#but if i remove i'll be in even more pain
grandline-fics · 8 hours
Could you please write a gn reader with Crocodile, Kid and Buggy hurting them while controlled?
DESCRIPTION: They hurt you while controlled by a devil fruit
WARNINGS: angst, descriptions of injury, hurt to comfort
CHARACTERS: Zoro, Law, Shanks, Mihawk | Luffy, Ace, Sabo | Crocodile, Kid
WORDS: 1,946
A/N: Thank you for requesting! This seems to be a popular request. I mean who doesn't love some hurt/comfort themed angst. Only managed to get something thought up for with Crocodile and Kid. I'll get one for Buggy done soon and include it with one of the other characters requested. Hope you like what I came up with!
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Crocodile was never a stranger to violence or bloodlust when the fighting got intense but this was intense. This was all consuming and possessive, this anger and desire to obliterate anything and everything in his path took hold of him so fiercely. In the haze he was faintly aware of voices calling for him, trying to appeal to his better nature, urging him to calm before he hurt those he was allied with but he didn’t listen, part of him didn’t want to listen. It had been a while since he got to truly go all out like this. Slowly he felt the violent waves coursing through his blood begin to pull back and clarity began to return to his mind and then he felt the familiar warmth of your body against his. Crocodile looked down at you and for a moment it would have been easily mistaken for a soft embrace between you both. 
However as he came to his senses he finally saw the hazy, unfocused look in your pained eyes and felt the slowly dampening of his shirt cuff that met the base of his hook. The sense of dread that overcame Crocodile felt so much worse and far more intense than his earlier rush of unexplained savagery. He could hear the slow almost rhythmic dripping of your blood hitting the ground and it mixed painfully with your struggled breaths, weak and thready. He moved to get a better look only to stop when your shaking hand touched his cheek. Crocodile reluctantly met your gaze and tensed to see you let out a shuddering sigh of relief and your trembling lips fell into smile. “Cr…croc…y-you’re back. Good.”
Good? Good?! Even now you were concerned for him? It seemed as though you had forced yourself to stay conscious long enough to ensure he’d returned to his usual self because as soon as you’d confirmed it your already weakened body slumped against his, completely unconscious. Immediately Crocodile sprung into action, barking commands for any and all those around him to clean up the destruction he’d caused while those that had medical training saw to you first and any others he’d hurt second. You were his priority. When he’d safely transferred you to the care of the medics while also having to remove his hook from his arm he turned to those he trusted most to explain what had happened. 
It turned out someone from his past held a grudge fiercer than he’d given them credit for and sent one of their subordinates to deal with Crocodile for his past doings. While they had only been told to kill the former Warlord, the subordinate’s Devil Fruit had presented a much more enticing method to inflict Crocodile’s punishment. While disguised, they’d managed to get close enough to place Crocodile under their influence and command him to cause as much carnage as possible. The Devil Fruit user had been dealt with when they tried to escape Cross Guild but even then their power had a time limit and in that time, Crocodile had wrought destruction that only proved how fearsome a man he really was under the fine clothes and practiced patience your influence had formed in him over the years. 
Through the time you lay sleeping, Crocodile remained sat at his desk in the bedroom deciding to throw himself into the distraction of work while also remaining close. He still refused to reattach his hook. Every time he so much as looked at it, despite it having been cleaned and polished so intensely he could only see it still covered in your blood and it actually sickened him. Had it been anyone else he’d gored with his signature prosthetic he wouldn’t have bat an eye. Hell he didn’t even feel guilty about the others who’d been injured in his rampage, it was only how he nearly killed you that haunted him. He’d been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn’t notice you’d woken until you were trying to sit up in the bed. Immediately he dispersed his body into sand and was across the room in an instant. “Slowly, love. Just sit back and rest.”
“Where’s your hook?” You asked weakly, eyebrows pulling together in confusion as you let him coax you back against the propped up pillows. Crocodile studied your face carefully but the small scowl on his lips told you he wasn’t going to answer. “This has really shaken you, hasn’t it?”
“You’re the only thing that I’d consider that makes me vulnerable. To be the one responsible for this…” he paused to glanced down, knowing the severe injury now hidden by your clothes and bandages. “I suppose even I can be shakable in those circumstances.”
“I understand. Just don’t let it haunt you for too long, okay?” You asked, leaning in to his touch when his hand cupped your face gently. Crocodile took a long steadying breath and nodded, pulling his hand away from your face to reach into the inside of his coat and hesitantly pulled out his hook and into view. Through it all he watched your expression carefully in case the sight of it drew out your true subconscious feelings of fear over the fact this was the weapon that could have killed you. Instead you gently took it to assist reattaching it, smiling wide when it clicked into place. 
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“What’s happened now?!” You shouted over the high pitched shriek of Kid’s magnetic powers kicked into a fiercer frequency. You and the rest of the crew had engaged in a full scale battle that had been going smoothly. Your opponents weren’t pushovers but they weren’t exactly the strongest people you’d ever fought. It was enough to be fun and still break a slight sweat, the perfect balance you thought. Just as things seemed to have been winding down, Kid’s outburst of mounting power erupted as if from nowhere with no discernible reason why. You let out a gasp of shock and dodged just in time as a large shard of metal cut through the air. You looked to your second in command, the one who’d been closest to Kid through the fight. “Killer?!”
“Something’s up with Kid!” Killer shouted, also taking cover. “We took the bastard down but he got one last hit in. That’s when Kid started acting weird!” You took a chance and looked out from around the wall you’d ducked behind to see Kid’s face was completely unreadable but the overwhelming need for destruction and violence was suffocating. You’d experienced Kid at his angriest but this was something else entirely. Normally he’d get lost in the fight and yell but it unnerved you to hear nothing from him and see his usually burning gaze dulled and darkened. This wasn’t Kid. This wasn’t your Kid. Licking your dry lips, you tightened your hands into fists and wordlessly caught Killer’s attention once more. Silently you both seemed to have the same thought. With a firm nod you both broke out from your covers and acted.
Kid’s head was throbbing and his vision blurred as it slowly began to sharpen again. This felt like the world’s worst hangover combined with being hit with a full Marine ship. His limbs all but screamed in agony and he couldn’t shake the ringing in his ears. Dully he could make out the muffled yells of someone calling his name. In whoosh, his hearing snapped back to normal as Killer bellowed out his name. “Kid! Snap out of it before you kill them, please!” 
Looking over he saw Killer pinned against the wall, his blades magnetised to the surface and stopping him from breaking free. Confused about why his power would restrain his best friend he quickly broke it, watching Killer drop to his ground. The second he was free, Killer sped across the distance and barrelled hard into his Captain in the hopes of releasing his metal hand. Only now did Kid recall Killer’s yell and he looked down to see you lying at his feet. Horror filled Kid as he saw you bloodied and unconscious, your body being squeezed in his bulked metal hand. Immediately he let go of you and staggered back. No, this couldn’t be happening. How did this happen?
Through you time recovering Kid kept his distance. At first while you were unconscious and he knew you’d be okay with time he’d tried to force himself to act like this hadn’t affected him. The crew had reassured him that he wasn't to blame for any of it and on the outside he’d agreed but that first night when he went to check on your still sleeping form he all but broke down. Of what he could see of your body was flared with dark purple and your face was twisted in discomfort. Everyone in the ship had suffered horrible injuries in the past, that was nothing new and to be expected. As much as he tried to find reason behind it and use his bravado to seem like the same old Kid, he felt sick to his stomach at his actions. The guilt was unbearable and he couldn’t bring himself to be near you and was secretly glad you’d been put on the strictest bed rest until you were given a full all clear. Kid had planned to use that time to get his head on straight. Sadly it never came. 
Every night since that day he hurt you he was plagued with nightmares. Some just filled with the sight of your body crushed by his hand. Others took the already painful experience further and twisted it to the point he’d dreamt he’d killed you. The end was always the same, he’d wake with a gasp and drenched in a cold sweat unable to breathe. One night after waking from the nightmare he jumped at the sound of a knock at his door. Slowly he rose and opened the door only to freeze to see you standing there. “Y-you should be in bed. You’re still healing.”
“If anyone needs healing it’s you.” You told him softly, your eyes scanning his haunted expression sadly. When Kid opened his mouth to argue, you held up a hand to stop him, immediately he shut his mouth. You stepped into Kids room and took his hand in yours, leading him to his bed and making him lie down before you settled into the space beside him, curling up and settling your hand on his chest. Before you’d gotten hurt it wasn’t rare for you and Kid to nap together on the deck when the mornings were slow so you were both used to this position, even if being in his bed at night made things more intimate. Still you felt how tense he was and sighed. “What’s done is done and if I knew how this would have gone…I’d still have done what I did to try and save you. I only regret how much this is eating you up. Just focus on my breathing, Kid. I’m still alive. I’m here with you.”
“That nearly wasn’t the case. I almost killed you.” Kid felt the panic claw at his chest, this was the first time he’d spoken the words. The first time he’d spoken to you since…”I’m so sorry.”
“Shhh. Just sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.” Your voice was as warm as always, no hint of hatred for him in your tone. Reluctantly Kid settled his arm around you and closed his eyes, falling into the best night’s sleep he’d had in a long while with no more nightmares to haunt him.
TAG LIST (If I’ve missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf , @ane5e , @stuckinthewrongworld , @deathsmajestysworld , @cloudysunset04 , @extremely-ashtridic , @decayingpizza , @liesatemyocean , @ace-for-ace , @nerium-lil , @destynelseclipsa
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readerforexiao · 1 day
Ataraxy | 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ
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⌗ Wriothesley x Reader | Fluff, Romance, Established Relationship | tw: plot, light mentions of trauma, readers job was previously a healer, briefly implied abuse & dark past & ptsd, mention of a somewhat graphic injury/ies, same au as Sacrifice | wc: 4.5k |
⌗ A/n: i rushed and i hate it, but I'll get nowhere if i second guess everything, so yes this is all "writing practice" for me, especially dialogue bcs that's one of my weaker skills.
⌗ "And how could you not smile upon seeing life pour out from those truly deserving of happiness?”
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As the sun dipped toward the horizon, it bathed the sky in a warm, golden light, gradually shifting through hues of orange, pink, and purple. A gentle breeze whispered through the tall grass, swaying the blossoming fields of flowers in a soft, rhythmic dance.
The atmosphere was peaceful, undisturbed, until the soft murmur of their voices blended with the distant birdsong as they walked hand in hand along the winding pathways.
"Where are you taking me?" you asked, curiosity bubbling up as you felt the tickling sensation of what you assumed to be grass brushing against your legs.
"Somewhere," Wriothesley replied vaguely, pausing only for a moment to adjust your blindfold. "You can’t see anything, right?"
"Not a thing!" you answered, chuckling softly as you extended your hand free of his to the side, feeling the tips of grass graze your palm as you crossed the edge of the pathway. "But I can definitely feel long grass, so I’m guessing it’s─"
"Nothing!" he cleared, his voice rising a little higher than he intended before adding in a softer, more composed tone, "Dear"
“Alright, alright. It’s nothing, I shall assume no further” you teased, squeezing his hand as he resumed guiding you into the unknown.
After years of survival and constant fighting, the nightmares that shaped you had begun to fade when you settled into a quieter, more domestic lifestyle. Not to say the healing process happened overnight or that it would ever truly heal completely, but you'd be surprise how much of a difference the right company can make.
