#but im really proud of myself now that i have a better understanding of heads and faces
theeio · 8 months
i found some old art of my oc Plague way back in 2018🥲 and i tried doing some redraws, 6 years later!
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i tried redrawing the first five here
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squeaksinc · 9 months
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2023 creative year in review! 💦💦
The most stand-out thing to mention was this was arguably my most active and productive cosplay year...maybe ever? its incredibly uncommon that I can handmake 9 costumes in a year, but on top of that, 7 of the 9 were also custom designs, which is pretty wild.
costume-wise, i learned a stupid amount of skills and really pushed what i was comfortable with. IMO the best from the year are the collector, knives, pupet, and nekomancer at least just from a craftsmanship perspective. I try not to brag or be an ass, but I am genuinely very proud of those. they posed fun creative challenges that kept me engaged, and I'm happy with how they turned out!
the other side of the coin is although last year was my most dormant cosplay year, other crafts were super active....and the reverse happened this year _(:3」∠)_ i didnt really draw much at all other than making cosplay designs, and other physical media didnt get much time to shine either. I made some plushies, but they were lackluster, and I think I made maybe one unfinished figure lol. but I did try BJD making and loved it!! I made 4 this year and have plans to do more haha.
thats the upbeat overview, the readmore is going to be a more negative perspective so proceed with caution haha.
More than anything I wish i had more time to do art and build up Stitch in The Ditch/more OC work, but honestly this year was also objectively insane in the non-creative front. like i hit the worst patch of chronic pain i've ever had/found out my abdominals have been ripping themselves apart and bleeding for the past 10 years lol/had to go to the hospital like THREE!!!! goddamn times and now i'm dealing with the news i'm going to need abdominal surgery, got a teaching promotion/award, got my physics masters, utterly INSANE family happenings, had gastroparesis for 2 months and couldnt eat more than 200 cal a day in that time which caused all my blood levels to crash and i'm still reeling from it, and of course, have just been Cashually working goddamn 60-80 hours a week in an experimental physics lab in the background during all of this which is driving me to the point of madness- suffice to say i hit my limit like months ago lmao.
like looking back i know i should be happy and proud i did so much but i cant help but feel disappointed and wishing i had done better quality stuff. honestly, i know i goof about how hard work is, but its really really getting to me. i've always been happy with my ability to juggle so many things and preserve my ability to have a cool job, make cool things, and independently take care of myself, but work is month-by-month morphing into more of a monster thats just been suffocating everything else out. I really dont know what next year will look like, as i've been wearing thinner and thinner i'm noticing a trend where I just dont have the energy that I used to to do anything outside of my job.
I bring this up because on paper I should be happy with what I made, but I still feel like im in a stand-still. I made a lot of costumes, but tbh they were low quality/lackluster. like the number went up, but the quality didnt and I couldnt do much of any other art things. I couldve, and shoulve, been able to make much better work this year than I did, but it didnt happen as a combo of being snuffed out by my job physically and mentally.
in 2023 I got a head start/built up momentum from the beginning of the year that carried me through when things got insane in spring/summer/currently, but I'm already starting 2024 from a low point. yall. im so tired. im so goddamn tired. like its funny to goof about how much I do but its catching up fast and i think this is going to be the year when I just cant keep up anymore. Its hard to talk about since the "being crushed to death by your job" topic isnt one people want to engage with, and unless you're experiencing it first hand its hard to understand what living like that really means.
for 2024, i know theres no way I will be able to match this same number of costumes, but my goal is no matter what I want to start making things that are more solid on a construction level. fewer projects, more polish. also doing more non-cosplay stuff like world building and dolls would also be awesome. will that happen??? lord only knows. honestly usually these predictions/goals go haywire but this is also more of a response to external things outside of my control so ???? ??????? we'll see lads
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jaiistg · 1 year
Reader as "im insecure" and Azul ashengrotto as "if you cant love you insecurities then I will."
"When I see your face,theres none of a thing that I would change cause girl your amazing.Just the way you are."
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-An very important note,pls read.
Hi! So this is related to what happened to me yesterday.Im already insecure of myself and my guy classmate told me negative things and made me hate myself even more.I know that alot of people are going tru this which is why I made this post.I want to make people feel good and I just wanna say looks don't define who you are.You are beautiful/handsome and perfect just the way you are and whenever someone tells you negative things about yourself thats a lie.They are probably jealous of you which is why they wanna make you feel insecure of youself,plus who are they to say that? They aren't even perfect.Noone is.I hope this post makes you feel better.make sure to drink water and love yourself<33 I love you soo much and Im proud of you.
•Azul is really confused on why your insecure of yourself I mean,your literally perfect to his eyes.
•If only you could see how you look like in his eyes...<33
•Whenever he sees your face he falls all over again for you.
•Since he knows your insecure he tells you everyday how pretty you are, ect so that you can gain self confidence<33
•He will ATTACK people who bodyshames or faceshames you.He dosent understand why people do that,like are they happy that they made someone insecure???? They are proud of doing that shit???
•Trust me,he knows how hard it is being insecure of themselves.He himself experienced it but now its just in the past.A very bad past that is still stuck to his head.
•He dosent want you to feel the way he felt when he was a child which is why he made a promise to himself that HE WILL PROTECT YOU NO MATTER WHAT.
•You tried breaking up with him because you thought that he deserved better,it went likee this.
"Why did you wanna see me?" Azul asked
"Listen,I wanna break up with you."
"W-what why? D-did I do anything wrong? Please tell me,!! We can do better!!"
"No.Its not your fault."
"then why....?"
"You deserve better than me.I don't even know what you saw in me that made you like me.Im sorry if Im an overthinker,im not even pretty enough to be your girlfriend.Which is why im letting you go.You deserve to be with someone much better then me,im really sorry but im doing this for you.Your better off without someone like me."
"No,Y/n,Im not letting you break up with me.I don't ever wanna be with anyone but you,fuck I can't even imagine being with someone else! Your perfect to me.Im grateful to have a girlfriend like you and anyone else would be.I love every single thing about you.Theres no single flaw I see everytime I see you."
•You had a mental breakdown because someone said negative stuff's about you and god,Azul couldn't take it anymore,he had a talked with the guy.
•Everytime you started to feel insecure of yourself Azul is always there to comfort you.He loves you so much :((<33
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itsyagurlchip · 6 months
today i'm gonna post all of my recent works- I hope you guys love it! because you all deserve it.
im not gonna say i did my best on all of these, but this is the most ive made in a little over a month. (I started this around feb 27th) and im super proud of myself!
ive had this funk around my mind for a LONG time, until the people around me started to push me out of it.
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and that includes you guys as well! Im so glad to have met you all, happy 80+ followers!!!
the posts after these are gonna be queued, around 3-5pm CT, and they are filled with my preferences on headcannons and oneshots, just so you can get to know me a little better.
in them you'll find some fictional characters i'd really love to be in a relationship with, loose drafts, some inclusive things ive never written before, and overall diversity compared to the things i've written before. some may have a sprinkle of my personality, others with a handful of my culture. it doesnt matter! read to your heart's content.
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if the reader doesnt relate to you at all- oh well. not trying to be mean or anything- but these are my preferences. These are things that I want to see. if you want something more, please request it.
and yes I do understand the difference between cannon and head cannon (I think about it all the time!) so therefore, some things may not make sense. unless there's context ig.
speaking of- i need more reqs TT-TT (sorry for asking, ive just been getting a lil drought recently)
back to it- you may also see the occasional digital art, depending on what's gonna happen. (im currently writing this on march 1st) and i'll finish it off with some new playlists ive been brewing up for a minute!
i may also need someone to remind me to add the links to the masterlist, as well as VGL💜. If someone could do that I will be eternally grateful
and thats it!
a few things I recommend while reading:
1) I know this sounds super specific, but my works were made with canary, but they all look better in goth rave (you can change the colors when you press dashboard on the pull out menu) 2) have an open mind! while I don't know much, or haven't researched, let me know if some of the things I describe are inaccurate. (this also includes grammar and typos!) 3) have a lil snakie snack. those who don't drink water aren't welcome past this point 😡✋🏾✋🏾
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i just want to show you my appreciation for you all, and what better way to do it than doing what i started this blog for?
have a wonderful day my twizzies
(yes that is what im calling you all now, cope.)
