#but instead they are approached as a character study of both of them
repurposedmeatlocker · 2 months
I gotta make a post about this. It will drive me insane otherwise. But I really REALLY like the way in which Beavis and Butt-Head incorporates the music video commentary segments within the context of the actual show.
On one hand, it is indeed a way for musicians and creators to be promoted, albeit in a satirical and tongue-in-cheek way, through the banter of two ignorant fifteen year old boys. But this does not mean these segments are floating around unrelated. Actually, the commentary segments are completely intwined within the world of the show. They are not just used as opportunities to make pop-culture references and trash the musicians, but as a jumping-off point for Beavis and Butt-Head to get into off-topic tangents. Ranging from simple questions to sparse recollections of their home-life. I can't say this definitely since I haven't exactly been keeping track, but it appears to me that most of the sparse information out there about their moms and family come from statements made during these segments. Then there are also all those moments during music videos where they aren't even paying attention to what is on-screen and instead are doing stuff like looking at magazines, trying to cook, fighting, falling asleep, etc.
This all is such an odd yet interesting window into their lives, and how much it revolves around their television. I don't think this is unintentional at all. The characters are first introduced in the pilot, as being parked in front of their TV getting off on a woman advertising exercise equipment. Mike Judge is indeed making some kind of commentary here regarding the modern dependence on TV and cable television (especially in the context of the 90s when the show came out). At the same time though, I don't feel like this is a completely mind-numbing experience in the case of Beavis and Butt-Head. In fact, I find their interaction with the programs on television extremely "active" whether it be actually constructing opinions about what they are watching (even if it rarely is more complex than 'this rules' or 'this sucks'), or deciding to do something based off of seeing it advertised or talked about on TV. When you think about it, most of the plots of the show use the television as a catalyst for the episode's plot, which just ties the TV to the show as a whole even more.
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“The Same Place as the Music” Lighting & Color
“Where is the light coming from?” “The same place as the music.” Andrew Lesnie, Cinematographer of LOTR
How & Why It's A Problem
If I had to summarize the frustration I have with this topic in one image, I'd use JeCorey Holder's (queer Black creative!) meme:
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Now here's the thing. I'm not saying you have to be a master at lighting. I'm surely not. Hell, I still play around with lighting in my art in ways that aren’t the ‘most realistic’. You can’t ask me the technical explanations behind ‘color theory’ or 'contrast' without me doing some more reading. However… I don’t think anyone needs an art degree to understand this point:
We should be able to SEE your brown skinned Black characters!
I brought this up in my lessons about skin tones and blushing, and it applies with lighting as well. If all of your other characters have focused light and shadows, so should your Black characters.
However, this does NOT mean making them lighter-skinned!!!!
It's not funny nor logical at all to suggest that they somehow can't be seen like your other characters when you’re the one creating the piece. It's like a classic fifth-grade racist joke, “You blend in at night”. Har-de-har.
I was once rudely told to my face (well in the DMs) that a Black character that was completely Europeanized looked like that “because of the [sepia] lighting”. So I'm going to give you all, gracious readers, an example to show that that's not true.
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This is Ana Flávia, Afro-Brazilian model! Gaze upon her beauty! Notice how in both of these filters, Ana did not, in fact, turn into a white woman! Because, my friends, that is not how that works! At all!
Here are some other examples of Black people in non-color lighting:
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None of these people vanished from the frame just because there was no color. They didn't have to paint on lighter makeup to be captured by the camera. What do they all have in common (in this example)?
Now let’s discuss different ways to think about and potentially try instead!
What I want you all to keep in mind, is that the art you’re painting:
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And I know that's silly right, like yeah no shit Ice, we knew that. BUT my point here is don’t be afraid to study photography, theatre, and staging for ideas. They actively work with light! It’s why I share so many images of models; it’s purposeful, focused staging of light with many of these compositions!
Brown-skinned Black people- brown-skinned people in general- GLOW in the light! Our skin reflects environmental light! There’s so much opportunity to play with that, and you can see different examples in those mediums.
Here are a couple articles of lighting in film focused on Black actors.
When lighting a person with dark complexion, the answer is not LIGHTENING THE SKIN, it’s understanding how light reflects off of dark skin.” -Nilah Magruder
Nilah Magruder (Black creator!) has an ENTIRE, thorough and wonderful essay on the topic, far better than I could give! She incorporates the use of cameras, lighting, painting, and more- so rather than be redundant here, I'm going to spotlight (ha see what I did there. It's okay, I know I'm funny) her and her explanation.
Incorporating Blackness in Color/Colorful Lighting
@dsm7 has an excellent and short visual explanation of how picking certain colors will lead to washing out or whitewashing Black characters, and how certain lighting and backgrounds (think the black and white photos on brighter backgrounds) will change the way their skin tone looks.
@nicosbighead has one of my favorite images on here, that shows how many different colors can still be used to convey the image of Blackness. Notice how all those pinks still worked?
@gaksdesigns has a beautiful picture here that I feel utilizes the light in a very minimal yet effective way to show highlights even on a palette that's fully brown.
This article approaches from a lighting perspective via filmmaking, but essentially Sade Ndya suggests instead of increasing the amount of light, change the color/lens of the light based on your character’s skin, as well as for the circumstances of the scene. They'll remain vibrant that way, and you’ll still capture what you need.
I know one way I do this on CSP (I think I’ve mentioned this but I can’t remember) is to use the Add Glow tool with the same or a similar shade of the character’s brown skin tone as a highlight under natural light, or maybe use different colors or filters depending on the sort of light on their skin at the time.
Here’s a reddit about it too, just because I know y’all value Reddit on here, and someone else discussed the topic that both Nilah and Sade discussed.
Is It Intentional?
There are going to be times where you intend for the light to be minimal. Maybe it’s a style choice. That should still show purposeful composition. Here’s an interview with famed Black director Ava Duvernay discussing the intentional darkness on Black actors in the prison scene in the movie Selma. To show that they're both trapped in prison AND that Martin is temporarily low on resolve- it's a part of the story that's being told.
I'm always talking about this: there is a difference between intention (and following through), and neglecting to think about it at all. And neglect isn't what we want, because often we can tell visually when it is- when an artist simply did not think to do it for one versus the rest.
Sidenote, on Youtube in the suggestions after Ava's interview, are also plenty of videos discussing lighting for dark-skin as well- why not take the chance to look?
We do not lack for light! We aren’t flat and lightless when you see us in life. It's actually a pretty awesome part of being brown-skinned. If you’re giving proper, flattering lighting to everyone else, give it to us as well. Study and experiment with ways to highlight brown skin.
You already know what I’m going to say. It’s going to take practice, same as anything else, because it’s the thought that counts, but the action that delivers!
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Omg pls a part two for Kaeya and Diluc forgetting your birthday it’s so good I LOVE ANGST <3
Alrighty, fine. Since so many more people asked for a part 2, here it is.But I can't promise that everything goes fine..
Characters Included: Diluc; Kaeya
Content: gender neutral reader; hurt/comfort; angst; hurt/no comfort; one is gonna be forgiven, the other one not
Word count: 1,9k words
Please enjoy reading!
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Gods, he was so exhausted.
He wished for nothing more than to just walk over to his bedroom and fall asleep on the bed, but he couldn't. He had some important matters he still had to attend to before he could go do that.
He was currently hunched over his desk, scanning over some documents that needed his attention. It was late at night, yet there was still light shining from under the door, as well as footsteps coming from the mansion.
Diluc paid that no mind however, trying to focus back on his work. However, when he heard a pair of footsteps walk up the staircase, he put his pen down, listening to them.
He was fairly sure that it was you, so he listened to it, hoping that you would come inside to check on him. He knew he shouldn't have lashed out at you like that earlier and he wanted to apologize to you for it.
However, the person outside kept walking, past the door to his office and instead went into the next room, which was the bedroom that belonged to the both of you.
At first, he didn't think too much of it, maybe you were just really tired and going to bed now. But, as he continued to listen, it got more and more strange to him. Your footsteps hadn't quietet down at all. You were apparently still walking around the room, he could hear the opening and closing of drawers and closets.
He had half a mind to walk over there and ask you what you're doing in the middle of the night. Then again, he wasn't really any better and he really had to finish this, but when suddenly a second pair of footsteps climbed up the stairs, his attention was taken to them.
A few seconds latter, soft knocking was heard on the wodden door, followed by Adelinde's voice asking to enter the study. Diluc allowed her inside but turned his attention finally back to his work.
He noticed her approaching the table and putting a plate down in front of him. He glanced at it, laying his eyes upon a nice looking piece of cake.
"Did you bake that, Adelinde? It looks delicious. I'll eat it once I'm done here."
He was about to dismiss her, but the fact that she hadn't said a word made him look at her with his full attention now.
"Master Diluc.. do you really not remember?"
"Remember what, Adelinde? You'll have to be more specific than that."
She looked at him for a few more seconds, it almost seemed to him like her eyes were boring into his very soul. Then, she turned around and approached the door again. She stepped out into the hallway, moving to close the door but before she did so, she said one last thing to him.
"Today was their birthday."
Then Adelinde closed the door, leaving Diluc in the room all by himself.
Hearing those words put him into a shock. No.. this couldn't be..
Suddenly, thousands of times and situations played in his head where you tried to grab his attention and he had dismissed you every single time.. how long had he been treating you like this?
Then, a loud sound rang from the bedroom next door, and Diluc suddenly got ahold of himself again.
He immediately shot up and ran outside, bursting through the door to your shared room, startling you in the process. But the sight before him made his heart clench like never before.
The sight of you, stuffing some of your clothes and other belongings into a bag, your eyes red and swollen, probably from crying.
"D-Diluc? What are you... why are you here?"
You asked him, but he didn't answer. Instead, he walked over to you, steps quick, and pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly.
"D-diluc? What-!"
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, (Name)."
Suddenly understanding what this was about, you relaxed a bit, but didn't do anything else. You didn't reciprocate the hug, either, and no words left your lips..
"I'm so sorry.. for everything. I didn't even realize how badly I was treating you." He fell on his knees in front of you, taking your hands into his, holding them tightly.
"Please, believe when I say that this was never my intention. I love you very dearly, (Name). I know I didn't show it for some time, but I do. Nothing can ever change how I feel about you. So please... don't leave.."
By the end of it, his voice sounded broken, silent cries leaving him as tears streamed down his face. You looked down on him, seeing him all broken down in front of you, and you feel your resolve begin to waver.
Maybe.. maybe you could try again with him..
But then you remembered the last few months, how he pushed you away every single time you tried to adress something with him... how he pushed you away on your own birhtday...
Gently, you pull your hands out of his grip. Diluc immediately understood what this gesture meant, yet he wasn't willing to accept this.
"(Name), please-!"
"No, Diluc. I can't anymore. Who's to tell me that you won't go back to treating me like this after a few weeks again? I tried it. I tried to deal with it and I tried to talk to you, but you never wanted to. You always shut me down. Well, I hope you're happy because I am done. I can't keep feeling like I'm worth nothing to you.
Thank you, for all the time I had with you, but it's over now."
You gave him one last, mournful look, then grabbed your bag and walked past him.
He let you... there was nothing else he could do..
He listened to you walking down the stairs, listened to the heavy front door open, and then.. It feel closed again.
And just like that.. you were out of his life..
He lost you and this time, he had noone else to blame but himself and his own stupid decisions..
He broke down again, crying so hard like he hadn't done in years. If only he wouldn't have been so stupid..
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Tired and still angry from the events that had happened yesterday, Kaeya was sitting in his office again, stationed at the Knights of Favonius headquarters.
He was looking through files and documents he didn't get to finish yesterday because he suddenly had the workload of four other people pushed onto him.
He was still angrily mumbling to himself when a knock on the door resonated within his office. He didn't bother giving an answer, yet the other person took that as permission to enter, pushing the door open to reveal Lisa to the stressed out Kavalry captain.
"Kaeya, there you are! We were missing you at (Name's) party yesterday. Why weren't you there?"
Oh, now that pissed him off even more. He put his utensiles down, trying to control his emotions and actions. He looked at Lisa, smiling at her, yet it was obvious how faked and forced it was.
"Well, I think the bigger question here is, why were you at a party during work hours in the first place. I wouldn't mind you going, but why convince everyone else along, leaving all of the work for me alone to handle?"
"..Why wouldn't I go to the party I, myself, organized?", she questioned, looking at him confused. Like she was trying to figure something out.
"You were organizing that atrocious thing? Well, in that case that begs even more questions. Again, why pull everyone else along except me? Also, why plan it in my and (name's) shared house, of all places?"
She didn't answer immediately like the times before. Instead, she was still looking at Kaeya, until a few seconds later, her entire face lit up in realization.
"Oh, you idiot..", she mumbled, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Excuse me? I do think it's not-!"
"Kaeya, you idiot! You really forgot?"
"...Forgot what?", he asked, now being confused himself. Why was she reacting this way?
"You really did... it was their birthday yesterday! That's what the party was for! Also, wasn't this whole thing your idea in the first place?"
At her words, his eyes widened in shock, realization hitting him now as well. He did.. He forgot your birthday.
Immediately after that, he thought back to yesterday.. the words he spat in your mouth.. the way your eyes teared up in front of him.. and he just ignored it, walked away like the entire world just revolved around him alone..
He took one look at Lisa, who was just nodding at him. He did so as well, grabbing his coat and then he started running.
Kaeya ran out the headquarters through the streets of Mondstadt, only having one destination in mind. He never slowed down, not even for a second to catch his breath. Only when he was finally standing in front of his own door did he do so as he was trying to fish the keys out of his pocket.
He unlocked the door and immediately entered.
"(Name)?", he shouted as soon as he closed the door behind him. He listened for a few seconds, but... nothing. No answer, no sounds.
He panicked a bit as he began to search the place. The house was still a mess from yesterday, but he didn't care for that right now.
Kaeya searched through every room, shouting your name to try and grab your attention.
The panic began to settle a bit as he opened the bedroom door, seeing you still asleep on the bed.
He approached you, finding you clutching his own pillow close to you, like you have been searching for some comfort. Your eyes were all red and swollen up, because of your crying.
'The crying that you, yourself, caused..', he thought, feeling sorry for what he had said to you.
He went on his knees on the floor, next to the bed. He inspected your, now peaceful looking face, for a few more seconds.
"(Name), wake up, please.", he said gently, stroking some stray hair out of your face.
You began shifting in your sleep and soon enough, you opened your eyes.
Seeing Kaeya, you remember his hurtful words from yesterday night right away, so you were trying to create some space between the both of you.
"No, no!", he exclaimed, getting up from his knees and putting his arms around you, hugging you close to him.
"I am so sorry about yesterday, (name). I don't know how it could have possibly slipped my mind, but it did. Words can't describe how awful I feel about the things I said, but please know that I meant none of them.
I love you, and I'll do anything for you. You have every right to be angry with me and never forgive me for what I said and did, but.. please.."
After he finished, you stayed silent, not knowing how to respond to this. Then, you felt something wet against your shoulder. First it was only one time, then it got more and more and you knew that Kaeya was crying against your shoulder right now.
You then, finally, hugged him back.
He was so relieved that you did this, hoping that this meant one step into the right direction.
Maybe.. someday in the future, you can forgive Kaeya for this...
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maggstar · 6 months
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𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐈 𝐃𝐢𝐞
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 18+, mni DNI!
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 365 days since the incident, in which Heeseung's life turned upside down, is today. Will he be able to save her this time?
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut, hard angst, veryyy emotional, trauma bonding/coping, cop!Hee (injured reader, guns, shooting, kidnapping, violence, death) kissing, biting, marking, handjob, oral (f. receiving) , fingering, vanilla, very intimiate and loving unprotected s3x, missionary, spooning, lotus.
!!!TW: ED, suicidal thoughts, mentioned attempts, s3lf harm (both characters)
𝐖𝐂: 21k+ (ehm..., yea)
𝐀/𝐍: Finally. It is here. this one is for ♡ anon. ily. I want to say I loved writing this whole fic even though it was emotionally difficult. I wrote about heavy topics, so please be aware before reading as this might not be everyone's cup of tea! Both characters are in pretty messed up mental states, but their love to each other is what keeps them going. I hope you guys enjoy this fic as I never put this much effort into any fic before.
Please leave any sort of feedback: reblogging and commenting is the best for me, so let me know!! ───────────────────⊹⊱✫⊰⊹────────────────────
As Heeseung approached the town, he immediately recognized the steep, rocky road that led to the street of his most ominous memories. Despite the passing of a year, everything remained the same. The familiar layout felt like coming home after years of being abroad. In a way, he had been. 
He found it amusing how visiting his past brought such mixed feelings. Given how messed up things were before his departure, he was afraid to face all the negative emotions. Merely thinking about the events crawled an uncanny sensation. 
Yet, here he was, letting the comforting sentimentality alight on his heart and beam at the faint breeze entering through his window as he soaked up the evocative atmosphere. It had a hint of gloom as the rain amplified with his reappearance, making the ominous night colder than usual. Goosebumps took over his body, observing the surroundings while the car shifted its gear to neutral. 
The park was abandoned at this time, reminiscing on the children's laughter in the evenings, playing for hours without a care. He liked to come there after work, sit for a few minutes, and listen to them. They still had the monkey bars and pirate-themed wooden ship in the middle of the playground, which he helped paint. 
He examined the residences next to his old one, all appearing the same. Looking at the colorful houses with picturesque gardens pierced an arduous nostalgia. A few had undergone reconstructions as the previous owners seemed to have parted. 
Some even had new furniture or repainting, their garages containing bigger and more luxurious vehicles. New additions like swings or slides for children were also notable. A small number of areas were also seemingly building new homes for the future, expanding the population in the tainted town.
With a glance beside, he examined the house he spent his student years in. 
"Would you look at that," he scoffed, studying the untouched exterior, still covered in that sensational buttermilk paint. 
Even the pecan concrete tiles on the roof were there, with additional solar panels. The current owners also installed a masonry chimney to the side - something he had always wished for but couldn't afford. 
They were definitely more knowledgeable in Botanics than he was. The garden looked completely different. The condition Heeseung left it in was atrocious, with dead flowers and dried weeds scattering the place. Zora Neale Hurston once quoted: "Trees and plants always look like the people they live with." He didn't know if this disclosure was comical or tragic, heavily soughing instead. 
Currently, the place had more of a Japanese style: a little lake in the middle underneath beautiful white lotuses. Oak and cherry trees surrounded the layout, whereas perfectly cut bonsai trees greeted passers-by in the front. The family likely had their roots there because it was uncommon to opt for this type in this area. Yet again, he was inexperienced in this topic, so who was he to say anything? 
He sighed, lowering his head to take a deep breath to process all the garnering memories reaching the surface from the seabed. It was bound to happen, and he still didn't manage to prepare for it. 
Back then, there was too much weight on his shoulders. From college to his family, there was only so much a teenager could handle. 90% of his memories were the ones he sincerely wished to omit evermore. He didn't want to rub salt into his wounds by reliving them, aiming to concentrate on the better side.
After all, it was this place he achieved and lost everything at once. The city that welcomed the lost pup with open arms after the death of his parents, soothing with empty promises and fraudulent head pats. 
Back then, he was too naive to differentiate malicious intentions, foolishly jumping onto every proposition. He thought people wanted to help and not take advantage of his incapacity, that they would aid the broken one with the loving words he needed. 
Fundamentally, he was an emotional wreck, emptiness and numbness following him all day. 
There wasn't anyone left in his life, just miscellaneous pictures gathered in a photo album and recollections of happy moments in carton boxes. Going through their belongings hurt more than anything, smudging their smiles with tears and repeated callouts to which no one could respond anymore. 
In other words, it was the worst period of his life.
His nights were established on puffy eyes, a terrible headache, and a stuffy nose, suffering in silence for months. The money he was supposed to spend on food went to tissues, trashing the whole place. Getting up in the mornings was incredibly demanding, failing often at convincing himself. Staying in and laying in his PJs permanently tolled more promising.
No one seemed to care about his late arrival to classes anyway. The teachers were the exclusive individuals, questioning his defect of attendance and interest. They often came to various false conclusions. They didn't consider asking for the real reason behind his struggles at handing in assignments and essays on time without lying to dodge admonitions. 
In the same way, no one doubted the sunglasses he wore every day. They assumed it was part of a fashion trend when, in reality, it was an excuse to hide the redness and semicircle exhaustion. 
The clothes that fit him weeks ago began loosening, appearing enormous on his underweight body. When his friends pointed out his lack of appetite during lunch, he put it behind him and led the conversation in another direction. That way, he felt he had control over reality. 
In reality, he knew it was avoidance. He wasn't ready to concede he was struggling. Something wasn't alright, and he deteriorated with each passing day. 
Reminiscing on the past, optimistic Heeseung wearing a warming smile mirrored the numb motionlessness, not containing enough confidence to face the drastic and tragic change.
The only courageous people were the Choi family. 
He turned his head to the left, catching a glimpse of the elderly couple sitting at the table inside their closed terrace. They were laughing and enjoying dinner, accompanied by two other people, handing out the freshly grilled food on their plates. A little boy was attending the meal as well, gesturing widely. He leaned forward to examine the guests, scanning their faces. For some reason, they were so familiar...
"No way," a gasp forsake, realizing that turn of events. 
The handsome, tall young man with an athletic build was no other than Choi Hyun-woo, the son of the married pair. Heeseung facepalmed himself for taking so long to figure out his identity, doubting his dexterities.
His parents had introduced the two after a few weeks of Heeseung visiting. Around that time, he was in a custody battle with his dangerous wife. That adjective was an understatement when considering her malicious threats. They were predominantly about hurting their son if he didn't leave her alone or running away with him.
That wasn't the only crazy part. The more unsettling information he learned, the more he feared for the safety of the small boy. Besides being mentally unstable, she also struggled with psychosis. The doctors warned her countless times, but she didn't reflect on any of their words when entering a new relationship. If anyone was the victim in this situation, it was Hyun-woo. 
Seeing them reunited was all he could have ever wished for them, smiling at the cheerful sight. 
"Thank you for being here for us, Heeseung. We just want you to know we're also here for you," he could hear the oldster sighing while patting his back, sensing the weariness from the mere flicker.
"We're all humans in the end. Even the strongest ones cannot lift the weight the world pushes on us." The stogie burned further whenever he would take a whiff, passing it on for a moment of peace.
"Life hasn't been easy on you, has it?" the bearded man turned to face the youngster, quietly sitting and observing the night sky. 
"No, sir, it hasn't," he took the long roll of tobacco to try it out, analyzing its shape and thickness.
"Pretending to be happy when you're in pain is an example of how strong you are as a person, Lee."
"Never doubt your strength, you hear me?" he repeatedly swung his index finger to reprimand him. 
"Yessir," Heeseung nodded before inhaling the cigar, not foreseeing its power. On the other hand, the veteran couldn't help but enjoy the outcome, laughing as he expectorated. 
"How can you smoke this?" he punched his chest numerous times to get the bubble of smoke out of his system. 
"Times were different back in my days. We had nothing else."
"Do one thing for me," the senior flipped the page, taking another load and slowly exhaling a white cloud into the cold fall night. Heeseung faced him after successfully getting rid of the awful irritation in his throat. He sat there, waiting for another round of sagacious words from the wise man. 
"Don't give up. Whatever it takes, don't give up, son. Even when you feel like there's no purpose, don't because nothing lasts forever. It will get better."
It was those words that made Heeseung push through the days. It was almost unbelievable how much of an impact it had on him. Never in a million years would he have thought a motivational speech could get him back on his feet. Then again, he never gave anyone a chance to see behind his facade.
Although they were the ones who required assistance, Heeseung ended up receiving all of the help. 
"Have you eaten? No? That's unacceptable! Come over as soon as you're done with school!"
Mrs. Choi's disappointment still rang through his ears, envisioning her in her French kitchen with a spatula in her hand. It was a vista he missed, alongside the delectable smell of her exceptional cooking.
She constantly checked on him, calling once his school was over and asking if he needed anything. Cooking him meals became a habit whenever he stopped by to help in the garden, practically shoving packets of food into his chest. She knew it wasn't much, but for Heeseung, it meant the world. Knowing that someone actually appreciated his company and cared about his well-being without solely thinking about theirs was unknown. 
So unknown that in the beginning, he assumed the lunch boxes in his backpack ended up by accident and that Mrs. Choi had mixed it up. 
That's how messed up people have been to him that his mind found it unbelievable. Every bit of aid had to have a twisted meaning behind it because why would anyone care about him? No one was there when he was bereaved. No one came to say their condolences or ask if he was alright. It was just him in the columbarium as he placed the ceramic pot with the last remains of his loved ones into the repository. The sole visitor on his free days, leaving the deceased ones' favorite snacks underneath their memorial. He was the boy the guard always had to wake up and send home. 
"It's just thee, thy, and thou, huh?"
"Yes, Mr. Choi."
It is how he achieved his dream and became a successful officer and the person he is now. 
All the hardships and woes he underwent in his early adulthood built up the future he worked for without resting. The mornings and nights would meld into one, struggling to distinguish AM from PM. Around that time, his coffee intake started slipping out, and he tried out every possibility to stay awake and finish everything. 
So much he had to do in such little time. Heeseung didn't understand how he finished it, but his body did. It was giving up, slowly but gradually, because he wouldn't stop pushing the limits. He thought he could do more each time, twisting the meaning of "just a bit more."
One day, the strings finally tore off, and his body had enough. 
Without looking back, it gave in. It handed in the shattered pieces of his soul to the unknown, streaming down like a feather. Nothing had left within, no recollections to reflect on his actions. All his hopes had dashed, molding his fears into a vase of entrapment. The more he tried to climb out of the well, the deeper he fell back, the walls elevating. He screamed into the darkness, the exclamations reflecting due to the scarcity of allowance. 
The next thing you know, he woke up in an unfamiliar and cold environment, with doctors coming in and out. They kept asking various questions and filling out some forms before leaving. The 
He expected the nurses checking up on him now and then to answer the question marks in his head, watching them flush the tube in his nostrils.
It was when he opened his mouth to ask about it that one of the nurses responded, explaining its essential purpose.
She called it "Nasogastric tube feeding". A line delivering nutrients directly into his stomach through his nose. Heeseung kept listening while the woman cleaned the skin around his nose with a warm washcloth, describing his situation. 
Apparently, he had been in the ICU for a few days, and the doctors ran various tests to unravel his deficiencies. The stats showed the deceleration of cardiac activity, leading to low heart rate and blood pressure. They also mentioned low body temperature, which Heeseung had been battling for centuries. It exemplified why he felt faint and weak all the time. Maybe it even answered his apathy toward life.
The results of his BMI indicated severe underweight, whereas the blood test showcased micronutrient imbalances. Heeseung couldn't fathom all of the details his doctor kept streaming, closing his eyes in a vain attempt to ignore the consequences of his stubbornness and lack of eating. 
Not only did he have to wear a plastic tube, but he also had to talk with dietologists and healthcare professionals to make changes in his life.  
Heeseung loathed it and didn't listen to anything they had to offer because, in his mind, he had already decided what was best for him. Suggestions like attending occupational therapy gave him a laugh, not comprehending the reason for such an absurd and useless alternative. There was still a belief that everything was alright, and the situation was being blown out of proportion. 
Even after all that information, he refused to accept reality. If he did, he would have to reconcile with his aggravating condition and shape. He would have to acknowledge how bad the situation was. That if he didn't take action now, it could end terribly. 
And Heeseung wasn't prepared to admit it aloud. Admit he had been suffering for so long that he lost track of days because they began blending into one endless loop where he couldn't live in peace. Confess the terrible feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, and emptiness. The feeling that he woke up to bypass that motivating bright sun hiding behind those dark, self-destructive clouds. The ones which slowly perished his soul.
Disclose the deep yearning for love, tenderness, and affection lingering in his sore throat. Reveal the hope to knit his tattered heart, wrapping around his neck so delicately that he didn't want it to stop. Divulge the need to end everything trussing in the back of his head, increasing whenever an obstacle occurred, doubting everything about himself. Concede the crossing between life and death, questioning the meaning of existence. 
Relent that the word suicide kept repeating in his mind like an old cassette player, seeing the curse inscribed over everything. Allow the guilt to take over and condemn him for leaning towards the balcony whenever it whispered the word "jump". It conveyed it so alluringly that it made him go crazy, holding onto the railings in pure despair. 
Describe how sharp blades appeared veracious. Explain why he deleted the Google search history to hide the questions on overdoes. 
He wasn't ready, but he had to be. Otherwise, he would ultimately lose himself in the hollowness and disperse forever. 
So, he decided to bite the bullet and push through by turning the page.
Thanks to his determination, he could now sit in a police car and help those in need. Do a job where he could be the person he needed others to be at his lowest. 
There had been one. However, Heeseung was forbidden from ever thinking about that person. 
Why? Because he made the biggest mistake of his life, which he atoned for till today.
A beautiful mistake that he deeply missed every hour, every minute, every second.
"Dispatch to Patrol One," the sudden statistic transmitted through the two-way radio, pulling back the officer from daydreaming. 
"10-04," he quickly responded, grabbing the transmitter and acknowledging the callsign. 
"Are you alright, sir?" the worry conveyed, belonging to none other than Seo-Jun. 
"Yes," He sighed, resting his head on the steering wheel. 
"Sir, pardon me, but you don't sound like it," the young officer evoked, tentative about probing her senior. 
She could hear him repeat the proverb: "Curiosity killed the cat." It wasn't her best trait, and she knew it. It was always these times she couldn't help but push it forward and let concern get the better of her. 
After all, it was Lee Heeseung, the guy who managed to turn her life over. 
If he hadn't helped her escape from her toxic ex-boyfriend last summer, she wouldn't be sitting in the obsolete office now. She was lucky to dial 112 in time and come out alive. If he had been a few minutes late, she could have suffered to death from the undying abuse. The memory was deeply engraved in the depth of her heart, recalling him standing by her side during the hospital procedures. He never wanted to admit it, but he was the town's hero for saving the mayor's daughter. 
Therefore, her gratitude towards him was prodigious. And for the same reason, she wanted to be there for him during tough times. No matter how hard she tried, her approach would emerge unsuited and unfit each time. People told her to get ahold of her steps countless times, and she still made the same slips every time. Nevertheless, she didn't give up and reached out to dial the official. 
"Seo-Jun, I-"
"My apologies, sir. I've crossed my line," she hastily tried to cover up her actions, slapping her forehead for being nosy and pushy. 
"I'm not okay," the voice on the other side emitted into the discomfiting silence, a heavy sigh following the statement. Seo-Jun opened her eyes to perceive the sentence, staring at the floor beneath her as the declaration reiterated in her brain. She widened her pupils when she finally realized what he had uttered, almost falling off her chair after swiftly turning and grabbing back the radio. 
"Sir, is this about the note you've received?"
"What note?" he frowned, backing up. 
"Well, you've got a message on your account, and you know it goes through me first, so I might have accidentally read what was on it-"
"What note are you talking about?" The stern change in speech startled her, contemplating if it was due to her admitting her horrible demeanor or the want of information. 
"The one that states: Broadway 123, 11:30 PM," she reread the email, stuffing her mouth with another strawberry-flavored lollipop. At this point, it was a miracle her teeth hadn't fallen out yet. 
"Any signatures?"
"Just two initials: K.J."
Heeseung's stomach dropped at the revelation, which only confirmed his prior thoughts. It was the 13th of March, after all. What was he thinking?
He looked at the time on the display, typing in the coordinates to the navigation. It showed an estimated arrival in 15 minutes. His jaw clenched, attempting to pulverize the inexhaustible alarm ringing in his skull.
"Fuck, why didn't you tell me earlier?" his panic disseminated into anger, hastily starting up the car. He grabbed the gearstick, his leg pressing the accelerator. 
"I'm sorry, sir. I thought you knew about it."
"You know goddamn well I never check my email," he shifted to 3rd gear already, turning on the emergency lights on the car. They switched from one color to the other, the sound of sirens following right after every blick. 
"I'm really sorry, sir, but what does it even tell? It sounds dangerous."
"Cause it is," Heeseung cut her off, "and that's why you should have told me earlier." 
Seo-jun's voice went quiet, the time on the call prolonging without either side speaking. 
She had nothing to say, as she realized the severity of her actions. 
Frankly, she had difficulty understanding the whole situation and why it aggravated Heeseung this much. She stared at the email, trying to find a hidden clue or something that would cure her curiosity. 
Despite her attempts, she ended with disappointment, leaning back on the chair with a loud sigh. 
She turned her head to the side while Heeseung turned his back on the road, which was moderately clean, with no traffic jams preventing him from reaching his destination. Most cars quickly reacted to the situation and pulled to the side of the road. 
He looked in the rear mirror, seeing a silhouette sitting in the backseat with blood all over her face, a faded smile visible. 
"Help her, I beg you," The voice echoed in his ears as he made a left, entering the mentioned street. 
He fought the unwanted shakiness in his body, the sentence replaying like a broken cassette, causing him to break down the walls he had built in the past months.
He had to be more collected. His duty was to stay calm under pressure and not to invoke panic, but here he was, gripping the wheel too much. His nails began to hurt from the prolonged force, eyes ungluing from the road for a split second. He looked at his image in the mirror, sensing a faint taste of blood. There, he could see the deep cut on his lip, his teeth responsible for choosing the wrong coping mechanism. 
He could also see the same hopeless look as the one on that day, anger building up from within to curse him for being a wreck in such a crucial situation again. The consequences of it taunted him, internally punching him for his incompetence. An officer who couldn't control his emotions was the same one trying to rescue someone. He couldn't even stop himself from deteriorating, and here he was, seeking to thwart others.
It was all foolish, just like he was at this moment. 
What a fool he was for wanting a chance to right the wrongs. 
Without a second thought, Heeseung immediately parked near the reported location, practically jumping out of the car. He checked if his gun was locked and loaded again before heading out. 
He looked around, eyes looking for potential gang associates in the surroundings. He expected at least some bodyguards or watchdogs near the building, but no one was around. Grabbing his flashlight, he took an overhand grip, shortening the distance to the building with each cautious but fast step. 
The residence was outdated, definitely abandoned by the looks of its upkeep. What seemed like a factory was now an empty, deserted residence. No one had visited this place for a long time. 
He approached the door, reaching the porch to see if anything was happening inside. 
The front door was locked from the other side, the darkness concealing the image inside. Heeseung had to go through the back to enter, listening for any noise on his way. It was too quiet for his liking, not a single peep emanating from the residence. He climbed over the wire fence, sucking up the pain the metal left after puncturing his skin. 
Nothing was more important than reaching inside.
He did suspect the message, wondering if it was another prank pulled by the bored teenagers. Sadly, it happened quite too often, with them lining up the emergency number and creating false stories to bring out the hirelings for their entertainment.
Still, none of them knew about his past, so the chances were nearly impossible. Not even his colleagues knew why he decided to take a day off today. They had zero keen on why this day was so important for him. They had no idea it was this day that turned his life around.
He took a position behind the wall as he glanced for the back door, peeking out carefully. To his surprise, it was wide open, bestowing him an entrance. 
He approached it slowly, looking out for a possible intruder since the unusual stillness wasn't preventing the tension in his muscles from stiffening. When he met no obstacles, he determined it was clear to proceed, stepping inside.
The uneven concrete underneath welcomed him back, permitting a path towards the middle. Just like last time, he thought to himself, before approaching the cursed center. 
It all happened here.
It was where he found Seo-Jun. Right here. 
He could see the silhouette in the wooden chair, bound by duct tape. He could still feel the hopelessness and helplessness.
A supposed rescue mission turned into a shootout, in which he had zero back-ups to overcome the opponents. 6v1, and Heeseung barely came out alive, with one bullet shot in his right arm. The female he was supposed to save bled out on the spot because of fatal injuries, and there was nothing he could do to help her. He tried so hard to stop the bleeding and apply as much pressure as he could in his injured condition. All just to witness her slowly part away in his arms with a painful "thank you".
