#call the banners!
queequegsleash · 5 years
GOT Fandom Fundraiser for SameYou
The FreeFolk on Reddit are doing a charity drive on JustGiving for Emilia Clarke’s SameYou charity as a thank you to Emilia and as a show of love and support for the cast and crew.
Fundraising link: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/justicefordaenerys
Text from FreeFolk post: 
Since there's been so much negativity flying around, especially with that petition gaining traction to the point it provoked misguided responses from castmembers, I thought maybe we could do something really decent that can make a difference in peoples' lives, and show a little love for one castmember in particular.
Incase you weren't aware, Emilia wrote a personal essay for the New Yorker in March about her experience suffering two brain hemorrhages, the first of which happened shortly after wrapping season 1. Posted below are excerpts from interviews she's given since the finale aired which I found particularly moving, although both are worth reading in full. Bear in mind when you read, D&D did not bother to inform her in advance about Dany's turn. It was a complete shock.
It's abundantly clear that Emilia invested much of herself into Dany and in turn drew strength from her when she needed it. The fact that the showrunners did not even care to inform her of her character's turn, let alone write a properly fleshed-out script that did her character (and others!) justice, is unforgivable. They've since scurried away to avoid the backlash they knew was inevitable, but the actors are getting the brunt of it. And I just thought... how wonderful a gesture would it be for Emilia to see fans of the show coming together, in aid of a cause that is so dear to her heart, and to know that we appreciate her and this character she's inhabited for the better part of the last decade?
On a personal note, as someone who suffers from chronic illness, Emilia's portrayal of Daenerys means so much more to me since finding out what she went through. The fact that she stared her mortality in the face and did not give up, did not give in, and was able to come through with such a stellar performance.. is beyond inspiring. I can't wait to rewatch the entire series again and stop at season 6.
here's the link to the fundraiser if you would like to donate! Please note that the fundraising is for the CHARITY FOUNDED BY EMILIA called SameYou, in partnership with the Stroke Association, which helps young people recovering from brain injuries like the ones she suffered while filming the show - not for Emilia herself. If you're having trouble donating via Paypal, make sure the currency is set to GBP as it's the only way the Paypal option will come up.
UPDATE: We broke 5k with less than 300 donations. Thank you so much to each and every one of you who donated, upvoted, shared, boosted. I'd love to see this keep building momentum!
If you don't mind helping us call the banners over at r/asoiaf, I made a crosspost.
Here are the excerpts from her interviews I found particularly touching.
Entertainment Weekly May 19 2019
“I have my own feelings [about the storyline] and it’s peppered with my feelings about myself,” she admits. “It’s gotten to that point now where you read [comments about] the character you [have to remind yourself], ‘They’re not talking about you, Emilia, they’re talking about the character.”
*Like many actors who have played the same role for a long time, Clarke identifies with her character and has put much of herself into the role. She believes in Daenerys’ confidence, idealism and past acts of compassion. As the actress wrote in a New Yorker essay in March, she played the Breaker of Chains through some life-threatening personal hardships, secretly enduring two brain aneurysms during her early years on the show. “*You go on set and play a badass and you walk through fire and that became the thing that saved me from considering my own mortality,” she wrote. Clarke has drawn strength from Daenerys and infused Daenerys with her strength.
“I genuinely did this, and it’s embarrassing and I’m going to admit it to you,” Clarke says. “I called my mom and—“ Clarke shifts into a tearful voice to perform the conversation as she reenacts the call: “I read the scripts and I don’t want to tell you what happens but can you just talk me off this ledge? It really messed me up.’ And then I asked my mom and brother really weird questions. They were like: ‘What are you asking us this for? What do you mean do I think Daenerys is a good person? Why are you asking us that question? Why do you care what people think of Daenerys? Are you okay?’”
“And I’m all: ‘I’m fine! … But is there anything Daenerys could do that would make you hate her?’”
Taken from the New Yorker, May 19 2019
Concerning your medical trials: you had to perform during Seasons 2 and 3 in the aftermath of brain surgery each time. Can you describe that?
