#casual child abuse
simp-for-sesshomaru · 9 months
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Just Inuyasha things.
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zivazivc · 1 month
I was just watching World Tour again. 😏 And was thinking about how the Funk Trolls switch between walking on two legs and four legs. Do you think baby Les ever tried to walk with four legs? Maybe Hed's dad discouraged it or something.
Love all your art and characters. 💕
Do they switch? I don't actually remember that. I kinda thought that half of them walk on two and half of them walk on all fours. But maybe there's a percentage that can do both, kind of like how some people can use both their left and rights hands to write.
But even so, Les isn't shaped enough like a funk troll for walking on fours to be natural for him, and his dad is two-legged too. (Maybe Flea can do it, I never drew his parents but I imagine his funk mom walking on fours.) ...But from how horrible Hed's dad was to him, yeah, I can totally imagine him discouraging something like that. Guy is a rancid piece of shit and he put that kid through so much... :((
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nana-mizu-shiki · 26 days
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"....I was giving Luthor's cellphone a virus."
Also I totally lost order of these screenshots as I just take them from my clipboard and copy the link, but I just forgot to post a bunch of pics so my clipboards now a mess. Sorry but also I'm just reccing fics so not that much
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"So true, bestie,"
I love when the batkids use slang and confuse tf out of each other.
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"Maybe? I don't actually remember what we did with Santa's body."
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He wants to reward the first part because finally the kid realizes cops are bad, but he just called Jason a cop.
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Freebird guitar solo: can't believe I'm gonna turn 18
Stop calling me sonic I'm clearly tails: and it only took 34 years
(Bart:) 😎 🤜 》》+he |Forth ₩all ]]
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I'm like a divorce lawyer with how I'm always breaking things in half.
- The Author
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Oh no.
"What did I do?"
You Dun Fucked' Up, That's What You Did!!
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"Is that how it works?"
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"I tried it once and met Jesus. I remember."
"You don't believe in Jesus," Damian says.
"That's what made it so memorable."
Lmao Tim Wtf ( T∀T)
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shootinwebs · 2 months
( angel texting charlie )
angel: alastor just threw his new phone out the window lmfaooo
charlie: Why??? Again???
angel: i texted him and told him how i accidentally got pregnant when i was 14 and how i flushed it down the toilet lol
charlie: ANGEL??????????
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Carter-A259 is the Dad That Stepped Up
Carter, Carter, Carter. Carter. The slept-on member of NOBLE Team.
He’s also the oldest SPARTAN III by a decent margin. Unlike the rest of Alpha Company, taken at four, five, and six, Carter is a whole-blown eleven. There were members of Alpha without any adult teeth. There were members of Alpha who DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO READ.
Enter Carter. Carter is the oldest and most mature kid there. Think about that. Think about the maturity gap between four and eleven. Between six and eleven. That’s five years between him and the second-eldest child. Five hundred scared children, and in a best case scenario, the instructors tolerate them. What exactly do you think happens?
Carter steps up. He’s probably one of the few people to actually stand up for rest of the kids. He’s probably the one they go to for support, at least in the early years. There’s a distinction between him and the others that just wasn’t present, really, in the original IIs.
Is this good? Fuck no. Carter’s a fucking tween, he shouldn’t have to parent anybody! Is this still how it goes down? Probably, yeah. It still matters that it happens.
Fast-forward ten years. The youngest Alpha-IIIs have graduated. Carter is twenty-one. Jun, Rosenda, and Emile are… around sixteen (their ages don’t actually line up with the data on Alpha Company, but lets assume they do.) Thom is fifteen. They get pulled from the lineup, and then Operation: PROMETHEUS happens.
Three hundred of Carter’s surrogate children little brothers and sisters die practically overnight, and he can’t do anything about it. He wasn’t even there. How do you think that would feel? Especially when one considers the reason he was pulled from the active company: he could handle children was a leader.
Carter is described as being a “born leader” but in all honesty, that’s complete bullshit. His superiors only think that because admitting the truth would be too depressing, even for them. He is a good leader - a really good leader - but only because he had to be. Because there were five hundred children looking somewhere for guidance and he was the tallest one there. Carter stepped up.
