#but like him experiencing that first hand since hes actually in the human realm
tired-demonspawn · 2 years
oh my god
someone please write/draw a crack thing where the gang makes belos eat one of those foods or someone says one of those sentences that would "kill a victorian child"
my guy is even older than that, i beg-
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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As Hunter puts the work in to recover and heal, looking back on Belos's 'kindness' in offering him a staff, taking him in, and providing the opportunity to be special as the Golden Guard...will be confusing and will involve seemingly conflicting emotions.
Having that treatment from his 'uncle' was the only reference point of feeling loved, while experiencing terror deeper down. This lasted for years before he met Luz and co.
He has overall spent less time in the new framework of healthy found family, than the years in the Castle.
I was looking at scenes from a couple of movies - the Black Widow movie and also Blade Runner 2049 (spoilers for both movies ahead, obviously) - as psychology references to see how two other fictional characters recalled their confusing but significant memories.
These examples carry some big concepts, one of which is that we "recall with our feelings". Not with pure impersonal logic that neatly trims away false info and discards it. If only it were that easy to dust our hands clean this way when healing from trauma.
In Black Widow, Yelena is the character who wears her heart on her sleeve the most, like Hunter naturally does. When confronted with the revelation that her happy childhood was staged, naturally Yelena feels betrayed:
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(the GIF file for above was too big so lol I just screencapped a still frame from it)
But she quickly makes a conscious decision on how she wants to view those good memories, when hearing her sister Natasha saying it was all fake. This is perhaps her most important line in the movie:
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She still chose to believe it had all been real. She is actively claiming the meaning that her good childhood had provided for her. Choosing what kind of lens she'd like to view those memories through. Defending that good meaning. Because her life fell apart after that good childhood came to an end. She could choose to say it was all fake, if she wanted to see it as fake.
She confronts Melina, her (staged) maternal figure who obviously isn't her biological or even a proper adoptive mother, and says: "You are my mother. You were my real mother, the closest thing I ever had to one."
When it comes to Hunter, he wouldn't find it as straightforward to acknowledge that the times when Belos was nice to him "felt real". Would he ever want to view the late Emperor as his uncle? Not via any conscious decision, I'm sure...since he's the opposite of Yelena here. Hunter's safe haven was after he escaped the Emperor's Coven, but Yelena's haven was at the start of her life, which she wished had been permanent.
Those months of summer when Hunter spent time away from Belos in the human realm must've been so special for him. But when faced with inevitable confusing flashbacks especially after Belos's death (that involve the subconscious, not conscious, part of his mind), he's still going to feel that the Emperor was a close family member whom he had an attachment with. Belos was the closest thing he ever had to family for so long.
In the Black Widow example, Yelena felt that Melina was her mother, from an early age. Around two decades later in her young adulthood, she still feels that this is the case, and consciously still wishes for that. She was lucky to be able to reconcile with Melina in the movie.
Hunter isn't as lucky. While he recovers, I don't think he can simply dismiss what it felt like to be told that he is part of a family (even if it was a lie) in such fragile formative years:
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As an example, if I had first been told at age 5 by a parent that they promised to protect me, only to find out a decade later that they actually wouldn't have ever cared if I died...I would be hella confused.
Quoting a guest lecturer from my first year of therapist training, the part of our brains responsible for reasoning and logic - the prefrontal cortex - does not begin to seriously mature until our late teen years. Which is why early childhood memories can't just be viewed by our adult selves and easily trimmed away and viewed in black-or-white as truth-or-lie. Those early years are sensitive for us all, in how they shape us later in life. That inner child is still in each of us.
Blade Runner 2049's protagonist, K, has an arc that takes a different direction: he had actual false memories implanted that were not even his own, but the theme that is consistent for this post is those memories still felt real to him, and thus affected him emotionally. He felt unfulfilled and wanted something new, to feel like he had a soul, which led him on this risky quest. Sadly, he easily believed in a lie because it matched the truth he wished for. Thus, even false memories could feel real to him because he was desperate for meaning in life.
This movie has a cyberpunk dystopian setting, so it's of course more bleak. K was made to believe so strongly in those memories because he was ultimately used as just smokescreen, to keep the real person (who had those memories) well-hidden. Below, he speaks to the memory maker who formed his false memories. She is a very skilled deceiver, and successfully engineers experiences that didn't actually happen because she inserts fragments of truth here and there.
And she makes some good points about how she succeeds at implanting false memories:
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Especially the last two lines, "We recall with our feelings. Anything real should be a mess."
Linking back to Hunter, it would be a tough process to learn how to make peace with his childhood with Belos. Because anything that felt real would be a mess.
And K has a similar line as Yelena did:
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The running theme I spotted is the realness of confusing memories for these characters, because their inner conflicts involve questioning themselves: whether or not they were just imagining the good feelings they felt.
While we never got confirmation whether Belos used false memories or not, I'm inclined to think he didn't...in order to work more subtly and over a long period of time on Hunter as his latest grimwalker project. The deadlier lies are the ones with many bits of truth scattered throughout their intricate webs, like what the memory maker in Blade Runner 2049 could pull off.
Belos's treatment would've felt kind to Hunter at the time. As they say, how we feel about any experience we have is "what we make of it". Or how we choose to view the experience.
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I think Hunter needed to believe his uncle really was kind, while maintaining his own image, in order to keep going and survive.
This tragically meant he had to believe he wasn't doing enough.
It is always scarier for an abused child to see that their parent in fact isn't loving after all/isn't a good person, compared to imposing shame upon themselves and believing they aren't good enough.
Of course, all this would've changed by the time we get to here and beyond:
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Memory is subjective and our minds are so powerful that they find evidence to seemingly confirm any kind of beliefs that we form.
All three characters in this post were cogs in a machine, reduced to being pawns in a scheme...until they later had the space to decide things for themselves.
As seen in Hunter's efforts in his Golden Guard days to be good enough in the role, Yelena taking a stand to preserve the purity of an untainted childhood (even if it was staged and not organic), K defying authority to cross a line in his duties and get answers about who he was....this is how much we as humans will clamber to grasp onto a sense of personhood, to give our lives meaning and survive the best we can.
Yelena wanted to preserve the memories of her childhood as good, as a haven or a warm fuzzy bubble to look back on, because it got torn apart before she reunited with her family many years later.
Obviously Hunter can't do exactly the same i.e. preserving the entirety of his time in the Castle as "good", since he has now been able to see that Belos was a constant threat upon his life. However, he could still look back on smaller pockets of his childhood as pleasant, by isolating those specific memories.
We have two examples in canon: the way he grins when remembering the experience of being left on top of the mountain and climbing back down. And him saying that "weekends were nice" since he tasted partial freedom by being outdoors going on missions.
In fact, he would likely start out wanting to erase his childhood, view it as entirely bad and terrible to revisit, and try to force himself to forget its significance and start afresh. But this would only worsen the unpleasant emotions associated with this time of his life that he'd rather wish had not existed.
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Mental health recovery is counter-intuitive: avoiding or denying emotions tend to make them grow bigger and scarier, while letting them feel seen and heard can help them along to shrink and positively transform over time. Hunter's therapist would have to provide him with psychoeducation on this so that he doesn't feel like he's grieving wrongly. It would bring him more peace if he can acknowledge both of these seemingly conflicting truths:
Factually, Belos did lie to him and betray him.
(Here's the important part) Emotionally, if the 'kindness/love' offered by Belos felt real at the time, received by Hunter's very legit need for attachment and meaning, then yes, it was real.
Both these points can coexist. Belos's love was untrue in the factual sense (we in the audience can easily see this), yet true in the emotional sense for a young child like who Hunter was. Which is what makes it hard.
Someone would ask Hunter, "Do you think he loved you?" and the answer isn't simple. Maybe it'd be something like "He didn't, but I felt like he really did." And the second half of that sentence ("but I felt like he really did") honestly doesn't need to be changed or removed, and the grief in those words should be honoured. Belos only cared about meeting Hunter's emotional needs as a means to an end, and as strange as it sounds to say this...it did help Hunter survive long enough, however mistreated he was. Because he still clung on to meaning and a purpose in his life.
The love wasn't there in the technical sense: instead it was a twisted version of Philip's love for Caleb, not any love extended towards Hunter. But this love still felt mostly real to Hunter before he fled the coven.
And I bet that even if it was for a split-second, Belos's gaslighting of "Why are you hurting me? I only wanted to help you" felt real and true to the poor kid here:
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before Hunter expressed that he knew who Belos truly was as a person: a liar.
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ichodyssey · 3 months
Why Batman is a Unique Character
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Who doesn't know Batman? Batman, is a character from the American superhero comic strip that created for DC Comics by the writer Bill Finger and the illustrator Bob Kane. First appeared in May 1939 in Detective Comics no. 27, Batman since then has appeared in various comics and graphic novels.
Many people do not know the origin of Batman. Doctor Thomas Wayne, his wife Martha, and son Bruce were robbed one night which resulted in Thomas and Martha being killed and witnessed by their terrified son. After the incident Bruce dedicated his life to avenging the death of his parents by spending his life fighting against all criminals.
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Today there are many typical superheroes that we see who uphold justice and goodness. They are often portrayed as peacekeepers who have a black and white understanding of right and wrong - but Batman's motives are much more personal than that.
The motives that drive Bruce began when he witnessed first-hand the brutality of the world in his youth. In his youth, Bruce witnessed his parents being murdered in cold blood. This experience was the starting point for Bruce's ideas of justice and morality.
Batman's ultimate goal is to rid the world of blind immorality and prevent anyone from experiencing the depraved world he faced at such a young age. This personally-driven motive is typical of an antihero, but combining this trope with the superhero theme adds a deeper dimension to Batman's character.
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Batman's moral code is also strongly emphasized by his refusal to kill anyone, as he believes that any form of killing would defy elements of the cause of evil and his moral code. No matter how much destruction or death a villain causes, he refuses to be like his enemy.
For Batman, death is not justice. This is depicted in Batman comics when the Joker repeatedly taunts Batman to kill him. Unlike other superheroes, Batman does not subscribe to the idea of sacrificing life, no matter how evil the enemy, for the greater good. It's not something that is considered easy to do, but Batman is nothing if not dedicated to his life with his moral compass. Here, Batman embodies an antihero who blurs the line between protagonist and antagonist.
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One of Batman's most exclusive characteristics that makes him different from other superheroes is that he has no actual superpowers. This is one of the factors for Batman having a deeper connection with the readers. In reality, there is no difference between Batman and Bruce Wayne beyond the bat costume.
Batman provides a different vision - that it doesn't take radioactive spiders or alien technology to be a hero. Batman lets the human being himself be extraordinary. His 'powers' are something that is truly within the realm of possibility - physical discipline, mixed martial arts, swordsmanship, and intelligence are just a few of the skills that Bruce uses to combat his enemies.
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Another reason why Batman connects with readers on a much more human level than others is because he is deeply flawed, like all antiheroes. There is a unique sense of humanity that surrounds Batman because of his nuanced character, and he has as many flaws as he does strengths. Bruce Wayne is portrayed as distrustful, cynical, vindictive, and arrogant - but he is also intelligent, tenacious, passionate, and determined.
What makes Batman a perfectly acceptable superhero is that he is complicated, just like all of humanity. Instead of being a superhero to admire, Batman is an inspiring superhero because he teaches readers that it doesn't take a perfect person to do good things.
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bucchiarati · 2 months
According to this Tweet, I have some ideas :
ghoul finding their way to help their significant others for a preparation before a tour.
What if after the ghouls are summoned into this realm, they need to adjust with how human do their basic necessities. I know copia will mostly provide their daily basic such as their meals and a place to sleep, but copia is too busy with other stuff that he can't always available for them.
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Swiss & Phantom :
• Swiss is quite reliable and more experienced than phantom in every aspect when it comes to daily basic necessities such as doing dirty laundry etc.
• He knew that phantom can get easily bored when it comes to packing so he always find a fun way to kept phantom entertained. Such as playing some movies as a background sound during their packing. Phantom will need a break for every 5 minutes before he continue helping Swiss to put down his clothes back into a luggage.
• Phantom will ask "are we done yet?" For every time he is able to fold his clothes.
• it takes nearly 3 hours before they finished packing before phantom finally curled up on their shared bed with a pout because Swiss ignored him for nearly an hour just because he kept asking why they need to pack this many clothes? Swiss will always end up sneaking behind him to put his hand around phantom's waist and whispering some sweet nothings like "you've done such a good job bug." And nuzzling onto his neck.
Mountain & Rain :
• Both of them is actually the kind of person who packs six days before a trip, but the problem is if Rain didn't check on his luggage there will be some stuff mountain forgot to put.
• Rain will ask "are you sure you already put all of your stuff?" And for the 10th time today, mountain will answer "yes, love." Only for mountain to realize he forgot his tooth brush at the first night of their tour.
• There is also one time Mountain forgot to brought his undies and ended up borrowing rain's, and it's ironically felt too tight and he is sweating more than the usual especially on his butt crack.
• since that day, Rain will pack up extra things just in case mountain forgot to bring his own again.
Aether & Dewdrop :
• Dewdrop is the kind of people "well I can pack in the morning before our flight." But ended up panicking since he hasn't done anything yet and the tour bus already arrived to pick them up.
• He will always need help from Aether but throughout the process is so chaotic. Dewdrop will yell like "where the fuck is my shampoo?" And Aether will be there to tell him. "You left them on the sink, dear."
• Dewdrop couldn't focus when he is panicking so Aether is actually just there to point things out.
• After he finished packing, Dewdrop will be so worn out and looks like he is done an entire errand, he is basically already tiring himself even before the tour has begin, leaning on Aether's shoulder on the bus and Aether will make sure his boyfriend has a time to nap before they arrived at the hotel.
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tricksterrune · 10 months
Rogues playing DnD: Classes
I fully admit that this is based on my limited experience of DnD, mainly through season 1 of Vox Machina, The Gamers 2: Dorkness Rising and FrasierDnD Twitter, specifically this. I also used to play The Dark Eye from which I steal aspects. And WoW
for @belphegor1982
Piper: DungeonMaster
He brings them together. They call him a nerd for it, but it sounds like fun so they all join in. But while Piper is the most experienced as of now, he hasn't played since college and wasn't the dungeon master, he isn't 100% in control and improvises a lot. At first he tries to keep them on the story path but learns to relax and let go. He used to have a high level bard in college and frequently uses that character's relatives as npcs.
James: hmmmmm
In the Dark Eye there were classic fae changelings. Fae could take a child and leave a changeling in its wake. And you could then play as the child that was taken which grew up in the fae realm, learn magic and becomes fae-like (If I remember correctly). James would play a character but never actually clarify whether he was the original character or the changeling pretending to be him.
Or I go with my initial answer and say that he roleplays as someone who does not fit into the world of DnD (as I once played a whole quest trying to be Indiana Jones). Half-elf...alledgedly
Mick: Monk....now
Mick's character became a monk later in life and starts as a veteran character (is that a thing in DnD?). Which means that he starts stronger but his character is old. He'd be a Dragonborn because they look badass. He is always super-prepared and carries endless supplies.
Mark: Wizard, elf or human
I hc Mark as someone who likes reading and not just Mark Twain, who was overshadowed by his gifted brother who was into natural sciences. He probably loves fantasy books but never engaged as a teen, wanting to appear tough. He has big ideas but hasn't read the rulebook too closely, just stories and wants to be a wizard who can do everything, mainly throw fireballs at people. Piper has to remind him frequently that he can't do the thing he just announced he was going to do. "I cast Firestorm!" "Do you know the spell?" "No?" "What about your spell slots?" "My what?"
Roscoe: Artificer, human
He sticks to what he knows best so he essentially plays himself. BUT he has read the rulebook twice and has become a rule's lawyer. He often thinks outside of the box but sometimes gets bigged down by what the numbers say are possible and what's a good story. He'd try a peasant railgun.
Lisa: Rogue, tiefling
Skintight leather? Check. Awfully sharp knives? Check. Steal absolutely EVERYTHING? Check. Often gets the party into trouble with her antics. "Can I roll to steal the crown?" "Seeing as its currently on the king's head, he's looking at you and is surrounded by his royal guard....no." She'd play tiefling, sexy as hell.
Digger: Barbarian, half-orc or orc
Digger junior, his character's name, will fight everyone, drink everything and then fight everyone again. He is legendary in bar brawls. His secret goal is to be the brawler like no ever ever was. Fighting's his real test, drinking is his cause. Digger jr is Digger unfiltered which you'd think was impossible.
Len: Druid, elf
He was blackmailed into attending at first (but secretly has fun) and plays a druid, almost exclusively in bear form (assuming that's possible, I' drawing on my WoW knowledge). His favorite trick is making people think he's a regular bear and only reveals himself when it's funny. Has written a couple of bear puns, but is afraid to use them unless he's a little drunk.
Sam: Bard! And a woman!
Charisma, charisma and charisma! He needs everyone to know that he is the most beautiful lady of all the land. And his character doesn't get her hands dirty, she stays outside and keeps inspiring the party. In ideal circumstances anyway, she has mace (an actual mace) when things get tough.
Roy: Warlock, Tiefling.
Roy strives to become an eldritch entity himself, possibly by killing his patron. At least he's not giving up his soul. He draws the most beautiful character portraits between rounds.
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anqelbean · 1 year
I have many mdzs fanfic ideas (or mxtx in general) that I'll never write because I'm a coward with no time to spare so I'll just share what's supposed to be a 100k fic in my head into a long tumblr post.
So I have been thinking of this tgcf x mdzs crossover for months basically.
You know those AUs where hualian adopt wwx? What if. Hear me out. Wei Wuxian is their actual blood son?
Like. One of the two of them finally took that childbearing pill and popped out little A-Ying, who's basically the first human to be born immortal. Little young master of Ghost City. Little prince of the heavens. Spoiled with love and care by his parents and endless list of uncles and aunts. Crimson red eyes and a bright smile.
So, of course, in this au, his last name wouldn't be Wei, but what if they couldn't decide whose name he should take? I don't think hualian would care much for that anyway, but the realms have different opinions. The heavens want his name to be "Xie Ying" after his godly father, but the ghosts want it to be "Hua Ying" after their king.
So, why not both, you know? The Gods call him "Xie Ying" and the Ghosts call him "Hua Ying".
He grows up a very happy child with incredible parents, beloved in all three realms, by Heaven, Earth and Ghost.
Then, he turns 22, and decides he wants to know what mortality felt like, being the only one in his family to have never experienced it. He asks his parents to grant him the chance to see how it felt to be mortal, at least for a while.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng take this with a heavy heart, as both of them are incredibly worried over their son. They agree of course, but they make a deal.
It goes like this: A-Ying will be reverted to a 9 year old, and until the day he reaches the same age as he was the day he gained his mortality, he shall not have the memories of his immortal life. He will not remember his fathers, he will not remember how it's like to walk through the golden streets of the heavens, or the colourful ones of Ghsot City. He will not remember his relatives, nor will he remember his friends. He will lose all of them, for 13 years as a mortal.
And so, the little young master is sent to Earth, with no memories nor spiritual power. His parents sent him purposefully on the path of two young newlyweds, who unfortunately couldn't have children. They send word to their friends that they have adopted a child. He gains a third name, one for the Earth to call him, Wei Ying, a normal silver eyed boy.
Then, his mortal parents die, and Wei Ying is alone. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are worried sick as they watch their little boy from afar. Then, while Jiang Fengmian is searching for his da-shixiong's child in Yiling, he spots something quite peculiar.
A butterfly, with wings that seemed as if made of pure silver, looking neither alive nor dead. He decides to follow it, thinking it the will of the heavens.
He finds a young boy, cornered by a pack of stray dogs in an alley. He rescues the boy and asks for his name.
"My name is Wei Ying," The boy bows to him in gratitude. "Thank you for saving me, kind shushu!!"
Jiang Fengmian thinks it the blessing of the heavens.