I just felt weak and consistently in this mode of “Please don’t fire me. Please, please don’t let me fuck this up. Please don’t let anyone have an opportunity to think I’m anything other than beyond capable of taking on this role.” Every day I would fight my own demons of thinking, You’re sick, you can’t do this. You’re tired, give in. Stop. I just bulldozed through. There were a couple of seasons where I just questioned everything and struggled through everything and felt a tremendous amount of guilt at not being able to fully inhabit this role of a lifetime that I was given when I had many friends who were still knocking on casting directors’ doors. It left me fatigued and exhausted and anxious and worried and fearful every day.
What was your worst day on the set?
The first couple of seasons we would film in hot countries a lot, and we would film in quarries and other places that were incredibly unforgiving with regards to heat. We had very long days, and I’m in this enormous wig over a bald cap glued on to my head. You’re paranoid you’re going to die all the time, because you’ve had two brain hemorrhages. I’d feel incredibly faint and want to pass out. I got headaches and thought I was dying. But I just didn’t ever say anything.
So a difficult day would be a long day with lots of people, lots of heat, and I was just trying not to cry, just trying not to pass out, trying not to think I was going to die. And, at the same time, deliver lines in Dothraki. And then turn up for dinner and say hi to the cast and try to keep friendships alive. That was really hard. I’m sure lots of people will read that and go, “You prissy child, that’s nothing, that’s nothing at all.” But it just felt incredibly dark and tricky when you kind of can’t be honest with the people around you and say, “I’m struggling a bit.”
Did you ever feel in real danger? I mean, did you ever think, I’m on the set, I’m riding a dragon, my head hurts, and I’m about to have another episode?
Oh, yeah, a hundred per cent! In moments of extreme stress, my fear of dying was dialled up to a million. There were many moments where I would just take one of my hair or makeup girls aside and just go, “I think I’m dying, and I’m not. Can you just hold my hand? Could you just look at me and tell me that I’m all right?” And they would look at me like I was mad and try and help me breathe through it.
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mintjeru · 2 years
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will you grant my wish?
an (over)dramatization of my rolls for xiao constellations drawn as a thank you and goodbye to his rerun banner
open for better quality || no reposts || image desc under the cut || ko-fi
[Image description: A three page comic about wishing for Xiao.
The first page depicts Wangshu Inn with the mountains, moon, and clouds in the background. There is a panel of a chibi Aether standing on the balcony of the inn as he looks wistfully at the scenery. The text at the bottom of the page reads, “Please.”
At the top of the second page, there is a panel with the Primordial Jade Winged Spear and the Staff of Homa. The text states, “I don’t have the best weapons for you.” The next panel contains an Intertwined Fate. The text in this panel says, “and I don’t have enough wishes to guarantee you’ll show up for me.” Below this panel is a shooting star and a chibi Aether, eyes closed, head turned down, and hands in a prayer position. The text is broken up into parts as you move downwards, and it reads, “But even so, can I see you again... Xiao?”
The third page begins with a panel of Aether with his eyes opened in surprise. The text states, “Silly mortal. I told you already, did I not?” Below this is the text, “All you have to do is speak my name.” The bottom of the page shows a backlit Xiao with a small smile on his face as he lands on the balcony railing. He is gazing down at Aether, who has a surprised expression.]
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UNDER THE BANNER OF HEAVEN → 1.05: One Mighty and Strong
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inkdemon-whore · 3 years
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free to use bottom banner thing for art folks (me included) i don't really care about credit
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spinchling · 2 years
Headcanon that Asgardians show more platonic affection than Midgardians, so it's not uncommon for Thor to kiss a teammate on the cheek or forehead or use a term of endearment. It takes the team a little bit to get used to this, but they eventually not only embrace it but value Thor's openness.
...everyone except for Bruce, who grows flustered every time Thor shows him an ounce of affection.
