#cadence x peter
forourmoonyyy · 6 months
“My favourite trope is someone who believes they’re hard to love and someone who loves them like breathing”
Just say wolfstar damn
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remusoldsuitcase · 5 months
my interpretation of their relationship put on a playlist :)
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stomach-bugg09 · 11 months
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are we going to talk about this? or are we just gonna leave this for therapy? because i cannot stop thinking about this scene
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I swear to God the cadence of part-time poets is what I fucking aspire to be, the aesthetic of that fanfiction, it just makes me want to shout music lyrics, and learn how to play an instrument and smoke and dance. I want to live like that, i want to party like they did at Halloween, i want a friendship like that and i want to be loved like that
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study-of-the-moon · 5 months
kristen from boy meets world s3e21 is literally jillian stewart from the cadence of part time poets
if you get it you get it, if you don't you don't
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daebreaker1 · 2 years
Clark the Pickup Artist
You know my disclaimer, yada yada writing this Oct of 2022 pre-game release any inconsistency is owing to the fact I'm working from the demo. Also this is very unedited and was sparked from one idea, and the writing is being fueled by boba.
“Gah Peter!” Cadence squealed as Peter pulled her off of the ground “P-put me down!” Peter chuckled and lifted her higher into the air.
“Not until you admit that I’m the best!” Peter’s smirk was audible, even from the distance Clark was at. “C’mon Cadence, you know you wanna.” 
Cadence’s laugh pierced through the air and Clark’s heart in one fell swoop. “Ok, ok! Oh Peter-” She giggled and leaned in closer to Peter. “You are the best squad leader Peter!”
Clark felt a rush of heat to his face. He knew that he was the best squad leader, so why couldn’t she see that. “It’s not like I care what she thinks.” Clark huffed under his breath. And tightened his grip on his clarinet. “I mean honestly he practically had to force her to say that! Obviously she knows I am actually the best!”
One of the freshmen from a different section snorted, and as he whipped his head around he saw the flautist scuttering away towards Felicity. He couldn't make out what they were saying but he knew it could be nothing pleasant, especially with Felicity involved. “Clark~” Felicity trilled as she sauntered over to him and placed one of her hands on his chest. “I know you're the best squad leader, in every way.” He took a quick step back and defensively put his clarinet between them.
“I am not even going to dignify that with a response.” Clark said. Felicity pouted and stepped towards him again, causing him to back up again. 
Peter smirked and sauntered up behind his girlfriend, and wrapped an arm around her chest. “Babe-” Clark didn’t stick around long enough to hear where this conversation was going, as he quickly scampered his way over to Cadence.
“Oh, hi Clark!” Cadence turned towards him and smiled widely. “Are you here to offer another conducting lesson? I’m really-” She started, but she stopped as Clark impulsively wrapped his arms around her “C-Clark?!”
Clark realized with a start that he had not thought this entirely through. He gently tried to lift her and felt his face flush more as he barely got her an inch above the ground. Cadence’s giggle shook him back to reality. Quickly he let her go and stepped back, quickly backing up. “Clark.” Cadence stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Lift with your tight ass”
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unholyhelbig · 5 months
Would love some Kate Bishop angst
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Title: Past Tense
Ship: Female!Reader x Kate Bishop
Wordcount: 4027
Summary: Kate Bishop returns to her hometown unexpectedly following some bad news. She's shocked when she runs into you and struggles to grapple with her past choices.
Warnings: Funerals, hurt/comfort, drinking, work injury/ burns, spelling mistakes and grammar issues (I'm sure)
[A/n: Hello! Just a little disclaimer, this is probably going to be the last thing I can publish for the rest of the month. I've got a massive work project, I move this coming weekend, and it's my birthday at the end of the month so my time is quite limited. But things will pick up again next month]
Main Masterlist | Read my stuff on AO3 | Leave Requests
Day had barely broken over the horizon, but the world around you was impossible to ignore. There had been snow the night before, something that everyone believed was too cold to be possible. A thin layer of ice had encrusted each car before the soft, powdery type had built up on windshields and culminated under tires.
Large, wet flakes swirled around you and despite the gloves that clung to your skin, they didn’t do much for the numbness in your fingers as you fumbled with the keys to the coffee shop. Moisture had wicked through the fabric, and you hastily took them off before flicking on the house lights.
It was just past 5am and the usual crowd of early risers were soon to arrive. You made quick work of starting all the machines, the cooling cases and the manual grinder. Your baker had been in earlier, filling the displays with various muffins, baked goods, and sweets. A smooth cinnamon scent filled the air and warmed you all over.
“Son of a bitch!” the muffled exclamation formed a smile against your lips.
MJ was bundled up in a sweatshirt, a flannel, and a heavy winter coat over that. Her boots were caked in dry snow. There was a deep red blush against her nose and her cheeks that accompanied her scowl.
“Language, there are children present.”
“We’re the same age!” Peter protested as he pulled himself through the back door. He was dressed in less layers but sported the same winter complexion. He shook the large flakes of snow from his sweater, mumbling “Son of a bitch.”
It was cold enough to warrant you closing the shop. Most of the schools and the businesses in town had called for a snow day, something that didn’t happen often in Connecticut. Frigid temperatures were expected. Below freezing was a way of life and the world didn’t stop craving warm coffee to thaw them out.
This fact was proven when you flipped the open sign and the typical crowd of tired eyes started to line up at the counter. Peter typically had too much energy, so MJ took up the register while her counterpart flitted around and filled the orders. Most were to-go.
You’d known these people for years. They’d come in with a habit that was unmatched by the weather and the any other obstacles thrown at them. Before you opened up ‘The Grindhouse’ you’d gone to high school with them.
Through all the proms, and the homecomings, and the house parties that left you vomiting in the yard amongst their parents’ flowerbeds. Since then, you’d grown up and couldn’t stomach more than a few shots or two glasses of wine, tops.
They’d grown up too, those who had stuck around town. They had families and businesses much like yours. You had homeroom with the accountant that had helped you hedge your money in the correct places, and you made the same bacon, egg, and cheese English muffin for the star football player that blew out his knee senior year.
“Welcome to Grindhouse,” you said distractedly at the sound of the bell above the door, working on clearing the fallen grounds from under the espresso machine. The rag was damp and the floor was already coated in little brown specs that needed to be swept up during a lull.
“What can I get started for you?” MJ asked in her usual cadence.
“Just a plain black coffee, please.”
Your body froze at the sound of the voice, hair falling into the gaze that you refused to lift. There was a strange mix of emotions in the pit of your stomach. That voice, with it’s familiar rasp was one you hadn’t heard for years. Nearly a decade. But it couldn’t be her, could it?
She’d left for New York right after high school. The last you heard, she’d become a doctor. An unrivaled cardiothoracic surgeon that flitted around the world wherever she was needed. There was no reason for her to be back in this small, freezing, end-of-the-earth town.
“That’ll be 2.25, we have cream and sugar on the far wall, but if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.”
“Thank you.”
It was her. It was most definitely her. There was a crispness to her voice that you’d recognize anywhere. The last you remembered; it was whispered with a quickness that rivaled her hands. Her hands were everywhere. They were warm and calloused and gentle.
There was a sudden bubbling heat against the side of your hand. You hissed through your teeth and pulled back from the espresso machine. There was a large bubbling welt on your skin and a string of curses ready at your lips.
“Jesus, y/n are you alright?” Peter was at your side in a moment with a wet, clean cloth that he had run under cold water. “Do you need the burn kit?”
“No, no. I’ll be alright. Thanks Pete”
He was so attentive and clocked you with a worried stare but you reassured him with the squeeze of his shoulder with your good hand. If you were going to fly under the radar before, it would be impossible now.
You glanced over the counter, pressing the cloth even closer. Your suspicions had been confirmed by the tepid gray stare that met yours. Shock simmered behind Kate Bishops gaze, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand.
Suddenly, you felt dizzy. She looked a bit older in the face, more experienced. There was life there, a form of living that had lowered her shoulders and sealed her lips. The Kate you knew was a bumbling mess- but med school had effectively changed that.
“y/n,” She regarded you.
“Hi, Katie.”
That lopsided, sloppy grin was still the same. It reached her eyes and brightened them. You cradled your hand and reveled in the silence. Peter and MJ had frozen in place, flicking their eyes from you and then back to her.
“Want me to take a look at that hand?”
“What are you doing back in town?”
The two of you spoke at the same time and dissolved into nervous laughter. You shook your head. “I thought you were a surgeon?”
“I know how to treat a burn, y/n, don’t insult me.”
You often prided yourself on your strong will. If you had a weak one, it would have been impossible to build this coffee shop up from the rubble that it once was. Kate Bishop, Doctor Kate Bishop, had a way of melting your resolve.
Peter shoved the small plastic first aide kit into your hands and shoved you forward. There was no choice to hide your stumble other than a confident stride towards her. She led you to one of the tables that spanned the windows at the storefront. They were lined with frost, a biting cold fighting to get its way in.
Kate had about a half-inch on you and radiated a type of warmth that was unmatched. When she grabbed your sleeve and dragged you to a sitting position right across from her, you were practically putty in her hands.
