#but other than that? i think i nailed the colors surprisingly well
foervraengd · 2 months
Tried to recreate one of my old digital paintings in oils
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mochinomnoms · 6 months
Do you ever think about eel cuddles? I feel like there are times when they want to snuggle and be in their eel forms while doing it so it's more comfortable for them. I kinda picture being in a big tub with one, their shrimpy is either nakey or wearing a bathing suit and just chilling in the bath with music playing and talking to them. Maybe you get to mess around with their fins or touch their cool claws all the while getting covered in their slimy love.
I do, I think about it so much and I am a sucker for non-sexual intimacy!!!! As much as I like to think about spicy thoughts with the tweels, there's something so domestic about sharing a bath with your partner, scratching and massaging their scalp and carefully rinsing out the shampoo so that it doesn't get in their eyes. It's easier to scrub your back when you have someone else there to do it for you. Yes, it's not the only time they'll see you naked, but there's something extra vulnerable about seeing all the moles, stretchmarks, and scars on your skin under a warm bathroom light.
Floyd isn't a big fan of bubble baths or using things like bath bombs, surprisingly! The idea of foaming bubbles and fizzy colors is cool at first, but all the smells and colors can overstimulate him when he's trying to relax. If he's trying to relax with his shrimpy, he actually prefers to use products with scents that remind him of home. Allow me to flex my ex-Lush employee knowledge, but he likes products that smell a lot more fresh, salty, and even citrusy! Plus, it makes you smell a lot more like him in the end. Floyd will rub his soap into your skin, pressing his forehead into the back of your neck to revel in the contact. For added measure, he'll rub his face, hands, and tail into you so that you'll be all slick and slimy just like him! He'll even do you the favor of massaging it into your skin if you throw a fit about feeling too wet. By the end, you'll have such smooth, soft skin that Vil is going to wonder if Azul decided to start selling his serum to the public.
Jade is just a tad bit more adventurous, if adventurous means picking all the woodsy, floral, and earthy scented bath products he can get his hands on. His favorite scents are rosemary and chamomile, which sounds weird at first but are actually quite pleasant. Jade will get you your very own shampoo, conditioner, and bath products suited for your hair and skin. He will only keep them in his bathroom, though. He slowly but surely gets you accustomed to his products, lush bathroom, and the soothing scrap from his nails that he repeatedly assured you wouldn't hurt. He'll use his claws to gently trace shapes and his name into your skin as he compares how different your skin's texture is compare to him. He's marveling how your fingertips prune up and your nails get softer, unlike his own hands which stay firm, slick and sharp. You're gonna get so used to Jade taking care of you in the bath that you're gonna be dragging yourself every other evening to wash up with Jade to take care of you. And care he does, for your his shrimp as well!
As a the shrimp to an eel, your their symbiote and they'll also expect you to clean them up too. Easier said than done when they're covered in a layer of mucus that sticks to your fingers and makes it hard to grab a hold of their squirming tail (they move it on purpose cause they think your furrowed brows and pout is funny). You can get them to settle down once you manage to trace the ridges of their fins, a particularly sensitive spot on their body that's the equivalent of tracing nails along your spine, soft and delightful shivers will make them chirp and click as you draw shapes and place kisses. It's a sight that the big bad scary eels reserve just for your eyes. Softness in the sea is reserved for only their mate, after all.
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jackiepackiee · 5 months
“May I have this dance?”
Chuuya x reader
(ft. The Flags)
Warnings - none
Type - Fluff
Word Count - 798
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A song for you by Donny Hathaway. The slow jazz filled every inch of the old world pool hall, seducing the ears of every resident that found themselves inside. There were only seven, but that's how it always was. Every other night, when no missions were to be had. Albatross, drinking some fruit-based cocktail while teasing Chuuya. The latter gritting his teeth at his friend, although any passersby would think he hates him. Iceman enjoyed the music, as well as Doc as he both sipped on some heavy whisky. Pianoman and Lippmann were in a very intense game of pool, tied the entire run. Then, you. Changing the record to some more up beat jazz.
“We should dance! Doesn’t that sound fun?” You had always been rather energetic with a bit of alcohol in your system. It’s not like this place had a limit or carded anyone.
Lippmann looked up at you, a bit surprised. “Dance? Since when did you dance?”
“Since forever! Come on~ I love dancing, it’s only natural.” She explained.
On the other end of the hall Albatross teased Chuuya’s hair, before whispering into his ear.
“Go dance with her, you know you wanna~”
You didn’t realize this teasing, thinking Chuuya’s red cheeks were only from some overly expensive wine. Little did you know he hadn’t had a sip all night.
“No way! Anyways she’s talking to Lippmann, I don’t wanna bother her.” Chuuya said, pushing away Albatross. Not enough to hurt him of course.
Lippmann was having the same idea, no way he’d pass the opportunity up to play matchmaker.
“Very well then. Hmm, I’m not sure… you shouldn’t dance with Doc, wouldn’t wanna knock over his IV.”
Pianoman joined in, putting his pool stick down.
“And not Iceman, he’s a whole lot bigger than you with all that muscle.”
Pianoman said, easily concealing his playfulness.
Doc leaned into the trio of you, Lippmann, and Pianoman.
“And not Albatross, I’d bet he has two left feet.”
You.. you were not understanding what this was leading to. But still giggled at Doc’s little joke. Luckily Albatross couldn’t hear.
“Well, then who? You, Lippmann?”
Did she have to be so dense?
“No! I mean uh- I’m not very good at dancing, and neither is Pianoman!” Lippmann tried to turn it on Chuuya.
“But Pianoman, I’ve seen you dance on a mission before?” She spoke, curious as to why it was said he couldn’t dance. He shook his head, lying for a good cause.
Albatross walked over before she could ask any more questions, Chuuya in tow.
“You know, Chuuya could dance with you! Isn’t that right?”
She perked up, happy someone would dance with her. She smiled, and he melted. How could he ever say no to her?
“Sure… will you dance with me?”
He asked, gentlemanly as he always was with her.
Iceman, quiet as he always was, was still listening. He picked a record, it was from New Orleans. Jazzy and fast pace, probably from the 1930’s. He knew she loved this style. Swing dancing… Chuuya was in for an absolute treat, as well as the rest of the flags. Since they knew damn well he’d be faking it till he made it.
“Of course I’ll dance with you! Let’s go!”
She took his gloved hand in hers. It was surprisingly soft leather, though the real hand would be much nicer to hold and feel. Even if neither would admit it.
“You ready, Chuu?” God, his heart would give out if she called him that nickname ever again. But, he wouldn’t complain. What a lovely way to die that would be. Damn it, he got distracted.
“Chuuya? Ready?”
She was so patient.
“Yeah, I’m ready. Umm.. what do I do?”
She laughed, not in a mean way. It was cute, that’s what he thought anyway.
“Sorry sorry.. we can start with the basics. Okay, hands in mine.”
He took her hands. Unbeknownst to her, the flags gave him grins and thumbs up. “Your nails… They are painted red. That’s my favorite color, they’re lovely.”
“It is? Well isn’t that perfect, and thank you.”
She started to sway to the music. He followed suit, thanking his past self for learning how to keep rhythm.
“Can I spin you?”
She agreed, spinning while holding his hand. She was smiling, eyes beaming while looking into his. Was she?… she had her doubts before, but she definitely loved him.
Iceman, with his knowledge of records, changed the music to play a slower song. Meaning Chuuya could hold her close. He did not need five wingmen.
He pulled her closer by the waist.
“The music slowed down, so we should too.”
“Since when did you know about dance?~”
He made a faux annoyed expression.
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
Part two?
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bunnys-babies · 8 months
Talk To You, pt. 2
Megumi Fushiguro x gn!reader
wc: 1.2k
pt. 2 / ?
warning(s): mentions of puke, mentions of taxidermy - so if any of that really icks you out tread lightly :)
a/n: it’s been a while, but if anyone recalls pt. 1 of this, it’s just a continuation 🥰 (feel free to read hehe) but it’s not necessarily required! Could be read as a stand alone :)) just a silly and nervous first date 🤍🤍 reblogs and comments are always appreciated!! I hope you enjoy :3 also, I am very behind on JJK, please do not spoil anything in the tags because I do see them! So if this is “canon divergent”, that’s why LMAO
pt. 1
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He’s going to puke. He’s absolutely, 100%, sure of it.
He’s so sweaty that he’s certain he must stink, he hates his outfit, and why is his hair so frizzy? He knew he shouldn’t have listened to Kugisaki and let her “do him up”.
The bus seat vibrates beneath him and emits one of the most brain piercing rattles he thinks he’s ever heard as he impatiently waits for his stop.
Oh god, they aren’t gonna think I’m a loser for taking the bus, are they?
Sighing and picking at the cuticle along his thumb nail, he does his best to focus on keeping track of the colors of the cars passing by. What good would dwelling on your perception of him do when it’s only making him continue to profusely sweat anyways?
It’s been a week since he got your number. Well, since Yuuji got your number for him, sort of.
And over the course of that week, Megumi’s convinced himself he’s done nothing besides behave like a fool.
He’s spelt your name wrong, twice, and then wondered why he even felt the need to address you by name in text. He sent you a list of options for dates, listing location and expected cost, as well as sending them in order of “most to least active”. And then, when you surprisingly agreed and made a choice, he sent you a calendar invite.
Nothing about this even seemed remotely out of the ordinary to him until Kugisaki asked how you both ended up deciding on going through a “local, close up walkthrough” of a taxidermist’s home.
“Huh?” Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open after she spoke, eager, and a little scared, to hear Megumi’s response.
“Well, out of our options, it was the most cost effective and productive choice. Lots of conversation starters. They seemed pretty interested.”
Doubt and embarrassment began to knot his stomach at the lack of response from Kugisaki.
“What? They picked it. So clearly they wanted to go to this thing.”
Still no response.
Pressing her mouth into a thin line, she stops her relentless fidgeting over Megumi’s hair and clothes and crosses her arms over her chest instead.
“Fushiguro,”, she spoke slowly and softly, “couple questions. One, did you offer this idea? Two, if so, what were the other options?”
Something about the way she spoke only increased his anxiety.
Oh, he messed up.
Unfortunately, after explaining himself, there wasn’t any time left to get some sort of reassurance from her that he hadn’t completely fucked this all up.
And god, why did he have to approach this so… professionally?
He stopped himself from letting out a groan before the brakes squealed at an alarming volume as the bus came to a stop.
Muttering out a nearly silent thanks to the driver, he takes a step out onto the darkened sidewalk. It must have rained earlier.
It takes him about 20 minutes to locate and walk to the house, his shoes covered in a shine from the dew still fresh on the grass.
As he waits, part of him is wishing you just don’t show up. This has just all played out in the worst way, and he’d rather take the embarrassment of being stood up than being around you for an hour, possibly multiple, while you pretend he isn’t a freak and that you aren’t showing up out of anything but pity.
His stomach churns at the sound of a car door shutting, and he’s back to that god forbidden feeling like he’s going to hurl, when he hears a soft “Fushiguro?” being called out to him from his left.
A visibly strained smile is offered to you as Megumi turns to greet you.
God, you knew this sweater was too gaudy.
“How was the drive for yo-“
“Looks like it rain-“
Awkward laughs are exchanged at the sudden silence you both sit in after accidentally interrupting each other.
After, Megumi silently insists you continue to speak with a few hand gestures and nod of his head.
“Yeah, I was just gonna ask how the drive was for you! It rained pretty hard where I was coming from, and I swear my wipers were ready to fly off.”
“Oh, yeah, I didn’t drive.” He turned his body to face the front of the house, hoping his embarrassment was less visible from the side of his face.
“Oh nice idea, I hate driving in the rain. I totally should’ve considered that.” Turning to face the house yourself, you wait for him to take the first steps before walking forward.
A mixture of relief and bashfulness wash over him at your simple response and unexpected, but welcoming, flattery.
Nice idea.
Fighting back the small smile and pride swelling in his chest, he begins to walk forward, doing his best to strike conversation as you make your way to the front door despite the nagging stomach ache he’s gotten.
He’s never been so nervous before.
Kugisaki has no idea what she was talking about, this is going to be simply lovely.
The vomit covering the top of your shoes as you rub the spot between Megumi’s shoulder blades is staring at him. And if it could laugh and point it’d probably be doing that, too.
“You okay?” You speak so soft he almost doesn’t hear you ask.
No, he’s not okay.
He just blew chunks all over both of your shoes (and the eclectic man’s maroon carpet), vomited again at the smell, and then nearly tripped his way down the front steps as he continued to puke into the Taxidermist’s front lawn.
“Yeah, ‘m fine.”
Maybe it was a little more than just his nerves making him nauseous.
“Y’know, if I knew you were gonna get this freaked out over the ‘Pope Mouse’, I would’ve gone with the bird watching option instead.”
It takes him a minute to realize you’re joking. You’re actually joking with him and trying to salvage whatever this is.
Whether it was out of shock, sympathy at your mediocre attempt of a joke, or the image of that poor dead rat dressed up as the pope, he let out a low chuckle.
He kept his posture leaned over and his head down, waiting to make sure he truly was all done, when you realized your hand was still rubbing gentle circles into his upper back. Gingerly, you lifted your hand and placed it in your pocket, trying not to focus on the vomit on your shoes.
