#but the dude does not pull out
One more thought before I go to bed.
I'm putting it in the tags so I don't get flagged.
I am 100% gonna be embarrassed about all this when I wake up.
Or not.
Who knows
Don't read any of my tags from tonight if you don't wanna learn too much about me.
Ok nightynight
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Celebi watching her friends' inability to communicate romantic intent and trying desperately not to scream and/or break out into laughter (depending on who and what it's in reference to at any given time)
At least Twig probably won't get a direct confession, say "neat," and immediately resume what they were doing to never think about it again for years like I did to someone once.
You underestimate her power, suspiciously Grovyle-coded anon.
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The fun game of which headcanon would I like better:
A) one of the batkids playing welcome to the black parade by MCR and Bruce knowing every word cause of course he does, he went through an emo phase (he's still in his emo phase), he listened to it on repeat when it came out to the point that even Alfred can recite the lyrics, it was his inspiration for the Batman mantle
B) one of the batkids playing welcome to the black parade by MCR and Bruce BECOMING obsessed with it, like he's never heard it before but the lyrics hit him hard and he then forces anyone near him to listen to it on repeat for weeks cause he plays it everywhere he goes, he gets into all their other songs, and he, as a middle aged father of 7, goes through the MCR black parade aspect of his emo phase
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dollypopup · 11 months
colin should 'suffer' for penelope
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aka: 5 short reasons why wanting colin to 'suffer' or 'grovel' or whatever other bullshit this fandom keeps pulling is stupid and makes no sense and should have been buried ages ago, how is this still a thing?
1: it sets a terrible and unhealthy dynamic between an endgame couple
especially considering Polin's motif is that of a mirror, if Colin is expected to grovel or suffer for Penelope's affection and forgiveness, it only stands to reason that Penelope then, too, would have to reciprocate. how Penelope treats Colin's ills is setting the precedent for how he's expected to handle her own against him, of which there are many. giving him the cold shoulder, holding what he said over his head and rubbing it in his face, potentially not even explaining why she's upset at him: these are not signs of a mature woman ready for a marriage to ANYONE
2: Colin's slights against Penelope are considerably less harmful than Penelope's against Colin's and it makes no narrative sense for her to be on her high horse about it
'he ruined her prospects' 'he talked about her behind her back' 'he laughed at her' (we don't even know if that one's true, frankly speaking)
but Penelope did the exact same to him and she did so first. Please remember that Penelope is the reason Colin and Marina broke up, and it was her express goal the entire time. Penelope humiliated Colin and Marina both by exposing them publicly (not to mention rubbed the salt into the wound for days afterward). Penelope didn't even think about Colin's feelings because she tried to confess her crush on him immediately after his engagement went poof. Penelope holding Colin accountable for what he said without herself recognizing the ways in which she's hurt him, too, makes her out to be a hella hypocrite
3: it's weirdly catholic on main?
love isn't about suffering points or penance or guilt and i'm tired of Christianity pervading every damn thing. sorry not sorry, some of us want an actually fulfilling love story
4: y'all are just mad Colin didn't love Penelope back from jump and it's a revenge fantasy
which, fine, that's what fanfic is for, but it's OOC, y'all are aware of that, right? because if he DID want her from the start, we all know that it wouldn't be Polin? why are you shipping a friends to lovers ship if you INSIST that the friends to lovers dynamic is less than? guess what? unreciprocated love is kind of part of the deal. you don't hold a grudge against your friend for not loving you back immediately. Colin shows he cares about Penelope in SO MANY WAYS that somehow are completely invalidated because it isn't meant to be romantic? imma say it: fuck you if you think that way. friendships are important and beautiful and deep and fulfilling with or without romance. Colin sticking his neck out for Penelope to help her family from Jack's scheme? an act of love. Colin sending Penelope letters after her father passed? act of love. Colin telling Penelope she's 'really very good' and holding her hand in appreciation of her coming to talk to him? act of love. if you think those acts of love mean nothing just because he isn't fucking her seven ways to sunday, maybe analyze your own viewpoint of relationships and ship Pen w/ some random stranger who makes heart eyes at her tits from jump
5: it makes Penelope an asshole to her own long term partner
dude, if a friend of mine insisted I crawl on hands and knees to determine whether they want me back in their lives, i don't want to be around that person? so many of these narratives make Penelope a straight up terrible person. if you want your partner to suffer? you probably don't actually like them very much, but Polin is narratively MEANT to be the couple that likes AND loves one another. be real, if your friend ghosted you for months, gave you the cold shoulder when you tried to talk again, treated you like shit (you can't argue that him 'suffering' isn't treating him like shit in some way shape or form) as you tried to apologize, and then you find out that she was the reason you and your ex broke up and she wrote straight up nasty things about your family for YEARS, you would want absolutely nothing to do with that friend. why should Colin be expected to be any different? do these two not deserve a lovely love story built on love and affection and trust and honesty? a healthy happy relationship in which they see one another and appreciate one another for all they are? no? so why do you ship them?
