#cause if theres just one such person actually reading those i might just write them in polish
Ah yes, What Else Can I Do, or, how they translated it into Polish… To Want Means To Can 🙂
A quick word of explanation, “to want is to can/be able” is a common Polish expression, to which the closest English equivalent would be “where there's a will there's a way”.
No, the translation doesn’t make any sense, let’s get it over with.
+ I have to say I like the line “it’s incredibly beautiful despite so many flaws” over “It's not symmetrical or perfect”
* And here the pain begins
- Because I just- I know why the translators chose these lyrics, they fit the melody, rhythm and movements, sure, and there really isn’t a way to translate “what else can I do” to fit all those standards and yet… I can’t say it’s a good translations, because it’s simply not! It changes the meaning of the whole song and frankly doesn’t make any sense! Because Isabela didn’t want to do it, didn’t want to change, at least not consciously and the whole point is that it came out by accident and now she’s exploring her powers and there was no “want” involved! I can only comfort myself by the thought that it hurt the translators just as much as it hurts me
- I… They just gave up now, didn’t they?
- Come on this isn’t in any way close to the original T_T
= I like the line “Go sis don’t worry (about anything)!” It doesn’t make sense in this context though
+ I like “People let me live” it’s a good line :>
- No plant metaphors for us 😔
+ “Let’s hear a completely new call of completely new days” sounds even more epic than “I wanna feel the shiver of something new”
- Yeah all the lines around it are bad tho
* I mean “Cause if not us then who? Who could rival us?” is a really cool line and “sound-wise” it flows very nicely… I just don’t know how they got that from “Careful, it's carnivorous, a little just won't do”…
- WHY DID THEY GAVE MIRABEL “Oh well, don’t say anything, it looks like this is how it was supposed to be, a gift like that is a test from the fate” OVER “You just seem like your life's been a dream Since the moment you opened your eyes” I HATE IT HOW
+ Isa sings straight up “Maybe it’s already too late” so nice I guess
+ Okay but I can’t be completely broken, because right after that mistake they give us this masterpiece “All I know is that you no longer want to be a dream You’d want to rise much higher (Will I manage to rise?) Over sun and the stars fly!” [original: “All I know are the blossoms you grow But it's awesome to see how you rise (How far can I rise?) Through the roof, to the skies, let's go!”] which is pure poetry I love it
* Would’ve been even better if they’d mentioned the dream part in the previous verse like they should’ve but I guess I wont complain
+ I… Did they translate the song from the back to the beginning? Because here the lines “You’re capable of more if you start appreciating what life gives you (Go sis don’t worry!)” fit perfectly and I guess they wanted to keep the paraphrase that happens in the original, but this line just didn’t work when they used it the first time
+ “Let your imagination run free Throw them on their knees” is cooler than “Show 'em what you can do Show 'em what you can do”
Phew, okay so to some it up, Polish What Else Can I do, or rather To Want Means to Can is a pretty good song… as long as you don’t know the original lyrics. And ignore the whole context. And half of the song. Okay so maybe it’s not that good ejiowfewjowe I don’t know, there are a few moments I like but… that’s it. The rest is just. Bad. And I’m very sorry to the translators because I know you guys are fantastic I mean, the whole rest of the movie is amazingly translated, so I guess they had to trip somewhere…
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firedjinni · 3 months
what do u even call the slugcats cause they're "names" are fuckinfg BORING! "monk" "survivor" yap yap yap! thats why I call them flowerboy and ponyboy hunter is a cool fucking name but still WOLFBOY. is better I know theres... other slugcats the only ones ive seen are the fat one and the darker red one. and some weird... mutation looking slugcat... weird eyes... weird colors. whateverrrrrr ill enable the dlc after i do this damn wolfboy run 4 DAYs. LEFT.
okay, I understand this was probably not the intended point of this ask, but it is too late. you have activated my trap card. we are talking about Slugcat Worldbuilding Headcanons now.
(Spoilers ahead for… basically every campaign.)
For Hunter: I imagine "Hunter" is more of a nickname, and that NSH normally refers to them more as his courier or messenger. I tend to call them "Hunter" for writing convenience (even in their own POV, so far), but they don't really call themself that much. They have a lot of identity issues tied up in being created for a Very Specific Purpose and not really knowing how to think of themself outside of it; they're a divine messenger, but that's not really a name. Until their purpose is fulfilled, they don't think about themself as a person often enough to actually consider things like names.
For Survivor: I like the headcanon that slugcats (at least in Surv/Monk/Gourm's colony) are given simpler names as pups, and sort of "earn" a more descriptive title/adult name as they mature. In my usual read of them, they would have just been "white/pale one" when they still lived with their colony, and gave themself the name "Survivor" some time after their fall.
For Monk: their pup name, which they have during their campaign, is something like "yellow one", and they don't earn a title until later. Even then, they aren't ever "Monk" in-universe, as slugcats don't quite have an equivalent social structure or role for that term to translate directly. The name they take instead means something more like "pacifist" or "gentle/wise/peaceful one", though there are some loosely similar social connotations to early Ancient society's version of monkhood, with implications of spiritual attunement, insight, and vague otherworldliness.
For Artificer: I imagine this name to be a matter of in-universe translation jank. Their actual name is something closer to "crafter" or "clever one that makes things" (again, connotations are tricky to translate!), but those simply do not possess the same pizzazz. The Scavengers also call them "Red Death" or sometimes "Red Mother", which ends up becoming a sort of mythological figure later on, like a Scavenger boogeyman. Future slugcat colonies end up sort of adopting back the mythology of the Red Mother as a protective deity/spirit, so they mostly call her that in the future. "Red" was probably their pup name, too.
For Spearmaster: Seven Red Suns calls them "messenger" and "07" -- I like to think the former becomes a nickname (their character designer, Faeling, headcanons SRS calling them "Messy" as a nickname/diminutive which I think is adorable), but Spearmaster themself might have adopted the latter too at some point, maybe almost like a family name, because they like that it connects them to Seven Red Suns. I also figure that other wild slugcats might have various nicknames for them, especially since SM would have no easy way to introduce themself -- and the name "Spearmaster" might come from that, actually! But I also like the idea of a future folktale version of them similar to with Artificer, with various names depending on the opinions of the colony/culture in question: "Cousin Thorn-tail", "the Spear-sapper", "the Drinker", and so on.
For Gourmand: again, I imagine this as a case of translation jank, and whatever they're called has slightly different connotations, though I'm less decided on what it should actually be. "Gourmand" is just so… specific? I feel like whatever they've got going on should be equally untranslatable, though. It's something along the lines of "appraiser" and "crafter" and "skilled forager", with this implication of like… knowing about valuable/desirable things and how to find/make them, and also having a strong personal taste for them? "Connoisseur", almost? But not quite as fancy. Their pup name was just "big one", though -- pup Gourmie wasn't quite the absolute unit they are as an adult, but they were definitely always a big slugcat.
For Rivulet: I like the idea this really is just their name! Little-stream-of-water! It's actually their pup name, but they left their colony before coming of age (ran away to become an adventurer), and never really found a title they liked. They think Moon calling them Ruffles is cute, but it's definitely just a nickname.
For Saint: the name does translate directly, not because slugcats have a concept of sainthood, but because the title they gave themself is the literal term taken from the Ancients. I headcanon that they were raised by or around an iterator and know a lot of The Lore, and sorta borrowed some of these concepts for how they see themself… a sort of divine sufferer bringing peace to others, martyring themself for the sake of mercy. Their pup name was just "tongue" or something, though, if they had one at all.
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first-only · 4 days
Can I say something that might possibly be a 'hot take'?