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angerissue · 2 years
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“We are not your enemies, Banner. Try to think!” Thor Odinson and Bruce Banner / Hulk | The Avengers (2012)
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mathematicats · 3 years
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detective taba appreciation post (utboh spoilers)
I’ve barely slept in three days and definitely shouldn’t be up now, but I made the decision to watch Under the Banner of Heaven E6 as soon as it came out and here is my conclusion (spoilers below the cut):
The real hero in this narrative is not Jeb Pyre. It’s Detective Taba.
(ANDREW GARFIELD STANS DON’T COME FOR ME, I love him and Pyre is also a fantastic character in his own right, but hear me out.)
If the extreme happens and Taba dies or gets hurt in episode 7, with the narrative purpose of either saving Pyre’s Mormonism (deathbed-convincing Pyre to cling to his faith - an unexpected and touching appeal from a supposed “zealot in the Church of Caffeine” who has actually respected, protected, and advocated for Pyre’s faith and religious practice all season) or severing Pyre’s connection to it entirely, it will suck majorly in terms of the fridging/suffering of a Native character to serve a white character’s development. That being said: it would also fit a pattern, because despite their friendship, and a few touching moments (e.g. Pyre rescuing Taba at the cabin), Pyre has in many ways treated Taba as being disposable this entire time.
The hard truth is that Pyre has been consistently willing to ignore or tolerate racism against Taba, even when it occurs directly in front of them both. The violence and bigotry Taba is subjected to became visible as soon as we met him and has been escalating rapidly over the course of the season, going from the forest ranger’s microaggressions, to Sam’s wife’s blatant racism talking about his skin color, to Bishop Low and his wife treating Taba (a detective) like some kind of dangerous invader in their home, to now, in this last episode, Mrs. Lafferty 1.0 all but calling him racial slurs to his face and a fundamentalist whackjob accusing him of being subhuman - of being used to abominations like the murder of a mother and a fifteen month old baby. The warning signs, the signs of escalation, the signs that Taba is in increasing danger, were there this whole time (as well as all the tropes: all the times Pyre let Taba go alone into a dangerous situation even though he comments on it being dangerous; Taba talking about and showing pictures of his [estranged?] kids, which never bodes well), right under Pyre’s nose.
Pyre has never defended Taba from this, even if he values and cares for Taba as a partner, friend, and confidante. None of Pyre’s crisis of faith seems to involve reflection on the racism in his religious community and their doctrine, and the ways he’s seen it enacted against his partner and friend, even and especially in this single investigation alone. Instead, what Pyre has done is censure Taba in the few instances when he’s reacted against the hypocrisy of the faithful (not even against the racism directly), asking Taba to moderate his tone, to cool off, to step back, to stay silent. If the series culminates in this – if Taba dies or is harmed – Pyre will be complicit, whether or not he realizes it. 
And yet meanwhile, in the background, Taba has been working tirelessly to bring the murderers to justice, and has done nothing but try to make the Mormons around him feel comfortable and safe and understood, despite the fact that they do little or nothing to reciprocate. 
He is constantly thinking of Pyre’s family, of potential threats to Pyre’s family, and trying to protect them. He knows about everyday aspects of Mormon life such as blessings and family home evening, and, unprompted, tells Jeb to go home to his family for it. He gives the girls the skates they wanted but didn’t get for Christmas. He works through the night while Pyre goes home.
With rare exceptions, he changes his language and habits around Pyre and the other Mormons. He seems to chew gum instead of smoking or indulging in other “vices” (and yet gets accused of drinking anyway, by those nasty detectives in E1). 
He’s willing to humble himself to the extreme in front of the stake president of a religion he doesn’t belong to, take insults on the chin, absorb the nastiness and the undercutting of his superior experience without commenting on it. Even though he also makes some efforts, out of compassion and humor, to help Pyre step out of his bubble – with the French fries, with insisting on telling him that he’s “goddamn proud,” instead of just “proud” - he also respects Pyre’s boundaries, and doesn’t start debates or push him farther than he wants to go. 
