#but this is the closest we ever got to having a father/son bonding moment i cry
magicalsniper · 4 months
The Legacy of Magic
2,839 words | Teen | Part 3 of 7 Author's AO3: MagicalSniper Story Link: The Legacy of Magic Part One Part Two Part Four
Summary: Balinor, summoned by Uther to negotiate with the Great Dragon Kilgharrah, witnesses the devastating aftermath of the Great Purge of Magic and is forced to escape Camelot, leaving behind a pregnant Hunith. Years later, his son Merlin, who struggles to conceal his magic, becomes fast friends with Prince Arthur. Their bond is tested when Arthur learns the truth about Merlin’s magic, but his loyalty to Merlin remains steadfast, though their relationship is marred by the weight of secrets and struggles for the safety of magic users in Camelot.
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Chapter Three: The One where Arthur Makes a Silent Promise to Merlin
The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the courtyard as Uther strode purposely towards his son. With his golden hair gleaming in the fading light, Arthur looked up from his swordplay to meet his father’s piercing gaze.
“Arthur,” Uther began, his voice resounding through the training grounds. “I’ve been informed of the progress of your studies, and I have to say, I am quite pleased. You’ve been making great strides.”
“Thank you, Father,” Arthur bowed his head, his eyes gleaming with pride. “But I can’t take all of the credit.” 
“You’ve gotten help?” Uther raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. “From whom?” He looked over at Leon, who slightly shook his head. 
“Merlin,” Arthur said excitedly, sheathing his sword. “He makes reading and writing less of a chore, and he’s brilliant! He’s three years younger than me but has already been reading for two years! He’s really very clever. Even Gaius says so!”
“Well, if Gaius is saying such things,” Uther says playfully, causing his son to laugh. “He seems quite talented.”
“He’s like no one I’ve ever met,” Arthur continued earnestly, his enthusiasm undimmed. “He’s so much fun to be around.” He scrunched up his nose, pausing for a moment before continuing. “Although he would make a terrible knight, he’s got the strength of a sparrow, and he’s so tiny.” Arthur held his hand to his chest, “He barely comes up to here.” 
“Where does this Merlin come from?” Uther asked, although he already had an idea of who the boy was. It was the very same one he had given the dragon to in the market, Hunith’s son.
Arthur hummed, eyes raising to the sky. “He’s always been around but was never allowed out much when he was younger. He said he was very sickly for a while. He stays with Gaius and his mother in the physician’s quarters.” 
They fell silent, and Arthur was fidgeting in his spot. After watching his son for a few moments, Uther gave a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes, “What is it you want, Arthur?”
"I was hoping, perhaps, that Merlin could join me for a sleepover sometime,” Arthur admitted after a moment. “We could study!” He added as an afterthought, although Uther was under the distinct impression that nothing of the sort would be occurring. 
“Very well,” Uther conceded, holding up a hand before Arthur could get too excited. “Merlin's mother about the possibility of a sleepover between you two. But remember, Arthur, friendships must not distract you from your duties.”
Of course, Father,” Arthur said, beaming. “Thank you!”
Arthur watched as his father turned to return to the castle before he looked up at the Physician’s chambers. He caught sight of Merlin looking at him through the window and grinned, waving at him. His smile widened as Merlin quickly waved back before disappearing. Arthur couldn’t wait for their sleepover.
The sun had almost set as Uther purposely stooped into Gaius’ chambers without knocking, the door banging against the wall with a startling crash. Gauis and Hunith, who had been bent over their work bottling fever potions, jumped at the sudden intrusion. 
Merlin sat at the table closest to the door, where he had been carefully inscribing the names of potions into small vials with a quill. His eyes flicked up from his task, and upon seeing the king, a large smile spread across his face. 
“Good evening, your Majesty!” Merlin chirped as he stood from the table. He had hastily wiped the ink from his fingers onto his trousers before moving to greet the king properly.
Uther’s stern expression softened as he regarded the young boy. With an almost parental gesture, he patted Merlin on the head, causing a few stray locks of hair to fall into his eyes. “I’ve heard you’ve been helping my son with his studies,” he said warmly. “Arthur speaks highly of your assistance.”
“Thank you, Sire,” Merlin replied, his grin growing wider. “I’m just happy to be able to help.”
“Perhaps there is a future for you as a scribe,” Uther mused, eyeing the neat rows of labeled vials. Merlin’s eyes lit up at the prospect, but Uther turned away from him before he could respond, his demeanor shifting back to its usual sternness.
"I heard you had a son," Uther said dryly, directing his attention to Hunith. She snorted and smoothed down her apron, throwing him an unamused look. "Is that true?"
She raised an eyebrow at him, “I was under the impression you were aware, given my birthday wishes.” 
At his stare, she sighed, “Yes, Merlin is my son. I fell pregnant with him ten years ago.”
“Where is his father?” Uther asked, his gaze shifting to Gaius and back to her. “And why have you not informed me of this child’s existence.”
“Afraid he’s yours?”
Uther scoffed, “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Merlin’s father is not in the picture. I wasn’t aware that you were to be informed of every birth in Camelot, Sire. I apologize. I will make sure to let you know next time.”
Uther looked as if he wanted to throw something. “I do not need to be informed of every birth, but considering our close friendship, I thought that it would have been something you would have cared to tell me.”
“I’ve seen what you do to your close friends, Uther,” Hunith said darkly.
“Those were extenuating circumstances— don’t scoff at me!” Uther growled. 
Hunith threw up her hands, “Fine. You want to know so badly why you weren’t told?” 
“It would be appreciated,” Uther said through gritted teeth.
“The circumstances surrounding Merlin’s conception were sensitive; I didn’t feel comfortable divulging what happened.” She glared at the floor, her eyes flickering to Gaius’s before casting downward again. 
“Is he Balinor’s child?” Uther asked, his tone harsh.
“You think me foolish enough to harbor Balinor’s child in the castle right under your nose?” Hunith crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow. 
Uther knew better than to fall into that trap. He’d done so many times as a child, but eventually, he had learned better after the last time he insinuated such left him with a scar. He studied her face carefully, looking for any trace of deception, but found none and was satisfied that there was nothing else she was hiding. Merlin was a product of rape. He was not the child of Balinor. He could handle that. It made sense why Hunith would not wish to divulge that information, even though Uther truly hoped she had trusted him enough. 
He turned to leave the room. As he reached the door, he paused and looked back at them. “I would have protected you, Hunith. I still would if you’d come to me.” 
“Goodbye, Uther,” Hunith said firmly before turning away from him and returning to bottling fever potions.
“Watch over your mother, Merlin,” he said, his voice heavy as he looked down at the wide-eyed boy. “And you are free to sleep over in Arthur’s room any time you wish.”
 “Thank you, Sire.” Merlin nodded quickly before returning to labeling the vials before him, feeling uncomfortable under his heavy gaze. 
The door closed behind him, and Hunith wondered, not for the first time, if she had made a grave mistake keeping Merlin in Camelot.
Three years have passed since that fateful conversation in Gaius’s chambers, and much had changed within the walls of Camelot. Merlin, now twelve years old, found himself sitting at a large oak desk in the castle’s library, surrounded by the same ancient tomes and scrolls he had spent his days around with Arthur, but he wasn’t there this time. It was an offer from King Uther for Merlin to train as a scribe alongside Geoffrey and the head scribe, who would be retiring in a year.
“Excellent work, Merlin,” Geoffrey commented, peering over Merlin’s shoulder. “Your penmanship has greatly improved. Just make sure to watch your lines.”
“Thank you, Sir,” Merlin murmured, his cheeks flushing. He had taken to his new role like a fish to water. He was eager to learn and read all the texts he had gotten into trouble reading when he was younger. Yet, despite his genuine interest and the praise he received for his diligent work, his mentors could not help but notice his occasional lack of focus.
After the fourth time Merlin left a drop of ink on the page, the head scribe sighed heavily, “Where is your head today, boy?” He demanded, dragging Merlin’s eyes away from the window.
“Apologies, sir,” Merlin muttered, quickly returning his attention to the crumbling book before him. His ears, however, remained attuned to the distant sound of steel clashing against steel, drifting in through the open window. He winced upon hearing Arthur’s shocked cry, and a quick peek through the window allowed him to see that Leon had won that round, with Arthur sitting in a muddy puddle.
“Ah, I see. Arthur is training outside today,” the head scribe noted with a knowing smile, nodding towards the window. “You two used to be quite inseparable, didn’t you?”
“Yes, we were,” Merlin murmured, a wistful look in his eyes as he glanced down at the training field. The sight of Arthur, now fifteen and deep into his knight training, stirred a longing within Merlin’s heart. He missed their carefree days spent together, running through the corridors and getting into all sorts of mischief.
“Perhaps if you finish early, you can visit him during his break,” the head scribe urged, chuckling as he watched Merlin pick up the pace, his fingers flying across the parchment as he carefully copied the ancient text.
Meanwhile, Arthur wiped the sweat from his brow as he paused momentarily to catch his breath. His swordsmanship earned him high praise from his instructors, but it was hard work to maintain that level of skill. Glancing up, he noticed Merlin at the window in the library and felt an ache of frustration. They had grown apart over the last six months, their new duties consuming more and more of their time.
“Prince Arthur!” 
“Hopefully, I’ll have some time later to see him,” Arthur thought, taking a final slip from his water flask. 
Arthur’s footsteps echoed against the stone walls of the castle. The tapestries lining the walls bore witness to the lone prince as he strode through the halls, lost in thought. He was so lost in thought, in fact, that he walked right into Merlin as he turned the corner.
Merlin sputtered and moved to grab Arthur’s shoulders, the papers in his hands fluttering to the floor. Arthur grabbed his waist to keep him from falling. “Morning, Merlin.” He said with amusement.
“Morning, Arthur,” Merlin greeted him with a cheerfulness that failed to reach his eyes. He ducked down to pick up the papers scattered at their feet, Arthur beside him, helping him put them in order. 
“On your way to…” 
“I have to help Gaius with some deliveries, and then I’m off to pick some herbs in the forest,” Merlin replied, tucking a stray lock of dark hair behind his ear— a nervous tick Arthur had come to recognize. “And you?”
“Archery. Then swordplay,” Arthur said dully as he handed the papers to Merlin. They stood for a moment, suspended in silence as thick as the castle walls, each acutely aware of the chasm that was being wedged between them.
“Right then,” Merlin said, breaking eye contact first. “Best not keep anyone waiting.”
“Indeed... Goodbye, Merlin.”
“Goodbye, Arthur.”
Arthur watched him go with a pang of longing in his chest. They were like two ships passing in the narrow straight of the castle, signals crossed and sails billowing with unsaid words.
Later that evening Arthur sat at the dinner table with his father, his hand trembling against his cheek as he struggled to hold back tears. It would not do well to show weakness in front of Uther, but he felt at his ropes end.
Uther, ever the stoic ruler, takes a sip of wine before addressing his son. "What troubles you, Arthur?" he asked, his voice laced with impatience. "I've heard reports of your success in training."
Arthur was unable to keep up the facade any longer. "I miss Merlin," he admited bitterly, his voice cracking with emotion. "Our duties leave no room for our friendship."
Uther fell silent, a haunted look crossing his features.
After another long moment, he forced himself to speak. "Arthur, you must learn to let go of childish things," he said sternly. "Your bond with the boy was acceptable in its time, but now you must focus on your duties as prince and future ruler."
“Is there no room for friendship in the crown?” Arthur pressed, desperation creeping into his tone. Tears now flowed freely down his cheeks, but he ignored them unable to care about his show of weakness in light of what his father had told him.
Unbeknownst to both men, Merlin stood just outside the chamber doors, his heart racing in his chest as he listened to every word with a heavy heart and clenched fists.
“This is the last I want to hear about it, Arthur," Uther snapped, cutting off any further protest from Arthur.
The blazing sun beat down upon the training grounds, scorching the earth and casting harsh shadows across the grass. The metallic clangs of swords and grunts of battling knights echoed through the air as Arthur landed a powerful strike, sending his opponent's weapon flying. He straightened up, sweat dripping down his face and muscles screaming in exhaustion.
But he barely registered any of it when he saw Merlin approaching with an armful of dusty tomes and a messenger bag overflowing with herbs and parchments. Their eyes met, and in that moment, the chaos of the training grounds faded away. The space between them was charged with everything they had wanted to say to each other the past few months.
“Merlin,” he breathed.
Merlin paused at the edge of the training grounds. “Arthur,” he replied, his voice soft.
“Take a break, will you?” Arthur said, his tone casual but his eyes pleading. “Join me for a meal? My chambers, half a candle mark?”
Merlin hesitated, the corners of his mouth twitching as he wrestled with the idea of shirking his duties. Then, he agreed with a nod that sent his dark locks tumbling across his forehead as a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. 
“Half a candle mark,” Merlin said with a grin, unable to deny Arthur anything.
In the dimly lit private quarters, Arthur and Merlin settled into their chairs and shared a modest feast of bread, cheese, apples and water.
"Remember that time we encountered the troll in the forest?" Arthur asked, his grin taking on a mischievous edge.
Merlin chuckled, his dark hair falling into his eyes as he brushed it aside. "Which one? The one you kissed or the one we stumbled upon dancing naked in the moonlight?" He teased, winking at Arthur.
A blush spread across Arthur's face, both from embarrassment and the memory of their wild antics. "I did no such thing!" he protested with indignation.
"Those were simpler times," Merlin mused, biting into an apple.
"But also some of the most thrilling moments of my life," Arthur added with a soft smile. "I wouldn't have survived half of it without you."
"Of course not, you're an idiot." Merlin teased. At Arthur's unamused look, he added softly. "Nor I, you, Arthur."
Later that evening, before a fire that roared and crackled, the two young men sprawled out on the large fur rug.
Merlin was sat cross-legged, his hands moving excitedly as He regaled Arthur with tales from his books. Each word seemed to ignite a blazing passion in him, causing Arthur to hang onto his every word. Arthur shared harrowing stories in return, ones of battles and danger from his journeys with the knights into the dark forest. At one point, Merlin grabbed a quill, ink and parchment and started to write them down. "For prosperity," Merlin claimed.
Between the warmth of the fire, the fullness of his belly, and Arthur’s calm tone, Merlin soon felt himself starting to doze, his hands lazily pushing his utensils off the rug and onto the stone floor so he had room to rest.
Blinking away the drowsiness, Merlin turned to face his friend, sensing that something important was about to be said. "Hm?"
"I want you to know—no matter what my father says—" Arthur paused, his expression conveying more than words ever could.
Merlin's heart clenched at the unspoken promise hanging between them. He whispered back, "Me too."
With those words hanging heavy in the air, both boys closed their eyes, seeking solace and comfort in each other's presence, unaware of the daunting challenges that would shake their loyalty and friendship to its very core.
Part Four
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incorrect-pipravi · 11 months
More Reynolds family headcannons. Btw i love your blog sm.
Hi, anon. Thank you so so so much. I hope you enjoy these:
So someone reminded my dumb ass that Joanna (Connor’s mother) does have a daughter named Zoe that I totally forgot about.
We don’t know much about Zoe, except that she agreed with her father that nothing was wrong with Jamie. So she’s definitely a daddy’s girl who believes that emotions misguides people’s judgment.
I think this causes a distance between her and her mother & brothers who are very sensitive and sentimental.
Despite that, I think she still loves them all dearly (especially Jamie who is closest to her in age).
When Jamie returned home at the end of ggbb, she called home and the moment she heard Jamie’s voice through the phone speaker, she bursted into tears.
“You idiot! Don’t scare me like that ever again!”
Zoe & Jamie definitely used to terrorize and embarrass Connor in front of his friends.
“It’s our duty, as the older siblings.”
Arthur (Connor’s father), despite rarely showing emotions, cried the first time he held his babies.
Joanna and Arthur definitely married for love, but I think that love started to fade with the years. Jamie going missing then getting him back, was definitely the thing that reignited that love.
Since they got Jamie back, Arthur would take Joanna on dates every week. He says it’s to compensate for all the time he let their love get cold.
Zoe’s first reaction when meeting Nat would definitely be something like “You deserve so much better!” and Nat is like “…..” thinking she was talking about her and Zoe would be like “I was talking to you. You deserve better than Jamie.”
Nat & Zoe would definitely get along (they’re both emo).
Zoe being one of Nat’s bridesmaids and Connor being Jamie’s best man.
Jamie definitely has a tumblr blog where he posts rants about his personal life.
Just imagine his first post after coming back!
Arthur, Jamie & Connor would definitely start to do more father-son bonding activities after ggbb.
I literally believe that the fact the Jamie went missing was the thing that repaired their family.
The siblings’ favorite bonding activity is playing video games. Zoe is definitely the best and Jamie & Connor would join forces to defeat her.
The family playing monopoly (tables were thrown and children were disowned).
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bluewavesofchange · 1 month
The guardians of the Pharaoh
Sea and shadows: the Queens of the abyss
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I don't own Yugioh or it's characters
The last chapter before the epilogue. The names for the dragons are Japanese in origin and all have meanings to them related to the characters.
Mentions of violence and death
Chapter 12
Tsuki had left the cave to explore the island they were living on to gather fire wood and forage for vegetables and anything else they could eat with the fish Serena and his father were bringing home. This was one of the more peaceful islands they had discovered and made their home for the time being. It was hard for them to find a permanent place to call their own with the magicians still after them. They only ever stayed in one place for a few weeks before leaving and finding somewhere new, traveling further and further from the main land, away from the danger…
It was their way of life till Lord Yomi stopped hunting them and peace returned to the world…
Tsuki wished more than anything for peace. He had been living this way since he had hatched, living on the run with his parents and Serena for so many years. His parents had told him that they had found the sea creature as a new-born alone in the woods and took her in, raising her with him after he had emerged from his egg so that he wouldn’t be alone in this world. They were the closest of friends and siblings…however that changed one day…a love had grown between the two of them and bloomed into a relationship…the two becoming mates...and forming a bond that Tsuki believed would last for all eternity…
He was gathering so root vegetables from the ground when he heard a roar from above, looking up and seeing his father flying overhead, heading towards their cave. He quickly finished gathering and headed back…
Upon returning to the cave, Tsuki spotted his mother greeting and snuggling his father, their way of greeting whenever the other male dragon returned to his beloved. And sitting near the entrance of the cave was Serena…Tsuki took a moment to watch her, her blue hair still wet from swimming in the sea to catch fish, her pale skin glimmering in the sunlight, her bright blue eyes focused on the task of scaling and gutting the fish she had caught.
“There’s my boy.” Tsuki heard his father greeting him, turning his attention to the older man. Hikaru was a tall man, towering over his family by at least a head or two; he was muscular with dragon wing markings on his back and travelled along his biceps, his forearms, calves and sides were covered in white scales, his fingers were claws and his eyes were blue like the rest of his family’s and his jaw and chin was covered in a white beard.
“Hey dad. How was the fishing trip?” Tsuki asked as he headed over to the fire pit in the centre of the cave and started to unload the resources he had collected and used the wood he collected to build a fire. Hikaru walked over to the pit to help his son, “Uneventful but we managed to find a school of Golden Flying fish and some Cranium Fish.” A fish head flies through the air and hits Hikaru, he manages to catch it as he looks over at Serena who had a glare on her face, her hands and fingers moving quickly as she signs at him {I found them, you were just bathing in the sun on a nearby boulder.}
The elder male dragon shakes his head, “Alright she found them…like she always does.”
“Well she is a creature of the sea my love. Anything to do with the ocean and the creatures that live in it is her territory.” Ami walks over to the men, sitting down and gathering the root vegetables Tsuki had gathered. She had a similar appearance to her mate and son, her white hair was long and flowed like streams of silver, her scales ran long her collar bones and her cheeks as well as her forearms and calves.
She got busy with preparing the vegetables for the fish stew she was going to prepare for her family. “How is your injury feeling today son?” Hikaru asks as he gets the fire going. Tsuki moves his hand to his side where his long scar ran along his skin. He had attained it a few days ago when they fought against the magicians. One of the bastards had struck him with a spear. If it wasn’t for Serena he would’ve perished. “It aches a bit but it should be fine.”
“Perhaps you should let Sera have a look at it.” Ami suggests as she goes to collect a pot for the food. Tsuki shrugs as he goes to help his mother, “I’ll be fine. It should be fine after a few days.”
What many didn’t know about the Blue eyes was that they could use the light energy that flowed through their bodies to heal. Anything from disease to wounds to life threatening injuries. But if inflicted by dark magic they were rendered useless. That’s where Serena’s healing abilities were superior…Ami and Hikaru had bestowed this gift upon her when she came of age, a rite of passage for all of the white dragons kind when they reached maturity…
She could heal literally anything…except death unfortunately…
Serena got done fliting the fish and brought the pieces of meat to cut for the stew. She signs that she’s going to go dispose of the remains and wash up before the food is ready. Tsuki watches as she collects what she needs and leaves the cave, Hikaru glances at his love before nudging his boy when he returns to set up the beams from which the pot would hang, “Go with her. I’m sure she could use some company.”
Tsuki glances out of the cave before looking back at his parents before rushing out of the cave. Hikaru shakes his head with a chuckle as he finishes his son’s task, “Young love.”
The couple gets to work on preparing food, working in a comfortable silence before Ami brought up a question that had been on both their minds since their son had gotten hurt, “Have you had any thought on what we discussed?” she asks softly as she looks at her love. He gives a small nod as he sighs, “I have…”
“And?” she starts adding ingredients to the pot. Hikaru takes her hand, running his thumb over her knuckles, “I believe it would be best…if the 3 of us left…”
“But what about Serena?”
