of my neck to connect our lips in another searing kiss.
My hands started to wander, moving under her shirt and circling her waist. But our moment was interrupted when she practically jumped out of her skin at the startling sound of the fire alarm. I looked towards the stove to see flames in the pan, smoke rising into the air.
"Shit shit shit-" I mumbled to myself, rushing over to move the pan off the burner trying to put out the fire.
Y/N ran to open a couple windows before grabbing a towel and standing on the counter to wave it under the smoke detector, attempting to get it to stop beeping.
I eventually got the fire out and the alarm stopped ringing. Even though the only thing that burned was the pancake, I still had a pout on my face because my girl was hungry and I just burned her food.
Y/N noticed my disappointed expression and walked over to give me a hug, wrapping her arms around my neck.
"It's okay, baby. We can just find something else to eat. It's not that big of a deal." she reassured me while I let my hands rest on the small of her back.
I shook my head, "No, I'm still making you food. You don't have to worry about anything because I will figure this out."
I guess I was a little bit too determined to do this, but I didn't care.
"M'kay, but I hope you know I'm not eating that..." she trailed off with a chuckle, looking at the extremely overcooked pancake.
"That's not even my fault. You distracted me with that little stunt, and those perfect lips of yours." I whined.
"Okay, maybe I did. But you and I both know you're not really mad about it." she teased with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Just sit your cute butt back up there while I try this again." I playfully sighed, tapping her butt before starting to make another pancake.
After finally managing to make some edible pancakes for the both of us, we ate breakfast. Y/N had decided on binge-watching movies and cuddling the rest of the day which I had no objections to. I would never pass up a chance to have her in my arms.
Now that it was dark outside and the time was getting closer to 8:00 pm, I ordered dinner from her favorite place which just arrived. I made sure that her meal was exactly how she liked it before bringing the food into the living room where she was waiting for me on the couch with the film paused.
"Here you go, detka. You didn't have to stop the movie for me. We've seen this like ten times already." I spoke, putting the box of food on her lap and placing a quick kiss on her head.
"Don't be silly, Nat. This is your favorite part." she smiled as I took my previous spot on the couch beside her and she snuggled into my side.
"Alright, press play then." I chuckled and she pressed before we started to eat.
"Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python. Because I discovered he had a crush on me." I said the words along with the characters in the movie.
"You do that every time." she giggled.
"Because every time you laugh, and I like making you laugh." I swallowed a bite of food and then turned my head to kiss her temple.
We finished dinner and watched the rest of the movie while Y/N curled further into me. Laying her head on me, I wrapped my arms around her.
I was about to ask her what she wanted to watch next, but when I looked down she laying on my chest fast asleep. I looked at the clock which read 10:48.
"Y/N," I whispered to wake her up, but she didn't move a muscle.
"Come on, darling. We'll be more comfortable in our bed." I softly said, but once again she didn't move.
I smiled to myself, grabbing the remote to turn the tv off. I stood up, picking her up along with me. Carefully stepping over the blanket that fell off of us and onto the floor, I made my way to the bedroom.
I gently laid her down before climbing into bed too. She unconsciously moved closer to me, her head falling onto my shoulder. I pulled the blankets up, making sure that she was covered and then pulling her into my arms.
"Good night, dorogoy. I love you."
Later in the night, my eyes opened at the sound of my phone ringing on my bedside table. I quickly silenced it so it didn't wake Y/N, looking at the clock on the table. 1:16 am. Whoever was calling me at this time better have a good reason for it.
I glanced at the screen, and it was Steve. Sighing, I slipped out from under Y/N and walked out of the bedroom before answering the phone.
"What? Is it urgent?" I spoke in a hushed voice to not disturb my loves sleep.
"A little bit. The guys that Fury were tracking down were more than one step ahead of us. They've known we were looking for them this whole time. We received a recording from them saying that they have each one of our locations, and they’ll take us out one after the other. Fury needs all of us at the compound ASAP so we have everyone accounted for at all times. Bring Y/N too." he explained over the phone.
"Y/N? Why does she need to be involved in this?" I furrowed my eyebrows out of concern.
"It's just precaution. Y/N is close to you and he doesn't want them trying to use her against us. We don't know what these guys are planning to do. Clint is even taking his family to the safe house before coming here."
"How long is he expecting us to stay?" I asked.
"Not sure. I'd assume until we get them off our backs and this whole thing blows over."
I exhaled, peaking through the cracked open door to make sure she was still asleep, "Alright, we'll be there in a few." I responded before hanging up the phone.
I re-entered the bedroom and walked over to my side of the bed which was where Y/N was currently laying.
"Y/N, detka. Come on, wake up." I whispered, placing my hand on her hip to coax her awake.
"Hm." she murmured, half asleep.
"I know you don't want to wake up, darling, but we've got to go." I told her, and this made her open her eyes.
"What? What time is it, and where are we going?" she mumbled, sitting up.
"It's 1:20. I'll explain in more detail once we get in the car, but we're going to stay at the compound for a little bit, Fury's orders. We can pack some bags but we've got to be quick." I tried to speak in a calm voice to make her not panic.