And so, Wei Ying gains a new family, a kind shushu and an angry madame, a sweet older sister and a grumpy little brother and he couldn't be happier.
So he works hard, he learns how to cultivate, he does everything so that he doesn't disappoint this new, fragile family he has. Soon enough he becomes da-shixiong, just as his adoptive father before him. He even gets a his own sword, one made specifically for him!
(Xie Lian's hands itch to see his son's spiritual weapon, especially since it's a sword, but he cannot help but laugh at the name)
The madame is harsh, but he'll take any punishment if it means keeping his family.
His little brother is often jealous of him, insecure in his standing as heir to their clan, but he still cares for his older brother, even when he is reckless, so Wei Ying tries everything to help his brother with his woes.
His shijie is the best. But she's in love with an idiot. So he needs to protect her. It's the least he can do for her.
His shushu is still as kind as the first day he met him, but he is too harsh on his shidi. He cannot have that, so he tries everything to get him to acknowledge his son.
And then there's Cloud Recesses.
Then there's long black hair and sharp golden eyes. Bright white and soft blue against a moonlit night. An uptight personality and a face he cannot get out of his head. And easily triggered annoyance, an even but deep voice, a natural rule follower. Someone who he can spar with on even ground.
Wei Ying, now Wuxian, has always been smart. He realizes why he wants this boy's eyes and attention to always be directed at him. He wishes he could ignore it. It would be preferable to dreaming of being pressed to a desk at the Library Pavilion by an angry Lan Zhan and being kissed within an inch of his life.
Although not by much, if such a fantasy were to come true.
Then, he punches Jin Zixuan and gets sent home. It's worth it, it's to protect his shijie's honour. But as he says goodbye to Lan Zhan, as he leaves him with two small bunnies, as he sees blush seep into the top of his ears and back of his neck, he thinks he should've been more careful about it.
(As Xie Lian watches his son from afar, he cannot help but chuckle at his son's first love, and thinks that maybe, that Lan Wangji would be a good son-in-law. His husband is not as convinced, protective over his child. Maybe this is how Guoshi felt when he found out about him and Xie Lian.)
When Wei Wuxian sees him again at the archery competition, he feels overjoyed, and, wanting to show off in front of Lan Zhan, wins the competition single handedly, but not before accidentally taking off Lan Zhan's forehead ribbon, and angering him in the process. He really didn't understand what's so serious about it.
(Feng Xin could not be more proud of his nephew for winning in archery, but he does wish he could smack him on the head for not realizing the meaning of his actions. Mu Qing rolls his eyes as his husband's boisterous laughter fills the room.)
Then there's a dark cave and a murderous monster, blood and hunger and wounds. But there's also a kiss, soft, speaking a thousand promises, a song, a sweet melody to lull him to sleep, and the lap of his beloved, supporting his head as he rests and Wei Ying thinks he could happily die like this, in Lan Zhan's arms.
(There's also a brother, who's frantic to return home to get help. There's also a silver butterfly, guiding Jiang Cheng back to the cave, where he finds his brother hurt and battered, sleeping peacefully on Lan Wangji's lap.)
Then. He wakes up alone to the ceiling of his room. He would think it all a dream but his wounds say otherwise. He understands, of course, why Lan Zhan couldn't stay, but oh how he wishes he did.
But then there's fire.
There's fire and a mountain of corpses. There's hands around his neck, and tears falling on his face. There's Zidian, pressed to his brother's palm.
Then there's steady hands cutting him open with precision honed by years of experience. There's pain worse than anything he's ever felt. There's a peak in Yiling, there's a golden spiritual core.
Then there's darkness and resentment. There's spirits around him. He learns to wield it. To bend it to his will, no matter the cost. Asks the spirits of the dead for their bodies, to help his cause. They agree.
But then there's a worried father dressed in red. There's an unplanned reunion. Unplanned memories. Unplanned tears. Unplanned consequences.
Hua Cheng tries everything to save his son from the pain, but even with the knowledge he was given again, his A-Ying, his A-Xian, couldn't stop.
He had loved ones to protect.
(After all, his A-Ying always took after his love)
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capsensislagamoprh · 3 months
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Victor slid across the ice, blades cutting feather thin lines into its fresh shine. His movements were graceful, fluid, full of possibilities. He was going to gather glamour, he would put it to good use. He would get a hold of the oracle and an interpreter. Or he'd learn Chinese. Ether way.
Gliding, arms turning out, slowly lifting towards the sky, palms arched in reverence, Victor imagined the rain of snow that kissed his skin when ever he felt a fresh dream. He drew his arms in, cupping his heart thrugh his chest, long hair flowing beside his face like a vale of silver ice. His feet arched, one over the other as he gained speed. He jumped. The spin felt natural. It landed clean. A triple. He followed it with a moments notice, a double taking him to the next step sequence. He could feel himself, face mussels and long limbs burning like cold flame. The music covered him in kisses made of dead men, there inspiration caught in the air, Victor's to interpret.
His hips bent as his back arched, toe loop step, fluid hands. Toe loop - try to be en pointe, use that toe pick - step, powerful sweeping motions as you flow that twizzle into a sit spin. Pull it into a lay-back... use your core mussels to rise into a scratch. Step sequence as you convey, emote. Use your whole body. Your face. Don't forget the grace of your line...
"VICTOR!" Yakov screamed into the void. A silver head snapped around as his blades cut a sharp C, stopping himself from continuing. Flicking his stakes as he glided towards the grumpy man, he once again wondered if he wasn't a very well hidden knocker.
"Yes, Yakov," he purred. "Something I can help you with?"
"Arch your back more. You're toe is to low, and your twizzle looked like you weren't even trying. Air, Victor! Air! Look like you're gliding yes, but you should fly!"
Victor felt his smile plaster on. "Sure, Yakov. I can do that." He could almost feel Madame Baranovskaya staring him down, telling him to not waste the dross on something bound to get him tested for sanity.
It goes like this in practice for hours. He's not ready to get off the ice. He knows he can do more. He knows he can make another rotation on his Salchow. But reality is going to gobble him up feet first if he doesn't shower, eat, and hang around people with actual imaginations.
He's not sure what to do. What he knows is that sometimes children let loose dreams. They play in the parks and on the streets. They bounce about pretending fantasies so powerful they taste like sweet cream. Umm, sweet cream. A pastries. Trubochki? Vatrushka maybe? Milk and honey, a basic thing to fey, a kin to vitamins in humans. Mother's milk, warm and welcoming. Damn. He was starving.
Walking to Primorskiy Park, Victor watched the sky, felt the cold, smelled the air, and watched his step. The shadows were trying to cling to him again, trying to warn him of something. He wasn't sure what it was, but for a moment he thought he heard someone laugh, smelled the scent of chocolate, and then it faded. Shaking his silver locks, Victor watched as children played, their screams little more than an echo at the highest end of sound.
Sitting on the frosty bench, Victor looked at the children, their parents keeping lax eyes as the water fountains played with the empty spaces. He'd got his pasties, was about to indulge in a powered sugar covered delight when - like the right hand of Madame Baranovskaya herself - came chaos and sound the likes of which he's not experienced before.
Several small dogs chased a rather large Siberian Husky right over the bench he sat, across the bag of goodies, over his entire form, with one rather enterprising spaniel slamming a muddy paw right across his forehead. It was disappointing. It was disgusting. It was shocking. It... surprised him. He hadn't been surprised since he came to the material realm. How exhilarating!
He could feel himself lift from the soul up. His insides were floating on a glowing tide of power, fueling his innate abilities. A slow, steady snow began to fall. People began to gather their children and animals. They fled to the places snow was not supposed to go. And Victor laughed.
Marvelous! What joy! What was that creature? Could he get one? He must have one! Smile brighter than the cloud covered sun, Victor rose, eyes bright with liquid delight as he whispered with glee, "I must have a chaos animal! Where do I get one?"
He'd use the computer to find a place to get a cleaner animal. One as well breed as himself, and just a much of a joy as the muddy print in the middle of his head.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22
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alwida10 · 1 year
Dead dove, do not read.
There is a German phrase. It’s “wenn schon, denn schon”, and can be roughly translated as “if so, then already”. It basically means “If you do something [that might not be entirely recommendable] you should at least do it completely/correctly.”
TVA Loki, accountability and character development
I want to discuss the show for a second embracing the show’s claims, showing that even when you “let go of all former headcanons” it still does not work. Now, let’s -wait for it- hold Loki accountable for his actions.
So, the show establishes Loki’s actions in Thor 1 and the Avengers are motivated by his feeling he deserves a throne, his narcissistic traits or outright narcissism; he uses force and cruelty to create an image of strength to veil his weakness, talks a lot, likes to stab people in the back, is afraid of being/staying alone, and never had a “real” relationship.
What do we hold him accountable for?
1) His plot in Thor 1 to sabotage the coronation. The show hints it was motivated by a hunger for power, enjoyment of stabbing people (Thor and probably Odin) in the back, and the need to appear strong, if necessary by the use of force. In the worst-case scenario because he’s so self-centered he wanted the throne for himself. In the best-case scenario because he’s self-centered he wants to be acknowledged the same way Thor gets. The damage: about 180 dead Jotun, and two dead Asgardians.
2) His attempted genocide on the Jotnar. Based on the show’s claims this has to be motivated by the fear of appearing weak, probably narcissistic traits, and possibly the enjoyment of stabbing people (Laufey) in the back. (Side note: if we take the characterization in the show for the whole truth, then we should do so completely, and assume his actions were also a way to stab Frigga in the back since she handed him the throne and probably isn’t in favor of genocide. When schon, wenn schon. He doesn’t get to drop a part of his characterization only because people don’t want Frigga to be at the receiving end of the backstabbing.) The damage: unknown number of Jotun casualties, an unknown amount of property damage.
3. His attack on New York. Based on the show we have to conclude it was Loki’s hunger for power, narcissistic traits/narcissism and the enjoyment of stabbing people in the back (Odin, as the ruler of the nine, and Thor who likes Earth). The damage: 155 dead humans, MUCH property damage, an unknown number of dead chitauri.
Holding characters accountable for their crimes is normally part of their character development.
Example: in Iron Man 1, Tony does not care about people, including those who fell victim to the weapons that made him rich. He gets to a) experience the perspective of a victim (building empathy) and reacts by b) stopping the harmful behavior, helping the victims, and d) trying to prevent further harm. (It can be argued if his ideas to prevent further harm (ultron or the accords) actually succeeded in doing so, but the intention is there.)
Back to Loki:
A) in the show he arguably experiences the perspective of a victim when someone (the TVA) who wants to create an image of being powerful or is powerful rules over Loki, hurts him, and threatens to kill him. But was it the first time Loki experienced that situation? Wasn’t his situation the same before, when Odin took him from Jotunheim and ruled over him? In TVA Odin demands his sons to be delivered to him, without caring if dead or alive. He throws a powerless Thor to a foreign realm in Thor 1. Are we certain this was unusual behavior? Odin is shown to be emotionally volatile, so how sure are we Loki doesn’t know this perspective better than an attentive and accepting atmosphere?
The scenes where Loki experiences the perspective of a victim in the highest intensity are in the time theater when Mobius questions him, when he watches the last moments of his loved ones, and when Sif kicks him repeatedly. Those scenes do not mirror anything Loki had done to his victims. It does not force empathy with his victims (the Jotnar, Thor, or the people of New York). No, the creators wanted to teach Loki not to lie, and manipulate, not to be self-centered and not to use others for his advantage.
But is Loki the one that should be held accountable for that?
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This means Odin and Frigga do have to be held accountable for not meeting Loki’s needs when he was a child, causing the narcissistic traits* (which are ALL present in Thor as well. Just saying).
Loki doesn’t get held accountable for the deaths and destruction he caused but for having neglectful parents.
But then there is also this point.
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Change is internal. LOKI has to want to change the results of his attachment wounds. But Mobius treats him the same way Odin did (removing Loki from his environment, utilizing him for his goals, manipulating him, and setting him up against someone similar to Loki). How is that supposed to heal someone who already has attachment wounds, is insecure, self-loathing, and in need of an emotionally stable person that helps them to develop their sense of self? How would that trigger a healthy desire to grow? Wouldn’t it rather trigger a desperate clinging to the person Loki hopes might connect to him?
B) stopping the harm and helping the victims (aka making up for his misdeeds). Loki hurt Thor, the Jotnar, and the people of New York. None of them appear in the show. Did the creators want us to believe Loki running after Sylvie was a self-centered action that was motivated by the enjoyment of stabbing Mobius in the back, and hunger for power? And that Loki makes up for it by telling Mobius about the TVA agents being variants? I … can’t believe that. For me it seems more like this aspect wasn’t included in the show and Loki’s “redemption arc”. Perhaps Loki’s “I betrayed everyone I ever loved” speech was supposed to replace that part after the victims aren’t present? Is him helping the TVA agents supposed to be a replacement action? But Loki wasn’t the one who hurt them, the hurt isn’t even motivated similarly. The TVA wants to prevent Kang’s birth. Not to rule for the sake of power?
C) Trying to prevent further harm: now the question is back - what is Loki held accountable for? For his crimes? Or for being neglected as a child? What further harm is he preventing? The finale does not show us Loki developing a safety switch that deactivates the Bifrost after a few seconds. He does not invent an anti-invasion tool. He does not fight Thanos (which would actually have shown him taking accountability for his actions in The Avengers). No, it shows us Loki … not acting power-hungry, self-centered, traitorous, or trying to appear strong etc.. The series shows Loki being “healed” from the results of childhood neglect. By being emotionally manipulated and kicked in the groin.
TL:DR: the show does not hold Loki accountable for his crimes. It holds him accountable for Odin’s and Frigga’s failures and “heals” him by repeating the same failures, just this time it’s Mobius. If they wanted to hold loki accountable for his crimes they should have done so and written a Jotun-focussed story. Wenn schon, denn schon.
* Loki proves his ability to self reflect in episode 1 when he talks about the cruel image the weak create to appear strong, clearly referring to himself. Another example is him calling himself a narcissist after Sif kicks him repeatedly. Both points conflict with Loki being a narcissist or having narcissistic traits, since the inability to self-reflect is an elemental part of the package.
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plantfell · 6 months
Giant Challenge Finale
CW: familial death, child death, child experimentation, and grief
Once things are finished at Cafe December, Knives makes his way back to the Ark. In his pocket, the splinters of wood feel like lead weights. It was easy, as he was doing his deeds, to put them and the consequence of their joining to the back of his mind. He wasn’t completing the task to reach the end, but to get the Star’s game over with as quickly as possible. Now, there’s no more avoiding it. The game is over and a choice must be made: burn the figure, or keep it. Erase Tesla from his memories, or bring her into this world.
The choice is harder than Knives would like to admit. It wouldn’t be the first time the memory was taken from him in this world, and he still remembers what it was like when his memories were fragmented. While he hadn’t thought much of it in the time since, it’s hard to deny that it was nice to live without that weight in his heart. Yet, so much of who he is, is wrapped up in his memories of Tesla. Knives can at least admit that ridding himself of her memory would make it impossible to truly improve himself. To do so would mean confronting the fear that informs so many of his actions, and he can’t do that if he doesn’t remember where that fear started.
It may be a difficult choice, but the answer is obvious.
Picking where to piece the figure together is more of a process than it needs to be, and Knives ultimately settles on the Ark being the least jarring place Tesla could appear. He’s not sure what to expect or what state she might be in or even if she’ll even appear with him. A cruel twist like that doesn’t feel out of the realm of possibility, like some kind of monkey’s paw wish.
Even after he arrives home and finds a nice spot beneath the apple tree at the center of the bio-dome, it takes some time for Knives to start. Then, piece by piece, he finally puts it together. As the final piece finds it’s place and the figurine takes shape, he blinks. When his eyes focus again, he becomes aware of a little girl standing before him and his heart skips a beat.
It’s her.
Tesla. As she should be. Not in pieces suspended in tubes like a discarded specimen. Living, breathing, and, if her expression is any indication, confused. Despite her confusion, there’s still an element of curiosity and wonder to her gaze as she looks around. She doesn’t know where she is or why, but there is something about the man before her. Something familiar in a way she can’t explain. Not until she reaches out and their minds connect.
You’re like me, Tesla murmurs into his mind with oh so wide eyes.
All at once, any progress Knives might have made since his arrival dissolves. Her mind touches his and he’s reminded of all the reasons he started his crusade. Every reason he has to despise the human race. He falls to his knees and tightly wraps his arms around Tesla; one hand tightly gripping the back of her head while the other arm protectively wraps around her shoulders. Anger and bile form a knot in his throat as he struggles to form words or thoughts. Now more than ever it’s painfully clear that Tesla was just a child. She was innocent. The fact that humans were able to look at such a precious being and subject her to inhumane experiments is unfathomable. To think that he was actually starting to—
“Stop—“ Tesla mumbles uncomfortably, “You’re hurting me.”
Suddenly, the world comes rushing back in, and Knives becomes acutely aware of small hands pressing against his chest. He hadn’t realized how tightly he’d been holding Tesla and quickly releases her.
“Sorry, I—“ Knives hesitates, and guiltily looks away. He’s uncomfortably reminded of the first test he experienced. When mist engulfed the city and he found himself in the company of Vash’s younger self. If you asked him moments ago, he might have said he’d grown since that disastrous encounter, but now it couldn’t be clearer how little he had. Everything stems from Tesla and the ball of hate and pain he’s been unwilling to let go of. The one that reminded Knives that everything was for her sake. Just as it had once told him that everything after the Fall was for Vash’s sake.
Knives was the snake in the Garden of Eden and he just couldn’t stop eating his tail.
“Tesla…” He tries to keep his tone soft, but there’s an edge to it he can’t quite shake. He tries forcing a smile, too, but it’s debatable how helpful that is as he reaches out with shaking hands to gently hold her shoulders. All the while, he’s trying to ignore the fear that’s replaced the wonder in her eyes, and the way she flinches away from his touch. “Let’s start over… My name is Knives, and I’m… kind of like your younger brother. You have another brother named Vash, too. He’s… probably the kindest man to ever live, despite having every right to curse the world. I wish you could meet him, but…”
There’s a short pause as Knives takes in a shaky breath. He could take her to see Vash. Both of them. It’s fairly clear that this is meant to be some kind of reward where he can make up for lost time, but the lack of permanence makes it a little cruel, too. How can he really be expected to make up for so much lost time? Is it even his right to? Even now, as Knives settles on how to move forward, he’s not sure what would be more selfish: denying Tesla the chance to live, short as her time may be or denying her peace by forcing her to live to fulfill some need he thinks he deserves to fill.
“I want you to know something important. For what little good it does you now: you are loved. Your life was short, but it had an impact. One bigger than you could ever imagine. Those who love you keep you alive in their memories, and, so long as they live, a little part of you lives on within them.”
Knives shakily leans forward and presses their foreheads together. There isn’t much good he has to give, but still he digs within himself for the smoldering embers of love he’s been carefully cultivating and shares them with Tesla. It’s a weak flame, yet more warmth than she’s likely ever felt.
Thank you for being born, Tesla. Your life had meaning, and it’s loss was grieved. May you find peace in whatever lay beyond this life.
In return, Tesla wraps her arms around as much of Knives as they can reach and she hugs him tight until her form starts to fade. Soon Knives is left kneeling alone beneath the apple tree with only the vague impression of where she used to be. Grief weighs heavily in his chest as he almost immediately regrets letting her go, but there’s also a lighter feeling mixed in between. One made more prominent as he curls in on himself and allows himself the space to really grieve. Tears, snot, and ugly sobs… He lets himself feel it all.
As the chains of the past finally start to loosen, maybe soon Knives will be able to fully embrace the future and all it may hold.
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deer-with-a-stick · 1 year
Wildest shit happens in D&D man.
Alright, story time.
There was a D&D night for fun and to introduce newbies to the game. I ended up with a slightly more experienced group but they took pre-made auto-generated character sheets.