“I spoke with her too…as much as it will hurt her she has agreed to stay behind and continue fighting…to make the world safe for us to return to.” He speaks softly as Ami tears up, giving a small nod as he pulls her into his arms, running his fingers through her hair, “It won’t be forever my love…”
“I know. I just didn’t think our family wouldn’t be broken apart by these monsters…they’ve already taken away our kind and now our family…”
“I know my love…I know.”
“And what of Tsuki? They are mates, separating them will be agony…I remember how hard it was for us when we were apart to look for a home to raise our children…” she whimpered as she nuzzles her face into his neck, seeking affection and love from her mate. He rests his chin on her head, “He will be alright. And once this world is free of the dark ones we will build a new home for us…one where we can all live together in peace once more.” Ami knows this was the right thing to do but it still hurt deeply…
Little did they know that Tsuki was just outside the entrance of their temporary home. He had heard every word and was seething with anger…how could his parents and mate believe that this was the right thing to do? They were stronger together and they were a family…they should stay together…
He heads into the woods to go find Serena, both of them needing to talk.
Back to the situation at hand…
Yugi and Yami didn’t know what to expect when they arrived at the Kaiba dome for a duel with Seto. None of this seemed right; Lillian had told her brother that the CEO had been acting strange since she had moved in with him and his little brother, that he had been distant and rarely talked to her. As much as the short teen wanted to tell her that this was probably normal Kaiba now that he had gotten what he wanted but he could see the look of concern in Lillian’s face. Seeing the tall brunet now he could see what his sister was talking about. This wasn’t even the Seto he knew before he had gotten to know him.
He saw a red glint in the guy’s eyes and the smirk that played on his face. He seemed more vicious than normal…and even referring to him (well Yami) as Pharaoh…and both the spirit and Yugi knew that Seto Kaiba didn’t believe in the ancient Egyptian magic mumbo jumbo as he liked to call it.
And then all hell broke loose, the teen made Yami summon all 3 Egyptian god cards to the field and then activated the Pyramid of light trap card…covering the field in a giant blue prism and destroying all 3 of the great beasts at once. And then Yugi’s soul was pulled deep into the Millennium puzzle, sending into the bowls of the mystical objects where he couldn’t escape and Yami couldn’t reach him, separating the two.
On the outside of the glowing pyramid both Joey and Tristian’s souls into the Millennium as well as Lillian’s soul. All the teens waking up inside the confusing room of endless stair ways, doors, corridors and darkness. Yugi started searching for Yami in this strange and extremely creepy place, going from door to door trying to find him but found no sign of him.
Eventually he caught sight of the pharaoh heading down a hallway to a door that he hadn’t checked yet. Upon opening it Yugi discovered a room that looked ancient, the floor littered with sarcophaguses, at the end of the room was a rather large one with a strange carving on the wall behind it. Standing beside it was the transparent figure of his friend that slowly dissipates into the Egyptian themed coffin. The next moment Yugi could hear chanting filling the room, the lids of the sarcophaguses slowly being pushed open as dozens of mummies started to rise from them, their empty eye sockets staring at the short teen as then moaned eerily and stumbled towards him.
Yugi was frozen with fear, unable to move. What the hell was this?! One of the ghouls grabbed his arm and was about to bit him when sparks flew from his hand, turning into a ball of white energy that blasted the mummies back.
Yugi looked at his hand with widen eyes before running off, screaming as the undead had stood up and tried to go at him again.
Lillian didn’t understand where she was or how she got there. What was this place? It looked like how Yugi described Yami’s soul room to be. But that was inside the Millennium puzzle and those didn’t work on her…the last thing she remembered was arriving at the Kaiba Dome as it was collapsing and discovering the glowing pyramid and then she ended up here.
She started to wonder around the strange place when she heard her brother screaming in the distance. She quickly bumped into Joey and Tristian, they asked each other how they got there but before they could answer Yugi dashes past them…Lillian having never seen him run that fast…
And then came the reason why as a hoard of mummies emerges from the hallway that Yugi had just came running from. Tristian and Joey started running from the ghouls while Lillian stayed behind. She tried to let out one of her sonic screams but nothing came out…the fuck?! The she tried to sense for any water in the room but there was nothing. Her eyes widen…she was powerless…shit…she started running as well.
Outside the puzzle…
Rozu was slowly walking around the glowing blue prism, her hand running along the wall of energy; it had been awhile since she had felt this power. She remembered when she and Atem had created it to capture and seal away the monsters he had released…it was strong enough to even contain the Egyptian gods…they had planned to use it when it was completed but then came his father and the Millennium items, the old fool trying to use them to get rid of Rozu but they wouldn’t work and the man lost his soul to pay for the people who died to create the mystical objects…
After that they sealed the glass pyramid away only for it to be stolen by a priest who wanted to take Atem’s place and rule not only Egypt but the world and envelop the planet in darkness. How he learned of the object was still a mystery to both Rozu and her host. But they dealt with him and sealed him away…burying him alive with the glass object…
After that Atem started to pull away from the goddess of darkness, chasing her away as he spent more and more time with his beloved little Heba…ignoring her and treating her like she was nothing. And after everything she had done for him, after she bestowed him her powers, after teaching how to control the darkness, after being there for him since he was a baby…being his companion and friends…treating him as if he were her own child…she loved her as if he were here own child…and he betrayed her, condemning her to 5000 years of torment and torture at the hands of the shadows and darkness. And now she would start her journey for revenge.
She stood before the pyramid, her hands glowing with black and red energy, slamming them into the blue wall, the shadows spreading form her palms, creeping up the towering prism like an infection...the light fading as it is engulfed by darkness…the red head stepping through the blackness, entering the corrupted space…
Inside the Pyramid of light…
Anubis’s plan was working perfectly. He was draining the pharaoh’s life energy with each passing turn, weakening him till he could barely stand. He had used his vessels cards to for this duel as to keep up the façade, waiting for when he had enough power to take his own physical form and reveal himself to the pharaoh…however something strange started to happen to the field…his Pyramid of light card started to glitch before turning black and disintegrating before his very eyes, the prism that had covered the field is taken over by shadows…voices echoing from the darkness…
Yami was struggling with this duel, feeling pain every time he was attacked. He feared he was about to lose when all the strangeness started…this power, these shadows…it all felt familiar…like he had felt this energy before…his eyes widened as he realizes what was happening, “Oh No.”
Out of the shadows walked Rozu, a wicked smirk on her blood red lips, her elongated fangs on full display as her golden eyes was fixed on Yami, “Greetings…” she slowly bowed…tendrils emerging from the shadows as she raised her head, “…My pharaoh.” she chuckles deeply as the tentacles shoot up, wrapping themselves around both Yami and Anubis, “I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.” She strode over to the tri-coloured haired teen, a dark look in her eyes.
Anubis recognised her as the shadow that had promised to help him attain his revenge and find a host. What was she doing?! She was ruining everything, “What do you think you’re doing? He is mine! Leave and I might let--” he was cut off by a shadow wrapping around his mouth as Rozu raised her hand, bring him closer to her, bringing his face right up to hers.
She slowly lowers removes the shadow from his mouth and closed the gap between them, pressing her lips against his, purring deeply as she cupped his cheeks.
Yami was very confused at this point, why was this demon woman kissing Seto Kaiba? Out of all the things he had witnessed this was the weirdness. However the brunet started to struggle, his body convulsing as the woman’s fingers grew into sharp claws, digging them into his cheeks as his eyes rolled back into his head as Rozu pulls away, a stream of dark energy flowing from Kaiba’s mouth into hers as she was sucking out Anubis’s soul, devouring it slowly.
She smirks as Seto’s body goes limp, now free from the possession of the ancient priest but the CEO’s consciousness was still locked deep in his mind…
Tsuki had walked through the forest for a while till he reached a large alcove with a large waterfall flowing into a deep body of water. In the centre of it were a few large stones sticking out of the water and on one of them sat Serena. She wasn’t in her normal form…her long legs had shifted into her long elegant blue tail that was moving slowly in the water, the tips of her ears were longer and a set of gills along the sides of her neck. She was running her fingers through her hair, washing it and untangling any knots and removing any dirt. Her eyes were closed as she was enjoying the peace and quiet, the top half of her torso completely naked as her clothes had been left on the embankment before she had gotten into the water.
The white haired teen took a moment, leaning against a tree as he watched her bath. He rarely got to see her in this form as she only used it if she was swimming under water, she would be vulnerable out of the water if she looked like this.
Not that he didn’t find her beautiful in her other form either, she was breath taking either way. They had been together since they were little. She was with him the day he hatched, becoming inseparable…they had been best friends for so long till their feelings changed…evolving into love as they became adults. They knew each other better than their parents did, knowing what the other thought, knowing what they would say before the words would leave their mouths (well Tsuki’s mouth. Serena would just sign it).
Tsuki couldn’t imagine his life without her. They had never been apart for longer than a few hours when she would go off to gather food or gather information from the main land. She would always return to him, laying in his arms as the curled up together in their nest, just staring deeply into each other’s and soul, never needing to use words as their minds and spirits were in sync. He remembers the first night they had lain together, the way their bodies moved as one, bringing each other pleasure physically and spiritually, binding their souls together till the end of time…even in death they would be connected…even if by some chance they ended up separated in another world they would find each other…
That’s why it hurt to hear that his parents wanted to leave this world…take him away without Serena…to separate them for who knows how long…he didn’t want that. He wanted to stay with her, to fight by her side as they freed the world from the influence of the darkness and bring peace. To one day have a home of their own where they can live out there days in each other’s embrace…and to have little ones of their own…to have a family.
The siren realized she was being watched but she knew exactly who it was, she felt his presence the moment he entered the area. She opened her eyes slightly and looked in his direction, a soft smile forming on her face as she looked into his blue eyes. She nudged her head, indicating to him to join her before side dived into the water.
Tsuki removed his white robe and bottoms before diving into the water, his scales glowing white as he searched for his beloved, finding her rather quickly as her own markings (tattoos) were glowing as well. The two mates circling each other in the water, moving gracefully as the mimicked the others actions…like the beautiful dance the sun and moons did every day and night.
They soon came together, first taking each other’s hands, just gazing at each other lovingly before swimming up to the surface, their heads breaching the surface, Tsuki taking a breath before leaning in, pressing his lips against Serena’s cold ones, the tips of her ears twitching slightly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulling his naked body against hers, the tip of her tail wrapping around his calf.
The two remained like this for a moment before separating and playing around in the water for a while, Serena diving down into the depths before resurfacing behind Tsuki and jumping him, the white haired teen laughing as he chases the siren who easily out swims him, splashing each other as Tsuki lets out his large wings, creating small waves as he moves them in the water while Serena raises her tail fin out of the water and slams it down, sending a splurge of aqua at her beloved. They always played like this when they had time, a way of bonding and just being in each other’s presence, just being happy…something they did since they were toddlers…
Eventually they head over to the giant stones, Tsuki sitting on one of them, his wings spread out to dry while Serena stays in the water holding onto his calf as she rests her head against his leg, soaking for a little as she needs to hydrate this way at least once every few days…
Tsuki looks down at her, seeing her blue eyes gazing back up at him, for a moment her appearance changes…her hair turns black, her ears are normal, her gills are gone…she has a necklace around her neck with a pendant that looks like a dragon, wearing a white button up blouse and her although her skin is still pale, it’s a bit more peach coloured instead of completely white…there’s a flash and her shirt is torn at the back, deep lacerations cover her back, seeping with blood…her eyes closing as she disappears below the water…
He gasps Serena returns to normal, looking up at him with concern as she reaches up and takes his hand. The white haired teen sighed as he rubs his head, a throbbing running through it, “I’m fine. Just…tired…” Serena raises a brow as she gives him a look that reads ‘Nice try. I know you’re hiding something.’ He rolls his eyes, “I had a strange dream last night…we were living in a different world…one filled with towering buildings and weird metal boxes with wheels…you and I were there but we looked…different…I wasn’t Tsuki and you weren’t Serena…we went by other minds…and you could talk, you didn’t hide your voice…it was…nice to hear it…beautiful even…” he smiled softly at the memory…
Serena hadn’t spoken a word since she was little…not because she couldn’t talk but because her voice was a dangerous thing. Not only her sonic power but she was a siren and sirens used her there voice to control and manipulate others, drawing men in to devour them and kill them. Serena never wanted to risk harming those closest to her…so she made a vow of silence and would only use it when it was necessary. She hearing what Tsuki was saying was…odd.
His smile slowly fell from his face, “You nearly died too…your life was constantly threatened…a lot of the times it was because of me…” he reached down and ran his fingers through her hair, “I heard our parents talking…they say that they want to leave this place…that it’s too dangerous for us.” He rests his hand on his scar.
Serena looks down into the water, remembering the take she had had with Hikaru. It was a hard thing to hear but…it was the safest option for her family…she had nearly lost Tsuki not too long ago…she could survive him leaving…not him losing his life…
He pulls her out of the water and sits her beside him…resting his hand under her chin and lifting her head so he could look in her eyes, seeing the tears starting to form, “I’m not leaving you…we can get through this together.” She shakes her head as she pushes his hand away. This confuses the man, “You can’t seriously agree with them! How can you believe that it’s for the best for us to be separated?!” he shouts out in anger.
Serena reaches over and rests her hand on his scar and the other over his heart, look at him with fear…in that instant the rage left him and he understood…she didn’t wish for him to die…but they were strong together…they could win this as one…he cups her cheek, gently wiping away the tears with his thumb, “I’m not going anywhere…and that’s finally…”
Serena didn’t like that and pulled away, diving back into the water and disappearing into the depths. Tsuki followed her however…swimming for a long time till he sees her going throw a tunnel…resurfacing in a dark cave…Tsuki raises his hand and forms a ball of white energy, the light illuminating the small space, bouncing off the lapis gems that covered the walls and ceiling of the cave, making it look like the night sky…it was beautiful and made Tsuki think off all the nights he would sneak out with Serena, changing into his dragon form and flying through the sky and gazing at the stars…
He watched as the siren admires the sight around them, getting lost in the lights as a soft look forms on her face. He swims over to her and pulls her close with his free arm, gaining her attention, “Listen…I won’t let those monsters break us apart…I won’t let them separate out family…we are stronger together…please don’t make me do this…” Serena listens to his words and gives a small nod, resting her head on his shoulder…hoping he was right…
However when they attended the next battle Serena had discovered a magician amongst the warriors, obviously a spy…meaning that no one could be trusted, not even their allies…
This was the last straw…her family was going to leave and she would be the one to send them away…
Rozu turns her attention back to Yami, “Now that his be dealt with, we can get back to playing.” She chuckles as she waves her hand, the shadows pulling the pharaohs arms apart, the others forcing him to his knees in front of the goddess, “To think, you had a whole kingdom on their knees for you and here you are…weak…powerless…alone. Oh how the mighty have fallen.” She laughs as Yami growls, pulling against the shadows, “Who are you? What do you want with me?”
The woman leaned down and ran her clawed fingers over his cheek, “I am the queen of darkness…the master of shadows…the bringer of death…the monster that hides under a child’s bed…but you can call me Rozu. As for what I want well…that’s a long story and we don’t exactly have time as I’m sure your little host will find a way to escape along with the siren.” She pulls away and raises her hand again, the cards in the grave yard of Seto’s duel disk glowing, one of them flying out and Rozu catches it between her fingers. Yami watches her, trying to make sense of what she was saying as none of it had made sense, “What are you talking about? Are you responsible for all this?”
Rozu nods as she throws the card into the ground, shadows swirling around it as a figure emerges from it, the spirit recognising it as Peten the Dark Clown…the first monster to attack him directly in this duel. The red head glides over to the creature, the creepy clown giggling as it bows to her and holds out its curved dagger which she takes from him with a smile, running her finger over the blade, slicing into her skin, a drop of blood running from it, “Always kept your blades sharp.” She chuckles as she waves her hand, the clown turning back into a shadow as she turns her attention back to Yami.
“I’m responsible for a lot of things…I’m responsible for the powers you once possessed…I was responsible for training you in the dark arts…for raising you…for taking care of you.” She spoke softly as she walked back over to him slowly, Yami trying to make sense of her words, “You…know me? Do you know who I am?” as much as he hated to think about, this thing could have the answers his been looking for for so long. The red head nodded, “I know everything about you. I was there with you since the day you took your first breath.”
Yami’s eyes widen as a thought came to mind, “Are you…my mother?” Rozu wanted to laugh but there was some truth in his words, “In a way I was…not your birth mother, she passed the day you were born. I on the other hand was at your side for many years…until you threw me away like I was nothing.” The smile on her face turned to a frown, “I gave you everything…power…influence…I even gave you a companion that healed the loneliness that plagued you since you were little…and how did you thank me? By turning your back on me and locking me away for 5000 thousand years!!”
She yelled as the shadows vibrated violently. Yami didn’t show any fear as he watched the darkness, his mind going to the room he and Yugi had found, “So…you’re the one who was trapped in that dark room within my puzzle.” she hisses at him for a moment before nodding, “That was my prison…for so many years it was like a tomb, the only company was the shadows that slowly tore me apart day by day, ravaging my spirit till I went made and decided to fight back…devouring them to rebuild my strength…and once the puzzle was complete…” she smirked as her forked tongue licked her lips, “…and thanks to you I found a new source of substances…the victims of your shadow games.”
She swirled around him, gripping his hair and yanking it back, “And it’s thanks to the siren that I was finally freed.” The siren? The realization hit him, “Lillian?” Rozu nods as she lightly runs the tip of the dagger over his cheek, applying just enough pressure to making a shallow cut, the pharaoh staying silent at as it stung only slightly.
“You see…both she and I aren’t from this world…we are form a world of monsters and magic…rulers of its inhabitants and the peace keepers of the land…until we ended up here. And while the siren got a new body, I did not…and that’s where you come in…” she smirks, “…you are going to help me.”
Yami sneers at her, “Never.” The red head chuckles into beside his ear, whispering deeply, “You don’t have a choice…”she raises the dagger and stabs him in the stomach, pulling a gasp from his lips as the pain hits him. She pulls it out slowly before thrusting it back in in a different direction, the pharaoh wincing loudly as she twists the blade, “I won’t kill you, I still need you for my revenge…to make you suffer for what you did to me.” She pulls out the dagger, watching as the blood flows from the wound dripping to the floor, forming a puddle of red as she starts to chant…drops of blood escaping from the growing pool of red…moving along the floor, forming shapes and symbols as it creates a large circle…
Within the puzzle…
The teens had reached a safe area, trying to catch their breathes as they notices a swirling mass of red energy, a window to the outside world in the centre…showing them Rozu torturing the pharaoh, Yugi’s eyes going wide…panic flowing through him as he sees the agony his others face as the red stabs him again in the side, drawing more blood…
Lillian knows who she was…guilt washing over her as she knows this was her fault…she had brought this monster back with her from the virtual world…
Yugi hears the dark queen laugh as she continues to hurt the spirit…the short teens fists clenching sparks flying from his fingers as his eyes began to glow…a second later a set of white wings burst form his back and he flies towards the room where the mummies had come from, knowing the way out was in there.
Lillian and the other two teens watched as Yugi somehow got angel wings and just flew off?? Huh?! The only thing they could do was follow.
Back outside…
Rozu kept chanting as she drops the dagger and moves to the centre of the blood circle, the marks on her arms glowing as her eyes light up, the shadows swirling around her, bolts of red electricity bursting from the darkness as the goddess raises her hand in the air as bolt hits her palm, the area is engulfed in a red mist…a long scythe made of black bones, a curved blade with a red tip and a skull cover in marks at the top of the weapon.