Heeseung blamed himself for her death till today. After all, he was the one to blame for it. That's what her parents kept repeating.
"Murderer! It was your job to protect her!"
"She's dead because of you!"
"It should have been you who died, not her!"
They were right. 
He agreed with everything they said. It was the truth. He had failed, and there was nothing he could do to bring her back. 
Nightmares of the terror night practically became the fairytale of his sleep. He would wake up drenched in sweat, pushing himself to successfully save her in his dreams. He was so close but so far away at the same time. 
It was all humorous. How returning to this unfortunate place stirred the wrong memories. How it managed to discern the familiar gut-wrenching feeling in his system. The one he had to take medication for every day to keep his head clear. To stop seeing the silhouettes of her everywhere. 
"Seo-Jun, don't do this to me," his head dropped to his feet, refusing to reexperience his trauma. 
"You're not here anymore," he bit down on his lip, gulping down the ascending guilt.
"But it's not me, Heeseung." 
His eyes rose, staring at the silhouette. They struggled to decipher the person in front of them, barely having the energy to stay open. 
He stepped closer, his heavy steps echoing through the enormous vacant room. He was expecting it to disappear as it was a part of his imagination. However, it stayed there, clear as a day.  
It was her.
Not her her, but her.
The voice that haunted him every night in his nightmares. The one that begged him to save her sister from those psychopaths, putting the last bits of hope into him. The screams replayed in his nightmares when he had come out with her sister in his arms, barely holding the victim as he was close to passing out himself. They soon turned into weeps, coughing up the pain in her system, unable to stop her body from shaking at the sight of her sibling in agonizing pain. 
He remembered the way she looked up at him while the paramedics carried her inside the ambulance, face covered in shock and desperation. 
It was as if both knew the outcome awaiting them in the hospital, not prepared to admit the painful reality. They wanted to pretend like they didn't know, even if it was only for a minute. 
He recalled her running after the car, legs giving out in the middle, getting up over and over again without thinking twice about the damage on her knees. 
The same pain he felt back then kicked in right now, pounding into his stomach because despite disappointing her, she was the one who checked up on him in the ER. She was the only person who turned up. The only one worried about his condition, holding in the tears.
"I know my sister was glad someone tried. That someone cared and wanted to save her."
"I'm happy to know that the last face she saw was yours and not those bastards'."
"Mr. Lee, thank you. Thank you for everything."
Despite everything, she said those words to him, managing to smile at him before leaving. He felt her release the painful ache through the door, mourning for the lost one as the hospital tiles created a path stained with sorrow. 
"It's your chance, Heeseung."
"To do what you couldn't with me."
He looked around to glimpse a ghost of Seo-Jun, to believe it was all real and not a part of his disturbed imagination. 
But she was nowhere to be found. 
It was Y/N instead, encircled by the cause of her sister's death.
The same person he stopped visiting every day after the incident, too thoughtless to leave her all alone in that big city while the perpetrators roamed around freely. 
He thought it would have been for the better to give her space to grieve properly, without him appearing at the door to remind her of the incident. 
She never complained, though, but rather showed her gratitude for the concern, not managing to function alone with her parents passing on their sadness to her. 
It was a difficult time for her to be in, especially alone. That's why Heeseung's presence brought her the peace and comfort she needed. He helped her move out her sister's furniture, going as far as to seclude a deal to sell the apartment so the family could have a proper funeral, which he ended up attending himself. 
Her parents weren't exactly hiding their anger at his presence at such a personal event, holding him accountable for the happening of the ceremony. 
However, she was the one who had invited him. She chewed their disapproval and asked him to stay beside her. She needed someone to hold on during the event, both mentally and physically, thankful for his hand lingering on hers as she watched her other half disappear into the ground. 
He stayed with her for a long time after that, coming every morning to help her get out of bed and get ready for the day, becoming her caregiver for the following weeks. 
She was suffering inside, and he could tell by her blankly staring into the walls, movements so slow it looked like it hurt. It was difficult to convince her to eat, noticing the loss in appetite she kept ignoring, blaming it on her stomach troubles. 
Nonetheless, she never protested when he wanted to feed her, always cooking or ordering something from outside. She felt like a baby in those moments, with him practically begging her to open her mouth, putting a smile on her face instead. 
They talked a lot over those weeks, with Heeseung opening up about his past and traumatic childhood, sharing the fragments of his parent's death and how it has affected him. He talked about the car accident, the one he was also in. He was the sole survivor, the sole person to exit the hospital and not be transferred into the morgue.
He had never told anyone before, and conveying the lingering heartache was such a relief that he couldn't stop talking, gathering up every detail he had in his memories. 
In a way, it connected the two more, having gone through the tragedy of losing a loved one. Y/N couldn't help but notice the feeling of safety in his company. The more he transmitted, the closer she felt, like she could trust him with her whole life.
While she was fully aware of the effects he was having on her, Heeseung was too busy focusing on her condition to catch the sparkles of joy. 
Whenever she opened the door to him, he couldn't help but beam. His heart would fill up with contentment, dopamine levels increasing at the brief touches they shared, hiding the butterflies amassing inside. It was wrong for him to catch feelings after everything he caused her, and the guilt expanded in his chest at the realization.
Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one who had caught up on the situation. Soon enough, her parents personally contacted him and asked to meet without their daughter's knowledge. They were the real reason for his departure, the why for abandoning her when she needed him the most. 
He never had the opportunity to tell her the truth, to tell her he didn't go on his will but was forced into that decision. He wished he could have told her he was threatened with being sued and losing his career forever due to their belief about his negligence on the mission. Either that or he had to leave her alone and go as far away as possible if he didn't want his life to be over. 
That is what he meant when he said he was a coward: a coward who couldn't even tell the truth. It followed him wherever he went, the mere image of her constantly transmitting in his thoughts.  
And now, the image was trapped in another nightmare with little time, falling into his hands yet again. 
This wasn't how he wanted to meet up, but fate had its way of managing things. The only thing Heeseung knew was that he couldn't let her down again. 
She had to come out of here alive.
No matter what it would take.
"You came," a raspy voice loomed from the darkness, causing Heeseung to hastily stand up and point his gun at its origin. 
His stomach dropped when he locked gazes with the criminal. 
"Kang Joon-Woo."
"It is I indeed," he fixed his tie covered in a fleur de lis pattern, showing off his wealth in the black tuxedo. His auburn slick hair drew attention to his green eyes, which turned stone cold once his gaze landed on the officer in front. They were empty, vacant, without any emotion. It was like staring into a deep well at night, manifesting fright and unpleasantness. 
"It's a pleasure to meet you again, Mr. Lee." his silver crown shone as the moonlight sheathed his face, lowering his head before looking back at him again. He exuded the same stare that day, slicing through deeply and threatening with its lethal power. 
Kang Joon-Woo, one of the lead rings of the cooperation of Kang Holding, was the chairman and the mastermind of the whole operation a year ago. Kang Jun-Seo was his right hand, more like a lap dog. 
They were both known criminals in the district he used to work in, successful businessmen who led one of the most influential companies in the city. They ran many hotels scattered over the country, using them as a front to conceal their actual intents by managing and commencing new deals. 
Beneath the surface, they hid several classified secrets, ordering various exchanges between dangerous parties. Some reports revealed drug usage and distribution, contacts with the black market, and even active participation on the deep web.
However, their main focus was on sex trafficking, exploiting young women for their income. It has been going on for many years, with the two predators selling out females to different countries, motivated by the big numbers on the cheque. They were both aware of how these girls would end up, forced to become objects for whoever had bought them. That was the twisted part in itself. The fact that the two went off to doing this.
He found out himself when he got ordered to take over one of these cases since the department had a lead and had a high chance of uncovering the trafficker's location, hopeful about the retrieval. So was Heeseung, especially after the Chief of Police had picked him out personally for the case along with two other ambitious corporals as the sergeant was sick that week, unable to operate. It was his biggest chance to prove himself and stand out amongst his coworkers. 
"Months of searching, and now I have you both at my feet," the snarky laugh punctured through.
"What have you done to her?" Heeseung looked back at Y/N from the corner of his eye, unable to bypass her drugged state. He knew he had to act before it was too late, struggling to piece a plan together at the revelation. 
"I just gave her some candy. You know the ones that bring you to another dimension?" he pulled out a pack of Arrirangs from his pockets, finding the whole situation hilarious. It was uproarious to watch the terror in Heeseung's eyes, darting from the girl back to him. 
"You fucker," Heeseung quickly hovered over her, checking her pulse and breathing. 
"Calm down," he scoffed in amusement, taking a whiff of the toxic elements his body lacked. "I need her to be alive as well." 
"What do you want?"
"Come on, Heeseung. You're smart enough to know," a sigh parted in the heavy ambiance, playing with the cigar between his fingers.
"You know goddamn well someone has to pay for the losses you caused on that day."
"Leave her out of it. She has done nothing."
"Who called you on us?"
"She did the right thing. They just chose the wrong officer."
"Fucking pathetic indeed. You couldn't even save her in the end, could you?" the man burst into laughter, brushing back his hair. He was loving every second of this.
"Since you failed to save her. Now, we need someone to replace her place."
"Jun-Seo was thinking about this beauty right here, but I told him it was too dangerous. Didn't I, brother?"
Heeseung froze at the callout, feeling the mentioned one's presence behind him. He also felt the weapon pointed at his head, threatening to be blasted at a slight movement. Every possible curse flashed in his mind, all pointing towards him.
He was screwed.
"Drop it," the baritone ordered. 
Before he could even look at the famous criminal, the man punched him in his back, amplifying his directive. Heeseung had no other option but to comply, slowly placing his gun on the floor. The guy immediately kicked away the weapon, far away from their reach. He stood there with his hands aloft, looking back at the man ahead.
"And what did I also say?" his tongue clicked, putting on a pair of black leather gloves.
"To have her, we must get rid of the cop."
"That's right." He snickered, approaching the injured girl. 
"Poor girl, she has no idea what's happening," his fingers wrapped around her neck, snickering at the beauty. He turned her face to the side, his filthy eyes scanning her features.
"Don't touch her!" Heeseung shouted, attempting to step closer.
"You better calm down." 
"Or do you want my brother to pull the trigger already?" her hair twirled around his finger, "I want her to see it first." He quickly pulled onto it, causing her head to fall with the snatch.
"No, she has nothing to do with this. I killed your men, not her. Let her go, now!" 
"I'm afraid I cannot do that, Heeseung. My client wants a replacement for his previous loss."
"And we decided to give him the other sister," the twin snickered, licking his lips. 
"You're fucking sick." Heeseung looked at the man above Y/N, passing on a distrustful smile. 
"I think we have waited far too long for this one," The snarky laugh punctured through, running his hands on her exposed thighs. 
"I said don't fucking touch her!" 
The delinquent just laughed and took a knife, putting it under her neck. He played with her hair, leaning closer to her ear, whispering something, and smirking right after. Whatever it was, Heeseung was sure it was appalling and lewd. 
"So," the edge of the weapon traveled down her T-shirt, "I'm going to have my fun." He sneered as its sharpness cut the clothing in two, exposing her body to the filthy losers. 
"And you're going to watch."
"You fucking piece of shit!" he jumped the guy, not thinking twice about it. They both rolled down the floor, one trying to keep the weapon, whereas the other risked to grab it. 
"I'll kill you. Right here, right now," Heeseung hissed, head-bumping him as soon as he had the opportunity. 
"You fucker," Joon-woo immediately covered his nose, staining his hand with his very own blood. He was sure it was broken, but it wasn't enough to stop him from returning the favor. 
Heeseung looked back at the other brother, who attempted to shoot the man in black, raising his arm to carry out the movement. 
However, Heeseung was quicker, avoiding the fatal hit by rolling over in time. He still had Joon-woo on his back, getting on his hands to perform a leg sweep. With that, he fell on his back, pushing all the air out of his lungs with a curse.
"You are dead meat, Mr. Lee," the man coughed out, barely having the energy to properly look him in the eye.
Heeseung knew he was minutes away from another blast from Jun-Seo's gun. Without wasting time, he quickly stood up and ran into the other perpetrator with full force. He successfully knocked both of them over, the firearm vanishing in the far distance. The stunt in the movement allowed him to yank and throw the firearm into the far distance. 
"Get him!" the other twin ordered, quickly taking out his Glock 19 to point it at Heeseung. Jun-Seo got on his feet again, shooting a death glare. Despite not having anything to defend himself with, he relied on his strength, rushing to him. His arm extended toward Heeseung's direction, and a sudden hand appeared in front of his face. 
"I should have killed both of you when I had the chance," Heeseung panted, evading each punch like a pro. It was too easy to fight with such an incompetent loser like him, managing to switch positions in the meantime. 
"We should have gotten rid of you two sooner," Joon-woo yelled, shooting into the brawl. He only didn't predict Heeseung doing the unthinkable by pushing the brother in front of him. The bullet entered the wrong body, disappearing in Jun-Seo's chest with a loud gasp. 
"No!" The shooter yelled at the turn of events, watching his twin fall to the ground right next to his feet. He panted in pain and brought his hands to the wound his sibling unintentionally caused, his eyelids losing their tension as his pupils dilated. 
"You piece of shit!" The scourge unleashed from between his lips, a pair of heartless eyes darting back. He looked back to see the cop with his gun right back where it belonged, pointed at him, the main suspect.
"You did all of this just for this stupid bitch!" He raised his arm, turning in the direction of the abducted innocence. 
"Step away from her," Heeseung yelled, blood rushing through his veins.
It was a relief to have taken down one of the obstacles in his way without getting his hands dirty. Nevertheless, there was still the main problem standing in front of him, aiming to assassinate his victim. 
He knew the sicko could pull off a dangerous stunt since his actions were unpredictable, scanning the expressions on his face. He was expecting furrowed brows, hands clenched into fists, or a death glare at least. 
All he got was a loud sigh, followed by a prolongated laughter. The kind of laughter you would hear The Joker do in a quarrel with Batman whenever the two would argue. It was almost as if he was amused or pleased with the outcome, even though his brother was lying inches away in a puddle of blood, practically minutes away from dying.
"You really are a jokester, Mr. Lee," he lowered his gun, ignoring the confusion on the cop's face.
He just passed on a stare and a scowl, fidgeting with the weapon in his hand like it was a toy with no bullets in it. His behavior was so bizarre that Heeseung couldn't help but stare at him in confusion. 
The thing was, the stare he carried didn't belong to someone who had just given up. It wasn't of someone who just surrendered and accepted his fucked-up fate. 
It was the complete opposite of what it was supposed to be -malicious, daring to some degree as if he was taunting him with his capability. He challenged him with a gradually growing smirk. 
At that moment, Heeseung realized it wasn't a renunciation but a part of the plan. The plan that had been constructed from the beginning. Composed to every little point to lure out the enemy. She was his weakness, and they damn well knew about it. They were cruel enough to use it against him. 
With another look, he noticed the turnabout in Joon-Woo's glare, the shade of wrath igniting. 
"For thinking I would let her off so easily," the loud bang emitted through the silence, a sharp "pop" following right after. The noise yielded Heeseung to register the situation, his eyes widening as they quickly scanned for the landing. His gaze landed on the girl in the chair, uncovering a bullet point of entrance on her chest. 
Heeseung's heart dropped as he looked over to the side. 
His eyes widened in horror, staring blankly at the injured girl.
His body went numb, but he still tried to remain as stoic as possible.
All he could do was stare, frozen in fear, as the girl's white shirt slowly turned red.
Heeseung knew he couldn't repeat the same mistake, not hesitating to respond as he pointed his gun directly at the shooter. It was what had to be done. Jun-Seo was going to die today, next to his brother.
His heart skipped a beat as the adrenaline rush towards his veins intensified. He pressed the trigger, watching the evil twin staring back at him in shock, falling back. 
The loud thud confirmed the man was no longer alive, the bullet in his head adding to reason. 
Heeseung slowly approached the corpse, looking at him one last time to ensure himself. 
At that moment, he indeed felt the unbearable weight on his shoulders falling off, all of it evaporating in the air. 
Heeseung finally exhales, dropping his gun to the floor. His heart rate slows down, but the poundage in his body becomes heavier, almost as if the world was collapsing in on him.
"Where-" he quickly turned around at the origin of the sound, his eyes meeting the girl's.
Heeseung instantly rushed to her side, trying to assess the damage.
Her blood flowed onto his hand as he pressed it on the entrance wound, attempting to stop the bleeding.
"I'm going to save you, just hang on..." he whispered, applying pressure after dialing his collegaue. 
As she struggled to remain conscious, her eyes locked into his.
She was unable to express her gratitude with words, so she gave his hand a light squeeze, letting him know that she understood his intentions.
She trusted the man for some reason, even though she couldn't see his face. Everything was pitch dark.
She hoped for the misery to end soon, letting her eyelids rest.
She only waited for the moment to end, for the afterlife to welcome her.
Heeseung was overwhelmed with worry and fear. He knew how close she was to dying, watching her breath grow shallower and more shallow after each passing moment.
He saw her eyes flickering in and out of consciousness, but all he could do was gently stroke her hair away from her face, hoping and wishing for a miracule. 
His hand rested on her chest, feeling her heartbeat. He desperately implored it to keep going, pleading with the higher powers, begging them not to let her slip through his fingers.
"Don't leave me, please," he whispered, kissing her hand.
Heeseung noticed her breathing pattern becoming erratic, her pulse slowly becoming weak, indicating that she was losing the battle for her life.
"Don't go," he whispered, placing his face closer to hers, willing her not to leave. The tears rolled down his cheeks, shaking his head in denial. He desperately tried to keep them from falling again.
"Please stay with me," he beged, unable to handle the thought of her dying in his arms. He continued to caress her cheeks, his voice muffled as his face grew redder and redder.
He recalled all the memories they encountered, the bad and the good, and burst into tears again. He didn't even try to stop them, unable to hold it in any longer.
"I don't know what I'm going to do without you..."
Heeseung's voice filled with anguish, and ha piece of his heart ripped out of his chest. 
His desperation grew as her heartbeat grew weaker and weaker. Her chest rose and fell, labored. 
Each breath was battle for her life, and her body was not winning the fight. It started to grow cold, and her heartbeat became even fainter, as if it was trying to slip through his grasp.
"I'm so sorry." 
"I should have protected you," he cried, pressing into her chest. 
"I love you, Y/N."
Her hand rested on his, a faint smile spreading across her face. 
"It's you?" her brain refused to believe the alternative, pacing back and forth, forth and back, like a spectator at a tennis match. 
Lee Heeseung? 
Her Lee Heeseung?
No, that's impossible.
She foolishly wanted to hold onto the strand of hope even though it was perilous. She knew it would relish on painting her walls within in qualm, scribbling various disquietude lines, and doodling frightening visions.
It appeared so compulsive, eyelids concealing the water amassing beside. The droplets traced her rubicund cold cheeks, reaching the corners of her quivering mouth. She tasted the woeful hopelessness accumulated over the past months. 
How hopelessly she wished for it to be real.
For him to be with her. 
If there was one thing she had been yearning for, it was his return. 
Somewhere deep down in her shattered soul, she dreamed of a reunion. A reconvene in which she could hold onto him without fear. Without having to worry about him letting go once she would look away. Without being afraid of falling asleep because he wouldn't be there in the morning. 
It was the only thing she had been longing for. 
"No. You're not here. I'm seeing things again, right?" She looked around, laughing while groping the mattress. Doing so, she failed to detect the unknown material, repeating the same motion. It wasn't the same at home. It wasn't the latex filling she was used to. 
She swiftly looked around, eyes darting around the unknown layout. They glanced over its walls sheathed in snow without a single trace of a painting, the dim lamp gleaming in the corner. It smothered the gloominess in a soothing tint of beige, strangely comforting. 
It was so familiar, yet so unknown. 
Was it because this wasn't her first time being in this room?
"Why am I here?" Her rapid breathing complicated the question's delivery, hands clutching onto the duvet to prevent them from shaking even more. 
You fool.
She looked down, studying the IV line inserted in her vein. Her eyes popped out of their sockets, desperately trying to recall what had happened to put her in this situation in the first place. 
"Calm down," the man beside appeased, holding her hand. 
Compared to her ice skin, he was a burning flame. 
He wanted to believe it was because of his anticipation and not because of her declining health. 
He didn't want to be attentive to her paper skin or her bones visibly sticking out. Oh, how much he wanted to believe her knuckles weren't poking out next to his hand. 
However, he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to denial when these were all the signs he harbored before. 
The last time he saw her, his thumb couldn't reach his pinky finger. When he wrapped them around her tender wrist now, they managed to join. 
All of these signals were so familiar that he couldn't ignore them. They weren't normal and he knew from experience what effects it could have if not properly treated. Consulting with the doctor during her sleep was a necessary procedure, but he couldn't tell her everything now. 
For God's sake, she couldn't even acknowledge it was him caressing her hand. 
He felt like a stranger sitting there, with a worried expression and no response. He didn't know what to do. The only thing he wanted was to hold her and tell her everything was over. That he had finally accomplished what he should have done a year ago. Something he owed her from the day they met.
Where was the feeling of joy he was supposed to encounter? First and foremost, he executed an outstanding performance on the job tonight. Thanks to him, the case that was open for years had finally come to an end. It was due to his commission the two criminals now lingered behind bars.
"Is this one of those dreams again?" she suddenly grasped his shirt, unable to distinguish fantasy from reality. She held on to the cotton fabric with dear life, knuckles beginning to hurt as the grip amplified. The oaky fragrance disbanded into the air, entering through her nostrils to allow a segment of remembrance. 
Her fingers slid against the black clothing, studying the outlines of it, tracing down and up again. His chest rose with each unanticipated touch, brows sliding upwards to inscribe a few lines. Worry was written all over them when she gaped at him in confusion, refusing to accept his existence.
"Where I hopelessly look for you and never manage to find you?"
The headache was overlapping her brain in confusion, and she struggled to fathom her surroundings. She didn't comprehend the quick change of emotions on his face, looking at her as if she had announced the death of a close relative. In the end, she went through these nightmares almost every night. So, it wasn't abnormal to her. Yet, his stare was intense and frightened, screaming in concern, the complete opposite of her disclosure.
It wasn't.
It couldn't be after all.
He left a long time ago.
"I'm tired of those dreams," her voice broke down, replacing it with a weep, "because I never manage to find you." She broke down, releasing the suppressed pain gathered in her system. 
The mere thought of them ran shivers down her spine, completely despising the state they left her in. The number of times she woke up crying, desperately trying to hold onto the comfort beside was too much to count. The way she would open her eyelids only to realize there was nothing but a cold and untouched bedside. 
She would always look at the empty spot with hope. 
Hope he would come into the room with that dazzling look and hop back in the bed to hold her tight in his embrace. She wanted him to say everything would be okay, just like he used to. She wanted to hear his smile again, see his laughter, and feel his love in her hands. 
Was it that selfish to ask for the undoable? 
It was.
After all, he had always been a far stretch - an unreachable beauty, like a star in the sky she could only admire from afar. Too unreal to be authentic. Too perfect to exist. Too good to be true. Just like their relationship. 
Even stars die eventually and gradually start fading away. It was simply natural for them to end as well. 
So why was it so hard to say goodbye?
Over 365 days have passed since the day, and Y/N still stood at the beginning of the road. It was as if her feet were glued to the floor, trapping her in the moment she desperately tried to eradicate. 
If a samurai's katana could slice through her stomach now, it wouldn't manage to do more damage. Nor his bow stricken to embed in her lungs. It would simply sting for a second before disappearing into the mist, just like everything else in her life. It would form a pool of blood beneath, assembling a shattered reflection. A reflection she would reach for and fall into its never-ending well of hatred and pangs of conscience.
"I did something wrong, right? That's why you left. I was so annoying with my constant mood swings, wasn't I?" 
Heeseung closed his eyelids to prevent the accumulated sadness from firing, trying to stay collected so as not to evoke more sorrow. 
His hands turned into fists, aching to swing on the coward's head.
What a selfish idiot he was. 
He was going to cry? Him? When he was the reason they were both in this room right now?
It was his decision that caused all of this. He wouldn't be right back at the start if he hadn't given her up for his stupid career. If only he had just listened to his inner heart, things could have been different, better.
It was like someone was ripping him open, cutting and slicing with the sharpest blade, puncturing endless rebukes. Not only was he screaming from the pain, but also from witnessing Y/N uncontrollably crying in front of him. 
Her petite hands held onto her hospital gown, slanting over to let out all the misery he had caused her. She couldn't stop herself from wailing in agony and torment, feeling so hopeless and confused with him reappearing in her life. It was a hard pill to swallow. The kind that gets stuck in your throat, and water cannot drown it. 
"I'm so sorry I couldn't control it," she sniveled, clutching her hair tightly and pulling it to inflict more pain on herself. 
"I'm so sorry," she screamed into the duvet, countlessly snuffling. Her cries were muffled, the airways between her lungs and nose becoming tighter with each one. She was practically yelping for air, hyperventilating. 
"I love you, Lee Heeseung. I love you so much that it hurts," her trembling index pointed towards her heart, repeatedly tapping her chest.
At this point, she was out of breath, wailing and gripping her clothes as if they could release the painful embrace around her chest. She lifted her gaze to meet the apples of his eyes. They were glutted with sorrow and guilt, heartbreak and commiseration. They were merely reflecting his feelings - complete hopelessness. 
"I can't live without you, Heeseung. I can't-" Her sob got cut off by his sudden maneuver, palms gently cupping her cheeks before drawing her face closer to him. Now, he stared into her chocolate eyes, gazing at his hickory ones with surprise. 
"I love you more, Y/N." His nose rubbed against hers, foreheads aligning with one another to create an intimate moment between the lovers. They used to do this often, almost every morning, just holding each other and laughing in joy. It was like a routine, something mandatory before getting out of bed.
"More than anything else in this world," his tears caressed hers, tracing them upwards with his lips. He replaced the traces of sorrow with caring pecks, making sure to collect every drop. 
"Heeseung," her hand clutched his shirt, trying to stay sane even though, deep down, she was melting in his touch. 
He lightly tilted her head back, gaining access to her quivering mouth. She had it slightly ajar, huffing the compressed air through the small gap. Waves of electricity were dashing down her cells, causing an upheaval of homeostasis. The more he looked at her, the harder it got to breathe without a strain on her lungs. She had no choice but to say, "Please, just kiss me."
There was no time for that request to have been adequately thought through, as the circumstances deemed the opposite effect. For once, Y/N didn't want to think over her decisions. She wanted them to happen and worry about the consequences later. 
"Can I really?" his hand slid back, holding her head to grant her maximum relaxation. 
"You fool, I just told you to do it."
"I only want to make sure," he murmured, his lips automatically attracting with hers, like two magnets of opposite poles. 
Perhaps it was a lofty comparison, but the way neither side hesitated before carrying out the deed proved otherwise. They have been yearning for this moment ever since they have parted ways. 
Hell, they spent all of their time convincing themselves they weren't a match made to last for centuries when they were. Their love was so powerful that the glue in their bond never dried out. 
Even though they were two completely different people, it was their love that brought them together. No one could change that.
"No one."
"Not ever," he whispered while he damped her lips with his wet and warm tongue, panting with each smacking sound.
It was like entering heaven. 
He could almost feel the bright rays of happiness encircling them with its mighty power, not to mention Y/N's whimpers, which were like music to his ears.
Or maybe it was his poetic description of this incredible ecstasy that made it appear so illusory. 
He felt like a teenage boy again. His hormones were all over the place, and his heartbeat was agitated with an uncomfortable tension in his boxers.
God was cruel for putting his body into this state, especially in this situation. However, he couldn't control it. A whole year without Y/N meant a year full of bottled-up pain and tension. He never went out and slept with someone else because he knew too well no one could compare to her. 
Fuck, no one could be her, so there was no point in doing anything reckless. Plus, his heart wouldn't be able to do something so dishonest. It was loyal, unlike him, and it never erased nor forgot the name of his soulmate.
"I missed you so much," she cried, her grip around him tightening, so afraid he would let go and the feeling of safety would disappear with him.
"I know, Y/N. I missed you, too." Heeseung's hand slid up her arm, then her neck, until his hands rested on her cheeks, and he gently pulled her closer.
"But I'm here now," he continued, his voice filled with tenderness and affection. "And I don't plan on leaving your side ever again."
She looked up with red eyes, swollen and aching from the pang inside her heart. "You promise?" she asked innocently, not ready to receive a no for an answer. 
"I promise." His voice was firm, his words soothing. 
He kissed the top of her head, feeling her grip tightening around him while tears still ran down her wet, rosy cheeks. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, refusing to let go. 
"I'm not going anywhere. Not this time."
As if by instinct, she buried her face in his chest yet again, breathing in his scent and feeling his warmth as he enveloped her petite body in his warm embrace. 
Y/N felt her heart beating faster, the rush of emotions overwhelming and confusing her in the process. God, how much she has missed this. Being held, taken care of, and loved. For the first time, she allowed herself to feel vulnerable and let out a pained sob. She had held it for so long.
"Breathe," he whispered in her ear, noticing her shallow breath in a poor attempt at composure.
Her body couldn't stop shaking in his arms, the waves of emotions and shock deluging her.
"I'm here." The man of her dreams whispered, his words soothing out the bump of worries in her head. He stroked her lusciously dark hair once again, caressing her cheek as she leaned her head on the crook of his neck.
"I've got you."
That was all she needed to hear. 
They both remained in each other's arms, the silence broken only by their heavy breathing. At the same time, Y/N leaned in for his hands, holding them in hers. They were big and mighty next to her small and delicate ones, swallowing them in his palms. She played with his fingers, wrapping her digits around each one like an adorable baby. 
She has done this so many times before. It felt so natural each time as if their hands were sculpted to fit between the gaps of their fingers. Every insertion and removal was smooth like butter. She repeated it over and over because she couldn't get enough of it.
It was his hand she was holding and her hand he was kissing.
"Is this alright?" he asked foolishly.
She replied with a passionate kiss instead, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling the strong man as close as possible. Her body pressed against his, so gentle with each movement that it made him shiver. He leaned into the squeeze, letting go of his worries once and for all, only focusing on her warmth blending with his. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, the heat of her against his own sparking lascivious ideas. 
Her lips pressed softly against his skin, enticingly murmuring her name as a result. 
"I missed hearing you saying my name," she whispered into his ear before gently biting onto its helix.
Heeseung closed his eyes and exhaled a deep and long breath. He leaned closer and caressed her chin, tilting it upwards so he could meet her eyes again.
"I want to be with you forever," he said softly, hand gently caressing her hip.
"I want to wake up next to you every morning and sleep with you by my side."
"I want to hold your face and feel your lips on mine every chance. To feel our love growing more and more each day."
"I want to spend my life with you. To know you're my home, my heart."
She gaped at him in shock, not expecting to hear such a meaningful trail of confession after everything. It contradicted his ambiguously lengthy absence in which Y/N went through hell thinking about what she had done wrong. 
Now, he sat before her, eyes full of ardor and sincerity, brushing his devotion on her like a naked canvas. 
"I've made the mistake of letting you go once," he held her hand, placing it on his chest. She felt his rhythmic heartbeat gradually increasing with each prolonged second of his speech. 
"I won't make the same mistake twice, Y/N." 
Heeseung's voice is filled with sincerity and truth, determined to finally carry through his feelings to her like he should have done. 
"I can't promise I will always be perfect," he expressed, his hand intertwining with hers. "But I promise, I won't let anyone tear us apart again."
He squeezed her even tighter as if she was the only thing holding him together.
"What do you mean? Who tore us apart?" her face changed instantly, confusedly staring into his apprehensive eyes. The cat was out of the bag, and Heeseung finally had to face the harsh side of reality.
Instead of answering, however, his gaze drifted away. 
His expression became darker, pupils dilating from the rise of anger within. It wasn't directed towards the reason, but himself. He was furious for preserving this crucial information from her for so long.
He looked away, his hand still over hers as he tried to find the words. He took it and brought it to his lips, gently kissing it as he spoke.
"Your parents..." Heeseung said quietly.
"They never approved of us, and I knew."
Heeseung paused, unsure of how to proceed or what to say next. He didn't want to ruin her relationship with her parents or affect their reunion. Telling the truth was the best choice, but he wondered if she would forgive either side.
"They threatened to sue me and ruin my career. They said I was negligent on the mission. That I wasn't a good enough person to be with you."
He stared at her, doubtful of how much information to share. 
"They didn't want me to talk to you ever again," he disclosed, his tone guarded. "They told me either I stayed away from you or they would ruin my life."
He sighed and looked down at the ground, a slight sense of shame on his face. 
"It was their disapproval, combined with the threat of losing everything, that forced me to leave."
"So you chose your career over our love?" she scoffed, pushing his arms away.
"Your career was more important than our relationship?"
She shook her head in disappointment. 
"No..." Heeseung quickly replied, stunned and hurt by her sudden change of attitude. "You know I'm not like that."
The truth was that he completely understood her reaction. He responded to his terrible decision the same way, turning against himself for being such a selfish prick. 
Nevertheless, so much was at stake that he couldn't have done it differently. That's what he wanted to explain. To make her see his point of view and hopefully make her understand. 
"You're the only person who knows what I had to go through to become an officer, Y/N. You know what kind of future I envisioned for myself, for us."
He wavered, rethinking his wording so as not to make it sound wrong. His voice slightly trembled, incredibly scared of what might come after all of this. "It would have been my entire future they would have destroyed."
She shook her head in denial, not wanting to believe her bloodline would stand in the way of her happiness. She couldn't believe her mother and father put her into that misery and pretended to be clueless. 
They blamed him for everything, constantly pointing out how right they were about him from the beginning of their relationship. They kept telling her that he would eventually leave and never look back when, in reality, they were the ones who would cause it to happen. They were pulling the strings behind her back. 
This whole time, while she deteriorated from the uncontrollable pain all alone, they were the culprits of her suffering. 
"I," she covered her mouth, the urge to vomit intensifying at the repulsive revelation. 
"Why," she looked up at him, anger and resentment burning in her eyes. 
"Why didn't you tell me right away?" she whispered, her voice hingeing from the lack of power.
Heeseung shut his eyelids, unable to speak at first due to the words choking him up. He couldn't even look his love in the eyes as he lowered his face in remorse.
"I thought you wouldn't believe me," he replied calmly, his voice full of emotion. "They are your parents, after all."
Heeseung searched for the correct words to express what he felt in those moments right before he took the decision to leave her for good. 
"I thought me leaving would be the least painful, the least harmful choice. I didn't want to ruin your family for one incompetent coward like me."
"Bullshit!" she yelled, throwing all of his attempts away. She was so angry at him and her parents all at once that it molded into one tangled wool of wrath that gushed obstreperous amounts of ire. 
"I would have believed you, Heeseung. These are all just excuses-"
"How can you say these are just excuses," Heeseung oppugned, his voice breaking at the end of the sentence.
"You think I liked being forced to make that decision? You think I liked seeing you in pain because of me?"
He sharply inhaled, almost hissing when exhaling. The words were pouring out of him as fast as a waterfall, and no one could stop him from speaking his mind now.
"Don't you think I regret all of it? Don't you think that I wished every single day that I had just told you the damn truth?" he snapped back, his tone rising at each word. 
"Do you have any idea what I went through this last year?" she shut him down, firmly pushing him away.
Do you have any idea what I was thinking this entire time?" she panted, the wrath inside her escalating through the roof.
"I thought I wasn't good enough for you, that I couldn't even make you happy, that you left because I only rubbed off my bad mental state, and you couldn't handle it anymore. This entire time, I thought it was MY fault you were gone, and I wanted to die." The curses escaped her chapped lips, fists hitting the mattress out of frustration and lack of control over her emotions. Her eyes burned with ire and disarray, quivering from undergoing sudden shock.