All things considered, you really were having a great time.
He’s strange, definitely a little shy, maybe even abrasive, not the best at conversation, has interesting ideas of fun, and literally threw up on your shoes, but he was such a sweetheart. It helped he was more than nice to look at sure, but his nervousness and slightly off-putting personality did nothing but attract you even more.
You’ve never been on a more eventful date, that’s for sure. And you’ve never met someone who clearly put so much thought into spending time with you, and his anxiety was more than obvious. Did he really like you that much?
Regardless, you thought he at least deserved another chance at a second date, one where you could actually get to know more about him other than the fact he might have a weak stomach.
“If you promise not to puke in my car, and help me clean off our shoes, we can try again. Probably somewhere we can sit and chat instead of stare at poorly done taxidermy.”
Unfortunately, before you could offer up any good ideas, he was back to busying himself with vomiting.
At least he’s really cute.
taglist: @plutowrites @lunarsap @alonezz @softjaegerhours @onismikasa (if you’d like to be removed/added please let me know!)
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vendoramachine · 5 months
random headcanons
velvet & veneer
pretty self explanatory. i needed someplace to dump all these stupid little thoughts. also, as the younger sibling of an older sister, these are all just me self projecting our relationship <3
- vel is mildly dyslexic and it’s been a sensitive topic for her entire life (yet she still makes fun of veneer for not being able to do math)
- veneer had both of his ears pierced, but his left ear eventually closed up cus he doesn’t wear his earring on that side (ifykyk)
- velvet’s anger issues has made her throw things at veneer on multiple occasions
“do you remember that time i accidentally hit you and you threw that moisturizer container at my head?”
- both had a very intense phase where they were obsessed with pokémon, specifically, team rocket
- jesse and james were both of their gay awakenings
- velvet always used to practice painting nails and doing makeup on veneer, that they never really grew out of it (she still does it for him <3)
- they never apologized to each other properly after getting upset with each other
“…you hungry?”
“…yeah. i’ll go with you to check the fridge.”
- strangely enough, vel asks to sleep in her brother’s bed if they don’t have anything going on the next day
- vel is one of them VIOLENT ASS SLEEPERS who kicks everything within radius, and her feet are always cold as fuck
“vel… vel, stop kicking me… v-velvet, YOUR FEET ARE COLD!”
- but ven is a blanket hog so they hate sleeping in the same bed but still do it cause it’s oddly comforting for them both
“veneer, it’s cold, bro… give me the- STOP TAKING THE BLANKET!”
- for some reason, they’re always coming at each other’s taste
- “i really don’t know what you see in ritz.”
“yeah? well, at least i didn’t fall for a random fan from the crowd.”
- their favorite places as kids were costco and ikea (don’t ask i just have a feeling)
- vel needed glasses as a kid, but she always hated how they looked on her, so she never wore them. ever. her eyesight is still lowkey shit.
- they both took violin and cello lessons as kids, but they thought it was mad boring and left (they don’t remember a single thing about it)
- velvet will fuck up a raw ass steak (so raw that you might as well give her an entire fucking cow), eating it with her bare hands like a wild animal
- as kids, they always talked about bailing each other out if one got arrested (but they both got arrested so that’s out the window 😻)
- “ugh, orange is so not my color.”
“girl, fuck you mean? you look better than all the bitches here.”
- ritz and orchid always go together to visit their criminal lovers in prison
- vel hates the feeling of gel, but does it for the aesthetic (veneer hates it too)
- veneer got his drivers license after vel, but she gets the WORSTTT road rage, so he doesn’t trust her and drives them everywhere
- vel has literally almost stabbed her brother with her sharp crown thingy
- veneer constantly asks his sis what he should wear because he’s too scared of being insulted
- both of their retinas have been burned by all the flashing cameras
- surprisingly, most of vel’s high school homecoming dates were men. nobody except veneer even knew she was a girl kisser until she turned sixteen
- they have matching robes. for sure.
- veneer is a shopping addict ( velvet carries his bags every time cus she thinks his complaining is annoying )
“ugh, my arms-“
“shut up. give me your bags.”
- vel had a giant ass rottweiler when they were in middle school that always scared the shit out of veneer, so that’s why he was so fucking scared of rhonda (velvet’s dog was really sweet tho 😢)
- ven coughs so hard from inhaling too much of vel’s perfume
- vel has a crippling fear of heights and veneer is the same with small spaces
- veneer is terrified of horror movies, and vel tells him to stop being a pussy (one jumpscare and you’ll see her clinging onto her brother)
- vel laughs her ass off every time her brother is mad because she can’t take his twink ass seriously
- these two turn into monsters when it comes to nintendo games (specifically mario kart)
- vel had the nintendo switch and ven had the nintendo lite
- they bought two so that they could have separate animal crossing islands, but ended up living on the same one anyways
- veneer loves the little clink that his shoes make
- never let either of them near cinnamon rolls. ever. (their asses will demolish entire buildings for that stuff)
i’ll probably add more to these later on, so watch out! i’m working on the requests, so watch out for those too!
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imreadydollparts · 6 months
A bit of a ramble.
I was asked if I had a pony salon wish list by a repeat customer that was interested in replenishing my supplies a bit.
I do, but it's not exactly what you might expect because part of how I can keep my salon fees so very low is that most of those supplies are paid for by my S.O. as we can grab them at the store during our regular grocery run.
But it got me thinking: Would people be interested in knowing what I use a lot of?
I've shuffled the wish lists around a bit to make them more sharable (because they were a mess), and will talk a little bit about what I use and how.
(I know punctuation and capitalization in a bullet list doesn't go like this. I don't care.)
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bubble wrap is used to protect ponies in shipping
40Vol is 12% hydrogen peroxide cream, which is what I use to "retrobright" yellowed vinyl in the SunBox and it will sometimes remove stains - I don't use this up very quickly, surprisingly
I will use any dish soap, but that's the one I'm using right now because I had bought it to wash dishes but the whole family doesn't like the scent so I took it down to the salon to use up. I'll get something else when this runs out, which won't be for some time
Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine conditioner isn't really great for repeated application to people-hair because it does build up over time, but it's excellent for a single application on synthetics. Well conditioned hair flat irons better than dry hair (and feels nicer, too).
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I absolutely burn through melamine sponges. They're excellent at removing grime from vinyl that doesn't come off with a gentle hand-washing or toothbrush scrubbing. Anything acetone can take off, a melamine sponge can, just slower. Melamine sponges are micro-abraisives and will take the shine off of things.
larger envelopes for larger numbers of ponies sold on eBay
smaller envelopes. I prefer these envelopes to boxes because it keeps the shipping weight down, and ponies do just fine wrapped in paper, then bubble wrap, then in an envelope. For larger orders I reuse boxes from other things.
packing tape doesn't need much explanation. I tape boxes shut with it.
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I wrap every pony in packing paper both to help keep their hair in place during shipping and to keep them from touching each other in the case that one has that particular yellow hair that likes to stain when it gets hot, or has colorant leeching that I don't want to transfer from one pony to another
cellophane tape is used to close the paper towel strips that I use to set their hair
Paper towels are cut into strips to use as hair setting strips, used to clean up areas that I don't want the mess getting onto my work cloths (I do mean cloths, not clothes) nor in my washing machine like rusty oxy clean goop, rusty tail washer chunks, or bits of hair that were combed out. I also use paper towels to strain the cleanser bath when I'm doing deflockings. I prefer to put all those little bits of plastic filament in the trash rather than down the drain. I'd like to get some full-size paper towels for straining flocking fluids because the perforated line is a weak point that sometimes breaks but it seems they're all half-size, now. Coffee filters are too slow and get gunked up too fast by the debris and glue residue from deflocking.
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acetone is used to remove factory paint, or you know how sometimes paint from something else sticks to a pony, and smooth out rough areas
L.A.'s Totally Awesome concentrate has many uses in my salon. I use it to remove Mattel head glue, deflock ponies, and remove nail polish from areas where acetone would remove factory paint
This is is the things I wouldn't mind getting for the salon.
You may or may not know that the salon is currently mostly in the basement bathroom. Don't worry, no one uses that bathroom, so there are no potty particles flying around.
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Towels are just for laying out on the wire shelves where I dry ponies, or laying on the floor when I need more room to dry ponies. I often do a hundred or so ponies all at once and need a lot of space to work.
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There is no counter space in there at all, and it's honestly very difficult to work in there. As such, I've been looking at adjustable work benches because I have to accommodate the toilet and shower if I want to put in some work surface. It's a whole thing.
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UVC light is the kind of UV light that kills off bacteria and fungus. Right now I have UVA lights in my SunBox for "retrobrighting" and wouldn't mind adding a little UVC lamp in there, just to help with cleanliness and probably also would help with smells.
The sink in there is teeny tiny and very difficult to work in, so an extension for the faucet would be really handy. I'd rather replace the whole sink, to be honest, but that's not in the cards at the moment.
A thermal printer would be really handy and let me no longer be reliant on the inkjet printer for which the ink cartridges are being discontinued, soon, and will become difficult to get a hold of. I honestly don't know if THAT one will work with my computer (I don't think my computer has Bluetooth), it's just a placeholder, really.
Obviously this isn't EVERYTHING that I use in the salon. I have an ozone generator for bad smells, paint and paint brushes, combs, brushes, flat irons, crimpers, curling irons, straws to curl hair, pipe cleaners, a massive stash of doll hair........
There's quite a lot going on down there, really.
(Since I'm putting wish lists anyway, here's the art supplies list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/264SH6D7R373P?ref_=wl_share )
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Follow me to live (pt1)
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1.7k words
Triggers: child abuse, animal abuse, blood, violence, not directly but like defintley a hint at sexual assault in the past.
“You can’t just call me a bitch and expect me to respect you!” You shouted
“Well don’t act like a bitch if you don’t want to be one!” Your dad yelled. His eyes were piercing through your soul. He was trying to make himself bigger as if he was trying to scare off a bear.
You wanted to back down but held your ground. He had hurt you too much, he had scared you too much. It was time to show him that you were stronger than him.
“You’re just like your dad!”
One black eye later and you quickly shoved some of your shit in a trash bag. You left with your dad crying on the floor and apologizing.
So… here you are now. Living in little Russia surviving off ramen cups and a water filter. However, today you wanted to switch it up a little and find some happiness in your life. The cold air nipped your face as you began to walk outside.
Some parts of this shit hole were quite nice. You weren’t a religious person, but you were always impressed with religious art. Hence why you were here, mouth agape at the beautiful pieces of colored glass. However, it was starting to get dark and you did not want to be out after dark. You were about to turn around and walk back to your apartment when you heard something.
Was that a whimper?
You heard the soft sound again and began to follow it. Against your better judgment, you went behind the church and found a chained-up dog.
It was a gray pitbull, which looked abused and malnourished. Seeing the slight cuts on its skin and its ribs poking out made you want to cry.
“Hi baby” you crouched down slowly, giving the dog your hand. The dog sniffed your hand and began wagging its tail.
You unclipped her from the chain and slowly picked her up. “Come on girl, let’s go home.”
You locked the door behind you and slowly put the dog down. You grabbed a bowl and began pouring water into it.
“Here you go baby” You softly put the bowl at her feet. You smiled softly as she gulped the water down.
You had some leftover rice that you decided to heat up and put some chicken broth in. Your guess of her being malnourished was proven right when she ate all of the food in one bite. While she ate you inspected a small gold coin that was attached to a leather collar that you had yet to take off.
“John Wick” you said while running your finger over the name.
“Is that your name or your owner's name?” You sighed and flipped over the tag to find any other information. Which, of course, there was nothing
“So you got like- a first name and last name?” She licked you in response. Taking that as an answer you got up.
“Alright John Wick, let’s patch you up.”
The next morning you were awoken by John licking your face. “You hungry Wick?” You smiled at the cute dog.
How could someone ever abuse this cutie?
You got up and went to the fridge, determined to find John something. The chicken immediately caught your eyes and your stomach started to growl.
“God I can’t believe I’m going to sacrifice my meal for a dog… worth it though.”
Two weeks passed, and you and John were now attached by the hip. She had begun to gain some of her weight back but was still healing from cuts. You had stitched them, which was easier than you thought. Wick was surprisingly very calm during the whole ordeal.
You two were snuggling in your bed listening to some podcast about celebrity gossip. “John, can you believe that the Kardashians are still relevant?” She sighed in response while eating popcorn out of your hand.
“Aye John. I was thinking… I have some extra nail polish.”
She glanced at you in response.
“Can I paint your nails?”
“Andddddd done!”
John Wick's nails were now painted a beautiful sparkly purple. You had decided to paint your nails the same color.
“John, we look so cute together!”
You hugged the pitbull as she licked your face.
“Alright, John! Today is the day, your first walk!” She wagged her tail and you attached the leash to her. The leash belonged to your old childhood dog, who also happened to be a pitbull. Moxie and you had a bond that transcended lifetimes. You teared up, maybe John Wick is my little Moxie.
Usually, you had taken John out for a quick piss on the little grassy area near the stairs. However, this was different, a milestone in her progress.