Yami could only watch as he felt himself growing weaker as the bleeding wouldn’t stop, his skin going pale as he started to become dizzy…
Rozu lowers the scythe, running her hand over the skull, “Hello again father.” She chuckles deeply as she glances over at Yami, “I’m guessing you want to know what this is?” she twirls the skeletal weapon in her hands, “A parting gift from my father…well the parts of him that remained after I devoured his soul…the first spirit to enter my body and give me power…the only thing I could thank him for…” her face shows a glimpse of sadness…
“You are not the only one that caused me pain…I never wanted to be like this…” she walked back over to Yami as she watched the life slowly fading from him, “…I was good once…I wanted to help and free the people that suffered under my father tyranny long ago…but it came at the cost…the man I loved...stolen from my grasp…his life snuffed out right in front of my eyes…but it didn’t end there…” a black tear runs down her cheek, “…he left me with two beautiful little boys…two children that my father ripped form my arms…taking them away to who knows where…telling me he was going to sacrifice them…rip them apart and feast on their tiny bodies…while I watched…” her fingers tightened around her scythe, “…the thought of those two innocent lives dying an unnecessary death at the hands of the man that had stolen my life from me drove me over the edge…for him to take away the children of the love of my life…broke me…”
 Rozu watched as her children are taken away, she had tried to fight, to keep them in her arms but giving birth had weakened her…leaving her with no strength as her father kicked and struck her…laughing at her he told her what he was going to do with her boys…the building shook as it was continued being attacked…the siren entering the tower…her main focus being Lord Yomi…to end him once and for all…but she stopped when she heard the cries of the new-born twins…
Rozu was shaking at this point…she couldn’t let him hurt her boys…she wouldn’t let him steal the last light of her life…she rose from the floor as the shadows surround her, engulfing her body as she grew larger and larger, her teeth sharpening as her form became longer, transforming into a long black serpent like dragon, roaring at Yomi, the man’s eyes widen as her mouth light up with fire, blasting it at him…he tries to run as his monster of a daughter chases after him…crashing into the walls as she continued to grow larger…causing the whole tower to shake…Yomi rushes into a room and shuts the door but there’s no stopping Rozu…she breaks the wall down, collapsing it onto of the man…she snarls at him but something catches her eye…the blankets she had wrapped around her sons were ripped and laying on the floor…her children gone…
Her heart…broke…black ooze of grief flowed into her soul…her head raising in the air as she lets out a scream like roar of agony, blasting a large stream of black flames through the ceiling, setting everything on fire…she turned her rage to her father, the man begging her for mercy but she didn’t listen, opening her large mouth and biting his head off, sucking his soul from his body…
She went into a blind rage; destroying every dark magician she came across, burning her father’s mighty fortress to the ground as she flew through the air, turning it into a waste land of fire and brimstone…the forces that had come to save her like Clarity and her 3 dragons and the warriors escaping the serpent’s wrath…
Rozu finally loses her strength…landing in the destroyed remains of her father’s great home…her leathery black wings remaining as she sat on her knees, her face staring at the ground as she cries…black tears staining her face as she lets her grief over takes her…wailing for the loss of  her children…
Rozu cleans her face as she looks at Yami, “I had lost everything…and I was fine to live in solitude for the rest of my life…until I discovered something interesting…You see my father believed that the white dragons held the secret to immortality…his ultimate goal…but he misunderstood the texts…they stated that the heart of a Blues eyes could restore life…as if…bring someone back from death.” She kneeled in front of the dying Pharaoh, “…but they were gone…sent away by the siren…and so before I can completely my revenge on you…I need her to bring those beasts back…”
Yami didn’t understand what she was rambling about, his mind hazy and unfocused…Lillian’s necklace that Yugi always kept with him started glowing in his pocket…
A legend existed in the monster world that there were other worlds beyond their own…many could be reached in areas of the monster world where the veil between this world and the other were thin and could be broken open temporarily by certain magic’s…
The dragons and siren had found such a place…an island with 3 large white stones…the world on the other side of this place was an unknown but it was the only hope they had…
The day had come for them to leave…arriving on the island at dusk…Hikaru and Ami said goodbye to their daughter…promising that they would see each other again someday…that they would reunite when the time comes…
Tsuki was the last to say goodbye…he had returned to the cave with the blue gems and created a necklace for his beloved…a promise that they would be together again someday…that no matter how many years it took they would hold each other again…they would be happy…that no matter where they ended up…they would find each other again…
Tsuki stepped away after giving her a kiss…his eyes widening as Serena looked like the version of her from his dreams…she looked up at him as she reached out a hand…he holds out his hand to take it only to realise his own appearance had changed…wearing the clothes he had worn in his strange dream…
He looks up at Serena, her raven hair glowing in the breeze…her lips moving… “Seto…”
The next moment the area is engulfed in a white light…a roar fills the air…
Rozu sighs as she runs her hand over her blade, “I suppose it’s time for your friends to return…but now before I maim you a bit more…it’s fun to make you suffer.” She raises her scythe in the air…
Only for a blast of white lightning to hit her in the back and sends her flying across the field, slamming into one of her shadow walls and collapse to the ground. She growls as she slowly rises from the ground, growling loudly but freezes as her eyes widen, “It’s not…possible…”
In front of her, floating in the air as a dragon…one of the white dragons she had last seen thousands of years ago…it couldn’t be possible! It had to be a hologram from one of the duel disks but there was now such card on either of them…the beast snarls at her as she her eyes fall on the scar running down its side…this was not a hologram…or an hallucination…this monster was really there…and it was one of the 3 that she had seen on the battle field all this years ago…but how was this even possible?!
The beast opens its mouth and sends another blast of energy at her, raising her scythe to try and block the attack…the beam bounces off the weapon and hits one of the dark walls, the shadows shrieking as they burn…
Yami feels himself lose consciousness as his body goes limp…
In the puzzle…
Yugi had reached the room, his body glowing with an angelic light as his powers were overflowing due to his rage for his love being hurt…his hair turning golden, his clothes turning white…3 small eyes appearing on each of his cheeks under his larger eyes…more eyes forming along the bones of his wings as the mummies disintegrate under the pure light that was radiating from the short teen…
The other teens reach the room just into for it to be engulfed in light…blinding them as the darkness is chased from the puzzle and the souls that had been trapped inside them are set free…
Rozu keeps fighting off the dragon as she summons her own wings and takes flight, the energy beams that miss her destroys the prism of darkness surround them, the walls shattering like glass…the last straw coming from the Millennium puzzle, a beam of light shoots out of it, engulfing the area, burning the shadows and even Rozu as she screams in pain…
Lillian’s eyes slowly opened, groaning as her whole body hurt. She held her head as she slowly sat up and looked around, finding herself in the destroyed remained of the Kaiba Dome, discovering that she was back in her body. She looked over and saw her brother lying in puddle of blood on the floor, “Yugi!” She gets up, ignoring the ache in her limbs as she rushes to his side…
She kneels down beside him, seeing the blood seeping from the stab wounds littering his torso. She shakes as she checks for a pulse, finding a weak one but a pulse none the less…she rests her hands on his chest and stomach…closing her eyes as the markings on her neck glows as well as her hands…the energy flowing into him and healing his body…his eyes fly open as he gasps and sits up, panting hard as he tries to remember where he was, his eyes landing on his sister as she pulls him into her arms, “Thank god you’re ok.”
Yugi was confused as the memories returned to him…the pyramid…the puzzle…the weird overwhelming power…what was going on with him?
She pulls back as she stands up and looks around for the other person that had been trapped in the duel, “Seto?” she called out but got no response, “SETO?!” she was starting to panic until she heard a groan coming from under a pile of rubble. She runs over and with strength that she didn’t know she hand, she lifted the large piece of concrete and pushes it off her beloved. She kneels down and checks his pulse…he mumbles and smacks her hand away, “’m fine.” He mumbles as his eyes open slightly.
Lillian tears up as she helps him up and hugs him tightly…glad he was alright…she heard some voices coming from the balcony above, seeing Tristian and Joey had returned to their bodies too…an emergency team comes rushing in with Mokuba and Téa in tow…
Seto was rushed to the hospital as well as Yugi, Tristian, Joey and Lillian…the teens insisting they were fine even though they had survived being crushed by a collapsing building…but the doctors still wanted to check them to be sure…
They each got their own rooms as they were checked out, Seto being rather abrasive towards the doctors…his mind still reeling at the dreamland he had experienced…he could not remember anything else other than that for the past weeks…Mokuba needing to explain what had happened…none of what he said made any sense…in the end the small boy was forced to leave the room so that the doctor could check for any broken ribs or internal injuries…Seto hesitantly removed his shirt, the doctors eyes landing on the large scar like birth mark that ran down his side…
Lillian went to her brothers room after the doctor was done with her…standing in the doorway was the short teen was seated on the hospital bed without his shirt and jacket…her eyes falling on the scars covering his torso from where he had been stabbed by Rozu…
Lillian felt an overwhelming sense of guilt…this had been her fault…everything that had happened was her fault…and the worst part was that Rozu was not gone…hearing her laugh in the back of her mind…
The raven head made a hard choice…
Once Yugi had been checked out he was giving a hospital robe to wear since his clothes were blood soaked. He sees his sister and smiles as she walks in, “Hey how are you feeling?” she doesn’t answer him as she stares at the floor…the smile falls from the short teens face, “What’s wrong?”
Lillian sighs softly, “Yugi…I…I need to go.”
“Go? Go where? Home?” a sense of dread grows in Yugi’s stomach, “I can’t be around you for a while Yugi…”
“What?! Why?” he gets up and tries to step towards him but she moves away, “That thing that attacked Yami…she’s still around…she’s…she’s inside me…” Yugi’s eyes widened, “I…I made a deal with her…back in the virtual world…everything that happened today…was my fault…”
The short teen didn’t understand, what was she talking about? He holds out her hand to her but she steps away, “Lillian…”
“No…I can’t risk being around you while she’s still around…I need to get rid of her…I can’t risk you or Yami getting hurt…she’s after him and me being around is a risk…” she looks up as she tears up, “I’m sorry…” she runs out of the room leaving Yugi alone. He tears up and wants to go after her but is stopped by Yami who appears from the puzzle…the spirit shaking his head as he pulls the boy close as he cries…
The pharaoh was beyond pissed…Rozu needed to be destroyed…Yami’s eyes glow red as the shadows in the room start to vibrate ever so slightly…
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mirimangarecs · 9 months
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lady crystal is a man - jeoneona
crystal, an illegitimate son of a concubine, has been raised as a girl since birth in order to save her life. but when she’s finally about to be married off, she seeks refuge with a political enemy of her family in a fake marriage. her husband, the duke, is a woman forced to take up the position of duke in order to protect her family’s title
the couple: boy do they ever have a lot of baggage. the duke is sweet to crystal and finds her amusing, but so far has remained emotionally distant. crystal is sheltered, naive, and adorable. it’s early days so i’m interested in how they’ll finally bond
story & setting: historical with very light fantasy elements. it has a dark, almost gothic tone, and it’s been really focused on crystal and the complicated situation surrounding their fake marriage
the art: gorgeous. absolutely impeccable
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this is a story about a Lot Of Gender Stuff (spoilers, my thoughts on queer readings, potential transphobia, and magical puberty blockers):
it’s a gender swap/role reversal story and that makes it, consequently, Complicated when viewed through a queer lens
crystal is basically in a marina fear & hunger situation where she’s been raised as a girl from birth in order to save her from a terrible fate. she’s not exactly uncomfortable being a woman, since she’s been one her whole life, but she still dreams about cutting her hair and trying men’s clothes someday when she’s fully escaped from her family. she’s very afraid of her identity being revealed, which would lead to her being killed by her family or potentially having her marriage annulled, so i’m very interested in how she’ll cope in a situation where she no longer needs to worry about that and can choose freely
the duke has a much more bitter relationship with her gender identity because she was happy as a girl before suddenly having the burdens of a son forced on her by her father. she’s accepted it as her responsibility, but it’s more like a mask she wears than anything she embraces. her story is actually very similar to the premise of “finding camelia”, another gender-subversive manhwa where a daughter is forced to live as a man in order to fulfill a societal role.
the pronouns for both characters are situational- the duke is called she and a woman by those who know her, but to the wider world she is still a man, he, and duke.
crystal is mostly called she, even by her closest friends who know her secret. i think they use he a couple times, but usually revert back to feminine terms quickly.
in text, there are some “wait a minute, aren’t her hands large, doesn’t she seem tall, she’s got a husky voice” moments with people who observe her which are just like. i understand that the tension regarding crystal’s secret is a big plot point but Was That Really Necessary. i get he/him’d based on my husky voice too it doesn’t make anybody transvestigator of the century it makes you Nosey
on that note, crystal’s secret does get revealed when she’s unconscious, which takes away a lot of her agency in a morally dubious way, while it doesn’t cause anyone to be hostile to her, some characters are just downright pushy about crystal’s gender. when they discover her secret, they switch to using mostly masculine pronouns for her when discussing her privately. however, no one outs her or reveals this to her except for one situation (below)
one interesting thing about the plot is the existence of “magical puberty blockers”, which crystal has been taking for years. however, the ingredient is harmful when taken for a long time and is slowly poisoning her, so she has to be taken off them. as of the current official uploads, we haven’t seen the consequences of that or how crystal will feel about it given that she’s still so afraid of her agab being discovered. this plot point is the only instance of her identity being leveraged against her, because of the danger involved in continuing to take them. in order to make her stop, someone has to know she’s even taking them basically
i’m cautiously optimistic about the direction of the story! i love the characters and want to see them be happy together and free from the societal constraints of gender and gender roles
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abyssalstrike · 2 years
Big agree with everything you’ve said so far! As much as I do love the 2012 series there’s some big writing flaws throughout that always made me feel a little… meh
One of the biggest ones being that Mikey never got any kind of moment with Splinter. And I know that in previous incarnations Mikey was never the closest with Splinter but considering 2012 Splinter was a little more fatherly than other Splinter’s, it sucked that we never saw an episode of even just, one moment of them together (and the of course they have mikey saying ‘papa’ when he dies like. ouch)
So! My question to you, oh great one, is that if you could have added a Mikey Splinter moment (or episode) where and what would it be? We of course get a load of Leo moments about being leader, a few with Donnie about his weapon and about april and a good fair amount about Raph and his anger, but what would have made for a good Mikey Splinter father son bonding moment?
Mikey and Splinter don't really have a lot in common, so i feel like that kind of makes them have a bit of trouble connecting with each other. But I firmly believe that Splinter appreciates Mikey for who he is, though. Like, In the episode "Mikey gets Shellacne", at the end he compliments Mikey's resolve, and affirms that he didn't need to do anything to change himself when he already had everything he needed inside of his heart. Or something like that HAHA . I feel like if I could have them bond over anything, it would be over Splinter helping Mikey with these insecurities and affirming his worth as a member of both the family and the team Also this is kind of self-indulgent but I kind of wish Mikey's uhh role, i guess, was a little more established to the characters themselves? Because they all recognize Leo as the Leader, Raph as the Tough guy, Donnie as the Smart One, but they don't really seem to place Mikey as anything than just their youngest brother. In season 4, after Raph thanks him for snapping him out of his hallucination, Mikey says smth like uhh "That's my role in the group. To bring sanity," -which his brothers roll their eyes at. but that's very true to me. Mikey is the one who brings much-needed levity in bleak situations. His carefree nature lightens the tension in a room. If no one else ever recognizes it, I think Splinter should. I would put in a scene or an episode where Splinter, at the very least, voices his appreciation and recognition of what Mikey contributes to everything. And with his father's encouragement, Mikey himself can show his own resolution for this purpose. That way, even if his brothers don't respect him sometimes, or go too far in their teasing, Mikey could at least remember that he has his father's support despite it all Another approach is to like, looks into the Father Vs. Sensei inner conflict Splinter has going on, i think. I'll place the time uhhh around mid-season 1-ish. Mikey is pretty much the embodiment of childhood innocence, right? And Splinter would notice that despite their dangerous adventures taking an obvious toll on the others and changing how they view the world, Mikey, at least from what he can see, is acting largely the same, I think it would give the fatherly side of Splinter a lot of anxiety about the possibility of that innocence going away. no parent wants to see their child grow jaded or anything, right? Pretty sure. the really Overprotective dad side of splinter is really funny to watch (first ep first ep) and i think having him show up out of nowhere with the most awkward timing ever just to make sure that Mikey isn't secretly crying when no one is looking or something would be really entertaining. I'm on my computer so I don't have the emoji but imagine watching TV and you suddenly turn around and your parent or guardian is staring down at you, not saying anything. I'm picturing it something like that. But this also means he would have to subject himself to Mikey's crazy antics too. im no writer though so like dhsjk Anyways there's no way Master Splinter lets Mikey get away with serving the worst food combinations known to man for breakfast lunch and dinner all the time. They should have had silly cooking bonding screentime together. Splinter teaches him how to cook and he teaches him old recipes that Mikey can actually make really well, but Mikey chooses not to because baked beans, cotton candy, and a handful of dirt on top of a moldy toaster waffle that he found wedged behind the fridge is genuinely more delicious to him somehow.
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Ok ok Adam as a father question: Which child is he closest to? Has he always wanted kids? What song does he sing to his children the most? (Or does he?) Does he do the funny voices when he reads stories? What's his favorite way to spend time with each child once they're old enough to have hobbies and everything?
Oh, friend, you’ve no idea how happy this made me!! Let’s get into it!!!
I’m not sorry that this got really long, but just a heads up. I did indeed go off :)
Which child is he closest to? I think he certainly has special bonds with each of them. But that being said, probably Juliette (the middle of the three). She’s always been quite attached to him, even preferred him a bit more as a baby, haha. So they’ve spent a lot of time together. They’re quite similar, both quiet and shy by nature. When Renée and Maurice just wanted to run around with their mother, Juliette often preferred to sit on their father’s lap and observe. Even as they all grow up into teenagers and young adults, I think he and Juliette talk the most regularly. They have tea and pass the time, discussing books and music and little everyday worries. In her adulthood I think they form more of a “friendship” than he does with Renée or Maurice. He talks to and loves them all, of course, but Adam and Juliette have always had a sweet understanding.
Has he always wanted kids? Absolutely not. But, it’s a tricky thing. Being raised as a prince, heir to the throne, it was ingrained in him how much maintaining the family line mattered. He was never his father’s son, only his father’s successor. Despite all of that, Prince Adam loved to avoid responsibilities, loved to use his privilege without taking any of it seriously. (Granted, he was very depressed and traumatized, but the point still stands.) He was certainly, uhm, adventurous. But let’s just say he did everything he could to ensure there were no unexpected consequences to his promiscuity. Anyhow, he knew that one day he would have to have children. At least one, maybe two. Heir and a spare, you know. The way he was living his life, he assumed he’d eventually marry some perfectly political match, she’d give him an heir or two, and they’d live unhappily ever after. He had no reason to think he had any sort of other future ahead of him. Then of course, you know, STUFF happened.
But it wasn’t like a switch flipped. Even when Belle told him she was pregnant with their first child, he was terrified. Terrified of messing it up, terrified of not being good enough, terrified of doing anything remotely similar to how his father treated him. Of course, all of those worries were crushed into dust. Once his children came, he could never imagine life without them. What he wanted was a beautiful future with the love of his life, and their children very gladly became a part of it.
What song does he sing to his children the most? (Or does he?) I think in general, he leaves the singing to Belle. He can sing, we know this, but it’s not something he elects to do. Now, that being said, he has been caught on occasion to sing an old lullaby or two to his babies, in the wee hours of the night when he thinks Belle is sleeping. He’ll pace around the room with the infant slumped on his shoulder, drooling or sucking on their thumb, and he’ll sing the vague memory of songs once sung to him by his mother. They’re distant, and he doesn’t remember all the words, but he sings what he can and he hums the rest. Tunes that once warmed him with comfort, now passed down to his own little ones to do the same.
Does he do the funny voices when he reads stories? I love to think that he does. He and Belle sometimes read together, doing different voices to really entertain the children. They’ll be sitting on the floor in front of them, cracking up at the funny moments but so utterly captivated at the serious ones. Family Reading Time is an absolute staple for this family, of course!!!
Favorite way to spend time with each one? My answer kind of seemed to lean more toward when they’re teenagers, that’s just where my brain went. So I’ll say here that when they’re young children, Adam loves doing anything with them. He just loves sitting and letting them exist around him, letting them show him drawings and joining in on their tea parties and make-believe worlds. They’re each different on their own, but they all share an affinity to share everything with Papa. He loves hearing their stories and just letting them be their little selves. But! Onto when they get older:
With Renée it’s probably horseback riding. Not going too fast or anything, but Ren loves horses the most of the three, so I think, whenever the two of them got the chance, they’d go for rides together. Their horses walking side by side, Adam and Renée probably engaged in some sort of political discussion. I will add though that these two butt heads the most, she’s incredibly stubborn and headstrong and opinionated, so that discussion could just as quickly turn into a debate or, dreadfully, an argument. But they always manage to work things out (eventually!)
I already sort of covered Juliette, but it would probably just be sitting together and having tea, maybe even reading their own books in pleasant silence in two arm chairs. I also think Juliette always likes to show Adam first when she’s memorized another piece on the violin, or when she’s composed her own tunes. She likes to go to his study and ask if she can quickly play it for him, to make sure it sounds okay. He of course is always happy to hear (and it’s always so good, she’s quite the prodigy.)
With Maurice it’s not exactly one thing. Maurice just likes doing things, as well as showing off his experiments. Adam’s favorite thing to do with him is just to be around him, watching and listening as he rambles about his latest ideas. I think these two have great conversation as well. They’re both night owls, so they have bumped into each other more than once when the rest of the castle is asleep. Adam is Maurice’s hero, honestly. He looks up to both his parents a tremendous amount, probably even more so than his sisters do, but these two have a very sweet bond. Adam doesn’t always understand him, but Maurice never shies away from being his authentic self, which is something that Adam wholeheartedly admires about him (and sees so much of Belle in him, too.)
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grandsonoflightike · 4 months
Light-Robcina Week 4 Day  7: Free Day - Light Lucina’s Judgement
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Jon The Writer: Welcome to Day 7 of Light-Robcina Week 4 and the Theme Is Free Day for 2020 robcina-Week @rufuruki.  This takes Place in “Second Battle For Light Grima The Evil Light”. It’s The chapter is called “Light Lucina’s Judgement”. This is written by David The Writer’s Son in the BU.
Light Male Robin: Oh, this chapter.
Light Lucina: You know this chapter, my fiancée?
Light Chrom: It must be a story affecting moment.
Light Grima: This is the same scene in the negative Timeline of Negative Light Male Robin killing Negative Light Lucina and becoming Negative me in Negative Chrom’s eyes but not Negative Tiki’s eyes.
Light Lucina: That can’t be right… Wait, is this the scene like Lucina’s Judgement in Fire Emblem: Awakening? All Lights © tAll3Shyguy on DA or tAll3Shyguy Skull Land On Fan-Fiction / YouTube / Tumblr or tAll3Shyguy_Skull_Land on Archive Of Our Own or DavidTWr on Nintendo Network or Skulkerman On PSN. Grandsonoflightike is A Role Play account of his that is Light Male Robin.
Jon The Writer: Thanks For The Disclaimer, Light Lucina. The Background Song sentence shall answer your question. Background Song is ID ~ Sorrow from Fire Emblem: Awakening. *Everyone but Jon The Writer and Light Male Robin get interested thanks to it being yes to Light Lucina’s Question* Now on with the story.
