#but like if he did turn out to be a girl what am i doing or what can i do to give him some childhood memories he can look back on fondly?
ccsainzleclerc5516 · 2 days
Just Like His Father
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x reader
Warnings: none, pure fluff, I actually saw this on tiktok and thought it'd be cute to make sth out of it
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You were in the kitchen finishing making dinner when your husband returned from a business meeting.
"Hey, love" Lewis greeted you as he entered the kitchen.
"Hey, baby" You smiled as he stood behind you and wrapped his arms around you leaving a kiss on your cheek. "You tired?"
"No, but I am starving." He sighed. "What's for dinner?"
"Curry chicken and rice. It'll be ready in a minute, you can sit at the table"
"Oh, yes, please.." He groaned. "Where's Marlo?"
"He should be in his room doing his homework. The young gentleman didn't have lunch today so he has to eat dinner" You chuckled remembering the talk you had with your son earlier today. Marlo was 5 years old and in preschool. He was the smartest, most lovable, but also unintentionally the funniest kid ever.
"Marlo, daddy's home!" You shouted. "Wash your hands and come sit at the table"
"Why were you laughing when you said he didn't have lunch today?" Lewis asked curiously.
"Oh you just wait till you hear it from him" You giggled taking the dish and walking with it over to the table.
When Marlo washed his hands, he ran into the kitchen extending his arms towards Lewis. "Daddy!" He screamed with joy seeing him.
"Buddy" Lewis softened, picking him up in his arms and hugging him tightly. "I missed you. Did you have a good day at school?" He asked.
"Yup" Marlo nodded.
"Tell daddy what happened at school today" You said trying to refrain from laughing so that Marlo doesn't think you're making fun of him.
"What happened at school?" Lewis was still confused. "Did someone mess with you? Did someone touch you? Y/n?" He was already visibly upset and paternal protective instincts kicked in within seconds.
"No, no-"
"Mom did.." Marlo blurted out and his gaze shifted to you. “Mom messed with me..”
"What do you mean?"
"Marlo, did you eat your lunch at school today?" You asked crossing your arms and leaning your elbows onto the table waiting for his response.
"I didn't actually" He said turning to Lewis.
"And why is that?" Lewis asked.
"Because my girlfriend was sat right across from me and you put a note that said I love you babe" Marlo explained pointing his finger at you.
Lewis paused for a second, blinking a couple of times before bursting into laughter. "Your girlfriend, buddy? You have a girlfriend?"
"I'm not sure if I still have one after today" He sighed.
"Oh, your girlfriend didn't like mom's note?"
"No! She got mad!"
You chuckled again remembering how upset he was about it earlier today when he first told you the story. You felt bad for him, but you couldn't help but laugh at the kid stuff that was concerning him.
"And what did you do after that?" Lewis listened intently as you put food on the plates for both of them.
"Nothing, I explained to her that she's married to my dad and I said that my dad is Lewis Hamilton."
"You hear how beautifully he emphasized that my husband is none other than Lewis Hamilton" You joked as Lewis held his head laughing.
"What? I didn't say anything wrong?" Marlo shrugged his shoulders. Love problems were clearly too much for the young man.
"Baby, no girl will ever love you as much as your mom loves you, remember that." You stood up from your chair and walked over to him placing his small face between your hands and kissing his forehead.
"Well, she doesn't have to know that!" Marlo defended.
"Okay, okay. No more notes in lunch boxes just so that your girlfriend doesn't feel like I'm a threat to her apparently" You playfully rolled your eyes going back to your seat. "Now, please start eating your dinner"
"But I still don't understand, regardless of the note, why didn't you eat your lunch?" Lewis asked him.
"Because I wanted to prove her how much I loved her." He sighed before continuing "Dad once told me how he proves his love for you by eating everything you cook even though sometimes he may not like it, but he eats everything because he loves you. I just did the opposite."
Your and Lewis' hearts melted when you hear him say it. You were so proud of your little boy who was too young to know what love was but he learned it so well from his daddy. you knew that one day he would make some girl the happiest girl in the world, just like his father made you and continues to do so day after day.
After dinner was over, both you and Lewis wanted to get Marlo ready for bed. After you gave him a shower and Lewis helped him brush his teeth, you read him a bedtime story and cuddled him before saying goodnight. You also made pinky promises that there would be no more "embarrassing" notes from mom in the lunchbox, and that Marlo would eat his lunch every day.
After that you and Lewis decided to relax on the couch in front of the TV in each other's arms.
"If one day we have a daughter and she comes to me at the age of 5 and says she has a boyfriend, I swear, I will lose my mind" Lewis said jokingly even though you knew he meant it.
"Yeah, we'll homeschool her so she doesn't have any contact with the boys" You said sarcastically rolling your eyes at him.
"Exactly! That's a great idea actually!" He seemed to love it of course.
"Oh stop it!"
"As you told our son today, so I will tell our daughter, no man in her life will ever love her more than me. That's a fact. I already love her."
"Baby, we don't even have a daughter...yet"
"Then I better get to work, no?" He smirked rolling you over and nuzzling his head into your neck making you giggle.
"Well, you better, Lewis Hamilton."
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freedomfireflies · 3 days
One Day*
Summary: An extra for 404*
The one where you still hate Harry, but turns out, you might be having his baby.
Word Count: 5.4k
Content Warning: 18+, smut, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, spanking, brief choking, slight angst (happy ending), mentions of pregnancy and babies! *Please be so gentle with yourself and only continue if you feel comfortable! 💞*
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“I’m late.”
“For what?”
You huff. “I’m late,” you repeat, gesturing frantically toward your hips. “A week late. Which I know can happen, but…not really to me, so…I’m late. And I think we’re fucked.”
Harry blinks. Looks down at your stomach. Looks up at your face. “Oh.”
“Oh?” You rear back. “That’s all you have to say for yourself is oh?”
He lifts his left shoulder in nonchalant shrug before flopping down onto your sofa. “I don’t know. What did you want me to say?”
“I…I don’t know,” you huff. “I kind of thought you’d…yell. Or freak out or something. Or ask me if I’m keeping it.”
“Do you want me to freak out?”
“Well…no. Not really.”
“Do you want to keep it?”
“I…I don’t know, I don’t even…I’m not even sure if I am yet or not.”
“Okay.” He nudges his glasses up before crossing his arms. “Well did you get a test?”
You glance toward the pharmacy bag still sitting on your kitchen counter. It’s been mocking you ever since you picked it up. Staring you down, sticking out its tongue. One, tiny little box that’ll determine the next chapter of your life. It’s almost infuriating. 
“Yeah,” you mumble. “I, um…got one on the way home from work.”
“Okay. Have you taken it yet?”
His brow raises. “Do you…need help or something?”
You scowl. “It’s peeing on a stick, I think I’ve got it covered.”
“Yeah, well, knowing you, you’d find a way to fuck it up.” He smirks. “Sure hope our baby gets my brains instead of yours.”
You grab the pillow beside him and give him a firm whack. “That’s not funny.”
He laughs as he winces. “Good. I wasn’t being funny.”
“Then, stop it. And stop being so calm.”
“You just said you preferred calm—”
“Well…it’s scaring me now. So what gives?”
Another shrug. “I don’t know. I just don’t really feel the need to waste a reaction on something we don’t even know is happening yet. Take the test and then I’ll freak out if you’d like.”
“You say that like someone that’s had a lot of pregnancy scares.”
He snorts. “No, I say that like someone who knows freaking out won’t exactly help you right now. So just take the goddamn test, Tinkerbell. And we’ll go from there.”
Unamused, but somehow slightly comforted, you oblige and snatch the box from the table before retreating to the bathroom.
Once the timer has been set, you slowly make your way back to him.
He’s still sitting on the sofa. Calm. Unaffected. Watching you without a care in the world. Like his whole life isn’t about to change. 
It drives you nuts.
“Five minutes,” you tell him.
He nods.
Warily, you sit in the chair to his left, staring holes through your shoes as your heart races inside your chest. You’re not sure how you got here. Not sure where you could possibly go. You aren’t ready for a baby. Not…yet. Especially not one with…him.
“Hey,” he calls, pulling your attention up. “S’the matter with you?”
Your eyes narrow. “What the hell do you think?”
Another casual shrug that makes your teeth grit. “I thought you’d be happy.”
“Happy?” You lean back. “Why on Earth would I be happy about getting stuck with your DNA for the rest of my life?”
He smiles. “I don’t know. You just seem like the type of girl to want a lot of babies.”
You scoff. “Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I am not.” You don’t think.
“Really? Is that why you begged me to breed you?”
“I didn’t actually mean it. That’s just what you say in a moment like that.”
His eyebrow raises.
You hesitate. “Did…did you mean it?”
“Kind of,” he admits. “I mean, yeah, maybe I didn’t mean right this second, but…I don’t hate the idea.”
“You actually want to be a father?” You snort. “Bullshit. You hate kids. I’ve seen you.”
“I don’t hate kids, I just don’t care about them when they aren’t mine.” He throws his arm over the back of the chair and smirks. “I like my nieces, though. They’re chill.”
You blink. “You…you have nieces? Wait, you have siblings?”
“Yeah. One brother. He’s got two kids and they’re cute as shit.”
“Oh.” Your head starts to pound. “See? We can’t have a baby when I don’t even know anything about you.”
He chuckles to himself before nodding his chin at you. “All right, fine. Go ahead. Ask me whatever.”
“Ask me what you wanna know.”
You think. “Okay. How often do you see your family?”
“Often enough. They live in California, and they work a lot. But we call every couple of weeks.”
“Oh. That’s…surprisingly nice. Uh…do you have a history of disease in your family?”
He grins. “Excuse me?”
“I need to know what I’m getting myself into.” You motion at him. “Answer.”
“This isn’t an interview—”
“No,” he says. “Not that I know of anyway.”
“Great. Do you plan to be a deadbeat father?”
His eyes roll. “I’m not dignifying that with a response.”
“So, yes? You do? Oh, great—”
“No, because that’s not a fair fucking question—”
“It is a fair question. If I have to raise this baby alone, I want to know—”
“Of course you wouldn’t fucking be alone. Do you really think so little of me—”
“I don’t think about you at all. How am I supposed to know what you’ll do—”
“I wouldn’t leave you alone,” he nearly snaps. He takes a breath to calm himself before adding, “Even if it wasn’t my baby, I wouldn’t leave you alone.”
Your lashes flutter and you can feel your heart lodging in your throat. “Fine. Last question.”
He waits.
“Did you ever want kids…before? With…her?”
He doesn’t have to think for very long, but the mention of her makes him smile. “Nah. We talked about it, but we weren’t ready. We liked it being just us, you know? We had a bunch of shit we wanted to do. We were a long way from babies and a white picket fence.”
You try to blink back the tears swimming their way to your eye. You can still see that beautiful picture of her in his room. An entire future of love and life and adventures that he lost. Now…he’s stuck with you.
“Oh,” you murmur.
His brows furrow. “What?”
“Nothing.” You swipe your knuckle along your cheek. “So, you probably still aren’t ready.”
“I didn’t say that.”
You give him an incredulous look. “Harry, come on. You aren’t ready for a baby. I’m not ready for a baby. We…we don’t know each other, we don’t like each other…we can’t do this. You know that.”
“Do I?” He leans forward. “It’s a baby, not a bomb. I think we can handle it.”
“Well, I don’t. You don’t even like me. You can’t have a baby with me.”
“Why not? People do it all the time.”
“But not us.” You give him a firm stare. “Harry, we love our jobs. We want careers, not kids. So having a baby kind of gets in the way of that. There’s…there’s diaper changes, and teething, and potty training—”
“So. We don’t work together well. In fact, it’s a rather well-known fact that we don’t get along. We can’t possibly raise a kid. We’d ruin it.” You study him for a beat, unnerved by the nonchalance in his tone. “Why do I get the feeling you actually want this to be real?”
Another shrug and you nearly lunge at him. “I don’t know,” he murmurs, resting his elbows on his knees while he glances at the floor. “I’m older now. Maybe it’s time to…think about settling down.”
Your face scrunches. “Ew. That doesn’t sound like you at all.”
He laughs. “Look, I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it, but…maybe it could be a good thing.”
You stand from your chair and pace the length of your small living room. “This is crazy. This is crazy. I can’t have a baby, I’m…I’m not ready. I’m too young, I…I don’t even know what I’d do with one. Or if I even have a maternal instinct.”
“Probably not,” Harry offers, smirking when you glare. “You won’t really know until you have one.”
“Oh, great.”
“Listen, if you feel like you aren’t ready…we can find another alternative,” he says, softening his voice. “Okay? There are plenty of other options and we’ll find one you feel comfortable with.”
A tad wary of his sympathetic answer, you eye him closely. “Yeah? And what if we disagree?”
“We won’t,” he says calmly. “Your body, your decision.”
“Right,” you snort. “I’m sure.”
“I mean it. I wouldn’t be the one having to carry it.” He nods as though to reassure you. “Honestly, Tink. This would be your decision, one hundred percent. It’s not mine to make. Just to support.”
The tears rush a little faster as you sniffle and step closer. “You say that now, but what if I decide something you don’t like?”
“I will like it. I promise,” he murmurs, standing up in order to move toward you. “If you want to keep it, great. If you don’t, great.”
“I…I…” You suck in a deep breath, unable to slow the wild racing in your chest. “Fuck, I can’t…I don’t know—”
“Hey, okay, easy. Easy, Princess,” he says, quickly reaching out to take you in his arms and ease you against his chest. “Relax. Okay? Just breathe. Breathe for me.”
“I…I don’t think I can—”
“Yes, you can. You are.” His lips press to the top of your head while his hand runs up and down your back soothingly. “I’m right here. Do you hear me? I’m right here. You’re not alone. You won’t be alone. I promise.”
You squeeze your arms together and hold on with everything you have. Right now, he feels like your only anchor in the world. The only person strong enough to carry you both through to the other side. And for the first time since you met him…you feel glad that he’s here.
The two of you stand in the middle of the room for a long while before he finally murmurs, “I think it’s been five minutes.”
Your eyes close and you grip his shirt in your first. “I’m…I’m not ready to look.”
“Okay.” You can hear the smile in his response. “Okay, we can wait.”
So, you do as the truth starts to build in your chest. Inescapable, no matter how hard you try to swallow it down.
Finally, you can’t help but whisper, “You know what scares me the most?”
“…that maybe I’m hoping it’s real.”
The apartment falls silent again. He doesn’t push you to elaborate, but you can feel his heart beating just a little faster inside his chest.
“I don’t know why,” you continue. “I don’t…I really don’t think I’m ready, but…but what if I should be? What if…what if we met and we started this because…because we were supposed to do this?”
He considers this. “Like fate.”
“Yeah.” You roll your lips into your mouth. “Because I still hate you. I do. I just…I’m starting to get this picture in my head of us. Being a family. Having a big house in a good school district. Tucking them into bed at night and reading them stories. Which is…dumb.”
“No,” he mumbles. “No, it’s not dumb. I’ve been thinking about it, too.”
“Yeah. Because I meant what I said, I’d love to get you pregnant. You’d look really fucking hot.”
You chuckle. “Yes, so you’ve mentioned.”
“Can I tell you a secret?”
He smirks. “I never had a breeding kink until I met you.”
You lean back and swat your hand across his chest. “You’re so annoying.”
“What? I’m being serious.” He grins and those dimples pop free. God, you hope your kids have his dimples—
No. Nope. You aren’t going there.
You shake your head, ridding yourself of the thought. “Whatever. You’re just horny.”
“Maybe. But it’s still true.” His gentle gaze sweeps across your face. “If you wanna do this…we’ll do it. You and me. We’ll have this baby, and we’ll raise it to be really smart, and funny, and to not take shit from anybody.”
You laugh, brushing away a few more tears. “Maybe we can teach it to write code.”
“Oh, fucking obviously.”
The two of you smile before the excitement seems to fizzle and Harry’s brows pull together.
“You know I don’t actually hate you, right?” he says.
You blink. “What?”
“I know that’s our thing, and I know you said it earlier, but…I don’t actually hate you. This baby wouldn’t grow up with two parents that don’t like each other.”
“Oh…I…I know.”
“Good. Because I don’t want that to be one of the reasons you think we can’t do it. I’d fucking love that baby. And I’d love you for carrying it.”
Instantly, you both seem to still. The four-letter word sounds so loud inside such a small room.
I’d love you.
He clears his throat, shifting a bit as he glances toward the kitchen. “I mean, I’d…I’d appreciate you for carrying it—”
“No, yeah, I know,” you stammer. “I know what you mean.”
“Good. Yeah.”
The two of you fall quiet again before you softly admit, “I think I’m ready to look.”
“Okay.” He squeezes your hip. “I’m right here.”
You take in a deep breath before begrudgingly pulling yourself out of his arms. You already miss his warmth and the way he felt like home and your stomach turns as you slip into the bathroom.
With trembling hands, you reach for the stick that sits on the edge of your sink. And in those three seconds, an entire lifetime flashes before your eyes. 
The good, the bad, and the everything in-between. You see a house and a dog and a big backyard. You see two little kids rolling in the grass and jumping into the pool. You hear them begging for a bedtime story and crying when they scrape their knee.
You see a dozen birthdays and holidays and visits to the zoo. You see their heartbreaks and triumphs, their successes and letdowns. You see a million goodnight kisses and cuddles on the couch. 
And then…you see Harry.
In every picture, every moment. Taking them to their first baseball game and picking them up from their first dance. Sneaking them into R-rated movies even after you explicitly said no and feeding them far too much candy and popcorn.
You see him teach your son how to tie a tie and dance with your daughter as she stands on his feet. You see him cooking breakfast in the kitchen, flour all over his face. You see him curled up in bed, his head on your chest, your fingers in his hair. You hear him tell you how happy he is. How glad that he found you.
It’s a beautiful life. Even if it’s not the one you imagined for yourself. And in that moment, you decide that it doesn’t matter what the test says. If that’s your future, so be it. 
As long as you get to live it with him.
“So?” Harry calls from the hall.
You swallow thickly and slowly glance down.
No baby. No pregnancy. No white-picket fence.
You stare at the test for at least a full minute. You aren’t sure how you feel. Relieved. Disappointed. Upset. Thankful. Confused.
You turn around. “Uh…it’s negative,” you report, handing it to him. “False alarm. I guess I’m just late.”
He glances over the stick with a rather blank expression before looking at you. “Are you okay?”
You nod. “Yeah. This is definitely the better outcome. I’m just…”
“I don’t know. I guess I was just starting to get used to the idea.”
“Yeah,” he murmurs, handing it back. “I know.”
You throw the test away. “Sorry for making you come all the way over here for that.”
“Hey, whoa—” He strides into the bathroom. “What the fuck are you talking about? Of course I’d be here.”
“I just…I wasted your time. I should have taken it before I called you—”
“Tink,” he sighs, taking your cheeks in his hands. “Stop. You can always call me for shit like this.” He looks at you, then amends, “You can always me. For anything. You know that.”
A tear slips from your eye without warning, and you suck in a sharp breath. “I don’t know why I’m so disappointed. This is what I wanted—”
“I know,” he says gently. “I know. It’s hard.”
“Yeah.” You hiccup. “But this is good, right? This is better?”
For a moment, he says nothing. He simply stares at you with a rather sympathetic expression. Or maybe it’s forlorn. Maybe he’s disappointed. Upset that you aren’t giving him what he wants.
Then, he dips down to kiss the tip of your nose. “This is good,” he whispers, and you know he means it. “We would have figured it out. And you would have been a wonderful mom. But I know you. And I know you aren’t ready. Not yet.”
You close your eyes and melt into the feel of his palms against your skin. Into the way he reassures you and protects you all in the same breath. You never thought you’d feel so safe in the serenity of his touch, but here you are. Wishing for him to hold you forever.
“And when we are ready, we’ll do it on our terms,” he says. “Okay?”
Slowly, you nod. “This is good,” you repeat to yourself. “It is. Really. Things are going great at work, I’m finally secure financially, and even you and I are…kind of getting along.”
He smirks.
“This is good. This is better.” You repeat the mantra until you really believe it. “Besides, I probably wouldn’t have been a very good pregnant woman anyway.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. I feel like I’d be really cranky. Or needy. My ankles would get all swollen and I’d be hot all the time and nauseous and miserable. I’d probably try to kill you.”
“Oh, you’d definitely try to kill me. You try to kill me even when you aren’t pregnant.”
You gasp. “Rude.”
“What?” He chuckles again before his eyes slowly start to rake down your frame. “But I don’t know. I think it’ll be better than you think.”
You swat him again. “Stop it.”
“Stop what?”
“Stop trying to picture it.”
“Why? I told you, you’d look fucking hot.”
However, he only nods, moving in to subtly brush his lips against yours. “You would. Be so fucking beautiful carrying our baby. With your tits all swollen and your belly getting bigger every day.”
Truthfully, the image almost makes you grimace, but there’s something about the way he says it. The way he talks about you so reverently. A soft, sultry murmur that goes straight to your cunt. Because you know he’s not just saying it to say it. He means it. Believes it. Would do anything for it.
He tilts your head back, thumb brushing along your jaw. “And I think you like it,” he exhales. “I think you like the idea of holding me inside you. Having a part of me. Knowing that I did it to you. No one else.”
You suck in a soft breath, knees going just a bit weak. “Harry…”
“What, baby?” His mouth ghosts along your neck. “Are you thinking about it? Thinking about how pretty your tummy would look with me inside it?”
He’s evil. Absolutely evil, and you clear your throat in a desperate attempt to regain control of yourself. “Do you…have a pregnancy kink I don’t know about?” 
His lips quirk up. “Apparently.”
“Mm.” Your lashes flutter and the urge to kiss him grows stronger. “You know…some women get really horny when they’re pregnant.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“Yeah. I don’t think you could handle it.”
He scoffs. “Oh, no?”
You shake your head. “I mean, do you really think you could keep up? Going for hours and hours on end? Trying to keep me satiated with your poor, limp little dick?”
He makes another noise, and you tsk.
“I mean, you can barely satisfy me now as it is. But if I was pregnant? Pfft. Forget it.”
Instantly, he’s snatching hold of your hips and yanking you against his chest. “Don’t fucking tempt me, Princess,” he nearly growls. “I’ll bend you over right now.”
“No, I don’t think you will,” you retort. “You’ve gone soft on me. Rubbing my back, kissing my hair. You wanna take care of me and honestly? It’s a little pathetic.”
His head cocks rather deviously and your pulse begins to skip. He could split you in half if he wanted to and you both know it. 
But that’s what you need right now. You don’t want to be coddled or looked after. You wanna be fucked. Tortured and teased until you’re begging for release.
You want an escape.
And in that moment, Harry decides to give you one.
He picks you up and carries you out of the bathroom while your legs quickly work to hook to his hips for stability and your arms snake around his neck.
He ignores your squeals and teasing huffs of annoyance, instead dropping you onto your mattress with a soft thud.
You glare and push up onto your elbows. “You know, you don’t have to manhandle me—”
“Shut up.”
He surges forward, lips gliding against yours as he takes a taste of you on his tongue. And kissing is easy with him. As easy breathing, like you’ve done it all your life. You know exactly what he likes, what he wants. And you give it him.
His glasses are cold against your face, keeping him from getting as close as he’d like, and after a moment, he huffs, and rips them off before tossing them aside. And even though you adore when he wears them, you happen to adore being near him even more.
Your hands are in his hair, tugging on his curls, scratching down his neck. He has the added advantage of being on top, but that doesn’t seem to stop him from turning to putty in your hands. Clay for you to mold to your liking. 
No matter how dominant he tries to be, he’s simply a man that needs to be told what to do. Taken care of. Shown. 
And you happen to like showing him.
You feel him tug on the hem of your shirt. “Off,” he breathes between carnal nips to your throat. “I want this off, Tink.”
Happy to oblige, you push him back so you can lift yourself up before you peel the fabric from your chest. You take your time with the bra, allowing the straps to fall down your arms oh so slowly. You don’t rush to reveal yourself to him, instead letting him anticipate you. Until his heart is racing and his eyes are darkening and he’s resisting the urge to do it himself.
But once he can finally see you, he nearly groans. “Oh, good fucking girl.” 
He resumes his work. More kisses are left to the warm, tender skin, and he happily sucks bruises into each swell and curve of your breast before teasing the nipple with his tongue. His hands are greedy—ravenous. Pulling at your flesh, clawing his way along your frame. 
When he reaches your thighs, you whimper. You’ve missed the way he touches you. The way he pries your legs apart and makes a home between.
In a rush, he snaps your panties off into his fist and you toss him a punishing glare.
He smiles.
You rid each other of your remaining clothes in a frantic fashion until they’re nothing more than a dirty pile on the floor. Messy and familiar. Fated.
He drops down onto the bed back first, effortlessly swapping positions as you’re placed in a straddle over his waist.
“Good girl, let me see you,” he murmurs, running his fingers down your cheek before grabbing your jaw. “Go ahead.”
You reach down and take his hardening cock in your hand, running it along your cunt before teasing yourself with the tip. 
“Didn’t stretch you,” he mumbles, leaving a few stray kisses to your collarbone. “S’might hurt, so—”
You push him in, simultaneously sinking down in an effort to feel a more prominent burn., and you both make a rather lewd noise as the grip on your chin tightens.
“Tink,” he hisses with a punishing look of his own. “Careful—”
You drop yourself further, muscles tensing around the thickness until your thighs begin to shake.
“Hey—” He forces your eyes on his. “Enough. Be gentle, m’not gonna hurt you—”
“I want you to,” you pant. “Please. I need it. I…fuck, Har, I need it. Please…please.”
He’s still frowning but his expression softens. “Baby…not like this. Maybe we should wait until you’re feeling better—"
“No,” you whimper. Desperate. Fraught. “Harry, please, don’t stop. Don’t make me stop—”
“Hey, easy, easy.” He pulls your forehead to his. “Breathe. It’s okay.”
You try to obey. Try to suck in a strangled gasp of air but it’s useless. He’s gonna take himself from you. He’s gonna leave, and you’ll be empty, and alone, and maybe he won’t ever touch you again—
He places his palm on your chest, right over your heart. “Breathe,” he says again. Soft. Quiet. “In then out. Good girl, just like that.”
You follow the sound of his voice. Mimic his inhales and exhales until the two of you fall into a synchronized rhythm. 
“Good,” he says again, rubbing his other hand along your back. “There you go. You’re all right, I’ve got you. Yeah?”
Weakly, you nod. “I’m…I’m sorry. I just…I—”
“Shh.” He kisses your nose. “You’re okay, Tink. I know.”
A long moment passes before you finally feel in control of your own heart again and once you blink the fog from your eye, you see him. Delicate and strong at the same time.
He sweeps his thumb along your lip. “Talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you admit. “Really, I just…I needed to feel you. And I wanted to…move on, I guess. Think about something else. Lose myself for a bit.”
He sighs but nods his understanding. “You could have told me that.”
“I know. I guess I’m just not used to sharing things with you.”
“I know,” he echoes with a small grin. “But we’ll learn, yeah?”
Your gaze grows suspicious. “And why would we do that?”
“Because,” he says simply. “If we’re gonna make a bunch of hot, smart babies one day, we’re gonna have to communicate.”
You snort. “Yeah, well, that won’t be for a while.”
“Fine. Just gives us more time to practice.”
Your eyes narrow. “You really have gone soft on me, haven’t you? All because you thought I was pregnant."
He laughs, fingers slipping around the back of your neck to pull you in for a kiss. “I’d argue I’m actually quite hard right now.”
“Ha. Funny.”
“I can hate you and like you at the same time, right?” he teases. “Because I think that’s my sweet spot. Wanting to kill you and fuck you all at once.”
“Agreed. You’re insufferable but you’re also one of my favorite people. Which only makes you more insufferable.”
“Yeah.” He smiles. “I think we earned a little civility, no?”
You nod and take his lip between your teeth. “And I think we should celebrate with an orgasm.”
He laughs again. “I suppose that’s only fair.”
You dance your kisses down his chest, enjoying the way his head drops back while he sighs at the feel of your tongue. He’s so beautiful and so good and if you’re going to lose yourself, you want to lose yourself in him.
Leaning back, brace your hands behind you on his knees, and start to bounce yourself on his cock. Over and over, faster and faster, until he’s grabbing onto your hips and giving them a firm, encouraging squeeze to help you along.
Your tits bounce right in his face, and he takes advantage of his front row seat, allowing his hands to trace and tease your nipples as you whine. He sucks them into his mouth and pulls them with his teeth. It sends chills along your spine and goosebumps along your arms and when he notices, he smirks.
 Not even a minute later, he’s pulling you down so your chest meets his. His hands land on your ass with a firm grip and he drags you along his cock. Slow and sensual until your eyes flutter shut, and you disappear into the building pleasure.
You feel his kisses on your ribcage as he begins to thrust up into you. Returning to the pace you previously set until you’re both chasing that familiar high. 
“There you go,” he praises through gritted teeth. “Fuck yeah, just like that—”
“Harry,” you mewl, fingers tangling in his hair. “Shit, please—”
“I know.” He leaves another kiss to the inside of your arm before he smacks your left ass cheek. “I got you, Princess. S’okay. Keep going.”
You grind yourself over his lap, knees hugging his waist as you bury yourself in the crook of his neck. Needy. Anxious. You match each other’s rhythm and it’s a dance. An effortless fluidity that brings you closer than ever before.
Then, he sucks two fingers into your mouth, and moves them between your cheeks. He grazes them over your tighter hole, gently teasing them over the other entrance before dropping them down to where his cock is fucking into your cunt. He plays with you a bit, pushing you just a bit closer while you wail—depraved—and beg for more.
“My good girl,” he praises. He spanks you again. “Fuck—that’s it, baby.”
Your staccato whimpers are consistent now. One for every thrust and you can almost taste his desperation as he turns his head in order to kiss your cheek. The sound of skin against skin is crude and delicious. The way your body slides against his. Like butter on a hot day, melting together.
He goes faster, pulls you harder. Fingers digging into your skin so hard it almost hurts. But in the best possible way. In turn, you brace yourself with a palm on his throat. Squeezing it tight as you start to get closer. 
“Yeah,” he groans. “Shit…harder—”
You obey, pinching the sides of his neck until his eyes roll back. 
You can feel his heart racing against yours. You’re both warm. Hot. Shaking. A tangled mess of limps and depraved grinding like animals in heat.
“M’almost…m’almost there,” you whisper.
He nods, looking down your body to watch the way your ass bounces in his hands. “Go. S’okay, go. Let me feel you.”
He leaves more kisses to your side and the tender way his lips feel against your skin makes your brain go fuzzy. 
You grip his throat a bit tighter and just like that…it’s over.
The two of you cum together, the room filling with moans and gasps and promises. He settles beneath you while you ride out the rest of your high but he makes sure to keep his arm around you through every second.
