#but thighs?? and stomach?? okay. okay just let me go into the woods for a while
zincbot · 9 months
tits are cool ig. ass is cool ig. thighs (the cteature returneth)
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mariasont · 5 months
My Assistant - A.H
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a/n: im a little addicted to bimbo reader rn if you can't tell lmao
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: aaron hotchner x bimbo!assistant!reader
summary: you can't reach a book so hotch helps you out
warnings: none? fluff, reader climbing a fucking book shelf and for what
wc: 0.8k
"Oh, biscuits!" 
It was a ridiculous thing to say, but frankly you didn't care. You were on your tiptoes, chest flush against a bookshelf. Spencer had asked for a book for the case they were working, and naturally, it was nestled on the top shelf.
Balancing precariously on your stilettos, you stretched as tall as you possibly could, your fingers skimming the spine that was an inch too far away.
You shifted your weight back onto your heels, planting your hands firmly on your hips as you considered the stubborn object just out of reach. Sure, Spencer would grab the book without hesitation if asked, and he'd do so with a smile, but you really liked feeling useful.
For over a year, you've been the one at Mr. Hotchner's beck and call--fetching coffee, filing papers, and attending to, basically, his every need (not the one you wanted though). To others, it might seem trivial, but you really liked it. Well, you really liked him. 
At first, you were intimidated--how could you not? He had a reputation. You heard the stories--a man who never smiled, his ever-serious nature, and Penelope's not so family friendly description of his sternness was enough to unsettle anyone.
But you considered his reputed severity to just be part of his charm, he was far from the figure others painted him as. He was a good boss, always fair, never once raising his voice at you or demanding too much. In your eyes, he was perfect. You might be biased. 
The idea of climbing the shelf was a gamble, especially in these shoes, and it seemed almost certain to end with a less-than-elegant fall. Still, you couldn't resist the challenge and hoisted yourself up anyway, the shelf wobbling perilously as you did so. 
You pressed on, climbing higher, the wood's groans of protest falling on deaf ears. If this was how you were going down, so be it.
"Almost there," you muttered to yourself, straining every muscle in your arm, you were sure.
And just as you almost had the book, your balance faltered and then found new footing, the sensation of falling dissipating. In its place, you found your ass delicately perched, nearly seated on someone's broad shoulder.
You honestly didn't even need to look to know who it was--embarrassingly enough--you had basically memorized the feeling of Hotch's hands. Though they had never been wrapped around your legs like they were now. His grip was warm and strong, sparking a wave of electricity that rippled through your whole body.
"Got it!" you cried out, your victory fist pump nearly launching you from Hotch's shoulder. But his hold on your thighs clamped tighter, securing you in place. "Thanks, sir."
You angled your head downward, locking gazes with Hotch--his eyes a rich blend of ember and molten chocolate that you really liked looking at.
His eyebrows were arched in a silent question on his well-defined face as if he really couldn't believe what you were doing. 
"Careful," Hotch murmured, his hands lowering you to the ground. There was a fleeting brush against your ass, surely accidental, yet it sparked a flurry of butterflies swirling in the pit of your stomach. "In the future, just ask. I wouldn't want you hurt over something as trivial as a book."
"Oh, don't you worry about me, sir. I'm like, practically a pro at rock climbing when I'm not here." you said, letting out a bubbly giggle.
He regarded you with a look that was equal parts amusement and disbelief, clearly not convinced.
"Okay, not really, but wouldn't that be cool?"
"Well, rock climber or not, let's keep those feet on the ground, please," Hotch remarked, the slightest quirk of his mouth suggesting a suppressed smile. "It's less of a fall from there."
"Sure thing, sir!" you beamed, popping off a silly salute, noting his struggle not to roll his eyes. "But I did get the book, so it all worked out in the end, right?"
With a gentle nudge on your lower back, Hotch directed you towards the conference room.
"Yes, it did, but for future reference, Spencer's height makes him more capable of reaching those books himself."
You couldn't help the blush that colored your face, and you managed a flustered smile.
"Well, I mean, it is what I get paid to do, sir."
"No, you get paid to do my bidding, not Spencer's," he teases, giving a gentle squeeze to your side.
Your laughter rang out, a bit too high, a bit too bright, as his touch sent a delightful vertigo spiraling through you. 
"Well, yeah, okay, that's fair. But it's been pretty light on the to-do list from you today."
"And you're complaining about that?"
With the conference room in sight, you pretended to lock your lips and throw away the key.
A rare laugh rumbled through his chest, and you felt your knees buckle, you were sure you could have melted into a puddle right there and then. It was such a beautiful sound, and you desperately wanted to become familiar with it.
Spencer emerged from the conference room, his eyes landing on the book in your hands. "Is that The Selfish Gene?"
Hotch took the book from you, handing it to Spencer with a firm look. "Reid, I'd appreciate it if you didn't recruit my assistant for your library runs."
taglist: @hotchhner @khxna
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saturnsorbits · 5 months
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Fandom: My Hero Academia, Warnings: Suggestive, Word Count: 2.1k.
Summary: Sero's got an embarrassing problem.
A/N: This is a new flavour of Sero for me, but I love this one just as much.
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'You can't laugh...' Sero's voice is thick in the back of his throat forcing him to attempt to cough out it's awkwardness.
It doesn't work.
There's still the tell tale pinkness of a deep blush around his cheek bones, one that streaks down his neck and vanishes beneath the high, black neck of his suit.
Holding open your front door, you raise your eyebrows already on the cusp of giggles. He's leaning on your door frame, his arm pinned above his head, elbow pressed into the wood in a way that was almost charming. 'Okay...'
'Can – Actually...' He leans back, glancing down the corridor. 'Can I come in?'
'Of course.' Stepping aside, you watch as he slips into your apartment keeping his back almost flush with the door. You watch as he goes, side-stepping his way into your living room before turning quick on the balls of his feet to face you – the same sheepish smile etched into his features. Pausing, you tilt your head. 'Are you okay?'
'Y – yeah, uh...' He swallows, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he fidgets.
You raise your eyebrows, tipping forward slightly on your tip-toes.
'I – ha... See it's funny really because -.'
'Hanta, spit it out.'
He sighs. 'I'm stuck in my suit.'
You can't help it, a chuckle bubbles up your throat and spills helplessly over your lips.
Rocking his head back on his shoulders, Hanta groans. 'I said not to laugh...'
Sucking in air through your teeth, you struggle with party balloon lungs until the wheezing subsides and you can stand a little straighter again. 'Yeah, yep, sorry...' A stray gasp leaks from your lips, forcing you to bite down on the seam to silence it. 'Go on.'
'It gets worse.' He sighs. Squeezing shut his eyes, he licks over his lips before admitting. 'I'm naked in here.'
'I'm sorry, what?' You cough, disguising the tension in your lungs. It's hard not to look then, to really look, given the new information you've just been presented with.
Black spandex, strengthened with some obnoxiously named polymer stretches over the expanse of his shoulders. He's wide there, wider than you'd expect given his slight frame, but there's no denying the muscle that lingers under the material. The black extends, covers the swells of his pecs and then tapers, cutting into odd triangles that frame the ripples of his stomach. He's not as well muscled here as he is in his shoulders. Instead of the rough blocks of abdominal muscles, his are streamlined, forming two long, thick stripes of muscle that are almost totally visible through the pale of his suit.
Letting your eyes sink lower still, your gaze lingers on the thin strips of malleable metal that serves to strengthen his suit, but also inadvertently seems to perfectly highlight the deep creases that mark out his torso. You swallow. Hidden under a black square of material, barely contained by what you have to assume is at least two layers of material is a thick bulge. The swell is obvious, casting darkened shadows onto the twitching muscles of his thighs.
'Naked, me, under here...' Gesturing his crotch, he widens his eyes.
'The fucking zip snapped and I can't ask anyone to fucking help peel me out because whoever does it is going to get an eyeful of, well... Me.'
Blinking repeatedly, you swallow the saliva collecting in your mouth and snap your eyes back up to his. His jaw is tight, his stare worried and wild as he looks at you for an answer to a question you're not sure he's got the balls to ask.
Although, new information could prove you wrong.
It's in that instant that the silliness of the situation hits you right back over the head again. You manage to hold your laughter for a solid three seconds before it's tumbling out of you again. This time, it catches you off guard, rolling through you and almost reducing you to a crouch as Sero winces in front of you. 'Why couldn't you get one of the boys to help? Surely they've seen everything before...'
'And have Denks take the piss forever? No thanks.'
'Oh...' You fold your arms across your chest. 'And you think I won't take the piss? Is that it?'
'No.' He answers too quickly, but manages to trap the rest of his half-baked confession behind his teeth before it drops into the palm of your hands. The truth is, he doesn't think he'd mind you taking the piss – he doesn't think he'd mind you doing anything to him, in all honesty. Maybe that's why instead of slinking back to the agency and hoping that Hatsume was in her workshop, he'd found himself here, almost twenty minutes out of his way. He shrugs. 'But, maybe you'll be nicer about it?'
Locking eyes with him for a moment, you pause to watch him sweat before rubbing your hands together. 'C'mon then...' You smirk. 'Let's see how big that dick is.'
'Can you not?' Sero snaps, shivering when your palm meets the muscle of his shoulder. You slide your touch across him, moving in one solid stroke from his deltoid to the thick muscle of his back. The touch, as innocent as it is, makes his stomach tighten, molten lava churning as he submits to your teasing. A soft giggle slips your lips, sliding into his ear like sweet sherbet, making him half regret his decision to ask you, but then, your fingers are playing at the dips just above his collarbone and stealing coherency from him once more.
The suit is cooler than you'd expected. You can feel it, the tips of your fingers growing colder as you search across his chest, fingertips pressing against him in a search that quickly becomes fruitless.
Scratching, you use your nails to rake down his chest and attempt to ignore the way you can feel him respond. His whole body bristles, muscles tightening as a ripple uses his spine like a fire pole. You lick over your lips and hope he can't hear the shake in your voice. 'Where the fuck is the zip on this thing?'
Stretching back his shoulders, Sero swallows. 'It's, uh, around the back...' Gathering the loose hair
Immediately, you lift your hands as if burnt. Now, your groping feels gratuitous – sexual in a way that it wasn't meant to be. Not really. When you step behind him, twisting your hip to avoid bumping it against his, you don't let your fingers wonder.
It's not hard to find it, not now you're laser focused. There's a small bump. The slightest overlap between the two sides of his suit as it wraps around the base of his neck. A few hours ago there had been a zip, the thin strip of metal poking, just, from the material, but now, there's nothing there: Just the slight bump.
Laying one hand flat against the muscle of his back, you use your index finger to skate up the zip – parting the fabric as you go. At the top, you hook your finger under the suit and begin to work at opening it.
Each touch sends a series of short static shocks up through his body, forcing him to tense the plain of his stomach to keep him from folding over. He can feel it, the delicate slip of your fingers as you manage to shift the zip from the top of his spine to near between his shoulders. Inhaling, he starts to wonder if this was a bad idea after all.
'You want me to just keep going, yeah?' You move slowly now. It's almost obscene. A private strip show. One you're participating in, that wouldn't even be happening without you. The thought has you fighting your own composure, forcing you to lock your knees to keep them from shaking.
'Ye – yeah.' He forces a laugh into his voice, but it catches behind his Adam's apple and slips out of his mouth a rasp. 'It stops like, like,' he coughs. 'Like just above my ass.' The bridge of his nose crinkles, a cringe folding his features as he stops talking.
'Okay.' Your fingers feel like they're burning as your decent reveals more and more skin. The smooth plain of his back is revealed, the muscle underneath rippling as it's loosed from it's material confines.
It's intimate in a way you'd never expected as with the slick of his suit, so too are hidden secrets revealed. There's a mole just under the curve of his right shoulder blade. A scar that runs parallel to his spine, the skin still pink and fresh. The edges of black ink that wraps around the edge of his left hip.
When the zip finally draws to a stop, you can see the cleft of his ass. If you were to slip your hands inside, splaying your fingers across the warm breath of his lower back you'd be able to sink your thumbs into his back dimples. You imagine he'd sigh. Let his head roll back on his shoulders as you press close to him. Maybe you'd let your hands slink further, following along the grooves of his hips; lines that would lead to lower and lower, until...
'All done?' His voice is wound tight when he speaks, locked somewhere in the basin of his throat and released as if thrown out on a breath.
Your reluctant to step back, to recede from the heat of his body, but you manage it. 'Yep.' You pat his back, feeling the muscle relax under your touch. 'All done.'
He turns, already wriggling his shoulders free from the material of his suit. 'Thanks, thought I was going to be trapped forever in this thing. It's so...' Slipping his fingers under the latex clinging to his left shoulder, he stretches it from his skin. 'Difficult to fucking get out of.'
You chuckle and watch him struggle. He twists around himself, peeling the second skin of his suit away only for it to snap back and illicit a hiss from between his teeth. 'C'mere, before you do yourself some serious harm.'
Sero shivers as your hands skate underneath the suit and peel him from it. He'd close his eyes to hide from the intimacy of your slow undressing of him, but all that would do is conjure images of what he wishes would come afterwards. Images of him repaying the favour, slipping you from your oversized hoodie and sinking to his knees then repaying you again in a wholly different way. He can already imagine how easy it would be to have you, and yet... 'Thanks,' he mumbles.
'No worries.' You giggle, catching his eye before you step back: his shoulders and arms freed. 'Tell you what though...' Your eyebrow arcs, a coy smile playing at the edge of your lip. 'That really doesn't hide anything, does it?'
Eyes widening, he swallows hard. The knowledge of your staring, dare he even dream admiring, sends a shock wave of tension directly south. He cock kicks, his ass clenching as if to try and disguise the too obvious bulge against the front of his costume. In an instant, his hands sink, the top-half of his suit bunched in his fist as he plays the move for comfort and hopes you don't notice a thing. 'I...'
'I'm just joking around, Han.' You chuckle around the lump in your throat. There's a notable pulse in your stomach, one that sinks by the second and has your thoughts turning savoury.
'I'll...' Sero hedges. There's an energy in his muscles, one that makes him want to bounce on the balls of his feet and do something silly.
'Do you want a t-shirt?'
The more he looks at you, the more kissable you look. You always look kissable, but right now, with the sun coming in from your living room window and that small curious smile itching at your lip... You look phenomenal. He shakes his head. 'I'll just swing home. I'll be too high and too quick for anyone to notice that I'm semi-shirtless... My place isn't far.'
'Oh, okay.' You try not to let your disappointment show, but there's a notch that forms between his eyebrows that makes you wonder just how successful you'd been at disguising it. Slinking to the door, Sero has one foot over the threshold before he turns.
Fuck it. He thinks.
'Can I tell you something?'
Your eyes shine, head tilting. 'Of course, anything.'
'I really, like, really wanna take you out to dinner.'
