#but my suspension of disbelief kept breaking
fandomsandfeminism · 1 year
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I know this movie was very pretty. Very pretty. Super nice to look at.
God so much of the plot felt very underdeveloped and confusing. It felt like it was missing 80% of the story from inside the U. She only has like 2 conversations with Beast? How does anything in the virtual world....work? Why does not-Gaston have a dox-ray? What exactly did Beast do that would make the not-internet-cops hunt him? Why is there no moderation happening? Do they...feel pain in U? Why? (It feels like Digimon rules. Is this Digimon rules?)
Honestly, the moment the movie really lost me was when an adult finally calls the cops for a wellness check and is told "they need to wait 48 hours" for....for what? To report an active assault? I...
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But at least it was pretty?
This movie has 95% on rotten tomatoes.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 4 months
May I please request where I am kiaras sister and I become pregnant from rafe and my parents kick me out
I love this sm
Not under my roof
R! Is 19, mikes an asshole
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The wait was suspenseful, Rafe paced the room while your leg bounced up and down, both of you staring at the test.
When the two lines appeared, Rafe threw his hands up, running a hand through his hair. Your eyes welled up.
He bit down on his lip, stopping his pacing and looking down at you and nodding, his mind running wild. He thought for a moment before speaking.
“Fuck. Alright, alright, it’s okay. We got this, we can do this shit, right?” He was mostly talking to himself, but he looked at you as he said it. Tears ran down your face and he got down to your level, sitting in front of you, cupping your face gently.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey. It’s gonna be alright, okay? ‘M gonna… figure this shit out, gonna marry you, and I’ll… clean up another room at Tannyhill. It’s gonna be fine. Okay?”
You didn’t say anything or nod, he frowned. “You heard me? I’m gonna figure things out for us.”
You nodded and he sighed, standing up and leaving the bathroom.
The one thing you were worried about? How the hell were you gonna tell your parents?
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You took a deep breath, fumbling with the key in your hand and opening the front door.
“Mom? Dad?” You called out, shutting the door behind you.
“In here!” Your mom shouted from the dining room. Your heart racing as you walked over to them, plastering a fake smile on your face when you saw them.
Kiara sat, looking miserable at the edge of the table, watching as you entered. Sarah was next to her. Great.
“Sit,” your dad motioned to a plate on the other end of the table. You gave Sarah a small smile and she gave one back.
“What’s this?” You asked when you sat down, pointing to the meat on your plate.
“Swordfish.” Your mom spoke, your face fell and your heart sunk. You couldn’t eat high-mercury fish.
“Is something wrong?” Your dad asked, you swallowed and looked at them.
“Uh... No. It’s just… I can’t eat swordfish.” You said, you should have known they would pester you about why.
“Why?” Kiara asked with an attitude, everyone now staring at you.
“I… my doctor told me not to eat meat for a few days.”
“What? Why? Is something wro-“ your mom immediately started.
“Everything’s fine.” You lied with a small smile, taking a sip of the water next to the plate.
“Then why can’t you eat meat, y/n?” Your mom kept going, a warning in her tone now. She knew something was up.
“I- not here.” You told her, glancing around the table.
“Y/n, tell me right n-“
You uttered the words quietly, 'I'm... I'm pregnant.' The room fell silent as your mom's fork clattered onto her plate, your dad's knife froze in the air above the fish, and my sister's eyes widened in shock as she stared.
Her words stumbled out in disbelief. "W- you’re- what?" she stuttered. "Whose... whose is it?
You looked at Sarah, closing your eyes and sighing as you muttered Rafes name.
Sarah’s face turned into one of shock. Kiara’s one of disgust.
“You had sex with Rafe? Are you kidding me right now?!” Kiara shouted, standing up.
“Kiara! Go to your room!” Your dad shouted back, standing up as well, pointing in the direction of her room. Your sister stormed off, Sarah stumbled behind her, still in shock.
Your dad sighed heavily as he sat back down.
“What are you gonna do with it?” He asked quietly.
“I’m… keeping it.”
“Do you really want to raise a child? You’re 19.”
“I- I mean, I want this. Can’t you just be happy for me, for fucking once?”
“Do not use that language with me, young lady.” He sneered. “I can’t have this shit happening under my roof. Under my watch.”
"You only care about your reputation!" You shouted at him, the words bursting like a dam breaking after years of pent-up anger. It felt terrifying to finally release all that had been bottled up inside you for so long.
“Y/n-“ your mom started, trying her best to stop the both of you.
“Don’t ever fucking say that, I’m just trying to help you! You can’t raise a baby! Not alone-“
“I won’t be alone!”
He scoffed, “you really expect me to believe that Rafe Cameron is going to stay with you after this baby?”
“You don’t know anything about him! Dad-“
“Sweetie, I think you should just lis-“ your mom started.
“No! It is my baby and my life, and if you don’t want to be involved in their life, then so fucking be it!”
“That’s not what he mea-“
“Get out.” He said, breathing heavily as he stared at you.
“W-what?” Your mom asked, looking at him now.
“Get the fuck out of my house, y/n.” He pointed to the front door.
“What? Are you serious right now?!” You exclaimed. “You’re kicking me out?!”
He wordlessly stormed to your room, going through all your drawers and grabbing everything, ignoring your mom’s protests as you shouted at him. He went outside, throwing all your clothes outside. He saw Rafe in the car, and stormed over to the car, Rafe getting out the car and furrowing his eyebrows.
“Dad? What are you doing?!” Kiara asked, coming outside now as well. While she was mad, she still had her love for her sister.
“What the fuck, man?” Rafe pointed to the clothes on the floor and your sobbing figure at the doorway.
“I am not having this shit-“ he pointed to you and Rafe. “-Happen under my roof.”
“Seriously? You know, we shouldn’t have even told you.” Rafe scoffed, watching you gather your clothes from the ground and go into passenger seat of his car.
Mike scoffed. “Can’t believe this shit.”
“She’s an adult!”
“I fuckin’ told her time and time again to stay away from guys like you-“
“The fuck is that supposed to mean, Mike?” He sneered, already rolling up his long sleeves before you got out the car and sniffled at him.
“C’mon, please. Don’t.” You told him, not even looking at your parents. Your eyes were pleading and he just scoffed, motioning for you to get back in the car and getting back in the drivers seat.
His knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel.
“How’d Ward and rose take it?” You asked him quietly, interrupting the silence.
“Better than your parents.” He scoffed, making you look down in your lap.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled to him.
“For what?” He questioned, genuinely confused as he glanced at you.
“Making you see that.”
“Hey, what did I tell you? I told you I’d be there for you, no matter what. I meant that shit, kid.“
It was silent for a little until he spoke up again.
“But, expect to be asked a million questions by Wheeze when we get back.” He said with a small smile playing on his lips.
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thesilmarillionblog · 2 months
𓏲 𓂃 L o s i n g Y o u
Click here to read the first part.
Summary: Everything was good as a member of Payback and Soldier Boy's secret girlfriend until the team and your relationship with him began to fall apart due to a new member and her developing relationship with Ben right in front of your eyes.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: Language, angst, PTSD, violence, suspense, hurt, Soldier Boy gets hurt,
Word Count: 4433
A/N: English is not my first language.
* This story is inspired by the song "Losing You" by Dream Evil.
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Whispering “Earving?” once more, you trailed him to shadowy spots where fewer people were present. Though you knew you would have to deal with this eventually, you couldn't help but feel uneasy about what lay ahead.
When he halted, you took care to keep your distance.
You walked up to him and asked, “Why are you not talking to me?” to let him know you weren't a threat and that all you wanted to do was communicate. “Did you know what happened to me?”
Your eyes widened in suspicion as he examined you from head to toe before you told him anything further. To your surprise, Earving lifted his hand and pulled his blades from his back in a menacing manner. 
Your heart was pounding as you whispered, “What the hell are you doing?” It also hurt you to see him preparing for a fight, and you shook your head in disbelief. “Don't you ever try it.” 
You immediately defended yourself with your fists when he struck you with his blades, as though he were going to cut your skin. Thank goodness for your training sessions with Ben; you were starting to feel a little better and in shape. 
Earving attacked your legs again, forced you to the ground, briefly restrained you, and attempted to strangle you. But you reclaimed your hands from his gloved ones, struck his masked head, and violently shoved him on the ground. 
You said, “The company lied to everyone,” before he struck you once more. I'm not a traitor." 
Even though you tried to persuade him that neither you nor the government were your enemies or vice versa, he didn't seem to be listening to you and kept attacking you even though he knew you were still stronger than him. 
You shoved his head hard against the wall in front of you, forcing him to think straight. “I'm not blaming you for what happened,” you blurted out. “I just want you to know I'm still your friend. I understand your reasons about why you didn't visit me or try to save me.” 
After you hit his head against the wall a few times, he managed to break free from your hold and push you back until your back cracked the wall and made a hole in it. 
“What the hell, Earving?” Your t-shirt tore from your stomach to your chest as you screamed at him in aggravation. “You must hear what I'm telling you because I am speaking the truth. Vought lied about me to you and to everyone else, and they studied my body for decades in a lab to make the next supe generation better, to make it perfect.”
You said, “For God's sake,” fighting back tears as you were overcome by all that had transpired so quickly. Your hands balled into fists as you prepared for yet another blow. “If you attack me again, I swear I'm going to leave a huge amount of fucking damage on you.”
When his phone started ringing, Earving saw your rage rising and plunged his blades into his back once more. Before you could even respond, he vanished into the darkness once more. 
After you hurried back to the van without drawing attention from civilians, Frenchie noticed your torn t-shirt and messy hair and wrapped his hands around his head, practically yelling, “Mon Dieu, where did you go? What on earth happened to you?”
After sitting down next to him and seeing the screen in front of you, you muttered, “Nothing,” as you looked around for Kimiko. 
“Clearly, it's not just 'nothing.' Have you been spotted by anyone? Have you had a fight?” 
“No,” you instantly told a lie. You didn't know if this was the correct moment to discuss the actual events that transpired. 
Frenchie looked at you, her eyes narrowing. “You look like you've just had a fight,” he questioned. 
“I told you nothing happened,” you yelled angrily, feeling ashamed as the table beneath your hand began to crack. God. You were hopeless. But you remained outraged and wounded by everything that went on. Why would Earving even behave in such a manner? 
Frenchie placed his hands in the air and muttered, “Alright, alright,” in a calm but terrified voice. “I'm not going to ask any questions anymore.”
Though you chose to speak with him at a later time, you felt awful for using your position of power to frighten someone who was clearly weaker than you and was only attempting to carry out his own duties. 
With concern, you questioned, “Is Kimiko okay? I can help her if it's needed.”
“No,” Frenchie said, displaying his happy expression on the TV. “Pay attention to her remarkable speed and talent. Kimiko is a unique lady.”
Your eyes darted around the busy street, your super-hearing tuned in to every sound, and you continued to stare at the screen in front of you. Memories of your surprise altercation with your former best friend flashed across your memory. Why would he ever attack you like he actually wanted to kill you? Was Ben correct when he said Earving was only loyal to Vought and no one else? 
It was painful that, despite everyone's lack of loyalty toward you, you continued to show loyalty to those who had previously betrayed you and stabbed you in the back. You couldn't decide if you or they had a problem. Either you were difficult to understand, or it was simply difficult to love you. 
“She's done,” Frenchie remarked as he opened the door and prepared to go. Kimiko gave him a quick shoulder pat. 
“Let's fucking go.” 
It would be better if you called Ben at home. 
Ben's footsteps sped up to Herogasm as his eyes looked for TNT Twins. You were quite correct to despise this accursed and abnormal place. He was very into public sex, threesomes, gangbang while high, and all things associated, so he had enjoyed the twisted notion when he found it with Stormfront Bitch, but now it seemed like a new room straight out of hell. God was fucking missing from this place. Even though he occasionally wanted to, at least he was relieved that he refrained from joining it while he was with you.
If he was being completely honest with himself, he was a little afraid of his own physical needs when Butcher told him they were going to Herogasm the day before since he hadn't fucked anyone since he was free. Besides, he wasn't used to taking himself in hand so frequently without fucking someone for so long, even if he jerked off like a fucking teenager two or three times a day. He felt much better, though, knowing that he had no feelings at all regarding anyone or anything related to Herogasm. 
At this point, Ben was positive he would never want to visit this absurd place again. But as soon as he could, he had to fuck you raw.
Ben can't argue that he felt much safer having faith in you about anything because he was aware of your unwavering devotion to him in spite of everything he had done.
After all, loyalty to him was the most important thing in a partnership, and two people being devoted to one another was sufficient for a lifetime of companionship.
He was still thinking about your exposed ass from your nightdress, remembering how you appeared on the bed this morning. He was surprised at how effortlessly, and without even trying, you could make him rock hard. Getting on top of you, ripping off your underwear, and sliding into your swollen cunt would be so fucking easy. But in reality, it wasn't that simple.
Feeling his hardness returning over your thought, Ben muttered, “Oh, fuck.” 
Ben scowled and picked up the smoke bomb that had suddenly been thrown between his legs, thinking it could help him become a little high or divert his attention. 
“Halothene,” he said, glancing at the man who had thrown it to him. “What were you going to do with that?” 
The man repositioned himself, bracing himself for combat. Ben took a step toward him and sighed. The man's heart was pounding uncontrollably. 
“Not him,” Butcher stated firmly. 
Ben immediately nodded to Butcher. Anyhow, he was not in the mood to murder someone who was weak. 
He took a deep breath and tried not to get furious when his eyes eventually spotted the TNT Twins. When Ben saw their eyes widen in fear, he grinned. They were obviously taken aback to see him again. 
“Soldier Boy,” they muttered in tandem as they looked to one another for the right words. “It was Noir's idea; you must know that.”
“Was it?” Ben inquired as he gently inched closer to them, his shield tightening around his hand. 
The woman answered, “Yes,” quite quickly. “And the Crimson Countess. They conspired to deceive Y/N and you as well.”
He said TNT Twins, “Noir can't even shit without Vought's permission,” after hearing your name. “Did you know that she spent decades in a lab having her body studied? Did you know that Vought intentionally deceived everyone?” 