I really don't like the rise of the whole 'He would not fucking say that' meme (and a lot of its variations). I know it's probably a joke (I'm too autistic to tell how serious people are with it lol.), and I can understand being annoyed when someone writes a character OOC, but OOC-ness is not really that big of a deal. Don't like, don't read, you know
I feel like it's also going to cause a lot of paranoia in fanwork creators, and I don't like that. And I should know, it's caused some paranoia in me (even though I've always been of the opinion that OOC-ness doesn't matter, in fact I celebrate it, just let people have fun. Despite all this, the meme still affects me and makes me worry)
I feel like the only time that OOC-ness can be a problem is when an indivisual/a fandom has a fanon that they like and they don't let anyone disagree with or write differently then that fanon. But I feel like that's not even an issue with OOC-ness, it's an issue with people (usually BNFs) being jerks and trying to get other people to conform to what they want
I don't know, maybe this whole thing is just a communal joke and I'm worrying over nothing. I'm not trying to ruin anyone's fun, have fun with your memes and all that, I just wanted to vent
(This ask is not directed at you FO, I know you're not the type to care about OOC-ness)
hard agreed actually, it's annoying as fuck
i honestly dont think it's that much of a joke to be honest, what with people making posts being all high par Make A Fucking OC and shit like??? who tf are u to tell me what to do lmao. if i want john winchester in a flower dress imma damn well make it, dont give a single fuck how Not Canon Compliant тм it is
thats the fucking point of fandom ya know? literally who cares. this whole thing reeks of the new-wave "it will never be canon so why ship it". like. its fandom material, none of it will be canon, the point is to have fun.
that and that one gross post "theres too much fluff of X" bitch?? i like fluff about X. you dont get to say what everyone creates, you dont have to like all of it. just pick the stuff you like, it isnt difficult.
AND those posts that keep popping up in "proshipper" spaces that go 'i know it's just fiction but guys. content about X chara being Y is /actually/ really bad;///'... it's like people completely forget their fundamental ideology about fiction when their own specific identity happens to be the thing that's bothering them this time. so is content that makes people uncomfortable 'allowed' or not? make up your mind, no doublebacksies. and who tf are you to not allow it in the first place but i guess there's enough people who for some reason get anxious over randos' opinions on the internet to feel bad about it so...
anyway, yeah. personal tastes do not dictate people's politics. this relates to yet another popular discourse lately:)
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scruffyssketchbook · 2 months
Wait you like dusk TwT??
For some reason i thought you hated him or at least disliked it, like yknow those main characters you originally like but later on hates? As like you don't like it so you make it where everyone will hate him
Then again it might be because of how much dusk suffers in comic AND ask blog, not even mentioning how much of a jerk/evil you make him out to be
Him not getting any of the brotherhoods anything, seperating the box (creating said brotherhoods that we know is a problem), an evil mastermind or at least seems to be, Flame hates him and tells us never trust him (mind you we are led to believe Flame is more of 'the good guy' between the both of them), being careless to the other eevees, manipulating(?) daisy, you mentioning one time that dusk will be hated by everymon and gets left behind (except by Vay and Dawn i'm pretty sure) in the future
This isn't dissing you in any way, i was just genuinely surprised to learn that you liked Dusk with how much you set him up to be someone we should hate
Hope you have a great day :D!
Dusk doing all of that and being evil was actually *drumroll plz* ... ... ... A COMPLETE ACCIDENT! One that I wasn't aware of until someone who read the comic told me! :D I as a kid just made him a Mary Sue who controlled everything and I didn't realize it! He was my favorite character actually. So then when I found out "shoot, all the things he does is actually kind of bad", I did start to dislike him, BUT YOU SEE, HE'S JUST TOO CUTE!!! And I feel sorry for him QwQ. He genuinely just wats everyone safe and only does what he does out of fear of losing control and bad things happening to everyone due to him not having said control again. Ofc, his actions are still unacceptable, but his motives are pure (most of the time). But yeah his actions are still REALLY REALLY BAD and theres no defending him at all. BUT I STILL VERY MUCH LOVE HIM DESPITE THESE ACTIONS. But he deserves everyone hating him.
But like. again, that again is another issue I personally have with SSEC, isn't it?
Dusk deserves to get punished for his actions. He lies, manipulates, and hurts everyone around him. And like, as things are right now. He def will. EVERYONE will leave him, and he'll be in the position he fears the most- being alone. TRULY alone. And no one is going to reach out their hand to help him because- why should any of them? He ruined their lives, lied to them, broke their trust, hurt the ones they love, etc etc.
But like.
I don't really want to write that anymore tbh. It would be really great to see, don't get me wrong, but like. hmm.
A story. There was a point of time where the active people in the Discord server hated on the main cast and only spoke of the In game eevees. i was hyped about them liking the eevees at first, but as time went on, people showed more and more animosity towards the main characters. It wasn't that these people hated the mains passionately, cause I'd love that. They just didn't care about them, they were apathetic. And these were the core fans that were active in the community daily. Now. I spent years and years crafting these characters and their personalities, so honestly this really hurt me. ^^; I over compensated and said things like "Oh yeah the mains are supposed to be assholes" and did things like focused more on the eevees rather than the mains. I was told things like "The main characters are just not likeable" or "I don't care about the mains, I care about (eevee who has no personality)" by these people who were big fans of my work, and just felt really really bad. Because- The main characters kind of deserve it. I made all of them have BIG flaws, i made all of them do awful things, so why not latch onto one note characters who have done no wrong? Characters who you can shape into anything because they are essentially a blank canvas. Either way, the whole experience made me not like the eevees much, something that I only came out of last year.
With the current trajectory of the series, ALL of the main characters will get exposed for all the shitty things they did and get punished for it. They are the leaders after all, the Politicians, you can say. They are the ones directly in the way of the happiness of the eevees. Their actions or Inactions directly cause mostly all of the issues in the box. They are kind of all the bad guys! Blizz gave the Icedrop leadership to Vay and beats up eevees, Vay is abusive to eevees in his own brotherhood, Bolt cant do anything without Dean and lets Dusk get away with the things he's doing, Flame just does nothing for his brotherhood, Dusk is a tyrant, Daisy is a loyal follower of said tyrant, Eve is a liar, Dawn beats up others and is NEVER THERE. LIKE! I don't blame anyone for not liking them, they are kind of all horrible if you look at it. But I still like them despite these negative traits, and like, I don't really want to write a story where they are the big bad evil guys. I don't want to write a story where the main characters loose all of their friends and hope and can't get any of them back due to their own shitty actions and just remains alone, the thing they fear the most. and I don't want everyone suffering due to the actions of these characters. I want more of well- things like this scrapped script:
Dusk: *Dusk is in the rain, his fur drenched and his spirit broken. As he walks back to the small tree he called home, he idly kicks at a pebble on the ground. Nearing the tree, he looses sight of the pebble, and he looks up, trying to use his arm to lift up the fur in his eyes.* ……? *There, he sees Blizz under his tree, holding an umbrella alone, He seemed to have been waiting for him a long time, as the glaceon was fidgeting with a leaf and there were a small pile of them on the ground next to him.* Blizz: *looks up excitedly, leaf forgotten, and waves at him* Hi Dusk!!! Dusk: *frowns, skeptical and hesitant* ….. why are you here? Blizz: *frowns at him, confused* Why wouldn’t I be here? I wanna hang out with you. Dusk: *Dusk stares at Blizz, in disbelief. Blizz….. What’s to hang out with him? After everything? After all he’s done to him and the others?* W-wha-? Blizz: *stares at Dusk, mimicking his confused expression* Dusk: What about- Everything I did? To you, to everymone! Don’t you hate me like everymon else??? Blizz: *Stares at him confused* …Why would I hate my best friend? *A silence falls between the two as they stared at each other, Dusk flabbergasted. But then, tears started rolling down his cheeks* Dusk: *breaks down, yelling* Why WOULDN’T YOU!??? I’VE MADE YOUR LIFE MISERABLE, I TOOK YOUR FRIENDS AWAY, I MADE EVERYONE LOOK DOWN ON YOU! WHY ARE YOU EVEN TALKING TO ME RIGHT NOW???? Blizz: … Dusk: YOU SHOULD HATE ME! YOU DO HATE ME! YOU SHOULD WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! WHY ARE YOU HERE? JUST TO MOCK ME? JUST TO GLOAT THAT YOU WON? AFTER ALL I DID TO YOU? WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE??? Blizz: … Dusk: CAN'T YOU USE YOUR TWO BRAINCELLS FOR ONCE AND SEE THAT I- Blizz: *He is suddenly holding the umbrella over Dusk, staring at him with intense teal eyes. He blinks* I don't care. Dusk: ... Blizz: I’m here because….. *he looks away, a lopsided frown on his face. He sighs* I know how it feels to be alone, and to have everyone seem like it’s against you. *he looks at Dusk* When it happened to me, when I was alone, when my brothers and when my friends left me and I had no one… you were always the one who held out their paw to me, and we would hang out, and you’d make me feel better. So… I wanna help you feel better too. *He smiles* and I want you to know… that you are not alone. Even if you think you are. I won’t abandon you. We're still best friends! ^^ Dusk: ... *after staring at Blizz like he's crazy, Dusk starts laughing, as tears still fell down his face* You are- an idiot, he says inbetween fits of sobs and laughs* Blizz: But I'm YOUR idiot! :D *Blizz smiles, as Dusk starts sobbing again*
But like- why would Blizz even forgive him? And even if he did, to get to this we have to slosh through a bunch of things, a civil war, a couple betrayals, more characters getting hurt, someone (not Dusk) getting disowned, more mains being frankly awful. And personally, I don't want to write that. That was never what SSEC was meant to be, but what it turned into due to poor planning. But that's what the hundreds of comics and thousands of writings have built up to, so I keep pushing on.