Your lips break into a smile, forcing apples into your cheeks as a chuckle slips through your teeth. 'Yeah?'
'Yeah.' His smile matches yours, reaching his eyes and making him glow. 'Next week? That new place down town?'
You nod, chewing at your lip as you try not to feel like an excited school girl. 'It's a date.'
Sero's heart stutters, thudding in his chest. 'It's a date.'
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-> Masterlist
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nymph-ette111 · 1 month
Could you do how Jeff, EJ, Toby and Ben (all separated) would react to Y/N being uncomfortable because of stretch marks on the thighs (or other parts of the body)?? Like what would they do or say about it
Sorry if it was a very long request or something ❤
That's it, have a great day/night!!
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AUTHOR'S NOTE; not very proud of this tbh... anyways I didn't really get the "uncomfortable" part so I wrote it as in "insecure" I hope this is what you had in mind :( ALSO I DON'T HAVE A CHARACTER LIMIT GUYS YOU CAN ASK FOR AS MANY AS YOU'D LIKE IN ONE REQUEST!!
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-not even going to attempt and sugarcoat this section... or any future headcanons that include Jeff because this man is genuinely the biggest asshole to have ever assholed on the planet.
-he doesn't even care if you're his partner, bro is actually ruthless.
-he's made you cry countless of times before.
-i mean... everyone agrees he isn't the greatest boyfriend, especially in terms of just... caring for his lover. like this man can't even do the bare minimum in a relationship.
-if he ever catches you staring at your body in the mirror for long periods of time, he'll straight up ask you.
"the fuck is wrong with you?"
-Jeff is still an intelligent man, he catches on quite quickly.
-he knew you were insecure about something, you wouldn't just sulk at the mirror for like 15 minutes straight for no reason.
-once you tell him what's wrong he kind of just... belittles you?
-that sounds wrong I KNOW. LET ME EXPLAIN.
-it's just that he doesn't understand why you're insecure about some stretch marks on your body.
-he acts like insecurities are useless bullshit as if he doesn't fake his own confidence.
-okay you fucking hypocrite.
-yeah anyways in terms of "comforting" you, said in quotation marks because Jeffrey Woods and comfort in the same sentence is actually diabolical. basically his way of making you feel better about it even if he thinks it's stupid, he forces you to show them to everyone.
-yep. usually when your partner is upset about something physically, you try to make them view said thing in a positive light, and THEN you try to encourage them to try and show it off and be confident about it. right?
-no, Jeff goes straight to the point whether you agree or not. stretch marks on your thighs and legs? you WILL be wearing that short dress. stretch marks on your arms? WEAR that short sleeve top. stretch marks on your stomach? WEAR THAT TANK TO—
-he intends good I swear he's just very mean about it.
-also when other creeps hit on you (specifically BEN) he gets mad like he wasn't the one who threw away half of your closet and forced you to wear something revealing...
-if you sit him down for a serious talk about how this doesn't help with anything and it only makes you even more uncomfortable he might mellow shit down and stop with this whole showing off your body to feel less insecure situation.
-he'll understand but don't expect him to do anything else after that because he claims that "it's not my fuckin' problem... deal with that shit yourself then"
-he is a little pissy about it because he thought he was genuinely helping you.
-having the audacity to get mad when an insufficient way of overcoming your insecurities doesn't work? okay bro.
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-anyways I love him guys please request more for this goober.
-like mentioned in the previous post, Jack never judges others for the way they look physically.
-even when he was normal, he never saw the point in it. that's just the way your body is. why should he make you feel bad about it when you can't do anything to change it? even towards himself. before specific events took place, when he was just a normal college student he saw himself as average looking and didn't have a problem with it and never made an effort to try and "look better"
-but after the whole... failed cult sacrifice it earned him this villain complex mindset.
-he sees himself as an unlovable monstrosity, the fact that you were willing to be near this guy at all is mind-blowing to him.
-naturally, Jack views you as way out of his league. he believes that he doesn't deserve you.
-so, seeing you? the one who changed his life and dragged him out of the hell hole that is his mind, unsatisfied with the way your body looks because of some stretch marks?
-bro is genuinely offended. you're fucking ethereal, you're an angel from above, why can't you see that?
-but seeing you view that part of your body as something bad, he can't help but feel like you're disgusted with his too.
-for context, Jack also has stretch marks scattered all over his body. you don't like yours equals you don't like his. that's his logic.
-he wouldn't say it out loud though, of course not. he knows that it's wrong. his thoughts are just a way to bring him down and make him even more miserable, he just can't help but find any opportunity to convince his brain that he is unlovable.
-i think it's best to not talk about it Infront of him.
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-he still thinks you're beautiful though, he's just overthinking :(
-quite similar to Jack, doesn't understand why you view them in such a negative light. he is genuinely borderline obsessed with you. everything... I mean EVERYTHING is perfect in his eyes. yes, including the stretch marks. yes, including the freckle on your left thigh because he is just that observant.
-this man is DETERMINED to make you feel better, he'd do anything to make you see yourself the way he does. quite aggressive with it too. you ARE pretty. stretch marks or not.
-all of the sudden, every single time you stop by a mirror to over-analyse your stretch marks, you're dragged away by Toby to talk about the nice weather outside (anyone who dares to step a foot outside will have to face the consequences of a fucking heatstroke)
-all of the sudden, he starts littering more gentle, almost ghost-like kisses all over your thighs once you two are in the safety of your rooms. it wasn't some out of the ordinary with Toby, he's always had a thing for showing his affection towards you physically. it just stepped up a notch, and the kisses are now directed towards those specific areas.
-he'll do anything to prove to you that your stretch marks are simply a part of you and your body. and he fucking loves it.
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-if you don't start loving your stretch marks after all that treatment Toby is giving... the problem is you. mans is actually dedicated.
-was never good with comforting people, especially someone he cares about. he is used to always brushing his feelings away, never really confronting himself about shit. but unlike Jeff, he actually tries for you.
-I'll be honest... he probably never knew stretch marks even existed.
-once you told him what you were so upset about, he legitimately went "the fuck is that?"
-he actually has no filter, this guy speaks before he thinks.
-bet you he was typing away on his keyboard too, barely paying any attention to your little rant.
-when you realize his half-assed responses were because he wasn't even listening, you genuinely consider plugging off that ancient ass computer just to get some of his attention.
-he feels bad after that though, he'd attempt, keyword attempt to try and make you feel better.
-it probably doesn't work but you sort of let it him off the hook for it. he doesn't even know what a stretch mark looks like, he is basically trying to convince you that something he doesn't even know and has never seen in his life before is beautiful.
-the attempt is appreciated though, it's genuine enough.
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am3ricanh0rrorwh0re · 22 days
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𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐥 | 𝐉𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
paring: Jimmy Darling x fem!reader
cw: nsfw, smut with little plot, semi-public sex, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of creampies
word count: 816
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“c’mere, baby…i don’t bite..” Jimmy said, pulling you closer by your hips. You giggle softly, feeling Jimmy press his soft lips to your neck. His nose pushes against your skin, his breath warm against you.
“Jimmy, stop!” You giggle as he pushes you against the back of the large column in the middle of the carousel you two were currently hiding behind. Jimmy had dragged you here after the troupe’s performance. He had been staring at you the whole time he was onstage, shooting you small winks. And now, it was finally time.
“Someone’s gonna find us back here,” You warn with a small smirk, emitting a small squeak as Jimmy’s lobster claw trailed up your thigh.
“Oh, no one’s gonna find us…and even if they do, it ain’t gonna be a surprise seein’ me hidin’ out with you,” He said in a slightly mocking tone, looking up at you with a small smile.
You felt his fingers, nevertheless deformed, pull at the waistband of your panties. Feeling the soft fabric fall to your ankles, you kick them off onto the wood flooring of the carousel, your eyes watching Jimmy lower his jeans and boxers to about his mid thighs.
Jimmy’s cock, which was a an angry deep red color, sprung up against his stomach with a small smack, bobbing in the air for a few seconds before he finally pulled you closer. He grabbed one of your legs, pulling it up around his waist before grabbing the other. Jimmy slid his hands to your ass, cupping and holding you in a way that would support your weight.
Jimmy pushed you against the same center cylinder, smirking as you let out a small whimper. Your hands wrapped around his neck, resting at the back of his head. You felt him teasing you, sliding his tip gently between your dripping folds before pulling it out again, smacking your own slick onto your clit with his tip.
You let out a shaky, pathetic whimpers as he teased you, your noises occasionally shattering from the building pressure in your stomach.
“Yer gorgeous…yer gonna be nice and open by the time we’re done, huh?” He said in a soft but husky voice, pressing his lips to your neck. You nod, letting out a small exhale of relief. Your short lived sigh was interrupted by a sharp, full feeling in your cervix, along with the slapping of skin.
“A-Agh-“ You moan lewdly, biting your lower lip. Jimmy was big. So big that it hurt a little. You’d never had any man like him in your whole life.
Jimmy let out soft grunts, pressing his lips together with each thrust he made into you. His lips parted slightly, eyes fluttering after nuzzling his cock high up inside of you. You could just foresee the pregnancy now.
“F-Fuck, baby..” Jimmy groaned, his thrusts getting faster. He smirked, listening to you punctuate every push he made further into you. His thrusts sped up and you could just tell he was getting close, especially by the way he twitched inside of you. Hell, you could practically feel him pulsating inside of you.
You finished first. Your cunt clenched tightly around him, your walls practically closing in on his poor dick, milking him for all he had. Jimmy let out an obscene groan, pushing weakly into you as his orgasm crashed over him. You could feel him filling you up, but you could care less. The warm feeling of the remnants of your encounter which was currently filling your womb made you want to do it all over again. You rest your head forward against his shoulder, smelling his cheap cologne, which still smelt like home to you.
“You okay..? huh..?” Jimmy spoke softly, planting a kiss down on the crown of your head. You nod against his shoulder, panting, your chest heaving against him. Jimmy sighed before speaking again.
“Let’s go lay down, ‘kay? bet yer exhausted…”
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taglist: @fear-is-truth @dangeroustaintedflawed @newwavesylviaplath @coentinim @lacucarachapisser @evansonlylove @dearlizzies @oceanblvd111 @foreverviolets @emmasshitblog @jazz-berry @xrag-dollx @taintandviolent @colinzabelswife @marchsfreakshow @evanpeterspeter @whosbloom @redroses07 @lemoniiiiiii @partypoisxn @evanpetersbf
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eddiesxangel · 9 months
would LOVE a follow up to the brother’s best friend eddie fic where adam finds out they hooked up and just kinda loses it. maybe some angst with a happy ending if you do? i love the fic and thought all the details and feelings were perfect!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the first part! I hope this is up to your expectations. 🤗
cw: Allusions to smut, Mentions of depression, angst with a fluffy ending.
Tag list from part 1: @lofaewrites @lavendermunson @imyourdaninow@itsfreakingbats @allthingsjoeq
Wc: 2k
Read Part 1 here
What Adam Doesn’t Know | Eddie Munson x f!Reader
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Ten days. It has been ten days since you slept with Eddie, and you haven't heard a word from him since he kissed you goodbye that next morning. He confessed to having feelings, so why is he treating you like a one-night stand? He hasn't taken any further steps since he fucked you. The situation left you feeling angry, frustrated and used. You wanted to talk to him, but you'll be damned if you were the one to reach out first. Sure, you were stubborn, but you also loved him. So you waited to give him another chance.
Eddie thought things would be okay after he got you out of your system. He just needed to scratch the itch that was you. Wrong.
Eddie was even more obsessed with you and didn’t know what to do about it. He knew Adam would be so not okay with this. He has already expressed his disdain about Eddie pursuing you.
Adam and Eddie have been through a lot together. Adam supported Eddie through family struggles and being held back in high school. Adam has always been there for Eddie, no matter what. The guilt is eating away at him...if he's hiding the fact that he slept with you and has developed feelings for you? He was screwed.
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You were browsing the junk food aisle at the grocery store. Try to pick up your favourites to help you wallow in self-pity and eat your feelings. Just as you were to reach for the Doritos, you heard your name.
“Tink,” you look over your shoulder.
“Oh. Hi Eddie,” you turn back to face the aisle.
“Tink, please; I’m sorry”
“No, I get it. I’m just another notch on your belt.”
“No. You are the last thing from that, and you know it.”
“Do I, Eddie?”
“Ugh, I know! I know I screwed up. But let me explain? Please?”
“You have five minutes.”
“I’m sorry, Tink. I’m not avoiding you on purpose… it’s just that Adam had said something, and I didn’t want to keep this from him, but I didn’t know what you wanted to do... We didn't get to talk much.”
“What did he say?”
“He said that you and I were never going to happen. That he thinks it’s ridiculous.”
“So what, you believe him?”
“What? No!”
“So what, Eddie? Adam is a moron.”
“And so am I for not calling you. Please let me make it up to you. I want to take you on a date.”
“A date?” Your heart betrayed you by fluttering.
“Yes, a real all-American date. I’ll pick you up; I’ll bring you flowers. I can take you to dinner, then I’ll take you to the movies where we can suck face, and you let me feel you up in the back of the theatre. The whole shebang”
This made you giggle.
“What do you say?”
“Okay, Eddie,” you smiled.
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It was late morning, and you were waking up in Eddie's bed. It's been three weeks since you ran into him in the grocery store. You were officially dating' you were Eddie's girl, and I couldn't be any happier.
You weren’t dating secretly because Robin and Nancy knew about the relationship, but you weren’t telling Adam... yet.
"Morning baby," Eddie's gravelly morning voice sent a shiver down your spine. You were both naked under the covers. Eddie's morning wood was pressed up against your outer thigh as you lay on your back.
"Morning," you reply, still sleepy.
"You cold?" Eddie saw the goosebumps pepper your skin.
"mmm hmmm"
"Well, let me fix that," he smirked.
Eddie had you on all fours, screaming his name over and over as he fucked you from behind. He was so deep inside you swore you could feel him in your stomach. He had you so cockdrunk you couldn't form any thoughts. In your opinion, it was one of the best times you've had, but any time you have sex with Eddie, it seems to top that last.
As you flop down on the bed, all blissed out from your orgasm and your limbs feeling like jelly, Eddie gets up to get a damp cloth to clean you up.
You watched as Eddie pulled on his sweatpants and walked out of the room.
Eddie unexpectedly saw Adam sitting on his couch watching TV as he exited his bedroom.
"What the hell?! Shit man, you scared me.” Eddie chuckled uncomfortably. God, he hoped you stayed in the room.
“So this the same chick you keep blowing me off for?” He motioned to the bedroom, obviously hearing everything.
“W-what are you doing here?”
“We were jamming.”
“Shit, oh god, dude i'm sorry, I lost track of the time-”
“I can’t be too mad; she sounded like a really good time.” He winked.
"What?! You really fucked her brains out. She was all, oh my god, Eddie, you're the best. You're the biggest I've ever had," he said in a high-pitched tone.