“I’ve been keeping tabs on you.” She spoke without looking at you, unlatching the kit and pulling on the blue latex gloves with practiced ease. She couldn’t see the look of shock on your face. “This place is beautiful. I remember when it was that pizza place.”
“Ah, pizzapocalypse. Who would have thought that a combination shooting range and Italian restaurant would fail?”
Kate chuckled and tenderly pulled your hand closer. Her touch was barely a whisper against your skin, strands of black hair falling into her eyes. She examined the angry red mark. It had already started to blister. The espresso machine was kept at unbelievable levels of heat.
She grabbed one of the wrapped applicators, using her teeth to tear away at the wax paper. Kate squeezed a small dollop of burn cream onto the end. You hated the cloudy clearness of the substance.
“I’ve been keeping tabs on you too, you know?”
“Have you? This might sting a little bit. Do you want a countdown?”
“No, just do it I’m a brave- Fuck!” She’d already started, and you gave her a vicious glare. She shrugged with that infuriatingly perfect grin of hers. “I thought you were in New Zealand for some medical internship.”
“New Hampshire, actually. Not as exciting, I know. It was going well, but Eleanor died.”
There was a tightness to her voice. Typically, you looked away from anything involving wound care. If you were to get a shot, you’d stare at a small spot on the wall that interested you. Drawing blood was more of the same, it was just harder to ignore the needle in your arm.
Kate was working hard at the bandage in her hand and finally pulled it apart. Despite the frustration etched into her features, she applied it with a certain level of care. You didn’t’ say anything. Your hand was throbbing uncomfortably.
“She was old, we knew it was coming and pancreatic cancer, well, it’s a bitch by the end and Susan asked me to fly in for the funeral. How could I say no to that? Flying in for my mothers funeral when I was too busy working to witness her descent?”
“Katie,” You breathed out.
“That should be healed up in a few days. Make sure you change out the bandage.”
You couldn’t’ get a word in edgewise before she started to shove the contents of the case back into their proper places. The chair made a horrible scraping sound that you felt in your teeth. Kate grasped her coffee, colder than it was a few moments ago.
“Thank you for… this. I’m sure it’s delicious.” She had her hand on the door. Her quickness was unmatched. Both in and out of the OR, from what you had read. But she paused, looking at you for a moment. “I’m proud of you, y/n. This place is great. Really.”
Kate had vanished into the whiteness of the blistering day. You watched her navigate the snow with ease. Eleanor had died. How could you live in such a small town and not have heard about the woman’s passing?
The Bishop family was always a private bunch, and with Kate moving right after high school graduation, you hadn’t any reason to go past those wrought iron gates. Kate’s older sister would stop by for a hot drink once every other month or so, but you saw her coming from a mile away and selfishly hid in the back.
Eleanor had died.
There was a softness to her that you remembered fondly, a memory of Kate and you as children in the heat of summer. You’d been stung by a wasp and cried and cried until Eleanor rushed into the yard and scooped you into her arms.
Much like Kate had just done with her soft ministrations, she fixed you right up by applying a mix of warm water and baking soda. An old family remedy, she said. The venom had stopped screaming and the tears eventually stopped for both you and Kate.
Eleanor was a kind, if not private, woman. One that you thought of daily when you clocked the photo of High School Graduation on the dusty bookshelves in your living room. Your own mother hadn’t attended, but Eleanor was right there. She was right there.
“Who’s the girl?” MJ drawled out, leaning heavily on her hands, a goofy look on her face. Peter was next to her, doing the same, both eyebrows raised.
“Kate… She” You picked up the plastic first aide kit. The two of you had a habit of not sitting still and it was better to move to replace the supplies then let them sit out here. Besides, a customer could walk in at any moment. “We were engaged.”
Peter shot up “What?”
“It was a long time ago, it’s not important.”
“You were engaged, I think that’s important. How old are you?”
“First, rude, second; old enough. And really, guys it’s not a big deal. Both of us moved on. Life happened.”
They exchanged a look that, in the past, had never meant anything good. MJ had her arms crossed over her chest and Peter leaned heavily on a broom he had grabbed, hugging it lose to his chest. You rolled your eyes, attempting to ignore them both was impossible in a place this retrospectively small.
“I don’t know, boss. The way she was looking at you… maybe neither of you really moved on.”
“I write your paychecks; you understand that right?” You turned to face them. “Kate and I are done. We have been for a long time. She made that very clear when she gave the ring back and I refuse to push the matter.”
It was collecting dust on your bookshelf next to the photo of your graduation. It was a small emerald, green box that you hadn’t opened since you resituated the diamond ring. It had been stupid to propose, a last-ditch effort to get Kate to stay. She’d said yes. And then she said no.
The baker’s old Subaru wouldn’t start because of the bitter cold. It sounded like an old wife’s tale that made you chuckle to yourself while reading the text that popped across your screen.
Before you had hired him for the long nights, you’d done the baking yourself and it wasn’t a horrible chore. You’d just have to down some caffeine and slam it out; trays filled with mini cakes, with quiches, donuts and cheese tarts. It was like a methodical science project with the bonus of eating the food that didn’t look edible.
It was midnight by the time you’d pulled the first couple trays from the large industrial oven and exhaustion was starting to bay its head. You weighed the option of going home and just spreading out the pastries in the case.
All thoughts of sleep left your mind when a rapid banging filled the store. The front glass doors were being tugged upon. And while you were more than willing to die in this coffee shop, being robbed was not the way you wanted to go. There was less than three hundred dollars in the register.
You grasped at the broom, your hands covered in flower and caked on the bandage that was applied earlier. Another round of bangs as you tried to stay low and reach for the cordless phone. There was a silhouette outlined by the gray white of the snow.
Doctor Kate Bishop.
She’d given up on her breaking and entering and pressed her forehead against the glass, her breath fogging it up. It was hard to tell, but you were sure her eyes were clenched shut. There was a brown paper bag in one hand that looked suspiciously like a large bottle of alcohol.
Your grip was tight on the broom, even as you felt confident, and a little sad, about opening the door. Kate fell forward and a blast of cold enveloped you. She made a small noise at the back of her throat, regaining her posture.
“Were you going to sweep me to death?” Kate asked, “I brought whiskey.”
“Here I thought you weren’t going to come back here with the way you ran out earlier, and now you arrive with gifts?”
It was a low blow, but she had shrugged her shoulders with her goofy grin and snow in her messy hair. “Come drink with me, just for a little bit in our old spot. Don’t make me play the dead mom card.”
Saying no to Kate had always been hard for you. It had been hard when you were children and she dared you to jump from high places, always stopping you by the collar of your shirt before either of you got hurt. And it was especially hard to say no to Kate in your teens when she would kiss hot trails against your throat, marking them with bruises. Not that you were rushing to deny her.
“Really?” You asked, “Aren’t we a little old to be caught sneaking booze in the gym?”
Both of you knew for a fact that the side doors leading into the school would always be open. There were no alarms, or flood lights, because it was a small town and nothing bad ever happens in a small town.
She jutted out her bottom lip into a pout “Y/n, my mom died.”
“Okay, alright. Let me lock up.”
Kate stayed quiet on the three-block walk to the school. It was shrouded in darkness, an inky black despite the swirling gray of the night sky. Your high school had been the largest in the county; two floors filled with classrooms. You’d stuck to the same ones and Kate was the life of the party wherever she went, the bright spot in an otherwise dingy room.
The bottle of alcohol dangled by her side as your footfalls crunched over ice and an ugly brown slush of snow. It felt normal, almost, walking with her. Being with her. Staying in town was a brave choice after being dumped and equivocally left at the alter. You had powered through the looks and the whispered accusations. But some part of you was relieved she’d chosen this interaction to take place in the middle of the night.
When you’d gotten to the double doors of the large gymnasium, Kate’s boot slipped on a particularly nasty spot of ice. Instinctively you grasped her arm and righted her. She thanked you silently before pushing into the warmth of the space. The motion censor lights flicked on and you squinted against them.
“They built a new one, you know? A gym. I think they still use this for craft fairs. Fundraisers. But all the big stuff is off site in this state-of-the-art center.”
Kate blew out a breath, shaking her head. “Remember when Tommy Shepard broke your nose with a basketball?”
“Yeah, I do. I also remember sneezing right after and spraying him in blood. Everyone else was grossed out except for you.”
Kate dropped onto the large eagle in the center of the floor. Her legs were stretched out in front of her, and the bottle was idling between them. You let out a small groan as you joined her. Neither of you had ever been bold enough to inebriate yourselves in the crest. Instead, you’d hide behind the fold-out bleachers that were pushed against the walls, but this would do.
“That stupid EMT wouldn’t let me get on the ambulance with you.” The seal on the bottle cracked viciously, much like your nose, as she unscrewed the cap.
“And I told you I didn’t need to go the hospital. I think I was a liability, though.”
Kate laughed, taking a deep gulp from the bottle. It hit the back of her throat and she hissed in response before thrusting the whiskey your way. You took a smaller sip, let it coat your tongue and burn your stomach.
The mood had stilled, and she took another swallow before setting the bottle between the both of you like a vice or a buffer. You couldn’t decide what.
“Eleanor had very specific instructions in her will. She… shit, she planned her whole funeral out before she died in her morbid meticulousness. She picked white lilies, and a beautiful black casket. She already had a plot of land picked out in her family plot. Music picked out. A fucking guest list.”
