#but like. when i was writing sword of fate i encountered this problem
ghostofskywalker · 11 months
Rescue Mission
Will Turner/Fem!Reader
Fictober Day 26 of 31
Words: 1,238
Summary: When your husband is taken, you very bravely (or very stupidly) go alone to rescue him.
Note: today is actually a double feature of will turner fics, since i promised i would write a request for an anon a little bit ago.
there's some canon divergence in here for dead man's chest i suppose? it doesn't ever specifically follow the movie but it has to do with davy jones and i've just kind of wrote with the general vibe of things.
Will Turner Masterlist
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You could hear the sound of Davy Jones’ voice as you crept up the side of the ship, with nothing but a sword at your hip and a wooden lifeboat bobbing behind you in the shallows, an unwavering determined expression on your face.
When Captain Jack Sparrow had returned to shore three weeks ago without your husband with him, you immediately threatened the pirate with certain death if you found out that he had let Will die. Triumphantly, the slightly drunken idiot informed you that Will was not in fact dead, but rather trapped on a ship with a ghost crew and no way out. You kept to your word (and didn’t kill him), but that wasn’t to say that he left the encounter completely unscathed.
So when the Flying Dutchman appeared at the port of Tortuga, you jumped at the chance to fix the mess that Sparrow had created and save your lover from a fate worse than death. You probably had a death wish, to try and go against Jones like this with no backup and no combat experience, but you had to try. You’d been handling a sword since your early teens, so your skill was all you had to rely on.
You climbed through one of the large windows on the lower levels on the ship, thankful for the fact that the rest of the crew was most likely on the deck. It would probably present a bigger problem for you later, but right now it was a good thing.
Keeping your steps as light and gentle as physically possible, you snuck up the stairs and took refuge behind a large pile of crates. You caught a glimpse of Will, with rope around his wrists but otherwise unharmed. You could also see a glimpse of his sword in one corner of the deck, glinting against the old and darkened wood.
But most surprising of all, you didn’t see Davy Jones.
Now, this was not something you were going to question, because you knew that if you could get out of here without ever catching sight of this ship’s captain you had a much higher chance of success. Pulling the sword from its place on your hip, you crept around the ship, keeping yourself out of sight of the two crew members who were standing in the middle of the deck. The rest of the crew must be off somewhere else, you realized, and you definitely didn’t want to still be here when they returned.
As you moved from the crates, you caught Will staring right at you, a completely shocked expression on his face. He seemed to mouth What are you doing here? and you just raised a finger to your lips in response. If even one of the remaining crew members suspected that they weren’t alone on this ship your elaborate rescue mission was toast, and you couldn’t afford to lose right now.
You knew that Will would probably have a lot of questions for you later, and you would answer them in due time, but right now the most important thing was getting him free.
When the crewmen descended to the lower levels of the ship, you knew that was your chance. You immediately began to cut the ropes around your boyfriend’s wrists.
“What are you doing here?” he whispered.
“Rescuing you,” you hissed back. “And we don’t have much time, so you need to listen to me.”
As well as this plan had gone so far, you were not particularly lucky after the ropes fell to the deck of the ship and Will picked up his sword, because the crew of the Dutchman were finally alerted to your presence.
Immediately, one of them lunged at you, and your sword clanged against his. You attempted to stab him in the heart, but he parried and blocked your blow. You could hear what sounded like Will’s voice calling out to you to jump overboard, and you hoped that you heard him correctly.
This crewman (who had what looked like rotting limbs and the head of a shark), made a stab at you, but you managed to dodge it. You were just about to make another move, but the second crew member attacked the first, giving you the chance to pull away.
You looked at the man in confusion, and he nodded at you, his eyes darting to the waters beyond the ship as he parried his crewmate. Not wanting to waste the chance to escape, you quickly sprinted to the edge of the ship, clambering over the edge at the same time as Will, and the two of you reached for each other as you fell into the ocean.
You were worried about slamming into the seafloor as you descended, but thankfully the ship had been anchored in a place where the water was deep enough for you to land without major harm. After a quick breath of air, you ducked back underwater and followed Will to a rocky cave just out of eyesight of the Dutchman. You had thought about swimming for the boat you had taken out here, but it would be too easily seen and generally too risky.
You stepped out of the water, immediately finding yourself wrapped in a hug before Will leaned down to place a kiss on your lips. You hadn’t seen him in so long, and you passionately obliged, wanting to never leave this particular moment. Despite the fact that you were currently sopping wet and were more than likely still in some kind of danger, this fleeting moment was the happiest you’ve felt in a long while.
When you finally had to pull away for air, you looked at Will. “Are you alright?”
He nodded. “We were lucky that Jones was finally using his day on land to hunt down Jack, or we could still be stuck on that boat.”
You nodded. “And we’re also lucky one of the crew let us go.”
His expression changed slightly. “That was my father, Bootstrap Bill,” he said softly, and immediately your heart broke for him. It was in no way his fault and he had no say in the decision, but you knew that he likely felt responsibly for leaving a family member on that ship.
You reached down to take his hand, looking into his eyes as you spoke. “It’s clear that he loves you,” you said. “Do you know if there’s a way to release him from Jones’ crew?”
Will shook his head. “Not without a huge sacrifice on my side,” he said. “And even so, I doubt Jones would be so willing to negotiate now that I’ve run away.”
“Speaking of that,” you said. “Are you still in danger?”
He paused before responding. “Yes. After today, Davy Jones has to wait another ten years before he can set foot on land again, but we would lose that protection on the water.”
You nodded, not sure what to do. “Maybe we can take a few days before going back out there,” you suggested.
Will smiled. “I’ll need to find some kind of crew anyway.”
“Well, you have me for sure,” you said, squeezing his hand.
“I’d never doubt that,” he said, leaning down to steal another kiss from your lips.
You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. The dangers weren’t over just yet, but at least you had Will by your side once more.  
- the end - 
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spaceorphan18 · 5 months
Book lady gets a book question - is there anything recently released or coming out soon that you’re looking forward to?
Okay, yes, book lady would like to talk about books! Believe it or not, I do actually read more than X-Men and Agatha Christie, lol.
Omg, my TBR is so long... Here's what's at the top of the list (in no order):
The Busy Body by Kemper Donovan : It's a dream assignment. Former Senator Dorothy Gibson, aka that woman, is the most talked-about person in the country right now, though largely for the wrong reasons. As an independent candidate for President of the United States, Dorothy split the vote and is being blamed for the shocking result. After her very public defeat, she's retreated to her home in rural Maine, inviting her ghostwriter to join her.
The Cautious Traveller's Guide to the Wastelands by Sarah Brooks: It is the end of the 19th Century and the world is awash with marvels. But there is nothing so marvellous as the Wastelands: a terrain of terrible miracles that lies between Beijing and Moscow. Nothing touches this abandoned wilderness except the Great Trans-Siberian Express: an impenetrable train built to carry cargo across continents, but which now transports anyone who dares to cross the shadowy Wastelands.
The Decagon House Murders by Yukito Ayatsuji : Students from a university mystery club decide to visit an island which was the site of a grisly multiple murder the year before. Predictably, they get picked off one by one by an unseen murderer. Is there a madman on the loose? What connection is there to the earlier murders? The answer is a bombshell revelation which few readers will see coming.
Murder Your Employer by Rupert Holmes: Who hasn't wondered for a split second what the world would be like the object of your affliction ceased to exist? But then you've probably never heard of The McMasters Conservatory, dedicated to the consummate execution of the homicidal arts. To gain admission, a student must have an ethical reason for erasing someone who deeply deserves a fate no worse (nor better) than death.
Everyone On This Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson : When the Australian Mystery Writers’ Society invited me to their crime-writing festival aboard the Ghan, the famous train between Darwin and Adelaide, I was hoping for some inspiration for my second book. Fiction, this time: I needed a break from real people killing each other. Obviously, that didn’t pan out.
Less by Andrew Shawn Greer : PROBLEM: You are a failed novelist about to turn fifty. A wedding invitation arrives in the mail: your boyfriend of the past nine years now engaged to someone else. You can’t say yes--it would all be too awkward--and you can’t say no--it would look like defeat. On your desk are a series of half-baked literary invitations you’ve received from around the world. QUESTION: How do you arrange to skip town? ANSWER: You accept them all.
The Inheritance Trilogy by NK Jemisin : Yeine Darr is an outcast from the barbarian north. But when her mother dies under mysterious circumstances, she is summoned to the majestic city of Sky. There, to her shock, Yeine is named an heiress to the king. But the throne of the Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is not easily won, and Yeine is thrust into a vicious power struggle.
Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson : It has been centuries since the fall of the ten consecrated orders known as the Knights Radiant, but their Shardblades and Shardplate remain: mystical swords and suits of armor that transform ordinary men into near-invincible warriors. Men trade kingdoms for Shardblades. Wars were fought for them, and won by them.
Sandman by Neil Gaiman : In PRELUDES & NOCTURNES, an occultist attempting to capture Death to bargain for eternal life traps her younger brother Dream instead. After his 70 year imprisonment and eventual escape, Dream, also known as Morpheus, goes on a quest for his lost objects of power. On his arduous journey, Morpheus encounters Lucifer, John Constantine, and an all-powerful madman.
In a Great Green Room by Amy Gary : The extraordinary life of the woman behind the beloved children’s classics Goodnight Moon and The Runaway Bunny comes alive in this fascinating biography of Margaret Wise Brown. Margaret’s books have sold millions of copies all over the world, but few people know that she was at the center of a children’s book publishing revolution. Her whimsy and imagination fueled a steady stream of stories, book ideas, songs, and poems and she was renowned for her prolific writing and business savvy, as well as her stunning beauty and endless thirst for adventure.
How to be Perfect by Michael Shur : Most people think of themselves as “good,” but it’s not always easy to determine what’s “good” or “bad”—especially in a world filled with complicated choices and pitfalls and booby traps and bad advice. Fortunately, many smart philosophers have been pondering this conundrum for millennia and they have guidance for us. With bright wit and deep insight, How to Be Perfect explains concepts like deontology, utilitarianism, existentialism, ubuntu, and more so we can sound cool at parties and become better people.
Okay, that's a ton of books, but I have about fifty-ish that I own and haven't read yet. Because I have a problem...
Also -- the sequel to House on the Cerulean Sea and of course Gail Simone's run on Uncanny X-Men.
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
i agree that we likely wont get playable zelda but ill be lowkey disappointed if the game starts and they just immediately fridge her until the end of the game 😭😭😭 like at least make it like impa in botw where we can visit ☹️
i really. wish that the formula that these games have relied on since 1986 didn't require zelda getting fridged halfway through the game at the very least. but the way the lore is written combined with the 35-year precedent of this formula makes it. genuinely very difficult to deviate from it. sequels definitely have some leeway but a lot of sequels in this franchise elect to just... remove zelda entirely instead of having to figure out how to write her into a game when she's not the mcguffin. it sucks but like. i do kinda understand the deviation to the formula bc it really just makes the game instantly recognizable to longtime fans and takes away some of the learning curve that might be there otherwise
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luimagines · 3 years
This is my third time sending this ask because tumblr keeps saying it didn't go through- so if you've seen this already just ignore it but could you do a short headcanon list on how they would react if you held their hand- could be platonic or romantic whichever is easier to write
Sorry that Tumblr kept eating your asks. But this was first time I saw it so I'm glad you didn't give up.
Handholding headcanons!
I think I'll do a bit of both platonic and romantic just because I can.
Content under the cut!
It you were to grab his hand out of the blue, he’d be startled at first and almost pull his hand back on instinct.
He sees you and then he calms down even if he’s more confused than before.
He doesn’t know what the next course of action is and he doesn’t want to cause a scene or hurt your feelings by asking you to let him go. 
He will ask you to let go eventually though
So it’s best to make it short and sweet at first and probably get to point of catching his attention since you certainly have it now.
But if you happen to make a habit of just taking his hand out of the blue then he lets you hold on to him for as long as you need.
He grows resigned to it and just lets you get it out of your system until you move on to the next team member.
He does feel a little better in the idea that you trust him by the end of the day though.
Even if he’s not sure why you like hold his hand in particular, he doesn’t want to put any strain on your relationship especially since he’s let it go on for as long as he has.
Besides, the adventure won’t last forever, he tells himself, it’s not doing any harm either.
He takes on an father figure/ older brother approach when you hold his hand by now and just uses it to keep you in line with the boys or out of their natural crosshairs of chaos.
If you were to hold his hand out of the blue, he wouldn’t hesitate to hold yours back, even giving a little squeeze to reassure himself of your presence.
He likes to hold your hand and walk by your side as quiet way to show you his affection both in private and in public.
He’s a man of little words but he never wants you to doubt his devotion to you.
He doesn’t outwardly react when you grab him.
But his heart never fails to swell in general contentment when you show, even in the little things that you want to be by his side.
After a few minutes of initial contact, he’d grin a little to himself and begin to swing your hands back and forth in time with your steps.
If the boys try to say anything then he’s quick to silence them with his a simple glance over his shoulder at them.
Not that he had to be angry or anything but the boys don’t want to potentially push him that far with their teasing...
The whole... poke the bear and run the hills when it moves sort of thing.... It’s a giant game of chicken that they lose every time.
He’d hold your hand forever if you’d let him, even if he knows he can’t feasibly do so and keep his image of stoic leader of the Heroes of Courage at the same time.
It helps ground him.
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, he’d hold your back no problem.
It’s something his sister does a lot back home so it’s nice for him to have little reminder even if your hands are nothing like hers.
He’d take it in stride and swing them back and forth with no hesitation at all.
As long as it’s clear to him that you’re holding him out of want to be friendly, he takes turns with you throughout the journey for who grabs whos hand first.
If he at all gets the impression however, that it’s because the youngest and it’s to keep him close, he would yank his hands away from yours and stomp away from you with a few harsh words on his tongue about how he doesn’t need to be babied.
It depends on your status and previous encounters with him for this and how he thinks you view him.
Even if the negative encounter happens and he see later on that it wasn’t to hold him back, he’d grab your hand instead.
A silent memo that he’s ok with it and he’s sorry for pushing you away the first time.
He’s more inclined to grab onto a persons arm if he’s familiar with them instead of grabbing their hand but since you’ve grabbed onto his hand first, he’s willing to meet you where you stand for quiet affection.
But he likes the idea of holding hands as he travels, mostly because it reminds him that’s not alone on this adventure.
And if it helps him think that he’s got nothing to prove to the others when he allows himself a small comfort, that’s for him to know.
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, he’d instantly start blushing.
Full on- tomato red, all the way to the tips of his ears and down to his neck.
He gets shy and quiet and laces his finger with yours but he has a trouble making eye contact.
Part of him wants to push you away because he immediately gets teased by the other boys but depending on your reaction- he either sticks his tongue out and squeezes your hand tighter or just starts swearing like the sailor he is for embarrassing you.
Because so help him, if they make you feel uncomfortable enough to let go of him first, then he’s going to prank all of them until they leave you alone.
He’s very quick to push aside his own discomfort at their words and instead fight for your honor.
Because it was clearly something you wanted to do but the others would have shot you down and made you feel self conscious and doubtful
And that won’t stand.
He thinks it’s one of the sweet things anyone would want from him.
A lot of Wind is loud and expressive and eye catching, so something small and quiet and mostly hidden catches him off guard.
It send his heart into a spiral and even when you’re not holding onto him, he can sometimes still feel your phantom touch.
He tries to compare the emotions of the thrill of holding his sword versus the thrill of holding your hand.
And... he begins to think that what he once thought was irreplaceable, can very quickly be put on the back burner if you’re willing to stay by his side.
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, he’d be startled at first and probably ask you out loud what you thought you were doing, but he’d be more amused about it- than say- Time or Legend.
He’d raise his eyebrow and let you hold onto him for a moment without grabbing you back as you explain yourself.
If you say you just felt like it then he’d just let you hold onto him without putting up much of a fight
All the kids from his village would more or less hang off of him so he’s pretty used to it. (Wind does it too so he’s accepted his fate)
If he gets the impression that you’re afraid or uncomfortable and that’s why you’ve reach out to him- then he’ll hold your hand back.
He’s has a strong grip and it’s warm and comforting with seasoned, robust calluses from years of farm work.
He’s not the kind of person to let go first in this situation and while gladly hold your hand to ground you and make sure you feel better about the situation no matter what is happening.
It’s his older brother instinct.
He won’t exactly be the most comfortable with it (he’d probably feel better if you let him wrap his arm around your shoulders instead) but he’d do it.
Mostly because he doesn’t like the reminiscent feeling of something latched onto his hand and/or wrist.
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, this boy would get the giddiest and most boyish smile just smack dab on the middle of his face.
He doesn’t hesitate to hold your hand back even if that little phantom feeling returns.
The fact that you’re so quick to lace your fingers together helps change the way the little phantom feeling appears.
It changes from cold, unforgiving steel to warm gentle and caring fingers.
He tries to memorize how your hand feels in his whenever he has to chance.
He’d periodically squeeze your hand as you walk together or even if you’re just chilling and holding each other.
He likes to remind himself that you’re there and that you’re real.
He’s not the kind to talk about his partner excessively in public or be fond of PDA but he’ll hold your hand- keep you close- let the world know that you’re taken- and with him.
Admittedly, it’s a little possessive but if he were to be confronted about it (not that he gives off that vibe, it’s just the thoughts in his head) he’d blame the wolfish need to protect and claim the mate.
This poor boy is too self conscious and raised with country charm and manners to do anything else while in public.
If you were to grab his hand of the blue then he’ll send a confident grin, take his hand out of yours and wrap his arm around your shoulders instead.
He’s a bit touchy with his personal space even if he has no problem invading your own.
You’d probably get a better reaction if you asked him first.
But if you’re closer friends with him, he’d actually be the one to grab to you
So it’s less likely that you’d be the one grabbing his hand and instead he’d be the one to drag along to whatever he plans on doing next.
Instead of grabbing his hand, it would be easier to get away with grabbing his arm or wrapping it with your own.
Or wrapping your own arm around his shoulders.
But grabbing his hand is a level of intimacy that he’s a little afraid to give to others.
Not to mention that he’s done a lot of fighting and still needs to fight at any moments notice, so he’s going to need his hands free.
He does appreciate it though, it’ll just a while (and more people than just you) for him to get used to it again.
If you grabbed his hand out of the blue, you’re never getting it back.
Although he’s not all too comfortable with hand holding, you’re the exception and he doesn’t plan on letting you go any time soon.
He’d seek out your hand almost the entire time you’re together, just to hold onto you.
It helps ground him, lets him know that you’re there to support him whenever he might need it.
If he gets sucked into a memory, he likes to come back with your hand in his. 
It doesn’t happen all that often because it’s not something he’s told you but he always hopes you’re nearby.
One the occasion that you reach for his hand first, he’d still for a moment before relaxing completely, lacing your fingers together out of habit and smiling contently as you walk.
Wild is the kind of person that would hold your hand in his sleep, or while you sleep and is genuinely intrigued by the intricacy of your fingers.
He’d play with your hands constantly.
He finds it calming and relaxing.
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, he grin and hold it back with a small swing between you two before returning his attention to where it was before.
Hand holding is natural up on Skyloft so it’s not worth paying much attention to between friends.
It’s a simple form of affection that is shared by all people so Sky is glad that you consider him a close enough friend to hold his hand.
He doesn’t pay much attention to it actually.
It’s a familiar feeling that reminds him of companionship and it helps stabilize the subconscious feeling of uncertainty.
If you do it first, it give Sky to ok to search out your hand when ever he feel like.
You’d typically be holding hands whenever you’re paired off together.
It may lead to a conversation between some other people (either in the group) or some town you’d be visiting about how you’re just friends
After the indicial conversation about how’s there nothing between you two, by some well meaning (or judgmental) individual, Sky will be a little more self aware about it.
But if you don’t mind it, then Sky won’t worry about it too much.
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, he’d get a bit red in the face and a little shy but he’d be the guy to pull your hand up and place a quick to your knuckles before any one notices.
Sky is so happy to be with you that holding your hand is a constant occurrence.
It’ll almost be as if you two are connected at the hip instead of your hands.
Because of this, no one questions who either of you would be paired off with when the group needs to split up.
Occasionally Sky or you will choose a different partner for the day or for the necessary occasion.
But it’s typically you two against the world.
Sky is very fond of hand kisses so expect a lot of those when you’re next to him.
He’s also inclined to play with your hands in whatever down time you may have.
When you grab Sky’s hand, he always pulls you a little closer to him.
He gets a little conflicted about holding your hand and wanting to hug you flush against himself but he really enjoys having you close
If you were grab his hand out of the blue, he’d stall and look at you and seeing that it’s just you, would smile back simple let it happen.
It’s not going to be a big deal to him if it’s you or any one else of the chain.
(Mask and Wind may have gotten him used to being clung to during the War- it’s the care taker in him)
He won’t mention it if you won’t.
There’s no reason to make it weird and sometimes people just need to be held.
That being said, he prefer it if you asked first- but he’s not going to make a fuss about it if you don’t... just common curtesy, you know?
He might actually forget that you’re holding hands for a time until you either let go or he need his hand back and has to take it away.
As long as there’s no immediate treats nearby, he’d hold you hand for as long as you need.
He might actually offer it to you if he sees that’s you’re afraid or upset during travel or spooky dungeon crawls.
One of the more chill people to hold hands with, seeing as he’s more or less been conditioned as an older brother to the point where he’s gotten used to it no matter the circumstance
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, he would instantly lace your fingers together and would be grinning like a fool for the next hour or so.
He’s a bit hesitant with anything grandiose as romantic gestures (for reasons having to do with a crazy dark sorceress-) so something small and subtle just hits him right in his heart.
He’s going to want to be by your side all the time, hand holding or otherwise just so you’re with his line of sight.
Warrior won’t typically be the one to reach for your hand first
He’s shy and doesn’t want to over step any boundaries you may have by invading your personal space (kinda the opposite to Wild in this regard)
That being said, this is mostly when you’re both in public or among friends.
In private he’s a little less self conscious about how others might perceive him.
He definitely reach for you while he sleeps though so try to stay on the same side every night or he might just grab someone else from the group.
Instead of kissing your knuckles this guy is the kind of person to kiss your palm or the inside of your wrist if he’s feeling a little more bold than usual.
For all his bravado, Warrior is very self conscious about his actions and appearance because all eyes are typically on him- so you holding his hand without expecting anything else hits the bulls eye.
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, he’d laugh and squeeze your hand a little bit before happily swinging it back and forth.
He won’t think much of it.
He’d also have no problems grabbing your own hand from time to time even if you don’t reach out to him first.
He’d grab your hand to drag you on whatever side adventure he feels like going on.
He’d hold your hand to keep you close when you’re alone in a dungeon together.
He’d hold you hand when he’s freaked out or when you’re freaked out.
He just likes holding the people he cares about close, whether it’s you or any member of the chain.
Like Sky, he doesn’t see an issue with it and has little to no issues with his personal space- it’s a pretty small bubble actually.
Hands are a special sort of connection for Hyrule because it’s where a lot of his magic flows out of. 
Since it’s a pivotal point of his perception of the world around him, he takes comfort in being able to read others by his touch alone and how they might be feeling at the time.
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, Hyrule might not even notice it in the beginning.
He’d typically be holding onto you one way or another, and there’s always something going on right by his finger tips.
But by the time he notices that you’re holding hands, he’d smile and bashfully look at them for a minute or two before returning his attention to where it was prior.
It makes him happy in a fluttery sense that he can only compare to the moments when he takes flight in his fairy form.
He finds it warm and it flows all through his arm and chest and body- to where it feels like he’s been completely encompassed by a sense of safety and acceptance.
He would eventually find himself seeking your hand and your presence even if you’re no longer net to him for whatever reason.
He just begins to reach out next to him subconsciously expecting you to be there only for his heart to come crashing down when you’re not there.
Even if you’re not holding hands, he wants to have some connection to you.
An arm around your shoulders, around your waist, a hand playing with your hair, with the fringes of your clothes...
He might just hold onto the straps of your bags when you’re wearing them if you don’t want to hold his hand.
Hyrule doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable with his constant presence- but he’s clingy.
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, Four would naturally be startled enough to ask what’s up.
If you say that you just wanted to hold his hand, he’d be little confused as to why did you choose him but he’s not going to make a scene over something as simple as hand holding.
Even if there’s a day where he doesn’t want it. 
Red does the same thing all the time when they’re split so you’ve got someone in your corner supporting you when it comes to spontaneous hand holding.