We've been together for a while, so it's not unusual for her when I have to jump up and leave suddenly. But I've never had to bring her with me before, so this was different.
Okay, but why?" she spoke in a hesitant voice.
"I don't have much time to explain right now you just have to trust me, and you trust me right?" I asked, trying to comfort her.
She nodded her head. "Good. Now just pack some of your clothes, and I'll worry about everything else." I responded.
"Okay." she mumbled quietly.
I leaned in to press my lips to her forehead, letting them linger there for a few seconds before patting her thigh and standing up.
"Alright, let's go." I said and we both changed out of our pajamas, I obviously had to put on my leather jacket that was hung up on the closet door.
As she stuffed clothes into a duffel bag, I made sure my gun was loaded before putting it in my pocket and packing some of my own clothes.
When we were ready I carried the bags out to our white Lada Niva, putting them in the trunk. She got in the passengers seat while I got in the drivers.
"Nat, can you tell me what's happening now?" she said while buckling her seatbelt.
I exhaled, "We made a mistake when tracking down these people, and now they're tracking us. They know where everyone on the team is, and Fury thinks it'll be safer if we're all together. I needed to bring you with me so they don't try to do anything to you."
"They're coming after us?" she sounded nervous.
"We don't know who they're targeting first which is why we're staying at the compound for a little bit. So we're not alone." I buckled my own seat belt and started the car.
"What're they going to do when they get to us? Are they gonna hurt you?" her voice wavered.
I sighed, putting my hand on the side of her face to stroke her cheek, "I don't know, moya lyubov'. But if they try you know I can handle them."
"I'm scared." she confessed.
"I know. I know you're scared, baby. But I've got you, okay? You know i'll never let anything happen to you, yeah?" I spoke in a soft voice.
She nodded her head before looking down. I moved my hand from her cheek, tilting her chin back to look at me so I could lean in and gently kiss her lips.
I knew we really needed to get on the road, but I couldn't move forward with anything else knowing how afraid she felt with how sudden and quick all of this was happening. I had to take a few minutes to comfort and talk to her.
I let her choose when to break the kiss, not wanting to pull away until she was ready so I knew that she was okay.
"I love you, detka." I said against her lips when she pulled away, gazing into her eyes
"I love you too, Nat." she whispered.
At that, I settled into my seat and took the car out of park. The ride to the compound was a little over half hour since she and I bought a small little house in a more rural area.
But the whole drive, I kept one hand on the wheel while holding her hand with my other. I got her to talk about other things to take her mind off the situation.
As she started talking about what she hoped to cook with Wanda, my eyebrows slightly furrowed when I noticed a van make the same turn as us once again. I readjusted the rear view mirror to get a better look.
Considering how late at night it is there are barely any cars out on the roads right now, and it's been behind us for the past few minutes. So now I'm beginning to think it's not just a coincidence.
I continued to nod my head and hum, listening to what Y/N was saying I didn't worry her while making one last wrong turn to which the van also followed.
At this point, it was clear to me that the van was following us. I took my hand out of Y/N's momentarily so that I could reach under the seat and press the emergency button.
There was one in every team members vehicle so that it would subtly alert the rest of them that help was needed. But just a couple seconds later I looked into the rear view mirror, and the van was no longer there.
I didn't know whether to relax or stress more, so I just kept driving on the route to the compound while staying alert. I tried to keep Y/N distracted, but it didn’t last very long.
As we reached the bridge that would take us across the water, out of the side-mirror I saw something fly under the car, and then I heard the explosion.
I felt the sudden wave of heat and the cuts piercing through my skin from the windows shattering. The car flew into the air, rolling over multiple times before crashing into the guardrails, the front of it hanging over the bridge.
"Fuck-" I whispered to myself, lifting my head from where it limply hung forward when the car came to a stop.
I glimpsed out my window, checking to see if what caused this was still there. But even after looking out of the passenger window, I saw nothing. What I did see was that the explosion damaged the main structure of the bridge, making it very unstable.
Looking over at Y/N, she was still conscious but in shock. I could see the pieces of shattered glass in her hair and on her clothes, the bleeding cuts on her face.
"Shit, detka are you okay? What hurts? Tell me what hurts." I said, reaching over to cup her cheeks and wipe blood off her face.
"I-I'm okay, Nat. I'm-" she cut herself off, gasping in pain when she moved her leg.
I shifted my gaze down to see a big shard of glass piercing her thigh, "Oh god, okay. Don't take it out, leave it there because it's stopping the bleeding. I'm gonna get us out of this, it'll be okay."
When I unbuckled my seatbelt I fell forwarded into the dashboard, causing the car to rock more. We both let out a shriek at the sudden motion, and I cursed myself for causing her more fear in a situation like this.
I quickly realized that the only way out was through the shattered rear windshield since the front of the car was hanging over the bridge.
