#but it is a little concerning how many just had the guns themselves out in the open 😬
always-a-slut-4-ghouls ¡ 7 months
People say scatterbrained but I feel like my brain is shotgun pellets
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atinylittlepain ¡ 2 years
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Big Fan - Part Two
Joel Miller x actress!reader
joel miller masterlist
Joel is smitten. But he's having a hard time figuring out when she's being real and when she's just acting.
warnings | 18+ lil angst, mostly fluff, fun times abound
a/n | this is a continuation of a request that I was not expecting so many people to like lol, read the first part here!
“Real or fake?”
“Oh, definitely fake. I still don’t think I know how to hold a gun right. Those were all just plasticky props.” Joel laughs with a shake of his head as she shrugs. They’re sitting in the spot they usually find themselves in as the sun starts to turn syrupy over the mountains, Joel’s arm draped across the back of the bench seat on her porch with her ever so slightly leaning into his side. By the time he says goodnight to her, he knows she’ll be melted right under his arm, pressed fully into his side, since that’s how these nights tend to unravel. 
It’s been entirely too sweet, all this time he’s been spending with her. They’ll talk for hours, well into the night, but not without a few interruptions. Word had spread fast around Jackson about the pre-apocalyptic starlet, and Ellie was right, it wasn’t just Joel who had been a big fan of hers before. It was typically women, recognizing her from some sappy movie he remembers Sarah liking, stopping by her porch to tell her that they loved her work and if she needed anything at all, to not hesitate to ask. Joel couldn’t help but roll his eyes at these displays, but she always handled it with an awkward grace, giving them a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Not like the smiles she gave to him.
The men that show up are a different story. Joel would like to do a bit more than roll his eyes at them, with the way they lean up against the railing, shooting her crooked grins and telling her how they just can’t believe there’s someone “so darn pretty” calling Jackson home. But she treats them just the same as the others that show up, a clean smile and a few polite words, a far cry from the sailor’s mouth Joel has found her to have around him. And he thought he couldn’t like her more than he already did. 
After a few of these visitors had come by, Joel had fixed her with a quirked look, asking her if she was “putting on a show for these folks.” She had shrugged with a grin, and that’s how this game they play came about of Joel asking her what was real, and what was fake.
“They didn’t have someone teaching you that?” She sighs, nudging a little closer into his side.
“Mm, no. Think they were a little more concerned with how my tits looked behind the machine gun than if I was holding it right.” Joel clears his throat, her crass language flustering him a bit, and she seems to know it, giggling lightly as she looks up at him.
“Well, you seem to be holding your own just fine. But I could, um, give you some pointers some time if you want. Check out your form.” He regrets those last words the instant they come out of his mouth while she throws her head back against his shoulder in a hard laugh. He grumbles, heat creeping up his neck as her cackling finally dies down. She sighs, craning her neck to catch his downturned gaze.
“You wanna check out my form, Joel?” He huffs as she dissolves back into laughter, leaning over her thighs with her elbows propping her up. This was also something that often happened during their time together. Joel would manage to put his foot in his mouth, looking like a “hopeless fool” as Ellie lovingly put it, and she’d start teasing him until he could barely stand it. They flirted like dumb teenagers with each other, Joel wasn’t so thick that he couldn’t see that. But it never went any further than her resting her cheek against his chest in the darkening night, his arm sliding to drape over her. He knows it's silly, but he'd really like for it to go further.
She glances over her shoulder at him, sighing as her laughter finally dies down.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. No more teasing, I promise.” She leans back into his side as he shakes his head.
“Have a hard time believing that, darlin.” He savors the effect that little name has on her, the melty smile she offers him whenever he calls her that. She smacks his knee before squeezing it lightly.
“Pfft, be nice, Miller. After all, you did have my poster in your bedroom.” She can barely get the words out behind her giggles. Joel tries to press a scowl across his face, but he dissolves too easily at her bright laughter, a defeated chuckle leaving his lips. 
“Alright, I couldn’t help myself. But I’m done now, I swear. In all seriousness, I’d appreciate that. You checking out my form. Could probably learn a thing or two from you.” She settles down into his side, the spot that Joel likes her in the most. He lets his arm slip down around her shoulder, hand brushing idly along her forearm.
“Why don’t we go out tomorrow for a little target practice? You can show me what you got, hollywood.” She snorts at that, hand squeezing his knee again.
“Sounds good, Texas. I’m game.”
“Real or fake?” She stops walking for a moment, a shy grin crinkling up her face. Joel chuckles.
“No, really?” She shrugs, picking back up the pace. They’re hiking out to a clearing Joel had used a few times to help Ellie with her target practice, a bright spring day that has them both dressed down in t-shirts, packs loosely slung over their shoulders.
“It was just a publicity stunt. Two co-stars in love. Certainly sold movie tickets, I can tell you that. But no, it was very, very fake. Truthfully, I couldn’t stand the guy.” He can’t help but laugh at her admission, shaking his head as they keep moving.
“My daughter had the biggest crush on that guy. I can remember her telling me she thought you were the luckiest lady alive to be dating him.” He lets out a long sigh. It’s been getting easier, talking about Sarah. Less of a pain and more of a relief in getting to remember her and share it with people he cares about, but a twinge still runs through his heart when he talks about her. She has been easy to talk to about it, letting him share as much or as little as he wants to, in turn telling him about her own family that she had lost, a little sister that she never got to see again. He couldn’t help being surprised at how easily they both talked with each other, coming from two completely different worlds. Though he supposes they share a whole lot more in this world they live in now.
She hums, glancing over her shoulder at him.
“Yeah, her and everybody else thought that I’m pretty sure. Such a shame he was actually a total asshat.” He snorts at that, picking up his pace to walk alongside her.
“Asshat. That’s a new one. You’ll have to share that one with Ellie. Kid’s always looking to expand her, uh, vocabulary.” She grins at him, eyes crinkling up as she laughs.
“Oh, I know. I taught her “douchebag” last week.” Joel huffs as she giggles at his exasperated expression, muttering a low “was wondering where she picked that up.” 
They fall into a comfortable silence as they reach the clearing and Joel is quick to shrug off his pack and take out the old street signs he and Ellie had painted targets on, setting them up against a stand of trees. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say she had been checking him out as he turned back around to her. But he knows better, right?
He sidles up next to her and hands her the pistol he had brought along. 
“Alright, show me how you’d normally stand.” She nods, staggering her feet slightly and cocking the gun up in one hand. Joel sighs, shaking his head as he comes up behind her.
“Almost as bad as Ellie, Jesus christ. Here–” He guides her one hand up to clasp over her other hand, bringing both his arms around her to firm up her grip with a light press of his palms. He can hear the clipped inhale she takes, can feel the stuttered rise of her shoulders from where his chest is hovering against her back. He clears his throat, leaving one more firm touch over her hands before stepping back.
“Thumb over thumb. Ain’t nobody gonna knock it out of your hands that way. And two hands are always steadier than one.” She hums in confirmation, glancing back over her shoulder at him. He nods toward the makeshift targets.
“Let’s see what kinda damage you can do, darlin.” It happens so quick, Joel can barely pick his jaw up off the ground as she turns around with a bright smile. She smoked it, hitting all three targets dead center without so much as a flinch. She saunters back over to him with a chuckle at his slack expression. 
“Where the hell did you learn how to do that?” She shrugs.
“What can I say? You learn early on as an actress to always hit your mark. Thanks for the tip though, definitely made it easier to stay steady.” She goes to hand him back the pistol and he clasps his hand around hers, pulling her a little closer.
“You didn’t need my help, not really.” She just shrugs, a crooked grin on her face as she looks at him. Joel huffs.
“So why exactly did you wanna do target practice with me?” She steps a little closer, bringing her hand that’s not clasped in his up to splay over his chest.
“Maybe I just wanted to spend a little more time with you, Miller. Is that so bad?” Joel sighs, shaking his head and letting go of her hand to drag his through his hair.
“Christ, you can’t just say shit like that. Not when–” Her brow is furrowed as she cuts him off.
“Not when what?” He huffs, keeping his eyes on his boots.
“Not when you don’t really mean it.” The laugh she lets out shocks him into meeting her gaze again. She shakes her head at him.
“Who says I don’t mean it?” His head is spinning at her words, at the warm look she’s giving him and he has to scrunch his eyes shut to refocus on reality. His eyes flicker back open when he feels her palm coming up to cup his jaw.
“Joel, if you don’t believe it, just ask me. I haven’t lied to you once.” At first, he’s not quite sure what she means, but when he finally gets it, he lets out a long sigh.
“Alright. Real or fake– you’ve been flirting with me.” She smiles, her fingers lightly drumming against his chest.
“Real or fake– you flirt with everyone.” She scoffs, shaking her head.
“Fake, and I’m insulted too, geez.” It’s playful, but Joel is already posing his next question.
“Real or fake– you like flirting with me because you like messing with me.” She laughs at that.
“Hmm, fake. But also a little real.” His brow furrows, but she just smiles.
“Real or fake–” She cuts him off, bringing both her arms to wrap over his shoulders.
“Wait a minute. It’s my turn. I’m gonna do something, and you tell me if it’s real or fake.” Before he can ask her what she’s going to do, she’s leaning up and guiding him down with her hand at the nape of his neck, brushing a fluttering kiss to his lips. Joel’s mind goes blank, the only thing he can focus on are her eyes as she pulls back just slightly. She grins.
“Well, was that real or–” He cuts her off this time, dipping back down for a much more demanding kiss, bringing his hands to cup her face. They both pull away a bit breathless and Joel lets out a laugh, his thumb stroking the arc of her cheek.
“Real. That was very real.”
taglist: @littleshadow17 @stevesdick @agent007knight @inanni
863 notes ¡ View notes
1u11ablues ¡ 4 months
0 Days Since [Part 2] (Simon Riley x Reader)
Part 1
WC: 1.8k
Warning: Self-harm, angst, slight miscommunication
Reader overheard something that sets them spiralling.
"I wonder if it's truly worth it sometimes; the damn trouble of loving someone so fucking much that their pain cuts through you just as deep."
Soap reached for a firm squeeze on Ghost's shoulders; a reassurance, a silent understanding. 
"That, you have to decide for yourself, L.t."
He had decided that long ago. That he'll nudge you little by little out of your hole, cheer you up in his own gruff way for the little accomplishments—even as his body burned from the fire your resistance was determined to keep him out. 
A routine. Some tough love. It started as a concerned lieutenant wanting to help their sergeant from their own self-destruction. 
One morning he came to you and asked you to run with him—telling you that your stamina isn't  as good as everyone else's—and it just bloomed from there. 
It snuck up to him so unexpectedly; the affection, the want; that he was heaving at the end of one of your many running sessions with your hands on his back, as worried for him as he was for you before.
And then you told him that you liked him. And he told you that this could not happen.
But he sought you out anyway. "You're not getting off of our run just because I rejected you."
He found that he didn't like the distance you'd put in between you both. You said it's for your own good, because heartbreak was not something you could afford to be going through right then. Which was about the time that he found out you engaged in more self-destructive mechanisms than the drinking and smoking.
He couldn't stand it; you pushing him away further from your life when he wanted to know how you were doing, what you were up to. It was the frustration that made him confess.
"Fine! You fucking win, are you happy? I want to know how you are because I fucking care about you."
"I know you do-"
"No, you don't."
Somehow, you could read just what his eyes were saying.
"Lieutenant, I-"
"It's Simon. You call me Simon and I'm yours. And you tell me every single fucking thing that has you crying and hurting yourself, and you promise me you won't be doing that last part anymore."
It's worth it. Everything he'd done, he'd do all over again. Even if seeing you at your worst was part of it. Because one day, you'd finally see yourself how he sees you; hard headed, strong-willed, every bit as beautiful.
He strode to your quarters, body subconsciously bringing him to your door whenever his mind found its way to you, and saw that your door was unlocked. 
This morning, you look like you were finally starting to wash away the thick sludge of guilt and remorse that's chaining you to your bed, and he wanted to bring you out for a lap around the base. Just a walk. Just so your body knows that it's still pumping blood, your heart still beating.
He decided to open the door after a light knock. 
Your form, hunched away from him on the bed, a silhouette that stirred the uneasiness in the pits of his stomach. A ruined cupcake to the left, blue icing staining your covers.
You tensed. A sniffle. You've been crying.
Slow, gentle steps; him not wanting to startle you. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"
And then, a glint of metal. Freshly bloodied, the sight cutting deep into his heart. 