And the minish have never been shy about handholding anyway so they tend to grab and drag him around all the time as well.
It may not be the way he’d show his friendship but he supposes everyone is different and he likes being your friend.
It’s not a strict boundary that you’re crossing while you do this, so he lets it slide.
Like Legend, the more you do it though, the more he grows comfortable with it and grows to anticipate it and even prefer it when it comes to you.
He likes holding your hand as you travel when it gets to that point and he begins to search for your hand almost as much as you’d search for his.
It’s a quiet form of acceptance that Four appreciates from you and your friendship.
It’s not much but Four is the kind of person to enjoy the little things and he finds it to be a simple thing his overloaded brain can focus on on the louder days.
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, this dude will be so happy. I’m talking instant pep in his step- borderline skipping down the trail you’re on.
He’s more likely to play with your hands than you are to play with his when you’re not traveling for the day.
His hands are covered with calluses and miniscule scars so he’s captivated by the lack of such on your own.
Four, like many others of the chain, tends to seek your hand out even when he’s asleep.
He’d rather hold your hand than put his arm around your waist.
He’d also be the kind of guy that fidgets a lot- so if you’re holding hands be aware that he’s going to squeeze your hand a lot, brush over your knuckles, your wrist and your palm
He’d give your fingers individual attention, pulling gently on your skin, bending them, gently twisting and watching them move
Four’s favorite time to hold your hand however is when it’s late at night, and everyone is quiet and on the cusp of sleep and maybe you’re asleep too, but it’s then when he’d play with your hand and gently brush his fingertips across your skin as he drifts off to sleep as well.
He’s very hands on
It’s very quiet and sweet, he loves it.
If were to grab his hand out of the blue, he would definitely rip it out of your hold out of sheer awkwardness.
Especially near the beginning when you first join the group.
It would take you a few tries to get it to stick where he gives up on it.
Later on, once he’s grown used to it, he just lets you do what you want.
Whether that be play with his hand, just hold it or swing it around.
As long as you don’t try to play with or take off his rings he’s fine.
He’s pretty tolerant of it afterwards but it can easily blamed on the notion tat he’s come to expect it from you and know that you wouldn’t have given up otherwise.
It’s almost like a kill them with kindness scenario but with personal space and simple affectionate gestures instead.
It helps when Hyrule catches wind of your spontaneous hand holding and joins the cause.
So Legend has his hands full most of the time when you travel.
It’s a good thing he has to two of them.
If you were to grab his hand out of the blue, then he’d be a shy and stuttering mess for the entire time and even up to an hour after you’ve stopped holding onto him.
He’s a softly on the inside and he can’t help it.
But he also isn’t use to simple affection- especially since he’s on his own more often than not.
He wants to keep a loner attitude and how he doesn’t need anyone next to him. It’s why he’d shrug you off if you weren’t as close as you are.
But hand holding is a universal simple sign of ‘Hey, I want you next to me, I want to be next to you. And he doesn’t know how to properly articulate a response, let alone how to manage the emotions that come with it.
So he goes all red and blushy from the tips of his ears all the way down to his chest but he holds your hand back with a soft smile and squeezes you gently.
It’s a shame he can’t quite look you in the eyes as it happens.
He gets really shy.
He’s under the impression that he shouldn’t quite enjoy it as much as he wants to... not if he’ll eventually lose it. Because he loses everything. And he’s not sure if he’s willing to suffer through the heart break afterwards even if it feel all soft and warm to hold you now.
It’s up to you to prove him otherwise and with enough time and patience, he’ll come around to accepting simple affection from more than just the friends around him.
He’ll fully allow himself to be encompassed by your relationship and what it means to love someone with his whole mind, body, heart and soul.
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salenakingston · 4 years
Mystery March Day 21 - One of Us
(This is by far the most involved prompt I have done for Mystery March, and so I hope it turned out alright. There will be some more detailed author’s notes at the end of the writing, as there’s no possible way I can fit them all here before it. Just let me express how much of an inspiration you all have been! ENJOY!)
I said, even if I told ya
It all started with an idea, as most every work of art does. Concepts were put in place, branching off from that one base idea. From there, others came together to help get this little project off the ground. Characters were fleshed out, just as the world they lived in where. The team worked hard on everything planned, a true passion project.
When the first video dropped, we were all invested. We fell in love with the characters, story, and music. We couldn’t wait to see more, and despite all the time having to wait, it has always been worth it. Great works take time, and even with a team as dedicated as this one is, they fueled our own passions with previews, updates, character and worldbuilding, merch, and as of the most recent video, a branch into another medium to further tell their story. Their group continued to grow, bringing on more talented individuals, including voice actors.
Fours videos under the belt and one more still to come, they pour their heart and soul into this series, though they are not the only ones who do so. There’s a theory in our world known as the ‘multiverse.’ It is said that all these universes living side by side with one another create everything that exists. Can the same not be said for this team and all the fascinating works of art that came out of this one little series of four videos?
They've been looking for you and only you
It’s a tale of three friends and their dog, all stemming from a terrifying incident inside a cave. One lost their life, one lost their memory, and one lost their arm. What of the last member of their group? He lost his identity. Karma for his trickery would come back to haunt him. Guilt came to consume another, and the last to make it out alive was left wondering what was even going on.
Revenge fueled the one that came back, determined to get back at the one ‘friend’ that managed to cut his life short, and reunite with the love of his life. What started with a chase through a mansion led to the appearance of a tree woman searching for the trickster. The ghost refueled hijacks a truck, gunning down for the familiar van he once drove for all of them.
The woman catches up, shattering the glass wall protecting those in the front seat. The ghost blows the back tire that causes the van to crash. Two encounters branch from this point, one shrouded in the past, and another in the pursuit of revenge. Blonde and blue-haired humans nearly falling at the hands of their captors.
But they survive.
The dog’s true form revealed, the battle commences, blood spilling. As one disintegrates, an opening is left over for a familiar evil to take hold. White became black, demonic nature taking over the once noble being. The three friends left being the ones to bring him free of this grip. What are they to do? It’s all left to be seen...
Darkness is my signal
Not too much is known about this blonde, though despite the change to his physical appearance, there are parts of what defined him that have not changed. He’s had to adjust his lifestyle, but seems to have made the most of his new life. He may have even found some comfort in a bit of an unusual source. Anything to keep him from the self-isolation he seemed content to bring upon himself because of his condition.
So what are you to me, what are we to you?
The cave incident plays out like normal, there is one major change in the timeline of events. The blonde is sent tossed over the cliff along with his best friend, the entity that caused all their problems still trapped inside his body. When the ghost reformed, his anger was washed away at the sight of his friend suffering the same fate, or so he believed. Once free, it was nothing but a rough struggle to hold onto sanity, not just for one of them, but both.
One to keep calm, helping his friend to try and stay lucid.
The other fighting the terrifying entity inside him for control, while changing his body to fit the demon’s needs.
The blonde won, but at what a cost? Green skin covering his body, feet and hands sporting yellow-tinted claws. The posture of his own feet changed, causing him to have to learn how to walk all over again. A tail with a tuft of orange hair, and two large wings attached to his back. Last of course, were the horns on his head, and the blacked out eyes with amber pupils. He was in despair over the turn of events.
At least he had his best friend to help him. He wouldn’t have been able to do this without him. Well, this, and the series of events that came to follow. The two were eventually united with their final friend, but their not-dog wasn’t convinced of the blonde’s mind. It didn’t matter that he didn’t act like a demon, as he still looked like one, accepting the pain brought on him.
Drastic measures were taken to ensure freedom of the ghost, no matter how unnecessary it was. Adjustment takes time, and a good talk was what the four of them needed.
But are you one of us?
Are you one of us?
What seemed like a simple task, well maybe not simple, but one that was plausible spiraled into a long drive across the country in search of a cure for the ghost’s condition. All it took was one ingredient: werewolf blood. Seven weeks after the start of their trip, two were starting to lose hope, the last of their trio determined as always. A blur running across the front of their van was enough to bring their hopes back up, chasing down what looked like a big wolf.
To just miss it. It seemed like another dead end for their search.
Until the blonde was all alone.
The wolf jumped out of the shadows, teeth sinking down into flesh. Were it not for the arrival of the kitsune, who knows what would have happened. The injured one was brought back to his friends, patched up, and taken in for proper treatment. A headache marks the night of the full moon, a night when werewolves are said to be forced to transform. What will happen for them? Most left to the whim of try blue ghosts deemed as blueberries. We shall see where their questions and actions take this new werewolf and his friends.
Tell me, are you one of us?
Said, are you one of us?
Tales of legends are passed down, but come from a place of truth. Those that speak of a king gifted a sword with a beautiful, glowing, purple gem just before the silver of the blade. This is a gift from the Lady of the Lake, and one not to be taken lightly. It comes as a surprise when the weapon turns out to be sentient, and the two not always getting along.
Sometimes the king can be a little harsh on his partner.
And sometimes the sword can refuse to work in situations where his help would be greatly appreciated.
They must learn to work with one another if they hope to overcome the obstacles placed in front of them. The question is can this be done, or will they continue to bicker with one another?
I know that this sounds crazy
An unfortunate case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time causes the members of the separate mystery solving groups to be body swapped with one another. A kid stuck with adult hunters that deal with magic, as well as otherworldly dangers, and an adult stuck with a bunch of kids that seem like they may be in way over their heads. The ultimate goal is for the two groups to come together, and find a way to swap the souls in each body back to their original home.
Easier said than done.
One gets to learn the truth of a horrifying incident, something that tore friends apart, and damaged the people of their group beyond some repair. A kind heart is offered to them despite all this, helping to try and ease the burden even if he has nothing to do with them.
The other sees first hand what kind of trouble a group of kids can get themselves in. His own problems arise, and in typical fashion, does not wish to push them onto anyone he’s been stuck with. It’s a little harder to convince some of this new group of the world he has seen, and learned from; but, if there’s one thing he can do, it’s to still help those around him, and lend a hand when a mystery comes along their way.
Two outsider perspectives looking in, and it’s a matter of what adventures they will have before and after they come together again.
Waiting for this moment, can you see me?
A whirlwind of emotions, pushed only further at the hands of abuse, a blonde is left to flee from his own home to try and preserve himself. He fled through the states, ending up at another corner of the US. His mind might have been broken, but that didn’t stop one person from becoming the most important in his life, nor the three that came to follow from their union. The haunts of old were constantly clinging to him, no matter how careful he was so that none could find him, and even when those fears returned, he never let them get in the way of his family. There was an understanding between them.
But all that fear came crashing back when one single letter was hand passed to him by his former friend’s father.
Even terrified out of his wits, he found the courage to pack up some of his family to return to his old home. The past came back in full force, as well as the reveal of a curse that only seemed to have the power to vanquish. The people that treated him the worst came back to him for help. The same blue-haired girl who’s father delivered the father nearly brought the end of three children with her partner in crime. The wraith that made his life a living hell came back trying to act as if there was something he could do to make up for what he had done.
And the demon that caused all this to happen in the first place was now roaming free...
'Cause I know that you're out there
Almost as if the reset button had been hit, the blonde wakes up thrown into the past, a time when his best friend was still alive, but… it wasn’t the same. The blonde was still the same one from the future, and new friends that his past friends would know nothing about showed themselves. How was he meant to be like his old self when anytime he looked at the purple wearing man, all he saw was the vengeful ghost out for his life?
Events aren’t meant to play out the same way, and they don’t. Despite this, some things can not be changed. The demon still found his way to the same host, though what he chose to do was different. Even with all the chaos, at least the one man didn’t lose his life.
And he gets a front row seat to what his blonde friend had to go through in the future he once came from. It hurt. Emotions still rang high, even if the circumstances are not the same.
This darkness is my signal, come and find me
Sometimes the past can be changed and have one new timeline play out, but what if that same man from the future was now thrown into multiple iterations of the same events, each one spent trying to make it a perfect outcome for all four of them? Well… after a few rounds it didn’t matter if he got to be part of their ending. All that mattered was fixing things for the other three. That was his assigned duty.
Death ended each try, waking the man back up in his bed, whether that be at the hands of someone else, or himself. He just needed more time, plan, and make sure he got it right. He could do it, he was determined to do so.
No matter how much it was tearing him apart.
And when enough was finally enough, it was up to the three left to try and convince him that even with pain, they could continue on with their lives. He didn’t have to keep fighting anymore. He could take an ending that hurt, but one they could heal from, rather than spending so many years trying and trying, all to end with a repeat.
As having to remember all of that hurt.
Are you one of us?
Are you one of us?
What started out as just another night of sleepwalking led the blonde to the steps of a very familiar mansion. Fleeing from an unseen threat caused him to swallow his fear, taking the first step inside. There was no greeting this time, save for the slamming of doors behind him. The only light provided was a light purple of three candles, lifted by the only hand he had. A journey up a flight of stairs and down the hall, coming to a plaque with his name on it.
Entrance strangely granted to him with the twist of a knob from a hand that wasn't there.
The night spent in a bed, waking up to find he had become a prisoner. It seemed death was what would come to him, whether it be at the hands of his former best friend, or by his own. After all, there was a reason his room was on the second floor. Revelations come to light with the appearance of a certain green arm… wearing a familiar, black wristband.
Friendships ruined, for another reason than before. Another friend found searching for him. Both started for selfish means, but it was selflessness that sent him back into the house, even though an evil from the past threatened them once more.
Tell me, are you one of us?
Said, are you one of us?
It’s not everyday that some dive into the past of these character’s lives, but what would happen if one young, scared blonde came across an ancient tree? One that was alive in more ways than one. A strange feeling washed between the two of them, a bond made from the day the blond fled into her woods to hide from the one hunting him. He came to her more than once, and yet every time he did, she sought to rest his soul.
And soon, the tables had turned. Now she was the one in need of rest, though she did not realize it yet until she got the same comfort she once gave to the blonde. His pack adopted her, and he took care of her rot. Names of a powerful thing to these beings, and they knew each other by that power word.
This was not the end of their story. The three friends and dog were reunited, of course the blonde being the one to decide to choose the home where his wooden friend resided. There’s no denying that he was still healing, but he found the courage to try and seek it for himself. The bluenette grew curious about the tree in their backyard, and the final finds an outside source to try and round his curious status.
Are you one of us?
Are you one of us?
The once ghost only turned out to be half deceased, but the hatred still remained. Whether he liked it or not, the blond was at fault; but, he had a plan. One that was sure to fix everything. Find the true cause of their misery, proof that he was just as much a victim.
It was a plan that split their group apart. The dog chose to go with the man on his search, while the bluenette stayed with their half dead friend. The hunt is on, but who’s to tell how the story is to go on from here. Will they each succeed with their goals? We shall see.
Are you one of us?
Said, are you one of us?
The ghost finds himself in the company of others like him. Not ghosts, but skeletons from various worlds. The logistics of how this came to pass is a mystery, though he does not seem to find these details too important. Separated from his ‘friends,’ he finds new ones in this strange group of individuals. They seem to naturally bounce off one another, though some still have trouble catching the ghost’s triggers to his anger. Thankfully, most situations involving this aren’t left to fester.
Their local hang out at Manny’s place is full of stories, interactions between these liked characters. Some funny, some more serious. Whatever the case may be, even if he’s not in the same place as most other ghosts like him, he’s found a place where he can fit in.
Are you one of us?
Are you one of us?
A prince and a noble of green came together, an unholy union that was meant to lead to a prosperous life. Perhaps, but only for one half of that pair. Concerns were dismissed, comfort was sought by an evil man from the one he supposedly loved, and the other tried to find what little comfort there was in his constricting hold. It took the support of two outside his kingdom, and two strangers that wormed into his life to stand up to the terror in his life.
And yet… even with their help… and his desire to lend his help in return…
It wasn’t enough.
A life ended, but the king came back. He was not about to give up on the kingdom he always poured his heart and soul into. Years he seemed to be alone, though one by one, four beings came into his company. He still had those that aided him in life, but now he had more to add to his family. A pink rabbit, golem, a purple imp, and a dark girl with a skull marking. Each had their own story, and a place with him.
And he would see to their safety as much as anyone else in his kingdom.
Tell me, are you one of us?
Said, are you one of us?
Some characters are unique to the world, not all always branching off the main four. Of course, that doesn’t mean there aren’t some made with connections to them in mind. Each is special, and built with as much care as anyone else…
Whether it be a cousin to the blonde, gray with orange highlights rather than the way around, a darker aesthetic, but still similar style to his cousin. A tattoo pattern along his left arm.
A green haired ghost, one met when the group of friends were out together. Something seemed about ready to suck her inside, the ghost reaching out to save her. She seemed to stick with them since.
A young woman dressed in red, blue, and brown. Golden pearls hang from her neck, and a black shawl wrapped around one shoulder. A brown cat accompanying her and group at times, and one that seems to have a power of her own hidden just underneath. 
Are you one of us?
Some characters branching off the core four, and even some of those that were created as their own entity for this series chose to build their stories and characters with one another. Their worlds cross over to one another, relationships naturally build, and so too do the special elements and plots to separate them from one another. Each one of them is equally unique.
Whether it be from the multitude of different colored ghosts, each of them centered around their own story and emotions.
A blue-haired girl with one strand that is lighter than the other. A snowflake twinkled in her left eye, and a roller derby team she has been dedicated to for years counting on her.
The same mechanic, though with more visible scars to the incident in the cave. So much love and care to give, even to those in other worlds, even if the gray faes take a little too much pleasure in bringing him grief.
A black robed king, living far beyond the grave, glowing locks of hair flowing through the air. He’s been seen before, but this one on another plane, a chance to interact with others outside his grown family.
Are you one of us?
Are you one of us?
This amazing group of people, as well as many others come together over a series we all love and cherish. We create our own works of art, but not without credit to the original source. From this point and on, we only seem to grow as a collective, continuing to create as we wait, and surely even after the series comes to a close, it will hold a special place in our hearts. So long as we are all here, we shall continue to spread our joy over mystery skulls animated, supporting one another, no matter how small or big someone may be.
We extend our open arms to one another, and to those new to this fandom...
“Said, are you one of us?”
(Author’s Notes: Seriously, this fandom has been an amazing inspiration, and I’m so happy to be able to take part in Mystery March. There was no other good prompt to really do this for, and I thought this would be a clever way to give tribute to the many amazing people and ideas/stories they have come up with. I tried to keep things short and vague for some, as there are some things I don’t want to give away, so you can check them out if you haven’t. I know there’s no possible way I could get everyone, but I tried to get as many as I’ve fallen in love with and not repeat anyone twice (even though I think I broke that rule twice). Again, thank you all so much, and I hope you enjoyed this.
Credits: (In order of appearance)
@mysterybensmysteryblog, @heilos, @artsyfeathersartsyblog, and the rest of the amazing team!
@lottafandoms (Vampire Arthur)
@ectoimp (Demon!Arthur) / @providentially-demonic (The Devil and the Dead Fic)
@askmysteryskullswerewolfarthur (Werewolf Arthur)
@heilos (King Arthur)
@phantoms-lair (Mirror’s Gaze Fic)
@braveskyered (Knights Fic)
@pi-cat000 (Time Travel Idea Fic)
@thefandomcassandra (The Future Fic)
@tyigra (House of Strays Fic)
@hecallsmehischild (Rest Nestling/Explain it like I’m a Tree Fics)
@atomi-cat (Boneheads)
@ask-twoyearsafter / @kanaiekla (The Cruel Irony of a Prophetic Love Fic)
OC’s: @nerv0usm3chanic (Lucan), @binaconfusa (Frog), @lauritanaomystery (Laurel)
RP Blogs: @splatterlewis, @lamentinglewis, @frenzys-furnace, @bluescarfvivi, @punsandfuturekingsmen, @diviinc​)
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yume-x-hanabi · 2 years
Might as well, 001 and 002 for Gaius/Wingul and as individual characters! :3
001 | GaiWin | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: A while ago... probably late 2011/early 2012? I didn't pay them much attention when I first played, but reading up about them in the World Guidance book really changed my outlook on them and totally converted me haha. I can't believe I missed so much the first time I played (but then again, I tended to rush first playthroughs and not pay much attention to non-party characters).
my thoughts: I really love their dynamic, I mean to begin with I'm a sucker for lord&loyal retainer relationships (romantic or platonic both), but this one takes it a step further by making them former enemies so... the amount of trust and respect they have for each other in spite of that complicated past makes it all the more delicious. They're really incredible.
What makes me happy about them: How well they're in tune with each other. And all the silly little things we learn about them (those silly jingles...)
What makes me sad about them: We shall not speak of Wingul's canon fate.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Honestly I've not really encountered it in English-speaking fandom so it's thankfully not a problem here, but I don't like it when they're made to adhere too closely to old-fashioned seme/uke dynamics. Gaius being too domineering or Wingul being too much of a tsundere; plus the rapey undertones those portrayals can lead to. That might be a conflicting headcanon issue tbh. People can write them however they like, some things are just not for me ^^;
things I look for in fanfic: Almost literally anything cuz I'm happy to just see new contents of them. But the stuff I like the most... Pre-canon mutual pining. Or pre-canon established relationship where they're in love and conquering Auj Oule at the same time. Humor where they're being extra competitive about some silly thing. Chimeriad Live fix-it. Some fluff and spice are nice too. And ofc I'm always down for angst, though I prefer with happy ending.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Haha, well, most other Gaius ships are NOTPs actually, and the ones that are not I OTP the other character with others, so it's hard XD; For Wingul, if I didn't headcanon him as 100% gay I'd probably love him with Presa, but as things are they're best brotp.
My happily ever after for them: Wingul comes back from vacation. Yup.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Gaius is big spoon.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Those two dorks probably see work as a bonding activity. Otherwise, some friendly competition thing like shogi, sword practice etc. And taking Gaius out to eat sweets XD
002 | Gaius | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: He's... so great??? Like honestly my main issue with my first playthrough is that I immediately dismissed him as another "well-meaning extremist" villain and missed all the hints he would be something else. Like when NPC talk about how great their king is usually you're waiting for the catch, the event that shows he was actually evil. Except it's not the case here, the NPC were right, he really is a good king. So he blew my expectations haha. And despite my issues with X2, I'm glad we got to see his more relaxed (dorky) side in it, that made him all the more endearing.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Wingul, Milla
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Gaius & the Chimeriad as a whole. I love their relationship. Forget what X2 says, they cared for each other!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: While his solution was a bit unrealistic, he made really good points about why the schism should not be dispelled so soon and I wish they hadn't been handwaved so fast just because the party won and the last arc was rushed. Ideally, they should have reached a compromise, a middle-ground solution to cooperate on, rather than let the party have their way despite their lack of back-up plan. But ig things turned out all right eventually...
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: See above. Actually the devs mentioned initially planning different routes at the end of X1, where Gaius or Muzét would join the party near the end. I wish that could have been implemented because that sounds closer to how I would have liked the last arc to go (well, the Gaius joining route anyway; what I had in mind for Muzét is vastly different). Also, in X2, I wish his character episodes had been focused on Karla instead of random NPC. If they wanted to pull a "king vs man" arc she would have been a much better choice.
my OTP: Gaius/Wingul of course :)
my cross over ship: none
a headcanon fact: He tends to be the softy one in private. Probably because he has to mask his feelings all the time in public, so when he's with someone he can truly let down his guard with in private, he lets out his affectionate side. He just sometimes really wants a hug okay!
002 | Wingul | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: why hello my favorite character archetype I love him and his loyalty to Gaius and their cause. I also find it fascinating how he's a bit like "the end justifies the means" and does a bunch of shady stuff, but it usually only ends up being harmful to himself. Like he's ready to go far on some stuff but only if he's the one making the sacrifice. It's an interesting spin on this type of character. Also his obsession with jingles is hilarious.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Gaius
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Nils, Presa, Jiao, Elize
My unpopular opinion about this character: The tsundere jokes are funny for a bit, but I don't think he's really tsundere. He had conflicted feelings about Gaius at first, but he's sorted out his feelings about it by now.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but the story would have worked just as well if he'd survived. He and Rowen would have been a great team as Gaius' advisors, with Wingul working more on internal affairs while Rowen is focusing on diplomacy with Elympios.
my OTP: Gaius/Wingul x)
my cross over ship: ...@bibliophileemily and I somehow managed to make Wingul/Dist work in a modern AU.
a headcanon fact: He totally survived, he's just on vacation during X2, that's why we don't see him 8)
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nicotinemaiden · 3 years
Such Great Heights
I am thinking it's a sign That the freckles in our eyes Are mirror images And when we kiss they're perfectly aligned
And I have to speculate That God Himself did make Us into corresponding shapes Like puzzle pieces from the clay
And true it may seem like a stretch But it's thoughts like this that catch My troubled head when you're away A nd when I am missing you to death
[ The Postal Service ]
[Chapter 3 of Mistake Series dedicated to @ccprovolomies for proposing the beautiful song that inspired me to write it. Thank you so much!!]
