#by fate or fortune they were meant to meet each other
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大理寺少卿游 / White Cat Legend (2024) eps. 11-12
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milswrites · 6 months
The Trials of Aphrodite Part One
~ Azriel X Fem!Reader
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Series Masterlist
Series summary: Hopelessly in love with Elain, Azriel enlists your help in order to win her over. The only problem? You have been in love with Azriel for as long as you have known him.
Chapter summary: With his pitiful attempts of expressing his attraction to Elain leading him nowhere, Azriel decides he needs some help. Who better to ask than his closest friend?
Warnings: Light angst (pining), Azriel’s childhood is mentioned but doesn’t go into detail.
It was no secret that Azriel had always been a lover.
Once the shackles of his tortured childhood had fallen and Azriel was able to taste the sweet release of freedom, his found family had spent years teaching the male what it meant to dream.
They had shown him the sweet blessings that come with loving freely and dreaming wildly. Reassuring the male that his life was his own, promising Azriel that family was made by choices, not by blood. Encouraging him to make his own decisions, build his own friendships, untethered by the control of his merciless relatives.
That's how he had met you. The male having sought to make a connection that wasn't forged for him by the likes of his family. Azriel's selfish desire to have someone all to himself was what drove him to Velaris that day you had met. Confident that despite his past which had been spent in solitude, he would be able to meet an equal-minded person.
It was fate that brought the two of you together. A chance encounter as you collided in the bustling streets of the lively city. Azriel had spent every century since thanking the gods for allowing that meeting to occur - for bringing him you.
The shadowsinger had been drawn to you from the very moment you had stumbled into his unexpecting arms. His shadows flocking to your glowing aura like moths to a flame. You were everything Azriel wasn't. A bright soul, who had grown up in Velaris, nurtured by your loving family. Untouched by the darkness which plagued the male.
Yet it was this difference which set you apart from Azriel's family. This difference which had him craving your presence when his own light had grown a little too dim, needing your warmth and security to encourage the spark to grow in his festering darkness.
You were the perfect antithesis of each other. The sun and moon. Life and death. Day and night. So it was no wonder how it was all to easy for the shadowsinger to love you. To welcome you into his tarnished life, allowing your gentle hands and honeyed voice to soothe over the the jagged scars of his past.
Azriel allowed all his free time to be consumed by you, the days passing by quickly in each other's contented company. And that is why, after centuries of knowing one another, it was no surprise that Azriel knew everything there was to know about you, and you him.
How you were both fortunate enough to have been blessed with the gift of reading each other without a single word needing to be spoken. How it was all too easy for you to notice the way in which Azriel's longing eyes which had one settled on Mor, had now turned their attention to Elain.
All the while yours remained on him.
Azriel may have been a lover, but he was blind to your centuries-old affection for him. His heart and mind always having been stolen by another. First Mor and now Elain. You didn't allow his incessant pining to deter you from your friendship with him. Just like you were Azriel's salvation, he was yours. The deep bond of your friendship had already been tied and you would not allow one silly little crush to sever the tether that tied the two of you together.
It was only one centuries-old crush which you couldn't stamp out no matter how hard you tried.
You were fortunate enough, at least, that Azriel's pining was mainly done in silence. That his hours spent with you weren't marred by him expressing his undying affection for the ladies who captured his attention. It was pure luck, that the man who owned your heart chose to keep his love for another to himself, sparing you from the unbearable pain of hearing about it. Watching his yearning eyes never fail to leave Elain's delicate features whenever the two were in the same room was agony enough.
And so you were content. Resigned to the fact that his unrequited love for you was something you would have to live with if it meant being in Azriel's life. Accepting that you were immeasurably in love with a man who would never feel the same way about you.
It was all too easy then, once you had come to terms with this realization, to fall into your regular routine with the male. To ignore the ceaseless twang of your heartstrings whenever you witnessed his uncontrollable pining for Elain. To pretend that the dreamer inside of you didn't stir up pictures of a day where Azriel would finally notice what's been in front of him the whole time.
Being Azriel's friend was too much of a reward to ruin.
And so when he turned up at your door, face sullen and eyes watering, Elain's name upon his lips, it was impossible to deny him of your comfort. Standing aside to allow your distressed friend to walk inside, Azriel making his way to your sofa before flopping onto the plush cushions, flattening his wings as he laid in misery.
A gruff cry of frustration tore from his throat as you moved to sit in the chair opposite him.
"That bad huh?" you ask meekly, tentative voice failing to represent the tempestuous emotions which were swirling inside your chest at the reason for his visit.
Azriel shot you a flat look, his serious eyes meeting your own anxious ones before he flung his head back in exasperation.
"I actually think I'm destined to remain single forever!" he cried as you uncomfortably shifted in your seat at his statement. You often wondered in his shadows could sense your hidden affection for the male, convinced that they must have some knowledge of your crush on their master as a few of the smoky tendrils made their way over to where you were sat. The dark shadows curling around your legs in comfort, not dissimilar to the way a cat would brush against your ankles.
Azriel, oblivious to his shadows wanderings, continued to vent, "I don't understand how I've been cursed with the inability to speak to females."
"You speak to me alright" you interjected lowly, keeping your eyes locked on the swirling movements of the shadows by your feet out of fear of them betraying your true emotions in relation to the words Azriel had spoken.
"Yes, but you're you," he countered as if it was obvious, shrugging casually as he did so, "But every time I go to speak to Elain it's like the Mother herself is holding my tongue. She's bound to think there's something wrong with me."
"I'm sure she doesn't Az" you reason, doing your best to fill your words with reassurance and comfort. Hoping that if you soothe the male's turbulent thoughts of the woman he may stop speaking about her sooner.
"And then there's Lucien. Why is Lucien always there?" he asked in annoyance, spitting venom upon the mention of the red-haired male's name. You sunk even further into your seat, clearly your well of luck had run dry.
"Why don't you just ask her on a date?" you quietly asked, forcing the dreaded words to spill from your mouth, "She likes you, I'm sure she'll say yes."
His slumped head snapped straight at your words, hazel eyes boring into your own as he began to eagerly question you, "She likes me? You're sure?"
"I mean. . . I guess? I can't say I pay much attention to the women you pine after."
A lie. Having jealously spent numerous hours observing Elain to see if she also feels the same way as your friend does for her. But this was something you'd never mention to Azriel.
"Cassian said I need a wingman," he scoffed at the notion, clearly finding the idea of Cassian trying to do anything romantic unimaginable, "Can you imagine the mess he'd put me in then? He'd probably scare her away. . ."
Azriel trailed off, his hazel eyes clouded over as the male was deep in thought, lightly tugging at his bottom lip with his teeth as he did so. "Your sister," he slowly started to speak, as if afraid that you would judge his next words, "Is she still with that guy you set her up with?"
"Castor? Yeah she's still with him, why?" you ask, heart beating frantically in your chest as you can already see where this conversation is leading. Dreading the shadowsinger's proposition which was already hovering ominously in the air. Fearing the unwelcome appearance of your inability to say no to the male.
"Well you wouldn't mind helping me would you?" he pondered, the thundering echo of your heart now flooding into your ears, "I trust you more than Cassian, I know you'd be able to do this for me."
It was a cruel fate the cauldron had handed you. And cruller still, was the hold that Azriel had over you. The way he had managed to worm his way into your heart and dictate what you do and how you feel.
It was impossible to tear your eyes from his begging hazel ones, unable to ignore the hopeful anticipation which filled them. Hating the uplifting way your heart twinged with pleasure at the trace of a smile lining his soft lips. A smile reserved only for you.
Your mind screamed at you to say no, listing all the reasons why this was a terrible idea, creating numerous scenarios as to how this could all go horribly wrong. Yet it was too late, your traitorous heart had already spoken for you, pouring the words from your lips before your mind could even register that you were the one to have spoken them, "Alright Az, I'll do it. I’ll help you with Elain."
And it was all too easy to pay no mind to the river of dread which coursed through your body. The pain of your fracturing heart failing to be heard due to the numbness which had found it's home in your body and soul. The warming comfort which came along with Azriel's beaming smile was almost strong enough to make you believe that he loved you. Allowing you to confuse his thankful eyes for affectionate ones.
His grateful expression was hypnotic, his gods blessed power was enough to hold your anxieties at bay. Able to convince you that you made the right choice.
That all you needed to be content was to make sure that Azriel was happy with somebody else.
Someone who wasn't you.
Part two
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hot-astrology · 6 months
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Our minds don't always grasp that our souls are on a mission. We can't fathom that we have decided to go through multiple chaotic experiences. Sometimes, these experiences lead us to evolve and wake up to see what our souls are doing all along. We all have fated meetings, situations, and experiences throughout our lives. The vertex is a location in our natal charts that is not a physical object. This point is very powerful, and some think this is one of the main focal points in the natal chart, much like your North node.but more so this point is where you will have your life changing encounters with different souls on your journey for your evolution.
Meeting that special person out of thin air, while randomly picking up ice from the local store at 1 a.m., or bumping into your soulmate while getting stuck on an elevator with them. These situations are never a coincidence, more like a fated meeting. It's always events and scenarios playing out in our everyday lives. Many of these situations encourage us, inspire us, bless us with someone with good fortune for us,even help us see our own potentials and gifts or vice versa. Don't forget the areas in our life that we need shaking up in and help take us out of our comfort zone to put some urgency and fire up under our ass.
These meetings can not be avoided or postponed. Some things in life are just what they are. Your soul chose this incarnation, and on this trip, it set up different scenarios and experiences to play out to help wake itself up to get headed on its journey. When it comes to fated meetings with a past life spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, lover, fling, or even a crush. This can play out in many different ways that can be very spontaneous, romantic, or toxic. Your soul chose to meet up again with these encounters to handle unfinished business, 1st time hookup, or to be together forever, or let's say just together until…
In a synastry chart, the vertex can be in conjunction or aspected by the other planets. This will display different scenarios playing out in both your lives. Now, transits play a major factor in seeing how events play out or unfold. Learning and understanding this point as well as the transits could help you know how you and your spouse met, why you met, and what's to come further down the road. Well, we have some aspects with the vertex that show your fated meetings this lifetime. If you don't see a certain aspect that you're looking for, please message us in our email. We will gladly help you get the information you and your partner need to understand more about your relationship.
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Vertex 1h: This overlay shows that these two were meant to find each other. More than likely, one or both feel like they have met the one. There can be a strong physical attraction, and this could be one of the first things the house person notices about the vertex person. l They both feel like they were meant to be in each other's lives.
Vertex conjunct North Node: Their paths have crossed, and the vertex has come to awaken the north node on their journey. The meeting is powerful & and the nodal person feels very attracted to vertex person. Usually, the North node will feel like they have to get their life together. These two can feel like they are spiritually connected. However, once the vertex person is ready to leave, north node person can have a hard time letting go.
Vertex 7h overlay: This overlay shows that through this meeting, a relationship was meant to form. This will most likely be a long-term connection, and you will both feel a strong connection to each other.