One small decision can change everything, but it's never without challenges.
Old habits die hard, as they say. Even now, despite knowing you were the safest with the man holding your hand, a deep instinctual memory of the times when you had been held down and robbed of your vision against your will surfaced, and subconsciously you fell back on those old instincts of paranoia.
Your ears sharpened to the sounds surrounding you, picking up the melodic chirping of birds, the rustle of grass, and the faint whistle of the breeze. The air carried the earthy scent of damp soil, the crisp freshness of dew-covered grass, and the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. You recognized the outdoors as instinctively as you recognized your lover's eyes in the dark. However, beyond that little knowledge, your awareness stopped there.
Still, with blind trust, you let him guide you, placing your heart in his weathered hands as though he held the gift of life itself.
You drew in a deep breath, silently pleading for your anxiety to settle— a battle you’d often lost. But this one time, against all odds, it listened and quieted itself as though it finally caves and realized it needed not fret when Wriothesley was by your side.
Wriothesley squeezed your entwined fingers in reassurance once again, and you couldn’t help but recall the night his smile first drew you in; the fateful night of your first encounter, when his body convulsed and rough screams tore from his throat as you removed several shards of metal and glass from his torso. As you wiped the sweat from his brow and patted it away from his chest, unable to stop yourself from flinching at the sight of the pain and exhaustion etched onto his beautiful face.
The second when your gaze collided with his and you met the muted shades in his eyes— though lacking vivid color— something about them infused your world with a vibrancy it had never known before. His warm smile, droopy and effortless in their gratitude, lulling a moment of distress into peace like you have never known all those times your hands soaked in blood.
“How much longer?” you asked, but certainly you had no desire to rush because each minute with him was a joy, a treasured experience. Every second adored and loved, and time be damned if ever you wished it to hurry and run away from you.
“Impatient, are we?” his low voice replied, and you could see the grin that was fixed on his face in your memory. “Just a little further.”
A hint of his excitement slipped through.
How could he restrain the childlike spirit that had been stolen from him when your hand was in his and your love within his heart?
And how could you not smile upon seeing life pour out from those truly deserving of happiness?
Thus, the anticipation mounted as you noticed the subtle shift in pace, curious about what could possibly make the Duke so eager to leave his work unfinished.
Soon, the space was filled with an eerie hollowness, and the sound of your shoes echoed as they crossed the rocks and puddles.
You froze, a shiver of subconscious fear running through you. Wriothesley paused to momentarily release your hand, hus absence startling you but not for a moment too long, and his arms were looping around your waist to bring you close.
"We're entering a cave," He informed, and your love for the man sunk deeper into your core.
It was the relief that came from his small act of thoughtfulness— the brief bit of information, the tone in which it was voiced, and the actions that followed it. His ability to compromise and his effort to balance his excitement and the secrecy while simultaneously reassuring you. It is something of such significance that lies beyond anyone's comprehension.
The chirping of birds gradually faded, replaced by a new muffled sound— an almost imperceptible trickling, like water.
As he neared the surprise he had arranged, Wriothesley stopped and untied the blindfold.
"Are we there yet?"
"Not even close, but almost.." He replied while parting the vines to reveal an entrance to the otherworldly beauty that awaited beyond, the scenery that stole your breath and left your heart momentarily still.
Every inch of the landscape was mesmerizing, as if untouched by time, raw and unfiltered.
You turned in slow circles and everywhere you faced yet another stunning detail unfolded— nature at its purest. You were encased within these naturally crafted walls of rock that made you feel safe and protected from the world outside, as if nothing could possibly reach you.
It was a place where the sun filtered in from above in a way that neither overshadowed the elements below nor diminished its own brilliance, and it's beams of light casting golden hues over the vibrant wildflowers that carpeted the patches of dirt.
A sight like this was bound to leave a lasting impression and how wonderful that it was a memory you would always associate with him.
"Wriothesley..." you whispered his name, breathless, and he swelled with pride.
"Too early to be speechless, sweetheart, there's more"
He led you carefully over the slippery rocks as the water roared beside you, and you couldn’t resist the urge to let your fingers dance through the cascading spray.
Wriothesley watched with delight as your face lit up with wonder and awe. He cherished the way simple things brought you joy, that he knew this would brighten your day. Simply put, Wriothesley loved that you loved him and that things like this could be shared with you.
Eventually, the path narrowed, forcing you both to move in single file, and for a brief moment, you were engulfed in the cool darkness of another cave. This time, no worries ladened your shoulders. You walked with an eagerness, anticipating what could possibly be an even better sight than the one you just saw.
You emerged into a small forest where the sunlight, mirroring the waterfalls, seeped through the thick canopy of trees above, shining dappled patches of light across the forest floor. The air now smelled of pine. The soft crunch of leaves and twigs underfoot as the distant hum of the waterfall fell behind you.
"Beautiful,” you muttered in absolute wonder, entranced by the passing trees and their distinctive appearances, the waving of their brances. Each root told a story while the sturdy bark that ascended into the sky provided shelter for countless animals over the years.
“How on earth did you find this place?"
“Believe it or not, I got lost"
You spared him a glance at his reply. "You.. got lost?"
"Is it hard to believe?" He cleared his throat. “Sometimes the best discoveries happen when you’re not exactly where you planned to be.”
You raised an eyebrow, “So, you were just wandering when you stumbled upon this place?”
"I mean-" Wriothesley hesitated, his mouth opening but then falling closed when the words slipped from his grasp before he could fully form them. He knew there was no point in trying to force the little lie, as innocent as it was, without solid ground beneath it— especially not one you’d believe. He was always confident, quick with his words, but when it came to you, the truth weighed heavier and excuses felt all the more shallow.
The idea of him having enough free time to leisurely explore Fontaine was laughable. With the recent surge in criminal activity and the flood of court cases, both he and Neuvillette had been neck-deep in work. The Fortress of Meropide was overrun with new inmates, and managing the prison had become even more of a balancing act.
“What will it cost me to convince you that I simply got distracted on my way to a pickup point?” he joked, though a hint of nervousness underlined his words.
“Being distracted while on the job doesn’t reflect well on you, Your Grace.” You crossed your arms, an amused smile tugging at your lips as you entertained his playful banter.
“I’ll have you know, I was actually on my lunch break.”
"You hardly leave the house even on your days off," you commented. "You expect me to believe you left the prison on your lunch break for a stroll and ended up getting lost? Your sense of direction may be poor, but i doubt it's that poor Wriothesley."
“Okay, maybe I didn’t get lost in the traditional sense,” he admitted.
"I seriously doubt you got lost at all"
"Can I keep it a secret?" He asked.
“Are you trying to hide something from me, Wriothesley?” you teased. “Did you meet a secret lover here or something?”
His brows furrowed as he shot you an incredulous look. “I'm highly offended. A secret lover? Really? Do you think I’d go gallivanting around with someone else when I could be here with you?”
“I’m just saying, it’s not every day you find yourself wandering in the woods during a workday. It raises questions!”
He shook his head, a smile forming on his mouth despite himself. “You’ve got quite the imagination, but I assure you, my only agenda was to see if this place had any potential for a date. Trust me, this is all about you,” he insisted.
“Then why not just tell me?” you challenged, your words laced with the stubbornness that stemmed from the worries you grappled with every day.
Wriothesley hesitated, and in that moment of hesitation, his gaze was drawn to a single wildflower, unique among the others, nestled between the roots of an old tree, its petals swaying wirh the breeze. When he suddenly stopped walking, you were left puzzled and even more so when he released your hand and turned his back to you. You watched as he crouched down silently, his movements hidden from view as his fingers brushed the cool earth, gently picking the flower he had been eyeing.
For a moment, he simply admired it, its soft colors a stark contrast to the ruggedness of his hand and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, thinking of how it paled in comparison to your beauty. Rising to his feet, he tucked the flower behind his back and returned to you.
"I know how much you tend to worry..." He held out a deep sapphire rose adorned with shimmering flecks of frozen ice. You had never seen anything like it despite visiting many places and encountering countless flowers; none compared to this one.
As you accepted the flower he offered, your fingers brushed during the exchange and you felt the coolness of his bare skin, unencumbered by gloves, gear, or gauntlets.
Your attempt at steadying your racing heart all but failed miserably.
"...And I would rather you enjoy our evening without fretting over how I stumbled upon this place.” You were focused on admiring the rose, still, you frowned at his words. "The phrasing of your words worry me, Wriothesley..."
"Do you not trust me, sweetheart?"
"I do," you said, fixing him with a serious gaze that matched your expression. "Just not with your own life"
Archons have mercy. He couldn't tell if they had blessed him or forsaken him for his heart thudded in a way it never had before, as if he were in the throes of a heart attack. It was a rhythm of emotion he had never experienced before you, and it both exhilarated and terrified him. How could you love him so fiercely, caring so deeply for a life he considered worthless and easily expendable?
Standing alone in the heart of the forest where you were surrounded by the curious gaze of a squirrel and its two tiny offspring, and three bunnies frolicking in the underbrush, their fur reminiscent of your favorite ice cream flavors: caramel, vanilla, and chocolate chip, the world came to a standstill. He thought the moment perfect, feeling as if he had all the time in the world and wished to remain as you were, regardless of the unanswered questions or the surprise he stayed late into the night after work to prepare for you. This was all he wanted: to hear your love confessed with his every breathing second.
"You've been reckless lately. I'm not sure if it's exhaustion or frustration, but I'm aware of the injuries you've tried to hide from me. You should know better than to think Sigewinne wouldn't snitch on you, " you chuckled.
"They were minor injuries," his hold on you tightened as he defended himself.
You flicked his nose.
"Minor? You dove off a cliff, got shot in the shoulder, sustained a knife wound in your thigh, and nearly crushed your other shoulder against a boulder! And how many times have you almost wrecked your gauntlets from punching too hard?"
"Correction, the bullet only grazed my shoulder."
"Oh, so that makes it better? Just a little love tap from a bullet, huh?" You snorted.
He rolled his eyes, but a smirk played on his lips.
You were in for a shock— he knew it would give you a heart attack if you learned that he stumbled upon this majestic place while chasing a few criminals near the waterfalls, ultimately, he had only caught the runaways after taking a tumble over the edge himself. The punishment for revealing such reckless behavior was far too great; he couldn’t bear the thought of enduring days of silence from you without a single kiss.
How did we get here? Wriothesley chuckled at the thought. This conversation was taking a turn completely opposite of what this trip was meant for, but of course he should have known better given your stubborn and caring nature.
You could read him like an open book, and impressively, you could do the same even when it was closed, knowing him so well that you didn't need to see the pages. You could recall chapter numbers along with its contents and even quote your favorite lines. You remembered every contour of the lines on his palms, just as you could recall each scar he bore and the stories behind them.
He cupped your face, grinning ear to ear.
"What's so funny?" you asked, narrowing your eyes at him.
"Just thinking about how much you care," he replied, feigning innocence.
"Care? I’m practically having a heart attack over here!" You exclaimed, your hands clenched into fists, but then you remembered the rose you were holding and eased up.
Wriothesley noticed and gently took it from you, tucking it safely behind your ear. “You’re right, and that’s why I can't tell you, it'll only worry you more. This trip was supposed to be about relaxation, not me giving you gray hairs.”