Light-Robcina Week 4 Day  7: Free Day - Light Lucina’s Judgement
“Stay Where you are, Light Male Robin.  I have No choice. i must kill you.” Light Lucina says.
“This just got interesting.” Light Grima says.
Light Male Robin says “What? What Madness is this?”
“In Our Future, You... You are my Father’s Murderer.” Light Lucina says “I don’t know how but somehow you are.”
“No!  That’s Insane!”  Light Male Robin says “Why would I kill Light Chrom?”  He then thinks “Wait a minute, Light Grima is Me.  That’s what it is.”
“I was not certain myself until now...  I knew he was killed by his closest friend.  Having witnessed your bond with him, I doubted it could be so.” Light Lucina says “But Today’s Events make it clear.  You are at Light Validar’s Mercy.  I suspect it’s he who forces you to take my father’s life and very soon.”
Light Male Robin says “No...  Light Lucina, Wait.”
Light Grima chuckles evilly.
“I challenge my fate.  If my father is right, then we can change our fates.  If Our Dark Future is to be averted, Sacrifices must be made.”  Light Lucina says “I am sorry, Light Male Robin.  I know this is murder. I...  I know that.”
Light Male Robin says “Light Lucina, you don’t have to...”
Light Lucina Interrupts him by Shouting “Don’t make it harder!  Don’t resist and your death will be swift and painless! If you hold any love for Light Chrom, Let this be done!”
“Here it comes!” Light Grima says.
“Very well, my life is yours...  It always has been.” Light Male Robin says.
Light Grima shouts “What?!”
Light Lucina shouts “Don’t look at me like that!  I love you!  ...  Do you have any idea how hard this is for me?”
LIght Male Robin says “I would give my life for Light Chrom.  ...  And for you.”
Light Lucina tearfully gasps at his loyalty to her.
“Just... promise me you’ll find someone else who cares for you.  Promise you won’t be alone...” Light Male Robin says “I want you to be happy, Light Lucina. That’s all I ever wanted.”
“No... Ah writers, no.” Light Lucina says.   
“... I’m ready now.  Do what you must.” Light Male Robin says.
“I... I must...” Light Lucina says.  Light Male Robin stays silent.  Then Light Lucina says “Damn me!  I can’t do it!  I love you too much!  I’m sorry, Light Male Robin.  I’m s-so Sorry!  Please Forgive me!”
Light Male Robin says “I already have.”
Light Lucina says “Huh?”
“I knew this would happen eventually.  I saw it in our future through my power over this universe.” Light Male Robin says “My Power as the Writer Family Chosen One of FE Section Branders.”
Light Grima says “What?!”
Light Male Robin says “I can see you’re upset, Light Grima.  But why wouldn’t you be?  After all I just prevented the very thing that caused you to become Light Grima.”
Light Lucina says “What?  This is what caused Light Grima to become Light Grima in our future.”
“Yes, it would have been thanks to me killing you from you challenging me to a fight after your failed execution of your judgement.  At least that is what caused me to become it, not him. The thing is I have foreseen this thanks to my connection to The Writer Family.  After all, it was Dana the Writer who chose me to do so.”
Light Grima growls and shouts “You... Won’t... Win... Writers!”  He then teleports away.
Light Morgan runs to her father and says “Thank The Writers for you knowing this, Father.  Mother, I forgive you too.” Suddenly her head aches and her body glows. She then says “My future has been partially prevented.”
“So you are from a bad future.” Light Male Robin says.
“Yeah, a 300 Years Era where Light Grima Rules.” Light Morgan says “I remember that much now. I also remember that I have a brother in the future.  A brother who wields Light Falchion 4.”
“What?” Light Lucina says.
“So we have another child.” Light Male Robin says.
“Great, A Grandson as well.” Light Chrom says.
"Don’t worry, Grandfather.  He is much more behaved than I am.” Light Morgan says.
“Really?  Now that’s a good thing.” Light Chrom says.
Light male Robin says “Yeah, it is.”
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tiny-chubby-bird · 2 years
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Space Dad finally gave us a piggyback ride :’)
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lovinkiri · 3 years
Okey, hear me out plz. Could you write about Sero, Tamaki, and Bakugou (separately) having a girlfriend who has psionic powers (like the Scarlet Witch) and she is Hawk's protégé. He like to think that he's like some kind of father figure for her so he's suuuuper caring and when he sees her having a smoochie moment with them he goes in PROTECTIVE FATHER mode and he gives the boys the "father talk *ejem...threat*"
Thank u you beautiful living being🌈🧡
Father Figure
Author's Thoughts: I got you bby! I don't write for Hawks so I hope he's at least a bit in character. I hope you don't mind its not headcannons.
Warning: Mentions of violence, threats, etc.
Hanta Sero
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You were always like a child to Keigo. The child he'd figured he'd figured he just wouldn't get the chance to have. And though your quirk was different from his, he did a great job training you.
He put in the work, the research, getting to know your quirk. He read records with people of similar quirks, got in contact with those around, all so he could accurately train your ability. He wanted to be the best he could for you.
You grew up so quickly in his opinion. Too quickly.
From graduating high school, to headlining as his sidekick. To finally having a boyfriend.
Keigo was hesitant to meet this boyfriend of yours, but you'd told him how much it meant to you. And he'd do anything for you.
So he played as nicely as he could, staring at you and the boy you sat with.
"So.. Sero.. Are you planning on being a hero?" Keigo looked him up and down with a gaze full of judgement.
Hanta gave a nod, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. "Yeah. I've always wanted to be a hero. I actually attended UA with Y/n." He looked at you and seeing your smile almost melted the tension.
"Hey, Kid, could you go order me something to eat?" Keigo asked you, smiling innocently. Almost too innocently.
You gave him a look. He simply leaned his cheek against his palm, blinking owlishly. "Pretty please?"
Sighing, you stood up and nodded. "Got it. I'll be back." You leaned down and pressed a small kiss to Hanta's lips, something that made his smile tighten.
You looked at Keigo and pointed at him. "Play nice. Pretty please?" You crossed your arms. He gave you a sigh and a nod.
So you hesitantly walked away.
And the smile dropped from Keigo's lips.
"I'll just be straight with you, Hanta. She means everything to me. And if you value life itself, you'll treat her like she's everything to you. That girl doesn't love loosely, so this is nothing short of a honor- no, a privilege for you."
Hanta straightened out, nervous about Keigo's sudden change. "I-I understand, sir.."
Keigo gave a nod and leaned back in his chair, smiling again. "Well, I should hope so!" He chuckled softly.
That's when you walked over. "Here. I got you nachos. Did you two find something nice to talk about?"
The man with wings took the nachos. "Thank you, Chicken Wing. We sure did." He looked you Hanta who stiffly nodded.
You, having common sense though, put two and two together. "... Keigo, I asked you to be nice!"
"The nicest thing I can do for you is make sure he treats you right."
Tamaki Amajiki
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Tamaki was afraid.
You'd told him all about Keigo, how protective he could be. And the only thing you'd promised was that he wouldn't touch him.
You and Tamaki were planning a trip to a nice resort.
You'd needed to grab something from Keigo's house, so Tamaki had to sit downstairs with said man.
Well, Keigo sat down. Tamaki stood in the corner, as far as possible. But he couldn't escape Keigo's glare. And if looks could kill..
It wasn't like he had a problem with Tamaki. He knew Fatgum, and the man hsd told Keigo all about his two sidekicks.
In fact, Keigo noticed that just like you'd become a daughter to him, Fatgum treated his sidekicks like his own sons.
The two often bonded over photos they kept in their wallets, sharing stories. Two parents bonding over their children, that's what everyone else saw.
It was from talking to Fatgum that he knew Tamaki wasn't a bad kid. That doesn't mean he wasn't gonna have a talk with him.
"Listen, Kid. I don't hate'cha. You're one of Fatgum's sidekicks and you seem.. Harmless enough."
Tamaki was sure it that should have offended, but Hawks continued either way.
"But when she needs you, I gotta know that you'll be there for her. She doesn't need you to protect her but if she ever does, I gotta know you'll do it. Take good care of her. I'd hate to end your whole career."
It wasn't like he had a problem with Keigo's orders. Tamaki loved you and would never let anything happen to you. Hell, he'd promised himself he'd be a man for you.
Keigo gave the sweetest smile and Tamaki shuddered, moving more into the corner.
It was the threat that scared him. He didn't know if he meant he was gonna kill him or if he was going to destroy his rising hero career.
You finally came downstairs with the object you needed. "Alright, I'm ready-.. Tama, are you okay?" You walked over, concerned.
"I-I wanna go home.."
You glared at the winged man and crossed your arms. "Keigo!"
Keigo leaned back into the couch. "Thanks for visiting you two, it was a pleasure havin' ya."
Katsuki Bakugou
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Keigo was doing an autograph signing at the mall, just where you and Katsuki just so happened to have your date.
"Why do you think everyone is crowding over there?" You asked Katsuki, looking towards the crowd of people surrounding Keigo.
You'd thought his signing would be at another mall, not knowing that the venue had been changed last minute.
"No clue, don't care. Probably some big sale or somethin'. Why, you wanna check it out?" He looked at you, the arm around your waist pulling you closer.
You smiled and shook your head. "Nah. Let's just go to the bookstore then head to the park. Oh, actually, I'm gonna use the bathroom first."
You leaned up and gently kissed his lips, him blushing and returning the kiss in embarrassment.
When you pulled away, he mumbled under his breathe. "Idiot, you can't just catch me off guard like that."
Giggling softly, you winked at him. "Nobody saw. They're all crowded around that big sale."
"Tch. Like I care if anyone sees."
With a grin, you went off to the closest bathroom.
What you didn't know was Keigo was watching you through the crowd of people. He looked up to everyone around him and gave them a charming grin. "I will get back to autographs in a moment. Please, grant me a break though."
The crowd seemed disappointed but left him alone and allowed Keigo to walk off.
He approached Katsuki quickly, who paid more attention to his phone.
"Ahem. A moment of your time."
Katsuki looked up and his eyes went wide at the sight of the number two hero. "Hawks? Was that you over with that crowd then?"
"Yeah. I see that you've been headlining. Haven't seen your face this famous since the sports festival." Keigo chuckled, taking a step further.
Katsuki nodded. "I'm making moves, on my grind. Doing what needs to be done to make my mark."
The pro hero nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. "Well, you're doin great. There's just.. One thing."
He looked at him in confusion. "One thing..?"
Keigo pointed towards the direction you went in. "That girl you were just with. That's my little girl."
The red-eyed boy looked, following his finger. "Um, yeah. She told me."
Then there was a sudden tension.
"And so.. You understand why I won't tolerate you're bullshit."
"You heard me. You're older, so you're probably not the same brat. But from what I hear, those asshole tendencies are still there, and I won't tolerate it when it comes to that girl. You won't hurt her. And if you do, we're gonna run into a bit of trouble."
Katsuki shook his head. "I.. I wouldn't hurt her." Normally, he feared no adult, minus Aizawa of course. But Hawks was looking at him like he was prey.
"Damn straight, idiot." Hawks chuckled softly.
That's when you came back over. "Sorry babe. Oh, hey Hawks! What are you doin' here?"
The two of you shared a hug. "What's up, Nugget? I was signing was autographs. You two?"
You pulled away and grinned. "Katsuki and I were on a date. This is great, I've been meaning to introduce you guys."
Hawks gave a nod. "Interesting guy, he is. But I should get going. Have fun on your date. And Katsuki, have her home by nine."
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dormarunt · 2 years
Tbh about Sergio’s and Martin’s relationship I feel like the show fucked it up a bit. They needed a reason to explain Martin’s absence from the first heist so they had Sergio say all that stuff about how “egoistical” “unstable” “unpredictable” and “obsessed with power” he is, and he may very well be all of that but in the speech Sergio completely disregards all of his ‘redeeming’ (using this word lightly XD) qualities, skills that make him a good thief and a great asset. Also let’s not mention the fact that Andres is exactly same. When you go from that scene alone it does seem pretty clear that Sergio dislikes Martin, that he hardly even respects him frankly. (Side-note personally I hate that scene so much for how they portrayed Sergio as the biggest hypocrite the show has ever seen. ) (Also “no personal relationships” yet he hires two cousins, a father and son and once again forgets that both Andres and Martin have been doing heists together for years, successfully while having “a personal” relationship) And yet I still think they like each other, they definitely respect each other but I would even go as far to say that after Andres’ death they are the closest thing to a family that they’ve both got left. I always like to come back to that one scene, the first Martin scene where Martin comforts Sergio and tells him that it isn’t his fault that Andres died. I don’t think we’d have that scene if they didn’t care about each other. And even if Sergio is a bit reticent in their dynamic I just feel like *that’s* Sergio. That’s just what he’s like.
I also feel like the show is missing some crucial scenes focusing on the Sergio-Martin dynamic. I know lcdp has many main characters that need to get their ‘moment’ but I still think they missed a great opportunity, a scene or two that connects the “Sergio hates Martin” scene and the “They genuinely trust one another”. scenes that comes afterwards. It seems like a great leap to make without any additional scenes.
Also I agree with you that Andres in a weird way is what has been, for lack of better words maintaining that distance between Martin and Sergio. I don’t think Sergio understands their relationship, and quite honestly despite their strong bond I don’t really think that Sergio even understands Andres all that well… I think that for the majority of those ten years it was Martin and Andres with Sergio stopping by here and there but mostly doing his own stuff. With that in mind I’m not surprised Sergio is somewhat naive when it comes to Andres. e.i. Sergio neglecting to see that Andres is just as unpredictable and uncontrollable as Martin. That in the end Andres will be the one to pose as a threat to his plan (Andres ordering Denver to kill a Monica).
Plus how wounded and on the verge of breaking Andres was with the whole dying, leaving Martin and their plan etc. situation. I don’t think Sergio really saw the extent of how broken Andres truly was. And not to blame all of it on Sergio, to me it feels like Andres always put up a front with Sergio, in a way Sergio will always be his hermanito and I think Andres will always have that urge to protect him. Even if it means acting strong when he’s anything but. I imagine he practically raised him.
Back to the Martin and Sergio dynamic though, I feel like they are similar enough to have great deal to talk about. Or to friendly bicker at least. I don’t want to go too far into fanon land but maybe it disarms Sergio to see Andres the way he is with Martin. Maybe he’s different to what he remembers and it’s hard to reconcile with who he is now, it’s much easier to avoid them, deny it all and put it all on Martin. Idk there’s something there and I wish we could have seen what it truly was.
Anon. This was such a delicious message, thank you! <3
> They needed a reason to explain Martin’s absence from the first heist so they had Sergio say all that stuff about how “egoistical” “unstable” “unpredictable” and “obsessed with power” he is, and he may very well be all of that but in the speech Sergio completely disregards all of his ‘redeeming’ (using this word lightly XD) qualities, skills that make him a good thief and a great asset. 
You're completely right. I talked about this before, but in a way, I see Martin's character as a sort of a plot device. He only exists because the second plan needs to exist (we basically know nothing about his backstory that's not related to Andres or the plan, like he didn't have a life prior to that or outside it), and his absence from the first heist needed some sort of explanation, and so we have Sergio’s (solely negative) appraisal of him. But I think those scenes also exist to explain Martín’s “going rogue” and freeing Gandia; they were interspersed within those episodes with great care, linking them directly to explain why Martín did it. 
> (Also “no personal relationships” yet he hires two cousins, a father and son and once again forgets that both Andres and Martin have been doing heists together for years, successfully while having “a personal” relationship) 
Not to mention that Andrés is literally his brother lol. Yeah we’re not talking about how they weren’t brothers when they started to write the show, but c’mon. It’s canon now!
> I always like to come back to that one scene, the first Martin scene where Martin comforts Sergio and tells him that it isn’t his fault that Andres died. I don’t think we’d have that scene if they didn’t care about each other. And even if Sergio is a bit reticent in their dynamic I just feel like *that’s* Sergio. That’s just what he’s like.
Yes! It’s much more in line with the Sergio/Martin dynamic we see in the rest of the show. Although I read a lot of guilt in Sergio's reticence, and maybe some shame in front of Martin too. Actually I wonder; had Andrés not died and instead it was him coming back years later to ask Martín permission to do the second heist - would he have said yes so easily?
> also feel like the show is missing some crucial scenes focusing on the Sergio-Martin dynamic. I know lcdp has many main characters that need to get their ‘moment’ but I still think they missed a great opportunity, a scene or two that connects the “Sergio hates Martin” scene and the “They genuinely trust one another”. scenes that comes afterwards. It seems like a great leap to make without any additional scenes. 
Yeah, they glossed over a lot of that, and we just accepted it. But then again, they did the same with Rafael who didn’t want to be anything like his father, and the very next scene we see him in, he allows himself to be roped in the Viking gold heist with zero complaints. I feel like both Rafael and Martín’s characters lost out on not having some of these scenes to pad out the missing pieces.
> I think that for the majority of those ten years it was Martin and Andres with Sergio stopping by here and there but mostly doing his own stuff.
YES! I think so too, based on how emotional their meeting in Italy was and how they had to catch up before Andrés took him to the monastery and told him about Tatiana and the plan. I also got the impression that they didn't see each other often, that Andres actually spent more time with Martin than with his brother - which ties into---
> With that in mind I’m not surprised Sergio is somewhat naive when it comes to Andres. e.i. Sergio neglecting to see that Andres is just as unpredictable and uncontrollable as Martin. That in the end Andres will be the one to pose as a threat to his plan (Andres ordering Denver to kill a Monica).
It would make sense Sergio would have a blind spot about his brother, although tbh I'm surprised that he didn't pick up on the fact that Andres was in the bathroom maiming that guy with the fork (even Martin said he'd be beating the hell out of the guy; he went to a different kind of violence - but even he was still expecting, and tacitly enabling, violence). It is consistent with what you mention, how Andres said fuck the rules the second he set foot in the Mint, ordering to execute a hostage. (which, btw - *why* did he do it? Was it really what he said, to ~establish dominance and sow fear among the hostages? Can’t that be read that in a way he doesn’t respect the plan and, by extension, Sergio? Did he do it to prove to his brother that he is as unpredictable as he insisted he was? Was that self-destruction OR was it just written because the plot needed it, with no attention to the character consistency?)
>  And not to blame all of it on Sergio, to me it feels like Andres always put up a front with Sergio, in a way Sergio will always be his hermanito and I think Andres will always have that urge to protect him. 
Makes sense; he protected him till the end, arguably sacrificing himself so that his brother would be sure to make it.  I think the flashback… of the flashback of when Jesus died showed that Sergio did the same for his brother, shielding him too, in his way. They seem to try and shield each other a lot, which isn’t the way I see Andrés communicating with Martín. Or Sergio and Martín communicating with each other; Martín has no problem telling him that he loves Andrés, something that Andrés downplays - if not downright denies - when confronted with it by his brother. Andrés outright tells his brother that he’s much more volatile than Martín, even going as far as to prove it by forking that guy, yet Sergio still hangs on to the idea of Andrés that he has in his head.
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>  I don’t want to go too far into fanon land but maybe it disarms Sergio to see Andres the way he is with Martin. Maybe he’s different to what he remembers and it’s hard to reconcile with who he is now, it’s much easier to avoid them, deny it all and put it all on Martin. Idk there’s something there and I wish we could have seen what it truly was.
That makes sense and seems to be the case. He seems blind to the fact that whatever his brother and Martín have is mutual - even just platonically, since he sees them interact. But then again, Sergio seems blind to/lying to himself about a lot of things, not just who his brother and Martin are, but his own rules about "personal relationship" and the feasibility of pulling such heists without bloodshed (all the while arming everyone to the teeth).
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douxie-casperan · 3 years
Rise of the Titans and the assassination Hisirdoux Casperan’s character development
I’ve been ranting so much since Wednesday morning that I finally condensed by thoughts of WHY this one subject keeps setting me off namely the utterly diabolical way they handled Douxie and Archie’s relationship in Rise of the Titans and how it wasn’t just enough to hit him with the nerf bat.
Please note I’m at the point where I literally cannot tell the difference between Aaron headcanons, Teny headcanons and my own they are all mixed together in the blender that does funky things. I also apologise for typo/weird wording it’s half 1 in the morning and I’d rather sleep than edit.
If asked to sum up Hisirdoux Casperan there are certainly several things that come to mind:
Sees the value in people as a whole and will find do anything if there is a chance of help someone out
Prefers tactics that disable/banish rather than kill an enemy yet willing and able to pull the trigger if circumstances become forced
While not academically inclined he is very capable of thinking on his feet and outside the box calling back to his time on the streets where a split-second decision making is the difference between being caught and not
Terrible at planning he’ll be in there figuring it out as he goes along which is what makes the previous point so vital to literally how he goes through life
A natural charmer that would let him talk his way out of trouble 9/10 providing a perfect cover for his distrustful nature and reluctance to be touched by random people
Very down to earth, humble and never one to brag unless outright sassing someone
Will bang out some hot tunes at the drop of a hat, his love of music has never wavered once since he caught the bug despite instrument hopping ironically becoming a jack of all trades much like his magic style
The earliest memories he can recall are him as a young boy lost in the woods where he was for an unknown amount of time before his soon to be familiar finds him amongst the roots covered in dirt and drying tears, there is nothing before that. Unbeknownst to him is the colour of his magic matches the blue of a lost mother’s eyes and the song that haunts his nightmares as much as fire could well be hers though there is no way to be sure. From that moment on Archibald, shortened to Archie, would become his entire world and their friendship only becoming closer during the years they prowled Camelot together trying to keep themselves in one piece until the fateful day Douxie tricks the wrong person leading him straight into the path of the famous wizard Merlin Ambrosius.