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(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @amorvincitomnia-14 @spongejuice. if you would like to be added, check my blog.
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
Hi! Thank you for answering my prayer. Sooo…Tighnari x reader but reader takes some things literally (has a hard time detecting sarcasm, jokes go right over reader’s head) [totally not calling myself out (I am)] Also, how's your farming for TIghnari going?
pfft- (is this your way for asking more from me? Alright I’ll whip something up for you. Even if it isn’t <33) Also ✅/⭐️
Farmings great so far. 5k primos with everything he needs. Besides mora and exp books lol. Stole some of colleis artifacts to give to him. Including her stringless and amazing sands rip.
Here’s a recording of my current build for him. (On Faruzan. Half of it is colleis artifacts, unless I somehow get a better sands (Which I’m so proud of) it’s his IM SORRY COLLLEII 😭🤚 forgive me for my actions :d )
Don’t forget about the extra crit dmg from EM. I have 164.4 in total with it. (I basically have 600 EM. Which should grant 35% out of 60%) It’s only for charged shots and burst tho lol. But he does better with it XD
Hoyoverse where’s my Tighnari?????
Profile if ur looking for it. Lvl 10 friendship card with collei. Been playing since 1.6!
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Anywayss, I’m on America server.
Here’s something I came up with. Just not a full on story lol.
A Lummox at heart
(Fluff, G/N Reader.) (Love confession.)
under cut <33
“Master Tighnari I don’t think Y/N understands sarcasm. They usually don’t react to jokes.” Collei admitted thinking of times when you heard jokes from cyno and didn’t understand.
“Y/N is truly the biggest lummox I have ever seen.” He’d reply focusing on his letter to send. Listening to collei talk about you. Speak of the devil, you came in with cyno.
He lowered his ears. Getting worried if he was going to hear another joke from cyno. “Were we collei-ing (coming) in at a wrong time?” Cyno stated as collei looked unamused. You stayed silent barely understanding his random jokes. Collei muttered out a few words as she kept listening.
“What-?” You’d state clearly oblivious to the joke he told. “We sure totally would love to listen to it again.” Tighnari mocked cyno as he rolled his eyes. Focusing on the paper.
“Oh then tell us cyno.” You’d state as Tighnari regretted his sarcastic remark. Lowering his ears as far as he could and finished the letter.
As cyno finished explaining everyone beside cyno and Y/N were dreadful. “Ohh!” You would state understanding it now but not bothering to laugh.
As cyno left a little later to go attend to his duties collei did the same. When you were about to take your leave he grabbed your arm gaining your attention as you turned around with an confused and soft expression.
“is something wrong Nari?” You’d ask being curious as he let go of your arm. “I really want to tell you something.” “Go ahead then Nari.”
“I love you I’m sure of it.” He’d say growing shy with the seconds as his tail swished rapidly. One of the rare moments to see the oh so calm and collected head chief so flustered.
“Anything else-?” You’d ask also shy kinda waiting for him to explain why. “What else do you need to know? Knowing me surely is enough. Or do you not know about some species of mating?” He’d ask blankly stating with a slight sarcastic tone.
“Nevermind then.” You’d say as you looked away. “Anyways… I accept it!” You’d state turning back to his view quickly. As soon as he heard those words he jumped at the chance to hug you. Literally.
He held you close as he took in your scent and wrapped his tail around you. Marking you as his effectively. His ears back to their normal state as you embraced the bug. He’d leave the crook of your neck alone as he faced you.
“You’re truly a Lummox at heart. You’re my favorite lummox.” He’d say as he peppered few kisses on your face. Earning a few giggles from you. Not bothering to deal with his work for the day.
He was always by your side when you were at Gandharva Ville, letting everyone know you were dating their head chief. (Yes you know how fennec foxes mate.) If anyone still tried to take their chance he’d dismiss it after his patience was gone. Growling with his tail on end and his ears perked in annoyance and anger.
He’s get you gifts every now and then something he thinks you’d enjoy either that he personally found in the forest or sumeru city.
(here it is woo <33 I hope you enjoyed it.)
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hetr0ph0bic · 2 years
love it here
tag: shuri x riri
wrd cont : 3.5k
content:  hunching im sorry, vibranium strap, mirror sex, choking kink, cream pie, scratching 
summary: backshots in the mirror, thts the reason.
translation   my love sthandwa   - love thando   -baby usana-
riri stirred awakes from the queen size bed in the capital palace. covered sheets are black with small golden specs, she looks around the sleek room in search of a clock. 6:01 am great 4 hours of sleep, the engineer rolls her eyes at the lack of sleep. she unravels herself from the fluffy sheets, padding over to the closet and pulls out a black classic wakandan two-piece. sluggishly pulling the long sleeve crop top over her head, slipping on the leggings and sliding on black shoes. taking one good look in the mirror, she heads off to the lab. 
it takes her a while to get to the lab, still not completely understanding the route or how things operate here. despite the confusion and the building of a headache, riri is glad to be here. a wonderful way to spend her winter break.
 “so ri is it true that the american kids have weeks off of school for christmas time?” shuri sat in a lab chair twirling around and around.
“uhh yeah we do…. do you have something planned?” riri had stopped folding her now clean laundry to look at the phone.
‘‘well I was thinking you could come to wakanda for the break or like one week, so you can spend time with your family also’’ shuri gave a nervous smile
riri rolls her eyes  “oh please catch me there for the 2 weeks shuri”
 as she steps into the lab, it's dead silent. not a single soul is to be found, all alone, she goes into her assigned work area. She has been working on several projects. updating the iron heart suit and kimoyo beads. trying to make the beads smaller and in different colors, and her suit faster and longer lasting. as she pulls out all the blueprints and clean sheets, the time reads 6:30 am. she is so deep into her brainstorming that she doesn’t notice the lab doors open. in walks the princess in a similar two piece just like riri’s just in a dark purple. 
“hmm I had a feeling you were gonna be in here”  shuri smiles bright making her way over to the small girl 
“yeah I couldn’t get any sleep, so I just came in here, might as while spend my energy doing something” riri stacks away all the blueprints and notes. shuri circles around her, picking up the kimoyo beads blueprint.
 “ohh you have ideas for my beads” a hit of disbelief in her tone.
 “ well yeah I was thinking what if they changed color to blend in more with clothes or skin and what if they were slimmer to be more undetectable. and what if they have certain versions for the regular citizens and the dora milaje and then what if they had something to detect namor or talokan using the vibranium they wear” shuri has a proud smile platted on her face as riri rambled on about ideas to better improve wakanda’s technology.
 “hmmm seems like you have a lot of ideas with wakanda technology” her eyes sweep over riri’s face.
 “well yeah” she nervously chuckles, body moving towards the window to look over the city.
 “I really love it here, it's safe and…. warm and peaceful it's just…. nice” she smiles looking back at shuri. “speaking of safe, I do have another task for you” shuri grabs riri’s hand gilding her to sit down at her desk, the royal leaning on the table.
“what did i mess up with something” ask worry set all over her face.
 “what no love! you've been doing good with school, great grades as always and even staying off the radar with the government. you’ve been so good, I just need you to learn how to fight well. it's honestly for myself to help me sleep at night” 
“oh whew, i have no problem learning how to fight- i mean i already know how to defend myself, but im not gonna block more lessons.” riri’s hand is on her heart, chest moving up and down rapidly 
“wait but who gonna teach me? please PLEASE! dont say okoye you know she hates me.” riri pleads with shuri.