“Thoughtful and sweet, and I love you for making time to take me on dates, especially considering how busy you are...”
"But you're a crazy bastard, and however you stumbled upon this heavenly place is definitely a cause for concern."
'That’s exactly why I won’t tell you that I fell from the waterfalls and tumbled from that tree over there.' His smile quickly vanished, and his eyes widened as he realized he hadn’t kept that thought in his head like he’d meant to.
“Archons save me, my lover is a complete idiot!” you exclaimed, the frustration spilling out of you. He flinched at the sharpness of your voice, his playful demeanor shifting to one of mild concern.
“Okay, okay, I might’ve misjudged that one,” he admitted, raising his hands in a placating gesture. “But I’m here alive, aren't I!”
“Fine?” you echoed incredulously, throwing him a glare.
Wriothesley took a step closer as he tried to soothe you, not realizing he was digging his grave. “I didn't mean to worry you, my love. I needed to catch those criminals when things got a little... chaotic.”
“A little chaotic? You think falling from a waterfall and crashing into a tree is ‘a little chaotic’?"
You inhaled deeply, forcing yourself to calm down. "If you pull another stunt like that, I will tie you to that same damn tree.”
He raised a brow, “Oh really? You think you can keep me tied up?”
“I’ll find a way,” you shot back, trying to sound more assertive than you felt. “You may be strong, but I’m resourceful. Just imagine the look on your face when you realize you’re not getting away this time.”
Wriothesley chuckled, the sound warm and inviting. “I have to admit, the thought of you trying to tie me up is rather amusing."
"Talk more and see where that gets you, Wriothesley"
"I'm a yapper, sweetheart. Talking is my specialty"
ᯓ ✴︎˚。⋆
The path you walked wound gently out of the forest, branches brushing your shoulders as you distanced from its heart until the trees thinned, and the setting sun grew visible, spilling ahead into an open field to reveal a hidden clearing where the butterflies fluttered between the long glass, and a soft brisk of wind carried the scent of pollen through the air.
In the center stood a lone tree, its branches heavy with blossoms that seemed to sway in dance with the breeze.
You drank in the sight, breathing it in like the crisp air that filled your lungs, knowing you would leave this place with its image seared into your soul, never to fade.
Amidst the haven of colors and a great many unique fragrances, a cozy little picnic blanket lay spread out, surrounded by cushions and a spread of food from the basket.
The dainty glow of seelie lights strung between the branches, spilling its orange warmth below, and along the pathway you strolled, an entourage of fireflies escorted you.
Wriothesley grinned so widely his cheeks ached, and his eyes stung from not blinking—he couldn’t bear to miss a single second of your awe-struck expression.
"What do you think? Did I redeem myself? " Wriothesley spoke, his voice blending seamlessly with nature's song—low, honeyed, and rough in all the right ways. It harmonized with the surroundings yet still managed to stand out and draw in your attention.
"Up until a few minutes ago I thought nothing could possibly beat the waterfalls.."
“Worth nearly dying for, wasn’t it?” Wriothesley teased, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. But the humor fell flat as your expression shifted, disapproval etched across your face, your brow furrowed, and lips pressed into a tight line.
“Please don’t joke about that,” you said softly but firmly, the seriousness in your voice unmistakable. You hadn’t meant to darken the mood yet again, but after everything that had been said in the forest, one thing was clear— Wriothesley’s reckless disregard for his own life was far more troubling than he realized.
Wriothesley's expression faltered at the weight of your words. His gaze dropped briefly before meeting yours again, this time softer: understanding the concern behind your stern tone.
"I’m sorry, sweetheart," he said, "I didn’t mean to upset you."
You sighed, the tension in your shoulders loosening just a little. “It’s not about upsetting me. It’s about you not seeing the value in your own life. Every time you throw yourself into danger like that, it feels like you're slipping further away.”
His brows knitted together, “I’m not used to people worrying about me, not like you do,” he admitted quietly. “I guess I didn’t realize how much it bothered you.”
“It does only because I care. And I don’t want to lose you.”
Your faith in him was unshakable and you knew his strength, his resilience, and how capable he was of handling himself. But the world wasn’t as kind and it didn’t share your affection for him. If anything, it was the cruelty of that world that fed the fears that kept you up at night.
You had given all you could. And so had he.
Today was meant to rekindle your love and commitment after months of survival, sacrifice, and tireless work. This trip had been planned as a time to reconnect, to bask in the golden afternoon sun and lose yourselves in each other, making up for the moments you’d given away to the world. It was supposed to be just the two of you, wrapped in the peace of the scenery. Yet, as you stood before him, he realized this heartfelt conversation was exactly where all that time apart had led him.
Wriothesley was accustomed to worse, much worse. He had never experienced someone caring for him the way you did, and adjusting to that was knowingly going to be a challenge. In the past, his life felt meaningless. He fought without a clear purpose, indifferent to the thought of death; if it came, it came.
But every day spent with you was filled with stolen glances and lingering smiles, a desperate longing for your touch. You would sneak an hour from work to bring him lunch, slipping letters through a guard to reach him. You even adjusted your grocery shopping routes to pass by the prison, timing your visits for when new inmates were expected to arrive. Each small act was a testament to the connection you shared, a defiance against the constraints that kept you apart. And it made him realize how deeply he craved this kind of connection; how much he wanted to fight not just for himself, but for something greater.
This is what had been missing all along: a reason to fight, a reason to care. He now often found himself pondering the future, imagining a life where he wasn’t just surviving but truly living.
One thing he needed to improve was precisely what you had scolded him about: the value of his own life.
Happiness had the tendency to ebb and flow, and at times all those buried emotions and anxieties would surface, triggered by just a single word. But as you expressed your growing concern for the man before you, you felt an invisible weight lift from your chest, and a deep-seated worry begin to fade. A sudden wave of ease washed over you, as if nature in its ability to calm, had liberated you.
Wriothesley turned you around until the only view was of him framed against the painted sky. With a smile, he leaned in and rested his forehead against yours. His hands gliding down your forearm, chilled fingers elicting goosebumps. He took hold of your hand and guided it to his chest where you felt the steady rhythm of his heart quicken beneath your touch.
"I'm not asking you to change who you are— I know you can’t help but rush in headfirst. But being a bit more cautious wouldn’t hurt. What if next time you fall from a tree, hit your head, and end up with amnesia?"
"You’d take care of me until I remember?"
"Or I could use it as an excuse to finally be done with you for good."
"Yeah, no— don’t joke about that," he scoffed. "Like you'd actually leave me.. weren't you just talking my ear off about how much you love me?"
“You do know that if you die, you won’t see me again, right?”
“Well, damn, you have a point. I’ll just drag you into the afterlife with me.”
“How romantic,” you said, rolling your eyes as he leaned down to place a quick kiss on your cheek, his lips lingering as they moved to your ear.
“So romantic”
You laughed lightly, “Mhm,”
“Come on, where’s your sense of adventure?” he pulled back to look at you, his eyes gleaming with flecks of mischief. “Imagine it— we could haunt all the places we loved.”
“Yeah, right. I can see it now: ‘The haunting couple’ who bicker about everything,” you chortled.
"I guess you wouldn't need to worry about me dying," he joked.
He nodded, his expression turning more serious. “Agreed. I want to make more memories with you— happier ones, not ones where I’m falling out of trees.”
A warmth spreader through you at the sincerity in his eyes. “Let’s just make sure you stay in one piece, alright?” you said, leaning in closer.
“Deal,” he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Now, how about we make the most of this day together instead of talking about my impending doom?”
“That sounds like a plan,” you agreed, barely having a moment to process it before Wriothesley swept you off your feet, laughing at the squeal that escaped you.
Your arms wrapped tightly around his neck as he looked deep into your eyes, captivated by an irresistible pull that drew him closer. A tender smile blossomed on your lips as his lips finally met yours, your eyes gently closing as you surrendered to his affection. As the kiss deepened, the world around you seemed to fade away, time suspended in a perfect moment of intimacy. You were cocooned in a bubble of warmth, where only the two of you existed. His heartbeat pulsed steadily against your chest, resonating with your own.
With ease, he carried you over to the blanket spread out beneath the expansive sky and protective tree. The sun dipped lower behind the mountain peaks, seelie lights began to glow brighter as did the fireflies blurry beams.
As he set you down on the blanket, you looked up into his eyes and it sent a thrill through you.
“This,” he murmued against your lips, cheeks flushed and a hint of salive tracing his lower lip “is perfect.”
You nodded, feeling the weight of the day’s worries lift as you nestled against him, the blanket enveloping you both. “It really is,” you replied, your voice barely above a whisper, as if speaking too loudly would shatter the magic of the moment.
"I love you.."
You leaned in, kissing the corner of his mouth. "Not as much as I love you"
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All rights reserved | Copyright @readerforexiao 2024 do not copy, steal, or repost to any other platform
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azmstea · 13 hours
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Okey, I KNOW some people already made this idea (found out while I was working on this), but I really wanted to make my version of it so let's go!!
Well, I decided to rework a bit Twisted Cosmo because I personally never understood why he is a common one to begin with. And also explain how his ability would work!
This will be a PRETTY long blog with a lot of yapping, so if you're actually interested in the "AU", keep reading!!
Alright, let's start by explaining a bit about him.
"He believes he's helping others, but his healing method doesn't work like before. This twisted, separated from his best friend, walks around looking for people to heal with hearts that block any healing items and causing random effects for a few seconds. Be sure to never be spotted without full health!" - Research description.
During a blackout, Cosmo got lost and was forced to separate from his best friend Sprout and had only one heart left by the end of the process. When arriving at the elevator, he noticed Sprout having a hard time with a twisted, and he also had one heart. Knowing that his stamina was low at the moment, Cosmo does something he never did before: He used all his strength to remove his last heart and give it to Sprout, saving him from a fatal attack. Sprout made it to the elevator, but Cosmo couldn't say the same. (I want my Fruitcake angst y'all, or else I'll cook it)
We aren't sure how exactly toons became Twisteds, but for the sake of this "AU", Dandy decided to use Cosmo as a way to test something new: An ichor heart in a non main character toon. This heart made Cosmo stop from dying, but it causes him A LOT of pain, since his chest is opened and the ichor causes physical pain. He still has some conscience inside of him, but the ichor stops him from acting like how he used to and makes it more difficult to talk. His body and head are full of bites, like the twisted that was haunting Sprout tried to eat him before. His arm is way bigger and heavier than before, but he doesn't mind much because he is pretty strong around his arms, but it surely brings some extra pain for his right side.
Deep down, he just wants to help other toons, but he can't realize how he isn't capable of doing it in a positive way anymore thanks to the ichor.
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Yes, I know, only main characters have sounds to show that they're nearby, but I want to add that if Cosmo is extremely close of you (in the same room or in the next room), you're capable of hearing his ichor heart beats, which are fast and loud. Like this, players can escape from him in case they are in a dangerous situation.
(I saw a video called "swap au" on YouTube and took a bit of inspiration from it, but I changed it to make it a little more interesting!)
Twisted Cosmo's ability is inspired in his Toon's active: Heal others, but with a reverse effect.
If you have all your hearts, Cosmo won't follow you or harm you, he will keep walking because he doesn't want to hurt anyone (something like Glisten) and because he knows you won't need any heals. At first, it's like he won't even do anything at all.