We ended up with Normal Human Artificer whose part of a guild (I ended up tying the backstory to the illegal Artificer Cult), a Centaur Hermit who is afraid of civilization, an Orc Fighter who hates civilization, and a Half-Orc Barbarian raised by wolves and who has an alcohol addiction.
The oneshot happens in Waterdeep, the fucking New York City of the Forgotten Realms. They go to a bakery to try and find clues as to where this important guy (the Beggar King) is. First thing that happens is the Barbarian gets up onto two feet and fucking spartan-kicks the door open. They kill one ghoul (Barbarian gets half their face bitten off, retaliates with a Nat 20 bite, and rips the ghoul’s throat out). Then the centaur picks up the second and ends up fucking adopting it and getting it addicted to Raspberry Danishes instead of cow blood and humanoid flesh.
Then they get ambushed by the BBEG’s men. Ghoul flies at the leader, and with another Nat 20 because my metal dice loves combat, rips the guy’s head off. Fighter splits another guard in half with ANOTHER Nat 20 (the dice aren’t weighed, we just ended up being D&D Game Georg. Our Barbarian actually couldn’t stop rolling twos earlier and during the ghoul combat, the ghoul that got adopted ended up rolling three Nat 1s in a row). The centaur tries to pick up a third guy only to get shield bashed in the head. Third guy gets his neck snapped because the Neutral Evil Orc Fighter jumped on his neck. The party proceeds to traumatize the last guard there for several rounds by shooting arrows at him (and missing) as well as hurling a fucking Great-axe at him (courtesy of the Barbarian, who also missed). He tries to climb over the roof, fails Acrobatics, falls to the ground where the Fighter proceeds to shield bash HIM, shattering the guy’s jaw, and the Barbarian ground-pounds his diaphragm, killing the poor guy. Throughout this whole thing, the Artificer is just standing there with his bow and five Cherry Danishes in his hands (since he wants to try and train the ghoul to attack people).
They make their way to the BBEG’s ship, and somehow, despite the highest Charisma score there being fucking TWELVE, convince the guy guarding the gangplank that the party + ghoul are the Orc’s pets. Artificer finds who fucking pistols and the Centaur somehow manages to climb up to the crow’s nest using the fucking ROPE RIGGING. I made the mistake of saying that there was a barrel of rum, and the Barbarian strapped the >400 pound barrel to their back. Somehow, they make their way to the brig and talk their way past the guards (genuinely don’t know how they managed to pass so many Charisma checks). They convince the guards to close the door because “uh... the rum is for interrogation techniques? it might get loud.” Then the artificer gets like an 18 for performance and just starts screaming from behind the door and the guards run away (despite the Barbarian getting a Nat 1 Stealth to try and pour the rum out of the barrel). They fucking shove the prisoner, the Beggar King they’re supposed to rescue, into the fucking barrel Bilbo Baggins style, and with more charisma checks (Nat 1 from the Orc to convince the gangplank guard that the barrel was another pet but a 19 from the Artificer claiming orders from the Captain to transport materials) they fucking left with the Beggar King passed out in a fucking barrel.
Like, they skipped the boss fight, they skipped every possible fight in the ship, half fought the first one because a ghoul got fucking ADOPTED and I-
This was so fucking fun. Play D&D yall. You might meet some of the greatest people in the world and form the greatest memories in your life.
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legends-of-time · 4 months
Thorn Bush (Doctor Who Story)
Chapter 1: Prologue
Blimey, where does she begin?
Well her name is Katherine but most call her Kathy and her age, well that's the real question, a complicated one. Kathy was originally born on the 14th of February 2000 and yes she knows – Valentine's Day. Yeah really original (wow used that word twice).
Anyway yes, she was born in the year 2000 CE/AD though she supposes you are wondering what she meant by originally. Well, born in 2000 in England to mum and dad as well as two younger siblings, lived out her life pretty normally till she died just a few months after her 21st birthday. Well, Kathy thought she died, didn't really remember, bit fuzzy. Anyway, just what she needed after the about year and a half they have had if you know what she means.
Again what's so special about that? What's special is waking up to a blurry world as a baby and in the 6th century is what! Kathy hopes she's not the only one that has been reincarnated so that she knows she's not going mad.
Her family that she was born into was alright though she didn't understand much of what they said at first considering how different their 6th century English is from her 21st. And she knows you are wondering how can she work that one out if she can't understand them? Well, there's this thing called learning. So she now also knows Old English though it is not old to them.
She still has a mother and a father but this time she was not the oldest when she was born at some point in the summer of 530 CE/AD (they didn't really keep a specific track of actual dates). However, her name changed to Arantxa, which she later learnt meant thorn bush in old English so thanks parents number 2! She had three older siblings and two more came after her so there were a bunch of them, however, a couple did die early on in their lives. They were not rich so it was all hands on deck from a young age working the land owned by their landowner.
Kathy settled into her life in this new world and literally led the most basic life you can have as someone who is living a reincarnated life in 6th century England, specifically Amore-burh. Literally so basic. Marriage to a man called Barden and had a child called Payton, who sadly died at only three. She knows that infant mortality used to be very different but actually experiencing a loss of a child, even if you expect it, pains you. Barden was alright, to be honest, Kathy liked him and he was the security she needed in this world as well as support during the loss of Payton.
Well, she says a basic life, there was one thing that she noticed was different about her specifically compared to her last life. As she got older she realised she was different from her new siblings and when Kathy says different, she means that she soon noticed she was, and am, not entirely human. How Kathy realised this was instead of the one heart she had for 21 years in her last life, she noticed it was now joined by another. The only other situation Kathy knew of a being having two hearts was in the TV show Doctor Who.
Kathy was highly doubtful of that being real at first but she soon realised that having two hearts and seemingly having time travelled, was it really outside the realm of possibility? She questioned what this meant for her lifespan. If her father was a Time Lord, how Time Lord was she? Could she regenerate? Or was she a different species altogether? What did this mean for her child?
Kathy quickly realised even before then that she was separate from her siblings and this was since her father in this life was not biologically related to her and that her mother had actually had an affair. Drama am I right? Really explains the name they gave her. He was never horrible to her but quite cold towards her compared to how he treated her siblings, which she personally felt was unfair as how is it her fault that she's another man's (though considering the two hearts, how much of a regular "man" was he?) child. She didn't ask to exist! ...again.
555 AD/CE
Kathy finally began to get answers when one day, she was 25/46 and pregnant with Carlyle (her second child and son) at the time, a blue box appeared in the woods while she was collecting wood. Kathy honestly thought she was hallucinating. She had seen this blue box before with the words "Police box" written on it but she had always only seen it on a screen, in fiction. But no it was happening, it was real. Kathy couldn't unhear the whooshing noise that she used to be so familiar with. As it lands, it's as if something connected within her mind and she could feel a presence there.
Before Kathy knows it the door opens (the wrong way if she remembers correctly) and out steps a man that looks awfully like the 10th Doctor and a woman who looks exactly like Rose Tyler.
The man (Kathy was a bit reluctant to call him Doctor) then spots her gaping at them and his face splits into such a wide smile (she can't understand why his face does not fall apart). "Kathy!" He then calls. He knows her old name? "When are we? Have you been to platform one yet? Wait no can't have not the right time or maybe—"
He continues on like this, rambling, until the woman, who she reluctantly calls Rose in her head, slaps his arm and yells, "Doctor!", which promptly shuts him up.
Something dawns on his face as he takes in her appearance and facial expression. "Oh. Oh you're so young aren't you? You haven't met any of me have you?"
Kathy literally can't take it anymore and yell, "WHAT???!!!
"Yeah, don't suppose you had."
And that's how it all began.
A/N: Let me know if I should go into more detail about Kathy's life before meeting the Doctor. I felt I should get a brief feel about who she is first in a quick prologue then go into her with the Doctor. 
Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Xiao: Protective HCs
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We’re really on a Xiao train huh. I’ve got 10+ rq for him lol. I’m going to assume you meant for s/o and Xiao to already be together but I’m not sure how to word this, so I went with protective HCs. I still included your request.
Probably the most self indulgent OOC thing I’ve ever written but I’m tired and I need to sleep. Gonna post this then run away and hide for the next couple hours.
Here’s a bit of a spoiler for the next Xiao fic that’s coming aha 💕
Semi Part 1: Friendship
Semi Part 2: Falling in Love
Semi Part 3: Cuddles
Semi Part 5: Affection 
Semi Part 6: Jealously
Semi Part 7: First Kiss
Semi Part 8: Opposites Attract
Semi Part 9:  String of Fate [Soulmate] HCs
Semi Part 10:  [ Fainting ]
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Xiao: Protective HCs
Xiao walks the in-between line of protective and possessive. He doesn’t interact with a lot of people and the last time he did, it didn’t go so well. He’s still getting used to these feelings of love and affection that he doesn’t know how to handle them. It’s new and a lot more complicated than fighting and he does not want to fight you.
On one hand, he want’s to keep you beside him but you’re an adventurer. You would have never met him if you never stepped foot outside your door. This is his first time experiencing this strong of an attachment to anything and after the insecurity and subtle advances you both made, you’re finally together and he doesn’t want to let go. Not even an inch.
But he’s sensible and cares for your happiness. So you’ll both share your moment’s when you’re together in secret.
It’s not as if he wants to keep your relationship a secret or is going out of his way to hide his affection for you. Adepti mostly stay hidden and Xiao is relatively unknown so the only ones that are aware of your relationship are Ming and Verr, the innkeeper. He still want’s to keep your relationship hidden because of possible threats to you if anyone were to find out that one of the Yaksha had a significant other, but also because it gives him an odd sense of selfishness.
He has his responsibilities as an adepti and to Liyue but he can push that aside when he’s with you. There's no need to worry about the demon’s that scratch at his back when he has your arms around him. It makes him feel even more protective of your wellbeing and makes his blood burn whenever he thinks of anything or anyone harming you.
Xiao keeps his words short so flowery language isn’t something he does. But he is observant.
You seemed to have a strong fixation on his red and blue sleeve. He asked you about it when he saw you eyeing it and you mentioned it was warm. So he gave it to you to keep. Something to remind you of him whenever you’re travelling. In exchange, you gave him the end piece of your gold and green pin which he fashioned around his left arm glove. He feels an odd sense of satisfaction when he see’s you greet other’s with his clothing around you. But also ignores the stare that Verr shoots to the roof of the inn.
His sleeve is enough of a deviation from your normal clothing that it must be either a gift or something handed down from your family. You are also missing your pin which should be enough hint’s that you’re already taken, but some culture’s aren’t aware of Liyue custom’s and traditions. To be frank, tradition’s have been decaying overtime even to Liyue citizens.
So when he sees someone flirting with you and complimenting your odd but unique choice in style, he might get a bit irritated but he won’t step in unless the person start’s pushing too many boundaries. Even if you can handle yourself perfectly fine Xiao is direct. If he see’s something might happen he’ll be sure to stop it before it hits that point.
When you do turn them down he feels his heart swirl with something and a deep feeling of happiness settles over him. It pulls a small smile onto his face but will quickly vanish when he catches Verr looking at him.
Verr might make a small remark that maybe he should adopt some flirting techniques. He doesn’t give her any action to show that he heard her but she knows.
It was one of those rare day’s where Xiao wanted to hold you instead of the reverse. You were both lying on top of the roof together as his sleeve was wrapped around your shoulders to keep you warm. He had said that as an adepti, he doesn’t experience the heat or cold like human’s do so you were free to keep the sleeve.
“I hope you don’t go chasing after them,” you commented as you felt his arm’s stiffen just a tad before relaxing. You thought back to that moment where someone had stopped you on your way to Xiao to compliment your sleeve. You assumed at first they were being nice since it was really pretty until they started asking about more personal things. You didn’t need to look up to feel those same piercing eyes on you. It would have been a bit amusing if you didn’t suddenly fear for someone else’s life.
“Of course not, I’m an adepti,” Xiao huffed as he eyed the pin on his glove, the one you had given him, “Although, this only prevents me from hurting them myself. Doesn't stop them from getting hurt in other ways.”
A soft huff escaped his chest as he felt you softly slap his arm. His eyes glanced around in uncertainty as his fingers slightly curled inwards. Maybe it was the weather, but he was starting to feel a bit warm as he slowly raised a hand to run his hand through your hair and push your face a bit closer to him.
“I have my reasons to not associate with the mortal realm, but responsibilities are responsibilities. You are perhaps my most troublesome yet most beloved,” he whispered so quietly you almost missed it if you weren’t so close. You felt your face flush all the way to red as you buried your head closer to his chest so he wouldn’t notice. Not that he could, seeing as he had hidden his face in his hand to will away the pink creeping up his neck.
“Where did you learn such things? If you say that I think I might actually die. Give me a second to at least prepare my heart,” you mumbled softly, pulling his sleeve closer to cover your ears.
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3laxx · 3 years
Maternal Feelings
There she was.
Her tiny granddaughter.
She had a bit lighter skin than Luz and just about Amity’s hair color. And she was so damn tiny.
Eda found herself getting scared, suddenly. This was a really small kid. This was like, a stupidly small child. She would not hold that baby for any number of snails.
Eda meets her newborn grandddaughter for the first time.
I don't know man I'm just chucking out words rn like I'm running from something.
But I had this thought of Eda meeting a very small child and my stupid brain was like "We can do that instead of sleeping" xD
So yeah, have this incredibly fluffy oneshot about Eda coming to terms with her Momma feelings and adjusting to being a grandma.
I just really wanted Eda to get emotional over a baby
Don't even ask Idk
Have fun reading! <3
Ao3 / FF.net
Eda had never been the most maternal.
Not in her youth, not when she had found King, and not when she had sort of adopted and sheltered Luz until she had graduated and been able to stand on her own two feet.
Not when King had taken her name and not when Amity had asked her for Luz’s hand, which had in truth just been a mockery of her parents’ traditions and had given Eda nothing more than an excuse to drink some apple blood with her future daughter-in-law.
Of course, she had seen Luz as a daughter at some point, had called herself her mother, had cared for her.
She had made their meals, had helped Luz with the homework – even if that had disgusted her – she had taught Luz and King everything she knew, she had tucked King in, cared for Luz when she had gotten sick or sad. She had of course done everything in her power to make sure her kids were content and happy.
That didn’t mean she had felt as though she was a mother. She had liked pretending to be the sort of crazy aunt, in charge of all the bad decisions.
But she had never seen herself as maternal.
Well, she supposed that came from not really setting any rules. When she had been younger, she had always been under the impression that mothers had to set rules, educate their children, and raise them. She had never really raised King or Luz.
She had just sort of made them laugh, given them food, and then they hadn’t left anymore. Like the free-loaders they were. Kind of like pests, actually.
It had always made them laugh if she had called them that. It had made her laugh.
Because she loved them, of course. She didn’t know love alone could turn her, the irresponsible, free-spirited wild witch a mother.
She supposed she had been a mother for King and Luz. Without setting rules, without all the raising stuff. She supposed her kids had turned her the littlest bit maternal.
Was it normal for friends to stay up at night and change the cold applications on Luz’s forehead in the hopes of bringing her fever down? Was it called caring and loving when she went out of her way to get King’s favorite toy, to get Luz the food she could actually digest, to make sure King was free of fleas and bathed and tucked in at night?
Did it make her a mother if she risked her own life to ensure they could lead a happy life?
Eda never knew the line between loving, as friends, and maternal.
Raine had started calling her out on her maternal feelings once she got the littlest bit protective of Luz.
Well, it wasn’t her fault that everything made her jump after Belos had almost – had, in fact – killed Luz on the day of unity. It wasn’t her fault that she woke up at night in a cold sweat, rushing to check on her daughter in the room next to hers sleeping peacefully, only to return to a sleepy Raine dazedly grinning at her with a smug, shit-eating expression of “Told you so”.
Every time, they would roll over their mattress in her nest and wrap an arm around her waist and tell her she was such a sweet mother.
Well, she was. She was the Momma of the Owl House.
But maternal?
Eda supposed she was.
After all, even if friends would do the same as her, a mother would make sure everything stayed safe and protected in her house. Making sure there was food on the table that Luz could eat. Making sure King was feeling loved, despite having discovered his past.
Making sure Luz had all her school materials, spending money on icky, stupid books. Giving her an allowance. Keeping her and King safe.
Well, Eda had never really tried finding a definition for maternal. All the love she had gained for King and Luz had just been that to her – love. And it had been enough.
She had loved calling herself Momma and had loved treating Luz like her daughter and King like her son, and she had loved calling them her kids. She just supposed the word itself – maternal – didn’t exactly describe what she was. She, herself, as Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles, an agent of chaos and the most daring criminal history had ever seen.
She had just assumed a mother wouldn’t call herself these titles.
Seemed like her view of a mother had been wrong.
Any person could be a mother, a parent, a father, or anything remotely close to this. And she supposed, caring for Luz and King, taking them in, giving them food, kind of did make her a maternal person, while never losing her pride as a criminal and generally irresponsible person.
A mother.
Well, whatever a mother was, or whatever maternal feelings were, or whatever she defined herself at and whatever she did for Luz and King.
Here she found herself, fidgeting next to her spouse, her excited teenage son in tow who was already towering over her height, in front of the healer’s coven building.
Whatever a mother was, she would probably feel that way. Well, Camila – Luz’s other mother – next to her other side was buzzing in excitement just as much as she was. The two women exchanged a glance before Camila gave her a small smile and she felt Raine taking her hand.
King gave a groan when he finally placed his claws on Eda’s and Camila’s shoulders and pushed them up the three steps into the main entrance, rolling his eyes.
After Belos had been taken down – after he had actually very much killed Luz, Eda had just brought her back to life – Luz and her friends had taken on graduation while the Boiling Isles had experienced a change in the government. Covens were no longer used to steal or limit magic. Instead, they had been used as a way to form a working parliament, with an elected group of government heads. After the gang had graduated, Luz had worked towards getting a way back home while helping establish a stable government form from the makeshift temporary one they had managed to create after Belos’ defeat. Luz had actually helped them quite a bit by telling of experiences made in the human realm, where politics were apparently a lot more twisted than here on the Isles.
Eda and Lilith had been elected as part of the group forming the government, even if Eda had dropped out after one or two periods, while her sister had taken charge like it had been the most natural thing for her.
Discovering that politics hadn’t really been up to her alley – she was way more interested in rebellions than anything else – she had begun building a legal business since she didn’t have to fear being captured anymore. It had gone pretty well.
Raine had started working in the government as well as Amity, while Luz had started working to mastering all forms of glyphs she could find, admitting her studies to the academics, and shortly after, had been offered to become a teacher at Hexside by Bump to teach magicless witches and demons glyph magic.
After traveling the Isles and working on her studies, Luz had accepted and finally settled down with Amity. It really hadn’t been a surprise to Eda when Amity had come to her and Raine with a ring and asked them to marry Eda’s daughter.
After already asking Camila that is.
Eda faintly felt King pushing her into the cool building that smelled like disinfectant – a nifty cleaning drug from the human realm that Luz had introduced them to – before hearing herself asking the receptionist where the room of the Noceda-Blights was.
A kind of bored-looking demon sighed and looked the room number up in the list, before pointing them in the direction. Again, Eda’s feet felt like they had been planted into the tiles below her.
Only after Raine gave her a light push, she moved again.
So, the world now had some sort of order. Nobody was forced into covens anymore, and the coven seals had been removed, setting the magic free again.
Raine and she had married shortly after her daughter had accepted Amity’s proposal, and now, ten years after Luz had first set foot on the Boiling Isles chasing after her book, Eda found herself feeling more maternal than ever. Whatever that meant.
Her hands were fidgety, and not even Raine’s steadying grip could calm her. Camila tried not to look around too much, even after so many years of knowing the Boiling Isles and having visited her daughter regularly, she still wasn’t used to all of it.