The sister asked, “Why does it matter?” before the man spoke.”All we did was follow instructions. Not that we desired to, though.”
They were aware of it. Ben shut his eyes and inhaled deeply, careful not to blow this place up. “You two will speak up against Vought to the media, tell them what they did to me and Y/N, and tell me where the fuck is Mindstorm. You two will come with me and fucking fix what you have done. If not, I'm fucking going to kill you both.” Ben spoke in a ferocious manner, clearly threatening them. 
They cried out in shock, “Fuck no,” sounding as though they would sooner die than stand up to Vought anyway. 
They locked hands and prepared to strike him, acting as though they would only cause minor harm to his body. The Russians did their best to harm him; of course, none of them worked. Ben was in disbelief that he used to work with the world's most worthless and foolish superheroes. 
Ben's supe hearing was triggered by a Russian song played by another supe in a different room before he spoke. He attempted to contain himself, and his palm closed tightly around his shield and closed his eyes. 
But the enormous power that was beginning to emerge was much bigger than him at that precise moment because of the horrific memories from the lab he had spent decades confined to. Ben's final thought before blowing up the entire place was of you. He should never have come here without you.
Once you were in your room, you decided to give Ben a call after some time had passed. You were informed that the person you called could not be reached at that time. You threw the phone on your bed and yelled, “Asshole,” out of anger. 
The damage had already been done when Ben awoke. Fuck it. This time, he had made an extremely serious mistake. He was sure he'd be on the news tonight. 
A man across the room likewise appeared to have a strange cape when Butcher came to approach Ben. 
“Soldier Boy and William Butcher,” he murmured. Ben and Butcher exchanged looks. “Oh, god. You were behind this. This whole thing was your idea. William, we made a deal with you to fight to the death. You and me.”
Ben struggled to figure out what was going on between them as Butcher offered him a confident look. Homelander went on, “This is cheating. The deal is off.” 
Homelander's gaze lasered Butcher against the wall as soon as he finished his speech. Ben sighed after giving Butcher a quick glance. 
“You were my hero growing up; I have watched all your movies hundreds of times.” Ben offered Homelander a degrading grin as he spoke admiringly. The guy with the blonde hair had the worst suit ever. It was a shame.
“You were the only one who was as strong as me.”
“Buddy,” Ben said, not giving a damn about Homelander’s words at all. “You think you look strong? You’re wearing a cape. You’re just a cheap fucking knockoff.”
Homelander's jaw tightened, and his eyes grew enraged as Ben repeatedly insulted him. He was enraged hearing such stuff from the supe he idolized since he was a child.
“Oh, no, no,” Homelander responded without fear. “I’m the upgrade.”
When Homelander attacked, Soldier Boy started to punch him again and again, but Homelander was well-trained too; he was indeed as good as Ben in combat skills. He wasn't like the weak supes in Payback; Homelander was indeed built different. However, this didn't make Ben feel a thing at all. Homelander was just another supe who was just more than a bit easy to deal with. That's all. In fact, it would be a good training for Ben to warm up.
Ben briefly lost control of the momentum and gave Homelander the advantage as they continued to hit one another. Ben looked on in confusion as Butcher rose and then lasered Homelander as well. 
“What have you done?” Confused, Homelander murmured. 
Ben stood up, yanking Homelander by his useless cape and violently throwing him against the wall as he ascended in the air, and their lasered eyes engaged in combat. 
Following Homelander's escape, Butcher and Ben struck him simultaneously, shattering the wall behind them. 
Homelander tried to laser Hughie after he broke up the brawl in his nude form, but Hughie was too fast for him. 
Ben effortlessly grabbed Homelander by the arm and pushed him to the ground, keeping him there while Butcher and Hughie also helped him. 
Butcher yelled, “Do it,” as Ben attempted to go full force this time. 
Ben pushed himself to concentrate on the enormous power shining behind his chest, but for some reason he was unable to release it. His tendency to explode when he didn't mean to was annoying, but he couldn't use his new abilities when he needed them. Perhaps it was because, just moments before, he had already blown up. 
Homelander groaned like an animal under threat when he realized he was going to be slaughtered by them. With a single, fierce roar, he drove everyone from his body as he fled away. 
With a mumble of curses, Butcher turned to face the sky. 
Ben didn't give a fuck at all, even if he was eager to kill Homelander while he knew he had more pressing problems at hand. Murdering Homelander was easy to do. However, he had to seize control of the company and turn the tables as quickly as possible. 
Ben grabbed the phone out of his pocket to try to call you as he stood up and straightened his suit, but it didn't work. 
Ben growled, “Fuck this,” and turned to face Butcher. “Call Y/N right now.” 
Butcher said, “Give me some slack, for God's sake,” as he got up and brushed off the dust from his coat.
Ben snatched the phone from Butcher's hand as soon as it began ringing and gave him a cold glare while Hughie and he pleaded with him to get out of there. 
Ben, who was a little nervous, walked to the car quicker than Butcher and Hughie. 
Ben muttered, “Give me a fucking moment,” as Butcher and Hughie entered the vehicle and looked at him. 
It had only been an hour since you went to sleep when your phone rang. You answered it while you rubbed your eyes and exclaimed, “What?” 
You had cried uncontrollably because of what transpired between you and Earving, since you hadn't anticipated his treachery to be that severe and brutal. 
Ben said, “I guess I couldn't give you a call because my battery is dead. Are you now at home?” 
Your eyes widened with suspicion. “How unlucky!” you murmured in a sour tone. “And yes.”
“Something terrible happened,” he sighed. You were scared by the underlying fragility in his voice, which made you feel no longer sleepy. He whispered your name and continued, “I messed up badly.” 
Your heart raced, and you temporarily forgot about your own issues as you were anxious at hearing an unsettling and insecure tone in his voice. You prepared yourself to receive the worst news. “What did you do this time?” 
Ben's jaw tightened at your disappointed complaint. Even though he was making an effort, it had been a while since he had disappointed someone with such severity, making him feel like a total failure. Ben parted his lips to speak, but he truly had no idea what to say or how to convince you that he wouldn't let you down the next time. He knew that had become one of his professions nowadays. 
“Well, let's talk when I come home. We're going to head out, so I suppose I'll be there by morning.”
He immediately hung up the phone without waiting for you to say anything more. He was a little embarrassed by his unpredictable actions and wasn't sure how you would respond. In the meantime, he would be thinking about this. 
You sighed and attempted to return to sleep, but it took you an hour to put your issues aside and allow your ailing body to rest.
Instantly opening your eyes and got off the bed upon hearing a door close in the room next door, you realized it was Ben.
You knocked on his door and said, “Ben?” even though it was still open.
He turned to face you after putting his shield next to his bed and said, “You don't have to knock it. You are welcome to show up at any time, sweetie.”
Even if he was attempting to make jokes to rile you up, his tone was anything but funny and suggested that he was distressed.
You approached him and gently closed the door, asking, “Can we talk now?” 
He also approached you and gave you a hug after leaving his chest material on the table, preventing you from speaking. You let out a sound as his fingers gripped your back firmly, and his chest seemed warmer than before. You held back your hug, but you also didn't press for an answer in the hopes that he would calm himself down and tell you. 
You attempted to ignore his fingers as they moved over your body, but your chin lingered on his muscular shoulder. You were surprised that he wasn't trying to make sexual contact with you, and you wondered what had happened to make him act that way while you were apart. 
"I missed you," Ben said softly,
Ben has always hated to say things like this and felt like the helpless, weak men in the movies, but he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed since he knew you needed his help and he kept failing you repeatedly even though it wasn't his intention. Ben hesitated to admit that he needed you more than ever because he knew that if you had been there, you could have stopped him from using his freshly developed powers to explode and kill some people.
If he could simply kidnap the TNT Twins and make them speak negatively about the company, then that would also be a great opportunity for you. They would also provide him with information regarding Mindstorm, which can be beneficial in your case. 
His body stiffened as he breathed in your hair. 
He aggressively remarked, “You smell something different,” smelling you a little more forcefully this time. “Like someone I know.”
You put your arms around his biceps and murmured, “Quit smelling me and calm down,” as you didn't make him feel angry. He appeared as though he was about to lose it. “I'll tell you when you tell me about what happened in Herogasm.”
“I blew up the entire place.”
“Ben!” you said, pushing his hands aside as your shocked eyes grew wider. “Why?”
His voice was dry as he spoke hurriedly, “I didn't mean to.” While you waited for him to continue, Ben looked around and considered how to explain everything. He then remarked, “It's... the same thing happened in Midtown. I was speaking with TNT Twins about Vought and attempting to persuade them to voice against it.”
His eyes went dark, as if he was uncomfortable and didn't want to continue. 
You placed a hand on his chest when you noticed he was having trouble with his inner thoughts, in an attempt to calm him down and encourage him to speak. You said, “And?” gently. 
“I heard a Russian song,” he furiously and unsettlingly declared. Placing his hand over yours to make sure you understood, he added, “I guess it's kind of a triggering thing for this thing to get activated.”
He interrupted you right away before you could say anything, saying, “I really tried to stop it. I did not mean to disappoint you or mess things up like this. Not at this particular moment.”
You muttered, “Don't worry about that. It wouldn't be the first time.”
“Yeah.” He gave you a small smile to lighten the situation and murmured to you, as if he were also trying to suppress the anger in your voice since he understood you had every right to speak in that manner. “However, I will speak with Butcher and ask him to locate Mindstorm as soon as possible in order to resolve your problem. Perhaps I might want to amend our agreement regarding Homelander.”
You muttered, “I don't know, Ben,” at a loss for what to do. “It's becoming uncontrollable. Tonight, everyone will be talking about you once more. First, we must figure out how to clean up this mess.”
He immediately raised his voice and said, “Fuck them,” not wanting to think about Vought or the media at all. “You do not think of such things. I'll soon have things under control. The first thing we need to solve is your situation about your powers, okay?”
“But why?” 
“Because you come first,” he stated with a serious attitude. 
Your cheeks heated a little under his focused look, and you retrieved your hands from him before heading to his bed and sitting to put an end to the intense moment. 
As you settled onto his bed, Ben's eyes narrowed, and he started thinking inappropriate things. You need to have spent the entire day and night beneath him, getting as much fuck as you both needed to make you tremble around his cock. 
As he began to remove his suit, including his pants, you were thinking about how to talk to him about yourself and Earving without irritating him. Ben didn't seem to care that you were in the room or that you were staring at him while he got undressed. 
He was putting on his gray sweatpants, and you were looking for a t-shirt when all of a sudden you stated, “I fought Noir.” 
“What the hell?”
He sat on the bed next to you and swiftly turned to face you. “When did this happen? How in the world did this son of a bitch track you?”
You murmured, “Calm,” as you noticed his veins starting to show. “Frenchie and I were in the van, and Kimiko had something to do. At that moment, I noticed him watching me from across the street.”
“Fuck, I knew from the way you smelt that bitter, like get into my nerves.” He questioned, without you even finishing your sentence, “And?”
You sighed as you noticed his growing impatience. “I wanted to talk to him, so I followed him until he stopped. I suppose I was naive.” 
Even though you were feeling vulnerable just now, you went on. “He didn't say a thing at all, and I don't know why, but he attacked me.”
“Fucking betraying son of a bitch, I should have murdered him when I had the chance.” Ben's hands were fisted on the bed, and his mind was racing with ideas as he growled with fury. “Did he do something to you?”
“Of course not,” you said with a sorrowful inner smile. “He would never be able to hurt me, even if he tried a hundred times.”
You winked at Ben, and he laughed. It gave you some relief to watch him become more relaxed. 
Playfully, he asked, “You're a fierce thing, aren't you?”
“Sometimes,” you replied with a smug grin. Ben noticed that you looked sad, and that's when your thoughts of Earving flashed across your mind. 
“Hey,” he murmured. “Stop worrying about that cunning cocksucker. You see, he was always a puppet of Stan Edgar and Vought. It has nothing to do with you. This won't ever, ever change.”
With a nod, you examined his bedroom and replied, “Yeah, I can see it clearly now.”
He cleared his throat. “You know, you can sleep in here whenever you want. You see, my bed is pretty bigger than yours, obviously more comfortable.” 
You arched an eyebrow suspiciously and asked, “Are you thinking funny things?”
“It's something I would never dare do,” he grinned. 
When he mentioned sleeping, you couldn't stop yawning and felt your body preparing to go back to sleep. You were aware that he wouldn't touch you without your consent, following what transpired between you. 
You rested your head on one of the pillows and mumbled, “Ben,” your eyes nearly closing from sudden exhaustion. “Can we continue training tomorrow?” 
“Of course, sweetheart.”
Ben felt his heart soften so much at the sight of you sleeping off in his bed that he felt as though he could soon lose his mind. It had only dawned on him that he needed to pay attention to such a minor thing. The amount of control you had over him when he awoke from decades of sleep was insane. Perhaps he had been blind and sleeping for a lot longer than he realized.
Next Chapter
A/N: I hope I didn’t fuck up this chapter, lol..And I know it is kind of slow, but I don’t want to rush things, since the reader went through a lot. Comments and reblogs are appreciated very much.  They keep me going. ♡˚.
Taglist: @mostlymarvelgirl @xmariakx @spnfamily-j2 @suspicious-stain-in-spain @atomicsoulcollecto @yvonneeeb @starryperson @mfnqueen1 @chaand-sitara @boywivlove @stilinskisthings @brynanna @delaynew @yoyoanaria @n-o-p-e-never @ghostslillady
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Let me know if you want to be tagged in this series. ♡˚.
Losing You series Masterlist is here.
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emilysslvt · 11 months
omg your emily and hotch’s daughter fic 🤭🥵🥵 would you ever consider a part 2??
Our secret
i'm glad you asked, i had no other story ideas at the moment! i wanted to add some drama, so ignore me.. also, happy birthday to me:) but it's not til the 15th, i just wanted to post earlier
warnings: arguing, smut, edging (sorta)
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After the night at the bar, you had been extremely busy with work. You haven't had the time for your date with Emily, but she'd still always tease you. Even if it was at work, you had found ways to sneak around without being caught. Well, hopefully.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Your thoughts immediately left your head as you looked up to see Derek in front of you.