Vertex-Venus: Love is in the cards, and possibly marriage. Overall, this shows falling in love and romantic/creative encounters. Especially for the conjunction, this is more than likely to turn into a marriage.
Vertex conjunct Uranus: These two meet unexpectedly. The Uranus person is here to change the vertex person's life in some way. There is an unorthodox & strange connection. Whichever house this conjunction falls into shows what part of life will be shaken up. These two together are likely to turn some heads & raise a few eyebrows due to Uranus's unique & unconventional nature. This encounter won't be normal, and it is important; These two don't try to fit in with society's standards. They are here to awaken & bring excitement/abrupt change into each other's lives. This description can apply to other aspects as well!
Vertex conjunct Pluto: Similar to Uranus, this aspect brings change, but it's more of a slow evolution pluto person works on the subconscious of vertex person over time and years. This is not fast like Uranus & it's not exciting, but it is binding and obsessive. Pluto emerges into the deepest parts of the vertex and brings out these qualities that they need to heal & learn from, which causes a transformation. The house in which this conjunction takes place will show what area this evolution is likely to take place in. At first glance, the vertex person can be intimidated or extremely enticed by Pluto person. There is something complex about this connection, and it can be extremely private regarding what these two have going on. This description can apply to other aspects as well!
Vertex conjunct Neptune: You two met in the astral realm before the physical realm. There is a psychic and almost telepathic connection. This comes naturally. You just know what the other is feeling, and you could both have intense dreams about the other. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, and although many say that Neptune is delusional, that's only when this energy is used in its low vibrational state. Also, when you aren't spiritually in tune or evolved. Anyhow, Neptune shows unconditional love. This is an aspect that shows this energy, and no matter how hard you try, it'll happen. There's a spiritual connection, and ascension is possible here. There's this feeling that the other feels unreal or from another plane of existence. This will be a very creative & transcendental experience.
Vertex-Juno: Long-term commitment is on the table for these two. Marriage is something these two will think about. Especially on the part of the Juno person, vertex will feel a pull towards Juno, almost like they have to be with them or commit to them.
Vertex conjunct Sun: Here, the sun is bringing what you didn't know you had. Sun person has come to boost vertex persons self-confidence. This is an encounter that will make the vertex have some character development. They will be very attracted to each other, The sun helps vertex person discover themselves & talents they didn't know they had. The house in which this conjunction occurs shows what part of the vertex person will develop.
Vertex 3h/9h: The keyword for this axis is learning & growth. If your vertex or someone else's vertex falls into the other's 3h/9h, expect to gain experience. This can be very chatty & you both are very intrigued by each other due to the differences that are there if this is occurring in the 9h house. The 3h house shows similarities between two people.
Vertex 9h overlay: The 9h is all about long-distance traveling, morals, ethics, laws, spiritual values, and higher learning. And most importantly, good karma. So here, 9h person acts as the teacher & guide. The 9h person will bring new experiences towards the vertex person, opening their eyes to new beliefs & knowledge.
Vertex-Moon: These two are meant to learn what it's like to have a secure,& emotionally fulfilling connection. This aspect shows a close bond, and likely, they are someone you will remember for a long time. You will look back on times with them as sentimental & nostalgic. This is also an aspect where you two are likely to have an intuitive connection. It's easy to understand what the other is saying without them saying it. Subconsciously & and emotionally, you two grow to get one another.
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬
𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔: 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐳 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐳 || 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢
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914 notes · View notes
Got random idea come while reading your Yuu Hunt and reading Yuu Leech again that Yuu Hunt meet with the Leech twins and Yuu Leech meet with Rook Hunt.
A lot of things can happen, Rook being a stalker, he is stalk Yuu Leech.
Jade and Floyd really interested in Yuu Hunt as they not like their younger brother Rook.
Though love your story and headcannon.
Thank you for reading my stories, anon! And I hope you enjoy this one, too!
[Yuu Leech and Rook Hunt]
“Oi! Yuu, can’t you slow down a little?” Grim grumbled as he tried to keep up with Yuu’s pace, unbothered by the dark aura they were emitting. Only Grim would be so bold to talk to Yuu while they were in one of their moods. Yuu said nothing and continued walking down the school’s hallway, ignoring how the students immediately steered clear from their path. After all, who would want to purposely irritate an already irate Leech? They’d probably be either the bravest or the stupidest person in the world. And unfortunately or fortunately, whoever it was had gotten Yuu’s attention.
“It’s like you’re trying to run away from someone.” 
Yuu clicked their tongue and cracked their neck, rolling their shoulders as if they were preparing for something. “Aiya… Do I look like someone who'd run away? I can feel their eyes on me since earlier and it won't stop. It's starting to piss me off. If they want a fight then they better do something soon because I'm getting bored.”
Grim’s ears perked up at your words. “A land predator? Are you gonna hunt them down?” It was a common occurrence for the both of them to try and beat down people or creatures that interested Yuu. No matter if it was on land or on sea, Grim always helped them take it down.
A smirk tugged at Yuu’s face, teeth bared. “If they don't make a move, I will...”
Just then, the Leech’s hand shot up and caught an arrow mid-air. The arrow had a dulled tip, clearly not meant to seriously injure but it was a declaration to Yuu, nevertheless. Yuu smiled menacingly as they turned their head towards the direction where the arrow came from, the shine of metal visible from afar as a second arrow was prepared to be released.
“Found you.”
The Leech twins like it when Yuu and Rook decide to hunt each other down because it takes the attention off of them. Rook stops stalking them and Yuu doesn't put them in their inescapable hugs so it's a double win for them. They also deliberately did not tell them about Rook for the hell of it.
Anyway, Yuu Leech finds Rook interesting and enjoys fighting with him whenever they meet. Rook’s easily one of the people that can probably take Yuu's attention off of their brothers and free them from their hug.
[Yuu Hunt and the Leech Twins]
Yuu wasn't a coward, per se, but it does get quite worrying when they've noticed two twins with teal hair in their peripherals who had been following them for quite a while now and judging from the amount of students avoiding them, they were probably someone not to mess with.
‘So why are they following me?!’ Yuu screams internally.
“Oi, Yuu, they're getting closer. What do we do?!” Grim whispered at them, also having been keeping track of the two since they appeared. “They won't go away no matter how much we try to lose them!”
“You think I don't know that?!” Yuu whispered back.
Unfortunately as fates would have had it, as Grim and Yuu weren't that familiar with the school’s layout and that made it all more easy for the Leech twins to corner them.
“N-Now, now…” Yuu tried to placate as they backed up, putting their hand in front of them like that would physically stop the slowly advancing Floyd. Jade was standing behind him, guarding the way out should Yuu slip by his brother.  “I'm sure that whatever my brother did, I had nothing to do with it.” This whole situation was probably their brother’s fault. Yuu just arrived at the school a few days ago so there was no way they could've done something. The most logical thing here would be because of their brother.
‘What’s this? Can't get back at the younger brother so bully the older sibling instead?’ Yuu cried inside. They were sooo going to tell Rook to stop whatever it was he was doing with people.
“Heh, you remind me of a shrimp. I'll call you Shrimpy…” Floyd smirked, finding it amusing how different Yuu acted compared to their young brother. “Come here, Shrimpy, Shrimpy.” He lunged for the older Hunt. Except, he didn't make contact as he found himself falling backwards from a sudden weight pulling him back and onto the ground. Floyd tried to get up but soon realized that the lapels of his clothes had been bolted down on the ground with a crossbow arrow.
Yuu didn't hesitate reloading and quickly aimed the crossbow, firing multiple shots consecutively at Jade who dodged their attack. However, it seemed that this was exactly what Yuu planned as they and Grim made a mad dash towards the exit.
“Sorry, I'll pay for your clothes lateeeeer!”
While Yuu Hunt may be a bit of a ball of anxiety, they– like all the other Yuu sibling variants– have the skills to deal with others. Remember, they're a Hunt and while they are scared of Rook, they're still the oldest Hunt sibling.
Yuu is terrified of the Leech twins but always uses non-lethal methods to escape them. Rook, however, is still and always will be their top one most scary person to be hunted by. 
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kuromochimi · 8 months
Of weddings and what ifs
sakusa kiyoomi x wedding organizer f!reader
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♡ You loved your job and the joy of being able to bring to life the weddings that couples could only dream of, before they had met you. The only downside to it was that your job sometimes reminded you of a certain ex fiancé. Fortunately, he hasn’t made an appearance in your life since you broke the engagement off. But with the red string of fate connecting you and your ex fiancé not being totally severed yet, it was only a matter of time before it brought you back into each other’s lives. Only this time, he’s tied to another.
Content Warnings: ONE SHOT, angst, little fluff and comfort, no closure break ups, not proof read, a small hint for an open ending, lmk if I missed any!
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With the final arrangements settled, you finally felt free enough to take a breath and appreciate the (once again) perfect event you’d managed to organize. It was exhausting to say the least, but the happy couples who would often tear up out of joy while thanking you? Yes, it was definitely worth it. And it was a job that paid fairly well too. Moments after you’ve had the time to look around the venue, a notification from your phone caught your attention. It was a notice from your secretary about new clients. She reminded you that you had to meet them the following day. You then made sure to set up alarms and reminders as you were sure you would oversleep otherwise, after all, the current event would definitely last til the late hours. And that it did.
The following day, you tried your best to make yourself look freshened up and awake. You arrived at the meeting place quite early. You double checked all the files and documents which you might need. Thankfully, not long after you finished fixing your papers, the client arrived. She approached gently before speaking “Hi! I’m keiko. You’re yn, right? I saw your picture on the pamphlet” she smiled shyly. You noticed just how soft spoken and beautiful this lady was. She definitely has that “soon to be married” glow. “Hello, yes! It’s me. I’m glad to finally meet you, keiko!” You stood up to shake her hand. You both settled down after the introductions. “Will it be just you for today?” You asked her before you started discussing anything. “Oh my fiancé will be here soon. He just suddenly had to run an errand for his mom. He’s..” she grabbed her phone to check on something, probably a message. “Oh he’s just parking his car now” you gave a nod of acknowledgment at that. With your seat facing the entrance, you could clearly see the people who walked in and out of the cafe. Which meant that when sakusa kiyoomi walked in, your eyes immediately gravitated towards him. He started looking around, eyes landing on you. Or at least you thought they did, before keiko looked back from her seat, immediately getting up to hug sakusa once she was made aware of his presence. She guided the man back to your table. You tried your best to mask whatever feeling was forcing its way out of you. “Yn, this is my fiancé. You can just call him k-“ . “sakusa, you can call me sakusa” he cut her off. Keiko was a bit taken aback by her fiancé’s interruption but she was quick to ward off the confusion. While the discussion went on, you couldn’t help but feel anxious and even more tired. You weren’t sure if it was because of last night’s event execution or if it was because in front of you was your ex-fiancé, asking you to organize his wedding. The fiancé who was too busy for wedding planning. The fiancé who thought he couldn’t give you what you deserved. The fiancé who left.