However, if he sees you with 2 hearts or only 1 heart, he will grab his ichor heart from his chest and start chasing you, with the intention of throwing a heart at you and "help". His attention spam is a little longer (3.5 s) and his speed increases from his canon twisted form, but his eye vision isn't the best since he doesn't have one of his eyes, so he can't see you from extreme distances like Shrimpo.
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If he catches you, your empty heart slots will be filled with a weird "ichor heart", similar to main characters. As his description says, the heart will block any kind of healing, so things like Teagan's active, medkits and bandaids won't work at all. Along with that, you'll get a random effect for 10 seconds from the I category (like "Confused I", "Slow I", "Tired I"). After the attack, Cosmo will no longer follow you because he thinks he finished his job there. (Distractors you're all screwed🔥)
And plus, you can avoid his attack if you heal yourself BEFORE he can heal you.
Another ability of his is being able to know when and where a player got hurt. Let's say you have 3 hearts, but you got a hit from Shelly in "x" spot. In this scenario, Cosmo will immediately go to "x" spot no matter how far he is from the place. If you manage to leave where you were before he arrives, good! If not, Cosmo will chase you to give you an ichor heart. Sounds "inoffensive" at first, but depending of the situation, it can make your life pure hell.
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If you have 1 regular heart and 2 ichor hearts, Cosmo will no longer care about you during that floor because it's impossible to get another hit without dying, leaving you in a vulnerable situation for any complicated twisteds like Pebble or Goob. That's why I like to call him the very first twisted that won't kill you directly! I wanted to play with the fact that he's a supporter as a toon, so why not make a "supporter" twisted whose job is make your gameplay harder?? Maybe a new type of twisted?
"Will Cosmo also follow you if all machines are done like Glisten?" I'm still unsure of it, but to keep his "support" role, I suppose he would just accept his fate of being alone, because at least he can "help" others. (I WANT FRUITCAKE ANGST!!!)
How do you remove the ichor hearts? Again, still thinking about it, but just like Shelly's "Confused" ability, the effect should be gone once you reach the elevator. I thought about leaving the effect for 2 floors, but I dunno if this would be too OP or anything, so you can decide on this!
Now congratulations! You know who is twisted Cosmo and how to survive to one of the most annoying Twisteds ever!! /jk
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I suppose that's all for now about him! He's still in development, but this is the main idea of him and his abilities!
And don't worry, I will be sure to cook some good old angst with this concept. Hope everyone enjoys it!!
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stmnn · 2 days
While im waiting for Kisame's design,,, do you have any hc for this AU you can share rn?,,,,
Hell yeah i do
Im actually working on he's design right now, so I'll try to finish it today.( ;∀;)
I am sure that the list below will be replenished
And you can actually write me you're ideas ( ´・ω・)
1. Obito
Tobi - In public (Deidara calls him this on a regular basis.).
Madara Uchiha - His teacher's name, which he uses in recitals.
2. Pain - His deputy, his right hand man.
Kisame - A close comrade
Deidara - More often fooling around together.
Conan is Pain's substitute.
3. His team call sign is (tsuki) moon.
4. Retains Toby's identity only under a mask, which he does not remove in public places.
5. Often overworked and tries to do his best.
6. Despite his desire to win, if someone on the team is seriously injured, Obito would rather take care of his comrade than continue the competition.
7. The least discomfort he feels in front of Kisame and Pain is when he takes off his mask.
8. Doesn't like it when Madara is mentioned, or attempts to make comparisons.
9. Catches panic attacks due to his claustrophobia.
10. He needs to be FORCED to rest.
1. Hidan
2. Suffers from various ailments due to his love of licking other people's blood. Kakuzu is tired of paying for his treatment.
3. Almost always walks around naked to the waist. He is always given sweaters and jackets, but he hangs them around his waist or neck.
4. A religious fanatic. (Obviously)
5. Before a round, he applies black paint to certain parts of his body. This is his "ritual", so his god Jashin grants good luck.
6. His team call sign is (kami) god
7. Always called first to perform, especially to wave his fists.
8. Asks Kakuzu to spar with him.
1. Deidara
2. Didn't like wearing big team coats, so they made him a more open, loose design that wouldn't interfere with using techniques.
3.The mouths on his hands are covered with gloves during normal stages.
He even has a zipper on his chest.
4. Always reacts violently to losses.
5. His hands often fall off at the worst possible moment..... which he blames on Kakuzu, not his own thoughtless actions.
6. His team call sign is (bakuhatsu) explosion.
1. Kisame
2. Fish ears...
3. Instead of Samehada, he has a Cricket Bat. (They still look alike)
4. Can perform melee rounds.
5. His team call sign is (Shaku) Shark.
6. Always seems overly violent to other teams, but among Akatsuki he is one of the most caring team members.
7. obvious babysitter for the Uchiha's.
8. cares about the overall health of the team.
9. I also want to give him a shark tail.... Yes.. What are you going to do to me? А?! WHAT?! GO AHEAD AND ATTACK.
1. Kakuzu
2. Usually does not perform, but will join Hidan and Kisame in a melee round if necessary.
3. All of the Akatsuki team's expenses come from his wallet. He allocates resources.
4. Usually patches up other people's wounds when needed.
5. Callsign - (Hatsu) Hearts.
6. Doesn't like solo performances in public, but may take part to blow off steam.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 7 months
i'm out of town visiting a friend right now and i'm here for 4 days (going back saturday) and my period just fucking started which means not only do i need to suffer through Not Sleeping In My Own Bed (which is hard enough rn bc my depression is flaring and being away from my home and boys and bed is really draining) but i have to do it while i'm fucking dying and in the worst pain ever and i'm so fucking upset
i wanna see this friend and i'm glad we get to visit but fuck all i want to do is go the fuck HOME i hate this!!!!!!
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bunnihearted · 1 year
#ok im not gonna let myself complain abt it too much. even if complaining is very cathartic to me. like its just part of the process#anyway im gonna try to not do that....#but yeah i hate being ill and in pain. it's like a veil is pulled over myeyes and the entire world gets so dark and scary#idk how to explain i just feel so alone and so anxious and so unhappy#my experience with healthcare is sadly that treatment never helps and nothing gets better#so that's why i always get kinda depressed when something like this happens#the doctor suspects it is gallstones. and i got those rectal pills skskks that i'll try for the pain#then i just need to wait to get an ultra sound scan so they can check for gallstones. then i dont know#i was too stressed to ask her abt diet and such but im reading online and im like?? idk what im supposed to eat#that pain is just fkn awful and im so scared of triggering it#esp bc i dont fkn know how to put a pill up my ass that stresses me out even more#if i had an ordinary life i.e a job and friends and such it's easier to handle these things. but when u feel vulnerable nd scared it makes#it sm worse.....#and im so fkn stressed abt school now!!!! how am i supposed to sit and class when im in pain???? and barely sleeping#yeah idk. i need to find a way to get thru this ksksks :(((((#maybe im over dramatic or smth. i prob am. but i cant describe it im just in sm pain and im scared and confused and stressed af#i also have no idea how long this will last or if i can start eating normally and when i can start going for my walks again#like will this not pass until they remove the potential gallstone or what??#i hate this pain sm it hurts so bad i dont know how long i'll be able to endure it#im also getting closer to a depression so.. idk im just not ok rn ksks
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pseudowho · 29 days
"Kento...can I...can I paint you?"
Kento glanced back over his shoulder, sleepy, to where you sat massaging knots out of his back. He didn't know why he'd bothered perusing his shelves beforehand; your hands had moulded and made him heavy, and he sunk, unbidden, his book forgotten and his eyelids made of lead, groaning in bliss.
Your eyes traced Kento's back...his arms...his hands. All ripped and reformed, broken and made stronger, the scars (both old and new), criss-crossing him, his life-story turned roadmap.
At some points, Kento's body seemed as though it would last centuries and end up in a museum somewhere, with futuristic admirers who did not know him as you did. At other points, he was just a porcelain man, full of cracks, to be handled with care lest he break.
Kento hummed; a cover-all rumble, unsure.
"...paint me?" He teased, a coy half-smile on the corner of his mouth. "Like one of your French girls?"
You laughed, kissing his shoulder blades, still stroking those seams of pink flesh with your fingertips. He shuddered, the hairs on the base of his undercut standing on end.
"Not quite...do you trust me?"
"Yes." No hesitation.
"Then just...close your eyes."
Kento huffed through his nose, leaning forwards on his elbows and clasped calloused hands. He heard you rattling around behind him, the tap running, the soft dompf of you resettling on the sofa. More rattling, and your quiet voice.
"Stay still..."
Kento jumped, shivering as the tip of a fine, wet brush licked at the skin on his shoulder blade. He hummed again, dubious.
"Oh...you meant paint me."
"Bless you."
You laughed at his gentle idiocy. "Keep still."
In truth, as your brush traced idle patterns over his shoulder, his arm, and his hand, Kento didn't need to be told to keep his eyes closed even once. He meant it when he said he trusted you; and he meant it when your presence rocked him to sleep. Time lost meaning as he dozed, sat like The Thinker as you finally removed your brush from his hand.
"There. All done."
Kento opened his eyes...to art.
Patches of the back of his hand had been brushed matte with a soft jade green, fading out against peach flesh. Through the jade, where pink seams had once scored the skin, they now ran golden, liquid beauty joining the edges of his pain and history. And it was...lovely.
Kento swallowed thickly, laid bare beneath your eyes. He gently flexed his hand, seeing how the green and gold flexed with him, held together by your very own repairs. He tracked more and more patches up his forearm, his bicep, over his shoulder...
Kento was quiet, stoic, vulnerable. He whispered, as you took lamplit photos of your work. "I adore you."
Christmas had come and gone, and still, Kento did not allow you to touch him as he once did.
The air between you was as taut as the flesh of his left side. You washed the dishes, and he dried, kept company only by the hush of the taps and clink of the plates. Kento reached for a mug with his left hand, and, numb-fingered, dropped it with a spitting curse, to where it shattered beyond repair around your feet.
Barefoot, and pausing with an oh!, you lifted your foot as if to move, and Kento berated you, growling, snapping.
"Stay where you are."
"Kento, it's alright, I'll get it--"
"No. It's my mess. My fault. Sit down."
"Really, it's fine--" Your words cut off with a squeak, as one strong arm looped around your waist. Kento grunted as he lifted you out of the shards with ease, to his body, only to drop you to safety the moment your hands began to brush his bare chest.
"Sit down." Kento rumbled, dark and sullen, his one good eye glowering at you beside the patch. You prickled, rejected. You refused to sit. Watching Kento, as he finished vacuuming, your eyes drifted without thought between him, and your paint set in the chest beneath the kitchen cabinet.
On his way over to the sofa, Kento spotted you, and scoffed, hissing with pain as he dropped himself to sit. He sneered, nasty.
"Sorry, my love. Not enough gold in that box to repair me."
You gritted your teeth, your mouth twisted in disgust, tears in your eyes. You pushed your chair away in a tearful rage, and padded over to Kento, fast, determined.
The briefest flicker of alarm crossed his half-burned face as you straddled him, trapping him to the sofa with a hand on each cheek. You spat, forcing him to see you, gripping him down as he writhed to get away.
"Then I'll break into palaces. I'll rob museums. I'll be a thief in the night. Because they don't deserve it, not like you do."
