#calypso fanfiction
Percy's eyes burned like the shroud behind them. Annabeth was stroking his arm to calm him down. "Just keep it cool. Just until the funeral is over" But he wouldn't stop.
"You abandoned us, Leo," his lip trembled as he yelled. "For Calypso. We were devastated for months searching for you. Piper cried every night. Hazel and Frank didn't talk to us for months. Jason had to mourn you till his death. How could you do that to your friends?"
Leo felt redness rising in his face. Anger emanated from him like heat. "Take Calypso's name out of your mouth!" he bellowed. "You broke her heart and left her alone with false hopes, you selfish--"
"What did you say about him?" In a fit of sudden anger, Annabeth let go of Percy's arm, and hell broke loose.
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phantomstatistician · 3 months
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Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Sample Size: 45,419 stories
Source: AO3
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socksracoon10 · 6 months
Can you do headcanon of being Davy Jones and Calypso's daughter please?
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It was a miracle in itself that Calypso had agreed to sire a child for Davy Jones
The creature was ELATED to find out that he was having a child, and as most men from the 17th century, he had desperately wished for it to be a son
Of course, that was until he saw you and realized that you were... the runt of his dreams
Not that he would openly ever say he didn't want a daughter, but it was clear from the start that it wasn't something he was very keen on.
However, as Captain of the Flying Dutchman, he left quite shortly after your birth to return to the sea.
You never saw him for most of your childhood
But you saw your mother, much to the point where she became an overbearing presence in your life.
You tried to go out on your own will, finding the sea calling out your name
Calypso was quick to correct you and brought you back to face the land
through her you learned valuable spells and tricks, growing your talents in the arts that she was fluent in
But you had inherited your father's frustration and urge to plunder and explore
and it was growing more and more every day
the longer you stayed on the land
the longer your anger grew
there was no peace within your mind
and Calypso knew very well
she also knew that when Davy Jones would return, she would have to stash you away somewhere far in fear that you would leave her too
So, when Davy Jones returned after another decade, he was baffled to see no sign of anyone. He was lost, he was confused, he was broken.
He blamed it on you.
And he swore to get his revenge on both daughter and mother.
Unbeknownst to Calypso, however, you had slipped into a ship in order to find more truth about your supposed father and you continued to live among the pirates away from both parents until you became a full-fledged adult.
That's where all the problems began.
You missed your mother, deeply, but you knew that going back would torment your soul.
And the longer you stayed out in the seas, the greater risk you put on yourself to be caught by Davy Jones.
So, unfortunately, there was only one person you could turn to for help and it was possible the worst decision you could've made.
Jack Sparrow.
He saw you more as a little sister (thankfully) and vowed to protect you on land and on sea
Because truth be told, he feared Davy Jones a little bit too
He never told you the reason why, though
And you never asked him for it, because on your mind you were fixed with other things
Your father wanting your head and your mother wanting you back
It was back between the turmoil you felt as a child - is it the sea or the land that called you?
Where did your responsibility lie? Proving to be a good daughter to your mother, or proving to your father that you were not as cursed as he thought you to be?
But, everything has a plan by the Universe. And your planner clearly did not like to keep you waiting
Because you eventually did reunite with your mother through Jack Sparrow, and Davy Jones followed after with a solemn gaze.
You possessed both their qualities, both their traits and powers.
And if they hated you, so be it.
You weren't going to be dictated by them when they were absent for most of your life.
You were your own person.
You clicked your heels as you stared at the two, before staring back at the rest of the crew behind you.
You stepped forward, a menacing glare on your face.
And the rest was history...
A/N: I hope you like it!!! It was a bit rushed, I'm a little sorry, because of some work I was doing but I'm so glad I got to answer this request! Thank you so much!!!
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sleeping-at-sea · 16 days
When your writing a fic of Ody the night he finally makes it back to Ithaca and have him REFUSE to say Calypos’ name, even as he's having a panic attack and having a inner dialogue
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katerinaaqu · 1 month
Ruthless Justice
This fic is dedicated to my dear friend @artsofmetamoor as a gift! She had also expressed an interest to the events of the murder of the suitors but I decided to take it into a more tragic level; the excecution of the 12 maids and I added some random emotional scene afterwards! You are warned this fic includes dark themes!
The cries that filled the room were deafening. The young ears of Telemachus could not bear them. The slave women were forced to clean up the room from the corpses of the blasted suitors that nearly killed him and took the kingdom of his father. It was the first time Telemachus had killed. He still couldn’t believe it how easy it had been! It was almost easier than hunting wild goats and deer in the mountains of Ithaca! Some part of him had felt a wild pleasure, almost hedonic gladness, when he had stabbed that first body and continued. This hedonism increased by the happiness he felt that he was helping his father, that he was useful. He felt pleasure for this justice that was finally prevailing in the halls of his house; finally the constant harassment and insults his mother and himself had gone through was punished and he had finally found his father. He had witnessed his brain and his ferocity, his dexterity and cunning first hand! So far he had only heard of it from others that had met him and yet now he had actually seen it before him; his father who was no longer at the prime of youth he had managed to clean the hall of 108 men 10 or even 20 years younger than what he was. Some part of Telemachus wondered; how was his father in his prime? How much more ferocity in battle he possessed? How much more wits and wiles could he loom in short amounts of time?