But I'm kind of tired of that.🙃
And if you are wondering why I keep talking about this stuff and not doing anything about it, the only reason why I'm talking about this stuff publicly is because I am in fact, doing something about it.
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weskin-time · 2 years
this is so fucking awful and self indulgent so I can understand if you pass this one but can I get wesker w an s/o who uses hewwo speak when reallllly stressed out? I do that irl and it's a bad habit of mine but at the same time I don't wanna stop bc it low-key brings comfort
YOURE THE FIRST PERSON TO SEND ME AN ASK EVER!! THANK YOU! and dont worry, self indulgense is my specialty! im also very sorry for this being a few days late, i havent had any time to write anything because i was making an Ash Williams cosplay for a horror convention i just got back from!!!
I havent proof read this so there might be errors and mistakes! sorry!
im also writing this while very exhausted from a convention so i hope it good!! healing through fanfic >:3 i hope this is close or around anything to what you had in mind!!
when he first hears you talk like that hes gonna give you a blank look
like he would just ask you a question about what you wanted for dinner and you would respond back tiredly in that way of speaking and he would just pause for a second and look at you
"why are you speaking like that?" hes blunt
he doesnt mean it in a bad way hes just,,, confused??
so you explain to him that its a habit of yours to talk that way when youre stressed out and its a semi comforting stress reliever to you
he instantly wants to know whats stressing you out
he said he would take care of it and have it done for you if its causing you to be so stressed
even if its a person or some customers getting under your skin depending on your job
says he has ways of making them never making you stressed again
actually kinda likes the way your way of speaking changes when youre stressed
something about it dripping off your tired lips just makes him want to wrap you up like one of those cat burritos
but he also doesnt want to hear it because it means youre stressed
and he doesnt want you to be stressed
if you can pick it up, everytime to speak he just very faintly smiles
or at least his face relaxes a bit more
even if you try to tell him its alright and that you can get it done yourself he will insist that you tell him and let him take care of it
he ushers you out of the kitchen and into the bathroom where he starts to draw a warm bath for you, will even put in a bath bomb of your choice if you wish into the bath
while youre soaking in the warm water trying to relax a bit hes out making your favorite dinner or meal
hell if you want he will make pancakes for dinner or another type of non dinner meal for you
youre sitting in the warm water and just start to melt into it
theres a knock on the door a little while later, its Al telling you your food is ready :)
so now youre full, clean, and some of the stress weight has been lifted off of you knowing your lovely partner is going to help you (or completely take care of) the thing that is stressing you
"you didn't have to do aww that fow me you know." you say, nuzzling into Wesker's chest. He held you in his arms under the warm covers, you laying on his chest with your arms wrapped around him and his around you. Your chest felt lighter than it had when you first got home for the day, it felt fuzzier.
"I know dearest." he gave you a small kiss to your forhead.
"I weawwy mean it. you do so much fow me awweady and youwe awways busy, i dont want to make you stwessed mowe than you awe just becasue im stwessed." you shift and crane your neck to look at him in this position.
His red eyes stare into yours as a smile finds its way to his lips. "Sweetheart." he paused to kiss your nose, "You're one of the few beings worthy of leading this new world with me. your pretty little head doesnt deserve any stress what so ever, and i mean that."
You felt your face go a tad red and your heart swell. for Wesker being,,, well,, Wesker, he really could be sweet sometimes. You burried your face back into his chest causing him to chuckle, the reverberation sounding so different as you were on his chest.
"I love you dear, and that cute voice youre using." his chuckle then lowers and extends, turning into a soft purring. you shut your eyes and lean into his purring, the sound starting to lull you to sleep.
"I love you too Al."
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musashi · 1 year
im here to essentially second the "its mostly projection" anon re why people are Like This to you.
most people on this website just really fucking hate themselves. You're the only person ive seen on this website afair that doesnt. i think a lot of these people see "oh autistic mentally ill queer person! we must be the same!" and then treat you the way they desperately wish someone would treat them, or the way they treat their friends, who may prefer things that way.
i think the assumption that everyone on tumblr hates themselves really hits whenever you talk about how people perceive you especially. a lot pf people on tumblr would see someone saying "people dont really find me attractive" and interpret it as "/I/ dont find me attractive and my ridiculously low self esteem means i assume all people feel the same way.
i also rather doubt that any of these people actually read your carrd unfortunately. they see what they perceive as someone in distress and in need of comfort and rush right in to "reassure" you. carrds are also one of the hip things to make fun of right now, the assumption may be made that its mostly unimportant stuff about like fandom bullshit.
I think also the fact that you are in fandom makes people think you're like a teenager. a loooot of people, especially actual teens, see fandom as something for "young people" and surely a tax paying adult wouldnt be writing fanfic? a lot of antis will tell older adults who dont buy into their bullshit to "go do your taxes" or "shouldnt you be taking care of your kids" and shit like that
finally, talking about like otherkin stuff, or really just being otherkin is seen as juvenile as well, especially by non kinfolk. i think a lot of people see it as sort of an extension of "playing pretend", rather than the legitimate spiritual belief that it can be
so yeah essentially people are projecting and or see that you do a lot of things they feel are childish or whatever and thats why theyre like that. i dont think theres much you can really do about that unfortunately, short of maybe changing the ask box prompt to like "i am an adult who pays taxes" or something
one small thing that might possibly help is changing your icon? it's ridiculous that people think this way, but from what i can tell, a lot of people see "cartoon character on a pride flag" as a juvenile trait, something only teens really do. whether they know your actual age or not, they could subconsciously assume you are a child essentially.
this is all so valuable information thank you for sending it holy shit.
to be honest. i forgot. that people in the current climate view ANY of these things as immature. i am so steeped in my own reality full of adults who collect toys and write fanfiction that i wholly forgot that there are swaths of the world who view those as hobbies for teenagers and kids. like that thought did not even occur to me. every single adult or friend i have in my life is in fandom in some way fsdgsfd
i really am sympathetic to people with low self esteem who need support but i just wish they wouldn't project onto me. i have my doubts and problems sure but they are not something i listen to, and when they are fixable i simply fix them. i wish people would understand that my peace in life comes from a conscious effort and dedication to loving myself and being happy. there is no secret caveat, there is nothing deeper than that. once upon a time i was miserable. it sucked. so i took the steps to change it, and i will do that forever, as things shift and change. end of statement.