And so when Taba (GOD, WHY) steps out of the car at the end of E6, making the decision to follow Onias, alone and unarmed, into the dark - bravely, foolishly making the decision to potentially take on all of the brothers himself, to finally take this fundamentalist cult down for himself as well as for the victims, now that Pyre’s not here in harm’s way and Pyre isn’t here to stop him...part of me is terrified for him, and the other part recognizes: this is the hero going for it, ready to save the day, no longer waiting for permission or approval from anyone else, no longer putting up with anyone else’s vitriol and stupidity, and honestly, hell yeah. 
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pochilovesloki · 3 years
Bruce: So you do know physics!
Loki: Oh, I only carry the basic level of understanding.
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Event Wish "Azure Excursion" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Pillar of Fortitude" Kamisato Ayato (Hydro)!
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Travelers, stock up on weapons and characters in the event wish to make your party stronger in combat!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
After the Version 2.6 update—2022/04/19 17:59:00
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character ""Pillar of Fortitude"" Kamisato Ayato (Hydro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the 4-star characters ""Harmless Sweetie"" Sucrose (Anemo), ""Exquisite Delicacy"" Xiangling (Pyro), and ""Stage Lucida"" Yun Jin (Geo) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
※ Of the above characters, the event-exclusive character will not be available in the standard wish ""Wanderlust Invocation.""
※ This is for ""Character Event Wish."" The wish guarantee count for ""Character Event Wish"" and ""Character Event Wish-2"" is shared, and is accumulated between both ""Character Event Wish"" and ""Character Event Wish-2."" This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes.
※ The ""Test Run"" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
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saeraas · 3 years
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I always see todoroki as a little....can you write a story with him as a cg...hes a comfort character for me that I sometimes like to picture as a cg for myself..
Thanks for the request! Sorry for disappearing, life got pretty busy and hectic. This one will be a little short ^^'
Note: The inbox is open for requests, I just can't promise when I'll get to them. I currently have a couple others lined up that I'm going to write as soon as I can.
I hope you enjoy! I kept y/n gender neutral so that anyone could read this :)
"Honey, I'm home." Shoto came into the house and took his shoes off at the door, ready for a relaxing evening with you. He paused as he set his boots beside your sneakers - usually you'd answer him when he announced he was home. Or you'd meet him at the door. Today, the house was quiet.
Eerily so.
"Y/n? Where are you?" Fearing the worst, he power-walked through the living room and into the bedroom.
He urgently opened the door, then sighed with relief. You were curled up under a blanket with your thumb in your mouth, stuffy clutched to your chest.
'So it's a Small Day' he thought with a sigh of relief, glad to see that you were ok.
You blearily opened your eyes at the sound of the door opening so loudly and yawned. "'Roki?" you murmured as you rubbed sleep from your eyes.
Shoto smiled fondly and approached you to settle on his knees in front of you. "That's right, 'Roki's here, sweet one." You yawned again and crawled into his lap. You tucked your face in the side of his face and sighed. "Missed you."
"I missed you too, Honey. Did you get tired?" "Mhm. Still sleepy. Wan'ed to 'prise you with a cuddle pile, but got too tired."
He glanced over at the bundle of blankets that you had been curled up in and noticed a few stuffies, as well as a bag of Rainbow Goldfish.
"Aw, did you want to cuddle and have snack time when I got here?"
"Mhm! Waited, but feel 'sleep. 'M sorry."
"Don't be sorry, we can still do all that. How about I get the laptop and we can watch a show while we cuddle?"
Though tired, you became excited and nodded. "Yes, p'ease!"
He chuckled softly. "Alright. You get back in the blankets to keep them warm and I'll go get the computer." "Kay!"
You dove back into the blankets and he chuckled fondly again. He loved getting to spend this time relaxing with you and being able to care for you. He'd do anything for his small Honey.
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mokutone · 3 years
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sometimes i think abt yamato and i just. h.
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tales-of-the-dense · 2 years
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love the cousins dynamic of Big Tall Lady and whisper of a man ❤️
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 years
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[ID: a drawing on lined paper of Himiko with a Braixen. She’s cupping a ball of purple magical energy in her hands as she looks down at Braixen with a catlike smile. Braixen is looking back up at her, cupping a ball of fire in its paws. End ID.]
Magic girl with a magic fox c:
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