#cause I challenge xD
tmnt2k12defender · 2 years
Charater bingo: 17 obviously
THE BOY <3 My baby. Love of my life. Who gave you permission to kick Shin out of being my main blorbo?
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wurmje · 11 months
I totally didn’t forget that I haven’t shared some of the art I’ve made definitely not I am a human who remembers things XD
Anyways here’s Day 1: Legend
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Prompt list
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smarthily · 26 days
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For @sherlockchallenge​​ August prompt LANGUAGE
A bit of German in SHERLOCK
{Translation: Sherlock: Please! Tourist: What does he want? Tourist: Hey, you! What are you doing? Sherlock: Minute! Tourist: Give me my book back!}
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flusteredfools · 6 months
Last Line Challenge-
In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like).
Tagged by @ravenwriter16 (It's been so long since I've done some tag games like this! >w<)
Last Line:
That would be so so rude of him, he should at least wait until you’ve finished; he decides, and, if he just happens to chase his own in the hallway, then what’s the harm?
Last Art:
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No Pressure Tags:
@pluck-heartstrings , @inkydoughnut , @itsmuffiiee , @peeperss
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day 15 was to draw 3 action scenes each with unique compositions!!!
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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AFTERMARE WEEK: Day 7- the end of a beginning/ the beginning of the end
make me believe and raise my hopes up one last time, then haunt my dreams for the rest of my life
aftermare week is hosted by @bluepallilworld
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CYNO IS COMPLEEEEETE!!!! Only Wolfwood left to go before I can working revealing all the full pieces >:D >:D Heheheheheehe, I'm excited to share it with ya'll!!!
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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I need an honest opinion XD which of these do you think is the coolest? XD
Like, I feel the first one is the "coolest" in terms of angle and the dof turned out really cool, as well as the gunshot XD but I also rarely use any of the stickers in Photomode and it was a lot of fun to play around with some and then the max amount plus a frame xD
Also... it took over an hour to just set this shot up cause the Bhargest are so bad at chasing Vince on his bike apparently XDD or at least in that part of Dogtown.
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softietrait · 1 year
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second set of 1st dates were devin (@wastelandwhisperer) & serena (@yooniesim) !
first, devin & rosie went to a cafe in windenburg. despite being at a cafe, they decided to cloudgaze for just a tiny bit first before going in. on their way in, devin gave rosie a suggestive look - rosie accepted her advances! during their conversation, rosie gained the adoring sentiment for devin. they decided it was way too hot outside so they decided to sit inside the cafe instead where they got suuuper close~ sadly, most of their deeper conversations all just ended up awkward. where devin just found all of it boring. somehow, they ended up having their first kiss despite that :p
so then, serena & rosie decided to go to sulani beach. the first thing they did was immediately go swimming together! they had fun swimming and splashing each other - then for awhile just chat while floating. during that, serena gave rosie a suggestive look (again, she accepted!). after swimming, rosie ordered them both a drink at the bar where the flirtations kicked up a notch ROSIE asked SERENA for sex (SDJKFJKSDF you know what……lmao anyway that happened…) THEY DID GET A FIRST KISS THOUGH :") that said..serena is the first to end up with a legendary date with rosie!
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crusaderce · 7 months
constant questions when making au's, one being would an uv-band from ons keep a demon from dying from the sun in demon slayer??
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FFXIV Write 2023 || FFXIV Write info\\Prompt list\\Character info \\Master post ||
Prompt 26: Last
on the last occasion before the present; previously.
Character(s): Kien Eilath, Crystal Exarch (Eulmore ShB AU)  Cw: none Word count: 1572 Notes: This is a continuation from day 14 and part of the Eulmore ShB AU! Super happy the word works for the next part I was thinking of :3 Readmore for length and there will probably be more added to this later as I am getting way too invested in this AU XD
Despite waking up that morning feeling miserable, Kien reported to work. He didn’t really have much of a choice anyway as sick days weren’t really allowed but if one was lucky to have the favor of the manager maybe they could have an easier job for the night shift. 
Kien didn’t have that favor unfortunately so when the daily cleaning was done and he was given his assignment for the evening, he had to hold back a groan. He was to make his rounds in the club as well as dance at least three choreographed dances on the stage. Great. Just great. This was going to be a long night and he could barely get through the day with how awful he felt. 