You walked with her around the town, smiling as she smelled everything around her. The walk was so peaceful and nice that you hadn’t even realized you passed the church. That was until someone jumped on your back and stabbed a knife into your shoulder.
“Jesus fucking-“
A hand covered your mouth and you slowly were back in a very very bad memory. Freaking out, you kicked the man in the groin, not once but twice. He loosened his grip and fell to the ground.
“John, are you okay?” You quickly scanned over her body trying to ignore the still, very visible, knife lodged in your shoulder.
Footsteps started to echo from the alleyway of the church. You tightened your hold on her leash and began sprinting.
Bullets started to skim past your body as a random car started to follow you. The footsteps and yelling behind you did not falter, even when you zigzagged down different alleyways.
You were about a block away from your apartment, hiding in the shadows of an alleyway. Their footsteps began to get louder as you held your breath. John, please don’t bark.
The men then passed your alleyway and you let out a shaky breath. “Maybe no more walks…. At least for a bit.” You pet her head and began making your way home.
You shut the door and turned on the lights. “Are you okay baby? You’re not hurt anywhere are you?” Searching her body more thoroughly. You sighed in relief when you saw no bullet holes.
“Thank god you’re okay John.” You pat the dog, trying to ignore the pain coming from your right shoulder.
Man that was my good arm too.
You stumbled your way into the bathroom, with Wick following shortly behind. Flicking on the lights, you screamed as you were met with a barrel of a gun.
“Who the fuck are you?!” You slowly stepped back and put a protective arm out. “Wick stay behind me.” You looked down at the dog but she didn’t seem to listen to you. She ran at the man with her tail wagging. He recuperated the love with a soft pet on her head.
“What did you call her?” He asked, still having the gun pointed at you.
“Wick. Her name is John Wick.”
He slowly lowered the gun, “No, MY name is John Wick.”
You gripped the door frame for extra support as all the adrenaline started to slowly leave you. Rubbing your head in confusion, you were trying to figure out what was going on.
“So… are you her owner or something?”
“Yes.” He slowly put the gun back into his jacket.
“Well, you’re a shit owner. I found her outside of the church, poor girl was starving and abused.” You glared at him. Still trying to keep up some facade that you weren’t going to pass out from the pain at any minute.
“She was kidnapped.” He said sternly as if he was trying to justify the poor dog's abuse.
“You look young. Where’re your parents?” He seemed to quickly want to change the conversation.
“Look man, I appreciate the concern and everything but-“ you glanced at the mirror gagging when you saw the knife in your shoulder.
He quickly made his way toward you and guided you to a kitchen aisle.
“What are you-“
“Lay on the counter.” He demanded.
“Man, I just washed this too.” Your warm skin was met with the coolness of the marble. That’s one thing that always really confused you about this place. Everything in this apartment was so shitty, but you randomly had marble countertops.
“I’m going to have to pull the knife out and stitch the wound.” He pulled out a first aid kit from his jacket.
“Don’t you dare.” You tried moving off the countertop but his one hand held you in place.
“WAIT WAIT WAIT- I’m getting used to it just leave it in”.
He began to grab wipes, a thread, and a needle from the small box.
“I never and I mean never broken a bone before! Not to mention stitches and a fucking stab wound!” You began wigging in place as he threaded the needle.
“Always a first for everything.” He hummed.
“I will scream-“
“Don’t forget that those Russian men are looking for you.” He scolded.
“They don’t belong to you?”
“No, but they are after me, now you too.” He walked away. You sighed in relief thinking that talking more was going to delay the whole process. He got a cup of water before starting where he left off.
“So- like how did you get involved with them?” You nervously asked. Maybe next you’ll ask what he thinks about the weather
“Talking more will make this whole situation longer than it needs to be.” You groaned at his answer.
He quickly put a hand over your mouth and pulled out the knife. His hand had muffled your screams, which really didn’t do much. You then kicked your legs out, frantically trying any way to get rid of the pain.
“You done yet?” He asked unamused. As if his kid was throwing a tantrum because they couldn’t get a toy they wanted.
You nodded and he removed the hand from your mouth.
“Alright time to stitch”
Anyway this is new and very inspired by @arece so check their series out.
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Celebrating Mc´s Birthday Part 1
are some characters more favored than others? maybe, but this is written just for me so I don´t care to hide my favoritism
he prepared a nice evening for both of you at Ristorante Six
and it would have been a nice day if it wasn´t for the fact that the second they were unsupervised, his Brothers either nearly destroyed the house or are stalking both of you
you barely had any time to sit down when they tried to sabotage both of you
good thing Lucifer quickly got rid of them
even someone who wasn´t used to their antics could tell they were there
those 6 don´t know about the word subtle… and you also could hear someone constantly mutter die Lucifer which made it even easier
Lucifer did salvage the evening though, but there also wasn´t much salvaging because they didn´t destroy anything and you just laughed their antics of
Mammon´s first thought was somewhere he could gamble
it was quiet easy to tell you did not appreciate his thoughts
and after quiet the lengthy discussion, he actually went somewhere in the Human world with you
it was a nice day you guys just walked around and Mammon bought you something
you actually had to fight him on not buying a bunch of things
you could just look at something and he was about to go get it
with some excuses which rang from “you´re his favorite Human so you should get some nice things” or “as your first man he should be allowed to spoil you”
he got a little kiss for being so cute, it also stopped him from buying a bunch of things
he went with you to a TSL convention and it was surprisingly nice? well besides Levi fighting everybody that doesn´t remember every little detail from the books and nitpicking their costumes or the merch sold their
he also was very respected among some other hardcore fans, but all of them have the same gate keeping mentality so it didn´t last long
you would think he got you a Henry figurine or something else TSL related but no! he actually got you an adorable sheep plushy with an orange ribbon
he was very embarrassed about it, but was very happy to see your refusal on ever parting with it
he went with you in an ancient bookstore
everything in there was older than you could imagine, even things older than humanity!
he told you to pick one out but you didn´t even dare touch one of them, everything looked like it could turn to dust any second now
but you found an interesting book about banned Curses and Spells for the advanced Sorcerer
which definitely won´t be used for the Anti-Lucifer league, no way
Satan also partially talked you into because as soon as you saw the price you thought you would faint
I mean at least it doesn´t look like it´s about to go poof...
he pretty much just replaced your entire wardrobe, he was scarily accurate with his accuracy about your style and size and didn´t take a no for an answer
he also replaced pretty much everything else he could get his hands on, you use lotions or make-up? he got you an entire years supply of incredibly high quality, nail polish? you just got every available color from all types of brands
the only drawback of this was that he wanted you to try everything on…
but he constantly complimented you which was nice :D
also if you think any of those look like some of his outfits no they don´t, he didn´t give some of his clothes because they would suit you better… or because it would make you just as cute as him
oh would you look at the time! he already has to get ready for bed, guess you will never now where those outfits originally came from
he got you the biggest and greatest Birthday cake he could find, he also gifted you one of his jackets
because you thought they are comfy and Beel thought you looked the cutest when wearing one
he was actually worried about you finding the cake and even more so you not liking it, he even baked you an emergency for this scenario
it took a lot of willpower to not test the ingredients
but it was worth it when he saw you enjoy the cake (and that you were willing to leave the majority to him)
he also was so happy when he saw you wear his jacket
he immediately scooped you up and refused to let go, the only reason why was because Lucifer saw you turn blue
but if you died it would have been worth it, because this was the comfiest hug you ever got
you went to a Human world planetarium
you actually thought he would fall asleep after a while but no, for the entire day he was awake
in his words he wouldn´t want to miss such a special day and even if he wanted he couldn´t sleep from his excitement
he also bought you a cute little plushie, some pillows, blankets and new pj´s
essentially just a nap pack, it was the comfiest thing you ever touched
when you guys were at the Planetarium he also explained all the star constellation you guys could see
it was a really nice day
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versegm · 1 year
You didn't think you'd see the gardens of Avalon ever again.
Though, you didn't think you'd see Avalon ever, period, because only the innocent may pass and you have long crossed that bridge. But you were wrong the first time, and it seems like you are wrong once more, waking up in a field of blooming flowers. 
This is a dream, of course. Which doesn't make it any less real, mind you (you have a hard time telling dreams and reality apart these days) but that also means that you can jump on your feet way faster than you would have when awake. Having no joint pain carrying over will do that to a man.
"Alright," you wonder out loud, "where I am?"
Surprisingly, you don't see Merlin's tower. You don't see much of anything at all, really. Flowers, flowers, a little cottage, and oh, wouldn't you guess it! More flowers.
That cottage is intriguing though, so you head that way. The closer you get, the odder it looks. It has been painted with bright colors, mirroring the flower field around it. The painter was obviously very passionate... and very unskilled. Though, to their defense, painting on walls made of literal swords slot into one another cannot be easy.
You knock, twice. At the absence of response, you open the door and walk in. Similarly, the interior was clearly decorated by someone who wanted it to be cute, but had nothing but swords to work with. There's a wardrobe (made of swords,) a kitchen table (also swords,) a bed (with, thank god, a regular mattress) and-
someone rests on that bed. They turn to look at you as you step in. Half-awake, disheveled, it takes you a second to recognize that they have your face.
"Hello!" You greet them with a smile. It's not your first time meeting another one of you. You might as well be polite. "Sorry for barging in, I-"
The figure jumps on all four, bares their teeth, and launches themself at you.
You flinch back, more by reflex than intent, barely dodging the snap of their jaws. You hurriedly step back, heartrate quickening. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You're three steps away from the door. If you throw a gandr at them, it might buy you some time-
The person tries to bite you again, snarling- only to be abruptly stopped mid-jump.
They have a collar. They have a collar, wrapped tight around their neck. They have a collar, and a leash, a thick chain keeping them tied to the bed.
They snarl at you, growl and spit like an animal, not a single word coming out of their mouth. They flail their arms wildly, trying to claw at you with long nails.
They don't reach you. A firm hand closes around your collar, and jerks you away from their reach.
"Ritsuka," speaks a soft voice, "I told you. If you want to bite, bite this."
The person who pulled you away from the mad dog extends an arm forward. Your other self wastes no time; they grab that arm, pulls it forward, and sink their teeth in the flesh. The person doesn't so much as flinch.
Instead, she turns to look at you, and smiles. "Hello to you too, Ritsuka." Says Artoria Avalon. "I'm sorry you had to see this."
You don't know what to say. You don't know how to even begin to process this. 
While you stand dumbstruck, Artoria steps forward. Your other self moves to bite her closer to the elbow. Her pale skin is littered in red teeth mark, you notice. This isn't the first time happened.
"It's okay," she says, calm as ever, as she wraps her other arm around the stranger wearing your face. "It's okay, Ritsuka. It's just me."
Her words must stir something inside of them, because they let go of her arm. There is a small, pitiful whine, and then they start licking at the bite mark.
"It's okay. I know you didn't mean it." She raises a hand to pet their hair. "It doesn't hurt that much anyways. Your jaws aren't that strong, Ritsuka."
You swallow hard. "What... what happened to them?"
Artoria doesn't even turn to look at you. "Wouldn't you know best?"
You do. Of course you do. If you have learned anything from this baseball game, it's this: for every one of your success, there is a version of you who fails. This one- this is the one who chose to forget the horrors they've seen. "This is the one who chose to be an animal."
That gets Artoria to looks at you, glaring with all her might. "Don't speak of them like that. Don't speak of yourself like that." A slight pause. And then, in a calmer tone: "They're human. You're human. They just... forgot about that, for now."
"Do you think they can remember?"
"They recognize me, don't they?" And surely, they must; why else would they press themself against Artoria so? Why else would they try to soothe the bites they gave? "I found them wandering between timelines, hurt and alone. They are no longer hurt. I won't let them be alone. I will help them be human again. They will be okay. I will make sure of it."
"Do you even know what that means, to be human?" She's a fairy, and a sword, and a star so bright you want to hold her in your palms even as she burns your skin away. Doesn't she have enough of a burden to carry? Why saddle herself with you?
"I know you, if nothing else. And what are you, if not a human?"
You are unsure of many things. You don't believe that you are innocent. You don't believe that you are sane. You don't believe that you are a good person at all, really.
But human. That, yes. That, you're certain you are.
"Thank you," you tell her, on the behalf of the you who has yet to remember how to speak. "Sorry for the bites. They must hurt."
"I told you. It's alright. I don't mind." She smiles, at you, at them, at Ritsuka Fujimaru. "I am your sword. I will never let you be alone. I will never let any of you be alone, Ritsuka."
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thewrittingpan · 2 years
Painting Lies
Feitan/reader (with a slight mention of phinks/reader and shalnark/reader)
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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He was surprisingly gentle. Nails would carve jagged lines down your legs, he’d press bruises into your skin. The burning of ointment, and warm water often pull gasps from your throat. The stinging and burning of the cuts grasped the air in your chest by its tail, twisting and tugging until it was yanked out, the same way he used pliers on that poor man's teeth when he was annoyed. At least you weren't left with gaping bloody holes when your breath and whines were ripped out.