You swore you heard Eddie speaking but didn't hear the phone ring?
“Baby, what’s taking so long? I miss you.” You walk out of the room not bothering to put on anything. “Ahhhhhhhhh!” You run back screaming into the bedroom when you see your bother.
“Man, I can explain.”
“Well yea but it’s not like that… I like her dude”
“How long.”
“How long have you been going behind my back”
“Look we were going to tell you”
You bravely walk back out with a shirt and pants on this time
“Adam, calm down, please.” You beg as you intertwine your fingers with Eddie. He needs your support.
“Calm down?!”
“How long have you been going behind my back, Ed?”
“The first time was a month ago.” You spoke up.
“How did this even happen?”
I found her crying walking home in the rain; she needed a place to stay...”
“Oh well, isn't that romantic... NOT”
“Adam, you seriously need to chill the fuck out,” you ask.
“Fuck you.” Adam directed back to you.
“Hey!” Eddie got defensive.
“You don’t get to be mad right now.” Adam pointed out.
“You’re being so unfair, Adam.” you spoke.
“Unfair? I’ll give you unfair. Eddie you have to choose right now. It’s me or her.”
“What !?” You cried.
“Come on, man...” Eddie begged.
“No, dude. You can’t have us both. It’s either me or her.”
You can't believe your brother. He is being so childish. Can't he see the good in the situation?
“Tink I…” Eddie's voice shook.
“No... I get it. You can’t ever choose me over him.” You tried so hard not to let your voice crack.
Oh, how you wished you were a kid again to wallop Adam.
“You take everything nice thing I have and ruin it. You did that with my stuff and my toys. And now you’re doing it with my real life, and it’s fucked up, Adam. Be lucky that I don’t tell Mom and Dad.”
“They can’t do anything. I’m an adult.”
“Then start acting like one and not some kid who got his truck stolen on the playground.” With that, you slammed the door behind you.
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It has been two weeks since you left Eddie's apartment. You have yet to speak to either Eddie or Adam since then. Unfortunately, you both had to go home for Reading week, and your only option for a ride home was with Adam. It was a very silent hour-long car ride as Adam drove home the both of you. You refused to speak to him.
You didn't even know why you respected Adam's wishes; he couldn't tell you what to do! But then again, they were Eddie's wishes as well.
You hugged your mom and dad hello and went to your old bedroom. There, you stayed for the night, not coming down to eat or socialize. Your mother was worried. She knew something was wrong.
“Honey. Is there anything you want to talk about?” She opened the door the next morning.
“Yea. You birthed the spawn of Satan.”
“So this is about your brother...” she sighed. She must be really tired of having to be in the middle of you two fighting all the time. “What happened?”
You can no longer hold in your feelings. The only people who know are Robin and Nancy because you broke down when you returned to your apartment.
“I finally had Eddie! Like he actually likes me back, Mom!” It was no secret to your family that you’ve been obsessed with Eddie Munson your whole life. “He likes me, and Adam made him choose between me and him! So obviously, he chooses Adam!" Now you’re sobbing.
“What? Why would he do that?”
“Because he has to take everything good in my life and ruin it. It’s been that way ever since we were kids.”
“You know it’s true. So now I’m heartbroken because I got to experience what it was like to be with him, and it was ripped out from under me.” She sighed again as she stroked your hair.
“I’m going to have your father speak to him.”
“Like that will do anything.” You mumble.
The next day, you decide you need to leave your room.
You’re in what you call your depression outfit. A hoodie, actually, it’s Eddie’s, sweatpants, matched with your throw blanket wrapped around you.
You plant yourself on the couch for the rest of the day. Most of your spring break consisted of being depressed and moving from the couch to your bed. Were you being dramatic? Yes, but you needed to prove a point. You needed Adam to see how his selfishness affected you.
"You really still not speaking to me?" Adam finally breaks the silence on your way back to school.
You don't even look in his direction.
"Come on, Tink! This is ridiculous!"
"No! You are ridiculous. You may have your best friend choose between you and his girlfriend.
Yea, Adam. We were together. Like together, together. We weren't just fucking behind your back."
"I- I didn't-"
"You wouldn't have because you didn't, let's explain. You made it the Adam special. Like you always do. Newsflash, not everything is about you."
"Well, it freaked me out! I didn't want to lose him to you."
"How could you lose him to me? If anything, you would see more of me, not the other way around."
"How is he doing?" You dared to ask.
"He's miserable." He mumbled.
"Oh, Adam."
"Yea, yea, I know I have to fix this."
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Adam pulls up to your student housing unit, and you can see Eddie sitting on your front porch. You sprint out of the car before Adam even puts the car in park, running into Eddie's arms, not caring about what Adam sees.
“I can’t do this. I can’t not see you or talk to you. I’ve been miserable without you.” He wraps his arms around you.
“Eddie-” your heart swelled. He was choosing you.
“Please, I don’t care what Adam says anymore. He can get over it. He will get over it. But I have to be with you.”
"Hey, man," Adam greeted.
"Hey," you moved so you faced Adam, but Eddie's arm was still wrapped around your shoulder.
"Look, I uh... I overreacted, and if she makes you happy, then... I guess I'm cool with it." He shrugged.
"Thanks, Man." You looked up to see Eddie smiling.
"I don't want to hear about any more sext stuff between you two. I still have PTSD." He laughed uncomfortably.
With that, Eddie got your bags from the car, and Adam left the two of you to be alone.
You walked into your house, and the girls weren't back yet; they wouldn't be coming back until tomorrow.
"You came back for me." You smiled before tilting your head up to kiss him.
“I was not letting him take away the best sex I’ve ever had; he can get over it.”
“The best sex you’ve ever had, huh?”
“With the best girl I’ve ever had.” He smiled before you led him to your bedroom...
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luveline · 9 months
can we see what christmas is like with eddie, reader and roan? 🫶
the munson family and their pre christmas priorities ♡ (step)mom!reader, 1k
“I'm sick of being a dad,” Eddie says. “I'm done. You're going to live with your Uncle Wayne.” 
Roan roars with laughter, her hair dusting the floor, her t-shirt dipping down to expose her chubby belly where she hangs from Eddie's hands. “Dad, pick me up!” 
“I'm Eddie now to you.” 
“I'm,” —she cackles— “sorry! Pick me up!” 
Eddie gives her a last good shake before gently lowering her to the floor. She's all flushed cheeks and big eyes, her hair a riot around her head as she wipes stray strands from her mouth. “I'm sorry, daddy,” she says, pouting, her thin brows rising up her forehead. “Don't be mad.” 
“I'm furious.” 
“No, you're not! You're not angry, dad, you're smiling.” 
Eddie forces his lips into a deep frown. “I told you to keep her in line!” 
You huff from your place by the Christmas tree. “Give it up, Eds. Santa doesn't come for grown ups, I already told you that.” You place a final small gift atop the small mountain of silver-wrapped boxes and straighten it to perfection. “So I have to make sure you get what you deserve.” 
“What was I s'posed to do?” Roan asks, sitting up. Her pyjamas are just a little too big, the shirt falling to her thighs and the pants covering her toes. 
“Restrain her,” Eddie says, grabbing Roan under the arms to help her onto her feet. “Let me roll your pants up, babe.” 
“I shrank in the night,” she says. 
Eddie smooths her hair out of her face as he kneels in front of her. “You're so funny. Santa will bring you all kinds of new pyjamas tomorrow, he told me. But don't tell him I told you.” 
“Did you get me anything?” Roan asks. 
If only she knew. “Yeah, we got you some gifts too. But we're gonna put them out when Santa does, okay?” 
“Okay.” She beams. Eddie pulls her pants from under her little feet to roll the hems up, worried she'll slip and smash her face on the wood floors. 
“You're excited,” Eddie says, moving to her second leg, “I can feel you vibrating like a dog.” 
“Woof,” she says, wrapping her arms around his neck. She's in a very cuddly mood tonight. 
“Oh, what a beautiful puppy I have. She's so cute.” He hugs her lightly, black curls trapped either side of them. Eddie sits back on his calves and she lets herself fall into his lap. “What kind of puppy are you? A poodle?” 
“No, I wanna be a dalmatian!” 
“Of course,” he hums, stroking her hair. “How could I forget? You love damn-nations.” 
You stand up from the tree to poke at them with your foot. “Can we have hot chocolate now?” 
“Puppy's can't have chocolate,” Eddie says, encouraging Roan back to tuck her hair behind her ears. “So you'll have to be human Ro again.” 
She sighs forlornly. “Okay.” 
You make your way into the kitchen, paper chains hanging in the doorway and snowflake stickers holographic against the dark window. It's only 5PM, but the sun has firmly set, leaving the outside world in total darkness. You flick on the kitchen light and immediately head to the stove to heat the stove top kettle where it’s lived this last month on the back hob. “Milk, please?” you ask. 
Eddie's already in the fridge. He passes you the milk, ignoring the mounds of foil wrapped meats and cheeses, his stomach aching in longing. “One more sleep,” he says, hooking a pint of milk on his pinky. 
Roan attempts to climb your legs. You pick her up and put her on the counter, shielding her from the stove with your body. “What's for dinner?” she asks you. 
“How about soup?” you ask. When Roan wrinkles her nose, you add, “With croutons? We could have yummy vegetable soup with crispy croutons.” Still wrinkled. “Or we could have tomato soup and grilled cheese?” 
“With extra cheese?” Roan asks. 
“Sure, princess. Lots and lots of cheese.” 
Eddie opens the kettle. “What was in here?” 
“Milk last night, but I already washed it. I knew we'd be having more hot chocolate,” you say, words shaped by your smile as Roan pulls you in for a hug. “It's so cold, huh, baby.” 
“My nose is cold.” 
“I can feel it!” 
Eddie pours the entire pint of milk into the kettle. It'll be just enough for all three of you to have a full mug, and if he uses the big mugs there'll be no risk of overflow once the whipped cream and marshmallows have been added. 
The milk doesn't need to boil, only warm. While it's heating he takes the hot chocolate powder from the cupboard and throws in a couple of heaping spoonfuls. The milk quickly turns a rich brown. 
“Should I put some real chocolate in there too?” Eddie asks. 
“Duh, dad!” Roan says. 
You second her agreement more kindly, “Yes! Definitely yes. It's always best with the real stuff too.” You rub Roan's shoulders. “Yeah?” 
Eddie's getting jealous, honestly. He ignores you both, shutting the lid on the kettle and easing his way between your arm and Roan's. “Let me in,” he demands. 
You curl an arm behind his back. When you look up into his face, you couldn't look more in love. There's a shine to your eyes, a reverence he can't miss, and he's expecting your compliment before you give it. 
“Hi, gorgeous,” you say, kissing the side of his chin. 
He drops his head onto yours and pulls Roan in as close as he can without knocking her off of the counter. The air has already begun to smell of chocolate, though the smell of honeyed ham lingers. Roan herself smells like no tears shampoo. Eddie sniffs you curiously. 
“Stop sniffing me.” 
“What do you smell like?” 
“Nothing. I'm not wearing any perfume.” 
You smell like yourself. He can't explain it, but he likes it, hiding his nose in the seam of your hairline. 
Roan cracks first, pushing you both away. “How long will it take?” 
“Any minute now,” Eddie says, kissing your cheek before pulling away. “Let me get that chocolate.” 
“You didn't put the chocolate in? Dad.” 
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sturnsiolos0 · 9 months
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Hottub-Chris Sturniolo
You walked back into the hotel suite and kicked off your shoes before you hung your purse up on the empty hook. The patio doors were wide opened, so you sauntered outside. The cooling damp wood under your bare toes caused goosebumps to decorate your calves.
Chris was reclined in the hot tub, eyes closed as he took a long drink. It should be illegal to use your tongue like that without intent. You were well aware of how talented that tongue of his could be when he had intent. You shifted on your feet as a rush of heat passed through your body, but you kept your voice casual. "Did you finally decide that this place isn't all bad?"
"I guess." He lulled his head to the side, glancing up at you.
"Is it okay if i join you in there?" You let a small smile pass over your lips.
"Plenty of room, Princess."
"I need to change."
He smirked and gripped your wrist tighter, "Just throw your clothes on the rail. No one's around."
"Nice try." You slipped away from his hold and ignored his overly dramatic sigh.
"I'm always trying."
You rolled your eyes as you moved back through the hotel suite and into the bathroom. You place your jewlery in a dish on the bathroom sink after you tossed your clothing over the hamper in the corner.
You bit your bottom lip as a wicked plan popped into your head. You paced back to the patio, a smile forming on your face.
"Hey," He attempted to hold your  hand, but you didn't let him. He opened his eyes as you circled the hot tub, and they widened as he realized that you weren't wearing anything. The water sloshed as he started to get up.
"No." You stated plainly and he halted immediately. "Just sit back down." He complied without hesitation and a surge of power put a seductive smile on your face. Your fingers traced the edge of the hot tub as you positioned yourself directly across from him, letting the moonlight frame you from behind.
You ran your hands through your hair and held his gaze. Chris's knuckles were white as his grip on the rim of the tub hardened, "Y/n..."
"Shhh. Just relax."
Chris's eyes were nearly black with desire, he wanted you and nothing else mattered. You stepped into the hot tub and glided into his space as he gripped your thighs pulling you on top of him as he sought your mouth with his.
You placed a single finger to his lips. "No, no. Not yet."
"I'm not a fan of waiting." His tongue darted out and ran over the pad of your index finger.
"Really? I've never noticed." You settled yourself more firmly on him and rolled your body against his, feeling how hard he already was. You hook your fingers beneath his swimming suit before pulling it down just enough for his cock to come out.
He firmed his hold on your hips.
"Is there a reason i have to wait?"
"Because I say so." You leaned in closer and whispered, "Put your arms behind your head."
"Gonna be hard for me to touch you that way." He argued but still submitted.
"Harder is the idea, Handsome." You squeezed his thighs with yours as you reclined back into the hot water.  You were giving him a show, hair fanning out beneath you. "This feels amazing."
"Yes, it does." His voice was graveled. You loved his voice like that, it was like you were too much for him to handle. "How long I am going to be your hostage?"
You wrapped your legs around his waist and tightened your stomach to pull yourself up into a sitting position. You pressed your chest against his, the friction making him hiss and heat to burn through you all over again. You trailed your tongue along the shell of his ear until you caught the lobe in your teeth. "Until I say so. You do what I say,when I say...and maybe I'll let you get off...maybe if you're really, really good I'll let you get off buried inside of me. Would you like that baby?"
"Y/n." Chris groaned into your ear as he pressed his face against yours, trying to get closer.
"What is it?" You shifted back a bit and grabbed his chin. "You didn't answer my question." You dropped your voice to that purr that drove him crazy. "Do you want to cum buried inside of me, Chris?" You ground yourself down on his cock, relishing the searing jolt that you felt all the way to the base of your spine.