As expected, the night dragged on. Kien did his best to make his rounds with the patrons, making sure to not let anyone catch on to the fact that he wasn’t feeling so great. No one was allowed to be sick and he didn’t want any of his regulars to possibly complain about his lower performance because of that. It was after he stepped off the stage from his third choreographed dance that he began to feel himself fading but when one of his fellow Honeybees informed him that his mysterious regular was at the Bee Hive tonight, it seemed to give him renewed energy.
Kien was hesitant at first to approach him; the last time he had seen the hooded patron almost a fortnight now, things didn’t end well as the mystel had sorely misjudged the situation between them and while Kien had plenty of time to move on, seeing him again in his usual spot made it feel as if nothing had really changed and this was a usual night of his visits. 
As much as Kien was tempted to just let someone else take care of the man tonight, he knew no one else would. There was an unspoken rule that no Honeybee should take another’s regular and since Kien kept quiet about the previous encounter, no one was any wiser and it was up to him. “Every patron must be tended to” is what the manager always said so if gods forbid were to come out and see one patron not taken care of, the blame would fall on him.With no where else to go, he couldn’t afford any mistakes. Gods, why am I doing this to myself?
Once the fresh pot of tea was made, Kien gathered his courage and made way to the corner table, his heart pounding in his ears. The man looked up and spotted him, a fond smile spreading across his face beneath the shadow of his hood–Kien hoped he was able to keep his expression in check and thanked the gods that the room was too dark to really see the fact that his cheeks were dusting a shade of pink.  
“So we meet again,” the man said in his oh-so-sweet voice. 
“I wasn’t sure if you’d ever come back,” Kien said shly as he set the tea tray down and slid into the chair across from him, his ears pressing back a bit against his head. “The last time when I admitted I’d try and earn my freedom for you–I thought I may have scared you away.” 
The smile on the man’s face dropped a little but it was hard to really know if it was from anger or something else. “I apologize for that,” he said quietly. “I left you at your most vulnerable time. I should have stayed and explained myself better.” 
“So I didn’t misjudge what was between us?” Kien asked before he could stop himself. He almost wanted to laugh in relief when the man slowly nodded his head. 
“More than anything, I would like for you to be free of this place so we can meet without any risks.” The man said sincerely. “However, I still don’t think you should try to win Vauthry’s favor to do it and while I still cannot tell you everything just yet, I promise I will be able to get you out of here soon.”
“How exactly do you plan to do that?” Kien asked doubtfully. “My whole life is in this place. I don’t exactly get to walk out of here on my own accord and I’m not sure what kind of authority you have, no offense.” 
The man raised his hands, nodding his head. “None taken my friend. You have every right to be doubtful.” he paused, pressing his lips into a thin line. “May I ask you if you can recall anything of your life before beginning your work here?” 
Kien blinked. What an odd question. But now that he thought about it… “No, not really.” 
“I feared as much.” The man pressed his lips into a small frown as he continued. “Tell me, what is all you remember before now?” 
“I…I was found just outside the gates of the city about a year ago,” Kien began slowly as he carded a hand through his hair. “I couldn’t remember anything aside from my name. They told me I was likely a survivor of a Sin Eater attack and since I had no one to turn to or no where to go, they took me in which apparently not everyone is lucky to be taken under a sponsorship so easily but my manager kept telling me I was an exception…” Kien paused, realizing he was beginning to ramble a bit. “Sorry, but why are you asking this?”
The man hesitated on his reply. “You were never supposed to be here when you arrived.” Kien tilted his head at him in confusion and the man continued, leaning in to keep the conversation quiet. “What I mean is that you actually have a life outside of this place. Friends who care–a family even, all back home waiting for you. Somehow, in my error of summoning you to me, you wound up here instead with no memories. I’m not sure as to why they took you in but I’m starting to fear they might have done it because they know who you truly are by now and they’re going to hurt you to try and get to me.” 
Kien raised an incredulous eyebrow at him, feeling the oncoming of a headache with all of this new information. “You’re not making any sense.” 
“I know, I’m sorry.” The man frowned. “Trust me, it will all make sense soon but not until I get you out of here but I just need more–” he suddenly cut off, reaching out a hand to place on Kien’s forehead. Kien tried to shy away from the sudden contact but he practically leaned into the touch instead. “Kien, you’re hot.” 
“Oh–I am?” Kien asked with a gentle hum. Was he trying to flirt now? He couldn’t really tell anymore–the information he had just been given was making him dizzy. 