You fought the urge to reach out and comfort her. So, you grabbed the bottle instead and gulped down a bigger heaping than before. The amber liquid was dipping down behind the black wrapper.
“The only thing she didn’t do was write her eulogy. No, she left that up to me as one last fuck you because that’s how she operates. She didn’t’ ask Susan to write it, or my dad. She asked me because I’m the one that left home. I’m the one that left her.”
The worst thing you could do was agree with Kate Bishops dead mother. And you didn’t, really. You’d always been happy for Kate. This town was too small for her and the lives that she saved were plentiful. But some selfish part of you understood where Eleanor was coming from.
You were possibly the worst person she could go to with this issue and by the frown on her face, she knew it too. For the longest time, you were there for each other. And if Kate had called out of the blue and asked you to go to New Zealand or New Hampshire, or whatever; you would go.
She’d do the same, you were sure. One call, one letter and she’d be here. But neither of you were brave enough to reach out and heal the wound that festered between you. You pulled your knees up to your chest, rested your chin against them with a quiet breath.
“Maybe you don’t need to write anything. Maybe you can just… say how you feel.”
“Yes, because that has worked out so well for me in the past.”
“Fair point, but she was your mother, not a fling. Even if you don’t have a script planned out, it’s worth just feeling the moment. No matter how shitty that moment is.”
Kate inhaled and held that breath in her chest for a few seconds before pushing it out. Her eyes searched you in a probing way that made your skin prickle. Blush started to claw its way up your throat. You’d blame that on the alcohol, you always were a light weight and it showed in your complexion.
“Is that what you think you were?” her voice was a low and raspy whisper “a fling?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“You never say anything you don’t mean. All you’ve ever done is calculated and well thought out. You’ve always had a plan.” She looked down at the frayed edges of her jeans, playing with the strings to avoid looking at you. “You were my everything.”  
Your voice was a quiet murmur. “Katie,”
She reached out, her warm hand wrapped around your wrist in a tender display of affection. Her eyes met yours and it was the longest the two of you had stared at one another without breaking eye contact. Your stomach was a pit of nerves and heat.
“That scared me when we were young. It fucking scared me out of my mind how content I was with you. I was ready to risk everything, to settle down in a small house and wake up every single morning next to you.” She drew in a sharp and shuddering breath “But we were young, and I hadn’t lived life and that scared me even more.”
“I know, Kate, I know. I shouldn’t have proposed, and I certainly shouldn’t have put either of us in that position. You were right to turn me down. You were right to move on and fight for the future that you deserve.”
Kate sniffed, using her free hand to wipe away the few crystalline tears that dripped across her cheeks. You found yourself pulling her close, letting her sob into the crook of your neck as you held her, your arm wrapped around her center to stabilize her.
Things were boiling over and the tension that had been weighing on her shoulders since she’d first shown up in town started to slowly drain. She missed her mother, she missed you, and that wasn’t something you were willing to process on the crest of the school’s gymnasium.
Kate’s fingers were curled into the fabric of your shirt, and eventually, she settled. Her nose was cold against your pulse point and the bottle of whiskey had been long forgotten. As self-centered as it was, you wished you could hold her forever. Feel her touch on yours for something other than a reminisced sadness.
“If you asked again,” Kate mumbled into the collar of your shirt “If you asked me again, I would say yes.”
“I know, Katie. I know.”
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maximoff-pan · 2 years
steve and reader drabble about a secret relationship mayhaps? 😫
you know I can’t resist writing for this hunk of a man ;)
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 2.4k
warning(s): some swears, being caught red handed 🤭
quick a/n: hi lovelies! sorry for being m.i.a recently. I’ve gone back to school and it’s been too busy for me to write anything. I apologize for this being rushed/incoherent, please forgive me….
part two
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Fucking girls night…
Whatever possessed you to think this was a good idea, you’re not entirely sure. Honestly, you can’t even remember who convinced you to come; they’d all been begging you for weeks to finally show up to one of these things. And now that you’re here, you’re quickly realizing why you’d been so hesitant before.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt this flustered or uncomfortable in your life, and that’s definitely saying something. Really saying something…
It’s not the fact that everyone here has a significant other that bothers you. It’s the fact that everyone here has a significant other, and they think you don’t. Because as far as they’re concerned, you’re as single as single can be.
Which would be fine if it was the truth. But it’s not. And the guilt is starting to eat at you. How many more times do they have to try and set you up before you break?
Quite frankly, at this rate, it feels like you’re almost there.
“What about Peter Wilson?”
Robin recoils at Nancy’s suggestion, picking her nails in disgust. “Absolutely not.”
You remain quiet. They’re trying to find you a boyfriend, again.
“What’s so bad about him?” Max inquires.
El adds, “He’s kind of cute.”
“Sure,” Robin scoffs, “If you’re into delusional sociopaths.”
Tilting her head, brow quirked, Nancy asks, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Robin’s pitch drops slightly. “Let’s just say, that incident where Stacy Mathers almost drowned last summer, wasn’t so much of an accident.”
Max’s eyes widen. “You mean he tried to–” she trails, too disturbed to even finish the sentence.
Robin nods. “That one’s as sadistic as they come.”
“Okay.” Nancy agrees, moving the conversation along. “So that’s a no on Peter.”
“Ooh.” El claps, eyes locking with Max. “What about Adam?”
“Adam Richards?”
Max and El nod together.
Your head has never whipped around faster. “You can’t be serious!”
Your voice catches Robin’s attention. “First of all,” she smirks, “welcome to the conversation! And second of all, what could possibly be wrong with him?” She knows exactly what’s wrong with him, she just wants to see you squirm.
“Rob, he’s fucking sixteen.”
“And?” Max joins in.
“I’m almost twenty.” You state. That should be reason enough, but as you glance between them, they don’t look convinced. The concern on your face is evident as you say, “I am not about to be some cradle robber!”
“But he’s like,” Max pauses adding on a valley girl accent, “the hottest Junior at Hawkin’s High.”
Your face scrunches in disgust, mimicking the accent back. “Fucking, ew.”
Nancy and El giggle at the interaction.
“Okay, so you’re not into younger guys then.” Robin teases, a sparkle of mischief in her stare. “Noted.”
These girls are going to drive you into madness…
“You know what else I’m not into?” The cadence of your voice carries with a hint of amusement. “My friends desperately trying to set me up because they think I’m pathetic and lonely.”
“But you are lonely.” Is El’s retort. Three pairs of eyes widen at the remark, but not yours. El’s bluntness has never surprised you. It’s actually pretty comforting, because you know she’d never lie to you.
Nancy hisses with a whine. “El.”
You’ve been around the Wheeler’s long enough to know that Nancy was raised to be a proper young lady, one who would never dare offend anyone. That alone causes your lip to quirk in bemusement.
You chuckle, feelings quite intact. “Oh good.” Your smile is cheeky. “At least you don’t think I’m pathetic.”
“She never said she didn’t.” Max points out with a grin.
“Hilarious Maxine.” You mock a sarcastic and melodic laugh.
“I don’t think you’re pathetic.” El cuts in before Max can say anything else. “I just think you need a boyfriend.”
You have half a mind to say ‘I’ve already got one,’ but you bite your tongue.
Just like you have for the last six months.
That’s half a year of trying so hard to keep your relationship status on the down low. Because things with Steve are new, and after many years of denying any feelings towards each other, you finally decided to go for it. But, on the off chance you both found that you were better off as friends, you came to the mutual decision that waiting to tell the kids (and everyone else) was the best idea. As much as you think they’d be happy to see you two together (and boy have they pushed for it), it’s not something you’d want to get their hopes up for.
You’re serious about Steve, more serious than you’ve ever been about anyone before. As much confidence as you hold in your love for him, you know he’s serious about you too. And maybe now that you’re certain (at least on your end) that you’re both sure, you can start to tell everyone about your relationship. For tonight though, you’re going to have to continue playing the role of the lonely single.
How tragic…your mind wanders.
“Oh my god!” Nancy’s interjection catches you off guard. She’s masking her smirk well, but you can still see it. “How could I not have thought of this?”
Her surprise feels more like it’s been planned, like she’s been thinking of a way to bring whatever she’s been thinking about into the conversation without rousing too much suspicion.
“Thought of what?” Robin asks, feeding into it.
Your eyes narrow.
Nancy leans over to whisper something into her ear. The chain continues with Robin leaning in to tell Max, and Max whispering it to El, leaving you thoroughly left out.
What is she planning?
“Uh, a little inclusion might be nice.” You tutt.
Four pairs of eyes bore into you, excited smiles resting on each of their faces.
Here it comes, you think.
“All this talk of boys…” Nancy starts. “What about Steve?” She asks.
And there it is. “Guys.” You groan. “Not this again.”
“C’mon (Y/n), please?” Max’s whine is on the verge of a full on beg. “I know you’ve thought about it. We all see the way you look at each other.”
“Like I do.” El’s matter-of-factness is not so comforting in this moment. “With Mike. And Max, with Lucas.”
“Oh!” Max exclaims. “Remember when Nancy and Jonathan first got together? They were really good friends, like you and Steve.”
You take a quick glance over to Nancy who’s now gone quiet, a pink blush covering the softness of her cheeks.