You chuckled, shaking your head. Every thought you had was about Emily, and nobody knew about what you two had done in the bar. "Nothing. I'm just tired."
A smirk was plastered on his face, he knew you better than that. But he wouldn't pry you for answers. Thankfully, he had left you alone and he went back to his desk. However, the girl you admired had sat across from you at her desk.
Her eyes met yours, the sparkle in her eye always made you smile, make you feel like the happiest person in the world. You can tell so much emotion from someone's eyes.
"Y/n, my office please." Your father's voice made your head turn, breaking eye contact with Emily. Your coworkers made an 'ooo' sound, acting like children. Your eyes rolled, but you got up making your way to your fathers office.
You shut the door and sat down across from him. His eyes were looking at his paperwork, and he didn't look up. That always scared you, he was intimidating.
A couple minutes later, he finally looked up at you. "I need you to tell me about what you're doing with Emily." His voice was stern and full of anger. He couldn't possibly know.. could he?
"I'm sorry..?"
He never broke eye contact, which intimidated you more. "Y/n, tell me now."
"Dad, I don't know what you're talking about. She's my coworker, what else do you want me to say?" You did your best to stay calm, not looking guilty.
He scoffed, "I gave you a chance to tell me the truth." You watched him as he grabbed his phone, pulling up a picture of you and Emily. Her hand was around your waist, as you two kissed. You thought you were alone in that hallway, but it appears not. You were in disbelief, you didn't know what to say or do.
"I forbid you to see her."
"What?! That's not fair! You can't do that, I'm an adult and I can see whoever I want whenever I want." You protested, even though you'd lose against your father.
His hands slammed against the desk as he stood up, and you jumped. "Emily is my best friend, and on top of that my coworker! I will not allow for this to continue, and if it does I will place both of you on suspension or you'll be fired." His voice raised, and you wanted to cry. He never spoke this way to you, and you respected him but you couldn't at this moment.
You couldn't stop seeing her, she made you so happy. She was your favorite person, you couldn't. "Dad, I have so much respect for you, but I can't stop seeing her."
He scoffed, "it wasn't a choice, y/n. Stop seeing her. Now." His voice was filled with so much anger, you knew this was a losing game for you.
You stood up, "this isn't fair! Why are you doing this to me? Please don't make me."
"My decision is final."
You clenched your jaw, opening up the door. Your dad was already looking at his paperwork. You slammed the door as you left, making your way out of the bau. You kept your eyes forward, not looking at your wandering coworkers eyes.
You locked yourself into your car, and you started to breakdown. Your father has never acted like this before, he was a little uptight but he wasn't ever like this.
You suddenly jumped as a knock came from your window, you looked up, seeing Emily. Her face was filled with concern, and you unlocked the door. She made her way around the car, and into the passenger side.
Her hands cupped your cheeks, "what's wrong, my love? Why wre you crying?" You couldn't tell her, you didn't want to. You knew she would listen to your father, and take his side. You kept your eyes on the center counsel, as your tears fell down your cheeks.
"Baby, talk to me. I don't like seeing you like this, and I want to make you feel better." Her voice was soft and filled with concern.
You wiped your tears, finally looking up at her. "You can't. My dad said that.." you paused, trying to read her. She was patient, and she didn't push you for an answer.
"He said I can't see you anymore." Emily shifted in her seat, and she moved her hands. You thought this was it, and she was going to agree with him.
The car was silent, she didn't speak or look at you. You were worried, you have had a crush on her for ages. You couldn't lose her as soon as you got her.
Her voice broke your thoughts, "do you want to go on that date tonight?" Her eyes met yours, and you immediately smiled from relief.
Hours later, and Emily was at your front door. She eyed your body, admiring how beautiful you looked. "You look.. astonishing." You smiled, wrapping your arms around her neck, placing a soft kiss on her lips.
Her hands met your waist, rubbing your side. The kiss was slow at first, until Emily ran her tongue along your lip, pushing it into your mouth. As you pulled back for air, she smirked. "Good thing you pulled back, or else that dress would be off of you before we got into the restaurant."
You smiled, and she held her arm out for you. You linked your arms, making your way to her car.
You were at the restaurant, across from your lover. As the date went on, her face lit up. You loved her laugh, her smile, the way her eyes lit up every time you talked about something you loved.
You learned many things about Emily, you learned what her favorite hobby is, her favorite food, favorite alcoholic beverage, snack, what she does in her free time. You loved learning everything about her, you were happy she was opening up to you and still seeing you after everything you've been through.
After your perfect date night, you were in your driveway. You sat silently, looking at Emily. She smiled, leaning in. Her lips were inches apart from yours, she smirked, looking down at your lips.
"You know.. I've wanted to take that dress off of you all night." Her words made you shiver, the tone in her voice was filled with lust and desire.
You smiled, pulling back. "Then take it off." You quickly got out of the car, running into your house. Emily smiled, chasing after you. You went to shut the door in her face, but she beat you to it. Emily picked you up with one hand, as she slammed the door shut.
She pressed you against the door, as your legs wrapped around her. You laughed as her lips met yours, her hands running down your body. Her fingers danced along your skin, and you shivered.
Her hands slipped under your shirt, pulling it off of you. As your kiss broke, she began kissing your neck, sucking on your soft skin.
Her lips kept contact with your neck as she carried you to your bedroom, softly throwing you onto the bed. You held yourself up by your elbows, and Emily pulled her shirt off before climbing on top of you.
You smirked, grabbing the loop of her jeans to pull her up to you. She bit her lip, "impatient, are we?" She unclipped your bra as she watched you, your eyes never leaving hers.
Her eyes stayed on you as she leaned down, slowly swirling her tongue around your nipple. You laid against the bed, wrapping your arms around her waist. She smirked, biting your nipple as you tangled your hands in her hair. Her knee slightly pushed against where you needed her most, making you move your hips to feel her more.
Emily moved onto your other nipple, doing the same as before and she slowly slid her hand down your body, into your pants. You slightly spread your legs, giving her more access. She slowly circled your clothed clit, making you softly moan.
Her lips met your neck once again, and her hand stopped moving. She began unbuttoning your pants as she sucked a mark into your neck. "I wonder what Hotch will think of that." Emily smirked, pulling your pants off.
As she slid off your underwear, she kept her eyes on you. She sat between your legs, her hands gripping your thighs tightly.
As she kissed your inner thighs, you grew impatient. You needed her. "Emily, please.." you begged. Her smirk grew, as she leaned closer to your clit;
"What do you need? Hm?"
"I need you to fuck me. Please."
She smiled, "good girl." Emily ran her tongue along your clit, keeping her eyes on you. You kept your hands tangled in her hair, slightly pulling it. Emily was going at a slow speed, and it was killing you. You needed more of her.
You began moving your hips, but Emily quickly held them down. "Be patient. Or else I'll go slower." You nodded, and she smiled. Going back to circling your clit with her tongue, she went a bit faster than before, but still painfully slow.
As her speed increased, your moans got louder. She sucked and bit your clit, as she slid one of her fingers inside of you, moving it slowly. Her name slipped from your mouth multiple times, the way she made you feel was absolutely astonishing. You pulled Emily's hair tighter as she slid another one of her fingers inside of you, her pace increasing. You felt a knot in your lower stomach, and you felt your orgasm approaching.
Emily kept her speed, but every time she knew you were getting close she would slow down. She was edging you, making sure you hadn't cum yet. She replaced her tongue with her thumb, "if you want to cum, darling.. you better start begging." She whispered in your ear.
You could barely form any words, you were thoughtless. "Please, Emily. I need to cum, please.." You whispered, feeling your orgasm approach every time she sped up her movements. Emily's mouth was attached to your nipple, and she kept her current pace.
You figured she didn't think your begging was good enough, since she kept teasing you. "Please, mommy.." you whispered, feeling slightly embarrassed that she wouldn't like that. But your embarrassment quickly faded once Emily sped her movements up once again. Emily's name fell from your mouth as you came against her fingers. She let you ride out your high before removing her fingers, and putting them into your mouth. You sucked on her fingers, licking them clean.
"Such a good girl you are." Emily removed her fingers from your mouth, and she quickly got up, making her way to your bathroom. A second later she came back with a towel, cleaning your legs up. She threw the towel on the floor, and she laid beside you, pulling your body onto her chest.
Closing your eyes, you listened to her heartbeat. You felt so much comfort laying in her arms, like a teddy bear you'd cuddle as a child. Emily ran her fingers along your back, making you fall asleep quickly.
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Cat/Mouse/Den: Pt. 5, Royally Caught
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While tied down in a cartel interrogation room, König is forced to his mental breaking point when a certain sniper makes an appearance. Is she a rat, or here to chew him free...?
CW: Obsession, stalking, canon typical violence, intrusive thoughts, unsanitary wound care, graphic mentions of sex trafficking victims, abusive language, mentions of sexual violence.
Author's note: Please notice that warning have indeed changed for this chapter! Nothing happens in the story, but many hard themes come up as intrusive thoughts. Please be weary of these and feel no obligation in reading if doing so would make you uncomfortable!
Ahhh, well well well... it's finally here. Originally the concept of this chapter came from this YouTube Video as inspiration, specifically Labyrinth by OOMPH! And it sort of... wrote itself? The title is supposed to be a play on the phrase "Royally Fucked" because I did not feel like using a swear as a title. Anyways, you'll notice from my headcanons on König that I believe working as an insertions specialist for human trafficking seriously fucked him up. I also believe that he typically does not act out violently against women. So... what happens when he thinks Mouse is doing the very thing he hates so much? Well, you will have to see!
This chapter requires some suspension of disbelief, but the inspo was taken from the El Sin Nombre mission in MWii. Mouse is in the cartel house, undercover at a party and in an attempt to take out her target she saw an interesting video feed....
I must admit, this chapter has my favorite single or one off lines. I am really proud of it, please enjoy! But be warned, this is unabashedly horny/desperate/angsty/and the pining goes fucking nuclear. Have fun!
Also, if youre into the fake interrogation thing, then next chapter stays good for you, especially if you want mouse in the hot seat...
❣️Cura ut Veleas ~ Caedis 🥀 PREV | Pt. 5, Royally Caught | 4.2k words | König POV | NEXT
König did not expect his Friday night to end up with him locked in a storage container turned jail cell in Mexico. 
Yet here he is. 
At some point while raiding the Cartel Mansion in Las Almas, or more appropriately, trying to open an exterior wall so that KorTac could raid it, he had been shot with a tranquilizer gun. The shot didn’t knock him out entirely, the dosage was probably not completely calibrated to his weight, but it was enough to slow his escape down. He got about two miles out before men in an armored Jeep jumped him. 
And he woke up, here, about three hours ago. 
Two hours ago he broke his thumbs in an effort to get out of his cuffs, but someone must’ve caught his plan because immediately afterward two masked cartel members came into his cell and stuck a syringe into his arm. When he awoke for the second time, there was a durable cord keeping his wrists together instead. Feeling around he could tell that the rope had been burned into itself, creating a lack of weak spots for him to abuse in escape efforts. 
His legs were in a similar position, chorded down thick and heavy to the legs of the rusty metal chair he was in. He was still in most of his combat outfit, save his vest, weapons, and any tools he had on him when he was captured. 
They’d kept the hood on his face and they hadn’t removed his helmet. This, to König, showed an extraordinarily eerie amount of understanding for his position within KorTac. None of his comrades would recognize him by his face, and judging by the multitude of cameras in the room, he was intended to be… recognizable. 
At first, anyways. 
This cell was, unfortunately, familiar to him. The layout of the cot, the chair, the metal table, the haphazardly soldered-in door and door frame, the holes drilled into the sides of the metal container, and even the rudimentary sink and toilet combo was something he’d become viscerally acquainted with. 
This was a typical Al Qatala human trafficking cell, specifically designed so that multiple humans could be chained up in one space without sacrificing the capacity for good camera angles. Typically, these were set up in storage containers twice the size of this one, but he doesn’t really have any room to be complaining about getting put into a non-standard torture chamber. 
His specialty was cracking these when he was with the Austrian Special Forces. His real calling in life, his one true hatred. 
Fall on the sword you forge, he thinks. The understanding of what will become of him in short order is horrifying. He’s one of the few people on the face of the planet who’s seen this exact routine played out for other prisoners of war, usually at the behest of desperate governments seeking his expertise in getting their soldiers out of such dire confines. He wrote the book on what happens in these situations, when it happens, and where the person ends up. 
They never end up alive. Prisoners of war are different from sex trafficking victims. In some terrible way, it’s almost better to be the prior because at least then you don’t have to live the rest of your life after what’s happened to you. Death is a shitty kind of freedom, but it’s freedom nonetheless. 
Of his 86 consults, only seven were successfully rescued. 
Two of those died in trauma surgery. 
The last five had been in custody for less than 24 hours, he had personally rescued that group. To his knowledge, they’d all recovered decently well. Their mental health, however, could be a different story. Not like he was allowed to ask.
He’s going over every possible route of escape when he’s shocked out of his plans. 
The door directly in front of him opens, and his dark cell erupts with sickeningly bright, white light. His eyes strain trying to adjust to the intrusion as he takes in the form. 
A silhouette stands in front of him, all soft edges of black, arms braced on either side of the door frame. The backlighting gives the figure an almost angelic quality, a soft and fuzzy etherealness blends outlines and light. It’s the telltale curves of a woman, of soft thighs, of ample hips, of a woman’s bust. Little strands of fluorescence peek through a crown of hair on her head. 
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this, meine majestät.” The cruel Angel hums, voice like forbidden fruit any man could be forgiven for falling for. 
“Maus?” He calls out, desperate and confused and ready to shatter. 
“Quiet as a.” She calls back, composed as if entrenched in amber and equally as unmoved by his predicament. 
He’s always wanted to get his teeth around her pretty neck. He’s always desired to have his hands around her waist. He’s always hoped to be able to pound down into her quaking form. He’s been desperate to have her underneath him since their very first chance encounter. These feelings have been constant since he heard her beautiful voice, but suddenly they’re not the same. 
Now he wants all those things, but instead of their motivation being love, it is bloodlust. 
And intense bloodlust at that. 