Read on AO3  →
The third, a proclamation.
The blood felt warm on his skin, at the corner of his mouth, dripping down his lower lip. That last hit had come close. Not as close as the open wound in his stomach but close enough to crack his lip in two. He lifted his hand to wipe the iron liquid from his face, as much as it was possible, and kept looking ahead, towards the hooded figure that looked at him in return holding a silver dagger in his left hand and several injuries along his legs and arms. He moved slowly to the side, limping yet still more graceful than normal people. The sunset started to vanish slowly behind him, making the shadows of the trees creeping on them a little bit more unsettling.
He could hear footsteps running towards him. It won’t be long until he wasn’t alone anymore, he just had to wait, to lose time, to slow him down as much as possible. His left hand pushed against the wound begging it to stop bleeding even for a moment, to stop making him so freaking dizzy and just let him throw the knife at the right place. Breathing deeply, he decided that his condition wasn’t as important as his mission and, whatever happened, he had to stop him long enough for the other knights to come. He couldn’t let go of this person, this trained assassin that knew where his target was and had no intention of missing this chance.
He hadn’t said a word but Obi didn’t really need any kind of confirmation about it. He could see the desperation in his eyes, the willingness to do anything to complete his task. And that was the problem. The most deadly people are the ones with nothing to lose and a lot to gain. So he fixed his golden gaze on the one ahead and dashed towards it.
Her eyes were still green and bright - not so bright as they had been these last couple of weeks but bright enough for someone who knew her well to know that there was something different about her - happiness that wasn’t there before and now consumed her almost entirely. Her comb slid through her hair as it would do through threads of silk, leaving it on top of her shoulders. It had grown so long since that fateful night when she had to cut it to save her freedom that sometimes the memory seemed more like a dream. She could almost believe it.
But looking at herself in the mirror she was… glad it happened. The consequences of that night brought her here. And she smiled at her reflection, searching for the girl from that night in her expression, in her eyes, in her hair. She was the same yet completely different - stronger, more confident, more knowledgeable.
She remembered Obi’s face on top of hers the night before, the look on his eyes as they travelled down her body once again for so long he might as well have painted it, and, with a blush taking hold of her face, thought that maybe she was more beautiful, more mature, more attractive.
She was no longer the young eighteen-year-old girl that ran from her home with hopes of not being discovered. She was an official pharmacist for the kingdom, she was a friend for the people who cared about her and, lately, she was a girlfriend and a lover, she was cared for, she was loved in return.
Shirayuki always thought stupid the concept that love changes people. Yes, maybe she was braver before because she had a goal - to prove herself, not only to other people but to herself. And she’d done it time after time and she was comfortable with things as they were. But until now she hadn’t really grasped the meaning of that phrase, the way your world fills with colors that you didn’t even know existed, the pressure on your heart every time something reminds you of that person and the extreme satisfaction and happiness of knowing that that person feels the same way.
Even knowing that Zen was at the mansion and he could be here at the pharmacy at any moment her smile grew brighter as she distanced herself from the small mirror and returned to the office. This time it was a planned visit, everything legal with documents and paperwork, and as such, he had to make an official entrance with official tea and conversation. Only thinking about it tired her out. The only thing that she could do was wait while working. If only she could have Obi with her to listen to his comments and gossip.
Kiki’s voice distracted him but not enough to fail this time. His kick landed perfectly on the back of the head of the assassin in front of him, knocking him out. As quickly as his body allowed him he moved to his companions, blocking a dagger centimetres from his face and looking back only a second. Miss Kiki had moved to the side of Mister, who was unconscious on the floor, blood pouring from his head. A blunt hit. He inspected the new opponent - besides his dagger he had a sword on his other hand, the handle bathed in blood. Not only was he agile but he was strong too.
He narrowed his eyes, their blades still crashing, and jumped back, rotating the knife in his hand for a moment. He needed to get out of here. Not only because of his own wounds but because of Mister. He didn’t know how severe his injury was but he needed to get him to his Miss as soon as possible so this had to be quick. He wasn’t the only one thinking this because, the next moment, the other man started running.
“Oh, no, you don’t.”
He recognized his own smile, only one corner of his mouth lifting, sharing with the world a part of him that had been well hidden most of the time but that he couldn’t simply ignore in the middle of a fight. That strange thirst for blood that told that the only thing he ever knew before being here had been shadows, war and murder. Accepting that part of him for the moment and forgetting about his own pain he ran after him. He could hear Kiki shouting for him, her footsteps quick behind but not enough to catch after them. It wasn’t long before Obi surrounded the man, surprising him at his front and before he could react he was pinning his opponent to the floor, a knife to his throat. He wanted to sink it on him so badly, to watch him bleed to death as payment for what he did to Mister. He pushed harder until the first drops of blood tinted his weapon and he saw his own eyes reflected on it. He wasn’t this way. He may have been once because he didn’t know anything else but now…
He closed his eyes. Now he had people to protect, not kill. He wouldn’t do it. He wouldn’t take that burden, even when his body was pleading him to do it. In another situation, maybe, but his opponent wasn’t doing much anymore, no one's life was in danger - or so he hoped. He didn’t have the right to choose to kill him just because he was angry. He smiled thinking that so much time with Shirayuki was rubbing on him more than he was aware of. What would she have said? Probably she would have offered to heal the man, even knowing he was an enemy. She was just that good. So he decided he needed to be a little good too. For her.
“You’re coming with me.”
She was nervous, impatient, anxious. She couldn’t get herself to read, to study, to stay put. She kept pacing up and down the office. She asked a guard about the whereabouts of her knight and, apparently, they’d had a problem with some letter being intercepted on the way and part of the rebellion knew that the Second Prince was here so it was necessary to send him along with Zen’s personal knights - or Kiki and Mitsuhide to her - because they saw suspicious people in the forest. So now the conversation with Zen was pretty low on her list of priorities. First, she needed to make sure everyone was alright.
No one would let her leave the mansion and she tried three different exits without success. So she stomped on her chair only to get up immediately. Doing nothing wasn’t for her. She knew if they really encountered someone out there she wouldn’t be much help but still, she could do something. She had different plant concoctions that could be used as smoke, she did it before, she could do it again. And she was a good healer - or so she liked to believe - so she could treat injuries on the spot. Yet there she was again, completely useless with the only action of ‘worry’ on her vocabulary for the moment.
A white mane of hair appeared at the door, knocking softly on the frame. Surprised, she jumped and turned to see Zen smiling at her while walking into the room. He was… exactly as she remembered him. It wasn’t so long since the last time they saw each other yet she expected everything to be different. She expected to see an ugly guy with cold eyes and maybe a sign pointing to him that said ‘you don’t love him anymore’ as if the fact of admitting being in love with someone else would somehow change who Zen was. But everything was normal. Well, almost everything.
“Shirayuki, you’re as beautiful as ever.”
Damn. That was so not normal. She was so not ready for this at the moment. She blushed without thinking and tried to return the smile. That phrase was so not Zen that it made her skin tickle, and not in a good way, so she had to say it. Because when has she just stayed shut when she had something to say?
“Now you sound like Obi.”
He lifted a hand to the back of his neck, embarrassed, the red starting to show at the tip of his ears.
“That obvious, uh? He gave me some pointers some time ago so I just wanted to try it. For the record, you really are beautiful.”
He wasn’t looking at her now, more like searching for something at the side. She felt herself chuckle. She really loved Zen. She loved him like a really good friend, that was the problem.
“Thank you and please don’t do that again. I have enough with one Obi in my life.”
She hoped her blush wasn’t as evident as it seemed because the things that crossed her mind when she said that weren't exactly just teasing and flirting. Her mind wandered there for a second and then moved to the start of this conversation. How different she felt whenever it was her knight who crossed that door. With Zen, she always had been nervous whenever he was around as if she could break their relationship by saying something wrong or - when she wasn't worried about that - as if she was going to bore him to death.
That was something that never happened with Obi. Whatever the conversation, even the ones that would be boring to every person on the planet except her, he was always listening, making comments here and there and contributing ideas. Lately, she thought he just didn’t want to miss anything she could say even if it was utterly irreverent. And she realized it was the same for her. She was happy just listening to him. And the thought brought an honest smile to his lips, her gaze fixed on nothing, looking without looking to the door behind the prince.
“I’m sorry, I’m just… nervous.”
He hugged her suddenly, leaning his cheek against her temple and her arms pinned between their bodies. For a second she was tense, stiff, expecting more from him, waiting for his face to search hers like it had done many times before. But then she just relaxed in his arms rested her head under his chin and smiled.
“It’s still me, you know? You don’t have to be.”
“I know. That's why I am. I’ve missed you.”
She closed her eyes for a moment. She wanted to say that she did too because part of her did. But she had thought so little of him lately, the only times being the ones where she dreaded the moment she had to talk to him. Actually talk to him about everything that happened, everything that has changed. So she went completely still, not knowing what to add to the conversation.
He realized, it seemed, because he took her by her arms and moved her enough to look at her. His eyes were so warm, full of love and understanding, a small shadow on them that could have been pain or even disappointment. It just made her feel worse and she forced her eyes to the floor. It hurt to look at him.
“I know you have something to tell me. I also can guess what it is but I imagine you would like to tell me yourself instead of leaving me with guesses. I won’t force you to say anything, just know that I’m willing to listen and… I would never think less of you and would always care about you.”
Every word made it a bit easier. She was so glad to have found someone like Zen. Someone that even without completely understanding her accepted and cared for her. Someone that wouldn’t pressure her into anything and that would always worry first about other people instead of themselves. Slowly her gaze returned to the blue one and she nodded. There was one thing he said that caught her interest. She looked at him questioningly.
“You can guess what I wanted to tell you? Is it really that obvious?”
The prince chuckled, using his fist to hide part of his smile. That was almost enough of an answer but he spoke anyway.
“You’ll have to tell me first for me to answer that but there are certain things that have been painfully obvious for a while.”
Something in his voice told her that he really had tried to ignore it, to convince himself that he was imagining things, but he seemed to have accepted it. So she was about to basically confirm his suspicions, because after that conversation she had no doubt he already knew, when rushed footsteps sounded from the hall. They stopped just at the door and they both turned to see who it was.
“Lady Shirayuki!”
Shuu caught his breath for a moment, leaning on the frame of the door and sparing a look at Zen.
“Your Highness.”
He breathed as a greeting before turning his attention to her completely.
“Follow me.”
He started almost running again and they followed right behind, looking at each other for a moment, a worried look on both of them.
“They are in really bad condition. Both of them. Mister Ryuu is with them, so I’m a little less worried but still, everyone agreed it was necessary for you to be there.”
They rounded a corner while he was talking and she could feel her stomach turn one and time again. She wished he could be more specific and at the same time, she wished he just stopped talking and they just reached the place they were going towards.
“We have apprehended one of the men that caused this and the other one is tied up in the forest. Our men are currently in the process of bringing him here.”
Another set of halls, another corner, and she started to understand why Shuu was without breath when he arrived at her assigned office.
“Here, please hurry.”
He opened the door in front of them and moved to the side, allowing them to practically jump inside, taking in everything that was happening. The first thing she noticed was Kiki sitting on a chair beside Ryuu who was working on the back of Mitsuhide's head. She was gripping his hand to the point her knuckles were white but he wasn’t conscious. For the place of the injury it was clear he would be out of it for a while plus Ryuu would have given him something before working on it. She breathed a bit, glad that even if in bad shape he was alive.
After that, she noticed the corner and that breathing stopped completely. Her hand moved to her lips to stop the silent scream that wanted to leave her. She ran to it and kneeled just in front of the chair, in front of blooded legs and ragged clothing. Obi’s head rested against the wall at his side, his lip red and a bit swollen, a deep cut on one side that seemed to have stopped bleeding.
He was shirtless, almost the entirety of his lower chest and stomach were bathed in blood. His skin was so much paler than his usual tanner one, a sick blue starting to show. It was so so little that maybe someone else wouldn’t have noticed but she did. Stomach wounds weren’t usually lethal but the blood loss was. And the pain… She could feel her eyes sting just thinking about what he just endured. She placed one hand over his to get him to move and was terrified of the cold it was. She wanted to scream at him. Why?! Why this?! And why now?! Why put his life in danger now that she had him? It was childish and selfish and she forced herself to think another way. It was his job. A noble job. He helped people, saved them.
A bag of healing provisions landed beside her and she looked in the direction it came. Ryuu was already back at work but he answered her unspoken question anyway.
“He insisted that Mister Mitsuhide would be treated first. He wouldn’t even let me look at his wound. To be honest, he probably saved his life. This was… really bad. Worst that it seemed at first.”
The sharp intake of breath of Kiki could have as well been hers. Yes, she had no right to be angry at him. No real motive. She was just… selfish sometimes. And terribly afraid. Afraid of losing everything they had right now. Afraid of everything changing again, this time for the worst. So she had to heal him, save him, no matter what.
He could hear voices and rustling. He could also hear his own thoughts without them being blurry, thank the universe. He wanted to touch his head because it hurt, not as much as before yet enough to make him want to put pressure on it. Someone stopped him, a soft hand keeping his hand in place on top of his leg. He opened his eyes slowly and closed the second a flash of light reached them. He tried again and, this time, his Miss was looking at him, kneeling in front of him. He blinked a couple of times and was about to say something cheeky when she moved her hand with a small cloth to his wound and he almost screamed, forcing his head to the wall behind and looking at the ceiling.
“Now that was just punishment, Miss.”
“Should I know how much time you have been running around with that wound?”
Her voice was cold and angry yet warm and soft. How she managed the combination was something that he would really like to know. He looked at her and her eyes were exactly the same. He realized he didn’t feel the stench of blood, not the pain of his lip and he smiled brightly.
“Long enough to see you again.”
There was a light chuckle somewhere in the room and he realized they were not alone. A pained grunt came to him. He wanted to kiss her so badly, to thank her properly for healing him, probably saving him because he felt he was about to die when they reached the mansion. The only reason he kept going instead of falling to the floor was the fact that he was almost carrying Mitsuhide, dragging his legs between the two of them. And, on the other side, a tied enemy of the Kingdom that he dragged completely because his strength was already failing and couldn’t simply toss it on top of his shoulder. So yes, she possibly saved his life. As she did the moment he met her and decided to stay by her side.
She looked at him with so much warmth and love that he forgot the rest of the people again and smiled only for her. She got up, picking up the clothes off the floor to leave them in a basket, and he followed as it was customary for them. His injury hurt, more so than when he was sitting, but he made no movement to show it. The rest of the room was almost as he left it. Ryuu had moved his chair closer to them and was now resting on it. Something told him that he had been helping Shirayuki with him once he’d done all he could for Mitsuhide. Kiki was still holding his hand but looked at them and, when their eyes crashed she smiled softly. A look of gratitude that he was sure he was mirroring. They saved each other.
At the side of the door in a small cushion was Zen, his shoulder and jaw - that were visibly tensed - relaxed when they looked at each other and both smiled. They were alive and together and he couldn’t ask for anything more. They had a lot of work to do ahead of them, probably a lot of situations like this to come, yet for the moment this was enough.
“Allow me to accompany you to your rooms, Mister Obi. We will prepare something to eat while you rest.”
He was so accustomed to hiding… Well, almost everything, that he almost turned the offer down with some lame excuse as to how he was fine and he didn’t really feel the need to rest. He had just been unconscious for a while after all. But Shirayuki’s voice was almost an order, even when she said it so gently.
“Please go to the room and rest. I will go see how it’s going the moment I’m finished here.”
He looked at her and really, how could he say no to her? She could ask him to go get lost in the middle of hell and he would do it. It was almost scary how one person could have so much power over him. So he nodded and moved painfully to the door, trying to mask his limping under his usually graceful movements and standing there for a second while watching her follow him. His eyes playfully looked at her, a lopsided smile and an arched brow. He didn’t have to say anything more to see the thrown off look on her face and the red on the tip of her ears. He was glad she had a ponytail right now because it was extremely cute and otherwise he wouldn’t have seen it.
What he really didn’t see coming was her reaction. Shirayuki got up on her toes, brought her hand to the back of his neck and kissed him. And it wasn’t a soft kiss either. He could swear he heard some gasps around the room but he wasn’t paying attention. His arm surrounded her waist and brought her towards him, just a bit more, just enough to feel her without touching his stomach. It was desperate, as if both of them realized how close they’ve been to lose each other. How the small kiss with which they parted that morning could have been the last. His other hand cupped her face, slowing the kiss until they were far enough to look at each other. There were so many things they wanted to say that neither of them wanted to break the silence.
"You're the worst and I hate you."
She said, at last, her words so different to what her eyes said that he laughed without thinking, a small flinch taking hold of his body. He was starting to think that he really shouldn’t be up yet but that wasn’t about to stop the mix of happiness and shock that he was feeling. He was almost as shocked as the first time she kissed him because… they were in public. Yes, they flirted and touched sometimes and most people in the mansion believed them to be a couple since before they really were but they never confirmed it so clearly. And, of course, his Master was in the room, looking at them.
It felt weird. It felt right. It felt all kinds of liberating, as if breaking invisible chains that were there since the moment he realized he was falling for her. Part of them broke at their first kiss, at their first night together, yet the rest had been still there, wondering if she would change her mind, if they would always have to hide what they had, what they felt. If it wasn’t from the piercing pain he could have started floating with how light he felt, how free of all weight. So he kissed her again. And again. And again. Small kisses that slowly brought back her smile, mirroring his. Real smiles, both of them.
"If that's what hate feels like, I welcome it."
She was almost laughing at that point, her cheeks a bit more colorful, the small chuckles so funny, so happy he had to catch one of them kissing her one more time before letting go. Her hand lingered on his chest a moment longer after that, almost afraid that their happiness would vanish if they stopped at that point. But she used that same hand to give him a little push in the arm, rushing him to the hall behind them where Shuu was waiting.
“Now off you go. You should be laying down and sleeping. I would wake you up to change the bandages and see how it’s going.”
There was a glint in his eyes. A playful glint said that he was still not ready to end the conversation after that. He couldn’t see most of the people inside or their reactions but he could see Kiki with a knowing smile and an approving look in her eyes and maybe that was enough. Maybe he didn’t even need that. Feeling a bit braver after the scene they made he grinned and added:
“Just because I can’t wait for you to touch me again.”
She rolled her eyes, actually rolled her eyes, but was brightly smiling while she closed the door in front of him, forcing her knight to leave even when she didn’t want to say goodbye, not for a moment. But she knew that he was fine - not in perfect condition but fine enough - and that she still had to talk to Zen.
She looked at him at the side of the door and was surprised to see him exchanging looks with Kiki, both of them containing their laugh as best as they could. The prince even had a hand over his mouth and she gifted him with a ‘really?’ look. This was what she was nervous for? Kissing Obi in front of them had been a lot more terrifying than jumping off a tower. She didn’t want to be seen as… as the things people usually called women that played with men. But she wasn’t playing. She just changed over the years. Her feelings changed. Could she really have been blamed for it?
“For a moment there I thought you just did it because damn, he almost died and you were relieved but that was not a first kiss. So… when did that happen?”
Kiki had calmed herself and now was clearly out for answers. Sitting here for hours just worrying must have made her need to take her mind out of that problem a lot bigger. Sighing she moved to sit beside the prince, who also had stopped almost laughing and was looking at her with a smile and a warm and questioning look that supported the knight’s question. Surprisingly, Ryuu also moved his chair closer, visibly interested. She inhaled deeply before starting.
“I can’t say exactly when it started for me. I can’t even say when I started to realize that it was happening. One night a couple of weeks ago I just… It was too much. I needed to be closer to him. So I kissed him.”
She looked away, embarrassed. It was her fault they were in this situation, to begin with. She didn’t exactly know why she felt bad talking about it, as if she were betraying them by being honest with herself.
“Mitsuhide owes us now.”
Zen was looking at the blond knight with an amused expression after hearing her words and he nodded, shrugging his shoulders.
“I told him that Obi would never be the one to shatter that wall. He’s been in this situation for years after all. And he’s always been trying to push us together.”
He shook his head, a bit of sadness in his eyes when he spoke again. There was that tone on his voice again, the one that said that he only understood everything now and that he was better off before.
“Honestly I don’t know how he could.”
Shirayuki was looking at them as if suddenly their hair was the same color as hers. She was confused and felt left out of the conversation. They knew? Or at least they knew about his feelings. Since when? She remembered him telling her something about how long he’d loved her but she didn’t think it was so much that their friends in Clarines already knew and, by the looks of it, they’ve known for a long time.
“W-wait, wait. Did you all know?”
One by one the three people that were with her - and conscious - nodded. She shook her head in an automatic movement. She should have seen it coming. He was extremely honest most of the time - the only times he really wasn’t were when he was pretending to be fine, hiding a wound or an illness. And she knew he just didn’t want to worry her. Luckily for her, those moments have been fewer and fewer lately.
Ryuu looked at them thoughtfully, wanting to add something but thinking carefully about exactly what. When he spoke his voice was a bit deeper than usual, his tone a lot more lively than when he had been working before.
“He never told me directly and I didn’t really need confirmation but… one day I asked him: Why don’t you tell her? His answer… I didn’t push after that. He had his reasons and, honestly, they were good ones. But I’m glad it worked out in the end.”
He smiled at her and she reciprocated it. She wondered what would have been her reaction if he’d told her before, if it hadn’t been her who did something but him. Part of her thought that she would have rejected him and all their relationship would have changed suddenly. The other part of her, the one that was completely sure about her feelings, said that she would have kissed him back, that something would have clicked in her head the same way it did a couple of weeks ago and she would have realized sooner that he was the one. The real one for her.
It would have been a gamble the same way it had been when she kissed him. Yet something told her they would be in the same situation now because… she couldn't imagine a life beside Zen anymore. Not as his partner, not as his princess, not as his wife. If she was honest with herself she stopped imagining something like that so long ago she forgot about forgetting it.
When Shirayuki looked at the prince he was looking at her, almost admiring her deep-in-thought look.
“You know? I’m glad too. I thought, still do sometimes, that we could have worked. But I’ve heard what people say, I’ve seen it in both of you every time we’re together. That kind of connection… I can’t understand it, I can only see it from outside. And you deserve someone like him. I should have told him long ago.”
There was a sad chuckle in his voice that would have broken her were it not for the way his eyes were bright and honest. He really was happy about it.
“Every time he told me that I deserved you and that only I could make you happy… I already knew it wasn’t true. Yet he didn’t seem to realize that the times when you were really smiling and laughing were always with him. So…”
He picked up her hand between his, caressing her skin slowly with his fingers.
“I still care about you and I know you understand that my feelings are not just going to float away suddenly but I’m really happy for you both and you would always have my support and my friendship if you still want it.”
Her eyes filled with hot liquid and her lip started trembling. It was exactly what she wanted to hear. Word by word. At the corner of her eye, she could see Kiki nodding emphatically, possibly wanting to say that she would be there for her too. Ryuu was blushing and also nodding, his hand pulling from his clothes until his mouth was almost hidden. That was an Obi gesture and her heart warmed to see it replicated on the young boy. He was starting to imitate - unknowingly or not - various behaviours of her knight. She had yet to decide if that was a good thing or not.
Returning her gaze to Zen after the quick inspection and now that she had blocked her tears she launched at him, practically jumping into his lap, and hugged him. How was she so lucky? What did she do to deserve such wonderful people in her life? Kiki joined the hug from the other side of the cushion and Ryuu wasn’t much for hugs yet moved a hand to her shoulder and squeezed a bit to let her know he was there too.
She couldn’t stop them anymore. She started crying, surrounded by people who cared and loved her and all the tension, the jitters, the almost-lost-someone-today feeling disappeared slowly with every intake of breath. That was it. They were free to pursue their feelings, they were still loved, they still had their friends, the ones that made both of them stay in the first place.
They still were a family.