“Guys. Steve and I are just that,” you eye each of them with a deep intensity, “friends.”
Nancy remembers saying the exact same thing to Murray Bauman after he’d accused her and Jonathan of suppressing their feelings.
She hadn’t quite known then how strong she felt about him, as she does now. But as she glances in your direction, she reads an expression on your face that she wasn’t expecting: guilt.
You don’t exactly look like someone who’s freaking themselves out over their newly discovered — and to everyone else, totally obvious — feelings for their best friend like she had. Instead, you look like you’ve accepted them, and more so, if Nancy is as good at reading you as she thinks she is, you look like you’re hiding something.
“You’d be perfect together.” Is one of Max’s last attempts of the night at convincing you. She only wants to see you happy. Maybe if she just pushed a little more.
Your heart wrenches at her words.
You hate lying to them, you really do. You’re almost not sure why you’re doing it anymore, but you can’t seem to stop yourself.
God, you wish a black hole would suck you into the abyss. “Max, you know that’s not how it works. You can’t decide you’re going to be with someone just because you want to be. There’s a whole other person to consider.”
“Semantics.” She puffs a breath of air, waving you off. “And not if that other person is already head over heels in love with you.”
“Max.” You warn with the tilt of your head and an extremely deep breath.
Robin jumps in, lips pulled into a cheeky grin. “I’m not hearing a no.”
If that’s what it’ll take, you think, “Then no.” You finally say.
Robin catches your gaze, her eyes softening. All hints of teasing seem to be gone. There’s no way this can mean anything good.
“I know I don’t do this often,” she starts, “but I’m going to say something in all seriousness here.”
“Please don’t.”
Robin’s unimpressed stare tells you that she’s not only going to ignore your request, but she also really means what she’s about to say. Her voice is steady and calm as she speaks, “Steve likes you.” She says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and you suppose it is. At least now.
“He’s told me. I mean, he really, really likes you… like marry you this instant, thinks about having six kids with you, likes you…” She drags the words slowly trying to emphasize her point.
You know this. But you have to play that you don’t. “Jeez, I don’t know about the six kids and the marriage part, I think you might be getting way ahead of yourself there Rob,” your voice drifts slightly. “But I’d hope that at the very least Steve likes me. It’s not like he’s one of my best friends or anything.”
Max lets out a low groan. Robin has basically confirmed that Steve (despite everyone else already knowing this) is in love with you, and you’re still refusing to acknowledge it.
It’s beyond frustrating. “You’re so hopeless.” She says.
“Am I?” You jest. As guilty as you feel, this is sort of fun for you.
“Terribly.” Is her reply.
You grin, happy to change the subject. “Can’t make things easy for you now can I?”
“We’d never expect you to.” Stormy blue orbs catch yours, a flicker of recognition flashing back to you.
There's a hint in Nancy’s voice and demeanour that tells you she knows more than she’s letting on. The look she gives you says it all: your secret’s safe with me.
You shouldn’t be surprised that she picked up on it. She’s probably known for months. Because not only does she know you and Steve better than almost anyone else, she knows exactly what Steve looks like when he’s in love.
With a soft smile falling onto your lips, you breathe a sigh of relief in the moment of brief silence that rests between you. Someone knows, and they approve. Your eyes glimmer gratefully. Thank you. Your signal is nonverbal, but she understands nonetheless.
You’re welcome.
• ж • ж • ж •
Steve wonders how you’re doing right about now. Because at the moment, he wants nothing more than to be with you, hanging out and not having to worry about keeping this a secret.
For the past hour, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike have been driving him up a wall. Susie this. El that. Max, blah blah blah.
Mike had started it all with a quick, ‘Hey Steve, why don’t you have a girlfriend?’
Then Lucas had joined in. ‘Yeah, what happened to you man? I thought you were supposed to be some kind of God or something?’
“He used to be.” Dustin had assured them. “Still is. The God’s somewhere in there.” Dustin poked at Steve’s chest. He’d seen Steve in action before, he knows the charm is real.
The pale raven haired teen beside Dustin then snorted. “Bagging my sister doesn’t count.”
Steve almost punted Mike over that one. Smug little bastard…
And that’s not even the worst of it. Steve can take the constant teasing of his romantic failures; he’s been doing that for years now, taking blow after blow to his ego. It’s Eddie’s creepy staring that’s sending him over the fucking edge. Every time he looks over, there’s Eddie, already looking at him.
Steve shudders at the thought. He can feel Munson’s pair of deep brown eyes burning holes through his back, the hairs on his neck raised in discomfort. It’s like with every breath Steve takes, Eddie is analyzing it. He’s this close to smacking Eddie upside the head and telling him to cut this shit out.
It’s only when they get a moment alone does he discover the reason for the Hellfire club leader’s strange behaviour. They stand awkwardly in Mrs. Henderson’s kitchen, fumbling for snacks for the boys when Eddie finally breaks the silence.
“So,” his smirk is apparent. Steve didn’t know someone could smile that wide. “I was thinking.”
“Ah.” Steve hums trying to settle the nervous pit in his stomach. “Is that what that was?”
Eddie chuckles. “You know what Steve-O? Just for the ‘tude, maybe I shouldn’t tell you what I was thinking…” he trails.
That’s a challenge if he’s ever heard one, and he’s not about to bite. Eddie is anything but patient.
“Fine by me.” Steve claps a hand on Eddie’s shoulder as he passes him to grab a bowl from one of Dustin’s cupboards.
Eddie’s brow raises in surprise at his response, running a hand through his curly mop of hair.“Woah, c’mon.” He moves swiftly following him. “I was only kidding! Of course I’m going to tell you.”
Steve grabs the bag of popcorn from the cupboard, and pops it into the microwave. “Alright.”
A couple of moments pass before:
“So?...” Steve’s fingers drum across the countertop in anxiety.
Eddie’s eyes widen. “Oh right.” He says, watching the time tick down on the clock. “It’s more of a question really.”
Steve moves to grab the bag out of the microwave as the timer beeps. “Shoot.” He replies, gently dumping the popcorn into the big plastic bowl. He’s kind of proud of himself for keeping this calm when he feels so on edge.
“Stop me if I cross the line or anything,” That’s never a good start to a sentence…
Eddie’s voice lowers in volume, but his tone grows in confidence. There’s something else to it, amusement…satisfaction maybe, Steve can’t quite place it. But he doesn’t like it.
Amber eyes meet a honey brown. Steve’s not sure how many seconds pass before he hears Eddie say:
“How long have you and (Y/n) been fucking?”
Well, fuck.
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silverzoomies · 4 months
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peter maximoff x reader fluff
warnings: fluff, humor, first meetings, pining, female reader
word count: 3,461
a/n: just a drabble i spent way too long on. based on something i used to daydream about a lot. happy late valentine's day !!
tag list: @dewberryobssesed @violetharmonscupcake @kaismanwich @jellyluvr @icannot3 @taintandviolent @ahoyladiesz @scene-and-dandylover @quickandsilvers @luttic @billielourdslays
Peter sits, slouched on the floor against the foot of a sofa. Glimmers of light flicker in his eyes, as he indulges in some mind numbing television. Reruns of Frasier play stereotypical laugh tracks, droning through the basement. He can’t help but follow suit. Chuckling along in quiet huffs, he shakes his head.
Upstairs, the house rests in silence. Dead quiet. Magda snores softly in her room. Lorna’s probably conked out too. And Wanda? She’s gone. Somewhere. He could never guess. She doesn’t tell anyone where she goes on weeknights. But hey, what’s it matter to him? So long as she’s playing it safe.
Peter snickers at another corny, sitcom joke. He guzzles down handfuls of Reese's pieces. The candies rustle in their small box. But with the rustle, his ears catch something else. Distant and faint. Outside the realm of television laugh tracks and candy clicks.
It’s a lyrical melody, playing with romantic cadence from outside the basement window. Peter tilts his head back, drinking a glass bottle Pepsi. Fizzy sweetness mildly irritates his throat. Raising a brow, he guides his gaze to the window. One more chug of his soda, and he snatches the remote.
The roar of sitcom television falls into stillness.
And sure enough, a tune whispers from beyond the window’s glass. Like the call of a sea siren through the neighborhood. But it’s 10pm on a Tuesday night. And the likelihood of a smokin’ hot siren crawling from the ocean - to a house in middle class suburbia - is beyond impossible. Unless Peter’s dreaming again.
In which case; wait for him, nautical dames. He'll grab his trunks and be out flash.
And the night goes by so very slow
Oh I hope that it won’t end though
Peter narrows his eyes at the window, scoffing to himself. Woah, now. Is he warped in the head? Or is the mantra of Heart crying out from beyond the shadows? Peter appears at the window in a zip. Raising himself on his toes, he launches his body upward. Through smudged glass, Peter’s black hues scan the world outside. A shadowy mass looms in the grass, imposing and somewhat terrifying.
Until he realizes, it’s someone holding a giant boombox over their head. Phew .
Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone
Peter’s silver brows furrow again.
“What the hell?” He mutters under his breath.
He unlatches the window, pushing it open. Allowing that unmistakable tune to come through much clearer. Peter watches the mysterious, boombox stranger for a moment longer. A beat passes, and Peter sighs. He could just as easily zip out there, confront the culprit, and return to his basement lickety split. Instead, he opts for the casual approach.