The world felt like it was nothing but air. You couldn’t feel much at all and you were probably only functioning out of pure muscle memory acquired from all the times you’ve done this pre-planning orientation for engaged couples. Your consciousness was jolted awake when keiko stood up. “Yn I’m really sorry but I’m being called in for work. One of my patients had an emergency. Please just settle the rest with kiyoomi, I’ll see you again soon!” She hurriedly left. Her absence immediately making way for the awkward silence filled with all of the unspoken thoughts you and sakusa tried to keep in for the last hour or so.
“I’m sorry”. The words felt unreal. They felt empty, and fake though you were sure kiyoomi would never say something he didn’t mean. “What are you sorry for, sakusa?” He visibly flinched at the name he suggested you called him by, not even an hour ago. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be.. all this for you” the moment made your ring finger feel heavy despite the absence of the ring that used to wrap itself around it.
His words brought you back to the day he left after he’d had enough of your complaints about having to plan the wedding all by yourself. He was starting off as a doctor back then, a new resident who wanted to do all that he could to establish his career. You were both fairly young back then, which was probably why you both thought getting married at that point of your lives was surreal. For some, maybe it was so. But for you two? Apparently not. Because not long after he proposed, he soon found that the demands of being a surgical resident wasn’t something to take lightly. While you were also working, you never failed to make time for wedding planning. Of course, you knew that his schedule was much more taxing than yours but it still pained you to make invitations on your own, taste test cakes by yourself. “I want whatever you want” was what he’d said as compensation for his absence. But when you were trying on dresses and you looked at yourself in the mirror gown and all, the weight of keeping everything in came crashing down because “he should be here” was all you could think. Sakusa wasn’t superstitious so he certainly wouldn’t give a fuck about seeing you in your wedding dress before the wedding day. Heck, he even said he’d love to pick one out with you. But he wasn’t with you. So when he came home from work, tired and not thinking straight, he was met with your equally tired looking figure, sitting on the couch, crying. He didn’t even get a word out before you spoke your mind and while he did understand, he didn’t have the energy to argue further. Because in his head, you should’ve understood why he couldn’t be there. And even when you both reconciled that night, nothing had changed. The same cycle continued until neither of you found enough reason to keep the promise of getting married. Though you wished he would’ve at least said goodbye instead of leaving a shitty sorry note on top of your counter, along with the apartment keys.
“It’s fine. Let’s just forget about it” you tried your best to sound sincere but you couldn’t exactly lie your way out of a confrontation with someone with whom you literally intended to spend the rest of your life with at some point in time. “Do you.. do you want me to find another planner? I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was gonna be you, yn. I promise I never intended to-“ he stops as you held your hand up to signal your request for silence. “Sakusa, it’s fine. Like I said, let’s just forget about it. I promise not to let what happened get in the way of your wedding planning.” The day went by very slowly, both you and kiyoomi moving and speaking like virtual characters merely accomplishing tasks assigned to them. “Well, that’s about it. Please let your fiancé know about the details she missed and… congratulations for the engagement” you chimed before briskly walking out of the cafe where sakusa was left dumbfounded and extremely confused as to how he was going to address this wild turn of events.
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Throughout the planning, you’ve come to learn that keiko was an amazing person. She was passionate about her work advocacies, she was kind and soft spoken, extremely understanding, and though you didn’t mean to have such thoughts, whenever she spoke of kiyoomi, you never seem to miss the times she’d tell stories about how busy the man was and that she understood him anyway. Because she loved him. Because she was the same way sometimes. Something you weren’t able to do for him during such a challenging time in his life. It caused conflict in your heart to learn all of those things. Because it warmed your heart to see such a happy bride to be. She radiated happiness and everything in between whenever she was with kiyoomi and kiyoomi looked at ease whenever he was with her and that’s something because kiyoomi rarely looked at ease. They were happy but as much as you wanted to take that happiness as a sign to let your hurt go, it just didn’t work that way. To be quite frank, until now, you still harbored a little (or more) hurt from the fact that someone you had initially agreed to marry, was capable of leaving you without even saying it to your face. Before you came home to an empty apartment with his goodbye note, you were even going to propose the idea that maybe you guys should just postpone the wedding and maybe wait for things to settle in before you resume planning. Instead, you were met with your ex-fiancé’s absence. His clothes missing from the closet, medical books out of the shelves, even his favorite mug was nowhere to be found. It was as if only the note he left behind could serve as proof that you were once in a relationship with him. You tried contacting his family and closest friends but most of them ignored your calls and those of them who answered obviously tried their best to dodge answering your questions. You were at your lowest then. You took a long leave from work, barely ate, barely showered, was often sick, and would constantly wonder how things could have been had you just kept your mouth shut instead of nagging a tired kiyoomi.
It wasn’t helping that you were thinking about all of this a few minutes before the couple’s consultation with you. The wedding was moving closer and closer and you’ve been spending more and more time with them and it still honestly feels like the world is caving in every single time. It’s an unexplainable feeling. You wanted nothing more than to see them get married, sincerely congratulate the couple, let go of all that’s been bugging you in the past, and finally move on with your life, something you haven’t been able to do since you and kiyoomi broke things off. Your thoughts were cut short when someone entered your office. It was keiko and she was alone. “Yn? Hi, I just wanted to talk to you real quick” “quick? but we have so much to do” she smiles gently before taking a seat across your desk. “I don’t know how else to put it but… I know about you and kiyoomi. I didn’t know when I first met you but he told me everything and I just want to tell you that it’s okay if you want to talk to him about it. You both need it, yn. I know it’s none of my business but I hope you think about it. Don’t worry, I understand.” Ah. You see it. This is the woman he fell in love with. This was the woman worth the change and this was the woman able to match him perfectly. There’s no fighting that. “Keiko I don’t know, you don’t have to” she softly reached for your hand to hold it in both of hers. “You deserve an explanation, yn. Kiyoomi might have changed since then but I’m not about to marry someone who’s able to leave someone just like that. If you feel like you don’t need to speak with him, I respect that. But if you want to talk to him, let him know, it’s okay, don’t worry about me.”
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You took up the offer. Maybe if keiko didn’t come up to you to say that it was okay to look for closure, you would have spent the rest of your life swallowing your need for an explanation from your ex.
“Thank you for agreeing to talk, yn.” You only gave him a light nod as you looked far into the expanse of trees ahead. View from where you were seated at a nice private little cafe. “Kiyoomi I just want to know. Why did you leave like that?” With fidgety hands, you tried to calm down. “I just felt like I didn’t deserve you anymore. I hurt you after I asked you to marry me. I didn’t deserve that ‘yes’ anymore” after a nod, you responded “So you just? Wrote a note then dipped? Kiyoomi I still wanted to marry you then. I was going to postpone it but I still wanted to marry you.” He knew that. “It’s exactly why I left. Because you still wanted to marry me even after what I did. I didn’t deserve you anymore.” “Kiyoomi, for the longest time, I wanted to tell you that I was willing to wait for you and that I was sorry for nagging you that day. Then I was obsessed with trying to find out which one of us was at fault. I wanted someone to be at fault because how does it happen that two people love each other so much but still end up separating just like that? But it’s been a while now and I think… I think maybe we should forgive each other now. I honestly felt bitter lots of times even til only recently but seeing you with keiko.. she’s a great girl and she deserves all the happiness. We should close this part of our lives now, shouldn’t we?” Kiyoomi stood up and you thought he was about to walk out but he pulled your arm to get you to stand up before he gave you a tight, warm, and sincere hug. One unlike any other he had given before. It wasn’t an I missed you hug but not a goodbye one either. It was one of acceptance and peace. Though it didn’t feel familiar, none of his embraces have felt as warm as this one. After pulling away from the hug, you grabbed your purse, as you got ready to leave. “Omi, I sincerely wish you and keiko the best” this time, you said it with utmost sincerity.
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Wedding day
With flowers and good food and genuine smiles, the wedding went by without a hitch. Much to your relief. You decided to stay a little but longer for the reception, snack on a fee things before leaving. With a glass of champagne in one hand and your purse in the other, you walked around the venue, checking on things here and there. Well, not until someone bumped into you knocking the glass of champagne off your hand, spilling champagne on your dress, shattering the glass on the pavement, and causing you to fall on your bum all at once. “Hey, you okay? Come here” the tall man gently guided you to stand up. He immediately removed his coat to wrap it around your frame to hide at least a little bit of the stain. “You hurt anywhere?” It took a while for you to respond. “Oh- oh yeah I’m okay, no worries, sir” “it’s Suna. Suna Rintaro”
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tarotbyopal · 7 months
What does your crush think of you?
Hello you gorgeous people! Thank you so much for being here! Are you ready for a new PAC reading?
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🖤Piles: 1-2-3
🖤Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Calm your breath and remove all of the thoughts from your mind. When you try to focus on the reading at hand which number or image comes to mind? That is your pile
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Pile 1 Your crush’s current energy
Judgement, ace of cups, 5 of wands in reverse, knight of wands
Your crush is currently going through a time of clarity/awakening. They are becoming aware of things that before they weren’t. It is likely that they are tired of pursuing relationships that aren’t working and that are hopeless. This person is likely to lose some friends soon and gain new ones. It is also likely that they will grow feelings towards someone new soon, so this is your chance to catch their eye. They are ready to let their emotions grow and lead their decisions. They don’t want to overthink, they want to follow their heart. They will be finding resolutions to things that may have been bothering them. Their energy just feels new and light. They are excited about things again. It feels like the sun is finally shining down on them again.
What your crush thinks of you
4 of wands, 2 of wands, hanged man, wheel of fortune
The two of you may be quite close to each other already and if that is the case pile 1, then know that this person thinks of you as their support system. You are likely to help them a lot when they doubt themselves and you are a constant in their lives. If the two of you aren’t close to each other yet then they feel like the two of you would get on really well, like you would just understand each other really well. They definitely see a future with you. Your crush can see the potential for the connection between the two of you to progress really quickly because they feel a very deep connection to you. However, everything seems to be at a standstill at the moment - it’s not yet the time for this connection to turn serious, the timing is not right, but it will be. They think of you as someone they were destined to meet and they want to see where things may go with you.You are the one that they want to fall in love with - it’s their fate.
What they want to tell you
The emperor, 9 of swords, 3 of pentacles, 3 of swords
Not yet, soon but not yet. Please forgive me but I need to gain control over my life first. Things are a bit messy and I am just now understanding things differently. I have been stressed and anxious about where my life is heading, so I am not in the right mental place to be able to love you. Please don’t take it the wrong way. Let me grow my fundations and then I will be able to amend my broken heart. I don’t want to be the one to put you in a tough position. Let me love you
Keywords: 333, past life, meant to be, destiny, control, anxiety, growth, clarity, dark hair, tall
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Pile 2 Your crush’s current energy
King of wands, 10 of wands in reverse, 2 of cups, 4 of wands
I love your person’s energy! They are warm and buzzing with confidence and excitement over everything that they have going on in life, which by the way it’s a lot! They have soo much going on but they are making it work. When they want something they make time for it and they make it work. They do not want to hold onto burdens that don’t matter anymore. They are feeling bold and they are likely (now more than ever) to go after the things that they want - especially career wise and promotions wise. Your person is likely to have their own business or want to have their own business.They know what they want from life right now and they are basically ready to meet their soulmate or have them in their life. I don’t believe that the two of you know each other well right now but there could be a pull. Your person may also be looking at putting roots down for the first time ever, they want to have their happily ever after.