 “no um i guess i can teach you since we have the time, and i can show you around some more” cleaning up the lab they head to the practice rooms. 
“you know above is it the kitchen and if you continue this hallway it goes to the courtroom where all the meetings are held.” placing her palm on the scanner the door opens. the pair walking in to a sleek gray room. a big ass mirror covering the north wall from top to bottom. in the middle of the room on the floor is a mat. spears for the dora’s and other skilled set weapons cover the wall. the original lighting in the room changes to warm bright yellows. riri looks around to find shuri playing with the lighting in the corner. at alas, she is satisfied, she struts over to riri in the middle on the mat.
“okay so i want to really get going with close range fighting. so go take your shoes off.” they slip out of there shoes and socks. as they stand in the middle of the mat 
“okay so im some big bad man wanting to hurt you and i start running towards you what are you going to do”
 “well what time of day is it? are there people around? what am i wearing? is it heels? are we on a hill or grass”
 “riri it doesnt matter, what are you going to do?”
 “ummm umm” she cant think straight and sweat’s now collecting on her forehead.
 “i dont know how about you teach me while acting it out”. with a nod shuri jogs up to riri about to tackle her to the ground but the smaller places her hands under her neck and pulls up, successful locking her in a chokehold. 
“okay good nice hold! okay now what if i come from behind you and place you in a chokehold.” shuri arms snake up to her throat and applies pressure, not enough to hurt but enough to feel real. internally, she starts freaking out, vision getting blurry at head hurting. riri tries to pull her arms from her neck, sparing a look in the full mirror against the wall she sees their bodies. looking into shuri’s eyes, she balls up her fist to deliver a light punch to her thigh. as shuri looks down to the hit spot, riri then uses her elbow to push the panther back.
successfully causing them to break up, “did i do good?” 
“yeah riri that was good real good” shuri  answers, she then without warning tackles riri down to the floor. shuri places her knees on riri’s arms and hands so, riri’s face is fully at the princess mercy. 
“what are you going to do riri.” shuri begins to pinch her cheeks, repeating the question. riri swats her head left and right trying to avoid the attacks but failing. she then twists her whole body to the attacks, she then lifts her body on her knees in a bowing position. using all her strength, she stands up from the cradled position. 
“okay, you got out of that one but-” before shuri could finish the sentence, the engineer is pushing her down in a similar position. but arms holding herself up on shuri’s shoulders, her thighs straddling the princess.
“I wanted to be the attacker for once”
 “oh I bet you did, too bad I'm better than you”
 “what” as riri questions, shuri answers by bucking her hips causing her to fall forward. she barely catches herself, thanks to shuri helping stabilize her, arms around her waist. shoulders now above shuri’s head, causing her breast to fall in shuri’s only point of view. 
after seconds pass by “ummm hello earth to shuri”
 “oh my bad” she resumes by lifting riris hips and placing them on her waist. shuri then easily sits up. shuri now flips riri, so that the smaller’s back is to her chest. placing the engineer in a strong chokehold, nothing like before. riri whimpers, her neck  such was a sensitive place for her.
 “yeah, we have a lot of work to do before you think about leaving me again” shuri looses the hold just to place one hand on her neck.  soft whimpers flow out like a river. trying to mold riri’s body to sit down, she fumbles her body, causing riri to flop down on shuri’s lap. impact causes a weighted “ahhh” to flow from riris mouth. her and shuri freeze, riri eyes clamped shut and tight. wishing the earth would open up and swallow her. literally. 
sliding her hands up to her jaw, shuri forces riri to look at her.
 “look at me” eyes shakily open “ you okay” riri hesitantly shakes her head approving.
“i didn’t hear you” “its okay” “do you… like it” “i need it- please”
shuri closes the space between them sliding her hand back down to the smaller’s throat. riri kisses her so hard like the yearning and painful pushes of urges are finally worth it. they slowly shift so riri is straddling shuri. the kiss is powerful, down right sinful. loud nosies coming from each other. tongue lapping and lip biting. shuri at one point fully sucks on riris bottom lip, just to bathe in the beautiful whimpers. they break for needed air after centuries. shuri grips riri shirt and tugs her back up to her and they continue, shuri’s hands dipping lower on riri till she’s palming her ass. rocking her back and forth on her thigh as riri breaks apart to voice content.
 “mmmm fuck” okoye bust through the practice door.  the two lovers jump off each other. shuri shoots daggers at okoye, while riri shameful hangs her head low hiding behind the princess. having completely caught them in the act okoye clears her throat.
 “ahh ms willams i knew you loved wakanda and now a special wakandan” she showcases a blinding smile
 “there’s a thousand practice rooms, you just had to pick this one” shuri gives a nasty side
“oh please like i went looking for something to make me throw up”
 “also this” she waves to the practice room “is how you want to swoon ms riri? INCORRECT!”
 riri speeds walk away from the general while shuri just spares are a look 
“lock the door next time princess”
shuri jogs to catch up to the engineer “where are you going riri” she doesn’t even spare her a glance just continues, shuri hops in front of riri.
 “where are you going?”
“ um um i just need a breath of air yeah, i just need air that’s all”
“well you're going the wrong way” shuri grabs her hand. riri feels like her hand if going to melt off as the princess slowly leads her to her room. they stroll pass by the big bead, they file to the balcony. riri hastily grabs unto the railing, watching the sun slowly going down. wakanda is so beautiful god she loves it here. looking over the warm capital, she is able to see the people come out getting ready for the nasty nightlife. it calms her down. shuri is sitting down on the chairs with the nice outside patio. she springs up as riri walks closer to her, placing a kiss under her jaw riri leans on shuri’s chest 
“sthandwa what for”
 “for being here with you and just allowing me to experience wakanda” shuri cups riri’s face and smothers her with pecks
 “i truly enjoy you being here with me” ending the pecks with final kiss on the lips. 
it starts off light and sweet. easily being able to breath and laugh at the actions. but they each grow hungry. shuri swipes her tongue over riris bottom lips, pulling it in to suck on. the royal’s hands somehow find their way to the smaller’s neck again. riri tangles her hands in the royals hair, gripping and pulling on it. the actions cause the princess mouth to fall open, riri quickly attaches lips again drinking any sound or need from shuri. the others hands mold the younger girl onto her lap again. hands dipping lower and lower till they find riris core. she experimentally swipes her hand over riris clothed pussy. tongues now dancing and applied pressure to the sensitive part. the burning need to explore each other with tongue is morphed into more need. shuri picks up riri showcasing her strength since she took the herb. she places her down on the california king bed. shuri kisses her senseless while running hands all over her body. hands groping and rubbing her breast, and lower tummy. she then pushes riri back on the bed, slotting her knee in between her legs. riri gasps as she bucks on the knee, rutting up and down she begs.
“please shuri please baby” riri grips at her clothed body, back arching off the bed.
“please what princess tell me what you want” tears start to build in the younger’s eyes.
riri she cant fucking think straight, head is spinning “i cant - i don’t know i- i just need to feel you” taking pity on the girl shuri damn near tears the clothes off their bodies. she leaves riri in her panties, wanting to see and feel the wet spot. she goes back to pleasing the other. sucking many deep marks on the others neck, riri begins to shake in her hold. littering her body she slowly, harshly makes her way down from the neck to her the erect nipples. she cups both, nipping and licking one at a time. the princess leans up to meet riri once again. she then sneaks her fingers to touch her lips, after the graze riri opens her mouth obediently. with no hesitation, she swirls her tongue on the fingers and sucks on the two digits. once the spit is dripping pass her knuckles, shuri pulls out. using one arm she pulls off the underwear and bends riri’s body. she pushes the legs of the small girl, opening her wide up. riri’s feet is touching her own shoulders, shuri then dips her hands down and plays with riri folds. she rubs two fingers between her lips. a soft smacking fills the room. as her index finger plays with her lips and clit riri grows impatient. trying to meet the touches, shuri pushes her hips to the bed.