Peter pushes himself through the window, his bare feet scuffing the basement wall. He accidentally kicks over a set of speakers. Some he stole five years ago and forgot about. They tumble off a wall shelf and crash hard onto the floor. Knocking down a bunch of stolen street signs in their wake. If Maximoffs weren’t such deep sleepers, he’d be in for it now. Big time.
As soon as Peter’s out, he stumbles in the grass. Mumbling a hushed - Shit.
You don’t know how long I have wanted
To touch your lips and hold you tight
You don’t know how long I have waited
And I was going to tell you tonight
Crawling through the dry, winter grass, Peter finally stands. With an exhale, he wipes dirt from his grey sweatpants. The rando in his yard doesn’t react, but they lower the boombox a little. Peter waits at a distance, cupping his hands around his mouth.
“Who are you? Whaddya wannnnnt?” He shouts.
Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone?
No response from the rando. With a simple gesture, they tap the speaker of the boombox. Whatever that means. Rolling his eyes, Peter strides across the cold grass. Shirtless in the brisk, February air. He raises a hand to scratch his messy, silver bedhead. As he moves in closer, the neighborhood street lights illuminate the figure’s features.
Up until now, he thought some weirdo guy snuck out to pine for Wanda’s attention. Peter’s ready to kick his ass if he needs to. Poor Wanda’s always got dudes falling to her feet on Valentine's day. But she usually does the ass kicking. More power to her.
Guess he won’t have to this time. Turns out, it’s just some weirdo girl.
How do I get you alone?
How do I get you alone?
Peter puts a stop to the song before it reaches its end. Extending a hand in a quick blur, he abruptly clicks a button on the box. The neighborhood drowns itself in late night silence all over again. Interrupted only by the occasional car passing in the distance. Peter’s vascular arms cross over his chest. Lidded eyes leer straight at the mystery woman.
“Sooooooooo…” He tilts his head to the side, “Who are you? And why are you playing Heart outside my house at, like, ass-o-clock at night?” Peter pauses, eyes narrowing in suspicious slits, “Are you tryna pick up my sister? ‘Cuz you kinda look the type. And I know she’s been ‘tryin’ new things’ lately.” He gestures with air quotes, “If you catch my drift. Not that it’s any of my business. Point is , she’s not here.”
Boombox girl lowers said boombox down into the grass. She shakes her head, reaching into the pocket of her oversized cardigan.
“Pick up your sis- hah! ” She snickers with a snort, dawning a bashful smile. Boombox girl runs her other hand through her hair, “No! Noooo, it’s not like that! Uhm…I was actually playing Alone for you, silly.”
Peter drops his arms to his sides, and his heart skips a speedy beat. Scrunching his nose, he curls his lip.
“Youplayedwhatforwhonow?” He slides his hands into his sweatpants pockets, awkwardly rocking back and forth on his heels. The apples of his cheeks burn, and Peter clears his throat, “Uhhhh. Okay. Thanks? That’s…sweet, I guess. But, I-I’m sorry, do I know you?”
Her smile’s kind of adorable. Especially as she rubs her neck, displaying timid hesitance. Whatever confidence she had, she must’ve maxed out on 80’s romance cliches.
“Not really? I mean, I’ve seen you around. A lot. But you’ve never really noticed me, so…”
Alrighty then. That makes this interaction even weirder. But Peter’s pulled equally weird - if not more desperate stops to win some hearts in the past. And he may or may not be guilty of the same technique she’s using now.
Give him a break, okay? So what if he took a chance on it once? Back when he was eighteen and leagues more naive. It’s a little cheesy, sure. But it’s also the story of how he lost his v-card. And not the Valentine’s kind.
Case in point, it worked for him. So, he’ll bite.
“And you thought crashin’ outside my house, blastin’ some corny song while my family’s asleep - that’s a smoother move than…oh, I dunno…just talkin�� to me?”
She shrugs again, her guilty eyes looking down at the grass. Boombox girl raises a foot, tapping the ground with the tip of her boot. God, she’s obviously so nervous. And he's not gonna lie, it's a little charming. The corners of Peter’s lips turn up in a grin.
“I thought it might get your attention. You just…you move so fast all the time. And I’m really slow when it comes to these kinds of things. You were always gone before I ever got the chance.”
“How’d you know where I live?” Peter throws her a nod of his head, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek.
Pulling her hand from her pocket, she fixes her attention on the plastic case of a cassette tape.
“My uncle tried to arrest you once.” She grins, “He was out on patrol. Saw you steal a speed limit sign. Your mom paid him to let you off the hook.”
Peter’s brows fly up under his bangs. His cheeky smile spreads into his dimples.
“Your unc-...seriously? Whoa. No kiddin’?” He laughs, “Wish I could say I remember. But that sorta thing used to happen to me all the time.”
Not like he wasn’t asking for it back then. But to be fair, Peter’s made some drastic improvements. When it comes to his klepto compulsions, anyway. Excluding the influx of junk food and Garbage Pail Kid cards he snags on a daily basis. From nation-wide chain stores. Totally ethical.
“Yeah, I know.” She giggles, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. This way, he actually gets a good look at her. Soft lips. Pretty eyes, “You used to be the talk of the station, where he worked. Those guys never shut up about you.”
Reaching forward, she passes Peter the cassette in her hand.
“What’s this?” He gently takes it, inspecting the hand-made label inside the case. Decorated in little, lightning bolt doodles. Even some hearts. Aw. Cute. Scratched across it in messy handwriting, are the words - For the kleptomaniac. In exchange for my heart. You stole it forever ago.
Come on. Could she be any more corny?
“It’s a mixtape.” She bites her lip like she’s terrified to keep talking, “It’s cool if you don’t listen to it. I dunno if you’ll even like what’s on it. But I know you carry around that Walkman all the time.”
Uh huh. Did her uncle tell her that too? Get outta here.
“Does it have Heart on it?” Peter flips the case over in his hand, pursing his lips.
“Of course it has Heart on it.”
“Awww. Givin’ me Heart for your heart.” He snickers, turning pinker in his cheeks, “This is legit the cheesiest thing a girl’s ever done for me. I’m kinda buggin’ out right now.”
“Oh yeah? I mean, I can always take it back, if you-” She teases, like she thinks he’s being sarcastic.
She reaches for the tape. But as her fingers brush the case, Peter raises it above his head. The motion happens quickly, before she can even keep up. Boombox girl wasn’t foolin’. She is slow. Slower than a turtle on tranquilizers. As she makes another attempt, Peter drops his hand in a speedy blur.
“Hey, hey, hey. Nuh uh. No takesie-backsies.” He teases, waving a finger, “A trades a trade, babe.”
Her hands rest at her hips, and she flutters her long lashes. So shamelessly flirtatious, but still not enough to win him over. Not just yet. Even if her bedroom eyes offer a tempting invite. Like, seriously, so tempting.
Mama didn't raise him like that, though. Peter has somewhat of a delinquent track record, sure. But he's still a good hearted gentleman. He'll take her out on a few dates first. Treat her to a little arcade romance, before he tries some no pants dancing.
If she's not playing him for a complete jackass, that is. Really, it’s almost too good to be true.
No chick has ever pined for him this hard in his life. And Peter’s never had the chance to play hard to get. He bets dollars to donuts, boombox babe probably isn't a mutie either. Talk about some major role reversal. How often does a human girl beg and plead for mutant man's love? She knows he's a total shut in, right? Or did her uncle not fill her in on that?
“You still have my heart, though.” She coos, gazing at Peter with those eyes.
Those - embrace me, o’ speedster man of my dreams - eyes.
Yeah. Her uncle most definitely didn't break the news. Peter hisses, teasing her again with a click of his teeth.
“Ooooh. Yeah. Well, finders keepers. Good luck shakin’ that silver lovebug.”
He flirts back and forth with her naturally. Kinda like high school sweethearts. It goes on for a few more minutes. Until he's pestered her enough, she just up and quits. Her car's parked down the street. A Volkswagen bug. Hah. And there she goes. Peter's secret admirer stomps off. Boombox swinging at her side. A wave of guilt almost pulls him under, and Peter starts to regret teasing her so much.
She laughs as she walks away. And the call of her giggle brings him back to the surface, much like a song. Seems like the sirens really did come out tonight.
So, she likes playing games too, huh?
You don’t know how long I have waited
And I was going to tell you tonight
Peter’s not even that much of a Heart fan.
He looks down at the cassette case in his hands. Rolling a thumb over a scratch in the plastic. A beat passes. In a flash, he appears in front of her. Peter walks backwards, padding barefoot along the side of the road.
“So, are you gonna ask me out ‘er what? C'mon, don't be chicken shit. I know you got it in you!” He jokes.
Boombox girl giggles so hard, she breaks out in dorky snorts. Ah, the sexiest, siren song. Too bad that's not a track on the mixtape. He’s willing to slip her some loose change for a raw recording.
By happenstance, another car slows to a stop. Right in the middle of the empty neighborhood street. Colored a familiar shade of scarlet, the vehicle looms for a beat or two. Peter comes to halt, watching as the passenger side window rolls down. Boombox girl crashes right into him.
Shit. Peter just now realized, he doesn't know her name yet.