What your crush thinks of you
7 of cups in reverse, page of cups, king of wands, the world
They…don’t really know what to think of you to be honest pile 2. They haven’t decided, also because I feel like they have seen very different sides of you every time the two of you have met?! They think of you as someone who can either be easily influenced or who takes a while to make a decision. They are likely to assume that you are quite naive when it comes to love, or you love blindly and are likely to get hurt by the people that you9 choose to date. However, they also see beyond this and they know that both of you are very similar. You both have the same confidence and spark towards the things that you want to achieve, You are both extremely headstrong. They think of you as someone extremely special and unique. They want to get to know you more.
What they want to tell you
Destiny has been at a standstill for us (this pile is quite similar to pile 1 so if you felt a pull towards pile 1 definitely check it out!) Destiny has been at a standstill but things are slowly starting to move in our favor, for once. You have constantly sacrificed yourself for others but it’s time to stop the sacrifices. Surrender to our fate together. We are twin flames, can't you see it?! You feel like home, and I want to build a home with you. Let’s get matching slippers. 
Keywords: home, soft, innocence, 1010, 111, twin flame, luck, 2024, October, sacrifice, pink, high heels, comfort
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Pile 3 Your crush’s current energy
Your crush has recently come out of a relationship or has recently had their heart broken. It is very likely that they are just not putting the pieces of their heart back together. They are overcoming their sorrow and pain, There is a lot of melancholy coming through as well and sad music. I feel like your person may be the type of person to music sad music when they are feeling sad and cry to it. Music is just very important to them. There is a lot of heaviness in their heart and energy but it’s coming to an end. This was expected of your person, they knew that things weren’t going the right way anymore. They knew it was coming to end and the energy feels new to an extent. I feel like even though they are heartbroken right now, they didn’t lose themselves and it won’t be long until this person is back to normal.
What your crush thinks of you
Knight of swords, 8 of cups, the world, the devil
Your crush thinks of you as someone who is very quick and witty with their words and opinions. They may see you as someone who is sassy as well and can hold a conversation with anyone. You may like to read or are extremely intelligent and it seems like you may read a lot. They think that you don’t withstand people badmouthing you and you are quick to protect yourself and those that you care about - you are extremely protective of others. With your strong adaptability skills you are able to get out of your comfort zone and this is something that your person really likes about you. They almost want you to drag them with you on your adventures. You are very worldly in your approach to romance, and extremely sexy. This person definitely has a huge crush on you already; they just aren’t in the right space for it.
What they want to tell you
4 of swords, ace of cups, 4 of cups, page of pentacles
 I need a break from love right now. I feel like I shouldn’t jump into a new relationship just yet, however I also can’t help myself when it comes to you. I don’t see myself being able to make the time in my heart right now to love again, but soon I will be ready and I hope you will still be here when I’m ready. I still want to learn so much about you, there is so much I don’t know. But you are absolutely gorgeous and enticing. Continue to be around me because I love your company.
Keywords: Darkness, heartbreak, pause, hope, learn, 1717, comfort zone, crush, sexy, ice cream, cotton candy
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misshoneyimhome · 1 month
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New Dad! Willy imagine unlocked! Stepdad! Willy (Don’t worry, nothing dodgy, I promise) 😉
I’m not even sorry, but after seeing that photo of William with the kids, I couldn’t stop my imagination 🙈
Also, I tried a new format for a blurb ✨
William Nylander met you in a bar just before the season started. 
The moment you began talking, you were instantly drawn to each other. 
William was out celebrating with his teammates and friends, while you were enjoying a night out with your girlfriends. 
It had been a while since you’d felt so carefree, and William Nylander was the perfect company for the evening. 
He was charming, interesting, and funny, and his handsome smile captivated your attention as the conversation flowed effortlessly.
William was just as taken with you. 
You were calm, relaxed, and seemed to be fully present with him. 
Your laughter was infectious, your eyes sparkled with joy, and your smile lit up the room.
He didn’t hesitate for a moment to ask if you’d like to go home with him, and you said yes.
That night was amazing. 
Your bodies connected effortlessly, melting together in passionate intimacy. 
The rush of ecstasy you both felt was overwhelming, a level of bliss you hadn’t experienced in a long time. 
However, when William woke up the next morning, he was met with an empty bed and a note—“Thank you for an amazing night.”
Fortunately for William, fate was on his side. Just a week later, he saw you again. 
You were surprised to see him, but a wave of joy filled you. 
You hadn’t meant to leave William like that; in fact, you wanted nothing more than to stay. 
But you had responsibilities at home—a daughter.
William was an intriguing man, and part of you wanted to get to know him better. 
But you already knew a lot about him and his lifestyle, and you doubted he’d want to be part of your life as a parent. 
When you saw him again, you managed to brush off the encounter casually. 
But when William persisted in seeing you again, you found yourself hesitating.
You decided that a coffee date couldn’t hurt. 
So, you met with William on a late October evening after the hockey season had started.
You walked side by side for hours, his dogs eagerly strolling along. 
But as the night drew to a close, things became complicated. You could feel yourself falling for the Swedish forward, a promise you’d made to yourself not to. 
But the gentle kiss he placed on your lips made it clear you needed to be honest with him.
You told him about your four-year-old daughter, the light of your life, conceived in a moment of weakness with a former best friend who wanted nothing to do with you or your child. 
You hadn’t asked anything of him, simply letting him go and taking full responsibility yourself. 
William was momentarily stunned by your confession, but then he smiled, relieved. 
He had feared your hesitation was due to a romantic relationship, but knowing you were available made him feel hopeful.
William Nylander wasn’t the type to fall in love easily. 
He was focused on his career and enjoying his bachelor life. But after meeting you, things changed. 
You had captured his heart in a single night, and when you weren’t there the next morning, he was deeply disappointed. 
Even days later, the thought of you hadn’t left his mind; he knew he was hooked.
The knowledge of your daughter complicated things for him, but a part of him couldn’t let you go. 
He realised that if he had to challenge himself to become a new version of himself in order to have a chance with you, he was willing to do it.
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thepenultimateword · 6 months
Soulmates Prompt List
I hope it’s ok if I use the red string in some of these prompts. Since it’s cultural, I don’t want to appropriate it or anything; I’ve just read so many fun soulmates stories based around that concept lately that I thought it would be fun to write some prompts.
1. The red string will guide you to your soulmate when you are in close proximity (within a few miles) to them. Unfortunately, [A]’s leads them to a funeral. Fortunately, they’re a necromancer.
2. Pirate’s red string has always led them into the sea. They always figured that meant that they were “married” to their sea life. That is until one day the string goes tight and they are pulled overboard and find a merperson on the other end, desperately trying to bite the string free.
3. People don’t have just one soulmate. There are many potential soulmates depending on the path one follows. Villain has take advantage of this fact after realizing that their powers are strengthened with each soulmate’s soul they devour. They don’t care much for losses, much preferring their position as a ruler and almost god. That is until they until they meet Hero, the first soulmate they’ve ever cared to spare.
4. Soulmates know each other at first sight. It’s sort of ZING! Or a ZANG! Or something like that. [A] was always told they couldn’t miss it, but now [B] is looking at them like they were just electrocuted and [A]…felt nothing.
5. Thief sees the words mid-heist. The words they never told anyone but wrote on their arm at 13 during soulstice to be able to recognize their soulmate one day. However, even with proof, Detective seems to think Thief is making up another one of their deceptions to escape. Or maybe they’re just in deep deep denial.
6. [A] is cursed to remember and [B] is cursed to forget. They are Soulmates in every life but not always successful ones. Turns out [B] only regains their memories of past lives when [A] succeeds in making them fall in love with them once again. It’s a tiring thing, wooing their love in every life, but it’s more painful to be forgotten.
7. Fate has already chosen matches for each person, but that does not stop some people from trying to “steal” soulmates, ignoring the rules that forbid flirting with anyone not prearranged for them. In fact, quite a few people have started claiming that soulmates should be a choice, but can anyone really defy fate?
8. Soulmates appear in each other's dreams the night before they meet in person. After such a dream, [A] recognizes [B] immediately, and from the look on [B]'s face when they lock eyes, they recognize them right back. So why are they lying and claiming they've never seen [A] before?
9. People used to be born with predestined matches, a matching mark appearing somewhere on their skin upon first meeting. But one day it simply stopped, so humankind had to manufacture it themselves. Now, upon birth, every baby is implanted with a device--they are legally required to upload all personal data to the device's cloud throughout their life--to simulate such a mark, only to activate upon contact with a compatible match. The ways of spontaneous soulmates are now only a story of the past. [A] is fully invested in the technology, however, [B] doesn't believe humankind should have ever messed with the decisions of fate.
10. In a post-apocalyptic world, [A] expected their soulmate to be dead. Not that it mattered anymore. Almost everyone was dead. And love was not going to keep them alive. But when a thief sneaks into their safe house and tries to steal supplies, [A] tackles them to the ground, catching a glimpse of the soul mark on the thief's neck just as it fades. Their soulmate still exists. And the feelings that come with that knowledge are very confusing.
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°•°•°BACK 'HOME'°•°•°
Part 2
Parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / ??
Synopsis: after Miles and MC discovers they were in another universe, they meet sevreal suprsies on their way.
Warnings: none
WAKING UP FROM your haze you blinked turning your head toward the door. a slight creak of it barley showed you anything from outside, only allowing the hall's thin light to pass through.
'did it happen to Miles too?? Did he realize it?' your mind thought as you felt a twist in your stomach. This wasn't good, you were no where near home,you didn't know how would you be back in that case since you didn't have those multiverse watches. both Miles and you were thrown into another universe.
And God knows what did it hold for you,fortunately, you didn't need to wait to find out.
you held the knob slowly opening the door, grabbing Miles's attention instantly.
Both your widen eyes staring back at each other, telling you that he indeed felt it as well and knew what it meant. this whole silent interaction went unnoticed by Rio who had her back to her 'son'.
Before any of you utter a word a loud creak was heard from the front door, someone was entering Miles house.
and instead of the usually buffed build cop coming to his house, like any other day. the guy who entered was not him. he was slim and way taller, it was dark yet you could make out those fluffs on his shoulder of the jacket he was wearing and what marked him right away was his bald head.
Uncle Aaron. The man who you attended his funeral not two years ago, was walking alive and well in this world, in this house. Making his way to his 'nephew' all casually as if there was nothing wrong.
for some reason you hid further in the room, pushing the door slightly more so it appeared there was no-one in there. it was dark so no way he would see you, but you could. you felt weird meeting him again even when he wasn't that much of a stranger to you.
you watched how your friend stood frozen staring at his not-so-dead uncle standing front him with a waiting hand in the air, staring back at his nephew although confused for why was he so surprised.