Despite the fact that his muscles twitched, Chris remained frozen and focused on your face, "Y/n, you know how much I love to cum inside of you,"
"Ah-ah-ah." You tapped your finger against him, "You didn't say the magic word."
His eyebrow arched, "I have to say please now?"
"Please, I need you."
"I'm sure you do." You finally succumbed to your own urges and pressed your lips against his. He responded instantly molding his mouth to yours, trying to devour you as you acquiesced and let his tongue battle with yours. It was exactly what you needed, that erotic stimulation that made your toes curl every single time. You were letting him get away with too much. "Not so fast, baby." You panted.
He aimed to catch you in another kiss, but you avoided it, instead leaning away again this time palming your hands up your own body. "Do you want to touch me Chris?"
"Yes y/n, I..."
You pressed your finger against his lips again. "You talk too much sometimes. Yes y/n will do."
His stare was heated, but he kept silent as you rolled and teased your nipples not attempting in the slightest to control your moan. "This feels so good,the cool air on my wet skin, the weight of your eyes, and how hard you are under me. I can't wait to ride you." You massaged your breasts, dragging your lower half against his erection. "The question is...can you be good, Chris? Can you be obedient?"
"Yes, y/n." The phrase was so simple, but it fell so sinfully from those wicked lips of his.
You braced your hands on either side of him, he watched transfixed as you lifted elevated herself to put your chest level with his face. "You can taste me. You can run your tongue over my tits, you can suck on my nipples, but you have to stop when I say and you cannot move your lower half. Do you understand?"
"Yes, y/n."
His mouth was on your flesh before you could prepare for it. He sucked your right nipple with ravenous enthusiasm, it was akin to the way he kissed you, passionate and filthy. He switched the other breast and you whined as your body flushed. You couldn't help but slip one of your hands down your own body. He persisted in his ministrations drawing out another moan as you teased your throbbing clit and his cock in the process. He shuddered at your touch, but didn't thrust beneath you.
You always marveled at the things he could do with his tongue. You wanted him, but on your terms. The torment you were putting yourself through would be worth it. "That's enough." Your voice wavered.
He released your nipple with an obscene pop.
You slipped away from him and though he didn't move he was devouring you with his eyes, it was almost overwhelming. You dragged your nails up his chest and he bit down on the inside of his cheek as your pussy brushed against where he needed you most. His cock pulsed, but other than low moan, Chris remained compliant to your command to be still.
"Do you want me?" You asked coaxing another moan from him as you stroked him slowly.
His teeth were clenched, "Yes, please."
You worked him harder, you were so wet and achy that you wanted to take him in all at once. You were going to ride him hard and having him at your control was all the more intoxicating. You spread your legs a little wider as you moved over his lap. "You're going to keep your hands where they are and stay still."
You shamelessly crashed your body down onto him letting him penetrate you completely as you arched your back cursing at the magnificent thrill of the connection. He hissed and dropped his head back, since he wasn't allowed to do anything else and whimpered your name out like an obscene prayer. You flexed your internal muscles around him and gripped his shoulders. You used the leverage to impale yourself on him over and over as your blood pounded in your ears. You could feel your body already starting to tremble and the sweat start to gather on the nape of your neck.
"Kiss me." You ordered.
His mouth skimmed yours before drawing you in completely with searing desperation.  He shifted beneath you to get a better angle it was like he lit a damn match to your nerves. You could feel your cunt convulsing around his cock and you threw your head back to scream out his name with a plea for him to finish with you.
He released his hands from behind him and yanked your hips to give him some measure of control. He kept you over him, but pounded into you at a brutal pace. Instead of coming down from the high of your orgasm, you felt yourself re-climbing towards that peak. "Don't stop. Don't you dare fucking stop."
He snarled and bit down on your shoulder as he fucked you mercilessly, his hand dipped between your bodies claiming your clit and pinching down, flinging you over the edge a second time in a matter of moments. You were barely aware of his convulsing as he emptied himself into you.
"You are so fucking amazing. Fucking incredible." He kept you enfolded in his arms as he twitched with the last remnants of his orgasm, breathing heavily into you hair. He sounded spent, but still managed to question, "And no complaints, but where did this all come from?"
"Just felt like it. I've got a few things that I'm still wanting to try. I have to keep you on your toes." You placed your hands on his chest, "On that note, we should go to bed."
He chuckled, "Sure thing, but give me a minute, you may have broken me."
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iliketangerines · 4 months
I absolutely adore your writing omg its so good. you make me want to write more fics even tho ive only posted 1 (womp womp).
If I can make a request, we need more primal play Tomas plEASEEE!
Hunter/Prey dynamics w that man got me running laps around my room and quite possibly have me feral!!!!
(I dont need therapy, I just need to be pinned down by his big strong arms.)
Please and Thank You. Youre the best ever <3
helpless prey
a/n: tomas....mmm...so tasty
pairing: tomas vrbada x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI) primal prey, cnc, public sex (you're in the woods)
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Tomas comes out of the woods after checking the safety of the surroundings about a third time, and you pat his shoulder and tell him it’ll be okay and that you can defend yourself
he just sighs and says he was just making sure one more time, and you just fix the little bunny ear hairband on your head and show the thigh strap holding your knife
you reassure him one more time and say you know how to defend yourself, and he presses his forehead to yours and murmurs that he knows, his hands coming up to grip onto your arms and squeeze it gently
finally, he pulls away, and you shake yourself loose as you face the dark woods, pursing your lips at the feeling of the bunny tail plug sitting snug in your ass
it would definitely hinder your ability to think properly, but you push the thought out of your mind and give another glance to Tomas standing behind you
he taps his fingers against his thigh and says he’ll give you five minutes to hide before he comes to hunt you down, and you nod
sprinting off into the woods, the ears bob on your head and your tail presses against you and make your legs slightly wobble as you run through the forest
the trees tower over you, and your heart beats fast in your chest as you criss cross your own path, leaving the footprints in a confusing pattern on the dirt
you know the five minutes have finally passed, and he’s coming to get you, tracking your footprints in the loose first
only a minute remains, maybe less for you to actually hide, and you look at the trees and find one with a hole in the trunk, bushes covering the base
you mess your footprints, tracing old ones before diving into the bushes and making sure you were as low to the trunk floor as possible
the woods are silent, save for the sound of night animals prowling around in the night, and you try to keep your breaths shallow and your body still as you strain your ears
nothing happens for a few minutes, but you would be a fool to think that you’re safe as you keep your eyes focused through the leaves of the bush to listen for Tomas
it’s silent, quiet, and then you hear it, subtle and barely there, but the light footsteps of an assassin are in the air
he comes out from behind a bush, eyes scanning the area, and you go still, barely even trembling as he searches the area
your footprints are still on the ground, and he looks at them carefully before looking through the area again
you watch with wide eyes as he walks and walks around, looking up the trees and near the bushes, and he’s getting closer, only about a foot away from you
your breathing stops, and you hope he doesn’t look down into the bushes
his footsteps stand right outside you, and you wait and wait until he lets out a barely audible breath and starts walking in the other direction
and then you hear him stop and turn around, and his eyes meet yours through the leaves
your feet scramble for balance as he pounces toward you, and you sprint out of the tree trunk as he jumps into the bushes
running through the woods, you pant hard, heart beating wildly, and his footsteps aren’t far behind yours as you run
he’s fast, faster than you’ve ever seen him run, and his fingers brush against your back as you make a turn around a tree
he’s too close to you, and you try to make unpredictable turns right and left
but it feels as though he’s leading you in a certain direction as you run, but you ignore the feeling in your stomach as you run and run
and then as he slams into a tree to the right of you, you sprint to the left and trip over something, tangling up your feet in something rough
tumbling onto the ground, you try to pull your knife out of your thigh strap, but Tomas easily knocks it aside as he pounces on top of you
he grabs onto your wrists and pin them to your sides, his thigh slotting between yours and rubbing against your clothed cunt
it makes you whimper, the adrenaline still running through you, and you try to find purchase with your legs to try and kick him off
the only thing it accomplishes it making his thigh dig further in your clit, and Tomas seems to know as he watches with a slight smirk at how you work yourself up
by the end of your struggle, lungs burning with exhaustion, Tomas just watches a smirk, hands gripping tight onto your wrists and finally asks if you’re done
you just part your lips and try to take in as much as you can, trying to ease the burn in your chest, and he laughs and grinds your clit into his thigh
it makes you whimper, and pleasure shoots through you as you try and move your hips away from him
he just smirks and moves his thigh with you and watches as you struggle to stifle your sounds and try not to give him the satisfaction
Tomas leans down to growl in your ear to give into him little bunny, and you turn your head to the side
he laughs and buries his nose in your neck, breathing in your scent before sucking and licking at the skin, teeth sinking into the flesh after a second
you whine at the feeling, legs twitching to squeeze his waist, and his smirk only grows as you struggle in his arms
he slots his other thigh next to his and spreads your legs with his, grinding his hips into yours and listening to your slight whimper
you’re only dressed in panties, and you can feel his hardening cock into your cunt, groaning into your ear and murmuring that he can’t wait to devour you
then he brings his free hand to your face, tilting your face towards him and pressing his lips to yours, and he pushes his tongue against the seal of your lips
you keep them shut, and he growls at the lack of submission
he humps his hip into yours roughly, causing your mouth to slip open, and Tomas shoves his tongue into your mouth, almost daring you to bite it with the smirk against yours
he hums into your mouth, savoring the taste of your lips, and his free hand goes to slip off his sash and pants, pulling his cock out of his underpants
he parts from your lips, grinning at your teary eyes, and says he would do more but he can’t wait, too helpless to his instincts to resist such a pretty piece of prey
you whimper and close your eyes, biting your lip and turning your head away, and Tomas just coos at your reaction, slipping your panties to the side
his fingers run through your folds, and he brings them up to his face and smiles at the sight of your want covering his fingers
he teases you, saying that maybe you are just a desperate little bunny, all for him, and he humps his cock against your pussy, listening to the slick sound of it
Tomas kisses you again, and he continues to ruts against you, wetting his cock against you and grunting into your mouth at your little whines
it’s all he does for a minute, and then finally he groans that he can’t wait anymore, lining himself up with you and slowly pushing in
you whine and kick your legs uselessly in the air, swollen tears falling down your face, and Tomas just kisses them away
his brows furrow, and he asks if you’re okay, genuinely, eyes wide with concern
you take a little breath and say that you’re fine, and just to give you a second
Tomas nods, releasing your wrists to bring both his hands to cup your face and wipe away your tears with gentle thumbs
you lean into his touch and take a second to adjust, just breathing in and out, and he waits for you patiently, staring with a concentrated face until you’re ready
a few minutes pass, and finally, you give him the go ahead and tell him he can continue
Tomas grabs onto your wrists again and give you a little nod, closing his eyes and letting out a quick puff of air
when he opens them again, they’re dangerous and glint with something sharp and angry as his hips start to snap against you
you whine and squirm, but it’s impossible to get out of his grip with how his weight presses down on you
the hand not holding your wrists goes down to rub against your clit, drawing a high keen out of you, and he just thrusts his hips in and out of you, grinning down at you
Tomas starts slow with his thrusts, listening to your whimpers and your whines as he starts to speed up, and then it’s the sound of his hips slapping against yours viciously
his thumb presses firm circles into your clit, and he leans down in close to hear your stifled moans and see how you try to keep yourself quiet
you bite your lip, turning your head to the side, but he just takes the opportunity to bite your neck again and suck a deep hickey into your skin
his hips never stop, pushing into you deeper and deeper, and he presses faster circles into your clit, groaning into your skin as he bites your skin
you whine as your pussy clenches down on him, and you cum on him hard
Tomas smiles as you cum on him, teasing you for cumming on a big bad wolf’s cock, he thought that you were scared of him and yet here you are trembling beneath him
you whine and whimper, finally releasing your lip from your teeth, and whines and whimpers spill from your lips as you sob and cry from the pleasure
his thumb presses insistently on your clit, prolonging your orgasm, and his hips only get faster, biting into your neck
he says he wants you to cum again, cum on his cock again, needs to hear your sweet little moans for him
he grips onto your wrists tighter, scooting up so that his thighs sit underneath your butt, and it changes the angle of his thrusts
it makes the tip of his cock hit against that sweet spot inside of you, and you let out choked moan a the feeling
he grins at your scrunched up face, how you cry tears from the pleasure, and his hips keep fucking into your desperately
the pace stumbles, and his own moans start to fall out of your mouth, groaning out your name and just looking at you with love-sick eyes
he can’t help but break the act as he leans down to kiss you, hands releasing your wrists to cup your face with one hand and rub your clit with the other
your hands go to scratch at his back, digging your blunt nails into the hard muscle, and he whines into your mouth, thrusting hard as his fingers press insistent circles into you
he cums into you, hips stuttering as he buries himself deep, and your pussy clenches down on him, milking him of every drop
he slightly whines at the feeling and stays inside of you for a while, just kissing you and moaning into your mouth
after a minute, he pulls out of you and asks if you can walk, and you stretch your legs, or at least attempt to before you groan and let them flop to the floor
he smiles and laughs at your attempt before moving, pulling his pants up, and he moves your panties back to normal and picks you up into his arms
you adjust the little bunny ears on your head and ask if you were convincing enough, and he laughs and says that you were, walking back to the compound while you’re in his arms
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whorediaries-09 · 10 months
oneshot in which reader is drunk and desperate for sex but james feels like she'd give her consent drunkenly so it wouldn't be proper consent, but she's begging, and he eats her out and she's babbling out thank you's
hi love, thank you for sending in the request. i quite literally am in love with it.
meddle about;
pairing- fdad!james potter x reader warning(s)- age gap (nothing borderline illegal), 18+ content, mention of alcohol. (let me know if i should add more) a/n- might make a part two if ya'll want to.
ps- okay so for better understanding, reader is harry's friend and is as the same age as oliver wood.
the slut club early winter event
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'cause it's not just a figure of speech you got me down on my knees
you're warm. you don't know whether it's because of the alcohol stimulating every inch within you, or because you can feel your friend's dad's toned thighs underneath yours. either ways, it's a nice feeling that fills you up. to be on a motorbike, your shoulders clad in a sweater that isn't yours, riding under the stars under the lucent light of the streetlights. it's blinding you think, how your heart beats with how tightly pressed you are against his back.
it wasn't supposed to be him picking you up. you had called harry, and somehow his dad was there, a few moments later. you were drunk, and similarity of their features had fogged you for a few moments. you'd successfully stopped yourself from hugging him like he was your best friend. he'd smiled at your dumb found expression, before his eyes raked over your figure, the skimpy dress upon your body. mid november, you stood, your arms wrapped tightly around yourself. he took of his sweater and made you wear it.
you remember yourself asking what he was doing with sirius' motorbike. you remember his grin while he elaborated his explanations, slowly so you could catch up,
'i'm learning how to ride one. and besides my car is at the mechanics. the broom wouldn't exactly be okay if i just carried it to a muggle bar, and well disapparating is really complicated when one is drunk.'
so that's how you ended up here, on the warm couch of james potter, exhaustion dripping of your body.