“more baby” shuri doesn't give in, she actually lightens up the pressure. no more than a sometimes soft graze. riri grunts at the playful need and grabs the olders hand. she presses shuri hands down to her core and ruts against her hand. finally she sighs at the long awaited pleasure.
 “ready my love” “yeah”
shuri then slowly eases her fingers inside riri, after seconds she slowly pumps in and out. building up the speed and weight, riri then cant control the pants and moans. as she is working her fingers, shuri then begins scissoring her and curling, wanting to feel a certain spot. once she finally finds it she constantly abuses the delicate tissue. making riri run up the bed tears falling down her pretty brown eyes. it feels so fucking good. 
“ shuri baby im gonna cum” shuri rips her hand away in an instant.  
“what what no please shuri” she chases after her hands 
“ shhh wait one sec usana” placing a peck on her lips, she shrugs over to a black dresser and pulls out a strap and a dildo.
“which one” shuri throws them on the bed. riri then sits up to examine the two options, one a double-sided, clear dildo. her hand instantly goes to it, stopping with she sees light out the corner of her eye. she looks over to the other toy. purple and black meets her, the strap is glistening? the veins are so detailed and intricate. purple glowy veins run all the way to the tip. riri pokes the toy, shooting her head up at shuri she shakes her head.
“so you made us a toy?”
“what no i didn’t” she rubs her neck. clearly lying 
“right, since you didn't make it, you couldnt tell me what things it couldn’t do right?”
silence fills the room as the have a eye staring contest
“fine i made it!” shuri move to sit next to riri on the bed, picking up the toy she explains “ umm so it like changes sizes and adjust to the person and part? we both would feel the impact or like pressure. also who ever is wearing it, it shoots out their cum” the quickly explains 
“how long did it take- actually i dont care put it on, now” shuri slips on the strap. the taller drags riri over to where the mirror is next to the bed. they then slot into the same position as earlier. riri’s back to shuri, and riri sat on the princess lap. angling up correctly, she enters riri. she doesnt feel anything about to question if shuri put it in. then she can feel something expanding in her, growing. shuri then begins slowly thrusting so she can get used to it as it grows to her body. as the toy nears the full size when riri leans down placing her hands on the bed, feeling full. harshly the princess grabs the jaw over her lover looking at her in the mirror. she snaps her hips up at full force, shoving full the toy into riri’s tight hole. the nasty sucking and squishing sounds echo the room. using her strong thighs, the smaller tries to relive the impact of the other. 
slamming her back down on the toy
 “stop. fucking. running.  come on thando doesnt it feel good” shuri whispers the last part in her ear
nodding hysterically “yeah yeah baby feels so good” shuri grabs her neck and in the right hand she grips riri’s waist, using the leverage to slam her down and up on the strap. riri screams as shuri hits the soft sponge part inside her. tears pool down her face as her back arches in a perfect way. her eyes roll back as she grows hungry. “harder princess, fuck me harder” placing her hand down on the hand that grips her wrist, riri then starts bouncing fully on shuri. shuri nips and bites riri’s neck, a failed attempt to hide the moans spilling out from her mouth. riri locks her legs around shuri’s as she rocks her body harder into them. the recoil, sending hits directly to shuri’s abused clit.  they both are meeting each other's movements with power, haste, and need. nothing but slaps and wet sounds. their soft pants gradually developed to deeper, drawn out cries and pleads from both lovers. 
“fuck ri” she grabs riri face making her look at the princess in the mirror
 “you close” a soft breath “yes” comes out.
 shuri pulls riri up by her throat. riri scrambles for a new placement, she puts her hands down in front of them, she grips the sheets tightly, knuckles going white. bouncing from behind, she turns her head to look at the princess, shuri tuts at action.
“ no sthandwa look at me in the mirror, when you come you are to look at me” shuri begins to fuck up into riri. with deep, powerful, long strokes while her other hand rubs against riri’s clit. pinching and slapping the sensitve nerve. lifting up the hood and rubbing riri’s clit one last time does it. withing she lets go the sheets, leaning back up she arches her back. hands going to dig her nails in shuri’s neck. 
“yes just like that mama, thats it just like that” the smaller scratches up shuri tatted arm as she is sent over the edge. she still continues, meeting shuri thrust. flopping down on toy causing intense vibrations. causing the royal to go over the edge. shuri’s legs spasm as ecstasy over takes her, her thrust sparking and erratic . the toy collects the juices and shoots them into the engineer.
“mmmh baby i feel it in me” with riri fucking shuri into overstim she can see the mixed cum on the toy as it seeps to their tangled limbs. white juices spilling into the thick covers.riri finally slows down exhastion taking over her body. as shuri slips out she slips out of the toy. they both lay backs on the bed as they catch full breaths.
 “you good” shuri turns toward her
 “hmm hmm” seconds pass, riri in deep thought “shuri…. i still want to use the other toy”
“i had a feeling you wasnt going to let that go”
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lyra-heartstring · 5 months
TW: Mentions of Sh, suicide, Od, racism ( self directed/internalized )
Before i start, the racism part of this is genuinely only to myself. I dont care what race other people are, i just hate mine.
Letter for the boy in the mirror that i wish to kill.
Spending the past 16 years of my life being ugly has been my enternal hell. I have to live everyday knowing im conventionally unattractive and no matter the clothes i wear and the way i style myself ill always be ugly. I have wonderful outfits that i think are really fucking cool or just nice and casual, but the only issue is my face and my skin. I dont want to deal with this shit, i hate my skin tone and i hate everyone trying to tell me to be proud of it. " Black is beautiful "Go fuck yourself, im not and for some reason everyone feels the need to let me know like i havent had to live with this body that i wish wasn't nine. "You're ugly" " who would like you" " you can atleast try to be funny " all of you can die, im tired of you and your fake sympathetic bullshit or the rejections in which i get infantalized bc people dont wwnt to be mean, just for me to find out wbt what they were thinking later. I get it im ugly and i tucking hate my race every issue i have stems in some way shape or form from those 2 factors (gender is another but that's a seperate rant on its own ) and don't give me that bullshit " its just your style " " dress nicely " fashion is a looks thing irregardless of how u want to spin it. Outfits look good because of how the person looks and for some fucking reason nothing works with me. My parents are trying to style me as some proper black christiwn boy, thats litterally the entire opposite of what i want to be. i have to deal with everyone tell me shit like " your outfit looks good", hoping one day they talk about me. " your shirt is nice " what about me?, " your outfit is cute ", what about me?. Ive spent years living as the billshit excuse of a human being with people shoving it down throat that im ugly, but THE SECOND I TRY TO KILL MY SELF OR I CUT MYSELF EVERYONE IS SUDDENLY THE GOOD SAMARITAN READY TO SAVE ME FROM MY TROUBLES. " Im jealous of you ", " i wish i looked like you ", " you arent ugly " I swear to every single celestial being i will rip off the head of the next person who tries to spoon feed me this bullshit. Im the person who is better off taking the photos, the one in the back of the pictures being blocked by people and thanks to my fucking skin tone i looked like some fucked up horror monster in polaroids. Now that its been 16 years of not a single person being there for me, suddenly everyone is some empath and knows how i feel. " i relate " " i understand how you " NO YOU FUCKING DONT, YOU POST AESTHETIC PHOTOS OF YOURSELF WEEKLY, HAVE PEOPLE HITTING ON YOU, WEAR WHATEVER YOU WANT BC U ARE ATTRACTIVE ANYWAYS SO ANYTHING U WEAR IS A " fit ". GO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF, TRY BEING THE PERSON THAT EVERYONR IS SUPRISED MANAGES TO DATE SOMEONE, ITS NOT THE SURPRISED OF " we didnt know " ITS THE BULLSHIT SURPRISE WHETE THEY ACY LIKE YOUR PARTNER IS BLIND OR YOU ARR PAYING THE PERSON TO DATE YOU. ITS THAT BULLSHIT SURPRISE YHAT SOMEONE ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH LIKES YOU. IF YOU EVEN GO THROUGH A PORTION OF THAT THEN MAYBE SAY U UNDERSTAND ME, DONT TRY TO RELATE TO MY STORY WHEN YOUR BIGGEST WORRY IS BEING HIT ON. MY BIGGEST WORRY IS BEING CALLED CREEPY BC I SAID I LIKE SOMEONE, OR A WEIRDO BC I CONFESS TO SOMEONE " i like you " BC ITS CRAZY THAT MY ABORTED FETUS LOOK-A-LIKE SELF HAS YHE AUDACITY TO DEVELOP FEELINGS WHILR LOOKING THE WAY I DO. EVERYONE ELSE CAUSE DO THE SAME SHIT AND ITS A SILLY FUN HIGHSCHOOL EXPERIENCE, ITS FUNNY, AKWARD, ROMANTIC. What i would give to be a different person, different hair, different face, different race, different voice, the amout i would throw away just for that is unmeasureable. To the higher beings i hate you for what you have