Miles finally takes his hand into their usual 'handshake', it was how he used to greet his uncle before he met his fate before he let his emotions slip and tangled his Uncle in a hug. You could hear him whisper.
" I missed you so much. . ." to him, it was a refreshing moment, a great chance to remeet his uncle depaite the circumstances. to his uncle, it brought more confusion and surprise.
for you, it was mixed feelings. You were glad,confused, surprised and scared. if he was alive that means that he was still the Prowler, right?
Though it shouldn't trouble you right now, this was the least you had to worry about. Right now you were glad that at least Miles had a chance to hug his uncle after a long time, even when he brushed him off and took it lightly while walking to the kitchen to greet Rio who greeted back like nothing was unordinary.
Your friend stayed there still, staring at your Uncle. your teeth nipped on your bottom lip feeling suddenly nervous that you were going to reveal yourself to him. it really shouldn't be a big deal, you met him several times, although you were not close. though you find it really awkward to introduce to yourself right now.since they weren't really Miles's family.
but they still were, in a way, right?
Then your mind caught on something. 'hold up, they are Miles's family, does that mean–'
You snapped back to the scene when you saw Uncle Aaron approaching toward their front door telling Miles that they 'had to move' you quickly followed suit without Rio noticing since she entered deeper in her kitchen.
Miles turned to you surprised as you held the door that he was going to close it, you sent an awaked smile to him as you pulled the door behind you.
"Forgot about me already?" You mumbled playfully with an unbothred smile to ease the gravity of this situation.
from his shock of earlier your friend forgot you were with him this whole time, he face palmed himself
" am so sorry." He mumbled back.
You giggled at his reaction patting his shoulder, "it's okay" he smiled back at you.
even when he hated bringing you in all this, Miles was still grateful he had you by his side, you never doubted him or leave him no matter what. this little sweet interaction however was interpreted.
" You followin kid?" A deep voice called from above, the man was at top of stairs waiting for his nephew to follow seemingly not noticing your presence yet.
" Ah yah uncle! I am!" He called walking fast behind him, you following him.
the man before you, frowned deeper upon seeing you beside his nephew, confused.
" Hol up. . Who is your friend?" 'Ah so he didn't know me in this universe'. that or perhaps the hood that kept your face hidden didn't really show who you were.
"She is. . .my friend. . Don't you know her?" Miles lift a brow while rubbing his neck. he was suddenly uncomfortable like he was caught up doing something wrong by simply bringing his friend with him.
you waved awkwardly at him, he didn't seem pleased for some reason, his eyes narrowed more, looking more suspicious of you even.
" her? Who is 'her?' "
Before any of you could answer, Aaron's pocket buzzed to life, he quickly opened his phone, his frown deepening as he typed several responses before engulfing his device back in the pocket.
He turned his back to both of you climbing several steps ahead, his dull eyes turned to both of you.
" Alright whatever, we should keep goin." his said in a cold tone.
This uncle Aaron seemed way colder than you remembered. what happened to him?
even when he was the Prowler from the beginning in your universe he was an easygoing guy, he would always shrugs anything serious off and crack  bad jokes with his brother, holding a cold beer and being a 'bad influencer' to Miles.
Speaking of his brother. . . wasn't Miles's father supposed to be back by now? They really needed to speak with him.
you and Miles shared a look before walking behind this man in silence, you walked closer holding on your friend's hand giving it a slight squeeze for comfort. He blinked surprised though lightly squeezed your hand back, smiling to you.
" It's okay" he mouthed sensing your worry.
He too was nervous, this atmosphere was getting unsettling for whatever reason and Aaron's mysterious behaviour didn't help.it's like you were both getting punished for something you hadn't commit and why were you both even going to the roof? What's up there?
Miles was lightly pulling you with him forward, you were making your way to the door till you got hit with the same gut-wrenching feeling, you both glitched tripping on your steps. Aaron turned his head, lifting a brow.
" Ya both okay?"
Your friend slowly nodded as you helped him up holding on his arm, you rubbed your head.
" just a cold. . " you added earning another intense stare and subtle nod, he walked out leaving the door to shut.
as you existed to roof, chilling air hit your face making you shiver and dig deeper in your burrowed hoodie, your arms hugged your body. the sky stopped raining, groups of dark clouds float together as they hid the moon making it way darker, with street lights only illuminating the area you were standing on.
a lot of dusted boxes and other things were scattered around, all chairs were packed together, unused. there was no planting pots nor any decoration giving this place some life.
It felt so unusual how abounded it seemed.
instead of the welcoming aura you used to get from here no matter what, it felt way colder even without this atmosphere. you recalled how many times Miles's family (along with you, sometimes) would drink tea and enjoy the view at sunset or at dusk, mats would be spread on ground where they sat with string yellow lights hinging around, adding more warmth to the moment.
You frowned, your attention at a certain spot where you used to sit back in your universe. 'do they still do that here too?' If not You wondered what would be the reason, could this universe be more depressing than yours.
come again, though you hate to admit it Miguel could have been right when he said that Miles took someone's else role when he became spider-man.
still, it was never his fault, he never knew and he never chose this, it happened as it was.
So, did that mean there was no 'spider-man' here? No Peter Parker? No peace? You kept wondering to dozens of possibilities of what could this universe's fate be if there was no 'hero' in here. a tight grip on your arm snapped you out of your thoughts as you turned to your friend.
Confused at his shocked expression you followed to where was he staring, you face paled. seemingly answering to your previous question of why would they wouldn't do such a 'warming family gathering' thing on this roof.
Infront you, was a smiling face of Jefferson morales, painted on bricks wall, where Uncle Aaron was supposed to be. He was painted in his cop uniform, either as a memory cherishing him or that he died fighting for the city's justice since there were no 'heroes'.
you understood why would Miles be freaked out, he just saw what he wanted to avoid, his father's 'canon event' thought wasn't only what shocked you.
Beside Miles's father's painting there was another one, though in smaller size.
It was–
Your wide eyes stuck on the wall as you subconsciously took off your hood still in shock.
Uncle Aaron's reaction to your reveal went unnoticed by you and Miles. you both busy staring at the painting of Jeff and yourself.
Your face was painted on the walls with a very bright smile and little cute drawing around you as if this was a picture taken by a filter on someone's phone. It was like looking in a mirror, except your eyes were in a different shade and you had dark freckles*.
Your irises turned to Miles's brown ones, both of you sharing an anxious look till your eyes widen upon realizing your mistake. You showed yourself when you were 'dead' here.
Miles seemed to catch on that. slowly, you and him turned to the adult man standing silently in the dark, only the light from his phone brighting his face. his expression stayed in their cold gaze, if even more.
That made you scared from his reaction, what would he do now that he seemed to realize you both weren't from here? Especially you, since you were supposed to be, well, non-living. did he thought you were both perhaps imposters? that you were a danger? Or you were lost and needed help?
Miles opened his mouth hesitated to explain himself in a way, he wanted to clear things up for him.
no matter what that was his uncle Aaron, right?
but he couldn't even utter a word as a sudden shadow loomed over you both, when you turned your head in hurry. That mysterious shadowed figure knocked out your friend on the spot, in one punch.
You jumped, panicking. "Miles!!–" before you were about to reach him, two strong arms wrapped around your small figure, keeping you in hold.
You started to struggle, eyes stuck on the unconscious boy as you looked at the mysterious person.
" Why did you do that?!" You yelled, glaring at them.
it was difficult to make out how this person looked like but with his neon bright colored mask, you sort of caught on his purple and black costume. Just like the classic prowler from your world.
They froze suddenly, titling their head.
" [Name]. . . .?" They said it in a hushed voice but you heard it anyway, it wasn't clear what their real voice were but it turned out to be a male as you assumed.
He started approaching you, what seemed like a clawed hand reached toward you. panicking you tried to wiggle harder from Uncle Aaron's grip, it never wavered.
'god damn it!'
"It isn't her, com'on " you heard Uncle Aaron state, his grip on you tighten.
the guy's face turned up at him, seemingly his 'eyes' narrowed at him as they shared a silent interaction before subtly nodding his head. His 'gaze' darkened toward you as he continued approaching, his hand reaching behind his back.
"Wait wait!" You turned your head as best as you could to look at the man caging you. " Mr. Aaron, Please listen!" You pleaded for him as you continued. " We aren't here to harm you or anything! we came from–" you couldn't finish your sentence as a wet cloth was pressed into your face.
Trapping your nose and mouth to be intoxicated with the strong smell.
You shook your head rapidly, trying to pry off this cloth as the 'prowler' held your head with his clawed hand keeping you still, you refused to inhale the intoxicating subject, but you gave up and did it anyway when you needed to breathe.
Why was everything going opposite to what you wanted today?
You felt your limps weaken as your vision began to blur, no matter how hard you tried your consciousness was drifting to nothing, your head felt heavy, everything was heavy that you just let yourself drop into Aaron's grip as you passed out.
He let go off you, only for your body to be caught by the Prowler himself,  he held with care despite the eerieness he showed toward you earlier, his eyes staring at your sleeping figure as he subconsciously caressed your hair behind your ear, like he used to do whenever you fell asleep in his room while chatting with him.
It was ironic how you chose to wear this hoodie out of everything if you were in his room, because the you he knew always picked this one, his favourite one. He would argue with you to get it back every time. Though he would only take it back to keep your scent, not washing it and wearing it with pride. that till his mother would find it somehow no matter where he hid it and rewash it.
for a moment, he forgot what he was supposed to be doing, he forgot that you weren't really 'here' and that 'you' could be just a doppelganger who came at their place for harm, he didn't know whether it could be possible though and he shouldn't trust your words, somehow he believed it.
it was said in your tone and it sounded genuine, at least for him.
" Kid. . ." Miles's head perked up at his Uncle's call, he turned to him.
the old guy was holding on Miles's clone's limp body on his shoulder, he gave his 'real' nephew a knowing look, though his eyes stayed cold it softened.
" it isn't your [Name], so stay focused. " even when he ordered him, his tone was somewhat caring. He didn't want to see his nephew heartbroken again. Believing in a lie .
his nephew kept his gaze on the girl in his arms, brushing his thumb of his non-clawed hand on her cheek.
"I know. . .it's just. . she is alive. "
a pause as his uncle stared at the paintings on the walls. focusing more on his brother's, he would have been shocked and speechless even, if he saw Jeff standing alive in front of him but  his logical mind was more awake than his emotional heart, from what this life has been throwing to him.
so even though he would die to see Jeff again,he knew that would be logically impossible.
" I know but still, don't get fooled." He turned back to his Nephew.
"If anything these two could be planin somethin and we have to find it out."
A subtle nod from him told Aaron that he was indeed aware. which meant he would have to push those emotions aside.
Miles followed behind his uncle, holding you in a bridal style, he couldn't help but steal glances at you. you looked so peaceful, so alive.