'hi,' you blink, as he appears with a bunch of things on a tray. he offers you a subtle smile, setting the tray on the coffee table. his hands cup your cheeks, while he makes sure you're watching him, and your subconscious is with the moment.
'hey, dove. i'll wipe your makeup off okay?' he asks, the question tearing off softly from his lips. you stare at his lips longer than you intended to, longer than it was appropriate,
'yeah, yeah,' you nod. his hands work with the packet of wipes, slowly rubbing the cleanser soaked sheet over your face, wiping off your unsettled makeup.
your mind swirls south. his hot breath is fanning over your face, hand holding your face in place while his tongue prods out from between his lips. you inch closer to him, your knees touching with his. you feel the edge of his nose almost touch yours and you shudder. it's a weird feeling of warmth that pools in your stomach when you think how his lips would taste against yours. you wonder how his strong hands would grip you, while he'd rut his cock into you. you wonder how his voice would sound while he'd whisper sensual words in your ears.
with utmost adoration, you look into his hazel eyes. the moonlight beams through the window, enlightening the softness of his eyes. you feel his breath hitch as you move closer to his face, tilting your neck. he gulps, his heart beating against his throat.
'we shouldn't do this...' he whispers. but he doesn't let go of your face.
'but i want to. i need you mr. potter, so bad,'
your world collapses. his lips entangle with yours, as he pulls you closer to his body. he ravages your mouth with his tongue, exploring every bit there is left untouched. he sucks on your teeth, bits on your lip, and caresses your body as if he's got it memorized, as if he's got you written across his mind. he kisses you as if you'd flee if he left you. he devours with his passion, consuming you whole.
you think he might kiss you till you're lips are blue. he tastes of cinnamon and oranges. you're breathless by the time he leaves you, with a little shake. he grunts, trying to scoot away from you, but the beauty of your swollen lips and disgruntled sighs leaving your mouth leaves him mesmerized.
'fuck,' he says. you raise an eyebrow, moving towards him. he stands up.
'what's wrong?'
'no...i don't think we should do this-this is wrong-'
'i need you, please, please have me,' you beg. he's standing against the wall, your hands wrapped around him, pushing him towards the wall behind him.
'no no, you're drunk,' he says. you bite your lip,
'i maybe drunk, but i want you. i wanted you sober, i want you drunk,' you insist. he looks down upon you, contemplating your words. your fingers reek over his chest, trailing up to his neck. your finger entangle with his curls, and you bring his face down.
'feel my cunt, it's so wet, just for you,' you mumble against his lips. his breath shudders. he takes a deep breath, inhaling in you. his hands arm around your hips, wrapping your legs aground his hips. he dives into your mouth, pushing away things strewn across the hall, taking you to his bedroom. his hand fumbles with the door, as he locks it.
he pushes you on his bed, his hands not fast enough to get rid of the dress you're wearing.
it's maddening, the pace his tongue works on your clit. you're over the edge of the bed, your legs spread apart, his face buried into your pussy. filthy moans leave your mouth, as his tongue dives into your cunt, devouring you better than your wildest dreams could ever. you'd dreamt about his face buried between your thighs, while he ate you out and made you scream till your throat was raw.
'ple-please,' you beg, rutting your hips into his mouth. you feel him smile against you, the frame of his metal glasses cold against your hot skin. his finger circles over your clit,
'you taste so good sweetheart,' he croons. you numbly nod your head, fondling with your breasts.
'thank you,'
he shoves his finger inside your sopping cunt, diving his mouth between your legs again. he licks a stripe up your slit, curling his finger inside you as he sucks upon your sensitive bud. he swirls his tongue, spitting on your cunt, rhythmically moving his fingers. your breathing rate increases, stomach rising and falling as you feel the coil of orgasm build within your guts. your hand reaches his head full of curls, pushing his face closer to your dripping cunt. your thighs wrap around his head, and you scream.
'fuc-fuck i'm so close,'
he hums, the vibration sending chills down your spine. he increases the pace of his fingers, feeling your walls clench around him.
'oh fuck, fuck, thank you, thank you-' you slur, as your toes curl, and eyes roll backwards. your hips rise, and he growls,
'god cum on my tongue,'
you vigorously nod your head, moving your cunt against his splayed out tongue, letting your orgasm grip you. you release your juices on his tongue, and he devours you, lapping up every inch of your juices on his tongue.
'thank you, thank you, fuck, thank you,' you babble, mindlessly.
he stands up, his cock erect and huge in all its glory. he holds you by your neck, making you sit on your knees, the fabric of the carpet digging into your skin.
'now you're gonna return the favor won't you, love?' he whispers.
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countcvnt · 6 months
Chapter One: Coffee Shop Crush
[Werewolf!Poly!141 x GN!Reader]
Summary: Four years after a horrible attack, you and your childhood best friend move for her job. After the move, you frequent a coffee shop near your apartment, and you meet a cute ex-military man. You can't help but fall for him. Warnings: Mentions of blood, descriptions of scars, 2 named OCs (i know some people don't like that, and that's okay!) one of the OCs is a child (they are important, i promise) reader being insecure about said scars, pet names (from friend), no use of y/n Word Count: 2.3k A/N: I had an idea and had to write it!! THIS IS AN AU (obviously), I'm doing what i want and everyone is alive. Don't worry, I'm still working Experiment as well! I love Gaz, truly and deeply, you are about to see that in full swing baybeeeee! Divider by @cafekitsune
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“This isn't so silly now, is it?”
Your friend looks at you, her hand on her hip. You can't help but roll your eyes. “I never said this was silly,” You deadpan at her. “I said–”
“‘The idea of wanting to go camping before you give birth is silly’.” She uses air quotes around the words.
“Yeah! The idea, not the action, Cynthia.” You bite back.
She rolls her eyes this time. She looks at the tent the both of you set up —mostly you— and smiles to herself. You can’t help but smile too. You groan at yourself and walk over to her. You pat her on the back.
“You’re right.” She looks at you, “This isn’t silly. I’m just–”
“A hater. I get it! I love you for it!” Her words stun you. You cross your arms at her and scowl. You grunt and walk away from her. “Hey!” She turns to you, “Where are you going?”
You click your tongue, “Gotta get wood for a fire, silly.” She gives you an enthusiastic ‘thank you’ and you walk off towards the treeline. The sun is setting and there is a horrible feeling settling in your gut. “You’re just a hater…” You mumble to yourself. “Nothing bad is going to happen.” You inhale sharply and walk into the woods. You grab some branches that look pretty burnable and rush back out to your campsite.
Cynthia says nothing about rushed actions, instead she motions for you to place the branches in the spot she made for the wood. You set it down and Cynthia grabs the lighter fluid. She douses the branches and sets them ablaze. 
She smiles and sits down a few feet from the fire and you watch her. She places her hands on her stomach and closes her eyes. She looks content. Genuinely, and utterly content. You sigh. One of her eyes squint open and she pats the ground beside. You don’t hesitate to sit down with her.
“What’s wrong?”
Your stomach flips. In a horrible way.
“I don’t know.” You look at the fire before staring up at the full moon. Your eyes cut back to her and she pats you on the thigh.
“We’ve been friends forever, you can tell me anything.” She gives you a soft smile.
“My stomach hurts.” It’s not a complete lie.
“Sorry, babes,” She shakes her head, “can’t help you there.”
“I guess–” You pause. “You’re so happy. Like, glowing… I want that too. What are you doing?” You let out an awkward laugh. Her face drops. “It’s not that I’m not happy, I just– I’m not happy like you.”
“Oh, sweetie,” She pulls you into a soft hug, her ‘mom voice’ coming out. “I promise, I’m not always thrilled. I mean, I’m about to be a single mom… That’s terrifying. But I do have you, and that means a lot to me.” Her hand rubs your back. “When we get back from this trip, we can do something you want to do!” She pulls away and presses her forehead to yours. “I promise.”
You close your eyes, nodding. “That means a lot,” You smile. Cynthia pulls away and you sigh. You can’t help but still feel sick. A loud whine comes from the trees behind you. An animal dying. You tense.
“Get in the tent.” You don’t even look at Cynthia, your eyes are laser focused on the woods.
“It’s probably wolves or something…” She doesn't argue though. Cynthia crawls into the tent and waits for you. You don’t get in fast enough.
Something big moves in your peripheral vision. You look up and want to scream, no noise comes out. Cynthia sees the pure shock on your face before she registers what’s going on. You're tackled to the ground by some creature. You figure it’s not an animal or a man. Definitely not a man. Its claws are large, too large to belong to an animal you know, and ripping into you in seconds.
A scream finally rips from your mouth. Cynthia doesn't move. You hope she doesn’t come out of that tent. You’re overpowered instantly; the creature gnashing its teeth above you, its claws rip into your stomach. Another one of your screams echoes through the woods. You look over at the tent.
Cynthia isn’t in the tent.
Your eyes widen. You don’t move.
“Get off– Get back!” Cynthia screams, her voice full of rage and fear. You can’t see what she’s doing but, suddenly, the creature removes itself from you and takes off away from the both of you. Your eyes cut to her. She’s standing there, holding a burning stick. Tears fill her eyes.
“Sweetie,” She’s using her mom voice again, you look at her with shock filled eyes. Adrenaline is dwindling, she sees it. “I need you to stay with me…” She’s fumbling for her phone. “I have service!” She calls what you can only assume is authorities, and everything is starting to fade in and out. She gives the operator the location and she’s trying to keep you focused on her. “Please, stay awake… I can’t lose you…”
You open your mouth to speak, but you are out. You’re too far gone to even comprehend what you want to say. You let the darkness take over. So much for doing whatever you wanted to do.
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You sit at the coffee shop, eyes looking at the laptop screen in front of you. Your eyes move down to the time and your heart is in your throat when you see the date. It doesn’t get easier it seems. You know what day it is, really, you are always aware. But, seeing it makes it so real. You inhale sharply and look back at the screen.
You’re doing your annual “What The Fuck Attacked Me in Those Woods” research. It’s hard to constantly look things up. And, every year around the time of the attack, things become fresh. The scars, and the thoughts. It may be the worst time to look things up, but it’s the only time you want to.
So far, you’ve found a big wolf, a bigger bear (which you are sure it wasn’t either of those), and… A werewolf. That doesn’t make sense either though. Not completely. It fits the description of whatever attacked you. But those aren’t real. You sigh and continue looking at the pictures.
You come across an article. Someone claiming ‘a large creature’ (a werewolf, they are sure) had attacked their livestock. You want to look away when you catch images of the poor animals, but you can’t… You’re too busy comparing the marks on the sheep to the marks on your stomach.
It’s adding up…
“Whatcha lookin’ up?”
You almost jump out of your skin. A yelp escapes you and slam your laptop shut. “Gaz!” You whisper, swatting at him. “What the hell?”
“Sorry,” He puts his hands up and sits across from you, “but really… Were you looking up werewolves?” He raises a brow. He sounds playful. If only he knew you weren't playing.
Your brows furrow and your lips turn downward into a pout. “I’m not in the mood.”
Gaz immediately apologizes. “My bad,” he pauses. He watches you closely as you grab your coffee and take a sip. “Are you alright?”
You only nod. “I will be.” You solemnly sigh. Your eyes peer up at Gaz, his wheels are turning.
“Would now be a bad time to ask you out?”
You are certain the shock on your face is visible from across the coffee shop. Your jaw drops and you stare at him. Gaz shifts. You swallow hard and compose yourself. “Um, actually, I don’t think there would be a bad time for you to ask that.”
He is relieved. You see him relax. He gives you a toothy grin and you can’t help but return the smile. “What about tonight?” His confidence is back.
“Yes!” You are excited, you cannot help but feel so excited. “I mean, yeah, that's fine.” You rub your hands down your thighs and try to act nonchalant.
Gaz’s smile turns cheeky. “Perfect.” He jots something down on a piece of paper and hands it to you. His number. “I'm surprised I haven't given this to you yet, but here.” He stands from his seat. “I have work to do today, but tonight I'm all yours.” He winks at you.
Heat bristles across your cheeks. You nod at him as he leaves. You pick up your phone and quickly put his number in. You send a text to him, letting him know it's you. You slip your phone into your jacket pocket and bite the inside of your lip. You put your computer in your bag and begin to leave yourself. Your mind is running faster than you can keep up with.
Maybe it doesn't have to be a bad day after all.
As you're leaving the coffee shop you pull out your phone. One new message.
I forgot to tell you what I have planned for tonight
If you're up for it, I can keep it a secret? -Gaz
Your stomach knots. You want so badly to know. Maybe not knowing will help you grow. You trust Gaz.
Just let me know what I need to wear.
Something cute! But you're always cute. So that won't be a problem. -Gaz
Your face is burning again. You respond with an ‘okay’ and send a thumbs up emoji. You smile all the way home.
You open the door of your apartment and are greeted with a shrill scream of your name. You close the door and small arms wrap around your legs. You smile down at the child.
“Hey, booger.” You hug back. “Where's your mom?”
Footsteps come from another room and the child points towards the noise. Cynthia walks in and smiles at you. Her eyes narrow and she hums. “You seem… oddly happy.”
“Is that bad?”
“No, no!” She shakes her head. “It's good. Great! I know you were upset this morning… Did something turn your morning around?”
You shrug. “Maybe.” You smile at her. She perks up. “I'm going on a date tonight.” You are nonchalant this time. Playing it cool for your friend.
She runs towards you and hugs you, her daughter in between you and her. She squeals. Cynthia pulls away and smiles widely at you, after apologizing to her child who runs off. “For real?” When you nod, she continues. “With your coffee shop crush?”
You nod again. “He stopped by today just to ask me out…” Your stomach flips at the thought of that. You want to scream at how sweet he is.
“What's his name, anyway?”
You haven't told anyone his name. You met him a week ago and didn't want to jinx anything. You didn't dare mess anything up for yourself. Now, you feel obligated to at least tell Cynthia his name. “Kyle.”
“Know anything about him?” She cocks a brow.
“Well, we've only been talking for a week. I'm sure I know more about him than he does about me though… He’s ex-military. I know he works with his old military colleagues. I also know he has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen and is the sweetest man I've ever met.” You smile at her.
Cynthia beams at you. “I'm happy for you! We've lived here a week and you're already among progress.”
“Now I have all day to think about this date…” You pause, remembering your search from earlier. “Cynthia, I looked more up about–”
Cynthia’s eyes snap from her child and to you. “Sweetie,” her voice is soft but full of worry. “It's okay to not know what it was…”
“Maybe for you!” You keep from shouting. “Cynthia… I found someone saying something attacked their livestock and the marks looked like mine.” You whisper. “What they described is the only thing I can describe.”