“I’m gonna climb over the seats so I can get out through the back. Don’t move I’m gonna get you out after, alright?” she nodded her head and I kissed her forehead before carefully crawling over the center console, climbing out of the window.
I turned around, now focusing my attention on getting Y/N out, “Okay unbuckle your seatbelt and climb over the seat the same way I did, slowly though.” I called out.
She undid her seatbelt and started climbing over the center console just as I did, but the car suddenly shifted again, leaning further over the bridge. She yelped, slightly falling back.
“Come on, dorogoy. You’ve got it, move slowly.” I tried to calm her down.
She did as I told her, but the sound of a car engine caught my attention. I turned my head to see the same van that was following us earlier come to a stop at the end of the bridge.
I cursed under my breath. I couldn’t deal with these guys right now when Y/N is still in the car. I watched as the doors opened and at least ten people got out, stalking towards us.
In my head I was contemplating what to do, but I didn’t have to for very long because I recognized one of Clint’s trick arrows stunning a few of them.
Steve, Yelena, and Wanda also made themselves known by starting to attack them, giving me time to focus on Y/N.
When she got to the backseat she was now close enough for me to reach into the window and pull her through it. I set her on her feet, but she winced as the leg that had the shard of glass stuck in it gave out, and she collapsed into my arms.
“Oh I’ve got you. Here, get on my back.” I bent down so I could carry her on my back while she wrapped her legs around my waist, and her arms around my neck. I still held onto her, but if I needed to use my hands then I would be able to.
I didn’t really know where to go. I had to get Y/N out of here, but with everything going on around us there really wasn’t a safe place for me to take her until the team took care of those guys.
So I just resulted in getting off the bridge before she’s gets caught in the crossfire. But just as I started to move the car toppled over the bridge, and into the water.
The bridge was already unstable enough, so when this happened the bridge shifted tremendously causing me and everyone else to stumble over their feet. Already being close to the edge when I tripped, I fell over the bridge.
Out of instinct I threw my hands up and managed to grab onto a metal bar that was loosely hanging from the frame of it, Y/N was still holding onto me.
She shrieked out of fear and I grunted while struggling to hold on with both hands. I started to grab the edge of the bridge to pull us up, but it shifted once again before I got the chance.
This time it caused Y/N’s grip on me to falter, her arms and legs slipped from sound me. Before she could fall I took one hand off the bar to grab her hand, holding onto her for dear life.
I tried pulling her back up, but I struggled and my hand was slipping.
“Nat- Nat you have to let me go or we’re both gonna fall.” she stuttered out, but I ignored her words.
Letting go was never an option in my mind. It never would be.
I mustered up as much strength as I could and started to pull her up once more, grunting through gritted teeth. I managed to lift her up enough for her to be able to latch onto my back once again, wrapping her arms around neck and her legs around my waist.
I put my held onto the bar with two hands again, but before I did anything I saw Clint’s head peeking over the edge out of the corner of my eye.
My eyes widened in relief, “Clint, pull us up!” I yelled and he ran over to where we were, giving me his hand and he pulled us back onto the bridge.
I laid there for a second to catch my breath before standing up, helping Y/N up too. I looked around and saw the people that they were fighting spread out on the ground unconscious.
A voice and a hand on my shoulder pulled me out of the thoughts, “Come on, the cars are over here.” Clint said with a small smile.
I nodded my head, picking Y/N up bridal style and following the team to the cars. When we arrived at the compound I took Y/N to the medbay to get her leg looked at by Bruce.
We were there for about an hour as he removed the glass and stitched her up, then I was able to bring her back to my room that I rarely used anymore since I moved out of the compound.
We borrowed extra clothes and changed into them, finally being able to rest in bed. I laid on my back and wrapped an arm around her while she cuddled into my side.
The room was comfortably silent until I spoke up, wanting to talk about something that was on my mind, “Why did you choose me?”
She looked up at me with a slight frown, “What do you mean?”
“This isn’t the life you deserve. Having to flee from your house in the middle of the night is not the ideal life. You deserve someone who has to protect you from the cold weather outside during winter, not from people who are actively trying to kill you. And someone who’ll propose to you with the biggest diamond ring in existence. I can’t give you any of that Y/N.” I told her, staring at the ceiling.
She lightly chuckled, “Natasha if you’re worried about money and material things, I’d marry you with paper rings for all I care. And as for the rest of it, I knew what came with your job. I knew what you did was dangerous, but I still yes when you asked me to be your girlfriend because I love you. I can’t imagine being with anyone else because you are the life that I want.”
I finally looked down at her, “I just hated seeing you hurt.” I whispered, my eyes glossing over.
“Oh, Nat-” she began, sitting up on her elbow to look into my eyes and wipe away a tear that escaped with her thumb, I kept my arm around her waist.
“Before all of this happened you promised that you would protect me, and you did. There’s only so much you can do to prevent things from happening entirely, but you got us out of the situation. You literally hoisted me up onto your back with the strength of one arm while holding on for the both of us.” she smiled at me.
“Yeah, I guess Steve’s ridiculous and unreasonable workouts have a reason after all.” I chuckled.