Kento cursed at you, twisting like a rat in a trap, and you held on tighter, sick of being pushed away, and you forced the words out of you as tears spilled over to drop onto his chest.
"And if there's not enough gold there then I'll melt myself down, but you don't need gold because you're not broken--"
"--get off me-- let me go--"
"No." You cried, looping your arms around his neck, your core pressed to his. The air stilled, his rejection rejected.
You panted, your shoulders heaving, weeping into his neck. Kento and you sat this way in silence, the tap still running and forgotten, your sniffles muffled into his neck. You felt him soften, his hands coming to rest on your hips, stroking you.
Kento's voice was thick, agonised. "You...deserve someone whole."
"I don't want them. They're nothing to me. It's you, or no-one."
Kento's teeth bared, his face stinging as it crumpled, salty tears washing away the grief. He gripped onto you, the fracture not breaking under stress; the bond, golden.
And when you finally did paint him, how he shone.
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raynewolferune · 5 months
Meta Jazz, the Arkham Intern Therapist Pt1
Update 5/16/2024: Congrats guys, gals, and others! You have planted the seeds and they have grown. Today I wrote another 46 pages on this story (the first section was only 9 pages ya'll). I'm working on splitting it up into smaller sections so I can post it now because tumblr said no to doing it as one piece. I'll be using the tag #Meta Jazz Arkham Intern Therapist if you want to follow it.
Original Note: I'm going to go ahead and apologize for how OOC Bane is in this. It originally was Joker but I couldn't see Jazz tolerating his proximity for more than a single millisecond so Bane it is.
The hardest thing about being a Meta in Gotham was responding appropriately during a Rouge's attack, Jazz mused to herself. Or perhaps that was just the hardest part about being a Meta intern at Arkham while studying psychology at Gotham University. Or maybe it was just her, she considered watching the guards and Dr. Rylie whom she'd been shadowing for the past 2 weeks wide eyed, pale, and shaking as theybstared at Bane behind her. It must just be her, Jazz decided, newbie guard Kyle Jennings was definitely a Meta after all. She should probably give him some tips on hiding his enhanced strength considering how often he broke mugs, door handles, and other delicate items used in daily life.
"Weapons down or I'll snap her skinny little neck." Bane growled out, shaking her slightly for emphasis. She very much doubted that. Liminials were built different than the standard Meta, stronger, faster, better endurance, and senses even if they could mostly appear to be standard humans on the outside.  As such, their bones and muscles were much were much denser than regular humans or even Meta humans. Technically, she could be considered "invulnerable" much like the Kryptonians are.
"Back up! Let him through!" Dr. Rylie  shouted at the guards. "She's my student! Let him through!" His voice was higher pitched than she could recall hearing it before.
Ah. That was panic.
Jazz sighed involuntarily and glanced over her shoulder at Bane. Why the man had grabbed the only person close to his own height nearby was a mystery to her - no, nevermind, he clearly meant to use her as a shield - but it made looking him in the eye more difficult than necessary.
"Mr. Bane, remove your hands from my person, please." Jazz stated calmly, channeling what Danny called her inner mom as she spoke. "I will give you to one to comply."
Bane looked stunned for a moment then laughed.
The laughing continued. Jazz could sense a stir of uncertainty through her colleagues as they looked on.
"Did you really think that would work?" Bane snorted out, arms tensing more around her.
"Three." She continued, indifferent to his words from her experiences raising her brother. Once the count down starts you mustn't respond to anything the kids do or say until they comply or the count is done.
"What cab you even do if I don't?" Bane asked darkly breathing directly in her ear. She kept her face expressionless despite the urge to express disgust.
"Jasmine..."  Kyle whispered halfway across the hall from her looking on with a pained and horrified expression. Gun tilting towards the floor. Sloppy.
"One." She finished and Bane gave a derisive snort.
Then she was moving. Hauling the enormous man up and over her shoulder using the arm that had been wrapped around her neck. Bane hit the cold tile hard enough that the tiles, subfloor, structural supports, and part of the concrete foundation buckled beneath him. His shoulder popped out of joint, his wrist cracked - a hairline fracture by the sound of it -  and his breath was punched out of him from the force of impact. She released his arm as soon as his was embedded in the tiles and moved forward. Kneeling over him, support most of her weight on her left foot resting on the broken ground, her right knees pressed firmly across his throat without supporting any of her weight. The position put more strain on her muscles than she would've liked but at least Bane couldn't risk fighting back without crushing his own neck in the process. He could hardly throw her while flat on his back with a mangled arm.
"Now," Jazz began, looking directly into the behemoth's pained eyes. "Do you know what you've done wrong?" She asked like she would have done with Danny as a child.
"Yes, Ma'am." Bane choked out. Jazz heard movement and murmuring behind her. She didn't turn to look.
"What did you do wrong?" She asked. It was important to make sure children correctly understood why they were in trouble after all. There was a long pause as Bane appeared to cast around for the exact right answer as if he feared getting it wrong. A bad habit Danny still uses as well, Jazz thought to herself.
"I tried to hold you hostage," He choked out in a rush, words tumbling over one another as he tried to get them all out. "I scared you coworkers and it was very disrespectful."
So he'd gone for the grab-bag response. It wasn't wrong per sey but it did indicate a past history of abuse. The type of answer given by someone who expected to be harmed or ignored if they gave the "wrong" answer. Danny tended to use that method also and their parents had always been negligent at best.
"And are you going to do it again?" She asked giving him a Look as she did. Bane's eyes widened and he tried to frantically shake his head as much as possible with the pressure on his neck.
"No, Ma'am." He promised fervently.
"Alright then," Jazz said giving him a warm smile. She gestured vaguely towards the guards without turning to look at them. "Kyle here is going to take you to see the nurse and then back to your room then. I'm sure you'll behave for him?"
"Yes, Ma'am. I'll behave." Bane said. Jazz stood slowly asking sure not to put any additional pressure on his neck as she did. Kyle came and stood next to her as the giant of a man slowly pulled himself to his feet then led him away with 5 other guards.
Jazz heaved a sigh. Well, time to find out whether or not she could play all that off as normal, non-Meta human behavior.
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4unnyr0se · 4 months
❥ being megumi's kindergarten teacher
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warnings: fem! reader, teacher x single dad trope, BREEDING, rough sex, spanking, toji is a whore, not proofread at all (i wrote this while i was at work), toji is a decent father in this, megumi and tsumiki mentioned
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 628
i'll be so fr i do not like this but,,,whatever
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The first thing Toji Fushiguro noticed about you was your hips. You were bent over your desk, shuffling through some children's drawings, trying to find Megumi’s from the day before. Tojo tried with all his might not to smack your ass, but his kid was watching. Gotta make a good impression, right?
Toji waited until Megumi ran off to play with his playgroup to hit on you; he was a good dad in that sense. He waited until your back was turned, hunching over your form with a smirk on his face. The heat from his breath tickled the baby hairs on your neck, his hands hovering just above your belly. 
“I never knew Megumi had such a fine teacher,” he would purr in your ear, messy bangs hanging over his face. You’d blush and turn around, not expecting Toji to be that attractive. Tsumiki usually dropped Toji off, her class was just down the hall from Megumi’s. But damn, Mr. Fushiguro was fine as hell. You’d lecture him about how he was being entirely too inappropriate, fraternizing with his son’s teacher. But Toji remained smug as ever. Tsumiki never dropped Megumi off again after that day, it was just Toji. 
His favorite part of the weekday was dropping Megumi off, walking over to you, and admiring how your face exploded in a bright red hue the second Toji opened his scarred lips, He loved seeing your modest skirt wrapped so perfectly around your hips, around your waist. How the turtleneck sweater you wore hugged your breasts so perfectly that it had to be intentional. 
Every weekday, Toji would flirt with you. Whispering filth into your ear when the kids were distracted with their fingerpaintings. His large hand would grope the fat of your hips, squeezing them between his fingers while he inserted the most lewd ideas in your head. “I wonder how pretty you’d look bent over for me, hm?” he smirked, removing his hand from your hips as the first bell rang. “My place, Saturday, 10 PM. Don’t be late.”
And you were there right on time, wearing the sluttiest dress you had. Toji practically pounced on you, dragging you up the stairs of his townhouse and throwing you onto his messy bed. He instantly tore that dress off of you and that cute matching underwear set. 
You’d yelp in surprise as his fingers plunged into you from behind, scissoring you open with ease. He’d pull his fingers out of your dripping core, shoving them inside your mouth for you to suck. He wouldn’t even wear a condom before pushing himself into your tight cunt, why would he? Wouldn’t you look so cute with another one of his babies in your belly? Tits full of milk for him and his brat? 
Toji didn’t stop after his second orgasm, no sir. This motherfucker went seven rounds with you; seven fucking orgasms rippled through him as he filled you up once more from all different angles and areas of his townhouse. Bent over the kitchen counter, mating press on the living room floor, riding him on the couch while the TV  played. Toji didn’t care how overstimulated you were, you were his. And you were gonna belong to him even more as soon as he knocked you up. 
Of course, you went to work the following Monday, insisting on not sitting down because it’s ‘important for the students to see an adult not being lazy.’ When in reality, your ass stung so much from Toji’s spanks that it was painful to sit for long durations of time. Every fucking morning and afternoon that week, Toji flashed you his usual shit-eating grin because he knew you would come crawling back to him, begging to be fucked stupid once more.
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deoidesign · 4 months
How I save time on backgrounds as a full-time webcomic artist
Hi! I make webcomics for a living, and I have to be able to draw a panel extremely fast to keep up with my deadlines. I draw about 50 panels a week, which gives me about 45 minutes per panel if I want any semblance of a healthy work-life balance.
Most webtoon artists save time on backgrounds by using 3d models, which works for them and is great! but personally I hate working in 3d... I went to school for it for a year and hated it so much I completely changed career paths and vowed never to do it again! So, this is how I save time without using any 3d, for those of you out there who don't like it either!
This tactic has also saved me money (3d models are expensive) and it has helped me converting my comic from scroll format into page format for print, because I have much more art to work with than what's actually in the panels. (I'll touch on this later)
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So, first, I make my backgrounds huge. my default starting size is 10,000 x 10,000 pixels. My panels are 2,500 pixels wide, so my backgrounds are 4x that, minimum. Because of this, I make them less detailed than I could or that you might expect so it doesn't look weird against my character art when I shrink portions of it down.
I personally find it much easier to add in detail than to make "removing" details look natural at smaller sizes, but you might have different preferences than I do.
I also make sure to keep all of my elements on separate layers so that I can easily remove or replace them, I can move them to simulate different camera angles more easily, and it's simple to adjust the lighting to imply different times of day.
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Then I can go ahead and copy/paste them into my episodes. I move the background around until it feels like it's properly fitting how I want.
Once I've done that in every panel, I'll go back through the episode and clean up anything that looks weird, and add in solid blacks (for my art style) Here's a quick before and after of what that looks like!
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This makes 90% of my backgrounds take me just a few hours. This is my tactic when I'm working in an environment that an entire scene, or multiple scenes, will take place.
But many panels will inevitably have a location that's used exactly once, and it would waste time and effort to draw a massive background for those. So in 10% of cases, I just draw the single panel background in the episode. I save all of these, just in case I can re-use it later (this happens more often with outdoor locations, but I save them all nonetheless!)