“Yes, you’re burning up.” The worry was evident in his voice. Ok so not flirting. It was concern. “You’re sick and they have you working?” 
Kien gently pulled away from the man’s touch, not sure why he was embarrassed to admit this. “Sick days don’t really exist here. I was feeling a little off today but nothing I can’t handle.” 
“No, this might work to my advantage.” The man suddenly stood. “Stay here, I’ll be back.” 
Kien paled. “Where are you going?” 
“To talk to your manager. I’m taking you out of here so you can rest.”
“That’s not going to be easy. How exactly do you plan to do that?” 
A small smile spread across his face. “I have my methods.” And with that he turned on his heel and left into the crowd of the club.
Kien sat there, his head spinning though he wasn’t sure if it was from his fever or from the information overload of what the man was trying to tell him–maybe both. He let out a sigh, laying his head down on the table, starting to really feel the exhaustion setting in. What exactly did the man mean by all of that? What sort of danger could he be in? As he tried to make sense of everything, he felt his head pound even worse than before. He wasn’t sure when he had closed his eyes but he was suddenly alerted back to reality when the man shook his shoulder gently but urgently.
“Come, we don’t have much time.” 
“What–wait, what did you do?” 
“Not now, I’ll tell you later but if we don’t go now, this will be for naught.” The man said urgently as he helped heave Kien to his feet and handed him a heavy cloak. “Here, put this on and keep your head down.” He didn’t leave room for Kien to ask any question, his tone final. Still unsure as to why he was doing this or what exactly was happening, Kien obeyed, knowing he could somehow trust what was happening. Once he was under the concealment of the cloak, the man walked with purpose out of the club and down a set of stairs just outside the doors.
“Where are we going?” Kien asked quietly as he leaned heavily on the man’s side who despite his small frame was able to support him with ease. 
“To the Crystarium.” He replied. “To your friends. I’m taking you back to where you truly belong.” 
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Day 19: Winter
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siixkiing · 2 years
"this isn't food! it's a war crime!" for whichever monkey ur feeling i just need to throw picky eater wukong at you
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“As if I didn’t hate you enough already, you drag me into this bullshit...”
Staring at the plate set before him — the golden simian was correct with his statement for sure. Whatever was sitting before them was indeed a war crime, that is the only way he could describe it. Was it suppose to be a pie of some sort? He’s assuming because it’s got a crust.
Ugh, leave it to Wukong to somehow pull him into one of his problems. The shadow warrior’s senses already going haywire when he saw the looks from the Monkey King’s protégé and his best friend. It spelt trouble for sure. Yet, the prideful king didn’t back down and had managed to SOMEHOW get the other to join them — by being utterly annoying like always. 
His false golden hues trained on the plate before him as if staring at it hard enough would slowly make it disappear. If only, returning to stare at the other simian who looked just as horrified what was being served to them as he was — probably even more so. Than again, Wukong had always been somewhat picky when it came to his food BUT challenging him even when it came to this had been his downfall in the end.
“Look, the sooner we eat it the sooner we can get this over with.”
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“ — it can’t be THAT bad, right?”
No, from the looks of whatever was laying in front of them both in the guise of food was indeed that bad. His words just pretty lies to try and coax himself to eat it so that he could leave. They weren’t working.
This damn war crime in the shape of a pie was going to kill them wasn’t it? It looked like it would at least and he really didn’t feel like repeating the experience again. No thank you.
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gendercomsumer · 7 months
hiii ^^ I would like some headcanons for riddle, malleus, vil and rook with a fem mc that accidentally ends up making them laugh (because what she says or does is very random xd maybe an example would be like jennifer lawrence sjjs she is very funny ) well that's all, thanks and take care <3
Riddle, Malleus, Vil, and Rook with an S/O who can make them laugh with the most random things
A/N: Hello to you too Anon! I know this has been in my inbox for gods knows how long- But thank you still for sending this in! I hope this is to your liking! I actually did watch some Jennifer Lawrence videos for inspiration and I have to agree the comedic timing she has is perfect!! I also used some google translate in Rooks part so it may not be accurate ^^;
Characters: Riddle, Malleus, Vil, and Rook
Warnings: Cursing to a mild degree, playful mention of stalking in Rooks (I love him I swear!!!), lightly proof read
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is a bit difficult to get a good genuine laugh out of, at least in my opinion.