“See?” she smiled.
“And here we are now. Laying in bed, me in your arms, safe and sound. You kept your promise.” she whispered the last sentence, dropping her forehead onto mine.
I closed my eyes inhaling her comforting scent, “Well I’d be a terrible girlfriend if I broke it.” I joked with a grin.
“Yeah, you would.” she teased.
I smiled, lifting my head off the pillow to capture her lips in a passionate kiss. Her soft hands came up to cup my face, mine stayed on her waist and the small of her back.
After all that happened I didn’t want to pull away, ever. I still couldn’t understand why a sweet, gentle girl like her would want to be with someone like me. But if it was what she wanted, then I would happily oblige and keep her safe with me.
“I love you.” she whispered when she pulled away.
My hand came up to caress the side of her face, “I love you more.” I said against her lips.
She laid back down, curling into my side and laying her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her in a protective manner, planning on falling asleep after I knew she did.
But I still had one thing on my mind.
“You would really marry me with paper rings?” I curiously questioned.
I felt her chuckle, “Of course, Nat.” she responded, I could hear the tiredness in her voice before she let herself start to fall asleep.
“Good to know.”
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divine0rdainment · 3 months
SNEAK PEAK in to Operation Replace Lilith
(not the full chapter, just a few paragraphs. I will warn you, I'm keeping up Adam being a dick in this, so don't be surprised)
Chapter 1
Back to the Garden
The first thing Adam sees when he opens his eyes is the bright blue sky. He blinks and covers his eyes, groaning in pain. Fuck, where the hell was he? Wasn't he just in hell? With Lucifer and his bitch daughter…and then he felt…pain in his back and Lute was there…crying? Lute never cries. Why would she be…oh God!
He suddenly sat up and gasped, panic hitting him hard as he touched his chest looking down. And he sees, believe it or not, that he is naked. Weird. Why was he naked? And why did he have abs instead of his well earned beer belly?! He was also skinnier than he had been in a few hundred years, and without every single one of his scars. His chest hair was also greatly reduced, which, felt violating. His skin was even darker. He hadn't been tan since he became an executioner and started wearing his helmet and gloves. When the fuck had this happened? Where was he?!
His now Amber eyes gaze around the area and he sees he is resting on a patch of soft light green grass, in a small valley next to two large Bluffs on one side, a extending forest on the other, and in-between the two bluffs layed a small waterfall creating a beautifully perfect pond full of shimmering water, cleaner than he's seen in a millenia.
He gulped as he slowly came to remembered this place. His birth place, the clay from that river, and the dirt from this grass made him. In the literal sense. He was “Birthed” from this very patch of grass. And if he was here, then…so should she be.
His amber eyes turn to see golden hair sprayed out across the grass, The soft ivory skin almost glowed in the sunlight from above. Her eyes were closed, but Adam knew when she opened them, they would be a soft green color that matched the leaves that grow with wisteria flowers. And her voice would sound like that of the most beautiful song birds. Lilith. The woman who started it all, the woman who chose the Devil over him.
God above why?! Why was he here again?! Why was she?! Slowly he got to his feet and backed up from her in a panic. However, his legs were slightly weaker than he anticipated, and he fell backwards, groaning as his ass fell on the grass. On the upside, the grass here was softer than any grass you would find on earth. So it didn't hurt too bad.
“Fuck!" He groaned, not really in pain but the shock of falling still upset him. He looked down at the other and glaired at the woman as she opens her eyes at his yell of shock. The woman looked at him with her beautiful eyes. Eyes he had once thought he would happily look into for eternity. He was naive back then tho. He knew better now.
Her eyes were wider in Eden than they were last they met. They oddly matched her daughter's when she was this naive and innocent. He recognized them immediately when he first met Charlie at that meeting. Made him want to antagonize her and dismiss her. She was so bright and optimistic and full of hope…he hated it Because it reminded him of who Lilith used to be, but less…independent. And far less bratty too.
She slowly sits up, glancing over Adam, and after a moment, she spoke “I…I am Lilith…” she said, practicing her speech. She smiles and touched her lips, giggling. She did that the first time too, so amazed by her own voice. Fucking full of herself, or so Adam thought. Her voice wasn't THAT great. Yeah it was literally made by angels, but come on, there are BETTER ones. " I-i am Lilith the first woman!" She declared then leans closer to Adam, who quickly backed up against the grass. “Who are you?" She called. She had done this last time too. Curious and excited to be alive. He was too, he remembered. He thought she was the prettiest flower in the garden at one point. But that thought was long since died. It wasn't coming back now just because he's back at the begining. Fuck that.
“Adam…first man..” he grumbled, his tone showing his displeasure at ‘meeting’ her. He looked away from her and attempted to stand again. When he holds out his arms to make sure he doesn't fall, he sighs, stabilizing and then, when he is ready, starts walking towards the forest. Where was he going? He didn't really know. North, if he remembered right, towards the heaven entrance into the garden.