21 notes · View notes
kaibacorpintern · 4 years
hi i forgot the ship name but would u write something thats seto and ryou? (platonic or romantic) where they play a ttrpg together or somethin idk
“or somethin idk” give me an inch, i have run a mile. a mile of 4.7k words.
platonic euroshipping. post-canon. ryou applies for a game writer position at kaibacorp and makes it to the final stage. contains: dragons, swords, some very sexy things about solidvision and the virtual world, kaiba covered in blood and having a great time, me the writer having a great time, hopefully you the reader having a great time, and ryou, not covered in blood, having a very, very, very anxious time
tw for some fantasy violence
Ryou inhaled, taking a deep breath of: the fresh, sweet smell of grass, the coolness of river water, something dry and grey in the wind, slightly rotten - smoke? And sulfur. The grasses were filled with the restless susurrus of the wind, each blade quivering with anticipation. Above him, a hawk tilted in lazy, wide circles, tracking the hidden paths of its prey. He stood on a dusty path halfway up the long slope of a steep hillside, the farmlands of the valley behind him peeled back to reveal the burned, blackened devastation beneath. The village from this distance looked like the charcoal remains of a bonfire, the air still shimmering with heat. 
The sun itself was hot, making him sweat in the thick, coarse silk of his mage’s robe, every purple thread saturated with light and heat. Mopping sweat from his brow, Ryou opened his options menu, the holographic display falling open, in the guise of an illuminated manuscript, and hovering at waist-height in thin air, perfectly tilted for reading. The parchment was old and yellowed, almost velvet to the touch, the edges frayed with age, and he couldn’t resist the urge to smell it, leaning in cautiously to take an experimental whiff. Strong notes of dust, old ink, age; an undertone of knowledge, of the forbidden kind. 
He selected Player Appearance and the page turned, with weight and heft, to reveal another. Kaiba didn’t miss a beat. Ryou had no doubt if he knelt down to drink from the stream that flowed down the slope, folding in clear ribbons past the rocks, the water would run cold over his fingers until they pruned. And the magic effects?
He swallowed. It was not just the sun that was making him sweat.
He’d just changed into something more practical - a short-sleeved green tunic, a pair of white breeches, leather boots that had just a bit of bite to the fit, like the player had to wear them in - when a chime pealed out from six feet away, as though someone had rung an invisible bell. The air tore apart, in odd, geometric anguish, like a broken mirror twisting into itself - 
and there was Kaiba, standing in the knee-high grass in his customary black turtleneck and tight pants, frowning with his arms crossed.
“Hello,” Ryou said. “It’s so nice to see you again. Your technology is... this is amazing. The attention to detail is incredible. The player screen, with the parchment - it even smells like - ”
“What is this? Medieval?” Kaiba said, glancing around at his clothes, the distant village, taking no notice of his praise; Ryou bit his tongue in self-rebuke. As if buttering him up with compliments was going to help. 
“Western Europe. From the mid-11th century to the 12th. The age of knights and chivalry,” he said, deciding that maybe his best strategy was to simply be straightforward.
“I’m familiar with basic history, thank you. How... classic,” Kaiba said, in a tone that screamed disinterest, and Ryou’s heart began to plummet - already starting from behind? No, no, no, he reminded himself, straightening the slouch out of his shoulders. Yuugi had warned him about this. Kaiba was fantastically tough to impress, in general, and the Virtual World was his world, a realm he'd built with sweat and tears, and stolen back with blood. So he hand-picked every writer that wrote for Virtual World games, refusing to squander a single pixel on conventional nonsense and uninspired cliché. 
The last step - before he brought the axe down - was a short, playable demo, as proof of concept, written by the applicant and executed by the Virtual World team.
Ryou had come this far in the application process. Trust that, Yuugi said. And trust yourself.
Kaiba was looking at him, eyebrows arched with expectant curiosity.
“Er,” Ryou said. “Let’s get started, then. You’ll need to change.”
He pulled up the menu, revelling in the hovering parchment once more, and changed Kaiba’s appearance, like - like magic, the lines of Kaiba’s silhouette rippling like a sine wave from the bottom up, his modern-day clothing becoming a knee-length tunic of chainmail under a belted dark blue surcoat. Kaiba held still throughout the entire transformation, in smug admiration of the effect, his arms held out in a ballet dancer’s pose as chainmail draped down his shoulders to his wrists. 
In his right hand appeared, with a sharp, diamond flash of light, a long arming sword, the edge nicked with age and bloodspill. The hilt was black, with a sapphire gleaming in the pommel. A plain shield dropped onto his left forearm. 
He gave the sword an experimental spin, testing the heft with practiced ease, and slid it back into the leather scabbard on his belt.
“A knight, the charred, smoking remains of a village… I’m assuming I’m on a quest to kill a dragon?” he said, pushing back the hood of the chainmail so that it draped off his shoulders, and nodding up the slope to where the grasses tattered into rocky shale. 
“Yes, you can assume that,” Ryou said politely.
On cue, a child no more than twelve years old staggered up the dusty path from the village, her small torso heaving with breath, sweat and tears running in clean streaks down her soot-stained face. 
“Sir Knight,” she choked out. Flashing a look at Ryou that said cheap blow, but unable to deny his own fraternal instinct, Kaiba dropped to one knee and caught her, his hands swallowing her thin, shuddering shoulders. Playing along, at least.
“Calm down,” he said, steadying her. Ryou imagined his anxiety as a small, hard rock, packing in the twist of every fraying nerve, and leaned all his weight onto one foot, grinding the rock into the dirt with his heel. "What is it?”
“They sent me to warn you, about the dragon,” she panted. “They said only the Chosen One can truly defeat the dragon, and bring peace back to the land. Many have tried. All suffered the same terrible fate - a fate worse than death.”
“I see,” Kaiba said. “And who is the Chosen One?”
The girl glanced at Ryou over Kaiba’s shoulder, her eyes glinting with fear. 
“No - no one knows,” she said. “But all the oracles say they’re coming… a knight with a pure and worthy heart. Sir Knight, don’t go. Come back to the village. It’s safe there. What do you gain from this? Our humble lands aren’t worth the danger!”
“I think they are,” Kaiba said, thumbing soot off her face, and frowning as her cheek pixelated, briefly, and resumed a skin-like texture. "Open master commands, user ID 000002510. Initiate master log. Begin recording: skin-to-skin contact glitch reappeared during writer play-test, candidate Bakura, R. Begin patch work immediately. End recording. Disperse to Virtual World team, flag Sawada, project manager. Close master commands. Did you know, one of the most compelling unsolved problems in physics is the lack of a theory that realizes both general relativity and quantum mechanics?”
The girl gave him a wary look, wide-eyed with faint alarm. Ryou sucked in a breath, grinding the anxiety rock down, down, down.
“You - you speak in tongues, Sir Knight," she said. "Are you also an oracle? Has your future-sight failed you? Don’t you see that only death lives on the mountain?”
Kaiba snorted and stood up, turning to Ryou. “A solid response to non-standard player input. Doesn’t ignore modern concepts, but re-contextualizes them in the setting of this world via a framework of prophecy, and redirects the player to the plot.” 
“Um... thank you?” Ryou said. “I wanted this world to feel like it has a future, too, not just a history. I wanted to place it on a timeline, like it - ”
Kaiba’s attention swung back to the girl, still standing there with her eyes darting between them, full of bafflement. 
“Return to the village, girl. Tell them my future-sight never fails me.”
The girl retreated backwards, warily, twisted on her heel, and fled down the path.
"If I go down to the village, what'll I find?" Kaiba said.
"More information about the Chosen One, and an outlaw who tries to recruit you to her band of thieves, with the option to join them for a stealth-based quest.”
"Hm. You have the imagination and the decency to offer me something other than blatant bait, which I don't always bite. The cliché of the Chosen One is boring as hell, it’s both over-done and deterministic, but I think... yes. Yes, I'll bite. Let's go see your dragon."
In the wake of this... compliment?, Ryou could only offer him a small, tentative smile, his heart clenching tight around Yuugi's advice. 
Kaiba started up the path. 
“Er, Kaiba - you might want to check your inventory before you encounter the dragon."
Kaiba’s hand padded around his waist until he found the small satchel that sat on his hip. Another parchment unfurled in the air before him, listing its contents:
Two full healing spells;
Two glamour spells, for changing the guise of a person or object;
Two transformation spells, for changing a person or an object into an animal;
Two scrying spells, for locating people or objects;
Two ignis spells, for commanding fire;
Two aqua spells, for commanding water; and
Two ventus spells, for commanding wind.
Ryou watched him as he read. He'd carved a small, thick groove into the dirt below his foot. Surely, that was enough for Kaiba to get creative?
Kaiba only closed the parchment with a brisk flick of his hand. Then he started up the mountain, Ryou following nervously behind.
The mountain path was rougher than Ryou expected, a tightly-coiled spring of switchbacks, leading to the curved lip of a high pass. After several minutes of trudging the dust in silence, he was panting for breath, his feet aching and blistering in their boots, and deeply regretting adding this little detail to the story. Next time, he was just going to put the dragon on a rolling, grassy plain, and he’d make it like an American autumn corn maze, because it still needed to be a challenge, and when the players got to the center they’d find the dragon’s decaying, rotting corpse and realize they’d been stuck inside the maze for five hundred years and everyone they loved was dead, and if they wanted to go back to their own time they’d have to find out how to resurrect the dragon, but only at a terrible cost, a sacrifice of some kind... Not his best off-the-cuff work, but there were usable concepts in there, somewhere. If there was a next time.
Despite being laden down with the chainmail, each tiny link flashing like fish scales in the airy slanting of the afternoon sun, Kaiba seemed unaffected by the demands of the hike, propelling himself forward with long, energetic strides. How?
Ryou thought about asking for a break. Or drinking water from the stream. Or changing his boots for something comfier, but he didn't have anything else in his outfit inventory except the mage robes, and the slippers might be even worse… he stopped, hands on his hips, gathering his breath.
From here the valley sprawled below them, a wide, velvety plain, its edges rising and scalloped by mountains. The village fit in the circle of his thumb and forefinger, a smoking black thumbprint. The team had done a fantastic job: the stream ran down the mountain, flattened into a river, and ran south, lazy and serpentine, a green-blue ribbon cutting through the yellow plains, just like he’d outlined in his initial description of the world….
This was all virtual. 
There was no such thing as air, here, or rivers or sunshine or grasses.
His real, physical body was half-asleep in a Virtual World testing pod on the 17th floor of the Kaiba Corp Tower, and his body here was just a series of algorithms, and if he didn’t want to sweat, he didn’t have to fucking sweat! Thank God!
Up ahead, Kaiba noted the absence of his footfalls and turned around, one hand resting easily on his sword hilt. From his position on the path, he looked down at Ryou from several feet up, which doubled the intimidation of his already formidable bearing.
“I’m fine,” Ryou said. “Just... admiring the view.”
“Are you having your Matrix moment? That’s what my programmers call it,” Kaiba said.
Ryou laughed. “I think so. I was tired but I don't feel it at all, anymore. Like all the fatigue's just melted away and I could run a marathon.”
“Is that something you enjoy?”
“Oh, no. I hate sports.”
Kaiba snorted.
“So, tell me. Why do you want this job?” he said. “At my company? Writing stories with my technology?”
“Er - ” Blindsided by the swerve in topics, Ryou tripped over his thoughts. Surely he must’ve read his application? Maybe he didn’t have the time. Stick to straightforward. “I’m sure you remember my performance in Battle City?”
“Yes, I remember,” Kaiba said, which was honestly more than Ryou expected of him.
“Well, I don’t play much Duel Monsters anymore,” he said, “but I still.. every once in a while, I turn my Duel Disk on and play a few cards, just to see my monsters come out, see them breathe… you know I run a Zombie deck, full of demons and dead things, but SolidVision makes them feel so - so alive. You took these fantasy monsters that exist only in our heads and put them in our world.”
“Virtual World game writers don’t work on SolidVision products,” Kaiba countered.
“Right, I know that. To me, Virtual World and SolidVision are the inverse of each other, or opposites that contain each other, like, like yin and yang - with SolidVision, the unreal enters the real, and becomes real. In the Virtual World, the real - ” Ryou motioned to himself - “enters the unreal, and becomes unreal. We like to put walls between imagination and reality, you know, taxes are real and unicorns aren’t, but with SolidVision and Virtual World, there is no wall. That’s the world I want to write stories for.”
“Hm,” Kaiba said, the corner of his mouth curving up in a smile. “Interesting take.”
And he waited, saying nothing more, until Ryou realized he was waiting for him; and trotted lightly up the path to join him.
By the time they reached the top of the mountain pass, the air had turned a clear, dusky gold. The mountains cast long, black shadows across the valley, like dark teeth, chewing up the farmlands. The mountain pass was saddle-shaped, one side sloping down into the valley they’d just come from, the other flattening into a smaller, higher bowl, cupping a pale blue-green lake between its rocky palms.
Kaiba scrambled onto the nearest large rock, his head swinging as he scanned the lake valley. Ryou wrapped one arm around his waist and bit his thumb. They had found a deep, penetrating quiet, the kind of wilderness quiet that was devoid of texture of any kind; no bugs or burbling streams or bird song. It was not even like holding your breath, waiting, because that implied a coming moment of exhale, a sigh of relief. This was a perfect stillness. 
And hidden somewhere inside it was a dragon. 
Ryou bit harder, until he remembered the pain was fake and did nothing, and he had to come up with something else to temper his anxiety, which was definitely, definitely real.
Kaiba's gonna flip his shit when he sees your dragon, Yuugi said, from the back of Ryou's mind, Ryou's demo manuscript in hand. In a good way or a bad way? Is it too derivative? What does it matter that he'll flip his shit for my dragon when he flips his shit for ANY dragon? He's a slut for dragons. Oh my god, you can't say that! Yuugi, please, help - nope. You got this. You know what you're doing.
Even the metallic shing of Kaiba’s sword coming out of its sheath seemed small, in an unnatural way, a pointless, petty defiance. 
A shadow fell across the lake valley. 
Both of them looked up -
and an enormous dragon hurtled out of the sky, landing with thundering force on all four clawed feet, flattening trees and boulders beneath its reptilian bulk. Ryou staggered backwards and fell, in an awkward, clumsy crab pose; Kaiba threw his shield over his face and dug in, undaunted.
Kaiba lowered his shield, just enough for his first full look at the dragon. From his spot, crumpled on the ground, Ryou saw, in the shadow below the shield, another slender smile. The dragon’s hide was a dark, luxurious blue-black, mottled like snakeskin but textured with the heavy crags and knobs of crocodiles. It lowered its head on its long, arching neck, gracefully bearing the weight of two massive, curving horns, and stared down at them with fathomless acid-green eyes.
Even Ryou, who had designed it, sat enthralled: every movement it made - the eager flick of its tail, the claws, curling into the dirt, glinting under a layer of blood and grime, the shuddering of its leathery wings as they folded into its long body - hinted at indomitable power. It was a true creature of legend, a titan from the youngest days of the world, demanding both reverence and terror.
“I have!” Kaiba replied blithely, despite announcing it in a ringing voice.
“I’m here to avenge the village!” Kaiba shouted. 
Ryou had clambered to his feet and bolted for the safety of a low ridge, which gave him a perfect view of Kaiba, head held high and proud as he gazed unflinching at the dragon, several hundred times his size. He’d written those words in his notebook on the metro, leaning his head against the cool midnight glass, pausing every other line to ferret out another piece of sour candy from his bag. Then he’d missed his stop. That trundling, light-washed world of a train car seemed impossibly distant now - a rapidly fading dream, to be remembered only in flashes and silence. To hear the words come out of the smoking jaws of this dragon, each syllable flowing in a delicious, indulgent baritone from its shining teeth, filled him with a breathless exhilaration, his heart hammering in his throat - this was real!
“Only one of us is suffering fate today!” Kaiba shouted back, a laugh in his voice, and then threw a glance at Ryou. “‘Suffer my fate?’ Is that a typo?”
“I - watch out!” Ryou yelled, as the dragon lunged forward, its jaws snapping shut on the empty air where Kaiba had been standing half a second before. Kaiba threw himself out of the way, a nimble tuck and roll, and scrabbled across the shale towards higher ground. Behind him, the dragon swung its massive head, nostrils red and flaring, mouth curled up in a savage draconic grin, glinting with the promise of violence. 
No sooner had Kaiba flung himself behind a scattering of boulders, shield raised, than it unleashed a jet of fire so hot and scorching the boulders glowed red, their rough faces melting in sheets. Ryou felt the heat wash across his face, from several dozen yards away. 
The fire died out. The dragon snorted in satisfaction, horse-like, a loud, wet huff of smoke. The boulders sizzled as they cooled into their new, bizarrely dripping forms.
Kaiba emerged from behind a boulder, sweating and singed, his face streaked with ash and his eyes shining. He tossed the warped, melted wreckage of his shield aside, where it bounced and clattered against the rocks.
“For you!” Kaiba hurled back, and threw his hand into the air, a gesture Ryou had seen countless times on a duel field - a lightning rod, a summoning. “VENTUS!” 
The wind picked up, in a giddy, howling whirl, bringing with it a cloud of dust that descended gritty and blinding and pale across the valley. Kaiba and the dragon vanished from sight inside it. Mentally Ryou subtracted one spell from Kaiba’s satchel.
“THIS WON’T HELP Y - ” Cut off by a wet chop and an ear-splitting draconic scream, a raw, awful sound, torn out of an unwilling throat. Just below it, a glorious, cascading laugh. “WRETCH! WORM!”
The dust settled, revealing glistening, dark-green blood splattered across the rocks, and a single severed claw, its flesh still twitching. The dragon seethed, its wounded foot curled in agony. Kaiba was clear across the other side of the pass, by the dragon’s tail, grinning open-mouthed as he panted for breath. His chainmail and surcoat dripped with dragon blood; his hair was thick with it. 
“COME GET YOUR PEACE, DRAGON!” he bellowed, and the dragon slung its head around, tail coiling in an ominous whip. 
Again Kaiba lifted his hand, shouted “VENTUS - !”
And a second dust cloud barreled into the valley, as the dragon roared back, “THAT WON’T WORK AGAIN!”
It whipped its tail through the dust cloud, a scythe-like sweep - smacking something hard into the rocks with a thick, fleshy crunch of bone that made Ryou’s insides clench tight with terrified sympathy.
The dragon whirled around, clearing the dust with several storm-gathering wingbeats.
This was not real. This was just pixels, neatly arranged and running in rivers of algorithms - just a clever series of ones and zeroes - and yet Ryou gasped, the dragon laughing, at the sight of Kaiba lying in a crumpled, motionless heap in the rocks. He hadn’t considered Kaiba might actually fail to kill the dragon - all thoughts of jobs and game-writing abandoned - unreality aside, the mind had a way of making it real - what the fuck happened if Kaiba died?
“IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE, WORM?” the dragon said, nudging Kaiba’s limp body with its claws, rolling him over. His head lolled, his body twisted into a horrifying, broken-boned slouch. How on earth was Ryou going to explain this to Yuugi? Hell. “I TOLD YOU, YOU'RE NOT W - ”
Ryou almost didn’t see it - a hawk in a dive, arrow-straight, from the top of the sky, diving through a blinding flash of light several stories up - and out of the light came Kaiba, alive and whole, plummeting towards the dragon’s head, gripping his sword with both hands - plunging it straight through the top of the dragon’s skull. 
He left the sword hilt-deep in dragon flesh as he pitched forward with the force of impact, rolling over the dragon’s brow, flailing to catch himself - on the massive horn. Clinging, victorious, as the great dragon swayed, its green eyes filming, and finally slumped, in agonized slow motion, to the earth, body first, head last, with a thundering, bone-rattling crash. 
It released one last, rattling breath, the trees shuddering in the fetid breeze.
The valley descended into stillness once more. 
Ryou sat down on his low escarpment with a limp thump, burying his face in both hands. This was just a Virtual World, where at one point everything would power down and they’d wake up safe and sound in the squishy, air-conditioned comfort of a pod, and he had, after all, planned on Kaiba killing the dragon, but Kaiba’s sheer nerve seemed beyond that. Yuugi was right. The guy was, maybe, a little nuts. Completely off his rocker.
“Ryou,” Kaiba said, above him, and Ryou lifted his head. Kaiba rested the sword jauntily across his shoulder, the rest of him filthy with dragon blood and human blood and dirt. “I have to say, I enjoyed your dragon. A shame it had to die.”
“Your strategy... You used a glamour spell? On a... rock? To make it look like your dead body,” Ryou said. “And then a transformation spell.”
“Correct. Is that all for your demo?” Kaiba said, cocking an eyebrow, both bloody and disdainful, and Ryou swallowed. “I was hoping for more of a cha - ”
His words stopped hard in his throat, a harsh, hacking sound. His free hand flew to his neck, mouth dropping open in pain and confusion, eyes widening. He coughed - or tried to, achieving nothing more than a thin, ugly retching, his face going white - and Ryou watched, in fascinated horror, as his gamble began to play out. There was nothing he could do to help; he’d written it that way.
The sword clattered to the stones, green blood dripping off the shining edge, as Kaiba staggered sideways, gasping for breath, both hands on his neck - what was the algorithm doing to him? Ryou had only written ‘a suffocating, squirming pain, concentrated in the lungs,’ and resolved to think more carefully about what types of pain he might inflict on the player characters, if the gamble paid off... But how interesting to know even the creator of the Virtual World himself suspended his disbelief - his knowledge of the truth - sometimes, and indulged in pain...
He collapsed to his knees, stretching one hand out, fisting it around Ryou’s collar and dragging him closer - 
“What - ” he choked out, eyes glaring into Ryou’s, in baffled, furious agony - terrified - they rolled backwards, the blue sliding away to white, as he slumped over himself. 
His hand went slack and fell. What life remained slipped away in a low, shaking sigh.
Ryou took him by the shoulders and gently lay him down, passing a hand over his eyes to close them. Dead, but not really.
“Just hold on a moment,” he said. The body had been vacated. The soul - the player - was awakening elsewhere.
He waited a few moments, absorbing the stillness, the detail on the leaves of the pine trees; the way the lake water shimmered in golden flecks with late afternoon light. It was maybe his last few seconds to enjoy the world he’d written, rendered in full splendor by the magic of technology, and he’d banished his anxiety from both his mind and body, to live out its exile in the real world. It didn’t belong here.
The great dragon body began to stir, drowsily, waking up from a deep, deep sleep. The deepest sleep.
Ryou stood up and slid down the escarpment to the dragon, pebbles and dust avalanching around his feet. The stab wound in its skull was knitting back together; the severed claw was crawling back to its slow-bleeding joint. There was an agonized hiss, forced through the dragon’s tightly-clenched teeth, and a vibrating groan, deep in its chest, as it gathered itself out of death.
Its eyes opened, in wary slits - not the bright, acid green, but a stunning, oceanic blue.
“OW. FUCK,” it growled, in Kaiba’s voice, magnified and twice as resonant. “OPEN MASTER COMMANDS, USER ID 000002510. SUSPEND ALL PAIN ALGORITHMS. CLOSE MASTER COMMANDS.”
He rolled upright, flexing his wings with experimental care. He arched his neck, looking down at Ryou.
“Yes,” Ryou said cautiously.
“That’s how it goes.”
“You choose them,” Ryou said. “You decide what makes them worthy.”
"That's right."
Kaiba pondered that for a moment, flexing his claws idly in the dirt, the massive slabs of muscle in his shoulders shifting as he tested the strength and fit of his new draconic body. His gaze drifted out over the lower valley, eyes clouding briefly with memories of another story, another game, another man; one who had always seemed real and unreal, all at once, no matter what world he lived in. Ryou had heard it all from Yuugi.
Then Kaiba looked at him and started to laugh, a sound that echoed and rebounded across the small lake valley, the water shivering as each delighted peal of laughter rolled across. Ryou blushed as it buffeted him from all sides.
“IS THAT SO,” Kaiba said, with dry relish. “YOU’RE HIRED.”
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noneatnonedotcom · 4 years
RWBY before Oswald is stuck in a hard place the council needs a mission done but no one is willing to sully their hands and he can't bring himself to go see jaune he tries to talk to ruby only to have her publicly rip him a new one stating her beloved isn't a tool to be used by him and the council when he sees fit
   right so sorry I took so long with this but as you can see I did put a lot of effort into this, I hope you all like it. also @bssaz97 I’m tagging you because I know you like this au and wanted to do a scene or two with summer and tai so figured it was best to make sure you were in on the new “cannon”
                                       ADAM’S PEAK
This was a disaster, not just militarily but personally. It was devastating news, and Oswald wasn’t sure just what to do about it.