Once you finally catch your breath, he hums. “God-fucking-damn.”
You grin. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He turns to see you. “I think I’m pregnant.”
You roll your eyes with a swat to his chest but you’re laughing. “You’re so annoying.”
“And yet you still like me.”
“I never said that.”
“You said I’m your favorite person.”
“Yeah, well, I lied.”
“Right.” He helps you ease him out before he’s flipping you around and moving himself between your legs.   
You blink. “What the hell are you doing?”
He lifts two fingers and eases them along your swollen pussy. Collecting the white, sticky substance already leaking out before easily pushing it back in.
“Harry,” you scold. “I think we’ve had enough breeding for one day.”
He smirks. “Relax, Tink, m’not breeding you. I just…like to see it drip out.”
Your heart leaps. “…oh.”
“Yeah.” He rests his cheek against the inside of your thigh in order to watch. “S’always so fucking pretty.”
You reach down and card your fingers through his sweaty curls. Happy and content for the first time in days.
He looks up. “One day,” he promises, even though it sounds more like a question.
But somehow, in this moment, it makes everything else worth it.
You grin.
“One day.”
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AAA I can’t believe we finally did it!! I’m not gonna lie them being soft with each other is gross 😭 BUT ALSO CUTE!! YAY PROGRESS!!
Thank you so much for reading and for always being so nice!! 🥹💞💞 and of course thank you for the amazing idea hehe
Also, if you see any mistakes……no you don’t 🫶
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studioghibelli · 2 days
the devil you do. | a joel miller x reader
summary: they say the devil has a tongue of silver. on the night he visits you for the first time, you learn that he really does. 18+
warnings: joel is literally the devil in this lmfao, dark themes, dub con i’m 100% serious, pretty much a million year age gap bc…. he’s an eternal being like ???, metaphors of cannibalism, consumption, and religion/sacrilegious themes, and a lot of smut. a lot. (rough sex, biting, choking, spitting, blood play, grinding, pussy eating, over stimulation, crying, possession, edging, orgasm denial, brief ass play, size difference (as in joel is huge. no reader description except pubic hair) bondage, dirty talk- this is fucking filthy and deranged and i am not sorry.) also…. soulmate au if you squint.
a. note: if any of this upsets you or makes you uncomfortable, that’s perfectly fne. don’t read it. and don’t give me shit about it if you don’t like any of the elements in this story. you are 110% responsible for the content you consume.
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Something insidious lurked within the air. Like smoke fanning from the windows of a burning house, your room was full of the thick humidity of something ethereal, of someone intangible.
You had noticed it that evening, heavy feet dragging in through the door frame after a long day of work. All you wanted was to fall into your bed and sleep the rot of the day away when you noticed it.
The cross your grandmother had given you, turned upside down above your bed, dripping with tar black sap.
She swore to you this would happen, and through the years you refused to believe her. Maybe out of fear, maybe out of hope.
But despite your prior reservation, he had finally found you.
It was the eve of your thirteenth birthday when your dearly departed nana sat you down, held your hands within her own that shook with trepidation. She looked at you, right in the eyes, her own covered with a sheen of something unknown to you, a fear that you, just a child had yet to experience.
“The devil follows you, girl.” She had whispered, voice barely audible. A crooked finger pointed to the wall behind your body. “His shadow is right behind yours.” And when nana’s gaze grew wide with horror, you swore you saw the shadow of a coat tail disappear around the corner.
And now, many, many moons later, you always remembered that fateful night. You promised to wear the silver cross she had given you, a keepsake that kept that evil creature away from you. But today was not a lucky day. The chain of your necklace broke, and even after hours of searching, you couldn’t find your precious necklace.
And the devil moved rather quickly, you learned.
You could feel him. A suffocating cloud of hideous proportions floating above you, claws grasping at the hem of your clothes. No matter what you did, you couldn’t shake the feeling away.
As you climbed in to bed that night, you stared at the cross which hung above your head. A stain was left on the paint of whatever substance had poured from it, and you had no time to think about how much your landlord would charge for that when a flash of crimson expanded from beneath your bed.
Smoke rose slowly like a slithering snake, engulfing your body, and from the corner of your pitch black room you heard the footsteps of a figure walking slowly.
Tap, tap, tap.
When you tried to sit up, a chain of silver wrapped itself around your limbs, your body tied to the bed posts of your bed. Your titled your neck, chest rising and falling with the heavy rush of fear.
“Get away from me!” You commanded the nameless shadow, their face hidden in the darkness of your room. Your unwavering voice betrayed how you felt, anxiety coursing through your veins, pumping in time with the blood that rushed through your body.
A sweet chuckle, like a siren song, befell your ears, and you felt a warm fingertip drag itself down your bare leg, stopping at the silver which bound you.
“Old folklore says that silver scares the devil away.” The voice was smooth as silk, and it filled you with a warmth you didn’t like all that much, a fluttering in your belly that you could feel throbbing in the most sensitive parts of your body. Your thighs ached with the sweetest of pleasures, and you felt your face grow hot with embarrassment.
The palm of this man fell flat upon the metal which bound you, and another chuckle left his chest.
“Yet… here I am.”
“You.” You hissed through gritted teeth, tugging at the chains which bound you.
“Yes, darlin’. Me.” A snap of his fingers, and a perfect flicker of flame shot from his thumb, his face illuminated in the dancing shadows of orange.
The next batch of words got caught in your diaphragm, clawing at your throat as they begged for release. No matter how hard you silently willed it, you could form no coherent sentence.
“You don’t fool me, little one. I can smell your arousal, I can taste it.”
You watched the way his thick lips parted with each word, his dark, umber eyes staring at you as though you were his last meal. His incisors were sharp, glimmering like the sheen of a dagger in the moonlight as his mouth tilted into a devious smile.
His nose, curved and Aquiline, was remarkably attractive, and his curled tufts of chocolate hair curled around his ears, falling onto his forehead and framing his handsome features like an old Renaissance sculpture.
Bernini himself could not have created something as beautiful as this devil.
“I’m not.” You snarled like a caged dog, a growl forming at the back of your throat that would never come.
The devil smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling into a pair of perfect crow’s feet. He was the most gorgeous thing you had ever laid eyes on, truly a fallen angel.
“You’re a feisty little thing. Always have been.”
You fell back onto your mattress, crying out in annoyance. “Let me go! I demand it!”
The man sat down at the edge of your bed, his hand resting on your stomach. A sheen of gentle light illuminated his body in waves of fire, and you saw his whole body, in all its glowy.
He was broad, and seemed much bigger than you, something entirely different from the earthly plane you resided in.
“Your nana was right, you know. I’ve been following you for years, I’ve been waiting for you for centuries.”
“Ce… centuries? What?” Your tongue felt dry as you sat up once more, arms aching from their bonds.
The devil smiled once more. “That piqued your interest, didn’t it?” He ran his hand up and down your belly, and his fingernails felt like talons in your skin. He wasn’t applying enough pressure to break skin, but he was damn close.
“If I tell you more, will you be quiet and stop asking to be let go?”
You nodded, eyebrows raised as you waited with bated breath for his next sentence.
“That’s a good girl. Now, where to begin?” He tapped his chin, and you saw the smirk dancing behind the orbs of his eyes. “Centuries ago, a maiden was prophesied about in Hell. A woman whose beauty would be enough to defeat me. I’m known by many names, you see. Satan, Lucifer, Diablo, the Great Deceiver. I prefer Joel, the name my father first gave me.”
“Your father?”
“I thought I told you to be quiet?” Joel smiled, his nail digging into the skin between your breasts.
“Sorry.” You whined, eyes clenching shut as you felt his nail trace down your sternum, the warm drop of blood pooling between your bare chest. You gasped at the feeling, like a razor blade slicing you open, and when you looked at the Devil, his face glistened like a lion who just caught face of its prey.
He looked hungry. Hungry for you.
“Look what you made me do. I didn’t want to hurt you.” He purred, leaning down. The tip of his nose pressed into your own, and a jolt of electricity shocked you like a bolt of lightning at the feeling of his body so close to yours. “I made a mess of you. Look at that. Do you feel it? Your blood?”
You nodded, and his hand shot up to your face, holding it there in place, so tight you were sure it would bruise.
“Out loud.” He growled through bared teeth.
“Yes. Y-yes.”
Joel hummed in satisfaction, his hand still grasping at your jaw as he leaned his head down. You felt his tongue, hot and flat, press into your skin, flicking over the open wound as he consumed your blood, crimson and hot upon his tastebuds.
Oh, he would devour you whole if you gave him the chance, and something was telling him that you would.
“You’re so sweet, such a pretty thing. Wine of the gods, nectar of the Heavens- and you were created just for me.” Joel was panting like a wild beast now, mouth watering with the promise of your body. 
He wanted to sink his teeth into your flesh, he wanted to bite into your neck and mark you with his teeth until you were imprinted in all the shades and shapes of him, until you were marked with all the stamps of his love, his devotion, his loyalty.
“For you?”
“Oh, where are my manners? I was telling a story, but I got carried away…” He was lost in another world as he sat up, letting go of your face as he stared longingly at your chest. You glanced down, watching your skin heal at record speed. Joel had healed you with a glance, and you saw his head tilt with a smile.
“As I was saying. You were the maiden they spoke of, an angel divined by the Heavens to be cast upon Hell in the hopes of killing me, of ending my eternal reign once and for all. But I had a plan up my sleeve. A plan to make you mine, to fill you with all the beautiful sins of the world. Wrath, gluttony… lust.”
Joel’s fingers traced down your body gentle, reaching your tuft of public hair. He dipped his middle fingers between the folds of your pussy, your swollen lips dripping with the honey of your arousal. You gasped, watching him wordlessly as he brought his finger to his mouth, tasting you. The devil’s eyes fluttered shut, and a low moan escaped him.
“Oh, I think I succeeded with that.” He slowly ran his hand down the side of your head, a thumb brushing across the height of your cheekbone. “I can introduce you to pleasures that have never before been known to man. I can make you feel like a goddess.”
“I-… I don’t… I like it here.”
Joel laughed, a beautiful laugh that intoxicated you, before he shook his head. “This isn’t your choice, sweetheart. Precious girl, thinking you have a say. That’s what I love most about you humans- you’re all so determined.”
His hand was warm and gentle on your skin, his fingers prying their way between your thighs once more. The pad of his index finger easily found your clit, throbbing in hope of a release, hard and swollen beneath his touch.
“Doesn’t matter if you say no. Your body betrays you, darlin’. This pussy is weeping for me. Ain’t she?” He flicked his fingers once more and you felt the ropes around your feet disintegrate, and with a wave of your hand your legs spread, coming up in the air until your pussy was wide open, wantonly spread for his wandering eyes.
“Oh!” You chimed in surprise as your body betrayed you, your movements not your own as he moved to stand at the foot of your bed.
He clicked his tongue against the rough of his mouth, crouching before your cunt. “Look at this. Why, you’re as pretty as a picture. A pretty doll. All for me, too.” Joel winked at you, leaning down and inhaling your scent.
Your face sizzled with shyness, and you whimpered out as the tip of his nose dragged through your folds. You wouldn’t stop him even if your hands were free.
Both of you knew that.
“I’m going to devour you until you’re crying. And I never break a promise.”
The tip of his tongue pressed into your clit, circling it slowly, tracing every shape in the world into the soft bit of flesh. You could feel your wetness, hot and viscous, pooling at the entrance of your tight pussy, dripping down into your asshole until it was soaking through your sheets.
Joel showed inhuman restraint, never giving in to the cries and pleads that escaped you. He focused on his featherlight movements across your clit, refusing to touch anywhere else. Even his hands remained away from your skin.
“Please. Please. I need more. I need more, please!” You begged, crying out into the air, your voice and the wetness of your cunt the only noise in the room. If you couldn’t feel him, you wouldn’t even know he was there.
“Oh no. No, no, no. I have been waiting for you for an eternity, I have been longing for the desires of your flesh for a millennia. Now it’s your turn to wait.” Joel whispered, pulling away to press a tender kiss to the flesh of your thigh. “But don’t worry, little one. I will give you everything you want, in due time. Everything and more. You are mine, my angel, my woman- and I will treat you as such.”
You grasped at nothing, your fingernails digging into the palms of your hand as you panted like a bitch in heat, trying to focus on anything but the throbbing between your legs.
Joel left your clit alone, pulling away to watch your cunt tense and throb without any satisfaction. He watched your lips part with wetness, your tight hole clenching around nothing. He dragged his middle finger down the folds of your pussy, down towards your asshole before circling it slowly, pumping deep until his knuckle was buried inside you ass.
You cried out, gasping for air at the feeling of your asshole stretching open, whining out as a surprise sense of pleasure filled your stomach.
His tongue licked tiny little strips against your clit, barely there as he pumped his middle finger, adding his ring finger into your hole. Joel relished in the feeling of stretching your most private of places, and knowing that your body was his and his alone made his chest swell with a pride he had waited years to feel.
You felt your belly rumbling with the promise of an orgasm, and as though your body was his, he pulled away from your pussy, your orgasm dissolving as your clit was left unattended. He kept his fingers in your asshole, slowly pumping, pumping, pumping, until you felt like you were growing crazy.
“Look at you. This little pussy is just begging for me. You want to cum, don’t you? You want me to make you scream.” He hummed out, a lazy grin spreading across his face as he removed his hands entirely, your gaze meeting his own.
Joel climbed on top of you, his hand resting upon the side of your face. His clothed cock pressed into your bare pussy, his pants- as soft as the finest silk- melting into your body as he shifted his weight on top of you.
His fingers traced lines into your skin as he soaked the vision of your features in, eyes flickering over every inch of your face. His hand dragged to your throat, which he held tightly, watching you gasp for air as he choked you.
In one swift motion he pressed his mouth into yours in a searing hot kiss, his tongue slipping between your lips, tangling itself up into your own. You cried out as his grip tightened, and right as you began to see stars, he let go, holding the back of your head to deepen the kiss.
It felt so wrong, so evil, so delicious. You were intoxicated on him, drunk on everything he had been giving you. At this moment in time, you could have sworn there was nothing you wouldn’t do for him. He could have you, soul, body, spirit, if it meant he would spend forever making you feel like this.
Joel pulled away with a bite of your lower lip, and you tasted the metallic tang of your blood as he fell back between your legs. This time, he pushed his finger into your cunt, eliciting a beautiful gasp from your lips.
“You make such sweet noises.” He cooed, adding a second finger. With hawk like eyes he watched the way your cunt stretched around his digits, and Joel growled at the thought of that same picture on his cock.
Soon, he told himself, soon.
He couldn’t help himself as he took your clit between his lips, rolling it between his mouth as his tongue swirled against it, and he didn’t mind the way your hips bucked, coating his face in your sweet arousal as you whined and whimpered, your words catching in your throat and tumbling out in the most delectable of noises.
This time, he didn’t stop.
He fingered your deep and slow, feeling every inch of your tight walls, your throbbing clit beating in his mouth as he sucked and sucked.
“S-stop! Ah, Joel. Joel I’m going to cum if you keep it up!” You cried, back arching as you tugged at your restraints.
But Joel didn’t stop. He moaned into the folds of your pussy, hooking his fingers against your G-Spot until the only sound ringing through his ears was his name being screamed. Your pussy was wet and wanton, squelching against his digits as your orgasm rushed over you, your thighs shaking against his head.
You figure he would stop, but he didn’t, and soon your clit grew hard with sensitivity as your orgasm subsided.
“I can’t take anymore!” You whined, pressing your thighs into his head.
“You take what I say.” He snarled, and with another flick of his fingers your hands were free. Joel knew you wouldn’t push him away. How could you?
And he was right. Your fingers ran through his curls as you cried out with pleasure, your pussy tingling with sensitivity as he sucked and lapped at your clit. Joel pulled away to push your ass back, licking from your asshole to mound in order to gather all your cum, sucking your cunt dry.
He did all of that just so he could soak you again.
Joel rubbed your clit with his fingers, opting to fuck your pussy with his tongue. In and out, in and out, exploring you with his mouth as he circled your little nub. You gasped and groaned, whimpered and mewled, tugging at his curls so hard he winced. He couldn’t help but moan at the pain, allowing you to hold his head tight and close to you.
He pulled away from tongue fucking you, his teeth sinking into the flesh of your thigh, biting until your pretty skin would surely bruise. His fingers were relentless on your bud, and soon your second orgasm of the night was brewing.
Your eyes pricked with tears, a sob forming in the back of your throat as your felt that tight band forming in your belly, tighter and tighter, your whole being right on the brink of cumming.
Joel sunk his incisors into your thigh once more, tasting the blood that pricked from your breaking flesh, and that’s when your orgasm happened. Long and hard, rushing through your pussy until you were sobbing, a blabbering fool as you pleaded with him to stop touching your clit.
He didn’t. He rubbed and rubbed until you were swelling, more arousal growing within you. He rubbed until you were hiccuping, eyes drying as you sniffled, fingers massaging into his scalp in an attempt to calm yourself down.
Finally, he pulled away, moving on top of you once more. “Shh.” Joel hummed, a chaste kiss pressing into your forehead. “Such a good angel. It’s okay. I’m here, I’m here.” He held you close, sitting you up until you were straddling his lap, cradling you tight in his broad, hefty chest. You rested your hands on the expanse of his soft belly, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck.
“Such a good girl. You know you are, don’t you? My pretty little play thing, my sweet girl.” He rubbed his thumb into your cheek, another kiss pressing into your nose.
“Now,” he began, flicking his fingers. In the blink of an eye his clothes disappeared, and you felt his thick cock pressing between your thighs, resting on your pussy. “You sit there, and rub yourself against me. Be a good girl, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You agreed, resting your hands on his shoulder as you grinded down into his dick. He was long and thick, absolutely huge beneath you.
Joel watched your face as you did so, not making any noise. His thick arms were wrapped around your body, fingertips pressing into your soft ass, holding you tight and close in place.
“Tilt your head back, darlin’.” You did as he asked. “Open your mouth.” You obeyed, and Joel moved his face over yours, a string of hot spit falling into your mouth, sliding down your tongue. You moaned, tasting yourself, before Joel grabbed your neck and guided your mouth back to his own. He kissed you, the tips of his fingers pressing into your skin as he marked you as his own.
You moaned his name into his mouth, hands falling to his curls as you ground yourself down, coating the hair of his legs and belly in your slick, bouncing up and down on nothing until the wet slaps of your pussy squelched in the air.
Joel pulled his mouth away from your own, placing his palm on your chest and pushing you back into the mattress of your bed.
He crawled on top of you, and in a seemingly uncharacteristic moment of tenderness, ran his knuckle across your cheek, pressing a flurry of kisses into your skin. From your eyelashes to your chin, he didn’t leave an inch forgotten. He reached down, pressing the tip of his leaking cock against the folds of your pussy. In one swift movement he rutted in to you until his hips were flush with yours, offering you no respite from the stinging length and thickness of his member.
Your nails dug in to his shoulders, scratching down the width of his golden back as you hissed through your teeth. He throbbed inside of you, and your pussy contracted tight around him, until you were practically choking him.
“You feel better than I could have ever imagined. I’m not surprised.” Despite being buried balls deep inside of you, Joel was still cool as a cucumber, holding all the cards and calling all the shots.
“So big.” You whimpered.
“S’okay. I told you I’d take care of you. Have I let you down yet?” He waited with darkening eyes for your answer, relishing in the gentle shake of your head. “Mhm, that’s what I thought. There’s a good girl.”
Grabbing the back of your legs, he pushed them back, resting your feet on his shoulders as he looked down at the place you were connected. He watched the swollen lips of your pussy stretch around his cock, bringing his length all the way out until the tip rested against your fucked hole, grinning as he watched himself disappear within you again.
You looked at him, scanning over his features, memorizing every inch of his face. It all felt surreal. Just an hour ago he was practically tormenting you, cunning and terrifying, and now he was making you feel better than you had ever felt before. He was introducing you to pleasures you didn’t think were possible, showing you all the wonders of the hells that you had since missed out on.
As he fucked you senseless, skin slapping on skin, sweat forming between the valley of your breasts, you knew there was no way you would ever give any of this up. You had just met this devil, Satan himself, and you would gladly offer yourself to him every night, forevermore.
Joel held your hips steady, reaching spots of pleasure deep within your pussy that you never even knew were there. The tip of his cock leaked with his pre-cum, your slickness costing him, pooling at the base of his belly, sticking to the soft tuffs of hair which rested there.
He was grunting now like an animal, like a wild dog that had just been freed from a cage. Joel thrusted in to you , each thrust harder than the last, and when he reached down to touch your sensitive clit, your cry of pleasure warned him of another orgasm fast approaching.
“You gonna cum again? ‘Course you are.” Joel chuckle to himself, gently rubbing your button. “You look so pretty like that. All sweaty and exhausted, moaning and squirming ‘cause of me.” He sucked his lip between his teeth, watching your pussy move in unison with his touches.
“Uh-huh! Yes.” You blabbered like a fuck-drunk fool, practically drooling as he fucked deep, his fingers on your clit causing warmth to brew in your belly.
“You’re gonna cum with me. Got it?”
You nodded quickly, and in one swift movement Joel picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he fucked your body on to his cock, effortlessly holding you with one arm, an otherworldly strength gluing your bodies in place.
“Touch your clit.” He demanded, and you quickly did as he said, rubbing your clit as he pressed his forehead into yours, his other hand holding the back of your head in place. “I want you to look me in the eyes when you cum undone on me.”
“Oh. Fuck. O-okay.” You gasped, a fistful of your hair tight in his fingers.
“Gonna cum, angel.” He panted, forehead falling against yours. He hissed out a moan between his teeth, and you felt your own orgasm about to rip through you. “That’s it. I can feel you. So close, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yes.” You gasped, nodding at nothing in particular as you rubbed frantically at your pussy. “I’m gonna- I- um. Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah?” He cooed through a chuckle of amusement, eyes closing as your clenched down on his cock, an orgasm waving through you. At the feeling of your pussy tightening, Joel allowed himself to orgasm, thick ropes painting your walls white until you couldn’t be filled up anymore, his sticky cum dripping and leaking onto his legs as he fucked himself with your cunt, grunting like a beast as his orgasm subsided ever so slowly.
He tossed you onto the bed, crawling on top of you to meet you with a kiss, his tongue sliding against your own. Your hands rested on his cheeks, moaning into his mouth as you clamped down on nothingness, never before feeling so empty.
Joel cradled you in his arms, pulling away to look down at you. “I always knew you’d be well worth the wait.”
You smiled, nodding as you rested your hands on his biceps, soft and supple beneath your touch.
“Everyone always told me the devil would kill me.” You grinned, biting down on your lip as your body molded into his own, chests pressed together as the soft rise and fall of your breaths matched in unison.
“Not this one.” Joel promised, brushing your hair away from your face. “Fuck you until you almost pass out, sure. But I will never let any harm get to you.”
A moment of silence passed over you.
“I was born to defeat you?”
He nodded. “That’s what the stories say. But most stories are bullshit anyways.” Joel kissed your forehead, eyes closing at the feeling of your cheek pressing against his chest.
“Are you going to take me with you?”
“To Hell?”
“Yes.” You hummed against him, voice muffled by his chest.
“Of course. I can’t leave you all up here by yourself. Besides,” he titled your chin how to his finger, a smirk on his mouth. “There’s a lot more we have left to do.”
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ghettogirly · 2 days
how do you think armando would react if He is too much in love with the reader, but she is younger than him (I mean Armando is obviously twenty-eight but the reader is still in his 20s) I would appreciate it very much, I love you 💗🌷✨
I don't know how many times I've ordered, but here I am again 🛐🙃♥️
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-> synopsis: how would armando be when loving a girl who’s 10 years younger than him? armando is 32 and the reader is 22.
-> theme: age gap, comedy, suggestive.
-> format: headcanon/drabble.
-> warnings: mention of age gap relationships, mature language.
-> authors note: i’m going to be putting updates out slower since I’m not that well guys. nevertheless i hope you enjoyed! I love your requests!! 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝! 🌸
-> older!armando would literally first meet you when he picked his son, Alejandro, up from class.
-> it would be the first time meeting you as you’re a new teacher in the school.
-> so when he came to pick up his son, it’s safe to say you was utterly shocked at the resemblance and at the way they both acted.
-> Armando displayed the same cheekiness Alejandro did, smiling at you as his son was going on about his day.
-> “Parece que realmente disfruta de tus clases.”
-> “he’s a lot like you.”
-> “they say that, gotta come see from the source though, eh?”
-> oh.
-> you found out that Armando is divorced ,
honestly you was kind of happy.
-> it may be inappropriate to admire your own student’s father but what can you do if he’s the most attractive man you’ve saw in your life.
-> he noticed your staring but didn’t mind, he thought you was the most beautiful woman to exist too.
-> so he took his chances and asked you out.
-> to which you accepted.
-> he took you to an 90s themed restaurant where old school rnb was playing, wanting you to hear the music that was around when he was younger.
-> getting to know each other, you found out that he was a business owner. Having multiple offices around Miami helping those to build their perfect house.
-> “all those beautiful houses you see in Miami, i’ve built most of them.”
-> “i never would’ve imagined that’s the work you do.”
-> seeing him laugh and smile literally made your heart warm. “what can i say? i like getting my hands a bit dirty.”
-> you nearly choked on your drink. Armando was definitely enjoying seeing you flustered, making these tiny comments from even the moment he met you.
-> ordering food, you both ate and enjoyed each others presence.
-> “¿Te importa que sea mayor que tú?”
-> your eyes widened at the question. Putting your utensils down, you looked up at him to which he waiting for your answer.
-> “You would be the oldest man i’ve ever spoken to romantically but i don’t object to the idea of it.”
-> He smiled at that. “Good.”
-> after the date, he drove you back home as it was a little bit after 9pm. You thanked him and then kissed his cheek as a thank you.
-> wanting more, he lightly turned your face to his and gave you a peck on your lips. Making you blush at his bold advance.
-> “Hopefully i’ll see you again soon.”
[🌸] 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄:
-> it’s been a couple months into yours and Armando’s relationship.
-> Honestly one of the healthiest relationships you’ve been in.
-> he always picks you up from work, not wanting you to walk back anymore, especially after a long day.
-> you always stay over at his on the weekend, relaxing with him and Alejandro by watching some movies or even going out to the park.
-> The age gap between you and Armando can be visible at some points, especially when it comes to social media.
“Nena, ¿sabes qué es tiktok?”
-> You nearly laughed at him even mentioning it. “What do you know about tiktok?”
“My employees told me to download it but i just don’t get the app.”
“Stick to facebook babe.”
-> even with things like his email, you noticed that he was using @yahoo.com
“Who uses yahoo email?!”
-> nevertheless, you wouldn’t trade the relationship for anything else, inheriting both a family and a man who loves you for you. Bombarding you with compliments everyday.
-> “You look absolutely stunning today babe.”
“New hair?”
“Looks great on you.”
-> Life was great, even with a man who’s 10 years older than you.
“Parece que realmente disfruta de tus clases.”: he seems to really enjoy your classes.
“ ¿Te importa si soy mayor que tú?”: Do you mind if i’m older than you?
“Nena, ¿sabes qué es tiktok?”: Baby, what is tiktok?
[🌸] 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @dyttomori @tyneshaaa @shurisgf @milliumizoomi @sarcasticbitchsblog @armandosbabymama @thedarkworldofhananerea @amplifiedmoan @deadpool15 @wizewhispers @5tarlan7
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dira333 · 13 hours
This Is Me Trying - Kageyama x Reader
there's one line missing that I'd have loved to include but I am still pretty okay with how this turned out instead.
Tagging: @alienaiver for helping, @screamin-abt-haikyuu and @lees-chaotic-brain for Haikyuu
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“Where’s Kageyama?”
The rest of the team turns at Hinata’s question, but their first-year setter is nowhere to be seen. 
“Not this again,” Daichi mutters in frustration, thinking back to Hinata’s missing shoes the day before. “We’ve got twenty minutes before our next game. I want us to all go in teams. Hinata, you’re with me. I cannot have you get lost as well.”
- Meanwhile -
“How long have you been playing volleyball? Who taught you? How long have you been a setter? How do you train? Do you get along with your team members? Have you ever hit a wall?”
“Huh?” You turn to the guy creeping up behind you, a bag clutched in his hands as he stares you down. Your teammates are sending both of you curious looks and you can tell that your Captain is just a second away from interfering.
“Can I help you?” You ask, surprised when he flinches away, stuttering. 
“I- am… I am Kageyama Tobio.” He bows so abruptly and so deeply that you fear for his spine. “I saw you play yesterday.”
“Ah?” You blink. “What school are you from?”
“Oh,” you blink again. “I saw you play as well. You’re their setter. What year are you in?”
“First. Your serve-”
“Alright, alright.” You pull him to the side by his arm and wave at your Captain before she can do something more drastic. “I have to say your drive is admirable, but you’re not the first person to ask for my secrets. Why would I tell you?”
Kageyama considers that for a second, brows furrowing. He’s really not good at making his face work for him. It might look cute though, if he relaxed a little. 
“I wanna stay on the court the longest,” he declares, face set in a scowl that could turn milk sour.”
“Again, you’re not the only one. You gotta impress me a little more, Kageyama-kun.” You snip two fingers against his temple, watch him almost short-circuit at the sensation.
To your surprise, Kageyama bows again.
“I want to spend more time playing with this team. I am not good with people. You are good with people. I need to learn more.”
“Fine,” you tell him after a second. “Gimme your phone.”
He doesn’t stop watching you as you type in your number. “If you win today as well, you can send me details about your play. Don’t forget to tell me where you’re staying. I’ll come by and we’ll talk about it, okay? Can’t promise it will help, though.”
“Kageyama!” Someone yells at that moment, and he turns to find two guys waving at him. One of them has a shaved head, the other has a bleached strand of hair sticking up like a lightning strike.
“Good luck,” you tell him, patting his shoulder. Kageyama leaves with one last look back at you.
“You’re in trouble!” Shaved head sings as he joins them. “Daichi’s mad as hell, looking for you. All because of a cute girl?”
“I didn’t- She isn’t-” He looks back as if to check, blushing bright red when he spots you still looking at him. “I wanted to know more about her technique, that’s all.”
Both guys laugh loudly. “You really are something else, Kageyama.” The guy with the Lighting Strike declares and then they’re gone.
“Why did you give him your number?” Your libero asks when you join the team again. “Aren’t you afraid he’s going to murder you for your skin?”
“No,” You laugh softly. “He reminded me of someone, that’s all.”
Karasuno wins. So do you. 
No one pays you any mind when you slip out of the hotel you’re staying in, jogging down the streets to where Kageyama’s team is staying.