No , he thought, you were doing so, so well.
He didn't mention the relapse, didn't look at you like it was your fault, his mind scrambling to search for a reason for this to happen. His hands reach out to cover yours; the one holding the razor. As if taking a gun gently from someone threatening to hurt someone else—or just themselves.
"Talk to me, tell me what's wrong."
"It's my one year anniversary." You look at your arms. "Well, almost."
One year. Grueling, he's sure. But something to be proud of, right? What went wrong?
He rubbed a hand on your back, sensed you pulling away just a fraction. A fraction too much. He did something wrong. It was him, somehow, that made you relapsed, and he knew this because you weren't staring at him from the moment he'd entered your room.
"Love, did I do something wrong?"
Your shoulder slumped. He took that as a yes.
He moved with urgency, kneeling in front of you to look up into your face—with no care that his trousers were now stained by your blood. That, he could wash later. This? Untreated, it would spread. Take you with it, after all the hard work you'd done to heal.
"You have to tell me so I can fix it, sweetheart. I can't do anything if you don't say anything."
"You can't fix me. I'm not- I'm not worth your effort, Ghost."
Sometimes I think to myself if it's all worth it.
You'd hear but a snippet of what he'd said, and ran with it. Looking for a reason to confirm to yourself that you weren't enough. He hated that you think that way.
"Did you overheard me earlier, love? While I was with Johnny?"
At least you cared enough to nod.
"Listen. You misheard me, soldier. What I was talking about was  not about your worth. It's- how do I explain this-"
He wasn't one to talk this much, especially when it comes to such things as feelings. But, if it'll help you, then God help him, he'll exhaust his words for the year just to let you know how fucking wrong your perceptions of yourself are.
"-it's about love. And pain. If one can exist without the other."
At this, you finally reciprocated his stare.
"You're in pain?"
He chuckled. Trust you to ask about his well-being while he's worried to death about yours.
"Not much more than usual. I was telling Johnny how it hurts me to see you spiral. Every relapse, every self-loathing comment. It hurts me as much as it hurts you, love."
He stood up. Headed to your dresser.
"Stay there, I'll clean you up."
He pulled a brown bandana from the top drawer and wet the fabric with the water from an unopened bottle set on top of your nightstand.
"If it hurts, why bother even staying?"
Gently, his hands worked on patting and wiping off the dried blood from your arms. The first aid kit already by his side, easily obtained.
"Because seeing you happy makes it all worth it. That you'd eventually heal, and be able to see the world like you did before—I would take helping you through millions of nights like these just so I can see you smile again one day. And mean it."
There was a time for tough love. There were times for coddling. Right now, he had no idea what you wanted, which way he should push to lift you up from your episode. So he settled for just being there; his default. Trusted you to tell him should you need anything. After all, you and him did try to be better at communicating.
"I have to start all over again."
It must've been disheartening, watching one's progress go down the drain like that. He didn't want this minor shortcoming to wrench you off your path to recovery, so he hoped his presence, his words—however little—would help.
"Recovery is not a linear thing, love. You get sidetracked. Thrown off. What matters is you go back to your path after that and continue on. Your effort before was not wasted because of this."
"It wasn't?"
His eyes soft as he looked up at you, trying to dab antiseptic on your cuts as gently as he can while he played mentor. 
"No. It's like muscle memory; you already have the skills to do it. All you have to do now is continue with the practice. I'll help you, see?"
A bandage, two, plastered on your freshly medicated cuts.
"If you forgot, I'll remind you again. You're worthy. You're needed. You're going to be okay. I love you. Over and over, until your brain accepts that as normal."
Three bandages. Four. There were more than he expected.
"I don't want you exhausted."
His thumb caressed the tear stains from your cheek.
"Do you get tired, helping me through my flashbacks, my nightmares?"
 You shook your head. He knew what your answer would be, asked it anyway to make his point. You loved him just as much. Had helped him through harder moments.
"Then why do you think I'd be tired of you? I'm a fucking soldier. Been through wars. Hell of battles. A partner in need is the least of my worries."
"I guess-"
"No guess. Be sure. What is it that made you doubt me?"
Your eyes widened, hands shooting up towards the sides of his face to hold him, pull him close. He leaned further into you.
"I don't doubt you. I doubt myself. I always thought you were with me out of pity."
He snorted. Pull your head down to plant a kiss on your forehead.
"I don't do pity. Not like this. I don't make it my mission to help someone through something unless I really fucking like them. "
It was honestly insulting how little you thought of yourself and of his impression of you. Scarcely had he kissed the mouth of a bottle as soon as you started dating, wanting to be a good example that it could be done. The cigarettes he'd bought months ago, untouched in the pocket of his coat. You both agreed to this; to discard the harmful coping mechanisms for better ones.
He never fucking cared how bad the substance was to his physique. But as soon as you mention wanting to be each other's accountability partner, he quit everything cold-turkey, like an idiot. 
There's no one else he would rather go through withdrawals with.
"I fucking like you. I love you. You don't get to assume how I feel about you, darling."
Your gaze slid to your side. Reaching for the smashed cupcake, pout evident on your face— but not from being upset—you carried the treat gently into the palms of your hands like you were holding a baby bird.
"This was supposed to be for you. As thanks."
"Has it been on the floor?"
You shook your head.
"Just a little rough handling. And my bed."
He leaned down to take a bite of it. Have you wipe the blue off his lips with your thumb, the smell of antiseptic piercing his nose.
"I love you too, Simon. Let's start again."
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rockethorse ¡ 5 months
Calcinidae Bay Lot Tour: Marine Discovery Centre
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I finally got around to picking the terrains I wanted to use for Calcinidae Bay's subhoods, so the Bay now officially has a(n as-of-yet unnamed) Downtown! Yay! Let's take a look through the only currently-finished lot there, the Marine Discovery Centre and Aquarium.
First I wanna shout out @dirtfauna for suggesting I build an aquarium and getting me thinking about this in the first place! As I was putting on the finishing touches I was also inspired by seeing @lolabythebaysims's gorgeous lot influenced by the Belle Isle Aquarium.
Before I get into the lot, I need to show the original Sims 4 shell for reference. It's "what the.. shell?" uploaded to the Gallery by simbellaz, and as you'll see, it was both perfect for and wildly impractical as the basis for an aquarium.
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I don't normally go for shell challenges that have so many internal walls, but all those little 1-tile-wide hallways were practically SCREAMING to be made into fish tanks! The external "walls" you see added to my TS2 shell are all either actually half-walls, fences, or just windows placed with moveobjects, all of which are allowed within a standard shell challenge. It may seem like a cop-out, but it's more limiting/challenging than you'd think.
But enough preamble. Let's take a look inside!
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The entrance is also a small gift shop. It seems like every aquarium I've ever been to has also sold jewellery. Don't ask me about my tiny penguin earrings.
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I really wanted a "fish tank tunnel" vibe, and the effect was... almost perfect, lol. Close enough for a shell challenge IMO. I so so badly wanted to break my CC-free rule to place some fish shaders, but I'm glad I stuck to my guns because I think the solution I came up with looks goofy but effective. (Plus you wouldn't see them in build/buy anyway.)
Ooohhhh jellyfish tank ooohhhhhh they're so lifelike and graceful
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I have my fun.
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That little "airlock" room is a fun pirate-y undersea exhibit that connects to the outside and is probably where school field trips would loop around rather than heading upstairs.
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Through the pirate's cabin is a touch pool and tactile play room where kids can inspect rubber anatomical fish models. I like to imagine the TV plays a short looping movie featuring a B-grade celebrity talking to a cartoon bass about the water cycle, fish spawn, and pollution.
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The outdoor area is where the field trip groups would probably eat their packed lunches, fill out activity sheets, and take a commemorative photo with the world's worst greenscreen that's supposed to make it look like you're underwater but just ends up eating half your hair and shirt.
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If you're not a student and you're just here for the love of fish, you'd probably head upstairs to get a closer look at the fish tunnel, smaller specialty tanks, and the squid/octopus models. (This room is technically considered outdoors thanks to the shell so tbh I'm not sure how lighting/temperature would behave during gameplay.)
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The third floor has more tanks, some hands-on displays about aquatic plants and marine ecology, and finally a room with the actual floor-to-ceiling aquarium objects.
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I thought this would be an interesting lot to run as an owned business, so I included a small employee area tucked behind the guest toilet block on the ground floor. It also helped to naturalistically answer "how would Sims feed themselves if their outing wouldn't stop complaining they were hungry," a concern I keep in mind whenever I make a lot I think would be a nice place to take a date.
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And here's the floorplan! This lot had a pretty severe ugly stage but I'm really really happy with what we ended up with and the vibe I achieved without any CC. Hope you enjoyed reading this far and that it could give you some decorating inspiration!
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I’d love to request a fic with a female reader and a angsty/comfort storyline with the Bad Batch.
For a broad storyline I was thinking something by along the lines of a female reader joining the Bad Batch (per Hunter’s idea) and Crosshair and/or Echo not being very happy about it. However they eventually they come around to having another girl in the group.❤️
Winning Approval
Clone Force 99 x Platonic!Reader
Summary- You felt as if you were living a purpose-less life, so when Hunter asks you to join his crew, you say yes! Not everyone on the force is as happy though... Takes place during and after Season 1, Ep. 2.
A/N- Thank you so much for requesting! I appreciate it so much, but I think I'm done writing platonic xD. This was sooo hard for me to write. I love the challenge, but i'm not sure how great my platonic writing skills are!
Word Count- 1,454
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Growing up, helping people seemed natural. You remember discovering this when your old friend Kaiya fell and scratched her knee. It was second nature to dress her wound and comfort her. You were nine at the time.
Your mother enrolled you in medical classes as much as she could, you learned how to set bones, stitch holes, and treat infections. Amongst many other skills.
The city you lived in was soon taken over by the empire, but you found a way out before it was too late. That's where you found yourself- living with Suu and her husband Cut. The two had taken you in when they found out your home had been destroyed.
It didn't hurt when you found out you and Suu's parents knew each other in their youth.
When you had stumbled onto Hunter- he and his crew had set off a trap you had set in the fields. Your gun raised at him was lowered by Cut, claiming he knew them.
Things blurred together since then, everything moved so fast. Having to relocate away from the empire again was not something you fashioned. You were tired of running, and expressed your concerns.
Hunter initially suggested dropping you off at the planet of your choice, (a repayment for taking care of one of Omegas wounds).
Crash landing on a moon wasn't on anyone's roster, but it happened nonetheless. It did, however, give yourself an opportunity to prove yourself to them.
You helped Tech repair a part of the hyper-drive, earning his favor.
You shared your rations with Wrecker, earning his approval.
You played and entertained with Omega, earning her and Hunters trust.
Last was Echo. You wanted him to like you, as you enjoyed everyone's company. They were so kind to you, and didn't pay any mind to flaws. They knew themselves that they were defective- what was one more defect?
Maybe you were in over your head, would they really accept you as a member of their squad? They just met you a week ago. For all they knew you were an Empire spy... You couldn't deny that you wanted to stay though. You felt like you belonged- finally.
When Echo still avoided you like the plague and the ship was ready to fly again, you felt like you had run out of time. You sulked around the ship for awhile, waiting for Hunter to ask where you wanted to be dropped off.
That was until you noticed- he hadn't asked you. It had been hours and he had said nothing about you leaving.
This made you crack, anxiety like ice through your veins.
"Hunter, I mean this in the least selfish way possible. But, why haven't you asked where I wanted to go yet? What planet?" You thought you messed up when his face fell. He looked dissapointed?
"Well, we were hoping you would want to stay. We were going to formally ask, but Wrecker and Omega are still making the poster." He rubbed the pack of his neck and chuckled a little bit. "Would you like to join us? If not, that's completely understandable. Just name the planet and we will be headed there." He stated, making sure you knew you had options.
"R-really? You guys want me to join you?" You wanted to smack your head at how cliche you sounded. Though, you didn't have time to think on it, as Hunter started talking again.
"We don't have an official medic. While Tech possesses all the knowledge needed, he doesn't have a, uh how do I put it? A steady hand when it comes to medical means." He reasoned.
"You are more than capable as we've seen, and between Wrecker and Omega we need a medic- bad." You smiled at this. You felt a purpose. Someone needed you! You would be able to help your squad and civilians you came across on any journey.