+1: it's oversaturated in this fandom
polin is a fantastic ship. how is THIS their main trope?
find a new fucking idea, PLEASE
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cinna-bunnie · 1 day
lol i love how yesterday morning i was like “i love nightmares pls send me one” and i had 3 back to back 💀
*hesitantly* i ... i love nightmares..? send me one... once a week? no, twice a week
#one was living in a kind of big 1 story house w other ppl and trying to survive a bear attack#my middle dream i don't remember#and my third dream is kind of long to explain ૮ – ﻌ–ა#but basically me n a bunch of other ppl were trapped in a big house by ppl who were analogous to the iof and we needed to get out#before they killed us all.. most ppl were too scared to try running but compliance does not guarantee safety.. only 2 others left w me#and there was some thing.. like an ogre ig?? sorta looked like a v tall v buff dude and he kept trying to throw a ball at us w full force#but it hits like a cannon so we had to dodge that or be obliterated (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) we made it but i def left some stuff behind back at the#house like my wallet n maybe my phone etc so they had more info to go off of but i woke up a lil after the ogre guy#all i remember from the second dream is i remember being atop a large tower and the stones in the walls were part of an#ancient magical seal that had something to do w the creator's connection w birds and it was sort of a sacred site?#bc the stones together formed an invisible barrier over the area and birds were attracted to the area. u could pull the stones out#the wall if u wanted to 🤭 ur not supposed to but You Could. all else i remember is being in my car w three others#w me in the back and we drove past a fucking tornado akfkakak. i don't remember the actual plot of that dream or what#pushed it into nightmare territory but i have had quite an adrenaline filled night 🫡 being locked up in the torture/slavery/prisoner house#was the one that made me get up. where did these come from???¿ i basically just fell asleep watching Steven universe#👉🏾👉🏾 at least they weren't emotional nightmares.. i much prefer situational ones
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spacespheal · 1 year
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Gotta love this funky little cat, whom I have a lot of thoughts in the end of book 2.