He’s never wanted to kill a woman, he finds it despicable that women more or less get turned into cattle during war. He’s sure that Freud would have something to say about his neurotic insistence on not harming the fairer sex even with his typical caliber of violence, but he’s never once cared to self-examine that. His entire military career, in fact, was dedicated to saving women and children from the horrors of a very male, very sexual world. Insertions specialist, yes, but specifically for human trafficking situations. 
Looking into his wartime paramour's eyes, the intensity of hellfire overcomes him. His entire world crashes around him. He’s breathing in debris and dust as comes to the terrible conclusion that this entire time, it’s been her that has been perpetuating the injustice he so hates. That it’s been the thing he’s romanticized that’s been the fall of Rome. That it’s his savior that’s really been the perpetrator all along. 
Perhaps the devil was once an angel, but to see his Angel for the demon she is? It breaks his heart into gory chunks of splintered bitterness and hacked arteries where once love pumped. 
Never in his life has he ever wanted to kill a woman, never in his life he had loved a woman so completely either. 
Those two ‘never’s die loudly and crudely in his chest as he recounts how to kill her most painfully in his own mind. 
For her now obvious position perpetuating his most loathed evil? For tricking him into loving her? For both and neither? He doesn’t know. He’s about two seconds away from frothing at the mouth like a rabid animal that’ll break its bones escaping a trap. He’s got nothing in his brain, just white-hot anger from the tips of his combat boots to the tips of his ears. 
Not even the outfit, or more appropriately the lack thereof, that she’s wearing can dissuade his anger. In any other circumstance, to see her in a black draped silk dress with hip-high slits on both sides and a full set of harness garters holding up sheer pantyhose would make him go feral. It would make him kneel, it would give him all the power to break out of these bindings on his own with no help and slam her down into the metal floor and have her right here. He has the desire to do all these things right now, but for all the wrong reasons. 
She’s taking something out from beneath her left breast as he recounts every thought he’s ever had about her and how foolish they’ve all been. He thinks that the only consolation he may ever receive for this betrayal is if he can crush her windpipe in between his teeth. 
“If you can get your teeth around it, it’s yours.” He remembers her saying to him in one of her flirtations during their secret radio romances. 
The phrase echoes rough and screeching in his head as he thrashes against the metal chair and restraints. He doesn’t formulate any words, he can’t, she doesn’t even deserve them, as she takes the lighter and cigarette she’s produced from her brassiere to her mouth. Her expression is unconcerned when she takes the flip-top lighter (that has a fucking crown carved into it, the audacity, his teeth clench and voice roars at the implication she’s been planning this for a long time) and its little flicker of brimstone to the end of the cancer stick. 
She takes a short drag and holds it between two perfectly manicured fingers. She’s gotten a little lipstick on the filter. 
“You don’t smoke.” That is all he manages to spit out. The only thought he can think of. Nothing makes sense and he’s liable to maul her to death over it. Her tongue darts quickly and sinfully across the filter, her eyes never leaving his. She tosses her stare towards him playfully, her hips swing wide as she waltzes closer to him. 
“No,” she says, as she takes another step towards him. Even in those ridiculously tall, faux leather heels meeting the tips of his combat boots, she doesn’t particularly dwarf his size. She's got the tips of her shoes to the tips of his, her stance is wide to accommodate the positioning. The edges of the stockings on her legs disrupt in wave-like patterns where they collide with the rough edges of his tac pants. He looks and thinks about how if his clothes were a little thinner he may be able to feel her warmth. He wonders just how long it would take her corpse to go ice cold, because she clearly does not deserve to be alive. He forces himself to look up at her and he thinks about clawing out her eyes. 
“But you do.” 
She reaches her hand towards his hood and strokes his cheek through the fabric. He snarls and snaps his head away from her, reeling from the touch he’s so deplorably yearned for. Her placid expression drops entirely as she sees his reaction. 
If he didn’t know any better, he’d say that his perfect little Mouse looked heartbroken over his refusal of her blandishments. 
He wants to rip her still-beating heart out of her chest for the sheer nerve to display that sort of emotiveness to him. That she acted like there was something there when there very clearly wasn’t. That she lied so thoroughly to him. 
That she made him love her when now he can see she never loved him back. 
She takes a shuddering breath in and makes a concerted effort to put her expression back into place, to impose some sort of divine rule back over her features. It’s strange to see her trying so hard when she’s obviously been such a good actor for so very long. 
“I just need some information, darling. No need to be so skittish, I brought you creature comforts for your cooperation.” She purrs, flicking some ash from the cigarette. “I know you could use a smoke right now, handsome.” 
The bile in his stomach flips at the pet names he would usually kill for. Pet names he’s never had until this moment. His two addictions lay in front of him, together, wrapped up in black silk, and the only thing he can think about is how much he wants to tear it all to shreds. 
Her hand follows his cheek to where it’s escaped her grasp. He is powerless to stop her as she rolls up his mask. 
To his surprise, she stops rolling it up just high enough to expose his mouth and leaves the bunched cloth on the bridge of his nose. He wants to scream at the tenderness of the action, she’s giving him as much of his well-loved privacy and solitude as she can while bringing him, an active prisoner of war, a fucking cigarette while wearing the sexiest thing he’s ever seen. 
The cruelty of it all had found the border of divinity and reality and ripped it open like C4 explodes plywood doors. There must be a God, and he must be in hell. 
She gets dangerously close, close enough for him to bite, and her hand with the cigarette makes contact with his jaw. Her sharp, black, fake nails trail from close to his ear, down to his mouth at a tantalizingly languid pace. She bends down and puts her lips a hair's breadth away from his ear and he is about to actually bite her neck to kill-
“I’m trying to get you out. Play along.” She whispers and flips the cigarette into his mouth. 
He takes a long drag. 
He feels the relief of nicotine in his lungs. 
He closes his eyes. 
He thinks about what she said. 
He doesn’t quite believe her as she takes the cigarette out of his mouth before he has to fumble to exhale around it. Her thumb traces the outline of his thin, scarred lips. Her eyes bore into his from above. 
She puts it back into his mouth. 
He takes a long drag. 
She takes it out of his mouth and puts it into hers. She takes a shorter drag. He doesn’t miss the way that she keeps all the smoke in her cheeks, not actually smoking it at all. A little taste of non flavored-wax sticks to his mouth from the lipstick and he wonders if she can taste his mouth too…
The takes the lipstick-stained tube out of her lips, taps it clean, and puts it back into his. 
He takes a long drag. 
She takes it back out of his mouth and wipes at his lips with the pad of her thumb. His brain is too busy switching between wanting to bite her thumb off and wanting to suck on it like a dog for him to decide what to do before the obtrusive digit has been taken away. 
“Sorry, big guy. Got some lipstick on you.” 
She retreats from his form and goes to sit on the metal table slightly adjacent to the chair he’s strapped to. She puts the still-lit cigarette to rest in an ashtray next to her hip. She also puts the flip-top lighter down. On the bottom of the lighter, he sees some engraving, but he can’t make it out from how far away it is. 
She crosses her legs on the edge of the table and the black silk she’s wearing all but flees off of the expanse of her now exposed thigh. She taps her fingers slowly on the metal, the pitter patter of plastic-press-on-nails on metal goes in time with his heartbeat. 
“Who are you with?” She asks, and he laughs. She knows. 
“Nein.” He responds. Is he refusing her, or this little game? He doesn’t know. She seems to understand, though, when she leans into his personal space and he has to fight the urge to look down her lack of dress and perfect tits-
“That’s no way to act after I got you a present, now is it?” She hums at the pulse point between utter cruelty and complete levity. He tests the restraints keeping his hands tied and sighs at the realization that they are still tighter than he can manage to worm out of effectively.
“I will not repeat what you already know.” He bites out. 
“Clever boy,” she smiles and he can’t help but think and hope that maybe this cruel Angel is being genuine, maybe she really does want to get him out of here. He murders the hope in his brain the second he recognizes what it is. “So tell me, what were you doing here?”
“You know.” 
“I’m afraid I do.” Her lips tense into a thin line and she looks down at her watch. She begins to swing the foot of her raised leg idly and-
She puts her foot onto the back of his chair right on his shoulder and oh my god her cunt is right next to my mou-
“Audio just cut out. I’m undercover here. Site goes dark for 2 minutes or less in 30 seconds. I’m going to pretend to interrogate you for a little while after we come back online to sell it. And then I’m out.” She warns, voice low and quick. 
Once again, he has to fight every electric cell in his body to not lunge at her and rip her clothes to tatters (and maybe her, the jury’s still out on her trustworthiness) as he breathes in the smell of fresh nylons and her cunt like a fucking dog. Not making eye contact with her panties is also a losing game, and it’s one he seriously wishes he had decided against playing because it’s a sheer black lacy pair, because of course it is, and he can very nearly make out the curves of her sex through it. 
“How do I know how to trust you?” He spits and blood flows out of his brain when he sees a tiny, minuscule amount of his saliva landing on her clothed cunt. He snaps his gaze back to her face. She looks rather smug and pleased with herself, he scolds his inner monologue when he dares to notice just how hungry her beautiful eyes look... He wants to wipe the smile off her face, through a kiss or through slicing it off with a knife, he’s not sure yet. 
“You don’t.” She shrugs and somehow scoots even the littlest bit closer to him. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here, if I was I’d have brought a little more stopping power.” Stopping power? What is she talking about? Her beautiful features soothe themselves into a giggle and Gott, she’s very pretty with eyeliner and lipstick on, the little vixen. I want to ruin it. 
“I’m surprised you haven’t noticed it. Put your cheek against my thigh.” She laughs. 
Even if it’s a trick, König decides that if he’s going to die anywhere, it might as well be in between Mouse’s thighs in mere milliseconds. The throbbing in his pants also suggests that he’s probably forgiven her by now as well. He leans his cheek and feels cool metal hit it. He whips his head to look and tucked into her garter is a sizable knife. 
When he looks back to her eyes he notices dumbly that she must be able to tell how desperately he’s in love with her because she’s smiling something wicked down at him. Angels aren’t supposed to be cruel, but he’s forgiven anything and everything she’d ever done wrong in exchange for the expanse of her thigh and the promise of a knife. 
“If you can get your teeth around it, it’s yours.” She says with a smile like absolution. His mind alights with a terrible test of faith for her, with a truly awful proving method to try her loyalty to his rescue. He turns his mouth to the knife, and instead of taking it in his teeth, he takes her flesh in his teeth. 
She whimpers as he teeth attempt to gain purchase through the nylon of her stockings. He gnaws at them until he makes a little opening, and through it, he punches down his teeth until he’s sure he will leave a mark, but not draw blood. 
“Does that include you, mein Mäuschen?” He purrs into her now-exposed flesh. He peers up at her and he revels in the shock on her face. She shudders at his words and attention and something worse than pride finds a home in his hollow but newly hopeful chest. 
She doesn’t move her leg away and he hums in satisfaction at the gesture. Instead, she looks worryingly down at her watch. 
“You have 1 minute. Take the knife, keep it in your mouth under your hood, and give me 30 minutes to get out of here before you escape.” She says instead of responding. 
While realistically he knows that she doesn’t really have an option in leaving him, that it would be too dangerous to leave together, that they are still technically enemies even on neutral ground- he can’t help but be disappointed that his Angel intends on leaving without him. Even more so that she doesn’t seem to want to answer him when she made the rules in the first place. 
“Why are you helping me?” He asks, hoping for some clarity, for some tell-tale sign that this isn’t some weird horny fever dream he’s made up in his own little hell, worried that she will drag him back down from heaven and reveal that this, too, was part of the ploy to destroy whatever of him remained. 
“Because I know you’d do the same for me.” 
She says it without question but instead questions the motive. She says it like someone prays, like believing in the possibility of salvation but not quite sure how to get there. She says it like a guardian angel takes missions, unsure of her exact purpose but faithful in her understanding that there is one. 
The deep cavern of his obsession temporarily closed and covered by the implication of her treachery, widens and deepens impossibly as he smiles into the knife on her thigh. It’s just a knife, but she believes in him enough to offer her only protection to him, and she believes that it is all he will need to make it back to her on the field. 
He plucks the knife from her garter with his teeth. He tries to memorize her smell, her taste, the feel of her soft and plush skin on his cheek. It’s an intoxicating experience he isn’t quick to squander, but the implied hope that when not if he can get out of this she will be there waiting for him? That makes ending this warm-up worth it if it means he can get to the game and maybe, finally, win the prize. 
She retracts her foot from his shoulder and lets down his hood from his face. She leans in terribly close and whispers, “After 20 yards, take your first left outside the second retaining wall. There’s only two guards there, it’s your best shot.” He hums in affirmation and adoration and she sits back into her position on the table. She looks at her watch and gives a curt nod: the game is back on. 
She takes the cigarette back and draws the smoke into her cheeks and lets it flow out like a deadman’s soul floats to heaven, somehow rushed and languid all at once.
“We’ve been having quite the time trying to figure out your-“ he completely zones out whatever she’s saying in favor of watching the mark his mouth gifted her turn darker as the seconds draw on. It’s not like he could respond even if he wanted to, that would risk the knife she’s so lovingly gifted him into his lap and ruining the whole escape (and worse, endangering her.)
So, instead, he stares at her like the goddess she is. He burns the curve of her stomach between her hips behind his eyelids, he imagines resting his head there and kissing the smooth skin. He savors the way her ass flattens ever-so-slightly where it meets the metal table she’s sitting on, he thinks about holding her up by her ass alone and the plush yet firm give of her flesh. He drinks in the sight of her cleavage heaving when she emotes after a particularly loud question, he hopes what little he can’t see is the same type of perfect as the rest of it. Every once in a while he lets out a quiet huff around the blade in his mouth, in a vague response to something she’s said. Mouse gets “angry” in response, she even slaps him once or twice. 
He doesn’t mind. It’s all a waiting game, after all. 
König is many things, and a competitor is first and foremost. 
If Mouse knows where he’s staring for the duration of their play date of an interrogation, she doesn’t mention anything. With one last stinging (and dizzying…) strike to the cheek, she all but yells “Fine! Let’s see if you’re so tough after 8 hours alone in this hell hole.”
When she turns to walk out of the door she came in, König feels a part of his heart leave with her. He breathes harshly over the outline of the metal in his teeth as he admires the confident sway of her hips. He bites harder on the metal when she tosses a sympathetic look back to him and blows a fucking kiss. 