It's no real secret that Merlin is a very closed off person who keeps his emotions as well guarded as his secrets, prefers the style of negative reinforcement over positive encouragement and is a very strict perfectionist in his. At this point in his life he can be very easily described as a disaster that is genuinely doing his best with every little mistake held of his head and his future self when brought back to that time period is belittled by Lancelot (Errand boy) and Arthur (Boy) too meaning it’s hardly a wonder his confidence was very fragile revelling in the times where he could do things without being told off for it. With Morgana largely ignoring him too (Though personally I like to think as he got older she’d occasionally take an interest until the blistering arguments with their master started to talk over daily life) a certain disguised dragon would have remained a lifeline and give that physical affection he craved much like being told he’d done well never seemed able to earn.
With Killahead he’d lose that home and family he made leaving just the two of them behind struggling to figure out their place in the world that had abandoned them.
There wouldn’t have been the words for it back then but the way he had been treated prior was outright abusive instilling very bad habits into Douxie yet by irony he was always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt and help those in trouble without thinking earning a reputation as the Shepard of Fire. He refused to become like him seeking to be better, perhaps not as a wizard (Even though he was learning new charms and spells along the way) but certainly as a person. Despite everything he suffers through or witnesses in the intervening years, the loss of friends and kindling of far newer ones he never loses his good heart 
That said is it any wonder that after rightfully sassing Merlin for resurfacing, ignoring his existence despite being in the same town and only visiting him to run a finding errand that all the confidence he’d managed to build completely from scratch after Camelot wavered causing him to fall back solely into trying impressing his old Master who was acting like his humble apprentice must have coasted the past few centuries who himself fell back into old habits of belittling? It’s only when Merlin started to truly listen and acknowledge that this was not the same Moppet he once knew after Excalibur was fixed that their relationship finally started to become more like equals. After the defeat of Janus the changeling that broke into the castle he touched Douxie’s shoulder with a genuine smile and for a second he simply didn’t know what to do because the old man never did this before his brain kicked into gear and realised he’d finally earned that one thing he’d been so desperate for his entire life: That in Merlin’s eyes he could be more than a failure who only caused problems for the closest thing to a father figure he’d ever had, never solved them.
A staff will be earned, history would be set back on trap by banishing Morgana tag teaming with Archie because they know one another inside and out, as promised he’d get the kids back to the present but soon after things would go badly wrong. They’d lose Jim and because of his very nature he’d make a gamble to try and get him back because that life is worth trying for just for in a moment of surprising selflessness Merlin would be sacrificed to save him. The only constant in his life apart from Archie would apologise, openly express pride and how the greatest thing he’d ever done was saving this orphan, call him son for the first and final time before turning into ash in his arms. There would be no time to grieve for things will barrel into the crescendo of Douxie sacrificing his own life to buy everyone time to escape because if they did that everything he’d ever done would be worth it with one last whispered goodbye.
(Zoe sees him fall, so does Archie – His heart would break if he was conscious just like theirs does when his body crumples into the ground)
On the very fringes of the Light Realm he is gifted one more conversation with Merlin in a truly heart-breaking sequence (THANKS TENY) where they can just talk without any fear of consequence or politics and just be completely honest. Douxie is allowed to stand equal to Merlin, to have the hug he’d needed since he was a child and be allowed to simply let go of every pretense and cry his heart out because this can never happen again. He’s allowed to say goodbye to both his master and Morgana who had both shaped so very much of his life but like the painting he’d always remained firmly in the long shadows of until that moment.
When Hisirdoux Casperan finally leaves Wizards if we just accidently deliberately put the shawarma back in along with checking in with Zoe before departure, it is with having learned to live during his wandering years but this is the point of true freedom because he can finally escape into his own light with Archie by his side to keep Nari out of the hands of those that would see the world harmed. It won’t be easy but it feels possible somehow even with the knowledge everything is simply running on borrowed time.
Then Rise of the Titans happens.
At first everything is genuinely fine! No more running, they engineer a solution shut the Order’s magic down to make them a lot less dangerous and potentially at least incapacitate them until they can come up with a longer-term solution but all the best laid plans and all that. Douxie’s quick thinking stops the train from crushing any of the people below and it’s a very him style move to switch places with Nari to stall for time because for some reason the plot disabled Claire from portaling her or any of the threatened people/heroes to safety. He openly sasses the Order despite knowing the consequences will be bad for him because once again he’s managed to trick them, buy time that at the other end isn’t even slightly utilised until he’s forced back into his own body in excruciating pain. Archie immediately mobs him with comfort just as he has done every single time the wizard is distressed or collapsed with exhaustion without thinking because that is what their bond is like, incredibly close and far more than the Soul Bond mark that connects them together. They’re very alike in that regard, you have to earn the right to touch while equally knowing exactly what form the other needs the most in that precise moment in a way very few others could.
Bar the moment of figuring out that an illusion is in place to hide where the Order is opening the Genesis Seals and the brief insistence on reconnecting with Nari somehow Douxie manages to forget everything that makes him who he is after this point choosing to stand in the background being very no thoughts head empty or can only use the most basic spells of his youthful days not the seasoned master wizard he should be. Nomura is treated like an innocent slip rather than an outright death he did absolutely nothing to prevent (Not to mention the stupid daytime thing) nor seems to care particularly about afterwards yet with Nari’s he’s allowed to openly grieve in a gorgeously animated visual showing how he’d failed to keep her safe despite everything. He did nothing to help here either mind despite allowing himself to be tortured in the same piece of media to keep her safe, just watched another loss happen right in front of his eyes in his conga long line of them.
Then there’s Archie, oh god then there was Archie.
The dragon who even here he’d been shown to have an incredibly close bond with him decides you know what sod that tell him goodbye I’m going to make a joke about having a kingdom now dad and me are trapped in here forever. Douxie on his part looked sad for all of three seconds saying that he hoped he’s happy like it's a pet that wandered out into the world one day and never came back instead of a lifelong companion that has been there for as long as he can remember. He was now completely alone in the world since Zoe was also written out entirely and because every bit of his background had been forgotten about it somehow meant nothing. This wasn’t “I know you miss him, I know you need to grieve but you are running out of time” moment like things had been with Charlie, this was “cool shapeshifting dragon cat is now stuck in a plot hole that’s a shame” with zero pay off or any of the genuine reaction that should have been there or hell even trying to Ohana him back that very second because it never should have happened in the first place. Then even this wasn’t enough somehow, they managed to de-power Douxie even further into uselessness bar the (Admittedly nifty!) sticky feet stunt, the one who fought Skrael and Bellroc to a stalemate was shunted aside with barely a thought and his head would somehow get even emptier.
The one person who knew the danger of time magic the most stood by and said nothing.
The one person who would suffer the most by a reset because the lynchpin to his issues would be asleep if you got it wrong and should have drilled it into Jim’s head the best time to aim for stood by and said nothing.
The one person who had just suffered the loss of his familiar, best friend and only family along with the almost sister like Nari stood by and said nothing.
Then to add further insult to injury the caption when Douxie and Archie is shown says Some go their entire lives living an existence of quiet desperation because every drop of his character growth, his ability to finally start addressing his trauma instilled back in the 12th century, the staff he longed for was instead openly mocked by going “Aww he got his cat friend back how nice!” Everything he’d rightfully earned and had now would be unable to progress until certain criteria are met because it hinges entirely on the Trollhunter going to Merlin’s tomb and there’s only so much your support network of two (One if she’s written out) can do, the root of the majority of his issues all stem from one man.
And this folks is why I’ve been going on multiple rants about Douxie in particular, everyone was hit with the out of character bat to some degree in this film but when they came for him they didn’t just stop after they took his legs out because they wanted him to suffer from something he’s never had any control over to begin with all over again. Abuse survivors deserve better, these characters deserve better and we as viewers deserve far far better writing than we were forced to endure.
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stillness-in-green · 3 years
No, Re-Destro Is Not Destro’s Literal Son
Yes, I Will Die On This Hill
I have a number of small, persistent quibbles with some of the widespread misapprehensions I see included in BNHA fanfic, quoted as fact in meta posts, even cited on the wiki. Quirk cancellation restraints, what the 20% quirklessness data point means in practice, when Kurogiri comes into existence relative to the time of the Shimura Family Massacre, things like that. My biggest one, though, is as the title suggests: the idea that Yotsubashi Rikiya is Yotsubashi Chikara’s son.
I don’t entirely know where this confusion comes from. As far as I can tell, the early scanlations didn’t get it wrong—one rendered the line in Chapter 218 about Destro having a child he didn’t know about as being children, plural, but otherwise, they were all accurate enough. It seems people just assumed that the child mentioned in 218 must be Re-Destro, who was, after all, right there on the panel. Even though the scanlations never said it, even though the official translation never said it, even though ample evidence in the manga disproves it, the idea still got around that Rikiya is Chikara’s son.
I have and will maintain that this is obviously wrong if you stop to think about it for even a moment, but unfortunately, most people don’t. The error can be found on less well-tended parts of the fandom wiki[1]; it’s in tumblr meta posts about the villains; it’s in fanfic.
And now, god help me, it is on the official anime website, too.
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“Stillness-in-green, maybe you should consider that you might just be wro—”
I will face BONES and walk backwards into hell.
But if you want, you can come with me, and I’ll explain on the way. Hit the jump.
Dialogue + Narration
There are two places where the relationship between Chikara and Rikiya is explicitly addressed—the lead-in to the dinner scene in Chapter 218 and the fight between Clone!Shigaraki and RD in Chapter 232. If you include the Ultra Analysis databook, the number goes up to four: once each in Re-Destro and Destro Classic’s character blurbs.
Let’s take a look at each of those places, shall we?
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The relevant Japanese text here is in the first narration box: 子ども, kodomo.
Kodomo is not gendered. It literally just means child. The key kanji is 子, ko. Like most kanji, it has a lot of potential readings, and you can add other kanji to it to modify it. Add 息 and you get musuko, son. Pronounce 子 as shi instead of ko, and you get a term that is frequently, though not exclusively, used to refer to boys. Add 女 to that reading and you get joshi, woman/girl. 子 is in a lot of words, many of them gendered! Used for kodomo as Hori does here, though, it does nothing to indicate a gender one way or the other.
Also too, it does nothing to indicate that Rikiya is the child in question; it simply states that there was such a child, somewhere in the world. Now, the natural assumption for anyone who knows how the graphic novel medium works and who understands basic literary analysis would be that the significant character we just met is, in fact, the child in question—except that everything else we learn about Destro and the original Meta Liberation Army here makes it entirely impossible.
I’ll do a full breakdown on why that is in the next section. In the meantime, here’s the next reference:
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Here, we’re looking at the phrase the Viz translation renders as, “His blood runs through these veins.” The literal Japanese there is, Desutoro no matsuei chi o tsugu mono! In a literal translation, chi o tsugu mono means, “one who inherits the blood,” or, more loosely, “blood successor.” It’s matsuei—末裔—that’s the key word here.
Japanese has several words to express the concept of “descendant.” Matsuei is one word; the data book uses shison. So what’s the difference? Well, I’ll talk about shison in a moment, but I had an inkling of it just from looking at the kanji in matsuei—“end” and “descendant” respectively, leaving me with an impression of something like a final descendant or the terminus of the bloodline. Further research confirmed it: shison can refer to any lineal blood tie, but matsuei refers to a bloodline’s final inheritor, the person at the end of a long line of many, or even countless, generations. It’s the difference between being able to point to a grandparent and the kind of painstaking genealogical research that lets you[2] point to a famous royal from eight hundred years ago—matsuei is a word that very much assumes the existence of those countless generations.
So not only does Rikiya’s line there not imply that he’s Chikara’s son, but his specific word choice also tells us that he cannot be Chikara’s son. That’s, uh. Pretty conclusive, I would say.
Lastly, though, there’s also the data book. This is, perhaps, the actual closest you’re going to get to a manga equivalent of those character blurbs on the anime website, at least until such time as Hori deigns to give the MLA types character profile pages. (I live ever in hope.)
There are two relevant bits of text, one in Re-Destro’s entry, and the other in Destro Classic’s. The first describes how Re-Destro organizes the MLA as Desutoro no chi o tsugu mono: the same phrase he uses for himself in the manga, minus the matsuei. @codenamesazanka (the one who told me about the databook references among other citations, bless) rendered it as “Destro’s blood successor”; I have also seen it given as “the successor of Destro’s bloodline.” Note again, the lack of reference to a father/son bond.
Chikara’s entry uses that other descendant word I mentioned before, 子孫, shison. Notice that the term uses that ko kanji from kodomo before? As it does in joshi, 子 here reads shi. The other kanji, 孫, means grandchild. Thus, literally, grandchild-child—or, in the vernacular, simply descendant.
And then we have the anime website.
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So, for comparison’s sake, the anime website uses 息子—the same combination of kanji that I said earlier gives you musuko, son. Heck, it even uses 父, chichi, for Destro—father. It’s as explicit as it’s possible to be, and I just don’t know why or how the anime website could fuck that up so bad when absolutely nothing in the manga describes the two Yotsubashis that way, and, indeed, one specific word choice actually rules out the possibility.
So, that’s all the manga says directly. It’s not the only evidence there is, though. In fact, the next piece makes it even more clear how colossally and impossibly wrong a father/son connection for Destro and his modern successor is.
The long and short of this section is, “Since Harima Oji was Sako Atsuhiro’s great-great-grandfather, there is no possible way that Destro—who pre-dated Harima—can be Re-Destro’s father.” If you read that sentence and nodded your complete understanding and agreement, feel free to skip ahead to the last section. If you’d like the full explanation it takes to reach that sentence’s conclusion, though, read on.
So, aside from the word matsuei, the timeline is the most telling piece of evidence to my eye. I address it secondly rather than firstly because it’s less direct than the explicit narration; it relies on drawing conclusions based on things we’ve been told elsewhere rather than on the immediately relevant text. Oh, Mr. Compress’s relationship to Harima is explicit enough, but on what am I basing my claim that Destro predates him?
Regarding that, there’s no explicit year relative to My Hero Academia’s current events given for when Destro and the original Meta Liberation Army were active; the same is true for Harima Oji’s escapades. However, we are given some broad-strokes information, relative not to current events, but rather to the history of heroism as a legal institution in Japan.
We know that there was a widespread, lengthy period of chaos following the rise of quirks—called meta-abilities in those early years. At some point, however, people began to search for a way for meta-humans to live in peace with non-metas. The compromise that was reached was the foundation of professional heroism in Japan—while the use of meta-abilities would be legal in private settings, it was only by becoming licensed by the state as “heroes” that people could use their quirks in public.[3]
The legislation curtailing the use of meta-abilities—and the appropriation of a dead woman’s language to popularize a law establishing exactly the opposite of what she used that language to call for—is what catalyzed the rise of the original MLA. Thus, we can position Destro as being alive and active around the same time that heroism as a legal institution was being formed. Since we further know that he committed suicide in prison, we can assume that his child was conceived at some point prior to his capture. Ergo, Destro’s child, were they alive today, would be as old as Japanese professional heroism itself.
Next, consider Harima Oji, the Peerless Thief, a criminal who targeted the riches of “sham heroes.” We’re specifically told that he was active in the days in which the current system was settling into place—e.g. he only became active once the Hero System was established enough to have produced corrupt heroes. We’re told he preached reformation—he wasn’t just some pre-existing criminal who saw a shiny new target in heroes; he had specific grievances which he wanted addressed by the system, and which the system was not addressing.
The earliest Harima could possibly be active, then, is concurrent with Destro—Harima fighting against the corrupt people who had found their way into the new heroic institution, and Destro fighting against using the institution of heroism to oppress non-heroes. What I think is more likely, though, is that Harima came after Destro—Harima needed to have had time to realize what kinds of fakes had been drawn to this shiny new career path, maybe even to spend some time trying to change things the legal way.
I don’t suspect they were separated by very long—I would imagine Destro was easily within Harima’s living memory, and might well have influenced why he chose the path of protest that he did—but I do think they were separate.
Moving forward, then, Mr. Compress is four generations distant from his famous ancestor. Thus, even if you assume that Harima is of the same generation as Chikara, that’s what you’re looking at for Chikara’s child: someone who, were they alive today, would be old enough to be the great-grandparent of a thirty-two-year-old man.
Re-Destro’s probably a few years older than Mr. C, sure,[4] but that man doesn’t have Ujiko’s slow-aging quirk. Unless you want to start pulling theories about cryogenic stasis the story for some reason never saw fit to mention out of thin air, Re-Destro is in no way old enough to fit the bill.
This is backed up by one other piece of the timeline as well, and one more place we can look at language:
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The small child at the center of the image is Rikiya, so young that he’s in schoolboy shorts for a meeting otherwise so formal that he’s been made to wear a tie. He’s, what, six to nine here, tops? And the adults speaking to him say that they’ve been in hiding for generations—代々, daidai, the kanji for generation followed by a kanji that just means, “See that kanji written right before me? Yeah, just read that one again.”
The original MLA was active for only a handful of years, and, per Chapter 218, they didn’t dissolve until Destro was captured. Thus, we can assume they have been in hiding since then, but not before then. With that in mind, this is another line that renders a father/son relationship impossible.
Remember, Chikara already had a child in the world circa his capture. If Rikiya were Chikara’s son, then Destro’s capture and his army’s subsequent dissolution could not have happened any farther back than nine months plus however old Rikiya was in this exact moment of his youth. Rikiya, who we see here as a child of less than ten.
Ten years in hiding doesn’t make one generation; it damn sure doesn’t make multiple ones.
Now, you could make theories about cryogenic statis that would explain this ludicrous discrepancy, sure. You could also theorize about e.g. artificial insemination,[5] or time stop quirks, or any number of other possibilities in the vast panoply the HeroAca world offers. The point is, though, that you don’t need to. There was, in the manga, no discrepancy that needed to be explained. It is only fanon misinterpretation and a glaring disinterest in the series’ villains from official sources that have presented this issue.
I’m praying that it’s all just a misunderstanding on the part of whoever maintains the website, and that the anime itself will render the relevant bits of dialogue correctly. Given the extreme cuts and alterations that My Villain Academia has been subjected to thus far, though, I’m sure you can appreciate my being concerned.
…So that’s the meat of it. The idea that Rikiya is Chikara’s son is wrong simply on the basis of what’s said in the text, and it’s doubly wrong on the basis of the timeline. There is, though, one other thing I think points towards Re-Destro being exactly the descendant he says he is, not a son playing down the connection out of humility or something. This one is a lot more headcanon-y, though, so I saved it for last.
MLA Social Dynamics
It’s quite simple. We have, in the MLA, a group of people that venerates Destro’s bloodline to an obviously unhealthy degree, putting up portraits of him wherever they can get away with it, tagging his successor with a “Re-” as if to invoke reincarnation or miraculous return, entirely willing to throw their lives away for what they think was his cause, and others’ lives if those others say anything too scathing about the words Destro wrote, quite as if they treat Destro’s memoir as some sort of holy writ.
They venerate Destro that much, and you’re trying to tell me that they wouldn’t just call a spade a spade and acknowledge RD as the son of their great leader? Come on.
Since long before I turned up the matsuei factoid in researching this piece, since long before Mr. Compress gave us such a helpful generational comparison, I’ve held the opinion that, given a group that holds their leaders in such high esteem, with such particular regard for bloodline, the only reason Rikiya does just call himself a descendant, rather than citing the specific term for what he is, is that the specific term is distant enough that it actually does sound more impressive to just say “descendant,” rather than something like, “great-great-great-grandson.” That kind of thing just begs the question, “What took you guys so long?” or, “You and how many other people, buddy?”
Mr. Compress may have the panache to carry off a line like that, but Rikiya’s a different story. If he had something so amazing up his sleeve as, “I am the son of the great Destro,” I have to think he’d just say it proudly, not fall back on the impressionistic vaguery of something like chi o tsugu mono. Even if I had no other evidence to work with, I’d think the same—all the evidence you need is right there in the character writing of who Rikiya and the MLA are and how they talk about the man whose dreams Re-Destro was raised to carry.
A closing note: I will allow that Rikiya is being overdramatic when he uses matsuei and its connotation of countless generations. There are a few other things we can use to trace the history of heroism—Ujiko’s age, and the 18-years-or-less periods that One For All was held by its pre-All Might bearers—and running those numbers leads me to believe that it is, in fact, entirely possible to count the number of generations between Rikiya and Chikara, and the number, while higher than one, is probably not all that high. Certainly matsuei is being more dramatic about it than is entirely warranted, hence the poetic flourish of the official translation’s, “His blood runs through these veins!” The theatricality only makes me fonder of him, however.
[1] It was changed and reverted on Re-Destro’s page at least twice before it finally stuck in January of this year. Chikara’s page took until July to be corrected, and it’s still wrong on various other subpages.
[2] Or your kids, if you have those. Only the last generation in the bloodline is the matsuei, but that’s a moving goalpost as long as the bloodline is still propagating.
[3] This summary of events combines what we know from both My Hero Academia proper and the Vigilantes spin-off, which I recommend to anyone who’s at all interested in finer-grained worldbuilding on Hero Society Japan than the main series makes time for.
[4] I personally headcanon him as 42.
[5] To which point I would refer back to the word kodomo, and note that that word choice indicates that Destro had a child in the world. Not a sperm sample kept in a freezer somewhere, waiting for the right would-be mother: an actual child. Some quick research on my part says that the farthest that term stretches is in using it to refer to yet-unborn children, fetuses still in the womb. Seeing as Japan doesn’t even allow inmates conjugal visits in real life, much less in a setting where villains are so dehumanized that Tartarus is an acceptable punishment for them, the line about Destro “having a child out in the world” takes us right back to a date of conception no later than Destro’s final night of freedom.