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xariarte · 4 months
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where do you even find something like that sir
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mindsmade · 9 months
truly nothing beats the gender euphoria I get from trimming / grooming my beard and I’d like to think the same applies to my 2 bearded trans boys on here
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munch-mumbles · 3 months
ive been a little upset about it all night so i need to write out all the things that happened at work today and are bugging me so i can TRY to get it out of my head and actually RELAX bc i just keep pacing in circles around it instead of just accepting it and moving on
#for context i was working frying chicken today. ok so i arrive and literally all the chicken out expires within ten minutes of each other#meanwhile to remake everything takes about an hour 20#tried my best to get everything out and replaced and make sure i have enough of everything and then take my break bc with chicken there are#few narrow windows to take your break in you have very little control over when it is#get back and while im getting ready for my next fry one of the assistant leaders comes back and passive aggressively asks 'everything ok?'#and when i say yeah shes starts saying how shes 'just checking' because apparently i didnt have enough chicken out for her liking and went#on about how we're in a chicken drive (I KNOW. I WORK CHICKEN SHE NEVER HAS.)#etc etc. i just say ok and she leaves#like 20 minutes later she comes fucking back to rag on me again about how i need to choose my break times better and i need to have more#chicken out there as back up (extremely difficult bc there is literally only so much room in the fryers. the batches i usually make already#nearly completely fill them up) blah blah and then when i try to explain how i WAS making pretty big batches people are just snatching them#up fast she keeps trying to walk out the door right away and keeps stopping and looking over her shoulder to just stare at me while i try t#finish my sentence#and she just. doesnt say anything in response when i do finish she just leaves#so clearly she didnt want a conversation she just wanted to rag on me#then later for cleanup the timing of everything just kept lining up inconveniently so i kept having to get in and out of raw cleaning gear#and slowing myself down and i end up having to stay almost 15 minutes late to finish cleaning#during cleaning i have to go grab a key to the back door to take out my trash and this one coworker i have was standing in the way of the#door. i say excuse me and she just stares at me and goes huh?#and i say i need a key and she barely moves out of the way without responding and she has a look like im bothering her#why are you acting like im being douchey. i just need a key. thats something she does a lot she acts like im inconveniencing her by asking#basic favors . ive stopped asking her to help me open the back door (sometimes needed if i also have raw garbage to take out and therefore#cant touch the key myself) for some reason she takes it upon herself to almost completely close the door after i walk out so when i come#back i have to awkwardly use my foot to reach around and pull the door open#ive asked her before not to do it and she just ignored me#GRAH GRAH. and then like i said in my last rb i realized while i was drivign home i forgot to wash a damn pan#im mostly worried about it because ive forgotten a couple times in the past too . in my defense its a pan i personally dont use but it just#gets left behind from first shift sometimes and then second shifters end up having to make sure its clean#im just irritateddd and im mad im worried about it all. its all little things piling up on each other#LOL I WROTE A LOT MORE BUT THE REST GOT CUT OUT IG I HIT A TAG LIMIT. tumblr voice ok dude quit your bitching !!
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novelconcepts · 3 months
The degree of RAGE I feel every time I listen to an interview with and/or about a nonbinary person/character, and the interviewer just is allergic to they/them pronouns. Like. My dude. My good bitch. My brother in Christ. The whole POINT of this conversation is the enby thing. How are you failing THIS badly?!
#this dude bringing up an enby actor to an enby actor and using ONLY she/her pronouns for like two straight minutes#they should not HAVE to say ‘them. them.’ to correct you. you should be SO on that#I mean do better in general but ESPECIALLY in these circumstances#it’s so apparent when people just. refuse to try. and it’s fucking infuriating#also for this man to be talking about a movie that is LARGELY about gender expression and being nonbinary#and just be constantly reducing it to a 'love story'#like. no. it's not that. i mean you can take that out of it if you like (that man was AWFUL so i choose to uh. not.)#but the story was ABOUT gender. and gender presentation. and gender identity and looking a certain way but BEING a different thing inside#and to reduce that to 'a love story' to ensure this story is given half to this man who frankly does not narratively deserve it#is such a dude thing to do. to write and then to see in the finished product. whereas a queer person. an enby person. is gonna be like.#well. LOT more going on there actually. the 'love' is a weird complex backdrop for the actual things going on.#anyway. apparently that's my soapbox for the day#just reminds me of a few famous queer female movies where the story inevitably becomes ABOUT the bland white man who somehow convinces them#to sleep with him/date him/whatever. like. i. hated those movies as a teen and i hate them now. let non-men have their stories without dude#if they must be there do NOT pull the focus from the non-men to make sure the cishet boys aren't left out. this isn't for you. stop it.