Sitting, alone in the dark of the converted storage container, he spends the most excruciating thirty minutes of his life occupied only with her phantom touch and his depraved fantasies. 
“Because I know you’d do the same for me.” Echoes in his head in time with his heartbeat, in time with his imaginary minstrations on her form, in time with what he is sure will be the death of him. 
That and so much more, he thinks when he finally, finally, manages to rid himself of his binds with the knife his Engel so graciously snuck him, 27 minutes after she leaves when some cartel member comes to check up on him.
König loses himself in the beautiful catharsis of stabbing the man who comes to fetch him so violently, that the blade to the knife literally snaps off somewhere in his bowels. He loots the cadaver for his gun and ammunition as well as another knife. He feels awful to leave one of her gifts discarded in the abdomen of some filthy cretin of a man, but he recognizes he really does not have much of a say in the matter when he hears the footfalls of his fellow cartel members rushing towards his location.
With one last sigh and a wayward glance to assure himself that he really did get his mouth around her and this wasn’t some dream, he prays in the form of bullets as he guns down anyone stupid enough to get in his way to escape. 
Be safe, my darling Maus. I will be back for you. 
I promise.
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taglist! @kneelingshadowsalomegshadowsalome @sprout-ficsout-fics @bucca2cca2 @dead-cipher @gallowsjoker @lostagoodcigar @berryjuicyyy @haisebo @crowbird
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rebuke-me · 2 months
Deere for the ask game?
when I started shipping it if I did:
okay i don't remember why i started shipping them. bc it was in the years where my memories are a void. but i think it started as me being like haha wouldn't it be funny if they kissed and then it just kept happening. and here we are.
my thoughts:
[ LOUD BARKING NOISES TEARING UP CARDBOARD BREAKING GLASS ETC ] idk i think im pretty normal about them
What makes me happy about them:
they are. really good parallels. they have enough in common in their base personalities (care about others, passionate about interests, similar parental issues) but enough thats different that makes them compelling. also. i am a slut for a height difference ship. and apparently fire/ice coded ships? idk
What makes me sad about them:
the fact that no one else ships them /j. kidding. uh. god a lot actually. they have such potential to be messy (jake's indecisive nature vs jeremys need to be wanted clash SO messy sometimes) and bad for each other but they also have such a potential to build each other up and counteract their bad traits. like. god. they make me need to lay down on the floor for a while
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
the fact that there's just me /hj. actually no that ones serious. i havent read enough deere fic from not me to be annoyed by it.
things I look for in fanfic:
it to exist
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
i really think that they r both cute with christine. and i don't. really like them for anyone else anymore? i used to be like oh yeah im a multishipper but at this point i'm kind of not. i like deere and then sometimes christine as the third leg of their throuple.
My happily ever after for them:
living together in a house/apartment with a dog and two cats. they don't get married bc they probably both don't like the idea of it (parent issues) but they're longterm partners. i also like both of them ending up as high school teachers (gym and english, respectively) and none of their students rlly knowing that they're a couple but everyone suspecting.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
do you even have to ask. (jake is the big spoon jeremy is the little spoon, they tried the other way around once and jeremy joked about being like a backpack and now every time they do it that way, jake bursts out laughing and they cannot do it)
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
i firmly believe that they watch garbage sci-fi movies and jake critiques every single scientific inaccuracy and jeremy shushes him about it being metaphor or suspension of disbelief.
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venomouschocolate · 27 days
Why Do They Talk Like That: a stream of consciousness
Fantasy linguistics are so hard like where do you draw the line... I mean none of my characters are referencing major theistic religions or using real life loanwords or expletives but then there's quote-unquote fun stuff like "sadism" or "lunatic" or "sinister". i.e the Marquis de Sade does not exist in this world, but the concept of pleasure from cruelty does... Latin is not a language there, but I, personally, am writing in English, which has much of its etymology rooted in Latin (as well as pretty much every other language ever), even if there is no hate for left-handed people or indeed the left in this world, so "sinister" is inexplicable in itself now (odd how the left has historically been demonised and that it's also the socialist side of the political spectrum. not that odd really. thank you robert walpole?). The same with "lunatic": the moon is literally worshipped in some areas of my world, but it's still a term characters use, despite the moon having positive connotations.
Where Do You Draw The Line... I can't write in a conlang because a) I am not masochistic but b) I want my work to actually be read. You can imply different languages with accents and word choice and compound words, but ultimately I am writing in the same language for all (despite being bilingual, go me!) and ultimately that language is one that exists only in our world and not in the one that I've created.
While we're here, let's talk about swearing (cursing if you're american?) in fantasy settings. I don't mean "oh my god/s", that's arguably blasphemy and certainly not explicit; I don't mean "bloody" (not really explicit either) because frankly that does tend to fit a fantasy vibe with the type of characters likely to use it (considering the real world stereotypes and thus the archetypes an author will write using it). I mean expletives like "fuck", "bitch", "shit": STOP USING THEM. you absolute buffoons.
Recently I read a fantasy novel which included a whole magic system and several countries with absolute monarchies, etc, and they kept using expletives and it just did not work, and it never does. A step back: I believe that using expletives when writing in a real world setting (provided it's period-believable, of course) can work, and often (not always, not even mostly) works - I do it myself. However, believable expletives and exclamations and intensifiers can and sometimes do make or break worldbuilding, at least for me. The worldbuilding in the novel was fine, good even! But every time the (twenty-eight-year-old) mc used "fucking" or "bitch", I was immediately yanked out of the story and into reality. It was like reading a period piece (say, in the 19th-early 20th century) and seeing "bitch" in the expletive (slur) sense. I don't care whether it would be used: I don't BELIEVE that it would be.
Suspension of disbelief is everything, which (as a theatre kid...) is, I suspect, why musical films don't work: we're primed for a more true-to-life piece, whereas in a theatre, we're prepared to cast a lot more aside. We KNOW they're actors, we know bursting into song is unrealistic, but it's the stage! We believe it anyway. Seeing a fantasy character, particularly one that was meant to be a minor royal, consistently THINK in expletives (and not just exclaim them!) felt to me like watching Mean Girls The Musical The Movie. I did not believe the magic (which was a major plot point so it kind of sucked). I did not believe that the characters saying "bitch" and "fuck" would say those words, especially since those characters were almost exclusively limited to the middle-aged queen, an almost thirty-year-old established to be groomed into mild-mannered obedience, the former queen's guard and a (bastard) prince. I did not believe that the characters whose thoughts I was reading would think them, and thus I did not believe in the story.
If you're going to create a prose-based world intended to be separate from our own in terms of religion/history/sociopolitical structure/magic/etc, you NEED to think about the linguistics. I'm not saying think HARD or be super mega creative: in my sky-worship country, a common exclamation is "stars-be", short for "stars-be-dimmed", ditto "skies-be" and "skies-be-felled". My sun-based little sillies go "be-set" as in "sun-be-set"; the only country in a technological revolution (also the only country with guns): "I'm not wired that way"; "he's gearing for a fight"; "I was shooting for you". Furthermore, when explaining their culture in other languages, they struggle for words, because, for example, a train is a monolingual concept (one falters when about to describe someone as a "train wreck" and just goes "sorry"). It's not clever, it's not particularly original, but, in my opinion, it makes the language, and by extension the world, more believable.
While I'm mid-rant: there's a marked difference between characters of different class and upbringing. My more religious, self-righteous queen of skycountry says "my stars": she rules the country, she is a little crazy insane, she feels that she owns the sky, too. A less-educated character uses slang like "lunar", "feared", "heartfulness" where his posh boy counterpart says "insane", "afraid" and "empathy". And yes, I am totally neurodivergent, and I think about details, and I also study the development of the English language and want to continue to do so at university, so of course I am more drawn to it, but at the end of the day if you're writing prose then the words are really bloody important.
TLDR: worldbuilding is hard; do your high fantasy (or even low fantasy) characters NEED to say "fuck"?
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doberbutts · 2 months
Ok. So. I am writing a D&D fanfic (lots of vagueness, not like BG3 or any specific adventure module or novel) and am planning/hoping to write an intersex and trans character who has 5-alpha reductase 2 deficiency (or I hope that's it? I looked it up a few days ago), so he was raised as a girl but "became" a boy at puberty, which the people in his hometown who knew him growing up think must have been magically done, since Faerun doesn't have karyotyping or stuff like that, and he kept insisting as a child that he wanted to be a boy. I wanted to write about how this affected/continues to affect his life, what happens if/when people find out, things like that, but I don't want to unwittingly be writing some horrible trope version of intersex. I can use my own experiences for his transness, but I have a much more limited knowledge of intersexness.
I, unfortunately, really don't know much of anything about that particular variation, as it is not my own. I do think, however, that I have a few followers who do, so I'm opening this one up to see who may be able to help.
Personally for my BG3 fanfic I am writing a Faerun that A: is predominantly bi/pansexual (iirc that is already pretty much canon lore anyway) and B: does not lock gender onto agab or primary/secondary sex characteristics outside of a few of the more repressive societies (such as the drow- and even then mostly the ones under the matriarchs in the underdark). Dude with a vagina? Meh, same shit different day. Lady with a penis? Some people are just like that, who cares. Nonbinary? Yeah idk what to tell you some people just have "it's complicated" as their gender.
Considering we've got humans making out with sentient lizards and It's Totally Fine And Not Bestiality to fuck a druid in wildshape, I think that Faerun giving zero fucks about transgender or intersex status is possibly the least suspension-of-disbelief-breaking mechanic I could build into my interpretation of the world.
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seantaeanewgenie · 16 days
Shantae: A New Genie Trivia #1
Here's a little idea I'm doing where I share little trinkets of information from my Shantae fanfic.
Shantae and Vera are both fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
I really enjoy giving names to the characters who didn't have any before. Rotty's human form is Rosa, Chef Girl is now Emma, "Sirens" is merely a title while they all have their own original names, and so on.
Nora (Lobster Siren) is a big comic book and anime fan, repeating stuff she sees (like the Ginyu Force pose) and general quotes from the movies and cartoons. She likes Avatar too, but prefers the sequel with Korra more.
I imagined Molly (Coral Siren) would have the voice of Peridot (Shelby Rabara) from Steven Universe. I chose her because of a fanart I saw of Coral Siren once that gave off serious Peridot energy. She likes sci-fi movies, but she is cursed to always nitpick the films whenever they break her suspension of disbelief. She still enjoys the films but she can never turn her brain off like Nora can and just enjoy the film as a whole. Her sisters wonder why she keeps watching these films if she keeps nitpicking them.
Generally, the fancasted voices I gave the characters were based characters with similar roles to the ones in my story. Bolo acts a bit more like Sokka from Avatar in my version, so that's why I picked Sokka's original voice, Jack De Sena. I kept Cristina Vee for Shantae and Risky because I can't imagine anybody else for the role.
I wanted to make Sky a lot more sensitive and caring than how she's been depicted in recent games (7 Sirens especially). That's why I imagined Ashley Johnson, the the voice of Gwen Tennyson from Ben 10: Alien Force, doing the voice for Sky.
I made Nora the daughter of Iris (Empress Siren) since they're the only Sirens in the games to share the same species and I thought it would be a fun connection. I also made it so Nora can talk normally because I figured it would be a hassle translating all her squeaking from the games. Since Iris can talk normally and Nora is her daughter in this version, I figured both should talk normally.
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nokacchan · 2 years
I Like U | BaseBall Boys Series | Kim Seungmin
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pairing : kim seungmin x fem!reader
genre : fluff // mention of bullying (very light) // seungmin contemplating 🤣
note : not read proof or proof read whatever so... 🫠✌🏻
summary : The puppy-like Kim Seungmin has everyone's hearts blown away. When he saw a girl getting bullied in the cafeteria for the first time ever, he felt his heart torn into pieces. Immediately covering the girl with his jacket before the bully could even drench her in milk. Everyone was surprised to see him helping the girl out but what they didn't know was that the girl they were bullying was someone who meant a lot to him. Even though she decided to break their friendship without any reason, his little crush on her never stopped.
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It always hurts to break your friendship apart especially when no reason is told. You didn't hate seungmin neither did he hate you. However, in the 2nd week of university, everything went downhill. Seungmin didn't know what was going on.
You always watched him from afar. He looked happy with his new group of friends. Thinking to yourself, maybe it was better that way. Your avoidance led to your friendship being torn apart silently. This kept on going for the past 1 year until...
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Seungmin aggressively stood up, heading towards the direction where a crowd of girls gathered. The boys looked at him bewildered. "Seungmin! Where are you going—". The sound of a drink splashing was heard. Students near them gasped in surprise.
The boys jaws dropped as they witnessed the supposed female victim of the bully being shielded by seungmin. Never had they seen seungmin interact with her which took them by surprise.
"s-seungmin?". The familiar scent you longed for. You sobbed quietly. You felt a coat cover your body as the sounds of the milk dripped down the floor. You dared yourself to look up in his direction.
"Are you alright?". The first thing that came out of his mouth. He was drenched in milk but seemed to be unbothered by it. You nodded hesitantly. He helped you stand up, immediately pulling you to stand behind him. You gripped tightly onto his coat that he drapped across your shoulder.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!", He yelled at the group of girls in front of him. The girl nearest to him, flinched in surprise. Everyone in the cafeteria had their eyes on the event unfolding. The well known baseball player of their school & notable known for being school's sweetheart was suddenly gone. It was as if he had changed his persona.
His jaw clenched. You had never seen him this angry before despite knowing for almost a decade. "she was being rude so I had to teach her a lesson", the girl tried to reason. The girl had her hands, palm to palm, begging for him to believe her little pathetic lie. It was obviously a little far fetched.
Seungmin scoffed in disbelief. He clicked his tongue. "Really? I saw everything that happened from afar. So you're telling me, drenching her in milk would solve the problem!?....you know what. I'm not going to waste my time on people like you. I'll make sure the headmistress suspense you from this university. Even better if she expelled you", he spoke in a threatening tone. The group of girls immediately ran away.
You bite your lips. Slightly self-conscious at what trouble you were getting yourself in. Seungmin turned his body. He grabbed your arm, dragging you along with him. "Let's go y/n. We don't entertain people like them". Everyone watches as the two of you walk out of the cafeteria.