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hargrove-mayfields · 3 years
Everyone likes to pretend Billy was never even there. Life goes on, people change, the past gets forgotten.
A year isn’t enough time for Max though. Right now it feels like the rest of her life wouldn’t be enough time, but Neil and Susan, they were doing just fine.
It’s almost like they like not having him around, that extra burden they couldn’t shake. The plan only Max knew was that Billy was going to stay at home until she was old enough to go with him so she’d be safe.
She knew he was fed up and looking at some local apartments within walking distance of Cherry Lane anyways, but then July happened, and Billy died.
Now it’s July again, and her hair is in twin braids of red with pure white ribbons on the end, and her and her mother are wearing matching blouses. There’s bruises under the bangle on her mothers wrist and one under Max’s own sleeve, and she just wants her brother back.
It’s a holiday they told her, her father (he’s not her fucking father, they never made her call him that when Billy was around) is a veteran, they have to celebrate. Better just dry her eyes and get over it.
Her mother invites all the family they have in the area over to their house for a little get together picnic, and they do their little happy family routine for a while, but Max can only handle so much of it.
Billy should be here by her side, flicking watermelon seeds at her face and putting ice cubes from the cooler down the back of her shirt, being an asshole to distract her from the reality of her family.
And that was that she didn’t really have one, a family. It was always just her and Billy.
Even at these events made for bonding with family, they were off to the side, messing around while the adults talked like they weren’t even there, and she knew she was a little naive then, but it stung more than ever, knowing that even after she’d lost her brother, nobody even stopped to say hi or check up on her, it was just straight into gossiping about the neighbors and those disrespectful bastards across the street who weren’t flying a flag for the holiday and family members who couldn’t be there.
But Max never heard Billy’s name come up even once, and not even in a respect to the dead boy and his grieving sister type of way, but rather, in the way that they just didn’t want to acknowledge his existence. None of these people had come to his graduation in May of last year, or his funeral two months later.
Billy was a taboo that the Hargrove-Mayfields didn’t dare taint their celebrations of freedom and justice with. The irony made Max sick to her stomach.
Or that was at least, until Neil couldn’t help himself.
His words are slurring already, with an excuse to party he’s on what Max would guess to be his fifth or sixth beer that afternoon, and someone just made the mistake of mentioning their own son, Billy and Max’s third cousin or something, and it spurs Neil off on a tangent about his.
“That boy was always good for nothing anyways. It’s almost the same now that he’s dead, ‘Cept maybe now I get some more quiet around the house.”
Nobody knows what to do when he says that, there’s a couple awkward laughs and one shocked gasp, that one was probably from her mother, but Max knows exactly what she wants to do.
What she wants is to watch Neil choking on his blood instead of her brother, his body being lowered into the ground instead of Billy’s, and in the moment she feels like she could be the one to make that a reality, but instead she just stands abruptly, a plate of the food her mother worked so hard to prepare for them she’d been too queasy to eat falling off her knees to the grass, and she says everything she’d bottled up for the past year.
“Don’t talk about Billy that way!
“Now, Maxine-“ Neil starts, but Max is livid, can’t hold back all the things she wished she had said before Billy died, when she got grounded after the funeral, when Neil started beating her, “No! I’m not going to let you do to me what you did to my brother! You don’t get to control me like you did him, it’s your fault that he’s dead!”
It’s her mother’s turn to try to stop her, slender hand covering her mouth painted red, “Maxine..”
“Stop trying to reason with me! I’m sick of pretending to be a family when I had to watch my own brother die! And I’m sick of being treated like I’m crazy for being the only one that cares about Billy!”
More than one person chimes in on that one, offended by the notion they don’t care about family, though it’s Neil that insists, in that faux calm, close to snapping voice of his, “We do care, Maxine. We’re all grieving in our own ways.”
She fires back, “Grieving what? The loss of your punching bag? You hated Billy! You don’t care that he’s dead, all that matters to you is having someone to hurt, and you no trouble adjusting to beating up on your wife and step-daughter instead!”
She catches a backhand to the face for that, and all the background chatter comes to a halt, Neil gritting out through his teeth, “Inside. Now.”
There are tears in her eyes that sting almost as much as the knuckle marks on her cheek, but Max feels like she won, getting her step dad all riled up in front of their family, she feels almost invincible, and she sneers all smug like and bitter, “I can’t go inside yet. I’m celebrating your service to our country, dad. You know, as a family.”
But when Neil's face turns as red as the blood that dripped from his wife’s nose the night before and he stands from his chair and drags her inside by the wrist himself, she realizes that it wasn’t exactly a win.
And when her brain goes numb trying to focus on both the repeated slaps and punches that explode like firecrackers across her skin and the way Neil is yelling and lecturing her until his voice is raw, giving her the same lessons her brother had burned into the back of his mind, she feels like she’s lost everything instead.
When she has to choke back her tears and apologize for embarrassing Neil and for making him hit her as punishment, she realizes, this isn’t a game that can be won or lost at all.
Max isn’t allowed to go back outside to the party. That rule goes unspoken, but words aren't necessary with the way Neil storms off without another word, slamming the back door behind himself. She’s slowly starting to figure out what the things her step father does instead of says mean.
She misses being allowed to be clueless, having someone to protect her or take what punishment she had earned. She wishes she wouldn’t have asked so much of Billy though.
Her own room isn’t safe anymore, what once had been the place she’d be ushered off to when Neil got bad had become more like a trap, the place Neil went to first when he was angry. Everything that had been hers felt wrong, so she goes to Billy’s room and doesn’t come out for the rest of the night. Even now that he’s gone, he still kept her safe.
There’s a welt on her face and fresh bruises forming everywhere, hot tears wetting her sunburnt cheeks and the pillows that smell like Billy, or at least used to before Susan decided his room needed cleaned and washed away every trace of her brother.
All night long there are fireworks going off, a big show put on by the city downtown has her shaking, unable to close her eyes for fear those distant explosions would take her back to the mall, bring back memories she’d never forget, and covering her ear with her hands.
The cracks and booms that shake her windows and her entire life, a headache and a heart break even stronger.
She tries her hardest not to think about Starcourt though, so instead she thinks about how Billy would’ve been proud of her for standing up to Neil. He would’ve called her an idiot, but he would’ve cleaned up her scrapes and held her through the panic attack after, and he probably would’ve liked to see the person Max was becoming too.
That makes Max’s heart hurt, the fact that he won’t get to. She cries harder, and she feels so alone without Billy.
Some part of her knows that she isn’t though. She isn’t the only one that lost somebody last July.
Hawkins’ cemetery was alive with flowers and wreaths and decoration, and more than anything the grieving. All of the victims had families, or in the case of the Holloway’s where their whole family was killed, they had friends and neighbors in the tight knit community who remembered them. El was still grieving Hopper, and Max knew Billy had people like that too.
Billy was popular, his death had a huge impact on the younger population of the town, but not only that, he had his closest friends, Steve and Tommy and Carol and Nicole and Adam from the pool, and of course Heather couldn’t be there, but those people were all keeping her brother alive.
As much as it felt like everyone was trying to forget him, they weren’t, and that brought Max a little bit of hope.
Hope that Billy would be remembered for the things he did right, and who he was behind the boy he had to be to keep them safe.
Hope that with his memory kept in the hearts of so many, the burden of grief wouldn’t fall solely on Max forever and make things a little easier.
Hope that the wound would someday heal, and she could look back on the time she did have with Billy, those seven too short years, with a smile on her face.
For now, she wraps herself in Billy’s jacket and comforter, listening to his music to drown out the distant fireworks, and dreams of the day when things won’t be like this, when she can leave Hawkins and all it’s bad memories and the “family” holding her back to live a life her brother would be proud of, a life that would honor his.
Max decides then with determination, flinching when a bright flash lights up her window, a loud echo through the quaint neighborhood, that she was going to do what Billy hadn’t been able to and break the cycle.
Tomorrow, she’d tell the school counselor she’d been assigned when her depression was at its worst all about Neil Hargrove.
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midnightstar-90 · 3 years
Hidden~ Eddie Diaz x Nash! Reader
A/N: I wanted to add some action, so I moved up when Shannon decided to divorce Eddie. Eddie is too good to make him into a cheater. I'm not really good at describing intimate-type stuff either.
Lose Some, Win Some
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I am finally home. I'm home with my son, and the school gave me a couple of days to rest. I sat on my couch, watching the news. "Today, police suspect LAFD's 118 for robbing $300,000 worth of cash from a local bank. Police say that the LAFD was there to help the bank manager and a delivery man with a seizure or a possible nerve agent. Police also say that they found the cash inside one of their firetrucks. More information coming up, soon."
After hearing that, I remember the number on one of the firetrucks at the crash. The 118 saved me, and if they saved me, that means that Eddie and my dad are being questioned for a robbery. I haven't known Eddie long, but I know that Eddie, nor my father, would rob a bank.
Zachary walks into the room. "Mommy, I'm ready for bed," my little man says. I turn to him and say, "Ok, I'll be in there in a bit." He runs back to his room.
I hear a knock at the door. It is almost 9:30 pm. Who could be at my door? I go to the door and look through the peephole. Eddie and Christopher stand at the door with a to-go bag.
I open the door, and I say, "Eddie? Chris? what are you doing here?" "I bet you have heard about what is going on. The police have ransacked our house, and I was wondering if you could watch Chris until this blows over?" Eddie asked me desperately.
I smile at the two boys. "Sure. Chris, Zach is in his room getting ready for bed. You can go hang out with him until I get you a bed ready. His room is down the hall, the First door on the left," I tell the little boy, and then turn to Eddie.
He hands me Chris' night bag, and I joke and say, "There better not be any evidence in here." He chuckles, saying, "Nope, no evidence, just clothes, and a toothbrush."
I invite him into my apartment. He walks in and says, "Nice apartment. Is that a skylight?" He points up, at the skylight, in my living room.
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(Y/N's Living room /w a skylight)
"Yeah, when Levi died, I would tell Zach that his father was watching him from the stars. So, I decided that anytime we missed Levi, we would watch the stars," I said, trying not to tear up.
Eddie reaches in his pocket and pulls out a picture. "I'm guessing this is Levi?" Eddie asks, handing me the picture. I look at the picture and lose my cool. Eddie sits me on the couch and just hugs me.
This is the closest I've ever been to a man since Levi. It felt good. I felt protected. I don't need protection because I was in the navy, but this man made me feel loved.
We sat on the couch, with me crying into his shirt. "Mommy, aren't you gonna put me to bed?" "Yeah." I get up, heading into my child's room.
Eddie follows me into the room, and what he sees shocks him.
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(Zachary's bed)
Christopher is sitting on the bottom bunk of a firehouse bed. The whole room was dedicated to firefighters. When we got in that crash, and he met his grandfather, Zach decided that when he gets older, he would become a firefighter.
Christopher looks at his dad and says, "Dad, Zach said he wants to be like you and uncle Buck when he gets older."
Eddie continues to look around. He walks towards the cubby. Inside the cubby is some of Zach's favorite toys, some pictures of Levi and I, and some pictures of Zach and I. What really caught Eddie's eye, was the picture of Zach on my shoulders, at the El Paso Zoo.
I am tucking the boys in, when I hear, "You were in El Paso?" I look back and say, "Yeah, that was Zach's 2nd birthday. Levi was born in Austin, but he grew up in El Paso." Eddie just nods and goes back to looking around.
As I'm tucking Christopher in he says, "Dad and I are from El Paso. It would have been cool if we met before LA." I smile at the boy, before walking out and turning off the lights.
"We have a lot in common, you know?" Eddie tells me. I look at him and he looks back. "Oh, really?" I ask. Eddie and I move closer to each other. I continue to look at the man and I ask, "Like what?" "Well, for starters, we were both fought for our country." Imagining this man in a military uniform made the moment even hotter. I moved closer. "Ok, and?" "And, we both had a son at a young age."
At this point, he was towering over me. I quickly pulled the man into a kiss. He kisses back. I move my hands from my side to his chest, and he grabs my hips. He deepens the kiss as I move my hands from his chest to his neck. I feel strong hands go under my shirt.
We keep making out for a couple of minutes until I pull back. "I'm so sorry. I forgot you married," I say frantically. "She told me she wasn't ready. She filed for divorce. I also didn't feel like our relationship was working. She left us when Chris was little. I kinda like this hot teacher, who was in the Navy and has a son. Also, she knows about being a firefighter." Eddie tells me, holding my hands.
I kiss Eddie again. Eddie and I head to my room, without breaking the kiss. That night was the best night in forever. Everyone got a sleepover.
The robbery thing has been put behind us, but a new problem has arrived. My father didn't tell the LAFD everything about why he transferred, therefore leaving him suspended. He hasn't told me either, but I think it is best to let him come to me about it.
I started work again today, except I feel like I'm looking after 3 kids. My dad insisted that we hang out, you know since he wasn't there for most of my life.
I wake up at 5 am to a large banging noise. I look to see who it is, and surprise surprise, it is my father with tons of groceries. "Dad, what are you doing here. Zach is still asleep, and I don't have to be up till 7 am." I tell my dad, letting him in.
He heads to my kitchen and sits down the food. "I was thinking that I could make you and Zach breakfast, and then I could take you to work."
I gave my father a loving look. I feel bad that his past came back to haunt him, but maybe something good will come out of it. Besides, I missed the father/daughter bonding we had. Eddie told me his food is at grade A chef level, so why not let him cook for me.
"Well I love what you're doing, but I'm missing sleep. If it's fine with you, could I go back to sleep?" I ask, and receive a nod back. I walk to my room, but I turn back to check upon him. I know he's sad, but at this moment he looks happy.
I woke up at 7 am to a heavenly smell. I walk into the kitchen, after remembering my dad was making breakfast. As leave the hallway to see my son and father talking about firefighting. I smile, and my dad turns to face me.
"Ah, you're awake! I woke up Zach and got him dressed for you." my dad says taking a bite of the french toast. I go into the kitchen and make myself some food. I see french toast, fresh fruit, bacon, eggs, and freshly squeezed orange juice. I look amazed as I take some of everything.
My dad works up the courage to ask me a question, "I was wondering if you wanted to stop by the firehouse, like old times. I have some people I would like you to meet." With my mouth full, I say, "Yeah, I missed those days" "Oh man, mommy is breaking a rule. She is talking with her mouth full," Zach says to the man next to him.
Dad laughs. "Well I ate, but I have to get dressed." I head to my room to get dressed.
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(Y/N's outfit to work)
I walk back into the living room and we get ready to head out. We make it to the school, and I say goodbye to my father. I take Zach to class. I get to the office and I see Eddie and Chris. "Hey, I was just hanging with your fire captain." "Well, can you tell him we want him back because his replacement is terrible?" I laugh.
"So, are you coming to the firehouse?" Eddie asked me like he knew my dad would ask me. I give the firefighter a suspicious look and then say, "Yeah, my dad asked me this morning. Would you like me to bring Chris?" He gives me a "yeah, sure", and then we say goodbye.
Christopher and I had so much fun. We were in math, and I helped teach him fractions with mini Kit-Kats. Then, in English, we acted out storytime with his class. The day ended in science, where we build and erupted our own volcanos.
It is the end of the day, some and of the boys waited outside for my father. When he arrived, we got in and started heading towards the fire station, which was only a 5-minute drive.
We walk into the 118's fire station, and Zach went off. A scream could be heard throughout the whole building. All the firefighters and paramedics stopped to see what was going on. My dad walked up to me and said, "Just like his mother."
Eddie and another man walked down the stairs to see what was happening. I smile at the majestic man walking towards me. We go into a hug before I hear a cough.
"Eddie, aren't you gonna introduce me to the pretty lady," the man asked Eddie. I smile at the man, but Eddie and my dad roll their eyes. My dad jumps into the conversation, "Buck, this is my daughter, Y/N, and her son, Zach. Y/N, this is Buck."
Buck and I shake hands. "My name is actually Evan Buckley, but everyone calls me Buck. You are somewhat of what Eddie has told me. Your pretty, but I expected a younger Bobby, with boobs." Eddie smacks Buck's chest.
I'm laughing and I head upstairs with the others. "Mommy! Mommy! Can I go down the fire pole," Zach asks, tugging on my pant leg? I nod my head yes.
Another man and woman walk over and sit with us in the lounge. "Why is there a little boy running around? Did someone drop him off, because I think your only supposed to do that with babies, not children," the man said, sitting right next to me. "That's my son. I'm Y/N." I hold out my hand waiting for the man to shake it. "I'm Howie, but everyone calls me Chimney. This is Hen," The man says, and the woman waves.
We continue to talk until the emergency bell rings. Everyone heads downstairs, but I pull Eddie back. I give him a long kiss, with my arms around his neck and his around my waist.
I pull back and say, "I had fun the other night. Maybe, I could see if my dad could watch the boys, and you and I could maybe have dinner at my house." Eddie groans and says, "Oh, how I would love that. We could also watch a movie."
This man will be the death of me. "Yeah, but you need to go." Eddie runs off to an emergency, I head to the store with my dad, Christopher, and Zachary.
"You know, you don't have to hide Eddie from me," He tells me. I look at him shocked. "I see the way you guys look at each other, and I saw you guys kiss today," he says calmly.
"Well, since you know could you help me make a meal for him and I tonight, and can you watch the boys?" I practically beg. He nods, and then he moves towards the isles, picking out ingredients.
"I don't want to intrude, so I will give you a recipe card. But yes, I will take the boys, just use protection. I don't want to see another grandchild for a while," he says, earning a smack on the chest from me. "There are children around," I whisper.
My dad gave me a recipe for Ravioli, served with garlic bread and bacon-wrapped asparagus. I am almost finished cooking when I hear a knock.
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(Y/N's Date Outfit)
I open the door to see a devastated Eddie. I go in to hug him, and Eddie says, "She's dead. Shannon died in the emergency room. That call we left for, that was for her. What am I gonna tell Christopher."
I welcome the man in, and I sit him on the couch. "Do you want to eat?" I ask, hoping that I could get him to relax and eat. "No" is all I hear, before he shoves his face into my shoulder, and lets it all out. I rub his back and say, "Everything will be fine."
We sit there, on the couch, just cuddling. I smell something burning. My eyes widen and I yell, "My bread!"
Eddie's mind comes back to earth and he heads towards the kitchen. Not only is the bread burnt, but there was also a slight fire. Eddie quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the fire.
I was so scared. Eddie saved me from a fire. At the moment, I forgot all about the food, Eddie's emotions, and everything else. I kissed Eddie out of thankfulness. We kissed for about a minute before he pulled away.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that, with everything going on. I was scared. I could've just stood there and let the fire grow, but no, you saved me. You are m-" Eddie cut me off with a kiss.
Eddie picked me up and took me to my room. He laid me on my bed, and next thing you know, our clothes are off.
Taglist: @notanordinaryprincess95 @jjpogueprincess @wiypt-writes
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Marrying Jason Todd HC! (Batboy’s Reactions)
“Batboys reactions for getting a wedding invitation for Jasons wedding, not even knowing he had a gf“
HAHAHAHA I LOVE THIS! I took this as Jason x Reader because I think that makes it funnier lmaooo! 
Please ignore any typos and stuff this is part of my morning of shorts and headcanons!
Dick Grayson
- Waking up in Jason’s arms to an aggressive pounding on the door
- “JAY YOU’RE FUCKING KIDDING OPEN THE DOOR” Jason groaned, covering his head with a pillow while you slipped out of bed to open the door
- “Hi! You must be Dick, it’s very nice to meet you!” you recognized your fiance’s older brother, loving the shocked expression on his face
- you stuck out your right hand to shake his but he ignored it, pulling your left hand forward to realize there really was a ring on your finger
- “is this a prank? Are you being held here against your will? What is happening?” Dick stormed in, heading straight to your shared bedroom
- Turns out Dick is a huge sap and surprisingly understanding once he sees the way you and Jason love each other, he’s the first brother to approve
Tim Drake
- Tim thought it was a prank the whole time
- So much so he posted your wedding invitation on twitter with “haha good one bro” 
- it blew up
- you had to change the venue and date because fans were planning to storm the wedding
- Tim is still in shock that it’s real but after meeting you he feels really bad that he kinda crashed your wedding before it even happened
- He’s still mad Jason didn’t tell him, he thought he was the closest to Jason minus the whole “I stole your job as Robin” shit from years ago
- Turns out he is very opinionated and has decided all your wedding plans are not good enough and he takes it upon himself to revamp the whole wedding because he already got it cancelled like the good brother in law he is
Damian Wayne
- Damian straight up kidnaps you and tries to find your deepest secrets
- He’s still convinced you’re either a spy or Jason’s mind controlling you
- Pinching his cheeks and telling him how cute he is but that you’re kind of scared that you’re in a random basement
- After Damian finishes judging your character he takes it upon himself to deliver Jason with all the snark in the world
- “Someone call Ripley’s Believe It Or Not because no one thought Todd could ever be loved”
- “Y/N blink if Hood is holding you captive- OH MY GOD I KNEW IT!” “DAMIAN I HAVE TO BLINK”
- “Father can’t you free Y/N from Todd’s mind control? We have to have tech for that, he’s really not that bright”
- Jason is ready 24/7 to rip Damian’s head off but you remind him that Damian’s love language is snark and with the amount you’re getting you know he secretly approves
Bruce Wayne
- Bruce knew the whole time but let Jason have you to himself
- He knew the stress vigilante life holds and that he shouldn’t try to order Jason around
- He was a little shocked Jason proposed but he was proud, it showed him that Jason has the capacity to truly love and care for people outside those he grew up trusting
- Proud BatDad, kinda shocked Jason is the first of his boys to get married, he always thought it would be Tim and Kon
- Paying for the most immaculate wedding after one of his sons ruined your first one 
- Good Father & Son bonding moment, Bruce just asks that he gets to have a little sit down with you after the wedding - scary, but you have Jason by your side and now three brother in laws who would quite literally kill for you
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aereres · 4 years
For You, I'd Become Hercules - Auston Matthews
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Summary: After many years spent apart from each other, Y/N gets back to Auston, her childhood best friend, who happens to have held back a big part of his life from her. His son Tyson.