you're right, there's really nothing to be done about this. prompting my ask box is a good idea though, that might get some people to stop. i can't change my icon cause i match with jessica :3 and honestly as much as i'd love folks to leave me alone, pride flag icons are too cute to pass up.
thanks again this is all good food for thought
[for the love of god someone please tell me why everyone treats me like an uwu soft baby who needs protecting/support]
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sethcertified · 1 year
Do you have any fandoms you want to write for but for any reasons you just can’t/don’t? Also any tips on writing any “murderous” scenes? - 🛎️
1. SO MANY !! kinda off topic but I have a lot of crushes on female characters from fandoms im in that I don’t write for simply because writing mlm fan fiction is my main way to overcome my internalized transphobia/homophobia butt like actual fandoms I would say
• genshin impact (not rlly into it but was)
• x-men (characterization fears)
• twisted wonderland (lots of characters + characterization fears)
• some slasher characters (I’ve only written for ones that I’m more comfortable with in personality and even then I hate a lot of my slashers fics cs I think my characterization of them is SOO bad (mainly bo sinclair) + I’m still figuring out how to write characters that are mute in any capacity and have rlly only practiced with Vincent but still that’s in a headcanon format which is easier than actual fics and overall all my slasher character writing fears sucks cause I love characters like bubba sawyer, thomas hewitt, michael myers, jason vorhees, etc and want to write for them but I’m scared to)
that’s mainly it I think ?? I still have these characters on my masterlist tho cs i can write for them and will I just need that push so my requests with those fandoms are cooking (very slowly) but can fun fact I almost discontinued scream for u out of fears my characterization of billy and stu and some other characters such as tatum, randy, etc was AWFUL (I still think it is but I’m not changing it at this point)
2. these scenes are HARD buttt I would suggest practicing recreating horror videos or movies onto a writing format to learn how to do that. before I wrote scream for you, I did this a lot just to practice for it. for instance, I rewrote the horror video “no through road” into a short horror story and it gave me a really good grasp on how to write that type of scene/story.
i would also suggest reading a lot of different horror or tragedy stories and taking and learning from what you can from that. seeing how different authors use phrases, setting, etc to set up a good horror is a great way to learn. if u want a more sad rather than violent type of scene, tragedy is a great way to learn how to make readers sympathize and feel sad at characters deaths etc (I recently re-read mice of men which I think is a perfect example of a murder-tragedy gone right and how u can make murder sad for both the victims and the perpetrator) Edgar Allen Poe is great too but I just love his work a lot so I might be biased 😭 just surrounding urself in content that is grounded in murder is a great way to familiarize urself whether it’s books, shows, movies, YouTube videos, etc !!
also don’t focus too much on making it insanely busy with murder and stuff. I hate to use this as an example but my friends when writing an horror story for class got into this mindset of “the more grotesque the better” and starting thinking of the most horrific ways for someone to die rather than taking the time to delve into what makes the story scary. focus of characters and the effect u want their death to have on the audience and on the story. imo, u can make death scenes grotesque but don’t rely on that yk? idk if that makes sense but stuff like “he plucked the woman’s eyes out one by one, the wet, slippery sockets squelching in the clenched first of his blood soaked hand. Then he peeled each layer of skin off in a torturous fashion; fueling his momentum on her screams of agony yada yada” wont make ur readers feel scared nor sad but rather uncomfortable
THERES JUST SOOO MUCH AND IM NO EXPERT !! like my murderous scenes were half baked at best 👎 research is ur best friend tho and learning what works and what doesn’t is a process so don’t be afraid to take risks and get feedback !! Hope I could help in my very scattered advice 🙏
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sans-au-war-ii · 1 year
What kind of flowers are those on Nightmare (if you have anything in mind)
and why are they there? :<D
Actually I thought about this for a while. And the answer is that they are Azaleas (huge nerding about flower symbolism incoming)
[Here's the link to where I'm getting all this from btw]
Looking at their symbolism it says that Azaleas represent remembering ones home with fondness - Insomniac (Omniverse Nm) wishes to return back to the days of what I'm calling FlowerDream for now (but unfortunately he knows that is impossible)
They also represent taking care of oneself and family (Insomniac and his gang found family = true)
Then they represent Temperance and emotional evenness because Insomniac is a more balanced character who is trying to keep the Positivity-Negativity balance in check while "Rem...?" (Rem is Ov Dream) tries to eradicate those who they think wil cause negativity (think Swapdream but a manipulative asshole with shapeshifting and mind control and also technically every power ever. Not fun right?)
Then theres Passion, hes just very dedicated to stuff (especially finding his missing friend. His only friend back in FD).
Elegance and wealth are obvious enough but we also have Femininity which is hard to explain in my own words so I'll show you the behavior listed in the Wiki
Tumblr media
These are all things Insomniac (or at least Insomnia - which is what I call Passive Insomniac) used to do.
Btw I might also get this out of the way: the relationship between Insomnia and Insomniac. They are the same person (and they behave quite similarly. Insomniac is just more closed-off and violent). And if you get to the part where I explain why they are there you'll see that it's because there is no corruption (... only deadly flower poison)
Getting back on track, Abundance (especially of beauty and intelligence) he's pretty smart (he still reads books here, but not as much because he is busy training or hanging out with his friend most of the time - which reminds me, Insomnia is around 13 when he first meets his friend, who was 14 at the time. He gets "corrupted" when he becomes around 17) and for the beauty part... well, hes beautiful to his friend (who I wont name yet I think)
The last thing on the list is that they are a death threat, but only if sent in a black vase.
I wanted to reflect on this by making it so his skull turns black after the "corruption" (why does this feel wrong to say?)
Oh and they are there because the local village bullies beat the life out of 'Friend' and they basically 'died' (but not really. They just needed a while for their amalgam-goop to get back together. They told Insomnia too and that made him less distraught after losing his best friend. Still traumatized, but he wants to live so that he can go back to them).
So then the bullying got worse and worse until the bullies forced Insomnia to eat the Flowers of Negativity which - you guessed it- are Azaleas, but what you didn't guess is that they are full of toxins and can cause death if ingested in large qualities (they are mostly harmless to humans due to getting broken down in the digestive tract but Insomnia is a Skeleton monster and those do not have a digestive tract to break down azaleas with. The food just kinda gets absorbed like that)
Anyways Insomnia pukes a fuckton, his friend's ghost is fucking traumatized and his skull changes color
So obviosly Insomnia starts puking and then dies but he doesn't. See while he considered just giving up he realized that His Friend was probably going to be looking for him. So he just refused to die (hey man hes the guardian of negativity of course he can do that)
So hes alive, covered on half his skull by thick vines and Azaleas, but alive.
This is where my writing gets messy
And also hes pissed off. First they come for his friend, now they make him suffer a painful death? (Keep in mind that it only took him around 30 mins to think about whether or not to die - all that time he was suffering on the ground - which means that the bullies were still there)
Insomnia was full of rage and without thinking he "activated" his powers and vines sprouted from the ground and impaled the bullies
[Basically Nightmare but Tendrils instead of Tentacles]
And as he gained more and more Lv from slaughtering the villagers of that nowhere town he comes to his senses and realizes that he has gone too far and he decides to make amends by swearing to protect the balance (wow hes really speedrunning character development isn't he? And who woulda thought that it only took 2 hours of looking for and slaughtering the people who either treated you like shit or did nothing about you being treated like shit).
Meanwhile Rem and his close friend (gf???) Mercy (who has a Copy soul- which I'll explain when I get the time because I'd have to get in depth about BTs and DTD and none of you even know what that stands for) escaped to Rem and Insom's pocket dimention (because we all just have one of those) - the Dreamscape.
However Mercy does a Murder (not literally, this is just in reference to These Two being the names that result in the "on the nose" comment when you name the fallen human) and seals Rem in the Dreamscape and shapeshifts into a more "regal and smarter version of him", as she puts it [and before you ask me how - Copy Soul Logic]
Anyways the story then follows as Insomniac and "Friend" dance around in circles while looking for eachother and also "Friend" found Rem and is trying to help him escape and put an end to all of this.