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I generally have to draw about 2 big backgrounds per episode, and 3-5 single-panel backgrounds per episode! At the beginning of an arc/book the number is higher, but as the series is continuing and I'm building up an asset library of indoor and outdoor elements to re-use for the book, the number generally goes down and I save more time.
My series involves time travel and mysteries, so there's a lot of new locations in it and we're constantly moving around. If I were working on a series that was more consistent in this aspect, this process would save me even more time!
Like I said earlier, this also saves me a lot of pain and gives me a lot more options as I'm converting from scroll format to print format!
panels that look like this in scroll format...
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can look like this in print!
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because I drew the background like this, so I didn't need to go through the additional effort to add in the extra detail to expand it outwards at all.
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Anyways, I hope this helps someone! As always if it doesn't help, just go ahead and disregard. This is what I do and what works for me, and I feel like I only ever see time-saving tips for comics that involve 3d models and workflows, which don't work for me at all! I know there's more people like me out there, so this is for you!
Also obligatory "my webcomic" if you want to see this in action or check it out!
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kisakis-boyfriend · 19 days
♦️ dom/top male reader and sub choso please IMMA GO FERAL OVER THIS MAN 😵‍💫
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Pairings: Choso x male reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom/top!reader, sub/bottom!Choso, bondage, nipple play
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“Is it too tight, love?” came your easygoing voice from behind him, as he knelt there on the cold tile floors, bound by black rope that hugged his body in all the right places.
“No-” Choso breathed nervously. This was a whole new experience for him—playing the part of the helpless submissive. He was interested in this, but being as vulnerable as he currently is is… a little scary. Luckily, his partner plans on treating him gently, gradually touching him in more intimate places as the session goes on.
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A shiver runs up Choso's spine; caused by a delicate touch making its way down his shoulder towards his elbow, brushing over the rows of rope that keep his arms bound firmly behind his back. The touch repeats a few times before smoothing down Choso's chest, just slightly grazing his nipples—an action that makes Choso flinch.
“Hm? Are we sensitive right here?” you tease, circling your thumbs around your partner's nipples and then pinching them lightly. His back arches for a brief moment, and a whimper emits from Choso's pursed lips, proving your hypothesis correct.
This is… all so new to him. There are hands touching his body softly, yet every touch causes Choso to jerk uncontrollably…? But it's not any sort of pain that he's experiencing, it's just strange… not to mention the weird feeling between his legs — a stickiness has been forming, growing more apparent as the night carries on. When your fingers clamp around his nipples, that's when Choso really feels the sticky wetness grow.
The sound of his own panting knocks Choso out of his thoughts, and, God, he must seem so pathetic to you right now– He can feel the drool spilling onto his chin, hanging there… he's painfully aware of the tight, strained sensation between his legs, and that sticky substance must be making his underwear cling to him… why does he feel inclined to rub his thighs together?
It's just a bit of fondling your pretty boy's nipples, and yet, you have him humping away at nothing while he whines and whimpers. How utterly adorable~
“Aw, honey… you are far too precious for this world.” you whispered into the crook of his neck, “Let me play with you a bit more, then I promise I'll take good care of you, alright?”
Choso groans as your lips meet his neck, leaving sweet kisses over and over again, meanwhile you're slipping one hand further down his chest, so dangerously close to his leaking member… but before you can truly touch it, you slide your hand back up and drag your nails over his abs.
You do start to feel bad for teasing him so much, so, after you have some fun, you eventually remove his and your bottom clothing, licking your lips at the sight of Choso's engorged cock as it drips precum. You take your position behind him once again, rubbing your dick up and down his hole in a teasing manner.
“Are you ready?”
“Pl-please…” The look in your lover's eyes told you everything you needed to know—he didn't even let you prep him, he agreed to let you lube up yourself, but he'd rather have your cock enter his virgin ass before anything else.
With a groan, you positioned your wet dick against Choso's hole, and pushed until the head popped in. The way Choso jolted has you worried for a second, but the drawn-out, whorish moan he lets out erases that worry just as fast. You feel him tighten around you, preventing you from moving until he loosens up — when he does, you slowly begin thrusting. It easily turns into something rougher; more primal than you intended. His hands may be bound now, but you're sure that if they weren't, he'd be reaching behind himself to pull you deeper inside.
Choso begs so sweetly, “Please, f-faster… aahh! Ghhnh-! I want more of you… want more of your… hah-! more of your c-cock—!”
And you can't find it in yourself to refuse him. You go from roughly thrusting the head in and out, to pushing a couple of inches further in—much to Choso's satisfaction.
“That's my boy, yeah- you like that?” Choso stutters out an 'uh-huh' along to the rhythm of your thrusting. His head hangs there while you fuck him, too lost in the ecstasy to hold himself up anymore. He's sweating and barely able to use words, but even so, a smile still finds its way on his face.
Dissatisfied with the current angle and position you're in, you try something new—pulling Choso up and flush to your chest. Now, you easily fill him with as much of your cock as his virgin hole can take. Throwing his head back onto your shoulder, Choso breathes heavily, moaning all manner of things while you speed up yet again and edge the two of you closer to your release–
“Yeah? You wanna cum, don't you?”
“Yeeeess~ Pl-please, can I?”
You pant a reply against Choso's neck, telling him to cum whenever he wants. Next thing you know, his cock is spurting cum onto his thighs and the floor. You fuck your lover through his climax, pinching his nipples and aiming your dick at his prostate. As his cries die down, you grind against him; still wrapping your arms around his torso, and ask him if he has enough energy to let you cum too.
Choso assures you that he does, and you smile and kiss his cheek before bending him forward. His cheek presses against the ground, and you work yourself back up, fucking his puffy hole until you feel like you're about to cum– It shoots onto Choso's back, some of it sliding down his ass and over his hole. You stick your cock back in, sliding in and out just a few more times, before really pulling out and sighing in relief.
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ssahotchnerr · 5 months
i rlly wanna see how aaron would react to reader accidentally starting her period and leaking on his white sheets. i just know he would be so caring and conforming !!
he soooo would cw; fem!reader, period talk, blood mentions, language, fluff <33
Even on the weekends, Aaron doesn't tend to stray from routine.
Apart from setting an alarm - he presses a kiss to the first patch of your skin he can find, rolls out of bed, and then opens the blinds so the morning light can naturally assist in waking you. Trailing into the en-suite bathroom, he hears you let out a gentle squeak, stretching from your laid position in bed.
He preps his toothbrush, blinking once, twice, in attempt to rid the heavy sleep from his eyes. Brushing his teeth is number one on his morning agenda; not only because it was the hygienic thing to do, he simply could not stand having horrid breath.
Despite the brushing sounds echoing in his head, he doesn't miss your low,
"Honey?" His attempt to speak was muffled, as his toothbrush was in his mouth. He tilted back from the sink, just enough to allow him to peer into the room, to see you.
You were sat upright, a handful of sheets in hand, meeting his eyes guilt-stricken. "I'm sorry. It wasn't due for another three days and you know I'm typically always on schedule and always prepared-"
"Hm?" Freeing his mouth from the toothpaste, quickly flicking the water on/off to rid the residue and wiping his mouth with a washcloth, he re-entered his room.
As he came closer, your flushed cheeks were vividly noticeable, the remorse in your eyes even more intense. You clarified, "My period."
"Oh," his expression softened, before alternating to deep concern. "Are you alright?"
"Am I alright? Aaron your bed-"
"What about it?"
"It's stained - the sheets. Fuck," you scrambled up, not wanting to ruin them further, wincing in pain as you did so. You quickly padded past him to the bathroom, the plush carpet soft under your bare feet. He followed behind.
"And? Sweetheart if you think I care about that," he chuckled, sweetly shaking his head. "Do you have...?"
"In my bag."
Feminine products - Aaron redirected himself, finding your overnight duffle tossed hastily near the foot of his dresser. As he rummaged through it, he mentally cursed himself for not already having a supply waiting under his sink, and mentally added such to his future shopping list.
He grabbed the other necessities - an extra pair of underwear, t-shirt, opting to grab your favorite pair of shorts from his drawer. One he hadn't worn in quite a while as you had claimed sole ownership.
You sheepishly accepted the items from him, refraining from lifting your gaze. "Thank you."
"Hey," With a finger he lifted your chin, causing you to meet his soft, brown eyes. "It's okay."
You shook your head in shame, prompting his hand to fall.
"It's your body. It's natural. It's- this is not an inconvenience to me, it is for you. Plus, this is exactly what they invented stain remover for."
Despite yourself you laughed, wrapping your arms around your middle. "I suppose."
The ends of Aaron's lips itched upwards, successful in his goal to crack a smile. Although, his amusement sobered back to concern, "You never answered my question from before. Are you alright?"
You grimaced. "Crampy."
"Advil then?" Aaron asked and you nodded. He placed his hand on your lower abdomen soothingly, the warmth of it calming your tensed muscle. That was the thing about his touch, it never failed to relieve any aches or discomfort, physical and emotional. "And a bath? I recall you saying that helps, with easing the pain."
He quickly obtained the pain reliever, started the bath. "Don't worry about the sheets, I'll strip and get 'em in the wash. Hand me your clothes too." He ran his hand under the stream of water, regulating the temperature as you immediately began to protest, claiming, 'it was your mess, your doing,' but Aaron kindly shut you down, "Nope. Let me handle it, I insist."
"And if the stain doesn't come out?"
"I've been meaning to dispose of them anyway. They're getting old, they've fulfilled their job well." After flashing you a sympathetic smile Aaron stood, his age vaguely showing when his knees cracked as his legs straightened. He placed a kiss on your forehead, hoping to dissolve your current, growing pout. "Just relax."
You willingly met his eyes this time. You tousled his hair, still disheveled from sleep, paying extra attention to the short hairs behind his ears. Your nails scratched at his scalp, expressing your gratitude silently.
"And if it makes you feel any better, this isn't the first time I've had to soak blood from linens."
"It doesn't," you rolled your eyes at his injury-prone occupation, but he did however manage to pull yet another smile from you. A gentle laugh came from deep within his chest at your response. "But thank you."
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finniestoncrane · 5 months
Ain't So Bad
Cooper Howard x Fem!Reader, word count: 1.1k i want this man to do horrible things to me, i want him to tell me he'll make sure i'm ok when i know full well he's the most dangerous thing around, he's driving me INSANE anyway i'll have a softer thing for him soon!! 🤎 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: dubcon/noncon, restraints, use of 'no' but reader is quick to do as told, restraints, slight threat, gun mention, hair pulling
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The sun had thankfully almost set, the long shadows cast by it a welcome relief, though it did mean that night was coming, along with the threats that were its constant companion. But you always assumed you were safe, travelling with your own companion. Especially when that companion was Cooper Howard. Charming, despite his foul attitude that put most people off. Handsome, at least to you, and much to the disappointment of the more ‘reserved’ folks you came across out in the wasteland. And you felt lucky, most of the time, to consider him yours. But you suspected that, while he kept the danger away, that there was a reason for that.
Even predators had something they were afraid of. There was always a greater evil.
And as the darkness fell, his silhouette lit only by the small fire in the corner of the roofless room, you began to realise that Cooper was a lot more dangerous than you had let yourself come to terms with.
“Cooper, wait… we’re not safe enough, I don’t…”
You trailed off, aware that your words were falling on deaf ears as Cooper dragged his dry lips across your cheek, grazing his teeth against the skin as you felt him pushing you backwards, your spine straightening against the crumbling wall behind you.