Lilith frowned, and tried to stand too. “W-wait! Where are you-" she stumbled and falls down, whinpering in pain as she put all her weight in her knees in the stumble. She couldn't get up fast enough to catch up with him. “A-Adam! Wait for me! Please!" But Adam didn't wait. Fuck that bitch, she can take care of herself. And so could he. She was always so independent after all, she didn't need him now. He needed to figure out what the ever loving fuck was going on!
(To see the rest you'll have to wait till I post ;)
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echantedtoon · 2 months
To Where The Hand Extends
(This is the promised raffle prize for @iron-embers. If Shinjuro comes out too ooc I apologize it's my first time writing him. Warnings for mentioned drinking and alcoholism concerning Shinjuro and mentioned death concerning Ruka. Hatomi belongs to iron-embers. I had to look.up so many japanese dishes lmao.)
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The day was beautiful this morning.
With the sunlight sinking into the room through the window as the ball of light was nearing to setting within a few hours. The birds singing outside. Beautiful fresh smelling air. Beautiful visions of nature right outside of you looked. A bright blue sky. Fluffy white clouds. Yellow sun. Flowers of every color. Green plants everywhere. Trees providing shade as the wind rolled by. A little blue pond in the distance full of fish.
An absolute picture perfect scene for what could very much be a good day. Nothing in the world to worry about. Nothing to do. Just peaceful quiet and nature. It's why she left most of the windows and doors leading to the outside open today it could get rather stuffy inside. The gentle noises of dishes being moved about the kitchen area along with the distant sounds of a few pots bubbling away on the furnace. The heavy smells of delicious spices and not quite done yet rice lingered in the air before wafting out the mentioned open windows and doors. Small footsteps ran out from up the side hall and the chef knew without even looking around that a pair of eyes had found their curiosity wondering into the kitchen.
"HUNGRY!," A loud voice declared out.
"You're going to have to be patient now.  Food doesn't make itself."
"What we having?!"
"Miso soup and onigiri."
A small chubby face scrunched up in protest. "Soup again?"
"There's leftover ochazuke from lunch if you don't want what I'm making for dinner," her calm voice replied back despite the smile that still plagued her features. Petite hands reached out to grab a potato while the other held up a sharp cutting knife above the chopping board. "And we're having all the leftovers tomorrow night. We don't waste food around here."
"Can't I have some momiji instead?"
Her eyes turned, head looking over her shoulder. Potato sternly pointed out to seven year old pouting in the doorway. "You're not getting any sweets unless you eat something healthy young man. It'll spoil your appetite and give you a stomachache and it's not healthy."
His response was to pout more buuuut his mad face only made him look like an adorable chubby hamster. "That's an old wives tale! Just like saying the Boogeyman is gonna come out of the closet if I don't sleep."
"My answer is still no. Now go wash up. If you don't eat anything good you won't be getting desert and that's that." 
Softer but heavier sounding footsteps came down the same hallway just as the first fiery haired and eyed boy stomped away as all upset children do and second later a second child stood in the doorway. He was a perfect mirror copy of the first boy only older by about six years at thirteen years old and he was smiling instead of pouting like his baby brother. Kyojuro always seemed to be smiling to be honest and it was no exception for when he curiously watched his brother go before looking back on her.
"What was that all about?"
Her smile never left as she went back to what she was doing before, trying to chop up this potato. "He's upset with me for not giving him dessert on demand." The sounds of chopping filled the air as the knife easily sliced through the potato at last. "Although he does seem a little crankier than he was a little while ago. I wonder why."
"Oh...It was Father actually."
The hands paused in their movements. Knife resting between two potato slices as her head turned back to him. Blinking wide eyed before a sigh left through her nose and a frown settled upon her face. Oh. Their father.
"Oh, I see. ..What happened?"
His orange eyes sadly looked at his shuffling feet. "W-Well.. There's a festival in town A-And we wanted to go bu-bu-but...Father said it was a waste of time."
"Oh..Well I'm sure he didn't mean it like that. He's probably just tired and cranky right now."
"No. He always says no. Every year...he doesn't like it when we ask him." Young eyes suddenly lit up in a pleased idea as he looked at her in a gasp and clenched his fists in excitement. "I know! Can you take us instead!?"
She blinked at him but couldn't help but smile at the cute face he made while all hopeful. "You want me to take you? Really?"
"Uh huh! You're really nice and responsible and he thinks you're really pretty so of course he'll say yes!" He ended that surprising sentence by throwing his hands up. "So will you ask him?!"
Her eyes blinked again slightly surprised. "Pretty? I doubt that."
"But you are pretty, Ms. Hatomi! You're about as pretty looking as a sweet potato!"
His sentence made her giggle again as she shook her head. "Well thank you. I'm glad you think so."
"So you'll ask?!"
"Alright. I'll ask him when dinner's ready. For now go wash up with Senjuro-"
A rush to her legs made her look down as two arms wrapped around her waist in a tight hug as Kyojuro hugged her tightly. "Thanks, Ms. Hatomi! You're the nicest person ever!"