Like sure you have a small chuckle when he finds something amusing, but i feel like it'd be a bit of a challenge to get a good genuine laugh out of.
Then you came in, saying the strangest things at the most unrelated times!
And Ace and Deuce find this absolutely hilarious
You'll say the most out of pocket shit with the straightest face and somehow half the people around you start to laugh some others breaking out in giggles
Ace and Deuce have definitely talked about this 'talent' of yours, at least in their words.
You had said some of these strange comments around Riddle and he found them strange a bit endearing as well
I'd think the time you got a good laugh out of him was when you had come with him to take care of some of the hedgehogs
The two of you were sitting in the grass some of the hedgehogs were playing while a few had decided that climbing on the two of you was a good way to pass the time
One had wandered up onto your head and almost fell off but luckily you were able to save the little guy before he fully hit the ground
After Riddle worriedly checked the little guy over you while looking over his shoulder at the small animal said:
"Well at least we know this one has no self preservation"
Unwillingly, or maybe subconsciously, a small laugh makes it's way through Riddles chest to his lips.
Well, now maybe he saw what those two were blabbering on about
Your little comments were always appreciated with Riddle
Even if they didn't cause him to laugh they did brighten his mood at least somewhat
"Yes, this one does tend to be a bit of a handful. Reminds me of a certain rose I know"
He teased before you two fell back into the pattern of caring for the small animals
More chuckles and comments to come no doubt
Malleus Draconia
At first Malleus didn't understand why the rest of Diasomnia found your remarks so comical
Yes his child of man did tend to bring a certain warmth where ever she walked
But he didn't see this as an excuse for the amount of laughter you cause people around you
Most of the remarks you make will fly over his head
I'm sorry but he seems like the kind of guy to not get the joke until you explain it to him-
Now the Thorn Prince does share a few chuckles with those around him when he finds something amusing, similar to Riddle
But it's even more difficult to get a laugh out of him considering he doesn't get a lot of the play on words type of jokes
but something abrupt and slightly out of context?
I feel like that would get some sort of laugh out of him
One day you were talking with Malleus about some of the things you did in your old world
The topic of amusement parks came up and you started listing the rides you used to go on as a child
Roller coasters, bumper cars, lazy rides where you could relax, until you blanked on the name of a ride
It was frustrating considering it was probably something simple and you would remember it after their conversation, but you wanted to keep the ball rolling
Malleus mean while was partly enjoying seeing how frustrated you got over a simple word
You really were a strange thing weren't you Child of man?
"I'm sorry Mal- I know what I'm thinking of! It's on the tip of my tongue- It's like one of those horse tornado things!"
Horse.. tornado..?
Now that got Malleus attention
he understood the other rides you described, favoring the lazy rides
but what ever this horse tornado was... it sounded.. strange, yet curious at the same time
Malleus let out a small puff of air before he started chuckling under his breath
You truly were a strange one weren't you child of man, just like the world you came from
Malleus pressed a kiss to your forehead letting out one more chuckle before speaking
"Truly fascinating, maybe one day you could bring me to one of these 'horse tornados' you have me interested"
Sure jokes your fly over his head, but he would tease you some what for your small skips in memory
Vil Schoenheit
Now Vil, having acted in a lot of movies, (If I'm correct) Would have probably had a few good laughs in that line of work
Weather that be on set or behind the cameras
But he doesn't often let out a good laugh in public, it's not really part of the proper image he'd want to put out there
As for behind closed doors or with close friends he's definitely willing to have a laugh
And who better to bring a smile to his face than his lovely sweet potato?
Though one good moment always stuck out to him that caused him to have one of the most genuine laughs in awhile
The two of you were getting ready to go out to a fancy restaurant, courtesy of Vil of course, hair, makeup, shoes things like that
While Vil was sitting at his vanity working on his eyes when you came out of the bathroom in a stunning dress hand picked by Vil
It brought out all your best features while still being enough coverage to where it wasn't uncomfortable to wear into a public area
The two of you made idle conversation as you sat on a near by chair to slip on a matching set of heels for the dress
As you stood up in the heels to work on your own makeup you lost your balance thanks to the new height the heels provided
Although Vil was quick to catch you making sure you came no where near the floor he still was concerned
"Oh sweet potato are you alright? What happened?"