“Oh,” Shaved Head spots you at the front door. “You’re the cute girl Kageyama found.”
“I am,” you grin, “I’m looking for him. Is he around?”
“Kageyama!” He hollers down the hallway. “Uh, he’s in the bathroom, I think. I’m Tanaka by the way. What team are you playing in?”
“Niiyama,” you explain and his eyes light up. “No way, you’re playing with Kanoka.”
“Exactly. You know her?”
“Yeah, we’re childhood besties. So, you won today, right?”
“Yep. Don’t know if she told you, but we’re thinking about making Kanoka Captain next year.”
“You are. Wow. Does she know alrea-” “I’m here!” Kageyama declares from the door, wet hair sticking to his flushed face. 
“Oh, you showered already?” You ask, “I thought we could do a run-”
“Right away,” Kageyama declares, already slipping into the shoes by the door.
“Forget it, hotshot,” you put a hand on his shoulders and drag him away, “not when your hair is still wet. You’re going to get a cold. It’s fine, it’s fine, we can still work without running around.”
And you do. Even though you have to pretend you don’t notice every single member of his team walking by, peeking into the little lobby, trying to catch parts of your conversation with him.
Kageyama, however, will not let himself get distracted. He’s sucking up every word you say and, as soon as you’ve figured out how he thinks, is able to discuss ideas with you at an impressive rate.
“So…” You lean back a little after almost an hour, ignoring the little red-haired guy who’s sitting at the door, listening in. “What are your plans? Do you want to become Captain in your Third Year? Make it to Nationals every Year? Play professionally after High School or go to College first?”
“I don’t have good grades,” Kageyama points out. “I just want to stay on Court for as long as possible. Play my best.”
“Hmmm,” you get up. “Tell you what. You have my number. Make it through these Nationals and go back home. Let me know how you’re feeling next school year, okay?”
“Okay.” He shakes your hand and bows deeply, staying far too long in the open doorway, looking after you as you leave.
You don’t feel you’ve done a lot for him today. You just listened, explained a few things, told him about your perspective.
But he’s acting like you’ve changed his world and you wonder if you did. And if so, in what way…
Kageyama’s sleeping on your bedroom floor.
Your mother would throw a fit if she knew, but she’s gone for the weekend and Kageyama took the three-hour train ride in stride just to spend a weekend training with you.
College Volleyball isn’t much different from High School Volleyball, except for the harsher course load. 
He’d been updating you weekly with the teams and his own progress, updates coming in more often when it turned out that the team had problems adapting to the new Captain, or rather, the lack of their old. 
“You miss Sugawara,” you point out only half an hour after he’s arrived. 
He looks surprised at first, but then easily gives in.
“I’m still not good at connecting with my teammates.”
“Have you tried the exercises that I gave you?”
He scowls and you laugh. “Come on, Kageyama, I know you’re better than that. Practice with me, then.”
Stiffly, he turns his head. “How are you doing lately?”
You laugh again, louder this time. “You’ve got to work on your expressions, but I’m doing okay, I guess. I don’t have that much time for training because of College, so I feel like I’m falling behind.”
Kageyama falls quiet and you nudge your elbow into his side.
“This is your chance to say ‘I’m sorry to hear that. Can I do something for you?’”
“Why did you go to College if it takes away time from playing Volleyball?” He asks instead and you stop, surprised by his question.
“Because I want something to fall back on if I can’t make it in Volleyball. What if I get hurt? What if I no longer want to play?”
Kageyama scowls. “Why would you want to stop playing?”
“What are you going to do when you’re too old to play professionally?” You ask back and he falls quiet. For the remainder of your run, he’s unreachable to you. Whatever he’s thinking about, he’s far, far away.
“What am I supposed to do instead?” He asks eventually, bangs hiding his eyes.
You’re stretching and he follows your movements, intent on copying you, as usual. As if you have all the answers in the world.
“Tell me about your Childhood, Tobio,” you ask instead.
That’s how you end up, him sleeping on your bedroom floor and you craving nothing more than to pick him up and hug him so tight that all the loneliness drains out of him.
You’re no stranger to grief, but it’s so different when you have to watch someone you care about in its clutches.
Karasuno doesn’t make it to the Nationals in their second year. Tobio still gets invited to this Year’s Youth Camp and you make sure to take that weekend off, taking the same train so you can sit next to him for three of his eight-hour ride, listening to him ramble on about school, Hinata, Volleyball. 
“You’re going to do great,” you tell him, wondering how it happened that you’re now feeling this way. As if he punctured your heart and crawled inside, making it his home without realizing it.
Third-Year Tobio is a heartbreaker. 
He tells you about the confessions he gets with the naivety of someone much younger. Every single time you have to force yourself to ask “And what did you answer?” only to hear that he’s declined, yet again.
You wonder what he’s thinking of you. You’re still a Star Setter, but do you have anything left to teach him? You think Sugawara did a way better job at that anyway. 
But he still makes the three-hour ride at least once every two months, sleeping on your bedroom floor when your mom is away for the weekend. 
One time you take his hand in a crowded train station and he doesn’t let go.
If only you could let yourself have this. 
But does he even think about you that way?
“Sugawara-senpai?” Kageyama asks, phone pressed hard against his ear. “What do you wear on a sleepover?”
He sits amidst his things, a volleyball in his lap.
“Pajamas, usually. Why do you ask?”
“Even if it’s with a girl?”
Sugawara sounds like he’s choking.
“A sleepover with a girl? Boy, you’re- wait, who are you sleeping at?”
Kageyama says your name with the familiar feeling of pride that comes with it.
He was the one who approached you and he’s the one who still gets to text and call you, visit you even. Not Hinata, who can make everyone like him, or Tsukishima, who’s somehow getting love confessions even though he’s an ass. 
“Well, it depends… on what you’ve already done together.”
“Done together?” Kageyama furrows his brows. “We’ve analyzed our games. And I get to play with her friends sometimes.”
“Kageyama.” Sugawara’s voice is serious. “I need to ask you this. Why are you sleeping over?”
“Because she lives far away and I can’t make both treks in one day.”
“I get that, but… why are you visiting her anyway? Just to get more tips?”
Kageyama halts for a second. “I… don’t know.”
“Mhm. Thought so. You know, most boys sleeping over at girls' houses have more than just Volleyball tips in mind.”
“She’s giving me tips on how to get along with my teammates as well,” He explains, but Sugawara just chuckles low in his throat.
“That’s not what I meant. I guess you know what it’s going to look like, right? That’s why you’re asking what to wear?”
Kageyama digs his knees into the floor of his room and bits down on his lip but the words still tumble out.
“I’ve never been on a sleepover before. One that’s not the whole team sleeping somewhere, I mean. I didn’t want to ask Hinata because he’s got so many friends and he might think-”
“Ah…” Sugawara interrupts him. “I get it. Don’t worry. We’ll go over this like we did with the topic of Smalltalk, okay? Basic steps first, then some finer things. Would that help?”
“Yes, thank you.”
Girl’s rooms look different than boy’s rooms, Kageyama knows.
His sister’s room is filled with pictures of celebrities, make-up, and accessories have driven out anything volleyball-related long ago.
Yachi’s room is colorful, with little designer pieces and cute stationery she likes to collect.
Yours is different altogether.
The prizes you won are proudly displayed, next to a collection of textbooks. There’s a bed and a small closet and you serve him tea on the floor of your room, giggling over the stories he tells from training.
Kageyama likes talking to you. Just like Sugawara, you never mind when his words come out more brash than they should, or when he can’t figure out how to word a question right. You’ve got kind eyes and a soft smile and you touch him more often than other people.
Telling you about his grandfather or his fear of ending up alone again - the words might not come easy, but you handle them gently, like it’s safe to let them rest with you.
You snore a little, he figures out that first night. The softest sound he wants to never forget.
Sleeping over at a friend’s house is something he wants to do again and again, talking low in the darkness, knowing that someone who cares is just a short distance away.
When he has to leave you hug him goodbye. 
For the first time, he thinks he knows why people do it, this seemingly unnecessary ritual of enveloping each other.
For the first time, he thinks about not letting go.
But his train’s going to leave without him and you wave until the train station is out of sight. Kageyama likes to think you waved a little longer. Just because.
“Are you away this weekend, Kageyama?” Has become a regular question. 
Hinata’s no longer pestering him with questions about his private training sessions on the weekend. 
He’s getting better at working with the new First Years and a new invite for the National Youth Camp has him reach for the phone to call you.
He’s more nervous than last time and he wonders if it’s about you, sitting next to him on the train, legs pressed together on the small seats. 
You smell sweet and he wonders if he could hug, just like that, just because. 
Do people do that? Just hug for no reason but to touch? He should ask Sugawara about it.
“You’re going to do great,” you say and he wants to promise that he will, just for you.
But he doesn’t, because that would sound weird, wouldn’t it? 
After all, he’s so much younger than you. 
Do you even think about him in that way? The way he thinks about you?
Your hand fits perfectly in his.
Kageyama knows the taste of your favorite dessert and always has some money saved to buy you a flower or two at the train station before he gets to your house.
Sometimes, when you sleep, you mumble his name and he can hardly make himself fall asleep because he wants to hear it all, every quiet mention, mumble or snore.
You’re real and you like him, still.
“Are you coming?” He asks when they get through the Qualifiers; when he knows he will make it to the Nationals one last time with this team.
“Of course,” you say and his heart leaps into his throat. 
Kageyama almost tells you, then and there, that he thinks this might be love.
But it doesn’t feel right, over the phone like that, so he pulls the words back before they can spill from his lips.
He will tell you, he promises to himself after they win. This time, Karasuno will be the last one standing in Tokyo.
“Oh, you’re here as well,” a guy with greyish hair and a beauty mark beneath his eye waves at you, “We’re sitting over here.”
“Do I know you?” You ask, taking the offered seat nonetheless. The guy pouts and his friends laugh.
“I’m Sugawara,” he explains, “Kageyama’s Senpai. These two are Daichi and Asahi, not that you’d recognize them, right?”
You laugh. “No, guilty as charged. I don’t think I remember any names from your team besides Tanaka and Kageyama.”
“Someone called my name?” Tanaka jumps down the last two steps leading to your seats, grinning. “Kiyoko, they’re already here, Babe.” He waits for his girlfriend to take a seat before leaning in. 
“You’re Kageyama’s girlfriend, right?”
“Oh, it’s not- I…” You wave your hands around awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Tanaka laughs.
“Ah, I knew it, I knew it. No way he’s got that much game. But he’s got lots of talent, don’t you think.”
“He does,” you take the offered topic, lament about their Kohai’s talents for over half an hour until the players finally arrive, warming for their first game. More of Karasuno’s former players have gathered around you, as well as a taiko drum group.
Sugawara lets out a shrill whistle using two fingers and most of the Karasuno players look up, obviously used to the signal.
You wave, hoping against hope that Tobio will be able to pick you out of the crowd.
From this distance, it’s hard to tell, but that frown could mean he’s smiling. Sugawara starts to point at you exaggeratedly and you slap his hands away but it’s too late. 
Tobio has already turned away.
He doesn’t play well at the beginning. Everyone notices.
It takes him a while to find his grove but when he does, he does.
Then it’s over and you wish to do nothing more but to run down and hug him. But it’s safer up here, you know, where your heart won’t leap out of your throat.
But then you have to leave, get up, and move, because the Niiyama Girls are playing in the other hall and you promised you’d watch their game too, knowing that it would sync up perfectly with Karasuno’s rest period.
“I’m going to be back for the next game,” you promise, “so don’t give my seat away.”
Your heart still hammers in your chest as you walk down the staircase.
If only you could keep these moments, locked up in a mason jar, take them out on bad days to relive them again.
“Are you leaving already?” Tobio’s looking up at you, sweat slick hair sticking to his temple, face flushed from exertion.
“I’m just moving to the other stadion to watch the Niiyama Girls,” you explain, pull him in for a hug when you reach him. “You were amazing.”
“Thank you,” his hot breath tickles your neck and maybe you’re imagining it, but you think you feel his heart racing through the thin jersey.
“Your start was messy though,” you reprimand him, your hand moving on its own to shuffle through his hair, putting each strand back where it belongs. “But you saved your ass. I’m going to be back for your next game, don’t worry.”
“I could come with you,” he rushes out. “It doesn’t really matter where I rest, right?”
You catch a look from Karasuno’s captain over Tobio’s shoulder. A smile dances over his freckled face and he makes a face that tells you everything you need to know.
“Fine,” you tell him, knowing that a ‘No’ would never work here, “But you should put on a jacket.”
His hand finds yours on the way to the other game, his grip warm and strong.
You don’t want to ever let go, but you still do, knowing full well how it would look like to your Kouhai’s. You’ve never had a boyfriend in the whole time you played with them. 
And even though the first years still remember Tobio showing up back then, you don’t want to give them any ideas that might come back to break your heart.
“You and Sugawara-senpai,” Tobio starts as soon as you’re sitting, “did you get along well?”
“I guess so,” your leg is pressed against his, the sensation shooting up your spine and into your brain. “He’s nice.”
“How nice?” He asks, voice so low you almost miss it.
You blink. The words are out before you’ve thought them through.
“Are you jealous, Tobio?”
“Should I be?”
You’re not sure how he means it. Teasing? Or is he unsure of this social construct, asking for an explanation?
He takes your hand, looks at it as if checking for injuries. “Would you hold my hand if Sugawara was here as well?”
Your mouth turns dry.
“Would I be allowed?” You ask. “I mean, I’m a lot older than you-”
“I like you.” He blurts it out like he blurts out most things. Two guys in front of you turn around with matching frowns. You’re sure they didn’t come here to hear your love confessions.
“We should talk about this later,” you whisper, cheeks burning. You press his hand. “I like you too, don’t worry.”
“Can’t we talk now?”
And maybe it would have been better to slip out and talk about it, but you’ve never once missed a minute of a game you wanted to see and Tobio’s hand doesn’t leave yours, his grip warm and heavy, his leg pressing into yours.
There’s much to talk about after this game ends and all the other ones today. There’s graduation and other things to consider, but you can’t help but think that it will be okay.
As long as his hand stays in yours, it will be okay.
“Where’s Kageyama?”
You turn to spot Sugawara looking through the crowd.
“Bathroom,” you explain. “I think he had a bit too much to drink.”
“Ah,” Sugawara smiles. “Haven’t had the time to properly talk to you today. How are you? How’s work doing?”
“Good and good. Our last match-”
“I know,” Sugawara smiles. “Kageyama tells me everything. He still calls every week to update me. He spent an hour boasting about that game.”
“Oh,” you blink, a little surprised and a lot flattered. “Wait, is that when he locks himself in our pantry for half an hour each Friday?”
Sugawara laughs. “He’s been asking for my advice for years and I don’t think he’s going to stop soon. I thought you knew, actually.”
“Well, I knew you taught him a lot concerning Volleyball, but this sounds like you did a lot more. Tell me the details, Sugawara-san.”
Sugawara grins cheekily, checking to see if Tobio’s still nowhere to be seen.
“When he spent the weekend at your place for the first time he asked me all kinds of questions. I’m the one who picked out the sleepwear he brought. He usually slept only in boxers or nothing at all depending on the temperature.”
You feel the heat rising to your cheeks. “I see. Thank you’s are in order.”
“Uhuh,” Sugawara winks. “Nothing to thank me for. You two deserve each other.”
“That just sounded mildly threatening,” you joke just as Tobio returns, threading his arm through yours.
“What are you talking about?”
“Your weekly talks with Sugawara-san,” you lean into him. “And the fact that you only wear sleepwear because of him.”
Tobio blushes a soft red. “You said you liked my Volleyball Pajamas.”
“I do. They are adorable.”
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gravehags · 1 day
the one who comes (richly endowed)
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!Reader (Curator!Reader)
Tags: rough sex, cum eating, copia in that goddamn white suit, oral (m receiving, through pants), semi public sex, ghoul voyeurism, masturbation, curator reader being evil
Words: 3,459
Summary: A series of sartorial events.
a/n: i am quite literally always saying how i'm going to suck copia off through those white lululemon leggings so you know. here you go.
“The eh, Ministry tailor wants to go over some of the tour outfits tomorrow afternoon. Care to join me?”
You yawn wide enough to pop your jaw and snuggle into the side of your lover, fingers raking through his abundant chest hair. He’s got a book propped up on his belly and his reading glasses perched on his long nose as he pauses every few moments to notate something in the margins or underline. 
“Yes please,” you say, leaning forward to place a kiss to each of the entwined 6s tattooed on his freckled pectoral. The action makes him chuckle, eyes briefly leaving the page to flick to you.
“You promise not to get too jealous?” he asks innocently, turning the page, “I mean these are the outfits my adoring fans will be seeing me perform in while you’re stuck here at the abbey. Who knows what kind of mischief I could get up to?”
You snort and sharply pinch his nipple, causing him to let out a ridiculously rat-like squeak.
“You’re not the only one who could get up to mischief,” you coo, “When the Cardinal’s away, the curator will play, hmm? I bet Terzo isn’t busy these days…”
Copia lets out a growl and removes his glasses, tossing them carelessly on the nightstand along with his book.
“What did you say?”
You’re trying so hard to bite back the evil grin that threatens to spread across your face as you lean away from your lover to flop onto your back and stare at the bed canopy above you.
“I think it’s only fair that I be allowed to seek out some ah…diversion in your absence. Particularly when you’re going to have your ‘adoring fans’ crawling all over you. Tell me, which of the Papas is best at eating pus–”
You don’t get to finish the sentence because Copia has rolled on top of you and situated himself between your legs.
“Dolcezza,” he leans in to growl in your ear, making a delightful shiver run up your spine, “Do not toy with me. Do not make me keep you tied to my tour bus bed with your face in the pillow and your ass in the air to use as I please every night, eh?”
You giggle warmly.
“I don’t know, sounds kind of ideal to me,” you purr, “To be so deliciously, divinely stuffed with your cum over and over after every show. What is it the siblings call me? ‘The Cardinal’s mistress’? And what is it the ghouls call me? Ah yes, ‘the Cardinal’s mate.’ Would you mate with me in that tour bus, amore? Loud and feral, for all your ghouls to hear? I think they’d like to wat–ah!”
Flinging back the covers and sitting on his haunches, he grabs you and roughly flips you over. 
“Piccola provocazione mia,” he sighs, rucking your nightgown over your hips and bending your knees, “If you wanted my cock so badly tonight–” he says, and you hear him yank down his sleep pants behind you, “--all you had to do was ask.”
You giggle into the pillow as he drags the head of his cock through your slick folds.
“Much more fun this–ah!--way! Fuck, Copia!”
He’s bottomed out inside you before you can even finish your sentence and places a firm hand between your shoulder blades as he begins to roughly fuck you. You turn your head to the side to get some air and so he can hear every noise that comes out of your mouth.
“You–ah–want it like this? Bent over and spread open for anyone to watch? To listen? Tesoro, we should recruit you for–hngh–sex rituals. Who knew a sweet girl like you liked–ah–an audience?”
The snap of his hips against yours is ruthless and the sound of his balls slapping against you with each thrust drives another moan from your mouth.
“Fuck, Copia, right there! Feel so good baby, l-love it when you u-use me, ah!”
His hand on your back presses you further into the mattress, causing you to arch your back even more sharply. The new angle has starbursts exploding across your vision.
“Sei mio,” he grunts, his grip on your hip bruising, “And until the m-moment I leave for t-tour I’ll–ah–gladly remind you, s-si?”
“Yours, yours, yours,” you chant, pushing back onto his cock to meet his thrusts, “Mmm fuck, Copia, make me yours!”
His fingers abandon your hip to reach around and slide through your folds, moaning at how wet you are. When he brushes against your clit, you let out a sharp whine.
“Copia, please! Don’t stop, don’t stop, oh fuck!”
Your cunt spasms around him and you cry out as he brings you over the edge, his name on your lips. 
“Ragazza brava mia,” he moans, “My perfect girl, so good for me. Cazzo, I’m gonna cum, amore. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
When he pulls out of you, you whine at the loss but crane your head as far back as you can to watch him feverishly stroke his cock.
“Come on baby,” you pant even though your neck is killing you. “Cum on me. Mark me up.”
The sight of his fist rocketing along his reddened cock, slick with your juices has you grinding into the mattress, desperate for another release. When he cums with a shout, covering your lower back in spurts of his seed your body sags into the bed. You can hear his rapid breaths as he wrings out every last drop onto you and finally lets go to survey his handiwork. He drags his forefinger through the mess and you turn your head, opening your mouth obediently. When the warm digit meets your tongue, the salt of him on your tastebuds, you close your mouth around it and suck eagerly.
“What a deviant I have made of a sweet little virgin,” he marvels and you slide off his finger to swallow with a smile.
“Think I was a deviant even when I was a virgin,” you murmur, “You just encouraged it. But some of the fantasies I had…”
“Get me a rag to clean this up then I’ll tell you all about them, my love.”
He does as he’s told, wiping up his seed and rejoining you in bed so you can assume your earlier positions. You make a bet with yourself about how many times the two of you are going to hunger for one another that night.
As always, both of you exceed your expectations.
“What do you think about this? Amore?”
“Hmm?” you look up from the binderful of sketches you’ve been browsing while your beloved and the tailor conversed in rapid Italian, “Think about what?”
Copia stands on a round platform surrounded by mirrors. The tailor leans up against the door and gestures to the Cardinal.
“It’s a good suit, no?”
You smile. Of course it’s a good suit. It’s the suit Copia was wearing the night of your first date. The night where the two of you grinded on each other and made an absolute mess of those trousers. Those lovely, snug trousers and the curve of–
“Amore?” Copia asks, and you see his mustache twitch in amusement.
“It’s great! I love it, did you um…change the material of the pants? From the original suit I mean.”
“Si, si,” the tailor nods, “the Cardinal requires pants with more stretch to allow for vigorous movement on stage.”
Mmm vigorous movement.
“So he’ll be wearing either of his cassocks and uh…this black suit?”
Once again the tailor nods.
“I also have made prototypes in two other colors. Would you like to see those?”
He’s asking Copia too but you interject to answer for him.
“Yes, please.”
“They’re in garment bags in the dressing room, Cardinal.”
The Cardinal gives the tailor a tight smile before turning to you and giving you a look. You smile and shrug. Better him than you, and the way he fucked you last night, you almost collapsed on the floor this morning when you got out of bed while he chuckled, the bastard. He deserves a little torture. A few more minutes pass and he comes out and does a little pose. He looks resplendent in a cardinal red version of the suit and you know you’re grinning like an idiot when he steps onto the platform, preening.
“Oh the red is good, signore,” you tell the tailor, who smiles pleasantly at you. “I think I like it even better than the black. What do you think, my love?”
Copia’s preoccupied with making stupid little muscle man poses in the mirror and you have to stuff your fist in your mouth to muffle your guffaw.
“Huh-wha…what was that, amore?”
“I said, how do you feel about the red?”
“Oh eh, si. Very nice. Vibrant. Is that all?”
“There is one more suit in the dressing room, Cardinale,” the tailor gently reminds him and Copia turns to give you a deep bow before retreating to his cubicle. You hear him disrobe and hang up the red suit followed by unzipping the last garment bag. There’s a shuffle of fabric and Copia makes an odd sound.
“I…I, eh don’t think I’ll come out for this one.”
You look to the tailor nonplussed, who looks to you, equally perplexed.
“Isn’t it just the same suit in a different color, hon?”
“Si, it’s just that it’s eh…” he makes one of his noises, “It’s…ah fuck it.”
When he opens the door and peeks his head out you smile encouragingly. That smile slowly drops as he slides out of the dressing room to stand on the platform, replaced with something more awestruck and hungry. True to the tailor’s word, it is the same suit, however this one is in snow white. He looks incredibly elegant but that’s not what occupies your mind - what occupies your mind is the hefty and defined curve of his cock and balls in those sinfully tight white pants.
“Well, what do you think?”
You let out a lewd gurgle and now it’s the tailor’s turn to muffle his laughter.
“Exactly. I don’t think I’ll be going with this one, signore.”
The string of filth going through your mind is interrupted by his words.
“What?! No!” you splutter, flapping your hands. “No, this one absolutely stays.” 
“Amore,” Copia stage whispers, “You can see my whole dick.”
“Yeah, and balls,” you loudly whisper back, “Which is exactly why you’re keeping it.”
“Sarto, will you eh, excuse me and the signorina for a moment per favore?”
The tailor silently nods with an amused expression and steps out of the room, snapping the door shut behind him.
“Dolcezza, I am supposed to be on stage in this outfit. I’m supposed to sing while wearing this. You want me to look like a…a Chippendale at these rituals?”
You cough to hide your laughter.
“Beloved, may I be frank with you?”
“People come to these rituals to be tempted, right? To dip their toe into what the Ministry has to offer? Copia I am being so honest with you right now when I say that this–” you gesture to what’s on display at the juncture of his thighs, “--in combination with the music? Baby, you’ll be beating new recruits off with a stick. Might as well have a sign-up booth outside the venue. If I were some wide-eyed, easily influenced young person and I walked into one of your rituals to hear you sing about being the one who comes richly endowed and coming into the daughters of men and whatnot? My love, I would swear myself to Satan for one corn chip if you asked.”
Copia nods slowly, considering.
“You…have a point, dolcezza. Kind of makes me wish I hadn’t met you until I became head of the Ghost project so I could see you front row at a ritual…oh the things I would do to you.”
“And you still can,” you murmur, setting the sketch binder aside, “Keep this outfit and I promise you I’ll visit you backstage at one of your shows. I’ll surprise you.”
“Done,” he says, slapping his thigh. A soft knock sounds through the room and the tailor opens the door.
“Everything good?” he asks, eyes flicking between the two of you.
“Molto bene, signore,” you say, “He’s keeping the outfit.”
“Ah, good, good,” the tailor smiles, clapping his hands together, “I was hoping you’d say that because I have a couple accessories for this one.”
You look to Copia, intrigued. The tailor produces a hat box and removes the lid, handing Copia a very dashing black fedora with a white band. The Cardinal places it on his head, looking devastatingly handsome as he poses in the many mirrors. The tailor disappears for a moment and then reappears to hand Copia a black cane with a silver snake handle.
“What do you think, signorina?” the tailor asks, hands behind his back. Copia turns to you and with an evil grin, slides the length of the cane along his cock then rocks his hips against it. Your jaw loosens and your eyes glaze over.
“Amore, the tailor asked you a question?”
“Hard. I mean good! Good! It’s all very good, thank you for indulging me, signore. Beautiful work but I expected nothing less from the man that makes his cassocks. You know, the way the fascia cinches him in and the fabric falls over his as–assets. Uh…”
The tailor coughs, hiding a smile with his fist.
“Grazie, signorina. And grazie, Cardinale. I’ll work on making duplicates of these designs at once.”
Copia nods and steps off the platform to return to the dressing room. A beat passes when you get up and scuttle over to the tailor.
“Is there any way you can make the pants um. Tighter?”
“I heard that.”
His veins are on fire, thrumming as he makes his walk off the stage post-encore. The crowd loves him. They love him. The little rat bastard Cardinal makes the beautiful young creatures of the crowd scream and profess their adoration. He’s feeling elated, high as he passes by two roadies and works his way backstage when he hears a low whistle come from a corner near some tour crates. When he looks he double takes because surely he must be dreaming. Surely his eyes must be playing tricks on him as he sees his amore slowly emerge from behind a box wearing that little half-smile you sport when getting up to mischief. Before he even realizes he’s doing it he’s running over to you - damn his sore muscles in need of a long shower - and into your open arms.
“Surprised?” you ask as you throw your arms around his neck. 
Immediately he buries his nose into your loose hair and a shudder rips through him as he’s enveloped in your scent. His hands roam your back, sliding down further to cup your ass and pull you into him.
“Mmm insatiable as always,” you mutter into his shoulder, pulling away just enough to look him in the eyes. The adrenaline of the evening matched with the way you’re gazing at him makes his cock stir. Your lips twitch upwards and eyebrow arches.
“Amore,” he growls, grinding against your belly, “Come to my dressing room so we can–”
“What’s wrong with right here?” you ask innocently, gesturing to the empty nook stacked with gear boxes. “I came such a long way for you, I simply can’t waste another moment.”
When you begin to lower yourself to your knees, his head tips back in a groan. Cazzo, he missed this. When he reopens his eyes he spots something in the darkness further behind you - a slender form in black and a flash of a silver mask.
He should tell you, should grab you by the shoulders and scurry away with you somewhere more private but he thinks about that day months ago when you said you wanted to be watched. Copia’s head jerks in a nod in the ghoul’s direction and he sees his mouth fall open in a pant. You’re massaging the meat of his thighs in your perfect little hands when he looks down at you.
“You’re distracted,” you murmur, blinking up at him, “Guess you haven’t missed me much after all.”
“Dolcezza, no!” Copia breathes, gloved hand stroking your hair, “Come up here and I’ll show you exactly how much I missed you.”
“No, no,” you say airily, and for a horrible moment he thinks he’s seriously hurt your feelings but then you look up and give him a sinister little grin that makes him throb.
“Did they like it?” you ask, trailing your fingertips over his clothed cock.
“L-Like it?”
“The white suit,” you say patiently, dragging your fingernails down his thigh. “How did they look up at you tonight, my love? Were they hungry for you?” 
You lean in to place a chaste kiss to his bulge that almost makes his knees give out.
“Will they go home tonight and fuck themselves to the thought of you?”
When you drag the flat of your tongue across his balls and up his cock he whimpers pathetically.
“I-I don’t know.”
“Hmmm,” you ponder, thumb rubbing the head of him through his pants. There’s a sizable wet stain on them now from where he’s been leaking pre, “I was out there, you know. Watching. Saw the way you thrusted and fell to your knees and grinded on that cane. Saw the way they all panted for you. And you know what I was thinking the whole time, my love?”
He’s breathing heavy through his nose.
“No, a-amore.”
“I was thinking about how much I wanted to do this.”
You lean in and wetly latch onto his balls through the thin fabric and his hand flies to the back of your head. You’re giggling around him and the vibrations make him whimper.
“Fuck, amata mia, yes,” he groans, rocking his hips into your touch. Slowly you drag your tongue along his shaft and even through the material he knows you’re tracing the thick vein. When Copia tilts his head back in a moan, his half-lidded eyes fall on the ghoul in the shadows. Dew is still mostly obscured but even the darkness can’t hide the way his strong hand is sliding along the ridges of his hardened cock. His head is tilted downwards towards you - drinking in the way you look with your thighs splayed in that pretty sundress, your mouth suckling on the head of his Cardinal’s cock. Copia knows he won’t last much longer - not with how worked up he already was from the ritual and with their audience - and he looks down at you adoringly.
“Close, tesoro. Gonna–ah–gonna make me cum in my pants?”
Your lips pull off him for only a moment to give him a wide smile.