Stopping in front of their room, Eda tried breathing through. King sighed again, but Raine shot him a glare and he shut up. At least her spouse understood that this was a big step for her. Looking to her side, Camila tried another smile and Eda nodded at her.
“If you want to, you and King can go ahead. I’ll-… I still need a minute.”
More than willing, Camila accepted. She knocked, and upon hearing Luz’s call, she stepped in. Eda shuffled to the side to let King through, so he could duck through the doorframe and maneuver his broad shoulders in without hitting anything. The door closed and Eda breathed through once more, feeling Raine’s grip tightening.
“How do you feel?”
Shooting them a grin, Eda turned, shrugging and trying to play it cool, “Old, honestly.”
Laughing, Raine pulled her aside to the row of chairs and made her sit down.
“No, I mean, how do you feel about Luz and Amity?”, they tried again and Eda sighed, staring at the blank wooden door with the small eighteen next to it.
“… Proud. I’m proud of them for making this commitment.”, looking back to Raine, she added, “And kind of scared. I haven’t really been the most-… Well, involved.”
Unimpressed, Raine lifted an eyebrow.
“… You’re kidding, right?”
Groaning, Eda shrugged again and leaned back, before closing her eyes, resting her head against the wall.
“I-… I never made the commitment they made. King has his father and Luz has her mother. I was more a friend to them than a mom. Sure, I liked seeing myself that way, and they liked seeing themselves as my kids, but-… It was fun having them. King had always been mostly independent and Luz was already a teenager when I met her. I’ve never-… Well, been around-…”
Raine softly placed their hand on Eda’s hands that she had folded in her lap and when she opened her eyes again, the gaze of her spouse was humored.
“Come on, Eda. How hard can it be to be a not-grandmother?”, at the joke, Eda groaned, “It’s not much different to being a not-mom to your kids.”
Grumbling, she got up again before straightening her back and nodding.
“You know what, you’re right. That kid is family now and whoever the hell cares what a mother or a grandmother is.”
A little confused, Raine got up after her and pumped a fist, albeit half-heartedly.
“That’s the spirit?”, they laughed and Eda huffed, before knocking and getting her own call to be let in.
The room was warm and humid. Eda let in Raine and quickly closed the door after them, not to let too much of the warmth escape, before turning back to her daughter.
Luz looked tired when she approached them.
Well, that wasn’t a surprise, given that she and Amity had arrived in the hospital two days ago before their little daughter had been born just this morning in the earliest hours. She had probably been awake all this time to be there for Amity.
Giving Eda a big hug, she nuzzled her face into the crook of her mother’s neck, before deeply breathing out. Eda could tell that Luz had just overcome a big step for herself.
“… I’m glad you’re here…”, she breathed and Eda wrapped her arms around the now-grown woman, tilting her own head into the embrace. The younger witch snuggled close while Raine squeezed past them to join Camila and King around the crib next to Amity’s bed.
Eda tried so hard not to cry.
This was a happy occasion and she would sure as hell not shed a tear about this. Just when she pressed a little kiss to Luz’s head, a tear rolled into her dark curls as well. Well, there went this promise.
“I’m proud of you, kid.”, she whispered and Luz held her tighter, smiling against her neck, “I’m so, so proud of you. If you ever need some help, I’ll do my damn best to provide.”
Sniffling, Luz nodded, before parting from her.
The exhaustion was evident on her face. She wiped her cheek before Eda placed a hand on her shoulder and caught her gaze. They exchanged a silent smile, then she looked up and around her daughter to her future daughter-in-law on the bed, obviously exhausted as well.
Amity gave a small wave, but it was obvious to see she was under the influence of some strong sedatives. That was the logical thing to do, Eda supposed, to keep her from acting protective over her child while all her family and friends wanted to meet the newest family member.
Witches only carried six months until giving birth, before incubating their pup for another three months. Which was why this room was so damn hot.
But upon giving birth, new mothers would also become a lot more protective of their pups than humans would. Luz had been new to all of this and Eda had had to educate her on the reproduction of witches, because Amity had been too busy laughing. Well, Eda had laughed as well, but not as hard as Luz’s fiancé.
Looking back to her daughter, she finally noticed the bandage she was wearing around one hand. Smirking, she gestured to that.
“Don’t tell me your weak nerd arms gave in.”, she joked and Luz huffed, rubbing the bandage with the healing sticker.
“Amity just had to transform her hand into a damn abomination while in labor. Seriously, who even does that? She sliced my hand right in half.”, grumbling, she looked back to her fiancé and gave her a small smile before looking back to Eda, “I almost missed the birth because the healers had to patch me up first. But there won’t even be a scar because they had my hand reattached just a second after it happened.”
Still grinning, Eda punched her shoulder, then Luz leaned closer to her, lowering her voice.
“Just don’t tell Mami. She’d lose her cool.”
Shaking her head and laughing, Eda walked past her.
“I won’t, don’t worry.”, after making her way around the bed, she sat down on the edge and caught Amity’s dazed gaze, taking her hand after permission, “Hey Minty. How’re you feeling?”
“… ’M good.”, the young witch slurred, trying a small smile, before breathing through and looking to the side where she kept her pup in view, “… Tired.”
Eda nodded, cupping her hand with both of hers, before softly patting the back of her hand.
“Lily will be here this afternoon to look after you two. Your siblings are still in Latissa on Government business, they asked me to tell you because they couldn’t get a hold of you. But they’ll be back tomorrow.”
She could tell that was a lot of information for Amity to process so she made a note to tell Luz as well. Leaving the witch to try and observe the room again – probably to make sure it stayed safe for her pup – she turned to the crib now finally.
There she was.
Her tiny granddaughter.
She had a bit lighter skin than Luz and just about Amity’s hair color. And she was so damn tiny.
Eda found herself getting scared, suddenly. This was a really small kid. This was like, a stupidly small child. She would not hold that baby for any number of snails.
Camila seemed a lot more comfortable around the baby, though. She had respected Luz’s wish to leave her in her crib for the time being, so Amity could get used to so many people around her pup so suddenly, but she was already reaching in and brushing the tiny thing over her cheek.
Well, okay, that seemed easy enough. Eda could do that, someday, when the kid was like twelve or something.
King and Luz were talking about something while Raine looked just about as amazed by the small creature as Camila was.
Sensing their amazement and figuring that Raine didn’t exactly have that much experience with children, either, Camila took the hand of Eda’s spouse and guided them down into the crib, brushing their knuckles against the incredibly soft skin of the baby’s cheek.
Amity didn’t even flinch at that. Either the sedatives were really strong or she felt incredibly comfortable with the people in the room. Looking back to the young witch, Eda confirmed the latter. Through half-lidded eyes, Amity was leaning back against the pillow, her other hand that was not held by Eda draped across her belly, while she was calmly watching Camila guiding Raine’s hand against the infant’s cheek.
She wondered how much Amity had actually adopted Luz’s family as her own once her parents had been imprisoned for their crimes against the public.
Judging by her calm reaction, she didn’t mind them being around her and her loved ones in the slightest, even in the now starting incubation period. Finally, Luz leaned around King and reached into the crib to lift her little daughter up and cradling her close to her chest. The baby didn’t even wake up, which made Eda chuckle.
“She’s got your sleeping habits, kid.”
Amity’s hand in hers shook when she started laughing alongside the older witch and Luz flushed in deep red when her mother confirmed.
“Sometimes, not even me shaking her would wake her up to school.”, Camila added and Luz huffed, bopping the infant in her arms.
“You guys are being mean to me in front of my daughter.”, she tried pouting, but King deadpanned.
“In front of your sleeping daughter. She won’t hear any of this.”
They started laughing again while Luz couldn’t suppress a little smile herself while looking down at the infant. When they had all quieted down a little, Luz pressed a soft kiss to her daughter’s forehead, before approaching Camila. Shooting a gaze towards Amity first to ask her permission, she then placed the baby in her mother’s arms and kept her hand cupped on the baby’s head, smiling.
“That’s your abuelita, mija.”, Luz mumbled softly and Eda almost felt her own heart breaking with the light sniffle Camila gave. After all these years of calling Luz her mija, Luz starting to use that label for her own daughter now made the human tear up.
While Camila greeted the little pup, Eda turned back to Amity whose head was softly nicking every time her eyelids fell. She had to be exhausted.
Tugging on her hand, Eda got her attention, then she lightly pushed the crib away to get up and adjust Amity’s pillow for her.
“C’mon, let’s get you lying down. We’ll take care of your pup.”
A sleepy gaze crossed with Eda’s but before Amity could object, the older witch was already adjusting the settings of the mattress to be flat again, before helping Amity lie down on her side.
“You can stay awake for as long as you want, but you should be comfortable with it at least.”, shooting her a grateful gaze, the younger witch yawned, then she adjusted the blanket around her future daughter-in-law and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, “Don’t worry about your pup, okay? Luz is taking care of her.”
That seemed to soothe Amity. She mumbled a soft “thank you” towards Eda and curled up a little, before continuing to watch the scene before her, the blinking of her eyelids already getting slower.
When Eda turned back to Camila, she discovered that Luz had taken her daughter back already and was safely cradling her before going around the crib and catching Eda’s gaze.
She knew that Luz wanted her to say hi, too.
“Luz, I’m not so sure about holding-”
Chuckling, her daughter adjusted the baby, before taking Eda’s hand.
“You can greet them like this first if you don’t wanna hold her. Or you can sit down if you like.”
Huffing, Eda fidgeted shortly, before rubbing her hands together and breathing through.
“Just, uh-… Sitting would be nice. I’m-… Holding the bat kids was an entirely different thing, you know? They could fly. Your kid can’t fly.”
Luz had to laugh at Eda’s rambling, pulling on her hand, she ushered King out of the chair by the window, before letting her adoptive mother sit down in it. Camila helped out by placing a pillow on Eda’s lap, then she was all set. Luz studied her face again.
“If you’re too nervous, you don’t have to hold her. I can hold her over your lap if you want to.”
Trying to wave her off, Eda forced a laugh.
“Pfft, you can just say you don’t trust me holding a baby, kid.”, she tried to joke around, but Luz just gave her a smile.
“If you feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to. That’s all I’m saying.”
But Eda wanted to. She definitely did kind of want to hold the tiny fragile baby that Luz had made together with her fiancé. Even if she was nervous and a little bit scared and so amazed by how small such a tiny thing could actually be, she did kind of want to hold that baby. Patting the pillow, she finally breathed through, then she opened her arms.
“Okay, I’m ready. Bring it, kid.”
Smirking at her antics, Luz leaned in and kneeled, then she slowly placed the baby in Eda’s arms. It was so tiny. It was so stupidly tiny, it wasn’t even as long as Eda’s forearm. Hiccupping, the older witch instinctively cradled the tiny, tiny infant in her arms and a warm feeling overcame her.
A really warm feeling.
If that was maternal feelings, then Eda swore she was going to be the best dang grandmother she could be for that child.
She brushed over her temple and the baby squirmed slightly. Apparently, she had woken up sometime during Camila holding her and was now kind of fighting against the snug swaddle blanket she was trapped in. Eda didn’t even notice she had tears in her eyes when she already felt the first tear rolling down her cheek.
“Wow… You’re my granddaughter now, hm?”, she asked and that tiny thing yawned, her arms struggling in the swaddle, before softly smacking her incredibly small lips. Eda found herself smiling immediately, “Titan, that’s new.”
Luz’s hands undid the blanket that was wrapped around the baby, then Eda laughed tearily when the infant stretched, her absolutely tiny fists stretching up to her face and rubbing her cheeks. She was apparently waking up and while she knew that incubating infants didn’t open their eyes yet, she found herself wondering what eye color the child would have. Adjusting the baby, she cradled them closer, then she smuggled a finger into the fist and giggled in delight when the baby grabbed it, despite not wanting to open the fist at first.
Looking up to Luz, who was still kneeling in front of her, she managed a smile, her teary expression probably matching the one on her daughter’s face.
“She’s perfect, Luz. But, let’s be honest, you two made a stupidly small baby.”
Laughing under tears, Luz nodded then she brushed over her daughter’s head and pressed a small kiss to her forehead to which the baby responded with a huff.
“Yeah, when I first held her, I was so scared she’d just slip right through my arms. But I think Amity would have killed me if I had so much as stumbled so I concentrated really hard not to let that happen.”
Eda’s gaze shot up from her granddaughter to her future daughter-in-law who was calling from the bed, her words slurred from the sedatives and sleepiness, but still very much poised if needed.
“… You better not drop our child, Luz.”
Raine had to laugh at that and went to soothe the new mother, while Eda turned back to the baby in her arms with a smile.
“Titan she’s small…”
The following few minutes were pretty much filled with tearful giggles and a very excited King who almost knocked the crib over when Luz called him to say hi as well. When Eda and King had calmed down a little, Camila had taken Luz outside for a little mother-daughter walk in the nearby park and King had gone with them for snacks. The older witch got up and carried the baby back to the crib, smiling when she lifted them up to her face. Resting her forehead against theirs, she kept like this for a moment, before stopping in front of the crib.
Amity had fallen asleep by now, even if she was flinching with every littlest sound her daughter made, so Eda looked over to Raine.
“Wanna hold the baby, too?”, she asked and Raine blushed.
“I’d-… I’d rather wait until she’s a little bit older.”, she admitted and Eda nodded before still gesturing her spouse over. Raine got up from the edge of Amity’s bed and joined Eda, putting an arm around her waist while Eda still cradled the baby close, taking care not to jostle her too much.
She yawned again and from the corner of her eyes, Eda saw Amity’s eyes opening, unfocused and probably very much still asleep but still attentive to her daughter. Chuckling, she turned back to Raine.
“Boy, I’m sure glad I only had two adoptive children.”
Shrugging, Raine caught the baby’s fist with their free hand and tickled their tiny fingers, but she wouldn’t open her hand this time.
“I’m sure you would’ve made a great biological mother as well. As you’re already a great adoptive mother, too.”
Shrugging, Eda brushed over her temple again, leaning into Raine.
“Nah, I’m glad I never had a baby. I don’t think I would’ve wanted to go through that.”
“Fair enough.”, Raine whispered, but their tone indicated that they had stopped listening to Eda, engrossed by the child in her arms. She softly kicked, which caused them to chuckle, before she settled back against Eda’s chest, curling in slightly and breathing through, apparently getting ready for her next nap. Raine sighed softly.
“Honestly, I’m glad I never had a baby, too. But having a grandchild is amazing.”
Grinning, Eda kissed their forehead, before carefully maneuvering the baby back into the crib and swaddling them the best she could, watching her breaths deepening and calming as she fell asleep again. Then, Eda pushed the crib next to Amity’s bed, to which the young witch immediately responded by reaching into the crib from the side and resting her hand on her daughter’s belly. Smiling, Eda took Raine into her arms and watched as both her future daughter-in-law and her granddaughter slept peacefully, leaning her head against Raine’s.
“… You’re right this is amazing.”
She already knew that this child would have the two best mothers she could ask for. And she knew that her entire family, including her furry uncle, three grandmothers, and one grandparent, and their twin uncle and aunt would do their damn best to make sure this child had everything she needed.
Smiling, Eda reached down to brush over the baby’s cheek and pulled Raine closer.
Maternal feelings or not, this was amazing.
Let me know if you liked it!
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whereisten · 3 years
Stupid Cupid
A Taeyong fic that’s a part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: Cupid, also known as Taeyong, has never experienced real love. But when he meets you, he may finally have a chance.
Pairing: Cupid! Taeyong x female reader
Genre: romance, angst, fluff, smut, fantasy
Word Count: 13k
Warnings: oral (male receiving), penetration, breast fondling, cursing, alcohol use
(A/N: thank you guys so much for being so sweet and understanding and patient. I’ve always believed Halloween should be a celebration for multiple months out of the year and since the Halloween series is ongoing, it works 💀. Anyways, I’m so excited to share this with y’all. ❤️ One of my favorite songs is “Give Me Love” by Ed Sheeran. And the music video features Cupid so I was inspired. 👍🏼 I hope you guys enjoy it! I also was inspired by “The Consequences of Cursing Cupid” by @by-moonflower). I loved it!)
Cupid was one of God’s most prized pupils. He was also one of His most beautiful creations. His hair had the shades of pink you’d see at sunset and warm brown eyes that could claim the heart of almost anyone. His tan skin glowed, bringing a piece of heaven’s glow down to earth with him. His body was slender, elegant, and muscular. His true appearance was known to few mortals but overtime, historians were able to conclude that Cupid was as beautiful as any of the archangels.
God entrusted his son to bring love and hope to the world one couple at a time. With his bow and arrow, he was able to give people love every day. As the years have passed, though, the population of the world expanded and Cupid only had so much time in the day to bring couples together. God and Cupid carefully handpicked Cupid fledglings throughout the years. Cupid wasn’t alone in his work anymore and he could afford some downtime every few centuries. It was 2020 and it was time for Cupid, or, as he was known by his earthly name, Lee Taeyong, to take a vacation.
Taeyong arrived in the sunny coastal town of Isla one Sunday morning. He would stay here for a few months. Taeyong would’ve kept working if he hadn't been forced by his coworkers to take a leave of absence. He’d always been a huge workaholic and quite the perfectionist. He was the type of guy who liked to get things done by himself. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his team. He just had a fixation with doing things his own way, which caused many clashes over the years.
This time, God had to intervene and force Taeyong to step down so that newly realized Cupids like Haechan and Yangyang could step up in his absence. Taeyong moved into a beach house right by the beach. A whole mansion to himself, he grimaced. What the hell was he supposed to do in such an expansive and luxurious place all by himself? Well, he had some ideas.
As much of a workaholic Taeyong was....when he let loose, he really let loose. It was like there was an on/off switch in his brain when it came to his rebellion and since he was out of work for the foreseeable future, it was time to turn the switch on. All work and no play for so many years made him act out in rebellion, which was why God sent Cupids Sicheng and Kun to watch out for Taeyong this time around.
Taeyong heard a knock on the door of his beach house. He frowned in confusion.  
“Knock knock,” Kun said as he brought in suitcases and carried a backpack over his shoulder. Sicheng followed him in with his own bags as well.
Taeyong frowned. “What are you guys doing here?”
Sicheng beamed. “We’re here to make sure you don’t start up another orgy and anger many significant others…”
Kun nodded. “You’ll barely know we’re here.”
Taeyong brought out his angelic smile. “Is that so?”
Even with Kun and Sicheng on his tail, Taeyong was able to throw a massive party at the beach house the next night. A pretty face like Taeyong’s and a few likes on Instagram could attract many followers. And with followers, there was a great party. Celebrities even caught wind of the festivities. Taeyong was able to hire caterers and event planners to make the beach house a Hawaiian paradise. Tiki torches were lit all around the house. People lounged in the lagoon-shaped pool. There were party games in every room in the mansion.
Your friends convinced you to come with them to the hot new bachelor’s party. You could use a night out after working another six day work week at the local Isla Humane Animal Shelter. You wanted to let loose and dance with your friends. If only for a little while. Hopefully, you didn’t think about him now that you were able to relax.
Taeyong was having the time of his immortal life, dancing with one girl...one boy...after another. He was already hooking up with people on the dance floor in the backyard that overlooked the beach. He would grind behind one girl while another boy grinded against him from behind. Taeyong was in nothing but red swim trunks. His abs glistened with sweat and-
Your friend Jisoo said, “y/n, ask him to dance.”
You’d spent the last few minutes staring at the dancefloor. You couldn’t help but watch the pretty boy who stood at the center. You quickly gulped down your drink and shook your head. “Pass.”
Jisoo sucked her teeth. “Y/n, you’ve been staring at him for five minutes now.”
You rolled your eyes. “I like to observe my surroundings...It’s nothing.”
“You should ask the pretty boy to dance. It won’t hurt.”
“Nope. I’m fine right here, drinking my free pina colada...Not a care in the world.”