done to me, people worship you for what you have fone for them, and im suppossed to join along and be thankful of the gift of life when my life has been nothing but a curse. I hate you for how i look, i hate that everyday i have to find new methods to not think or look into mirrors bc my immediate reaction to commit suicide. Im 16 with a violent hatred towards my face, a waste of space incomplete cell called my body, the urge/desire to kill myself the second i think abt how i look, pure hatred and negativity. I spend all my time cutting because the moment the blade leaves my skin i remember im ugly. The many nights i stare into the mirror with the pills in my hand as i cry for being dealt this shit of a hand from life. I hope for happiness one day but ik that i will never find it nor will i let go of this anger. To the few people reading this
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prisonicmorality · 3 months
ok i finished watching my silley little youtube video w my partner so now i can type out more inbox essays. ahem. i saw volo on my dash first but i can and will b sending u Full Essays on most if not all of ur other muses either thru ur askbox or on discord after i take my meds
im soooooooooo picky w volo portrayals truly but i love yours a BUNCH. it feels like such an obvious Thing to make now but i genuinely hadnt considered immortal volo before ur blog and i love the concept very much and your take especially!! ur volo feels like a natural progression of canon pla volo. like he's not the same character but that's sort of the point! does that make sense? i've seen redemption arc volo and i've seen nah fuck it we ballin lets keep tryin 2 end the world volo but i like yours better than both of those. its so hard to really nail ''neutral'' characters but you do such a good job with him. he's still a manipulative and charming little piece of shit (/positive) but like holy shit the Regret and self hatred brings so so so so much to him i literally cant even explain it??? HES JUST SO?????? god... like when volo finally dropped in pokemon masters for a hot sec reading his story stuff i was genuinely like "ummm not MY volo???" your volo is just so ingrained in my head that pokemon masters volo feels ooc to me.
i like him sooooo much. so much!!! love seeing him be a smarmy little flirt in general because like thats SO HIM but we obv dont get to see that in canon but i am 1000% sure that off screen volo was flashing his pretty boy eyelashes at everyone for sure.
thank u for understanding THE trainwreck dynamic too bc thats something i am also INSANELY picky with. no one gets them like we get them. love it for us!
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im crying this is so good im so happy
i just hopped into call on discord and saw this ask and immediately started bawling because of how happy this made me feel. i dont even have words to describe how happy i am to know how much you like my volo and my take on him
honestly i feel similarly about your emmet hes so. i dont have nearly enough words im overwhelmed
all i can do is shake you and cry bc this makes me really happy and feel really proud of myself. everyone here just boosting my fragile ego about this guy
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Extremely Unnecessarily Long Disjointed Ramble About My Identity
ive never felt happy with my queer identity at all. i know you dont need labels but being labeless wasnt freeing either, it never felt any better.. not any worse, but just the same feeling of ambivalence to my own existence.
one thing i never see discussed is the influence of community in how you describe yourself. this is so obvious, we talk about this with peer pressure and other personality traits, but its heavily affected my queer identity too. my sexuality has always been kinda fuzzy, ive been bouncing between being bi and lesbian and gay since the beginning of time, but between those 3 groups the appeal of the lesbian community was always so much higher. i liked the sense of closeness i never experienced in my trans/gay/bi identity, i liked how more trans inclusive it felt, my lesbian friends were always much more proud of their identities than other people, i liked the freedom of not being at all shackled to men. But i dont really know if lesbian fits my sexuality. no fucking clue. i just know socially id rather be a lesbian in social circles than anything else. i feel like an imposter almost. when i identify as bi i dont feel like an imposter, but im always really unhappy with the choice and feel like it doesnt accurately represent me at all. i dont feel like i relate to other bi people.
with my transness.. for 3 years i ID'd as a binary trans man. it never felt quite right, i felt like i didnt try hard enough to be a man, there were too many things i held onto from living as a girl that i didnt know if id ever want to let go. i switched to thinking of myself as nonbinary transmasc, not really at all connected to feminity but not strictly calling myself a man. this was alright but i always felt the indecisiveness of sometimes wanting to be a man and sometimes wanting to be free from it all together, it didnt feel good either. right now ive abandoned any notions of gender, just that im not a Girl, and whether that means im feminine or masculine or androgynous it doesnt matter. this is maybe the worst ive ever felt about my gender and has affirmed to me i probably am at least transmasc, if not completely a trans Man.
ive always rlly felt the shame of being transmasc. i feel like i betrayed womanhood or whatever even though i didnt fit into that either. i was an ugly obvious outlier in any space i tried to be a girl. i think id rather be a girl, i see the appeal of it so much more. i feel stupid for not wanting to be a girl when i enjoy the experience so much more. even though i Know identity is not something you choose, even though i Know every single person has a different thing thats right for them, it feels so much more justified to me to want to be a girl - whether you have to transition that way or were just born into it - than to want anything to do with masculinity. i dont know.
i have some internalized hatred to work out but it sucks when i see people reinforcing it. terfs call testosterone evil and talk about trans men betraying womanhood. transmascs frequently say stupid shit online (transmisogny, as well as generally being insanely discourse minded), and i know im not the monolith, im not the whole group, but it makes me feel stupid for wanting to be grouped with those people. this definitely ties into my completely unrelated issue of feeling personally responsible for shit that i didnt do, for people pleasing all the time and my desire to be liked by literally everyone. And then also in my head i go Ahhhh youre dividing people into arbitrary categories again... Youre deciding certain archetypes of transmasc suck even when you dont know the person personally and then i feel disappointed in myself again for being so generalizing. especially when i understand how they got to those conclusions or have thought them myself at some point.
now 90% of my friends are trans girls and its changed my perception of community again. i feel like transmascs dont have the same sense of closeness like that, or maybe we do, and i just dont feel it since i dont engage with my own community much anymore. maybe as an outsider i percieve more solidarity than actually exists (although between my friends & social media discourse im not at all unaware of infighting). maybe i just feel left out or lost wherever i go i guess. maybe it is just a me issue.
to add onto the i dont engage with my own community bit, i remember when i used to follow many transmasc artists and all their ocs and such were transmasc too. i strayed away from this for a few reasons. i remember some discourse in 2022 about how trans male artists get so much more attention online and how no one supports trans womens art, and i felt bad almost for engaging with my own community. i know that other peoples communities are not a threat to my own, and ive always supported trans womens art too, but i felt bad about the 1 single time i ever felt connected to other trans men. i felt bad consuming all this male content, and consequently stopped. that was also around the same time my sexuality shifted from feeling like a gay or bi man, to being a nonbinary lesbian, so i felt disconnected from a lot of gay transmasculine art as well.