Hope this helps!
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
hi i hope bringing this up on anon isnt seen as rude im just quite anxious, but ive read through your blog and posts about pro/anti ship discourse and at first i think i leaned more toward the anti-mindset bc "oh well these are bad things, i dont want to see them, they shouldn't be glorified, ect." but i do want to be open minded and listen to actual survivors/people who use this to cope and just generally broaden my understanding. I don't want more censorship or anything bc i understand what it can lead to, I think I was just operating under the mindset of "this is taboo and people just shouldn't do it, let alone enjoy doing it" but if its proven to help some people I don't wanna shame them? It is kinda my job to not let curiosity get the better of me and read things that I know might trigger me, I just never understood if there was a Good Reason for that content to exist or if it was created by/for the pleasure of actual abusers. hopefully i worded this appropriately, I just didn't want to come off as antagonistic and possibly get yelled at for being misguided ! <3
Don't worry! So long as I'm not actively being sent hate, I'm totally fine with anyone interacting with me (of course, so long as they are fine with me interacting with them!)
The sad truth is: you can't be 100% sure why someone is making dark content. The person writing your blorbo getting murdered could be wanting to murder themselves, they could be dealing with trauma related to a murder attempt or someone close to them getting murdered, or they could simply be a fan of true crime. Even if you were to ask them, theres a good chance they might not give you a straight awnser.
In my case, the main fucked up thing I like is abusive/toxic relationships. Catra/Scorpia, Junko/Mikan... you name it, I probably ship it. I might ship things with other problematic elements, but the abuse is what draws me to the ship, if you catch my drift. I don't go into details about it on the internet, but the reason I like toxic ships so much is because almost all of my IRL relationships have been toxic in some form or another. Those ships remind me of people I want to have in my life, but can't for my own health. They bring me comfort when I mourn those relationships like a lost limb.
Of course, this is the internet, so theres a chance that sob story might be made up so I get less anon hate.
Another thing I frequently wonder about. If I were as antis say I am: a person actively looking to abuse and groom children on the internet. (Even typing that is a big yuck! Do not like even thinking about that.) Would I openly ship pairings that would cause people to be mistrustful of me? Actual creeps would likely not be open about liking problematic stuff, because it would likely make things harder.
Not liking certian types of pairings is completely reasonable! One of the main things I'm grossed out by are teacher/student relationships. (Ex-teacher/student relationships where the student has graduated or dropped out is completely fine!) As a result, I block all ships I know to have that dynamic, and if user "Iadorewhenstudentstopteachers" follows me, I will likely block them for my own peace of mind! Proshipping doesn't mean I enjoy every ship individually, it just means (for me) that I look past the ship and to the shipper.
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
Any yj fanfic recs, it doesn’t have to be just Bart or zetaflash. It can be anything! I’m just trying not to think about the cancellation lmao
im glad im answering this now instead of when I first saw it cause all this time I thought u were asking about fics in general and ive been trying to come up with some since and WHEW I have zero idea on where to start id be at it for hours. 
apologies for only replying now, ik this might've been more helpful in the moment but I was hoping my post on YJ status was somewhat helpful on the matter ! still imma give some reccs in case u need it in the future
though warning... I get the impression its entirely possible (very likely) u might have read them all already? im gonna try my best with variety but I can't promise u haven't read it already
for YJ, I have to confess....... I have tunnel vision for bart, I don't recall reading much outside/beyond him and those that I have, well since I don't archive what I read (one of my worst traits if u ask me), its not coming to me rn, but next time I read smn I wanna recc Im gonna try to remember to add it to this post as an edit lol
but for now...
Sunshine. Falling by @/radioactive-earthshine 
ok...so ik im gonna mostly be giving the stuff that ive bookmarked on ao3 (which isn't at all a comprehensive list, theres sooo much more that ive loved but I don't use my acc to read at all so I usually just free-ball it when trying to remember fics, and yes, its a habit I very much hate lol) and in fact, I wish I could mention them all here but I would be writing a novel if I spoke about each and every one of the so ur best bet is to just check that list out honestly 
and also, yeah its not a YJ fic, but I enjoy how it follows his comic characters run and builds on it. I find his characterisation in this fic rlly interesting and authentic (also Max being Native American there is everything, I actually have this whole theory/HC in YJ that Max is a Native American “God” (like the ancient greek/roman gods) i.e commonly known as Mercury, that just kinda roams about but is mostly in New Genesis (no idea where that thread/post is rn but I read someone connecting Lightray to Hermes/Mercury and since then that idea has been stuck in my head lol)) 
okay I have gone totally off track (im so sorry omg) im gonna try to keep it concise from here lol, anyway supper recc sunshine falling, the writing is gorgeous and the plot is rlly interesting! 
After the fall of Olympus by @/greycappedjester  
okay, im obsessed with this series, the world building is INSANE, the first fic in the series is basically a YJA AU where failsafe actually happened (whole flashfam except jay dies, but YJA bart still makes it to that TL cause he actually ended up dimension hopping rather than time travelling, or smn like that). To keep it short, his characterisation here is AMAZING, I love it sm, the second fic, flash facts is one of my all time favourites (if u ask me its the only canon take of his interaction with the rogues, cause don't get me started on how foul his comics history with them is (and not in a gd way)) so personally, this series, particularly flash facts, is just fantastic. it also very much explores other YJ/DC characters, (Dick is the central figure in AFTO and bart appears relatively later on and when the YJ Invasion plot passes, the plot focuses alot on other characters, especially considering its largely about Dicks evolution).
For zetaflash, I mean it quite literally when I say I think ive read almost all the fics under the tag... we are very much at that stage in the fandom, so yeah lol, quite a few of my faves are in my bookmarks but I haven't updated it in a while
Sooner than later, a Wally and bart oneshot on their YJ bond, its quite sweet, ft spitfire
Waking up to Ash and Dust  its incomplete (just one chapter) and quite an old fic, its also been super long since I last read it so I can't remember it clearly, gotta give it a reread but I remember it being a rlly interesting take on things so it stuck with me, basically an outsider POV of bart with OCs 
ill try to update this list when I can! and my bookmarks at some point too whilst im at it lol, hope u can enjoy these (if u haven't read them already lol) and im so sorry for the totally unwarranted random essay lmfao
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ocdhuacheng · 1 year
Anyway as i was SAYING before i was so RUDELY SILENCED last week:
If devils get their power from humans, if humans were wiped out, would that mean the devils will be wiped out as well? And if this is the case, is that what the death devil (calling her that for now even if fujimoto is pulling a funny one on us) wants? Does she want to cause not just the end of mankind but the end of devilkind as well, including herself? Since she is a primal fear, i bet theres no other way for her to die, and i wouldnt put it past her to Want to die. It would probably be something super poetic and honorable to her. So this extinction event might just be an elaborate suicide for her because its the only way she Can die. As long as humans fear death, she will keep coming back, and humans are never going to stop fearing death, so the only way to die would be to kill all the humans? (or get eaten by chainsaw man ig. I forgot about that part lol). Also if this is the case why did she wait until now if she had all of human history to start this?
Anyway thats what i was thinking when i read it last week, but this weeks translation is kind of different. Obviously i dont know japanese so theres a loss of information for me but based on this official translation it seems like the death devil, if thats what she is, is not working alone. Fami says shes the ‘first of the devils who will shepherd the world to the ultimate terror’, while last week the translation said something like she was the devil that was the origin of all fear. So i'm not sure what to make of this new translation rn. I mean i dont think it necessarily contradicts what i was thinking before, maybe there are a bunch of devils that follow death and are willing to die for her or want to die themselves? idfk
All the evidence seems to point to her being the death devil, but IF fujimoto is pulling a fast one with us, my guess would be that she could be the pain devil as well. Pain can drive people to suicide, though the people she killed didnt seem to be in pain, even mental pain, they seemed to be more of in a trance, so take this with a grain of salt. I’ve seen people hypothesize that she is the depression or suicide devil, but I dont think that those devils would be primal. If the eternity devil or the cosmos devil are not primal i dont see how the depression devil would be primal. and i think the fear of depression would at the very base of it be a fear of emotional pain, so i feel like that would fall under pain’s jurisdiction.