Her smile didn't wain as she patted the top of the young boy's head. "Thank you. Now off you go. Food is almost ready."
Soft footsteps echoed throughout the hall. The delicious smells of the food in her hands on the tray. The soup in the bowl sloshing around slightly with each sway from her steps through the late evening. There was still plenty of light outside but it was nearer to sunset now about maybe one or two hours away. Hey that didn't stop her from walking down the hall and stopping in front of the one door in particular. One she's already visited two times today to deliver breakfast and lunch. Carefully balancing the tray into one arm, she reached out her other hand to knock on the door just loud enough to get anyone inside's attention.
"Master Rengoku-san? I brought you dinner. Can I come in?"
If no one answered then that meant he was passed out again in which case she'd just leave the food by the door and come back later, however a loud grunt from inside gave her all the go ahead she needed to use a foot and slide the door just enough to peek in first.
The room was dark inside despite the sun still being out. She saw why when her eyes saw the shutters still closed tightly on the windows and the only source of light being the crack in the doorway and a single candle lit on a table in the far corner.
"What is it? Can't you see I'm busy!"
Silvery light collided with the dancing gold of the flame in a beautiful glow making shadows dance against the walls and furniture. Reflection beaming off eyes unblinking within the strange alluring mixture of darkness and lights. The motions of writing ceasing in their motions completely and the emotions taking over. The one whom was working stopping to set the feather back onto it's rightful pedestal and sitting there unblinking. The one who had the emotions stirring around from his mind and down to his heart. Those eyes turned slowly, head turning to the doorway behind him as he sat as his table. The area behind him was dark, and almost hard to see but he saw what the eyes were searching for. Her head peeking in through the doorway and staring back to the man sitting on the pillow in the otherwise dark and silent room.
The master of the entire Rengoku estate. Sitting there with paperwork of some kind unfinished in front of him and a tired look to his face as she quietly shuffled in  holding up the food tray in her hands.
"I brought you dinner, Sir." Nevermind she already told him once outside the door. "I figured you might be hungry by now."
Fiery eyes seemed to glow in the dark as they eyed her..and then the tray in her hands before turning back to stare blankly at the unfinished papers. "Bring it in then."
She smiled walking in with the tray gently over to where she had left the last tray taking note of how it was empty now with the dishes from that lunch being left on top. That's good. That meant he was eating today and filling his stomach with something other than the sake that was usually seen around him. He paid no attention to her as she gently slid the old one away from his side and replaced it with the newer one filled with the delicious smelling good. And despite himself, she caught his head tilting slightly towards it. Good. He was showing more interest in eating again. That fact alone made her smile.
"What is it?", he bluntly asked.
"Miso soup and onigiri. I figured it'd be a nice day to have onigiri since a festival is going on in the next town over," she answered just picking up the tray.
"Is that right?"
"Mm hm...You know Kyojuro was just telling me about it today. I was told there's going to be a Kabuki theater there. It sounds like fun."
"Did that boy of mine put you up to this? If you're here to try and get me to change my mind then you can forget it!" A finger harshly jabbed down into the wood of the table. "Those two are staying HERE where they belong and studying until I decide they're improving!"
"No one put me up to anything." Maybe it was the matter of fact way she spoke of the fact she didn't react to his anger at all but he was taken off guard every time she looked at him like that. The silent calm stare that was both full of disapproval and sadness at the same time. "I was only stating that it sounded like fun. After all  everyone has need for a break sometimes."
"And sometimes someone needs discipline to make them learn."
"And sometimes someone can push someone else so hard to do something so much of the time that they burn out."
He flinched. Hard.
"But that is only my opinions on what might happen to someone if that happened, not that it is happening to anyone else I know." Her body bowed at the middle before turning her body. "I'll come back in a few hours to see if you're done eating."
"... Where's this dam festival at anyways?" 
She paused in the middle of stepping away, head turning back to him but he didn't look up from the papers on the table in front of him. 
"Just in the next town over. It's not even an hour away."
".....I want EVERYONE inside before any sunlight disappears. I do not care what any of those boys have to say."
It was curt, blunt, rude, and with a small time limit for fun...But that was a yes. An actual yes without even saying yes.
She nodded. "Of course. We do that every night." She went to leave aga-
"The lunch you made me."
"Was it too much? I can make the portions smaller if you prefer or maybe you didn't like how I made it?"
There was a long moment of silence between the two of them but she couldn't leave until he finished talking to her. He remained silent sitting there still not looking at her.
"..It tasted good. It could use s-..some more salt but it was fine."
She could not see his face otherwise perhaps she might've seen the way a pink hue coated his features and thank goodness for the dark or else she might've seen the glow to his ears. Instead she blinked slightly in surprise... before smiling wider.
"Then I'll be sure to add some more salt next time I make that dish."
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prythianpages · 11 months
ACOSM | The Night of her 18th Birthday
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azriel x rhysand's sister (oc)
warnings: fluff, some angst, some crumbs of Az trying to hide his feelings/attraction
summary: It is Valeria's birthday and while she is happy to celebrate with her loved ones, she can't help but notice her father's absence.