He grabs her hips on instinct, catching her in case she falls over or something. Her free hand clutches his arm, right over the ‘mom’ tattoo etched into his skin. Naturally, Peter radiates enough warmth to act as a heater. He’s a godsend on cold, lonesome nights. Boombox girl presses her body closer to his, seeking his heat.
Peter knows she does it without thinking, since she whimpers a soft, “ Oh god. I’m so sorry. ”
“It’s cool. You okay?” Peter’s hands linger on her hips.
“What’s going on over there?” Wanda grills playfully from her car. She flits her eyes between her doofus brother, and boombox girl. When Wanda purses her lips, she does so in a way identical to Peter, “Is he giving you any trouble?” She asks what's-her-name.
Peter zips to the passenger side door, crossing his arms over it. Leaning against Wanda’s car through the window, he makes a pfffbbbbtt noise.
“Hey, don’t sweat it, Wands. I’m just walkin’ my future wife to her car.” He raises one of his hands, waving the cassette case, “Check it out, ah? She made me a mixtape! Cute, right?”
Wanda’s knits her brows as she tilts her head. The long, scarlet locks of her hair bounce with the motion. At the side of the road, boombox girl makes an adorable squeal. She covers her blistering face with her hands, mewling silent pleas.
“Oh my god stop. I’m sorry I even said anything. Oh my god. ” What's-her-name whimpers.
Which really isn’t helping the whole suspicious sister situation. Wanda leans back in her seat, peering over Peter’s shoulder at boombox girl. Narrowing her eyes, Wanda looks back at him. And before she can call Peter out on his bullshit, he lowers his arms from the door. Peter drops his chin to it, his tapioca eyes gazing up at Wanda innocently.
He chews his lip. In that ‘ I’m obviously up to no good’ kind of way.
“Y’wanna know what that cutie over there told me?” He purrs, talking loud enough for what’s-her-name to hear, "She said I stole her-"
Boombox girl shrieks, “MAXIMOFF! Please! That was a secret! I’m serious! You’re killing me here, dude!”
Ohhhhh. She doesn’t actually know his name. Seriously? Didn’t what's-her-name say she’s pined after Peter for a while now? How long is a while? Long enough to know his address, apparently. And to know he likes listening to his tunes. And to know he’s a mutant with a rep for thieving. But not long enough for anyone to drop his name? Did the feds never bother learning it? Ouch. Figures.
“Piet.” Wanda leers at Peter, holding him at gunpoint with her eyes, “Leave that poor girl alone. Look at her! She’s had enough.”
Rolling his eyes, Peter stands up straight. Lazily, he smirks, waving a hand, signaling Wanda to drive off.
“Naaaah! You shoulda seen her back at the house. She’s hopelessly in love with me. Played songs outside my window. Y'know, like they do in the movies? I’m serious! You can ask her yourself if you don’t believe me.”
Once more, Wanda shifts her skeptical gaze to what’s-her-name. The mystery girl carries her boombox to her car. With her head dipped and a free hand over her face. She looks like she’s doing the walk of shame. As if Peter stole a little something else from her and-w hoops. That's also not helping his case at all. Wanda hums, doubtful of Peter’s unlikely story.
He cheeses a toothy grin, looking guilty.
“Really?” Wanda adjusts in her seat, reaching for the radio dial, “Well, you might wanna tell her goodnight. For a girl who’s totally in love with you , she seems in a heck of a hurry to leave.”
And with that, Wanda drives off. Peter stumbles back, his calloused heels scuffing concrete. Wanda’s car rolls all the way down the road and into the driveway. Whipping around, Peter catches what’s-her-name opening the trunk of her love bug. As she lifts the boombox into it, Peter zips up next to her. Latching his arms around the boombox, he gives her an aloof grin.
“Can I borrow this for a sec? Thanks, cutie.” He throws her a wink.
She doesn’t get the chance to ask why. Peter zips back to his spot on the side of the road, clicking a button on the boombox. He raises it over his head, letting Heart roar obnoxiously across the neighborhood. Disrupting the late night peace. Out the corner of his eye, Peter notices a few neighborhood lights come on. The song plays just as Wanda hops out of her car. She stops in the middle of her stride to the front door. Her bags hang from her arms and her keys dangle on her finger.
Wanda squints, eyebrows turned inward.
How do I get you alone?
How do I get you alone?
A faint, red glow emanates from Wanda’s hand, as she delicately swipes it in the air. The boombox’s tape player pops open with an click, and Peter lowers the box down in front of him. He playfully pouts, muttering a soft booooooo to himself. Abrupt silence fills the entire neighborhood again, save for the local dogs barking in their yards.
“Say goodnight, Pietro.” Wanda’s voice calls from the driveway, before she disappears into the house.
Peter doesn’t even realize what’s-her-name is standing next to him, until she speaks.
“Pietro’s a beautiful name.”
Peter snickers, feeling heat rise in his cheeks again. Popping open the case she gave him, he swaps the tape for the one in the boombox. Rapidly clicking the volume button, Peter huffs a soft laugh, hooded eyes blinking.
"Thanks. I'd say the same about yours, but I don't even know it." He teases. A little shy, Peter keeps his eyes on the boombox, "I go by Peter, actually."
"Peter. Pietro. Whatever your name is, you embarrassed the shit outta me, man." What's-her-name scoffs. Peter kinda likes the sound of both names in her voice, "You're lucky you're gorgeous."
Gorgeous? Whoa. That's a helluva word. Shit, this really is too good to be true. Peter's heart skips another beat, and he shakes his head. "Y'know, if you still what your heart back, you're shit outta luck, babe." Peter clicks the play button on the boombox, only after some tension heavy beats pass, "Like I said, finders kee-"
An all too familiar melody pours from the boombox speakers, softer now.
I hear the ticking of the clock
I’m lying here the room’s pitch dark
“Seriously?” Peter laughs, slinging an arm over boombox girl's shoulders.
“Yeah, seriously. I told you it had Heart.” She blushes profusely, averting her innocent gaze.
Maybe there really is something to these 80's romance cliches. Peter's almost willing to give up his own heart. Just as compensation for hers.
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HIYAAA!!! so i heard you were writing for matty murdock after i was foaming at the mouth simping for peter quill and i was like OOOO
so this morning I was thinking about maybe taking off his glasses for the first time? hes shy about it bc he doesnt want to scare people and he thinks its ugly and reader is like "UGLY?? ABSHSHSJ BABY YOURE NOT UGLY??" and to cheer him up she puts on his glasses and gives an epic breathtaking (im laughing so badly) impression of matty
hopefully you can do this soon! Have a great rest of your week + weekend
hii again!!🪐 this is so cute, I love it. when I was adding asks to my list I didn’t see the last part of your message until today, sorry as I wanted it to be done sooner. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 also hope you have a great rest of your week <3
red tinted
Matt Murdock x f reader
wc || 0.36k (sorry it’s a short one)
warnings || none just fluff
masterlist + rules
You and Matt had the day to yourselves, spending your free day in the comfort of his apartment on the sofa catching up. Things were relatively new between the two of you, but you were already extremely comfortable with one another.
"Hey Matt...?" you linger, pulling away from his side, gazing over him. 
"Mhm, sweetheart?" he hums quietly, a slight twitch of concern spreads across his face. 
"Can I ask you something?" 
"Of course," he grins earnestly, feeling a moment of calm when he notices your heart's steady tempo. "What's on your mind?"
"Your glasses... why do you wear them at home?" you ask carefully.
"I don't know... I just always have. I suppose they hide my eyes," he shrugs simply before kissing your shoulder. 
"Hide your eyes?" you repeat, specks of confusion littering your tone. "Why would you want to hide them? They're beautiful," 
He lowly chuckles before turning from your admiration-filled gaze. "No," he says slowly, seeming as though he is embarrassed or uncomfortable.
"Matt... I think you have the prettiest eyes, like ever,"
"Come on now," he awkwardly chuckles, "you're just saying that,"
"Nah-uh, they're beautiful, Matt... can I?" you sweetly question, extending your hands toward the frames of his glasses. Noticing his nod, you slowly remove them. "Whoa, so pretty," you say enthusiastically, watching his grin widen. "Can I put them on?" you question, even though they were halfway over your head.
"What are they like? What'd you see?" he cutely asks, leaning into your side.
"I see the world on fire," you playfully whisper, earning a light tap on the arm from the unimpressed man beside you. "Sorry, sorry, sorry," you laugh, kissing his cheek apologetically. "I'm a really good lawyer. Okay, that was the last one," throwing your head back as you cackle, clearly having too much fun. "I'm just pulling your leg... but I'm being deadly serious here, alright Matthew. You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen."
He grins coyly, hiding his face between your shoulder and ear, softly chuckling into your skin. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay," he says, slight dismissal in his cadence. "You can play pretend lawyer for a little longer."
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@mattymurdock1021 @v1ntage-daydr3am @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @redecoratestan @kpopgirlbtssvt @scarletsloveletter @princess-pebbles-things @messymissy @schneeflocky @readerhead @thegreengoop @charmedkim
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forourmoonyyy · 6 months
"I wonder what was the moment where we became strangers, when we just stopped trusting each other"
Wolfstar during the first war pls😭😭
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tyrantonutx · 4 months
Looking for RP Partner(s)!