"Every day, I dreamt about dying. Every night, I hoped I wouldn't wake up the next day and that I would just die." She shouted into his face, her yells soon enough turning into painful sobs. 
"After you left, Hee, there was no point for me to live anymore."
Heeseung stared at her, totally awed and stunned by her words. He was blind this whole time, ignorant about what was happening behind the curtains.
He couldn't form a sentence, experiencing such strong and intense emotions that he couldn't even find the words to describe them.
"I tried to end my life so many times," she cried, covering her face with trembling hands, entirely losing control of her body.
Chills ran down his spine at the weight of the last sentence, which unraveled the extent of her suffering. 
His worst fear became true: she was hurting because of him. 
From the start, he tried to do what was best for her future. Yet, he only made it all worse. He ruined her and became the cause of her nightmares, of every second of her affliction.
His heart broke into a million pieces. The amount of guilt he had never experienced before struck him intensely, leaving him breathless.
Tears slowly rolled down his cheeks as he realized he had worsened her depression. 
First, he took away the person who loved her the most and then disposed of the one she loved the most. All at the same time, because of him. 
He wanted to shout, to kick himself for being so oblivious. He wanted to hug her and hold her, cry with her, and beg for forgiveness.
But all he could do at that moment was stand like a deer caught in the headlights, completely speechless.
"I'm so sorry," he murmured.
"I never wanted to cause you... pain." His voice broke as he said those words, the guilt eating him alive.
"I-I should have been there for you, I-" Another sigh parted away.
"I failed to protect you."
"Yea, you fucked up. Now, go," her tone drastically changed, sitting up as she crossed her arms, head turning towards the window.
The world outside seemed so much calmer than the one in the room, the tension sticking on the walls.
Heeseung didn't know what to say. He tried to protest, to say something, to do anything to fix things, but after your dismissal, he knew he had to accept the fact that he had messed up beyond all reasoning.
He walked towards the door, waiting for her to change her mind and ask him to stay. 
However, his wish was replaced by a soft "go."
No other words were necessary for this goodbye.
He turned to face her one final time, his eyes full of regret and misery. They couldn't even match hers for more than two seconds before a tear rolled down his cheek.
He had to look away, refusing to see the pain in her eyes and her trembling face.
"No," he said, turning around.
Heeseung was frustrated and felt misunderstood, lost in the words of frustration and anger thrown his way. 
It broke his heart to hear her say these things. Although he expected the worst possible scenario, he couldn't come to terms with this alternative. There was no way he would let her go again. 
He paused, taking a deep breath to process what he was hearing.
"I failed you as a lover and a friend," he whispered, the tone in his voice filled with sorrow and disappointment. 
"I should have been there for you, I should have stayed and fought."
Her stare was still focused outside, refusing to communicate with him further. There was a lot of bitterness and pain inside her to pursue a polite conversation. Any minute, she would go off like a bomb. He was pushing the time until detonation.
Heeseung took a deep breath yet again, looking around the room in disbelief.
He had never seen her so angry before — not even when she was angry with her parents. This was a whole new level of anger.
He couldn't bear the thought of leaving in such a condition while being furious and hurt. Even if he thought she no longer wanted him around, he needed to prove that was not true. He wanted to prove to her his love was real and was not as shallow as she thought.
"Don't make me call the staff and get you kicked out," the threat set a foot on the floor, directly aiming at him.
She finally made eye contact, handing a cold glare, her brows furrowed and her nostrils flared.
For a few seconds, Heeseung was utterly stunned by her sudden threat and the intensity of the stare. Once she made eye contact, he saw deep down the pain and hurt that she was frantically trying to mask.
"I just want to say one more thing before I leave," he whispered, his tone gentle and apologetic. He looked away, unsure if he was doing the right thing.
"I don't want to hear anything from you," she sat up and got her slippers, aiming to stand up and walk him out.
However, a sharp groan escaped instead, her hand automatically positioning on the ache in her chest. His heart sank once again as he noticed the sudden wince in her facial expression.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice full of worry and concern.
He wanted to reach out but knew he did not deserve to comfort you in such a critical moment. It was all his fault.
Therefore, he remained standing, but only a meter away, as his worries grew over.
"I just need you to leave me alone." her expression changed nattily, practically hissing out the sentence.
He remained silent, not saying a word.He could hear her breathing and the slight wheezing with each inhale. Other than that, there was only the silence of the room.He couldn't find any words to say in such a situation, not when her voice bore hatred and disdain.
Slowly, he backed away from her, his feet making light sounds on the floor, almost unable to hear them. She winced when attempting to slightly move, each muscle in her body tensing at the unexpected action.
Tears summon in her eyes, crawling back from the overlapping ache and sorrow combined into a deadly mixture. Heeseung noticed how her body reacted, recalling the doctor's orders. He couldn't hold back anymore. He couldn't stand idle.
"Wait," he said quickly, his tone filled with worry and panic. He rushed to her side, putting a hand on her shoulder to prevent her from getting up.
"God, you're such a-" Her whine swallows the curse word, shutting her eyelids due to the ascending pain.
"You can hate me as much as you want, but you must lay down this instance," Heeseung sighed, noticing her effort at resisting his actions even if it was all for her safety. He tried to lay her down slowly but firmly, making sure he didn't hurt her any further.
He gently pushed her backward on the bed, hoping the pain from the movement didn't worsen.
"You're a pain in the ass," she coughed, eyes still closed to avoid any form of direct eye contact. His presence beside was enough to rile her up and clench her fists.
He had to hide his smile as her attempts to push him away and the occasional bursts of insults were adorable. She might have been furious at the moment, but her actions gave away the small hint of weakness underneath.
It made him want to apologize for coming back at the wrong time, but he remained silent and waited by her side for the pain to subside.
He sat on the edge of the bed, looking out of the window with a heavy pang in his heart. He stayed silent for a while, content with sitting in silence, even if she was still furious at him.
He occasionally glanced at her with a sorrowful look, as if he was sorry for causing you so much pain and distress.
Slowly, he turned his head back towards the window and exhaled, the only noise he made for the following minutes.
"I should be furious and mad at you for everything," she whispered, "Yet, I can't because it hurts even more."
Heeseung's eyes widened once she spoke up. She might have not looked at him, but he heard her perfectly.
She still sounded angry, but it sounded more like regret than anything else. It was the first time he saw her defenses crack, and he was starting to wonder how long until she completely broke down.
"I prayed every night to see you again, to be held in your arms," she paused, suppressing the wave of tears from flushing down her face.
"I-" she put her arm over her face, fighting herself from speaking up further.
He remained silent, watching her struggle with her emotions. He couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart seeing her trying so hard not to break down in front of him.
With a light, tender gesture, he wiped the tears away from her cheeks and put his hand over her fist, trying to hold her fingers while remaining careful about the injuries.
"I hate you," she whimpered.
"I hate how much I love you after everything."
Those words hit him like a knife to the heart.
Hearing her confess her love and hatred towards him was a bittersweet feeling. Although her words still harbored anger, there was no denying his heart was aching for her.
He looked at her, not saying anything, just staring, his eyebrows furrowing, waiting to hear what else she had to say.
"You broke me, and somehow-" she lingered on her words, snuffling, "you're the only thing I think about."
Heeseung's heart ached with each word she spoke, hearing the emotional confession.
He didn't quite know what to say. Her love for him seemed just as conflicting as her rage and hatred as if both were trying to take the throne as the primary emotion in her heart.
Her tearful, trembling voice made him feel vulnerable too, his entire being consumed by the emotions that made him want to hug her so tightly, wanting so desperately to make everything better.
"You turned me into a mess," she covered her face with her palms, refusing to be seen this vulnerable and weak again.
He couldn't even argue with that statement because, at that moment, he knew she was right. He had turned her into a mess. He had left her without a single thought about if she would be alright, what it would do to her given her psychological condition. 
He had forgotten how much she loved and needed him and how his sudden disappearance would affect her. He was unable to stand her vulnerable state any longer.
He grabbed both her wrists, pulling them away from her face, letting his eyes meet hers.
"Look at me," he said in the softest way possible.
He was doing exactly what she didn't want him to do.
She was concealing her reckless emotions from him, forbidding him to see her like this any longer.
At his words, she reluctantly let go of and slowly lifted her face. She didn't want him here, but she did. She craved, no, needed him.
She looked directly into his eyes, feeling her heart ache, not wanting this moment to end but also wanting to escape it. His orbs had the most solemn expression, looking at her with sorrow and empathy.
He couldn't help but feel how her emotions were constantly switching between rage and sadness, and although she didn't say the words, his heart was still willing to believe that she still loved him.
Because she truly did.
And that's why she hated herself so much.
Heeseung's heart couldn't take it anymore.
When she looked away from his eyes, he saw how much she was still struggling to keep her emotions from breaking down completely. He wanted to help her, he wanted to make everything better, but he didn't know how.
With a light tug, he pulled her close and tightly hugged her. The warmth from his body spread to her, the smell of his cologne filling her nostrils.
As if the whole world had turned upside down, she had officially reached her limits. There were no barriers in her way anymore and she let her emotions burst out.
At last, she allowed herself to cry in front of someone again. In front of him. In his arms, in his embrace, in his chest.
With the sound of her trembling breaths, Heeseung could feel how real this moment was. Every tear falling from her cheeks, every sniffle, and every sob.
He didn't mind one bit. He didn't care how vulnerable she was right now or how weak this moment made her look. To him, her hugging hugging him back and feeling her body pressed against his was all that mattered right now.
She was finally home.
She was finally safe again.
She was where she was supposed to be all along.
With her lover, her soulmate, her other part.
She could finally smile again.
Heeseung tightened the grip on her body, wanting to bring her as close as possible to fill the space of loneliness in her heart.
The feeling of her warm body against his was all he needed to feel complete again. It was like he found the last missing piece of the puzzle. With it, the picture was complete. His heart was finally beating again. 
He kept his arms around her, not letting go of her for a single second. He hoped that this was just the beginning of their second chance.
Her hands rested on his chest as she lifted her head, inches away from his lips.
He brought her closer, making the space between their faces even shorter. He slowly lowered his head to meet her lips, his breath slightly trembling as his heart pumped rapidly in his chest.
She moaned into the kiss, closing her eyes and letting him take control. She was so tired, both mentally and physically, but craved him intensely.
Their tongues collided against each other leisurely and intensely at the same time, desperate to have one another as close as possible. 
The kiss was hungry, both despairing for each other that they were practically devouring each other rather than just simply enjoying the moment.
Heeseung's arms tightly wrapped around her, holding her firmly against his body, his lips moving with a steady pace alongside hers. There was no need for any words, as their entire bodies had already expressed everything they needed to.
His hands ran under her hospital gown, sliding upwards on her back. She arched her back at the contact, moaning and lightly biting onto his lip.
Heeseung couldn't help but moan at her reaction. The feeling of his hands on her skin sent shivers down her spine, his fingers feeling like little sparks of joy spreading through.
He moaned against her lips again, wanting this moment to last even longer.
She was all his, and he was all hers.
There was nothing that could stop them from being so intimate and together right now. All the anger and hatred that lingered inside was washed away by the sheer joy of being reunited.
He began tracing her spine with delicate, light touches, sending a chill down her back despite the warm sensations that the gesture caused.
When his hands moved further up, her back began to arch involuntarily, breathing becoming heavier.
His fingers found themselves tangled in her hair, pulling back as the kisses became even more passionate.
"Someone could come in any moment," she panted as he pulled away for a minute, gripping his shirt for stability since she was in a daze. Any hospital staff could barge in, and she certainly didn't want anyone to catch her engaging in lewd activities...
Heeseung let out a chuckle at her reminder, still feeling his heart pump and his lips vibrating with a warm, fuzzy feeling.
"I don't mind," he whispered, his lips hovering near hers again, teasing.
At that moment, the kiss felt so perfect for him, so right that he didn't care if anyone saw them in such a vulnerable state. He looked around the room and back at her, a small, mischievous grin appearing on his face.
"You're crazy!" she wanted to protest, but he kissed her again, sliding his hand behind her neck so she could fully transfer her weight onto his hand.
"Don't worry," he said, getting up and heading towards the door, getting a "do not disturb" sign out of the shelf and putting it on the door's front handle before locking themselves in.
He was glad he had decided to take her to a private hospital, not only because the surgery was done quickly, but he could also stay the night with her.
She couldn't help but feel a little bit of relief wash over, knowing that they wouldn't be interrupted by anybody walking by. The two of you could finally have some privacy to let the passion and desire run free.
With the heat between both of them building up, Heeseung returned to the bed, this time straddling on top of her.
"Oh," she gaped at him from below, her hands holding onto his arms next to her.
Her gaze landed underneath his shirt as he hovered over her, allowing her to fully see his abs. They were still as sculpted and defined as she remembered, perhaps even more visible now. Her mouth slightly hung loose, biting her lip to conceal her arousal.
He looked down at her, seeing the intent stare at his abs as her finger lightly trailed towards the edge of his shirt.
With a soft smirk, he lifted his arms, letting her expose his entire upper body, the abs, and pecs flexing slightly as he moved. He let her admire and touch every inch of his muscle, even letting her trace the veins on his arms.
For some reason, seeing him suddenly topless caused a couple of fireworks to set off in her stomach, immediately looking away to hide the wave of heat mantling her cheeks.
Heeseung couldn't help but giggle softly at her shyness, finding it utterly appealing. He still got butterflies each time she blushed like this, finding it to be one of her most endearing characteristics.
He leaned closer, lifting her hands off her face and caressing it with his own hands.
"So beautiful," he whispered, pressing his forehead against hers.
"Don't be shy. You can touch any part of me you want."
"Hee," she panted, feeling breathless from the lewdness of his words.
He chuckled, noticing how overwhelmed she got.
"I can't believe how easily flustered you get."
He paused for a few seconds before placing one of his hands on her pink cheek.
"It's okay to be touched like this, you know," he whispered into her ear.
"You've touched my heart so many times already, you can touch me as much as you like."
"If you keep talking like that, I'll melt," she sighed, placing her hand on his face as his gaze only evoked more attraction.
Heeseung laughed, finding her response to his comments sweet. He could see her already trying not to blush and feeling quite embarrassed, which made him want to tease her even further.
"Is that so?" he inquired, looking at her with a teasing smile on his lips.
"Well, maybe it would be better to see you in liquid form. Then I could at least drink in your beauty all at once."
"What are you even saying!" She widened her eyes, slapping his arm and covering her mouth out of embarrassment.
Heeseung smiled and played with a strand of her hair.
"Am I making you upset?" he teased, "and there I was, planning on making you melt all over me so I could lick it all up." With a smirk, he brought his face closer to hers, letting her feel his breath against her lips.
"You're such a pervert," her head turned to the side on the pillow, closing her eyes as the tip of her ears began to redden.
"You like it, though," his voice was tinged with a teasing undertone, almost daring her to deny it.
"Is this making you nervous?" he asked lusciously, "maybe I should keep kissing your neck until you can't take it anymore."
She moaned and grabbed his back the moment his lips brushed against her neck, breathing heavier than before.
He knew damn well how sensitive her neck was, and he always used that against her. He smirked at her reaction to his kiss, noticing how her body tensed up.
As he continued kissing her neck and leaving hickeys all across it, he could hear how she was trying to repress her moans.He didn't plan on going too far with this, but he was incredibly tempted to make you her out with his touch.
She pushed him away for a minute, her whole body practically shaking from the stimulation.
Heeseung smirked, knowing he had pushed her limits with the kiss.
Still, he didn't hesitate one second to get close to her again and place light kisses across her face.
"Is that too much?" he asked, his voice still maintaining that teasing tone, "I could do even more you know. We have a whole night ahead of us."
"I hate you so much," she grunted, letting him peck her face with smooches.
"Such harsh words coming from such a cute mouth." Heeseung laughed as she kept resisting his kisses, only making him want to tease her more.
"You can hate me all you want, but you can't escape my charm," he grinned at her, kissing her forehead and letting his fingers trail downwards.
"You could have gotten me naked instead of blabbering on."
Heeseung raised his eyebrows and smirked at the straightforwardness of her comment.
"Is that an invitation?" he inquired, "cause if it is, then I accept it completely." He brought her close to his body again, still keeping a firm grasp around her waist.
"Let me make your desire come true."
"Be careful, it hurts," she sat up, holding onto him.
Heeseung smiled softly at her actions, letting her sit up and gently lifting her onto his lap. He saw how tired she was, the exhaustion of the surgery still weighing in on her.
"Are you sure you want to do this right now?" he inquired in a concerned tone, "we don't have to do anything, and still…"
He wavered for a moment, leaning her body against him.
"I still want to be near you."
She nodded, running her hands on his bare chest before giving it soft and tender pecks.
He let out a soft groan as his chest was bombarded with so many kisses, his body feeling warm at the spot her lips placed on. He let her body lean on him, enjoying the softness of her skin on his own. He couldn't stop but smile at how soft and gentle her every gesture was, making him feel the need to protect her.
She traced upwards, bringing her lips to his neck. She soaked up the smell of his scent, letting her lips slowly brush against his honey skin, licking and biting occasionally.
After kissing his cheek, she let her face rest on his shoulder, sighing at the warmth they were passing onto each other.
Heeseung cuddled her, running his hands through her silky hair as he enjoyed the closeness of her presence. They were both lying in silence for a couple of minutes, letting the quietness of the moment envelope them both. He felt content, and so did she. She floundered to explain it, but being in his arms made her feel safe and protected as if she was in a cocoon away from the outside world.
"Help me take this off, please," she pointed at her gown, slowly kissing him one more time.
"You don't have to say it twice."
He paused for a moment, feeling her tongue gently slide across his lips. It was as if she couldn't wait to feel his warmth all over her body. The thought made him eager to get rid of the clothing, so he began pulling the strings to the side, slowly untying them before she could slip the dress over her shoulders.
She looked down to see her chest wrapped with bandages from the surgery, sighing at the sight. Her eyes darted away, slanting a bit.
Heeseung's eyes followed her gaze, realizing how uncomfortable and self-conscious she must have felt about it. Wanting to ease her tension, he smiled and placed his hands on her shoulders before whispering next to her ear.
"You don't have to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. I am your lover, and nothing you show me will make me love you any less."
With those words, Heeseung's voice was tinged with kindness, as he wanted to make her feel at ease and wanted.
"I'm sorry for looking like this," she lowered your head, trying to hide her chest.
Heeseung gently caressed her face, lifting it so he could stare directly into her eyes.
"Never be sorry for something you have zero control over." He lifted his hand and placed it on top of her chest, his thumb running across the bandages.
"I was here to support you during the surgery, and I'm still here now to support you through your recovery, and no matter what, I will always love you."
She felt her eyes watering, sobbing as his kind words caressed her soul with love.
He didn't hesitate to pull her in a tight hug, soothing her as he cradled her in his arms.
The comfort of his touch was evident, not only from how her body quivered from the sudden embrace but also from her sobbing. It was clear as a day that she was going through a lot, but the thought of being in his arms was enough to calm her nerves and soothe her soul.
"I love you," she whispered, looking for his lips with hers.
"I love you more, Y/N."
Heeseung brought their bodies closer. It was a tender moment, full of affection and love, as they shared a deep kiss full of care and adoration.
"So you still want me? Even though I look like this," she foolishly asked, worried he could be less attracted to her after the surgery. Not only that, but she had lost a lot of weight, and she wasn't comfortable in her skin.
Heeseung was instantly alarmed at the comment, well aware of her insecurities. The way she was concerned was the last thing he needed to see right now.
"Don't ever think like that again," he placed his forehead against hers, wanting her to understand how he felt.
"Nothing will ever make me love you less. You've been through this surgery and lost some weight, but have I ever told you how beautiful you still look? How much I still want you?"
"Please tell me," she hiccuped, getting goosebumps when he cupped her cheeks and softly caressed them in his big hands.
Heeseung smirked softly before leaning down to kiss her forehead.
"You are incredible to me. Nothing has changed how I feel about you. In fact, I feel that my love for you has multiplied, and I want you more than ever."
He waited for a minute, letting his words sink into her heart.
"You've gone through so much today, and all I want to do is take care of you and help you recover fully..."
She wrapped her arms around his neck, sobbing from receiving so much care and affection. She had gotten used to being alone and not having anyone for so long that she forgot how it felt to be loved.
Heeseung saw how his behavior was having a huge impact on her, and although he was touched by seeing her reaction, he also felt a certain joy in it, since it meant she was letting him into her life. The more she let him in, the more he felt satisfied, seeing how she accepted his protection. 
"Let me cuddle you again," he smiled, caressing her hair as he pulled her closer to his body.
"No, make love to me, please," she leaned back, letting him gently hold her close.
"I want you so badly."
Heeseung was a bit taken aback by the suddenness of her demand, but the tone of her voice was tempting and irresistible.
He let his hands crawl down her body until they ended up resting on her hips and butt.
"Are you sure you're feeling good enough to do something like this?" he whispered into her ear, not wanting to do anything that could potentially hurt her.
"As long as you're gentle," she smiled, caressing his face in her palm.
Heeseung let out a low growl as she touched his face, delicate yet sensual, enough to make him harder. The more she touched him, the more he felt his heart racing and his breath speeding up.
He moved in closer, their bodies touching from head to toe as her breath hitched.
"I'm all yours," she whispered.
Heeseung was speechless the moment he heard those words leave her mouth. 
It was the most beautiful thing he could ever imagine. 
Someone who truly loves him and wants to be with him.
He looked down at her, letting his orbs get lost in hers.
"Do you mean those words?"
She nodded, pressing herself onto his erection.
"My heart only beats for you and you only," she smiled, intertwining her hands with his.
He let out a low gasp upon seeing her take control, feeling some blood hastily flowing to his lower regions.
Her words were like music to his ears, and he kept grinning like an idiot. He was so happy she felt this way about him. He lowered his head, kissing the small space between her shoulder and neck.
"Take off your pants, Hee," she grabbed his belt, trying to take it off.
Her command had him on edge. He was so eager to obey that he didn't waste a second and quickly complied, undoing his leather belt and taking off his trousers as he sat on the edge of the bed.
Seeing him completely naked in front of her made her nervous, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear while looking over to the side.
Why did he have to look so ethereal and luscious?
The moment she averted her gaze to another direction and started playing with her hair, urging him to be even closer. He let out a slow breath and took in her appearance from head to toe.
She always had a way of looking vulnerable yet seductive that made his heart flutter with every heartbeat.
He leaned over, gently laying her back on the bed, getting on top. 
She gasped quietly, having him this close making her feel some type of way. Her hand wandered on his neck, pulling him lower to get a taste of his luscious lips one more time.
Heeseung moaned as she tugged him downwards and let her explore his body. It was a feeling that left him with no words.
He let his body rest on hers, making sure she was in a comfortable position as his hands roamed around her flawless body, trailing upwards until they ended up on her breasts.
She hitched once his warm palms held them, cautiously caressing them. Her hands rested upon his, guiding them to cup her breasts a bit more.
His touch was tender and careful, making sure not to hurt her while molding his hands to fit her curves. Her hands encouraged and guided him more, immediately tightening. Nevertheless, he made sure to keep the pressure at a minimum.
The feeling of the heat between their bodies, the sensation of their fingers running over each others' bodies, and the delicate kissing was enough to make his breath pick up pace as he groaned softly.
"You're so beautiful," she breathed out, every bit of oxygen getting cut off in her system whenever he looked at her with that dazzling gaze.
He sensed a deep level of contentment, letting his lips brush against hers. They were warm, and the feeling of her soft body under him left him feeling so excited that his heart would burst.
The fact she even wanted to be with him in that moment made the experience more fulfilling to him, the love only growing with each passing second.
He guided his mouth lower, from her neck to her collarbones, until he had reached her petite breasts, rubbing his face against them. He couldn't get enough of her scent and warmth, kissing and licking her nipples.
The tingling sensation of his tongue made her body shiver, bringing a rush of excitement. Her hands moved upwards to his hair, letting her fingers run through it. She failed to hide her moans, a few escaping, causing a surge of ecstasy to run to her toes, which curled in response. It was quite difficult to maintain her composure.
Her whimpers drove him crazy, glazing her teats tenderly like they were his favorite type of ice cream he couldn't get enough of.
She looked down at Heeseung's erection, grabbing it in her hand. Her fingers wrapped around it gradually, her heart rate racing, mind all over the place. She was lost in passion and had a hard time believing this was happening.
He leaned to her ear, his breath brushing over her after whispering her name. Her touch sent shivers down his spine, but he was also excited at the same time. It's been a while since the last time he had felt the sensation of a woman's touch on him, and he liked it.
She kept guiding her hand, traveling up and down his shaft. He continued twitching in her hand, overstimulated by her touch and existence. She struggled to properly inhale, the intensity of their activities sucking in all the clear oxygen roaming around the room.
Heeseung was going crazy. He was shivering and jolting, all his sensations heightening, and his body was becoming a little sensitive. She didn't have to touch his sensitive area to make him squirm. The way she used her hand to stroke him made any self-control he had left fly out of the window. The pleasure of her touch was overbearing.
"I missed you so much," she confessed, her thumb pressing on the head of his member, causing him to hiss in pleasure.
"I missed you too, Y/N," he whispered, letting a low moan slip out of his lips. She had his full attention. Not even his breath would slip away.
The way she took pride in making him squirm and moan, the way she traced him like a paintbrush across a canvas, made his heart skip a beat, wanting more of her.
He slowly thrust his member into her hand, practically using her to ease his arousal. She guided her palm gently down his shaft, letting him pleasure himself using her body. She kissed his neck, gently biting it. It was fun to care for the dominant one in the relationship.
Heeseung groaned as her lips kissed and nibbled on his neck. The feeling of the kisses left the blood running hot through his veins, sending a rush of heat through, slightly spasming below.
His hands moved down her body, one of them grasping her hips. She groaned as he felt his fingers circling her sacred part, spitting down for easy access inside.
"You shouldn't be doing this," he panted, his index playing with her clit.
"I should be the one pleasuring you," he stopped her from doing anything more, not wanting her to feel as though she needed to compensate him in any way.
His hand moved down to her body, skimming over her skin and body before settling down between her legs. His fingers caressed her folds, sending shivers.
"But I want to," she pouted, attempting to close her legs when his face was inches away from her exposed lower part.
"I know you do, but it's time that I got to return the favor to you," he cupped her thighs, squeezing them gently as he lifted her legs over his shoulders.
She covered her mouth, closing her eyes the minute his tongue brushed over her woman parts, causing her to throw her head back from euphoria.
Heeseung's touch was gentle but firm. He wasn't being forceful, he wasn't being rough, he was merely enjoying the moment of watching her body shake and tremble.
His hand moved lower and lower, his finger tracing your entrance.
His spit slipped inside, alongside his fingers, moving them in and out with ease while licking her clit. He pushed his fingers in more, curling them upwards to hit that sweet spot that would make her moan and groan in pleasure.
"Hee," she panted, drooling over how good she was feeling, tugging his hair since she needed to hold onto something. After all, she was going through cloud nine.
His touch left her gasping for air like a dying woman. She had no choice but to squirm and moan, letting a wave of ecstasy take over. It felt like she was in another world, the feeling extremely intense.
Heeseung's fingers circled and moved inside her, causing her to dissolve. She gritted her teeth, hands forming into fists as the pleasure overstimulated her.
His were moving slowly and methodically, focused on her that the world around him almost didn’t exist anymore.
It was as if the both of them were in their little worlds, enjoying the feeling of being together, their breathings syncing, bodies blending into one blossom. His hands slowly picked up the pace, going slightly quicker while remaining gentle.
"Hee," she called out softly, fighting to contain her lewd sounds, legs shaking slightly as the stimulations were overlapping. She felt like she was going to explode any second.
He knew what you were going through because he could see her expressions rapidly changing with each lick and curl. She was reaching that point where she couldn't hold it in anymore. It made him happy since this was proof that he was capable of pleasuring her to such an extent.
"I love you," she cried from the pleasure, arms crossing over her face to hold it all in. His fingers were quickly moving deeper and faster. He wanted her to experience as much as she could right now.
The words of affection got Heeseung feeling all mushy inside. He wanted to please her, to make her experience everything he could give.
"I-" her mind went blank, turning your head from one side to the other, feeling her climax building up inside. She was so close, and she couldn't hold on anymore. Her hand immediately grabbed his free one, tightly gripping it.
Heeseung didn't stop, speeding up to drive her over that edge.
"Hee-" she called desperately, legs shaking as he kept licking and moving his fingers quicker.
"Relax… Just relax, Y/N… Let go, let go for me," he said, his voice soft but commanding.
Without another minute, her nails dug deeper, her body shaking and tugging rapidly as she reached her climax, completely covering his fingers in her arousal. Heeseung smiled, licking all of her cum from his fingers and entrance, edging her with his kitten licks.
"Fuck," she cursed, overstimulated by everything.
She felt like all the tension had left her body - as if gravity had let go, and she was floating in the air. Her mind was blank, body trembling, breath quick and shaky as the feeling of pleasure was running all through your system.
"Heeseung," she whispered, pulling him closer.
He smiled a little as he moved his hand up to her cheek.
She wrapped her arms and legs around his body, kissing his neck over and over again.
"Please, put it in," she begged, resting in his embrace.
The moment she spoke was almost like music to his ears, and Heeseung knew exactly what you were asking for.
He gently pushed her down onto her back, leaning over with his hand trailing down her shoulder and chest to her neck. He let his other hand move lower slowly to touch her properly.
"Are you ready?", he whispered.
She kissed him, letting her actions speak. Her tongue immediately slid inside, breathing and moaning into his mouth.
He matched her energy, his tongue fighting with hers. He wasn't being gentle, neither was he being a beast. He was allowing the moment to unfold, not rushing it. The wet kisses were leaving them yearning for more.
"I don't want to wait anymore, Hee," she conveyed, wholly resting her body on the bed. Her legs were still wrapped around his waist, putting her arms above her head.
It was her way of letting him know that she was ready. That she needed him, now.
Those words sent his blood boiling, causing his member to twitch and jolt from the feeling of wanting her so badly.
He looked down at her marvelous body, noticing the position she had placed herself in for him - the invitation he saw in her eyes made him go wild.
He leaned down to her, his breath handling her with every word that came out of his mouth.
"Are you sure you can handle me?" he whispered, his voice a little low and husky from the intense moment.
"Stop talking and just do it already," her patience was getting thin, rubbing her lower part against his.
He grinned, unable to hold back the smile on his face after she snapped at him. With his body resting over hers, his hands went to the back of her legs, squeezing them slightly.
He looked into her eyes once more before pushing his body forward, aligning his shaft at her entrance. It wouldn't have been Heeseung if he hadn't teased first, rubbing his member against her slickness. He enjoyed watching her whimper in agony and frustration.
Her mind went blank the more he teased, swept away from his touch. There wasn't one single thought in her mind, merely focusing on this moment.
Her hands gripped his muscular arms, moans getting louder with each moment he rubbed against her beautiful body.
Heeseung's mind was on nothing but giving her satisfaction. Her legs gripped his back, voice becoming more breathy and soft as she wanted him to ease her arousal.
He smiled, and without a warning, he put himself in, his dick sliding inside her smoothly, causing both of them to moan loudly.
Her slippery and hot walls trapped him inside, trying to soothe his tugging and jerking shaft. He groaned, his abdomen drawing in at every push, shaking his head from the vigor of pleasure. She was unreal, her beauty, her body, just all of her.
Heeseung opened his eyes after calming down, his breathing deepening. His lips agonized for hers, huffing his compressed desire and longing into a powerful and passionate kiss. It was the longest one of today, sucking her lips in his mouth, his tongue grazing over, between, or under them continuously. He couldn't get enough, cursing at how unbelievable this was.
Her heart was beating so fast she could feel it in her ears, not believing that this was happening to her right now.
"H-Hees…" she could barely say his name as her voice quivered. He was using one hand to hold her against him, his other moving down to her hand.
"Y/N…" He breathed out, his voice husky and shaky. His thumb rubbed her hand, squeezing it gently to the point she could feel his touch.
The feeling of him being inside was a mix of many things, but the main factor was that it felt right. His body fit like a puzzle inside, like two pieces finally joining together.
She had used this expression before, but there was no better way of describing this bliss. It was too perfect to be true.
She was losing her mind, forgetting to breathe.
“Take a deep breath,” he whispered, the words barely audible from being so lost in the moment.
His hips slowly moved alongside her, their bodies now both thrusting together, absolutely lost in the moment.
All of his thoughts disappeared, the rush for pleasure consuming him. His lips met her shoulder between kisses, his tongue licking along it.
She did as he said, inhaling and exhaling filthy noises, turning him on even more. Her eyes were teary, not because it hurt, but because it felt too good.
“Good girl,” he whispered, caressing her hair.
His hips kept moving, taking longer, his back arching as he did. It took everything in him not to lose himself in the pleasure, to hold back and make sure that this was a long and enjoyable experience for both sides.
"Don't ever leave me again, please," she pleaded, realizing how emotional she was getting with each thrust. The fear inside was climbing over her walls, ready to ambush.
"Never," he vowed, kissing her with such desperation that he couldn't control himself any longer. It was like he was craving more of her.
Her hands held onto his hips, nails digging into his skin for support. Her legs were starting to give up, shaking from the intensity and ecstasy of their lovemaking.
Heeseung noticed her legs, moving his hand down to grip her thigh and hold it up slightly. He knew that he had to make adjustments to take it slower and not wear her out so quickly.
“Heeseung,” she breathed out, watching their bodies moving together with every single thrust. How he slid inside her and pulled away, completely disappearing inside her while hitting her hallowed spot. She threw her back, the image sending goosebumps all over.
He watched her body twitch and shiver, nails digging into his back. His breath was growing shaky, incapable of thinking about anything but being inside of her, enjoying the moment when the two of them were connected completely.
She looked at him through her droopy eyelids, toiling to look straight as he kept pushing himself deeper. Her mouth was drooling slightly, a light string of saliva tracing down her neck. This had to be what they meant by being fucked until your brain was empty.
"I love you," he moaned, his voice shaking and his breath increasing in speed. He could barely keep himself from falling in that moment; he was trying his best to keep a steady rhythm.
Her eyes rolled back, completely deteriorating in his thrusts. The deeper he fucked her, the more her insides quivered.
Heeseung pushed even deeper, his mouth open and his breaths coming out in small puffs of white air.
Her nails left long scratches on his back, losing control over herself.
"I'm here," he whispered against her neck. "I'm not going anywhere." Every word he said had a sense of urgency and determination to it. He was there, in her arms and he wasn't leaving her.
"I love you so much, Hee," she sobbed, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. Her moans occasionally slipped out due to his magical thrusts, becoming one with him.
"I love you too," he said quietly as he raised his other hand to her forehead and gently ran his fingers through her bangs. His hand came down to caress her cheek and he looked directly into her eyes. The passion he felt for her was overwhelming, and he couldn't think of anything at this moment but her and the wonderful moment they were sharing.
Heeseung moved his mouth back to her neck, kissing and nibbling softly. This feeling of belonging and unity between the two of them was just incredible.
His thrusts were longer but at the same time slower, his hand moving down her thigh and moving her legs down to his, he needed more grip for the both of their pleasure.
She bit her lips, eyes shutting at the phenomenal experience, throwing her head back and slightly arching. Her chest started hurting a bit, as their intercourse was getting a bit intense.
"Hey," he breathed, pulling himself out for a moment from your body. "Are you okay?"
It seemed that he caught on to the fact that she was beginning to feel some pain. He moved to the side and looked down at her, his face concerned.
"Sorry, it just," she pointed to the wound, exhaling loudly.
He realized that he made her discomforted. He couldn't stop himself from frowning, his face looking concerned.
"Don't apologize," he said, his voice a little low. "Just tell me what I can do to help relieve the pain, alright?"