Gosh if he could just hug you right now. real or not, you made him stare in awe, like he was himself again back when everything was almost normal.
he didn't what could it be, but it seems the universe had given him another chance, a rare one. he wasn't there for you back then, couldn't save you but now, with you breathing in his arms, he would be extremely determined to know what was your motive for your arrival or your plans, whether you even had any.
Because if his gut feeling was right and somehow, by a miracle, it was you or close to the 'you' he used to know.
Miles wouldn't be letting you go. the universe had brought you to him for the second time and he wouldn't be missing this chance, no matter what.
* MC has freckles in earth-42, if you have them anyway then imagine that this MC doesn't.
Ughhh I wanted to put 42'Miles interaction with the MC here so bad but that would have made it impossibly long. Don't worry though! The next parts is going to have their meeting reunion? Together!
Please, if you liked this leave a comment, it motivates me to keep writing.
@pifuyue @ueexj
hope you have a great day :)
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iamsherlocked-1998 · 2 months
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SUMMARY: The hope just come slowly.
WORDS: 700
WARNING: Nope, just two people meet in the end of the world. AU post-outbreak.
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In a world where all the comforts and life as we knew it simply ceased to exist, it was very difficult not to notice the vast expanse of it, it was as if everything had been amplified. The ravages of the past had left scars on all souls. After facing many harsh realities, such as the loss of your group in an attack by infected, you were simply limited to moving through the shattered remains of what was once society, a chance encounter made you meet a man called Joel Miller.
Two people found themselves in a desolate town, where hope seemed a distant memory. Joel, burdened by tragedy, had long embraced a solitary existence with no real purpose, defined by exhaustion. The initial meeting was a collision of unexpected warmth and genuine kindness. You had been injured while defending yourself from assailants who were trying to rob you, but instead of walking away like so many others, Joel was forced to help out of instinct.
You had to recognize that although you did your best to fight, if he had not appeared your fate would have been turned very dark. Over the next few days, as you slowly healed in the safety of the shelter, something began to develop, the man's exterior was quite gruff but you were good at figuring out when a person truly meant well.
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Through shared stories and sincere conversations while he tended to your wounds, Joel discovered that an almost joyful, resilient spirit burned within you like he had not seen in anyone in a long time. Despite his cautious nature it was as if an ember of longing was rekindled in his own heart, whispering of better days that were yet to come. Without a doubt you too were moved by the compassion and strength that emanated from him, finding comfort in his presence.
As you ventured into the ruined world together, Joel's protective nature and the permanent reckless boldness of your actions fortunately complemented each other. In the face of danger, you stood shoulder to shoulder and your bond grew stronger with every setback you faced. The wasteland had a way of testing your stamina and the sleepless nights where your demons and ghosts returned to torture you both were not unusual.
It was for this reason that in moments of tranquility under a starry sky, you and Joel ended up finding relief in each other's touch in the light of a campfire. The constellations stretched into the immensity as the fingers intertwined, offering a source of relief and serenity. It was a sweet, tender connection, a respite from the harsh realities of his miserable existence.
Through the rare shared laughter and kind smiles, despite your partner's generally stoic demeanor, he simply let his guard down. Things slowly began to fall into place, piecing together the fragments of their broken and dusty pasts.
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As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, the attachment you were developing for Joel deepened, becoming a ray of hope in the midst of the chaos. It was found joy in the simplest things, like sharing a meal together or finding a quiet moment to reflect in the middle of a storm.
Embracing each other, You discovered a sanctuary, a safe haven where scars, both physical and emotional, could heal. Without imagining it, You fed each other's dreams, whispered promises of a future where fear would not rule the world.
And so, in the midst of the disorder, You rewrote the initially indelible and treacherous impression that the universe had left on minds. United by the gift of serendipity, It was faced challenges together, guided by the unwavering belief that even the harshest of realities could be conquered if you found something to fight for.
You didn't mind admitting that you saw your experience as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, you can still thrive. You and Joel treasured every stolen moment, cherishing the gift you had found in each other and vowing to face whatever the future held, hand in hand until your so-called luck ran out.
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abbysimsfun · 2 months
Sims In Bloom: Generation 1 Pt. 23 (So Much Romance!)
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While Everett and Heather loved spending nights counting stars at Lord Volpe’s old ruins, Kris and Holly had a favourite spot of their own inside the picturesque national park. The night before the Easter break, they hiked into the hills, to the cliff’s edge of Cordelia Falls for endless views south toward acres of green and gold farmland. Spring rains made for a muddy trek to the top, but Kris was determined. He’d planned this day for almost a year and thought about it even longer.
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In all their years together, Holly and Kris had talked about their future many times, but now that they were coming to the end of their high school years, he was ready. He’d saved up for the ring and got down on one knee while Cordelia Falls sent a misty spray into the air behind him. Holly was elated. She said yes before they ‘christened their engagement’ right then and there in the woods behind a hydrangea bush. They couldn’t get enough of each other, and her family was thrilled by the engagement. They’d always loved Kris, and looked forward to the day he became an official member of their family.
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The Nesbitts arrived in San Myshuno a day early for Karl and Mortimer’s wedding, helping with last minute preparations and bringing Mortimer’s aging great-aunt, Agnes Crumpcakes, with them from Henford. Type-A Mortimer was running around and stressed, and to escape the mood inside, Karl and Heather found a chess table in a park away from the others. Though they’d only known each other a few years, Karl stepped up as an uncle as soon as he met his nieces and nephew. He was silver-haired now and wouldn’t have kids of his own, and he took his second chance at family seriously.
Heather could be open with him about her terrible romantic choices. He could relate somewhat and assured her she would find the man she was meant to be with some day. If it could happen to him, a guy who felt he’d done little to warrant his recent great fortune, for a girl like Heather who wanted to save every animal in Simlandia, he said it was guaranteed.
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Like fate, no sooner had he said it than Heather locked eyes with a teenager across the park plaza. He had short blond hair and flashed Heather a crooked smile, which she returned with a sheepish glance behind her glasses before he walked over to meet her. He said his name was Malcolm, and they talked for most of the afternoon while Karl pretended to practice his chess moves at a close distance. They exchanged numbers, and he sent her a flirty text the morning of her uncle’s wedding.
She smiled gleefully to herself as butterflies danced in the pit of her stomach, but something about Malcolm seemed off. Though she was an open book and told him all about her family’s success with Nesbeets, when she saved his number to her phone, she realized he’d never given her his last name. She started second-guessing her new feelings almost immediately, especially as she thought about Everett and Bob and Lucas Munch and her less-than-stellar romantic track record. But was it Malcolm she didn’t trust, or was it herself? It’s not like she’d asked him for his last name, anyway. But today was her uncle’s wedding, and she shook off her unease to celebrate with the Goths and her family.
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Would Malcolm be the key to Heather's romantic future, or would her longtime feelings for Everett stand in his way? ->
<- Previous Chapter | From the Beginning
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ORV aka one of the greatest love stories I've ever read
The title says it all, our beloved novel is one of the greatest love stories written and it doesn't belong to the romance genre (as far as I know anyway).
I won't go in to heavy detail but this has a lot of spoilers (you've been warned)
I see ORV as a love story of many.
It's a love story of a man whose love for reading webnovels consumed his life, became his reason to keep moving forward, his reason to survive, his reason to protect and his reason to die. He valued the lives of characters more than his and deemed his suffering minor compared to theirs. He would throw his life away, even trying to take it with his hands, if it meant they would live happily because he wanted them to be happy (even if he couldn't be part of that hapiness).
The love story of a writer that wrote for a single reader even when it seemed impossible. A writer that would sacrifice the world for her reader if it meant he would survive and live to see another day.
A love story between a sword and shield. They were brought together because of a reader, fought together, suffered together and inevitably separated by their memories of said reader.
A love story between a mother and child with common enemies known as 'shared suffering', 'lack of comunication' and 'misunderstanding'. The mother that sacrificed her life for her son, that sold her life story in hopes of protecting him, that treasured every story he told when he visited and was hurt that a fictional character was the one her son loved most but grateful said character helped him survive when she couldn't. The son that felt betrayed by his mother and came to resent her but fought with all he had to keep her alive and well.
The love story of a protagonist that lived for his companions. A protagonist that sacrificed his limbs, mind and life to protect the people he cared about. He was ready to become a demon king, fated to die at the hands of his companions, if it meant they would get to the conclusion. A man that loved his sister and wished to protect her with all he had even when she appeared in his life without any warning.
The love story of companions that would forsake their comfort, cross world lines and give up all they had to save each other. They found strength in hope and when they were out of hope, they became each others' strength and reason to keep going.
I'll just end this with some of my favourite quotes (I spent an hour searching for these babies)
"Kim Dokja had learned how to live from this man. This man was my father; my brother; and my oldest friend."
"This story is for just that one reader."
"That man is the world I wish to save."
"Even then, you only chose to read and nothing else. ...Because that is our way of living. You acted, and I read you doing it."
"Not everything can be expressed in sentences."
"I just wanted to say it once. I don't think I've ever told you before."
"I love you, Heewon-ssi."
"If this story can really save you...If you regained just a litle of your memories and remember us just one more time...Then I'l keep writing the epilogue for you until the end of time, for eternity."
"I lost the safety pin. I thought that I shouldn't lose it again."
"Tell me, you fool. If I continue to regress, will I ever get to meet you again?"
"I looked at Yoo Jonghyuk's miserable face and thought: Don't worry Yoo Joonghyuk. I'll do the rest. You stop and rest."
"Demon King of Salvation. I shall pray that you may continue to exist somewhere, too."
"Just because I will forget about them, that doesn't mean they'll suddenly stop existing. They definitely continue to live in this world."
"Yoo Joonghyuk smiled faintly."
"If you get a chance to run again, do you believe you can see it better the next time?"
"Because of your story, I was able to survive until now."
"Even then, this was the story Kim Dokja dearly wished to create."
"And fortunately enough, this story happened to be the one I loved the most."
"In the end, to every human being, the most precious thing was themselves. And Kim Dokja risked everything of his, always."
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archiveikemen · 2 months
Abe no Yasuchika • Sutokuin/Akihito Main Story: Chapter 2
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting│aikm’s Genjiden Glossary
Rikka: I heard about Tamamo forming a deal with a human being, but I’m curious to know what kind of person that girl is.
Yuno: Umm, I’m merely an uninteresting human being.
Rikka: Really? You don’t look that way, though.
His seductive smile up close made me reflexively back away.
Only for him to close up the distance between us again.
(W-What do I do…!?)
Yasuchika: Okay, that’s enough!
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Akihito: Yuno, come over here right now.
Yuno: O-okay.
(Are they perhaps helping me?)
Right as I was about to thank them—
Yasuchika: I heard Yukijorō have a secret hidden village of their own. Really?
Yasuchika moved to my previous spot and grabbed both of Rikka’s hands.
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Rikka: Uh… it just got stuffy all of a sudden.
Yasuchika: Oh, you really aren’t a fan of heat. You have a low body temperature.
Rikka: Not that kind of “stuffy”. Hands off me at once.