However now that the first thrill of battle had gone, now they had finished cleaning the chairs of the hall with sponges and water, Telemachus was shocked at their own strength and results. He looked around at the hall that was basically full of wrapped bodies; the bodies that used to belong to vigorous, young nobles and his father now stood at the hall, hard as the stones that built that very palace. Odysseus was not a tall man (that much was a surprise to Telemachus, for from the conversations he had heard about his father’s strength and name he had expected him to be as tall as he was, perhaps taller), he barely stood at average height, maybe a little less, but his physique showed the power that his hardships built upon him. His raven hair, which had already started turning silver from time and hardships, was curly like his own and long till his shoulders; those strong shoulders burnt by sea and sun. A thick bushy beard was hiding a strong jaw line and mouth shut tightly closed. However Telemachus particularly noticed his stone look as the onyx eyes of his seemed soulless like glass even if they burnt with hatred and anger. Right now he could see before him a man who lived up to his name; “The Anger Bringer”. Odysseus was indeed enraged; that much Telemachus could tell. The almost full day of slaughter seemed to have created a curst thick like salt upon his face, just as thick was the blood that had splattered it, the blood he didn’t have much time to clean. And yet, despite all that, he seemed to stand naturally within that chaos; like only a war veteran would stand naturally amongst corpses and cries. He remained there as the lamenting women were literally dragged and pushed at his feet as he stood at the podium of the throne. He seemed like a judge; a ruthless judge ready to pass judgment. Telemachus had seen him angry, hopeful, crying, tender and then ruthless in his killing but now he was truly disturbed at the shadow that had passed over his face. He saw then the one that had come from war; the Sacker of Cities… Odysseus looked down at the maidens crying and struggling, as if they were insects.
“I took you to my home…” he said, his voice cold as ice and sharp as a knife, “I gave you a bed, fed you, dressed you…made sure you would want of nothing while you were under my roof… I respected your wishes…never mistreated you and this is how you repay me? By mingling with my enemies…the very men that wished to violently claim my wife and kill my son?”
Every word was a hammer upon a nail. Telemachus felt a shiver down his spine. He wouldn’t want to be to the other end of that look that was for sure! The women seemed pale like bed sheets; like the sheets that were covering the bodies they had gathered with their own very hands. He saw the other two helpers of theirs; the two herders Eumaeus and Philoetius, standing over the crying maidens, watching at their master with pride. Telemachus had never seen so much wild triumph to the old face of Eumaeus’s before. Never.
“Eumaeus….” Odysseus addressed him, “What is the punishment for treason?”
“Death, my lord” his voice didn’t even hesitate
“Quite so…” Odysseus nodded.
He glared at the slave girls like a hawk.
“Normally I should drag you all out and stone you to death!”
Odysseus didn’t have to yell. All he needed was to speak in that low voice that boiled with anger, like the bubbling water in a cauldron. And yet that was more than enough to emphasize his anger.
“However we have caused enough ruin already! And I shall not even spare one single sacred stone of this palace for you!”
One could wonder whether he was about to say he would sell them away or something of similar manner, which would already be cruel enough. However the king of Ithaca said;
“Philoetius! Bring me a long piece of rope! Eumaeus, help me bring these treacherous women out! They shall be hanged!”
The word sounded as terrible as I was clear and the women broke to a woe Telemachus had never heard before (and, by gods, had he heard enough woe in his house ever since he was a baby!). The screeches and the cries they released along with their already blood-painted hands trying to claw themselves out of the swine herder’s strong grip, nearly made him throw up.
“Father!” he protested, “you can’t be serious! They are just helpless women!”
His father’s onyx eyes stuck within his own and Telemachus felt that same shiver down his spine. There was fire in those obsidian eyes! The same fire of earth that had forged the volcanic glass that gave his eyes their color seemed to be now burning deep inside those black orbs; it was though a cold fire that burnt like the ice burns the skin!
“Is the betrayal of a woman less serious than the betrayal of a man?” his voice was sharp as a broken sword; sharpness you wouldn’t know where it would cut you the worst; the actual blade or the broken tip
“N-No…” Telemachus stammered, “B-But…”
His voice was being drowned by the shrieks of the women. He couldn’t stand it.
“Does the dagger being wielded by a woman draw less blood when it stabs you in the back than the one wielded by a man?”
“Father please!”
“Stay back, Telemachus!” his father commanded, pushing him out of his way, “You are not to see this!”