A/N: this is an imagine among my collection of imagines that follow Rhysand's sister, Valeria. while I'm still working on them, you can find the masterlist for it here. I can't wait to for the next imagines because things are about to get more angsty (;
also, idk what the legal age of drinking is in prythian so let's just pretend it's 18 lol
Underneath the expansive, airy arches of the House of Wind, laughter and celebration sounded from within. Valeria's birthday was a special occasion, and her loved ones had gathered to make it unforgettable. Rhysand, her devoted brother, had gone all out to arrange a wonderful celebration.
The long table was adorned with colorful streamers, balloons, and a delicious spread of food and desserts. Valeria sat at the head, a radiant smile gracing her face as she looked at the group of people who meant the world to her—her mother, brother, Azriel, Cassian, Tanwyn, Mor, and Mallory.
Perched atop her shoulder was Noctis, her dear bird, nestled comfortably underneath the warmth of Valeria’s wing. 
Valeria donned a stunning dress, a thoughtful gift from her mother. The garment exuded elegance and enchantment, a hallmark of her mother’s designs. Its fabric flowed gracefully, draping over her figure in a flattering manner. The dress was a deep black color with sheer long sleeves, giving off a sense of both modesty and sophistication. But in contrast to the sleeves, the dress also featured a daring deep V-cut at its center, teasingly revealing a glimpse of her chest.
Valeria paired the dress with a fine silver necklace that followed the dress’s cut. It accentuated the bold design, the amethyst jewel resting between her breasts. A delicate silver crown, resembling the phases of the moon, acted as a headband, pulling back her long dark hair, parts of which were delicately braided.
Valeria was undeniably a mesmerizing vision, a goddess of night blessed by the moon herself. A goddess that Azriel would happily kneel down before and worship. The very sight of her left him breathless, her beauty captivating him from the moment he laid eyes on her. Even his shadows seemed to gasp in awe, whispering in his ear chants of a simple word. A word that they seemed to use exclusively just for Valeria.
Azriel summoned all of his willpower to divert his gaze from Valeria, anxious that anyone–especially Rhysand–might catch on to his longing stare. He shifted his gaze to the glass held in his hands instead.
But he was not discreet enough.
His actions caught the keen eyes of Lady Yvaine, who recognized the intensity in his eyes…a look reminiscent of how the High Lord of the Night Court, her mate, gazed at her.
Cassian, the embodiment of charm and playfulness, grinned at Valeria, pulling Lady Yvaine’s eyes from the Shadowsinger. "Happy Birthday, Valeria! May your day be as radiant as the stars."
Mor chimed in, lifting her glass in a toast, "To Valeria, who has officially reached the age to go out and drink—legally, of course." Her grin widened, undeterred by Lady Yvaine's disapproving head shake. "The next time we're all in Velaris, we're going to Rita's. I’ve been aching to go, but it's only fun with the right company."
Valeria nodded at Mor's suggestion. She was eager to join her cousin in her nightly endeavors, already promising Mallory that she would help her sneak out for the occasion as she had done so tonight. Rhysand, ever the protective brother, rolled his eyes, well aware that he'd need to keep a watchful eye on both his mischievous cousin and sister. He didn't miss the look his mother sent him, sharing the same sentiment.
"Alright," Lady Yvaine declared, placing the cake she had spent all morning baking and decorating onto the dinner table. It was a beautiful cake, decorated with white frosting and hints of lavender.
"It's time for cake!"
Valeria smiled as they all began to sing to her. Yet, when Azriel's gaze fell upon her, he sensed that something was off. Her smile didn't quite reach her eyes—the usual spark and stars that danced within them seemed dimmed. 
Amidst the celebration, Valeria found herself seeking a moment of respite on the balcony, the cool night air a welcome contrast to the bustling activity indoors. Noctis had left her, choosing to rest on top of Cassian’s head despite his initial protests. Leaning against the railing, she let out a sigh, trying to escape the shadows of sadness that lingered in her heart. 
She felt the presence of another join her at her side.
“What troubles you, my little star?”
"He’s ashamed of me, isn't he?" Valeria's voice trembled with sadness as she finally voiced her fears, referring to her absent father. It had been gnawing at her since the night she dropped her mother off in Velaris with Rhysand, which was a couple of nights ago. “Or maybe he hates me?”
Her mother put a gentle hand on Valeria's shoulder. She longed to provide reassurance to Valeria, but unfortunately, her father held a deep-seated resentment towards her since the night of her birth. The High Lord did not regard that night as the birth of his daughter, but rather as the night he almost lost his mate. It pained Lady Yvaine deeply to witness the division within her own family, torn between her love for Valeria and her mate.
Tears welled up in Valeria's eyes as she wrestled with her emotions. "I just wish he could see who I'm becoming and be proud of me."
A tender smile touched her mother's lips as she wiped a tear from Valeria's cheek. "As long as I'm alive, you'll always have someone who is proud of you."