You met him at an exhibition. There was a gentle background of classical music, a flood of people chattering away as they strolled through the exhibit. You hid in plain sight, your name tag on your chest, staring across the room at a piece made by someone else. Their line work was wonderful, each mark beautifully dragged your eyes across the piece in a loop. Its web pushing you out and pulling you in again. You hated it, it wasn’t bad no, but it was exactly what you wished to be. You were jealous, so filled with envy that you wanted to scream, to cry, and to throw a fit, sob into your pillow, and be comforted by your old stuffed friend.
You liked your little corner, and you happily talked with no one, becoming quick friends with the snack table. A few people came over to complement your work, and you nodded and thanked them. Perhaps you were too anxious, maybe it was a bad day, but you felt like your thanks were forced. It felt like you were stripped bare in front of them, caught halfway through changing. Plucked from the shower, your hair still dripping wet, as if you were halfway through shampooing.
He was different. His eyes were sharp, he felt social-avoidant, more so than you. You stood silently near each other for a while. You still felt like you were on a platter but less so as he took the liberty of glances at your name tag and gazed across the room. He stepped closer as the room grew less crowded.
“You made those?” he motioned toward your section of the exhibition.
You nodded slowly, feeling as if you were shivering like a scared dog.
“They’re good.”
“Thank you.”
You stole sips from your drink, glancing up at him every so often. He looked nice in the suit, it was tailored well, and the vents in the back didn't have the shipping treads still attached. You noticed that it helped you realize who was most likely to have money, and at the very least let you know who knew how to dress in a formal setting.
“The one-piece, with the organs, looked real.”
“Oh? Yeah, I stared at images of surgery the whole time while painting it.” You twirled your straw around your glass. The ice tapped against the cup, like the glass wind chimes that hug from your balcony. Your downstairs neighbor complained about them and you had to get rid of them. Sometimes you still see yourself sitting there in your chair, with your cat tucked behind your feet sleeping. “I didn't get the color right, I should have worked on it longer, it doesn't have enough eye movement.” The piece you’ve been glaring at didn't have those imperfections.
“I like it.”
I like talking with you. “I’m glad.”
You saw the time, realizing you had to go. There were awards to be handed out, and all of them were another reason for you to grow jealous. You wondered if stuffing your pockets full of snacks would be a good thing to come from this night.
“Are you going to the award ceremony?”
He looked back at you, thinking about it perhaps, you wouldn't blame him. They can be boring, especially if they’re unnecessarily long. He nodded, stepping forward without saying anything. He looked over towards you, waiting only a moment before you walked alongside him.
Your table was close to the walls. Nicely placed close to the snacks and drinks, but not close enough to have people hovering behind you. Having your pieces sold wasn't a guarantee, so you stuffed small handfuls of the free food into your bag when you thought no one was looking.
You didn't care to remember much about the night. Your legs were killing you, and you felt like you could sleep through a week when you got home. You liked your brief time with that man, the one you never caught the name of. It was a slow quiet conversation that dragged on but it didn't feel as awkward as you were used to. In a way, you wished to see him again, to have him be a new familiar face at any future show you had. You liked him, in the way you like a staple background character in a show.
You were more than shocked to find out that every piece of yours sold. Even more so when you saw you got more than the original asking price. You were crying with joy, while you practically jumped off the walls letting yourself celebrate with a childish movie and a more spendy takeout meal than you usually allow yourself from time to time. You fell asleep watching it, your cat curled up on your chest.
Your streak of good luck had you dancing all week. You danced with your cat as you took breaks from your projects, swinging him in your arms like he was a newborn. His little squeaks of a meow made you squeal with delight. You peppered kisses across his nose and ears, brushing his chest and desperately fighting off mats that always tried to appear in his fur. Your day job was boring as usual but there were fewer annoying things to deal with. You lucked out managing to snag a deal on paints, even managing to fit an experimental project into your personal use stash of cash.
In your unprofessional opinion, the best thing to happen was bumping into that man from the exhibit. It was late in the afternoon, and the sun started to dip down behind buildings and trees. You had to make a quick stop at a convenience store, the chime of the door welcoming you. You passed by the man in the green jacket waiting on a pack of cigarettes. Your shoes clicked on the floor, they made you feel cute, if you weren't in public maybe you’d spin in a circle and laugh, telling a joke to yourself about being a teacher walking in the halls. You grabbed a small can of tuna, a treat for your cat until you could get his food tomorrow when the store opened. You made sure to triple-check your budget and grab a snack for yourself.
There were a lot of things that needed to be done; you had bills due next week, the cat needed more food, you needed to check on litter sales, and you needed to do some grocery shopping. You need to check the calendar when you get home, that cat of yours needs to go to the groomer to help with his too-fluffy face. Then lost in thought you took a step back bumping into someone behind you.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You turned around, already apologizing with real sincerity.
“It’s fine.”
“Oh! You’re the guy from the thing,” You nearly didn't recognize him, half his face was covered after all. His eyes though were just so sharp, they were calculating and every time they dragged across the room it felt like the walls and floors shivered as a person would. They were beautiful in a scary intimidating way, matched with his silence you would have never dared talk with him.
“Do you live here? Or are you passing through or something?” Maybe you should have been more scared, no you should have been more scared, it was worse than extended family gatherings where you had to sit next to your father’s 3rd cousin’s great-niece, who was also your age with perfect grades and decorated in awards. Part of you desperately wanted to talk to him. You felt so strange dancing around your words, biting on sentences, and licking your comas, but you wanted to get to know this guy, as weird and as awful as it sounded, you kinda had a crush on the guy. It would explain your actions at least.
“Staying for business for a few weeks.”
“Maybe we’ll run into each other again, if that happens and you’re free I could show you this really pretty place with a bunch of cute kitties!” You smiled to yourself and went to check out your things, “I like doodling the cats sometimes they can be so silly, it's peaceful there,” you hummed a little note, thinking of them playing with each other and snacking on treats people left for them. “Anyways, it was nice seeing you again! In case we don't meet again, have a good few weeks!” You waved him goodbye and left with the ring of the door.
You passed through the streets until you were home and greeted by the cat sleeping atop the fridge. He was comfortably curled up with his tail covering his eyes and nose. His little pink ears poked out from atop his head twitching when the door opened and closed. His paws hung over the edge of the fridge, his little paw pads covered in dust and a little dirt from the plant on your balcony.
You went about your day painting his paws. Working diligently on your projects and scrambling to find that damned sketchbook. There were a thousand things to do during your very short few days before your exhibit. Everything was nearly complete. You needed to finish that one cursed liver that was not agreeing with the angle, and you had some hooks to hang to the back of a couple of others. That public showcase needed a more grief-stricken feel, you needed to figure out how to make it ooze out of the piece, and make this more than some random extra gory piece.
You worked late into the evening, you had bright white lights shining down onto the canvas from over your shoulders. When you started yawning every few minutes, your eyes started to water and you were starting to fight to keep focus, you decided to rest. The knot in your shoulders pinched and pulled at you stretched. You struggled to run your knuckles across your back as if to weed out the knots. You rubbed your eyes and noticed you forgot to close the blinds.
Living on the upper floors came with the benefit of safety. Though it did concern you that someone across the street could have been watching you. You’d simply need to make sure to do that every time you start to paint. Or set an alarm on your phone to make sure you close them each night. Though it was late and you needed to finish as soon as you could, so you didn't bother to go change into some fluffy pajamas or curl up into your bed but plopped onto your cheap futon with your cat and a small mountain of blankets you swiped from across the house and just let the exhaustion catch up with you.
Your hard work paid off. You reached your deadline, and while you had a thousand vile words for your last piece others only had small criticisms that you graciously thanked them for. You found yourself stuffing your face with snacks and yawning to yourself in-between conversations. You swear that if you miss one night of full sleep, you feel it for weeks.
Through the nice clothes of passersby and the quiet background chatter of the room, you saw that same guy looking up at one painting. His face was gently covered in a veil to cover his emotions, you couldn't read them even if you knew how. Yet he looked up and the way he looked made you want to believe that he liked it, you hoped that he was gazing up at it with admiration. He looked away from it, meeting eyes with you.
In a sudden surge of confidence, you stepped forward, your hands filled with your small prize of free food. You didn't know what you wanted to say to this man, but you did like how he looked in a suit, it's not your place to comment on his clothing but you preferred to see his lips the few times he spoke. You offered your handful of snacks as you munched on a cube of cheese, biting into pepper jack, how did you feel about the warm pepper jack?
“Do you like it?”
“Sort of.”
You looked up at the painting, your last one, the one that gave you the most trouble. The details still felt all wrong, the emotion was there but it was muddy, and hard to feel.
“It doesn't look like a liver,” you both said to each other.
You felt so excited, he knew it was off too, he knew that it wasn't right. “What’s wrong with it?” you smiled looking at the painting, tilting your head to see if that would help.
“The shading there,” he pointed, “ It doesn't have the right shade it should, and the blood vessels are too easy to see there.”
“Do you think a wash would fix it? I could give this a purple color in the shadows, less dark maybe like a lilac color? But then that part would look too uniform…”
You walked past each piece talking about the issues you could fix with the gorier ones, and how you could make the less gory invoke a desperate and sorrowful feeling.
“Can I ask if you're a collector or a critic?” You yawned a little, but you still felt decently awake, “I’m just curious you don't have to answer.”
“Neither,” he didn't bat an eye at your anxious stumble of words. “I went to the other one because my boss asked me to.”
“Did you come to this one because you wanted to?”
He didn't answer right away. “Yes.”
“Well I’m glad, it meant I could use you as an excuse to avoid conversation,” you joked, once again yawning as you sat down on a bench.
“You’re tired.”
“Yeah, I had to pull one too many all-nighters. I have to catch the last bus.”
He sat down next to you. Deep down inside you, exhaustion was bubbling up. It floated up to your skin melting away at your muscles and nerves. With every breath, you took it chewed through you until you were speaking in yawns and blinking through watery eyes. You wiped away at it, trying to keep yourself afloat in your head and not be dragged down into sleep.
“I could drive you home.”
You sniffled and yawned, trying to think. “I’d like that, I think, I’m just not exactly comfortable with it…” you couldn't ride the bus like this, you couldn't have some stranger drive you home like this either. Yet as if the world was against you, you had to pick between two awful ideas.
“Okay, you can drive me home, just don’t kidnap me, murder me, or any other gross shit okay?” You knew that the request made no logical sense but it made you feel ever so slightly more comfortable with the idea.
You typed your address into his phone, sinking into the passenger seat of what you kinda assumed was a rental car, though you didn’t care to ask while half asleep. The humm of the car on the empty streets was calming. The constant sound and the passing of the buildings only caused you to feel more sleepy, and you just slipped away. It just became so hard to fight to stay awake, it made you feel calm and there was an odd sense of comfort in it, falling asleep in the car, it reminded you of being a little kid.
You briefly woke up when the passenger door opened and you were plucked from the car. You made some confused noise which caused him to speak.
“I’ll carry you in.”
You mumbled something to him, probably your apartment number. Then you unsurprisingly feel asleep again. You kinda woke up to unlock the door. The handle was weird and had to be pushed just right to get the door to open.
“Come in if you want.” You said kicking off your uncomfy fancy shoes and scooping your very confused cat off the floor. He stared wide-eyed at the strange man that was invited into your home.
You had yet to move back into your bed so you collapsed just like every other night on your shitty little futon. “You can sleep over if you want, there’s my room that way if ya want the bed, possibly a sleeping bag if you’ll put up with a pink one from when I was nine.” You vaguely pointed in the directions of each place before promptly forgetting what happened next.
You woke up to a beautiful smell and a pile of blankets, pillows, and a pink sleeping bag on the floor. You were mildly confused but just rolled yourself onto the floor with your mountain of blankets and pillows. Nothing meowed when you landed so you took it as a success.
You looked out of the blankets at the feet beside your head. “I had like nothing in there to make real food out of?” You looked up at him confused.
“I grabbed stuff.”
“That’s like husband material right there.”
You yawned sitting up with a groan. He walked away back to the kitchen, and you looked down at yourself, wondering when you changed into pajamas, but it wouldn’t have been the weirdest thing you’ve done while asleep so you moved on like an idiot. That savory smell made you salivate like a starved dog. It was like your shitty little kitchen was glowing with holy light.
“Thank you so much!”
He nodded, sitting down on a mismatched stool next to you. You didn't mind eating in silence, you were so excited to have a home-cooked meal that tasted good, you may be able to do many things but cooking was not your forte.
“I leave tonight, will you show me the cat place?”
“The cat place?” you stared at him for a moment before it dawned on you and you practically screamed, “The cat place! Oh yes, I will! I have some wet food that we can feed them! My cat is picky and won’t eat the kind I wanted him to try.”
That's how you came to lead him through this bright sunny park, with a small bag of cat food and treats. It wasn’t warm, there was this slight cool feel to the air, when you stepped into the sun it warmed you instantly but as the leaves covered you from it you felt a shiver deep in your bones.
You stopped at a small little creek tucked away from the open park. You sat yourself on the ground and opened your bag, you had to fish out all your little gifts for the cats and handed him a can of cat food.
“Get ready, it's adorable.” You grasped the pull tab looking out across the grass and rocks.
Then pulled up the tab and unsealed the can. A series of loud meows and cries echoed around the trees as cats started locking their heads out of bushes and grass to find the food. You had a huge smile on your face and stood up to dump the food across the ground for them to fight over. You sprinkled and tossed some solid treats in the grass and across the rocks. Sometimes crows and ravens would eat them so you sat down and enjoyed watching the cats.