"Maybe if we lay on our sides," she proposed, struggling to make herself turn
"That's a good idea," he helped her turn, leaning behind her and putting his arms around to help her stay in that position. His body eased into that position, laying his head behind her, arms holding her, and his chest touching her back.
"That's better," she smiled, breathing a bit easier now.
"I'm sorry for hurting you. I was enjoying the moment so much that I got a little carried away…"
"No, it's ok, I was enjoying it as much as you," she turned her head back a bit, grabbing his hands and putting it on her stomach.
Heeseung's body relaxed after her reassurance, leaning in more to wrap himself around her, the top half of his body covering her while the lower half pushed deeper into her.
She whimpered when he slid back in, squeezing his hands with a resonant sigh. This time, he was slower and more gentle, kissing from her nape all down her spine, leaving a lengthy trace of ardor. His mouth traced slowly down her back, turning his adoration into a sensational experience.
It was different this time because his concerns about her comfort were clambering. He never wanted to hurt her, only aiming to give her pleasure. Hence, he grabbed her leg, putting it over his so he had more space to enter deeper, to hit that spot that sent her through the roof.
As expected, she let out a deep gasp, the sound escaping from her almost involuntarily. Heeseung's tongue traced another slow line down her spine and back up again, savoring her taste.
He caressed her inner thigh, moving his hand back to her chest to play with her teats. His thumb and index grabbed them, twisting them around. He loved her appearance, but her breasts were the real treasure he never got enough of.
Words weren't able to describe how incredible this moment was, how their bodies connected and merged into one blossom of fervor.
His hands trailed up and down, drafting her marvelous curves. His touch felt light and gentle, yet there was still a sense of urgency and power behind it.
"You're so fucking beautiful, it's driving me crazy," he cursed, squeezing her breast.
"You're… you're so perfect," he spat out in between kisses, his body getting comfortable and used to this position. He bit down more forcefully on her neck, his kisses leaving more and more red marks.
"Hold me close, please," she whimpered, looking for his hands on her body.
"I got you," he said, body shifting to fully align with hers, arms gripping her from behind to tighten. He brought his face into her neck, his breathing speeding up with each kiss he gave her.
"Never let go," she sobbed, squeezing his hands with her trembling ones.
"Never, I promise," he pledged, holding her close to his chest.
She could feel his heart beating in time with hers, both sounding like they were about to explode.
"Never," she repeated, praying it was going to become true.
Heeseung kissed her deeply and passionately, pressing his body up against hers.
He was aware of her intonation, the worries raking in her head. Every kiss was stronger, more intense, and hotter than the last as he had to destroy all of them, one by one. His lips moved along her neck, tongue encircling on her neck, licking along it as he left no spot untouched.
She sat up, pushing him back on the bed. Heeseung's eyes widened, his reflexes quickly grabbing her wrists to prevent her from falling back.
She slightly groaned, lowering her head a little to catch her breath.
"Can you also sit up?" she proposed, wanting the two of you to make love while hugging each other.
He did as she asked, lifting himself a bit, leaning his back against the bed as he sat up with his legs spread. His hands held her back, one of his hands moving down to hold her leg as the other rested back on his. His mouth met hers, giving her a long kiss, not letting go of her in any way.
"I wanted to look at you," she voiced as she guided his shaft back inside her, scrunching her face.
"That's fine," he breathed out, his voice hoarse from being in her again, the constant switching driving his member to aggravate.
His eyes looked at her while her body trembled and twitched, his body feeling incredible. It was almost like being high, heavenly, and divine.
"I can feel your heart beating against mine," she smiled, her chest brushing against his, her perky nipples stimulating themselves.
Heeseung's heart beat faster every time she did that, her soft hands tenderly caressing his body, as if it would break in her delicate touch. She went over the muscles of his leg, his stomach, his chest, and eventually his arms. Her touch sent shivers down his spine and made him moan and sigh, realizing just how much she was driving him crazy.
"I missed you so much," she chuckled, masking the pain in her voice by cupping his cheeks.
"I missed you too," he breathed out, his lips locking with yours, making sure to kiss her deeply to show how much she meant to him.
Every kiss and bite seemed to drive a feeling of euphoria through his body, like every time he kissed her, a wave of happiness and satisfaction coursed through.
She closed her eyes when he caressed her back, circling it with a tender push. He made her feel so comfortable and safe, all with just one look, one touch, one kiss.
His kiss was the sweetest thing, his hands and lips exploring every inch of her. He wanted to feel all of her curves and touch every inch of her skin.
Her fingers wandered into his hair as the kiss deepened, huffing into his mouth while gently moving up and down, making both of them feel the most wonderful fractions inside.
He pulled her closer, their bodies wrapped around each other, unable to let go of one another. Their hands rested along each other's sides and their legs slightly entwined underneath.
Heeseung's tongue slid in and out of her mouth, exploring all of the areas he had already tasted before. He licked her upper lip after moving his hands down her hips.
He firmly gripped them, guiding her up and down his cock while he sucked on her neck, leaving trails of hickeys.
His breath warmed her icy skin and his lips kissed and nibbled along. Her body was starting to tremble and shake, his tongue returning to her lips. His kisses were extremely passionate, the ones where she forgot to breathe or think.
She pulled away, staring into his eyes through her lax gaze, mouth slightly agape, lips covered in their saliva. Her brain was empty, not thinking about anything but his presence and being inside her.
It felt like a deer caught in the headlights, clueless and innocent.
Heeseung smirked, watching her stare back but not knowing what to say. She appeared so pure it made him want to kiss her over and over again, fully swallow her in smooches and happiness.
He ran his fingers through her hair and pulled her face towards him again, this time gently kissing her neck.
Her wet lips brushed against his neck, quietly puffing and huffing. Her saliva was pooling on his shoulder since she rested her face on it, unintentionally drooling from the sensation.
Neither of them had any intention of stopping, wanting this moment to be eternal. When he saw how much she was enjoying herself, when he felt how aroused she was and how much he was giving her pleasure his lips curled into a satisfied smile.
His hands moved back from her cheeks to her hips again, squeezing her waist. His kisses still moved along her neck, his tongue occasionally nibbling at her collarbone and leaving it slightly red from the small love bites. 
She was drunk-dazed from his love and affection, from his kisses and touch, from his presence. One man was enough to wreck your entire world over and gather it up back, and that was Lee Heeseung. 
"I love you," he muttered. 
Nothing else was on his mind other than how gorgeous she looked, how incredible she felt, and how good it was to see every expression on her face from pleasure to satisfaction.
"Say it again," she murmured into his ear, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"You want me to.. say it again?" he asked, his voice a bit playful, yet his smile warm and genuine.
He moved his tongue to the side of her neck, running it from her ear to her collarbone, kissing it softly.
"I love you."
"Again," she smiled, closing her eyes from the exhaustion.
Heeseung chuckled, caressing her cheeks and running his fingers through her hair.
"Hmm, should I?" He teased, his voice mischievous.
"Should I say it again?" His breath and hand fondled her neck with marks.
"Mhm," she nodded, lazily dragging her lips on his neck.
"I love you..." he breathed out, moving his lips down until they reached hers.
"How many times do you want me to say it?"
"Until the day I die," she mumbled, eyelids shut and mouth still drooling, body completely relaxed and leaning against his.
"I love you," he repeated, giving you a light kiss.
"I love you." Another kiss
"I love you." Another one.
"I love you." The last one, slightly rougher than the rest. 
"How much, though?" her eyelids open a little, giving him a tired, but extremely seductive look, the one he lost himself in each time. 
"Hmm.. let me think," he chuckled, feeling the hotness mounting in himself from her look alone.
"If I could, I would take all of your pain away and replace it with the happiness you deserve. I would give you the whole world just to see you smile in my arms every day. I would give my life to make yours wonderful. I would sacrifice anything just so you can feel safe and loved. "
She whimpered at his words, eyes watering and insides rolling over. Her nails dug into his back again, hiding her flushed, red face in his shoulder.
"I would fight for you and protect you with my life, not allow anyone to hurt you ever again. I would fondle you in love and affection, from the moment you open your eyes till you close them," Heeseung breathed out, her scent intoxicating him.
"S-stop," she whinced in pleasure, eyes rolling back. The more he spoke, the closer she was to cumming, his words messing up her insides.
"You're my world, my life, my home, my reason to breathe every day. I want to take care of you and protect you, make you happy, and keep you warm every single time you feel cold or sad," his breathing shallowed as he spoke, feeling incredibly turned on by her reaction.
"E-enough," she pulled back, throwing her head back. He grabbed her wrists, not allowing her to escape his love.
"Never," he responded, pulling her back into his arms.
"I want to be with you all the time, I want to feel your body against mine, I want to make you feel loved, I want you to be mine and me to be yours until we die."
"S-shut u-up," she stuttered out, knowing she was minutes away from her orgasm.
"Why would I stop? " he asked, moving his thumb over her shoulder, circling and brushing her skin with the slight graze of a nail, leaving little marks on her skin.
He was also close to his climax, so he was more determined to finish the job than ever. His body tightened around her and his kissing became more profound and stronger.
"You need to hear the truth," he hissed in her ear, clasping her buttocks in his hands, pushing her onto his dick. 
"H-Heseung, I'm gonna-" she trembled, biting onto his shoulder to keep her loud moans in.
"Don't hold it in," his mouth ran along her shoulder and her arm, the marks getting darker with every kiss.
"Cum with me, please," she pleaded urgently as if her life mattered to it. 
"I will, don't worry," he kissed her cheek, caressing her head. 
Without another minute, her nails dug deeper, her pussy trapping his shaft in her fully. Her walls spasmed in a periodic pattern, sucking him in. Her clear cum glistened his shaft, wrapping him in its warmth and comfort. 
"Good girl," he whispered, his jaw twitching slightly. He wrapped both of his arms tighter and pulled her into a messy kiss.
His release followed up right after, managing to pull out just in time to cover her abdomen in his crystal white load. He panted as his fingers traced his cum on her stomach, spreading it all across her. 
His other hand gently laid her down, licking all of his mess off of her, the same way he did with her own. 
Perhaps it was the overstimulation he loved to observe on her or the fact that she clung to him more after cumming. Either way, he didn't stop rolling his wet tongue along her body. 
"My good girl," Heeseung whispered into her slick hole, pushing his tongue inside to slurp up all of her cum like it was a treat. 
Did he love her? Yes.
However, was he a bit of a sadist? Yes.
A low moan escaped his lips as he felt his mouth filled with her cum, his free hand gripping hers tightly. 
He lifted his stare, landing on her adorable one, beseeching him to hug her. 
"You look so cute when you’re all tired like this, Y/N," he smirked, a faint peck landing on her cheek. His hand intertwined with her, the other playing with her hair. 
Sometimes, the amount of love he harvested for her managed to surprise him, finding himself falling apart in her touch and gaze. 
"H-hee," she whispered, closing her eyes. She tried to fight her exhaustion, but it was starting to get to her.
He saw how drowsy she looked, so he pulled her tighter to his body. 
"Go to sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up," he kissed her, his voice very relaxed and comforting.
"You promise?" she murmured, half asleep on his chest. 
"I promise," he assured, kissing her forehead and tucking her against him, pressing her body against his.
His hands stayed on her side, keeping her safely in his warm embrace.
"Until the day I die."
Taglist: @end-hyphen, @hee-pster, @jakeswifeyy, @gegeetime, @heerated, @jayked, @forjongseong, @enhastolemyheart
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧! ^^
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aerynwrites · 7 months
Dammon x GN!Reader
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A/N: yet another fictional character has invaded my brain lmao. So here’s a little fluffy piece I wrote for Dammon by I love him and wish I could romance him.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Love confessions, fluff, so much fluff, kissing, drinking (neither of them are drunk tho), required love.
Part 2
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The party is in full swing, the tieflings having brought the wine and the music and so much more to your camp this evening. 
You watch from the sidelines as your companions enjoy the evening in different ways. Shadowheart and Astarion have been keeping to themselves despite your encouragement to participate. Karlach and Wyll are dancing and laughing by the fire, and even Gale is letting loose for once - showing off some small magic tricks to a group of tieflings. 
You’d talked to Halsin and Zevlor, both of them thanking you before wandering off to talk to other or take part in the festivities themselves. Leaving you to your own devices. 
Which…isn’t much at the moment. 
While you enjoy watching the others, you can’t help but search the small crowds for a particular blacksmith. 
You’d met Dammon when you arrived at the grove, and you’re slightly ashamed to admit that you developed a crush on the man from the moment you laid eyes on him. 
He’s handsome and kind to boot, going out of his way to help Karlach when so many other things were going on for him and his people. He even promised to help again in the future if he was able. 
How could you not pine after him? 
Your feelings had led you to spend more time than necessary at the grove, claiming to need so trade supplies or talk to someone or another just to see or talk with Dammon while you were there. Your companions got so tired of it you had to start slipping away on your own, not that you minded. 
Dammon always seems happy to see you, talking to you about anything and everything. Just a few days ago he mentioned he was working on something special for you, insisting it was a surprise when you pressed him for more details. 
You’d hoped to see him here at camp with the rest of the refugees, but as the night wears on, your hope dwindles. 
Perhaps he had so much work preparing for their departure to step away from his forge. It’s a reason you’d understand, but the pang of disappointment doesn’t hurt any less.
You’re just about to give up looking, when you finally spot a flash of a familiar green scarf among the milling bodies. 
Dammon makes his way through the camp, nodding in greeting to those he passes before he finally looks to you, eyes shining as his lips tilt upwards. 
He offers you a small wave as he makes his way towards you and you return the gesture, trying to ignore the heat rushing to your cheeks as he approaches. 
“Hi,” you offer simply, now lost for words that he’s standing before you. 
Dammon smiles, “Hello,” he says, turning to face the party in front of you both. “I was worried I wasn’t going to make it in time.” 
“I have to admit,” you begin, rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly. “I was looking for you,” you tell him, “I was disappointed when I didn’t see you.” 
Dammon turns to look at you again, brows raised in slight surprise. “You were looking for me?” 
Your eyes fall to the ground, embarrassment creeping up your neck. “Yes I…” you trail off for a moment before turning to look at him again, changing the subject instead. “What kept you so late at the forge?” 
Dammon studies you for a moment, as if judging your demeanor before his eyes leave yours as his hand falls to the small pack at his side. 
“I was finishing up your gift,” he tells you, patting the bag. “Couldn’t let myself leave without giving it to you.” 
At the mention of you both parting ways soon, you feel yourself deflate slightly. But before you can let disappointment take over what’s supposed to be a night of celebration, you jab a thumb over towards the far end of camp. 
“How about a toast to go along with the surprise?” You ask, silently hoping your proposition doesn’t come off as odd. “I have some wine back at my tent, admittedly a little better than what’s been provided…” 
Dammon laughs at that, lips pulled back into a grin. “I will have to admit my brothers and sisters are not known for their wine making…” he gestures towards you. “Lead the way.” 
Your tent is on the edge of camp, further away from the others and thus away from the center of the celebration. You can still hear the music and raucous laughter, but it’s slightly muted by the distance. 
You retrieve the wine and two cups from inside your tent before taking a seat on one of the pillows laying near the entrance, inviting Dammon to do the same. 
“Sit,” you gesture to a pillow near your own, “I’m sure you’ve been on your feet all day, if I know anything about you.”
Dammon huffs out a chuckle as he nods, setting his bag on the ground beside him before he takes a seat next to you. “Then you know me well,” he affirms, “The work never stops it seems.” 
You try to ignore how close he is as you pour two glasses of rich red wine and hand one to him before taking a sip of your own. “Hm…Yet here you are. Can a gift be so important to take you from your work?” 
You watch as Dammon flushes, his cheeks turning just a few shades darker as he stares into his wine glass. 
“This one is,” He says simply, before looking up to you. “It’s for you.”
His words are so simple, so plain, yet you can hear the sincerity in them. For a moment you’re worried you’re hearing what you want to hear, seeing what you want to see. But Dammon interrupts your thoughts as he sets his glass down carefully to reach into his bag. 
He produces a small long object wrapped in cloth and tied shut. Dammon starts to speak as he unties the string. 
“I don’t know if it’s your preferred weapon,” he says, pulling at the edges of the cloth. “But the idea came to me and I couldn’t stop until it was completed.” 
He fully unwraps the item to reveal a beautifully ornamented dagger. It’s handle is wrapped in fine dark leather, the blade sparkling dangerously in the moonlight. 
The parts of the pommel visible outside the leather are inlaid with small green stones. You reach out to touch them, but pause glancing up at the blacksmith in question. 
He smiles, nodding. “Please, it’s yours after all.” 
You take the dagger from his open hands, surprised to find that it fits perfectly in your hand. The grip isn’t too large or too small. It isn’t too long or short. It fits your hand down to the very last detail. The leather is soft in your palm, well worn but sturdy. You test the blade in your hand flipping it in the air before catching it easily once more. It’s perfectly balanced as well. 
Your eyes fall back to the precious green stones in the handle running your fingers over them to find them smooth beneath your calloused digits. 
“Emeralds,” Damon says softly. “I chose them mainly because they added to the blade's appearance but I remember my grandmother once told me they represent strength, balance and…” He cuts himself off, shaking his head. “It’s not important. I hope it’s to your liking.” 
You gaze at him, your mind searching for any knowledge you may have of gemstones, when a memory snaps into place. A passage from a book your mother read to you in a jewelry shop. 
“Look little love,” she said, finger tracing over lines of text in a thick book by the checkout counter. “It tells you of all the gems' meanings.”
She read off a few - sapphires for leadership and royalty, bloodstone for revitalization, jade for success and-
“Oh…look at Emerald!” She said happily. “‘Known as the stone of successful and abundant love, Emeralds open the heart to receive love in all aspects of life. They are thought to encourage you to give and receive love..” your mother awes, “That’s sweet.”
The memory leaves as quickly as it came, and you glance immediately up at Dammon, taking note of the hopeful look he gives you. As if you could ever be disappointed in anything he gave you. 
You swallow around the swell of emotion in your throat, once again trying to shove down the bubble of hope in your chest as you nod. Looking down to the blade in your hand, thumbing the emeralds once more. 
“It’s perfect, Dammon. It’s beautiful, I-“ you shake your head looking up to him again. “I can’t let you just give this to me. This probably cost a fortune in materials-“
Dammon holds a hand up to cut you off, giving his head a firm shake. “It’s a gift. For everything you’ve done for me - for us.”
It’s only now you fully notice how close your are to one another. Dammon’s leg brushes your own, his shoulder bumping yours. And each time he looks over at you, the faint sweetness of the wine on his breath brushes your cheek. 
Once again your eyes fall down to the dagger, fingers trailing over the emeralds as you finally reveal your own knowledge on the gems. 
“I remember a time when I was much younger,” you tell him, noticing he listens to you with rapt attention. “My mother took me shopping with her in the city and we went to this jewelry shop. We weren’t really looking to buy but she loved to look at all the jewels and gemstones.” You smile at the memory. “This particular jeweler had a book on display that listed all the names of the gems and what they mean and my mother read out about a dozen before landing on Emerald…” you trail off, catching the almost imperceptible hitch of breath in Dammon. 
“It said Emerald was also the stone of ‘successful and abundant love’,” you say, finally finding the courage to look back at Dammon, finding his eyes already on you. 
Your voice is a mere whisper now. “She said something about it opening the heart to give and receive love…” your words die on your tongue. “Was this truly only a gift of thanks?” You finally ask, hope burning so bright in your chest you have no chance of stamping it out now. 
Dammon’s bright blue eyes only leave yours to flick down to your lips, and the moment he captures your gaze again his lips are on yours. 
The kiss is a sweet, chaste thing, and you can sense his hesitance as he goes to pull away much too quickly. You manage to stop him as your free hand comes to rest on his shoulder pulling him closer as you return the kiss, telling him without words that you want this too.
Your heart soars when he responds in kind, turning so he’s facing you fully as his hands settle on your hips. You set the dagger down carefully in order to wrap your arms around his neck, afraid this might all be a dream if you don’t hold him close. 
He only pulls away when you both need to take a breath and even then you don’t go far. 
Dammon rests his forehead against yours, eyes fluttering open after a moment. 
“Should I be ashamed to admit I’ve wanted to do that since I first saw you?” 
A small laugh escapes your lips and you bring your hands up to cup his cheeks. “No…because I feel the same way.” 
He practically beams at your words, eyes lighting up as a grin splits his lips. 
“Does that mean I can kiss you again?” 
You chuckle again. “I’ll be disappointed if you don’t.” 
Dammon responds eagerly, capturing your lips once more as his arms wind sound at your waist. He raises up on his knees as he does so, pulling you to do the same and removing any space between your bodies as he kisses you with abandon. 
You smile into the kiss when you feel his tail curl to wrap around your waist, as if he can’t get close enough. 
Maybe you can’t either…because from this moment on  you never want to be away from him. 
You are the first to pull away this time, stroking the apple of his cheek gently as you press one last kiss to the corner of his lips. 
You move to sit back on your knees, noticing how Dammon watches you in quiet curiosity as you reach for the delicate silver chain around your neck. 
Your knowledge of gems isn’t the only thing you’d gotten in that jewelry shop all those years ago. 
You pull the necklace from where it hides beneath your shirt, revealing a simple silver pendant with a glittering emerald in the center of it. You lift the chain over your head and hold it out towards Dammon. 
He looks perplexed for a moment, before shaking his head. “You don’t have to give me something in return,” he says gently. “The dagger was a gift.” 
You smile and nod to the necklace still in your hands. “And so is this. Here-“ you say leaning towards him more, “let me.” 
Dammon finally acquiesces, eyes slipping closed as he ducks his head towards you. 
You reach up and slip the necklace over his head, mindful of his horns, and watch as the pendant settles just below his green scarf. Your lips turn upwards as you run your fingers over the smooth stone. 
“It even matches your scarf,” you say playfully, warmth filling your chest as Dammon reaches up to examine the necklace. 
You pick up the dagger he gave you, admiring it again as you speak. “Now we both have something of each other. No matter where we end up.” 
Dammon looks up at you then, eyes glittering with an emotion you can’t quite place, before he reaches out to take your hands in his own. 
“I'm sure we’ll see each other again,” he says, resolve clear in his words. 
And despite not knowing exactly where your journey will take you…
You have a feeling that he’s right.
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liv2post · 1 month
Dungeon Bats
Animagus!Snape x Animagus!Professor!Reader Wordcount: ~1000 Summary: Severus Snape thinks the Muggle Studies professor is strange only to find out she is an animagus with an awfully familiar form.
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Read here or on ao3
The Muggle Studies professor was strange.
Hogwarts always had its fair share of odd characters occupying teaching positions. Even a ghost, evidently, was capable of teaching. But he couldn’t place what it was about you that made him so suspicious. 
You were human, not like Firenze or Professor Binns. You weren’t kooky like Hagrid or Professor Trelawney. Outwardly, you appeared perfectly normal. However, there were oddities if one looked closely.
You ate fruit. Lots of it. Every day at breakfast, instead of toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, things the other teachers would partake in, your breakfast consisted of fruit and only fruit, including a cup of pumpkin juice. Your plate appeared almost like a small pyramid, stacked with cubes of cantaloupe, pineapple, strawberries, honeydew, and grapes, leaving behind a pool of sweet juices when consumed. 
You also had a tendency to pop up and disappear seemingly out of nowhere. One time he went into your classroom to talk to you about moving a couple of detentions around only to find it empty, having swept his gaze around it. Just as he approached your office door to knock on it, you uttered a soft “hello” as you stood in the middle of the classroom, making him jump out of his skin. 
Furthermore, Filch had brought up to him once that he could hear some perplexing screeching noises echoing from random parts of the castle at night and even what sounded like right outside the windows. What was strange about it is he only brought them up the morning after you were scheduled to perform rounds.
This wasn’t to say he disliked you. Quite the opposite. Out of everyone in the castle, he’d say he preferred your company. Who he'd rather sit next to at Quidditch games? Probably you. Even though you were the Muggle Studies teacher, you had plenty of knowledge about Care for Magical Creatures and DADA. Potions weren’t your forte, but you’d happily let him ramble about the subject, even when he’d realize too late that he was rambling. 
“Why do you eat so much fruit?” he asked one day when you came into his classroom eating a sliced-up apple.
“Oh, uh, that’s just my animagus urges. Sorry, am I dripping juice on the ground again?”
He blinked dumbly at you. “You’re an animagus?”
You chuckled, “You didn’t know, Severus? I thought Minerva would’ve told you. Yes, I am an animagus.”
“What animal?” he asked. You smirked and set down the apple slices on a nearby table before shifting. Your robes moved with you, swishing up and shrinking until you took the form of a fruit bat. You flapped and swooped about the air in a few circles before landing on the flat surface of the table, using your talons and thumbs hooks to wriggle toward your sweet fruit.
“You’re a fruit bat,” he observed. You screeched at him in confirmation and began to gingerly gnaw on the flesh of the nearest apple slice. Severus remained quiet for a little, seemingly thinking to himself as his fingers flexed and his jaw clenched slightly. Much to your curiosity, he wordlessly set his wand down and took a deep breath. Within a flash, his robes swooped around him, and in his place was a fruit bat, just like you, but bigger. He flapped his wings just hard enough to get him onto the table as he landed with an audible thud. It was pretty much impossible for bats to take flight without launching from a tree or a high-up place.
[Woah! You’re a bat too? That’s awesome! Is that why students call you a “dungeon bat?”]
[Yes, I am an animagus whose form is also a bat, and no, that’s just a coincidence.]
[How come you’re so much bigger than me?]
[You don’t exactly tower over me, Y/N.]
From then on, the two of you would sometimes go on day flights if both of you had some free time. While both of you wished to fly at nights, you still needed time to sleep and perform your teaching duties during the day. However, your favorite times were when the both of you were scheduled to do rounds. Your classrooms were on opposite sides of the castle so it was almost like a game to use echolocation to find each other in the dark and meet up. It was a little fun considering the dungeons were almost maze-like. If the two of you were sure that no students were out and about, you’d ditch your duties, ascend up the Astronomy tower, and take off into the night sky, playfully chasing one another or showing off flying moves. 
Severus hardly used his form unless it was necessary. It’s not like one got to choose which animal they could shift into. Admittedly, he was a bit let down when he first shifted all those years ago, but with you he learned to embrace his batiness, though he still resisted such urges when it came to eating a castle’s worth of fruit. He liked flying, of course, but he found that he quite liked hanging upside down too, especially when he needed a break from grading or just wanted a change of scenery. Sometimes he’d come hang around your office when you were grading and vice versa.
Dumbledore came to visit his classroom one late afternoon to talk about a particularly unruly Slytherin, but could not find the potion master anywhere, not even in his office. It was rather dark, all the lamps extinguished and curtains drawn. What he did notice, however, was two wands haphazardly tossed onto the stone ground near Snape’s desk, one of which he recognized as your wand. Dumbledore craned his neck up towards the ceiling where an old chandelier hung and sure enough, hanging from one of the rungs was a large fruit bat, and swaddled in its wings being held close to its fur, a smaller fruit bat. The both of you were napping. The old wizard smiled at the sight and slowly receded back through the doorway, happy that Severus had finally found a little bat of his own.
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roguehongsami · 23 days
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—★ pairing/s: ceo!san x fem!assistant
—★ genre/s: smut, au
—★ synopsis: being san's favourite employee comes with endless perks. from lavish gifts to trips around the world, he'll get you whatever you want. but then there's the downside that leave your self-esteem shattered every once in a while, & new year's eve was no different.
—★ content: unprotected sex (condomize), oral sex, semi-public sex, cum eating, fingering, voyeurism, nipple play.
—★ word count: 2.1k
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ the weeknd, jennie, lily-rose depp // one of the girls
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"San Choi's office, how can I help you?... Mr. Choi's a bit preoccupied right now, can I take a message instead?... Have a good day."
The phone call concluded as she hung up the phone. She put one hand on the desk to support her own weight, the other raking through San's hair. Her head thrown back and mouth fallen to an 'O', she was careful not to be loud. His grip on her thighs unrelenting as he held her in place, face nestled between them.
"That was Wooyoung Jung of Jung Holdings..." she muttered between moans. "The sale went through, they'll bring the contract tomorrow."
He squeezed her thighs to signify that he heard her. His tongue laved every bit of her, slurping her nectar. Lips planting kisses on her bud. The vibrations of his groaning against her core had her tightening her legs around his neck. She slowly let herself go on his tongue, her chest rising and falling as she tried to train her breathing. He got out from beneath her skirt, taking the handkerchief from his desk and wiping his mouth.
"You have a meeting with the director of Kang Enterprises in 30 minutes." she said while buttoning her blouse. "It's at Oasis."
He rose to his feet, fixing his tie and jacket. "We better leave now so we can beat the traffic." he extended out his hand.
She took it, descending from the desk to the floor, "Thank you." she said.
They took their leave, exiting the building and getting into San's private car. The silence filled by clicking on their phones. In the nick of time, they arrived at the lounge where the meeting was hosted. Side by side, her heels clinking against the marble floor, they walked toward the entrance. San led her to an open bar by the general area.
"Stay here. Order whatever you want, just put it on my tab."
While the meeting took place in a confined space where her presence was debarred, she remained at the bar. Already on her second martini in the last hour, the gathering went on far longer than both parties anticipated. As she downed the last of her beverage, the doors opened. All the men exiting, just smiles and laughs while San donned a tight-lipped grin, they exchanged farewells and dispersed. He approached her from behind, his hand gliding over her thigh, startling her a bit.
"That took forever, it's already getting dark out." she said, putting the glass down on the counter.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think it would go on so long. I need you to send our quarterly expense report to Yeosang by tomorrow afternoon." she nodded, taking out her work phone to set a reminder. "Let's get you home."
During the 30-minute drive to her loft that was located on the other side of the city, their conversation was work-related. They snuck glances of one another while the other was not looking. The driver soon arrived at her residence, parking the car right by the entrance. Instructing the driver to wait, he walked her all the way to her door. She fished for her keycard in her handbag. When she found it, she swiped it over the scanner, unlocking the door. As they entered, San studied the pristine interior. She put her handbag down on the kitchen countertop.
"I trust you'll be coming to the New Year's Eve gala this Friday."
Her lips pursed. "If I can make it back from Dublin on time, maybe."
He closed the gap between them, towering over her small frame. "Then you better make it." he whispered.
Always caught in a losing battle between himself and restraint, San could never keep his hands to himself, not around her. Whatever self-abnegation he had would dissipate whenever offered an opportunity to be alone. His hands grabbed her waist, meandering down her body until they found themselves a place behind her thighs. He hoisted her onto the dining table. Fingers playing with the hem of her underwear, he removed them, placing them in the pocket of his slacks. Bucking her hips up, she snaked her legs around his waist. While his lips explored every inch of her neck, before moving to her lips, her hands fiddled with the buckle of his belt.
"Sir!" a voice called out from the door.
San sighed irritably as he halted all actions. "What is it, Arthur?"
"There's an emergency at one of your hotels that requires your immediate attention." Arthur responded.
"You know I hate to do thi–"
"San, go. I'll see you tomorrow before my flight." she pecked him on the lips one last time before dropping her legs to the side.
He planted a kiss on her forehead before leaving her to her solitude. She watched as his back walked away, Arthur closing the door behind him. After a few moments, she took a shower before heading to bed, and calling it a night.
[ . . . ]
The silk robe fell from her shoulders as she reached over the vanity for the body lotion. Squeezing a bit in her hand, spreading it out as she applied it all over her body. The potent smell of cocoa butter spreading to the rest of her bedroom space. The doorbell rung downstairs. She hastily covered herself as she descended down the steps, careful to not miss a step. Through the peephole, there was a deliveryman in uniform on the other side. She opened the door. They exchanged greetings. She signed for her package before he handed her the enormous box.
Her fingers ran over the black branding on the white box, admiring the lettering. She removed the lid, her eyes lit up almost immediately. She took the garment by the straps, bringing it out of its packaging. Holding it over her body while standing before the mirror. The first whiff of the new smell relaxed her. It was arguably the most beautiful gown she had ever owned. It was a champagne-coloured A-line dress made of satin, with a thigh-high slit.
To match the dress, she wore teardrop crystal earrings and an 18-inch princess necklace with matching gemstones. As she clipped on the tennis bracelet, the doorbell intonated. She swiped her clutch from the bed and hurried downstairs. When she answered, there stood San in a black tuxedo. As he soaked in her image, a smile broke out on his face, revealing his dimples.
"Thank you for the dress, Sannie."
"God, you're so breathtaking." He grabbed her by her waist, "I could just take you right here." he opined.
He led her out of the building and into the car, opening the door for her then circling to the other side where Arthur awaited him. Arthur closed the door and took his place behind the wheel. While San spoke on the phone, she studied his face, his perfectly sculpted face. She leaned into him, pressing her lips to the edge of his own as he spoke. Her hand caressed his hard chest, travelling down his torso, then palming him. His words drowned in his throat at the feel of her hand. He quickly regained his composure as she massaged his clothed crotch. The phone call concluded.
With his hand on her neck, he said. "You're a really naughty girl, you know that?"
"That's why you love me." she grinned, biting on her lip.
"More than anyone I've ever known."
His lips pressed onto hers, his tongue explored every crevice of her mouth. Hand gliding from her waist, slithering past the slit and into her underwear. Gently rubbing her throbbing bud, he trailed wet kisses over her neck, groaning against her skin. As she grew increasingly wet, he slotted two fingers inside of her. Breath hitched. When she opened her eyes, she caught Arthur's gaze in the rearview mirror.
"The partition..." she said, breathlessly.
"I'm sure Arthur appreciates the show." he nipped at her shoulder, then leaned into her ear, "Now sing for us." he dictated.
He slid in another finger, stretching her out. Her nails dug into the leather of the seats, head thrown back as she mewled away. The air in the car was hot, heavy. Listening to his tenor voice sing sweet nothings into her ear, driving her closer to her release. When he felt her grow tighter, he pumped his fingers faster until she unravelled. Descending from the ecstasy, she caught his lips while her hand begun undoing the zipper of his pants. He stopped her.
"We're here." he chuckled at her enthusiam but she complained. "You can make it up to me on our trip to Seychelles tomorrow, but right now, we need to go."
San instructed Arthur to find a parking spot for the night as they exited the vehicle. They entered the ballroom where all the attendees of different corporations were present. With every person that came their way, he introduced her as his assistant, which was true, but she resented being assigned only that title. They exchanged contact details, and went their separate ways. When Wooyoung and his assistant, Shannon, approached them, they stood in pairs as they spoke amongst themselves.
"San's your boss?" Shannon whispered, not wanting the topic of the conversation to hear from a mere inches away, but he did. "God, he's so fucking hot. You're so lucky."
"Careful, he can be a gaping asshole sometimes." she jokingly remarked, eliciting a pretentious scoff from her superior.
As the night progressed, the festivities grew increasingly prosaic for her liking. Most of the night was spent networking on San's behalf, while he, Wooyoung and Yeosang drank and laughed the night away. Downing the rest of the champagne, she set the glass down on the countertop. There was 15 minutes until the clock struck midnight, and the fireworks display would begin to welcome the New Year. She abandoned her station and headed for the elevator, taking another glass of champagne from a passing waiter.
The elevator doors opened. She stepped out and wandered down the hallway until she found an empty room to rest. She kept the room dark, standing outside by the balcony, finishing the rest of her beverage. The crisp wind brushed past her skin, lulling her nerves and bringing her mind to an absolute stand still. Allowing herself to absorb and admire the cityscape, San came in and locked the door. He stood behind her, hands gripping onto her figure, resting his head on her shoulder. Holding his hands as she melted into his arms.
"'A gaping asshole' you say?" his tone low.
She couldn't help the subtle laugh she unleashed. "Have I ever been wrong?"