Telemachus felt his heart clench but he held his ground.
“No, father, I shall help you” he said determined, “If I am to become king of this land, I must help justice prevail!”
His father eyed him once more but Telemachus stood his ground. He was Odysseades Telemachus. He had to live up to his father’s legacy. Odysseus eyed him in wonder for one second but he did not protest his request any further. Part of Telemachus had wished he had. However he knew he had to be strong and stand by his father’s side. The cries of the female voices still haunted his ears as they went out to the trees of the garden. Odysseus pointed towards the direction of one of the trees. Telemachus gulped. He knew that tree. He had played so many times around it when he was a kid! He had named it “Troy” at some point, running around with his horse (in other words a stick he fantasized to be his horse when he was five) and he would yell at the people of Troy to open their gates for him, like he had imagined his father would be doing, on occasions scaring the birds that sat on the branches. As he grew older he would climb and sit on them, joining those birds, and looking over to the horizon as if waiting for a ship to appear, as if waiting to see the sails of the 12 ships of Ithaca arriving.
How weird indeed that Odysseus chose that particular tree for the execution hall to be built behind it! Telemachus never made that connection so strongly before!
As the men dragged the women out to their final spot; behind that said tree lay the dome of court where a small, confided space, where the women tied up with one single piece of rope from the throats like cattle being led for slaughter were crying and moaning. Telemachus felt his stomach turn. Oh, Athena, he prayed silently, please give me strength to do what I must! He felt then a gentle touch upon his shoulder; like the sun warming him with his rays. His racing heart slowed a bit in beat and he breathed in deeply. Yes, he could feel Athena’s reminder of his own strength. Yes, he had to do it. He was his father’s son. No one dared to speak at that moment. Apart from the endless woe of the women that were about to be executed, it almost felt like a macabre ritual that was about to happen. The women were forced to their final resting place; the narrow hall that was closed up by the neatherd and the swineherd. Telemachus held onto the end with both hands and sighed again, feeling weirdly calm. It was as if all his essence had gone numb. He was self-conscious that his father was looking at him. He almost felt him regretful as if he tried to release him from his task but Telemachus made a mechanical move with his head to stop him. I am Odysseiades Telemachus, he thought, this is my duty! Instinctually he looked towards the sky.
“May this be no clean death…” he heard himself whispering, breaking the silence and the cries of the women, “…that I take the lives of these women…for they were wishing for my head…both mine and my mother’s…when they betrayed us and lay with the suitors…”
His father made half a step forward. Telemachus had made his resolve
He threw the rope over the dome and pulled with all his might.
The cries stopped to give their place to chocking sounds.
Telemachus didn’t cry. He only sighed and closed his eyes.
Soon the haunting sounds stopped.
There was only the creaking of the swinging rope…
~ ~ ~
Telemachus chocked and coughed as he threw up the little contents of his stomach behind a bush. How strange, he thought, he didn’t feel the need to do that when he killed all those men he hated by his father’s side and yet he reacted upon an execution he performed with his own hands. It was, maybe, because he always learnt to respect women and protect them. Quite frankly he never raised a hand against a woman before in his life. And now he had, with one fateful move he had removed the lives of 12 women he considered helpless. And yet that moment of clarity it was as if Athena was speaking through him; these women are not innocent, he thought she said to him, they betrayed you and your father, they betrayed your mother’s secrets and led to more torment to her. They conspired to kill you.
“Then why…?” Telemachus thought, “Why was this so difficult?”
He felt two warm, calloused hands on his shoulders and looked up. He faced the tired look of his father’s; his face full of the blood of the victims they had killed. In one moment Telemachus felt self-conscious and realized he could possibly look similar to this. He turned his look away in shame. What would his father think? What would he say for his weakness? Instead, though, he heard him whisper:
“I am so proud of you, my son…” the voice echoed somewhere in his soul, “I understand that was not an easy decision to make…”
“F-Forgive me…f-father…” Telemachus stammered trying to stop the sobs that were chocking him, “I…I wasn’t strong enough…”
“You’re wrong, Telemachus” his voice was whispery and yet adamant, “You are strong, much stronger than any man I have seen so far. I understand the task that I placed upon you was not a pretty one or a pleasant one. And yet you fulfilled it with the bravery that many men didn’t show in thousands of wars. I am proud of you…”
Telemachus realized what had bothered him so much; his father indeed didn’t seem to separate women from men before the ruthless justice he threw upon them. Telemachus was taught to protect and respect women. However when Odysseus arrived at the hall and ordered the demise of 12 women with hardly even blinking disturbed him. How much had he changed? This was not the father that his mother was describing…nay, he wasn’t the father he had met in the hut of the swine herder that embraced him and kissed him like he were his own soul. He saw some of that father he met right now, to the father trying to console him but before? A few minutes prior he saw an executioner; not the father he knew and loved.