You gently stroked the kittens that climbed up your legs to grab your food. You playfully pushed the friendlier cats over and let them kick at your hands and naw on your fingers. The quiet man had let the cats rub along his sides scratching their heads. He said nothing but you’d sometimes catch him looking at you. You laughed holding a cat up to your face, and holding its paw so it looked like he was waving at the man.
“You know mister, a cute kitten such as myself, still doesn’t know your name.” You kissed the cat's head before placing him back on the ground. “But you obviously know mine, it’s quite unfair don’t you think?”
“Fetain,” he said, “Not unfair now.”
You laughed lightly and tossed him a water bottle, sifting through your bag to give him a simple sandwich and pulled out some snacks. The sun moved slowly pulling across the sky, shining down from the branches. The sun stippled across the grass, sparkling across the rocks of the creek, and curressing the kittens who were bathing in its warmth.
“It’s a shame you leave tonight.”
Your fingers plucked a fallen leaf from the ground, you rubbed your thumb across its veins, feeling the slight bumps. It was a smooth yellow, freshly fallen from the branches. It was leathery, and you loved its color. Staring at it left you feeling as if you had been gazing up at the sunrise, watching the sun scatter across the stream.
“I like this color.” You looked over at him, “reminds me of a sunrise, the white wispy clouds dyed this pale yellow and highlighting parts of the water…” you drew yourself into a melancholy silence, if you had a chance to watch the sunrise with him and the cats you would.
“Cheesy,” he huffed a small chuckle.
“I know I know, it’s gross and cheesy,” you rolled your eyes, “kinda looks like a cartoon cheese yellow, now that ya say that.”
“It’s getting late, sun's setting.”
“Oh, do you wanna be cheesy and watch it?” You wrapped your arms around your knees and looked over at him.
He didn’t say much of anything but leaned back onto his arms to watch alongside you. You pulled a friendly fur ball into your lap, and rubbed his little ears.
“I think my cat liked you, he’s pretty shy, but he seemed to like you.”
“He was cute.”
“Isn't he?” you laid down with a smile looking up at him. “I think he’d be cuddling with you in no time if you keep visiting.”
Saying goodbye was a bitter moment. You desperately didn’t want him to leave, you realized that you had become so isolated in your daily life. The momentary companionship had left a bittersweet taste, and the more you stayed hung up on it the more it felt like your teeth were rotting away from your overthinking. You tried to go out more after he left. You’d sit sketching the little creek you had shown him. If anything you felt yourself faced with an embarrassing block.
You repeated the same ideas, the same concepts but nothing felt complete, everything was missing something. There weren’t enough emotions maybe, or everything was too muddled together. Perhaps you were the problem and we’re trying too hard, or the idea wasn’t completed, and you were rushing it. Working through the block was a painful endeavor, you spent hours sitting and just listening to music, trying to let your mind wonder. Somewhere a seed of an idea was uncovered, a small fragile thing covered in a thin layer of dirt.
You rolled it between your fingers, the texture needed to be grooved, little threads feathering the figure. How can you capture the sorrow? How can you make something violent and graceful at once? You needed desperation in the figure, the hands needed to search for another that wasn’t there, it needed to feel both cruel and comforting, or maybe it would morph into something new, something that would take on its own life, becoming more than a painting filled with an empty heart. You found yourself transfixed on the eyes. They were the most detailed aspect, you found yourself drawn to them adding so much detail that every brush stroke was a reflection of yourself. When you had to cover it with a cloth, you knew you were succeeding.
You became haunted by the painting, its eyes followed you with that cruel pity. There was something foreboding with the way it giggled at you. You became absent minded with the time, forgetting to take care of yourself as you painted a nightmare of dependency. Having the eyes be such a focal point was a great idea and you were sure that it would look perfect when it was complete but it was just so gastly. It’s effect on you was proving how successful it was already though you had only been working for a short while.
You continued sleeping on your cheap futon while you worked passing out late into the morning and arising even later into the afternoon. Honestly you became too focused on work, ignoring your phone and missing the messages from that mysterious guy you think is cute not knowing he was visiting town again, honestly you should have been taking brakes and paying more attention.
When Fetain showed up at your door you were dressed in one of your painting shirts and left awkwardly without pants, since you had been neglecting your chores.
He stood staring at the painting as you folded your laundry, he would have sat down but the cat was fond of that chair. Fetain was drawn to the eyes too, or at least that’s what you guessed, he was staring intently at every little detail and it was nice if you had to be honest. He wasn’t someone you felt like you needed to look up to, not a teacher or a critic, or not that you know of at least, god you hope not, but he seemed genuinely interested in the ideas you had. Every concept seemed to make him think, the more abstract left him with open ended inferences, and there were a thousand ways one painting could inspire him. You sometimes see that shine in his eyes where he gets an idea. You never asked but you were starting to get curious about it.
“The eyes need to have more shadows.”
You waddled over folding a pair of pants, looking over his shoulder, “show me.”
The eye lids, you somehow missed that important detail and your shading was off. His hand pointed to the shoulder and the shoulder blades.
“Too sharp, and looks like they’re missing a lot of blood.”
“That’s not a bad idea actually, to purposefully make them look like that.” You leaned forwards holding your folded pants to your chest, you traveled your finger down the spine, “I could try to make these look sharper as if something like a knife is digging from the inside out? Do you think that would be too much?” You looked up at him.
“If you don’t like it you can always change it.”
You hummed in agreement, “I think I’ll try it and maybe I can make it look more bruised too.” You went back to folding your things thinking out loud about some of your n ideas under your breath.
“I’ll make food.”
“You really don’t have to do that you know, I appreciate it and I mean I love your cooking so I’m not going to say no it’s just, I feel a little awkward with a guest cooking, does that make sense?”
He nodded and started searching through your kitchen to get an idea of what you had. “I’ll still cook.”
There was something sweet about working on the painting as he cooked. You were jealous of his cooking, last time you had it it stuck in your thoughts. You’d be laying there and then shout out with annoyance as you could slightly taste it still, you could remember the way it melted on your tongue, you savored it and wished to rip into a newly made dish with the ferocity of a rabid dog. You felt like how you imagine your cat does when looking at an empty bowl and the empty box of treats that was mocking him.
You slowly went about putting your folded clothes back in the closet and your drawers. It was mundane but taking the break you needed was helping with preventing any sort of burn out. While you were in your room putting things away you just started wandering around and moving things that had been moved from their correct spots, you must have been looking for something and got distracted before fixing it. Some of your selves were getting dusty, you should wipe them down but you also needed to clean the bathroom.
You settled with staring in the bathroom, it would be less fun but it was needed more than the rest. You sorted through old makeup tossing out old products and things you hadn’t used in a while. You shuffled through spilt bandages boxes and your medicine cabinet. You scrubbed off the grime from the counters and the dust that had collected in the small corners.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. Little spots and marks on the glass dotted across your reflection. You could tell that you’ve been doing nothing but working for days. Your skin thankfully wasn’t bad but you started the process of washing it and attempting to prevent acne from bubbling up worse in the few spots that were starting to get a little more irritated. If the visit that you had missed the warning of had ruffle your feathers you relaxed as you rinsed off your face. It was grounding in a way, basic self care that can easily be pushed to the side and missed in a rush, and the warm water comforted you in the chill of autumn.
You walked back out where that beautiful smell was strongest, pulling the knots and tangles out of your hair as you did. The pan was sizzling and you could hear it as you came around the corner. You’d tug on your hair and a series of pops from the stove would mimic you. Tug. Pop pop. Tug. Pop pop. Tug tug. Pop.
“It smells good.”
“Good it’s done.”
You ate mostly quietly, caught up too much on the distinct flavors, and a myriad of textures. You happily tried everything with a joy comparable to that of a puppy running so fast that it ends up stumbling into its mother's legs. When you bit down into something bitter your nose scrunched up, and your eyes closed. You whined a little at the surprise and made a little joke about how maybe you shouldn't trust his cooking after all. He rolled his eyes and slid you a piece of his meal that he knew you enjoyed much more than you had gotten to tell him.
“Eat and stop complaining.”
You saw a glimmer in his eye and laughed, taking a bite of his kindness.
You talked quietly on your futon, some random thing playing on tv to fill the background. You tended to mostly be the one talking, it's not that you minded but sometimes you questioned if you were boring him or if he wanted to say something. You just kept talking to him and convincing your cat to trust him a bit more. When you started getting a little sleepy he didn't mind, offering to do the dishes while you rested.
“Are you sure? You already did the-” you were cut off by your yawn, “cooking.”
“It's fine, sleep.”
“Okay, but at least let me put them away when I wake up.” you lay down, watching him walk to the kitchen, “I don't want you doing all of it,” and you slipped to sleep, with your cat crawling onto your back not too much later.
It felt fuzzy and it blurred together like watered-down acrylic. You saw him scrubbing away in the kitchen, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Your eyes dipped shut and when you pulled them apart half aware that you didn't want to sleep, he wasn't in the kitchen, he was walking around your home. He must have finished and wanted to let you sleep, you rationalized as you blinked asleep again. It felt so warm, so comforting to be asleep, but something was missing, something was off. You couldn't keep your eyes open anymore, you just laid there, eyes closed half aware that something was wrong.
You heard your cat meow. It was low and drawn out. He was upset. What could be upsetting him? You vaguely remember reaching for him but couldn't remember if you found him or if he was doing better or not. You definitely didn’t know why he was upset, or if comfort is what he needed, but you still longed to stop his crying.
The room was different, you noticed that first. You nearly didn’t notice it, a lot of the room looked familiar, but the furniture wasn’t as distressed as the ones you had. There was no sticker from when you were a kid on the shelf on the bottom. The shelves were arranged the same and even had the same things that you had in yours. It felt like you woke up from a weird dream. The shelves of books had the books you were missing in series and even books you wanted to read.
You didn’t really believe it, your sheets were different but so alike at the same time. It was clearly an attempt to replicate it as best as possible. You tossed the blankets off of you panic slowly seeping in, you were so confused so lost, you could have sworn you were home asleep on your futon, but this looked eerily close to your room.
Where was your cat? Had he been left behind? What happened to Fetain? Where were you, and why the hell did it look so much like your room?
You looked under the bed finding your cat tucked away with one of your shoes. His front paws were wrapped around the toes and his head was resting on the ankle of the shoe. Relief for his well-being leaked through you as you called out his name like a whisper, desperate for him to truly show you he was alright. His big eyes opened wide and he yawned squeaking as he stretched out his limbs before crawling over to you. You combed your fingers through his fur, and he purred and mewled, letting you drag him up to your face and cradle him like a newborn. His warm soft and fluffy body grounded you as you looked around wide-eyed at the room, for an embarrassingly long time you just sat there frozen and confused in the corner wondering what was going on.
You desperately clung to him, pulling open the closet to see your clothes lose threads, stains, and all, but mixed in were clothes that weren't yours at all. You took laps around the room inspecting everything in sight. The shelves had things that were nearly impossible to replace and things you had thought were long gone. There was a bag near the bed and when you peeked inside there were more, little knick-knacks and trinkets, books with notes, and emotionally important gifts.
It felt like choking. Suffocating. A thousand things went wrong like a ship in a bottle tossed helplessly onto the shoreline with jagged rocks. You wanted to sob feeling as if you were being torn into a million pieces, scattered across the wind. You grabbed the door handle wondering if you should open it or if you should even try to see if it was locked. Should you be sitting in bed pretending to be asleep still? Behave and be good in the hopes that you don't get brutally murdered? There were too many options, and you twisted the door handle.
It opened easily and you looked out into a hallway. It was plain, sparse with nothing on the walls, there was nothing except the orange lights humming above you. There were voices down the hall you stared down towards them. Should you see who that is? Should you go back and tuck yourself back into the sheets? It was all so strange, standing in the doorway of the mimic of your room, looking around at an unfamiliar place.
You stepped tenderly across the carpet that seemed to you like glass. Each step made you feel like the floor creaked and groaned, splintering and cracking with each timid tiptoe. You felt so cold, shivering and quaking down the long looming hall. There was a loud frustrated yell, a curse, and a mocking laugh, you peered around the corner tucked into yourself.
Two men, both blondes, were sitting around a tv, a low table covered in marks and scratches was scattered with cans and cups. There were wrappers and chips, a standard mess of snacks and drinks that had piled up. The two blondes threatened each other as they focused intently on the TV screen playing some sort of shooter game. You looked across it all into a kitchen that needed a bit of a clean too, it was much better than the table but some take out boxes were set next to the trash can.
You didn’t know what to do. A thousand different emotions glued you to the floor, tears threatened to run lines down your cheeks until it melted through the meat of your cheeks. Oh how crying could provide comfort, to be swaddled up with a tub of something sweet, and to whail to some cute comfort show. It was cruel, to be standing there like a statue, but as fragile as a newborn. You couldn’t do anything but someone could easily hurt you and make horrible nightmares cling like phantoms. Even worse they’ll be true and real digging claws to your skin and sinking down into muscle and bone.
You retreated back, tucking yourself around the corner. The sweet boy that was your cat mewled and squirmed digging his claws into your shoulder, as a toddler would try to stabilize itself in a parents’ arms. How many times would things go wrong?