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"How long has this been going on?", seungmin sat across you on the bed. You covered your face, not daring to face him. You knew he was furious.
"Y/n, talk to me... please", he pulled your hand away from your face. He gently wiped away the fallen tears on your cheek. You hesitantly nodded your head. He looked at you for approval before pulling you into a hug.
You rested your head against his chest. You gripped onto his shirt tightly. Seungmin left a kiss on the top of your head. His left arm, gently stroking your arm, hoping you would calm down sooner.
The boys peeped through the slightly ajar door to seungmin's room. They had no idea who you were or how you were connected to seungmin. The way seungmin looked at you, it was as if he knew you for years.
"Check this out", Felix whispered, gaining the boys attention. Moving quietly away the seungmin's door, making their way back to the living room. Felix pans seungmin's phone towards their direction.
"Girlfriend? Ex girlfriend? Crush?".
Seungmin was always very cautious. He never left his phone laying around. Well unfortunately he had entirely forgotten about his phone that he left it in Felix's hand.
The phone was unlocked. An immediate picture of you and him hugging was revealed. Judging by the photo, they could tell, it was taken during seungmin's high school days.
Whoever you were, you must have played a big role in his life for him to defend you like that in front of the whole school.
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The girls involved in the bullying case were expelled. The school couldn't tolerate bullying cases. Especially since multiple victims had come forward to testify.
Seungmin and you talked things out. Eventually you got back to your usual bubbly self that he knew in highschool. You knew he meant well. You just wished you had the guts to tell him about the bullying.
However the aftermath definitely made seungmin more cautious. He always sticking by your side. Whenever he had practice, he would force you to wait for him. He was worried if anything bad would happen again to you.
"Seungmin, I'll be fine! I swear!", you tried to walk away from him. He only blocked your only way out. "No. You're not leaving school without me. You know I mean well", he stood closer to you. You sighed. You cupped his face.
"Min. I know you mean well but that incident happened like 3 months ago. The school already blacklisted the girls from entering the university. You got to let it go", you gently caressed his cheeks.
Seungmin pouted. "Fine...just call me when you reach back your dorm". You smiled. "I will, now you sir, need to get back to your baseball training". You nudged his shoulder towards the door.
He dramatically rolled his eyes at you. He ruffled your hair. "Promise?" "Yeah yeah promise". You linked your pinkie with his. He smiled, being satisfied with your answer.
He walked out of the school building. He momentarily stopped walking, turning to look at you.
"Bye! Remember to call me!", He yelled.
You gestured to him to go which made him squint his eyes at you. You giggled at the sight as you watched his figure become smaller in the distance.
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"What's up with you being all moody today", Jeongin spoke, opening his changing locker. Seungmin pouted while shrugging his shoulder. "Nothing~", he sighed. Jeongin let out a laugh as he watched seungmin eyed his phone.
"You are waiting for her to call you, right?". Jeongin patted seungmin's shoulder. Seungmin groaned, pushing away jeongin who was shirtless. "Put on your shirt bro. I don't need to see my friends shirtless". Jeongin laughed as he wore his baseball attire.
"You definitely like her— Oh look she's calling you". Seungmin immediately answered the call, making Jeongin laugh even more.
"Took you long enough"
"Sorry~ I was changing anyways, are you coming over later?"
"Stop being so pissy"
"I'll see you later min"
"See you. Bye"
"Jeez...bye bye, love ya"
"....love ya too"
Seungmin cheeks were heating up. A small smile made its way on his face. Luckily jeongin had left the changing room, leaving him alone. It was a normal thing that you two say back in highschool before parting ways but it felt so different when you're in university. At an age where most people would have a significant other.
"Maybe I do...still like her?...but does she?"
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"What's up?", you rested your chin on his shoulder, looking at him.
He turned around, lips inches apart from each other. His eyes widened, immediately turning away. "Uh...nothing?". You rolled your eyes, wrapping your arms around his right arm. "Kim seungmin", you glared at him. He gulped, eyes trying to focus back at the screen, playing the latest k-drama.
He knew he had to talk it out with you. If he kept silent, it felt like he was going to explode. He paused the show before turning to look at you. "Don't get mad if I tell you". You nodded your head cheerfully with a huge smile on your face. He sighed.
"I like you", he shutted his eyes, waiting for your response. A few seconds passed without a word from you. Just as he was about to open his eyes, he felt you kissing his cheek. His eyes shot open. He was almost in disbelief.
"What?", you spoke nonchalantly. "You know I mean as a me having a crush on you, right???", Seungmin clarified. You nodded your head. Suddenly you pouted.
"What you don't believe I like you too?". He panicked momentarily. It made you laugh. "I'm serious min, I really like you too". It took him a couple minutes to digest the answer. When he did, he engulfed you in a hug.
"Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me". You chuckled as you hugged him back.
What a weird way to confess but he got you in the end.
The end.
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taglist : @spideyweirdo @angsty-nobody @lilydaisyyy @secretwhisperer @yejis-biggest-simp @sherryblossom @miss-sarcasms (lmk if you want to be removed/added)
© nokacchan 2022
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 8 months
Percy Jackson Series Review (Spoilers for Whole Season 1!)
I finally watched the finale for the Percy Jackson series and figured I'll write a review for the whole season. Overall I think it was a good season, there were some really great moments and I think the cast did a really good of capturing the characters and the relationships from the books. However for me there were a few issues with the first season. So before getting into it, these are my own thoughts and opinions and there is a spoiler warning in effect from here on out, you have been warned. I'm going to start with my critiques first to get them out of the way and because I think its better to end on a good note. If you are someone who loved the show, believe it could do no wrong and don't want to hear any criticisms, feel free to skip over this section. For me personally though my critiques were enough of an issue for me that it did effect my enjoyment of the show at times which is why I want to talk about them, this wouldn't be an honest review if I didn't. But don't worry as long as my critique may be, my list of things I loved is even longer.
Ok I'm sorry but I hated how whenever the heroes would show up at a monsters lair, eg medusa, the lotus casino and crusty's, they would instantly announce whose lair it was and how they trap their victims. To me this was just boring. In the books part of the fun was that they wouldn't immediately know but there would be little clues as to who they were dealing with. It added suspense, a sense of stakes and danger to those scenes in the book because you knew it was likely connected to a greek monster and you were waiting for the reveal, if you were a reader who knew greek mythology it was also fun to try and guess who the monster was before the reveal as well. But none of that was transferred over to the show. I have seen the argument made that well Sally taught Percy Greek Mythology in the series and Annabeth knows about Greek Mythology from camp so it makes more sense that they would know instantly and yeah doesn't stop it from being boring, sorry. For me I would rather something be suspenseful and exciting and have build up and have to adopt a bit of suspension of disbelief than have something that is technically realistic and makes sense and be boring, for me the worst crime a show can commit is to bore me. Besides them knowing Greek Mythology would be what allows them to figure it out just in the nick of time. After all the whole point is that these monsters have disguised themselves within the real world so that they can trick demi-gods etc, what would show these kids skills is them figuring out and defeating the monster just before they fall victim to them unlike the monsters other casualties. I guess what I am saying is there was a better way of showing that these kids were myth savvy and smart whilst still keeping the suspense and sense of danger. The way they did it made me feel like the characters were just hitting pause on the scene then going hold on let me just give the audience the cliff notes of this particular greek myth and then we'll get back to our regular scheduled viewing. It felt out of place, the dialogue was awkward to me and it was just the epitome of telling and not showing. The first time it happened I was a little disappointed but I shrugged it off, but as the season went on and it kept happening over and over I just got more frustrated with it, to the point that when Percy walked into Crusty's and announced 'I know who you are' I just rolled my eyes.
So the next criticism I have is the whole Lotus Casino scene. This scene was just a huge disappointment to me because once again it was boring. It started with our usual cliff notes break down of who the lotus people are and how they trap people with food (lotus flower) and then it was just them walking through the casino. Again in the book this scene is fun, the whole point of the casino is that it is so fun, so intoxicating that it distracts our heroes from their quest. They get taken in by it all and just become twelve year old kids, like that moment in the finale where Annabeth talks about how her dad wants to take her to Disneyland and Percy replies 'just be a kid' well the casino was supposed to be disneyland ok. It was supposed to be the fun place that every kid dreams of going and the place where a kid can just lose themselves in the fun and the wonder of it all. Instead in the show it was just lacklustre and underwhelming. Don't get me worng the scene with Hermes was amazing and I will talk about it more later, and I get the whole idea they were going with by having Annabeth and Percy not forget each other because they were together but Grover does forget because he was alone, I love that idea, it was a nice sentiment and good lesson but again I feel like it could have been done in a more exciting way. Percy and Annabeth could still have been distracted from the mission and had fun at the casion but maintained their memory of each other because they were together, they could have broken out of the 'spell' because they weren't alone and they could have had it so Grover finds it harder to break out of it because he was alone. Same message but whilst still keeping that sense of child like fun and wonder and excitement. I know many will hate me bringing the movies into it but in my opinion the movies did the casino scene better and I do wish the show had kept that level energy and excitement that the movie had in that scene, I do wonder though if part of the reason why they didn't go the route of showing the heroes having fun was because they didn't want there to be any comparison to the movie scene, like they wanted it to be so different that you wouldn't be able to make any connection between the two, but that's just me speculating.
Another thing is the whole deadline already passing change. Now the change itself I'm not upset by, I don't need the show to be an exact copy of the book and it was clearly set up to have that scene where Poseidon surrenders to save Percy, which I am definitely talking about that scene later in the things I loved part because that scene was just amazing. But my issue was first off the reaction of Percy and Annabeth when they realise how long they've been in the casino and they later learn that the deadline has passed. There is no sense of urgency or panic, they announce it like they are announcing a weather update, like oh we've wasted a load of time, we've missed the deadline, bummer. I just wish they had put a little more energy and urgency into that scene. Though to be clear I don't think this was an issue with the acting, as I said before I think the entire cast did an amazing job, but I do think there was an issue with direction and writing somewhere. Another issue I had with the passed deadline change is that we don't see the effect it has on the world. What I mean by that is in the books and I'm pretty sure the movie as well, it is made very clear what a war between the gods would look like to the human world, its natural disasters, storms, earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, you name it. In the books and movie, even though the deadline hasn't passed yet we see the effect of the gods merely preparing for war, it shows the stormy seas, the thunderclouds etc. But in the show nada, not even a grey cloud in sight.
Ok so those were my major criticisms, I know its a little long so apologies. The only other critiques I had were much less of an issue, I am a bit disappointed that Percy never spoke to the Zebra. It was a bit odd seeing as they mentioned the Zebra in the title of the episode, so I am not sure why they didn't include it, who knows maybe now that the show is on disney they thought Percy talking to horses and sea creatures was a little too disney princess and decided to remove it, again that's just speculation on my part, but I hope they do include it in season 2 if we get one, let percy jackson be a disney princess and talk to the flying ponies and fishes ok.
I also did feel like the pacing was sometimes a little off in places, it sometimes felt a bit rushed and like they could have added a little more context to some scenes even if it was just a couple of lines of dialogue, but these are very minor issues.
All The Best Bits.
Ok so now the criticism is out of the way lets focus on the good bits because there were plenty of them. First I want to start with the Greek Gods themselves because I really do think the show nailed them. I do think they tried to make them a bit more sympathetic in the show than they were in the books, because in the books it was very easy to hate them and it took a bit to warm up to them, as they were very dismissive and detached. Whereas in the show I think they found the perfect balance between showing their flaws when it comes to their children and in general but also adding some nuance and showing that they do care and love their children and they do struggle with having to stay away from them but also in showing how their absence effects their children. So first lets talk about Hermes.
The scene between Annabeth, Percy and Hermes I think was one of my favourites of the season. I loved how when we first meet Hermes there's this fun, laid back feeling to him, he's just chilling in the casino with not a care in the world, but his entire demeanour changes the moment Luke is mentioned and you see how much of an emotional effect it is having on Hermes. The actor played that moment so so well, it really was great.
There was so many layers to that conversation between the three that made it so interesting to me. First it gives us some backstory on Luke and how the last time he saw Hermes they got into a fight but also how Hermes was warned to stay away but didn't listen and in the end made it worse for those he loves, then you've got the reveal that Poseidon was the one that warned Hermes to stay away and the reason why was because its too hard to watch your child suffer and not be able to do anything to stop it, which brings in the whole even gods feel powerless and how hard that is for a god to accept, that even they can't protect the ones they love and how that leads to the struggles of parenting. I mean the whole conversation was just layered with interesting topics and themes that you could spend hours picking apart. It genuinely made me feel so sorry for Hermes, which was new for me, because you could see what he was feeling, you weren't just hearing him say it, you could see how much he loves Luke, you could see how much it hurt him that his son hates him, you could see that he felt helpless to protect Luke and his mum, you could see the guilt he felt that every time he tried to help someone get to the underworld it always ended in them dying and you could see the fear that if his friends died Luke would only hate Hermes more.
I also loved that despite deliberately delaying them and saying he wouldn't help, he still does ultimately help them. He knew that Annabeth had picked his pocket and instead of stopping them he lets them take the car and leaves them instructions. I just really loved what they did with Hermes character and how much they did with his character in such a short scene.
Ares was another fun character, like he was surprisingly comical, I couldn't help but laugh when he started a fight on twitter and when he's describing the coming war between his father and uncle and he's practically got tears of joy in his eyes, like he is legit giddy at the idea and honestly does seem very in character for a god of war. But despite having those comical moments he was still threatening and terrifying when he needed to be, you still knew that this was a powerful being and that our heroes needed to tread carefully around him and that when he does threaten our heroes that threat is real.
The growing antagonism between Ares and Percy was also interesting to see, its very clear that Percy isn't a fan of Ares and that mutual dislike very quickly grows into hate between them. I loved that scene at the end of ep 5 when Percy says 'You think you know who I am but you don't. And if you're not careful you're going to find out.' It takes alot of guts to stand up to the literal god of war and I think this scene says alot about Percy's character and how he has this defiance and fight in him but also alot of bravery. Also this scene could have come across very silly and cheesy, its very difficult to have a 12 year old threaten a god and not have it come across as a bit ridiculous but I actually think they pulled it off and to me Percy seemed believable and intimidating in the moment.