Yasuchika: You look like a strong ayakashi in your own way, but I wonder what kind of special abilities you have.
Rikka: Are you even listening?
Yasuchika: This is a long-awaited valuable encounter, so let me study you in great detail!
(At least for Yasuchika’s case… yup, he definitely wasn’t helping me!)
Rikka: … Tamamo. What’s the deal with this funny human? He’s not holding back at all.
Tamamo: Abe no Yasuchika, an Onmyōji. Don’t hesitate to shake his hands off you.
I noticed Yoritomo-sama watching us, exasperated.
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Yoritomo: Bunch of airheads.
Yoshitsune: But he indeed doesn’t seem like an evil ayakashi.
After discussing for some time, the conclusion was—
Rikka decided to stay at the palace and support us in battle.
Kagetoki: This is better than allowing a powerful ayakashi to roam free in Kamakura.
Yasuchika: Nice to meet you, Ri-chan!
Rikka: … Asking just to be sure. This is our first meeting, right?
Shigehira: I understand that feeling so well.
Shigehira-kun nodded solemnly.
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Akihito: Yasuchika is a good boy who merely likes ayakashi a little too much. Please get along well with him.
(“A little”…?)
— And so, with much hustling around, we started making preparations for the battle against the undead.
Fortunately, there were no appearances of the undead over the next few days…
I had just returned to the palace after heading out to buy medical supplies for the battle, and I looked up at Rikka walking next to me.
Yuno: Still, were you really fine with it? You were swarmed by women.
(We ran into each other near the palace, so we walked back together.)
Rikka: Yeah. I would’ve kept those girls company if they wanted me to, but I have something I want to ask you.
(… I think it’s better if I don’t ask what he meant by “keep them company”.)
Despite having the appearance of a human being, his bewitching sensuality that attracts people around him was definitely like an ayakashi.
(But considering that Tamamo trusts him, he can’t be a bad person.)
Yuno: What did you want to ask me about?
Rikka: I’m curious to know how you feel about going into battle.
Rikka: I heard about what generally happened so far from Tamamo.
Rikka: You’re an ordinary person with a kind heart who got caught up in the conflict between the three factions, am I right?
Rikka: And this time, you were appointed as a medium of the underworld.
Rikka: Together with your former enemies Akihito and Yasuchika, you’re trying to go against fate.
(When I hear about it from another person’s mouth, it does sound like I’ve been through a lot.)
Rikka: For a normal human being, it wouldn’t be strange if you were to run away. But here you are.
Yuno: … Admittedly, I do feel unsettled. I think I’ll most likely be terrified when I actually face the undead.
Yuno: Besides, I… still don’t really understand what kind of people Akihito-sama and Yasuchika-san are.
(Now that we’re comrades in facing the undead together, I really want to talk to them more…)
(Yasuchika-san rarely leaves his room, and Akihito-sama is often busy, so we haven’t had many opportunities to talk.)
The two must be occupied with the preparation works for the battle.
Yuno: Like you said, they used to be frightening enemies I couldn’t get a hold of.
Yuno: We may have signed an armistice, but I still don’t know if everyone can work well together.
Yuno: However—
I recalled the sight of everyone’s backs in battle.
Yuno: Of course Yoritomo-sama whom I received a lot of support from, as well as Yoshitsune-sama, Akihito-sama… and everyone else fought hard for their own beliefs.
(That’s why it was a battle none of them could back down from. It’s truly a miracle that we were able to achieve peace.)
Yuno: Now that we have peace, I believe that we can definitely create a bright future together.
Yuno: Even if it’s different from the “predestined future” the Yamata no Orochi spoke of.
Yuno: The reason why I chose to help is because I want to see that future.
Rikka: I get it. You’re a brave one for wanting to go onto the battlefield for that reason.
Yuno: You give me too much credit.
Rikka: Really? Now you’ve piqued my interest in you even more.
(I don’t know how sincere Rikka is, but…)
(I guess I could use this chance to ask him about something I’ve been curious about.)
Yuno: By the way, you said that you came here to see Tamamo. Did you need him for something?
Rikka: Do I need a special reason for visiting a friend?
Yuno: That’s not true, but… it’s been a surprisingly long time since you last saw Tamamo.
Yuno: I was thinking that perhaps you had an important matter you wanted his help with.
(If that’s the case, I feel apologetic for dragging him into this.)
Rikka: … An important matter, huh. I wonder?
Rikka muttered and pondered while rubbing his temple.
Yuno: Rikka?
Rikka: — Nah, it’s nothing.
Rikka shook his head and looked at the corridor.
Rikka: That aside, look over there.
I looked in the same direction and saw a figure pacing back and forth along the corridor.
(Is that… Akihito-sama?)
Yuno: What’s he doing?
Rikka: Why don’t you go talk to him? This is a good chance to get to know Akihito.
After parting ways with Rikka, I went to the corridor where Akihito-sama was.
Akihito was pacing around a specific room,
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He reached his hand towards the sliding door and retracted it as if reconsidering the action.
(I’m pretty sure that’s Yasuchika’s room.)
Yuno: Is something wrong, Akihito-sama?
Akihito: Yuno…
Akihito-sama turned to me, his eyes downcast.
After some hesitation, he opened his red lips.
Akihito: Actually, there’s something I want to ask of you.
Akihito: Could you check on Yasuchika for me?
Yuno: Did something happen to Yasuchika-san?
Akihito: Not in particular.
Akihito: But I’m sure he’s still upset about being unable to use his Onmyo magic.
Yuno: Is he? He seemed like his usual self to me though…
(It’s true that he doesn’t leave his room often, but he looks the same as always whenever I see him around the residence.)
He’s been messing with Tamamo and Rikka, and conducting weird experiments in the garden, annoying Shigehira-kun.
Akihito: No…
Akihito-sama shook his head and cast a worried glance at the sliding door.
Akihito: He hasn’t even noticed me pacing up and down outside his room.
Akihito: Usually he’d notice my arrival just from the sound of my footsteps.
(He would!?)
(But then again, judging by Yasuchika-san’s devotion to Akihito-sama… they must have a very close relationship.)
(In that case—)
Yuno: Wouldn’t Yasuchika-san be happy to have Akihito-sama speak to him directly?
Akihito-sama responded with a slightly troubled smile.
Akihito: As much as I’d really want to do that, it’ll only make that boy work himself harder for sure.
(… I don’t know the details, but I have a feeling that there’s something going on between them.)
Yuno: I understand. If that’s the case, I’m worried about Yasuchika-san as well… I’ll go talk to him.
Akihito: Thank you.
Akihito: Keep it a secret from him that this was a favour for me, alright?
Akihito: If Yasuchika has been having trouble sleeping, I ask for you to help prepare some medicine to help him sleep better.
(I see. He’s worried about Yasuchika-san’s physical condition, so he asked me for help as an apothecary.)
(He’s this worried about Yasuchika-san, and yet he can’t talk to him himself.)
(Surprisingly, Akihito-sama has an awkward side to him too.)
After seeing Akihito-sama off…
I called out to Yasuchika-san from outside the sliding door to his room.
Yuno: Yasuchika-san. Can I talk to you for a bit?
There was a brief pause before Yasuchika-san opened the door slightly and poked his face out.
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Yasuchika: Oh, it’s Yuno-san. What’s the matter?
Yuno: You haven’t been leaving your room often, so I wanted to check on—
While I spoke, I noticed blood dripping from the fingers on Yasuchika-san’s left hand.
Yuno: Are you hurt…!?
Yasuchika-san looked like he got caught red handed and hid his left hand from my sight.
Yasuchika: It’s nothing big. No worries.
Yuno: I can’t ignore that. Please wait a moment.
I hurriedly went to get treatment supplies from my room and rolled up Yasuchika-san’s sleeve.
There was a rather deep cut on his arm which I gently cleaned with a wet cloth.
Yasuchika: This little gash is nothing.
Yuno: This is no small wound you can simply ignore.
(There’s no way this isn’t painful at all, I wonder how he’s staying so calm.)
I paid attention to Yasuchika-san’s condition while treating his wound with medicinal herbs and a clean cloth.
(Yasuchika-san’s eyes appear slightly red. Akihito-sama was right about him losing sleep.)
(I was under the impression that he was being his usual self over the past few days… I was mistaken.)
Yuno: How exactly did you get this wound? It looks like it was caused by a blade.
Yasuchika: … Using blood as a medium makes powerful magic easier to execute.
Yasuchika: I thought I could at least use simple spells in my current condition if I tried that, but…
(Eh…? He did this to himself?)
I gasped at the realisation, and Yasuchika continued talking nonchalantly.
Yasuchika: It didn’t turn out as effective as I expected. While I did manage to use a spell, it’s not enough for use in combat.
Yasuchika: I need to try something else.
Yuno: B-but wouldn’t it be fine as long as you’re able to control each power on its own?
Yasuchika: Of course, but I want to conduct various experiments to accurately measure the current situation.
Yasuchika: It still feels weird being unable to use the Onmyo magic I’m used to.
Yasuchika: There’ll be trouble if I fail to protect Akihito-sama in times of crisis.
(How can he talk about such things as if they don’t bother him at all?)
Yuno: This might come off as irresponsible of me because there’s nothing I can do, but please don’t push yourself too hard.
Yasuchika: I’ll be fine! I’m used to pain.
His usual carefree smile carried a hint of pain this time.
(It might just be my imagination… but Yasuchika-san seems to be losing his mental stability.)
Yuno: At the very least, please take better care of your body.
Yasuchika: … Is that something important to you?
Yuno: Huh?
Yasuchika’s demeanour suddenly grew increasingly dangerous.
Yasuchika: I wonder why you’re being so tender and loving with me. Are you perhaps interested in me?
Yuno: Interested in…
Yasuchika: I was given the Hero’s Power, but I’m more of a villain than a hero.
Yasuchika: Don’t you think it’s a careless move to visit my room alone?
Before I could escape, Yasuchika-san pulled me into his embrace.
Yuno: W-what are you…
No matter how hard I struggled, his unexpectedly strong arms didn’t budge.
Yasuchika-san cupped my cheek with a free hand.
Yasuchika: Although I may be fighting by your side for Akihito-sama’s sake this time…
Yasuchika: I might try to entice you, the one who’s contributed greatly to the Shogunate with your fox powers, and take you back to the Imperial Court with me after the battle.
Yasuchika: That way, you’ll remain useful to me in the event of the armistice being broken.
(What the…)
The staring from his eyes devoid of emotion gave me the chills.
Yet… at the very last moment, I managed to stop myself from fleeing.
Tools and books were scattered all over his room.
All of it seemed to reflect Yasuchika-san’s frustration and anxiety.
(The problem is definitely an extremely urgent one for Yasuchika-san.)
(Maybe I shouldn’t be speaking on it so carelessly…)
Yuno: … I understand. I won’t say anything more.
Yasuchika: I’m glad you do.
Yasuchika-san released me.
However, I looked up at Yasuchika-san without taking a step back.
Yuno: But please let me know if you hurt yourself again for reasons that can’t be avoided.