You scattered backwards down the hall, the two blondes turning around the corner to see you standing not too far from them. You didn’t say anything to them, you couldn’t. There was nothing to do, you just kept backing up, holding on desperately to your cat, trying not to hurt him, but also it felt like you were holding a stuffed animal at this point.
“Where am I? Who are you?” it felt like you were choking, a plastic bag forced over your head as you were left gasping and sputtering for air almost. “Why am I here?” You felt like you were shouting but it was nothing more than a whisper, and your mind was reeling and spinning, a hurricane tore through your thoughts as you spiraled and gapped for air.
It became so hard to breathe, too difficult to try to stay calm and hold back the tears. You were shaking and panting, your chest rising and falling faster than a ball would bounce. It was horrible losing your thoughts as fear and panic overtook you. It became hard to know what was going on, and hard to stay standing as the floor seemed to sway and rock like the deck of a boat. The two men seemed a little shocked. One looked more awkward than anything.
You shook your head frantically, and stepped back like a dog in a corner. You were scared and everything just came imploding into you. When the cat squirmed out of your arms you were so lost and confused that you didn’t reach for him again, you watched him hide in the room you woke up in with a glassy and far away look. Somehow it felt like your body wasn’t yours, a doll tossed and strewn about the floor, left to be picked up by the next kid to come across you. Yet you laid there sobbing, shaking your body, and your face boiling as you cried. It must have been a pathetic sight, a desperate and lonely picture.
You didn’t fight more than a gentle push at one of the men's faces, as one picked you up from your puddle on the floor. It wasn’t like you even recognized which one it was, there was nothing you could do. The act was nothing more than a bleeding mouse trying to push away a cat. Nothing useful would come of it, it was a last act of defiance, a testament to freedom, and a symbol that you didn’t approve of this, that it was thrusted upon you by someone else. It was nothing more than that, but it boiled and evaporated just as fast as your emotions spilled over. You yawned through tears but leaned into the hold, because everyone needs comfort over everything else.
Fetain was like a shadow. He stood out in the room, the bright pale walls and the curious oddities of your old home made him look like a monster. He didn’t so much as speak a word along the lines of “good morning” just sat in a chair pulled back from the desk, with one of your books in hand. You knew it was your book, it’s hard to mimic the bite marks along the bottom corner of the first ten pages or so. You remember getting it to, remember reading it for the first time. You loved the book, but part of your confused mind knew that you shouldn’t like him reading it, or the fact that your cat was curled up on his lap.
Your cat was always shy, friendly enough that he would never hiss, scratch, or bite without a serious reason for it. He was easily spooked by strangers, always dashing away when they towered over him and reached down to pet him. He preferred watching them really, gazing down from atop the cabinets, or from across the room. When strangers were over sometimes you couldn’t even convince him to let you hold him he was so scared. Yet seeing him there on his lap, in this unfamiliar place pissed you off.
“Where am I?”
“Home, doesn’t matter where.” He didn’t look up, he scratched under your cat's chin.
“Bullshit. Why the hell am I here?” You pushed yourself up, hovering over the side of the bed, as if you could somehow intimidate him.
“I brought you home.”
You jumped up, the sheets and blankets falling like water across the floor. They followed your movements like an afterimage, leaving a trail in your wake. You grabbed his wrists forcing the damned book from his hands, letting it fall to your feet. The cat looked up at you, wide eyes, and his ears straight up in the air.
“What do you want?” It was despairing, a whisper and a plea.
You were so tired yet, exhausted by the weight of your emotions and the stress of it all. Your grip was pathetic at best, but it was desperate. Some last attempt at consoling, a final prayer for comfort, as you fell to your knees, and rested your head on the cat's stomach. You still held his wrists but now there was no fight, just proof that he was there and that it was his doing.
“You,” he said, the answer to your question that you already knew. His hand fell to your head, his fingers massaging your scalp, “I want you to paint for me.”
“Is that why?”
“Yes, and more.”
Your arms fell to your sides and you looked up at him, and his hands moved to your cheeks, pinning you gently in place so he could study your face.
“Others won't hurt you, they like you. You grow to like them too.”
You gripped his sleeve, as you fought back another sob, leaning forward so your nose was inches above his knees. The sob jumped in your chest and bounced around, but you never wailed, only gasped as he moved to hold your hand.
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hannahmanderr · 10 months
Ohhh new ship ask game. Paulina and Danny maybe?
"And... why do you want me specifically?"
Paulina flashed Danny her heart-melting smile. "Because! You've got a great shape for it, and you wouldn't want to let me down, would you?"
"Of course not," he said, trying to contain his sigh. Sure, he'd gotten over her more than a year ago, but he couldn't help it. He was a people-pleaser. Especially when it came to his people.
It still didn't mean he was totally okay with being used like this.
"Plus just think! The statement you'll make!" Paulina threw an arm around his shoulder and spread her hand across the horizon in front of them. "Picture it: some los- er, a lost soul finding their way because you, Danny Phantom, were bold enough to take a stand! How could you let an opportunity like that pass you by?"
To his credit, he didn't flinch when she used his celebrity name. After all, much to his (and Sam's) surprise, she had respected him enough to continue to call him Danny Fenton, unlike some kids, who for some reason thought they could just call him Phantom as he passed by in the hallway. Or even worse, the adults who would refer to him as Mr. Phantom, even if he was very obviously in human form.
But he couldn't deny the flashbacks of the shrines she'd built in her locker freshman and sophomore years. She'd torn them down immediately, of course, after the revelation, but they still burned a hole in his memory.
Plus she'd never actually admitted to having lost her crush on 'her' ghost boy. For all he knew, this was a ruse to get him closer to her.
Still though, Paulina was cleverly manipulative. She knew exactly what to say to tug on his core and make him want to give in.
He groaned. "Alright, fine, but this is a one-time thing, you hear?"
She squealed and grabbed his hand. "Oh, Danny, you're the best! I promise, if you hate it, you'll never have to do it again! I swear!"
He didn't hate it. Surprisingly.
Actually, it looked really... pretty?
Sitting there, a half hour after Paulina had approached him, he rotated his hand, letting the sun catch the different colors in the polish she'd painted on his nails. At one angle, it looked like a deep, vibrant teal, and if he tilted it just to the side, it turned into a rich, shiny purple. Tiny sparkles covered the whole nail, reflecting like hundreds of itty bitty stars in a sky that he held on his finger.
"How'd you get it to do the multi-color thing?" he asked absently. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight.
Paulina was still bent over his other hand, working on painstakingly applying more polish. He didn't understand, considering she'd done that hand in the same holographic colors, but she insisted it wasn't finished. "I didn't do it. It's just the polish. Now cállate! I'm trying to concentrate."
Apparently she was very serious about her manicure skills. The way she shushed him, stuck her tongue out a bit as she worked, and moved ever so carefully, it all showed a dedication to the art that he had never realized was possible.
Another two minutes passed before she sat upright, nearly causing Danny to jump three feet in the air. "There!" she said triumphantly, putting the lid back on the polish bottle. "Tell me what you think of that."
At first, he couldn't see what she'd done differently. The nails were shinier than they had been - probably that clear bottle sitting to her side - but nothing else had changed.
And then he saw it.
Only on his ring finger, his logo, perfectly painted out onto the nail in white. It stood out against the purple and blue and green of the polish underneath and brought out the tiny stars even more.
His heart caught in his throat. Sure, he'd seen plenty of people wearing his logo in many different ways by now, but this... something about this was different. Maybe it was how he couldn't help but see the depths of space now at his fingertips. Maybe it was how she'd clearly spent a lot of time and effort making the logo look absolutely perfect, without a stray line to be seen. Maybe it was how instead of standing out loudly, garishly like he saw on so much other merchandise featuring it, it somehow simultaneously blended in yet stood out elegantly, subtly.
Paulina watched him gape wordlessly at his hand. She flipped her hair over her shoulder with a proud smile. "Told you it'd be great," she said with the confidence of someone who'd never doubted her skill for a moment.
She had every right to have that confidence, as far as he was concerned.
He looked up at her, still unable to speak, and her grin only widened. "Do you want me to do the other one?"
Danny immediately nodded, then stopped himself. "Would... would it be weird if I... left it on?" he asked quietly. He wasn't opposed to the polish itself, of course, but to walk around school, around town with something that wasn't really his? Even if he loved it?
Her laugh tinkled in the air. "Of course, silly! Why would I spend so much time just for you to get rid of it?" she giggled as she reopened the bottle.
Her grin didn't fade as she bent over the hand he'd been admiring. "Just wait till you see what other designs I've been working on."
"You have more?"
She glanced up at him. "Uh, duh. But... I suppose you said it was just this one time," she said with a sigh.
Danny blushed. "Well, I - uh, you know... I mean, maybe you could... um... again - only if you want to though! I wouldn't - I can't -"
Her laugh echoed across the field and up into the sky.
~~Send me a ship and I'll write the first scene that comes to mind between the characters!
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demonichikikomori · 2 years
Cater Diamond and GN!Reader
Word Count Tumblr: 2.3k+
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I think Cater is one of those people where they have matching everything with a partner or close friend. And with his Unique Magic: Split Card, doesn't it make even more sense? I love Sanrio and think that he and Reader should have matching charms, specifically the new KoGal Sanrio release. Okay, last note. So, I actually love Gal/Gyaru fashion. It’s so wild and fun and cute and I love the big hair and wild colors and the long long acrylic nails. I love the history behind the subculture as well and seeing how they came to be. I would gush over the Gyaru subculture more if it didn’t fit my current aesthetic. Hehe, I’m supposed to be a scary demon <3 <3 <3
Sam is selling something new today! So you and Cater head to his shop to check it out. The cutest charms you've ever seen is something Cater starts to fawn over, and he asks you to match with him. But, not just for MagiCam likes. But because he wants to be 'Twinsies'.
Tags: Fluff, Reader is referred to as ‘Babes’, it's not what you think
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You felt a set of arms slither around your shoulders from behind. You had just left your final class of the day among the sea of students fleeing the wrath of the Professor in charge. You stopped and grazed your fingers over the person's arm with a smile, inhaling the familiar scent of cinnamon cologne as a wavy piece of orange hair playfully tickled your cheek. His chin rested in the crook of your neck as you caught an image of you and Cater Diamond reflected on his phone screen. “Say, cheese!” He winked and you threw up a quick peace sign with a sheepish grin as his thumb pressed the familiar circle icon. 
The screen flashed with white film and he freed you from his grip with a toothy smile as he looked over the photo. “That was the best one so far this week babes!” He chirped and began swiping his finger over the picture. He was adding stickers and signing the corner with hearts, diamonds, x’s and o’s. “Lemme see it.” You requested and began walking alongside him through the clearing hall, peeking over to see him decorating your hair with little red and orange hearts. 
You and Cater have become… Close. Surprisingly close. You felt as if the bond between you and the social butterfly was platonic, but other times felt a little more romantic than you expected. The way he was able to locate you in a sea of people during mixed school events never failed to amaze you. How casual you guys have grown between one another to share the same drink or bag of spicy chips. How he would come over to the Ramshackle Dorm, just to lay between your legs with his head on your chest while you were resting in bed or laying on the couch. Simply because he missed your company. The thing that made your heart flutter and sing the most was when he walked alongside you as the two of you talked. Especially when he would allow the fingers that weren’t clamped around his phone to graze yours. When he was confident in you returning the sentiment, you walked together with your pinkies hooked together. Neither of you said a word while it happened, and you remained in paired silence until you or Cater broke away to attend classes. Grim thought the casual acts of PDA were not as casual as you thought. Which led you to how you think of Cater now. You didn’t do any of this with Ace or Deuce, and they were your friends. So why was Cater the exception? Why did it feel like you were dating? 
Why was it unspoken information that you probably are dating? You just were the last one to receive the memo.
The both of you strolled through the courtyard, passing the blooming apple blossoms high above your heads and the fluttering petals at your feet. “Now that I’ve made my ‘Perfect Prefect Post of the Day’ or, ‘3POTD’ for short, I can finally show you,” He appeared excited as he swiped his thumb over his screen to sort through his many open tabs. You closed in on the phone with curious eyes as he turned his phone to show you the screen. “This!” There were plush characters wearing school uniforms, piled up in a small wicker basket. Each one had colorful pastel gems stamped on their cheeks, holding little flip phones in their pawed hands. You recognized the fashion as your world’s equivalent of ‘Kogal’. The subculture was resurfacing in current times but you didn’t think that Twisted Wonderland would have anything like that. Although… Cater sometimes felt like the male equivalent of what was known as ‘Gal’. 
“Aren’t they soooo so cute? Apparently Sam got a mix up in his usual shipment and he posted these, hoping they’ll sell on campus. I wanted to grab two for my sisters, and of course a matching pair for us to help him out.” He beamed, clearly hopeful that you would agree to go with him. A warmth bloomed in your chest and you imagined how it would look to have a matching charm with Cater. Grim would definitely call you dense if you just viewed this as a friend thing. “These two, don’t they look like a matching pair?” 