He kissed her neck, her shoulder, all while undoing the straps of her dress. The material fell to her waist, revealing her breasts. The feel of the frigid breeze prompted her nipples to stand at attention. His hands played with them as his left soft pecks on her skin. She held his hands as she guided his every move. Barely containing herself, her soft cries left her mouth. His hand ventured into her underwear, only to find that she had already been drenched in her own arousal. He took the leg exposed through the slit from behind, placing it over the railing. A swift breeze brushed past her near-exposed core, making her yelp. He brought down his pants enough to draw out his already-erect member.
Lifting the dress up and moving her underwear to the side, he slipped the tip in, with every inch he buried inside her, she was stuffed. Stretched to capacity. Regardless of all the times they had done it, she could never quite adjust to his leviathan size. His thrusts were gentle and steady. With one hand on her neck, the other toying with her sensitive nub, he pounded into her litherly. Far from prying eyes and desperate ears, she allowed herself to be completely vocal. Every cry, met with a satisfied groan from San.
"Who's my favourite girl?" he grunted into her ear.
"I am." she croaked out.
"Promise you'll never leave me?"
"I'm yours forever, San."
He picked up his speed, grinding into her at full force. Every hit grazing her cervix, tip brushing past her g-spot. His arm wrapped around her waist for a better grip. Slowly encroaching was her climax, the knot in her stomach growing tighter with each thrust. His body began to tense up, face buried in the crook of her shoulder. His tell. Hips moving irrhythmically as he snapped against her skin. Finally, the coil in her stomach came undone as her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave. He stilled deep inside her as his load sprayed out in large quantities. They stayed in their position for a few minutes while he slowly thrusted everything back inside her. He pulled out. Pulling his pants back up as she tied the straps of her dress.
The fireworks display begun, with a myriad of colours embellishing the empty canvas that was the midnight sky. Smoke lingered in the air with sounds of explosions occupying the atmosphere.
Reeling her in by the waist, the space between them shrunk, "Happy New Year's, love." he chimed with a loving tone.
Arms thrown over his shoulders, "Happy New Year's, Sannie." she said with much love in her eyes.
They shared a passionate kiss. It was truly the makings of a movie, a dream, as the fireworks went off behind them. They parted and made their way out of the room, heading to the ballroom on the ground floor. Exiting the elevator, they walked down the hallway. They stood in the doorway for a few minutes before San had to walk away. He meandered through the sea of bodies. It was too loud to hear anything. He and another woman exchanged a few words, leading her to the middle of the dance floor. There was no appropriate way to react as she would risk exposing their relationship.
So she watched as San danced the night away with his wife.
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tokkishouse · 1 year
hii i say ur " The first time you call him a term of endearment" post and can i request one where the roles get reversed with kaeya, thoma & heizou. fem!reader gets really really flustered hearing the term of endearment (perhaps one related to snow in kaeya's), tysm <33
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(Sfw) Calling Each Other Terms of Endearment for the First Time
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Characters: Diluc, Heizou, Kaeya, Thoma, Tighnari
Warnings: Slightly suggestive in Heizou and Tighnari's part, mentions of injuries in Tighnari's part
WC: 1.8k words total
Pt. 1, Pt. 2
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He calls you a term of endearment first
The steady tick-tock of the clock reverbs around the study. Paper shuffling and ink scratching fill in the gaps, and the occasional chatter shared between you and Diluc adds life to the quiet environment. Days like this were normal-- enjoying each other's company even with minimal interaction.
The peace is broken by the sound of liquid splashing against the mahogany desk and Diluc's sudden groan in frustration. You look up from the book you were reading to see that ink had splattered on the parchment and his hands. He clicks his tongue and looks up at you, offering a small smile.
"Dearest, could you get a towel? Or just something to clean myself up with."
Your grip tightens on your book in surprise and you freeze in your spot. The redhead watches you strangely as you stumble over your words for a response.
"D-Dearest?" you finally spit out, incredulous. It's his turn to be embarrassed, his face turning as red as his hair.
"Y-yes, that's what I said. Do you not like it?" he's become shy, scared that he has overstepped his boundaries. You quickly shake your head, standing up abruptly and sending your book tumbling to the ground.
"I'll go get you a towel now!" you announce, quickly rushing out of the study. Diluc watches on, still embarrassed but slowly calming down.
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He calls you a term of endearment first
"Two dango milks please!" Heizou orders for you two. You decided to have a stroll around Inazuma City-- Heizou had been busy with the recent Test of Courage situation and hadn't been able to spend some quality time with you. He promised that as soon as the situation was resolved he'd take you out.
And that's what brings you to today-- sipping on dango milk while you both sit on a nearby bench. You cringe at the initial taste, but stomach it as you chug the rest of it.
"Do you want to check out the Yae Publishing House next?" Heizou suggests, looking over. He stifles a laugh when he sees the milk staining your upper lip, unbeknownst to you. Seeing him struggle to conceal his laughter, you quirk an eyebrow up.
"Something on my face?" his smirk widens and he reaches over with a napkin to wipe up the milk.
"I didn't know you were trying to grow facial hair, doll. The white suits you," he teases, carefully dabbing away at the milk.
Your face warms up in embarrassment and you hiss at him, trying to bat him away from your face.
"Heizou please!"
"What? Would you rather I tell you what it reminds me of? After all, a delightful image appears in my head and I'd like to recreate it-"
"Shut up!"
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He calls you a term of endearment first
"Race you to the beach!" you challenge, breaking into a sprint toward the beaches at Falcon Coast. Kaeya's jumps in surprise but is quick to recover as he breaks into a sprint himself. Despite your headstart, his agile body is quick to catch up and he soon overtakes you.
You both approach the glistening coast fast, and Kaeya's slides to a stop right at the shore, cementing his victory.
"Always just a little too slow it seems~" he teases, watching you jog up to meet him. You sigh, shaking your head.
"I could never beat the calvary captain could I?" he laughs, turning away.
You notice two buckets and a shovel resting against a giant rock and walk over to them. They look like children's pails-- one is blue and the other is your favorite color. You look up at him, and instead of his confident smirk, it's melted into a sheepish smile.
"I wanted to go seashell hunting with you. I used to do it all the time when I was younger," he begins and slowly trails off. A distant look twinkles in his eyes and the air turns somber. You clear your throat, pulling him out of it and you reach down to grab the bucket.
"Well let's get started then! Who knows, maybe we'll find treasure too!"
Kaeya's watches you carefully, and his smirk reappears.
"Oh? But I'd consider you the finest treasure around."
He's quick to dodge the projectile bucket, laughing at your flustered expression.
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You call him a term of endearment first
"Thoma, where should I put this stuff?" you ask, looking over at your boyfriend.
You and Thoma were both housekeepers for the Kamisato Clan, although he had far more responsibilities than you did. Eager to help and already done with your chores for the day, you offered your assistance to him, and he was happy to have the help.
"Put it in the closet down the hall! It's extra stationery for Lady Ayaka and Lord Ayato," he answers, watching you carry the crate off.
He enjoys working with you as much as possible-- he has no problem taking care of his tasks on his own, but being able to have help, especially from his partner is always a bonus. You come back a few moments later, dusting off your hands.
"Sweetie, do you mind if I go and sit down? My back is killing me," you complain, placing your hands on your back to stretch. He waves you off, letting you take a breather as he presses on. Your words don't quite hit him until he's carrying another crate down the hall. Upon realization, he freezes and drops the crate on the ground, sending a thunderous noise down the halls. Nearby maids look over in surprise as the blonde stands there, dumbfounded and rosy-cheeked.
He calls you a term of endearment first
Having finished all of his tasks for the day, Thoma invited you to join him in feeding some of the nearby stray dogs. Happy to indulge in any spare time he had, you agreed to accompany him. It was one of your favorite past times to do with him. Watching the dogs slowly grow used to both of you was rewarding and it always left you feeling fulfilled and accomplished.
"Oh drat, we're out of some fowl," you complain, realizing your rummaging through your bag has turned unfruitful. Thoma looks over, frowning.
"I can run to the local market and get some?" he offers, but you shake your head, standing up.
"I'll go. I'll be fast," you promise, and you quickly take off to purchase the fowl. Thoma watches after you longingly before turning back to the dogs, showering them in affection.
"You all don't know how good Y/N really is," he begins, carefully ruffling one of the shiba's fur. "They're hard-working and kind, and they always offer to lend me a hand. On days that I don't see them, time seems to drag on forever."
Thoma sighs and sits back a bit, closing his eyes to take a break. The dogs all scramble to crawl in his lap and ask for his attention again, but he's starting to get lost in his thoughts.
"My sweetheart...my Y/N...I wonder if Lord Ayato has any ideas on how to propose," he ponders to himself, unaware of you hiding behind a tree. You had come back a while ago, but quickly hid when you heard Thoma talking about you. His nickname already had you fidgeting in embarrassment, but the idea of a proposal? You almost let out a squeal in excitement.
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You call him a term of endearment first
It was a rare lazy day for both of you-- Tighnari had no patrolling duties and he was caught up on his research, meaning he could divert all his focus and energy on you.
Currently, you two were snuggled up on the couch enjoying the delicate notes playing from the record player ("It's this new technology from Fontaine!" you explained when you brought it home). His face was buried in your chest, ears pressed flat on his head while his tail resided in your hands, being carefully groomed by your fingers. The more you tangled his fur between your fingers, the louder his purring got.
"Tighnari, you're purring like a tiger," you tease, carefully slipping your hands down to cup his face and tilt it up so he can look at you. You squish his face, forcing it into a pout. He scowls at you, pulling his face away.
"What, am I not allowed to enjoy my partner's embrace? Should I be as stiff as a board?" he mumbles, burying his face in your chest.
"No no, it's cute I promise, love," you laugh, reaching back for his tail. You're unable to catch it as it starts wagging animatedly. You glance down at Tighnari, who willingly matches your gaze. There's a light of amusement shining in his eyes.
" 'Love?' " he inquires, and you smile down at him.
"Yes, is that a- wah!" you're cut off mid-sentence as Tighnari pushes himself up and straddles you, his clawed hands sliding up the side of your body.
"I want to hear it again, Y/N."
He calls you a term of endearment first
"Hey! Not so tight!" you whine, shooting a half-hearted glare at the forest ranger. He ignores your complaints, continuing the wrapping of your injuries.
"It needs to be tight to prevent unnecessary blood loss and make it harder for bacteria to enter the wound," he explains, carefully tying the bandage up. "I wouldn't be doing this though if some lummox didn't go into the withering zone without their weapon."
You cross your arms and look away from him in defiance, jutting your bottom lip out in a pout. You forgot to check your bag before you both went out, meaning when you arrived to clear the area out, you were weaponless. And those fungi did not go easy on you. Near the end of it, you were carried back to Tighnari's house with bruises and scrapes all over you.
"I thought it was in my bag."
"You were sorely mistaken," he chides, then turns to pack up his medical supplies. He leaves you alone for a bit and when he returns, you're hugging your legs to your chest. Anyone with eyes can tell there's a gloomy air around you.
"I'm not mad at you," he carefully reminds you, stepping closer. "I was just worried. You can't go rushing into danger unprepared."
You don't reply, still refusing to look at him. Tighnari sighs and plops down in the seat next to you, wrapping his tail around your body. You instinctively scoot closer, leaning onto him.
"I care about you a lot, and if something drastic were to happen to you-" he doesn't finish his sentence, biting his lip. Silence falls over you two, the clock on the wall ticking away.
"You're very special to me flower," he whispers. You jolt at his words, glancing up at him with wide eyes. You try to stammer out a response, words getting twisted on your tongue. He takes your hand and squeezes it, silencing your attempts to talk.
"Promise me you'll be more careful."
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Now is "lummox" or "flower" the true pet name? 🤭
@seirenspinel Per your request I added Diluc cause he's my bbgorl and I wanted it to be 5
I personally don't think Kaeya's would call you a snow-related nickname? Even though Cryo is his vision does this make me hypocritical? maybe.
Lmao at this point this is becoming a series. Oh well! Requests (sfw and nsfw) are open~!
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taintedtort · 1 year
prompt ✧ what they do when they miss you
characters ✧ albedo, xiao, wanderer, kazuha
warnings ✧ gn!reader, none!
a/n ✧ i’ve been needing to write something for days, sorry
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✧ busies himself
when albedo suddenly gets the dull ache in his heart, to which he deducts as ‘missing you‘ , he instantly starts another experiment to pass the time. he easily can get engrossed in it, successfully distracting himself. however, that also means he’s extra unorganized, papers and various materials scattered everywhere. so when you finally arrive, you look around in astonishment, he wasn’t usually this untidy. his back was to you, so you called his name out as gently as possible. you smiled when he flinched and whipped around to look at you, clearly eager. he quickly approached you with a smile and placed his hands on your arms as his lips met your forehead.
“welcome back.“
✧ waits for you
he knows you’ll come back to him, you always do, even when he didn’t want you to. of course, that was when he first met you. but it’s different now, he enjoys your company quite a bit. he stands on the balcony of the inn, arms crossed and looking off into the distance. he wasn’t just feeling the breeze on his face, he was also quietly listening for someone to call his name. a small part of him hoped you would, but you tended to refrain as much as possible. no matter how many times he tells you it’s alright and that you could never burden him, you still refuse. he waited and waited until he heard the stairs to the balcony creak. he heard his name called from your lips before he saw you. once you reached the top, you were met with his chest. he had pulled you into a tight hug as soon as he saw you, not allowing himself to be embarrassed at the gesture.
“you kept me waiting.“
✧ angrily searches for you
he cannot believe you! how dare you leave without telling him anything. what if you get hurt? or lost? or… well, he refuses to let himself think that, to think that you betrayed and left him. you wouldn’t do that, you’re different. once he got into his own head, he angrily set out to find you. he refused to sit and mope around, praying you’d come back to him. honestly, had he been a little calmer, he would’ve found you sooner. thanks to his anxious brain, he was looking in the most random spots instead of going to your usual shopping spots. after looking for half on hour, he was so on edge he was whipping his head around at every person he passed. and after a while, it was actually you who found him. he heard his name called, and felt someone tap on his shoulder. when he turned, rather quickly he‘ll admit, and saw you smiling your perfect smile at him, relief flooded through him. he carefully reached out and took your hand in his.
“you scared me, where the hell have you been“ (loca)
✧ calmly goes looking for you
unlike the wanderer, he goes looking for you simply because he’s bored. of course, he does also miss you, but being with you will instantly cure his boredom. so it’s a win-win for him. he is calm and collected while searching for you, easily finding you within minutes. when he saw you, standing in front of a food stall, he stared and observed. he watched you pick up fruit and study them, placing them back down or into your basket. he smiled and approached you before you decided to leave. he carefully snuck up on you and pressed both hands into your sides while whispering ‘boo‘ in your ear. you, of course, yelped in surprise and quickly turned around in his grasp. your eyes met his and a smile instantly bloomed onto your face. he winked and placed a kiss to your cheek.
“hi love, what are you up to?“
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frociaggine · 5 months
the locked tomb holiday exchange rec list
Behold! The good, the magnificent, the sad! The filth and the angst and the feelings! The weird shit that would make TazMuir proud! 💀🎉✨☠️🔥🎊
Here are some favourites from a skim of works posted for @tlt-holiday-exchange, both art and fic. They are MANY and they are JUICY. Find the entire collection HERE, and keep an eye on for authors reveal coming soon!
A Beautiful Fairy Tale. Wake tells little Bomb a bedtime story but she can't mention a princess without talking about guillotines. Rated T.
Dubious Curiosity. Nona is curious. Nona loves everyone. And Nona wants Cam. (Camilla/Nona) Rated M.
Fingers In Her Mouth. Camilla Hect misses the Warden. Maybe he can lend a helping hand… even in death. (Camilla/hand!Palamedes) Rated M.
just guys being bros. Camilla/Gideon. Gideon touches a boob! A very happy new year to awkward butch lesbians everywhere. Rated T.
Pyrrha Dve Appreciation. Pyrrha & Nona, soft hugs! Rated G.
Stealing Breath. Camilla/Gideon butch-off make-out session. Rated G.
To Shreds, You Say? Pyrrha/Mercymorn/Wake fucking nasty. Rated E.
a buried and a burning flame. Coronabeth fucks Gideon's corpse. Rated E.
For all intents and purposes the corpse of the Ninth’s cavalier is a bad lay. That’s all fine, though.
a grave, deep and narrow. Camilla/Palamedes, GtN AU, Character Death, Tape Recorder Conversation Redux. Podfic included! Rated T
Only Lyctors were meant to leave the First House alive. Ianthe insists on bringing Coronabeth; Judith dies of her injuries. Camilla is stranded alone at Canaan House — alone, except for the persistent hallucinations of her necromancer.
affix. Coronabeth/Harrow, humiliation kink, improper use of bones, dom!Harrow, GtN era. rated E.
Cytherea doesn't go to Canaan House AU - Corona overconfidently approaches Harrow in the hopes of exchanging lab keys. Harrow humbles her quickly.
AITA for telling my dad I didn't like my birthday party? Gideon & John, In-Universe Social Media, Character study, Rated T.
I (20F) told my dad (45?M) that I wanted a cool birthday party, but he threw me a terrible birthday party instead. Am I really the asshole for telling him I didn't like it?
and kings shall come out of thy loins. Gideon/Ianthe, crack treated seriously, body horor, SNAKES. Rated M.
Ianthe saves God from the stoma and the River and all she has to show for it are these fucking snubes.
come, dearest heart. Lyctor Palamedes AU, HtN era. Camilla/Palamedes, Pyrrha/Palamedes, Pyrrha/Camilla/Palamedes. Rated E.
In Canaan House, Palamedes Sextus unwillingly ascends to Lyctorhood to put an end to Cytherea the First's rampage. He's left heartbroken, grieving, and terribly, terribly lonely.
Don't Care If You Think I'm Dumb (I Don't Care At All). Gideon/Ianthe, Gideon as Kiriona, Unwholesome Tower Princes Bonding ft. bad sex and retail therapy. Rated E.
The newly christened Kiriona Gaia is not having a good time on the Mithraeum. At least she has Ianthe there to make her worse.
Follow Your Dreams, Never Let Them Die. Gideon/Harrow, Pokemon trainers AU! Rated T.
On her Pokemon Journey, Gideon Nav approaches the mysterious Drearburh City Gym - but something feels oddly familiar.
Gaia's Natural Market. modern AU, retail hell, Harrow/Gideon, Harrow/Ianthe, Gideon/Ianthe. Rated T
RING-A-DING-DING, the Holiday's are here! And nothing says "Give!" like the bounty of the Mother Herself, so come on by to GAIA's Natural Market! Treat your family to a home-cooked meal with only the PUREST of ingredients - all Produce Organic, all Products non-GMO, and all Smiles Authentic and free of Toxins!
Good Girl. Coronabeth/Ianthe, puppyplay, muzzles, rated E.
Coronabeth is Ianthe's big dicked bimbo puppy. Ianthe's into it.
Goodnight, New Rho. Camilla & Nona. Domestic Fluff, Missing Scene. Rated G.
Nona gets a bedtime story. Camilla reminisces about growing up with an older sister. They both sleep well, despite a notable lack of dogs.
In the Empire of the Deeps. Gideon/Nona/Ianthe, Gideon/Ianthe, Pirate AU, monsterfucking-adjacent, Nona is an eldritch sea creature. Rated E.
A chance encounter on the beach. Ianthe is manipulative, Kiriona is sad, and Nona is not as innocent as she seems. Sometimes, you might yearn for one person and meet another one. Sometimes, you have to take what you can get.
just like normal. Ianthe/Coronabeth, Cytherea is also there. Penis in vagina sex, Exhibitionism, Squirting. Rated E.
Ianthe gives herself a cock, and Corona is increasingly bewildered that she hasn’t been allowed to sit on it yet.
language of its own. Camilla/Palamedes. Worldbuilding, idiots to lovers, pre-canon. Rated T.
Camilla Hect has to do an erotic poetry final.
Masochism Tango. Porn with feelings, knifeplay, vivisection, lyctor-typical everything. Rated E.
Two occasions in which Pyrrha Dve had the pleasure of being under Cytherea's knife, and Mercymorn had the pleasure of Pyrrha Dve.
METHODS OF SUBDUCTION. Judith/Cornabeth, Judith & Varun. Planetary science rizz. Rated M.
Varun the Eater teaches Judith Deuteros how to flirt.
midnight mass. Mercymorn/Cristabel, pre-canon, Character Study. Rated T.
A lifetime before the resurrection and two decades before the apocalypse, a novice nun and a third-year medical student discuss goodness, passion, and salvation at midnight on Christmas morning.
motherhood. Mercymorn uses flesh magic on Wake. Hate sex ensues. Body horror, motherhood as violence, canon compliant. Rated E.
“I will kill you,” you say, with all the placid fervor of a religious convert. When you’re on the edge of real violence, you lose that tense little furrow in your brow—it’s beautiful, really. “Please give me a reason.”
My Love Overflows. Corona/Ianthe, Strap-on, Dirty talk, Impact Play, Hair Pulling, Bladder control. Rated E.
The one in which Corona pisses all over herself at Ianthe's whims.
name and rank. Judith/Coronabeth, Judith & Varun. Judith's failwoman swag! Rated T.
As Judith lies dying, she has nothing but time. Varun the Eater uses it to teach her how to flirt with the Princess. Don’t worry. Varun has got this!
New Rule. Mercymorn/Pyrrha, Ranch AU, stablehand Pyrrha, boss/employee relationship. Rated E.
Never hire stablehands who are too handsome and capable for their own good.
no shade in the shadow of the cross. Cytherea/Mercymorn, angst, fisting, two pillow princesses NOT making it work! Rated E.
Cytherea and Mercymorn have an ill-timed tryst.
per my last email. Camilla/Palamedes. Academia, banter. On peer review and multitasking. Rated M.
“Warden,” she said patiently, “you want me so badly it’s making you stupid."
RISKING OUR LIVES FOR UNIVERSITY HOLE???? 🤯😳 University AU, Team 69. The hole is a basement to be clear! Rated T.
The difficult part of visiting the local haunted house for a feature in the university magazine is not actually the visiting; it’s the writing about it afterwards.
So Messed Up. Ianthe/Coronabeth. Puppy play, collars & leashes, tail plug. Rated E.
Ianthe using her flesh magic to give Corona a big cock for petplay because she loves the idea of her sister being a big dicked bimbo puppy girl who just wants to rut into her.
The Great Gamete Gambit. Camilla & Palamedes, Pre-canon, worldbuilding, sixth house reproductive practices. Rated G.
Palamedes and Camilla have an important package to send, but there's been a heist in the gamete repository! Can the 15-year-old Master Warden and his cavalier crack the case?
The Sextus Scandal. Camilla/Palamedes, Epistolary, Pre-Canon Divergence. Rated E.
Transcripts and documents relating to the disciplinary hearing and subsequent resignation of Master Warden Palamedes Sextus.
Ways to Be Perfect. Babs/Colum Asht, GtN era, Rated M.
When Naberius first glanced across the supper table at Colum Asht, he didn’t immediately get the impression that he was liked.
The end!
Thank you for making it this far. If you enjoyed any of these works, or anything else in the collection, please drop a comment to make our creators feel appreciated <3
[post creators reveal exchange wrap post]
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snorklingfae · 4 months
Shades of Deception- Prologue
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Dark!Joel Miller x naive!Fem reader
Synopsis: Amidst the ruins of a broken world, one survivor stands out from the rest - Joel Miller. With his sharp wit and unmatched ability to deceive, Joel has always managed to outmaneuver those around him. But when he meets y/n, an unsuspecting and trusting survivor, Joel sees an opportunity to take his game to the next level. As their relationship progresses, y/n unwittingly becomes entangled in Joel's web of lies and deceit, utterly unaware of the true extent of his cunning and manipulation. Will y/n break free from Joel's grasp before it's too late?
Notes: thinking of instead using the term y/n as it can get tedious to write but use Bambi instead as a nickname Joel uses.
Warnings: none yet more will be added in each chapter
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Joel trudged wearily through the overgrown remnants of what was once a thriving city. The air hung heavy with the scent of decay, and the dilapidated buildings echoed his every footstep, reminding him of the world that had crumbled around him.
His senses were on high alert, scanning the shadows for any sign of danger. Survival had become his second nature in this unforgiving landscape.
One day, fate intervened as Joel was patrolling the area, and he saw a movement amidst the rubble of an abandoned storefront.
He slowly approached, weapon at the ready, prepared for any threat. But as he drew closer, he realized it wasn't a runner or clicker. It was a survivor, like himself, but far more vulnerable than he could have imagined.
She looked up at him with wide, trusting eyes, and her face was illuminated by a faint glimmer of hope that still flickered within her.
Despite the grim reality of their world, she radiated an aura of innocence and purity that Joel found both unsettling and strangely captivating.
As Joel observed her, a comparison sprang to mind, one that surprised even him. She reminded him of a character from a storybook, a creature from a world untouched by the darkness that now enveloped them—a fawn, fragile and trusting, with wide eyes that held a spark of curiosity and wonder.
Bambi, he thought to himself, though he doubted she would understand the reference in this harsh new reality.
"Are you bit?" Joel's gruff voice betrayed his concern as he approached cautiously.
"No, I swear," she replied, her voice trembling.
After a few seconds of debating, Joel sighed, "Are you alright?"
She nodded, offering him a tentative smile that tugged at something deep within Joel's hardened heart.
“I'm fine," she replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just... scared."
Joel crouched beside her, his expression unreadable as he studied her carefully. He could see the fear in her eyes, and the uncertainty mirrored his inner turmoil.
Despite the danger that lurked around every corner, there was something about this girl that drew him in, a flicker of humanity amidst the chaos that consumed their world.
Without a word, Joel extended a hand to her, offering her comfort in a world devoid of kindness.
“Come on," he said gruffly, his tone softened by a hint of warmth that surprised even him. "You'll be safer with me."
And with that simple gesture, Joel's solitary journey took an unexpected turn, leading him down a path he never could have anticipated—a path that would intertwine his fate with hers in ways neither of them could have imagined.
As they set out together into the unknown, they would discover that sometimes, in the darkest of times, it was the tiniest glimmer of hope that could light the way forward.
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Shades of deception tags
@orcasoul @paanchusblog
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riostwsty · 1 year
>> "love comes from the most unexpected of places" <<
Summary: animals can lift up spirits with such ease when one's feeling down, don't you think? After an accident with shape shifting magic, some of the students found themselves transformed into the cutest little creatures, and unbeknownst to you, attemped to use that form to brighten a particularly cloudy day by your side
Key words:  headcanons; fluff; romance; g/n reader (they/them, you/yours); relationship not established; reader not explicitly Yuu/MC; accidentally became a princess and the frog plot trope
Characters: Riddle, Jack, Jamil - x reader (separately)
CWs: animals mentioned include hedgehogs, dogs and cats!
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>> Riddle Rosehearts, as one anxious hedgehog [900+ words]
- he knew pairing up with Floyd for potions class was a grave mistake of professor Crewel's. "No need to worry Mr Roseharts" he said. "This exercise is far too simple to have any sort of complications occur" he said...
- and well, now Riddle was being chased by an overly enthusiastic Floyd Leech. An even taller version of the twin, as you see, it appeared to not be enough for the cruel universe to make the potion's effects turn Riddle smaller, no. It had to transform him into a itty bitty tiny hedgehog, of all creatures, and a super cute one at that. So cute in fact, his lab partner couldn't resist the urge to tease it, or rather, threaten to squeeze the hell out of such an adorable pet.
- Riddle surprised himself on how fast those tiny legs could carry him. Running through corridors, rolling down stairs and dodging steps of unaware passing students until Floyd was left too far behind, out of his sight.
- In the courtyard, hedgehog Riddle frantically spun around, seeking for a good hiding spot, but instead found something much more curious. A certain student he knew too well, or so he thought, because no matter how much time he had spent admiring them from afar, he never before had witnessed them crying as they were at that moment.
- You sat there, under a tree's shade, hoping no one would approach, fearing the tears and hiccups would only worsen with concerned looks and curious questionnaire. And Riddle feared too, to chose between simply walking away, pretending not to see his beloved's suffering; or choosing to approach, but not being able to comfort them in any helpful way.
- But he had a realization. He didn't have to talk. Where words lacked, another option could come to play. And in that hedgehog form, coincidentally, was perfect for such a task.
- You felt a sudden gentle bump on your ankle, looking down, you were surprised to see a spiky red colored creature studying you back. Strange. These little guys were supposed to be at Heartslabyul's care. How in the world did it get in the school's courtyard?
- a weak giggle was all you could muster as a greeting to the hedgehog, standing a hand for it to climb, and petting it the way Heartslabyul's dorm leader had taught you before.
- —"Riddle must be worried sick about you. He always notices when someone is missing."— you said, unaware the boy in question was now resting at the palm of your hand. —"I can get us back home, how does that sound?"—
- He squeaked in response, and still getting used to the hedgehog legs, climbed your arm all the way up your shoulder. Doing his best to communicate worry without words, pressed the tip of his nose tracing where the tears had fallen. —"what? I'm fine, really!"— you simply replied.
- If Riddle could pout he would. Even to a hedgehog you lied about your feelings. He expected you to open up with a creature who wouldn't judge, much less understand a word you said, but apparently he had to put up a fight to get any results on that.
- the walk went quietly until you both reached the hall of mirrors, where the dorm leader had grown impatient, jumping from the safe spot by your shoulder to the cold marble floors, running and slipping side to side as he reached Heartslabyul's respective mirror, and jumped through it without warning.
- you followed behind with urgency. It's dangerous to be so tiny, roaming around all alone! Catching quick glances of the red colored spikes just before turning around the corners, the chase eventually led you to the parts of the garden where all dormitory pets resided.
- Before you could reach for the runaway creature, a horde of other colorful ones approached all at once, clinging to your shoes, happily circling around as if greeting a beloved visitor. The light nibbling of the hedgehogs tickled, and you crouched down to return the greetings. Though, the energy of your companions was so high you felt obligated to eventually sit down to properly enjoy the playtime altogether.
- It was a dispute to who was going to take a place on your lap, spiky friends playfully pushing one another or climbing over eachother's heads, all for a moment of your attention. It's difficult not to smile amongst such cute bantering, and just like that, the sad tears fallen from earlier that day were long forgotten, back under the shade of the courtyard's tree.
- One particular creature managed to climb all the way up your arms, resting on the same spot on your shoulder that it was before, the red colored urchin snuffled near your ear to call for your attention.
- —"was it you who called all your friends to play? Them seem unusually enthusiastic!"— you laughed, holding him close to your face —"you just made my day. Thank you little one, I needed that"—
- Riddle has never been so close to you as he now was in animal form, curiously, he even began to think the shape-shifting potion incident didn't feel as bad as he thought it would, after all. It isn't an everyday occurrence his crush would hold him so dearly as they were at that moment.
- "They don't even know it's me" he thought. And for a blissful moment he gave in, leaned closer, pressing a quick kiss or rather, the closest he could make from one in that form, before a sparkling magical cloud suddenly took over the place with a "poof!"
—"what..... RIDDLE?"—
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>> Jack Howl, as one fluffy little dog [1.2k+ words]
- Yeah, Jack's already a wolf beastman. His unique magic allows him to fully transform at will. Shape shifting magic was no unusual experience, but the problem here lies on the fact that after drinking that potion, he found himself not being able to change back on command, and to make matters worse, he was no wolf. He was a white furred pomeranian.
- Ace had been laughing nonstop for about five minutes straight after the potion had its quick effect. Every once in a while he would manage to hardly breathe in and exclaim one of his meticulous and very helpful observations, varying along the lines of "DUDE NO WAY" or "YOU'RE JUST LIKE MY GRANDMA'S DOG??", and believe it or not, Jack have had enough by the time this second comment left his lab partner's mouth.
- Epel took responsability and offered him a stay on pomefiore for the time being, to keep an eye on him, while Ace looked for a viable solution with a now furious professor Crewel.
- Simply put, Jack had a significant rise in popularity during his short time stay at pomefiore. A giant wolf might not have been the dorm's favorite animal, but a petite walking furball? It was much more like them. Though Epel made sure every single witness would promise not share a word with their dorm leader, as to not risk getting scolded or having Jack quicked out all by himself in such form.
- It was amogst the tumultuous gathering of students that the pomeranian heard a familiar set of footsteps approaching from far away, along with a voice that never failed from making his heart skip a beat. Epel seemed to notice too, and widened his eyes. —"Is that [name] I hear? ...but if they're here they must be accompanied by-!"—
- The lilac haired boy let go of the small dog, and quickly gestured for him to run and hide before Vil suspected of his presence. And run he did. Making sure to avoid getting stomped by passersby students, until he reached the flawlessly trimmed backyard gardens of pomefiore. With plenty of spots to hide and no company around, Jack made himself comfortable in one of the gazebo's chairs, planning on staying still, unbothered, until Ace would get back soon enough with an antidote.
- Though it did not take long enough for his peace to get disturbed once more. —"Hey buddy! What are you doing here?"— a voice spoke from behind him.
- Jack jumped in place, startled, provoking a short giggle from the one who called, you, who smiled oh so softly at his adorable new form. But how could you not? Besides Grim, such cute creatures were not often seen wandering around school grounds. Jack's current presentation was an unusual but very welcomed break from the ordinary NRC life. Although the wolf himself couldn't disagree more. To even look like that was too much of an embarrassing thought. However, in a more positive note, at least his crush didn't know it was him the pomeranian in question!
- —"You think I haven't seen you running away from me and Vil?"— you asked, extending a hand near Jack's nose as a way to say hello —"Don't worry, I won't let him kick you out of the dorm. Somebody needs to take care of you, after all. Do you have an owner?"—
- His ears twitched in response. Your tone was so gentle, he began to wonder if he should keep up with the pet dog act just for a liiittle while longer. It certainly did not feel bad to have his crush's attention solely on him for once, and in this train of thought, he leaned closer to your offered hand to greet you back.
- In a matter of minutes, you and puppy Jack had turned best pals for the very second time in your NRC lives. Playing around the garden until the sun began to set, no one came to bother or to take the fluffy intruder away. Seemed like Ace was having a hard time trying to find a cure, but again, staying in this form for just some moments more certainly wouldn't hurt, right?
- You asked for a second to rest on a nearby bench, and Jack followed behind, sitting by your side with his tail wagging frantically as you two admired the golden hues of the sunset rays. A moment of silence turned into minutes, that turned into what felt like an hour. The sky turned dark and stars began to shine through the clouds. Pomeranian Jack tried to start a conversation topic but only letting out a whimper instead, immediately catching your attention back to him. You sighed. —"you appeared just in the right time, you know? I needed this break from my responsibilities"— you pat his head in thanks, and he eyed you in curiosity.
- Your expression seemed lonely this time, almost distant as you gazed up the crescent moon. He then finally noticed, by looking more attentively into your features, there was a distinguishable layer of concealer covering some unusual dark circles under your eyes. You looked tired. Not from the time you spent playing together that evening, no... something else. Jack traced back that day's events. You were almost never wandering around pomefiore, let alone with Vil of all people. Was the makeup perhaps courtesy of the dorm leader's? You seemed to be wearing products that strangely resembled his, after all.
- Upon noticing your companion's curious and concerned stare, you smiled and as if reading his mind, explained —"Vil seemed worried about me too, that's how I got here."— you chuckled lightly at the situation, a bit funny how a lost puppy got you to open up about your feelings so easily —" it's nothing serious. Just so many things happening lately... it was draining my energy out"—
- Without many ideas on how to comfort you without words, Jack rested his head on your lap with a soft sigh. He then felt a hand on top of his head again, followed by a stifled laugh: —"But it doesn't matter now. I made a new friend today! So thanks for that.."—
- He looked up as you leaned in closer, playfully blowing a kiss from a distance. But that little action was enough to make him panic flustered beyond words. So much so that he incidentally got up too fast and suddenly enough to bump the top of his head into your face, right near your lips. A glittery magical cloud emerged with a "poof!"