“Just like New Year’s Eve. Remember?” You place a hand on his bulge and begin stroking it. “The champagne burning in our veins? The way the curve of your cock felt nudging my clit through those red lace panties you like? How your fingers gripped me hard enough to bruise?”
“Si, si, I remember, I remember, amore,”
“You told me to make a mess of myself. I should have put those panties in your pocket but we already know how you like to steal them yourself, hmm?”
Copia makes a noise somewhere between a gasp and a whine as his cheeks are flooded with red and his hips buck into your touch.
“Dirty old man,” you say with a grin, “Can’t help yourself can you, Cardinal? On stage, in my bed, right now under my hand and mouth–”
He feels the pressure building in his spine as you rub him frantically through his pants.
“--while your ghoul watches us.”
The moan that comes out of him is loud and long, hips rutting against your hand as he cums in ropes and soaks the white fabric. You’re cooing praise at him from your spot on the floor as he takes shuddering breaths. When he looks up, Dewdrop is gone but there’s no mistaking what’s spattered on the floor where he stood. Did you plan this? How could he have known? How could you have known? How–
“Hey,” you say, placing a little kiss to the wet stain on his crotch, “Help me up?”
With a start he bends over and lifts you gently by the elbows until you’re standing and stretching. Overcome with adoration, he grabs you by the back of the head and slots his lips against yours. His ragazza bella. His mistress. His perfect mate.
“So,” you say once you finally manage to pull away from him, “Show me that dressing room?”
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chukys-mouthguard · 2 days
I have a request, Could you do where the reader is Luke's twin sister and they are it is there 21st birthday and Jack and Quinn are there to celebrate with them and Luke and the reader both get really drunk and Jack and Quinn take care of the when they are both drunk and hungover
Also love your fic's read them every time you post
seeing double
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Genre: fluff
Featuring: Hughes brothers x Luke’s twin sister reader
Summary: it’s you and your twin brother luke’s 21st birthday and your brother’s Jack and Quinn have the pleasure of taking care of you both
Note: I’ve never written with the reader being a sister before, so this was new to me, but i think this still turned out cute 🫶🏼
“What time is it??”
You shouted over the music as you frantically searched the room for a phone to check yourself.
“Uhhh, 11:55.”
Your eyes wide as you quickly ran to the back door to look for the boys. Finding them all hanging around the fire pit shotgunning beers.
“Luke Warren Hughes! Get your ass in here and take a shot with me at midnight!”
It was yours and your twin brother Luke’s 21st birthday, well almost, and you were a bit more intoxicated than he was. But you were determined to change that, wanting to be sure that your twin brother was actually letting loose for the night. Luke not being much of a partier, he left that to Jack. But your older brothers were doing their best to get Luke to have more than just 2 beers for once.
The boys came in from the fire pit, joining you and your girl friends around the kitchen island as shots were passed around. Once everyone had a shot you noticed the time was now 11:58, hurrying to get out your toast before the clock struck midnight, finally signaling your birthday.
“Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. So why not get wasted all the time, and have the time of our life!”
The group throwing back the shots in unison, followed by a loud roar of happy birthday. You and Luke taking another shot just the two of you as your friends recorded videos for Snapchat, Jack and Quinn both laughing at the two of you knocking back tequila like it was water.
“There’s no way we make it to breakfast with mom and dad tomorrow.”
“Not a fucking chance!”
The group had settled on flip cup and pong as the two games of choice, which was music to your ears knowing Luke was a secret weapon when drunk.
“Uh oh, it’s the Hughes showdown!!”
Quinn and Jack somehow made a miraculous comeback to face you and Luke in the final round of beer pong.
“Luke, we cannot lose to them! We will never live it down!”
Luke nodded his head through hooded eyes, the tequila shots very much hitting him like a ton of bricks. Noticing him swaying back and forth, you’d realized you were most likely carrying the team this round. Chugging some water you did your best to sober up and be sure to beat your brothers and earn bragging rights.
“It all comes down to this Lukey! Your shot, don’t fuck it up!”
Quinn and Jack teased Luke as he could barely see the cup at the opposite end of the table. Your final shot had missed by a mile, and at this point you were in desperate need of your bed. The tequila rightfully kicking your ass after one too many shots.
Luke cursed as his ball completely missed the table, bouncing off into the other room as Quinn and Jack hugged in celebration. The bragging rights would surely be held over you and Luke’s heads for months.
“Don’t sweat it Lukey boy, you’ll get a shot at revenge one day.”
Jack tapped him on the shoulder as you threw back another shot, hoping the taste of alcohol would make you forget the embarrassing display you put on in that game of pong.
By 2am, you and Luke collectively had enough alcohol for the entire Michigan Hockey Team and you were feeling it. Both of you dozing off on the couch as the party had come to an end.
“Y/n, y/n! Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
“I am in bed.” You groaned at Quinn, not wanting to move as you were very much comfortable on the couch squished next to Luke.
“Jack, can you take Luke? I’ll deal with y/n?”
Jack nodded as both boys picked the two of you up off the couch, Quinn carrying you while Jack simply threw Luke’s arm over his shoulder.
“Fuck Luke, stand up!”
Quinn laughed as Jack practically fell to the floor as Luke was purely dead weight. “Switch me, clearly your off season workouts aren’t cutting it!”
Jack rolled his eyes as he took you in his arms, letting Quinn take over with Luke.
“Jack, put me down.” The tequila now rearing its head as you grew nauseous from the boys carrying you.
“Y/n I’m taking you to bed, hush.”
Trying your best to fight out of Jack’s grip, you only made yourself more sick. Your hand immediately flying to your mouth, signaling to Jack you needed a toilet or a trash can, and fast.
“Shit, y/n don’t you dare!”
Jack sprinted to the bathroom with you in his arms, trying his best not to make the situation worse. Setting you down, he let you have a minute to hopefully settle your stomach, Jack never being good with puking.
“Do you need anything?”
He stood back as he watched you sitting on the floor, eyes closed as you took deep breaths, trying to calm your stomach.
“No, I think I’m-“
Before you could finish you were cut off by your nausea getting the best of you, Jack trying his best to be there for you despite him wanting to run as far away as possible.
“Jack, hold my hair please?”
“What? How?”
“Just grab my fucking hair like a ponytail and hold it back so I don’t puke on it!”
He cautiously made his way to you, grabbing a hold of your hair, standing as far back as he could, doing his best to distract himself from what was going on.
“Jack! Where are you?”
Hearing Quinn struggling carrying Luke down the hall, Jack called out, revealing your location only for Quinn to appear moments later.
“Fuck, I didn’t know you guys were in here….damnit.”
Quinn stopped to catch his breath as Luke groaned against his shoulder. “Quinn, I’m gonna yak.”
Jack sighed as he looked from Luke to you, wondering how he and Quinn got roped into dealing with you two knuckle heads.
“Look, I get you guys are twins, but really? Going as far as to puke together? Can’t you do anything without the other person?”
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smutinlove · 2 days
comic Dick Grayson taking the reader to the Wayne gala as their date when they realize that multiple men are eyeing her, and dick gets all jealous and overprotective and one way or another, he’s kissing down her neck and making out with her in a hallway, and dick keeps his eyes slightly open just to see how some men are watching them make out so he just smirks into the kiss and leads the reader into Bruce’s office where he forces her to stay quiet (AM I INSANE FOR REQUESTING THIS??😭)
No, sweetheart, you are perfectly sane. I love you <3
—Warnings: 18+ content. Fingering, pet names (princess, love, etc.,)
Everyone knows the Wayne Galas are always extravagant, meaning—no matter your gender, you need to dress your best. I mean, it's Bruce Wayne, right? And sometimes it's more fun to attend a gala with a... friend—or better yet, a date.
That date being Dick Grayson, whose arm was wrapped tightly around your waist, he dragged you around with him all night. Why? He knew the looks those "men" were giving you.
I mean, you were gorgeous, that was a fact. (Look it up)
And, well, those men wanted you. They wanted to be the ones holding you and making you laugh. But all they could do was watch, and watching isn't entertaining.
Now, you found yourself standing near a corner while Dick had left to get some lemonade. "Are you alright, miss?" You heard a voice pang from behind you.
You turned around and saw a man dressed in a tuxedo. He adjusted his tie and inched closer to you. "You seem... tired. Would you like to leave? I assure you—my mansion is up to its name."
You held in an obnoxious laugh. "I don't think my boyfriend would like that."
The man chuckled, "Well, your boyfriend isn't here, love. And he doesn't need to know either." He cupped your cheek, making you roll your eyes.
"Don't worry, doll, later, you'll be rolling your eyes for a different reason." You smirked, knowing that Dick was watching your interaction with this man.
Bless the souls of those who dare to even look at Dick Grayson's girl.
"Really now?" He nodded. "What do you say... we get 'outta here?"
"Hands off," you heard from behind you. You grinned. "Sorry, buddy. She's taken." His eyes bore into the man. Dick's hand snacked up to your waist, pulling you close to him.
The man's eyes widened, "Right, of course," he quickly ran off, his face red from embarrassment.
"Trying to rile me up, aren't ya? Silly girl," he whispered into your ear.
You grinned. "Maybe I was trying to make you just a bit mad,"
Next thing you knew, you and Dick were in the hallway, his hands tracing the fabric of your dress. He left small trails of kisses down your neck, making you gasp.
He lifted your chin, his eyes looking deeply into your soul. Dick closed the gap between you, causing fireworks to explode. You wrapped your arms around his neck and closed your eyes.
Little did you know that Dick's eyes weren't. The door to the area of the gala was slightly open. And those men that were eyeing you earlier could only watch and get off with Dick making out with you.
Slowly, you were being dragged somewhere. An office...
Bruce Wayne's office. This wasn't right. Definitely not.
He closed the door behind him.
"Dick, what're we doing here?" you asked. "My dear, we needed a bit of privacy," Dick said, his hands trailing up to your thighs, gently squeezing them.
As you were about to utter another word, he clamped his hand on your mouth and whispered, "Don't, love. We don't want anyone to hear us, right?" You nodded, falling right into his trap. (wtf)
His hands went back to your thighs, moving further up, causing you to let out a small moan. "Keep quiet, baby, don't wanna get caught now do we? I mean, we are in Bruce's office." Dick chuckled.
You whined. It was unfair of Dick. You wanted each other badly and now he was asking you to be quiet.
He pushed your panties to the side and began to gently twist and pinch your clit.
Fuck," you groaned, his hand still clamped onto your mouth. "That's not very lady-like, princess," he taunted, pushing his fingers inside you.
Dick curled his fingers, hitting that spot which made you squirm.
"I know, sweetheart. So fucking wet," Dick's mouth latched onto your nipple. His free hand went up and unclipped the front part of your dress, letting your breast free.
He continued to push his fingers deeper inside you. Your moans and pants were muffled by his hand. "You're close, aren't ya? I can feel you, baby. Squeezing my fingers."
"Keep quiet, love. Don't want anyone finding out that my fingers are deep inside you now do we? Now that'd be a scandal." he teased.
Your body was shaking from pleasure. "Come on, princess. Let go for me."
And you did. Your legs were shaking, and you were seeing stars. Dick's eyes lit up with joy as he watched his girl ride out her orgasm.
"That's it, sweet girl," he cooed. He slipped his fingers out and into his mouth, sucking your cum off. "Delicious," he purred, making your core tighten.
"On the desk," Dick demanded, pointing his finger towards Bruce's desk.
You obliged and sat on the desk. You were a sight to see. He lifted your chin, "God, you're so fucking perfect. You're my girl, all mine." Dick whispered into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
And now suddenly you knew why he wasn't given a nickname such as "rich," "rick," or any other basic white-boy nickname.
He was Dick Grayson.
And it's safe to say that he ISN'T done with you.
giggling while writing this omg omg
dick is so hot. ugh, he's just so perfect. like omg those abs... and that ASS. im about to start calling him "daddy dick". sorry.
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bluestdai · 1 day
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✦ toys and a doll
noah just wants to play with you and turn you into a muted doll before he fucks you with his cock..
you're on your bed, laying on your back, fully naked. you have no idea what he wants to do, all you know is that he told you to strip, get on the bed and wait for him; and you've been waiting, for a long time now.. staring at the ceiling is driving you crazy cause your brain won't and can't stop thinking about what exactly noah is planning on doing.
"you're ready for me?" he walks to the room with a little smile
"i've been ready for a while now" you sound like you're mad at him for making you wait so long and well, you kinda are.
"be careful there, it's not a good time to act so bratty right now" he says as he walks towards you, holding a box.
"what is that?" this is the first time you're seeing this box.
"we're gonna do something different tonight, i think you'll like it" he runs his hands on your thighs, "now give me your pretty hands, " a few seconds you're in the happy baby pose, your wrists and ankles are tied together -with the rope he got from his box- and your thighs are wide open.
"what are we doing?" you ask noah, you feel like you have a hint of what's about to happen but you're not sure really.
"we're gonna have fun and you're gonna be a good girl for me, okay?" he asks as he runs a finger on your exposed core, you clench your muscles but your legs are so far apart that it doesn't feel like you did anything. you nod yes and watch him open his box. he takes out a few vibrators in different sizes and shapes, a plug and a few other things that you can't see clearly cause he's blocking your view.
"we're gonna use those?" you ask.
"i am.. you just lay there and be my good little doll, no need to do anything. i want to see how good you can be for me" your core gets warmer with every word he speaks. he turns to you and brings a few of those stuff and throws them on the bed.
"look at that, a little impatient aren't you?" he touches your cunt that is now throbbing and plays with your entrance that is leaking.
noah picks one of the smaller vibrators, puts it on medium strength and slowly slids it inside your cunt, you moan the second you feel the vibration on yourself. "right there" he says when he pushes it deep inside you and your cunt swallows the toy, "you're just perfect".
then picks up the plug, puts lube on it and fills your ass with it. you whine as it enters your body, you try to relax your muscles but being tied like this doesn't let you do that.
"you're doing great, relax for me" he caress your inner thighs.
a ball gag is the next things he picks up and puts in your mouth, "god, you look beautiful" he says after fastening the gag around your jaw.
he sits on the bed in front of you and gently caresses your thighs, you're still feeling the vibrator inside you and with every touch you moan involuntary.
noah spits on your cunt and spreads his saliva with his fingers on you, circling your clit and shoving the vibrator deeper inside you with his thumb makes you whine louder and when he stops touching you, you whimper in protest.
"look at you, all of your holes are full. not even one left for my cock and you want more??" he says as he pinches your clit, "this isn't enough? you want more? needy sooo needy" he continues playing with you to get more whines out of you.
"i'll give you more don't worry" he takes out his dick and strokes it a few times, spits on your core again and starts rubbing it with his tip. the warmness of his tip feels so comforting. but he's not planning on comforting you tonight, he picks another vibrator off the bed, puts it on max speed and presses on your swollen clit, you whine and feel like you can't stop. "you sound like a lost puppy, so pretty" he presses the vibrator on your clit even harder.
he rubs his cock on your inner thighs and feeling the its soft skin on your skin makes you dizzy, you need it inside you more than anything.
"i want to fuck your little holes so bad, i really do, but there's nothing left for me" he says as he stretches your cunt with both thumbs. "you think i'll fit here?" he ask you and you nod yes, the vibrator still on your clit and you can barely control your muscles from shaking so fast, "i think you're forgetting how much i have to stretch you to fit inside, and there's already a toy inside.." he pouts and presses the vibrator harder on your clit when he sees your eyes roll back. your toes curl, your legs shake, your vision goes blurry when you reach your orgasm.
"there she is.. my pretty girl" he caresses your face as the vibrator still vibrates inside you.
"want more?" you cant really answer but you know he's gonna give you more.
he puts two fingers inside your cunt and takes out the vibrator, kisses your cunt a few times and spits on it again and in one move his cock is inside you. you feel his balls clapping on your core with his deep thrusts.
he put the vibrator on your clit again and you start whimpering from the overstimulation, your vision goes blurry but this time because tears are forming, a lot of them.
"do you like this more?" he shouldn't be waiting for an answer when there's tears and drool running down your face.
he unties the ball gag and asks you again, "if you don't like it just tell me" and he pounds into you harder, "you can't talk? aww" he thrusts get faster and faster. he pusher your legs -and hands- further away from eachother to force you to make sounds that you've never made before.
your tears won't stop coming and you feel your second orgasm coming, he feels your grip around his cock getting tighter, so he plays takes away the vibrator from your clit, "not before i fill your pretty cunt"
he does what he says he's gonna do, filling you up with his load and then spreading it all over your cunt. he puts the vibrator on your clit -that is covered in a layer of his cum now- and shoves a dildo inside your hole again. you cum immediately and keep crying.
"fucked my sweet baby too dumb? don't cry we're done now" he unties you and messages your wrists and ankles.
"you did so good for me" he wipes sway your tears with his thumb, "you know how pretty you look right now?"
you blush at his words, "there's my pretty baby with her pink cheeks" he caresses your flushed cheeks.
"can we rest a little?" you ask him, your spent body feels like it needs to days worth of sleep.
"of course we can baby, we can lay here as long as you like" he kisses your forehead.
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scmg11 · 2 days
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A/N: HELLO HELLOO! How are you guys doing? Missed me?
Enjoy this new chapter ❤️
Sending you love ❤️
Summary: Emily meets Y/N at the well one day and just falls in love for her. When she tries to find her again the next days, it seems like she just disappeared. She was ready to lose hope when one day she finds her in her house to start a job as her new maid with her aunt Maggie. What will happen then?
Warnings: just slightly groping, nothing too much explicit.
Word count: 15380 words.
The sun beamed all over the expanse of the Dickinson’s garden, warming up Emily’s face as she decided to spend her morning outside, leaning on her favorite three and just soaking up in the calmness that was the nature. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back on the tree’s trunk surface to take a few moments of quietness in, smiling widely when she heard a few birds chirping around her, setting a warm and fuzzy feeling in her chest that always put her in a good mood. "Emily!"
The brown haired girl sighed loudly at her moment being ruined and tried to drown the sound away, but she heard it again a few seconds later and inevitably opened her eyes and turned towards the source of the sound coming from her right side, right where her house was, "yes?" Emily had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes when her mother called her name once again, ignoring her answering to her calls and making her sit up and abandon her morning in the nature to go and see whatever she needed from her.
"Emily?! Emily?!" The brown haired girl scoffed under her breath on her way back to her house, she knew her mother had head her when she was leaning on the tree but called her over nonetheless and was keeping calling her despite seeing her walking over her house, "oh Emily, dear, you’re here."
"Yes mom, what did you need? I was enjoying my day out in nature."
"I am sure it can wait, honey. I need you to go fetch water."
"Why can’t Austin or Lavinia do it?"
As if on cue the blonde made her appearance from behind Emily’s mother with what Emily deemed her trademark adorable frown since they were kids, "I did it yesterday and Austin is a man. He can’t do it."
"Right, you would believe he would be perfect for it since men’s are always bragging about themselves being strong, stronger than women, when in fact they are staying all day behind a desk while women do all the physical, exhausting stuff."
"You’re talking nonsense sweetheart." Emily rolled her eyes right in her mother’s face and grabbed the two empty buckets she had in her hands and trudged begrudgingly outside her house to walk towards the well to go fetch water as her mother asked her to.
"Oh no, I’m so sorry! I should’ve watched where I was going! Oh no, your dress is completely drenched, here let me help you." In mere seconds Emily bumped accidentally into a girl carrying four buckets full of water, resulting in one of them spilling over her blu navy dress, but got also got flooded with a multitude of rushed words of regret and of apology, an adorable sight that made Emily forget about her dress being completely drenched in the late summer weather.
"Don’t worry, it’s totally fine. I wasn’t watching where I was going, I had my head elsewhere. So I should be the one apologizing." Emily smiled reassuringly at the distressed girl as she desperately tried to find something to dry Emily’s dress.
"No, no. It was my fault!"
Emily tried to look at the girl’s face but it was completely covered by her hair cascading in front of it as she had her head down in search of a cloth in her small apron’s pocket she had around her hips, "I insist on taking the blame. Hey, please stop worrying. It will dry up eventually, it’s not a big deal."
"No, no. It should be here. I had it here an hour ago!"
"Hey, please. Relax, take a deep breath." Emily tried to calm the girl down and for the first time she seemed to do listen to her, sighing loudly as she took her hands out of her apron’s pocket and lifted her head up slowly.
Emily felt like the world stopped existing for just a moment when her eyes met the girl’s ones, establishing a connection that send a thrill down her spine and that lighted up her whole body, a sensation she had never felt before. "Are you okay?"
Emily took her time to commit to memory every single feature on the girl’s face, from the perfect slope of her nose to the soft bump of her cheekbones, from the gentle but still defined angle of her jaw, to the smooth surface of her chin and finally focusing all her attention on the plumpness of her velvety lips. Emily almost got lost again in the vastness of the girl’s eyes when she met them again that she almost forgot to answer the girl’s question, making her appear a bit dumb in front of her for gawking at her, "yeah, yes. I’m fine. Totally fine. Great. Hm-." Emily cleared her throat to stop herself from embarrassing herself some more continued with a regained composure, "how about you? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am fine. Thank you."
"Good, I’m glad to hear that." Emily smiled gently at the girl before shaking her head as if she was the dumbest person on earth, "I’m Emily by the way."
"Y/N." The girl smiled gently at the poet while putting a strand of hair that fell in front of her face behind her ear, a gesture that made Emily’s brain melt as she took in the girl’s beauty.
"Y/N." Emily repeated, testing the girl’s name out, feeling a warmth spreading throughout her entire body as the name rolled over her tongue. "I like it. Y/N. It’s a really pretty name."
"Thank you. Emily is a great name too."
"Yeah, it has a Latin origin, it-."
"It’s a Roman name. It means laborious and eager among other things." Y/N interjected the brunette before she could speak and Emily had never felt so infatuated by someone in so little time.
"Yeah, how do you know that?"
"I like reading a lot. I do it whenever I can." Emily didn’t know it could have been possibile being interested in someone in so very little time, but she was starting to feel something for this girl, something she had only felt for one person only before.
"I like that too, a lot. What are you reading right now?"
"I just finished reading ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ by Dickens. I liked it. What about you?"
"I am in the middle of reading The Divine Comedy by Dante. I’m halfway through Inferno."
"Oh I liked it a lot even though Purgatorio and Paradiso are just as beautiful. I mean his writing style gets more complex and more refined after each part."
Emily felt like she was floating through a new dimension where only Y/N and her existed, instigating a myriad of new emotions Emily never felt before that mixed with a few ones she only felt for Sue. "Wow, I-. I don’t know what to say. It’s the first time I hear someone talk about Dante’s amazing work without it being repeated from some stupid journalist’s review. No one really care to really read it. Or at least comprehend its real meaning behind his words."
"Because not everyone can see through what’s in front of them. There’s beauty hidden in every single thing we know, creating something new that just awaits to be discovered, studied. Most people just waits for someone else to do it." Y/N reasoned with a shrug, like she just didn’t made Emily fall madly in love with her brain.
"Wow- I- I feel like you had been in my mind and found a way to make it speak for itself. You-."
"Y/N! Are you ready to go?!" The poet got interrupted by a loud voice coming from behind Emily and when she turned around to look at who was yelling, she found a middle-aged woman with blonde hair styled in a perfect, classy bun, a blue dress with an apron on her front similar to Y/N’s one waving at her from the grocery’s shop a few feet from them.
"Sorry, I need to go. It was great talking with you Emily."
Emily felt her stomach drop at the aspect of having to part ways with Y/N, trying to find a way to prolong their time together. As she closed herself in her mind to think she didn’t notice Y/N refilling the bucket she unwillingly spilled over Emily and walked towards the woman, saluting Emily with a small nod. The gesture pulled Emily out of her thoughts and coming up empty-handed with ideas to make Y/N stay with her a bit longer, she could only sigh out loud, resigned but also completely smitten for the Y/H/C girl, before letting out softly, "the pleasure was all mine Y/N."
"Emily, where is the water?"
"What?" Emily got ripped out of her own thoughts full of the mysterious and intriguing Y/N by her mother as soon as she entered her house, her mother stopping her in their small hallway in front of the door and the living rooms before she could run upstairs and let her thoughts flow freely as she wrote a poem or two.
"The water Emily. I sent you fetching water an hour ago. Where is it?"
"Oh shit!" Emily just then noticed she came home empty-handed, she forgot her empty buckets at the well after her encounter with Y/N. "I forgot them at the well!"
"How?! You went there just for fetching water. How did you manage to forget that Emily?"
"I- I gotta go. Later!"
"I don’t have time mom, I need to-." Emily got stopped mid-sentence and in her track towards her house’s door by her mother’s authoritative voice calling her from the living room.
"Emily! Come here, now."
"Mom, I have everything under control. I got distracted and I forgot the buckets there. I will be quick. I will go get them, fetch water and come back here." Emily explained quickly, hoping her mother wouldn’t be so much angry at herself for not doing what she asked her to do and getting ready for her scolding when she sighed out loud, pinched the bridge of her nose angrily and closed her eyes.
"It’s not that Emily. You are always avoiding doing chores, always complaining about them and never doing them in the end. It’s time for you to grow up. You will need to know how to be a proper housewife."
"But mom, I-."
"No buts." Emily’s mother ended their discussion with those final words spoken with authority and nodded at her daughter when she nodded dejected at her not winning this argument. "Since Lavinia is going to get a few groceries from the store and I’m going with her with the carriage, I’m going to go fetch water, while you’ll go into your room and think about what you did."
"Okay, mom. I’m so sorry." Emily’s mother smiled gently at her daughter for apologizing and laid a soft kiss on her forehead before she walked towards the stairs that would led to the first floor where the bedrooms were. She smiled apologetically at her mother once again but before she could go up the stairs and into her room to think and most importantly let her mind flow with writing her poems, she got stopped in her tracks.
"What is happening here?" Emily turned around at the sound of her father’s voice reaching her ears as he made his way into the living room after exiting his office, where he had been holed up the whole morning.
"Edward, your daughter Emily this morning was tasked to go fetch water and after disappearing for more than an hour, she also forgot our buckets at the well. Unbelievable!" Emily hung her head down in shame and closed her eyes to get herself ready for one of her father’s scoldings, not particularly thrilled on having her good mood ruined right now, but she had a feeling it was coming anyway as it was well due after her forgetting their buckets at the well.
"But also hilarious." Emily lifted her head up in shock after hearing her father’s words, not exactly expecting them, and widened her eyes comically. What was actually hilarious to Emily was her mother’s bewildered expression that stretched over her face as she stared in shock at her father. If she wasn’t already walking on thin ice, she would have laughed at her mother’s expression, so she kept quiet and listened to the conversation unfolding in front of her.
"Excuse me, dear, what?!"
"Oh c’mon, Mrs. Dickinson. You have to admit, it’s funny." Emily laughed nervously when her father started laughing loudly while looking at her mother then at her.
"But-." Emily bit on her bottom lip to prevent her smile to widen when her mother tried to reason with her father but he waved her off with a few chuckles still coming out of his lips.
"Oh, come on now Mrs. Dickinson. I know you want to laugh." Edward smiled at his wife and pointed his finger at the blonde woman, not putting it down until she saw a small grin making its way onto the woman’s lips, "ah there it is!"
"Oh dear, always finding a way to laugh! Anyway, I’m going with Lavinia to the grocery store and to retrieve our buckets to fetch water for dinner tonight."
"Great, I’m coming with you girls. I need to go to speak to Ronald about a really important matter I worked on this morning."
"Oh that’s wonderful, dear. Emily, why don’t you make it up to us by starting dinner?" Emily almost let her jaw drop down on the floor at her mother’s request. She knew she wasn’t a great cook, she hated cooking and something always ended up catching fire. But she also knew this was her mother’s way to tell her she wasn’t forgiven for the fetching water fiasco as her father made it sound and as much as she wanted to fight over it, she knew there wasn’t a way out of this. Oh, well it was worth a try.
"Mom, I don’t th-."
"Oh what a wonderful idea Mrs. Dickinson! I can’t wait to taste what you will prepare for us Emily! Let’s go now, we are gonna be late!"
Emily sighed dejected while making her way towards the kitchen to start up dinner and as she tried to not set the whole house on fire, she let her mind fill with the few memories she had of Y/N. She was fascinating, captivating, alluring. She piqued Emily’s interest with just a few words and when Y/N expressed her passion for books, ignited a fire in Emily that had been extinguished since she had broken things off with Sue. Could that mean something? Emily was sure she felt their souls connect in such a raw and deep way she had never experienced before, but would that be enough for Y/N as it was for her? As she started baking the freshly made loaf of bread, a sudden need to know if Y/N felt the same hit her and with a renewed determination she set her mind to try to encounter the Y/H/C girl the next morning.
"Good morning my dear mother." Emily entered the kitchen with a grin so bright they could have used it to light up the whole house at night, arousing suspects from her mother that stared at her warily as she watched her make her way towards her as she prepared their breakfast.
"Emily, good morning to you too. Did something happen that put you in a good mood?"
"Nothing in particular. I just woke up like this today. Do you need help? I still want to make it up to you again for yesterday. Maybe I can go fetch the water again? This time I will bring back the buckets, I promise." Emily tried to be as subtle as she could without making her mother ask the real reasons behind her intentions on wanting to go fetch water, finishing with a joke to sell it better.
"Oh sweety, what a wonderful idea. You can help me with putting everything in the living room. And don’t worry about fetching water, Vinnie already went this morning."
With her heart sinking down in her stomach, she reluctantly grabbed the tray full of their breakfast her mother already prepared to the living room, trudging a bit in her steps as she tried to think of another strategy to meet Y/N again.
"Emily can you please help me with dinner?"
"I can’t mom, I need to write. I don’t have time to help you with dinner or chores."
"Well, I am sure it can wait." Emily snorted under her breath at her mother’s rebuttal as she made her way into her room.
"No mom, it sadly can’t. When words flow out of me I can’t stop them or ask them to wait to help with chores."
"It’s worth a try, isn’t it? I need help Emily, Vinnie is setting the table after cleaning the house, so you’re the one who will help me. C’mon, it will be fun!"
"I’m sure it will, but I really can’t right now. It would be so much easier if we get a housemaid to help you out."
"You are talking nonsense Emily, I am perfectly capable of doing it all by myself and with the help of my daughters everything can be done faster, so now please come down with me and help me out. You will write later." Emily sighed out as she let her pencil fall down on her desk, the soft clinking sound of the pencil hitting the wooden surface of her desk calmed Emily just a little, making a quick grin appear on her lips before a small frown took its place. The poet sat up slowly from her desk, placing both of her hands on it to slowly stand up, the screeching sound of the chair moving back filling the sudden silent room as her mother watched her movements with rapt attention.
"I will help you for just a bit, but I can’t take too long on helping you with chores because I’m really trying to finish a poem."