You asked as you pointed to the photo. There was a white rabbit wearing a baby pink colored hat nestled right beside the one wearing a black hat with a pink skull printed on the front. The design choice looked as if they were meant to be the two sides of a similar coin. “I think you’re right. Maybe they’re sisters?” He suggested and you slowly narrowed your eyes. They looked… Familiar. But you weren’t sure how you recognized them. Were they cartoon characters? “It’s weird that I’ve never seen these characters before anywhere online. I searched them up like crazy because I wanted to show you but, nothing came up.” He sighed and turned off his phone with a frown. 
“Even if I don’t know their names, I can’t deny their uniforms are like major league adorbies.” It was clear he didn’t want to buy something he didn’t know anything about, but the wrath of not sending his older sisters a souvenir like this outweighs everything else. 
But these rabbits matched more than the dog and the cat. You wanted to match with Cater. “They are super cute… Let’s get those two rabbits then!” You suggested with a cheerful expression. You would have to silently apologize to his older sisters when you officially met them. The two of you walked side by side to Sam’s shop, passing other student’s as Cater took an occasional photo of his day to day. You could feel his free hand brushing against yours and you locked your pinkies together like always. The walk there was filled with Cater venting about how boring classes were without you and how Riddle had been all over him after scoring lower than usual on a test. “He needs to seriously chill sometimes.” Cater grumbled and used his free hand to scroll through his phone as you walked alongside each other. “It’s because he’s a Virgo Male. The stars really let him down.” The student rolled his eyes and began observing himself in his phone camera with a scowl. “I wonder if you and I are compatible. I’ll have to check later. Oh, but even if the stars say we aren’t, I can make it work out.” He laughed as you felt your ears start to burn. 
He would make it work out. Even if the stars said there was zero chemistry between you, he was willing to make it work out.
As you reached Sam’s shop, your pinkies became unlinked the moment Cater pushed open the creaky wooden door. You admired the small decorations from outside the shop as you followed after him. Soft jazz music was playing overhead as Sam waved you in with a wide smile. His white makeup was absent today as he sat on top of his counter, one leg crossed over the other. “My little Imps, welcome in! What are you looking for? I know I have it in stock.” He purred as Cater pulled up the photo of the strange animal characters in school uniforms. “Where did you put these guys? I saw you posted them earlier and honestly they are to DIE for.” Cater beamed and Sam squinted his eyes at the phone as if to get a better look. “Oh, the strange toys that came in shipment! I wasn’t sure where to actually put them, they’re over in the corner.” He motioned to the far depths of the shop where shrunken heads were kept in jars and bizarre jewelry hung from the walls. You followed Cater past all the strange things, sticking close as you marveled at everything around you. Then you reached the basket where the stuffed animals resided. Fashionably dressed in school uniforms with their colorful flip-phones stitched to their paws. There were other things as well. Hair charms, school bags, stickers, and rhinestone phone cases. You marveled at the colorful sight of things that felt so familiar, but you weren’t sure how. You grabbed the matching rabbits and held them beside each other. 
They looked… Not very sisterly. Something told you that maybe there’s a reason they looked so similar yet so different. “Are they…?” The rabbits looked more like ‘friends’ than sisters. Cater admired the pair in your hands and pointed to the pink one with a smile. “Ohh, can I have this one?” He asked and pressed his shoulder against yours. You nodded and quickly handed it over, your thumbs brushed over each other as he held the pink rabbit in his hands. Her surprised expression complimented the smirk of the more mischievous looking rabbit between your now sweating palms. “Cuuuute, wow I love their outfits so much. If we were officially co-ed, I’m asking the Headmage to make our uniforms look like these.” He chirped and held the plush toy out to you, bumping her face against the smirking characters. 
As if they kissed.
Cater was scrolling through his phone again and snapped a quick picture of the stuffed animals beside each other. Most likely for a later post once the two of you left. “Ugh, I seriously can’t get over these. I guess my sisters will like the other two. I hope they don’t get mad that you and I are taking these two.” He snorted as you looked at the cat and dog laid in a basket among other duplicates. They were an odd pair. You could understand why Cater feared his older sister's frustrations. But it’s not like they knew where the characters even came from. But even though he was worried over the opinions of his siblings, he put you first. You could feel something swell in your chest, a newfound confidence to hear what Cater might say if you popped a question. 
“Why did you want to match with me in the first place?” You spoke up as your heart fluttered in your chest. You refused to look at Cater as you awaited his response, you trained your eyes on the stuffed toy in his hands instead. The scenarios played through your head over what he would say as you stood together in silence. The cold jingling chain draped itself over your knuckles as you gulped. Because he wants to be more than friends? Because he wants everyone to know that you two are a pair? Because he loves you?
“Oh, because we’re friends Babes! Why else?” His response was innocent and you felt your chest start to ache. Friends? Was that really it? You forced a smile as you fiddled with the thin chain attached to the rabbit wearing a black hat. "Well, yeah we are... But-" You cut yourself off, wondering if maybe you would have interpreted his affections wrong. The air fell dead between you two. You felt a sour taste in your mouth. “Do you still want to match with me? We don’t have to if you don't want to. I mean, I just thought since we're so close you'd like to.” He sounded concerned now as you were crushing the plush character in your hands now. Her little face had become contorted from the strangulation. You didn't want Cater to worry. You looked up and nodded quickly. Blinking back tears that had welled in your eyes, threatening to spill down your cheeks. You refused to cry. Especially over a misinterpretation that could have been avoided. “I would love to, twin.” You smiled, trying to fight back the urge to sob. Cater seemed even more worried now as he pulled out his phone. “Can we take a picture?” He asked and inched closer, noticing other students had pooled into the small store, far away from the corner the two of you were tucked in. You nodded again, feeling foolish that you were the only person viewing his affections as more than just friendly skinship. You wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. “Here, I have an idea for a pose, hold your plush towards me.” He suggested softly, but he wasn’t smiling. His expression looked serious as you lifted your arm weekly. Your grip on the rabbit had tightened and you sniffled, fighting back any distressed sounds and Cater pulled you closer, tucking his arm around you for only a short moment. The action made your eyes widen and he leaned in to kiss the stuffed character crushed in your palm. He bumped his mouth against her smirk, while the rabbit plush he held was pressed delicately against your lips. 
And there was the flash of a camera.
Your bashful and shocked expression was captured and frozen in time. Forever living in the storage space of Cater Diamond’s phone until he sent it to you. 
Cater was staring down at you, leaf green eyes held a familiar softness as you felt yourself start to crumble. The tears rolled down your face, but the two of you remained still. “I’m sorry…” He apologized and pulled away from you. A curled piece of orange hair tickled the skin of your face, akin to a farewell kiss. His plush was gripped tightly in his hand as well now as he frowned, looking over the photo. Your eyes were glistening with tears, it was almost like Cater had teased you to the point of sobbing and dared to snap a picture. "Listen Babes, I think maybe we should-" You shook your head quickly and let out a sound of distress to silence him from continuing. With tears streaming down your face in furious rows you sniffled back dripping snot and pulled a smile onto your face. “It's just allergies, Twin.” You let out a weak laugh, and choked back a wail as Cater thumbed your tears away with a pout.
Twinsies is good enough.
Twinsies is close enough.
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
You and Dude are going to a concert!!! :D how fun!!! This isn’t serious or super long but I hope at least someone likes it!! 🖤🦇👻🪦⛓🔪🔮
“Now would ya look at that!” Dude teased after catcall whistling at you once you’d finally emerged from the bathroom and into the living room where he’d sat waiting. You couldn’t help the slight blush that came though you’ve been with him for a year now and have heard him complement you plenty of times. It didn’t help he had his glasses off for the moment and you could see him looking you up and down with a certain…kinda glaze to them, almost like he could pounce on you right then and there.
But he knew better than that right now since you spent so lo- “I guess it makes up for the hour and a half you’ve spent getting ready!” He added in, his hungry glance suddenly switching to a playful one. God his moods could switch fast. You rolled your eyes at him. He knew damn well that it takes time to put together a look this intricate, especially with the makeup and all the layers of different things you decided to toss together for today. But you couldn’t stay annoyed at him too long when he stretched his arms out towards you with his grin still not leaving. You two probably should have at least started to be on the way to the concert by now but…yknow, it wouldn’t really hurt to entertain him for a minute. Besides the venue was surprisingly close this time and you wouldn’t be devastated to miss the runner up bands so..fuck it.
You grin as you walked closer to him but before you could prepare yourself for whatever he wanted, he suddenly grabbed you by the waist and tugged you down to sit on his lap, back facing towards him. “Dude! Be careful! I-” you started but cut yourself off as you felt him pull you closer so he could nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck. He stayed silent a bit as he took your hands in his and gave you a kiss on your shoulder before speaking. “God, you’re gorgeous. You know that?” Even though you wanted to point out how he’s just gone through at least three different emotions in the last couple minutes, you instead just frowned a bit as your blush came back even worse. “W-whatever Dude….” was all you could say. He chuckled a bit as he moved his head to rest his chin on your shoulder before lifting one of your hands up and slightly moving it as though he was inspecting it. “I think you’d be proud to know I still haven’t chipped the nail polish you did last night! See?”Dude said as he put his hand out next to yours. Your sharp and long nails still indeed matched his in color and cleanliness. In the past when you’ve done Dudes nails, he always ended up picking at the nail polish before even a week could go by. It never really bothered you or hurt your feelings though. He’s always just been one of those guys who needed to be doing something with his hands or messing with something but it did feel nice to see all of his black nail polish looked as good as you did it the other night.
“Oh wow. Yeah I am proud of you babe! Were you looking forward to dressing up too today or something?” You asked him with a smile. Maybe you also should have told him to get ready while you were…seeing as he was still in his clothes from yesterday but oh well. “Hmm..I dunno. I was just more careful because you seemed so excited about today, so. Why? Are you wanting me to dress up and be some kinda vampire prince for the day?” He teased. The truth was he was actually genuinely a little excited to dig through his clothes and find his old black trench coat and whatever old band shirt that has survived the passing of time (which should be commendable if you’re being worn by Dude of all people) but you didn’t need to know that. Maybe he should tell you though that it does make his heart flutter a bit when he matches with you but..maybe later. That’s too soft for even right now.
You shrugged and interlocked your fingers with his before leaning back on him some. “Wear whatever. I don’t care.” It was the truth. You liked Dude for who he was, not what he wore or looked like. You didn’t expect a guy who was getting grey hairs already to still wanna dress to the nines with you. To be honest you were even kinda surprised he wanted to be in a crowd with a bunch of younger alternative people dancing around. “Nah. It’s fine. I got some clothes that have probably been begging to see daylight again anyways.” Dude replied before he tried to think back to the days when he’d somewhat tried to dress in a alternative style (though unlike yours. Yours was much more beautifully crafted and traditionally goth than whatever he was doing.)
If he had to guess it was probably back in the early 2000s when he was still with his bitch of a ex. He would have maybe been even more darkly inclined back then if his ex didn’t give him as much of a hard time already for dressing ‘like a freak’ for wearing his old trench coat everywhere, even during the heat because it just felt nice to wear and was useful. But before he could let himself slip too far back into those depressing thoughts, he felt you suddenly untangling your hands. He looked back down at yours as he watched you slip one of your rings off your finger and onto his. Before he could ask anything, you faced towards him with a grin and joked “There. At least it will look like you tried to dress up anyways.”
He just sat there for a moment, looking at you and then the ring. Trying really hard not to think too hard about the fact that the feeling of wearing rings similar to ones you had on made his heart beat faster and got him thinking of giving you a certain ring. He’s sure you could tell though by the way he felt his cheeks get warmer. “Y-yeah. Whatever. I uh- I think we’re cutting it close yknow? I should probably start getting dressed now so…” he gently took you by your waist again, sliding you off his thighs and onto the couch before standing up and doing his best to ignore your confused reaction. “You okay?” You asked as you watched him scratch his head, a habit he does when he’s nervous. “Yeah..I-I’m good. Just gonna get dressed.” He stopped himself and tried to get his wits back. “Dont worry! I won’t take a whole half a day like you do.” He teased. To his relief you just rolled your eyes again and grinned. Taking this as a go ahead, he left to go dig whatever clothes he could up.
Once he came back in, you couldn’t help but swoon a bit over how handsome he looked. He’d mentioned something about having a black trench coat and black combat boots before but seeing them in person…along with some fucking killer band shirt with some spiked bracelets..now maybe you wanted Dude to entertain your thoughts like you were willing to do for him earlier. But this time you two really should be leaving so you’ll have to save those ideas for afterwards. He only seemed a little bashful at being in a style different than what he was used to for so long but he seemed to perk up after you got up and now were checking him out. “You…look super fucking hot in that babe.” You complimented him, chucking a little at just how taken back you were. Before he could be worried that the laughing that followed was because he looked dumb, you again took his hand and looked him up and down, biting your bottom lip a tad which, of course gave him his confidence back. “’Course I do! I can obviously rock anything.” He joked but you knew it really was the truth. This man could look hot in even a garbage bag in your eyes.