A white fang general had taken the faunas’ elite troops and had gone on a mad crusade through Vale’s countryside. In a little under a week, they would cross the western mountain chains and be into their heartlands.
The fact that Adam was not acting under orders would do little to calm the hatred of vale and the other kingdoms. Menagerie might very well be whipped off the map as a result.
The actual problem was that the huntsmen were not ready for combat like this, he barely had a thousand of the newly minted warriors, and adam was marching with some six-thousand-five-hundred troops. All with aura unlocked. All with years, sometimes decades of experience in human combat. And well equipped too. The only ones with an army left after his idea to rely solely on huntsmen was Atlas. And their military commanders were… less than ready for the war to come.
There was only one man who could save them, and Oswald already owed him too much to be willing to ask him himself.
But his hands were tied with the news that came in this morning. The council of Atlas had called back the expeditionary force under the command of ironwood. There was a significant uproar over this fact, and the returning general ironwood had launched an investigation, but Oswald knew the truth.
The first battle with the white fang was a disaster. While ironwood managed to get his men out fast enough, Adam had defeated the army soundly. It was only ironwood’s impeccable tactical understanding that allowed him to survive it. With most of his army but none of the provisions as their camp was ransacked and raided as they were forced to retreat.
And now only one man could save them, and Oswald couldn’t bring himself to ask.
When he explained the situation to ruby, she had been quiet for a long time before she finally asked, “Is that all he is to you? A sword you can draw in times of war and put away when you’d rather not face the dark truth? Who do you think you are to ask him for more after what he gave! His family was nearly left destitute by you! His legacy and way of life are gone! His reputation tarnished! His very dreams now taken from him, and I have to lie awake a night listening to his nightmares! All on your orders!” she was shouting, now unable to sit with the anger coursing through her. “WHAT MORE CAN YOU TAKE FROM HIM? THERE’S NOTHING LEFT FOR YOU, OSWALD. ALL THAT’S LEFT TO HIM IS HIS LIFE AND HIS HONOR!” she was crying now Oswald reached out trying to offer comfort to the girl by she smacked his hand away.
She glared at the man she once saw as a grandfather “he’ll go, we both know he’ll go. He’s a knight of Vale. He’ll always stand ready to protect those he loves. He’ll give the full measure of devotion for his kingdom” she turned away “you don’t deserve him, none of you do, but he’ll take up lance and sword for you” her final words as she shut the door behind her “you deserve eternal life.”
In the backroom of the council chambers, Adam Taurus smirked, looking over his weapon a katana. Menagerie had ordered him to stand down. Told him that the time of heroes was at an end. But adam knew there was one last trial left for those who sought to be a hero. One final glory before the end of the age. And his name was Sir. Jaune the Just.
Though adam preferred his other name.
The butcher of anima.
The knight’s age was coming to an end, he knew it, jaune knew it, everyone knew it. But there would be one last glorious battle before the end. It was only a matter of setting things up. He needed jaune out of vale and away from his retenue. Luckily for him, the council wanted to be rid of the knight. And of Oswald. All they needed to do was have Oswald be the one who sent jaune out, and when the hero died, both would be gone.
This battle needed to happen. It was his last chance. If he missed this, it was over. His name would never be mentioned in the history books. But if he could take the head of the butcher? Then his name would live forever as the last knight of the world. And the last great general.
When the councilors came and told him the news, he was overjoyed. But he kept his mask up. All he needed from these fools was a chance to kill jaune. Once that was done, their bargain was complete.
And vale was wide open for plunder.
Yes, if this was the last act of the heroic age, let him return to menagerie with a heroes bounty.
In a week’s time, he would face jaune at a no named castle fortress. He didn’t mind that it had no name. For by the end of this, it would be known as adam’s peak!
Jaune stood before his army, his steel-like gaze casting over the lot of them. They were not knights, not even soldiers and barely men, but they were his. Not for the first time, he cursed the council for sending these men out to die with him rather than having the courage to execute him themselves simply. But he put aside his anger; this wasn’t about the council; this was about his men.
“Nothing is more becoming of a man than to be brave before your enemy,” he began, his voice clear and level as he made eye contact with as many of these boys as he could. Seeking to let them know he was there with them, “but a man may be afraid and still be brave!”
The soldiers, despite their nerves and apparent fear, perked up at this, “And any man who goes into battle without fear is a moonstruck fool! To be brave is to go forward anyway, no matter how a-feared! That is why I go forward in the company of so many other brave men.”
Jaune shot the men before him a grim, but encouraging smile, “I will not lie to you, I can promise you nothing but a hard struggle to come.” Jaune was met with silence before he continued you on, “What would you have me say? I will not lie, not to you, and not for any matters of strategy or state. I will not shame myself as such. But there is one thing I will tell you.”
“YOUR FATE SHALL BE THE SAME AS MINE,” the men cheered at this, “whatever glories in the battle to come, I want you to know that we shall share them, I will be by your side!”
Jaune saw the enemy army marching over the last swell of the hill, having divided themselves into two separate forces consisting of thirty-five hundred men each.
“It is a great honor to be thought of by the kingdoms as an educated and well-read man. After all, it is the home of one of the greatest places of learning in the world! But I tell you this, in all of my studies, I have never encountered the likes of our foes! They would fill bestiaries yet unwritten, and good scholars would blush to write of their perversities!”
“And finally, I can tell you as a man of learning that a book can be beneficial before a battle, I would not recommend Tacitus though, the pages of his books are very rough on your nether regions!” the men laughed. Jaune raised his sword, “THEY WILL REMEMBER!”
A great cheer went up as the men rushed to their positions, forming together in tight spear walls on the mountain’s steep incline.
For Jaune, there was only one truth that rang in his head at the moment, that invincibility is found in defense, but victory can only be found in the offense. It’s why he had ignored the small wooden walls of the “castle” behind him.
No, he wouldn’t die cowering behind the wooden wall of a fort. His destiny lay down the hill before him. And with a determined look upon his face, Jaune kicked his horse into a gallop and went down the hill; his banner raised high...
… And rode right past the second army, making their way up towards him.
Adam would give this to Jaune; he had indeed done his best to give his men every possible advantage. A lesser commander would have hidden behind those wooden walls at the top of the mountain, but not Jaune. He had sallied out and met him, man to man, on the field of battle. But Adam wasn’t worried. Even with such a steep incline helping the enemy, they were no match for trained soldiers with armor and aura.
The poor peasants that the council had sent to die with Jaune would be remembered at the very least, as they would have the privilege of taking place in the last battle of the Age of Knights. A movement out of the corner of his eyes showed him the banner of house arc proudly dancing in the breeze, with Jaune running down the mountainside right past his army.
He immediately ordered his second army to give chase as the envelopment meant nothing to him. In time these farmers with their pointy sticks would fall, but Jaune must not be allowed to escape and rally a defense elsewhere.
It was not some three minutes later when his lieutenants spoke of Jaune coming for them, leaving Adam to gape at such an action. What Lunacy, surely, no one would be foolish enough to charge an army on their own?!
Adam had little time to comprehend his enemy’s ploy, for when he turned around to the battlefield, he was greeted with a sight to behold. For there before him, plowing through his men as if they were nothing more than dominoes to be toppled over was Jaune Arc: His horse a resplendent white; His armor a polished to a perfect shine; and with his lance couched at a perfect angle as he connected with the unsuspecting Adam’s armor.
There was a moment of resistance before Adam felt weightless as he was taken off his horse from the momentum of Jaune’s weapon crashing against his armor. Then, he felt a flare of pain as Jaune’s lance tore through his armor and pierced his heart in a clean kill before his limp body crashed against the cold, hard ground in an undignified heap.
And then, there was nothing but the void of darkness to greet him.
Lie Ren was not a knight. He wasn’t even a soldier. He was a farmer, a poor one at that, so when the council had said they needed men to act as levies, he’d signed up. He figured they’d have him digging ditches and carrying supplies, nothing too overtly complex he’d imagine.
But not this
The world was a haze of violence and pain in front of him; faunas in heavy armor struggled uphill through their wall of spears. He thrust without thinking, hoping that it might dissuade the warriors, while every few seconds, another cry would go up as one of his allies took a blow. Nearly all of them were bleeding now, yet none dared to fall, for to fall now would surely lead to their death. Before them, the mass of knights had formed a solid wall; he’d kill for a musket like the one Nora had wanted to buy him, but it was too expensive, and he wanted to save the money to get new farm equipment.
That steam tractor seemed so frivolous right now.
A flash of steel was his only warning as the man next to him died, clutching his throat. Eyes wide, begging for help the first one but most likely not the last. Ren thrust the spear, again and again, ignoring his growing fatigue as he did so. He’d survive this, and he’d make it home to Nora, that’s all that mattered.
But how? They were surrounded.
He wondered if Nora would find another, he hoped so. She deserved happiness, more than he could offer her, that was for sure. Her smile was the best thing about her. It was what drove him to work so hard. Knowing that she’d be back at home waiting for him, he could endure any hardships for that smile. He was hoping to marry her when he got back when the farm was stabilized, and they could build their lives together.
He hoped she wouldn’t mourn too long.
It was just as he was about to give up when he saw him; Sir Arc had gotten behind enemy lines. Down the massive slope, he could see the other half of the army giving chase. And it all happened in slow motion.
Sir Arc Riding up the hill
His lance lowered just as the enemy general turned to see him.
A great screeching as the lance went through the armor of the faunas.
There was a moment of stunned silence.
And then they started screaming.
Panic took the enemy that just a second before was utterly unfazed by them. But now, with their spirits broken, so too was their aura.
The battle was now a haze of red, and Ren gave chase without thinking. He needed this, needed to kill them as they had tried before. He stabbed with his spear running down the fleeing knights as they tried to escape his spear, barely having the time to rechamber as he killed with reckless abandon.
This was no longer a battle; it was a glorious red hazed slaughter, the most potent high of rage elation and victory ren had ever felt, and he needed more, and more, and more! Let the world drown in his enemy’s blood.
Eventually, though, they ran out of men. And ren came down from his high, all around him were tired bloody men, but more importantly, the field was covered in a carpet of dead knights, so much so that the grass couldn’t be seen underneath.
Ren looked at the sky, and that couldn’t be right.
The sun hadn’t moved; it was still high noon.
It had felt like hours, but…
“One thousand men, and seven and a half minutes,” came the voice of Sir Arc. Ren took in the sight of their savior. His horse, once pure white, was now covered in red. His armor the same, his eyes tired. “That’s what it took to gain victory over six-thousand-eight-hundred and thirty-eight men. All consisted of the greatest knights still living after the great war, and the Faunus rights revolution. And the leadership to the militant arm of the white fang” Sir Arc laughed, “and it took me seven and a half minutes AND A THOUSAND FARMERS WITH POINTY STICKS!” and the call went up, the men cheered and hollered. Their cries echoing off the mountain.
Ren would go home to Nora; when he did, they would make love, to the point that he exhausted her. And they would keep going until a week later when Ren’s pay would show up, along with a sizable bonus, and a note.
In time all this would happen, but for now, ren stood on the pile of corpses, covered in blood, spear raised high over his head, and he screamed his victory to the gods on the slopes of what would be known as Adam’s peak.
Legends would be told of this battle jaune knew as he looked over the clean up being done by his men, the knights of note and the leaders were being beheaded, jaune personally doing the honors for adam. He had plans for all of them. He also had a message from adam’s personal effects back at his camp. He and the council would be having words, and all the world would know of their misdeeds.
The battle itself was the deathblow to the knightly way of life though, jaune could feel it in his bones. It was jaune’s victory purely because of the weaknesses of the knightly system. Aura was based on morale, how willing to fight a man was. When things were going well in a fight, this was all well and fine but scare a man, disrupt his concentration, and he could no longer muster the will to fight, then he was just as vulnerable as any other. Perhaps worse so, as all his skill was based on what he could do with his aura.
The weak point of an army was always their order of battle and morale. And when jaune had killed adam, it had broken them, they could have rallied, but luckily one brave warrior by the name of Lie Ren had rushed forward, seizing the initiative, and as a result, inspiring all the men behind him to push forward as well.
Lie Ren had won this battle just as much as he did.
But adam had committed everything to this battle and lost everything. The knightly system was high risk, high reward, with no real way of knowing how the results would turn out.
The huntsman system didn’t have this problem. It was decentralized, meaning you couldn’t kill a general to break the enemy’s will. And the loss of a team of hunters meant very little in the grand scheme of things. Vale could lose again and again now and still have more to give.
The system was simply a higher reward for lesser risk. And so jaune was faced with the unenviable knowledge that he was the one to end the age of knights. And that he would be the last commander for the final battle.
The after-action report was straightforward. After all, he was only writing it for Oswald. And that was only so ruby would know he was alive before he showed up with the heads of his enemy. Perhaps vale would hate him for this as well, but he no longer cared what happened to that den of vipers.
Jaune had been stationed in the mountains that will henceforth be known as Adam’s peak. He had one-thousand levies from the local farms, poorly trained and equipped. And he had been engaged by the enemy army of the White Fang numbering six-thousand-eight hundred and thirty-eight. Being made up of the elite knights and veteran leadership of the white fang. Knowing that the wooden castle walls would do him no good, he had set his men on the steepest slope in a choke point. It would not have granted him victory, but it had bought him time and had set up the next stage of his strategy.
Adam had sought to capture him for a grand execution and had sent half his army to ensure that he did not escape. Jaune had gambled on the fact that he was a high priority of the enemy general and had run past the second army with his banner held high. Jaune was right in that the enemy was quick to pursue him. He then made a suicidal charge through the back lines of the enemy and slew Adam in a single blow. Therefore, the morale of his enemy and their aura shattered the rest had been a simple mop-up action to ensure they could not rally. With him personally hunting down and killing the enemy commanders as his men slaughtered the rest.
Having followed him, the second army was already exhausted from the chase and, with their auras weakened, could not run away fast enough, blocking the first armies escape and ruining any chance of organizing resistance as units ran through each other to get away, utterly destroying cohesion.
In total, the battle had taken him seven and a half minutes. In seven and a half minutes, Jaune Arc had shifted the direction of fate and history and had secured for himself the title that all would know him by for the rest of his life.
Sir Jaune Arc, The Just, The Butcher Of Anima.
And The Knight of Miracles
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greekgeek21 · 3 years
Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Convergence - they steal an old pirate ship
I'm alive!! I'm so sorry for just ditching you guys, but I was in Shasta for a week and didn't have any internet access so I wasn't even able to say that I was gonna not update. But I hope this nice, semi-long chapter makes up for it!  Reminder that this is also available on FF, Inkitt, Ao3, Webnovel, and Wattpad
On a completely different note, I'm going to be starting to write a book. Like, a real published book. It'll take a few years but I'm determined and I love the idea I thought of so if any of you are interested, email me at [email protected] and I might be willing to send some samples. I want input, badly. And all the people in my life are biased. Total strangers on the internet are totally made for this, right?
I recently got into readers marauder era fanfics and I'm already in too deep, gays (and yes I meant to say gay, we all know it if you're reading pjo fanfiction). There is no escape.
Anyway, I'm running out of prewritten chapters, so I have to get to writing that while preparing to write a book. Wish me luck! Happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈✨
- your author
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"Run it by me again. Just one more time," Steve asked, still highly confused.
They had made it to Florida and were now at a private dock. Percy had just briefly explained his control over any water vehicle and the Captain was not getting the point.It was understandable. Percy still barely got it.
However, they didn't have a whole lot of time, and every second they wasted discussing Percy's weird powers was another second Annabeth's captors had to hurt her. They did not have time for this.
"We are going to steal a boat, and I'm going to sail us the rest of the way," Percy sighed.
"Ok, but, how are we going to sail it if only you know how to do it?" Steve asked.
Even Piper was getting frustrated now. "He can control the boat! We won't have to do anything! The boat will listen to his will! Oh my gods!"
"But how is that possible!?" Steve shouted.
"How would I know?! I was just born with the freaky powers!" Percy yelled right back, getting fed up with this never-ending conversation.
Jason decided to cut in before things got too out of hand. They had to save Annabeth.
"Guys! This doesn't matter! What matters is that we save Annabeth, and we can't do that if we're stuck here arguing over something that is out of our control," he said.
Percy huffed. "He started it."
Hazel rolled her eyes. "How does Annabeth put up with you?"
"Honestly? No idea," Percy smirked.
"Let's just get going, team. We have a boat to steal, right?" Tony asked.
"Yep. And I think this place has the perfect one for the job." The son of Poseidon then started walking away, apparently following his weird sailing powers.
I guess we're supposed to follow him, thought Piper.
Ω ♆ Ω
"This is supposed to take us through the most cursed waters on the planet?" Bruce asked, looking the boat up and down.
"Yes. Isn't it beautiful?" Percy said and smiled, running his hand along the side.
Tony leaned over to Frank. "Is he seeing the same boat we are?"
Frank just shrugged, used to Percy's weirdness by now. Honestly, it was a little hard for him to imagine the team taking what was in front of them to Polyphemus' island. It seemed like it wouldn't survive the normal ocean.
To be clear, what Percy was suggesting they take was an old pirate ship, currently on display inside of a warehouse at the dock. It was covered in dried-up barnacles, and the mast was split in half. There were also holes all along the sides. It was a miracle the thing hadn't crumbled already.
"Yes, Tony, I am. This thing will run for me. It doesn't even need to be repaired, I can handle that. The only thing that matters is that it is built to withstand the type of waters we're going out in," Percy said. "We need all the advantages we can get."
Natasha, to everyone's surprise, spoke up, "I think we should trust Percy. If he says it'll work, then it'll work. He's the son of Poseidon, right? Nothing can hurt us while in the ocean. Am I correct, Percy?"
Jason cleared his throat and gave Percy a significant look. The Avengers needed to know that they were basically powerless in the triangle. The older teen looked ready to explain, but Frank spoke before he had the chance.
"Actually, no. The Sea of Monsters is outside of Poseidon's realm of power, hence the name. Percy won't have the same access to his father's domain as he does out here," he said, "So, basically, we're entering a dangerous situation, with no backup, and an inexperienced team. Should be fun, right?"
The Avengers were shocked, to say the least. Not at what the boy had said, but who had said it. As far as they had seen, Frank wasn't as confident as his physical form portrayed. They were wrong. Frank was confident, and his friends were proud of him for it, too. It had been a large transformation from when Percy had first met the son of Mars.
"Well, I think we should start heading out. We want to get as far as possible before the sun goes down, right?" Piper asked.
"Right," Percy nodded.
She wasn't really certain about all of this sailing stuff. Sure, she had been on the Argo II, but that was different than an actual boat. For one, it could fly and was controlled by a gaming console. She hadn't really bothered learning how to actually run a ship for that.
But now, she had to act like she knew what she was doing, and that was scary. The Avengers may put on a confident front, but she saw the insecurities in all of them. Some were harder to find than others, but finding insecurities was her specialty.
They really were going into a completely unknown situation. At least Piper and the Seven had been in this world for a little while, but the Avengers hadn't even encountered a monster before. It would sure be a shock when they were faced with some of the worst ones for their first fights. So, she and the rest of the demigods had a responsibility to be the examples, no matter how much the "adults" liked to point out that it was "ethically wrong" for them to do that.
Ω ♆ Ω
Turns out, the kid hadn't been lying about being able to sail the ship. Tony would be the first to admit that he was skeptical of the structure of the vessel, but he was proved wrong when, after the group had gotten the thing into the water, it had started to magically prepare itself for departure. Not a single drop of water leaked into the interior; it was like the water simply moved around the holes.
It was spectacular!
Before he knew it, the group had settled into the boat and were moving away from the dock. The Avengers were marveling at everything around them, considering that Percy wasn't even steering the thing, and yet it was supposedly moving in the right direction. To add to the shock, the ship's parts were moving themselves. It was not logically possible, and yet there Tony was, watching it unfold like some kind of acid trip.
"This is...amazing," he muttered, leaning against the rail with Leo, who he had taken a certain liking to. They were a lot alike.
The son of Hephaestus grinned, "Right? I told you guys Percy had cool powers. You should see him with Blackjack or Arion. It's wacky, man!"
"Who's Blackjack and Arion?" Tony asked, noting the new names.
"Oh. Right, I forgot. Blackjack is Percy's pegasus, and Arion is Hazel's horse. Percy can talk to them because his father created horses," Leo answered.
And just when the man of iron was getting used to all of this, he was pulled back into astonishment.
Ω ♆ Ω
After a couple hours of mingling and exploring, Percy called the team up to the deck. He had started to feel it a while ago when he knew it was still a distance away, but now he knew that they were approaching the Sea of Monsters.
It was a blank spot for him. Everywhere else, he could feel the ocean's power thrumming, waiting for him to control it. But here, there was nothing. Considering they were in the middle of the ocean, it was pretty obvious what it was. That was how he had tracked the place down without a map. It was his blind spot. He would just follow the blankness like it was the North Star.
Once everyone had gathered, he told them the news, and to say the atmosphere changed was an understatement. What smiles they had had disappeared, and their expressions turned serious.
"It's time, guys. Get ready. The first thing we're going to come up on is Scylla and Charybdis. We have to go through them to get into the sea. Now, I've planned this so that we should hopefully be able to pass through without any problems, but with six demigods' luck, we shouldn't rely on that too much. Charybdis only feeds three times a day, so if I planned this right, we should be able to pass over her without a fuss. Everyone got it? Be prepared for a fight, but don't expect it, please. We don't need any more reasons for the Fates to curse us."
Hazel stepped up, "Should the Avengers help us if we end up fighting something? Or should they just observe how we deal with monsters first?"
"We can handle ourselves," Steve defended.
Jason sighed, fed up with the same old arguments, "Alright, that's it! The Avengers will let us take the lead in any fights we may or may not end up in. They will not do anything without one of our approvals because we have actual experience with these beings. They will not be put on the sidelines, but they will also not be on the front lines. Does that work for everyone?"
Percy sent a thankful grin to his cousin, "Thank you, Jason. And yes, it does."
Jason just nodded in return.
"Alright, gang! Buckle up! Make sure to keep your hands and feet inside the ship at all times, and remember, the sword points away from you. It's showtime!" Leo cackled.
Just as he finished, they entered a wall of mist, which was unsettling to say the least. The temperature dropped almost three degrees as they passed through it.
Percy pulled out Riptide before steering the ship towards Charybdis. Hopefully, if everything went to plan, they would be out of this Hades-forsaken place by sunrise.
But, of course, nothing ever went to plan on a demigod's quest.
Ω ♆ Ω
Maybe it wasn't the best idea for me to come, was Bruce's first thought as he got his first glimpse at a greek monster. He had taken refuge inside the sleeping quarters of the ship, practicing his breathing exercises. He was really hoping this didn't turn into a Code Green. This was definitely not the place to let the Hulk loose.
So far, it had been silent upstairs, so Bruce concluded that it was going good so far. He had researched the Greek and Roman myths before they had left and on the plane, and everything that he could find on Charybdis was not reassuring. It was true what Percy said, that she only ate three times a day, but nobody really knew when those times were. Until Percy, apparently. He had survived the Sea of Monsters, so everyone on this ship had to trust his judgement in everything they did here. Bruce could tell that the other Avengers were struggling with taking orders from a "child." But Bruce had learned to not underestimate anyone on his travels while in hiding. Plus, look up any demigod's name and there was a whole list of accomplishments to find.
If Percy said that he knew when the monster liked to eat, then he knew when the monster liked to eat. It was as simple as that.
So, ten minutes into their first obstacle, and things were going fine. Everyone was eerily quiet, but no sign of Charybdis or Scylla yet. Of course, as soon as someone thought about it, an outline of a serpent appeared in the fog surrounding the boat.
Frank was the first one to spot it. "Guys..." He looked up at Percy. "We have a problem."
He pointed into the fog and Percy cursed. "Oh schist. I knew she couldn't just leave us alone."
The Avengers had figured out that something was coming and were unsure what to do. The demigods seemed to be just waiting like sitting ducks for the thing to attack them, and that was not a good plan. The Avengers don't wait for their opponent to strike first.
"Alright, that's it. I'm going to see what it is," Tony mumbled, activating his Iron Man armor.
"No, Tony! That's not a good-" Piper got cut off as the billionaire flew off, "...idea."