A/N: Here it finally is! The title was inspired from Evann McIntosh’s song “Yours”, which you should totally listen to! All credits go to them!
Word Count: 9,1k (a long one, damn)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of absent mother, single parenting, lying, heartbreak, mentions of hospitals and sickness (I think that’s all lmao)
You smiled as your eyes settled on your childhood best friend after all the years you had spent apart. "Hey, Aus," you chuckled. He closed the front door of his condo behind himself, making the two of you settle into the lightly dimmed hallway of his complex.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, letting his arms open to engulf you in a long hug.
"I promised you I'd move here after college," you said, smiling at him. "I got my degree and now I have a job here in Toronto,"
"No way," he chuckled excitedly, throwing his arms around you again. "I'm so proud of you, I know-"
The loud cry that came from his door made his body stiffen as he let go of you quickly before inching back inside his condo, leaving the door open for you. "This wasn't exactly the way I wanted you to know, but here we go," Auston huffed under his breath while he walked inside the living room, you following right in tow.
A toddler sat in the middle of the room surrounded by toys, wailing his heart out until Auston lifted him up in his arms, shushing him quickly. "Daddy-" was all the little one could say, wrapping his small arms around your best friend's neck.
Saying you were shocked was an understatement. You and Auston had stopped talking to each other as much as you used to because of his career, of how busy he was. But missing out on a baby was a big thing, especially if it was your best friend's baby.
"Y/N, this is my son Tyson," Auston sighed, rubbing the little boy's back as his body shook with sobs. You let silence fill the room as you looked between Tyson and his father, rubbing your forehead as you tried to get past the initial shock.
"Hi, Tyson," you breathed out, sending him a small, reassuring smile. "I'm your daddy's best friend," you whispered sweetly, wiping away the tears that streamed down his cheeks.
Tyson hid his face away from you, tucking it in Auston's neck as he shook with another sob. "He's a little shy," Auston mumbled, biting on his lip as he made his way inside the kitchen. "Want a cup of coffee before I leave for practice?"
"Mrs. Blake, this is my best friend, Y/N," Auston introduced you quickly to his neighbor, grabbing his duffle bag from the laundry room and making his way back to the kitchen, where you and the middle-aged woman stood. "Thank you again for coming over,"
"Auston, will you just stop thanking me? We've been doing this ever since Tys was basically born," Mrs. Blake chuckled. "Do you need me to make him dinner?"
"Uh, no. Y/N is staying over, and training won't be long today," Auston said, checking inside his bag for everything. When his eyes settled back to you, he sent you a quick, cold smile before bending down to kiss Tyson's forehead. "I'll see you later, bud. Okay? Be good for Mrs. Blake and Y/N,"
The toddler nodded absentmindedly as his focus stayed on the plastic dino he was playing with. As you looked down at him, you noticed the familiar traits that Auston and he shared, from the mops of dark hair sitting at the top of their heads, to the familiar dark eyes and the nose you had found so strange when you were a kid.
You didn't hear the front door closing or Auston's last goodbyes, too busy looking at the little guy sitting in front of you.
"So, tell me, Y/N, what are you doing here in Toronto?" Mrs. Blake asked with a small smile, sitting on the couch right next to the floor-to-ceiling windows and motioning for you to join her.
"I, uh- I just graduated college and I managed to get a job here," you said, playing with your fingers in your lap as you zoned out again, silence building between the two of you.
"You didn't know about Tys, did you?" She asked gently after a few minutes.
"Not really,"
Mrs. Blake chuckled sadly, her hand opened as she grabbed the toys Tyson handed her, the boy sending you a quick smile. The two of you found yourselves observing him, silence settling between you again as the little boy talked to his toys.
"I only remember the wailing from that night," Mrs. Blake started after a while. "I opened my door to understand what was the source of all that chaos, and I was only able to catch Auston holding the carrier with Tyson,
"He looked extremely scared, so I did what my motherly instinct told me to do and helped him out. He's never told me who the mother is, or what she told him that day," Mrs. Blake ended the sentence with a sigh, shaking her head softly. "He turned out to be a good father, you know?"
"I know he did," you mumbled, a small smile on your lips as you let little Tyson play with your hair. He seemed amazed by it as he let his hand card through it. "Soft," he whispered.
"It's soft, isn't it, Tys?" Mrs. Blake agreed with him. "But don't tug on it, okay? It's gonna hurt your new friend,"
Tyson looked up at you, his curious little orbs scanning over your features as he quietly took you in. He was quick to get back to his toys, not giving you the chance to actually talk to him, or even try to form a small bond.
"He'll open up, don't worry," Mrs. Blake sent you a sympathetic smile, squeezing your hand. You looked back at the kid, a soft grin on your lips as the light feeling of warmth spread through your chest.
He was all Auston.
Mitch's voice reverberated around the empty rink as he and Auston shot pucks inside the net, the rest of the team already in the dressing room.
"Y/N visited us," Auston repeated, getting rid of his helmet and letting his stick touch another puck. "She lives here, now,"
Mitch was shocked at his best friend's words but kept his eyes on the ice. "Was Tys happy to see her again?" He asked quietly, watching as Auston shot another puck in the net. All Mitch got was silence, not a word coming from his friend's mouth. It took him a few seconds to actually understand why his friend wasn't talking, and when he finally realized, there was nothing holding back his curiosity.
"You didn't tell her?!" He asked in shock, his mouth hanging open as Auston sighed out.
"I was going to, at one point," he admitted, guilt overtaking him as he pushed his hair out of his face.
"Matts, Tyson has been your son for three years. Three!" Mitch started reasoning. "When did you think you were going to tell her? After his fucking graduation?!"
Auston rolled his eyes, skating towards the net to pass the pucks back to Mitch. "I swear, I was going to tell her! I was just scared she would drop me,"
Mitch shook his head, letting the sound of hockey fill the rink as the two of them stayed in silence. Auston's guilt had been eating him up ever since you had unexpectedly met Tyson: the shocked, sad look on your face at that exact moment was enough to show him you had felt betrayed. The two of you had never hold secrets away from each other, especially if it was something as important as Tyson. He needed to apologize, in some way.
"How did she react?"
Auston looked back at Mitch with a sad look, a frown forming on his features as he shook his head. "She was shocked," he sighed. "And then I fucked it up by being cold as always,"
"Where is she now?"
"My apartment,"
"Listen, you're going to go home and talk to her," Mitch said, voice firm. "Make her dinner, apologize, explain to her why you didn't tell her..."
Auston took a deep breath, nodding his head as his friend pointed a finger towards him. "And please, don't fuck it up,"
The takeout Italian food you had ordered before Auston could have come home was sitting in front of you, the pasta you had tried to eat staring back at you as your best friend talked. All you were able to do was zone out, the new discoveries of the day still shocking you.
You weren't going to lie and say it didn't hurt you, the fact that Auston had spent all those years hiding his private life from you, the fact that he didn't even consider telling you, one of his closest friends, or asking for your help. It hurt. Bad.
"God, I still remember that time back in high school," Auston chuckled under his breath as he fed Tyson some pasta. "You were so obsessed with learning how to skate, and-"
"Why didn't you tell me about Tys?" You interrupted him, voice thin and shaky as you mustered the courage to speak the words that crowded your mind the entire night.
Auston's smile quickly faded, being replaced with a look of guilt as a thick layer of silence filled the room. "I- uh, I fucked up, I know,"
"I-I even went home, I saw your sisters, your parents," you said, your eyes glossy as you sniffled. "There was no word spoken about Tyson coming from their mouths,"
"I was scared,"
"Scared of what, Auston? You know I'd be by your side even if the world was ending," you sighed, standing up from your chair to recompose yourself, giving him your back. "I wish you could have just told me,"
A tear slipped past your eye and slid down your cheek. You compressed a sob, mentally slapping yourself for being so sensitive and rude to your best friend. It felt like everyone had lied to you all that time, leaving you unaware of your closest friend's situation. It hurt you.
"I'm sorry," was everything he whispered, standing up and pulling you in a tight hug. "I started overthinking, I thought you would have left me,"
"I could have helped you, Aus," you sniffled. "Hell, I would have dropped out to come here and help you,"
"We both know I would have never let you do that," he said in a whisper, carding a hand through your hair. "I could never be that selfish,"
He cupped your face, wiping the tear that had previously run down your face with the pad of his thumb before looking back at Tyson, who was playing with his sippy cup on his own at the table. "Let's go finish dinner?"
You gave him a soft nod, maybe even feeling a little better because you had been able to talk it out with him. The warm feeling in your chest, the same one you had been feeling back in your teen years too, didn't leave you alone for the rest of the night.
You looked out the window of your apartment, biting on your nail as the phone pressed against your ear hummed. The clouds crowding the sky of Toronto blocked the moon, not letting the comforting rays of moonlight peek and illuminate the city.
"Y/N? Is there anything wrong?" your best friend Aaliyah mumbled sleepily from her side of the line. "What are you doing up this late?"
Your eyes wandered to the clock hanging against the wall of your kitchen, noticing just then that it was well past midnight. You had lost track of time back at Auston's, spending most of the night catching up as you got accustomed to Tyson's presence. "Fuck, A, I'm sorry I woke you up," you muttered. "Some shit went down, but I can just talk to you in the morning,"
"I'm awake, now, and I won't be able to fall back asleep until you tell me," she chuckled. You heard faint sounds coming from her side, it sounded like she was leaving her bed. "What's up? Spill,"
"I, uh- today I met with Auston," you explained, rubbing your forehead with a long sigh. "And I surprised him at his apartment,"
"He wasn't with some girl, was he?" Aaliyah asked, her voice harsh as she reminded you of all the times you had come to her with a broken heart because of Auston's new girl.
"No, he-" you stopped in your tracks, trying to find the right words. "He became a dad,"
"Oh my God-" Aaliyah whispered. "You gotta be kidding me,"
"Tyson is three and a little shy," you chuckled, shaking your head as you thought about the toddler that managed to win a part of your heart already.
"Three?! Holy fuck, I'm killing him-" your best friend mumbled under her breath. "Didn't you meet his family when you went back home? They left you clueless about everything that happened?"
The sigh that left your lips was enough to let her know, making her scoff. "I can't believe it,"
She hummed, your heart was beating out of your chest as you finally figured out the way you were feeling.
"I think I still love him,"
You were hurriedly walking towards Auston's apartment, a smile on your lips as you thought of the night ahead of you. You'd received a text from your best friend when you were still at work, suggesting a movie night with him and Tyson.
Things had become better after you talked things out with Auston, he didn't hesitate to send you pictures of Tyson every possible time, updating you and making your days slightly better.
You were more than tired from your workday, but you weren't going to turn down a relaxing night with the boys, especially if it was Disney movie night. You were welcomed inside the warmth of the condo complex before you knew it, slipping inside the elevator to reach Auston's floor with a content sigh.
When you knocked on the front door, you were met with Tyson's small frame smiling up at you. "Hi, little guy!" You said excitedly, smile so bright your cheeks hurt. He silently grabbed your hand, tugging you along with him towards the kitchen where Auston was preparing all the snacks.
The giggle that escaped your mouth made Auston turn around, revealing the 'Cars' matching pajamas he shared with Tyson. "Oh my God," you gasped softly, your smile even bigger as you looked at the two of them.
"Well, good evening to you too, Y/N," Auston chuckled, slightly crouching down to hand Tyson the bowl of popcorn as he sent you a quick smile. "Be careful not to drop it, okay, bud?"
The toddler nodded, slipping out of the room, the soft padding of his feet making a small smile form on Auston's lips. "Hey," you whispered, walking closer to Auston. "You should have told me about the PJs, I would have tried to match,"
He laughed, the butterflies in your stomach starting their dance all over again as he pressed a hand on your smaller back, leading you towards the couch, where the Disney logo was already staring back at you.
"C'mon daddy!" Tyson squealed excitedly. "I wanna watch the movie!"
"What are we watching tonight, Tys?" You asked, ruffling his hair as he jumped up and down on the couch.
Auston groaned loudly, making his son giggle as he pressed play on the remote and started the film. He sat next to his father, leaving Auston in the middle as you took the only spot left next to him.
You tried your best to follow the plot, even though you had seen it multiple times as a kid, without letting your eyes close. You were able to get halfway through it: the songs seemed to lull you, and even if the movie was pretty chaotic, you found yourself falling asleep on Auston's shoulder.
In your half-asleep state, you felt Auston's arm slide around your waist, pulling you close to his chest. A small hand cradled your cheek, but it got squatted away in less than a second.
"Tys, don't wake her up," you heard Auston whisper.
"Daddy, she's pretty," the toddler whispered back, his voice close to your face as he studied your features.
"She is," Auston's answers didn't go unnoticed by you, his hand smoothing the skin of your waist as he inched you even closer. "But now it's already past your bedtime for both of you, so to bed you go!"
Your body was hoisted in Auston's arms as Tyson padded right next to him towards the master bedroom. Your best friend lay you down on his bed, rolling the covers over you before helping Tyson with brushing his teeth and settling him in his bed.
Your eyes opened slightly when Auston walked back inside the room, your voice groggy as you pushed yourself onto your elbows. "Sorry, work was rough today,"
"It's fine, Tyson needed to go to bed anyway," Auston chuckled, grabbing a blanket and pillow from one of his closets. "You can sleep here, I'll take the couch,"
Auston turned around confusedly, a small smile on his lips as you stuttered. "I-I mean, you wanna share? The couch doesn't seem too comfortable,"
He chuckled teasingly, lifting the covers on the other side of the bed. "No need to be so nervous. We're friends, we share all the time,"
You managed to push out a fake giggle as his words opened a small wound inside your heart. Friends. That was all you were.
Not a month after his statement about the relationship the two of you shared, Auston was directed towards Ottawa, ready to play a really important game. You had taken the responsibility of being Tyson's babysitter for the weekend to help Auston out: he had to travel away from home, and Tyson happened to not feel too well, so you let yourself get comfortable in the Matthews' household for just a couple of days to look after the little one.
"Auston, we will be just fine," you sighed into the phone, your best friend's worried voice coming from the other line mixing with the loud noises of the Leafs changing room. "Tyson just happens to have a small cold,"
"Call me if anything happens, okay?"
"Okay," you mumbled before ending the call, your eyes immediately falling on Tyson's tired body. He lay on the couch, lazily following a Disney movie playing on TV as he cuddled what you had realized was his favorite stuffie. He had been able to eat just a small part of his dinner under your watch, and the amount of tissues that sat around the two of you was concerning.
The game was going to start in a couple of minutes, and you were hoping that seeing his daddy would make Tyson feel a little better. You let a hand card through his soft, short hair, taking note of the whine that left his lips when your hand came in contact with his head. His forehead was burning, and you were sure he had a headache, too.
You weren't going to lie and say you weren't worried, you had measured his fever already once, and it only seemed to get worse. Tyson let his head rest in your lap, shocking you a little after all the coldness he had given you since the moment you first had stepped foot into his house weeks prior. He seemed to enjoy the movements of your hands in his hair, relaxing him even more and pushing him into a light slumber.
You switched channels, turning down the volume as soon as the booming voices of the commentators filled the condo. When the cameras focused on number 34, you let a smile paint your lips. Auston skated around the rink, getting warmed up with a small smirk on his face. Seeing him on the ice reminded you of the times back in your childhood, from his first hockey games when he was a kid, to cheering for him in High School as his number one fan, wearing his personal jersey.
Auston had been a constant part of your life ever since birth, you didn't even know how you could have gone a couple of years without him.
You were pushed out of your thoughts when Tyson stirred, a whine leaving his lips as he tightened his grasp on his stuffie. He let a cough out, and that's when you finally heard his labored breathing. As you let your hand graze his forehead, you also realized that he had heated up even more in the time being.
Your heart started beating out of your chest as the situation dawned on you: Tyson needed medical attention as soon as possible. Auston hadn't left Tyson's doctor's number, and you were sure that their clinic must have been closed for the night, anyway. The only option left was the ER.
You threw on your coat and helped a sleepy Tyson into his, slipped quickly your pairs of shoes before making your way to Auston's car, the only one that had a baby seat settled in the back. You were sure you had never driven that fast in your entire life, with a hand tightly holding Tyson's as you sprinted past cars in the busy streets of Toronto.
You made it to the emergency room in just a small amount of minutes, where you were escorted by a kind nurse to the pediatric ward. You were last in a small line of kids and parents, Tyson looking the youngest of them all.
You sat in a small chair waiting for your turn, the little boy cuddling in your arms as he struggled to breathe, your heart clenching every time he shook in his fever-induced dream.
With a panicked sigh, you grabbed your phone, pressing on Auston's contact and hoping he'd pick up. You were quickly sent to his voicemail, your eyes tearing up as you tried to muster up the words you were going to say to your best friend.
"Uh- hey, Aus," you sniffled, taking a deep breath before you kept going. "Tys and I are at the hospital right now: his fever got worse and he's wheezing. Call me back as soon as you can,"
You shakily put your phone back in your pocket, carding a hand through Tyson's hair as you looked at his sleepy form in your arms. A mother sitting in front of you sent you a reassuring smile, her kid sleeping against her side as they waited. Her smile had a calming effect on you, making you take a deep breath and close your eyes as you let the time pass.
You woke up to the sound of your ringtone a few hours later, your eyes quickly falling to Tyson to check on him before pressing the device to your ear. "Hello?"
"Where are you?" Auston quickly mumbled. "Excuse me- I just landed in Toronto,"
"Oh- we're still at the hospital, Toronto General," you mumbled, finally noticing you were the only ones left in line. "I think we're about to go in,"
"Fuck-" Auston muttered under his breath. "I'm in a taxi right now, I'll be there in a couple of minutes,"
He ended the call right after that, leaving you in the empty hallway. Tyson stirred, yawning quickly before whining out. "My head hurts,"
"I know, buddy. I'm so sorry," you whispered, kissing his forehead tenderly as your leg bounced anxiously.
"I want daddy," he sobbed, hiding his face in your chest and staining your shirt with his tears.
"He's on his way, Tys,"
The kid sobbed, wrapping his arms around you as he closed his eyes again, making you tear up. The entire night had taken a huge mental toll on you, and the fact that you thought everything you had done was wrong made things even worse. As if blaming yourself for not noticing Tyson's state as quickly as you should have wasn't enough, you felt extremely bad for making Auston think that everything was going to be okay when he had called before the game.
"And you must be Tyson Matthews!" The voice of an older man snapped you out of your thoughts. He stood by his office door, a kind smile on his face as his eyes scanned the still sleepy boy in your arms behind his thick pair of glasses.
"Yes," Tyson's small voice said shakily. He gripped onto you as you stood up to shake hands with the doctor. "Let’s go inside? Mommy will be with you all along, don’t worry,"
"I- uh, I'm not-"
"I'm here!" You heard Auston say from beside you, his breathing uneven after running around the entire hospital to find the two of you. "I'm here, Tys,"
"Let's see what's wrong with you, little guy. Shall we?"
You wrapped your coat tightly around yourself as you walked beside Auston, Tyson sleeping in his arms. The cold air of Toronto was hitting your face harshly, large puffs of warmth leaving your mouth as you watched your best friend put Tyson in the backseat of his car.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, shaking your head as you tried to hold the tears in.
"I'm sorry," you repeated. "Tyson hadn't been feeling well the entire night and I still told you he was going to be okay, and-"
"Y/N, it's fine. Having the flu happens sometimes," he interrupted you, wrapping his arms around your frame tightly. "Thank you for taking care of him,"
He held you for a little while, relaxing against your body to let the stress of the night leave the both of you before dragging you towards the car. The streets were still crowded by just a few cars, even if it was well after 1 a.m., and you used the silence inside the car to wipe the stress away from your body.
When the car stopped inside Auston's garage, you quickly went to unbuckle Tyson, lifting him up in your arms so Auston could take care of his luggage. He was quick to follow you inside his condo, right behind you as you lay Tyson in his toddler bed. The kid seemed to let out a content sigh, turning on his side and giving you his back.
"I think I'll go home, now," you whispered awkwardly, biting on your lip as you looked at Auston. "You need to rest,"
"And you do, too," he mumbled, his hand slipping into yours as he pulled you inside his bedroom. "I don't want you driving this late. Just stay the night?"
"Just for tonight,"
You chuckled as you looked at him, the glimmer in his eyes the same as when he was a kid. You let out a small 'fine', his smile so bright you were sure it could light up the whole room. He let you take the bathroom first, and you changed as quickly as you could into a pair of comfortable clothes of his.
You missed the soft glance he sent your way, too busy putting your phone in charge and avoiding his eyes before taking place under the sheets. Having sleepovers in the same bed had never been a problem for both of you, but you couldn't deny the tension that had built when you had first inserted yourself back into his life.
You were confused, to say the least, but not shocked. Your feelings for Auston would have come back at one point, you thought. You had seen him fall in love so many times, living his life without even thinking you might have felt a certain type of way about him. He had been so oblivious for all those years, it had pissed you off.