Jisoo replied, “Y/n, it’s been five months...”
You met Jisoo’s eyes. “Yeah, and I’m doing a lot better. You know this. My family knows it. All of the people who should be sorry to follow me on any social media know this.”
Jaehyun joined you two. “She's talking about how she’s over...him?”
Jisoo nodded. “And she clearly wants to dance with The Bachelor over there.”
Jaehyun watched him, also. “Well, for starters, he’s way cuter than that bastard but she should stay away from him. He’s trouble.”
Jisoo scoffed. “Who are you? Her father?”
Relieved that Jaehyun was on your side, you said, “Thank you, Jay! Now don’t worry about me, Jisoo...I’m great! I’m out of the house. I’m cutting a rug.”
Jisoo eyed you. “Okay…”
Now you had to admit that you thought about throwing caution to the wind and dancing close to the man, making ‘come hither’ eyes at him, kissing him in a closet, and calling it a night. The idea made you wet just thinking about it. But you knew yourself. You were the type to fall hard. And you fell hard once and it left you broken to this day.
Anyway, Pretty Boy seemed kind of busy so you turned the other way to join a game of poker in the living room.
Every human that spent an intimate moment with dear old Cupid was guaranteed the best orgasm of their lives. In Taeyong’s hands, his lover would feel treasured and adored and spoiled. Taeyong, a bringer of love, could bring paradise to anyone.
Now in his human form, Taeyong still had some of those divine powers. However, in a human body, he had limitations.
Like his alcohol tolerance, which, unfortunately for him, had never been good.
Before he could take anyone to paradise like he’d longed to do since he came to the Earthly plane, he was outside in his front lawn, vomiting all of the alcohol he downed in the past two hours.
Taeyong felt woozy. He wasn’t all there the moment when you first approached him. He looked awful. Pale and sweaty from puking so much.
Your concern outweighed your fear of talking to him so you approached him. You handed him a bottle of room temperature water and a wet towel from his kitchen so he could clean himself up.
Taeyong uncapped the water bottle and drank. He managed to say, “Thank you.”
You sighed, relieved to see that he was responsive. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I am...Thanks…What’s your-”
“Y/n! Time to go,” Jaehyun started. Jaehyun promised to take you home. You were supposed to go into the shelter tomorrow to finalize an adoption.
You shouted back, “Coming!” You turned to your friend. Taeyong couldn’t see your face now. You did smell heavenly, though. Like fresh berries and daisies.
You turned back to Taeyong and smiled. Even if he was a wreck, he was still the most gorgeous male you’d ever seen. “Great party. Take care of yourself.”
Taeyong was still trying to sober up but he was able to meet your eyes, the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen on this planet. In any realm, actually. “You, too…”
You left him there, curious about you. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to ponder further as he threw up again. Maybe these parties were getting old. He always found himself like this whenever he visited good ol’ planet Earth...
[One Month Later]
Taeyong continued to indulge in his debauchery, throwing parties every night. Part of him hoped you would return so he could properly thank you for your kindness.
Your eyes were sultry and your scent was intoxicating. He wished he could remember you.
Every night that he spent time with a different partner, he thought of you.
Without any hidden agenda to get in bed with him, you absolutely fascinated him. His clouded judgment that night only made him remember your eyes. That was all he had to go on. He couldn’t explain the need to see you again.
The need grew stronger and stronger.
He certainly couldn’t ask his coworkers or the big man upstairs for help. Surely, they’d misinterpret his actions. He simply wanted to see you again.
In the process, Taeyong slowly began to reevaluate his time on Earth. Like Gatsby before him, he threw even more parties in hopes of you showing up. But he had no idea about your hectic work schedule. The parties continued and Taeyong quickly grew bored. Maybe he needed to get out and explore the city if he ever hoped to see you again.
In the daytime, Taeyong found himself waking up earlier and sending his partners on their merry way. He took up a couple of hobbies at home, as well. Baking and playing games on his Nintendo Switch. For his outings, he’d go to the mall, the grocery store, the amusement park, and more. Everywhere he could think of. But you weren’t there. He had the ability to feel your presence but you were never within his radar and it frustrated him.
Taeyong finished swimming a couple of laps in the pool and went into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Kun was making dinner and Sicheng was setting the table.
“Penny for your thoughts, boss?” Sicheng inquired.
Taeyong sighed. “I’m just wondering when you two will finally leave me be.”
Kun turned off the stove and let the stir fry cool. “When your sexual appetite ceases.”
Taeyong frowned. “Have you no shame to comment on my activities?”
Sicheng and Kun looked at each other and looked back at Taeyong. “No.”
Taeyong sighed. “If you must know, the parties will cease tonight. I have given up.”
“Given up on what?” Sicheng asked.
They couldn’t know about Taeyong’s true motive with his parties. “Parties, of course.”
“Really?” Kun asked as he washed his hands.
Taeyong sighed. “Yes. Now let’s eat.”
A few hours later, Taeyong went to the beach to get some sun. A few girls asked for his number and he simply pretended not to know English. He spoke Japanese and spoke broken English to throw them off. He was in no mood to frolick. He was frustrated.
It was because of you. He couldn’t explain it but he desperately wanted to see you. Wanted to know you. Wanted to feel you come alive under him as he pleased you. And he had no leads.
Maybe he should just throw in the towel. It was dangerous for him to entertain the idea of seeing someone as more than just a fling. Knowing his one night stand’s name was more information than he needed.
Perhaps you weren’t real. Oh, heavens. He knew you were real but maybe he should convince himself of the contrary so he could give up on you.
Meanwhile, you’d been busy non-stop. You couldn’t go out and unwind because of your extremely-packed schedule, which was just how you liked it. Whatever free time you had was spent at home curled up in bed before bedtime. It was how you preferred it, though. It helped you get over your ex much more quickly. Or so you thought, anyway.
One of your co-workers at the shelter was an adoption counselor who had a family event she needed to attend. So she asked you for a favor. You came in for the afternoon shift to help pair up families with pets.
You loved working at the shelter, helping animals find their forever homes. It broke your heart to see so many of them, neglected and homeless. You always knew you wanted to work with animals, though. In high school, you started at the shelter as a volunteer. Now, you were one of the managers. You helped with fundraisers and outreach events to get the shelter animals’ faces out there.
You went to check on the dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, and other residents of the shelter, like you always did. Then, you finished adopting out an Australian Shepherd. His new family already adored him. The shelter’s adoption process was strict so if a family really wanted to commit to a pet, they had to commit to the process to prove it. So you had high hopes that this adoption would be permanent.
On the off chance it wouldn’t, these animals always had a home here. You wouldn’t cease until you did everything you could to get a home for each animal that walked through the shelter’s front doors.
You took a picture of the happy family to post on the shelter’s social media. You sent them off. You felt like you were being watched so you turned to the front window where you recognized Jaehyun and the pink-haired man from the Hawaiian paradise party. They were talking like they knew each other.
You frowned and walked outside to greet them. “Jaehyun?”
The men faced you. Jaehyun beamed, “Y/n! I was passing through and I ran into Taeyong here who is looking to volunteer at the shelter.” Taeyong was about to cut in when Jaehyun continued. “Is there a volunteer orientation today?”
You shook your head. “It’s tomorrow, Jay.”
Taeyong just looked at you, not saying a word.
You tilted your head in confusion. “But...If you’re free, Taeyong, we’d love to have you.”
Jaehyun answered for him. “Of course he is. There’s no other place he’d rather be!”
Taeyong shot Jaehyun a look but his face softened as he looked at you. “Yeah...He’s right about that.”
Still confused, you smiled. “Okay, tomorrow it is.”
Taeyong headed home after his confrontation with the meddlesome Jaehyun. Just who was he to you, he wondered. How dare he cross a god?
Sure, Jaehyun was a beautiful specimen but he was not at his level, Taeyong thought to himself.
[A Few Hours Ago]
After his time at the beach, Taeyong took another stroll through the town, exploring small businesses and stumbling upon an animal shelter.
Through the front window, he saw a family with their Australian Shepherd. And that’s when his radar switched on. His heart squeezed and his breathing faltered. You were here. You greeted the family inside. They posed for a family photo together with their dog. They held a sign that read “Furrever Home” on it. The family thanked you and you sent them off.
You were exquisite. Your smile. The glimmer of hope in your eyes. Your laugh. You were out of breath from running around so much and from the excitement, he could tell. Even though you were stressed and tired, you were happy at that moment. You turned toward his direction and he read your name on your name tag: y/n.
Taeyong wanted to rush in and call for your name but his feet were planted to the ground.
“Hey, I remember you,” someone called out to him.
Taeyong snapped out of his daze and turned to find a handsome young man with black hair frowning at him. Taeyong started. “I’m sorry. I don’t-“
“You’re Taeyong. You throw parties at that beach house and you’re the city’s most eligible bachelor. It’s all over social media.”
“Yes, and?”
The stranger glared as he nodded at you through the window. “You’ve been watching her, haven't you?”
Taeyong smirked. “And what about it?”
The man looked down at Taeyong’s pants where his member betrayed him. Jaehyun lifted his eyebrows.
Taeyong shrugged. “It’s rude to stare at a stranger’s crotch.”
He laughed. “You’re pretty easy to read, Taeyong. But I gotta warn you: don’t waste her time if you’re not fully committed.”
Taeyong laughed. “And who are you to tell me this?”
“Someone who refuses to see his friend’s heart broken again.”
Again, Taeyong wondered. “Well, I have no plans to let it get that far.”
He rolled his eyes. “Right.”
“Jaehyun?” You started.
Then, the conniving Jaehyun set Taeyong up to be a volunteer at the animal shelter without his consent. Well, Taeyong could’ve said no at any time but he didn’t want to disappoint you. Besides, this would be an opportunity to get to know you. Jaehyun may not be so bad, after all, Taeyong mused.
Jaehyun left Taeyong with these parting words. He grinned, showing his dimples. “If you hurt her, I will run you out of this town.”
Taeyong smiled. “I’d like to see you try.”
To anyone else, it would’ve seemed like two friends were parting ways but in reality, it was more like a declaration of war.
Your friend Jaehyun was very protective of you, Taeyong realized. He wondered if Jaehyun was enamored with you. And your nickname of “Jay” for him made Taeyong’s stomach turn.
Who was he to you? And why was he butting in on Taeyong’s pursuit of you? And what did Jaehyun mean by you getting your heart broken again? Who broke your heart? And why was he still breathing, unless Jaehyun failed to mention your ex’s funeral?
Taeyong wasn’t going to break your heart. He wasn’t that stupid. He spent enough time on this planet to set boundaries and never fall in too deep with a human.
It didn’t matter if you made him feel different than any other human has after twenty seconds of an interaction.
[The Next Day]
Taeyong wasn’t sure how he would feel about working with animals because he’s never interacted with them before. He envied any family who had a pet, though.
It was a kind of love he didn’t get to see frequently. His job was primarily focused on romantic love so it always fascinated him to see familial love, love between friends, and now love between man and man’s best friend.
You led the volunteer orientation. It was a relatively full house. You gave the new recruits the rundown on maintenance, walking the dogs, socializing with the animals, feeding, laundry, and safety. Taeyong was so impressed by how skilled and informative you were at work. You were a no-nonsense girl when you needed to be.
When the orientation ended, Taeyong lingered behind in the staff meeting room. You had to admit that seeing Taeyong again made your heart do weird things. You’d dreamed of him for a few nights and part of you wished you could’ve gone to another one of his parties. Your friends told you he’d thrown so many this past month that they lost count. So you were shocked to see this wealthy party boy at an animal shelter of all places. You did notice as you gave your talk that his eyes never strayed from yours.
After the orientation, you began, “Hey, Taeyong. How did you like the orientation?”
He smiled. “You were brilliant.”
Your face heated up. “Thanks.”
He asked, “I was wondering if you were free tonight to-“
A volunteer popped in. “Y/n, code leash with Ruby!” Code leash meant a dog was loose in the shelter without a leash on.
You started. “Oh, God. Sorry, Taeyong, I have to help catch one of our dogs.”
You looked distressed so Taeyong decided to help. He didn’t know where this altruism came from but it was there. “I can help.”
“Thank you. I have to warn you, though. She’s not friendly with most people. So be careful.”
You and Taeyong teamed up to catch Ruby while some of the other volunteers also teamed up elsewhere. Ruby had hidden under one of the benches near the cat corner of the shelter.
Ruby was a Papillon, also known as a Continental Toy Spaniel. She was a reserved dog. She was adopted as a puppy but when she was a year old, her owners gave her up for adoption when they were expecting a baby. With the betrayal she’d experienced, she closed herself off from most people and most animals. It took a few weeks for her to warm up to you.
Ruby had cute ears that resembled a butterfly’s, which explained the name of her breed, the Papillon.
With her leash in your hands, you crouched down to greet her. “Hi, Ruby…”
She surprised you by running over to Taeyong, who froze in his tracks. Ruby jumped against his legs and cried. She wanted his attention.
You looked at them in shock. Ruby had never taken so quickly to someone before. You were impressed.
Taeyong’s eyes doubled in size as he slowly backed up. Ruby continued to jump against his legs, regardless. “What’s happening? Is she trying to kill me?”
You fought back a laugh. “No...She wants you to hold her.”
He looked mystified. “Uh...I’ve never…”
“You’ve never…?”
For the first time, he looked shy. “I’ve never held a dog before…”
You approached them and called Ruby again. “Ruby, I’ll help you.”
You picked Ruby up and guided Taeyong. “Just raise your arms and cradle her. It’s okay.”
You handed Ruby to Taeyong and he was shocked at this new feeling he felt in his chest. It was this overwhelming joy and worry and affection he’d never felt. He would die for this dog.
Well, if he could die, he would.
So this is what familial love must be like.
Ruby licked him all over his face and he giggled like a little boy.
You were overjoyed to see Ruby with another person. This was promising. “She really likes you. It took me weeks to get her to warm up to me.”
Taeyong stared at you. “Really? I can’t imagine that…”
“You saved the day, Taeyong. Not bad for your first day as a volunteer.” You laughed.
You led him and Ruby back into her room. You stepped into her small room where she resided alone. She had a big fluffy bed and toys to play with. Even so, it could definitely get cramped in there after a few hours. You would take her for a walk later.
Taeyong asked, concerned. “She lives by herself? She must be so lonely.”
You told Taeyong her story and he understood her circumstances. He was furious at Ruby’s previous owners and he finally understood why places like this shelter existed.
You said, “She needs someone who will remain faithful to her all of their life. I hope she finds them soon.”
Taeyong rubbed Ruby’s belly. “So do I.”
“I have to get back to work. You’re not on the schedule until tomorrow but you are more than welcome to spend some time with the dogs…”
Taeyong was in his own bubble with Ruby.
You giggled. “Or maybe just Ruby.”
You left them be and got back to work.
Taeyong spent the next hour playing with Ruby, taking her for a walk, taking pictures of her, and cradling her to sleep. He hoped to catch up with you later but he couldn’t let go of his attachment to this dog now.
There was something about this town that made him attached to others. First, it was you. Then, it was Ruby.
It was unusual.
Ruby fell asleep and Taeyong checked his phone. He received a text over half an hour ago.
Where are you? Kun says you’re not home :( -Yooa
Crap, he’d forgotten all about Yooa. His “date”.
Taeyong realized he’d be getting earful from Kun later. He texted Yooa he was on his way.
[2 Weeks Later]
The first few days were rough for Taeyong because he’d never done manual labor in his life. He was willing to try and with your and other volunteers’ guidance, he was able to pick up on everything quickly. Everyone thought Taeyong was as strange as he was beautiful. They thought he was a sheltered rich boy who was learning how to care for someone else for the first time. Well, they weren’t far off from the truth.
Taeyong volunteered almost everyday at the shelter. He did everything he could possibly do as a volunteer and still had the energy to take the dogs on more walks than required. He was a god, after all. His energy on Earth was higher than that of any normal human’s. He hoped to impress you, too. He tried to ask you out or even for your phone number but you were always busy with shelter tasks. It was very hard to tell if there was a connection between you two.
At the end of each shift, Taeyong always left Ruby for last because she was his favorite shelter animal. “Alright Ruby, today is the day I finally ask y/n out.”
Ruby snoozed in response. Taeyong sighed. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
You were the last person to leave the shelter and lock up. Everyone had already left an hour ago but you were finishing up some emails. You found Taeyong waiting outside the door. “Taeyong!”
He waved and smiled, not looking disheveled at all after a full-day shift.
You, on the other hand, could use a shower. “Everything okay?”
Taeyong asked, “Are you free?”
“I was wondering if you…”
Your eyes as you watched him left Taeyong in nearly almost a trance. The way your hair fell over your eyes when you adjusted your work bag. The breeze caused your perfume to creep into his nose and he had to catch his breath. Even your little yawn after a long day was cute. Damn it.
You started, “Taeyong?”
Taeyong tried to say something but his throat went dry. Why wasn’t he able to say words? He was prepared to say. Come away with me tonight. I’ll take us to dinner and then...Well, it’s your call, y/n.
And here he was, his palms sweaty. His cheeks were red. He was so close to trembling from the new anxiety that crept up on him.
You asked, “Are you okay?”
Taeyong shook his head to shove his fears away. “Are you free?”
He invited you over to his house for dinner as a thank you for showing him the ropes around the shelter. You felt bad for assuming that he was asking you out. It appeared that he wanted to keep this platonic and you were relieved.
You’re a chicken, Taeyong thought to himself. The ball was in his court and he missed his shot to take things further with you. Even so, you’d said yes so all in all, you two were headed somewhere.
You followed Taeyong in your car over to his place. You entered the extravagant beach house, which was surprisingly neat and homey. The furniture looked comfortable, like you could easily fall asleep on it. The lighting was at a low, almost romantic setting. The house was tranquil and all you could hear was the crash of waves in the distance.
Taeyong said, “Please take a seat. Make yourself comfortable. Can I offer you some wine?”
“Yes, please. Thank you.”
Taeyong smiled warmly at you before he departed for the kitchen.
Another young man appeared as he came down the stairs, calling out. “Sicheng and I will be back in a few days. Our Lord needs us in Beijing for an emergency match-up.” He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and merely stared at you. “Seriously, another ‘appointment’?”
Taeyong darted out of the kitchen. “Kun.”
You got up and waved. “Uh, hi. I’m Taeyong’s friend, y/n. From the animal shelter?”
Sicheng joined the group. “Friend?”
Kun’s eyebrows furrowed. “You’re just friends with him?”
You looked at everyone around the living room. “Yes…”
Although you had to wonder what Kun meant by “appointment”. If you had to guess, you weren’t the first girl Taeyong brought home. This week.
You knew Taeyong was a player from the first night you met him. But you were attracted to him so the possibility of a one night stand with him didn’t repel you. You weren’t about to ask for it, though. You were already going out of your comfort zone, coming over to his house for dinner.
And then...Taeyong’s personality surprised you these past few weeks. He was warm and hard-working and kind. You had to admit you had a little crush on him. You wouldn’t let that truth see the light of day, though. A player was a player, no matter what.
Sicheng smiled as he greeted you, “Y/n, welcome to our home. I’m Sicheng. Our rude friend right here is Kun. We are Taeyong’s coworkers and roommates.”
“It’s nice to meet you. What is it that you guys do? You mentioned a match-up?”
Taeyong eyed his friends. “They...”
Kun continued, “We...are dating gurus!”
You replied, “I see. So you’re headed to Beijing? That’s exciting!”
The boys told you they worked for a dating website for high-profile people and traveled to countries like China and South Korea to counsel them on dating. It was unheard of and unusual. At least for you, anyway. But it was kind of fascinating. Kun and Sicheng told you that Taeyong had been working nonstop for years now as a dating guru so now he was taking some time off. They excused themselves and headed off to the airport.
You accompanied Taeyong to the kitchen as he cooked some New York strips for the two of you. He refused your help and wanted you to sit down and relax. “I didn’t know you were a dating guru.”