- Meanwhile Vil, who was watching the garden by the far away window, nearly choked on his tea with the sight of Jack transforming back into his original form, appearing out of nowhere from that cloud, just to fall on top of a very confused and startled you.
- —"See, Vil? I told you! It was Jack all along!"— Epel beamed by the dorm leader's side, but only getting an exasperated sigh from him in return:
- —"Regardless. You and your little friends still got some explaining to do."— he got up from his seat, heading to the garden's main gates —"And tell that Trappola boy he's going to help you clean all the dog fur from the lounge's coutch today still"—
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>> Jamil Viper, as the meanest cat ever [1.4k+ words]
- Jamil was convinced he'd had to wait a million years before he could ever catch a break from easily avoidable, headache-inducing misfortunes taken place on that cursed magical college.
- —"Aw, come on! Don't look at me like that... It could have been much, much worse than this"— scarabia's dorm leader flashed an apologetic smile, as if it was going to fix the shape shifting problem at hand. —"Not saying this scenario is particularly good, but- I mean, what if you were to become a snake instead? I'd lose sight of you in no time and you could be taken away by a hungry bird! Oh, I don't mean to say you'd become a snake specifically because of your original appearance or personality or past actions or morals or-"—
- The black furred feline could only roll his eyes at the incessant rambling of his housewarden. If Jamil could talk, he'd interrupt Kalim before he'd burst out more painfully honest and indirect call outs aimed at him, that the oblivious boy would surely regret from letting out once he realized that maybe, some truths were best kept inside his head. But that's what usually happens anyway. Jamil was too sick and tired at that point to feel offended by them at all.
- But oh well. Simply another nuisance to get on his way of boring daily tasks. Nothing that haven't already happened before. It's just that being transformed into a cat was a more extreme case, and he wasn't so sure of how to even work on "babysitting" duties with paws intead of hands. Kalim took notice, and offered himself to spend the day with the alchemy professor until he found a viable solution to the problem. Jamil only nodded in boredom as the housewarden turned to rambling all distracted again, this time with a very much annoyed professor Crewel.
- As that went on in the backgroud, something suddenly caught the vice housewarden's attention from outside of the classroom: a desperate Ace Trappola walking in anxious circles around the corridor, staring at the floor below his feet, and mumbling something under his breath that only the sensitive ears of a cat could clearly pick up on: apparently you have gone missing. And it visibly made the first year unspeakably worried.
- Jamil approached Ace, careful enough not to be stomped by him unaware. The red haired boy only took a half glance at his direction, and let out a stressed grunt: —"Not now, Grim. I'm trying to think where to look for [name]. Please don't bother if all you're gonna do is ask for tuna!"— the red haired sat by the corridor's bench in defeat —"Was it something I said? Probably was. They wouldn't be avoiding me otherwise..."—
- Quickly the feline made sense of the situation, and annoyed, agressively tapped him on the ankle as a way to say "idiot" , getting a startled "HEY!" from the boy in response, and then immediatelly took off to search for his misssing friend. Yes, you spent a lot of time with the rest of the first years, but Jamil knew you better than anyone else around. He already had an idea of where you could have possibly ran off to.
- And surely enough, there you were. In one of the less frequented classrooms in school grounds, hidden comfortably in the corner where no one could bother, or even see you at first glance. A nice place to stay for some alone time.
- However, before stepping in and calling for your attetion, he hesitated. Jamil had been so irritated over the possibility of Ace upsetting you, he hadn't even considered maybe all you needed at that moment was to be given some space to breathe. A pang of guilt hit him right away. What was he thinking? Assuming he could comfort you at any given situation just like that? he wished that was even a possibility.
- As a servant, he had the skills and knowledge to do almost anything his work could ever ask of him. Nothing was too much of a challenge, he always solved eventual difficulties in one way or another. But adding his secret crush to the equation was a recipe to near disaster, at least in his head. A hundred possibilities ran through him, none of which he was minimally satisfied with, and it was scary. Scary to think his near perfect problem solving skills were finally failing to meet expectations, no less expectations from the only person he truly, deeply cared about, not due to obligation this time, but to the only thing in his life that strayed away from such word.
- "If I have nothing helpful to say, better not even try" he thought to himself, and turned on his heels to leave, mentally frowing over this unwelcomed feeling of weakness taking over any last bit of logical thinking he still held at that point. But not until he heard a "hello? who's there?" coming from you that he figuratively slapped himself in the face. He got too caught up in uncertainty. It was too late to run away.
- The cat meowed from behind the desk, and you widened your eyes upon hearing it. Grim doesn't meow. What in the world was a kitty doing inside the classroom? Maybe it was professor Trein's pet companion? But when it showed up from its hiding spot, you could tell it was a cat of an unfamiliar appearance. It blinked at you and you blinked at him, both unsure of what to do at that moment.
- —"kitty.."— you mumbled in awe, face lighting up in interest. You silently extended a hand on its direction, waiting patiently for the creature to approach.
- "So they like cats, huh?" Jamil wondered for a few seconds before taking the risky decision to approach, placing his head under your offered palm, and watched your eyes sparkle in glee "they don't know it's me anyway. what harm could this do?"
- The silent classroom was now filled with light laughter. In that form, anything Jamil did earned a fit of giggles from you. He was just too cute! And to be fair, usually stray cats weren't nearly half as caring or approachable as he was being, so having one so cuddly play with the cloth of your uniform and constantly ask for more caressing was almost the best thing to ever happen to you in that school.
- The vice housewarden couldn't lie, he enjoyed all the attention he was getting from you, and better yet the fact of how easy his goal of cheering you up really had been, even if all he could provide was a mere passing distraction from your actual troubles. At least you were smiling, genuinely.
- —"cats are good at reading people's energies, or so I've heard."— you spoke up, taking the purring furball in your arms —"is this how you found me?"—
- Jamil slowy closed his eyes as a response, and you took it as a yes, smiling brigthly in return —"thank you"—
- But as all good things do, they tend to pass in a blink of an eye. The room's door slammed open, making both of you jump in place, the feline huddled closer to your arms with his ears down and fur standing up at the sight of the people who came into view. Ace and Kalim. The last people on earth he'd want to see ruining that moment between you two.
- —"There he is!"— the first year shouted, pointing at the cat, and then later widening his eyes in realization of who was holding it. —"and [name]... man, I've been looking everywhere for you! why did you--"—
- Jamil hissed as the two boys approached, and tried to back away as much as he could from Kalim's hands, desperately wanting to hide in your arms and getting back to being alone with you again. There wasn't much space left to withdraw though, in the corner of the room, Jamil drew back until he accidentally went head first into yours, and then a thick magical mist quickly took over the scene, blocking everyone's sight for a moment before the clouds dispersed enough to reveal Jamil back into his original form, sitting on your lap, hugging you tighly with a furious expression aimed at the intruders. He opened his mouth expecting a hiss or meow to come out of it, but instead was surprised with his own voice blurting an "Ah--"
- He could feel the heat rising up to his face, and for a moment he wished Kalim would drop another shape shifting potion to get him back into a form he could so freely ask for your hugs without any judgement or flustered overthinking.
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stickymolasses · 6 months
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pairing: harry osborn (marvels spiderman 2 ps5) x reader (no use of y/n, not gendered)
summary: you are a young adult who had to put a pause on your schooling due to unforeseen circumstances. you work at a cotton candy stand on coney island and harry and you chat, perhaps leading to a new beginning for the both of you.
characters: harry osborn, peter parker, mary jane watson
warnings: mention of gambling, writer being stupid :3
an: hello! this is my first fic on this blog. if you like this first chapter let me know and i'll write another one! i have never really written fanfiction on tumblr or at least never uploaded on here but i figured i'd give it a try. i love harry in spidey ps5 so badddd and there just aren't enough fics for him :> be on the lookout for another an at the end of the fic! i don't really know how this stuff works yet but if you're interested in being put on my tags list for this work let me know!
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Coney Island was so beautiful at this time of night. The night sky was illuminated with the sparkling shine that the entertainment district gave off. Despite the enchanting scenery, a sense of melancholy enveloped you on this particular night. The realization of your current situation hit home as a teenage girl, clad in an Empire State University sweater, approached your cotton candy stand—a stark reminder of why you were working here. 
You could’ve been in her shoes if not for the string of unfortunate events that unfolded in quick succession. Moving out of your aunt and uncle's place had been challenging due to the soaring living costs in New York City. To make matters worse, your ex-lover's reckless gambling had drained your finances, forcing you to put a pause on your education. The dream of becoming a great astronomer remained unfulfilled, and instead, you found yourself working at a shitty cotton candy stand.
Nights like these were bustling, contributing to your current state of dismay. The boardwalk teemed with people, immersed in the company of their significant others and friends—something you currently lacked.
The lingering summer heat made you sweat a little. Adjusting your uniform, you opened the topmost button, and as you looked up, three people stood before you—two redheads and a brunette. "Hi, welcome to Coney Cotton Candy. What can I get for you guys?"
You smile and greet your customers with as much delight as you can conjure. One of the redheads, a very handsome young man, opens his mouth to speak but quickly closes it and furrows his eyebrows instead. 
You greeted your customers with a forced delight. The handsome young man among them hesitated before making his order. His friend, addressed as Pete, clarified the order, and the other two in the group walked away, seemingly a couple. 
“Alright, can we get three of the little cones?” He fumbled through his wallet, and you noticed his striking green eyes. As you handed back his credit card, his gaze lingered in a way that made your stomach twist. 
“Have we met before? I feel like I know you,” he pondered.
“Um, I don’t think so. Maybe you’ve shopped here before?” you suggested, playing it cool.
“Did you go to Midtown High? Or maybe you went to Empire State?” he continued. 
“I went to ESU. I couldn't finish my degree, though–unforeseen circumstances,” you replied, throwing up finger quotes. He looked sympathetic, a reaction that both touched and frustrated you.  
“I’m sorry, I’ve had some of those lately too. I graduated from ESU in ‘21. What were you studying?” The line behind him grew, and despite wanting to chat further, you had a job to do. 
“Astronomy. I’m sorry, but there are customers behind you,” you said, cutting the conversation short. He apologized to the people in line, turning to leave but hesitating for a moment. 
“When you get off tonight, come meet me at the Speed Demon!” he called back. 
As you continued working, typing into the cash register, and dealing with an impatient mother, you awaited the hour when you would be free.  
You sigh, locking the register and slinging your tote bag over your shoulder. The remainder of your shift proved fairly uninteresting after your run-in with the man with pretty green eyes. Walking across the park, you take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the Atlantic. The waves crash on the shore, creating a soothing backdrop to your uncertain life.
When you arrive at the Speed Demon, the designated meeting spot with the intriguing young man from earlier, you find him leaning casually against the head requirement chart.
"How did you know when I got off work?" you question him, suspicion coloring your tone.
"It said the booth closes at midnight on weekends. I only assumed you wouldn’t have to stay much later than that," he replies, eyeing your face and studying your expressions.
"So, why did you want to meet with me?" you inquire again.
“You said you were studying to be an astronomer, right?” he replies, matter-of-factly.
“Yes, but I told you I couldn’t get my degree. I—”
He cuts you off, “It doesn’t matter; are you good at it?”
“I mean, yes, I would hope so. It’s the only thing I’ve ever been passionate about. I wanted to heal the environment, starting with the stars.” He smirks and looks at his feet, shuffling them.
“Well, would you be interested in not working at Coney Cotton Candy? N-Not that this job isn’t worth your time or anything…” He stumbles over his words a little, getting to his point.
“What are you saying?” Your left eyebrow kicks up in curiosity at his remarks.
“I have a startup foundation in Manhattan. I’m trying to gather as many great scientists and innovators as I can. You seem like a great fit, and it could help you finish your studies.” He smiles wide, and you note that his teeth are perfect.
“Why should you hire some person you don’t know? Isn’t that a little bit sketchy?” You place your hands in your thin jacket pockets and fidget around a little bit, thinking. If he is serious about this, you could kiss him. You would rather work any job other than your current one, no matter a real job where you can actually do what you went to school for.
“You just have that look in your eyes; I can see what type of person you are. You want to help people too. We’d still have to do a real interview, of course; I need to make sure you’re qualified.” He laughs, and his eyes sparkle with enthusiasm; he means what he says.
“I guess it couldn’t hurt.” You roll your neck around a few times, tired from a day's work.
He holds his hand out for you to shake it, and you do.
“We are going to heal the world.”
“So, you haven’t even told me your name yet,” he remarks, walking by your side to the subway station.
“I can say the same thing about you, mystery man. If you weren’t so handsome, I would think you were just some creep trying to murder me,” you admit, probably a little bit too honestly.
He gasps and places a hand on his chest, in faux offense. “I would never, and my name is Harry. Harry Osborn.”
You tell him your name, and he repeats it to himself a few times under his breath. “That's a nice name; it suits you.”
He looks at you, as you are examining your feet. You feel his gaze on you but don’t want to scare him away, so you continue to feign interest in the floor.
“What happened to the people you were with earlier? They ditch you?” you ask, curious about the whereabouts of the group he was with earlier.
“I told them I had some work stuff to do, and they didn’t ask many questions. It was date night for them anyway. I was kind of third-wheeling.” He lets out a small laugh at the admission.
The two of you continue to engage in small talk throughout your walk. When you eventually reach your destination, he stops you.
“Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for giving me the time of day. Not just anyone would do that; you said it yourself, I could have been some kind of psycho freak murderer.” He pauses for a second, opening his mouth and closing it again, thinking about his next words. “I have to be honest, I really wanted to talk to you because I thought you were beautiful; it just helped that you were exactly what my startup is looking for.”
You feel heat rising to your face due to his gentle compliment. Since your last relationship, no one had ever called you beautiful; they only ever called you asking for a check. “Thanks, you’re not too bad yourself. I seriously hope I knock that interview out of the park; I’d rather not go back to slinging cotton candy.”
He chuckles and shakes your hand again, clasping over it with his other hand, lingering for a while. “I’ll see you then.”
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part 2: here an: hello! what did you think? reader lowkey miserable until harry shows up LOL. i really wanna do fun stuff with this story idk. i am hoping it came across the way i imagined it! i just like need harry carnally and i realized no one was gonna write about him so i had to take matters into my own hands.
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ladyfocalors · 4 months
Where is home? (my hands are covered in ashes)
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note: Hi! Surprise, I am not dead. Anyways I come to you with a story idea that I might never write but I think you might like. This is basically a word vomit so... don't expect a masterpiece! I kind of don't know what I am even writing at this point, it's difficult to put my thoughts in words. This is sort of a summary kind of... thing? This story was supposed to be more like a character study on Lyney but I have tried to change that here... kind of.
pairing: lyney x fem!reader (intended to be a platonic relationship but can be interpreted as romantic, whatever you like)
warnings: major character death, murder, mentions of blood, mentions of violence, angst, implied mental health struggles, themes of isolation and loneliness, mentions of manipulation and betrayal, no happy ending, also there are spoilers! ...tell me if I missed anything.
word count: 1.6k
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When reader and the twins were pre-teens:
You are Cesar's little helper, often referred to as such or as 'Cesar's daughter'. Cesar took care of you and taught you everything he could. Your didn't remember who your real parents were; you were quite young when you were separated from them.
You enjoyed watching Cesar's performances. You had quite a sharp eye, noticing little details. So, he taught you the ropes around what is magic and what goes behind the scenes.
You met Lyney and Lynette on just another random day. The twins had approached Cesar for some help. You stuck around as you always did, following Cesar around like a little duckling, going wherever he went.
You were quite shy around new people and the same held true for the twins. Despite being in their presence a lot and Cesar's encouragement to interact with kids your age, you barely talked and mostly kept to yourself. Whenever Lyney did try to interact with you by asking little questions, you would give a short and polite reply. Lynette only offered you little smiles which did comfort you a little.
But within a span of few days, you formed a friendship with them. You found Lyney easy to talk to and Lynette's presence to be very comforting. Cesar was pleased with the outcome, happy that you had made some friends your age. You barely used to interact with anybody other than him; you even refused to spend much time with Jemma (Cesar's partner) or Lorenzo (Cesar's assistant), so he was genuinely glad that you had people other than him to talk to.
Maybe because you were highly empathetic or just used to hardships or just a child who didn't really understand much about the world but you weren't upset to find out that your friends were Fatui. You didn't care, you were just happy to have them.
By no means was Cesar an artist but when he drew a picture of you, Lyney and Lynette, you cherished the picture and kept it with you at all times. When the twins declined the invitation to tour Fontaine, the three of you had made a promise to meet again and tore your cherished drawing into two parts, you keeping the drawing of the twins and them yours.
Unbeknownst to you and Cesar, there was a ploy by Jemma and Lorenzo to kill you both. The main target was Cesar but the traitors believed that you would be a hassle to deal with and you were just smart enough to work out that they were the perpetrators so they decided that you had to go as well.
On the day Cesar died, your mind blanked out. He was framed as the Phantom Weasel and instead of staying in the scene, you fled, unknowingly escaping Jemma and Lorenzo's trap. You didn't know what to feel so you didn't. You spent the night alone in the streets, feeling numb and alone.
On return from their mission, Lyney was inconsolable when he learned what happened to Cesar and he whole heartedly believed you were gone too. He was enveloped in grief for the next few days that even Arlecchino got worried for his state.
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When reader and Lyney are teens:
An old lady finds you in a dark corner of a street, hidden away from view. She takes you in despite your weak protests, you were barely alive anyway so you did have to give in at the end.
With nowhere else to go after getting back on your two feet, you continue to stay with the grandma.
It doesn't take long for you and the grandma to get accustomed to each other's presence. You finally get a room of your own and you immediately framed and put up the half torn and a bit crumpled drawing of Lyney and Lynette.
Grandma (that's what you decided to call her) was a highly spirited and adventurous person that it started to rub off on you. Paired with your already itching desire to experience something new, to create good memories. So you spent a few years visiting Mondstadt and Liyue time to time, always accompanied by grandma.
Meeting Lyney again was a funny incident. You were out to buy some tea, since you ran out and Lyney was out for some tea because Lynette was sick. When he saw you, he completely disregarded you as a hallucination at first until you looked at him and your face lit up did he realise that it was you, in the flesh.
Falling back to the rhythm of your friendship was easy. Both of you were beyond happy to meet again. It didn't take long to catch up since you started to spend more and more time with him.
Lyney had changed, you had noticed and you didn't know if the change was for worse or for better. He seemed flashy, his magic seemed to have improved a lot, a worrywart when it came to his siblings and you and his demeanor was a lot more flirty than you have seen. In fact he would try all his pick up lines on you first, and without fail, you would scold him instead, reminding him that he shouldn't do too much or otherwise he would come off as a sleaze.
The twins meeting grandma went better than you had thought, although Lyney would disagree with you. He felt like he was getting interrogated as if he had committed a crime. Lynette had a far easier time earning grandma's trust but Lyney needed a few more minutes to win her good side.
The twins on the other hand described you meeting with their "father" as "good" while you would describe the meeting with Arlecchino to be one of the most nerve-wracking experiences. She was directly staring into your soul. You felt like she had her doubts but she reluctantly agreed you being around them.
The House of Hearth knew of you but that was all. The rest of the Fatui were not aware of your existence and you would rather have it that way. The Fatui wasn't exactly an organization one would like to be affiliated with, so you kept your distance as much as you could.
The days went by and so did the time for grandma, she wasn't feeling very well. You could sense that she was in her death bed but you didn't lament about it. You accepted it, as she had told you. People would come and go so it was better to learn to accept someone leaving rather than spending time wallowing about it. So when she passed away, you held no regrets of not getting to spending more time with her. You were simply glad you met her.
During this time, Lyney and Lynette helped uncover the truth behind the Phantom Weasel, clearing Cesar's name of any wrongdoing. It brought a sense of closure and justice.
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The current timeline, just before traveller comes to Fontaine:
The moment someone gets the taste of freedom, they would never turn back again. That's what you had told Lyney when you expressed your interest in visiting Inazuma. Travelling was a freeing experience for you, your desire to see the entirety of Teyvat was strong and going to Inazuma was one of the major steps to fulfill that wish. Inazuma had just opened it borders again and you wished to seize the opportunity to visit the nation while you could. It would also be your first time travelling alone as well, which was exciting.
Lyney on the other hand didn't seem to share your sentiment. He advised against it. He feared he would lose you, knowing how dangerous it was especially for a visionless person like you. He simply wished for your safety, a bit too much and you were having none of it.
You stood your ground. By no means were you an excellent fighter but you knew how to defend yourself good enough, you didn't need a vision. Besides, you were kind-of-sort-of knew the Fatui, which removed a major class of enemy group as a threat. You could handle others, as you have done so many times.
Lyney eventually came in terms with your wish. Despite his reluctance, he cannot keep you away from fulfilling your desires/dreams. So with a promise that you would write to him once you reached Inazuma, you bid adieu to them.
For the first seven days, Lyney patiently waited for your letter. Then it turned to ten days and he was starting to get antsy. Maybe it took longer to reach Inazuma than ten days, maybe you were tired and decided to take some rest in Liyue, you often said you missed Liyue's cuisine and scenery so you might have stayed there a bit. By the end of two weeks, he ran out of excuses and all he could conclude was that you didn't make it.
He barely held it together, troubled by your absence. More than the idea of death, the uncertainty of your fate haunted him. The silence was defeaning.
On the day one of his siblings from the Hearth returned with a solemn expression, they presented him with a handful of items recovered from the charred remains, explaining that they had stumbled upon them among ashes and recognized them as yours. In that moment, a heavy silence enveloped Lyney as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.
The items that once was treasured as mementos of your adventures, now served as painful reminders of the cruel fate that had befallen you. His soul was crushed and Lynette hid behind the covers, hiding her tears.
Betrayed and defeated was what he felt when he knew you died at the hands of the Fatui, that too consumed by fire. The very Pyro ability that had once captivated you, that had drawn admiration and wonder from your eyes whenever he wielded it, now had robbed him of your presence. The same organization he worked for was the one that took you away.
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© ladyfocalors
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physalian · 12 days
So you’ve got an idea for a story….
Once again and as always, writing is highly subjective and any writing advice that says you *must* do X or all books *must* include Y or doing Z during your writing process is *wrong* kind of misses the point of the freedom of storytelling and I’m not a fan. This is how I approach writing and one way you could consider doing the same if you’ve got all these ideas and nowhere to put them, not the way you must approach writing.
Cool? Cool.
We’ll start with how I write fanfic because that’s a far less intimidating market. I don’t write drabble fics and coffee shop AUs. I grew up writing fix-it fics and in-universe canon divergences. Essentially: Stop the real story right here, now what if this happened instead?
Personally, I just don’t get fulfillment from writing fanfic fluff (though I do love reading it). Even if I’m committing time and effort into something that will never make me money and that people might not even read for fun due to dead fandoms or whatever, I’m still going to use it as writing exercise and give it some substance.
That’s just me, though. I used to write stuff like character studies and deep dives, and the last fic I wrote to date was a “hey what if this villain went to the good side way sooner and it wasn’t just played as a joke on his cowardice?” and its sequel.
So I started that first fic with an idea: What if K joined the good guys earlier? How would that impact the story?
Immediately after that, I was thinking about the ending and what tentpole ideas in the canon I wanted to keep, but the meat of the story I knew I wanted to focus on K’s emotional and existential struggle of switching sides, risking becoming an enemy to both factions, after the inciting incident of his (absolutely canonical) partner’s murder, that, in canon, did not get the justice he deserved. When I wrote my post about beginnings and endings, I said that endings for me are way easier than beginnings—this is why. Before I even start writing, my ending is decided.
Basically: Yes, I’m writing a story using someone else’s fictional characters, as one does when writing fanfic. The story uses cartoon characters, but it’s about one person’s struggle with their identity in the wake of tragedy, and how they take life by the horns to make it out of the story the hero they deserve to be recognized as.
And with that core idea in mind, then I write the story around it. The story, which, outside the canon that I had to keep, I had no plan for. The settings and minutiae of the set pieces weren’t as important as what each scene did for the themes and K’s emotional reaction to them happening. I needed to give him enough alone time with the characters of the hero team to learn something from them, enough time on his own to test his new loyalties, and enough time with his old team so he can juxtapose the two and make sure he’s doing the right thing by deserting.
The last thing on my mind was what tropes I wanted to fulfill. Romantic subplots and the like just kind of happened organically and weren’t planned.
For Eternal Night of the Northern Sky the idea I had was this: Most vampire stories are about the drama surrounding vampires that depend on humans to survive. So what if I wrote a story where humans depended on vampires to survive, in the exact same way?
Yes, the story is about vampires and everyone can say what they will about people who write vampire fiction. But it’s really about what it means to be a monster when survival demands some brutal decisions. What does it mean to be a monster if everyone is a monster?
ENNS wasn’t planned, I just started writing and had the first draft done in 31 days and through the entire editing process, the plot didn’t change from draft 1 to draft final, save for a few scenes where I had to fix the surface level problem some characters were facing, but not the reason why they were facing it.
The plot never needed massive rewrites because every scene reflected back on the core themes of the story, and every single scene was necessary to tell it. So even when I had to change the intensity of an argument or flesh out a conversation or change the tone of something here or there, the purpose of whatever was underneath remained.
With that throughline in mind, the rest of the book fell into place around it. My core characters each have a role to answer that thematic question, and side characters around then were created to fill in the world, provide friends, relatives, romances, and the like, each with their own perspectives still on that one big question. My villains, too, all exist to answer that question. Outside of the romances, every single scene is doing at least one thing either for the plot, the protagonist, or the deuteragonist to answer that question. ENNS’ secondary themes were also written into as many scenes as I could (of which I won’t spoil here).
When you write with a theme like this in mind, it gives you these sort of bowling bumper rails to help keep you from straying off into superfluous storylines that bog down the pacing and start to feel messy.
Yes, you’re writing fanfic. But what is it really about? Now maybe it is just a coffee shop AU or 50k words of smut—you do you. Not everything has to be deep and meaningful beyond being entertaining. Themes just provide direction.
For example, I like the idea of slowburn fanfics. The idea. I will happily sit down for a fic that’s half a million words long if the characters and the slowburn are compelling enough. There might not be themes, but the story never forgets its throughline—these two characters eventually coming together.
In practice, though, I see way too many “slowburn” fics out there that are just 90% fluff. The chapters stagnate, trading development for taunting the audience with the will they/won’t they. The plot toddles off to to play around in irrelevant scenes with irrelevant characters. Things that probably wouldn’t bother me if I wasn’t already expecting the romance that was promised, the romance I have to keep waiting for when I could just go read something else that delivers it faster and clearer.
Even if your writing process begins with a few scattered sticky notes and a notion of what you kind of want it to be about, you don’t have to hammer out pages of prose to be productive.
If you get stuck halfway through, having your throughline helps you sit back and ask yourself this very important question: What does Character want, how do they get it, and what’s in their way?
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slightlymore · 1 year
i will not vanish | two
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I will not vanish [MASTERLIST] is a companion series/backstory to the ‘soulmates collection’ [doyoung]
demon haechan x fem reader
genre: fantasy, smut, angst!!, comedic and fluff elements, tarot reader haechan
warnings and content: +18, explicit sexual content, oral f, body worshipping, titty sucking, first time penetrative sex for reader, fingering, breeding kink, unprotected and pulling out then protected (?), cum play, dirty talk, biting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, finger sucking, sexual tension, mutual pining, slow burn, tarot readings, fight scenes and use of swords/knives, magic snakes, wounds, swearing
other characters: demon jeno, immortal jaemin, doyoung, selene (oc), archangel mark
words: 17k
soulmates universe equivalent: my soulmate loves wine
note: the terminology used [demon, angel, archangel] has no correlation to the usual religious connotations
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Mark was a peculiar man, you thought.
His eyes were dark as carbon just like his hair. They would pierce into yours as if they could read your mind. Perhaps, he could. He was an Archangel after all. 
But he didn't feel frightening when he approached you that day, gently sitting on the dying grass near you. 
“Are you my guardian Angel?” you finally spoke after his short monologue, explaining who he was. 
Mark chuckled, closing his eyes, and showing white shiny teeth. 
“No, I am not. And Haechan is not your guardian Demon either.” 
He didn’t bother to explain how he knew you were thinking precisely that.
You swallowed. 
“But you can come with me and ask him that yourself.”
When Mark said he knew where Haechan had run to, you had no idea that convincing the University Rector to suddenly let you take a gap year was going to be the most difficult thing to do. 
“What if I promise you that I will get a sick as fuck dissertation on this travel? You’ll get so much fame and so many people will want to come and study here.” 
The woman was slightly swinging back and forth in her huge chair as if unsure. 
“Well, if you write it the same way you speak, I’m not sold.” 
You fought the urge to sigh. “I am the smartest person in Slytherin.” 
“That’s not true. It is, in fact, Kim Doyoun-” 
“Okay, I’m the second smartest person in Slytherin.” You felt your eyebrow twitch. 
“What’s even the topic?” she looked bored. 
“Parallel universes,” you were firm. 
The Rector had to hide a patronizing smile. “Research on parallel universes.” 
Your fist tightened. “I think it’s absurd how we have all sorts of magic, and we can fly and stuff, and we don’t believe in parallel universes and people - no, beings - travelling to them through portals.” 
“What would these beings be?” 
You were unsure. Angels? Demons? Could that actually be the case or were Haechan and his weird friend group pulling the biggest prank in history?
“That would be my my research question, ma’am.” 
You were so convincing that you convinced yourself as well. Or at least, you tried to not think too deeply about it. 
But when you reached the city Mark gave you an appointment in, you fought the urge to run back home.
What were you doing? Were you that stupid and gullible to believe a stranger and follow him around? 
But Haechan has always looked very strange to you as well. His magic wasn’t of your world, and the way both he and Jeno disappeared all of sudden wasn’t normal. You had to find out what the hell was going on. 
“You actually came,” Mark commented, raising his eyes from the phone he was holding. 
The man was sitting at a small round table, in front of a café, a steamy coffee to blur his face.
You sat down as well and looked around.
People were walking by and not giving both of you a single glance.
Of course, you just looked like two normal people having a conversation at a café. You had no idea why you felt like an undercover spy instead. 
“So, where is he?” 
You meant Haechan. 
Mark leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms on his chest. He looked so confident that it was making you feel anxious as if you somehow fell into his trap. 
“He’s right here,” he tilted his head towards the entrance of the coffee shop. 
You looked at it, snapping your head. Some employees were inside but none of them looked like Haechan. 
“Not here here. In the Universe he is right now this place is not a café but a tarot shop. That’s where you’ll go.” 
“A tarot shop?” 
Mark nodded. 
“And he’s there.” 
He nodded again. 
“How do I reach him?” 
Mark extended one hand on the table. You looked at his fingers. The palm was facing up and he had one faint scar in the middle of it. 
“Touch me,” he whispered. 
You had no idea what you expected to happen as you leaned forward and slowly brushed your fingertips with his. But you expected it to be something. 
Yet nothing happened.
No electricity, no headache, no vision, no portal transportation. Just you and that strange man holding hands. 
For a second you thought he was some type of creep, and you gathered all the magic you could feel ready to blow him the fuck away. But then his eyes became completely white, no iris and no pupils, and you gasped.
In a second his eyes came back to their usual very dark brown and he smiled. 
“Tomorrow, come back here. Have a good night's sleep, that’s crucial. You’ll find him inside.”
“Why are you doing this?” you asked quickly before he could get up. 
“I thought you wanted to know where he is.” 
You cleared your throat. “I’m just generally curious about him and you and this situation. From an Academic point of view. I’ll write a paper.” 
Mark nodded as if not believing one single word. “You’re useful to me.” 
“You’ll bother him a lot.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. You wanted to ask more questions but just like the first time he spoke to you, you blinked and he was gone. 
That morning you woke up after a good night's sleep, completely unaware you were in a different Universe with the task of finding a man called Haechan. 
 Haechan, Jaemin and Jeno were in silence at the round table. The first had a concentrated face as if he were completely in his head. The second looked bored and the third was simply waiting. 
“I know,” the Demon finally broke the silence. “Kimchi jjigae.” 
Jaemin’s mouth opened while his eyes closed. “Unbelievable.” 
Jeno looked like about to attack at any time. “Were you thinking about what to have for dinner this whole damn time? I thought we were on a mission.” 
Haechan eyed the other’s veiny fists. “Chill out. I figured out the plan in the first three seconds and then I wondered about food for the rest of the time. Who do you think I am? I thought by now you would have known I am a genius. Olay, you-” he indicated to Jeno, “Selene. And you-” he said to Jaemin, “Doyoung.” 
“I have to pretend to be Doyoung and romance Jeno, who's pretending to be Selene?” Jaemin asked, confused. 
“I regret every waking hour that I helped you survive,” Jeno didn’t look amused. 
Haechan sighed. “Jaemin, I did say you don’t have to think when I am around, but I didn’t mean you don’t have to use your brain at all.”
Jaemin leaned back in his chair with a smirk as if acting dumb has been his plan all along.
“I have to take care of Selene and Jaemin will take care of Doyoung. To push them together,” Jeno guessed.
Haechan nodded.
“And what will you do?” Jaemin asked. 
“I’ll be the glue,” Haechan answered. “Selene is gullible as hell in this Universe. I was thinking something like giving her a Tarot reading. Telling her a man is coming and describing him exactly like Doyoung.” 
He chuckled as if he was about to prank someone and the other two sighed. 
“It’s going to be easy peasy lemon squeezy.” 
 Haechan watched Jeno trip on his own feet and scratched his eyebrow. “Okay, maybe it’s going to be more so difficult difficult lemon difficult.” 
“I don’t know why I have to pretend to be a girl. I can be her friend even if I’m a man,” Jeno was mad, hands on his hips and long black hair in his face. 
“Stressy depressy lemon zesty,” Jaemin commented from his chair after having a good laugh. 
“I need you to be her only friend, my dude. Every single person in her life it’s going to be just you.” 
“That’s fucking crazy. I feel sorry for Selene,” Jaemin sighed. 
Jeno, or the woman who looked like someone related to Jeno, sighed and looked at herself in the mirror. “This is going to take a long time.”
“Consider this a vacation. Let’s take it easy. Where are we rushing? We have eternity. My book-” Haechan patted an old tome resting on his desk, “says wine business. There’s no way in hell she’s into the alcohol business right now. I stalked. She’s in her last year of university.” 
“You’re a stalker?” 
“I’m a Demon. That's basically the same thing."
"I am a Demon, and I am not a stalker," Woman-Jeno lifted one eyebrow. 
Haechan felt weird seeing him like that. "Did you really have to make yourself this sexy? What if Doyoung falls in love with you instead of Selene? No. What if one of us falls in love with y-" 
Woman-Jeno disappeared to show a very angry Man-Jeno about to whoop Haechan's ass. 
 The day felt quite cold and you shivered after opening the front door.
Was it already sweater weather? The song played in your head as you turned around to run the stairs and grab something warmer from your closet. It would be nice for someone to hold both of your hands in the holes of their sweater, you thought with a melancholic smile.
But there was no one.
After wearing a clean hoodie you noticed the corner of a red and gold scarf, hidden under piles of hats and gloves. You’ve never seen it before and you wondered if your grandma put it there when she announced she was cleaning her closet. Perhaps a nice scarf was needed that morning, you realized. You grabbed it and felt it between your fingertips. It was very good quality and almost pristine.
Why did your grandma give it away? Then you shrugged and put it on.
Running the stairs again your fingers brushed over the “HC” embroidered on the bottom and you made a mental note to search the brand online. 
It was the first day of work after graduating from university and the only company that accepted your CV has been this shady wine company. They barely had any information online but the contract seemed legit. Your task was managing the social media accounts so it made sense for them to not have anything prior if they hired you. Ideally, you wanted to do something more artistic. Like doing art for some weird brand or- 
you stopped in place. A tarot shop?
You looked around as if checking if others were curious about the place as you suddenly got too but there was no one around.