"That’s the spirit! C’mon honey, I will show you how to make the perfect roasted chicken that will make you the perfect housewife every gentleman would love to marry."
More like gentlewoman. Emily added in her mind and as soon as that thought came into her mind, Y/N appeared right after as she smiled lovingly at her. That instantly made Emily stop in her tracks on the stairs, watching blankly her mother’s back as she descended the stairs and rambled about roasted chicken Emily wasn’t interested in listening at the moment. What made Emily freeze in her spot was the fact that for the first time since she could remember she didn’t imagine marrying Sue. She imagined Y/N. And that thought excited her to no end, instead of scaring her. "Shit." Emily sighed dopily as she smiled with her eyes full of love as another image of Y/N waving at her entered her mind.
"Emily, hurry up!" Emily let her dumb smile linger a few more seconds on her features before shaking her head and resuming her way down the stairs to join her mother in the kitchen and help her with their dinner.
"We should hire a maid to help mom out in the house."
"We should hire a maid to help mom out in the house."
"I heard you the first time dear, I was just shocked by the request." Edward smiled gently at her daughter repeating herself before going back to being serious as he regarded her with a curious look in his features. "Why should we hire a maid? Your mother is perfectly capable of doing a good job here."
"Ah- a great job dear! I told you this earlier Emily. We don’t need a maid."
"But it would be so much easier for you. For all of us! She would help mom with chores so she doesn’t tire herself out every single day. And she would do a lot of things mom asks me or Vinnie to do. C’mon dad, think about it!"
"Edward you are not seriously considering it, aren’t you?"
"Honey, she is not completely wrong. She would help you out, you know I hate how much tired you are at the end of the day."
They kept discussing it for a few more minutes as they enjoyed their dinner but when the dessert came, her mother served it in an unsettling silence so they moved onto a new subject Emily wasn’t interested in listening. As she ate her dessert she couldn’t help but let her eyes linger on her mother a few times and observed her as she stayed quiet for the rest of the dinner with a sad expression on her features. Despite her mother not taking assuming a maid to help her too well, Emily was sure she will come around eventually. Emily knew she was asking to hire a maid to have more time to write but she also really wanted her to help her mother and ease her load of work to do in the house.
"Good morning dear family."
"Good morning to you too Edward." Emily’s mother smiled widely at her husband as she finished serving everybody’s breakfast before her grin got ten times wider and brighter when Edward leaned over and kissed her gently.
"Hm, I can smell so many delicious things today." Emily watched as her father sat down in his chair and brought up his newspaper to read the news, his smile never dampening.
"I can see you are in a good mood this morning, dear."
"Because I am."
"I’m glad to hear that, honey."
"How is my family doing this morning?" Edward brought his newspaper down after reading a few paragraphs of the first news and took a sip of his tea, then moving onto taking a bite of her wife’s famous scones, humming in satisfaction at the taste.
"I am good dad, I just finished reading an article about financial management that I found pretty interesting." Austin was the first to speak up after taking a sip of his own tea, smiling at his father as he did so when he nodded at him in understanding.
"And what about my girls?"
"Last night I finished sewing a pillow for my cat, he loves it!" Lavinia announced with a bright grin, her enthusiasm filling the room as everyone at the table smiled at the ecstatic blonde.
"I finished a few poems I was working on."
"That’s great guys, I see everyone is proud of their achievements! But now let’s move on why I am in a good mood today. There is a reason and that said reason is- after considering it for the last few days, I decided that we will hire a maid to help in the house!"
"What?!" Everyone exclaimed at the table at the same time with excited tones, except for Mrs. Dickinson, who looked at her husband like he went completely nuts.
"Yeah!" Edward smiled alongside his son and daughters, not noticing her wife’s expression yet, "I thought about it and in the end it was a really great idea Emily!"
"I’m so happy to hear that dad!"
"Honey, why are you doing this?" Mrs. Dickinson finally found her voice to speak up and asked in a strained tone the first thing that came up in her hazed mind still shocked from the news Edward delivered.
"Oh dear, it will be good for the house and for you. You tire yourself up too much for this house."
"But- I’m fine."
"I know you want to make it look like it, but I know some days are really stressful. I see how spent you are after those days at night. I’m doing this for you too!" Edward explained calmly as he enjoyed his breakfast, his good mood still on.
"Yeah, I can be a little tired, but a great night of sleep sweeps it all away and restores my energy back."
"I am sure of that, but it will good! We can do more small trips or spend days differently when I am not working and you’re not thinking about doing any kind of chore in the house."
"Yeah, mom, it will be good for everyone here, you’ll see!" Austin butted in with a cheerful tone and nodded at her mother still looking worried and skeptic.
"Yeah mom, you can finally focus on yourself a bit more." Lavinia then decided to add her thoughts too, trying to encourage her mother on relaxing on this topic, although she knew it was a sore spot since she always aspired to be a great housewife and having a maid restrained her from doing that in her mind.
"Mom, think about it, you can find a new hobby with the extra free time you will have!" It was Emily this time that spoke up, encouraging her mother with a brighter-than-the-sun grin that unfortunately her mother didn’t reciprocate as she stayed frozen in her chair with her eyebrows furrowed together and a sad expression on her features.
"See? The kids have all good points!" Edward looked at his wife with a wide grin, nodding at her encouragingly, "anyway, the decision is already made. They are coming here tonight."
"They?" Emily wanted to snort under her breath at the outraged tone her mother used to pose the question to her father, but decided to stay still for once and enjoy the show in front of her.
"Yeah, two of them. One of my dearest friends is moving to Minnesota and he doesn’t need his maids anymore since he won’t take them with him, so they are coming here. He told me they are the best maids in Amherst. An Irish woman and her niece."
"That’s so exciting!" Lavinia exclaimed as she clapped her hands enthusiastically, making Emily and Austin smile fondly at her.
"Ah, good evening! Come inside please!"
"Good evening Mr. Dickinson." Emily could hear from downstairs his father greeting guests at the door but she shrugged and went back to her poem, but for some reason her attention shifted back to the new guests in their house and after a few more attempt of focusing to write a few more lines in vain, the poet gave up and sighed out loud as she placed everything in her small drawer in her desk, before sitting up from the chair and making her way downstairs to greet their guests.
"We’re so happy to have you here!"
"The pleasure is all ours Mr. Dickinson." An Irish accent waved through the air, increasing Emily’s curiosity and made her almost sprint down the stairs to go see the new maids as soon as she realized who their guests were.
"Oh Lavinia, come here. They are our new maids."
"Nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you Miss Dickinson." Something like a familiar voice reached Emily’s ears as she descended the last few steps and almost fell down of them when she got at the top of the last set of stairs and her eyes met with a pair of wonderful, familiar irises.
"The pleasure is all mine, trust me!"
"Ah, Emily! You are here too. They are our new maids."
"Oh hello Miss Dickinson."
"Good evening Miss Dickinson."
"H-hello. Just call me Emily, please." The poet found the strength to descend the last few steps and even talk coherently before walking slowly towards the two new guests in her house, stopping right beside her father.
"You will meet my son soon. He is coming here with his wife tonight. And about my wife, I really don’t know where she is." Edward joked, making the two guests laugh softly under their breath, clear, wide smiles etched on their lips. "Anyway, they are Mrs. Maggie and Miss Y/N."
"It’s a real pleasure meeting you both." Lavinia butted in sincerely and nodded at them softly, meanwhile Emily still tried to properly kickstart her brain.
"It’s a pleasure for me too. I hope you will enjoy staying here."
"Oh Miss Dickinson, I am sure it will be amazing staying here." Maggie countered back with a warm grin, mirrored by Y/N right after with a small nod of her head.
"Alright, girls would you mind showing them around?"
"I need to finish a few things for my art lesson tomorrow." Lavinia admitted dejectedly and the fact that she could potentially be alone with Y/N again thrilled Emily to no end.
"I can show them around the house, no problem Vinnie. Dad we will see you later."
"Okay, have fun!" Emily smiled and nodded at her father before dorkily lifting her thumb up and saluted him before signaling Y/N and Maggie to follow her in the kitchen.
"Alright, this is the kitchen. A place my mom likes to call her kingdom." Emily joked with a soft snort that morphed into a squeal when her mother appeared out of nowhere.
"That’s right dear."
"Mom! You scared our guests!"
"I think you were the most scared here, honey." Emily rolled her eyes at her mother’s teasing and shook her head with an amused smile.
"Mom, they are Y/N and Maggie. Our new maids."
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Dickinson." Y/N was the first to speak up, trying to look cool when inside she was freaking out about meeting Emily again. She thought she would’ve never encountered her again.
"It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Dickinson."
"You are so young Maggie." Emily smiled subtly as she sunk her teeth on her bottom lip to prevent to be caught laughing about her mother being so caught up in being mad for having maids in their house that she didn’t even pay attention remember their names, since she called Y/N Maggie.
"Mom, she is Y/N. She is Maggie." Emily emphasized the word ‘she’ as she pointed to the redhead and noticed, to her surprise, that both of their guests had amusement on their faces.
"Oh sorry, I have a terrible headache and I do not have my usual laser focused attention on anything today." Emily’s mother tried to cover up her mistake with a made up lie and laughed softly to light the air up quickly.
"Ah you should see me with an headache, I don’t even walk straight. I bump into things all the time." The redhead joked before moving on telling Emily’s mother an old Irish remedy for headache.
After a delicious dinner her mother prepared Y/N and Maggie disappeared into the kitchen to clean everything up, despite her mother’s protests, who in the end stayed still in her loveseat in the living room. The whole family stayed about an half an hour to chat, before everyone called it a night, saying goodbye to Sue and Austin, before going upstairs to sleep. Emily stayed in the living room a little bit more to pretend to read, staring at the words written on her book, as she waited for the perfect moment to ‘casually bump’ into Y/N before she could go to sleep in her room. Luckily she didn’t have to wait too long. "Go to bed aunt Maggie. We are almost done. I can finish the last touches myself."
"Are you sure?" Emily could hear the hesitation in Maggie’s tone, not wanting her niece to finish alone, but she could already picture Y/N protest with a resolute nod despite not knowing the girl at all except for a few details they shared a few days prior.
"I am sure auntie. Go. I will finish this up quickly and I will go to sleep too."
"Okay munchkin. Don’t wear yourself out. We have to wake up early tomorrow for breakfast."
"I won’t. Goodnight auntie."
"Goodnight Y/N/N." Emily immediately moved herself from her position on the loveseat as she was leaning over to take a small peak from the kitchen and eavesdrop as good as she could and pretended to casually read before Maggie could catch her. "Oh Miss Dickinson, still up?"
"Oh hey, Maggie. Yeah, I couldn’t sleep so I decided to read for a bit hoping sleep to find me."
"Ah, you should try the concoction my uncle used to make me when I couldn’t sleep. It was disgusting but it always made me sleep like a baby." Maggie delivered another one of her great and funny anecdotes to give her personal advice and Emily smiled kindly up at her as she caressed the pages of her book.
"One of these days you could make me some and we will see if it works for me too!"
"Alright. Goodnight Miss Dickinson."
"Goodnight Maggie." Emily smiled widely at the redhead before watching her walk up the stairs until she disappeared behind the wall. Emily stayed still for a few more seconds, listening for Maggie’s room’s door to close before immediately closing her book and sitting up, placed the book back in its designated place and almost sprinted into the kitchen, excited to finally spend some time alone with Y/N. She had been trying to do that for the whole evening, but she always had something to do with someone always in the way.
"Spying on people is wrong Miss Dickinson." Emily jumped up in fright as she had been caught staring from the threshold of the kitchen Y/N putting the plates they used during their dinner in the cabinet on top of the counter.
"Sorry, I was watching you work."
"Yeah, I noticed it." Emily smiled as her teeth sunk in her bottom lip at Y/N’s sarcastic counter back and walked into the kitchen, stopping right in front of Y/N, the kitchen’s wooden table separating them. The fire in the fireplace was still crackling softly in the silent room, bathing the room with an orange light that highlighted Y/N’s Y/E/C irises and almost made Emily faint at such ethereal beauty.
"Have you finished yet? You must be tired."
"I am, just a bit, but I am almost finished."
"Do you need some help?" Emily asked in hope Y/N would say yes, so she could prove to her she wasn’t the snotty rich girl that didn’t want to help in her house with chores. She didn’t exactly know why, but she just wanted to do it.
"No don’t worry. Aren’t you tired?"
"Not at all, I tend to have a lot of energy at night."
"Oh so you sleep during the day?"
"Not really. I am not a morning person, but I don’t oversleep."
"Oh I see." Emily detected a sarcastic lilt in Y/N’s tone and immediately wanted to prove to Y/N she wasn’t a lazy person.
"I swear I am not! Do you remember when we met a few days ago? It was around 7 a.m.! That was early in the morning!"
"Yeah, but I also remember that after that you forgot your buckets at the well." Y/N teased making Emily drop her jaw on the floor flabbergasted, making Y/N snort under her breath.
"I-I was distracted! I wanted to get them back but my mother prevented me to and did it herself."
"Yeah, I saw her." Y/N still had an amused grin on her lips but Emily could see the entertainment in her eyes that made Emily realize she was just messing with her and for a mysterious reason Emily wanted her to keep going, she wanted to be the subject of her teasing and entertainment just to see her smile.
"I tried to find you again at the well the next few days but I never did."
"Yeah, I was busy in the house helping Mr. Peterson with packing all his family’s stuff for their moving."
"Oh, yeah. That makes sense." Emily nodded in understanding before detaching her eyes from Y/N’s magnetic ones and focused instead on her wringing hands.
"Did you finish Dante’s Divina Commedia?"
"Yeah, last night actually. This morning I tried to find something new to start but nothing piqued my interest." Emily admitted after moving her gaze back on Y/N, who now placed the cloth she had previously in her hands neatly folded on the table.
"Ah I see. It happens to me all the time."
"Do you have some recommendations?"
"Hm, I need to think about it. I am a little bit tired and I can’t actually think about anything worth your while right now." Y/N chuckled after finishing speaking as she shyly made her way towards Emily, who stood a few feet from her.
"Oh then I won’t keep you away from sleeping."
"No, no. Don’t worry. I like talking to you but for now, as late as it is, I would like to keep our conversation as simple as possible."
"That’s fine by me."
"Do you want to stay here or-."
Emily didn’t let Y/N finish as she spoke up without thinking, blurting words out without any control, "we can go up to my room."
Y/N seemed taken aback for a few quick moments before a mischievous grin replaced the confused frown she had on, "oh I see where this is going."
"What-? OH! NO, NO, NO, NO! Y/N!" Emily exclaimed in shock before slapping Y/N’s shoulder gently, watching as she snickered under her breath at her joke.
"What?! It was a legit reaction from me!"
"I am not trying to seduce you!" But I would like to. Emily thought wistfully in her head as she tried to look as shocked as she felt a few seconds prior instead of looking like a kicked puppy yearning for cuddles.
"That’s not what your words sounded like Miss Dickinson."
"Ugh, you are unbelievable!"
"Let’s go now." Y/N shook her head with a small chuckle, making Emily’s heart clench at her cuteness.
"I-Okay. But it’s not done!"
"Whatever, now let’s go!"
"Okay, okay. Relax." The two made their way up the stairs as quietly as they could since everyone was already asleep and as soon as Emily closed the door behind herself, she felt butterflies fly around her stomach in excitement. She was with Y/N, in her bedroom, alone.
"Nice room." Y/N admitted as she took Emily’s bedroom in, walking around the small room to try to take in as much details about Emily as she could in the softly lit room.
"Thank you. You can sit on my bed, you are tired. I will take the chair."
"I can’t sit down Emily. I am your maid."
"I don’t care."
"I am serious Emily. It won’t be a problem-." Emily stopped Y/N mid-sentence by walking towards her and stopping right in front of her before placing her hands on her shoulders and pushing her gently backwards until the back of her knees touched her mattress, then she pushed her down and made her sit on the bed.
"There, it wasn’t so bad, was it?" Emily smirked proudly down at a shocked Y/N and following the bold thrill she had been hit on, she sat right beside Y/N and bumped their shoulders together.
"You are always so full of surprises Miss Dickinson." Y/N admitted and Emily called herself crazy because she saw Y/N blush slightly under the soft light coming from the fireplace. It must be her infatuated mind playing her games.
"It’s something you need to get used to from now on."
"Hm, I like it though."
"I’m glad to hear that." For a moment they just stood there, sat in silence in Emily’s room, gazing into each other’s eyes as small smiles adorned their features.
"I noticed all those small scraps of paper on your desk, what are those for?"
"Oh I write my poems on them. I am actually working on a poem right now."
"Are you serious?"
"Very." Emily nodded and smiled as she pushed her chest up proudly, "do you want to read a few things I’ve written?"
"Oh yeah! Absolutely!"
"Okay then." Emily sat up from her bed and walked towards her desk, opened the small drawer and grabbed a few poems she was sure Y/N would’ve liked, of course she didn’t grab the few ones she wrote about her.
"Wow, there are so many!"
"Yeah!" Emily smiled brightly like a kid on Christmas Day, just like every time she talked about her poems, and watching Y/N’s eyes fill with excitement warmed her heart.
"I can’t wait to read them!"
"Okay, which one do you want to start with?"
"I don’t know, you are the poet. You should tell me."
"I- I don’t actually know! Let me think- I want you to start with-." Emily trailed off to pick one out of the five ones she brought to Y/N as she sat back down on the bed, "this one, but then I also want you to read this one first." Emily pointed to another poem with her pointer finger as she held the previous poem she choose in her hand and smiled sheepishly at Y/N.
"Okay, let’s try with this. What is the poem you are the most proud of. Don’t think too much. Just point at it."
"Okay, hm- this one then."
"Alright." Y/N grabbed the poem Emily gave her and opened the small folded up paper, reading the words written in Emily’s elegant but a bit messy handwriting. The edges of the paper were a little bit dirty with ink but it only made the poem ten times better, full of raw emotions and vulnerability.
"What do you think?" Emily asked anxiously after a few minutes passed by and Y/N haven’t opened her mouth yet, her Y/E/C irises glued on the small piece of paper and her face completely blank, making reading her face a really difficult task for the poet.
"I-I-. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read, Emily. It’s so raw, so real. It opened my mind to new possibilities, it made my eyes see the world from another point of view. It felt like I was in your mind and I could see the world how you see it."
"Do you think so?"
"Absolutely!" Emily felt tears prickle behind her eyes at Y/N’s words, something really rare despite how emotional Emily was about her poems. She was very proud of them and when people complimented them it only helps to boost her self-esteem but it never happened that just a few words made her almost cry. Y/N was really special.
"Thank you. Truly." Emily smiled appreciatively at Y/N as she tried with all her might to not cry in front of Y/N. "No one ever complimented my poems that way."
"Well people are dumb and stupid. You are an amazing writer and your poems will change lives." Emily smiled bittersweetly at that as she picked at a thumbnail nervously. Those words. She recalled them being said by Sue.
"Yeah, I already heard that. Someone already told me."
"And why do you not believe in them?"
"It’s not that I don’t believe in them." Emily started slowly, swallowing the small lump that immediately formed in her throat as her mind filled with memories of Sue, of all the great time she spent with her, of how much she cared for her. "It’s just that- the person that told me that doesn’t tell me those words anymore."
"Why? Did they change their minds?"
"No absolutely not. We just- grew apart I think. She has a new life now. I’m not a part of it anymore."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Y/N asked in a soft voice, leaning her head to the side, in a cute manner Emily noted, and looking at Emily with a gentle gaze as soon as she noticed the poet’s sad expression on her features.
"Not right now. I will, I trust you. I just- I don’t want to ruin the mood or like- annoy you."
"You won’t ever annoy me Emily Dickinson. You have such a way with words that you make listening to you alluring." Emily felt her eyes prickle slightly with unshed tears again as she listened to Y/N’s words and smiled appreciatively at her.
"I- I don’t know what to say. I-thank you."
"You don’t need to thank me Emily. I mean that. I hope you know I am sincere."
"I know, I can sense it from your voice and your eyes." Emily pointed her words out with her brown eyes as she glued them to Y/N’s Y/E/C irises, noticing Y/N swallowing almost imperceptibly at the bold gesture but decided to not comment on it.
"You know-." Y/N started after a few moments of them just staring into each other eyes, both feeling the air around them charge with an unknown electricity but not dwelling or thinking about it too much, but got cut off by a big yawn. She promptly covered her mouth with her hand before placing it back on her lap and smiling embarrassedly at Emily with a small blush on her cheeks, "sorry, I am a bit tired."
"Don’t apologize. I should be the one apologizing for keeping you up this late at night after the busy day you had. Not to mention the busy early day you will have tomorrow. Shit, I am so sorry." Emily grimaced after she realized she had been keeping Y/N from her well-needed sleep, but Y/N, the cute self she is, only shook her head gently.
"No, no, no, Emily. It’s fine. I wanted to spend some time with you too."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." Y/N smiled widely at Emily before starting to get up from her bed, "well, I should go to sleep now. I need to be up at 6 a.m. to start preparing breakfast."
"Do you need some help with that tomorrow morning?"
"Another one of these questions. Hm, are you sure you really needed a maid? You seem to want to do all these chores by yourself." Y/N questioned with a mocking tone as a small, entertained smirk appeared on her lips, mirth clear in her Y/E/C irises as they eyed Emily teasingly.
"I just-." Emily trailed off to ponder her options. She could easily lie about her real intentions behind her question or she could be bold for once and actually tell she just want to spend as much time as she could with Y/N to get to know her. She decided to be bold for once. She was tired not listening to her heart’s desires. "I like your company and I really want to spend more time with you."
"Oh Emily, we will spend more time together, I promise. My aunt Maggie established a few shifts between us. I have an early morning but I work till 6 p.m., then I’m done for the day. We can do something together after dinner like tonight." Y/N suggested as she idly played with her fingers, anticipation filling her whole body as she waited for Emily’s reaction to her suggestion.
"That would be great!" Emily exclaimed excitedly and had to really stop herself from jumping up and down in happiness at the prospect of spending more time with Y/N, just sticking on grinning widely at Y/N, who did the same.
"Okay then. Goodnight." Y/N nodded towards Emily and turned around to open the door, before turning her head back around to look at Emily once again, waiting her answer.
"Goodnight Y/N. Sleep well."
"You too."
Y/N opened the door completely and exited the room, smiled at Emily one more time before closing the door, sauntering into her room, across from her aunt’s one. As soon as the door closed, Emily sighed out dreamily and let herself fall on her mattress with a dopey smile on her lips, the soft thud filling the silence in the room. "Y/N." She whispered under her breath before closing her eyes and let her mind be filled with images of Y/N as she let sleep take over her.
"Good morning!" Emily exclaimed as soon as she entered the living room, her face illuminated by a big grin that lighted up the whole room, making her whole family, already seated at the table, look at her curiously.
"Someone is in a great mood today." Edward pointed out after he pushed his newspaper down and took a look at her daughter.
"I just slept good, that’s all."
"You are right on time honey, I was just telling your father that Austin and Sue will join us for dinner tonight again." Emily spit the sip of tea she was drinking at the news, not noticing the small snort that left Y/N’s mouth as she served the poet her breakfast, luckily only Emily heard that.
"Isn’t it amazing? It’s been too long since they had been here with us. They are so busy with their sophisticated parties these days. It’s a rare occasion having them joining us for two nights in a row."
"Parties I am paying." Edward pointed out making Emily grunt in acknowledgement. She was avoiding Sue at all costs and she was glad the night prior they were all busy chatting, it made avoiding Sue easier.
"Parties we are not invited to. Em you are Sue’s best friend, why don’t you ask her to invite us?" Lavinia lamented with a whining tone, pushing gently on her sister’s shoulder but then crossing her arms stubbornly when Emily just gently shook her head.
"She has new friends now. She is not interested in hanging out with us anymore." Y/N couldn’t help but notice the bittersweet tone Emily used as she addressed her sister’s question and the sad expression that flitted over her features for just over a second before it got covered by a calculated blank expression, but she couldn’t dwell on it too much as she kept serving breakfast to the Dickinson family, so she made a mental note to ask Emily about it that night.
"Speaking of friends, Emily!" Emily’s mother caught the poet’s attention and continued only when she met her eyes, "I met George this morning at the grocery store. He is such a nice guy."
"I know where this is going mom. I’m not going to marry him. He is a great friend. That’s all." Y/N missed Emily’s mother counter back and she didn’t hear the rest of the conversation going between Emily and her mother as she returned to the kitchen to tidy up the kitchen a bit before starting up lunch, not having the time to notice her stomach jumping up in happiness at Emily refusing to marry her friend.
"Are you sure? I can help you with all this mess."
"Oh don’t worry Y/N/N, go get some rest. You had a very stressful day. It’s my turn now." Maggie assured her niece, waving her off as she tidied up the kitchen after the Dickinson’s dinner. "No, don’t try to convince me. Go!"
"Thank you. Goodnight."
Y/N exited the kitchen to go up the stairs and to her room, but unfortunately she had to pass by the living room where the Dickinson family was still chatting after their dinner. Y/N sighed out of relief when no one seemed to notice her presence and kept minding their business and continued her quiet way up the stairs, a little bit sad that she probably won’t spend some time with Emily like they planned. Despite good mood being slightly dampened by hers and Emily’s plans ruined, when she arrived at her door she sighed out wistfully at the mere thought of finally getting rid of her devilish corset and lay on bed, but before she could open the door a hand touched her shoulder and squealed in fright. "Shit- Emily!"
"Sorry, sorry! I thought you heard me." Emily reasoned with an apologetic grimace, warming Y/N’s heart at the cute sight when she turned around and was met with puppy dog eyes.
"No, I was just thinking about getting rid of my corset."
"Oh I know the feeling. Looking forward on breathing normally again, hm?" Emily joked, making Y/N snort softly as she nodded in agreement with the poet.
"You have no idea."
"I have actually, because I need to get rid of my corset too. I can’t stand having it on me for one more second. Do you mind if I change in my night gown and then we can hang out?"
Y/N looked a bit taken aback from the question, not really expecting it from the brunette, "don’t you have your entire family downstairs?"
"Yeah, but they will be fine. I spent enough quality time with them, now it’s time to spend some quality time with you." Emily admitted with the slightest rosy tint on her cheeks and for once she was grateful for the lightly lit hallway so she can hide it from Y/N, who didn’t seem to notice Emily’s shy behavior.
"You make me feel too special Emily. Choosing me over your family, wow- that’s flattering." Y/N felt the need to half joke with her hand on her heart as she tried to not show how much touched she was by Emily’s words, since she only met the poet a few days prior and she was her maid.
"Get used to it! Now let’s go, I’ll help you with your corset then you’ll help me with mine."
"Hm, so eager to see me naked. Are you trying to seduce me Miss Dickinson?" Emily felt her face heat up in a millisecond at the question, not sure this time she could hide it from Y/N, her heart skipping a beat before starting beating fast in her chest as her mind filled with completely not innocent images of a naked Y/N on h-. "Emily? Are you okay?"
"Oh- I- I was-wasn’t. I was just trying to help, y’know since corsets are so difficult to take off. I always ask Lavinia to help me because I can’t reach the strings behind me, but she is busy right now so sh-."
"Emily, it’s okay. I was kidding, relax." Y/N giggled softly under her breath and bumped her left shoulder with Emily’s one to help the girl calm down, effectively stopping her ramblings.
"Oh I- I knew that." Emily laughed awkwardly for a few moments before clearing her throat, "should we, I don’t know go in your room or-?"
"Oh yes, let’s go, so I can help you undress." The last part of Y/N’s phrase sent Emily’s brain out of control as it replayed those words over and over again and each time it only helped melting her brain into mush as far from innocent images filed in.
"O-okay, let’s go." Y/N nodded and opened her bedroom door, letting Emily in first then following her, closing the door a moment later to have some privacy.
"How was dinner?" Y/N asked as she tried to look as nonchalant as she could despite having a really pretty girl in her bedroom about to undress her. Okay that totally sounded really dirty and out of context it could sound like what it actually sounded like, but we all know the truth, right?
"It was good. I liked your special bread recipe, you need to teach me how to make it."
"Oh yeah, it’s actually aunt Maggie’s recipe, but I added a little bit of raisins to enhance its flavor."
"They definitely do their work because it was the best bread I’ve ever tasted. Do not tell my mother that." Emily was quick to whisper the last part with the hand on the left side of her mouth, making Y/N laugh heartily at her goofiness.
"Noted." Y/N nodded as she still smiled widely at Emily, before starting playing with her fingers nervously. "Hm-."
"I- I really can’t resist another second in this. Can you please-?" Y/N trailed off, letting the half-finished question hang in the electrified air between them as she stared at everything around the room but at Emily’s magnetic brown irises, moving her hands to signal behind her back to hint at Emily she needed to take off her corset.
"Wha- OH! Your corset. Of course. Yeah. Yeah." Emily nodded as she stumbled over her words, grimacing inwardly at her awkwardness. "Hm- turn around please. I’ll help you out."
"Oh yeah, thank you." Y/N held her breath as she turned around and almost gasped out loud when a pair of slightly cold hands touched the skin of her back.
"Sorry, my hands are a bit cold."
"Don’t worry." Y/N let out in a breath as she tried to calm herself down and not look like she was actually melting under Emily’s touch. After a few moments, Emily succeeded in loosening the strands of Y/N’s corset and the girl visibly relaxed, "letting your corset loose is like- the best feeling ever, right?"
"Yeah, every night I feel like my soul comes back in my body."
"Yeah, they should be banned. Why women need to suffer this much while men wear the comfiest clothes ever created?"
Emily listened to Y/N talking as she focused on her fingers unfastening Y/N’s corset, "that’s what I’m always thinking about. I tried pants once, it was a breakthrough. Never had on something so comfy in my life. Even my night gown isn’t that comfortable."
"Wait- you had the privilege to try pants on?"
"Yeah! Of course my parents don’t know that, but yeah."
"Wow, I always imagined trying them! How do they feel?"
"Amazing! And I even tried a blouse with a vest. No corset on. Even better than having pants on." Emily admitted and watched delighted Y/N’s face illuminate like a Christmas three, full of curiosity and wonder.
"Wow, that sounds amazing." Emily focused on untying the last strand of Y/N’s corset with shaky hands even if she tried to stop her body from shaking with her nerves, the mere thought Y/N was a few beats away from being naked short-circuited her brain. "I always wanted to try men’s clothes on."
"When do you have the whole afternoon free?" Emily asked with excitement shining brightly in her eyes, almost jumping up and down in her spot in anticipation as an idea popped in her mind.
"Thursday. I start at 18 Friday afternoon then."