He chuckled nervously. “I don’t really like to talk about it.”
“Oh, well, we don’t have to…We could always talk about something else. Like where you’re from?”
Taeyong chopped some vegetables as he mulled over his answer, avoiding your eyes. How was he going to say he came from Heaven? First of all, it would be ludicrous to you. And second, it sounded like a pickup line that would only stroke his ego. There was no way to win by telling the truth. “Abroad.”
You sipped your glass of wine. He was so vague. “Abroad? Where?”
“My Lor-...father traveled all the time when I was growing up so we always moved. And once I got to work with the dating website, the traveling continued.” Nice save, he thought to himself.
“Oh? Wow, that’s sad, isn’t it?”
Taeyong looked at you. “Sad?”
“I mean, maybe it wasn’t...What I meant was that it must have been difficult getting uprooted all the time. Having to get accustomed to a new place...Only to have to start over somewhere else.”
You had no idea, Taeyong thought. You read him like a book so he had to ask. “How did you know?”
You understood his situation very well. “My dad is a lieutenant general. We’ve moved around a lot until I was eighteen. Come to think of it...Are your parents in the military?”
Taeyong knew he had to come up with something. Quick, he told himself, think of something believable. The first thought that came into his mind was Jurassic Park after he watched it last night. “No...He’s a...paleontologist.”
That was an uncommon job but you were impressed. After all, Jurassic Park was one of your favorite movies. You asked him about the places his dad took him, what dinosaur bones his dad uncovered, and more. Taeyong had to get creative and being dumb about the subject didn’t hinder his case. He claimed that remembering the names of species was impossible for him. You were riveted, regardless. You spent most of the time talking about Jurassic Park, anyway. You told him about Universal Studios’ Islands of Adventure and a Jurassic Park feature located at the park. You suggested you two could go together sometime and Taeyong’s eyes lit up, then. His doe eyes caught you off-guard.
You continued talking about your interests and your pasts. Well, you did. Taeyong had to get a little creative when topics such as his “childhood” and “family” came into conversation. But other than that, he enjoyed having you in his home. You were full of warmth and generosity. You laughed at his jokes and asked him about how he was doing. It left him speechless. He wasn’t sure what you were really thinking or if you were even interested. You were equally unsure and found yourself considering what you’d been fighting since the moment you first laid eyes on him.
Taeyong served dinner. His cooking was incredible. The steak and baked potato were paradise on your taste buds. “Taeyong, oh my God, this is incredible. You should be a five-star chef and open a restaurant.”
Taeyong chuckled. “Thank you, y/n but I’m more of a pastry chef than anything else.”
“What’s your price for a batch of chocolate cupcakes?” You teased.
He smiled. “Free of charge.”
“Well, if you were free to watch Jurassic Park 2 with me this week, then I would consider it.”
“I’ll take it.”
Taeyong was excited that you two would see each other outside of work again. Taeyong served you cookie dough ice cream with fudge.
You ate your ice cream. “Thank you so much for inviting me over. I haven’t been able to hang out with friends in a while so this means a lot.”
Friends. Taeyong was a little hurt at your label of him. He thought there was something between you. Maybe this wasn’t the right time to make a move so he forced a smile. “I’m glad we’re friends, too.”
[2 months later]
Taeyong continued to volunteer at the shelter. His ego took a nice, deserving blow after you told him you were just friends. He was still happy that he got to spend time with you. You became so close that you spent most of your time with him outside of work. You played video games and watched movies. You also fostered some animals together on the weekends.
Taeyong hadn’t thrown a party or gone to one since he started spending time with you. His phone started lighting up a lot less as the weeks passed. The truth was Taeyong had stopped hooking up with anyone else. He was focused on you. Getting to know you.  
You even told him about your ex Jaemin. You and Jaemin were going strong for 11 months. The biggest player at your university, Jaemin worked hard to get you to say yes to dating him. The romance started off beautifully and ended abruptly when Jaemin said he didn’t want to be unfair to you. The day after the breakup you saw him out with another girl like it was nothing. And a month later, they were engaged to be married. Now, they were married and expecting a child together. It seemed that he genuinely loved his wife. The way he looked at her with such affection the day after he broke up with you. It broke you because that was how you used to look at him. You thought he was the one and up to a certain point, he told you you were the one for him. You wondered how he moved on so quickly to this day.
Since then, you didn’t want to date anyone, much less a playboy. Hook-ups were something you would’ve considered but you were still hurting. Taeyong had been the first boy you looked at in five months but you still weren’t ready. However, now that you two were getting to know each other...Maybe, just maybe…
Taeyong wanted to track down Jaemin and destroy him, break up his family, and kill him. Well, maybe not to that extreme. But he wanted to avenge you for how Jaemin could’ve been so swift in hurting you and moving on like nothing. He had to wonder…
If maybe one of his coworkers had something to do with it. He’d never had a hand in pairing up a Na Jaemin with anyone. If that were the case, he would’ve never forgiven himself for pursuing you.
He finally understood that you were guarding your heart and he didn’t want to push you. He would wait for as long as it takes to…Well, he wasn’t sure...Kiss you? Take you out on a date? He wasn’t sure how romance or courting worked.
It took some convincing but Taeyong finally decided to foster Ruby for the week. He didn’t refuse before because he didn’t want Ruby. He was scared of being ill-prepared for taking care of her or that his house had some hazards for the little dog.
You drove Taeyong and Ruby back to his house. The three of you stood outside his front door. He had Ruby on a leash.
Taeyong started. “Are you sure, y/n? What if Ruby falls in the pool when I go take a shower? What if she chews at my phone charger and gets electrocuted?”
You laughed. “Taeyong, how is she going to get in the backyard? Are her paws going to magically turn into hands so that she can turn the doorknob to the back door?”
“So long as you keep her active and give her toys and activities, she will have no reason to chew at your charger or go on an online shopping spree while you’re asleep.”
Taeyong frowned, knowing that you were mocking him now. “Fine. But if anything happens, I’m taking you down with me.”
Your eyes danced. “Fine with me.”
You three went to the beach and Ruby was having fun playing on the shoreline. Taeyong giggled like a little boy as he played fetch with her. You watched them and smiled. It was beyond you why Taeyong wouldn’t adopt Ruby. They clearly loved each other very much. Maybe today you could finally convince him.
You returned to the beach house as you ate ice cream cones from the boardwalk ice cream shop. Ruby ran back inside to drink from her water bowl. You and Taeyong lingered on the outside deck by the pool and watched the sunset. Taeyong’s chocolate ice cream cone was melting at the sides and you regretted not buying chocolate so without thinking, you licked his melting ice cream. Taeyong was caught by surprise and you looked up at him before getting back to your ice cream cone.
The innocent but teasing glint in your eye made him shocked and aroused. He paid a little too much attention to your tongue. As quickly as it appeared, it disappeared. And he longed for it to worship his body.
You winked. “Sorry. You’re a slow eater and it was melting…” You handed him your vanilla ice cream cone. “You can have some of mine.”
He snapped out of it and licked the cone as suggestively as he could to try and get a reaction out of you. And that he did. His big brown eyes had a mischievous glint to them. He smirked. You avoided his eyes completely. “Y/n.”
You bent down and pretended to tie your shoe and realized you weren’t wearing sneakers but sandals. You got back up, embarrassed and still looking away from him. “Yeah?”
“I like you.”
You looked back up at him. “Taeyong-”
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I just wanted to say it. At least once.” He liked you for a long time now. The more time he spent with you and went out of his way to be with you every moment he could made him realize that maybe what he longed for with you wasn’t simply one night of pleasure.
He wanted more. He didn’t know exactly what that meant. But he just liked to be with you. Your kindness, your wit, your sense of humor, everything about you made Taeyong feel that heaven could be found in another person.
He didn’t want to push you, not at all. He did wonder about what things would be like if you gave into each other. But he would still wait for as long as it took for you to consider him.
You admitted, “Taeyong, I like you, too.”
He sighed in relief. “Oh, thank heavens. Let’s go out on Friday.” Hundreds of plans were running through his mind of how he wanted to spoil you for your first date. He’d been doing research on where he could take you in the city and debated whether or not a road trip to Universal Studios would be too much.
You smiled in spite of yourself. “That’s so sweet…”
“I don’t know if I’m ready...Or if I can trust you...You’re very…experienced.”
Taeyong looked at you in confusion as he finished his ice cream cone. “What do you mean? I’ve never dated.”
“I mean...Sexually…” You muttered the last word. Your face was hot and Taeyong only looked at you like you’d said the sky was blue.
“Taeyong, before we met, you were partying every night and sleeping with multiple people. Are you going to tell me that you’re not that person anymore? Because you know what happened with Jaemin...I don’t want that again. If we are going to take this any further, you have to be honest with me. When you want to end it, show me your heart. Don’t leave me wondering what I did wrong...” He could see your eyes get bigger and redder. They were welling up. Your voice broke and it broke him to hear it.
He hated seeing you unhappy. You didn’t deserve to be burned the way you had. He wrapped his arms around you, then. For the first time. “I would never do that to you. I would never-”
You hugged him back. “Please don’t make promises you can’t keep. Let’s just take this slow...Okay?”
He never felt as close and vulnerable with someone. Then you came along and he was ready to do what he could to be with you. To at least try. “Okay.”
He caressed your face and pulled you in for a kiss. He lifted you off the ground and sat you on a ledge as he leaned down to kiss you deeper. His tongue intertwined with yours. You both tasted like ice cream and it made you both crazy with longing. You were the first to stop the kiss and reminded him, “Slow.”
He kissed your forehead. “Slow.”
[4 Months Later]
You and Taeyong took your new relationship slow. It drove you both crazy that you put off sleeping together for so long. You wanted to get to know Taeyong better. So did he. Even if this was the longest dry spell Taeyong had undergone, it was worth it.
“What’s got you so happy, boss?” Sicheng asked, visiting from New York. Sicheng and Kun moved out months ago when they saw that Taeyong wasn’t causing any trouble. Sicheng held Ruby in his lap. Taeyong adopted Ruby not too long after you two agreed to date.
Taeyong was worried, though. Just how far could he take things with you before he was summoned back by God? It could be five years or fifty years before He called him back to Heaven. Taeyong had to tell someone what was eating at him and Sicheng was one of his closest friends. “I need to tell you something.”
After Taeyong told Sicheng about you and what transpired all this time, Sicheng sighed, “Taeyong, this is trouble. We are not supposed to get involved with humans.”
“Sex is okay but dating and marriage are out of the question? How does that make sense?”
Sicheng frowned, reminding Taeyong of Kun at that moment. “Sex was never okay. In moderation and with zero strings attached? Sure...But you’ve crossed several lines...You’re playing with fire by pursuing y/n.”
Taeyong sighed in frustration. “I know but Sicheng, I’m falling…”
Sicheng watched Taeyong that night and witnessed how he changed after he met you. He put a hand on Taeyong’s shoulder. “I know. You’ve fallen since that first night. Five seconds.”
It took Taeyong five seconds to fall in love with you.
Taeyong continued, “I want to make this work. Let our Lord find out from me.”
“But-” Sicheng started.
“I appreciate you for not ratting me out to our Father, Sicheng. You’re a good friend.”
Later that night, Taeyong picked you up from your apartment and wanted to surprise you. He blindfolded you as you sat in the passenger seat of his car. Taeyong whispered into your ear. “Can you hear me?”
You laughed and bit your lip. “Taeyong, it’s a blindfold. Not ear plugs. Why are you whispering?”
He whispered even lower and the warmth of his breath made you fidget and press your thighs harder together. “It’s fun. That’s all.”
He could tell you were aroused. He could see your nipples through your black dress and he had to control his cock from making an early appearance. It was a good thing he blindfolded you.
Taeyong drove you two in silence and his giggles made you laugh. You held hands. It didn’t take too long to reach your destination. He escorted you out of the car and removed your blindfold.
You were at the Isla Central Marina and you stood before the entrance of a yacht named Cupid’s Bow. The boat was decorated with white Christmas lights.
“Taeyong, what is all this…”
He smiled as he led you onto the boat. “It’s where we’re having dinner tonight.”
You sat down at the table set at the center of the yacht. It was decorated with white daisies. Taeyong chose white daisies because their scent reminded him of you. And for their significance.
He sat you down at your seat and squeezed your shoulders.
You looked around in wonder. The night sky was clear as the full moon shone down on you both. “This is amazing. I can’t believe you did this for me.”
Taeyong sat across from you and smiled brightly. “I want to give you the world, y/n. If you let me, I will.”
Your face felt flushed and you stared down at your lap. “You’re so corny.”
He asked for your hand and you gave it to him. He kissed it and looked at you with what could be described as bedroom eyes. He tried to seduce you a couple of times now because he loved to tease you. You’d tease him back and pretend to consider sleeping with him. Fair’s fair.
But tonight? The teasing would stop.
Someone else cleared their throat. “Welcome to Cupid’s Bow. Thank you for dining with us tonight. I will be your server, Kun.”
You gasped and laughed. “Kun, what are you doing here?”
Dressed as a waiter, Kun said, “Taeyong needed a hand for tonight. And our friend Sicheng will be maneuvering this vessel.”
You turned to Sicheng as he waved from the steering wheel. He was wearing a captain’s outfit. You fought back a laugh. They were a cheesy group of guys.
Kun started you guys off with drinks as the boat departed the marina. You sailed around the bay that connected to the ocean. The bay led into downtown Isla where the city lights shone brightly. It was a beautiful modern-day fairytale.
Taeyong started up a playlist from his Bluetooth speakers and asked you to dance. “Give Me Love” by Ed Sheeran played.
Taeyong was a great dancer. He must have been classically trained for years. He spun you in circles and dipped you, pretending he was about to drop you to tease you. He pulled you close and hummed along to the lyrics. You laughed and held him tightly.
The songs continued as you and Taeyong watched the view. He held you from behind. The night was perfect.
“Y/n,” he said into your ear softly.
“I love you.”
You turned back to him and smiled. “I love you, too.” You kissed him.
You liked Taeyong ever since that night you met. But you started falling in love after you saw how he was with Ruby. He carried a lot of love and loyalty in his heart that it left you in awe every time you were with him. There was more to him than the wealthy bachelor persona he emitted. That wasn’t who he was. He was a man who loved fiercely. He was your best friend. And now you wanted him to be your lover.
You sat down together and ate Italian cuisine. Kun was an incredible chef. You and Taeyong share lasagna and chicken Alfredo. It was delicious. For dessert, you two fed each other gelato.
When Cupid’s Bow returned to the dock, you and Taeyong sat in the car, awkward.
Taeyong waited for you to tell him to take you home but it never came. You wanted him to suffer for a few more seconds.
You started. “Thank you for tonight.”
He cleared his throat. “I had the best time.”
“Can I stay the night?” You asked softly.
Taeyong was hearing things. “I’m sorry?”
“Let’s spend the night together.”
Taeyong was about to jump out of the driver’s seat and scream. He played it cool and his face was unreadable as he said, “Okay.”
You giggled. Taeyong was an enigma but you could see the blush creeping onto his cheeks.
You returned to the beach house and darted to the pool. Taeyong ran after you. You removed your dress and turned to him, biting your lip because you knew he loved it.
You were down to your black and red lingerie and Taeyong was so close to salivating. He longed to worship your body. He stood there, unable to move. He watched you slowly descend the steps into the pool and wait for him.
He walked slowly over to you, like a tiger about to pounce on his prey. He wanted you. You could see the desire in his gaze. He unbuttoned his shirt and you could see his abs glisten against the reflection of the pool. He smirked again, knowing it drove you crazy when he did that. He slowly unbuckled his belt and you could see his bulge better as he pulled down his pants.
“Wow,” you said.
Taeyong was down to his briefs. He pulled them down and chucked them away. His physique was like that of a statue of a Greek god. He was rock solid. You swam into the deep end, waiting for him to follow you in.
Taeyong got into the pool and dove down. You couldn’t see him now.
You were waiting for him to surprise you but time passed and you wondered if something was wrong.
“Yong?” You started. “Yong!”
He crept up behind you then, pulling your panties down in the process. “Boo.”
You smacked him. “Jerk. I thought you were dying.”
Taeyong chuckled. “I wasn’t down there for that long.”
“You’re kidding, right? I counted. It was at least a minute.”
Maybe he crossed the line with his immortal abilities, then. He sighed. “What can I say? I have incredible lung capacity.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why don’t we put that to the test?” You put your arms around him and kissed him deeply.
Taeyong’s heart skipped a beat. Your soaked body got him harder. You got onto his lap and he kissed your cleavage. His kisses were everything. You had been thinking about your first night with him for a long time now.
Taeyong lowered the strap of your bra and kissed your shoulder, silently asking if he could unclasp your bra. You nodded. He adored your breasts, biting and sucking at them.
You lowered your hand to his pelvic region and felt his large cock. He grunted as you clasped it. You kissed his neck and nipped at his ears.
You both loved teasing each other so now that you were spending the night together, neither of you was going down without a fight.
After a few minutes, Taeyong carried you out of the pool. You looked up at him, admiring his flawless profile. He dried you off and he took your hand and led you upstairs to his shower.
He started up the shower and you looked up at him. He took your face into his hands and gave you a peck on the lips. He smiled.
He started washing you with his body wash. It was Jo Malone Lime Basil & Mandarin. It smelled just like Taeyong and you wished you could smell like this all the time. He carefully navigated your body like you were a fragile vase and kissed you all over. He saved your chest for the end and could feel your heartbeat against his palm. He looked up at you through hooded eyes and you kissed his nose.
You washed him and teased him as you washed around his crotch, lightly tracing it with your fingers. His skin was soft while his body was muscular. He was the most beautiful contradiction in the world.
Taeyong pulled you in for another kiss and you wrapped your arms around each other. He turned the shower off. You both dried off.
He scooped you up, making you giggle. He laid you down gently. You stretched your body against the mattress and Taeyong admired all of your angles.
“I’m going to fuck you until the sunrise, y/n,” Taeyong said as he looked down at your body. Your eyes lock on him. They were no longer doe-like.
“I bet you are,” you said, feeling a little nervous now.
He straddled you and kissed you. His cock teased its entrance into your folds. “My stars, you are the most gorgeous creature,” he said as his face was mere centimeters from yours.
You pulled him closer and you kissed again, running your hands over his back. He traced his fingers around your folds, teasing your entrance. You whimpered as you held him tightly.
You pushed him off of you and laid him back as you gripped his cock and pumped. “You think you’re the only who’s been dying for this moment?”
Taeyong gaped at you. You were the first partner to take charge. His other lovers usually let him take the lead. He didn’t mind it much but to see you cater to his needs made him dizzy.
You took his cock into your mouth and your throat burned from the contact. You couldn’t take all of him in so you had to love the rest of him with your hand. You started bobbing your head back and forth, licking the veins of his throbbing member. Taeyong grunted. “Fuck, y/n.”
You looked up at him and his heart nearly stopped again. He gripped your hair. He came into your mouth and you swallowed his seed.
“You taste better than I imagined,” you said as you wiped your mouth.
You were generous in all aspects of life but in the bedroom? Taeyong was floored. “Allow me to pamper you.”
He laid you against his bed frame and brought out handcuffs.
“Well, you came prepared. Are those new?” You hoped they were.
“Yes. They came in yesterday…Good timing, wouldn’t you say?”
You nodded as he unlocked the cuffs. “Lift your arms up, y/n.”
You obeyed and he cuffed you. Your breasts were raised beautifully and Taeyong sighed. “Breathtaking.”
You averted your gaze and Taeyong shook his head. He took your chin and turned your face to him. “No, no...Don’t get shy on me now...Not when you fucked me with that pretty little mouth of yours.”