Three years pass. Carter (24); Jun, Emile, Rosenda (19); Thom (18). Carter has been assigned various missions. I imagine this is where his calculated stoicism hardens into what we see in Reach. Yet, right now, he’s about to get possibly the worst assignment of his fucking life.
NOBLE Team is entirely comprised of teenagers. They have him wrangling TEENAGERS. As a job!
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This is, of course, when he meets Kat (14) and the others - none of which are people we know yet, all of whom may presumedly be from either Alpha or Beta, which puts them firmly in the 14-19 age range. Ain’t that bitch?
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And they die. Holy shit do they die! Every member of NOBLE Team other than him and Kat are replaced many times over!!! Now he doesn’t have to worry about missing the deaths of people he cares about because he’s right there and he can watch it happen! Horrific.
Seven years of this pass. Carter (31); Jun, Emile, Rosenda (26); Thom (25); Kat (21). This is about the time when Jorge (fucking FORTY) gets assigned to the team. Apparently. The dates are so weird with these guys, because there’s dialogue implying Jorge is the least-recent addition to the team, but that gives Jun and especially Emile barely any time (less than half a year???) to have settled in. If that’s the case then holy shit, Carter and Kat are way bigger badasses for surviving that long. That’s eight years of suicide missions with high turnover rates! What the fuck.
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Anyways. Jorge shows up. Carter’s no longer the oldest. Jorge has leagues more experience, and is one of the original SPARTAN IIs. Everyone on the team (including Carter) probably thought Jorge would take over as leader. Carter shakes his hand, expecting to reorganize the command structure, and then this guy fucking calls him ‘boss.’ Carter has spent his whole life being an Older Brother with Single Dad responsibilities and the second an actual adult shows up the dynamic doesn’t change! He just has another guy he’s responsible for!!! What the fuck, ONI.
And let’s not forget about Kat. Oh, boy, let’s talk about Kat.
Kat, of course, is the only other member of the original NOBLE Team, which aside from being INSANE, also explains why the two are so in sync. Thank you, Jorge, for that single, ambiguous line of dialogue in the Long Night of Solace intro cutscene. Kat does, in fact, have Carter “dialed-in.” They’ve worked together for eight years and are also the only constants in each others’ lives. Carter has seen her grow up and probably helped. She’s his second in command. She’s the XO to his CO. He willingly cedes operational control over to her very frequently, to the point where she’s in charge of NOBLE Team for an entire third of Reach.
Now, whatever you think Kat and Carter are to each other* you cannot deny that they have the strongest connection out of any two members of NOBLE Team. Jorge’s death is likely more distant for Carter. It happened instantaneously in space, which still hurts, but fucking hell. Kat dies literally right in front of him. She has a hole in her head and he couldn’t do anything to stop it. Eight years (eight years!) and it all ends in a heartbeat, like her life didn’t even matter, and he couldn’t stop it from happening. It’s an abrupt, untimely, undeserved, and unworthy end for Carter’s closest friend and family. In the end, all he can do is be the one to carry her body to the escape pelican. How do you live with something like that?
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That’s why, when Six and Emile (and Humanity’s last hope, I guess) are about to be slaughtered, Carter does as any good father/brother/commander would. He takes a deep breath, assesses the situation, and steps up.
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*my vote is for ‘everything,’ because relationships (of any variety) between people who didn’t have childhoods can be very blurred and messy, especially if their bond is formed around the traumas of war and bloodshed during their formative years.
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msfcatlover · 1 year
IWCTW!Damian having to relearn how to suppress his stims, because his grandfather doesn’t like it, after nearly 20yrs of learning how to feel comfortable with expressing himself. 
(Clark catching Damian stimming, only for Damian to immediately try to bluff his way out of it, because it’s been months back with the League and Damian’s relearned that stimming is dangerous. Clark starts showing up with potential stim-toys, being super-casual and even framing some of them as requests. Like, “I’ve been thinking about giving something like this to my son, can you test it and make sure it both works and is safe please? Oh no, you can keep that one. I’ll get Jon another.”)