"Alright, I really hoped it was Thursday afternoon. My parents and Lavinia are going to some kinda spa thing my aunt Lavinia organized, I’m not going because I’m not in the mood to go, even if my mom and Lavinia have been trying to convince me for days. But now that I know we can have almost 24 hours together I’m definitely not going."
"Wait- hold on, are you serious?"
"Yeah, I can even convince them to bring Maggie with them or let her have a few days off. I think they will be back Friday night or maybe Saturday morning, I need to ask them."
"Wow, I don’t know what to say!"
"Well, my dear Y/N get ready for these days all by ourselves." Emily announced excitedly, finding the same amount of excitement she had in her eyes into Y/N’s Y/E/C irises, warming her heart to no end. She was afraid she could come off as too eager to spend some alone time with Y/N, but the Y/H/C girl didn’t seem to mind or she didn’t pay attention to it and it reassured Emily.
"I can’t wait." Y/N exclaimed excitedly before shivering slightly as cold air hit her hot skin, "I should put something on quickly."
"Oh yeah, it’s freezing!"
The two girls stayed looking at each other for a few more seconds before Y/N moved her gaze away to find something to put on, Emily quickly turning around as her cheeks warmed up and her heart beat loudly in her ears. "Okay, we can go now."
"Oh thank God, I seriously need to get rid of this corset as well."
"We better hurry up then." Y/N snickered at Emily’s whiny tone, ushering her out her room.
"Have you ever thought-." Emily stopped in her tracks when, after looking at Y/N for a moment on her way out Y/N’s room, she turned back around to look where she was going to not trip over something and she was met with a pair of familiar eyes.
"Sue." Y/N exited the room right behind Emily and stopped in her tracks too when she was met with Sue’s confused and also a little bit… jealous? - Y/N couldn’t tell - eyes, but she sure she could feel a little bit of electricity palpable in the air, especially when Sue detached her eyes from her and stared Emily down with an hard gaze, silence filling the small hallway for a few long moments.
"I- I hoped we could talk a bit. It’s been a while."
"Oh- can we do it tomorrow? I am a bit tired."
"Oh- oh y-yeah, s-sure. How is it going with your poems?" Sue asked with a bit of a shaky voice, her eyes full of a nostalgic glint that intrigued Y/N to no end.
"It’s going just fine. They are my safe place where I can hide when I need to be away from the world."
"Yeah, I remember. They were the most powerful way for your heart and mind to speak out loud. I miss them." Sue admitted with a nostalgic tilt in her tone that kept fueling Y/N’s curiosity about the strange dynamic that Emily and Sue shared.
"Well you decided you didn’t want them anymore. So it’s a bit hypocritical missing them, don’t you think?"
"I- I- uh, that’s why I wanted to talk to you." Sue started with her voice full of anxiety and anticipation, "it’s been too long and I-."
"You were pretty clear the last time we spoke to each other. If you want to tell me about your amazing parties and your new friends, fine. But if you want to say anything else, you don’t need to worry. There is nothing else to say."
"I-." Sue sighed out loud while her shoulders lost their tension and slumped back in their position, "I guess you are right. I have no right to want to make amends after what I did and said. I just miss my best friend."
"What? Aren’t your new friends enough? This explains your need to always want more."
"I guess I deserved that." Sue hung her head down a few beats before meeting Emily’s eyes again, "I didn’t want this. Us fighting."
"I didn’t want this too. I- listen, we will talk. Tomorrow. Okay?"
"Thank you." Sue went to hug Emily but she stopped in her tracks when she stepped back and shook her head a bit.
"Right. I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."
"Have a good night Mrs. Dickinson." Y/N chimed in for the first time since they bumped into Sue and smiled politely at the girl who looked her up and down before smiling politely too and nodding back.
"Have a good night too-."
"Y/N." Y/N finished for Sue, who trailed off waiting for the Y/E/C girl to help her out.
"Y/N." Sue repeated before turning around and going down the stairs where chatter was still going animatedly. Y/N watched the brunette’s back a few seconds as her mind replayed everything that went through in the last couple of minutes before focusing her attention back on Emily, finding her already looking at her, making her heart skip a beat.
"Hey." Y/N started with a soft voice, her smile widening when Emily grinned gently at her.
"Hey. Sorry you had to witness that." Emily apologized as she opened her bedroom door and lead them in her bedroom.
"That’s fine. Are you okay?"
"Yeah." Emily sighed out loud and nodded gently at the Y/H/C girl while closing her bedroom door. She stared a few seconds at Y/N before turning around, "can you help me?"
"Yeah sure." Y/N’s voice was a slightly bit hoarse as she walked on shaky legs towards the poet, who was standing in the middle of her bedroom, but she paid her no mind as her brain played the conversation she had with Sue a few minutes prior.
"I can’t believe she told me those things. She had no right to tell me those things!"
"I’m sorry Emily but I don’t know what you’re talking about."
"You’re right. I will tell you after getting out of this damned corset."
"I feel you." Y/N snorted as she started unfastening the knots on Emily’s corset to help her out of it faster, the poet already sighing out happily.
"Oh yes. This is wonderful." Emily moaned out in delight as soon as she felt the corset starting to loose around her upper body, creating a tingling sensation all over Y/N’s body at the unexpected sound, but she kept going instead of fainting embarrassingly behind Emily.
"Yeah, I feel you."
"I hope one day we can get rid of these things. They are awful." Emily admitted and watched as Y/N nodded in agreement when she turned her head around slightly to Y/N behind her still working on unfastening her corset’s straps.
"Yeah. It will take a lot but I’m sure they won’t be used anymore."
"We would wear something similar, maybe something that doesn’t feel so tight and that doesn’t need help to take it off."
"Oh wow, that would be wonderful. I still struggle trying to take it off myself." Y/N snorted under her breath as she shook her head.
"Wait, do you really take it off yourself?"
"Well yeah, most of the times I ask my aunt Maggie to help me, but a few times I had to do it myself when she is still busy or not around in that moment."
"Wow." Emily exclaimed, but furrowed her eyebrows when she heard Y/N chuckle under her breath, "why are you laughing?"
"Because I remembered I once struggled so much in taking my corset off that I didn’t see the bed and fell down on it and then on the floor." Y/N explained, giggling after finishing with Emily doing the same as she imagined the hilarious scene, "here you go. I’m done. You’re free from your corset."
"Oh yes! Thank you!" Emily moved without properly thinking and pushed the top of her dress and her corset down to her hip as she turned around, exposing her upper body to Y/N, who widened comically her eyes as they inevitably fell on Emily’s exposed chest. "Oh my God!"
"Oh- sorry, sorry!" Y/N immediately turned herself around and covered her eyes as a deep, burgundy blush fell on her cheeks. "Sorry for looking I- hm." Y/N cleared her throat and tried to find the right words that would not make this situation even more embarrassing but her brain seemed to be stuck in a spiral of images of Emily’s round and full breasts and was incapable of forming coherent thoughts, so she decided to just shut up.
"No, no. Don’t apologize. I should be sorry for- flashing my tits in your face." Emily turned around too, making now both of their backs face each other, and touched her cheeks to try in vain to subdue her scorching blush, while frantically searching her night gown to put on.
Y/N snorted imperceptibly under he breath and let the next, murmured words slip out of her mouth without her consent, "I should thank you instead."
It was almost imperceptible, but Emily caught it since the wired silence surrounding them was almost deafening and it made her stop in her tracks as she opened her drawer. She couldn’t have heard right, could she? Do those words mean Y/N felt something for her too? Or maybe that she was at least attracted to her? She needed answers. "I’m sorry again. I wasn’t thinking."
"Don’t worry. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable."
"Are you serious? I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable." Emily countered back as she carefully took her dress and corset down her body, then putting her night gown on, purposefully choosing one that has a slight see-through fabric around her chest area. This way she could know if Y/N was interested in her in that way or not. If her eyes struggled to not stay focused on her chest, maybe she had a chance with her. "You can turn around."
"So, what happened with-." Y/N did as Emily told her but stopped mid-sentence when Emily turned around and she almost flashed her breasts to her again. The top half of Emily’s dress’ fabric was see-through, that much so that Y/N could see Emily’s erect nipples, but she wasn’t sure they were erect from the cold of the room despite the fire crackling on the right side of the room or from something else. Y/N immediately noticed her slip up and her ogling and forced her eyes to look at a portray on Emily’s wall, beside her head, instead as she cleared her throat, forcing herself to not stare at Emily’s visible chest again, "hm- with Sue?"
"Oh yeah, right, hm. Can I trust you?"
"Emily of course. I promise your secrets are safe with me."
"No, I know it. It’s just- nobody knows about this but- we had a thing going on." Emily admitted quickly, not exactly knowing how to put into words what she wanted to say, extremely afraid to watch Y/N’s facial expression at her revelation, so as soon as she finished talking, she focused her eyes on the fire crackling on her left and played around with her fingers.
"Oh wow."
"Did you love her?" Y/N asked after a few beats of silence, completely taking Emily off guard.
"Wow, I wasn’t expecting this question."
"Sorry, it was too personal. You don’t have to answer me."
"No, I didn’t mean it like that. I-hm, I was expecting you- well I don’t know what I was expecting. Maybe you asking about our arrangement. Or maybe not reacting this well about this- new information about me."
"Oh yeah, I got it. You don’t have to worry about that. Like ever. I- I know what it feels like to like- love a woman."
Emily had to rectify her previous statement. That took her off guard. "Really?"
"I realized it when I was 15. I started working with my aunt Maggie in a beautiful house. Their owners were a wonderful family. Always so polite, never getting angry, very sweet with me since I was a kid but also with my aunt Maggie. They were treating us like we were part of their family. But Molly. Molly was the sweetest of them. Not to mention beautiful. We were close since we were the same age. But- hm- you were lucky enough to have some kind of something with the person I presume you loved. I wasn’t that lucky. I had to endure watching her loving someone else. For the entirety of my time as a maid in their house."
"I’m so sorry Y/N." Emily butted in as soon as Y/N, after turning around towards the fireplace, trailed off to stare blankly at the fire, too caught up in her thoughts to notice Emily approaching her slowly.
"Don’t be. It happens. Especially in the world we live in. Where people like us has to hide."
"I hope one day we don’t have to." Emily admitted a little bit wistfully, her heart aching for the pain she can clearly see in Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes when she finally looked into her brown ones. She had been lucky enough to at least act on her feelings somehow. Y/N hasn’t been that lucky.
"I hope that too." Y/N smiled gently at Emily, their eyes meeting a few seconds before Y/N’s Y/E/C one’s focused on the fireplace again.
"Did you tell her how you felt?"
"Oh God, no. Are you crazy? She would’ve ruined my life, my reputation, I could have lost my job."
"Yeah, but you broke your heart that way."
"Yeah. It will heal, eventually." Y/N shrugged like it was nothing, "it’s already healing."
"How long has it been since it happened?" Emily asked a little bit sadly, her eyes conveying as much compassion and sympathy she could to try to make Y/N feel a little bit better. Little did she know she was already making her feel better by healing her broken heart.
"About two years."
"Wow." Emily exclaimed as her brain wrapped itself around this new piece of information. She didn’t know what to say to Y/N to help her make her feel better, she had been broken hearted by Sue, but they at least had some kind of relationship.
"Woman full of words I must say. It must be easy being a poet."
Y/N’s joke made Emily snort under her breath, a gesture that she hoped distracted Y/N enough to not make her see the blush she triggered with her words. "Shut up. I was just shocked." Emily pushed on Y/N’s left shoulder when she snickered under her breath and pretended to be offended.
"Oh no, don’t be mad. I was joking. Well- not completely but- HEY! Don’t hit me with your pillow."
"Or what?" Emily smirked widely when, without Y/N noticing, grabbed the pillow laying on the chair beside her and lifted it up to hit the Y/H/C girl, but before Y/N could form any sort of warning, she got blocked by Emily swinging the pillow forward and hitting her on the face.
"Ok, you asked for it." Y/N stopped another hit with her right arm while she fumbled behind her to grab a pillow on Emily’s bed and as soon as her hand wrapped itself around the soft pillow she flung it around and hit Emily right on the face, stopping her movements altogether as she stared with a shocked but amused expression on her face at Y/N.
"You. Didn’t."
"Oh I did. I can do it again if you want."
"Don’t you dare! No! Y/N!" But it was too late. As soon as Emily finished threatening Y/N, a pillow hit her face and made her stumble a bit, but she regained her balance quickly and flung her pillow at Y/N, hitting her on her arm.
"Alright, alright. Truce." Y/N placed the pillow back on the bed and waited with an entertained smirk on her lips for Emily as she mirrored her gesture and placed the pillow onto Y/N’s one on the mattress.
"Anyway, before someone interrupted me, I was gonna say I am sorry for what you went through."
"It’s in the past now. I’m finally healing. I’m finally moving on." Y/N admitted, a slight rosy pink tinting her cheeks, something that didn’t go unnoticed from Emily but the poet decided to not ask anything about it, for now.
"I'm so happy to hear that."
"Yeah. It’s not that easy, but I will be fine. Hopefully soon." Y/N admitted with a shy smile, a gesture that Emily mirrored as she nodded in understanding.
"Good, you deserve to be happy."
"Yeah, you too. Speaking of which, how about you?"
"What about me?"
"You two had a thing going on. It must be painful calling everything off."
"It’s actually going good. I missed her a lot since we stopped our thing, but it got better in the end."
"I’m glad to hear that." Y/N smiled widely at Emily and nodded, igniting a fire within Emily that she thought it was extinguished when her thing with Sue was over.
"I- hm." Emily trailed off to ponder her next words carefully, not completely sure she wanted to admit out loud and to Y/N what she wanted to say. After a few beats of silence she made up her mind and decided she wanted to be brave, she wanted to take a shot and discover if Y/N actually liked her more than a friend. "I met someone. I- she made me feel things I thought I only felt with and for Sue."
"Oh." Y/N cleared her throat, successfully getting rid of the jealous lump it formed in her throat at Emily’s admission, but as hard as she tried no other words left her mouth.
"How is- she?" Y/N stuttered, cursing herself for being so obvious about her jealousy, but it seemed Emily paid no mind to it.
"Perfect. Extremely funny, always so polite and sweet." Emily gushed uncontrollably, her eyes shining brightly with all the affection she felt for the other girl, "oh and she has a great mind too, full of ideas that fascinates me. We have a lot of hobbies in common. She is perfect."
"Wow, from what I’ve heard from your description she might be. Is she pretty?"
"No. She is beautiful."
"Already so smitten for her, hm?" Y/N teased with an arched eyebrow and a small grin to try to divert Emily’s attention on her to prevent the poet to detect her jealousy.
"How could I not? She is perfect. I think- I never felt something so hard for someone. Not even Sue."
"Does-hm-." Y/N cleared her throat when her voice wavered a bit, "does she feel the same?"
"I don’t know, but I’m trying to figure it out." Emily admitted a little bit cryptically, noticing every little reaction coming from Y/N to at least detect any kind of sign from her and if her instinct was right, she was jealous, so she maybe felt the same.
"Have you told her?"
"No. I’m a little bit insecure about it. She could feel the same but- what if she doesn’t?"
"Yeah, I know what you’re feeling. I felt the same way with Molly. I spent a year beating myself up for not telling her. Maybe we could have worked out in some way or maybe definitely not. I spent a year living on ‘what ifs’. But I have to be honest, now that I’ve moved on I think it was better that way. I don’t think she was the one for me."
"So you’re saying I shouldn’t tell her?" Emily smiled slightly at the girl rambling her thoughts out, finding all of that an extremely adorable sight witness and it became ten times cuter when Y/N blushed at her stare before shaking her head softly.
"No, what I’m trying to say is-." Y/N trailed of to take a deep breath as she stared intently into Emily’s brown eyes, "do whatever your heart craves. I’ve thought a lot about it and with a clear head I realized I was just deeply infatuated with Molly. I wasn’t actually in love with her. If it was true love I wouldn’t have moved on. So if you feel like she is the one, like you need to tell her because you truly want her, then do it. Don’t think too much about it." Emily looked at Y/N like a lovesick puppy as she talked, flaring up the fire she felt burning for Y/N, so with a made up mind and without properly thinking, as soon as Y/N finished speaking Emily surged forward and planted a soft kiss on her lips, lingering only a few seconds before pulling away abruptly, fearing Y/N’s reaction when she felt the girl completely frozen in her spot.
"I- shit- I’m so sorry- hmph." Emily got stopped abruptly when a pair of soft lips unexpectedly pressed themselves hard on her own, making her head spin out of control with a plethora of emotions she only felt when she wrote her poems. Emily felt her brain completely shutting off as she completely dived into the blissful sensation of Y/N’s mouth on hers. Their lips danced sensually over the rhythm their heartbeats set, their bodies burned from the passion the two girls shared but had to suppress for their own fears of losing the other if their feelings weren’t reciprocated, their minds were a delicious mess as their senses were completely filled with the other’s taste, perfume, essence. It was a perfect mix that both of them wished it could never end.
But Y/N had to reluctantly slow their kiss down and pull slightly away from Emily to take some needed breath as her lungs screamed for some air and she was pretty sure Emily felt if her heaving chest was anything to go by. "Do not apologize for that. Because it was so perfect."
"I was just panicking. I thought I read your signals wrong and I went too far."
"It was extremely impossible to read them wrong since I’ve been trying to not stare at your boobs for the past 20 minutes and I’ve been failing miserably." Emily snorted at Y/N’s admission, feeling a sense of pride swell in her chest as well as a familiar burning sensation in her lower stomach lighting her whole body up at Y/N’s admission.
"I think now is the right time to confess I chose this night gown on purpose." Y/N swallowed loudly when Emily winked seductively at her while puffing her chest up, giving Y/N the intoxicating view of her half exposed breasts.
"You like to torture me." Y/N murmured under her breath as her eyes never moved away from Emily’s chest, watching it move up and down with every breath the poet took and feeling her insides melt each time a nipple came in sight through the see-through fabric of Emily’s night gown.
"Because I can’t touch them."
"Who said you can’t?"
"Yo- wait, what?" Instead of answering verbally Emily smirked mischievously, grabbed Y/N’s wrist and pulled her hand towards herself. Just when it was hovering inches from her covered chest, she lifted her right eyebrow and silently asked Y/N if it was okay for her and smiled widely when the girl instantly nodded enthusiastically. The Y/H/C girl’s grin dropped as soon as her hand came in contact with Emily’s right breast and let out a small moan without noticing, making the poet groan at the unexpected attractive sound.
"Oh, Y/N." Emily whined and gripped Y/N’s wrist a bit more strongly when the girl squeezed her breast tentatively, but just right to light up her whole body with need.
"Come here." Y/N snaked her other hand behind Emily’s neck and pushed her harshly onto her lips to share a bruising kiss, reigniting the fire they set up a few moments prior. Y/N promptly swallowed another sound coming from Emily as she changed the angle of their kiss, full of passion but still chaste. But Emily needed more. She wanted to taste Y/N’s mouth fully. Just when Emily was debating with her mind to try to find the courage to deepen the kiss, Y/N beat her to it as her tongue licked the seam of Emily’s lips to ask for entrance. The poet granted it a few beats later with another small whine and her body got completely wrecked by a shiver running down her spine when their tongues met just as Y/N’s thumb and pointer finger found her nipple and pinched it gently but firmly.
"Oh fuck." They let their desire take over for a few minutes, giving their tongues time to explore the other’s mouth, licking every nook and cranny of each other’s mouth and swallowing every small sound they could pull from the other. As they kissed fervently, Emily’s other hand, until now placed meekly on her lap, sneaked into Y/N’s hair, after freeing them from the bun she had on all day and pulled on the Y/E/C girl’s scalp each time Y/N found a new way to stimulate her nipple or when her tongue moved just right. Their small moment was abruptly interrupted when they heard Emily’s family wishing each other a goodnight and they had to reluctantly pull away from each other, but not before sharing a few small, sweet pecks.
"I should go."
"No please, stay." Emily begged, leaning their foreheads together and sighing disapprovingly when Y/N removed her hand from her chest, only to smile widely when she grabbed Emily’s hand and intertwined their fingers together.
"I can’t. Your family is going to be upstairs any minute. We can’t get caught."
"You’re right." Emily sighed and nodded gently. Y/N had a point. "With Sue it was easier. My parents always let her sleep with me."
"Already talking about your ex with me Dickinson? Are you trying to make me jealous?" Y/N teased with a wide grin that widened when Emily blushed softly and pushed her gently on her shoulder.
"No, you jerk. I just wished it was that easier with you too. We wouldn’t have to stop this." Emily murmured seductively before leaning slowly towards Y/N and capturing Y/N’s lips in a slow but sensual kiss, making it last just a few seconds to tease Y/N and smirking widely when she accomplished her mission after hearing Y/N grunt in disapproval at her pulling away from the kiss and trying to follow her lips to kiss her again. "But you have a point. You sadly need to go. When do you have some time off tomorrow?"
"Around 11 a.m."
"Perfect, meet me here. I will tell my mom I need some help with my surprisingly ripped dress." Emily winked as she stressed the word ‘surprisingly’ and felt her heart swell at the sound of Y/N’s cute giggle.
"Alright. Goodnight Emily. Sleep well." They shared another kiss full of passion before Y/N quickly slipped out of Emily’s room, just a minute before Emily’s parents walked up the stairs to go into their room, followed right after by Lavinia.
Both girls had some troubles falling asleep that night as adrenaline still pushed through their bodies still burning with their passion, but after about an hour both girls fell asleep with wide grins on their lips, excited for the next day.
"Good morning my dear family!" Emily entered the living room with a brighter-than-the-sun smile, making the whole family stare at her weirdly.
"Should we get used to her being in a good mood every morning?" Edward asked his wife as both looked at Emily weirdly, eyebrows furrowed and confused expression on their faces.
"I like it." Lavinia interjected and giggled loudly when Emily run towards her and hugged tightly her over the chair. After a couple of seconds she walked to her chair and sat down, immediately stuffing her face with the delicious breakfast she had in front of her on the table.
"Hm, Maggie this breakfast is amazing!" Emily murmured with her mouth full of chocolate cake, rolling her eyes back in pure ecstasy as all the flavors hit her taste buds, completely ignoring her mother’s reprimand stare.
"Thank you Miss Dickinson, but I didn’t make it. Y/N did."
"Oh really? Where did you take the recipe?" Emily’s mother spoke up in disbelief as she too took a bite of her cake and widened her eyes comically at the tasty cake.
"It’s actually mine. It’s not that difficult to make. The secret is chocolate."
"Ugh, Y/N you need to teach me how to do this." Emily requested as casually as she could, this time waiting to swallow the cake and swiping the chocolate away from her mouth before talking, to not rise her family’s suspicions of her asking Y/N to teach her how to make a cake since she always refused to help her mom in the kitchen. "It’s delicious."
"Oh please Y/N if you succeed in making Emily do anything in the kitchen I will give you a week off." Emily turned her head towards her mother and stuck her tongue out, making her mother laugh at her in amusement.
"It would be a pleasure Miss Dickinson."
"Miss Dickinson?" Emily asked in a mocking tone, trying to make her best impression of Y/N, on Y/N’s lips after pulling away from the bruising kiss the two shared after Emily literally flung herself into Y/N’s arms as soon as they entered her bedroom, slamming her on the door.
"I can’t call you with your first name Emily, even if you asked me to."
"I know, but it was hilarious hearing you calling me by my last name. It’s weird."
"No, weird is being in a room with your parents when all my brain could think of was how good it felt kissing you." Y/N admitted with her eyes glued on Emily’s plump lips, biting down on her own bottom lip then to emphasize her appreciation of Emily’s lips.
"Not as good as feeling your hands on me." Emily countered back, purposefully arching her back to flush their chests together but whining in frustration when their corsets and dresses prevented them to feel anything.
"Yeah, it’s pretty much a tie." Y/N joked and thanked the door behind her back holding her up when Emily giggled on her mouth and the cute sound made her almost faint. "You are so beautiful." Y/N spoke up without even noticing as she stared at the poet with a loving gaze, creating goosebumps all over Emily’s skin.
"Not as much as you Y/N. That’s the first thing I thought that day at the well. I’ve always been fascinated by the beauty of the nature, but as soon as my eyes landed on you, it was like threes and flowers never existed. It was just you."
"Shit, do not say things like that." Y/N shook her head as she bit hard on her bottom lip while closing her eyes and leaning her forehead on Emily’s one.
"Because it makes me want to kiss you."
"Then why are you not doing it?" It was all the validation Y/N needed. After opening her eyes for a brief moment to meet Emily’s brown irises for confirmation, finding in them only affection and entertainment, she surged forward and captured Emily’s lips in a slow kiss, full of passion. Y/N decided to keep the kiss as chaste as possible to savor the softness of Emily’s lips, caressing her back with both hands to feel Emily’s every curve she could despite the dress and corset in her way, but when Emily’s fingers dug in the back of her neck to silently ask for more, Y/N whined softly into the kiss and immediately bit down gently on Emily’s lips. Y/N shivered at the poet’s whispered whine but took advantage of that to slip her tongue into Emily’s mouth and lick every angle she could reach. "Oh."
"Shit." Y/N murmured into the kiss when her mind finally stopped spinning from Emily’s moan and shivered wildly when the poet took advantage of Y/N’s dazed state to suck harshly on Y/N’s tongue, pulling a whine from her throat. After a few moments Emily had to pull away to take some needed breath, not too far away, just enough so their noses could brush together gently. "That was so fucking hot. And fuck- that sound." Emily giggled at Y/N’s murmured words, her eyes staring lovingly at the her and a dopey smile adorned her kiss-swollen lips, and she thought about how happy she felt in that moment.
"Ugh, I wish you could stay here all day." Emily admitted out loud after a few seconds of them basking in the comforting silence, the two girls just existing together, wrapped up in each other’s arms, with their forehead leaned together and with their breaths mingling, sighing out sadly and leaning into Y/N touch when she caressed her back comfortingly.
"I know, but your mother and sister will be back with my aunt soon." Y/N sighed out sadly, caressing Emily’s sides gently as she committed to mind every small detail she could.
"Yeah and Sue will be over in an hour. We still need to talk."
"She just wants her best friend back, Emily. Give her a chance to be a good friend. You two were friends before having what you two had."
"You’re right. I want to talk to her too. I want my friend back, but I just- want to spend more time with you."
"You will, tonight." Y/N nodded encouragingly and smiled widely to hope to make Emily do the same and when she did a few seconds later her own grin widened ten sizes.
"Do not forget we have the house all for ourselves on Thursday."
"Already trying to get under my dress Dickinson?"
"Maybe." Emily winked with a mischievous grin, making Y/N laugh heartily before kissing her gently and slipping out of her room.
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writingsofwesteros · 2 days
Hi there. I love your work. And wanted to ask if you could write a one shot about free use maid? Daemon loves to fucks her over one of the balconies in Red Keep. And perhaps Aegon stumbles upon them to join the show?
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
The soft, cold breeze moved through the open window as the cotton curtains were no match and allowed entry. “Hmm, anyone could see you, my little slut.” The rogue Prince purred in her ear as his maid’s mouth watering scent came over him. “I imagine nothing they have not seen before.” Daemon only continued to taunt her. A whine of his name easily fell from her lips followed by the mewls of pleasure he teased out of her. Her delicate hand reached behind her for those bright locks of his and pulled him close. It seemed her confidence had only grown with each thrust of his hips. Without pause, Daemon manoeuvred her legs to spread open causing her to lean on the balcony some more.
Those soft, ample breasts of hers pressed against the stone wall; the coldness had her pink nipples pebbling with ease. The Prince began to press soft, open mouthed kisses down her neck as a shiver ran down her spine. Even after all this time; she could not get used to the touches coming her way as the pleasure took hold of her once more. “Please – my Prince…” The words fumbled from her lips as she began to rock back against his fat cock. Daemon only taunted her and slowed his movements to a stop; his pretty maid would have to do all the work. And oh how she did so wonderfully. Her hands reached for the wall once more as the top half of her body was on show for anyone if they were to look up.
“That’s it..good girl.” Daemon whispered out his praises as his larger hands moved towards her hips, tightening his hold. The bruises that would appear in the morning would be a reminder for the both of them. The maid prettily bounced back and forth with practised ease; her sweet pants and moans echoed aloud. The Prince grunted in pleasure at the sight of the ring of cream around his thick length; her shaking body a sight to behold. “I am surprised you are not with child yet.” Daemon purred; his hand snaking around her stomach. “You are filled with cum from so many of my kin.” He taunted her some more as his slender fingers brushed over her sensitive clit.
His thumb began to circle her sweet spot and all the pretty maid could do was sob. Her legs shaking once more as his touch pushed her towards the climax. Daemon allowed his weight to fall on her as his thrusts finally resumed. His fingers played her pretty cunt and only seconds passed before she was squirting around his fat cock. Still, Daemon only fucked her harder; pushing deep as his free hand moved towards her sweet, bouncing breasts. A creaking noise held the rogue Prince’s attention as he subtly looked at the corner of his eye. Still, his movements continued as the maid collapsed onto the wall; allowing Daemon complete control of her.
The flash of shorter, white waves had a smirk tugging on his lips. “Aegon, have you come to learn?” Daemon hummed; amusement dripping in his tone. A soft gasp escaped her as she turned to stare at her side; all the while her body bounced back and forth. “Aegon…” A whisper of his name caused desire to flash in the young Prince’s eyes. Daemon’s hand came down on her arse; the slap echoing as she whined. Her hands tightening some more on the wall as Aegon only stared. “You always do look good on your knees,” Daemon commented before nodding towards the space near the coupling. All the while, the maid babbled nonsense as his fat, mushroom head bullied the sweet spongy spot inside her.
Aegon did as he was told; his submissive side easily taking control as he watched on. Slowly, the Prince moved to his knees whilst Daemon smirked down at him. “I have seen you with your brother and our little slut. You know what to do.” He purred and a shiver of delight ran down her spine as those memories flickered in her mind. Not so gently did Daemon push her back down; face against the marble as he quickened his thrusts. A grunt escaped him once more at the feel of Aegon’s tongue slowly moving up and down his length as he moved in and out of the precious maid of theirs. “No wonder Aemond enjoys your mouth so much.” The rogue Prince commented as Aegon lapped at her wetness flooding down.
Aegon only smirked up at his uncle as his tongue brushed over to her sweet clit as he began to suck with hunger. The young Prince moaned against his maid; the vibrations alone caused her to mewl out in pleasure as Daemon took his own release. Her legs began to shake some more as Aegon greedily lapped at her. Daemon’s stomach began to tighten as Aegon’s mouth soon returned to licking up his length. “Fuck, that’s it.” Aegon hummed; hiding his smirk as his hand reached for her sweet, ample breasts to tease some more. He could not wait for milk to be leaking from them; those thoughts alone had him moaning against Daemon’s cock.