The reason why i brought up the pain devil originally wasnt actually because i was thinking she was gonna be a part of the story, but was actually due to the “origin of all fear” comment that fami said in the last translation, that seems to have disappeared in this one lol so idk. At the time i was thinking that i disagree with fami/fujimoto saying (or implying?) that death is the origin of all fear (not that it would have changed the writing or that it mattered or anything, just that its my personal opinion like. Philosophically. Or whatever) The reason why i think this is, yeah it's true that when you boil down a lot of fears down to their very basics, they can be said to be derived from a fear of death. But if someone is in so much pain, death becomes a release for them. I feel like pain is almost as strong or even just as strong of a motivator as death is when people are motivated by fear. So idk! I dont know if i have a point with any of this anymore.
Anyway another question is, is this primal fear that showed up at the apartment in march of 1998, and the “great king of terror” that will descend in july of 1999 the same devil? Or are they different? And if so which one is the death devil and which one is a different primal fear?
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roppiepop · 2 years
Fandom discourses are inherently messy bcs it concerns how ppl interpret text and media, but i feel like when it concerns mainstream cape comics character accuracy, at the base of it, you can’t really win.
Theres a conversation to be had about mcu adaptations and the motives of streamlining characters to fit ur multibillion dollar franchise under the evil mouse corporation, fucking over the aspects of representation they try to sell to you then having these mangled versions end up being the defining incarnation to the general public.
But for my purposes this is mainly concerning dc.
The nature of the serialization for these comics being a collaborative effort of ever-changing writers in an ever-expanding universe mean that for the most part, every decision made would disservice at least one character, and consequently piss someone off.
Having books where most of its supporting characters are fully developed with their own runs seem to be a double-edged sword where there should be plenty of material to draw from and build plots around, but only under the assumption that the writers read the comics of the characters they write about.
And then in the events that a character long neglected gets brought back and remolded to be a tag-a-long in someone else’s series, or a reboot nerfs a character real bad, with whatever trickle-down effect it causes, if said characterization ends up being adopted in canon longer than their original incarnation,
At what point does that first personality become the one actually considered ooc? How much consistent appearance of what you consider ‘bad writing’ has to be there before u have to accept that making them not be like that is the deviation?
Current decisions in dc of soft reboots and having all their characters remember what happened pre-new52, but not erasing the aspects readers hated from said reboot, and not at all exploring how that knowledge would affect the characters, coupled with how they dont seem to keep track of character developments in other books, make trying to keep up with continuity itself feel like an exercise in futility.
You might get runs with the intention of repairing damages that might fix characterization issues to a point, but also feels like a regression of all the development they should’ve had.
Depending on your comic entry point, your blorbo, and what aspects of said blorbo you connect with, how you interact and which canons you adopt would be wildy varied, and like, you probably wont be wrong for it.
Its also very understandable when regarding characters that have so much history and adaptations people end up going off more accessible and streamlined incarnations, like say, a free webtoon on a big platform or other fanworks.
Is it annoying when larger fanon doesnt fit how you perceive those characters and dynamics? Sure. Are they wrong? Well??? Again, thats free game.
Fandom has always been drawn to exploration and extrapolation, and the way mainstream superhero comics are written dont tend to linger on big character/plot beats. Theres plenty of play room and its easy to headcanon someone one way or another.
Sometimes it can end up creating a more in-depth and nuanced version of a character you’d probably never see in the hand of canon writers, other times they get flattened in all the wrong angles.
But being a fan of mainstream cape comics is so rarely rewarding, the nature of it really is to just pick and choose whatever parts of it brings you the most joy. No one wins in this dnsnsnsns.
That tweet that said ‘the best way to enjoy fandom is to keep it between you and 3 or 4 likeminded friends’ really is the best way to keep u sane in these things.
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upagainstthesunset · 4 months
Metron x oc talk: AU fic edition
I like AUs alright. They're fine, they're fun. But so often those stories let the personalities slip, which loses me. Just because they're in a different setting shouldnt mean they suddenly act differently as well. Its the reason i usually skip AUs in the infrequent times I read fics.
But sometimes i want to entertain ideas of AUs for Heartbeat and Metron. Some of it's hard bc in all honesty, neither of them are very well fleshed out. And the other reason it's hard is bc their dynamic just doesnt hit as well if one of them isnt a god of vast power. But as an experimental exercise, im going to think through an example just for fun.
Lets go with a classic: flower shop AU.
First off, what tf would metron want with a flower shop? Nothing. Even if he were human. And ngl why would i want to read a fic where metron is human anyway? I wouldnt. So from the get go this is a hard sell.
We'll put Heartbeat in the flower shop then. She owns the place, having learned everything she knows from her late mother. Great, now how the hell do we get Metron there?
There are ways this could go if we keep superhero stuff in play. Theres some alien plant causing problems and he needs help, or a villain is using a spore to control people so Metron shows up for plants that can counteract it. Im not very creative so idk maybe theres something better, but both those seem pretty weak. Either way, maybe he mistakenly assumes HB has masterful knowledge of botany and so whisks her off to help before she can even explain. And okay that could have some potential but theres a problem.. we've left the flower shop. It's just an AU that is only circumstantially flower shop adjacent, and has only altered HB's origins but not much else. So other than that is it really too different than the story they already have going? Not so much to be worth exploring more in my opinion. I might as well put that energy into writing their actual story in that case.
Alright what if Metrons a human after all. Ugh, im not a fan but we'll walk through it anyway. So who the heck is he? Probably a teacher. A brilliant scientist with a lousy personality who works at a university purely so he has access to facilities and resources for his experiments. Im already cringing, like just with this much i feel we've lost so much of his character already. Bleh whatever, let's continue.
Now we need them to meet and have a reason to continue interacting beyond that meeting. The flower shop is next to the university and she sees him walk by every day. Okay sure. She wonders what hes like and starts imagining a personality for him (While You Were Sleeping style), only to have it all dashed against the rocks when it turns out he's an asshole. Maybe she attends some botany thing for work and he's there. She approaches him and he inevitably shows his arrogance. They argue about something he maintains is not possible, but she says it certainly is and she has a plant back at the shop that can prove it (im not a plant person so i have no idea what this macguffin would be). He doesnt believe her so she tells him to come into the shop sometime. He shows up later and is proven wrong but then demands to be given the plant to take back for study. But besides that being such a rude, selfish request, this plant was something HB had put a lot of work into and it was started/theorized by her mom so there's that too.
Um alright so we're now at a point of conflict. Every story needs it. But i dont know how to get us out while keeping people in character and pushing these together in a quasi-romantic way that ideally ends in friendship and one sided attraction on HB's part. Im not a strong writer, and as i said before, not very creative. But that's why this kind of exercise is needed sometimes.
Anyway, uh maybe he tries to recreate the plant experiment thing but just cant get it right, which frustrates him to the point of obsession. He storms into the flower shop demanding this time that HB come work for him, which she has no incentive to do. So more conflict there.
Um something something time passes. He walks by every day still but now he knows she sees him so he makes a point of scowling, and she makes a point of turning her nose up. That goes on for a little while, which makes me laugh, both of them being indignant and caring way too much what the other thinks.
And then im still stuck. What kind of event would cause them to become closer despite themselves? It'd have to be metron showing some appreciation of her, or showing some vulnerability. I mean what, is he gonna walk by in the winter and slip and fall so she has to help him? Im sure that works for tons of fluffy fics but i just dont see it for these two. So in order to save me some grief we're going to skip forward.