Before you could respond, Omega and Wrecker barreled through the mid-section of the ship. Omega held a small banner in her hand, and Wrecker a large sheet of paper. It was full of colorful pictures, drawn by the two.
Your heart warmed at the effort they put in, all to make you feel welcomed.
"How could I say no? You guys have been so perfect to me, and I want to help you guys as much as I can." You smiled up at Hunter, he patted you on the shoulder. His way of officially letting you on the squad.
After that day, things started to move more smoothly. Yeah, you had some bad run-ins, almost got captured a few times, and had many near-death experiences. But, you were with your family through it all. The only problem was Echo.
Maybe 'problem' wasn't too nice of a word. Echo never did anything wrong. He just, never seemed to like your company. You guessed he didn't have to like you, not everyone would. Because of this, you pushed back your guilty feelings surrounding him. That was until you over-heard a conversation between him and Hunter.
"Something feels off about her." Echo told Hunter. You couldn't see either of them, and didn't want to expose your position by moving.
"Yeah, and what's that?"
"I can't place it. I don't understand how everyone can just accept her, no questions asked." Echo sounded confused.
"She's shown us many times that she can handle herself. Plus, Omega needs another female on the ship.'' Hunter defended you, but still wanted to hear Echos concerns.
"She's not a clone. She doesn't think like us!" Ah, so that's why he's been so put-off by you. It was because you weren't a clone. You assumed he was so used to clones, that of course you were an odd piece in their clone family.
You slowly moved back to your sleeping cot. You sunk down slowly. It wasn't your fault, really. You can't control where or how you were born. Thoughts surrounded you. Was it that obvious? Were you that different from them?
As much as you wanted to pack your bags and not burden anyone else, you decided to talk to Echo first.
After landing on a planet to resupply, you asked to speak to Echo alone.
"Uh, sure." He replied, skeptical. You both exited the ship, though keeping close.
"Echo, I didn't really know how to bring this up. I figured I should just get straight to the point?" You asked, not wanting to waste his time.
He nodded, looking straight to you.
"I overheard you and Hunter talking last rotation..." You nervously picked at a nail. He still stared, not wavering.
"I can't help that i'm not a clone. I'm not sorry either, but I do want to know what I can do. To gain your trust." You dropped your hand, eager for his response.
He licked his lips, thinking. "I'm sorry you heard that..."
"Echo, I don't care. I just- I want to be a part of this family..." You mustered out. Now or never!
This surprised him, "What are you talking about. You already are!"
He seemed, mad? Was he really that disgusted by 'normal' humans?
"I can't help that i'm not a clone!" You regrettably yelled, throwing you arms up.
"That doesn't matter, everyone accepts you anyways!" His words were strained, like he didn't want anyone to know.
"Why don't you?" You whispered.
He sighed and took a step back. "When I first joined force 99, it wasn't as easy."
You couldn't imagine what he was referring to. You knew he was a regular clone before joining Hunter, but what did that have to do with anything?
After seeing your confused look, he continued. "I wasn't born a defective clone, I became one. It took a lot of time to understand how to use this. But you fit in so easily." He gestured to his mechanical arm.
"I had no idea you felt that way... I wasn't trying to mean anything-" He cut you off.
"I know, and really, we do need a medic. I was just being resentful, I'm sorry."
"I'm not trying to take anyone's place. The team wouldn't be the same without you. Besides, Omega adores you, and I think Hunter will do whatever it takes to keep her happy." You laughed, he luckily gave out a chuckle as well.
"Thanks. I think It'll just take some time to get used to the difference." He said, honestly.
"I get that, just let me know if there's anything I can do... Ya know, to speed things up?" You smiled up at him. It was then that you knew everything would be fine. That you really had found your family, and nothing could take you from them.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I am sorry if this isn't what you had in mind! Feel free to send in another request if you would like a more specific plot! Again, sorry that my platonic writing skills aren't that sharp! Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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Wherever I rest my head is home if it's with you
Part 1, Luck be with you
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Masterlist Word count: 2 k Charles Smith x Fem!Reader Arthur Morgan x Mary Linton John Marston x Abigail Roberts Dutch Van der Linde x Molly O'Shea Mary-Beth Gaskill x Kieran Duffy
Summary: Looking for gold is a men's world in a town run by women. The amounts of violence and suffering these men go through with the hope of getting rich is insanity. Gold fever broke marriages and relationships alike until the settlement was nearly all women.  It's a small settlement, nearly a small town, next to the Elysian Pool. Most men red hot with gold fever pass through to stock up on supplies before heading down to the mines near Beaver's Hallow or Annesburg.  The settlement has only one law set in stone, as lawmen do not want to come there, and it is praised like it was one of the ten commandments. You do not harm the women.
Going up towards the Grizzlies always brings a bone chilling wind along. It's that kind of cold that flows right through your lungs, into your bloodstream, and infects your every inch of being. But the four men on the road to prosperity aren't in that part of the woods yet. These men being Arthur, Charles, John, and Hosea. None of them are particularly fond of finding the gold around these parts but they are concerned about their friends who rode up weeks ago.  Before their journey, the men had been told and warned about a settlement. According to the men that came back, you're lucky if you leave with a broken heart and a nugget of gold in your saddlebag. If you're not so lucky, well, you don't make it out alive.  So many stories about this little settlement. They could just push through to Van Horn or go straight to Annesburg, but they have to admit they're curious. All the stories about beautiful, cruel women only fanned that curiosity. Hosea, with all his experience traveling through America, had never heard of the settlement which strengthened their desire to go see for themselves even more. After all, they've all had their hearts broken before, so what’s another chip?  What Hosea did seem to know is the major of the town. He had met the woman down by Emeral Ranch while she was picking up a delivery for the town. Hosea had, so kindly, offered to be a hired gun for her in hopes of taking over the stocked wagon but was met with the barrel of a shotgun against his back when he tried to get up onto the driver's seat. She had smiled at him and kindly told him to fuck off.  How he had managed to get onto her good side after an encounter like that was a mystery to the other men, but she had offered a place to rest their heads if they were ever close and in need.  As they reach the edge of town, they can already tell this is a settlement like no other. Though most settlements are one street, a good place to ride through, this settlement is spread out like a village. Down by the lake is a huge ranch and down by the train tracks seems to be a hotel and post office, but no train station which strikes both John and Arthur as curious. There's a grocery store, a tailor, a saloon, a barber, a gun store, a doctor's office, everything one might need.  And, as the stories predicted, a lot of women wearing pants and barely any men.  Hosea points at a large house a little bit higher up on a small mountain: 'From what I've been told, that's where the major lives. Let's go introduce ourselves gentlemen.' 
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pencilofawesomeness ¡ 4 months
Hey Pencil, can I ask you what you think of Neuvilette's character after the end of the current Archon quest? Not gonna lie, I was a bit disappointed at how he and everyone else treated Furina, but I was curious about your thoughts on the matter
ohohohohohohohoho anon. Dear sweet anon, you've activated my trap card, otherwise known as the Pencil Essay card, because I have sooooo many thoughts about this.
I will say though, I see Neuvilette in context of the story quests too, especially Furina's, as well as his friendship stories and voicelines. So, er, spoilers for that I suppose, but I can't separate those bits away from his character at this point. Anyway.
I frickin love Neuvilette. As a character, he checks a lot of boxes of traits that I adore, like being hella old, a dragon, somewhat isolated from normalcy, a cinnamon roll that can kill you, and Doing His Best. Now, as an important addendum to this, the fact that he is a dragon is a crucial part of the basis, because that's where a lot of conflict starts. He's separated from his kind, he's not a human yet he is confined to a human form, he remembers that the elemental authority should be his but Celestia took it and the archons have it now. The idea he has that he will forever be isolated, and that there will forever be a certain taste of bad blood between him and the rest of the world is founded. And yet. AND YET. Long ago, Focalors asks for him to help lead Fontaine, and he!!! Agrees!!! Neuvilette's character is rooted in a sense of justice and fairness, and in such, he tries to remain open-minded, and thus, he must witness things for himself. When he is presented a change in perspective, he accepts it.
Honestly I thought the Archon Quest did this rather nicely. He worked with Furina, believing her to be Focalors, for years. While Furina did waaay too good of a job in being as showy as possible, their close proximity meant that some of her true ethics and anxieties did make themselves known to Neuvilette. He knew when Furina was panicking and lying, just not why. Likewise, he has had inklings of when she's been sincere, and also, has a better perspective on how other people perceive her. More on that in a second.
Knowing what we know in hindsight, the Archon Quest is....very harsh. But. I understand why it happened that way. It was very clear that neither the Traveler nor Neuvilette wanted to put Furina on trial, however, neither of them were able to get her to tell the truth in private, and time was of the essence. The threat of a whole populace dying (and!!!! People have already died at this point!!!! Civilians!!!) is kind of a big deal. Something happens, or they all die; full stop. Hence, calling out the big guns. Which, to their credit, was just meant as a display of pressure on an actual deity, not an actual trial with death sentences and the discovery that Furina was a stressed out human all along. Focalors wanted that, however, so all according to plan. But very much not what Neuvilette wanted.
Fast forward. For Neuvilette, I think there is something really special to be said that he cares about both Focalors and Furina. He's only ever seen glimpses of both, but when Focalors aims to die to give Neuvilette back what is rightfully his, he protests! He doesn't want that! If there was a way for Focalors to undo the sea, he would accepted that, despite the janky usurped power thing. She is making a divine sacrifice, one that nobody else will truly know, and he mourns the person that is lost for it. Meanwhile, for all that Furina acted as a mask, and acted as if she was entirely self-sustainable, Neuvilette has shown to be concerned over her as a person. He caves so quickly to meet with Arlecchino when it's clear she's nervous, he asks Traveler to look after her, he tries to ask her when she's clearly being flighty. Even little things, like when he tells Traveler to acknowledge Furina at the beginning of the quest when she's showing off, because he knows she equates attention to success (just not why) and he is throwing her a bone. Yes, he is exasperated just as frequently, but Furina is not making it easy at that stage. Her entire schtick is to purposely keep people at arm's length, to be entertaining before she's likable, so really, I think there's an impressive amount of patience to be had.
The thing I have noticed about Neuvilette is that he is the kind of just that is caring. The law is for the sake of the people, and thus, people have become his focus. He denies this for a long time on account of believing himself to be forever an Other, but it is persistent all the same. He quickly wants to see the melusines treated well and with respect when they are integrated with society. He wants to see justice for those who are hurt. He understands, even, when those who do wrong are not bad people, like with Wriothesley. Neuvilette is, at his core, a kind person; however, he is terrible at expressing care in ways we would expect it. In part because he's just Like That, and in other part because he spent so long unaware of it. Usually, this means that he takes things at face value. If a melusine is being threatened, then there is a problem regarding humans' view of melusines again; if Wriothesley crawls out of hell with a Vision and the new title of Duke, then that means he found something to live for and he will support it; if Furina asks for space, then he tries to give her space. Neuvilette is a sincere person, even if sometimes he misunderstands the emotional complexity afoot.
Back to Furina. When it's revealed that she is a human, and she absolutely crashes, Neuvilette may not be the picture of fatherly comfort, but he is there for her in the way she asks, and even, in the ways she doesn't. She wants to be left alone, because Furina is tired of a facade and at this point she believes that everyone will hate both the fake her and the real her. Neuvillete obliges, and he arranges to pay for her apartment and food and make sure she is taken care of, when Furina is clearly not thinking that far ahead. It's clear that he would visit more often, but he's busy being the effective Archon now, and also, he doesn't think Furina would want that. Face value interpretations and all that. However, Neuvilette still appreciates the good that Furina did accomplish, in the mask and out of it. He doesn't fully understand Furina's hangups, but he respects what she does or doesn't want to do.
Now, Furina absolutely hit that depressive slump of a crash. Homegirl is living off of noodles like a broke college student. She thinks the world hates her and that everyone only put up with her because she was the archon and a superstar. Did she need someone to intervene? Sure. But she pushed Neuvilette and Clorinde away when they awkwardly tried, so Furina has to go through the long story quest way, and come to a bit of her own realization that people genuinely respected her ability to act as a skill and a thing of beauty, not just as a lie.
Furina's story quest offers the very best presentation of how Neuvilette sees her, and how, in his own way, he apologizes but also respects everything she has done and is. When Furina goes on stage, despite her valid reservations, and she gives it her all for that actresses sake, and she gives it her all because its real to her too, and Neuvilette sees this and sees her bravery, her spirit, and all of the hard work that Furina has given Fontaine for 500 years. So he tears a chunk off of his power and he gives it to her, in the form of a Vision.