Hey, hi, how's it goin'?
I'm Tyrant, 30+ s/they, and this is a Take Two attempt at finding like-minded folx, so if you happen to see a similar looking post floating around (unlikely but possible), I am in fact one and the same Tyrant, I'm just too damn impatient to wait on tumblr to fix my original blog.
I'm hoping to find some partner(s) interested in Discord RP, because I am in fact a tumblr Baby (despite the original blog being...several years old...) and the formatting on tumblr rp blogs makes me Nervous.
I've been roleplaying in various capacities on forums, discord, and chat (throwback to AOL Instant Messenger amirite?) for approximately two decades and some change. I tend to write in a casual cadence as one might suspect, and I like to adapt my replies to the thread (anywhere from several sentences to a few paragraphs is my norm). I generally prefer CANON x CANON ships, at least starting out, to get a feel for how we come at characterization and plot together before we dip into OC territory. I'm involved in a few fandoms that may in fact be wastelands but, hey, you miss every shot you don't take, so here I am!
What follows is a list of fandos, characters, and ships I'm ACTIVELY looking for, the things that make my brain buzz in all the good ways. I'm down for hearing out any plots you might have in your lovely beating hearts (or shriveled little black ones, no judgment here!) or working out plots together based on all the good things that come from two rambling fans throwing head canons and "OK BUT WHAT IF"s at each other til something sticks.
If any of these strike you as fun, or if you just think I'm gosh darn neat and wanna chat me up for the thrills, please like this post, message me here on tumblr, or send me a friend request on discord (@tyrantonut)! I'm shy af and terrible at reaching out first, thank you hereditary anxiety and Burnt Out Gifted Kid syndrome, so sometimes I need that lil nudge.
...right! The fandoms! (Please note that while I have listed characters for me vs. for you, I'm actually pretty flexible on these! I just think I write some sides better than others.)
The Boys (AU preferred)
Butchie -- Billy Butcher x Hughie Campbell
Stephen King's It (Muschietti AU preferred)
Reddie -- Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Stranger Things (Aged up AU preferred)
Byler -- Mike Wheeler x Will Byers
Harringrove -- Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Steddie -- Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Hannibal (NBC)
Hannigram -- Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Spider-Man (Comics & Movieverse)
Spideypool -- Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Spiderprowl -- Aaron Davis x Peter B. Parker
Mysterio/Spiderman -- Quentin Beck x Peter Parker (Tom Holland, preferably aged up)
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Universe
Huskerdust -- Angel Dust x Husk (Overlord Husk AU has given me brain rot)
Chaggie -- Charlie Magne x Vaggie
RadioApple -- Alastor x Lucifer
Stolitz -- Blitzo x Stolas
Fizzarozzie -- Fizzarolli x Asmodeus
Puckurt -- Noah 'Puck' Puckerman x Kurt Hummel
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eupheme · 5 months
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this year has been filled with so many beautiful fics, I wanted to make a rec list to share & support everything I read. please check these out and support these creators, they are all incredible! 💖✨
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— Dance With Me by @tarrenterror25
You and Alfred move things to a more private area.
— On Display by @viceofdionysus
When Alfred finds you getting carried away on a video call, he asks you to put on a show for him.
— The Gentleman by @stargirlfics
Two chance encounters turn into something quite unexpected the longer you spend around a certain Englishman
— Thoughts No One Asked For But My Mind Had No Mouth And Must Scream by @/tarrenterror
Alfred Pennyworth x Vampire!F!Reader
— When the Night is Over by @/tarrenterror
After the flood, Dulce looks to do her part to help Gotham heal and hopes to bring change to the city.
— When We Met, I Felt My Life Begin by @/tarrenterror
You and Alfred are both trying to organize a special Valentine’s day for each other, but nothing seems to be going quite right! Luckily, young master Bruce is around to help you two get everything in order!
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— Iron by @/stargirlfics
 Battinson + pussy eating
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— Anamnesis by @fluffyprettykitty
Transforming to a werewolf for what seems to be the first time with a familiar yet strange man by your side.
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— Take Me Home by @/tarrenterror
You are the second eldest daughter to the Adderhead and not yet married off by some miracle. This leaves room for a budding romance with a certain fire-raiser. The two of you must keep it secret lest your tyrant of a father find out.
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— The Devil Makes Us Sin by @tarabyte3
Your life isn't perfect, and you don't enjoy moonlighting as a camgirl for so many repulsive men, but you need the money and at least it's yours. You're getting by just fine. You're content. At least you thought you were. Then you get a strange text message. And you aren't sure if you're horrified or intrigued.
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— Calling by @redheadspark
You and Druig were meant to be together, and Druig gives you a place to call home because of that.
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— Saturday by @/fluffyprettykitty
Instantiable night session with Frank.
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— Creation of the Heart by @0celesteisthebest0
Javi comforting you with bouts of insecurity
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— Little Black Dress by @inklore
“you know how good you look in this dress? can’t fuckin’ concentrate on anything but bending you over and ruining it with my come.“ or the one where javi fingers you against a desk at a work conference.
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— Heatwave by @/viceofdionysus
When Hawkins loses power during a heatwave, Jim does the neighborly thing and invites the pretty librarian out to his cabin on a private lake. But as they try to cool down, things only seem to heat up between them.
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— The Dinner by @frannyzooey
Missy invites you home for the weekend, unaware that you’ve actually been sleeping with her father since the semester started.
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— Cadence by @she-likesorchids
You're a barista living in New York, but you create erotic audios and sell subscriptions to make extra money. Matt has found a new outlet for his sexual frustration, and it's your voice. What happens when a chance meeting at your coffee shop threatens to blow both of your covers?
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— Breath of Life by @/moonlight-prose
punctured by the arrow of cupid, oberyn is suddenly infatuated with you. you…the very breath in his lungs, the clouds in his sky, the reason the sun shone down on his home. he was in love and yet you couldn’t have felt more different.
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— Menuet by @psychedelic-ink
you decide to take a swim in a lake that is deep in the middle of the forest. during your swim, pero finds you, and he’s not happy that you went out alone during a full moon.
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— Approach Shift by @psithurista
Peter Parker is a weirdo. A hot, distracting, irritating weirdo. And you can’t afford distractions right now. So there’s only one thing to do.
— Dial Tones by @spiderispunk
Peter gets a much-needed distraction after studying all night.
— Fragments of Tomorrow by @/psychedelic-ink
After a massive ecological disaster, the world is overrun by mutated flora and fauna, along with infected humans that sprout vines and flowers. Nature itself has turned against humanity, and you thought Peter would be by your side. That Spider-Man would protect you and those close to you—you never thought you’d be wrong in both aspects. But now he’s back, and you don’t know how to react.
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— All is Bright by @lavenderursa
Your husband has a rather bad yet exciting day at work which leads to an unexpected reunion and a much needed reminder of the Christmas spirit.
—Joyful Night by @cinewhore
You comfort your husband after his Christmas night run. 
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— Sometimes, Love is not Enough. by @sermormonts
Your knight of the Kingsguard: sworn to celibacy since he took the whitecloak at age three and twenty, bursting to prove all he knows of passion: not from song or script writ in stained pages, but from the glassy, heady ache you’ve etched into his chest—a heart kept dormant for decades.
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— Love's Train by @moonlight-prose
a box of chocolates, a bottle of wine, and the floor.
— To Be Loved by @/moonlight-prose
“you didn’t intend to give up your heart - believing that you could remain one person without severing yourself in two.”
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— Bringin' Home the Rain by @the-eyes-of-andyserkis
You're no stranger to taking risks, in fact you prefer the unknown, however when you happen to cross paths with a certain black market arms dealer you find it uncharacteristically difficult to find your balance. (aka "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, he walks into mine.")
— Danger Starts the Sharp Incline by @citrus-moonlight
At your scientific organization the study of demon energy output has become no less mundane than it would at any other research facility. That is until you find yourself trapped with the demon who has recently shifted in your thoughts from an idle curiosity to a distraction.
— I Always Find My Way Back To You by @/tarrenterror
You can always count on Ulysses to return to you, but lately you find yourself wanting more. The new dangers in the world don't make the life of an arms dealer any easier and any day could be his last. Running away and living off the grid with the man you love is the dream. Does he share your feelings and can he be convinced to live a life with you?
— Please Hold… by @/tarrenterror
Klaue is not opposed to mixing business with pleasure.
— Salvation is a Deep Dark Well by @/citrus-moonlight
Memories and fresh desires are intertwined now and you think you might go mad from the waiting, but all you can do is try to keep yourself busy as you count down to Klaue’s return.
— Think I Need a Devil to Help Me Get Things Right by @/the-eyes-of-andy-serkis
After a particularly rough flight you’re suddenly having anxiety for the first time in all of your years in the air, buyou end up finding help in an unexpected place when an enigmatic passenger offers you a distraction.
— Woven by @/citrus-moonlight
As winter begins to settle in, the darkening days are unexpected brightened when you end up with the chance to spend a little more time with Ulysses Klaue.