The groans of pleasure echoed in the room as the rogue Prince came closer to his release. Aegon’s touches bring him closer. “Please–pl,ah..oh gods..” She cried out; weeping as her orgasm ripped through her once more. The clamping of her pretty pussy pushed Daemon over the edge as she began to milk him. Aegon groaned; hands palming at Daemon’s arse as his tongue began to lap at the cum dripping down his length. His continuous lapping had the rogue Prince shivering before he slowly removed himself from the pretty maid. Aegon wrapped his hot mouth around Daemon’s softening cock as the maid on shaking legs turned around.  His fingers gripped Aegon’s hair tighter than needed as the maid slowly moved to his side; cuddling into him whilst her heart began to calm down. Daemon gently cupped her face as he leaned closer; their lips passionately meeting. The soft sucking Aegon made echoed as their tongues began to dance. “Good boy.” Daemon purred as he leaned away. Aegon only whined; those bright eyes of his looking up as Daemon’s hand stroked up and down the maid’s side. Goosebumps easily came up her soft skin as a sweet, pink blush came over her cheeks.
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kingkaizen · 19 hours
𝓭𝓪𝓭!𝓷𝓪𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓲 𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓼
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∘ desc: various scenarios of nanami being a father to your shared daughter <3
∘ ft: nanami
∘ includes: cuteness overloads
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First Night back from the Hospital
The faint sound of cries could be heard from all the way across the hall to your shared bedroom with Nanami. You shifted your body to face him, watching the way his face scrunched up as the noise got louder.
“Kento?” You quietly whispered, trying to lure him out of his sleeping state. He grunted in response, threatening to turn his body the other way before your hand shot out to grip his shoulder.
“Please go get her.”
“Baby, you were up first!”
“Were you the person who had to carry her for 9 months and give birth on top of that?! I could’ve sworn that was me.”
Nanami grimaced, memories flooding through his mind of how painful it looked at the time. He didn’t remember much, ultimately passing out before it was over.
Your baby cried out again, practically screaming as she waited for someone to comfort her. Nanami groaned, lifting himself from the bed to trudge towards her room. You smirked to yourself as he walked away, quickly falling back to sleep. At the sound of the door opening, she quieted down a bit, still however crying hysterically.
His hands shook as he grabbed her softly, lifting her light body into his arms to cradle her. She immediately calmed down, cooing as Nanami began to rock her.
“Shhh, Alora. Why are you crying?” Nanami spoke in a low voice, trying to imitate the way you did it back in the hospital. “Do you want to know why we named you that?” He stuck his finger out at her, watching as she tried her best to wrap her small, lithe fingers around it.
“Well, Alora means “my dream”. That’s what you are to mommy and I. We dreamed about having a sweet little girl like you for so long.” Nanami watches as Alora’s eyes close slowly, finally slipping back to sleep. He held her a bit longer, admiring how beautiful she looked in his eyes. She was the perfect mixture of the two of you, the best features gracing her adorable face. After meeting you, he’d never thought that he’d feel so in love with anyone else other than you.
Alora proved him wrong. 
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First Words 
“Please, ‘lora? Just open your mouth.” Nanami hovered over your daughter sitting in the highchair, trying to force her to. She refused to budge, opting instead to turn her head away from the small spoon.
You could hear Nanami sigh as he dropped the spoon on the tray. Alora giggles at the clattering noise, kicking her small legs around in excitement. You rise from your seat on the couch, making your way over to a frustrated Nanami.
“It sounds like you need some help here..” Nanami nods his head, handing you the spoon.
“She never seems to ever listen to me when it’s time for her to eat. What am I doing wrong?” The doubt in his voice is extremely apparent. Lately, he’s been needing a lot of reassurances about how he’s helping you to raise her.
“You’re not doing anything wrong, Ken’. She usually eats when I feed her because I interact with her at the same time.” He watches as you tickle her feet, prompting her to laugh while you slowly place the spoon in her mouth. She swallows happily, opening up her mouth for more while you hand the spoon back to Nanami.
He takes it from you, copying your movements. She finally eats from him, swallowing completely before babbling on about who-knows-what. You step back to let Nanami take over. Your body warms as you watch them interact with each other, your heart practically bursting out of your chest at the sight. 
He soon finished feeding her, rushing to collect a rag to clean off her face. He lifted her up from the highchair, carrying her to sit on his lap on the couch. You followed him, sitting down next to him and placing your head on his shoulder.
“Mommy and daddy loves you, sunshine.” He cooed, bouncing her on his leg as she giggled. His phone rang suddenly, causing him to wrap an arm around Alora’s waist to keep her in place while he fished his phone out of his pocket. 
“Hello?” You couldn’t hear the other end, only understanding what’s going on by Nanami’s responses.
“Are you sure you can’t get anyone else…..okay, i understand.” Nanami exchanged goodbyes before hanging up, sighing while placing Alora on your lap. 
“I’m so sorry my love, Satoru needs my help, it sounds urgent.” You nod your head, grudgingly accepting a kiss from him as he stood up. He kneeled down to place a quick kiss to Alora’s forehead. 
“I love you ‘lora. Daddy will be back later, okay?” He kissed her once more before walking away in the direction of your bedroom. Not even five seconds later, you faintly hear Alora’s voice as she faces the television.
“What was that, baby?” She giggled in response before repeating herself.
“Da Da.”
You froze in shock, brain slowly processing what she said.
Nanami dashed back to the living room, his hero outfit already completely on while he looked at you worriedly.   
“Alora just said her first words!”
“You’re kidding me...I missed it?” He faced his daughter, smiling wide. “Can you repeat that for me?” She giggled instead, pulling at his hair as he groaned for her to stop.”
“Alora, what did daddy tell you about pulling his hair?”
“...da da?”
Nanami’s eyes went wide in shock, looking at you in disbelief.
“S-She really said it?” You could see obvious tears welling in his eyes as he gazed at her. 
“I knew she would say my name first.”
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“Honey, please don’t touch that!”
Nanami turned away from the shelves, pulling Alora away from the colorful box of cereal that entranced her. He turned back around, forcing himself to look away while her lips trembled, eyes watering as an indicator of the storm that’s about to come. Not long after she threw her head back, plopping herself to the ground and began sobbing dramatically in the middle of the supermarket. Nanami’s face fell, picking her up to try to calm her down. She cried even more, making Nanami completely freak out as he frantically looked around for anything to make it stop.
“Shhhh, please stop crying sweetheart. I’ll do anything-” Nanami’s eyes caught the cereal box from before, quickly grabbing it and showing it to her. She immediately calmed down as her wailing turned into hiccups. Nanami held her in his arms, caressing her face to wipe away the lingering tears.
“Is there anything else you want, cutie?”
“Kento, I asked you to buy three things...what is all of this?!”
You pulled out the colorful cereal, reading the description. “It’s...just marshmallows. Nanami, you want to feed our daughter candy for breakfast…”
“I couldn't say no to that face, love. I hate it when she frowns..”
Alora had Nanami completely wrapped around her finger, and she knew it.
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Playing Together
“Daddy pleaseee?”
Alora was tugging on Nanami’s leg, trying her best to pull the tall man away from his computer. He didn’t budge at all, his eyes completely glued to the screen in front of him as he tried his hardest to work on his work reports from home. You had to go to work today and Nanami was off, leaving him alone with Alora. He loved spending quality time with her, except when he had loads of work yet to be completed. He groaned once again, looking down at her defeated form.
“Sweetheart, didn’t I tell you to give me five minutes?!”
“I can’t tell time yet, no fair!”
He was exasperated at this point. Looking down at her again, he could see how upset she looked as she sat on the ground at his feet. He sighed, closing all of his tabs before turning off the computer completely.
“Fine, I’ll play with you. Only for an hour though.”
...It’s been three hours.
Nanami’s hair is completely tangled up around various butterfly clips and bows. Alora was now busy working on his makeup, stealing your lipstick and eyeshadow to use on her compliant father.
“Sunshine, I don’t think the red stuff is supposed to go on my eyebrow..” Hikari did it anyways, pasting the lipstick between the bridge of his eyebrows to connect them together. After messing around a bit, she stepped back to admire her work. 
“Daddy! You look so pretty!” She smiled brightly at him as she handed over the compact mirror from your bathroom. He gazed at himself, completely horrified at what she did to him, but masking all of that in a smile. 
“You did such a great job ‘lora!” He encouraged her as much as he could, taking out his phone to snap a quick picture of the two of them to send to you. Afterwards, Alora gathered all of the makeup supplies. 
“Stay right there!” She trotted away to the direction of her bedroom, coming back with princess polishes that you had bought her for christmas months ago. 
“Angel, you told me you’d let me go back to work after that.”
“Pleaseee just let me paint your nails, then I’ll be done.” She looked up at his face, pouting her lips.
How could he ever say no to her?
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Talent Show
The bustling auditorium was full of parents trying to find seats as the talent show was minutes away from starting. You arrived just on time, Nanami practically speeding through cars just to make it to his baby’s first show. The two of you were incredibly excited when Alora said that she wanted to participate this year. She was always singing, so you’re glad that she wanted to show her talent off to her classmates.
You found an empty seat towards the front, dragging Nanami with you through the aisle. The show was finally starting. Kid after kid came out to perform their various talents, always being greeted with applause right after. Finally, Alora came out in her cute little pink dress that Nanami picked out. Nanami’s eyes visibly lit up when he saw his little girl walk across the stage, looking as beautiful as her mother. He quickly pulled out his phone to record. The room was completely quiet as she sang, her adorable little voice being heard all across the room. She was singing her little heart out, completely getting into the moment as she hit the climax of the song. Nanami’s free hand grabbed yours and squeezed, all of his emotions at the moment being sucked into that one touch. At this point, he was barely holding himself together. You had to take the camera from him to finish recording her due to his constant shaking as he tried to hold back tears. She finally finished her song as everyone in the auditorium clapped for her.
As the talent show finally ended, all of the kids who participated stood on the stage in a row to take a bow together. Soon she was released, quickly scanning the crowd of parents for you guys. Alora spotted you, her legs running towards her father with outstretched hands as he picked her up into his arms. Nanami’s face was damp, a direct indicator of the tears that dawned on his face not too long ago. Seeing a man as strong as Nanami getting emotional over something like this was so adorable. 
“I’m so proud of you, sunshine.” Nanami mumbled into her shoulder, pulling apart to kiss her all over her face. She giggled at the attack, pushing his face away from hers to spare herself.
“Let’s go get ice cream, sweetheart. You deserve it!” Alora smiled at your suggestion, taking both of your hands in her little ones as all of you walked towards the car.
“Daddy! Was I bad? Is that why you cried?”
“No baby. Daddy is a crybaby when it comes to you, it’s because of how amazing you did.” You teased Nanami as he lifted her up into the car, ensuring that she's completely strapped in before closing it. Nanami swears to buy her all the ice cream in the world for the performance she put on, making this the happiest day in her life.
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© kingkaizen | do not copy, steal, or duplicate!
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zweiginator · 3 days
I can just imagine Patrick telling you after you’ve come back from a date that he can fuck you better than any other man could. Like you want him so bad but just to piss him off you be a little bratty with comments like “whatever helps you sleep at night bud” and shit like that. Ends with rough sex in front of a mirror and Patrick talking to you in a condescendingly sweet tone making sure you apologize and say you were wrong
you went on a date with a guy patrick knows (and HATES). this guy is attractive, sure, but he's cocky and rude and honestly patrick wants to kick his fucking teeth in.
that was before he asked you out--right in front of him. he was pissed at him for going there, he was pissed at you for saying yes. but to be completely honest, you loved to push patrick's buttons. you loved how territorial he was over you. you loved the attention most of all. and truly--you loved him. more than a friend, you loved him so much it made your breath hitch. but he was a player and he was a horny boy and ruining twelve years of friendship was a heartbreak you weren't willing to risk.
so you went on bad dates and convinced yourself they weren't so insufferable. they didn't make you laugh like patrick. they didn't give you butterflies like he did. it wasn't effortless. they weren't perfect like he was.
you came home from the date late at night. it was almost 2 am, and patrick had been staying at your apartment for the past few days while his air conditioner was being fixed.
"someone had some fun!" patrick says, looking you up and down. the date was okay; you had a couple of drinks and made out in his car before he dropped you off--but it was nothing special.
but you would lie to him. "yeah, it was great. he's really nice. really cute too." you take your heels off and patrick shuts the door behind you, taking a swig of his beer. he was watching jersey shore on the tv.
you sit down next to each other on the couch, so close that the tension was uncomfortable; you knew at this time at night and after a few beers, patrick would inevitably pick a fight with you.
"i don't know what you see in that guy. he's a fucking prick."
you kick your feet up on the coffee table. "i don't think so. and he's a good kisser too."
you know that will dig deep, push his buttons.
he scoots closer to you, so close that you can smell the beer on his breath. "is he now?"
you nod, unable to speak. patrick looks angry. his jaw is tense, his jugular pulsing against the side of his neck and his lips are red and bitten.
"i bet he's a bad fuck." patrick pouts, pulling your legs off the coffee table.
this is a line neither of you had ever crossed. you didn't ask about his sexual endeavors, and he didn't ask about yours. it was easier that way. but he was crossing that line in the sand. and he was doing it recklessly, all at once.
"and it would be a shame to let an asshole like that fuck a pretty girl like you."
they turn you on, his words. how much he's toeing over the line. if any other boy talked to you this way, you would slap him across the face. but patrick has you under his spell. you're weak and powerless but hey--you asked for this.
"who is to say we haven't fucked?" you prod him more, push deeper.
patrick is hovering over you now, his thin gold chain necklace swinging over you, a pendulum, hypnotic. "because i know you."
"you don't know that."
"i know i could make you cum."
you gulp. "sure. every guy says that." and then you laugh.
you wriggle out from underneath him to go to the bathroom. your cheeks are flushed and your hands shake. what are you guys doing?
patrick knocks on the door and you let him in. he stands behind you. you look small and weak in comparison; you hadn't noticed how much he had grown, how muscular he had gotten.
he tilts your chin up. "look at you." he moves your hair to nip at the nape of your neck. you moan. "you're so pretty. but so fucking clueless."
"no i'm not."
"yeah, you are." he says sternly. his hands find your waist; he pushes you forward so you are bent over the sink. "you think i couldn't make you cum? i've thought about fucking you every day." his voice gets softer, sending a shiver down your spine. "for years."
you tilt your head back. one of patrick's hands snakes up to wrap slowly around your throat. he feels how fast your blood is pumping.
"do you want this?" patrick bunches your skirt up. you press your ass against his cock and his breath hitches.
you nod.
"use your words." he pushes your panties aside.
"yes, patrick. i want this."
"how bad?" he's getting off on this. on watching you watch him in the mirror. how hot your skin is, how your arms are wobbly, your hair wet with sweat. "and what do you want? i can't read your mind, sweetheart."
he's mocking you. his thumb rubs up and down your slit and you need him. you need him to kiss you to fulfill his promise, to be all for you.
"i need you, patrick. need you to fuck me." your eyes are welling with tears, and patrick groans at how wet you are.
and then he turns you around and kisses you. all you both can think is finally. his tongue in your mouth, your hands in his hair feels like a sigh of relief. he holds your jaw in place.
you're so obedient, you do it without second thought. you'd do anything for him. he would kill for you. he spits in your mouth and you swallow, happily.
"jesus christ," he pulls his cock out and ruts into you, his hands gripping your waist. he pulls you forward to stop your head from banging against the mirror before he has the idea to have you face it again.
he makes you watch him. makes you watch yourself, how desperate and needy you are for him. how good he makes you feel with just his cock. your legs are about to give out but it doesn't take long for him to make you cum. of course it doesn't--you're in love.
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gguk-n · 5 hours
Angst with Lando and he says “please don't cry, i can't stand to see you cry"
Thank you for the ask! I hope I was able to do it justice. There is implied smut. Reader's POV
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Fragile Bonds
I could say it now, I officially hated going out. It has less to do with the fact that we've been at every club across the globe since the season started and more to do with the fact that Lando attracts attention. He was a gorgeous man with a career in F1, so it was a given that people would be attracted to him. What I didn't expect was how much we would go out to drink. Neither me nor Lando are huge drinkers but he can never seem to say no to a party. So, here I was trying to be a supportive girlfriend while my boyfriend was on the DJ booth, remixing some songs.
I will agree, the first time he did it, it was very hot; watching Lando DJ, even the second time around. Right now, all I saw was red. The girl at the DJ booth was making herself too comfortable with 'my' boyfriend. The way her hands would rest on his biceps or the lingering touches she left on his shoulder or back. Was Lando blind or oblivious to what was happening? Did he forget that he had a girlfriend? I am not the jealous type but I am terribly territorial about my stuff and the people I love. I love Lando too much, and this bitch was making me so annoyed.
So, I took matters into my own hands and went towards the stage only to be rudely pushed away and scolded by the guards and the lady on the booth. I told them that was my boyfriend and I wanted to speak to him, she laughed at my face. What the fuck was Lando doing and why did he not see his own girlfriend? After a couple more harsh words from the lady, I screamed Lando's name which seemed to make him to look at me, a loopy smile on his lips. God, I wanted to smack his pretty face. I was pissed, I told him I was leaving and without waiting for his reply, I turned on my heels and left the club heading back to the hotel.
Once back, I took my clothes and make up off. I had tears streaming down my face. This wasn't the first time Lando had forgotten about me. He would always end up surrounded by all the people and while soaking in their attention, forgot about me. To me, he was the most important thing, to him, I felt like a commodity. My eyes were red from rubbing them too hard and the lump in my throat did not seem to go away no matter how hard I screamed into my pillow. My social media was also filled with pictures and videos of Lando from the party.
I don't know how long it was since I came back, I had stopped looking at the watch at some point. I quickly wiped away my tears when I heard the click of the door. I was going to pretend to be asleep, I didn't want to deal with Lando right now. Before I could act, my face was cupped in between two rough calloused hands while his thumbs tenderly rubbed my cheeks. "Why did you leave?" Lando asked. "I was tired" I squeaked out. Lando holding me like this made my eyes prick, I pushed him away while sitting up. He could see the tears in my eyes, I mean my vision was blurry. "You're so blind. I hate you." I said, I didn't in fact hate him, it's just that he made me angry. "No you don't" Lando chided. This annoyed me so much. "Why did you let her touch you? Why didn't you tell her I was your girlfriend when I tried to talk to you?" I asked. "I only saw you when I turned around, baby. I didn't know she was touching me, if I did, I would've stopped her." Lando reasoned. "Really, because, she was literally hanging from your arms, running her hands all over you and you didn't care." I said. "I really didn't notice her, I was looking at you the whole night" he said. "If you were looking at me the whole night, you would've noticed your girlfriend walking towards you." I said while angrily wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Baby, please don't cry, I can't stand to see you cry." Lando said while trying to hug me. "Doesn't feel like it Lan, you seemed to have forgotten you have a girlfriend." I spat. "Babe, I love you and I am sorry if I made you feel like that. I really was looking at you the whole night. The only woman who can command my attention is you. While I taking a sip from my glass, I lost you, I kept trying to find you and I couldn't, until you called out my name. Please give me another chance." Lando whispered with tears in his eyes. I was a sap when it came to him , sometimes he can be really dumb. "I promise this will never happen again. You can brand me if you want." Lando continued a laugh left my lips on hearing his words, "Lan, I'm not branding you but I know a better way to keep women away." I said whilst pulling him by his collar to kiss his lips. "I think I'll like this method more than the branding one, anyways." he muttered against my lips.
I couldn't stay angry at anyone for long, especially not Lando.
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Imagine, Vox trying to use hyonosis to get the reader all submissive and turned on but things go wrong and he accidentally ends up under his own effects.
Backfire (Vox x fem!reader)
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Word count: 7792
CW: SORRY I KNOW A LOT OF THIS WASNT IN THE PROMPT I GOT CARRIED AWAY- NSFW, Sexual and explicit, mommy kink, pet play, humiliation, hypnosis, dry humping (doesn’t go beyond that), and the return of the magic charm from A Pets New Collar, this time to be used on Vox :3
Vox had been trying to use his hypnosis on me for a while now- well, maybe trying wasn’t the best word to use. He’d succeeded, actually. He’d done it countless times and I’d loved every moment of it-I’d given him my consent.
Today, though, something was off. He stared at me, his left eye swirling in a red and black hypnotic spiral, but I wasn’t falling into trance.
“You’ll be a nice, submissive, obedient girl for daddy, okay?” He asked, tilting my chin up towards him. I nodded, trying to focus. “Good, now repeat after me…”
“I am submissive. I am obedient. I do whatever my partner says. I love being at your beck and call. I love to do as I’m told. I like to be hypnotized… I like to be in trance. Every time you praise me I get even more turned on…I crave your praise, I… I…” he trailed off, his own eyes glazing over.
I frowned and snapped my fingers in his face. I wasn’t in trance at all, it hadn’t worked this time. I hadn’t even gotten the chance to repeat what he’d been saying!
“Vox?” I asked, snapping my fingers again. He had a blank look on his face. “Are you okay?”
“Mmphh…” he mumbled, the sound reverberating from deep within his throat.
Vox slowly closed his eyes, the screen on his face flickering and flashing like crazy now, before he fell completely silent. He stood completely still- like, eerily still.
“…Vox?” I tried again, waving my hand in his face. What the hell was going on? He should’ve snapped out of this by now.
He stood there for a few more seconds, doing nothing. I was just about to give him a hard flick to his stomach in the hopes that it would snap him out of whatever he was seemingly in when his eyes suddenly sprung open- a look of bewilderment on his face.
“Huh?!” He gasped, looking around wildly. His eyes darted around the room before finally landing on me. He stared at me, wide-eyed, for a few moments that felt like an eternity. “K-kitten…?”
Vox’s voice was different than usual. It sounded more soft and quiet, lacking the usual arrogant, overconfident tone.
“Hey, hey, hey, calm down,” I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. His eyes were so wide, he looked so much… softer, than usual. His eyes seemed to glaze over again at my command.
He opened his mouth to respond, looking as though he was going to snap at me as usual- but that hard and angry expression faded away, replaced by a softer look, almost like a puppy who had just been ordered by its master. He relaxed slightly under my touch, his head tilted down, avoiding eye contact.
“I-I’m sorry…” he mumbled after a few moments of silence, his voice still quiet. He sounded genuinely contrite.
“Hey, it’s okay,” I said, softer. I cupped his face and guided it in my direction so he’d look me in the eye. I inspected him for a moment, my own gaze calculating. “Vox…” I said, looking at him closely. “Did the hypnosis backfire and work on you instead?”
Vox visibly flinched at the direct eye contact, but obediently lifted his head to let me turn it. The usually cocky and full of himself demon was acting… submissive?
He was silent for a few moments, contemplating whether to answer or not, before he nodded weakly. “Y-yeah, I think it did…” he murmured quietly.
“Oh…” I said. I thought for a moment, then smiled. “That’s okay,” I decided, bringing him into my lap. “We can still have plenty of fun like this! You’ll be a good boy for me, won’t you?”
The change in Vox’s behavior was downright shocking. He willingly let me push and pull him, and he sank into my lap without putting up any resistance or protest. He looked up at me, his eyes looking strangely vulnerable and almost scared.
He slowly nodded his head, mumbling something that sounded like, “Yes, ma’am…” he was practically trembling now.
“Hey, hey, hey…. Calm down, relax,” I said, rubbing little circles on his back. I watched as his eyes glazed over again, and he was forced to obey, the tension leaving his body. I watched his shoulders relax, feeling oddly proud of myself.
He immediately responded to the soothing tone of my voice, his body gradually relaxing as he went limp against me. His breathing slowed down and his wide eyes became half-lidded as whatever tension he had in his body left. He looked like an obedient puppy being soothed by their master, and I realized I had complete control over him.
“There we go…” I said quietly. I ran my hand along the back of his head, petting him gently. “Good boy… such a good boy…”
Good boy.
Every time those simple words left my mouth, he seemed to melt just a little bit more. The more I praised him and pet his head, the more obedient and relaxed he became. He let out a small whine, pushing his head against my hand, silently encouraging me to continue.
“Goodness, you’re so needy,” I said with a smile, obliging nonetheless. I hummed softly, thinking of what to do here. I’d never been in control like this, never to this degree… I couldn’t just shove him into it, I couldn’t make him do what he would do with me when I was like this. It’d be too much for his first time. I’d have to take it slow. “I love you,” I said softly, pressing a small kiss to the top of his head. “You’re such a good pup for mommy, aren’t you?”
A strangled, involuntary whine escaped from his throat, his body trembling slightly as he responded to the affection. He practically preened under the praise and the kisses to his head, clearly reveling in it.
“Yes,” he mumbled weakly after a second, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m a… I’m a good boy for mommy…”
“I know you’re a good boy,” I said, bringing him closer to me. “I need to know if you’ll be a good pup for mommy.”
He let out a shaky exhale as he was pulled closer, his body practically molding against me now. The whine he let out sounded almost like a whimper now, and a shiver went down his spine as the new title I gave him sank in.
“Y-yes… I’ll be a good, good pup for mommy…!”
“That’s it… such a good pup,” I cooed, still petting him. I had my other hand around his waist as I thought for a moment. “Such a good pup… you might just be the best pup in the whole wide world!”
He buried his face into my shoulder, nuzzling into the crook of my neck. The touch soothed him, like it was the only thing that mattered. He was completely at my mercy, desperate for my approval.
“I’m a good pup… I’m mommy’s best pup…” he mumbled against my skin, his voice nearly too muffled to make out.
“Speak up for mommy,” I said, with a small laugh. “Tell me, does my pup know any tricks? Can you do a trick for mommy?”
He flinched a little at the commanding tone of my voice - he wasn’t used to it being directed at him - before letting out a quiet, slightly fearful, “Yes…?”
He quickly tried to correct himself when he realized the lackluster reply probably wasn’t the response I was looking for, straightening himself up and mumbling out, “I-I can do tricks! I can do tricks for mommy…!”
“Good boy! Such a good boy,” I said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. I patted his head lightly, then pointed to the floor. “Down.”
He practically preened as soon as the praise was directed at him, clearly overjoyed at being a “good boy”. He almost chased my lips for a second when I pulled back, but forced himself to remain still, following my hand as I pointed to the floor.
He obediently climbed off my lap, sitting on the floor in front of me. He looked up expectantly, almost like an actual puppy, waiting for my next instruction.
“Good boy, good puppy,” I said lightly, looking down at him. I smiled, then held out my hand. “Paw.”
He seemed to brighten up at hearing the praise again, letting out a small, involuntary bark-like sound. He was clearly *loving* this, and he was having a hard time holding back just how much he was enjoying himself.
He lifted his hand and placed it in mine, looking up at me intently, awaiting further instructions.
I rubbed my thumb back and forth across his knuckles gently. “Who’s a good boy?” I asked, almost cooing. “Who’s a good pup? Who’s a good puppy for mommy? Is it you? Are you the good pup?”
His eyes were hazy now, completely transfixed on me as I cooed and touched him. He was like putty in my hands, hanging onto my every word.
He practically wiggled and squirmed in excitement on the floor at my words, letting out another little whine before mumbling out, “Yes… yes! I’m a good puppy for mommy…!”
“My good pup,” I said with a nod. Satisfied, I let go of his hand. “Lie down,” I said, gesturing to the floor at my feet.
He quickly obeyed, laying down on his stomach on the floor, facing me. He looked up at me with wide eyes, awaiting his next command. A hint of excitement was clear in his eyes now, as well as the beginnings of something else… he was enjoying himself now…
“Good boy!! Such a good boy!!” I leaned down and gave him some more pets, then sat back down in my chair properly. “Now, go fetch your collar so mommy can put it on you.”
He closed his eyes and practically melted again under my touch, letting out a soft, happy little whine at the praise. The mention of the collar, however, caused his eyes to snap open again, going wide and almost fearful for a second. He seemed to snap out of it after a moment, though, as he slowly got down on his hands and knees and started to crawl in the direction of the bedroom.
“Good boy,” I said, just loud enough for him to hear as he made his way there. It was just across the hall, he probably wouldn’t be seen by anyone. Probably. Nobody was supposed to be up here, especially not at this hour.
He slowly pushed the bedroom door open, crawling inside and immediately heading for a small drawer in the nightstand. He rummaged around inside for a few moments before pulling out a black leather collar, a tag with his name and my contact information attached to it.
He slowly began to crawl back out of the room, clutching the collar in his hands.
Someone did, in fact, catch sight of him. Vox, a powerful overlord, crawling on his hands and knees-
“No! Bad boy!” I called from the room where I sat, watching him. I didn’t know that one of his workers was standing in the hallway, watching him, just out of my line of sight. “Use your mouth like a good pup.”
Vox froze upon hearing my voice, flinching at the word “bad”. He had turned to look in my direction, but he immediately turned back towards the hall at my next words.
He could see a few of his workers standing on the other side of it, staring at him, stunned into silence. He could see some of them biting back laughs, others raising their phones to take pictures as they realized where this was going…
He let out a small whimper before dropping the collar from his hands, taking it into his mouth and slowly crawling over to me.
“Good boy,” I praised, when he got back. I was still sitting in his chair, in his office. I faltered for a moment upon seeing the look on his face. “You’re such a good puppy…” I said, softer. Afraid I’d been too harsh.
He immediately relaxed again at my words, some of the tension leaving his body. He slowly placed the collar at my feet, looking up at me intently. The poor thing was terrified of being called a bad boy, and the way he looked now reminded me of a puppy being scolded for peeing on the carpet.
“Vox…” I said, quieter. He hadn’t been shaking before. I still had no idea about the people in the hallway who’d seen him. “Is something wrong?”
He flinched again at the question, his eyes darting to the side for a moment before returning to my face. He seemed like he wanted to respond, but was having trouble getting his words out… it looked like he was actually afraid of speaking up…
From the hallway, I could hear some quiet snickering, a couple of camera clicks, and faint murmurs of “-Vox’s pet-” and “-he actually listened-”.
I froze, my gaze flicking from him to the hallway. “Vox,” I said, quieter, more serious. “Did they…?”
He gave me a small nod, still refusing to look away from me. There was a visible hint of fear in his eyes now, a stark contrast to the way he was acting just a few minutes ago. He looked like a puppy who was expecting punishment, bracing himself for the inevitable.
The murmurs in the hallway were getting louder, a few of the workers’ voices becoming audible.
“Did you see that?! He actually listened to her!”
“Vox… actually submitting… what’s this world coming to?!”
“Hey, it’s okay,” I said softly, giving him a few quick pets. “Stay. I’ll go deal with this.”
He perked up a little bit at my touch, his body seeming to relax just a little bit, but there was still a tenseness to it. He let out a small whine in protest as I stood up, but it quickly faded, replaced by a submissive nod.