Yes looking back on it the question seemed dumb but he was concerned
but you just let out a giggle while regaining your balance before saying:
"Well I'm not sure what happened, but I remember wanting to yell 'fuck' as my last words before I embarrassed myself"
Vil took a moment while looking at you
then a chuckle escaped his lips which soon turned into the two of you sharing a small laugh
Now Vil doesn't know why he laughs at your antics, in hindsight they're just normal phrases
But maybe it's the delivery?
Or the way you smile at him?
What ever it may be it always causes a smile to grace his lips or a chuckle to be drawn from him
Sure Vil maybe all about preserving beauty and making sure he looks flawless
But if he happens to get a few smile lines because of your antics, he will never hold it against you
"Well my darling, I'm glad to hear you're alright. It would be a shame if you or your lovely dress got roughed up before we left. Now come, you still want to do your makeup don't you? Allow me to help"
Rook Hunt
Now Rook has plenty of laughs in his life
Weather that be from stalking some poor soul or a genuine laugh among friends
Rook out of the four is probably the easiest to get a laugh from
He's a joyful guy wanting to see all nature and the world has to offer! Can you blame him?
Then enters you who some how can't help but leave Rook giggling when ever you do something!
You put your tie on wrong? Oh silly Trickster aren't you just the sweetest thing!
Then comes your words which to Rook is a whole new ball park
Rook tends to hold onto every word meant for him, weather that be written or spoken out loud
His darling Tricksters words are so elegant and so sweet how could he not treasure everyone!
What really gets him chuckling and laughing is the moments when your words aren't as sweet and graceful
Cut to one day when you and Rook were in the fields often used for flying class
Rook had a desire to teach you archery so he happened to drag you along with a quiver and bow to some targets set by his hand
After the first few moments of Rook teaching you how to properly hold and aim the bow and making sure your arm guard was secure (He wouldn't want his darling trickster to get rope burn!) He let you shoot
All was going well as you hit targets in an... acceptable way
But all that seemed to end when a large gust of wind sent your best shot yet off course and into the ground
And just as Rook was about to offer some encouragement to keep going and try once more
some colorful language came from you to say the least
"Wind!? Really!?! Could you not wait two fucking minuets!! Nooooo! You just had to thro my best shot off course you-!"
Now don't get Rook wrong he hold the sweet words you two share close to his heart
But there was just something about you yelling at the wind of all things that caused him to start laughing
As he laid on the grass of the field eyes closed as he laughed
Oh? It seems your colorful language is directed towards him now? Even better!
"Trickster- reine de mon coeur! Please I believe- I believe you have shared plenty enough words with the wind today!"
A/N: This is actually the first time I've taken a good look at the name of Malleus' dorm. Dia = Dragon. Somnia = Sleep
Diasomnia = Dragon of sleep
just a ting i found silly :)
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
Sev showing off her card shuffling tricks to reader? (And yes, we can tell you’re ovulating lmao)
men and minors dni
"...and i can shuffle one handed..." sevika mumbles, a proud little smile on her lips, her eyes focused on her hands as she demonstrates all her card tricks to you.
she's just won a round in her little booth, and she's waiting for a new challenger to approach her. she's tipsy, relaxed, a hundred coins richer than when she entered the bar, and best of all, she's got you in her lap, scratching her scalp as she entertains you.
you're fucking enchanted with her, hypnotized with her skilled hands, loving the sweet, childlike look in her eye as she shows off.
"this is the classic riffle..." she says, "and then from here you can go into your fancier shuffles; bridges..." she shows off the move, "waterfalls... the faro... this one's banned in some clubs 'cause you can use it to cheat."
"oh, yeah?" you ask, not caring at all, but absolutely loving the sparkle in sevika's eye when you ask the question.
"yeah! 'cause it's a perfect interwoven shuffle-- so if you do it properly enough times you re-set the deck."
"'s it banned here?" you ask. she nods.
"yeah, but the idiots i play against are too stupid to realize when i use it." she whispers. you cackle, and sevika smirks. "this one's called the tenor..." she continues.
you have to bite your lip a little as you watch her big, strong hands, metal and flesh alike, dexterously and delicately fling the cards around, not dropping a single card or fumbling once.
sevika's none the wiser to how fucking hot she's making you-- she's lost in her nerdy rambling.
"then you got your table shuffling variations--" sevika drops the deck down onto the table top to demonstrate, but you reach out and grab her hand before she can start.