“What'd they say?” She whispers back.
“Werewolf.” It's the only word that falls from your lips.
Cynthia tenses. She mumbled your name and sighs. “I know you want to know what happened that night– But maybe… Maybe it's best we don't know.”
That is her way of saying that werewolves aren't real. You bite your tongue. “At least I know I'm not crazy.”
Her eyes widen. “You aren't crazy. I saw what you saw!” She stops herself from raising her voice any further. “I have a bad feeling about this. Maybe it's best we let this lie.”
You keep from rolling your eyes. “Whatever.” You walk to your room and close your door. Inhaling sharply, you begin to find something to wear for your date. You have the rest of the day ahead of you, but you want to be ready. You see an old sheer top and scrunch your nose. You wonder why you still have it. It's not ugly, but…
You lift up your shirt slightly and look down at the raised skin stretching from the middle of your ribs down to below your belly button. The scar is big, gnarly, and reminds you too much of the attack to wear that sheer top.
“Hey!” A knock comes from the other side of your door and it swings open. You drop your shirt.
“I knocked.” She smiles at you. “Are you comin’ to my party?” Her eyes are big and round and sweet.
You nod. “I'm just going out tonight. Your party is tomorrow, silly.” You pat her on the head.
“Good.” She pats your thigh. “I'll be…” She pauses.
Amelia smiles even wider. “Yeah! Four!”
You can't help but smile. “Okay, Amelia, go to your mother.” You shoo her from your room. She exits as fast as she entered and you sigh. You shake your head and look back at your closet. “At least I have all day to figure out ‘something cute’ for tonight…”
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lazyneonrabbitt · 5 months
King and his Queen
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Daryl Dixon x Reader | [Pt.1]
After Daryl's match he gets treated like royalty by his loving partner.
Italics are flashbacks. Mild smut-ish at the end
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Like clockwork you were down the stairs of your platform and down in the hallway that led to the cage where Daryl slumped against the wall. Out of view from the crowd he didn't have to pretend to be okay after taking a bad hit to the leg. Now he could be hurt and tired, and have you help him across the hall into your livin quarters where you would care for him with the most delicate touches that were like day and night compared to the harsh beatings he got in front of the crowd.
He needed your support to make it all the way into the bathroom where you helped him sit at the edge of the tub where he shifted back into his human form while you reached behind him to run the water and turning back to the sink. You heard the loud clanking of his metal claw tips and fang caps hit the floor as his shape no longer held the form they were made to hold onto.
"Here you go." Your hands held a cup of saltwater solution to rinse his mouth with, the other a container with metal caps to cover his broken teeth.
You watched as he rinsed his mouth and spat the solution back into the cup, handing it back to you to dispose of as he went to click the dentures into place and ran his tongue over the stubby fangs they replicated.
Daryl had never been as hungry as he was now, with the woods rigged in traps that were constantly under surveillance. There was no game left.
A scream caught his attention and he rushed out to the sound, he was in no way or shape against eating humans to survive right now, especially if they're already trapped.
Except the woman wasn't, instead she was cornered by the undead. He couldn't eat infected flesh, he had to go grab her before they did.
Tearing through the small group was a simple task, and the woman was happily thanking him over and over again, nit realising his true intentions until he had her cornered as well. He snarled at her, baring his teeth but was met with a curious stare. "I like your stubby little fangs, they're cute."
He could only grunt in confusion and snap at her, his eyes and fangs now changed and showing he did mean harm. But the loud grumble of his stomach seemed to ruin his scary vibes, and your offer of sharing food had him easily convinced not to eat you just yet.
WIth the tub filling up and your fist aid kid splayed open on the side Daryl felt content. You fed him when he was starving then, and now still tend to his wounds after each match. "M'lucky ta have ya, love."
His eyes were on you where you sat jn front of him, disinfecting the deep cuts on his leg before they fully healed and trapped an infection.
"Still happy you didn't eat me back then?"
With his hand hanging in the soapy water behind him he rolled his eyes at you. "Can still do tha', ya live with a monster, remember?"
You only laughed at him and pat his leg, telling him to go lay in the tub.
The hot water was a blessing for his sore muscles, laying down and letting his skin soak up the warmth.
"Daryl, if you decided to eat me it'd be in bed, with my thighs around your head." An excited hum left the fighter, his brows raised in interest but you quickly shot him down. "Wash up first, then we can get dirty again later."
“Hmhmm, fine.” He slid down further into the tub, only being above the water from the nose up. You took the opportunity to soak his hair and give it a wash, making him sit back up to scrub at his healed over skin. The way he knew your routine by heart made his after match cleaning so much easier, and of course the fact that he trusted you enough to see him fully nude in the tub.
He felt like royalty with how you treated him, holding his ankle in your hand as you took a sturdy brush to his toe claws. The darkened skin of his toe pads and the ball of his foot were always so rough, a lingering wolf feature that became permanent over time.
“Hey, Dee.” Your voice pulled him from his work, skinning a rabbit in your shared tent. “Don’t hate me for suggesting it, but I think I know how we can get a chance at a better life..”
Your current lifestyle wasn’t it. While Daryl didn’t mind the woodsy life, you weren’t adapting well to it and it slowly took a toll on your mental health. But you were living with a werewolf, which brought a lot of good things like having a skilled hunter who brought meat home, and never being cold at night while you cuddled close to him.
“Wha’s the plan, bun? Ya gotta talk ‘fore I can judge.” He had stopped working to listen to your probably insane plan.
“So, I overheard some guys talking about monster fighting—“
“No.” The plan was shot down immediately, without even hearing more of it. “Ain’t gon’ let ya use me as a pet.”
That was, of course, until he was out on a full moon and almost got captured by the men you had mentioned before. He overheard them talking about sedating and selling him as he hid long enough for them to believe he ran off.
It was how he ended up in his shifted form for much longer than he preferred, having to pretend to be a feral beast instead of an intelligent creature.
Even being toweled dry was done gently, careful of any skin that was still red and irritated where healing wounds had just been. Especially his leg still looked angry, the previously bleeding tears now only tinted red streaks of skin, waiting to settle overnight.
You brushed Daryl’s hair after towel drying it, making sure it was detangled entirely before letting him leave the bathroom.
He could feel your lingering stares as he made his way to his stash for some underwear and a robe. Never really wearing many of his old clothes anymore and even having you make adjustments to his current ones.
He knew your eyes were on his lower back, at the end of his spine where his tailbone protruded and shaped an immobile stub that made each and every pair of trousers a hell to wear.
"Quit starin'." The remnants of his beast form barely bothered him anymore. He knew to watch out and not snag his pointed ears when he brushed his hair in the morning, and had given up on shoes and socks a long while ago, going everywhere barefoot now. He didn’t mind the extra fuzz that remained on his legs either. But this one was different. He found it gross and ugly, always hiding it away in loose boxer shorts or underneath a robe.
You on the other hand found it cute how he sported the little tail stub nowadays, always trying to lighten the mood around it by mentioning it could stay a full tail by the end of his next transformation.
Daryl threw on the soft robe and hid himself in it, sitting down on the edge of your shared bed and watched you go get the new supply delivery and put it away before disappearing into the kitchen.
The smell of fresh fruits being cut up filled his nose and had him up to find you in seconds.
His arms wrapped around your waist in a loving embrace as he stuck himself against your back. The scruff on his chin scratched your cheek as he nuzzled you and purred. “Yer bein’ eager with those.”
“Well, I was gonna share with you, but if you’re being a jackass about it I’ll keep it all for myself.” You stuck out your tongue at him and fed him a small piece of apple, which he accepted with a careful bite.
“Would my king like to be fed in bed?” You turned around in his grasp and kissed his chin, wrapping your arms around his neck to get better access. While one hand snaked around your waist once more, the other one went behind your back and grabbed another piece of fruit. “King, huh.” He spoke around the food and moved to squeeze your behind. “Come a long way from bein’ yer guard dog.”
“Name and species.” The grump at the building’s entrance spoke. You had gone through the same process to get into the surrounding part of town already where you were checked bag after bag, every single pocket on your outfit included.
“Dixon. Werewolf.” Your tone was clearly one of boredom, albeit fake, you had to get in there to fight in order to get some food and a sucky roof over your head. Pretending you weren’t desperate was the best plan for now. Daryl listened intently to the conversation being held between you and the man, taking in all the important info without reacting to any of it, having to pretend to have lost most of his human skills in order to be allowed to fight.
After a while of back and forth you were allowed in, on the condition of being escorted to a waiting room, and keeping ‘Dixon’ chained. It was clear from his angry look you were going to get scolded for letting random strangers put chains on him, but for now it all seemed to work.
"This is your temporary room. If you survive today and decide to stay and fight you'll get something permanent." The man who escorted you turned on his heels to move on with his day, but not before muttering some last words. "For as long as your beast lives of course."
Later that day Daryl was thrown into the fighting cage and you were escorted to your spot up high. "Command him from here. You're allowed to head down after the last bell rings."
Down on the floor you saw Daryl, now Dixon, look around at the crowd in confusion and being caugh off guard by the loud voice announcing his fighter name, "and another newcomer" as well. His head snapped back down at the sound of the second door unlocking and revealing his first oponent..
"Yeah, well." You took his hands off you and started towards the bed, taking the bowl of fruits with you. "You're still my guard dog. I can't defend myself for shit." With a wink back to where he stood you turned the corner and disappeared from his view. While your words didn't sound like a compliment, he took them like one and stood there a moment taking it in.
The scene when he rounded the corner was one he'd never get enough of. You had ditched your jeans and top and were now on the bed in sweats and a shirt that hung off one shoulder. The bowl of fruit sat betwden your legs and your back rested against the stupid amount of pillows you kept on the bed. You were on one half of the bed, always making sure there was enough space for Daryl to join you, and he did. He sat down and stretched out beside you, not wasting a second to nudge you and gesture he wanted some fruit.
"Oh, of course your majesty." With a soft giggle you fed him bit after bit, putting pieces between your teeth and feeding him some like that too. You just relaxed and snacked until the bowl was emptied.
The groan that came from beside you reminded gou of the fact you skipped on tending to your precious fighter's aching muscles after the fight.
Putting the bowl aside on the floor you sat up and pat Daryl on the hip. "Roll over, baby. Lemme give you a massage."
With a low rumble deep in his chest he rolled over onto his stomach, his face towards where you still sat beside him with your upper body hanging off the bed to find the bottle of lotion you kept around. He was having a hard time resisting the urge to slap your ass, but he knee better than to risk having you topple off the bed and have him sleep on the couch you barely ever used.
Daryl shivered as the cold ointment touched his skin but quickly relaxed into the matres when your ministrations began. Within the first minute you had him purring beneath you, letting out soft moans and grunts when you worked out tough knots.
"Yer too good fer me, princess." His words came out almost in a moan. You knew exactly how and where to touch him go get all the pretty noises out of him. His back was something you always loved. Before all of this when you could stare for hours as he gutted a deer, watching his muscles ripple under his skin. But nowadays even more with the large wings carved into them.
The words of Dixon claiming the title of King spread fast, and all of a sudden people were challenging him with their own werewolves, believing it was an easy way to win with one in your corner. But obviously it wasn't seeing he still took out each and every one of them.
More and more wolves came in, and with those a whole bunch that sported fur patterns similar to Daryl's, making it difficult to keep them apart as they were at each others' throats.
"We really need to find something to make you easy to identify with all those wolves coming in lately. I swear I almost screamed at the wrong dog earlier.." You huffed and fell on your bed, shooting up only a second later. "Oh! I got something." And then you slumped back down again. "But you'll probably hate it again.."
"Can ya please start tellin' me yer plans 'fore decidin' I'll hate 'em?" Daryl came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. "Remind ya how great this one turned out. Almost livin' the new world dream 'ere."
You had to agree with him. If you ignored the fights to the death every couple of days it was one hell of an upgrade. "Alright, so your wings that you always wore before. What if we get them on you?"
"On me how, exactly?" He turned to look at you, still hunched over the basket of clean clothes to find his comfortable pants.
"There's this guy in town. He does tattoos and scar stuff. I'm sure if we give him a silver tool he can put those wings on you. With sikver they'll scar for sure and you'll always be recognisable."
The huff as Daryl pulled up his pants was almost enough of an answer for you, already admitting defeat when he spoke up.
"Got no fights fer the next two days. We'll go see'em t'morrow. Ain't changin' back now, just took a damn shower."
With each rough shove of your knuckles over groups of sore muscles you got a groan in return. "Yeah, my King loved getting his back rubs."
The satisfied humm that left his lips was enough motivation to keep going, rubbing right above his hips and working at the sore spots. You took some extra ointment and slowly worked your hands over his spine, circling downward ever so carefully, reaching the base of his tail and continued on.
The first reaction you got was a growl, telling you to back off but seeing how he was clawing at the sheets told you a whole different story.
You decided to push your luck and continue down, pressing right where his tail started and earning a pillow muffled moan. You watched him with his face stuffed into a pillow, one claw tearing into it as well. "Fuck girl, why ya gotta do tha'?" He tried so hard to sound annoyed, but in reality he was barely hiding the need for more.
"But my King deserves only the best treatment. And it sounded almost like you were enjoying that." You had leaned down to softly whisper that last bit and give his ear a soft bite and a kiss before moving back up and continuing to rub at his tail. Each pass over his spine earned you a a moan, whine or humm until you found the perfect spot that had him rut into the matres.
The second Daryl noticed his involuntary response he mentally cursed himself. And of course you noticed, giving that one spot extra attention and massaging it exclusively.
"Hhah, stop pleease.." He was a writhing mess beneath you, knuckes white from the death grip he had on the bed and biting down on the pillow to muffle his pleasured sounds. His face colored the same shade of red as the freshly rubbed skin of his back. He could have easily snapped at you, grabbed you by the wrists and thrown you off him but none of that crossed his mind. He was so hard he was ready to cum within a couple more rubs.
His noises got louder and more intense with each movement of your skilled fingers, even if it got more difficult to be precise with the constant thrust of his hips.
"God I love your sweet sounds, so delicious.." It was so good to see another side of him, allowing himself to not be the strong beast for once.
"Shit, bun. M'gonna.." your fingers rubbed his spine just right and his coil snapped. With a long winded moan he finished in his pants, needing a minute to catch his breath before throwing you off him with a grunt. "Ya gon' clean tha' mess ya made now?"
With a soft laugh you agreed to do exactly that. "Anything for my King."