You loved how low his voice became and you felt your pussy tremble underneath him. He fondled your breasts, squeezing your nipples and biting them. He kissed around your folds. He traced his tongue at your entrance and breathed against it, making you whimper. He started whispering sweet nothings in multiple languages. He spoke in almost ten languages and you wondered who this man really was. You came once he spoke dirty French into your ear.
You were already soaked and Taeyong wanted to indulge in torturing you for a few minutes before he entered you. He started by slipping one finger into your entrance and carefully avoided your G-spot to rile you up.
“Taeyong, please,” you cried.
He stopped and kissed your forehead. “We have all night, y/n.”
You pouted. “You’re too good at torturing me.”
He smiled. “Am I torturing you? I didn’t think so.”
You wrapped your legs harder around his abdomen. “Get inside me. Now.”
He sighed. “You seem to forget that I’m calling the shots, y/n.”
You licked your lips. “Are you?”
He frowned and slipped his fingers out of your folds. “Do you not like it?”
You shook your head. “I do. I do. I do.”
He smirked. “Then, let me work.”
He continued to fingerfuck you until you cried. “Yong, please…”
“I love when you call me Yong. It destroys me,” he said as he finally entered you.
You cried out loud as his cock entered and hit you in the right places. You could feel him go deeper and could feel his cock twitching in your belly. You climaxed quickly and Taeyong quickly pulled out and came right after.
Taeyong cleaned you both up, not removing you from the cuffs just yet.
“Uh, Taeyong?”
“Yes, darling?”
“You forgot something?” You looked up at the cuffs.
“Oh, you’re right. I did forget something.” He kissed your forehead. “I love you.”
He walked out of the room.
Your arms started to hurt from having been raised for so long. “You are so funny!”
He returned with a tray that had two glasses of water and a bowl of strawberries and whipped cream.
“Are you hungry?” Taeyong asked, acting oblivious.
“Taeyong, I think it’s your turn to try on the cuffs…”
He beamed. “Exactly what I was thinking, y/n.”
“Okay, great. Now if you can get these off of me, the chances of me choking you to death will be lower.”
He laughed. “You’re so funny.”
He sat next to you in bed. And fed you a strawberry with whipped cream on top, popping it into your mouth. He carefully slipped his finger out and licked his finger. “Mmm.”
He took the whipped cream and drew out shapes onto your body, tracing his tongue over the shapes and eating the whipped cream. It drove you crazy.
“Now that I’ve had my dessert. It’s only fair that you enjoy yours.” He uncuffed you.
You cuffed him and had your way with him. You even took it a step further and pulled out another set of handcuffs from the drawer. “I see you got an extra pair.”
He smiled. “Can never be too prepared.”
You returned his smile. “Let’s kick it up a notch. Shall we?”
You cuffed his ankles, as well. He laid in bed and waited for you to get to work on him but you decided to get the bowl of strawberries and whipped cream and eat a couple slowly. You even fed a couple to Taeyong.
You started, “This is nice.”
Taeyong grumbled in Korean.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. I’m just waiting here. Patient.”
“Like the good boy that you are,” you cooed.
Your voice made him harder. You took the whipped cream and traced it over your collar bone. “Lick,” you commanded.
He licked across your collarbone. Then, you drew shapes onto his body, drawing a heart around his pelvic region. You saved it for last and slowly licked around it. You kissed his tip. He groaned. You straddled him and kissed him passionately.
You teased each other like that all night and made love for hours. You fell asleep in each other’s arms, holding each other tightly. The sun had risen a few hours ago. You woke up first and found Taeyong holding you tightly to his chest. He felt your movement in his sleep and he held you tighter. The sun lit up his features. He looked like an angel.
You kissed his cheek and his eyes opened slowly. “Good morning.”
You smiled. “Hi.”
He stretched and held you again. “I need to check on Ruby.”
You shook your head. “I’ll take care of her. You sleep.”
He whined. “It’s okay. You rest.”
You giggled. “It’s okay.”
You and Taeyong got cleaned up. You borrowed some of Taeyong’s clothes. You took Ruby for a walk around the neighborhood. You spent a quiet day together, living in utter bliss.
[1 Week Later]
Taeyong was on cloud nine. Having you in his life made him complete. He can’t imagine it getting better than this. You were at work and Taeyong was preparing dinner for you as you were sleeping over later. He was going to ask you to move in.
He finished his homemade pepperoni pizza and put it in the oven. He heard the doorbell ring. Ruby barked and he joined her to see who was at the door. It couldn’t be you. It was too early. He opened the door to find Mark at the door.
“Mark!” Taeyong smiled and hugged him. Mark was another one of his coworkers and close friends. Taeyong regarded him as a little brother.
“Taeyong, it’s great to see you…Wow, you are glowing.” Mark eyed him carefully.
He smiled, thinking about you. “Yeah...I guess I am. Come in!”
After they sat down and caught up with each other, Mark said, “I’ll cut to the chase...I’m here in Isla for my next pairing session.”
“Is that so?”
He nodded. The usually lighthearted boy looked serious. “I know about y/n.”
Taeyong’s smile faded. Ruby snuggled tighter to Taeyong as she rested on his lap. “Who-“
He shook his head. “I found out myself. Y/n is my next assignment.”
Taeyong felt his world crashing down onto him. “No…”
Mark sighed. “I expected one of the fledglings to get into this mess but you? Our mentor? It’s absurd.”
“Father doesn’t know…Imagine his disappointment when he finds out. He doesn’t have to. If you end it now.”
Taeyong’s chest was on fire. Tears were threatening to fall. “No.”
Mark frowned. “What?”
“You heard me, Mark. I’m not leaving her.”
Mark sighed. “Once I strike the arrows at her and her partner, it’ll be over.”
Taeyong shook his head. “Mark, please.”
Mark hurt for his friend but his duty as a Cupid came first. “I’m sorry, Taeyong. This is how our world works. You’re the one who told me so.”
Taeyong hated this. He hated the world he knew before you. How could he go  back to a world of bringing love to others and have no love himself? He couldn’t. Not after meeting you. You’d been burned before. No doubt by one of the Cupids interfering. He wasn’t about to let that happen again.
“Taeyong, if you interfere with y/n’s pairing...There’s no telling what the consequences will be.”
“I’ll be the one to deal with that, Mark. But I won’t let you come between us.”
After their exchange, Mark left. Taeyong retired to the kitchen to check on the pizza. It was ready.
“What is he saying, Taeyong?” You started.
“Y/n?!” Taeyong jumped as he found you waiting for him at the kitchen island. 
You’d snuck in earlier to surprise him with sweet potatoes you bought from the farmer’s market. You wanted to scare him because it was a bit of yours. You snuck through the back door with your own set of keys he gave you.
You were about to duck your head into the living room when you heard Taeyong say he wouldn’t leave you. Your heart sank.
He wanted to hold you. “Y/n…”
You crossed your arms. “What is going on? Who is Mark? And who exactly is your father? What exactly is your job, Taeyong? Because I’m beginning to suspect you’re not a dating guru.”
Taeyong sighed. “You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”
“Try me.”
Taeyong checked the schedules of the fledglings at work in Isla. The best way for him to prove his identity to you was to show you how Cupids worked. “Come with me.”
He drove you to an amusement park. You turned to him. “You are not taking me on a date right now.”
He shook his head. “I’m not. Just follow me.”
He led you into the park and you sat down on a bench by the haunted house.
Taeyong started. “See that guy in the leather jacket? That’s my coworker Shotaro.”
“I don’t see him…” There was no one by that description where Taeyong was pointing.
“Y/n, hold my hand.”
“Taeyong, now’s not the time.”
“Please. Just do it.”
You gave in and held his hand and suddenly, a young man in a leather jacket appeared. Shotaro was carrying a bow and a bag of arrows. He prepared his arrow to shoot at someone leaving the haunted house.
“Taeyong, what is he doing?!” You yelled.
Taeyong shushed. “Y/n, just watch.”
You put a hand over your mouth and you were about to run over and stop this madness. Taeyong held you back.
Shotaro released the arrow and hit the young woman first. She looked at her best friend and kissed her cheek. Shotaro then shot another arrow at the best friend. She kissed the first young woman on the lips, then. The arrows vanished just as quickly as they pierced both women. It was as if they were never struck. Shotaro noticed Taeyong and waved before he faded away.
You rubbed your eyes. “Taeyong?”
“What the hell was that?”
“More like what the heaven was that…”
Taeyong explained everything to you. How he was Cupid. How there were Cupids all over the world bringing people together. Taeyong was the original Cupid and he was on vacation. You took it all in and a lot of things started to make sense. Why he never spoke about his family or his job. How a lot of things were so new to him. It wasn’t because he was a sheltered rich boy. He wasn’t even human. He was a god.
This also meant that your concept of love was completely wrong. Cupids had their hand in romance all over the world. Which made you realize...
“So…When Jaemin broke up with me, it was because of you guys?”
Frustrated that you brought up Jaemin, Taeyong managed to say, “Yes…”
Tears fell from your eyes. “And you were never going to tell me?”
“It wasn’t my place to-“
“Oh, hell, if it’s not...How long were you going to play me like this? You were going to leave, anyway. What was the plan? Lead me on and then dump me like Jaemin did?”
Stabbed by your words, he begged, “Stop saying his name.”
“Well? How long were you planning to lead me on for? I’m sure you have a carefully crafted schedule for your next victim ready.”
Taeyong shook his head. “You don’t mean that.”
Tears fell onto your lap. “Taeyong, I loved you. Did you ever love me?”
The past tense killed him to hear. “Y/n, I love you. I’ve never loved anyone in all my years. You’re the only one for me.”
“Taeyong, you’re going to leave me.” You sobbed.
He shook his head. “I won’t leave you. I’ll fight for us.”
You hugged him tightly and he shushed you. He bought you a funnel cake with a large cup of lemonade to share. You both ate in silence for a few minutes.
You broke the silence.“When Mark said I had a pairing session, that means that I’m being matched with someone. Someone that isn’t you…”
“Taeyong, I don’t want to be matched with someone else. What are we going to do?”
“I have a plan.”
You sighed. “I’m being selfish.” “What? No...Why would you think that?”
You took a sip of the lemonade. “The consequences of you disobeying...God, I still can’t believe it....I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Taeyong replied, “Let me deal with that, y/n. I will fight for us. It’ll take some convincing but after all of my years with Father, he has to listen to me.”
[The Next Day]
Tonight was the animal shelter’s fundraising gala in downtown Isla. It was held at the lavish Sun and Moon Hotel’s ballroom. Your potential partner would be in attendance tonight but you didn’t care. All you cared about was Taeyong and what he had up his sleeve. Mark was mingling with the other guests. He didn’t know that you were in on his plans with you. He met your eyes and smiled, playing the part of the oblivious but charming young man.
As far as Mark knew, you and Taeyong broke up last night so you had to look miserable. And frankly, you felt miserable not knowing what was about to happen with Taeyong. There was a chance you could lose him forever tonight. But you held onto the chance of remaining with him.
You forced a smile and continued to mingle with the guests. Meanwhile, Taeyong disguised himself and kept an eye on Mark. Mark may have been a well-established Cupid by now but he was not at Taeyong’s level. He was off by a few centuries.
The shelter had received a lot of donations from many local businesses and celebrities. You gave a thank you speech to all the attendees for their generosity and raised your glass to them. The uncertainty was killing you underneath it all.
Taeyong watched Mark prepare his arrow, then. Mark was no longer seen by humans. You realized Mark and Taeyong were missing, which meant it was time. Taeyong prepared his arrows. He stabbed himself with his own arrow as he watched you. Right before Mark shot his arrow, Taeyong shot at you. You turned to him, then, finally able to see him. Mark realized too late what he had done.
Mark yelled. “What have you-”
Taeyong and Mark vanished.
[5 Years Later]
The year you spent with Taeyong had vanished from your memory. The night of the gala after Taeyong and Mark disappeared, you continued on with your life. Living with an inexplicable hole in your heart. You thought it was because you were being dramatic. Seeing a lot of your friends get married and have kids didn’t help your case either. Meanwhile, you were alone. Working hard and thriving, sure. But emotionally, you weren’t all there.
None of your friends or family remembered Taeyong either. It was as if he never existed to any of you. One day, Jisoo introduced you to one of her friends from her gym. You two hooked up not too long afterwards. The night was fun. It was a one-time thing.
However, that one-time thing ended up in your pregnancy. The father wanted nothing to do with your child so he skipped town. You didn’t hold it against him. The child was unplanned and you decided to carry on with the pregnancy on your own. Your friends and family were very supportive. You gave birth to a baby girl named Daisy.
The emptiness in your heart was filled by your love for Daisy. She was your world. She was your partner in crime. You wanted to give her everything good the world had to offer. Maybe someday you could give her a father.
After dropping her off at pre-school, you stopped by the post office to send out a letter to your pen pal. Isla recently started up a pen pal program for its citizens to send each other letters and gifts. You were paired up with someone who shared a lot of the same interests as you: favorite movies, foods, and animals.
You were paired up with a man named Lee Taeyong.
Dear Taeyong,
I’m sending you a copy of my favorite movie of all time, Jurassic Park. Please let me know if you like it. If you do, there’s a bunch of stickers in it for you. I hope you have safe travels to Munich and Budapest.
Taeyong had faced serious consequences for interfering with your pairing session. The work that had to be put in to pair up y/n’s original partner, Nakamoto Yuta, with someone else put everyone into a frenzy. Thankfully, the damage was repaired.
However, the Lord was pissed. Taeyong disobeyed him. Even though God adored him, he knew he had to be punished. For every second it took for Taeyong to fall in love with you, it would take a year for you two to reunite.
God relieved Taeyong of his Cupid duties and wished him a wonderful life as a human. He looked forward to Taeyong returning to him again one day.
Taeyong returned to Isla with an established job as a pilot. Ruby remained with him. His friends Sicheng and Kun would look after her while Taeyong was away now and then. He loved traveling the world but he loved coming home to Ruby most of all. He tried dating a couple of times but it never clicked with anyone. And hook-ups were a thing of the past. He wanted something serious. He hoped to find someone to call his person someday.
He recently sent his pen pal a letter before departing for his flight to Paris.
Dear y/n,
I loved Jurassic Park. I can’t believe I wasted so many years of my life not knowing this movie. Don’t hold back on the stickers. I’m sending you a copy of one of my favorite movies. It’s called Train to Busan. Try not to swoon too hard over Gong Yoo or I might get a little jealous.
You two exchanged letters frequently and after a few more months, you decided to meet up at the cafe right next to the shelter. Taeyong walked past the shelter, arriving early for your meet-up. He was thrilled to meet you and finally put a face to your name. He looked at the windows where adoptions were currently underway.
That was when he saw you.
And just like that everything flooded back to him. How you two already knew each other once. How you became friends and grew together. How you fell in love.
He ran into the shelter and called your name. “Y/n!”
You were answering a volunteer’s question when you heard someone call your name. When you turned to the person who called you, it all came rushing back to you. All of the memories. All of the love for him that you carried in your heart. 
“Taeyong…” Your eyes welled up.
You ran towards each other. You jumped into his arms, then. You laughed and cried together. You took a ten minute break to sit outside with Taeyong.
“I can’t believe it’s you…” He cried.
“Me neither...It’s been five years…”
“Five years...A year for every second it took for me to fall in love with you…” Geez, he thought, God was so unfair and so corny at the same time.
Five years without each other was too much for either of you to bear. You caught up on each other’s lives. Taeyong was shocked to find out you have a daughter. You were shocked that Taeyong was a human now.
But now this meant that you two could grow old together. Daisy could finally have a father. And you couldn’t wait to hold Ruby again.
[1 Year Later]
After a year of dating and getting to know each other again, you and Taeyong got married. Daisy and Taeyong adored each other. Ruby was happy to see you again and more than happy to welcome Daisy into her life. It was a beautiful union.
All of your friends were in attendance. Jisoo was weeping so hard. Jaehyun and his boyfriend Johnny were in attendance. Taeyong was shocked that it hadn’t been Jaehyun who claimed your heart after all this time. It turned out that Jaehyun was just a concerned friend. They became good friends.
You got married at the beach. You wore a stunning mermaid white gown. You walked down the aisle with a train decorated with white daisies. The white daisies translated to: “I love you truly.” Sicheng, a violinist, played his rendition of “All My Life” by K-Ci & JoJo. It was yours and Taeyong’s song.
Taeyong donned a black tuxedo. A daisy decorated his lapel. He nearly broke down in tears at how lovely you looked. You couldn’t help the huge smile on your face.
You recite your vows to each other. You started, “Taeyong, from the moment we first met...My life became tinted in shades of pinks and oranges again. I could see that the world could be beautiful. You helped me find happiness again. A happiness I didn’t know I needed until I met you. I adore you and will adore you even into the afterlife. Whatever happens, I will always be here for you. You have my heart. My everything. I cannot wait to spend our lives together with Daisy, Ruby, and our future children. I love you.”
Taeyong replied, “Y/n, you are my world. I found love in you. You are the light of my life. You made me a better person and you made me want to live and enjoy life. The world is beautiful because of you. I love you with all of my heart. I promise you that we will always be together. No matter what life...and the after life...will throw at us. I am yours. I will always be with you. My love. My darling y/n...I love our family. Daisy and Ruby, we love you so much. I cannot wait to raise our family together, y/n. I love you.”
Officiant Kun continued, “By the power vested in me by the State of Sweetwater, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Taeyong scooped you up and kissed you, earning applause from your friends and family.
A magical day of many. You two lived happily ever after.
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The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Chapter 6
Original Title:  二哈和他的白猫师尊
Genres: Drama, Romance, Tragedy, Xianxia, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 6 - This Venerable One's Shizun
Xue Meng had lived on Life-Death Peak since he was a child. He was familiar with shortcuts and terrain so he had no problem catching up with Mo Ran
He escorted him all the way to the back of the mountain. The back mountain of Life-Death Peak was the closest place to the ghost realm in the whole world, separated by an enchantment, behind it is the netherworld.
Looking at the miserable situation in the back mountain, Mo Ran immediately understood why that person was clearly at home, but still needed Madam Wang to treat guests in the front hall.
It wasn't that the man didn’t want to help, but he couldn’t step away--
The barrier of the ghost world was broken.
At this moment, the entire back mountain was filled with a heavy spiritual resentment. The ghosts that hadn't taken on a body howled and hovered bitterly in the air. At the entrance of the mountain gate, there was a giant breach ripping through the sky. Behind the breach was the ghost realm, and a tall, bluestone staircase stretching thousand of steps escaped from the barrier cracks. Seeing out from the staircase, the fierce spirits that had regained a flesh body were climbing down this step disorderly and chaotically, rushing from the underworld to the human world.
Any ordinary person would be terrified at the scene unfolding. The first time Mo Ran saw it, he was shocked to the bone, but he was used to it now.
The barrier between the human and ghost realms was set by Emperor Fuxi in ancient times. Today, it was very weak. It would grow weak spots every now and again, which need to be repaired by immortal cultivators. However, this kind of thing not only does little to improve one's cultivation but is thankless with how much spiritual energy it consumes. It was a real drudgery, so few immortals in the upper cultivation world were willing to take this job.
When a fierce spirit was born, the people of the Lower Cultivation Realm were the first to come under attack. As the protectors of the Lower Cultivation Realm, Life-Death Peak was forced to undertake the task of repairing the barrier. The back mountains of the sect faced the weakest point in the barrier all to ensure they could be repaired swiftly.
There would be breaks in the barrier about four or five times a year. It was just like an old, chipped pot; useless.
Now, at the entrance of the ghost world, on the long bluestone stairs, a man stood there with snow-coloured clothes and wide sleeves flowing in the wind. He was surrounded by the aura of his sword, the golden light shimmering. Using his own power to clear out the evil spirits and ghosts, he repaired the small holes appearing in the barrier.
The man had a slender waist and an elegant appearance, with a holy aura and a handsome face. From a distance, it was easy to imagine he was a scholar reading an ancient scroll under a flowering tree. However, looking closely, he had sharp eyebrows, phoenix eyes slanted upwards, and the bridge of his nose was straight and narrow. While he seemed to be gentle and elegant, his eyes were mean and seemingly unkind.