“But how much do I know him, really…?” Telemachus realized, “I first saw his face a few days ago… What kind of man is he? Really?”
Odysseus patted his son on his shoulders and helped him straighten himself. They walked past the tree where the women still hanged like doves from a hunter’s stick. Telemachus couldn’t look up at the blackened and bloated faces of death. Not Odysseus. Odysseus looked up steadily and steadfast. There hardly was a reaction on his face apart from a wrinkle playing between his eyes. He seemed tired, sure, he wasn’t feeling pleasure he wasn’t smiling and yet Telemachus wondered; does this man have nerves of steel or a heart of stone to look up so calmly? How much horror had he seen so that this gruesome sight wouldn’t make him avert his eyes?
“How…?” he whispered, “How can you take this…?”
His father was silent for one second until he finally decided to talk.
“One can get awfully accustomed to the face of death…when they have seen so plenty of it…”
His voice was almost dead; as if he was just stating a simple fact such as that the sun rises from the east rather than talking about the lives of people. That rubbed Telemachus in the wrong places even if he didn’t want to admit it.
“Sometimes…” Odysseus continued, “I feel like my heart has turned into stone… Sometimes I feel like it has no more space apart from you Telemachus…”
It took him a few seconds to realize what his father had just said. Perhaps not even Odysseus himself had realized it!
“What about mother, father? What about her?”
There was silence for one second. However that silence seemed to Telemachus more cruel than any other eternity in Hades’s kingdom!
“Father!” he urged
“Of course, your mother too…” Odysseus finally whispered, “I love her more than life itself! I did everything I could so I can come back to her…to you…”
“You doubted her!” Telemachus whispered in cruel realization, “Oh, gods! I don’t believe it! You doubted her! Even after everything she went through for you!”
“No!” Odysseus immediately retorted, “No, I didn’t doubt her! Not really…it is just…”
“Just what? I don’t believe you! After all these years she waited!”
“I know this” Odysseus retorted almost calmly, “Or rather I absolutely know now. However I needed to make sure…beyond any shade of doubt. This is why Athena encouraged me to hide who I was from your mother, even if it tore me apart inside…”
“But…why…?” Telemachus was almost in tears and he was struggling really hard to keep them under control. “Why would you even doubt her so?”
They had spent years on their own and for as long as he could remember his mother was always waiting, crying and expecting a miracle. He didn’t remember one day to see his mother genuinely happy. She was smiling or complimenting his accomplishments but he had never seen her truly happy; all their life was darkened by the shadow of his father’s absence; of the lack of information whether he lived or not and now his father said that he had doubt, no matter how small it was?! Odysseus sighed deeply and looked at his son. His eyes were almost pleading even if his voice was steady.
“Son…” he said gravely, “I spent years out there…years of ordeals and pain and…many of them changed me… I cannot say much…not now…however there was someone…a woman…”
He gulped. He almost seemed ready to cry himself.
“She…she did unspeakable things to me…for years I endured hoping to come back to you and your mother… She…she kept on planting doubts in my head for years… I didn’t believe her…I didn’t want to believe her! And yet…yet all those years… Telemachus I couldn’t do otherwise! My brain was rejecting what my heart knew… And so I had to make these two come together… I had to…! Please! Perhaps one day I will be able to explain to you…and then you will understand…”
His father began walking away but Telemachus, in the heat of adrenaline and battle didn’t seem ready to let go. Not yet.
“Does this have to do with some goddess Calypso?”
His father froze and then he saw him turn around and saw another emotion he never saw before; fear. There was pure terror on his face. All color had left it; his eyes as wide as plates.
“Where did you hear that name!?” his father croaked out, “Telemachus! Where?!”
“Father…” Telemachus was more concerned and surprised than pitiful at that moment, “Look at you! You’re pale! You didn’t turn pallid when you ordered the execution of these women and yet you lost all color at the name of that woman!”
“Telemachus!” Odysseus called out desperately
“Tell me what happened father! What does this woman have to do with this?”
“I can’t!”
“Please tell me! What did that woman do to you to make you doubt your own wife?!”
“I can’t! I CAN’T!” Odysseus’s voice rose in a constant crescendo, he held his head with both hands as if suddenly his head was splitting in two
“Father, please!” Telemachus urged, “Who is that woman? Who is Calypso?”
“Telemachus!” Odysseus grabbed the shoulders of his son
Telemachus nearly whelped feeling the unbelievable strength of those hands, squeezing him in almost bruising grasp but he didn’t make a sound. He stood his ground. He was his father’s son.
“Where did you hear that name?!”
“Y-Your friend told me about it…” Telemachus finally replied, “I traveled, father. I myself tried to find the answers that I was seeking…and in my travels I visited Pylos…and Sparta…there I met your old friend… He said he had a dream in which you were trapped at the island with some goddess Calypso, but he didn’t know more… You remember him, don’t you? Menelaus the king of Sparta…”
He took some breaths and he seemed to find his composure. He slowly released his son. Telemachus noticed that indeed some color had returned to his face. How much had that woman done to him to make his father react that way?! How many horrors had this man experienced to the hands of that goddess so that he would turn pale in terror even if he was completely unhinged by more than 100 vigorous men?