The Visions are such a wonderful representation, because now that Neuvilette is the sole sovereign, without Celestia's janky throne in the way, he has full power over the granting of Visions. He can stop if he wants, because Visions are made by ripping chunks off of the god in question, but Neuvilette has studied and he has learned that humans are amazing and they earn their ambition, and he wants to give to that. So it's an incredibly purposeful gesture here and it carries the meaning of his care and respect in ways that he cannot articulate.
Neuvilette is kind. He's stiff, dutiful to a fault, has trouble being vulnerable and recognizing it in others, but he is trying, and he is kind. He gives credit where credit is do, and he tries to do the right thing, even when he misses the mark. He accepts when he's wrong, though, like with Focalors and Furina, like with missing how the general populace adores the melusines now, like with Childe when he honestly was baffled by the oratrice's absurd verdict. He's an old dragon and he's slow to catch up, but he makes that effort anyway, which I think is really neat. Neuvilette learns and he implements that. In Lantern Rite, he listened to Furina and finally managed to take a vacation, and he made a dumb little dragon ladle and had fun doing it. And he walked away from that realizing why taking a break was important.
So, er, yeah. I think Neuvilette is neat. Furina too. I really wish we can see them interacting more now that Furina is finally getting it through her skull that people do, in fact, want to be her friend and spend time with her, and I would love to see more on the implications that Traveler has told him of the other archons' exploits and he is forced to admit that they also either have no idea what's going on or that they known of them took the elemental authority on purpose/for the sake of it, but that's either an end-game thing or we'll never get it. Alas. Still I think Fontaine and all of hydro is in good hands with him.
Also he's an awkward dragon yall know I love grandpa dragon men who have parental bones but have no idea how to use them on purpose. I have. a type. of course I'm looking hard at neuvilette he's got the whole package
So uhhhhhh yeah. Yeah. I will. End it there.
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technicallymaximumkitty ¡ 7 months
Ok so @mooncalf87 brought up the fact that snakes go blind when they shed and me being mentally unwell had to make a fluffy found family sick fic about it sooooooooooo-
(i am so weak for the trope) 
(warning I know nothing about snakes and don’t have anything factually right about snakes and snake shedding in the fic, herpetologists plz don’t get mad)
(also this fic looong you have been warned) 
It has been a while since Sir Pentious joined the Hazbin Hotel. Long enough that he would consider the other residents his friends, and they would consider him their friend as well. It was nice, having friends, real friends and not little eggs he programmed to be his company. However, having friends means they also grow concerned about you when you act differently, the Egg Bois believed anything he said for better or worse. The others? Wouldn't take his word if he wasn't convincing enough. 
It started about three days ago when he woke up, his bed was peppered with loose scales like a sesame seed bagel. Pentious groaned to himself, shedding season was awful on Pentious. On his airship it would be two weeks of scales, scales, and more scales everywhere he went. His skin grew sensitive, his skin bruised and cut easily, and it was another week of cleaning after he was well again, those buggers getting stuck anywhere and everywhere. The worst part was the three to five days where he basically went blind. He would curl up in a nest of pillows and blankets and not leave until his vision unclouded, relying on his Egg Bois to help him with almost everything. Pentious swears that his spacial awareness gets worse during that time, points where the Egg Bois would have to spoon feed him as it was impossible for Pentious to get the spoon towards his mouth without nearly poking his eye out. 
Sir Pentious stiffened up as it dawned on him, this wasn't his airship. This was the Hazbin Hotel. There were other people he had to think about. Shedding ment anywhere he went he would knock off loose scales, the action of moving would leave scales in his wake. Sharing living quarters meant he couldn't leave them lying around till he felt up to cleaning them. Now he believed that Niffty would be thrilled at the idea of cleaning up such a mess, however Vaggie was incredibly strict on making sure everyone cleaned up after themselves no matter how big or small said mess would be. 
Whatever, it was the early days of the shed perhaps he could get away with it. The night prior his Egg Bois left one of his many identical suits, freshly pressed, draped across his vanity. Quickly changing into his suit he cringed at the scales that fell from his nightgown and sleeping cap. He always had some sort of scales stuck in his hat, it wasn't enough of a punishment having to shed around eight times a year, no, his scales on his frill also acted like dandruff. The loose scale falling off occasionally. It still haunts him the time he saw Niffty eat one of those dandruff scales, no second thought just, chomp. It’s really best not to think about what that little maid does, well anything really. 
“Hello mr.boss man! When did the bed get sprinkles?” one of the Egg Bois piped up as they toddled towards him. Pentious gripped the non existing bridge of his nose, stupid, stupid Egg Boi. 
“You do this every time I swear.” he grumbled, mostly to himself as he adjusted his top hat as it was the most important part of his outfit. Thank you very much. Eyeing the Eggies through the mirror as they dressed themselves for the morning (he would need to help them with buttons later) He nearly choked in disgust. There sat one of the Eggies holding a rather shiny scale close to his lips.
“No! No! Don’t fu**ing eat it!” he shrieked. The egg blinked once or twice before lowering it back onto the bed. Pentious grumbled to himself, stimming with his bowtie. Better than them eating it. How those things could help build ray guns but forget how to tie their shoes is beyond him.
That day he played it like it was nothing, best he could. Considering how awkward he was already, it worked in his favor. The day was a lazy Saturday which worked in his favor, no activities, no group bonding, just him and his Eggies locked in his airship’s workshop building to his heart's content. Everyone knew better than to try to find him on Saturdays. First and last time that happened Alastor got his jacket stuck in one of the gears of his latest project. If not for Charlie he would have been beaten an inch within of his afterlife. Now it was mandatory to plaster the door of his workshop with OSHA compliant warnings. 
He worked the day away tinkering on this and that actively avoiding interacting with others and having his Eggies run around gathering the scattered scales. He had to cut his tinkering to nine PM as that was curfew and he did not need a cranky Angel Dust breathing down his back because his “steampunk bull**it was the loudest kind of banging he ever heard” Pentious had half the mind to presume it was some sort of innuendo. 
Two days later the hotel was seeing less of him and more scales decorated Pentious’s sheets now moving up to his pillowcase as well. It did cross his mind to just tell everyone what was going on, but should he? He honestly didn't want anyone to worry about him, or worse, get freaked out or grossed out by such a thing. First time he was shedding he threw up in pure disgust, his skin was peeling off his body for crying out loud! And that was his reaction to himself, considering how colorful the others were, he would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about their reactions. 
The edge of his frill was now a raw pink, almost all the scales gone from it, patches of pink covering his face and lower neck there were even some red flecks from the now broken skin. Some of his sheds took the entire two weeks, and some, like this particular shed, took about one week. It was a blessing and a curse as he didn't need to hide himself longer but he looked like he crawled out of his own grave with how fast the scales were falling.
“Jussst peachy.” he spat to himself how was he going to face the others looking like his own face melted off? Thing was he could not. Make-up, the usual go to, would upset his sensitive skin; it would sting worse than rubbing alcohol on a cut. Biting his lower lip, Pentious paced back and forth.
“Think da** you, think!” he hissed to himself, some genius he was, why was he drawing a blank? He had to come up with something! Anything! 
That day he locked his door. Hiding was the only option. He knew it would be a fruitless endeavor, Charlie would chase anyone down if they were fifteen minutes late to breakfast, no way in Hell would she let him hole up in his room for a week. Curling up back into bed he hissed as the old scales dug into his exposed skin. He should have asked the Egg Bois to clean his bed, too late now. He wasn't going to get up, he made his bed and he was going to lie in it! 
“Boss man, it’s morning time!” an Eggie chimed up, shaking his shoulder a bit. Pentious growled tossing himself to face the other side of his bed.
“Not now, Eggie. ‘M not waking up.” he grumbled pulling his blanket over his face. Maybe if he did so he could just disappear for a few days.
“But boss man is already awake!” the egg nodded.
“How obssservant of you.” Pentious rolled his eyes, “jussst leave me alone.”
He didn't need to turn around to know his eggs were congregating, rubbing their collective three brain cells together trying to come up with what to do. Their boss man was obviously sick, they needed to do something! This time Pentious couldn't fault them for their confusion, dare he say, he was just confused as them. Hell truly has frozen over.
Charlie was catching onto Sir Pentious. He was becoming more and more distant each day barely making it to group activities and trying to skip out on meal times. She did not like it one bit, growing concerned over the snake’s activity. 
She knocked on his door, once, twice, thrice. Without an answer she was growing more concerned. 
“Pentious? It’s me Charlie, is everything alright?” 
“. . .”
“Pentious? Pen please, is everything alright?” 
“. . .”
The door swung open revealing one of the Egg Bois who smiled and waved at her “Hello!” Charlie let out a small sigh of relief.
“Hello there, is Pentious in there?” she asked, gesturing inside the room.
“Oh boss man insent takeing any visitors right now!” 
“Can I ask why?” 
“Boss man is shedding right now!” The egg nodded curtly. 
“Shedding.” the egg nodded. 
Pentious woke up from his nap uneased. Someone was in his room, he could feel it. And feeling was the only thing he could do, his eyes had clouded over to the point he couldn't see jack.
Footsteps, he definitely heard footsteps. “who goesss there?” he stiffened up, he locked the door didn't he? 
“Pentious it’s me.” ok he knew that voice. It was Charlie, she owned the hotel no doubt she probably could access a locked room. That did very little to ease his worry, but little was better than nothing.
“Pentious are you alright?” she asked, the question being accommodated by a dip in the bed. 
Sir Pentious looked at Charlie’s general direction, his once magenta eyes a glassy blue.
“What are you doing here misss Charlotte?” he was on the defensive and it only caused Charlie to become more upset, they were friends right? Why was he so scared of her?
“I came to check up on you, you disappeared there and I was growing worried.” 
“Worried, yesss I, I can sssee how one would grow worried yesss.” Pentious rang his hands, fidgeting the best he could with the lack of bowtie. Charlie reached her hand out gently cupping Sir Pentious’s face. He jumped back startled.
“Pentious your acting a bit strange. What’s going on?” 
“I, I guess I have nothing to hide now.” he sighed. He could admit he was more than grateful with how gentle Charlie was acting. The way she treated him with comfort instead of disgust was something he didn't know he needed until now.
“Yesss im sssheding. It’sss normal for me but, I wassss nervousss about how you and the othersss would react.”
“So that’s why you tried to avoid us.”
Pentious nodded, gently sinking his face into Charlie’s hands. “It’sss rather embarrasssing.”
“Would it be rude of me to ask you something?”
“I don’t sssupossse ssso.” 
“Why are your eyes like that? Is that apart of the shedding?” 
Pentious sighed, “yesss. It isss.” 
“You can't see right now?”
“No I can’t.” Pentious curled up back into his makeshift nest. “it will passs do not fret, one weeksss time and i ssshall be right asss rain.” 
He could feel Charlie get up from the bed, she probably walked away now. Charlie has already done so much to help him already it would be selfish of him to ask for me, especially since he's done this many, many, many times before. And it’s not like he lied to her either. He nestled himself into his blanket nest. Maybe he would ask one of the eggs to fetch him a book later (he had learned how to read braille for such occasions) but for now, he would get more sleep. 
The next time Pentious woke up he could tell the sun was up high in the sky. Was it a bad thing that he basically slept until noon? Maybe. He stretched himself, getting the excess sleep out of his system. 
“Holy sh** you can unlock your jaw, that far?” 
Pentious jumped back in shock smacking his head into the headboard. How did angel dust get into his quarters? 
“Oof right, my bad i forgot you can't see” 
“What in the nine realmsss are you doing?” 
“Hey man, i don’t want to be here either but Charlie put me on babysitting duty, so like, you're stuck with me now big boy.” Angel Dust sat on the bed next to Pentious, the bed dipping under.
“You don’t have to ssstick around you know. I'm not a child.” Pentious curled onto himself. Shedding was his most vulnerable time and he knew Angel, he wasn't the kindest of people. Angel noticed the snake’s recoil.
“Relax toots I ain’t gonna hurt you, I know where you're coming from.” 
“”You ssshed to?” Pentious didn't bother looking up at Angel, he wouldn't make eye contact even if he wanted to, which, dollars for doughnuts, he didn't. 