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A/N: Man, this took me so long! Apologies for the wait~
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heartbreak-sandwich · 8 months
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Summary: Getting caught speeding has its consequences. When you realize it's all fun and games for the both of you, you're willing to play along for the reward. A secret and spontaneous getaway in the woods -- it's the perfect place to work out your differences, don't you think? Words: 2.2k CW: Gator being kind of a dick, police encounter (pulled over for speeding), unprotected p/v sex, fem!reader, misogynistic overtones if you squint, minor oral fixation, technically public encounter. A/N: I'm sorry it has taken me so long to post! I really struggled through this one, but I've gotten it to a place where I'm okay with it. I hope you enjoy it, and thank you so much for reading my thing!!!
NSFW below the cut, 18+, MDNI as usual ✨
The air is thick with fog, and you let out a long sigh while you wait for the deputy to approach your driver’s side window. The red and blue lights flash in your rearview mirror, and you start to feel heavy with resentment for last night’s power outage that reset your alarm clock, causing you to wake up half an hour later than usual. You know you were speeding; you can’t deny that. You’re late for work, and this pitstop is the last thing you need right now.
You sigh with disappointment when you realize Gator Tillman is trudging through the roadside gravel to your window. Why did it have to be him?
“Mornin’, sunshine.” Gator grins smugly, a toothpick hanging half out of the side of his mouth. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”
“I’m late for work,” you grumble, avoiding making eye contact with him.
You two have a history, if you can even call it that. Half-memories flash through your mind of the one night stand you had after a heart to heart and one too many at the saloon downtown. If you’re being totally honest with yourself, Jack Daniels and summer evenings still make you think of him, but you’d never say it out loud.
“Goin’ 69 in a 60, huh?” Gator holds back a giggle as he waits for your response.
“Really, Tillman?” Your eyes narrow at his juvenile comment, and his smile falls flat. His mood shifts in an instant, and you see him push a small button on his body worn camera followed by a series of small beeps as it powers on.
“Just so you’re aware, you’re being audio and video recorded. The reason I stopped you is you were going approximately 69 miles per hour in a 60 mile per hour zone, clearly marked. License and registration,” he demands coldly, holding out his hand expectantly. You search through your glovebox for the documents and hand them over, steeping in the icy silence surrounding you, thinking that maybe if you had just laughed at his joke, he would have let you go on your way.
Gator takes your documents, shuffling them as he looks each one over before speaking to you once more. “You sit tight. I’ll be right back.” You prop your elbow up against your door and rest your head in your hand, letting your mind wander as you try your best to be patient.
After just a few minutes, you see Gator sauntering your way again through your sideview mirror. The way he walks makes your stomach flutter as more flashes of your night together run through your train of thought – his teeth sinking into your plush thighs one by one, the hungry growl rumbling from deep within his chest as he tasted you, and the pathetic whimper he couldn’t hold back as he pushed his desperate, twitching cock into you for the first time –
“Here you go, Miss.” Your daydream is cut short by his drawl as he hands your papers back to you. “I’m going to need you to step out of the vehicle now.” Your eyebrows shoot up in disbelief at his request. Why the hell is he doing this?
“Excuse me?” You ask, incredulous.
“Am I speakin’ Chinese?” Gator was serious. He wasn’t budging. You’re kicking yourself on the inside at this point, knowing he was only doing this to get back at you for bruising his ego over his stupid joke. A pang of regret hits low in your chest as you realize telling him you were late for work was a mistake.
“Gator, please –”
“Don’t make this harder on yourself, sweetheart. Step on out now.” He looks far off into the fog as he waits for you to comply, but you don’t move. Taking the toothpick out from between his teeth, he points it at you, cocking his head to the side. “You don’t want me to ask again.”
“What is it you want from me?”
“What do I want from you?” Gator chuckles, bending down to rest his forearms on your car, his head dipping into your window to meet your eyes. He hits the small button on his body cam once more, and you hear the device power down. “You know what I want,” he whispers softly, being careful not to let the rest of the world hear him. He leans in further until your faces are only inches apart. Your heartbeat hammers in your ears as you take in the scent of his musk mixed with remnants of fruity smoke, and you’re suddenly feeling lightheaded.
And just like that, you’re drowning in flashbacks again – the candy sweet taste of watermelon flavor on his tongue, his hair falling into his eyes as he fucked into you hard and slow, and the way he begged you to say his name as you came for him – and now you’re aching to play his games. You know exactly how to get him going. Softening your expression, you concede to the heat building in between your thighs, and despite the bone-cracking urge to mouth off to him, you try something new instead.
You decide to comply and let yourself out of your car, closing the door behind you, and you see a hint of shock flash over his features as he fights to keep his composure. He clears his throat.
“Place your hands on the hood of the vehicle,” Gator orders, and you follow his instruction dutifully. You palm the hood of your car, a seductive curve in your spine, and you can tell his resolve is starting to crumble with the way he’s eyeing you up and down, biting his bottom lip.
“Do you like me like this? Helpless?” Your eyes grow round and wide with innocence – the look of prey – and you notice Gator’s eyebrows raise just a fraction, but he ultimately maintains his poker face.
“Maybe,” he admits, his voice low and gravelly, dark chocolate eyes boring into yours. “Maybe I like having that kind of authority. Maybe I like knowing I could do whatever I wanted to you right now, and there isn’t anything you could do about it.” He approaches you slowly, each step making your anticipation burn brighter.
“Just maybe?”
“Okay,” he admits with a scoff. “You got me. I do like it.” He leans in closer to you so you can feel his breath on your lips. “I like you helpless because I like knowing that if you were to beg and pray, I would have the power to tell you no.” He lets the tips of his fingers brush up against your arm gently. “I like knowing that there would be nothing you could say or do to stop me from…” he trails off, a smirk playing on his lips as he licks his teeth.
“From what?”
Gator’s hands glide up to hold your wrists, removing your touch from the hood of your car. He pulls one of your hands to meet his jaw, grazing your soft skin over his stubble before pressing an almost chaste kiss to the tips of your fingers.
“From doing anything and everything I could dream of doing to a woman,” he murmurs, grinning against your skin. He grips both of your wrists firmly in front of him once more and pulls you against himself roughly as he makes his demand. “Now, ask me again, politely, what it is I want.”
“I think I already know,” you whisper against his lips playfully before he crashes them into yours, his strong arms circling your waist. He grips your asscheeks from underneath and pushes you up onto the hood of your car as he licks along your bottom lip, and you deepen the kiss. His tongue rolls over and over yours, lips locking perfectly together, and you can taste his familiar sweetness as he pushes his hips into you, grinding his already hard cock against your sweet spot over your jeans.
You moan into his mouth as his thrusts become even more needy, and your nails dig into his shoulder blades through his shirt. You’re not even thinking about the fact that anyone could drive by at any moment and see what’s happening – you’re too tangled up in each other to care. In a swift motion, Gator swipes at the bill of his hat and throws it to rest on the hood of the car beside you. His body weight presses into you before he finally breaks away, taking a deep breath and looking at you with wild eyes.
You suppress a smile as you take in the way he surveys you, soaking up his energy, loving every sick second of stroking his ego, giving him glimpses of the control he craves and getting your own physical satisfaction in return. You have him right where you want him, and he has no idea.
“Should we go somewhere?” Gator’s crooked smile makes your knees feel weak as his gaze flicks back and forth between your eyes and lips, and you can tell he’s doing his best to behave at least long enough to pose the question.
The ground underneath the picnic blanket is hard and uneven, but you don’t even feel it anymore. The sun speckles everything around you through the trees, and you vaguely notice the rustling of leaves and twigs as the birds change branches above you every so often. Gator had taken the two of you in his cruiser just far enough up the nearest hill to escape the fog, and the nip in the air didn’t bother you at all as soon as he was on top of you, in between your legs, tactical gear still in place while he ran his hands over your body, his hungry eyes feasting on every curve.
He started slow and gentle, purring soft requests in between light touches everywhere you wanted them. It didn’t take you long to realize he was playing you the same way you were playing him, and now you’re here, rolling your hips languidly as you ride him, using the straps and pockets on the front of his vest for more leverage.
He’s a moaning mess underneath you, his blunt nails digging into the flesh of your thighs as he grips them to stay grounded in reality. You let yourself wonder for a split second if anyone has ever pleased him like this before – if he has ever been so loud, so free, so incessantly desperate for more of someone like he is right here, right now, with you.
You pick up your pace and lean back just enough to put yourself on full display for him, his length reaching the perfect angle inside of you, eliciting a filthy whine you couldn’t stifle if you tried. Your eyes brim with tears as the pleasure builds at your core like an explosion threatening to detonate at any moment. You reach down and pry one of Gator’s hands from your thigh, bringing his fingertips up to your kiss-swollen lips.
He grins through his own bliss as he realizes what you’re about to do. Almost unable to form words, he breathes, “I swear, you’re tryin’ to kill me, woman.” With a sinful smile, you graze two of his fingers past your lips and teeth along your tongue until they reach the back of your throat. Creating the perfect amount of suction, you move his fingers in and out of your mouth in time with your hips, your pussy flexing around his cock with the idea of being just a little bit more full of him.
A strangled half sob slips past Gator’s lips through his gritted teeth as his brows knit together, and his free hand pulls you down onto him harder and faster, the lewd sounds of flesh on flesh filling the space around you.
“Gonna cum. Don’t fuckin’ stop,” he demands, a string of expletives following just as the wave of your own climax crashes over you. Sordid sounds pour from your mouth as you release his fingers from its grasp, gushing and writhing on his cock in a way you know you’ll be ashamed to relive after this.
You feel a bruising grip on your thighs as he holds you down, burying himself up to the hilt in your soaked pussy while his hips buck and spasm against his will.
“Gonna fill you up so good,” he growls just before you feel a hot rush inside of you, his thick release coating your walls in bursts as his mouth falls open and his eyes roll back, his fingertips clawing into your skin, holding on for dear life.
Coming down from your high, you use your hands on his chest to steady yourself, resting your weight on your knees as you both catch your breath. The sounds of the woods in the background become louder again as you take in your surroundings.
“Damn,” Gator breathes, letting out a sigh and a small chuckle.
“Been a while,” you muse, a smirk playing on your lips as your eyes meet his once again.
“Sure has,” he agrees. “Can’t keep me waitin’ like that again.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you promise with a cheeky wink.
tagging: @mrprettywhenhecries @b1tchywheeler @stevesxyellowxsweater @atinyliliflower @darleenjade @floredaqueen - ily guys, thank u for your encouragement and love, it means the world to meeeee!!! 💕
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m-jelly · 8 months
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@2moth-anon2 requested.
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Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, fluff, romance, married, smut, oral, body worship, unprotected, dirty talk, pet names.
For Levi's birthday, you went away to a cabin in the woods for some peace, but while there a blizzard hits and you have to hunker down and wait it out. While waiting, you decide to worship your husband's body and the two of you make love in front of the fire.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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The cracking of the fire and the loud wind of the snowstorm outside were all forgotten because the heat, soft sighs and words of praise coming from your lips. Each kiss on Levi's warm naked body was electrifying to him. Tingles of pleasure consumed him as he watched you closer.
Your hair tickled his skin as you showered his chest with kisses. Both pecs were adorned with all the love you could possibly give. You cheekily licked a spot before biting causing him to buck. Intense gazes of desire were exchanged, but you weren't done yet.
Every dip and curve of his abs were covered in kisses, you refused to leave a single spot untouched. Your lips dragged down further to his pelvis. The treasure trail of black hair was so delicious to you, it was like a nice arrow to something delicious.
Soft fingertips caressed your cheek causing you to look up. With a gentle smile, you crawled over to your husband and kissed him.
You purred at him. "You wanted me?"
Levi sighed. "I always want you."
You wrapped your hand around his thick, hot erection and moved slowly. You watched as he moaned and whimpered for you. No matter how many times you touched each other or made love, it was still perfection each time. You craved each other.
With keen eyes, Levi watched as you shifted down the floor before sinking him into your mouth. As each inch of him moved into his mouth, he let out a long sigh of pleasure. You paused a moment and moved back up, your lips dragged up his shaft as your tongue moved against him.
Leaning his head back in pleasure caused his hair to ruffle up. His knuckles became white as he gripped the blanket below him. A choked moan escaped him, it was like he was trying to hold back. The heat of your mouth was perfect, along with the gentle movements of your tongue. As Levi marvelled at how your mouth moved, he kept thinking about being inside your pussy.
Levi murmured your name. "Please, no more."
With a cute pop, you pulled back from him. "Are you okay?"
Once he was sat up he pushed his fingers into your hair and brought you closer for a kiss. "I'm good, you're just too talented."
You giggled. "Thank you."
"Come here, cupcake."
You squealed in delight when he dragged you onto his lap, his erection was pressed between your stomachs. You slipped your arms over his shoulders and hummed. "Can I ask, did you wish for the snowstorm on your birthday so we would spend more time in here?"
Levi massaged your thighs. "Mm, maybe."
You shifted up to your knees. "Want me to lower down?"
"Please do." He took himself in his head and moved up and down. "I'm aching for you."
You mewled at his words before sinking down on him slowly. Delighted moans slipped from both of your lips. Once all of Levi's cock was deep inside you, you both spent a moment lightly touching each other and kissing. Your walls caressed and clenched him causing him to grunt in response.
Levi gripped around your thighs and helped you bounce up and down on him. You gripped his shoulder and bounced on Levi. The two of you felt electricity going through you as his cock pounded in and out of you. It was like the two of you were made for each other, the way you came together was just so addictive.
You dove for his shoulder and bit hard as you started rolling your hips. You dragged your tongue up his neck and nibbled on his earlobe. You mewled in delight. Levi's lips were so tempting, you had to have them against yours. You crashed your lips against his and felt your heart throb in your chest.
Your toes squeezed tightly as you felt your coil tighten up. You pulled from Levi's lip and cried out in pleasure. "Levi."
Levi chuckled and slowly lay you on your back. "You are so cute when you cum."
You nibbled your lip and whined. "You're sexy when you cum."
Levi slipped his hand under your bum as the other cupped the back of your head. "Thank you." He panted as he moved against you, your bodies rubbed together causing a tingling of pleasure. "You are so perfect."
You smiled at him. "I thought I was supposed to spoil you."
He nibbled your jawline. "You can spoil me by letting me devour."
You leaned your head back in Levi's hand as he started bucking hard and fast into you. Your nails dragged across his back as his cock plunged in and out of your pussy. Each slam of his hips sent an explosion of pleasure to go through you. You were in pure ecstasy as Levi moved deep within you.
Levi shivered in pleasure as your walls fluttered around him. Every inch of your body was precious and blissful to him. Each time you came together as one he felt like he was tasting heaven. Your body was incredible to him and he wanted to make you feel euphoric as often as possible.
You cupped Levi's face as you panted and moaned against his lips. "I love you."
Levi tapped his forehead against yours. "I love you so much. My darling wife."
You mewled and purred at him as he moved with you. The way he kissed and treated your body was as if you were a goddess. You always treated Levi the same. The way Levi's body moved and looked was incredible. He was a divine being and you were his precious offering before a blazing fire.