When you two had parted, you had rid yourself of your childhood crush. You had joined college, became busy with classes, and found yourself in different relationships before graduating. You didn't think your crush could have come back that easily, this time, your feelings were even stronger.
"Still not tired?" He asked, his side of the bed dipping as he lay down next to you.
"Tonight took a toll on me," you admitted, playing with the strings of the hoodie you were wearing. "Stress is still pumping, I guess,"
"C'mere," Auston whispered, lifting an arm up so you could rest your head on his chest. Your heart thumped against your ribcage, making you smile.
"Tell me something good, to make this night better," you whispered.
"We won," he chuckled. "I scored twice,"
You giggled, shaking your head as you closed your eyes. "Tys is gonna be so proud of you," you said mid-yawn, sleep taking over you. "Just like I am,"
He kissed the top of your head, taking one last look at you before closing his own eyes, wishing to dream about you on that night.
Auston Matthews was going on a date.
He wasn't happy or thrilled about it, he couldn't stand those shallow dates at expensive restaurants anymore, especially if they were set by Mitch and Freddie.
His character had changed after Tyson became part of his life, he thought that he had changed for the better, thanks to his son. Dating, or having sex, wasn't as important as it used to be. His main focus was on giving Tyson the happy life he deserved.
His friends almost forced him into 'just one date' with a beautiful girl named Meghan, and he had been regretting the 'yes' he had given them ever since he’d seen the sad look on Tyson's face when he was told his daddy was going to be busy again. Auston wasn't ready to get back into the dating life, at least, he thought he wasn't.
When you had gotten the news, though, you had tried to conceal the pain with everything you had inside of you. Your feelings for Auston weren't mutual, the date made it clear. You had smiled and offered to take care of Tyson for the night, just so he wouldn't have to be worried.
When the night arrived, he dropped the toddler off with a thankful hug and headed quickly towards the destination, where the pretty brunette was already waiting for him. The entire conversation that night was about his fame and hockey, something that he had never liked to discuss during dates.
When dessert was brought over - right when Meghan started discussing her follower count on Instagram - realization hit him. He had compared his date to you the entire evening, noting how she wasn't as selfless as you, or how he didn't feel the warmth in his chest with her.
"Are you even listening to me, Auston?" Meghan said, her annoyed tone snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Yes, I-"
"You definitely aren't," she snapped. "You haven't been listening to me all night, I'm surprised you even showed up,"
Meghan lifted herself up from her chair, catching the attention of the few people around them as she grabbed her purse, ready to walk out of the restaurant. "Good night, Auston,"
His eyes snapped shut with a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. He asked for the check with a quick hand gesture, trying to get out of the place as soon as possible, he couldn't bear the apologetic looks coming from the people around him.
He was sure he had never paid for dinner that quickly, and he breathed out in relief as soon as the cold air hit his face. He slid inside his car and drove towards your apartment to pick Tyson up, his thoughts racing as the streetlights illuminated his features.
Your building stared back at him as the butterflies inside his stomach intensified at the thought of you. Everything about the date left his mind as he stepped inside the complex, the flight of stairs seeming longer than it actually was as his heart thumped against his ribcage. What was happening to him?
You opened the door after a quick knock, Tyson in your arms as he slept softly. "Hey, how did it go?"
"She left because I wasn't paying attention to her," Auston chuckled. "Mitch should just stop setting me out on dates,"
Your heart fluttered selfishly as you realized he hadn't been interested in the girl as you handed Tyson to him. "How was he?"
"He was good," you mumbled, looking at the toddler with a small smile. "Ate all the food and watched some TV with me,"
"That's good," he whispered, cradling his son's head to his chest as an idea popped in his mind. "Y/N?"
The hum he got from you was enough to send him into a spiral, his palms getting sweaty as nerves got the best of him. "The team is hosting a gala in two weeks,”
"That's cool," you smiled. "Want me to babysit Tys again?"
He chuckled, shaking his head as you sent him a confused glare. "I'm asking you to be my date, dummy,"
Your eyes widened in shock, but you nodded your head in less than a second.
"Is that a yes?"
"What do you think it is, dummy?"
Auston's impressed words whispered under his breath were enough to make your heart flutter. He stood in front of you with one of his suits, the ones that were so unique you never saw anyone wearing them too. To your surprise, Tyson was clasping his hand, a bouquet of flowers covering his face.
"Well, good evening, boys," you giggled, kneeling down to gently take the flowers from Tyson's hands. The little guy smiled when he saw your face, giggling when you kissed his cheek. "Thank you, mister,"
Auston helped you stand back up, his hand in yours as you finally let your eyes find his. He had the softest smile adorning his lips as he let his thumb brush against the back of your hand. "You look beautiful,"
You bit your lip to hide the lovesick smile that formed on your features. "You don't look too bad yourself," you teased, walking back inside your house to put the flowers inside a vase, before grabbing your purse and locking the front door behind yourself.
Auston let his palm find your smaller back, his other hand holding Tyson's as the three of you left the apartment complex and settled inside the backseat of a dark car.
"Private driver, wow," you teased him as he helped Tyson in his car seat, a chuckle leaving his lips as he gave directions to the driver. He settled down next to you, his hand slipping in yours as he made small talk regarding the night, telling you who was going to be there and what the event was going to be about.
The car came to a halt quicker than you had expected, nerves making your hands shake as you saw a few photographers standing near the entrance of the venue. "They'll just snap a few pictures, we'll be by your side for the entire time," Auston whispered, making it seem like he had almost sensed your stress.
His hand stayed in yours as he opened the door, helping you and Tyson out as the photographers greeted him. They snapped a few quick pictures, and you were sent inside the venue soon after.
The place was large, beautifully decorated with chandeliers and large tables already set for the dinner that would have soon started. Teammates were introduced to you, same went with girlfriends and coaches. Tyson had quickly run away with other kids, and you and Auston found yourselves at the bar with Mitch and Steph.
"Y/N, I've heard so much about you!" Mitch said, making you giggle, especially when Auston elbowed him in the ribs. "Matts can't seem to shut up about you, sometimes,"
Auston flushed a deep shade of red, running a hand through his hair nervously as he pulled you closer to his body. "Mitch is just overdramatic,"
"Am not,"
Steph laughed from beside you, her manicured fingers touching the velvety material of your gown, starting a conversation with you about your dresses. Tyson's little squeals were enough to interrupt you, and when he ran all the way to hug your legs, a small smile painted on your lips.
"Daddy, dinner!"
His statement made everyone turn around. Waiters and waitresses were starting to carefully move around the tables with food, and the team's coach was making his way towards the improvised altar, ready to give his speech.
"You hungry, Tys?" You asked.
"I'm starving!"
You were sure you had ever eaten food as good as the one you had eaten that night, your tummy feeling full as they brought dessert around the tables. Tyson hadn't made it through the entire dinner, he was already sleeping in your lap, holding one of his toys close to him.
You had felt someone's eyes on you for the entire night, but had shrugged it off, focusing on the amazing evening you had been able to spend with Auston, Tyson, and the people close to them. You enjoyed your night, forgot about the unsettling feeling, and let yourself have fun with everyone. When your date left to sort something out with his coach and the team, though, the feeling returned.
You wrapped an arm around Tyson, holding him close to you as you checked the few people still surrounding you, seeing if they were paying any attention to you. When you gave the tables behind yours a quick look, you noticed a pair of eyes staring back at you.
They belonged to a redheaded man, his glare cold as he quickly stepped towards your table. You didn't know whether you should have left to search for Auston or just act as if you hadn't seen him, but you chose the latter.
Your hands were shaky as you let them run through Tyson's hair, trying to recompose yourself, but everything seemed to change when the chair in front of you moved, the man sitting just a few feet away from you.
"Hi," you shakily said.
"Hi," was all he said, his eyes scanning your face before dropping down to Tyson. "You're Y/N, right?"
You nodded quickly, tightening your grip on the kid in your lap as he kept looking at you. "I'm Freddie, I play with Auston,"
You seemed to calm down after his statement, starting to breathe again after what felt like years. You smiled at him, letting a thick layer of silence fill the air around you. He was the first one to speak.
"He talks a lot about you, you know," Freddie said, his voice deep as his eyes met with Tyson's sleeping form. "But, as much as he likes to hide his feelings, he's been hurt before,"
"I can imagine," you whispered, recalling the conversation you had had with Mrs. Blake.
"I just- kind of took it upon myself to make sure he's not gonna go through all of that again, as his best friend,"
You smiled at him, realizing all he was doing was making sure you weren't going to hurt his best friend, and Tyson, of course. You felt the little one stir in your arms, his arms looping around your neck and letting his face hide in your chest.
"Mommy, the lights are too bright,"
Your world stopped at his words, at the name he used to call you. The shock was evident on your face as your eyes fell on Freddie, who just calmly smiled.
"I'm sorry, Tys. I promise you we will go home soon," you whispered as you looked down at him, using the palm of your hand to soothingly caress his back. When you looked back up to meet Freddie's eyes again, he was gone, no sign of him inside the venue.
A warm hand on your shoulder snapped you out of your trance, and when you turned around, you were met with Auston's smile.
"Tys is pretty tired," you whispered to him, seeing that the room was starting to become packed again.
"We probably should start heading home," Auston nodded his head, pressing a quick kiss to your temple. You stopped him before he could leave to grab your coats, letting your hand find his as his eyes met yours.
"Thank you for tonight,"
The smile on his face made your heart flutter, and his hand squeezed yours for a quick moment. "You're the one I should thank, I don't know where I'd be without you,"
When you left, that night, you caught Freddie's gaze again. He smiled your way, saying goodbye to you with a quick movement of his head. He was sure, nothing or nobody was going to make him change his mind on that.
You were the right one.
“God, I also need to start looking at kindergartens,” Auston sighed as he rubbed his forehead, leaning against the washing machine. “I’ll have to do that in the next couple of days,”
You let a thick layer of silence build between the two of you, wondering whether you should have told him about what Tyson had called you at the gala the previous week. “I’ll help you with it, don’t worry,”
He gave you a look of pure appreciation, his arms engulfing you in a hug. He let the comfortable silence be his way of saying ‘thank you’, pressing a quick kiss to the crown of your head before dragging you towards the living room.
His hand never left yours as he fell on the couch, tugging you along. You slipped in his arms with a giggle, his body welcoming yours in a warm embrace. His fingers drew small shapes on your arms, the feeling of his strong chest against your back making you relax into him.
“Do you think I’m a good parent?”
His words made your heart stop for a quick second, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Of course you are,” you whispered, turning around in his grasp to face him. “Tyson loves you, what makes you even think that?”
“Hockey makes me absent all the time, I feel like I always miss the most important parts of his life,” Auston admitted, his fingers tangling in your hair.
“Tys is so lucky to have you as a dad, Auston,” you whispered, letting your hand cup your cheek. “You might be busy sometimes, but you always put your kid first, no matter what,”
Your best friend’s eyes settled on something behind you, silence filling the room again. The hurt that had painted his voice when he first asked you the question had you heartbroken, and it made you wonder how long he had been asking himself the same question.
“It was really hard,” he mumbled, playing with your fingers as he started talking. “I didn’t know I had a kid until his mother left him on my doormat, it truly left everyone shocked,”
You squeezed his hand gently, looking up at him with a reassuring smile as he found the courage to talk about Tyson’s story, about what happened.
“I was having a hard time with the team, I wasn’t scoring anymore, I felt awful,” he explained. “The only thing that seemed to make me feel relaxed was fucking around. I met Jessica at a bar, after a game we lost. We had sex, I left as soon as we were done and went on with my life,
“Months passed, everything had gone back to okay, and I saw her at my door. She left Tyson to me, explaining to me that he was my child and that she wanted nothing to do with him,” at that point, your eyes were glossy. You could have felt the pain in his words, it had become so evident at that point.
“We took DNA tests, everything, and Tyson was really my son, there was nothing denying that,”
“Where did Jessica go?”
“I don’t know. It’s almost as if she deleted herself from the world. She doesn’t live here anymore, she’s not on any social media and has deleted my number,”
You let your head rest against his chest, your hand playing with the material of his shirt as you took in the truth. You really wished you had known about Tyson from the start, to give a little help, to be there for Auston during the hard times.
“You’re strong. You know that, right?” You whispered, letting your eyes find his.
“I’m not,” the sigh that left his lips made your heart clench. “I’m barely holding on. I’m broken,”
“For you, I’d become Hercules and hold your broken pieces together,” you whispered, letting your hand cup his cheek. “No matter how hard it gets,”
He leaned into your touch briefly, before letting his eyes meet yours again. You hadn’t truly realized how close the two of you were, your faces just mere inches away from each other as your breathing became uneven.
He was the first one to inch closer, letting your lips meet for the first time. The smell of his cologne filled your senses, and the feeling of his hands gently cupping your cheeks was enough to send you into a frenzy.
He let his forehead rest against yours, when the two of you pulled apart, your breaths ragged. He smiled, lightly, but he still smiled.
And it made your heart soar.
There was nothing as important as Tyson’s birthday, to Auston. It was December fourth, his little boy was turning four and sitting right between you and him as all of you were squeezed in the back of a taxi directed to Scottsdale to celebrate the little guy’s special day.
It had become a tradition for the Matthews to meet up on Tyson’s birthday, celebrate it together before parting ways again, it was something they just couldn’t miss. You had been invited, something you truly weren’t expecting.
“Nana!” Tyson yelled, snapping you out of your train of thoughts. His tiny hand was pointing out of the car window, where Ema was standing. She was waiting for you by the driveway, Nala and Felix patiently looking up at her as the car pulled up near the house.
You helped Tyson out of the car since he was excitedly kicking around, wanting nothing more than to go hug his grandma. “Mijo!”
Tyson ran in Ema’s arms, giggling as she pecked his face with kisses. “I missed you so much!” She squealed, letting him onto the ground to greet the dogs when her eyes met yours.
She was smiling, so brightly you were sure her cheeks hurt. You hadn’t seen her in months, and she seemed to be so happy to have you there with her family. “Oh, Y/N,” was all she could whisper as she pulled you in a tight hug. “I’m so happy you could join us,”
You almost teared up at her sweet words, just as happy as she was to finally see her after all the time spent apart. Ema pulled away to greet Auston, who was standing next to you. Your eyes dropped to Tyson who was excitedly playing with the dogs as a smile painted on your face. Maybe that was where you belonged, you thought.
“Everyone is inside,” Ema explained, a faint smile forming on her lips when she noticed Auston’s hand mindlessly rest on your waist, pulling you closer to him. “Wanna head inside, mijo? Your aunties are waiting for you!”
Tyson nodded his head, gripping his grandma’s hand as the two of them headed inside. You didn’t realize you had been nervously zoning out as you watched them walk away, at least, not until Auston squeezed your hip to catch your attention.
“Don’t be so nervous,” he whispered. “I know this is their first time seeing us together like this, but they won’t change your opinion on you,”
He bent down to kiss your forehead, his hands running through your hair, knowing it would calm you, before Breyana’s voice snapped the two of you out of your trance.
“Enough of that, lovebirds! There’s a birthday we need to celebrate!”
Tyson had opened his presents, including the remote control car you had gifted him. The glimmer in his eyes when he first saw your present was enough to make you smile excitedly, kissing the top of his head when he rushed towards you to thank you.
By the end of the day, he was still out with his aunties and the dogs, his squeals and giggles being loud enough to be heard inside the house where you, Auston, and his parents were conversating.
“Alex already started to plan the trip to Cabo,” Ema said, drying her wet hands on the closest towel before joining you at the kitchen island. “Are you coming this year?”
“We’ll have to see,” Auston mumbled, his eyes looking out the window to keep an eye on Tyson.
“We?” You asked, smiling when his cheeks turned a deep shade of red.
“I mean, just if you want to,” he mumbled, his hand resting on your thigh.
“Daddy!” Tyson barged in, Alexandria running after him with a smile. “Can I sleep here? With Nana and Papa?”
Auston looked at his mother for her consent, being greeted only with a smile and a nod of her head. “He can stay in your room,” she reassured him. “Wanna stay in daddy’s room, mijo?”
“You have to be good, though,” Auston kneeled down to his son’s height, ruffling his hair with a chuckle. “We’re only a call away, mom,”
“I know, Aus,” she giggled. “You two go get some rest, alright? We’ll take good care of him,”
“Alright,” Auston sighed. “Good night, buddy. I’ll see you tomorrow,”
The toddler pressed a kiss to his father’s cheek, before running towards you to hug your legs. “Good night, mommy!”
“Sweet dreams, Tys,” you shakily said, finally accepting the fact that Tyson wasn’t seeing you as daddy’s friend anymore. As you looked around, you were met with Auston’s shocked expression. He took a deep breath before saying his last goodbyes to the family, leaving the house with you by his side.
The car ride was silent. Auston seemed to be in his thoughts, his eyes focused on the road as he gripped the steering wheel lightly. You felt like things were going too quickly for him, that being called mommy from Tyson was just too many steps ahead. Your friendship had just taken its sharp turn, the kiss you had shared just a few weeks prior was still playing in your head. You just hoped it wasn’t going to end as quickly as it started.
“I’m sorry about Tyson,” was all he whispered, slightly shocking you. “He’s called you that many times when we were alone. I told him to drop the name, but I guess he just couldn’t let it go,”
His confession made your heartbeat quicken, a smile forming on your lips. “He’s- he’s called me that before, it’s not a big deal,”
“He has?”
You nodded. “At the gala,”
Auston chuckled, shaking his head as he parked the car in the driveway of a rather big house. “I was worried he’d overstep,”
“I was worried I was the one overstepping,” you admitted, chuckling when he frowned your way.
“I don’t know,” you giggled, the mood inside the car changing. He laughed, letting his head rest against the car seat. You planted a quick kiss on his cheek, your fingers intertwining.
“I appreciate you,” he whispered, turning his head so his lips could ghost yours. “So much,”
You kissed him gently, letting out a little squeal when he pulled you onto his lap. “Auston!” You giggled loudly, palms flat on his chest as you looked at him.
“What? Can’t appreciate my girl?”
Heat rose to your cheeks as you felt like a teenager again, straddling his lap inside the walls of his car, sharing sweet kisses. “You should really consider coming to Los Cabos with us,” he mumbled after he suddenly pulled away. “Work has been stressing you out, and I can tell. You deserve a trip,”
The tip of his thumb brushed against your swollen lips as you gave his statement a thought. You did need a vacation, you weren’t going to lie: work had been busy, filled with meetings and important deadlines. It truly had been stressing you out.
“It would be in a couple of months, baby,” Auston whispered. “Just give it a thought and let me know,”
You nodded your head, pressing one last peck to his lips before opening the car door and sliding out, Auston following your tracks.
You were still uncertain, but maybe the universe wanted you to be there. Next to Tyson and Auston, being part of their lives, part of their routine.
Maybe that was where you belonged.
3 months later...
“You little troll!” You squealed jokingly, running after Tyson as he splashed water your way. His giggles were loud when you wrapped your arms around him, spreading kisses all over his face as the warm Mexican sun shone on your faces.
“Daddy! Come play with mommy and me!” Tyson yelled to Auston, who was sitting by the shore, looking at his two favorite people playing together. He chuckled, stepping towards the two of you with a smile.
“Show daddy what I’ve taught you, baby,” you suggested, pushing the few strands of wet, dark hair away from Tyson’s forehead.
The toddler looked at his father with a smile before lying flat on the water, floating ‘just like the big kids’, as he had said just prior. Auston’s reaction was priceless, his lips pulling in a wide smile as he gave you a quick look.
His fingers were quick to tickle Tyson’s stomach before pulling him in his arms, excitedly laughing with his son. “Look at you!”
“Was I good, daddy?” Tyson asked with a giggle.
“You were spectacular!”
Tyson laughed, pointing your way as he talked to his father. “Mommy helped me,”
“Do you think she should teach me, too?” Auston asked, smirking your way when Tyson nodded.
“Such a way to ask for alone time, Mattews,” you rolled your eyes, biting your lip before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. Tyson’s tiny hands smacked the cheeks of you and your lover, pushing the two of you away in a fit of laughter.
“No kissies!”
You shook your head, pressing a quick peck to Tyson’s cheek before letting your lips find Auston’s one last time. “I’ll go get some sunscreen on, my shoulders are burning,” you muttered quickly, pointing a finger towards Tyson teasingly. “And you, mister, you better come get your sunscreen refill in ten,”
“Mommy!” He pouted, giving you his puppy eyes you couldn’t resist.
“It’s gonna be quick, then you’ll be able to play with daddy and Papa as much as you want,”
You left only after you had gotten a small, resentful ‘okay’, walking towards the beach to reach for your beach bag. You looked from the distance at the boys, your boys, with a loving smile. You had never felt love for someone the same way you felt love for Auston and Tyson, never. Your heart belonged to them, in any possible way.
You wondered where you would have been at that point, if you hadn’t gone back to Auston. Maybe you would have been back home, still heartbroken over the things he had made you go through as a teenager. Maybe you would have been in Toronto, too scared to let him know you had kept your promise. Maybe you would have been somewhere else, far away from his life, living different experiences without him and the kid you had started to call your own.
You were there, though, living the life you had been wishing for ever since you were a little girl. A love story, a kid you loved so much, moments you would never be able to forget.
Your life was complete, everything you had asked for.
You weren’t uncertain anymore, there were no ‘maybes’, no ‘perhaps’.
That was where you belonged.
Taglist: @thirsthy-bitch @bellaguarneri @jakevirtanenn @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows
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