I also think this scene leads really well to the fight between them on the beach at the end of the season. When Percy first suggests single combat, first blood wins, its understandable that Ares laughs at him. I mean when you look at it from Ares' pov he's an all powerful god of war and percy is 12. Of course Ares thinks the notion that this 12 year old, new demi-god could possible beat him and make good on his earlier threat, is utterly ludicrous. So Ares wasn't careful and then he found out. Course if you choose to fight a son of Poseidon on a beach right next to the ocean you deserve what's coming to you. But I still loved that moment when you've got little Percy being towered over by Ares, this tall muscular god, and then that wave just builds and towers over them both before it takes out Ares, allowing Percy to draw first blood whilst Ares is trying to regain his bearings. That was some top notch imagery right there, 10 out of 10.
Of course Ares doesn't take the defeat humbly and instead announces that Percy has made an enemy of him which honestly not an ideal situation for Percy to be on the bad side of the god of war, I do hope that doesn't have any consequences later on down the road, nah I'm sure it'll be fine, right.
Another scene I really enjoyed was the scene between Annabeth and Hephaestus in the water park. Don't get me wrong I really loved the original scene in the book, it was actually one of my favourite book scenes and I loved how when all the cameras started recording Percy took a bow and said he hoped they (the gods) enjoyed the show. But I also really love this change they made with the golden chair. Not only did it add more greek mythology to the story it created that scene between Annabeth and Hephaestus. Like the scene with Hermes this scene told us alot about the gods and the kind of rules of that world. Annabeth says in her speech that its eat or be eaten, power and glory and nothing else matters. With just that one line we are painted a picture of a family and a world who backstab each and who only seem to care about how much power they can claim and how much glory they can gain. This ideology is also pushed onto the demigod children. You want your parent's attention well then you have to gain power and glory to get it and if you have to push others down or out of your way to do it then that's just the way it is and the way its meant to be.
You could see that Annabeth's speech really got to Hephaestus. When you think about his backstory, how he was thrown from mount Olympus by his own mother, how his wife is having an affair with his brother and they flaunt it in his face, how he tells Annabeth that despite what his brother may have said he is not a push over, its not surprising that Annabeth's words had an impact on him, he in particular has, quite literally, been injured by his own family and their ways, so it makes sense that he has sympathy for Annabeth. I think you can see this sympathy when he admits that he thought Athena had gone too far in her anger at Annabeth, I think he relates to Annabeth because he has seen her be rejected by her mother the same way he was rejected by his own mother. I also think the fact that he does show sympathy to Annabeth, that he does openly admit that some of the gods, himself included, don't like to be that way and the fact that he lets Percy go when Annabeth tells him that Percy is different, that he's better than that, all tells us alot about Hephaestus and makes him a sympathetic character. I am hoping to see more of him in future seasons and see where they take his character.
Hades was another one that was fun to watch. I mean you've got to admit he's a great host, he was very welcoming, he offered them snacks and beverages even threw in a few jokes to lighten the mood. He even waits politely for Percy to finish talking about how Hades and Ares stole the bolt before correcting him. I also found he was very relatable when he said that he wanted nothing to do with Zeus and Poseidon's drama over the bolt, my siblings also often get into dramas that I want no part in, Hades just wants to make an honest deal with Percy to get his helm back and then he'll happily return his mum.
What is really interesting though is that shift when he learns that Kronos is on the rise again. He becomes so afraid that he changes tact immediately and now feels like he needs the bolt to protect himself from Kronos. I feel like all these conversations the heroes have with each of the gods adds another layer to the gods. With Ares we learn that the gods like to backstab each other and claim power no matter what. With Hephaestus this is reinforced but we learn that not all of them want to be that way, with Hermes we learn that the gods can feel powerless, especially when it comes to watching their children struggle and with Hades we learn that even gods can fear. It also helps establish just how terrifying Kronos is that even the god of death is afraid of him.
But yeah, Hades was fun to watch, I think he often gets a bad rep in alot of modern media as being this evil villain but actually he's not in most greek myths, so its good that they show him here in a more nuanced light than just a villain, he just wants his helm back and when he does get it back he makes good on his promise and returns Sally. He's another character that I can't wait to see more of in future seasons.
They really teased us with Poseidon's character throughout the season, like we learned alot about him through other characters before we ever met him and it was interesting how Percy and his father's relationship grew even before they meet for the first time. To start with Percy is very understandably angry at his father, angry at his absence and believes that his father doesn't care about him or his mother. Despite that as we see from the way he is so determined to do well at capture the flag and win enough glory to get his father's attention that some part of him is still desperate for his father's approval and attention despite his anger at him. Things shift for Percy though after he falls from the arc and his father saves him and he has that conversation with the nymph or naiad where she relays a message from his father telling him he's there with him and that he's proud, that everything is going to be ok. Also this happens at a big moment for Percy because its the first time he realises that he can breath underwater. At the start of that underwater scene you can see how panicked he is and how he's desperately trying to pull his foot free, the fact that they paired that imagery with the voiceover saying how hard it is for his father to watch him struggle was really impactful, but this moment really shows the audience that Poseidon was not the uncaring and absent father we thought he was, he does care about his son, and in this moment when it wasn't possible to come himself he sent someone to speak for him, to reassure Percy that he was ok that he just needed to breath. For Percy this was the turning point for his relationship with his father and I think that was not just because his father saved him but because his father asked him to trust him and when Percy did he really was ok, he realised he could breathe underwater and was then able to get himself out of the water safely.
I think the fact that his father does care and is looking out for him and that it is hard for him to see Percy struggle is then further solidified when he speaks to Hermes, not only does Hermes repeat what the nymph said about Poseidon feeling powerless when watching Percy struggle but I think hearing the backstory of Luke and Hermes helped Percy understand how complicated the relationship between a demigod and their godly parent really is, helped him understand his father a bit more. I think it only made Percy more excited and eager to meet his dad though and we the audience were also excited that we'd finally get to see Poseidon, because they built that anticipation up over those first few episodes, just like Percy, we the audience were also disappointed when Poseidon isn't there because the Solstice passed.
Despite not physically being there though, the conversation between Percy and Nereid still told us alot about Poseidon as she was speaking his words, and I think it was very telling that the first thing Poseidon wants to tell his son is that its not his fault that he didn't get there before the deadline passed, that he was brave and strong and that Poseidon is still proud of him. I also love that even though he was released from his quest Percy is still determined to see the quest through and that Poseidon waits for him to make the choice himself and then gives him the pearls. I also love the change from the book where there are four pearls, I think they did this to show that Poseidon also cares about Sally.
Speaking of Sally, that flashback scene in ep 7 where she talks to Poseidon was so heartbreaking. Seeing her so broken and feeling like she is failing as a mother really pulls at your heartstrings but then when Poseidon does come he immediately reassures her. I also loved how when she says he doesn't want to know why she doesn't want Percy to go to camp, he still encourages her to tell him because he knows that she needs to get it off her chest and that she doesn't have anybody else to talk to. So even though it'll be painful for him to hear he still bears it for her sake, he allows her to talk it through and helps her come to a decision about their son's future. He doesn't get angry at her when she tells him that she wants Percy to know who he is before his family tries to tell him what they want him to be, he knows that she is right so instead he reassures her as best as he can and assures her that Percy will be stronger for it in the end because she, his mother, raised him well.
The moment when she asks him if he wants to talk to Percy just so he can hear his voice was another heart wrenching moment because its clear how much Poseidon longs to speak with his son. But then there is that rumble of thunder, almost like Zeus is warning him not to dare. But despite not speaking to him in that moment Poseidon says one day, when Percy knows who he is, where he belongs and what his true path is then he'll be right by his side. I think when he says this he is not just making this promise to Sally or to Percy, he's also promising himself it.
One little detail I did notice in this scene that kind of got at me though is that throughout their conversation Poseidon doesn't look at Sally once, it's like he can't bear too, she doesn't look at him either and its like its either too painful for them to make eye contact or like they feel its forbidden for them to look at each other. So instead Poseidon just stares either straight ahead or down at the bar, he doesn't look at her or at Percy. That is until Sally asks that question of does he want to talk to his son and that's when Poseidon looks over to Percy for the first time, he just can't help himself, he needs one glance and its such a simple gesture but in this context it is so emotional and moving, like honestly it was genius writing and the actors really sold it.
So now we are at my favourite scene in the season and that is the moment when Poseidon shows up to protect Percy from Zeus. This scene was just so amazing, like the significance of Poseidon surrendering to Zeus, it was more than just him surrendering the war and giving Zeus victory and glory, in that moment he was laying down his pride for the sake of his son. His son's life was more important to him than power or glory or pride and the significance of that moment is shown by Zeus' disbelief that Poseidon is doing this. For me I think it was a great emotional payoff and definitely worth them changing the plot so that the deadline had passed and that they were actually at war and not just preparing for it, allowing this surrender to happen. I think this moment also really proved to Percy that not only does his father love and care for him but that he is his father's top priority, that he really will do anything for him.
l also love how Poseidon calls Zeus out when he says Percy is forbidden and shouldn't exist, by pointing out that he had Thalia and like Thalia, Percy is a hero who will inspire others.
The conversation between Poseidon and Percy is also really moving, when Poseidon notes that obedience doesn't come naturally to Percy and that the sea doesn't like to be restrained I actually think he was proud to see those qualities in his son, that he very much does have the nature of the sea, like his father. The part when Percy asks if gods dream and if Poseidon ever dreams about Sally was very sweet and even though Poseidon doesn't say anything I think we all know what the answer is.
One thing that did strike me about the dynamic between Poseidon and Percy is that whenever Poseidon appears to Percy, whether that's through Nereid or himself directly, he is always there in a form of protection and reassurance. The first time when Percy falls from the arch, he physically protects him by saving him and then when Percy is panicking whilst trapped he reassures him, in ep 6 when Percy reaches the meeting place too late he protects him emotionally by reassuring him that its not his fault and then gives him the pearls as further protection to allow him to escape the underworld and then in the moment in the finale, he physically protects him from Zeus and also reassures him when Percy admits that he isn't obedient, adding the sir trying to be respectful because he's afraid his father might be upset with him, but Poseidon reassures him by saying that basically its the sea's nature to be untamed and Percy is of the sea. But yeah, I really do think that with Poseidon they really wanted to embody the idea of a Father's protection.
Honestly we saw so little of Zeus that I don't have much to say. I think the actor did a good job of making him seem powerful, vengeful and terrifying. It was interesting that unlike Hades he seemed somewhat unbothered by the news that Kronos is trying to rise. I do think that this may have been a bit of a front though because Percy definitely hit a nerve with that line about Kronos coming to put Zeus back in his place and the whole your family only obey you out of fear not out of love.
The Luke Reveal
I'll be honest. I was a little worried about the reveal, having read the books I already knew that he was the true lightening thief and so knew the reveal was coming and my concern was that we hadn't really seen much of Luke or his friendship with Percy so I was a tad bit worried that the reveal wouldn't be all that impactful. But I am happy to say that I was wrong I actually think they did a really good job with the reveal and I would actually argue that it was better than even the book.
I am really glad that they added in the flashback scene of Luke helping Percy with his sword work in the beginning of the episode. Not only did it set up Percy defeating Ares but it also reminded the audience of that friendship between Luke and Percy. I very much got a sibling vibe from them, like Luke was an older brother that had taken Percy under his wing.
I feel like the way the wrote the reveal scene in the show added alot more nuance to it, in the books it was like yeah I betrayed you scorpion attack, but here it seems like both Luke and Percy are more conflicted. I believed Luke when he said that his actions weren't meant as a betrayal but a recruitment and that he was Percy's friend but that the god's were his enemy. It also seemed like Percy partly understood where Luke was coming from and hoped he could convince Luke to change his mind. The whole scene was very emotional and very tense and it went down hill fast after Percy mentioned Hermes and this brought out Luke's rage.
I think adding Annabeth to the scene and having her reveal herself when she did and announce that she heard everything, only heightened that tension and made it even more emotional. Now it wasn't just the betrayal Percy felt but we got to see the betrayal Annabeth felt. Also when Luke sees Annabeth, that look he gives her hits you right where it hurts and only adds to the heartbreak of it all, again the cast just did an amazing job, I don't have a single bad thing to say about any of their performances.
Another interesting detail in this scene though was the lighting. Because of the fireworks going off in the background it really did make some intriguing lighting choices. Like I noticed that as Percy is figuring out that Luke was the one who betrayed him, Luke was mostly lit in a red colour but around Percy the lightening was mostly greens, blues and that same golden colour that nereid glowed. Red associated with blood, war and danger and the blues, greens and golden colours associated with the sea. The changing lights also made it seem a little more creepy, like you are in one of those haunted mansion rides with flickering lights.
The Trio
The dynamic between the trio was also great to watch and to see grow as the season continued. I think each of them had their moments to shine and they worked really well off each other. I particularly loved seeing the friendship grow between Percy and Annabeth and seeing how close they became, their hugs were really cute and the comment made by Luke saying that they were like an old married couple was funny too and kinda accurate. I liked that at the beginning of the quest they were all kind of at odds with each other, Percy and Annabeth didn't particularly like each other and were very much strangers, Percy was still feeling a bit betrayed by Grover after the whole Nancy fountain thing and I think there was still tension between Grover and Annabeth because of Thalia. Having that tension at the beginning made it all the more satisfying to see them work through those issues and become stronger friends come the end of their quest.
Now some might think I am being negative about Grover here but I want to assure everyone that I mean this as a compliment not a slight but one thing that surprised me and that I thought was a great addition to his character is how manipulative and calculating Grover could be at times. And what I mean by that is like when he manipulated Ares into pretty much revealing that he was in on the theft of the lightening bolt, it was a really interesting side to Grover's character and honestly I hope we see more of that side of him in future seasons.