You shifted under him and mewled. "Cum inside me, deep inside me."
Levi growled and bucked hard and fast into you. "Yes. All yours." He smiled at you. "My darling wife. I love you."
"I love you, Levi. I love you." You squeezed your toes. "I love you." You panted and gasped. "A-Ah!" You cried out in pleasure. "F-Fuck." You moaned as your orgasm pulsed through you. "Mm."
Levi grunted as your pussy walls massaged his cock. He tapped his forehead against the floor next to your head and plunged deep into you. He panted and moaned against your ear when he came hard. His hot cum poured into you. He hummed as his cock twitched inside you.
He smiled a little at you and started kissing your face all over. "What a wonderful birthday escape."
You giggled. "I'm glad."
He kissed you and hummed. "The storm is still bad." He kissed your neck. "The fire is still big."
You purred. "And you're still horny?"
He smirked. "Yes."
"So am I."
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Hi ❤️❤️❤️ could I please request Steve x reader who injured themselves by doing something stupid and he’s helping take care of them? (This is entirely selfish because I got a concussion over the weekend by drunkenly falling 💀 need a Steve to help me)
"You're mad at me," You blubber miserably, leaning your teary face on the shoulder of Steve's puffer vest, "I fell down, and you're mad at me."
"I'm not mad at you because you fell down," He scoffs, voice thick and grating from the effort of holding your weight up alongside his own as you trudge through the snow, "I'm cold and tired because you drank too much and tried walking home at one in the morning."
"You are mad at me," You gush, holding your head as he walks you to his car, "I knew it."
"Honey," Steve sighs, "I'm not. Okay? I'm worried about you. Let's go to the hospital, okay? We need to make sure you don't have a concussion."
Steve lowers you into the passenger's seat, leaning over to click your seatbelt into its latch. When he ducks back out of the car he plants a kiss to your forehead, just beside the small cut against your temple. He pointedly avoids the blood there, shutting the door behind him and circling around to the driver's side.
You're quiet on the drive, but he's not sure if it's because you're concussed or nervous. He takes his opportunity at a red light to ask you, turning to see your distant gaze locked onto his glove box.
"Hey," He grabs your hand where it sits on your thigh, "You okay? How's the head."
"'Hurts," You sniffle, wiping your nose with the back of your free hand, "Are we almost there?"
"Yeah, almost." Steve nods, "You know I'm not mad at you, right?"
"You should be," You whine, "I told you you couldn't come 'cause tonight was girls' night, and then I made you come anyways when I fell! I'm sorry you had to get out of bed to come get me, Stevie."
"I'm sorry you fell," He squeezes your hand, "keeping his voice low and soft in case you've got a headache, "It's okay, honey, it happens. Remember when I got stuck under the deck?"
You do remember finding Steve sprawled out on his stomach half-underneath the deck behind his house. He'd been trying to retrieve a frisbee that a neighbor had flung into his yard, but it had skimmed the grass too fast and shot beneath the wood. Steve learned that day that his shoulders were just the right size to fit beneath the deck, but a little too small to get back out again.
You giggle a little at the memory, and he knows he's in the clear. On cue, the light turns green, and he only has to turn a few more corners until he's pulling up to the emergency care center.
When you wake it's with Steve's head on your stomach, and no memory of the night before. But you're breathing and so is Steve, so you think you'll be fine. He only wakes when you're provided some less-than-desirable hospital food, plain buttered toast that's burnt. Some of the black flecks fall from the plate and land in Steve's hair, and the way you run your fingers through his hair to get them out wakes him up.
"Morning, honey." He groans, stretching out his stiff back, "Sleep good?"
"I guess," You sigh, "I don't remember anything. What happened?"
"You got drunk and fell," He snickers, "I thought you had a concussion but it turns out you just needed a band-aid."
"Oh." You feel your cheeks heat up, "How late did you bring me here?"
"One AM," He sighs, playfully dramatic, "I think you need to play with my hair a lot more to make up for it."
"Actually," You grimace, setting the toast aside, "I wasn't playing with your hair, I was getting toast crumbs out of it. Let's just shower when we get home, I'll wash it for you instead."
"Toast- Toast crumbs?" Steve sits bolt upright, hands frantically combing through his hair, "My god, are you still drunk?"
"I'm sorry!" You laugh, a sheepish sound, "It's not my fault that the toast disintegrates. It's charred."
"I wake up at midnight to hunt down my wasted girlfriend," Steve grumbles, "I take her to the hospital 'cause she's got a cut on her head, and how does she repay me?"
"I'll make it up to you, I swear!" You gush, discarding the plate on the side table and cupping his cheeks in your hands. They're soft to the touch, and you yearn to smother them in sticky kisses while he tries not to giggle. You settle for a single smooch against his lips, "If you can get me out of here before noon, I'll wash your hair and fuck you in the shower, Stevie."
If he were a cartoon his eyes would have lit up in star-shapes. He nods, surging forwards to kiss you before his name is even off of your tongue, ignoring the way that his spit sticks to your chin from the sloppy aim.
"I'm gonna go get the nurse," He rushes to the door with the excitement of a starved man running for a free meal. He's halfway down the hallway when you hear, "Uh, excuse me, oh, hi! Uh, my girlfriend needs to release- be released!"
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hyunluvbug · 3 months
show me how to love | three - why won’t you love me?
pairing: hyunjin x afab reader
content: some angst :D
a/n: longer chapter, hope you enjoy :)
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Sunrays creep in through the bedroom curtains, casting shadows to every corner of the room. Her head races with thoughts of confusion. She only remembers small fragments of what the night before had brought her. She pushes the covers away and places her feet onto the cold wood floor. The sounds of the floor creaking and plates clinking together filled the air. 
She stretches out her arms and stands up to slide on some fuzzy socks. Her warm hand touches her head and she begins to remember how unsober she was yesterday. She opens her bedroom door with a soft creak. A low yawn leaves her lips as she stares at the single pillow and blanket on her couch. Hyunjin stands in the kitchen, his back faces her while he uses the spatula to flip over an omelet. The smells of egg, bacon and cheese fills up her apartment and her stomach rumbles. She pulls out a stool at the kitchen island and sits down. 
“How do you feel?”
“Like I have been run over several times.” 
Hyunjin lets out a low chuckle which causes her to glare at him. He turns the knob on the oven and the sizzling subsides. 
“Any plans for today?” She suddenly asks him, he picks up a plate and places the omelet on its surface. He slides the plate over to her and her mouth practically drools from the smell. 
“Probably heading out after this. Going to meet another groupie.” He teases and moves his eyebrows. 
She stays silent, she messes with the edge of the omelet with her fork. Even though it was a joke, it made her feel uneasy just a bit.
“Okay.” She mumbles. 
Hyunjin sits down beside her and begins to eat his omelet silently beside her. She continues to pick at her food, not feeling hungry any more. 
Hyunjin places a hand onto her bare thigh, spinning her chair towards him softly. She feels tingles everywhere from the touch. “Hey, you have to eat Y/n.” He places his own fork down and picks up hers. 
He cuts a piece of the omelet with his knife and places the fork in front of her mouth. “Open.” 
She can’t help but get a little flustered at his demand, god her mind is in the gutter. She opens her mouth and he puts the fork inside. 
“Good girl.” 
She almost chokes on the omelet from his word choice. He sure makes it hard not to be in love with him. She takes the fork from him and insists on feeding herself now. How the hell is she supposed to get over him when he does shit like this. 
She finishes up her omelet and he finishes his. Hyunjin rinses both of their dishes off and  places both of them in the dishwasher. 
“I am off now.” Hyunjin says, running his hand through his black hair. 
“Thanks again Jin. I appreciate it.” 
“Anything for you.” He smirks and she rolls her eyes. 
She holds the door open for him, “Text me later?” 
She looks at him. His eyes are scanning her body, noticing how her pajama shorts hug her hips. Her legs are out on full display in front of him. She is embarrassed from his gaze.
“Uh yeah! See you later!” He smiles, making his eyes squint up. Her favorite smile to see on his face. 
She gives him a wave and he heads out. She shuts the door behind him letting her back rest against the door. She lets out a deep sigh, letting all the nerves leave her body. From this day forward, she vowed to herself that she would get over Hyunjin. Her crush on him brings her nothing but pain and false hope. She has to remind herself that Hyunjin’s  flirtatious behavior was only on a friendship level. He doesn’t want commitment, he doesn't want to be in love. Love is something she always dreamed of having. But, Hyunjin was the only guy she ever wanted to love. The feeling of wanting someone who didn’t want that at all was agonizing and she could not force him. She had to move on someday. 
But, how could anyone not fall in love with Hyunjin? Hyunjin is the most beautiful man she has ever met and laid eyes on. She is lucky to even have him as her friend. She is grateful for his comfort and presence he would give her. She just wishes it could be different someday. Maybe one day he won’t move his hands away, one day he will hold eye contact. Just maybe. 
How did Han convince her to go to another party? She honestly wasn’t quite sure. But, her main drive of the night was to forget about Hyunjin. Maybe find someone else to have a crush on. So now here she is again, another drink in hand and dancing with Han. He was hooping and hollering as her body moved next to his. Her face was warm from all the drinking she had already partaken in. A few of their other friends were scattered amongst the crowd. Some of them are stealing glances their way and laughing at the sight. She wasn’t the best dancer but she’s too drunk to even care. Her heart is beating like crazy and she had never felt more alive than in this moment. 
She closes her eyes and spins around amongst the crowd, her body crashes into a strong build. An arm catches her waist and she opens her eyes, it’s Yeonjun. Yeonjun is another one of Han’s friends and also the host of the party. 
“Hey Y/n.” He lets out a small chuckle. He removes his arm and she stands up straight. 
“Sorry, I was just caught up in the moment.” She said shyly and he smiles down at her. 
“It’s okay. No worries.” 
They both stand together, everyone else dancing around them. She licks her lips and puts her cup to her lips. She takes a big swig of the liquor feeling it trickle down her throat. 
“Having a good time?” He asked, gesturing to the now empty cup in her hand. 
“That’s good.” 
Her eyes cast away from him, taking in all of them people dancing around them. Her knees begin to wobble just a tiny bit. Her eyes land in a corner of the room where Hyunjin is holed up yet again. A different girl is kissing all over his neck, his arms lazily around her waist. She darts her eyes away already feeling sadness creep up. 
“Hey Yeonjun.”
“Wanna makeout?” 
Yeonjun’s eyes widen, she looks at him, not a single sense of a joke coming from her. 
“Uh- sure.” 
That is how they both now ended up sitting off to the side. She sits on his lap while his plump lips tug on her lips. Her lips smack sloppily against his, she couldn't deny it, he was a great kisser. He lays his hands on her waist, she grabs them and places them on the back of her ass. He moans into her mouth once she pushes her tongue into his. The kisses grow even more sloppy the longer they kiss. She pulls away for a second to catch her breath. Yeonjun’s eyes are glossed over and his lips are redder than ever.
“You’re so pretty Y/n.” 
She smiles at him and places her lips back on his. This was the best distraction she could have ever thought of.  
Meanwhile, nearby Hyunjin still sits. The girl in his lap was kissing up his neck. His eyes land on Yeonjun and Y/n. He feels something in his chest as he watches them makeout messily. 
“Stop.” Hyunjin mumbles but the girl continues. 
“I said stop.” He raises his voice a little louder. The girl scrambles away from him. 
She gets off of him and pulls down her skirt. He stands up and keeps his eyes on them. He watches as Yeonjun moves her onto his thigh, now letting her move a bit. She throws her head back and Hyunjin feels furious. 
Y/n hums as she hears her name. But then she realizes it didn’t come from Yeonjun. 
She stops moving on his thigh and turns her head to see Hyunjin. “Oh Jin hey.” She smiles smugly. Hyunjin looks at her face, she looks fucked out. The sight gives him a sensation. 
“Is he bothering you?” Hyunjin has his hands in fists  by his side. 
“Does it look like it?” She asks, wrapping her arms around Yeonjun’s neck. Yeonjun smirks underneath her, enjoying the feeling. Yeonjun begins to kiss on her neck, making her look back at him. 
Hyunjin sighs loudly and grows more angry at the sight. 
“Alright! That’s enough.” Hyunjin gently takes her off Yeonjun’s lap. 
“Hyunjin! What the hell!” 
“Y/n let’s go!” He grabs her wrist and tugs her into the opposite direction. 
Yeonjun sits dumbfounded as he leads her away. Hyunjin keeps walking, his hand circles around her wrist. He leads her through many people until they are outside. He finally lets go and she glares at him. 
“Now why did you do that?” She crosses her arms over her chest. Hyunjin just stares at her, still feeling angry. He looks at her face, how worked up she looks. He can’t deny how hot she looks right now but he can’t focus on that right now. 
“I didn’t want you to make a mistake.” 
“And what mistake is that?”
“Having sex with random people.” 
“Yeonjun isn’t random. I know him.” They both stand there for a moment looking at each other. The cool air blows on her cheeks, she begins to realize just how worked up Yeonjun made her. 
“How many of the groupies do you know personally anyways?” She mumbles under her breath. 
“Y/n, that’s not fair!” Hyunjin yells back at her. She stands there dumbfounded. 
“What’s not fair is how you’re treating me! What the fuck do you expect me to do Hyunjin?” Hot tears begin to well in her eyes, Hyunjin takes notice. His eyes soften as she begins crying, tears streaming down her face. Slowly collecting down into her shirt. 
“Do you know how much you hurt me Hyunjin?” She cries out, her hands shoot up to her face trying to wipe away all the tears. It’s no use as they continue to fall even more gradually. Hyunjin steps closer to reach out to her but she steps back. 
“I really don’t understand you. I don’t understand. Why is it okay for you to have sex with random people but I can’t? What is the fucking difference? I am so sick and tired of this Hyunjin. I just wanted a moment to get over you! To finally not worry about what you’re doing and with who. Is that something so bad to do?”
Hyunjin stands there, his head looking down at his feet. He wishes he could hug her right now and tell her it’s okay. But he can’t. 
 “Why wont you love me?” 
“Of course I love you.” 
“Hyunjin, that's not what I mean.” 
He looks up, her eyes are still filled with tears. He doesn’t know what to even tell her. He doesn’t know how to handle love. He doesn’t want to hurt her. It’s breaking him inside to even look at her right now. His heart is aching and he is sure hers is too. 
 “I love you Hyunjin and it hurts like absolute hell. I don’t know what the fuck I am supposed to do anymore.” She lets out a laugh. 
Hyunjin’s hands are in fists at his sides. His fingers dig into his palm to keep him from crying. He wants to tell her he loves her too but he is absolutely terrified. The only thing he knows how to do is leave. That is exactly what he decides to do. 
“Han can take you home.” He mumbles looking down at the sidewalk beneath him.
“Just go home. Please.” 
He turns around and walks away. She watches him as he keeps walking, not turning back.
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