Agreeing with him with a little ‘mhm’, you gave him a kiss on the cheek (that would have to suffice for how you felt now). He grinned as you pulled away and you were going too until you noticed that you’d left a black lipstick stain on his cheek. You only stared at him for a minute but that was long enough for Dude to piece two and two together of what had happened, especially when you went to go wipe off his cheek. He grinned even more widely as he stopped you. “Like hell you’re getting rid of that sweetheart.” Ugh. “Cmon Dude you already look so nice and-” and for some god damn reason before he could hear you out, he decided to fucking run and burst out of the house before you could try again. You were stunned only for a second before he yelled out, “CMON WE’RE GOING TO BE LATE!” God. Like he expects you to run after him in your platform boots. You act like a normal human being and take your time getting everything together and locking the door behind you before you finally turn around to see Dude already in his truck, in the driver seat, waving for you to come on.
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kageyamatobiyogurt · 2 years
haikyuu boys getting their nails done for the first time 💅
a/n: ngl i’m not even a person who get their nails done regularly
includes: oikawa, bokuto, sakusa, kuroo
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did not need much convincing to get them done LMAOAOAO
goes for something minimal but ✨expensive looking✨
personally, i think they just end up making his regular hands look more expensive
“you didn’t just want a plain color?”
“y/n i’m already getting them done so i might as well have them look good too, you know?”
he gets these baby blue, semi-translucent nails that aren’t too long, but definitely longer than he’s ever grown his actual nails
he keeps flexing and opening his hand to check them out as soon as they’re done
surprisingly, SURPRISINGLY, he manages to live with them without too much struggle
all of his actions just have this added flair to them (i swear he’s doing it on purpose)
somehow, he’s articulating himself so the nails are more visible to himself AND others
he paid for these so damn rIGHt you’re gonna notice them
he keeps lifting his pinky for no reason ???
two words: babe pls
mans willingly chooses to go for extravagant nails for no reasOn
like, you could have tried to warn him against it but it won’t work
definitely gets those coffin nails that extend at least an inch from where his fingers end 😭
ofc they’re decorated with little jewels and glitter for texture
he’s by no means uncomfortable with his masculinity and we love him for that
though he does wind up underestimating how much harder his life gets because of these ~ extensions
mans almost cries when he can’t fully close his fist because his nails get in the way
he can’t open a soda can PLEASE Y/N HELP HIM HE’S ON THE BRINK OF TEARS
imagine this six foot beast of a man just gently pushing the can towards you like, “y/n i can’t…”
you have to help him button up his shirts for his conferences or he’s straight up not showing up
another dainty fellow imo
he gets plain black nails so they don’t stand out too much but once again, they’re longer than he’s used to
they really suit him though
you almost find yourself a little entranced as he ties his hair back and you get a glimpse of the nails and he just looks so damn fine
it’s not the biggest deal for him but he’s a lot more careful than the other boys
i feel like it bothers him when he accidentally breaks a nail while he’s playing
after one spike in particular, he already feels that something is wrong
when he checks his nails, an immediate “tsk” leaves his mouth because now his nails don’t match
lowkey the most annoying out of everyone LMAOOO
he gets blood red almond-shaped nails for the *dramatic effect* 
it really feels like he’s fulfilled his nekoma cat aesthetic too NSYDHSJ
is immediately obsessed with them and the sensory aspects of them 
he’s automatically running his nails through his own scalp, through your scalp, lightly across your arm, you name it 
also the one to start talking with his hands/nails the most
cannot, for the love of everything, stop imitating maddy from euphoria PLEASE
he’ll be dramatic for any and every reason possible just to pinch and click his nails together
or he does that thing where he claps but his fingers are bent back a little bit more so his finger tips don’t touch
everything is for ✨the effect✨
in one case, you almost forgot to give him his goodbye kiss and he was appalled
hence you facing his claws for a whole two mins
“y/n *air pinch* i *pinch* cant *pinch* believe *pinch* you’d *pinch* almost *pinch* forget!”
take them off before the week ends pls for your sake
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mirrornetsblog · 4 months
The sun dipped below the horizon at Ever After High, casting a warm glow across the campus as students prepared for the highly anticipated Ever After High Dance, hosted by none other than Briar Beauty herself.
Everyone was at there dorm rooms, except for Apple White. She was getting ready with Ashlynn Ella and Briar Beauty, because.. Mira was at there dorm room, getting fairest with Raven. Those two were surprisingly getting close..
Apple couldn't shake the feeling of guilt gnawing at her insides for releasing the evil queen. Each time the thought crossed her mind, it felt like a heavy stone settling in the pit of her stomach.
Lost in her thoughts, Apple barely noticed Ashlynn's concerned voice cutting through her reverie. "Apple?" Ashlynn's voice brought her back to reality, and Apple blinked, refocusing on her friends.
"Yeah?" Apple replied, her voice a tad distant as she shook off the lingering guilt.
"Are you okay? You’ve been quiet recently," Ashlynn said, her expression soft with worry as she placed a comforting hand on Apple's shoulder.
For a moment, Apple hesitated, struggling to find the right words to mask her inner turmoil. "Oh, I'm doing alright! Just thinking about this really big hextra-credit assignment that’s due soon," she stammered, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. Apple White stuttering? It was a rare sight indeed.
Ashlynn's concern softened into a gentle smile. "Well, need any help?" she offered, her kindness shining through.
"No, thanks!" Apple replied with a forced smile, masking her inner turmoil.
Just then, Briar breezed into the dorm room, her infectious energy lighting up the space. "Hey, let me do you two’s nails!" she exclaimed, brandishing bottles of light blue and baby pink nail polish.
The tension in the room dissolved as the girls laughed, the warmth of friendship momentarily pushing aside Apple's lingering guilt.
As Apple, Ashlynn, and Briar prepared for the dance, Raven and Mira were also busy getting fairest for the evening's festivities.
"So, what are you planning to wear tonight?" Mira asked, breezing into the dorm room with a burst of energy.
Raven, surrounded by her collection of nail polish, looked up with a smile. "I have no idea!" she admitted, rummaging through her treasure chest of colorful bottles. She sported a dark purple tank top paired with loose white pajama pants and bunny slippers—a cozy ensemble for the pre-party preparations.
Mira settled onto a small sofa, setting her purse down. "What are you doing?" she inquired, amused by Raven's enthusiasm.
"Searching for a pretty nail polish color," Raven replied, her head buried in the treasure chest. With a laugh, she emerged, revealing the vast array of nail polish bottles she had amassed over the years. "I have a lot of nail polishes," she confessed, a hint of bashfulness coloring her cheeks.
Mira's eyes widened in surprise as she surveyed the colorful display. "Yeah!" she chuckled, sharing in Raven's excitement.
Raven's laughter filled the room. "Well, I've been collecting these since I could walk! Some of these are my mom’s," she revealed, her fondness for her collection evident.
Mira’s eyes widened in surprise and let out a genuine laugh. “Alright, i like this poison plum color.” Said Mira. “Me too! I was debating whether I’d take that or ballet flats but thought it was too little, you know?”
Mira smiled and agreed.
As they deliberated over nail polish shades, time slipped away in a flurry of conversation and laughter. Mira even offered to do Raven’s makeup, adding to the excitement of the evening.
As the clock struck 7, signaling the start of the party, Raven glanced at the time with a sense of urgency. She bid farewell to Mira, promising to meet her at the party to avoid making her friend late.
Meanwhile, at the lively gathering, Mira found herself growing impatient as she scanned the crowd for Raven. “What’s taking her so long?”
Annoyance crept in as she wondered what was taking her friend so long to arrive. “All those preppy royals are just like their parents! Total losers.”
Just then, a particular blue-eyed prince approached Mira, inquiring about Raven's whereabouts.
“Hey Mira! Have you seen Raven?” He said, trying to come up with an excuse as to why he was looking for her. Mira raised an eyebrow. “I was hoping to interview her since im taking over Blondie’s position in the Mirror Blog.” He said shyly.
Raven however, was navigating her way through the grand entrance, her nerves tingling as all eyes turned towards her.
She froze. “Everyone’s staring,” she thought and was reminded of the horrors of Legacy Day. “Walk!” She thought.
With cautious steps, she descended the staircase, her heart pounding with anticipation.
Dexter's gaze lingered on Raven, his jaw dropping slightly at her breathtaking presence. Mira smiled genuinely, and put a hand to her heart, her eyes twinkling with joy.
Raven finally reached the edge of the stairs, and scanned the room, looking for her friend.
Relieved to see her friend, Raven exchanged smiles with Mira. "You look fairest!" Mira exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with sincerity and admiration. “Aww thanks Mira! You look fairest yourself!” She smiled genuinely before turning her attention to Dexter, who stood transfixed by her beauty.
“Oh, hey Dexter!” Said Raven.
“H-hi, Raven! You look spellbinding!” He said as he fixed his glasses fidgetly.
Mira couldn't help but notice Dexter's evident admiration for Raven. “Someone has a little crush on my birdie?” She thought, she could feel the rage boil in her veins as she resisted the urge to give Dexter a hard slap across his face left and right.
"Thanks, you too!" Raven replied with a warm smile, acknowledging Dexter’s compliment before turning her full attention to her friend.
As they walked, everyone rushed towards her. “Oh my fairy godmother!” Said Ashlynn. “You look fairest!” Said Apple, “Totally rocking that dress Raven!” Said Briar.
Raven blushed and smiled so hard that her dimples were showing. “Thanks you guys!” She said as her eyes were twinkling with joy.
With a knowing smile, Ashlynn teased Raven about Dexter's interest, “you should’ve seen the way Dexter was staring!” She teased.
Briar and Apple both said “oooooh!” And Mira just raised an eyebrow and cast a confused smile.
“Stop it!” She said as she put her hands in her face, covering it. “Me and Dexter are just friends! I mean it!” Raven laughed, and they all laughed.
Mira was outraged.
But Little did they know, the evening held surprises and unexpected connections, weaving a tale of friendship and enchantment at Ever After High.
The end,
Is just the beginning.
Note: Please don’t steal my work, thank you!
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noakun · 1 year
Hi :) Your art is very cool, specially the colors
I was wondering if you could write some headcanons about Team Rocket Elite Trio, they're pretty underrated
Thanks ^^
Hello!! Thank you so much for the ask, I'll be more than glad to write something for them :> In terms of general headcanons:
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Ken could best be described as a responsible and caring older brother figure to everyone in Team Rocket, even though he can be aggressive and strict from time to time in order to maintain discipline and keep missions in motion.
Despite his size and looks, he's respectful, considerate and really pleasant to talk to.
Can be kind when handling others' mistakes, unless he's faced with an uncooperative individual or is under a lot of pressure (which is more often than not exerted by Lt. Surge).
Speaking of Lt. Surge, as merciless and evil as the man is, one of Ken's biggest wishes is to receive his validation for being a good member of the team (and trying his best!). That, unfortunately, rarely happens.
Alongside Al and Harry, he deems Team Rocket his family, a community he belongs in, one he should protect and support in any way possible, no matter what he has to do in order to achieve that goal.
Desperately searching for a father figure after the early loss of his own.
Jokingly started calling Giovanni "dad" when talking to Al and Harry. (It's barely a joke anymore. Also, the nickname is now used by the other two as well.)
Really likes Pokémon!
His everyday outfit consists of a flannel, cargo pants and comfortable footwear. He has a LOT of flannels.
Coffee addict.
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Al is short. Short-tempered as well, actually. Nobody makes a big deal out of his height other than himself.
He's quick to speak his mind, and will make sure you know how irritated and disgruntled he is at the smallest of things that bother him, making him talk a lot.
On the flip side, he's honest about things he enjoys and admires about others too. If he likes what you're wearing or how you look on a particular day for example, he'll be the first to tell you and shower you with compliments and ideas on how to improve an aspect even further.
He rarely takes off his hat, and even when he does, he's simply fixing his hair before putting it back on. Very insecure about his appearance.
Rational and logical about other things and is a great problem solver, so people flock to him with questions and personal issues. He gets annoyed with it more often than not, but he'll help out regardless.
Has a bad habit of biting his nails, especially when he's been bottling up stress.
Surprisingly, he doesn't have a lot of close friends despite being social, so he sticks to Ken and Harry.
Has a thing for fashion and owns many pieces of clothing. A lot of them are hats and colorful shirts.
Likes playing cards and other luck based games.
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Harry is the Popular™ one, and you'll most likely find him on some kind of party when he's off duty.
Made a group chat with Ken and Al so he could spam them with memes and hourly life updates. Al replies to everything individually and has a lot to say, while Ken keeps the messages short and brief ("lmao", "so true", etc.)
A big flirt, has had a lot of romantic partners in the past, but got heartbroken every single time (that doesn't stop him from pursuing The One™ in the future).
Agile and fast, has been training a lot, enhancing his stamina, and is able to outrun most of Team Rocket.
He's hyperfixated on Hatsune Miku and likes other anime-styled media. If you ask him about it, he won't shut up for hours. Owns a lot of (stolen) merch. His favorite Miku song is "World is Mine".
Self-confident. Doesn't think before he speaks and doesn't check messages for errors before sending them, leading to some hilarious typos that Ken and Al have been quoting for years. Unironically uses ":3" and variations.
He's the least likely of the three to physically hurt you. Can throw a verbal tantrum though and cause unnecessary drama.
Seemingly irresponsible, but when he puts his mind to something, he'll see it through.
Good at keeping promises.
But gossips a lot.
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