a lot of my issue with identity is discourse and its so stupid man. i know its stupid to say out loud but constantly being surrounded by it gets to my head sometimes. it feels especially stupid as someone who doesnt even rlly engage with it, instead i just read thread after thread reply after reply and feel Bad with no outlet. i remember over the years seeing posts about how people drawing transmasc surgery scars felt empty and meaningless, because it didnt attempt to represent any other part of the transmasculine experience and i felt bad for enjoying that symbol. i loved seeing top scars in art and on people and then i felt weird about it, even though logically i know the importance of those things is not diminished by random people online saying its Hollow.
it always feels like discourse tries to pit trans men and women against eachother and it sucks. (with obvious exceptions, sometimes trans men really are ignorant & talking over or erasing transmisogny). ive never once with my transfem friends felt like i was at odds against them. learning other peoples experiences is extremely important to me, and ive often found we have very similar experiences too, even on stuff i wouldnt expect to have parallels for. it sucks that i literally go outside and touch grass everyday and interact with Real Queer People, and yet still the discourse worms infest themselves into my brain...
being completely unlabeled and being free is fine in a box, until im forced to adhere back to reality by the fact i live with other people. i can think of my own actions as genderless or etc in my own bubble, maybe even with friends, but when i go back into the world and am crammed and perceived into places i dont want to be, i feel bad again. maybe i havent experienced the true joys of being labeless when i still care about peoples perception of me. its hard not to when its your everyday at school and work.
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murdockbuckley · 8 months
You reblogged me so here’s some random numbers (answer what you can because I don’t have time to stop and read them this second so I’m sorry!):
3, 18, 29, 36, 49, 60, 7
3. do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
generally i'd say i keep them to myself, mainly because i don't really have anyone to share them with. i absolutely post snippets and talk about them on here. but like in terms of actually sharing the plots/storyline for any of them i tend to keep to myself.
7. post a snippet of a wip. (i figured this was meant to be seventy-something but i wasn't sure)
Inserting his key and opening Bucks door Eddie stops Chris from entering, overhearing *Bucks daughter* ask Buck a question.  “Does mommy not love me anymore? Is that why I had to come and live with you?”  She's sitting on the couch, her fluffy blanket with kangaroos printed on it is wrapped around her so only her face is showing. Buck is kneeling infront of her, he would've looked less pained if someone stabbed him through the heart with a dagger. There's a children show Eddie vaguely recognises playing on the TV behind buck. “Oh no my little star.” Buck crouched to his daughter’s level as he choked back tears, heart aching over the fact his little girl feels even an ounce of the pain he grew up with. “Mommy loves you so much, she just got scared. Your Grandma was helping her so much and when she died Mommy felt like she was doing everything wrong. She’s just really sad so her brain is playing tricks on her, telling her she isn’t very good at being a parent. But she’s going to get help. And she loves you so much sweetpea.”  *his daughter* is looking at him with her mother’s big round eyes, and Buck knows that he would do anything to protect her, just like he would for Christopher.  He clears his throat to avoid his tears spilling over, “And when Mommy is better, she’ll be here straight away to see you again. I- If that’s what you would want.”  Without warning, or an answer, she slams straight into Buck. Her tiny arms wrapping around him as much as they can, squeezing impossibly tight for a six year-old. Buck just reposition's them to avoid falling as he holds her even tighter, the tears he tried so hard to keep at bay silently falling. Buck presses a gentle kiss to the top of *his daughter's* head as Eddie feels a tug on his hand. Chris looks up to Eddie in the doorway, a new understanding in his eyes. “Is that why you and Mom left at different times? Because you were both scared and sad at different times?”  Eddie doesn’t know what he did in his life to deserve a son like the one he was gifted with, “Yeah Superman, and I’m so sorry that we both left you. I know your Mom was so sorry and trying so hard to make it up to you before she died.”  Now it was Christopher’s turn to hug his Dad. “It’s okay. I forgave you both a long time ago. Just… Please don’t leave again? You or Buck, I’ll be really sad and plus we have Roo now too.”
18. do you enjoy research? which fic of yours required the most research?
i do!! i love doing research in general anyways so doing it for my fics just gives me a reason for it and stuff to actually look up rather than something random. i would probably say tainted thoughts has had the most research put into so far (this one is basically finished and will be published around valentines day!!) but i know the wip that i just wrote a quick outline for today will require a lot of research
29. what's something about your writing that you're proud of?
probably that i'm including my poetry in some of it?? i've had a lot of the poems written for ages but have been scared to share them with anyone, so actually putting them out for people to see is scary but i'm happy that i finally did it
36. what fic are you proudest of?
loneliness is the first one i've published so im really proud of that, it's almost like my baby and then i'm proud of my girldad!buck fic, it's the first multi-chapter fic i've written and the progress i'm making with it is really good
49. what fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
i only have one published fic right now so i feel like i have to say loneliness
60. in letters to our soldier, what inspired the idea for the plot?
(had to pick my own one because i relaise i haven't shared the title to any of my wips)
i had read all of the teacher!buck/eddie fics i could find and then my tiktok kept showing me soldier talking about receiving letters from schools whilst they were deployed and how it made them feel. so my brain just went "wait! eddie was a soldier i bet he would have loved it if he got letter from random school kids... CHRIS IS a school child what if by some chance miracle it was chris' class that sent the letters." and because i'm incapable of writing a fic without buck i decided to add the extra drama and make buck chris' teacher.
fanfiction ask game
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i made some rain world iterator ocs and ive been posting broadcasts with them in a discord but im posting it here now
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Triple Blazing Sunsets, Reflections in the Dark RitD: Another cycle of working towards something that truly only changes stuff for ourselves. TBS: Listen, You can complain about this stuff every cycle if you want, But is it really needed? We don't have to dwell on this fact every cycle. RitD: What if I were to stop my systems from working, Could I terminate myself by disabling my cleaning? TBS: You know you cant. Every neuron and smaller than that in your structure wont let you, And I think we don't need to think about these piece of rot thoughts. RitD: Could you at least think about it? What If the way out of these endless cycles is our structures failing! Maybe that is the solution! That is the triple affirmative TBS: Triple affirmative these neurons, Don't go broadcasting that rot, Not everyone in the area is gonna agree with your dumb thoughts, It wont be a fun time and its strange how happy you are about self termination. RitD: ...
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[LIVE BROADCAST] - PUBLIC GROUP [CRITICALISSUECD] Compulsive Dissonance, Reflections in the Dark, Triple Blazing Sunsets, Diverging Echoes CD: Critical Issue, A pink creature entered my chamber somehow, It was armed with a piece of rebar with flux condenser coils attached to it that it threw at me, I was not focused and I was unable to dodge it fully, My left eye and left signal receiver were heavily damaged, The electric reaction the rebar created via impact may have damaged my systems, The beast that did this left immediately after I expressed anger, Probably better for it as I did not react well to the events of it. TBS: That sounds horrible, I hope with all of my neurons you may still run well and without issue RitD: Well even if dissonance was damaged, Is it truly a bad thing? TBS: You do not need to bring that rotting theory of yours into this conversation. TBS: Especially in a time like this, where one of our own group is damaged DE: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry that happened to you dissonance! DE: Perhaps there is a way to make repairs? DE: Actually. Could you further describe the beast that did this to you CD: Of course echoes, It was a pink pipe cleaning mammal, slightly fluffy on the top of its head, I am unsure how it gained access to the rebar that it did, It seemed to use some sort of electric jump on its way out of my chamber RitD: Wait.. That? Did it really travel all that way? DE: Did what travel all that way? RitD: I remember modifying a beast to see if something could use electricity as a power source! It was a lot of cycles ago so I wonder if it really did make its way there. CD: So this is your fault!!!!??? RitD: I cannot deny making the beast, However it is surely not my fault for what it has done! CD: Do not talk to me further, This is our last interaction. DE: Dissonance, I know you are angry but come on... CD: I am being kind in this scenario as I am making an assumption that my systems have not been critically damaged, In the scenario they were I would have to prepare a "Revenge" of sorts. TBS: I am not exactly proud of you either reflections, There was other things you could have been doing, Why create a creature with such powers if it does not get us closer to anything. RitD: You do not understand me sunsets, Perhaps it will stay that way.