“Yes…of course I remember… Menelaus…he was one of my closest friends…in Troy.” That little recollection somehow calmed him down, “I…I haven’t heard of him for years… Th-Thank gods that he is fine…”
“He is in good health from what I could see…” Telemachus couldn’t lie, he didn’t know much on Menelaus but he knew that ‘fine’ was not exactly the word that described him, “He misses you a lot, you know… He didn’t speak with so warm words for anybody else…”
A sad smile spread to Odysseus’s lips.
“I remember… Menelaus was a really dear friend to me…”
He passed his hand over his face to mop some of his sweat.
“Forgive me, Telemachus…I really didn’t want this feeling to be inside me in the first place but…please understand me…that’s all I ask. That and some time… I will explain everything when I can…”
Telemachus breathed in, defeated.
“I will not pressure you, father…” he finally said, “I understand it is hard. Forgive me for insisting… It is just…”
His father’s arms wrapped around him. That moment he stopped being the heartless judge. He was the caring father again..he was the one Telemachus first met; the caring, protective father…
“Please don’t apologize…” he murmured to his son’s ear, “You have every right to be angry…you have so many questions… I promise you, my son, I will do my best to answer them all…just not yet…I can’t…not yet…”
He pulled back and looked at his son’s eyes.
Telemachus smiled sadly. Suddenly his own accumulated frustration from the events of the day was evaporated. He needed this breakdown and somehow he knew his father needed it too.
“Okay” he nodded in agreement.
Odysseus patted his shoulders.
“Good.” He said, “Let’s go in now and we must order to get ourselves cleaned now. We must, sooner or later, cleanse ourselves from this murder for we both look like we went mad!”
Telemachus scoffed a bit. He began following his father; never daring to look back towards that grim execution place.
“She didn’t ask, you know…” he suddenly said
Odysseus stopped and turned around.
“Mother. When I told her about king Menelaus’s vision, she didn’t ask. She didn’t make any inquiries. She didn’t doubt your integrity not even for one second…”
He saw his father’s chest palpitating almost suddenly. His face almost twisted with another unspoken sob. He turned around, showing Telemachus his back.
“Thank you…” he murmured
Telemachus managed to see one tear running down his father’s bloodstained cheek. There was so much behind that silent cry! Telemachus knew his father was keeping many things inside; perhaps he even blamed himself for everything. He didn’t know. He only hoped that with that last comment, he managed to give him some peace of mind. Apparently either he was right or Odysseus was a very good actor indeed, for he was back to his previous steadfast and calm self. He was once more the king.
The King of Ithaca
The Anger Bringer.
Not much to say here. Homer said most of it before me.
I found it disturbing and interesting how it was Telemachus the one to pull the rope of the execution so I thought to add a bit ore angst to this and show this aftermath whirlpool of emotions that could be going on inside hm.
And of course Odysseus and the years of torment, especially Ogygia.
Also in the Odyssey Rhapsody 17 Telemachus does mention to his mother how Menelaus saw Odysseus imprisoned by Calypso but Penelope didn't react to it much. She either believed not much of it in her sorrow or at the same time she felt no need to react at the name of another woman because she trusted her husband.
Hope you like it.
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yallemagne · 22 days
I have been informed by two people, one of them being my trusted friend and ally, that the idea that Calypso is cursed to be stuck on her island and fall for any man that lands on it... is from fucking Percy Jackson.
I already suspected so because whenever I saw people claiming she was totally cursed and couldn't be held accountable for her trespasses against Odysseus and likely countless other men, none of them cited a line that stated that. There is also no mention of it on her Wikipedia page either, and I knew that it would have been mentioned if anything was backing it. Like how any potential children of Odysseus with Circe and Calypso aren't technically canon because stories about them were written after the original poem and by different people but they were still mentioned in sources about Circe and Calypso.
Some of y'all are exonerating a fictional rapist because of a depiction of her you found in a children's book.
Goddammit Rick.
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thetimetel · 8 days
I see a lot of people hating so hard on Calypso for forcing Odysseus to stay on the island against his will - and seeing him as her new lover. And believe me, I get it. Those are horrible things no sane person would do.
But I keep being brought back to this line in her song with him. The part where she specifically says 'under my spell we're stuck in paradise. No one can come or go, my island stays unknown'.
She can't leave either. And that paints a whole new light on the situation.
How long has she been stuck there, all by herself? Years? Decades? She says in her last song that it's been a hundred years. Long enough that she has stopped calling it a prison and now calls it a paradise. How long has it been that she has done the same thing every day, pining for any other contact at all?