#iwctw (time travel)#cw: abuse mention#cw: child abuse#autistic damian wayne#autistic damian al ghul#damian wayne#damian al ghul#(Damian Brown in this verse—nope I’m still emotional about that)#superman#clark kent#superbatfam#superdad#my writing#mine#//#Clark accidentally buying Damian one of the same toys his family gave him and Damian just… shutting down.#He only gets more upset when Clark says Damian doesn’t need to keep it if he doesn’t want it#He wants it! It’s his now you can’t have it back!#(I mean Damian's words are more like ''It's not a big deal; I'll take care of it.'' But the casualness is a bluff to hide how desperate he#is to have that thing. Clark knows Damian well enough by this point to recognize the difference.)#Clark wondering where the hell Damian is stashing those particular gifts because Clark never sees them again after handing them over.#(Damian covets anything that reminds him of his past life; it's the closest he thinks he'll ever be to those people again.)#((When the truth comes out and they all come clean; Clark being approached by a frighteningly serious Dick & 3 kids Clark barely knows#over the course of like a couple weeks; all of whom call him ''Uncle Clark'' and want to thank him for looking after their baby brother.#They were so worried about Damian; about what he might be enduring; about what they couldn't save him from.#Damian's already come so far; sure some of it is the extra memories but a lot of it is care & support.#They really couldn't have asked for anyone better.))
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eclaire-went-bam · 11 days
i'm THIS close to just making my pronouns he/it, or just it/its, bcs istg ppl see "prefers it/it but also ok with he/they" & think it's a good excuse to not call me by my "weird" pronouns
people hardly ever use "he" either, bcs i don't pass
like. it/it's my preferred pronouns. he/they is tolerable but over time i'm just going to get annoyed. wait till they hear abt my super secret neopronouns
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shit-talker · 1 year
I believe in left handed Remus and originally-left-handed-but-was-forced-to-use-his-right-for-everything Sirius.
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mafukasa · 1 year
also this is just a thought I had recently after seeing certain takes from certain people, but I really wish yall would actually remember that child neglect IS abuse even if it’s unintentional when talking abt tsukasa’s childhood yknow.
and also acknowledge it as something genuinely traumatizing lmao. cause as a victim of unintentional abuse some of the shit I had to read with my own eyes while being in this fandom is making me fucking sick just saying.
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good-beanswrites · 6 months
I was thinking about your "I prefer to not be disturbed" fic.
Yeah! So the funny thing is! I always held “Kotoko really did plan on attacking Amane” as a dark little headcanon of mine, and snuck it into an earlier drabble (so I could include another hc I liked, that Orekoto stepped up to protect Amane but for several reasons didn’t get labeled a hero like Kazui).
Anyway, I loved the complexity that Kotoko believed in protecting the weak but had that capability in her, given the lines about not treating Amane differently because she’s a child, the parallels with Fuuta, etc. But when I actually sat down to write that drabble, any way I tried to spell it out just sounded so harsh :( I was like hm, I can’t just come out and say she would beat up a child it in plain words, plus that's probably not even canon, and that would only doom her to further villainization and hate! I’ll say she didn't want to hurt her in this drabble as Milgram intended, and when Deep Cover comes out, I’ll pay close attention to how they discuss her mindset :) I figured they'd kind of skirt around the topic of Amane specifically, leaving room for you to interpret it either way.
And. And then.