“Well when spiders do it it’s called molting but ya. I shed. It’s a fu**ing nightmare, i lose so much fur you could make another me outta’ll those hairballs.” Angel chuckled. It was true, he mottled around four times a year and he showered at least three times a day during that time to try and keep his fur at bay. First time he molded he would have sworn up and down he was dying of some sort of disease. “Oh god I probably got some creepy fans that made dolls outta my old molt.” 
Pentious couldn't help but chuckle at that statement. By all accounts it would be horrifying, a hair doll, but the premise was also so absurd it was humorous.
“He, glad you think it’s funny.” Angel swung his legs so that he was now fully sitting on the bed and not just its edge. 
“You're sitting on the bed?”
“Where else would I be? On the floor? Pfft I'm way too classy for that.” Angel reclined himself making himself comfortable before slinging an arm over Pentious. After the initial recoil of the unexpected touch Pentious leaned into the hug. It felt really nice actually the warmth of another person in his time of unwell. A small coo like hiss came from his throat in a way that could only be described as content.  
“Ohh you like cuddles now do you?” Angel teased pulling himself closer to Pentious in a way where Pentious was leaning his head on Angel’s shoulder.
“Yesss i sssupossse ssso.”
“Aww don’t be such a tease, you like it.” Angle giggled as Pentious nuzzled himself into Angel’s shoulders. 
“I feel sssafe, for sssome reassson.” mumbled Pentious. Not to purple his pros but the hug felt like a rock of which a boat was tied to. Anchored so the boat wouldn't drift into the sea. 
“He, the first time someone said that to me.” Angel shook his head before petting behind Pentious’s frill. 
after dinner charlie made her way to Pentious's room.
"oh yes, good evening Charlotte" he smiled closing his braille copy of paradise lost.
"I baught dinner for you."
"oh, thank you I'm very grateful." he smiled. he could smell it from where he sat, Alastor defenalty had free range in the kitchen.
Charlie handed it to him and with uncertain hands he was able to grab the bowl, only getting his thumb into the gumbo. He gave a shaky smile holding the bowl in a near death grip.
Charlie noticed the uncertainty Sir Pentious had with the bowl "is everything alright?"
"I, I'm afraid I am a bit consered on how I shall eat it." he did not want to spill it on himself, especially since he could feel the heat radiating off of it.
The bed dipped under the weight of Charlie as she sat down. "If you're ok with it, could I help you?" Pentious was taken aback, she would be willing to do that for him?
Charlie grabbed a spoonful for him gently pressing the spoon to his lips he accepted the spoonful. any other time Pentious would be embarrassed at such acting, being doted on like a child, but right now it felt nice, being cared for when he couldn't do it himself. Charlie was a lot more gentle than the Egg Bois, who would jam the spoon down his throat. first time in a long time eating during his shed was not a nightmare and rather enjoyable
a few days later and his eyes cleared up as well as his scales finally growing in. he cleaned up as much as he could noting that he dident have to spend the entire day cleaning up his old skin (Niffty must have found her way in his room) but what shocked him most was the response of the others. they treated it like nothing happened. he liked that. no mocking words, no insults on his appearance, no one thinking he was anymore incapable than before.
yes he liked the hotel, and its residents. he never knew the true meaning of friends until now and he was ever so grateful for them.
Might do some more I had fun writing
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llamaisllama777 ¡ 3 months
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yes, I'm on an art binge. Why, you ask?
Bio: Earth loves her life granted yes, it has its issues whose life doesn't but she does wish she could make some changes. The main being people would take her more seriously. Everyone seems to think Earth can't handle things herself. They either think she's a damsel in distress or can't protect herself, which isn't true, right?
Earth began to wonder what if they're right, what if I can't handle things myself, I mean, I know I can, but what if they're right?
Well, Earth would get the chance to prove her metal when one day the bombs started dropping, Earth and her family were rushed to a vault courtesy of their new bosses Vault-tec. Earth could hear the rumblings and feel the vibrations as the bombs fell. Earth won't lie she was beyond scared but who wasn't that day?
After the bombs stopped dropping, they all began to get adapt to their new lives in the Vault,Earth was there to ease everyone's concerns. Basically, she became the Vault therapist. (Not fun, by the way) While she eased others' concerns, her family eased her's. One day, Moon suggested that all the animatronics in the Vault should power down temporarily just until it's safe for them to go home. Earth joined her friends and family in their 198 year nap.
After waking up stiffer than a board, she and her family walked out of the vault and saw what the world was like now. It was enough to make anyone shed a tear. The world was wrecked, but her sadness was replaced with joy and inspiration when she saw entire towns and people working together to survive. With a renewed sense of hope, Earth and her family made a place for themselves in the post-apocalyptic world, and it was a wonderful... while it lasted. Moon discovered that the Ruin virus had somehow made it to their dimension and was now causing all robots to go haywire and become violent. Earth joined Moon's team to hunt down and destroy the virus much to Moon and a few others shagrin. Earth wanted to help everyone in this new post-apocalyptic world and wanted to prove to her family and friends that she could handle things herself.
After many explorations and long travels, they came across a group of Robot-loving protectors named The RailRoad. Earth thought their mission was quite inspiring but did dislike the fact they chose to stay hidden instead of shouting from the rooftops for every synth to hear, so they would know someone is out there protecting them and trying to save them but she understood why they stayed hidden, the RailRoad had many enemies who wished harm on them and the robots they protected. Earth gladly aided the RailRoad in many missions to rescue synths and met many friends on those missions like the religious yet fully willing to throw down Joshua Graham and her-totally-not- the-father-she-wishs-she-had synth detective Nick Valentine, Earth on these missions proved to everyone and herself she could indeed handle herself. Though she prefers to deescalate situations before things turn violent, she has been proven to be able to handle herself in a fight, preferring to use her fists and melee weapons instead of guns because she can chose to leave her foes alive and just knock them out instead of putting them six feet under. Just cause Earth knows how to throw down doesn't mean she forgot how to relax. On one mission for The Rail Road, they came across a town full of synths led by their leader Dima, Dima became friends with all of them and even gave them a place to live in Acadia. Earth definitely added a dash of color to Acadia, and it became like a second home to her... well, third home, her second home was a little town they found when the RailRoad sent them to the Captial wasteland to rescue a synth somewhere out there. A town ran by kids! Little lamplight Gregory and Cassie instantly fell in love with the place a town run by kids for kids, Earth at first was kinda horrified. A TOWN FULL OF KIDS WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS?! Earth decided to help out around the town become the sort of town mom, eventually the town grow on her and the kids became almost like her own children so, every now and then they all take a trip out to the capital so, Earth can be a mother to an entire town.
Earth's life is going pretty well in the wasteland despite the many sacrifices she had to make and losing an eye to some mercenary. She's doing pretty well for herself, and she and everyone else now believe she's proven her metal!
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Cher has such good friends.
They all prove themselves every episode, but ep 7 had me actively thinking "such good friends" so many times.
From the start, Jack has been a steady presence, making sure to push Cher to get to work on time, keeping him on track, encouraging him but keeping a cautious eye on him. And in this episode, he's still there, still steady and supportive and concerned, but at the beach he's following Cher's lead on how to treat Gun-- they all are, and they fully lean into "oh, he's one of us now, cool; throw him in the ocean".
At the office, he sits with Aoi and they warn Cher to be careful not to reveal his relationship with Gun, so others don't think badly of either of them (both of them caring about Gun as a friend, too). And after the Thoop confrontation, Jack doesn't blink at finding Gun comforting Cher, he trusts him with his friend, and then makes sure Cher knows that he's there for him.
Aoi has shown herself to be happy to step in as a pseudo-big sister for Cher, and I adore her. She's not only consistently interested in Cher's life and happiness, but she's reaching out to Gun, who she and her co-workers all regularly call unapproachable. She's placing herself firmly in their corner, and genuinely happy for them.
Three, Zo, and Tub have fully embraced that Gun is just their new friend now, and Zo and Tub just consciously ignore the obvious closeness between Gun and Cher (super duper subtly, good job boys lol) and throw their unspoken support their way-- that they absolutely do not catch, because Gun and Cher are kinda dumb about each other, bless them.
Zo is there to help walk Cher through his feelings realization (well, feelings acknowledgement) and to reassure him that he's in his corner.
And I know I'm repeating myself, but the whole One Braincell Gamer Gang just adopting Gun unquestioningly is so, so sweet. The splashing around in the water, and the synchronized greeting and teasing in the game, and them all trusting him with their favorite idiot, it's all so cute, and I love them a lot.
And this isn't touching on how Gun has been such a good friend to Cher, ugh.
(And Cher is going to need all of them when whatever stupid shit that little homophobic shithead Thoop is gonna pull)
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balletwatchespokemon ¡ 10 months
Indigo League Episode 12
This episode we get the last of the Kanto starters, Squirtle! The gang encounters the troublesome Squirtle Squad, Ash and Pikachu both have their life endangered in different ways, and Team Rocket attempted to kill the whole Squad with literal bombs. Yikes.
Say you regularly encounter pit falls like these three do and one of you puts your foot through the ground like Ash has here, would you (a. be careful of the likely pitfall, or (b. crowd in as close as possible?
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If you answered (b. you were right and you're also stuck in a hole now.
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The Squirtle Squad! Hmmm, I wonder who's the leader. (This is such a cute shot.)
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If I recall correctly we actually will be going to their habitat later in the Indigo League so good job setting it up ahead of time show!
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Officer Jenny of course Ash knows your name, you share it with every other officer Jenny. If he knows the name of one he knows them all.
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This police station has a matching symbol to the one on Jenny's hat. I went back to the other station we've seen so far (in E2) and that one didn't match that Jenny's hat symbol, I wonder if it's something they decided to start doing partway into the show or if them matching this time is a coincidence. We'll just have to wait and see.
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Pikachu looks so sad here! Ash, give him a hug. (Pikachu is very cute while sad though.)
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I love it when anime does something like this where it's just the facial features visible. (Though just Pikachu's eyes and mouth by themselves are a little scary looking.)
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Look at these sopping wet beasts. Someone get them a towel.
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Silly Pikachu, this is Pokemon not Mario Cart, why are you getting taken out by a red shell?
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And now we're doing Jaws, love to spot a reference for a movie I've never seen.
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Love to see Ash being a violent feral child but I personally would not enjoy the mouth full of fur from biting a cat tail. And this is the most valid reason for Meowth to scratch Ash in the face so far.
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Squirtle Squad how could you say no to a cute little face like this.
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Squirtle Squad just casually threatening to kill Misty. Very normal thing to do.
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The Pokeani world has so many rickety rotten rope bridges. I wonder how many people die to them per year.
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A Pokemon shop! The western town vibe is interesting, though I am suspicious of that beef sign. We're still in the period of time where they still had regular animals in the Pokemon world.
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Love Gary just showing up in this episode to knock Ash out, not even notice what he did, and leave.
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Also, Ash was unconscious overnight, I'm pretty sure it's really bad if you're unconscious for that long. He should go to the hospital and get checked out.
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Ah early Pokemon, where anyone and everyone can have a gun at any given moment.
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Ash is so concerned about Squirtle! I love how much he loves just all Pokemon.
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And his actions proved he's a good guy to Squirtle! I really feel the bond better with Ash and Squirtle than the one for Ash and Charmander in the previous episode. I wonder if that has anything to do with how difficult Ash and Charmander's bond gets after he evolves.
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Get yeeted idiots! Also, I love how Misty, Brock, and the other Squirtles are acting like they're gonna catch Ash and Squirtle but that's totally not happening.
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Look how happy they are to have Squirtle join the team!
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And that's the episode, Ash has a full team now and all of the starters! Next episode on Wednesday we see Ash catch another pokemon, and we encounter the OG oversized pokemon. (Way before gigantamaxing.)
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pelman ¡ 2 years
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just 'cuz it aint halloween anymore dont mean i cant still draw spooky stuff! so heres sheldon not exactly having done the best job transforming from his "swim" form (inspired very strongly by @/naru-wishfield and this sheldon by @/gorgugplushie)
a "short" fic under the readmore cuz i had a strong idea of how this scenario actually went lol
Splatoween seemed to be a massive celebratory event no matter where you were. Inkopolis seemed to celebrate mostly through trick-or-treating and Splatfests to do with the event, but Splatsville celebrated mostly through the costumes and with many tricksters making their way through the city playing pranks on people. Scary stories, however, were commonplace in both locales, and it was a favorite of most people to tell stories about ghastly creatures and ordinary citizens transforming into them.