"sevika..." you whisper. sevika pulls her eyes up from her cards to look at you. "you've got sexy fucking hands." you say. sevika blushes, and you grin, reaching up to swipe your finger over her pink cheeks. "and a pretty face, too."
"sevika!" old billy calls from the front of the bar where he stumbles in. she blinks rapidly, biting her lip in embarrassment before turning to face her friend. "i'm gonna kick your ass tonight, young lady!" he teases, approaching your booth.
sevika gulps, and you giggle, leaning forward to kiss her cheek. "better get your game face on, baby... seems like the man means business." you tease.
billy approaches the booth, smacking sevika's shoulder in a greeting, then bending down to kiss your cheek. "evening ladies." he greets.
"hi billy." you greet as he crawls into his booth.
"fuck's wrong with your face, sevika?" billy asks.
sevika squeaks and passes the cards to billy to let him shuffle, her hands clawing at your hips as she hides her embarrassment behind your shoulder.
you cackle, wave billy's concern away with your hand and pass him a cigarette as sevika tries to get her flustered blush under control.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
@raphaellearp @iamastar @sevikitty @claude999
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 months
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💫Current aenergy Check-In ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
You’re done learning, right? Where are you going? What are you getting? Your wish fulfilment, your karmic/cosmic rewards, your Life Purpose and self-actualisation, your raison d'être; everything becomes ever clearer from here.
Just a reminder, the term ‘Life Purpose’ may seem heavy and serious and all, but the truth of the matter is, everybody’s purpose for being born here is to remember to have a good time! Time you stopped being a slave to the pigs of capitalism XD
In you lies the power to cause a miracle to stir🍻
Miracles for all begin when a bunch of individuals believe in their innate magick. As the percentage goes up the whole world gets lifted. If this reading has appeared in your Interface of Reality, know that you’re well on your way to manifesting your Highest Intended Good.
The peeps who are going to resonate most with this PAC are probably those that have been walking a thorny path of spiritual awakening. You’ve sacrificed so much just for Humanity; damn, this world doesn’t even deserve a Soul like yours. But your happiness is just about to burst like crazy.
And even in your living your happy life you’re serving this Matrix. When you’re happy and spiritually fulfilled, the sounds, the cheers that you make, will echo throughout the world. This Matrix becomes a happier place with more happy people in it.
Where are you going? What are you getting? I didn’t put a year on this reading, so that whenever you find this in the future, that’s the timeline you’re on~
SONG: この星のどこかで (kono hoshi no dokoka de; Somewhere in This Star) from DORAEMON Nobita’s Legend of the Sun King
MOVIES: The Lord of the Rings trilogy LMAO
deck-bottom: Page of Pentacles Rx, Gold Physician (Hippocrates), Priestess of Wishes
[PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings] [buymeaboba]
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Pile 1 – It’s Perfectly Safe to Follow the Love in Your Heart
VIBE: Merry & Pippin, Arwen
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how you’re doing so far – Knight of Cups
Of all the Piles, you seem to have been on a strict path of following your heart. It’s like, you’ve been being showered by so many signs and synchronicities by your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides. I’m not sure if this is because you came from a rather lax background or if you’ve had to fight for your freedom, but you’ve definitely been following your heart towards a sense of autonomy.
The thing is, that adventurer spirit of yours might have caused you to come face to face with some dangerous situations or perhaps you’ve been met with some catastrophic failures along the way. I think you became somewhat scared of following your heart now due to such past experiences. You know there’s that quote that says: ‘I’m not following my heart anymore. That bitch gives bad directions.’
Up until fairly recently you could’ve thought like that, for a bit maybe. But I think you know deep down that such a statement is not entirely correct. I think you know that following your heart, although it’s met you with some crazy adventures, has shown you the path to total liberation. Aren’t you glad you’ve been able to carve out an existence of your own~?
rest of the year – Ace of Pentacles Rx
This card being in reverse, one might think… ‘What? I won’t have money until the rest of the year?!’ It’s not like that. This is saying you’ve paid everything forward. For a number of years now you’ve been working so hard on all planes of your existence. It’s unimaginable to most people just how much ‘work’ you’ve worked to make things work! They’ll never understand it because in their eyes, there hasn’t been much, if at all, result that you’ve managed to produce.