He looked worried as I stepped out into the hallway, not sure what was about to happen…
As soon as I stepped into the hall, the workers that had been gawking at us and taking pictures were visibly shaken, all of them flinching or jumping at the sight of me. They were quickly trying to pretend like they hadn’t seen anything, but the scattered snickers and whispered comments still gave them away.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I asked loudly, my anger evident. A stark contrast from the way I’d been treating Vox moments ago. “You’re all supposed to be at work, three floors down! These are his private quarters, you have no business here, understand?”
The workers flinched back again at my yelling, the ones who were trying to pretend they did nothing in the hallway now turning their attention to me. I could practically feel their eyes boring into me, trying to decipher exactly what was going on in the room behind me.
“H-Hey now-” One of them called out in an attempt to defend themselves, “We just saw him doing something funny-”
“Funny?” I asked, my voice a low growl. I snatched the workers phone and crushed it effortlessly. “You’ve no right to judge another person, much less your boss and an Overlord of Hell. Especially not for what he does in his free time.”
The workers were all tense now, clearly nervous about how far I was planning on taking this. The one who’s phone I crushed stared at it in shock for a moment before looking back up at me, speechless.
“W-We… we were just…” one of the other workers spoke up, “We didn’t expect to see him… doing that…”
“MAYBE IF YOUD BEEN DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB THREE FLOORS DOWN WE WOULDNT BE HAVING THIS PROBLEM!” I yelled, seething with rage. “You wouldn’t have seen shit if you’d been where you were supposed to!”
The workers all recoiled at my yell, the ones in the front trying to take a step or two back, despite the close proximity. They all seemed absolutely terrified now, any sense of curiosity or amusement they’d had previously absolutely *crushed* from the sudden shift in my mood.
One of them raised his hands up in a placating gesture, stuttering out, “O-okay, okay, we get it…!”
“No… no, I don’t think you do,” I said, shaking my head. A smile came across my face and I snapped my fingers. The walls around us and every screen nearby displayed a red and black hypnotic spiral.
The workers all immediately went still, their eyes glazing over as they stared at the spiraling patterns on the screens surrounding them. They were completely entranced, whatever fear they’d felt a second ago suddenly completely gone, leaving them blank-faced and staring…
“All of you are going to forget this ever happened,” I said sternly. “Now.”
They all nodded in unison, the entranced workers all speaking quietly.
“Forget…” one of them mumbled out.
“Forget…” another echoed.
“Forget what…?” a third spoke softly.
“Good,” I said with a nod. “Get back to work. The effects will wear off only once you’ve arrived at your work station. You will never come back up here again, understand?”
All of them responded in unison again, their words still spoken quietly.
“Yes… work station…”
“Never come back here…”
Each one of them slowly turned and started stumbling to the elevator together, still blank-faced and entranced.
I let the spirals fade away, satisfied, then made my way back into Vox’s office. I sat down in his chair, glad to see he was still sitting there obediently. “Good boy,” I said softly, petting him with one hand, typing on his keyboard with the other. “I’m taking care of all of it now. You don’t have to worry about a thing, okay? Nobody will know except you and me.”
He visibly relaxed at my words, letting out a small sigh as he nuzzled into my hand, clearly relieved to have the workers handled. He stayed there, laying his head on the edge of my thigh, as I typed out whatever it was I was trying to do.
I was erasing all the photos and videos taken with the workers phones, manually through Voxteks security system. I got rid of every trace of it, and anything that’d been posted to social media- thankfully, nothing. When I was done I sighed and leaned back in the chair, taking a moment to collect myself.
He looked up at me again as I leaned back, tilting his head to the side. He looked a little concerned at my expression, and he reached up to gently touch my arm as if asking if I was alright.
I opened my eyes and gave him a small smile. “You’re such a good puppy, aren’t you?” I asked, picking up his collar. I motioned for him to get closer. “Do you want your collar? Hm? It’s nice and innocuous, so it doesn’t draw any unwanted attention. Do you wanna be a good boy and wear it for mommy?”
He immediately perked up as I picked up the collar, his eyes going wide. He quickly nodded his head, letting out a soft whine.
“Yes…” he mumbled, “Please… I’ll be a good boy…”
He shifted forward, moving closer, so that he was sitting directly in front of me now.
“Good pup,” I said, putting the collar on him carefully. I made sure it was nice and comfortable, not too tight. “Such a good little puppy, aren’t you?”
He let out a little content sigh as I put the collar on him, his eyes shutting as he relished in the feeling of my fingers gently tightening the leather strap.
“Mhmm…” he mumbled softly, “I’m a good puppy… for mommy…”
“There we go,” I said lightly, petting him again. My fingers traced along his ports, stimulating them a little to make him feel nicer.
He let out a pleased whimper as I began stroking his ports, arching his back a little so that they were pressing closer into my touch.
“Mmm…” he mumbled blissfully, “That feels nice…”
“Feels so nice, doesn’t it? You know what’s even better?” I asked, spreading my legs a little. I gestured for him to sit in between them with a smile.
He immediately perked up at my words, his head tilting to the side. He seemed a little bit nervous now, clearly having a general idea about where this was going as he slowly moved forward, crawling in between my legs. He looked up at me, waiting for his next instruction.
I took the charm off my own collar- that I’d fished out of his desk- and attached it to his. It sent waves of pleasure, calm, and the need to obey through the wearer whenever they followed a command, was praised, or if the charm was ever touched. “Perfect… I want you to reach up and touch that charm now, okay?” I sat back when I’d finished, looking at him expectantly.
He perked up slightly at the sound of the charm being clipped onto his collar, a small shiver going through him as the wave of sensations hit. He stared up at me for a second, his hand hesitating for a moment, before slowly reaching up and wrapping his fingers around the charm.
The effect of the charm hit him almost immediately, his body shivering again a little as he pressed the charm against the palm of his hand. He let out a small sigh, his eyes shutting for a moment as if trying to just *feel* as many sensations from the charm as possible.
“Feels…” he murmured softly, “Feels so… good…"
“I know… good little pups like you get this special little charm,” I said, letting him rest his head against my inner thigh. I pet him slowly as he took it in. “You’re such a good boy, aren’t you?”
He let out a small whine as I pet him, nuzzling his head against my thigh to try and get as close to me as possible. He let out a small whimper at my words, clearly enjoying being called a “good boy”, as the charm continued to affect him.
“Y-Yes…” he mumbled, “I’m… a good puppy… for mommy…”
“Do you remember what that little charm does for good puppy’s like you?” I asked softly, looking at him carefully. His eyes seemed more unfocused. Good.
His eyes flicked up to me as I spoke, his gaze slightly out of focus. He was clearly having a tough time concentrating, the combination of the charm’s effect, my hand gently running through his antennae, and being so close to me all together making his thoughts a little hazy.
Still, he seemed to understand what I was asking him. He spoke slowly, his voice a bit raspy.
“T-The… charm… makes me… feel good… makes me feel good when I’m… a good puppy…”
“Exactly! Good boy, you’re such a good boy!!” I praised, attaching his dog ears to his head before he could stop me. They connected directly, and responded to his emotions like they would for an actual dog. So did the tail that I attached shortly after. “Such a good boy for mommy. You’re such a good pup.”
He immediately perked up as I put the ears on him, his ears twitching a little bit as if testing them out. A small shudder went through him as he felt the tail connect, his body shivering from the charm’s effect, his eyes going a little glassy.
The praise clearly got to him, making his eyes drift shut again. He let a little whine, nuzzling his head into my thigh again as he mumbled out, “F-Feel… good… s-such a good pup… for mommy…”
“That’s right… good puppy…. You know what a side effect of this little charm is?” I asked, toying with it. I pressed my finger against it, watching the effects take place immediately. “The more you wear it and use it, especially when you’re in trance like right now… it makes you feel even better, and drives all your thoughts away… until you’re a perfect, mindless puppy for mommy.”
He let out another little whine as the effects of the charm hit him again. His eyes went even hazier now, his head nuzzling into my thigh automatically with his eyes drifting completely shut. He gave the smallest nod, murmuring out an answer to my question, even though it was clear that he was having a little difficulty thinking.
“M-Mindless puppy… for mommy…” he mumbled, his words coming out soft and mumbled.
“Good boy,” I murmured softly. I let go of the charm and went back to petting him. “You can do the rest, can’t you? Keep pressing that charm until you’re a nice mindless puppy for me. Not a single thought in your head.”
He let out another soft whine at the praise, his eyes still shut as he slowly reached up to touch the charm again. He took a moment before wrapping his fingers around it, and then a shiver went through his body as he closed his hand around it, pressing the charm into his palm.
Almost immediately, his body slumped forward slightly so that his head was resting more heavily against my thigh, his thoughts slowly drifting away as he simply sat there, blank-minded.
His breathing became steady and slow, his eyes remaining shut as he started to slowly drift in and out of a sort of mindless haze, his body completely still except for the occasional shiver or twitch. It was like a switch had flipped in his mind, like the presence of the charm had completely blanked all thoughts from his head and replaced them only with the desire to be a good boy for me.
“Good boy… good boy…” I whispered, still petting him, not letting him stop. He wouldn’t be able to let go of the charm until I gave the order, and right now, I wanted it to last a little longer. Just to be sure he’d stay like this for as long as ai needed. I reached up and rubbed his dog ears gently, carefully. “Such a good puppy…”
He let out a soft whine as I rubbed his ears, his body almost subconsciously trying to press into the touch. He was completely and utterly blank-minded now, unable to think even if he tried, his head blissfully empty as he simply concentrated on feeling the charm as much as possible.
He let out another little whine at my words, a shiver going through him at being called a “good puppy”.
“You can let go now,” I said softly, still rubbing his ears. He’d be a nice mindless puppy for awhile now. He’d be mine, all mine, for at least the next few hours.
He slowly opened his eyes, his gaze unfocused as he took a moment to process my words. His hand let go of the charm, falling back to his lap as he looked up at me again with hazy eyes.
He let out a small whine, nuzzling his head against my thigh again, seemingly for comfort, as he slowly let himself slip back into the mindless puppy role.
“Good boy,” I said, watching his tail move back and forth. I smiled. “You can’t speak anymore, can you? Such a good mindless puppy, you can only make little noises.”
He let out a whimper at my words, his eyes going wide as he realized that he actually couldn’t speak right now. He made a little whining noise, like a dog being denied food, almost as if to say, “No, I can’t.”
His tail was wagging almost constantly now, thumping against the floor softly from time to time. He let out another whine, his hands gripping the edge of my skirt for comfort.
“It’s okay, you like this,” I said, petting him soothingly. He couldn’t think for himself, his reality was built off my words right now. What I said had to be true. “You like this. Relax. You can bark, if you’d like. You can whine and whimper. Such a good pup…”
He let out a soft whimper at my words, slowly relaxing against my leg again, his tail still thumping a little against the floor. He let out one small bark, as if to test it out, before going silent again.
He gripped my skirt a little tighter, as if scared that I might move and leave him if he let go.
“Relax, calm down,” I said, moving to rub circles along his back. “It’s okay… it’s okay… mommy’s not gonna leave you… it’s okay…”
He let out another whine, his tail slowly stopping its thumping as he leaned into my touch, letting out a small sigh of relief as I rubbed his back. He let go of my skirt now, resting one hand in his lap and the other on my thigh, his body visibly relaxing now that he knew I wasn’t going to leave him.
He let out another little bark, this time quieter. It was like his only way to communicate now.
“Good boy,” I said softly, with a nod of approval. “You like barking, don’t you? Makes you feel like a good puppy. Good pups don’t need to use words, good pups just bark and obey.”
He slowly nodded, letting out another bark as his tail started wagging again. Yes. He knew that now. Good pups don’t need to speak. He didn’t want to speak. He wasn’t even sure if he could speak even if he tried.
All he wanted now was to be a mindless, obedient puppy for me. He wanted to feel good again.
“Good boy!! Such a good puppy, you’re such a good puppy!” I cooed, a grin spreading across my face as I saw him wag his tail. I cupped his face in my hands and squished it gently. “Such a good boy! Good pup! You’re a good pup!!”
His eyes closed as I squished his face, his tail wagging even more now at all the praise. He let out another small bark, this one sounding more joyful and excited than the last. He was a good boy now. A good, mindless puppy who just wanted to feel good and make me happy.
He nuzzled his head against my hands, practically begging me to keep giving him attention and praise.
“Good boy! Good boy!! You’re such a good boy, aren’t you? In fact, you’re such a good boy, you deserve a little treat!” I said brightly, letting go for a moment. I touched his charm, then let go and patted my lap. “Cmon! Up here!! Come up here with mommy!”
He let out another small bark, his eyes immediately darting down to my lap at my command. He slowly began getting up, crawling awkwardly into my lap as he tried to get as close to me as possible.
He eventually managed to situate himself, sitting comfortably in my lap now, his eyes looking at me expectantly as he waited for his promised “treat”.
I hummed softly and played with the special charm on his collar, making him feel better and better. I wanted him to be a drooling mess for me.
He closed his eyes as the charm started affecting him again, letting out a small whine as the feeling washed over him. He was quickly becoming so blissed out that his eyes started to roll a little in his head, his tongue starting to loll out as he began drooling.
He was clearly having a hard time concentrating on anything at all now, his thoughts slowly slipping away from him again. He let out another small whine, practically melting in my lap right now.
I watched him slowly dissolve further and further into the puppy headspace, grinning to myself as I kept playing with the charm on his collar. He was completely mine now, mindless and mindless for me, just like how it should be.
He was already a drooling mess, his tongue sticking out slightly as he slowly started nuzzling against my neck, whining and whimpering softly.
“That’s right… drool for me like a good puppy,” I said softly, still messing with the charm. I wasn’t going to let up.
He let out another small whine as I continued to toy with the charm, making his thoughts go even more fuzzy until he was practically incapable of thinking at all. His tongue lolled out more now, some drool starting to drip down his chin and landing on my skin.
He whimpered softly, his body shuddering from the sensation of the charm as he slowly started nuzzling my neck.
I brought my hands to his hips and rocked them against mine. “I need you to do that for me, okay?” I said, demonstrating again. I knew he couldn’t think, he’d just mindlessly follow along.
He let out another soft whine at my words, the movement of my hands on his hips making him shudder. He slowly began rocking his own hips against mine, trying to mimic the motion as best as he could in his mindless state.
He followed along mindlessly, his body almost automatically trying to follow my lead. He let out another small whimper as he continued to do what I said.
“Good boy,” I said, rocking my own hips against his. I rested one hand around his waist, and brought up the other to play with his charm again. I’d make him keep doing this until I gave the order to stop. “Such a good boy.”
He let out another small whine at the praise, starting to pant softly now in reaction to the sensations overwhelming his body. His hips continued to rock against mine, though they were starting to be a little erratic, a sure sign that his thoughts were almost completely gone.
He leaned into my touch as I played with the charm, letting out a shuddering breath. He was getting more and more blissed out like this, completely mindless in my lap.
A few minutes of this was all it took. I felt his cum leaking through his pants and onto my clothes as he kept going.
“Hey…” I said, awhile after that. He’d cummed many more times since then, but I’d only stopped because I’d run out of songs to him. “You can stop now. You’ve been such a good boy for me.”
He slowly came to a stop after I gave the order, though his body still shuddered a bit as he tried to catch his breath.
He let out a panting whimper at my words, leaning against my shoulder, clearly still completely mindless right now. His mind was utterly blank, his eyes unfocused, and his body completely relaxed against me.
He nuzzled his face into my neck, letting out another tiny whine.
“It’s okay. Its okay. Just relax and close your eyes… drool all over me if you want… doze off to sleep…” I pet him gently, moving his position so his head would be against my chest instead. I sighed and gave him a fond smile. “You’re such a good puppy. Such a good, tired puppy.”
He slowly closed his eyes at my words, letting out a soft whine as I moved his position so his head was on my chest. He nuzzled his face against me, his body instinctively trying to get as close to me as possible.
He began lightly drooling again as he lay against me, the charm having practically wiped all thoughts from his head. He whimpered softly, his body starting to relax even more as he started to approach a sleepy, mindless state.
I let go of the charm and let him sleep. I was pleased with myself- it wasn’t so bad for my first time being in control.
He was soon asleep, his body completely relaxed against me as he let out a soft snore every now and then. He was still drooling a bit, some of it landing on my chest as he lay there peacefully.
He looked completely blissed out, his mind completely blank for the moment. He was like a cute little puppy, sleeping and drooling and completely mindless.
I slowly removed his ears and tail, careful not to wake him. Then I did the same with the charm on his collar, reattaching it to my own and putting it back in the drawer in his desk. Last but not least, I undid his collar and set it aside. For a moment longer, I just watched him sleeping there peacefully.
He stirred softly in his sleep as I removed his accessories, letting out a small whine as if he missed them. Once his collar was off though, he relaxed again, going back to sleep and resuming his peaceful state.
He looked adorable like this, sleeping on my lap and drooling on my shirt like a puppy. He was completely relaxed and blissfully mindless, the remnants of the charm's power still lingering.
“Hey,” I said, gently shaking him awake. “Voxxy…”
He slowly stirred again at the sound of my voice, letting out a soft whine as he slowly opened his eyes. He looked blearily up at me for a moment, still clearly a bit disoriented and not quite awake yet.
He blinked a few times as he woke up more, trying to get his bearings as he looked up at me. "..mmm..?"
It was time to make sure he was out of trance completely. “Nice to see you, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?”
He slowly sat up, bringing a hand up to rub his eyes for a moment. His head ached a bit and he had a momentary feeling that he'd forgotten something important. He looked at me and slowly nodded at my question.
"..tired.." he mumbled, his voice still slightly shaky from sleep, "...how long was I out for..?"
“Only a little while,” I said, unsure of how long myself. I shrugged, nonchalant. “Be a good boy and tell me the last thing you remember, okay?”
He thought for a moment, slowly sorting out the memories in his head. He had a hazy memory of sitting on my lap like a puppy, my hands playing with his collar... but then, everything was sorta blank after that.
He looked up at me again, a slight look of confusion on his face. "...I... I don't remember much.." he said softly. "..Why..?"
“Did you have fun?” I asked softly, cupping his face and pressing little kisses all along it.
He instinctively leaned into my touch at the kisses, letting out a soft whine as he allowed me to pepper his face with kisses. He slowly nodded, letting out a soft sigh.
"..yeah.. yeah I did.." he mumbled slowly, his head still a little fuzzy from sleep. "..it was.. nice.."
“Do you remember how it started?” I asked, softer.
He thought for a moment again trying to remember. He slowly frowned a little as he continued to sort through his memories. He remembered sitting on my lap and then I said something to him... and then everything else was a blur.
He looked up at me again, a look of confusion still on his face. "..no.. I don't.. remember how it started.." he mumbled. "Why?"
“You were trying to do the hypnosis thing with me, like usual… but it backfired and affected you instead,” I said, with a small laugh. “It was weird, being the one in control.”
The color slowly drained from his face as I spoke, the realization of what had happened finally settling in. He slowly brought a hand up to his forehead, a look of horror on his face.
"Oh no.. oh no..." he mumbled softly, slowly looking up at me. "...I don't remember any of that.."
“Does this help?” I asked, lifting the collar and showing it to him. It should be an impactful enough object to jog his memory.
His eyes slowly widened as he saw the collar, his expression turning even more horrified. He slowly nodded, his mind slowly starting to piece everything together as memories of sitting on my lap and the charm on his collar started to return to him.
He slowly looked up at me again, his expression a mix of fear and humiliation. "You... you were in control of me..?"
“I didn’t do anything too bad, don’t worry. I know your boundaries- and besides, if I made you uncomfortable you would’ve snapped yourself out of the trance,” I said reassuringly. I squeezed his hand gently and smiled. “I knew it was your first time, I didn’t want to shove you into anything… it was pretty toned down, compared to what you do when you have me like that.”
He slowly relaxed as I spoke, a mix of relief and embarrassment on his face. He squeezed my hand back gently, still clearly slightly humiliated at having been so easily dominated. "I... I see," he said softly. "So.. you weren't too rough with me..? I didn't do anything... too humiliating?"
“No, not really… the most humiliating part would’ve been when I had you fetch the collar,” I said. I internally cringed, remembering how I had to deal with everyone that saw. That was a pain in the ass.
He winced at that, his face turning red with embarrassment. He slowly groaned and covered his face with his hands, clearly mortified. "Ugh.. I can't believe I made a fool of myself.." he mumbled. "Wait... did other people see me?..!"
“They don’t remember. There’s no evidence, either,” I said, looking away. I felt bad about that one. I didn’t have his consent for that, I knew humiliation was a big no when it came to him. I’d been careless, and despite the fact it’d been resolved, I still felt bad.
He slowly removed his hands from his face, looking back up at me with a slightly relieved expression. He let out a small sigh. "Good.. I don't think I could've handled the embarrassment if anyone else had seen me like that.."
He paused for a moment, noticing the shift in my expression. He tilted his head, a slight frown on his face. "Is.. something wrong?.. you look upset, dear.."
“I just… still feel bad about that. About the fact you were seen. It’s all fine now, but… well, it doesn’t change how I feel,” I said, my face going red with embarrassment. I fidgeted lightly and looked away.
He frowned a little as he heard my response, slowly sitting up properly. He took my hands in his and gave them a gentle squeeze. "Hey. Look at me," he said softly.
He waited until I looked at him before speaking again. "I'm not mad. It's okay, darling. It happened, and it's over now. You didn't do anything wrong, alright? You don't have anything to feel guilty about."
“Okay…” I said softly. I brought his hand up to make him cup my face, then nuzzled against it. “I love you…”
He smiled softly as he felt me nuzzle against his hand, his expression turning fond. "I love you too, darling," he said softly. "And I forgive you, okay? There's nothing for you to feel guilty about, I promise."
He gently stroked my cheek with his thumb. "You're far too hard on yourself, you know. You have to learn to forgive yourself, sweetheart."
“Mm…” I shrugged noncommittedly. After a moment, I opened my eyes and looked up at him with a smile. “You were a good puppy. Such a good boy.”
His face turned red at my words, a mix of embarrassment and a hint of pride on his face. He looked up at me, a slight pout on his face. "Heyyy.. don't tease me like that.." he mumbled.
He wasn't actually that bothered by the comment though. Despite his pout, he actually seemed quite fond and even happy at the praise, a warm, fuzzy feeling growing in his chest.
He slowly leaned into me, resting his head against my shoulder. He was still clearly a bit overwhelmed by the events earlier, but he felt safe and comfortable being in my arms.
He mumbled something softly, his voice a little muffled against my shoulder. "..can I have cuddles..?"
“Of course,” I said softly. I hesitated for a moment. “But… well, we’re both a mess. Soaked.”
He slowly looked up at me, a sheepish expression on his face. "Yeah.. you're right," he said softly. He glanced down at my clothes, his screen a little red as he noticed how they were stained from his drool.
"Maybe I got a little too excited…" he mumbled embarrassedly.
“It’s okay,” I said with a small laugh. I snapped my fingers and we were in clean clothes again. “Now we can cuddle.”
He looked down at himself, feeling the clean fabric against his skin and letting out a small, contented sigh. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer and resting his head against my chest.
"Mmm... much better," he murmur, inhaling deeply and taking in my scent. "Cuddles now?"
“Mhm,” I mumbled, drawing him closer.
He settled comfortably against me, practically clinging to me as he rested his head against my chest. He took deep, slow breaths as he relaxed in my arms.
For a while, he didn’t speak, simply content to lay there and bask in the feeling of being held. After a few moments of silence though, he quietly spoke up. "..darling..?"
“Yeah?” I asked quietly, stifling a yawn.
He took another deep breath, fiddling with his hands for a moment as he mentally prepped himself. He seemed unusually nervous, clearly whatever it was he had to ask was important to him.
After a few moments, he finally spoke up, his voice quiet and shaky as he spoke. "..can.. can we talk about something.. serious..?"
“Of course,” I said with a nod.
His expression was a mix of nervousness and determination as he slowly looked up at me. He took a deep breath, steeling himself as he finally spoke. "..I... I want to.. try something.. something different. During one of our.. sessions.." he said softly, his screen turning red as he spoke.
“Okay,” I said with a nod. “What is it?”
He fiddled with his hands again, clearly still a bit nervous. He took another deep breath before speaking, the redness on his screen slowly growing darker.
"I... I want to try being... more.. submissive.." he mumbled, his voice quiet and hesitant.
Tag list for fics: @vvzhyxx @your-silly-vox-stan @noodlemaaaan @angelplayzgames @alexartink @nerdyblog8 @kaleowu @gooseissoepic @triple-moon-rp @superwholatacohunters @rosiethevoxobesser @thenumberonephoenicafleecityfan @pringlesaregoodngl @thyvessel @azullynxx @crazypsychonerdstuff @ell-does-stuff
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Katsuki Bakugo: You Were Reckless
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Genre: Fluff with a little bit of angst
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x fem!pro hero!reader
WC: 1,158
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Hello guys!
I have a quick little author's note for you guys before you continue with reading the story down below.
So, to start, when I had first wrote this story a while back, I wanted it to be longer and have a flashback that explained as to why the reader is in the hospital in this story, but I couldn't think of a way or spot in the story to fit it and have it make sense so this story's on the short side... If you guys want me to do a prequel kind of thing to this, please let me know and I'll definitely do it when I get the chance too!
I also have a scenario that's kind of like this but it has a battle scene against a villain, but the only difference is, is that the reader doesn't end up going to the hospital at the end, so if you guys want me to post that one, please let me know! I'd just have to edit it some more and think up a good title for it since I haven't yet!
Anyway, that's it for my author's note!
Enjoy the story guys and I'll see you for the next one which will most likely be posted early to mid-next week at some point!
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The gentle hum of what sounds like machinery and the beeping of a heart monitor is what wakes you up. You slowly open your eyes, only to be blinded by a bright light against a white ceiling, which causes to close your eyes again with a groan.
After a moment, you open your eyes again and your years adjust to the lights. Once your eyes get adjusted to the light, you turn your head against your pillow, seeing that you're in a hospital room.
There's a few moments as you look around the room where you don't remember as to why you'd be in a hospital room, but then the battle against a few villains you were in with your longtime boyfriend - now fiancé; Katsuki Bakugo aka Dynamight where you got knocked out from exceeding your quirks limit.
You continue to look around the room and when you look towards the room's window, you see Katsuki sitting in a chair, looking out over the cityscape. “Suki?” You question softly with a gentle groan as your eyes still haven’t fully adjusted to the white walls and bright lights of the room. Katsuki grunts in response as he turns to look over at you from his seat. “What happened? Did we get ‘em?” you ask referring to the 3 villains the 2 of you had been fighting before you fell unconscious. “Yeah. The villains are all in custody.” he confirms. “Good.” you sigh out with a smile as you relax against the mattress and pillow. “Another win.”
All in a day’s work for a Pro Hero.
“A win?” Katsuki repeats icily. “You seriously call that shit show a win?” Opening one eye you see you your fiancé gripping the arms of the chair that he’s sitting in, smoke coming out of his hands.
What crawled up his ass and died?
Knowing that he's just worried about you because you got hurt during the battle earlier, you try to console him and reassure him that you're okay. "Katsuki, I'm fine. You don't have to-" “You nearly died (Y/N).” he hisses, cutting you off. “And until you stop pushing your limits, you’re gonna be on desk duty.” “What-? D-Desk duty?” you sputter out in surprise. “Are you kidding me Katsuki?” you ask. “How am I supposed to show that I can stop pushing my limits if I’m stuck behind a desk?” “By following my directions and doing what I say!” Katsuki exclaims back. “This isn’t a game y'know?! This isn’t UA where you’re sparring, and you can just go to Recovery Girl if you get hurt!” “I’m good at what I do as a Pro Hero! You of all people should know that by now!” you retort back at him angrily, as the heart rate monitor on the other side of your bed starts beeping rapidly, matching the pace of your pounding heart.
“You may be good at what you do as a Pro but you’re so damn reckless!” he exclaims. “I may be reckless, but I get the job done!” you exclaim back. “Your recklessness will end up getting you killed one day (Y/N)!” His words echo off the walls of the hospital room as you glare at each other.
After a minute or two of glaring at each other, Katsuki gets up from the chair he’d been sitting in, running his hands through his spiky blonde hair aggressively before he speaks again. “As a Pro Hero, sometimes the best win is being able to come back home. Alive.” His voice is much quieter as he says this and your glare lessens at his words, sensing the worry in his voice. “I always make it back home alive, Katsuki.” you counter, your voice matching his.
He turns away from you, looking out the window behind him. “Yeah, you do..., but you end up doing something reckless and I have to rescue your ass in time before you get hurt or worse... ...killed...” He replies, his voice cracking slightly at the end. Katsuki's body is tense as you watch him closely, not really knowing what to say, because you know that he's right. You are reckless when it comes to certain situations, especially when innocent people are in danger because of villains wreaking havoc.
"Kat I-" you start to say but you cut yourself off when you see his shoulders shaking slightly.
'Is he… crying…?’ you wonder to yourself. The cocky, hot-headed Katsuki 'Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight’ Bakugo is crying?
“What do you think is going to happen if I don’t make it to you in time one day, (Y/N)?” Katsuki asks you gently. “Have you ever thought about that?” Unfortunately, no… you really haven’t thought of that possibility of him not getting to you in time like he did today.
At the thought, you shift uncomfortably under the covers as you hear the raw emotions flooding through his voice as he speaks. “If I don’t get to you in time, I get to bring your body back to the agency, and then go to our apartment only to be reminded that I wasn’t able to save you; …that I failed you…“
The silence that fills the room following his words is unbearable.
You’ve known Katsuki for nearly 10 years now, since your first year at UA and you dated him for just over 8 years before he had proposed to you almost a year ago now, so you know for a fact that if something happened to you because he couldn’t get to you in time, he wouldn’t be able to stand himself if he was the reason that you died - even if it would really be your fault for being so reckless and pushing yourself too far and putting yourself in a compromising position.
Katsuki loves you that much, so much in fact that he would blame himself if you didn’t make it because he couldn’t get to you in time… “Katsuki I-…” you start only for your voice to cut off as you don’t really know what to say. You sigh gently before continuing. “I never really thought about it that way…” You hear Katsuki scoff. *Tch* “No, you haven’t,” he starts as he turns back to you, walking over to your bed and sitting on the edge. “because you always seem to think that I’m gonna be able to save your ass every single damn time. So, you’ll be on desk duty until I say so.” You nod in understanding, accepting your punishment for being so reckless on the field. “I’m sorry, Suki.” you say grabbing his hand. Katsuki shakes his head slightly as he gives your hand a squeeze. “Don’t be sorry dumbass, just come back home alive, that's all I care about.”
"Okay. I'll come back to you if you do the same for me." you reply, knowing just how he can be as stubborn as you, if not more sometimes.
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