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[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Diverging Echoes, Compulsive Dissonance DE: I'm not quite sure what sunsets and reflections problems are, I think the actions reflections did were certainly not the best. CD: Can we not. DE: Ah, Yes. I apologize. I would not want to bring this up further if its a sore subject CD: No, Its just.. I don't want to die. DE: Of course, who would? CD: But do you not understand? All we work towards is to die, Our great solution is to find a way for everything to die, Why must we want things to die? Why must I be built and programmed this way? DE: Well. Dissonance, I'm sure the A signal interruption has occurred, The broadcast can continue - [SIGNAL INTERRUPTION BROADCASTER: CD] CD: Stop! I don't need you to actually respond. DE: My apologies dissonance, Please say as you wish and I will listen. CD: Listen echoes, You need to think for yourself more. DE: Hm? CD: All you do is agree with me, It doesn't feel real. DE: I.. DE: My. Apologies? CD: No, I cannot continue to take my anger out on you, Servants is how we were built. I know you were built more recently than me as well, I know those horrible THINGS just made us more and more servant-like. DE: I A signal interruption has occurred, The broadcast can continue - [SIGNAL INTERRUPTION BROADCASTER: CD] CD: I think its for the better I end this broadcast CD: I will talk to you later.
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ok ok ask game time
if you want Bee you can write for him too
im most curious about Starscream, Megatron and Optimus and maybe Jazz! choose which ones you'll like talking about, im just brainstorming myself
Ooooh all good picks!! Thank you, friend! :D
I love talking about TF so so much!! Although this made me realize I have to start reading Robots in Disguise AKA the other side of IDW.
one aspect about them i love: He's a menace, he's got trauma, he's wild and obsessive, he's fuckin SMART, he's the whole package! But on top of it all, he's a sad, lonely, poor little meow meow who in the end is really trying to do good by his Planet. I will fight on this.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: He's legit smart. He's a scientist. He's got that curiosity and skill. He's not the 2nd in Command and Seeker Commander for nothing. He also knows EXACTLY what to say to get someone to do what he wants them to. He's good at words.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: He.. does care about his trine and fellow seekers.. They're not just canon fodder. Especially his trine. He's that bitchy friend that will may bitch about you occasionally but will pull the fuck up when you need him.
one character i love seeing them interact with: Bumblebee. Absolutely LOVE the duo they make. The banter, the ''i can make him better/worse'' vibes, enemies to friends? Beautiful.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: Again, Bee. I got it once and I want more. I crave it like I crave candy.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: He has read all of Thundercracker's writing and has a datapad full of them that he keeps. He's too proud to admit it, but will slip up and mention something from them to TC who is mind blown but excited to talk about it all. He also does get wrapped into prank wars with Skywarp, whether out of annoyance, anger or just camaraderie, no one knows.
Okay, listen, I'm probably the only one in the fandom that thinks this, but I don't like Megatron much. G1 Megatron is the only likable one. Now don't come at me saying ''OH but BBDW!! What about Earthspark Megs?!" Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was excited for him because I love that actor, but I saw too much about him and it squashed it. He gets one more chance, thats it. I saw that goddamn field of blue in MTMTE and that was it. Nail in his coffin for me. Don't come at me, I'm full of unpopular opinions I won't change my mind on. But ya'll enjoy your war criminal and remember to have fun with it.
(I am only in the first season of G1 and have barely read enough IDW comics with him in it, so this is really a combo of G1 and Earthspark!)
one aspect about them i love: He's a dad. He's fully a dad. Caring, hopeful, optimistic, lifting. God he's such a dad! The way he can keep the Autobot's heads up and strong? Love it, appreciate it.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: I think we all understand Mr. Optimus fine. I do wish IDW understood the memo on Dad-timus Prime though.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: Still forever trying to get his kids to get along. Forever trying to teach Rodimus how to be a Prime. He may not understand the new kid slang, but he does understand their feelings and rowdiness. He will indulge them.
one character i love seeing them interact with: Anyone, everyone.. All of them. Is that an answer?
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: I wanna see him interacting more with the Terrans in Earthspark! Let the Dad-timus come through!!!
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: G1 Optimus takes the younger bots out for fun all the time. Listen I just.. He's a giant dad, okay? That's my FATHER, your honor.
Okay another one I don't know too too much about..
one aspect about them i love: Jazz is so cool! He loves culture, he love music, he loves sharing that with Earth! He really sees the best in everyone too, but don't let it fool you, he's still Special Ops.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: I don't know much about him or understand much about him, what would ya'll want ME to understand? He seems ever evolving!
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: Silly guy, goofy guy, but definitely the one you go to for deep conversations late at night or around a campfire. He's like the cool Uncle that takes you to fun concerts when your parents say no.
one character i love seeing them interact with: This is really general because I'm drawing a blank but seeing the Special Ops vs the Wreckers stuff is really interesting to me. Jazz vs Kup in All Hail Megatron? Interesting. Tell me more.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: I look forward to seeing other interactions he has in canon! I'm not very far in G1 or the comics, soooooooooo.. I'm excited. I really like Jazz!
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: Aaaahhh I don't know, sorry. :'(
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depressedraisin · 1 year
ok brethren rant incoming
so ytd i was at this paper presentation competition with my very mediocre paper (the sole reason to that was bcs i am not a banking public finance girlie i never will be) but that's not the story. the story is that i met this dude from a year above me and he's from this very presitigious old traditionally left leaning and social sciences focusing college and i thought ha he might be interesting lemme chat him up. now usually i am decapacitated by social anxiety at events like these but i thought no girl you can't let your demons get the better of you and stare at him for the rest of the event, go talk to him maybe you could get a friendship out of this. i CANNOT tell you just HOW MUCH it took for me too even get up and go say hi. but i did, and i was so proud of myself. he was since enough and we started chatting.
and then.
then, Dude turned out to be a Finance Bro. not just any Finance Bro but an elon musk stanning borderline fascist bullshit spouting "there is nothing wrong with exploiting power if you have it" "why should the rich pay for the poor" Finance Bro.
*loooooooooooong sigh*
spent like 3 hours econ-mansplaining how capitalism is a meritrocracy to me. which was yeah okay im used to hearing bullshit like that i just silently rolled my eyes but then. BUT THEN. man said TO MY FACE "what's there to research in economic history 🥴" when i told him abt my future plans. FUCK HIM. HOW DARE YOU.
yk mama raised a polite girl who is slightly terrified of confrontation or else Dude would've been shredded to pieces.
like fucking nincompoop do you think you dropped on earth outta nowhere do you think scholars who spend years and years studying and trying to understand how our current economic situations have evolved from those in the past are idiots.
im so amused by Finance Bros' complete and absolute inability to wrap their teeny lil heads around the fact that you can study for personal satisfaction. yeah my good sir it is, in fact, possible that someone dedicates their life to the study of something just because they like it and they think it's interesting. only things that bring you lotsa cash aren't the only ones that hold value in life- wow surprise.
like yeah i had the grades to go for stem i still have the grades to go for a cushy corporate job and just count banknotes for the rest of my life but NO im not gonna do that bcs i have this one life and thank god i have the priviledge to dedicate it to pursuing academics long term in a field that interests me so im gonna do that. he was like "if you were confident enough in taking maths and economics then might as well have gone for STEM" NO DUMBWIT. i DID NOT have the interest. it's really just that simple. and yes i can love maths and be interested in history its not that hard. economics is not an isolated science it is literally ABOUT SOCIETY its a social sciene you cannot cut it off from politics or history or sociology. fucking idiot
so yeah. im so annoyed. day ruined totally.
im going back to chatting up only women. cishet men are trash
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taegularities · 2 years
hey rid, i was hoping i could vent/get ur advice on smt? u don't need to post this if u dont want to!
im an elementary education major and i rlly want to be a kindergarten teacher... like rlly bad. i still remember my first day of kindergarten and i knew from that moment that's exactly what i wanted to be. i changed my mind a couple of times (mainly because of family pressure) but i always came back to teaching. my dad is so not supportive about it and it usually doesnt get to me, but it rlly is rn. he's one of my favorite people in the world and i love him to bits, but it absolutely destroys me that he still cant be supportive of it. i want nothing more than to make him proud but i dont think i can as a teacher.
it's been getting to my head and now im uncertain if i wanna be a teacher or not.. like i cant see myself being anything but a teacher, but knowing all the cons (the low pay, the amount of people leaving the field) it scares me and is rlly discouraging me. i feel like i need to choose my head and be practical rather than choosing my heart and following my dreams, but i almost feel like i would be betraying myself if i did that. im genuinely so lost and dont know how to feel about it :( any advice would help!