It kinda didn’t make sense just how little the Universe was giving you for all the spiritual and inner work you’ve done on yourself. I think you could’ve felt cursed or something. Abandoned by all the forces of Light or something. So, I don’t know why it’s had to be like that, maybe some spiritual challenge or another, but you’ve paid all of that hard work in advance. Your good will didn’t go unnoticed, OK? All that you’ve prayed for and dreamt of, the Universe has a record of all of that.
The rest of this year? Please don’t work hard anymore. Don’t be afraid of the other shoe dropping. You’ve paid it all forward. The rest of this year is where your story takes a turn. Your riches are coming effortlessly. You can eat all you want when you want. You can sleep as much as you want to recover from prolonged stress. You can simply blink and your money bags are still going to refill faster than you can spend. Rejoice, baby~!
where you’re going from here – King of Swords Rx
It seems to me that your ‘previous Life’ was one where you had to live with the utmost logic. You thought and analysed everything so hard. You played by the book. You followed all the rules. You were a law-abiding citizen. But logic…I think now you know that logic only gets in the way of magic. That’s what your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides wanted you to unlearn.
I know it’s been so hard, but it all ends here. You’ve graduated all of those hard lessons of unlearning and relearning what it means to be a Divine Human on Gaia. You’ve learnt to trust yourself! You’ve learnt to distinguish between your ego misleading you and your heart guiding you. There is so much that you can teach other people, you know. Teach them how to navigate their fears. And you’re an example of how that can be done, because you’ve crawled through hell and back again triumphant.
From here, your Life will be nothing short of magical events and encounters back-to-back again. You’re back on your natural high-frequency again. Welcome back. In fact, it’s already playing out serendipitously in recent weeks, hasn’t it? Do not fear the other shoe dropping; you’re floating now! It’s safe for you to glide where your heart is guiding you~ This is exactly where your story takes a turn. Congratulations, Champion!
fare thee well – Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei)
Life’s grand adventures – Priestess of Inspiration
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Pile 2 – Don’t You See the Sun Already Peeking from Your Window?
VIBE: Sam & Frodo, Galadriel
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how you’re doing so far – XIX The Sun Rx
‘Bad things only happen to me because I’m the main character, so it’s only part of the plot.’ This is the first thing that comes to mind as I tap into your aenergy. My gosh, this card here is telling me you haven’t had a single day of sunshine for a stupidly long time. You’ve had to go through a Sam & Frodo arc, it seems. Walking barefoot to Mordor to destroy some evil old paradigm that you’ve likely inherited from a stupid part of your bloodline.
An ancestor some lines back, some time, some when, some where, fucked up big time and you’re fixing shit for everybody. Just like those little Hobbits who totally ain’t got any relation to some war 3000 years prior but they’re the ones suffering the MOST the entire story! XD It’s kinda been like that for you for some time now. My god, I feel for you! But, the fact that this card has appeared here only means that things are turning around for you :D Your eternal sunshine is rising!
Well, haven’t you noticed that its ray can already be seen from your window? Hasn’t it got warmer even the slightest bit now? Things have gotten significantly easier even if they’re only small improvements, right? You’re currently travelling back to Rivendell on the backs of the Great Eagles. It’s easy-peasy from now. You can relax. Take a deep breath. Breathe in that chlorophyll from the Nature around you~! XD
rest of the year – 5 of Pentacles
What a strange card to appear here, but this is essentially saying that you’re rebuilding what’s been broken and reclaiming what’s been stolen. Your whole world—your ‘normal’—was destroyed by some forces and you had to unlearn what you took for granted as ‘reality’, and again, relearn what it means to be a Divine You whilst existing in society. All that was destroyed, stolen from you…none of it was the real you anyway. So it’s okay that it all disappeared.
You were able to discover the pure gem that is the real you that was hidden beneath those ‘identities’, habits, customs, norms, and everything else you were told you should be, when in reality, you were always somewhat different somewhere deep in your psyche. You weren’t like everybody else and you didn’t even want the things they wanted. But you conformed because it was a matter of survival.
Rest of this year, you’re still going to heal from all of that bullshit. More like, healing from the aftermath of fighting for your true Divine Identity as your I AM essence. The rest of the year, you’re healing more than doing or jumping to the next adventure. All good Souls deserve a good rest after a good battle! You’ve won against the Matrix; you’ve won against society and/or tradition. For now, celebrate this huge win~
where you’re going from here – Ace of Cups Rx
After this healing period, I see that you’re only beginning to find your bearing again in the world. It’s OK that these things take time. All good things take time to rebuild. If you want to speed up your manifestation with subliminals, try those that contain perfect self-concept affirmations to solidify your sense of self-worth ;P The Sun is rising and it’s getting brighter and bigger in your world.