Another that I thought was interesting was Annabeth's relationship with her mother, especially as we never actually see Athena. It is clear that her mother's respect means alot to her and when her mother turns her back on her you can see that it really hurts her. I loved Annabeth's growth throughout the series, at the start she is very much chasing glory and wanting to go on a quest and prove herself, she's living the life the gods want her to live. But I think the more time she spends with Percy the more she sees that it shouldn't have to that way, which is why I love the moment when she chooses to stay after Percy is trapped in the chair and try to get him out, she chooses her friend over the glory she could win by completing the quest and over winning back her mother's approval.
Now when it comes to Percy I just think Walker really brought that character to life, I really cannot praise his performance enough. I loved his sass and his defiance and the fight he had. He had so many great moments throughout the season, I loved it whenever he stood up to the gods, like he knew no fear, they tried to say this is how its going to be and this is what you are going to do and he just said no, I'm going to do what is right, what my mother raised me to do and you're all going to have to deal with it. I mean its not necessarily the smartest move to speak back to god but I still admire his gumption.
Special Effects
I also really loved the visuals in the series, all the monsters looked great and I loved the aesthetic of camp, Olympus also looked amazing. The stand out for me though has to be Nereid. The glow and her seaweed hair, it just looked so beautiful and bewitching, so shout out the the special effects team.
There is probably so much more I could talk about, but this is getting really long so I am going to leave it here, my ask box is always open so if I missed anything feel free to message. Overall despite there being a couple of issues I think they could work on, I mostly really enjoyed the series and I really hope we get a season two, I'd definitely be interested in watching it.
7 notes · View notes
pastadorable · 2 years
Sorry to break the doodle chain but i have a question about your designs? So do they have holes cut into their jackets so their shells come through?
Im sorry if its just part of the design and I'm reading too much into it but i was looking at them and my brain kept asking "how does that work?"
Tbh I’m just rolling with the suspension of disbelief here! 😂
Like logically I guess they’re cut? Maybe? We’re just gonna roll with cartoon logic here though and ignore the laws of reality!
When I first started doing the comics I was like ‘should I fix this? How tf is this gonna work??’ And just ended up deciding to ignore it and do whatever I feel like!
57 notes · View notes
rreskk · 1 year
Love love love your work! How about Trevor with a BRATTY s/o, purposely teasing and getting under his skin. Just riling him up to get him to punish them♡
---A/N: I've been having a headache all day so I'm sorry if there's any grammar or spelling errors!
Summary: You disobeyed the master at work.
TW: SMUT, degrading kink, praising kink, spanking.
The number one rule in Trevor’s trailer is to respect him. It’s not compulsory… Not to you. Bending the rules to anger him one way or another has awakened a new side of him. Though he is brutally dominant and fearfully aggressive. Oh, how he turns so stern and serious when spanking you, punishing you for breaking his number one rule. The rule he has set only for you to challenge and test his capability.
“I’m concentrating, sugar. Stop it.” Trevor warned when your hands were fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
You’d place a cold finger and outline his muscles while one would pull and twirl the fabrics, enclosing heat onto his skin. He was leaned against the table, focussing on a planned map that was scrawled across the surface. His hands kept it in place. Sometimes you’d simply take one of his fingers and trace your tongue around it. He wasn’t denying his arousal. The bulge in his trousers grew heavier and ached more as time went on.
“[Y/n], fuckin’ listen to me.” He dangerously growled, “Stop it.”
“Stop what?” You smiled.
Trevor analysed your innocence before standing tall, lifting up your chin with the finger you’ve been licking. You were brought up and stared into his hungry eyes. His scowl was dark and domineering.
“Do what you are told.” He shallowed.
Growing taller on your tippy-toes, you held no control against him. You knew this. Getting under his skin would consist of undermining his power, and you love to see the aftermath.
“You think I’m playing around, sugar?”
You giggled, “You are my favourite toy to play with.”
Trevor’s eye shot up in disbelief. His mouth was left open to ajar.
“What the fuck did you say to me?”
“What? You are my toy?”
His hand connected with your neck, squeezing it threateningly. You gasped and felt butterflies in your stomach.
“I’m your toy?” Trevor pitied, “Oh… Baby. Let me tell you something.” He yanked your face closer. His lips grazed the tip of your ear, “Obey your master or I’ll have to punish your sorry ass.”
Whimpering at the sudden intimacy, he breathed out a laugh that sent shivers down your spine. Trevor harshly pushed his hips forward, nudging your body against the table when he planted your face onto the cold tiles, hands gripping the locks on your head; stationing your body to his advantage and enjoyment, treating you like nothing but a stupid toy.
“Bad girls needs to be punished.”
Unaware of whereabouts he was, the quick spike of his palm striked your exposed ass, spanking the living life out of you. You couldn’t lift your head despite the strong hand holding you down. You whined as he abused the same spot on your skin, slapping it harder each time.
“Trevor!” You moaned.
“Louder, baby.”
His palm came flying to your bruised ass, painfully demolishing your pleasure and neediness.
“Fuck, Trevor!” Whining louder to his command.
He cackled monstrously, “Good girl.”
Unprepared and suspenseful of the next slap, his body warmth moved away and his hand detached itself from your hair.
“Trevor?” You whispered.
You went to turn around before his cock exploited your pussy, hammering up and down as he lustfully used your body to relieve his horniness. You cried out in definite satisfaction, leaning your elbows against the tiled surface while he carried on fucking you.
“You dirty slut,” Trevor yearned, “You did this. You made me fuck you.”
Panting for air as he gave you no time to breathe, the aggression maxed out and your pondering sex begged for more. His boner abused you. Trevor’s hands snatched your wrists, prohibiting balance as you fell back onto the table, your chin hitting the surface while he fisted you against his body. He held them tightly together on your back, man-made handcuffs like you deserved the restriction of freedom for how naughty you’ve been.
“TREVOR!” You wailed in loving agony.
“You are going to TAKE ME ALL IN, BABY!”
His resourceful dominance faded when he reached closer to his climax. His thrusts gained more sloppy and the pace resulted in harshness, full on groping your bodily weight.
“O-Oh my god!” Squeezing your eyes shut, you came as it would squirt from your pussy and painted the cupboard in front of you.
Trevor whimpered momentary after, pulling out just in time for his fluids to linger on your backside, being used as a personal canvas for the art he’d produce. You were sore and tired; being left limping on one spot which made the man horribly proud.
“I fuckin’ love you.” Trevor hissed before kissing his neck, “Now… Get your ass to bed or we’ll go for another round.
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practically-an-x-man · 11 months
how about madison ? how did she deal with her mutation appearing ? i feel like growing gills would be pretty painful
how did she manage when the brotherhood had her ? how did she react to having her mutation enhanced ?
also can you elaborate on her relationship with alex ? how did they meet ? how did they get together (i think) ? (on a you level—why him ? not ‘cause i hate him or anything just curiosity lol)
oooh thank you so much for the ask!!! So first off, all of this is covered in Smoke and Mirrors, but that fic is super long and I by no means expect you to devote so much time into reading it
Answers under the cut since this is probably gonna get kind of long:
In terms of her initial mutation back when she was 13, she actually took it fairly well. There was shock, of course, but she almost saw it as a sign of what she was meant to be - she was already a swimmer, after all, so there was a part of her that could never hate something so tied to what she loved.
But in terms of her mutation enhancement from the Brotherhood... that one was tough. She wasn't awake for the change itself - she had tried to escape, and Emma caught her and psionically put her to sleep, which is when they have her the serum - so she didn't feel the pain of growing those fins and gills, though it would have been very painful otherwise. It mainly just left her feeling betrayed and violated, having it enhanced against her will like that. On top of that, Emma essentially manipulated her and toyed with her mind about the whole thing, and it ended in her feeling incredibly self-conscious about her new enhancements. Part of it also was the loss of physical "humanity" - her mutations before were subtle enough to fall into suspension of disbelief, wouldn't draw too much attention, but the same cannot be said about her enhancements. It was a really difficult thing for her, but she managed to work through it in the end and get comfortable with herself again.
In terms of her capture itself, she's a fighter by nature. She tried to escape using only a pocketknife, and nearly succeeded. The only time they could get her to stop fighting was by making her cell so cold it sent her into torpor (basically hibernation), otherwise she'd just have kept attempting escape until she either managed it or was rescued by the X-Men. But with mental and physical manipulation at play, it was a lot harder for her. She's among my most resilient characters, but I'd say that brought her to her breaking point.
Now for the happier stuff :)
She first met Alex during the X-Men/Brotherhood battle at her home campsite. Erik had tossed him into a semi-frozen lake, and Madison brought him back to her cabin to warm up after the battle was over. She lit a fire and shared a meal with him and the X-Men, though she didn't really make any significant connections - she didn't want to at the time, she likes being alone.
When she got injured and was dropped off at the X-Mansion, she ended up mainly getting closer to Alex as she healed. She needed to rely on someone, at least in some capacity since she was injured, and she figured that getting close to Alex would be easiest in the long run - he was so brash and prickly, it would be easiest to cut ties once she was healed and decided to leave. He was the safest option, essentially. She didn't want to get close to anyone, and neither did he.
....But obviously that backfired on her. We both know Alex is a nicer guy than he lets on, and Madison needed connection more than she realized. Obviously this is true for all the X-Men, and she became close friends with each of them, but even more with Alex. They ended up getting close before either of them really realized how deep it went. I'd argue they fell in love before they even entered a relationship, and didn't even know it at the time. There was a lot of extended flirting, some unresolved tension during a few of the missions, a few moments where one of them realized the other was a bit more compassionate than they let on... y'know, the works. I'm actually really proud of their slowburn and the dynamic of their relationship (it's very jokey and bantery in public, the romance is more behind closed doors). The way they got into a relationship was actually somewhat normal (they went for a hike and Alex asked her out), but there was a lot of trust-building to get to that point since they both had trauma to work through.
And why Alex? Cause he'd underrated as a character, for one, and I don't think the movies really gave him the depth he deserved. I wanted to explore more of those inner layers past the old "grouchy bad boy" thing that was obviously a facade from the beginning. This fic is as much an exploration of Alex's character as it is an OC fic, and that's the way I like it. The OCs are just the vessel to drive the story in the direction I want it to go. (And because, let's be real, Lucas Till is a work of art)
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timid-plumber · 6 months
Meet the Mun
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
I can't remember exactly, but I was looking for a new muse after retiring several old ones. I wanted a clean slate, a new group of folks to write with and talk to. It was one of those 'right place, right time' kinda things if I recall correctly. Things started slowly at first, but now I know lots of people here!
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ? Sure, lots of things. All of what I don't write involves adult content. But- I think a lot of that is to do with the characters I choose to write. They don't tend to go into those themes and ideas in their canon, so why would I, y'know?
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
I say that, and yet here I'm gonna say I love writing shippy stuff. But hear me out: that applies not just to romance. I apply it to friendships too. Getting to write small moments between two characters where something potentially life-changing can happen just because they talked (lookin' at you Johnny), getting to write little moments that are intimate and vulnerable and pure-hearted... perfection.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
Canon is my go-to for this sort of thing always. From there I springboard. I also tend to go down the rabbit hole, researching things when an idea pops into my head. I do enough digging to, I hope, at least create suspense of disbelief if nothing else.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Silence. I used to have music or videos playing but lately I prefer it quiet.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
Unless I've specifically talked to a partner about plot points and what beats need to fall where and why they have to fall in those places, I'm 100% winging it every time. I've always been an inprov-style writer. To my great credit and also great detriment.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Yes, but I'm rather odd about it by most peoples' standards. If a character's got a canon relationship, that's what I go with. I don't tend to break those molds, since it interests me to dig further into what's established.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Older than time itself, I'm afraid. At least, some days I feel that way.
It's sure a day on the calendar. At least- I think it is.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
Too many to list!
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
UHHHHHHH- Jeez. The only movie I can remember watching last was Mario. I mostly watch YouTube or old TV series.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Technically speaking, it was whatever police drama was on TV earlier this evening. It was on, I watched a little...
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
The last song I personally put on the radio for myself to listen to was this one. I apologize for NOTHING.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Pizza~ Yes I am serious.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Fall, because it's starting to kinda sorta cool off after being blazing hot all summer. And it's ~spooky season~.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
Gosh, I- Yeah. Lots of them. But one I've kept in contact with for so many years now doesn't even write here anymore! If you're seeing this, hi from dashboard! And keep sharing that FF spoiler drama with me.
tagged by @red-man-of-mustache tagging: You there. If you wanna do it. uwu
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heretherebedork · 2 years
I think one of the most interesting things about watching All The BL is discovering exactly how far I allow romcom logic to take me.
Because I keep finding how much I'll allow and where I have these serious just... hard stop moments that I can't get past.
Tharn accusing Type of cheating and never apologizing for it? Fuck that. The rest was bad enough but I still want them to break up for that.
Prapai bypassing Sky blocking his number to the point of causing serious flashbacks? Nope. Nothing he does can make up for that unless he actually apologizes which he never will because this is MAME. The worst part is that every other part is okay. But I can't get past that.
Mork dictating Pi's feeling constantly, agreeing to an interview after Pi was clear he didn't want to be talked about and forcing him out of the closet? Nope. Fuck that man. One of the worst relationships ever.
Puen refusing to tell Talay his name for over a fucking year and after they had literally started dating? Nope. Can't handle it. Fuck that, it's just stupid at this point and Talay's lack of care just made it worse because it made no sense.
And I think a lot of it is is just that I value autonomy and boundaries and once you hit a realistic one, one that genuinely feels like 'if someone did this in real life I'd lose my mind' I don't know how to handle it.
But, like, on the other hand... I can accept so much in other shows and even from these same characters that doesn't both me and trying to figure out exactly what lines I have is fascinating.
Like, if Prapai hadn't gone around the phone blocking? If he'd stuck to every other stalking and boundary pushing thing he was doing and just not that? I'd probably be totally fine with them as a couple.
If Puen had kept his name secret for a month and then told Talay? I'd never had an issue. Or if Talay had been the one to tell him to keep it a secret? No issue.
If Mork had been ambushed into the interview with the weird fanclub? Still unhappy but fine.
I'm just sitting here trying to figure out my line and what is means about my suspension of disbelief and how I handle these shows and/or approach them.
It's a fascinating examination of myself, honestly. (And, yes, there are other relationships and issues I'm not mentioning here. Because I don't wanna talk about them. :D Or because my issues with their relationships were different and more easily defined.
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