If she couldn't yell at that idiot, she was gonna yell at his teammates. She turned around, prepared to cuss out some idiot "superheroes," but Hazel beat her to it. "What was he thinking?! Why didn't you idiots stop him?! He has no idea what he's getting himself into! That monster is NOT something you guys can handle without our help! Mortalium tam stultus!"*
Natasha appraised the small demigod. She sure was a young spitfire. And from what she had seen already, a powerful one.
"Ok, let's just calm down, alright? Tony should be able to hold his own until we can go save his stupid ass," Leo sighed. Working with mortals was draining.
They were always so brash about things. And yes, coming from a greek, that statement was pretty hypocritical, but it still wasn't a lie. He idolized Mr. Stark's work, but man if only the guy could learn some restraint and he would be perfect.
Just as Leo had spoken, an explosion was heard, followed by a muffled string of curses. Only Tony Stark could come up with those creative swear words, so at least there was proof that the guy was still alive. For now, at least. The group needed to get that soon.
"Alright, hold on! This is gonna get bumpy!" Percy shouted, steering the ship towards the sound of fighting.
He willed the vessel to move faster, and it, of course, obeyed. In his head, Percy was just thinking rush rush rush. They needed to get this fight out of the way and get to Annabeth right after. Percy was praying to any god that would listen for there to not be any more disruptions to their journey. He just had to be confident in his skills. He had done this before, so he knew what lay ahead of them.
And it was going to be a challenge.
Ω ♆ Ω
Tony would deny any claim of him being held in the mouth of a sea serpent by his leg. Cuz that didn't happen. Totally.
But if it did, then the rest of the questing group would have worked together to fend off the monster until they could get away. Percy would've used Riptide to stab the monster in the leg, while Jason flew up and used his gladius to cut open her eye. The rest of the group basically just put on a full-frontal assault until Scylla released their idiotic teammate. Leo blew some fire, Hazel manipulated the Mist so that the Avengers could all see it for what it was, Piper made it loosen its grip with her charmspeak, Frank and Clint released some well-placed arrows, Natasha fired some gunshots, and Steve sliced into it with his shield.
All in all, the thing realized quickly that it was outmatched.
Then, after Tony received a very stern reprimanding by Piper and Steve, the group carried on. They didn't have time to dilly-dally. Saving Annabeth was their top priority.
Ω ♆ Ω
"Let me go, you skatá!"* Annabeth screamed, kicking her captor in the knees.
She had been knocked out as soon as they had shadow traveled, so she hadn't woken up until an hour ago. When she had, her wrists and ankles had been shackled to a stone wall with imperial gold shackles. The terrorists had stepped up their game.
There was dim lighting, but from what she could figure out before, she was in a cave of some kind. They had completely cleared out the area around her, so there weren't any visible location markers. That is, until they moved her.
The people who had grabbed her were strong and bulky and covered in black. They had black combat suits with black ski masks covering their features. Stereotypically, Annabeth would've figured the goons to be stupid, but they kept her shackles on and put a sack over her head so they at least has someone smart on their team.
Annabeth was getting really sick of not knowing anything, though.
So that's where she found herself at the moment: as a "defenseless" hostage. It was quite comical, really. Did these idiots really think that she would go quiet?
She felt one of her kicks come into contact with a kneecap and heard a satisfying grunt of pain from one of the thugs. Good, she thought, I hope that hurt.
Then, she was thrown onto the cold, stone floor and forced to hold her head up. The whole situation was so stereotypical that she wanted to laugh. But then she also didn't want to come off as more psycho than her captors, so she kept it to herself.
"This is quite interesting," a voice said, "The prideful daughter of Athena, reduced to a simple mortal's hostage.
The sack on her head was yanked off, so Annabeth spat down at the man's feet, glaring at him with a burning hatred. Taking a quick survey of the room, Annabeth found that she was being held captive on Polyphemus' island. The room was the main room of his cave; the one where she, Percy, and Grover further blinded the cyclops.
"If you had actually gotten me on your own, it might have been impressive, but having to use monsters is just pathetic," she said.
The leader growled and kicked her in the jaw. It didn't have enough power to break it, but it did cause her to bite through her tongue.
Annabeth spit out the blood produced in her mouth, dirtying the man's shiny shoes. The guy would have to do a lot worse than that to scare her.
"Hmm... I like your spirit. It's going to be that much more fun when I break it," he hissed, kneeling down to her eye level.
"I hope you rot in Hades," is all Annabeth responded with.
The guy laughed. ACTUALLY laughed. So, he was a crazy sociopath hades-bent on tearing down the natural order of the universe, Annabeth decided, how nice.
Ω ♆ Ω
I kinda really love this and I hope you did too. Now, to get into some unasked political shit: Love is love. I like all genders, and I still don't want to see any of them practically having sex in front of me. So just, accept yourself and others for who they are and move on. Is that so hard? Happy pride month & happy Father's Day!!
- your author
PS Remember to comment, like, and reblog!
other chapters :)
Ω ♆ Ω
Bonus scene!
The group was spending time in the dining room of the ship when all of a sudden, Percy remembered something truly horrifying. Like, beyond disgusting!
“Oh, my gods! Guys!!!” he exclaimed.
Hazel rolled her eyes and said, “What, Percy?”
“Charybdis is my half-sister! Ew ew ew ew ew EW EW EW EW!!!” Percy shouted his answer.
Everyone simultaneously gagged.
(Inside, Steve was starting to get seriously concerned about these kids’ chaotic family.)
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thebladeblaster · 3 years
What if SMT4 was in the Marvel Cinematic Universe au?
I know it’s a weird idea but I couldn’t get it out of my head and wrote the basic gist of it since I never think I’ll actually have the time to write this especially with college.
The SMT4 movies:
(Precedes Avengers) Phase 1
The Cobalt Samurai-Basically the events of the first part of the game all the way up till them seeing the Underground which instead of Tokyo is New York in the MCU. Most of the superfluous side quests are shown through montage (Ex. The side quests that are a part of the challenges Navarre gives them.). At the movies midpoint the events of Kiccigiori village would transpire. The events of Kiccigiori are expanded on and a big chuck of the movie. Flynn is given more of a character before the events of Kiccigiori he feels a bit homesick and thinks of what he left behind. We see what actually happens to Flynn’s parents in the movie rather than it being left ambiguous like the game. For the first time the others see a strange flicker of gold in Flynn’s eyes which becomes clearer and continues throughout the movies. The finale is the Minotaur fight and then them gazing upon New York.
(The beginning takes place before Avengers but the middle and latter parts are mostly after the Avengers) Phase 2
The Cobalt Samurai: The Black Samurai- They leave the sky tower which disappears behind them seemingly leaving them trapped in New York. They continue the journey while they are pursued by a Hydra agent named Medusa. Nozomi first appears in this movie and helps them adjust to life on Earth. Nanashi and Asahi have a cameo. We also hear about gods starting to return. The movie is road trip esk. On their way to find the Black Samurai they run into familiar faces like Xi Wangmu,
the Ring of Gaea, and even have a brush in with the Avengers. The Avengers being led by the Hydra controlled Shield are told that they are planning to destroy Earth and must be stopped. This is the movie’s climax afterwards Lillith is captured and they bring her back to Mikado. Sister Gabby uses her powers to allow them to return. The movie ends with them learning of her returning to life after being executed.
In between movies
After Flynn and Isabeau leave in Civil War they go around helping people across Earth. Isabeau notices a strange golden light flickering in Flynn’s eyes as he starts to gain people’s hopes. His perspective on things starts to change and he starts thinking of the people of Earth more and growing attached to them. He was so focused on the Black Samurai before he had mostly ignored everything else. Without her he’s finally letting himself be enthralled with Earth’s splendor. They actually meet Nanashi and Asahi who are just kids right now.
(Takes place in alongside Infinity War) Phase 3
The Cobalt Samurai: Divided We Fall- After Flynn, Jonathan and Walter get sucked into the reactor they end up traveling to 2 parallel New York’s one of chaos and law. The law one is a dystopia not unlike 1984. The chaos one is marvel zombies. In the alternate worlds they meet alternate versions of the Avengers and fight Lucifer and Merkabah in their respective worlds. After their defeat Jonathan and Walter start to feel strange before they are sucked into the world of the white. The white try to drive Flynn into despair by revealing everything to him and that no matter what choices he makes the world will suffer and he will die. He is nearly taken over before Jonathan and Walter snap him out of it, surprising the white that they are here when they weren’t in the other worlds. They are more surprised when the ghost of Navarre becomes visible and gives Flynn his support. Jonathan and Walter with Lucifer and Merkabah’s powers will Isabeau into being transported to the white realm who also knocks some sense into Flynn. Flynn’s fellows declare that they’ll stay by him and defeat their fates together. Hope starts to overflow within him and Masakado’s katana materializes in his hands simply called “The Godslayer Sword”. Together they all defeat the white and the movie ends with the samurai returning to a post-Infinity War Mikado.
The movies that are altered:
(In Iron Man 2 their presence is mentioned in the movie as the supposed “Angels from the Heavens”.)
Thor-Their is an extra scene with Odin talking to Matrieya and telling him that he is no longer a part of the Divine Powers. Thor overhears this and questions Odin who refuses to elaborate. Matrieya offers Thor to join them and Odin drives him away.
(They are not present but are referenced in Avengers)
Thor: The Dark World-(This movie sucks) So, instead the one trying to get the reality stone is Matrieya who Thor fights. Some of the members of the Divine Powers appear in this movie and Krishna is foreshadowed. Thor finds out earlier about his father’s shady past, but this time it involves the Divine Powers who helped Odin conquer the 9 realms.
Captain America: Winter Soldier-They actually run into each other during the movie and they reveal everything about Tayama and Lillith. They were looking for the ‘face of true evil’ that Lillith told them about. That evil is being done by Hydra who Tayama is a part of in this version. They agree to help out Cap and expose Hydra from within Shield. They find out about all the very messed up things Hydra have done and realize Hydra is the true evil.
(The messiah is mentioned in Guardians of the Galaxy)
Guardians of the Galaxy vol2-Ego is in league with the Divine Powers.
Avengers: Age of Ultron-A young Hallelujah appears in this movie alongside Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. The samurai appear and fight the Ultron bots alongside the Avengers. Due to their meeting in their sequel they are acquainted with the Avengers. As things get hairy Nick Fury picks them up and has them join the fight. We find out that currently the were on their way back to Mikado to report to Shene Duke. In the end credits we see the archangels. Hallelujah doesn’t join the Avengers since he’s too young. Like Wanda and Pietro he gets his powers from being experimented on.
Captain America: Civil War-The samurai have completely split off now going their separate ways. We see a flashback of Jonathan and Flynn killing Lillith when Jonathan mentions it. They are dragged into the discussion at the beginning of the movie clearly not on speaking terms with each other especially after Walter hears that they killed Lillith. Isabeau awkwardly shuffled around feeling very nervous and out of place especially with all the tension. After the Sokova Accords are revealed Walter sides with Cap and Jonathan sides with Tony. Jonathan is surprised when Flynn doesn’t take a side simply not seeing it as their problem. Since it isn’t their world anyway. His head seems in the clouds after defeating Lillith and he walks out of the movie with Isabeau following behind them. From there the movie is the same, but with Walter and Jonathan included. They both start to question how they stand as those they favored flipped. Previously Jonathan would favor Cap and Walter would favor Tony. This whole conflict makes them realize things may not be as black and white as they thought.
(Flynn and Isabeau are referenced in Spider-Man: Homecoming. This is where it is revealed that they have been going around helping people.)
Thor: Ragnarok-Hella is a part of the Divine Powers and Shesha makes an appearance.
Avengers: Infinity War-Isabeau and Nozomi are in the movie on the Earth team. Isabeau reveals that her fellows have disappeared after going to the reactor. Flynn had convinced her to stay behind because she didn’t really have a stance in the conflict between Jonathan and Walter. Strangely, Flynn appears later in the movie but is acting awfully strange. Isabeau is transported to the white’s world right before the snap. After the snap he takes the gauntlet right off Thanos and Krishna reveals himself. Krishna explains that he allowed Thanos to do the snap on purpose to half the forces of law and chaos. His allies had been transported to another world when the snap happened; ‘Flynn’ even briefly disappeared before returning out of nowhere foreshadowing this. Flynn is revealed to be Shesha who fights Thanos. They are actually pretty even in power, but due to the Avengers wearing down Thanos before he gains the upper hand and defeats him. Krishna gives his salvation speech and Shesha flexes on everybody. He also mentions that his kalki, the true godslayer, will return to Earth.
Avengers: Endgame-Isabeau informs them of the snap. They actually appear after the time skip due to their trio back to Earth being wonky. After seeing even Mikado was ravaged Jonathan further questions his earlier values. We actually see Gaston who is fully grown to his age in Apocalypse. Many of their families were decimated or mostly gone after the snap. This whole thing brings the group even closer. Gaston joins them on their way back to New York. After arriving Toko appears trying to assassinate Flynn. The whole world thinking him and Shesha were the same and he betrayed them. Flynn defeats Toki and they try to convince her that it wasn’t Flynn who took the gauntlet. After her defeat Toki begrudgingly stands down and leaves, however claims she will kill Flynn one day which makes them nervous. They are also joined by Nozomi. Then they join up with the Marvel heroes who are wary at first, but Cap is able to realize that Flynn obviously wasn’t Shesha. They have to track down the Divine Powers who currently possess the stones. Krishna plans to use the stones to get to YHVH’s realm and have Flynn kill him. They fight the rest of the Divine Powers and it is revealed that Walter and Jonathan can transform into Lucifer and Merkabah. After their encounter in the other worlds an incomplete version of their power went into them. They fight Krishna and after seemingly winning Krishna slips into Flynn. Vishnu-Flynn is born and fights everyone after getting through to Flynn on the inside he breaks out and finishes Krishna. They take the infinity stones and restore everyone to normal. The samurai realize that there is a bigger threat and the universe is bigger than they imagined. Thus the samurai split again Flynn and Isabeau while Navarre and Walter depart to space while Jonathan returns to Mikado.
Spider-Man: Far From Home- Nanashi and Asahi are present. In the movie after one of the accidents Nanashi is revived by Dadga. It is also revealed Krishna is still alive and has only been sealed.
Pending waiting for more movies…
Demons shown:
Flynn-Centaur, Jack Frost, Minotaur,
Naga, Zu Tuen (you know the one I can’t spell) , Frost Ace, Cu Cualain (I can’t spell his name), Quetzalcoatl, , Cerberus, Tenkai, Shiva, Demonee-Ho, and Masakado
Isabeau-Napea, Pixie, Leane Sidne, Medusa, Xi Wangmu, Valkyrie, Isis, Jeanne D’ Arc, Pallas Athena, Lakshmi and Isanami
Jonathan-Angel (and the rest of the hierarchy), Master Dwarf, Theron, Apsaras, Ame No Uzume, Aniel, Orcus, Mastema, Metatron, Michael and Seraph
Walter-Liam Dherg, Gryphon, Oni, Ose, Pendragon, Seiryu, Asura,Orobas, Bishamonen, Samael, Lilith, Fafnir, Surt, Mara (would Disney even allow that?), Koga Saburo, Beelzebub, and Demiurge
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river--glass · 4 years
Reylo Fic Recs Long Ass Fics pt 1: Canon Verse & Alternate Canon Verse
Someone asked for fic recs 100K or over. Here they are. See Pt. 2 for Alternate Universe fics. (I haven’t read all of these- my personal comments are in bold)
Force Destiny by EdenWoodsParker. (CV, post-TLJ, E, 749K)
Immediately following the events of The Last Jedi, the battle for the galaxy continues between the First Order and the last of the Resistance. Meanwhile, on opposite sides of the war, Rey and Kylo Ren are forced to face the realities of their bond, their complicated relationship, their loyalty to their causes, and their understanding of the Force. Could their star-crossed connection be tied to the fate of the galaxy?
Landscape With a Blur of Conquerors by diasterisms. (CV, post-TFA, E, 362K)
Tags include: A Sexually Tense Soap Opera of Galactic Proportions; The Trashy Romance Novel I've Always Wanted to Write but with Lightsabers; A Game of Tropes; Arranged Marriage Compliant with Canonverse and EU Lore; Minor Character Death; Angst with a Happy Ending; Babies Ever After ❤️
Bonded by Chridder. (CV, post-TLJ, T, 345K)
This started as a series of one-shots that accidentally turned into a story, focusing on moments when the Force Bond brings Rey and Kylo together and the evolution of their relationship.
Free to Fall by uselessenglishmajor. (CV, post-TLJ, E, 288K)
Obligatory post-TLJ Reylo fic. Started out as a force bond will-they/won't-they, but then the Knights of Ren showed up and things got epic.
Sword of the Jedi (series) by diasterisms. (ACV, T/M, 229K)
"I carry your heart, here with me. I carry it in battle. I carry you.”—- This series is everything canon should have been. The author knows Star Wars. It’s rich in lore and steeped in emotion and it gives us a truly inspired alternative to canon.
All Our Days by voicedimplosives. (ACV, E, 221K)
A Persuasion AU featuring Smuggler Ben and a Rey whose family returned.
Songs of Innocence, Songs of Wisdom by cosmogonika. (CV, post-TLJ, E, 217)
From Innocence to Wisdom there is a long path. Between political plots and old allies and enemies emerging from the past, the new teachings of the Force will unveil ancient hidden secrets. From their interpretation rests the fate of the whole galaxy. Featuring a Ben pain train, bendemption, soulmates, and a shit ton of canon lore. This story had me SHOOK. It’s incredible.
Safe Harbor by ItsALilah. (CV, post-TLJ, E, 193K)
After the ultimate betrayal, Rey flees to the only person she knows she can still (kind of) trust. But as she spends more time with Kylo Ren, she begins to understand just what kind of future he was offering in the Supremacy's Throne Room. She really doesn't hate it. At all.
They Don’t Have a Word for What We Are by andabatae. (CV, post-TLJ, E, 183K)
After Crait, Rey retreats to Jakku to grapple with her past... and her unwelcome attraction to Kylo Ren.
A Handful of Stars by neon heartbeat. (CV, post-TLJ, E, 162K)
Rey thought her choice to leave behind Kylo Ren was final. Kylo Ren thought his decision to seize power was absolute. The Force, however, has other ideas. From Naboo to Coruscant, from chance encounter to Force-vision, from political plotting in the New Republic to a battle in the Graveyard of Alderaan, they meet each other on every field and learn the meaning of bringing balance to the galaxy.
Commemoration by wineandpotatochips. (CV, post-TFA, E, 160K)
Deep Beneath the Light by crysania. (CV, TFA alt-end, E, 155K)
A Ben says yes fic! He takes Han’s hand and joins the resistance. A great fic loaded with Solo family interactions.
Tactical Surrender by destinies. (CV, post-TLJ, E, 155K) A Rey joins Kylo fic.
Sealed to Me by glittergothh. (CV, post-TLJ, E, 152K).
Kylo stares into the pool, at his reflection, the scarred, damaged face that doesn’t even come close to portraying the conflict within. The face of the First Order. He hates it more than he ever has.
Forbidden by koderenn. (ACV, E, 137K). She’s a Jedi, he’s a senator- title says it all.
When the West Wind Moves by lachesisgrimm. (CV, TFA alt-ending, E, 135K)
Within Monsters by AnonymousMink. (ACV, M, 132K).
Sick of her life on Jakku and finally at terms with the fact her parents aren’t coming back for her, Rey decides to take charge of her life and leave Jakku by applying and attaining a job as a technician.  Her first assignment finds her aboard The Finalizer where she catches the attention of the Master of the Knights of Ren.
Across the Stars by nite0wl29. (ACV, E, 132K). A Beauty and the Beast AU.
What Happens in Canto Bight by SpaceWaffleHouseTM. (CV, post-TLJ, M, 130K)
Rey wakes up in her Canto Bight hotel room while on a mission for the Resistance unable to remember a thing from the night before, which wouldn't be a problem, if Kylo Ren hadn't woken up beside her and they weren't both wearing rings on their fingers. Waffle really is on a whole different tier of fanfic writing. They’re one of my favorite Reylo writers out there.
Ashes of the Empire by Skyelo_Ren. (CV, TLJ alt-ending, M, 128K) A “she says yes” fic.
Footnotes by Camucia. (CV, post-TLJ, E, 121K)
Prison Break by SpaceWaffleHouseTM. (CV, post-TLJ, M,119K)
You’ll Be The One to Turn by postedbygaslight. (CV, post-TLJ, M, 119K)
Beautiful writing and wonderful storytelling. Very realistic characterization too. Everything IX could have been, but wasn’t.
Same Eyes, Different People by SageMcMae. (ACV, E, 117K)
Snare by CaraRose. (CV, TFA flip-script, E, 116K)
The village is a trap and Kylo escapes to the dessert, where he stumbles upon rey and forces her to help. Trust and their relationship builds. morally grey people and feral Rey
Steady As We Burn by pacificwanderer. (CV, post-TLJ, E, 115K)
This is basically a character study with smut. And it’s perfect. 
No Rest For The Wicked by Avdal. (CV, post-TFA, E, 111K)
Everything in Between by Polkadotdotdot. (CV, post-TLJ, 110K) 
After Crait, what's left of the Resistance go on the run. With Poe trying to win Rey's already stolen heart and Rey and Ben acting like stubborn fools over joining the other, Leia just wants to know why Rey is talking to herself...and how she ended up in the family way.
The Victory March (series) by ClockworkCrow. (CV, post-TFA, E, 114K (currently) WIP)
This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think by TehanuFromEarthSea. (CV, post-TLJ, E, 107K)
Kylo finds himself alone in space with only a vague plan to find Rey and change her mind. Rey has plenty of time to wonder what she wants as the resistance searches for allies.
Hand of Fate by Sweetestcondition. (CV, TLJ alt-ending, M, 101K)
Rey is offered a choice at the end of Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. This time, she takes the hand of Kylo Ren, grasping at the chance to transform the First Order from the inside. She hopes to create a Resistance from within, starting with the heart of Ben Solo.
for @scarletvizhlovers
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mc-critical · 3 years
What’s your opinion/analysis on Mustafa (Mahidevran’s son)? I noticed his character had a bit more of an ambiguous reception from the fans of the franchise than I initially anticipated. I’ve personally always found Mustafa to be likeable, the only critique of his character I’ve been able to somewhat get behind is that we don’t really get much of his personality aside from the typical “nice guy” persona or that the show’s writing seems a little biased towards him at times but even then I’m not sure.
I pretty much covered what I think Mustafa as a character is built on and his personality traits (and additionally what I think on the personality criticism) in the latter part of this ask. While I agree he may be idealized, he isn't just some perfect prince without any flaws or mistakes whatsoever, and his character and all the factors that sealed his ultimate fate are always interesting to analyze.
I think more detractors of Mustafa's have been popping up more recently than before, at least as far as YT, Instagram and Twitter are concerned, but this currently more ambiguous reception than expected is not surprising for me in the slightest. It's precisely the writers supposedly idealizing Mustafa and their favoritism over him what they view as the problem, mostly because they think the historical Mustafa is not like that. (and some even claim with confidence that he actually, 100% betrayed his father historically) I love MC Mustafa a lot, he's my favourite prince and I consider him the one best suited for the throne, but these sentiments are possible to get behind - not so much with his idealizing, because we see that he has a shadier side of himself he simply chooses not to show that often and his strenght is also his flaw in every way, but more with the favoritism of the writers. I've always viewed this favoritism as a double-edged sword: the big amount of screentime and arcs that, while usually pretty good, actually do damage by overshadowing Mehmet as a character in S03 is a part where I get the fan irritation. I'm not big on Mehmet overall, but if someone actually got it bad thanks to the Mustafa favoritism, too, it's definetly him. I also could understand why someone would get annoyed in the narrative and characters worshipping him almost consistently. While yes, I know why that is and I don't have a problem with it, because it's thematically appropriate and we can't blame Mustafa for the writers putting his death as the climax of the show's themes, I get why someone else would have a problem with this when it's so frequent. I would especially get someone not being okay with nearly all stuff around Mustafa's death feeling almost conveniently tragic. And that gets even worse when it includes the build-up, which the writers made to be.... basically everywhere, so it becomes something recurring for Mustafa's character from the beggining. While that sense of tragedy is one of my favourite things about the show and I love how Mustafa was the culmination of it and the way this whole build-up everywhere got an even better pay-off, writing-wise... yes. Only if anyone actually used that argument. Additionally, this favoritism is a contrast to all of Mustafa's mistakes and how they impact SS's view on him. The favor of the narrative voice contrasts with the build-up to the character's end. And they both help Mustafa's development.