It never fazed you, personally, hearing about these stories. You and most of the people you knew already had swim forms, so transforming wasn't exactly abnormal for you. You knew maybe, like, two people that couldn't do it, and they were the hat and shoe sellers respectively, and even then, you weren't exactly sure. There had been a good few fish popping up in your turf matches, so maybe everyone could transform and you just hadn't seen it yet. Either way, since transforming was so commonplace to you, it wasn't exactly creepy to hear a scary story where someone transformed and it went wonky. That just sounded like hearing about a little squid trying to shift for the first time.
The plaza was bustling and full of life, people prancing around and snapping pictures of each other's cosplays and costumes, and the whole place was full of lights and music and a generally energetic atmosphere. As you looked around, however, you noticed that Ammo Knights - the gun shop, stationed right next to the lobby steps - was completely dark. You didn't remember it being closed, and with people still steadily turfing, you weren't sure why it would be, either. You hopped off of the bench you had been sitting on and began to approach the store, weaving between the crowds, when someone stopped you with a fin across the chest.
"Yo, what're you doing? That place is totally haunted!" The catfish, dressed up in overalls and a turtleneck reminiscent of Judd - funny costume, you thought - looked at you half with concern and half like you were completely out of your mind, their barbels pressed to their face in concern. The Octoling and Inkling with them - both with their tentacles styled and faces painted to look like the other species - looked at you with similar expressions, though they were both seemingly a little out of the loop. "Can't you tell?"
You expressed that you weren't concerned and just wanted to check the shop out, gently pushing the catfish's fin away from your chest, and the group passed near-frantic looks between one another before the Octoling piped up, "It's your funeral," stepping away and watching as you progressed past the trio. They began to talk amongst themselves as soon as they figured you were out of earshot, which you tuned out as you reached the frosted glass doors. A quick test of the handle made it clear that the doors weren't locked, but you also couldn't help but notice how absurdly cold the metal was. Sure, it was a little chilly out, but it wasn't enough for that! You rushed over to the stairs to the lobby and firmly placed your hand on one of the metal railings, drawing a few confused looks from a group of Brinecraft cosplayers, before rushing back over to the doors to confirm that yes, the door handles were indeed unnaturally cold.
Frowning to yourself, you pulled the doors open anyways, taking a tentative step into the store as a cold draft hit you. The doors slammed themselves shut behind you, forcing you forward into the incredibly dark building. The only light source in the entire main room was a single monitor, used to help customers make selections while they shopped. You couldn't read it from here, but it looked to be displaying some type of error message instead, illuminating the room in an ominous orange-red. It was only when the sound of skittering hit your ears that you began to feel like something was truly wrong here.
Tension tightened in your shoulders as you attempted to take a step backwards, but were stopped by the doors, which refused to budge despite being push-to-open from inside. As soon as you saw the unidentifiable mass crawling across the floor, you really started pushing at them, gritting your teeth and wishing your shoes had more traction as they slipped across the tile floor. Panic bubbled in your chest as you flattened yourself to the glass, wondering if going swim form would help you at all or if it'd just slow you down, as the mass from the floor stopped underneath the lone monitor and began crackling upwards, the sounds of chitin creaking and popping into place bringing a sour, sickly feeling to your stomach and throat.
What was in its place looked like, at one point, it would have been Sheldon. Its clothes were torn apart, the buttoned shirt completely opened to reveal at least two extra pairs of limbs, their surfaces covered in the same mottled exoskeleton that made up his unusually spiky shell. Its legs, thick and stumpy as they usually were, had completely transmogrified into claws, similar in shape to its extra claws, and its hands had gained claws as well, which had completely torn through the leather of one of its gloves and left the fingers bare. Its frenzied eyes glinted dangerously under its goggles, unfocused and darting all across your form, and from its mouth alongside its normal buck teeth were two large tusks, giving it a permanent snarl of sorts. Its breathing was gravely, and it wheezed out breaths that you could swear you could almost see puffing in the chilled air inside the room. Its stance looked like it was ready to pounce, its legs tensed and arms held out to its sides.
You truly began to panic after soaking in the scene, alternating between begging the ex-Sheldon beast to not hurt you and rattling the doors as much as you could with their seemingly frozen state in hopes of attracting the attention of someone outside. The beast turned directly towards you, drool running down its chin as it began to make growling, huffing noises, its breath becoming wheezy, and it-
-promptly began coughing vigorously, reaching into a pants pocket to pull out an inhaler, shaking it quickly before popping off the cap and taking deep breaths from it. It wiped the drool from its chin, sucking in any leftover spit from the sides of its mouth, and took a deep breath with its eyes closed before regarding you once more.
"Schorry about the messch! The change in scheasonsch alwaysch messches with me." Sheldon sounded just as chipper as ever, despite the large tusks obstructing his speech even more than his buck teeth usually did. "I wasch planning on closching the schtore early, but I guessch I fell aschleep. It'sch so much harder to breathe with all those allergensch in the air, it makesch me feel scho dizzy." He stumbled over to one of the walls, flicking on the lights and wiping the drool that had already accumulated on his chin again off once more. "I wasn't hoping that any customersch would have to schee me like thisch; I know it'sch a little unnerving."
Yeah. A little. You expressed your relief that he was okay, but asked about... the whole state he was in, at which he sighed deeply. "It'sch because of the scheasonal change. If I can't get air into my gillsch properly when I transchform, it doesch thisch." He gestured up and down at himself before realizing the state he was in and huffing frustratedly. He went back into "swim" form as quickly as he could - though it did seem to take some effort, which may have explained the creaking of his chitin before - and transformed back, most of the other extra features still intact, but the tusks gone. He ran his tongue over his teeth before sighing again. "It's annoying, but not painful. I'd just appreciate it more if these extra limbs had hands," he limply picked one up and wobbled it back and forth, "or if I could get my normal feet back." He flexed the twin toes on one of his feathery feet, making note of their small size. "In any case, while I'm here, I might as well be helpful; what can I do for you?" He clasped his still-clawed hands together in the same courteous, business-like gesture he typically made, almost eliciting a smile from your quickly adrenaline-crashing self.
You rattled the doors again, noting how they weren't opening. He grumped a little at that, carefully making his way over behind the counter. "Sorry, I had the automatic lock set up already. I figure if I'm closing the store, I'm gonna be the last one in or out, so I just set the doors to lock again after the next time they opened. It should be fine now." True to his word, the lock clicked just loudly enough for you to hear, with a simultaneous clearing of the message on the store-side monitor, returning back to its normal display of weaponry. "Again, I'm very sorry about this whole situation. I do hope you'll come again!"
You assured him you would as you gave a courteous wave before quickly rushing out of the store, disappearing back into the crowd with a shell-shocked expression. The catfish and cephalings from earlier watched you pass by, almost seeming surprised that you made it back out at all, but you paid them no regard as you made your way back to your sitting spot from before and plunked down onto it.
Yeah, you'd visit again. Maybe after you stopped having nightmares about it, that is.
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I posted 1,474 times in 2022
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183 posts reblogged (12%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,407 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#obey me - 934 posts
#asks - 885 posts
#obey me shall we date - 850 posts
#obey me! - 819 posts
#shall we date? obey me! - 818 posts
#swd obey me - 815 posts
#obey me mammon - 354 posts
#om! mammon - 288 posts
#swd mammon - 283 posts
#shall we date mammon - 260 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#amxudmfnfidlxunfk i hate that i didn't catch on that this was the anime 'sports festival arc' till you said it😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ever stop to think about how fucking insane MC is?
Two of the brothers have admitted, to their face, to eating humans. To relishing it. They spoke about it with longing.
One of the brothers killed them, laughed over their corpse & was more than willing to kill the entire human race.
One of the brothers told them in graphic detail how he would rip out their heart.
Two of the brothers told them in graphic detail how they would rip them apart limb by limb.
Five of the brothers have nearly killed them.
One has threatened to kill them multiple times.
There is a high high chance.....................who am I kidding.....It's 100% guaranteed that all seven of the brothers have killed and eaten humans.
And MC gives 0 shits. They live with them, love them and consider them their family. I.....I don't think they'd care if the brothers were still actively killing humans. I think they'd actually pick the brothers over the lives of humans...
...They did pick the brothers over the lives of humans. Remember in S3 when a human pointed a gun at Belphie and they were able to summon fire, hot enough to melt a bullet, which then rushed towards the man? Even when Diavolo transformed to kill the man for daring to shoot Belphie, they were never concerned with Diavolo killing the man - either they agree with Diavolo and want revenge or they agree with Belphie and don't want to make more trouble for themselves.
They're also able to threaten to burn Little D No. 2 alive because he kept making too many chicken puns while in a chicken costume.
What the fuck is wrong with them?
I mean there's being chill and then there's not giving a fuck that the guy whose mouth you're sticking your tongue down regularly consumed human flesh at a point in his life
What the fuck is wrong with them?
Lowkey devastated that people couldn't tell that as a monsterfucker & a person who is attracted to unhinged monsterfuckers this entire post was made out of a place of awe and lust
Anyway if you want a fic about this very concept, featuring unnamed gn! mc × mammon try -> Under the Gentle Rains
3,527 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
Wait wait W A I T is this the first time MC gotta make out with demon form Mammon!?😳
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click for better quality because the look, the raised eyebrow & the smirk deserve better quality
3,659 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
I love this fucking family.
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See the full post
3,837 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Some random demons: *gushing about how stoic and cool Lucifer is. how he must be a sadistic Dom. ~Daddy™~*
MC, a known eavesdropper, who lives with the guy; staring off into the distance:
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4,239 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Mammon's such a fascinating character because canonically:
*good at solving complex mathematical problems in his head in a matter of seconds*
*understands people, their emotions and how they'd react to specific situations and uses that knowledge to manipulate them and get what he wants (whether that's some physical object or a certain reaction from them or just for them to calm down)*
*when there's no other choice at all, he steps up and effectively takes charge*
*a good teacher and seems to have a good balanced mix between being strict, encouraging and helpful*
*whenever Lucifer wants a job done well (no matter what the job is), he relies on Mammon (and has done so since they were angels)*
*scams usually work, he just tends to get caught at the end*
*came up with a code on the spot to tell MC he missed them while also being a comprehensible message on its own, that fit with his 'tsundere' personality*
*constantly found ways to sneak into the human world from the Celestial Realm*
*has fast and spontaneous reactions during high stake situations where you need to move/react fast*
*enjoys playing chess*
*can multitask well*
*actual emotional intelligence*
*one of the first brothers (the second?) to realise there was something wrong with Simeon*
*has a variety of skills that range from making balloon animals to fitting in seamlessly in a corporate environment*
*extremely hardworking when there's a goal he genuinely wants that he's working towards*
*when giving it his all he tends to pick up new skills easily*
*by his younger brothers' own admittance, he can do anything, complete any task and he can do it well as long as he puts effort into it*
But also canonically:
*had no idea what the fuck rent was*
*a shit liar*
*said "what if I accidentally tell MC I'm in love with them" to MC*
*constantly failing all his classes*
*easily falls for traps/curses*
*emotional intelligence fizzles out when it comes to talking about his own problems/admitting anything about himself*
*bet and lost their new house*
*managed to trick himself into believing he'd get a prize if he won a competition that Diavolo explicitly said there was no prize for*
*came up with a plan to win the competition in a matter of seconds, easily and constantly changing it to better fit the situation at hand. a plan that worked extremely well. lost the competition because he couldn't be bothered to check the title of a book*
Mammon's a character who'll break down and teach you PhD level Mathematics without breaking a sweat and then ask you what kind of animal the Pink Panther is in the next sentence.
I love him. I want to study him under a microscope.
See the full post
5,883 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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freedomseeker91 ¡ 2 years
Forever Yours, Faithfully....
Chapter: One-Shot In The More Than Good Enough Universe
Title: Forever Yours, Faithfully
Summary: Did Chloe ever worry about Beca’s celebrity leading her astray? Not at all, not even a little bit. Beca was the one thing in Chloe’s life she was 100% certain about. 
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy loss. 
It was an obvious question in their relationship, one that stemmed from Beca’s celebrity as a top music producer and that crept up time and again whenever people would realise that Chloe’s wife was that Beca, as opposed to just any other regular run of the mill Beca. Though the producer was incredibly lowkey, celebrity was a consequence of her success.