For whatever reason, they find themselves together not by choice. Maybe another botany event and they are randomly paired up idk. They first bicker as they go around at this event but eventually find they have more in common than they think. Eventually he mentions the thing he worked on that was a failed attempt at what her plant was, and they talk about that. Their unexpected new found rapport plus the topic of his own experiment incites him to invite her to see what hes working on. She wants to say no but shes also always dreamed of seeing the university's private greenhouse. So at night after this event is over he takes her there. Shes in awe of all the stuff he has going on. Crazy experiments. Lots of weird plants. She thinks its fantastic but doesn't want to admit it bc of his arrogance. He shows her the thing hes working on thats based on her plant and shes ends up helping him to solve his problem bc she sees he truly cares about this stuff. Idk what the specifics are, again im not a plant person, but imagine its a clever thing theyre doing. And so he gains a respect for her, and recognizes that just as important this science is to him, this specific plant thing is to her.
Um then they become friends and visit each other and bicker all the time and nobody can believe shes friends w such an asshole and shes like eh hes alright. The end.
So how was it? How was this little brain storming session? In the end i do think it became out of character and really the story didnt have a purpose other than me wanting to come up with something, anything. But thats how AUs often go. I think this story would be literally no different if it were about other original characters. Like, it doesn't rely on specifically Heartbeat and Metron. It could've been anyone. And to me thats sort of a weak spot in the writing. Likewise, it dint have to be plants and a flower shop, it couldve been any field. Besides that, it was very tropey but thats okay and where a lot of the fun comes from. If i were reading this id probably give it a 5 out of 10. Its not a terrible story, but its unoriginal and doesnt do anything special for the characters. But if the goal is to have the archetypes that represent Metron and HB interact, that was accomplished.
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isaacathom · 2 years
so im going on holiday, right, for an annoyingly long time (until the very end of september). and ive told all the campaigns that im in about this, because i was only MAYBE going to be available for one week of those games (while im in korea) and then completely unavailable for the other 5 (while im in canada, bc of the timezones, im australian).
and, one by one, each campaign has gone on a hiatus roughly encapsulating that length of time
im in two minds. on the one hand, it means i can continue my streak of having never missed a campaign game (i missed ONE session of my pathfinder campaign bc I was at my brothers wedding, and while I was in a restaurant afterwards I found out that rather than actually play the game they'd just looked at a player's dog, so its a .5).
on the other hand, it means that im indirectly responsible for all three campaigns having no games for the next two months :(
now, its indirect, bc there are obviously other factors. for one campaign, the gm had mentioned earlier that he might have to make it biweekly or take a break to work on his thesis - fair enough! for another, its to allow the gm to work on uni stuff, run some side sessions with smaller groups, and prep for a big mission that'll happen after I get back. for the last, its so the gm can fiddle with 'kinks' that have come up as we keep playing (since we're running an adventure path with some home rules and stuff).
but im also like. :( i specifically didn't want to be disruptive, especially considering i had no authority on how long this holiday was. It was one of the things that motivated me to quit the 4th campaign I was in when I did (in addition to other factors), because based on historical evidence I figured my "temporary absence" would cause a lot of sessions to not be run, whereas if I quit then me not being there would be normal, right, and they can run when just the other 4 show up, right? I couldve quit whenever, but I figured now was a good time so I didn't fuck over 5-6 weeks of the game. (2 of the 3 campaigns earlier are biweekly, LESS of a factor)
and like. I guess im... honoured?? that my presence is valued enough that me not being there would be a significant enough factor to prompt the gms to go 'actually yea lets just take a break instead'. but then also worried that I'm reading too much into it? and being egotistic by assuming thats whats happening? especially in one of the campaigns where theres 8 players, including me and not including the gm, right? like in the one on hiatus for thesis i can slightly inflate my ego more because im basically the party bookkeeper and notetaker, responsible for tracking the inventory of our pack mule and stuff. but mmmmm am i being an egotist. am i thinking about it too much.
i just dont wanna be a buzzkill?? I dont wanna be the reason others miss out on having fun in their fun ttrpgs? and i feel bad that i put them on hiatus?? like again yes there are OTHER reasons, but my absence *is* a factor, and i just ;-;
especially again in the 8 person campaign bc writing my character out for three games is really easy. we established that the ship she's a captain of has been pressed into service patrolling the bay in advance of an invasion by mindflayers or whatever. so shes just. on that ship. actually being its captain. instead of leaving it to her lieutenant, which has been her tactic for the majority of the time she has been captain of that vessel. even with the adventure path one i said, before the hiatus was called, that presumably my character was just ~along with the party~ until they got to the ferry we need, and then would be in their cabin on the ferry reading and completely oblivious to the outside world. sure that ones a little shakier but they did literally uncover a journal of theirs and they have amnesia so deciding to do a deep dive on that bad boy while stuck on a boat seems completely reasonable. bwuuh. (difficult to justify for the thesis campaign bc my character is a) Around, and b) has no way to simply dip for 6 entire sessions that would make sense or wouldn't just fully take him out of the campaign).
whatever. im just antsy because im really stressed about my holiday and full to the achy tit with period hormones that make me grumpy and also even MORE stressed about the holiday. so on, so forth, grumble grumble
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Can I request a striker x female imp reader who has wings — since imps can manifest them apparently— but instead of being demonic looking, they’re like a birds.
Striker with bird like Imp
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Striker kind of despised other Imps.
The way they just go about there meaningless existences, each of them happy to just folliw along with the herd like the sheep they were.
Of course that didnt mean he hated all other Imps.
There were more then a few Imps he come to respect in his day.
But, much to his annoyance, they were far and few between.
And Striker wouldn't say he hated all other Imps.
After all, he wasn't all to different from them. He was just trying to live his life, doing what he wanted when he wanted.
He just wanted to go about his life. Of course he was better than everyone else.
But he understood the general vibe of just wanting to live your life, free from other demons bullshit.
Damn, He needed to stop thinking so much.
Having just completed a job he was laying low in some small town on the wrath ring.
He was taking a walk about town, making sure to get a proper feel for the towns lay out. Just in case he needed to make a quick exit.
He was reaching the towns outskirts, when he came across an impressive structure.
It looked like one of the ancient temples you'd find on the Pride ring, if you looked hard enough.
So getting a closer look, he found a humble little sign that said "Library" painted on a large piece of wood. Benieth that was "Thieves will lose hands."
Now that peaked his interest, enough for him to check I out.
Pushing open the large wooden doors, he entered a temple, surprised to find the entire hall filled with books.
He walked around, the building was like a maze of shelves. Books were stacked in high pillars of paper.
He wondered through the labyrinth of knowledge, perusing the selection.
Getting bored and calling out if anyone was home.
A melodious voice called back, so Striker sat back, waiting for the owner of the voice.
It was a few moments before the distinct sound of wings that had caused him to look up.
The sight left him breathless, the late afternoon sun was shining in through the once ornate strained glass windows.
Initailly the light blinded him, but as you approached, he could make you out.
You descended apon Angel wings. The light masking your features, but in that moment Striker new true beauty.
It was like something from Gospel.
An Angel.
Not one of those horrifying demons they called Exterminators. You were something good and light, to pure for this sinful hell.
You landed before him, wings fluttering as you drew them behind you.
Getting a better look at you, his initial proclamation still held, you truly something of beauty.
Placing down a small stack of books you had carried. You turned to him. 'Can I help you?' You asked pleasantly. Happy to see someone new in your library.
For the first time in his life, Striker was at a loss.
He had no idea how to approach you.
So he just stood there, slowly opening and closing his mouth for several moments, unable to put thought into words.
You, just waited patiently, waiting for him to say something.
When it was clear he wasn't going to respond, you just went about your business.
Seeing you move on, snapped Striker back to focus.
Quickly slipping to your side, he tried to flirt with you, only to find his tongue seemed to swell in his mouth, his words coming out awkwardly.
He followed you around for a while tripping over his words, until he managed to ask you your name.
Giving it, he found himself a little love drunk.
Despite how charming his awkward nature was, you were still had duties about the library.