I also have seen other reasons Mustafa is disliked, which I honestly don't get and I want to ruminate on them for a bit. Yup, I haven't encountered such opinions in quite a while (probably because I don't lurk around those corners as much as I used to, since I disagree with so much stuff), but still, people claiming that Mustafa is manipulated by his mother. Which... what? I'm sorry, but have you guys even watched the show? Why do you drive a general conclusion only from a one and done scene? (E48, I mean) What's worse is that who they make Mustafa out to be is right there: if you want a person who ends up listening more and more to his mother's every word and makes mistakes because of it, MCK Bayezid is right. there. (this isn't shade on MCK Bayezid, don't get me wrong, I find him a very interesting character, especially in regards to where his flaws come from, and I'm sad I haven't encountered discourse about him that explores them, but that particular flaw they're accusing Mustafa of, is courtesy of MCK Bayezid most out of anyone.) As a contrast, Mustafa has a very out of the box mindset and independent spirit and if he actually listened to Mahidevran a bit more in S03-4, he would have been spared some of the trouble. I also don't get the claims that Bayezid and Cihangir's characterizations are centered way too much on their love on Mustafa and that's why Mustafa is worse off as a character. (I have encountered these, as well) I'm not saying that every brother minus Selim wanting Mustafa to be on the throne if they don't get that chance, isn't a narrative bias to an extent, because it clearly is. But it also is a narrative bias that is capable of being tied to Mustafa, but independent of him. It does put the princes on way too outlined narrative roles, but that's both tied to and independent of Mustafa. Besides, saying that Bayezid and Cihangir only have their love for Mustafa going for them is such a disservice to their characters. It's only a part of their characters, not the entirety of them and most of the scenes where they shine the most for me are those barely connected to Mustafa. {side note, because I have heard people say that Selim suffers from Mustafa, too, even in regards to his conflict with Bayezid. And unpopular opinion maybe?: I don't think Selim's character is butchered because of the Mustafa favoritism. He has a more outlined narrative role because his purpose was more to show the way the concept of loyalty works in SS's head and how much can that be twisted, to the point SS picks the one person who he perceives as obedient and loyal. Selim being the "black sheep" of the family actually does favors to the character, because not only does the audience have the chance to root for him more that way, but we see the much needed development of a person no one expected to go as far as he did, rendering his motives to do what he did in a pretty understandable light.}
Another argument I have heard is that the narrative should have made Mustafa more complex, not this "righteous hero almost everybody seems to love". While I would also love a Mustafa that would go through a more detailed character arc when it comes to his relation to SS and how far he's willing to go in the throne war, I don't know whether would there be such nuanced complexity with these writers. The closest Mustafa's character archetype got to a similar arc is, again, MCK Bayezid and I'm not sure would the archetype be able to evolve past that. I show bias, here, I admit, but that's probably because I haven't encountered an adaptation of Hürrem and SS's story which doesn't portray Mustafa in either of the two extremes (and MC Mustafa is the most nuanced Mustafa out of all of them) and we have kinda seen that kind of a different spin of Mustafa's archetype in the franchise, so maybe that's why I wouldn't have as much confidence in retrospect.
But again, I would love a more ambiguous Mustafa done right, even though I'm pretty satisfied with what MC gave us, despite of all. MC Mustafa has enough complexity which works with the message the writers are trying to deliver. There isn't really a reason to dislike MC Mustafa sympathy-wise, because he doesn't have too much negative traits. I do get the favoritism criticism to an extent, even though not fully, but there're also other criticisms of him which, while I understand where they're coming from, I truly can't get behind.
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swordoforion · 4 years
Orion Digest No. 1 - An Introduction to The Future
It has come to my attention in the last year that the world has reached a tipping point. We have seen many tumultuous periods of human history before, periods in which the fate of all the future seemed to hang on our decisions, and as we are still alive and partially free, I'd like to think we made the right ones. But while our world becomes more and more enlightened with the passage of time, a fact I take great joy in, the world also becomes more and more dangerous. Those that would stand for progress are opposed by systems of tyranny and oppression, and blindness at the captain's wheel leaves our lone ship in the vast ocean of the cosmos careening towards rough waters.
This past year specifically has shown many of us the fact of the matter, which is that we cannot write off the affairs of the human world as "business as usual" any longer. Things are changing, and a pandemic may be the first waves of a series of changes that the world will be rocked by. To say that 'the end is coming' would be counter-productive; the world will go on spinning as it always has in a hundred years. But it would be just as foolish to deny that 'changes are coming', or perhaps a more accurate revision to the above, 'an end is coming.' I believe that as we discover more about ourselves as a species, we are transitioning into a new, and hopefully bright, era of human history.
But enough about the ominous, eh? I'd like to get down to business, to roll up my sleeves and write a series of precursor documents to the era to come, or a series of essays explaining the path forward. I would hope that the world would naturally tend in the direction most benefitting humanity, and that I could kick back and relax, assured that things would be alright, but history and reason tell me that will not be the case. The world will not get better unless action is taken, not by those who have stepped up first and hold the line whenever the world is at risk, but by even those who sit comfortably and assume themselves safe, assuming the problems to already be solved. No, to build a world where we all benefit, we all must contribute in our own way. There has never been a situation more befitting of the term 'all hands on deck.'
So, I intend to write in such a frequency and passion as to stir the hearts of others to our cause, to ride through the streets and rally the cause of the world. I offer the gift of information freely and request support in exchange, and it is my sincere hope that others will join the trail, riding with me into the future.
The first manner of business is that of unity. Throughout human history, we have expanded all throughout the world, adapting to new and perplexing landscapes and developing cultures, languages, beliefs all of our own. Inevitably, when long separated tribes would at last encounter each other, they would be confused at what they saw and fight against each other, creating deep wounds that still leave scars on the faces of nations today. Resentment runs high from wars old and new, and these lines that have been drawn between nations keep us from seeing the underlying humanity that connects us all, the one nation of Earth that we all are citizens of underneath.
In a world going forward, we must make decisions that concern all of us together, for no one nation that does not consider all people its citizens can speak for the world as a whole. Our day and age stands in the midst of several issues that are a matter of the lives of every citizen, and thus what we have in common is much more important now than what divides us. I have met many who share these sympathies, concerned about how a divided world could cause continuous infighting within a global family.
The second matter, concurrent with the first, is the matter of making sure that when nations unite, it is not under the banner of tyranny, but of equality and freedom. Humanity has never truly flourished when it is caged; together we are only as free as our most oppressed citizens, which means that we must work to protect all from injustice and discrimination. We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it, and learning how to respect our fellow humans regardless of their identity is a necessary foundation for a strong future.
When I speak of the chains of tyranny, I acknowledge that there are many links of many different types in that chain. Tyranny sometimes show its face in the corruptive influences that plague governments. It sometimes makes itself known in the intolerance of citizens, conditioned in that age old lie that all who are born cannot coexist on the same world. It can be systems of greed that leave some in high towers and luxury and others begging on the streets. To move forward, we must set things right by destroying these chains, by seeing through the undoing of tyranny and the encouragement of freedom and justice.
These are the obstacles that prevent us from laying down the foundation of the future, the various debris from past conflict and hatred that lay in our path and hinder our journey to prosperity. They may seem too insurmountable and ingrained to ever get past, but I ask you, was it not humanity that mapped the great wide world? Was it not humanity that made steel move and electricity sing? Was it not humanity that found peace on battlefields and brought kindness in the darkest of times? Was it not humanity that broke the Earthly tether of gravity and journeyed to another celestial body?
To return to my original point, I am confident that given time, we will overcome the dangerous times Earth faces, and I think in this new era of human history, we will walk forward truly together, understanding what makes us different but with bonds made strong by what we have in common. That does not mean I am not prepared to fight, letter by letter, protest by protest, brick by brick for the planet and people I hold so dear. So, with the foundation of this first essay, I introduce you, reader, to the Orion Digest, a series of essays I and any who join my cause will produce until this end is met.
I will start with the first two subjects of my study, dissecting what it means to have a world united and who has been fighting for it throughout history, as well as what intrepid supporters can do to accomplish said goal. The next issues of the Orion Digest will not have a set order, but will discuss at length the general concepts and philosophy of world federalism to provide a grounds for later discussions of how to achieve such a goal. I wish these essays to provide both a description of the Sword of Orion's cause, as well as an informative series with a slant towards beneficial human progress.
Until I delve into these topics, I would recommend looking into the UNPA Campaign, as well as wonderful organizations such as the Young World Federalists, Democracy Without Borders, the World Federalist Movement, and so on. Certainly an inspiration to me, they have pioneered the fight for a world brought together.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
WandaVision Finale Ending Explained
This article contains WandaVision spoilers.
After eight near-perfect episodes, the story of WandaVision has concluded with a finale installment that sticks the landing on all fronts, including multiple cinematic battles, several heartfelt goodbyes, and a long-overdue moment of agency for a heroine who has so often been denied a choice in her own future. 
But while “The Series Finale” is a deeply satisfying coda to what is probably Marvel’s most emotionally satisfying outing to date, it leaves us with more than a few questions about where these characters go from here. Let’s break down what happened in the WandaVision finale, and what it might mean for the Marvel Cinematic Universe going forward.
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Wanda Transforms Into the Scarlet Witch
Thanks to Agatha’s pronouncement last week, we already knew that Wanda was the legendary Scarlet Witch but in “The Series Finale” we see her fully embrace her chaos magic, right down to an amazing contemporary riff on her traditional comics costume. (That headpiece! The cape! We love to see it!)
There’s even a return of the mind control visions we saw her deploy to such great effect in Avengers: Age of Ultron. What can’t this Wanda do?
Granted, we still don’t know what all this power now means for her character in a larger sense, but to be fair, neither does she. Wanda’s abilities as displayed in this episode are fairly tremendous, as she uses witch runes to neutralize Agatha, wipes her mind, and brings down the Hex she’s built around Westview, freeing its residents. 
In the episode’s post-credits scene, however, her abilities appear to have grown even further, as she’s able to take in a scenic lake view even as her astral self is also busy reading the Darkhold, right down to making its pages turn on their own. 
This is a move we’ve seen Stephen Strange pull before, but according to Agatha, Wanda is even more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme. So….what else will she be able to do? That seems to be what she’s trying to find out.
Westview Returns to Normal (Sort of)
During her (quite frankly pretty badass) battle with Agatha, the older witch frees several Westview residents from Wanda’s mind control, forcing her to face what she’s done to the townspeople in her quest to build a perfect life. The simultaneously angry and desperate crowd of Westview residents – who look like nothing so much as a suburban take on a horde from The Walking Dead – confront Wanda and reveal a bit of what it must really like as a person who lives under the town’s spell.  
The most harrowing victim is certainly town queen bee Dottie, who comes to herself long enough to beg Wanda to allow her to see her daughter, or perhaps write her into the larger storyline as one of the twins’ friends. But we also learn that Wanda has been projecting her grief and pain into Westview’s nightmares, forcing them to suffer right alongside her, rather than providing a peaceful, perfect escape. 
What Happened to Agatha Harkness?
At least one resident of Westview won’t be returning to normal, however. After Wanda defeats Agatha by scattering witch runes around the Westview Hex to neutralize her magic, she uses her own power to wipe Agatha’s memories and essentially turn her into nosy neighbor Agnes, the WandaVision “role she chose,” for good. 
Your mileage may vary on whether this is an acceptable ending for Agatha – a character who was, admittedly, often monstrous, even though she was right about the way that society is all too willing, even eager, to vilify powerful women out of fear (and often just because it can). On the plus side, since nothing lasts forever in the Marvel Universe and Agatha Harkness is a pretty powerful witch in her own right, there’s every chance this character will reappear down the road. After all, Agatha was Wanda’s mentor in the comics and she tells Wanda here that her magical expertise will be needed in the future. 
We Said Goodbye to Wanda’s Kids (Or Did We?)
As products of the Hex, young Billy and Tommy Maximoff’s fates were always going to be tied to it, so in choosing to break the illusion, Wanda also accepts that she’ll have to say goodbye to her sons. In one of “The Series Finale’s” most heartbreaking scenes, she and Vision, knowing what’s coming, tuck the boys in for bed one last time, as the red glow of the shrinking boundary line edges closer to their house. 
Wanda also thanks the boys for choosing her as a mother. Reader, I cried. Plus, this basically confirms that Billy and Tommy aren’t entirely constructs of Wanda’s imagination. They’ve come from somewhere, and possess something like souls. How that all happened is anyone’s guess – here’s your entry point for Mephisto, folks! – and it’s something future series can explore, but it’s certainly the way I’d prefer to read it. 
But, since the last thing we hear on WandaVision is also the voices of Tommy and Billy shouting to their mother that something is wrong, it seems pretty likely we’ll see some version of these characters again. There’s precedent in the comics after all, and finding her lost boys is a pretty powerful narrative throughline to carry over to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. 
What Happened to White Vision?
Paul Bettany’s dreams of essentially working with himself are realized, as Vision and the White Vision come to blows in the skies of Westview. But despite the epic battle between the synthezoids – or, synthezoid and Mind Stone-fueled recreation of that same original, as the case may be – physical combat isn’t the most compelling, or even interesting part of their encounter.
Instead, it’s philosophy. Yes, you read that right. Upon realizing that the two are too evenly matched for either to emerge victorious, Vision decides to engage the White Vision in a thought experiment about their shared existence, and whether either of them is truly the man (robot?) they claim to be. The two end up in a sort of pseudo-philosopher’s debate about The Ship of Theseus, a thought experiment centered on issues of identity and meaning, and what makes a thing real. 
This is surprisingly deep stuff for a Marvel property but the conversation contains tantalizing hints about what we could expect as we head into Phase 4 of the MCU. After all, it will likely contain stories full of magic, mutants, and transformation of all types; this is simply WandaVision giving us a metaphorical anchor to hang onto throughout. Well, that and providing a way to bring Vision – or some version of him – back for good, as Westview Vision restores White Vision’s memories and gives us all a reason to hope that he and Wanda will one day be reunited again.
Was the Vision in Westview Real? 
Yes and no. The Vision that lived in Westview and shared a house with Wanda wasn’t physically the Vision we’d previously seen in the Avengers films. He was a flesh and blood construct, created by Wanda’s power, informed by her grief memories, and born from the piece of the Mind Stone that lives inside her. (This makes sense, given that the rise of Wanda’s magical abilities was connected to her initial exposure to the Mind Stone. As Agatha puts it, the Scarlet Witch is forged, not born, and for Wanda, that crucible was her time with Hydra and the Infinity Stone that served as a sort of cosmic gasoline on her sleeping abilities that might never have stirred otherwise.) This Vision represents Wanda’s hope and sadness, but mostly her love. 
And, as a result, even Westview Vision doesn’t greet his oncoming demise with sadness, or even fear. Instead, he reasons, he and Wanda have been here before twice already, forced to say goodbye before their time. And since their relationship has survived before, there’s every reason to believe it will again, and they’ll find their way back to one another.
Monica’s Powers, the Skrulls, and Captain Marvel 2
Unfortunately, thanks to everything else going on in “The Series Finale,” Monica Rambeau doesn’t have a ton to do here. However, she does get a straight-up hero moment, where she throws herself in front of a bullet (or four) for Wanda’s kids and reveals a heretofore unseen ability to phase through objects and slow them down. She also frees the real Ralph Bohner, and happily helps send dirtbag SWORD director Tyler Hayward to prison. 
Happily, however, despite her limited screentime in this episode, Monica’s MCU future looks bright. In the mid-credits scene, she’s approached by a Skrull disguised as a SWORD agent who takes her aside and reveals she was sent by a friend of her late mother, Maria’s. And that friend, who is most likely Nick Fury, would like to see Monica – in space. 
We’d all basically assumed that Monica, who is Maria’s daughter and clearly has some as-yet-unprocessed resentment toward Carol Danvers, would be a significant player in the upcoming sequel Captain Marvel 2, but perhaps there’s an even broader future in store for her, as part of the SWORD-like organization Fury and the Skrull named Talos formed at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home. 
Who Was the Fake Pietro Maximoff?
Sadly, the character played by Evan Peters in WandaVision was not actually Wanda’s brother Pietro ported over from the FOX X-Men universe like we all hoped. So, yeah, unfortunately, that means mutants technically still do not exist in the MCU, and that’s a problem another movie or series will have to address.
While trapped in his self-described “man cave”, Monica discovers that the Fake Pietro is really just Ralph Bohner, the mysteriously absent husband Agnes was constantly complaining about throughout the season. Agatha kept him under her spell using an enchanted necklace, and when it was removed his real identity returns. Whether the fact that Agatha’s punishment to live as her Agnes identity involves being really married to Ralph is unclear but in Westview, anything is possible, I guess.
Wanda’s Future and Doctor Strange 2
Wanda has long been confirmed as a major player in the upcoming sequel Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, but we haven’t known how exactly she would fit into this story, having never exactly met Stephen Strange before. But since the WandaVision post-credits scene confirms that the new Scarlet Witch is determined to learn more about her powers, it seems that will change fairly quickly. The only question is, how?
Stephen Strange has served as a mentor to many magic users throughout Marvel Comics history and could certainly be someone that Wanda seeks out to help her access and control her new abilities. But, given that she’s also currently DIY-ing her knowledge of witch history with a magical item that is basically subtitled the “book of the damned” it’s also very possible that she and Strange will end up at odds over the Darkhold’s existence, her possession of it, or both. Plus, there’s that interesting wrinkle of her still hearing the voices of her construct children that shouldn’t still exist outside of Westview thing. Time to explore the multiverse, anyone?
The post WandaVision Finale Ending Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
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gt-adventures · 4 years
Hey Little SongBird
(SFW GT fantasy adventure short story.)
A Tale of the Mystic Woods 
Staring: Yonah HaEsh the half-giant wizard. and guest-starring Ophir, the mostly human bard. 
Summary: Ophir the bard needs a story to get back in the good graces of the Bards Guild and ventures into the Mystic Woods to find one. And what a story he ends up in! In the clutches of the Great and Terrible Yonah HaEsh. Can Ophir, through story, song, and dance, touch the evil “man-eating” giant’s wicked heart and avoid a terrible fate? (yes of course he can!) 
Warnings: Yonah’s job is to be a villainous fairy tale giant (and wizard). That means the whole “fee fi fo fum” and threatening to eat people routine, and he’s really convincing. At no point in this story does he ever intend to follow through on the threat. ALSO Ophir tells a fairytale that ends slightly gruesomely (I actually changed it to be less so… still) 
I hate the stereotype of bards being horny tricksters who use their voices to seduce people into infidelity. Any such stories are complete poppycock and base slander. Bards are more than pretty faces and lovely voices. We are first and foremost story tellers, entertainers! Actors and chroniclers! Often risking life and limb to get you the stories you love so much. Those fancy sword moves and fight dances you see on stage aren’t just for show.  
But still. Going into the Mystic Woods in search of my next story was not a great idea. Solo’ing an adventure into such a dangerous realm was asking for death, with no one around who could tell of it. And yet. I had run out of new material and was desperate. Why didn’t I just purchase rights from another bard through the guild? You might ask. Clever, very clever, but that’s what low rankers do. The apprentices, the journeyors. Not Masters such as I. At least. Not ones who are blacklisted from the guild for not properly crediting a story. How was I to know it wasn’t public domain! It seemed pretty generic to me. 
Another problem with being blacklisted? No one wants to adventure with you. Not anyone high ranking enough to help me anyways. 
Regardless, to earn back my place in the guild I needed a new story, an impressive story. So I gathered my supplies and took the first teleport to the City of Luster, closest city in the Kingdom of Orr to the Mystic Woods. Sure, other cities exist at its borders, but Luster is the only one with a direct path into the Woods. A path that is safe, to a point. 
It’s also a great place to get a few last minute supplies. For example, a small ukulele. My previous instrument, my precious goldenrod Oud, was repossessed by the guild. I needed something cheap and lightweight. And also I was banned from purchasing from most craftsfolk because, and I’m sure you’re tired of hearing this, im Blacklisted. 
Luster is so large that I was able to find the ukulele in a pawn shop. I wasn’t after a ukulele, that’s just what was there. 
Right! I was ready to go.  
Whistling the first ever song I wrote, and tuning my new old ukulele, I set off down the road. 
And Into the Woods. 
Maybe I should lower my standards? Surely the guild won't be too hard on me?
Or perhaps it would just take more than a day and night in the woods to find a story. 
The first day I found some gnomes preparing for a small feast of the half-moon glory. I was confident that something would happen at the party. Something had to go wrong, and maybe a hero, maybe I, would save the day! Or night, as it would be night. No such luck, it was a very nice celebration, absolutely no issues. Wasted a day!! 
Not that i'm on a time limit. 
The gnomes were so nice, and they made the most delightful floral scented cakes. They enjoyed my songs and tales about heroic gnomes and I left their camp with a flower crown and a sack of cakes. 
I felt like today I would find a story! 
In this forest of wonder and magic and monsters and secrets, I ran into nothing. I even played music to attract trouble but Nooooooooo, guess even the beasts of the woods knew I was blacklisted! 
It was late afternoon when I found some interesting deer tracks and decided to follow. 
Bards aren’t known for our stealth but I’m going to tell you a secret. What’s the guild gonna do! Blacklist me? 
Anyways the secret is: certain Bards learn to play notes and pitches that cancel out our footsteps and create silence. 
I followed the prints to find a small herd of very interesting deer! 
They had really interesting patterns, each one slightly different but only if you looked closely. That meant I needed a closer look. 
So focused on the deer I didn’t watch my feet and I tripped. The deer ran off. 
“HEY!” a shrill voice called from somewhere in the trees, “What did you do that for?”
No idea who was yelling at me but I was taking no chances, and like the deer I bolted. But not fast enough, not nimble enough. 
An arrow shot by my leg and stuck in the ground. I stopped. And stood perfectly still. 
“idiot.” the voice was now right behind me! 
I turned. And looked down. It was an elf! With plum purple skin and dark green hair. 
And they were laughing. 
Then another elf fell from the trees to land silently next to the first. This one had dark green skin and straw yellow hair. Their long ears were standing straight up reaching higher than my eyes. 
They were laughing too.
“What’s so funny?”
“You responded to ‘idiot’!” Said the purple one. 
Ugh. Elves!!
Then they got suddenly more serious. 
“Can’t believe it! We’ve been hunting those deer for days and you happen to trip when we got them in our sights!”
“I’m, sorry?” 
The second elf elbowed the first, “he couldn’t have known we were there, Damian! Not his fault!” She spoke in elvish but I’m fluent. 
The first elf, Damian, looked up and half groaned half sighed, “and I suppose, Bridget, that I should apologize to the human for almost shooting him?”
I don’t know why I spoke up but I did. 
“It was an impressive warning shot!”
Damian’s ears stood up again then folded back and a little red flush appeared on the purple cheeks. As did on Bridget’s but for a different reason. 
“Yes. Warning shot,” they said. 
This time I managed to keep my mouth shut. Not a smart idea to quip about an elve’s bunting prowess. I still wasn’t happy to learn they were trying to shoot me! 
“You’re an adventurer?” Asked Bridget.
“A bard!” I said.
“Need a place to stay tonight?”
The shadows were lengthening, I hadn’t noticed. And then my stomach growled. 
“I sure do. But are you sure? I mean I did scare the deer-“
Damian shouldered their bow and nodded, “It wouldn’t be very elven to leave a stranger in the woods.”
Even not hunting they moved so silently I couldn’t take my eyes off them as I followed them to their village. We stopped by the temple, as it is the respectful thing to do when entering the village. It was set up for fall, done up in browns and oranges and paper chains. On the altar was a single brown leaf. The first one seen by a member of the village. 
I’m not elvish but I still prayed to Autumn for my hometown to have a bountiful harvest. 
I sat on the floor in the common dining hall as my new… friends, sat on stools made of tree stumps. They may not have caught any deer but there was some sort of roasted meat concoction wrapped in sugary leaves, crystallized to give it crunch, making a sweet and savory combination I’d never experienced before. The same sugar crispy leaves were used to scoop a sort of nut and vegetable curry. Delightful! I could write a song just about the food. 
I of course told them why I was in the woods, since they were curious. 
And they told everyone how I tripped and fell, exaggerating it greatly. All the elves laughed but knowing elves I was better off. They enjoyed slapstick comedy. The fact that I was able to laugh at myself seemed to gain me favor. 