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pendinganchor · 2 years
another idea dump because why the hell not, yk
this is entirely @ariesbilly’s fault, i saw their post and couldn’t stop thinking about this
(once again i’m not figuring out the canon timeline and what has/hasn’t happened. i’ll do that if i ever actually write this — also i’ve never run away from home so idk how accurate this is but you know what it’s fandom so sue me)
- billy graduates high school with a small sum of money he had managed to keep from his father (doing odd jobs for people and picking up extra shifts his father wouldn’t know about when taking his money for “being expensive to raise”)
- he leaves in the middle of the night with only his clothes and a few things he couldn’t bear to part with. he had stood in max’s doorway for five minutes trying to decide if he wanted to say goodbye. ultimately, he couldn’t do it
- he survives by staying at cheap, sketchy motels and doing odd jobs for people he meets
- he sells his car then gets a new one about a month into his journey so his father can’t use it to track him. he wasn’t sure if he was but he didn’t want to chance it
- his destination? california (he remembers his mother telling him she would never be able to leave that state, he was holding onto hope that was still true)
- it takes him six months to get there
- he finds the cheapest apartment he can and instantly starts looking for stable work
- it’s a few more months before he gets the chance to ask around about his mother
- he doesn’t know how to feel about how easy it is to get information to find her. she had remarried. had kids from her new husband’s previous marriage and a few they had together
- everyone he talked to about her only had good things to say. if asked he said he was the kid of an old family friend
- he had found her. found out where she lived. where she worked. where her husband worked even. but for some reason he can’t get himself to go to any of those places to talk to her. to confront her
- eventually she comes to his place of work, wanting to know who this kid asking about her is. she recognizes him instantly and billy once again doesn’t know how to feel about that
- he takes his lunch break then they go to a diner a few blocks away
(my phone crashed while i was writing this so excuse me if the dialogue isn’t that good — it never is my second time writing it)
- it’s silent between them until after the waitress brings their drinks then takes their food orders
- billy looks up at his mother, a million questions running through his mind. he isn’t even able to pick one to ask before she is speaking, “billy, you have to stop this.”
- it takes him a good ten seconds to form the words, “stop what?”
- “stop asking questions about me. stop trying to come back into my life.”
- he slams a fist onto the table, "i am your son! and you're trying to push me away? again!"
- "push you away?"
- "you left me. abandoned me with that abusive excuse of a father. why? to start a new family? one that isn't broken?" his mother stayed quiet. "did you even try to see me after i begged you to come back?"
- “by the time i did, your father said you didn’t want to see me.”
- “and you believed that?”
- “billy, please. people are staring.”
- “i don’t fucking care! how could you say that to me? how could you leave me there? and now, how can you just sit there and reject me?” his last question was quieter than the rest. his gaze fell down to the table, he couldn’t look at her any longer
- “i’m sorry but i moved on years ago and you should do the same. we’re better off apart.”
- billy didn’t even know how to comprehend her words. he had dreamed about this day since she left. them reuniting and fixing their relationship. it would take time but never once did he think she would kick him out of her life for good. he slowly looked back up to her. he could see it in her eyes that she didn’t want to see him
- “fine.” he gets up, blazing past the waitress coming back with their food. his mother doesn’t even try to stop him, doesn’t even call out his name
- he doesn’t make it back to work that day
- he does make it home, despite the tears streaming down his face. he doesn’t fully remember the drive or even getting up to his apartment. but there he is, standing in the middle of the tiny living room with fucking tears streaming down his face
- why didn’t either of his parents love him? why was it such a crazy thing to want from the people who brought you into the world?
- he feels so numb
- and a few days later he would decide to move on like she told him to. he would accept the closure and work on starting a new chapter of his own
- but for now he was standing in that room, clutching the phone because all he wanted to do was call her but he couldn’t risk him answering the the phone. and would she even want to hear from him?
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My dad just told me that they use my bedroom as a storage/guest room because I’m not really a part of this family 🫠
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general-kalani · 8 months
Negl though if Ethan DOES succeed in his plan it's probably going to make Joseph finally, truly fucking snap.
Most likely the first time he's going to lay hands on one of his own family kinda shit (if we exclude Eve and her death). Probably even SERIOUSLY harm Ethan to the point he can't walk properly.
It's just because what he's seen Ethan do with bringing back the Deputy from 'death' as defiance from God and betrayal among other things.
Maybe his love for Ethan will win out and he won't hurt Ethan like how he didn't hurt Ethan for what happened at the end of New Dawn but man, the chances are so high for him to get abused, lightly injured, seriously injured or near-death because of this incident.