And if Striker was gonna be following you around, he might as well help.
Hours later, after thanking him for the help, Striker awome from his trance, berating himself for making a fool of himself.
But he wasn't gonna give up on you, you were the most beautiful Imp he'd ever seen, and was gonna have you, no matter what it took.
So after making sure his "hideout" was more long term. He began his plan for getting closer to you.
And that he did, He spent most days in your library. Either helping you with your work or reading some book he thought might earn your favour.
As much as he tried to keep his cool around you, he was just utterly infatuated with you.
Your appearance just left him in awe. He couldnt get over your wings especially.
Striker tried his typical tactics whenever he found someone he liked, flirting every chance he got.
But he quickly found his efforts, annoyed you as much as they flattered you.
Not to mention, any charisma he had was dashed apon your first meeting
So he changed up his strategy, instead going for the long game, getting as close to you as possible.
This would gradually work, you coming to genuinely enjoy his company as you got to know him.
The more time you spent with the Imp, the more you found yourself falling for him.
He absolutely worshipped your wings, treating them like holy objects.
Youd let him inspect them on occasion, allowing him to inspect your wings for himself, each time he treated them like delicate artefacts.
Never daring to be to rough with them, as though he feared he may break them.
Eventually he'd ask you out, something you couldn't turn down. Not after getting so close to him.
It wasn't long after that, that you became an official couple, a debonair Cowboy and a humble Librarian. Striker often commenting it was like something from a joke.
Striker would often refer to you as his angel, but as much he liked it, you really acted more like a bird then anything.
Something he found rather adorable.
The way you would flutter around, swooping from shelf to shelf. Or perching yourself up on a beam as you read. Or his favourite, when you preened your wings.
Unlike what you would expect, you would often preen them using your mouth, the sight being rather adorable.
The two of you became a deeply close relationship and for a while it seemed like everything was going to be perfect.
That was until you asked what he did for a living.
Normally Striker wouldn't hesitate to tell someone he was a professional killer, or at the very least lie about it.
But he was actually scared of how you'd react, you weren't the most casual person when it came to killing others.
So after calming his nerves he came clean about his profession.
While initially you were perturbed by this revelation, usually you'd tell someone something like that on at least the second date.
But Striker was still Striker, the same Striker you could turn from a cocky little imp into a blushing cowboy with a few choice words.
You loved him, and with that assurance he could start taking jobs again, and while it broke your heart whenever he got injured,
You understood. It wasnt about Money, it was the sport. And whenever he disappeared for a job, he would always come back to you. Always.
I won't lie, not the biggest fan of writing for Striker, theres just lots about him and we don't really know enough about him yet. But I still enjoyed making the piece. I didn't directly make it a fem reader, but hope I left it vague enough for everyone to enjoy. Thanks y'all for reading.
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wormstar · 3 years
i was going thru ur blog and u have good posts about ableist aus and i was wondering - what if in the aus the requirements for warriors were different? Like instead of having to fight jay only hunts? Would the muddling of roles still be ableist? In a Tree-like situation?If its not presented in a "work super hard to get what you want" and more in a "yeah they can decide what he wants to do". This is mostly for jay (and cinder) specifically because they had desires to be warriors yet were forced to be medicine cats because of ableism (ig this can apply to briar but i just truly cant remember oots that well and i havent read her death). I am asking because i am still trying to unlearn the ableist mindset that i grew up with. Feel free to ignore this ask and thnx!
hey yeah thank you for asking! took the opportunity to write up more general thoughts on rewrites as a whole and i went over why exactly theyre ableist hopefully that provides a better perspective
i think the major thing to keep in mind is that the structure of the clans is very abled centric and overly ignorant of inner community work (for example dens are only solidified or altered when either the area takes damage/the clans grows wrt population) theres a fixation on marking territory and starting fights and whatever with other clans which is whats expected of most warriors to partake in. to fix those implications in any fanwork youve really gotta knead into them and understand the nature of their ableism....its not just a problem with cats being barred from being warriors its the whole occupation and the standard its held to, so to speak (+ that fits into general clan society being flawed but eh thats another thing and also its easy to branch out into thought about)
going to stress other disabled people might have other solutions to how disabled cats are received this is just how i like to think of things
first i think its kind of interesting to examine discrepancies between disabled cats in canon as somewhat of an indicator of clan attitudes and leaders and whatnot. like i think you could get something interesting by regarding lets say deadfoot in windclan and cinderpelt in thunderclan who both have bad legs yet had different experiences with them in clan life. if you wanna go a step further comparing generations like lilywhisker and deadfoot or cinderpelt and jayfeather (+ the consideration of how congenital disabilities are regarded) can also make things interesting and just give you an idea of what to do. having the clan systems stray from a clear-cut common attitude both gives you more freedom for different approaches + adds to worldbuilding anyway. imo boiling down clan society to perfect utopia just gets boring but you can have imperfections in the system that depict the disabled experience just fine. just be careful with them and the way they come across yeah?
(real quick as an in between. god just dont refer to cats/their injuries as crippled. it still happens somehow)
im a little ambivalent on the idea of creating a ‘special role’ for disabled cats to be thrown into. cause then thats a repeat of canon medicine den really. its like ‘oh youre disabled youre instantly discarded into the x role pit’ i think just adding substantial in-universe changes to the warrior rank itself (vagueness is fun actually) or expanding on ‘warrior types’ rectifies the othering angle. ‘othering’ as a whole is just as bad as the ‘exception’ archetype people run for most warrior aus i want to state that clearly. effectively if youre gonna introduce roles that dont depend on fighting or hunting or both make sure theres abled cats who have them too. like say you want a camp-based role where a cats job is to fix dens or one where they help in the nursery, its far easier for a cat who cant run to manage those but also have some cats who are physically capable of doing other ‘tasks’ do the same thing for personal reasons
the tree comparison is interesting honestly cause i guess you could just give a cat a particular thing to do as a nonfixed position. and roles accordingly being made for a cat to fill until they cant and the positions done away with afterward. but youve gotta do it carefully so you dont fall into othering as ive said. id avoid something like that personally i just dont like the quality of ‘well theyre not a warrior (the most noble/useful concept in cat society) theyre actually some other thing’
in general giving disabled cats agency and choice is the best thing you can do. whether this means them deciding on tasks they can do themselves or picking a certain kind of warrior to be or asking for an assistant to help them out when they do stuff. the way you wanna pull it off again depends on my first question of “how does the relevant part of your warrior cat world treat disabled cats already”
very important point, the majority of the ableism also comes in the form of character narratives and not just the structure of the world itself. like think for a bit why the writers decided jayfeather shouldve been forced to be a medic or why briarlight got killed off early etc etc. characters ‘wanting’ to be like the abled ideal and still being bitter about not fulfilling that years down the line are just part of the ableist storylines. if youre abled id literally say just do away with those sadstuck ‘i wanted to be a warrior!’ moments. if you really want to id say pull a cinderpelt or a shadowsight where a cats time in the medicine den started their fascination with medicine and they switched to that path due to personal intrigue. id say a more interesting and realistic angle to it is having a disabled cat who found fulfilment in doing something else besides being a warrior becoming bitter about their entire clan ‘mourning’ how theyll never fight again or giving them the pretence of being a warrior being the best thing you can do.... it depends on the character really
this is just a very basic disability thing but stray from the whole ‘useless/dead weight’ way of regarding disabled characters. like dont place their worth on how well they service a clan or not theyre still deserving of shelter and whatnot. you dont need to justify a cats existence or usefulness by going ‘well they may be blind but their sense of smell is excellent so we keep them around’ or whatever its just no good
last thing i can think of is like. dont disregard how a cats disability affects them. like its fine that briarlight cant fight (or even hunt major types of prey) she doesnt need some convoluted method that lets her do that. there are like a dozen other warriors hunting and fighting and theres present value and enjoyment in the stuff she does around camp. she doesnt have to be brightheart 2 its ok
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