Mo Ran glanced at him from a distance. Although he thought he had prepared himself, when he saw this man appear in front of him alive and healthy again, it made him tremble down to his smallest bones.
Half fear, half. . . excitement.
His Shizun.
Chu Wanning.
This was the person that Xue Meng had cried and begged to see when he arrived at Wushan Hall in the previous life.
It was this man that ruined Mo Ran's ambition, ruined his plans, and was finally imprisoned and tortured to death by Mo Ran because of it.
Logically speaking, if Mo Ran had the chance to avenge himself and defeat the enemy that had blocked his progress.
The sea is wide and free for fish to swim in, the sky is high and the birds could fly endlessly, no one could reign him back anymore. At least, that's what Mo Ran thought.
However, that doesn't seem to be the case.
After his Shizun died, something else seemed to have been buried along with his hatred.
Mo Ran was not a man of culture and didn't recognize any other feeling than being evenly matched with a worthy opponent.
He only knows that here on out, he had no archenemies.
When Shizun was alive, he had been afraid, paranoid, and anxious. When he saw the willow vine in Shizun's hand, the hair on the back of his neck stood on up. He became just like a beaten mutt, just the sound of a wooden club slap caused his teeth to ache and legs to give out. Even his calf muscles would spasm from fear.
Later, when Shizun died, the person Mo Ran had feared the most was finally gone. Mo Ran felt that he had grown and matured, being able to finally commit this act of murdering his teacher.
Afterwards, when looking at the mortal realm, no one dared force him to kneel down, and no longer slapped himself in the face.
To celebrate, he opened the pear blossom white wine, sat on the roof, and drank wine all night.
That night, under the influence of alcohol, the scars that Shizun had inflicted on his back when he was a teenager seemed to feel hot and painful again.
At this moment, when he saw Shizun reappear in front of him, Mo Ran started, filled with hate and anger, but there was also a slight twinge of ecstasy.
Such an opponent, lost and now regained, how can he not please?
Chu Wanning ignored the two apprentices who broke into the back mountains and continued concentrating on fighting the scattered undead.
His facial features were elegant, his eyebrows are evenly long. His phoenix eyes were cast downwards, his cool demeanour powerful. Amidst the demonic air and blood rain, his expression had not changed. His face remained calm, as though he might sit down and burn incense or play the guqin at the moment.
However, such a gentle and beautiful man, at that moment, was holding an icy exorcism long sword dripping with red blood droplets. With a flick of his wide sleeve, the sword's energy sliced through the bluestone steps in an explosion. Crushed stones and bricks rolled down, cracking an immeasurable chasm from the gate all the way to the bottom of the mountain, splitting the staircase and its thousands of steps!
So ferocious.
How many years had it been since he had seen his Shizun's power?
This familiar and powerful dominance made Mo Ran lose all his strength. Shakily, he fell onto his knees with a thump.
It didn't take long for Chu Wanning to kill all the ghosts, and neatly fill in the holes in the barrier to the ghost world. After doing all this, he fell from mid-air and went over to Mo Ran and Xue Meng.
He first glanced at Mo Ran kneeling on the ground, and then raised his eyes to look at Xue Meng, his phoenix eyes holding a powerful chill.
"Causing trouble again?"
Mo Ran sucked in a breath.
Shizun had the ability to always correctly assume any situation.
Xue Meng: "Shizun, Mo Ran went down the mountain, committing the two crimes of stealing and prostitution. Please punish him accordingly, Shizun."
Chu Wanning was silent for a while, expressionless. He coldly remarked: "I know."
Mo Ran: ". . ."
Xue Meng: ". . ."
Both of them were a little confused. Then? Is that it?
However, just when Mo Ran thought tat he had gotten off lucky, he looked up at Chu Wanning and caught a a glimpse of a sharp golden light suddenly cutting through the air. There was a lightening-like crackling sound that slashed across Mo Ran's cheek!!
Drops of blood splashed everywhere!
The speed of that golden light was so fast, Mo Ran didn't even have a moment to close his eyes, let alone dodge it. The skin on his face was flayed open with a fierce pain.
Chu Wanning stood with his hands clasped behind his back, standing coldly in the chilling breeze of teh night air. The air was still filled with the foul aura of fierce spirits and ghosts mixed with the smell of human blood. It made the forbidden area of the back mountains appear even more eerie and terrifying.
In Chu Wanning's hand was a willow vine that had whipped Mo Ran. The vine was narrow and long, with green leaves sprouting from it, hanging down near the edge of his boots.
It was clearly sucha graceful object. Looking at it would have made people think of poems such as "Pliant is the the willow branch I gift to my beloved".
It's a pity that Chu Wanning was neither pliant or had a beloved.
The willow vine in his hand was actually a magic weapon named Tianwen. At this moment, Tianwen was glimmering with golden red light, piercing through the surrounding darkness, and also reflecting in the bottomless depths of Chu Wanning's eyes.
Chu Wanning pursed his lips, and said sensibly: "Mo Weiyu, you are so bold. Should I really not do something to discipline you?"
If this really was the fifteen-year old Mo Ran, he might not have taken this exclamation seriously, thinking that Shizun was just trying to scare him.
But after being reborn, Mo Weiyu had thoroughly experienced Shizun’s "control" with his blood in his previous life. He immediately felt the roots of his teeth ache and blood rushing to his head. His mouth was already moving, ready to deny everything and clear his name
"Shizun. . ." His cheek still bleeding, Mo Ran raised his eyes, staining them with a thin veil of tears. He knew that his current appearance must look extremely pitiful. "This disciple has never stolen. . . has never laid with a prostitute. . . why did Shizun listen to Xue Meng's words and strike me without even listening to my side of the story?"
". . ."
Mo Ran had two tricks to get out of trouble with his uncle. First, act cute. Second, pretend to be pitiful. Now he tried these out on Chu Wanning, trying to look so pitiful that tears almost fell from his eyes: "Is the disciple really so worthless in your eyes? Why doesn't Shizun even give me a chance to defend myself?"
Xue Meng stomped angrily next to him: "Mo Ran! You, you piece of shit! You truly are shameless! Sizun, don't listen to him, don't be fooled by this bastard! He really did steal! All the stolen goods are still on him!"
Chu Wanning looked through his eyelashes, his expression cold: "Mo Ran, you truly never stole?"
". . . You should know the consequences of lying to me."
Mo Ran's arms were covered in goosebumps. How could he not know? But he still foolishly persisted: "Shizun, please!"
Chu Wanning raised his hand, and the shiny golden vine waved again, but this time he did not draw it on the face of Mo Ran. Instead, he used it to tightly bind Mo Ran.
This feeling was all too familiar. In addition to whipping people on the regular, the willow vine "Tianwen" has another function——
Chu Wanning stared at Mo Ran, who was held tightly in Tianwen's grasp, and asked again: "Have you never stolen?"
Suddenly, there was a familiar stabbing pain straight in Mo Ran's heart, as if a sharp fanged small snake had slid its way into his chest and was playing with his organs.
Accompanied by the severe pain was an irresistible temptation. Mo Ran couldn't help but open his mouth, his voice hoarse: "I. . . never. . . ah. . . !!!"
Tianwen's golden light seemed to pick up on his lies, glowing harder. The pain caused Mo Ran to break out in a cold sweat, but he still desperately resisted such torture.
This was Tianwen's second function: interrogation.
Once tied up by Tianwen, no one could lie. Whether it was a person or a ghost, dead or alive, Tianwen had a way of forcing them to speak and reveal the answer that Chu Wanning wanted to know.
In his last life, by relying on a strong cultivation base, there was only one person who had finally managed to keep a secret under Tianwen's influence.
That person was the person who had become the emperor of the mortal realm, Mo Weiyu.
After being reborn, Mo Ran had hoped he'd have a bit of luck, thinking that he would still be able to resist the forced interrogation of Tianwen. But after biting his lip for what felt like forever, with big beads of sweat dripping down over his dark eyebrows and full-body trembles, he finally bowed before Chu Wanning's boots in pain, gasping for breath.
"I. . . I. . . stole. . ."
The pain abruptly disappeared.
Mo Ran hadn't even caught his breath before Chu Wanning asked another question, his voice even colder than before.
"Did you commit debauchery?"
Smart people don't do stupid things. Since he hadn't been able to resist before, it was even more impossible now. This time, Mo Ran didn't even resist, and when the pain struck, he went so far to even shout: "Yes yes I did!!!! Shizun please! No more!"
Xue Meng's face turned blue at his side. He exclaimed with shock: "You, how can you. . . That Rong Jiu is a man, you actually. . ."
No one paid attention to him. As the golden light of Tianwen slowly dimmed, Mo Ran gasped for breath, his whole body was drenched as if he had just been fished from the water. His face was as white as paper, his lips still trembling, and he collapsed on the ground, unable to move.
Through sweaty eyelashes, he looked up at Chu Wanning's elegant figure, wearing a green jade crown and wide sleeves that fell to the floor.
A strong hatred suddenly surged into his heart - Chu Wanning! This Venerable One wasn't wrong in is treatment of you in his past life, that much is true!! Even after being reborn, the hatred still burns strong! Fuck all eighteen generations of your ancestors!!
Chu Wanning didn't know that this crafty disciple was going to fuck all eighteen generations of his ancestors. He stood there for a while with a sullen expression, and then said.
"Xue Meng."
Although Xue Meng knows that men were the popular choice among rich businessmen and wealthy households, and many people play with male prostitutes just for something new and not really because they liked men, he still couldn't digest it. After a while, he said: "Shizun, this disciple is here."
"Mo Ran went against the three mandates on corruption, debauchery, and deception. Take him to the Yan Luo Hall so he can repent. Bring him to the Platform of Righteousness and Evil tomorrow morning so that he receive a public punishment."
Xue Meng was startled: "What. . .? Public punishment?"
Public punishment means taking the disciples who have committed severe transgressions in front of the disciples of the whole school, in front of everyone, even the ladies in the dining hall, and punishing them for the crowd.
Utterly shameful.
It should be known that Mo Ran was a disciple of Life-Death Peak. Although the disciplinary measures in the school were strict, because of Mo Ran's special status - his uncle pitied him for losing his parents so young and was scavenging outside for fourteen years - he couldn't bear to punish Mo Ran. No matter what Mo Ran did, he would just get a small lecture in private, and he would be beaten.
But Shizun wouldn't even save the face of the sect leader. He wanted to take his precious nephew to the Platform of Righteousness and Evil and publicly punish and shame Young Master Mo in front of the entire sect. This was something even Xue Meng hadn't expected.
Mo Ran, however, wasn't surprised.
He lay on the ground with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.
How great and selfless his Shizun was.
Chu Wanning was truly cold-blooded. In his previous life, when Shi Mei died in front of him, Mo Ran cried and pleading, pulling on his clothes, kneeling on the ground and begging him for help.
But Chu Wanning turned a deaf ear.
And so his disciple had breathed his last breath before him, and even with Mo Ran crying his heart out next to him, Chu Wanning simply stood there and ignored his sobs.
Now all he was doing was putting him on the Platform of Righteousness and Evil to be dealt with before the public. There was nothing strange about this.
Mo Ran could only resent how weak his cultivation base was now. He couldn't peel off Chu Wanning's skin, rip out his nerves, drink his blood, can’t pull his hair back, can't insult him, can’t torture him and destroy his dignity, make him desire nothing but death. . .
He hadn't been able to hide the beast-like hatred in his eyes, and Chu Wanning picked up on it.
He faintly glanced at Mo Ran's face, a stoic expression on a gentle and elegant face.
"What are you thinking about?"
Tianwen hadn't been removed yet!
Mo Ran once again felt the vines tying him up, and his internal organs felt like they were about to be squeezed into mush. He yelled in pain, panting and roaring out the thoughts in his head——
"Chu Wanning, you think you're so refined! Watch me fuck you to death!"
No one made a sound.
Chu Wanning: ". . ."
Even Xue Meng was stunned: ". . ."
Tianwen suddenly retracted Chu Wanning's palm, turning into a small speck of golden light before disappearing altogether. Tianwen was made from the bones and blood of Chu Wanning and could appear when summoned and vanished at will.
Xue Meng's face was pale and he stuttered: "Shi-Shizun. . ."
Chu Wanning didn't say a word. His delicate black and slender eyelashes lowered, examining his palms for a while. Then, he raised his eyes, his face even, but his complexion even colder. He glared at Mo Ran with a gaze saying "this disciple deserves death", then said in a low voice:
"Tianwen is broken, I am going to go fix it."
Chu Wanning threw down these words, turned and left.
Xue Meng was kind of slow: "How could an immortal weapon like Tianwen be broken?"
Chu Wanning heard it, and glanced back at him with a look of "this disciple deserves death" as well. Xue Meng shuddered.
Mo Ran lay on the ground, half-dead, with a blank expression.
What he had been thinking really was looking for a way to fuck Chu Wanning to death. He knew that the Master Chu, who held titles like "Yuheng of the Night Sky, Beidou Immortal", had always paid attention to elegance and correctness, and he couldn't stand being stepped on by others, defiling him.
But he didn't want Chu Wanning to know that he was thinking that!
Mo Ran whimpered like a stray dog, covering his face.
Thinking of the look in Chu Wanning's eyes when he was leaving, he felt that he probably did not have long to wait until his death.
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honeyabyss · 3 years
A humans mortality (Lucifer x Mc)
Summary: Mc suddenly realizes their own mortality and it scares them, but Lucifer is there to comfort and reassure. (This was a request by @number-0-iz, hope you like it!)
Warnings: some random demons threatens you, implied anxiety attack
It had been a while since the day you arrived in Devildom. By now it felt almost like a second home, demons weren't that different from humans at most times.
Sure they still were supernatural beings who are more than capable of snapping you in half without any effort at all, but you always brushed all these small differences away.
Don't think about them! It had been your very first rule to be established for yourself at the start of the exchange year, to help and get more comfortable around these non-human beings. At one point the bad feelings slipped into the back of your mind, only once in a while emerging from it's deep sleep, for example when one of the brothers snapped yet again. But it didn't scare you anymore! You made friends among the demons, something you would have never thought for possible just one year ago, but here you are!
That doesn't mean though that all demons have accepted you...You were after all still a lowly human, just living under the protection of the demon lords. Some of those of lower ranking found it unbelievable. What did you do to make those mighty demons like you?
Some demons gossiped loudly in RADs hallways even when you passed them, some chose to envy you from the shadows, while others, more bolder maybe also less intelligent ones, tried to threaten you, to make you stay away from the beloved yet equally feared brothers. But as they never truly tried anything, due to one of your protectors being around you all the time, you ignored the comments.
It was late in the afternoon and Mammon had ditched you, it wasn't really planned, but someone he was indebted to had recognized him and started chasing him. You had tried to keep up with them, but they were too fast.
Not wanting Mammon to get into trouble for leaving you behind, you made your way back to the House of Lamentation.
The streets were bustling with demons of all kinds, shopping, going home, meeting and talking with others; it felt just like a normal day in a human realm city.
Though most of them were friendly to you, you didn't want to test your luck and briskly walked through the crowded streets, trying to avoid bumping into anyone.
Unfortunately that was deemed to be impossible and so you accidentally walked into a tall demon you didn't recognize, but instantly had a queasy feeling upon seeing his face.
The demon scowled at you, brushing some invisible dirt off the places you touched him.
A meekly muttered apology came from your mouth. You hadn't meant to cause trouble and definitely not to one that looked so dangerous.
The demon didn't respond at first he just stared at you. As you tried to sidestep around the demon, he moved with you, blocking your way forward.
"Where do you think you're going? Trying to escape? You didn't actually think I'd let you run off, right?"
You didn't answer, didn't even know what would be the best to respond now. All you could think of was that he hopefully wouldn't notice how your heart raced in fear.
"All alone today? None of the brothers are accompanying you? Have they finally realised how worthless you are? Maybe I should do them a favour and get rid of you for the sake of all of us?"
Your eyes were wide open, adrenaline pumping through your veins and your instinct told you to run, to run now, to run fast and to run far in hopes of escape, but your mind told you otherwise, you were no match to a fully grown demon, not even to a small one, running wouldn't help you.
You had always known that demons were demons, that there were distinct differences between your races, yet you pushed them away, for the sake of the exchange year you braved your way through the daily stress in hell, forgetting a small but important fact: you were very much still just a mortal.
Your own heartbeat resonated in your ears, blocking every other sound out, your hands felt clammy with the cold sweat of fear and your eyes didn't seem to be able to focus on anything. You were in absolute shock, desperately trying to find a way out of the situation.
The demon wraps his hand tightly around your wrist, but before he can start pulling you away another hand interferes, freeing you from your captor's bruising grip.
Lucifer is standing between you and the demon looking furious, he is yelling at the startled lower ranking demon in front of him, but you can't make out what he is saying as you're still in your stupor.
Your mind is still racing over time when Lucifer is starting to gently guide you back home. No words are said, and if he did, you didn't notice too caught up in your thoughts.
"I could have died...", you whisper after what feels like an hour later.
"But you're not. You're safe now. I won't let anything like that ever happen again to you.", Lucifer answers having heard your whispering. His hand is still holding yours so gently as if it were going to shatter at any moment.
Your head turns slowly towards him, only now you realize that you were sitting on the sofa in his room, when you had made it here you couldn't really remember. Everything seemed to be a blur.
With the knowledge of finally being at a safe place, your body decides to break down. Tears start to stream down your face and your whole body shakes with every sob. Lucifer's arms wrap around you, holding you firmly, yet not painful, against his chest, one of his hands continuously stroking over your head to comfort you.
Your hands grip the material of his shirt so tight that your knuckles turn white as you sob in the comfort of his arms.
"I-I could have died...I don't want to! I'm scared!", the more you think about it the more scared you get, and speaking it out loud doesn't help calm you down either. Your breathing is getting short and erratic, transporting only enough air into your lungs to stay conscious. The cold feeling of fear keeps spreading throughout your body, trying to consume you completely, only stopping at Lucifer's words.
"Don't be scared...I'm here with you. Let's calm down first before you hyperventilate...", his voice is low and soothing, slowly helping you to normalize your breathing yet a few sobs are still coming through every now and then.
"I'm not going to pretend I know how terrifying the thought of dying is...demons usually don't have to worry about that after all, but I experienced how much it hurts to lose a person, so I might know at least a bit more than others....Death...is inevitable for human beings. You may have a short life, but I believe you also get to spend the most beautiful ones."
You silently listen to him still wrapped up in his warm hug while you hide your tearstained face in his chest.
"The life of a demon can become quite lonely and boring sometimes, after all, living for multiple millennials is a long time, maybe even too long...A thing I enjoy today, might become the most boring thing in the next centuries. Trying to find new stuff to enjoy can be hard and you become unmotivated and sometimes demons even become numb to all joy...If it weren't for my troublesome brothers...it might have already happened to me as well", he lets out a small chuckle before continuing, "anyway, what I mean to tell you is that though your life is short, humans live their life to the fullest, getting to enjoy many different things, never having to worry about something becoming less entertaining in the next century. While humans live in the now, demons tend to forget this and either dwell in memories of the past or the worries of the future. A flower's beauty comes from their inevitability of wilting, because the short time of their lives when they blossom is also the part where they are loved the most! Maybe that is why humans have to die, their colours are too vibrant and beautiful to exist forever."
While attempting at comforting you, he was probably the most open and vulnerable he had ever been, but he didn't seem to mind, as long as it helped you he was happy.
"But your life isn't over yet, not even close to the end...I promise to protect you until your very last breath. And when the time comes to say goodbye to this world I'll be with you holding your hand, making sure you're okay. And afterwards, even when centuries have gone by, I will never forget you, you will live on in my memories forever. I promise you!"
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