She worked with a lot of the industries’ top selling artists and had been responsible for shaping the sound of many upcomers who were making waves, thanks in part to the power of tik tok and Beca’s incredible talent. With that came critical acclaim, accolades and of course wealth, though the women lived relatively modest lives.
Beca didn’t feel the need to flaunt her wealth and Chloe was content to live under the radar. Their house in Encino was a moderately sized farmhouse style abode that while larger than a regular house, was nothing on the scale of some of the mansions they had viewed while looking for somewhere new to live and raise their family.
It was big enough for people to know that they had done well for themselves without being overly extravagant. It still felt homely with a nice sized back garden, a pool with a built-in hot tub next to it, a little outdoor bar and barbeque area with a seating arrangement around an outdoor firepit. The house also came with a small built in movie theatre and Beca had converted the small gym the previous owners had installed into a home recording studio so she could work from home when she wasn’t required to be in the studio working with any of the labels’ artists.
The house had security gates that were just high enough to keep prying eyes from looking in and the landscaping that had been completed around the house meant that they were relatively obscured from view from any nosey neighbours.
They had two cars, Chloe’s gun metal grey Audi S7 Sportback with blacked out windows, and Beca’s blacked out Range Rover Autobiography which she had upgraded to from her own Audi when they had found out their family would be growing and they would need a more family friendly vehicle. Though often times they traded off cars depending on circumstance with the Audi being used mainly if one of them was just nipping about doing casual errands.
Yes, Beca’s lifestyle afforded them certain luxuries, but they were always careful not to fall into the trap of spending money just for the sake of it. Both women had always maintained that no matter how big Beca’s star became, they wanted to keep as normal a life as possible and their friends and family had been very good at helping them keep their feet on the ground. Relative to what Beca’s wealth could afford, they weren’t flashy but they did live comfortably.
That being said, there were certain elements of Beca’s celebrity that couldn’t be helped, mainly due to the fact that power and wealth had an interesting way of making a person seem infinitely more alluring. Beca was hot, Chloe knew this, it was what drove her to ravish her body whenever she could, but celebrity had a way of elevating a persons’ attractiveness to all new heights to the world at large.
And that attractiveness was a magnet, not just for fans, but for people who found themselves in Beca’s orbit.
And this was where that pesky question often stemmed from, the one that was occasionally tossed at Chloe being the ‘non famous one’ in their relationship.
“Do you ever worry Beca will cheat or get swept away by all the attention?”
Chloe would be lying if she said it hadn’t been a concern in the early stages of her wife’s then blossoming career, but Beca had reassured her that she wasn’t interested or felt in any way lured by temptation. What she had with Chloe was far deeper and more meaningful than anything else in Beca’s life. It wasn’t just physical attraction it was emotional connection.
Whenever Beca was swept up in work or promo or anything industry related, she would get a knot in her chest if Chloe wasn’t around and would be itching to get home to her. The redhead had become such an integral part of Beca’s existence that her absence often left the producer feeling like her world was tilted off centre. Everything just felt a little out of place.
Beca didn’t need the attention and she certainly didn’t feel tempted by it because her heart was so completely Chloe’s she was oblivious to everything else around her, whether that was people openly flirting with her or being needlessly tactile with her, which had happened on numerous occasions over the years.
To the extent that Chloe could safely say, hand on her heart, that she trusted Beca so completely and never once questioned her loyalty.
They were devoted to one another and maintained an open and honest relationship. Chloe knew all the passwords to Beca’s phone and social medias and vice versa, though neither ever felt the need to snoop on the other.
In fact, Beca’s obliviousness to other peoples’ advances had become a long running joke between her work colleagues and Chloe. So much so that Theo once sent Chloe a video he had sneakily recorded of Beca’s previous assistant blatantly trying to insert herself into Beca’s space and flirt with her by brushing against her as she passed her at the office coffee machine, only for Beca to raise her hands in the air, coffee mug in hand, and slip past her in any means that avoided being touched or accidentally brushing against her.
Theo had jokingly captioned the clip ‘when your wife makes you fear for your life so you keep your hands above sea level at all times’. Chloe had chuckled at the ridiculousness of it all but it secretly made her hear flutter how protective Beca was of anyone being in the intimate space that was strictly reserved for her. And not because of anything Chloe may have said or insinuated, but purely because Beca respected her wife and their relationship.
Her personal space wasn’t open to just anyone and that’s how Beca liked it. Even Chloe who was the more tactile of the two had her boundaries. There were certain kinds of touching and space invasion that were only applicable to one another and both were happy to keep it that way.  
One time when Chloe stopped by her wife’s label for a visit, she had stopped short outside of Beca’s glass walled office and watched as the same assistant tried pointing out something on the brunettes’ desktop screen by leaning across her so that Beca’s face was literally eye level with her chest. Chloe had been seething, not at her wife, but at the audacity of the other woman.
But she watched as Beca pulled back, swung her chair around and gently guided the woman’s arms back down by her sides as she explained in as professional a manner as possible, that she wasn’t comfortable with the level of closeness the other woman was exerting and that she needed to keep her distance. Chloe had watched as the woman’s face had fallen ever so briefly before being replaced by a smile that was just a tad too fake as she excused herself from the office.
Chloe had passed her on the way out the door, offering her a polite hello which the woman barely acknowledged as she took her seat at her desk outside. Knowing that the woman would be able to see everything from where she was positioned, Chloe walked up to where her wife was sat, stood behind her chair and wrapped her arms around her, leaning down and pressing a loving kiss to her neck.
Beca grinned, and turned her head finding Chloe’s smiling face and leaned in for a kiss before pulling her down into her lap so that she could show her the new melody she had been working on for one of her latest tracks. Chloe glanced outside briefly to see the look of jealousy that was aimed in her direction, before giving her wife her full attention.
That assistant didn’t last much longer, Beca choosing to mitigate further instances by employing someone more professional to work as her assistant. One because it was disrespectful to herself and her relationship with her wife, and two, because Beca simply wasn’t comfortable with people she didn’t have a personal relationship with being up in her space.
Even during the times before Beca settled into a life as a full-time producer, leaving the hectic life of a performing artist behind, she would always make sure to schedule time in her day to facetime or call Chloe when she was on the road when the redhead couldn’t be with her.
And whenever Chloe would see pictures of Beca at an event posing with fellow industry types, there was a friendly yet respectful distance, the producer acutely aware of how things could be misconstrued if she seemed overly friendly. Though she didn’t go to the Keanu Reeves level of hovering her hand in mid-air, it was always placed somewhere that was friendly without being seen as intimate, usually mid-back level with a couple of inches of space between her body and theirs.
While many thought it was cute, Chloe had found the whole thing rather sad, because she knew the level of thought that went into every interaction Beca had. The producer was so conscious about not getting caught in what could be construed as a compromising position there were times she almost overthought her interactions. She knew how the TMZ’s of the world worked and the narratives they liked to spin and Beca never wanted to put herself in a position that could impact her marriage.
But when Chloe was with her, the vibe was totally different. When they would pose for cameras, there wasn’t an inch of space between them and Beca would always wrap her arm around Chloe’s waist, hand resting either on her lower back lovingly caressing it, or on her hip if she was feeling a little more sensual.
They could both recall switching on the tv one night to some body language expert on the E! Network talking about their body language as a couple and Beca had been particularly miffed at the suggestion that her hand on Chloe’s hip was somehow suggestive of the fact Beca was maybe a little possessive.
Was she possessive? Maybe a tad, but only in the sense that she wanted the world to know that she was lucky enough to call the hot redhead her wife. It came from a place of pride not ownership. Chloe had been quick to reassure her that she wasn’t possessive, if anything Beca was protective. She knew Chloe never felt completely comfortable on red carpets or in front of a camera, so Beca’s arm around her was often an anchor for her to know that she was safe.
They did get one thing right though in their assessment and that was that the way Beca looked at Chloe suggested that she was completely besotted by her, because she was, and no one else could ever come close.
So no, Chloe never felt threatened or worried in any capacity when it came to her wife or her fame, because deep down she knew that no matter who may try tempt Beca away, their actions were all in vain. Afterall, Beca had cemented this very notion on the day of their wedding, when Chloe had discovered that Beca had had Chloe’s wedding ring secretly engraved with ‘Forever Yours, Faithfully’.
Having lost her mother at a young age, Beca was all too aware of the pain of losing someone that meant a lot to her, the thought of losing Chloe was something she simply couldn’t fathom, nor did she want to. She never wanted to fall victim to the celebrity curse. Marriage wasn’t a novelty to her, it was something she felt very deeply about.
Having watched her own parents marriage unravel, and having struggled with commitment out of the fear of being hurt, when Beca finally found herself coming around to the idea she knew that if she were to ever make that kind of commitment, it wouldn’t be one made lightly. She had made Chloe wait, probably longer than she should have, but Beca had needed time to make sure that she was ready to give herself completely.
So, she had asked Chloe to bear with her and to allow their relationship to navigate through the various ups and downs and milestones of life before marriage entered the equation, if only for the selfish reason that she wanted to make sure she was strong enough to be the wife Chloe deserved. And Chloe, being the ever-understanding woman that she was, waited patiently, because she knew Beca was strong enough and she knew she was worth the wait.
Because Chloe was aware of the anxiety that her wife had faced when success had coming knocking, knew that Beca was unsure of just what awaited her on the other side of being a big deal to the industry. It was unchartered territory for the both of them, and with the benefit of hindsight, Chloe was now grateful that Beca had given their relationship that grace period to thread those choppy waters and learn how to dance its treacherous seas.
Because celebrity was hard. It wasn’t all glitz and glamour and luxurious lifestyles, well it was, but all of those things came with a downside. Like having the luxury of anonymity stripped away and the prying eyes of the world delving deep into every single aspect of a persons’ life and being open to public opinion and criticism whether or not it was warranted.
Beca gave Chloe something that most people didn’t, time. Time to figure out her own place and feelings about their relationship within the context of celebrity. Time to ask questions and figure out the answers, time to grow into a new phase with understanding and support, something she offered Beca in return by agreeing to wait to marry.
By the time Beca had inevitably asked the question it was at a point where they knew they were secure in their relationship in more ways than one. They had overcome distance, intrusion, and everything else that came with being a couple in the public eye and through it all, never doubted that they could come out the other side stronger.
So, when Beca had promised herself to Chloe so faithfully, she knew she never needed to worry, not where Beca was concerned.
There would always be chancers and people who thought they could sway the elusive producer away from her monogamous life, but they would never win. And even when Chloe felt insecurities creep in, she reminded herself of how blessed she was because she was the one who got to wear Beca’s ring, got to wake up and fall asleep with her, travel the world with her and raise a family with her.
She was the one who got to be on the receiving end of Beca’s love and devotion, the keeper of her deepest secretes and often supressed vulnerabilities. The shelter Beca sought out when she needed a safe place to hide and recharge and the strength she needed when the world around them expected just a little too much from her.
Afterall, she had watched her wife endure trying IVF treatments, a difficult pregnancy and pregnancy losses, all so she could give Chloe the family she craved. It wasn’t lost on her the challenge that starting a family had been on Beca, the IVF wreaking havoc on her body as she dealt with weight fluctuation and hormones, all while tyring to keep their pregnancy journey a secret from the world at large.
She had watched as Beca endured red carpets and interviews around award season with a steely focused facade, all while dealing with the secret heartache of having just experienced another miscarriage. One night, as they had navigated through countless conversations with fellow industry professionals and artists after a massively successful night for their label, Chloe had felt Beca cling to her that night like she had never done before and Chloe had made it her mission to never be more than arms reach away from Beca at all times.
It was in those moments that Chloe realised the privilege she had that others never would experience. What Beca gave to those who circulated her orbit, was superficial surface level access, but Chloe, Chloe was nestled deep within the very core of Beca’s existence.
So, while Beca’s assistants and proteges flirted and over zealous fans tried to get closer than deemed appropriate, Chloe merely shook her head and chuckled to herself, because just as Beca was hers and hers alone, she was Beca’s, faithfully.
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just-another-fic-blog ¡ 2 years
Hanahaki, Part 4
It hurt to breathe.
It hurt to do anything, now. Even laying on his side curled into a ball brought him pain, both within and without. It took everything he had not to break down sobbing, even now. Not because he didn’t want to give his jailers the satisfaction - he was well past that - but because sobbing would just make it worse. He knew that all too well.
Geumsaegi coughed, catching the blood and petals in his hand. He got onto his knees, staring at the contents. The small, blood-drenched flowers that had left, intact this time. It was mulmangcho…he’d laugh if that wouldn’t bring more pain. How fitting.