Then one day, something changes. A man washes up on the shoreline. She immediately takes him to her bed so he can rest and recover. She can already see the new life that they're going to have together, thanking the gods for finally answering her prayers to no longer be alone. She is immortal after all, and eternity is so much more bearable when you have someone else to spend it with.
But something's wrong. He's sleeping for so long, not waking up. And the panic starts to set in. Is he dead? Have the gods played some horrible trick on her, sending a dead man to the island? It's been so long since she has seen a mortal that she doesn't know how to check for signs of death. Is she really so desperate that she brought a CORPSE to bed and thinks it's going to wake up??
Then oh, it's good! He's talking in his sleep! Everything's good, everything is fine. Corpses don't talk. So she stays near him and listens as he whispers of Ithaca, of monsters and politics - wait, Polites, a few other names and then -
And in that moment her entire vision for her new life comes crashing down. He said that name with such passion, such love, even in his sleep. No. It can't be. The gods aren't THAT cruel, that the first person they'd send to her is . . . no. She can't accept it, doesn't dare to think of the implications. Once he wakes up she'll ask him.
Then finally he does wake up. And it's like a dream. She's in the room, has clearly been taking care of him, and the very first thing he sees is her eyes. It's so romantic. She gets him up to speed, making a light joke about that 'thought you were dead' moment because it doesn't matter anymore. There's only one more thing to ask to ensure her vision of their future.
'did you know you talk in your sleep? Tell me though, who's Penelope?'
'She's my wife'
And in that instant all her fears are confirmed. Something in her head just snaps. How dare the gods do this to her? How DARE they send someone already married to her island, after so long?
She's not giving up that easily.
So she continues her plan like nothing had happened. Letting slip her intention to wed him and make this wonderful family, of which she has likely named their first ten children already. And this man snaps at her, threatens to kill her.
'Oh handsome, you may try. But last I checked, goddesses can't die!'
And just how many times has she checked, being trapped on an island that she can't escape all by herself?
But again she brushes it off as a joke. Because that's all behind her. There's something for her to live for again! And silly Odysseus tries to claim that this isn't how it's going to be. She totally gets it, she went through that the first few years herself. So she spells out that he's all hers now.
Now all she has to do, is wait. Wait for him to come to terms with their situation. Wait for him to realize he will never reach Penelope. It will be ugly of course, that moment he finally accepts this cruel fate. But once that has passed, he'll fall for Calypso. She knows this in her heart. And they can finally set out to truly make this hellhole a paradise.
So she waits.
One year passes.
She's still having the time of her life. In between his escape attempts she's getting him to open up to her. When she explained her past to him he even showed sympathy! After all, they both were constantly getting screwed over by the gods. It wouldn't take long.
Two years pass.
His constant escape attempts are just amusing. She's taken to telling him 'welcome back!' every time the raft turns around and brings him back to the island.
Three years pass.
He tries to kill her, under the thought that it was her that was keeping him on the island. But she just laughs as she shows it didn't do a damn thing. He'll run out of ideas soon. He'll accept that he's trapped here, just like her.
Four years pass.
She's lost count of the number of escape attempts. There's at least five a day. He's trying to find a loophole in the curse that keeps them there. She's trying to gently push him over that edge, to get him to accept the reality of the situation. Once he does, their new life together will start.
Five years pass.
Any day now, he'd give up. The escape attempts had stopped, but now he would just sob on the shoreline. At this point he was going to raise the tide with how many tears he had cried. She understood of course. Her breakdown hadn't been any prettier all those years ago.
Six years.
Why? Why wasn't he giving up? Why was he doing this to himself? The escape attempts had renewed. He'd searched the entire island, trying to find something tethering them to this accursed paradise. He'd tried everything to escape. She wasn't even sure where he'd gotten the 'wax wings' idea from, but it was just as pointless as the other attempts.
Seven years.
She finds him at the edge of a cliff. And for the first time she feels a deep, primal fear. He'd never accepted her gift of immortality. She desperately tries to talk him down. But every attempt seems to be making it worse. She doesn't know she's repeating the words he's heard before. Then he cries out for Athena, and when she doesn't answer he just collapses in tears.
It was scary. But this had to be his breaking point. He didn't resist when she brought him back to their home, though he stayed in bed for the rest of the day. She just had to give him some space - though she was going to make CERTAIN he stayed away from that cliff.
Then something happens. The last thing she expected.
A visit from Hermes. He tells that Zeus himself has decreed Odysseus be freed.
And yet again, her vision of the future is shattered.
She pleads. She begs. He's falling for her, she knows it. That new life is so close, she just needs a little more time! But her cries fall on deaf ears. And when she tries to refuse, a lightning bolt lands a little too close for comfort.
There's only one chance left.
And in her heart she knows how it will end. But she tries. She tries to convince Odysseus to stay, knowing that if she fails he will leave her all alone again. She doesn't want to be alone again. She pleads, she begs, she pours out her entire soul to him. All while knowing what his answer will be. It hadn't changed for seven years, why would it change now? Why would this fucking world EVER give her what she wanted!?