Yuno: I can’t leave an injured person untreated.
(This is the bare minimum I have to tell him as an apothecary.)
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Yasuchika: …
Yasuchika-san appeared to be taken aback for a moment before giving me a wry smile.
Yasuchika: You really are so faithful to your duties.
Yasuchika: Got it. Sorry for being mean to you.
Yuno: … Same here. I apologise for disturbing you while you’re busy.
Yuno: Also, I’ll brew some mind calming tea for you later on to help you sleep better.
Yuno: You look sleep deprived.
Yasuchika: Ehh, you’re worrying too much.
Yasuchika: … But I know you’ll get mad at me again if I say that, so I’ll listen to the apothecary’s words. Thanks.
I felt relieved to see Yasuchika-san’s usual smile return.
Yuno: I’ll take my leave for now.
Yasuchika: Okay~
After Yasuchika-san waved me goodbye, I stepped into the corridor and took a deep breath.
(… If it weren’t for Akihito-sama noticing it, would Yasuchika-san continue overworking himself while concealing his weakness from others?)
(He might be more dangerous than I think.)
After Yuno left the room—
Yasuchika’s smile vanished and he hung his head.
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Yasuchika: Overexerting myself is the only thing I can do.
Yasuchika: I’ll be useless to Akihito-sama if I can’t even use Onmyo magic properly.
That night—
(The sky grew dark while I was talking to the others and compiling a list of the necessary medical supplies.)
(Without knowing the scale of the upcoming battle, there’s a limit to how much we can prepare…)
(I should make some extra medicine in case of an emergency.)
While I was walking through the corridor after that thought crossed my mind, a flash of lightning split the darkness.
(…! It’s coming from the garden. That wasn't ordinary lightning. What on earth…)
I made my way to the garden and saw—
Ibuki: Seeing you this desperate isn’t half bad.
Akihito: Your character is as great as ever. [sarcasm]
Ibuki and Akihito-sama were having a face-off with their special abilities.
(Why are they fighting each other!?)
Akihito-sama was fairly exhausted, he had one knee on the ground and tried to catch his breath.
Yuno: Akihito-sama, are you alright?
Akihito-sama politely stopped me as I ran up to him.
Akihito: Thank you, but I’m fine. This was what I wanted.
Ibuki: This guy asked me for an unusual favour so I played along with it. I went easy on him, of course.
Yuno: An unusual favour, as in…?
Akihito: I can’t depend solely on Yasuchika. I must get better at using my special abilities.
Akihito: Honestly, I’m unsure if my curse and kotodama will be effective against the undead.
Yuno: Is that so?
Akihito: Curses are originally meant to torment the living.
Akihito: I won’t know for certain until I try it, but—
Akihito: I’m not confident it’ll work on the undead, as their existence in itself already defies the world’s logic.
(Come to think of it, the Yamata no Orochi said this to Akihito-sama back then…)
= Flashback Start =
Yamata no Orochi: You look like a unique human being as well, however…
Yamata no Orochi: Your abilities are not suited for carving out a future for the living.
= Flashback End =
(— Right, that’s what it said.)
(While I still don’t understand what it meant, it must’ve been referring to Akihito-sama’s curse.)
Akihito: Yasuchika also said that the Hero’s Power would be easier to use when accompanied by a familiar weapon, right?
Akihito: That’s why I thought of fusing the Hero’s Power with my special ability to form a way to attack the undead.
Ibuki: Most importantly, unlike Yoshitsune, this guy doesn’t have a body constitution that’s close to that of an ayakashi in the first place.
Ibuki: As you can see, using his special abilities for prolonged periods of time causes him to be in this state.
Akihito: You sound delighted.
Ibuki: I mean, go ahead and suffer all you want. I’ll keep you company if you wish.
The two exchanged sarcastic laughs.
(The relationship between these two looks different as compared to Yasuchika and Akihito-sama.)
Akihito: I’m sorry for startling you.
Akihito-sama said to me after Ibuki left the garden.
Yuno: It’s okay… but I was kind of surprised. I didn’t expect to see Akihito-sama training.
(Not only Yasuchika-san, but also Akihito-sama is this desperate.)
Akihito: You’re right. I suppose I am acting differently.
Akihito: There’s the thing with being granted the Hero’s Power too.
Yuno: … Are you unwilling to possess it after all?
Akihito: Rather than unwilling… I feel confused, I guess?
Akihito: I’ve never possessed power meant to help others.
Akihito-sama lowered his gaze and touched the bracelet he always wore on his wrist.
Akihito: It’s ironic enough that the cursed emperor was appointed as a hero. But if what Yamata no Orochi said is true…
Akihito: The lives of innocent civilians will be dragged with me if I die like I was originally fated to.
Yuno: Akihito-sama…
(Akihito-sama said before that he could gain a superior position amongst the three factions if he succeeds as a hero.)
(Perhaps, these are Akihito-sama’s true intentions instead.)
Yuno: You’re a kind person, Akihito-sama. More than I thought you’d be.
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Akihito: Me?
Akihito: That’s not true at all. … Really.
Akihito: By the way, aren’t you afraid of talking to me like this?
Yuno: Huh?
Akihito-sama’s handsome face drew closer, sending my heart racing.
Akihito: I’m well aware that I was once a terrifying enemy to you.
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yanderend · 2 years
Yandere Fangirls (OCs) x Gender Neutral Reader
Fortuna & Aurora, The Fanclub Headcanons
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A pair of delusional yanderes that believe they are bound to you by fate, and will do anything to make you fall for them. They are close friends with feelings for each other as well as you.
★ After getting their fortunes told and gaining the knowledge that there is a perfect soulmate out there for the both of them, the two begin to fantasize about who that perfect person is.
★ Upon meeting you, it's as if everything clicks into place! Of course you're the perfect one for them, you're just so unbelievably wonderful, and you always know just what to say...
★ They're not sure when it started, but they became fans of yours- as if you were a celebrity- their one and only obsession! Further bonding over their endless, nearly violent love for you leads them to be even more intimate.
★ Unbeknownst to you, they'd print out all those pictures they ask for and make scrapbooks detailing every meeting. Their bedroom walls are plastered with photos you didn't know they took; their friends think you're some kind of musician— that's the only logical explanation for it all otherwise.
★ Fortuna, as socially inept as she is, makes for an incredible "planner". Always making sure to know your vague location, interacting with every social media post you make, always ready to "accidentally" bump into you again.
★ 'It-It's not creepy at all! Stop joking like that... After all, we're meant to be! Ha... hah...'
★ Aurora is by far more upfront and confident about things- albeit that manifests itself in whole shrines and a little bit of spilled blood. She wants to be her absolute best self for you- and if that's not enough, she'll just get rid of anyone better!
★ 'It's not like it matters too much, we'll be the only one in their life soon enough! Ohhh, you don't think they're too pretty for us, do you ..?'
★ They're fine just being your admirers... for now. As long as The Fanclub has eachother, their idolisation of you will never fade! They're fine watching from a distance as long as they can keep being your fans...
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tkblythofficial · 6 months
I went to a new tarot reader who knows nothing about Zeglyth and their situation. This is an unbiased reading *allegedly *
Let’s call them “Tarot L”
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Q1: How does Rachel feel about Tom?
We begin our reading with the Three of Wands and the Page of Wands. The Three of Wands is largely a card of happiness and finding success with the way things are moving. This card also represents things moving forward and hope for the future. The Page of Wands is fun and playful energy, also optimism. What this is telling us is that she is really enjoying their friendship and has a lot of fun when she spends time with Tom. She is hopeful that they will remain friends long into the future. These cards detect no romantic undertones to these feelings, so she would be looking to keep their relationship strictly platonic.
Q2: How does Tom feel about Rachel?
Next, we look at The World and the King of Pentacles. The World represents finding your place or the person you belong with, and having a sense of fulfillment. The King of Pentacles means success, loyalty and stability, as well as not taking risks. It is a man who has achieved his goals and is happy to sit back and enjoy what he has achieved. So, it seems that he is also very happy in his friendship with Rachel. She is someone who gets him on every level, an absolute best friend to him. It looks like he doesn't want to take their connection in any other direction than it is currently going, as he is very happy with things the way they are now and would not want to risk ruining their friendship.
Q3: What do their next six months look like individually?
For Rachel, I have pulled the Three of Cups. This is a card of social events, parties and large gatherings. It is also gathering with friends and having a good time. Over the next six months, it looks like she will be attending many events and celebrations. Some of this may be celebrity obligations like galas or film awards, but it looks like she wil be attending parties and gatherings for her own enjoyment as well. For Tom, we have the Four of Swords. The Four of Swords is about taking some time to oneself in order to res and recuperate. Over the next six months, he'll be taking a step back out of the spotlight and spending much more time to himself, keeping things low key. His time will be pretty much the opposite of how Rachel is spending hers.
Q4: How is Rachel's relationship with her boyfriend?
Now we have the Two of Pentacles and the Two of Wands.
The Two of Pentacles is about the ups and downs of life and achieving balance between them. The Two of Wands sees progress and achievement, and wants to take things even further. So, she seems very comfortable in her relationship with Josh and feels like they have a very good handle on things. She feels that they have achieved equilibrium in their busy daily lives and that their relationship is in a very good place. She is currently considering whether or not she would like to progress this relationship into something more serious, and if this guy might be marriage material or worth keeping around as a long term partner.
Q5: How is Tom's relationship with his girlfriend?
Finally,we look at the Wheel of Fortune and the Nine of Pentacles. The Wheel of Fortune is very good luck, fated meetings and soulmates. The Nine of Pentacles has deep caring and nurturing energy, and is about thriving and being very content with where one is at in life. These two are absolutely in love with each other. They have a very strong and loving relationship, and feel as if they were meant to be He feels as if he's incredibly lucky to have her in his life, and she feels the same.
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cheolsfae · 11 months
Can you read friendship dynamic for hoshi and lee soo hyuk? Thank you
Sure, I can!
*Disclaimer: solely for fun! Please do not take this seriously. For entertainment purposes only!*
Past: knight of pentacles, the hierophant
Initially, I think this was solely a business connection. The whole point of this connection was meant for business. Maybe for publicity? They both felt like it was fate, though when they met. Like they were destined to come into each other's lives for a reason.
Present: 10 of swords, justice
I don't think there is much communication between the two right now. They're both so focused on work. They've been maybe too swamped with things to meet or even talk to one another. Someone definitely feels really bummed out about not being able to see the other due to work commitments. I feel like that's hoshi. He's trying to focus on other things; all the other things he's got to do.
Future: wheel of fortune , king of swords
When they do meet again (it's up to one of them) they're going to feel a little awkward. It's been so long since they've seen one another. There's so much to catch up on but it's kind of stuck. Because they're uncomfortable with one another again.
Bottom of the deck: 9 of cups
Ultimately, they'll go back to how they were previously. Close-ish. They should be back to where they once were soon enough assuming one decides to reach out. I'm sure one of them will. Not sure which but soon:)
*Oracle deck was also used!
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