Weird, you thought. It was a Monday morning after all. 
Your eyes darted towards the shop’s glass windows again. It was closed and the lights were turned off. Your reflection looked spectral and you blinked seeing how your lipstick was a little bit smudged on your chin.
 Haechan inhaled suddenly, eyes on the outside of their fake Tarot shop. Behind the glass, you were trying to look inside. It was closed so you thought no one could see you while you were touching up on your makeup in the reflection. 
Jeno and Jaemin looked at Haechan first then in the direction he was staring at since they felt him freeze up. 
Jeno’s eyes widened at the sight. 
Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows confused. “What’s up with you guys? Do you know her?”
Haechan stood up in a second, knocking down the crystal ball from the desk with a shattering sound but Jeno’s iron fist stopped him by grabbing his forearm. 
Haechan’s eyes were incendiary. “Let go.” 
“I said-” 
“What are you going to do huh? Talk to her? Say what? You’re a Demon and you just talked in another universe a few days ago which felt like years? She doesn’t remember you.” Jeno scolded him but his expression relaxed as Haechan looked up, exchanging a look with him. He looked devastated. 
Haechan shook his head with a tired chuckle. “No, you’re right.” He sat back down and rested his head in his palm, pretending to be busy looking in his book. The crystal ball turned intact on his desk as if it never fell. 
“Jeno, it’s okay. I said you’re right. I’m not going to do anything stupid-” 
“No, dumbass. Look!” Jeno lightly hit his shoulder.
You adjusted the big red and yellow scarf around your neck in the window's reflection. Haechan could see the bright “HC” letters on the bottom of it as you walked away. 
 Haechan had to fight the urge to search for you. The Y/N you were in this universe wasn’t like the Slytherin he grew to-
To what?
Haechan wasn’t in love. He couldn’t be.
He was a Demon.
Whatever he felt in that Universe almost disappeared during the travel, proof that it was the human flesh he wore to be attracted to you and not his real self. 
But you were wearing the scarf he left behind. That was impossible unless that version of you was the Slytherin.
But humans can’t travel. 
Haechan shook his head. He opened his book and sighed. In a few months, he’d give a tarot reading to both Doyoung and Selene.
Time flies when you’re pretending to be human. 
The cards were neatly piled up and he smiled. Just a simple tool and it makes people lose their minds. He grabbed them and shuffled, pulling a card for himself.
The Tower.
He furrowed his eyebrows and suddenly exhaled like a dog sensing danger, eyes trained on the entrance. He turned all of the candles off while turning invisible. 
“Is anyone there?” your voice could be heard before Haechan could see your face peeking through the crack of the door. He could feel you coming.
“Hello? I saw the lights on and thought it was open. Are you already closing?” you asked again.
You stepped in cautiously and looked around with tight eyes, unable to see much. 
Haechan turned on one candle on the desk. “Who are you?” he asked. 
You muffled a scream with your palms. Your wide eyes looked around again but Haechan was still invisible. 
“I-” you tried to speak. “I am Y/N. I was interested in getting a reading.” 
Haechan chuckled silently. You didn’t look like you wanted the reading anymore. 
He turned on the rest of the candles and the room warmed up while he appeared from the shadows, this time gently to not scare you any further.
“Welcome. You can sit down here,” he indicated in front of himself. 
You exhaled and blinked, eying him from head to toe.
 When you decided to finally enter that Tarot shop after walking in front of it for weeks you didn’t expect to be met by a very handsome young man. 
The place has been creepy for a moment but then it became so cosy that you felt at ease on the chair, staring at the way the man’s fingers were expertly shuffling the cards. It almost put you to sleep.
His hands were delicate but manly, with a single ring adorning them, and a silver watch on his wrist.
You thought he looked too modern for being in a Tarot Shop. 
“Can you please blow on these?” he asked. 
“Huh?” you lifted your head to look him in the eyes. They were very warm but with a piercing darkness you didn’t like, as if something bad would happen if you stared too much into them. 
“Oh, sure,” you did as you were told, hoping you didn’t have bad breath. 
The man shuffled again and spread them in front of you. 
“I’ll let you choose,” he said.
His voice was melodic like a snake playing with its prey. 
You looked at the back of the dark red cards then exchanged a look again. “I didn’t say what my question is.” 
“I know without you telling me.” 
That amused you and the seed of wanting to prove him wrong got the best of you. “Really?”
The man nodded with a little cunning smile. 
“What is it then?”
He leaned back in the chair and pushed back his hair. He definitely didn’t look like he knew what he was doing. Was his grandma - the actual tarot reader - in the toilet? 
“Will I ever find someone to hold my hands in the holes of their sweater?” he whispered. 
Your heart dropped. 
“How do you know that?” 
The man’s eyes twinkled. “It’s my job.” 
You suddenly didn’t feel safe anymore but not in a bad way. You looked down at the cards and you chose one, turning it.
It was the Page of Swords, or at least that was written on it. The image was of a young boy holding, well, a sword. 
You looked up at the man for an explanation. 
“You’re asking a good question. It also means that you might find a lover in some kind of mentor or a studying field.” 
“I’m done studying. I’m working now.” 
“We’re never done learning.” 
That sounded like something an old grandpa would say and the mixed signals that the young man was giving, both young and millennials years old, were throwing you off. 
“So, I’ll find a lover in a teacher?” you were weirded out. 
“Maybe. Or you’ll find a lover while you research something.” 
“Like what?” 
“I don’t know. Is there something on your mind that you want to research?” 
“I wanted to research this place,” you started then ended with a lower voice, realizing how that could sound to him.
You weren’t trying to hit on him, although he looked- well he was the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your life. If you could have a lover to hold your hands in the holes of his sweater you’d definitely imagine him like the young tarot reader in front of you. 
“Well, maybe you’ll find your lover like this.” 
His expression didn’t give you any information on what he was thinking. 
You looked back down at the card and pulled another one. It was Strength.
You couldn’t tell what that could mean regarding everything else. On it, a woman was grabbing a lion with the symbol of infinity on her head. She didn’t look afraid or tired. She looked at peace. 
“Is that my lover?”
“The Lion?” 
You nodded. 
“That’s an enemy,” he explained. 
“What? I don’t have enemies.”
The Tarot man’s eyes were flickering like the candles in front of him. “You have a task,” he whispered.
He looked like he was in a trance and for a moment it spooked you. The young man looked surprised. But then he looked at you. “Give me your hand.” 
His tone was calm but intense and you didn’t even think of not doing as he said. 
You noticed your fingers were trembling a little as you put your palm on top of his. His skin felt soft but firm, just like what you imagined a man’s touch would be like. 
Nothing happened for a second but then the man screamed and got on his feet, holding his wrist with the other hand. 
You got up as well, the incriminating palm to your mouth, watching in horror the way his fingers were turning charcoal black. 
“What the fuck is going on? This is not a funny trick!” you accused him. 
The young man didn’t pay any attention to you, his soft brown curls becoming jet black and straight in his eyes, the veins on his back popping as his mouth was open in a silent scream. 
“I will- I will write a complaint!” you added, sure it was some kind of elaborate joke. “It is not okay to bring it this far!” 
But then the man fell to his knees and on his side with a thud. 
You ran around the table and crouched down, the sweat suddenly accumulated on your forehead making your eyes burn. Or maybe they were tears? 
“Hey?” you whimpered, afraid to touch him a second time. “This is not funny, please stop,” you tried again and the drops that fell on his arm were tears, this time you were sure. They burned his shirt and blackened his skin. You put your palm on your mouth and slid back until hitting the desk with your blades. 
With a loud thud the front door opened and a tall man appeared in front of you with the angriest expression you’ve ever seen on a human. 
“What have you done?” 
 “I think you should sit down and have a cup of tea,” the young man you learned was called Jaemin addressed the tall and scary young man who interrogated you for what felt like while years while the Tarot man was lying unconscious on the couch. You were occupying the other one, right in the front with Jaemin, who kept pouring you tea although you didn’t want any anymore. The scary man never stopped pacing the room and you wondered when the floor would cave in. 
“Don’t piss me off,” Jeno replied. 
Jaemin rolled his eyes and although you were feeling sick to your stomach at the situation, his energy was very calming and healing, so you let the corner of your mouth turn up for a moment when he locked eyes with you. 
“Maybe if you sit down, you can think better. I don’t think you’re able to do two things at the same time.” 
“You think this is a time to joke.” 
“I just got possessed by Haechan’s spirit while it left his body, I don’t know what to tell you.” 
That was the first time they said the Tarot man’s name and you understood they were talking about him because they both stared at his unconscious face - Jaemin with actual worry that he was trying to hide with jokes and Jeno with love that he was trying to hide with anger.
You didn’t like the way Jaemin said that his spirit left his body.
They also said going to a hospital is not going to help so you stopped insisting. And when you asked who or what they were they didn’t reply. 
Finally, when you asked what happened to Haechan, Jaemin made sure to assure you that you didn’t do anything wrong while Jeno was firm on the fact that Haechan would be awake if you never placed a foot in that shop in the first place.
You also regretted coming. 
“Do you have any- adulterer adult to resolve this? Like a parent or a teacher?” you tried again with a timid voice. Jeno sighed as if annoyed to hear your voice while Jaemin poured some tea for himself and faced you like some sort of kindergarten teacher. 
“That’s him.” 
You took a few seconds to process. 
“He-,” for some reason you felt too shy to pronounce his name, “is your parent?” 
Jeno groaned again as if that would be his biggest nightmare and Jaemin laughed. “Not like that, but yes. For how weird it might seem, Haechan is the chaotic parental figure. If there’s something someone should know it’s usually him. If he didn’t foresee this happening, then we’re against-”
“Another parental figure,” Jeno interrupted. 
Jaemin’s jovial expression dropped. The gaze he exchanged with Jeno was so intense and full of information that your intestines twirled on themselves. 
“Why attack now?” Jaemin asked. You had no idea what was going on. 
“He found a weakness,” Jeno replied and looked at you. His eyes weren’t kind. 
“I am a weakness? For whom?” you were starting to get mad yourself.
That Tarot dude scared you to death, the other dudes interrogated you, keeping you there, blaming you for whatever happened, without wanting to explain anything, and now they accused you of something else too? 
“Don’t answer that,” Haechan cawed. 
Jeno moved so fast near the couch that for a moment you thought he teleported.
Maybe he did. 
“Fuck man, I thought you were gone for good.” 
“You would have liked to see me gone,” Haechan tried to cackle but groaned in pain instead.
Jaemin moved just as quickly and brought Haechan a glass of water. “Can you lift yourself? How are you feeling?” 
“Oh,” his eyes were still closed, and he chuckled, “I feel like I’ve been to hell.”
The other men didn’t laugh with him and from their expression, it was as if Haechan literally descended into Hell in the past hour. 
When he opened his eyes, his pupils were fixed on you, and you noticed how black they were. His burned hands were still black fading towards the middle of his forearms. You thought he’d leave prints on the glass, but he didn’t. 
“Well, I didn’t expect that to happen,” he commented after finishing it. He let the others help him to sit up and when he extended his head back as if the movement caused him great pain you saw the lettering of a silver tattoo on his neck. You had no idea if he had it before. You slowly turned your head to the side to be able to see what was written but Haechan put a palm on it. 
“Nosy,” he simply said. 
You straightened your back, embarrassed. 
“I think she needs to know,” Jaemin said suddenly. 
They were talking about you as if you weren’t there. “What do I need to know?” 
They ignored you. “I just need to stay away from her,” Haechan opened his eyes and stared at his burned hands with disgust. 
“And will you?” Jeno wasn’t impressed. 
“Are you joking? After the literal Hell I’ve been through? Of course, I will.” 
You didn’t understand anything of what was being said but you somehow felt hurt. 
“Okay, I am going home.” 
“No, you’re not going anywhere,” Haechan stopped you in your tracks. 
“Haechan,” Jeno’s voice was a low warning. 
“I can’t let her roam around. Who knows what’s going to happen?” he explained extending his thin fingers. 
“You can’t keep her near you. You’re Superman and she’s Kryptonite!” Jaemin added. 
“I am a person, and I can hear you talk!” you raised your voice, and all the candles went off. 
Jeno’s eyebrows were furrowed when he turned them on in the same instant. 
“Was that you?” Haechan asked after a moment of silence. His tone was grave.
You gulped and stepped back. “No.” 
They all exchanged a look as if to check if some of them did that instead, and then they looked at you again like some sort of Fates about to decide on your destiny. 
“Get her,” Haechan spoke and in the same instant Jeno’s hands were on your arms, materializing in front of you. 
Panic washed over you as you tried to escape but he was too strong. “Let me go! What are you doing? Back off!” you screamed. 
Jeno’s body flew across the room, landing on the desk and crashing it. Jaemin stepped towards you, but you raised one arm and he got hung against the wall as if an invisible snake kept him in the air by the throat. 
You turned around, trying to find a way to run towards the door by avoiding Jeno who was already on his feet and, if possible, even angrier than before. But someone’s shadow obscured your face and you realized you were mere centimetres from Haechan. You didn’t bother to understand how he moved so quickly to be there, but one thing you knew, your touch for him was deadly so just one little-
your body was frozen. You tried to speak but you couldn’t move, not even the tip of your tongue. 
“Now,” Haechan sounded exhausted. “There’s no need to be this aggressive. We don’t want to hurt you. Although I see you have no issues hurting us.” 
His eyes were even darker than before, accentuated by the black eye circles. He looked like someone who actually just returned from Hell. 
“You’re going to get all the information you want but you need to be a good girl and stay here. Is this clear?” 
As if he was giving you a choice. 
“I’ll take it as a yes although you can’t move. Nice to see you again, miss Slytherin.”
 You couldn’t remember when or how you fell asleep, if you did at all, or if they knocked you out instead. 
But you woke up in a big white bed and you realized you were wearing soft orange pyjamas with sunflowers on. The shame and anger washed over you at the thought of any of those disgusting men undressing you while you were forcefully unconscious last night. 
“I can sense you’re awake,” a voice you grew to find annoying could be heard behind the door. The room was spacious and airy. It was probably some guest room because it didn’t fit any of the dudes’ personalities. 
“Can I come in? I have breakfast.” 
“As if I have any choices to make,” you mumbled. 
The door opened and Haechan walked in with a tray. “You can choose what to eat for breakfast.” 
“Kidnapping, assault and battery, psychological abuse, conspiracy-” 
“But I also have flaws.”
“Hey hey hey, no one did anything sexual,” he interrupted drawing the line at that. 
“You changed me of my clothes into this!” you indicated your body. “While I was unconscious! Hell knows what you did to me!” 
Haechan sighed and put the tray on the nightstand. Then he snapped his fingers, and you were back in your clothes.
They were dusty and sweaty. 
“No one undressed you and no one did anything to you.” 
You were still looking down at your body as if not believing you were awake. 
Haechan snapped his fingers again and you were wearing a different set of clothes. Then another one.
Then a dress with heels.
Then a fur suit. 
“Okay okay okay! I get it!” 
Haechan snapped them again and you were back in your fuzzy pyjamas. 
“Also, there was no assault, no psychological abuse, no conspiracy.” 
“You did kidnap me though.” 
Haechan thought about it for a moment turning his head to the side. “I did yes. It’s either kidnapping or me letting you go, but becoming your stalker. Choose.” 
“I don’t understand why this is necessary.” 
“Listen, I don’t want you here either, but I don’t trust you after what you did to me and-” 
“I didn’t do anything!”
“You sent me to Hell.” 
“You went there on your own!”
“How do I know you’re conspiring with Mark or not?” 
“Who the fuck is Mark? You’re so worked up over a dude named Mark?” 
Haechan closed his mouth and after a moment his whole body started to shake. You realized he was laughing.
“I’ve never realized how simple his name was. Doesn’t sound like a villain at all.” 
“Well, because maybe he’s the good one and you’re the villain.” 
Haechan’s smile disappeared and with it all the warmth in the room.
When he walked in he looked like a normal young man, a boy even. His hair was back to his soft brown curls and his hands weren’t burned up to the elbows anymore.
For a second you forgot what he was capable of or what he did the previous night.
Now he was showing you a little piece of that and you felt your spine shake. 
“You’re right. Maybe I am. That’s what everyone says anyway.” Haechan turned around and left the room without adding anything else. 
You stared at the breakfast tray feeling a weird sensation of guilt. 
 The bedroom door was unlocked, you discovered, after taking a shower and debating whether you should trust the food Haechan brought you. But your growling stomach didn’t care so you had to trust that he still needed you alive, and if he had to kill you, he’d do it more interestingly. 
You walked towards the corridor slowly, following the string of groans coming from what seemed like some sort of living room. It was almost identical to the room in the shop, and you realized you were probably on the second floor of the same building. 
The groans kept going and when you peeked from the corner you were met with Jeno’s bloodshot eyes. 
“I will kill you.” 
You jumped in place. 
“Now now, let’s calm down. It’s not her fault,” Jaemin talked with his kindergarten teacher’s voice and you noticed he was medicating wounds that made Jeno groan like that.
Then you noticed that Jeno was shirtless. 
“What happened?” 
“I went to see your grandma to make sure she’s not worried about you.” 
You were surprised they’d do that.
“But the little grandma was a fucking wolf in disguise,” he added. 
Jaemin chuckled. “Literally.” 
You walked around to see wolf bites on Jeno’s back. “Oh my god.” 
“Yep, a hellhound,” Jaemin explained. 
“My grandma is a hellhound?” you felt your head pulsate. 
“Of course, she’s not your grandma. You have no grandma because you’re not from this Universe,” Haechan appeared on the stairs.
He was addressing you but he didn’t look at your face once. “It was one of Mark’s henchmen tasked to make you believe you’ve been living a normal life here since birth.” 
Haechan walked around Jeno as well and winced. “Why are they not healing?” 
“Well, he’s a fucking dog from fucking underground and I’m an angel. My powers are limited.” 
“You’re a Demon now. Stop using that word,” Haechan sat on the couch and exhaled as if exhausted. You wondered what he has been up to. 
You felt just as exhausted, as if you started to watch a tv show in the middle of the season and you lost very important information. “What the hell are you all talking about? At this point, I think I’m due an explanation.”
 Jaemin finished taking care of Jeno’s wide shoulders by the time Haechan finished his tale. You were sitting on the couch, the cup of coffee you were offered still intact and cold on the small table in front of you. Your muscles were stiff and your body paralyzed. This time, it wasn’t because of any of the dark powers those individuals possessed, it was just horror keeping you in place.
Haechan started from the beginning, recounting the time when he was an Angel (no, not the way you imagine, he scolded you when you asked about wings and halos), then he mentioned his departure from the City (that’s a story for another time, he cut it short when you asked what exactly happened), then he casually mentioned how he lived in this Hell Prison for millennials (time doesn’t exist, he rolled his eyes at the way you eyed him like he was some prehistoric grandpa), and finally, he recounted the way this dude, Kim Doyoung, came to his rescue and they signed a contract (contract with the Devil, you commented, and Haechan ignored you) to make him fall in love with his woman, Selene, in all lives possible. 
“Well, and what does that have to do with me?” you asked. 
“We met in another Universe while I was doing my little task and you’re from there.” 
“How is that possible? I have no memory of it.” 
“That’s what we’re trying to understand as well,” Jeno got up from his chair and grabbed a silky button-down, groaning a little when he lifted one arm to wear it. 
“Do you have any proof of this?” you lifted your chin, surprised you still had a voice to ask questions.
Haechan’s eyes analyzed your features and your courage went missing. 
“Your scarf,” he simply said. 
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked towards the entrance where your coat and scarf were neatly hanging. 
Then you understood. 
“HC,” you exhaled and got on your feet to go and grab it. The letters were there on the edge of the red and gold woven material. “This is yours?” 
Haechan didn’t confirm nor denied. 
“Why do I have it?” you looked at him then at the others. Jaemin and Jeno avoided your gaze. “Were we close friends?” 
Jeno cleared his throat and mumbled something about work, heading towards the entrance. Jaemin scratched his forehead and just backed away into the kitchen. 
“Haechan?” you hesitated. For some reason, you felt like you had to use “sir” or “mister” when addressing him although you looked roughly the same age. 
The young man bit his lower lip then finally let his gaze fall on the scarf and then your face. “We were acquaintances. Same University. We talked before, that’s it.” 
Your voice was a whisper but Haechan’s demonic ears were very sensitive. “Then why am I your weakness?”
He got up and passed his hands on the dark jeans. 
“Never said you were,” he tried to walk past you but you took a step to the side and blocked him. Your hands, holding the scarf, almost touched his arm and he winced, putting distance between you two. 
“Sorry,” you realized.
The fact your touch was deadly to him was making you feel upset. 
His story had many holes and you still had too many questions.
Maybe the reading was right. Maybe you did have a task, some research to do.
But was Haechan the lover holding the cup with you, or was he the enemy, the lion, in that story? 
“Is this Mark person my lover then?” 
Haechan’s eyes became black. He seemed irritated. “How would I know that?” 
“Well, I clearly have no memories so you’re my only source of information.” 
“Since you’re here to kill me and I can smell his magic all over you, then yes, I guess you two fuck. And maybe you’ve been fucking the whole time and I had no idea,” he replied in a low voice before heading down the stairs. “If you have any more questions don’t ask them.” 
“Then what about you?” you raised your voice so he could hear you from downstairs. “Are you my lover?” 
Haechan stopped and you watched his back. 
“Whatever happened in that Universe doesn’t matter anymore, does it?” he answered then disappeared from your sight. 
 The place was quiet, safe for a low metallic noise coming from the kitchen. You walked towards the noise expecting someone cooking but instead you were met with Jeno’s dark eyes, shining only when the reflection of the knife he was sharpening would hit his irises. They shifted towards you to give you a single glance. He looked like a butcher. 
“Are your wounds better?” you tried to be friendly with that grumpy man. 
Jeno sighed. “Yes, thank you.” 
You adjusted your posture. He was being an okay person?
You remained both quiet for a few moments, safe from the knife sound. 
“If you need to say something, just say it,” he lifted one perfect eyebrow. 
In the mess of it all, you’ve never realized how good looking everyone was.
Truly angels.
Or demons.
You inhaled and shifted the weight from one foot to the other. 
“Has there been something between me and-” you hesitated, “Haechan?” 
The man listened and remained quiet for a moment. He got a sense of deja-vu. 
 “Oh, we– don’t talk much.” 
Jeno looked at you from the corner of his eyes. “Why is that?” 
You shrugged. Then you shivered. Apparently, having nude shoulders wasn’t only offensive for the Headmistress but also inconvenient for the autumn cold. 
“He stopped talking to me all of sudden.” 
“Maybe it’s for the better.” 
You looked at Jeno’s chiselled jaw. “Why do you say that?” 
“Haechan,” he started, “is not a great man. You should avoid him.” 
“Because he’s a Demon?” you mumbled.
 “I don’t know,” Jeno simply said. “It’s not important.” 
“It is important to me. I have no memories. If you want me to stay here, you need to trust me.” 
“Thing is-” Jeno threw the knife across the room. Its blade hit the poster and hung on the other wall exactly in the middle. The man walked towards it and grabbed it, feeling it with his thumb as if not completely satisfied. “-we don’t,” he finished. 
“It is not my fault I have a deadly touch.” 
“Maybe you’re a spy,” he commented, lifting one leg and putting the foot on the table. His combat boots were huge and the knife slid perfectly inside. 
“I am not a spy! I don’t have any memories.” 
“If you want to prove yourself, be quiet, and stay away from Haechan. That’s it.” 
You hated him.
You hated everyone.
Maybe that Mark dude was right. Maybe he was the hero and everyone here was the enemy.
Maybe you were conspiring against them.
Maybe Mark was your lover.
Maybe you were the spy.
Maybe maybe maybe. 
Deep in thought, you didn’t notice Haechan behind your back checking whether Jeno was ready. 
“We’re going in five,” his low but melodic voice announced, and you jumped in place. 
He was dressed for some kind of hunt too, you noticed - or assassination.
Haechan wasn’t carrying any swords or knives but the shadows curling around his legs told you he didn’t need any physical weapon to kill someone. 
“Where are you going?” 
“To catch a little bird,” Haechan replied, his back muscles flexing as he warmed up his wrists. Jeno was jacked, but you’ve never noticed how to fit Haechan was as well. 
“I’m coming with you,” you crossed your arms on your chest, faking confidence. If they were going to meet Mark, you needed to be there as well. Maybe seeing him would make you gain your memories back or make you understand something about that crazy situation.
If what they were saying was true, you weren’t of that universe, you didn’t have a home or a sweet grandma.
You had nothing to lose. 
“No, you’re not.” 
“I have magical powers,” you reminded them, the thing still surreal to you. You had no clear idea of how to use them. 
Haechan chuckled. 
“Mark would probably want to see me,” you tried again. 
Haechan’s jaw clenched. His eyes were as sharp as Jeno’s knives when he looked at you, like two dark cuts in that perfectly spectral face.
“This could be a trap,” Jeno’s voice was grave. 
“What kind of trap can this be if I don’t even know where you’re going?” you scoffed. 
“She has a point,” Haechan shrugged.
You hated how they always talked about you as if you weren’t there. 
“Listen, you’re a Demon,” you suddenly said to him. It sounded like an accusation although you didn’t mean it to be. “The Demon. Lucifer Demon.” you added. 
“What’s your point? Don’t waste our time.” 
“Are you really not capable of– I don’t know, entering my mind and seeing if I am actually conspiring with this Mark dude or not?” 
“You’d have a mental block anyway. Mark came in contact with you and sent you here. That is for sure, even if you don’t remember it. The reason why you’d accept to do that-” he interrupted himself, “that’s what we don’t know. And that’s why we don’t trust you.” 
“What if I was just trying to find you?” you tried.
Haechan’s eyes shone but he shook his head. “Impossible.” 
“Why? If I understood everything correctly, you guys suddenly left my home Universe. Maybe I wanted to find you again.” 
Haechan’s mind went back to the last words you told him.
“It’s all your fault. If you knew all of this from the start, you should have just let me go.”
“I don’t think you’d do that,” he simply said and turned around. 
You felt powerless. 
“Haechan, please. Let me come with you,” you whispered. 
The Demon stopped in his tracks and exhaled as if annoyed. Then with a snap of his fingers, you got covered in firm black combat clothes. They were so heavy that you almost fell backwards. 
“Just keep up with us if you don’t want to be left behind,” he mumbled, descending the stairs. 
Jeno grunted and followed him. 
“So, she is a weakness after all, deadly touch or not,” you could hear Jeno comment. 
“Shut up.” 
 Holding Jeno’s hand to travel the space-time wasn’t as unpleasant as you initially thought. No falling and no head spinning. Just close your eyes and open them to a different place. 
The unpleasant thing was his reaction though.
Jeno let go of your hand as soon as he could. You could almost see the way he had to force himself to not clean it on his pants. 
You wondered if given other circumstances Haechan would have been the one holding it for you. 
Your eyes darted to his fingers wrapped in something that reminded you of a sword but it was made of pure shadow instead. Then your pupils focused on the surroundings. It looked like an abandoned warehouse, nothing majestic and Archangel-like.
What if they couldn’t find Mark there?
“But you did find me,” a melodious voice whispered behind you. You screamed and turned around. Haechan tried to move between you two, but Mark was quicker. 
One palm cupped your face and the other one slid on your waist. His lips felt warm and soft on yours, slightly ajar to make them fit almost perfectly together. 
“Hello, my love. Thank you for bringing them to me,” he smiled. 
You didn’t have time to process anything.
Mark - or whomever the person in front of you was - disappeared from your sight, harshly knocked down by Haechan’s thighs, tightly pressing on his throat. 
“If you fucking dare to touch her again I will kill you.” 
The view was impressionable, and you realized you were shaking.
On the surface they were just two young men, one on his back and Haechan knee on his throat, eyes hidden by the black straight hair you understood by now was his real appearance, and the tattoo on his neck finally fully visible - Donghyuck. 
But it was their energy that you could feel, like two black holes about to meet and merge in the most explosive event in history. 
“Unleashing your full powers on me, Haechannie? I haven’t seen you like that in so long.” Mark’s clear and calm voice echoed in the warehouse.
Jeno took a step, and you felt his hand lightly push you behind him.
He looked tense. 
“And who do we have here? Commander Jeno Lee went to the dark side?” 
Mark’s carbon eyes moved from Haechan to the other man. Jeno’s expression didn’t change but you saw the way his forearm’s veins looked more prominent. 
Haechan groaned, pushing his knee further into Mark’s throat. “Enough talking. You sent her to kill me, yes or no?” 
Mark didn’t look bothered although a choking sound came from his mouth, as if he was letting Haechan do that.
In fact, he grinned, with perfect white teeth, and appeared in a different spot of the warehouse, at a good distance.
Jeno’s arm snaked around you as if he was afraid Mark would take you with him and Haechan just slowly got up on his feet, as if he also let Mark do that. 
“Y/N, darling, did I send you to kill Haechan?” Mark looked at you and you eyed his lips, moving slowly around the letters of your name, the same lips that kissed you just moments ago. 
Haechan’s gaze was heavy, staring at every glance you and Mark exchanged as if he could read into that. 
“I didn’t. You chose to come here and kill him yourself, right?” Mark answered for you.
And what you saw next made you gulp and want to lean on someone, but Jeno took a step away, as if he saw that fragment of memory too and didn’t want to be close to you anymore.
 “A tarot shop?” 
Mark nodded. 
“And he’s there.” 
He nodded again. 
“How do I reach him?” 
Mark extended one hand on the table. You looked at his fingers. The palm was facing up and he had one faint scar in the middle of it. 
“Touch me,” he whispered.
 “Enough,” Haechan’s voice was loud and deep.
You looked at him and his eyes were bloodshot with hidden rage. 
“Unfortunately, I can’t get your memories back because you were the one erasing them but I can show you mine,” Mark spoke to you. “If you don’t remember me at least I hope you can sense what we,” he stopped as if a bit embarrassed, “shared together in the past, my love.” 
You felt your throat close. Mark was standing there, chiselled face and perfect posture, his wide eyes looking angelic and the light shining from his essence as he extended his hand towards you calling to you. 
Then you looked at Haechan, shadows slowly creeping around his feet and his eyes, sending shivers down your spine. 
“You tricked us the whole time,” Jeno growled but Haechan stopped him with a hand on his chest. 
“Stop it. Don’t humiliate yourself.” 
“You pretended all of that time. You make me sick,” Jeno didn’t stop. 
His rage was burning so you took a step back. You had no idea what to think.
Mark appeared near you, but you didn’t know if you should feel any safer. 
If what Mark was saying was true, he was your lover and for some reason you forgot, you decided to find Haechan and kill him, thus explaining your killing touch. A
nd from Jeno and Haechan’s reaction you must have become their friend while working in incognito and now they felt betrayed. 
It all made sense. It all clicked together.
But for some reason you felt sick. 
“Mark,” you whispered, slowly turning towards the Archangel. The tattoo of a pair of wings was shining on his arms in the same ink as the name on his neck. 
“Yes?” he grabbed your hands with both of his and you let him do that, staring at the perfect nails for a moment. 
“If you’re a good angel, why do you collaborate with hellhounds?” you simply asked, your fingers grabbing his palms tightly and making him wince in pain. 
“Now!” you yelled. 
Haechan appeared behind his back and grabbing his throat they disappeared together from your sight. 
Your knees felt wobble and you sunk on them. Whatever magic trick you’ve done to Mark it took all energy from your body. 
“Where are they?” you wondered. “You need to follow.” 
Jeno took a few steps forward, eyes staring away as if ready to see them appear back anytime soon. “Haechan would kill me if I leave you alone and vulnerable. He can handle it alone.” 
A cold sensation wrapped you. “They’re going to kill each other.” 
“That’s the goal, yes.” 
“Why? Why do they hate each other that much?” 
“That’s a tale Haechan has to tell. I’m not sure of the reasoning myself,” he replied then turned to face you, eyeing you sitting down on the freezing and dusty warehouse floor. “Why did you help us?” 
“I didn’t help you.” 
“You didn’t go with Mark.”
“I don’t trust him. And no, I don’t trust you two either. I don’t trust anyone. I will not trust any of you. I helped myself.”
Jeno’s inquisitory gaze danced on you and his jaw flinched as if thinking whether that was another trick of yours or not. 
“I got involved in something that has nothing to do with me,” you continued, a burning rage finally warming your body. “And that dude Mark is lying.” 
“How do you know?” 
You gulped, staring at your shaking hands, resting on your knees. “I don’t know. I can feel it.” 
“You’re a Slytherin,” Haechan’s rough voice made you jump in place. “You people can sense lies.” 
He appeared a few steps away from where he disappeared. 
“Are you okay?” you couldn’t help but ask, swiftly getting on your feet. 
Haechan walked the distance and grabbed Jeno’s hand. The latter’s eyes unfocused as if he was downloading information then he nodded and disappeared. 
“Don’t ask me questions as if you care,” his breath was heavy, and he unclasped the hard outwear to reveal the white t-shirt he was wearing underneath.
He lifted it.
Silver shadows were tangled around his torso, on his skin, and he groaned as if they were painful.
You didn’t notice when Jaemin came around, his hands on your back making you yelp. 
“Take her home. I can’t touch her,” was the last thing Haechan said before you saw the darkness. 
 When you opened your eyes you were on the couch of that same apartment, familiar voices discussing in the background.
For a moment you wondered if everything you’ve been through has been a dream and if those voices were your family you couldn’t exactly remember because of the hazy of the dream.
But when you opened your eyes, reality crashed back on you. 
“...lost him after that. Sent a few of them to Hell,” Jeno was narrating, sitting tall on a chair with crossed arms on his chest. 
Haechan was mirroring him, sitting backwards on another chair, a tired Jaemin working on something on the Demon’s back.
The silver strips. 
“Thank you, man,” Haechan murmured and Jaemin winked at him. 
“What were they?” you asked, sitting up and feeling your head heavy. 
Jaemin grabbed the strips he presumably took from Haechan’s body and sighed. “Angelic snakes or some weird stuff like that.” 
You grimaced as Jaemin went outside to probably get rid of them. 
“Why that face? You’re a Slytherin. Snakes are your thing,” Jeno commented. 
You understood by now that everything they said made no sense to you. 
“Where is Mark?” you asked instead. 
The two men exchanged a look. “He escaped,” Haechan was the one to reply. 
You took in the information. 
“I guess you’re delighted I didn’t kill your lover,” he added. 
“He is not my lover,” you replied back, still unsure of the dynamics. Haechan’s gaze was grave, and you felt unable to look away. Jeno sensed you two would get into a serious talk and wisely decided to walk outside the room in silence. The air felt thick and heavy afterwards. 
“Can you just-,” you started, “can you do what Mark did? Show me some of your memories?” 
Haechan looked away and grabbed his t-shirt, wearing it quickly. “What memories?” he asked.
“Of us.”
“None of them are exciting,” he replied as if wanting to end the conversation there. 
You stood on your feet and walked the distance towards the chair Jeno abandoned. 
“You said we were acquaintances. Mere colleagues in University. Yet you reacted like my betrayal, or whatever the hell I supposedly did to you, could almost kill you.” Haechan scoffed. “I didn’t react that dramatically.” 
You didn’t say anything else, your gaze connected with his in a silent order as you sat down in front of him. 
The young man sighed and you didn’t see him anymore.
You saw yourself in a uniform, a loose green tie around your neck. You were in Haechan’s body, staring at his memories from his point of view. Haechan jolted at the sudden foot hitting his ankle. 
“If you don’t stop being so fucking creepy to women I’ll make you stop with my own hands,” you said.
Then the scene changed. Haechan swiftly put one hand on your nape and the other on your mouth in a mortal clasp. "That’s not something the whole campus needs to know, now, what do you think?" His whisper was so close that you smelled the sweet chewing gum on his tongue.