“It ain’t so bad out here… certainly won’t be when you see what I’ve got in store for you.”
“Please, Cooper… no, Coop, I can’t-”
Interrupted by your own sharp inhale, you held the breath as you watched Cooper’s eyes settled on yours, your hands above you head against the wall, his hands tight around your wrists, preventing you from holding him back any further.
“I’m here to keep you safe, darlin’. You’ll be fine.”
His words meant very little against what you knew was lurking out there, and your nerves pushed your protests out of your clamping throat.
“But Cooper, you know I get scared… I don’t want to do this, not here.”
“Well too bad, missy…”
He lifted your hands and slammed them back down again, watching as you winced at the dull pain.
“… it ain’t like there’s a nice place I can take a girl like you for something like this…”
Cooper’s grip loosened, one of his hands leaving yours as he fumbled with the belt on his pants. You could have easily pulled away, but you didn’t. You couldn’t be sure why, and you chose not to linger on that thought, luckily distracted from it as Cooper’s unbuckled belt clanged, his eyes back towards you.
“…Now, are you going to be a good girl and take it?”
The free hand now drifted to his hip, pushing back his long coat, his palm lazily resting on the holstered gun by his side before he continued speaking. Slowly, clearly, in a low, guttural tone.
“Or am I gonna have to be a bad man and take. It.”
His stare penetrated you, like he could see through your skull to the wall you were trapped against. Your chest seemed to stay completely still despite the deep breaths you took. When you tried to speak, your tongue stayed flat, your lips trembling, nothing but a squeak of air managing to pass between you.
“I asked you a question.”
All you offered was a stuttered mumble and a sheepish nod of your head, a smile offered to you by Cooper as he kicked your legs apart with his muddy boot. Two gloved fingers teased at the front of your pants, pulling them away from skin before sinking below the waistband and brushing against your thickened lips. Excitement, adrenaline, fear. All of it passed over you in a heartbeat, your heart fluttering as he removed his hands from you. Bringing the fingers to his lips, he bit down on the leather with his yellowed teeth, tearing off the glove and tossing it to the ground. His fingers were back down quickly, spreading apart your folds. His uncovered fingers delved inside of you, only briefly, before he withdrew that small modicum of pleasure from the otherwise intense and nerve-wracking situation.
As he separated himself from you, your back arched involuntarily away from the wall, your body betraying your protests as you ached for more of his touch.
“My, my… you sure were fussing a lot for someone who is clearly enjoying themselves…”
Bringing his two fingers up, he spread them apart, watching carefully as your slick stretched in long strands between them.
“Bend over.”
“Cooper, wait, please, I-”
Gripping your waist, Cooper knocked you off balance and let you fall to the floor, a cloud of dust rising up around you.
“I done enough waitin’, darlin’.”
As you struggled to get onto all fours, you felt yourself knocked once more, cheek slamming to the ground as your arms were pulled up behind your back. You could feel the rope tightening around your skin, your wrists bound together and stuck against your spine.
“Now listen, you just lie there…”
He leaned down, whispering into your ear, his hot breath tingling you, making the hairs rise on the back of your neck.
“… and try to keep quiet.”
Behind you, Cooper fell to his knees, pulling down his own pants before turning his attention to yours, uncovering just enough of you that he knew he could slip himself between your thighs and into your wet, warm cunt without leaving either of you too vulnerable to any surprise guests.
Once his other glove was off, you could feel his palm sliding up your back, cracked nails scratching at the nape of your neck before his fingers gripped your hair. Your back contorted as he lifted your face from the ground, positioning you perfectly for his curved cock, lubed with his own drool which he let drip down from his lips in a long, lewd strand, to slide inside of you with little mercy. He pounded into you once, setting the tone for the rest of the encounter you had to endure.
But he hadn’t lied.
“Just a little longer, darlin’, we’ll have you back on two legs… just hng gimme… ah… fuck, that’s it…”
His brutal pace, the way he was so desperately trying to get to the conclusion, the relief, the pain of the stretch, the heat in your own chest that made you moan in response to the way his cock pulsed within your walls.
But he was true to his word.
Because while one hand was tugging at the hair, fingernails scratching your scalp, his hips bucking into your body, knocking you forward and into the ground, his other hand clutched the shotgun, finger teasing the trigger, tempted to send shots into the air at his climax, but ready to defend you both against anyone, or anything, that threatened to interrupt him.
“See, darlin’… not so bad after all.”
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dear-tortured-adam · 1 month
/ 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞 /
\ humans were much more fragile than he thought. \ ft. mammon x gn!mc | careless scars | wc ≈ 1.0K
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"What's.. I... how do ya even injure yourself like THIS!?"
"I... don't know...?"
You gave an awkward smile. Eyes shaking from what remained of the adrenaline rush, your hands resting atop your stomach while you lie down on the couch.
"Oh for fuck's sake, treasure," Mammon cursed, removing his sunglasses as he pinches the bridge of his nose. Seriously, you barely even started your day. There you were: bedridden and partly immobile, with every sway of your leg hurting a tad more than the last.
Not that you can say anything, but it was a careless accident.
It was more careless than it was accidental. The shelves within the grand library at the House of Lamentation were far beyond your reach. By genius design, you had no choice but to use the dark spook tree ladder that was left isolated to the corner shelves.
You could try to use magic, though you are unfamiliar with the general book's looks, for you only knew the title and the name of the author. 'course you also had the option to ask Satan for guidance, but the blonde had whisked himself away to the barricaded doors of the attic --- who knew what he and the youngest had planned for their measly prank.
And who knew how slippery unattended furniture can get.
You have not a choice: by deduction, the best course of action was to use the ladder and manually look for it yourself.
With the success of finding the book, surely a long, carpentered, intricately designed slab of wood wouldn't betray you. Now would it?
The first step downward was manageable.
The second step caused the old ladder to wobble, near stumbling back to the floor; yet otherwise stood still as you maintained balance.
As the third step came, as if by some imaginary liquid, you missed. You lost your grip.
There you came tumbling down with the sharp wooden edges grazing against your leg. And then you landed on the floor, upright, yes, but your left leg stuck against the fifth to the last step.
Your leg a swollen red, a long scratch from your ankle stretched upward towards the lower knee - where blood dripped down the open scar.
"Shhh...f-" you hissed, taking your leg off the ladder and- oh. You might've misplaced a bone there. You had to drag your leg up to a nearby couch, taking sharp deep breaths to take your mind off the pain.
So that was the story. When you told Mammon the first time, he gave you a dumbfounded look. Nonetheless, when he found you, he was worried as hell.
Beyond the grave.
But the golden boy had to rush and rummage through every cabinet to find the human-safe emergency kit. You admit, it was adorable watching him slip from his "superiority" facade.
Ahhhh.. your train of thought came to a halt at the stinging sensation. Causing your leg to jerk up, but Mammon held it down by the knee.
"Aye- Don't move," he said, while he tried to gently disinfect the scar with the isopropyl alcohol. Not a sensation you weren't familiar with, but god it burns.
"I'm sorry, but, could you please go a little faster?"
"Ya sure, human?" he scoffed. His finger traced along the long bump of the scratch, watching the skin scorch crimson before he shook his head. "Nuh uh."
You tilt your head up to get a better look at your golden boy, raising a brow. "What do you mean 'nuh uh'?"
"Ain't no way I'm leavin' ya alone after pullin' that stunt."
"It's just once!" You raised your hands in feigned surrender. "I'll be careful next time."
Mammon huffed his cheeks in a pout, grabbing the wool bandage off the red box. Carefully wrapping it around your calf, careful not to put too much pressure on your shin, lest you kick his face.
"Bullshit," he muttered. There were more words said, yet you couldn't seem to make them out. His usual voice in an ever soft tone: slurred words that only he could comprehend.
You did manage to catch a string of words. "not on my fuckin' watch you aren't" while he tries to fix the jumbled up bandage.
Seriously, it looked good but tying it together had always been a challenge. After all, the great avatar of greed was more known for breaking things unloose, not putting them back together.
He tried. Mammon tried. Not the best of the best, but Mammon tried his best.
You can't help but give a soft smile, watching him mumble curses as he finally figured out how to tidy up the loose ends: finding the metallic clip and pinching it on there in hopes that it sticks.
He lifts his gaze one more time to meet yours. This time, Mammon was the one raising his brow. Looking annoyed, but his intrigue was betrayed by the curious glint of his tinted sapphire eyes.
"Whatcha lookin' at me for?"
A small chuckle escaped your lips, tilting your head to the side. "Thank you."
Two words. Mammon scoffed, averting his gaze. "S-shut up. Of course ya should thank me!!" as by virtue it is a great honour to be served by the GREAT Mammon.
Though you lay there, smiling like an idiot in his eyes. How you're transfixed with the cherry red creeping up on his tan cheeks, how he subconsciously purse his lips, puffing his cheeks to not let his words betray him. How despite everything he says, he still works his way to tend to you.
To care for you. To love you.
Or to simply keep you company when no one else could. Honestly, it made the future all the less scary. The uncertainty is all the less terrifying. The possibility of your bones giving up just feels all the more natural than ill-driven.
While selfish, greedy to an extent, you figured worrying in the future might just be a hoax. A fantasy in your head.
They say to get your head out the gutter, yet you couldn't help but examine each worse case scenario.
And if it's with him to your aid? It will all feel right.
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note.s : lesson learned, always watch your step when climbing down ladders.
check out my masterlist | divider by adornedwithlight
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all4yoi · 6 months
only you
𝑒nhypen x fem!reader ⚹ cw. part 2 of just a game , hyung line , 2nd pov , ︎ fluff / comfort , lowercase intended , crying , cliche fluff omfg , karina mentioned on heeseung's & wonyoung on sunghoon's , not proofread ! part one here !
after catching them holding hands with another female, you walk away from them and they run after you, assuring you it was all a misunderstanding.
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★ LEE HEESEUNG (0.5k words)
the day was coming to an end and heeseung has yet to find you.
after he had politely rejected karina, he ran after you but to no avail. all of his attempts on trying to reach you was a bootless errand. everytime he had seen a glimpse of you - whether in the cafeteria, library, the hallways, and god even in your shared class - you somehow always found a way to avoid him.
he could've simply gave up and moved on, he could've ran back to karina and date her instead. but he didn't want to give up and move on, he didn't want to run back to karina and date her, because what he wanted- needed, was you.
heeseung didn't want to go home yet, he needed to see you and explain everything. he'd be a fool to let you out his reach especially now that he knows you feel the same for him. he wasn't going to lose you because of a stupid mistake he made.
spotting a familiar figure sitting underneath a tree in the university's garden, he silently walked towards them, his fingers crossed hoping that he's finally found you.
and as if the universe was on his side, he saw you gorgeously flipping through a book with your pink earphones on. heeseung silently sat beside you, hoping you won't run away from him again. he saw how you stiffened and how your fingers stopped playing with the book's pages, and he wanted nothing but to hold your hand. it was your hand he wanted to hold- no one else's. you may not be with him yet, but ever since he realized he liked you, he was already yours before you even knew.