He turned. Standing in the entrance was a rather annoyed looking hedgehog, arms crossed and tapping his foot. “You’re being transferred to another cell,” he said with a huff. “Come on, I don’t have all day.”
Geumsaegi gave a weak nod, standing up and walking over. Even that made him breathe heavier, now.
Strangely, the hedgehog didn’t chain his wrists, opting instead to hold them with one hand. The other he used to push his shoulder. “Move it,” the guard said, making Geumsaegi stumble forward a little. Geumsaegi walked, as quickly as he could and as the guard would allow. Keeping his head down, trying to make it so there wouldn’t be any punishment. Yet…still, he couldn’t help but feel there was something different about this particular guard. Something he couldn’t quite place his finger on. But something about his harsh tone and harsher movements felt like an act. Something like concern was hidden somewhere in his eyes. Hell, when Geumsaegi inevitably coughed, the guard halted and let him finish. That had never happened before. What was going on? Maybe they’d finally decided to put him out of his misery-
“Hey, you!”
The guard stopped. Two other hedgehogs stood in front of them. They pointed to Geumsaegi, stern looks on their faces. “Where are you taking that prisoner?”
Geumsaegi’s eyes widened slightly. He looked over at the…guard(?) who had a soft smile on his face. “Why, I’m simply transferring him to another cell.”
“That prisoner isn’t due for a transfer.”
“Are you sure about that?” The guard’s(?) voice had dropped to a lower register. Not quite a threat, but close.
“Yes we’re sure. What exactly is it that you intend to do with him?”
The guard(?) shrugged. “Well, I had intended to walk out of here with him. And if you won’t do that…then I suppose it’s onto plan B.”
That was when the not-guard pulled out a gun. He’d shifted his grip on Geumsaegi so there was an arm gently wrapped around his throat. The other guards pulled out their guns, pointing them at the intruder. “Drop your weapon. Now!”
“Or what, you’ll shoot?” The not guard laughed. “I don’t really find that much of a threat. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re under orders not to kill him.” He gestured with his gun to Geumsaegi. “And if you try to kill me, you’re going to kill him. You expect me to believe you’d risk taking his place for disobeying a direct order?”
The guards frowned, and lowered their guns. “How do you know that?”
“Who are you?”
“Me?” The not-guard shrugged. “No one you need to worry about, soon enough.” He lifted his gun again.
“Wait!” Geumsaegi piped up, coughing a bit. “Don’t…don’t kill them.”
The not-guard looked at Geumsaegi, eyes widening a little in surprise, before shrugging. “Well, you heard him. I can’t kill you. So…” He fired two shots, causing both of them to lower themselves to the ground, clutching their legs in pain.
Geumsaegi had questions, so many questions, but he found he couldn’t ask them as the not-guard grabbed his wrist and started running, dragging him along for the ride. “Come on, we need to get out of here.”
“Who are you?!”
“Oh, the disguise actually fooled you? I’d wondered.” The not-guard chuckled. It sounded…familiar…
Guemsagi’s heart tightened into a knot. No. Nonononono…it…it couldn’t be…
“Come on!” The not-guard hopped out a window onto a nearby tree, holding out his arms. Geumsaegi followed, being caught by the not-guard and held so close his heart skipped a beat. They looked in the prison for a bit, before the not-guard motioned. The two swung through the trees, something that made Geumsaegi gasp and struggle for breath. When the two fell onto the ground below, he was grabbing his chest, gasping for air.
“You alright?”
“Y-yeah,” Guemsaegi managed between gasps. “I…”
It was then he looked over. At the not-guard, who’d discarded his disguise at some point during the escape attempt. Geumsaegi swallowed. It was a mouse…one he knew all too well. He wasn’t sure if it was shock or perhaps just the lack of air, but suddenly, he was feeling woozy. He felt himself fall to the ground, hearing the mouse call out, with one last question before it all faded to black.
Mulmangcho…what are you doing here…?
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autumn-foxfire ¡ 3 months
Desperate Revival time~ (also known as me going on another rant about how terrible the canon romance is no you won't stop me this is my liveblog) ((oh I also bitch about the plot))
Long, long post because this covers all the episodes!
Sonoko, we know you didn't write the part with Shinichi in mind, you wrote it so you can passionately kiss Ran and go no homo about it.
As I said previously, this time around they did not set up Ran knowing Shinichi's identity very well. She saw him skate when he previously acted like he couldn't and that was really the only time she has that "I'm suspicious" expression, then they had that moment on the ship where she acted like she knew but there was no build up for it.
NOT THAT IT SHOULD BE A SECRET. But I digress. If you're going to do this plotline, at least do it WELL.
Shinichi... you really brought this on yourself. Mention treasure and you know they will go look for it.
Shinichi whump time! Get shot you little gremlin.
Bleeding out and he's still trying to protect others T-T
Awww, Shinichi cheering up the kids because he knows they're blaming themselves for him being shot. He really does think about others so much (except when it comes to Ran where he's incredibly selfish for plot reasons).
You know... Shinichi. If you were confident they would go the wrong way. Why didn't you wait for them to go down the corridor and go to the entrance you came in? Where you knew there would be an exit. I get it, you've been shot, you're not thinking the clearest. I shouldn't nitpick.
Mitsuhiko is lucky this robber is stupid and didn't mention the shout he just heard.
I wish Ran's concern for Conan wasn't just because she knows he's Shinichi but rather because she's come to really care for Conan as her little brother... I hate the plot of their romance. It's also clear she hasn't confronted him because she wants him to tell her the truth.
Sonoko, you believe he is six/seven. Why would you make that comment?!
Sonoko: I hurt my wrist so now I can't snog Ran T-T (She's a coward)
Shinichi, RAN ISN'T YOUR PROPERTY. She can kiss whoever she goddamn wants and I honestly wish it would never be you. NOT THAT SHE WILL BECAUSE FOR SHE IS DEVOTED TO YOU DUE TO GOSHO'S DISGUSTING WRITING OF HER.
Heiji: Kudo we're twinsies now! We having matching wounds.
Shinichi: Ran is a very supportive person who would love to support me, how dare I tell her to help me?!
Shinichi: I will tell her.
Haibara, with a gun: Don't you dare.
Haibara later on in the series: You should have told her.
Gosho: I am a very consistent writer <3
Go fuck yourself with a cactus Gosho.
I do love how Haibara fucks with Shinichi though. She's such a little shit XD Gremlins vibe with gremlins. Also, can we speak about how Haibara says that they're holding Agasa hostage so she's trying to save him with this act? She's adopted him as her grandfather so quickly T-T
HAIBARA YOU KNOW THE ORG WILL GET RID OF HER EVEN IF HE DOESN'T TELL HER, WHY ARE YOU LYING LIKE THIS?! (I know it's not Haibara, it's Gosho and his... amazing... writing.)
Sonoko, your writing is not comparable to Shakespear. We know Gosho does like to think he wrote the most amazing romance with Shinichi and Ran when in reality I think a duck could write a better romance and their species are known for some fucked up shit.
Also, when was Ran interested in being an actor? Genuinely, this is only a thing because Gosho wanted Shinichi and Ran to have a "romantic" moment on stage.
Kogoro. It's called a hug. Have you never hugged a woman? Well I doubt it considering he's divorced.
Thank you murderer. Shinichi deserves to be cockblocked all the time.
Hattori really didn't try to change his voice, did he XD He was just excited to cosplay his crush.
Haibara makes Conan so much cooler.
Shinichi really owes Heiji though, not many people will make a fool of themselves to help them T-T He's such a ride or die bro and we love him for it.
Can someone help this poor girl who is clearly victim of grooming of the man who was murderer?
Haibara really not going to put up with the bromance that Heiji has going on with Conan. The way she removes his hand is hilarious, Heiji must be so goddamn confused T-T I wonder if he felt upset to learn that Shinichi kept this act a secret from him.
Haibara: So this is the plan. You follow the plan.
Shinichi: Bet
Also. I'm going to say it. The Spade Knight costume is really dumb. I'm sorry I'm a hater. Please don't skin me alive. It's mostly the helmet I don't like.
Shinichi: I am being hunted by a criminal organization and can't let anyone know I am alive. I am hiding my identity from the love of my life.
Also Shinichi: I will show myself in front of the world without any regard to either the safey of myself and Haibara who allowed me to return in order to help me.
Shinichi should have been in the drama club. He actually has the skill for it. He's such a drama queen. Ran and Shinichi might have been a more interesting couple if he was the drama nerd and she was his jock. But Gosho had to make them the stereotypical male and female heternomative couple because HE'S A COWARD.
The woman did the world a favour.
Heiji is the ultimate hype bro.
Megure, you let a teenager into interrogations?!
Can we talk about how much pain the poison and transformation causes them?! And how it's so under explored in canon even though it's great whump for both Shinichi and Haibara.
Imagine being a normal student though? The amazing teenage detective has come back from being missing for months now and then just faints in front of you.
Haibara and Heiji really is saving Shinichi's skin and he doesn't deserve it.
Haibara's expression T-T She helped you because she cares about you Shinichi.
It's interesting that Shinichi is so possessive about how Conan is seen as even though he hates being Conan.
Oh, so the one romantic thing Shinichi did on stage, kinda, WASN'T EVEN HIS IDEA. Yeah, he loves Ran so much <.<
Shinichi calling Ran nee-chan could have been such a good thing to explore as well but they play it off as a joke. I love when fanfic writers explore what Shinichi believed to be romantic feelings turning into familial ones the longer he plays as Ran's little brother T-T
Also another thing I'd personally love to explore: Ran and Shinichi's "romance" being based upon how the whole world expects them to get together because man and a woman being friends must mean they will one day love one another. It's something that still happens today, a girl can introduce a boy to people as her friend and people will automatically assume that something more will happen with them later on in life. What's also interesting is that many people who have these relationships realise that they were only together because they felt pressured to be together due to everyone's expectations. It fits Ran and Shinichi's relationship to a tee.
Shinichi, your rich kid is showing.
I can speak at length that Shinichi brought Ran to an expensive restaurant and told her he had something important he wanted to share with her and her immediate assumption is that he just wants to have her notes. Yeah, she is so in love with him <.<
Thank you murderer for cockblocking Shinichi.
At least this time he didn't run off without her permission this time. But I don't think Gosho realises what a bit dig it is to their relationship that Ran mentioned she wouldn't run off like he does. Because he has no respect for Ran the way that Ran has for Shinichi. Because to Gosho, Ran is just his love interest and not a character~ Yes I am fucking salty about this.
Shinichi is so used to using Takagi as a go between T-T
Arggggh Shinichi adopting Conan mannerisms when questioning criminals T-T
Shinichi when doing a romantic pose with a pretty woman: No reaction, whatsoever.
Meanwhile, Takagi: What is going on!
Me in Shinichi's ear: Gay, gay, homesexual, gay!
Ran doesn't even think about just... being asked to be his girlfriend. Because it's a thought that doesn't cross her mind
Whoever designed this costume needs to be put in jail.
Haibara did tell you the antidote was a trial run, Shinichi. She never told you it was permanent.
Shinichi is dying in front of everyone and no one cares.
He's not cocky because he's dying.
Get arrested because you described the colour pink, idiot!
Shinichi is still dying here!
Thank you temporary antidote for cockblocking Shinichi.
God I hate this moment. A fucking american cartoon handles a situation like this so much better and I'm going to share it. You've probably heard about it, it's called American Dad. In the show, two characters are married and the husband is kidnapped by aliens, leaving his wife waiting for him on earth. He escapes the aliens but doesn't know how to return home. One day, he happens to come across a radio transition of his wife's brother and is able to speak to him and then speak to his wife again. But something else happened, the wife met a man she really liked and was on the process of moving on. When her husband tells her he thinks he's found a way home, he asks her to wait for him until he does. And she does. The husband found a wormhole that did return him to earth, but it was 60 years later. His wife waited for him for 60 years. He later learns his wife also almost moved on from him and is hurt by it, the stress causes his aged wife to collapse where she ends up in the hospital, where the man who she was going to move on with works. The husband, realising he made his wife waste 60 years of her life, returns back through the wormhole to the time where he first told her to wait for him AND TOLD HER TO MOVE ON BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW WHEN HE WILL BE BACK AND HE DOESN'T WANT HER LIFE TO REVOLVE AROUND WAITING FOR HIM.
Okay, I'm calm again.
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