Valeria found comfort in her mother's words and embraced her, grateful for the unconditional love and support. They stood there for a moment, wrapped in each other's arms.
Their heartfelt moment was interrupted by a loud crash from inside. Startled, they both turned to see Cassian, looking sheepish, standing amidst the wreckage of a toppled shelf while Tanwyn attempted to salvage what was left of it.
Valeria and her mother burst into laughter, the genuine mirth chasing away the somber mood.
Tag list: @justrepostandlove @kemillyfreitas @thelov3lybookworm
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ashoss · 4 months
Hii!! This is waterunderthebridge12, I just stumbled across your art of The Robin Declaration and it made my entire week <3333. I love Duke so much and I'm so glad there are others who love him too!!! I would love if you dropped your Duke-centric fic recs, I've only read a few good ones (that aren't just him being an outsider) so any recs are appreciated!
oh my god! hii! im so glad u liked the silly little doodle lol i would love to do an actual drawing for either The Robin Generation or the Robin Declaration !! they were such fun reads and i absolutely adored the way you portrayed all of them <33
unfortunately i dont really have a lot of duke-centric fics but i have a couple!
duke & jason, pre-WAR and signal
15.8k words, 4 chapters (unfinished)
"Let it be known that I completely detest the implications of what this situation is mirroring," Red Hood grumbles to himself and it's the longest string of words Duke has heard from any so-called Gotham vigilante, let alone the one who's known for shooting more than he is talking. "The fuck?" Duke mutters, because if he's already going to die, he might as well try and make sense of it. "I'm not going to care about whatever sob story you have," is what Red Hood replies with instead of explaining, "Where are your parents?" "Gone," is all Duke says, because it's really none of this guy's business. It's also the truth. Somehow, Red Hood sounds even more anguished about this information than Duke is, "Ah shit." (Duke steals the tires off Red Hood's bike and somehow gains a family.)
duke & bruce, duke & batfam
9k words, 3 words (unfinished)
A series of Duke Thomas centric works, mostly featuring his growing relationship with his new kind-of-dad-boss-friend, Bruce Wayne.
Keep Your Head, Your Backbone, and Your Heart by MrMich
duke & tim, alfred, bruce
54k words, 6 chapters
The last thing that Duke expected on what was supposed to be just a regular patrol was being suddenly thrown five years into the past, coming face to face with a darker, more violent Batman than the one he knew, a broken family, and a Tim who was a foot shorter than Duke, and not even Robin yet.
A silent shadow flitted past him, just barely visible on the cave walls. He went rigid, tracking the shadow in the corner of his vision. And then he dropped to the floor, just in time, as a familiar black gloved fist passed overhead. He just barely missed being hit by the punishing blow that would have landed right on his temple for a sure concussion if he hadn’t dodged. “Batman?” Duke yelled. He somersaulted forward, just barely avoiding another strike. “B, what are you doing?!” “Who are you,” came the growled response. A shiver crawled down Duke’s spine at the grim hostility in Batman’s voice that promised violence, and something tightened in the back of his throat.
Family-- by incorrectbatfam
duke & batfam
3.3k words, 1 chapter
“Your assignment over the weekend is to write a poem about your family.”
Strange Bedfellows by snackbaskets
duke & steph & jason
2.7k words, 1 chapter
Little known fact about bats: they're AWFUL at sleeping alone. At least, the ones in the Manor seem to be, if the half-conscious kind-of-maybe siblings using Duke as a body pillow are any indication. When did he sign up for this?
Ghosts Of The Past by PlatitudinalTeen
duke & martha, thomas, duke & bruce
7.2k words, 1 chapter
Shortly after moving into Wayne manor, Duke discovers he can commune with the dead when his grandparents, Thomas and Martha Wayne begin to accidentally haunt him. ------- "No powers?" Duke repeated, even more confused as he tried to recall everything he had ever heard about Ghosts. "So, you can't possess anyone or make the lights flicker? What about telekinesis and all the other scary stuff from the books and movies?" "Those things can only be achieved by malicious spirits, dear," Martha told him. "We may be ghosts, but we aren't vengeful." They had made peace with their deaths, and even if they were still tied to the manor, it was exactly where they wanted to be. Thomas chuckled. "Yes, that's more of our son's department," he quipped, using his fingers to mimic Batman's ears. "Vengeance is a young man's game, really."
Starshine by zodarii_dae
duke & bruce, reverse robins
3.6k words, 1 chapter
Duke Thomas is a Gothamite, through and through. There’s not a lot he knows for certain, but he knows that the bagels are great, that Bruce Wayne is stupid rich, and that Batman will always protect him. That’s just how it is. So when Batman promises to bring him to his family, he believes him. Neither of them expected it to happen quite the way it did, but it all works out for the best. Or How Duke loses his parents, gains a new family, and becomes a vigilante- in that order, with some stuff in between.
necessary reminders by Quillium
duke & batfam
5.2k words, 1 chapter
Duke, as Signal becomes known and as Duke becomes part of the Wayne family.
*ao3 acc needed
hope you enjoy !!!
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