Then another day, you were writing in his hand because he took away your voice. “Oh my God, stop or people are going to think you’re into me,” he giggled teasingly. You let his hand suddenly fall and looked around scandalized. You could see the way you were flustered.
Then another. You were leaning on a wall, with Haechan in front of you. “Are you nervous?” he asked genuinely, gaze dropping to your chest as if he could actually see your heart through your flesh. You inhaled scandalized and covered your breasts with your arms.
Then other scenes, going quickly.
A peck in a corridor, then a full-blown kiss.
The feeling of his lips.
His hands on you.
His deep voice.
“So are you into demons? That’s why you’re into me?”
His thumb circling your back.
You sitting in his lap. His body pressed against you. A room filled with water, both wet, making out, his mouth on your bare breasts, your moans, his fingers inside of you, you palm swiftly around his-
“Okay enough!” you got on your feet. 
You were panting and you could feel your body on fire. You brought a hand to your throat as if it could help you swallow the sudden lump.
You walked away from him, taking a few steps, but then you stopped, unsure of what to do with yourself. 
“It’s okay. Don’t panic,” Haechan’s low voice was surprisingly sweet. 
You eyed him for a moment. He didn’t look bothered like you, safe for the shining eyes and the nervous fingers pulling at a single thread of his shirt. 
“How do I know this is the truth?” your voice was a whisper. 
When you asked him to show you his memories you somehow didn’t expect you two to have been that… intimate. 
“You said you know when people lie. What do you think? You think I’m lying?” 
Your rational side was screaming at you to say yes, to run away from Haechan and his shadows, but your gut was pushing you towards him instead.
You didn’t know whom to trust. 
“I don’t know.” 
“I don’t know if you’re lying either,” he replied. “I don’t trust you. And now you know why your betrayal,” he paused as if unsure of what words to use, “was so surprising.” 
“I don’t trust myself either,” you sat on the couch, away from him. “I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m a spy or not. I don’t know if I originally decided to kill you or not. I don’t know if I’ve always lied to you even when we-” you interrupted yourself and gulped, the flashes of his mouth on you making you dizzy. “So you’re doing well. Don’t trust me. Because I don’t know anything.”
The silence felt heavy and you could see the same inner fight inside of Haechan as well. 
“Why did you stay with us?” Haechan looked young and vulnerable in his chair.
He looked the most human you’ve ever seen him. 
“Do I have a choice?” 
“You could have gone with him.” 
“I don’t even know him.” 
“Do you know me?” 
You bit your lip. “Somehow I think I do.” 
Haechan’s eyes felt almost warm and the setting sun made his skin lit up like honey.
How could Demons look like that?
You had no idea how you were looking at him but he suddenly sat up and turned around, one hand in his fluffy - and now back to brown - curls. “Ah, you’re fucking with my brain,” he mumbled. 
You closed your eyes and sighed. “I am not.” 
Haechan chuckled dryly. “For being a hag of a dark entity you’d think I would be more capable of not being manipulated. The human world always messes up with me,” he added the last phrase quietly, almost to himself only. 
“I am not manipulating you. Since I’ve met you, in this world,” you precised, “I’ve done nothing but be truthful with you. I have no memories so of course I have no idea of my previous intentions and I don’t know if I am here now to look for you because I love you and you abandoned me or to kill you. Maybe both.” 
Haechan’s eyes lit up at your words and he looked at you over his shoulder first.
Then he walked the distance so quickly that you inhaled and took small steps behind until hitting the couch with your calves. 
“I will be delusional for a moment and believe Mark looked for you after I,” he gulped, “left, and you were angry at me enough to start working with him and come and kill me.” His voice was an intimidating whisper and you couldn’t help but feel the tension in all of your muscles. He has never been this close.
You could feel his warm breath on your face and the scent of his cologne. Your thigh muscles started to shake and you didn’t know if it was because of the effort of staying away from him, fear, anger, or-
“Would that make sense?” he continued. If he noticed your reaction his face didn’t communicate it. 
“Why not?” 
“Would your love turn into hate this quickly? Or maybe there wasn’t any love there in the first place and all of this time you’ve just been fucking that son of a bitch while playing me. Which one makes more sense?” 
“You want me to hate you so badly,” you lifted your chin. Your thigh muscle stopped shaking and you leaned in.
Haechan flinched but he didn’t move away. 
“You want me to look you in the eyes and scream that I hate you and I want you dead because it would make things for you easier, right? Why aren’t you honest with yourself?” 
Haechan inhaled then scoffed. “You want honesty? What do you want me to say? That I’m happy to see you? That I hoped you actually came to find me? That it kills me to not be able to touch you because I might go to hell while that jerk can kiss you? That I might go insane anytime soon and actually touch you even if that means I’d go to the damned hell and take this whole shitty world with me? Fuck,” he turned around and you could only stare at his back getting farther away as he walked towards his chair, his shoulder blades moving up and down following his heavy breath. 
You put a hand to your chest, feeling your own breath just as quickly. 
“You already know about my touch. What else would have I prepared for your downfall? Nothing. I have nothing on you. You can trust me now.” 
“You destabilize me. I am on a mission. I have a task and you’re here and all I think about is you. This is what you have on me.” 
“This is also why you left, right? Your grand mission. Much more important than anything else. Much more important than me.” 
Haechan didn’t say anything. 
“Okay, I’ll leave you alone.” 
“You can’t go anywhere,” he turned around. 
“I’m not welcome here.” 
“He’ll get to you.” 
“Let him come.” 
His name took you both by surprise. 
“What do you want me to do then? Lock myself in a room forever so I don’t bother you and your task? I can’t be here, I can’t go away. What do you want me to do?” 
“Just stay here. I’m not a piss boy. I can handle your presence,” he finally murmured. “And you can come in now,” he said louder. 
Jeno and Jaemin awkwardly entered the living room. 
“Thank God, I was starving and the fridge is on the other side of this fucking house.” 
 You didn’t sleep much at night.
The conversation you had with Haechan kept replying in your head.
His words, his feelings, his eyes, the scenes he played out for you. 
You felt exhausted.
So much happened in the past couple of days that you felt like a brand new person. 
You learned a lot but you didn’t gain any memories. They were tales told to you but you couldn’t find them in your brain or heart.
Was Haechan truly the one he said he was? Was Mark setting you up? Why did he pretend he was your lover then? Why did he kiss you? So many questions and infinite possibilities.
What if Haechan was right? What if you’ve always been on Mark’s side and you tricked him? But what if you actually fell in love? Or what if you were just looking for him? What if Mark was tricking you all? 
You huffed and rolled on one side. Why didn’t Haechan bring you with him? Why did he leave you? You exhaled. You rolled on the other side. 
“Stop huffing and moving. I can’t fall asleep.” 
You opened your eyes in shock. 
“What?” you thought. 
“I said-” 
You sat up. “Why are you in my brain?” 
Haechan’s roll of eyes could be almost heard through the walls. “We’ve done this before. It’s called talking telepathically.” 
“How is this possible?” 
“I’m a Demon.” 
“And me?” 
“I don’t know. Technically you shouldn’t be able to reply back. Mark must have given you some sick powers while you two were fucking.” 
You let yourself fall down on the pillows and crossed your arms on your chest. 
“Again with this story. We’re not fucking.” 
“You wouldn’t know that.”
“I’m not a cheater,” you were growing irritated. 
“We have never dated. I wouldn’t blame you for it.”
“The thought pisses me off.” 
Haechan didn’t reply but you could sense he was amused and pleased. You didn’t like that he infiltrated your head but a heaviness in your chest disappeared after seeing him in a good mood. 
“How did you get into my head?” you asked again. 
“You don’t have any blocks. Thought you did.” 
“Does it mean you can look and see if I am lying or not?” 
“I’d need to touch you for that.” 
“Can Jeno do it?” 
“I thought he was also a Demon with your same powers.” 
“He’s capable of doing it. But I will not allow it.” 
“Why not?” 
Haechan hesitated. “It’s very invasive.” 
“Is it dangerous for me?”
“I’m not letting Jeno Lee see the depths of you.” 
“Alright,” you thought. “I will try to fall asleep so your demonic ass and your superhuman hearing can also rest.” 
You expected Haechan to chuckle or at least reply with a grunt but whatever mind connection there was it disappeared. 
You sighed and turned around again, fluffing the pillow with one hand. But the moment you closed your eyes you heard his voice in your head, low and warm but clear.
“I am sorry for abandoning you.” 
You opened your eyes. 
Haechan continued. “I thought I was making the right choice. You said you didn’t want to do anything with me anymore. I thought we were over.” 
You didn’t know what to reply to. 
“If I don’t complete this fucking important mission as you call it, I will vanish.” 
“Why can’t both things coexist?” you asked. 
“You’re human,” he simply said. “I thought you’d live a good life without me. I erased your memories. I don’t understand-” he interrupted himself and you didn’t know why. You felt a sudden lump in your throat and you didn’t know if it were you or you were just sensing his emotions. “-I don’t understand how you got here. This is why I don’t believe you came to look for me. Because you couldn’t have remembered me in the first place.” 
You felt tears prickle your eyes. 
“This is the moment to tell me the truth, please, Y/N. Maybe you enjoy torturing me but it’s too late to keep playing. Just tell me the truth.” 
“I swear-” you started, “I have no idea. I wish I could tell you.”
No thought came from Haechan for a moment then he said a single “Alright.” 
“In the warehouse,” you started. “Right before Mark appeared, I had a thought.” 
Haechan waited. 
“I thought what if we can’t find him there. And the first thing he said-” 
“But you found me,” Haechan completed the thought for you. “I don’t know if he can read your mind or whatever Archangels ended up being able to master all of this time I’ve been away. But it could also mean you might have a connection with him.” 
“What kind of connection?” 
“The spell you have on yourself. Your deadly touch. He obviously put that on you. I don’t know if by force or if you accepted it willingly. But it might explain things.” 
“Do you think he can- listen now?” 
“Doesn’t that scare you?” 
“He can listen either way. And if you keep thinking about me maybe it will piss him off.” 
You lifted one eyebrow, the flirty reply to your serious concern making you scoff. 
Haechan didn’t say anything else but you could still sense his presence. It was weirdly comforting and it lulled you to sleep. 
 In the morning you discovered Jeno and Jaemin were on their missions to bring the famous Doyoung and Selene together. You didn’t even know them, but they were kind of pissing you off. The fact they needed a Demon to bring them together instead of actually working on it themselves was also ridiculous. 
Haechan was downstairs, sitting down at his Tarot desk and staring into a glass globe. 
“Are you actually spying on them? Like a stalker?” 
The young man chuckled as you walked behind his back. 
“That can’t be legal,” you added and sat down on the other chair in front of him.
Haechan lifted his eyes under his soft fringe and a mischievous twinkle sparkled in them. 
“I am an evil Demon,” he reminded you. 
You took a sip out of your coffee and sighed. “Well, I guess this is the least evil thing you’ve done off of your list of crimes.” 
Haechan passed one hand on the ball and the images disappeared. 
“Does that thing really work or is it your demonic power?” 
“Just my demonic power,” he smiled. 
“The tarots too?” 
Haechan looked at the pile of cards with fondness. “Yeah. They’re just paper.”
“So did you choose the cards on purpose for me to pick?” you felt amused but betrayed. 
“Actually,” he was still staring at the cards, “I didn’t.” 
You looked at them too. “May I?” you asked and Haechan gave you a single nod. 
The cards were luscious in your hands and felt expensive. You stared at the images on them. 
“You said I had a task.” 
Haechan’s eyes were on your fingers, unsuccessfully trying to shuffle them. 
“I could feel that. Everything I said during the reading is true. You have a task and I wanted to see what it was about in your head, but-” 
Your mind went back to his scream and the way he plopped on the floor as he touched your hand. 
“Do you still think I am here to kill you and that I work with Mark?” 
Haechan shrugged. “At this point I don’t know if I care.” 
That stung your heart. 
“What happens when you’re done with this Universe?” 
“I move to another. And another. And another.” 
You took a card from the pile and turned it towards you. Two of cups. 
Haechan’s eyes fell on it too. 
“And what about me? Are you going to take me with you so you’re not living in fear of me randomly attacking you or will you bring me back to my old Universe and erase my memories the way you did it once?” 
The card had two people on it, both with a cup in their hands. Above them was a lion with angel wings. Below it was a caduceus - the medical symbol with two snakes.  
“I still don’t know,” was Haechan’s answer. 
“What does this card mean?” you lifted your gaze to realize Haechan was already looking at you, chin resting on his fingers. The sun was shining brightly, the last rays of the sun for that year, and his eyes looked like fudge. If you didn’t know better you’d think he was about to lean in and kiss you. 
“Union,” he started. “Attraction. Love.”
You gulped and broke eye contact to stare at the card again. 
“Longing for someone,” he continued. “Healing broken ties. Being drawn to someone.” 
You felt difficulty breathing. 
“Discovering a feeling is mutual,” he finished in a whisper. 
You dared to look up again and regretted it. The sensation of him caressing you with his mind crept into your body. 
“Don’t do this.” 
“I’m not doing anything,” he replied. 
“You’re doing something right now. My body feels-” you interrupted yourself feeling very ashamed. 
Haechan smiled. “That’s called being turned on.” 
“Well, stop turning me on with your demonic powers then.” 
“That’s just human,” he explained. 
You wanted to get up and run away but your knees felt weak. But if you stayed there you were afraid you would end up touching him. His hand was on the desk, mere centimetres away from you. 
“I am dangerous for you. Please go away,” you almost mewled. 
“Mark really has a hidden sense of humour,” Haechan exhaled, stretching his arms back and sliding his chair away from the table. It looked as if it took him a huge amount of effort to do that. 
“He doesn’t want me dead. He wants to torture me,” he added, eyes staring at the ceiling. 
“Can I ask what he is for you?” You felt better to have Haechan at a healthy distance and the air started to flow normally in your lungs. 
“I don’t even know,” the Demon murmured. “We used to be friends. Then he betrayed me. In his perspective, I betrayed him, so I am not sure of the current dynamics.” 
You remained quiet.
Haechan’s adam’s apple moved up and down in his throat and you realized you were staring at his silky skin when his gaze connected with yours instead. 
“I don’t think I could ever have any desire to kill you,” you found yourself murmuring. 
The young man’s lips stretched in a little smile. His dark and lazy expression felt like burning your face and at that point you had no idea if it was his demon powers or just human emotion as he said. 
“I am glad,” he replied. 
“I really wish you could trust me. I can help you.” 
Haechan got up, the tarot cards still spread in front of him. He dragged his fingers on top of them when a card flipped out. It was the Knight of Swords. 
“How?” he asked although his furrowed eyebrows gave him the air of already knowing the answer. 
You got up as well. “I can spy for you.” 
He shook his head before you could finish. 
“No. I can’t bear the thought of you with him.” 
You closed your mouth. His silver tattoo was slowly appearing on his neck and the way his hair darkened all of a sudden gave you the impression that he was losing control. 
You really wished you could touch him. 
“Aren’t you curious as to why I am here? How I got here? In another universe? Why I am still me and not my counterpart?” 
“Yes, but you will not do anything about it. I’ll take care of it.” 
“Haechan,” you took a few steps towards him. The man turned around. 
“Stop saying my name like that,” he sounded pained. 
His back was right in front of you, wide in his black t-shirt. You didn’t notice the tattoo he had on it, peeking a bit from under his collar to his nape. You wondered how the design looked like and why he concealed it before - what that meant for him. 
“I can almost feel your gaze on me,” he whispered. 
“What happened when I touched you? Was it painful? Was it really hell?” 
Haechan didn’t reply for a few moments, and you bit your lower lips. Perhaps you shouldn’t have asked. 
“You don’t have to know,” he turned around slowly. His scent engulfed you in the movement and you felt your throat close.
Maybe you looked at each other for too long. Or maybe you were imperceptibly getting too close, but he inhaled. 
“We can’t,” he added with the same tone. You didn’t know what expression you had on to make him say that, but you knew what he was talking about. 
“I know,” you whispered. “I know,” you repeated, rubbing your knuckles on one temple. But you couldn’t move away. “Fuck.” 
You turned back your seat and exhaled. 
Haechan was motionless in the same spot. 
“What does the Knight of Swords mean?” you asked, eyeing the flipped card. You desperately needed to think about something else. 
The young man turned around the chair and sat on it with his chin resting on his folded arms. 
“Action,” he simply replied. 
You smiled. “That’s it?” 
Haechan’s expression relaxed. He hummed. “Do I look like an actual Tarot Reader to you?” 
You chuckled. “To be honest, not at all. When I first arrived here I was expecting some old lady or something.” 
Before you could add something else an older lady was sitting in Haechan’s place and you suppressed a little scream.
“Oh my God. Can you actually do that?” you put one hand to your mouth.
The lady chuckled slowly. “Cool, huh?”
“Okay okay, go back, please. This is creeping me out.”
Haechan’s features appeared back on the woman’s face, and he was there again. You looked at each other for a longer moment and you forced yourself too look away.
“Is there any fun reading I can get? I’m sick of future and predictions.”
Haechan hummed. “There is one.”
You stared at his ring then at his wristwatch, not wanting to risk looking him in the eyes again.
“What is it?”
“Would you be interested in knowing your sexual energy?”
You rolled your eyes with a scoff. “You’re going to make it all up on the spot, aren’t you?”
Haechan’s little smirk was daring. “Try it out and don’t blame me if it’s too accurate.”
You exhaled and stared down at the spread.
You grabbed a random card and turned it around.
“Chariot is self-restraint. Quiet alone time. Might indicate edging or masturbation.” 
You gulped. “You can’t possibly know all that from a card, can you?” 
Haechan chuckled and shrugged. 
“Do you want another card?” 
You inhaled and bit your lower lip. You wanted to prove him wrong. With a decisive movement you flipped another card and watched the way Haechan stared at it. It was the Devil. You lifted your chin. 
“Now don’t tell me I’m into chains and stuff because it’s drawn on it.” 
Haechan’s eyes shone under his eyelashes. “No. This is Temptation. You want something very badly although you know it’s bad for you. It’s about wants, desires, lust, carnality, senses, pleasure and all things erotic-”
“Alright!” you stopped him. 
Haechan licked his lower lip as if enjoying himself way too much. “The object of desire can be some kind of forbidden love, or-” he stopped. 
You waited. 
“It’s the Devil card. Maybe you really desire, I don’t know, some kind of Demon,” he concluded and you huffed when you realized where he was going with that. You grabbed the card and threw it at him. He caught it with his perfect teeth and laughed. 
“You’re playing with me right now.” 
“I am being truthful. Pick another card.” 
You inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm your nerves. The last card was the Queen of Wands. It looked innocuous and you wondered what story Haechan will make about it. 
“Mmm,” he hummed pleased. He grabbed it and turned it towards you, keeping it in front of his face. “Making me blush,” he murmured. 
You furrowed your eyebrows. “What does it mean?” 
“This is someone who is shy.” 
“I am not shy,” you tried to argue although your knees were starting to shake. 
“Then,” he thought about it for a moment, “modest. Takes a while to relax.” 
You gulped. His eyes looked feline and his voice sounded lower and smoother. 
“The virginity card,” he continued.
You opened your mouth to speak but you stopped. Haechan waited. 
“I have-,” you started then stopped again. “I don’t know if-” 
Your eyes searched for his as if he could have any information. Haechan’s cheeks bloomed with a very faint shade of red that you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t that close to him. 
“Last time I personally checked you were still a virgin, if that’s what you wanted to know,” he gave you the answer. “It doesn’t matter though. This card talks about wanting something pure, not necessarily the literal meaning. The sensation of doing it for the first time. Being taken care of,” he added. 
“Have we never-” you tried to speak again but couldn’t finish. 
“Virginity is a construct, it doesn’t exist.” 
You closed your eyes for a moment. “I know I know. Just- I just want to know what-” 
“We never had penetrative sex, no,” he concluded.
You wanted to hide at the choice of words. He chuckled. 
“Next card?” he offered. 
“I don’t think I want to do this anymore,” you rubbed your cheeks with the back of your hand to cool them down. But the little smile on his face and the intimate moment made you enjoy his company and you didn’t want it to end. So you flipped yet another one. 
Nine of wands. 
Your gazes met again after staring at the piece of paper. 
His lips looked plump when they moved to speak. The sun setting made the room dark and the few candles just accentuated Haechan’s jaw and the shadows on his chiselled face. 
“It means - keep going,” he murmured, “don’t stop, again, I can’t take this anymore, please.” 
The air felt heavy and you desperately wanted to walk away and get a breath of fresh air, but for some reason your brain was telling you the only way to breathe properly was by kissing Haechan’s lips. 
The sound that escaped his mouth was almost a plea, as you got up and placed both of your palms on the desk right in front of him. He lifted his face to see you. His eyes were begging and you didn’t know what for. 
“Tell me to stop,” you whispered. “Tell me to stop and I will,” you leaned down and Haechan’s soft fringe moved gently under your shaky breath. 
He gulped and the view of his desperate expression made you almost whine. “I don’t think I can take this anymore, please just-” 
You couldn’t finish the phrase. Haechan’s lips on yours felt better than you could have ever imagined and his hands grabbing at each side of your face, pulling you towards him made you melt in his touch. For a moment or many, you couldn’t think. You weren’t brain anymore or conscience. You were just lips and skin, just lungs to breathe in his scent. 
But then he wasn’t there anymore. The abrupt separation made you exhale and you opened your eyes. 
But Haechan didn’t disappear. He was in front of you, eyes wide open and shining, surprised as you.
You were probably mirroring his expression. “Are you okay?” you tried to speak. 
You lifted one hand to place it on his face as if not believing he was there, and he closed his eyes, letting his head rest better in it. “I am okay,” he whispered. Then he placed his own hand on top of yours, sliding his face to kiss your palm. Then he kissed it again. And again. Then he pulled you closer, getting up so fast you didn’t make sense of how he made you sit on the desk getting so close that the only thing you could do was wrap your arms around his neck and let him guide the kiss the way he wished. It was only when he started to adventure on your jaw instead, going around it to reach the soft spot under your ear that you managed to breathe out.
“What about-” your fingers dug into his shirt, gathering the material underneath them, “the curse? The touch?” 
Haechan ignored you, peppering wet kisses all over your throat, making your breath quiver and your legs tighten around his hips. 
Your hands moved from his hard shoulders to his hair, finally sliding your fingers into the thickness of it, feeling how soft it was. Every touch on your skin felt like burning and you didn’t know if it was good or bad but it felt so nice you didn’t want him to stop. 
“Haechan,” you moaned when he slid his thumbs on top of your bust, pulling down your shirt for a moment and the bra with it. His hands went to your spine, supporting you and pushing his face against your breasts, making you throw your head back. The view made him grunt and he came back to the base of your throat, sucking on the tender skin until it stung, and wetting the spots with his tongue. That tongue then slid into your mouth again, both whining into each other’s mouths, too hungry for touch to let yourselves breathe properly. 
“You look like you’re in pain. Are you sure you’re okay?” you managed to talk again as he rested his forehead on yours for a moment. 
“I am in pain because I feel like I’m going to cum in my fucking pants any moment now,” his eyes twinkled and your thighs twitched under his fingertips, gently going up and down on top of your jeans. “I don’t know why I am still here and not getting tortured somewhere underground right now but I want to make the most of it if perhaps I need to go soon.” 
The implication of that made your skin shiver. You didn’t know if you wanted to know what the most of it meant. 
“Are you scared?” he murmured against your ear. “You can tell me to stop and I will,” he repeated the same thing you told him. But just like him, you remained quiet. 
“Please take care of me,” you only whispered and Haechan’s eyes never got that dark, not even when he saw Mark. 
He could have snapped his fingers and gotten rid of your clothes, but instead he took his time, slowly sliding his fingers underneath your soft sweater, feeling the warm skin of your stomach, fondling your body until getting it off completely, all while his tongue never stopped swirling with yours.
The circles he drew on your back going to unclasp your bra could have been some ancient language that only expressed love because you couldn’t have imagined that kind of touch to mean anything else.
And when the fabric of the clothes touched the ground and you were naked in his arms he finally let your lips go, breathing heavily against them, and slid his t-shirt off by the collar, piling the indument on top of yours. His chest against you made you whine and grab at his toned body.
He was hot at the touch and his scent made you nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck to get more, while his quick but delicate hands reached the button of your jeans. 
“Lift your hips for me, baby,” he murmured against the crown of your head and you did as he asked, supporting yourself on his shoulders.
He pulled at your bottoms, sliding them down your thighs, his gaze never leaving yours for a moment.
Your chest brushed against his nose and he reached down, peppering kisses all over your cleavage. You mewled when he let go to get rid of your jeans and you inhaled deeply, holding tight on the edge of the desk when he dropped on his knees to free your ankles off the fabric and started to gently kiss them. He came up your legs, accompanying his soft trails with his hands, feeling your body until reaching the softness of your thighs.
You imperceptibly tightened them and his eyes darted towards you. It was a silent command and you felt like covering your face with your hands as you opened wider for him. 
“Good girl,” his breath was hot and the sound of his voice vibrated along your skin getting you goosebumps. Your body was flinching at every touch and the closer he got the faster your chest rose and fell, until you couldn’t take it anymore and just moaned his name, pushing your hips against his face. You heard him chuckle and he didn’t waste any time. The feeling of his tongue on your clothed clit made you gasp and you pushed his hair off his forehead. 
“Can I mess up your hair?” you murmured.
“You can do whatever you want to me,” he replied, his husky voice travelling down your core and making your spine curve. 
You got it now. Everything Haechan showed you from his memories was true. The heaviness of his feelings, the desire, the fear, the passion, it was all real. 
You couldn’t imagine not being his lover. While you were there, spread for him and at his mercy, you couldn’t imagine not being on his side, not falling in love with him. 
The little tug at your panties made you focus your thoughts back on him.
“Are you perhaps getting bored, gorgeous?” he clicked his tongue. 
You felt like laughing and shaking your head. 
“I’m just thinking-” you started but the way your panties were slowly descending down your thighs and knees while Haechan wasn’t touching them made you interrupt yourself. 
“Yeah?” he kissed the inner thigh and you shivered, the thought of him seeing every centimetre of you from his position making you unable to focus anymore. 
“I was thinking that I am sure of it,” you repeated. 
Haechan’s soft and plump lips made their way further between your legs and you closed your eyes for a moment all breathy. 
“Sure of what, darling?” 
“That you’re my lover and I am definitely not here to kill you,” you explained with a certain difficulty. 
Haechan stopped right above your sweet spot and you had to bite your lower lip, the anticipation making you lose your mind. 
“A little kiss made you sure of it?” his eyes were dark but amused. 
He looked breathtaking. 
“You know it’s not just because of a little kiss.” 
Haechan’s breath was hot and tingly on your sensitivity. “I know,” he replied and didn’t give you any time to adjust as he gave you a slow and deep lick on your clit making you gasp loudly. 
He hummed pleased at the reaction and he repeated it, again and again until he was satisfied with the sounds you were making. Then he went lower, dipping his tongue inside of you, making you grab at his hair. 
“Oh my God,” you whimpered and you heard the buzz of his laugh at your word choice. 
Your thighs got closer as he increased the speed and you noticed the red tint of his ears pressed against your skin.
It made your chest bloom with affection and it just increased the shivers on your spine as he kitty licked and sucked on you, the hums against you sounding more and more hungry.
His hands felt wide on your ass as he pulled you even closer to his mouth and you had to support yourself on his shoulders. 
“Please,” you started to chant at the way he flicked his tongue. 
His jaw flinched and the moment he directed his gaze on you, two deep cuts under his messy hair, your whole body trembled in his arms.
He lifted his hands and you intertwined your fingers with his as with a last suck you came against his tongue. His name was on your lips like a mantra, laced with swears that to Haechan’s ears sounded like the most divine compliments. His warm mouth was still on you when your breath started to slow down and the little licks he’d give your pulsating pussy made your whole body jolt in spasms. 
“Enough, please,” you mewled at the overstimulation and Haechan listened, peppering kisses on your stomach instead, going up to gently bite the underside of your breasts, sucking on the spot, before giving your hard nipples a cheeky lick. 
You hummed, brain still mush from the high, but body already reacting to Haechan’s touch. He didn’t stop this time, letting you feel his wet and hot tongue, sucking on one bud then another, diligently.
Your legs wrapped around his waist and you let him slowly push you on the desk until your back was resting on top of the Tarot spread. With the corner of your eyes you saw the Devil card and you wondered if it was alright for you to get fucked on it. 
As if reading your mind Haechan murmured against your neck. “As much as I’d love to take you on this same desk you need to be loved properly on my bed instead.” 
His voice was so husky and deep that you felt yourself getting wet again and the way the stubble on his chin felt rubbing against your throat just stirred you even more. 
“I am not against you taking me on this desk,” you slid your palms on his face and brought it to yours, kissing him slowly. 
“That’s going to be for the next time, when I can bend you over it,” he replied against your lips and before you could realize it, your back hit a mattress instead and Haechan’s weight on top of you felt overwhelmingly good. His scent was all around you, his pillows, his room, the sheets you had to grab onto as you felt his delicate fingers dipping inside of you. 
The wet sound felt even dirtier in the dim lights of his bedroom, the deep silence interrupted only by the slow pumping and his mouth on your chest. 
His name came back on your lips and you found yourself spread even more for him to reach deeper inside of you. Like a switch, he found your sweetest spot and your body seized up, curling your toes in the air. 
“There it is. I didn’t forget it,” his amused whisper lingered on your lips, mixed with his moaned name. He curled his fingers so deliciously, hitting the same spot repeatedly as fast as your quick breath. 
“I am going to cum, I am going to-” your quickening voice announces and Haechan hummed deeply. 
“Yeah? Cum for me again, baby, let go.” 
“Fuck,” you dug your nails into his body and the last thing you saw was his veiny forearm stilling between your legs as you pushed your head into the pillows. 
“Good good girl,” Haechan’s voice brought you back from the radio silence your brain threw you in. “You need to relax a bit so I can get my hand back,” he added with a light chuckle and you realized his fingers were still buried deep inside of you as you clenched around them. 
You tried to catch your breath and focus your gaze on him. Not once in your life you’ve felt that inebriated. 
And when you felt his wet fingers on your lips you just opened your mouth and sucked on them slowly with a hum, letting your tongue on the underside of them. 
Haechan inhaled. “I know you’re so fucking dirty. I just want to discover it little by little,” he leaned against your ear, sliding his fingers off your mouth. You let them go with a plop and gulped as he dragged that wet hand on his lower stomach, putting a little show for you as he reached his cock and lazily stroked it. He groaned softly and the small fuck that escaped your mouth at the view made him lean back down, resting his wide hand near your pillow and making you watch the way he aligned himself to your needy pussy and softly pushed inside. 
You pressed your face against his forearm at the sensation, grabbing at his bicep and he exhaled. 
“God,” he murmured, “you’re perfect.” 
You whined again, feeling stretched and full and he searched for your eyes after stopping moving. “Are you okay?” 
He rubbed your face with one hand and kissed your cheek, then your temple. You let out a faint yes and wrapped his neck with your arms, pulling him into a deep kiss. You felt him growing inside of you a bit more and the thought of feeling him all made you clench. 
“You can move,” you whispered against his lips and he gave you another small kiss before gently pushing his hips forward. The first thrust was smooth and it made you open your mouth to breathe better, the second made you curl your toes and the third, deeper, made you roll your eyes back. 
“Demon or not you’re going to make me nut so fucking quickly,” Haechan’s voice was breathy. 
“You can cum wherever you want to,” you entangled your fingers in his hair. The man rubbed his face in the crook of your neck. 
“You can’t say stuff like that to me or I’ll break you,” he replied and as a demonstration his hips snapped and you gasped at the way he managed to bottom out. 
“Does it hurt?” he murmured and you shook your head unable to speak. “Does it feel good?” he tried with a little smirk and you nodded, wrapping your legs tightly around his hips. 
“Fuck, baby,” Haechan thrust once, then twice, until the wet sound got drowned by the skin-slapping sound of his hips against your ass.
Haechan’s bed started to creak and he pushed one hand on the headboard above your head, giving you a better view of his body moving inside of you. 
“Shit shit shit,” you grabbed at the sheets, pulling and twirling. Haechan grabbed them and held them on each side of your head, intertwining his fingers with you to let you squeeze as hard as you wanted to. His mouth was so close to yours but you were both unable to kiss. You’ve never thought of how hot a whining man could sound and the thought of you being responsible for those sounds made your head even dizzier. 
“I want you to cum inside of me, please,” you begged and Haechan moaned harshly against your neck. 
“Ah shit I can’t-” he choked on his breath and rose to his knees, pulling out frantically and releasing on your stomach. 
The view knocked the breath out of your lungs. His messy hair partially hiding his lustful eyes, his chest, his veiny hand still stroking his cock, his plump abused lips still letting small groans escape. 
His cum was hot on your skin and you desperately wanted it inside of you. 
“Give me a second if you don’t want my child,” he exhaled, a lingering amusement on his now relaxed expression. 
“What are you trying to do?” you asked, the thought stirring something in you. 
“Contraception,” he lifted one eyebrow. 
“And if I want the child?” you smiled. 
“Don’t mess with me,” he leaned down, giving you a quick peck. Whatever demonic magic he did was done already because he didn’t miss any more time. His cock felt heavy on your lower stomach, and when he started to rub it between your folds, his tip pushing against your clit, your arms flew back around his neck. The slick made him slide back in so easily that you could just gasp. 
“Hmm, yeah, you’re taking me so well.” 
The praise went to your fucked up head and you could just throw your head back and moan his name again.
The pace was so fast and his thrust so deep that you could feel him inside your gut. Haechan messily kissed your lips and face, murmuring low shhs and nothingness in your ears, laced with curses with his husky needy voice.
His body was hot, caging you underneath him and you felt so full and so safe, you felt loved and desired. 
The emotion that bloomed in your chest imitated the feeling nesting in your stomach, about to burst.
You wanted to tell him many things but you couldn’t find any good words, so you just pulled him tightly and brushed your lips together, chanting his name. 
“Cum for me again, baby,” he grunted and you spasmed in his arms as he pushed you into the mattress again and again until your shaky moans and eyes rolled back in your head making him still inside of you, feeling you rhythmically pulsating around him.
The sounds he made as he released inside of you were the most erotic thing you’ve ever heard in your life. 
 You jolted in your sleep, feeling around you and finding the bed empty but warm. 
“I’m still here,” Haechan murmured, his shadow getting closer. The bed dipped as he laid down and you inhaled his scent as he slid under the covers to pull you to his chest. 
“I thought-” you started but then stopped, the image of Haechan screaming on the ground after your touch still haunting you. 
“I didn’t go anywhere. I am fine,” he added. His arms felt strong around your shoulders and his gentle hands slowly rubbing your head and back were lulling you back to sleep. 
“Jeno said it’s possible that the curse lifted after we touched the first time. Single usage.” 
You lifted your head, resting your chin on his chest. You couldn’t clearly see his features but his eyes were shining in the dark. 
“You’re saying that we could have touched all of this time and we just didn’t?” 
Haechan’s soft chuckle warmed your face. “Mark humour I guess.” 
You rested your head back on him, listening to his calming heartbeat. 
“Are the guys back?” 
Haechan hummed. “It’s Christmas. Selene will arrive soon. I expect Doyoung to come by in the night of the New Year.” 
You nuzzled your head further into him and Haechan turned to the side, resting his face on top of your head. The little peck he left warmed you all up. 
“I want to come with you wherever you go,” you whispered.
Haechan didn’t comment. 
“Promise me,” you tried to lift your head to see his eyes again but a sudden light invaded your irises. 
You wanted to scream and ask what was going on, but Haechan was on his feet already with you behind his back. You put your hands on his back to balance yourself. 
“Oh fuck,” he exhaled and turned around. “Hold onto me tight! Never let go!” was the last thing you heard him say as the floor opened and swallowed you both. 
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