Soon, you won’t even remember being this gloomy creature that you’ve been for a while. I see that in time, you’ll find yourself being creative again, being motivated, and clear about what you want and can do in this world. So many of your natural talents are going to burst out of you, making you work endlessly for a goal that truly matters. So as you can see, cherish this healing phase.
The solitude you’re in now is serving your highest good. This time is making space for you to heal, rehab, grow (or grow back), and release even more remnants of your old self, old world. This isn’t going to last forever and if you can heal in quiet, isn’t that ideal? Nobody’s gonna know you in this healing phase that sometimes can get a little awkward, cringe, or downright ugly XD
fare thee well – Silver Astrologer (John Dee)
Life’s grand adventures – Priestess of Healing
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Pile 3 – In the Full Embrace of Your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Cosmic Ancestors, Go Forward!
VIBE: Aragorn & Legolas, Gandalf the White
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how you’re doing so far – 4 of Swords Rx
Of all the Piles, yours carries the strongest feeling of ‘action’. You’re being carried somewhere more suitable for your frequency. In many ways, you’re also being carried where you’re needed. This can differ for everybody but the majority of you will still feel a sense of calm and belonging though. So it isn’t like you’re being thrown into a war zone just because you have the capacity to fend off enemies or heal wounded soldiers XD
Not like that. Not really. This aenergy is a bit convoluted… But basically, up until now you’ve been a fighter of sort, just like Aragorn, Legolas and Gandalf. Fighting for something important, defending causes that matter. Up until then, you were Gandalf the Grey, and then at some point you died, and now you’ve been reborn as Gandalf the White. That’s about the gist of how you’ve been doing.
Sooner than later, the forces of the Universe are going to make you move places or jobs. There’s a strong sense of being moved to a different location. But if that doesn’t resonate, you could be improving your house or like there’s this sense of a change of scenery, one way or another. It’s deeply needed. You’ve been breathing in muddy waters, you know.
rest of the year – XX The Last Judgement Rx
The fact that your cards are all in reverse is indicating a waiting period until you’re thrown into your next mission. Yeah, like Gandalf the Grey in waiting to become Gandalf the White. Rest of the year you’re gaining momentum. I think you could be hearing some good news from something you’ve applied for? Or this could signify the advent of a once-in-a-lifetime kind of opportunity suddenly presenting itself to you.
The clarion call is clarioning LOL This is why I think you’re being called to a different place, but if not, then a higher plane of existence. So this could also mean a job promotion or a new, improved way to earn your keep. There is a sense of finally serving your highest purpose with a talent or spiritual gift you’ve been refining, polishing in recent years. You could be healing people in ways that don’t necessarily look like ‘healing’.
You know? You could be elevating other people’s spirits and helping them transmute their own bullshit by just allowing them to connect or work with you. If this is your main pile, you’re definitely an aenergy worker. A spirit worker. Maybe even a miracle worker. All thanks to your insanely high-frequency. Babe, you ain’t even in this realm anymore XD
where you’re going from here – Page of Cups
I feel very strongly that you’re someone who possesses wisdom beyond the mundane. You’re practical, you’re sensible, but you’re so Universal that all your wisdom is timeless. You’re someone who has the ability to connect with all peoples; young and old, female and male, rich and poor, famous and regular, what have you. Your words reverberate through the ages.
I feel that you’re somebody who holds timeless wisdom and not just ancient or occult. Your highest religion, so to speak, is Love and Respect for all people. So, no matter what you have to say and share with the world, most people will be able to see that you come from the highest place of Love. That you possess the desire to heal and empower all people.
That said, you’re going to be put in a place where you can connect with all kinds of people, all for you to inspire Love in them. Yes, Love, and it comes in all kinds of different ways, right? First and foremost, I see that you’re someone who can teach people how to love themselves first. How they can expect more, better, for themselves. And only true Love can provide that sense of fulfilment.
Old people are going to be rejuvenated by you. Young people are going to be inspired by you. That’s your superpower that needs to be witnessed by the world <3
fare thee well – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
Life’s grand adventures – Priestess of Contemplation
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