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if you haven’t read these, you need to! and please support these amazing fics & writers by reading, reblogging & commenting! 💕
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taintandviolent · 1 year
just a little FYi for everyone!! this is the current standing of my AI generated audio requests -- and I'm starting to run low on character count, so patience is appreciated!! it renews every month, but I won't be able to fill every request immediately!!
ps: I will be doing them in order inspired by (sometimes that's in order of received) unless otherwise specified!! 💗
ps2: any request with a 😵‍💫 emoji next to it means that the ai is fighting me with getting the accent or cadence right! I am still actively trying, but I might work on other audios in between!
@tatelangdonsghost dom!Michael Langdon 😵‍💫😵‍💫
@kitswitchbitch Colin Zabel saying mommy. 😵‍💫
anon -- pre death! Kyle Spencer 😵‍💫
anon — Evan moans. (not AI, just a collection of his moans)
anon - Jimmy Darling + p*ssy worship **
anon — Kit & Sistah Jude. 😈 *
anon — domestic but ultimately kinky scene with the nerdy, clumsy guy that has that specific accent that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the character **
@thebabayaga-x Dom!John Wick, knife play, gun play.
anon — sub!Kit x dom!Reader
anon — Psychiatrist!JPM and reader
anon — Pietro/Peter x soft and shy female reader with a curvy body type.
@kai-slut — Kai, dinner and a vibrator
anon - JPM x virgin!reader
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lovebirdgames · 1 year
BCB Character Playlists ~ Poptart
Quite possibly my favorite playlist, but also the most spoilery. I’ve listened to many of these songs over and over. It was very tempting to listen to the whole playlist as I wrote all these down! There’s a great mix of dark/angst and slow/sweet songs in here.
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Stand by You - Rachel Platten
Blank Space - Taylor Swift (Tanner Patrick Cover) (haha maybe not the long list of ex lovers part though)
Killer - The Ready Set
Control - Halsey (I like this pitched down male version...who’s in charge now?)
King - Lauren Aquilina
Unsteady - X Ambassadors (Erich Lee Gravity Remix)
Sorry About Your Parents - Icon for Hire
Demons - Imagine Dragons (Boyce Avenue Cover)
Wanderer’s Lullaby - Adriana Figueroa (This one is so sweet, I wish I could give Poptart a big hug.)
Heavy - Linkin Park feat. Kiiara
Dark Horse - Katy Perry (Our Last Night Cover)
True Colors - Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick
One More Light - Linkin Park
Shadows - Sabrina Carpenter
God Only Knows - For King & Country
Wolves - Selena Gomez, Marshmello
Message in a Bottle - Taylor Swift
Boku Dake ga Inai Machi from Erased OST
Falling Inside the Black - Skillet (our bad ending version of Poptart)
Bigger Than The Whole Sky - Taylor Swift (from Cadence’s POV, in the bad endings where Poptart goes missing)
Peter Pan Was Right - Anson Seabra
Lost Boy - Ruth B. (just imagining little Poptart building this whole escapist story in his head as he slowly starves in his abusive home...damn.)
Silence - Marshmello ft. Khalid
Fighting Myself - Linkin Park
Fine on the Outside - Priscilla Ahn (This one is special and feels like it was written for Poptart. Definitely teared up many times imagining everything he went through to this song.)
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Persistent hiccups in a far-off galaxy draw astronomers to new black hole behavior
At the heart of a far-off galaxy, a supermassive black hole appears to have had a case of the hiccups. 
Astronomers from MIT, Italy, the Czech Republic, and elsewhere have found that a previously quiet black hole, which sits at the center of a galaxy about 800 million light years away, has suddenly erupted, giving off plumes of gas every 8.5 days before settling back to its normal, quiet state. 
The periodic hiccups are a new behavior that has not been observed in black holes until now. The scientists believe the most likely explanation for the outbursts stems from a second, smaller black hole that is zinging around the central, supermassive black hole and slinging material out from the larger black hole’s disk of gas every 8.5 days. 
The team’s findings, which will be published in the journal Science Advances, challenge the conventional picture of black hole accretion disks, which scientists had assumed are relatively uniform disks of gas that rotate around a central black hole. The new results suggest that accretion disks may be more varied in their contents, possibly containing other black holes, and even entire stars. 
“We thought we knew a lot about black holes, but this is telling us there are a lot more things they can do,” says study author Dheeraj “DJ” Pasham, a research scientist in MIT’s Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. “We think there will be many more systems like this, and we just need to take more data to find them.”
The study’s MIT co-authors include postdoc Peter Kosec, graduate student Megan Masterson, Associate Professor Erin Kara, Principal Research Scientist Ronald Remillard, and former research scientist Michael Fausnaugh, along with collaborators from multiple institutions, including the Tor Vergata University of Rome, the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Masaryk University in the Czech Republic. 
“Use it or lose it”
The team’s findings grew out of an automated detection by ASAS-SN (the All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae), a network of 20 robotic telescopes situated in various locations across the northern and southern hemispheres. The telescopes automatically survey the entire sky once a day for signs of supernovae and other transient phenomena. 
In December of 2020, the survey spotted a burst of light in a galaxy about 800 million light years away. That particular part of the sky had been relatively quiet and dark until the telescopes’ detection, when the galaxy suddenly brightened by a factor of 1,000. Pasham, who happened to see the detection reported in a community alert, chose to focus in on the flare with NASA’s NICER (the Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer), an X-ray telescope aboard the International Space Station that continuously monitors the sky for X-ray bursts that could signal activity from neutron stars, black holes, and other extreme gravitational phenomena. The timing was fortuitous, as it was getting toward the end of Pasham’s year-long period during which he had permission to point, or “trigger” the telescope.
“It was either use it or lose it, and it turned out to be my luckiest break,” he says. 
He trained NICER to observe the far-off galaxy as it continued to flare. The outburst lasted for about four months before petering out. During that time, NICER took measurements of the galaxy’s X-ray emissions on a daily, high-cadence basis. When Pasham looked closely at the data, he noticed a curious pattern within the four-month flare: subtle dips, in a very narrow band of X-rays, that seemed to reappear every 8.5 days. 
It seemed that the galaxy’s burst of energy periodically dipped every 8.5 days. The signal is similar to what astronomers see when an orbiting planet crosses in front of its host star, briefly blocking the star’s light. But no star would be able to block a flare from an entire galaxy. 
“I was scratching my head as to what this means because this pattern doesn’t fit anything that we know about these systems,” Pasham recalls.
Punch it
As he was looking for an explanation to the periodic dips, Pasham came across a recent paper by theoretical physicists in the Czech Republic. The theorists had separately worked out that it would be possible, in theory, for a galaxy’s central supermassive black hole to host a second, much smaller black hole. That smaller black hole could orbit at an angle from its larger companion’s accretion disk. 
As the theorists proposed, the secondary would periodically punch through the primary black hole’s disk as it orbits. In the process, it would release a plume of gas     , like a bee flying through a cloud of pollen. Powerful magnetic fields, to the north and south of the black hole, could then slingshot the plume up and out of the disk. Each time the smaller black hole punches through the disk, it would eject another plume, in a regular, periodic pattern. If that plume happened to point in the direction of an observing telescope, it might observe the plume as a dip in the galaxy’s overall energy, briefly blocking the disk’s light every so often. 
“I was super excited by this theory, and I immediately emailed them to say, ‘I think we’re observing exactly what your theory predicted,’” Pasham says. 
He and the Czech scientists teamed up to test the idea, with simulations that incorporated NICER’s observations of the original outburst, and the regular, 8.5-day dips. What they found supports the theory: The observed outburst was likely a signal of a second, smaller black hole, orbiting a central supermassive black hole, and periodically puncturing its disk. 
Specifically, the team found that the galaxy was relatively quiet prior to the December 2020 detection. The team estimates the galaxy’s central supermassive black hole is as massive as 50 million suns. Prior to the outburst, the black hole may have had a faint, diffuse accretion disk rotating around it, as a second, smaller black hole, measuring 100 to 10,000 solar masses, was orbiting in relative obscurity. 
The researchers suspect that, in December 2020, a third object — likely a nearby star — swung too close to the system and was shredded to pieces by the supermassive black hole’s immense gravity — an event that astronomers know as a “tidal disruption event.” The sudden influx of stellar material momentarily brightened the black hole’s accretion disk as the star’s debris swirled into the black hole. Over four months, the black hole feasted on the stellar debris as the second black hole continued orbiting. As it punched through the disk, it ejected a much larger plume than it normally would, which happened to eject straight out toward NICER’s scope. 
The team carried out numerous simulations to test the periodic dips. The most likely explanation, they conclude, is a new kind of David-and-Goliath system — a tiny, intermediate-mass black hole, zipping around a supermassive black hole. 
“This is a different beast,” Pasham says. “It doesn’t fit anything that we know about these systems. We’re seeing evidence of objects going in and through the disk, at different angles, which challenges the traditional picture of a simple gaseous disk around black holes. We think there is a huge population of these systems out there.”
“This is a brilliant example of how to use the debris from a disrupted star to illuminate the interior of a galactic nucleus which would otherwise remain dark. It is akin to using fluorescent dye to find a leak in a pipe,” says Richard Saxton, an X-ray astronomer from the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Madrid, Spain, who was not involved in the study. “This result shows that very close super-massive black hole binaries could be common in galactic nuclei, which is a very exciting development for future gravitational wave detectors.”
This research was supported in part NASA.
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