And it ends just like she expects it to. With her watching as he gets on that raft and sails off into the horizon. Except this time Hermes keeps the curse at bay, and stops the island from bringing him back.
And just like that, she's all alone again.
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Me when “I’m no pet, I’m a married man” is almost immediately followed by, “You’re adorable…”:
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dandelion-blues · 6 months
Hold Fast, Captain.
A Percy Jackson and Pirates of the Caribbean adventure!
The Prince of the Sea.
Oh! the dead dare to dream.
The cursed sought to claim,
If only the red blood would remain.
You dare touch the Storm’s chosen,
The one crowned by black roses.
Yo ho! A pirate may lust,
But will never earn his trust.
So pretty, the pearl of the sea,
Singing the siren shanties.
Drown in the depths of his eyes.
Oh! He'll be your demise.
Yo ho! Dancing till dawn,
The Hero won’t be treated as a pawn.
Oh! Lavish him in your riches,
To evade swimming with the fishes.
Many a pirate felt the calling of the sea in their very blood. They felt the sea salt air thicken as the waves crashed against their wooden vessels. The clear sky seared into their being.
Oh, it was the calm before the storm, they knew. Something was coming. For the Goddess of the Seas called her fish back, leaving the pirates blessed by her domain without their meals. It was her way to protect all those of the sea and send a message to thee. Only a fool would choose to ignore it, lest they wished for their death.
Their dreams filled with a young man, his face never clearly seen, but had the eyes not of a man but of the sea. Oh, blessed one of the seas.
“The Prince is coming,” the Goddess whispered in their dreams, to all those traveling on her waters. Her voice like the very tides. Ebbing and flowing in a soft crescendo. But in her voice held power, a power that spoke of a Goddess with many depths. A low symphony to her hidden trenches, deep and dangerous underneath the crystalline voice of her shallow shores.
Oh, Goddess of the Mirror World. Calypso, the Goddess of summer tides, the sea’s storm and might, the rescuer of the souls lost at sea, and the final judge of all those who dare journey her seas! Don’t mistake her for the daughter of Atlas, for she is more powerful than thee. She is this world’s Goddess of the Seas!
Dark eyes open. He swallows deeply, his voice but a whisper amongst the ship’s rocking waves, “The Prince is coming.”
Jack Sparrow, captain of the Black Pearl, looks to the horizon. Somehow, he knows he's in for something grand once again. He’ll survive this trial, this test, from the Goddess of the Seas. He knows he can.
For now, though, he’ll be drinking his weight in rum to forget the coming storm.
Here's a little snippet of this idea that I've had on the backburner for a while now, but I finally decided to write.
I honestly really love this! And there really needs to be more Percy Jackson and Pirates of the Caribbean crossovers!
Also, I am fully headcannoning Captain Jack Sparrow as Aroallo!
"...my first and only love is the sea." ~Jack Sparrow.
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saintsir4n · 6 months
Wattpad Story link
Prologue cast list saltburn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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calypsosbirthdayevent · 3 months
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save the date! more details to follow soon!
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Started “Any Port in a Storm” by @beemovieerotica thinking it was gonna be a fun crackfic now I’m sobbing over immortal beings finding love and recovering from alcoholism and being freed from curses when I’m supposed to be cleaning house. 100/10 this is what summer break is all about
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currymunches · 11 months
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Bad Boy Supreme looking intense 🔥
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I don’t normally do this but I’m actually kinda proud of this one! If you like Hermes and Odysseus’s relationship (familial, not romantic) feel free to check it out!
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katerinaaqu · 24 days
Odyssey Parallels to my "Survivor's Guilt and Survivor's Duty" story (Rhapsody /Book 5 of Odyssey, Calypso's Monolog)
So here is a small break down of one of my most beloved fanfictions of Odyssey line by line from Calypso's monolog in 5th rhapsody of the Odyssey where she complains to Hermes for demanding to let Odysseus go, listing what she did for him. I find interesting how she speaks of the things she indeed DID do for him as if that somehow makes him her "property" or rather having a right on him (or as my brilliant friend @artsofmetamoor stated "like she was keeping a cat!" XD) Buckle up this analysis is long! XD
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And I was the one to save him, while he was alone holding onto the ship's keel, for his fast ship was split open in the middle of the wine-dark sea by Zeus's thunder!