"y/n," he started softly, gently removing one earbud from your ear so you could hear him. you let him and look at him with hesitance, scared that he's here to tell you that he's changed his mind and he likes karina now instead.
heeseung smiled softly at you, "please let me talk and explain everything, okay?" you nodded, feeling your throat clogging up. "karina, you know she's one of my good friends, right? when you saw me holding her hand a while ago, she was the one who took my hand. i was so taken aback by her confession that i completely froze-..
because she's like a sister to me and you're the one i want. you're the one i need.. the one i like." he paused, brows furrowed in worry, hoping you'd understand. "i'm sorry for letting her hold my hand, and i'm sorry for hurting you. i really really like you y/n, please let me redeem myself to you." he finished, a small hesitant smile in his face as he studied yours.
feeling overwhelmed, you burst into tears. heeseung panicked, thinking he said something wrong and brought you to his chest, wrapping his arms around you.
"i thought you'd choose her over me." you cried in his chest, your own arms wrapping around his waist. heeseung didn't know why, but even when you were crying in his chest with your arms wrapped around his waist, he was feeling over the moon.
shaking his head, he pulled you closer if it was even possible and mumbled in your hair, "i'll choose you in a room full of other girls baby. only you."
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other members utc!
★  PARK JONGSEONG (0.5k words)
3 hours was enough space right? jay liked to think it was, he was too impatient and just wanted to run to you and explain everything, but he knew you probably didn't want to see him after what you've witnessed.
jay had tried to put himself in your shoe, imagining seeing you holding hands with another boy after confessing to you- by the thought of it alone already made him feel ten times more worse, he hated himself with how much pain he had caused you.
so instead of waiting until tomorrow, jay took his bag and walked out of the cafeteria, ignoring his friends that were calling for him. he already knew where to find you, after all, he's always had his eyes on you ever since the first semester started.
jay muttered a quiet 'good afternoon' to the librarian before making a beeline towards the back of the library and there you were in your element. laptop open, headphones on with multiple books on the table you've occupied.
he liked to think that his type were girls that were a bit dumb so that he could lead the relationship, but when it comes to you? smart, pretty, and soft spoken? if his heart could speak, he's certain that the only word it can mutter is your name, and he's not ashamed to admit that.
the moment you looked up and made eye contact with him almost made his knees give up if it weren't for him holding on to a shelf to stabilize himself, and when you softly smiled at him despite what you saw that morning, it made him yearn for you more. he wouldn't ask for no one else.
call him cliché but you were the only one for him.
"what are you doing there? come sit." you motioned on the empty seat across from you to which he occupied immediately. "have you eaten?"
"have you?" he questioned back, eyeing the papers and books splattered on the table. "i had coffee." was your reply.
jay knew that you were still upset, it was showing in your body language. you were tense, stiff, and your fingers were shaking behind your laptop. he wanted to punch himself for making you feel this way.
"i'm sorry y/n, i really am." the hum you let out made him continue, his eyes studying your pretty face silently. "it's really not what it looked like-"
"everyone says that jay." the way you bit your lip told him that you didn't mean to cut his sentence off and be so harsh.
"yes, i know, it's stupid but i'm telling the truth. she bumped into me and fell, i couldn't just leave her on the floor because everyone saw our collision so i offered her a hand. that was it, i was about to walk away but she introduced herself and insisted on shaking hands.. then you saw me.
i know it looked so wrong from your perspective without context, and i'm sorry for upsetting you. i really had no other intentions, i was telling you the truth when i told you that night that i like you too, so much." he reached out for your hand, sighing in relief when you didn't pull away.
you nodded your head in understanding, squeezing his hand to tell him you now understand. "i'm sorry for jumping into conclusions and not hearing you out the first time."
he shook his head, squeezing your hand back. "it's okay, i understand. we're good now?" chuckling at him, you nodded and smiled at him. "we are, thank you."
★ SIM JAEYUN (0.4k words)
the tears in your eyes as you walked away from him made his heart crack. should he run after you? will you find him annoying? do you want him to run after you or do you want nothing to do with him now?
after arguing with himself on his head, he ran after you and engulfed you in a hug before you could turn around the corner and disappear from his sight. "please let me explain." his own voice cracked, and the weird looks you both received from the other students did not faze him at all.
"jake, not here please. they're looking at us.." he hastily took your hand and led you into an empty classroom, wanting nothing more than to assure you that what you thought is wrong and all he wanted was only you.
after he had made sure the door was locked and no one else was hiding somewhere, he immediately took your hands in his rubbing the back of your palm with his thumb.
you didn't know what to feel, was this how he held that girl's hand too? did he hold hers with gentleness too? with that in thought, your tears were back.
"no no, please don't cry. it was all a misunderstanding i promise." he held your face and wiped away the tears, his eyes held worry but so much love as well.
"she mistook me as her boyfriend, it didn't even last for 10 seconds because the moment she held my hand we both pulled away from each other.. it was just wrong timing that you saw it and we made eye contact, please believe me." he was practically crying with you right now, his own tears cascading down the apple of his cheeks.
you frantically nodded your head - now you were the one panicking at the sight of his tears. "i do, thank you for explaining. please don't cry." his tears were wiped with your thumbs as you hugged him tight.
"i don't want you to ever think i'm lying to you, you're really all i need." he explained further through his sobs, his arms tightening around you more.
there you two were, hugging each other in an empty room, tears falling down from both of your eyes as you comforted each other. and at that moment, no one else mattered - it was just the both of you in the world.
★ PARK SUNGHOON (0.6k words)
to say that sunghoon felt like shit the whole day yesterday and this morning was an understatement. he had desperately contacted you in all your social media accounts - fucking christ he even contacted you through your school's email, but to no avail, he was always left ignored.
he didn't blame you though, if he was to experience and see what you did yesterday, he would act the same - maybe even worse. sunghoon wanted nothing more but to make it up to you, to explain that he was only doing wonyoung a favor to make her crush jealous. i guess you could blame him for agreeing, but did he really have a choice when she just randomly grabbed him and told him to smile at every passing student? maybe.
he had texted wonyoung that same afternoon, telling her- demanding her politely? to explain everything to you, she told him she did but was only left on read by you. the girl apologized profusely to you and sunghoon, she didn't have any idea about the two of you and if she did - she wouldn't have done what she did.
but what's done is done, and now sunghoon is still trying to desperately reach you. throughout the day, he would hear your name coming out of other people's mouth, but not once did he catch a single glimpse of you. sunghoon was running out of options, he didn't want to be that type of guy to show up infront of your door step in fear of crossing boundaries, but he was seriously considering doing it today.
sunghoon mentally chanted your name in his head as if that would help and summon you, and you know what? maybe it did work because now he was seeing you standing across from him, your back facing towards him as you looked at the bulletin board.
not wasting any time, he raced towards you and gently grabbed your forearm, successfully turning your attention from the bulletin board to the taller boy behind you. sunghoon wanted the ground to swallow him whole when he saw how your face dropped at the sight of him.
"let's talk, please?" he whispered that only you could hear, glancing around the corridor before looking back at you. the small hesitant nod was everything he needed before he lead you in an empty hall as everyone was in the cafeteria.
sunghoon took his chance and took you in, loving the way you've dressed yourself today and he wanted to just keep you in his arms all day, but he reminded himself that he needed to clear things up and make you his girlfriend obviously before he could even do that.
"wony already explained everything, i'm sorry for assuming the wrong thing.." sunghoon was taken aback by your sudden apology, and the tightness in his chest grew.
he took your face in his hand, gently bringing your chin up so he could look you in the eye. "i should be the one apologizing.. i'm sorry for making you feel that way, i didn't have any other intentions towards her and i only like you.. so much to the point that it hurts. i'll do anything to prove it to you."
he couldn't understand that someone so precious as you could grow such feelings for him, he couldn't process and believe that he's important to someone he finds important too. should he be punished by the gods above because he finds your teary eyes enchanting? he could see his reflection in your eyes and the love it carries, and somehow he finally understands. sunghoon feels warm as he brought you to his chest, tucking your head in the crook of his neck.
"i'll show you, i'll give you my everything and my forever. you're it for me."
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feral-puppy-boy · 9 months
Imagining my Dom taking me to a doctor because they're worried about me touching myself all the time.
I protest, but there's nothing I can do and once the Dom promises me a reward if I'm a good boy, I am sold on the idea. In the doctor's office, the Dom comes with me and tells the doctor about my problem while I'm sitting there, fiddling with my shirt, unable to look away from the floor.
The doctor then has me undress, and my Dom gives me a threatening look when I hesitate before removing my boxers as well. I'm told to climb up onto the stirrups, and before I can react, the doctor fastens belts around my arms, legs and stomach so I won't be able to move. "Just a precaution," he says, as he roughly shoves a large thick thermometer inside my ass, making me yelp, "We don't want him moving around too much during the check-up". He takes out a measuring tape and measure my tdick, and double checks before measuring it again. "That is really small, even for a man like him - or should I say boy, looking at the size of this?" My dom laughs a little, and I try to squirm. My cock is already fully erect, as big as it can get, and hearing the doctor say this makes me want to close my legs, but they're securely fastened to be spread wide in the stirrups.
The doctor starts rubbing my chest, and I gasp as he harshly twists and rolls my nipples - already erect from the cold - between his fingers. "His sensitivity here seems to be normal," the doctor notes, eyeing my tcock - still hard, but not reacting much. "But if you want, it can be increased with time." He moves to rub and press on my stomach, and once he's done with that, forcefully grabs the thermometer that has been inside me this whole time and takes it out, leaving my hole convulsing around nothing. "Looks like he needs something back here," the doctor moves his fingers under my tcock to cover them in my slick, and roughly starts fingering me with two of his fingers, noting how my tcock twitches every time he goes deeper. "Does he experience penetration often, or does he mostly pleasure himself with touching this... Shrimp?" The doctor asks, letting his free hand gently rub my tdick. My Dom shakes their head, "I've been busy lately and haven't penetrated him much, he mostly rubs himself for pleasure." I'm about to come, and the doctor notices it as I clench myself around his fingers. "What a needy, naughty boy, trying to come without permission," he takes out his fingers and cruelly pinches the head of my tiny sensitive tcock between his fingernails, making me howl.
"I think I see the problem. It's not healthy for boys with tiny cocks to rub themselves too much, it makes them forget their discipline and can even hurt them. I have just the perfect solution for you," The doctor goes and takes an ice cube from a freezer in his office to press it against my tcock, making it deflate and shrink even more until you can barely see it's there. Then, he takes out a small metal device - a tiny, minuscule solid cage - and fastens it against my body with soft rope so it presses tight against my tcock. I whine, desperately looking at my Dom who seems to be thoroughly enjoying this.
The doctor motions for him to come over once he's done. "This device should stop him from getting hard - boys with small cocks can't really control themselves when they're hard, this is the easiest solution. I'll give you a lock and a key so only you can undo the ropes. In the meanwhile, make sure to have him penetrated at least once per day, a toy or a plug will do. That way he'll learn to cum just from being penetrated, since it's such a pain to try and rub something this small."
I'm still wet and desperate as we leave, and the doctor tells us to come back in 2 weeks to see my progress. For some reason, I feel my tcock futilely try to harden already as we get home - but the cage painfully presses against it, and all I can do is rub the smooth metal and whine. My Dom smiles at me, starting to take off their pants. "You heard what the doctor said. It's time for me to give you a special medicine."
This is going to be a very long and frustrating 2 weeks.
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