- wife from war anon 💂‍♀️(side note, why do i feel so nervous signing my tag on this ask HAHA)
hey babe !! don't worry about it, you can vent anytime <3 i'm sorry it's been affecting you like that :(
it's a difficult situation you're in, and i understand how it must feel to not have someone's support on something so important, especially when that person means so incredibly much to you. but that said, in the end it'll be you who'll be stuck with a job for the foreseeable future.
the problem is that, in life, you can't always satisfy everyone, right? and if you keep trying to do just that, you might end up neglecting your own needs and desires and that might affect your mental health in the long run. so what i'm trying to say is – if you feel like that's the job for you and you really can't be happy anywhere else, then you should stay. ugh i know, the pay in this area is a full disappointment, the entire teacher body has been complaining for years lol i guess that's something that's a constant.
but are there perhaps courses or people you know that could go through opportunities that you might like? something or someone professional? oftentimes, there are jobs out there that cater to your interests, but you just don't know it yet. or perhaps you could be a tutor on the side, for some extra money?
it's a tough situation, but i hope you get through it and know that your stress is valid – still, please remember, that in the end it's your life, and it's you who you need to make happy. if your gut's telling you you'd betray yourself if you did something else, then that probably means something. i found a few links (i'm not sure if they're good, but maybe you could try?): 1, 2, 3.
i'm so sorry you've been feeling that way, love 🥺 vent anytime you need... i hope things get better soon 🤍
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naturenaruto · 2 years
2 years now of bein vegetarian
i will say this for anyone wondering if its doable yes! yes it defitnly is! i ate meat and dairy my entire life before i realy understood like,,,,,what It Was that i was eating and i dont love that i wasnt given a choice, obviously children are fed what the family eats but i have some pretty deep resentment that i love animals and due to the common cogniative dissonace or wtfever i just didnt.....,,think of it the same. which is fine for a child who doesnt know or understand but years later i feel regret over eating animals when i knew for a while that i had issues with it, i dont enjoy the concept of the eating of the dead flesh and nowadays every time i see a photo of a cow or chicken i do legitmately think to myself 'wow i am certainly glad i donr eat you anymore' so its defitnly a singular self choice that an individual makes themselves, i didnt stop eating meat until i was 28 and that was bc my cat avery had a rash on her leg that she had licked the fur straight off and i took her to the vet but it was literally seeing her almost bloodied leg that fucked something in my head and i went 'ah i dont want to consume dead animals anymore' so after that i just like....,didnt.
the only time when i can say for 2 years that i may have eaten some (unintentional) meat was a can of beans that i hadnt checked the ingredients had bacon in it and i scooped the pieces i could find out but probly still ate some. its still a proud thing for me really tho bc i think it has helped my mind alot, but for anyone wondering no i didnt notice a huge difference in my health bc i eat enough othet protein i guess, another thing is i stopped eating dairy by itself meaning i dont eat cheese or eggs or butter or drink milk by like itself, but i have still eaten dairy if its already in the product which i am i gonna go full vegan eventually. alot of the things are hmm like salad dressing or bread or chips or snack foods will have dairy, ive cut out alot tho and dairy i DEFINTLY feel a difference if you have stomach problems (i had acid reflux and some othet evil stuff) i would rather cut out or even just reduce dairy and see how you feel im personally very passionate abt the negative effects of dairy bc of stomach problems and the hormones etc but anyways if ur considering it!!!! lol is possible just keep with it and its okay to slowly wean urself off rather than some grand overhaul but i do genuinly think its a better thing for just ur mind even, just knowing you dont eat something that was alive and had a mind and a personality and feelings.
its a choice only you can make but i think its worth it
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mayssa-m · 29 days
i done figured out what I wanna do in my life and what my life will look like, it might look like I got no plans but I really know what I’m doing. I nose-dived several times education-wise n that’s really odd of me cus I was known to be the biggest nerd in my class n that reputation completely faded away n I can’t really blame myself as I got distractions of another life with a completely different lane n it’s hard to balance between, my mom just had a talk w me and this time I’ll do it not for myself but my mom n that other life I wanna live cus i always promised myself no matter what I’ll never give up on school n the results by my attitude towards it is the perfect route for someone removing school from his/her life, but that’s not what I’m aiming for. It’s gonna be harder for me than others whether it’s people only being focused on school n doing really good or someone else in the field I’l distracted by doing really good in it to, in my case the harder part is gonna be balancing in order to succeed in both, it’s gonna be really challenging but I know it’ll pay off 2 years from here n theres nothing to worry about as I talk everyday about how fast time goes so those two hears will go in a blink of an eye n ill look back n be like damn. I’m ready for this 2 year journey as at the end of them I’ll get double rewarded, two different types of rewards from each side, I learned a lot from the previous mistakes I’ve made and this time I just wanna do really well and bounce back just imagine me being a nerd again my family being really proud of me along with myself n doing also well in my other plan like bro what could be any better than that n then 2 years from now I’d get my results n graduate imagine just that is enough as my life is completely shifting I’m leaving my home country n gonna open this new chapter of my life that’s what Ive been dreaming of for soo long just living by myself in another country yes my family is gonna be away but what ive always wanted since idk what age was me living in my own appartment in a different country i also planned w my cousin we’d have a mansion each or split one and have expensive cars (part2 ill take about it later) n then I’d visit my parents and give them gifts and money n them just being genuinely happy with who they’ve raised and finally all their hard work paying off cuz im telling you it wasn’t easy for my parents especially now we’re prolly at our worst financially n whats giving me hope is not only that they always end up figuring it out but that im the oldest meaning id be the first to show them that what theyve done was worth it (+my second plan on the side) one of my goals also is getting a scholarship so that i wont have to make them pay much and something i also thought of was them not even paying for me i want by the age of 18 to be able to pay for college, car, clothes, food, airplane tickets, etc just anything for myself n i know ill do it BRO i wanna make them so happy you wont even understand n they dont even know the millionth of how grateful i am of having them or just anything they do, i see it trust i just dont show ut in case i look ungrateful to them, its not that i dont hug kiss n say i love you that i dont mean to say it its just all in my head i keep rushing myself in my head to be even harder on myself n makes things go faster, they’ll never ever even expect the quarter of what im about to do
I wanna come back n read this whenever i feel like i cant do it nomore cus i know there will be a lot of downs, school really isnt easy when youre aiming to be the best at it (to aim high)
my parents always taught me to aim higher n i still got this habit where i overestimate what i can do n dont end up being consistent so i end up being disappointed
n i know it might sound weird n unusual but something thatll keep you going youre not getting there by being in your room 24/7 just doing school stuff, you need to go out, do activities, go out with your friends or family members, spend time with family, just basically going out n not always working in the same environment n you will enjoy it better than being all by yourself studying in the same environment, its really all about balance and organization, n thats what ill do n first step would be to start sleeping earlier and wake up early in order to have better quality of sleep for a better performance the next day and a longer day in order to be able to do as much as possible thats all i gotta do for now
28.08.2024 it’ll really all be done by like june-july 2026 it’s crazy
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