That's why I said "probably" because it all also depends on how my Joseph reacts in that moment as now, Ethan's basically his only family left since the Judge is no more and is the Deputy once more.
I'm just saying, seriously fucked up shit can happen-
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
This is 1000% random but came to mind regarding the duck movie. I sometimies watch movies without sound if I think they might ~suck~ like that... so just a tip if you want to see it but not sort of experience it :D hahahha
heh, well. ive already seen it fully so the damage has been done. i bought it even, thinking i would want to rewatch it, but i really REALLY dont think i will. ever. i have watched a LOT of bad movies for my stupid infatuations over the years so honestly im used to it.
#Im not gonna pretend like it doesnt hurt a little seeing the kind of movie joe is ok with attaching his name to#I was vaguely aware he was conservative but i will admit i didnt really have it shoved in my face until this#It reminds me of one of my closest friends here who just...we meshed in a that natural immediate connection way#And one day we were sitting in the getty villa just chatting and i was talking about the amazing documentary the Janes on h * b *o#And he just casually threw out there that he was pro life and anti abortion and he kind of wished he could force a woman#To carry his child against her wishes#He insinuated that when he was younger he got someone pregnant on accident and she refused to have the baby and got an abortion#And he felt it was a violation of his rights not to be able to force her to have a baby#And let me tell you i was like a slap in the face#Like that is...it is so discounting a womans right to her own body#It was chilling to hear a guy who i vibed with so well talk about a woman as if she's just a body and nothing else#I personally have been lucky or ugly enough that its never been an issue i have no idea how i feel about it#I mean my grandma WAS catholic and that seeps down no matter how lapsed i am#So i dont think i would have an abortion? But like i said i really genuinely like kids and in an ideal world would want that#But god im in my thirties now and still not financially stable enough to support a child i have no idea what i would have done#Had i gotten pregnant on accident#I spent most of my twenties recovering from an abusive relationship and not letting men touch me so it was never a question#Im just saying its a womans body its her life pregnancy is simple for some but for others its a life altering experience#It should be her right to choose :( and i wish men respected women enough considered them human enough to recognize that#If the shoe were on the other foot what man would let a woman decide that he must be pregant for 9 months#ALSO for fucks sake women shouldnt have to be practically celibate like i was just to prevent any accident from happening#Also also it is so fucked up that the same people who are pro life are also the bob types - skeptical of adoption#Like this is how you get unwanted kids in the world and take it from me that kids childhood is really really weird#Like knowing from a young age that you are what ruined your mothers life????? Fucking weird man i dont think i will ever process it#Especially being a woman now and recognizing that yeah i kinda did ruin my mothers life but it was neither of our fault#It was the pressure of society and people Trying To Do What They Are Supposed To#Meanwhile my dad was the I Could Never Love Other Peoples Kids and I Hate All Children That Arent My Own type#So yeah i guess i have a lot of negative feelings about this movie after all#Anyway it might have completely killed the joe infatuation LOL probably for the best#Dont even get me started on the blink or you miss it homophobia with bonus weird almost racism in the therapy scenes
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voidreign · 1 year
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ramattra does not harm children. even with his deeply rooted hatred of humans ... he can't bring himself to harm children, he knows that there have been and always will be casualties of children being caught in the crossfire of his goals and actions but personally he does not go out of his way for such a thing. clueless children have walked up to him with curiosity and play, but ramattra will only ever verbally humor them. he never comes into physical contact with said children, should they move close to touch him, he takes two steps back. additionally he has witnessed parents beg him not to hurt their child(ren) if they were spotted around him. he's a ravager unit, his type have orphaned many people, have, as one said " left a grave scar on the world ". this is always, of course, met with silence and short dismissal to the children to return to their parents. each time it is a reminder that people will forever fear omnics even when they do no wrong.
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biillys · 2 years
feel like the only ppl that passionately hate billy are actual stranger thlngs fans so i rly should stop stressing about rbing shitposts and tagging them billy when they probably rly do not give a shit
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