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gibbearish · 4 months
it is fascinating seeing ppl say "if you still vote biden just bc he's protected trans rights youre putting your own rights above that of the other people he'll kill" bc i'm like. well that operates under the assumption the Not Biden Option won't be killing those same other people Plus Trans People and given the history of presidents i would say that is a. how should i say this. wild fucking assumption? like idk framing it as "hello transgender, would you rather kill a bunch of non-americans or a bunch of fellow trans people. oh, you don't want to kill trans people? so you personally want to kill non-americans? racist selfish piece of shit" seems uhhhhh disingenuous at absolute best and a psyop at worst
#like my dudes we are literally in the trolley problem as we speak#do you think we like. enjoy living in a country where voting is just 'which one do you think will kill less people'?#ur standing there saying 'if you pull the lever then the guy who tied those people to it will take that as a sign he did the right thing'#and its like. idk i dont think he wouldve tied them there to begin with if he didn't already think he was in the right i gotta be real w u#or honestly its less the trolley problem and more just#'you have access to the orphan crushing machine control panel. theres no off switch but there is a speed dial which is cranked all the way#up. do you turn it down?'#where if you try to turn it down someone will pop up going 'youre such a piece of shit for killing those orphans by adjusting the speed#rather than destroying the machine'#and if you try to point out that the machine is a trillion times bigger than you‚ is made of titanium‚ and has defensive turrets#that gets brushed off as making excuses#and its like.. well ok why arent /you/ destroying it then asshole youre just standing around talking about how#eomeone should blow it up already but youre not even willing to turn down the dial much less actually blow it up#and i dont think turning down the dial does tell the guy who made the machine that it was a good machine to make‚ actually#and especially given how many other people are in their control rooms cranking the dial higher and higher‚ yeah i think ill turn mine down#origibberish
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
☎️🎲 🤼‍♂️ ✈️🚪 ➡️ 🫀🎮⌛️
Who Can It Be Now? by Men At Work
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theangrypomeranian · 6 months
is there a FUCKING reason I keep finding animals on the road??
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fly-sky-high-09 · 7 months
I'm sorry but if the candidate is using the word "patriotic" while saying he's a right wing, I know exactly in what sense that word is being used
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i have a very obscure problem which is often when i make characters i connect them in my brain to preexisting fictional characters that they in fact have very little similarities with. and then i call them by that name mentally for the rest of time even if i've named them
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illdothehotvoice · 1 year
Shout out to younger me that was told multiple times that I had the best papyrus interpretation. I was a complete fraud btw I would just make up bullshit and that bullshit just happened to be backed up by canon dshjgkdfh
#I'm talking like. Papyrus remembering resets which I dont believe anymore obviously but like. he DOES have the best memory#when it comes to past timelines i mean dshjkdngfdh#Or Papyrus having healing magic?? Dude I totally pulled that out of my ass because I just wanted him to as a kid dshjkgnfdh#but like. He heals Frisk after they fight him sdhjkfndg implying he has some sort of healing magic dshgjkfdh#which like. my personal take is I wouldn't rely on him for it but he has it if a situation gets dire dshgjknfhg#Papyrus having Gaster Blasters?? again totally was unaware of his line about potentially blasting frisk with something dshjgkfdh#Papyrus having shortcuts also has some flimsy evidence now thanks to the xbox version sdgjkmf#it kind of just depends on how you interoperate sans' line about him not liking to use shortcuts.#You can either take it at face value (but I think the specific wording especially coming from sans is significant)#that Papyrus can use shortcuts but doesn't like to for whatever reason whether that's trauma or thinking it's lazy is up to you#or that for some reason Papyrus just REALLY does not like the fact that sans uses shortcuts sdhgjkfdh#which i think those last two are both valid ways of reading into that line dshjgkfh#I personally like to think Papyrus can use 'em cause it's cool but he doesn't use them often so when he does he is VERY rusty#so it can lead to some insurances in coordinates like ending up a couple feet off the ground#anyways that's enough of mimi headcanons for now sdhgjkndhg I realize I don't tend to talk about my headcanons that much anymore so#a small treat dshgjkgh because I can't really draw right now#aaand thank you autocorrect for changing inaccuracies to insurances???
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