(Translation by me)
"Odysseus traveled once more; this time alone and grabbing upon the last remains of his beloved black ship… The night came cold and he was shivering. By the morning another storm caught up with him and his mast was once more drifted by the huge waves that resembled white top mountains, tearing apart his clothes and his flesh. And yet his hands endured… It was as if his heart and hands combined turned into oak or stones. The Man of many Torments endured. (From Part1)
Next day the sun was merciless over his head, sending him almost to the brief of hallucinations and heat as sweat was running down his already wounded body. The night the gods felt pity on him and sent a drizzle rain. Odysseus raised his head to the heavens trying to grab as much of the fresh god-sent water as if that would be enough to quench his insatiable thirst and the burning of the salt. Once a passing seaweed came close to him to which Odysseus made some sort of imitation of a meal for himself. How many times he nearly slipped off his life-raft he lost count…how many times he probably actually fainted on it he could no longer remember. And yet, the King of Ithaca endured…in strength that he had no idea he had. It was as if both his body and spirit had decided he had a duty to survive. He survived the agony and pain as well as the anxiety and fear every time something touched his foot beneath the waves or a passing fish would bite his legs. He had long stopped feeling much." (From Part 1)
"Therewith the worst came; a thunderbolt stroke the ship and the sudden flash and tremendous sound left them all blind and deaf. Odysseus screamed in pain shielding his ears. The ship cracked from side to side down in the middle; splintering in the winds like it was a pile of leaves." (From Part 1) => [This moment more graphically described by Odysseus himself in 12th rhapsody]
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There all his goodly companions perished and the winds and waves brought him here!
(Translation by me)
"By night before the tenth day of his painful journey he had collapsed. He didn’t feel the sand beneath his body as his raft finally beached at a sandy beach. He didn’t move as some crab or beach beetle walked over his sea-beaten body. By dawn some hints of his consciousness returned. It was only for a brief second that the rays of sun touched his salt-crusted cheek but Odysseus saw or at least he thought he saw a tall slender figure picking something up from the beach many meters away from him (maybe a seashell). The figure turned towards him and walked there. And then everything turned black…" (From Part 1)
"He yelled till his throat was sore…till his voice was gone…he sobbed and cried tears almost as plenty as the waves of the sea. The storm was roaming around him… There was no one there to hear his lament… His voice was carried around by the wind…his tears were washed away by sea and rain…His body was borne by the direful winds… Six hundred men had started that fateful journey… Now there was only one… Now he was alone." (From Part 1)
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I took him in with care and love and gave him food, I even told him I would make him immortal and ageless for all eternity!
(Translation by me)
"She slid her arm behind his back and half-raised him with unexpected strength, bringing the goblet to his lips. As the liquid touched those thirsty, dry lips, Odysseus gained strength anew to his arms; the type of strength you get when you need to survive. He greedily downed sips from the drink and aimed to hold it with his weak, shaking hands. He tasted the sweetest drink he ever thought he would taste; it was sweeter than honey, smoother than wine. It was all the tastes he ever knew and none at the same time. He coughed as the drink went down the wrong way but he drank more ignoring some that escaped his lips and down the thick layer of curly hair that adorned his wide chest. He was thirsty! He was thirsty to the point of madness!" (From Part 2)
"“My maids shall bring you some food, Odysseus. I believe you are strong enough to eat now. Nectar and potions we created should allow you to heal to that point” “I am grateful, beautiful goddess…” “Rest and regain your strength first” Calypso advised sweetly, “The rest shall come…”" (From Part 2)
"The weeks passed and Odysseus was indeed trying his best to keep himself in good condition. A few days more and he could walk about Calypso’s grotto without any problems and soon he felt gaining his old strength back. Eventually he got out of the grotto and got to explore the isle around and know his surroundings. Under the tender care of Calypso and her maids, Odysseus felt like finding himself again. He gained the weight he lost by his cruel misadventures and managed to built his previous physical strength." (From Part 2)
"“You nearly lost your life out there, darling… Why must you torment yourself over them? Why must your heart always mourn? Forget about this…mortal coil. Stay here with me…stay and rest, finally, Odysseus… You shall not want of anything here… I could offer you the gift of immortality… Never shall you fear sickness or death again! Never shall you find yourself in the same pitiful state that you were when you first showed up at my doors! You shall be my equal! All you need to do is ask…” (From Part 3) => [also remembering the first rhapsodies how Athena says t the council of the gods that Calypso aims to make him forget his homeland]
So yeah... I tried my best to follow the Odyssey but of cource details filled in by me! For those interested the three parts of this story are here!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
And of course viewe's discression is advised given the hard hemes it includes (yes it includes the mention of SA so yeah...sad and dark stuff)
My Calypso fanart based on my story
My Odysseus fanart based on my stories
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bookishjules · 24 days
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Here Without You - Masterpost
Rating: Teen
Length: ??
Summary: It's been over a year since Leo's best friend was killed, and nearly as long since he had a real conversation with any of their mutual friends. He once thought all he needed in life was to find love, but it's coming up on two years since he rescued his girlfriend from her island prison, and in the tense stagnation and relative isolation, he can't help but think that maybe he'd been mistaken. Maybe, in order to move forward once more, Leo finally has to look back.
start from beginning // chapter by chapter // playlist // vibes
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