One elf, with lighter green skin and dark brown hair laughed like the rest and yet, their eyes were deep in thought. They were a strange one, I think. Even by elf standards they had a strange name. 
Jacuzzi? Who names themselves jacuzzi?
Then they spoke. 
“So, you need a story?” They asked. I nodded.
“I think I can help you,” they said, “at the very least point you in the right direction.” 
At their words a lot of the company got quiet. 
“If you’re that desperate, there’s,” they paused, as if they were still considering whether or not to tell me, “A wizard. If you encounter him, you’re sure to get a proper story.”
I couldn’t think why this made the elf act so strange, plenty of mages made it their job to participate in tales. Though. With wizards they were usually evil, if not a member of an adventuring party. Nonetheless! A story about a wizard sounded fantastic. 
“Where does-“ I stopped myself from finishing that stupid sentence. Nowhere in the Mystic Woods stayed put so asking for directions was complete folly. 
“What’s the best way to, uh, find him?” 
Jacuzzi shrugged “The birds have the most up to date information. But you’ll know it’s his place when you find the tower in the garden.”
Lots of wizards had towers, few had gardens. That was more of a witch thing. 
“He’ll be there? Tonight”
“Probably, he can't- well he’ll be there. If not tonight then by the morning. Don’t mess with his things.”
“He considers it extremely rude-  You don't want to be rude”
Sound advice. 
“Hold on tonight?” Damian re-entered the conversation. “Are you mad? Traveling the forest at night is dangerous! Especially alone.”
“So? I’m trying to get into trouble. Doesn’t make a difference if I find it at the tower or on my way.” 
My confidence wasn’t entirely fake. I had a good meal, I wasn’t tired. I could knock this out by morning! 
“Thank you, for everything.” 
I swear I heard giggling as I departed. If these elves were pulling one over on me well! I don’t know what I would do but I’ll think of something. I had a wizard to find. 
It wasn’t long before I realized why I should have waited for morning. 
No! Birds! 
From Who could I ask directions? The sun was about to set. It was only early autumn, the days were still a decent length, but it would be dark real soon. No birds, no people. 
Wait. I spoke too soon. There were footsteps. It was a slim chance but maybe they could help me. 
“Young man, what are you doing? Don’t you know it’s dangerous to be out at night alone?”
The voice had a deep and soft quality that wasn’t human. But they were speaking Orriandish. Really folks, dont meet strangers in the forest that you can’t see. They’re usually evil witches or sorcerers or cyclops ogres. Yeah, one-eyed ogres are skilled talkers, luring people to them. It was only after I answered I realized this could be an ogre. 
“Aren’t you out alone too?”
“Why yes-” the voice was closer and then I saw them. 
Thankfully it wasn’t and ogre. But it was a witch, and a dwarf one. Uncommon. Probably not evil. It did explain why they were confidently out at night. Dwarves had pretty amazing night vision. They had the traditional black robe and hat, and a cat sat down beside them. It was a really large cat, which was amusing next to the short witch. Their long braided beard was decorated with trinkets, which was a quaint look I must admit. 
“But I live here.”
I stood up straight, which I guess was a bit rude. 
“How do you know I don’t?” I stammered, “I could!”
The dwarf stroked their beard, “I guess it’s possible, do you?”
I sighed and slouched, “No…”
“But I am looking for trouble.” I explained my story and the dwarf listened, smiling kindly. 
“So the elves told me I would be guaranteed a story if I found this wizard who has a tower and a garden-”
The witch’s eyebrows raised. 
“- you know this wizard?”
The cat mrowed loudly, his tail swishing on the forest floor a bit faster. 
“I do indeed,” there was an extreme fondness in their voice. 
“And you know where he is?”
The witch laughed, “I’d say this was coincidence, but in these parts there are too many of those to be truly coincidental. I do in fact know the currently location, and it’s close by.”
“Really!” I almost danced with excitement. 
Unlike the elves the dwarf had no hesitations. They pointed me in the right direction, and informed me of a few roadblocks and landmarks. 
“Thanks so much!” I waved back at them and didn’t look where I was going and almost tripped. 
“And light your lantern!” 
Oh right, duh! 
Finding the tower was easy with the witch’s directions. They’d even told me the thorns were fake and the vines safe to climb up. That should have raised red flags, or some color, but I was so focused on achieving my goal. 
Now, we bards aren’t really known for our… physical abilities beyond dance. We can fight sure, but a fifty-foot climb is gonna leave most bards gasping for breath. I'm proud to say I was merely on the cusp of wheezing, though I was having difficulty standing. 
I needed to rest. So I lay on the windowsill. 
Which I failed to notice stretched so that I could more than easily lie down.  The cool night air and stone felt so nice. I looked into the tower. 
And my heart stopped. 
I’d gotten a brief glimpse before nearly passing out, but it was different now. 
Exactly the same. 
You might know, my readers, that wizards are all human. All of them. Non-humans aren’t allowed to attend the academy. I’m sure those like I, being a quarter fairy, might be let in, but... This- this giant sized workshop didn’t make any sense. A giant could not be a wizard no way. Why would the elves say this was a wizard’s tower? Did they not understand the difference between wizard, witch, and sorcerer?
But the dwarf witch, they had to know! They had not corrected me. Plus, the workshop did have a very wizard feel to it.
What was going on here? 
I needed a moment to process so I rolled over to look outside. Looking inside made my head hurt. 
But a Giant Wizard. If that were real, what a story! If it were fake, then well, a giant mage is still exciting. I looked once more into the room. Three desks, one for material prepping and alchemy, one that looked like the main workbench, and one… like a spare workbench? It was not very organized compared to the other. And shelves full of things I could not identify. 
And on the floor, an open trap door with stairs leading down. Down to where the wizard must be. 
I was thankful I had noticed the shift in scale, or I surely would have fallen 15 feet onto the floor. Instead I got out my grappling hook and rope and rappelled down. With a flick, the hook dislodged. This place was large, I would need it again. 
I could have spent hours in this room, just taking in the immense magical collection, but that wasn’t why I was there. And I heard noises from down the stairs. Water? Clinking metal? I took each stair one at a time, slowly making my way deeper into the tower. 
Either the kitchen just happened to be one floor down or this stairwell was enchanted to take you to the floor you were thinking about. For just as I reached the landing I saw the massive doorframe that led into what was clearly a kitchen and small dining room. Small for the giant, who was at the sink washing pots, pans, and other things. 
He certainly looked like a wizard! A tall wide brimmed hat with a curling point, and robes that matched the garish colors and patterns. He had a neatly trimmed goatee and mutton chops, and long curly black hair tied behind his back. On his handsomely large nose rested thick square spectacles. Not only was he tall, he was just plain large. 
I know I talked about the false stereotypes of bards, but we weren't the only profession with them. People tended to think of Wizards as more delicate, as they spent all their time studying, never going out, forgetting meals. But this, man, for he looked more human than giant except for being over 20ft tall, well the only word for it was burly. 
I’d never imagined a wizard who, if you removed his wizard robes, put him in a flannel shirt and handed him an axe would be a picture perfect lumberjack. Now such a wizard was right before my very eyes. 
Suddenly I was not so confident. I should have lost my nerve back at the window, when I saw the scale of the workshop. But it just didn’t hit me until I saw the giant. I’ve seen giants before, they are actually larger than this person, that made him seem more dangerous. 
Oh no. 
This wasn’t just any wizard, or any giant. 
This one was evil. 
Maybe I could just leave! Yeah. I would just get the fuck out of here. I was not prepared to handle an evil giant wizard. 
I made my decision a bit too late. The giant stopped cleaning a plate to look up and sniff the air. 
It was futile to run, but it was my only option. I didn’t even make it up two stairs before the giant roared with delight. 
No no no! Not that! 
Well technically I was quarter fairy but-
Yeah… I should not have come here. Evil giants tend to eat people. I’d had a small hope that this smaller giant, who was very likely a proper wizard, wouldn’t. Also the line about grinding my bones to make bread? I’m no alchemist but I dont think powdered bones make for a good flour, and wouldn’t even be enough to make bread for a giant if it were! As far as I knew giants didn’t bother with such things and just gobbled people up. 
Which didn’t bode well for me as this giant made it stairwell in a few seconds and scooped me up in one hand, holding me up to his face. 
“How convenient, a tasty little thief” he smiled, revealing very giant-like fangs. His breath was horrible. “I was just thinking I needed some dessert.”
“Please! Mister Wizard, I did not steal anything, I am no thief! I’m a bard!”
The giant raised his eyebrows, but did not set me down, instead he turned and walked back into the kitchen. 
“A bard?” he asked, “what’s your name?”
“Ophir Shel Peh!” I said. 
“Not Jack then?” The giant tapped his chin, and his eyes found my ukulele. “Hm. Yes I would say you probably are a bard! I don’t get many of those.” 
He sat at the personal dining table. And set me in front of him, putting his elbows on the table, and his chin over intertwined fingers. It was silent except for his breathing, and my heart in my ears. Every breath he took blew around me, and it was just a little warmer than I expected. He didn’t say anything for a long time and I started shaking, adding my rattling bones to the noise. 
“Why are you here?” he asked before I fainted (I had… somehow forgot about breathing). 
“Adventuring!” I couldn’t say ‘for a story’! THAT’S CHEATING. But perhaps... Ah I can’t lie to you reader. I wish I could say I was perspicacious enough to consider this giant was a professional fairytale villain. But I had no idea. I was damn lucky he was though. And he’s really good. I understand why His Mystical Majesty hired him. 
Let’s get back to me being a complete dumbass shall we?
The giant’s face hardened and I worried I’d fucked up. 
“Adventuring?” he asked rhetorically, but I nodded, then he looked a little morose. 
“Shame, I was thinking of letting you go-”
He was!?
“-But I guess I have to eat you after all.”
He didn't sound at all troubled by it. I mean, he had threatened to do so. I backed up and he smiled, knowing he could snatch me up no matter what. I think he could tell I was going to ask why, even just to stall. 
“It’s nothing personal, I don’t like intruders on my good days. But I can’t have you out there talking about me, spreading the word of a merciful giant. You’ll only get more people killed. ” 
That was a lot to process but I got the gist. 
“I won't talk!”
He stood up and slammed his palms on the table so hard I finally fell down. 
“You’re a bard, it’s your job!” 
Unfortunately he was right. 
Then he looked a bit surprised by something, narrowing his eyes at me. 
“I suppose,” he said, “your job also involves performing?”
I nodded. 
“I don’t get to go out much,” he said, though I wasn’t sure that the entire truth “If you give me a good show, I might consider it payment for what would have been an extra special treat. I can smell the fairy blood on you.”
I tried not to make a face. My fairy blood made me smell better? Great. And there was always a chance he was lying, just to get a show and his dessert. Evil giants might be fairly honorable, but evil wizards were notoriously dishonest. So I had no idea with this evil giant wizard. 
“Wh-what do you want me to do?” I asked. 
He sat back down, perfectly copying his original pose. 
“Tell me a story,” he said. “And perhaps I will not eat you.”
Great. Legally there weren’t many stories I could tell. You might be asking, ‘Ophir! You’re about to die, what do you care?’ Well if I live and I'm found out, I’ll be expelled from the guild for life. I’m already in hot water. 
That… and the only stories I could think of were ones with evil wizards or giants, who ended up dead. Curse my stupid brain. But I couldn’t refuse, he would eat me! Guess I had no other choice. 
[(adapted from a real tale)
The story of Maestro Lattantio and His Apprentice Dionigi. 
It was an old tale, from the long dead kingdom of Italy, so anyone could tell it. A wild tale of a wizard and his apprentice battling it out in ways only two mages would. Wanting to be free of his abusive master, Diogini kept turning into things, animals, creatures, to escape. 
But Lattantio would transform into the exact creature or monster or animated object needed to re-capture Diogini. Eventually Diogini turned into a fish and swam down a river. Lattantio declared that he was through with these games and would kill him. Lattantio turned into a kingfisher hawk, intending to snatch him out of the water, but Diogini jumped into a basket carried by a handmaiden  for the princess. The handmaiden had been doing laundry, so being a fish wouldn’t do. He turned himself into a beautiful ruby ring. The princess found it in her pocket and he became her new favorite piece of jewelry. 
Then one day, the King became ill, and Lattantio was called in to cure him. He did of course, and in payment, asked for the princess’s ruby ring, for he could tell it was Diogini. But he could come back tomorrow for the payment 
That night, when the princess took off the ring, Diogini transformed back into a man. He apologized for his ruse, and explained that the wizard Lattantio was his enemy, and would do anything to get him back into his clutches. The princess, who at first was horrified, saw that Diogini meant her no harm, and he was as handsome a man as he was beautiful a ring. She asked how she could help. 
The next day, when Lattantio returned, the princess stepped forward and held out the ring. Then dropped it to the floor. It turned into a mouse, so of course, Lattantio turned into a cat. The princess whistled to one of the palace dogs, which leapt at the cat, breaking its neck. 
Diogini quickly returned to human form and separated the dog from the cat’s corpse, tossing it into the fire. The only way to be sure the evil was truly destroyed. 
Impressed by Diogini’s skill and at the behest of the princess, the King was happy to make Diogini the court wizard, and his son. 
I concluded the story, and looked at the giant, distressed to find he looked unimpressed. 
“That was,” he waved his hand in a dismissal manner, “diverting, but I could just have easily read that story.”
WHAT! I’d done voices! I was dramatic and expressive! How dare he say reading it from a book could be the same! But I couldn’t be angry because I was scared. 
“Though I suppose it was decent,” he continued, “just not enough to keep you alive.”
“Dance for me,” he said, “and perhaps I will not eat you.”
It took me a few seconds to notice he wasn’t eating me, but instead was giving me another chance. But… Dance!? On this table? With my leather boots on? And my thick pants? And no music!? This was not good. 
“S-sure” I said, I was still shaking badly. 
Since there was no music I thought perhaps, something that conveyed real meaning through motion. I could hear the song in my head at least, so I wouldn’t falter or look like I was making shit up. 
I leapt and gestured, and waggled my body in the most embarrassing ways.  
“What is this crap?” said the giant after I had danced for only a minute. 
“Interpretive dance, mister giant,” I said, freezing in a most uncomfortable pose. 
“You’d better pick something else,” he said. “And give it some more personality”
All I knew was he had given me a second chance. Ok. So I didn’t have music, but maybe something rhythmic would be better. I didn’t have the right shoes but my footsteps were still very audible. 
So I went into a new dance. Hopping and stomping and tapping my feet. Then I started singing. I had been so stupid that I forgot I could do both at the same time. I basically re-invented a few ritual dances from my hometown, used to bless the beginning of each month. If I lived through this I would go home and teach everyone. 
The giant Watched me carefully from behind those huge glasses. Judge, jury and executioner. 
Finally I was sore and out of breath, jumped up to land with a mighty THUNK, ending the performance. 
The giant looked a bit sorry now. Why would he look sorry!?
“That was very impressive, and your singing was a nice touch, but I think such things would best be done with a group. Alone it was underwhelming.” 
What did he know! I’d danced my freaking ass off! I sat down and tried not to cry as I regained my strength. Why weren’t my best efforts good enough!? I was a Master bard. But I was at the mercy of the most subjective critic. I had to change tactics. Impressing him wasn’t going to cut it. 
“Well, since it’s getting late,” he reached out a hand.  
“Wait!” I shouted, nearly breaking my voice which would have been a death sentence. 
The giant’s hand paused, “That was so bold I’m inclined to do so, but not for long.”
“You, liked my singing?” I asked. 
The hand retreated. “You could say that.” Then he caught on. “Fine. One last chance.” 
He leaned back, crossed his arms, and cleared his throat. 
“Sing for me, little bard, and perhaps, I will consider not eating you.”
I scrambled to my ukulele. It was so old it was already out of tune, so I hurriedly tuned it, under the piercing gaze of the giant.  
“Your voice isn’t magical is it?” Asked the giant as I tuned the ukulele.
I smiled “No, it is. My fey ancestry. Never really tested its power. Mostly I’ve transfixed crowds or made them cry with the opening notes. I’ve also played monsters to sleep.”
He leaned forward as I realized my mistake and quickly added “but that doesn’t work if you know about it! Which you now do!” 
Thankfully he believed me. I was telling the truth, but there was no reason for him to trust me. 
“Well, just make it a nice song. I’ve got sensitive ears.”
Oh fantastic. That meant he could probably tell if I went out of key. I had a moment’s thought to play something screeching and horrible, to make him bleed from his ears, giving me a chance to get away, or at least cause him pain before he ended my life. No. My first choice of song was probably the best one. 
I sat down criss cross apple sauce, but back very straight. And I strummed the opening cords. 
In the quiet mystic morning  When the sun’s just graced the land O’er the horizon, lies a story And it begs to take my hand
Now that summer’s ceased its gleaming And the harvest’s past its prime In adventure I’ve found meaning But I’ll be homeward bound in time 
Bind me not, to the pasture Chain me not to the town Set me free to find my calling And I’ll return to you somehow
As the first instrumental break started I turned my attention to the giant. His face was as stoney as ever.  I wasn’t hitting my mark. So I continued. 
If you find it’s me you’re missing And you’re hoping I’ll return To your thoughts I’ll soon be listing  On the road I’ll stop and turn
The old strings were threatening to cut into my fingers but I just used the pain to fuel my voice, powering it with agony and sorrow. I saw the giant’s brows raise as my human sized voice grew to fill the giant room. 
For the wind has set me racing As my journey now begins To leave the path I’ll be retracing When I’m homeward bound again
Bind me not, to the pasture Chain me not to the town Set me free to find my calling And I’ll return to you somehow
The second, and last, instrumental break. I had started crying at the chorus and couldn’t see the giant through my tears. My last performance, and it was for my murderer. 
And still my song rang out. 
In the quiet  Mystic morning When the moon has gone to bed When adventure’s lost its meaning…
I’ll be homeward bound
My ears were ringing from the sheer volume, I was clutching the Ukulele so hard it threatened to crack. I was numb from all my efforts. Now would be a great time for him to eat me, maybe I would feel no pain. 
Then, as my ears and eyes cleared up, I saw. 
The giant's eyes, red. Shiny trails of tears down his cheeks. His arms were still crossed but he looked like he was almost strangling himself. Still, I did not let myself feel any hope. 
“Dammit,” he hissed and sniffed, “I should eat you for making me cry.” 
No. No no no no no. 
“But I won’t” he sniffed again and got out a handkerchief, “You’ve more than earned your life.”
I collapsed and started crying harder. I had done it. By the gods. I had fucking done it. I let myself melt into the table, half passing out. I didn’t want to feel or think for an entire week. I guess because he wasn’t going to kill me, the giant let me lay there. 
When I finally sat up he was making tea! I very much wanted to get the fuck out of there but the tea smelled amazing, almost magical. 
He noticed me moving. 
“I find tea helps after a harrowing adventure,” he said cheerfully. 
His demeanor was entirely different. His face was softer, his voice was higher, his dark brown eyes colder, but considering they had been blazing before, it was a friendly warmth now. 
That really had been an adventure hadn’t it. One that really made use of my skill set. One that was perfect to turn into a story. It had great pacing too, with just a bit of tweaking. I’d already started writing out the flowery prose and accompanying staging in my head. My interpretive dance was going to be way better in the retelling, but don’t say anything to the guild alright? Everyone embellished. 
I had to scramble away as he set the table, which meant setting down a smaller table and chair for me, and then bringing over his own cup and the teapot. He touched the sides of the pot that must be hot enough to scald skin from bone like it was nothing, pouring out near boiling tea. I watched mesmerized as he used a bit of magic to pour the tea into my teacup. 
“Let it cool,” he said, as he took a drink of his own tea, “I’m not normally a fan of sweetened tea, but I thought a little extra honey would do your throat some good.”
I gingerly stood up and got into the chair. It was normal sized of course, since he was giant. But here I felt like a doll that some demonic girl had set up for a tea party. 
“Thanks,” I said, and indeed my throat felt raw. I couldn’t wait to drink the tea, but it was still too hot. 
“I should be thanking you,” said the giant, smiling and showing off his fangs, but it no longer felt so threatening, “That was quite a show! You must be a really high ranking bard.”
My face turned very red, “I- well I’m on probation,” I admitted, “blacklisted. So really, thanks for-”
I saw his eyes glitter, literally. 
“You- you never meant to eat me did you?”
He grinned even wider, “No, but I trust you won't include that in your tale.”
I shook my head. 
“I very much enjoy playing the big bad giant,” he mused, “But I have other work; I can’t have adventurers showing up all the time.”
Now I was curious, “If I may ask, what else do you do then?”
There was a short pause as he considered whether or not to tell me. I wondered if it was a grand secret. 
“I’m a royal wizard,” he finally said, and there was a massive amount of pride underneath his tone. And resentment. That was concerning. 
My jaw dropped, “You- A Royal Wizard?”
This might be the most interesting person I’d ever met. How did a giant, or giant-esq thing become a royal wizard!? How did a royal wizard end up running an evil tower? 
“You already got one tale, but if you’re not inclined to leave so soon, I can give you another.”
I definitely knew where this was going and I definitely wanted this tale. 
“But on one condition,” he said. “You cannot tell it until either I or the Mystic King is dead.”
“Are- you dying?” I asked. 
He laughed, “No, but I am still a villain. I try to keep a fairly low profile, but any day a slayer could show up and succeed in killing me.” 
That made sense, but now that I was not mortally terrified of him, I saw that this man was much younger than I’d previously thought. He looked barely 24, a young man, and he had to worry about slayers! It also meant it couldn’t have been in this job for that long, being evil must really suit him. 
“Hopefully it won’t be for years, which will give you time to make this tale as grand as possible,” he continued. 
He drank more of his tea.
“I’m not great story teller,” he started off, “but I suppose the tale of how a foolish half-giant with dreams of becoming a wizard, and ending up a prisoner in the woods, might be a good one.”
Prisoner? Even more layers. Yes. This should be a good one indeed. 
Though he was right. Gods, wizards! They have no concept of narrative flow! They don’t leave out details! 
And yet. It was riveting. Yonah HaEsh, for that was his name which I finally learned, was half giant, half FireWitch. His father, the FireWitch, got interested in magic, but he wanted more structured study, beyond what witches can do. So he disguised himself as human to attend school. He was found out eventually, expelled and arrested for infiltrating the kingdom as a dangerous magical monster. He was almost executed before he was offered a job here in the tower! And amazingly, the Grand Master of the school had taken pity on him and allowed him to continue his studies here and graduate, earning the right to call himself a wizard. 
I had forgotten about my tea by the end and it had gone cold. That was an easy fix apparently: he pinched the cup between his thumb and pointer finger. A few seconds later it was steaming again. 
I finally took a sip, it was incredible. I made a mental note to write a poem or a song about it. But I had other things to think about, to talk about. 
“It’s a great story,” I said, with a cockiness I should have tried to keep in check, “but it needs a lot of work. It’s a good thing I’ve got a lot of time. I’ll need to go out and interview people.”
I stood up, “Which means, I need to hear it again.”
Yonah raised an eyebrow, “Oh?”
“I should have been taking notes,” I said, “I need more specific dates and times and names! Oh and if you can tell me how your parents met, that would make for a great prologue.” 
He stood up too, clearing away his and my tea settings. But he didn’t clean them, just put them aside. 
“In that case,” he said, returning and offering his hand palm up, “We should take this upstairs.”
I still hesitated a bit, but I sat on his hand and was transferred to his shoulder. I’d never been on a giant’s shoulder before. I was tempted to touch his curly hair, since mountain giants don’t have hair, I thought it amazing that this half-giant had such thick silky locks. I settled to lean a bit towards his head for steadiness. Yonah didn’t say anything as he regathered the teapot and cups, and even got a few pieces of berry-nut bread and goat cheese. Then headed up to the workshop. 
Once again, he had a human sized desk that he set on his much larger one, and human sized pens (really nice ones), and a few human sized notebooks. Though I guess, since he can reduce to human size whenever he wanted (that was part of his “disguise”), and had many human friends, it made sense. 
“We can go in order,” I said, “But I think I want to start on what you got up to in school. We want people to really get attached to you and your friends so that they are on your side by the trial.”
Yonah liked that idea. I think he wanted this story to show him in a positive light, even if he was officially evil. 
We worked through the night. And my second cup of tea got cold. 
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FOR REFERENCE, HERE’S HOW THE SONG SOUNDS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VooU55wzSEc
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